> Survival Through Resignation > by Kiernan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter the First: The Longest Road, All Too Short > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wagon rumbled and shifted as it cut across the countryside. They were no longer on the road, as the recent skirmishes had torn them up. Even if they hadn't been, every road had been set up with chokepoints in the form of gates, so the best way to smuggle goods across the shifting border was to move through the untamed wilds of the prairies. The goods they were smuggling didn't bounce around as much as the cart itself. Every mare, filly and colt was tied down and unable to move. Some of the more compliant ones were just bound to the walls by their wrists behind their back, either sitting in silence or sobbing at a low volume. Rumble fell into the latter category, trying his utmost to be strong for Thunderlane. He'd told his brother, even saluted to him, that he would do his part to keep Ponyville safe, and now it had fallen. Not all were granted such luxuries, however. Right next to him, Apple Bloom squirmed, bound from head to toe, unable to make much noise through the gag crammed into her mouth. She could barely move, and looked as if she were sawing away at her own wrists, trying to break free of her bonds. But even she was spared of the worst fate. She could at least sit down. Applejack, who'd fought back harder than some of the stallions, was lying prone on the floor. Not only was she completely bound and gagged, but she was also strapped to the baseboard, barely an inch of clearance between it and her throat at maximum. She was forced to keep her head forward. Even if she tried to roll onto her back, she couldn't, as her shoulder was pinned down by a zebra foot standing atop her. Nopony knew exactly how long they'd been in the back of the wagon. They were unable to see outside of it and notice the passing scenery, or gauge their speed based on the rotation of the wheels. They were all in the dark, with the exception of the three guards riding in there with them. Suddenly, three knocks rang out from the wall furthest from the door. This drew the attention of some of the ponies, but most notably, the guards, who looked to each other and nodded. The one standing on Applejack's shoulder ground his heel into her to make sure she was paying attention. "Now that we are soon to arrive, let's go over the rules that will govern your lives. If you follow these rules and are well-behaved, you'll find that it's easy, being enslaved. The first thing to note is your newest location. No longer a farm town, but a trading station. Say goodbye to your loved ones, if you haven't already, elsewise, their loss will be all the more heady." He paused for a moment to allow them this last bit of comfort. There were very few familial ties in the wagon, as most families had been separated by the simple fact that the children had mostly been at the school, and the mares had mostly been at their jobs or interim jobs. The closest bond in here was between Applejack and Apple Bloom, and as they'd been very aggressive against their captors, they were too bound up to say anything to each other. Rumble, too scared to speak out and draw the ire of the zebras, took a moment to place his cheek wordlessly on Apple Bloom's shoulder. They weren't exactly the best of friends, but he treasured her nonetheless. If this was to be their final moment together, he wanted her to know that. Evidently, she didn't feel the same, as she shrugged him off rather immediately, scowling in his direction. "Good," answered the guard with a nod. "Now that's over and done. Now, let me tell you of your daughters and sons. Those that aren't purchased will be sent to a school, to grow up under the Zebrican rule. Those that are bought will be sent to their home. It is up to their owners if they will yet roam. This is unlikely, as you will soon note that those who can go have a lead 'round their throat." He held up a steel collar, built for the neck of an adult pony. The same model was around Applejack's neck, holding her down. "When they grow older and are stallions and mares," continued the guard, "Their fate will still be in hands that aren't theirs. If a buyer has not yet decided their fate, their role will be given to them by the state. They will have jobs and home, gifted from our dear leader, clad in his clothing, measured by the meter." Apple Bloom managed to pull her feet free of the bindings and slide forward, coiling her legs as she did. She had one shot, and she was taking it. In one movement, she kicked forward, slamming her foot against the knee of the zebra standing on her sister's back. He tumbled to the side, having not expected the blow. His knee was not made to bend in that direction, but she hadn't caused any major damage. He would just be limping for a bit, and he could no longer stand on top of Applejack. One of the other guards switched places with him, letting him sit as he grabbed ahold of Apple Bloom's leg, holding her upside down with his left hand. "Let us presume that you want to fight back," the new guard said, "to throw down your brush and go on the attack. If you don't bow to you masters in content, this is what awaits your malicious dissent." In a rapid movement, he slammed his fist into Apple Bloom's gut, knocking the wind out of her. A small trickle of vomit spewed around her gag, and she went limp. She didn't pass out, she was just reeling, unable to make a move. She was dropped onto the bench she'd been tied to, and her bonds were tightened. As soon as the guard turned away, Rumble placed his chin on her neck, trying to be a comfort, but she wasn't responding. "We were going to feed you before the display," scowled the guard, "But this little incident cost you all a day. Unless your buyer offers you food, all your meals for the night will go unchewed." Apple Bloom now felt even worse. She hoped what she did crippled the guard, because it'd just hurt everypony else in the cart, and for what? To save Applejack some amount of pain. Even so, said pain was now on her shoulders. But Applejack was a little more free now, and somehow, she'd save them all. > Chapter the Second: To Market > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wagon ride slowly became more stable and less bumpy. When it finally stopped, the ride had been smooth for a few minutes, and a wave of dread had crashed over the passengers. For a few minutes, they just sat there. The sounds of voices were muffled by the walls and door, but one voice stood out, squawking orders as it grew louder and louder, closer and closer. The door swung open, and a gryphon hen scowled in. "You're next," she cawed, "one by one, single file. I need your name, place of origin, and age." The guards began unbinding ponies from the walls, pushing them out the door. A good many of them collapsed to the ground, without their arms to stop them. They were promptly picked up by the large number of guards outside the wagon and placed before the gryphon. There was silence for a moment as the gryphon just stared at the first mare to come out. Then, all of a sudden, she swiped a claw across the pony's ear. "Are you deaf?!" she demanded. "Name, age, place of origin! If I have to ask again, I'll start cutting off toes!" "F-fig Leaf," the mare stammered. "My name's Fig Leaf. I'm twenty-eight, and I'm from P-ponyville..." The gryphon scribbled something on her clipboard and moved to the next mare. As soon as she looked at her, the mare winced. "Mutual Benefit, thirty-four of Ponyville." So on went the line, with the mares stating their names, ages and the place that was their home. Most of them were from Ponyville, others had been visiting at the time of the attack. All of them had to be catalogued for auction. As the ponies disembarked the wagon, most of them shifted their feet so as not to step on Applejack. She took up a lot of space on the floor, but they managed to step around her. The zebras were not so kind, trouncing across her as they shuffled about. When it was Rumble's turn, all that remained were the Apples. He wasn't a fighter, like them. He complied immediately, stepping off the wagon before he could be pushed. He still had to wait for the gryphon to come to him, but when he could see her feet in front of him, he didn't even look up. "Rumble," he said, shifting on his feet. "Age twelve, raised in Cloudsdale, moved to Ponyville two years ago." The gryphon's feet moved aside, and he was sure he'd made it out okay. For now, at any rate. He wasn't being directed away yet, so he listened as the exchange next to him took place. "What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" demanded the gryphon. "Is she even alive?" "I assure you, she deserves this fate," answered the zebra. "Some time to heal, and she'll work great." "I can't catalogue her without her name," squawked the gryphon. "Unless you happen to have that information." The zebra kicked Rumble, drawing his attention. He had Apple Bloom by the tail and waved her in his face. Rumble shrunk down. "Her name's Apple Bloom. She's thirteen and was born in Ponyville." It almost felt like a betrayal, as if he had just sealed her fate, but what could he do? If he'd said he'd never met her, he'd be called out immediately. He knew he would be, having been seen trying to comfort her in the wagon. The guards knew he had the information, and he didn't want to suffer a gut punch like she had. The gryphon jotted down the information, and the two were carted off by the same guard, with Rumble walking and Apple Bloom draped over his shoulder. Applejack came out next, kicking and punching as far as her bonds would allow. It took two zebras to move her, as even bound as she was, she was still fighting back. It took a full minute to bring her out, and another to bring her to her knees in front of the gryphon. "Pull that gag off," commanded the gryphon. One of the zebra guards stepped forward and removed the gag. The second her jaw was free, Applejack clamped her teeth down on the flesh of his thumb, tearing it open as she ripped her head from side to side. As the zebra fell to his knees, howling in agony and missing part of his hand, the gryphon smacked a riding crop across Applejack's face hard enough to leave a mark. "Eyes up here, bitch." Applejack spat the bloody chunk up at her face. "Charming. What's your name?" "Fuck you!" The gryphon groaned. "I hate it when they do this. Takes so much time out of my day. Well, if that's the way you want it, I'll not argue." she scribbled on her notepad. "Your name is Fuck You, you're freshly eighteen and looking to have your pussy wrecked, and you were born in a constant need to be filled. Is that information correct?" "Fuck you!" repeated Applejack. "Lovely," smiled the gryphon. "Put her in the pillory for a few days before selling her. And put the gag back in, too." It took four zebras this time to gag her again. Previously, they'd promised to let Apple Bloom go if she put it in, and she had, but that lie wasn't going to work a second time. Once it was securely in place, she was carted off in a separate direction, where she was secured to a pillory with a lot of effort. She'd now injured two zebras here and killed one back in Ponyville. She clearly wasn't going to be treated well, no matter what she did now. Fighting until she couldn't anymore was all she had left. As one of the guards walked off to tend to his freshly broken nose, Applejack had little choice but to watch as her entire town was purchased, one by one being paid for and given to those with money. Even fillies and colts were bought and sold. Seeing Rumble crying his eyes out as a well-dressed zebra mare directed him off the stage by the shoulder, she knew she had to do something. Putting her days of dragging the plow to use, she secured her feet in the shackles that held them apart and pushed against the panels. Unfortunately, the wood was fresh and thick, and would take more than twelve hundred newtons of force to break. The nails, on the other hoof, were simple shanks, pulling out smoothly. After a few more seconds of struggling, she had enough freedom to pull loose the stakes that secured her legs to the ground. The pillory was still locked, but it provided enough room for her to swing her fists around, as long as she kept everything in alignment. She jumped up on the stage, driving the loose nails into the throat of the auctioneer, bashing in the nose of yet another guard, and driving a stake into the groin of a mare. She'd managed to kill two more zebras by the time she was pinned. "She's too dangerous to be left alive," huffed one of the guards. "She's now killed three and injured five." "I second that motion," agreed another. "She can't be trusted. That's a brand-new rack she's busted." "I'll summon the headsman," concurred a third. "He'll know what to do. The swings of his axe are numbered too few." In the next moment, a pegasus mare in veils flew up to them. "Take her to the castle," she panted, having flown over as fast as she could. She pushed a note forward to one of the guards. "The emperor commands it." The guard inspected the note and nodded. "Okay, boys. You heard the young miss. She's to go join our ruler in wedded bliss." > Chapter the Third: The Luxuries of Palace Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack had lost most of her fight the moment she saw Apple Bloom's carriage leave the station. She'd been fighting for her sister's life, but now she, too was gone from her grasp. First Twilight, then Big Macintosh, then Granny Smith. Now even Apple Bloom had been torn from her. Any pride she may have felt in her family turned to shame at her failure to protect them. She was placed in a crate with two other mares. While she was firmly secured to the wall, likely with bonds that she could have broken again, she was tired and heartbroken. She had neither the energy nor the drive to keep fighting back. Not right now, anyway. The other mares were significantly less secure. One was bound by her wrists behind her back, and was told to kneel. She did with little coaxing. The other was very clearly used to this sort of life, and had already been adorned with painted stripes and a harem outfit. She kneeled without needing to be told, and wasn't at all bound. The rest of the auction went on without incident. Applejack watched for a few minutes, but her mind wasn't on what was going on in front of her. She was thinking about the life of servitude Apple Bloom had been sentenced to, and was being sent to be trained for. After an hour or so, she fell asleep. The events of the last two days had been harrowing, and she needed rest. She woke to the feeling of cold water rushing across her body, causing her muscles to all contract at once. She was no longer in the crate, nor was she back in a wagon. She was in a white tiled room, which was notably very clean. A small mare, green with a dark brown mane, was holding a bucket in front of her, looking up at her with wide eyes. Also in the room was a tall, muscular zebra with a disgusted sneer. She was hanging from the ceiling, chains bound to her wrists and ankles, but her gag had been removed. "You, my dear, have the most interesting name," stated the zebra, stepping forward and waving his hand at the mare to back away. "If I was called "Fuck You," I'd feel a great shame. I'd despise my parents for a name quite as sad. It's no wonder that your mind snapped and you went mad." "That ain't my name, Jackass," growled Applejack. "Let me down from here, an' Ah'll go easy on ya." The zebra chuckled. He took a step back and waved for the mare to step forward again. She had a different bucket, which she tossed onto Applejack. The water was freezing. "You'll have to excuse my temporary retreat," smiled the zebra, waving the mare off and stepping forward again. "My waterproof clothing only applies to my feet. The rest of my outfit is dry-clean only. Were it to be damaged, I would feel quite homely." Applejack snorted, then spat a gob of mucous onto his face. "More than you deserve." The zebra shook his head, wiping it off with his hand and then wiping that off on the mare's mane. "Feisty, but I knew that from the very beginning. A fiery temper, body built for sinning. Breaking you will be fun, and will leave an impression on those who would fight me with boundless aggression. You will become my most loyal bride, after we bring out your submissive side." "Ah wouldn't marry you if you was the last stallion in Equestria!" she snapped back, pulling against her bonds. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice, my dear. You are my property, that much is clear. I will decide what you will and won't do, and we'll change your name to something that's not "Fuck You."" He turned and walked to the door, then called back to the mare, "Give her a scrub-down, and remove all her clothes. She's my concubine now, she won't be needing those." As the door clicked shut, the mare dumped out the third bucket of cold water on the ground, and Applejack was glad that her feet were elevated off the floor. She then grabbed all three and disappeared behind Applejack. The sound of a faucet rushing against the floor was heard, interrupted by a hand, then blocked by a bucket as the pressure slowed down. As a hand graced her hip, Applejack gyrated her body, thrusting her hips forward, backward, side-to-side, anywhere that wasn't where this mare was. After a short struggle, the mare grabbed ahold of Applejack's flannel shirt, cutting it along the back from bottom to top. With what, Applejack didn't know, but soon, the sleeves were gone, as well. Undoing the belt was easy. The decorative buckle pulled right off, and the whole thing came undone in one swift tug, without even damaging it. Well, no more than splashing cold water on leather normally did. Tha jeans were another story. Being well-versed in farm work, Applejack had invested in sturdy, thick, durable jeans, and with them also being form-fitting, they were difficult to pry away from her body to separate from her legs, especially on the seams where the fabric was tripled in thickness. Nevertheless, the mare managed to strip it off. After turning off the water, all that was left was Applejack's underwear. Her boots had long been removed by the guards that had pinned her to the bottom of the cart, after she had jabbed one with her spurs. Her socks came off easy, as socks do. The straps to her bra were cut, then the hooks undone, freeing her breasts, then her cotton panties were cut away. The very last thing to be removed were her hair ties. Now that she was fully nude, the mare came to her with a soft-bristled, long-handled brush. She was shorter than Applejack, meaning she needed the long handle to reach her wrists, even standing on her toes. Even then, it wasn't easy, as Applejack struggled the whole time. It took an hour and a half just to clean her arms. The zebra came back just as the mare with the brush was rinsing Applejack's thighs. He was eating an apple, reminding Applejack that she hadn't had anything to eat in two days. "You should have been done, but you're just to the knees. Do you want to be dirty, or just to displease?" Applejack couldn't answer back. She was trying to hold her legs closed so as not to expose her genitals for him, or for the mare trying to scrub them, but the rest of her mind was sounding alarm bells, her instincts urging her to do everything in her power to claim that apple. In the end, it was her legs that gave way, even without the promise of food. Desperation had weakened her mind. > Chapter the Fourth: Last Day Before School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom had been so confident before the auction. Applejack was going to save her. She couldn't not save her. Applejack always saved her. But as the carriage rolled away and Apple Bloom recovered from her impact, she couldn't help but notice that the distance between the two of them was growing with each passing second. She thought back to all the times she'd run from Applejack, claiming that she was a big pony who didn't need any help. While she had thought so at the time, now she wished that she had her big sister watching out for her. In all honesty, she'd begun to worry the moment Big Mac had been killed. "Oh, shut up, will you?" Apple Bloom was pulled from her thoughts by a voice across the way. A gryphon was scowling at a filly who'd been quietly weeping the whole time. While it had been annoying to Apple Bloom, as well, she was just going to let her cry. There was nothing she could do to comfort her, after all. "I'm sorry," squeaked the filly. "Don't apologize," wheezed Apple Bloom, still a little winded. Her gag had been removed after the auction to let her breathe better. "You ain't done nothin' wrong!" She turned and glared at the gryphon fledgling. "You should shut up!" "Ha!" she laughed. "Like crying is going to help her now! She's not helping anyone with her tears, so she may as well stop bothering everyone else." "She's hurting!" argued Apple Bloom. "We all are! An' you puttin' 'er down like that ain't helpin' matters, either!" "At least it'd be quieter!" A swift smack across both of their faces from the guard shut them both up. The filly who had been crying was now too afraid to sob, just letting her tears fall silently down her face. She did scoot a little closer to Apple Bloom, but being more tied up than anypony else in the carriage, Apple Bloom still couldn't do anything. It was a few hours to their destination, spent in silence. The filly who had been crying had slept through part of it, being able to scoot close enough to Apple Bloom to lay her head on her shoulder. She snored a bit, but a glare from Apple Bloom was enough to keep the gryphon from shouting at her again. As soon as they arrived, another gryphon, this one an adult male, ordered them to line up and step forward when their name was called. The fledgling was apparently named Genevieve, and the crying filly was named Wibble Wobble. Also notable to Apple Bloom was that Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon were here, as she watched them walk into the building as their names were called. When her own name was called, she had to be carried forward by a guard, as her legs were bound. "You've been a naughty filly," the gryphon sneered. "We'll have to beat that out of you. Can you walk?" "Yeah." She felt his claw against her neck, squeezing. "That's "Yes, Master." Try again." Apple Bloom swallowed as best she could. "Yes, Ah can walk." The claw tightened, and it felt as though it had punctured the skin. ""Yes, Master, I can walk." You will speak properly and clearly in my presence." "Yes, M-master," stammered Apple Bloom. "Yes, what?" "Yes, Master, Ah-- I can walk." "Very good." He released her throat and she fell back to the guard's shoulder. "I'm feeling uncharacteristically kind today, so I'm only going to take away half of your dinner tonight." He turned back to his clipboard. "I'm going to have you unbound. If you take a shower and set up your bed correctly, you may even sleep in it tonight. If I hear anything from the guards about you misbehaving, young Apple Bloom, then you may find yourself on the racks." Apple Bloom was escorted inside to a small room, where her bonds were cut and a steel ring was fitted around her neck. "The showers are there," said the guard that had carried her, pointing to a door with his knife. "Right through that arch. If I were you, I'd hurry and march. When you're clean, you go out through the other side. The signs over the doors will be your guide." When she came out the other side of the room, her clothes had changed. She had been wearing a flannel shirt and jeans, much like Applejack had always worn. Now she was sporting a brown shift. She had gone looking for her clothes when she was finished, and had been directed by several of the other, slightly older girls to wear the shift, as her other option was to wear nothing, and that had implications with the guards. Losing clothing privileges was a punishment as a result. When she'd asked where her clothes had gone, she was informed that they were being burned at that very moment. She'd found with her shift a wooden plank that had her name, room and bed number on it. One of the girls that had been there a while helped her find where she was supposed to be sleeping, in a large chamber with twenty other girls. Seven triple bunks were bolted to the one wall, each corresponding to a table and three chairs bolted to the opposite wall. There was no window, and only basic lighting. She found her bed, fourth from the door in the middle bunk. The mattress smelled of piss and sweat and was stained yellow. Placing her hand against it, the fabric was pliable, meaning that it had been washed, but the stench was so ground in that there was no way it would ever smell good again. She quickly applied her sheets and hung the plank in its designated spot, hurried by the more experienced fillies to have it done before dinner, or her rations would be cut. When she was finished, a team of guards with a box walked in, and all of the fillies stood at attention for inspection. With direction from her predecessor, Apple Bloom kept her mouth shut and eyes forward, and they didn't bother her. Afterward, they set out meal trays and filled them up like a school lunch, then left. As promised, Apple Bloom was given a half ration, but as the filly directing her felt bad, and Wibble Wobble told her what happened on the ride over, they switched trays, and Apple Bloom had a full, if disgusting meal before lights out. About half an hour after going to bed, however, Apple Bloom was once more subjected to quiet sobbing. Thinking that Wibble Wobble needed more comforting, she climbed out of bed, only to find that it was Genevieve making all that noise. She sat down on the edge of her bed, rubbed her shoulder and whispered, "Ya know, you're not helpin' anypony with those tears." Genevieve nodded, but didn't stop crying. "Why are you here?" she whispered. "Because you need me right now," answered Apple Bloom. "Not here in the bed, here in captivity." "I was taken from my home. What about you?" Genevieve pulled her covers closer. "Nope." "Oh come on. Ah told ya mine..." "I never agreed to tell you mine. Lesson one, Apple Boom, you're going to be betrayed." Apple Bloom shook her head and lay down next to her. "Ah'll be here if ya need me." > Chapter the Fifth: Reality Sets In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a brand-new day. The clock on the wall said as much. Applejack had been scrubbed yesterday, and while the zebra had promised to feed her, he hadn't yet done so. It was yet another broken promise made by the zebras. The door clicked shut, making her realize that the door opening is what had woken her. After a few steps were heard approaching, the mare from yesterday walked in front of her, carrying two baskets. One had a large jug in it with a rag, the other had apples and an extension grabber. As Applejack tried to put the thought of the apples out of her mind, a difficult task with how much her stomach was rumbling, the mare secured a single apple to the end of the extension arm. A moment later, it was being held up to Applejack's face. "You tryin' ta bribe me?" growled Applejack. "How do Ah know these ain't full of some cockamaimy love poison?" "You don't," answered the mare. "Ah know they're full a' somethin'," replied Applejack. "If you won't touch 'em yourself." The mare picked one up and held it in her hand for Applejack to see. "I don't expect you to believe me, but they're regular apples." "Bite into it," barked Applejack. "Prove it." The mare hung her head and looked away. "I can't." "What's the deal with puttin' it on a stick, anyway?" The mare looked up. "You bit one of the guards' thumbs off," she answered. "They wanted me to feed you before I rub you down with the rose oil, and they don't want me bleeding all over you. I would also like to keep my thumbs, if I can." "Yeah, well, he deserved it. An' so do you, the way ya' been treatin' me." "Regardless, I have to hold this up until you say you're done." "Then Ah'm done," grunted Applejack, having not taken a single bite. The mare nodded and drew back the apple, placing it in the basket. With Applejack done eating, she pushed the basket aside and soaked the rag in oil, walking up to Applejack and rubbing her stomach with it. Of course, Applejack pulled away, squirming and writhing. While Rarity might have seen this as a boon, a spa treatment that would smooth her skin, make her coat glow and apply a pleasant fragrance, Applejack didn't care about any of that. Clean was good enough for her. Nevertheless, she was bound to the ceiling, hanging by her wrists. Her shoulders ached, not being used to this amount of tension for this long. She was more comfortable with compression, lifting heavy objects that put extra weight on her, not hanging up, the weight of her legs pulling the rest of her apart. As much as she wanted to resist, it was futile. Perhaps not fully futile, though. The oily rag dripped all over the floor, and when the mare tried to reach up and oil her armpits, she kept slipping and falling to the floor, caking herself in oil. She couldn't reach any higher, anyway, so she opted to stop there for now, not even touching Applejack's breasts yet. Instead, she went down, starting around the ankles and working her way up. She had to hold Applejack's legs still, not wanting to stand up anymore as the floor was too slippery from all of the fighting. This was an okay solution until she reached her thighs. Now, Applejack didn't much care for ponies touching her thighs normally, but a stranger grabbing her thighs tightly while trying to wipe her butt was a big problem for her. With as much movement as she could muster, she swung forward, angled her feet back, and kicked at the mare, putting her apple-bucking days to good use. As the mare fell, her head hit Applejack's heels. More specifically, the shackle holding them together drove into her cheek. As she picked herself up, she crawled over to the rag. It was only then that Applejack saw that the stripes she'd been covered in were washing off. She had thought this was just an oddly-coloured zebra, but the paint dripping off revealed her cutie mark. This was no mere servant, but a slave. When the mare turned around and tried to return to work, Applejack could see that she had broken her nose. Despite the blood dripping from her face, she was still going to do her job. Either the reward would be exceptionally good to make it worth the pain, or the punishment for failure was greater than she could have imagined. "You a slave?" The mare nodded. "My life and health belong to Emperor Zaka," she confirmed, muffled as her nose was swollen shut. "As do yours. The difference is, he doesn't care if I'm injured, as long as I can still do my work." Applejack hung limply from that point, mostly staying quiet. For the first time since the raid, she regretted one of her actions, and she wanted to make amends. An apology was in order, but first she was going to let the mare finish her job. No more fighting her. When Applejack's hips and genitals were well-lubricated, the mare grabbed another cloth to wrap around her face. She was still not allowed to bleed on Applejack, so something had to catch it. She also brought along a stepladder to be able to reach the higher elevations of Applejack's arms. She'd needed a long-handled brush to reach yesterday for cleaning, but that was not an option today. A stepladder was necessary. Just as Applejack was about to issue her apology, the zebra from yesterday walked in. He was wearing much less today; just a belt, pauldrons made from carved wood, a gorget to match, his crown, and a hide waist cloak that almost hid his cock, were the tip of it not flopping just beneath the hem. "There is my newest and most fiery wife," he smiled, approaching. "Tell me, have you accepted your new lot in life?" "Leave," commanded Applejack, "Or your face is gonna look a lot like hers." He looked up to the slave, who nodded and pulled away the cloth, being careful not to drip her blood on anything more important than the ladder. "I won't be too long, I'm just here for a look; to make sure things are going by the book." As the mare covered her face and returned to work, Applejack could hear the ladder rattling. This mare was terrified of him, even moreso than she was of Applejack. It wasn't hard to see why, either. As he circled her, his hands would rub, pinch and squeeze. He was very rough, even shoving two fingers up her arse while spreading one of her cheeks with his thumb. When his inspection reached her feet though, his demeanor changed. He made his way to the ladder and pushed it over, dropping the mare to the ground. She was able to catch herself, but Applejack was sure that the impact hurt. Not helping, he grabbed the mare by the neck and dragged her over to Applejack, shoving her face against her ankles. "Not only did you forget to let her eat," he growled, "look at the damage you've done to her feet! Do you want to go back in that cage by the door, forced to service my guards like a whore?!" "No, Emperor Zaka," she sobbed. "I didn't mean to! It must have happened when I tripped!" Applejack had no idea why she was lying, or why this was such a big deal. She could see the damage from where she was, and it was just a tiny scrape, not even worth a bandage. It didn't even hurt. Just clean it, put a cold compress on it for a few minutes, and it'd scab over within the hour. "Ah kicked her," admitted Applejack. "It weren't her fault." "Damaging my goods and lying to me," snarled Zaka, gesturing to the apples as his hand tightened around the back of her neck. "And throwing away my food with glee! To top it all off, you've removed your stripes! I've had it with all of you rebellious types!" He dragged her out of the room, begging and pleading with him to give her another chance, that she'd be good in the future. When the door slammed, Applejack was once more left alone. > Chapter the Sixth: Learning Experience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom awoke the next morning to being yanked from her bed and being made to stand up. The filly that had helped her last night had her by the wrists, and she looked angry. Not the sort of angry where she wanted to lash out at her, but the kind of angry that Applejack would be if she'd caught her sneaking off in the middle of the night to play with power tools. Even her tone in whisper sounded similar to what Applejack would. "I know you're used to certain amenities," she growled, "but you have to sleep in your own bed. If the guards caught you before I did, they'd have taken away your privilege to sleep in one!" "Ah was only tryin' ta help," grunted Apple Bloom. "I know, but you don't know how things are around here! Believe me, I want nothing more than to return to Equestria and let all good deeds be rewarded, but the ones in charge of this place are cruel and will not hesitate to punish you." Apple Bloom was about to argue back, even knowing that the filly holding her was right, but something she heard suddenly drew her attention. She looked horrified as she turned back to Apple Bloom, grabbed her by the waist, and tossed her into her own bed. "Quiet," she ordered, "pretend you're asleep!" The door swung open and the filly turned around to see a guard. "Well, well, well," he smirked. "Already up? I could use someone to join me for my morning cup." He grabbed her by the mane and returned to the door, flipping on the light and blowing his whistle, waking everyone. Apple Bloom's hands were shaking as she tried to eat her breakfast; some kind of thin oatmeal. If that filly hadn't tossed her back into bed, she could have been the one dining with the guards, and that was unlikely to be a pleasant experience. Hell, if she'd slept in her own bed, rather than comforting Genevieve, that filly could have returned to her own bed and pretended to be asleep, and none of them would have suffered. She felt a hand on her shoulder as Wibble Wobble sat down next to her. "I didn't have the chance to apologize yesterday," she said. "If I had been stronger, emotionally, I--" "Don't even worry about it," hushed Apple Bloom. "Anypony would have come ta help ya. It's just chance that Ah was the one ta do it." "But you were hurt because of me. Isn't there something I can do to right this wrong?" Apple Bloom shook her head. In truth, there had been something she could do, and she just had. Apple Bloom coming to Wibble Wobble's aid yesterday had recontextualized the morning's events. That filly had given herself up to stop her suffering, something that Apple Bloom had done for Wibble Wobble, and risked doing for Genevieve. That filly was her newest role model, hardening her resolve. If she could protect these fillies from now on, she would. She finished her bowl, scrubbed it clean in the room's only sink, and prepared herself for whatever would come that day. If she was going to defend anyone, she needed to know the lay of the land. The entire first day was spent scrubbing. It was the same patch of floor over and over, and every time she'd have it spotless and sparkling, the overseer would dump a bucket of filth right where she had just cleaned. Despite the fact that spreading mud that was brought in from outside with the express purpose of dumping it on the floor to be cleaned up was stupid in Apple Bloom's mind, she kept her mouth shut. There were plenty of fates worse than scrubbing floors, and she seemed to have an easier time of it than many of the other fillies. Genevieve kept finishing just as the new mud came in, trying very hard to clean the nooks and crannies with her claws. Apple Bloom would have warned her against this, but as the tile was already very damaged, she didn't see the point. She would say something tonight, when no guards were around to hear. If they caught her saying something, they might call her out as a snitch, rather than the helpful air she was wanting to project. Applejack had prepared her for this, in an odd way. When she'd spilled Granny's perfume all over the living room floor, Applejack had made her scrub and scrub until the smell was gone. Whether that was the tile under the wood-burning stove, the hardwood covering the rest of the floor, or the rug, Apple Bloom just had to keep scrubbing. Granted, Applejack hadn't been pouring more perfume just so it would need to be cleaned up, but Apple Bloom was no stranger to scrubbing, and when the instructors turned their backs, she'd dart to one side to help somepony nearby, or she'd "accidentally" overreach the area she was supposed to be cleaning, "inadvertently" helping one of her fellow slaves-in-training. Thanks to her efforts, their class ended early that day, and they were allowed to return to their rooms to await further use, or dinner, whichever came first. There were a few thanks directed at Apple Bloom, but she was hardly paying attention. She hadn't helped them for the recognition, but because she felt that it was right. When it was time for dinner, the filly that had helped Apple Bloom that morning was brought back, stumbling and gasping as the guard tossed her. Apple Bloom grabbed ahold of her and helped her to her table, to the disgust of one of the guards. He said nothing, but the look he gave Apple Bloom was vile. "Thanks for this mornin'," whispered Apple Bloom as she helped the filly eat. There was nothing to really chew, but she did lift her spoon. "Ah'm sorry Ah put ya in harm's way." "I put myself there," she wheezed back. "I don't want to see you hurt." "Ah don't want to see you hurt no more, neither," agreed Apple Bloom. "Or any of us. In fact, Ah kinda conned the system, scrubbin' the others' floors." That made the filly laugh and brought a smile to her face for the first time in years. It was so unfamiliar that she drew intense stares from the other fillies. "Well... Apple Bloom, was it?" she held out her hand. "Sandstorm." Apple Bloom helped Sandstorm into bed, but when she went to her own bed, Genevieve was standing in front of it, blocking her entrance. "I have something I need to say to you, Apple Bloom." "Is it gonna be somethin' nasty?" "Yep." "Then Ah don't wanna hea--" Apple Bloom was cut off as Genevieve grabbed her by the mane and pushed her beak against her lips, rubbing them together and lightly sucking. "Thanks for your help." With two quick pats on her shoulder, Genevieve slipped into her own bed, leaving Apple Bloom standing in stunned silence. > Chapter the Seventh: Etiquette > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ya tell 'em ta fuck off," growled Applejack, "an' then ya spit in their face." The zebra shook his head and smacked Applejack's arse with a riding crop. He was not the same zebra that had been in here in the days prior, but a new one. He wore nothing more than a cloak held up by a pair of spaulders. "We've been at this the entire day. Answer one properly, what do you say?" "Ah say ya ain't done jack shit!" The zebra pushed back his short mane and scratched his bushy sideburns. "If you cooperate, this will be over fast. I don't want this all to last. The sooner you earn who's boss around here, the sooner you can take his orders, my dear." "Yeah, that ain't happenin," smirked Applejack. The zebra once again brought his crop across her flank with a loud snap. He didn't dare come close enough to let her kick him. One of the guards responsible for lowering her was sporting a pretty nasty-looking bruise on his shin, and he couldn't do anything retaliatory, as this was Emperor Zaka's new wife. Even he was bound in what he could do. He was not allowed to do anything that could damage her skin or cause her undue strain. That left him with the choice of a paddle or a riding crop. Perhaps it was time to switch. "Perhaps it is time to take a step down. How do you act when you're walking through town?" "Carry a big knife and castrate every stripey bastard Ah come across," spat Applejack. "No, that answer is not right," huffed the zebra, taking a paddle to her flank. "You are going to be very sore tonight. What you are to do is to swish your hips, stick out your tongue and lick your lips, wiggle your breasts and move them around, and never, ever, should you touch the ground." "And how exactly am Ah supposed to walk without touchin' the ground?" "You will be in a carriage, rolling down the street. If you behave yourself, a slave will be licking your feet." "And if Ah refuse?" The answer came in the form of a paddle across her arse. While she was fairly tough and durable, even she had to admit that the constant abuse concentrated on her butt was starting to grind on her. Only just starting, but after a week of tiring out zebras who had to keep swinging their arms, she might let out a whimper. She could only hope that she became so used to it by then that it didn't bother her anymore. "I'm growing weary of this meaningless drivel," sighed the zebra, walking around in front of her. "You can't even answer a question most civil. You won't even tell us your actual name, all because of this misplaced blame." "Misplaced?!" snapped Applejack. "Y'all killed countless stallions and mares in front a' me, burned down my whole town, and lied ta my face! I'd say my enmity is right where it needs to be!" The zebra shook his head. "I did nothing of the sort. Your town was in the way of our most recent fort. It needed to be wiped, and you were in the way. And I did nothing; I was home that day." "Ah said y'all," spat Applejack. "Ah meant y'all. All a' ya'! The entire combined forces of that asshole, Zaka!" The zebra wiped the spittle from his face and circled around her, delivering three hard spankings. "Emperor Zaka is your ruler now, you'll show him respect. As for that town that you failed to protect, y--" "Shut up!" interrupted Applejack. "One more word about Ponyville outta you, and Ah swear, your death will be slow and painful!" A smirk crossed his face. "Ponyville was weak and pitiful. Under our rule, it'll reach its pinnacle. The mares we've collected are either slave or sow. What do you think you can do about it now?" Applejack said nothing. She just memorized the zebra's face. She wanted to make sure that she kept her promise. Without her integrity, she was nothing, and this was a promise she was intent on keeping. It was right up there with rescuing Apple Bloom; even if it cost her life, she was going to make sure it was done. The door opened, and the mare that had oiled up Applejack entered, carrying a chair with her. The zebra instructor had placed his in front of Applejack to help the guards lower her to the floor, but she'd knocked it over and broke one of the legs. He needed it delivered, as he was supposed to be in here all day. "It's about time, where the hell have you been?" He pointed to the floor, where a few splinters from the busted chair lay. "And why is this floor not spotlessly clean?" "I'm sorry, master Seth. I'll see to it right away." As she set the chair down and lowered herself to her hands and knees to pick up the bits of wood, the zebra kicked her ribs, forcing a yelp of pain. Applejack internalized the name and locked it to the face. Seth. This is the name of the zebra that she would guarantee died slowly. Not just for what he said, but how he acted. He could tell that he'd sparked something in Applejack. Her facial expression screamed that she was absolutely livid, and that was something he could use. As the mare tried to move away, having picked up the splinters, he grabbed her by the mane and shoved her face against Applejack's snatch. "Eat her out and do it well," he commanded. "If you slack off, I'll be able to tell." There was no confirmation from the mare, she just started going, still holding splintered wood in her left hand. Words would just waste precious seconds of her masters' time if she was supposed to be using her mouth for something else. Under different circumstances, Applejack would have loved this. The feeling of being locked in a romantic session with a mare who deserved some relaxation would have been lovely. But as it was, neither party had consented, and the mare between her legs was trembling in fear and crying. She looked terrified as she glanced up at Applejack to make sure she was doing a good job. "This is a taste of what acceptance will bring," he said to Applejack. "You can either have this, or feel my tool's sting. All you need to do is soften your voice and answer my question. Or not. Make your choice." > Chapter the Eighth: Tightened Bonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom kept scrubbing and scrubbing. She'd been elevated from floors to toilets. She didn't see this as an upgrade, but more along the lines of being rewarded for her hard work with more work. In fact, she wasn't even allowed to use a regular brush, as she'd been completing her tasks too quickly. She'd been given a smaller brush and told to make smaller circles with it. She was glad to not have an instructor watching over her this time, instead being overseen by Sandstorm, who had been told to use the whip but opted not to, so long as they did a good job. "And they just give it to you?" asked Genevieve from the next stall over. "What if you use it to whip them?" "Whipping a guard is a sure-fire way to have your whip removed. While you have one, they have dozens, and a single slave will give up long before they run out of guards." "What if that slave has a lot of stamina? She could outlast them." "They can always just kill her," answered Apple Bloom. "Out on the farm, if the plow stops plowin', ya break it down and use it for parts. If ya can't use it for parts, ya throw it out. Melt it down and turn it inta somethin' useful." Genevieve swallowed hard. "Wow. That's brutal." "Well, we tried ta keep everythin' in workin' order. If we can keep the plow, we don't have ta pay ta replace it. If we can pull some spare parts off it, we can just fix the broken pieces. A couple a' leather straps are way cheaper and easier to put on than havin' a new plow delivered and assembled." "Wow," chuckled Sandstorm. "I was kinda hoping that we'd be bought by the same owner, but I have to wonder if you wouldn't be better suited as a farm slave, Apple Bloom. Being out in the field, working the land... Honestly, I think you'd take to it really well." "Well, Ah'm hopin' that Ah can just run a farm, and drop the whole "slave" part of it out of the equation." They all shrugged, though neither Genevieve nor Apple Bloom could see each other. "What about you, Gen?" asked Sandstorm. "What kind of position do you hope to attain?" "One in which I can be the one holding the whip," she grinned. "And if I can tie him to the bed, too, that'll make it easier to escape." "Dead set on the freedom, huh?" "And how about you, Sandy?" asked Apple Bloom. "We've told ya ours. What's your desired position?" "Honestly?" She paused for a moment to think about it. "I want a home position where the master is fair and just. Where if I do my job well, I can have a decent meal at the end of the day and go right to bed." There was a pause, where the sound of brushing was the only noise in the room. "That's not a very big dream," commented Apple Bloom. "Maybe not," chuckled Sandstorm, "but it's realistic. If I set my expectations to it, it's attainable. And honestly, even if I was a field slave with Apple Bloom, or a bed slave with Gen, I could be okay with it. It's all about not being punished for something beyond my control or knowledge." "Ah suppose that wouldn't be so bad." Apple Bloom sighed. She was glad to have made some friends, and with no overseer, they were allowed to talk for a bit. All of that changed as the door opened and a zebra walked in. He put his hand on Apple Bloom's face and shoved her out of the stall before taking a piss into the bowl. Apple Bloom was certainly upset by this, but having been here for two weeks now, she was used to it. This wasn't a battle she could win, and it wasn't very hard to flush, wipe down the rim, and go right back to scrubbing. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. When he was done, he grabbed her be the mane and dragged her toward the door. "Now that I have had my pee, you, little miss, are coming with me." It was several steps down the hallway before Apple Bloom righted herself enough to walk behind him without too much strain on her mane. She didn't know what she did, or if she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She did know that the guard could bring her into any of these empty rooms and exact his will on her, whatever it may be, but the fact that he didn't even bother checking meant that he had someplace special in mind. She couldn't raise her head for the tight grip he had on her mane, so she just watched the floorboards drifting by until finally, they came to a stop long enough to open a door. With a hard yank, she was tossed forward, collapsing in a crumpled heap on the floor. She tried to stand up and look around, but a clawed foot held her down. "Well, well. Somepony's been a very naughty filly." "Have Ah?" The claws dug into her shoulder. "I thought I told you to lose that accent, girl..." Apple Bloom grunted in pain, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing her cry or beg. "I-I have done ev'ry tas-- Ah!!" ""Every," girl, "Every!"" "I-I've done all you asked!" ""You've,"" he corrected again, "and no, you have not. You refuse to learn to speak properly, as I've had to correct you three times during this conversation. But it is for another rule broken that concerns me today." He very quickly bound her legs individually, keeping her knees out and her heels pressed to her butt. Her arms were bound behind her back, and a cloth gag was tied into her mouth. He opened a door to a small hallway, which had a lot of closed doors close together, as if they opened to closets. He opened one, and Wibble Wobble fell out, looking exhausted. He pulled down her gag and rolled her onto her back. "Please," she begged. "Water..." "Tell Apple Bloom what you told me, Wibby." She looked up at Apple Bloom, and her eyes filled with tears. "I-I'm sorry..." With a swift kick, the gryphon headmaster leaned down over her. "That's not what you told me. Try again." Wibby coughed a few times, then looked up at Apple Bloom. "Applejack is going to come s-save us. A-Applejack is going to rescue us all..." Her gag was put back in and retightened, and she was put back in the small room and forced to squat on her bound legs. "Now, I wonder where she could have heard that," sneered the headmaster. "We have a special punishment for dissenters." He opened a door a few down and placed Apple Bloom in there, forcing her to squat on her toes to stay away from the metal grate beneath her. It was very hot, and as the door closed, steam began to vent from below. At first, it felt like a spa treatment, but after a few minutes, Apple Bloom was feeling what Wibby had indicated. The cotton gag had sucked all of the moisture from her mouth, and the sweating she was going through had her very thirsty, moreso than usual. She needed fluids, but the moisture in the air around her was only making things worse. Water was everywhere, but she couldn't drink a drop. > Chapter the Ninth: Let It Be > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack had lost count of how many days it had been since she arrived. It felt like months, but she was sure it hadn't been that long just yet. She'd eaten once before, and she couldn't go that long without food. In all honesty, that was doing more to her than the beatings. She could handle the strain, but boasting a fast metabolism meant she'd burned through her only meal long ago. The door opened, and the slave mare walked in again, with the same scrubbing equipment she'd had the first day. More important than that, though, she had another basket of apples. "Can we start with those?" asked Applejack, nodding to the basket eagerly. "No, mistress," trembled the mare. "I'm under orders not to feed you until after you're clean, this time. I know you're not happy with that, but I--" "Start scrubbin' then," interrupted Applejack. "Ah won't fight ya this time." With a nod and a "Yes, mistress," the mare rushed over to the tap and started filling her bucket with warm, soapy water, then brought that back over and pulled out a long-handled brush. "I was also instructed to smooth out your mane and tail," she said, "But there was a vagueness in that order as to when I was supposed to do that." "Prob'ly best ta do that before the scrubbin'," sighed Applejack. "Are you sure?" she asked. "It could keep you from your food for longer." "Ah can wait a few more minutes. If it'll help ya out, Ah mean." "Thank you, mistress." "You can just call me Applejack." The slave looked up as she pulled a mane and tail brush from her basket. "You've decided to let them have your name, mistre-- Applejack?" Applejack shook her head. "Just you so far." The slave bowed to the floor. "It is an honour, mist-- Applejack." "What about you? What's your name?" The mare froze for a moment, unsure how to answer. "I... I don't know." "Oh, come on," chuckled Applejack. "You can tell me. Ah won't judge ya for it, Ah promise." "I don't..." she fidgeted around with her brush, trying to focus on removing the knots and debris from Applejack's mane. "I don't remember what it was." Applejack furrowed her brow. "What do they call you when they want your attention, then?" "Whore, Bitch, Slave, Hey, You or Cocksock depending on what they want." "You sure ya don't remember another one?" She thought about it. "They used to call me "the pink one" years ago." "How long have you been in here?" "Probably more than twenty years or so." The statement hit Applejack harder than she was expecting. Being treated like a piece of equipment for two decades would certainly cause a strain on one's mind. Not hearing your own name for that long would certainly allow you to forget what it was. When Applejack finally had wrapped her head around the concept, the mare had finished with her mane and was working on her tail, trying to be gentle. "How about if Ah phrase it this way? What would Ah say to one of these guards if Ah wanted to know where you, specifically, were?" "I'm sure one of the other slaves could help you." Applejack shook her head. "In this hypothetical, Ah need you, and nopony else will do. What do Ah call you then?" "I don't know, mi-- Applejack. I'm sorry I keep messing up." "Don't even worry 'bout it, sugarcube." As the mare moved back to the scrub brush in the water, Applejack had an idea. "Can Ah see your cutie mark?" The mare gestured to her flank. "It's been painted over with stripes, which I'm not allowed to remove. The last time I tried to wipe you down with oil, my stripes ran, and I was subjected to the whip." Applejack lowered her head. "Sorry 'bout that. Ah didn't know you was a slave at the time. Ah thought you was another of them zebras." The mare lowered her head. "I have done terrible things to many ponies under their orders. I'm no better than they are." "Bullshit," answered Applejack. "Somepony steals your wagon wheels. Do ya blame the socket wrench?" "I don't know what a socket wrench is." Applejack sighed. "Look, anything ya do under their orders is not your fault. In Equestria, we call that duress, and it's a form of self-preservation. Ya didn't have a choice, as ya don't now. You're not allowed ta feed me until Ah'm clean, right?" "Right." "Well, there ya go. What would happen if ya did?" "They'd whip me again." "And ya don't like bein' whupped, do ya?" "No... Applejack." "Right. Now, Ah still need ta know what ta call ya." "You can call me Bitch." Applejack raised her eyebrow. "You sure?" She nodded. "I don't have a real name anymore. If you want to call me something, it's what I'm most used to. Besides, I like dogs, so it's less offensive to be compared to one." "Ah still think it's demeaning..." "That's okay. It's just me. I'm nopony special. It is an honour to serve you, Applejack." Applejack was still uncomfortable with the idea, and as soon as she had a name that was less offensive, she would try to pitch it. "Ah suppose it'll do for now, Bitch..." Applejack could see a swell of pride on the mare's face, soon swallowed by regret, then fear as she continued scrubbing. Applejack was almost clean, and the possibility of Zaka walking in and seeing the job unfinished was always a possibility. Though she had been working much faster today than previously, he could always say it wasn't fast enough. She wanted to feed Applejack and be ready to serve once again, as she was okay with just being given more work, rather than being punished for simply being in the middle of the last command given. As promised, Applejack did not fight back this time, and the rest of her bath went smoothly. Before long, Applejack was spotless, with the possible exceptions being beneath her shackles. She even remained still while Bitch dried her off with a towel. Now was the moment Applejack had been waiting for. It was time for the apples. Bitch rummaged around, and soon came up with a worried look on her face. "I forgot to bring an extension arm." "Don't worry about it, sugarcube. Ah ain't gonna bite ya. You can use your hands. Ah don't wanna hurt ya no more." Bitch picked one up and brought it over, holding it up to Applejack's face, closing her eyes and wincing as if she was expecting Applejack to go back on her word. There was a crunch, then some warm liquid ran down her hand to her wrist. She whimpered, too afraid to look up. "That's a braeburn, for sure." Bitch looked up at Applejack as she took another bite. "What?" "The breed of apple. It's a braeburn. Not exactly one Ah'm fond of, but it does make a very nice pie. Are you allowed to decide what apples come in?" "I... I can try to ask." "See if ya can't convince the ponies in charge to bring in some honeycrisps or golden delicious. They make for better eatin'." "I thought all apples were the same?" Applejack shook her head. "Take a bite a' this 'un, then a bite of that there fuji and tell me they taste the same. If that don't convince ya, try that granny smith over there." Bitch looked at the basket. "I don't know which is which. And anyway, I'm not allowed to eat your food." "Just tell 'em Ah bit into 'em," smiled Applejack. "Ah won't tell if you won't." With Applejack's directions, Bitch tried all three, and there was a very obvious difference. Over their meal, she became more and more comfortable with Applejack, until the door opened, and Zaka walked in. Instantly, all joy had left the room. > Chapter the Tenth: The Fire Dies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom had been delirious for the last few days. A whole string of hallucinations had paid visit to her, laughed at her, and she could do nothing against them, bound as she was. The only constant for her was her feet, which felt like they had been melting for the past week. She hadn't had anything to eat or drink, nor had she slept. It was torture, being left in here for this long. That was the idea, after all. They wanted her to suffer, and now she was. It was possible that she'd even die in here. They'd probably forgotten that she was in here after the first week. Well, if they wanted her to learn a lesson from this, she had. She'd learned to be more careful. She would have to thank Genevieve, if they ever met again, for warning her that this betrayal was coming. Not that she blamed Wibby for this, as her involvement was less about trying to cause harm, and more about giving herself the strength to carry on. She just had to keep going until Applejack came for them. The same went for Apple Bloom. The door opened suddenly, and Apple Bloom fell forward. The cold floor against her face was quite a shock to her body, leaving her suddenly a shivering mass of wet, sweaty flesh. She looked up, and in her blurry vision, she could make out just barely the face of the headmaster. He rubbed the back of his claws against her skin. It was so puffy and sensitive that it felt like knives running across her cheek. As the cloth of her wet shift dragged along her back, it felt as though a cultivating rake had been dragged across her flesh. "Are you feeling ready to behave yourself now, or do you need to go back in?" Apple Bloom whimpered through her gag, unwilling to either shake her head or nod. A rabbit with a hammer had warned her against answering either yes or no to a choice, as the outcome could be applied to either. She had thought him mad for using a hammer to make cheese, but his warning had made it through five days in her head. The gag was loosened, and she spit it out. Before she spoke, she went through each word calmly and slowly, making sure to hide her accent. "I... will... be... good..." "And so you shall," smiled the headmaster, binding the gag back on her, but untying her arms and legs. "Now, let us discuss your next punishment." Apple Bloom looked up with incredulity. What other punishment? Without her needing to verbally ask, he answered, gripping her shoulder and forcing her to walk back to his office on her stiff, sore legs and burnt feet. "You failed to finish scrubbing your assigned toilets. You left one of them half-finished, and had one more to go after that." Apple Bloom was even more confused. That assignment had been handed down at least two weeks ago; how had the toilets not been cleaned yet? On top of that, she had four toilets left to clean. Why did he think there was only one remaining? "No food, and no water until those two are cleaned, plus the assignment you were tasked with this morning." A zebra guard grabbed her by the mane and dragged her all the way back to the toilet she had been scrubbing the day she left. Her brush and bucket were still there, right where she'd left them. She needed new soap, of course, and she set to work immediately, feeling a lash across her back if she started to slow. She was bound and determined to finish this task, otherwise there would be no food, no water, and no sleep. She kept those goals in sight and pushed herself harder than was reasonable, desperate for even a few crackers and a half ladle of water. She even contemplated sticking her head in the toilet to drink the water there, but a lash across her back reminded her that a worse punishment would come if she were to disobey orders and take a drink without being authorized. She was panting heavily by the time she made it to the next toilet, and was afraid that she would pass out from dehydration. Nevertheless, her scrubbing didn't slow down, even after her body was screaming for her to stop and rest. She just kept her eyes on the prize, waiting for that meal and drink at the end. She was even hoping for her stained, smelly mattress at this point. When the toilets were finally clean, she was dragged by her mane to the kitchen. Today's job chart had ordered her to wash dishes. To her surprise, however, there were no dishes to wash. Well, not very many, anyway. Most of them had already been cycled through and put away, and there were just a few pans to scrub. She set to work on them immediately. Between this and the missing toilets, she knew that somepony had been covering for her for the last two weeks. She had no idea who it could be, but she was going to find out. She owed them greatly for their contributions, and she was not going to let that last. Applejack had always told her not to be indebted to somepony else, and while she had been talking about money at the time, Apple Bloom was not wanting to owe somepony else a favour, especially not in this place. She scrubbed the remaining dishes, and managed to finish before the lights went out. She was glad to be done, not just because it meant that she didn't have to wash the dishes in the dark, but because she was allowed to go to bed. It was past dinnertime, so she didn't expect to eat until breakfast, but that was something she would have to figure out when the time came. After the guard inspected her work, he pulled the gag out of her mouth and dragged her by the mane once again, holding onto the hope that she was going back to her bed. When she came to her room, she was tossed unceremoniously to the floor. She'd have landed there were it not for a set of arms that caught her. As the lights went out around her, she heard voices over her, but she couldn't hear what they said or who they were. She just collapsed, letting them carry her to bed. > Chapter the Eleventh: Piercing the Veil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zaka stared them down. Bitch didn't take another bite or say a word after his arrival. His presence alone was enough to kill any comfort that Applejack had built up. Applejack swallowed the last of a particularly large gala. "I'm done now, Bitch." She would have liked to eat more, but Zaka's presence, while not turning her stomach, was making Bitch uncomfortable, and this was the most she could do to help her. "Y-yes, mistress." Applejack didn't know if the reason she was switching back was because Zaka would punish her if she didn't, or because she had some pride in her loyalty, in that she was not going to give up Applejack's name until ordered. As of now, she could pretend not to know it, but Applejack didn't want her to lie. Without giving away that she had already said her name, she looked down at Bitch and smiled. "You can call me Applejack. Ah'm twenty-four, an' Ah come from Ponyville." Shaking, and with a heavy swallow, Bitch failed to meet her gaze. "With all due respect, mistress, I'm under orders to only refer to you as "mistress."" So that was it. It would be reserved for when they were alone. "Alright then." She turned to Zaka. "And just what do you think you're doin'?" "I am here to watch the display," he smirked. "I can see my bride before our special day." "It's funny that ya still think Ah'm gonna marry you. Or maybe a bit sad. Ah don't know, cause Ah can't tell if you're delusional or just plain stupid." "You will," he answered. "You don't have a choice. You'll be my bride to my empire's rejoice. As they gaze upward, you'll say your pledge, and then I'll fuck you at the balcony's edge. Thousands will watch as you suck down my balls, and cheers will be heard from within the keep's walls as you fast become pregnant with a burst of my seed, and several times more whenever I need." "Why don't ya try out my mouth now?" sneered Applejack, licking her teeth. "My chompers are ready ta rip it clean off." Zaka let out a chuckle. "You joke, but soon it will be your desire. On that day, you'll cry that your loins are afire, you'll beg and you'll plead for me to make it stop, and only then will I fill you, not spilling a drop. If I should happen to spill on the floor, you'll lick it up fast, and then beg for more." "Unlikely." "Decline all you like, but I know you better. Soon, the very thought of me will make you wetter. For now, I'm willing to just bide my time, as it will be years before you're out of your prime. If your assumption's correct, and you spend years up here, bound, I'll pick a new wife as they drop you in the ground." "That would be preferable to marryin' you." Zaka chuckled. "So you say, but you'll change your tune. A mare's mind changes with the phases of the moon. But ah, the reason I've come to your presence; firstly to check on your convalescence. As I can see that your health is well, It's time to apply the new mounts for your bells." From behind his back, Zaka pulled what looked to be a firearm of some description. It was short, had two forked clamps where the barrel should have been, and just above the trigger was a needle. "What, you gonna pierce my ears?" Zaka chuckled at that. "In due time, but not right away. I have something else in mind today." He set it down on top of the crate of cleaning supplies, along with a sack of other items that he was planning to use. He stepped forward, pushing Bitch to the floor and grabbing Applejack by the breast with his right hand, shoving the fingers of his left into her pussy forcefully. He squeezed and tugged, not being gentle, as he knew that she was tough enough that he could be abrasive and not break her. After a few minutes of playing with her like this, his cock pushing his waistcloak aside to erect itself, he used his thumbs to dig out her nipples until they were standing on their own. He then gave both breasts a good slap before returning to the piercing gun. By this time, Bitch had picked herself up. There was a small scrape on her arm from where she'd hit the drain where all of the water went after her sponge bath. It didn't look bad, but she sat there, her hands on her knees, waiting for further instructions. "You, slave, I have a job for you." He threw the gun at her, hitting her shoulder. She picked it up and waited to hear his order. "She doesn't mind your touch, so you will do. You know how to operate one of these things, right?" She nodded her head. "Good. I don't want to hear her screaming tonight." Bitch stood up and walked up to Applejack, massaging her nipple, sterilizing it with one of the provided sterile towelettes, then pinching it between the forked clamps to make sure it was right where she needed it to be. She took a deep breath, said something that Applejack couldn't make out, then pulled the trigger. Immediately, Applejack yelped out in pain, trying to pull free. Thankfully, Bitch had released the clamps already, leaving a fresh barbell piercing in her right nipple. "The pain will have stopped after a few days' time," said Zaka. "When that day comes, your piercings will chime." As Bitch prepared the other side in the same way, Applejack shuddered. That hurt a lot more than Rarity said it did. Then again, she'd had labial piercings, as well. And yet, all of her facial piercings were false. Granted, when asked, she'd said it was to preserve her face of any holes should she opt to go without, but surely she could find some way to cover it up like she always had. As Applejack thought about this, she'd forgotten about the fact that the piercings were happening to her now, and as the second barbell went through, Applejack yelped and pulled away before Bitch could release the clamp. The proceeding yank caused a tiny rip in the skin, and Bitch immediately tried to pat it clean with the alcohol swab she'd used to prepare the area. The piercing was safe, but that wasn't what scared her. Applejack' nipple had a little bit of blood on it. Not even enough to worry about, and her platelets would seal up in five minutes, maximum. This was not as small an infraction as she thought, however, as Zaka quickly grabbed ahold of Bitch's neck and forced her to the floor, growling something Applejack couldn't make out and striking the mare repeatedly, who was too afraid to fight back. Applejack pulled and yanked, stripping a good amount of skin from her right hand as she forced it through the shackle, but managed to free it. she swung forward and only just managed to grab an apple by the stem. She swung back, then let it fly at full force at Zaka's face, knocking him off of Bitch as the fruit collapsed under the impact force. When Zaka turned to face her, a massive scowl dripped from his face with the applesauce Applejack had left. "You want another?!" she scowled back, flipping him the bird with her free, bloody hand. It was a bluff, but Applejack was perhaps thirty percent sure that she could pull her other hand free if she was desperate enough. With a snort, he turned and walked out of the room. Bitch immediately picked herself up, cleaning while she tried to pretend that she wasn't crying. "Come over here, Bitch," called Applejack. When she was close enough, Applejack gave her a hug. Her long mane covered her back, so this was Applejack's first indication that Bitch used to have wings a long time ago. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I'm so sorry." Applejack chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Socket wrench." > Chapter the Twelfth: Knowing Your Place > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom didn't sleep through the whole night, despite her exhaustion. Her thirst and hunger pulled her out of her slumber after only a few hours. She had to hand it to her captors, this was a very effective method of punishing ponies. Even being as stubborn as she was, after hours outside of the steam box, she was still feeling its sting. She didn't want to go back, ever, and would avoid it like the plague. She rolled out of bed to drag herself over to the tap. The entire room was given an allotment of water every night, and she had to hope that there was some left. She turned the handle, and some dribbled out into her small metal cup. There wasn't much, but it was something. "Apple Bloom?" A half-asleep voice called out to her. As she took as big a drink as she could, she turned to see Genevieve climbing out of bed. "Did Ah wake ya?" she whispered as she sat down at a table. "Ah'm sorry. Go on back ta sleep." Gen shook her head. "Come here, I have something of yours." Apple Bloom finished her cup and changed her seat to the edge of Gen's bed as the gryphon moved her pillow aside to reveal two cups hidden between the mattress and the wall. One was Gen's, as evidenced by the dents around the rim, and it was full of water. The other was full of the slop that they were fed, and Apple Bloom had no idea whose it was. It was only a half-ration, but it looked like a feast to Apple Bloom after all she'd gone through. When Gen gave them both to Apple Bloom, she devoured the slop hungrily, taking care not to spill any of it. Not just because she needed as much as she could eat, but so as not to make Gen sleep in food spillage. "So what happened?" asked Gen as soon as Apple Bloom slowed down enough to speak. "What'd they do to you?" Apple Bloom took a deep breath. "Wasn't it you that told me not ta go tellin' everypony everythin'?" Gen smirked. "So I did. Tell me, anyway." Apple Bloom swallowed the last of her food. "Ah'm a dissenter. Ah speak of freedom." "No arguments there." "Well, that'll net ya a long time in a tiny closet where they blast ya with steam. So that's where I've been for the last two and a half weeks." Gen furrowed her brow. "Apple Bloom, you've only been gone for a day and a half. Do you really think I'm going to handle all of your chores for that long?" Apple Bloom swallowed her water, having almost spit it out. "That was you?" "Mostly, yeah. I couldn't do everything. The guards were starting to grow suspicious. Thank Sandstorm, mostly. It was her idea, and she forged all the paperwork to say you'd already done it. All I did was scrub." Apple Bloom set down her cup and threw her arms around Gen's neck, almost weeping as she held her close. "Ah can't thank you enough..." Gen reached around and rubbed her back. "Try, anyway." The two shared a light chuckle, then climbed out of bed to place the empty cups in the sink. As Gen helped Apple Bloom back into her own bed, she stopped and looked at the door. "It was my brother." Apple Bloom looked at her, confused. "What are you talkin' 'bout?" "You asked me, on our first night, what brought me here. Eight hundred bits and a hot meal. That's my entire value." Apple Bloom looked shocked. She had no words to offer. "Now he's probably relishing his sale, having made a big purchase and living in luxury." "Luxury? No way can eight hundred bits grant luxury. Out on the farm, we made four times that in a week and barely scraped by some winters." "Yeah, but he's stupid. He'll have fun for a month, at most, then slip back into his old ways." "Why are ya tellin' me this now? Why not when I asked?" Gen shrugged. "We weren't friends, then. That, and you had so much faith in your sister coming to save us. I didn't want to risk not coming with you with my lesson that family can't be trusted." Apple Bloom shook her head. "Applejack wouldn't leave you behind. She'd take down all the guards and set everypony free. If she could, she'd offer protection to all of us back in Equestria. If ya don't want to go back ta your brother, you could a' come stay with us." "How come she hasn't come yet?" Apple Bloom shook her head. "Something outside of her control, Ah bet. Ah've seen her take the lives of several zebras, so she ain't goin' down quite so easy. If she's still alive, she's comin'." "How can you put so much faith in her?" "She's my sister. She's always done what was best for me, even if Ah didn't see it at the time. Or rather, she's always tried ta do what's best for me. She didn't want me meetin' Zecora, but she was nice." "Who's that?" Apple Bloom suddenly clammed up. All of them were now the property of the zebras. Could Zecora have played a part in that? Was she secretly in on the invasion? She shuddered, then drove the thoughts from her head. The idea that Zecora had betrayed them was unlikely. She was sweet and kind, though very stern. Several times, she'd had opportunity to abscond with Apple Bloom and disappear into the Everfree, or worse, to the Zebrican Empire. And yet, she'd gone out of her way to be very blunt and honest with all of Ponyville, made Apple Bloom tell the truth, and made sure she was safe on her way home. Zecora wasn't in on this, and was likely hiding away, trying to end the conflict without taking a side. She had to have been. "Apple Bloom?" Gen calling her name brought Apple Bloom back to the present. "She's a zebra, but she don't take slaves. Ah think she might have left here in order to not be part of the industry. She opted to be an apothecary in Equestria, and they don't allow enslavement, so she can't have had any. Last time Ah saw her, she was tending to some wounded soldiers that had come in." "A zebra with no slaves, huh?" Gen scoffed. "Maybe she just couldn't afford any." Apple Bloom shrugged. "Maybe. Ah don't know, and Ah can't ask her now." "I guess not. Are you going to be okay?" Apple Bloom didn't say anything. She just leaned forward, kissed Gen's beak, then smiled at her as she lay down to go back to sleep. > Chapter the Thirteenth: Worn Down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack turned around. "How do Ah look?" It had been almost eighteen months since the fall of Ponyville. While Applejack had not grown to enjoy Zaka's presence, she had fallen in love. Her heart had chosen somepony to call out to. As a result of that, she was now wearing a sheer harem outfit that had no top. Certainly, she was wearing a veil over her face, but her breasts were out for all to see, with tiny bells hanging from her nipples. The only covering on her body was a transparent skirt held up by a rope belt. Anypony that looked at her from the front could see the design waxed into her pubic hair. "You look spectacular," smiled Bitch, gently caressing her shoulder. "I've never seen anypony more beautiful than you." Applejack blushed under her veil. "It's just this dress." Bitch leaned forward and pushed the veil aside, kissing Applejack on the lips. "The dress has nothing to do with it. I can't thank you enough." "Don't thank me just yet," snorted Applejack. "Not 'til Ah've gone through with it. He can still change his mind." "The crowds have already gathered," said Bitch, gesturing to the window with her right hand. Two of her fingers had been cut off during Applejack's time here, with one of them being recent enough that the scar was still trying to heal itself. "He's going to make a big display of dominance in front of the leaders of two other nations, as well as some of their top generals, that even the most stoic of Equestrians can be brought to heel. He's spent all of this time and money setting this up. He's not going to back out now." Applejack swallowed. "Ah might." Bitch kissed her once again, through the veil this time. "You won't. You might have second thoughts, but just keep telling yourself that you're going to have more control. I put my faith in you. You're going to save me. And then you're going to save countless others. And that includes your sister. She's waiting for you." With her affirmation, Applejack's resolve was steeled. "You're right. Thank you, Bitch. Ah think Ah'm ready ta go now." "Right away, Applejack." She opened the door and the duo made their way down the hallway and up the stairs. On their way, they passed a plethora of guards and slaves. One of the guards was following behind them, granting them protection from the others. On previous occasions, Applejack and Bitch had been pulled aside by guards who thought they were both just slaves, and it had come to blows. Zaka had, in those instances, sided with Applejack in the argument, but not for her benefit. He had called for her delivery, and by impeding her ascent to his chambers, the guards had overstepped. They were allowed to use Bitch however they pleased, but Applejack was off-limits. That was going to change today. That was the point. She opened the door and walked in. Some of the visiting dignitaries were already here, others could be seen disembarking their carriages out in the courtyard. Zaka was already dressed, but there was a slave beneath his cloak, preparing him for the upcoming event. "Seeing the bride before the wedding is supposed to be bad luck," he smirked. "Don't worry yourself, darling, before too long, we'll fuck." "Ah want to make sure you're going to hold up your end of the bargain," she scowled. "Applejack," he chuckled, "I have no reason to lie. I may be cruel and forceful, but I am an honest guy. All I have promised, I swear will be yours, as long as I have you every night on all fours." "Let's just run through it again, just to make sure." A zebra with a beak and wings sneered at them. "Zaka, you let your whores speak to this way? If mine did, they'd be face down in the clay." Zaka rolled his eyes. "Galatei, you're here as a guest of the state. Unless you want your head served on a plate, I suggest you follow our regulations succinctly, else you will be removed distinctly." He turned to Applejack. "In exchange for your servitude, you will be granted a place in my bed, to which you'll be transplanted. In addition to this, you'll be given a voice in my court, and also the slave of your choice." "Which we've already decided is her," concluded Applejack, pointing back at Bitch, who was kneeling by the door. "Ah'll be the only one that can tell her what ta do, Ah'll be the only one who can punish her." "That is correct, but you can't set her free. If you release her, she comes back to me." "Duly noted." "And it goes without saying that my word is law. I can override the commands from your maw. If I must intervene, you forfeit this right, until I can no longer recall your slight." Applejack nodded. This was put in place simply because other wives had commanded their slaves to set other ones free in the past, and it had taken time to bring them back. This was just over a hundred years ago, but the crown remembered. She couldn't just order Apple Bloom's release, but she could go and inspect Apple Bloom's progress. She didn't want to, however. Not until she could provide some kind of aid. Not being able to see Apple Bloom was preferable to watching her suffer only to say that there was nothing she could do just yet. Even so, she'd need to find her, first. As the last of the guests arrived, Zaka would greet them, then introduce them to his bride. To accentuate his acquisition, he would flick her nipples for everyone who asked, sometimes even jiggling them for his own entertainment. She just stood there and let it happen, though. She had a goal in mind, and right now, that meant keeping Zaka happy. Finally, when the last guest had arrived in his room, another zebra with wings and a beak, the curtains were pulled back, and Zaka grabbed Applejack by the wrist, leading her out onto the balcony, to the applause of thousands of zebras, gryphons, and several other races, some of which Applejack could not identify. A fair few of them were slaves. They weren't alone on the balcony. Four guards in heavy armour and two in light armor stood nearby. A pair of completely nude zebras, designated as a shaman and her assistant, stood by Zaka's side. Bitch stood behind Applejack, and two more slave mares kneeled behind Zaka. It was time. > Chapter the Fourteenth: Matrimony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack looked over the crowd. They'd all gathered for the purposes of watching her say her vows. That, or to see her bowing to Zaka, or worse, to watch her pleasure him as part of the ceremony. The shaman stepped up first. "Children of these striped lands," she called. Her voice echoed through the courtyard, as if propelled by magic. Applejack was reminded of the time Princess Luna stopped by on Nightmare Night. No nightmare could compare to this, though. "We come today to join the hands of our ruler, strong and brave, to one of a land he will soon save." Cheering and applause rang out below. Applejack rolled her eyes, knowing full well that Zaka wasn't going to save Equestria, but conquer it. It had been explained to her multiple times that he was, in fact, saving it. He was protecting it from being conquered by someone who would outright kill all ponies, rather than leaving the females and children alive as servants. She had also been told that he was saving them from living a soft and cushioned life with no hardships to balance them out. While Applejack agreed that most ponies were significantly more lax than she was, she didn't think they all had it too easy. "The groom has displayed his kindness, now, and so the bride shall make her vow." That was it. That was the line. Bitch had told her what to do and what to say, and as the shaman stepped back, Zaka and Applejack stepped forward, with Bitch and the other slaves stepping forward behind them. Applejack turned to Zaka and vise-versa. Applejack lowered to her knees, with Bitch right beside her. Bitch whispered her lines, and Applejack followed along, speaking at a normal volume. The shaman's blessing caused her voice to radiate throughout the crowds. "Ah, Applejack of Ponyville, do declare my typicality among Equestria. As Ah bow before my new master, so too do all a' the mares of Equestria. We are..." She froze up. She hated lying, and she really didn't want to say the next few lines. "We are to take commands from our new owners," repeated Bitch, gripping Applejack's hand. Applejack took a deep breath. Her stomach was turning over in knots. Her lips hadn't even touched his tip yet, and she already felt as if she was going to vomit. She squeezed Bitch's hand and kept going. "W-we are to take commands from our new owners with pride in our hearts. Our bodies were made to serve their every desire. Our minds are made to anticipate their wants, and our hearts are want to please them. Without a master, we are without purpose, and Ah am no longer to wander in the dark. Ah have found my master." A roar of applause rang out from below as Zaka's hand stroked her cheek. "I take you gladly to serve my whim, to please me with your zeal and vim." The shaman stepped forward with her assistant, who was carrying a small bowl of body paint. Dipping her fingers into the sticky, slimy murk, she painted a series of stripes on Applejack's body, making her stand so that her cutie mark could be covered. The shame she felt was immeasurable, and she didn't think she could hold herself from fighting back and tossing the shaman off the balcony if Bitch hadn't been holding her hand so tightly. "These two are joined forevermore!" called the shaman as the crowd erupted in applause. "To the first child of their score! Now it's time to kiss your spouse and allow him the fire in your loins to douse." The slaves standing behind Zaka pulled away his cloak, revealing his cock and balls, cleaned, oiled and ready for use. Bitch, with a sigh of relief, pulled Applejack's veil aside. She leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his scrotum, kissing and licking it slowly and sensually. She wanted it to just be over, but the ceremony wasn't over until he filled her womb. If she could do that in a single shot, then she could leave. Bitch helped her, of course, reaching down between her legs and rubbing her clit. She belonged to Applejack as of this moment, and her own vows that she'd taken decades ago pushed her to pleasing her mistress. She knew Applejack wouldn't enjoy this, but if she could make the experience less horrible, she would. In this case, it meant causing Applejack to be as wet as possible before insertion for easier access. After a few moments, Applejack took the head of the cock into her mouth and sucked it down. Already having multiple wives and several slaves to pleasure him whenever he desired, Zaka had acquired a resistance to stiffening up, meaning she had to suck hard to make it stiff. Applejack had taken a few partners to bed over the years, but never one that was this resilient. He could probably last for hours. And he would, had this been a lesser mare. Thinking about her sister, and how she needed to find her, Applejack gave everything she had, and when she came up for air after deepthroating him on the first try, the crowd was silent. They'd never seen their ruler grow an erection this fast, nor had they expected Applejack to take his entire length on the first try. Even the shaman's assistant had to pick up his jaw after dropping it. The slaves that had taken Zaka's cloak came back with two belts secured with lengths of rope, wrapping them around the waists of the couple and tying the other ends to a wall anchor. Bitch led Applejack to the edge of the balcony and bent her over the railing. Even with the belt around her waist, Applejack was certain she was going to fall. This feeling was not abated as Zaka's cock slipped into her pussy, pushing her even further forward. If she were not tied to the wall anchor, and he were to let go of her hips, she had nothing stopping her from plummeting to the ground five floors below. He pulled back slowly, then slammed forward, causing her breasts to swing around over the crowd. Her bells rang out over them as they cheered, tossing confetti and streamers and such into the air in celebration. Now that she was leaning over the balcony, she could see the crowd much more clearly. Several of the zebras were now engaging in sexual congress with their own slaves, possibly hoping to create offspring that shared a birthday with the royal child she would be gifted today. There was little to do now but wait, and while she did, she tried to imagine a better time in a better place, where she could give consent without being under duress. She closed her eyes and imagined that she was being treated well by a kind stallion who'd broken an axle on his cart just outside of town and had bought her lunch in exchange for towing him to the mechanic. One thing led to another, and he'd stayed overnight. It was difficult to keep the thought active, though, as Zaka was very rough and forceful with his thrusts, a large crowd below was moaning in an orgy, and a string of slaves behind her were being berated and abused by the private guests. This was no joyous day, but her own personal hell. > Chapter the Fifteenth: Wedded Bliss > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zaka shoved his cock back inside of Applejack's pussy. She wasn't allowed to leave until he at least tried to knock her up. His first batch of seed, he'd sprayed all over the crowd below, showering them in royal cum to their elation. His second load had painted her back and then dripped down. His third had gone up her arse, much to her agonizing pain. She'd never done anal before, and the largest amount of preparation he had done for her was to have a slave oil up his balls half an hour before the ceremony started. He was panting and puffing by now, and she knew he was running out of stamina, so she just had to hope that this was the one. She'd been shaking so much, and her internal organs had been shifted so much that she felt once again that she may vomit. The only thing stopping her was a lack of content in her stomach. He had opted to keep her hungry until they were officially married, in case she tried to back out. She could feel his shaft pulsing again. She lowered her head in shame, and wordlessly hoped that this would be it, asking that Big Mac and Granny forgive her for what she was doing, and more specifically, how she was doing it. He slammed his hips against hers, his flare pressing against her womb as his urethra poked into her cervix, flooding her with his cum. She felt every spurt, every burst of his seed with the pulsing of his cock. He leaned down on top of her, using his hips to clamp her against the railing as his hands reached forward and groped her breasts, wiggling them and ringing her bells as his cock slowed its pulsing before it softened. "And with that, she's carrying my child!" he called to the masses below. "I will join you all tonight in celebration most wild!" Applause and cheers exploded out beneath them as he pulled Applejack back into the safety of the room. Many of the private guests had brought slaves of their own and were making use of their bodies, others were borrowing some of Zaka's for the same purpose. Zaka licked Applejack's neck before pushing her away. "Go to your room and collect your things. You're being moved to a private wing." Applejack nodded and left the room with Bitch following right after. She was Zaka's bride, now, and that afforded her some special privileges. As long as she wore the stripes, she could not be touched by many of the guards, and needed no escort, other than Bitch, as she knew the palace better than Applejack, having spent most of her life inside of it. Until Applejack knew the place better, Bitch was going to be her guide. It didn't take long for Bitch and Applejack to pick up all of her belongings. They could all fit in a small box, and mostly consisted of what clothing she was allowed to wear, followed by cleaning and maintenance products for her skin, mane and tail, and finally some jewelry that she had little choice but to wear. Before they left, Applejack contemplated putting on more clothing to keep her body covered. She had to have her back open now, as that kept her safe from the guards, though. Besides, she needed a shower, first. Putting on a shirt would only make it something Bitch would have to wash for her. They made their way up to the room Bitch had prepared. Applejack had not requested anything fancy or grand, just a bed big enough for two. The idea was that she could share it with Bitch, who would otherwise be required to sleep on the floor. It did have its own bathroom, though, and also had the royal body paint that would be putting stripes on her back every time she cleaned herself. "How do you feel?" asked Bitch. "You're now free to move about most of the palace at your leisure, excluding a few rooms. You're even allowed to go out into town with a guard escort." "Ah feel like shit," shuddered Applejack. "Ah can't believe what Ah just did, in front of so many ponies." "And zebras," reminded Bitch. "Also, gryphons, zebragriffs, mules..." "You're not helping." Bitch huffed. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend. I've never felt freedom on this scale, let alone on par with yours. I can visit the garden now! I know you think that's mundane, but it's huge for me." "It's pretty big for me, too," snorted Applejack. "Discounting what just happened, it's been over a year since Ah last seen the sun." Bitch smiled. "I would take you out there, but with the orgy, I don't think it'd be very enjoyable for you. I know what we're doing tomorrow, though." "Then it's settled," smiled Applejack in turn, wrapping an arm around Bitch's shoulders. "For today, though, what say we clean up a bit? Ah don't wanna be covered in cum all day." Giggling, the mares stepped into the shower and took turns scrubbing each other until they were clean. It was the first time Applejack had seen her without stripes, and the dye was so stuck on that there would be no issue repainting it. She also took a look at her cutie mark, and found that it was a steel collar and a leash. The body rubbing didn't stop in the shower, either. After they were dry, they had to repaint their stripes. Applejack repainted Bitch's, and Bitch did the same for Applejack, being slower and more intimate than the priestess had. It took a minute or two to dry, but soon it was stuck on once more. They retired to the bed. Bitch had only ever felt it as she was changing the sheets or cleaning it. This was her first time lying down on a mattress in over a decade, and she moaned like a whore as it supported her back. "Nothing could be better than this," she panted, closing her eyes. "Oh, no?" smirked Applejack, lowering her face between her knees. As her tongue dragged along Bitch's folds, she took a deep breath. Even as used and experienced as she was, no resident, guard nor guest had ever tried to make sex pleasurable for her. If Applejack was wanting this, Bitch could not refuse, but neither was she wanting to, this time. Applejack had been good to her, and she put her faith in her. If this is what she wanted, Bitch had to trust that Applejack would retain her loyalty. > Chapter the Sixteenth: Purchase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom kneeled down in line with all of the other girls. This was a weekly occurrence for her anymore, give or take a few days in either direction, since she had finished her training a few days before her nineteenth birthday. She and all other fully trained slaves were lined up and made to strip and assume the same position. They would drop to their knees, hold their arms behind their back with their chests out and their heads down. They were to hold this position until told to do otherwise. Apple Bloom hated doing this. Despite how infrequently and intermittently it happened, she was always expected to return to her work immediately after. Some of these sessions took hours while the buyers negotiated, and she would have to sit there on her knees in the same position the whole time. When they were done talking, despite a several hour delay that she could not plan for, she was still expected to complete her work. Sometimes, she'd even miss her dinner because of it. She didn't know who had come to look at her this time. She never knew who it was. At best, she could see their feet and hear their voice, but as she was not allowed outside of the building, she couldn't connect their feet or voice to a name or face. She had no way of knowing who was standing in front of her at any given time. Today, she opted to look at the feet of the pony in front of her. They were grey and calloused, not protected by shoes, but he was wearing shin guards. This type of clothing was typical of zebras, but the colour of his feet detailed that he was not actually a zebra. Likely, he was a pony like her. "My master would like this one, I think," he said, standing in front of Apple Bloom. "Tell me, slave, do you have any experience with farm work?" Apple Bloom nodded. She was not allowed to speak during these unless she was asked a question that required more than a yes or no. "What's your name?" "Whatever my master wishes it to be, sir." "What is your experience with farming?" In the past, Apple Bloom had puffed up her chest with pride, but the whip had taught her to remain still. "Before I became a slave, I was a farmer, sir. After that, I was sometimes assigned to yard work by the staff here." "Where were you a farmer?" "Ponyville, sir." There was a pause. "What was your name?" "Apple Bloom, sir." There was a pause, and then some scribbling before he walked down the line. What struck Apple Bloom as odd was that he'd chosen to interview her, but had not asked anyone else anything. When he reached the end of the line, he asked to see the other slaves in the other wings, prompting himself, the headmaster, and the headmaster's personal slave to move to another room to interview more slaves. They were still under guard supervision, and none of them said a word or moved, other than Genevieve. With only slight movements undetectable unless you were looking for them, Apple Bloom twisted her head a few degrees to her right and strained her peripheral vision to see Gen's claws. "That was weird," signed Gen. "Do you know him?" "How would I?" signed Apple Bloom back. "I only saw his feet." "Yes, but you might have seen them before." "No, I don't know who he is." "I think he likes you." "I think he's stupid. There are plenty of ponies here that are better gardeners than I." "Bullshit." No more words were exchanged, neither verbally nor in sign language. They just sat there in silence for the next hour and a half as the purchaser and headmaster walked around the other wings, discussing the purchase of other slaves. When they finally came back, the slaves were dismissed immediately. When they retired to their rooms for the night, one of the guards came by, aside from the usual ones. "Tomorrow, one of you leaves this room. This is your last night, Apple Bloom. In the morning, you and your stuff are to gather in the front, without any huff." The news came as a bit of a shock to everyone in the room, and was met with mixed feelings. Obviously, they all wanted to know that Apple Bloom was going somewhere better, and some of them expressed excitement and hope. Others were more aware that Apple Bloom was actively shielding them from punishments, and they would suffer more with her gone. Others yet were either wishing that they had been chosen, and the rest were glad they hadn't. Gen was clearly ambivalent to this. On one hand, she was about to be separated from Apple Bloom. Ever since Sandstorm had been sold, Apple Bloom had been her only friend. Of course she wanted what was best for Apple Bloom, but she wanted that to mean that they went out together. After the lights went out, Apple Bloom went to bed, but Gen came up with her. "Gen, you know what'll happen if the guards catch us like this," she whispered. "If they catch me, that's fine. You're not bound to their rules as of tomorrow. Just one night. That's all I want." As Gen's claws gently ran down Apple Bloom's body, she nuzzled her neck with her beak. Apple Bloom let out a small moan. They'd done this before a few times, and it had only brought them closer. Now that they were about to be separated, Apple Bloom couldn't deny Gen's feelings. "Okay, but keep quiet. Ah don't want your last memory of me to be tainted." She rolled over and pulled off her shift. Gen had climbed into bed naked, making it much easier for Apple Bloom to grab her breasts. Her lips pressed to Gen's beak as she pulled the gryphon up on top of her, their tongues turning into a pair of writhing tentacles as Apple Bloom's hands slowly ran down Gen's body, gripping her arsecheeks as they moaned into each other's mouths. "No fair," breathed Gen, pushing her hips into Apple Bloom's hands. "You know I'm sensitive there..." "You gonna do somethin' 'bout it?" teased Apple Bloom between kisses. "Yeah," smirked Gen, digging her claws into Apple Bloom's snatch. "I'm going to finger you." > Chapter the Seventeenth: Goodbye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen pushed her claws up into Apple Bloom's pussy, wiggling them around inside of her. Being a slave, any sharpness that had been on her claws had been blunted down right after her arrival, and had not been allowed to be sharp since. She had sharpened them at one point, but having spent a day in the steam cells and having the claws filed down to where the tips of her fingers were extremely sensitive, she never tried that again. "You like that?" she moaned quietly. "You like having me inside of you?" Apple Bloom nodded, biting her lip and spreading her legs. "Deeper..." "As you command, mistress," smirked Gen. She'd wanted to be a pleasure slave, and had spent a lot of her adult life pleasuring the guards, either to satiate her own desires or to help Apple Bloom protect the others in Sandstorm's absence by way of providing a distraction. But it was different with Apple Bloom. She didn't want to keep Apple Bloom in the dark, but she did want to distract her. For tonight, she wanted to make Apple Bloom forget that they may never see each other again, but she also wanted to make sure she remembered why she would want to. Gen pulled back her claws and sucked them clean, licking her beak. "You taste so sweet, just like your name implies." Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. Gen had used that line before, and even though it was cheesy, it made her smirk every time. Gen dug in her tongue, slurping and suckling on Apple Bloom's clit, with only her thumb and tongue going in. She loved seeing her lover wriggle, whoever that may be. Apple Bloom just happened to be the cutest among them. Despite how sharp Gen's beak looked, if she relaxed, it was soft enough to be flexible. She could rip a rabbit to shreds, and moments later, have a cock down her throat, checking to ensure that she had no gag reflex. Lots of practice ensured that she hadn't bitten anypony in months. Accidentally, anyway. Apple Bloom, despite regularly being used for sex, was not as accustomed to it. She was often trying to avoid it and do other work, but knowing that she was going to be called to suck a zebra's cock was often just seen as being something she had to do sometimes, and she would avoid it when she could. But she liked Gen. Gen never made the experience uncomfortable. She was lucky to have somepony like that. "Flip around," commanded Apple Bloom when next Gen came up for air. "Let's do this right." "As mistress commands," smiled Gen, crawling around Apple Bloom's bed until she was straddling her face. "Does mistress like my arse?" Apple Bloom didn't respond verbally, grabbing ahold of Gen's buttocks and pulling them apart with her fingers. Instead, she pressed her lips against her cloaca, and through there, they were connected. As Gen pushed her entire beak into Apple Bloom, the circuit was finished. Apple Bloom was already close, having been on the receiving end of Gen's primary assault. While she felt the need to make up the difference, she was not required to do so. Even if you were a pleasure slave, the owners didn't care if you felt good. If the slave reached the height of pleasure, that just meant more cleanup, so it was often discouraged, but some mares thought it was worth wiping it off the floor if it meant a brief few seconds of happiness. Still, Apple Bloom was who she was. That meant that she wasn't going to consider the night finished until Gen was satisfied. This was the last night for the two of them, after all. She might never have the chance to make it right if she didn't tonight. It wasn't long before Apple Bloom came, mashing her face into Gen's tail feathers to muffle herself. Despite this, Gen didn't let up at all, pressing her tongue hard against the now tender area. She didn't actually have the opportunity to pull away, as Apple Bloom's thighs had clamped down on her head, holding her close. It took several minutes of buildup, but Apple Bloom was eventually able to coax a climax out of Gen. It felt as though she had been holding off, and with her contractions, Apple Bloom knew why. The remnants of at least half a dozen zebra ejaculates were crammed up there from the last two days, that being the last time they'd showered. They only did so twice a week to save water. Still, Apple Bloom lapped it up, swallowing as the slaves are oft forced to do. "They try'na put a kid in ya?" Gen pulled her face up. "I don't think they care. If they don't claim it, I have to be the one to take care of it, and that means more labour for me. If they do claim it, it'll be raised away from me, and probably end up driving slaves like whoever the father is. It depends on who owns me at the time." "For what it's worth, I kind of hope it's the latter." "Really?" Apple Bloom nodded, rubbing her face against Gen's thigh to communicate that. "Maybe they won't want slaves. Then they can just work for a living in a society that respects them as a normal being with rights and such." Gen shook her head. "As long as I don't have to suck my son's cock. Then again, forcing my daughter to follow in my path would be harrowing. I guess you're right." They both managed to climax once more each, then Gen curled her arms around Apple Bloom's waist from behind, operating as the big spoon. Her body was warm, creating a pleasant embrace. Apple Bloom's body was coated with a thin layer of fur, but Genevieve's soft down trapped her body heat and made her hugs all the warmer and softer. "Gen?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for tonight. I really needed this." Gen kissed her neck. "I am happy to be of service, mistress." "I'm going to miss you. If ever we meet again, this is how I want to remember you." "We'll see each other," she promised. It's been ten years, but when your sister busts us all out of here, I'm going to help her find you." Apple Bloom shook a bit in fear. It had been too long. Applejack had not made it yet, meaning she couldn't come. Whatever happened from this point on, Apple Bloom had to look out for herself, using the wisdom she'd received from her family. She was a fully-grown mare now. It was time she acted like it. > Chapter the Eighteenth: Going Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom stepped naked into the reception area. All of her school-issued belongings had been returned, including her dining set and clothing. All she had now was a small collection of items that the school was not expecting to have returned: A toothbrush, a showering rag and a handful of hair ties. If her new owner wanted her to wear a dress and eat at a table or wear only a collar and eat out of a dog bowl, that was their choice. They had complete control over her daily life as soon as they picked her up. She kneeled down in the waiting area in front of the chairs. Those were for guests, and she was property. There were two guards in the room, one of which marked something off his clipboard, likely noting that she had arrived. It was fair to guess that he was responsible for making sure she was properly secured to whatever vehicle was going to take her away. "Apple Bloom?" Apple Bloom looked up. Coming in from another wing, she saw a face she hadn't seen since she came in. "Sweetie Belle?" "I can't believe it's you! Where have you been all this time?" "Ah wasn't allowed to leave D wing." Sweetie Belle kneeled down next to her. Her breasts were huge, but it didn't at all compare to her belly. She was clearly carrying a foal in there. Something else was made clear, too. Her horn had been caged. Her new owner likely had the key already, assuming it hadn't been broken. "D wing? I was told that's where all the bad slaves are." "Sounds about right. Ah would'a said troublemakers, but eh..." "Do you think we were bought by the same buyer?" Apple Bloom huffed. "Ah don't think fate's that kind." "Well, Silver Spoon and I are going to the same place. Maybe the same guy bought you. He was kinda cute, actually." "The one that came by yesterday?" Sweetie Belle nodded. "Isn't that right, Silver?" Behind Sweetie Belle's enhanced girth, a petite-looking Silver Spoon kneeled. She looked down at the floor, seemingly upset about something, but as soon as Sweetie asked, she nodded wordlessly. "Ah only saw his feet," admitted Apple Bloom. "Ah guess, since we're the bad slaves, that we're hit harder for misbehavin'." The front door opened, and a mare poked her head in, nodding to the clipboard guard, who turned over his clipboard to her. She stepped in, revealing herself as a yellow pegasus with bright red hair. "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Spoon. Come with me, please." While they doubted that this mare was their owner, being only a slave, herself, the three of them stood up and followed her out the door. There was a carriage awaiting them, much nicer than the one that brought them there. What few belongings they had were taken from them and stored in the back compartment as they climbed in and sat down as directed. The mare climbed in after them as the pair of drivers turned and pulled them away. "I'm Calla Lily," introduced the mare. "I don't mind if you continue your conversation, but if you don't want me involved, let me know." "Ah don't mind," said Apple Bloom. "Neither do I," agreed Sweetie. "You look familiar," came Silver's response. Lily smiled. "You'll find out why soon enough, I think. The master will tell you." Sweetie gasped. "You were a florist! My sister visited you all the time!" Lily nodded. "My shop is a pivot pump now." Apple Bloom's eyes lit up. "Are we goin' ta Ponyville?" "What's left of it, yeah." The carriage fell silent as the girls looked to each other. Silver Spoon now looked hurt, and rather than holding her hooves behind her back, she crossed them over her stomach and leaned forward, as if she'd just been struck. "What's wrong?" asked Apple Bloom. "Diamond Tiara sold her out," informed Sweetie Belle. "They were trying to escape the siege together, and Silver helped Diamond up on top of the wall. When Diamond was supposed to turn around and bring Silver Spoon with her, she ran, instead, saving herself and leaving Silver Spoon behind to be captured by the zebras." Apple Bloom swallowed hard. "Shit. Ah'm sorry ta hear that." "It still hurts," sniffled Silver, receiving a hug from Sweetie Belle. "You're best friends with someone for years, and then she just quits you when the trouble comes. She had four minutes to pull me up; the zebras hadn't even found us yet. She just ran off, probably found her parents, and they bought their way out." "Well, they're not in Ponyville," smiled Lily. "That's some solace, right?" Silver Spoon turned her head away. "I guess..." Apple Bloom turned and looked out the window. They weren't out of the Zebrican Empire yet, and if the borders had changed, they might not ever be. She could infer that Ponyville belonged to the zebras now, but something was odd about it. Everypony in this carriage was from Ponyville. It was a few hours of riding before they arrived. In that time, Lily had explained their roles, with Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon being farm workers, and Sweetie being a pleasure slave. She was going to spend a lot of time off her feet, anyway, being pregnant, so lying on her back or sitting down was preferable. When they did arrive, the carriage kept going until they arrived at what had once been Sweet Apple Acres. Certainly, there were zebras about, but most of the slaves seemed to be in a good mood, and kept in line by other slaves, as Sandstorm had kept the rest of Apple Bloom's room in line. The barn at Sweet Apple Acres had been rebuilt, and surrounding it were some very young apple trees. Further out from them, the older ones showed some clear signs of fire damage, but it was old damage, something from a time long ago. They all fell to their knees, with the exception of Lily, as their new master approached. Apple Bloom recognized the feet from yesterday. "Welcome to your new lives, girls. I understand that you are used to a certain way of living. Hopefully, that acclimation will change, as you now belong to me. You will have no work today, as you are going to be oriented properly, first. You will also be fitted for your uniforms and given a physical examination. Tomorrow, I will assign you your duties. I hope you will come to enjoy your time here in Appleford. "Thank you, Master," the girls said in unison. "You can call me by name," he answered back, "And you can look at me, too. Eye contact is allowed, here." Apple Bloom looked up, and she couldn't believe it. Not only had she become reacquainted with Ponyville, now Appleford, and she'd also been reunited with Sweetie Belle and a likely less hostile version of Silver Spoon, but even her new master was somepony that she used to know. "Rumble?!" > Chapter the Nineteenth: Ponyville Reborn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ah can't believe Rumble's our new owner." Apple Bloom stowed her tiny sack of belongings in her shelf compartment. All slaves were granted a half metre cube of space to store their belongings against the wall of their sleeping quarters. "He's what, eighteen? He's younger than us!" "He may be young," agreed Sweetie, "but since he's from Ponyville, maybe he'll go easier on us because he knows what it's like to lose his home. His house was probably destroyed, too." "I don't remember what he was like," huffed Silver. "Was he nice, or was that just a ruse to lure us into a false sense of security?" Sweetie put her hand on Silver's shoulder. "Come on, Silvy. Not everypony's going to betray you like Diamond Tiara did. I'm still here, aren't I?" Silver nodded, embracing Sweetie in a tender hug. The way they pushed their hips together and the small moan Silver Spoon let out immediately made Apple Bloom remember Gen's body. She had to find somepony to satisfy her all over again. She shook the thought from her mind, fully aware that, because she knew nopony here after years of being separated, she would have to make friends before she could make love to any of them. For now, it was just the zebras, at their discretion. The door opened, and Lily walked in. "I found clothes that should fit you two," she smiled, beckoning Silver and Apple Bloom over. "Nothing for you, Sweetie, but judging by the size of that bump, you're going to change sizes again soon, anyway." "I'm due next week," she smiled. "One week of no clothing is going to be fine," nodded Lily, giving clothes to the other two. "I will also need to paint your stripes on, so turn away from me and bend forward." It wasn't long before they were all wearing the same stripe pattern, with the exception of Sweetie Belle. The way the patterns worked was to show the owner around the shoulders with their own personalized branding. Below that, on the middle and lower back, was a mark displaying their primary duties. On the arms was a third marking determining whether the bearer was a slave, a free worker, a contractor, or a noble. There were other smaller displays telling any observer information at a glance, but since Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom were owned by the same stallion, both slaves, and both farmers, they had the same marks. Sweetie, being an entertainer, had different lines on her lower back, as did Lily, who was a general-purpose slave. But Lily had different marks on her arms, too, making her a middle management slave. Their first day was a tough one. While they were allowed to talk to each other, Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon didn't have much to say. It was currently spring, so they were planting today on a freshly purchased plot of land. Since Apple Bloom was stronger, she operated the tiller, while Silver Spoon followed behind with the seeder, and a pair of young fillies behind them, no older than fourteen, distributed the water. Rumble watched the whole thing, issuing commands when necessary. While Apple Bloom was tired and being worked very hard, she didn't mind so much. Being well aware of the amount of work that went into running a farm, she took no issue with being told what to do, and if she was good at it, she could be finished before the end of the day. If Rumble was a nice owner, he would give her the rest of the day off for finishing early. Unfortunately for her, he kept telling her to slow her pace so as not to break away from the others. They were all meant to stay together as a group, keeping a safe distance of somewhere between one and two metres from the machines in front of them, and while Silver Spoon managed to keep pace easily, the fillies pulling the water were having a hard time keeping up. This gave Apple Bloom time to look over Rumble's back. On his shoulders, he bore a different mark than the girls, meaning he was owned by a different pony than they were. Initially, she thought this strange, but seeing his arm markings made it clear. Everypony here belonged to Rumble, as he was the highest rank of slave there was. Despite having an owner, he was allowed to own and operate his own force of slaves, so long as he was not in violation of the rules set forth by his own owner, who had to either be nearby, or have a guard to enforce his will. At noon, they took a break. They weren't allowed three meals per day, but Rumble did make sure that they had two. The food was even good. The mashed-up gruel they'd been given at the school had been replaced with pan-fried turnips and carrots. It wasn't great, but it was better than Apple Bloom had eaten in almost a decade, and was very welcome. Just before they went back to work, Apple Bloom rushed in front of Rumble to stop him. "Master, if I may be so bold, I think I know how to help us move this along." Rumble pursed his lips and folded his arms. "I'm listening." "We can tie a rope to the plow, and the other end to the irrigator. Having me help will make it easier for the other two to keep up, and it guarantees that we will all stay together." Rumble pondered for a moment, then let out a sigh. "As much as I think that's a good idea, and as much as I would like to allow you to finish ahead of time, I'm bound by the rulings put in front of me. I'm not allowed to say yes to your idea, as making it easier will not teach them discipline, and will not teach you teamwork. You all have to work hard. Now, let's begin. If you all work hard, we can reach that ideal without the need for rope." Apple Bloom bowed and exposed her back. "Yes, master. I'm sorry for speaking out of turn." There was a brief pause, then Rumble cleared his throat. "Are you going back to work, or do I have to use my whip?" "I thought you were going to, Master. Don't I deserve it?" "Not yet. Hurry up and mount that plow, or you will." Apple Bloom nodded. "Yes, Master." "And you can just call me Rumble..." > Chapter the Twentieth: Invitation to the Barn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rumble didn't watch the group for very long. Perhaps he intended to, but after receiving a notice from Lily, he had her take over the watch while he walked off. This change in supervisor was not really much of a change to Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon at first, but it wasn't long before the fillies started slacking off and pretending to be hurt, or tired. The whining, the mares could stomach. It was how they slowed down that caused them distress. Honestly, right now, Apple Bloom hoped one of the zebras would whip one of these kids, and the other would fall into line. She didn't mind being part of a team, as long as everyone on that team was applying the same amount of effort. Then they came to a full stop. That was agonizing. All Apple Bloom had wanted today was to finish the whole field and be sent back to her quarters to rest. This equipment was heavy, and would be easiest to operate if she kept a steady momentum. Starting and stopping was making her more tired than just pulling it. She could be done in less than an hour if she just did everything herself. That's when her stubborn pride kicked in. "Lily, we have ta stay together or be whupped, right?" "That's right." Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah come from the most ill-behaved group of slaves at the school, and this is the route Ah'm gonna take. Whip me if ya can!" Digging her toes into the soil, she started up immediately and pulled the plow at the speed she had wanted to go at all day, powering through the dirt easily. Silver Spoon thought for a moment and looked back at the fillies that had given up, then to Apple Bloom plowing ahead, then finally to Lily. "I can't fall behind, I'd be holding everypony up." Pushing her planting machine forward, she soon caught up to Apple Bloom just as she was turning a corner. This was much faster, and also easier. It did receive a nasty look from Rumble as he moved past, though, dragging Sweetie Belle behind him. He didn't look angry, just disappointed. Apple Bloom was ready to receive her punishment, though, and Silver Spoon was ready to say that she thought she was doing the right thing by staying close to her. It took almost forty-five minutes to finish all the plowing and seeding, and in that time, the irrigator had barely moved. Apple Bloom hooked herself in and pulled it along as the fillies should have been doing all along, not only carrying the entire apparatus, but dragging the girls along, too, as they rode on top of the yoke. Despite the extra weight, she handled it with relative ease, even without Silver's help, who was just walking beside her. As they rounded the first corner, the barn door opened, and Sweetie walked out, looking excited as she walked away. Rumble followed her out, storming over to the group. "What did I say about staying together?!" he demanded. "What did I say about teamwork?" Silver Spoon fell to her knees. "Master, I tried to stay with my team. But when they went off in opposite directions, I had to make a snap decision, and I opted to stay with the team that would actually finish the job. I was only thinking of how best to serve you, Master." While Apple Bloom was not fond of Silver Spoon, she had made part of the job easier. Perhaps she had learned the lesson about teamwork, in that the entire team has to work. "It was my idea," she growled. "Nopony here except me was misbehavin'. You can punish me all ya want, so long as the first step of that is finishin' this whole field on my own." Rumble shook his head. "You're going to finish on your own," he growled. "Then go back to your quarters with Lily." He turned to Lily. "You're going to make sure she stays there, and you're also going to fill out a full report." Finally, he turned to Silver Spoon. "And you, you're coming to the barn with me, right now." "Y-yes, Master," shivered Silver Spoon, standing up and walking toward the barn. Apple Bloom immediately felt remorse for her. She hadn't wanted to cause trouble for Silver Spoon, and had opted to take all the trouble onto her own shoulders, but it didn't seem to have helped. Under Lily's watchful eye and still carrying two fillies, Apple Bloom finished the job. As soon as she was finished, the two fillies that had been too tired to work sprinted off to their rooms while Apple Bloom put away most of the equipment in their designated sheds. Lily helped, of course, then escorted Apple Bloom back to her quarters. "I know this doesn't mean much coming from me, as I'm being made to keep you here," sighed Lily, "but that was something I've not seen before. Very few ponies I know would brave the lash like that." "Ah learned it from Applejack. If ya finish your work early, you can take some time off later. Ah wanted ta be able to finish before we ran outta daylight. Ah don't fancy plowin' a field after dark." "Nope. That's a safety hazard. For what it's worth, I stand behind your decision." They sat in silence for a few minutes before Silver Spoon came in with Rumble. She sat on her bed, a blank stare on her face. Lily stepped outside the door with Rumble and they talked for a few minutes. Silver said nothing, and as she looked like she was trying to compile her emotions, Apple Bloom left her alone. If she needed a hand to hold, Apple Bloom would stay as long as she could, but that depended on Rumble. Sweetie Belle came in a moment later. "Hey, girls. Busy day?" Apple Bloom snorted. "Glad you're chipper." "I received good news," smiled Sweetie. "I can't say what it is, right now, but there's something good in my future." "Was it that hour you spent in the barn with Rumble?" asked Silver. Sweetie Belle smiled and nodded. "I received the same news, but I don't know if it was good..." "How about you, Apple Bloom?" She shook her head. "Ah haven't been out there yet." "I'm sure he'll take you soon." As if cued by Sweetie Belle's statement, Rumble pushed the door open. "Apple Bloom. Come with me to the barn, now." > Chapter the Twenty-First: Resistance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom wondered what would be out in the barn. It can't have been that bad, because Sweetie Belle had been okay, but Silver Spoon had taken some mild issue with it. She could not guess, as Silver Spoon had changed drastically in the last six years. Sweetie Belle could have changed, too. Maybe she was one of those slaves that liked the whips and chains. The sun had only just set, and Apple Bloom saw the kitchen doors open and several large stock pots leave. On top of all of this, she was about to miss dinner. The light from Rumble's lantern kept her walking straight to the barn, pushing the door open as she arrived, and holding it open for Rumble. "Would Master prefer the door open or closed?" "Closed, and call me Rumble." "Yes, Master Rumble." As soon as the door was closed, Apple Bloom instinctively moved to the center of the room, fell to her knees, folded her arms behind her back, puffed out her chest, lowered her head and closed her eyes. If he was going to need to move her, he would command it. Until then, this was the position decided for her. She heard the sound of the metal lantern clattering against the wooden bench, and then the sound of the same wood creaking as he sat down. "Why'd you do that, Apple Bloom?" he sighed. "I outright told you not to." "Ah wanted to be done, Master Rumble. Ah couldn't wait for the fillies to decide that it was time to work again." "You could have rested, as well," he offered. "Even if you were given conflicting orders by me, I'm not going to punish you for following the more recent ones. I know I said you needed to finish by the end of the day, but I also said to stay together." He sighed again. "I commend your drive to finish up, but I have something in the works that requires first and foremost your patience, followed immediately by your ability to work as a team. I remember what you did for me in the wagon all those years ago, and what I did to you. If you still don't want to be slave, I have a way of making that happen. But in order to do that, you have to work with me. Deal?" Apple Bloom tensed up. She very much wanted to accept, but her training prevented her from looking at him with incredulity. She kept her eyes on the hay scattered over the ground, thinking very seriously about how best to react. In order to show that she was willing to try patience, she took a deep breath and responded slowly. "I would enjoy that very much, Master Rumble." "You don't look like you're excited." "I am awaiting punishment, Master Rumble." "Open your eyes, come here and sit between my knees." Apple Bloom complied, finding that his big black cock had already slipped from its sheathe and pushed aside his loin cloth. He was dressed as a zebra, still, with his shin guards and bracers. The only thing he was missing was the mask, and it was possible that it was hanging in his bedroom. She stared at the cock twitching in front of her. She didn't make a move, as she didn't know if he wanted her to rub it with her hands, squeeze it between her breasts, suck on it, or climb up on top and slide it up her arse. All she could do right now was stare, and note that it was, in her experience, just below average size. "How experienced are you with blowjobs?" he asked. "I need to know how deep you can go." Licking the bottom from the base to the tip, Apple Bloom swallowed the whole thing in three tries, then came back up and pushed all the way back down again. It was easier when wet. The next time she came up, he stopped her, just with the tip in her mouth, which she suckled on like a good slave. "Well done. Are you familiar with morse code at all?" "No, Master Rumble," she said, immediately reattaching her lips as soon as she was done. "Go all the way down, then bob back up, then down, then come up with a slow lick, then take a breath." Apple Bloom did as commanded. She wasn't sure what he was doing, as this can't have been a very good blowjob. "Bob, then lick, lick then bob, and back up for air." This was very confusing. "Once more. Then, after you breathe, bob, lick, bob, bob, breathe. Then bob and breathe and kiss the tip." The next set of instructions were equally odd. Lick, bob, bob, bob, breathe, bob, lick, bob, bob, breathe, lick, lick, lick, breathe, lick, lick, lick, breathe, lick, lick, breathe and finish by licking the balls. There seemed to be no order to it, but there had to have been. Why else would he have commanded such a strange order? "Do you know what you just did?" "Ah sucked your cock, Master Rumble." "You did, yes, but you did even more than that. Your first commands were bob, lick and breathe. Do you know what that means?" "No, Master Rumble." "That's the letter A. What did you do next?" "Ah don't remember, Master Rumble. Ah was followin' your orders, not memorizin' 'em. Ah'll do better next time." "You next did P-P-L-E, then kissed the tip to show a space. You then communicated to me B-L-O-O-M. By licking my balls, you signaled to me that your sentence was done." Apple Bloom's jaw dropped. She had a signature that she could put at the end of every session as she cleaned up her partner, be it her master or a guard. Rumble smirked. "Surprised?" "Very surprised, Master Rumble." "Good. Now, just being able to speak your name in blowjobs is not enough to earn you freedom. In truth, I'm a member of a group of ponies and zebras looking to free ourselves from the control of the current emperor, Zaka. We are made up mostly of elevated slaves and lower-class zebras, but there are some nobles who are members that are vying for the throne. They'll help us if we can put them in power, but we have to help them. If you learn how to do this properly, Apple Bloom; if you learn how to send messages while giving head, then it doesn't matter if the guards are watching you, patting you down, or giving you a cavity check. They will not be able to force any information out of you." "Thank you, Master Rumble." He sighed. "Just Rumble is fine. I'm trying to set you free, here. Do you want in, or don't you?" Apple Bloom nodded. "Yes, Ma-- Rumble." He smiled, then brought her face down to his crotch again. "Keep practising. Bob, then lick, then breathe. That's the first letter of the alphabet. You have until I cum to say "a" as many times as you can." > Chapter the Twenty-Second: Through the Rubble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Settle down, you two. Jericho's tryin' ta sleep." Applejack sat in the carriage next to Bitch with Zaka on the other side. He chuckled at their two children having a shoving match as they bounced along the road. In Applejack's arms sat their third, trying to sleep and feed from his mother's teat at the same time. Being married for several years had taken its toll on Applejack. She'd finally found Apple Bloom a month ago, right before she was sold. By the time her notice had arrived to bring Apple Bloom to the palace, she was gone. "Why is it that you seem dejected?" asked Zaka, looking at her. "Your tears are in my people reflected." "Just thinking of what could have been," deflected Applejack. She didn't want him knowing her thoughts. She'd worked hard to gain his trust enough to allow her a second slot for a personal slave, and she wanted to keep that slot open in case she found her sister again. "Ah guess Ah'm just tryin' ta figure things out for myself." "Don't let your imagination run too wild," he smiled back. It was the same malevolent smile he gave when he wanted something from her; something he would have, because she could not refuse. "Soon, you'll be carrying another child." Applejack sighed and nodded. She didn't know what the point of filling her with children was. He already had two dozen children with his other wives, and the oldest had just turned seventeen. He would be first in line for the throne, followed by so many others that it was unlikely that any of Applejack's offspring would be any higher in status than she had been before the siege. She hoped the best for them, certainly, but none of them would ever wear the crown. Still, she had some importance these days. She had been struck by some of the other wives for being the favourite, as she could tell that they were embarrassed by not being as preferred. It was never a happy time for an orgy to turn into a brawl. "This should provide relief for your being bored," he smirked, pointing out the window. "This is the outskirts of Appleford!" Applejack followed his gaze. She immediately recognized the landscape, even though the buildings were different. This was the exact place where Ponyville had once been. Even her barn was in the same place, though her house was nothing more than a string of sheds filled with machinery. "Can we stop here?" asked Applejack. "Ah need ta see this place." "We're on a time limit that's pretty tight," declined Zaka. "We don't have time now, but on our way back, we might." Applejack nodded and looked out over the fields. She recognized a few of the ponies, and after seeing Silver Spoon closing a barn door, realized that a lot of the others were around Apple Bloom's age, and had grown up. She could probably recognize several others if she knew their names. Suddenly, they ran over a rock, and the resulting jolt knocked her eldest, Lapis, into her youngest, Jericho. Being just a baby who had been sleeping soundly moments ago, Jericho immediately started crying. While Bitch ushered the filly to the other side of the carriage, Applejack tried to calm her child. While he may never wear the crown, she still wanted him to be a happy adult eventually. The carriage continued to go along the road. While it was possible that an Equestrian military force was hiding nearby to ambush them, it wasn't likely. They had eight guards hanging off the carriage at this very moment, and this had been zebra territory for quite some time. Not all of Equestria had fallen, but a large belt had been stretched across it, dividing the country in half. While this did mean that the zebras were fighting on two fronts, it managed to blockade the Equestrian supply lines, and the north was beginning to have thoughts of surrender as more and more ponies came closer to starvation. The road turned north, and began to slow as the slope inclined. Applejack knew this road. It was going to Canterlot. Having to escort a wagonload of apples up here every day for a week while the train lines were being repaired, Applejack certainly understood the strain of the slaves that had to pull them along. When they did arrive, the place was still in mild shambles. Piles of rubble were scattered everywhere, but there was an army of slaves rebuilding the city brick by brick. Some of the buildings had been left standing, but the decorations had been modified. There had been one square in a residential district that used to be a pony holding a pole, from which waved the Equestrian flag. Now that pony had stripes carved into its back, flew the zebrican flag, and had several statues of ponies servicing his manhood, which had not been there before. The castle had been completely rebuilt, and as they pulled up in front of it, Zaka bade everyone to step out. As soon as Applejack's foot hit the ground, she was greeted by a very large, well-fed zebra. "My emperor and his darling wife!" He waddled up and tossed his arms around Zaka's shoulders. "I hope your journey held no strife?" "The roads were smooth and very clear," answered Zaka. "It's not my ire you need fear." The two shared a laugh as they turned and walked up the steps. All but one guard followed them up the steps. The one that stayed escorted the slaves pulling the carriage to the parking area. "For your wife, I would not dare assume," said the zebra nobleman. "Would you like a tour, or just your room?" Applejack shook her head. "Ah think Ah'll just go to our room for now. Ah need to put the little one back ta sleep. Send a slave up later, and have them show me around." Zaka nodded in agreement. "The infant's age is a month and a half. Besides, she's more comfortable around just staff. You needn't worry about her trying to run, just bring her up to the chamber of the sun." A few guards from within the castle stepped forward and showed her up to the room they would be staying in, with Bitch following close behind, holding the hands of the two that were old enough to walk on their own. While Applejack had only seen Celestia's bedroom once before with Twilight and the others, she knew it had changed before she even saw it. With who was in charge of the place, she could have guessed that the white walls were desecrated with black stripes, that the bed came with restraints, and two slaves with ring gags would be waiting for her husband to make use of them, if she didn't, first. > Chapter the Twenty-Third: Performance Art > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom's hands were shaking. For a month, she'd been practising her alphabet twice a day. In the mornings, before work, she would train on a large dildo, and in the evenings, she would show Rumble how much she had learned, then learn something new. So far, the longest sentence she had been able to remember was "Open the window, the eagle is landing." It wasn't a long sentence, but learning an entirely new alphabet was difficult. That sentence was a coded phrase that Rumble wanted her to deliver. She was allowed to know what it said for delivery, but being encoded, she wasn't allowed to know exactly what it meant, as the information was segmented. Rumble had said it had something to do with separating the lock from the key. Even if she was to deliver the message to the wrong recipient, they would have no idea what it meant, and would likely ignore it. Especially if they were not part of the resistance at all, in which case, it would just feel like a normal, if slightly choreographed, blowjob. Silver spook grabbed her hand. "You're going to do fine, Apple Bloom," she assured. "You've practised this way more than the rest of us. That's why you were selected to deliver the message." "Nuh-uh, Sweetie Belle has practised way more than me." "That's true," agreed Sweetie, "but I've also been practising my song and dance. We need somepony to draw the attention of the nobles, and I'm better suited for that. Silver's going to distract the guards so that they can't catch on, and you're going to walk right up to the duke and deliver the message." "It's not the duke that has me on edge," admitted Apple Bloom. "It's his guest. Zaka's gonna be there with one of his wives, and they're gonna be lookin' right at me. As much as Ah want Zaka taken down, Ah think plotting a coup right under his nose is cutting it a little too close." "Rumble wouldn't have set all this up if he didn't think you could do it. He's put a lot of trust and faith in you." Sweetie leaned in and kissed Apple Bloom, lingering for a few seconds as their tongues danced. "And so have we." "We're really counting on you, Apple Bloom," agreed Silver as the carriage came to a stop. "You're going to do great." The door opened, and they fell silent. In hushed tones, they could be drowned out by the rumbling of the wheels, and the guards that were escorting them that could have been listening in were sympathetic to the cause, sent to act as a failsafe in case something went wrong. If Zaka even suspected that one of the slaves was trying to send encoded messages, they would drag the slave off to the dungeon and give them a sound beating. It wasn't great, but it wasn't death. They were escorted inside and quickly changed into their outfits, which were provided for them by the duke himself. As he was in charge of the event, he was the one who decided what they would wear, and they didn't have these outfits in Appleford. Nor did they have manedressers or makeup artists. It took some time, but the girls, along with a plethora of other slaves from other districts, all had their manes and faces changed, their stripes touched up, and brand new outfits. Aside from the stripes marking their place in society, they all looked completely the same, having lost much of their individuality. Sweetie Belle was the first to walk out and take the center of the table. Despite still recovering from giving birth, she had been selected to be the main attraction because she was not only dancing, but singing. She may not have looked the prettiest, but her throat was good for more than just taking cock. Silver Spoon went next, with the largest group. Her orders were to move about the room, offering her services to any non-slave party, whether guards or guests, but not the guest of honour, nor the host. That was Apple Bloom's job. A line had formed in front of the duke of gift slaves; a special selection from each of the various properties under the Duke's control. While he was personally in control of what was once Canterlot, he funded and operated the surrounding area. Even though Rumble owned most of Ponyville, it was the duke who owned Rumble. Apple Bloom watched closely the heads of those who went before her. "The sparrow is nesting, look not." "The groundhog is asleep." "The snake is hdnting." She was sure that the last one was supposed to say "hunting," but the deliverer looked to be a bit young, especially compared to the other two. Granted, she looked to be a year older than Apple Bloom, herself, but she'd messed up. Apple Bloom couldn't shake the feeling that she was going to mess up, as well. It was her turn next. As she approached, she noted that Zaka, sitting right next to the duke, has his rod buried in the muzzle of a buxom blonde, probably his wife. She couldn't see her face, but she hoped that whoever it was was there by choice. She kneeled down in front of the duke, adopting the forced accent that she'd had to use in front of the headmaster. She didn't feel the need to strain herself for Rumble, but the duke may not appreciate her flavour. "I have been sent by my master to pleasure you, sir. Shall I begin?" The duke nodded and waved her closer. As she wrapped her lips around the duke's shaft, she suddenly thought back to Applejack. Would she be proud to see that she was fighting to free the slaves? Or would she be ashamed to see her little sister sucking cock for no pay? She closed her eyes and tried to focus on her message. "Open the win..." She didn't make it very far before she could feel Zaka's gaze on her. She stopped and looked up at him, the fear in her eyes very apparent. She slowed her pace significantly. "Window. The eagle..." He knew. He knew what she was doing. He was scowling down at her now. Swallowing her fear, she charged onward. "Is landing." As she licked his balls, the duke waved her away. If she was going to be disposed of now, she could stomach that. She did what she had to do. Ponies would be freed, thanks to her, even if she wasn't going to be among them. > Chapter the Twenty-Fourth: Formality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Zaka came in her mouth, Applejack picked herself up and turned around. The fifth slave for the duke to inspect was walking up with the fourth disappearing behind a curtain. She slid her husband's cock into her pussy and went all the way down. She'd been fingering herself and thinking of Bitch while she blew him, so she was sufficiently wet to accept his mass. "These slaves are giving you the strangest head," said Zaka, turning to the duke. "Do their superiors not take them into their bed? They could all use a decent amount of retraining, else you'll be out of luck when your balls need draining." The duke waved his hand, brushing off the comment. "There's more to life than just having sex. These girls were picked to run my farming complex. They do the work and I reap the reward, and then a great many more slaves I can afford." Zaka folded his arms. "But can you derive pleasure from a slave so inept? Unskilled as they are, it's a wonder you've slept. Their skills are unsuitable for keeping your bed warm. How do you expect to fare in a storm?" "These walls are made from a strong, sturdy brick. Aside from looking nice, they're also quite thick. The four tallest towers are strapped with a rod. At the top of each one, an antenna quite broad. Any lightning that should rain from above runs down a wire, and into the ground is shoved." "What do you do when it starts to turn cold? Will you shiver and shake like you're suddenly old?" "Milord, I respect that you care for my health, but should I need heating, I can use my wealth. There are ceramic radiators all over this place, from the room that is yours to the pits of disgrace." "Is that where you send slaves that cannot behave? A warm, cozy room, not cold as the grave?" "You give too little credit; it is not a kind shelter. In those cells, they will sweat in the swelter. Coming from that to the sting of the snow, the correct way to act is what they will know." Applejack had come to expect this from Zaka and his ilk by now. While she had never been locked in the reflective heat chambers in the dungeon of Zaka's own castle, Bitch had been several times and described it as one of the most horrifying experiences a slave can experience. It was a very damaging process that left the body intact, and made every touch hurt. Even a kiss would be agonizing. In rare cases, it could even fry the mind of the pony trapped inside. As soon as he came inside of her, she turned around again and sucked him clean. Master, Ah need ta go check on your kids. May Ah be excused?" With Zaka's nod of approval, he waved another slave over to take her place. With a guard escorting her she made her way up the stairs to the chamber of the sun. In truth, she knew that Bitch could handle most of the problems that could arise, but with Jericho being so fresh from her womb, he needed his mother to feed him. He didn't need feeding at the moment, but it was an honest excuse for her to come up here and stay for a while. "How was the party?" "Dreadful," sighed Applejack. "Ah hate these events. They're never any good, and all that Zaka wants ta talk about is sex, slaves, and sex slaves. Honestly, Ah think the duke brought up a good point about how the slaves should be makin' money for their captors, rather than just bein' used for sex." Bitch looked up at her and placed a hand on Applejack's thigh. "I know you enjoyed the farm life, but being a royal wife is not too bad, either. Aside from the perpetual pregnancy, you're a sex slave that's only used by one being against your will, and you have two slaves of your own that you can use however you wish. If you demanded that I grow carrots and sell them for profit, you could be doing the same thing the duke is." "Yeah, but Ah wouldn't be earning the money, you would. And any money Ah took from you would go straight ta Zaka. Ah wouldn't see any of it." "Yeah," sighed Bitch. "By the way, don't actually do that. I have no idea how to grow or sell carrots." Applejack shook her head. "It's easy once ya know what you're doin'. But Nah, Ah ain't gonna do that to ya. Ah need ya here with the kids even more. Besides, If Ah was gonna make money with ya, Ah'd find a way that you enjoy that Ah could help with." Bitch placed her cheek against Applejack's thigh and gently rubbed her face against it. "I know you would, love." She sighed. "If only life were so kind as to allow that..." They sat in silence for a moment, watching the older children play their board game. "Why did you want to stop in Appleford?" asked Bitch after a few minutes. "I realize that it was named after you, but other than that, what did you want to see about it?" Applejack smiled. "Ah used ta live there. Did ya see that barn?" "I did." "It may not be the same one, but Ah built three of them right in that very spot. That was a long time ago, though." "Three of them?" "The first one was eaten by parasprites, one was so damaged in a storm that it had ta be demolished and rebuilt, and the last one we crashed a wagon into at a family reunion. The sheds, or at least the plot they're sittin' on, used ta be my house, and all a' them trees in the orchard were tended to regularly by yours truly. We also sold our crop, just like the duke's doing with it now." "So, you like what he's done with the place?" Applejack shook her head. "Granted, he's usin' the land smarter than what Zaka would do, but Ah can't really stand in favour of slave labour." "And how much are you paying me?" joked Bitch. The question managed to draw a chuckle out of Applejack as she brushed her mane. "Ah'm serious, though. Ah would work most of the land myself, and ask if ya wanted ta help." "I would. I think you'd be fair. Even if not, I know you'd give me somewhere to sleep." They shared a hug, which turned into an embrace, with Bitch moving to sit in Applejack's lap. As awful as their situations were, they had each other, at least. > Chapter the Twenty-Fifth: Return to Rumble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom stared at the floor of the carriage, holding back her tears. The party had been two days ago, and she'd been absent all that time. She had nervously tried to back away to escape Zaka's line of sight, and had tripped over a guard, kicking him in the process. While she had begged his forgiveness and offered to suck his dick to make up for it, he was having none of that, and took her aside to give her a good spanking. When he was done, he had offered her up to the other guards, who had held her and used her. Even as she begged to go back home, they scolded her for inferring that under them was not her home. It was a few days before one of them noticed that she didn't actually belong to the duke; Rumble's mark was kind of similar. He reported this to the duke, who opted to personally escort her back to Appleford, as he needed to speak with Rumble. "Why should you be so upset?" asked the duke, drawing Apple Bloom out of her thoughts. "You haven't even thanked me yet." Without a word, Apple Bloom sank to her knees and pushed his loin cloth aside. "Thank you, sir," she said, kissing his cock. "Thank you for taking me from the guards. Thank you for bringing me back to Appleford. Thank you for letting me be near you. Thank you for letting me suck your cock." Between each sentence, she gave him another kiss, and at the last one, she sucked him into her mouth. As she didn't have to deliver a message this time, she just went for what she thought would feel good. The duke let out a satisfied moan. He leaned back and enjoyed himself. "It's been a few months since that town was restored. Tell me, do you like living in Appleford?" "Yes, sir," she said, only coming up long enough to speak before going right back down. "You're a pleasant little whore. What about the town do you adore?" Apple Bloom had to switch to a rubbing it with her breasts. "The whole place is very clean, from the buildings to the air. My master treats us better than my old masters did, and the other girls are very friendly." "You tell me that he treats you good, but that may be a bit misunderstood. If his grace, as you claim, is ample, why don't you give me a good example?" Apple Bloom swallowed. The claim she was about to make was a bold one, but she was a bold mare. "When the guards pull us aside to pleasure them, they are not allowed to beat us for not finishing our work in a timely manner, at least insofar as the time we set aside for them." The duke chuckled, meaning he both understood to what she was referring, and also forgave her brashness. "And what of your master? Rumble, I think? How well do both of your personalities sync?" "He says regularly that I do a good job, sir. I know he thinks I need more training, but he praises me when I do well, and when I do poorly, he makes me do it again over and over until I can do it properly." "You seem to enjoy Appleford. Would you do more to please your lord?" "I do owe him that much, after all..." The duke looked out the window. "We'll be arriving soon; pick up the pace. I want you to wear it all over your face." Apple Bloom did as she was told, and when the carriage came to a stop, she kneeled down behind the duke when he stepped out of the carriage. Her face turned red as Rumble approached. "Where have you been, Apple Bloom?!" he demanded. "You're two days late!" "My apologies, master," she answered. "It won't happen again." "Don't berate her to hard," smirked the duke, placing a hand on Rumble's shoulder, "it wasn't her fault that a bunch of my guards locked her up in a vault. If she can be believed, she tried to come back, but her weekend was a blur of just white and black." Rumble looked down at Apple Bloom. She was the most diligent, well-behaved and fair worker he had. She was covered head to toe in cum and seemed as if she was about to cry. She loved being here, and she would likely try to come back if she could. "Go hose yourself off," he said finally, "then report to my farmhouse for your report." "Yes, Master," she said, walking off. "She didn't cause you too much trouble, did she?" asked Rumble as she walked away. "No, not at all," answered the duke, grabbing his shoulder and walking in the opposite direction. "Her boobjob was bliss. But if I hadn't found her, she'd be drowning in..." They were too far away to hear now. It wasn't Apple Bloom's place to listen in, but to clean herself. Rumble would decide what to do with her later. She stepped into the shower. The water was exceptionally cold as it ran across her skin, but she was glad to have it, as well as a long-handled brush to scrub away the residue. As it disappeared, so did the makeup she'd been wearing, and she was finally allowed to take her mane out of that tangled weave. Her mane had been bound so tightly to her scalp and pulled over and over that the entire area was sore, and a look in the mirror showed several small bruises, as well as a big one on her cheek from being repeatedly slapped by the guards. Once she was clean, she made her way to Rumble's farmhouse. It was similar to the slave quarters, but much larger. He had his own lavatory with an included bathtub and shower, a kitchenette, a bedroom all to himself with a big bed, and a red room in which to punish bad slaves, which he usually opted to do out in the barn. In most circumstances, he wanted to keep the slaves out of his house unless they were cleaning it, which was not done very often. She situated herself in the restraints, waiting for him to either strap her down for a good whipping, or order her to do something else. "--hold the line steady," finished the duke, stepping out of Rumble's bedroom. "And it seems to be that she is ready." Rumble followed the duke out into the red room. "I'll start immediately, master. I will have at least two by the end of the day. I think five is where I will stop for now, and I'll let you know if that changes." > Chapter the Twenty-Sixth: Bonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the duke was gone, Rumble tuned to Apple Bloom. "Come here," he commanded. Apple Bloom stood up and moved in front of him. She was about to drop to her knees again when he grabbed her and hugged her. "I was afraid I'd lost you," he exhaled. "What happened to you?" Apple Bloom told the whole story while Rumble rubbed her back. The entire time, he was slowly moving her into the bedroom, eventually sitting her down on the bed. By the time she finished, she had her head against his chest, and he was holding her by the shoulders. "Since you were honest with me, I'm not going to hold the few days of missed work against you." "Thank you, Rumble," she sniffled. "Ah appreciate it." "Would you like to have the rest of the day off too, or would you prefer to go back to normal work?" Apple Bloom looked up at him. "What do ya mean?" Rumble lay back on the bed. "The duke just gave me new orders. I'm required to oblige, as he is my master. I promised him two by the end of the day and five by the end of the week. You and Sweetie Belle are the two most likely candidates to be chosen, but if you want to refuse, I can find somepony else." "What orders?" "Zaka saw the head that the duke received, and he was unimpressed. Of course he was, as you had to perform precise movements. He's concerned that the duke doesn't have enough sex with his slaves, but as the duke has well over a thousand, that'd be incredibly difficult. That's why he has ponies like me. So Zaka decreed that the duke had to train the slaves for better sex, and he pawned that task off on us. Us, being the supervisors. He's just commanded that I start my own harem." He smacked the bed. "I think it'll be difficult, but perhaps I can fit six bodies in this bed without it collapsing." "And how does that change the amount of work Ah have ta do?" Rumble shrugged. "I'll take some of your other duties and replace them with harem duties. Plus, the duke said he'd be willing to send more aid if we give him an heir from our offspring." Apple Bloom's face turned pale. "You just wanna give him our children?" Rumble vehemently shook his head. "No, no, no. Well, yes, but also no." He sat up. "Let me explain: If I have a kid, with any of you, I will have full right to raise that child however I so choose. I can then offer him to the duke, either to take over for me or to expand his territory. Basically, it'll be a younger version of me, owning and operating a territory like Appleford, or Appleford itself, owned by the duke as I am. As the mother, you would gain special privileges, including better healthcare." Apple Bloom thought about it for a moment. This would afford her quite a few boons, and her child would be living its best life. If she refused, her children would all be work slaves, and she wouldn't be allowed to choose the father, or even know who it was. "For all I know, Ah'm already carryin' a kid." "A whole month of maternity leave, starting two weeks before you're due, if you accept. All you have to change is that you sleep in my bed and we have to have sex, once a week at minimum." Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah accept. Ah'll be better off." "Yes, you will," smiled Rumble, lying her on her back and kissing her. He gently pushed her up the bed until her head rested on the pillow, running his hands all over her body. She accepted his advances, not because she had no choice, but this time because she genuinely wanted to serve him. She did the same, running her hands over his chest, feeling his muscles. He wasn't as visually appealing as some of the guards in that respect, but beneath his skin, she could feel the muscle structure. She pulled her legs apart as he removed his loincloth. He tossed it to the floor, leaving the rest of his armour on. Considering that they were smooth bracers and shin guards, they would not be in the way. It was easy to slide his cock up into Apple Bloom's pussy, as it was still moist with the multitude of loads she'd taken at the castle. While she had cleaned herself in the shower, she could only dig so deep with her fingers to pull out the fluids inside of her, and some of them she could never pull out without the proper equipment. With Rumble's flared cock head, he could drag more out, but it was lubricating him very nicely. Soon, the room was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against her arsecheeks. To accompany this percussion, the springs in the mattress creaked, Apple Bloom cried out in pleasure, and Rumble gasped and panted. The headboard was knocking against the wall when he finally came inside of her. Due to being covered in the semen of other stallions, he did not make her clean him with her mouth. Instead, they both went to his private bathroom and cleaned up together. The water was nice and warm. "So how does it feel?" asked Rumble, wrapping his arms around her body. "How do you like being a member of my house?" "Ah like it very much," she answered, resting her head on his chest. He pushed her away slightly so he could finish putting his clothes back on. "Good. You'll be sleeping in here from now on. On top of that, you're going to keep your belongings here. I'll have the bedroom extended, too." "Ah'll gladly aid in the construction a' that," offered Apple Bloom. "It'll be quite some time before Ah start showing, or even know if Ah'm pregnant. Besides, Ah'm gonna be livin' there." Rumble chuckled. "I have every intention of letting you do so. Come on, let's go find Sweetie Belle. If she accepts my offer, as well, we'll be collecting her belongings from the same room." > Epilogue the First: Apple Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gala Compote, come down here this minute!” Apple Bloom’s voice detailed her unhappiness with her daughter. While Gala had done nothing particularly wrong, it was normal for teens to rebel against their parents. Apple Bloom hadn’t, but she had a good reason not to. Hers weren’t around, nor were the ponies that raised her. “I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” grunted the girl, fluttering down from the tree branch where she’d been sitting. “What is it this time, mother?” she asked, folding her arms. “Ah told you ta put on somethin’ nice and stay outta trouble. Ah know you think the overalls are comfy, but we have guests comin’, and ya need ta look presentable! Go change into a dress or somethin’!” “Presentable?” scoffed Gala. “Mom, we own this place! Daddy purchased the land himself and gives every single command over everypony here. Who are we tryin’ to impress?” Apple Bloom folded her arms. “Your father’s owner. Now, are ya gonna go change, or do Ah have ta whup ya in front of him?” “What difference does it make?” shrugged Gala, strolling off to her longhouse. “Either he’s gonna oggle my chest in the dress, or oggle my arse while you spank it. I bet he’ll be the one spankin’ it on the way home.” “You watch your tone, missy, or you’ll be the one doin’ it for ‘im. He ain’t gonna tolerate no lip from you like your father and Ah do!” Gala didn’t answer back but for two middle fingers pointed back at her mother. “Don’t feel too bad,” smiled Sweetie Belle, appearing from behind a corner. “Scooter was off harassing the sowers again, and they tore his shirt right in half. It’s how it goes with teenagers.” “Sweet Celestia, Ah hope the others aren’t this bad,” she sighed, shaking her head. “Ah don’t want ta go through this six more times.” “Seven,” reminded Sweetie, placing her hand on Apple Bloom’s swollen belly. “And you can count yourself lucky it stops there right now. I have ten more to go, plus the others.” “Ah thought you were only up ta nine?” Sweetie shook her head. “Zachar and Regis might not be Rumble’s kids, and therefore not in line for anything good, but I still have to raise them. What kind of shitty mother do you think I am?” “Ah never said you was,” defended Apple Bloom. “You’re a better mother than I am, Sweetie. Not just raisin’ ‘em, but also makin’ ‘em.” Sweetie blushed. “Thanks, Apple Bloom.” The pair looked out over the fields. True to his word, Rumble had vastly improved the land management and the quality of the slaves’ accomodations. Life in Appleford was almost pleasant. Of course, Apple Bloom did miss her old life. She’d never forgotten Genevieve, but by the time she’d managed to pull enough trust with Rumble, her first love had been sold. All she could do now was hope that she was being treated well by a kind and caring master, who had good-tasting semen. “So where’s Silver?” Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle. “You didn’t hear?” “No, I’ve only just heard that we’re supposed to be seeing the duke today. I’m totally out of the loop on this.” “She went into labour again this mornin’. She’s deliverin’ Rumble’s next in line today.” Sweetie Belle nodded. “She was due last week. Finally coming around to it, huh?” “Like Granny Smith used ta say, “Ya don’t take the bun outta the oven ‘til it’s all the way done, even if it takes a few more minutes.”” “Or days,” smirked Sweetie Belle. The two shared a chuckle as they returned to Rumble’s private abode. Of course, they lived there, too, sleeping in his bed with him every night, or at least most nights. Sweetie Belle was especially notorious for keeping the guards company as a way of keeping the peace. She was required to be in attendance every Saturday, the night before Apple Bloom, but Apple Bloom was much happier staying by Rumble’s side every night than being moved around. It was easier for her to just have one place to sleep. Rumble’s place had grown significantly, as had the rooms therein. What had started out as one bed, one bath, a red room and a kitchenette had grown into a two-story, six bedroom, three bath miniature manor. He had not grown or moved the red room, but everything else had been changed to better suit his needs at the time. Bigger and more beds in bigger and more bedrooms. Some were for his harem members on off nights so they could sleep better, sometimes his children would be allowed to join them, and one was exclusively for guests such as the duke himself, if he should come to have a look at the progress, as was the case today. Should he not be returning to his castle, he would be offered a bedroom and a selection of mares to warm him. Apple Bloom was against the idea of having her children in such rooms. She had met all of the other harem members, and some of them were raising their offspring as if they were better than the slaves. Apple Bloom did not want her children making the same claim. They were slaves under Rumble’s command, even though they were his children. They did have certain extra rights as part of their parentage, but it was Apple Bloom’s choice as to how to raise her children, and she wanted her offspring to know what the other slaves were going through. This would make them more understanding and hard-working, though it did bring her a fair amount of distrust from them. One day, they may see that she was after their best interests, but for now… “What do you think the duke wants to see us in?” asked Sweetie. “Usually, Rumble gives us a dress code.” “Yeah, well, he’s a little busy right now. It’s not like we can go ask him. Not with Silver likely screaming her head off again.” “Oh, like you have any room to talk,” chuckled Sweetie. “”You did this to me! Again!!” And I bet you’ll be saying that exact same thing next time, too. And he’ll be nodding and holding your hand like he always does.” Apple Bloom nodded. “So, clothes?” Sweetie folded her arms. “You spend more time with the duke than any of us. Not to mention Rumble. If we can’t ask them, you’re the next most likely to know. What does the duke like?” Apple Bloom shrugged. “He likes to please his guests. Whoever he’s bringing with him will determine what I say.” “I think he’s coming alone, this time.” “Birthday suits it is.” Apple Bloom slid down her elastic pants and tossed them onto her wardrobe. She was allowed multiple outfits that complimented her pregnant belly but allowed her to still work. It was a kindness given to her by Rumble to keep her from growing bored sitting in the house all day. That kind of mental strain wasn’t good for the baby. Once they were stripped down, along with several other harem members that had shown up for the same purpose, they gathered out front of the house. Several dozen children had gathered, as well, all Rumble’s offspring. Even Gala Compote was there, wearing her dress and arm wrestling with Scooter. “Okay, everypony,” announced Apple Bloom. “That’s his carriage, there. Ah’m gonna greet ‘im at the end a’ the drive and escort him inta the house. Take your positions in line. Mothers, keep your children under control.” Peachy Keen gave a thumbs-up. She was a new mother, and her first son was in her arms, suckling at her teat. “Good, now, Rumble should be here soon, and we need to keep the duke happy until he comes. On your knees, chests out, heads down.” Every slave fell into formation and had taken up their presentation stance before the carriage pulled up. Apple Bloom was, by design, the first in line to greet him, as her hospitality was some of the best Appleford had to offer. It was she that opened the door and offered her hand to help the duke to the ground. Over time, the duke had trimmed down. He was still portly, and obviously well-fed, but no longer would be described as being fat. Apple Bloom put on her thickest posh accent. “My duke, it is an honour and a privilege to see you again.” She lowered to her knees and kissed his cock ring. “You look magnificent. My master, Rumble, is attending to an emergency situation at the moment, and has asked us to offer you comfort until he arrives. Would you care to inspect his stock?” The duke gently stroked Apple Bloom’s mane. “A fine idea, I should think. I’ll have a look, and then a drink.” Apple Bloom snapped her fingers, and Sweetie Belle turned and rushed off into the house to prepare something for the duke. He often asked for whatever was best, which was usually a sweet apple cider that Apple Bloom was in charge of brewing regularly. Rumble always kept a keg for events such as this, and Apple Bloom was always prepared to make more if need be. Slowly, the duke progressed along the line of slaves, stopping occasionally to inspect one. He even gave Peachy’s free breast a good squeeze and looked to be pleased by what he’d felt. The whole time, Apple Bloom walked close behind, her hands behind her back and her head tilted down. Not all the way down, just enough to show her submission, but high enough that she could anticipate any needs he might have. “You think you’re scary?” muttered Gala under her breath as the duke passed. “You can go fuck yourself.” She had intended to make it quiet enough to upset Apple Bloom and force her to embarrass herself, but unfortunately, the duke turned around and looked at her. “What was it that you just said?” he demanded. “I was going to reward you, but now, punishments instead.” Apple Bloom stepped between her daughter and the duke. “I didn’t mean for you to hear that,” she smiled nervously. “But since you asked, what I said was, “If I weren’t married, I’d fuck you myself!” I am for your pleasure, my duke!” The duke took a deep breath. Gala knew he was looking right over her mother’s head at her. He knew what she’d said, and he knew who said it, meaning that his smirk in the next instant spelled an extra hour on the rack for her. “Very well,” he smiled, placing his hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder. “Your offer is quite generous. Though your manner of asking is very venerous. Your matrimony would not stop you, furthermore; long have you been listed as my paramour. Come, let us adjourn to a room with a bed, where such declarations are free to be said.” As they walked toward the house, the duke’s fingers inside of Apple Bloom’s butt, she turned back and glared at her daughter for causing a scene that she now had to clean up. They passed Sweetie Belle at the door, and she was quickly invited to join them in the duke’s room. “Ah, to be here in a nice warm room,” smiled the duke, stripping his clothing and tossing it aside. He sat down and spread his legs, revealing his cock. Apple Bloom had sucked it so many times that she could pick him out of a lineup while blindfolded. Sweetie Belle, not so much. She’d choked down so many that she couldn’t differentiate whose belonged to whom. “And two young mares, each with a full womb.” “You flatter us, sir,” waved Apple Bloom. “We’re in our mid-thirties. I don’t know if we qualify as being young.” “And I’m almost seventy,” replied the duke. “How would you describe me? An old tub of lard whose hairline does flee? I was old before Zaka came down on your lands, and now I am here, commanding your hands.” “Yes, my duke,” answered Sweetie Belle, holding out the tray with his drink. “And we are very grateful for that. We would all be worse off without you. Thank you very much for being such a kind and benevolent owner. Would you like for us to do anything special for you?” He chuckled and leaned back on his elbows. “I do not have anything in mind. You call me benevolent; respond in kind.” Apple Bloom kneeled down first, licking gently at the skin between his scrotum and thigh. He tasted of standing sweat, as if he had gone for a run and then sat in a carriage for an hour since his last shower. Sweetie Belle started on the other side as soon as the duke took his drink. Rather than simply licking the skin, though, she focused on his testicles, sucking them into her mouth and cleaning them with her tongue. They had only been at it for a few minutes when Rumble walked in, wiping his arms down with a towel. He’d removed his shirt and apron, presumably due to surgical fluids associated with childbirth, and he had missed a few spots on his face. Still, he wore a big smile as he greeted the duke. “Master! It is good to see you again! I’d have greeted you personally, but my third wife was giving birth. I hope you have found that everything is to your liking. Have my mares been keeping you in good company?” “These two have been in rather fine form,” smiled the duke, holding out his hand for a shake. “Keeping me company while your child was born.” “Thank you, sir. It is wonderful to know that my wives all showed you such respect. It is my pleasure to see you in such good spirits, Master.” “I did not say all,” corrected the duke, taking a sip and then setting down his drink. “It was mostly these two. One told me to fuck myself; that will not do.” Rumble’s smile turned to a scowl. “I will not tolerate such behaviour towards you from my own selection. Who was it that needs an attitude adjustment?” “The daughter of you and Apple Bloom; Ms. Gala Compote. Had her mother not stepped in, she’d be here at my scrote.” Rumble sank to his knees. “I’m sorry, sir. We raised her better than that.” Apple Bloom licked more vigorously, as if trying to convince the duke to spare her daughter. To their surprise, the duke laughed. “I am well aware of how she once acted. Her past good nature has not been redacted. Instead, I offer her a chance for redemption. In light of this change, she’ll be gifted exemption.” Rumble looked up. “Sir?” “She spoke of me with no docility. This will teach her responsibility. If she thinks me cruel and unjust, then seeing how the world works is a must.” Rumble nodded. “Master, may I speak freely?” A nod came in response. “I knew that this day may eventually come. It was always a possibility, since the day you discussed me taking a harem to supply you with what would essentially be grandchildren. I know that the whole point was to divide up the work to as many hands as possible to make the work light, which would in turn allow for more work, but to actually hear that you are taking my daughter somewhere else, even if only because she needs to lead a workforce of her own, it feels like a punishment against me.” The duke nodded gently. “You have performed your job well, as Appleford thrives. Through your actions, you’ve spared many lives. The work you do is good, and your ideas make good profit. Besides, she’s not leaving yet, so come off it. Train her up in a way that she can do well, and you’ll see her again soon and your hearts will swell.” Rumble bowed low. “Your generosity is uncalled for, Master. I cannot possibly thank you enough.” “You can thank me later, when it’s time for her to depart,” smiled the duke. “You have a month to teach her leadership’s art.” Unbidden, Apple Bloom took the entirety of the duke’s cock into her throat, swallowing it down. She and Sweetie Belle’s tongues danced together under his balls as she sucked his flesh as far into her mouth as it could go. Not only was her daughter not in trouble, but she was being given a more advanced position among the duke’s slaves. It was every mother’s dream to know that her offspring were being treated well, and this was everything she’d ever hoped for. She was so happy, she could take his fist up her arse and still be glad. She could not imagine a happier outcome. > Epilogue the Second: Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is it,” breathed Applejack. “This is the big day.” She looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. She wore little more than a veil and skirt, both transparent enough that everything could be seen beneath. Her body had long since been forfeit to her husband, but today, she was giving away something that mattered to her far more than her looks and will. Still, it was something she had to do. “How do Ah look, Bitch?” she asked, turning her head. “You are as radiant now as you were on your own wedding day,” she answered, bowing to her. “Then again, I’m kind of biased. Maybe you should ask the new girl.” Applejack nodded and turned to her new slave. She was still keeping one slot open for Apple Bloom if ever she found her, but her good behaviour meant that she had earned yet another servant to wait on her day and night. It wasn’t so bad a thing to have after the age of fifty, especially considering that several other wives had so many other servants. Zaka’s first wife had almost two dozen. “What do you think?” The new hire was a gryphon who’d previously belonged to a lord near Appleford. It had originally been Whinnyapolis, but she couldn’t remember the new name at this time. He’d suffered a heart attack, and while most of his stock stayed there, the new operator had beaten her for his own amusement. While that was a normal thing to happen, Applejack still didn’t like it, and had purchased her then and there, threatening to enact any further damage done to her property to the owner tenfold in return. Thankfully, she had Zaka’s personal guards to back up her claim, and the gryphon had suffered no more harm. “How should I know what you looked like on your wedding day?” she shrugged. “I wasn’t there.” “Just, how do Ah look?” “Your breasts are hanging a little low, but otherwise, you’re fine.” Applejack chuckled. “You try havin’ eight kids and never bein’ allowed ta wear a bra, Gen. Gravity ain’t exactly mah best friend.” “And I imagine having a heavy chain hanging from your nipples isn’t helping,” she chuckled back. It was good to know that she could speak freely. “Other than that, you’re great.” “Thanks,” smiled Applejack. “Ah’m just glad it’s green and not white. Can you imagine if I wore a white veil and skirt to somepony else’s wedding?” “Yeah, that was a kind of stupid suggestion,” sighed Bitch. “I don’t know what she was thinking. I guess that’s why you’re the one being picked as the replacement.” Applejack nodded. “Ah never said she was smart. The prettiest wife, maybe, but the wisest? Not a chance.” “I don’t even think she’s the prettiest,” admitted Bitch. “That’s you, through and through.” “Your bias is showing,” warned Gen. “She had a smashing arse and a lovely set of tits. Yours are okay, Applejack.” “Well, Ah appreciate the honesty, on some level. We should head on down, though. They’re prob’ly waitin’ on us.” They left the room, walking down the hallways together. Despite Applejack’s assertion that they were heading “down,” their destination was up a few flights of stairs on a balcony. It was the very same balcony that Applejack had been married on, and now it was all cleaned up and ready for a new wedding. She walked right on in. It turns out she wasn’t the last to arrive, as a few key members were still missing. The priestess had yet to arrive, and the groom was also missing. Zaka was already there, sipping away at an alcoholic beverage of unknown origin. “If either of ya wants to wait outside, ya can,” sighed Applejack. Ah’m the only one of us that actually needs ta be here.” Gen and Bitch bowed and stepped aside to kneel in front of the wall. They were under the watch of the guards, so even though there had been a brawl in the chambers today, they were sure to be protected. “She’s simultaneously exactly how I imagined her, and also not at all,” said Gen, looking over at her mistress. “What do you mean?” asked Bitch. “Well, when her sister would tell me about her, I always imagined that she was all about kicking arse and taking names. She seems so docile, and yet even some of the zebragriffs are stepping out of her way. She has this kickass aura to her, but she doesn’t act on it.” “She does,” answered Bitch. “When she has to, that is.” As if on cue, the father of the bride grabbed Applejack by the nipple and yanked her into his lap. Zaka jumped up to make a complaint, but before he had even come to his feet, Applejack had twisted the offending arm behind the striped bird’s back, and was threatening to break it. Several zebra guards also jumped up, but none of the other zebragriff guests gave a shit. Not even the bride came to the aid of her own father, chastising him for trying to drive off her backup suitor. “See?” smirked Bitch. “She has it all handled. Applejack knows what she’s doing.” “So she does,” breathed Gen, licking her beak. “Is it just me, or is she somehow hot when she’s threatening some arsehole’s life?” Bitch rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure that’s just you. She’s always hot.” There was a loud snap as the zebragriff’s arm broke. All Applejack had asked him to do to be released was apologize for grabbing her tits, and he’d opted to call them saggy, instead. Normally, such a strike toward a guest would stop the wedding once again, but this was not unheard of behaviour for zebragriffs, and the guest of honour, the bride, had approved of Applejack’s retort, almost commending it as she sat down between Zaka’s legs. There was a general dull roar of many quiet conversations as the rest of the guests walked in. Applejack had a hard cider, a drink she had about once a week before having sex with her husband. Today was not supposed to be one of those days, but she had her drink, regardless. She was about halfway through it when her son walked in. “There ‘e is!” she called out, standing up and waving him over. He came over with no hesitation, wrapping his arms around his mother. “There’s my Malak. Ya nervous?” “Mother dearest, nervous is an understatement,” he whispered. “I’m terrified of the earlier abatement. What if the same should happen to you? If a fight breaks out, what will you do?” “Oh, don’t worry ’bout me, Sugarcube. You see that guy they dragged outta here with a broken arm? That’s ‘cause he decided to make a big ol’ stink about yer momma’s boobies. Just a jackarse with a big mouth. Ain’t nopony gonna try ta strike me down, an’ if they do, Ah’m gonna show ‘em what it feels like to be in the rodeo.” “Mother, you speak of things I do not understand. Can this day just go off exactly as planned?” Applejack stroked her son’s face. “Sure thing, dear. You go on an’ take yer last steps a’ bein’ unhitched. When ya’ come back in, the two a’ ya will be one.” With a kiss on his mother’s cheek, Malak strode over to his bride. He was half zebra, half pony. She was half zebra, half gryphon. At the very least, they had some common ground. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad, after all. Finally, the priestess arrived, and she took the couple out onto the balcony. Despite this being a royal wedding, the turnout was pretty small. Not a lot of zebras had come to see this, as the zebragriffs had a reputation that made it uncomfortable to be around them, especially with little to no guard presence in the courtyard. They’d all been called up to the palace, again for the typical behaviours associated with zebragriffs. The wedding went about the same as Applejack’s had, with the main difference being that Malak was the one swearing his life to his bride, rather than her swearing her life to him. Malak’s stripes had been painted on for so long that having them removed and repainted to match his new master, a thought she considered to be an unnecessary addition, but waited for, regardless, barely looked like any change at all. Once the vows were completed, and he’d licked her pussy as the seal for his fealty, things took a turn. According to the zebra traditions, he was supposed to stand up and pump a baby into her right away. The ceremony could not come to a close until he had cum inside of her. But what no one had expected was that she would reach behind her, slip a hidden strap-on out of her arse, and peg him with it. “Is that allowed?” asked Applejack. “Ah know the traditions are not always followed in extenuatin’ circumstances, but how’s she supposed ta end up pregnant like that?” “Worry not for the marriage, my dear,” smiled Zaka, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Worry for the stretchiness of your son’s rear.” “Yeah, but wouldn’t this void the marriage or somethin’?” “The tenets only state that he must give her a child. It does not declare that the sex can’t be wild. As long as his cum goes into her womb, he‘ll not be regarded an ignorant buffoon. Besides, she is the one who gives his commands. He’s just sworn an oath to fulfil her demands.” “Ah guess Ah’m just bein’ his mom again. Ah don’t think Ah’ll ever stop carin’ ‘bout his well-bein’. Comes with the territory, Ah guess.” “Closeness to one’s kin leaves one feeling divine. But since she’s having what’s hers, I shall take what is mine.” Zaka slapped his flaccid cock against Applejack’s shoulder, the tip dribbling a bit of pre onto her breast. Taking the hint, Applejack turned her head to the side, licking up and down the shaft, not taking her eyes off of her son. He was bent over the railing, just as she had been, but he had not been granted a rope to keep him from falling off the balcony. Granted, his wife had a large and seemingly powerful set of wings, and her claws seemed to have a very tight grip on his hips, but she couldn’t help but wonder why such practises were not performed regardless, as they were a safety measure. Zaka’s hand commanded her back to attention. She was to suck him off, not watch the display. That was his job. If something were to happen, Malak was not only his son, as well, but a valuable bargaining chip. He essentially served as Zaka’s signature at the bottom of a contract that would guarantee that peace between his forces and the zebragriff tribe he was dealing with, one of the larger ones, thrived. He would gain a task force, they would gain the ability to move through his territory unhindered, and an offspring of royal blood would grant them extra permissions to most other slaves, albeit on a temporary basis, and only in lands that he controlled. “Can you keep a secret, Bitch?” asked Gen, watching the orgy breaking out in front of her. Following Zaka’s lead, many of the higher-ups of the zebragriff tribe had commandeered a slave each from Zaka’s collection, as leaving slaves behind was a common practise for zebragriffs. “You know we’re under watch, right?” asked Bitch. “Even if I can, the guard standing on your other side may not be so inclined.” “Fuck you, Bitch,” grunted the guard. “You’ve been flaunting your win since the day Applejack opted to take you in.” “It’s not a secret from him. Even if he said it to Applejack, It’s pretty common knowledge.” “What did you want to say?” Gen took a deep breath. “Did Applejack ever go looking for her sister?” “That’s not really a secret, you know…” “No, that’s not… Look, the secret is that Apple Bloom never stopped believing that Applejack was coming after her. Even now, she’s probably thinking that. I know, it’s been a decade and a half since I saw her last, but I’m sure of it.” Bitch smirked. “We did go looking, yeah. As far as Zaka would let her, which was never very far. There’s a reason she doesn’t have as many slaves as the other wives and kids. Despite more than twenty years of marriage, he doesn’t trust her to not run off. That’s not unfounded, either. If she had her sister, she’d probably pack up and go on the run, just the two of them.” “What, and leave you behind?” Bitch lowered her head and smiled. “For all of the love that she has shown me over the years, her sister still matters more to her. I would only slow them down, which is why I would be willing to stay behind and throw the pursuers off the trail. In the end, while I may be a favoured tool, I am a tool, all the same.” “Well, that was… dark…” “What can I say?” shrugged Bitch. “I love her dearly, and I want to see what is best for my mistress. It would be the first time she’ll have mistreated me in decades, and I’m ready to accept that.” Another zebragriff approached Applejack, tossing his own gifted slave aside. He grabbed the king’s wife by the tail and yanked her up and off of her husband’s cock, much to their chagrin. “What the buck do ya think you’re doin’?” demanded Applejack, looking behind her. “Taking what I’m owed, and that’s a good fuck,” answered the zebragriff, shoving his cock into her arse. “That whore I was given doesn’t know how to suck.” “Normally, I’d have my guards take you down for your dare,” grunted Zaka, standing up. Applejack looked around, and four of the guards had crossbows trained on her arsehole invader, and two more had long spears just ready for stabbing. It was a crime to take Zaka’s personal belongings without permission, and they were just waiting for him to give the order. “However, it’s my son’s wedding, so I’ll elect to share.” Applejack wasn’t particularly happy to be railed from both ends, especially as the zebragriff had sharp barbs that she was sure were damaging her colon. They certainly hurt enough. Still, she had already made a scene with the one that insulted her tits. Gen had insulted her, too, but her jab was harmless, whereas the zebragriffs meant every bit of damage they had done. Then she felt a slap on her arse cheek. While she wasn’t afraid of a bit of spanking, that one was more than just a sting. Her husband kept a firm grip on her head, and her vision was restricted to his growing abdomen. He’d maintained his fitness in his fifties, but now that he was almost seventy, his years were catching up to him. Another slap, harder this time. She was sure that this one left a welt. “Ease that hand, or I’ll have it removed,” threatened Zaka. “Striking her does not see her tightness improved. All it will do is cause damage beneath. And you,” he said, turning to Applejack, “need to watch what you do with those teeth.” As soon as he was finished, the hand came down again, and it took all of Applejack’s concentration not to bite down accidentally. Zaka raised his hand to call down a rain of crossbow bolts, but before he could, the offending party flew across the room and crashed into a wall with a loud thud, a red mark in the shape of Applejack’s foot forming on his gut. She turned and walked toward him with a scowl. He jumped up and pulled out a knife, swinging it at her. She managed to dodge the first few slashes, then cried out as the tip punctured her flesh. She grabbed his knife wrist in her left hand and the attached shoulder in her right, slamming it to the floor. There was another loud crack, but this wasn’t his wrist. She’d broken his wing in two places. He let his grip on the knife’s handle slip, in too much agony to hold on. She climbed on top of him and swung her fist across his face. Then again. She blocked his punch at her and struck again, then again and again until he stopped moving. “Is he dead?” called Gen. Applejack pressed her hand to his neck. “Nope.” She pulled the knife out of her gut and stabbed it into his unbroken wing. “Ah ain’t one for takin’ others’ property. You can have this back.” Zaka sat back down as Applejack kneeled in front of him. “If you kill all of our guests, this will not end well,” he warned. “I was intending just to give him a cell.” “An’ Ah’m gonna need one a’ them there witch doctors ta patch up the hole he made in my lung,” responded Applejack, picking up her husband’s cock and jacking it off. “If ya don’t want any more a’ your guests needin’ medical attention, tell ‘em all ta keep their hands ta themselves. He had a perfectly good slave ta use, and he decided that he deserved ta grab me. Ah ain’t on offer today.” “Perhaps not today, but possibly soon,” scolded Zaka. “It depends on that bitch who came from the moon.” Gen shot a confused glance at Bitch. “Princess Luna of Equestria is starting to falter,” she whispered. “If we can claim her by the end of the year, Zaka plans to marry her as a status symbol, declaring his divine right to rule. The same is true of Celestia, but she’s holding the line.” “Good for her.” “Yeah, but that’s probably because most of Zaka’s forces are being sent to beat Luna into submission to force Celestia to surrender herself and the rest of Equestria to him.” “Ah. Not so good for her.” The groom let out a yelp as his second load splattered all over the balcony. His bride pulled him backward and pushed him onto the floor, face-up. Her strap-on had popped a seam and was now firmly planted in his arse as she climbed on top of him. “Ya know, when Ah was growin’ up, Ah thought for sure that, if Ah ever decided ta have kids, Ah wouldn’t be watchin’ ‘em havin’ sex in front of a live audience. This feels weird. This is weird, right?” Zaka shook his head as he pressed his erection against Applejack’s cheek. “Sounds like you ponies had very sheltered lives. My father watched me lay all of my first five wives. It’s a level of care that I’m glad that he showed, as doing so set me on this bountiful road. Ah, but enough of my whimsical musing. You should finish me off while our families are fusing.” Applejack sighed and sucked the cock slapping her in the face. She wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t the one who made the rules. She couldn’t really object to this unless she had the backing of the guards, and they were all backing Zaka. It was his will that would be enacted, and while there was much that he would protect her from, watching her son having rough sex was not one of them. Rather, he would, but only by turning her head away. It wasn’t particularly long before Zaka came down her throat, holding her down with her chin resting against his twitching balls. Of course, she swallowed every drop, actually locking eyes with Gen as she did so. It almost made the gryphon wish that it was her choking down the cock, both for her own sexual pleasure, and because she was in awe of the display of power earlier. Much like her life growing up with Apple Bloom, she wanted to be Applejack. After drinking everything down, Applejack turned around to see Malak’s face contorted in a bursting grimace. Her first thought was that he was in agony, but with the mild swelling in his new wife’s abdomen, she reconsidered. As she stood up, Malak’s seed dripped from her, and she walked back into the room, snapping her fingers. Two slave girls immediately rushed to the young prince’s side and hoisted him up on their shoulders, dragging his defeated form out of the room, cum trailing behind him. “We done now?” asked Applejack, turning to Zaka. He nodded, and Applejack stood up, still holding her stab wound. She motioned for her slaves to follow her, and out the door they went. A gruesome scene greeted them in the hallway. The bride and groom had left to the right, as Applejack could clearly see them and the dripping trail they left behind, but she had gone to the left, and had come face to face with the very zebragriff whose arm she’d broken, surrounded by a string of guards. Two guards and a slave girl were dead, the slave disemboweled and the guards ripped apart. The zebragriff himself had been impaled against the wall with a long spear, and one guard in particular was badly scratched up, leaning against the wall and panting. “What in tarnation?!” The guards all looked her way. “Mistress Applejack,” one said, stepping forward. “There’s no cause for alarm. This one grabbed a slave and brought her to harm. While it’s not unheard of for slaves to see use, it’s a rule that they have to survive the abuse. She was already dead when we arrived on the scene. I shall inform your master as soon as it’s clean.” Applejack took a deep breath and kneeled down next to the slaughtered mare. Her face was filled with terror and anguish. Applejack reached down and closed her eyes, letting her face be at peace. “What was her name?” “We don’t really know,” answered the guard. “We don’t really keep track. Such things aren’t important when under attack.” Applejack growled and gnashed her teeth, but despite her protests, the guards were able to pull her away from the scene and she returned to her room. “Does that happen often?” asked Gen, still relatively new to living in this palace. “More often than it should,” sniffed Applejack. “All Ah wanted was ta know her name. She had a family, and they deserve ta know what happened to ‘er.” Gen took a deep breath. “I can find out.” Applejack looked up. “You what?” “I can find out. Having been in both sides of the system, I know how to find out what her name was and who her next of kin was. Of course, it’ll be dangerous, bu–” “No,” interrupted Applejack. “Ah don’t like leavin’ her unmarked, but Ah like even less the idea that you very nearly ended up sharin’ her fate. Ya can’t help anypony if you’re dead.” Swallowing hard, Gen nodded. Applejack really was all that Apple Bloom had said.