Face fart girly’s

by Estella Night

First published

twillight ( eg), are too naive, and gives rainbow dash a massage, where her face have to be in her ass.


twillight is hanging out at ranbow's house. Rainbow get an idea, so she ask twillight " wanna give me a massage? you'll have to put your face in my ass". Twillight wanted to help of course so........

Sunset was tired, and wanted to take a nap. AJ Got an idea…

this story contains: fart


Twilight & Rainbow Dash

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Twillight and Ranbow are hanging out, at Rainbows place. They were laying in bed. Suddenly Rainbows stomach goes:


She felt the familiar pressure in her stomach. She knew she was about go get gassy, so she smirked. Twilight look confused.

"Twilight! Ouch, you really need to help. My stomach hurt. I need a massage. Would you wanna help?" Rainbow asked Twiligt.

"Well, if you really need it, i guess so" Twilight said.

Rainbow dash looked happy and she laid down. Twilight walked over to her, and sat down. She felt some akwardness.
Rainbow could also feel it.

" so i'll make it easier for you...."

She said while she turned around laying on her stomach.

"....lay your head on my ass, put your hands on my stomach and start massaging"

Rainbow smirked a bit while she said it. Twilight on the otherhand, Looked a bit uncomfortable.

" is that you know, really necessary?"

She asked rainbow while looking at her in a weird way.

" Don't worry twi, it is super important. Now go on. Ouch! it hurts SO bad!"

Rainbow sounded like she was in pain. Twilight believed it. She started to think about it.

" yeah i guess then. I uh- i mean it sounds important. I'll get started rainbow"

She sat down between her legs. she looked a little nervous. Then she tought about that friends need to help eachother. She laid her face in rainbows ass. As soon as she felt her ass. A sour smell hit her nose. She gagged a bit, but tried to hide it. Few seconds later she started to massage rainbows stomach. As soon as she did, ranbows stomach started to growl. She felt her gass really started to kick in. She smirked.


A long, but really silent fart came out from Rainbows ass. Came right into Twilights nose. She could feel the warm breeze on he nose. First a very mild smell, later it stank toxic. Twilight looked disgusted.

"Sorry Twi, it just came out, i couldn't control it"

Rainbow chuckled while she said it.

"Its fine, i know it was an accident. Don't worry dear"

she said while ggging. She continued to massage her stomach. Cuasing it to growl again. Rainbow could feel alot of pressure. She could feel a big fart. But decided to wait a bit, so it could get even bigger. She smirked at the tought about farting in Twilights face.

Twilight heard her stomach. She looked nervous. She knew it meant gass coming out. She hates when people pass gass on purpose. But she knew Rainbow tried to hold it in. So she kept quiet and continued to massage.


Rainbows stomach came with more sounds. She could feel a big, really big fart coming out.


A big, wet fart came out, right into Twilights face again. She coughed. It was really toxic

"Rainbow love, what the hay did you eat? I can get spike to suggest a better diet for you, if you want"

Applejack & Sunset shimmer

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Applejack was laying on her stomach, on the grass. Her and sunset shimmer just helped Granny Smith on the farm, and helping applebloom with her pet worm.


Applejack felt her stomach gurgling, she felt some gas. But only she could hear her stomach.

Sunset shimmer Walked over to her.

*she yawns*

“Excuse me, Im just so tired-“ she was cut off by her own yawning. “I Think i wanna take a nap, do you have anything i could use as pillow?” Sunset asked the farmer girl

“Hmm let me see” Aj looked around. She felt more gas, and chuckled to herself. She Got an idea, a pretty funny idea. “No not really, unless you could use my ass. It is quite soft, if i May say so myself ”

Sunset shimmer giggled “haha, sure. I don’t mind”

*She laid down between applejacks legs, and putting her face on her ass*

“You where right AJ, you’re ass is quite soft”
Then sunset closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep.


Sunset ignored AJ’s stomach, she didn’t even think about it.

Applejack on the other hand, smirked a bit.
She felt a big fart building up inside her stomach. She was curious about how sunset may react. She knew how mad rarity would be. She didn’t know about twilight tho, since she was new in the group. Rainbow dash & pinkie pie would just laugh. Fluttershy would be disgusted, but she would be kind and hide it.

Applejacks stomach was filled with air.


A loud fart made it out, of the farmer girls ass. Right onto sunset shimmers face. She could feel the loud and long fart on her face. Yes she could feel it.

She sighed in relief. Applejack then laughed at her own masterpiece. Farting was always funny. Mostly because of the different reactions she gets from people. Her sister phew she didn’t like it. AJ hate to admit it, but she fails almost every time she tries to fart on her brother. Anyways.

“Uhm applejack did you just fart in my face?” She looked a bit grossed out

“Yep! Hehe sorry! But that was a real good fart, right?” She looked down at sunset shimmer while laughing and looking proud.

“It’s fine. I don’t know about that. It was just… gross” she said while sitting up. “Kinda immature and you obviously did it on purpose, while you knew I was down there”

Applejack blushed while looking down. Sunset shimmer was obviously right. She did do it on purpose.

“Look I don’t care about farts that much, I do it, twilight does it, rarity-”

*she puts her hand over her mouth*

“- not rarity sorry. But farting in someone’s face is just another level of you know, behavior” sunset explained.

Applejack was confused, what did sunset mean with the part about rarity?

“I’m sorry, I just maybe wanted to see your reaction. And I just took the chances to fart”

she chuckled nervously, while putting her hand on her own neck awkwardly.

“It’s fine, thank you for apologizing applejack” she chuckled for a bit

“It was kinda a good one, put phew girl, what did you eat?” Said sunset shimmer while plucking her nose.