> A Favorable Romance > by Postwarmonkey50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For a Broken Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day at Canterlot City, right around Friday 4PM in Canterlot Cit, which meant Valentine’s day was tomorrow, and thankfully it was on a Saturday, so many of the students of schools could also celebrate the holiday for their special somebody. Most of the City began to be decorated for the eventful holiday that is to come tomorrow. Even those from out of town would also spend some great time there. From within the house in the suburbs, a certain boy was sitting near his desk, writing plenty of Fanfiction for a website that he joined some time ago, called My Stable’s Writer’s edition, a popular website that would allow anyone to write any kind of story to their heart’s desires. His name, was Israel Yabuki. Yabuki always had a special talent of being anyone’s friend, in fact, everybody in school liked him, even the Rainbooms when he helped them out in certain situations whenever they needed some help. Today, he was writing a Fanfiction story about Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends from Equestria. On a late Friday, after the whole debacle at Equestria Land, Yabuki walked by the school and he saw the Rainbooms. Just as he was about to greet them, he saw another Twilight, to which she was none other than Princess Twilight. Yabuki once met her when she first came to the school, and again when the Dazzlings were there. In fact, after a hypnotized Flash Sentry made Princess Twilight cry, Yabuki (with a concerned Rainbooms thinking that he was hypnotized and wanted to hurt her), went over to hug her, much to their surprise. He cheered her up and comforted her, to which she appreciated and hugged back, with the Rainbooms realized that Yabuki must be special. He never saw her again, except for Sci-Twi, but even though they’re alike, they didn’t have the same kind of spark like the other had. He was surprised to bump into her, and Princess Twilight was happy to see him too. He decided to hang out with them, and during that time, she began to tell every bit of her story back in Equestria, leaving Yabuki amazed by all the adventures she had on the other side. He couldn’t help but feel inspired by her stories. After spending time with her, Yabuki suddenly went to the computer and began to write on the Fanfiction page and wrote to his heart’s content. Yabuki had always been a special kind of guy, who could write anything if he’d just use his imagination. Soon the entire website exploded with how popular the stories had gotten. He had already written seven seasons worth of it and everyone was impressed by his work, even the Rainbooms seem to enjoy reading about it. One day, he began to write something called ‘school Daze”, where Princess Twilight tried to start a school, but because of a Chancellor Pony, he didn’t trust the creatures and saw them as threats, despite them being kids and made a mistake like anyone else, for it was only natural. Heck, he remembered a few of his friends who nearly set Crystal Prep Academy on fire because of their shenanigans, but it was all an accident and they didn’t know something like that was going to happen. As he just finished about Princess Twilight opening her friendship school and run it her way, he quickly went to the bathroom. Once he was done, he heard the sound of a doorbell. “That’s odd,” said Yabuki as he stood up “I wonder who that could be?” He walked out of his room and headed straight for the front door. He opened the door and it was none other than two of his own friends back at Canterlot High, who also happen to be girls. One on the left was a certain girl with light amber skin, red and yellow hair, whilst also wearing an orange shirt with an image of a shimmering sun, a black sleeveless jacket with what appeared to be spikes around the collar, a purple skirt, which was better than her orange one and new stylish boots. Her name was Sunset Shimmer. Whilst the one on the right was another girl with light purple skin with dark blue hair and a dark purple and pink stripes on the side of her hair and also appear to be wearing glasses, whilst also wearing a polo sky blue with purple stripes and white collar shirt, with a cute pink bow tied around her neck, a purple pocket skirt with a six magenta stars and white sparks all over them, short socks and a purple dressed leather heeled shoes with pink laces. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, or as many called her Sci-Twi, not to be confused with Princess Twilight. “Oh, hey, Sunset and Twilight” said a smiling Yabuki as he hugged the two of them, with Sunset hugging him back, except for Twilight for some reason “Nice to see you again.” “Nice to see you too Yabuki.” said Sunset. After they broke the hug, Yabuki asked “What are you two doing…?” But then as he took another look at Twilight, the look in her eyes surprised him a bit. He noticed that it looked red for some reason, as if she had just been crying her eyes out. He could tell the difference if he could see what was wrong with his friends. When they have certain reactions. Like when they feel a bit weak, that means that they’re hungry. When they have a hard time trying to stay awake, that means that they’re really tired. When they’re squirming, that means they need to go to the bathroom. When they’re feeling nervous, that means that they’re really nervous when they want to ask you a question. But if someone comes to you and your eyes are partially red whilst there was clear evidence of tear stains on your eyes, then that means that person was crying and that something must’ve happened. “Whoa,” said Yabuki when he noticed the look in her ‘Twi what happened?” “It’s a…long story.” said Sunset as she slowly held Twilight close and rubbed her shoulders to calm down a bit, then looked at him and said “Can we come in? There’s something we need to talk about.” “Uh, yeah, sure.” said Yabuki “Please, come in.” The two girls entered as Yabuki closed the door as he looked at Twilight with concern. “You girls mind if I make you some cappuccino?” ‘sure,” said Sunset as she and Twilight sat down “We could use a little something.” Yabuki smiled and walked into the kitchen and continued to make some cappuccino. Sunset called out ‘so where are your folks?” “Oh, they’re out of town for a bit.” said Yabuki “Apparently my nana had a hip transplant.” “Again?” said a perplexed Sunset, then she groaned and said “What did she do this time?” ‘she tried to do Yoga of all things.” said Yabuki. Though he tends to sometimes change the subjects in most conversations, Yabuki always does this because he finds a way to help people whenever they’re in need, even if they don’t ask for one. He soon came back with their cocoas and placed them on the table, allowing them to accept. “Extra creamy, just as you two like it.” said Yabuki. ‘thanks Yabuki.” said Sunset as she took her mug, with Twilight taking hers slowly. After he was settled on the couch, Yabuki asked ‘so what’s up, what are you two doing here, not that I don’t mind the company of course.” ‘see, the reason why we’re here is.” said Sunset, but she bit her lip a bit, not knowing if he was going to accept it or not. She took a deep breath, and asked “I’m here to ask a favor. A big one in fact.” “Oh, what about?” asked Yabuki as he took his mug too. ‘see,” said Sunset as she placed her mug on the table whilst Twilight took a few small sips from hers. “It’s about Valentine’s day.” “Oh yeah, it’s starts tomorrow.” said Yabuki “Good thing it’s on a Saturday, all the more reason to enjoy it.” “Well,” said a nervous Sunset as she rubbed the back of her head “Not exactly.” Yabuki looked at her with a flexed eyebrow and was about to take a sip. “You see…” said Sunset as she didn’t know how to word this right. Until Twilight said ‘timber broke up with me.” Hearing that bit of news, Yabuki did a spit take and spat his water to the opposite side of the room, then looked at Twilight in shock. Though deep inside, he figured something like this would happen, considering he’s a little older than her. He quickly went over to her and sat next to her on the couch whilst holding onto her. He knows how easily upset Twilight can get, so he went over to comfort her. ‘timber and I were having some trouble with our relationship, because we barely had anything in common.” said Twilight as her hands were shaking, with Yabuki slowly taking her mug and placed it on the table so that he could help her. “When Valentine’s Day was approaching, I was really looking forward to spend some time with him, maybe find some common ground.” said Twilight, whilst she slowly began to tear up “But just this morning, he called me and said that we weren’t meant for each other. That he called our relationship quits just like that.” She then began to tremble and was slowly beginning to lose it “I was looking forward to a special day but instead he…he…” And before they realized, Twilight broke down and cried her eyes out, whilst Yabuki and Sunset held onto her, supporting their friend. ***************************************************************************************************** After much crying, Twilight was able to fall asleep, with Yabuki rubbing the top of her head to make sure that she would be okay. Sunset walked over with her phone in her hand. “Alright, I called her brother and sister in law,” said Sunset “They’ll come pick her up shortly.” “That’s good.” said Yabuki. Once Twilight was calm, he walked back to Sunset, allowing the two of them to go to the kitchen so that they could talk in private. “I still can’t believe that Timber broke up with her.” said Yabuki ‘twilight’s a great girl, and she’s also smart and knows how to have fun if need be. How can Timber do something so heartless?” “I don’t know,” said Sunset as she looked down whilst leaning against a table ‘twilight was really looking forward to this, and now she can’t even enjoy the one holiday that might risk breaking her heart more.” “And truth be told I kind of expected something like this to happen,” said Yabuki whilst Sunset looked at him with a flexed eyebrow “I mean he’s a little older than her and she should at least be with a boy whose about a year older than her.” Sunset couldn’t help but smirk at him with a flexed eyebrow whilst crossing her arms, with him saying “What, I’m always concerned about my friends, including you, Twilight and the rest of the Rainbooms.” “And we greatly appreciate it,” said Sunset, who then walked over to him and held his shoulder whilst she asked “Which is why I came over to ask for a favor.” “That being?” asked Yabuki. “Would it be okay for you to spend some time with her just to cheer her up?” asked Sunset. “Excuse me?” said Yabuki as he wanted to make sure he heard her right. “I really don’t want her to be alone on Valentine’s Day,” said Sunset “Plus I can’t help her out because Adagio has already made plans with me.” Yabuki flexed an eyebrow, causing him to smirk and said “Oh, so you and Adagio huh?” Sunset couldn’t help but blush with a smile whilst curling her hair and said “Yes, we are. We’ve been dating for a few months now.” “What about the others?” asked Yabuki. ‘the others are too busy too.” said Sunset “Rainbow has plans with Soarin, Applejack has plans with Rarity, Pinkie Pie is going with Cheese Sandwich, and Fluttershy is going with Big Mac.” “I see.” said Yabuki, but then looked at Sunset and asked “But out of all the people you could’ve asked, why me?” “Because you’re the only guy who the school likes because of how you help others, even me during my bullying days.” said Sunset. Yabuki remembered fondly. Though she was once a bully, she didn’t want to pick on Yabuki because he kept shrugging her off and that he sometimes give her cake or a special desert she liked every month, though she doesn’t show it much, she really loved them. And after she got reformed, she spent a lot of time with him and sometimes asked for help whenever she needed it. “Plus the girls and I trust you,” said Sunset “You were able to help keep our activities a secret whenever there’s trouble, and you’re also our best friend. If anyone could help Twilight it’d, be you. So can you please help her out?” Yabuki thought about it. On one hand, he didn’t have a date for Valentine’s Day either, and he didn’t want to break Twilight’s heart, considering that she had just broken up her relationship with Timber. On the other hand, he didn’t like the idea of leaving Twilight alone during Valentine’s day and he really wanted her to have fun and not be alone. Not to mention her friends couldn’t be there to help her, considering that they have plans. After giving much thought, he made up his mind. “Alright, I’ll do it.” said Yabuki “Anything to make sure that a friend of mine has the best day ever.” ‘thank you!” said Sunset as she hugged and kissed him. ‘twilight’s going to have the best time because of you.” “Like I said, anything for a friend.” said Yabuki. Sunset looked at the time and said ‘shining Armour should be here any minute.” Sure enough, Shining Armour came by and picked Twilight up whilst she was still sleeping, with Shining offering Sunset a lift home. Once they were gone, Yabuki thought about what he should do for Twilight. “Hmm,” thought Yabuki out loud “How should I proceed?” He kept thinking and thinking, until finally… “You know what, no sweat, I’ll just improvise and ask her what she wants. That’s always a way to let a girl know that you wish to help do what she wants.” Yabuki then turned in for the night, knowing he had to rest up well and help Twilight in her time of need. > A Scientific Valentine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Yabuki got up bright and early, for today is the day. Today is Valentine’s day. As Yabuki stood up and did his early morning stretches, he remembered that he promised Sunset that he would help cheer Twilight up and to make sure that she would have the best time ever. Even though she had recently broken up a relationship, it doesn’t mean a guy, who happens to be her friend, would want to help her out in her time of need. He did make a promise, and he couldn’t bear to see Twilight hurt. So after taking a shower, getting dressed, having some coffee before he left, he decided to walk to Twilight’s, considering that she doesn’t live very far from his house. “Let’s see,” said Yabuki as he began to list things down “In case Twilight didn’t have any breakfast, I’ll take her to a diner nearby. She loves their pancakes, especially with the strawberries and whipped cream on top of them.” He then chuckled, remembering that one time that he invited the girls over for breakfast at the diner when Sci-Twi ate with them the first time before their dance competition and when Sour Sweet and the others tried to copy their ideas. He liked Sour Sweet and her friends, he really does, but he was still miffed at them for trying to make the Rainbooms look like cheaters. When they ate with him at the diner, they saw Twilight was exhausted because she did an all-night study binge again, which they told her it was unnecessary, considering that she once used to do that at Crystal Prep, but now that she’s at Canterlot High, she doesn’t need to go through all that anymore. They saw how she was fast asleep and fell face first on top of her pancakes and used it as a pillow and nuzzling on the whipped cream. Rainbow and Pinkie laughed at that and wanted to take a picture, but one stare from Yabuki, gave the two of them the message and they tried to leave it alone. Yabuki then remembered that he whispered that AK Yearling was in the shop, making her sit up straight and asked excitedly where she was, only to realize that she was tricked and pouted. It was also the same day that Yabuki and the rest of the Rainbooms found out that Twilight also happens to be a huge fan of the Daring Do series, which got her and Rainbow to bond a lot. Yabuki told her she didn’t need to do it again, but she was persistent. Which was actually cute. ‘maybe after that,” thought Yabuki, “I can take her to the planetarium. Afterwards, the library to see if any of her favorite books are there. Afterwards, some well-deserved lunch at her favorite fast food place. And finally, the Amusement Park.” He soon stopped in front of Twilight’s house. He noticed that some of the light were on, realizing that her parents are up first. Twilight once told him that her parents wake up early to start out the day before going to work. He walked toward the door and took a deep breath, and breathed out slowly. He knocked on the door gently, and not too rough, just right…if he remembered well what Twilight said about her folks. Soon the door opened, revealing Twilight’s mom, Twilight Velvet. “Yes?” she asked once she answered the door. She then noticed Yabuki standing there, waving. Twilight Velvet smiled and said “Oh, Yabuki. So nice to see you again.” “Good to see you too Mrs. Velvet.” said Yabuki ‘say, is Twilight around?” And standing next to her was her husband, Night Light, giving him a look and asked “She’s still busy in the bathroom then getting dressed. Why?” Yabuki knew better than to lie to anyone, especially to Twilight’s parents. He looked back to notice that no one was watching, then looked at them and said “Mind if we talk in private?” The two of them wondering what was going, but allowed him the chance to explain whilst they stepped outside and closed the door behind them. Yabuki explained to them what happened yesterday. How Twilight and Sunset popped by at his place, but Twilight was an emotional wreck. Twilight told them That Timber Spruce broke up with her, and before Valentine’s day no less. So Sunset asked him to spend some time with her during Valentine’s day so that she wouldn’t be alone, and none of her friends could be there for her because they’re too busy spending time with their valentines. Sunset asked him because the only reason for that was because they trust him and that he was always there for them when they needed help from time to time. After his story, he concluded “And that’s what happened.” Both parents were surprised. Velvet held her mouth closed with both her hands whilst Night Light was just as surprised. “Oh, my poor baby.” said Velvet as she slightly teared up. “No wonder she looked a bit off when Shining Armour brought her home.” said Night Light. “And you wanted to spend some time with her?” asked Velvet. “No one should be alone on Valentine’s day.” said Yabuki “Whether its one’s true love, or a friend.” Night Light was again suspicious and asked “And what do you plan on doing for her?” “Well, I was thinking of buying her a pancake breakfast because she’s nuts about Pancakes. Especially with strawberries and whipped cream.” said Yabuki. Velvet shrugged and said ‘twilight does love those specific kind of pancakes.” “And after that I was planning to take her to the planetarium.” said Yabuki ‘then when it’s lunch time, I’d like to take her to her favorite fast food place called burger frenzy. They make the best burgers because of their juicy side, and their garlic fries are to die for. She goes nuts for that stuff.” Night Light then wondered out loud ‘so that’s why she always orders them every two weeks whenever she works at her lab.” “And uh…” said Yabuki as he rubbed the back of his head “That one time I snuck it into Canterlot High during lunch hours.” The said parents looked at him with flexed eyebrows, as he said “What, do you have any idea how many times Twilight forgets to take her lunch whenever she does extra homework that’s greatly unnecessary.” “Huh,” wondered Velvet “He’s not wrong there.” “And afterwards?” said Night Light as he took a closer look at her. ‘then to the amusement park,” said Yabuki “I figured she could use a little excitement in order to forget her troubles a bit. And what better place to help forget your problems is a fun time at the park.” “And?” said Night Light as he looked at him right in his face with a flexed eyebrow. “And uh…” said Yabuki as he nervously smiled with a hint of sweat “Bring her back home before seven?” Night Light blinked in surprise as Yabuki said “I always go home before seven whenever I’m out in the city, so my mom made sure to remind me not to forget my curfew, hence why I have a routine on my weekly basis.” Both Night Light and Twilight Velvet looked at one another, with Night Light closing his eyes, a smile on his face and nodded in approval. Velvet also smiled and looked at Yabuki. “Alright then,” said Velvet “We’ll allow it.” Yabuki sighed in relief, whilst Night Light called out ‘Twiley, you have a guest!!” “Be down in a sec.” said Twilight as she had just gotten her shoes on. She soon made her way down the stairs and said “Who’s at the…?” She was surprised to see Yabuki at the entrance, with him smiling and waving to Twilight. “Oh, Yabuki.” said Twilight “What are you doing here?” “Well,” said Yabuki “I was hoping if…” Suddenly, Yabuki suddenly felt a knot on his stomach. This caught him off guard, for he never felt this way before. Whenever he wanted to hang out with her, he was casual and they wanted to hang out. But now here they are, on Valentine’s day of all days, and it for some reason made him nervous. Twilight flexed an eyebrow, causing Yabuki to clear his throat and spoke normally once he took a breather. “I was hoping, if you weren’t busy,” said Yabuki “That maybe you’d like to hang out for today?” Twilight smiled and said ‘sure, just let me get Spike and…” “Actually.” said Yabuki as he stopped her “I was talking about…only the two of us.” Twilight was caught off guard and looked at Yabuki. She looked at him and wondered what he was planning. But from out of nowhere, Twilight suddenly blushed, but mentally slapped herself back to reality and looked back at him. “Uh, sure.” said Twilight as she stood near him “What…do you have in mind?” “Well,” said Yabuki “First I thought it’d be okay that I took you out for breakfast first.” Twilight was surprised by this. Yabuki wanted to buy breakfast for her first. She lightly blushed again and said “Uh, sure. Okay.” Velvet couldn’t help but smile and nudged her daughter whilst saying ‘Twiley, it’s clear that he wants to spend some time with you. Give him a chance. You might enjoy it.” Twilight looked at her mom, then back to her father, who nodded in improvement over this. Twilight looked at Yabuki again, whilst he was feeling nervous at the same time. “Uh…yeah sure.” was all that Twilight said. “Great,” said Yabuki as he was excited on the inside ‘shall we go now?” “Okay,” said Twilight as she quickly went back for her phone, then back downstairs “Alright then, let’s go.” The two of them soon left and headed for the nearby diner. “Aw, how sweet that Yabuki wants to cheer her up.” said Twilight Velvet. “He’s a good young man,” said Night Light ‘makes me wonder why Twiley never paired with him in the first place.” ***************************************************************************************************** Yabuki and Twilight continued their walk down to the diner, with Twilight asking “Are you sure it’s necessary?” “What?” said Yabuki “You also need to come out every now and then. Plus I thought you could use some cheering up.” “I know, and I really appreciate it,” said Twilight as she was still feeling a bit nervous “But isn’t this going a bit far?” “No one should be alone,” said Yabuki as he looked at her “Not even you.” Twilight was a little surprised about this at first, whilst she also began to feel herself heating up for some reason. The way he was nice to her. It felt strange, but it felt nice too. “And thus,” said Yabuki as he spotted the diner “Our humble breakfast dining building awaits.” Twilight flexed an eyebrow and said ‘dramatic much?” ‘sorry,” said Yabuki with a sheepish giggle ‘sometimes I can’t help myself.” ***************************************************************************************************** The two of them were able to find their seats at the booth. Yabuki was able to order for Twilight, which happened to be her favorite pancakes, with strawberries and whipped cream. He decided to have the same. As they took their coffee and waited for their pancakes, they decided to pass the time with small talk. ‘thanks for bringing me out here for breakfast Yabuki.” said Twilight. “No problem,” said Yabuki “Figured you could use a change of scenery. Plus it’s been a long time since we talked.” “Yep,” said Twilight ‘me working on my science projects and you working on your stories. They really exploded.” “You read some of it?” asked Yabuki. ‘sunset wouldn’t stop talking about it so I got curious.” said Twilight “I’m amazed of how much my counterpart went through back in Equestria.” “Yeah,” said Yabuki ‘thankfully I didn’t write about the time you and Sunset accidentally shrunk yourselves.” Twilight groaned and said ‘don’t remind me. I can’t believe things went downhill so fast.” ‘true,” said Yabuki “But why didn’t you even call me? You know I’d help you girls in a heartbeat. Especially since I promised you, I wouldn’t tell the others that you and Sunset shrunk yourselves.” “And I really appreciate that.” said Twilight “I’m also glad you didn’t tell my parents about this. I would’ve been grounded for a month with no lab time if they had found out.” “And you also learned a valuable lesson,” said Yabuki ‘don’t ever experiment without supervision, or don’t make yourself a guinea pig without your friends being there to help you.” He then smirked and leaned backwards against his chair and said “Especially that time when you thought you were inside of a certain someone’s phone when in the meantime you were in a random…” “Will you stop brining that up!” exclaimed a flustered Twilight as she held her face in embarrassment “How was I supposed to know we weren’t in her phone.” ‘didn’t you see any sci-fi movies like Tron?” said Yabuki “If you were inside her phone, you would’ve been surrounded by binary codes and digital numbers instead of nothingness.” “Come on,” said Twilight “That’s just made up.” Yabuki crossed his arms with a flexed eyebrow with a smirk and said “Just as you thought that a dimension filled with magical ponies and your powers and sirens and everything Equestrian Magic related was all made belief?” Twilight wanted to retort, but then sighed as she said “Point taken.” “Hey, maybe that’s what I should’ve taken instead of writing Fanfiction stories,” said Yabuki before he took a sip of his coffee “Become a researcher by trying to solve the unsolvable mysteries and the unexplained.” “You, a researcher?” said Twilight with a flexed eyebrow. ‘says the girl who thought she wouldn’t become popular by performing alongside the Rainbooms and saving the world?” retorted Yabuki. “Point taken.” said Twilight before she and Yabuki laughed. Soon their pancakes arrived and were placed on the table. The pancakes were shaped like hearts because of Valentine’s Day. But Twilight was focused on the pancakes instead of its shape. Yabuki could see her mouth was already watering, which he couldn’t help but chuckle at that. ‘mmm,” mumbled Twilight as she took a bite out of her pancake, and used her other hand to hold her left cheek as she enjoyed the sweetness of the pancake “This tastes so good.” Yabuki ended up smirking and said “Just be careful that you don’t fall asleep and use it as a pillow.” Twilight was then flustered and said “Will you stop bringing that up, I was tired.” ‘true,” said Yabuki “But we told you to take it easy. You were panicking for no reason.” “I was studying for advance physics.” said Twilight. “Which turned out to be regular physics.” said the smirking Yabuki “Need I remind you of the mix up schedules you had when you and the others applied for the new school year?” Twilight blushed and giggled sheepishly, for she does remember that day. “I still can’t believe we got our classes wrong again.” said Twilight before she took another bite out of her pancake, which she couldn’t help but do the same thing as she mumbled from the sweetness of the pancakes. ‘too bad we didn’t make a pancake beard contest when you made a mess of yourself.” said Yabuki “For example.” Within a split second, Yabuki slammed his face into the pancake, causing Twilight to look at him with a flexed eyebrow as she leaned backwards. But when he got back up, he had a beard made out of whipped cream whilst two pancakes stuck to him like glue on both sides of his face. “Ho, ho, ho!!” said Yabuki as he pretended to be Santa Clause, then said in a Santa voice “Whoops, wrong holiday.” Twilight blinked in surprise, then ended up spitting her pancake as she burst in laughter, with Yabuki joining in after he wiped the whipped cream off of his face. Some of the people who watched them thought that it was adorable. ****************************************************************************************************** Shortly after breakfast, they left the diner and continued to walk down the street and headed for the bus station. ‘thanks for the breakfast.” said Twilight as she and Yabuki stood near the bus stop. “Glad you enjoyed it.” said Yabuki. ‘so where to next?” asked Twilight. “How does a trip to the planetarium sound?” said Yabuki. “Oooh,” said Twilight as she got excited ‘sounds exciting, I can’t wait.” “As long as they don’t ruin it with jokes.” groaned Yabuki. “Jokes?” said a confused Twilight “What kind of jokes.” “You know, like ‘Venus, rhymes with…” “said Yabuki before Twilight cut her off. Twilight groaned and said “I still don’t know why they keep making jokes like that, it’s not even that funny.” “I know right,” said Yabuki whilst rolling his eyes ‘remember what happened last year when Rainbow came with us on tour?” He couldn’t help but smirk and said “Although, I kinda did get her good when I got her sent to detention.” Twilight looked at him surprised and said “That was you?” “You bet.” said Yabuki “If there’s one thing, I hate more than criticism. It’s hecklers. That and I wanted payback on her for ruining our last tour.” ‘did you have to do that?” said Twilight concerned. “Well she should also be thanking me.” said Yabuki with a smirk. ‘really?” said a confused Twilight “Why?” “If she hadn’t been sent to detention,” said Yabuki ‘she wouldn’t have met Soarin.” “Wait, Soarin was in detention too?” said Twilight surprised “What did he do?” “He got sent six months detention for doing the most shocking thing that no one thought he would ever do.” said Yabuki. “What did he do?” said Twilight as she also got curious. “He got dared into putting a small pair of gold fishes into both Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna’s bras and panties.” Twilight gawked in shock with wide eyes and her glasses nearly fell off as she couldn’t believe Soarin had done something that drastic. ****************************************************************************************************** Soon, the two of them arrived at the Planetarium. When they entered it looked a lot better than last time. “Whoa,” said Twilight as she looked around “What happened here?” “After Rosette Nebula came here for a celebrity appearance,” said Yabuki “They decided to renovate the place, making it look better than ever. They even upgraded the telescope.” “They did?” asked Twilight. “That’s right,” said Yabuki “No matter on a sunny or cloudy day, they were able to find a way for anyone to look at the stars, without any interference. They even have a caffeine booth.” Twilight saw a booth that sells different kinds of caffeine and beverages, along with some souvenirs. “That’s new.” said Twilight with a flexed eyebrow. “Yeah, tell me about it.” said Yabuki “Last time they didn’t want to do stuff like that. But they needed to make their money somehow for people from within and out of town.” ‘so, which one are we doing first?” asked Twilight. Yabuki wanted to say something, but he wanted to make the day special for her on Valentine’s day. He thought about it and said “Actually, since I’m a gentleman here. How about…you make that decision of where to go next.” Twilight blinked in surprise and asked ‘really?” “Yeah,” said Yabuki ‘today’s about you, after all.” Twilight blushed slightly, for she didn’t expect Yabuki to say something like that. She couldn’t help but produce a small smile and looked away. For that was really thoughtful. She thought about what to do, and realized there is something that she always wanted to do. “I know,” said Twilight as she snapped her finger “I always wanted to check out the Exhibit on Gravitational fields.” “And I know, just where it is.” said Yabuki as he lead her there. When they arrived, they were quite amazed to see what it looks like. (Note to the readers, don’t ask me if I know what it looks like cause I don’t have a clue what it looks like either) “Wow, this is amazing.” said Twilight with her cute eyes, which Yabuki found adorable. Until Twilight blinked and said “Wait, last time I was here, they didn’t show it next to the statue of Starswirl.” “That’s cause they moved it.” said Yabuki, gaining Twilight’s attention “They didn’t have enough room to put it on display, so they moved it to a much larger room.” “How did you know that?” “Uh, cause like a normal human being I asked?” said Yabuki, making Twilight pout with a deadpanned expression and a flexed eyebrow ‘seriously, didn’t you think about asking one of the staff members where it is, or if they were planning to cancel certain events?” Twilight wanted to say something as she opened her mouth, blinked in surprised, then groaned whilst slapping her forehead as she didn’t think about that. Yabuki then playfully bumped his hip against her playfully. “Now come on, let’s go.” said Yabuki, until he pretended that he was being dragged by the power of gravity “I…think…the…gravity of the room…is…dragging…me.” Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at his goofiness whilst he was pretending to be sucked in, allowing then to continue with their day. ************************************************************************************************** After they were done, they continued to where the Planetarium show was going to be. But before they entered, Yabuki asked if the Planetarium show was going to be available, which the staff member told them that they are. As they entered, Twilight was surprised to see chairs in there. “What’s going on here?” asked Twilight. “They wanted to spice things up a bit here,” said Yabuki as he showed her “Not only did they add these models here, but they’re also going to show the vastness of the universe. with stars from within and beyond the solar system.” “Oooh, can’t wait.” said Twilight. “And you don’t have to,” said Yabuki ‘the show starts in about five minutes.” They soon took their seats with the rest of the audience. They soon watched as the projection and model of their solar system began to do their job and performance. Twilight was fascinated by the stars that was showing, even Yabuki loved it. “Wow, you were right.” whispered Twilight “They really did an amazing job here.” ‘told you.” whispered Yabuki. They continued to watch the planetarium show throughout the entire hour. But during the show, Yabuki, without him realizing, held onto Twilight’s hand. This caught her attention as she looked at their hands whilst he affectionately rubbed his thumb against it. She couldn’t help but lightly blush and looked at him. Without him realizing, she did the same, and couldn’t wipe that smile from her face during their time together. ************************************************************************************************** Soon after the show was over, the two of them took a bus back to the city. Twilight was sitting next to Yabuki as the two of them wait for their next stop. ‘thanks for taking me to the Planetarium today, Yabuki.” said Twilight. “No problem.” said Yabuki “Glad I could also take you to the telescope so that you could see what was going on.” “It was fun, especially seeing the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt.” said Twilight. Mentioning the Orion’s belt, Yabuki was deep in thought. He couldn’t help but chuckle and said ‘the mentioning of Orion’s belt, kind of reminds me of that one show I watched a while back.” “What show?” asked Twilight. ‘don’t know if you heard the show called “Class of the Titans”.” Twilight flexed an eyebrow and said “No, I never even heard of it.” “It was a show I watched when I was a little kid,” said Yabuki “Basically it was about seven kids who were related to some of the heroes during the Greek era. The kids, being related to Jason, Hercules, Odysseus, Artemis, Achilles, Theseus and Narcissus, were called together to fight against the Titan Cronos and his minions in order to stop him from taking over the world.” “I see,” said Twilight ‘so what does Orion’s Belt have to do with it?” ‘there was an episode about Orion.” said Yabuki ‘the story was he and the huntress Artemis were lovers, but also very competitive. They never backed out of any challenge. Then one day, a stranger made a challenge for both of them. One that could hit a moving target with an arrow, the other attempting to dodge it whilst trying to swim away. In the end, one succeeded and the other failed. Artemis realized too late that the one she shot was the love of her life, Orion. In order to save him, she placed him among the stars. And every night, she would look up at the sky and miss him every day.” Twilight was surprised by this kind of story. “When Cronos brought him back,” said Yabuki “He wanted payback for what happened. But the one related to Artemis fought him. But during the conflict, she was able to talk to him that Artemis killed him by accident, telling him that Artemis still loved him, and that she never fell in love with anyone else. Orion, even though he was mad at Artemis, he knew better than anyone that she couldn’t resist a challenge, and neither could he. In the end he realized that it was time that they learned to resist any challenges and that they needed to let go of the pain of their pasts. He told her to tell Artemis that he misses her too. And now that he was at peace, he returned to the stars where he could live in peace.” He looked at her and said “It proved that love can be stronger than a simple challenge. That’s why I love CHS so much. And how I got to care for everyone in it, even you and the rest of the Rainbooms, that’s how I was able to resist the Dazzling’s control, because love can be strong, it’s how I cheered up Princess Twilight. And why I developed a love for mythology at the same time.” Twilight pondered over this. She remembered that even after she turned into Midnight Sparkle, he was the first one to go to her and give her a hug, to show her that he had forgiven her and that there was no need to be afraid, which made her happy. Twilight couldn’t help but smile and grasped her left hand and placed it against her chest. ‘so, uh…” said Twilight as she thought of something, then looked at Yabuki and asked “Where do we go next?” “Well,” said Yabuki as he thought about it “How does “Burger Frenzy” sound?” Twilight slowly gasped and smiled widely whilst holding both her cheeks. ************************************************************************************************** The two of them soon arrived at Burger Frenzy. The place was quite packed, but thankfully they were able to find a proper place for them to sit down and have their food. The chocolate shakes were the best, especially the juiciness of the burger and the taste of the garlic fries. Twilight took a bite out of her burger, and murmured the great taste of it. “This truly is the best.” “And the garlic fries are just as awesome.” said Yabuki as he took a bite out of the fry. ‘thanks for bringing me here, Yabuki,” said Twilight ‘these burgers are always to die for.” “Not to mention they’re great comfort food and it’s also your cheat day.” said Yabuki. Twilight flexed her eyebrow whilst she was pouring some extra sauce in it as he said “What, we all know that every month you set up a special day for you to eat whatever you want to, whilst the rest of the days you try to maintain a balanced diet. You even bragged about it during lunch hour.” “Oh right,” said Twilight as she sheepishly giggled whilst she held onto her burger whilst muttering “I really gotta stop doing that.” But the moment she took a bite out of her burger, she accidentally ended up spewing the burger’s ketchup all over Yabuki’s face, taking him by surprise whilst he blinked a few times. Twilight gasped at this and said “Oh my gosh I’m so…!!!” Twilight dropped her burger in a panic, but Yabuki was able to catch her burger before it splattered. “Careful,” said Yabuki as if he was a mother figure ‘the burgers can be really messy. I don’t want the grease to stain your clothes.” Twilight was a little surprised by this as she didn’t expect him to respond to that. Yabuki grabbed the wet cloth in order to wipe the sauce off of his face. As he was halfway done, Twilight suddenly got up and walked over to him. “Here, let me help.” said Twilight as she took the cloth and wiped the sauce off of his face. She continued to try and clean his face. However, when Yabuki took a good look at her, he realized that her face was close to his. He couldn’t help but lightly blush, for with or without her glasses. She looked really beautiful. “Uh…thank you.” said Yabuki as he slowly held onto her hand holding the cloth. Twilight noticed him holding her hand again. But this time, she could see his face was slightly blushing too. Twilight ended up slowly blushing herself as they continued to stare at one another. Things were silent all around them as they kept looking at one another. Twilight slowly stood up and felt nervous. “Um…let’s finish up, okay?” said Twilight. “Uh, sure.” said Yabuki. The two of them continued to eat their food whilst Twilight was lost in thought. “What’s wrong with me?” said Twilight from within her own thoughts “Why am I suddenly having feelings for him, I just went through a breakup. He couldn’t feel the same for me…could he?” ************************************************************************************************** After the awkward lunch at the Burger Frenzy, Twilight and Yabuki left and were silent for a few moments. ‘so uh,” said a blushing Twilight as she felt nervous “What else did you have in mind?” “Well…there’s still the trip to the Amusement Park…” said Yabuki “If you’re…you know, up for it?” “Oh yeah, uh…sure.” said Twilight. In both their minds, they were face palming one another, for now things were getting awkward between them. ************************************************************************************************** Soon enough, both of them arrived at Equestria Land. And thankfully Vignette allowed the Rainbooms a free VIP pass to make up for her past misdeed, so Twilight would be able to use it again for just in case. “I still can’t believe that Vignette gave you a VIP pass to the amusement park.” said Yabuki “You’re really lucky.” “It’s not luck.” said Twilight as the two of them walked ‘she gave it to us as a way to apologize for using us and trapping us.” “In her phone?” said Yabuki in a sneaky manner and a smirk on his mouth. “What did I just say?!” exclaimed the embarrassed Twilight once more. ‘sorry,” laughed Yabuki “I can’t help it, it’s just too funny!!!” Twilight grumbled in embarrassment and continued to walk alongside Yabuki, despite the embarrassing comment. Soon the two of them began to enjoy their time there. They rode on the bumper cars together, with Twilight laughing and trying to avoid him at the same time, with Yabuki laughing as he was about to catch up with her. Then they rode on the roller coaster, which Twilight panicked and held onto him, whilst he did the same to make sure that she was safe. Then they rode on the spinning swings, which they thought was enjoyable. Afterwards, they tried several arcade games, which they decided to compete against one another, analysis vs. skills. It was a lot of fun, although Twilight didn’t want to do the ring toss, not since what both Flim and Flam made them go through. He understood well, so he made sure that they weren’t around in order for them to continue without any distractions. The sun was slowly setting, and a reason too, for it was nearly 5PM, which meant that they can take one more ride, before having to go back home. Which Yabuki promised to take Twilight back before 7PM, because if he didn’t, he’d be a dead duck and he didn’t want to get on Twilight’s parents” bad side. “Oooh, how about the Ferris Wheel.” said Twilight as she pointed at the said ride. “I always wanted to ride on that.” ‘sounds good.” said Yabuki as he and Twilight made their way to the Ferris Wheel. The two of them soon climbed onto the seats of the Ferris Wheel and sat down. Soon the ride began and they were slowly enjoying the view. “You know,” said Yabuki “Out of all the rides we’ve been on, I like the Ferris Wheel.” “You do?” asked Twilight. “Yeah,” said Yabuki ‘to quote from a movie I once saw, “They say that the moment you reach the top, you can see your whole life in front of you”. I always like to take that lesson to heart, thinking about what the future is going to be like.” Twilight looked at it and she had to admit, he did have a good point. When she saw the top, she began to think of what she went through, sometimes the bad, but always the good side too. Going to CHS, gained great friends, accepted the magic inside of her, and more importantly, saved so many people. Even though she didn’t like to be called a superhero, but Rainbow did have a point. They did save so many lives. Though sometimes she felt guilty because she felt responsible for what happened during the games, she, like Sunset, continued to try and make amends for them. For her, life was really good. When all of a sudden, the moment that they were on top, the Ferris Wheel suddenly jerked to a stop, surprising the two of them. “Ladies and gentleman,” said the conductor “Apologies for the convenience. The Ferris Wheel appears to have an electrical malfunction. We will have it fixed within two hours. Again, we apologize for any convenience.” Twilight groaned and said “Great, looks like we’re stuck here.” “But on the plus side we get to watch a beautiful sunset.” said Yabuki. Twilight realized that he may have a point, for even though they’re temporarily stuck, they did get the best seat in the house for a sunset. “You have to admit,” said Yabuki as he and Twilight watched the sunset ‘the sunset’s always great. The orange hue always gives off a beautiful color.” “It really does.” said Twilight. They continued to look at the beautiful sunset. But as they watched, Twilight suddenly felt sad again and looked down. This gained Yabuki’s attention and he was really concerned for her. “You, okay?” asked Yabuki. Twilight sighed and said “I still can’t get Timber out of my mind. We had a great time together, and we tried to keep a stable relationship since Camp Everfree. I just don’t know what went wrong.” She sighed whilst looking away, saying “I wished the breakup never happened in the first place.” Yabuki felt bad for her, for in fairness, Timber was Twilight’s first crush. To be dumped by your first crush is never great. He knows that better than anyone. “Look, I’m not gonna lie.” said Yabuki ‘some relationships never last. In a way it’s always going to hurt. It’s hard to maintain a relationship too. Some aren’t that lucky to have that perfect relationship that can last since childhood. Cause maybe what happened is a sign.” ‘sign?” muttered Twilight as she partially looked away. “Yeah,” said Yabuki “If your relationship with Timber lasted, maybe fate wants you to be together. But if it doesn’t, maybe he’s just not the one for you.” Twilight lowered her eyes in sadness. But Yabuki continued “Besides, you don’t need someone like him. You’re ten times better than anyone. With your brainy nature, you can still find love interests. Sometimes love has a habit of kicking you in the face. Sometimes we just gotta look for it when we least expect it. No science and let nature run its course.” Yabuki looked head and said “I think that’s also the reason why I had a crush on you.” Twilight blinked in surprise and looked at him. “What?” muttered Twilight. “I…kinda had a crush on you since you came to CHS after the Friendship Games.” said Yabuki “You’re smart, you’re brave, you’re sweet and kind. Heck, you sometimes give me a run for my money whenever I tend to try to be smart too. And sometimes whenever the timing is right, you’re really funny.” He suddenly blushed a bit and said “Also…I think you’re beautiful…with and without the glasses.” Twilight pondered by what he said whilst her blush deepened. She knew he was right, that sometimes not everyone can mix well when it comes to romance. But when he was with her during the entire day. She had to admit, she had fun with him. And she didn’t feel alone. Out of instinct, Twilight slowly held onto his hand, gaining Yabuki’s attention as he looked at her. Twilight’s blush on her face deepened, whilst looking into his eyes. The two of them kept staring. And without thinking and without hesitation, both of them slowly moved towards one another. And within a few seconds, from the shine of the sunset, Twilight and Yabuki’s lips engaged, sealing their evening with a kiss. They held that kiss for a minute, until they separated and looked at one another, whilst at the same time, they began to smile. “You want to know how the day is?” said Yabuki. “Yeah.” said Twilight as they both thought of the same thing. “Perfect.” they responded whilst they slowly hugged one another and admired the sunset. > Valentine Resolution > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortly after their long wait till the Ferris wheel was fixed, Twilight and Yabuki took the bus back to her home. The sky was still red before darkness fell. However, they noticed that it was already passed their time to get back home, which Yabuki got worried about. “You, okay?” asked Twilight. “Let’s just say I promised your dad that I would make sure that you arrived at home before 7PM,” said Yabuki “If I didn’t, I’d be a dead duck.” Twilight giggled, for it’s understandable how overprotective her father is whenever it comes to curfews and making sure that she’s alright. Soon the bus stopped near Twilight’s house, allowing the two of them to step out of the bus and headed straight for the house. But as they stopped near the house, Twilight saw a note on the door. “What’s this?” said Twilight as she took the note off of the door, then read out loud “‘dear Twilight, I’ve taken your mother out for a romantic dinner tonight, so we took the liberty of making you some Alfredo Pasta before we left. Cadance is still busy with her night with Shining Armour, but she says that she’ll pop by to see if you’re okay. See you soon. Love dad”.” “Huh,” said Yabuki “Looks like I’ve been worried for nothing after all.” Twilight bit her lip as she felt nervous for some reason. But then she took a deep breath, then looked at Yabuki. “Um, Yabuki?” asked Twilight, gaining his attention “Would it be okay if you spend the night with me?” Yabuki was a bit surprised by this, but also widened his eyes and blushed. He didn’t expect this. But then again, to spend the last night of Valentine’s day together…would be a dream come true. “Uh, yeah sure, of course.” said Yabuki. “Oh, thank you.” said Twilight as she hugged him. Then broke the hug and picked up a rock and opened a secret compartment, revealing a small key inside. She pulled it out and said “Good thing we remembered to hide a backup key just in case.” Twilight inserted the key into the door and unlocked it, allowing her to open the door and walked in with Yabuki in tow. She turned the light on and on the kitchen table, was the pasta that was waiting for her. Which surprisingly looked enough for two people. “Care to join me for dinner whilst we watch a movie?” asked Twilight. ‘sure, why not.” said Yabuki as he and Twilight walked over to the dinner table. ************************************************************************************************** Shortly after they were done with their dinner and watched the movie, whilst also finished doing the dishes with Yabuki helping Twilight, they went to Twilight’s room upstairs. They saw that Spike was sleeping on the guest room bed, he always did find that bed really comfortable. After they arrived in Twilight’s room and closed the door, Twilight said ‘thanks for being there for me today, Yabuki. I really appreciate it.” “No problem,” said Yabuki “Like I said, no one deserves to be alone.” Twilight couldn’t help but smile and gently hug him, with Yabuki returning the favor. The two of them slowly looked at one another, and slowly placed their lips close to one another, allowing them to kiss. They slowly held onto one another. Yabuki, out of instinct, caressed her body, with Twilight humming in approval. His hands reached for the front of her skirt and unbuttoned it, allowing it to fall freely onto the ground without her even realizing it. But the moment his hand had reached for her left breast, she immediately broke the kiss and looked as if she was really flustered. “Y-Yabuki, what are you doing?” asked a flustered Twilight. “Giving you some special attention.” said Yabuki “It’s one of the very things that a man does to show how much he loves his special lady. Don’t tell me you’ve never had the urge to do something like that before?” “Well…not like this!!” exclaimed Twilight “I don’t know the first thing about special treatments like that!! I don’t know if I won’t be good enough, I don’t know if I’ll succeed in pleasuring you. I don’t even have a book about that!!” Yabuki blinked twice in surprised by that last part. “Wait a minute,” said Yabuki with a flexed eyebrow “You actually have a book about that?” Twilight blinked in surprised too, as she realized too late what she had just said out loud. She ended up being embarrassed and said “Uh, maybe?” Yabuki shook his head and smirked in amusement, then said “I think I found your problem. You rely too much on books.” Twilight flexed an eyebrow about that as her nervousness suddenly faded away. ‘to quote a character from a movie,” said Yabuki “Books may contain knowledge, but all of them are not page turners. Meaning there’s a difference between learning from a book and learning from a hands on project.” Twilight still wasn’t sure about this, then Yabuki approached her and held her shoulders, gaining her attention. “Besides, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” said Yabuki ‘there comes a time when a lady, when they’re of age, also needs to get some ‘special” treatment every once in a while, whether it’s from herself, or from her special somebody. But if you feel it’s too soon, I’ll understand. I’ll respect your wishes.” However, Twilight suddenly looked away whilst her blush deepened. “Actually…” said Twilight cautiously “It did feel quite nice. Just…be gentle with them.” Yabuki smiled and kissed her forehead, with him saying “You have my word.” Twilight ended up taking her glasses off and gave it to Yabuki in order for her to take her shirt off and let her hair down. She accepted the glasses back and placed it back on, allowing Yabuki to take off his shirt and pants too, which made her blush deepen when she saw him in his underwear. She slowly turned around and placed her back against his chest, giving more access to her breasts, whilst Yabuki could feel her rear, that feels both firm and plump. Yabuki slowly reached out for her D-cup jugs and groped them as gently as he could. He then moved them in a slow, circular motion, making Twilight moan, for she was really enjoying it as it is her first time. “That feels…amazing.” said Twilight as she kept her eyes closed. As he continued to grope her breasts, Yabuki decided to try a very bold move. He slowly unclipped her bra, allowing it to fall off the ground freely. But before Twilight could respond, she began to feel Yabuki’s hands on her breasts again, whilst he could feel her nipples from the touch of his fingers, slowly began to dig under her bra, allowing him to feel her breasts, as well as her nipples from underneath, making her gasp and leaned her head further, enjoying the feeling. Yabuki removed one hand and made his way towards her rear and gave it a gentle squeeze and massage, making her shudder as she enjoyed the feeling more. He tried another bold move and helped her remove her panties as they gently dropped onto the ground. Twilight could barely process what was going on. However, as Yabuki continued to arouse her, Twilight’s eyes and geode slowly started to glow, as if something was happening. But before she could say anything, he gently moved his hand towards her pussy, making her gasp lightly as she moaned softly, her body squirming, but alas, it betrayed her, and her bare rump rubbing against his crotch whilst in that position made her more aroused. “Oh…Yabuki.” moaned Twilight as she closed her eyes and moaned whilst he gently kissed her and kept his head rested on her shoulder. As she enjoyed his gentle touch, her geode continued to glow whilst her eyes were closed. But unknown to Yabuki, something happened to Twilight’s body. Her body began to feel a sudden surge through her body. She slowly panted, cooed and moaned through this sudden feeling. Her height was slowly changing as she grew taller, her D-cup breasts were slowly growing to double G cups, even her rump grew against his crotch, whilst her pussy felt more wet, which Yabuki couldn’t help but smirk at that. “Feeling wet are…what the hell?!!” shouted Yabuki when he saw her grow, taking him by surprise when he saw that she was as tall as her sister in law Cadance. “Hey now,” said Twilight, but sounding a mix between Principle Celestia and Vice-Principle Luna, whilst slowly turning around ‘don’t stop on my account.” Yabuki was flabbergasted by what he was seeing, for he couldn’t believe what just happened right in front of her. “What…but…how?!” exclaimed Yabuki. “A mixture of my magic.” said Twilight “Combined with the fact that I felt turned on the moment you tried this movement.” “I have so many questions.” said Yabuki as he rubbed the back of his head. “You could,” said Twilight, but slowly walked towards Yabuki and placed her hand against his member, making him slightly gasp at her touch whilst she could feel his erection inside “Or…you can have fun with this form until it wears off.” Twilight gently pushes Yabuki, making him sit down on the bed, with Twilight slowly sitting down on her knees whilst keeping a smirk on her face. “But first…do you like a specific sandwich?” Twilight held onto her G-Cup breasts and used them to cup his member between them. She slowly rubbed them between them. Making Yabuki squirm and mumbled his moaning. “Holy…” muttered Yabuki as he couldn’t believe how amazing her breasts feels. Was it because of her sudden transformation, for his member had never felt this way before. He felt like he was going to explode as he said “How the hell is her breasts making me feel like this?” Twilight continued to rub his member between her breasts, whilst she smirked and said “I really love this sandwich, it could use a good lick.” She slowly licked his member, making Yabuki widen his eyes and gripped on the blankets tightly, for the way her tongue felt, made him feel like he was going full cloud nine. “However,” said Twilight during her fictious manner “I wouldn’t mind taking the whole thing.” She placed the member inside of her mouth whilst she kept rubbing her breasts against his member, making Yabuki lift his head up, as she felt the warmth of her mouth. Even feeling her tongue was enough to send him over the edge, with her head bobbing up and down as she took in his member. ‘twilight…” said Yabuki as his eyes rolled a bit backwards “I…I think I’m going to…” No longer being able to hold it in, Yabuki climaxed into Twilight’s mouth, releasing his load inside of her, whilst drinking every inch of him in the process. Twilight released his member from her mouth and wiped it with a smile on her face. “That was quite good,” said Twilight “You’re definitely full of surprises.” ‘so are you, from what I’ve seen.” said Yabuki as he still had a hard time grasping how all of this is possible. “Now then,” said Twilight as she stood back up “I believe it’s your turn.” But after she stood up, he could see her womanhood right in front of him, clean shaved and since she gave him a blow job because of that body, now he’s curious to see how reaction would be. “Are you just gonna keep staring or…” said Twilight before Yabuki cut her off. Twilight gasped as she felt Yabuki’s tongue against her womanhood whilst he held onto her amazing posterior. The more he licked, the more Twilight was enjoying it, groaning and moaning whilst trying to keep her breathing under control. Yabuki explored her needy womanhood with his tongue in her body of a grown woman, giving her flicks and pokes that would make the girl in front of you squirm using her hips, but her body betrayed her as she wanted more. Yabuki brought her over to the bed, allowing her to collapse onto the bed as she enjoyed every feeling of his tongue. During his work, Twilight placed both her arms at the back of her head as her body continued to squirm, trying to contain herself, but it kept failing her. Soon enough, Yabuki placed his arms over her thighs like a belt buckle whilst Twilight, out of instinct, wrapped her legs around Yabuki’s head. “Oh my god, that’s amazing.” said Twilight as she couldn’t resist his mouth, whilst Yabuki added his fingers to the mix as he drew louder moans from her. Her climax was slowly approaching, building up within her in the process. But what they didn’t know, was that someone had come into the room, and that was none other than Twilight’s sister in law, Cadance. She surprised to see Twilight like that. Then again, with all the mishaps that happen in Canterlot High, it’s not that really surprising. She leaned against the door and kept her smile whilst observing the two of them. “Yabuki,” said Twilight as she could barely think “Yabuki…Yabuki…YABUKI!!!” With another round with his tongue, Twilight climaxed into his mouth, allowing him to drink up her love juice. The moment she was done, Twilight’s legs went limp, as did her arms, for the climax she felt was amazing. “Fair is fair,” said Yabuki as he wiped his mouth with a smile on his face “You’re quite the screamer you know that?” “What can I say,” said Twilight “You really do feel amazing. So…how about we went to the grand finale.” “Grand finale, huh?” said Cadance. Within a split second, both Yabuki and Twilight shockingly looked at the door as Twilight gasped and instantly turned back to normal and said “Cadance!!” in shock. Both Yabuki and Twilight instantly covered themselves with the blanket, with Twilight completely embarrassed by the whole ordeal. ‘don’t stop now on my account.” said Cadance with a smile “This was just getting good.” “Aw jeez.” muttered Yabuki as he was embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as Twilight was. “Please Cadance, please don’t tell.” begged Twilight. “Why would I tell Twilight?” said Cadance as she walked over and sat next to Twilight. “This is your first time. And you wanted to experience this on your own. Trust me, when Shining and I first wanted our first experience, I was also embarrassed about it. But we realized that we wanted to take the next step on our lives.” She placed her shoulder on Twilight’s shoulder and said “Plus I know what happened between you and Timber. And you wanted to experience this with a boy for the first time.” She looked at Yabuki and said “And Yabuki’s a sweet boy. Who spent the day with you on Valentine’s Day because he didn’t want you to be alone. And in a way, he felt the same way. And I have to say Yabuki, I’m really happy you made Twilight happy on this special day.” Yabuki blushed and chuckled sheepishly, for having Twilight’s sister in law in the same room with them whilst they didn’t wear any clothes was a bit of an embarrassment. ‘so, you won’t tell mom, dad and Shining?” said Twilight hopefully. “I will,” said Cadance, until she smirked and looked with bedroom eyes “On one condition.” She walked over to Yabuki and sat near him, making him curious of what they had to do to buy her silence. Then Cadance did something completely off guard. She unbuttoned her shirt and lowered it, revealing her G-Cup breasts behind her bra, whilst she placed her lips against him, taking him completely by surprise. But not as surprised as Twilight when she saw what her sister in law did. She broke the kiss, whilst she stared at him with bedroom eyes and said “I get to join in the fun.” Yabuki didn’t know how to respond to that, for he was speechless. But Twilight said “Cadance?!! But…what about…?” “It may come as a surprise to you Twilight,” said Cadance “But a while back when Shiny and I wanted to do the deed, Luna, who was our babysitter back then, took us by surprise when she intervened and wanted to be part of the fun too. She promised to keep things quiet if she joined the fun too.”. She chuckled and said “Let’s just say it was a night to remember.” Twilight and Yabuki’s jaws dropped, for they couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Cadance then took Twilight’s glasses and put it back on, even though she could see a little, Cadance wanted Twilight to see a full show. “And besides,” said Cadance as she picked up Yabuki, but he was still naked, making him stand in front of Cadance whilst holding him and said “You really want to pass up having a fun night with him?” Twilight blushed once more, but she dropped her blanket as she showed her body too. She kept staring at Yabuki, making her heart beat faster and also feeling aroused at the same time. “Having fun, huh?” said Twilight in a softer tone. Her breasts suddenly looked like they were throbbing, bouncing a bit as if they were beating like a heart. “That’s…really nice.” Within mere seconds, Twilight’s body grew to her adult form in Cadance’s side. Yabuki was taken aback by this. ‘seriously,” said Yabuki “How are you not freaked out about this?” “With everything that kept on happening in this city,” said Cadance “You get used to it.” ‘so uh…” said Yabuki as he felt really nervous “How will we…?” “Oh, I have something in mind.” said Cadance with a smirk on her mouth. ************************************************************************************************** Yabuki sat on Twilight’s chair in the middle of the room, not knowing what they were planning. He was really nervous about this, especially with Cadance involved. He just hopes that Shining Armour doesn’t catch any wind of this, otherwise he’s a dead duck. “Uh, hello?” said a nervous Yabuki. “Keep yourself seated Yabuki.” said Cadance. “And enjoy the time of your life.” said Twilight. Yabuki waited in silence, hoping that they won’t go overboard with this. However, two bed lamps, acting like stage lights, turned themselves on, and what Yabuki saw, he really wasn’t prepared for this. He saw both Cadance and Twilight (Still in her adult form), standing before him, whilst wearing belly dancing outfits whilst striking a pose at the same time. “Twilight?! Cadance?!” exclaimed Yabuki. “Yes, indeed Yabuki,” said Cadance in her pose “It is us. The ones that are going to please you tonight.” “Oh Cadance, you’re such a tease.” said Twilight in her own pose “You’re just in time for the show, Yabuki.” “W-what show?” said Yabuki nervously whilst clinging to his seat. “Just sit back and enjoy the show.” said Cadance. As soon as the music started, both Cadance and Twilight began to dance around in their belly dancing outfits. Raising their arms in the air, moving their hips, even their breasts were moving in sync with the song as they shook them. Yabuki blushed deep red as he couldn’t believe what was happening before him. “Oh, sweet mama,” said Yabuki within his own thoughts “If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up.” The ladies began to dance in front of him again, whilst he felt mesmerized by what he was seeing. As he was suddenly living in any boy’s greatest fantasy. “W-where the heck did you learn that?” said Yabuki as they continued to dance. “We both studied it in a book that showcased the Arabian style of belly dancing.” said Twilight. “Cadance figured that you might enjoy it.” Cadance danced in a pose whilst saying “Well? Do you enjoy this young man?” “Y-yes I do.” muttered Yabuki. Both Cadance and Twilight continued to dance in sync, which left Yabuki widened his eyes with his jaws dropping, barely being able to comprehend what they were doing. The way they danced in sync, this was a bit too much for him to bear. Cadance and Twilight moved towards Yabuki, with Cadance saying “You can touch them if you want Yabuki.” Yabuki looked at them, feeling the urge to do this right now. He slowly placed his hand on their bellies, making them smirk as they enjoyed the feeling. Yabuki suddenly imagine having sex with both of them in the same bed, which caused his erection to look strong. He noticed, causing him to feel embarrassed. However, both Cadance and Twilight noticed this, which made Cadance smirk. “My, my.” said Cadance as she looked at him with a flexed eyebrow “It looks like he’s already ready for the events.” “Uh…” muttered Yabuki, not knowing how to respond to any of this. Twilight then began to ponder, and said “Well, since you are our sultan, we have to pleasure you in any way we can.” And right on cue, both Cadance and Twilight removed their belly dancing bras, revealing both their large G-Cup bosoms, which took Yabuki off guard as he saw that both of them look amazing. “Well,” said Twilight to Cadance ‘since I already did it with him, you get to go first Cadance.” Cadance slowly walked over and slowly stood on her knees in a sexy manner. She opened her mouth and slowly licked his member, making Yabuki moan through his muttering voice, trying his best to be in control. Until he saw her massaging his member with her breasts, making him moan even louder, for like Twilight, Cadance feels amazing. “I bet you like that, don’t you?” said Cadance whilst rubbing his member, whilst at the same time, she moaned whilst she was feeling Twilight playing with her womanhood. Cadance began to enjoy that as she felt both hot and bothered at the same time. Cadance looked at his member, making her giggle when she noticed how hard it became. “I think he’s ready Twilight.” said Cadance. “Excellent.” said Twilight as the two of them took the final bit of their clothing off, revealing them to be naked all at once. Both of the ladies escorted him to the bed, allowing Yabuki to rest on the bed all at once. Cadance slowly went over to Yabuki, kissing him on the lips. She departed and looked at him with a gentle smile. “Now Yabuki,” said Cadance “No matter what happens, I want you to cum hard inside of me. And don’t worry about me getting pregnant, I took birth control before I came here.” “Yes, my dear belly dancers.” said Yabuki. Within moments, Cadance placed his member inside of her, making her moan. But she started to moan even more as she started to move her hips, enjoying the feeling inside of her, whilst he noticed that Twilight was sitting in a corner and playing with her womanhood, enjoying the show in the process. “Oh, crap, this isn’t a dream.” thought Yabuki ““Please let fate not interfere. Twilight slowly stood up and walked over to Yabuki, saying “Let me join.” She climbed over the bed, allowing her to place her womanhood over his face. Spike took this as a sign that Twilight also wants part of the action. So he gently grabbed her hips and placed his tongue against her womanhood, making her moan at the same time. She enjoyed the feeling of his tongue. Sure she may have felt it before, but it was worth a second round whilst she was massaging her breasts. Cadance continued to bounce on Yabuki’s lap whilst he was busy licking Twilight’s womanhood, but at the same time, both Twilight and Cadance kissed each other on the lips, in order to give Yabuki the push he needed. “Oh, crap.” said Yabuki as he rolled his eyes, “I feel like I’m going to burst.” whilst he kept licking at the same time. “We’re almost there too Yabuki,” said Cadance whilst rolling her eyes ‘do it.” Just like that, Yabuki came into Cadance’s womanhood, making her moan loudly, whilst Twilight also moaned at the same time, she didn’t cum, because she was having difficulty to feel aroused. “Aw,” said Twilight playfully “How come I haven’t cum yet?” “Look Twilight,” said Cadance after he pulled out, showing his member was still erect “I think he really wants to go another round with you.” Twilight went over to him and climbed back onto the bed. She sat on his lap and used her magic to place his member inside of her, making her gasp loudly. “Now then,” said Twilight as she pulled Yabuki up, making him look at her smiling face “Let’s make this memorable.” Twilight chose to hug fuck Yabuki as she held onto him whilst her legs were wrapped around his waist, whilst she continued to bounce. At the same time, Yabuki held onto her butt, making her feel more aroused. She leaned her head backwards as she felt like she was close. However, when Yabuki took another look at her face, he couldn’t help but marvel at her beauty. She really is amazing. He held to the side of her face, making her look at him as he had a smile on his face whilst she was riding him. “I love you, Twilight.” said Yabuki. Twilight, even though she was in that form, couldn’t help but blink in surprise. Deep down, it’s as if she was hearing him. She couldn’t help but smile as a tear fell down her cheek. “I love you too.” said Twilight as she planted her lips on his. But right on cue, both of them climaxed hard, making them moan through the kiss. Once their climaxed died down, causing both Yabuki and Twilight to collapse onto the bed panting for a few moments. After Twilight removed Yabuki’s member from her womanhood, she instantly turned back to normal. Both of them had passed out and continued a peaceful slumber. Cadance, after she got fully dressed, smiled as she saw how peaceful they were together. Cadance placed Twilight’s glasses back on the table whilst she covered them in a blanket. “My work here is done.” said Cadance with a smile on her face. As she stood by the door and turned off the light, she received a phone call. “Hello?” said Cadance. “…” “Oh, hello there.” “…” “No, don’t worry, Twilight’s safely back home.” “…” “Oh really?” said Cadance surprised “You have to stay there for the night because he was in an accident?” “…” “Oh, don’t worry,” said Cadance as she looked at Yabuki and Twilight, snuggling together on the bed “She’s perfectly safe. He made sure of that.” “…” “I can assure you she’s fine.” said Cadance as she reassured them “I checked up on her and she’s fine.” “…” “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye.” said Cadance before she hung up. Then she called Shining Armour “Hey Shiny. Don’t worry, I’ll be in time for our night. Just need to make sure Twilight was okay.” Cadance left the house so that Twilight and Yabuki could rest in peace, whilst at the same time, the latter continued to have smiles on their faces, for truly this was the best Valentine’s day ever. > Bonus Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, the sun began to rise over the Sunday. With Twilight’s parents not being home yet due to trying to help a friend of theirs who got in trouble, Yabuki stayed over for the night. Twilight held onto him with a smile on her face whilst snuggling against his shoulder. Yabuki on the other hand slowly woke up and looked down and saw Twilight, whom made him smile as he kissed her forehead, making her stir and wake up in the process. ‘morning Twilight.” said Yabuki. Twilight yawned a bit and said ‘morning Yabuki.” Twilight sat up and stretched a bit, with Yabuki seeing her gorgeous back as he liked how it looked. “Wow,” mumbled Twilight as bits and pieces of what she, Cadance and Yabuki did last night “What a night.” “Well you do have to admit,” said Yabuki as he stroked her back all the way down to her posterior whilst holding onto it and making her shiver with delight whilst biting her lip with a smile “You really did enjoy yourself.” He sat back up whilst Twilight looked at him with half lidded eyes “You’re one to talk.” “Yeah,” boasted Yabuki “But I got more experience who gave you an orgasm of a lifetime, especially since what your magic did to your body. Something a book just can’t do.” Twilight was about to retort, but she playfully pouted and giggled. “Okay, book can’t always help some of your problems.” Yabuki playfully gasped and said “Why Twilight Sparkle. Are you actually saying that books are wrong and dumb?” “Hey,” exclaimed Twilight playfully and tackled him onto the bed “You’re a real trouble maker Yabuki, you know that?” “Look who’s talking.” said Yabuki, causing the two to laugh again. However, Twilight felt something underneath the bed, causing her to look under, and realized that Yabuki’s member was erect. She smirked and looked at him. “Looks to me someone is willing to do another round.” said Twilight. “From the look in your eyes, so are you.” said Yabuki ‘so, should we do the full…” “Actually,” said Twilight as she slowly sat on top of his lap with the blankets falling off of her shoulders, revealing her body as she said “Why don’t we skip to the main event?” Twilight was able to place his member inside of her, making her bit her lip once more. She slowly moved her hips up and down as she slightly gasped. Then she moaned whilst she enjoyed feeling it inside of her. Yabuki didn’t want to make her do all of the work so he moved his hips in sync with her whilst holding onto her posterior. Making Twilight moan whilst leaning her head backwards and placing her hands on his knees to have support. “Someone’s getting turned on from this.” said Yabuki. “I could say the same thing about you.” said Twilight as she enjoyed the feeling. Yabuki decided to mix it up a bit and slowly sat back up whilst he hug fucked her at the same time, with Twilight joining in. “Yabuki…” said Twilight as she kept her eyes shut “I think I’m going to…” “Same here…,” said Yabuki. Both of them climaxed at the same time. Once the feeling was passed, Yabuki collapsed on the bed with Twilight on top of him. The two of them panted for a bit, but they kept staring at one another. “Love you, Twilight.” said Yabuki. “I love you too.” said Twilight. When all of a sudden, they heard someone saying “We’re home!” Twilight and Yabuki immediately sat up in shock, for Twilight’s parents are home. “Oh shit,” said Yabuki. “We gotta get dressed.” said Twilight. The two of them quickly got dressed as Twilight’s parents settled in. After they got dressed and the room was tidy, Yabuki quickly snuck out of the window, with him and Twilight looking at one another whilst they were face to face. “I’ll see you later.” said Yabuki. ‘see you later.” said Twilight as they kissed before Yabuki jumped off and ran home, with Twilight was just about to close the window, until her parents came in. “Oh, morning sweetie.” said Twilight Velvet ‘did you just get up.” “Oh, sure, everything’s fine.” said Twilight, whilst managing to keep a straight face. ‘did you arrive late?” asked Night Light. “No.” denied Twilight. But then she said ‘maybe a little. The Ferris wheel we were on suddenly had technical problems so we were stuck up there for an hour.” “Ah,” said Night Light, then mumbled “At least that’s a proper excuse.” As he left, Twilight Velvet asked ‘so how was your Valentine’s day honey?” Twilight couldn’t help but smiled dreamingly and said “Everything was perfect.” *************************************************************************************************** “Are you serious?!” exclaimed Sunset. It had been a few days since Valentine’s day, and Yabuki decided to fill Sunset in on what happened during the day. At first, things were going okay. The outing was perfect. However, what he told her took her off guard when he told her of how her magic had changed her body when she felt aroused. “Yeah,” said Yabuki ‘she grew tall, her breasts were bigger, and she was the exact same height as her sister-in-law Cadance.” “Even her personality?” she asked. “That too.” said Yabuki “You think it’s because of Equestrian Magic that did that to her?” “I don’t know,” said Sunset as she pondered “I think I’m going to have to ask Princess Twilight later.” “You do that.” said Yabuki. “But before you go,” said Sunset, gaining Yabuki’s attention “I noticed that the look on her face indicated that she had a great time. But what about you?” “Oh, it was okay.” “I meant during er…you know.” said Sunset as she tried to clue him in. Yabuki knew what she meant, causing him to slowly had a wide smile and giggled in a goofy manner. “Oh, it was amazing.” said Yabuki ‘she really knows how to do it, with or without magic.” Sunset couldn’t help but blush at that remark, making her shake her head and chuckle about it in the process. “Alright, I’d better go to class.” said Sunset ‘see you later Yabuki.” ‘see you later Sunset.” said Yabuki as he left. After he was gone, Sunset suddenly began to think about what he said. “Hmmm,” mumbled Sunset “I wonder if I could do that with my magic with Adagio for one night?” She suddenly blushed bright red and said “Uh, I’d better get to class.”