> Friendship Is Dead > by The Spiral Staircase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > RainbowDash is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal sunny day, Dash was performing her usual stunts and tricks, with a small audience of course. Everything was perfectly fine, but knowing Dash like I did, she never made anything easy. She kept on going, making her stunts more dangerous and to a degree, straight up stupid. She flew higher and higher, going faster and faster, until shit finally went wrong, I ran to her before she hit the ground, she couldn’t get back up before she basically ate dirt. Dash hit the floor hard, there was a loud snap as she did so, I went to her, I don’t know why I even bothered, sure, she was my friend, but common sense would say that she was at least 200% fucked up. I looked at her body, her wings stuck up in the air like oddly shaped sticks, her jaw was flung back and now lay under the remains of what could once be called a head, teeth scattered around the area like confetti. Her eyes were wide in shock, the milky glaze that covered them made it look like fragile glass that would shatter at a single touch. There was no denying it. RainbowDash was well and truly dead. > Applejack is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the accident with her fiancé, Applejack buried herself into her work, she worked and worked for months on end, she never stopped to think, she kept herself occupied as much as possible. She refused to let RainbowDash’s death sink in, she kept working until her body was on the brink of giving out. But every time she stopped to rest, the memory of Dash’s funeral creeped its way back into her mind, so she never stopped. Eventually, Applejack’s body gave out and she collapsed, she passed away a while later due to heatstroke. The funeral was a few days later, it was run by the remaining members of the apple family, despite the purpose, it was lovely. > Rarity is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gemstones, oh how much she loved gemstones, she would mine and dig around for them even in the worst of weather, all for dresses and jewellery, and sometimes, little treats for Spike. So when I heard she was killed in a cave in, I was shocked, not because she had died though. I was shocked with myself, and how I wasn’t even surprised at how it happened, I started to hit a point where I was no longer surprised when I heard someone had passed away. I grew afraid, not of death, not of losing everything, I was afraid that I wouldn’t care anymore. I had every right to be scared, I knew that life was precious to those who didn’t share my life span of immortality. I wish I could apologise but I have nothing to say. Apologies to the dead are pointless when you know they will fall on deaf ears, there is no one to answer anymore. > Pinkie Pie is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Years, everyone has gotten a good bit older since the first three of us died, I don’t even know why I showed up to that party, all my other friends were there, which was a pretty nice touch despite the other events that took place. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were stuffing their faces with cupcakes and pretty much everything, I was pretty sure they had metabolism that was faster that RainbowDash, which was pretty fucking impressive. Fluttershy and Discord were simply sitting in the corner in silence, they were clingy onto each other like tomorrow didn’t exist, that was probably the first sign that something was wrong, aside from the odd looking stallion in the other corner. Everything seemed fine until Pinkie abruptly stopped moving, she raised her hooves yo her through and began to cough, it was subtle at first, but within moments she was hacking and choking on the floor. I looked around panicking, before my eyes fell on the suspicious stallion, he stood there in silence, looking at the suffocating mare. He turned around and left in the cacophony of madness that erupted in the room. The police stated that she was poisoned by one of the drinks, they caught the stallion that did it, but that didn’t really help, he was at the mercy of the law. The funeral was a few days later, I did come, but I didn’t cry, I couldn’t, I was too tired of this bullshit to cry, the ones I loved were dropping like flies and I was getting to a point where I didn’t care anymore, I was just about done. > Fluttershy is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy passed away from age, she died in her sleep, at the very least it was peaceful, I didn’t go the funeral, I couldn’t bare to see his face, I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. I visited his dimension afterwards, I knocked on the door but he never came, I opened it and saw him laying on the carpet, I went to him and we talked, well, I did, Discord just looked at me and nodded his. I’m not sure he was even paying attention, but I don’t blame him, he was going through a lot at the time. We talked for what seemed like hours, I never wanted to leave his side, but I had royal duties to carry out, despite current events. I ended up leaving a little while later, even though I didn’t want to. Sometimes I wonder what might’ve happened… > The CMC’s Are Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle was electrocuted during a singing event, I’m pretty sure that someone tampered with the microphone before the performance, she lived a good life as a singer, it was sad to see her go like that. Scootaloo crashed during her flight test, no one is sure what exactly happened, at some point she lost control and fell, she hit the ground and broke her spine instantly, she was dead in seconds. She always wanted to be like RainbowDash, I guess she got her wish in the end. Apple Bloom got trapped in the farmhouse as it crashed down on top of her, the bales of hay on the floor above tumbled down onto her, she was found dead a few hours later. Poor girl… > Half of PonyVille is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A disease has spread, it was highly dangerous and half the town has died, while the other half has been quarantined, I visited Discord, he’s taking all this insanity really badly, I’m worried about him, if he does anything that involves him leaving his dimension, I will tie him to the wall if I have to, I won’t let anything touch him. I need to protect him, along with the rest of the town, I need to keep everyone safe, it is my duty as the ruler of Equestria. I need to protect them. No matter what they tell me… > The Princesses Are Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’m fucking done. I am just done. I can’t fucking deal with this, all my friends die, the towns nearby died, and now the goddamn princesses are dead too, I don’t even know how it happened, I am just done, tell the princesses that there a bunch of assholes for leaving me here, I just can’t believe them. Now he’s the only one left. I need to keep him safe… > Discord’s Last Thing To Say. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The draconequus sat in his room in isolation, he hadn’t seen the town of PonyVille, Twilight, or anything else in over six months. He wanted to get up and leave but he couldn’t, someone was keeping him there. Discord: (It was probably Twilight) He thought to himself, he hadn’t realised he had curled up into the fetal position while he was thinking, perhaps it was just instinct. Discord rocked back and forth in silence for awhile, his thoughts running wild, there was a pain in his chest as memories flooded his head, Discord pressed his hands against his head to try and force the thoughts out, he remembered all his friends dropping off and dying one by one until he was completely alone. He beat his hands against his head repeatedly, he accidentally snapped his fingers in his stress, there was a sound of clattering metal on the floor, he turned his head and looked at it. A razor sharp knife sad next to him patiently, waiting for him to pick it up. He did, his body moved before his mind could react, he pick up the knife and held it in his talon, Discord brought it up to his neck on impulse, he wasn’t sure what told his to do that, but he didn’t want to ignore it, his gut instinct was usually correct. The jagged blade grazed against the flesh of his neck, he wasn’t afraid, he knew everything would be alright. The blade cut effortlessly through his flesh with a sound that reminded him of tearing paper, tendons and arteries didn’t stand a chance against the blade, blood gushed from the new wound in large bursts, staining the carpet below a vibrant ruby colour, it was beautiful. Discord dragged the knife further across his neck, his windpipe ripping open and flooding with the fresh blood. Discord dropped the bloodied weapon, it landed on the floor with the same clattering noise it made when it first appeared, the draconequus wobbled slightly before collapsing with a dull thud. The crimson liquid flooded his lungs as he lay there, Discord coughed in response, more blood beginning to stream from his mouth, he took it rattled and short breaths. Which didn’t really do anything, the red colour spread through the room in silence, he stared at it as everything began to haze over into darkness, he gave up on breathing and simply lay there. Discord closed his eyes as his senses finally have out on him, the dull release of death was welcomed, his heart fluttered to a stop as everything went completely black. > Everyone is Dead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone is gone, I am alone now, I had one thing left to do and I failed, I couldn’t protect my last friend, not even from himself. I found him laying on the floor, blood had spread all throughout the room, I ran up and held him in my arms, I can’t believe this had happened, nor did I know why, all I knew was that my last friend was limp in my arms and I couldn’t f do o anything about it. I looked around the bloody room, my eyes fell on a strange looking knife, it was jagged and covered in blood and torn pieces of flesh, I picked it up and pieces everything together. I’m not even surprised at this point…