> Yes Master > by DiamondandIce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s Spring Break. In a vacation house by the beach, you are sleeping as you tuck and turn on a very big bed, enough space for three people which isn’t strange to you. The vacation house you’re in isn’t yours but belongs to someone that you know. You didn't realize that the door opened due to being asleep as two familiar faces entered and went to each side of the bed and scooted over to you. You felt two soft things touching your lips as you opened your eyes a little. The more you open them, you see two female faces giving you a good morning kiss as their eyes are closed. After coughing a bit, both of them opened their eyes a little as their eyebrows flatter adding to their beauty. As they separate from the kiss, you can now see a whole view of their faces, these two ladies that woke you up are your girlfriends. “Good morning my love,” Rarity said. “Good morning babe,” Sunny Flare said. It sounds crazy but both Rarity and Sunny Flare are your girlfriends. It started after Canterlot High tied with Crystal Prep Academy during the Friendship Games. You and Rarity were a thing until Sunny Flare came who started to grow a liking to you. After that, both girls from different schools, both friends and rivals even after helping each other out with that Music Video are fighting over you and each side won’t give up until they make an agreement to take turns with you. You felt like an ass**** that this is going to be a bad idea, but both Rarity and Sunny Flare didn’t mind as long as you're happy, they’re happy as well. The vacation house you three are in belongs to Rarity’s family and you three have this place all to yourselves. Since there are only a few days left before school resumes, you three will make the best out of these remaining days. You noticed that your two girlfriends are not in their usual attire nor their summer getups.  “Girls, why are you dressed up in maid uniforms?” You asked. Your eyes aren’t playing with you, both Rarity and Sunny Flare are wearing maid uniforms. Both uniforms look the same but have a parallel contrast on the lower part of the uniform, Rarity wore a black headband and black shoes while Sunny wore a ruffled headpiece and white shoes. What catches you also is that the length of their uniforms is up to their knees and the upper part of the uniforms hugged both of their bosoms. You figured that Rarity designed these and when it comes to acting you couldn’t decide between the two who will do better.  “Well,” Sunny being the first one to speak. “These past days you’ve been generous to teach me and Rarity with swimming lessons and spend more time doing what we want. Now it’s time we return the favor and do what you want.” “It’s fine. But I’m not forcing you to wear those outfits if you’re not comfortable.” You said not to sound like a jerk. “Darling.” Rarity scoots over and wraps her arms around yours and lays her head on your shoulder. You felt your arm being pinned between her breasts but your eyes were focused on hers. “You don’t have to worry, me and Sunny decided this for ourselves. So for these last days of our Spring Break, we will consider you as our master and we will be your maids.” This is also the reason why you love both of them. Both being from wealthy families and wanting to look perfect in front of people, they are also decent ladies as you pull both your girlfriends in for a hug and kiss each other on the lips as a return for what they did earlier.  To start the day, you noticed that you slept peacefully and missed breakfast. You’ve thought of spending this day at the mall nearby to take both Rarity and Sunny Flare out for a date while wearing those maid uniforms. Before you could take back what you said for you, maybe taking it a bit too far, both your girlfriends were excited as they rushed over and hugged you from both sides making you feel the softness of their breasts as you started to get hard below. “Deary, could you at least wait until we start the fun later.” Sunny teasingly said as she strokes your bulge, still covered by your pants with her hand. “She does have a point.” Rarity joins in also placing her hand on a side of your bulge as both of them are doing it. “Sorry and could you please take your hands off it.” You said making them stop as you sigh in relief. All three of you got into your SUV that your parents bought for you after you got your driver's license. While on the road, Sunny earlier insisted on sitting at the front which you didn’t mind. She had something in her mind for you which is why she keeps insisting. “Uh, Sunny?” You said as you tried to focus on your driving because she unzipped your pants and started taking you inside her mouth. “Can this wait later? We know using while driving is a ‘no’, but having sex while driving is obviously a ‘no no’.” “Says the one who let Rarity do this to you when we first got here!” Sunny Flare counters your words then looks at the one sitting in the back. “Am I right, Rarity?” “Hahahaha, you do have a point.” Rarity sheepishly laughed while looking away guilty but got to her senses. “Still I apologize for that and you should speed it up a bit for our boyfriend needs to focus on his driving.” Sunny’s moans begin to grow louder as she moves her head a little faster. You couldn’t hold it in as you released your cum inside her mouth and she took it all in, just in time when you had to stop by a stoplight. Sunny then removes her mouth from your dick as she swallows the remainder of your seed and quickly grabs some tissue from a box and wipes her mouth. “There,” Sunny said, fully satisfied. “Now me and Rarity are even.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You three arrived at the mall as you parked your SUV. Rarity clings on to your right arm while Sunny Flare does the same thing with your left. You notice that people around are looking at you three, mostly to your two girlfriends who are out of place with their maid uniforms while you wore a white buttoned shirt  with a design on the back and some pants with rubber shoes.  “Don’t mind them my love-I mean...master, just keep walking.” Rarity said getting your attention. The three of you arrive at a family restaurant. All of you ordered a sirloin steak for you; creamy pasta for Rarity; and pesto pasta for Sunny; in addition are a salad and ice tea for all three of you. While enjoying lunch (for you its brunch since you missed breakfast), both your girlfriends even had the opportunity to spoon feed you with theirs as you did with yours. What you three didn’t realize is that the table you three are sitting is by the window as the other customers have their eyes on you three even other people are gathered outside as they see the three of you eating here.  You are almost done with your girlfriends until the waitress serves you three which looks like a large sundae, but you three look closely to see it's a parfait. “Did one of you order this, because I didn’t?” You asked your girlfriends. “No we didn't.” Rarity replies as Sunny said the same thing as she returns her attention to the waitress. “Excuse me, we apologize but none of us ordered this.” The waitress states it's a special threat after seeing you three all lovey dovey, it’s on the house by the manager. You two are about to say there is no need until Sunny clears her throat. “They were kind enough to serve this, so the least thing we should do is enjoy this,” Sunny said as you and Rarity looked at each other then agreed to take it as the waitress went back to her duties. “So, shall we begin?” “Way ahead of you.” Sunny turn to see you grabbed the only spoon and scooped a portion. “Say ahh.” “W-w-wait a minute deary!” Sunny stutter as her face started to heat up from embarrassment. “It’s supposed to be a maid serving their master, not the other way around.” After saying it's an order, Sunny sighed in defeat but smiled after that as you spoon fed her. You see that there is some cream by her mouth as you used a tissue to wipe it off much to Sunny getting more embarrassed. You felt a tap on the shoulder meaning it's Rarity’s turn, but she got ahead of you this time. "Rari-mmmph!?" Rarity had the strawberry in her mouth as you were feeding Sunny and she instead mouth fed you catching you by surprise.  You felt the softness of her lips as you tasted the sweetness of strawberry in both your mouths with her tongue touching yours at the same time. With the strawberry consumed, Rarity separated her mouth from yours as she giggled due to your surprise expression still remaining as she looked at Sunny which you followed to see her pouting her mouth, jealous of what you two did. "It seems that my master liked what I did." Rarity said as you slowly nod but inside her thoughts..."My goodness, this is way better than I expected!" “I hate to say this but.” Sunny darted her eyes away from both of you. You three then just realized everyone at the restaurant is all looking at you, even the ones who are waiting outside. You and Rarity’s face went red as Sunny facepalmed herself. “M-my goodness, how silly of us to be doing something like this! We should definitely eat our food then be on our way.” Rarity said, grabbing the spoon and taking a spoonful of ice cream. After having your meal, you three went window shopping and stopped by a swimsuit shop which you said you will wait outside but your girlfriends insisted for you to follow them inside to choose new ones in addition to their usual ones. You patiently wait as the two are busy trying the ones they chose in both booths which are next to each other. After a while they said they were ready as both the curtains of the booths flew open. Your eyes went wide to see the swimsuits they chose. Sunny Flare flare chose a pale purple colored bikini white black linings and Rarity chose a purple and white striped bikini with her hair tied up in a ponytail. In addition to their perfect bodies both your girlfriends are like models in a photoshoot. “So what do you think?” Sunny asked as she striked a pose. You didn’t say anything as you grabbed both curtains and immediately concealed both your girlfriends. Sunny peeked through the curtain as you see she is very upset. “Rude! You could have said these are not to your liking.” “It’s not that.” You turn around which Sunny follows as Rarity peeked through the other curtain. You three see that the customers in the store like the last one are looking at your direction. “You two are attracting an audience.” “Oh, I’m sorry that I raised my voice at you.” Sunny said a bit guilty. “It’s fine darling,” Rarity said. “He is just concerned and did the right thing.” “Besides, I like those swimsuits you two picked. I’ll buy them for both of you.” You said as you took out your wallet. You three left the store as Rarity carries the bag with the swimsuits you bought for them. You see that Sunny Flare is a bit down which you asked the reason why. She explained that she got jealous of Rarity mouth feeding you and made a fool of herself after getting your attention with the swimsuit and for scolding you for the wrong reason. To make up for what happened you three went to a store that sells and rents movies. You found a dvd copy of a noir love story movie which both your girlfriends are fond of, to watch back at the vacation house. You received a hug from both of them that you know what they like and they combined the money they have to buy it. Next thing on the list is that you stopped by a jewelry store where your two girlfriends also have a thing for accessories. You asked what they wanted and they had a hard time deciding which one to buy. In the end you bought a ring for Rarity which she jumped in joy after you placed it on her finger and hugged you and Sunny chose a heart shaped necklace for she preferred that over a ring. Your next destination was an arcade as you see two dance games which you three recall the music video the Rainbooms and Shadowbolts did. Rarity and Sunny Flare looked at each other with determined faces as they stepped in front of one of the machines and chose the song to play. The two ended the song with style as everyone around cheered and clapped for them. Their attention to you that you’re impressed on how flawless their dancing was but the scoreboard shows that Sunny Flare is the highest and in the end both sides enjoyed it. It was your turn as you positioned yourself on the other machine and chose the song to play. Once the song is over everyone also cheered for you, even your girlfriends who were shrieking like fangirls since you learned this from the experts themselves. You three then left the arcade and now headed for the supermarket. “Awe, is our master already exhausted?” Rarity said while leaning her head on your shoulder. “Yeah, I mean you two are still the better ones.” You replied and felt Sunny playfully pinching your cheek. “Oh don't be modest, deary. You were also outstanding back there.” Sunny said as she removed her fingers from your cheek. All three of you are now at the supermarket. As you volunteered on pushing the cart while your two girlfriends grabbed all that you need, you three stopped by some food stalls and praised them for tasting the samples without you three noticing you were attracting customers. As Rarity and Sunny finished getting the last on the list, you pushed the cart towards the counter. Upon arriving, you three were greeted by a man wearing a blacksuit escorted by two others who were wearing business attire. He introduced himself as the mall manager after receiving information that the three of you were good publicity from the last stores you went to and gave you gift certificates which were used to buy the groceries.  “Who wouldn’t have thought that this would happen that we get the groceries for free.” Sunny Flare said while carrying a few of the shopping bags. “Well, because we were generous enough without even realizing we were attracting customers.” Rarity commented while also carrying a few of the bags. “Says the one who earned the title of ‘Element of Generosity’.” You said while carrying most of the bags. “Oh you ” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are back at the vacation house after that trip to the mall. Rarity and Sunny Flare insist they will put away the groceries since it's their duties as roleplaying maids. You asked if they want to watch the movie they bought which they want to watch once they are finished. After a while, you inserted the disc in the dvd player as your two maids were waiting for you at the couch. You approached them and sat on the couch between them. Both girls scoot over to you as you feel both their breasts touching your arms as they learn their heads on both your shoulders as you start to play the movie. You aren’t a big fan of these old movies but you try to adjust and seeing Rarity and Sunny Flare happy is fine by you. You had a naughty idea that both your girlfriends will enjoy. While they are distracted with the movie, you place your hand on Rarity’s leg and the other one on Sunny’s. You rubbed them a little as you moved the skirt out of the way as both of them started to hum. You then moved your hands upward to their thighs while also lifting their skirts up. Both of them finally noticed as they looked at you curiously. “What are you doing?” Sunny asked first. You didn’t say anything as you moved both your hands to their crotches and rubbed your fingers on their panties. You got a big reaction from them as their eyes went wide and gasped. “Darling…I-I mean master, w-wait a minute.” Rarity stutters as she moans to your touch. “Just relax and continue with watching the movie while your master pleases both of you,” You said. Before they could protest, you removed your hands from their crotches and wrapped them under their arms to cup each of their breasts. As you start to massage them lovingly, Rarity and Sunny end up pausing the movie and take hold of both your hands to continue with rubbing them as their available hands are on their crotches. “Mmmm-uhmmm, deary?” Sunny moans. “Could you maybe do us from below?” Since that is what they want, you removed both your hands from their breasts and stood up from the couch. You instructed them to move closer to each other for a better position as you knelt in front of them. You raised their skirts as they spread their legs for you to see their panties are already damp. They moved them out of the way for you to see how wet their pussies are already. “Please master, make us Cu-Aaaahhhh!” Rarity ends up raising her voice as you insert your two fingers through her slit, the same reaction with Sunny as you did with hers. You started to move your fingers inside their pussies as you looked to see they’re giving you their bedroom eyes while moaning and fondling their own breasts. Both your thumbs end up rubbing both their clits making your two girlfriends gasp with their breathing becoming heavier and faster. It didn’t take that long as both of them spasmed and hit their climax. Your fingers got drenched to their cum and after a moment your two girlfriends slumped down on the couch while catching their breaths as you stood up to grab some tissue nearby and wiped your hands clean. “Oh master, you are so naughty for doing this to us.” Rarity said as you lent her the box of tissue as she took a few to wipe herself off. “Don’t worry, I‘ll let you two have your revenge later.” You said as you handed the box to Sunny. “For a master I was expecting for you to order us around…” Sunny finished wiping herself up as you grabbed both tissues and disposed of them. You sat on the couch again as both of them clinged to both of your arms. “You however want to go easy on us, which is what me and Rarity love about you, a true gentleman.” After finishing the movie, you check the clock to see it’s almost evening. You stood up from the couch and after stretching you went to the kitchen where your girlfriends did the same thing to help prepare dinner. Once you three had your fill, Rarity and Sunny Flare will take over with cleaning things up while you go and take the shower first. You could’ve swore you heard them giggling as you left the dining room and went upstairs.  You got undressed and grabbed your towel and entered the bathroom. You expect to see it's more spacious than your regular bathroom with a bathtub and a shower at the same time.  “Rich people, of course.” You laughed inside your head as you rolled your eyes. After closing the door, you hang your towel at the towel rack and approach the shower. You turned the knobs balancing both hot and cold to make sure you and your girlfriends will get a warm shower as you stepped in and as the water ran down your body. “Ahh yes, that’s the stuff.” You were so distracted with indulging yourself with the warm water that the door to the bathroom opened as your two girlfriends entered. Both called your attention, startling you in the process.  “Oh God, don’t do that a-gain.” You paused and couldn’t believe what you’re looking at. Rarity and Sunny Flare after hanging their towels in the towel rack, they stand in front of naked.  “Our master seems to be at a loss of words.” Rarity said as she teasingly touches her breast with her hand and twists her nipple with the other as she sways her lips giving you a show. “This will be for earlier.” Sunny said as she walked over to you and pressed herself as you felt her nipples are touching yours. “You will enjoy us giving you a bath.” You quickly snapped yourself out as you allowed Rarity to enter the shower which shows the shower is big enough for the three of you. As Rarity and Sunny get themselves wet with the warm water, you grab the sponge and body wash. You looked over to them and saw they were looking at you as you handed both the bath supplies. “We’ll take the body wash but we won’t need the sponge for we have our own sponges.” Sunny said after grabbing the bottle, she pointed to her bosom. “You’ve got to be kidding me?” You said as Sunny handed the bottle to Rarity after pouring a blob into her hands. “We’re not. You should be very lucky that our breasts are well-endowed enough so we can do this to you.” Rarity said after pouring also an amount of body wash onto her hands. Both your girlfriends start to rub their hands on their breasts as a foam of bubbles begin to form covering them as it starts to form down their bodies until it covers their other private area. “Here we come master!” Both said as they jumped onto you and rubbed their soap covered mounds. All three of you were on your knees as they started with your arms and you felt the softness between them as they scrubbed the entire length of your arms. Once done, Rarity moved over as she positions behind and held hands with Sunny. You didn’t anticipate as they pressed themselves on you, Sunny at front and Rarity behind sending you to paradise only it was doubled. You felt them rubbing their breasts in sync as you three moan at the same time. They stopped for a moment and knelt up as you see Sunny’s breasts are at your eye level. “What are you-mmmph!?” Your two girlfriends cut you off as they pressed themselves between your heads this time.  You can’t say but you are really enjoying everything these two got in store for you. Lucky that you closed your eyes before Sunny’s breasts made contact to avoid getting soap in them. After a while of getting smothered, your two girlfriends moved their mounds away and back to their original positions as you turned the knob to the shower to rinse the soap from your eyes as Rarity and Sunny got soaked at the same time.   “I bet our master loved wha-” Sunny stopped as she smirked at you and began to move her hips on how hard you are underneath her. “Rarity, I think we missed a spot, right down here.” “Well that simply won’t do.” Rarity said as she moved over next to Sunny. “Master if you don't mind?” You just nod since you are already enjoying yourself and don’t want the fun to end as you reposition yourself and lay on your back. Rarity and Sunny then lay next to your stiff member and now pressed their bosoms on it sending shivers of pleasure. They both looked at you seductively and synchronously moved without breaking their stare. You begin to breathe a little faster as you warn your two girlfriends on what’s going to happen next. “Did you say something?” Sunny asked. “Yes master?” Rarity said. You specifically told them unless they purposely want you to ejaculate as they begin to move a little faster. You couldn’t hold it any longer as you moved your hips upwards and shot your cum out. You raise your head a little and see Rarity and Sunny’s faces are covered with your seed, same goes with their breasts as they resume moving them a little slower this time while you're still sensitive.  Rarity stood up for a moment and went to the towel rack then came back and handed you a pill which you asked what this is for. She explained that its a sex enhancement pill Twilight made which you have a bad feeling as you asked of instructions or side effects. She assured you that Twilight explained all of this to her and Sunny for Twilight tested it with Timber and Sunset used it on Flash. You trusted her words and swallowed it as she got into position to have you inside of her with Sunny’s disagreement. You said you will do her later at bed which she pouts and accepted your offer. Rarity did remind you that she and Sunny took a pill before getting in so you won’t have to worry about it later. “Take me master!” Rarity begged as you positioned yourself at her entrance. After she gave the go signal you slowly inserted your member inside her pussy as she groaned a little due to a little resistance. You  watch her reactions and stop whenever she feels pain and resume after she recovers until you are completely in her. “I’m fine, you may start.” You start with moving slowly inside her and while at it, you grab the body wash and pour some onto the sponge. You rubbed the sponge on Rarity’s stomach which she moans a little louder. “Oh that feels good, could go faster at the same time?” Rarity moaned as you were getting her boobs with the sponge also moved your hips a little faster. Rarity wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you down with your hand that held the sponge pinned between her body and yours. “I can feel you are getting close. I want it all inside me, please.” No words are needed as you released your seed inside Rarity as she moans taking every amount you released inside her. After pulling out of her you kissed Rarity on the forehead making her giggle. “Thanks for my reward darling. I think you should do Sunny now.” Rarity said as she darts her eyes to your other girlfriend who is sitting on the toilet fingering her pussy while watching you two. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll just lay her down and rest for a moment.” You slowly got up and approached Sunny who also got to her feet and faced the wall as she placed her hands on it. “Please deary-I mean…master. I want you now.” Sunny said while moving her rear wanting you to do her earlier. You didn’t keep her waiting as you positioned behind her after grabbing the sponge. After rubbing your still hard cock on her slit a few times, you insert yourself into Sunny as she shudders and moans, taking you inside of her. She wants you to start after you are inside of her which you did. While she supported herself, you felt her ass cheeks rub against your lower abdomen as you removed your other hand from her hips that has the sponge and started rubbing it on her front. “Yes…just like that…yes.” Sunny said, now pressing against the wall after pressing yourself behind her with her hand on yours as you now start to rub her breasts with the sponge. You feel you're almost close again as Sunny looks at you and nods wanting you to do the same with Rarity. You thrust upwards and came inside Sunny. “I can feel you filling my insides…yes.” You pulled out from Sunny and placed her on the toilet to sit there and rest. She then placed both hands on your cheeks and gave you a wet kiss leaving a strand of saliva connecting both of your mouths. “Thank you…I can’t wait…until we do it in bed.” She said between her breaths. After recovering from afterglow, you three resume with finishing your shower for round two will resume at the bedroom. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You three got out of the bathroom wearing white robes and approached the bedroom. You did notice that you are still hard after having sex with your two girlfriends with Rarity the first one noticing as she grabbed it. “Seems like Twilight’s sex enhancement pill did work.” Rarity said as she continued to stroke your cock. “That’s Twilight for you, a mad genius.” Sunny said, rolling her eyes about her former schoolmate. “Words Sunny,” You scold her. “She’s not mad, just a very bright student.” “Sorry if I’m acting like I was before.” She said, sounding disappointed as you wrap your arms around her and gave her a peck to the lips to cheer her up. “Thanks.” Both of your girlfriends unravel their robes leaving their bodies exposed to you as you did the same thing. You remembered your promise with Sunny earlier that you will do her first in bed. She immediately lay and positioned herself upon hearing this from you.  “You two go at it.” Rarity said as she sat on one side of the bed, keeping herself busy with her phone. You got in bed behind Sunny who just sat there in the middle. You moved your hands underneath her arms and wrapped it around her body. Sunny moaned and played along without resisting as she felt you nuzzling her nape even gave it a few pecks making her gasp. After saying she couldn’t wait much longer, you lay yourself down as Sunny hovers herself above you, aiming her pussy at your member. She lowers herself and slowly takes you inside her, groaning as her inner walls are putting a little resistance but successfully has your entire length in her. “You may now begin deary.” Sunny said, looking back and giving you a wink. You boldly grabbed both of her wrists and moved your hips upwards making her gasp in surprise. Even though you are the one in control, you ordered her to move also for both of you to enjoy. “Yes, o-of course.” She starts to move her hips in sync with your thrusts and moans a bit louder with the addition of the wet slaps of her pussy with your cock. You’ve thought of an idea as you sat up behind her and whispered something into her ear. As she thought about it a little, you massaged her breasts while she’s at it and agreed. You wrapped your arms around her again and pulled her down as you shifted your weights making you the one top as she lay on her stomach with you continuing thrusting her from behind. “Someone seems to be on cloud nine right now.” Rarity teasingly said to Sunny while still with her phone. “At ha-ha I’m…the one…receiving it.” Sunny said between her moans as you move a bit faster the same goes with her breathing. “Go on, whenever you’re ready.” Also feeling the softness of her derriere like earlier increases your excitement and you finally release your load inside her. Sunny gasped and shuddered as she felt your warm cum fill her. After a few thrusts you pull out of your girlfriend and to wrap it up for her, you suck at her nape a little and then stop leaving a slightly red spot. “Thank you. I think I am done for the evening.” Sunny yawned as she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep. “I guess that leaves just you and me.” Rarity said as she placed her phone on the desk and tapped on the side for you to sit next to her. “Sorry if I kept you waiting.” You said as you sat next to your other girlfriend and wrapped your arm around her shoulder pulling her close to you. “It’s alright master.” Rarity said, leaning her head on your shoulder and then looked up to meet your eyes.  Both of you smiled at each other as you also heard the sound of the waves outside and got distracted a little after hearing Sunny’s cute snores which both of you chuckled at. Rarity made the first move as she positioned herself on your lap, facing you and wrapped her arms around your neck. “I’m all yours now.” Rarity said as she took your member inside her.  With you completely inside Rarity, she starts to bounce on your lap while not breaking her gaze at yours. You made things better for her as you thrust upwards with her movements. She loll out her tongue and then started to make out with you and felt your tongue wanting to meet yours. You allowed entry as she aggressively danced her tongue with yours and pressed her body to yours as you wrapped your arms around hers. Strange how your mind starts to become blank to the amount of happiness you and your girlfriends are having, which normally a girl should say to herself unless they are saying it inside their heads. You felt another climax as you separated your kiss from Rarity and warned her. “Go on, cum inside me. I want us to enjoy this moment.” Rarity whispered to your ear and rested her head on your shoulder. You granted her wish and released your seed inside her without both of you breaking the hug. “Yes, yes, oh yes!” Rarity said softly and relaxed in your arms while your member was still inside her. After savoring this moment, you met her bedroom eyes again as you shared one last kiss with her for the evening. “Thank you so much.” Rarity removed herself from you and the two of you got into bed for how late it was already. She turned off the lamp and scooted over to you as you pulled up the blankets over you three. As Rarity clings over to your right, you felt Sunny moves over to you and clings herself also as you hear her mumbling about her not losing which Rarity whispered the same thing to your ear as she pecked you on the cheek and snuggled you and all three of you fell asleep. **************************************************************************** The next day down the beach, you are lazily relaxing at a lounge chair while underneath the shade of an umbrella. With the sound of seagulls and waves crashing, you didn’t hear the sound of footsteps as someone approached.  You felt two soft things touching the top of your head and a pair of hands covered your eyes. The next thing you feel is someone's lips are touching yours and from the sound of their moans you recognize who it was as they separate the kiss. “Sunny?” You guessed. “Correct deary.” She replied and moved around for you to see she was wearing the bikini you bought for them yesterday and sat on your lap as she lay herself on top of you. “Guess I am taking the lead now, thanks to Rarity who is still sound asleep.” “I’m afraid not, darling.”  You two turn your head to see Rarity is wearing her bikini with a towel in her left hand and a bottle of sunscreen in the other as she sat on the lounge chair next to you.  “If you think that I will let you take the reins with our boyfriend, well you are wrong.” Rarity then popped the cap of the bottle she held and teasingly moved it left and right while holding its lid. “How about this time we help you apply this as we pour it onto our bodies while-” “Oh no you don’t!” Sunny grabbed the bottle from Rarity’s hand. “Washing our boyfriend with our bodies was your idea, this was my idea. I’ll be the one-” You slowly took the bottle of sunscreen from Sunny and cleared your throat before they started a heated argument.  “Since you two did to me first yesterday, how about I do you girls first?” You suggest. Both your girlfriends looked at each other stopping their arguing which you thought it worked. Your idea worked a little too well as both of them jumped onto you, pushing you back on your lounge chair and sandwiching as their bodies are on top of you. Luckily that this is a private property so no one else is here, only you three. “I think we will go with your suggestion on doing us first.” Sunny then took the bottle from your hand and placed it between her breasts. “After that, how about we go for another round?” “Me and Sunny took a pill earlier so you won’t have to worry again,” Rarity added. The two then moved their heads as they are now near yours like when they gave you that good morning kiss. Like last time, Rarity and Sunny pressed both of their lips on yours as you wrapped your arms around both their bodies and caressed them making them moan and separate the kiss as they gaze at you seductively. “We love you.”