> The Ponies and Their Humans > by SunnyTummies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cadence and Her Human p1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadence lazily strode through her wealthy abode, stalling for time until her next meeting rolled around at three in the evening. Shiny had yet to get back from his patrol, so the alicorn was left to fend for herself. Said Alicorn sauntered down the hall, humming a merry tune as her softly padded frame passed a particular room. Stopping just as she passed the cream door, her blue eyes angled toward the room, her mind directed to its occupant. Knocking on the soft wood with a golden-shoed hoof, Cadence waited as she swayed from side to side in boredom. The door soon opened, showing a human with short brown hair and amber eyes, his body was skinny but with a light layer of pudge. The Princess smiled, stopping herself from skipping up to him. “Hello Crescent, how’s your day?” “Good, still getting used to the new room though, definitely better than what the Counts gave me.” The teen bashed, rubbing his neck, standing just below Celestia’s height. “Definitely. I hope the bed’s better, we ponies seem to like the harder mattresses, apparently.” “Yeah, it’s way better. But, uh…” Crescent smiled awkwardly, blushing in embarrassment. “I know a place that’s way comfier…” “Oh?~” The alicorn’s eyes fluttered, her tongue slightly sticking out from between her plump lips. “I don’t suppose you could tell me about this ‘comfy place?’” Cadence then gently pushed her way into the room, Crescent not stopping the mare as she pulled him to the bed with her magic and set him down on it. The door closed with a click as Cadence draped her barrel over her human’s legs, playfully licking her lips. “W-well, um…” the boy stalled, his mind flipping back to his owner’s question. “I-it’s really, really warm… and soft… a-and… wet.” “Sounds wonderful~” the Princess of Love cooed, her horn glowing as her jaws and throat followed suit, the light dying soon after. “Does this place happen to be close? Like, really close?” “Uh, yeah.” “Do you mind showing me, little snack, my love?” The Princess was now on the verge of drooling, her maw glistening with saliva as she opened wide. Crescent stared down the alicorn’s pulsating throat, the deep tunnel left in a soft pink glow that emanated from deep inside her. That glowing tunnel lead to the very place he’d described; the soft and warm chamber of the alicorn’s belly. The Princess clicked her jaws shut, backed off the bed and sat at its heel, looking up to her human expectantly. Once situated, she smiled at him and licked her lips again, this time letting some drool fall to the floor. “Ready to take the plunge, my scrumptious man?” “Always.” The boy smiled, stripping down to his boxers and dangling his feet over the alicorn’s head. Cadence’s trickle of drool almost became a fountain, her eyes locked on the delectable feet before her. Grasping the sensitive appendages in her magic, the mare slowly stuffed them in her mouth, erecting a giggle from her pet. Cadence began savoring the pale skin’s flavor, moaning as the toes wiggled at the beginning of her throat. *GLURK* The alicorn took her first gulp after having enough, her greedy tummy rumbling as she lingered. The feet were jerked down her throat, a soft bulge playing on her neck. Continuing with her meal, she swallowed more of her human, his feet soon plopping into her belly. The Princess moaned and shuttered as his rump sat on her tongue, his toes tickling her inner walls. Crescent smiled and chuckled, petting her snout playfully. “Somepony enjoying her snack?” “Mmhmm.” The alicorn’s head tilted upward more, allowing for a straighter path down her gullet. “Mmmmm, ssssshhhooooooo gggwwwooooddd.” The human chuckled again at his owner, caressing both her stuffed cheeks. He continued this affection as she gulped until she got to his chest, at which point he raised his arms and let her continue. To her dismay, Crescent’s face was facing her upper pallet, not allowing her access to her delicious human’s face. But that regret was short-lived as she raised a hoof to her ballooned belly, feeling her human’s weight slowly settling within her. Softly tossing her head back, her moans of approval echoed in his ears, her gulp like thunder along with her rapid heartbeat. Cadence couldn’t help but moan and sigh as his head stretched her neck, overjoyed that he was ninety percent of the way inside her. A tender hoof followed the boy’s head before it entered her chest, only the hands laying within her maw. Once again, Cadence took her time in treasuring the limbs, stroking and savoring every digit that wormed along her flat tongue. But she stopped at feeling a chipped fingernail, one that felt half gone. She was brought out of her pondering by one of the hands playfully grasping her tongue, electing a squeak from the alicorn. Deciding to not stand for this assault, the mare managed to slip her tongue out and went on the offensive, tickling the center of the palm. A loud and muffled laugh rolled out from her belly, causing her to giggled at his expense. Stowing her previous questions for later, she finally pulled the fingers inside with her tongue and clicked her blunt teeth shut. Now sealed in her dimly lit body, Cadence took long and slow gulps, hoof again following the appendages down her neck before they disappeared behind her breast. With hearts in her eyes, Cadence sighed in satisfaction, the last of her meal spilling into her tummy. “Aaaahhhhh, yummy, yummy in my tummy~” She sang with a pat and a stroke to her full belly, her thighs pushed out to accommodate her added bulk, giggling as her human got comfortable inside her. “Are you cozy my scrumptious baby?” “Totally,” came the muffled reply, the imprint of a hand visible on her taut paunch. “Cozy as always.” The mare giggled, licking the last of her pet’s flavor from her lips. “And you’re just delicious as always~” “Gee, thanks mom.” Crescent playfully mocked, giving his owner an internal massage, causing her to moan again and lean back against the bed. “Mmmm, such a good snack~” Cadence smiled as she corrected her jewelry, righting the crooked crown behind her glowing horn. Her tone turned serious as she rubbed her full belly. “Crescent, what happened to your finger?” “Is that why you paused?” The human asked, reviewing the events. “I smashed it when closing a door. It hurts, but not too bad.” The Princess huffed softly, pouting as she slowly rubbed her gut. “Well, good thing I gobbled you up then, my saliva will heal that little boo-boo. And I get a yummy snack too, so it’s a win-win.” The Princess’ human chuckled at that, dipping his injured digit into the shallow pool of glowing saliva around his feet. “True.” “Now then,” The alicorn sighed, shifting in readiness to stand. “I have some Princess-y duties to attend to. And now that my tummy is nice and full, getting through them will be a breeze.” “Yep, and I’ll be here, making sure you behave yourself.” Cadence couldn’t help but giggle at her pet’s joke, covering her laughter with a hoof as she gave her belly a pat. “Oh really? I thought it was the owner who was supposed to keep her pet in line~” “Not in this case.” Crescent gave his hostess a jab that made her stomach slosh, a gasp escaping her powerful lungs. “Well, seeing as you’re being nothing but ungrateful, you’ll have time-out in there.” The Princess huffed, crossing her forelegs in mock displeasure. “And you’ll stay in there until you’ve learned your lesson!” “Oh no, whatever will I do?!” The human played along, lightly struggling against his tight, fleshy confines. “You will sit in there and continue to be delicious!” Cadence giggled once again as she stroked her enormous belly, wings stretched over its expanse, readying her legs to stand. With a heave and a push, the alicorn stood on all four limbs, struggling to hold a moan down as her pet’s weight pulled at her spine. “Oooohhh, so heavy.~” “But not too heavy, right?” “Nope, just right~” The Princess smiled, taking her first step as her great belly sloshed, causing her to take a sharp breath and her wings to fluff-up on her back. She let the breath out slowly, her heart fluttering. “Mmmmm, perfect~” Princess Cadence sighed as she sauntered to the door, taking her time and letting her stuffed belly rock from side to side. Igniting her horn, she opened the door and gracefully stepped into the hall, watching as the sides of her gut lightly brushed against the frame. The whole of her belly stopped just past her knees, making her look overly pregnant with quintuplets. But Cadence loved the feeling all the more, knowing she had her precious baby all to herself. Hugging her belly with her fluffy wings, Cadence sauntered down the hall, relishing the feel of her passenger dozing within her. “Cadence?” The Princess turned to her left to see her husband trotting up to her, giving her a knowing smile as he strode up to the mare of his dreams. “I see somepony’s been busy.” “Yeah.” Cadence couldn’t help but give her full belly a rub. “I’ve been very accommodating for my little snack.” “Yeah, but… you know, I was hoping—“ “Consort Armor! There’s a perimeter breach to the east!” Shouted a guard as he galloped up the the royals, clad in the Empire’s signature crystal armor. “Duty calls.” Cadence chimed as she pecked her husband on the cheek. “Be safe.” “I will.” With that said, the Princess watched her lover rush down the hall, leaving her to wonder what could’ve possibly caused the high-alert. “Well,” she plopped down on her haunches and rubbed her bloated midsection. “Looks like we’re alone again.” “That sounded kinda serious.” “I know my Shiny can handle it.” Cadence stated dreamily. “I think you put too much faith in him, honestly.” The boy poked her fleshy wall, erecting a squeak from the stuffed alicorn as her organs gurgled. “Hey! Cut that out mister!” The Princess poked her belly, her wings wrapping around its expanse and squeezing. “My vengeance shall be swift!” “AGH! So tight… but so warm and squishy.” “Quite liking this! My revenge shall be complete!” The Princess blushed, tightly hugging her tummy with a wide smile. After a few minutes of teasing, she gave a sigh and rocked herself onto her hooves again. “Well, better get to work.” > Cadence and Her Human p2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Cadence sat back on her throne, almost listening as a pair of Crystal Ponies argued and debated over something. They were just as pompous and arrogant as the Nobles in Canterlot. And that alone was an achievement in Cadence’s book. Almost when her eyes dropped shut, the doors to the throne room opened, one human stepping out into the crystal hall. The nobles took notice, stopping their quarrel to glare at the bipedal intruder. With a wave of her hoof, the nobles and guards left the room. The nobles leaving with a few grumbles, Crescent ignored their glares as he made his way up to the dias in the now empty room. “Greetings, Princess of Love and my owner.” Cadence giggled at the human’s smirk, bowing her head in thanks as she descended the Dias. “Greetings, Crescent, my delightful snack. You came at the most opportune time, it’s almost my lunch break for today.” “Well, I aim to please~” The human bowed dramatically. “Did you want me to feed myself to you or do you want to do the feeding?” “Hm…” Cadence tapped her chin with a hoof, a starved look in her eyes as she gazed at her human longingly. “Since you fed yourself to me last time, I think I’d like to gobble you up myself~” “Alright, so… how do you want…” “Just stand straight and let me do the rest~” The Princess purred, lifting herself into the air and smothering Crescent with her fluffy chest for a moment. She then flew higher, angling herself so she was upside down and her maw was wide open, her drool dripping down on her soon-to-be meal. Without warning, the Pink Princess stopped flapping her wings, dropping down on her hapless snack. Cadence couldn’t help but moan loudly as her pet’s head and shoulders instantly vanished inside her throat, feeling his head within her barrel. With a powerful gulp, his head entered her belly, making it bulge out just a bit. Next to go was his chest and stomach, his wide shoulders entering her. A long groan of excitement rumbled the alicorn’s barrel as she moved on, her lips and tongue passing over the human’s waistline. Her belly had begun to bloat, the stretching organ filling with her precious pet. Soon she only had his legs, her moans and groans rattling his bones as she continued to swallow him up. Gulping her human up even more, the Princess finally got to his feet, reaching the floor as she leveled out and stood on all four hooves. With Crescent’s toes dancing on her tongue, Cadence moaned once again as she savored each digit, drool cascading from her lips. “Mmmmmmmmmm… swooo gwooood~” She managed to giggle with her full mouth, regretfully swallowing her precious pet’s feet. “Let mommy tuck you in, baby~” Moaning as more of the human’s weight pulled at her spine, her great belly sagged as she followed the bulge in her throat, vanishing into her chest. Her belly bounced softly as Crescent’s full mass slipped inside, causing the alicorn to drool even more on the red carpet. “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh… you never get old, Crescent. Always so yummy~” Cadence moaned, falling back on her plump haunches and caressing her bloated tummy with vigor. The human laughed within his fleshy confines, happily leaning back into their warm embrace. “Glad I could be of service.” “*URP*, Ah… and I’m glad you came when you did, my tummy was starting to feel grumpy.” The alicorn playfully pouted, patting her belly before rocking herself onto her hooves. She shivered as his weight pulled at her skin and muscles, having to bite her lip to keep a moan at bay. “Oh, never gets old~” The Princess’ heartbeat thundered above and around Crescent as always, her inner walls providing him the perfect bed as he sank into their plushness. “Neither does your belly. But don’t you have more work to get done?” Cadence grumbled, slouching slightly as her ears fell. “Yeah, but those two snobs can wait… they were the only big thing today. I do have the visit with Twilight coming up in a week though…” Crescent laughed at a thought. “Maybe you could share me? I’m sure Twilight would love some attention from me. She was the one who recommended me to you, right?” “Yes, she was. But I couldn’t deprive my belly of you! You’re mine, all mine!” Cadence affirmed her statement by snuggling and hugging her bloated belly, smooshing her human. A shadow slowly loomed over the alicorn, a sweet, double-toned voice purring, “Oh, I wouldn’t think so, Princess of Food~” “Eep!” Cadence spun around a bit too quickly, her added weight almost sending her tumbling across the floor. “Chrissy! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” “But you make it too easy.” Chrysalis giggled, eying the Princess’ rather large belly. “And I see you’ve helped yourself to some stuffing, how delightful~” “Y-yes…” Cadence’s gaze lingered on her belly, her hooves delicately cradling it from the sides. “Crescent is a very sweet boy. I couldn’t even dream of being separated from him.” “And your dutiful husband?” The Queen asked with genuine interest, her brow arching. The Princess paused, her mood souring. “Shining is a good friend who I was betrothed to and forced to merry, Chrissy. How do you think it’s going?” “And then I crashed the wedding…” Chrysalis beamed, sitting proud. “That started back up after you got kicked out.” “Touché. But, anyways, he’s a unicorn. All you need to do is wait for him to croak and you’re free.” “In five decades… and Crescent will be—“ “Still here…” The muffled voice sounded from her belly, the alicorn perking as it’s surface shifted and bulged slightly. “I’d rather you girls not talk about my death while I’m in the room.” “Technically, you’re in her gut.” Chrysalis pointed out flatly, reaching over and poking the pink orb. “And food doesn’t talk~” “Well Chrissy, my food can, and I want him to talk.” Cadence countered, lightly hugging her belly. To this, the Changeling shrugged, delighted that her old friend was happy with her human pet. “So… why are you here? Not that I’m complaining, but, what brings you here?” “Well, where better to get love than from the Princess of it? And can’t I just stop by to see an old friend? I get lonely too!” Chrysalis pouted, drawing circles in the carpet. The Princess rested her forehooves on her belly, gently caressing her fat orb. “But you have all your children.” “When you’re a parent, yes, they’re company, but work too. I needed a small vacation away from them.” The Queen sat down next to the alicorn, an envious look in her eye as she glanced at Cadence’s belly. “But, I was also wondering, where could I find one or a few of these… humans?” Cadence gave the Changeling a smirk, patting her human stuffed gut. “You just want a pet to stuff yourself with, don’t you? Well, you’d be right, Crescent is very yummy~” “Guilty, yes.” Chrysalis smirked back. “I’m fascinated by how you ponies can stuff a whole living creature in your stomachs. I’ve even seen a few use their wombs, too.” “I’ve seen that one too, and I wanted to try it with Crescent some time, but haven’t gotten a chance to.” “You know I can hear you, right?” The human spoke up, electing a squeak and a blush from the Princess of Love. “Y-yes,” Cadence stuttered, patting her belly in circles and giving Chrysalis a quick wink. The Queen smiled, licking her lips. “And I brought that up, because I wouldn’t be the loving Princess without sharing my precious baby~” “Uh, wha—?” He didn’t get to finish as the stomach clenched in on him, pushing him back up the throat. But the light from outside was quickly replaced with the drooling maw of one Changeling Queen, the depths yawning open for him. The dark, alien tunnel welcomed him as his head entered the mouth, the human’s cheek resting on the pink tongue of the Queen. Chrysalis moaned around the human in bliss as his flavors spilled into her tastebuds, her sharp teeth softly nibbling on his skin. As much as she wanted to keep him like this, the Queen gathered her wits and swallowed, groaning as the beginning of her neck bulged. Oh, she was loving this, and it was only just beginning. Cadence watched and felt Crescent leave her, watching as her old friend’s neck bulged with her pet’s mass. She breathed freely as his feet slipped from her jaws, her human’s legs dangling from the Changeling Queen’s lips. Chrysalis was, for lack of a better word, purring as she gulped Crescent down. The Princess of Love smiled as the Queen’s belly slowly ballooned out, the human waving to the alicorn through the translucent green skin that separated them. Her head thrown back, Chrysalis swallowed the last of her snack, caressing the final bulge in her throat with a long sigh of satisfaction. With a soft huff, she grinned as her meal filled her belly like nothing ever before. Her newly bloated middle pushed her hind legs apart, pressing against her forelegs. Love usually filled her up nicely… but this? This was the peek of fullness and heaven. “Is he as good as you imagined, Chrissy? From the looks of it, even better~” Cadence smirked, laying down on her flat, empty stomach as she nuzzled the Queen’s human filled belly. “Y-yes…” Chrysalis moaned, eyes crossing as she reveled in her live meal, which squirmed to get comfortable in his new dwelling. “Hu-humans are delicious~” “And what about ponies?” “Wha…?” Chrysalis didn’t get to finish as she suddenly found the Princess’ round hindquarters stuffed into her mouth. The Changeling struggled to get her bearings as she instinctively swallowed, falling onto her back, and bringing the full mass of Cadence’s rear into her cheeks. “Foolish Changeling, you’ve stumbled right into my plot~” Cadence giggled, biting her lip as she slowly wiggled her rump in deeper. Chrysalis, for her part, raised an eyebrow at her friend’s terrible pun. With no chance of loosening the Princess from her jaws in this position, the Queen gulped as her prey’s back hooves were pressed against her sides. Cadence moaned as her rear was pulled into the Queen’s throat, anticipating her arrival into the belly. Several minutes passed as Chrysalis swallowed the Princess of Love, groaning and adoring the feeling of another huge meal. She laid her head on the carpet as she came to Cadence’s chest, the Princess’ path becoming straight, feeling the alicorn’s plush rear slip into her belly. Cadence still had her hind legs pinned to the sides of her stomach as she slid down the throat, but that was fine, all she needed for her plan was her human and her rump. Wiggling her buttocks above Crescent, she managed to tilt her head down in the confines of the esophagus. “Crescent, momma wants her baby back, mind helping her out?~” “W-what?” The human was genuinely confused until he saw the Princess’ winking slit, a mad blush overtaking him as he got the idea. “O-oh… you want me in your womb?” Another swallow left only her front hooves in the outside air, the Queen licking her frogs. “Y-YeeeEEEEEESSSSSSS!!” With that previous gulp from Chrysalis, the Princess’ slit had been shoved onto the human’s head, the whole of his cranium taken in. Cadence’s muffled moans and grunts registered in Chrysalis’ ears, taking another gulp as she felt and heard the alicorn moan even louder. Chrysalis couldn’t help but be jealous of her friend, feeling the pony slowly enter her belly as the human slipped into her meal’s crotch. It honestly made her want that. Finally, after on final gulp, the whole of Cadence fell into the Queen’s belly, it’s surface bulging with the twos’ movements until the Princess had claimed her human fully. Chrysalis sighed, resting her forehooves on her bloated belly, feeling her passenger do the same. “What a lovely two coarse meal… URP! Excuse me, whew. Cadence, by the First Queen, you’re delicious~” “Aaaahhhhh… t-thanks~” Cadence sighed, snuggling into the warm flesh of the Changeling’s belly, cradling her own big tummy. “Mmmm, so warm.” “Oof…” Chrysalis was only now just realizing her shortsightedness, sitting up as she felt the alicorn settle into the pit of her stuffed belly. “You need to lay off the sweets, Princess of Food.” “I just gained several points from Crescent, not sweets!” Cadence muttered grumpily, but stopped upon feeling her human stir within. “But he is the sweetest thing out there. So no, I will not be giving him up. Eep!” The Changeling Queen heaved a sigh as she swayed her belly from left to right suddenly, sloshing her passengers. Smirking, she leaned her head down and peered through the transparent skin of her belly. “But I seem to love sweet things more than you, my delicious pony, for I have the both of you all to myself~” Cadence giggled, settling down inside the Queen. “Too true.” “Now, I believe I saw a three pound cake in the fridge that needed eating~” “You are not giving me a cake bath!” “Oh, my dear pony, you are my lunch. It would be wrong of my to not have desert~” With that, Chrysalis waddled out of the throne room and down the hall, casting herself in an illusion to hide herself and her belly. > Luna and her Human > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna’s eyes fluttered open, her teal eyes adjusting to the dark of her room. Her gaze settled on the young human next to her, his arms wrapped around her barrel as he dozed. Pale skin and brown heir, wearing a pair of Batman pajama pants, Jake slept soundly in the Night Princess’s hooves. Taking a breath, Luna smirked at Jake’s scent, like that of coconuts. It was probably the shampoo. But nonetheless, the Princess’s stomach rumbled, the gurgling making her blush. Looking at the human again, the mare sniffed again and licked her lips, not giving a second thought as she opened her mouth wide. Lighting her horn, the Lunar Princess wrapped her slumbering human in her magic, casting him into a deeper sleep and pulling him towards her face. The spell complete, she began lathering him up, licking in long strokes and reveling in his flavor. Once satisfied, she pushed his head between her jaws, moaning as he hit her taste buds. Soon, pink flesh surrounded the boy’s head, the Princess’ active tongue coiling and lathering him further. Saliva pooled below her tongue as she moaned yet again. And with a deep breath, she took her first swallow. The boy’s head sunk into her throat, a great bulge appearing at the base of her jaws. Luna moaned again as she gulped, her throat expanding further as Jake’s head plummeted deeper. Several long minutes rolled by, the Princess continuing past his shoulders and chest. Grasping his nightly trousers in her magic, she cast them onto the floor, continuing her conquest. Finally past the distractive area, she moved onto the legs, his crouch sitting deep in her throat as she blushed. Squeezing her eyes shut, Luna gulped again, the offending distraction vanishing into her chest, her heart aflutter. Her cheeks sore and her growling tummy bloating, the alicorn swallowed more of her midnight snack. Finally coming to the feet, Luna took her time, slowly licking and softly chewing every digit. Moaning as the flavor assaulted her, Luna snuck a hoof below the sheets, caressing and needing her half-full belly. Feeling her hunger grow with each passing moment, the Princess reluctantly took her last few licks, swallowing the last of her meal. Following his progress with a hoof, Luna felt her neck hollow out as the feet entered her rib cage, her belly filling out and bloating as the human was fully pushed inside. With a few final licks and smacks to her lips, the Princess smiled in bliss as her hunger was sated. Running a tender hoof over her packed gut, the Lunar Princess closed her eyes and dozed off, belly full as it’s weight lulled her to sleep. The sun rose high as Luna dismissed the moon for the coming day, standing on her balcony, the orbiting celestial body stubbornly accepting its course as it sank below the mountains. Luna yawned and rubbed an itchy spot beneath her rats nest of a mane, eyes barely open as she blinked. “Morning Princess…” Luna blinked at the voice coming from her bloated middle, a hoof coming to stroke its sagging expanse. “Good morning Jake.” The dark alicorn smirked, looking back as she wiggled her hips with her great belly following suit. “Ready for breakfast?” “But you already had breakfast; me!” “No, you were a midnight snack~” “Aw…” The weight in her center shifted, her human getting comfortable once again. “Hey, cheer up. You’re still much more delicious than anything the cooks can make.” Luna reassured him as she patted her belly. “Eh, I can live with that.” “Huzzah!” The Lunar Princess pumped a hoof, igniting her horn as she placed a spell over her pet. “And that was so you shall not be covered in chewed up fruit.” “Thanks.” “You are welcome. Now, off to breakfast!” Luna giggled, gently swaying her belly as she sauntered down the hall toward breakfast. “Morning Tia~!” Sang the Princess of the Night as she entered the dining hall. “Good morning Lulu.” Smiled the Solar Alicorn as she set the newspaper down, taking another bite of her Frosted Flakes. She then noticed the bulge in her sister’s mid drift. “And how is Jake this morning?” “Delicious as ever.” Luna smirked, patting her huge belly as she sat down next to her sister, spotting Celestia’s equally big gut. “And who might you be housing, Tia? Might it be Gabriel?” “Perspective as always, my sister.” Celestia smiled back, stroking her bloated barrel. “Cassandra and Andrew had school today, so Gabe is filling in for them.” Luna giggled at her sister’s terrible joke, filling her plate with her favorite fruits. “So, is he in your stomach or womb?” “Where is Jake, first?” Celestia stuck her tongue out playfully. “In my tummy. I got hungry last night.” “Same.” The Princess of the Sun cooed, rubbing her belly happily. “It’s honesty a shame how Terran Humans cost so much, Equestria would certainly benefit from everypony having an intelligent pet.” “Yes, though, then we’d have to deal with all the wining nobles.” Luna took three large apples and swallowed them down, allowing her human to get some proper breakfast. “I mean, they complain about everything, but still…” Celestia sighed, staring into her bowl. “I know… and I completely agree. We need to get Terran Humans more accessible.” “Lower the prices?” “That would help, but it wouldn’t salvage much.” The Solar Princess leaned back in her chair, absentmindedly rubbing her belly. “Then again, it’s been mostly rumors that’ve kept everyday ponies from purchasing them…” “Rumors?” “Yes, the ones where Terrans are said to be murderous beasts, ready to snap at a moment’s notice if unattended. They beat and kill their owners in the most strategic ways. Shred the carpet. You know, the usual horrible things that pets obviously do.” “Heh, maybe not the carpet, but I can shred my guitar.” Came the muffled voice of Gabriel, causing Celestia to smirk and giggle. “And I doubt I’ll snap, but I do get grumpy when ‘unattended~’” Jake chuckled within the Lunar Princess, the alicorn rolling her eyes as she patted her belly. “Aw, my poor little baby~” Luna teased as she shook her tummy, gently sloshing her human. “Don’t worry, momma’s not going anywhere~” “More like he’s not going anywhere…” Celestia smirked, standing up and waddling up next to her sister, breakfast in her magical grasp. Smirk widening, the Solar Princess sat down, making sure her bloated belly was pressed against her sister’s. “Oh, look Lulu! The babies are hugging!~” The insufferable sister of day stuck her tongue out and giggled, winking. Just after that was said, the two humans began squirming and wiggling within their respective Princesses. Both Princesses squeaked at the sudden movement, but ultimately enjoyed it. Their pets soon grew tired, after many struggles, they lay in their alicorns and rested. The Princesses, with that episode enjoyed, finished their breakfasts and departed the dining hall. Strutting down the hall, the waddling Princesses said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Luna was soon left “alone” to wander the castle, merrily trotting about as her great belly swayed. “Hm, hm, hhh-hhmm… my precious Jake, my precious Jake, so delicious and filling, yet so wholeheartedly willing...~” Jake shook his head, his shifting making her belly slosh and bulge. “You’ve sung that over and over yesterday, got anything new?” “Not recently. No. I’ve been too busy.” “Doing what?” Jake asked, poking the Princess’ belly wall, making her squeak. “Eep!… w-well… er…” Luna regained her composure, swiftly sitting on her haunches with a soft thump, her human yelped at the sudden movement. She then wrapped her limbs around her belly, squishing her pet with a loud giggle. “I’ve been too busy with you swimming in my tummy, Jake!~” “Hurk! Oh no! I’m being squished! Have mercy!” Jake mockingly begged, struggling against his housing. The alicorn giggled again, smooshing her belly one last time before standing, enjoying herself as her pet’s weight sent her gut swaying. “Mmmm, now… off to bed!” “But we just had breakfast!” “And I’m going to sleep it off with my belly pet getting gurgled in my slumber~” She happily poked her bloated tummy. “But as everypony knows, humans can’t digest. Lucky you~” Line then made her merry way down the halls, strutting with confidence as Jake let a yawn slip into her ears through the skin and fur. “Fine… I’m kind of tired anyway…” “Huzzah!” > Celestia and her Human > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Monarch of the Sun, the Mistress of the Day Star, and the Bringer of Light… Princess Celestia smiled as she entered her chambers, lazily trotting towards her bed, her smile brightening as she collapsed upon the silky sheets. Discarding her crown and regalia, the alicorn snuggled into her bed as she wrapped the sheets around her, her fluffy and smiling face the only thing visible. It wasn’t long before she had fallen asleep, nestled in her cocoon of silk. Her nose twitched, picking up a particularly delicious scent. This went on for a minute or two, until her subconscious mind couldn’t take it anymore; the smell was too enticing. As she softly snored, she began to rise, leaving the safety of her bed as she followed her sniffing nose. Swaying and clambering down the dark halls, the still sleeping Princess made her way towards a specific room, home to one human pet. Her pet. Her Gabriel. Horn bumping against the door, the Princess’ magic automatically pushed the door open, the mare’s legs carrying her to her pet’s bedside. Her nostrils flared as her senses took in the delightful scent of the adolescent human, her mouth drooling as she dreamed of her precious little pet. Horn lighting again, the alicorn gently lifted Gabe above her head, sniffing his heir to get that perfect scent one more time before her smiling jaws parted. Pearly whites gave way to the deep cavern that was the alicorn’s throat, a soft golden glow shone from the depths. Like her sister, Celestia had cast a spell on herself so that her inner flesh would glow, allowing her human to see while inside her. This spell had been applied to all ponies since a millennium ago, when humans had just been discovered. It wasn’t until six centuries ago that Terran Humans had been found, the intelligent humans taking their new environment in with shock and disbelief. It had been through much trust building and relations that the Terrans had accepted the ponies’ way of life. Future generations were born, and Equestria had shaped itself into what it was today. The depths of the Princess yawned open as her sleeping human was brought in head-first. The moment he landed on her tongue, the alicorn melted in bliss and moaned. Gabe had a reputation for sleeping through many train rides, so something as often as being gobbled up wasn’t going to wake him. That said, Celestia mightily swallowed a bit of the huge cheesecake she dreamed of, unaware of her precious human diving down her stretching gullet. Another swallow pulled him deeper, his legs dangling from her lips as her dream continued. The Princess, still trapped in her dream of endless cake, gulped down even more of her scrumptious treat, her belly starting to bloat. Moaning as she nommed, Celestia got Gabe up to his knees, her legs shaking with glee as even more of her tummy was filled. Gods above, banana split was her favorite!! Heart thundering, Celestia’s head bobbed back and forth, her questing tongue pulling her pet’s bare feet into her jaws. Blunt teeth clicking, the Princess purred with every lick of the human’s toes, a moan bubbling up in her chest before her head tilted back for the final time. Lips opening for a long sigh, the alicorn gulped the last of Gabe, sealing him beyond the grip of her throat. Pristine belly sagging with her slumbering meal, the Princess sighed out of reflex and mumbled. “Mmmm, yummy~” Subconsciously burping, Celestia lazily turned around and began waddling back to her room, her great belly swaying underneath her. -Several Hours Later- Celestia’s eyes slowly fluttered open as her sun called to her, the magic tether pulling at her dazed mind. Yawning loudly as the glow of her throat illuminated the dark room for a moment, the Princess sat up on her plush haunches, not even noticing the weight added to her middle. She’d carried her human for so long that it felt natural to the Princess, still blissfully unaware of last night’s events. Having gotten to the balcony, Celestia lit her horn and yeeted the sun into the sky, the moon sent sinking below the mountains in her sister’s magic. Yet she barely noticed the weight was a bit… deeper than normal, sitting comfortably within her wide hips. Turning around to return to her room, the Princess gasped, blushing as she felt her passenger shifting in her bowels. Swaying her hips to confirm her suspicions, she gasped again as he shifted once more, clenching her hind legs together to try and keep her prize inside. “Mmmm~” the Princess moaned as she sauntered around the room, delighted to feel her pet within. “It seems I picked up a lively midnight snack, how delightful~” “Mmft… Wefia, ew hawyke?” The heavily muffled voice of her pet reached her ears, she could definitely feel where his head was; wedged beyond her plot. “Yes, I am Gabe. How was your stay? Pleasant as always?” The Princess cooed, smirking as she happily skipped over to the mirror, getting a good look at her bloated belly. Yet it didn’t hang down as much as usual, probably because half of her meal was traveling through her innards. “Ahp uffil I gah tfo fhe infesfiohs… sforreh buh, if swehhs…” “I do apologize for that… here…” Lighting her horn again, she cast a spell over him, banishing all unruly scents away. “Fanh yoh.” “You are quite welcome~” Her smile grew as she shook her rump, the twin suns jiggling around her human’s head. “But would you like out? I can’t imagine that it’s overly comfy in my intestines…” “Hes pheafe…” Celestia then sauntered into her private bathroom and began drawing a bath for her pet. Once the warm water was up to her desired height, she turned and pushed. It took a few minutes, but Gabe made it out from between those titanic butt cheeks. “There, now let’s get you all cleaned up.” “Wouldn’t that be counterproductive? Aren’t I just going back in?” Her human asked as he rubbed soap over his back. “You are… but, freshening up never hurts.” Gabe just shrugged at that, not wanting to argue with the Princess. The washing was soon done as Celestia unplugged the tub and smiled to her human. “I presume you already know where I would like to hold you?~” “Yeah, I know momma.” Gabe teased with a smirk, noticing the alicorn’s pleasured shiver. “Mhm, now…” The Princess turned the warm bath water on, the steaming liquid pouring as she smirked down at her pet. “Want to be smooshed by a big belly hot-tub, later to enter? Or… let mommy take you in now?~” “Uh…” Gabe blushed, smiling awkwardly. “In the royal hot tub?” “Excellent choice~” Celestia cooed as she walked over the human, standing over him with his head pressed against her gurgling, fuzzy tummy. Wrapping her lips around the faucet, the alicorn greedily gulped the gallons of hot water. Each gulp sending the water to pool in her slowly bloating belly, pushing into Gabe the more it sagged. After a minute or so of swallowing, the Princess gasped for air as she shut off the water, sighing at the sloshing weight in her sweltering gut. Thankfully, it only sagged halfway to her knees, leaving room for her returning Tennent. “Are you ready for my spacious tummy, my sweet morsel?~” Celestia teased as she pushed his head further into her belly with the soft frog of her hoof. The Princess’s belly grumbled in anticipation, begging for her precious pet. “Mhm…” Gabe could only mumble within her soft fur, warmth radiating off his future room. “Alrighty then, hold still now~” Celestia sat down, her belly sloshing in her human’s lap, scooping his head into her maw with her tongue. “Mmmmmmmm~” Gabe just relaxed in his owner’s grip, melting into her warm flesh as she took the first of many gulps. Another gentle tug of the surrounding muscles saw him delve deeper, creating a large bulge in the alicorn’s swan-like neck. The Princess continued swallowing and slurping her human until his legs had been pulled free from under her gut, the limbs going limp in her jaws. Taking a few more meaty gulps, Celestia closed her teeth behind her meal’s feet, sealing him inside her glowing innards. One final GLURK, and she trapped her pet within her huge belly with a hefty sigh. “Aaaaaahhhhhh, scrumptious as ever~” Stroking her once again full tummy, the Princess heaved herself onto her hooves, shivering as the combined weight of her human and the two gallons of water pulled at her spine. Tail flicking in delight, she pranced around the room as her belly rocked, sloshing her laughing meal. With her own petite giggle, Celestia soon made herself presentable, caressing her huge middle with another sigh. “Ready for the day, Gabe? I sure am~” > Chrysalis and her Human > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Chrysalis sighed in her boredom. Trudging through the compact tunnels of her Hive, the Queen mused about Cadence’s previous suggestion; going to the market and purchasing her own humans. It was a very appealing idea, regardless of public opinion. Word of the fiasco that was Cadence’s wedding spread fast, the press judging the Changeling race as dangerous. Needless to say, the other Hives were not pleased with their cattle weeding them out from the population. But thankfully, the Equestrian Princesses had explained the situation; that Cadence had ordered the attack as “if I’m getting hitched and tied down, I want my last moments as a single mare to be spectacular”. Thus, the Princess of Love had requested Chrysalis and her Hive to “invade” as part of the wedding plan. Apparently, Cadenza had explained the whole thing to Celestia and Luna. But while Equestria as a whole welcomed her and her kind back in their midst, small groups didn’t. The Nobles of Canterlot being one of them. And the largest market was stationed in the capital… yay. Yet, the Queen knew of other markets, one in particular she liked to visit was conveniently in Poniville. And she just knew that Twilight Sparkle would be ecstatic to see the Changeling Queen again! Plus, Chrysalis at least wanted to browse her options for pets. Having made up her mind, the Queen reached out through the Hivemind and selected four guardians as her escort. Moving down the tunnels at a leisure pace, she slowly made her way towards the Hive entrance, giving her guards enough time to group up. Upon arriving, she was greeted with four bows. “Rise my children.” They did so. “We’re going shopping.” It was three hours until they arrived in Poniville, the small town seeming almost deserted. Chrysalis knew that the ponies still feared her kin, but this was a bit excessive! But when she turned a corner into the town square, the Emerald Queen saw the overly shiny reason. Queen Carapace of the Ruby Hive, her chitin gleaming in the sun like waxed obsidian. It was as the gorgeous Queen looked to observe a nearby shop that she noticed Chrysalis, her orange eyes lighting up with glee. “Chrissy!! Is that you?!” The two Queens had been friends for most of their lives, often partnering on operations and trade. One of these trades had been with their very drones, the two acting as messengers for their respective queens. Chrysalis had reluctantly sent Thorax, the little goofball of a love-bug, as her convoy to the Ruby Hive. Carapace had sent her second youngest daughter to the Emerald Hive, a nervous eater of a sweetheart. “Yes Carapace, it’s me.” Chrysalis chuckled, moving along with her escort to the other Queen’s side. “You here for the markets too?” “Me? The markets?!” Carapace mockingly gaped, hoof pressed to her jewel-embedded chest. “Eh, somewhat? One of my gatherers said there was this new body wash at Bathside Beyond. And you know me, I can’t resist anything that helps bring out my beauty!~” Chrysalis rolled her jade eyes. “Oh yes. What a travesty it would be to deny you that! The heavens would weep!” “Wouldn’t they just. So, what brings my best friend here? Looking for one of those scrumptious human pets?” Carapace smirked with a knowing look. The Emerald Queen blushed, quietly whimpering to herself. “Citus told you didn’t she?” “Yep! She raved about how you gushed the whole night.” Chrysalis’ blush deepened. Carapace stifled her giggles with a polished hoof, stepping forward as she hugged her fellow Queen. “It’s ok Chrissy. Nothing to be ashamed of. I rave about half the products I find… and about a special little drone who’s caught one of my own’s eyes~” Chrysalis suddenly beamed, darting into Carapace’s face with the biggest smile she’d ever seen. “THORAX? HE HAS?! WHO?!?!” The Ruby Queen smirked, lightly pushing her friend away with her magic. “Elytra.” The resounding squeals shattered all windows in the area. It even reached a note where dogs whimpered. Chrysalis danced on her hooves as her guards slowly recorded, rubbing their ringing ears. She continued until satisfied, sheepishly coughing into a hoof. “I-I’ll talk with him tonight…” “With that little bit of gossip done,” Carapace giggled, motioning for her fellow Queen to follow. “Shall we go pet shopping?” “Yes, let’s.” Chrysalis smiled as she strutted alongside her friend, catching sight of a smiling elderly mare in one of the houses. The old mare, probably a mother herself, held up a sign that had the words hastily scribbled; YAY FOR THORAX! Chrysalis couldn’t help but proudly smile. She was then lead through the homely town to a bustling district, patreons hardly paying her and her group a glance as they went about. She found it very off putting that this part of town acted as if she were another run-of-the-mill customer, but the neighborhood shunned her kin. Stupid ponies. But they did have a fine selection. Five separate stages lined the path as numerous humans were put on display, Terran on the right, regular on the left. Chrysalis trotted up to each, studying the potential pets. Each was unique, from male to female. She knew that the Terran humans had a higher affinity for magic, allowing them to cast the lowest of spells. The average humans however seemed less adapt in magic, choosing to uncover discoveries and science. These humans also wore less than the Terrans, clothes barely resembling pants, shirts, and dresses. The Terrans definitely peaked her interest, but what use did she want for a magic casting snack? And the prices… First Queen, they were expensive! Chrysalis then looked down to see little boards filled with information about each human. Green, Terran: 550 B. Doesn’t mind doing chores and house work. He likes reading and crafts. Takes naps after lunch, often asks to be eaten first though. Coal, Terran: 540 B. Entertainer. Loves telling jokes and appreciates slap-stick humor. Likes sports. Likes taking walks. Loves long naps inside a belly. Jenna, Terran: 680 B. Rarely let’s anypony eat her. Comfortable with housework and babysitting. Loves science, owns her own chemistry set (expect occasional explosions). Swift, Normal: 150 B. Quiet, shy around most. Keeps to himself more often than anything else. Loves reading books. Loves world building and writing his own short stories. If a mare is nice, loves snuggling up in her belly. Sleeps in bellies every night. Chrysalis hummed in thought, looking over the prices again. Looking to the one called Swift, she smiled at his appearance. Messy brown heir with a minuscule beard. His build wasn’t overly fat, but the man wasn’t thin either. To Chrysalis, the perfect blend of chub and muscle. He would be very filling. And with his description, she surmised he would be a good little pet. Quiet, happy with a book, and he liked sleeping in bellies? Perfection! But… she looked to the others. Why was Jenna the most expensive? High maintenance? Was she a breeder? The Queen didn’t know human anatomy very well, so she didn’t have the answers. After observing the humans one last time, Chrysalis trotted up to the seller; a short mare with a grey coat and bright blue mane. “E-evening your Highness, see any humans worthy of your time?” The Queen nodded, smiling softly. “The ones called Swift and Coal, would you say they are good purchases?” The mare smiled brightly. “Oh I most certainly would! I’ve tested them myself on separate occasions, and I can tell you; they don’t disappoint!” “Very good…” Chrysalis thought for a bit, thinking the matter through. “I shall take Swift.” The mare seemed confused, tilting her head. “U-uh. Wouldn’t you like both of them? I mean, you seemed to hint at the fact…” “I did. But he will be my first human, and I figured I’d start with just one. No need to get too much and not be able to handle them.” “Ah, I see. Now, would you like him now or wait until you get home?” She asked, accepting the sack of bits the Changeling gave her. “EAT HIM NOW! EAT HIM NOW!” Carapace chanted, clapping her hooves with a grin. “Could you please respectfully keep out of this, your Majesty! Swift isn’t yours.” Chrysalis thought for a moment, weighing her two options. Finally, she smiled. “I’d like him now.” The sales mare smiled. “You won’t be disappointed, I assure you.” It was some time later that Chrysalis trotted into a small blue tent, spotting her purchased human waiting for her. She could tell that the tent had been enchanted with a silencing ward, allowing the two of them complete privacy. “H-hi…” Swift waved, trying to push the blush he had down. But the Queen grinned at his bashfulness, finding it cutely delicious. “Hello my dear snack~” The human blushed harder, whimpering with a goofy smile of his own. “I-I guess I get to take a dive? I’ve been in a few mares, but… never a Changeling.” “I’m certain this will be similar, but very different.” Chrysalis felt as giddy as a filly on Hearths Warming, her smile bright as the sun. “But before I chow down, is there anything my Swifty needs? New clothes… or maybe a girlfriend?” She loved the blush that covered his face. “U-uh, n-no. I-I’m ok on that one… new clothes would be good though…” “I’ll be sure to pick some up as we head home.” Chrysalis looked him over once again, her mouth watering as she fluttered her emerald eyes at Swift. “Now then, does my precious want a cozy ride?” The blush deepened as she noticed a tent pitching. “S-sure…” “Then all aboard the Queen Express. Aaaaaaahhhhhh~” Her lips parted and the abyss yawned over his head, strings of drool falling onto him. She left herself looming over him for a moment, letting him get a good look at his new home. Then, she descended. “Harph-!” Chrysalis didn’t even need to swallow at first, her stretching gullet taking in a fourth of Swift. She moaned around him as she savored, taking her sweet time, slowly working him deeper. The Queen came to his shoulders and took her first real gulp. GLURK~ The bulge of his head began in her throat, Swift remaining slack while in her magical grip; soft yet firm. With some effort, another swallow took in his wide shoulders, leaving the rest of him to seamlessly slide in. Five more gulps and she’d made it to his knees, his face hit the pit of her belly. The Changeling Queen shivered, legs wobbling in the face of such pleasure. She even felt her human experiencing his own form of pleasure! A deep blush claimed her cheeks at the thought. But Chrysalis blinked, focusing back on task; she had a meal to finish. Softly jerking her head back, gravity helped her slurp up his legs, her long tongue coiling around his bare feet. Purring at his exquisite taste, she suckled on his lingering feet, getting a few squirms that pleased her greatly. Jaws opening wide with her tongue smooshing his toes together, the Queen took one drawn out gulp that sealed her prized human within. Snapping her jaws shut with a click of her fangs, a final gulp and a quick belch signaled her meal’s end. “Aaaaaaahhhhhh, yummy~” Chrysalis sighed as she plopped onto her bum, marveling at her bloated pregnant-like tummy. Tremendous and round, the transparent skin allowed Swift a fair view of the outside world. “I sure hope so.” The man smirked from inside his new mistress, leaning back against the slimy but soft belly wall, his rags damp. “So, now that I’m inside my Queen, what next?” “Next? We go home after some shopping.” The Queen grunted as she rocked herself onto her hooves, grant belly pulling at her spine, letting a few happy gurgles escape. It only sagged halfway to the ground, still allowing her much freedom in the way of movement. Exiting the tent, Chrysalis found Carapace waiting for her, the other Queen smiling and waving to the bellied Swift. “I trust Chrissy’s big tummy is cozy little guy?” Swift himself was somewhat embarrassed of his predicament, choosing to snuggle deeper into his owner’s flesh. “U-uh, yeah… c-cozy.” Carapace smirked, stooping her head to look Swift in the eye. “Oh I’m sure~” Chrysalis rolled her eyes and rocked her hips once, shoving the side of her belly into Carapace’s face. A burp escaped her lips. The Emerald Queen’s stomach shrunk ever so slightly, adding to Swift’s comfortable accommodations. “*urp* Are you two done flirting?” The Queen playfully chided, strutting past her fellow Queen with a smirk. Carapace rubbed her nose, sticking her tongue out in defiance. “If we must. On a side note; I just might get one too!” “But knowing you, it’ll be a female.” Carapace sighed dramatically, hoof swiping over her brow. “Oh yes, boys and colts are such a hassle!” “Good thing she’s got me trapped in here!” Swift laughed, turning on his side, sending shivers down Chrysalis’ spine. “Lucky you~” “Did you want to get a human now, Carapace? We can wait.” Chrysalis quizzically suggested, turning to face her friend. The Ruby Queen hummed to herself, looking to the skies in thought. She saw quite a few Pegasi fluttering about with full bellies. She envied them. And Chrysalis. “Maybe later. For now, I wanted to try out that new spa in town.” “Oh? I don’t keep up with too much of the news…” Chrysalis found herself barely listening as Carapace rambled on, focusing instead on the sway of her belly as they walked. Followed by their drones, the two Queens wandered the streets. One trotting merrily and the other waddling with a pep in her step. This had turned out to be a great day! And Chrysalis couldn’t wait for all the coming days with her new snack pet! > Rarity and Her Human > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Whew, that should just about do it!” Rarity smiled and hummed to herself, scratching her chin with the tip of pedicured hoof. “I think the first of my new line is ready. Your thoughts, Marshmallow?” “I still hate that name…” Groaned the young man in his chair behind the mare, but nonetheless looking over his owner’s work. It was a two part work; a high collared shirt and a pair of leggings. Along the breast were, or course, three sparkling white gems imbedded into the fabric. “But it looks ok, as usual. Plenty of room for the mare’s neck and belly with the elastic stuff.” “Don’t forget the bottom piece~” Rarity made sure to put a bit more sultriness into her voice, enjoying the bright blush that covered her plush human’s face. She always loved teasing her Marshmallow for his choice in fetishes. “I- uh… s-sure…” His amber eyes lazily wandered to the other piece, spreading the purple leggings. Between where the no-doubt bubbly cheeks would be was a stretchable hole. This, Marshmallow knew, was where the mare’s slit would be. His face reddened further until it was burning, glaring at the mare. “Pervert.” Rarity tittered at Marshmallow’s cute flush, ignoring his comment, making the man huff. “Aw, it’s nothing to be ashamed of darling. After all, lots of mares love their wombs filled~” “I know on that long list, you’re in the top three.” Marshmallow raised a brow, knowing full well what his owner’s answer was. She leaned over the table and pecked him on the nose. “Guilty as ever, dear~” He gulped, trying to calm himself down before she could notice his excitement. “I-I’m assuming I’ll be going in yours?” “How astute! Twilight would be proud of you!” Raising a hoof, she patted his head gently. “But not until I’m properly dressed. A lady can’t have such an exquisite lunch without proper attire~” “You said proper twice.” He groaned. “I know~” With a wink and a flare of her horn, the new clothes were taken in blue magic. She then turned for her private dressing room, flicking her tail and putting a bit more sway in her trot. “Now, I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t wonder off~” The door clicked shut, leaving the human, truly named Hank, to himself. A minute went by and there was a flash of blue magic, a roll of pink silk, a needle, and threat were levitated through a crack in the door. Marshmallow was the pet name Rarity had given him, much to his grief. He sometimes got teased by other humans for it, but they usually got sent to “time-out” for their bad behavior. It wasn’t long before Rarity returned, strutting out like she was on a show runway. Posing a foot away from her beloved human, the unicorn balanced on her hind hooves, showing off her underside. Hank saw what the silk had been for; a perfect pink heart had been sewn on the belly of the shirt, right where his room was. “Well darling…” Rarity purred, landing on all fours as she wiggled her plump hips. “What do you think?~” “Y-you look ok, I guess.” Excitement skyrocketing, but keeping it under a bored look, Hank secretly couldn’t wait to enter his gurgling abode. He ended up giving her a scowl. “But don’t you have customers to worry about? What about that new line?” The smile that had been on Rarity’s muzzle for the morning slipped, replaced by her own frown. Her brows furrowed, the unicorn huffed loudly and stomped her way up to him. Leveling her face to his, she sighed, her aggravation rising. “Honestly Hank, must you make it so hard? I was looking for constructive criticism, but you gave me a less than pleasant answer. Then I go and show it off, and I get no flattery!” “You know you’re one of the best seamstresses, so why ask me if it’s good?” He said matter-of-factly. “You’re the best, act with the confidence that comes with it.” Rarity huffed again, dramatically tossing her curled mane. “I just like being complimented for my hard work, Mr Lazy Snack.” “Last time I got called that I was inside you for a week.” A small smile edged onto her lips, peeking at him with one half open eye. “Willing to stretch it out to two?~” “If you can keep my phone charged, we’ll see.” Hank finally let a smile break his features, leaning forward into her face. “Now, where does Big Mama want me?” The mare bit her lip as she suppressed a moan, her spine shivering. She loved being called that. Her lips glistened with drool as she licked her lips. “Oh, darling, Big Mama wants you to come home~” “And what if I don’t want to come home?” He asked in a teasingly defiant tone, hooking his pointer finger on her bottom lip and tugging lightly. The blue glow of her insides slipped through her pearly whites. The unicorn ran her wet tongue over his finger, moaning at the taste. “Then I guess Mama’s just going to put you in timeout~” “And if I resist?” She then shoved his back against the chair with her magic, balancing on her hind legs with her fore hooves on his shoulders. Face inches from his, she breathed heavily on him, letting her minty breath and glow wash over him. “Should you resist me, then I’ll just swiftly gobble you up. So, please do~” “But… what about this?!” “Wha-? HURK!!!?!” Rarity gagged and coughed as Hank plunged into her open maw, diving deep enough to be swallowed up to his chest. Small tears welled up in her crystal-blue eyes. The mare took a moment to steady herself and regain her composure, taking her first official gulp. Her throat bugled out with her Marshmallow’s head and shoulders, moaning as his flavors washed over her tastebuds. Another gulp claimed more of Hank. And another. And another. And another. Before long, she had him up to his feet. Savoring the last of her meal, Rarity moaned with passion as his wiggling toes danced on her tongue. The mare took her time, swaying on her hooves in bliss as she suckled. But sadly, all good things come to an end. With a bit of hesitation at hearing the bell above the door ring, she swallowed the last of her meal, gasping in deep satisfaction. Sighing at the pleasant pull at her spine, Rarity softly rocked her enormous belly from left to right. “Welcome home my darling Marshmallow~” “You mares and your nicknames...” Came Hank’s muffled voice, the surface of her pearly orb bulging as he got comfortable. “But I like giving you cute little names!” The mare whined, pouting as she slowly trotted for the door that lead to her shop. “Besides, Marshmallow is perfect for you. You’re delicious and round just like one~” Despite her calling him fat, Hank wasn’t dismayed. She often called him her precious teddy bear, as she had him cuddle with her on cold nights. This was much to his irritation, even now. Still, he found her stomach comfortable, regardless if he protested against it. His world began swaying slightly as the mare began trotting towards the door. Rarity stepped out into her boutique with as much flourish as her huge tummy would allow. “Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique, where everything is sheik and magnifeik!” “Um, hi Rarity.” “Fluttershy! Darling, how are you?” Rarity beamed as she noticed her friend, sporting an even larger belly between her legs. “I take it you brought Kevin and Merry with you? How are the dears?” “Oh, they’re doing great! Kevin just started going to sixth grade and Merry got her first job as a message therapist. I’m so proud of them!” The cream Pegasus sweetly rubbed her pregnant-like belly, blushing as she felt her two pets move. “They seem to like my womb more than my tummy. And, actually, I do too.” “And I couldn’t agree more.” Rarity assured with a nod and glanced back at her own huge gut. “It’s such a wonderful feeling to hold the dears like mothers. Your belly used like a snuggly hammock throughout the day. Carrying your human, or humans, around like a mother with foals. By the way Fluttershy, the task isn’t too straining, is it?” “Oh no, not at all.” The Pegasus smiled reassuringly, turning her head to give her belly a motherly look. “These two sweeties are no trouble hauling around. Besides, I spend most of my time on the ground, so my legs are a bit stronger than the average Pegasus. N-not that I’m bragging… sorry…” Rarity giggled at her blushing friend, stepping closer to give a hug. Reaching over with a polished hoof, the unicorn gave the side of her friend’s belly a rub, getting a bit of motion in response. Rarity smiled at the interaction, pulling away. “You? Bragging?! Pfft, never! That’s Rainbow Dash’s department. Speaking of our resident daredevil, how is she? Not dragging her human into another of her practice sessions, I hope.” “Nope. We had a long talk about it, and she hasn’t done anything like it since.“ “That’s nice. Now, what do you think about my new product? This is more of a prototype, but it’s the general idea.” Rarity struck a pose to show off her new drip, huge belly swaying within the tight elastic. “It’s very nice. Comfy for the mare just like her human?” Fluttershy smiled as she looked over her friend’s work, admiring how the fabric lay over her like a second skin. “Quite. It helps that my dear Marshmallow practically dove down my throat~” “O-oh.” Fluttershy blushed, gently caressing her active belly. “I’d say he loves it in your tummy Rarity!” “The same goes for yours.” Rarity smirked, sloshing her belly rhythmically with her steps, trotting over to her desk to look over her orders. “Besides, I like to think they all do on some level, dear.” “Uh, I think so too. But, I like to think that mine just like the privacy.” The Pegasus smiled knowingly as she sat back on her haunches and hugged her rambunctious belly. Her face turned red at a thought. “Who knows? I might get even more humans out of their many… uh, play dates…” Rarity couldn’t help but giggle, feeling her own human stir. “Let’s hope so. Maybe it’ll encourage my dear Marshmallow into action.” She flashed her friend with a wink. “Hm… maybe. I know Hank can be a little hoofful.” She rubbed her chin in thought. “Maybe try and hook him with Parsley? She wouldn’t let him get away with anything… but she would treat him nicely.” Rarity hummed in her own distant thoughts. “Perhaps… but, I think we best leave that up to Harmony. After all, Harmony guides everyone, even in love.” Fluttershy smiled with a knowing look at her friend. “You just can’t wait for the gossip tabloids.” “You’re bucking right.” Rarity stated with a smirk, feeling Hank go still, knowing full well that his face was red.