> Digital Lust > by I-C-U-P > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia. The white Alicorn. The eldest of the two sisters. Princess of the Sun. Ruler of Equestria. Bringer of days. For as long as ponies remembered, their lives were watched over by their beloved princess. Alongside her little sister, Princess Luna, Celestia had maintained peace and prosperity for thousands of years. A pony so wise, so powerful, that countless souls always viewed her as a goddess. An immortal being that was blessed to bring them day while her sister brought them night. Because of her duties. Her responsibilities. Her gifts. Everypony cherished her. Practically worshiped her. Gave her everything she ever wanted. However. There was one thing that they COULDN’T give her. The one thing that she had always wanted. The one thing that she had been craving for the longest time. For as long as she could remember. Something that not even her sister can provide for her. Companionship. Despite all her power. Despite her high states. Celestia was not a god. She was just like every anthro pony she’d ever met. With all her wants, needs and desires. As she grew up, Celestia began to learn things that was unknown to her when she was younger. Things such as relationships. The concepts of a pony belonging to another. A soulmate. Some to cherish with to death do they part. Someone to fulfil the wants and desires of adulthood. A lifelong partner to share with. To love with. To embrace with. So when Celestia came to age, she had hoped to experience such a feeling. To meet someone to love and care for. But in a way that no other pony could. Her very own lifelong partner. Her hopes and dreams however, seemed to only be a fantasy. She tried to make an effort. She tried to find someone to love and embrace her in a way she saw countless couples do. But the true nature of her citizens revealed itself. They loved her for her caring nature. For her loving compassion. But sadly, it didn’t mean that they would go the extra step with her. It NEVER meant that. It wasn’t that she was ugly. Far from it. Celestia was regarded as one of the most beautiful mares Equestria had ever known. But in truth. The real reason why nobody wanted to be with her intimately was all because of her status. Her title. Or in other words… because of who she was. One such reason was due to her immeasurably long lifespan. She had been alive for thousands of years but had yet to show any signs of age. Meaning that she could be around for thousands of years more. Many stallions saw her as a mare of true beauty, but they didn’t want to be involved with her. Either physically or romantically. The simple reason was because that the stallions didn’t want to be outlived by the princess. Unlike her, the lifespan of any other anthro pony was barely a hundred years. They feared that if they had got involved, but then succumbed to old age, their deaths would break Celestia’s heart. Which was the last thing that they would ever do. But as well as not being with Celestia for selfless reasons, there were others for reasons that were entirely selfish. It was because of her title. She was a princess. So by being with her, it would mean that they would also have to share the level of responsibility. Which involved getting into conflicts or even wars. Such as the conflict with evil beings like Discord, King Sombra and Lord Tirek. For the potential suiters to be, they would rather avoid a relationship with Celestia entirely. To be nothing more than associates or friends. All to avoid the ‘burdens’ of responsibility. Which showed that they never truly cared about her and her needs. Throughout her childhood, Celestia was led to believe that her title and immortality were gifts. A power granted to her to be a beloved ruler. But as time went on, the Sun Princess slowly began to see her ‘gifts’ as a curse. The fact that just being who she was, was the very thing that was stopping her from experiencing what she believed was true happiness. As more centuries ticked by, Celestia began to struggle with her mentality. At times, she felt desperate for companionship. Longing for someone to love and cherish her. But like before, no stallion wanted to step up to be with her. To give her the feels, the emotions, and even the pleasures she wanted to experience. Her mind was so distracted with her dilemma however, that she failed to see that the bond between herself and her sister began to wane. Resulting in Luna’s rebellion. And her transformation into Nightmare Moon. The battle was long. But with the help of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia was able to seal her sister away. Imprisoning her in the moon. Unfortunately, it was at that point where her desperation for companionship began to escalate. Luna was the only pony who knew of Celestia’s struggles with her wants and needs. Even having to help with Celestia’s new recurring nightmare. A nightmare that revealed her greatest fear. So whenever her older sister felt down, Luna was there to comfort her. Making her feel better and reassuring her that one day, she would find someone who would make her feel special. But with Luna turning into Nightmare Moon and imprisoned within the moon itself, Celestia was left with no shoulder to cry on. For the next thousand years, Celestia had never felt so alone. So much so that her beliefs and ideas had changed dramatically. Within the centuries since Luna’s banishment, possibilities of Celestia’s wants and needs expanded. She’d soon outgrown her ideas for a stallion. The princess was so desperate for companionship, that she was willing to accept it from any creature. Regardless of what species. But as long as their own feelings for her would be genuine. That they would give her the love and affection she always wanted. And for her to give those feelings back in return. It was all Celestia ever wanted. To experience a loving physical relationship with someone who would care for her. But in the past thousand years, it never came. Events began to stir up in recent years however. From accepting a student in a form of Twilight Sparkle. To Luna’s return and redemption. To Discord’s revival and him being reformed. And even for her said star student to become the Princess of Friendship. But despite the distractions, Celestia’s wants and needs persisted. She even at one point considered Discord to be a candidate. Given that he too lived for a very long time. Possibly even older than herself. But even though he was on the side of good, he wasn’t the type that she preferred. The Draconequus was far too immature for what she was looking for. As well as him showing far more affections to Fluttershy. The pony who reformed him. But to add insult to injury, she noticed that a lot of stallions seemed to have taken an interest towards Luna. When she was asked as to how it was possible, Luna herself admitted that she was unsure herself. Furthermore, was that within the past couple of centuries, Celestia had witnessed something that was very new to her. Relationships with the same gender. Due to her long reign, Celestia was briefly baffled at the idea of two of the same sexes being in an intimate relationship with one another. Mare with mare. Stallion with stallion. But from seeing how happy it made them, the Sun Princess was quick to welcome and accept it. Despite that however, the princess knew next to nothing about how such a partnership would work on a physical level. But was too embarrassed to ever ask. As the years went by, Celestia was beginning to see that Twilight was slowly becoming a more competent princess. Establishing relations with all sorts of creatures. Dragons. Yacks. Griffins. Hippogriffs. And even reformed Changelings. Thanks to the magic of friendship, the ponies had gained powerful allies. And with Twilight’s success, it gave Celestia an idea. An idea that Luna was willing to agree on. After thousands of years of rule, the Alicorn Sisters decided to announce their retirement. Leaving the rule of Equestria in the capable hands of Twilight and her friends from Ponyville. The two even gave Twilight a medallion that contained a portion of their magic so that she can move the sun and moon on her own. While the reason for their retirement was to give Twilight a chance to grow as the next ruler of Equestria, for Celestia, there was another reason. She knew that one reason for her lack of intimacy with others was due to her title. So by announcing her retirement, she had hoped that any other creature would be more willing to accept her due to her being free of responsibilities. Unfortunately, there was still a problem with her seemingly immortality. And on a more ridiculous level, her announcement of her retirement made ponies think that he was getting old. Despite appearing as youthful as she ever had. Much to her disappointment. As well as giving her nightmares a resurgence. Unbeknownst to her however, an unprecedented disturbance was unfolding. In Equestria’s recent conflict, the heroes had to deal with Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and a rouge Pegasus filly Cozy Glow. All three had been magically enhanced by the dark magic that was sealed in Grogar’s bell. The same artefact that they used to steal the magic from Discord, Celestia and Luna. And then even messed around with Discord’s chaos magic. Furthermore, the three villains had manipulated the ponies to turn against each other. Causing their friendships to be in doubt. Which brought in the Windigos. Bringing forth freezing weather to Equestria. With such a massive imbalance of magic being thrown around the world so rapidly, it caused an unforeseen and potentially disastrous side effect. In separate parts of the land, the very fabric of reality in their magical world began to weaken. Mostly invisible to the naked eye, parts of Equestria no longer made sense. Such as cold weather appearing in sand-filled wastelands. Flash floods appearing in places where rain never touches. And even things disappearing from the face of the world. As if they had… fallen from one world and into another. Thankfully, most of the disruptions of the fabric of space and time were unseen. And when the crisis was everted and the conflict was over, the walls of reality began to repair themselves. However, there were still some odd spots dotted around Equestria. One of which was very close to the city of Canterlot. After Twilight’s ascension to be the next ruler of Equestria, Celestia and Luna had plans to move to Silver Shoals. A place they had decided to spend their retirement. And for Celestia, maybe a place to put aside her wants and needs. Even if it meant that she would end up miserable for the rest of her life. That was… until she spotted something out of the ordinary. Just outside on the balcony on the edge of Canterlot. Celestia saw a strange visual anomaly. Which unbeknownst to her at the time, was one of the weakened walls of reality. She then made a mistake by touching it. It began to pull her in. By the time Luna heard her cries for help, the blue Alicorn was too late. She watched helplessly as her older sister was dragged into the rip in the fabric of reality. Only for it to close up. For all that Luna knew, she had just lost her sister. But unbeknownst to her, Celestia was very much alive and well. She just ended up in a place she had never been before. A world beyond her world. One moment, Celestia felt herself dragged into a blinding light. Then by the time she opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a green field. While it looked peaceful, she knew that where she was wasn’t Equestria. The land felt very different. Not long after, the stranded Alicorn found herself in the sights of a massive beast. A creature that she had never seen before. But the princess was no pushover. Using her magic, she temporarily blinded the giant four-armed red beetle monster and escaped. But upon being attacked by a creature of the same species, probably even the same one as before, Celestia was rescued. Her saviours were a group of small creatures. Some looked familiar to the creatures of her world, while others looked very strange. But through teamwork, they repelled the enemy monster. The princess was stunned to find that the creatures not only were heroic and brave, but also spoke her language. The creatures identified themselves as Digimon. Short for Digital Monsters. And that the world Celestia found herself in was called the Digital World. What’s more, was that the group was formed to protect the innocent from rouge Digimon. The group were led by co-leaders. Agumon and Gabumon. The Digimon could easily tell that the Alicorn was not from their world. So when Celestia explained her situation to them, they could see that she was stranded with seemingly no way home. Though she wasn’t a Digimon, Celestia was still in need of help. She may be strong in her own right, but the Alicorn would never survive the Digital World on her own. What’s more, it would be rude of them to refuse helping a princess. The Digimon group all decided to help her find a way back to Equestria, much to Celestia’s heartfelt relief. The group explained that Celestia’s best hope of moving from one world to another was by visiting one of the four legendary Digimon Guardians. Powerful beings that watch over and protect the Digital World. With the group being on the eastern side of the Digital World, the nearest guardian to them would be Azulongmon. The Keeper of Light and Hope. The journey to their destination was far from easy. In total, it took the group over a month to get where they were going. And it would’ve been easier if not for the dangers that laid ahead. Either from the perilous landscapes, or more rouge Digimon. In the early stages of their battles, Celestia was left astonished that not only the hero Digimon were strong. But to her awe, also possessed a power to transform their bodies. A process they called Digivolution. Celestia was amazed to find that not only that her new friends used such a powerful ability to protect but could even Digivolve more than once. With only a few of them possessing the highest form. Furthermore, during the battles, Celestia took mental note on which Digimon was in which form. And more importantly, working out how strong she was compared to them. Rookie level Digimon were easy for her to handle. Champion level Digimon were likewise, but with much difficulty. Celestia had to use her magic more creatively or rely on help from her new friends to deal with the stronger ones. For Ultimate level Digimon however, her strongest attacks were like mere pin pricks to them. Otherwise, Celestia wouldn’t be able to leave a single scratch on them. Even comparing some of their strength to the likes of Tirek. Mega level Digimon possessed power and strength in a league far beyond her own. If Celestia were to face off against one on her own, she believed that she wouldn’t last five seconds. So whenever the group encountered a rouge Mega, it scared the Alicorn to a point where she felt powerless. She was very thankful that WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon and Imperialdramon were a thing. The trip was long and filled with danger, but at last, the group arrived at the Temple of Azulongmon. A place where even the Digimon heroes had never been in. Celestia was more than startled when the guardian revealed himself to resemble a giant blue dragon. When the princess explained her plight, she and her new friends were surprised to hear that Azulongmon was aware of it. As well as explaining in detail the cause of the rifts in time and space. And it was thanks to the rifts that the giant Mega knew exactly which world Celestia came from. And was more than happy to take her home. But before the great guardian could act, Celestia made a surprising proposal. Despite the dangers of the journey she had been through, Celestia was very impressed with the Digital World. And expressed her newfound desire to use her time of retirement to explore more of it. She asked Azulongmon if there was a way for the Digital World and Equestria to be connected somehow. The great Mega was astounded by such an idea. And to the surprise of everyone, agreed with her. Azulongmon had even conceived a way to establish such a connection between the two worlds. Back in Equestria, an entire month had passed since Celestia’s disappearance. But none were more worried about her than Twilight and Luna. The blue Alicorn had not left the city ever since. Waiting for the day when her beloved sister to find a way to return. And return she eventually did, but not in a way any soul in Equestria had imagined. To everyone’s surprise, the sky began to light up. As if a second sun had just been created high above their heads. Then bursting forth from the light, slithering through the sky like a giant serpent, was a giant blue dragon-like creature. Azulongmon soaring through the air, high above the land for all to see. A spectacle to see. But just as some of the ponies thought that they were under attack, the Alicorns were awestricken to find that riding on his giant head holding onto his horn, was Celestia herself. Who had the biggest smile on her face. Everypony in Canterlot gathered outside as Azulongmon descended down towards the city. After landing on Equestria’s soil, Celestia was greeted with the biggest hug from Luna since being freed from the moon. Tears of joy were shed on that day. The Sun Princess then explained to everypony of what happened to her. Where she had been for the past month. All her friends were astounded at her tale. They wouldn’t had believed her if not for the giant Mega level Digimon hovering over their heads. With him too confirming that it was true. But what surprised the citizens of Equestria the most, was the agreement between Celestia and Azulongmon. With the Digimon Guardian fulfilling his promise. On the edge of the city, in a spot where Celestia first fell into the Digital World, Azulongmon created Equestria’s very own Destiny Stone. But unlike the ones he created before, the new one served a new purpose. Being linked up with another new Destiny Stone in the home of the Digital Monsters, the newly created relic would act as a gateway to the Digital World. So that Celestia, or any other pony if they wish, would enter the Digital World freely. With the Digimon likewise would use the other stone to visit Equestria. Celestia and Azulongmon both knew the dangers of such a bridge to form between their worlds. Which was why the Destiny Stones were created in a specific way. That only those with goodness in their hearts would travel between one world to another. Sparing their homes from being invaded by evils of their respective homes. Such as the monsters of Tartarus or the rouge Digimon. As soon as the bridge was formed, Celestia’s closest friends were very eager to visit what was to them an alien world. Twilight and her friends got to visit the Digital World and had met Celestia’s Digimon friends. As well as the heroic Digimon likewise visiting Equestria. Within a couple of days, a new alliance was successfully established. And Equestria had gained another new ally. There was one more thing. Something that Luna found it hard to accept. Because of her newfound desire to explore the home of the Digimon, Celestia decided to stay in the Digital World. To live amongst the Digimon. Her little sister was very hesitant about Celestia’s decision. Fearing that something very bad would happen to her. But with the excitement the white Alicorn had shown, Luna had to respect her decision. Luna also declined Celestia’s offer to live with her in the Digital World. Stating that she felt more at home in Equestria. As well as helping with safeguarding her side of the Destiny Stone. The two sisters eventually came to an understanding as well as an agreement. Celestia would live in the Digital World. But spend the weekend with Luna in Equestria for a visit. As well as telling her about her adventures. Things appeared to be going so well for Celestia. Making friends with the Digimon and even exploring more of their world. But in the back of her mind, there was still that problem she had felt for the longest time. She had hoped that the excitement of being in the Digital World would help her. Sadly though, it didn’t cure her need for that special companionship she had longed for so long. Which to her dismay, brought back that nightmare. The same nightmare she had so many times. A nightmare that seemed to be getting worse. ………………………………………………………………………………………............................................ There she was. Standing alone in a desolate wasteland. A world that seemed to be in complete decay. Devoid of any bright colours. There she stood. Adorned in white dress that she used to wear. Representing the time before she retired from her royal duties. Celestia looked around her surroundings in worry. Feeling alone. “Hello! Is anypony here!? Luna!? Somepony!?” The white Alicorn began to feel her heart sink. With how desolate and empty the world appeared, she had never felt so lost and alone. “Please! I…I don’t want to be on my own!” But then to her surprise, a blast of black cloud appeared behind her. Then a strong gust of air blew her down to the ground. After rolling onto her back, Celestia was shocked to see that the mass of black cloud began to form itself. Morphing into the image of one of her old enemies. King Sombra. The manifestation looked down on her with a mocking glare. “Too bad that you couldn’t help but be alone, Princess.” Then to Celestia’s surprise, a second mass of black clouds appeared and grabbed a hold on her body. Lifting her up into the air. As the startled princess looked around, she found herself in the giant hand of the manifestation of the evil centaur, Lord Tirek. “You tried to fix that problem countless times. But it didn’t work out. Didn’t it?” He said before letting out an uproar of laughter. The image of Tirek then released Celestia. Letting the Alicorn fall to the ground. Then as she tried to get back up sitting on her back, a third black cloud formed in front of her. Slowly forming into the royal Changeling. Queen Chrysalis. Celestia tried to back away as the new arrival crawled towards her. “No matter how hard you try, they will never get close to you. They will see you as nothing more than a princess.” Everything the three images of her past villains were saying was beginning to make Celestia feel incredibly uneasy. Scared even. The white Alicorn quickly getting back on her feet and trying to run away. But was stopped in her tracks by two more black clouds. One formed into Cozy Glow. And the other, to her dismay, was Nightmare Moon. “Luna?” Celestia asked. Questioning what she was looking at. The manifestation of the Alicorn scoffed at Celestia before talking. Her words were like venom. “How utterly pathetic. And using your sister as a shoulder to cry on because you can’t get what you want. Very unbecoming of you.” “Poor sweet Celestia. Unable to accept that nopony would want her,” The image of Cozy Glow added. Her tone full of mockery. Celestia began to panic as the images of the five villains began to laugh at her. Tears of fear began to form in her eyes as she tried to find a way to escape. “No. NO!!” Running through the image of the Pegasus filly, Celestia tried to escape. But the world around her was literally a grey void. And the manifestations were still right behind her. Laughing at her misfortunes. The laughing grew louder and louder as Celestia gave up running. Panicking as she tried to block out the laughing by covering her ears. She then tried to talk sense to herself while tears began to rain down her face. “This is all just in my head! This… this isn’t real!” Then the laughing stopped. Then the voice of Tirek spoke up. “We may not be real. But do you know what is?” When Sombra joined, he smiled as she spoke his words. Relishing in Celestia’s dismay. “Your fear. Your fear is indeed very real.” Celestia froze. The image of Sombra was right. Her greatest fear was indeed real. But she didn’t want to admit it. Then Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Nightmare Moon joined in. All the while Celestia began to tremble. “You’re title as princess was a curse in disguise. No one wants to be with someone with such authority. Such legacy. You were doomed from the beginning, princess. Destined to be all alone.” “Sounds like being who you are wasn’t as great as you led on. You certainly fooled everyone.” “Even if you could find someone, you’d only outlive them. And be all alone again. And what about your friends? They’re bound to be sick and tired of your needs. Take it from me.” But then Nightmare Moon and Sombra said something that truly hurt Celestia. “Aren’t you afraid that everyone would leave you as well? And truly be all alone? With no one to love you?” “No matter what you do. No matter how hard you try. You will never find what you have been looking for. Do you truly believe you deserve true happiness?” Frustrated and frightened, the teary eyes Celestia turned to face the manifestations and snapped at them. “LEAVE ME ALONE!!! ALL OF YOU!!!” The five were unmoved by Celestia’s outburst. In fact, they were grinning. Sombra then began to twist the princess’s words. “Sounds like you do want to be alone.” Celestia looked at them with wide eyes of shock. It wasn’t what she meant by at all. She just wanted to be free of her torment. It wasn’t real. But hearing it from the unicorn king made if feel real. The white Alicorn stared at the five in uncertainty. The five then dispersed their bodies into black clouds. All gathering around the frightened mare and ascending into the air. But as Celestia watched on, she heard the mocking tone of Cozy Glow. Uttering the words that, to Celestia’s horror, revealed her greatest fear. Something that truly scared her to the deepest deaths of her being. The very reason that her nightmare went on for so long. “You’re going to die alone.” Celestia’s expression fell to despair upon hearing those words. Her greatest fear. She then heard the voices of Tirek, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis and Sombra joining Cozy Glow. All repeating those same words. “You’re going to die alone!” “You’re going to die alone.” “You’re going to die alone.” “You’re going to die alone, Celestia!” The same sentence kept on repeating over and over again. Echoing through the void as the landscape kept on shifting and changing. Breaking apart and reforming. All the while Celestia staggered around. Closing her eyes shut and using her hands to block out the voices. But she could still hear them as clear as day. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, she couldn’t escape the truth. The truth that her greatest fear was spoken out loud. Being alone. Living alone. But worst of all, dying alone. Unable to bare the voices a second longer, Celestia screamed into the air as tears flooded from her closed eyes. Wanting her horror to end. Then as her eyes snapped open, Celestia rose from her bed screaming. The white Alicorn breathed heavily from her experience as tears continued to rain down. Her heart pounding in fear as she stared at nothing. Thinking back to what she saw in her head. Though the mental images had changed overtime, the nightmare stayed the same. The nightmare that revealed her greatest fear. Then without warning, the doors to her room burst open. Revealing a distressed Luna who rushed over to her older sibling. Trying to gain her attention by placing her hand on her shoulder. Shaking her as she spoke up. “Sister! Sister, are you alright!?” Hearing Luna’s voice snapped Celestia to attention. The white Alicorn looking over to her little sister with an expression of worry and fear. Tears continued to fall as she tried to talk. “L…Luna.” Trying to comfort her sister, Luna climbed into Celestia’s bed and gave her a tight comforting hug. She herself crying in response. Feeling the warmth embrace of her sister eroding away the coldness of her nightmare, Celestia began to sob as she hugged Luna back. Holding onto her tightly. Not wanting to let her go. As the two sisters continued their comforting embrace, Luna spoke. Her voice muffled by her own guilt. “I’m sorry, sister. I’m so… so sorry.” > Chapter 2: The Curious Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning had arrived in Equestria. But in recent times, a morning like no other in times past. Many citizens of Equestria were still new to the newfound alliance between them and the inhabitants of the Digital World. Quite a few of them even believed that it was to be a dawn of a new era. Not long after Twilight Sparkle's ascension to Princess of Equestria. A lot of anthro ponies were nervous of the thought of strange creatures entering their world through the Destiny Stone. Used to bridge Equestria to the Digital World. But after days of interaction, the ponies began to see the Digimon as if they were tourists. They even began to not only see the Digital Monsters as friends, but fun to be around with. After that brief unsettlement, peace between the two worlds was gained and strengthened. Despite the bridge between worlds being accessible to either parties, quite a lot of anthro ponies were still nervous of venturing the other side. Aside from a few brave souls, the citizens didn’t like the thought of a possible encounter with wild Digimon. Such as the red four-armed beetle monster that Celestia encountered on her first day in the Digital World. Who turned out to be a Champion level Digimon named, Kuwagamon. The same couldn’t be said for the Digimon. Who were very eager to visit Equestria. Fortunately, nearly all the Digimon that crossover were in their Rookie forms. And luckily for the ponies, were very keen on learning about them and their way of life. Going as far as attending Twilight’s School of Friendship. Becoming official students and learning alongside other species that live in Equestria. If it couldn’t get any more surprising, some Digimon even went as far as wanting to live in Equestria itself. Twilight Sparkle was probably the pony who was most enthusiastic about learning Digimon kind. In fact, one time while visiting the School of Friendship, she discovered a Digimon turning an unused spare room into a makeshift library. In it were numerous books all about the Digital World. Even the Digimon in charge of the library, Bokomon, possessed quite a vast knowledge. Quickly becoming firm friends with the Princess of Friendship. It wasn’t just Twilight. Nearly every pony had made a firm friend with a Digimon. Pinkie Pie found another party animal in a form of Neemon. Fluttershy being acquainted with Lopmon and Elecmon. Fellow animal lovers. With Rainbow Dash being one of the first ponies to visit the Digital World, her feats of speed and loyalty had quickly gained a fandom in the Digital World. Two of which were flying type Digimon, Missimon and Jazamon. Who wished to be just as fast as her. Applejack had gained extra pair of hands to help out at Sweet Apple Acres. Hands that belonged to a group of Goblimon, much to the surprise of even the other Digimon. Despite their reputation as troublemakers, they enjoyed the orange Earth Pony’s stern attitude when it came to her job and following the rules. As well as getting to use their clubs to hit something. Such as apple trees. Even Rarity had gained help in a form of a Digimon. Floramon not only being a fan of the Unicorn’s dresses, but even getting to help out in making them. Sharing the Unicorn’s passion. There was however a downside for a Digimon living in Equestria. Due to the lack of data present in the atmosphere, the highest form a Digimon could transform into was the Champion level. But due to lack of conflict, such power was unneeded. Despite that fact, some ponies took great inspiration to the concept of Digivolution. Even going as far as officials planning a tournament style games where Digimon can battle each other for fun. The Champion level Digimon Leomon quickly becoming an early fan favourite, much to the annoyance of his rival Ogremon. Within a span of a fortnight, the anthro ponies of Equestria had quickly settled with living amongst the Digimon of the Digital World. Times really were changing. Seemingly for the better. But for one former princess, things don’t seem to change in the slightest. In the city of Canterlot, Celestia drank her morning tea with her sister Luna. The white Alicorn still shaken from her nightmare. And the blue Alicorn being all apologetic. “I’m truly sorry, sister. I never expected the nightmare to end up like that.” “It’s alright, Luna. It’s not your fault,” Celestia said to reassure her sister. But her words were not contrasted with Luna’s guilt. “But it is. It was my idea of seeing the nightmare to the end. I thought I might find some revolution to ending it. But… I never imagined it would end like that.” Celestia felt deeply sorry for her little sister. She too shared Luna’s surprise of how the nightmare ended. Because of how distressing the nightmare was, Luna always got rid of it before it could end. Last night was the only time the two saw the dream to its very end. However, Celestia felt that Luna was not at fault. Reaching her hand out to rest on Luna’s. Trying to calm her down by shifting the blame. “Luna. If anyone is at fault here, it’s me. I’m the one who has these nightmares to begin with. You’re just trying your best to resolve it.” Luna smiled at Celestia’s kindness. Calming down from the affection her sister was showing. “Thank you, sister. But despite my best efforts, the nightmare keeps coming back. And I’ve noticed that they are becoming more frequent.” Celestia began to share Luna’s concerns. “Yes. I thought that my new life in the Digital World would put my mind at ease. But they keep coming back whenever I arrive back here.” “Perhaps… being back in Equestria is… reminding you about… what you always wanted?” Celestia however felt unsure. “I don’t know, Luna. But there is something that I’m afraid of.” She took a moment to think before continuing. “Now that I know how my nightmares truly end, would I start having them in the Digital World? Away from you?” Luna shared Celestia’s concerns. If her older sister were to have the nightmare off-world, she would be unable to help her. The white Alicorn’s mental state would degrade even more than it already was. In a sense, Celestia was right to live in the Digital World. Seeing that the nightmares were practically non-existent there. After thinking about the past there was one thing that Luna couldn’t get over with. “It astounds me. That all this happened… because of your wish for intimacy.” Celestia smiled in sentimentality. She too never knew how much her simple desire would affect her so much. Was it really a sign that she wanted a companion? Someone to love and cherish her in a way none had ever shown to her before? She began to think back throughout her life. At how so much had changed within the span of only a couple of centuries. One such thought was of what Twilight shared with her. About how her number one assistant, Spike the dragon, had a crush on Rarity since the first day in Ponyville. While Celestia had thoughts on the subject, she never knew that it was possible. A romance between two different species. A second thought was something a bit more recent. Romance between the same gender. She recalled seeing a newspaper article about a wedding between Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon. Aka, Sweetie Drops. Which happened not long before Twilight’s second coronation. In the picture, the two looked so happy together. In her mind, it seemed love, romance and companionship knew no bounds. So how was it that she was excluded? Why her? …………………………………………………………………………………….................................... After their tea, Luna walked with Celestia out of the castle and towards the edge of Canterlot. There stood the Destiny Stone. The bridge to the Digital World. The blue Alicorn still couldn’t believe that the weekend was over so soon. But she did check the calendar. It was Monday alright. She looked ahead at Celestia standing in front of the Destiny Stone. Gone were her usual white gown. The dress that she wore during her reign. Being retired and free of royal duties, she was dressed in more casual clothing. Including jeans, a t-shirt and a blouse. Luna had only seen her sister in such wear on very few occasions. But in a bizarre way, Celestia looked just as great in normal clothing as she did in her old royal gown. Though finding clothing for a six foot seven tall Alicorn was quite tricky. Fortunately, Rarity gave her a hand in that department. Luna always found it hard to let Celestia go. From Monday to Friday, she always felt worried that something bad would happen to her older sibling. But she had to remember that the white Alicorn was not alone. She had her Digimon friends on the other side to protect her. And she did survive for a full month prior to the alliance. But she always felt a little sting whenever Celestia walks through the stone. “See you later, sister.” Celestia’s voice snapped Luna to attention. Looking at her older sibling as she looked over her shoulder at her. A smile grew on her face as she spoke again. “Take care of Equestria while I’m away.” If there was anything Luna knew what Celestia was good at, it was how to brighten up her day with a smile. The blue Alicorn smiled back as she said her farewells. “I will. Take care of yourself now.” After giving Luna another big smile, Celestia faced towards the Destiny Stone and walked closer to it. Upon touching the stone, the whole front of it began to glow a bright light. The white Alicorn’s form was then suddenly sucked in. Once more leaving Equestria behind… and onward to the Digital World. Traveling between worlds was like flying through a tunnel. A very brightly lit tunnel. Multiple colours swarmed passed anyone traveling through it while hovering above a trail of white light. Despite being worlds apart, the journey itself only lasted no more than a minute. The experience was certainly disorientating for beginners. Especially once they reach the other side. Some accounts even mentioned ponies feeling motion sickness. But after multiple journeys, Celestia was more than used to it. Upon entering the Digital World, Celestia felt young again. Knowing full well that her day was going to be filled with adventure along with her Digimon friends. Who were more than thrilled that their favourite pony princess had returned. However, trouble brewed once more in one of the villages. A rouge Digimon began attacking them. Causing the inexperienced In-training level Digimon to flee in panic. Being the nearest to sense trouble, Celestia was first to arrive on the scene. Surprised to discover that the Digimon causing destruction was Kuwagamon. But upon seeing the anthro Alicorn, the giant insect Digimon stopped his rampage and focused its sights on her. Confirming to Celestia that it was indeed the same Kuwagamon that she encountered on her first day in the Digital World. A fight ensued. Despite Kuwagamon being far larger than the Alicorn, Celestia felt confident. With it being a Champion level Digimon, the princess felt more or less compatible to it. But since the Digimon was following only by its wild instincts, Celestia was able to outsmart it. She also had an advantage in having ranged attacks whereas Kuwagamon had none. But the insect Digimon’s exoskeleton acted as armour that blocked out the worst of her attack spells. Successfully leading Kuwagamon away from the village, Celestia flew towards a nearby forest with her foe on her tail. The Alicorn looking over her shoulder to see that it was still after her. Despite Kuwagamon being the enemy, Celestia did felt sympathy for it. “I wish you could talk. Or understand what I’m saying. We could’ve avoided a fight altogether.” Despite her best intentions, the Kuwagamon chasing her was essentially a wild animal. Roaring at her as it tried to close the gap. Seeing it approaching her, Celestia quickly faced the insect before firing a golden beam of magic at it. But Kuwagamon’s head was heavily armoured. The attack spell exploding against it with hardly a scratch inflicted. But all it did was made the Digimon’s anger boil. With a sudden burst of speed, Kuwagamon flew closer as it reared its front arms back. Preparing to use its Shadow Slash attack. Fortunately, Celestia teleported just in time. Leaving the Digimon to strike the ground. Ripping the soil and dirt apart. Kuwagamon paused as it turned to face Celestia. Standing on the edge of the forest. The giant bug once more tried to hit her with Shadow Slash. But a beat of her feathered wings made the princess avoid the attack. Then using her levitation spell, Celestia picked up a fallen tree and swung it at Kuwagamon. Smacking it on the side of its head and causing the giant to stagger. Celestia attempted to swat the bug again. But Kuwagamon instantly caught it between its mouth pincers. Then using Trapping Scissors, the insect Digimon chopped the tree apart. After spitting out the splintered wood, the giant red Champion Digimon turned to face Celestia again. Despite not having eyes, the princess could tell that Kuwagamon was glaring at her in anger. It then began to take several steps towards her while flexing its claws and clamping its pincers. Making a sharp slashing sound while doing so. Despite feeling admittingly intimidated, Celestia fired several bursts of her attack spells from her hands. Each one striking the giant insect. But despite the explosions against its body, it did little to deter it from her. Closing in on the Alicorn, growling in anger. Despite the approaching danger, Celestia remained calm. “That’s right. Come a little closer.” Then as Kuwagamon got ever closer to Celestia, a random voice echoed through the foliage. “LIGHTNING PAW!!!” As Celestia ducked down, a small white cat Digimon leapt out of the bushes behind the Alicorn. Sailed through the air and landed a hard punch against Kuwagamon’s head. The giant insect Digimon roared in pain as the shockwaves rippled through its cranium. Staggering back from the blow. Taking a moment of pause, Celestia looked up and smiled at the new arrival. The second Digimon was one of her dearest Digimon friends. The cat Digimon, Gatomon. After landing the blow, Gatomon landed in front of Celestia. Glaring at Kuwagamon as it began to recover from it stumble. Seeing another challenger before it, the insect Digimon’s first impulse was to attack. But as it got closer to use its sharp mandibles, Gatomon smirked. The rouge Digimon falling for the trap. “Cat’s Eye Hypnotism!” Upon uttering the name of her signature ability, pink rings of energy flew from Gatomon’s eyes and against Kuwagamon’s face. The giant insect immediately paused upon sensing the energy washing over its armoured skull. It tried to struggle against the attack’s effects. Making loud grunts as it tried to resist. But with its mind being simple and animalistic, it couldn’t resist for long. Kuwagamon calming down as it continued to face down at Gatomon. Falling under her hypnotic gaze. “Kuwagamon! Go away! Leave and think about what you’ve done!” Gatomon commanded. After a moment of pause, Kuwagamon’s insect wings began to beat heavily. The giant red four-armed insect lifting off the ground before flying away. Disappearing out of sight. ………………………………………………………………………………………….............................. With the threat of Kuwagamon dealt with, Celestia and Gatomon managed to roundup all the Digimon in the village. Reassuring them that the area was safe. With trust insured, the citizens returned to their homes. The white Alicorn using her magic to help repair any damages done. The princess was still glad that despite not being in Equestria, her magic continued to work as usual. With the village saved, Celestia and Gatomon began to stroll through a large valley. The two complimenting each other. “That was really impressive of you. Following one attack after another,” Celestia said. As Gatomon responded, she chuckled in flattery as she rubbed the back of her head. “W-Well you did lead Kuwagamon right where I want him. You’re a big help.” Celestia chuckled in delight from seeing the smaller Digimon’s reactions. She paused her talk as she looked at Gatomon. She didn’t want to say it in front of her other Digimon friends, but the cat-like Digimon was her favourite. The one whom she had grown close to out of the group. Even back when she first arrived in the Digital World, Gatomon always stood by her side. Becoming a very firm friend almost instantly. But what she found the most interesting about her was her Digivolutions. Whereas most of the others stuck with their usual species, Gatomon was the most strange. Transforming from a cat to a literal angel. She remembered the first time she saw Gatomon Digivolve into the Ultimate level Digimon, Angewomon. It was one of the most elegant sights she had ever witnessed. While surprised further from seeing Patamon transforming into Angemon, Angewomon just appeared far grander. Beautiful even. Gatomon noticed the tall Alicorn looking at her. “What is it?” She asked. Celestia chuckled before answering. As well as remembering back at the battle with Kuwagamon. “Oh nothing. It’s just that you’re impressive. And I keep forgetting that you’re a Champion level Digimon.” Gatomon smirked in response. “Well not all Champions have to be giants. I may be small, but I still throw a mean punch.” After letting out a smile, it was there when Celestia noticed that their location was barren. Almost like a wasteland. She began to wonder. “Gatomon? Where are we?” Gatomon let out a defeated sigh before speaking. “Well… there’s a problem.” After getting a questionable look from Celestia, Gatomon confessed. “Well… me and my friends were originally planning on letting you see the Frozen Mountains up north. But a big avalanche happened and most of the safe area is now… well… unsafe. So, most of the others are up there to help in the clean-up. And left me in charge of keeping you safe. So, I thought I could show you other places you haven’t been yet. “Oh. I understand.” Celestia said as she nodded. Then listened to Gatomon as she continued. “It’s strange though. That area never had an avalanche before. Some witnesses even said that it was caused by a large white Digimon.” Celestia pondered as she and Gatomon continued their walk. Wondering what kind of large white Digimon would likely cause an avalanche. As well as wondering if it was all an accident since the said Digimon vanished without further attack. Gatomon meanwhile felt as though she was treading on familiar ground. “Strange. Haven’t I been here before?” She whispered to herself. After several moments of walking, Celestia began to feel something. She felt it in her horn. A strange energy was close. She paused. Surprising Gatomon who looked back at her. “Celestia?” But focusing on the energy source, Celestia looked around her surroundings. Being taller than Gatomon, it meant that she could see further across the flat barren landscape. Then her motions paused. And her eyes widened in curiosity. She could see something in the distance. It looked like a large rock or dirt mound. But she could sense the energy from it. It was different from any energy she felt in the Digital World. And yet it belonged to it. Without warning, Celestia rose off the ground and began to fly towards it. Surprising Gatomon who had to run after her. “Hay, Celestia! What is it!? Wait for me!” Despite sprinting on all fours, Gatomon was still slower than Celestia’s flight speed. But she then saw Celestia descending back to the ground. With the Alicorn landed and seemingly still, it gave the cat Digimon all the time to catch up. After finally reaching up to the still Celestia, Gatomon gave her a questionable look. “Hay! What was that all about?” Celestia remained still. Continuing to stare out in surprise. “W-What’s that?” Following Celestia’s line of sight, the confused Gatomon froze on the spot. Realising what had caught the Alicorn’s attention. As well as realising why the area around her looked so familiar. She had been here before. “Oh.” Standing before Celestia and Gatomon was a giant dark rock. Despite being in broad daylight, the rock looked as dark as it would at night. But facing the two arrivals, on the flat side of the rock, was a giant metal double door. The door itself was adorned with scary, almost demonic looking images. And running along the middle of the door were seven different coloured globes. But for Celestia the door not only possessed the strange energy, but a staggering amount could be felt emanating from behind it. To her surprise, it reminded her of the Gates of Tartarus. But far more sinister. After letting out a gulp, Gatomon nervously answered. “That… Celestia… is the Gate to the Digital Underworld.” Celestia snapped her head at Gatomon in response. “The underworld?” “Yeah. A region of the Digital World that we wouldn’t normally go. It’s mostly populated by demon-type Digimon.” Celestia looked at her in surprise. “What!? Such a place exists?” After taking another quick look at the giant door, she looked at Gatomon in confusion. “So… it’s a bad place full of evil Digimon?” To her surprise, Gatomon shook her head. “Well… not exactly. It doesn’t really mean that they’re evil. Well… not anymore.” But Gatomon’s answer only caused further confusion in Celestia. “I don’t follow. Could you explain?” After taking a moment of thought, Gatomon turned to face Celestia as she began her explanation. “From what I know, the Digital Underworld existed for a very long time. It was originally home to demon-type Digimon who rebelled against order. But over the past thousand years, things have actually calmed down in the underworld. While it’s still a rough place, it’s not nearly as bad as it was before. In fact, some other Digimon even began living in there.” Celestia calmed down as she began to understand. “I see. I thought them being demon types meant that they were evil.” “I can understand that. Demon types do have a bad reputation.” Gatomon continued. “But they are becoming more behaved with themselves. I even heard that the Demon Lords had shown some restraint. Well… mostly.” Celestia snapped back at Gatomon in surprise. The look of shock on her face. “Wait! Did you say… Demon Lords!?” Briefly surprised by Celestia’s outburst, Gatomon explained further. “Y-Yeah. They’re the rulers of the Digital Underworld. They’re called The Seven Great Demon Lords. A group of extremely powerful Digimon that not even me and my friends would like to tangle with. Celestia was flabbergasted at the discovery of such beings. Which she believed were the opposite of the four Guardian Digimon. But there was something about the number Gatomon mentioned that struck a memory in the former princess. “Wait. Seven?” Celestia paused in thought. Seven powerful demons…whom lived in an underworld domain. She recalled hearing such things before, long before she even met the Digimon. She began to speak out loud. “Strange. I recall hearing something similar before with the dragons of my world. They mentioned… an afterlife where the bad go. I believe… they called it… Hell.” Gatomon looked at Celestia in surprise. “Really!?” Celestia looked at the Digimon as she continued. “Because that’s another name for the Digital Underworld. Some actually call it Hell.” Celestia looked at Gatomon in surprise. Apparently Equestria and the Digital World do share something similar. Then Gatomon asked her a question that surprised her further. “And what about the sins?” “Sins?” Celestia began to realise where the concept of the seven demons came from. She then spoke her findings out loud. “Yes. From the dragon folklore, they believed in… the Seven Deadly Sins. They used that belief to keep the greed in young dragons under control. Like a scary story.” Gatomon then gave her a shock of her life. “Well, that’s something. Because in the Digital Underworld, those things really do exist.” The white anthro Alicorn looked at the small white cat Digimon in surprise. “What!?” Gatomon began to see that she had to make her explanation simpler. “Come over here, let me show you.” As the two knelt down next to each other, Celestia watched Gatomon carve a line in the dirt. And then spoke up. “You see. Imagine this line is where we are now. Call it the Surface World.” Then in the middle of the line, Gatomon carved a small circle. “That circle is that gate,” She said as she pointed at the Gate to the Digital Underworld. As Gatomon continued to draw her diagram, she draw a small rectangle just behind the circle but under the line. “And once through the gate, it leads you to the Lift Station.” Celestia looked at Gatomon in confusion. “Lift…Station?” “It’s like a train station, but for giant lifts. Or are they called elevators? Either way, it’s the only way to get to the Digital Underworld itself.” After her explanation, Gatomon drew a large square below the line. Celestia knew what that meant. “So the underworld… is right beneath us?” She asked as she looked at the ground next to her, caressing her hand along the ground. “Pretty much, yeah. But again, the Lift Station is the only way in.” Celestia took a moment to look at the rough diagram Gatomon made of the Digital Underworld. “Is the underworld… a really big place?” “Yeah. Each area is the size of a large city.” Celestia looked over to Gatomon in puzzlement. “Area?” “Oh yeah. I forgot to explain that.” Gatomon then explained herself as she drew several horizontal lines in the large square. “You see, the entire Digital Underworld is separated into seven areas. Or Rings as they like to call it. And each Ring is ruled by one of the Demon Lord Digimon.” As Gatomon continued to explain the layout of the Digital Underworld, the more Celestia was beginning to see such similarities to the dragons’ beliefs. Then a question appeared in her mind. “These Rings… do they also represent… a particular sin?” “Yeah, that’s right. As well as the Demon Lord Digimon themselves.” Moving her claw, she pointed to the bottom of the diagram. “At the bottom of the Digital Underworld is the Ring of Pride. Where the most prideful of Digimon live. Regardless if they’re demon types or not. That place is ruled by Lucemon. He’s the leader of The Seven Great Demon Lords and the most powerful and prideful of all of them.” The subject of power peaked Celestia’s interest. Since Lucemon was described as the most powerful of the seven Demon Lords. “How powerful is he?” Gatomon looked at the Alicorn as she answered. “You remember WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon? Not even they would stand a chance against Lucemon. Celestia felt a shiver of fear up her spine. Ever since comparing herself with the powers of the Digital World, she was always intimidated by Mega level Digimon. With the kind of power that some might even be compared to gods. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were the Mega forms of her friends, Agumon and Gabumon. And from seeing them in action, Celestia believed that they could take on anyone. Especially when they teamed up. So, to hear that not even they could defeat Lucemon made Celestia felt troubled. Could the Demon Lord of Pride be even stronger than Azulongmon? “I… didn’t think he would be that strong,” Celestia uttered, regarding the Demon Lord Digimon. Then Gatomon spoke up. “All of them are. I mean, they’re Demon Lords for a reason. They have to be very powerful.” Celestia again felt intimidated. It sounded like any one of the seven Demon Lords would be too much for her Digimon friends to handle. Gatomon continued on with the explanation. Moving her claw up a level second from the bottom. “Above that is the Ring of Envy. Home to Leviamon.” As she slowly moved up the areas of the Underworld, Gatomon revealed the identities of the respective Demon Lord Digimon. “Next is Daemon. The Demon Lord of Wrath. Then there’s Belphemon. The ruler of Sloth. Then Barbamon. Who lives in the Ring of Greed. After that is Beelzemon. The King of Gluttony.” As Gatomon explained, Celestia’s eyes widened slightly. The Digital Underworld was just like the afterlife that the dragons believed. Right down to the names of the sins. To which in the Digital World according to Gatomon, the sins were a Digimon’s characteristic. She couldn’t believe it. Whereas the dragons of Equestria saw it as their beliefs, in the Digital World, such a place actually existed. She quickly remembered all the names of the Rings that matched. Leading up to the one that was not mentioned yet. To which Gatomon was about to explain. “And lastly at the top part of the Underworld, is the Ring of…” “Lust?” Gatomon paused when Celestia interrupted her. Looking at her in surprise. “Y-Yeah, that’s right. The Ring of Lust. And there, it’s ruled by Lilithmon.” Celestia stared at the rough diagram of the Digital Underworld layout. Most in particular, the top level. Where Gatomon described as the Ring of Lust. Curious, Celestia turned towards her Digimon friend with a questionable subject. Making her feel awkward with a blush on her face. “So… lust? As in…?” Knowing what Celestia was trying to ask, Gatomon too began to blush in embarrassment. The subject not appropriate for younger audiences. “Y-Yeah. That… kind.” Celestia’s eyes widened further in disbelief after her suspicions had been confirmed. Was there really such a place? A place where such acts were common? Unrestrained? Unpunishable? Such a thing was forbidden in Equestria. Even in the early years of her reign. She wasn’t even sure if the rules were already in place, or herself enforced it. But even if she relinquished the rule, she still had the problem of being unwanted. If no one in her world wanted to take the step with her before, then changing the rule would mount nothing for her. Feeling awkward on the subject, Gatomon tried to change the subject by motioning to the doorway. “A…And you see those globes on the door?” With most of Celestia’s attention gained, the Alicorn watched Gatomon as she approached the Gateway to the Digital Underworld. Waving her paw at the random coloured orbs on the giant door. The orbs themselves possessing strange symbols on them. To which Gatomon explained. “These are the Crests of The Seven Great Demon Lords. They go in the same order as the Underworld itself.” Following Gatomon, Celestia walked towards the gateway. The more she stepped closer, the more energy she could feel from it. Possibly from the Digital Underworld itself. Looking at the crests and taking account of what Gatomon said about their order. She looked from the bottom up. Lucemon’s Crest of Pride was red. Leviamon’s Crest of Envy was light blue. Daemon’s Crest of Wrath was orange. Belphemon’s Crest of Sloth was dark blue. Barbamon’s Crest of Greed was purple. Beelzemon’s Crest of Gluttony was yellow. And Lilithmon’s Crest of Lust was green. As she looked, Celestia couldn’t explain it, but her sights kept being drawn towards the Crest of Lust. Again, making her think of all the failures she experienced at trying to gain a companion. Even mingling with other species of her world ended in failure. Then a stray thought occurred to her. A thought that if not paid attention, she would’ve not noticed it. Her desires for a partner had lead her to even try people of different species in Equestria. But that was the purpose of the stray thought. If not Equestria, than… why not a Digimon? From her conversations with her Digimon friends, it revealed to her that some were far older than they appeared. Seemingly unable to die of old age. If that were the case, than… having a partner being a Digimon would seem more fitting. Not having to worry about outliving her chosen one. Furthermore, despite the radical diversity of the Digimon, there were some which physical appearances that more or less looked similar to her own. She then remembered what her little Digimon friend said earlier. That the Digital Underworld was not as dangerous as it was in the past. Then a question appeared in her head. Turning towards Gatomon. “Gatomon. This Underworld… is it a place… you can actually go to?” Gatomon pondered for a moment before answering. “Well… if you mean to visit, then… I guess you can. But I wouldn’t recommend it. While things down there have settled down in the past thousand years, it’s still a dangerous place. Especially the Demon Lords.” She then gave a detailed explanation about some of the places in the Digital Underworld as well as some of the Demon Lords themselves. “Well, if you do plan on going, then it’s best that you stay away from the Ring of Pride. I heard that Lucemon is still old-fashioned and didn’t really want to change from the early days. A-As well as Wrath, Greed and Envy. The Digimon there are untrustworthy, and I hear Daemon is a dealmaker. Oh, and Sloth. The Demon Lord there spends years asleep. But when he wakes up, he would go on a rampage.” Gatomon tapped her chin in deep thought. “Really, the only place I guess is alright is Gluttony. Well, as long as you stay out of Beelzemon’s watch.” Despite the warnings of her friend, Celestia felt less then encouraged. Gatomon was making it sound as though the entire Digital Underworld was off-limits. As if it was not worth exploring. Sins and Demon Lords aside, Celestia was indeed fascinated in exploring the Underworld. It was a place that she had never been to after all. But she was caught off guard when Gatomon made a loud outburst. “Oh, and definitely stay away from Lust!” Taken aback from the outburst, Celestia gave Gatomon a questionable look. “W-What reason?” Not expecting to be questioned, Gatomon flinched as she stuttered. A small blush of shame grew on her cheeks as she looked away. Feeling hesitant on explaining. To which she eventually gave. “W-Well… you see. The one time I went there… about fifty years ago, I… I-I had… a bad experience.” It was something that Gatomon wasn’t proud off. As well as an event she would very much like to forget. Traveling alone from the group one time, she received an emergency message that said she was required in the Ring of Lust. That a poor soul took a wrong turn and was in grave danger. Not wanting to make a bad example for herself and her friends, Gatomon Digivolved into Angewomon and flew straight for the Digital Underworld. But upon entering the Ring of Lust, it was revealed to be a trap. The message was a hoax, all to lure the angelic Digimon away from her friends and beyond any help. Attacked by several demon Digimon at once, Angewomon was quickly overwhelmed and restrained. And further to her dismay, one Digimon placed a magical talisman on her. Preventing her from De-Digivolving into her smaller lesser forms to slip away. Upon being captured, Angewomon discovered that the particular group of demon Digimon had a certain desire for angelic-type Digimon to ‘play’ with. In particular, her. But before she could be lead away to her fate as a plaything, she was rescued. Not believing the legitimacy of the message, Patamon, whom digivolved into Angemon, followed her to the Underworld. Upon freeing her, the two angel Digimon made short work of their enemies and made a quick retreat before the Demon Lord of Lust would notice. Not even their teamwork would be a match for her. Remembering such an experience caused Gatomon a shiver up her spine. Much to Celestia’s surprise. “Oh, I’m… sorry to hear that.” Gatomon was then startled at how curious Celestia was being. “What happened exactly?” “I don’t want to talk about it!!” Gatomon snapped with a bright blush on her face. Celestia recoiled in surprise. Whatever happened to Gatomon, it must’ve been distressing at the time. Seeing how upset it was making her friend, the Alicorn tried to change the subject. Remembering what Gatomon said about her age. “Wait. You said fifty years ago? Don’t mind me asking, but… how old are you exactly?” With a complete mood change, the upbeat cat Digimon made no hesitation in revealing her age. “Oh? I’m about three hundred and twenty-seven.” Celestia blinked in surprise. She had no idea that her youthful friend was so much older than she appeared. Which further proven the fact that Digimon don’t seem to age. And to her mental relief, not die from it. She was then surprised when Gatomon spoke up. “Oh, and check this out!” Watching Gatomon rush towards the giant doors, Celestia watched the cat Digimon reach out her paw at the Crest of Pride. And upon placing her paw on it, the globe itself began to softly illuminate. Letting out a dimmed glow. “What happened?” Celestia asked. To which Gatomon explained. “Well… you know that I take pride in helping others, right? Well because of that, when I touch the Crest of Pride, it lights up. I saw other Digimon do this. And they said that the stronger the globe glows, the more of that particular trait you feel. You get what I mean?” A bit confused at first, but Celestia eventually understood what Gatomon was trying to explain. “I believe so.” As the two smiled at each other, they were interrupted by a cry of distress. Calling out their names. “Gatomon!! Celestia!!” Following the voice, the two saw another one of their friends flying towards them. The new arrival was the Rookie insect Digimon, Tentomon. “We have an emergency!” Tentomon cried out before crash-landing several meters away from Celestia and Gatomon. Not wanting to delay, the cat Digimon rushed over to him and helped him up. “I got you. What’s the big emergency?” After getting back up on his feet, the insectoid Digimon went back to his frantic movements. Panicking about what he saw as if it were a disaster. To which he explained. “It’s bad, Gatomon! It’s Etemon!” Gatomon blinked in uncertainty. Wondering why it involved the Ultimate level monkey Digimon. As well as hoping that it didn’t involve his style of singing. “W-What about him?” “He did the unthinkable! He challenged Shoutmon!” Gatomon blinked in confusion again. Not seeing the urgency in the situation. Since it involved the self-entitled ‘Digimon King’. “How is that a problem? I mean, Shoutmon’s a loudmouth but he’s very strong for a Rookie. He can handle Etemon, no problem.” But Tentomon then revealed why the situation was so urgent. “It’s not that kind of fight! He challenged him to a RAP BATTLE!!!” Gatomon paused in response with a look of pure horror on her face. Between Shoutmon’s loudmouth and Etemon’s horrendous singing… “You’re right, this is bad! Very, VERY BAD!!!” “Then let’s go before it’s too late!” Tentomon said as he began to fly back to where he came. With Gatomon charging behind him. But staying behind, oblivious to the conversation was Celestia. Standing still and facing the Gate to the Digital Underworld in deep thought. Eyeing up the seven Crests before locking sights with the Crest of Lust. Despite being a different world than Equestria, the Digital World was still under its own set of rules. Yet those same rules don’t seem to apply in the Underworld. It’s the Demon Lord Digimon that call the shots. And if they too represent the Ring that they govern, than it more likely meant it applied to the residence there too, right? Many questions flowed through Celestia’s mind as she slowly walked closer to the green crest. Eyeing out the details of the strange symbol. In the Alicorn’s mind, could it be a sign? Could the answer to her problems lie not in Equestria? But in the Digital World? But more precise, could the cure for her thousands of years of nightmares, truly be down in the Digital Underworld? Would she… meet someone down there? How obsessed of lust were the Digimon there? Was it of their own tuition? Or some influence from its Demon Lord Digimon? But more surprisingly, why did she felt… so drawn to the idea of going? So many questions, yet so few answers. As she stood only a few inches from the door, Celestia’s eyes continued to stare at the Crest of Lust. Reaching her hand up, she slowly brought it closer to the green globe. Her fingers stretching out. “L-Lust,” She quietly uttered. The moment the index finger of her right hand touched the Crest of Lust, the entire green orb suddenly glowed a shining bright light. Surprising the former princess as she took a step back. Briefly covering her eyes with her right hand. Then as the Crest of Lust dimmed a little, Celestia looked at it in surprise. When Gatomon placed her paw on the Crest of Pride, the glow it gave off was small. But Celestia barely touched the Crest of Lust and yet it shined like a star. She then remembered what Gatomon said. That the glow of the orb depends on the trait of whoever touched it. Celestia’s eyes widened in surprise and confusion. The only times she herself ever felt the urge of lust was during her moments of being in season. She hardly felt such an urge upon entering the Digital World, yet the glow from the Crest was bright. Could the Crest of Lust had sensed that lust within her somehow? Or, did the glow reflect on her deep desires of being in a relationship with someone special? Did that count as some form of lust the entire time? And if that was true, did the Crest of Lust sensed her thousands of years of longing? Questions continued to build in Celestia’s mind as the glow dimmed away. The Crest of Lust returning to normal. But Celestia kept her eyes on it. It was a sign that she would never forget. But before she could do anything… “Hay, Celestia! Are you coming!? We may need your help for this!” Gatomon called out before chasing after Tentomon. “Oh, ugh… I-I’m coming!” Celestia replied back as she turned to fly after her two Digimon friends. But as she flew away, Celestia took one more glance at the Gate to the Digital Underworld. A gleam reflected in her eyes. Thinking of what to do next. > Chapter 3: Through the Gates of Hell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was quite a struggle where the commotion happened. Even with the aid of Celestia. Etemon was the one who dared Shoutmon. And the red Digimon was too prideful to back down. The Rookie and Ultimate butted heads, forcing the other Digimon to try and separate them. After quite a struggle, and loud exchanges thrown around, Celestia and Gatomon were able to talk them out of their argument. Etemon left, but not before giving Shoutmon the look that said ‘you’re not worth it’. And the self-proclaimed Digimon King stormed off to blow off steam. Thanks to their efforts, the heroes were able to prevent one of the biggest catastrophes in the history of the Digital World. Shoutmon and Etemon having a rap battle. When evening came, Celestia began to feel tired. Due to her nightmare the night before, she didn’t get enough sleep. Being escorted by Gatomon, Celestia made it safely to the heroes’ hideout. Which was in fact one time an abandoned mansion. But when the Digimon discovered it, they renovated it to the best of their ability. But because none of them had any experience of DIY on such a scale, as well as unable to find a theme, the exterior of the mansion still looked rundown. But Celestia paid no mind to it. In fact, she rather liked the atmosphere. Reminding her of the old castle that she and her sister once lived in. Celestia decided to call in an early night. Slowly drifting off to sleep in her own double bed in her own room. At first, her slumber was peaceful. Shifting on the mattress and under the covers. But as the evening went on, her comfort began to take a turn. Tossing and turning with sweat beginning to form on her head. The former princess was struggling to sleep. The cause was something she never thought would happen in the Digital World. Her nightmare had returned. As she continued to struggle, she tried to force the nightmare away. But it persisted. Continuing to playout. It then came to a point where she couldn’t force it away anymore. She began to grunt in her sleep. Then, just before the nightmare could finish, the white anthro Alicorn gasped loudly as she woke up. Sitting up in her bed as she gasped for air. Taking in deep breaths to calm down her nerves. But it wasn’t the nightmare itself that scared her. It was the fact that she had it while living in the Digital World. Something that never happened before. ‘No! Now I’m having them here!?’ She began to feel afraid. On the verge of sadness. One of the reasons she enjoyed going to the Digital World, aside from the adventure, was that her nightmare never seemed to appear. That was, until just a second ago. The white Alicorn paused with the look of confusion on her face. Why? Why did it had to happen all of a sudden? Was it because that she got to see the nightmare all the way through with her sister? Or had it just simply come to a point where it would occur regardless of where she was? That the nightmare would catch up with her no matter what. She rubbed her head as she tried to think. Because of the nightmare, she started to feel restless. She won’t be able to sleep for a while. But with the resurgence of the nightmare, she was afraid to fall asleep again. “Urrgh. What am I to do?” She uttered as she rubbed her eyes. Her tone saddened from the mental experience. As she quickly got lost in thought, she began to remember the nightmare again. How much it made her feel unworthy of even being close to someone. Was she really destined to be alone? But then, a mental image flashed before her. For a split second, she saw it. The green orb that was upon the Gate to the Digital Underworld. The pattern that adorned it. And how bright it lit from the littlest touch of her hand. The Crest of Lust. Celestia’s eyes snapped open with the look of surprise on her face. The thought of it didn’t even occur to her. Yet, the crest just appeared in her mind. Leaving her confused. ‘W-Why did that appear just now? That…crest.’ She paused to think on the matter. As well as everything Gatomon told her about the Digital Underworld. Such as the fact that it was a place she could actually go and visit. She began to think out loud. “Could… could that… be a sign? That… that I should… go there?” The moment she uttered the question, the mere thought was steadily becoming an urge. A feeling that she wanted to go. For the crest to appear in her head not long after her nightmare, could it truly be a sign? A hint that… perhaps… the key to end the nightmare was within the Ring of Lust? But as well as Gatomon’s words, she also remembered her warnings. And yet, it didn’t completely put Celestia off. “Well… at least I can check out this… lift station she mentioned,” She said to herself as she climbed out of bed. Proceeding to get changed into her casual wear. After leaving her room, she could hear all her Digimon friends fast asleep. Even though it was still evening, it showed that the struggle they had in the Frozen Mountains was quite arduous. But knowing her friends, Celestia believed that the incident between Etemon and Shoutmon was what got them exhausted. The Alicorn began to feel nervous. Not from waking up her friends, but from the idea of venturing off from the hideout on her own. While she was capable of holding her own against Rookie and some Champion Digimon, she would be in deep trouble if she were to come across a rouge Ultimate. Or worse, a Mega. But realising that she still retained her magic, she could just teleport out of danger at any time. Without making any loud noises, Celestia was able to leave the hideout and into the outside world. She looked over the horizon to see that the sun was still setting. A clear sign that it was still evening. As she looked at the sun, it occurred to her that it was something she was never used to. Unlike the sun in Equestria, which can be moved by magic, the sun in the Digital World moves all on its own. In fact, with Tentomon giving her lessons about their world, she was shocked to discover that it wasn’t the sun that’s moving. But the very world she stood on was just slowly spinning. And that the sun simply stood in place. After gaining some distance from the mansion, she paused to look back at the building. It was not like she was leaving them forever. She just felt guilty for leaving without telling them. But she reassured herself with a quick thought. “It’s ok. If things turn out bad, I can just come straight back.” She then faced away from the mansion and turned to look straight ahead. Remembering the barren wasteland where the Gate to the Digital Underworld stood. After mentally retracing her steps in finding its location, Celestia flared out her wings and took flight. While in the air, thoughts flowed through the former princess’s head. Was she really going through with it? Was it really worth the trouble? Would she meet someone down there? And if she did, would they be suitable for her? Would she even like them? What kind of Digimon would she even expect? All sorts of questions filled her head. But if she needed any sort of inkling in ending her mental torment, venturing down in the underworld might be the kind of risk she had to take. Looking down at the ground far below her, she could see that she was entering the barren wasteland. The green vegetation gave way to dusty brown dry land. She then tried to find the same dark rock that was the gate itself. At first, she had trouble finding it. But remembering the energy that it emitted, she could use it to trace its whereabouts. Closing her eyes to focus on her magical skills, she was able to sense the same energy. Heading towards its location, she began to glide down towards the ground. Then as the sun was just about to touch the horizon, she landed on the firm ground. Staring silently at the large metal demonic looking double door. The Gate to the Digital Underworld itself. Celestia looked at the seven coloured orbs that adorned the gate. Locking her sight with the green orb. The Crest of Lust. Wanting to double check if she wasn’t imagining things, she slowly walked up to it and gently placed her hand on the crest. To her surprise, and in a way her relief, it wasn’t all in her mind. The crest instantly emitted a shining green glow. Just like how it did the first time. After taking a step back to remove her hand, the glow faded away. Celestia then took another stern look at the gate. She began to feel nervous. Having no idea what to expect once she would enter. But after taking in a deep breath, she calmed down with a look of confidence on her face. “Alright.” Walking up to the gate, she rested her hands on the giant door and began to push. But nothing happened. She tried again but using more force. But again, the door couldn’t budge. “Huh?” Confused, she began to push as hard as she could. Even resorting to press her shoulder against the door to try and open it. But again, it refused to move. Taking a little break while letting off a huff, she then thought of something. “Maybe it’s a pull door?” But as she looked over the surface of the gate, she couldn’t find any door handles. Or levers. Or doorknobs. Or handles. Celestia was becoming less confused and more annoyed. “How am I supposed to open this thing?” She said. Whatever uncertainty she felt about entering the underworld had left her mind. Quickly replaced with the simple determination of just opening the door. She once more tried pushing, but again it failed. She then tried feeling the door with her hands to try to find some sort of switch. But all she could feel was just the demonic pattern on the giant doors. She even resorted to use magic. Using it to forcefully pull or push the gate open. But despite her best efforts, the door couldn’t open. Her frustrations was beginning to get the better of her. Her temper starting to flare. Resorting to do something one would consider childish. “Come on! Open up!” She shouted as she slammed her foot against the door. But despite wearing shoes, as well as her natural strength, the kick only resulted in her hurting herself. A stinging sensation travelled from her foot, through her ankles and up her lower leg. She yelped in pain as she backed off. Rubbing her foot to sooth the pain. With the door being stubborn, her own frustrations and the pain in her foot all added up into a loud outburst of pent-up anger. Her horn and hands glowed a golden light as she pointed her arms at the door. Unbeknownst to her, the orange Crest of Wrath gave off a little dim of light before fading to normal. Possibly reacting to Celestia’s anger? But just as she was about to use an attack spell, she quickly realised how childish she was acting. “Wait. What am I doing?” Letting out a heavy sigh, she lowered her arms and cancelled out her magic. With the rush of adrenaline wearing off, she huffed from her futile efforts. She looked at the gate with the look of dissatisfactory. In fact, she was beginning to feel upset. “How am I supposed to solve my problem if I can’t even get through this door?” She took a moment to pause as she processed her thoughts. Breathing out what could be a sigh of defeat. ‘Am I just destined to be like this? To suffer that nightmare time and time again? W-why me? Why can’t I have what everypony else has?’ With her eyes closed from being in deep thought, her hint of mental jealousy caused the Crest of Envy to softly glow a light blue before fading away. As Celestia continued to think, her thoughts moved onto something… personal. ‘To be held by someone in their arms. To experience all sort of things. Maybe… even…’ Her mental sentence caused her to remember what happened back in Equestria several months ago. It was a certain period in time when it was her season. Due to her desires for intimacy, she was steadily losing control over herself. So much so that when the time came, she had to seclude herself from anypony. The last thing she wanted was to surrender to her instincts and ‘attack’ a pony. The most she had ever done with herself was cuddling a pillow. Herself lacking any sort of ‘skills’ to practice. But even then, her mind was what did all the work. Envisioning herself being held so tenderly in the arms of someone special. All the while embracing them back. In her own way, being held by someone who cares for her was what she had longed to crave. Causing her to form a small smile. It was then she heard a loud clicking noise. Snapping out of her trance and paying attention to the large door. To her surprise, the Crest of Lust shined brighter than before. Then the entire door let out more loud clicking sounds. Then to Celestia’s disbelief, the Gate to the Digital Underworld began to open. The giant doors slowly swinging outward towards her. After the doors had opened fully, Celestia was stunned silent as she stared at the entrance way. ‘W-What!? How did it open!?’ She then began to realise the answer. The doors opened as soon as their thoughts of lust entered her mind. “So… that was the key to opening the gate? Just… thinking?” Celestia remembered that it was only the Crest of Lust that lit up prier to the gate opening. She concluded that concentrated thoughts of a particular sin was what opened the demonic gates. After the realisation, it felt less surprising. After all, some did say that the Digital Underworld was like hell. Finally having the doors open, Celestia wasted no time in taking steps towards the opening. But just before she could enter, she noticed something. Taking a good look at the surrounding walls on the inside, then looking back on the edges of the open gate. She was surprised at what she was seeing. Briefly thinking that it was an optical illusion. “Wait. It’s bigger on the inside,” She uttered in surprise. The dimensions inside the gates being far larger than outside. But she then paused from the sounds of growling. Looking down in the entrance way in confusion. She then began to hear whooshing sounds as a steadily increasing blasts of air came from within. The white Alicorn knew what was happening. A large, winged creature was fast approaching. After hearing a roar, and seeing a fast-approaching shadow, Celestia was quick to duck as a massive creature flew over her head. Passing her over as it made its way out through the open gate. The surprised Alicorn turned to look at what kind of Digimon just flew by. It had a draconic head and large pair of red wings. But it also had a long blue serpentine body with no arms or legs. It turned out to be a Champion level Digimon named Airdramon. And to Celestia’s relief, it wasn’t after her. Flying away as it roared some more. “That was close,” She uttered. For a moment, she thought it would’ve been a demon type Digimon. With the brief scare behind her, Celestia decided it was time to truly step through the gate. And then become the first citizen in Equestria to enter the Digital Underworld. The second she placed her foot on the stone ground, Celestia felt as though the air had changed. What’s more, she could feel a powerful surge of energy coming from within the walls around her. As if the demonic energy of the Demon Lords were being channelled through them. The brave Alicorn kept walking inside as she looked at her surroundings. The layout of the interior was also different. On the outside, the gate looked like a large rock. But inside, the walls, the ceiling and the floor were all made out of ancient stone bricks. Likely being made a very long time ago. Celestia was so distracted by her surroundings, that she failed to notice that the gates began to close behind her. A loud bang caused her to look back in surprise. Startled by how loud the sound was. ‘I wonder if I could get out the same way?’ She thought to herself before moving on. As she kept walking, she found herself at a top of a large set of stairs going down. Almost as if she had just discovered a stairway to a giant ancient temple. Understandable, since the underworld lied below the Surface World. But as she descended further down the stairs, nerves began to swirl within the Alicorn. It just occurred to her that the entire time she had been in the Digital World, she always had company with her. It was her first time venturing off on her own, and it was in what could be the most dangerous place in the entire Digital World. She tried to control her breathing to calm down. Fortunately, despite being away from sunlight, the cavern was quite well lit. She could see where she was going. After a minute of tentative steps, her ears caught the sounds of life down at the bottom of the stairs. She could hear movement and the sound of voices. From hearing such noises and seeing light at the bottom, it was clear that she was approaching a busy, well-lit area. Being the first pony to ever set foot in such a place, she hoped that she wouldn’t stand out too much. After reaching the bottom of the stairs and walking into the light, she gasped in amazement at what she was seeing. Uttering out the name of the location. “Th…The lift station.” Celestia was astounded at the sight before her. Looking at her surroundings, she found herself in a massive underground area full of all sorts of Digimon. While she was expecting demonic Digimon, she was surprised to see that so many were the sort that she saw back on the surface. Either chatting amongst themselves or going somewhere. But the main attraction of the massive cave were numerous giant golden lifts. Quite similar to the elevators in fancy hotels she had seen, but so large that a giant Digimon could fit inside. And above the lifts were large red numbers. Each representing the identity of the giant machine. Such as when a lady voice spoke from the ceiling speakers. “Elevator 624, departing for Wrath.” As soon as the announcement was made, an elevator labelled 624 closed its massive doors before descending down through the ground. “Wow. This place is incredible,” The white Alicorn said in amazement. Celestia was almost mesmerized by the sight all around her. She had never seen such Digimon activity before. Again, with most Digimon belonging to the Surface World. “So… Digimon from the surface really are allowed to come here.” Her ears then caught the sounds of a loud beep coming from the ceiling speakers. Celestia looked up at them as they gave an announcement. “Attention. Elevator 626, arriving to Surface World.” Celestia’s ears then caught the sound of loud rumbling as a giant lift was fast approaching nearby. Looking at the large golden doors with the label 626 on top, she could hear the massive machinery inside getting louder before coming to a stop. The inner mechanism had reached the stop. Then followed by a surprisingly soft ding, the massive doors opened. And a stampede of Digimon came flooding out. The surprised Alicorn had to take to the skies to avoid the rush. She watched as Digimon of all kinds left the lift station and up the stairs that lead to the surface. Again, a large majority of the Digimon were surface dwellers. ‘Must be visitors,’ She thought to herself before landing back on the ground. Celestia continued to look around the lift station. Fortunately for her, the place was so busy that very few Digimon paid attention to her. She was surprised at one point when a huge insect Digimon called Snimon passed over her head. Narrowly avoiding its four legs and scythe-like forelimbs. She then noticed an information board on a nearby wall. Most of it was just advertisements, but what gained Celestia’s attention was a map of the entire Digital Underworld. Even going into details about the layout. “Hay. This isn’t too different from what Gatomon showed me,” She said, remembering the rough diagram the cat Digimon drew for her. She took in mental information of all she read. It was more or less as to how Gatomon described it. Where each giant lift stopped to. The times as to when they would leave or arrive. The names of the seven rings of the underworld. Even down to the names of the rulers of each area of the underworld. It was all she had expected. But as she kept looking at the map, her ears caught the sound of gossip. Two Digimon were talking to each other. But the subject was not what Celestia was expecting. “Hay, did ya hear what happened?” “Yeah, the Digimon Slasher is still at large somewhere in the Ring of Gluttony.” “Yep. We better be careful. I hear that he leaves no witnesses.” “True. Once he finds you, you’re never heard from again.” As the two Digimon carried on walking away while talking, Celestia felt an uncomfortable chill from what she heard. “The…Digimon Slasher?” Celestia took a quick glance back where she came. Her sights locked onto the stairs to the surface. She then looked at her surroundings. Eyeing the giant elevators all around her. She then came to a decision. “With that rouge Digimon around, I should be heading back for the time being. At least I got to see what this station is like.” But just as she was making her way back to the exit, her ears just caught the announcer’s voice. “…departing for Lust.” Celestia froze to a stop upon those words reaching her ears. The former princess startled as she gazed up at the overhead speakers. She then heard it again. “Repeat. Elevator 666, departing for Lust in 10 minutes.” “I knew I heard that right. There’s an elevator… that goes straight to…” In the mind of the white Alicorn, she felt as though it was a sign. Just as she was about to turn tail, a lift was ready and soon on its way to the very destination she was planning on going. A sign that it was her moment despite the risks. ‘I should at least try. Even if I do go back, I would run the risk of having that nightmare again. I... I just can’t stand it anymore.’ With her mind made up, Celestia took to the air and began to search for the elevator identified as 666. Celestia felt a little uncomfortable vibe from remembering the number. To her, it carried a very unsettling feeling. But if she wanted to find resolution to her mental torment, she had to be brave and go for it. It took her a couple of minutes to fly in the right direction. With how large the lift station was, she could easily get herself lost. Fortunately for her, she had found the elevator. Landing by its wide-open doors, she glanced up at the large red numbers above the doors. It clearly read the three-digit number. Further confirmed by another announcement. “Elevator 666, departing for Lust in 5 minutes.” Reassured that it was the correct elevator and not wanting to give up on what could be her ticket to her answers, Celestia rushed inside. As soon as she stepped inside the giant elevator, her eyes went wide in surprise. Astonished as her new surroundings. The inside of the elevator was even bigger than it was on the outside. The giant single room she was in looked similar to the great main hall of her castle in Canterlot. With massive depth and high ceiling, it was large enough to house multiple large Digimon at one time. It was also highly decorated with gold trimmings along the walls and on various sized settees. The settees themselves were positioned along the walls and on sections of the ground. One could even describe it as a brightly lit lavish mansion. “Amazing,” She uttered as she walked further in. Another thing that caught her eye were the Digimon already inside the elevator. There were all sorts of Digital Monsters around her. And with how crowded the elevator was, it was abundantly clear that the Lust Ring was very popular. Of course, it had a reason to. The thought of it caused the former princess to blush. “So… everyone here… likes to do that… stuff.” Celestia began to feel quite awkward. With so many Digimon around her, it was clear that a lot of them may had experienced such pleasure in some shape or form. Whereas she had no such experience whatsoever. Making her feel a little out of place. Especially when some of the Digimon looked at her and gave her looks of puzzlement. Probably wondering if she was a Digimon or not. As she strolled in further into the grand interior of the elevator, she felt as though the area around her grew steadily darker. Despite the lights on the ceilings remaining on. Furthermore, the Digimon around her seemed to be sluggish. As if the same darkness was somehow slowing them down. But with herself being unaffected. “Huh?” But just as she was about to ponder what was going on, she was surprised when several small bats suddenly flew by her face. Squeaking and shrieking at her. But from a closer inspection, the anthro Alicorn noticed that the bats weren’t real. While they resembled bats, but they were in fact comprised of dark demonic energy. As she turned to face where the bats were going, Celestia was startled by a pair of red eyes staring back at her. Then as the bats vanished, the pair of eyes began to move towards her. Emitting a sinister lady-like chuckle of amusement for a brief moment. Then to Celestia’s surprise, the creature stepped into the dim light. Revealing herself to be a tall, feminine Digimon wearing a skin-tight leather outfit. With her tattered wings and her noble presence, the Digimon was a type of fallen angel. Her height being just a couple of inches taller than the white Alicorn. She wore a mask covering her face, her long hair was a silver white, and her pale white skin could be seen through the tears of her clothes. But her most noticeable features were the chains wrapped around her body. Her left arm was longer than her right, which ended with a bigger hand ending with sharp red claws. And bizarrely, some demonic creature attached to her left shoulder. Unbeknownst to Celestia, the arrival was the infamous fallen angel Digimon. LadyDevimon. Celestia froze in surprise as LadyDevimon stared her down. Which gave the magic caster a chance to read out her energy. Just like she had done with numerous Digimon she encountered in the past. And was surprised at what she had discovered. ‘That Digimon. She doesn’t appear too different from me, but she’s more powerful than she looks. Certainly an Ultimate. And… sinister…’ Celestia felt nervous. It wasn’t just the appearance, but the energy from the Ultimate level Digimon made her feel intimidated. To her, it was the exact opposite to the divine energy she felt from when her friend Gatomon transformed into Angewomon. Of course, LadyDevimon being the first true demonic-type Digimon she encountered. She then paid attention when the taller woman let out a soft chuckle. To which she then spoke to her. “My, my. A new arrival. Are you lost?” The tall Digimon uttered. To which she continued with a toothy grin. “Perhaps you require… assistance?” Celestia felt that something was off. Despite the question being spoken, there was not an ounce of concern in LadyDevimon’s voice. In fact, it sounded almost playful. Furthermore, she was smirking at her. But to her confusion, the smile was unlike any she had ever received from anyone. No one ever smiled at her in such a way. But it was a kind of smile she had seen before. In both movies she’d watched and in real life. The grin that displayed hidden intent. And the narrowing gaze in the eyes as one examined the other. Plus, there was the way she moved. Possessing a sway in her movements. Celestia paused from recognizing the signs. Her eyes widened in surprise from the realisation. The grin. The tone in the voice. The movements. The gaze in the eyes. Those were the signs of… flirtation. But the greatest shock to her of all, they were all aimed… at HER. The white Alicorn stuttered from shock as disbelief riddled her mind. Was this Digimon… ACTUALLY flirting with her? LadyDevimon’s smirk grew bigger as she finished checking the baffled Alicorn out. Then proceeded to walk towards her. Celestia let out a surprised gasp from seeing the tall Digimon walking towards her. In her mind, the former princess began to realise that no one had ever made such advances on her before. But because of that, she didn’t know how to respond in a way one should. Resulting her being deeply confused as to what was happening or how to act. Due to her inability to process the situation, Celestia backed away. Trying to keep her distance as she tried to think of a response. But LadyDevimon kept up her pace. Seeing how flustered the pony girl was being only caused the Digimon to let out a soft chuckle in amusement. Finding her resistance adorable. The spooked Celestia tried to respond as she walked backwards. But the only words that could come out of her mouth were sounds of incomprehensive sounds and words. Borderline gibberish. It was all happening so fast, she never had the time to prepare. Her mind completely unsure if it was just how the advancing Ultimate welcomed new guests to the underworld, or if there was some ulterior motive behind her actions. But just as she couldn’t comprehend what was happening in front of her, she suddenly saw movement to her left. Then to her surprise, a second LadyDevimon emerged from the shadows. Walking towards her with the same seductive grin. Being cut off from one direction, Celestia turned right as she continued to back away. The second LadyDevimon joined with the first as the two closed in on her. The white Alicorn was flabbergasted. Two Digimon were making advances on her. Then just as she thought she would have her back against the wall, she suddenly found herself backed into something soft. Something… alive. Letting out a surprised yelp upon contact, the startled Celestia glanced up. Only to see yet another LadyDevimon glancing back down at her. It was there the Alicorn noticed that the third Ultimate looked different from the others. Her leather clothing was grey and withered. As if it were signs of age. She was also slightly taller than the first two. Just over seven feet in height. “Took a wrong turn?” She asked the mare. Giving her a questionable expression. “Oh, my apol…!” Celestia immediately went silent when the withered-looking LadyDevimon wrapped her long arms around her front. Entrapping Celestia in her embrace. Understandably startled, the Alicorn tried to pull away. But was surprised to find herself unable to budge forward. As she tried to wiggle free, she discovered that her arms were ensnared by the Digimon’s hands. Locking her arms to her sides. And being pressed against the Digimon’s body meant that she couldn’t wiggle her wings free either. “W-Wha…!?” Celestia uttered. Finally realising that she was trapped. Seeing that her prey was firmly in place, the grey LadyDevimon looked to her two allies with a sinister grin on her face. “Time for some fun.” Upon hearing those words, Celestia finally realised what was happening. It wasn’t some greeting by the Digimon. It was all a trap devised by the LadyDevimon to ensnare helpless newcomers and defile them with their lustful ways. While she did want to experience what pleasure felt like, but never in such a way as what’s happening. The LadyDevimon were moving far too fast for her liking. Panicking from the idea of being forcefully harassed, Celestia began to struggle harder. Grunting loudly as she tried desperately to squirm free. But despite her best efforts, she quickly realized that resistance was futile. Celestia’s own power was comparable to Campion level Digimon at best. LadyDevimon however were Ultimate level Digimon. They had the kind of strength that she could never match. As she continued to wiggle in place, she could see the first two LadyDevimon slowly approaching her. All the while giving her expressions of mockery. “Aww, look. She’s all shy.” The first one said. Joined by the second as she spoke to the Alicorn. “What did you expect? Giving where we’re going.” Celestia took a moment to pause as she took in deep breaths to get some air back. Despite all her struggles, she was still being held in place by the grey LadyDevimon. From the sounds of their giggling, the three Digimon were enjoying watching their prey struggle. Her mind began to panic as she watched the two advancing ever closer to her. Her body then became paralyzed from the unknown. Having no idea what they were planning to do to her. Just as the Alicorn closed her eyes from all the confusion and uncertainty, her tall captor spoke to her in a soft seductive tone. “Don’t worry. We won’t hurt you. We’ll be gentle.” But just before the two advancing LadyDevimon could lay their hands on their prize, Celestia’s mental panic caused her magic to act up. Her horn glowed bright before subconsciously being teleported away. Leaving the surprised LadyDevimon behind. “What happened?” “Did she just teleport?” As the two baffled LadyDevimon asked questions, the taller withered one spoke up in confidence. “So, she has magic, and not a Digimon. Interesting. Let’s split up and find her. She couldn’t have gone far. We won’t have our toy run away so easily.” Determined to find their plaything, the three LadyDevimon parted ways to find Celestia. The Alicorn herself meanwhile reappeared back to where she entered the lift. The white mare felt shaken as she took in deep breaths. Looking back down the large room to see if she was being followed. As she breathed, she began to think. ‘T-That was close. But… is it just them? Or are all Digimon like that down in the Ring of Lust?’ As she slowed her breathing, she began to think back to how she acted when the three Digimon began to flirt with her from out of the blue. She completely went into a mental panic from having no idea how to respond. It was all too fast for her to cope. Whereas she imagined a more subtle approach. Take time to get to know the individual and take things slowly. Not only the LadyDevimon were too forward and forceful, but there were three of them at the same time. And she hadn’t yet taken into account that the first creatures to ever flirt with her were the same gender as her. Completely throwing her in a loop. As she finally calmed down, Celestia came to a conclusion as she backed away towards the open doorway out of the giant lift. “I… I don’t think I’m ready yet. Yes. I’ll be… better prepared next time.” However, the sounds of giant doors closing behind her ended her retreat. Startled, Celestia turned to see that the doors to the lift she was in had fully closed. She rushed over and pressed her hands against the golden door to see if it truly was real. “W-Wait! I... I’m not…!” Then to her surprise, she could hear the same announcer’s voice from before. But was then further surprised form what the lady voice said. “Elevator 666, departing for Lust.” Celestia then felt a sudden jolt when the lift she was in began to descend. Traveling down into the depths of the Digital World. As she steadied herself, Celestia could only stare at the open air in shock and surprise. Ready or not, she was heading into the Digital Underworld. Home of the Seven Great Demon Lord Digimon. Her destination… the Ring of Lust. > Chapter 4: Welcome to Lust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roughly five minutes had passed since the elevator left the lift station. Its destination being the Ring of Lust. The giant machine traversing down deeper and deeper into the ground. Containing Digimon of all shapes and sizes. Some of which like to cause trouble. Floating through the air, one of the LadyDevimon was on the watch. Just moments ago, she and others of her kind had a certain while pony girl within their grasp. Only for their catch to escape via her magic. Not the kind to give up so easily, she and the others were trying to recapture her. As well as to satisfy themselves, it was also out of curiosity. The girl was no Digimon. But with her target out of sight, the LadyDevimon floated away. Not noticing the anthro pony hidden in the crowd. After finding herself stuck in the lift with no way out, the former Princess Celestia had to bide her time and stay. All the while trying to hide from the LadyDevimon. Yearning for companionship was one thing. But being forcibly harassed out of the blue was another. Thanks to some of the Digimon being massive, the Alicorn was able to use her smaller size to squeeze around them. Finding herself hiding behind a large arm of a huge round Mega level Digimon with what looked like a small volcano on the top of his body. She would normally be wary of Megas, but the situation she was in changed her priorities. Feeling that she was safe, Celestia took a moment to breathe. ‘What am I to do? If lust is anything like what happened, then I don’t think I’m ready at all. How long do I have to wait here? And when I do reach where I’m going, do I just stay here and wait for the lift to go back up? This… this is not at all what I’ve been expecting.' Her constant flow of thoughts caused her to be restless. Tossing and turning against the giant Digimon. To which hadn’t gone unnoticed. Celestia became startled when the Digimon’s body began to shift. The Mega then turned his two horned head in her direction. “Hay. You feeling alright? You’re fidgeting a lot.” Said the Digimon named AncientVolcanomon. “O-Oh. Sorry,” She replied. Not wanting to anger the Mega. Despite his fearsome appearance, AncientVolcanomon inspected her with curious eyes. “You’re not from around here. Are you?” “N-No. I’m not. I’m… just visiting,” She answered. Despite Celestia’s best attempt to mask her worries with a smile, the giant saw through her as clear as day. She was scared. But not of him. The two then heard a voice. “Hay. AncientVolcanomon.” Facing back to his front, the giant Digimon saw LadyDevimon addressing him. Seeing the same Digimon as before made Celestia flinch as she tried her best to hide behind the Mega. Hoping not to be spotted. LadyDevimon then gave her reason for approaching AncientVolcanomon. “We’re looking for a pony girl. About my height. Not a Digimon. Pretty hot. Have you seen her?” Celestia felt as though her hopes had been dashed. The horrid feeling of being found out. It had only been a couple of seconds since she spoke to the giant Digimon. Therefore, having no real reason to keep secrets. She began to feel scared. Having no idea what sort of things the LadyDevimons would do to her. While their intentions were lustful, but she knew from how they acted that they would only treat her as a toy. But to her surprise… when AncientVolcanomon answered… “No. I must’ve been asleep.” Celestia blinked in complete surprise from what the giant had done for her. He kept her whereabouts a secret from LadyDevimon. The demonic Digimon let out a grunt of disappointment before making her way elsewhere. With trouble gone, the while Alicorn could finally breathe easy for the time being. Turning her attention back to AncientVolcanomon. “T-Thank you. I don’t know what to say,” She said to him with a smile. “No problem. But it seems you caught their eye,” He replied before turning his head left to look at the anthro Alicorn behind his arm. “You should be more careful though. Those LadyDevimon in particular are a nasty bunch.” Celestia continued to receive one surprise after another. The Digimon in front of her may look scary, but he was considerate to her wellbeing. It showed that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. AncientVolcanomon then turned his attention to his right. “Especially that one.” Following his line of sight, Celestia spotted who the giant was referring to. There standing in the crowd was the grey withered LadyDevimon she encountered before. But from AncientVolcanomon’s words, he made it sound that she was very bad news. “That grey one?” She asked. Wanting the giant to confirm that what he said was true. “Yeah. She’s especially cruel to those who get in her way. She would kill if she had to. Because of how she looks, we all call her Withered.” Understanding how dangerous WitheredLadyDevimon sounded, Celestia made it priority to remember her name. Knowing who to avoid in the future. She then heard AncientVolcanomon’s voice speaking up. “Good. It looks like you’re off the hook.” While she was glad that she was no longer being hunted, Celestia was still curious as to why? The demonic ladies did seem determined to find her after all. “Oh? How come?” Following the Mega’s line of sight to his right, peering over his left arm, she found out why. She was seeing the other two LadyDevimon walking towards each other. At first, the former princess thought that the two found a new target. But to her surprise, the target of their interest… was themselves. The two black clayed demonesses gave each other frisky looks before sharing a deep kiss. “Oh…” Celestia uttered as she flinched in surprise. “Yeah. Whenever they lose sight of their pray, they turn on each other,” AncientVolcanomon explained. Celestia was only half listening. She was too distracted by what was happening in front of her. The kiss between the two LadyDevimon quickly grew more passionate. Their wrestling tongues were briefly seen before their lips locked. While one had her hands on the other’s shoulders, the other wrapped her arms around her back. Holding her close. The two on full display. The Alicorn had seen displays of true intimacy before, but never between two of the same gender. Again, while accepting of the discovery, Celestia was still new to the concept of same sex relations. Such a sight was so new to her, she found herself unable to look away. But then formed a little blush when one of the LadyDevimon slid her hand down to grope the other’s butt. Not expecting such an aggressive move. But the next thing AncientVolcanomon said to her caught her attention. “Well… looks like you’ll be ok once we get to the Lust Ring.” Bringing up the subject of their destination made the white Alicorn focus back to her current predicament. Being unprepared, what she really needed was proper knowledge. To which she hoped to have from AncientVolcanomon. “So… this Ring of Lust. Is it…? Umm… what sort of place… is it?” The large Digimon looked at the smaller Alicorn with a puzzled look. “You really are new, so let me put it like this. Whatever you want to try out in bed, it can happen. The Lust Ring is a place where your deepest, darkest desires can be granted. No matter what your interests are. The place is so open, everyone is welcome to visit.” He then said something that Celestia wanted to hear. Which gave her a slice of hope. “And if you’re lucky enough, you might find someone that you really like. Some couples are even made in the Lust Ring.” But the Mega then gave caution. “But be careful. There are some that like to take advantage of that. Some Digimon with desires more twisted for others to handle.” Celestia was stunned as she listened. Being glad that AncientVolcanomon gave her a warning. Which shows that there are those that care and look out for others. But with the chance to actually strike a relationship, it was a risk she wanted to take. Anything to bring her nightmare to a permanent end. She then thought of something. Turning her questionable look towards the giant. “Thank you for telling me this. But don’t mind me asking, but… is that why… you’re going?” From saying the question out loud, Celestia immediately regretted it. She thought that it sounded like she was invading the Digimon’s privacy. But to her surprise, the giant simply chuckled before answering. “Oh no. I’m not here for that. There are other entertainment beside lustful acts. Which is why I’m heading to Layla.” “L…Layla?” Celestia asked. Puzzled by what sounded like a name. AncientVolcanomon then pointed his left thumb to his chest. Showing off to the Alicorn what looked like a small blue badge with a symbol of a black bat on it. “I’m a member.” He said with a smirk. But before Celestia could ask more about it, the lift they were in suddenly began to shift. And the downward motion they were feeling was fading away. While Celestia looked around in puzzlement, some of the Digimon around her began to get up from their seats and make their way towards the giant door. “Well. Looks like our stop,” AncientVolcanomon said as he began to move. Already losing himself into the crowd. With all the commotion around her, Celestia was already lost. Being dwarfed by the larger Digimon, she suddenly found herself being pushed along. The Digimon were clearly eager to leave. She then found herself at the front. Being just inches from the giant golden doors. All the while the lift was steadily getting slower and slower. Her heart was already beating fast. Just realising that she had no idea what the Ring of Lust would look like. To her worries, she felt as though there might me sights that no child was allowed to see. A land full of depravity and inappropriate imagery. And being at the front, she was about to see it in full view. Then the lift came to its inevitable stop. Some of the Digimon wobbled from the buffeting. Then... the lady voice from before spoke up again. Giving information for all to hear. “Welcome to Lust.” The giant doors began to open. Letting in a bright orange light. But from the light’s intensity, and the mad rush of Digimon leaving the lift, it caused Celestia to pause and almost huddle to the ground. Fortunately, she wasn’t knocked to the ground by the stampede. When the rush ended, the startled Alicorn stood back up and took a proper look at her new location. Letting out a gasp of surprise at what she was seeing. Leaving the lift and entering a large field, Celestia glanced around at the new sights. While there were some ordinary buildings, the view was dominated by huge buildings and tower blocks. Some of which were hotels adorned with hearts. Some even with three X’s on them. As for the atmosphere, the area was bathed in orange light. Which looked just like the sunset she had seen back on the surface. Looking up, she gasped in amazement. It looked as though there was a sky above. With its own clouds and even a sun. The sensation was strange. It looked as though she was outside. Despite being deep underground. Overall, the Lust Ring was nothing like what she expected. “Wow! This place almost looks like… Las Pegasus!” She exclaimed. Finding striking similarities to one of the cities in Equestria. As she looked around, Celestia saw that some of the smaller buildings were shops. As well as serving food, drink and other everyday items and essentials, she noticed some that were marked with three X’s. Something that she had never seen before. She would soon find out why they were marked. Because as she looked over at one such building, she saw a Gazimon walking out the door. His face was bright red from blushing and his movements were wobbly. Signs that he was in a state of ecstasy. “I…I have to go now,” He said, clearly exhausted. But before he could get far, a plant vine launched from the open door and coiled itself around the small mammal Digimon. Which was followed by a seductive lady voice. “Come on. One more time.” With his only reply being an excited chuckle, the ensnared Gazimon was quickly pulled back in the building. The force of the pull caused the front door to shut on its own. The scene was witnessed by Celestia. The white anthro pony blushed in response. Knowing full well what was going on behind closed doors. “Oh, they really are doing that here,” She quietly said. While taking a stroll in the field she was in, Celestia couldn’t help but take in the sights around her. But soon, she began to feel lost. “Alright. Now that I’m here… where do I go now?” It was a good question. While she did want to venture into the Lust Ring, it was all she had vaguely planned out. But beyond that, she was clueless. She honestly didn’t think that far. Nor did she expect to reach so far. There she was. Down in one of the seven layers of the Digital Underworld. The home of the Seven Great Demon Lords. A place that none of her kind had ever ventured. Celestia was so immersed in her mental thoughts that she was not looking where she was going. Causing her to bump into a small Digimon. Making her trip over. Fortunately, the grass she landed on was soft. Only suffering a hard bump from the fall. “Oww. I…I’m so sorry about that,” She said to try and apologize to the Digimon she tripped over. When she turned to look, she was surprised at what she saw. It was a Rookie level Digimon that barred a resemblance to a small purple demon. The first Rookie level Demonic Digimon she saw. Beside him was a brown sack roughly his size. The Digimon climbed back on his feet while brushing himself off. “Hay, why doncha watch where ya going, will ya!?” He said in an annoyed tone. As he finished brushing the dirt off his body, the small Rookie glanced over to the downed Celestia. Seeing how surprised the anthro Alicorn looked as she stared at him. “What’s the matter? Ya never seen an Impmon before?” He asked with the same annoyed tone. Despite being spoken to in such an informal way, Celestia answered nonetheless as she slowly got back on her feet. “Umm… no. Not that I recall.” To her surprise, the small Digimon named Impmon quickly turned away and opened the sack. His movements being frantic. “Urrgh! Nothin better be broken! You’ll be payin for it otherwise!” But after a quick inspection, the contents of the bag remained intact. “Good. Nothin broken.” Before Impmon could sort the sack out himself, he was surprised to see a golden glow around it. The sack then tied itself closed and then placed neatly beside him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that the tall Alicorn was the one responsible. Her horn and left hand glowing the same before fading away. “Uhh… thanks?” Impmon said with a raised eyebrow. Not expecting to receive any help. “It’s the least I can do. I was the one who walked into you after all,” Celestia said. Being very apologetic about her carelessness. The white Alicorn then turned her attention towards the sack that Impmon was carrying. “Are there valuables in there?” Lifting the sack over his shoulder, Impmon gave his reply. “Not really, toots. All this stuff is part of my act tonight. Gotta get ready once I get to Layla.” Celestia paused from hearing the same name that AncientVolcanomon mentioned. Clearly it was a place of importance that various Digimon were heading to. What’s more, it was the only place in the Ring of Lust that she heard a name of. Feeling that it might be a clue to where she should go, she made her inquiry just as Impmon was about to leave. “Umm… don’t mind me asking. But… what exactly is this… Layla?” In response to the question, Impmon briefly let out a laugh before facing towards her. His mood clearly improved. “Ha! What is Layla she asks. It’s only the most popular nightclub in the entire Digital Underworld. I don’t think any Digimon hasn’t heard of Layla.” “A nightclub?” Celestia asked. The white Alicorn gave a quick pause for thought. Due to the importance of her royal duties as a princess, she nor Luna had never got a chance to try out such a place. The closest she could think of was the Grand Galloping Gala. But an event such as that was only yearly and too formal for her liking. Nightclubs were places to unwind and have fun with friends, from what she had heard. Even since her retirement, she had yet to visit one. But then Impmon said something that surprised her. “What’s more, unlike other nightclubs, Lilithmon owns it personally.” “Really!?” “Yep. Which is why the place is so popular.” Celestia then paused in thought. With the establishment personally owned by one of the seven demon lord Digimon, it was likely that Lilithmon would be there. But despite the possibility, the nightclub was her only lead. Nightclubs were places where people can meet up. If she really wanted to find a particular someone, it was the most likely place. Deciding to be brave and go through with her idea, she looked to Impmon with a look that showed a hint of desperation. “Listen. I’m new to this place. So, could you help me find this nightclub? Since you’re heading there yourself.” Impmon however blinked in surprise. But then grew nettled. “What!? Do I look like an uber to you!? I ain’t doing it just because ya asked nicely!” But before Impmon could complain more, he took notice of Celestia’s feathered wings on her back. Then after some quick thinking, he changed his tone. Much to the Alicorn’s surprise. “Alright. Tell ya what. I’ll lead you there… if you fly me there.” Celestia flinched in surprise. But before she could retort, Impmon spoke again. “I see those pretty wings there. And Layla is near the centre of the city, it would be much quicker if we flew there instead of walkin’.” The white Alicorn paused in response. Impmon’s reasoning was in fact valid. From what she could tell, her present location was near the outskirts of the city. And judging by the massive layout of the surrounding walls, the Lust Ring was gigantic. If the nightclub was close to the centre, it would take hours to get there on foot. What’s more, she still felt guilty for bumping into him earlier. After letting out a sigh to get some air in her, Celestia gave her reply. “Alright, I’ll do it. You point the way, and I’ll take you there.” “Sweet! A free ride!” Impmon cheered. Celestia felt a little embarrassed about the offer. While her wings were strong enough to carry a Digimon as small as Impmon, but the thought of someone riding on her back like an animal did made her feel a little degraded. But it was something she had to do if it meant one more step to bring her nightmares to an end. Kneeling down low enough, Impmon was able to climb onto her back. All the while carrying his sack full of equipment for his act. Despite the awkward imbalance from the load, Celestia was able to steady herself before flaring out her wings. Then with several wingbeats, the two took to the air. After ascending higher, Celestia finally got a clear view of the Lust Ring. It truly was a massive city. Far bigger than Canterlot. Hovering in the air, Celestia was simply stunned by the sight. All brightly illuminated by the dimming evening light. “Amazing,” She said to herself. Then Impmon shared his opinion. “It kinda is. Never seen it from up here.” Surprised at what the Rookie level Digimon said, Celestia turned her head to look at him. “You’re surprised? Don’t you live here?” “Ah nah. I’m actually from the Ring of Gluttony.” The Alicorn faced her front in thought. The Ring of Gluttony was just one level below the Ring of Lust. From what she could remember, it was ruled by the Demon Lord Beelzemon. Her thoughts were interrupted when Impmon gave her directions. “Alright, toots. Head that way,” He said as he pointed towards the heart of the Lust Ring. Celestia began her flight. Despite being in the air, the trip was still quite long. Again, proving that the Ring of Lust was incredibly vast. The white Alicorn once again looked to the sky above. Still confused as to what she was seeing. “Up there. That looks like the sky, but we’re underground,” She explained. Understanding her confusion, Impmon replied. “Ah that? It’s a special trick the Seven Demon Lords used to simulate day and night. Real handy for Digimon that visit from the surface.” Celestia was impressed at what she heard. For such a Digimon capable of something quite advanced as simulate day and night. Even the weather. It was further proof that such Digimon shouldn’t be messed around with. Especially if they were one of the infamous Seven Great Demon Lords. With the subject of the demon lords brought up, Celestia turned to Impmon for information. “Impmon? What can you tell me about this… Lilithmon?” Celestia had her reason for choosing the Demon Lord of Lust first. She felt as though since she was in the Lust Ring, there was a possibility that she might cross paths. She wanted to know as much as she could before such an eventuality would happen. As he pondered, Impmon answered. But it revealed that he was vague when it came to a personal level. “Well… I only saw her from a distance. But from what I heard, she’s actually quite scary when she wants to be. Aside from that, she’s a total babe.” When the short description reached Celestia’s ears, the Alicorn had a look of complete surprise on her face. But what shocked her wasn’t the fact that the demon lord was intimidating. In fact, it was something she didn’t expect. "She!?” Celestia then glanced over to look at Impmon with surprise on her face. “Lilithmon… is a woman?” Briefly startled by the Alicorn’s outburst, Impmon confirmed what he said before. “Well duh. That’s what I’m sayin. Out of the seven demon lords, Lilithmon’s the only female one.” As Celestia cruised through the open air, she remained startled by the discovery. When Gatomon explained the Digital Underworld to her, Celestia assumed that all of the Demon Lord Digimon were male. Much like from the children story books back in her world. But then another thought crossed her mind. What did Lilithmon looked like? With such a wide diversity of looks among Digimon kind, Celestia had literally no idea. She only had very few clues. Being a demon lord, she may look demonic. But by how much? Only partially? Or by a grotesque degree? But another clue Celestia had was that she was the Lord of Lust. Does that mean that she was beautiful? Or was such beauty only in the eyes of Digimon only? Impmon then added a fact that he had just remembered. “Oh yeah! I’ve even heard rumours about the things she does. They said what when she locks eyes with someone, she can see into their deepest, darkest desires or somethin’.” Celestia suddenly felt a strange tingle up her spine. Were the rumours true? If she were to encounter Lilithmon, what would the demon lord see within her? Even Celestia herself didn’t exactly know. After more silent flying, the white anthro Alicorn began to notice that the city below was beginning to get more crowded. She even noticed that the flying Digimon were increasing in numbers. Some were huge. She didn’t know why, but she always liked flying beneath the giant flying Digimon. Either because of her experience with the guardian Azulongmon, or the fact that it reminded her that despite being one of the strongest spell casters in Equestria, she was still small compared to some of the Digimon. That literally any Digimon around her could be stronger than her. It was a strange feeling. To be reminded that she wasn’t all powerful, such as how so many ponies believed she was. “We’re nearly here,” Impmon said as he glanced over Celestia’s shoulder. The white Alicorn began to feel nervous. She was drawing closer to what could be the answer to her problems. She never thought she would make it so far in one day. Considering that she tried to bail out a couple of times earlier. Then as Impmon looked down at the ground below, he saw a familiar face. “Hay wait! Let’s land down here! I know that guy!” Surprised by Impmon’s request, Celestia decided to oblige and descend down towards the ground. Down below, hopping through an empty street was Pagumon. He then caught the sound of someone calling out his name. “Hay! Pagumon! Up here!” Following the voice, the small Digimon caught the sight of Impmon landing beside him. “Impmon!” Pagumon uttered in surprise. Not expecting his pal to arrive out of the blue. “It’s been a while, you little squirt. How are things? Still causing trouble?” “You know it!” Pagumon answered before letting out a quick chuckle. Confirming that he was up to no good. When Celestia landed, she immediately began to feel uncomfortable. Thanks to the knowledge she gained from her Digimon friends up on the surface, she learned that Pagumon were notorious for causing trouble. Despite only being at the In-Training level. Catching the sight of the tall Alicorn, Pagumon hopped to get a closer look at her. “Oohh! And who is this!? You don’t look like any Digimon I’ve ever seen.” Pagumon’s words caught the interest in Impmon. “Oh yeah, that’s right. I never asked.” Celestia then revealed what she truly was to the two. “Oh, actually I’m not a Digimon. In fact, I’m not from this world.” Impmon then snapped his fingers. Realisation hitting him. “Oh yeah! That’s right! I’ve heard of this from some Digimon up top. That the Digital World had become linked with some other world.” Celestia smiled from the small Digimon figuring it out. “That’s right. That world is my home. In fact, having the two worlds linked was my idea. So, I can get to visit this world more. And other Digimon can crossover to visit my world too.” While the two Digimon looked amazed by the rumours turning out true, it was Impmon that was the most stunned. Already foreseeing what would become of him. “Really? Ya mean I can get to visit there? And become a big shot super star with my talents?” Celestia couldn’t help but smile from Impmon’s enthusiasm. Like a child with big dreams. But the moment was taken when Pagumon spoke up. “But I have a question.” “Oh, about my world?” Celestia asked. But was not expecting the reply. “No. It’s about you.” The white Alicorn blinked in surprise. Not expecting to receive a personal question about her. Even Impmon was unsure what the In-Training Digimon was about to ask. With an expression what appeared enquiring but also mocking, Pagumon asked his question. “From the looks of it, you seem to be the very friendly type. Yet, here you are in the underworld, home of the demonic Digimon. A place that you would say is… unfriendly. So, my question is this. What is a nice creature like you doing in a place like this?” It was a question Celestia wasn’t expecting to hear in the slightest. But she was conflicted if she should answer. The subject was indeed very personal to her. In fact, only her sister Luna knew the truth. But at the same time, the Digimon did seem genuinely interested. What’s more, she was the first visitor from Equestria to ever arrive in the Digital Underworld. Would it do her world a disservice to keep secrets from potentially new friends? Would it give her homeworld a bad name? While Celestia was contemplating how to approach the obstacle, Impmon turned towards Pagumon. “Hay, doncha think that’s a little personal? It might be nothin.” But Celestia interrupted the pair. “Actually, there is a reason why I’m here.” The two Digimon turned to face her in idle curiosity. Listening to what the white Alicorn had to confess. The mare herself was a little embarrassed. But it did felt good for her to share. “Well… the thing is. For the longest time, I’ve yet to find c…companionship in my world. So, when I’ve learned about the Digital Underworld… and about… this place, well… I wanted to see if I could… find one.” Due to her suddenly being bashful while talking, her description was simple and vague. Impmon knew what Celestia was talking about. His eyes widened slightly, surprised that she would go to such lengths to find what she wanted. Celestia blushed in embarrassment from the words she used. Making her explanation sound odd. But the awkwardness was broken when her ears caught the sound of snickering. By the time she looked to where it came from, Pagumon suddenly burst out laughing. Tears of joy starting to form in his closed eyes as he laughed harder. The white Alicorn was flabbergasted. She just confessed the one thing that was the cause of her worries. And the In-Training Digimon was laughing at her. To which the small creature revealed as he tried to breathe form laughing so hard, deeply shocking her. “Tha…That’s the saddest thing I have ever heard!!” Then pointing his arm-like ear at Celestia, he mocked her. “You…you couldn’t get it in your world! S-so you’re trying to get lucky in OUR world!? Down here even!? Haha! That’s so sad!” As Pagumon continued to laugh, Celestia began to feel strange. It was a very unpleasant feeling and it was making her sad. Her heart began to ache even. Her expression changed as her ears folded back. Then questions began to appear in her mind. Questions that made her begin to doubt herself. Was it true? Was her situation really that laughable to others? For her to travel to a whole new world simply to find a way to put her worries at ease? Was what she doing… really that pathetic? The former princess grew sadder as she looked away. Feeling ashamed of herself and being let down by what the small Digimon thought was humorous. Was she just wasting her time? “Ahh hah! I’ll see you later!” Pagumon said as he hopped away. Still laughing loudly. After watching Pagumon leave, the silent Impmon glanced back to Celestia. He saw how upset the former princess was. Unlike Pagumon, the Rookie demon Digimon didn’t find the situation funny in the slightest. In fact, he felt a little bad for her. She just got ridiculed for traveling so far to find something she believed in. Deep down, it was something he could relate. Not wanting her to beat herself up anymore, Impmon spoke to her. “Hay, urgh… listen.” Surprised by the sincere tone in the Digimon’s voice, Celestia perked up and looked at him to hear what he had to say. “Well… ya shouldn’t really let things like that get to ya, ya know. Well… how do I put it?” Despite seeing Impmon struggling to put words out, Celestia was already seeing what he was trying to do. He was trying to make her feel better. To which the Rookie eventually tried to convey as he rubbed the back of his head. Trying to find the right words. “Opinions of others shouldn’t matter to ya. If this thing is somthin that ya really wanted to do, just go for it. You shouldn’t care when someone thinks it’s stupid or whatever. Just do it if it makes ya happy. I mean, I ain’t judgin’. Or somthin like that. I dunno.” Impmon was feeling uncomfortable for what he felt was a feeble attempt to help. But when he looked at Celestia, he was surprised to see the tall Alicorn giving him a warm smile. Causing him to flinch in surprise. What he thought was nonsense gibberish made the pony woman happy. “You’re absolutely right. Though I don’t know what to do when the time comes, this is something that I’ve been longing to do for a long time. Regardless what other people think. Thank you, Impmon. That was very sweet of you.” The demonic Digimon began to feel hot under the collar. Embarrassed for being called cute despite being what he was. “Hay now, don’t ya go callin me cute! I ain’t into that mushy stuff!” Celestia could only giggle from Impmon’s reactions. The demon type Digimon trying to act tough despite obviously having a good heart. Possibly even going through similar hardships himself. With the moment out of the way, Impmon then gave Celestia directions as he was about to part ways. “Anyway. If ya still plan on going to that nightclub, it’s over that way. I’ve still got a couple of things to do before by act,” He said as he pointed down an open street. Following his finger, Celestia looked back at him with a smile. “Alright. And thank you for your help.” Still not used to others being friendly with him, Impmon replied with his usual tough tone. “Whatever. See ya, toots.” With his sack held over his shoulder, Impmon went down through an alley. Leaving behind an upbeat Celestia as she walked down in the other direction. Already feeling that she had just made a new friend. ………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................... Not too far away, Pagumon kept on snickering as he hopped towards a dark alley. “Hehehe. Still funny. She must be so lonely.” But when he turned around the bend to face the dark alley, his amused mood was interrupted by the sound of a painfilled scream. And the sight of a Bearmon having his body impaled by a massive demonic hand. The In-Training Digimon yelped in horror as the bear-like Digimon disintegrated into specks of data. Witnessing a murder. To which the data then flowed into the giant hand. Then as Pagumon glanced up, he could see a towering demonic Digimon shrouded in darkness retracting his arm before turning to face him. Having heard the little one’s yelp. “Oh dear. Another witness,” The demonic figure growled with a toothy grin on his face. Flaring out his tattered bat-like wings. The terrified Pagumon flinched when he saw the glowing red eyes of the killer. To which then remembered the rumours he had been hearing recently. “W-Wait! You’re… you’re the Digimon Slasher!!” He shrieked. His small round body trembling in fear. The taller Digimon let out a sinister chuckle before making his reply. It being the last thing Pagumon would ever hear. “That’s right. And you… are a mere hors d’oeuvre.” Knowing full well what the tall demonic being was implying, Pagumon tried to hop away. But his screams of terror swiftly changed to cries of agony when, unseen by anyone, had his life taken away. The only sound to leave the dark alley were the amused chuckles of a satisfied killer finishing his meal. > Chapter 5: Enter the Lord of Lust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After consuming his hors d’oeuvre, the nefarious Digimon Slasher skulked in the shadows for his next meal. Even becoming one with the shadows himself. His red eyes glowed as he let out a sinister chuckle. “This is too easy. One delicious meal after another.” Then as he passed by an opening in an alley, he caught a quick glimpse of a creature he had never seen before. Quickly back tracking, he saw her. His next victim strolling through the street. The former Princess Celestia herself. “My. Something new to try,” The slasher said. Already feeling his mouth watering from the thought of eating her. Blending into the shadows of the surrounding buildings, he began to speed towards who he hoped would be his next meal. All the while rapidly growing more eager to feast on her. ‘Yes! YES!!! SO CLOSE!!!’ But just as he got within fifteen feet of the unsuspecting anthro Alicorn, he immediately paused. Instinct forced him to stop. The reason why. Because he realised where his pray was wondering towards to. His red eyes went wide in fear. Just up ahead of him, was the home of one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. Sensing her immense power, the Digimon Slasher backed off. “No. If I go further, she will sense me. I don’t want that.” The Digimon Slasher had to withdraw. He may be nefarious, but he was no match for the local demon lord. Before he departed, he made one more glance at the wondering Celestia. “Soon, my dear. I look forward to see what you taste like.” He threatened before vanishing into the shadows. The Alicorn suddenly felt a cold chill up her spine as she looked over her shoulder. A confused expression on her face. “Strange. It felt like someone’s watching me.” But seeing that no one was there, she continued her stroll through the street. Having no idea that she almost became someone’s meal. “It must be around here somewhere,” She uttered. Unsure if she was going in the right direction. Surrounded by tall yet almost featureless buildings. But as she exited the street and into the open, a bright light caught her attention. Glancing to her right, her eyes went wide in astonishment as she gasped. What she saw was a massive building. All the windows fully lit from within. And above the entrance were giant neon letters attached to the building. Spelling the word ‘Layla’. She had found it. But the type of building it was betrayed what Celestia was expecting. It looked far grander than she thought. “This is a night club!? It looks like a mansion!” What she was seeing was just the front. The rest of the building was unseen to her. But it was vast. Making her think that it had its own hall. Much like her castle in Canterlot. Finally, having found the place, she paid attention to the entrance. Just in front of the stairway to the large doors was a bouncer. A type of security to guard the entrance. The Digimon in question was a SkullMeramon. Muscular, tall and imposing. Ideal for a bodyguard even. Beside him was a line formed of all sorts of Digimon. Clearly the visitors and patrons who want to have fun. Celestia felt a little discouraged. The line looked long. It could be a while. But she knew that it was best to join in before the line could get longer. Plus, with the effort she went through to get to the nightclub, she couldn’t just back down. When she saw another large crowd approaching, Celestia decided to take her chance and joined the line before they could. ‘I-I did it. Now… I just need to wait.’ She thought to herself. Already feeling nervous. Little by little, the line moved forward. But the pace was relatively consistent. Celestia already felt as though she was getting close to the entrance. All the while she kept gazing at the building. She wondered if it really was once a mansion that then became a nightclub. Or was it designed that way by the demon lords of the Digital World? Either way, she found the building impressive. She was even looking forward to seeing how it looked once inside. As she waited, her ears caught the sounds of a very familiar voice. Peering her head to the side, she was surprised to see the same Impmon from before. She was just close enough to hear him as she approached SkullMeramon. “Hay. I’m here for my act.” He said to the Ultimate. The chain-covered hulk glanced down at the Rookie before speaking. “And you are?” “Who do ya think!? It’s Impmon!” After a quick check of the schedule on the clipboard in his hand, SkullMeramon replied back. “Right. You’re in.” He said as he gestured the Rookie towards the stairway. “Sweet!” Impmon said as he joyfully marched towards the doors. Celestia was surprised. Impmon was able to get in without even getting in the queue. That was when she remembered what he had said earlier. “That’s right. I guess those who perform go straight in to get ready.” She quietly said to herself. Seeing the logic to such a system. Eventually, Celestia reached the front of the queue. She could see the entrance. Being up close, she could see the detailing on the doors themselves. It all looked stunning, even though it was demonic in design. If the building was designed by the demon lords, they had good taste. But just as Celestia was about to approach the entrance, the large chain-covered arm of SkullMeramon blocked her path. Startled by the action, the Alicorn turned towards the much taller Digimon. “Hold it. Do you have a reservation?” Celestia froze. She had no idea that one must make a reserve before entering. Shocked by the sudden bad news and not wanting to make a scene, she stuttered as she tried to answer. “Umm… well… I didn’t… know I have to…” Already knowing the answer, SkullMeramon laid out the entry rules for the Layla night club. “This club is for members and reserved customers only.” “M…Members?” Celestia asked. Remembering what AncientVolcanomon said back in the lift that took her to the Lust Ring. Mentioning about being a member and even showing her the blue badge he had. ‘So that was what he was talking about.’ She then bought her attention to SkullMeramon as he made the rule much clearer. But doing it in a more menacing way. “No membership. No reservation. NO ENTRY.” He said as he leaned down towards her. His red pupils glowing brighter as his body gave off blue flames. Clearly showing to Celestia that she wasn’t wanted. But before anything happened, a stray voice caught the attention of the two. “W-Wait! Wait a second!” Following the voice that came from the entrance, both Celestia and SkullMeramon were approached by Candlemon. One of the workers of the nightclub. The floating candle-like Digimon then approached the Alicorn. “Excuse me, miss. Are you by any chance new here?” Puzzled by the question, Celestia answered regardless. “Y-Yes. My first time actually.” “Then please, come right in,” Candlemon said as he gestured Celestia to the entrance. The former Sun Princess was confused. SkullMeramon made it clear what without a reservation, she was not allowed in. Yet, one of the other workers was telling her it was alright. It turned out that her confusion was shared with SkullMeramon himself. The Ultimate speaking back to the Rookie. “Hold on! What’s the big idea!?” Candlemon glanced over to SkullMeramon as he answered. “It’s our new policy. Here,” He said as he used his wax-like hand to hand the Ultimate bouncer a piece of paper. Grabbing the paper, SkullMeramon read the new policy out loud. “Free administration for beginners!?” He then sharply turned towards Candlemon. “I never heard of this!?” “That’s because you were late to team brief… again,” Candlemon retorted. SkullMeramon was about to argue back, but paused when he couldn’t find a comeback. Candlemon pointed out the fatal error he made earlier today. Arriving late for work. He went back to double check the new policy. Reading it again. “Well… since this is legit…” After glancing down at the puzzled Celestia, the Ultimate level Digimon gave in and stood aside. “Alright. You can go.” “T-Thank you,” Celestia replied as she walked past the digital bouncer. Unable to hide the little smug on her face from the fact that the big strong Digimon got told off. “This way, please,” Candlemon said. Urging Celestia to follow him. As the two made their way towards the entrance, Candlemon made an apology. “Very sorry about him. He may be scary, but he’s quite a slacker. I hope you’re not discouraged.” “Oh no. It’s fine,” Celestia said. Reassuring her candle friend. Walking on the red carpet and up the steps, Celestia was just moments away from entering Layla. Her first night club. Just the simple fact was making her nervous. But she was not going to turn back. Almost as if it were automatic, the large doors opened for the two. Celestia took a deep breath as she followed Candlemon inside. Nervous, but excited. But the second she set foot in the building, the Alicorn felt as though an invisible force had suddenly washed over her. The atmosphere inside the building felt very different from the outside. After being briefly startled, Celestia began to feel warm. But not from the temperature of the building. The sudden warmth came from within her. The former princess let out a little huff as she began to feel hot under the collar. “Mmm? Is it getting warm in here?” She asked as she adjusted the collar of her shirt. “Oh. Her energy has an effect on all who are new here,” Candlemon explained. But Celestia was only half listening. “Huh?” ‘Must be the room temperature.’ She thought to herself. What Celestia failed to realise was that she was reacting to the digital energy of the Demon Lord Digimon. Within seconds, Celestia began to get comfortable with the sudden change. Then followed Candlemon through a well-lit hall. All the while admiring all the décor around her. Even the carpet. If not for Candlemon calling out to her, she would’ve gotten lost. “Right this way, miss.” Seeing Candlemon beside a dark blue curtain, she walked over to him as he opened them up. Celestia let out a gasp of astonishment at the room the had entered. It was a massive hall filled with numerous tables and chairs. The room was well-lit for arrivals to find their tables. The walls and curtains were in many shades of purple. Flame-lit lanterns adorned the walls. Looking up, Celestia’s eyes widened from the fact that the ceiling was see-through. By seeing the flying Digimon passing by on the other side. It was clear that while she could see out, they couldn’t see in. But the centerpiece of the room was the golden stage. It was vast in size. Large enough to support even a giant. “Wow,” She said as she took in the sight around her. Almost mesmerized by it all. She even felt that just being in the room was worth all the trouble. “You like it?” Candlemon asked Celestia. Noting her stunned expression. “It’s incredible.” “Good. Lady Lilithmon would be pleased to hear that.” Celestia almost flinched from what Candlemon said. Especially when he addressed the Demon Lord as ‘lady’. Firstly, it showed that the Rookie Digimon held her in high regard. And secondly, reminding the Alicorn that Lilithmon was the only female Demon Lord Digimon. Again, feeling baffled by the revelation. And thirdly, he spoke as if he knew her personally. “Oh, you know her?” Celestia asked. “Know her? She’s my employer. As well as my master.” Celestia felt particularly reassured. The employer part made sense, since the club was owned by Lilithmon personally. But was puzzled when he called her ‘master’. But Candlemon spoke up again. Preventing her from thinking about it too much. “Follow me, and I’ll take you to your seat.” Not wanting to be rude, Celestia followed Candlemon. As he led her to a table, he pulled her a seat. Letting her sit down. “Do you need anything? A Drink?” He asked her. “Umm, just water please.” After receiving her order for water, Candlemon quickly bowed his head and made his way to the bar on the side of the room. As she waited, Celestia took the time to look at her surroundings again. Still amazed by the room’s aesthetics. “Yes. It’s far bigger than what we have in Canterlot,” She said to herself. As she looked around, she saw that the empty seats were steadily being filled with all sorts of Digimon. Some were obviously demon types. But she was surprised at how many she recognized were from the surface. Further showing how popular the Ring of Lust was. Moments later, Candlemon returned with a glass of water. To which Celestia accepted. “Thank you.” “Would you like anything else?” Candlemon asked. “Not right now, thank you,” She answered with a smile. Letting Candlemon be on his way, Celestia was again pleased by the hospitality of the Digimon. She never thought that the kind that dwell in the Digital Underworld would be so nice. It was almost a shame that they got a bad reputation because they were demon types. She even felt a little guilty for initially judging earlier. As more Digimon began to gather in the room, Celestia decided to use her magic to sense their power. ‘Yes. All sorts of Digimon are here. Quite a lot of Champions and Ultimates. I wonder what kind of acts they like to see on stage.’ But as she kept using her spell, her eyes went as wide as they could as she let out a quiet but shocked gasp. ‘W...WHAT IS THIS ENERGY!!? TH…THERE’S SO MUCH OF IT!!!’ Her concern was valid. Her magic was sensing a tremendous amount of digital energy. She could feel it flowing all through the room. The floors. The walls. The air. It was all rich in demonic power. But what had shaken Celestia the most was the simple fact that it was all coming from one individual. Cautiously, she moved her head to try and pinpoint the exact origin of the flow of energy. But because the building was bathed in it, trying to find the source was difficult. But as she looked around, she spotted that there was a single balcony behind her up high in the wall. With dark purple curtains closed. With the balcony being the only one in the room, and positioned perfectly parallel to the stage in front of her, Celestia knew who the balcony was for. ‘Up there. Could that be… where she sits!? This energy… is it… hers?’ Despite not knowing what Lilithmon looked like, Celestia was imagining her up there on the balcony. Sitting upon her throne. Being amused by the acts on stage below. She was too preoccupied from the thoughts that she failed to notice that someone was sitting with her at the same table. But her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden cold chill in the air. ‘Wait. Why is it getting colder?’ Turning back towards her table, she was surprised to see that she was not alone. Sitting in the chair beside her was quite a tall demon type Digimon. With the pointed horns on the sides of his head and his tattered bat-like wings, he looked like a devil. But his body was mostly white with a pinkish purple bat like symbol on his chest. Which somewhat took away the fear factor about him. As she eyed him, the tall white devil looked just as curious of his surroundings as she was. But when he glanced over to her, he was surprisingly apologetic. “Oh sorry! Was this seat taken!?” Surprised by his humbleness, Celestia tried to calm him down. “No. It… it’s alright. The seat’s free.” Being reassured, the tall Digimon sat back down. Breathing a sigh of relief. “Sorry. I should’ve said something before sitting. I’m IceDevimon, by the way.” Not just humble, but polite. Again, the anthro Alicorn was baffled by the Digimon. After learning his name, she replied in kind. “It’s fine. I’m Celestia.” Having been acquainted, IceDevimon became curious. “Hay. By chance, is this your first time here?” “Umm… yes. That’s right.” IceDevimon seemed enthralled by the answer. “Sweet! This is my first time here too. I’ve actually wanted to come here for a really long time. But getting a reservation here is almost impossible. So when I heard that they’ve got this newbie free entry thing going on, I jumped at the chance. I mean, why wouldn’t I? This is a dream come true.” As Celestia watched him rambling on, she noticed that the water in her glass had become frozen. Seeing that it was a side effect of IceDevimon’s powers. She was quick to use her magic to defrost the ice before taking a sip from the glass. Seeing that the devil Digimon next to her was the talkative type. After a quick drink, Celestia saw some movement to her side. Looking over to the other end of the room, she saw a familiar Digimon emerging through the crowd. AncientVolcanomon. “It’s him from before,” She said to herself. Remembering him from earlier. She silently watched the Mega level Digimon waddle through the crowd and sat down on a large chair that looked as if it was made for him. All the while being greeted by other Digimon around him. As she stared on, she heard IceDevimon talking to her. “Incredible, aren’t they?” “Hmm?” “That table is exclusively for members only. Oh, how I wish I was a member!” As she kept their sights on the group of Digimon, she spoke to IceDevimon. “They’re all members?” “Yep. You can tell by their badges. With them, they can enter here without reservations. Without waiting in line. And even get exclusive perks.” After a closer inspection, Celestia could see that like AncientVolcanomon, all the other Digimon at the same table all had their own badges. All blue with the same black bat symbol on them. As she watched them socialize, she turned to IceDevimon with a question. “Don’t suppose you know how to become one?” IceDevimon pondered as he replied. “A member? Well… there is only one way to become one. All you have to do is impress Lilithmon. Only she can make one become a member.” Celestia was not expecting such an answer. Sounding easier said than done. “Impress her?” “Yeah. You know… like an act. Or sing a song. Or something. But she has to really enjoy it.” Celestia paused in thought. Not about the rules of the nightclub. Or even about the membership program. Her thoughts were on Lilithmon herself. The more the other Digimon spoke about her, the more Celestia became intrigued by her. With what little she knew of her, she already sounded interesting. With IceDevimon seemingly knowledgeable of the Layla nightclub, she turned to him for information. “Umm… I was told that… Lilithmon owns this place. Is that right?” IceDevimon blinked in surprise from hearing what Celestia said. Then gave his reply. “Oh, she doesn’t just own this place. She lives here.” The news took the white Alicorn completely by surprise. The nightclub that she had been to for some time was in fact Lilithmon’s home. Her place of residence. She looked at IceDevimon in complete shock. “Really!? Th…This is her home!?” As she paused in thought, it was much like her old castle in Canterlot. She lived there, and it was a place where she hosted all sorts of parties. So, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. But she was still startled that such a thing existed in the underworld. Plus, with the club also being the Demon Lord’s home, Celestia felt more certain then ever that the demonic energy she felt belonged to her. Then IceDevimon piled on the surprise. “Not just that. But on rare occasions, she even performs on that very stage,” He added as he pointed at the main stage in front of them. Celestia stared at the stage in intrigue. Trying to imagine what kind of performance the Lord of Lust could do on stage. A dance? A Song? Or something else? She kept on looking as IceDevimon continued with hope in his voice. “But again, she only does it on rare occasions. Oh, I pray that we get to see her today.” Pray. An ironic thing for him to say. With him being a devil type Digimon. Then to the surprise of the two, the main lights began to dim. The only source of light being from the fire lanterns and the stage lights. Being their first time being in Layla, Celestia and IceDevimon had no idea what they were expecting. But a womanly voice echoing throughout the room gained their attention. The two looking at the stage along with the rest of the audience. “Ladies and gentlemen! I see we’re getting a full house tonight!” Then descending from the ceiling above the stage was a single metal pole. Landing in the heart of the golden stage. Then, sliding down the pole to the bottom, was a Digimon that barred an almost identical resemblance to LadyDevimon. Celestia was a little startled at first. Recalling her past experience with others like her. But unlike the others, the one on stage was wearing red clothing. A red LadyDevimon? She then spoke out to the crowd with a microphone in her hand. “Welcome one and all to Layla! The number one nightclub in the Digital Underworld and the gem of the Lust Ring! Home of the famous Lilithmon herself! Now lets give her some love!” As the crowd went in an uproar of excitement, cheering and clapping, Celestia was still perplexed by another variant of the same Ultimate level Digimon. “There’s a red one?” She asked herself. But as she turned her head to the side, she was surprised to see IceDevimon trying to conceal his face behind a menu. Trembling in fear and sweating profusely. “Oh no! Not her!” He uttered to himself. Not wanting to be heard. “W-What’s wrong?” Celestia asked him. Surprised to see quite a fearsome Digimon like him cowering in fear. Glancing over to the Alicorn, IceDevimon revealed why he was so afraid. Speaking in a harsh whisper. “Up there! That’s… my ex!” Celestia felt flabbergasted at what she had just been told. ‘What!? As in… his ex-girlfriend!?’ She refrained from asking any more about the subject. Instead, she turned back towards the stage as the demoness introduced herself. “I am the great RedLadyDevimon! Some of you know me as Lilithmon’s right hand lady! Number one assistant to the Lord of Lust herself! And… ready to obey her every command.” She explained. The tone in her voice sounded more suggestive in the last sentence. She then went on to explain what was in store for the crowd. “We have a great line up for you tonight! Acts from far and wide had all gathered here for your entertainment.! Let’s hope they be good!” As she paused, RedLadyDevimon saw that some Digimon were yet to find their seats. Meaning that they were not ready yet. So she began to stall for time. “Now as everyone is getting settled in, get this. Did any of you hear what happened in the Frozen Mountains up on the Surface World?” As most of the crowd chuckled from the knowledge, Celestia paused. She did recall what Gatomon said earlier. That the Digimon were planning on showing the Alicorn the mountains. But an unexpected avalanche caused those plans to be canceled. “That’s right. That did happen,” She said quietly to herself. But the sounds of frightened mumbling brought her attention back to the cowering IceDevimon. Not only he was scared, but the expressions showed guilt. “Oh, I hope they don’t find out,” He whispered to himself. But Celestia’s sharp ears caught every word he said. And then pieced the two together. “Wait. Did you have something to do with that, today?” She asked him. Feeling pressured, IceDevimon confessed his sins. “Well… how was I supposed to know you weren’t supposed to sneeze up there? Plus, my powers of ice didn’t help.” Celestia didn’t know how to respond. While IceDevimon seemed apologetic, not making loud noises up in snowy mountains was basic health and safety knowledge. He should’ve known that. What’s more, the discovery had answered the mystery of what caused the avalanche. But then as RedLadyDevimon calmed down the crowd, it became clear that she too knew who was responsible for the trouble. “Tell you what. I know full well who was responsible for that. And I wish he was here… so I can give him a piece of my mind!” The latter of what RedLadyDevimon said sounded very personal. There clearly was a rift between them. Making IceDevimon cower even more. Whatever happened between the two, he seemed to be the one responsible. Sensing that she had gotten personal from her previous sentence, RedLadyDevimon regained her composure and tried to brush it off. “Still. With all that snow means more time in those hot Jacuzzis. If you know what I mean.” Some Digimon smirked in response. Knowing what kind of activities one could do while being submerged in a hot bubbly pool. The steamy aroma making contact with the bitter cold from the air as it touches the skin. Even Celestia was aware of such things. Making her blush from the thought. Seeing that everyone had been seated, RedLadyDevimon was able to get the show started. “Now without wasting anymore time, we have an opening act for you! Fresh talent from the Gluttony Ring, let’s have a round of applause for Impmon!” As the crowd applauded, Celestia was surprised. She was going to see Impmon’s act already. The former princess being curious as to what the Rookie would do. As he walked up on stage with his large brown sack of items, Impmon waved to the crowd before lowering a microphone down to his level. “Right everyone! Prepare to be amazed, by the new rising star! Me!” Without wasting time, Impmon reached in the bag and pulled out three plates. Then with a mental count to three, the imp-like Digimon began to… juggle. Despite the Rookie level Digimon putting effort, the crowd looked less pleased. It was just a juggling act. As much as Celestia wanted to give her support, even she felt a little underwhelmed. She was expecting something different. Even Pinkie Pie could make juggling more exciting. Seeing that he wasn’t wowing the crowd, Impmon went to his next phase. “Hold on, folks! We’re amping it up!” Firstly, he began to juggle the plates with his left hand and his tail. With his right hand free, he reached into the sack again and pulled out three long sticks. Then with a flick of his tail, he tossed the plates in the air and placed one of the sticks on his nose while holding the other two in each hand. When the plates descended back down, Impmon caught them with the three sticks. Balancing them as he steadied himself. “Eeh! EEH!?” He said. Trying to get a reaction from the crowd. But the most the audience could give were a few claps. Again, they weren’t wowed by something that could easily be a party trick. Seeing such a lack luster reaction made Impmon lose his composure. All the while balancing the plates. “What! Ya think this is easy!? It took me weeks to get this right!” Seeing that he had no choice… “Alright. Plan B!” With an aggravated yell, he tossed the plates back in the air. As they got to a good height, Impmon flexed his fingers. Forming flames of darkness in his hands. “BADA BOOM!!!” Throwing his hands up, he fired three fireballs up in the air at the plates. When the attacks struck, the plates exploded like fireworks. Shards of plates then exploding in numerous colours. The makeshift mini firework display had got a response form the crowd. All of them letting out ooos and aaahs. Even Celestia was surprised by the spectacle. Impmon let out a secret grin. ‘That’s right! You can thank my big brother for getting these plates made with his gunpowder!’ Having got the crowd’s attention, Impmon kept up the pace by grabbing all the other plates from the bag and one by one threw them up in the air. Then proceeding to make each one explode with his Bada Boom attack. The plates exploding in colourful blasts. The crowd was dazzled by the scene. Especially Celestia, who loved all the colours. Then as a finisher, Impmon placed three plates together and threw them up as one. Then after firing another flame attack straight up, the three plates exploded in a blaze of glory. Lighting up the stage in a sea of colours before dying down. When the performance ended, the audience cheered. Loving the spectacle. Impmon was stunned. The crowd applauded his efforts. Something HE had done. A bright smile grew on his face. The feeling of acceptance flowing in him. “Ha. HA! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! I did it! I made it big!” He cheered. With the act over, RedLadyDevimon walked back on stage to end Impmon off. “That’s Impmon and his… firework plates everyone! And now for our ne…!” The ultimate was interrupted when Impmon rushed further on stage. Fame getting to his head. “And that’s just the beginning, folks! This new rising talent from Gluttony will rock the world!” He then received a nudge from the foot of RedLadyDevimon. Hinting to him that he was overstaying his welcome. “Alright! But there’s time for that AFTER the show!” Brushing himself from the nudge, Impmon retaliated in a irritated tone. “Alright! Alright! I can take a hint, ya dumb braud!” Impmon became startled by an audible gasp from the audience. He looked over to them to see that a lot of them had looks of shock on their faces. All staring at him. “What? Was it something I said?” He asked. But the reply he got was a frightening chill up his spine as he sensed a terrifying presence behind him. Slowly turning around, he saw RedLadyDevimon. A fiery red aura burning around her body as she glared down at him in unbridled anger. “What did you call me!?” She asked with a demonic voice. But clearly already knowing the answer. Seeing that he offended her, and by seeing how scared some of the crowd were, angering RedLadyDevimon was probably a very bad idea. “W-Wha! Easy there! I didn’t mean anything! Just a slip of the tongue!” But the tall Ultimate level Digimon was having none of the excuses. She surprised Impmon by picking him up by his head with her left hand. Then she called over to one of the nightclub members. “Hay AncientVolcanomon! We got another one for you!” Forming a small black portal below the held Impmon, and a second appearing above the volcano of the Mega Digimon, RedLadyDevimon shoved the Rookie through the portal and deep into the Digimon’s crater. Impmon’s legs were seen wiggling as he tried to get out. “Hay! Let me out of here ya overgrown meatball!” He protested. But much to the enjoyment of AncientVolcanomon. “Get ready, little guy,” “Alright everyone! Start the count!” Upon RedLadyDevimon’s command, the crowd began the countdown starting from ten. As the number five was said, AncientVolcanomon’s top began to shake. Much like an actual erupting volcano. All the while the rebellious Impmon tried to climb out. But it was futile. “Three! Two! ONE!!” When the countdown ended, AncientVolcanomon erupted. A stream of lava fired from the crater. Launching the yelling Impmon high towards the ceiling. Where a target board was waiting. As the lava got near, the middle of the target board opened up. Letting Impmon and the lava to spew through it and out of the building. The crowd cheered as the nuisance was ejected from the club. “Haha! Another bullseye!” AncientVolcanomon claimed. Celestia was the only one who felt bad for the Rookie. But because he was being rude and insulting, she couldn’t help but feel that the punishment was justified. It was the Digimon’s way of kicking unruly people out of the establishment. Not unlike what happens in Equestria. Plus, she guessed ejecting wrong doers was what got AncientVolcanomon his membership. If one were to look at the target board on the ceiling, the edges were dripping with leftover lava. Just near it was a floating ball of golden light. But it got carelessly close to the board. One of the lava droplets landed on it. The ball of light giving off bell-like chimes of distress as it fluttered downwards. Almost as if it was in pain as smoke vented off of it. As the crowd calmed down, the crowd turned back to RedLadyDevimon on stage. “Now let that be a lesson to any newbies! Don’t mess with me!” The crowd laughed with understanding. Some were laughing nervously. Not wanting to get on RedLadyDevimon’s bad side. Sadly, for IceDevimon, he already was. The red demoness continued. “Now for our second act for the evening! This one is a special one! Because it is a gift for the very lucky gentlemen at table twelve!” Seconds later, a spotlight shined on the named table. Sitting at it was a lone Digimon. A humanoid insect Ultimate named JewelBeemon. The said Digimon flinched in surprise for being called out. “What!? Me!?” He asked in confusion. As RedLadyDevimon moved to the side, a second spotlight lit up the centre of the golden stage. And there, standing by the metal pole, was a feminine fairy type Digimon. She was giving JewelBeemon a loving smile as she playfully winked at him. “L-Lilamon!?” He asked. Surprised to see her on stage. “JewelBeemon. This dance… is for you,” She replied. ‘Background Music’ ‘Let’s get ready to Rumble by Jock Jams’ As the music began, Lilamon got in position on the pole. Her hands gripping the pole above her head. The crowd were getting restless. They knew what kind of performance the Ultimate was about to do. Much to their excitement. She was about to pole dance. Then as the main part of the music began to play, Lilamon didn’t hold back. Dancing and swinging around the pole with moves so smooth and fluid. Her movements had gained the full attention of the crowd. But mostly JewelBeemon. Proving that it was possible to make an insect man blush. Especially the positions she was showing. On the side-lines, RedLadyDevimon too marvelled at the performance. But as she looked among the crowd, she spotted a familiar face of a certain white devil. Much to her annoyance as she clenched her fists. Celestia and IceDevimon watched the Digimon having at it. For Celestia, it was her first time seeing a pole dance. While a little questionable with the poses, she could see the joy on Lilamon’s face. And as it was for her love interest, the dance was her expressing such love. She was doing it for him. That the Alicorn loved. She smirked from the thought that it could be something that Cadence would do for Shining Armor. As the dance continued on stage, the sounds of bell chimes caught Celestia’s ears. Surprised to hear such a sound, Celestia tried to pinpoint the source of the sound. It sounded so small, so she had to be precise. Then as she looked to her right, she saw a small ball of golden light rapidly descending beside her. Landing hard on the floor by her feet and smoke seen emanating from it. “Huh?” The Alicorn uttered as she leaned down to get a closer look at the light. As Celestia was distracted, she failed to notice that IceDevimon suddenly got abducted. A red clawed hand reached out of a black portal, grabbed him by his left horn and forcefully pulled him in the portal. Yanking him off his seat. As Celestia leaned down to get a closer look at the glow by her feet, the said glow eventually faded. The Alicorn was surprised at what she saw. Lying on the ground was a tiny Digimon! Being less than a foot tall, she was the size of an In-Training level Digimon. But she clearly wasn’t. Possibly a Rookie. She was essentially a tiny fairy Digimon. Wearing short green and yellow clothes. Possessing pointy ears, long blonde hair with a ponytail tied by a green bow. Four fairy wings. A pink heart tattoo on her left leg. A necklace with a small yellow bell tied to it. And surprisingly sharp looking red nails that looked like claws. Plus a single red spike on her green boots. Unbeknownst to Celestia, the very small Digimon was named Tinkermon. After getting over the surprise of the Rookie’s size, it was there that Celestia noticed trouble. Tinkermon was in pain! Her eyes clenched tight as her body twitched. Trying to resist the pain. The cause of the pain was a nasty burn mark on her upper left wing. Which was caused by the lava droplet earlier. ‘She’s hurt!’ Celestia thought to herself. Seeing the helpless Digimon in pain, the concerned Alicorn was quick to act. Reaching her hands down, she gently scooped the tiny girl in her hands and lifted her off the floor. Celestia’s eyes widened in disbelief. The tiny creature was so light. She almost weighed nothing. The feeling of being lifted caught Tinkermon’s attention. Opening her eyes. But seeing that she was in someone’s hand and looking at the face of who it belonged to, the tiny Digimon panicked as she tried to back away. Fearful of the stranger, her rushed movements caused her bell to chime. “I…It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you,” Celestia said to her. Trying to reassure the girl. Tinkermon didn’t know why, but she felt at ease from Celestia’s words. She could sense the genuine care in the anthro Alicorn. Was that the reason? As well as the look of concern from her? But such questions didn’t help quell the pain in her wing. She looked saddened at the burn mark. That was when the tiny Rookie level Digimon sensed a flow of energy. It wasn’t data. It was something else. Looking up, she could see that Celestia’s horn was glowing gold. Then suddenly, she felt the pain numbing away. Looking back at her wing, she was surprised to see the same golden glow on her injured wing. That and the black scorch mark was fading away. Then within seconds, the burn was no more. As well as the pain. When Celestia’s healing spell had finished, the glow faded away. She could see Tinkermon blinking in surprise as she began to flex her fairy wings. The look of happiness grew on her face as she felt no pain. Her wings slowly beating harder. To a point where she could hover in the air. Lifting off the Alicorn’s hand. Celestia smiled from seeing the joy on the tiny girl’s face. “Better?” She asked her. Tinkermon expressed her answer in the form of zooming around in circles before stopping in front of Celestia’s face. Then proceeding to rush in to hug her right cheek. Her tiny bell rang from all the movement. Celestia couldn’t help but giggle from the affectionate fairy. With the Digimon’s tiny hands against her soft thin fur. “You’re very welcome,” She said to her. After feeling gratitude from the Rookie, Celestia saw Tinkermon pulling away as she hovered in the air. Again, her face was bright with a smile. The tiny fairy then let out an expression that looked as though she was giggling. But instead, her tiny bell rang in such a manner. Celestia then watched Tinkermon flying away. The Alicorn closed her eyes in joy. Feeling that she had just made a new friend. And being in a form of a cute little fairy. But as she turned to face the stage, IceDevimon fell out of a black portal and landed on his seat. To Celestia’s surprise, he was covered in bruises and scratches. The Champion looked weary as he tried to sit up. “Wha… What happened!?” She asked him. Wondering how he got hurt? When? And how she didn’t hear a thing? But IceDevimon responded in a way that confused the former princess. “It’s fine. I deserved that,” He said before he fell flat on his face on the table. If Celestia paid more attention to Tinkermon, she would’ve noticed that the tiny fairy was flying up to the balcony and flew behind the closed curtains. As she emerged through the other side, Tinkermon landed on the arm rest of a chair that resembled a throne. A giant throne compared to her size. A throne that was being occupied by someone sitting in it. Someone much larger. As the fairy Digimon sat down, the larger Digimon moved her arm and with her golden gauntlet-like hand, caressed the tiny Rookie’s head with her index finger. Tinkermon smiled in ecstasy from receiving her head pats. But then the hand paused. Almost flinched. Moving towards Tinkermon’s back, the golden index finger slid along the fairy’s wing. Upon contact, the wing gave off a golden glow. As if it were a water droplet, the glow was wiped off the wing and rested on the claw-like finger. The hand was then brought up for the person to inspect the gold glow. She could sense that it was magic. But magic that was foreign to her. It didn’t belong to any kind of Digimon. The icy blue eyes of the person narrowed inquisitively. Curious of what kind of magic it was. And who it belonged to. “Hmm?” Back in the crowd, Celestia was surprised that IceDevimon refused to speak about what happened. He even refused to be healed. All he said to her was that it was punishment for his past act. Something of which he also refused to speak of. But bringing their attention back to the stage, the performance was ending. By the time the music was over, Lilamon finished her act by doing several quick spins on the pole and doing a finishing pose. “I love you, JewelBeemon,” She said with a bright smile. Huffing for breath from pulling off such dance moves. The crowd were in an uproar. Cheering and clapping for what they viewed was a stellar performance. Thoroughly enjoying the pole dance. But none were more amazed than JewelBeemon. Who was mind blown from the experience. “Wow! That was incredible!” He said to Lilamon as she ran over to his side. But the plant-type Digimon surprised him by tugging on his arm. Trying to get him to stand up. “And that’s only half of it,” She said as she was giving the insectoid Digimon flirtatious eyes. “Oh. OH!!!” JewelBeemon uttered. Understanding what his girlfriend was implying. Leading her boyfriend away, Lilamon giggled as she dragged him to one of the private rooms alongside the stage room. Seeing how the room was labelled private, and from seeing how flirty Lilamon looked, Celestia could only guess what the room was for. Blushing deeply from realisation. Which was further implied by RedLadyDevimon. “Ooh! Looks like a certain someone is in for a wild ride tonight!” The audience chuckled in amusement. Knowing full well what was going on behind closed doors. As for the white Alicorn, it reinforced one of her expectations. “T-They really are doing it? Aren’t they?” She said quietly to herself. Not wanting to seem to out of touch of what was going on. Yet another reason why the Layla nightclub was so popular. As the crowd settled down, RedLadyDevimon was about to continue. “Now, for our next performa…!” However, she was interrupted by a sudden flash of green flames right above her. Looking up in surprise, she and the audience silently stared at the ball of fire. Only to see it transform into a miniature version of the Crest of Lust. Then a scroll suddenly emerged from the magic ring. RedLadyDevimon caught the scroll almost immediately. Knowing full well who it was from, she was quick to open the scroll to read what was written inside. “W-What’s going on?” Celestia asked. “No idea,” IceDevimon replied. After taking a minute to read, RedLadyDevimon received a look of surprise before addressing the audience. “Attention everyone! There has been a change of plans!” The crowd paid close attention to the red demoness. Celestia felt concerned at first. But the sound of excitement in RedLadyDevimon’s voice showed that the news wasn’t bad. Then, like the others, paid close attention to the announcement. “This is you’re lucky night! Because gracing us all with her performance, will be the great Demon Lord Lilithmon herself!” There was a collective gasp coming from the audience. A clear sign that they weren’t expecting such a news so suddenly. Or even knew that the night would be THE night. Within the overwhelmed crowd, Celestia froze with the look of shock on her face. It was the last thing she expected to happen. Let alone on her first time venturing the Digital Underworld. ‘What!? As in… one of THE Seven Great Demon Lords of the Digital World!? L-Lilithmon herself!?’ The stage lights began to dim as RedLadyDevimon spoke to the crowd again. “So please, give us five to set up the stage!” She said as commotion was heard on stage. Extra pair of hands helping with setting up. There was a mass of activity from the audience too. Virtually every Digimon in the massive room were tidying themselves up. Celestia looked around at them. Surprised at how everyone was acting. As if they were trying to smarten themselves up for the demon lord to come. Making themselves look more presentable. And to the Alicorn’s surprise, some of the female Digimon were doing the same. The sight of it made her think. Since Lilithmon was the Lord of Lust, did that mean… the concept of gender had no meaning to her? She spoke as she looked over to IceDevimon. “Wow. With how everyone is acting, this Lilithmon must be…!” She paused when she saw that even IceDevimon was sprucing himself up. As if all his bruises meant nothing, he was spraying aftershave on himself while happily humming. Celestia couldn’t respond to what she was seeing. Why was he putting aftershave when he never had a beard. In fact, where did he even get the aftershave from? Rather than dwell on it, she turned her attention back to the stage. The stage lights partially lit up. Just illuminating the stage. But one of the spotlights were on a smaller secondary stage. On it looked like a musical band. All set with their instruments. Then on the main stage, RedLadyDevimon reappeared. Ready to give the introductions. “Right, everyone! Now is the moment you all been waiting for!” The crowd were getting restless. Celestia had never seen anyone look so excited. The closest she could compare was whenever her citizens were waiting for her to make an appearance at grand events. When the audience tried to settle down, RedLadyDevimon continued. Finishing the introductions. “Here to sing for you tonight, is your Digi-host! The Goddess of Darkness! The Queen of Hell! The Embodiment of Lust herself! Lilithmon!” With RedLadyDevimon retreating in the shadows, the stage was set. The crowd were deathly silent. No one made a peep. As for Celestia, she felt incredibly nervous. Out of place even. She was just moments away from witnessing a live performance of one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. And if the energy she was feeling truly belonged to her, than the Lord of Lust was also very powerful. All she could do was wait. As the spotlight grew brighter on the musical band on the secondary stage, most of the crowd turned their sights on them. Celestia included. There on the piano was a Troopmon. Dressed in its custom black tuxedo and red tie. It first looked out to the crowd to see if they had all quieted down. Seeing that the audience were waiting, the Troopmon flexed its short stumpy fingers before hovering his hands over the keys. Ready to play. ‘Background music’ ‘Forsaken by Dream Theater’ (Music only) The Troopmon began playing the piano. As it continued, there was a little sway in its movements. As if it was enjoying the tunes. Then as it continued, two of the other band members began to play. A pair of Vilemon’s in matching tuxedo suits. One on electric guitar and the other on the drums. The music was loud. Much to the approval of the audience. Then after a couple of seconds, the final member of the band, a second Troopmon on the bass guitar, joined in. Playing together in electric harmony. After their loud musical solo, the theme died back down to how it was. With the piano playing with the odd beat from the bass. In the audience, Celestia smiled from seeing the band. They were an odd bunch that one wouldn’t think could play instruments. Especially so very well. But they pulled it off and were clearly having a blast. Enjoying themselves. Plus, seeing them in matching suits made them look cute in an odd way. But she was then distracted. For her ears caught the sound of a womanly voice singing a melody. “For a time, you thought I was asleep.” Hearing such a voice caused Celestia to snap her sights back to the main stage. There, along with the rest of the crowd, she saw that the stage was illuminated in night-time blue. There the curtain was closed. But a thick purple mist was seen pluming from the gaps. Steadily filling the room in its haze. There the voice was heard again. Catching the audience’s attention in its alluring tune. “Lying, everlasting, like a dream.” In the middle of the curtains where the mist was emanating, a golden clad hand emerged. Gleaming in the light as the fingers folded on the drapes. Then in one swift motion, the hand threw open wide. Opening the curtains and unleashing the mist upon the crowd. Though harmless the mist was, the sudden actions caused the crowd to be surprised. But smiles returned along with a steadily growing cheers as a silhouette began to take shape within the mist. The music also began to explode in unison with the singer. “Then rising suddenly, you all were quick to bow before me.” Celestia could only just make out the silhouette as it moved closer across the stage towards the crowd. At first, she felt nervous. For the voice and form belonged to the demon lord. Seeing the red glowing eyes through the thick mist. But confusion began to set in when the form took on a humanoid shape. Much more so than she thought. Quite similar to other humanoid-type Digimon. Even her own kind in Equestria. “I softly whisper in your ears.” With a sudden flare of her demon wings, the following blast of air dispelled the mist. Celestia had to close her eyes to the sudden gust. But then she opened them again and looked at the stage. She was met with an unexpected sight. Demon Lord Lilithmon herself! “Here I come!” Standing in the heart of the golden stage, the ten-foot-tall demoness was revealed for all to see. She wore an open toed black latex catsuit under long purple robes. Practically resembling a demonic priestess. Plus golden tipped ribbons draped over her curvaceous body. Moving up her body, she had four black demonic bat-like wings on her back. One small pair on her shoulders, and the second larger pair attached just above her waist. The latter of which was adorned in gold rings. Both her feet and her left hand had long purple nails. Her right hand however was a golden gauntlet that travelled up her arm. Further up her bewitching body, one would see that she had pale white skin, ice blue eyes, a pair of golden demon horns on the sides of her head. And her long black hair held up by a series of hairpins. A closer look showed that she had a black bat symbol on her forehead, and also wore purple eyeshadow and lipstick. Overall, according to every Digimon in the theatre-like nightclub, the sexiest Digimon in the entire Digital World. “I will prey on you, tonight.” As Lilithmon continued her song, Celestia couldn’t help but stare in surprise and awe. The Digimon in front of her was nothing what she was expecting. She thought that, because of the diversity of Digimon body types, the Lord of Lust would be good looking only in the eyes of Digimon. But no. She was good looking full stop. Beautiful even. “So beware! Gaze in my eyes and hold my hand! Now surrender to me!” Ending her first chorus, as the music continued, the crowd erupted in cheers of joy. Already enthralled by what was one of the best performances of their lives. As for Celestia, who remained stunned by Lilithmon’s true appearance, leaned over to IceDevimon for confirmation. All the while staring at the stage. “Is that really… the Demon Lord Lilithmon?” “The one and only,” IceDevimon goofily said as he looked as if he had hearts in his eyes. Resting his chin on the palms of his hands. Holding his head up. The startled Alicorn sat back up straight in her chair. Still not processing what was true. “She’s stunning,” She quietly uttered. Not expecting the demon lord to look so radiant. Lilithmon then continued her song as she walked down the stage steps and into the audience. Much to their excitement. “You waited patiently, for me to rise again. Hoping to harness the lust within me.” Lilithmon began to express what she was born to do. As she sang, she began to flirt with the crowd. Moving to one table, where the eagerly waiting BlackWereGarurumon sat up from his chair, the Lord of Lust playfully scratched the underside of his chin with her golden fingers. The werewolf-like Digimon felt all tingly from feeling her fingers. By the time she finished, the Ultimate fell on the table in ecstasy. “Strolling through the crimson mist, you felt my stinging kiss. And saw that lipstick stain on your lips.” Moving over to another table, she placed the index finger of her left hand against the lips of Piximon. The action caused the small Digimon to faint. Lilithmon smiling in response. Having the entire crowd within her palm. “All through the night and day, be in the sunlight or the dark!” With the snap of her golden fingers, the fires in all the lanterns went out. Bringing the room in near total darkness. Celestia felt spooked by the sudden lack of light. Almost panicking even. As she darted her head around to try and see anything, her ears could hear Lilithmon’s lullaby. “My darling don’t you be afraid!” All the lanterns suddenly were engulfed in purple flames. The fire rose almost as high as the ceiling. Once more illuminating the room, but in purple light. Of which was Lilithmon’s doing. The demon lord twirling with her arms stretched wide. As well as appearing on the other side of the room. “Here I come!” Following the sound of Lilithmon’s voice, Celestia looked to her right shoulder and saw the demoness among the crowd. Again, stunned by her performance and, again, how beautiful she looked. “I will prey on you, tonight!” The tall demon once again mingled in the crowd. Teasing them with the lustful glare of her eyes. “So beware! “Gaze in my eyes and hold my hand!” As she sang, she tempted one Gazimon into holding her hand. But as he jumped to reach it, Lilithmon pulled her hand back. Leaving the teased Rookie to fall down as she chuckled from his enthusiasm. Levitating off the ground, she twirled as she made her way back to the stage. “Now surrender to me!” Landing back in the centre of the golden stage, a dark purple aura began to appear around her. Spreading across the room like growing tendrils. All for show. “I’ll guide you far away!” As Celestia watched on with the rest of the crowd, she could see the smile on Lilithmon’s face. She was enjoying herself as she was giving her all. “Close those eyes, and hold on tight!” Then the fingers of her golden gauntlet hand began to spark in green energy. Rapidly glowing brighter as it flowed throughout her arm. “To the edge of the world!” Throwing her arm up towards the air, Lilithmon fired the green energy bolt seemingly through the ceiling. With the inside of the ceiling being see-through, the energy bolt could be seen sailing higher into the sky. Upon reaching a certain height, it exploded. The blast wave formed the Crest of Lust as it expanded all throughout the Lust Ring. For all to see. As the song paused for the musical solo, the audience roared in excitement from the spectacle. Applauding, even though the performance hadn’t ended yet. Celestia kept looking at the sky as the giant Crest of Lust faded away. Then averting her gaze down to the Digimon who made it happen. Amazed that someone like her was able to make every Digimon around her putty in her hands. Deep down, she felt a little envious that Lilithmon was making her attraction look so easy. Likely a perk for being the embodiment of lust. She became lost in her thoughts as she watched. ‘I see why everyone here is fawning for her. Just look at her. Full of confidence. She’s… actually incredible. And she’s…!’ The Alicorn princess’s thoughts froze when it happened. As Celestia kept watching, she saw Lilithmon about to move towards the crowd. However, when the demoness looked in her direction, she paused with a look of surprise on her face. Celestia flinched with wide eyes of shock. ‘…LOOKING RIGHT AT ME!!!’ The Sun Princess didn’t know what to think as she was being stared at by the Demon Lord Digimon. Had she not seen her kind before? From not being a Digimon, was she not welcome? Could Lilithmon sense it? That she was not a Digimon at all? Will she be chucked out? Be punished? Was she trespassing? All sorts of questions filled Celestia’s mind. Uncertain what Lilithmon was going to do. But something did happen. At first, Lilithmon stared at Celestia in surprise. Then a smile grew in its place. A soft toothy grin plastered on her face as the music solo ended. The demon lord resuming her song. Walking towards the edge of the stage. “Here I come!” Celestia blinked in complete surprise. Lilithmon was resuming her song. But the way she was singing while looking right at her, it looked as if she was singing to her. And was further startled that the demoness was walking in her direction. All the while being unsure why she was smiling at her. “I will prey on YOU tonight!” Using her demonic magic, Lilithmon vanished into black smoke. Then immediately appearing in front of Celestia. The startled Alicorn flared out her feathered wings in surprise as she stared up at Lilithmon. Who was standing on the table looking down at her. “So beware!” While surprised, the shock Celestia was feeling was replaced in confusion. Lilithmon truly was singing as if it was to her. All the while entertaining the crowd with her performance. She froze in response. Unsure what the demon lord was going to do. “Gaze in my eyes and hold my hand!” Lilithmon began to lean down towards Celestia. IceDevimon rose up from his seat. Excited to see the Demon Lord of Lust up close. But as soon as he did, Lilithmon placed her golden right hand on his face and shoved him aside. All the while locking her eyes with the anthro Alicorn. Nothing getting in her way as she leaned closer. “Here I am! Fly away with me tonight!” Extending the back of her right hand towards the surprised Celestia, Lilithmon gently caressed her face. The golden index finger moving aside some strands of the mane as it slid down her cheek to the bottom of her chin. Celestia felt a tingle up her spine from the touch. It felt so soft. So… tender. All the while staring at her illuminating blue eyes. “Now beware!” With her finger under Celestia’s chin, Lilithmon tilted her hand up slightly. The Alicorn let out a surprised yelp from having her head held up. Almost standing up from her chair. Despite it, the shocked princess continued to stare silently into Lilithmon’s eyes as she smiled back. Getting rather close with her new guest. “Renew my life, now you are mine!” Lilithmon then pulled away to stand back up. As the demoness pulled her hand away, almost sliding her finger away from Celestia’s chin, the Alicorn suddenly felt a strange sensation within her body. Through her back and out of her shoulders. Causing her to jolt forward on the table. The look of complete surprise on her face from the sensation. In time for Lilithmon to close off her song. “Now surrender… to…me!” With a wave of her hand, Lilithmon turned into clouds of black magic. Hopping from one table to another as she made her way back to the stage. The crowd roared even louder than before. Applauding as the band played out the closing music. The four musicians had done a brilliant job enhancing the song with their music. Back at her table, Celestia was breathing heavily from the shock of what had happened. The experience caused her to heat up and her face to burn red. Sweat began to form as she tried to calm down. Staring at the table. But her thoughts were all over the place. Confused and surprised, all she could do was tilt her head up to look at the stage. As the music began to die down, she saw her. Retaking her physical form, Lilithmon motioned towards the side curtains that led backstage. As Celestia watched her, Lilithmon pushed the curtain aside to walk through. But before she did, she slowed down and without moving her head, stole one more glance at the Alicorn. Smiling at her before disappearing from view. ‘Music end’ Celestia froze again. She could’ve sworn that Lilithmon just glanced at her one more time. With a rush of emotions coursing through her very being, completely confused at all that happened, Celestia needed to cool down. Unable to bare the heat she was feeling from her head, she rushed to find the nearest restroom. Quickly following the other female Digimon to find one. Back by the table she was at, IceDevimon remained on the floor. Despite being shoved to the ground, the look of ecstasy was plastered on his face. “Heeheee… she… touched me…” > Chapter 6: The Princess of the Sun and The Goddess of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the lady’s restroom of the Layla nightclub, Celestia splashed cold water on her face. Trying to cool down her head. But she remained startled by her experience. Almost panting from shock. ‘WHA…WHAT WAS THAT JUST NOW!!?’ She began to breath more steadily as her hands rested on the rim of the sink. She could feel her heart rate slowing down. To which she noticed, much to her confusion. ‘M-My heart was racing so fast! A-And it was hard to breathe!’ As she looked down at the sink full of water, seeing her reflection, her thoughts were on Lilithmon. But precisely on what kind of Digimon she was. ‘That Lilithmon. She’s… a Succubus Digimon!’ Back when she was Princess of Equestria, she had learnt about many creatures that lived in her world. Some she encountered in person. Some she only heard stories about. She wasn’t even sure if they existed at all. One of which were Succubi. She heard and read about them. Though it had been years since. But she knew that they’re demon-like creatures that attract victims to feed on their… essence. The Sirens that her mentor, Starswirl the Bearded, defeated were somewhat similar. But weren’t the same. Perhaps the legends of Succubi were spawned from the discovery of Sirens. One thing Celestia remembered from her studies was that the reason Succubi attracted their victims was because of the power of their ‘allure’. A natural attraction they possessed that exceeds virtually all other creatures. She then paused for thought. Since Lilithmon was a Succubus Digimon, did that mean she had it too? Those odd sensations she felt when Lilithmon approached her, was that her reacting to the allure? Then beyond her control, her mind went back to the moment during the song. When Lilithmon stroked her cheek. Despite the demon lord’s hand used seemingly being made of metal, the touch was so gentle. So… caring even. Before that moment, not a single soul had ever done that to her. They never dared to. The feeling was… strange. But she kept thinking about it. No matter how hard she tried to forget it. Celestia used her own hand to trace where the Digimon touched. Trying to simulate the same feeling. She couldn’t quite get it right. Then her thoughts strayed to what happened moments after. When Lilithmon held her head with her finger. Almost forcing her to look at her in the eyes. It was also an action that never happened to her before. To have her head raised like that. Staring into her eyes. ‘N…No! Focus!’ She thought to herself while shaking her head. She wasn’t even sure what or why she was thinking about those moments. Taking a moment to process her thoughts, Celestia tried to think straight. ‘I need to remember why I’m here in the first place. To find a way to solve my problem. I… can’t go back yet.’ The white Alicorn began to feel unnerved. The last thing she wanted was to experience the nightmare again. To have it in the Digital World, to which hadn’t happened before, had truly made her worried. She tried to think of any possible solution to not experience it again. Then an answer came to her. It was right in front of her. There was only one person who could help her. ‘Wait! That’s it! Lilithmon! She can help me find an answer!’ She remembered all the things IceDevimon and Impmon said about the Lord of Lust. And the things she could do. Logically, there was no better person for the task than her. But there was one fact about her that made Celestia worry. ‘But she’s one of the Seven Great Demon Lords. She could be very dangerous! What if things take a turn? I’ll be in danger!’ But then she thought about how the demoness reacted upon seeing her. ‘But… she didn’t seem to mind me. In fact, she looked happy to see me. Is it because I’m a visitor? But still…’ Celestia was forced to make a tough choice. One option was to give up and return to the surface. Being safe with her friends but run the risk of going through the nightmare again. Or risk it and confront the demon for a possible solution. But going it alone. After giving herself a pat on her cheeks for self-encouragement, she reached a decision. ‘I’ve decided!’ Standing back at her full height, the anthro pony clenched her fists. Trying to be brave. “I have to meet her.” Leaving the restroom and going back into the main room, she eyed the stage. Just in time to see RedLadyDevimon making an announcement. “Wow! I don’t know about the rest of you, but that last performance by our lustful demon has got me hot under the collar. We’ll be taking a fifteen-minute break and be right back with the rest of the show.” Celestia eyed where RedLadyDevimon was going. Disappearing through the same curtain Lilithmon did. She began to remember what happened before the Lord of Lust vanished. She gave her a brief glance with a smile on her face. The former princess tried to understand the meaning behind that pause. In the end, that glare looked… inviting. Without realising it, she blushed a little from the memory. But then focused on the present to think of a plan. Eyeing the curtain to which the red demoness vanished to. ‘They’re having a break. Good. I can get up there without being noticed.’ Her plan was fairly simple. Sneak on stage and explore the backstage without being spotted. When the coast was clear, the other Digimon leaving their seats to get their drinks and snacks, Celestia was quick to cast an invisibility spell on herself. Being completely hidden form the naked eye, she reached up on stage and walked through the curtain without any problems. But once through the curtains, Celestia was already lost. The backstage was quite big. With many doors that lead to all sorts of rooms. Furthermore, the Digimon there were very busy trying to get the next act together for the crowd. It seemed that despite the calming atmosphere from where she was, things were quite hectic behind the scenes. Doing her best to avoid bumping into anyone, the invisible Celestia made it past most of the obstacles. But there was still a problem she was facing. ‘There’s so many doors. Where do I even go?’ After some exploring, she spotted a corridor guarded by a pair of BlueMeramons. A clear sign that they acted as security. Surely for something important. As Celestia approached them, she was unsure how to get pass them. She may be invisible, but she couldn’t pass through them like a ghost. ‘There isn’t a big enough gap for me to slip by. What do I do now?’ But to her surprise, one of the two blue fire demons glanced over to a clock on the wall. “Woah. Hay, let’s go,” He said to his comrade. “Oh yes. Let us go and… leave this corridor unguarded,” He said as he joined the other BlueMeramon. Walking away. Hidden from view with her invisibility spell, Celestia paused as she looked at the two guards in confusion. The way the second BlueMeramon spoke was incredibly off. Like an amateur actor phoning in while performing. Trying to make his act convincing but making a very poor job doing so. Her suspicions rose further when she looked over to the clock on the wall. It read seven past. A rather strange time for a shift to end. ‘Strange. But at least I can now pass,’ Celestia thought to herself. Trying to keep a positive mindset. But ignoring the fact that the two BlueMeramon looked over their shoulders. Glancing at the corridor entrance. Having passed through the corridor, Celestia found herself through one of many hallways. The one thing she noticed was that it was far less busy. Only a handful of Digimon were around her. Either out of doing nonessential tasks or because they were the only ones authorized to be there. The second thought made the invisible anthro Alicorn feel like she was being invasive. Being somewhere she shouldn’t. But she couldn’t just turn back. Not after coming so far. She had to go on. She then came across a fork in the road. With no other Digimon around, she was unsure of which path to pick. The left corridor or the right. But then, she could just faintly feel a breeze washing over her. Strange, since there were no windows around. To her confusion, the faint breeze was traveling from the right corridor. “I guess… this way?” She quietly said as she turned right to follow the breeze. Walking down her chosen corridor. Celestia found herself among another corridor. Just like the others, it too possessed numerous doors. The Sun Princess felt like she was walking through a maze. A labyrinth even. She frowned. Feeling as if she would never find her way around. ‘What now? That strange breeze is gone,’ She thought to herself as she glanced down the left. Seeing nothing but doors. But as she turned her head to the right, she was surprised to see only a single door along the wall. Overcome with curiosity, Celestia crept down the corridor towards the door. Trying not to make a loud footstep as she walked. She may not be seen, but she could be heard. As she drew closer, she could see that there was an image on the door. After getting closer, she was surprised to see what the symbol on the door was. It was none other than the Crest of Lust. ‘That’s her crest! Does that mean… t-this… is her room?’ Celestia froze. Her body was unable to move a muscle as she faced the door. It was true that she believed she could use Lilithmon’s help. But there was one small detail she had overlooked. And that was to actually greet her. To introduce herself. ‘W-what do I do!? Do I just… go in there? No! Should I knock? Wait! Is she even in there? How do I go about this?’ Because of her rash decision to find Lilithmon, Celestia was not mentally prepared to think of even a greeting. But then her ears caught the sound of the doorknob turning. The princess almost let out a gasp of surprise as she backed away. Pressing her back against the opposite wall. When the door opened, RedLadyDevimon emerged. Her expression neutral as she held onto a clipboard. “Hmm. Now let’s see,” She said as she glanced down at her clipboard. No doubt with the night schedule on it. RedLadyDevimon appeared to be walking away. But she then paused just ahead of the open door. Then as the door began to swing itself shut. The red demoness held it open with the back of her heel. Celestia felt the moment of choice had arrived. Despite being wary of the tall demon Digimon, the door was wide open. She could very easily just slip in without being noticed. But her mental conflict was still raging. Whether she should go in or not. But the door won’t stay open forever. It will close on her very soon. She had to make a decision. And fast. Holding her breath, Celestia managed to get a grip on her nerves and went for it. Without making a sound, she managed to slip past RedLadyDevimon and into the dark room. As soon as the anthro princess entered, the red demoness Digimon moved her foot to let the door slowly swing shut. She began to move away, but not before a small smirk grew on her face. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. Within the dark room, Celestia found herself all alone. Seeing that the coast was clear, the former princess dropped her invisibility spell. Reappearing as she was. She then took a moment to look at her surroundings. It was too dark to see. All she could make out were the outlines of furniture. ‘No one’s here. But this has to be her room. It’s certainly has the makings of one.’ As Celestia slowly strolled in the darkness, she began to think back. ‘It certainly was quite a journey to get here. The wastelands. The lift station. The Lust Ring itself. And now here I am. After all those corridors, I could’ve easily gotten lost. Luckily finding this room was easy.’ Celestia’s eyes widened in uncertainty. The last part of her thoughts caused her to stop in her tracks. ‘In fact… it was too easy.’ She had every right to be cautious. She looked at the ground as she tried to comprehend the recent events. Thinking out loud. “This is the home of one of the seven Demon Lord Digimon. This should be the most secure place around. It would’ve taken a lot more than an invisibility spell to get here. Then… why…!” Her eyes widened from one possibility. It was improbable. But it made sense. Her first obstacle were the two BlueMeramon guards. Whom left their posts not only on an odd time, but just as she was there. Plus, one of them acting very suspiciously. As if it was all an act. After that, there were hardly any Digimon around. Which should have more guards by that point. Then was the strange breeze she felt earlier. Which lead her straight to where the door to Lilithmon’s room was. She still found it strange for there to be wind in a hallway with no windows. Then lastly was RedLadyDevimon. And the way she held the door open. The manner in the way she held the door with her heel. It was as if she… was holding the door for someone. And she released the door not long after. In fact, Celestia could’ve sworn it was just as she entered the room. All what Celestia had on her mind felt like hints. Signs that she should’ve picked up. The improbable feeling she felt started to twist into the truth. To which she tried to deny. “They… knew I was coming? It… can’t be! I was invisible! Surely, they couldn’t have known about me! But…! How…!?” Celestia’s eyes went wider when a memory played in her mind. It was at the end of Lilithmon’s performance. The demon lord motioned to the curtains that lead to the backstage. But before she vanished through the curtains, she briefly paused. Her blue eyes glanced over to the white Alicorn. It was there. The WAY she looked at her. While Celestia was still unaccustomed to flirting, she at least knew what that glare was. It was an invitation. To invite her over. With that fact, as well as all the hints she uncovered, the answer became very clear. A trap was set…and she had walked right into it. “They WANTED me to come here!” To her shock, her ears caught the sound of low humming. It was low, but steadily grew louder. Starting to panic, Celestia darted her head round. Trying to see through the darkness to find the source of the sound. But then something else caught her attention. A faint green glow form below. Looking down, the white princess gasped in surprise. She found herself standing in the middle of a large magic circle. The source of both the light and sound showed that the magic within the circle had become active. “W-What!?” Celestia exclaimed. Startled by the discovery. Then a blinding white glow began to erupt from beneath her feet. The last thing the panicking Alicorn saw was the bright light consuming her. As well as strange objects flying at her. ………………………………………………………………………………………….................................................... Elsewhere within the nightclub, the main show on stage resumed with no issues. Up on the balcony, hidden behind the curtains upon her throne was Lilithmon herself. The demon lord was watching over the show from above. Resting her face against the knuckles of her left hand. But plastered on her face was a smile. The Lord of Lust was in a very good mood. Approaching from behind was one of the Candlemons. The floating Digimon bowing to the Succubus Digimon before speaking. “My lady. Word from the bar says that sales doubled since your performance earlier. Though… we weren’t expecting you to be up there tonight.” “I have my reasons. I didn’t do it for profit,” Lilithmon casually said. Surprising Candlemon from the fact that she wasn’t thinking about fame. But as he looked at her, Candlemon noticed the smile on his master’s face. It was more noticeable than usual. “Well… you seem to be in high spirits, my lady. Did something happen?” Despite her sights being on the stage below, her mind was on another subject. Thinking back to what happened during climax of her performance. As well as who she met. “You could say that. If things go as planned.” No sooner as she finished her sentence, her right eyebrow raised. Something had just got her attention. She could sense it. It didn’t took Lilithmon long to realise what had happened. She closed her eyes as her smile turned into a toothy grin. To Candlemon’s surprise, his master rose up from her throne and began to make her way out of the back of the balcony. “L-Lord Lilithmon? Is something the matter?” “Something to attend to.” It was all she said to Candlemon as she left him to make her way towards a corridor. As she strolled alone through the hallway, Lilithmon’s smile had never left her face. Her pace was steady. There was no need for her to rush. And she knew all too well why. “Tonight is going to be very interesting indeed.” ………………………………………………………………………………………........................................................... Within the silent darkness of Lilithmon’s room. The former Alicorn princess was starting to stir from her brief slumber. Groaning as her eyes tried to open. “Mmm…” ‘W-What happened? T…There was a… magic circle. Then a… bright light. As her vision started to become clear, she suddenly felt a little headache forming. “Mmmh.” ‘Urgh. My head.’ Celestia attempted to move her hand to her head to sooth the headache. However, she was unable to do so. “Mm…?” ‘Huh?’ She tried to move her arm again. And the same for her other arm. She even tried to use more force. But no matter what, she couldn’t move her arms. As more of her senses came back, she felt both her arms were… stuck behind her! “Hmmph!?” ‘W-what!?’ Feeling her arms immobilized caused her to snap to full attention. Looking down at her front, Celestia was shocked to find her body being bound! Coils of red rope had been wrapped around her torso! Looking down at the ground and then back up above her head, she found that the same rope tied to her body was also attached to metal hoops attached to the ceiling. Not only was she tied, but she was also being suspended a couple of feet off the ground. ‘I’ve… I’ve been captured!!’ She attempted to shout out in surprise, but was then startled that no words could leave her mouth. ‘I…I can’t talk!?’ Averting her eyes down to her snout, she discovered the reason for her lack of speech. “HMMMPH!!?” ‘A MUZZLE!!?’ She was correct. Aside from a breathing hole for her nostrils, her entire snout was encased in a black leather-like material. With a couple of straps that held snug around her head. Furthermore, she could feel an oval of firm rubber inside of her mouth. Making her speech all the more impossible to convey. “Mmmmph! Hmmmmmppph!!” Celestia exclaimed as she swung her head to try and shake the muzzle gag off. But the straps were buckled together on the back of her head. Making it impossible for her to remove them without the aid of hands. With her attempt failed, the desperate Alicorn grunted as she tried to bite down hard on the rubber protrusion stuck between her jaws. But no matter how hard she bit down, she couldn’t break it. Nor was her teeth sharp enough to do the job. Celestia briefly paused as she huffed for breath after her failed attempts to get her muzzle off. She may have been captured by foes before, but she was never silenced in such a way before. In a mixture of frustration and uncertainty, Celestia cried out as she began to thrash her body about. Trying to force her arms free. Trying with all her might to break her bonds. But after half a minute of futile struggles, she paused. Huffing for breath even more as fear began to seep in. ‘How could this be happening!? W-why trap me! I-I haven’t done anything wrong!’ Celestia hung her head low as she continued to get some air back. She was lucky that the muzzle gag had an airhole to breathe. Otherwise the lack of air would’ve made her pass out. But as she looked down at the ground, the former princess made a startling discovery. ‘Wait! My legs are still free!’ As it turned out, it was only the upper half of her body that was tied up. Her legs meanwhile were unbound. Feeling that she had found a chance to escape, Celestia began to thrash about again. Swinging her legs wildly for any momentum she could find. Swinging about as she struggled violently. However, after a solid minute of squirming and wiggling, she found that despite her best efforts, she had made very little progress. In fact, she was still stuck in place. But she kept on flailing. Grunting into her gag as frustration again took hold. “Mmmmphh!! Mmmh! HMMMMMMPPHHH!!!” After one more grunt, Celestia gave out. Beathing heavily and sweating from the amount of struggling she had performed. Uncertainty began to grow on her face when she realised something. As it turned out, whoever trapped her had no need to tie her legs up at all. Being off the ground and with furniture out of reach, there was nothing for her legs to latch on to. Despite all her thrashing, she was still stuck in one spot. In fact, the discovery of her legs unbound had only given her a false sense of hope. That despite half of her body being free, she was still trapped. “Hmmmph. Hmmmph.” ‘Nothing is working! I must get free! There must be a way!’ Seeing that brute force was getting her nowhere, Celestia tried to use her intellect instead. Despite the suspension bondage, she tried to look at the ropework that was done to her arms. She was startled at the apparent complexity of it all. Far more so than when the other villains trapped her before. But thinking again made her realise that she had never been trapped by rope before. From what she could see, her arms were held firmly to her back. Her wrists locked together with the elbow of the opposite arms. The said arms were held in place against her back by more rope that coiled around her chest. Trapped in a box tie. Even her white feathered wings weren’t spared. They too were tied together and held against her back and shoulders. But what’s more, was that her wings were partially pinned underneath her bound arms. Giving them even less wiggle room. To which the unfortunate princess found out as she tried to move them. It then dawned on her again that she had never been held captive in such a way before. She almost felt helpless. But she was still not giving up. ‘Remain calm. I’ll just… undo the knots. Yes! I’ll be free soon.’ Celestia began to flex her arms again. Trying to get a little more wiggle room. Her hand then began to explore the ropework on her body. Or at least, as far as her bound limbs could reach. Which was in fact, not very far at all. But she still tried. Celestia grunted in discomfort as she tried to find something with her hands. A very tricky task as she couldn’t see properly. But as seconds ticked by, the bound anthro Alicorn began to squeal with worry. ‘Wh…what’s going on!? S-Surely there must be a knot somewhere! Where’re the knots!?’ The Sun Princess began to panic again as she flailed her hand as far as they could reach. But again, no knots were found. She even began to thrash about again. Throwing her head back to try and see the knots for herself. But in suspension bondage, she could only see so much. But by throwing her whole body back, it caused the red ropes around her chest to constrict more. Much to her discomfort. After one more attempt, she gave up. Reaching only one conclusion. ‘I can’t see or feel any knots! T-They have to be out of reach!’ She was correct. For the main knot she was after was positioned by her shoulders above her bound wings. She may have even felt it as she swung her head back. Feeling it with the back of her head. But it did very little to help her predicament. Celestia began to worry even further. No matter what she tried, she found it physically impossible to escape. She wasn’t strong enough to break the red rope and couldn’t reach the knots. But then, she realised that there was a solution the whole time. ‘Wait! That’s it!! MY MAGIC!!! I can use my magic to escape! Why didn’t I think of this before!!?’ It was a valid question. She even felt a little silly for not realising it before. It would’ve saved her all the fruitless struggles she had gone through. “Hmmph.” ‘Just a quick teleportation spell… and I’m out of here.’ Feeling confident again, Celestia began to use her magic. She closed her eyes to concentrate. Her horn giving off a golden glow of light. She could feel it. The build-up of her magical power. She was close to being ready. And with just one spell, she would be free from her bondage. She felt the spell surging. Her magic just at the level of usage. And then………nothing? “Hmm?” Celestia looked perplexed. One minute, the spell was almost ready. Then the next, her magic suddenly dropped down to nil. Much to her confusion. ‘What?’ She then tried again. Trying to build up her magic for it to be useful. But just like before, the magic just fizzled out again. “HMMMPHH!!!?” ‘WHHAAAATT!!!?’ Again and again she tried to channel her magic into a spell. But every time she tried it ended the same way. Celestia began to panic. “What’s going on!!? Why isn’t my magic working!!?’ She began to scream into her gag as she tried again to use her magic. But it was there she noticed something off. ‘Wait! My magic is there! But it’s not flowing through! Is… is there something blocking it!?’ Trying out her magic again, it ended the same way. She felt her magic flowing through her horn, but it only reached a quarter of the way up before fading away. A horrible realisation dawned on Celestia when she remembered something. In the past, when her subjects participated in some games, the Unicorns had to wear an item to make the event fair for the Pegasi and the Earth Ponies. She remembered hearing them mention that when trying to use magic while wearing the item, they experienced the odd sensation. According to their descriptions, the odd sensation they felt… matched perfectly to what she herself was feeling! Celestia’s eyes went wide in horror from figuring out the truth. ‘I… is…… IS THERE AN INHIBITOR RING!!!?’ Celestia tried to look up at her own horn to see for herself. But she just couldn’t. But it was there. Fastened near the base of her horn was a black inhibitor ring. A magical item than blocks the magical flow of whoever wears it. It explained perfectly why she couldn’t use her magic. Unlike the usual standard ring design, the ring upon her was hexagonal in design with the Crest of Lust symbol decorated around it. But before she could panic, Celestia had a plan. ‘Wait! There’s always a failsafe!’ Despite never wearing such an item herself, she knew that the inhibitor ring had a safety feature. Something that very few besides herself knew about. When overflowed with a massive surge of focused, yet uncontrollable magic, the ring would self-destruct. A feature if one such as herself should find herself wearing one against her will. Knowing that it was only chance, Celestia began to charge up as much magical power as she could muster. By not focusing the magic into any specific spell, the rapid flow of energy would transform into an uncontrollable force of pure power. She closed her eyes tight while grunting into her muzzle. The base part of her horn glowed brighter and brighter. Almost pitch white. But to Celestia’s puzzlement, the process was taking much longer than she thought. She once again tried to pour even more of her magic. Going so far as to almost burn herself out. However… to her dismay… that it did. Unable to keep up the pressure, Celestia’s strength gave out. Letting out a heavy grunt as she slumped forward. She was huffing from overexertion. Her horn felt very sore, but the inhibitor ring remained intact. Much to her dismay. ‘Why!? Why didn’t it work!? The failsafe should kick in!’ But then a thought occurred to her. ‘Unless… that’s only for the ones from MY world!?’ The realisation struck her like a ton of bricks. Just because both Equestria and the Digital World possessed ring inhibitors, it didn’t mean that the two were exactly the same. She was thinking about the logic of her world. But the Digital World was very different. It then dawned on the former princess. With no strength, no reach, and no magic… she truly was stuck. Her eyes went wide from the realisation of her helplessness. “MMMMMMMMMPPHH!!! HHMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPHHH!!!” Celestia screamed into her muzzle gag as she tried everything to break free. Her free legs flailed wildly. She thrashed her body about to try and force her arms from their bonds. She flexed her wings to the best of her ability to try and wiggle them free. She swung her head about to try to loosen the muzzle. And her horn went to overdrive, all to try and break through the inhibitor ring. She was trying her absolute hardest to free herself. But no matter how valiant her struggles were, no matter how much strength she was putting out, it was all in vain. Hopeless. No matter what she could do, she just couldn’t break free. After one more tug at her bound wrists, Celestia let out a heavy grunt-filled sigh as she began to calm. But all her struggles had only resulted in her body aching all over. Sweat dripping down her face. The heat from her struggles and her muzzle getting to her. She once more looked down at her body in near despair. It was very clear that she couldn’t get out on her own. Whoever set up the trap, they clearly knew how to trap her. ‘I… I can’t get out. It’s hopeless. I… I need help. Help!’ Celestia began another attempt of frantic struggling. All the while trying to call out for help. “Hlmmph! Hllmmmmph Mmmph!! GRRRRRRMMPH!!!” It only took her roughly twenty seconds of wiggling to realise that she was not getting help anytime soon. Her expression grew sadder from realisation. ‘That’s right. All my friends are back up on the surface. They have no idea I’m even down here. And I doubt anyone here would help me either. Or even hear me in here. Why did I have to come here all alone!?’ The white Alicorn began to feel fear from the sudden feeling of being all alone. She truly was isolated from all those she knew. And they had no idea where she was. To them, she just vanished from the face of the world. Probably, never going to find her. As she tried to push away such saddening thoughts, she focused her attention back on her bonds. Especially the ones wrapped above and below her breasts. ‘These ropes. Are they… getting tighter? And…!’ Celestia twinged in pain as she felt her right wrist stinging. The rope starting to bite her. ‘I think this bit is too tight.’ But then, to her complete surprise, her ears caught the sound of the door handle turning. Darting her head towards the sound, all she saw was the light of the hallway partially illuminating the room. And a shadow of a person entering the room before the light faded away. “Hmm,” Celestia quietly whimpered in uncertainty. Was the person who entered the room someone who could help her? Or was it the one who set up the trap? However, her little whimper was enough to be heard by the visitor. Whom spoke aloud. “Good. You’re awake. You saved me the wait.” Celestia’s eyes went wide in shock from hearing the voice. She recognised it almost instantly. ‘Wait! I… is that… … HER!?’ Celestia’s answer revealed itself in the form of her visitor’s identity. Emerging from the darkness and into the dimly lit room, it was indeed her. The Lord of Lust herself. ‘LILITHMON!!!’ Celestia froze from the sight of the tall demoness Digimon eyeing over in her direction. Seeing the white anthro Alicorn bound, gagged, and suspended above the floor caused Lilithmon’s smile to grow into a toothy grin. “There you are,” She said. Her voice cooed. Clearly liking what she was seeing. “Hmm,” Celestia timidly replied. Unsure of what was in store for her. ‘She’s here. W-What’s going to happen to me now? What do I do!? And…!’ Her eyes suddenly went wide in absolute terror. Despite not being able to cast magic due to the inhibitor ring, Celestia was still able to sense the energy of others just fine. But what she was sensing from Lilithmon was something she never expected. ‘W…WHAT’S WITH ALL THIS ENERGY!!!? Is all that really coming from her!!? How can she have so much power!!? Just…how!?’ Whenever Celestia uses her magic to sense the energy of others, she could see an invisible aura around the individual. But what she was seeing from Lilithmon was comparable to an inferno. The energy literally surging from her body like a firestorm. She thought Azulongmon was powerful. Even if she was free and had her magic, she knew that she would be no match for her in battle. In Celestia’s mind, in her current situation, Lilithmon was the most powerful being she had ever encountered. Her expression grew fearful when she noticed Lilithmon walking towards her. Again, the demoness smirked from her timid reactions. “Surprised by the situation you’re in? You shouldn’t be. After all, you did break into MY room.” Lilithmon said. Despite the words used, her tone was one of amusement. Celestia’s mind became conflicted. For one thing, the demoness had a point. She did sneak into her room without permission. But at the same time, she could’ve sworn that the other Digimon were secretly leading her to her present location in the first place. Was it all orchestrated by Lilithmon and she was just having fun with her? Or had they done it all behind her back? She didn’t know which was the best outcome. However, regardless of the reason, it was too late. She was trapped. Her magic disabled. Unable to escape. And furthermore, stuck in the same room with one of the Seven Great Demon Lord Digimon. Celestia tried to tug against the bonds holding her arms. But there was no slack in the ropes that held her. All the while not daring to tear her sights away from the approaching demon lord. Fearing what might happen to her. It then dawned on her. Was trespassing into a demon lord’s room a crime? Punishable by imprisonment? Or worse…!? Lilithmon paused just in front of the bound anthro Alicorn. Despite being suspended a couple of feet off the floor, Celestia was surprised to find herself eyelevel with the Mega level Digimon. Staring into her blue eyes that looked cold as ice. Lilithmon then spoke up. “And now that I have you. I’ll get to do the one thing I wanted to do the moment I saw you,” She said as she began to move her hands towards Celestia’s face. Fearing the worst, Celestia whimpered as she turned her head to face away. Her eyes clenched shut. Feeling that her life was at an end. ‘This is it! It’s all over!!’ Fearing for her life, Celestia could only freeze in place. Unsure of how she would be put to rest. For the moment, all she felt was the weightlessness of her feet and the tightening cords of rope around her chest, arms and wings. What came next… was the warm touch of a hand against the side of her right cheek. And after that… to her confusion… something rubbing against her left cheek. “Hm?” She uttered underneath her gag. Her fearful expression changed to match the confusion she was feeling. She opened her eyes to see what was going on, only to widen in complete surprise at what she was seeing. “Hmmmph!?” ‘Is she… nuzzling me!?’ It was true. Going against all what she was expecting, Lilithmon, one of the Seven Great Demon Lords, one of the most feared Digimon in the Digital Underworld, was indeed nuzzling her. Rubbing her right cheek against Celestia’s left with an expression that showed joyful bliss. Almost cooing like a purring cat. “I was right. You DO have soft fur.” “Hmmph?” Celestia uttered. Still perplexed by what was happening. Then with her golden right hand, Lilithmon stroked her fingers through the multi-coloured locks of Celestia’s hair. Her expression brightened as she looked at how the hair waved as if being blown in the wind. “And your beautiful mane. Almost as soft as a cloud. Amazing.” Lilithmon pulled back slightly to look at Celestia in the face. “You truly are a fascinating creature.” Despite being gagged, Celestia was so perplexed by what was going on that she tried to speak to her captor. But only letting out mumbling and incoherent sounds. Seeing that she was trying to talk to her, Lilithmon helped her. “Hmm? Let me get that for you.” With a snap of the fingers of Lilithmon’s golden right hand, Celestia felt the buckles of her muzzle gag coming undone. The straps falling to the sides. The demoness then pulled the gag away from the Alicorn’s snout. A stream of drool escaped her mouth before she coughed. Finally able to breathe properly, she took silent deep breaths. After getting sufficient amount of air back in her, but while still worn-out from all the struggling, Celestia confusingly but fearfully spoke up. “You’re… not going to kill me?” Silence filled the dark room as Lilithmon stared at Celestia. Only for the silence to be shattered by a burst of laughter from the demon lord. The Digimon holding her sides as her laughter grew louder. Celestia could only look on in complete bewilderment. Not understanding what was going on or what was so funny. She would soon get her answer when Lilithmon settled down. Wiping away a stray tear of joy from her eye even as she turned her attention back to the bound princess. “Oh goodness no. Why would I do something like that? You’ve done nothing to offend me.” It was a response Celestia was not expecting in the least. As it turned out, despite her fearsome aura and menacing gaze upon entering the room, Lilithmon meant her no harm. The thought that she was going to live eased away the fear that dwelled within her. But the thought that she was being spared by one of the seven sins still puzzled her. But Lilithmon continued. “Besides, I wouldn’t do such a thing after all the effort I pulled in getting you here.” “Wha…!?” Celestia stuttered form what Lilithmon had just told her. Confirming one of her previous suspicions. “So you DID lure me here!” She said in an outburst of disbelief. It was indeed all Lilithmon’s doing. The thought that the demoness was actually able to pull it off made her quite intimidating. Blinking in confusion, there was still an unanswered question the former princess had within her. “But… why? Why lure me here? Why do all of this?” Lilithmon chuckled in response to Celestia’s questions. The bound Alicorn felt a wave of uneasiness from both it and the sight of the tall demon walking towards her. She then surprised her by placing her golden index finger against Celestia’s closed lips. Almost as if trying to silence her. The anthro pony let out a quiet whimper as her eyes blinked in confusion. A tiny blush formed in her cheeks. “Isn’t it obvious?” Lilithmon asked with a smile. Causing Celestia to blush more from the demon’s actions and the vagueness of the reply. The white Alicorn was unsure of what the Digimon was thinking or implying. But after letting the silence linger long enough, Lilithmon gave a proper answer. “So we can talk.” Lilithmon pulled away. Leaving the bewildered Celestia to blink and stutter in confusion. She looked at the Lord of Lust in puzzlement. “You… just want to talk?” Closing her eyes in thought, Lilithmon turned her back to Celestia before revealing her reasons. “News travels fast. Not long ago, I caught wind about creatures from another world arriving in this one. Creatures that are much different from Digimon. It peeked my curiosity. Especially how the two worlds became linked together. But none have yet to venture down here.” She continued as she glanced over her shoulder to look at Celestia. “Until you, of course.” Celestia paused in response. She could tell the sincerity in Lilithmon’s words. She truly was curious about her and her world. In a way, she felt relieved that it was the case. Lilithmon continued on as she faced the Alicorn. “In all my years, I have never met a creature like you before. But I was never going to have a proper talk with you with all the excitement going on back there. Which was why I believe it’s best for us to talk in private. Just you and me.” Despite given her answer, Celestia still couldn’t believe the amount of strings Lilithmon pulled to get her where she wanted her. And through it all, it was all just to have a chat with her. But there was still one more thing Celestia couldn’t understand. “But if you just want to talk, then… why did you capture me?” She asked as she squirmed in her suspended bondage. Reminding the demoness of her predicament. With her eyes closed and a smile on her face, Lilithmon answered the question. “I like to make a good first impression.” Celestia blinked in surprise and confusion. Was she supposed to be impressed by being trapped by the demoness? In awe that the demon lord had made plans in advance that went unhindered? In a way, she kind of was impressed. They had only just met, and Lilithmon had already found a way to render her helpless. If used on an enemy, it would resolve a conflict without a need for a needless battle. But she was no enemy, she was a visitor that had stumbled into a trap laid out for her. And despite her initial fear, he was glad that the outcome was simply a chat. But feeling that Lilithmon’s ‘fun’ was at an end, Celestia squirmed a bit as she spoke. “O-Ok. Umm… c-can you let me down?” She awkwardly asked. Not liking how helpless she sounded. As well as asking help from someone who trapped her in the first place. Lilithmon paused as she pondered for a moment. Only to give her reply. “As you wish,” She said with a smirk. With a wave of her index finger, a spell was cast on the ropes that held Celestia to the ceiling. The knots undoing themselves, then gently lowering the bound princess towards the ground. However, because of all the exertion she went through, all the struggling caused her legs to tire to a point they felt numb. Celestia fell onto her side as a result. But she was surprised by something else. Looking up to Lilithmon in protest. “Wait! A-Aren’t you going to untie me!?” However, Lilithmon replied with a confused but clearly mocking expression. “Oh? I thought you just wanted me to let you down?” “But… that’s not…” Feeling that Lilithmon was not going to help, Celestia tried to free herself. She briefly squirmed on the ground, but the ropes binding her arms and wings still wouldn’t give way. She tried to stand back up. But with the legs still numb from the suspension, as well as not having a free arm to hold herself up, she kept sliding and falling on her side. Lilithmon couldn’t help but smirk from seeing the anthro Alicorn struggle. Secretly complementing her grunts and squirming. But after one more failed attempt to free herself, Celestia slumped to the ground in defeat. She then looked up at Lilithmon. Her expression showed exhaustion and desperation. “P-Please?” She uttered. Almost pleading for help. Lilithmon was almost taken back. Not expecting the former princess to look so cute. She then let out a smile of satisfaction. She had her fun. After all, she had done everything just so that she could have her chat. The last thing she wanted was to discourage her new guest. “Very well.” With another wave of a finger, Lilithmon used her own magic to undo all the knots on the ropes that held Celestia. Freeing her arms and wings. As the red cords fell to the ground, the Sun Princess wasted no time in stretching her feathered wings and tending to her arms. Her chest no longer felt so tight from the bondage. “Pity. You actually looked good in ropes,” Lilithmon quietly said to herself. Commenting on how she watched the Alicorn squirmed. As she sat up on her knees, Celestia then turned her attention to the inhibitor ring on her horn. Reaching up to pull it off. But to her surprise, the ring held firmly in place. “Huh?” She tried again with more effort. She then tried using both hands. Grunting loudly as she tried with all her might to pull the ring off her horn. But no matter how hard she pulled, the ring refused to budge. “It… it won’t come off!” “That’s because that ring is enchanted.” Celestia looked up at the towering Lilithmon in surprise. Not expecting such a thing to reach her ears. Then the demon lord continued. Explaining the enchantment. “It’s so that only the owner of the ring can remove it. Which would be me.” Understanding how Lilithmon’s inhibitor ring worked, it left Celestia with only one option. “Ok. C-Can you take it off?” The demoness paused as she pondered for a moment. Then replied with a smirk on her face. “I will. Eventually.” Celestia felt an uncomfortable vibe from Lilithmon’s reply. Magic was her biggest asset. Without it, she felt vulnerable. The worry reinforced when in the same room with someone who was very powerful. And even further when that very person was the one who could free her whenever she wanted to. It was a very bizarre feeling that for the life of her, she had never experienced before. Seeing that her new friend was feeling uneasy, Lilithmon eased the tension by reminding her of the reason she brought her to her room. “Now. Let’s have that chat, shall we?” She said as she turned away from Celestia. Raising her left hand up towards the darkness. Then with a mere flick of her finger, a large settee emerged from the darkness. Large enough for three people. Finally gaining the strength to stand back up, the cautious Celestia watched as Lilithmon walked over to sit down on the furniture. Facing at her, the Lord of Lust then patted her golden hand on an empty space next to her. The white anthro Alicorn knew what the gesture meant. Lilithmon wanted her to sit next to her. But she couldn’t help but feel the uneasiness within her gut. If she gave in to it, she would flee. However, she would still possess the inhibitor ring. One that only Lilithmon could remove. Which left her with very little choice but one. Again, she felt a strange feeling. Even when not tied up, she still felt that she was under Lilithmon’s mercy. Never in her life had she experienced such a thing. To not be the one in control. Was this what her subjects felt when they first met her? Had Twilight felt like it when she was just a filly? How could she describe the feeling? She may be rendered powerless, but as it turned out, to which she just realised, her goal had been achieved. Which was to meet with Lilithmon. She got what she wanted in the end after all. But she thought that they would talk over at a table. Not on a singular furniture that the two had to share. Trying to put on a brave face, Celestia cautiously approached the awaiting Lilithmon. But as she sat down, she purposely chose a seat the furthest away. Not feeling comfortable being so close to the tall Mega. Lilithmon chuckled from the realisation. But not having it. “Now that won’t do at all,” She said as, to Celestia’s surprise, one of Lilithmon’s golden tipped ribbons unfolded from her back and stretched over to the Alicorn. Showcasing her ability to manipulate her clothing. Celestia stayed still as she watched the ribbon approach her. Then startled her by wrapping itself around her waist. The white Alicorn let out a surprised yelp as the ribbon pulled her closer to Lilithmon. The perplexed mare briefly froze before slowly glancing up to the demon Digimon. Who was sitting mere centimeters from her. “Hmm, that’s better,” She said as her ribbon unravelled itself from Celestia and folded itself back over the Digimon’s shoulder. Going back to its original position close to her back. Celestia was unable to utter a single word. Being so close to Lilithmon made her see her features up close and personal. The sight made her think back to when the demoness sang to her. It was quite an intimate moment. But it confused her as to why she was thinking about it. It made her shy, much to her uncertainty. The silence was broken when Lilithmon spoke. Her tone showed that she had no such worries. Again, showing how she was in full control of what was around her. “Now. Let’s start with formal introductions. I’m Lilithmon. One of the Seven Great Demon Lords and the Embodiment of Lust.” Celestia silently listened as Lilithmon introduced herself. Despite already knowing her name, she still decided to be formal in her verbal greeting. Something which the Alicorn was already accustomed to. In fact, being reminded of such customs made her a little more comfortable. Her uneasiness slowly edging away as she worked up the courage to reply back in a manner almost similar. “W-Well…I’m Celestia. P-Princess of the Sun.” Discovering Celestia’s royal heritage had peeked Lilithmon’s interest. “A princess? I figured that there was something regal about you.” However, there was one detail that the Alicorn had to address. “Well… former princess. Actually.” “Oh? How so?” Lilithmon asked. Surprising Celestia by showing genuine interest. “Well… it’s a long story.” She replied. Thinking that her story might bore the demon lord. But Lilithmon defied her expectations. “It’s fine. The night is still young.” Getting comfortable in her chair, Lilithmon stretched her wings. Celestia briefly flinched from seeing the demon’s large right wing flexing behind her. But seeing the grin on Lilithmon’s face, it was an action she did deliberately. After recomposing herself, Lilithmon glanced down at Celestia as she spoke. “Now then, Celestia. Tell me all about your world.” ……………………………………………………………………………………...................................................... Given the green light to talk, Celestia began to tell her story. With Lilithmon hanging onto every word. About the world she came from. The land of Equestria. A place where she, alongside her younger sister Luna, ruled over. As well as all that she had learned from her numerous teachers. One of which was learning to master the arts of magic spell casting. When she brought up that she could move the sun and Luna could move the moon, the pair sharing the responsibility of bringing day and night, Lilithmon not only was surprised, but was genuinely impressed that the Alicorn’s had such an ability. As Celestia spoke on about her world to Lilithmon, unbeknownst to her, she was subconsciously letting go of her worries. Getting used to being in the demoness’s presence. She began to realise this fact when she spoke about Luna’s descent to Nightmare Moon. She tried to stop herself, but to her surprise, Lilithmon wanted her to continue. Surprisingly invested in Celestia’s tales. To then she continued. Slowly building confidence before the demon lord. As she spoke more about her past, Celestia noticed that a smile had never left Lilithmon’s face. What’s more, the smile grew as the Alicorn became more confident. Could it be that it was Lilithmon’s plan the whole time? To get Celestia to talk about her life to get her to warm up to the Mega? The question only passed her mind, however. The last thing she wanted was to displease the Digimon. Her story then brought up to the fairly recent events. “Oh, I see. It was all a test for this student of yours?” Lilithmon asked. “It indeed was. In the end, she had proven herself ready to become an Alicorn princess. The Princess of Friendship.” It was something Lilithmon caught on to. The more Celestia spoke about her former student, the calmer she became. The white Alicorn was even speaking her true self as she spoke about the tests she had given. At first, she was oblivious. But within her mind, Celestia began to figure out that she had in fact gotten used to Lilithmon. She was not as shy and timid as she was when they started. “She eventually became my successor. Which is why both me and my sister decided to retire from our royal duties,” She continued. Explaining why she called herself a ‘former’ princess. Lilithmon then spoke up. “Twilight Sparkle, was it? I would very much like to meet her. Your sister Luna, too.” Celestia looked at Lilithmon with surprise. Trying to imagine how the two Alicorns would even react to someone like her. A demon Digimon who was the living embodiment of one of the seven deadly sins. She was partially amused by such a thought. Letting out a little smile. Then listened as Lilithmon spoke. “It all sounds interesting. This Equestria world of yours.” As she glanced over to Celestia, her expression became inquisitive. Something on her mind. “Though… it still puzzles me as to how both our worlds became connected.” Celestia looked a little startled by the subject. But understood why the demon lord would be curious. To which she decided to explain. “Well… there’s a bit of a story to that.” Seeing that the white Alicorn already knew the answer, Lilithmon paid close attention. “Well, I’m all ears.” Given the go-ahead, Celestia explained what happened. “To start with, my world was in turmoil by a group of villains who possessed a powerful artefact. But their misuse of it caused the magic of my world to rupture. Which was something that I’ve come to discover. Though the conflict has ended, the ruptures were still there. And… I fell in one. Which was what brought me to the Digital World.” “So, you came here by accident?” Lilithmon mentioned. Seeing the picture of Celestia’s words. Celestia then continued. “I was stranded here. But I was fortunate to meet the Digimon that live to help others in need. They agreed to help me find a way back home. Which lead us to Azulongmon.” Lilithmon closed her eyes as she could already tell what came next. “I see. So, the Eastern Guardian returned you to your world.” She then grew the same inquisitive expression as before. “And yet, you’re back.” Celestia paused. She knew perfectly why that was the case. As she explained, she felt a little bashful. “You see. Before he sent me back, I asked Azulongmon if there was a way for both our worlds to be connected. He then created a pair of special Destiny Stones that acted as a bridge to our worlds. So, the whole thing was… my idea.” Lilithmon looked at the Alicorn with a smile. “You enjoyed your time in the Digital World, didn’t you?” Celestia gave her answer. Smiling in response. “I-I did. Despite all the danger. I figured that it was the best way to spend my time since being free from my royal duties. It was the kind of adventure that I’ve craved for. I… I didn’t want to give that up.” Celestia took a moment to pause. Reflecting on the times she spent in the Digital World. On how much she enjoyed being with her new friends. As well as helping them resolve several incidents. She came to care for them as much as she does for the citizens of Equestria. As she paused, Celestia’s line of sight glanced over to the demoness sitting beside her. Eyeing up Lilithmon in thought. She was then surprised when she saw the Digimon extend her hand out. Only to then vanish into a purple mist that appeared from out of nowhere. Retracting her hand, Lilithmon pulled out a pair of glass water bottles. “How did you…?” Celestia tried to ask. Not remember seeing any type of pocket dimension spells before. “I can imagine you’re thirsty right about now,” Lilithmon said as she handed her the small bottle with her right hand. “Oh. T-Thank you,” Celestia replied as she reached for the bottle. Taking a moment to look at the Digimon’s golden hand. As she was drinking the water, Celestia again glanced over to Lilithmon as she drank hers. As well as eyeing her right hand again. Curiosity began to plague the former princess’ mind. Questions forming. But flinched in surprise when the Mega opened her eye to look back at her. The Alicorn was quick to turn away. Feeling invasive. “Hmm? Something the matter?” Lilithmon asked. Her expression showed a small smile of interest. Not wanting to look like she was being rude, Celestia explained herself. “S-Sorry. I-It’s just that… I spent all this time talking about me… that…” Already knowing what Celestia was trying to say, Lilithmon cut her off. “You want to know a little about me?” Celestia looked at Lilithmon in surprise. Stunned that the demon lord was able to read her expressions so easily? Was she that much of an open book? But it was true. Despite the apparent bonding the two were sharing, Celestia still knew very little about Lilithmon. So yes. She was indeed curious about her. What she was like. What were her interests. How it felt being one of the Seven Great Demon Lords of the Digital World. “Well… yes. I do,” She cautiously replied. Nervous as to what to ask her. Lilithmon could easily read that the former princess was nervous and began to chuckle. “There’s no need to be so shy. Go ahead. Ask away.” Celestia was again surprised at how seemingly carefree Lilithmon was being. Even going so far as to allow her to ask her anything. She briefly struggled on knowing which question to ask first. But after a brief glance down at the Digimon’s hands, she thought of what might be a good way to start. “Umm…I’m curious about… your… right hand.” “What? This?” Lilithmon responded as she raised her golden hand. Flexing her fingers. Seeing that the white Alicorn wanted to see if there was a meaning behind her right hand being different, Lilithmon explained herself. “This is called Zazar Nail. Though it’s my right hand, it also possesses a dangerous power. You might even call it a curse item.” “A… curse?” Celestia asked. Feeling a bad vibe from Lilithmon’s words. But rather than explaining first, the Demon Lord Digimon decided to make an example. Using the same pocket dimension ability she used earlier, Lilithmon reached in with her right hand and pulled out an item. As she held it in her hand, Celestia could see that it was a fruit that greatly resembled an apple. “Watch,” Lilithmon said to Celestia. The latter remained silent as she watched on. At first, nothing seemed to happen. But after the hand gave off a brief purple glow, Celestia saw something that made her skin crawl. The fruit began to rapidly rot. The red fruit quickly being reduced to a pile of brown bubbly mush. Tilting her hand, Lilithmon let the rotting fruit fall to the floor. Though Lilithmon didn’t need to explain what happened, she did so anyway. “As you see, my right hand rots anything it touches. Even if you give me a piece of metal, I can corrode it into a pile of rust.” But as she glanced over to Celestia, she noticed that the white Alicorn had a very intimidated look on her face while staring at Lilithmon’s golden hand. The frightened look that said, ‘why is she waving that thing around’. Lilithmon couldn’t help by lightly laugh at the sight before reassuring her. “You don’t have to be so worried. I have complete mastery of this power long ago.” To prove that she was right, Lilithmon placed her hand on the spot on the couch between her and Celestia. After several seconds upon contact, the couch remained intact. “See?” Celestia let out a silent sigh of relief. She couldn’t help but think how horrible it would be if such a power were uncontrolled. She then had a grim thought. When Lilithmon stroked the side of her face during her song. She used that very hand. Not wanting herself to imagine suffering the same fate as the fruit, the Alicorn tried to think of something else. Possibly her next question for Lilithmon. ‘Now what to ask next?’ Then her mind went back to the stage again. Watching the demoness perform her song. Seeing the crowd go wild for her. Some were thrilled for Lilithmon to even lay her hand on them. Her thoughts then were on Lilithmon herself. More specifically, her role. What she does. While it was clear that she provides entertainment on stage, she couldn’t help but think if Lilithmon did… other things. Adult… things. The hint of what she does was in her title. The Embodiment of Lust. Upon receiving such thoughts, Celestia began to blush deeply. Immediately feeling bashful from thinking of such things. But what made it all the more embarrassing for her was that it was the only question she could think of next. She felt that it was invasive and completely inappropriate. But she couldn’t think of any other question. And she couldn’t be silent forever. She had to say something. But was caught off-guard when Lilithmon broke the silence. “Hmm? Something on your mind?” Celestia let out a quiet yelp as she quickly glanced away. Not wanting her face to be seen. But Lilithmon saw how red the Alicorn’s face was. A small smile and a raised eyebrow showed that her suspicions on Celestia’s behaviour were slowly being confirmed. But Celestia had to say something. So she did. “Well… y-yes. It’s about… your… umm… duty.” “My… duty?” Lilithmon asked as her smile grew. Her suspicions are being proven correct with every passing second. But being questioned had only risen Celestia’s embarrassment. Making her think that she needed to be clearer with her words. “Umm… I mean… mm… y…you’re the…Lord of… L…Lust.” Celestia truly struggled to talk. Especially with the last word she managed to utter. But knowing full well what the Alicorn was talking about, and the likelihood of what the upcoming question might be, Lilithmon began to toy with her. “Yes. I know I am. But… what are you trying to say?” She asked. Her toothy grin on full display. Unaware what she was being teased, Celestia struggled even more when the question appeared in her mind again. But then came the idea of actually asking the question came. Her face could not be any redder than it ever was before. Her embarrassment reaching new heights. But… she had to ask. “W…W-Well…… does… that mean… t…th-that… you…y-you’ve…” Her face burned when she realized that she had to finish her sentence. She gulped before speaking. “…you’ve……d…done it?” A small part of herself felt relief. She had finally got around to ask the question. However… “Hmm? Done… it? Whatever do you mean?” Lilithmon teased as she gently leaned against Celestia’s shoulder. Sending a shiver of surprise up her spine. Celestia couldn’t believe what was happening. Did she really need to say it? The word she never thought she would ever have to say. Did she have to be THAT direct. The white Alicorn was so embarrassed that she didn’t dare to look at Lilithmon in the face. But… seemingly that there was no other option. She had to say it. Her voice letting out a squeak of whimper before talking. “Mmmm… y…you know. Umm. Urrgh. I-I mean… Y-You… h…had…” Lilithmon grinned more from seeing Celestia struggle to finish her sentence. Even more so from being unable to say such a word out loud. But… seeing that the former princess was truly struggling to even speak, the demoness decided to help her finish her sentence. Her voice taking on a seductive tone. “Now. Would you by any chance… be talking about…” She then leaned down towards Celestia’s ear. Letting out a quiet whisper. “…sex.” The second Lilithmon whispered the word in Celestia’s ear, it caused her feathered wings to suddenly shudder as a jolting sensation travelled through her very being. It was a word that she wasn’t brought up to speak of so casually. It was considered improper for her as a princess. Something impure. Despite her long life, she herself used the word very rarely. She couldn’t even remember the last time she heard the word spoken out loud. All of it resulted in her being embarrassed of the word as a whole. Her face was incredibly red from feeling ashamed. But was surprised by an uproar of laughter from Lilithmon. The demoness amused by the Alicorn’s reactions. “F-For you to act like that… from just the word! Haha! You’re such a child!” Lilithmon eventually calmed down. Glancing down to see the confused anthro pony princess. Feeling that she may have laughed too hard, and feeling that the Alicorn may be emotionally hurt by it, the Digimon closed her eyes before speaking calmly. “I get it. It was how you were raised I see.” Celestia let out a gasp of surprise. She said nothing about that part of her past, yet Lilithmon was able to decipher her upbringing just by looking at her expression. But what was so shocking to her was how accurate she was. As well as her voice changing to one of understanding. In her mind, it was as if the demon lord thought that she made her upset and tried to make it right. That was what she wanted to believe. But there was one thing about her outburst that confused her. “Wait? Child?” She whispered to herself. Confused by Lilithmon’s choice of words. Then Lilithmon spoke again. Giving a much clearer answer. “To answer your question, yes. I have… as you say… ‘done it’.” With the subject back to Lilithmon’s sex life, Celestia had a follow up question. And with the demoness seemingly fine with talking about it, the princess wasn’t as shy as she was earlier. “You have? So… with… what kind of Digimon?” Celestia felt awkward immediately afterwards. She really needed a moment to word her question properly. Instead, her flustered mind caused her question to sound weird. Fortunately, Lilithmon knew what she was talking about. And answered regardless. “All sorts of Digimon, in fact. Even some you wouldn’t expect. You can be surprised how…sensitive some of their parts are.” Celestia was surprised at how openly honest Lilithmon was being. As if she had no shame at all. In fact, she seemed proud. As for the last part of her sentence, the white Alicorn felt that she didn’t want to know about it in great detail. But what Lilithmon said next had certainly caught her attention. “And what’s more, because of my purpose, the concept of gender doesn’t apply to me.” Hearing such a sentence caused Celestia to look at Lilithmon in surprise. Did she just hear her right? The concept of gender not applying. Did that mean… all genders? “R-Really?” The Digital Lord of Lust glanced down at the anthro mare in curiosity. Noting her change in tone. Then deciding to expand on the subject by revealing the truth about herself. “Oh yes. That being said… just because I can ‘get on’ with all sorts of beings, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have a favourite.” Celestia was surprised by the fact. Despite being a sin of lust, even someone like Lilithmon prefers one thing over another. To which peaked her interest. “Wh-What do you mean, exactly?” Lilithmon grinned as she took a moment to think. Processing her thoughts as she put the numbers together in her mind. Then spoke up. “Hmm… four… no. Five. Yes. Five years.” Celestia could only look at Lilithmon in confusion. What did she mean by five years? Knowing that the Alicorn would ask such a question, the demoness explained it to her almost immediately. “Since I’ve been with a male.” The former princess’s eyes went wide in startlement from what the Demon Lord Digimon was telling her. Almost stuttering as she spoke. “F-Five years… since… with a male Digimon?” The fact then made Celestia pause. Bringing her state of mind on the other side of the spectrum. Something that she was nervous about. A subject that, since a few years ago, was new to her. “And what about… f-female Digimon?” Lilithmon’s expression softened as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Clearly in a more positive mood. Something that Celestia noticed with a look of puzzlement. “Hmm. Let’s see. I’d say… about six days ago.” Celestia blinked at Lilithmon in surprise. She continued to do so as the digital demon spoke more on the subject. Clearly enjoying it. “You may think it’s strange for the Lord of Lust to have a favourite. To prefer the company of females. But I just can’t help it. They’re just so much more fun. Especially the sounds they make. How they moan. When teased.” Lilithmon had to stop herself. She could already tell that she was getting too into it. Glancing back down to her new guest, Celestia was seen incredibly startled. After raising an eyebrow of curiosity, Lilithmon spoke up. “Hmm? Surprised?” Realising that she was staring, as well as thinking that she was being insensitive, Celestia briefly stuttered as she tried to explain the reason why she looked so startled. “Oh! Sorry! It’s just that… well… Back in my world, the idea of… same gender relations is still… relatively recent for me to understand.” Lilithmon grinned in response. Clearly understanding what the former princess was saying. “Oh, I get it. You’re still new to the concept.” Once again, Celestia was still surprised at how quickly Lilithmon caught on. As well as how that no matter how ignorant she thought she was being, the demon lord responded in such a mature manner. Showing that despite her role in the Digital underworld, she carried a great amount of wisdom. Which was a complete surprise to her. Lilithmon then continued after a brief chuckle. “But still. How you react to the things I say. Oh, how it feels to be young.” Celestia blinked in confusion. Once again, Lilithmon commented on what she could seemingly guess, was her age. And doing something no one else had ever done. Something that not even Discord had done. And that was treating her like a kid. She then decided to bring it up. Just for clarification. “Um, may I ask. Why do you say things like that? I have told you that I’m over a thousand years old.” Lilithmon smiled as she responded. “I know. But to me, that’s still young.” Celestia blinked in confusion. Not expecting the kind of answer spoken. She thought that it was how she acted from Lilithmon’s manner of speaking. But apparently, there was more to it. Celestia knew that there was only one way to find out for sure. But she had to word the question carefully. Hoping not to offend the all-powerful Demon Lord Digimon. “Umm… don’t mind me asking. But… umm… just…h-how old… are you exactly?” At first, Celestia looked worried. Lilithmon looked at her with what seemed to be a blank expression. But by glancing upwards with her finger resting under her chin, the Digimon began to ponder. As she did, the white Alicorn could breathe. It seemed that Lilithmon didn’t take offence. Instead, thinking back to her long life. Celestia knew that the demoness lived a long time. But was just curious as to how long. After a moment of thinking, Lilithmon gave her honest answer. “Hmm, now that’s a tough question. Honestly, I’ve stopped counting centuries ago. However, I do know that the Digital Underworld was created over ten thousand years ago. And I was around even before then.” If Celestia held a glass in her hand, she would’ve dropped it from shock. She looked at Lilithmon in complete utter disbelief. The demon lord was much older than she thought. FAR older! “T-TEN THOUSAND!!!?” Despite the outburst from the anthro mare, Lilithmon responded with a smile on her face as she looked back at Celestia. The Princess of the Sun stuttered from how rude she was for that moment. For a second, she began to feel the fear of the demon lord returning. Frightened that there would be a consequence of the insult she had made. “I-I am so sorry!” She uttered as her body began to tremble in fright. Remembering that being a demon lord, Lilithmon was likely feared as much as loved by her subjects. But to Celestia’s surprise, Lilithmon merely chuckled it off as she responded. “It’s fine. You were just surprised, that’s all. I bet you weren’t expecting me to be such an ‘old lady’,” She said. Jokingly mocking herself to help cheer Celestia up. As for the former princess, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Lilithmon had forgave her. But she was right. To which Celestia expressed. “I’m sorry. It’s just that… Over ten thousand years? I don’t think I’ve met anyone who’s… so much older than me before.” Lilithmon grinned as she listened to her. Then made a response. “You see? Your age may be vast in your world. But compared to me, you’re basically in your late teens.” Again, Celestia was stunned at how vast the age gap was between Lilithmon and herself. Which also greatly explained her apparent wisdom earlier. She then turned to another reason why she was so surprised. “It’s more than that. I knew that Digimon don’t usually die from age. But still. You look so young.” Lilithmon blinked in surprise before smiling. “Oh my. Quite a compliment. You’re quite the flatterer,” She said. Almost teasing the Alicorn. The former princess faced away as a small blush of embarrassment formed. She couldn’t help but feel just like her subjects when complementing her. Probably for the first time, she felt that the roles had been switched. Celestia then felt like a block was present in her mind. Quite a lot of her questions had been answered. Even some that were unspoken. Feeling that she had grasped much of Lilithmon’s character. But deep down, she felt that there was still much more she wanted to know. But her mind couldn’t decide on what to ask next. What’s more, her mind began to shift back to the reason why she ventured down to the Lust Ring in the first place. As well as her sudden decision to meet with Lilithmon. Even before their meeting was staged by the demon lord herself. But with the feeling that she never thought she would get so far, her mind kept clashing on what to say next. Lilithmon took note on the Alicorn fidgeting. Seeing that she was struggling to make conversation. With a smile on her face, Lilithmon spoke up to her. “You wish to know?” Celestia snapped her sights back to the demoness with surprise. Not expecting her to break the silence. “Umm…k-know what?” After a quick chuckle from the Alicorn’s actions, the Mega spoke again. Giving the reason she wanted to get her attention. “What I enjoy the most about my role here.” Celestia looked at Lilithmon in surprise. Was the demon lord about to tell her something that she wouldn’t normally tell others? Some sort of hidden motive? Regardless of the reason, Celestia remained silent as she paid attention. For some reason, she felt that it was something important. Sitting back up straight, Lilithmon closed her eyes as she faced away from Celestia. Seemingly in deep thought. While having her eyes shut, she spoke up. “As a demon type Digimon, there were many who were wary of me. Some even outright terrified of me. Which goes without saying, since I am one of the Seven Demon Lords. But like any ruler, I have responsibilities too.” As Lilithmon paused in thought, Celestia’s attention on her grew. She wasn’t expecting her to share something so personal with her regarding being a leader. She watched on as Lilithmon continued. The smile grew slightly. “Labelled as a sin, the idea of lust was frowned upon by many. But by being scorned, they became blind by the fact that it brings joy to those who dare take that step.” Wanting to further prove her words, Lilithmon raised her left hand in front of her. From her open palm, she formed a purple cloud that took the shape of a ring. Then to Celestia’s surprise, an image formed within the ring. What she saw was the stage she was in earlier. The main hall a full house as an act was being shown on the golden platform. Celestia watched as she listened to Lilithmon more. “Many thought that those who venture in the Lust Ring only done so through corruption and manipulation. Being tricked to come here. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. All that come here do so of their own free will. Regardless if they’re residents or visitors, they chose to come here.” As Lilithmon spoke, Celestia could see that all the Digimon she was seeing in the magic window of smoke were having the time of their lives. Smiles were all around. Either from the act on stage, or from chilling with their friends, or even getting close with their partners. As she glanced over to Lilithmon, Celestia felt a wave of awe. The demoness had the warmest smile she had ever seen her do. The Mega watching the activities down below. “That’s why I transformed my mansion into a nightclub. To see the joy up close.” Clenching her hand, Lilithmon closed the magic window. Celestia was stunned silent from what the demon lord had shown her. She even began to think of her own life. First by creating the Grand Galloping Gala. Then joining the citizens with their gatherings and celebrations. She joined them for the exact same reason. To see the joy on their faces. It made her think. She and Lilithmon… were more alike than she first thought. She remained quiet as Lilithmon continued to speak. The subject going back to the ways of lust. But not in a way the white Alicorn was expecting. “This place in the Digital Underworld is a place of firsts. For many Digimon, they came here to see if this place lives up to its name. Only for their expectations to have met with complete satisfaction. Be it to experience their first time. Or to discover something new about themselves. Sometimes even uncover something about themselves that they never thought possible. To see where their temptations lie. Possibilities are endless. In a way, experiencing their lustful side is a form of adventure. At least, that’s how I see it.” The silent Celestia stared at Lilithmon in what felt like awe. The tall demoness was being so open and honest, it was almost admirable. One side of her felt that it was because Lilithmon was the embodiment of lust. That it was a subject that she held no reserves on hiding away. But then there was another side of her that felt that… there was so much more. And the more Lilithmon spoke about her life, the less Celestia felt afraid of her. Celestia smiled as she looked away. Thinking about all what Lilithmon said. About the feeling of adventure through lust. To experience the apparent joy those who took the plunge felt. It then made her think about herself. And the lack of joy from that perspective. “I bet it must feel amazing.” Those words caught Lilithmon’s ears. The demoness silently glancing over to the Alicorn Princess. While the anthro mare had her eyes closed and smiling, the Digimon could feel that the smile felt almost hollow. She was mentally surprised at first. But then realisation sank in. Lilithmon began to grin. Already unravelling a mystery she had only just began to realize. With Celestia mentally distracted, she was not expecting Lilithmon to whisper in her ear. Her tone was inquisitive, yet seductive. “Is that why YOU’RE here?” Celestia flinched in complete surprise as she turned to face Lilithmon with a startled expression. Her mind trying to comprehend what the demoness meant by those words. “Wh-What do you mean!?” Unfortunately for Celestia, every one of her actions were all what Lilithmon expected to see. But rather then her usual laughter and chuckling, she let out a cooing moan. All the while the smile was plastered on her face. Much to Celestia’s uncertainty. Though the Princess of the Sun felt as though the Lord of Lust was beginning to understand her. Lilithmon then spoke up. Acting suspicious. “You have this need to come to the Digital World to seek adventure. That I can understand. But surely the surface dwellers up above had already told you about the Digital Underworld. As well as it being a dangerous place. To which they have the right to be concerned of. And yet, you chose to venture down here of your own free will. And on your own.” Her smile grew as she spoke on. Giving Celestia a slight shiver up her spine. “And of all the rings you had to chose from, you just had to choose the Lust Ring. And I can already tell that it’s not just because it was the closest to the surface. You CHOSE to come here specifically.” Celestia could not hide the growing blush on her face as she took in every word Lilithmon said. It was as if the demoness could read her mind to a tee. Already foresaw that she had been through without actually being told. But with that, Celestia felt that it could mean one thing. Which began with the following question from the inquisitive demon lord. “So… do tell? Why are you here? Why DID you come to my domain? May I ask?” It was something she wasn’t prepared for. The nerves began to resurface, resulting in her troubled expression. It was a sensitive subject. Something that only Luna knew about. Something that she always found hard to share. Even if someone were to ask. However, to her surprise, she felt it. The urge to share her secret. Mentally she didn’t know why she felt it. Was it because of the level of wisdom Lilithmon had shown? The fact that she was much older than her so that there may be a chance she could understand? Or was it because of the fact that her life-long problem was in fact within the realm of lust. Something that Lilithmon represents. She hadn’t felt such tension since the day when she told Luna all those years ago. She tried to hesitate. But the urge to share her problems grew stronger. Eventually, after a heavy sigh, she gave in. “Ok. I’ll tell you. In fact, it’s… something that I haven’t told anyone. A-Aside from my sister. Only she knew about it.” Seeing that whatever Celestia had to say was in fact a big deal, Lilithmon stayed silent as she watched. Listening to every word. “You see… as one of the princesses of Equestria, I was beloved by all my subjects. Even at a young age. But despite how they revered me, treating me like a goddess, I’m still just like any other of my kind. The same as them. So, when I came of age, I wanted the same thing everyone else had. To experience… things that are new to me. But… things didn’t turn that way. No matter how much I try, no one… wanted to take that step with me. I’ve waited years for a chance. But to no avail. Each rejection was for various reasons. Some understandable. But some that… honestly… hurt. I know they loved me for my kind nature, but not enough for more. As time went by, this… need grew. To a point where my views expanded. Willing to try with others that… aren’t my kind. But that too was futile. Things have gotten so bad for me… that I’ve even began to have nightmares. The kind that seem… to never go away. I tried to move on. To think that it was something I didn’t need. To distract myself by mingling with the people I trust. But deep down, that feeling I felt for over a thousand years was always there. That’s why I always look forward to returning to the Digital World. Everyday is always full of wonder. And my nightmares don’t seem to exist here.” She took a moment to think about what drove her to the underworld in the first place. Making her question her last statement. “At least… I think so.” She then closed her eyes as she let out a smile of pity. Feeling sorry for herself. “And… that’s why I’m here. To see what this place is like. To see… what I’ve been missing out.” Celestia finished. She had poured her heart out. Finally getting the pain of hiding out of her chest. She stayed silent. Expecting to get a reply from Lilithmon. Either a word of encouragement. Or if she were cruel, laugh at her misfortune. But to her confusion, she heard nothing. Not a sound. It was deafly silent. Confused by the quietness, Celestia opened her eyes and turned to look at Lilithmon. Only for her eyes to widen in complete surprise from what she saw. The demoness was staring right at her. The blue irises in her eyes illuminating in the dimly lit room. But it was her own expression that almost sent a shiver down the Alicorn’s spine. With her own eyes widened and her mouth slightly agape, it was an expression that was a mix of aghast and disbelief. As if she had just discovered something that she never thought possible. But in a very bad way. Celestia didn’t know how to feel. Every other expression she’d seen Lilithmon do were all of the positive side. That despite all that she said to her, the demoness always had a comeback. Or even brush off anything that might displease her. Always calm and collected. So to see her completely break that composure was deathly shocking for the former princess to see. When Lilithmon spoke, her tone matched perfectly with her expression. “You meant… every word.” Celestia was about to make a reply. But just noticed that what Lilithmon said, was in fact not a question. But a statement. She thought that the Digimon would doubt her. Disbelieve all she said. But no. She could tell that Celestia was being very honest. Every word was the truth. And that was what horrified her. But judging by Lilithmon’s expression, she seemed even more horrified. Lilithmon then averted her gaze away from Celestia. Seemingly towards the floor. But her mind was surging with the information she took in. The white Alicorn didn’t know what to make of the situation. But she then saw the demoness’s expression slightly change. Her eyebrows began to frown. And the corners of her mouth twitched before moving downwards. “How… dare... thEY!” Lilithmon growled as she started to bare her teeth. Her eyes twitched as they gave off a reddish hue. Celestia could only watch on in surprise and worry. Lilithmon was losing her composure. Growing angry at the things she heard. Even her voice took a demonic tone. Her body steadily giving off a dark purple aura as her temper grew. Soon even her eyes glowed a piercing red. All of her teeth grew sharper as she grumbled. The white Alicorn felt frightened. The demon lord looked as though she was going to blow. But despite that, something was keeping her from running. And she knew what it was. The trigger for Lilithmon’s sudden temper. She was angry. But not at her. Her anger was aimed towards the lives of Equestria. All the potential suiters that turned her down over the years. For making her feel unwanted and unloved. Lilithmon was angry at the ponies, for making Celestia miserable. Knowing such a fact, despite being scared of the demon lord’s temper, deep down… she felt touched. That someone was upset that such a thing had happened to her. When Lilithmon spoke again, her voice returned to normal but her eyes still glowing red, reinforced Celestia’s thoughts. “How could they do that to you? You cared for them! Bring them the light of day! Watched over them with care and affection! And that… THAT… is how they repay you!?” Realising that her sudden rise in temper was intimidating her new guest, Lilithmon took a quick glance at her before taking a deep breath to calm down. The dark aura vanished as the red glow in her eyes faded back to normal. Returning to their icy blue hue. Seeing the Digimon regain her composure settled Celestia’s nerves. Watching the demon lord to see if she still had something to say. With closed eyes and a quick huff of agitation, Lilithmon continued. “I’m sorry you had to see that. As the Embodiment of Lust, the subject is more than just a role to play. To me, it’s a hobby. Art even. To spread the joy of pleasure to all who welcomes it. To all… who accept it.” Celestia noticed that there was a smile on Lilithmon’s face. An indicator that the Lord of Lust truly took pride in her work. Something that she could relate to. She always felt happy every time she raised the sun to bring forth day to Equestria. She then noticed that the smile turned into a frown as Lilithmon continued. Her tone carried the irritation she felt towards the subjects of Equestria. “But to hear the horrendous ordeal you had to endure. Something that could easily be resolved. Never in my life had I heard something so insulting.” Celestia looked at Lilithmon in surprise. The Lord of Lust took offence to the story she told her. She never knew that she would respond in such a way. But after hearing that the realm of lust was something Lilithmon enjoyed, she started to understand. It was the Demon Lord Digimon’s purpose after all. But deep down, Celestia was glad that Lilithmon was on the same page as her. If she were to tell the same story to anyone else, they thought that she was odd. Or worse, crazy, and deluded. But Lilithmon was more understanding. Something she thought that no one other than her sister would be. However, as a sibling, there were some things that she couldn’t tell Luna. But Lilithmon was different. Celestia began to smile. Finally. Someone else who understood her. Someone that she could truly talk to. To share her burdens. To her… Lilithmon was the right person to talk to. She then looked away from the demoness and towards the floor. Just like earlier, her smile became hollow as she thought back to a certain part of her life. A time when she truly doubted herself. Something… that she hadn’t even told Luna about. “You know… there was even a time that…well…” Celestia began to struggle to talk. The fact was simply that she never spoke it out loud before. “…with all those rejections… it lead me to believe… that… I wasn’t pleasing to look at.” Lilithmon sharply turned her head to look at Celestia with a look of complete surprise. It was far worse than she feared. Not only had Celestia’s subjects made their princess feel bad, but to a point that they made her think she was ugly. Something that she felt was unforgivable. Lilithmon’s expression scolded as she glanced away in thought. However,… unlike before… she didn’t flew into a fit. She was deathly calm. And then… came a smile. After a quick glance over to the saddened Celestia, Lilithmon spoke to her. “Do you want to know what I love about lust?” Hearing the question spoken to her, Celestia turned to look at Lilithmon. Form the tone the demoness used, what she was about to say was on a very personal level. Possibly on the same level as her earlier confession about her troubles back in Equestria. Feeling that Lilithmon was about to make a confession of her own, the Alicorn stayed silent as she paid full attention to the Mega. She then said her answer. To which surprised Celestia. “The honesty.” Knowing that the Alicorn would be confused, the demoness explained herself. “When one becomes embraced with the feeling of lust, they become honest with themselves. They may think differently. Or believe it to be otherwise. But the body doesn’t lie. After all, actions speak louder than words. Once the body gets the taste of what true physical pleasure feels like, their only response is wanting more. It became something they crave. Something they need. It brings them into a state of ecstasy. Not holding back. That is when one becomes honest with themselves.” Lilithmon’s smile grew. Getting to the point of her speech. “And that honestly reflects on me. When I ever speak of lust, the very thing I embody, the words I say are as honest as can be. As such, I can NEVER lie.” Celestia understood what Lilithmon was saying. As the Embodiment of Lust, she must always be very truthful and sincere. At least in regard to her interests. Which explained why the demoness had always been open to the white Alicorn since their first meeting. It was then Celestia saw Lilithmon turn her head towards her. Staring right at her with a surprisingly loving glare. What’s more, the expression was followed by her words. “Celestia. You may be the first of your kind I’ve ever met, but I can already tell you are the most beautiful.” Celestia sat completely still at first. Then in an instant, her face suddenly turned a deep red with a look of complete surprise on her face. Not expecting such a complement from her. She began to stutter from the sudden shock. Unable to talk properly. “W-W-W-W…Wh-What!? Umm… huh…?” The words was one thing, but the level of honesty she felt from Lilithmon was something else. The honest truth from the Mega truly surprised her. However, it wasn’t over. As she kept gawking at the Digimon in surprise, Celestia noticed something else. It was Lilithmon’s expression. While it still carried the care, the lowering of her eyelids and the slight increase in her smile were indicators of something else. The most surprising fact was that she knew what the expression was. It was seductive. Never in the Alicorn’s wild dreams would she believe that a demon lord would give her such a smile. Lilithmon leaned back on her seat as she gazed at the startled former princess more. Practically admiring the sight. And then spoke again. “What? Has no one ever called you beautiful before?” She then let out a toothy grin and a playful wink from what she said next. “Sun Muffin.” Celestia’s face grew as red as it could be as she recoiled in response to what Lilithmon just called her. Her wings flared out in response to the shock. Did she just gave her… a cute nickname!? “S-Sun… mu…!?” She stuttered. Her face burning up as her heartbeat began to race. Then to her surprise, Lilithmon began to shift on her seat. Facing her whole body towards her. Celestia tried to lean back in response. All the while staring into the Digimon’s seductive blue eyes. Listening to her words. “It’s a pity those in your world had denied you. You’re such a sweetheart. And you carry this motherly tone, to show that you care for them. And need I mention about your body that would put supermodels to shame?” Celestia froze from how perplexed she was feeling. With how Lilithmon was speaking, she was clearly flirting with her. The fact alone stunned her. But what surprised her the most was the kind of flirting Lilithmon was using. Everything she was saying was a form of compliment. With every one compliment she addressed, Celestia felt a loud beat deep in her chest. Celestia remained startled even as Lilithmon began to move towards her. Shifting from her seating position as she began to crawl towards her. With every inch the demoness grew closer, the white Alicorn tried to lean away. Not knowing what exactly to do or how to respond. However, while perplexed, she was surprised that she wasn’t feeling uncomfortable. It was much different as it was with the LadyDevimons earlier. It was as if… she subconsciously wanted to see what was going to happen next. And to see what else Lilithmon was going to say. “You have such great qualities. I can see that you truly are a wonderful person. And the fact that you had to travel so far, all to seek something more. You had to be brave to take such a risk. And all to attract someone.” As Lilithmon slowly leaned closer to Celestia, the white Alicorn tried to deny the latter part. Stuttering from the rapid flux of feelings coursing through her. “I…It’s not… like that. I…urrhh…” But Lilithmon was prepared to present proof of Celestia’s intent. “Oh? Then why wear such clothing?” “My… clothes?” The anthro mare was puzzled by the demoness’s comment. Her choice of clothing was casual. Nothing like a dress or even a skirt. But Lilithmon was about to show her the hidden meaning behind each piece of clothing. “Like these tight jeans. Firmly holding against those curvaceous legs. As well as those eye-catching hips of yours,” She said as she slid her left hand up against Celestia’s leg. Feeling the toughness of the clothing as well as the shape of the anthro pony’s shin and thighs. Celestia could feel Lilithmon’s touch. But again, the demon’s words prevented her from resisting her. Not just the words, but the Alicorn couldn’t tear her gaze away from the Digimon’s blue eyes. Even with her magic disabled, she could still sense any magic being used by others. However, she was not sensing any mind control or brainwashing spells. It was as if… there was something about Lilithmon that had got a hold on her. As Lilithmon leaned closer to Celestia, her left hand travelled up the princess’s hips and gently grazed against her stomach. Almost tickling her with her long nails. And the demoness continued on with Celestia’s fashion choice. “Then there’s this shirt. How it hangs tightly against you, revealing the shape of your glorious chest, one would think you chose to wear a size too small. Exposing your midriff for all to see. And showing off that cute belly button,” She cooed as she caressed Celestia’s stomach. Her index finger almost circled her belly button. If it wasn’t hard enough for the former princess to endure more of the foundling but had to fight the tickling urge on her belly. But again, Celestia’s mind was too conflicted to do anything. Lilithmon was making a move on her, but she wasn’t stopping her. But there was one thing Lilithmon’s words were doing. Hidden in the flirting, were compliments. And it was those words that was feeding Celestia. The mare was mentally confused. She was far from used to being flirted with. Yet… deep down… she felt touched by Lilithmon’s words. She could feel her mood improving. The blush on her face began to fade slightly. She was no longer feeling embarrassed. In its place was something else entirely. But what? Celestia kept eye contact with Lilithmon while trying to lean back further. Her elbows resting on the settee. As the demoness’s left hand travelled up further, feeling Celestia’s body, her hand shifted direction and slid up her ribs. Narrowly avoiding Celestia’s breasts. Either an act of politeness… or a deliberate act to tease. Her hand travelled towards Celestia’s right shoulder. Her fingers grazing against her blouse. “And just look how loose this blouse of yours is. As if you wanted others to notice the nape of your smooth, slender neck,” She said as she gently nudged the collar of the blouse aside. Seeing the mare’s exposed neck. But then Celestia couldn’t lean back anymore. She found herself lying down on the settee with her wings fully flared out. She remained completely silent as she stared up at Lilithmon in a mixture of surprise and awe. Even as the Digimon positioned herself on top of her. Returning her gaze with a look of loving seduction. Despite seemingly oblivious to what was happening around her, in her mind, Celestia couldn’t believe the position she found herself in. Lilithmon, one of the Seven Great Demon Lord Digimon, was literally lying on top of her. Much of her body hidden under the Mega’s tall frame and her robe-like clothes. Despite not being familiar with positions, she knew that what she was in was incredibly intimate. Far more so than even with what happened with the LadyDevimons. But again, she felt no worry. No fear. Not a single bad feeling at all. Lilithmon’s manner of flirting felt… different. She froze. The only thing she could feel was the rising heat from her blushing face. And the racing heartbeat within her very being. She could do nothing. She could say nothing. She couldn’t move. She couldn’t think. She could hardly even breathe. All she could do was listen to every flirtatious word from the Digimon that looked like she had her pinned down. But Lilithmon’s smile still remained. A smile, while seductive, carried a surprising amount of loving care. As Celestia stared up at Lilithmon, the latter spoke again. Her voice carrying the same honest tone as before. And with what she said, it struck something deep inside Celestia. “With all what you have. Your attributes, your caring nature, and those eyes, only a fool would deny a ray of sunshine like you. You truly are one of the most stunningly beautiful creatures I have ever seen.” Celestia’s eyes widened in response to Lilithmon’s words. She had finally understood what was going on. She remembered how upset Lilithmon was after she revealed her burdens. And not soon after, she began to flirt with her. But it was the words Lilithmon used. Everything she said to her were compliments. And through it all, all through the flirting, it gradually lifted her spirits. That was it! Lilithmon felt bad for what Celestia went through. And in response, began to compliment her to cheer her up. To make her feel better about herself. All the while getting her into a position that she never experienced before. For her to see what it was like for herself. All the while giving her the same caring smile on her face. It explained all the awe she was feeling for the Succubus Digimon. She was going out of her way to make her feel worthy of affection. And doing it in the way she knew best. And through it all… to Celestia’s disbelief… it was working! The Demon type Digimon who just moments ago made her intimidated, was making her happy! Upon the revelation, the stunned Alicorn stared on in silence. But deep within her, something was changing. Her heart began to race even further. The embarrassment had vanished, replaced with total awe at Lilithmon. The blush in her cheeks were of flattery from remembering every word that was spoken. And her breathing had increased. Her chest heaving in time with every inhale and exhale. Lilithmon could read Celestia’s expression like an open book. Her work had done its job. The negativity the Alicorn had shown had vanished. Her eyes narrowed in time with her growing toothy grin. Smiling in success. She slowly leaned down towards her as she spoke. “Well? How are you feeling?” She asked as she leaned closer. Her chest resting against Celestia’s as strands of her black hair hang down close to the Alicorn’s face. Multiple confusing thoughts swarmed within Celestia’s mind. Even her senses were beginning to react. She could feel the weight of Lilithmon’s chest resting on top of hers. And with strands of her hair swaying by her face, Celestia was beginning to take in Lilithmon’s sent. Surprising her at how sweet she smelt. Was it a kind of shampoo? Conditioner? Or was it… her own aroma? But as she continued to stare deeply into Lilithmon’s eyes, she realised something about them. ‘T-Those eyes of hers. I…I thought they were cold as ice. But no. I can feel… a fire in them! Burning with raw passion! Like… a sea of blue flames. Hotter than any fire I know.’ A reasonable description, since blue flames burn hotter than red. “Well…?” Lilithmon asked. Patiently waiting for an answer. Celestia’s heart continued to pound hard. Her breathing continued to be erratic. And all the while, found herself lost in Lilithmon’s eyes. Her self-awareness only barely able to remember Lilithmon’s question. Then… despite all the new feelings she was experiencing… gave her reply. “I… don’t… know…” Despite the response given, it only made Lilithmon smile more. She was even beginning to find herself being drawn to the Alicorn. It had been centuries since she had met someone like her. Whatever lay ahead, the demoness Digimon felt that she was going to enjoy every bit of it. “So precious,” She said as she began to draw closer to Celestia. Her left hand began to travel up the anthro pony’s right arm. “Sun Muffin?” Lilithmon cooed in loving seduction. “Yes…?” Celestia replied. So lost in Lilithmon’s gaze that she didn’t mind the nickname. Lilithmon’s left hand began to travel further up Celestia’s right arm. Towards her wrist. Then… as her face was just inches from Celestia’s… close enough to feel her breath… she asked a question. “So…you’ve never been this close to anyone before? Not… even… to ki…” “OWW!!!” The intimate moment was shattered with an outburst of pain from Celestia. Even Lilithmon was caught off guard as she backed off slightly. Seeing the white Alicorn cradling her right wrist. “What’s wrong!?” She asked with concern. “I-I don’t know. My wrist just stung,” Celestia replied as she inspected her wrist. But was surprised by Lilithmon’s next action. “Let me see.” With the upmost care, Lilithmon held onto Celestia’s wrist to inspect it for herself. Using her left hand to feel out anything wrong. But as she brushed her thumb around the wrist, moving aside the thin layer of white fur, she spotted a reddish mark close to the wrist joint. The Digimon’s eyes grew wide in realisation. And then began to frown. “Rope marks.” Celestia was surprised. But not from the cause of her pain, but from Lilithmon’s expression. With a frown and closed eyes, it was a look of regret. Her next surprise came in the form of a green glow that came from Lilithmon’s left hand. While it was grasping onto her wrist. Within seconds, the painful stinging sensation faded away. And when the glow ended, Lilithmon released her hold. Inspecting her wrist, Celestia was stunned at what happened. The Digimon healed her injury. “L…Lilithmon?” Celestia uttered. While grateful for the aid, she was still confused as to what had got the Digimon down. Sitting up on her knees, her hands resting on her lap, Lilithmon closed her eyes as she motioned her head towards Celestia. Almost like a little bow. She then revealed the reason for her regret. And the cause of Celestia’s injury. “I’m truly sorry. There are times when I forget my own strength. When I set up that trap earlier, I set the ropes too tight for you to handle. I have misjudged my methods and have resulted in you being harmed. Which was not my intention in the slightest. Please forgive me.” Celestia was speechless at what was happening. Lilithmon was one of the seven all-powerful Demon Digimon of the Digital Underworld. And she was asking her for forgiveness. She never expected one of the seven sins to be so apologetic. And her tone was so sincere, it was hard to ignore. The Mega truly felt bad for unintentionally hurting her. Not wanting Lilithmon to feel bad, Celestia managed to speak. “I-It’s ok. Really, it’s noth…” But she was interrupted by Lilithmon. Not taking the dismissal for an answer. “No! You are my guest. And as such, I must make it up to you for my blunder.” But before Celestia could have a say, an idea sprung into Lilithmon’s mind. “Oh! I know! How about I give you a tour?” “Huh?” Celestia uttered. Surprised by the sudden suggestion. As she adjusted her sitting posture, Lilithmon explained herself. “A tour of the Layla nightclub. I could show you all what goes on behind closed curtains. How we set up our performances behind the scenes. I’ll even let you get to see things that not even the members could. Your own exclusive access. What do you think?” Celestia was about to say something. But the thought of an exclusive tour of the home of one of the Seven Great Demon Lords was in fact quite a tempting offer. She would get to see things that very few Digimon would. Being the first pony to do so. To venture into the unknown. In a way, a tour of Lilithmon’s own home was in itself an adventure. After a second of pondering, Celestia gave Lilithmon her reply. “I…I think I’d like that actually.” Hearing Celestia’s consent had made a smile return to Lilithmon’s face. The feeling of relief washing over her. As Celestia watched, seeing the uplifted Mega had brought a smile on her own face. Happy to see the demoness back in her positive mood. Even when Lilithmon turned to look back at her, the Alicorn’s smile didn’t waver. She felt… too happy to be embarrassed. As the Lord of Lust looked upon the anthro Alicorn as she sat back up, the former came to a decision. “Now. Just one more thing.” Celestia was a little surprised when Lilithmon raised her right golden hand and brought it closer to her. Motioning it towards her head. Remembering how dangerous the Zazar Nail was, the former princess felt nervous as she closed her eyes. Unsure of what was to come. She then felt it. A small pressure on her horn. Next came the feeling of something coming loose. And then nothing. Opening her eyes, Celestia looked at Lilithmon in confusion. “There. Don’t think you’ll be needing this now,” Lilithmon said as she held something in her finger before it vanished in a puff of green flames. Before the item vanished, Celestia saw that it looked like a black ring. It then dawned on her. Reaching her hands up to her horn, feeling her hands all along the surface, her expression lifted as she came to realisation. “The inhibitor ring. You… took it off.” To further prove to herself that her magic was unbound, Celestia channelled her magic into her horn once more. She could feel it. Her magic completely illuminated the horn as it always had done in years past. Finally feeling the sense of true freedom, Celestia almost chuckled in laughter. Feeling like her old self again. Lilithmon grinned at seeing how happy Celestia was being. Even getting to see her magic in full view for the first time. After recomposing herself, Celestia’s thoughts were of Lilithmon. The Digimon was merciful enough to let her magic return to her. Despite all the bad reputation she likely carried. Despite all the doubt, Lilithmon was accepting. Welcomed her in. Listened to her problems. And even went out of her way to make her feel good about herself. Something that no one in her entire life was able to achieve. It was as if, in just less of an hour of being in Lilithmon’s company, centuries worth of her problematic past had finally been lifted. Her mind then went back to her mental process back in the lady’s restroom. The reason she went to Lilithmon in the first place. It was because in her mind, Lilithmon was the path that could find her the answer to her problems. But for a brief second, deep inside her mind, a new path had been unlocked. But where did it lead to? Her thoughts were distracted by the sight of Lilithmon rising up to her feet and moving in front of her. Celestia watched in silence as the demoness turned to face her. She then extended her right arm down in front of the Alicorn. Opening her golden palm to invite her. “Shall we?” Celestia knew what the gesture was about. Lilithmon wanted her to hold her hand to help her off the settee. The former princess was a little hesitant at first. Knowing what kind of damage the golden hand could do. But she remembered that the demon lord said that she already had full control of her powers. And had seen first-hand how apologetic she was when she only suffered a mild injury. Lilithmon would never let a horrible fate befall her. Deciding to take up on Lilithmon’s offer, Celestia smiled as she took in a deep breath while reaching her left hand out. And then held onto the Digimon’s hand. Despite it seemingly being made of metal, the anthro Alicorn was surprised at how warm it felt. And how careful Lilithmon was being to ensure that her pointed fingers were not hurting her. Lilithmon then helped Celestia back onto her feet. But as the Sun Princess looked at her, her line of sight was with a pair of large breasts. Tilting her head upwards, the startled mare saw the demoness looking down at her. “Hmm? Something the matter?” The smirking Lilithmon asked. A small part of her knew why her new friend looked so surprised. Feeling that she was being rude again, Celestia briefly stuttered before answering. “S-Sorry. It’s just that… you’re much taller up close.” The much taller Lilithmon chuckled as she gave Celestia a surprising reply. “Funny. I was going to say the same for you.” Celestia paused from the remark. Was she serious or just said that to ease the sudden tension? But she still felt startled. In her world, she was considerably tall amongst the anthro ponies. Being just under seven feet, she was the tallest of her kind. Despite being a Digimon, Lilithmon’s overall appearance was quite similar to her own. Which was why she wasn’t used to being the short one. Guessing that Lilithmon’s height was around ten feet. Celestia glanced down at the floor in uncertainty. Wondering how to proceed next. But Lilithmon took the lead. Moving behind Celestia and towards the door. “Ready?” She asked her. Celestia didn’t need a second thought. There wasn’t a need to. She simply nodded as a small smile crept on her face. Despite her silent reply, it was enough for Lilithmon’s mood to improve further. “Splendid!” As Celestia approached her, Lilithmon rested her right hand on the Alicorn’s right shoulder as her large demon wing folded around the anthro pony’s back and rested on her arm. Celestia blinked in surprise as Lilithmon held her close. As well as feeling the warmth of her wing. She looked up at the demoness as she glanced down at her. “Then let the tour begin,” Lilithmon said as she led Celestia out towards the door. All sorts of feelings flowed within Celestia as she walked with Lilithmon. While cautious of the unknown, but at the same time… excited that she was about to discover more. Far more.