A Smoozie Hearth's Warming

by Foxhelm

First published

Treehugger invites The Smooze over for Hearth's Warming, a steamy one as Smoozie soon finds out.

After the Grand Gala with the high light of Discord and Fluttershy's couple spat, The Smooze and Treehugger have reached out to each other and now as the first Hearths Warming nears, Treehugger decided to give The Smooze his first Hearth's Warming and one he will never forget.

Yes, this a Treehugger X The Smooze clop fic. I regret nothing.

A Smoozie Hearth's Warming

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Rarity has had several 'interesting' customers, but none was more so than the human-sized lime green colored blob. After putting away her measuring tape. "While I can appreciate any man who will go through the effort to dress his finest for a young woman." Rarity started before she took a step back and took off her red glasses. "I am not all that sure what I can." Rarity sighed in frustration. The blob babbles something.

Rarity turned from her client and looked to her left to the other person in her boutique, "Fluttershy ?" she asked the druid for a translation.

"Please try! Inviting someone over for a Hearth's Warming Eve is a monumental occasion. It could be the make it or break it for his relationship with Tree Hugger." The druid informed her friend as she hovered around the blob and Rarity, "Also, this is Smooze's first Hearth's Warming, and he really really wants to make it the best for Tree Hugger too."

Rarity took a deep breath and looked over the client. She put her glasses back on before she spoke, "Beyond a bow tie and a top hat, there's not much more I can do. Maybe if you transmuted into a human form..." she trailed off. Smooze seemed to lower its topmost part as if it was looking at the floor. After a second, it straightened itself and shook its body. "I didn't think so either, darling." Rarity agreed with Smooze. They both turned to Fluttershy.

The druid looked from her friend to the client and back before speaking. "Maybe if the tie and hat had snowflakes?" she offered and raised her shoulders, not sure how helpful she was.

Rarity looked back to Smooze and held her chin in thought for a second. "I suppose a red bow tie with white snowflakes will work." She mused and went to make the tie. Smooze moved so that it seemed that it was looking at Fluttershy. The druid gave a massive closed-eyed closed-mouth smile and nodded. Smooze then babbled as if in agreement.

The snow was falling as the sun was just about to finish its descent, just as Smooze arrived at a small log cabin that bordered one of the forests of Mystica. It wore the commissioned red bow tie. It held a box wrapped in white wrapping paper covered with red stars and tied off with green string and bow. Once Smoozie reached the door, it stopped and acted like it took a breath and then knocked with part of its body that it morphed to function like its left hand. "Be at peace, will be there soon." came the voice of a young woman that was in her early twenties and sounded almost detached from everything. After a second, the door opened as it went inside. Smooze's entire body changed from lime green to a deep bloody crimson. "Well, come inside." the woman said, and Smooze moved into the house and shut the door behind it, still crimson and seemed to be transfixed by its host.

She was about the same age as Rarity and Fluttershy. She had light purple eyes and amaranth hair with some vermilion highlights and that as it. The woman's hair was flowing and free, going down to her mid-thigh. "Tree Hugger?" Smooze managed to ask through its babble. The woman nodded with a smile. This surprised Smooze. Tree Hugger usually had her hair in dreadlocks and wore a yellow bandana with white flowers.

"Glad you could make it, Smooze." the nude Tree Hugger said as she turned around to show the cabin to Smooze. As she turned, she revealed an image of a tree with a heart-shaped canopy tattooed in the small of her back.

The cabin was small, could not have been more than four meters by three meters, and was about five meters tall. There was a fireplace on one side. In it was a soft but warm fire. To the left of the fireplace was a stack of logs that would last until the end of winter. On the other side was a full-sized bed. Smooze looked around saw that there was no other furniture in the cabin. Near the far side from the door was a hatch in the floor that likely led to a cellar. "This is where I spend the winter." Tree Hugger said as she walked to her bed and sat on it.

Smooze slowly moved closer. Once he got to the edge of the bed, he stopped and looked around, more confused than anything else. Tree Hugger got off the bed and walked right up to Smooze. She took the box from him and placed it on the floor near the other end of the bed. She then turned back to him and took off his tie, "You need to relax, don't fight it. Repression can be just as bad as overindulgence." she said and placed a kiss on it.

Smooze didn't know what was coming over it but, he felt himself morph into something from one of Fluttershy's more explicit graphic novels. Soon he found himself slithering onto Tree Hugger's bed. His main body was like a land-based cephalopod as a dozen tendrils formed. Tree Hugger smiled as she turned to have her back face Smooze. She looked over and nodded. Five tendrils reach out, four grabbing her limbs and one around her waist before pulling her onto him. Two more reached around her torso and spun around her breasts with the tips right at her nipples. In no time, Smooze was playing with her nipples. The end of each tendril alternated between twirling one and then becoming a suction and began to tug at the nipple like a suckling child.

Another tendril went under Tree Hugger's backside and in between her legs and began to rub her entrance. Tree Hugger's breath started to quicken. "Yes, Smooze, don't hold back." she managed to say as another of Smooze's tendrils wrapped loosely around her neck with the end hovering within centimeters of her mouth. Another tendril then started to prod her anus.

Tree leaned her head forward and licked the tendril, inviting Smooze to put it into her mouth. Smooze gladly did so as Tree was almost blissfully gagging. Smooze then forced the tendril that prodded Tree's anus into it. The Smooze finished rubbing Tree's vagina as it was dripping with its natural lubricants and entered it. Another tendril then slid to be in between Tree's breasts. Then other tendrils slid to be in between almost everything.

Smooze started very slowly and as gentle as he could and thrust one tendril at a time. He was didn't want to hurt Tree Hugger. This slow and gentle pace gradually picked up both in speed and in force, ever so slightly for fifteen minutes when Tree's body began to spasm as she orgasmed. Smooze then pulled the tendril in Tree's mouth out and allowed her to breathe.

"Come... on... Smooze... you... can... do... more..." Tree panted as she grabbed a tendril with each hand and started to rub them. Smooze gagged her again and started up again. And again and again, until Tree orgasmed as Smooze ejaculated its fluids into and all over Tree Hugger.

Smooze's tendrils seemed to melt back into his body, and it seemed to pant with Tree Hugger. After nearly an hour of this rest, Tree Hugger slowly turned so that her front was above Smooze as she straddled it with her elbows and knees. She then kissed him again. Within a second, Smooze's tendrils reformed and wrapped around her. Two tendrils then penetrated her anus and vagina. She smiled, ready for more. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Smooze," she said and began to pant as Smooze renewed the rapture.

"Happy Hearth's Warming," he managed to say in his babble as Tree Hugger moaned in bliss.