> The Queen's Will > by FruitTrifle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > For the Hive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight shifted in the split open pod that served as beds for egg slaves. She'd woken up from a dream of a long ago time-when she was free. When her babysitter was free, her mother too, her brother alive and proud of her...but as she glanced around the dark room, barely lit by glowing slime, she knew it was just a dream. The Queen ruled. She always had-and no one, pony or changeling, dared deny it. Twilight sat up, sighing softly. It was her turn soon, to be bred by a high ranking changeling general, who'd bred her and her mother since Twilight was old enough. Her day often went such a way-wake up, be bred. Eat, bred. A few precious minutes to speak freely with her mother and exfoalsitter- as long as it wasn't treacherous, of course. Not that it mattered- Cadance's mind had shattered, and now all she wanted was to be fucked. Filled with sperm or eggs. Twilight was afraid her mother was rapidly reaching that point too-that Twilight herself was maybe the last one to be sane, was all that kept her sane. She got out of the bed, standing up-she was nude, her average breasts bare to the room as was her pussy. She'd gotten used to being bare, and it no longer caused her much embarrassment. She got ready for the day, selecting a collar and buckling it on-choosing, a perk for good behavior. Those that fought got collars with spikes on the inside, forever digging in, skin healing over them so that soon it was a part of them. Mad mares, like Cadance, got a circle of metal welded around their necks- they weren't ever leaving, and even if she had the choice...Cadance would choose to stay. Twilight stifled the urge to cry, instead brushing out her mane and tail. She was careful with the nub of bone that was all left of her horn, even years later the broken horn was sensitive. She made sure her fur was clean, her tail was pristine, and her collar tight as her master liked it. She left the room, separated from a hall full of similar rooms by a holey, opaque curtain. She was pretty sure it was dried slime. Her mother, just as naked with a tight collar, emerged from her own room next to her. She managed a tired smile for her daughter, Twilight barely managing one back. They walked together, silent, each lost in thought. Twilight wondered- would it be more pleasant to lose herself to the pleasure, as Cadance had? The princess had fallen to the queen, as had Nightmare Moon upon her return. Any and every pony that defied her met the same end- a pleasure slave. Broken. Lusting. Twilight shook her head, trying to disperse such thoughts. It was time to pick up Cadance, and get to work. Cadance's room had a proper door, with a bolt on the outside. If she wasn't locked in, she'd go on a cock sucking and fucking spree. If she couldn't find a male or futa, she'd settle for a good scissoring. Twilight slid the bolt open, opening the door as Cadance scurried to it, looking excited. Like the Sparkles, her horn was broken, her wings cut away to stubs on her back. "Is it time to work?" she asked excitedly, her thigh fur matted with arousal and femme cum. She must have been fingering herself since she woke up. Twilight nodded, and the trio continued on, Cadance speaking enthusiastically about cocks and how full she felt with eggs. Velvet glanced at her, sorrow in her face, mourning both her son and her daughter in law's sanity. From their rooms in the basement of Canterlot Castle- now the Changeling Grand Hive- they went up multiple flights of stairs, the general they were assigned to having his own quarters in a tower. Once arrived at the door, Twilight checked all their collars, and the trio knelt before it. Velvet reached out, knocking on the door respectfully. They waited, hearing noises coming from the other side. Just as Cadance was about to start literally whining, the door opened, their master grinning down at them. A changeling general by the name of Carapace, covered in scars or the occasional cracked chitin. He didn't mind- it showed how loyal he was to the Hive, and the Queen rewarded her faithful. He retreated back in his room, to the spacious bed that took up most of it. "Hurry up, sluts, I've got the whole day to impregnate you all, and I plan to use every second." He was naked, covered in black chitin with holes, his throbbing, glowing green cock jutting out proudly of his crotch, pointed at the tip with ridges down to the already swollen knot at the base. Cadance was first up, bounding over to the bed, laying on her back and pulling her ankles up to her head. "Please, Master- me first! Oh, I need it so bad, fill your alicorn slut with fertile seed!" He snorted, pushing her callously to the floor. "I decide who gets it and when, sit there and watch me do the hot nerds first- and don't you dare touch yourself, or I'll put you in a chastity belt and muzzle you!" Cadance gasped, immediately kneeling on the floor, hands under her knees. "I'm so sorry Master! I'll do as you tell me, I'll be a good girl!" "We'll see," he scoffed, turning to look the Sparkles up and down. He settled on something as a warm up. "Both of you-on the bed, facing each other, pussies together," They glanced at each other, and Velvet got on first, legs in the air, Twilight sitting on the backs of her thighs, incestuous pussies rubbing together, both dripping wet from lube. "Is this what you wanted, Master?" Twilight asked respectfully. Carapace nodded, "It is...now stay still while I get warmed up," he ordered. He slid his cock between the pressed together pussy lips, thrusting into the warm, wet tunnel they made. He dug his fingers into Twilight's cushy ass, enjoying his fingers sinking in. Each ridge rubbed against the erect clits pressed together, making mother and daughter gasp in unison. Cadance whined from the floor, licking her lips, but kept still and otherwise silent. Carapace smirked at her, dragging her over by the mane to get a good look. He dragged her so close she could see each fold of labia and ridge of cock, pussy juice and precum flicking against her face. She watched the changeling cock as if fascinated by it, even all these years later. Carapace chuckled at her, before giving a soft grunt. "Alright cunts, here it cums!" he increased his pace, cock throbbing visibly. He wasn't holding back- he had all day to soak these pony cunts in cum, inside and out, and he planned to ejaculate enough to achieve that. He pressed Twilight down hard against her mother, and came into the warmth their pussies provided. He sighed, pleased, pulling his cock free with a wet noise. He dragged Cadance closer again, and shoved his hardening shaft down her throat. She suckled and bobbed her head greedily, still kneeling on her hands, desperate to be rewarded as a good girl. She sucked and slobbered, savoring each and every drop of precious cum he allowed her. He shoved her away again, musing over who to breed first. He grinned, having a sudden, nasty idea. "Alicunt, come here," he ordered, the broken princess crawling back over eagerly. "Since you're being a good girl...I'll give you my cock," he declared, Cadance squealing at her Master's kindness. She turned around, flagging her tail up, presenting her holes. "Where would Master like to fill his egg sack?" she purred, desperate not to make him mad again. "Hm...up that ass I think, you've still been a bad girl," he chided her. She seemed to slump at the rebuke, but rallied again. "I have...so I'll be the best girl for you," she promised. He pressed his cock to her asshole, sliding in easily, fucking her roughly. Her cunt drooling down her legs profusely, wanting it so badly. He dug his fingers into her plump princess plot, humping furiously, not caring about her comfort or arousal, just his own orgasm. With an evil chuckle, he picked up Twilight in his magic, laying her atop Cadance who fell to her stomach on the bed with the added weight on her. Both were confused, until their master thrust into Twilight, emptying his impressive balls into her pony pussy. He grunted, spurt after massive spurt of bright green changeling goo invading her. Finally, he pulled free when her womb was bloated enough to be visible, the last few spurts covering her from bust to groin. Cadence whimpered, disappointed but terrified to complain lest she be punished further. He sighed happily, rolling Twilight away. "You get it now, you selfish bitch? I'll use you like a fleshlight until I'm ready, and then fuel up their egg factories. You MIGHT be lucky enough for me to give you the smallest amount of cum in that greedy cock trap." She sobbed softly, but nodded. "I'll be good, master! I promise! I'll be the best fleshlight until I've proven I'm a good girl again!" He grinned, enjoying the way she'd broken, desperate to bear nymphs for them and be a good girl.He sat on the bed, back against the wall, cock erect again. "Then come sit on it, work your cunt hard so Mommy Twilight can have all your cum," he sneered, Velvet shivering but knowing better than to protest. At a warning look, she realized he wanted her to join in verbally, and did so. "Th-that's right, you...you pink thot, your whore pussy was never going to be a real princess cunt, yours is good only for making cocks cum for better pussies. Something to be used roughly so good breeders aren't used up so soon," she taunted as Cadance mounted her master, swinging her leg over easily. She agreed with Velvet, "I really am just a tool, a long lived tool to help other egg sacks carry longer and better, bearing the best for the hive!" she lowered her slutty cunt onto the bug dick, clenching already, wanting to please him as much as possible. He grabbed her hips, slamming her down as he thrust up, hard enough to bruise, but like a good girl, Cadance never complained, working her hips instead. He grinned, licking his chops at her. "Alright, slut princess...Mommy is gonna get up here, and you are gonna work me till i cum...and then pull my dick out and shove it in her. You're gonna give up your reward to her and prove you're a good girl, no matter what." Cadance let out a surprised whine, her hips only just losing rhythm before beginning again. "Y-yes master, I'll be good." she whimpered, agreeing, as Velvet was dragged to sit in front of Cadance. Cadance was made to look over Velvet's shoulder so their master could enjoy her misery properly. Cadance tried to focus on the cock in her, doing her best to gauge the throbs and twitches within her pink princess puss. She perked up, feeling the tell tale throb, and as much as it went against her instincts to do so, she lifted her hips and slammed Velvet's cunt down onto the erupting Changeling cock. She wailed, womb bloating up from the cock lodged right past her cervix-she wasn't sure if Cadance was the only thing holding her down on the hose of spunk-but it sure felt like it. She was only let up when her belly expanded as if pregnant already, and waddled carefully to join her daughter on the floor. Cadance went to ride her master again, only to be shoved to the floor. "Get on your knees and use the wasted cum! You don't get a creampie until you get pregnant on the scraps, you ungrateful cow!" he scolded her, ushering the Twilights out of his room and to their own to begin gestating, leaving Cadance on her own-she was too cumdumb to ever be an issue. He was absolutely right, the broken alicorn on her knees, scooping up cum and fisting her self with it, trying to get it deep enough desperately, writhing in the cummy mess. By the time Carapace returned, she'd have cleaned up every speck of cum. > For the Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight lay in the birthing cave-once the crystal caverns-under what was once Canterlot. She was gravid, unable to move at all anymore. Nymphs can by to attend to them now and then, taught by a nurse changeling. She was feed twice a day, and her master never came to see her-he'd come by when she was laying to fuck her ass, he liked the feeling of a birthing pony on his dick. She sighed, staring at the gelled ceiling, knowing her mother was a few cocoons down. She didn't know about Cadance- she hadn't seen her since Twilight had been impregnated. It didn't matter. Nothing did- she was just an egg factory now, like every other pony. Even some of the stallions, if the changelings found them comely enough. She shifted, grunting, and flagged down a nurse- it was time. The nurse, a gentle female Twilight sort of liked, nodded, rushing off. She'd be fetching Twilight's master. Twilight sighed, first morosely and then in pleasure. The eggs secreted an aphrodisiac when it was time to come out- it made it easier to lay them, and make the ponies come back for more. She hated it- she had no choice in this. Her cunt visibly spasmed, pleasure shooting through her. She mewled, a few drones pausing to stroke themselves at her a couple times before hurrying off. They were allowed to fuck the pregnant ponies as long as they weren't far along or in labor- as she was. She looked up as her master arrived, strutting in arrogantly. He grinned down at her. "You know you've been laying the most eggs, and all of them are healthy and strong...keep it up, and the Queen herself might steal you away!" He sounded happy- it was a major honor and compliment to them, after all. Twilight tried not to think about it- the Queen scared her shitless. Carapace knelt in front of her, spreading her thighs gently to eye her cunt directly. "Excellent...you're good and wide, and I see an egg already..." He lifted her ass up, arms under her knees. She wheezed, the pressure on her chest now she was so large. He lowered her again. "Ah, you need to egg a bit..." He knelt in front of her, long tongue slipping out sensuously. She tensed- it wasn't like this was bad, per say- but that was the issue. She didn't want to enjoy any of this. He began to lap at her labia, already spread for the eggs to come. He worked his way inwards, tasting every fold and inch of her, playing briefly with her clit before focusing on the inward spiral again. She trembled, mewling, and he smirked, nodding- she hated he was so kind and accommodating during the birth. Still, she let herself relax, another lap pushing her over the edge, her climax helping an egg alone, plopping onto the ground. The egg was rubbery, glowing with a little shadow inside of it- a baby Changeling. Having been incubated so long in Twilight, it would only need a day or two in the nursery for the grub inside to hatch. She smiled, too worn out by her long slavery and current birthing to try not to. Carapace chuckled, a nurse rushing over to begin gathering the eggs in a soft basket as Twilight laid yet another, this one much easier- a single push, and out it came. Carapace watched closely, and once he was satisfied, he hefted Twilight up by the hips once more. He pressed his slick Changeling cock to her ass, pushing in slowly. Another egg popped out as he did so, the nurse grabbing it to put in the basket. He ignored her, enjoying a slow ass fucking as he watched Twilight lay the eggs, each one lain giving a massage of his cock in her ass. Twilight moaned, shivering as she reached orgasm randomly and in varying intensity. The last one was to be born, and although Carapace sped up in his lust, he was careful- this was an oddly big egg, after all. He watched in excitement as her cunt lips spread once more, and she actually whimpered in discomfort- it was big. Roughly the size of a new born foal- no wonder she'd been so big this time. The nurse gasped in wonder, watching closely as well. If it was true...they'd need her to run as fast as she could. Carapace used his thumbs to spread Twilight's lips as far as possible, as the egg 'crowned.' The nurse gasped at the royal changeling green color, but Carapace shushed her. "We've had false ones before...wait until it's born," he scolded, and she nodded, chastised. They watched, as he fucked Twilight carefully, each bump speeding up the process a little more, until with a wail of pain, the egg was born into the world. The nurse took it, lifting it, hefting it, eyeing it closely. It was the same shade of green as the Queen's eyes, and roughly the size of a newborn foal. It was heavy, and the shadow inside looked almost ready to be hatched- just one, floating inside its gooey crib. She finally gave it a lick, tongue caressing its surface to check for any abnormalities or cracks, and beamed. "Viable! A pony has birthed a Queen!" she declared, taking it and sprinting away with a holler of excitement and jubilation. Carapace laughed, just as excited, and showed it by fucking Twilight so hard and deep in the ass she quickly forgot about the soreness of her stretched cunt. He groaned, reaching up to squeeze at her swollen teats, her pony biology making her milky for foals she'd never nurse. He hardly seemed to care, as Changelings drank the milk anyway when they raped her in this place. "You hear that, my little broodmare? A Queen, just from my sperm! Oh, you are absolutely going to be Hers, and you'll birth generations to come...a special mare like you? Oh, we'll keep you alive and young for centuries just to have those special younglings." he promised. Twilight sobbed, despairing- not even death would take her from her torment, now and forever more.