> What if Alex couldn't get online > by ScarletRhine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alcorn King: the arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alcorn King The arrival [I do not own My Little Pony, Fall of equestria, Indiana Jones, or What if. I only own my creations.] (Music plays to an adventurous beat as the opening sequence for Marvel Studios is shown) (Music plays In The background) Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path It's a prism of endless possibility Where a single choice can branch out into endless possibilities. Creating alternate worlds different the ones you know I am the Watcher I am your guide through these vast realities. Follow me and ponder the question… What if… We see the inside of a bedroom centered on a desk with a computer on it.. Off camera we hear a door opening and closing before a boy in his teens rushes in and turns on the computer. {Watcher:This is Alexandre Viator, an apparently average teenager`who's family lives under an uncommon curse. That the oldest member of each generation becomes an adventurer regardless of what they want.} Alex puts his phone on his desk after taking it out of his backpack. {Watcher: In one universe Alex was able to get online in and chat with Harryfssn and learn of the events that would lead him to head to Perth. But what if Alex was unable to get online.} Alex hits the on button and is plunged into I'mdarkness. "SORRY HONEY! I TRIED TO USE THE TOASTER OVEN!" Alex just moaned in frustration as his phone began to ring. Looking at it, he saw it was Dr Henry Jones jr. Smiling, he answered with a, "What's up Doc?" "Kid, that joke was just getting old when I was 20." Came the gravelly of Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. In reponse. "Joke or not, it's still a valid question." Alex responded with a bit of cheek. "*Sigh* An old acquaintance what appears to be a shattered crown in the mail. Could you please come over and put it together for mep "I'll be right over." Alex replied before hanging up. He then rushed to the front door shouting, "Doc Jones called me over to help him put an artifact together." "Okay." Alex's mother calls from the kitcàhen. "Try to be home by dinner!" Alex goes out of his house and goes next door and into the house of a well known archaeologist. Inside he saw the man once known as Indiana Jones trying to figure out an intricate headpiece of some kind. Moving next to the aging archeologist looked at it with a critical eye before asking, "So what is it?" Dr Jones sighed before making a sigh and leaning back. All the pieces to the artifact on the desk he was sitting in front of as he replied, "Frankly, I don't know. It has some Mongolian symbols on it. But there are some Scythian and other horse culture symbols as well." Alex nodded then noted, "I noticed you are trying to assemble the fragments." Indy nodded and said "Good eye. I was trying to get this thing put together in one piece but somehow something happens and I'm back to square one. *sigh* I'm hoping you can get past the barrier that keeps stopping me." Alex nodded and he and Dr Jones switch places. Two hour pass and when Alex gets to the point where he has pieces left, some force began to try and get his hands to do something to cause the crown to fallapart but he resists it and is able to place the ten pieces. What happened next caused Indy & Alex to back away from the reassembled artifact as what appeared to be lightening started dancing on the crown. The lightening that drew the outline of a winged unicorn. "Doc." Alex intoned with worry. "What's going on?" Indy noticed the lightening horse look at Alex. "I don't know Kid be ready to…. KID!!!" He shouted as the lightening horse leaped at Alex and released a blinding flash! When he could see again there was no trace of Alex or the ligtening horse but the face of a laughing dragonequis scorched on his floor. Seline (aka Nightmare Moon) Luna walked through the ruined halls of the Castle of the Two Sisters feeling blue. Four years ago she had returned to Equis and Equestria with the intention plunging it into eternal night. But if it wasn't for the efforts of six mares casting her out of Luna's body and infused her with enough magic to stick around yet not give her a body. For five years & six months, she watched from the castle walls. For five years & six months she listened to whatever happened in Equestria from visiting travelers & those three fillies she grew rather fond of. She had heard of the carabou's conquest and that infuriated her. Equestria was HERS and no one was going to take it, if she had any thing to say about it. Suddenly, Discord's mad cackle filled the corridor and sounded like it came from the throne room. Moving as fast as her spectral feet could carry her, she ran to the throne room. Once there she saw a figure laying on its stomach with bat-like wings spread out to it's sides. Standing in one the doorways leading in to the room, she watched as the thestral moved it hands under him. Caping it's wings it shook it's head and looked up revealing first it's horn then his stallion-hood. Her eyes widened because what was standing in front of her was an Alicorn MALE! Though spectral body had no physical form. She still felt attracted to him as she looked him up. "Mmmm." She purred aloud without relising it. The alicorn stallion spun to face her. His eye widened as he beheld her spectral form. "Who are you?" He asked. "Nightmare Moon." She replied. "Then I am in Equestria." "Give the stallion a prize." "How did you become all see thoughy?" "Side effect of being blasted out of a pony by the elements of harmony." The Alicorn stallion thought a moment. "Makes sense." He allowed. Seline swallowed then said, "If you can give me a body, I'll be your first mate." "!!!!!" > The Royal Herd Begins with a Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex groaned as he returned to consciousness, the last conscious memory was an Alicorn made of lightning leaping at him then the sensation of his body being reshaped and headaches as knowledge was crammed into his skull before he blacked out. As conscious thought returned to him he noticed a few things. First, his body was no longer human. Second, he had wings. Thirdly, he had a horn making him an alicorn. Moving the arm ended up underneath him, he checked his crotch and found he was still a male. Once he had that last piece of information he stood up and caped his wings. "Mmmm." Came an appreciative hum. "Who are you?" He asked after spun around and got in a defensive stance. "Nightmare Moon." She replied. The name caused Alex to drop his stance as the see through mare was more powerful than him. It also caused him to say without thinking, "Then I am in Equestria." "Give the stallion a prize." "How did you become all see throughy?" "Side effect of being blasted out of a pony by the elements of harmony." The Alex thought a moment. "Makes sense." He allowed. Seline swallowed then said, "If you can give a body, I'll be your first mate." "!!!!!" The shocked look on his face caused Seline to smile as she said, "Equestria is in trouble. The Caribou have invaded from the north. They've annexed the crystal Empire corrupted the crystal heart enabling them to turn the majority of the stallions to their way of thinking." She sighed. "As long as I remain nothing more than a spirit, I can't help my ponies." Upon hearing of the caribou's conquest of Equestria Alex became furious. "I'll help you." He said to her. "I'll free Equestria from the carabou's grip, undo their control over the stallions, and restore anything they corrupted." He then smiled at her and adding with added, "As well as giving you a body. So I'm going to seal this vow with a kiss." His magic surged as he kissed her on the lips creating a body for Nightmare Moon. She was tall with wide child bearing hips and H-cup breasts. Her body was mostly hard muscle without looking like a body builder, her was long and pointy. Finally her wings were full with magnificent plumage. Their kiss got more and more intense as both alicorns explored each other's bodies. On a balcony in Canterlot, Dain Stonehoof was forcing Celestia to her knees when a pulse of magical energy washed over the land. The Caribou King suddenly felt that he had a rival out there. In Ponyville, the energy wave washed over the earth pony village and the stallions, mares and Caribou witness the spell that bent the stallions to the caribou's way of thinking become visible then shatter like crystal, releasing them. And restoring the mind of the mares. Somewhere in the Everfree, the energy wave washed over an encampment of the resistance. Luna stepped out of the command tent and looked in the direction of the Castle of the Two Sisters. She frowned at the feel of part of that wave. Fluttershy and Xecora walked up behind her with looks of puzzlement. "An event from the Castle of the Sisters Two bodes well, but for who?" The Zebra rymes. Luna nods as she remembers again how surprised that Celestia had had a secret passage that lead to their old castle in her quarters. 1In an abandoned cave in the frozen wastes of the south an ancient mind awoke as the wave passed over it. "The king is home." It said, "It's time for a harem once more." As Celestia's sun rose above the horizon, it cast it's warming rays onto the castle as a group of stags approached the castle having made their way following the path that six mares once took from Ponyville. "It galls me that we had to use that path to reach here." One of the bucks grumbled. "I mean this place is nothing but a pile of rocks that the King's slut used to live here." Another popped up saying, "There are rumors that a resistance cell led by the sister of the King's Slut. That cell is rumored to be hiding in this forest. The garrison commander says the unit that captures them can have their pick of the sluts." This got the caribou to laugh mercilessly. The leader let his bucks laugh before he called a halt. Once they came to a halt he said, "Alright listen up. About the middle of the night an thaumic energy wave washed over Equestria. What effect it has had not been revealed save the stallions have become unruly and the mares are being more resistant to being put in their proper place. Add to that stallions with the military have gone AWOL. We have been sent here to search this place thoroughly. Any outlawed books are to be burned and any ponies detained as traitors. Any questions?" None of the fifteen others had any. They split into four groups of four and entered the castle unaware that they the first payment of the price of Equestria's freedom from Dain. Alex groaned as he awoke. He went over the events of the previous day. He gotten up and went to school and took his finals. He had a minor adventure helping an old lady when her purse was snatched by sticking his arm out and clothesline him because he jerk looked behind himself and to taunt her. It was when his mind reached the point where he gave Seline a new body and took her as his own he sat up straight, had a wingboner so hard that he nearly dislocated his wings. Quickly, looking around he saw his alpha mare curled up to him, with her Mane light blue and looking like Sunny Starscout's at the beginning of the fourth My Little Pony movie. He chuckled then looked at his horn. "Geuss I'm an alicorn stallion." He muttered. "With the ratio of mares to stallions being four mares to every stallion it was only a matter of time before a alicorn stallion would makeg an appearance." He got out of bed, being careful not to wake Seline, he walked out of the night princess quarters. He thought about Seline's body created by his magic. She was slender and very toned, her breasts were large and sensitive. Being a biomancer has it's perks even if the knowledge of it had been crammed into his brain. Thank havens he was unconscious through the trip here. The sound of wings followed by a soft clop of hooves prompted him to turn around with smile on his face thinking it was Seline. Only to find himself face to face with none other than a Luna > Lunar meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna watched as the company of Caribou broke into four teams of four and Entered Castle Everfree or as ponies of today called, The Castle of the Two Sisters. "They're here for me." She thought. She couldn't help a small malicious grin. While the caribou's numbers were daunting, Castle Everfree was to them, a crumbling ruin with no hope of navigation while she lived in that Castle until was banished for 1000 years. She turned to her companions and said, "Return to base. I shall deal with the caribou alone." The Lunar Princess then began to walk to the castle whilst her companions faded into the shadows. Meanwhile… The sound of wings followed by a soft clop of hooves prompted Alex to turn around with a smile on his face thinking it was Seline. Only to find himself face to face with none other than a nude Lavender Alicorn with dragon wings and curving horns. "Hello old friend." She said, "Uh hi." He responded noticing the Alicorn had shifted her view slightly right before she did something unexpected, she smiled from ear to ear. "You!" The mare said before she hugged Selene who had emerged from Alex's shadow upon noticing the new arrival. "You finally found another host!" The Nightmare looked confused as she had no idea who this being was, although Alex was starting to recognize the voice. "And your Dr. Jones' nephew Alex if I remember correctly. My name is Crystal, last survivor of Atlantis." "Crystal?" Alex asked his sex and sleep fogged mind finally recognizing the tri horned Alicorn. "CRYSTAL!!!" He shouted with joy and hugged her forgetting that even with his height boost he only came up to her breasts. Selene looked at her new body and at Crystal in recognition and smiled, saying, "Even better. My Stallion made me this body before he made me the alpha of his herd." She then placed her hand over belly , imagining it bulging out with an unborn foal. "Huh, I didn't have the strength for that back home." Crystal said. "How's my King doing?" She teased remembering the first time Alex hugged her back in the frozen city. "Enjoying my body heat again?" "Yes. It's more enjoyable without the fear of freezing to death if I go too far." Alex responded. But before they could say more, the sounds of battle suddenly started to ring from down the hallway. Without thinking, Alex summoned a khaki shirt & shorts onto him and ran towards the battle. The two mares look at each other in bewilderment. "Is he going to do what he is going to do?" Selene asks. Crystal smiled and replied, "If he hasn't changed he will. Come on, let's follow him and make sure he doesn't hog all the fun." With a devious grin she took off after Alex. Selene just shook her head and with a roll of her eyes ran after the pair. A few minutes ago… Luna moved cautiously through her old home with a predator's stealth. Skills she hadn't used in a thousand years coming back to the fore. Three times she came upon a lone Caribou and a quick and sudden twist was all it took to reduce the Caribou's numbers in the castle. Her luck ran out when she crept upon a Caribou in studded Leathers. She pulled a dagger out of its back when she heard slow clapping behind her. Slowly turning around, the sound came from a Caribou wearing a chainmail shirt and a thin leather harness. "Bravo," He said condescendingly "who would have thought that the Moonslut was a skilled backstabber, except oh I don't know, Sunbitch and the other whores of Equestria since you were set to a dry airless rock for the exact same thing." The captain of the squad pulled a longsword from the hooks on the back of his harness. "Now be a good bitch and come along quietly. I don't want to cut up the King's broodmare. After that I will fuck you just to be able to say I fucked the Moonslut who tired to defy Caribou supremacy." "YOU ARE AN HONORLESS COWARD!" Luna shouts as she summons her moonstone and Scythe ready for combat. The squad simply muttered, "pity" before he shouted, "SUBDUE THE MOONSLUT!!! A FREE SLUT TO THE ONE WHO RINGS HER!!!" With that the other eleven rushed into battle. It was a furious and glorious battle and the centuries of experience that Luna possessed paid gory divinds. The Lunar Princess managed to cut down six Caribou with rapid slices before a heavy Warhammer slammed into her side knocking the wind out of her. The Captain smiled as a giant of a Caribou slowly walked up to Luna and drew a magic inhibitor ring out of his belt. He reached to put the ring on Luna's horn as she fought to breathe. Suddenly, a blurred figure landed between the two the impact created an explosion of pulverized rock. Everyone watched as the figure stood up. The silhouette revealed it was a male unicorn… until it unfurled two draconian wings. A male alicorn had joined the fray. The giant of a Caribou attempted to slap this new challenger out of his way. But the alicorn caught his wrist then began to squeeze. The sounds of bones being crushed and the cries of pain coming from the Caribou giant. "You are trespassing." The Alicorn male said. In a burst of flame another figure appeared. "And you've pissed me off!" The demonic voice growled. "I hate Nazi assholes!" One of the surviving Caribou drew a shortbow intending to kill the interfering alicorn when suddenly a ten foot Crystal spike erupted from the ground under him, shoving itself a foot up his ass and lifting him off the ground to slowly descend, ripping up his insides on the way down. "Try that shit again and all of you are getting crystal spike enemas." Crystal said, revealing herself completely transformed. "Step away from the Moon goddess assholes." She demanded as a handle of leather wrapped bronze with a gold ring appeared in her clawed hands, a blade of clear crystal extending from the ring in seconds. "Infinite here thirsts for blood." In response all the able bodied Caribou fled. The Caribou bowstag being unable to. The alicorn male had not released his attacker so he couldn't. "For striking the moon goddess, your life-force is MINE!" Golden energy began to flow out of the Caribou giant and into the alicorn stallion. The giant withered until he was nothing but a mummified body. Which fell to the ground when released. "Remind me not to do that a lot." He said. "I… I saw a faint image of myself and he looked like my darkness personified." "Who art thou?" Luna asked the stress of near capture causing the slip into her preferred dialect. "A dragon who can conjure Crystal, and another male alicorn something only heard of in the few surviving texts of the Alicornia." "I wish to be known here as Alexandrite Obsidian Twilight. And I was brought to Equestria and Equis from Los Angeles, Ca USA, North America, Earth by a magical Crown that must have connected to Buhe somehow." Alex replied. "But my friends call me Alex." "It's been a while Lulu." Crystal said as she erupted in fire once more revealing her normal look, to which Luna punched her in the face upon recognizing Crystal. "You dare show up now!" Luna shouted just on the edge of the Royal Canterlot Voice. "After teasing me in the dreamscape for 500 years!" "Ow!" Crystal said, rubbing her jaw. "Well excuse me princess, I was finally woken up by that giant energy surge last night." Crystal looked to Alex before continuing. "I only knew who caused it by recognizing a particular aspect of the magic and tracing it back here. I didn't know I'd be saving your life tonight!" A sparkling purple drifts in and lands behind Alex and reforming into Selene and timidly waves at Luna. This reveal made Luna develop a twitching left eye for a few moments before her companions returned in response to the previous battle. "Kill the Nightmare before she kills us all!" Luna ordered. Which Crystal in response, pointed Infinite at Luna's neck. "Try that and nothing, not even our friendship will stop me from feeding Infinite a delicacy of immortal blood." She said, staying the weapons of the others before anything happened. "Alex, please explain to Lulu how Selene got her own body, I really don't want to hurt a friend to protect another." Alex sighs then says, "Princess, Selene has languished as nothing but a spirit trapped in this castle since she was forced out of you by the elements. When I came to. I met her and she told me everything she could about Equestria and has sworn Indy. to rid it of the Caribou's filth." Alex takes a deep breath and adds, "The price for her aid was a body and to become my wife. Please princess, doesn't she deserve a second chance? " Selene looked pleasingly at Luna and said, "Please Lulu. I learned my lesson." "I am a former host of Selene Luna." Crystal revealed "Remember what I told you about symbiotes and how they affect others? I said I spoke from experience Selene was my partner for awhile although she had a far more primitive mind before bonding with me." Luna glared at Selene who cowered behind Alex then remembered that Alex had literally jumped to her aid, (not to mention he was thestral in addition to being an alicorn) made up her mind. "After some thought I have made my decision." She announced. "Selene shall be spared my wrath, but under two conditions. First, She must aid in the liberation of equestria. The second, …" Luna then walked up to Alex and wrapped arms around him pressing her ample bosom against him. "You add me to your herd" Alex was taken aback. "Are multiple wives commonplace here!?!" He thought. Movement out of the corner of his eye caused him to engage his telekinesis. Turning found the squad captain encased in a prismatic aura. "Don't think we've forgotten about you my friend. …" > Alicorn King: Harmony Hijinx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville was once a quiet village on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with colorful buildings and equally colorful inhabitants. Everypony went about their business with a smile on their faces and a song in their hearts. Then the caribou came. The colors faded. Mares were forced out of their lives of relative peace and into lives filled with pain, degradation, humiliation, endless sex and slavery. No where in town shows how far Ponyville has fallen than the town square, where the slave auction block, rape pillaries, and two poles where the few stallions and one drake who had stronger wills refused to accept the Caribou's lifestyle and the influence of the Crystal Cock are publicly transformed into hermaphrodites while their minds are broken, molded by Umbra to match her masters. The few natural hermaphrodite mares in town had it better than their pure female friends by virtue of technically being in a higher caste. But like the transformed males they had become the main food source for the pure females thanks to their ability to consistently produce massive amounts of cum and milk without being bred. These mares were also on display in the town square locked into comfortable multi-milking/fucking mechines aphrodisiacs pumped into them to keep them producing. Into this three cloaked ponies walk into the town. The sounds of pain, crying and pleasure as well as the stink of sex had the lead pony tense as he fought to keep his temper under control. "Look I don't like it either but the Caribou at least keep them comfortable when they obey." One of the others said putting their scaled hand on the male's shoulder. "Not all of them are hurting but all are mind controlled. Look there," the Draconic being pointed to a few female Caribou. "They have it just as bad and even they are somewhat comfortable." Suddenly, a mint blue unicorn with her horn cut off and wearing a black color shouted, "NOOO! I DON'T CARE WHAT DAIN'S LAW SAYS I WON'T SUCK YOUR DICK!!" Before kicking a caribou in the groin and ran unknowingly into the trio and hiding behind the largest which happened to be Alex. The Caribou painfully got up and stormed up to the group and attempted to get at the unicorn but stopped when Alex cut him off by holding out his arm. "OUT OF THE WAY!" The Caribou buck shouted. "THAT SLUT NEEDS TO BE REMINDED OF HER PLACE." Alex lowered his hood and simply said, "No." Giving the buck a downwards glare. "She didn't do anything wrong and asked for my help. As such, she's under my protection." "So you'll break her yourself?" The buck remarked not realizing that Alex wasn't under the control of the Crystal cock. "Fine, just know that she bites." With that the buck walked off. "I'll just fuck one of my cows." As the buck walks off Alex motions to Crystal and Selene saying, "Change in plan. We're returning to Castle Everfree." Ha says in a low tone as he picks the minty blue unicorn up. They then walk out of sight and in a Prismatic flash, they're back in Castle Everfree (aka the Castle of the Two Sisters). While they were away, Luna had gathered up as many resistance cells as she could, which was about 300 ponies and brought them to the castle and began to restore it. Which meant there was less rubble strewn around. The three removed their cloaks. "Why did we leave?!" Crystal asked. "We could've stayed and learned more now you made the suspicious by teleporting away!" Wonder if I can help fix up the place. I could use the practice with all my abilities.' She thought as she looked around the cleared courtyard. "Because I got a bad feeling that if we stayed we would've literally walked into a trap." He replied. He stretched his wings. "Add that I saw a Caribou that if you took the difference in species was a dead ringer for Bellock." Alex turned to the unicorn and asked, "Now who are you young lady?" "Trixie Lunamoon," the mare said."I was the aid to Starlight Glimmer head counselor of the school of friendship." Alex nodded as he removed his Cloak, causing the hornless mare to gasp. "That's why he never ascended!" She remarked. "Shining was never the father!" Alex looked puzzled at Trixie "What do you mean miss?" He asked. "I have been in this body for three days." "Then why the hell didn't we have a male Alicorn in the form of Shining Armor, the father of the first naturally born alicorn in known history!" Trixie shouted. "I said it had not happened in the history of Equestria, my niece." Luna said "Not that it never happened before. Though I agree Our nephew should have ascended for the conception of Flurry Heart." "Point me at some ruins and ask me to unearth secrets within or give me an ancient document and I'll be able not only translate it but find a hidden map. But biology even magical biology is over my head." Alex turns to Luna and adds, "You did mention a land named Alicornia." "Not much is known about the race of ancient alicorns called the Alicornia." Luna said. "What is known is they are the supposed progenitors of the three tribes and all pony subtypes including changelings and the Kirin. Discord said that he never messed with records of their existence just that we haven't found anything complete yet, something I believe. We asked him this under the influence of the element of honesty after our most recent finds. Since the elements have such a strong effect on him as an outlier on the spectrum of Harmony it is almost impossible for him to fool us when under their influence." "Then we table this for later." Alex said. "For now we concentrate on squeezing our prisoner for intelligence." With that he got up and walked to the dungeon. 12 hours ago - Dungeon of Castle Everfree The prismatic aura lighting the pathway to the lower levels of the Castle. They came across a room where roots from the forest had grown into the room and covered one wall. Alex smiled and said, "Perfect." Carrying his prisoner to the root covered wall and pressed his back against it. A spell caused the roots to bind spread eagle to the wall. Another spell the sank into the Captain of the caribou squad. "What did you do to me?" demanded. Alex smiled "Just put an Interrogation spell I created just for you caribou. Currently it's inactive. Now we're going to ask a few questions and if you take too long answering, refuse to answer, or lie the spell activates, resulting in up to two hours of agonizing pain after which you will slowly transform into a female. Answer questions truthfully and the transformation stops for an hour. When you take too long, refuse to answer, or lie, the transformation will accelerate for five minutes and be observable. When you haven't anything to tell, five minutes later the transformation will accelerate one last time and complete itself. Then you'll be remanded to Crystal's care. Hopefully she can erase the damage Dain has done." "Be happy to be in my care," Crystal said as she prepared bandages and other wound dressings for the inevitable thrashing the pain would cause. "My king here wanted to throw you to the proverbial wolves by handing you over to your former comrades. I convinced him that culture and ingrained bias is part of the problem, something I hope to fix once you're more susceptible to the magic I use." Alex spread his wings and asked, "Are all the Elements of Harmony still located in Ponyville?" The Captain spat in Alex's face, a moment later he was crying out in pain. "Come." He said over the cries. "Let's gather information in Ponyville." PRESENT Alex lead the way back to the prisoner. There was a grim look on Alex's face. "Crystal, could you ask the questions this time?" Alex asked. "She'll be far more receptive by now considering how long we've been gone." Crystal replied. "after I bandage any wounds I'll ask her where Fluttershy is first. Luna mentioned Fluttershy was a red collar from the beginning, meaning she'll be the most difficult to convince but the easiest to rescue. Luckily Harry and Angel showed up while we were gone with them at our side you could probably even buy her. Luna said she found that the hidden vault she built still has all of her old funds from before Celestia abandoned the castle. Meaning we have the funds to buy the Elements when we locate them. Although it may be suspicious for one person to own all of them, I'll take on a male appearance to help with that when we do locate them." Alex nodded then looked to the prisoner. “To make things simpler, what is your name?” The caribou took a breath and said, “Frey Sunscout.” Alex smiled. “Ok Frey. Where is the Element of Kindess?” Frey gulped then said, "Tending the warbeast pens at the apple farm, the Element of Honesty also is there tending to the crops, her owner decided that she and her family would still work the fields. At first we wondered why he would insist on this but Grand Pear made a good point, 'you fella's brought me and Smithy back to our primes bout the way I see it I should pay you back and feeding ya is the best way I know how. Part of the land is mine anyhow and I have no workers to clean it. Might as well have my grandkids do it since they know how." Alex nodded then asked, "Where is the Element of Laughter?" "No idea." The cow said, "Last I knew she was a black collar undergoing conversion into a purple collar because of her unresponsiveness, that would be months ago. All I know is that they might still be in Ponyville. If you're looking to buy then you might be in luck, supposedly there's a big Auction sometime soon within the week depending on what day it is it could be as soon as two days there is a group of six that are to be auctioned off all at once but it would take a monumental amount considering they're supposed to be VIP. Might be your Elements." Alex nodded then snapped his fingers and the roots released the currently herm cow. "Okay Crystal she's all yours." "So is she going to transform further?" Crystal asked. "Cause I want to see how curvy my new aide will be." "Over the next nine months shi'll become more she until she only has XX Chromosomes." "Well then let me give her a gift." Crystal said as a menu popped up in front of her revealing a hidden aspect of her nature. "Go ahead." Alex said he walked to a balcony & looked over the Everfree Forest and sighed. He then walked around the castle both familiarizing and plotting routes. Finding a great organ, he sat down and began playing a piece he had heard in the background of several movies. "I'm surprised," Crystal said. "You didn't comment on my Gamer status. I had thought it was just part of my dream but when I met you I got a quest, 'reclaim the Atlantean monarchy' it seems that we both are direct descendants of Atlantean survivors." Alex sighs as he stopped playing. "What gave my Atlantis connection?" He asked. Crystal said. I can sense Atlantean materials including orichalcum that's important because of its everyday use in the great City. The inhabitants' bones had large amounts of orichalcum bonded to them. In fact they began to biologically produce it. I have trace amounts in my bones and I can sense the same in you." "*Sigh* The Traveler, the progenitor of my Clan, came from Atlantis to deal with Buhe, the prince of chaos, who claimed to be from another world. Long story short, he the last of 14 standing, received the family curse and Atlantis under the waves." "Well then calling you my king is warranted or should I say I'm your queen." Crystal said. "I'm the last surviving member of the Atlantean Royal bloodline and I choose you one of the last surviving members of the Atlantean Warriors as my king as my husband." A fanfare plays as Crystal says these words and a screen pops up in front of her. The screen reads, "Quest Complete! Atlantean Royal bloodline secure!" Suddenly the chiming of crystals brings out as a pure white aura surrounds Alex before a screen appears in front of him and a voice says. "Welcome Player." Alex sat down in surprise and then for no apparent reason began to laugh. He laughs until he has to gasp for breath. "That old woman in Ciro. I owe an apology if I ever run into her." Looking at Crystal he says, "Hours before we met, an ancient woman gave me an odd slate and told me 'A wedding gift my King, long may you and your queen reign.' And she disappeared into the crowd. Doc and I were puzzled as all get out. Hours later we met for the first time" Looking at the screen puzzled. "What on Equis?" "The same thing happened to me when I first got here," Crystal said "until I woke up I thought the whole thing was some constant of my dreams, my mind creating a construct to help me understand the constant lucid dreaming. Turns out I gained a massively OP ability when I crossed over." Alex experimentally touched a spot marked, "[Status]". The spot lit up then new selections appeared a reading [Health] [Condition] [Mana] [Close menu] "Huh your screen is simple compared to mine." Crystal said as she opened her status. Atk Def Arc Drgbld Crpt Str Spd Skl Rgd Close menu "As you can see I have far more things I have to keep track of." Alex Closed his status menu and checked the root menu. [Abilities] [Status] [Spells] [Weapons] [Level] [Feats] @@@@@ Meanwhile, in Castle Canterlot, the three survivors standing naked before a pacing and irritated Dain and an ancient and skeletal looking caribou stood behind and to dain's left. Dain lost his temper at the mentioning of that four alicorns were and ordered the three turned into broodcows and impregnated. After a few minutes to allow his king to calm down the skeletal caribou steps up. "My king." He said in a raspy voice. "I have news you must hear." "Alicorns awaken and Atlantis returns." A voice says. "Another world will come to bear as the Alicornia return." It continued "None shall see Day as the Game comes to you." Dain Stonehoof looked at his advisor in puzzlement. "What is this Atlantis?" The ancient caribou says, "A land of great power and magic. A land from which two of new alicorns hail. One of the awakening Alicorns is male." "The powers of this world rejected Chaos with it's own. The game begins." The voice said again. "It will end unknown." "That wasn't like before," the elder said "it is never that clear." "Yet there are no riddles or ambiguity." Dain says pondering unless the clarity is the riddle." Dain walks up to a Chained Celestia who looks a tad slimmer then said, "your Sister has escaped again Sunslut and brought others into the frey but fret not by this time she and her allies will be joining you." At that moment prince blueblood walks in and says, "The grand auction in Ponyville is ready my liege. All we need is my aunties former student and we can proceed." "Which I'll provide but I must clarify which one?" A new voice answered, revealing it to be Neighsay "I am grateful to you for allowing me my revenge against Twilight Sparkle." 'Honestly I was glad to get her away from you. Hopefully whoever buys her can treat her well.' "There is her school." He joked. "Though I take it to mean Headlight Spunkbucket, once known as Twilight Sparkle." Alex looked at a pile of bone meal and a three pound rod of orichalcum after a moment of prayer gathered up the bone meal and uttered softly, "Thank you ancestors the sacrifice of the bones shall aid those in need." As he put the bone meal in a sack he looked at his herd. "Now we're guaranteed to get all six." He said "since orichalcum is rarer than platinum." Crystal nodded thinking bout her own prep "So is the forge ready?" Crystal asked Luna and Selene "I'm able to work it without protection thanks to my dragon scales but I still need materials and a safe space for my black fire." Selene looked to Luna who nodded and the pair lead Crystal to a forge with silver-blue fire. "Will this do?" Luna says "This is where I forged my armor and weapons." As Luna was showing Crystal the Lunar Forge, Alex and eight guards ponies that fought off the crystal cock's influence enter Ponyville and make their way to town square and grand auction. The auction started as soon as they got next to the stage. Alex kept a small part of his mind on it as he partially tuned out his mind to keep from loosing it. Alex almost missed the chance to get all six elements in one sale. "I GOT 12,345 BITS. DO I HEAR MORE? NO? 12,345 GOING ONCE! 12,345 GOING TWI…" "3 POUNDS OF ORICHALCUM!!" "SOLD!!" Alex and the disguised guards gathered up the Mane six. Applejack & Fluttershy were in the best shape as they were untouched. Rainbow was battered and pregnant with a belly that showed she was three months away from birth. Rarity and Barb had been sold together because of Barb's draconic greed being enhanced by the influence of the artifact making her possessive of her old lover. Pinkie Pie looked like her foal was days away from entering the world and Twilight looked like she was going to pop out twins any moment. As they made their way out of town Twilight doubled over crying out. "SHIT!!" One of the guard shouted. "She foaling now if we don't get Her in the castle her first born daughter will belong to the market." Every crowded close to the stricken mare. Alex teleported to the throne room of Castle Everfree. Caribou guards following the group to kill whoever had enough to by the set so they could be scattered around Equestria eliminating the threat they possessed. Watched as the collars and wing boxes fell to the ground the runes ment to keep that from happening burnt-out from the power of the spell used. All they could say was, "Fuck." What the group found instead was a group of metallic and crystal golems with black flames for eyes. "Shit! These things again!" One of the Caribou guides said. He was a buck who would patrol the border of the Everfree and had noticed the beasts pop up within the last few days. "We need to run! If these things attack we're doomed. They are incredibly resilient and magic doesn't affect them!" (Actual game lore, these are Dark Souls 1 enemies BTW) The golem started to March towards them and the group following the advice of their comrade fled. Meanwhile, in the throne room of Castle Everfree, a Prismatic flash announced there Return. Twilight was layer down as a midwife to help the princess bring her children into the world. As This was happening a Prismatic covered the seven as Alex intoned, "healed in mind, body, & soul you shall be. Now act like you did when Equestria was free." The spell's effect was surprisingly guy effective as, rainbow's, Twilight's, Fluttershy's wings became fully feathered. Rarity & Twilight's horns were restored. The most encouraging thing happened when pinkie's mane floomphed out. It then flattened again as pinkie went into labor. Two hours later Pinkie Pie and Twilight were sitting up in bed giving their children their first meals. Alex walked in to see how two new mothers were his wings folded and caped. "How're the new moms?" He asked. Twilight looked at Alex and said, "I don't know how it's possible but I can think clearly about multiple subjects not just sex and to keep a male pleased with me. As far as I know there is no equestrian spell that can do that and restore my wings and horn." Alex chuckled then said, "You're right. No equisian spell can do it. But the spell wasn't equisian origin." Twilight's eyes lit up and before relising she had a quill input and paper in front of her ready to take notes. Then before he could say anything he heard sniffles around him, looking about he saw Pinkie (still feeding her filly), Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity (whose belly just stating to bulge), and Applejack were at various points of the room with shimmering eyes. "What's wrong girls?" It was Rarity who replied, "It's soo relieving to see Twilight acting the she did those dreadful caribou came." Then there was a sudden commotion and a midnight blue knocked first Rarity then Alex aside. It turned out to be Luna who was hugging the second smallest alicorn on equis. Luna notices Twilight looking in shock at something behind her. Following Twilight's gaze she sees Alex, whose wings had popped open, revealing his alicorn status Smiling she says, "Twilight Sparkle let me introduce Alexandrite Obsidian Twilight, my husband. " "Husband!!!" > ALICORN KING: CANTERLOT RAID > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna (V.O): Last time on Alicorn King Smiling Luna says, "Twilight Sparkle let me introduce Alexandrite Obsidian Twilight, my husband. " "Husband!!!" "SHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" PINKIE hissed. "You'll wake the foals." Her days taking care of cake twins coming to the fore. Alex groaned as he got up. He softly flapped his and caped them before looking about. He noticed that save for Luna and the pair in bed, everyone was bowing. Twilight & Pinkie were staring wide eyed at him in surprise. "My lord," Rarity said, "Please forgive us for not,..." Crystal walked in covered in soot and smelling of hot metal. 5th "WHERE IS SHE!" she shouted while her horns were glowing casting a sound blocker on the foals. "WHERE'S THE DRAGONLORD!" Alex groaned and muttered, "And another problem crops up. If you're talking about Barb, She's in the kitchen cooking dinner for the castle population. What's the matter, Crystal?" "Who is this and why does she look like me?!" Twilight shouted. "Crystal Controller." Crystal said. "Barb is someone special to me. I don't know why but I need to meet her." "Twilight," Alex commented, "I think why you two look so much alike can wait. What we need now is to restore Castle Everfree and the lost city of Everfree." "Plus I got to throw a "Welcome to Equis Prince Alexandrite "Alex" Obsidian Twilight and late foalshower for me & Twilight." Pinkie Pie chirped. Alex smiled at Pinkie's comment as he had worried that aspect of her personality was not rebooted. "That's King Alex Obsidian." Crystal said. "He's my fiance and the King of Atlantis as I am the blood descended Queen." Alex rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment as he said, "I was hoping to ease them into my royal status. " He said with his cheeks slightly red. "Anyhow one plan was to locate the other alicorns then absorb them into my herd." "Darling that wouldn't be possible Cadence is married, and Flurry Heart is a foal." Rarity said. Alex nodded. "In Flurry Heart and her parents' case, they'll become my wards as both adults currently can't make rational decisions without caribou aid." Alex felt a strange sensation. Closing his he felt the presence of companies of soldiers, mostly caribou Rangers with pony subtypes as scouts. He could tell they were searching for something or someone. Alex's gaze grew stern as got ready to deal with the Intruders. As the Two companies moved into the Everfree Forest the ponies became increasingly nervous. "Sir those crystal beasts wiped out your scouts and you called in us to replace them. We just found that they replaced the one you destroyed and six more popped up! Not to mention that Cragadiles have started to follow them around!" The stallion said. "While we're glad that you instated Everfree patrols you're crazy if you think that we should go deeper without a full battalion." Suddenly, plunder vines erupted from the ground and corralled the patrol. A few moments later a set of four crystals grew out of the ground and an energy mist appeared in the space outlined by them. A 3D shadow of a male alicorn appeared. "Dain doesn't rule here, which means you are Trespassing. Leave the Everfree Forest and if your willingly loyal to Dain Stonehoof the coward, and usurper of the Celestial Sisters never return. Oh. And so you know I mean business." One of the plundervine scooped up the leader of the second company and second in command of the patrol with its flytrap head"and slithered away north before heading to the castle. The crystal crumbled and the vines withered away releasing the patrol. "We won't run! None of your tricks will work, Shaman!" The main leader shouted. "We go deeper, I shall hear no complaints. And to make sure of this our king gifted me a very special weapon, the halberd of Sunslut herself!" He shouted as he channeled his own magic into the solar weapon activating the enchantments to ignite the blade in solar plasma before swinging the weapon to burn a path to the river 500 yards ahead. "This weapon's power can defeat the Moonslut and destroy any crystals in its wake. Considering whom we are supposedly up against, Lord Danin thought it prudent to give us the overwhelming advantage." Suddenly, the vegetation grew back and cut them off from the sunlight. Then a voice from everywhere yet nowhere asked, "DO you have the magic reserves of an alicorn? I think not. You can keep it as long as you can use it. Oh! Until you beat me there won't be enough sunlight to help keep it charged and you only have your meager reserves. How long can you keep it up before magic exhaustion sets in?" The Caribou burst out laughing. "I said my king gave me an overwhelming advantage and I meant it! You see, whoever you are, my reserves only ignite the enchantments. The weapon itself is linked to a certain Starslut to draw upon. Considering the cunt can match the Alicorn of magic in a fight of raw power, I'm pretty sure I can drain her for a long time before I use my own reserves and if it gets to that point her blood is on your hands!" Suddenly, spikes of stone, wood, & crystal erupted from the ground impaling him and a group of golems charged through the undergrowth as a silhouette wreathed in black fire landed next to the twitching body. "Leave before We get serious." It said a grey metallic spear with glowing blue runes and crystal visible through the fire. "Now!" It said slamming the butt of the spear on the ground for emphasis, the action also made the golems arms turn to scalpel sharp swords pointed at the survivors. "Fuck this! Retreat!" The second in command said as the group turned tail. The Caribou ordering the group turned to the Earth pony scout and just nodded the look on his face grim but determined. As if to say, "you were right we needed more troops." "Once we get back to Ponyville we round up a full legion and burn that forest to the ground from the sky!" He said. "Hopefully an aerial bombardment will be safer." Crystal picked up the Halberd as a new golem formed. "So that's how they came to be. Useful knowledge," the mare smacked the butt of her weapon on the ground once more allowing all of the golems to return to their normal state. "This will definitely help with Alex's plans." Quickly she took to the air flying back to the Castle. Alex sat down and began to do meditation as he began to plan Celestia's Rescue and the taking of Ponyville. Taking Ponyville made good tactical sense. As a rail nexus, taking it out of Dain's control would give them fast access to the rest of Equestria and cut Danin off from the support the mountain citadel and city would need. The Crystal Cock needs to be located, captured and purified back into the crystal Heart. But there were important things like housing their forces. They were probably wanting more than tents to sleep in. With this in mind he flew to the center of the ruins of Everfree City. After taking a moment of meditation his horn, Mane, and fingernails began to glow. He then began to dance, the glow of his fingernails began leaving glowing lines from his hands. As he danced the golden lines flowed from him and to the limits of the city , and music from the song dream to dream began. As the lines drifted through the city, streets became unclogged & clear. The buildings were reformed using trees, rocks, and crystals. The two tallest were a dedicated airship dock and Central defense Tower. Once finished Alex sat down to rest. Crystal landed saying, "Nice work." She then spun the solar halberd before adding, "Think Luna will like this?" Alex smiled and said, "She will. The fact it's out of caribou control will make her giddy." He then got up and started to slowly fly to the castle as he said, "We got a new prisoner to question. You want a new servant?" "Sure but I want to talk about the mirror first." Crystal said. "We could use the tech and reinforcements. If we can, I suggest recruiting ourselves." "We won't be able to recruit human me." Alex mused. "I was brought from a different human world. Plus to even get access to it we'll either have to raid Ponyville or annex it." "Not really," Crystal said, beckoning him with a wave of her hand. "Before I left to take care of the idiots I asked Twilight a couple of things about her castle. She mentioned it had been grown from a seed from the Tree of Harmony which is below the city in the gorge. I have an idea that since the Tree has been confirmed to be sentient we can ask if it will take us to its offspring to protect it. It might have a way to do that discreetly, considering it's a mother-daughter situation. I think that might be the best bet then we can annex Ponyville back into the Equestrian Union from there, make it our forward staging ground and such." Alex thought about it and said, "Gather up a unit and retrieve that mirror and the journal and get back. I am going to attempt to summon my Fearunian Spellbook to me in the meantime." Two screens opened up in front of the gamers. Crystal's read. "Side quests available! Go to the human Equiss! All actions in this world will be desynchronized with the main timeline allowing no time to pass there." "Convenient!" She said before looking to the fourth wall. "Betcha didn't think I had my own DLC!" Turning to Alex she asked "what does yours say?" Looks like I got DLC of My own. Alex looked. It read "Side quests available, Recover personal spellbook, Acquire access to the Viator Vault (Retrieve airship blueprint from archive),Reforge Orderkeeper (optional). "Hmm looks like I'll have a chance to access my Family's Vault." Crystal and Alex returned to the castle. They found the caribou that had been captured in the Interrogation cell. He Cast the same spell on this prisoner then said, "Your vine bindings will allow you to eat and sleep but you'll be placed on the wall for Interrogation. Enjoy your limited freedom. " The King and Queen then separated to get their respective tasks done. "Twilight?" Crystal asked Barb following her "Get Pinkie and the kids we're going to visit Sunset." Twilight nodded then got a worried look. "How're we going to get to Sunset?" She asked. The Mirror is still in my castle in Ponyville." "Your Castle is the child of the Tree of Harmony which you know is a living sentient being. I'm thinking that by asking The Tree if we can travel to your castle without teleportation." Crystal said "Also I have an idea that she might know why I look like you." "Yippee!!!" Pinkie says as she jumps from behind Crystal, wearing a baby sling with her foal in it, "Roadtrip!" A few moments later three teen mares all of which were pregnant jogged up wearing baby Slings with Twilight's foals in them. "Girls calm down." Crystal said. "We need to prepare for timedesync. My powers will allow us to raise the kids a bit while we're there and allow us to train our skills." Alex nodded saying, "Please be sure the caribou don't learn of what's on the other side." He then walked off. "Don't plan on it my King." Crystal said small black flames sparkling all over her body in response to the mere thought of it. "Now girls I'll give you a few hours to get ready. Also before we leave, grab your elements. Having them on you will give you some of your abilities in that world." Meanwhile, halfway the Everfree Forest, five airships carrying the town's entire caribou population and a few ponies slowly glide towards that dark forest. On the bow the leader of this mission to raze the Everfree after the failed mission retrieve the bearers of the elements of harmony after the fool auctioneer sold the entire group for a rod of pure orichalcum. He must've been listening to his greed to let them all go to the same bidder. A buck ran up to him and said, "Sir? There is something shiny above the treetops near the center." This caused him some concern. The young buck handed him a telescope and pointed in the direction to look. Peering through he saw what appeared to be a disk with a pulsing dome. "I see it." He commented. He would've said more when he noticed the pulsing was speeding up. Suddenly, a beam leaped out of the dome. "*KABOOM!!!*" An explosion at the rear of the formation! Looking He saw the last airship in line plummeting to it's doom. He could see figures gliding to the ground each with a passenger that was too small to be a Caribou. Then it clicked, the airships all had one thing in common, airbags filled with gas obtained from water. Another beam, another airship lost it's airbag. The resistance camp had built a fort and they waited until the last airship was in range before they attacked. He closed his eyes as he felt the airship began to descend. These resistance fighters had played them as fools. A wave of heat and the feeling of weightlessness told him that his ship had lost it's airbag. He readied himself for Valhalla as he whispered, "Good Play my foe." The hull of his airship slammed into the ground, killing him. The next week was full of action & surprises. It began when Crystal, Pinkie, Twilight and the pregnant mares & fillies left to visit Sunset. The moment Twilight set foot in her castle the crystal inside became colored the same shade of Lavender as Twilight's coat, creating a discreet path leading to the mirror portal, whilst concealing the path from the Caribou. The survivors of the failed aerial assault gathered near the wreck of the lead ship. The caribou survivors found themselves out numbered by the pony survivors. A couple of hours later the pony survivors formed up and began marching into the Everfree with the intention of joining the resistance headquartered there. The three hundred moved from the castle into Old Canterlot and renamed it to Everfree City. Soon after their arrival Barb followed Crystal and the Elements, thinking the group might have been captured but upon reaching the mirror a note on the frame said "Elements will be trained for 6 years! Be back soon!" This caused the Dragoness to leap through. Alex created a door that leads to the Viator Vault in a closet, then retrieved a box with a shattered mithril/Orichalcum sword. For the rest of the week Alex reforged the sword into a pair of sabers. A day before the end of the week Alex snuck into Twilight's castle and retrieved the mirror, taking it back to the Castle of the Two Sisters, placing it in the throne room. When the seventh day arrived, Alex was waiting for the elements and both his wives to return with his children (Alex adopted Twilight's children) and hoped they wouldn't hate him for not being a part of their lives. The mirror spat out an orange alicorn who stumbled a bit, their center of gravity shifted thanks to the semi-ethereal nature of their wings of fire and their extra long flaming tail. "Damnit!" They shouted falling forward but getting stopped before they landed flat on their muzzle. "Wasn't expecting those!" Next two of each pony walked out. Twilight and her twin, Dash and hers, the two Pies, both Breezes, all the Apples and their Brother, the Belle siblings, and Both Scoots bringing up the rear. "Man, can you believe that Crystal is Clover, Head of the Department of Extra Natural defense!" Twily the slightly smaller lavender Alicorn declared. " I mean I know that your Clover the Clever was around over a thousand years ago on your side. I kind of figured ours was around now considering Celestia and Luna are over a thousand years old in this world but I had no idea she looks so much like me and that we are directly related!" "Believe me now I'm glad I actually played her in the Hearth's warming play." Twilight admitted "You know she went by the alias Smart Cookie most of the time while on missions, that's where the confusion stems from in the hearth's warming stories on your world." "Erhem." Alex said muffled from in between Sunset's breasts. "Correct me if I'm wrong (and most likely am) but Smart Cookie was among the Earth Ponies." Drawing attention to himself, Alex backed up allowing Sunset to see him and said, "Now what is a vision of Loveliness doing coming Out of The mirror. " "Uh?" Sunset said blushing "I lived here for 23 years, who are you?" Alex set his horn a glow with a prismatic aura, spread his wings and bowed saying, "I am Alexandrite Obsidian of the Viator clan at your service. As for how I got here you can blame Buhe's curse upon my Family." "Discord?" Sunset asked. "He should be reformed." Alex snorts replying, "His first defeat was 15,000 years ago at the hands of progenitor of my Clan and his placing the curse on my family is nothat at the time he wasn't." He looks about and says "Where is everyone else? " "Sorry everyone." Crystal said as she stepped through the portal in military gear. "The Barbs and the kids were saying goodbye to Velvet and Cadance." A few moments later a herd of young fillies & colts numbering thirteen came barreling out the first tripping over their oversized wings the rest landing in a pile of squirming bodies, followed by two dragons and three figures that had a pink glow emanate from between the boobs. "Dagi you were supposed to stop them from rushing!" The blue ponified siren said. "Now we got this pile of cute little morsels!" A pinkish glow was pulled from the foals and the mares before being absorbed into the sirens' pink gems. Alex moved away from Sunset and crosses his arms and glared at the sirens. "You 3 were banished from Equestria by The pillars of harmony which were led by Starswirl the bearded for Is being a threat to the ponies." He said. "The time between now and then is enough for a just punishment so you are now welcome to Equestria. Welcome home citizens, unfortunately you must be informed the caribou invaded and took control over much Of the nation thanks to mind control using a corrupted & possessed artifact. Will you help free Equestria?" As he was talking to the sirens the children untangled themselves and went to their mothers. "Turns out their feeding habits were negatively affecting them just as they were others, feeding off of negativity was basically the equivalent of alcohol for humans or salt for ponies." Crystal mentioned. "With the help of my counterpart in Sunset's world we were able to purify the remaining shards of their gems and give them the ability to feed off of all of emotions instead of just negativity, basically they have become the 'changelings of the sea' that they were supposed to be in the first place. I also figured that if mind control is being used to harm others, using mind control to fix the problem might actually be a good idea. If we had Starlight around I wouldn't have even thought of this as she has literal mind control spells that she could use but that bastard said that they had her stuck in Canterlot." Alex nods. "The world I was taken from had legends of the sirens. In most their songs hypnotized sailors and lured them to their doom on the rocks. One legend tells the hero, Ulysses had to sail by the Island they laired on. So he had his crew put wax in their ears and lash him to the main mast. I forget what happened next in the tale. Strangely there no Tales that reveals their final fate." He thoughtfully mused. "I wonder if they got off that island or they died there." Alex then realized just who he hadn't heard speak. "Uh where's Aria?" The alicorn got his answer when a purple mass rammed into him from above accompanied by a squeal of joy. "Oh my gosh your so cute but so Metal! I love it!" "Huh, I guess fate really wants you to have your head between boobs." Crystal said, realizing the running gag that Alex was now trapped in. "Ari don't suffocate our husband even though that's a fine way to go." Alex carefully and unintentionally pressed his palms against Aria's tits and pushed away pleasurably squashing the siren's boobs. "Oops." Alex says with his face looking like a tomato. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and anyone who has an eye for detail world've noticed a slight bulge the others and said, " I assume Crystal has informed all of you that I'm forming a Royal herd. Meaning all those who have ascended to the alicorn tribe I'm trying to marry to protect them". Upon noticing the seamstress' reaction Adagio explained, "If you had lived your whole life underwater you would understand that wearing clothes slows you down. That's why I don't like wearing them all the time. Now don't get me wrong, I love certain articles of clothing. I just never got over having to wear them every single minute of every single day outside of private life in the human world." The mare turned to Alex. "While we aren't exactly alicorns we're still as Immortal as them, about 3 years ago Crystal inducted us into the herd mostly thanks to Sonata." Alex nodded, then asked not realizing his hands were still on Aria's tits, "I came originally from another human world that had stories of sirens. I was wondering if you could guess what their fate might've been as there are no stories on their final fate." "Eh?" Aria said "We did the same thing but Odysseus just passed us by. We left that Island not long after heading to the mainland with what little energy we had, it used up the rest of our equestrian magic at the time to use our flying forms. Trapping us in our younger bodies until equestrian magic was reintroduced into that world. Unless there was a portal that could be opened just like the one here, I would think your Sirens had a similar fate and might still be around in that world." Alex noticed the muscle tone on all of the females. "Took me a bit to notice but have all of you been working out?" "That was my fault." Crystal said with a sheepish grin. "I explained that while they had superpowers, if they really wanted to fight against the Caribou they had to get back in shape and into even better shape than they were before. So for the first few years outside of establishing identities I had the girls trained in many l martial arts with Rainbow Dash's Sensei of that world, while also improving their physical bodies. I actually gained muscle and strength outside of my gamer ability." Alex used his magic to bring a stool to him and after sitting down guiding Aria to his lap said, "Okay the alicorns, sirens, and I'll consummate being part of the Royal Herd by getting intimate. Earth ponies, Pegasus, & Unicorns discuss among yourselves if you choose to join, your going to have to risk getting pregnant on your first night if you do. For those of you who have children, I'll adopt them." He then stood up, scooping up Aria into being carried bridal style. "Now it's getting late, we have a major raid go plan, one that'll shake the caribou's while boosting freepony morale. The raid on Canterlot and the rescue of Celestia." "Thanks for the massage hon." Aria said. "While I enjoy being a wet nurse, it sure gets my girls sore sometimes." The next morning, everyone except the children who were in the restored city at school under Cheerilee, were seated at a large round table. There were buckets near Seline's, Luna's, Both Twilights, and the siren's seats. Pony Twilight was feeling good as the mare got a sensual time something she should've got her first time, not the rough mating she had gotten from the stallions under caribou influence. Twi was staring at her belly with a mixture of wistful hope and panic. The sirens had smug gins and satisfied looks on their faces. Dagi let out a burp then said, "Sorry I was third in line and the room was thick with food, I barely left some for my sisters. At the mention of food everpony that had a bucket next to them picked it up and puked into them. Alex coughed into his fist. Then said, "One week ago the Caribou attempted to burn the Everfree from the air. They sent a legion to troops 90% caribou 10% pony in five airships. They learned that hydrogen airbags and lasers don't mix. That loss from what guards ponies who've joined us informed us that was the first defeat of their forces." Alex looked around the room. "Up until then the caribou have been undefeated so their morale is high and pony morale is low and got the ponies to doubt their way of life which is why the caribou's mind control wave was able to do the damage it did." "Now all of us are going to use these to assault the capital." Crystal said, pulling out multiple pistols and AK-47s from her inventory. "These are not the real thing, they are replica Airsoft rifles and pistols loaded with chili pepper rounds and non-lethal plastic pellets. All of the girls have trained in firearms across the portal." Crystal handed the weapons to the girls. "I know Alex and I can shoot worth a damn as well. But I still don't want to risk accidental death so I'm going to give me and Alex the only lethal weapons we will be carrying. Especially since we can just reload straight from our inventory giving us a distinct Advantage when it comes to carrying lethal firearms. The rest of the troops will be carrying more traditional weapons such as crossbows and swords but I want us to have a distinct technological advantage so I also bought a lot of hunting crossbows and carbon fiber Arrows with lethal broad tips and stunning tips. There's no way to overdo it with prep in my opinion." Alex then pulls a key out of his inventory. "There are a couple of things that will put things more into our favor." He says as he walks up to a nearby closet door. The magic in the key could be felt by Crystal and the other alicorns, Unicorns & the sirens. When he put it in a heavy rune inscribed door appeared. He twisted the key and pushed it in slightly. He looked at the others, "If you want to accompany me come along but don't touch unless you're part of the herd." He then walked in. The inside was filled with gold, silver, and copper. There were also weapons, armor and books. He led the group to the oldest area in the room to an area and set of bookshelves that Crystal immediately recognized as Atlantean tomes on the shelves. Alex took two books, one with blue folded pages. The other covered arcane runes. He turned back and started to head for the exit. As they headed back, he stopped at a bookcase and pulled 20 Tomes then put them and the two from the oldest part of the Vault into his inventory. Crystal noted that the other tomes had a different set of arcane runes. "What are those?" She asked. "A complete set of instructional books on casting spells without a horn & an archive of spells from tier 1 to tier 5, with the caribou chopping of horns from unicorn mares we're going to need an alternate method of casting." "Not a bad idea but we should also look for wing replacements since the Caribou bind them." Crystal said a she grabbed a glowing runic blade. "Do you mind if I take this? I never found anything suitable enough to use in Sunset's world for melee." Alex looked and chuckled, "Sure." He replied, "That blade is named 'Winged Freedom'. Remember I said that this is a Family Vault? You, Seline, Luna, Twilight, Twi, Flutters, Shy, Sunset, Aria, Sonata, & Dagi are my wives and have as much right to take items out as I" "That's a good idea but…" Sonata said. "I don't have any idea what any of this stuff is!" "The items are a mix of mundane & magical." Alex says he then hands Sonata a sturdy flute. "Like this war flute. You can use it to enhance your sister's spell work as well as work spells through it." "That might be good!" The blue siren said, taking the instrument, "any other suggestions I'm just letting you know Aria likes more physical Endeavors than using our singing to fight." "This thing looks oddly familiar." The purple Siren said while holding a strange sword. "Alex, did any of your family meet Kalameet?" Sunset asked. "Because that weapon is the Obsidian Greatsword, only obtainable by cutting off the tail of a dragon in Dark Souls. I can also see the original Moonlight Greatsword over there, another of those weapons although that looks more like the version from bloodborne than the original." "Crystal, you used this during our Co-op Dark Souls Marathon!" Aria said. "And that's your favorite sword from Bloodborne!" Aria pointed to the Moonlight Greatsword. "Could it be that some of your in-game inventory got here through your gamer ability?" "Huh," Crystal said, recognizing other weapons from the games she played in Sunset's world. "Guess that's why I didn't really have a strong reaction when I first saw this part of it is mine." Inside her head she was freaking out realizing that all of the weapons from the game she played could possibly now appear in this vault. There was one specifically that she did not want anywhere near her in real life even though it was fun to bash people over the head with it in Saints Row 4. 'Shit!' Was repeating over and over as she noticed some of the other weapons she tended to use. "Hon I didn't realize this is where they would go! Sorry." But that fear changed to elation at the site of a pair of particular weapons from an obscure game that she had enjoyed. "Ok these are mine!" "Huh," Replied Alex, rising an eyebrow he looked around then said, "I didn't realize that would happen." He then smiled and picked up a buster sword with yellow, red, blue spheres in the sockets. "Nice and it has lighting, fire, and frost materia inplace." "Tap it's handle." Flutters said. "It looks to be the fusion sword, not Zach's⁰ buster sword." Alex taps the hilt of the sword. The weapon split into seven. The materia held within the central sword in the same place as it would be in the original Buster sword. "The original Buster sword can only hold two Materia at once, the fusion sword can hold up to 3 when combined." Flutters explained. "It can hold many more when it's only the central blade, also the fusion sword is the more common weapon in ancillary media including the stuff after the end of 7." Alex refused the sword and nodded, before motioning for everypony to precede him out. Once everypony was outside the Vault he closed the vault. "Go in to the city of Everfree and get some volunteers. The clock is ticking and we don't have a lot of time before Sunday." "Who should we recruit, I'm thinking Trixie." Twi said. "She has a lot of talent and untapped potential and I'm sure she'll want to get revenge on the Caribou for taking Starlight." Alex shakes his head. "The only way Trixie will be in on this is as a part of a team that will be protecting the sirens. Otherwise she is a loose cannon. "How about Muffins?" Dash suggested. "Before you all laugh she's a monster in drunken style combat. I never actually beat her when we were training in the dojo and this is me your talking about. Alex produces a flask and tosses it to Rainbow. "That is a flask of endless salted mead. It should help her." "She also has experience fighting in Canterlot," Rarity said, "During the wedding she was in the city with her adopted and biological daughters meaning she knows how impeding forces would actually fight in the Canterlot streets. She'd be a valuable asset beyond her martial prowess, anyone we can confirm took part in helping fight off The Invasion during the wedding and the storm Beast Invasion should be top priority." "Too bad Tempest Shadow is supposedly defending Mount Aris at the moment, she helped lead the storm Beast Invasion meaning she would have insight into the tactics of taking Canterlot." Mac commented having walked up to the group after having overheard the conversation. "I'm not opposed to joining myself. I mean I'm not from this world but any of my family in danger means that I'm going to help you no matter what no matter the world. That's why I joined my sisters when we crossed over." "You're in." Alex says. "You choose which team you'll be part of, infiltration, assault or guardian. Infiltration is rescuing Celestia from under Dainn's nose. Assault is attacking Canterlot with the apparent goal to destroy the airship docks & airshipyards. If those goals are completed good for us. Guardian protects the sirens." One of the few free guardsmen approached the group. "Sir we have a single person approaching from the south!" "The south?" Crystal asked "That's away from any major population centers towards the Badlands. Alex, we both need to check this out." Alex nods and spreads his wings saying, "RED ALERT! GET NONCOMS INTO THE CASTLE!!" He then flies out to meet this lone traveler. Followed closely by Crystal. Chrysalis was carefully moving through the Everfree looking for the ravine that hid the Tree of Harmony. Suddenly, vines that haven't been seen in four years penned her in. Then two forms land in front of her. "What do we have here?" A male voice spoke from the figure just before a second figure landed. "Uh, is it just me or are you a beauty Miss…?" The female said, surprising the royal Changeling. Chrysalis drew herself up and replied, "I wasn't aware that Equestria's Alicorn population had grown by two. Let alone one was male. I am QUEEN Chrysalis. " "Well I am Queen Crystal Controller, this is my Husband King Alexandrite Obsidian. We are the rulers of an ancient civilization from another world. My husband also is the alicorn of the Everfree, a birthright unintentionally given to him by Discord." "As demonstrated by the plunder vines caging you." Alex added. "I have a proposition for you. You changelings can make perfect intelligence gathers save for you need to feed off love. I can use my magic to remove that dependency. Love can still give you a power boost but you won't die from a lack of love. Which drove you to attempt to invade Equestria. All you have to do is swear fealty to the Atlantean crown. As well as take Thorax as your king" "The idea that I would die from a lack of Love is an exaggeration, I am the only changeling left and as a queen I can feed off of all positive emotion. In fact all of my changelings could before they became those monstrosities, but love is the most nutritious." Chrysalis said, "As the queen who almost took canterlot I deny helping you. I was just curious as to the nature of the emotional spike I felt earlier today. Idiots." "Tsundere, isn't she? Let me try something." Crystal whispered to Alex before turning to Chrysalis. "Well then, as you have admitted that you are an endangered species we have to keep you caged and breed you to bring more changelings into the world." Alex nodded. "In the world I was taken from there were breeding programs run by various nations to save various species, keeping you caged would be the most humane thing to do." The queen blushed at the thought of being bred, "That sounds interesting but I still don't think I should stay with you." Crystal walked up to the cage before she walked through it to hug the Changeling, further surprising the queen. "Please I was kind of teasing you before but I do think you would be safe with us, you may not know this but there is a war going on outside of this Forest currently most of Equestria has fallen to in invading Force, this force is called the caribou a patriarchal society in the extreme even with your transformation abilities I do not think you would go so far as to constantly be disguised as a male just to survive. And that's the only way you would survive as they take even hermaphrodites such as you and debase them and force them to become breeders. We're offering you the choice whereas they don't." "I helped my mentor assemble a mysterious and magical Crown and was brought here and the Everfree became bound to me." Alex then commented. "My becoming the Everfree Alicorn wasn't my choice but I won't allow Dainn to be my sovereign or Equestria's ruler if I have a choice" Chrysalis began to shiver before nearly falling over, only staying up because of Crystal. "Guess I need a place to sleep, at least for now." Crystal looked at Chrysalis' back noticing a large crack in the chitin. "Alex she needs medical help, whether we like it or not we should help her now and let her decide after." Alex nodded and in a Prismatic Flash they're in Everfree General Hospital. Nurse Redheart ran up to the royals. "I thought I had ordered noncoms into the castle." Redheart looked at Alex and said, "Good thing I convinced the guards to let me stay to pack medical supplies for the castle. Plus I am a former guard field medic so I technically would be considered a combatant as well in this situation, meaning I do have my own pull my King." "In my old homeland, medical personnel whether military or civilian were considered noncoms." Alex pointed out. "Well whatever the reason we're glad you're here. She needs medical attention stat." Alex put a magic restriction ring on Chrysalis' horn. "It's to keep you from hurting yourself, Redheart'll remove after you've healed a bit" Crystal snapped her fingers and broke the ring. "You idiot, she doesn't have a gem like the sirens, she needs her magic to live! How is she going to feed it literally works where she focuses the ambient energy through her mouth thanks to her horn!" Two cuffs of mana absorbent crystals formed on her wrists with another snap of Crystal's fingers. "That will drain her ambient magic so that all she can cast is the spell to feed. Something as a name as Pegasus weather manipulation making it very mana efficient." The mention of the sirens caused Chrysalis to go stiff. "You know of those creatures?!" 'My girls, I'm so sorry.' "Are they here?!" "They are part of my herd" Alex commented. "And if it means anything pregnant probably with an alicorn hybrid. " "Please send for them." Chrysalis asked. "I need to talk with them." With a raised eyebrow sent the all clear, while simultaneously sending for the sirens. While waiting Alex said, "Your daughters will be here soon." "They're actually my nieces." Chrysalis said sadly. "I had a crown princess before she transformed. I adopted the sirens so that they had some form of protection. I don't know their full origins and neither do they. I know that they are similar enough to a changeling that we can work together." "Until Starswirl and the Pillars tricked them into flying through that portal of his." Alex then said, "I'm picking up your worried over the Chromatic changelings." "Am I that obvious?" Chrysalis asked as Redheart placed a salve over her cracked chitin before wrapping her back in bandages. "Celestia is known as the mother of all equestrians. My title of Queen didn't just mean I ruled over the changelings. For a good amount of them I am their mother whether it's through adoption or actual birth, sharing love has thenever been done before I'm worried that they're slowly killing themselves by draining their magic and since they can't even feel hungry anymore they won't even uknow until they start dropping dead. In truth I'm terrified for them. I know my way of life wasn't always the best but my deal with Cadence was the only way to have the hive survive, even thrive at least until Discord dried up all the love energy when he was released." Alex got thoughtful at Chrysalis' words. But before he could voice what he was thinking, a cry of "AUNTY!!!" As sirens came running in the room only to be stopped by Redheart stepping between them and their goal. "Creatures of legend you may be but this is a hospital and unruly behavior is not allowed." Alex & Crystal quietly left the room. "Alex that wound was blunt damage," Crystal said "the imprint on her chitin and where it cracked, I think one of my golems might have done this." "I Figured." Alex said. "Chrysalis' going to need infusions of love energy and a month of bedrest. Which means we have to move the liberation of Ponyville up on the list. This might be a boon in disguise as Ponyville has access to the only rail line up to Canterlot. The other routes to Canterlot are narrow. Too narrow to move an army with speed to the capital." "There is a route to Canterlot that we can use," Crystal said with a grim-set look upon her face. "I can't stress this enough though, using this route is incredibly risky, for all of us but especially for me." "Oh?." Alex said intrigued. "Do tell." "Remember how I transformed into that more human-like dragon form?" Crystal said, "That's not my only dragon form. I have another one that is as big as this entire Castle and able to hold many people on its back. I gained this form after defeating Deathwing in World of Warcraft. The reason it's risky to use the form is because I have to turn my body into that black fire and fuse it into crystals. Creating the body from crystals reinforced with my very soul. If I do this I'm not sure I can come back from that and if I can it may not be as I am now. Good news is I can use incredibly durable diamonds and crystalline metals to do this but if I take too much damage I might not ever be able to recover." "Then that's a last resort." Alex says with a cross look. "I am NOT risking you like that." "I'm giving it as an option. I've never actually taken the form so I'm not sure if it actually works like that. After all I was never able to gather enough magic nor generate enough crystals for that in Sunsets world, for all I know it may work like a dragon transformation in Fairy Tail." Crystal said. "I desperately hope that it works that way, I am only assuming it works a certain way because of who I gained it from a dragon literally made of molten magma and Earth who was half dead and put back together by his minions. His body was basically made in the primordial age before he turned bad but it still was made of earthly elements." Alex nods. "Just be careful I don't want to risk my queen. Lol" "Let me try to transform once the prompt did say I could control the size of the crystal form so I might be able to learn my new powers, did gain a lot from the games I beat and/or progressed far enough in when they weren't beatable, like WoW." Crystal said "Besides it might be a better idea if I try merging with the Crystal Tree Castle to take on that form in full. It's already magically reinforced Crystal that seemingly isn't able to be broken by the caribou. I'm sure Alex nods and says, "Go for it. While your doing that, I'll launch the liberation of Ponyville. " Ponyville's night was just starting as it always did after it fell to the caribou's rule. Until howl pierce the air. The guards looking towards the howling find their blood running cold. A battalion of Crystal Golems accompanied by three Timberwolves packs. Suddenly, plunder vines started erupting from the ground and attacking everything within reach. The golems and Timberwolves soon join in the fight. The fighting lasted about three hours and when it was over, the townsponies were gathered in town square in three groups. The stallions were in a stockade and the caribou were in cages. The mares were sitting at tables wondering what was going on when five figures flew in and landed. As the figures stood they were revealed to be alicorns. Then five of them stepped back revealing the sixth alicorn to be a male. Who marched up to the caribou then asked, "Ponies of Ponyville!" The alicorn male announced in the RCV. "The caribou's hold on this town is broken. All the laws Dain has imposed on this town are from this moment on, abolished!" The ponies (stallions & mares) cheered. The caribou glared at the alicorn stallion. A sudden roar caused the group to turn to the Everfree where a massive beast could be seen lumbering towards the town. A few of the more sane in the crowd shivered remembering the sound of the creature. though only one mare could recognize the tone of the roar, one of concern. The Alicorn stallion looked towards the starbear and unfurled his bat-like wings, getting ready to launch himself at it to defend the town when Dr Fauna shouted "Wait!" Alex looked at her and waited for a explanation. "That creature is concerned about something." Alex nods and looks to Sunset and says, "Get Fluttershy she can talk to it and find out what's going On." 'No need' Crystal said as she approached in her crystalline draconic form the matching younger Ursa Minor following next to her in size, the cub chuffing happily 'She's just is worried while her child is playing with me and wants to keep an eye on us both to make sure I don't hurt it, nothing more.' the massive beast nodded before moving it's paws in a distinct fashion surprising the ponies. 'It turns out that while they can't actually speak they can sign, at least the mother knows how to.' Crystal began translating the signs. 'She wanted her little one to get some exercise that's why she's out of her den in the first place, but became a bit worried when sensed me creating this body. Turns out they are attuned to natural magic. Upon learning what I was doing she stayed back but the little one started playing with me. Now it just won't leave me alone, convinced that I'm another starbeast the Draco' Alex began to laugh in relief, remembering the time he had made a device that could transform him for ten minutes into an anthro of the animal he'd previously scanned. It had one flaw, if the animal he scanned was female, he would become an Anthro female animal. To help a Ranger friend to distract a male wolf so his friend could get vitals on his mate. Turned out it had another flaw, If the scanned female was in heat his Anthro form would be in heat. He had spent ten minutes in a tree avoiding an amorous malwolf until he changed back. The device was destroyed but that memory still made him laugh. 'Now then how is the town?' Crystal asked as her body slowly shrank returning her to her hybrid form Crystal making up her bigger form turning into gem-like scales. The look reminded her of the dragons of The Inheritance saga, which were practically prized gemstones themselves, more than the dragons of Equestria who eat gems to reinforce their magical resistance with the minerals within. "As you can see old ones, I am not the Draco but an ally and a friend." "A little roughed up, but intact. I chalk that up to the ponies effectively telling the caribou upon seeing Crystal Golems accompanied with Timberwolves, 'You wanna fight those?! No thank you, you're on your own. We're going to live through this.' Before dashing into nearest building and locking the doors on the caribou." Alex sent through the gamer link. "Hello everyone!" Crystal said, looking to the crowd. "As some of you have probably already guessed, considering what I just did, I am the one who controls the crystal golems, I am Queen Crystal controller." She said with a bow. "My husband and I, the male alicorn over there who freed your town, came to this world from another to help you to free you from the Caribou and reverse any damage done if we can." She took a moment to let things sink in before continuing to address the crowd. "Some of you may already know that there have been rumors of a city springing up in the Everfree. Considering all of the military actions that have taken place within the last few days that involve the forest it's blatantly obvious that a resistance has been started there. That is the return of the old city surrounding the seat of equestrian power that was old Cantorlot castle. Nowadays more commonly referred to as the 'Castle of the two sisters', we do not wish to unseat the true rulers of this nation in fact we have become part of the herd that is forming of alicorns which includes princess Luna and Lady Selene. All we wish is to render aid to allies and family in need. Taking Ponyville is the first step in taking back the entirety of Equestria. Also creating a stable base that will not be dangerous for those to venture past. Now that the fighting is over I suggest you follow my crystal golems to the city of the everfree leave Ponyville for now. Dainin will strive to take this city back which will undoubtedly lead to casualties if you stay here. Know that my golems will both escort you and protect this town from being retaken, draining those who side with the Caribou and the Caribou themselves of their forces. Weakening them for a place of admittedly little strategic importance in the grand scheme of things." She admitted. "More of a hazard considering the calamity that visits this town, though one that I'm sure all of you are used to now." This cause the crowd to chuckle at her remark, knowing full and well that this town was prone to disasters of calamitous proportions. After all, what do you do when you live with the Elements of Harmony? Alex then turned to the cages and teleported himself, them, & the Timberwolves out of town. He flew up to the height of the town hall. He then teleported daggers at the feet of each of the deer. One picked a dagger then asked, "Why're you giving us weapons?" Alex just looked at the Timberwolves. The Caribou deflated. "I'm releasing you to run to Canterlot to tell King Dain what transpired here. That is if you survive. One minute after you begin I'll send them After you. NOW RUN!!!" The Caribou took off like bats out of hell and a minute later the Timberwolves took off after them. Alex rejoined the others and gave Twilight a loving hug. The crowd dispersed leaving Fauna and the rest of the elements and the humane 7 standing by Crystal and the Ursai. "Fluttershy?" Crystal asked both of the yellow pegasi stepping forward. "While I can translate their sign language, can you please ask Polaris and her mother why they're still here? I thought they would head back home after learning that I'm not the friend that they thought I was even though I am their Ally." Both Fluttershys nodded and asked starbears "I wanted to find the pony who fed Polaris, got him to sleep, & brought him home when he was going through the phase where he was little terror when he's awoken." The Ursa major replied replied though Fluttershy. "I wanted to apologize the clowny pony for smashing her cart. HI CLOWNY PONY!" Polaris replied though Fluttershy waving at Trixie when done. The magician pony had a mortified look on her face a beig called a clown. senses of the victims and transfer it to another. The survivor bumps into prince Blueblood and Alexander tranfers to the prince and left the trance. He opened hisseeeded 3 eyes to see seline, Luna, & Crystal. "HI my loves what brings you here?" "We are worried," Luna said. "Crystal has informed us of her plan to help the assault team. We were hoping that she would stay behind and watch the city but her reasoning is sound especially since we now have Polaris and her mother as close allies." "I don't like sending both of our best fighters out into battle like this even if you are in separate teams." Selene commented "I'm also loath to admit that both of you are our best fighters considering Luna and I were the warrior princesses, but neither of us were trained formally in the martial arts and weaponry that you two have been will need that unpredictable factor to your fighting styles to defeat Dannin." "The castle has agreed to my idea of merging with it but only in times of great need." Crystal said "We might not be able to bring it back out if that happens and I don't want Twily to lose her castle considering it is basically the gift of the God of this world." "We have to stike now." Alex said. "Currently the Caribou Armies are scattered over Equestria and Canterlot has a small garrison that is currently mostly pony. Plus My team is going to be invisible and avoiding combat searching for Celestia." Alex went back to meditating. He locked onto Blueblood and carefully rode the haughty prince senses. Alex's great surprise and joy as Blueblood entered the throne room of Dain. Dainin showed he was so arrogant he bound Luna and Celestia thrones together and has Celestia chained to it by her collar. He came out of meditation and said in total disbelief, "I can't believe his arrogance." He looks about and says, "The Bastard took Celestia & Luna's thrones and bound them together, knocking out the arms in the center and he Celestia herself Chained to that… thing by her collar, which is colored black by the way." The alicorn thestral was shaking with fury. "Good, that means she's fighting back." Crystal said. "ASSAULT TEAM READY YOUR WEAPONS! Might want to stand back. I'm going to use my full size for this." She warned as the sound of splintering crystal began. Alex gathered both his and the Siren's teams. He teleported himself and the siren's team to their position then teleported back to where Crystal was changing he arrived just as Crystal finished transforming. Before anyone could say anything, a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere commented, "Well looking here. A little group that doesn't like Dainie poo." "Dainie Poo?" Echoed Alex in disbelief. "Eris have you fallen for Dainin Stonehoof?" A moment later the feminized Discord appeared in a puff of smoke glaring at Alex. "I. Not. Have. Fallen. For. Dainin." She says with blushing cheeks. "That blush says otherwise." Alex calmly. "Ooh. You have got the most annoying o… " Loquaciousp-" Eris started before Crystal in her draconic form grabbed the draconequus and began glowing gold, causing the being of chaos to start screaming in pain. "Be free of your corruption!" Crystal said with her mind. "Those gunblades I picked up had a unique God ability. Right now I'm using the power of light to burn out the corruption within Eris. If I'm being honest I prefer this form over Discord." as the screams ended a black figure expelled itself from Eris. Looking almost exactly like the draconequus but grayscale, similar to when she would use her power to turn someone to their opposite as Discord. "You'll pay for that!" It shouted as Crystal set down the now unconscious Eris. Her Golden Glow fading as a deep Purple one replaced it. "I don't think so, Nightmare! Have a taste of what true Darkness is!" At near supersonic speed Crystal swung her fist into the nightmare version of Eris sending the beast flying out of the Everfree before it could stabilize itself. Crystal shook her claw as the glow faded. "Timetable has moved up, assault team we need to move now!" The assault team piled onto the train, dressed in what appeared to be ODST armor w/o the face mask and 25% having airsoft weapons the 40 ponies headed of to Canterlot. By the nature of their mission, the seven members of the stealth team were dressed in black jumpsuits, boots & gloves (all crafted by both Raritys) waited for Alex to join them. Alex joined them at a run handing Pony Twilight a scroll. "For whenever Celestia is freed from the throne as well as getting us there." He says to her. "But what if the caribou set up runes to prevent teleportation. " Twilight asks with worry. Alex smiled as he put his hands on her shoulders saying, "first we'll be teleported to your old room going in and second there won't be any in throne room. Your special Talent is magic itself that means rune magic can't stop you." He kissed her and took his position. "Remember focus on your hands not your horn." Twilight took a deep breath, opened the scroll the read, "Greater Teleport" and the group vanished in a lavender flash. The night began normally for Canterlot until a wordless song began to float on the air. Everpony who heard the song suddenly began fighting one anmother. Within moments the capital city of Equestria streets were filled with roiters. Using a heart song to rile up the people of Canterlot felt wrong but the sirens had decided that if they could they would try to use the natural magic of Equestria to help bolster their power thus the heart song formed. Crystal and her dedicated team began taking out all the Caribou males that showed up quickly incapacitating them with the pepper spray paintballs and strategic shots with their BB pistols. "Remember right now we don't want to kill them, just incapacitate them!" The dragoness reminded them. "Aria, follow me to the air docks. Your Obsidian greatsword's heavy attack should allow us to destroy more ships quickly, save a couple of explosives for the big ones that are armored!" The group split into two demolition experts heading towards the air docks and the others continuing to incapacitate Caribou and guard keeping the distraction going for as long as possible. A lavender flash preceded the arrival of the stealth team. In front of them was a Caribou buck naked and on top of a light lavender unicorn mare whose horn had been cut off. Before the buck could do anything. *phut!* *splorch!!* Alex shot the buck in the head which exploded when the hypervelocity slug hit it. Just before he lowered his Carnifax heavy machine pistol. The mare tackled him causing his face to be buried in her cleavage as she said repeatedly, "Thank you!" Twilight used her telekinesis on the mare of her mate when she got a look at the mare's cutie mark. "St-starlight Glimmer?" As soon as he didn't have a pair of M-Cups in his face he cast, "Greater Teleport" sending her to his chambers in the castle. "THAT was unexpected." He said as he straightened himself out. Twilight was in thought as she said, "Starlight was acting like she had been in heat without the help of a stallion or a cooler." A Changeling who had himself changed into a classic mode changeling named Syntax had wandered to the door leading out peeked through. He saw a Caribou guard standing outside looking nervous and like he was going to leave and get help. A flash of green fire and he was replaced with a green mare that was a combination of twilight and Starlight and stepped out. It turned out that Dainin had placed a heavy guard on his remaining airships knowing that until he construct a new set the legion they had left was his only mode of relatively fast transportation. "Assholes keep coming!" Aria said as she decapitated another three caribou with her greatsword. "If it weren't for my thousand years of training in the human world I don't think any of us would survive this wave!" The siren slammed the tip of her sword into the ground, unleashing a wave of black and yellow fire all around her blasting back 20 more. "It's almost like they are getting reinforcements from another world!" "We have to keep going, we're almost there, come on!" Crystal having shrunk down to about 9 ft tall and now being able to use her twin gun blades to their fullest extent with her unlocked God modes said. "I know these things seem to be unending. I have a feeling that Nightmare Eris is the source of our troubles!" She quickly opened her mouth unleashing a blast of light before decapitating another four then rapidly firing her weapons into those that were getting up from Aria's fire blast. "I should have known that Dannin could have access to the Nightmare forces! With Selene not being controlled by them they would be up for grabs!" "Less talking, more shooting!" Sunset shouted, swinging her moonlight greatsword rapidly firing off blasts of moonlight to incinerate the Caribou in front of her. "If you haven't noticed we are making a dent. We're almost at the first armored ship!" Syntax approached the caribou guard the lust he was radiating at almost made him throw up, but Syntax kept his gorge down. Syntax then kissed the guard and started drain what love he had. The guard weakened rapidly, All he could do was widen his eyes before he was too far gone. By the time the rest of the stealth team stepped out of the room. Syntax had used a spell taught to infiltrators to get rid of corpses and acquire any valuables. He fell into step as they began sneaking to the throne room. Sunset, Crystal and Aria had finally cleared the Caribou from the armored ships setting charges they had acquired in the human world along with a couple of pyromancy spells to ignite them on delay. "Once we're done here we should get back to the rest of the assault team. We have good fighters up there but I still worry that our guards aren't up to snuff." Crystal said with placing a brick of C4. "I'm glad that I got Luna and Selene to agree to stay with some of the others as a secondary line of defence in Ponyville but I'm worried about AJ and Dashie." "Sonata and Adagio should be able to rein them in using their song if they have to, but the Rainbooms have shown the ability to resist our mental commands so I'm worried about that." Aria commented while standing guard. "We should hurry cause I have a feeling Alex is about to do something stupid." "Greater Invisibility", "Greater Invisibility", "Greater Invisibility", "Greater Invisibility", "Mass Invisibility" With those spells cast they moved down the hallway that had the stained glass windows showing Equestria's history, noting save for a single window depicting the fall the rest were covered with thick tapestries. Once they got to the doors to the throne room things got tricky as they had to enter one at a time. Fortunately, all of them could fly but once inside the scene looked like it was before the fall and it looked like prince Blueblood was the current petitioner. Alex could not keep the grin current from his face as it seemed Blueblood was very long winded. They managed land next to Celestia. "Open" and with the casting of the cantrip the collar came off. Unfortunately it wasn't silent as the chain clattered. Alex stood up as an ancient caribou stepped from behind the tapestry, reached into a bag and threw some black disks which sent a wave of disruptive energy that consumed themselves and the mass Invisibility spell. "Hah! You thought Caribou runes couldn't strip you of your Invisibility? You thought wrong. " Alex smiled as heard Twilight's low voice as she read her scroll. "Actually I knew that there was a runic version of the spell Dispel Magic which was weak compared to the one I just used to disarm & distract you." "Greater Teleport! " The ancient caribou's jaw dropped in shock as Celestia and three others vanished. At the sound of the pop characteristic of teleportation Dainin spun around and watched Alex back-lit off the dias. Blueblood ran up and punched Alex in the gut to little effect. On top of the dais the ancient searches his robes to find any active runes and finding none. "Istevan are you hurt?" "I'm OK my King, but useless." Istevan replied. He stripped me of my magic which destroyed all my prepared runes." Dainin picked up his great are and stole down to meet Alex saying marching to the youngest Alicorn. "You're Male suppose it had happen as most Alicorn have been female. Yet you have wasted your potential by opposing the natural order." Alex drew twin sabers which began to glow. Then began to fly out of Dainin's reach. "Natural Order?" Alex said. "I say not. Ponies aren't naturally constantly horny." Alex began to flit in behind the Caribou King and strike from behind. And flitting out of reach. And repeating the cycle. Then Dain did a whirlwind strike which caught Alex and sent him sprawling. Alex first got up and looked at Dain as he walked to Alex. Dain then said, "You put up a good fight but you were doomed to failure. Swear fealty to me and I shall spare you." Alex just looked at Dainin and said, "Five words. Fuck you and let's Dance." Dain raised his ax and readied to lop Alex's head. But Alex ducked down and punched Dain's crotch and as dain was bending over to protect his calf makers, did a rising dragon fist and layer Dainin out and knocked him out. Panting heavily Alex retrieved his swords. And turned towards the sounds of crashing. "Alex!!!!!!!" Crystal roared back in her 15 foot tall combat form. "You fucking idiot!" The dragoness growled as she stomped forward causing the whole mountain to shake. "Oh?" She said as she tapped the ground with a claw the mountain once again rumbling in response. "Sorry about that." Alex says without fear. "But they had a rune master I had to neutralize, then Dain tried to kill me after I made him the bear to my fox. Of course I knocked him out by Johnny Caging his nuts followed up by a rising dragon fist. Now let's start for home while detonating the charges." "Give me a second," Crystal said before turning to the shaking Istevan. "I can control the mountain, be glad I care about the people on it." Back at the castle of the Two Sisters Alex got off his queen. He turned around to find himself looking at snow white fur. "Lexi?" Celestia asked, whimpering as she barely held herself back from throwing her arms around the dark alicorn. "Is it really you?" Alex nods as he recognized the white Alicorn as his dream friend of the previous year. "I told you I'd get you out of there if I ended up in Equestria." The mare lept at Alex pulling him into her bosom. "Lexi!" She said, crying happily. "Tia!" Came Alex's muffled response from her bosom. Alex moved his head so Celestia's bosom, his eyes widening as a nipple slid Into his mouth. "Meep!" "Uh? Should we leave you two alone for a little while?" Crystal asked before a loud "BOOOOM!!" Rang out from the direction of Canterlot. "Huh was wondering how long that would take!" > ALICORN KING: Atlantis on Equis pt 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standing at the edge of the ruins of the airship yards.  An ancient Caribou gazes down at the twisted wreckage below him.  A Caribou soldier walks up to him and bows.  Istevan looks at the soldier and asks, "What is the status of the shipyards?"  The Soldier was glad he was reporting to the ancient runemaster as he said, "Total loss. My lord same can be said about the docks."  Istevan sighed. He had overheard ponies talking about an alicorn stallion.  Calling him the Alicorn King.  He looked back at Canterlot Palace and sighed.  First they took  Ponyville which had the only rail line to Canterlot cutting Canterlot off from the rail network but with the total destruction of both the airship docks with all the airships in port as well the shipyards meaning they couldn't rebuild the airships.  No matter how you look at it, Canterlot was under siege as without the rails or the airships they couldn't bring enough food to support the city with other land routes and using balloons was worse.  "He layered spells and dispelled the magic of my runes.  He's no other challenger.  He's more." Back at the castle of the Two Sisters.  "What did you do?" Celestia asked warily. "That is no gunpowder explosion nor is it any spell I know."  "It wasn't gunpowder 'Tia." Alex replied. "That was C-4, a very powerful explosive that comes in blocks.  It comes from the human world." The solar mare looked horrified. "You brought human technology here! What were you thinking?! Are you trying to destroy our entire world?!" In response Celestia literally tossed Alex away. "You are no friend of mine if you do not understand how dangerous what you have done truly is." "That is on me Mom." Sunset said. "And the magic you felt was pyromancy from another world, something we both know I'm extremely skilled in." "Normally C4 is incredibly stable and literally can be used as cooking fuel. It's surprisingly effective at that too." Crystal said "Instead of using detonators and detonator cord to set off the plastic explosive I taught Sunset a special timed mine variation on a pyromancy spell so that all the C4 would be vaporized. Keeping the technology you fear getting into others hands out of their hands."  "Besides I had already made some forms of C4 to help with my party Cannon back before you had it restricted though I hadn't revealed the C4 beforehand and detonated it when fighting against Tirek." Pinkie said as she helped Alex up. "Considering we already use TNT in our Rock farm for splitting up particularly hard Stone without having Maud there to crack it with her extremely powerful fists, it wasn't that hard for me to find a more stable yet powerful explosive compound." Alex groaned then said, "Tia I know you're scared but I didn't bring any C4 when I arrived.  I've seen C4 explosions before,  heck I had to out run one.  So if anypony here could identify what made that boom, it's me. And why're you assume I brought it over?" "I believe that would be because she has experience with interdimensional portals, specifically a certain mirror with a good Sombra which you remind her of." Crystal said. "Don't forget that I was here for 1500 years. Even though I was asleep I was able to observe things that I shouldn't have thanks to the dreamscape being close to the interdimensional barrier." Alex walked up to Celestia then looked her in the eyes then said, "'Tia. One month ago while we both were dreaming I swore. Not only to free you but punch Dainin in the balls.  Today I did just that.  I swear I didn't bring any C4."   "Like Sunset said that was her idea, it's from her world so it's still equestrian C4 just a different version." Crystal clarified "Besides, haven't you taken things from the human world before specifically the railway system and low level computer tech?"  "Sister?" Luna asked, realizing the implications of Crystal's words. "I never actually took anything from the human world, just memorized blueprints and helped push things along in our world to parallel technology from theirs." Celestia commented while looking dour. "I'm sorry Alex, I'm just worried that certain beings such as the caribou or even the unleashed nightmare forces could twist that kind of tech into something monstrous on par with human nuclear weapons or worse." "You've seen that world too?!" Crystal said. "Damn megaspells..." The mare grumbled before trailing off tapping her gunblades together in thought. "We'vealready encountered at least one Nightmare being." Crystal's gaze snapped to the twin Fluttershys. "Has Eris woken up? I will definitely need to explain a few things about these," she swung her weapons around before they ignited in flame. "and their godlike power after what I showed you guys."  "I'm afraid not Crystal."  Pony Fluttershy replies.  "She's still recovering. " Alex examined the draconequus, frowned, then began to tickle her.  Half a minute later Eris was laughing and awake. "So my power of light didn't truly put her in a coma." Crystal said with a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Now for that explanation I promised. The weapons I wield were made by a God for another who could absorb godly power thanks to a unique bloodline she had that lay dormant within her at least in the universe where these come from. In another that power awoke and I have gained each ability from both versions of this godlike human." Everypony present nodded in understanding at this explanation.   Then Luna lit her horn and picked both Alex and Celestia in her magic and began carrying them to Celestia's old rooms and with a wave of her hand everypony that was currently unmated to Alex got up and proceeded to follow.  "L… Luna?" The two of them asked, puzzled.  "We don't have the time for you to work up the nerve to start fucking like rabbits plus the royal herd had a discussion between the mated and unmated members and came to the conclusion after your rescue there's going to be zero unmated members after 'Tia was rescued."   "Isn't what you girls  came up with similar to what the caribou do…" "Not at all Darling," Pony Rarity contered. "Both you and Celestia are pumping out arousal pheromones to the point everypony in this group is leaking & the human versions are experiencing their first heat.  And experiencing that is torture unless relieved through either getting pregnant or masterbating." Hours  later Celestia with a slightly swollen belly and Luna were walking in partially restored halls of their former home.  Celestia had a satisfied look, while Luna had a slightly smug look.  "You're looking relaxed."   "I'm finally a mother again I'm also glad that herd law keeps the whole incest debate to a minimum." Celestia said before leaping at Luna and kissing her hard. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. Eep!"  "You know what she took my form mostly to emulate your beauty." Selene said as she played with the solar alicorn's nipples. "Although I have a question, Sunset called you Mom, is that because she was adopted or is she truly your biological daughter?"  "A bit of both actually." Sunset said. "Originally I was just an adopted Ward for her but it turns out my bloodline is much like Twilight's and leads back to the Royal family. Although I have less of a bloodline connection than Blueblood does, I'm the direct descendant of Celestia." "Ah that makes sense. I was wondering why Sunburst mentioned he had a tie to a great bloodline without explaining it," Starlight said as she walked in. "Knowing that he's your nephew, it makes a lot more sense now."    Starburst flies in saying, "Daddy Alex has collapsed and is making loud sounds." "Get Eris!" Crystal shouted. "Alex needs her magic!" Selene looks at Crystal and asks."Why does Alex need chaos magic?" The young Pegasus flew off to find Eris. "You forget that he is literally the alicorn of chaos?!" Crystal snapped her worry over Alex visibly evident. "Only someone with dominion over chaos can control something as chaotic as the Everfree! I haven't told you guys this but I've seen other timelines where Alex became an alicorn of chaos and a mouse hybrid, it was during my time in the human world where I got a few visions of those timelines." 'best not to mention that version of myself and Twilight mated with him when he was female' she thought. "Part of the reason he even has dominion over chaos is because of Eris that curse of his compounded with his alicorn nature."  A poof and Eris and a sleeping Alex appear.  Alex is sleeping on a cloud.  "I Brought our sleeping king." She says.  "What's wrong with him?"  The Queen of Chaos then noticed Celestia's bulging, jiggling belly.  "Oo Hoo.  Looks like a certain stallion left our Solarslut a creampie." "Just because the Caribou have made that talk more casual does not mean you can insult Celestia Eris. Even in jest we do not use those nicknames they use." Crystal said her blades glowed golden similar to her goddess of light form. "I went easy on you by purging the Nightmare, don't make me use my power to truly hurt you."  "Uh Lulu, why does Clover look like she's an alicorn? In fact, how is she alive?!" Celestia asked, finally noticing Crystal's uncanny resemblance to her old friend Clover and Twilight. "She died almost 2,000 years ago?!" "Groan," Alex said, disturbed by Celestia's loud comment.  He propped himself up then said, "That's because Crystal's a descendant of Clover the Clever 'Tia.  It's the middle of the day." Alex grumbles at being woken up. "I hardly slept until the Raid, then got dragged into an unexpected orgy caused by the fact both of us being turned on so much we were emitting enough arousal pheromones to drive the ponified humans into heat." "I am Clover the clever, just from another world." Crystal corrected. "Multiverse theory and all that, now let's let Alex sleep some more. I myself could use a nap." One hour into the night the entire Royal herd gathered in Everfree Castle's throne room.  Alex then motioned for Luna & Celestia to stand with him.  "Ok girls now that you're both free.  I can now cast a spell that will restore the castle.  The spell by accessing your memories of this place can restore it to perfect condition."  He then turned to the other mare's and said, "You girls can help by concentrating on Celestia, Luna, & myself to support us. If you lend us your magic."   After saying that Alex and the Celestial Sisters close their eyes then light their horns.  The other Alicorns and the Unicorns lit up their horns and sent their magic to the ones shaping the spell. A few moments later, the castle was outlined and Triumphant music from the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon starts playing in the background.  As it plays the Castle begins to heal.  Pieces that were out of place drift back Into place and fuse  holes that were created by being vaporized fill in with crystal. Decorations and tapestries that time had ravaged were restored. As the ruins of Celestia's original Throne is repaired, the Unicorns stopped loaning their magic. The moment the last crack fused, the spell ended. After taking a moment to catch their breath the Alicorn trio looked about.   Crystal walked into the restored throne room holding a familiar diary. "For you bookworms in our group you'll be happy to know that all the destroyed books were restored with the spell as well." This comment caused both Twilights, Sunset, and Starlight Glimmer to squeal before racing off to the library Sonata following them. "Did not peg Nata for the reading type." "Most wouldn't." Adagio commented with a snicker, "She really loves nursery rhymes and all that and since this place existed around the time of our childhood I think she's hoping to find some old nursery rhymes she heard back in the day." As the youngest Alicorn, Alex started to Collapse, but Celestia supported him and gave a motherly chuckle.  "You're the Lexi Viator that helped keep my hopes up and my sanity during my Captivity."  Alex winced when Pinkie said, "I thought your name was Alexandrite Obsidian, yet Celestia called you Lexi Viator. Which is it?"  Alex sighed then said, "Both but neither is my True Name.  Now if you have questions on True Names either you have to wait in line during Royal Court or ask Crystal."  Alex started to walk towards the courtyard. "Oh no you're not you're going back to sleep!" Crystal said, realizing that Alex was going to push himself even further after expending a large amount of his magic once more. "I swear if I have to act like a mother to you instead of your wife and alpha of this herd then I will damn it!"  "But… " Alex started when Dagi walked up and hugged him so his head was between her tits but not tight enough to interfere with breathing but make it impossible to talk without getting a nipple in his mouth.  "No buts honey, you're going to bed.  Even if I have to straddle you to keep you in bed." She said she carried him to his bedroom.   The third siren followed saying  "No way you're hogging the beefcake." Twilight walks to Crystal and asks, "Why does Alex have to go to bed?  It's the start of the night." "Unlike most others he is still young. Think Flurry Heart in comparison to him, a large amount of magic but takes a long while to recover. He just used a large amount of magic right after recovering from a near complete magic exhaustion along with staying up for almost a week straight. One day of rest is not enough for anyone. Trust me I've been there and done that, also he's only in his mid-20s. He still needs to get more rest before he can do much more than walk around or hold Court and all that." Crystal looked exacerbated as she turned to her herd mate. "If he hadn't used his magic to repair the castle I would have been fine with him holding Court as it's basically just him resting while still awake but he used so much magic. It's evident to those that know and deal with him day to day that he's about to drop even if he doesn't realize it himself." Alex woke the next dusk feeling slightly recharged.   He nudged the sirens and said, "Adagio, Aria gather the herd, it is time for a herd meeting. The two sirens nodded and slid out of the bed then headed to get their herd mates. One to gather the alicorns. The other to get the non-alicorn members and the children. Alex then walked to the largest room other than the throne room. He then physically arranged chairs and piles of pillows. "What's this about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You going to tell us we should split up and send at least one person to each other nation that we know is still free?"  "No Rainbow." Alex said.  "This is setting up a plan for AFTER kicking the caribou out.  With me and Crystal here Celestia & Luna can't re-assume the throne as we're a king and queen and the other ponies are going to insist we ascend the throne.   Much like they ascended the throne after they stoned Discord. " Eris chucked at Alex's comment about her petrification. "Actually we can have them retain the throne." Crystal said. "Herd law was set up specifically for a case like this: they maintain their throne while we maintain the leadership and balance of the herd."  "We thought ahead and set the law up well ahead of time in case we found a king or someone we agreed would be a better leader than us." Celestia said, looking to the elder Twilight. "That being said the Everfree is considered its own sovereign land; you being king and queen of the Everfree would allow you to maintain your titles while also being in a similar status to the crystal emperor and empress when they finally regain their thrones."  "Although you would have to contend with the kingdom of the deer to the West." Luna added "The Everfree became sovereign land because of their civilization. Our castle, the city and the path to the rest of Equestria being as far into the Everfree as our rule extends. After this business is over we shall cede what little control we have over the Everfree to you." Alex nods then adds "Okay I have a question what does age have to do with magical power?  When learning magic on Abeir-Toril there wasn't a clear connection." "Not really you do grow more powerful with age but that's more because of practice and all that."  Twilight said. "My niece Flurry Heart had a rather large mana pool upon birth. We restricted her output but that was more to keep her from getting even stronger since using up all of your magic tends to make your mana pool grow slightly. It's a response to the situation since having a empty mana pool makes a spell drain lifeforce if a secondary source of mana like an artifact isn't present." Both Twilight and Twily grimaced as a thought passed through both their minds, one that Twilight had to voice. "A problem as we are literally the element of magic we could kill the planet before we die since our life forces are tied to the very concept of magic existing. As long as it exists somewhere in the universe me and Twily will forever live. Crystal as well seeing as her cutie mark pertains to magic as very base. Controlling mana in its crystalized form. You as well Allex as your element is Chaos, something that existed even before existence. It's an unpleasant thought that Eris, Crystal, Twily and I, and you will be the last things alive in this universe." "Crap." Alex thought as he noticed the manic look that appeared in the alicorn of friendship's eyes at the mention of "Abeir-Toril". "I just had to mention another world in front of her. Now she's going to be pestering me about it." With a sigh he quickly moved to what he had planned and looked at Celestia. "It occurred to me that the old method of holding Court you had been using had one major flaw: that you allowed yourself to get overwhelmed allowing you to miss details. Like the plight of the changelings which lead upto the Invasion or Luna's feelings of not being ignored by the ponies when they slept through the night." "I thought of a variation of a system I experienced. First is a Harmonic Council which would handle all the petitioners that come and either make a decision on the petition or bounce it up. Those that sit on it are the current bearers of the Elements of Harmony or a pony that embodies an element until that Element chooses a new bearer.  The court above that is the day/night courts held which the day & night princesses sit at.  Luna and Selene will alternate between sitting in court and Dream guarding."  Alex noted Luna and Selene's puzzled looks. "Luna handled Dream Guarding & Night Court alone and that added to her stress.  Hopefully the numbers of petitioners will be lower with the Council vetting them.  Finally there is Royal where Crystal or I sit.  Any petition either of us denies is dead with no hope of resurrection." "Unless it is a generational request such as if the same petition comes up on record after a hundred years or so. Then we know that there's a problem that caused that specific request the last time as long as it's something with a major time gap between, like the plight of Hollow Shades which had been brought up a lot in the past but with decent gaps of time in between each mention." Crystal said thinking of a problem that a complete veto system could cause should the problem be long lasting. "With that in mind I believe we should have a constant record of what is said during each court session similar to how court in our world is done when it comes to legal matters." "A court scribe is a good idea after all humans use it to make sure that records are kept of any legal proceedings." Shy said "That way we can reference things like that without relying on somewhat inconsistent memory." "Good idea Shy." Alex says.  "Court scribes will be installed in each court.  Now anypony have any other ideas?"  When no pony spoke up, Alex moved on.  "Okay.  Canterlot can't get ANY supplies save water thanks to the raid achieving all it's goals. In fact we have done morale damage to the caribou.  Dain was using the fact no one had been able to beat him or take anything from him.  And in this raid we not only did he get laid out in full of the nobles and his soldiers we destroyed both the Airship yards AND the Canterlot airship docks.  Plus the eleven miles of rail with Ponyville in the middle, Canterlot isn't getting supplies anytime soon" "I even put the scare factor directly into the caribou. They don't know that I won't destroy the mountain because of the ponies living on it. All they know is I literally control what is inside the mountain aka the crystal mines. Meaning I could tear the heart of the mountain out with a flick of my wrist and let it crumble if I really wanted to. Again I won't do it but they don't know that." Crystal said with a devious grin stomping on the ground causing Canterlot to rumble in the distance. "Now alongside the morale drop my threat will make them want to evacuate. I'll keep shaking the mountain every now and again to help with that and to keep them disorganized somewhat." Alex grinned then said, "by keeping the shaking going they can't start rebuilding the yards or docks." He then said "Now with Canterlot besieged, and the Caribou's morale fractured, we need to not only acquire allies and if we can recover Atlantean artifacts and incorporate them into the city.  Bearers, you go to Griffinstone, Yakyakistan & mount Aris and try to find allies.  Call in treaties of alliance if you have to.  Bed them if you must but get those allies. Geodes go and locate Atlantean Artifacts and acquire them.  Both group have until your bellies begin to bulge at which point you hurry back" "Sirens head down to Seaquestria. Let them know that the original rulers have returned to this world considering it is part of your birthright it makes sense for you to go." Crystal said. "Alex and I will keep putting the pressure on the Caribou around here, keep their front lines focused on us and away from you guys."   The three groups of mares left under cover of darkness. As it turns out Thestrals were untouched by the indoctrination wave as such thestal packs were heading to Everfree City. Alex left the castle and followed the tracks west.   Soon he came upon a small town With an armored train.  As he quietly landed, he thought, "Trains like this usually carry either prototypes, treasures, or warbeasts."  He then started to stealthily move from shadow to shadow until he came upon two caribou talking. "I don't understand why we have to guard a jewelry box." Groused a young Caribou.  "I don't see why we can't just bust it open and sell the jewels inside?" "You idiot!" The Older of the pair loudly replied and cuffed the younger.  "That so called 'Jewelry Box' contains the Elements of Harmony which have proven impossible for our runemaster & his apprentices to improve so Dain is sending them to the Dragonlands." "They plan to use them to bribe a dragon to try to challenge Ember. Do those dopey deer realize that in truth she's Spike's regent.  The Bloodstone scepter won't acknowledge the winner because Spike is the dragonlord." Alex thought.  He silently cast Greater Invisibility and followed the pair until they entered a boxcar.  Slipping in behind them he moved quietly until the guard got to an open area with a lead strong box with runes to strengthen and shield it.  They moved to opposite sides of the area and took up guarding positions.  Alex then felt the train jerk then begin rocking in the characteristic fashion of a train in motion.  Settling himself in a space where he could see the guards yet they couldn't see him he took a nap. Three hours later Alex woke from his nap and looked at the guardstags and smiled.  Both succumbed to the eternal foes of all guards, boredom and had fallen asleep. Twinspelling Phantasmal Killer which took the translucent forms of Celestia and a huge breasted caribou doe both of which straddled the stags and hugged them and shoved their faces between their mammoth tits.  Due to their being extremely tired they were unable to resist the spell and suffocated to death even though there was nothing actually there. Carefully stepping into the open area he first Twinspelled Hold Portal the adjusting the spell so only the Strongbox was affected, cast Dispel Magic which caused the runes to glow and then shatter and fade.  He then used the cantrip open to unlock it.  He opened the  strongbox and smiled as he saw the jewelry box that held the elements of harmony.   Using his magic he switched it with a wire cube with 4 springs holding a glass globe with nitroglycerin in it that was encased in a stasis spell.  He then closed the strongbox just as the doors on both ends began to be beaten upon as other guards were trying to get in.  Placing the Jewelry box in his backpack.  He dispelled the stasis spell then used Greater Teleport to teleport to Zecora's. External view of the train. We see the train chugging quickly along the rails.  It soon starts to cross a bridge.   All seems normal when suddenly a powerful explosion occurs in the middle of the train which was in the middle of the bridge which collapsed cutting a rail line. Crystal had decided to explore the caves below Canterlot, shaking the mountain every few hours. While most of the crystals seemed to be naturally occurring; she noticed a few formations that seemed like a skeleton. The idea that this may have been the resting place of some ancient creature in the bones had turned to Crystal due to fossilization intrigued her. As she was studying to become a paleontologist back in her time in Antarctica one of the only places not fully explored by a person in such a field. "Interesting from what I can tell of these remains they are of a large reptilian creature. possibly similar in size to the fictional Dagon of the legendary monster-verse, could this be the ancient Draco that Polaris and her mother were talking about?"  Crystal decided to take a sample of the rib bone she had been looking at but the moment she touched the crystal formation she passed out waking up back in the Everfree castle. "Ugh. What the?! How am I back here?!"   What the mare didn't know was that she had been passed out for over 6 hours. Having been found back in her bed by Alex, her whole body glowing. "I came back seven hours ago." Alex said as he closed a book.  "And I noticed a glow in our chambers an hour later.  When I entered, I found you in bed glowing.  I found a book and kept watch on you to protect you." He walked to her then said, "We got another lucky break.  I stumbled upon an armored train with the elements of harmony on board.  Let's say I  got away and destroyed a bridge." Alex then hugged Crystal tightly and added, "but finding you in bed and glowing scared me.  What happened?  When we parted you were going to explore the crystal mines under Canterlot. " "I found remains large enough to be of the biggest dragons I know of in the multiverse. Considering some dragons become part of the land when they die I theorized that these were the remains of the Draco. The ancient starbeast that Polaris's mother talked about. I was going to take a sample of one of the rib bones that had been exposed thanks to the mining but the moment I touched it I felt something and passed out." A knocking on the chamber door gave Crystal pause. "We should probably see what our subjects want."  Sighing, Alex helped Crystal up (making sure he grasped one of her big boobs) then opened the door one the guardsmares was waiting.  She saluted and reported, "King Aspen is awaiting you in the throne room."  Puzzled, he and Crystal shared a look and proceeded to the throne room. Once there they found the King of the Everfree Deer in full regalia on his knee.  They both walked up to the thrones and sat down.   Crystal looked at the deer and saw something unique. Multiple versions of the King were behind him each doing something slightly different. Some were shaking in rage, others were leaping up to attack, still others were lying dead and/or bleeding on the floor, though were in the minority as most followed the king in front. 'Time is fickle my friend, this is just the start of our powers.' a voice only she could hear said. 'Great, now I have you here. Just show yourself I already know exactly what you are and who you are.'  'That is where you are partly wrong,' It responded 'It is true that you know some of what I am and who I am but I am not just her. I am something far older, something familiar to you that you must discover for yourself.' Alex looked at his Queen in puzzlement as she seemed to be talking to an unseen presence.   Figuring she'd tell him later he gazed at the highly decorated deer that accompanied him.  What he saw was a rogues gallery of allies and opponents his family had faced over the 15,000 years. The further down the line they were foes his family knew and thwarted. Strangely he personally hadn't yet met the latest rogue.  He also realized that he was seeing this because the king was allowing it.  "What's going on here?" He thought. "Your Majesties my people the deer of the everfree humbly wish to become your allies knowing that the true rulers of Equestria have finally taken form we no longer wish to just be a sovereign Nation but to create a treaty of Ally. Our cousins-" the king spat on the ground following that word as if only to say cousins out of respect for the nobility the two before him held instead of ripping into his disgusting brethren as he wanted. "Have laid siege upon this world, our kind split off from them hundreds of thousands of years ago yet we ourselves still have some of the unique characteristics of them, so we use them for good to spite them. It is these talents and abilities that my people wish to employ against these foul creatures that my brethren had created." Alex got up and held out his hand. "I suspected you guys would either ally with us or them.  I accept you alliance with no hold back.  But I am curious, what prompted this?" "A northern subspecies of my people, the Reindeer, are able to see the future and a few of them have decided to hand out hearth's warming gifts in the vein of the human tradition of Christmas and Santa Claus, something one of them learned from a dream." Crystal chuckled at that comment. "They use this talent mostly for figuring out what gifts are the best for the recipient. I myself have this gift as well it is a bloodline right as the ruler of all deer." Aspen stood tall his carved antlers glowing. "I have the strongest version of it outside of an elder Reindeer. We have long seen that we would need to defeat our brethren, the caribou. We also saw that too powerful beings intertwined with Time, Space, Order and Chaos, would come to be the rulers of Equestria and the Everfree. It is why we chose to settle in the western edges of the Everfree itself. My most recent vision gave me reason to come here at this time knowing that you are gathering allies from across Equestria and beyond. The thestrals already joining you from their mountain hideouts and Hollow Shades, my people in the north are working with the Yak to make it easier for them to join in peace with us. So worry not for both Pinkie Pie. The honorary yaks will be greeted with a warrior's welcome when they reach the border. Or mastery of runes as you can plainly see allows us to use magic in a way similar to a unicorn yet enhance it with proper carving. This will be of great help in the coming battles and I can advise you on events that your wife cannot see."  'He knows of our powers, but not their full extent.' The voice revealing itself to be a familiar figure to Crystal. 'Once we merge you will see what I mean but for now I will give you the power that she had at her full extent.'  "Huh I'll be maxed out from both timelines?" Crystal muttered quietly while looking to The apparition who stood next to Aspen "So Ayumi why give me such power? I only have access to the god forms currently and their corresponding spells." The apparition laughed. "Who said I was Ayumi? I merely appropriated her form to be something recognizable to you like a certain race of aliens from your memory did for another."  "Ah crap you're something from space aren't you? If you mention the Vok you have to be." Crystal said just as quietly. "Until I learn your actual name I will keep on calling you Ayumi as you look like her." The apparition smiled.  "You are very close with that comment and correct. Yet I am not just from space but very close to home in fact you may have met me already."  Suddenly two guards approached the meeting. "Pardon the interruption, your majesties, but something is happening with the Canterlot mountain, something that Lady Crystal is not causing!" 'This is where we will part ways for now, see you soon!' the apparition said as it faded before a thunderous roar of "Skreeeeooooonnnnkkkkk!" Could be heard along with the cracking of stone. This was followed by the distant thump of giant footsteps coming closer. > ALICORN KING: Atlantis on Equis pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RARITY:(V.O.) Last time on Alicorn King. 'This is where we will part ways for now, see you soon!' the apparition said as it faded before a thunderous roar of "Skreeeeooooonnnnkkkkk!" Could be heard along with the cracking of stone. This was followed by the distant thump of giant footsteps coming closer. ALICORN KING: Atlantis on Equis pt 2. After hearing the roar everyone freaked out but the two looking the most worried were Alex and Crystal knowing exactly what that roar signified. Crystal turned to Alex with a terrified look on her face. "Okay there's no way for a Godzilla species to show up but that roar is the signature of the king of the monsters so how the hell did we…?" Crystal started before flashing back to the cave underneath Canterlot "You've got to be shitting me! The Draco was a Space Godzilla?!" This realization caused her to worry even more although it also made a twisted sort of sense to her. 'Thank Shy for giving me the whole Godzilla collection including both American versions but that just means I know exactly what could happen if that thing actually is alive!' "I hate to say this but we have to evacuate!" Dammit this is my fault! My time Powers must have gone out of control and brought that thing back to life!' "If you've seen the movies you know how bad this could get!" Alex nodded then using the Royal Canterlot Voice, "ATTENTION CITIZENS! EVACUATE INTO THE CITY. REPEAT! EVACUATE INTO THE CITY!!!" After that, he took wing, flying into the city. He flew over the city until he arrived at the plaza where the Central Defense Tower and an anonymous crystal formation that resembled a crystal throne. He enabled the link the royal herd shared between Crystal and himself then said, "Crystal I plan to direct some of the chaos magic of the Everfree itself to enable the city to fly and shield itself." "I'll try to hold it off!" Crystal replied. "My max size might be enough to give you the time you need" With that in mind she took off to the planes between Ponyville and Canterlot. "Thank you!" He replied as he landed next to the crystal. Caping his wings, he walked to it. He swallowed a lump that was suddenly in his throat then said through the the entire link. "I love you. All of you my herd." He then began deepening his link with the Everfree. He closed his eyes and focused on his link. Suddenly he was, the Everfree. He could feel it's joy at freedom. At the it's weather followed no pattern save it's own. He felt the Everfree acknowledge his dominion over it but he also felt it's refusal to submit totally to something it precieved to be it's inferior. Outside to the ponies watched Alex's were solid white Celestia & Luna had arrived and stood guard in front & back of the throne. Throne was glowing and seemed to grow over him. "Stay back!" Celestia ordered the gathering ponies. "What's happening to him?!" A random mare said. "Let's get him off!" Another said. "No! He's asserting his Dominance over the Everfree! If we move him now he will die! We must wait." Luna roared in the RCV Releasing the hold on the compression that allowed her to maintain a normal size Crystal grew into her dragon form once more. Now towering over the Everfree and matching an Ursa Major height she could easily see the beast approaching at a leisurely gait, while it had some resemblance to the space Godzilla she knew it took a more dragon-like design based on Death and Kaiser Ghidorah. the giant crystal shoulder spikes inherent to a SpaceGodzilla taking the place of the two outer heads. This creature was made of purple crystal with Galaxy like pa¹tterns held within a characteristic of a starbeast. The wings on it's back were glowing white crystals similar to those that the bipedal version of the creature could generate via geokinesis. Back with Alex. Alex wiped "Blood" from his mouth. The Everfree's spirit had manifested as a Direwolf in response to his intentions the beast attacked and mauled him. It took him a moment to recover when a woman made of glowing crystal stepped out of nowhere and gave the wolf a punch powerful enough to stagger it. Taking his chance he leaped up and reached around its neck from the back and got it in a choke hold and hung on. The two massive crystalline dragons sized each other up before both taking a stance to charge at each other. Crystal looking to end this quickly, Draco seeming to have an amused expression. The flash of motion both of them raced towards each other Crystal giving out a mighty Battle cry the Draco responding and kind with its own roar. Alex held on for all that he was worth as the "wolf" struggled and fought as it tried to dislodge him. As time went by the wolf got weaker and smaller. Once it was no bigger than a German shepherd it disappeared. Outside, the crystal shell that had formed around Alex crumbled and his Mane started blowing in an unfelt breeze. Then the ground began to rumble as the city began to rumble as a prismatic dome faded into being. On the outer wall, the on duty guards felt the vibrations as they saw the canopy of trees sink as the city rose. When it reached ten feet above the tops of the highest tree it stopped. The group were lucky as Crystal and the Draco had just ran into each other causing a massive shockwave to erupt from their impact point. 'Got to focus. This thing seemingly is playing with me, not taking my threat seriously. I probably shouldn't use a breath attack I'm too close and I'm not sure if the angle of refraction would be enough to deflect anything if it can't create a photon shield' Crystal thought not realizing that just by coming into contact with the Draco her body was absorbing the crystals that it was made of. Quickly she threw punches and tail swipes at the beast who was responding in kind. Each impact caused Crystal to absorb more of it. Miniscule amounts at first but over the next few minutes she could feel less weight coming from the beast's strikes. Suddenly time stopped only Crystal and the Draco itself able to receive anything as The apparition from earlier appeared once more smiling. I see you're having fun absorbing me' It said, shocking Crystal, 'I'm just glad to finally be whole again. All that's left is my shell and my bones finish absorbing me so that we can finally remember.' With that time started up again Crystal already in mid-motion to strike the beast in its head. As the blow landed the crystalline Gojira shattered all the shards absorbing into Crystal's body. She began to Glow with immense power, passing out before appearing once again in her normal state except for that glow in the herd's bed. A moment later there was a flash and an energy exhausted Alex bonelessly flopped onto the bed. "I did not expect Everfree to fight me." He muttered into the cushions." Twilight and her twin appeared in another flash of light. "Hey we're back!" The elder of the two said while holding a particular golden sword. "GriffinStone will join us and we found this weapon at the bottom of the gorge right by the world tree the town is situated on." Alex slowly rolled over then sat up and said, "Excellent! With griffin ferocity and honor on our side, the caribou. Have a new front to worry about." Twilight noticed Crystal still lying there glowing. "Alex, is she supposed to be like that?" Alex shrugged saying, "I don't know. Before we had a Kaiju emergency. She went to fight a Gojra while I merged with the Everfree to get the city airborne. I found myself fighting Everfree's spirit." He yawned and slowly sank into the bed. "I think it took more out of me than I thought." He fell asleep. "She's learning about her past life." A voice almost exactly like Twilight's and Twily's said. "The Gojira you saw was just a remnant of its former self." Living spirit of the tree of Harmony said, revealing itself to the group. "While fighting the beast your friend merged with it as she is the reincarnation of the original Dragonlord of Equestria the Draco." Twilly looked at her queen as she recovered from regaining memories of her past life. She then looked at her king. "Why is Alex so tired?" She asked. "He was fighting the very Everfree itself. Such a fight uses a lot of power, for one so young as him it is no mean feat to do so." Harmony replied. "Had I not helped him by boosting his natural chaos magic he would have died or been taken over by the spirit of the Everfree instead of controlling it." Seeing the confusion at the mention of boosting chaos magic Harmony elaborated "Harmony is the balance between Order and chaos leaning more towards a refined order tempered with chaos. Meaning I can use both Order and chaos magic as I see fit, that is how I was able to boost Alex." The magic avatar chuckled as a thought rose to the surface of her mind when she decided to share. "Eris is in fact my sister when you look at it that way and Accord my brother." Halfway between Everfree and Mt Aeris an Atlantean Design airship sailed towards the home of the hippogriffs. Its lack of an airbag marked it as being more advanced than the caribou/equestrian airships heading in the same direction and the fact it overtook them then passed them also showed that they were more advanced. Infuriating the caribou Three miles away the airship descended to about five hundred feet above sea level and three figures dived off. The ship continues without concern. "It feels so good to be swimming again!" Sonata said gleefully. "No offense to Crystal and the others but swimming in the lake nearby the castle got limiting very easily." "I know." Aria replied. "Fresh water leaves me itchy. But the lake couldn't go very deep." Adagio suddenly got a wicked grin. "Sisters why don't we locate one of the Vanishing Islands[1] And use our songs on the Caribou ships like we did to the humans of the Med on Earth." "Like. That sounds like fun." Sonata quipped. "Plus if we get horns we can fuck the caribou who're 'Lucky' enough to get on the island won't have enough energy to lift their head let alone swim to save themselves." The three hippocampus swam happily through the water until they reached the Ruins of Altantis. "I'm sorry to say this and I hate being the one that's the voice of reason but I don't think we can do that sisters." Aria said grumpily "Alex would have our heads for risking our children even if this early of a stage and that's not even mentioning what Crystal would do if Sonata got put in danger in any way." The mere mention of an angry dragon goddess as they saw her made the three shudder. "Ever since we agreed to be a part of the herd Crystal's been sweet on Sonata especially." Dagi sighed before saying, "We can't, but the others can. Once we inform them our Queen is awake and has found a king." Her sisters smiled in the same way they did when they found equestrian magic. Aria pointed ahead of them as six hippocampus were swimming up to them. The three couldn't help but smile. As the six hippocampi swam to them. [1] A vanishing island is a semi failed volcanic island where the vent hole had risen about at least 20 to 100 feet above sea level. After enough time has gone by a small amount of it breaks the surface to appear like a barren island. The waters around these Islands are treacherous as many ship have run aground of the hidden reefs and rocks surrounding them. > ALICORN KING: Atlantis on Equis pt 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystallis: (v.o.) Last time on Alicorn King. Dagi sighed before saying, "We can't, but the others can. Once we inform them our Queen is awake and has found a king." Her sisters smiled in the same way they did when they found equestrian magic. Aria pointed ahead of them as six hippocampus were swimming up to them. The three couldn't help but smile. As the six hippocampi swam to them. ALICORN KING: Atlantis on Equis pt 3. When the sirens met the approaching hippocampus, Dagi and Aria found their ears being painfully grabbed and their mother saying, "Wherehaveyouthreebeen. IhavebeensoworriedaboutyouIhadstresssex.Youproblygotyourselvesbanishnedtosomeotherworld." "You have that right Mom." Sonata said nervously "It turns out our whole race has been using corrupted gemstones to channel our magic. When we went looking for help with the sinking our song caused negativity to form and we kind of got addicted to it?" Their mother looked at Sonata then said, "Corrupted gemstones you say. The Steward orders to have gemstones collected a year ago makes more sense now." Their mother then began to swim back to her home dragging Dagi & Aria by their ears. Meanwhile, in Canterlot… Dain was pacing in front of the dias as Istevan walked up. He looked at his old friend and advisors and said glumly, "What's the news?" The Ancient Caribou sighed before relying, "Not good. The mysterious song had originated from a small group that stopped a mile away. Canterlot was attacked during that song that cause the riot. They came in through the old mines and used the sewers to move quickly through the city. A third group infiltrated the Palace." Both winced at the memory. Istevan took a deep breath and sullenly commented, "Despite our best efforts word has gotten out about you being defeated by a pony. Bjorn has reported that the warbeasts have come down with something that made infertile to non warbeast females unfortunately this means that unless a cure is found, the caribou is looking at this being the last generation of warbeasts due to the fact that warbeast are incapable of producing female warbeasts through the special female of enslaved races. Which was discovered after the plague that killed the female warbeasts." Dain growled, "So we lose a bio weapon. What else can go wrong?" Istvan winced.. "I wish you didn't just say that sire." He said. "Five of the twelve provinces you divided this nation into have fallen back into pony control because the clans that claimed those territories have just fallen under a dark Geas. They left their pony slaves as a sacrifice to the local spirits. Tobald Many Points sent a message. 'The spirits disapprove of how your handling this land. By placing the wings of Pegasi mares in boxes to keep them from flying have left us vulnerable to sandstorms which the spirits have sent. As the latest storm weakens, I write this. I am just leaving and returning to the homeland" Outside the Crystal Empire. The Mane Six had gone to Yakyakistan. When prince Rutherford heard about the caribou Invasion he asked, "Why ponies not call Yaks for help?" Pinkie replied, "They were sneaky, no good cheats." Prince Rutherford gathered his warriors and marched on the Crystal Empire. At the edge of the Crystal Empire… Bjorn and Frey stood guard over the camp where Crystal pony stallions were being held as hostages. "I don't understand it Frey. We came to put things the way they supposed to be and they fight every step of the way until the indoctrination wave and one month later a magical pulse crosses equis and they're resisting again then the resistance organizes and carry out a raid on Canterlot and successfully." Frey looked at his friend and said, "Don't read to much into it my friend. The resistance can never get organized enough for it to be a credible threat." He then snorted and added, "Unless an alicorn stallion came out of hiding and crowned himself king." Both bucks laughed when one noticed ripples move across the surface of his barley soup. Both looked out the window of their guard hut with looks of trepidation and saw a line of creatures that shook the ground as they marched closer though the frozen haze. As the creatures got closer, they became easier to Identify as Yaks. As the Yak warrior's approach one of wore armor that was more elaborate and resembled chainlinks of metal. They came to a stop 20 yards from the shack. Bjorn raised his spear and demanded, "Stop right there! Why do you March u…urkk!" Prince Rutherford glared at the puny Caribou and said in a commanding tone, "Yak heard pony friends in trouble then breeding wave wash over Yakyakistan. Half of warriors now mad they can't join in smashing of Caribou as they have to stay home and watch calves. Crystal pony city has caribou. Yaks SMASH CARIBOU!" Bjorn looks to Frey for help and his eyes widen is shock as green flames envelope him to reveal an insect-like pony standing there grinning. The last thing Bjorn saw was a Yak fist rising up and coming down hard before his world was enveloped in a white flash. Prince Rutherford tossed the headless body aside before shouting, "YAKS SMASH!!!!" before leading the charge to liberate the Crystal Empire. At the Imperial Palace… The Steward sat on a simple chair as a group of hippocampi swam up to him. He boredly looked towards he looked at the group and saw the hippocampi females who're known as trouble maker tiredly asked, "What sort of trouble have you gotten into this time." He asked. "Nothing of recent note your honor." Adagio replied. "The Queen is awake and taken a husband." Aria blurted out of excitement "And has added the full order Knights of Harmony, both of Equestria's diaries & Nightmare Moon to the Imperial herd." Upon hearing that the Steward ordered a message gem be sent to him. Upon receiving the gem he said to the former trouble makers, "Wait here." He then swam into a room Ward against eavesdropping and said, "Your Imperial Majesty. Atlantis has finally finished the spell to raise the island. Unfortunately the population has grown to the point where provinces had to be added. The provinces that were on land will be above the water. Also the senate has voted the kingdom into an Empire. We await you return and ascension of the thrown and accepting the title of Empress. Your loyal Steward Quiet Reef" When he returned he handed the message gem to the Dazzlings "Hand this to her majesty." Then turned and left. Two of the guard guided the trio to the edge of atlantian territory. The three of them swam to the meetup. Ayumi was sitting on her throne next to Alex. Having recently woken up from her eventful Ascension she was worried about the radiation she was now giving off her eyes glowing blue with the immense power from within. "I know that I am not getting off anything harmful while in brief contact with me but I'm worried about it building up that's the real danger." She said to her mate. 'And that's another thing I'm starting to think far more primally than I used to. Adjusting to being a living super reactor along with a true apex predator is going to be a problem no matter what but this is ridiculous!' "though the one thing I'm grateful for is that the Draco wasn't infected with would have just been incredibly terrifying, things considered." She muttered. Alex looked at his mate and said, "Look." He began. "Everypony that left has returned, save the sirens from their missioFluttershy had to pass through a cursed village that ended up cursed because they hated cuties marks. Flutters agreed to give the souls of eleven foals a chance to have a second chance to live who dove into her womb swelling it. Rainbow Dash took the souls of two more plus the souls of three repent villagers cause her to balloon with new life as well." He then sat down in Crystal's lap. "Pinkie has convinced the Yaks to attack the caribou. All we have to do is wait for sirens … and speak of the she-devils and they'll appear." As the three sirens walked in with Aria carring a huge taco muching on it. Adagio called out, "Your Majesties, the Steward of Atlantis awaits the queen to accept the throne from him." "Yeah." Aria says as she takes bite of her taco. "He's tired of keeping your throne warm." > The Alicorn king - Atlantis Rising > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Alicorn king: The Raising of Atlantis: The fall of the caribou AppleJack (V.O.): Last time on Alicorn King As the three sirens walked in with Aria carrying a huge taco and munching on it. Adagio called out, "Your Majesties, the Steward of Atlantis awaits the queen to accept the throne from him." "Yeah." Aria says as she takes bite of her taco. "He's tired of keeping your throne warm." Alex looks to Crystal and says, "My Queen your queendom awaits." He then holds out his hand. "It would be fitting if Atlantis was Ruled by it's queen from her rightful throne." Alex said with a mischievous grin. "Eh better be the size of a plateau." Ayumi said with a chuckle. "Considering a Gojira is going to be sitting on the throne after all." "The Ancient throne room is huge!" Aria said with awe. "And is a red and black marble Throne with two foot shaped platforms that looks like Gojira could sit in it with two pony sized thrones as well as a four foot tall cylindrical table a short distance from it." Alex looked at his Queen and asked, "Do you want to ascend to your Atlantean Throne in Atlantis or move your seat of government to the newly formed sky continent?" "Considering the other connections I have with various countries through my status as the Draco I think we should have the atlantean throne room be our main meeting place for political affairs and the sky continent be our actual home." Ayumi said before moving over to the larger indent in the floor meant the house her larger form. "For right now I should take on my more imposing form so that others see me at the height of my power." She quickly transformed most of her skin turning into the black charcoal textured hide of a gojira while her wings transformed into their crystalline state all while her whole fork glowing purple in a rhythmic pattern stemming from her heart all over her body in the classic gojira intimidation tactic. Alex nodded to his Queen's words then said, "As you wish my Queen. Me, seline, Luna, and Celestia will meet you there. I Have to check on Chrysalis to see how her exoskeleton is healing and with the help of the Royal Sisters create a force wall to prevent anypony who can't fly from falling off the edge." He then checked on the changeling Queen when he entered her chambers he saw two feeding pods in one of the two walk-in closets and two what could only be called changelings-in-waiting serving her. "Finally have enough time to come and check on me?" Chrysalis drolly commented. Alex nodded. "Seems I didn't have to worry as you managed to get some of your staff here." The changeling queen smiled and said, "I've done more than that. I moved my entire hive to this sky continent. Don't worry the hive won't destroy the structural integrity of it. In fact most of the tunnels won't come within a mile of topside. My old hive has been relegated to be a Love farm. I'm having drones acquire Caribou and put them into pods. They ship over to here jars of love-honey and don't worry we're only taking Caribou who're alone or in pairs." Alex nodded. "I'll leave you alone. I've got to find the Celestial Sisters and Twilight so they can help me make sure the edge is safe." Alex exited Everfree castle and headed into Everfree Village. The resurrected village when it was originally built was laid out identically to modern Ponyville. That wasn't a coincidence because Princess Celestia (under the guise of Sunrise Dawn) helped it's construction. Celestia and Luna under disguising spells walked through the town which had grown into being a Township. At which point they arrived at the new Sugarcube Corner. "I'm surprised how Old Town Everfree matches Ponyville." Luna commented. "That's because this is the original Ponyville." Celestia said quietly to her sister. "When the town was destroyed after your banishment I had planned to relocate most of the people to the area outside of the everfree and rebuild there, something that didn't come to fruition until the Apple family decided to use the Old orchard that once supported the castle." "Granny was always wondering where all the dead apple trees came from." Red Gala (formerly Big Mac) "Knowing that the area was once an orchard for the old everfree Town makes far more sense especially since that explains the zap apple. The trees were only mutated by the Everfree's chaotic energy from their original normal origins instead of being an exclusive species that only lives in the Everfree as we all thought." The rather muscular and well endowed mare looked to the Sisters. "I have a favor to ask of you and your mates. My wife Sugar Belle was hoping to have children by now. If any of you have an idea how to help me regain my Stallionhood even if it doesn't change me back completely I would be grateful. I just want to fulfill the request at some point." After Luna looked at Red Gala and noticed a sadness about her and smiled after thinking about a spell that Seline, Twilight, Alex, and herself talked about. Alex (with Twilight's help) came up with a two part spell to restore a stallion fully. Alex had finished the first part while the second part was giving the pair headaches. They showed them the spell matrix. "I do Red." Luna said. I must warn you it's new and untested. It could make you a true hermaphrodite but there is a chance, but there is a chance you could be unable to either Sire or bear foals." "The risk is worth it," Gala said, resolute in her decision "with AJ showing I've been reminded of my promise to Granny. If I do become sterile we'll just use a substitute. I just want the chance to truly be a father in some way even with my new form." Celestia nodded then said, "I advise that if everything goes as planned, Sugar Bell undergoes the same spell as you have found out why they act like they do during heat season." Luna nodded then, lighting up her horn, cast the spell on Red Gala. Celestia cast a scanning spell so she could step in if things started to go pear-shaped. By the time Red Gala and Luna's horn both stopped glowing, Red Gala was a futanari. Capable of both siring and carrying a foal. Meanwhile, on the Albatross, a bagless airship using a magical ore to fuel the engine of the airship that kept it a loft, several ponies and three changelings moved about. Resembling a sea going Galion with paddles that were moving like they were moving the ship along, the captain stood next to the wheel, observing their crew. "It is understandable that you would be nervous," a mare's voice said next to the captain. "Not many have seen Atlantean technology since the island sank. Rest assured if this ship does fall I will be there to save it." The seeming earth pony mare said. "It's not the technology that has me worried." Captain Crystal Compass the skymare replied, before motioning towards the two cannons that runes etched in them. "It's those cannons. They don't look like either Equestrian or Atlantean technology and that makes me wary." "Ah Ayumi works fast." The mare said "Those are the designs of my people enhanced using technology and magic similar to the party cannon and the party howitzer of the famous party couple Pinkie and Cheese scaled up to allow for use in atlantean aircraft. Now I'm going for a flight to keep an eye out this part of the continent near the Frozen sea hasn't really been explored, not even by Chrysalis's changelings or those damn Caribou. We don't know what could be there on the ground. I just have this feeling it's not safe even for us up here in the sky." "Flight?" The Captain said. "Do you have a contraption like what Lady Pie once made?" "Glacier ahead!!" Came a shout from the crow's nest. "I'm not a equissian pony Miss Compass." The earth pony said slowly floating off of the deck. "In fact you could think of me as if I'm not a pony at all." With that the mare flew towards the rather tall glacier, her eyes seemingly glowing red before a burst of steam obscured her from the crew on the ship. "By the Lunar mare," Captain Compass groaned, "Just my luck to get an alien pony. ALTITUDE" She commanded. "That might be a problem." An unknown male voice said. "You see you equestrians are trespassing on our land and that means that we Humans finally have a reason to fight back." The man was floating in the air a black cloud like a cloak around his shoulders. "And believe me we've been wanting this chance for such a long time." "Be that as it may." An unknown female voice said. It belonged to an athletically built human female, who was standing on a carpet that had settled on the deck of the ship. "The Counsel has voted we open our borders which means these ponies shall not be attacked. Really my friend, your faction has been losing power since the Chaos Era. The ponies of our region have been wonder if there are still ponies in the world." "I-" the man began before the earth pony mare returned, punching him away from the ship, her face looking as if she was the devil incarnate. "YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" she shouted as the very air began quaking with released power. "Lavan wakes." The mysterious female sighs then says, "I don't have time for this. Nwot fo strikstuo eht ot pihs siht ekat!" In a flash, the airship was teleported to a lake on the outskirts of a town. "Welcome to Dream Valley. " the female said. Now in the clear Steelheart disengaged her disguise protocols revealing the metallic looking fur she had normally was actually a synthetic liquid metal alloy. "Whoever that human was, hopefully they're safe now." "Megan's descendant was on the ship?" The man asked himself none the worst for where considering he had taken a charged Kryptonian level punch. "Interesting, interesting indeed." "Okay how the fuck are you still alive I punched you damn hard!" Steelheart said. "Being in the air shouldn't have dampened the blow that much!" "My dear pony I'm but you would call an alicorn or at least equivalent to one. One of the known features of an alicorn is…?" the man said "Enhanced durability, a regeneration factor and near immortality damn." Steel said going over the relevant facts. "Add on super strength flight and high levels of magic and even without a lava demon below us and I'd have my work cut out for me. Shit!" The metallic outer layer shifted quickly reforming into densely packed muscles as her eyes gained a red glow. "Luckily I've fought bigger, fought harder." In the town the crew were setting up an outpost. "Ay how come we're not going into the town immediately?" One of the crew asked before she got lightly shocked by Tempest's magic. "For one thing we're the strangers here." Tempest growled. "And another thing everybody on this ship just experienced their first teleport!" Sweeping her hand to the crew revealing that most of them were nauseous and that very few could stand up without swaying. "LOWER THE SHIP!" Captain Compass bellowed. "RIG FOR AQUATIC MANEUVERS!!" At those orders the ship began to descend. With a sudden swiftness a woman appeared on the deck next to the representative. The only way that the ponies and other creatures around to tell that she was in fact human was the lack of distinguishing species features and the small glimpse of Ebony skin coming from her exposed fingers, otherwise the woman was completely covered from head to toe in a traditional Ninja outfit dark blue in coloration. The outfit leaving barely anything exposed to the outsiders. "You should not have left without your guard detail my lady." She said "Wantall had been tailing your escort." "Yoruichi," The human who brought the Albatross said in annoyance. "I don't need them." She pinched the bridge and grumbled something under her breath. "Wrong my lady," the woman said. "but it's understandable that you mixed us up considering the fact that we're twins. And in this case I was referring to myself. I knew you wanted to go low profile to avoid Wantall for the most part so I petitioned that only one guard me, your best friend would go with you, it had been approved but you had already left by then. My sister is here but because of her crush she did not want to come up here just yet so she's helping with the rigging of the ship." "Ugh!" Nabiki Williams groaned, "Those fools keep trying to mold me into whatever they consider a proper lady. Don't they realize it's modern times." "You do know that you can just use the blackmail you accumulated to screw them over if they truly push you past your limits." Road teased. "Not to mention you can act as proper as the element of generosity if the need arises." "Road!" Nabiki snapped. "I. DON'T. DO. BLACKMAIL." She crosses her arms. "Besides we've only found one of the six Rings of Harmony, the ring of generosity, so far and it selected me." "You do gossip, not blackmail." Road said repeating a phrase she had heard from her best friend over and over. "You have to admit gathering all that and writing it down is kind of suspicious Biki." Suddenly two shapes landed nearby revealed to be the two fighters from earlier, the mare holding the wizard by the collar. "Be happy I didn't kill you bastard. The people here still need someone to protect them from that damn lava monster should it get any closer and your power over weather and that cloud demon you control will definitely help in the fight to come." She said throwing him towards the humans on the pier. Captain Compass spread her wings and flew over to the pair. "Ma'am I have a full weather team storm busters on my ship." She said. "If you wish I'll have the assemble a storm over the demon and have it rain on top of it." Meanwhile, Nabiki looked at her friend and said, "Gathering information of your opponents moves is good strategy. But I do plan to advise Senator Bluebelle that she should stop her opposition to the stallion freedom bill. It's high time they're allowed to get out of the stables unsupervised." Huh Nabiki heard in her head. They still do that there? Not going to lie I might rampage through the Valley if you don't make it an executive action for their freedom my fellow element ring holder. What's an executive action? She responded looking at her ring. > Alicorn King: Atlantis Rising pt II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alicorn King Atlantis Rising Pt II It's when the leader of a country overrides all opposing forces on a specific issue and passes it through on their word alone, it can be seen as an abuse of power if used too often but for the most part taking executive action is a workaround for issues that have strong opposition. The voice said This power is something I'm pretty sure is in your Bill of Rights equivalent considering that the original humans came from America. The place where this term originates. Nabiki smiled at that and thought Thank you. Then she turned to her best friend and said, "Road go get me the Stallion Freedoms documents, my clipboards and the Valley Seal. I just got reminded that I can bypass the Stable & Senate." "Okay how and by whom?" Road said as the requested items appeared in her hands. "Been keeping them in my dream as ordered here ya go." "It appears another ring has found its bearer" Nabiki replied as she took the items then began to make the necessary minor changes that transform the document from a bill to an executive order. She signed her signature then pressed the seal against it. "There! Bluebelle can now go chew cups as the stallions can now be more active in the community." She giggles at the mortified look of that stuck unicorn senator." An Equestrian walks up to her and asks, "Uh… ma'am? Who is this Bluebellr?" "Oh?" She says. "Hmm. She's A white unicorn with a mane and tail of blonde. And she's the most stuck up and elletest unicorn who cares more about herself and thinks lower social standing ponies are little more than dust." "Sounds like our Blue before she was feminized by the caribou. One of the few good things they did was give her a reality check." Steel said as she landed back on the ship. "SteelHeart, first guard to Queen Ayumi and alien extraordinaire." Extending her hand out to Road for a shake. "Might want to get a few guards on the border. I kind of accidentally released a lava demon because someone messed with our flight path and put us directly in front of his glacial prison." Steel said glaring at Wantall with her eyes glowing with barely suppressed heat vision. "YOU WHAT!" Road shouted at Wantall. "You son of a bitch you know what a danger that beast is, Steel is right you're going to help us beat him, that's only the beginning of your punishment! If you weren't immortal you would have your head chopped off for doing this!" "I…I was trying to prevent them from finding Dream Valley." Wantall replied. "But the Sentinel brought them here." "He was trying to force the resolution to start welcoming peaceful explorers to fail by having them destroyed by that beast" Nabiki said in disgust. Ok I'm coming over, be prepared for the radiation. Nabiki heard moments before a massive CRACK! Was heard and a rumbling growl accompanied. "Ayumi!" Steel yelled in response once everyone could hear again "I handled it! We have at least 4 hours before he melts the coating I forced on him with my arctic breath." "I'm not here for that beast just yet." The group heard through the growls Ayumi made. "I'm here to meet the ruler myself." Nabiki looks at her ring then says formally, "I am Nabiki Samantha Williams, keeper of the Rainbow of Light, High Sorceress, Bearer of the Ring of Generosity and Grand Sentinel, leader of Dream Valley. I welcome you to the valley." "The first thing you should do upon our treaty of being completed is pledge the Rainbow of Light to the defense of all, not just your Valley." Ayumi suggested adopting a business tone while also acknowledging her equal in political matters greeting with a quick nod. "Other than that." The beast shrank down revealing a doppelganger of Twilight Sparkle with dragon wings instead of the normal feathered things of an alicorn. "I am Queen Ayumi, leader of the Atlantean Empire. Ally to Equestria and the free Everfree country. Husband of King Alex of the free Everfree country and the original equestrian dragon. Bearer of the Ring of Magic and knowledge of another world, much like the one that you come from, the one that all humans in this land come from." Nabiki walked up to Ayumi and held out her hand saying, "In harmony's name, I so pledge. May the alliance between Dream Valley, the Atlantean Empire, Equestria, and the free state of Everfree. May we find the remaining 5 rings of the Rings of Harmony." Road shaked her head and muttered "the House and Senate are going to have kittens when they learn she cut them out of the loop… again." Which she smirked. "The rings are searching but it seems Honesty has found its bearer in a familiar family." A voice said through the two ruler's rings. "Well then Harmony, glad that these rings allow you to talk and observe without using your projection" Ayumi said to the entity. "Familiar family huh? That does narrow it down somewhat, but I wonder which Apple is wearing it although it could be one of the Pies, Oranges or even the Pears." A crystalline and spectral version of Twilight appeared and said "I must correct myself, a few moments ago the bearers of Loyalty and Kindness, both from this world, are now bearers of the rings of the same element. It seems that both were being worn by caribou who embodied them until they got close to Everfree and the elements of Kindness and Loyalty's proximity caused the rings of the same element to reject the caribou and fly to them. "Also it seems a Caribou prise airship is on a course for Dream Valley. Probably trying to find the original pony homeland with the intent to raid it." "Well then maybe we should show them exactly what humans can do?" Ayumi asked Nabiki and Wantall. "I was human once so I understand the want to protect others of our kind Wantall so I'm giving you this chance of redemption and to show us exactly why you were once called the ancient protector." Wantall's answer was an unnerving grin. Meanwhile, on an airship the crew were mostly pegasi stallions with caribou bucks as officers sailed over the frozen shore of a north island. Daring Do walked on all fours towards the captain of the ship who was her master. As she refused to submit she wore a black collar. Her will to fight had been slowly eroded with her master's abuse. There was some physical abuse, as evidenced by a few new scars on Daring's lithe form but the heap of it was kept mostly mental so as to keep from breaking his toy. He looked at her lustilly and opened his mouth to give her a command when the ship rocked with the arrival of three individuals a male and three females, one of which uncannily looked like Princess Twilight Sparkle but she could tell it wasn't for some reason. The non pony female had a flat face, no tail and no fur and was surrounded by an indigo glow. He looked at the male, who was fit as a warrior wearing what looked like a cape made of a storm cloud and who he assumed he was the leader. Before he could say anything, three tendrils of indigo extended from a solid ingedo ring and flew to his slave. He watched as the glow enveloped the wing cases and collar of his slave before they disintegrated freeing Daring. "Hey!" He shouted "She belongs to me!" He then made a move to stop the female in the indigo glow but doubled over as the male dashed in and punched the captain in the gut with an ugly sneer on his face. "I'd be thinking more on how your going to survive the walk back to a friendly settlement, Bucky." The male condescendingly said. "Wantall! Steel! Ground this airship." The glowing female commanded. The caribou captain, Baldor bristled at the sight of a female commanding a male he was about to order the entire party captured when he noticed the entire pony complement of the crew in an indigo sphere, and his slave in the Twilight clones arms. He then felt the airship crash land and twin red beams left from the earth pony mare's eyes, though the deck, into the engines where he heard a muffled boom right before a lightning bolt struck the gasbag. The glowing female flew off with his crew along with the Twilight clone and the impossible Earth Pony. His bewildered crew looked at him in worry. He looked at the area they had been forced down in. "IF I survive getting my crew to a friendly settlement, I'm going to fight Dain for the crown." He thought bitterly. "Miss Doo," Ayumi addressed the familiar pegasus "your sisters will be happy to know that you're safe." The Alicorn felt Daring shiver at The mention of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo "Your mother and father are still missing regretfully but Dash and Scoots will be happy for sure." "Please tell me honestly your majesty," Daring said. "Is it true that not only that a male Alicorn has appeared & he rescued my sisters & their friends? As well stole Celestia right from under Dain?" She had heard rumors from the other mare's some of which were red collars of the appearance of a male alicorn. How he had better martial prowess and was immensely skilled at magic. She overheard from her master that the resistance had become more of a threat since his appearance. What gave her hope was the rumor of two magic pulses that had undone whatever made the stallions turn on the mares. Ayumi nodded. "That's my husband and the patriarch of the Royal Atlantean/Equestrian herd which includes Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo's part of dragon lord Barb's horde. Spike was feminized and now goes by the name Barb by the way." The group was surprised that Alex had gone up against Danin, "Not only has my husband basically ended the threat of the caribou by cutting off their main command structure but we both have been chosen to rule parts of Equestria that were lost a thousand years ago or even before that in my case." Daring smiled at the news. She observed them fly over an impossibly high glacier and into a large valley with a temperate environment. She saw a ship that looked more like it belonged in the sea than the lake it was sitting in. She watched as they landed on the main deck of the ship and the bubble that surrounded her and the rest of the equestrians faded away. She watched a white unicorn with a cutiemark of a cluster of stars and a mane and tail that were purple and white walked up to the ring bearer which she revised was a human and say, "Here's the Rainbow Locket Sentinel." The Sentinel took it and said, "Thank you Twilight. Now to help our new friends." With that she opened the locket. A familiar portal opened up as the rainbow of light poured from the locket. "Interesting." Ayumi commented. The rainbow then flew to each of the equestrians and spun around them, encasing them briefly in a chromatic cocoon one at a time before unwrapping them and moving to the next, cleansing them on detrimental enchantments, & mental conditions then flew over the horizon. A couple of minutes later it returned to it's locket. Nabiki closed the locket with a snap then looked at Daring Do and asked, "What were the caribou looking for? I know the area has little to offer so I can make an educated guess." Daring nodded as she pointed at the locket and said, "That. Some caribou scholar stumbled upon writings of it and told Dain about it. Not liking there was an artifact that may, undo the spell he had placed on equestrians he had the expedition organized with the goal of capturing it and turning it to caribou ends. And if it couldn't be corrupted, destroy it." "That portal leads back to the human world. How come none of you have ever taken it for weaponry knowledge and other things?" Ayumi asked, pointing to the portal that looked like the Mirror floating in midair. "From the time of Dream Valley as the home of ponies a lot has gone on. This human world could be even more advanced than the one that I come from." Nabiki drops her head in shame, saying. "1005 years ago we acquired 2000 schoolbooks from kindergarten to college level and put them in a special library. The plan was to use the knowledge within but three things happened. Somebody named Heimdal stopped letting folks cross back to our earth. Then Katrina and Grogar started raiding Dream Valley for slaves. Which caused the Rainbow of Light to seal that library in a crystal that no one can break, though not for a lack of anypony trying." She grumbled, remembering her own attempt before continuing with her explanation. "Followed by an eclipse that lasted for 12 hours. Of course we were able to seal Katrina in Crystal which we sent into an orbit which would come back every 76 years much like a famous comet back in the human world. We were finally able to seal Grogar out of this world 200 years ago and begin cleansing the valley from Grogar's monsters and corruption." With a heavy sigh she concluded, "We held a celebration to commemorate that we had completed the cleaning of Dream Valley when the 18 hour night occurred, but nothing more happened until the arrival of these ponies, save the face on the moon disappearing during that long night." She gestured towards the crew of the Albatross. "Luna's return is the cause of the long night." Ayumi said before she walked up to the portal. "I wonder if this is Marvel Heimdall or straight up Norse Hymdal. Though considering he barres your way I would say it's Marvel based, since in true Norse mythology he just watches over the Bifrost. Maybe I can talk with him using the Marvel phrase." The Alicorn hybrid touched the portal as she mused this. "I know you can hear me! Heimdall open the portal!" She shouted hoping that he would listen to a fellow god. Suddenly Ayumi found herself and Alex in the Bifrost Chamber standing before the legendary guardian of the bridge looking grimly at them. "Uh, why am I here? Last thing I knew, Twilight, the Celestial Sisters and I began a safety spell on the edges of the Everfree skyland." Alex said, startled at the rapid relocation. "Your wife called upon me and asked for me to reopen the home realm of mighty Stephanie's daughters. As they now carry the grandfoals of Oden's mighty mount I believe both of you should tell their grandparent of the situation down on Equis." Heimdall commented. "Go to the Palace of Asgard, Thor, the all father, and Loki await you there." Alex looked at Ayumi saying, "I've heard of Royal summons but this takes the cake." "Heh, hope Loki is a she in this world considering," Ayumi said blushing slightly, before turning to the dark skinned god. "Sorry to call you out like that. I understand that you were doing your job. Hopefully Odin will be okay with what's going on and my reasoning for asking the portal to be reconnected." As they walked out of the chamber Alex said, "Loki's current gender shouldn't be a problem as Loki can be fully female, male, or true Herm they choose if what mythology says is correct." At once both spread their wings And flew to the Palace as it was in the center, the Biggest building, "plated" gold (or so he hoped). As they landed, a high-pitched yelling could be heard. "Sounds like the trickster decided to go girl today." Alex commented as they opened the door. When they entered they saw Oden sitting on his throne with his hand over face, Thor looking much like the MCU version of himself trying to calm down a female Loki dressed in the MCU depiction of Loki's get up.. Loki shouted, "THAT HORNHEAD BASTARD DARED TO VIOLATE MY GRANDDAUGHTERS!! HE MUST BE PUNISHED!!"