> Limonita's Fun Night > by Teofilo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dance the Night Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “...Aaaaaand Done!” The pink mare with the Nordic accent proclaimed with a happy tone. “Wow… Impresionante~” The tan mare quietly whispered in her own voice that had a Spanish-twang. Limonita looked at herself in the mini-mirror and saw the beautiful mare who looked back at her reflection. She was more than comfortable calling herself sexy. Limonita looked behind her to see Reppy, her good friend and helper, “Does that mean I did good in your language?” She curiously asked. Limonita ran a hand through her silky hair. Running her fingers through it. “Yes. You impressed me… definitely made me realize why it takes so long to do this…” She remarked as she still stared in the mirror once more, the red lipstick and the dark brown eyeshadow appeared quite superb on the brown unicorn mare who also had her nails done as well. The chocolate matte nail color was also a nice touch-up on Reppy’s part. “I do it so much when I go out… I’ll be honest, I don’t do it with other girls too often so it’s a nice change of pace!” Limonita saw Reppy grab something from her purse… and out popped a pair of bright gold hoop earrings. “I think this would go really well with your makeup. Would you like to wear these?” Limonita didn’t ponder it for long. “Can’t see why not. Go ahead!” Reppy then approached with the earrings, and took a hold of Limonita’s right ear. “Okay… here we go...” And with a quick yet careful motion, the earring clipped through Limonita’s ear, which caused Limonita to wince, but the pain faded quickly. “Okay, now the other ear,” Reppy then put on the other earring with an identical reaction. “How’s that?” Reppy stood close behind Limonita. Limonita looked in the mirror and felt a feeling that the look was… complete. “Perfecto~. You understand that?” Reppy giggled a little. “Mm-hmm. Shall we go to the bar, then?” Limonita gave a big smile. “Yeah, I could go for a few tequila shots right about now,” she said as she leaned back casually before standing up. The two mares proceeded to make their way out of Limonita’s apartment, the two rather scantily clad in revealing skirts and crop tops that left little to the imagination. Reppy stood tall in her signature black heels while Limonita wore a pair of white and red sneakers and black socks that contoured to her legs tightly. Limonita turned red at how… exposed she felt… Reppy could sense Limonita’s slight tension, “Too much?” she asked the brown mare. “N-no! I’ll get used to this!” Limonita said with some defensiveness in her voice. “Just don’t go too crazy on the drinks. I know how you are when you get wasted,” Reppy stifled another giggle as her mind remembered her friend's last crazy dancing displays on the floor the last time she got super drunk... “Mamita, I don’t know what you’re talking about! Look, I’ll go easy on the drinks just for you, okay?” Limonita responded with a playful tone. “Watch it, I’m gonna drink maybe two shots and I’ll call it a night. I don’t really feel like doing crazy shit anyways-” Many Shot-Filled Hours Later “DALE! UNA MAS!” A drunk, Spanish mare yelled at the bartender as she swayed lightly in her seat. A drunk Limonita looked around her at the bar, realizing that Reppy was nowhere in sight. “Must have met somebody… como siempre...” She quietly mumbled as she rolled her eyes. She then peered around fruitlessly in the sea of ponies, trying to see if she was, at least, close by. The Latina-mare struggled to remember where her friend was. The fog machines and flashing lights coupled with the loud electronic dance music did not help in the slightest to find her Pink friend. As she gazed about, a hand blocked her view as it went up and down. “Uh... Are you okay?” A voice that was super close to her in proximity spoke loudly. Limonita then focused her eyes on a stallion that she had seen a few times before at this club… but never had she been approached by him until now. “Y-yeah! I’m fine! I just was, uh, looking for a friend!” She replied back with a little apprehension. “Looking for a friend? Well you’re in luck because so am I! My name is Lunar Rune. And what’s your name? I’ve never seen you here before, and I thought I knew everybody!” the bat pony stallion said with a warm chuckle. “Nice to meet you. I’m Limonita and I guess you could say I’m new here… I could use friends,” She said as she eased up. She also took the liberty to grab her drink that had been sitting there for who-knew-how-long and drank it down without any trouble. This seemed to interest Rune. “Oh my, how many shots have you had? Not often I find a mare who can take shots consecutively, not that I’m judging or anything,” The stallion remarked with a surprised look. Limonita could tell both by his approach and by the fact his eyes occasionally peered down to her barely-dressed thighs and ass that he was definitely looking to get lucky. Not that she could blame him for staring or wanting to get lucky. She may have been drunk, but not unwise. “Well I guess you could say I’m not your average mare. But like… honestly, I think I had, maybe 5, 6? Shots, and none of them were weak little pussy shots either… oh and some margaritas too,” She replied with a noticeable slur. The drinks took its toll on her memory. “Yoooo, that’s awesome. And you are just out here to drink or were you maybe looking for something else?” The blue bat pony leaned in. He seemed like a kind pony… Limonita struggled to think of a straight answer as she pondered whether she really should go out of her way to find Reppy, who was probably having her own fun right about now, or stay and find her own fun to have. “Um… Well, you see, it was, not really - or was - Okay. I wanted just drinks o-originally but like… I guess I could stay longer. I just need a reason to stay.” She finally gave a stable answer to the stallion. Rune gazed to the left before pointing at a room not far from the dance floor. “There are some arcade games over there. They have a few game cabinets, some pool tables and a foosball table,” Limonita put her hands on her chin and thought hard about it… Her brown eyes focused more on Lunar Rune. The stallion was as tall as she was. The stallion was dressed casually with shorts and a t-shirt. His shorts were… bulging. The mare found herself turning red as she could not help but look at it more. “Um… I think thaaaaa…” She verbally dragged as she felt a small bit of arousal in herself. Her change to her body, as she started to figure out, was much more than just her body but also of the mind. After a long pause, Limonita shook her head. “Actually, could we go upstairs? I feel like that’s where the real fun is,” The blue bat pony pulled back a little with a slight blush, but then he grinned at the opportunity presented to him. “Upstairs~? You know what goes on upstairs, right?” Limonita leaned into her drunken state. She knew what went on upstairs. She knew that it was called ‘going to heaven’ for a good reason. But she did not want to tip off Rune just yet. “I just heard from my friends that this club is renowned for having some… loose rules, we’ll say…” Limonita mumbled out. She also took the liberty of getting off her seat to stretch out her limbs, which gave the stallion an ever better view of her assets. “Hmmm, well you’ll know soon enough… What kind of loose rules have you heard about?” He curiously inquired. “Apparently, if I do this,” Rune’s jaw dropped as Limonita proceeded to remove her shirt to the cheers and delighted noises from those around her. Her perked-up nipples and soft chest hung out for the world to see. “I won’t get in trouble,” Rune nodded dumbly as he was mesmerized by her. “Yeah… and going upstairs is called-” “Going to heaven. Because ponies get fucked hard!” the mare yelled out before snickering. “HA! Ayyy Luna mía!” She covered her mouth. The bubbly mare blushed as she realized she said that a little too loud. “Hahaha. So you have heard all about that? I can't say I've met a mare as forward as you and yet I’m starting to think this is not your first time here,” He chortled back with some suspicion... but he did not press her any further on the issue, mainly due to being drunk and horny. He cleared his throat. Now trying to regain some seriousness back. “In all seriousness, if you want to do that, then…. How do you say ‘let’s go’ in Spanish?” Rune looked at her with a comforting smile and a light chuckle. He then proceeded to take a long slurp of his Long Island, finishing the drink rather quickly. “That would be… Vamonos,” She replied before getting up. “Show me what is upstairs,” Limonita felt his left hand take a hold of her right. The two proceeded to make their way to the nearby staircase, all in a tipsy sway. Walking through the sea of pony bodies, some chatting, some dancing, and making their way up the stairs to a balcony where there were not as many ponies as downstairs but those there either were bottomless, topless, or even totally nude. “Welcome to Heaven~,” Rune quietly uttered as they proceeded forward to a relatively obscure section away from everyone else up there. The noticeably nervous bat pony drew something from his back pocket. Revealing that those were condoms to Limonita, who sat herself on the surprisingly comfortable chair. “Mmm~ Let me see what ELSE you have in those pants,” Limonita said with a sultry tone, her eyes now once again fixed on his pants as she playfully pulled up her skirt to let him get a good glimpse at the black panties that held back her ‘flower’. Rune responded by first lifting his shirt to reveal his skinny, in-shape form. Putting it to the side, he proceeded to lower himself onto his knees as he was soon down to hip level with the mare. “Mind if I see what you might be hiding from me~?” The stallion asked playfully. “What might I be hiding from you?” She coyly responded as she felt his hands run up her legs and reach her ass and hips. She could feel him reaching around her panties, sinking his fingers around the waist band. The mare looked down at him. She bit her lip… and gave a small gasp as she felt the stallion almost ceremoniously pull her panties all the way down. Her soft delicate nethers finally exposed to the air, revealing a light drip that glistened in the bright, flashing lights of the club. The stallion, now as hard as he had been all night, undid his belt, then his button and zipper which then allowed his stallion-hood to hang-out. “Dios Mio~ They had condoms in that- ¡AY!” the brown mare cried out suddenly as she felt the stallion give a long, passionate lick along the pink, inner folds all the way to the top of her clit. The stallion did the motion again with his tongue to the vocal delight of the mare, who was overwhelmed by the new, sensational feeling. “¡Mmm~ Qué es esto~?!” She moaned out as she tried to get a grip at the new sensation… she didn’t expect herself to be so… sensitive. It was like the first time... She tightened up, which made Rune stop where he was. “Too fast?” His dark blue eyes met her dark brown eyes. His voice and expression both concerned with the state of the mare “N-no. You are fine, but you could say I’m… like… getting used to this, you know? Just keep it low and slow at first, alright? Go back to what you were doing… slowly,” She answered back as she used her right hand to guide the stallion’s head right back to her sensitive vulva. Rune did not question her any further. Instead, he nodded and decided to go back to slowly licking at her pussy even more delicately than before. Limonita tightened up again in pleasure as her body shivered involuntarily at the careful licks of the stallion. Her body, still quite intoxicated, began to slowly get used to the delicate licks and of the stallion. Her breaths became labored, long sighs and pants as the stallion sped up. Her body twitched and shivered around his tongue once more. Her body’s natural reaction to his heavenly tongue work was a signal to the stallion that he was definitely doing this right. Limonita put her hands around his head as their eyes locked onto one another. Her brown eyes expressed delight to his bright blues that looked for some kind of approval from the mare. The stallion’s muzzle pushed against the sensitive entrance of the brown mare, his tongue was buried deep into the slick walls, lapping at her secretions as he occasionally rewarded her clitoris with a light suck which made her seize up and make her purr with a Spanish flair. “D-don’t stop… I’m so close….” She said as she bit her lips and closed her eyes. The stallion took the liberty of intensifying his licking and lapping. Silently responding to her by doing the thing that made her so loud before. His muzzle also occasionally teased her by pushing right against her entrance, which was rewarded with a sharp gasp and Limonita squeezing her thighs around the head of Rune. “Asumare~... I du-dunno… ¡AY! ¡Sigue Papito!” She drooled out as she felt the stallion pulled away from her… with her skirt now in his hand, he tossed it to the side and went right back to licking. Rune grabbed her thighs, gripping them tightly as he once again went to town on Limonita's pussy. Sucking and licking at her delicate region more intensely as Limonita could feel her most delicate region’s senses be overrun with a feeling of pleasure that ran up her spine. She was beyond the point of no return, and the stallion knew it because her thighs wrapped around his head so tightly that it almost hurt to be so close. “A...A… MMNNNNFFF! RUNE!” She called out his name as her body finally released more of her orgasmic secretions all over his face… the nectar dripping down from her pelvis and down to the floor as she practically soaked him and the chair. The mare could barely catch her breath. The orgasm frying her senses as she lay relaxed upon the comfortable chair under her. Limonita, still in a pleasured daze, watched as Rune eventually pulled away and got up, his massive horsecock flaired and rock hard now before her. “....Magnifico~,” She finally murmured out as she began to lightly move in her chair. “I can tell you really liked that. Haven’t gotten attention like that before, huh?” The blue bat pony said with a slight brag in his voice. The mare nodded dumbly. “No…. Not like that…. So…. amazing,” She quietly said in a huffy, labored voice. The stallion gripped his member, taking a firm hold as he stood over Limonita. “Think I could get some attention?” He asked as he approached her. The mare had to take a second to collect as with every slow blink he approached closer and closer, until his long, black horsecock and its flared head was right beside her head. She turned her attention to it. Eyeing it with a bit of hesitation. Never having been in such a submissive position, it took her a moment before she caressed her hand across his sizable orbs before getting a good grip of his stallionhood. “Yeah… just like that. Maybe give it a taste?” He cooed before making the rather lewd suggestion. The mare continued to stroke his cock. Firmly gripping it as she pondered if she really was ready to put it in her mouth. She jerked him off for a good minute. Her soft hand working the stallion up as his cock tip occasionally grazed across her soft chest. The mare then brought herself closer to the blue bat pony. Allowing him to aim the cock tip right against her slightly open mouth put the tip of his stallionhood against the tip of her tip. His cock was wedged between her two melons, the mare gave his tip a curious lick. The position she was in was rather new to her, but she was a quick learner. Limonita opened her mouth a little bit to let the tip slip into her mouth. Taking delicate care to not put her teeth around it. Her soft lip and delicate motioning, moving oppositely to his own thrusting hips’ motion; as he thrusted up, she would move herself downward to allow more of him to slip in her warm mouth. Soon enough, he reached deep enough into her maw that he could almost feel her throat, but the inexperienced mare gagged somewhat, causing the stallion to pull back out and look down at the mare with a concerned face. “Sorry, too far?” Limonita coughed and gagged some, still adjusting to the new sensation that was both a little uncomfortable but strangely exhilarating at the same time. Limonita shook her head. “I… I need to adjust some. Maybe we can try a different position?” The brown mare proposed. “What do you mean?” Rune asked as he gripped his stallionhood. Limonita finally got out of the chair and crawled right before Rune. On her hands and knees, her face buried in the stallion’s crotch as her muzzle grazed against his hefty set of orbs and his fairly-lengthed cock. She did not initially respond. Choosing instead to give his balls a delicate kiss. Her lipstick stained the dark-colored sack as she then kissed his other ball. Limonita arched her neck up as she gave his cock a soft kiss. Taking a moment to take in the stallion who seemed rather pleased by the way she moved. They locked gazed, and after some adjustment, Limonita was once again faced with his length only inches from her face. And once again, Limonita eased open her jaw and after a deep breath, eased herself forward. The tip of his member entering her awaiting mouth and slipping in as it had earlier. The stallion, predictable, enjoyed the feeling of being let in once again… but as he bit his lip in pleasure, he felt his length push in deeper… and deeper… and deeper… “...Fuck~...” He remarked in delight. Limonita had managed to get a fair bit of his length into her rather tight throat. Limonita, with a fiery drive and tenacity to satisfy her partners, persisted in deepthroat. She reeled back to ease him out to breath, but she refused to give in. Despite some discomfort, she welcomed the sensation once again of his length deep into her mouth. She pressed on, and pushed herself forward again… this time getting an inch further than before. She withdrew his length once again. ‘La necesito…I can’t fail him, I can do what Reppy does,’ The mare thought in her mind as she advanced again. The stallion responded to her bobbing motion by placing his hand upon the back of her head. The stallion began to make his own movements. Thrusting forward, the mare could feel his member slipping in just a little bit deeper. Limonita, quickly learning, found herself getting more comfortable. “Ulk… ulk… mmmph… Mmm. gulk…” The sound of the mare doing her best to deepthroat the stallion filled the air as her lipstick stained his cock almost to the base. Limonita was starting to get frustrated as her breathing became heavier as her pace quickened. Her will to get it all the way down her throat would not be denied. The pace of her deepthroating would soon be quickened as the stallion took a hold of her ears and began rocking his hips forward and back. Limonita, eager, relaxed and let Rune quietly but authoritatively take control. It was then that Rune took a hold of both her ears and began aggressively thrusting his hips forward… before holding her head as her lips finally made contact with the base of his cock… Her red lipstick smeared on his member as she felt a sense of accomplishment in deepthroating the stallion. The stallion’s pace began to quicken as the mare adjusted herself for a rough fucking. Keeping her neck craned up to let the stallion have his way. The mare winced and gagged some, but Rune would pull back and let her catch her breath before pressing back into her warm mouth. Limonita gave Rune’s cock a nice suck every time she reached the base. Causing the stallion to shiver in pleasure as he grew ever closer to his much needed release. His balls slapped against her chin in an almost rhythmic fashion. Rune’s breathing also became harder and faster as he facefucked her. He practically rammed himself into her. “Urgh… here it comes…” The stallion gave her one last warning as he went into final gear. The sounds of ‘plap’ filled the air until finally, he let out one long sigh and pulled Limonita’s head right into his crotch. Shot after shot of his warm seed quickly filled up her throat. Limonita swallowed as much as she could, but there was so much that some of it began to drip onto the floor from her chin. Rune finally let go, and Limonita pulled back. The mare gave a swallow before taking deep breaths. The mare surprised even herself by how much she enjoyed the experience. Limonita looked into his eyes with a sultry look. Licking her lips, savoring the aftermath, she felt his hands briefly brush through her hair. “Haha~ Que Excelente~” The mare moans as she adjusts her hair with a hand. “That was amazing~.” Rune admitted as he went to grab his jeans, before pulling the condom out of one of the pockets. “Mind if we take this up a notch?” The stallion asked as he took a grip of his member in one hand while opening the condom wrapper with his teeth. Limonita, still ready as ever, lit her horn… and soon his member was wrapped in her magic. Soon, the stallion’s thick member began to rise again. The stallion eased the condom out of the wrapper before carefully putting it over his cock. Limonita let go of his pecker before she stood up. The mare briefly stretched her limbs out before slowly she sauntered her way to a nearby wall. She bent herself over, arching her back and showing the excited stallion her ass. Before long, she felt the stallion press himself against her backside. The cock began grinding between her ass cheeks. “Nnn~ ¡dámelo duro!” Limonita moaned as she took a hand to guide his cock right to her wet entrance. The mare bit her lip and winced. Huffing and lightly twitching in pleasure as the condom-covered tip pressed against the fold. The mare felt a tingling sensation cascade over her. A familiar tingling she felt when the stallion pushed his tongue deep into her. Her body shivered in pleasure in his hands. Then she felt it push in. A sort-of full feeling ran up her body and caused her to moan almost involuntarily. The mare could feel Rune grab at her love handles with his left hand and guide himself with his right. The tip well inside, inch after inch of him, spreading her out as he got the medial ring inside her. A satisfying feeling of fullness cascaded over her. “Damn… You feel amazing~.” The stallion huffed. The stallion withdrew all the way to the tip before pressing into the pleased mare once more. He repeated this motion, getting deeper every time he pushed back in… And before long, and with a satisfying plap, the stallion’s crotch made contact with Limonita’s. His balls pressed against her backside as he was now deep as he could be in her. This caused him to greedily start to piston his hips. The experience made him press her against the wall, Limonita feeling his strong arms against her back. Limonita found herself motioning back against his strong thrusts. Her clenching only made the experience even better as he gave grunts of relief in between the motions. “D-Damn~,” He warned. His eyes shut tight as he moved a hand around one of Limonita’s tits. “H-ha... Too good... Please~... Don’t hold back~. Dame todo de ti~...” She asked in a begging, sultry voice. The stallion didn’t answer back, but she could tell by his quickening pace that he would not hold for much longer. However, in the heat of the moment, an idea suddenly came into her mind, and without a word, her horn began to glow. The magic cascaded over his condom-covered cock. "Huh?" the stallion gave a confused moan. The mare's magic began to slip off the condom. "You've earned this, just enjoy it~" She moaned as her magic slipped off his condom, the tip of his cock enveloped in the warm folds. The slick feeling now felt slightly more sensitive for the both of them, the mare gave another lively moan as the stallion gave a pleasured sigh. The condom fell to the floor unceremoniously as the stallion thrusted back in, gripping Limonita's tail tightly. Each thrust became harder and quicker, the stallion pounding into the mare's ass with an aggressive thrust. The stallion pumped with such fervor, that each satisfying, filling thrust in the mare made her melt in delight. All the mare could do was moan loudly as the stallion showed the mare no mercy. The stallion yanked on her tail, riding out the new feeling. Rune's breathing became more labored, each thrust inching him closing to the summit of pleasure. He channeled his more primal desires into her, now holding her hips tight as the mare could barely hold herself from the primal thrusts of the bat pony. "A-ah... Limonita... C-can't hold much longer.... i-inside or-" The stallion asked with a hot huff, but before he could finish his thought, Limonita spoke up. "I-inside...~" She said with a sensual tone. Caring little for what the repercussions might later. The stallion wanted to protest, he knew better than to risk a lot for some mare he barely knew and yet... He continued. “Can’t….” Is all he could muster as his thrusting was as forceful as ever. The turbulent fucking now as hard and as quick as ever as finally Limonita let out a quiet but long moan as she reached her own climax… and soon he froze and held her in place. Kissing the back of her neck as she knew that he came inside. Limonita felt him hold her as she was at the point of collapsing from the sensation overload she had experienced. The two of them were both moaning messes by the end as they rode out their climaxes. The mare's infertile womb was then completely filled with his warm seed. Quickly filling up. Limonita and him took long, deep breaths… Limonita wiped the sweat from her forehead. Then he did. The two held still, basking in the afterglow and mess as Rune finally let her go and pulled himself out of her as his cock became limp. The stallion spread Limonita out one last time, both admiring and fearing the mess he just made inside the mare. “That… That was the best I’ve had… probably ever.” Rune broke the silence as he algo grabbed his boxers and jeans, clothing himself once again. Limonita began to move from her hunched over position, the mare feeling satisfied but still with a small desire to fuck once more. “So uh… are you gonna be here next weekend?” She asked nonchalantly. “If you’re gonna be here? Absolutely~,” The stallion responded with a grin. “Guess I better look for my friend now, huh?” Limonita replied before Rune stretched out. “I’ll help you find her! What does she look like?” Rune asked as he looked right at Limonita who was right behind, walking with the stallion… still naked. “Pink mare with, like… Beige-ish hair… Flower cutie mark…” Limonita trailed off as Rune seemed to stop and stare and something. “You mean her?” Rune pointed at what was definitely Reppy and some lucky stallion. Reppy was in the middle of bobbing her head back and forth in a quick motion… Limonita looked at Reppy with a blush. “Yeah. That’s definitely her…” She said as she walked toward Reppy, who was nude just as Limonita was, but out in the open doing naughty things. Reppy looked up and her eyes perked up when they met Limonita’s, but she didn’t stop sucking off the clearly-pleased stallion. Limonita and Rune stopped and watched the mare deepthroat the stallion with ease… Her movements caused him to grunt and huff… until finally he grabbed the back of her head and eased his cock all the way down her throat, a clear sign that the stallion peaked at the experience and well-skilled pink mare. Reppy and the stallion held still. Reppy clearly swallowed the warm load that the stallion had to offer. The two held still in their positions, the thotty pink mare deepthroating the unnamed earth pony while the earth pony involuntarily had his body twitch in pleasure.... After a solid couple of seconds of holding still, the unnamed stallion pulled back and spoke, “Thanks for the fun again, Reppy… I can’t wait to run into you again~.” Reppy giggled at his remark, standing up on her heels, revealing she had a sort-of lace wrapped around her hips. Condoms, presumably from previous partners, upon the lace. Reppy, seeming to quickly recover from the act, made her way toward the brown mare. “So I see you made a new friend? What happened to just a few drinks, Limonita? And you did it raw? Naughty girl~” Reppy teasingly questioned her friend, who blushed redder than ever as she noticed that she was still dripping with the seed of Rune. “H-hey! I… did not not want to be rude pero…” Limonita struggled to find a stable answer, seeming to cross her arms and look away. “Pero like I go with the flow, no matter what. And I did not want to be the only one not having fun.” Limonita’s nose scrunched. Her demeanor and tone was defensive as she felt embarrassed… Reppy snickered once more, never having seen Limonita so defensive… It was almost kind of cute in its own way. All the while, Rune seemed rather entertained by Reppy’s poking of fun. “And you are…?” Reppy trailed off. “Lunar Rune. Ponies just call me Rune. Former Lunar Guard, I work odd night jobs. Pleasure to meet you ladies~,” Rune replied. “I’m certain it was more of a pleasure for my friend than it is for me… well, for now~,” The mare teasingly stuck her tongue, and her sultry tone toward the end certainly caught Rune’s attention. “Maybe next time~. I think I’ve had my fill for today. But I will definitely want what that guy had~,” Limonita couldn’t help but roll her eyes at those two. “Finished with that last guy, already moving to the next… Oh Reppy, never change~!” Limonita held back a drunken giggle while Reppy gave a playful shake of her bust. Then a sudden ‘RING RING RING’ seemed to cut off the conversation. It was Rune’s phone. He picks it up, seeing who it was. His face turned to a frown. “Ugh... looks like it’s my brother... I’ll talk to you ladies tomorrow night, alrighty?” The two mares seemed to shrug. “See you later, Rune~” Limonita said before he walked off. “Hey, Limonita, I think I’ve also had my fill. But before we go, let’s take a selfie together. I just HAVE to remember this,” Reppy said as she grabbed Limonita’s phone that was hidden in her tall sock. “H-hey, why should I do that?” Limonita looked at Reppy, rather perplexed. “So I can tease you about this later. What’s the Spanish word for ‘Thot’ because you are one!” Reppy remarked with a tee-hee. Limonita gasped in offense. Her face flushed red with embarrassment and a little anger. “I’m not a thot! I’m… I’m just having fun. Like you. That’s all. I just had it with one guy! One guy doesn’t make me a whore!” “Slippery Slopes…” Reppy prodded at Limonita again. “That’s what I said the first time. Well, minus the Spanish parts. Hehehe~, It’s cute when you get flustered, Limonita~,” Limonita, still blushing red and embarrassed, turned on the camera app on her phone. Limonita put her arm over Reppy’s shoulder… “Conchesumare, Que sea la ultima vez...” Limonita quietly grumbled in the flashing lights of the club before the picture was taken.