Doggy Training

by PegPony

First published

Fluttershy forms a relationship with Teddie Safari after agreeing to help her train the orthros

Rainbow Dash agreed that it was a fair trade when she gave Teddie Safari the orthros on the condition that Fluttershy help her train it, unfortunately her appeal to reverse the trade goes wrong and now Fluttershy must go to Manehattan. During the time in which she is training the orthros however, her and Teddie start to become closer and closer, until eventually the two of them start to be sexually close!

This story was written for: My wife! (who has serious issues)


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Twilight stood at the podium presiding over Rainbow Dash's claim of unfair trade between her and the daring do collector, Teddie Safari. Twilight said "I've heard what you both have to say and I'm sorry Rainbow Dash but my hooves are tied, you said it was a fair trade"

Rainbow Dash went "Yea, I said it but I was wrong! I did want that book a lot, I said I wanted it more than anything in all of Equestria, but there's no thing that's worth as much to me as a friend. I might have forgotten that for a little bit but it's true, which means there's no way this trade can be fair!"

There was a brief pause before Teddie Safari spoke up and said "Oh come on! That's bullshit! You said it was a fair trade missy! You got the book, I got the orthros and you agreed that your friend can come back to Manehattan with me to help train it, I don't for a second intend to go back on that trade!"

Rainbow, bewildered, simply panicked and went "Come on Twilight! Back me up here!"

Twilight sighed and said "Well... as the princess of friendship I agree with your side of the argument... however, as a judge of whether or not a trade is fair... I can't be biased and if Teddie Safari refuses to go back on a trade that, at the time of the trade, was agreed to be a fair one... there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry"

With business concluded, Rainbow Dash walked away feeling sad that she had basically sold her friend for who-knows-how-many-moons just for a book, Twilight walked away feeling bad that she couldn't stick up for Rainbow Dash according to the rules of the trade and Fluttershy walked away ready to spend a long time helping Teddie Safari train her new pet orthros.

Training Session

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Fluttershy walked into Teddies apartment with her saddle bags on, ready to spend the next few months in her new home while her friends promised to look after her cottage and all the animals in it while she was away. Fluttershy found the apartment to be a rather plain and quaint place for a daring do collector who liked exotic animals, especially when she lived in such a big city like Manehattan. Teddie walked in with the orthros in tow, already sighing in disdain at the fact that the creature drooled a criminal amount of saliva on her nice clean floor, not to mention the mess it might make while it was still being trained to stay off of the furniture and whatnot. Teddie closed the door and said "OK, so... Fluttershy was it? You'll have to forgive my manners at the moment but I don't wanna spend all my time explaining my place when there's an orthros slobbering everywhere, toilet is upstairs on the left, bedroom is the first door you see when you get up there, now let's get started on this training thing"

Fluttershy cleared her throat and said "Well... I suppose the basic thing to start with are all the essential items, a doggy bed, doggy bowls, dog food, a chew toy, a mop for the saliva and um... other fluids... not to mention some plastic bags and a scooper for... the... the other mess he could make"

Teddie went "Well, that's quite the shopping list but OK, consider it done! Got any tips on how I can keep him occupied while you go out and buy all that stuff?"

Fluttershy went "Well luckily he already likes you, so the simple things such as telling him to sit and just stroking him should be just fine, so long as you return his affection appropriately he should be good while I get the items for you"

Teddie smiled and went "Excellent, will ninety bits be enough?" Teddie offered a small bag of bits, which Fluttershy took and put in her saddle bags, deciding not to unpack until she had gotten the necessary things to make the orthros comfortable.

Fluttershy nodded and said "That should be plenty, I'll be back with everything I mentioned, though understandably... I might need some help with the bags once I get back"

Teddie said "Of course! Don't treat me too much like I'm your boss Fluttershy, treat me like... well, not like a friend... let's say an acquaintance"

Fluttershy smiled and said "OK, I'll be back soon" and left to go and buy the best items an orthros could hope for. When Fluttershy got back, somehow having had the strength to carry most of the bags on her wings, Teddie swung open the door, grabbed almost every bag and started rifling through them frantically. Fluttershy, confused, went "Um... can I help you with something?"

Teddie ignored her and upon finding the mop, tore it out of the packaging and starting mopping the floor, it seemed Fluttershy had failed to notice that the orthros had been drooling uncontrollably ever since she had been gone and Teddie was working frantically to clean the floor. Fluttershy went "Ah... right, so I'll just explore the house while you clean up to see where I can set up... um... what are you gonna call them?"

Teddie, sarcasm dripping from every word, said "How about dribble and drool?" The orthros barked, seemingly happy with those names, Teddie actually chuckled and said "Well, that settles it, Dribble and Drool it is!" Fluttershy shared a small laugh as she went upstairs to the bedroom, when she walked in she noticed that this was clearly Teddies personal bedroom, daring do posters and memorabilia everywhere and a distincly "jungle chic" look to everything... but how was Fluttershy going to sleep here? Maybe Teddie had some sort of blow-up bed and figured that Fluttershy may as well stay in a bedroom of some sort if she didn't have a spare bedroom. Fluttershy set up the dog bed in the corner of the room, knowing that Dribble and Drool would want to be close to their owner, she also placed the chew toy in there for when Dribble and Drool might just want something to do whilst also remaining comfortable in their bed.

Fluttershy went back downstairs, Teddie sighed and said "You know... it is really lucky that I went for wood flooring rather than carpets, this will make cleaning up slightly easier, I'm telling you right now that Dribble and Drool were living up to their names before they even got here!" Fluttershy just smiled and went to the kitchen where she put down the two dog bowls and filled one with food and the other with water. As soon as Dribble and Drool heard the sound of food and water they went bounding into the kitchen, Dribble started lapping up water while Drool began scarfing down the dog food, looked like they shared one stomach. Fluttershy went back into the living room where Teddie wiped her brow, finally finished cleaning up all the slobber that the orthros endlessly produced. Teddie looked to Fluttershy and said "How long is it gonna take to train those two?"

Fluttershy said "Well... it will take quite a while, they may share a body but they have different brains and personalities, so when it comes to training you need to teach them both at the same time so that they don't have a dispute with each other. Seeing as how I'm gifted with animals I may find it just a little easier but... they are going to be your pets not mine, so they need to learn to respond to you and you need to learn how to respond to them in the right way so that you can form a relationship that balances affection with discipline, almost like a parent I guess..."

Teddie nodded and went "Fair enough, though seeing as I've basically hired you as an assistant to help me train them I'll expect you to at least take some of the responsibility for anything that goes wrong, capiche?" Fluttershy replied in kind with a simple nod, she was prepared to take on this challenge, Rainbow Dash had basically necessitated the need for her to be ready to do it. Luckily for Fluttershy, Dribble and Drool were at least semi-domesticated by the pony they had got them from in the first place and settled quite easily for the first day, after eating their fill they were shown their new bed and they simply curled up and shared a few chews of the toy as they relaxed, ready to sleep for the night.

Fluttershy had unpacked her stuff and Teddie, being quite accommodating, allowed Fluttershy to keep her clothes and other essentials in her bedroom. The day came to a close and after the two of them had brushed their teeth, Teddie went to her bedroom to allow Fluttershy to change into her pajamas in the bathroom.

When Fluttershy was fully dressed in her silky pajamas that were the same shade of pink as her mane, she went to Teddies bedroom to see that she too was wearing pajamas of the same style, though the color was the same harsh shade of orange as her own mane was. Fluttershy saw that there was no inflatable mattress waiting for her yet and it didn't seem like Teddie was preparing one for her, Fluttershy simply said "So Teddie, where will I be sleeping?"

Teddie looked at her with her eyebrow raised in confusion and she went "Um... well, the bed, where else would you sleep?" Fluttershy's eyes widened slightly, she hadn't expected Teddie to offer to share her own bed considering she was just a temporary guest. Teddie saw the look on her face and held back a laugh as she said "Fluttershy, if you're going to be living with me for a while then I wanna make sure you're at the very least comfortable rather than making you sleep on the couch or something, it's fine, I promise"

Fluttershy went "Oh... er, of course, thank you Teddie...", nervously, Fluttershy climbed into the bed, the reason she was so nervous was because not only was this not her own bed in her own house, but she would be sharing a bed with another pony which felt very close and... intimate. That wasn't to say that Fluttershy had never been in a bed with another pony, when she was younger she'd sleep with her parents when she had a bad dream, she often had slumber parties with Rainbow Dash and a few other gal pals and had even had a boyfriend briefly that she eventually became confident enough with to have some "bedroom fun" with him, but those were pre-existing relationships, she was essentially getting in bed to sleep next to a complete stranger. Fluttershy became stiff and sweaty when she felt Teddie climbing into bed next to her and turning out the lights.

Teddie yawned and went "Goodnight Fluttershy"

Fluttershy tried to relax as she said "Good... y-yeah, goodnight...", soon enough the air was still and silent apart from the light breathing from Teddie, Dribble and Drool. Fluttershy had never felt more awkward in her life, suddenly her silky pajamas felt clingy and constrictive, how was she going to fall asleep like this? Fifteen minutes passed with Fluttershy simply staring wide-eyed at nothing in particular before she let out a gasp when an extremely asleep Teddie rolled over towards her and subconsciously pulled her into a hug. Fluttershy had expected to feel even more uncomfortable upon Teddie accidentally spooning her in her sleep, but she found that in reality, it was rather relaxing, Teddie was warm and Fluttershy almost felt like she was being looked after by, well, a teddy! Fluttershy stopped tensing up and actually snuggled down in Teddies embrace, promptly falling into a deep and easy sleep.

- the next morning -

Fluttershy woke with a small yawn, smacking her lips as she opened her eyes. As her vision came into focus, she was shocked to find that in her tossing and turning during the night, she had somehow got into a position where she now found herself muzzle to muzzle with Teddie and also, if she was feeling things correctly, gotten her back legs interlocked with Teddies as well. It was upon this revelation that Teddie actually woke up as well to see the rather interesting situation that had transpired during the night that led them to being so close that morning. The both of them blushed as they separated and got out of bed to start their morning routines with Teddie saying "I... I um... well, good morning Fluttershy..."

Fluttershy went "Yes... g-good morning Teddie...", Teddie brushed her teeth and promptly left to allow Fluttershy to get changed into some regular clothes, they had both showered the previous night and felt they could afford to skip a day, they both felt too odd to have a discussion about how they would arrange shower times at that point. That day they decided to let Dribble and Drool roam around the house at first, due to Teddie not really having a garden Fluttershy emphasized the importance of regular walks in the local park so that they could do their business somewhere other than the house, not to mention social interaction and the benefits of getting out in the fresh air. The day was rather slow because they had refused to talk about how embarrassed they were to find themselves hugging so closely that morning if they even talked at all. The walk went fairly well, although Teddie had to be quite stern with Dribble and Drool as they often got overexcited and tried to run off every time they saw something that interested them, with Fluttershy tagging along to make sure they remained decently calm.

When they got back, Fluttershy praised Teddie by saying "Well done Teddie! For your first time walking an orthros, you did very well, just remember to enjoy the walk yourself and only be stern with them when they stray too far, they don't have to stay right by your side constantly and that defeats the purpose of allowing them the freedom of the outside world. By the time they have learnt the delicate balance of freedom and staying with you, then you may be able to even let them off the leash when you think they are ready"

Teddie smiled and went "Excellent! You're a great teacher Fluttershy... I wish I could teach as well as you could"

Fluttershy paused and went "Well, you are already teaching Dribble and Drool, I'm just assisting. Though if you want a more in-depth look on how to teach I guess I could do that"

Teddie said "Really? I'm already training the orthros, what else would I train?"

Fluttershy shrugged and said "I dunno... me I guess? If I'm here as your temporary assistant you can try to get me into a routine of... I dunno, cleaning your house, doing your dinner or whatever and when I'm not busy we'll focus back on training Dribble and Drool, deal?"

Teddie was apprehensive but nodded said "OK, interesting in an odd sort of way but that sounds like a fair arrangement, kill two birds with one stone, learn to own an orthros and learn to... train an employee? Sort of? Whatever... it's a yes". The rest of the evening progressed as usual, though the big difference was that while Teddie had managed to set a certain time for food and water to be served in the two dog bowls, they had yet to conquer the hurdle of learning that outside was the toilet space, which unfortunately led to a decent bit of cleaning up. It appeared setting a time for daily walks was the next task they had to teach Dribble and Drool on top of making sure that it was only during those times that they could do what they needed to do. Though it was going so well that Fluttershy was beginning to think it wouldn't take nearly as long as she thought it would, the pony who owned this orthros previously clearly wasn't as careless as they assumed. After Teddie had gotten through cleaning up all the saliva, something she knew would become a daily chore, the night was closing in and it was time for them all to go to bed.

Dribble and Drool, same as before, curled up in their bed and chewed on their toy for comfort. Fluttershy and Teddie were forced to face the reality of their feelings earlier that day when they woke up to find themselves uncomfortably close to each other, as Teddie was about to change into her pajamas, Fluttershy began to make her way out of the bedroom so she could go the bathroom and change when Teddie suddenly went "Wait, Fluttershy wait..."

Fluttershy turned, trying to seem casual and said "What?"

Teddie rubbed the back of her neck and avoided eye contact as she went "Look... about this morning, I think it would be best if we just... you know, try to forget about it and move on from it, after all we are both mares and what happened was just... an accident, right?"

Fluttershy was actually relieved at this turn of events, both for emotional reasons and the fact that they had already made future arrangements that she'd rather not go back on. With a smile, Fluttershy said "Sure! Well, in the interest of us getting acclimatized and being more comfortable around each other, shall I just change here? We're both mares after all, there's not really anything... well, d-down... you know, what I mean is it's nothing we haven't seen before! We don't usually wear clothes in public anyway......"

While it was true that ponies didn't tend to wear clothes in public, the general consensus seemed to be that you didn't get into a bed with someone naked unless you were really close friends or were romantically involved and at this point, Fluttershy and Teddie didn't have either of those established dynamics, they had only just approached the border between acquaintance and friend that very day. Teddie was surprised at Fluttershy's rather bold suggestion, but it made sense, if they were just two mares sharing a bed, then they needed to somewhat expose themselves so they could get used to the notion even if it made them feel strange and vulnerable at first. Rather than give a verbal response, Teddie just began removing her clothes and putting on her pajamas, with Fluttershy doing the same. The two of them knew that ponies, more often than not, were naked in public with everything in full view, but there was just something about being in a bedroom with just one other pony that made it seem slightly naughtier than it should have been, what they were doing was completely innocent, it's not like they were going to... do anything.

Teddie could sense the slight tension in the air and said "So... are you ready to sleep with me?

Fluttershy's eyes went wide, only seconds before Teddie realized what she had said and went "No no no no! I don't mean "sleep with me" sleep with me! I mean sleeping next to me in bed! That kind of sleep with me!"

Fluttershy didn't know whether to feel relaxed or dissapointed, still she let out a breath and said "Yes Teddie... I'm ready to... to... to s-sleep with you...", she knew what she meant, though the alternative meaning behind that phrase still made her nervous about saying it. They both got in the bed and Teddie once again turned the lights off as both of them lied there and attempted to drift off to sleep, Fluttershy felt more relaxed this time around but had to admit that the thing that really helped her get to sleep the previous night was when Teddie accidentally hugged her in her sleep, she didn't want to lie there awake and just hope that through some random set of circumstances that she'd end up in Teddies embrace again. Fluttershy decided that she needed to be held if she was ever going to fall asleep, naked or not, it was still just a cuddle, nothing wrong with that. In the darkness Fluttershy whispered "Teddie... you awake?"

Teddie was silent before going "Yeah... why?

Fluttershy gulped and went "Would you mind holding me? Like you know... spoon with me? In a totally platonic way, obviously, I just feel like it will help me sleep better..."

Teddie said "Uh... yeah, sure..." and snuggled a bit closer to Fluttershy before softly wrapping her hooves around her in a gentle hug. Fluttershy let out a hum of contentment and allowed herself to relax, simply basking in the warmth of a friendly cuddle, Teddie also found herself to be enjoying it as well considering she'd never really had anyone to cuddle in bed before. As they were falling asleep there was one thing they both ignored however, their bodies were now closer than ever before and Teddie felt a small shot of excitement run through her groin but denied that it happened, the same way Fluttershy denied that, for the briefest of moments, she was very tempted to push her butt cheeks up against Teddies lap and start grinding.

The next morning, Fluttershy was just opening her eyes when she suddenly jumped out of the bed with a squeal as an alarm clock rang throughout the room. Looking around the room she found Teddie stood by the alarm clock, she smirked as she turned it off and said "Nice to see you're up, LATE. Come on you lazy mare, it's morning and your employer demands breakfast!"

Fluttershy was confused until she remembered her promise to teach Teddie how to... well to teach, Fluttershy chuckled and said "With the way you're acting it sounds more like you're an evil queen or something, maybe I should call you "your majesty", "your highness", "Ma'am", "Mistress" or something"

Teddie kept up her stern demeanor and said "Don't talk back to me young mare, but if you're so insistent that you call me by a silly title other than "boss" then you'll get exactly what you want, now your mistress demands breakfast, now!" Fluttershy wasn't sure whether or not Teddie was aware of the sexual connotation of the term "mistress", Fluttershy herself only knew because of unwanted conversations she'd had with Rainbow Dash, where Rainbow went into far too much detail about the kind of magazines she liked to read in private. Nevertheless Fluttershy figured there was no harm in it, this wasn't a sexual situation after all, she was just asking for breakfast. After changing out of their pajamas and deciding to shower together for the sake of convenience, they both went downstairs with Dribble and Drool following soon afterwards ready to have their own breakfast which Teddie prepared for them before she went and sat in the living room, waiting for Fluttershy to serve her some food.

Sex Session

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Fluttershy said "So, what would you like Teddie?"

Teddie glared at her and said "Excuse me?"

Fluttershy remembered she was meant be playing the role of a dutiful servant and said "My apologies, what would you like for breakfast mistress?"

Teddie said "That's better, two pancakes with maple syrup and a glass of orange juice", Fluttershy nodded, that seemed simple enough. Fluttershy went to the kitchen, glad to see that Dribble and Drool had now started to be more responsive to Teddie, she poured a glass of orange juice and plated up two well cooked pancakes coated with a nice layer of maple syrup before making her way to the living room. Teddie watched her walk in with an expectant look, Fluttershy didn't know why, but she was silently hoping that Teddie approved of the breakfast she had made. Fluttershy's anxiety made her own knees buckle and she fell to the floor, spilling orange juice everywhere and rendering the pancakes splattered and inedible on the floor. Teddie gasped and said "What happened?!?!"

Fluttershy in slight false panic went "I'm sorry mistress! I... I just-"

Teddie interrupted and said "Don't make excuses! Clean that up while I think up a suitable punishment! Because of your pathetic attempt at the simple task of serving food it looks like I'll have to eat breakfast in a cafe somewhere in the city that allows pets, no thanks to you and your bumbling!" While Fluttershy cleaned up, Teddie tried to think of a way she could discipline Fluttershy, she couldn't dock her any pay because Fluttershy was doing this more as a favor than as a job and thus wasn't being payed, staying in the bedroom might have worked but she didn't want Fluttershy to stay in because she might have needed help walking Dribble and Drool when she went out, then one punishment came to mind. It was usually a reprimand or consequence necessary for a naughty child, but she assumed it would have the same effect if she did it right.

Fluttershy finished cleaning the floor and said "I'm sorry mistress..."

Teddie sat up straight and went "Not yet you aren't, come, lean across my hind legs"

Fluttershy was visibly confused and said "Um... your... but I... why?"

Teddie said "I wasn't asking I was telling! Don't question me, just obey! I say "jump" and you say "how high mistress?" alright? Now lean over my legs, now! You need to learn your lesson", Fluttershy decided to do as Teddie said and made her way to the couch to fling herself onto Teddie's legs, ready for whatever punishment she was about to dish out. When Fluttershy was in place, Teddie swung back a hoof and brought it clapping back down on Fluttershy's right buttock, causing her to let out a yelp. Teddie said in a very monotone voice "shut up" before delivering another swift smack to Fluttershy's ass cheek, of all the punishments Fluttershy had imagined, she couldn't figure why she hadn't comprehended or imagined that Teddie might have seen fit to spank her. Fluttershy bit her lip to silence herself as she felt the sting of another three slaps on her butt before Teddie moved to the other cheek and although Teddie was trying to focus on disciplining Fluttershy, she found that her butt was somewhat distracting, it was cute and quite pert but still rippled in a very satisfying manner, the flesh just jiggled and wobbled with each strike, not to mention how soft, smooth and sensitive her skin felt.

After she had spanked Fluttershy's left ass cheek five times, giving it the same red tint she had left on the right, she stopped and said "Up". Fluttershy stood up and attempted to blink away the beginnings of tears in her eyes, it had hurt definitely, but Fluttershy felt like she not only deserved it but also kind of wanted it for some reason, it didn't hurt in a painful way... that thought alone confused Fluttershy, she felt... she felt dealt with and also, even stranger, she felt cared for because Teddie cared enough to make sure she wasn't naughty again and Fluttershy wanted to be good for her... all these feelings were odd and Fluttershy didn't understand the complex and intricate amount of opposites she was experiencing, but in a nutshell... she liked being spanked. Soon after that they took Dribble and Drool for a walk and it went perfectly fine, Fluttershy was impressed, either she was the best animal trainer in Equestria or the orthros wasn't a wild animal like she had assumed, it was practically domesticated before she'd even agreed to come to Manehattan to domesticate it!

As they were walking through the park it began to rain heavily, at which point they decided it would be best to go back to the apartment, though not before their hooves got a little bit muddy. When Teddie got to the door she wiped her hooves on the welcome mat to clean them before stepping inside, Fluttershy went to do the same but then paused... if she walked in without wiping her hooves, there would be repercussions, Teddie would most likely spank her again...

Teddie was pouring water and food into the dog bowls for Dribble and Drool, she turned and was shocked at what she saw "Fluttershy?! What do you think you're doing?!" Fluttershy had walked in, getting muddy hoof prints on her nice clean wooden floor.

Fluttershy feigned shock and said "Oh no, I'm so sorry mistress! I'll clean it up right away!" Fluttershy washed off her hooves and began cleaning up the muddy tracks she had left on the floor, though she felt extremely giddy in excitement as she saw Teddie sit on the couch in the same position she adopted the first time she had decided to spank Fluttershy. When Fluttershy had finished cleaning up she said "Am I forgiven mistress?"

Teddie went "Not yet, come on, gets yourself over here for a spanking"

Fluttershy wanted to rush over there and beg Teddie to abuse her rump, though figured that might seem strange, so she tried to play it cool as she calmly trotted over and got in position but very subtly stuck out her butt to make sure Teddie had a nice big target to hit. Same as before, Teddie brought her hoof back and swung it back down on Fluttershy's right butt cheek, though instead of a yelp, Fluttershy let out a breathy moan. Teddie, deciding not to question the different noise just went "How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?" Fluttershy once again bit her lip as the spanking continued, with each painful tingle she felt something building in her crotch, climbing greater and greater heights the more Teddie beat her already battered and bruised bottom. Fluttershy was worried that she wouldn't quite reach her peak before Teddie stopped, she was so tantalizingly close, just a bit more and she could release the pressure in her aching pussy.

Luckily, on Teddies final hit against Fluttershy's left ass cheek, Fluttershy's body shuddered as it was sent crashing into a hard orgasm. Fluttershy's pussy moistened and squeezed down on thin air, causing her shift her legs and squirm slightly as she struggled to hold back her groans of ecstasy, making small noises in the back of her throat. Teddie was briefly worried, not realizing that Fluttershy was having an orgasm and instead assuming she had broken down and cried or something and went "Are you OK Fluttershy? Was that too much?" Teddie then got surprise of her life when Fluttershy got up and basically threw herself at her, bringing her into a deep and passionate kiss. Teddie was, initially, unsure of how she felt about the fact that Fluttershy had just forced her into an excessively romantic make-out session... until a desire she had buried into the deepest recesses of her subconscious mind burst forth from the back of her thoughts to the forefront and took presidence over everything else, Teddie threw caution to the wind and focused on her new temporary number one priority... kissing back.

Teddie gladly reciprocated Fluttershy's amorous advances, allowing her hooves to roam the yellow pegasus' body to feel her delicious curves, delicate, frail, vulnerable and yet... overpowering, strongly sexual and full of lust. About a minute of kissing later and they both separated, breathing heavily with a single string of saliva connecting their lips, Fluttershy blushed and chuckled with embarrassment as she said "Sorry... too much too soon?"

Teddie said "No... too little, not soon enough... Fluttershy... I... I have another demand", Teddie gently pushed Fluttershy away until she was back on the floor, then she lied back on the couch, pulling her legs open to show off her glistening pussy before saying "Lick, lick me until I cum, if you do a good job then I'll give a nice reward afterwards, come over and tend to my pussy, get your lips on these lips..."

Fluttershy smirked and said "Your wish is my command... mistress..." before shuffled forward and immediately acquiescing to Teddies request, closing her eyes and moaning as she indulged in the sweet taste of Teddies folds. It had been a while since either of them had enjoyed the pleasure of another pony, sure there was masturbation, but actual sex was something that was always more vivid and, unfortunately, neither of them had gotten any for a long time. Though while their dry spell was coming to an end, they were both very on edge, which was both fortunate and at the same time unfortunate because experiencing those special sensations after going without for so long made sexual satisfaction far too easy. Fluttershy was licking at a feverish pace, Teddie placing one hoof on Fluttershy's head while the other worked away at her own clit, the cunnilingus had only been going on for two minutes and Teddie was already so desperate to orgasm that she was ignoring the ache of her leg muscles as she kept herself spread wide open.

Teddie began panting as her groans increased in volume and pitch, "Fluttershy... I... I'm... you're gonna... oh my gosh oh my gosh OH MY GOSH!" One second later and Teddie practically screamed as waves of ecstasy washed over her body, she couldn't remember the last time she had been able to have an orgasm as strong as the one Fluttershy had managed to trigger with her mouth. Fluttershy kept up a slow and gentle pace with her tongue, keeping Teddie stimulated as she rode the aftershocks of what had obviously been a very intense few seconds of dizzying and incredible cumming. Teddie stopped rubbing her clitoris and patted Fluttershy on the head, signalling that she could stop now, Fluttershy pulled away and smirked with a shiny wet muzzle as she recognized just how out of breath her new lover was from how hard she had creamed.

"So mistress..." said Fluttershy, "I can assume that my performance was satisfactory, right?"

Teddie looked at Fluttershy's smug face and went "Get upstairs and into the bedroom, prop the front half of your body on the bed, stick your ass out as much as you can and wait for me there... I'll be joining you in a second to grant you your reward... phew...", Fluttershy chuckled and did as she was told, normally in the rare situation where she'd had to present herself in such a fashion she would have been nervous and apprehensive about the whole affair, this time however, she was excited and impatient, wanting to find out what her reward would be. Fluttershy's breathing hitched as she heard Teddie enter the room, Teddie took a moment to admire Fluttershy's round rump, smiling to herself at how she had managed to get her to present herself so unashamedly like a bitch in heat simply by telling her to do it. Teddie went over to a nearby closet and opened it before rummaging around the bottom of it and eventually retrieving a box that she had hidden away in there a few weeks ago, Fluttershy kept her position but tried to catch a glimpse of what was in the box, the only thing that clued her in to what Teddie was getting was when she caught sight of the inside of the box, that looked like it was specifically designed to hold two objects, what those objects were was still a mystery for the moment.

Fluttershy heard a few clicking sounds and when Teddie turned around, Fluttershy's suspicions were confirmed. Secured firmly in between her legs, Teddie was wearing a large black strap-on stallion cock, ready to penetrate the nearest hole. Teddie smirked as she saw the desire in Fluttershy's eyes, she said "You know, when I bought this I thought I was purchasing a dildo rather than a strap-on, lucky for you is that I haven't used this thing as a dildo yet, so you'll be the first one to enjoy it. It came with a bottle of lube as well, so it should slide into you quite easily, sound fun?"

Fluttershy nodded dumbly and went "Uh-huh..." her mouth was watering and both of her holes were clenching, she needed this more than she realized. Teddie squirted a decent amount of lube onto the temporary new appendage swinging between her legs and coated every surface she could reach until there was a fairly thick layer of the cold slippery substance all over it, then she set the lube aside, walked up behind Fluttershy, reared back and brought her front hooves down on the yellow pegasus' shoulders, successfully mounting the mare she was planning to fuck. Fluttershy felt a tingle of excitement run down her spine as she felt the weight and warmth of Teddies body on her back, with some careful angling Teddie had managed to get the head of her strap-on at the entrance to Fluttershy's baby chamber and began to push. As soon as Fluttershy felt Teddie attempting to gain access to her pussy she frantically went "No!"

Teddie stopped, confused as she said "No? What do you mean no? Do you want to stop?"

Fluttershy stumbled over her words as she said "Yes... well, no but... well yes AND no I guess...I... ugh, what I'm trying... that is, what I mean to say is... n-not... not there... you know?"

Teddie raised an eyebrow and went "Not there? Well then..." Teddie paused as she caught on to what Fluttershy was actually asking for "I see... ooh Fluttershy, you dirty mare!" Fluttershy blushed as Teddie moved back a little to try and re-position the tip of her silicon stallionhood at Fluttershy's pronounced pony pucker. Unfortunately, Teddie initially had trouble aiming the strap-on in the right place to give Fluttershy the anal sex she was waiting for, no matter how much she shuffled about, her attempts to get herself lined up with Fluttershy's back door often led to the strap-on going in between Fluttershy's legs or prodding at her butt cheeks. Teddie grunted in annoyance while Fluttershy waited patiently in anticipation, after a minute or so more of Teddie trying and failing to properly get the strap-on in the right place she groaned and dismounted in frustration, disappointed in herself that she was struggling with the simple task of fucking a mare in the ass, she doubted stallions had this kind of problem with their own cocks.

Fluttershy placed her front half almost flat against the bed and widened her stance, making her back end lower down a bit before she beckoned Teddie back by saying "Come on, try again...", Teddie let out a deep breath and reared back once more, gripping onto Fluttershy's shoulders again, mounted and ready to pound her plump posterior. This time Teddie was more on point with her aim, almost immediately she had the head of the strap-on pressed firmly against the entrance to Fluttershy's rear, Teddie let out a sigh of relief and began pushing in an effort to finally penetrate this mare and give her a good railing. Though of course, things were never going to be that easy, Fluttershy's pucker was extremely tight and unyielding which made getting inside a real challenge.

Teddie gritted her teeth and scrunched up her eyes as she kept on applying more and more pressure, hoping that if she remained persistent then she'd eventually make some progress and at last ream the pegasus who had actually requested to have a cock rammed up her ass. Teddie said "Goodness Fluttershy... you're so damn tight, I don't know if I'm going to fit inside... I assumed you would be a little bit loose considered you whimpered and whined like a whore to get some anal action..."

Fluttershy was sweating, breathing heavily and had gone red in the face, she didn't know if she could handle much more waiting as she said "Well... I've only ever been taken back there once, please please please don't give up, I know it's tough but you'll be able to cram it in there, stuff my butt with that massive dong, I might be tight but I sure don't want you quitting on me now! Get it in there!" Teddie heaved herself forward and finally, she was able to squeeze the tip of her strap-on past the tight ring of Fluttershy's ass hole until it popped inside, finding a new temporary home in the hot, moist and fleshy vice-like grip of the heavenly passageway that was Fluttershy's ass. Teddie took a moment to regain her strength after the exertion she had to put in just to gain entry to Fluttershy's butt, then she took a deep breath and was, luckily with some help from the lube, only required to use a portion of her energy to start sliding herself deeper into Fluttershy's beautiful booty. Fluttershy moaned as she felt the empty space inside of her becoming more and more wonderfully full, there was something about the sensation of being filled that just turned Fluttershy on more than anything, it made her feel complete like she was jigsaw that had just been reunited with a missing piece, it was mind-mindbogglingly perverse but by Celestia did she love it.

The final obstacle came at the halfway point when the medial ring of the strap-on prevented it from venturing any further in the depths of Fluttershy's bottom, Teddie wasn't sure she wanted to deal with trying to get the whole thing in, halfway was good enough to give Fluttershy a decent enough anal pounding anyway. When Teddie pulled back and thrust back in, Fluttershy moaned, but when Teddie began repeating the motion to start building up a consistent pace Fluttershy went "Hey... what are you doing? You're not all the way in yet..."

Teddie stopped, still halfway lodged in Fluttershy's butt, then said "The medial ring is stopping me from going any deeper and I've already wasted enough energy getting this far inside you, so I figured I'd just go for it..."

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and said "Push forward"

Teddie didn't really want to but this was Fluttershy's reward so she strengthened her grip on Fluttershy's shoulders and once again concentrated all her effort into getting further in so that she could bottom out and give Fluttershy a proper fucking, this time however, Fluttershy joined in as she pushed back, the two of them straining to get the hole to stretch just enough that it would be able to accommodate the last few inches of such a large phallic invader. A few seconds was all it took for their perseverance to pay off, the gargantuan remainder of the strap-on disappeared from view as Teddies hips clapped against Fluttershy's butt, the skin-on-skin contact cementing their tricky yet arousing union. The two of them were relieved to say the least, at last they could now focus on getting some actual sex done! Teddie wasn't waiting a second longer and pulled back until she reached a point where she'd need to really tug in order to get the medial ring to exit so that she could yank the strap-on out, then she thrust forward again, successfully burying the entire thing in Fluttershy's rear and making her groan.

Teddie looked underneath Fluttershy to see a small yet noticeable cock-shaped bulge, she smiled and began thrusting away in earnest, the sight of the bulge alone had filled her with enough lust and determination to pump Fluttershy and make her cum, even if she had to hump her all afternoon. The room was instantly filled with the sounds of hips colliding with ass and incomprehensible noises of ecstasy, not to mention the trademark sexual grunts that came with a particularly hard bout of fucking, Fluttershy went cross-eyed as she began to drool, her g-spot was tingling as the strap-on was able to stimulate it from a completely different angle through the walls of her anal cavity. Teddie reach a hoof underneath Fluttershy to feel the bulge as she continued to slam Fluttershy's ass, she chuckled as she said "Goodness, you're enjoying this aren't you?"

Fluttershy couldn't speak, she couldn't even nod, she was too busy trying to deal with the waves of dopamine flooding her brain and the hot fiery pleasurable sensations coursing through her entire body. Fluttershy couldn't even remember the last time she felt this good, though she wasn't exactly capable of any complex thought at that point, she was desperately trying to stave off her orgasm and from the way her pussy was practically convulsing and getting wetter by the second, she wasn't doing a very good job. Teddie was getting slightly out of breath but refused to slow down, she instead increased the speed and strength of her thrusts, pistoning her hips like an out of control machine designed to wreck a fine piece of ass and never stop, Fluttershy's tongue fell out of her mouth as she screamed, having given up the fight against her own body, a strong orgasm forced from her as she gushed female fuck fluids from her pussy. Despite Fluttershy's very obvious climax, Teddie kept going, a few seconds of mad babbling later Fluttershy found the ability to speak said "Oh Celestia... oh fuck... don't... please Teddie... I... stop or I'll go fucking mad!!!"

Teddie smirked and finished with one last thrust, pushing as far as she could possibly go, making Fluttershy groan deeply. Teddie pulled back and only had to stop twice, once at the medial ring and another at the tip, which were both easily dislodged with a hard tug, allowing the strap-on to flop out of Fluttershy's now gaping ass hole. Teddie chuckled as she dismounted, removed the strap-on and went "Wow... with all the lube I covered that thing in I would have thought it would go in easier rather than me having to force it in before I could just go to town and get into a proper fuck rhythm. Still, seemed like you enjoyed it if your premature orgasm was anything to go by"

Fluttershy blushed and went "It wasn't premature... I just, well it was already building up when you were trying to get it in so... you know, whatever..."

Teddie smiled and said "Sure sure, well we have some of the evening left... what do you wanna do? Cuddle?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment before saying "Actually... I want to test something..."

Fluttershy and Teddie went down to where Dribble and Drool were still enjoying some food and a drink, Fluttershy got Teddie to do some basic commands, sit, roll over, play dead and even hand shake. They both complied without fail, this orthros was practically already trained, so long as it was provided with food, water, some fresh air and affection, the only problem it caused was the endless amounts of saliva it produced. Once Teddie realized this she said "Well... thanks Fluttershy, I guess that means you'll be leaving tomorrow huh?"

Fluttershy could see the disappointment on Teddies face as well as the lull in her voice, if Fluttershy was being honest with herself, she wasn't really all that excited that she had to leave early either. Fluttershy went "Well... I suppose I could afford to stay one more day, I'm sure my animals will be OK... I was supposed to be here much longer than this anyway so one more day can't hurt", Fluttershy smiled as she saw Teddies face light up with joy.

As they went upstairs and started getting ready for bed Teddie went "So... do you think you'll be making regular visits to... "help me train the orthros" or something like that?"

Teddie winked which made Fluttershy giggle as she went "Well I suppose as long as one of my friends agrees to look after my animals I could check in for one week every month just to see how it's going, speaking of which, is there anything you want to do before I go back to Ponyville? Like... sexually speaking?"

Teddie said "Well... there is one thing I was wondering...", Teddie whispered into Fluttershy's ear, after hearing what Teddie was suggesting her eyes went wide as she blushed profusely, sweat beginning to drip down her forehead.

When Teddie finished, Fluttershy just went "Oh my......"

Teddie said "Well?"

Fluttershy went "Well... I mean, it's... exotic, that's for sure, but it's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind...... I think that so long as we are doing it together, I'll enjoy it", Fluttershy smiled and so did Teddie. At that point Dribble and Drool walked in, immediately getting into their bed and chewing on the toy as usual. Teddie thanked Fluttershy with a kiss before they both got into bed and snuggled into each other, drifting off into a deep relaxing sleep.

- the next day -

Dribble and Drool were panting rapidly with saliva dripping onto the floor, almost indistinguishable from the much smaller puddles of mare fluid from where Fluttershy had been as she eagerly blew one dog cock, as well as Teddie who was giving a hoof job to the other. It didn't surprise them to learn that an orthros didn't just have two heads. Dribble howled and Fluttershy hummed in satisfaction as the cock in her mouth blew a thick load, letting it pool in her cheeks before swallowing it down. A few seconds later as Fluttershy pulled herself off of her respective cock, Drool then let out his own howl and Teddie kept still as she took the canine seed on her face, enjoying a nice warm make-over. As Dribble and Drool scampered away, Fluttershy gave a wry smile and said "Nice facial"

Teddie returned the smile and said "Well you were the one enjoying a protein shake over there. Thanks for offering one last bit of "training advice" by the way, now I know how to properly relieve them whenever they need to release their spunk"

Fluttershy said "Anything for you... mistress", The two of them smiled and shared a deep passionate kiss.

The End