> The Early Bird > by Alcatraz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Goodest Girl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You always love waking up in the wee hours of the morning. Always the little spoon, nestled perfectly into your big spoon, his chin lightly resting on the top of your head, his strong forelegs, toned from standing guard duty at Canterlot Castle for hours on end, draped over you while your backside sat flush with his crotch. It was the perfect fit for you, and only you. Your eyes close as you hum contentedly, nuzzling along the underside of his jawline. It doesn’t look like he’s going to wake up that easily this morning; he must’ve had a particularly late night. But, you still enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, such as lightly grinding your rump against his sheath to coax out morning wood as your tail idly brushes over his hefty orbs. More snoring. You huff in disappointment. Oh well, there’s still plenty of time for that later on. You reluctantly wiggle your way out of his comforting embrace, your bed head and a few feathers sticking out at odd angles. You hold your collar with a hoof to prevent your golden ring from clinking against the metal of your collar, since you didn’t have a horn like your husband did, you did your typical head down, ass up morning stretch with hind legs spread, and tail to the side, and wings spread as wide as you could get them. You peaked over your shoulder. He wasn’t even fake sleeping to pretend he didn’t see anything. You even did your “Fuck me now!” pose. After quietly closing the bedroom door behind you, you sneak your way to the opposite end of the house, to three doors lined up next to each other. “Time to get up!” you always say as you knock on them one by one. Cue the chorused “but Muuuuuuuuuum!” whines and shuffling of blankets. You leave all three doors ajar while they all got themselves ready, then quickly made your way downstairs to the kitchen. If good morning pleasantries wasn’t enough for them to get up right away, then the smell of fresh fruit pancakes and vanilla whipped cream certainly would be! After you finish setting the table for four, you start on the pancakes. By the time you start stacking a few on one plate, you could hear your eldest had diligently finished with the shower. That was when the twins would start climbing over and shoving each other out the war to get to the hot water first, because one would always use more than the other. Your youngest, however, was patient enough that he’d pack his saddlebags for school and get himself ready in the time it took the twins to use the bathroom. And for the hot water to come back. “Where’s dad?” Steel, your eldest says as he sits at the head of the table, drearily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Just like his father, Steel is growing up to be quite the stocky stallion. His stout legs give the best hugs, and his metallic grey coat that almost shimmers in the light, dreamy, crystal-blue eyes. Not to mention he’s already taller than you at ten years old. He’d make any filly a happy filly one day, just like your stallion did with you. He levitates the syrup to pour on his pancake stack that you give him. “He got home late last night, so he’s sleeping in a little bit. He’ll be awake by the time you get home from school, sweetie,” you say with a smile. Some time later, there’s scuffling and running and heavy hoofsteps stomping down the hall. “I’m first!” shrieked a voice from upstairs. “No, I’m first!” an equally shrill voice replied. The twins came barreling around the corner at the top of the stairs, one little pegasus filly elegantly gliding to her spot at the table while her sister’s wing catches the railing, tumbling down the stairs ass over head. Her hoof shot up when she came to a stop at the very bottom step. “I’m okay!” “Sapphy!” you chide as her sister, Onyx, laughed from her seat; It literally had her name carved on it after a dispute as to whose identical chair belonged to whom. Most of the ponies on your husband’s side were known for their darker coat colours, the lineage of which resulted in a melanin overload that turned Onyx’s mane and coat an almost obsidian black with a few splotches of your lighter blue tones mixed in. Sapphire, on the other hand, had a platinum blonde mane that took after your darker blonde, and her coat was the same sky-blue shade as yours. You had to make sure each twin got the exact same number of berries and pieces of fruit in their pancakes, the same sized butter square, and you even went the extra mile to measure out their syrup and cream. Yes, it really was like that every meal; the twins had to have exactly the same things or they would turn the house into a warzone over bragging rights like last time. All over a single blueberry. Textbook sibling rivalry at its finest, but that didn’t mean they weren’t as thick as thieves. Then came little Nettle, prancing down the stairs with his saddlebags ready for school. His earthy grass-green coat could almost pass as the real thing, and has done on multiple occasions when he’s played hide-and-seek in the backyard, and remains undefeated. Your youngest at six, he was the opposite of the eight year old twins. Studious, polite, talks when he has something to say and not because he has to say something. He levitates his saddlebags over the front door’s doorknob and sits at the table, gulping down his juice like it was going out of fashion. “Aahhh!” Nettle exclaims as he wipes the back of his hoof over his mouth. “Good morning, mum!” “Good morning to you too, handsome!” you coo back, giving him a small kiss on the top of his head as you put his pancakes down in front of him. “No fair, I want a kiss!” Onyx whined. “Me first, me first!” Sapphy demanded, waving a hoof exuberantly. “Dad will kiss his hoof upside your heads if you wake him like last time,” Steel said, glaring at Onyx and Sapphire. Mwah! Mwah! Mwah! went the unkissed foreheads, which finally managed to settle the twins for the moment. Of course, you didn’t forget about Steel. “Just remember, kids, today’s Friday, so that means–” “Weekend tomorrow, woohoo!” Onyx exclaimed like she couldn’t wait. “Nu uh, little missy,” you said with a boop on her nose. “If you finish your homework today, you can stay up late tonight and sleep in tomorrow morning.” Nettle promptly magics open his saddlebags and takes out four single A4 sheets of paper, and shows them to you. Homework wasn’t as strenuous in Canterlot as it was in other places. Teachers would make a worksheet and hand it out at the end of class, and covered some of the finer points of the day’s lessons. A test was, in effect, seeing how much knowledge you had retained, not to gauge somepony’s overall ability. Nettle had one more to go. He was probably going to stay up past the twins and eat junk food from his not-so-secret-stash as long as he could. “How many sheets have you two done, hmmm?” you say, suspiciously eying up your daughters. “Thanksforbreakfastseeyalatergottagobye!” they both chorus at the exact same time, gulping down their juice and making a beeline for the door. Yup, just what you thought. Steel levitates up the dirty plates and puts them on the bench for you, Kissing your cheek. “I’ll pick up Nettle from school today, alright?” “Aww, thank you!” You try hugging your eldest, but your hooves barely reach around his chest. Nettle jumps up to you for a quick hug, donning his saddlebags as he gallops out the door. Your ears perk up when you hear the sound of the shower turning on, and you beam. He’s awake! You wonder what kind of mood he’s in. Were the kids too loud? Did he get enough sleep? Was he irrationally horny? There was enough batter left to make your studly husband a royal mound of pancakes, and you knew you had ample time to cook exactly that much. However, you need to make one very important preparation for the morning: You didn’t have your leash on! Last time you were caught without it, Master made sure that you would never forget it ever again, and you never, ever did. Master was very persuasive when he wanted to be… You shivered and smiled at that thought, your thighs clenching at the memory. You picked out his favourite chain link leash with blue, faux-leather handle, and the chokey chain collar that you could easily slip over your head, since it was meant for a large dog. On the ring that wasn’t clipped to the leash, was your little calligraphy engraved nameplate Everything is kept out of reach in a high up locked cupboard so the kids wouldn’t find it and ask what ‘Broodmare’ meant. You chose your collar over a necklace to hold your wedding ring because you didn’t quite like how a necklace felt. Loose metal dangled and jangled, rubbed against your skin, caught on your fur, and is otherwise an unplesant experience. Just like Master’s hooves, a collar feels more than natural around your neck. Lightly padded so it didn’t rub, chafe, or catch on anything it shouldn’t, and perfectly secure so you could always remember your place without it being uncomfortable. One unique feature is the distinct lack of a lock of any kind, and only Master knows how to undo it. On the front, your golden ring hung from a U bracket riveted into the band of the collar itself. You adopt a much more chipper tone as you stand over the stove, happily swishing your tail from side to side as you wait for your owner to come downstairs for breakfast. And he did, right on time. The stallion in question strides down the stairs, his frame almost taking up the width of the staircase, yawning and carefully eyeing you up and down. Without saying a word, he took out a large bed meant for a dog from a locked cabinet in the lounge, and placed it in the corner of the living room, next to his recliner. Before you could go lay down in it, Master put a hoof under your chin, tilted your head up, and placed a deep kiss on your lips, causing your heart to do little flips. He never ceases to make your heart flutter like it did, even after a decade of being married, and fifteen since you met. Master sits down at the fourth seat at the table while you dutifully trot over to the pet bed he so thoughtfully laid out for you. You put the handle of the leash on a small hook in the wall as you curl up on the delightfully plush bed, taking a nice break after getting the kids ready for school. As you lay there basking in the mid-morning sun, Master went about enjoying his breakfast as you looked on with a cracked eye. After a bit, you could hear him starting to clean up the rest of the dishes. Putting out the bed was his way of telling you to, ‘Sit the fuck down and get some rest.’ That conversation only happened because you ran yourself ragged one day, after trying to keep up with all the housework. The kids were younger and rowdy, and the stress really did a number on you. He literally chained you to the wall and sat you on your pet bed, then went about cleaning the house from top to bottom. After that, it was lots of cuddles and snuggles to make you feel better! Any owner should take good care of their pet, and that was no different with you. You knew your place well enough to say that a pet shouldn’t eat without their Master’s permission, or before them for that matter. And so, Master would always eat his breakfast before you, clean up after the kids in the morning, then it was his turn to cook you breakfast! You never knew what he would make you, but whatever it was, it was sure to be delicious. Your favourite was split muffins with aubergine bacon, poached eggs, all generously drizzled with hollandaise sauce. Sometimes, he would sometimes swap out the hollandaise for his own special sauce. You licked your lips at the thought of that. Your ears perk up when you hear him turn off the gas hob, spooning your breakfast into a china bowl. You look up to him like an expectant dog as he places the bowl on the… table? “Master?” you said, not understanding why he would put it on the table for you, as opposed to your plastic food bowl. The last time the kids found it, they were all excited thinking they were going to get a puppy. Thankfully, Master knew how to properly hide it and your pet bed from then on. “Up,” he commands, levitating the handle of the leash over to him. You immediately follow his lead, literally, as you sit in the chair he pulls out for you, and he pushes it in once you seat yourself. Oohhh, today he made you spicy egg fried rice with your favourite vegetable, aubergine! Technically it is a fruit, but that’s besides the point. You took a whiff of the deliciousness, humming with delight. Master softly stroked your thigh under the table as he watched you enjoy your meal, clearly admiring your youthful looks. Fifteen years, four kids, and still looking almost the same as you were when you met in school. You knew he looked at you the same way you looked at him, and neither of you would ever get tired of it. You finished every last grain of rice, polished off your glass of fresh OJ, and relaxed into the chair. “Thank you, Master, that was delicious!” He smiles at that, giving you a kiss on the nose. “I just don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.” And that was the only time it happened. Master made sure of that. He puts the handle of the leash over his hoof as he gets up from the table. Part of your training as Master’s slave behind closed doors was that you followed him everywhere while the leash was around his fetlock. No exceptions. Sometimes he’d aimlessly walk around the house until he got tired. Other times he’d do cleaning, cook, shower, or just laze on the recliner and watch TV. Whatever the case may be, you were never more than a metre and a half away from him. You loved being led around like the starstruck filly you are at heart, never too far from Master and his company. But that wasn’t the only reason. Master owns your body while that nameplate is around your neck, and just like his wallet, he’ll keep you close by, just in case he needs something from you. Lost in your daydreaming, you didn’t notice Master walking over to his recliner by the time the chain went taught and pulled you out of your reverie. You fell over onto your side, and he stopped half way to his chair. He tugged sharply at your leash, giving a low growl. You scrambled to your hooves, quickly trotting over to him to sit down on your haunches right in front of his chair. “I’m sorry, Master!” Without warning, you felt a sharp thwack! on your flank. He flexes the riding crop in his magical grip menacingly. “I had a particularly rough day at work last night,” your superior intoned with a deep voice of dissatisfaction. You licked your lips with anticipation. “I demand that you service me, Slave!” Thwack! You yelped. Not with pain, though… “Yes Master, I’m sorry for not paying attention!” He just snorts derisively as you dove face first into his crotch like a good little mare should, pressing your nose right up against the base of his sheath where his full balls hung, inhaling deeply, making your head swim with the delectable scent. Unlike the unwashed stink that a stallion would emit after hitting the gym, or being out in the sun on a hot day sweating up a storm. No, this was his natural scent, pure and unadulterated. No fancy soaps, no expensive scented oils. Just him. Musky and light on the nose, you really do wish you could bottle and wear it out at times. You nosed around Master’s sheath and balls to try and coax his member from its sheath like you were trained to. However, his self control around you, his wife and broodmare, was just as absolute as his control over your body during playtime. You try in vain for several minutes, kissing each of his balls, taking them into your mouth to polish them, even tonguing the head of his cock through his sheath. You look up to Master with pleading eyes, almost disappointed, and he just smiles down at you without a care in the world, as you knowingly continue your fruitless endeavour. But that didn’t mean you weren’t enjoying yourself. “Please, Master? May I service you properly?” Early on in your relationship, and when you two started to dabble in debauchery, he would often be very careful and specific with his words as part of your affectionately dubbed, ‘Training’. It was the difference between a simple, casual ‘service’ of his sheath and balls so you could grow accustomed to them, and a ‘proper service’, where you would do everything you were told and could think of to his now emerging member. Paying attention to Master is very important. You hung off his words like your ring hangs off your collar. You want to do your best to make your owner happy like a good girl should! As the first few inches of his cock was emerging, you licked the head and each subsequent inch while one of your hooves tenderly massaged and rubbed those heavy orbs of his. No wonder Master had a rough day at work, he was pent up all day! You wouldn’t stand for that, it’s your duty! You keep up your licking and massaging, tracing all the little subtle veins, bumps and ridges you were oh so intimately familiar with. You knew Master was at full mast when his girthy length draped itself over your face and obscured your vision, your left ear stopping it from sliding off. “That’s a good girl,” he smiles and coos, stroking your cheek with the back of his hoof. You blush out of habit, and you pull your head back just enough so that the tip of his cock is pointed right at your nose, where you inhale greedily. That broad head, the girth of his shaft and oh so tantalizingly thick medial ring, it is truly a sight to behold. You close your eyes and lean forward, taking the first three inches into your mouth. Master’s scent hit your senses again, causing you to hum around his head like a vibrator, which made him sharply exhale at the sensation you were giving him. You were an expert at this, after all. Years of training and conditioning to your beloved built a certain level of familiarity that any other hussy would struggle to pull off. You start slow and steady, your tongue swishing around his warm tip, hoof cupping those full orbs of his as you shamelessly suck him off. Once Master entered your mouth, you were forbidden from taking it out unless he told you to, or he pulled out, but he graciously allowed you to pull back just enough to breathe. As the minutes ticked by, you got more and more into the moment. Your breathing and pace evened out, taking as much as you could before the head poked the back of your throat. You kept your eyes closed, ears alert for Master’s voice, blocking out everything else that would interrupt you. Drool drips from the corner of your mouth to the floor, or trail down his length. You never cared how much of a mess you made of yourself, or Master made of you for that matter, you wore it all with pride, happy to be his property. You took a deep breath, relaxed, then slid your lips past the halfway mark right down to his medial ring at the same time the first couple inches of his head swabbed the back of your throat. *Glck!* Pulling back to refresh the oxygen in your lungs, you sank back down to his medial ring, pausing a moment to adjust, then slowly letting the weight of your head guide you down the rest of him, fully lodging his entire length and girth in your throat. You put a hoof to your neck, feeling the bulge he was making as you smiled internally to yourself. “That’s good, my Slave,” he said softly, stroking your flank with the crop. You pulled back to his head, never leaving your mouth as per his orders, sliding all the way back down. Each time you did, you would increase your pace by a fraction, and soon, you were effortlessly taking his entire member without any hesitation, just like Master’s personal cock sleeve should. You never bothered to pay attention to the time. The first and only important thing to you right now was pleasing Master. You had no idea how long you kept at it, and you didn’t care. Spittle was dripping to the floor, down the underneath of his shaft, and off his balls. Not to mention your lips and the area around your mouth were coated with your saliva and his precum, the delectable treat just as strong tasting as his scent is. As long as you could keep tasting it, you would never want to stop, and why would you? You practically worship his cock and balls. *Glk, glk, glk*, was all the sounds you were supposed to be producing, music to Master’s ears. He was barely even touching you right now, far less concerned about you than how much pleasure he was getting from you. Master suddenly pushed your head all the way down, causing your eyes to bulge out of your head. You always knew this would happen, but never when, and you weren’t one to complain. You gave Master every right to use you like that. He wrapped his hind legs around your back, his thighs slowly squeezing your head like a watermelon to keep you in place. *Thwack!* went the crop on your flank. “Useless bitch,” he breathed heavily, grinning at you. You had no time to take a breath by the time he forced you all the way down, otherwise you could stay down as long as you wanted to. “Awww, what’s the matter? Stupid little cunt wants to breathe?” he taunts. *Thwack!* You jumped at that one, your throat reflexively trying to inhale and causing you to gag a little, but all that did was serve to massage Master’s shaft as you struggle to swallow the accumulating saliva in your mouth. Then, you tap his thigh once. *No.* His thighs were squeezing hard, the oxygen deprivation turning your face red, your throat reflexively trying to breathe. All you could taste was his pre, your nose buried right into his crotch, the lingering scent invading your nostrils, but you couldn’t inhale any of it! What did any of that matter? You were right where you belonged. “Fucking…” Master curls his nose, humping up into your face at the same time his thighs pull you towards him. ”Slut!” And to prove his point of how much you love being abused like this, Master snorts back a spitwad, and hocks it right on your face. Only when your eyes started to flutter did Master relax his grip on your head before you would pass out, returning each hind hoof to the floor. You very slowly pulled back up, trying to avoid the risk of gagging too hard. That wasn’t the most pleasant experience to clean up after. Master’s cock head never leaves your mouth as you flush your system with fresh air, licking the tip of any pre, then swallowing it. Absolutely nothing went to waste. The last time you wasted a single drop of his seed by accidentally coughing, Master tied you down for two hours and put on a looped tape while he went out to get groceries. ‘Spitters are quitters, spitters are quitters…’ It wasn’t the first time he’d done something like that, and you can say from plenty of experience it won’t be the last. Master gave you a chaste wink, the subtle permission that you could pull up, which you did as you inhaled deeply, mouth hung open. “Thank you, Master! Your slave deserved that, Master!” *Thwack* You gasped and moaned at that, smiling widely, shifting around on the spot. *Thwack!* Your body jolted with pleasure at that one. *Thwack!* Your insides tightened, nethers moistening. With an impatient huff, Master pulled your pet bed into the middle of the floor and almost carlessly handled you with his magic to lay you on your back on top of it, with a sofa cushion under your head. You landed with a rough “Oof!” as he stood clear over you. Master’s imposing form looming over you as his dangling cock lowers itself back into your mouth, leaving you with barely any room to move at all. Master often let your right hoof free for obvious reasons. You close your eyes and relax as Master uses your throat to his own end, pumping in and out without a care in the world. You took great pleasure with the fact that you had nowhere to go or move, reduced to nothing more than a toy for Master’s entertainment, as was your sole purpose in this life. You shudder when you feel one of your nipples being bit. Then the other. His teeth clamped onto one, pulling it taught, then letting go before moving onto the next one. All the while, Master never stopped pumping his turgid length in and out of your mouth and throat like his life depended on it. You coughed and gagged just as uncontrollably as the drool was leaking from your mouth, even snorting out your nose when you tried to foolishly breathe in between thrusts. It was all you could do to lay there and take it like the toy you are while his teeth bit, licked, and twisted your nipples just how you like, and quite hard at that. Master wasn’t too interested in your teats since you weren’t pregnant and lactating right now, so once he was done with your mounds, you felt his tongue lick over the hood of your clit, licking up any errant arousal as your mind rushed with endorphins at the exceedingly welcome sensation. His broad tongue parted your vulva, licking at the tender pink flesh as you hear him humming with delight at your taste with every deep thrust all the way into your throat. He holds himself all the way in, his taint and balls press against your nose, relaxing his entire weight on top of you as he continues to lavish your pussy. His tongue flicked every which way, coaxing out your clit and pressing his tongue against it to roughly lick and flick it, too. You desperately want to moan, to scream his name to the heavens, to call out to every neighbour you had to let them know how much of a proud slut you were for him. It’s not like you hadn’t done it before, either. Every time you try to swallow a bit of your saliva, it only serves to massage Master’s cock, the muscles in your throat like a personal masseuse for him. Because that’s exactly what they existed for. Once Master has his fill of your nectar, he stands up properly, leaving you sprawled out on the floor, your muzzle lightly coated with your own drool. Wasting no time, he stood up, lightly kicking the bed and pillow off to the side as he levitated you over to the family sized sofa, sitting you on it as he held your legs apart, looking down to your now winking clit. In this position, just for Master to see, on the uppermost portion of your inner right thigh were four single, tattooed lines right next to each other. One for each child. Or as you like to think of it, one mark for each time he bred you. “I wonder when we’ll make that five,” he laughs, making your folds twitch at the thought. What you wouldn’t give for another one. Or two. Triplets, even? Just the thought of Master using your body to spread his bloodline, as was his right, made you giddy with excitement. “Please, Master, I want you to breed me again,” you weakly whimper, coughing. You suddenly found your collar significantly tighter as he stood over you, one hoof planted on the wall for balance. “I don’t give a shit what you want you little slut,” he seethes, lightly slapping you across the face in both directions. “S-s-s, I-I-I–” You could barely talk or breathe, but that just made it better. There was nothing you wouldn’t do to be put in your place by your beloved. Endorphins were swimming around in your mind, tainting your thought processes of what you could do for more punishment. You feel his saliva-soaked head press against your dripping folds, and you can hear your owner sigh with relief once he enters you. “Just remember, you are nothing without me. I’ve ruined you for every other stallion out there!” *Thwack thwack thwack!* It was all true. Master has your mind and body so well trained and broken you couldn’t possibly imagine yourself with anypony else. Then again, why would you want to be with another stallion when this one gave you everything you could ever hope for? You were his and his alone. No ifs, ands, or buts. Except butts, because you loved his. Master wrapps the leash chain around his other hoof, pulling your collar tighter, impeding circulation and breathing as he slowly slid himself deeper into your pussy, inch by inch. Master knew you well enough to know how to properly choke you out; putting pressure on the sides of your neck was key, instead of crushing your windpipe like so many amateurs seemed to do. The first time the two of you slept together, you had thought he’d bottomed out when you mistook his medial ring for the base of his cock. You were never so happy to be proven wrong. That fleshy ring of his always made you shudder when it slipped inside you, and this time was no different, sliding himself as deep as he can. Full. So completely and utterly full. His head was pressing against your cervix, and from your extensive training, you know for a fact that there was at least another two and a half inches left. His shaft is the perfect fit for you, he knows every single sensitive spot inside of you. He could spend all day teasing you, giving you as much pleasure as he could, hitting all the right spots. You could never get tired of it. He took it slowly at first, idly sliding in and out the full depths of what you have to give him. Each time his ring rubs over your clit, your folds becoming damp with arousal. Master let the collar go slack as he started thrusting, his tip scraping over your G-spot, making you shriek and quiver. Your pussy was practically gushing with your own juices, its own way of pleading for more. Jolts of tension and pleasure shot up your spine, and it was all you could do to lay there and take it like the whore he’d trained you to be. He looks down at you with that delightfully evil, his trademark lustful smirk. Your forehooves were forced outward, held against the head of the sofa as you wrapped your hind legs around his waist to pull him in further. You just sat there like an inanimate object as Master claimed his exclusive right to your body, moaning, squeaking, your wings fluttering about against the back of the couch. You always tried to keep them out of the way, lest he clip them like he’s threatened to do before. “Please, Master!” you whorishly moan, constantly shuddering as he starts pumping in and out of you in earnest. “Oh gosh! Do whatever you want, I don’t care, just don’t stop!” You are in heaven. “Dumb fucking–” *thwack!* “You don’t have rights anymore!” If only you could legally rescind your rights and submit to him, to truly become his slave. Doesn’t mean you can’t give Master that privilege, though… “Of course I’m going to do whatever I want!” Your moans turn into high pitched squeaking as tension built in your loins, your body threatening to release it. However, you remembered your training. You were allowed as much pleasure as you wanted, but you were completely forbidden from cumming at all. Period. That is, unless he uttered three specific words. Master spent months and years conditioning your body and mind, why would you waste his efforts because you were being selfish to want to cum? You had no right to, a slave couldn’t do anything without permission from their owner. After all those years, those three words were the only thing you could cum to. No matter how hard Master fucked you, no matter what he did, you were almost physically unable to. Part of you wanted to cum hard, to show Master how much you enjoy his treatments, but he didn’t want you to. He knew how much you loved being treated like a shameless slut, and that was all you needed. “Harder!” you scream to the heavens, throwing your head back, your insides clenching around his shaft. He whips your flank just as hard as he thrust deep into you, hitting your cervix and causing you to scream his name. He stops everything he was doing, his eyes narrowing at you with anger writ across his face. He spits directly on your face again. You didn’t care, you loved getting his fluids on and in you. Each time he spat on, came on or in you, or did anything else of the kind, he was marking you as his property like a dog marking his territory. “I was feeling generous, I was going to finish inside you…” Master stepped back and your gut sank. You whined pitifully. “Please, Master, I beg you!” He pulled his slick, throbbing cock all the way out as he flips you onto your front with a thud. *Oh no…* “No, not there! Anywhere else, just not there!” Master was quick to silence you by shoving your face into the back of the couch, the comfy sponge molding around your face as one eye caught a glimpse of him, grinning and licking his lips, his eyes glazed over with a predatory grin. He put his thickened, slick tip right up to your rear. You could feel the pressure. “Don’t, not there, I don’t want it ther–*ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!*” Once the tip was in, Master didn’t stop pushing in each and every tantalising inch until you felt his crotch grind firmly against your rump. You actually start to cry. Not because of anything Master did, you were upset that you just ruined your chance to have another one of his foals. “I’ve told you what happens when you open that cock sock you call a mouth. Your lucky I don’t gag you so I don’t have to listen to your pitiful whining all fucking day!” *Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!* Your rump is as tender as a piece of steak, and it was about to get worse. Or better, depending on how you looked at it. Yeah, definitely better! Master properly mounts you, reminding you of the last time he put you in the breeding stocks. He spent literally all day filling you to the brim during estrus seven years ago. You were gagged, blindfolded, and a spreader bar on your hind legs. You couldn’t even say your safeword if you wanted to. Did you want to? Hell no! You always wanted a family. You were a kinky little girl. Master just gave you exactly what you wanted in the best way possible. Master started roughly pounding in and out of your ass, the quintessential sounds of *plap, plap, plap,* loudly echoes throughout the room as his crotch connects with your tenderized rear, making it all the more pleasurable for you. You wisely didn’t say anything more, lest he punish you. All you could was moan and squeal, breathing ragged like a professional sprint racer after an intense workout. The only time Master paused was to adjust his stance, his hind hooves stomping on the wooden floor, bracing himself to continue his hard and fast thrusting. The amount of dopamine and endorphins coursing through your system should be illegal, nopony should be allowed to feel this good. And yet, here you were, being treated to one of the best experiences you could ever hope for, all thanks to your Master. Your superiour–because you were just a lowly little pegasus slave mare–slowly pulls all the way out to his head, then slams all the way back in. Again. And again. And again. It was nothing but pure bliss. Master was huffing and puffing, snorting in exertion as he pulls out, leaving you a whimpering, twitching heap. You lay where you are, wondering where Master is going. He returns a moment later, and you go wide-eyed, seeing he has an inflatable plug with him. You have no idea where he keeps half the toys he uses on you, mostly to keep them away from the kids, and to hide them from you so you’re not tempted to use them on yourself when he’s out. He squirts it with a good bit of lube as he roughly pulls your tail up, twisting it in the process, lining the tip of the deflated plug with your ass. It slips in without resistance, and he gives one squeeze of the pump to set it firmly. He squeezes it another three times to give you that same stretched out feeling his girth otherwise would, then two more times for good measure before he disconnects the pump from the base of the plug. Master tugs your leash and hocks another spitwad on your muzzle. “Get up.” You almost fall off the couch in an effort to stand up straight, a task made harder by your weakened legs. You could feel the obscenely large plug rub all over your inner walls as you walk with Master up the stairs, leash handle around his wrist. He tugs it sharply to keep you up, which you do by trotting dutifully up to his side as he opens your bedroom door, the room bathed in the noon sunlight. Master unclips the leash from your chokey collar, picking you up in his magic and tossing you unceremoniously onto the bed. From a nearby dresser drawer he pulls out a blindfold, ball gag, and a little bit of rope. “I’m so sick and fucking tired of you squirming around all over the place while I’m using you,” he says, voice thick with disappointment. “Wait, no, what are you doing?!” You shuffle back up against the headboard, far away from the imposing stallion crawling his way up to you, waving the gag in front of your face. “Master,” you exclaimed in faux panic. “P-p-please don’t, I’m s-sorry I was disob–*mmnnfhfhf!*”, your complaints cut short by the ball gag entering your mouth, loosely strapped around your head so you could talk around it, but not so it would come loose. You would always keep it in place by biting down on it. Master leans forward and raises a questioning eyebrow at you. You look back at him with a twinkle in your eye, and, with a wink, you shake your head. He pulls the straps and tightens the gag so you couldn’t speak around it. You were being a disobedient little bitch, talking over Master, daydreaming during playtime, and now? You deserved punishment, and the thought of being completely at his mercy was nothing short of thrilling. Then came the blindfold. Padded enough to fit all the contours of your face without any light seeping through. Your forelegs are forced behind your back, wrists tied tightly with rope so you couldn’t tap out. Only your hind legs were left unrestrained. Master follows up by wrapping some rope around your torso to keep your wings from shooting out. Who needs wings anyway? The next thing you know, you hear Master trotting somewhere, then the door closes. What the hell? He just left you tied up in the middle of your shared bed! Then you hear the shower going again. What is he doing in there again and why is he not ploughing you?! You had no concept of time while being blindfolded, left to sit there in anticipation. It is cruel, and you love it. You have no idea how long it was before Master came back into the bedroom, then you feel the tip of a metal straw poke at the corner of your mouth, past the ball gag. “Drink,” Master commands, and you obey, sipping the deliciously crisp water. Hydration is important, after all. Master takes the glass of water away when you push the straw out your mouth with your tongue, where he promptly upends the half empty glass all over your face, laughing to himself. “Don’t you just love it?” your Master intones salaciously, crawling up on the bed. He rolls you onto your stomach, and props your hind end up by putting a pillow under your hips. “Mmhhmmm!” you mumble around the gag as best you could. *Thwack!* You thrash about from the whipping as best you could despite Master leaning forward over you, using his weight to shove your face into the bed as the sting of the crop kisses your flank again, causing you to whimper. No fair, you didn’t even say anything. You couldn’t! “You already know why I did that, you little glutton for punishment.” Oh yeah, that’s right. Master still took it to mean you were talking even if you mumbled incoherently. Master readjusts himself, moving down, kneeling between your hind legs to keep them held open as his hooves spread your cheeks wide. You feel his hot breath waft over your nethers, followed by his inhaling of your delectable scent. As your owner begins to lightly lick at you, you could feel the tip of the crop press against your right flank. It was a warning: Don’t move, don’t talk. Don’t. Do. Anything. Normally just laying there like a sack of potatoes would be boring, but not for you. You have all the pleasure you could hope for, just another piece of furniture that he owns in his house. Master’s taking his sweet time down there, too, not leaving a single inch of unlicked skin. Your folds, vulva, sliding his tongue in and out to taste you properly. You are winking like mad, hind legs quivering with desire to orgasm, yet all he does is lick and suckle your clit like it was one of your nipples. His forehooves drape themselves over your back and waist to hold you in place exactly how he wants, because what Master wants, Master gets, no exceptions. Well, except one… At some point in time, you could hear Master make it a point to slurp up the last little bit of your juices, and you could hear him smacking his lips, no doubt licking them as if he had the best meal of his life. Could you blame him? He just ate out for free, who wouldn’t like that? “I can never get tired of that, Slave,” he cooed, stroking the most recent whip mark softly. “You really do such a good job of keeping yourself clean like a good little birdy.” You internally smiled warmly at that. Why wouldn’t you? Master deserves only the best for how well he takes care of you, and you mean that in every possible sense of the word. You could feel the mattress under your shoulders depress from his hooves planting themselves either side. He starts rocking back and forward, leaning down to lightly bite at one of your ears as his thickness slides up and down between your cheeks. The head finds purchase at the entrance of your needy pussy, where he effortlessly slides himself in, all the way down to the medial ring and claiming his rightful place in you. You relax, releasing all the tension from your body as you simply melt into his embrace. Your head swims in a sea of bliss as he starts slowly pulling in and out, in and out, wetting his entire length up and down with your own arousal. Colours and shapes flash across your darkened vision as he rubs up against your nerve endings, made all the more pleasurable by the plug in your ass pressing lightly against his shaft, which in turn puts even more pressure on you! It’s the best of both worlds with only one cock. Too bad Master didn’t put his favourite dildo in your ass instead. Master starts to pump in and out more vigorously, kissing the back of your ear, down and along the underside of your jawline as he puts a hoof under your chin to tilt your head back far enough he could kiss your muzzle. His hoof back on the mattress, his teeth gnash at the nape of your neck, and you grunt as he takes a bite of your collarbone, the head of his cock pressing right up against your cervix as he gives a low, predatory growl, your vision awash with a fireworks display of colour against the darkness Master pulls back out, then slides back in without a care in the world, grinding himself against your cervix as he looks to sink his entire length into you, but you could feel that the position he put you in wasn’t quite a good enough angle to properly bottom out. To solve that problem, Master uses his magic to lay you on your right side, left leg sticking up in the air and hooked over his shoulder as he realigns himself, and, without warning, shoves himself as deep as he could in one go. He grunts, snorting hot air like a bull, as he throws caution to the wind. In this position, Master’s right hoof could easily spank your ass, while his left has unfettered access to your delightfully plump teats, the kind perfectly suited to nursing as many foals as Master wants. You feel far more pressure against your cervix, his cock head threatening to invade your inner sanctum. He had a far better angle and leverage, your suspicions confirmed when he lightly slaps your butt with his strong hoof while the other idly plays with your teats, flicking, rubbing, and generally massaging them like he would your back after a stressful day. You could clearly hear Master’s breathing becoming more and more ragged as his pace picks up, giving the occasional snort of exertion, a slap on your butt. Then, he hooks both his forelegs around your raised left leg, holding and pulling you closer. Your own breathing reflexively increases as you feel his already bulbous head flare out, causing you to grunt as you try to control your movement. If you weren’t forbidden from cumming, you already would have several times over, soaking his crotch in your arousal to show your owner how much you were enjoying yourself. But this wasn’t about you in the slightest. It was your choice to wholly give yourself to this stallion, a unicorn superior to you as a pegasus mare, and you’ve not once regretted your decision. Despite your highly submissive nature, you wouldn’t bend over for just anypony. Your partner would need to hit all the right buttons, just as Master was doing as his thick, flared head is practically scraping at your insides. Master slows down and pulls right out so you could feel that divine flare of his pop back in and massage your clit as it winks as rapidly as you would when giving him not-so-subtle winks. “I know what you’re thinking, you worthless whore,” he seethes as he comes to a stop deep inside of you, accompanied by another butt slap. “That you would give anything to cum. To beg of me as much as you possibly could for that sweet, sweet release. But, you just simply don’t deserve to right now.” You whimpered like a pitiful little dog at that, but you couldn’t really deny it either. The last time he let you cum was two years ago! Multiple times you had gotten down on your knees, begging for release, telling him you would do anything you wanted if he’d let you cum just once. “But, I’ll make you a deal…” He grinds his hips into you, his head pressing harder against your cervix. “I want another set of twins.” Your heart leapt. More twins!? If only Master could see your more than happy face right now. “The next time you give me another set of twins, then you can cum. I don’t care how long it takes, you’ll never be allowed to have a single orgasm unless you give me twins.” He pulls back slightly, grinding deep into you. Your breathing became heavy, laboured, even. “Year after year, I will keep breeding you as much as I see fit until I get more twins from you. You want to cum? Keep in mind what I’ve just said next time you beg me to cum.” Master cackles to himself, whipping your flank again as he resumes thrusting. Faster and faster he gets, harder and harder he fucks you. You could feel his entire length start throbbing with a mighty need, doing everything he can to breech your cervix to deposit his highly virile seed into your just as fertile womb. You two had absolutely no birth control in the house. Why would you need it? You almost considered condoms and contraceptives an affront to your position as a lowly little slave. *Thwack!* It has gotten to the point where you were unable to distinguish pain from pleasure. All your nerves were on fire, screaming out to you for release, but you had to force yourself to hold back. Master, however, didn’t need to. You didn’t want him to. With one almighty shove, Master’s crotch fully connects with yours, his flared head invading your womb as he nickers and whinnies loudly. You could feel the undulation of his shaft as the first load surges through, depositing itself right where it belonged. Then came another, and another. It wasn’t until the fourth that he’d completely filled you up, but he didn’t stop. Your pussy was clenching down hard on his shaft, milking Master for all he was worth. You had to have it all. No, you desperately needed it! Master started to hump against you as best he could, still emptying his obscenely full balls into you. And with nowhere else to go, you could feel your womb expanding to accommodate everything he’s so generously giving to you. After some unknown amount of time, and after the colours dancing across your blackened vision subside, you could feel the head of Master’s cock retract, telling you that he’d given you everything he had to offer. He pulled out very slowly so as to not run the risk of anything dripping out, and when he had pulled himself free of you, promptly fell back onto the bed, breathing heavily. “That… That was amazing, don’t you think?” You tapped a hind leg on the bedpost two times. “Of course you would, you degenerate fucking cum dumpster. Anyway, I’m going to remove the gag. Don’t say a damned word.” Your owner’s magic undoes the buckle on the ball gag at the same time he lays you on your back with your head hung backwards over the edge of the bed. You dutifully keep your mouth open as you hear Master’s hooves on the floor, where he mounts your face. “Be a good bitch and clean me up nicely~” he says before promptly shoving his entire length straight down your throat in one go. *Glk!* Master idly slides in and out of your throat as your lips form an almost airtight seal around his shaft as he slowly pulls back out. His seed tastes amazing, and you would relish in the moments he would fill your plastic dog water bowl for you to happily drink up. Before he completely pulled out, your tongue licked over his urethra, making doubly sure to get each and every single drop of cum from his cock. It was your responsibility to do so. Once you had done your job, you could feel the ropes holding your forelegs behind your back start to slacken. Once the rope had come free, he removed the blindfold, the full glare of the sun hitting your face, causing you to wince and squint. “Master, may Slave speak freely?” you ask timidly. Instead of giving you an answer, he pulled the chokey chain collar back over your head. It was official, playtime had ended. You promptly threw yourself at him, hugging your husband as tightly as you could, tears streaking down your face as you nuzzle and kiss into his neck, almost sobbing with happiness. “Thank you, thank you thank you thank you!” you exclaimed with ecstatic joy. Your husband hugged you back just as tightly, both of you enjoying the post-breeding afterglow. “Come on,” he said, pulling away from the affectionately charged embrace. “Let’s go take a shower together. You’re a complete mess of cum and sweat, babe.” You extended your forehooves up to him. “Up!” Your studly stallion rolls his eyes and smiles, levitating you onto his back as he walks you both out the bedroom and to the shower. Once inside, he pulls back the curtain to the tub and gently lays you inside before turning the water on. “Eep! Hey, that’s cold!” you glower at him playfully. “Let me know when it’s warmed up, hon,” he smiles and giggles, making kissy faces at you as he pulls a couple bottles of shampoo and soap out the cupboard under the sink, followed by a loofah and a wide bristle brush. You reach up to adjust the water temperature to get it more hot as it flows over your head, giving you that always sexy wet mane look as you lay against the back. “It’s warm enough for you now, Master.” “You don’t have to call me that when we’re not having fun, you know.” “What can I say? You’ve conditioned me well enough to the point it becomes second nature when we’re alone,” you coo, smiling warmly. “And what can I say?” Master begins, stepping into the shower with you and sitting down. “You’re like putty in my hooves. Easily moldable when you know how to handle it.” Master picks you up to turn you around away from him. Then, he squirts some soap onto your back as you spread your wings for him. You close your eyes and hum contentedly as those strong hooves of his start rubbing the soap into your fur and skin. You try, with difficulty, to avoid sexual thoughts. He’s humming to himself as he works the soap all over your body, tenderly rubbing and massaging you all over. From your neck all the way down your back, he drags the tips of his hooves right down the middle of your spine, tingles rising through to your head. As he does all of this, you start to preen your feathers to clean them. Too bad Master didn’t cum all over your wings. You would’ve liked to lick that that up. Then comes the brush, where your owner starts to firmly press it into your skin through your fur, dragging it down every curve of your petite frame to really work the soap against your skin. It felt like a deep tissue massage from a masseuse, but you’d never pay anyone to do it when Master does it best. And for free. One thing you particularly loved about Master was how careful he was with you. You were thoroughly and pleasantly surprised when, after you acted out your first Master/Slave roleplay, he actually took the time to cuddle you afterwards and ask you how it felt. You didn’t know why any self-respecting stallion wouldn’t want to do that. A little higher with the whip, spank a little lower, use your tongue in this way or that. Change up the angle of thrusting, all the little things that make you want to jump him again in the future, because everypony should feel good about themselves, during and after! Why shouldn’t it be mutually beneficial? “Stand up and lean forward a bit,” Master said, which you promptly did. He attached the plug’s pump to the base of the toy, deflating it enough to pull out with relative ease. You really wanted to keep it inside. You gave a small little whine when it popped free, sitting down and leaning back into him, tilting your head back to place a few kisses on the underside of his jaw, which he promptly returned with a few your kisses on your lips, his tongue parting your lips to invade your mouth, where it quickly became a moment of heated passion. And that’s when you felt Master’s shaft press against your back. Or more accurately speaking, you felt it on your back. You were a horny little birdy who loved to show off for Master. “Slut,” he said to you with a cheeky grin when he pulled back from your kissing. “I’m your slut, babe,” you countered, licking your lips and eyeing your stallion up and down. And then a thought occurred to you as he started washing your mane. “We’re going to have to move again, aren’t we?” “We have four bedrooms between the six of us, so yeah.” You didn’t hear any disappointment in his voice at all. You frown slightly. “Can we afford it?” Master gave a sly smirk at that. “Sure we can. I spoke to Luna about upgrading to something bigger. Instead of buying an entirely new house with money that we honestly don’t have, she and I agreed that you and I can just trade up and pay the difference. Then she sells this house, and the tax just gets added onto the difference we’ll be paying.” Master levitates the shower wand all over you to finally rinse off any excess soap, then puts it back before turning you back around to face him properly, accompanied by a boop on your nose. “I have thought this through. Lesson learned after the first time, heh…” You both blushed at that thought. You were wholly unprepared when you found out you were pregnant the first time. You didn’t care, you always knew you wanted a family, but circumstances didn’t quite line up at the time. However, it proved the perfect opportunity to get a house. And that’s where you ve been living for the last eleven years. So many wonderful memories in these walls, and now you can start to make more in an even bigger house, with an even bigger family! You couldn’t help but snuggle into Master as the hot water cascaded over you both. After a few minutes of just relaxing under the water, you got up to turn it off and get out of the tub. Master followed suit, where you threw his towel at his face when you caught him eyeing up your flank. “Perv,” you said with a smirk. “Hey, you got a nice ass. Can you blame me?” “I most certainly can.” “If i could count the times you’ve been eyeing up my ass, you would come out on top!” Master retorted. “Say uh, why’d you take another shower after you tied me up? Didn’t you already have one before you came down for breakfast?” “Babe, I had my dick up your ass. No way in hell I was going to put that back inside you without cleaning it up first. That’s most of why I usually take a shower after anal. Silly birdy~” “Hey, at least I’m not horny all the time!” you exclaimed, pointing a wing at his horn. “Sweetie, you spend half of your waking day thinking of what you want me to do to you. You’re the horny one here!” He boops your cute little nose at that, causing you to scrunch your face and puff out your chest floof in protest. “And were you serious when you said I can’t have an orgasm unless I give you twins?” “As serious as the time I told you I was going to put you in the stocks and pump you full of cum all day long because you were in heat and desperate for another foal.” He waggles his eyebrows at you. Oh god, he really is being serious! “You look like you’re thinking of something. Something… kinky.” Master eyes you up and down suspiciously. “Just wondering how long you’re going to wait between foals before you breed me again, my little studly stallion~” “First off, I’m twice your size at least, you dirty little tramp. Secondly, you know you don’t get to decide that, it’s one of those things we discussed earlier, remember?” “There does come a point where you’ve fucked me so hard I can’t think straight. And you’re right, I don’t get to decide when you use me.” It was only when you had your chokey collar on, though. Without it? You were almost his equal. Almost being the operative word. After both of you were nice and dry, you went about the house to clean up anything you may or may not have dripped all over the floor. Bedsheets, the couch, the living room floor. If somepony took a blacklight to each room of the house, it would look like an abstract artist splattered paint everywhere. The smell was the worst part, you had to lie to Steel and the twins about what the smell was after cleaning up from being in the breeding stocks the last time. You told them the house was dirty and needed cleaning, and you had never seen them do so much homework on that day. That was after you had cleaned everything up and opened a couple windows to air the place out. It gave you and Master some extra snuggle time, and you’d never complain about that. Six and a half weeks later… You have just gotten home from your appointment, closing the door behind you as you put your saddle bags on the lower lying pegs of the coat rack. You pull out a few folded papers from your bag and tuck them under your wing. “Mum, is that you?” Steel shouts from upstairs. “Are you four ready yet?” you shout back up. There is the thundering of hoofsteps as all four of your kids come running downstairs, sitting before you like good little children. Considering this lot, that was rare. You smile. “Alright then, a promise is a promise, and you can stay at nana’s this weekend.” All four cheered amongst themselves as they stampede out the front door. Before you lock the house, you put the papers that you hid on the dining room table before your husband comes home. You can’t help yourself but silently regret that all four kids are going to your mother’s, mostly because they tend to come home ten kilos fatter, and with more pocket money than they know what to do with, a dangerous thought that makes you shudder. When you get back home, you eagerly trot up the path, and you notice the door ajar slightly. You inch it open to peek inside, but you can only hear the shower upstairs running. On the dining room table, you see your collar and a small note upon the papers you left out. You approach and pick up the collar, putting it on, and the unseen latch secures itself. You turn the piece of paper over and see four words: You know the drill. And you do. You make your way upstairs and into your bedroom. The curtains closed, but you can see the orangey evening light peeking in through the cracks. You observe the bed and find a lone blindfold atop of it, when a shift in the shower makes you snap your ears to its direction. It isn’t running anymore. You very quickly lay on your back on the bed, a pillow under your head as it hangs over the edge of the bed. You put on the blindfold, making it sit comfortably, and wait for Master. You hear the door slam shut, startling you. “I suppose some congratulations are in order, Slave,” you hear your Master say. You feel his forelegs depress the bed between your legs, spreading them wide as your hind legs are forced to follow suit. That was when you felt something slap you against your face. You pay no mind to the sound of drawers opening and closing as Master busies himself with something, because you were too preoccupied trying to find the tip of your owner’s length as it flopped around against your face. “Hungry little slut today, aren’t we?” Master playfully chides. The head brushes up against your lips briefly, and you swish your tongue across it. “I live to serve you, Master. Can I please suck your cock?” you whimper a little as it boops your nose. “Yes, Pet, you may~” You feel Master’s weight shift above you, and he slowly slides in the first few inches, and you to instantly relax, feeling comfortable with your place under him, literally and figuratively. The first four inches were perfect for you and your lips and tongue to deftly tease him, your tongue traces the rim of his head as Master slowly goes in and out to allow you the length. Then, you hear the flick of a switch and a high pitched buzzing. “Don’t you dare fucking move,” Master commands. Your heart races as you hold yourself as best you could, but you couldn’t help but jump a little when you feel cold metal against your skin, shaving off a little patch of fur. That clicked off, then something else clicked on. Then, a continuous, sharp stinging on your inner thigh. You gulp nervously while Master gives you a line through the other four tally marks. Four times he goes over the same line, wiping it down as you suck him off. “Congratulations, my little broodmare,” he coos with sincerity. You respond by eagerly sucking as thanks. You feel another sharp pain, causing you to whimper a little. You still don’t tap out. You deserve this. Another line traced four times, and not long after, you hear the buzzing stop. “There we go, all done.” As done previously, Master cleans the area properly, then puts a little bit of gauze over the newly acquired ink, before wrapping a bandage around your thigh to hold the gauze in place. You whimper a little around Master’s girth, some saliva escaping your lips and running down the underside of his shaft. You couldn’t see it drip off his sack and onto the floor, but the thought still made you quiver. Master leans down over you a bit more, his fur brushing up against your chest as he sinks his length into your mouth some more. You take a breath, expecting him to bottom out, but he doesn’t go further than the back of your throat. You hear him exhale a long breath, the stomp of his strong hind legs against the wooden floor and a wiggle of his hips. His tongue flicks over your moistened lower lips, licking up any errant arousal. “You did good, my love, by giving me exactly what I asked for.” Master’s tongue parts your vulva, digging in to press against your clit. “You’ve earned Master’s praise by being the most obedient broodmare I could’ve ever asked for.” Your heart jumped at that, your forehooves found their way around your lover’s lower back to pull him closer to you. His nose prods at your folds, gaining entrance as you hear a deep inhale, followed by a delighted exhale. You feel your clit is pressed on and rubbed quite hard, causing you to squirm a little while Master still idly uses your mouth to polish his glorious cock. “I’ve got a reward for you too, my dear…” Master buries his muzzle into your pussy, humming to himself with abject enjoyment as he relents and allows you to pull his hips forward. Your breath hitches as your air is suddenly cut off, feeling that turgid length slide deep into your throat, right where it belongs. Master grunts as he humps forward, and you soon find his hefty orbs drape themselves either side of your nose, inhaling his scent. Master holds himself right there at your request, and you hold him in place as long as you can before you feel your need for oxygen over cock start to rise, still going to town on your quivering clit and cunt. Eventually, your throat starts to become too irritated to continue properly, signalled to Master when you feel the want to cough. Your grip behind his lower back relaxes, but not enough to let him pull all the way out. You take a moment to clear your throat, swallow any excess saliva and precum, where you pull Master back into your eager maw, and you accept his delicious cock with a mouth as wide open as you can get it. After all, you are just a piece of property to him. A slap against your thigh. “Slut~” Your clit winks, and you squeal around Master’s girth when you feel his lips latch onto it. He suckles it hard, pressing his tongue against it while you start to struggle with a sensory overload, your studly stallion keeping you pinned in place. He pushes himself up off of you, still supported by his forelegs between yours to keep them open. He gives the both of you some proper room, still thrusting in and out of your mouth with long, hard strokes, his sack slapping against your face. At the end of one of these long strokes, Master doesn’t pull out. He pushes harder into your mouth as he strokes up and down your neck. “I mentioned a little reward earlier, didn’t I?” he says salaciously, leaning closer. “Cum for Master!” Your eyes widen under your blindfold and your chest heaved as years of pent up release overtake you. Despite no immediate need to breathe, your throat instinctively contracts around Master’s cock as you cum, and oh by Celestia you cum hard. Master holds down your spasming legs, your obedience at that one command as strong as your want for your stud. “That’s it, that’s a good girl, let it all out~” You feel wet splashes against your inner thighs, even on your hooves, your chest heaving with a profound amount of pleasure, your head swimming. Eventually, you start reflexively gulping for air, and you give Master a weak tap on his back. He doesn’t pull all the way out, just enough to let you catch your breath and slow your beating heart a little bit while you can suckle on his tip. You cough a little. From peeking under the askew blindfold, you noticed you had squirted all up and down the headboard, drenching the sheets and pillows. Then, the blindfold is taken off, allowing you to see your owner. “Sit up,” he commands, and you do exactly that as he strokes his hoof under your chin, staring into your dazed eyes. “You may speak.” “Thank you Master, I’m grateful you allowed me to cum after so long,” you profess sincerely, your eyes darting back to his length, glistening with your saliva and his precum. “You’ve got two options. Pick one,” he says. “Master deserves to lay down and relax,” you smile, licking your lips. He mockingly ponders what you say, a hoof to his chin, looking you up and down. “I think so too,” he grins. “After all, I’ve done the hard work to breed you, you’re going to have it a lot easier,” Master says as he lies down on the bed, head on the pillow, right over the mess you made. You really did want Master to relax while you worked for his seed. To that end, you swing one leg over Master’s torso, straddling his chest, your ass pointed right in his face. “Cum for Master!” “Oh fuck!” you scream with unexpected surprise as your muscles give out from the second orgasm, spraying Master’s face as he quickly dives right into your snatch, slurping up all your delectable nectar as best he could. You look back at Master with confusion, and he just smiles. “Don’t give me that look you bitch. Hurry up and suck me off.” “I’m going to drain your balls for that!” you growl needily. “Then shut that cock sock you call a mouth and get the fuck on with it!” He slaps your ass firmly, making you gasp. You gleefully throw yourself right onto Master’s cock, enjoying the moment of breathlessness before you pull back up enough to start doing what you were born to do. Your hooves fondle the hefty orbs, your tongue expertly traces every vein, bump, and ridge of Master’s divine cock. You hungrily slurp up every bit of pre you find, swallowing it like you have been trained to do. “God I love you so much,” you say breathlessly, impaling yourself back onto the object of your desire. “Was that directed at me, or my dick?” Your rightful owner settles down onto the bed comfortably while you still service him. You notice his balls twitching, his breath catching, exhaling his hot breath against your crotch. “Yes,” was all that you say, your hooves pumping Master up and down vigorously, your eyes hypnotised by his shaft. His flare widens, his cock starts to throb, balls clenching upward, and you manage to stuff the engorged head back into your mouth before the first spurt erupts. You close your eyes and relish the sensation of being fed like this. Your daily dose of bird seed, swallowing it all without a second thought, not letting a single delicious drop escape. “That felt good,” Master says to you, giving your butt a little pat. “Too bad I’m going to have to punish you.” “What?!” you shout. You had done nothing wrong! “Well, I can’t really fuck that pussy right now, so I’m going to punish you for getting pregnant by refusing to stick my dick anywhere that isn’t your ass or mouth.” Master giggles maliciously to himself. “Awww,” you pout cutely, nosing over his spasming and shrinking shaft, nuzzling and licking up any errant spunk. “That’s not fair…” Master picks you up with his magic, laying you on your side as he snuggles up behind you. “Or would you rather me bring home one of my fellow guards mares and put one in her while you watch~?” Your gut sank at the thought. “No, Master, I need all of you to myself!” “But you would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the thought, wouldn’t you?” Well shit, he saw right through you. You blush deeply. Master strokes his hoof over your stomach , kissing under your jaw. “I love you too, by the way,” he says as you feel your collar fall from around your neck. “Now hurry up and go cook me some dinner,” he smirks. “I’m the one eating for two extra, you should be cooking for me, you meanie!” You wriggle out of your husband’s embrace and bop him on the head with your pillow, straightening yourself out before you make your way to the bedroom door. “Strip the sheets and clean up if you want to eat something tonight,” you say. “Oh, I’ve already eaten out,” he says with a wink, “but some sandwiches sound amazing!” You yeet the pillow at your incorrigible husband. This weekend was going to be very long, and very fun.