Resident Evil: Outbreak: File 0

by Solar Force

First published

Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle are in for the most nightmarish night of their lives in the undead streets of Racoon City.

On the way to Racoon City, the home of the Umbrella Corporation, to see a publisher for a new book, Sunset Shimmer, along with her girlfriend, Wallflower Blush, stops at a local Gas Station close to the city, completely unaware of the horrific events that are about to befall both her and the girl she loves.

Meanwhile, at the same time, a disgruntled and downtrodden Adagio Dazzle is about to become an eye witness to the fall of Racoon City as the streets become filled with the walking dead.

Both women will have to do whatever it takes to ensure the survival of themselves and those around them.

Will they, along with the fellow survivors they meet along the way, be able to escape this city of horrors, or will they meet a gruesome fate at the hands of the dead?

You decide!

This story has two endings. You decide which way to go.

Outbreak: File 1

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Sunset Shimmer looked down the highway from behind the wheel of her car. In the distance was her destination, Racoon City.

“Finally, we’re almost there,” She said in a relieved tone. “Sure will be good to get out of this car.” She then checked her gas, seeing that the gauge was in the red. “Oh, great. There better be a Gas Station nearby.” She looked down the side of the highway, and saw a sign saying there was a Gas Station 2 miles away. “Well, that was convenient.” She carried on driving, and soon enough, the Gas Station came into view, and she pulled in to fill up the tank.

Once she stopped the car, she looked across to the passenger seat at her girlfriend, Wallflower Blush, who was sleeping peacefully, and softly snoring. As she slept, her head tilted to the side, and exposed her neck. Like a vampire, Sunset could not resist this delicious invite. She gave a mischievous smirk as she decided to have a little bit of fun with her girlfriend. “It’s snack time my pretty,” she said in a low voice, as she picked up a handkerchief, and wrapped it around her neck like a bib, before moving in to gently but quickly begin nibbling on Wallflower’s neck. “Num, num, num, num, num, num!”

Wallflower’s eyes snapped open, and she screamed in shock, before she tried to force Sunset off her. “What the hell, Sunset?! Cut it out!” She shouted in annoyance.

“You have such a cute scream,” Sunset purred softly with lidded eyes.

“Sunset, why do you always have to be so weird?” Wallflower complained, crossing her arms huffily.

“It’s not my fault, you just make it so easy,” Sunset said with a casual shrug, before saying with a teasing smirk, “and your neck looks so delicious.”

“Sunset, don’t act like your character from the comic book,” Wallflower sighed, rolling her eyes. “Just because you're dressed as a vampire doesn’t mean you have to act like one.”

“Well, in any case,” Sunset went on, “We’re nearly at Racoon City, and I kneaded to refill the tank, so I thought I’d wake you up and ask if you want anything from the kiosk while we’re stopped.”

“Just get me a coffee,” Wallflower said, and then frowned as she said, “And next time you want to wake me up, do it without sexually assaulting me.” She then yelped in shock and disgust as Sunset leaned over and licked her on the cheek. “Ew, Sunset, stop it!”

Sunset just giggled. “You really do make it too easy,” She said with a wide smile as she got out of the car, and looked around. Right away, she noticed something strange. The lights of the shelter were on, but the lights in the kiosk seemed to be off.

“That’s weird. Why would the lights for the shelter be on, but the lights in the kiosk be off? Are they closed or something?” As she looked around, she then spotted a police car that had the words ‘County Sheriff’ written on the door. Thinking this meant something might be wrong, she cautiously approached the kiosk. She stopped in her tracks as the kiosk door was suddenly shoved open, and someone seemed to come stumbling out. This confused her. Why did this person not use the door handle? It seemed like they threw their whole body against the door. She noticed this person was wearing the uniform of a Sheriff. She slowly approached the Sheriff and asked, “Excuse me, Sheriff? Is there anything wrong?”

The officer looked up at her, and she gasped in shock at what she saw. The man’s face was dead pale, his eyes were milky white, and most shocking of all, there was a long gash in his neck, like it had been torn out by a wild animal. She then felt like retching as she noticed that his uniform was soaked with blood, far too much for him to still be alive, and none was dripping from the wound on his neck.

“Err, are you OK?” Sunset asked apprehensively as she slowly took a step back. “You...have a large whole in your neck. Should I call for an ambulance?” The sheriff's only answer was a deep, guttural groan, as he raised his arms in front of him, and slowly and unsteadily lumbered toward her, as Sunset kept backing away. Now she was beginning to get worried. “Um, OK, is this some kind of joke or something?” Then, she suddenly heard another deep groan, from her left this time. She turned to look, and her eyes widened in horror. Stumbling towards her was another person, in an even worse condition than the sheriff. His entire left arm was missing, like it had been pulled out of its socket, and ripped clean off. She then heard more groaning from her right, so she slowly turned her head, and felt like retching at what she saw. 3 more people were heading slowly towards her...if you could even call them people anymore. One had his guts literally hanging out, another was dragging themselves along the ground, with no legs, and most grotesquely, the third was missing half of his face.

“Oh, fuck this!” Sunset shouted, as she turned and made a mad dash back toward the car. As she skidded to a stop beside the car, Wallflower, who had gotten out when she saw Sunset running toward her in what looked like a panic, looked at her in worry.

“Sunset, are you alright-” she started to ask.

“Get the fuck back in the car!” Sunset practically screamed at her.

Seeing the terrified look in her eyes, Wallflower didn’t need telling twice. Sunset had never raised her voice at her like that before. She quickly got back in her seat, as Sunset yanked the driver’s door open so hard, she could have ripped off its hinges. The second she took her seat, she slammed the door shut so forcefully, she almost broke the glass. She restarted the engine, before looking ahead and seeing even more people lumbering toward them, who had suffered even more damage, and lost even more body parts. Upon seeing the ravaged and mutilated horrors, Wallflower screamed at the top of her lungs, as Sunset slammed her foot down on the accelerator, making the car surge forward with a roar and the squealing of tires, and running down any of the walking corpses in its path. With each impact, the car shook violently, but Sunset didn’t dare raise her foot off the peddle. At last, they finally pulled back out onto the highway, once more headed toward Racoon City. Sunset maintained the breakneck speed as they went, her focus razor sharp on the thankfully clear road in front of her.

“S-S-Sunset?!” Wallflower stuttered in fright. “What the hell was that?! What was with those freaky people back there?! My god, they looked like the walking dead!”

“I-I don’t know!” Sunset exclaimed in shock and confusion. “I’m still trying to process the whole thing myself!” She took a deep breath to try and calm herself so she could think. “OK, look, I think we need to try and reach Racoon City and find out what’s going on.”

“You still want to go to Racoon City?” Wallflower said with wide eyes. “Why don’t we just turn around and go back to Canterlot?”

“Because we'd never make it back to Canterlot, we don’t have enough Gas!” Sunset explained in a frustrated tone. “And I do NOT want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with those...those...THINGS out there!”

Wallflower let out a heavy sigh, rubbing her eyes. “OK, I don’t like it, but I understand,” she said reluctantly. “So, what’s the plan now?”

“OK, here's what we do,” Sunset said, “We get to Racoon City, then we try and find someone to find out what’s going on. Those things are close to the town, so maybe something’s happened there that caused this.”

Wallflower slowly nodded before slumping back in her seat. “This is our only option isn’t it?” She said quietly.

“Yes, I’m afraid so,” Sunset said just as quietly.

“God, I hope the town’s OK,” Wallflower whispered.

“So do I,” Sunset whispered back, and they spent the rest of the drive in a heavy silence.

“Breaking News!” The headline on the news broadcast read.

“Horror grips the streets tonight as riots of unprecedented proportions break out all over Midtown Racoon City,” The news anchor man reported. Pulling away from the broadcast, we see a woman in a female business suit, as she brushes down her long blond hair as she prepares for her news broadcast.

“Look, all you have to do is hold the camera!” She barked angrily at a young red haired man standing in front of her.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” He said in annoyance. “But am I getting paid that $200 bucks you promised me before or after we do this thing?”

“After,” The anchor woman snarked. “Surely even a loser like you can hold up a camera.”

“Hey, don’t forget this loser is the one holding up the camera for you so you can do this suicidal stunt of yours,” The man snarked back. “Man, I can’t believe I actually thought this little princess was hot,” He thought morosely to himself.

The news woman then checked the live feed of the studio broadcast on one of the vans monitors, and gasped. “Oh, shit, my cue is coming!” She quickly grabbed a large camera and thrust it at the man. “Like I said, just hold the camera while I do my report, and then you'll get your $200!”

“Fine, fine, whatever,” The man grouched as he held up the camera, and the news woman began her report.

“This is Angela Raines reporting live from Midtown Racoon City. As you can see behind me, the police have set up a blockade right across this entire street. However, the blockade does not appear to be holding back the horde of rioters. We do not know who these rioters are, or what they are rioting against, if anything. But one thing we do know is that their preferred method of attack appears to be biting people on the neck.” She paused for a moment as the anchor-man back in the studio spoke into her ear. “Yes, you heard me right. They are literally biting peoples necks, arms, legs, torsos, you name it. They are behaving more like rabid animals than human beings at this time.”

At that moment, the horde began breaking through the blockade, and the police made a retreat. “Clear the street!” One police man yelled at the newswoman, mere moments before one of the walking corpses, who was horribly mutilated, came right up to him and bit him right in his neck. The cop screamed in agony, with blood spurting from his mouth, and the creature pulled him down to the ground and proceeded to devour him.

“Umm, w-we've just b-been ordered to evacuate,” the news woman said as her voice quivered with barely suppressed terror.

“Oh shit, they’re getting closer!” The cameraman yelled as he pointed behind her at the oncoming horde.

“Quick, back to the van!” Angela yelled in panic, as the report was abruptly cut off.

Back in the studio, the news anchor sat behind his desk, and was now visibly nervous as his face shone with sweat. “Uh, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just lost contact with Angela Raines and..." He paused as someone ran up to him and whispered in his ear. "And I’ve just been informed that we are to evacuate the studio. Martial Law has now been declared, effective immediately. Whatever you do, do not leave your homes!” The broadcast was then cut off, leaving nothing but a few seconds of static, before the Emergency Alert Message appeared.

Sunset and Wallflower were soon driving through the streets of Racoon City, and quickly they could tell that something was very wrong. There was devastation everywhere they looked. Lines of abandoned and burning cars, windows smashed, smoke from near and distant fires, and most chilling, splatters of red, which could only have been blood.

“Um, Sunset,” Wallflower said in a low, tense voice. “I think coming here was a bad idea.”

“Yeah, me too,” Sunset said, her voice just as tense, before she looked out of her side window, seeing some person getting surrounded by three of those corpse-like creatures...and getting devoured. “A very bad idea.” She then looked forward at the road again, yelped in shock, and jammed her foot down on the brakes, bringing the car to a juddering halt. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Sunset, why did you do that?” Wallflower said in annoyance at the sudden jolt.

“Because the street is blocked,” Sunset growled. “Look.”

Wallflower looked ahead, and her eyes widened in shock. The street was indeed blocked. A bus had been wedged lengthways across the street, blocking anything from going any further. “What do we, now?!” She asked desperately.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Sunset said with a grimace. “We’re going to have to abandon the car and keep moving on foot.”

“What?!” Wallflower exclaimed incredulously. “Are you insane?! That’s suicide!”

“Well, we may have no choice,” Sunset said as she looked out of her side window. “Look!” Wallflower looked across to the driver's window, and gasped. Barrelling toward them was another bus, obviously out of control, and also on fire. “OUT!” Sunset screamed as they both scrambled to undo their seatbelts, force their doors open, and dive out of the car just in time, as mere seconds later, the flaming bus crashed into the car with an almighty crunch. The car was slammed into a wall on the opposite side of the street, and the bus's wild journey came to an end. Sunset and Wallflower pulled themselves back to their feet, brushing themselves off, and coughing from the still smoking bus. After they checked themselves over, Sunset looked mournfully at the crumpled wreck that was now her car. “Aww, I only had 2 payments left on that car.”

“I think we have bigger problems than a wrecked car, Sunset,” Wallflower said as she slowly took a couple of steps back, her voice filled with fear. Sunset looked back towards the wreckage, and gasped in horror as hordes of the walking corpses were slowly closing in from all sides, even some who were emerging from the burning bus as well, who themselves were on fire, but didn’t seem to care, or just didn’t notice. The two girls backed up into each other, looking all around as their impending doom came slowly closer. They were completely trapped. “W-what a-are we going to do now, Sunset?” Wallflower asked, her voice quivering with terror.

“I don’t know,” Sunset replied in a grim tone. “I just don’t know.” With her eyes darting around frantically, Sunset tried to find any route of escape. It was then she noticed a store with its front door hanging open. “Come on, it’s our only chance!” She cried as she grabbed Wallflower’s hand and pulled her away in a mad dash towards the store. They flung themselves through the door, slamming it shut and locking and bolting it.

As they were about to catch their breaths, they froze like statues at the sound of the cocking of a gun. Very slowly, they turned their heads toward the back of the store. Standing there, pointing a shotgun at them, was an obese man with a thick messy beard, and a deep, furious scowl on his chubby face. “Which one of you has been bit?” He asked in a dangerous tone.

“Uh, what?” Wallflower said, before squeaking in fright as the man turned his gun on her.

“I said, which one of you has been bit?” He repeated slowly. “Was it you, green girl?” He then turned his gun on Sunset. “Or was it you, Redhead?”

“Look, whatever you think’s happened…” Sunset tried to reason.

“Answer the question!” The man yelled impatiently.

“Neither of us!” Sunset shot back. “We haven’t been bitten by anything!” She then slowly lowered her arms and waved her hands placatingly. “So there’s no reason to keep pointing that shotgun at us, right?” she said in her best disarming voice.

The man’s scowl deepened, before he lowered his gun, growling in frustration. “I’d have just wasted shells on the two of you, anyway,” He said darkly.

“OK, now that that’s out of the way,” Sunset said, “We’ve got questions for you. What’s happened to this town? What the hell are those things out there?”

“Ain’t it obvious what they are, girlie?” The man said with a sneer. “Those bastards out there are zombies, the walking dead, just like in all them fucking horror movies.”

Sunset just stared at the man in disbelief. “Zombies?” She said with a raised eyebrow. “Actual zombies? The literal walking dead?”

“Well, you saw them, didn’t you?” The man asked. “What else would you call them? They’re nothing but walking corpses.”

“And the reason you asked if we got bitten?” Wallflower asked nervously. “If they’re really zombies, does that mean…?”

“Ah, you’re sharper than I thought, little girl,” The man said with a smirk. “Yep, that’s right. You get bit, you turn into one of them.”

“And what proof do you have of that?” Sunset asked suspiciously.

“Why, the previous owner of this store,” the man replied. “When this whole mess kicked off, I came in here and saw the poor bastard getting bitten by one of them fuckers, he then died, and came back as one of them. But he didn’t stay that way for long. I grabbed the nearest gun and blew his brains out. That put him down quick enough.”

Sunset then looked around the store, seeing that there was next nothing left on any of the shelves. “Well, this place has certainly been raided,” she muttered, before looking back at the man. “Is there anything left in this store at all?”

“Just this shotgun,” the man replied, “and a 1911.”

“Well then, can we have the 1911, please?” Sunset asked.

“Hell no!” The man snapped. “I need all the protection I can get from those undead fuckers out there!” He then waved his hand dismissively as he said in a condescending tone, “besides, little girls like you shouldn't be playing around with a man’s weapon anyway.”

At this remark, Sunset merely raised an eyebrow. “But what are we supposed to do to protect ourselves?” she asked.

“Nothing,” the man went on in the same arrogant tone, “the only thing women are good for is getting me a beer.”

“OK, you know what,” Sunset said with an annoyed frown. “I’ve had enough of this. Come on, Wallflower, we’re getting outta here.”

“The door’s right there, little lady. Go on and leave,” The man said with a shrug. “But if you try to steal something from me,” he went on threateningly, as he raised his shotgun once more, “I’ll blow off that pretty little head of yours.”

Sunset scowled at the man in disgust, before she grabbed Wallflowers hand and pulled her towards the back of the shop, passed the man as kept his shotgun trained on them, and out the back door of the shop into a narrow alley.

Once they were outside, Wallflower huffed in disgust and indignation. “My god, the nerve of that asshole!” she exclaimed angrily. “Did you hear what he said to us?!”

“I was literally standing right next to you the whole time,” Sunset said through gritted teeth.

“What an absolute pig?!” Wallflower shouted as she kicked a piece of trash hard down the alley. After letting her frustration out, she took a moment to calm herself, before turning to Sunset. “So, what do we do now?”

Before Sunset could reply, they were both startled by the sound of breaking glass, followed by the shooting of a shotgun, and finally they felt chills run up their spines as they heard a blood curdling scream, followed by sudden silence.

“Well, we’re not staying here,” she said with a determined tone, as she grabbed her girlfriend's hand and pulled her off at a run.

Meanwhile, inside a cable car station, five survivors were taking shelter. Two of the survivors were the young cameraman and Angela Raines, who had managed to escape the horde of undead after the abrupt end to their broadcast. The other survivors consisted of a black man, one of the police officers from the blockade, who was lying on a bench and quite badly wounded, and another police officer, who was currently positioned on top of the shelter with a sniper rifle, and keeping an eye out for either more zombies, or other survivors trying to find safety.

Everyone was silent, except for the injured cop, who would occasionally let out weak moans and groans of pain from his injuries.

The only other sound to be heard was the click-clack of Angela’s high heels as she paced back and forth, her face twisted into a scowl.

“Hey, look, lady,” the black man said as he lifted his head to look at Angela. “I know you’re worked up, we all are, but you got to stop pacing before you make me agitated.”

Angela turned to look at him. “And what do you expect me to do instead?” She asked in her usual snarky tone.

“Calm the hell down?” The man said with a frown.

“What’s there to be calm about?!” Angela shot back.

“Look, Angela,” the cameraman said. “You seriously need to calm down. All that pacing’s not helping anyway.”

“Who said you could address me by my first name?” Angela said snootily to him, pointing her nose up in the air. “It’s Miss Raines to you.”

“Does that really matter right now?!” The cameraman snapped in annoyance. “We’re in a desperate struggle for our lives here!”

Angela let out a huff of indignation, before turning on her hell and letting out a deep breath of frustration. “God, I need a smoke.”

“I can help you with that,” the black man said, reaching into his jacket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. “Here.” Angela practically snatched the pack out of his hand, without even bothering to thank him. “You’re welcome,” he said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

Angela then searched through the pockets of her suit jacket, before growling in annoyance. “Oh, that’s just great!” she hissed, “I can’t find my Lighter!” The man who had given her the cigarettes simply reached into his jacket once more, and pulled out his own Lighter, holding it up for her. Angela took it from him. “Uh, thanks,” she muttered.

“Anytime,” he muttered back.

Meanwhile, up on the roof of the shelter, the cop with the sniper kept up his constant vigil, looking through the sniper’s scope for the slightest sign of movement. As far as he could see, there was nothing but wrecked and abandoned cars, buildings which were still slightly burning, and the occasionally dead body. “Hard to believe that it was just an ordinary day this morning,” he muttered under his breath in a weary tone. Just then, he spotted two figures coming running out of one of the alleys further down the street, and heading towards them. “Hello, what have we got here?” As he watched, he quickly saw that they were two young women, and they were obviously running for their lives. The reason for this became obvious when something else came racing out of the same alley, hot on their heels. He almost dropped the rifle in shock when he saw what it was. “What the fuck?! A zombie dog?!”

5 minutes earlier...

Sunset and Wallflower moved carefully and quietly through the back alleys, keeping a sharp eye out for any movement, and their ears open for any sounds. As they ran, Wallflower kept a tight grip on Sunset’s hand, not daring to let go. They kept on running, until Sunset made them stop so she could catch her breath. “Come on, we have to keep moving,” she said after doing so, and tried to pull her girlfriend onwards, but Wallflower wouldn’t budge.

“I...I can’t…” Wallflower puffed, “My legs just...won’t move.”

“We can’t stay here, it’s too dangerous,” Sunset insisted. “We need to-”

“We need to, what, Sunset?!” Wallflower interrupted in frustration. “We can’t just keep aimlessly running and hope to get lucky! We need an actual plan here!”

Sunset stared at her in stunned silence for a moment, before she sighed and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right,” she said. “We do need a plan, but I don’t have one. We need to find somewhere safe, but I don’t know where it is safe. And...a-and…” She trailed off as she grasped at her hair, and began to breathe deeply in panic. Seeing what was happening, Wallflower did the only thing she could think of. She leapt forward, wrapped her arms tight around the stricken girl's neck, and planted her lips on Sunset’s in a deep kiss. Staying stock still for a moment, Sunset wrapped her arms around Wallflower’s waist and returned the kiss. She then pulled back and smiled warmly. “Thanks,” She said gratefully. “You always know what I need.”

“Well, we have been dating for a year now,” Wallflower said with a small smirk. “So you’d think I would know what you need.” Suddenly, both girls paused as they heard what sounded like growling. “Is...that a dog?” Wallflower asked.

“Sounds like two dogs,” Sunset agreed. Looking to one side of the alley, they saw a high wired fence. On the other side of said fence were two scruffy, quite skinny looking dogs, who were growling angrily at each other as they tried to intimidate the other. Lying on the ground between them was an old piece of meat which they were obviously fighting over. Neither dog looked like they had eaten in days, meaning they were obviously strays, or maybe even feral.

Sunset and Wallflower let go of breaths they didn’t realise they were holding, and were about to turn and leave, until they stopped dead as they heard another, more beastly growl, something that did not sound like a dog at all. The two growling dogs suddenly stopped growling, and began whimpering in fright instead. They quickly turned and ran as something monstrous came out of the shadows. It looked like a dog, only with pale eyes, and hunks of flesh missing from all over its body.

“OK,” Wallflower said, her voice quivering. “First real zombies, and now zombie dogs too? What do we do now, Sunset?”

“Well, we don’t need to panic,” Sunset said, trying to sound brave. “It’s one the other side of this fence for one thing, and also, there’s a piece of meat on the ground right there, so it should take more interest in that than us.” Once she said this, the zombie dog turned toward the two girls, growling and snarling viciously. “Or, maybe not,” Sunset said nervously.

“But, we’re still safe right?” Wallflower asked, “it’s still behind that fence, so it can’t get at us.” As if she had jinxed the situation, the zombie dog ran forward and jumped at the fence, as if it was trying to climb over it.

“I think we need to run,” Sunset said, as she dragged her girlfriend off again. As they ran, the zombie dog finished it’s climb over the fence, dropped to the ground and gave chase. Unlike the human zombies, this one was fast, and was quickly gaining on them. It obviously maintained it’s speed and mobility from when it was alive, but had the same hunger for human flesh. As they ran, Sunset saw a pile of metal kegs, and as they dashed passed, she reached out and shoved them as hard as she could, knocking them over, and into the zombie dog's path to slow it down. It only worked for a moment, as the zombie dog leapt over the kegs, and continued it’s relentless hunt of its prey.

The girls continued to run as fast as they could down the alley, until they emerged onto one of the main streets. They came to a halt, looking up and down the street, but Sunset didn’t know which way to go. She then looked up as the zombie dog bore down on them, before she pushed Wallflower behind her, and braced herself for the incoming attack, raising her arms in front of her face. The zombie dog leapt at them, it’s rotten jaws opened wide… when, suddenly, with the bang of a gun, and a spray of blood, the undead monster was blasted out of the air, and fell to the ground in a mangled heap.

Both girls looked in the direction the shot had come from, and saw a man waving at them from on top of a cable car station, the smoking barrel of a rifle held out in front of him. Grateful to their saviour, the two girls rushed toward the shelter, keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of movement.

As the two girls ran, the cop with the sniper looked through his scope for any more movement in case he needed to shoot down anything else that might attack them. As he did so, he spotted a still functional TV in the window of an electronics store. From what he could tell, something was being broadcast. He decided to make a note of it, before leaving his post to tell the others.

Quickly enough, Sunset and Wallflower made it to the shelter. They dashed inside...only to stop dead as they were, once again, held at gunpoint. They both quickly raised their hands, but after a moment, the black man slowly lowered his gun. “OK, it’s cool, everybody,” he said with relief, “they ain’t zombies.” Everyone who had taken cover came out of hiding, and the man put his gun back in his jacket, before he then smiled at the two young women as they lowered their hands and huffed in exhaustion. “Nice to see more survivors,” he said.

“Yeah...nice to...see you too,” Sunset panted as she tried to regain her breath after so much running. “Thanks...for not...shooting us.”

“You two look like you need a sit down,” the cameraman said, gesturing to the benches. “Come and take a load off your feet.”

“That...would be...great,” Wallflower puffed, as she and Sunset walked slowly over to a bench and slumped down on to them. “ around here?”

“Don’t worry about that,” the black man said, “we got plenty after we busted open all the station's vending machines. We got candy, chips, soda, even bottled water if you want it.”

“Water please?” Sunset and Wallflower said together.

“You got it, ladies,” the back man chuckled, before heading over to a pile of bags which were each filled to bursting with food and drinks. He opened up one, and tossed the girls two bottles of water. “Here ya go.”

“Thanks,” the girls said gratefully, before opening the bottles and each taking a heavy gulp of the refreshing water.

“Man, you two were thirsty,” the black man chuckled.

Just then, the cop from the roof came in. “Turn on the TV!” He said urgently. Angela quickly turned on the TV that was hanging from the wall. “Turn it to a news channel!” Angela scanned through the channels until she found a broadcast showing a man sitting behind a desk with several microphones pointing at him.

“To all the citizens of Racoon City. We are facing a crisis like no other. The dead have risen and are attacking the living by eating them,” He began to explain the situation to anyone watching the news. “We are now calling the creatures Zombies, like the ones from those cliché horror films. Our information is limited, but from what we do know, it is by destroying the brain or damaging the head that can kill the zombies. We still do not know how it began, but we highly recommend that you all stay inside your homes and barricade yourselves in. Take any measures that you deem necessary to ensure the safety of yourselves and those around you. Rest assured, we at the RCPD are doing everything within our power to bring an end to this crisis. We will update you as soon as possible. That is all.” Once he had finished talking, the channel went back to showing the Emergency Broadcast Screen.

“Aw, man, that’s a whole load of bullshit right there,” the black man said, making everyone turn to look at him. “What?” he shrugged. “We were all thinking it, I’m just saying it.”

Angela then just rolled her eyes. “Oh, great,” she said with a groan, “what do we do now?”

“The only thing we can do,” said the sniper cop, “we just barricade ourselves in this building until help arrives.”

“That’s if help does arrive,” the cameraman muttered to himself.

“I’m going back to the roof,” said the sniper cop, “you people start barricading this place.”

“Hey, hey, whoa, wait a second,” the black man said, pointing to the wounded cop lying on the bench. “What about him? He needs medical attention.”

“He’ll get it when help arrives,” the sniper cop said as he left to return to the roof.

“Typical pig,” The black man muttered, before turning to address everyone else. “Come on, let’s trap ourselves inside.”

“Hey, don't you think we should introduce ourselves to the newcomers?” asked the cameraman, gesturing to Sunset and Wallflower.

“Sure, why not,” the black man said. “The name’s Jay-Z,” he said with a wave to the two women.

“Yeah, hey, I’m Solar Force,” the cameraman said with a slight wave.

“Well, as I’m sure you already know,” Said Angela smugly. “I’m Angela Raines, roaming reporter for Racoon City News.”

“Uh, actually,” Sunset said with a shrug, “we don’t know who you are.”

“Yeah, we’re not from Racoon City,” Wallflower said nonchalantly.

“Whoa, wait a second,” said Jay-Z in shock, “You two ain’t from Racoon City?”

“Why in the hell would you come to Racoon City, especially with what’s happening to it?” Asked Solar Force, just as shocked.

“Doesn’t anyone in the outside world know what’s happening here?” Asked Angela, just as shocked.

“Guys, guys, will you please just slow down and let us breathe,” Sunset said firmly. “We’ve been dealing with a lot of crap today, ever since we first ran into those zombies back at the gas station on the outskirts of town, so can you guys just ask your questions one at a time?”

“Whoa, wait?” Jay-Z said, “the gas station on the outskirts of town? That’s how far these freaks have gotten and they’re now out of the city?” He then threw up his hands and shouted, “Damn it!”

“Jay, take it easy, pal,” Solar Force said. “You’re not helping anyone at the moment.”

“We’ll have 20 questions later!” Angela said seriously. “We need to concentrate on barricading this place right now!”

“You heard the lady, let’s get going,” Solar agreed. With that said, everyone began gathering up all the benches they could, and placing them flat against the doors. After this was done, some time passed in relative silence, being only occasionally broken by the cop on the roof letting off a round from his rifle.

During this time, Sunset’s mind had settled, and she was thinking about any possible way they could get out of this situation, or send for help. Then, suddenly, it hit her. “I’ve got it!” She exclaimed. “The Emergency Broadcast Signal!” Everyone turned to look at her. “Quick, does anyone have any headphones I can borrow?”

“Er, yeah, I got a pair,” Jay-Z said.

“Great, give them here,” Sunset said, taking said headphones from him. “Now, does anyone have a knife I can borrow?”

“Whoa, whoa, what do you need a knife for?” Jay-Z asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I need it in order to cut the headphones cable down to an inch to use as an antenna,” Sunset explained.

“Antenna for what?” Jay-Z asked.

“The Emergency Broadcast System,” Sunset explained. “In times of great emergencies like this, there’s an emergency signal that we can catch with our phones using an antenna, and we can make an antenna with these headphones, but to do that, I need to cut the cord.”

“You really think this will work?” Jay-Z asked.

“I’m positive it will work,” Sunset said confidently. “And once it does, we can find out what’s really going on in this crazy town.”

“Well, let's hope it works,” Jay-Z said, before calling out to everyone, “Yo! Does anybody have anything they can use to cut this wire?”

“He does,” Angela said as she pointed to the injured cop, who had stopped moaning and groaning. Everyone turned to look tensely at him, before they all gathered around him. “He stopped making all his noises about 5 minutes ago,” Angela explained.

“And you’re just telling us this now?” Solar asked.

“I thought he was just resting,” Angela said defensively. “But he’s been too quiet for too long now.”

“ don’t think he’s…” Wallflower said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Maybe we should check,” Jay-Z said, “Just to make sure.”

“Who’s going to do it?” Sunset asked.

“How about me and Jay-Z do it,” Solar said, “the rest of you get over into the corner just in case.” The two men stepped forward while the three women stepped off to the side. Solar kneeled down beside the prone form of the cop, while Jay-Z pulled out his gun and held it ready in case something bad happened. Solar then reached into his pocket, took out his phone, and held it carefully under the cop’s nose. For a brief second, no one dared move or make a sound, when, suddenly, the sniper cop let off another round from his rifle, the bang of the shot reverberating around them, making everyone jump as they're hearts skipped a beat. Everyone clutched their chests as they took deep breaths.

“Stupid white cracker!” Jay-Z shouted in annoyance. “We’ve got enough problems without him shooting his damn gun every 5 seconds!” He then looked around at everybody with an apologetic look. “No offense, y’all.”

“None taken,” Solar said with a shrug.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” Sunset agreed.

“Who thinks about getting offended when your life’s on the line,” Angela said with a shrug.

“Meh, I’ve heard worse,” Wallflower said simply. Sunset looked at her girlfriend in stunned silence with a face that said ‘Bitch what’?!

At that moment, as Solar Force’s attention was on Jay-Z, two hands suddenly reached and grabbed him on each of his shoulders, shoving him to the ground and pinning him to the floor. Everyone screamed in panic as the now zombified cop snapped his dead jaws, trying to devour Solar Force as he struggled and screamed beneath it.

“GET THIS UNDEAD BASTARD OFF ME!” He yelled in terror.

“I got him!” Jay-Z shouted as he ran to Solar’s side, aimed his gun at the zombie cop’s head, and fired. The sound of the shot reverberated through the air, and a spray of blood covered the ground, as Solar threw the now limp corpse off him. Jay-Z then aimed his gun at the prone Solar. “Did he bite you?!” he demanded.

“No, no!” Solar quickly said as he sat up and held up his hands. “He didn’t bite me, I’m good! You got him just in time!”

Jay-Z lowered his gun, and reached out his hand, and Solar took it, panting heavily, as Jay-Z helped him back to his feet. “You alright, man?” He asked.

“Yeah,” Solar said as he caught his breath. “I’m alright. I don’t think he got me.” He then looked down at himself, seeing the blood now covering a good portion of his clothes. “I sure could use a shower, though.”

Before anymore could be said, the sniper cop came rushing in from outside. “What just happened?!” He shouted, taking in the whole sense, including the dead cop on the ground. “Oh my god!” He gasped in shock. “You killed him!” He raised his rifle, pointing it at the two people who were standing over the body, Jay-Z and Solar. “YOU KILLED MY PARTNER!” He yelled in rage.

“No, no, no, you got it all wrong!” Solar shouted.

“Look, what happened is-” Jay-Z tried to explain, before the cop blindly fired his rifle, the bullet hitting Jay-Z in the shoulder. He screamed in pain, before glaring at the cop. “You shot me you bastard!” He raised his gun and fired at the cop, hitting him in the middle of the head. The cop crumpled to the floor, dropping his own weapon, as a pool of blood started to form around him. He was obviously now dead.

For a brief moment, everyone was completely still as they processed what had just happened. The first to break the silence was Wallflower, as her face went pale, and she started to collapse to her knees, before Sunset reached out and grabbed her to support her. Angela, overwhelmed by everything, grasped at her chest as she began to breathe heavily.

“What the fuck did you do?!” Sunset yelled in utter shock.

“That bastard got me first!” Jay-Z yelled back as he grasped at his wounded shoulder.

“Here Z let me take a look,” Solar said as he walked up to him, and examined his shoulder. “OK, it doesn’t look too bad. The bullet went straight through. We just need to patch it up.” He then looked over at the now hyperventilating Angela, quickly headed over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Angela, calm down and look at me!” He said, shaking her by the shoulders. “We’re going to get out of this, OK? We’re going to get out of this!”

Angela's eyes focussed on Solar, as she took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Her shoulders slumped as she eyed him wearily. “Thank...thank you,” she said slowly, with her hand still over her heart. “I don’t much more...of this...I can take.”

“Maybe you should have another cigarette to calm your nerves,” Solar suggested.

“Yes...yes...that sounds perfect right now,” Angela agreed, reaching into her jacket and pulling out her packet of cigarettes and Jay-Z’s lighter.

“Hey, mind if I get in on that?” Jay-Z asked, looking at the cigarettes.

“We could probably all use one,” Angela said with a shrug, lighting her own cigarette, and passing the pack and the lighter over to Jay-Z.

“Not for us, we don’t smoke,” Sunset said with a slight wave of her hand.

“Me neither,” Solar said with a shrug.

“Your loss,” Angela said nonchalantly as she took a deep drag from her cigarette.

Once they had all taken a few minutes to calm down and regain their senses, Sunset searched the body of the sniper cop, and quickly found a knife to cut the wire for the antenna, before setting to work on it straight away.

“Hey, Sunset, did that guy leave any rounds for that sniper rifle of his?” Jay-Z asked.

Sunset stopped what she was doing, and checked if the sniper cop had any spare clips for the rifle, but found none. She then grabbed the rifle and, remembering from the countless hours she’d spent playing Battlefield, she lifted the bolt and pulled it back, releasing the bullet that was still in the chamber. Seeing the single remaining bullet, she groaned in annoyance. “Nope,” She said to Jay-Z in a frustrated tone. “He wasted the last one on you.”

“Typical,” Jay-Z muttered, rolling his eyes.

“Alright, just bear with me here,” Sunset said as she finished cutting the wire to an inch to act like an antenna, plugging it into the earphone jack of her phone, opening the radio app, and began searching for a signal. Sure enough, she found one, and everyone listened carefully to what was being broadcast.

“If anyone can hear this, this is the national guard. We are evacuating everyone at the Racoon City High School. The last chopper leaves at midnight. This message will be repeated.”

Upon hearing this, Angela asked, “Who’s got the time?”

“It’s 11 o’clock!” Solar said in alarm as he checked his watch.

“That means we got an hour to get out of here!” Jay-Z exclaimed.

“And how can we get there? The school is too far by foot!” Solar said, pointing out the obvious.

“The trams,” Wallflower spoke up, everyone’s attention now on her. She was looking at the Tram’s map. “A Tramline goes to the school. we can use one of the Trams to get there,” she explained to the group.

“She’s right, the A-14 Tram goes to the School,” Jay-Z said, looking at the map.

“So where is A-14?” Angela asked.

Jay-Z looked at the route that A-14 would have taken. “According to this map it might be by the shopping district or God knows,” He said.

“Okay we need to think of a plan,” Sunset said, thinking hard, before she then got an idea. “Okay, here’s what we do. Wallflower, find a First Aid kit.”

“Alright,” Wallflower said, and went to look for a First Aid kit.

“Solar, help me move these two out of here,” Sunset said to the young red headed man as gestured to the two dead cops.

“Yeah we better get them out of here,” Solar said, and helped Sunset throw the dead cops outside. He then searched the body’s for anything useful. “Hey, I’ve found their side arms,” He said, holding up the two guns.

“Nice. We’ll need them. Let’s get back inside,” Sunset said, heading back inside the station.

“Found a First Aid Kit,” Wallflower said.

“Alright, Wallflower, you patch up Jay-Z,” Sunset told her.

“Alright, leave it to me,” Wallflower said, getting ready to patch up Jay-Z’s arm.

“Okay, we need that Tram. Solar, give me one of those guns,” Sunset said, and Solar passed one of the guns to her. “Okay, now, I’m going to look for the A-14 and bring it back here so we can use it to escape.”

“WHAT!?” Wallflower yelled in shock and worry. “You can’t go back out there!”

“Wallflower, we need that Tram,” Sunset said seriously, placing her hands on Wallflower’s shoulders, trying to calm her girlfriend down.

“She’s right, we need that Tram,” Angela agreed with Sunset. “Someone has to go and get it and bring it back here.”

“But she’ll die if she goes back out there!” Wallflower yelled again desperately.

“I’ll go with her,” Solar said reassuringly. “I’ll go with Sunset and find the A-14 Tram so we can watch each other’s backs. The two of us should be able to find it.”

“Yeah, with Solar’s help we can find the Tram and bring it back,” Sunset said calmly to Wallflower, gently rubbing her shoulders.

A tear slowly falls from Wallflower’s eye, before she steps towards Sunset, pulling her into a hug, and kissing Sunset on her lips. “Come back safe,” she said softly.

“I will, and I’ll bring back the Tram,” Sunset said in a soft but determined tone, placing her forehead against Wallflower’s.

“I couldn't care less about the Tram, just get back here safely,” Wallflower said with a small, but worried smile.

Sunset nodded, kissed her girlfriend gently once more, before she and Solar left the safety of the Tram Station to find Tram A-14.

It’s been awhile since Sunset and Solar left to find Tram A-14.

During this time, Wallflower had finished patching up Jay-Z’s wounded shoulder, and Angela was now on the roof, looking for the Tram, and for anything dangerous heading towards the station.

Wallflower was currently sitting on a bench, waiting for Sunset and Solar to return. “They’ve been gone for too long,” She said with worry as she stood up from the bench.

“Hey, I know you're worried about your girlfriend. They’ll be back soon, so don’t worry,” Jay-Z said to her in a consoling tone. “Say, how long have you two been an item?”

“About a year now,” Wallflower began to explain as she sat down again, a nostalgic gleam in her eyes. “We were already friends as we both went to the same high school, and then later went to the same college. We just got closer and closer over time, but we didn’t realise how close just yet. And then, one day we got drunk at a party and next thing we knew, we woke up next to each other in bed, completely naked, stinking of booze and sweat, amongst other things. You can’t imagine how awkward that was,” she blushed a little before continuing. “And then after avoiding each other for a few days, we had a talk about it, and then we started dating soon after. Haven’t regretted it once,” she finished with a soft, happy smile.

“That’s a nice story,” Jay-Z said with a smile of his own before asking, “So why did you two come to Racoon City?”

“We came here to talk to a guy about publishing our story,” Wallflower replied.

“Oh yeah, so you two are authors?” Jay-Z asked.

“Yep, we made an online comic series called Space Girl,” Wallflower replied. “But we came to Racoon City to publish an actual book. You may have noticed how Sunset was dressed. That was the outfit of our main character. It’s basically a sappy vampire romance novel. It’s...better than Twilight. ”

“Whoa, whoa, you two wrote Space Girl?!” Jay-Z exclaimed in surprise. “I used to read that to my little sister every night! She was nuts for those comics!”

“Used to?” Wallflower asked.

“Yeah,” Jay-Z said as a saddened, pained look crossed his face. “She was attacked while I was at a Rap Battle. When all this shit went down, I got home as fast as I could. When I got home, I saw my mom on top of my sister… eating her. I just panicked and shot my mom with a gun we had hidden…” his voice began to quiver as tears started to form in his eyes. “After I shot my mom... my sister got back up... and I had to shoot her too… and then I didn’t know what else to I ran out of our home into the streets and eventually I ended up here.”

“Jay, I... didn’t know,” Wallflower said sadly, “I’m so sorry.”

“And you know what? Jay-Z isn’t even my real name, it’s Tyrone,” Jay-Z, now Tyrone, went on, “I just called myself Jay-Z because it sounded cool, you know?” Wallflower nodded in understanding, and placed a gentle, comforting hand on his shoulder. “Thanks,” Tyrone said with a small smile.

It was then that Angela came in from the roof. “There’s someone outside,” She stated. Wallflower and Tyrone looked outside and past the barricade. Angela was pointing at a white van with the words “Painters For Hire.” written on the side. “There’s a tall woman standing just behind that van,” Angela finished.

As Wallflower and Jay-Z watched, a tall woman, dressed in a trench coat, and with long black hair covering her face, stepped out from behind the van, and walked through the street, seemingly aimlessly.

“Damn,” Jay-Z said, “She looks like something out of The Ring.”

“Do you think she’s OK?” Wallflower asked nervously.

“I’m not sure,” said Angela. “Do you think we should call her over here?”

“Call me superstitious but I think we want to stay the hell away from her,” stated Jay-Z.

Suddenly, they looked in alarm as they heard gunshots being fired from down the street. The woman stopped, turned, and headed toward where the shots came from. A man came running out of an alleyway, turned, and fired more shots back the way he came, like he was being chased by something. The woman walked straight towards the man with the gun, as he continued to shoot round after round at whatever was pursuing him.

“Why’s she walking towards him?” Asked Angela.

“I think we’re about to find out,” said Tyrone.

The woman stopped beside the man, raised her fist, and punched him in the side of the head with such force, it made his whole head explode, and his body crumpled to the ground in a bloody heap.

At this, Angela's hands flew to her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, while Wallflower just stared in horror at the woman’s inhuman strength, and Tyrone scowled. “I knew it,” he said with a growl, “I fucking knew it!” The woman then lifted up her foot, and stomped it back down hard on the dead man’s body to ensure he was dead. Unable to take in the horrific and gruesome sight anymore, Wallflower got up and ran off to vomit. After the woman had finished stomping on her victim, she turned to look toward the station, and Angela and Tyrone quickly hid behind the barricade.

“You don’t think she saw us, right?” Angela asked in a low voice.

Peeking back over the barricade, Tyrone saw the woman as she walked towards them. “Yeah, I’d say she saw us,” he replied.

As the woman power walked toward the station, at that moment, a Tram came down the tracks, pulling to a stop at the station. With looks of relief, Tyrone ran out to the Tram, while Angela went to get Wallflower, who was now finished vomiting. “The Trams here, let's go!” she said frantically as she pulled the younger woman to her feet and outside to the tram.

The moment the door opened, Tyrone jumped aboard the Tram. “Get going!” He yelled.

“What’s happened?” Asked Solar.

“No time, go, go, go!” Tyrone yelled back as Angela brought Wallflower, and Sunset, at the controls, set the Tram into high gear. The Tram began to move, just as the woman smashed her way effortlessly through the barricade. She saw the tram leaving, and began giving chase. Seeing this, Tyrone started firing his gun at her, causing her to raise her arms to protect her face. To Tyrone's shock, the bullets bounced right off. “Damn it! She’s wearing an armoured coat!”

Before he could do anything else, Solar came up beside him, holding a fire extinguisher. “Catch, bitch!” he yelled as he threw the extinguisher as hard as he could at the woman, only for his jaw to drop as she simply caught it out of the air. “Oh, she caught it,” he said in surprise.

Tyrone quickly aimed his gun and fired at the tank, causing it to explode into a white cloud, blinding the woman long enough for the Tram to make it’s escape.

“Nice shot, man,” Solar said with an impressed smirk.

“Thanks,” Tyrone said. “I don’t know what she was but we need to stay as far away from her as possible.”

“Well if you say so, man,” Solar replied.

During this, Wallflower joined Sunset at the front of the tram. “What took you so long?” She asked pleadingly.

“We found the tram at the shopping district, and there were a lot of zombies, so you can guess why it took us so long to get back,” Sunset explained. “Sorry I worried you.”

Wallflower hugged her girlfriend and pecked her on the check. “I’m just glad you’re safe,” she said softly.

“Me too,” Sunset said just as softly, and with a warm smile.

After some time had passed, Sunset and her group arrived at the school. “We made it!” She announced to the others.

Wallflower joined her again at the front and saw three people standing on the tracks. “Who are they?” She asked.

“I don’t know, but it looks like they have weapons, so let me talk to them,” Sunset said cautiously, before jumping off the tram, and raising her hands in the air. “We’re not looking for a fight, we’re just trying to escape the city!” She called out.

“Sunset Shimmer?! Is that you?!” Called a very familiar voice.

Sunset’s eyes widened in shock as she recognised the voice, and looked closer at the three people in front of her, a young man, an older, tough looking woman, and behind them was none other than... “Adagio Dazzle?!” she shouted.

“Do you know her?” Asked the older woman.

“Yes, I do,” Adagio replied, as her shocked look morphed into a scowl.

Sunset and Adagio just stared at each other. Sunset had not seen Adagio in years, not since the Battle Of The Bands back at CHS, and now, within the Dead City, they were meeting once more.

To Be Continued….

Outbreak: File 2

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After the battle of the bands, Adagio and her sister’s lost their magic, along with their singing voices, and have never been able to get back on their feet ever since. The three former sirens constantly argued on who was at fault for the incident. Adagio blamed her sisters for their misfortune, and Sonata and Aria blamed Adagio for her sloppy leadership. The arguments just kept getting worse and worse, until, one day, Adagio awakened to an empty house with a note pinned to the front door. It read, (We’ve had enough of your shit! We’re done with you!) Adagio desperately tried to find her sisters, but to no avail.

After hitting the lowest point of her life, and being kicked out of their former house, Adagio ended up in Racoon City, having to make ends meet by working at a sleazy Bar in Downtown, and forced to wear an embarrassing waitress uniform.

“I hate this job,” Adagio muttered to herself morosely as she was forced to serve all the drunken patrons of the bar.

A man was standing behind the bar, cleaning a glass, and watching her closely. Another man was sitting at the bar, drinking a whisky, also watching Adagio with a sly look. “Is that the girl you told me about?” He asked.

“Yep,” The Bartender replied.

“She sure is a looker,” The customer said as his smirk grew. “How much?”

“5 Grand up front,” The Bartender told the Customer.

“5 Grand?!” The Customer said, before looking back at Adagio, and smirking sadistically. “She looks like she’s worth it,” He said, and puts a brown envelope down on the bar.

The Bartender picked up the envelope, looked inside and smiled at what he saw. “Okay, same as always, take her out the back and don’t make too much noise,” He instructed the Customer.

Adagio had just finished wiping the last table, and she looked over at the two men at the bar, scowling in revulsion. “Gross, he’s staring at me again,” She thought with disgust and hatred, trying to finish her work as quickly as possible. “I should get out of here as soon as…” Adagio paused as she heard the bell above the entrance door, telling her someone had entered or left the Bar. She looked up and saw another man enter the Bar. She grimaced at his unkempt appearance. “Oh god please no! Not anymore rednecks!” Putting on a neutral expression, she walked over to the man. “I’m sorry, sir, we just closed so you’ll have to leave,” She said to the man, trying her hardest to hold her tongue, but the man just groaned and moaned at her. Despite her better judgement, Adagio couldn't help but feel that this was no ordinary drunk redneck. “Um, sir, are you okay?” She asked with a bit of concern. The man groaned again, before he straightened up, raising his head. His face was deathly pale, and his eyes were cloudy white. “Are… you okay?” Adagio asked again nervously. Before she could react, the man lunged at Adagio, shoving her down to the ground. “AHH! GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” Adagio screamed, struggling with all her might, as the man snapped his jaws, trying to bite her.

Turning toward the commotion, the two men at the Bar rushed over to save Adagio. The Customer grabbed the man and pulled him off her as hard as he could. “GET OFF HER! THAT'S MY NEXT PAYDAY-!” He yelled angrily, getting cut off as the man suddenly turned around towards the Customer and lunged at him, digging his teeth deep into the Customer’s throat, and ripping it out, blood spraying out like a garden sprinkler.

“OH GOD!” Adagio screamed in terror, crawling back away from the attacking, and flesh hungry man. The Bartender then dashed back to the bar and grabbed his gun from behind the counter. He ran over to the man who was still attacking the Customer. He then shot the man point blank in the head, killing him instantly. However, it was already too late for The Customer, as he choked on his own blood and died. “What the fuck!” Adagio said in utter shock, revulsion and disbelief, still crawling slowly away from the horrific sight.

The Bartender stared down at the remains of the mad man and his now dead Customer. “Fuck! Fucking, Fuck!” He shouted, panicking to himself. “This is the last thing I need now!”

“We need to call the police!” Adagio said as she shakily got back to her feet.

“NO! WE’RE NOT CALLING THE FUCKING COPS!” The Bartender yelled at Adagio. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. “Okay, okay, let’s not panic.” He looked back at Adagio. “Go upstairs and grab all the bleach we got,” He told her.

“What!? You can’t be serious!?” Adagio yelled at her current boss in disbelief.

“I can’t have the Cops snooping around here! Now go upstairs and get the fucking bleach!” The Bartender yelled angrily back at her, and pointed his gun at her.

Adagio froze from fear at the sight of the gun. “Look there’s no need to…” she tried to reason, but, she trailed off as, suddenly, her eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks, as she saw the dead and mutilated Customer rise back to his feet.

The Bartender noticed that Adagio was looking at something behind him. He turned and saw the Customer who he sold Adagio to standing behind him. “Didn’t you just die?” He said in confusion, before The Customer grabbed the Bartender and bit into his arm. “AHHHHH!” The Bartender yelled in agony, and shot his gun at the Customer’s head, sending him crumpling to the floor. “Bastard! How the fuck did you come back to life after-!” He was cut off as the door to the bar burst open, as several people forced their way in, and all of them had the same face as the first attacker, but they all looked like they had been half eaten. The group of half-eaten people advanced towards the Bartender and Adagio. The Bartender shot his gun at the intruders several times, but his efforts were in vain. One of the creatures got close enough to grab the Bartender, and forced him to the ground, as he continued to shoot his gun, before the creatures surrounded and began to devour him.

Adagio watched her former boss get eaten by the creatures in horror. “This can’t be happening,” she whispered in denial, as more of the creatures entered the Bar and slowly walked and stumbled towards her. From panic, Adagio ran to the staff room which was located upstairs on the second floor. Once Adagio ran through the first door, she tried to lock it, but the lock was broken. “Ohhh, you cheap bastard!” Adagio cursed her now dead boss. She ran on further upstairs as the creatures chased her. She stopped as one of her heels snapped off. Cursing under her breath, Adagio quickly took her shoes off, and continued to run upstairs. Once she made it inside the Staff room, Adagio barricaded herself inside with what she could get her hands on, and kept the creatures out. “Okay... that should hold... hopefully,” She said to herself, trying to catch her breath. “What are those things? Zombies or something?” She thought for a moment. “I know, I’ll check the news.” Adagio ran toward the staff T.V, and switched it over to the news. “Okay, let’s find out what the hell’s going on.”

On the news channel, a tall blond woman was giving a live and on location report.

“This is Angela Raines reporting live from Midtown Racoon City. As you can see behind me, the police have set up a blockade right across this entire street. However, the blockade does not appear to be holding back the horde of rioters. We do not know who these rioters are, or what they are rioting against, if anything. But one thing we do know is that their preferred method of attack appears to be biting people on the neck.”

“Wait a minute, Angela, are you saying there are people eating people out there?” Asked the news anchor.

“Yes, you heard me right,” Angela continued. “They are literally biting peoples necks, arms, legs, torsos, you name it. They are behaving more like rabid animals than human beings at this time.”

Suddenly, in the background, a horde of the creatures began breaking through a police blockade, and the police made a retreat.

“Clear the street!” One police man yelled at the newswoman, mere moments before one of the walking corpses, who was horribly mutilated, came right up to him and bit him right in his neck. The cop screamed in agony, with blood spurting from his mouth, and the creature pulled him down to the ground and proceeded to devour him.

“Umm, w-we've just b-been ordered to evacuate,” the news woman said as her voice quivered with barely suppressed terror.

“Oh shit, they’re getting closer!” The voice of the cameraman yelled as he pointed behind her at the oncoming horde.

“Quick, back to the van!” Angela yelled in panic, as the report was abruptly cut off.

The picture switched back to the newsroom, where the anchor man now looked nervous. “Uh, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have just lost contact with Angela Raines and…” He paused as someone ran up to him and whispered something to him. “And I’ve just been informed that we are to evacuate the studio. Martial Law has now been declared, effective immediately. Whatever you do, do not leave your homes!” The screen went to static, before showing the Emergency Broadcast Screen.

“Oh god, if that was Midtown then…” Adagio said to herself before trailing off. Suddenly, there was the sound of an explosion outside, and Adagio ran to the nearest window. She looked outside and saw the whole City in chaos. The buildings were on fire and people were being eaten left and right, and some people were even jumping to their deaths from high up places. “Oh god!” Adagio gasped as her hands covered her mouth as she looked at the horror unfolding in front of her eyes. She then turned as the staffroom door was being bashed against, meaning the creatures were trying to force their way in. “I need to escape!” Adagio looked frantically around the staff room to find something to help her escape, and she saw an extendable ladder. “Perfect!” She quickly grabbed the ladder and took it to the window. “Okay, hopefully I can use this as a makeshift bridge to the next building,” She said to herself as she opened the window. She extended the ladder and she managed to hook it to the neighbouring building’s fire escape.
“Okay, time to put my old stage strutting skill to the test,” Adagio said to herself to psyche herself up as prepared to cross her makeshift bridge. The door opened an inch, and Adagio quickly stepped on the bridge and carefully walked across it. As she walked across the ladder, it shook a little. “Easy Adagio!” She continued to cross the bridge, focused completely on reaching the other side. Inside the staffroom, the Creatures pushed the door open and flooded the room. One of them pushed on the ladder just as Adagio was nearing the other side. The bridge moved, and Adagio picked up the pace to cross the bridge before the creatures pushed it off the ledge.

The bridge was pushed off the ledge and Adagio ran towards the fire escape, and jumped and grabbed on to the escape just in time, and held on for dear life, as the ladder went tumbling down to the ground. Adagio pulled herself up onto the fire escape, and took a moment to catch her breath. “Okay, okay, I just need to find help and figure out what to do next,” She said, crawling to one of the apartment windows, which was luckily unlocked. She opened the window and entered the apartment. The room inside was a bedroom. She could hear music being played from another room, a song called X Gon Give It To Ya.

In the other room, a tall, physically imposing woman, who obviously had a military history from all the army paraphernalia and medals of service hanging from the walls, was doing an intense workout while playing X Gon Give It To Ya at full blast. The woman had dark cherry red hair that was styled in a Mohawk, and was wearing a tank top and khaki shorts.

The door to her bedroom slowly opened, and Adagio looked out of the crack and saw the woman doing some pull-ups. She looked around the room and saw the other door out of the room, and moving as carefully and quietly as she could, she crept towards the door as the Mohawk woman continued her work out. Just as she reached the door, and was about to open the door so she could escape, she froze as a combat knife suddenly appeared in front of her, with the blade barely half an inch away from her throat. “Don’t make any sudden moves,” The Mohawk woman said in a no-nonsense tone.

“Okay, I’ll do what you say. Just, please, put the knife down,” Adagio said to the knife-wielding woman, raising her hands in surrender.

“OK, start talking. What are you doing in my apartment?” The woman demanded.

“I was trying to escape these creatures back at this bar where I was working,” Adagio answered quickly, hoping not to anger this woman any further.

“What creatures?” The woman asked in a disbelieving tone.

“Haven’t you seen the news? The City’s in chaos!” Adagio said in a panicked voice.

“Hmm,” The woman frowned. “I don’t believe you're lying, but I don’t fully believe you, either.” Still holding her knife to her throat, she then made Adagio move from the door. “Alright, we’re going to turn on the TV and see if you're telling me the truth.” She made Adagio walk to the TV. “Turn it on,” She ordered.

“Okay,” Adagio said nervously, before racing out to turn on the TV, and switch it to the news channel. The broadcast showed a man sitting behind a desk with several microphones pointing at him.

“To all the citizens of Racoon City. We are facing a crisis like no other. The dead have risen and are attacking the living by eating them,” He began to explain the situation to anyone watching the news. “We are now calling the creatures Zombies, like the ones from the cliché horror films. Our information is limited, but from what we do know, it is by destroying the brain or damaging the head that can kill the zombies. We still do not know how it began, but we highly recommend that you all stay inside your homes and barricade yourselves inside. Take any measures that you deem necessary to ensure the safety of yourselves and those around you. Rest assured, we at the RCPD are doing everything within our power to bring an end to this crisis.” Once all this was said, the Woman turned off the TV.

“OK, I suppose you're not lying to me after all,” She said, finally lowering her knife.

“OK, right, so can I leave now?” Adagio asked.

“You can, but where do you plan to go?” The woman asked. “No doubt the streets are full of those Zombies.”

Adagio had to stop and think this through, which she had not had time for in the suddenness of everything that had happened. She had only escaped from the bar because she was being chased, and the only place for her to go was her apartment, her little shitty apartment, where no one is waiting for her to return. “I don’t know, I literally have no one to go back to,” Adagio said in a depressed tone, as she slumped to the ground, and the woman sat down next to her.

“Well, look, you should stay here, it’s safer here than it is out there,” she said before she stood up again. “Well, there’s nothing to do except put our feet up and get drunk. Do you want a beer?”

“Yeah, I could use a beer,” Adagio said gratefully. “It’s been one long, shitty day, and I need a drink.”

The woman nodded and walked to the Kitchen. “You know, you should get out of that stripper outfit,” she commented. “I’ve got some spare clothes that might fit you.”

“Thanks,” Adagio said as she got back to her feet, and walked back to the bedroom so she could change out of her waitress uniform, and into some normal clothes. After she got changed, there was a thud at the window. “Hmm, what was that?” She looked out the window and saw a zombie outside. She made eye contact with the moving corpse. She slowly moved towards the door, when, suddenly, the zombie broke through the window and into the room. “Ahhhhh!” Adagio screamed, as the zombie walked towards her. Just then, the door was kicked open, and the woman threw her knife at the zombie, hitting it in the head and killing the corpse once more.

“OK, come on, we have to leave,” She told Adagio.

“No arguments here,” Adagio said, not needing to be told twice.

The woman went to her closet and began to look for something, and also changing her exercise outfit for some military clothes. “What’s your name?” She asked Adagio.

“What?” Adagio said in slight confusion.

“Your name, I’ll need to know it if we’re going to work together,” The woman explained.

“Adagio Dazzle,” Adagio introduced herself. “And you are?”

The woman stepped away from the closet, having finished changing into her military uniform. “I’m Lieutenant Tempest Shadow of the Storm Brigade,” The now named Tempest introduced herself, before she then pulled a case from under her bed. “Grab some shoes, you don’t want to go outside barefooted,” she suggested to Adagio.

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Adagio said with a frown, and quickly found some shoes to wear. “Thanks for lending me your clothes,” she said gratefully. “I suppose I’ll have to repay you for this.”

“It’s fine, just keep the clothes,” Tempest replied, holding up an M4 Rifle. She then held out an M9 double action pistol, and held out the handle to Adagio. “Here, you’ll need this,” she said seriously.

Adagio hesitated at the sight of the gun. “I don’t know how to use it, I’ve never used a gun before,” She explained hesitantly to Tempest.

“Here, I’ll show you how,” Tempest said, and showed Adagio how to use the gun. “Okay, that's all you need to know,” she said, as she finished showing Adagio the basics on how to use her gun.

“Okay, I think I know how to use this thing, now,” Adagio said, taking the gun from Tempest and testing its weight in her hand to get used to it.

“Now, just stay behind me, I’ll keep you safe,” Tempest said to Adagio, placing her hand on Adagio’s shoulder to reassure her.

Having Tempest say that to her made Adagio feel safe about staying with the Military woman. “Thanks,” she said with a smile. Before anything else could be said, another zombie entered the room through the broken window.

Springing into action, Tempest quickly shot at the Zombie with her M4, aiming for its head. The zombie fell to the ground, dead once more. “Alright, let’s move out,” Tempest told Adagio, who nodded firmly and followed her lead.

Tempest opened the door and looked into the hallway, looking both ways. Thankfully, the hallway was empty, however, some of the doors of the apartments were open, and blood was everywhere. “Coast is clear,” Tempest announced, stepping out into the hallway.

Adagio warily stepped out behind Tempest, her eyes darting back and forth, keeping an eye out for any movement. “How did this happen so fast?” Adagio asked, looking at the carnage all around them as they moved along the hallway.

“Stay close to me, and don’t make any sudden noises,” Tempest instructed Adagio who nodded. The two women slowly navigated through the hallway, passing by a good number of doors which were hanging open.

Adagio looked inside one of the apartments, and stared in horror as she saw a woman eating a child. “Oh god!” She gasped, almost vomiting at the gruesome sight of the woman eating the child.

“We don’t have time to dwell on it, just keep moving,” Tempest said grimly to Adagio, before leading her out of the apartment and onwards toward their goal, the ground floor. They made their way from the fourth floor to the third floor, which was just as bad as the fourth floor. “Shit! Why did I play my music so loud?! I could have helped these people!” Tempest admonished herself in guilt.

Adagio noticed the look of guilt on Tempest’s face. “Are you alright, Tempest?” She asked with slight worry in her voice.

“I’ll be fine, this is not the first time I’ve made a mistake,” Tempest replied, keeping up a serious and professional demeanour. “Come on, let's move.”

As Tempest and Adagio walked through the third floor, making their way to the second floor, a zombie walked out of the last apartment before the stairs. Demonstrating her highly honed reflexes, Tempest kicked it back inside and then slammed the door shut, trapping the zombie inside the apartment. “Why didn’t you shoot it?” Adagio asked, confused.

“Every bullet counts. Back in my days of service I learned to save every bullet possible,” Tempest explained to her.

Adagio understood what Tempest was telling her. “Ah okay,” They continued towards the second floor. When they reached the second floor, Adagio realized something. “Hey, why haven’t we seen more zombies yet?” She asked.

“They're either trapped inside the apartments or they're already outside,” Tempest said, keeping her guard up. They found the stairway that leads to the ground floor. “Stay here, I'll scout ahead.”

“Okay,” Adagio nodded. Tempest ran on ahead to check out the ground floor. As she waited, Adagio held the gun tightly in her hand. However, unknown to her, someone was approaching her from behind.

Tempest made her way down the stairway, looking around the corner and gasped at what she saw. The entire ground floor was full of zombies unable to leave the apartment building. Tempest slowly turned to climb silently back up the stairs, when she heard a gunshot from the second floor. “SHIT!” She yelled, and frantically ran back up the stairs, knowing that both her and the zombies heard the gunshot. She ran upstairs, and saw two men attacking Adagio, who was struggling desperately to get them off her. Tempest raised her gun and shot one of the men in his foot.

“AHHH! YOU FUCKING BITCH!” The wounded man screamed in pain and anger.

“LET HER GO!” Tempest yelled, pointing her rifle at the second man.

“Give me one good...” The second man said, but trailed off as his eyes widened in fear. “OH SHIT!” He yelled, letting Adagio go, before turning and running, abandoning his friend. Once he had fled, the zombies from the ground floor began to flood the second floor.

“Oh god,” Adagio gasped at the sight of the undead. Tempest then grabbed Adagio and pulled her into one of the opened apartments. Once inside, Tempest closed the door and pulled over a bookshelf to block it.

“NOOO! GET OFF MEEEEE!” They heard the wounded man scream from outside, before his screams subsided into silence.

Adagio fell to the floor, placing her hand over chest as she caught her breath, while Tempest checked the apartment for zombies. “Okay, it’s clear, we’re alone in here,” She confirmed to Adagio.

“We just left that guy to die,” Adagio said, as she finished catching her breath.

“Don’t get worked up about it. That man attacked you, he wasn’t our responsibility, and his friend abandoned him at the drop of a hat, that’s just the way it is,” Tempest said firmly. “We’ll have to use the fire escape now. The zombies have flooded both the first and second floors.”

“Will the fire escape be safer?” Adagio asked as she got back to her feet and walked over to Tempest.

“Safer than in here. The zombies are trapped inside the building, and we’re trapped in this apartment,” Tempest replied, before she walked towards the window that led to the fire escape. She looked outside to the alleyway. “I don’t see any zombies out there. If we’re fast enough we might find a mode of transport,” she said as she opened the window. “Alright, come on.”

Adagio nodded and walked up beside Tempest, and the two of them climbed out onto the fire escape, and climbed down to the alleyway. Once they reached the ground, Adagio looked apprehensive at Tempest. “So which way?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Just stay close, and keep quiet,” Tempest said cautiously, and walked towards the exit of the alleyway, with Adagio right behind her every step of the way.

The second they exited the alleyway, the front doors of the apartment building finally busted open and the zombies came flooding out into the streets. “SHIT!” Tempest yelled, and began to shoot her rifle at the zombies, aiming for their heads. As Tempest shoots the zombies, Adagio looks for something to help them escape from the horde. She then saw a police car with the driver and passenger doors open.

“Tempest, look, there's a police car there!” She called and pointed to the vehicle.

Tempest turned and saw the police cruiser. “Run for it, I’ll cover you!” she shouted. Adagio ran towards the police car and dived into the driver’s seat, while Tempest continued to shoot at the zombies, taking down several of them. She emptied her magazine and quickly swapped it for a fresh one. “COME ON!” Adagio called out to her frantically, and after shooting down one last zombie, Tempest ran to the car and sat in the passenger seat. “Start the car!”

Adagio turned the key to start the ignition, the engine revved into life, and slammed her foot down on the accelerator. The car took off as she drove like a mad woman to escape the zombies. Behind the two women, a young man who was laying down in the back seat sat up and saw the two women. “Hey! You're not the cops who arrested me!” He declared in surprise, startling the women.

“Wahhh!” Adagio yelped in shock as she almost crashed the car.

“Whoa!” Tempest called out as she pointed her rifle threateningly at the man in the back seat. “Who the fuck are you!?” She demanded.

“The name’s Mad Page, and who the fuck are you two?!” The man named Mad Page asked in annoyance.

“I’m Lieutenant Tempest Shadow, and this is Adagio Dazzle,” Tempest replied to Mad Page, still holding up her rifle.

“Okay, first, get the rifle out of my face, and second, where do you plan on going?” Mad Page asked Tempest with a glare.

“OK, fine,” Tempest said, and lowered her rifle from Mad Page’s face. She then turned on the radio to find out what was going on in the city.

“All Units return to the RCPD building immediately, I repeat, all Units return to the RCPD building,” The radio repeated the same message over and over until Tempest turned it off.

“Adagio, do you know where the RCPD building is?” she asked.

“I’ve not been in the city that long but I have a rough idea where it is,” Adagio replied.

“Take us there, the quickest route,” Tempest said.

“So you're taking me to the police station?” Mad Page asked suspiciously.

“Yes, it’s the only place that’s safe for the moment, unless you have any ideas?” Tempest asked Mad Page, to which he simply stared at her, but remained silent. “Just as I thought,” Tempest said with a nod and a frown.

As Adagio drove to the RCPD building, the three survivors looked out across the city, seeing more zombies, dead bodies, wrecked vehicles, and burning buildings. They were stunned by how quickly everything had fallen apart.

They finally reached the RCPD building. Adagio stopped the car, and they all saw that the whole street was blocked by civilian cars, Fire Trucks, and other police vehicles. “Oh, great. We’re not driving through this,” she said with a groan.

“Alright, everyone out, we’re gonna have to walk from here on,” Tempest said as she stepped out of the car. Adagio shut off the engine and also got out of the car, but Mad Page refused to leave the vehicle. Noticing this, Tempest opened the back door of the car. “Come on, you too,” She said to Mad Page, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him out.

“Look, lady, I’m not going inside that building with these on,” Mad Page said grumpily, holding up his cuffed hands.

“Listen to me, I’m not leaving you here,” Tempest said, “and I doubt the whole police department will care about you for the moment. They’ve got their hands full right now. Once we’re inside I’ll try to…” Tempest stopped talking when they heard gunshots coming from the RCPD building. “Something’s going inside,” She said, and she turned and jogged towards the police building, with Adagio and Mad Page right behind her.

Once they got through the outer gate, Adagio closed the gate behind them and bolted it shut. “Okay, that should keep them out.” Just after she said that, a zombie slammed itself against the gate, trying to break through. “Huh, nice try you undead asshole,” Adagio said smugly, and headed to the entrance of the RCPD. Inside the building's lobby, survivors from the City had gathered for safety, and police officers were running around everywhere, turning the police station into a fortress.

A cop looked up and saw Tempest with her rifle, and in a misunderstanding, he was about to reach for his gun. Tempest saw the cop about to pull out his firearm, and lowered her own. “US Military, hold your fire!” She ordered the police officer.

“Uh, yes, understood. Apologies Ma’am,” He replied as he re-holstered his own gun and gave her a salute, before gesturing to the other two. “Who are those people with you?”

“A waitress who is under my protection and a man who we saved when we found him in a police car,” Tempest explained, “He was arrested by another officer, we don’t know who. Can you please see about uncuffing him?”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but we've been ordered to move all non-authorised personnel to the underground Jail Cells,” The officer explained grimly to Tempest.

Tempest raised an eyebrow at this information. “Who’s in charge here?” She asked the officer.

“The Superintendent is in the Press Room in the East Wing,” The officer said. “Sorry, Ma’am, I still need to take these civilians to the cells,” he went on, pointing at Adagio and Mad Page.

Tempest gave the officer a stern look. “Before I let you take them anywhere, let me talk to your Supervisor first,” She said in a no-nonsense tone.

“Alright, Ma’am, but only because you served in the Military,” The officer relented, letting Adagio and Mad Page follow Tempest as he led them to see the Supervisor. As the three of them walked through the East Wing, the police were still running around and boarding up the windows in a panic, and trying to organize themselves. They soon entered the press room, where the Supervisor was yelling at his staff.

“What do you mean the cells are full? I’ve ordered you and your men to place all non-authorised Personnel in the underground Cells!” He yelled angrily. He was a man in his late 40’s, and was almost bald with only a combover covering his head.

There was also black Police officer standing there as the Supervisor continued to yell at him. “Sir, we only have 10 Cells, and there’s just too many Civilians to fit in them,” He tried to explain to the irate man.

“Don’t give me excuses! Give me results!” The Supervisor snapped in anger, slamming his hands on his desk. “Officer Branagh, if there’s too many Civilians to fit in the cells, then the solution is simple! Throw them back out onto the streets!”

“Sir, you can’t be serious?!” Officer Branagh said with a look of shock in his eyes.

“Dead serious!” The supervisor shot back, before he looked up and saw Tempest with Adagio and Mad Page. “Oh, so the Army has finally decided to show up, eh?” He said sarcastically, eyeing Tempest with a derisive look. “If you’re here, where’s the rest of your squad?”

“Unfortunately, there’s no squad, just me. I was on leave when this whole situation happened,” Tempest explained as she gave the Supervisor a clearly disgruntled look from the man’s tone.

“Ohh, fantastic,” the Supervisor said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

“Sir, what the hell is going on? How did this happen so fast?” Tempest asked, getting straight to the point.

“Well, as you can see, we’re screwed!” The Supervisor shouted in frustration. “We can’t get a signal out to anyone! Also, we’ve got more bodies than we know what to do with!” He then saw Adagio and Mad Page and glared at them. “Who the hell are they and what are they even doing in here?!” He demanded.

“Just two Civilians I found during this madness,” Tempest explained.

“Can someone take those two to the cells, NOW!” The Supervisor bellowed.

“What!?” Adagio yelled in shock.

“Oh come on!” Mad Page shouted in indignation.

Two other Police officers entered the Press room, dashed up to and grabbed Adagio and Mad Page.

“Hey, let me go!” Adagio protested.

“Try me you donut junkies!” Mad Page threatened.

“But Sir, there’s no more room, the cells are full!” Officer Branagh tried to protest, but the Supervisor just sniffed.

“Then throw them outside!” He yelled once more.

“Alright, look here!” Tempest shouted in annoyance, “I'm the highest ranking officer here, and these two are under my protection, and they are not going anywhere without my say so!”

The Supervisor stood up from his desk with a very angry scowl on his face. “You dare come into this station, and start waving your rank around!” He bellowed at the top of his lungs, as he pulled his handgun out and pointed it at Tempest. “I should blow your head clean off for such disrespect!”

Tempest scowled as she lost patience with the uncooperative man, and quickly pointed her rifle squarely at his head. “Try it, and I’ll put a hot piece of lead right between your eyes!” She yelled furiously, as the other police officers pointed their own guns warningly at her.

They were all now at a standoff, with Mad Page and Adagio caught right in the middle of it. “Alright, everyone calm down!” Officer Branagh called out as he stepped forward, trying to defuse the standoff. “We are all a little scared and we don’t know what’s going to happen next. But shooting each other won’t help anyone right now. We need all the bullets we have to fight the dead, so let’s all just put the guns down.” After hearing his words, everyone calmed down and lowered their guns. “Alright, now how about instead of just throwing people outside to die, we let them help us fortify the station?” Officer Branagh then suggested to the Supervisor.

“Okay, you’ve got a good point, Officer Branagh,” The Supervisor said with a smirk, “We’ll put the Civilians to work.”

“Wait a minute, that's not what I…” Officer Branagh tried to protest.

“Send those two to barricade the windows, and bring up everyone else who wants to continue to stay here. Tell them that everyone pulls their weight or they get thrown out!” The Supervisor declared to his officers the new law of the station. “You go outside and make sure nothing gets through the gate!”

Tempest scowled in disgust at the Supervisor. “Sure, I'll watch the gate,” She said with contempt in her voice, and turned to leave the Press room. “Don’t let your guard down,” She whispered to Adagio as she left, before she and Mad Page were escorted to the cells.


Hours had passed since the new law that the Supervisor invoked was put into effect, and a good number of people were thrown back into the dead-infested streets of the city when seen as ‘not useful’. Throughout all of this, Tempest was forced to watch the gate, and watch the civilians as they dug graves for the dead, and she felt truly sorry for them.

Meanwhile, Mad Page and Adagio were sitting inside a cell and waiting for their next work shift to start.

“How long have we been here?” Adagio asked as she sat on the cell's only bunk bed.

“I don’t know,” Mad Page said, as he knelt down on the floor and looked closely at the cell door lock. “If push comes to shove I’ll pick the lock so we can get out. Do you have a hair pin?” He asked.

“Sorry, I gave all the hair pins I had to a little girl,” Adagio replied with a sheepish smile.

“Aw, that’s nice,” Mad Page said with a smile, before he moved to sit down next to Adagio. “Well, we’ll just have to hope that Tempest gets down here soon and let’s us out.”

“Yeah, let’s hope,” Adagio agreed, wishing that Tempest would come and get them soon.

Outside at the entrance gate, Tempest was pacing up and down, trying to figure out what to do next. “What can I do? That Supervisor has turned this place into his own little kingdom, and we’re outnumbered and outgunned,” She thought to herself in frustration at how powerless she felt.

Just then, Officer Branagh exited the RCPD building and walked up to join Tempest. Outside, the zombies were swarming against the gate, trying to push it down. So far, they'd been unsuccessful, but for how much longer. “Man, they're never going to stop,” He said as he approached Tempest.

“Yeah, it’s bad. That gate’s built to withstand heavy weapon fire, but it can’t hold forever. Can I help you with anything?” Tempest asked him.

“No, just seeing what’s going on out here,” Officer Branagh replied with a friendly tone. “I can’t believe how this isn’t a dream,” He stated in a mix of awe and dread.

“I know, this whole mess feels so surreal, I keep thinking I’m going to wake up at any moment,” Tempest said, agreeing with Officer Branagh.

“Hey, listen, you’ve been out here long enough, you should go get some coffee, I’ll keep watch for you,” Officer Branagh offered.

“Alright, thanks. God knows, I need some coffee,” Tempest said with a weary shake of her head, taking the offer to get some coffee. “Are you sure you're going to be okay taking my watch?”

“Yep, go on. I’ve got this,” Officer Branagh said with a reassuring nod.

Tempest entered the building, the inside of which was more of a bad horror house than a police station. “How did it come to this?” She asked herself with a heavy voice, as she walked through the building to find the break room. “Ahh, my neck feels stiff as hell,” she said with a groan as she rubbed her neck to relieve the stiffness.

After rubbing her neck, she looked up and saw the Supervisor on the third floor acting suspicious. “What is he doing up there?” She asked herself, and walked through the empty station, the halls that were once filled with survivors now only had barricades and boarded up windows, with only some cops patrolling the hallways.

She passes through the armoury, passing two police officers who were wearing riot equipment. She remains cautious and keeps her distance from the two officers.

She made her way to the second floor and navigated her way to find the stairway. When she reached the third floor, she came across a door that read S.T.A.R.S. “Hmm, S.T.A.R.S, I’ve heard of those guys.” Making sure no one was watching, she entered the S.T.A.R.S room, which was clearly an office, and saw a duffel bag sitting on the desk. She stepped closer, opened up the bag, and took a look inside. “Food, guns, and enough ammunition for a whole squad.” Tempest then looked around the room and saw a personal armoury cage. She took the bag and locked it inside the cage, before taking the Card Key for the cage with her. “Whoever filled this was holding out on all of us, and I’ve got a good idea who it was.” She then left the S.T.A.R.S Room and continued to make her way through the third floor. As she made her way down a corridor, she saw two doors. “If I’m remembering this right, the right door leads to the clock tower, so what does the left door lead to? Hmm.” She decided to check the clock tower first, mostly because it was the closest. When Tempest entered the clock tower, which was under repairs, she looked around the tower, and spotted a device on the ground. It’s a tripod with a satellite dish rotating at a full 360 degrees. She recognised what the device was instantly. “A fucking signal jammer!” She whispered to herself in shock, and then kicked over the jammer and crushed it under her heel. “I haven’t seen one of those since I was on my last tour. Who in their right mind...” She was brought out of her musing when her radio crackled into life as it picked up a transmission.

“If anyone can hear this, this is the national guard. We are evacuating everyone at the Racoon City High School. The last chopper leaves at midnight. This message will be repeated.”

Tempest’s eyes widened in shock and surprise. “The National Guard is evacuating people!? The Supervisor said that the last…!” She suddenly turned her head as gunshots were heard outside. She looked outside of the glass face of the clock tower, and saw that the front gate that Adagio had locked when they arrived was now wide open, letting the swarms of the dead inside. “OH SHIT!” She yelled in terror, before turning on her heel and running at a breakneck pace back out of the clock tower.

When she made it back to the third floor, she ran straight towards the S.T.A.R.S room to retrieve the duffle bag. When she got to the door, she slammed into the door, shoving it open with her shoulder. Once inside the room, she stopped in her tracks as she saw The Supervisor, who was trying hard to open the cage to get at the bag.

“WHO THE FUCK PUT MY BAG INSIDE THE FUCKING CAGE!” He screamed in boiling rage, before turning and seeing Tempest, just as she aimed her rifle at him.

“Move away from the cage!” She demanded. The Supervisor merely glared at Tempest in anger and disgust, as he slowly tried to reach for his gun. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” Tempest bellowed at him furiously.

“So, what are you doing here?” The supervisor asked Tempest with contempt in his voice.

“I’m here for that bag, and why are you here?” Tempest shot back.

“What a coincidence, I’m already here for the bag. You know if you help me open this cage, we’ll split it between us,” The Supervisor said with a sly smile, trying to tempt into an offer for a cut of his stash.

“Hmm…, alright, deal,” Tempest said, pretending to take the Supervisor’s offer. She lowered her rifle and walked towards the cage. She then used the Card Key and the lock on the cage opened.

Thinking he had won, the Supervisor then pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tempest. “Thank you for unlocking the cage, now get out of the way before I shoot you!” He shouted.

Calling on all of her army training, Tempest pulled out her knife and threw it at the Supervisor. It landed in his forearm and he shot his gun in reaction to the pain. “AHHHH! YOU FUCKING BITCH!” He screamed at her in anger and pain.

Tempest pointed her rifle at the Supervisor again. “Pathetic,” She spat in disgust, “I’ve dealt with shitheads like you before and you're all the same.”

“Now, hold on, you won’t kill a fellow human? Right?” He pleaded with fear and cowardice in his eyes.

“No, you’re not worth the bullet,” Tempest said grimly, before lowering her voice and narrowing her eyes in a dark look. “Now, leave, and pray to God that you’ll never see me again,” she threatened grimly. Seeing that she was deadly serious, The Supervisor took her threat at her word, and bolted out of the room, running for his worthless life. Nodding in satisfaction, Tempest then grabbed the bag from the cage and ran to the underground Cells to find Adagio and Mad Page.

Down in the cell, Mad Page was pacing up and down the cell to pass the time. “How much longer are you going to do that for?” Adagio asked him as she rested her chin in her hands.

“Until someone comes down here and let’s us out,” Mad Page replied with a shrug. “You know, I have to ask, where’s…” He was suddenly interrupted by the sound of gunshots and screams which could be heard from outside. They both leapt over to the bars to see what was going on.

“Alright, next cell!” A man's voice shouted.

“What’s going on?” Adagio asked Mad Page nervously.

“I think they're killing the survivors,” Mad Page said as he looked back at Adagio with a dark look in his eyes, making her gasp in shock and fright.

More gunshots and screams were heard, as the cops got closer to Mad Page and Adagio cell by cell. Two cops then appeared outside the cell and stared at Adagio and Mad Page with narrowed eyes, before raising their guns, aiming them at the trapped pair. However, just before they could pull the triggers, a gunshot rang out from a rifle, and one of the cops was jolted sideways as hole appeared in his head. The second cop turned, but before he could aim his gun, he also got shot in his head, and both cops collapsed to the ground, both in a pool of blood. Adagio waited with apprehension to see what would happen next, but then breathed a sigh of relief as the unknown shooter ran up to the cell, revealing themself to be Tempest. “Are you two okay?” She asked.

“Yes, we’re fine, but what the hell is going on?” Adagio asked.

“The damn Supervisor opened the front Gate and the dead are now flooding the station,” Tempest replied, opening the cell to let Adagio and Mad Page out. “Hey, Mad Page, what were you arrested for?” She asked Mad Page.

“Nothing major, just GTA,” Mad Page said with a nonchalant shrug.

“Perfect! I’ve got a job for you,” Tempest said, and she led the two survivors out of the underground cells, down a set of corridors, and emerging out into an underground parking area for all the RCPD vehicles. “Can you Hotwire one of those armoured vans?”

“Yeah, I can Hotwire it,” Mad Page said with a grin, and ran over to the nearest armoured van.

Tempest then took off the bag with the supplies and gave it to Adagio. “You get in the back, and I’ll join you soon.” She told the former siren, and ran to the gate. Adagio quickly ran over to the armoured van and hopped inside while Mad Page was hotwiring the engine. Sure enough, he got the vehicle started.

Meanwhile, Tempest was about to open the gate out of the parking lot, when she blanched as a shot sounded, and a bullet grazed the floor mere inches from her feet. She turned to see who had shot at her, and glared with fury at who it was.

There was the Supervisor, who was standing behind a car with his gun pointing at her and matching her angry glare with twisted, malicious glare of his own. “Alright, Miss Military, step away from the gate,” He told Tempest in a demanding tone. “And you, get out of the van,” He ordered Mad Page, who stepped out of the van and raised his hands. “Hold on a minute. Where’s the other one?” He asked after not seeing Adagio.

“She’s dead, not like you care,” Mad Page replied as he stared the older man down.

“Aw, how sad for you two,” The Supervisor said mockingly, before bellowing, “NOW MOVE AWAY FROM MY VAN!” Mad Page merely nodded, looking almost bored, as he moved away from the armoured van.

Inside the van, Adagio was hiding in the back. She opened up the bag and looked for something to help them. Her eyes widened as she found a Glock and some ammo, before quickly loading it. “Alright, all I have to do is shoot that piece of shit, and then we can escape from this god forsaken place.” She said to herself with a smile, and got herself ready to help Mad Page and Tempest. She opened the back door slowly, and was about to take careful aim at the Supervisor, but paused as a strange hissing noise reached her ears. She looked up and saw something crawling on the ceiling of the parking lot. “What the hell?” She whispered to herself.

As Tempest and Mad Page moved away from where they stood, The Supervisor kept his gun trained on the two of them.

Mad Page looked darkly at the cowardly man. “So what-” he tried to say, but stopped as the Supervisor shot his gun at Mad Page.

“Shut up!” He shouted in frustration. “Now, the two of you are going to-” He abruptly stop speaking as a creature jumped out from the shadows and landed on top of the Supervisor, knocking him to the ground. The creature looked like a humanoid monster that had been pulled inside out. With its huge claws, it tore the screaming Supervisor to pieces, and then began to consume him.

After being momentarily stunned at the sudden and horrific occurrence, Tempest looked over at Mad Page. “Get to the van!” she shouted. Mad Page ran back to the van, while Tempest ran to the gate. Tempest opened the gate, which distracted the creature's attention from it’s gruesome feast, towards the opening gate, and also, Tempest. It let out a ferocious hiss and charged towards her. Just before it could reach her, Mad Page restarted the van. At the sound of the vans engine, the creature’s attention was now on the van.

Mad Page, who was now in the driver's seat, sees the creature looking in his direction. “OH SHIT!” He exclaimed as the creature crawled towards the van.

With it’s attention off her, Tempest aimed her rifle and began to shoot wildly at the creature. “FLOOR IT!” She yelled to Mad Page, who did as he was told, slamming his foot down on the accelerator, and the van shot forward, and slammed into the creature, throwing it across the floor. The creature was stunned for a moment, before it got up and shot out its tongue at Tempest, which was extremely long. Tempest jumped out of it’s way just in time, and as it got closer, she jumped and grabbed onto the van, and held on tight while Mad Page drove out of the parking area, onto the road, and sped away from the Police Station. Breathing a sigh of relief, she opened the passenger door and climbed into the van. Once she was safely inside, she looked into the back to check on Adagio. “Are you okay?” She asked.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Adagio said, her hand over heart from the harrowing experience. “What happened back there? What about that...that thing? What the hell even was that?”

“That doesn't matter now,” Tempest said seriously. “All that matters is that we escaped from that god forsaken place, and we’re getting as far away from here as possible.”

“So what now? Where are we going?” Mad Page asked as he drove onwards.

“Do you know where the High School is?” Tempest asked.

“Yeah, I know where that is, why?” Mad Page replied.

“I received a transmission from the National Gourd. They said they were evacuating civilians from the High School with helicopters,” Tempest explained.

“What? Are you sure?” Adagio asked with wide eyes.

“Yes, but the last helicopter leaves at midnight,” Tempest finished explaining.

“How long do we have left?” Mad Page asked.

Tempest checked her watch. “40 minutes,” She replied.

“OK, then no screwing around, let’s do this!” Mad Page shouted, and drove at full speed towards the high school.

After 30 minutes of fast driving, Mad Page, Adagio and Tempest finally made it to the school.

“Alright, people, we’ve got 10 minutes. Let’s move!” Tempest told Adagio and Mad Page, and the three of them jumped out of the van. Adagio grabbed the bag of supplies from the back of the van and followed Tempest and Mad Page towards the school entrance. As they crossed the street to reach the school, they came to a stop as the sound of screeching brakes was heard, and a Cable Tram came to a stop near them. Tempest pointed her rifle at the Tram, and Adagio passed the Glock she found to Mad Page who also pointed it at the Tram. Adagio then searched through the bag and pulled out another gun for herself.

The Tram’s door then opened, and a young woman with red and yellow streaked hair jumped out of the Tram with her hands up in the air. “We’re not looking for a fight, we’re just trying to escape the city!” She called out to them.

Upon hearing the woman's voice, Adagio’s eyes widened in recognition and shock. She knew that voice anywhere, and wouldn’t forget it for as long as she lived. “Sunset Shimmer?! Is that you?!” Adagio called to her.

“Adagio Dazzle?!” Sunset called back, looking just as shocked as she stepped into the light to reveal her face.

“Do you know her?” Tempest asked.

“Yes, I do,” Adagio replied with a scowl, as she stared at the woman she had not seen for years, the same woman who had ruined her life, and now, at the worst possible time, within the city of the dead, and surrounded by all kinds of nightmares, she had been reunited with Sunset Shimmer, the one person she had hoped never to see again.

To Be Continued…

Outbreak: School Evacuation

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Sunset and Adagio both continued to stare at each other, with several thoughts running through each of their minds. They were both about to open their mouths to speak, but were interrupted by Mad Page.

“Hey guys, we're on the clock here, remember?” He announced to the group.

“He's right,” Tempest said, and turned to Sunset. “Listen, I don’t know who you are, and to be honest I don’t care, but the last helicopter will leave soon, and we all have to be on it if we’re going to survive,” Tempest said to Sunset.

“Yeah, I know, that’s why we’re here,” Sunset replied. “Like I said, we’re not looking for a fight. We just want to escape from this city.”

“Alright, then we’re all on the same page. Now, come on, get your people into the school!” Tempest called to Sunset.

Sunset nodded, and climbed back into the Tram to get her group. “Come on guys, lets go!” She shouted. Wallflower, Solar, Angela, and Tyrone quickly jumped out of the Tram, and joined Tempest’s group. Now that the two groups had united, they all headed for the school entrance so they could evacuate.

As they crossed the courtyard, they saw that several military tents had been set up. “Wait!” Tempest called out, stopping the group in their tracks.

“Whoa, lady, what’s wrong?” Tyrone asked.

“Something’s not right,” Tempest stated. “Look around and ask yourselves, where are all the soldiers?” She gestured around the courtyard, which looked abandoned.

“Yeah, she’s right, where is everyone?” Wallflower asked. She then gasped as mere seconds after her question was asked, all too familiar moans and groans could be heard coming from the tents, and moments later a horde of zombies were heading towards the group.

“Oh shit!” Solar Force yelled, staring down the incoming zombies.

“Did we miss the deadline?” Tyrone asked, just as they all looked up as the sound of slapping blades from a helicopter could be heard.

“No, we still have time,” Tempest answered, before turning toward Adagio. “Adagio, give everyone a gun! We’ll have to fight our way through!” Adagio, following Tempest’s orders, quickly opened the bag, and passed the guns to the survivors. Angela took a 1911, Tyrone took a shotgun, and Wallflower took a revolver. Sunset then held out her hand out to receive a gun of her own. Instead of giving her a gun, Adagio just stared at Sunset tensely for a moment, before sighing heavily.

“Here,” she said, giving Sunset an M100P.

“Thanks,” Sunset said simply, taking the gun from Adagio without another word.

“Just remember, this literally changes nothing between us,” Adagio told Sunset firmly, taking the last firearm for herself, which was a Quickdraw Army revolver.

“Yeah, I guessed as much,” Sunset muttered to herself.

“Alright, people, keep moving! Don’t stop until we get to the chopper! Follow me!” Tempest commanded, and led the group towards the school to find the last Helicopter before it left.

The survivors plowed their way through the dead and enter the building. Tyrone and Mad Page then barricade the door. “How long do you think that will hold?” Tyrone asked.

“I’m not staying to find out,” Mad Page replied, before dashing off to catch up with the others, with Tyrone following him.

By now, Tempest had found a makeshift map of the school. “Football field, let’s go!” She instructed the group, and led them onwards through the school. As the group ran through the school, a small number of zombies were still lurking in the corridors and classrooms. They turned a corner, and saw that 4 zombies were in their way. Tempest quickly fired her rifle at the Zombies, bringing them down with ease. “Keep going, shoot any that get in your way, or that get too close!” She told the others, and the group continued to push through the hallways, making their way to the Football Field.

Suddenly, a Zombie stepped out of a classroom, and Adagio shot it down with her revolver. She then saw another zombie, and tried to shoot it as well, but much to her shock, the gun didn't fire. “What?!” She exclaimed in terror. “Why isn’t it firing?!”

Just as the zombie advanced on her, Mad Page ran to her side and shot it, taking it out. “Switch with me,” He told Adagio, taking her gun and swapping it with his own. “It’s a single action, that’s why it wouldn’t work,” He stated, pulling back the hammer on Adagio’s gun, and then the two of them followed the others towards the Football Field.

As they ran on, a zombie jumped out and tried to grab Wallflower, but before it could grab her, Tyrone hit the zombie with the stock of his gun to knock it down. He then aimed his gun and blew its head to pieces. “Thanks,” Wallflower said gratefully, thanking Tyrone for saving her.

“Anytime,” Tyrone said, giving her a thumbs up.

The group continued to push their way through the school, killing every zombie in their way. Sunset shot at a crawling zombie to stop it from biting their legs. However, the crawler got close enough to grab her leg, but before it could bite her, Solar jumped in and shot it, making it let go. “You okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Sunset said, “let’s keep moving.”

“Come on, we're almost there!” Tempest called out to the group. The group finally reached the back entrance of the school, and bolted through it. The Football Field was now in sight and the sound of rotating helicopter blades could now be heard much louder, and there was a wired fence set up around the field to keep the zombies away from the helicopter. They could also see the zombies pushing against the fence, and there were soldiers patrolling the fence and shooting at the Zombies from the other side.

“Oh, shit, that’s a lot of Zombies,” Mad Page said, staring at the large horde of the dead as they pushed and shoved at the high fence.

“Do y’all think we can make it?” Asked Tyrone, keeping his gun at the ready.

“There’s only one thing we can do,” Tempest stated very seriously, before facing the whole group. “Listen up, people! We’ll have to run and gun! It's our only chance! Whatever happens, don’t stop, and don’t get grabbed or bitten!”

“You heard the woman!” Angela agreed, pointing her gun out in front of her. “We’ve got to get to that helicopter!”

Sunset then felt someone grab her hand, and she turned to see Wallflower looking at her with fear in her eyes. Giving her girlfriend a nod, and her hand a reassuring squeeze, she turned back toward the undead horde, and held up her own gun. “Alright! Let’s go!” She yelled, and immediately, the entire group ran towards the Helicopter, firing their guns wildly, and gunning down the dead who stood in their way. With great effort, they push through the horde towards the fence.

Once they reached the fence, Tempest killed the zombies that were pushing on the gate, and wrenched it open to let her group through and onto the Football Field. The moment they were all through, she dashed inside and slammed the gate closed behind her. “HA! YOU BOYS AREN’T EATING TONIGHT!” She yelled mockingly, while flipping off the zombies. She re-joined the group, and they all ran towards the helicopter just as it was about to take off.

This Story has 2 endings. The Good Ending and The Bad Ending. What happens? You decide!

Good Ending

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The group ran across the football field towards the Helicopter. The soldiers saw them coming and pointed their guns at them. “Hold your fire! U.S Army and I have civilians with me!” Tempest ordered the soldiers.

“HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!” One of the soldiers ordered. The group stopped in their tracks. “HAVE ANY OF YOU BEEN BITTEN?!” He asked the group, having to yell over the noise of the helicopter.

“NO! NONE OF US HAVE BEEN BITTEN!” Tempest declared.

The zombies began pushing harder and harder against the fence, making a loud crashing noise as it shook and quaked under the onslaught.

“Come on man! We haven’t got time for this!” Tyrone shouted urgently to the soldiers.

The soldiers just kept their guns pointed at the group. “Look, you military nimrods, we're all fine! None of us are infected!” Angela explained in annoyance to the soldiers.

“She’s right!” Wallflower agreed, as the fence shook, rattled and groaned under the strain from the relentless barrage from the undead horde.

“The longer we stay here the sooner we’ll all get killed!” Sunset said desperately, trying to reason with the soldiers.

“Look, none of us want to die, so please just let us on the Helicopter!” Adagio pleaded with hers held together in front of her.

“What do we do, sir?” One Soldier asked his Commanding Officer.

“I don’t know, we lost contact with Command,” The Commanding Officer replied.

“Hey, come on, why haven’t you flown away yet?” Mad Page asked.

There was silence for a moment. “Can’t you get it started?” Solar asked.

“We’re having trouble getting the engine started,” The CO admitted. “Do any of you know anything about engines?” He then asked.

“Mad Page does,” Adagio stated.

“Is that right?” The soldier asked.

“I was arrested for Grand Theft Auto. So I know a few things about engines,” Mad Page said with a smug smile. At that moment, the fence was suddenly pushed down with a loud crash, and the zombies headed towards the Helicopter.

“Oh shit!” One of the soldiers yelled.

“Alright you!” The CO pointed to Mad Page. “Get the Engine started! Everybody else, cover him!” He ordered, and Mad Page ran to the Helicopter and began to work on the engine.

“Fuck I don’t know where to start,” Mad Page muttered to himself.

The group, along with the soldiers, raised their guns, and kept the Zombies at bay long enough for Mad Page to fix the engine, and soon enough, the engine whirred into life, and the blades began to rotate. “COME ON, GET TO THE CHOPPER, WE’RE OUT OF HERE!” The CO yelled, and the entire group turned to run to the helicopter, and jumped aboard. Once everyone was aboard and all seated, at last, the Helicopter took off, rising high into the air, and flew away from the school.

Everyone on the helicopter slumped in their seats and took a moment to relax and let out sighs of relief from the horrendous ordeal they had survived. As they flew over the city, the Sun began to rise. Wallflower was resting her head on Sunset’s shoulder as they cuddled up with each other. Adagio was sitting next to Tempest. Mad Page stood at the open side door, looking out over the now devastated city. Angela was leaning against Solar Force for comfort, who had now fallen asleep from exhaustion. Tyrone was sitting alone, looking at a picture of his family, as a tear fell from his eye. Everyone remained silent as the helicopter flew further and further away from the dead city.

“Racoon City is now declared a Dead Zone by the US Government. At sunrise tomorrow, a thermonuclear warhead will be launched to destroy the city, and stop the spread of the infected. May God have mercy for the nameless victims of Racoon City.”

The End. Thank you for choosing The Good Ending.

Bad Ending

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Tempest and her group ran towards the Helicopter, but before they could reach it, it took off.

“NO DON’T GO!” Tyrone yelled, but the Helicopter just ascended higher and higher and flew away from the school.

“Oh shit! What now?!” Mad Page asked Tempest in a desperate tone.

“I don’t know!” Tempest said with an angry scowl, as she looked around the field to find something to help them escape. “Quick, everybody, back to the van!” She ordered.

“Wait, what, and go back through the school?!” Adagio shouted confrontationally at Tempest. “Surely that’s suicidal by now.!”

“Well, unless someone else has got any better ideas!” Tempest said, addressing the group.

“Well whatever we do, we need to do it fast! That fence isn’t going to hold much longer!” Wallflower declared..

“She’s right! We need to get out of here!” Solar yelled in a panic.

“Everybody, follow me!” Tempest commanded the group, who followed her back towards the school. As they approached the fence, She, Sunset, and Tyrone shot down the zombies who surrounded the gate. Mad Page then opened the gate and shot down any nearby Zombies.

“Come on!” Sunset yelled, as she ran through the gate and towards the school. Mad Page re-joined the group as they headed back to the school. Just as they reached the back entrance, the doors suddenly opened and more zombies walked out towards the group.

Tempest shot at the zombies, but more and more just kept coming. Everyone else started to help her, shooting down even more zombies, but the more zombies they shot down, the more and more approached from all sides until they were surrounded. “THEY JUST KEEP COMING!” Wallflower yelled in terror, firing off her gun in desperation, until she was pulling the trigger helplessly as she ran out of bullets. “OH NO! I'M OUT!”

“SAME HERE!” Tyrone shouted, as he switched out his guns.

“WE CAN’T STAY HERE ANY LONGER!” Mad Page yelled, as he also ran out of bullets.

“Tempest, what are we going to do?!” Adagio asked their de facto leader.

Tempest then also ran out of ammunition. “I…I don’t know,” She replied in a slightly quivering voice, not knowing what to do now. With all the ammo fast running out, the zombies were getting closer by the second.

“COME ON, THIS WAY!” Tyrone suddenly yelled, and ran towards the side building. Everyone quickly followed him, however, when Tyrone opened the door, and more zombies poured out of the building and grabbed Tyrone.

The group could only watch in horror as the zombies began to devour Tyrone as he screamed in agony as his flesh was ripped from his bones. “OH SHIT!” Mad Page screamed from the sight of Tyrone getting devoured.

Even more zombies came towards the group, and in the next moment, in a blind panic, everyone separated, desperately trying to find somewhere safe from the zombies. Holding each other's hands, Sunset and Wallflower ran towards the parking lot. “What are we going to do now?” Wallflower asked in a panic.

“I don’t know, and now we get separated from the others,” Sunset replied as she caught her breath. “Okay, what we need to do is get back to the Tram and get away from here,” She explained to Wallflower.

“What about the others?” Wallflower asked with worry.

“We can’t go back, we have to leave here as soon as possible,” Sunset said grimly.

“We can’t just leave them here to die!” Wallflower argued in shock at her girlfriend's words.

“If we go back there we’ll get eaten by those things. We can’t go back!” Sunset said, looking deep into Wallflower’s eyes. “Look, I know we can’t just run from them, but I’ve got to think about you and us.” She then takes a deep breath. “Come on, we need to go,” she said, holding out her hand to take Wallflower’s hand.

Wallflower looked at Sunset with reluctance in her eyes, before taking her hand. “Okay,” she said softly.

“Stay close to me, OK,” Sunset said, leading Wallflower towards the Tram. They managed to find their way to the Tram, thankfully without encountering any more zombies. They then boarded the Tram. “Okay, let’s get this thing moving,” Sunset said, and walked over to the control seat, sat down and started the Tram. “Alright, now we can-” She was abruptly cut off as, at that moment, a hand smashed through the glass and grabbed Sunset by her neck.

“SUNSET!” Wallflower screamed as she ran to help her girlfriend. She froze as she saw the tall woman from the Tram Station, who was now holding Sunset in the air by her throat. “LET HER GO!” Wallflower demanded of the tall woman. The woman ignored her demand and continued to choke Sunset. Wallflower then desperately shot her gun at the tall woman. She turned her head and glared at Wallflower. “Let her go!” She demanded again. The woman didn’t listen, and instead tightened her grip, snapping Sunset’s neck, before she dropped her. “NOOOOO!” Wallflower screamed in utter disbelief and horror, as the woman then stepped towards her. Wallflower screamed in a mix of horror, despair and rage, as she unloaded bullet after bullet into the woman, who seemed to just brush it off, and pulled back her clenched hand, and with full force, punched Wallflower in the side of her head. Wallflower collapsed to the floor, bleeding heavily. She was still alive, and she looked over Sunset’s prone body. “Sun...set,” she croaked weakly, as a single tear fell from her eye. Just as she said her last words, the woman raised her foot, before stomping down hard, crushing her head under her boot. Wallflower and Sunset, the two lovers, both met their deaths in Racoon City, but at least they met their ends together.

Solar Force and Angela were now inside the school, shut up inside one of the classrooms. “What are we going to do now?” Angela asked Solar.

“I don’t know, we got separated from the others, and we’re low on ammunition,” Solar said, taking a second to think. “OK, first we need to get out of the school, and then get back to the Tram,” He said, explaining the plan.

“Go back to the Tram?! Are you crazy?!” Angela said, looking at Solar like he was mad.

“Alright, maybe not the Tram, but we could take one of those Jeeps I saw outside,” Solar suggested.

“That’s our only option, isn’t it?” Angela asked, giving a hopeful yet despairing look.

“Sadly, yes it is,” Solar said with a resentful nod.

“OK, I’ll follow your lead,” Angela said, grabbing her stuff.

“Alright,” Solar said as he walked to the door, ready to open it. “No matter what happens, keep moving, don’t stop, and don’t get bitten,” He said to Angela with a very serious look. “Ready?”

“Ready!” Angela announced, pointing her gun out in front of her.

Solar nodded at her, before he pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway, just as a zombie reached for his arm, and he snapped up his and shot it in its head. “OK, let’s move!” Both he and Angela headed through the deserted halls of the school and made their way to the cafeteria. “OK, we can take that fire exit and we’ll be back outside,” Solar said, pointing to the fire exit at the opposite side of the cafeteria.

Angela looked around at the cafeteria, seeing that the whole place was in shambles, and from what she saw, it looked like a huge panic had happened here. “Are you sure we should go through this room?” She asked with uncertainty.

“Yes, we do-” Solar began to answer, but stopped talking when he looked back and saw zombies approaching the Cafeteria. “SHIT!” He and Angela then ran through the doors and he closed them, before he grabbed a table and used it to block the doors. “We’ve got to run, now!” He shouted to Angela, only to see Angela running towards the fire exit, leaving him behind. “AHHH, YOU BITCH!” He shouted angrily, and ran after her, but when he got outside, he heard her scream as he saw her being surrounded and eaten by the dead. “HA! KARMA, BITCH!” Solar yelled with a big satisfied smirk on his face, and then ran towards the nearest Jeep. He wrenched open the door, only for a Zombie to flop out and fall on him. “NOOOO! AHHHH!” He screamed, as the zombie bit deeply into his neck, and began to devour him.

After getting separated from the rest of the group, Tempest and Adagio had locked themselves inside the gymnasium, with the zombies trying to push and shove their way through the locked doors. “We can’t stay here much longer!” Tempest declared.

“But where can we go?!” Adagio asked desperately, “Those things are everywhere!”

“I know that, but if we stay here any longer, those zombies will break through those doors and kill us!” Tempest said darkly.

“What do you think happened to the others?” Adagio asked with deep concern and worry in her voice.

“I don’t know, and I don’t want to think about it,” Tempest said with a grim and regretful tone. She then looked around the room for any means of escape. “I think if we climb to one of those windows we can get back outside, and we’ll make our way towards the Van.”

Adagio looked up at the windows and gulped. “Is that our only option?” She asked.

“I’m afraid so,” Tempest said. She then grabbed some rope and whatever else she could find to make a grappling hook. “Alright, let’s see if this will work.” She then threw the hook up at the windows, and thankfully, it hooked onto the ledge. “And now, here goes nothing.” She grabbed the rope tight and began to climb up towards the windows. She quickly made it to the window ledge. “OK, come on up.” She shouted down to Adagio, calling for her to climb up as well.

Adagio looked up at Tempest as a determined look crossed her face. She was not going to die here like this. She grabbed the rope and began to climb up towards Tempest with all the strength she could muster. She was almost half way up, when the doors of the gymnasium broke down and the zombies flooded inside. “Oh god!” Adagio yelled in fright, climbing the rope even faster. Tempest quickly shot her rifle at the zombies to protect Adagio as she climbed.

“Come on!” Tempest yelled, and Adagio climbed as fast as she could. What they failed to notice was that the makeshift hook was coming apart, and as Adagio reached the window ledge, the hook finally gave way, and Adagio began to fall, and Tempest reached out to grab Adagio’s hand. She held on for dear life, but it was too much, and Adagio’s hand slipped through her figures.

Adagio fell back to the floor and into the crowd of zombies. “AHHHH!” She screamed as the zombies swarmed her, and in moments began to consume her body.

All Tempest could do was watch in horror as Adagio was devoured by the Zombies, and listen to her dying screams. She then carefully aimed her rifle down towards Adagio’s head. “I'm sorry, Adagio,” she whispered sorrowfully, as she shot Adagio threw her head, ensuring there was no way for her to come back as a monster, giving her the only mercy she could. With the deed done, she then crawled out of the window and climbed up onto the roof of the gymnasium. She then looked in all directions for a way to escape from the school. “Fuck…fuck…FUCK!” She exclaimed in panic, as she realized she had no way to escape. She sat down to calm her mind and to think of a solution to escape… but then a long tongue shot out towards her, wrapped around her neck, and pulled her towards one of the skinned creatures that killed the Supervisor from the police station. Tempest desperately aimed her rifle and shot at the creature, trying hard to kill it, but to no avail. The creature seemed unfazed as it pulled her close to its terrifying jaws, and then biting down on her head, spaying blood everywhere, and killing her instantly.

After getting split off from the group, Mad Page had somehow made his way to the rooftop of the school building, and he looked toward the gymnasium just in time to see Tempest’s grizzly death. “Shame, I liked her,” He muttered to himself. He then walked to the edge of the roof. “Now I just need to…” he stopped as he saw a red dot of light moving up his body. “Oh you gotta be sh-” he was abruptly cut off as a machine gun tore him apart, before he tumbled and fell from the roof towards the ground.

Not far off, a man saw him fall. He was wearing a combat uniform with a hard helmet, his face was hidden by a gas mask, and he was carrying enough equipment to supply a small squad. He lowered his rifle and pulled out a walkie talkie. “Confirmed, the school belongs to the dead. I’m moving to the next location now,” He said, moving on to his next mission.

“Racoon City is now declared a dead zone by the US government. At sunrise tomorrow, a thermonuclear warhead will be launched to destroy the city, and stop the spread of the infected. May God have mercy for the nameless victims of Racoon City.”

The End. Thank you for choosing the Bad Ending.