> Sofia the First: Hooves and Hearts > by Fluffy Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just a little Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three young fillies played ball in the dusty streets of their village, Sofia Charm caught the ball on her head and giggled, her friends clapped their hooves. “You have those skills Sofia!” Jade Dawn grinned. “Yeah! The next Dunwiddie games we’ll win for sure.” Ruby Wheel added, raising her wings happily. “No pony will be able to beat us!” “You guys are great too.” Sofia giggled. “We are the best of best friends after all.” The fillies laughed and hugged, the ball rolling across the ground before it was stopped. “Okay fillies, time to head home.” Miranda smiled softly. Sofia turned to her mother sadly. “Just a little longer, please?” She begged; Miranda chuckled. “Sorry, remember we need to be up early tomorrow.” Miranda nuzzled her daughter lightly. “Oh right! You get to go to the Palace! That’s really exciting!” Jade said. “I guess, I’ll play with you when we get back though, right?” Sofia turned to her friends. They both nodded, the fillies bade each other night as they all headed home. Miranda tucked Sofia up into bed and kissed her forehead. “Good night sweetie.” “Night Mom.” Sofia smiled, cuddling up under the blankets. Miranda closed the door lightly behind her ~*~*~*~ Mother and Filly looked up at the palace as they trotted in, Sofia kept close to her mother as they walked through the doors. “You okay sweetie?” Miranda asked. “Just, this place is huge,” Sofia mumbled. “It’s –” “Intimidating? I know, but it’s okay. I’m here.” Miranda smiled. Sofia nodded and stuck close to her mother’s side. Sofia stood back as her mother fitted the king with new shoes, watching carefully, after all, one day it would be her job. But she noticed how the King and her mother kept glancing at each other, both blushing. Sofia kept quiet after all, that was none of her business. “The King seemed nice, didn’t he dear?” Miranda asked as they walked away from the castle. Sofia nodded. “He didn’t seem to mind I was staring at everything-” Sofia blushed a little, Miranda laughed. “My curious Little Pony. Come on, let’s get home and you can spend the rest of the day with your friends.” Miranda smiled; Sofia beamed bouncing around her mom. “Yay!” She laughed, neither one of them noticed the King watching them leave with a small smile on his face. ~*~*~*~ “Hey Sofia, your mom’s been heading to the castle a lot recently, has something happened?” Jade asked, it had been a few weeks since they had gone to fit the King for the first time since her mother had been called there a lot, Sofia wasn’t sure why, and it wasn’t about shoes – that she did know. She looked at her two friends and sighed. “I think they like each other, when we went to fit the king’s new slippers they kept looking at each other and going red,” Sofia explained. “Reminds me how Mom and Dad looked at each other sometimes.” “How romantic, but how do you feel if that is why?” Ruby asked. “Sad, and scared. It’s been Mom and I forever. And well, some royals don’t look at us village folk too well.” Sofia huffed; Ruby covered Sofia with one of her wings. “It’s okay Sofia, I bet the king is really nice.” She said. “I know, but – it’s not the king I’m worried about.” Sofia frowned; her friends shared a concerned look. “Right-” Jade mumbled. “The twins.” The friends said together. Amber Comet and James Shield were King Roland’s children, their mother had died not long after they had been born, and they knew enough that the twins weren’t exactly friendly with ponies of a lower class. ~*~*~*~ “Here are your new shoes Mrs Clover.” Sofia deliver a pair of new shoes off at the baker’s door, Mrs. Clover smiled. “Thank you so much, Sofia, just like your mother.” She ruffled the filly’s mane with a wing. “Do say hello to your mother for me.” “Will do, have a lovely day!” Sofia nodded and trotted down the road, greeting several other older ponies. Her mother had once again been called to the castle, but with shoes needing to be delivered, Sofia jumped at the chance to show her mother how much she had grown. This task was easy as pie for her, and it gave her a chance to greet everypony. She stopped by the tailors and knocked on the door. A grumpy looking unicorn stallion looked out; Sofia beamed up at him. His expression softened at the sight. “Good Afternoon Sofia Charm, to what do I owe this pleasure?” He smiled. “Mom finished your slippers, your wife’s, and those new galloping shoes you ordered last night!” Sofia unhitched her cart and went round to look at the deliveries, and picked up the boxes easily, balancing them on her head like it was nothing. He laughed heartily. “You have your mother’s talents in ya, no pony could balance shoes in boxes like that.” He grinned and took the boxes from her. “Lily will be thrilled to get her new slippers.” “I’m glad, remember – any problems and just drop by whenever.” Sofia smiled. “Will do, have a good day now.” He nodded. “I will, Bye!” She hitched up to her cart again and continued her task, smiling the whole way – wait until her mom saw all the deliveries she had made. “Mom! You’re home!” Sofia gasped happily, noticing her mother from the back door, Miranda turned and smiled. “Yep, not too long ago. How did those deliveries go?” Miranda embraced her daughter. “They went great, I delivered them all!” Sofia stood proudly. “Oh, Mrs Clover says hi, and Miss. Swirl says you should drop by the store soon.” “I’ll keep those in mind, thank you, sweetheart. You’ve grown up so much.” Miranda told her; Sofia beamed happily. “Does this mean I can help out with the store more?” Sofia asked. “Well, we’ll see. I have some big news of my own.” Miranda said. “You do, what is it?” Sofia asked. “I’ll tell you over dinner. Want to help me make it?” Miranda offered; Sofia nodded eagerly. “You said you had big news mom! What is it?” Sofia asked as they settled at the table, Miranda chuckled. “You have to promise to be calm though, okay?” She said. “Promise.” Sofia nodded. “Well, The King asked me to marry him,” Miranda told her daughter, Sofia stared at her mother in shock. “Okay – um, so what did you say?” Sofia asked nervously. “I – I said yes. He wants to be able to meet you again before the wedding.” Miranda told her. “Why?” Sofia frowned lightly. “Because we’ll become one family, he wants to know how you feel about all this too.” Miranda smiled. “Really?” Sofia was surprised at that. “But it’s between you two.” “He understands that we come as a package deal.” Miranda smiled. “If he didn’t accept you, I would have said no in a heartbeat.” “Wait, would this – this make me a Princess?” Sofia’s ears fell back at the realisation. “I guess it will.” Miranda nodded. “But-but mom! I don’t know anything about being a princess, and I’m an Earth pony, every other royal is a unicorn, how am I meant to fit in if I can’t do magic like them. How are lessons going to work?” Sofia panicked and began pacing, Miranda sighed softly. “No pony is going to like me!” “You’re worrying too much Sofia. Besides if they don’t it’s their loss, you are amazing my little pony. If others can’t see that, that’s their problem.” Miranda stopped her daughter and held her close. “I’m scared mom.” Sofia frowned. “I know, this is a very big change, for the both of us. And no matter what our lives will be like after, I will always be here to listen to you and help you, my dear.” Miranda promised. Sofia cuddled close to her mother, closing her eyes. ~*~*~*~ Designs ~*~*~*~ > Meeting with the King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sofia was nervous when the day came for the meeting with King Roland. Despite all the reassurances her mother gave her, the bubbling worry didn’t stop. A carriage came to pick her and her mother up, Sofia found herself watching out the window as the castle got closer. She frowned nervously; she was hoping she didn’t bump into the twins. Sofia stepped into the castle, her mother following behind her, letting her lead at her own pace. Sofia stopped to look around. But the awe from her first visit was already gone and was replaced with her worry. “You made it.” She jumped a little as the King walked their way, Miranda smiled softly as he greeted her kindly, before turning to Sofia with a soft smile. “Good to see you again, Sofia.” “Likewise, your majesty.” Sofia bowed her head a little. “There’s no need for that. Would you like to join me on a walk around the gardens?” He offered; Sofia glanced to her mother who nodded softly. “I would love to.” She agreed, trotting after him, only looking back to check on her mother, who was speaking some well-dressed stallion. She turned back to the king and hurried to catch up. ~*~*~*~ “Whoa.” Sofia gasped as they stepped out into the gardens, she trotted forward and looked over the walkway wall so she could see more of the garden. Butterflies danced around lightly, Sofia smiled, it looked so magical. The King stood back, watching her softly as she surveyed the gardens with a look of pure joy he had never seen on his own daughter. “Would you care for a walk around the gardens?” The King offered, Sofia nodded and followed after him. Roland kept an eye on Sofia as she wanted to explore every new little path they stumbled across. It was less a walk then an adventure for the young filly. They came across a gap in the hedge and before the King could as anything, Sofia trotted through. He chuckled and followed after her. “You have no fear, do you?” He asked. “I have fears, a lot. But my friends say that too, a lot of ponies in the village do. I’m scared of a lot of things, but I like to think of happy things, they stop me from getting angry and scared.” Sofia explained as she followed a butterfly. “But I don’t think a king would have something dangerous in the gardens.” She looked up at him, he laughed, the corners of his eyes wrinkled as he did. “That is true.” He nodded. “However, I don’t believe I have ever been to this part of the gardens before.” He admitted looking around. “Oho, unexplored area! Let’s explore more!” Sofia beamed, happily trotting off, Roland followed after her without complaint, she was reminding him of himself, and of James when he was a little younger. “I haven’t explored for a long time.” He admitted. “Not since I was a young colt myself. I believe my last big one was looking for Sea-ponies.” “Sea-ponies, do Sea-ponies actually exist? Did you find any?” Sofia stopped to look at him. Her eyes wide with awe, Roland smiled and shook his head. “I couldn’t find them sadly,” Roland told her. “But I like to think they’re out there somewhere, this is a very big world after all.” “True.” Sofia nodded, they stopped upon finding a wood door, Sofia frowned at it confused. “What’s this place?” “I have no idea.” The King frowned. “I’ll go first, just in case.” Sofia nodded, the King pushed open the door and peeked into the new area, his eyes widened. “Wow-” He stepped in, letting Sofia follow him in. “Oh whoa!” Sofia beamed. “A secret garden!” She rushed in, the butterflies danced around her, not seeming to mind the excited filly. Roland smiled and looked around; this place looked a little run down, truly a secret garden that no one had even noticed it. “I should have someone come in to maintain this garden.” Roland decided, Sofia looked up at him. “Don’t worry, just one gardener, and we can keep this garden secret, between you and me.” “Really?” Sofia asked, he nodded. She smiled happily. She looked around, a secret garden – and only she and the King would know about it – how exciting! They settled in the garden, Roland asking Sofia questions, getting to know her, her likes – dislikes. Sofia was happy to talk about her best friends too, and all the games they would play. “Um, can I ask something now?” Sofia asked, Roland, chuckled. “Of course, what would you like to ask?” He smiled. “Well, why Mom, I guess – other ponies have visited before, but no pony liked the idea of mom because of me.” Sofia frowned stopping. “I heard them whispering once, that no stallion likes a single mother and child, no matter how perfect mother is. I’m just – I’m confused.” Roland frowned. “Well, maybe because your mother and I understood each other, both being single parents. But for me, I have had other princesses and nobles trying to woo me, they were just so pushy. Your mother is a wonderful pony, and you, Sofia are a very kind-hearted filly.” Sofia looked up at him, Roland smiled. “You just don’t want me to hurt your mother, do you?” “Mom is all I have left, If I lost her-” Sofia stopped. Roland lifted her chin with his hoof. “I understand.” He told her, and Sofia could see in his eyes he was telling the truth. “in all honesty, Sofia, I can’t wait for you to join our family either.” Sofia smiled softly. “I’m still scared at the idea.” She admitted. “Well, there are a lot of ponies who will be happy to help you if you need it. And I’ll be here to listen to all of your fears.” Sofia smiled a little, Roland chuckled. “Now, are there any other areas of the gardens you’d like to see?” Roland asked, Sofia squeaked as he lifted her with magic and put her on his back, Sofia giggled. “Are there more butterflies?” She asked. “To the butterfly gardens we go!” Roland grinned and went off at a gallop, Sofia held on and laughed happily. She enjoyed the rest of the day with the King, her future step-dad. ~*~*~*~ Some more designs~*~*~*~ > Princess Sofia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miranda and Roland were married not long later, Sofia loved the ceremony, even though Amber and James ignored her presence completely, she didn’t mind though, seeing her mother smiling so happily brought her a lot of joy. She even got to dance with her new Dad, which was a lot of fun! A few days after, Sofia had just finished packing the last of her things as she and her mother were now moving to the castle. She carefully moved the last of her bags into her case and closed it. She sighed and looked around the room, it was going to be so weird having a room to herself at the castle, but it was exciting. Her eyes stopped in front of a painting of her father and smiled softly. Sofia was glad she looked a lot like him, he had patches of a lighter colour of his coat, she had similar patches but were a slightly darker purple than the rest of her coat. She was proud of them, they connected her to her father. She placed a hoof on her heart. “You should have seen them, Papa, you would agree he would be good for mom,” Sofia whispered softly and moved the painting. She packed it carefully into her saddlebag, there was no way she was leaving him behind. “Sofia, the coach is here!” Miranda called from downstairs. “Coming,” Sofia replied, putting on her saddlebags and began to pull the case downstairs. On the ground floor, a guard picked it up for her and put it in the back. Miranda smiled and kissed her forehead. “You ready to go sweetheart?” She asked, Sofia went to reply but saw Ruby and Jade. “Just need to say bye to Ruby and Jade one last time.” She said, Miranda, nodded as her daughter galloped over to her best friends. Sofia hugged her friends tightly. Jade and Ruby sniffled lightly as they held her close. “You’ll come to visit right?” Jade asked. “Of course, and you guys can come and visit at the castle. Besides, we’re still Buttercups! We have so many meetings to go through and all the badges to collect.” Sofia smiled. “There’s no way I’m stopping that adventure.” Her friends laughed. “Okay Sofia, it’s time to go.” Miranda smiled, Sofia looked up at her mother, she was wearing a lovely gown and her new crown on her head. Sofia nodded, soon she would have to dress that fancy. “I’ll see you soon girls,” Sofia promised and got into the carriage. “Bye Sofia!” They waved as the carriage began to move, Sofia looked over the side and waved until they were out of sight, before taking her seat between two guards. “You excited?” Miranda asked. “Yep, a little scared. But yep.” Sofia nodded. “You are so brave, my little pony.” Miranda kissed her forehead, Sofia smiled happily. ~*~*~*~ Upon her arrival at the castle, she was ushered off to change into a gown before being led back outside to be introduced to everypony. She stood before a large crowd of ponies nervously, her ears twitched as two doves placed a tiara on her head, she smiled weakly as she stood proudly. Everypony cheered and clapped, Miranda went to her daughter's side with a smile before they walked up to the King and the royal twins. “King Roland.” Miranda bowed lightly, he chuckled. “Queen Miranda.” He took her hoof with a soft smile, he looked down at Sofia. “And Princess Sofia.” “That is going to take some getting used to,” Sofia muttered, he smiled. “You're doing fantastic.” He told her, Sofia flushed happily. He walked up to address some ponies with her mother. Leaving Sofia and the twins, they were looking at Sofia clearly unimpressed. Amber Comet hid her face behind a fan whilst James didn’t care he was looking at her in such a manner. “Um, hi.” She said. “Some advice, Sofia.” Amber spoke, eyes narrowing “If you want to live peacefully here, do not, and I repeat – do not speak to either of us. Understood?” Sofia stepped back with a frown. “Crystal.” She nodded and turned away from them, in time to catch a spell being cast and flowers falling from the sky. She cheered up a little as she watched the petals flutter down. ~*~*~*~ The family soon headed inside, Sofia froze as Amber pushed past her with a small glare, she stopped and sighed, she already didn’t like Amber and James’ attitude towards her. Sure, she was disappointed that they wouldn’t get along – but if they were going to act like sour apples – maybe that was a good thing. She stopped in the throne room where they were setting up two new thrones. Sofia watched sadly, unable to voice the odd feeling she felt. All she knew was that she felt very out of place, did she really belong here? “Princess Sofia, you – are you okay?” She looked up to see a nicely dressed unicorn stallion. “You’re looking a little pale.” “I’m-” she stopped, looking back to the thrones. “I feel very out of place.” She admitted, she looked back at him. “Um, who are you again?” He smiled softly. “I’m Baileywick, the castle steward, I came to find you as you’re running a little late to dinner.” “Oh, sorry-” She apologised, glancing to her hooves nervously. “It’s okay my dear, if you follow me, we can get you there in no time.” Baileywick smiled. Sofia smiled back lightly and followed him. Sofia ignored the looks from her step-siblings as she sat next to her mother, who smiled at her softly. “Now Sofia-” Roland began as everypony began to eat, she looked up at him nervously, but relaxed when she noticed the kind look in his eyes. “It’s tradition to have a welcome for every new member of the royal family. For your Mother, it was the wedding. And for you, we’ll be having a grand ball at the end of the week.” “A grand ball, to welcome me?” Sofia repeated. “Daddy, why didn’t I get a ball?” Amber pouted. “You did, when you and your brother were born,” Roland told her. “During that Ball Sofia, you and I will dance the first waltz.” “But I don’t know how to waltz.” Sofia frowned. “You will be attending Royal Prep from tomorrow.” The King told her. “They will teach you everything you need to know for the Ball.” Sofia nodded, but she was still very worried, and the glares from Amber weren’t helping her mood. > The Princess and the Amulet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baileywick was the pony who showed her to her room, Sofia stepped into the huge room looking around in awe. It was huge – much bigger than she imagined, Baileywick was standing at the door, waiting for her reaction. She turned to him; her ears pointed back as she frowned. “Are all rooms this big?” She asked. “It’s there a room that’s a little smaller than I could have?” “Well, it would depend on the room, I do believe this is the average size for a Princess suite.” He explained. “Okay – this seems too much for me. I’m only small, do I really need a room this big?” She frowned, Baileywick smiled softly. “I know this is going to getting used to Princess, but you should also be told you can rearrange and decorate this room however you like,” Baileywick explained, Sofia still felt unsure about it all. “Would you like an explanation of what each area is?” “Yes please.” She nodded, Baileywick cleared his throat and began to point out each section of the room. “So, you have your canopy bed, window seat, reading nook, and your closet is here.” Baileywick approached another pair of large double doors and opened them. Sofia followed and stared into the forest of outfits that lay within. “That is a lot of gowns.” She commented. “And shoes-” “Well, you will have a lot of choices.” Baileywick smiled, Sofia didn’t voice the fact she would rather prefer less choice “And finally, this bell if you need anything just pull this rope, and Somepony will come and help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for anything, we are here to serve you after all.” “Okay, thank you Baileywick.” Sofia smiled. “Anytime Princess, I will leave you to settle in.” Baileywick headed to the doors. “Good evening Princess Sofia.” “Night,” Sofia said as he closed the door. Sofia frowned and turned to look at the room again. She approached her case and saddlebag that had been neatly placed on the floor at the end of her bed. She opened up her saddlebag and pulled out the painting of her father and carefully put him on her bedside table. “This is pretty scary Papa, I’m not sure I can do this.” Sofia looked around her room again and sighed. She pushed open her doors again and trotted into the hall, it was empty and silent. Her ears fell back, and she began to search for her mother. “Sofia?” She froze in the hall, turning to find King Roland looking down at her in surprise. He was even more confused when she began to cry. “Oh Sofia, come on, let's go to your mother.” He lifted her up and put her on his back and he hurried to the drawing-room where he and Miranda had been relaxing. His new wife stood quickly when she noticed the crying Sofia on his back. “Oh, my darling.” Miranda held her daughter close, as Roland got a tissue to wipe away her tears. Sofia sniffed sadly. “Do you want to talk about it?” Miranda asked, Sofia shook her head. “Was it just a bit too much all at once?” Sofia nodded; Miranda nuzzled her lightly. Sofia glanced up to see Roland rubbing her back with a sad smile. “How are you feeling right now?” He asked, Sofia sniffed. “Better.” She replied. “I’m glad.” He smiled. “You’re not in this alone.” Sofia nodded and relaxed into her mother, Miranda smiled lightly, kissing her forehead. “And, well this is actually the perfect time to give you what I found for you.” Sofia looked at him confused. Sofia looked at the Amulet the king held up, it was a rich purple and seemed to shimmer with some internal magic. “It’s beautiful,” Sofia whispered. “I’m glad. This is a very special amulet, so I need you to promise never to take it off.” Roland said, putting it around her neck. Sofia smiled and looked up at him. “Thank you.” She said. “Your very welcome.” Roland smiled; Miranda kissed her daughters head. “How about we head back to your room sweetie?” Miranda offered; Sofia nodded. Miranda walked her back to her room. Sofia felt a little better the second time she entered her room, calling back night to her mother. Sofia sighed and looked down at the amulet with a smile. “Maybe being a princess won’t be that bad.” She decided softly, before looking at her large bed, with a small frown. She grabbed a blanket and a pillow, carrying them over to the window seat. It wouldn’t hurt to sleep there for tonight. ~*~*~*~ Amber sat at her vanity, brushing her mane with a frown, spotting her brother enter from her mirror. “So, what did you think of her?” She asked. “Nothing much – I am still confused in what father sees in our stepmother.” James shook his head. “And you?” “I think my thoughts on her are clear. Did you see her coat? And not to mention she just looks big – I know Headmistress Flora is always on about how each race is built differently, but she will just ruin the image.” Amber huffed and put her brush down. “Goodness knows what school will be like tomorrow! I am dreading it already.” “I don’t think we have to worry about school,” James told her. “She seems shy, so I think we can count on her not speaking too much. Maybe stick to the back of the class.” “That is true,” Amber agreed. “But maybe we could play a few harmless pranks on her on the first day, just to let it sink in she will never be one of us.” “There’s the enchanted swing – I have a reputation of getting new students to give it a try,” James told her. “It wouldn’t be to left field for me to persuade her to try it either.” Amber smiled. “Genius, tomorrow should be a lot of fun!” Amber chuckled. “Good night James.” “Night, Amber.” James left, closing his twin's bedroom doors behind him. > Royal Prep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sofia was up early the next morning, she pushed open the windows and took a deep breath. She looked over the gardens – today was her first day at Royal Prep. She hopped off the window seat, throwing the pillow and blanket onto her bed and trotted over to the closet. Pushing it open and sighed, “Okay, let’s see – Maybe something – Blue.” Sofia decided and began to look through her gowns. She found on gown and changed into it, looking at her reflection in the floor length mirror. She smiled and sighed. “Looking good Sofia.” She trotted to the shoes and picked a pair matching her gown before putting her tiara on. With one last check in the Mirror, she deemed herself ready. Sofia picked up her next saddle bag, it has a custom under the strap, so it was a lot more comfortable then her last one. “Princ- Oh I see you’re up and ready.” Baileywick chuckled opening the doors. Sofia smiled. “Good morning Baileywick, yep. I have school today; I have to be ready! Oh, did you see the amulet the king gave me?” She held up the tear shaped jewel. “It is lovely.” He agreed. “Well, your parents are settled for breakfast now, if you wish to go and join them.” “Okay, thanks Baileywick!” Sofia galloped off, leaving the castle steward to smile softly after her. ~*~*~*~ After breakfast, Sofia joined Amber and James in the carriage to school. The guard’s pulling the carriage took off, Sofia looked over the edge of the carriage to get a look at their castle from the sky. But they soon landed, Amber and James got out first. Sofia slowly stepped out after them, watching the twins vanish inside before she could ask where their class was. Sofia looked up at the school, watching all the other royals walking up, she just frowned lightly feeling out of place. “Ah, Princess Sofia!” Sofia jumped, but sighed when the three headmistresses fluttered above her. “G-good morning!” She greeted, as they all grew in size and landed by her. “We’re glad to have you here, we’re always looking for a few good princesses.” Fauna smiled softly. “Oh, that’s good, cause I need to learn how to be a Princess before Friday.” Sofia told them, the three Breezies chuckled softly. “Oh my dear it takes much longer to learn how to be a princess.” Flora replied, Sofia frowned. “But we can teach you what you need for the ball, don’t you worry my dear.” Fauna added. “But first things first, the royal tour of the Royal Preparatory Academy!” Merriweather beamed. Sofia giggled lightly as she followed the Breezies into the school building. After a quick tour, the Breezies gave Sofia her school books that she carried the short distance to her classroom in one hoof. The other royals stood when she entered and greeted her. Sofia bowed back but almost dropped her books. “How are you going to carry all your books?” Amber asked snidely. Sofia just raised a brow and easily manoeuvred to put the books on her flank and just walked normally, passing her step siblings and other royals. “You know, I was born without Unicorn magic, never needed it – never will.” Sofia said, finding her seat and easily putting her books on the desk by lightly bumping her flank to the side of the desk and the books slid on to her desk neatly, not one paper out of shape. She smiled at the impressed looks of many royals. “I have my own way of doing things. Comes with the aid of being the daughter of an old shoe maker. Books, boxes, and anything like that is easy to carry and put neatly down. Comes with a lot of practice.” “Impressive!” Other royals trotted over to talk to Sofia. She was a little surprised at them all wanting to speak to her, but she didn’t fail to notice the looks from her step siblings. “Princess Sofia!” Sofia turned as a Princess from class galloped over. “Thank you for stopping. I never introduced myself this morning, it was all a bit busy. I’m Princess Jun, from Wei-ling.” “Oh, nice to meet you, honestly just call me Sofia.” Sofia smiled; Jun beamed. “How are you finding everything so far?” Jun asked. “Ah, it’s okay. Some getting used too, still wondering how a tiara is needed to worn at literally everywhere outside my room.” Sofia huffed; Jun laughed. “I know, once I get to my room I take it off. Sometimes its just too much.” Jun agreed. “Anyway, have you been shown around the gardens yet?” “Not yet.” Sofia shook her head, Jun beamed happily. “Yōuxiù – it means I can show you around.” Jun smiled. “I really hope we can become friends Sofia.” “Friends are always good to have.” Sofia giggled happily, but the princesses stopped as James approached them. “Hey Sofia, I have something cool to show you!” He grinned, Sofia glanced to Jun but followed him. Jun followed quietly behind concerned. James stopped before a beautiful swing. Sofia smiled – it was lovely, but she frowned from James to the Swing, already feeling cautious about it, he hadn’t been kind just yet, so she wasn’t about to bet on it. She faced him directly. “Okay, what’s the catch?” She asked, surprising everyone. “What are you talking about?” James acted confused. “Other than the fact you clearly don’t like me, you always scowl at me, don’t talk to me. You don’t want me to be in your family, that’s clear. And don’t think I haven’t heard you and Amber talking about my patches, which I am very proud of by the way.” Sofia told him. “So, what’s the catch with the Swing, Prince James?” She asked. Everypony watched in shock and awe. James growled a little and opened his mouth to reply. “It’s enchanted.” A colt stepped forward, causing James to turn, Sofia frowned, recalling the Jun calling the Prince Zandar Sands. “And what can this enchanted swing do?” Sofia turned to him, stopped and gave her a small smile. “It just swings you higher and higher – not sure how to stop it, so we all get flung off it.” Zandar explained. “He pulls this prank on everypony whose new, happened on my first day.” “Right, well, Thank you Prince Zandar.” Sofia smiled. “Hey Jun, I think I’ll take you up on that walk around the gardens.” She trotted over to her friend. Jun beamed. “Good, we can stay away from Prince James and the swing.” Jun and Sofia trotted away. “I thought she was your sister James?” Zandar frowned at his friend. “You know, in the story of Cinderella there are two nasty step sisters? Why does it feel like Sofia has two horrible stepsiblings?” Without waiting for a reply Zandar trotted off, leaving James standing there, not sure what to say. ~*~*~*~ Character Designs ~*~*~*~ > Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I honestly cannot believe he was going to pull that prank on his own sister.” Jun shook her head lightly; Sofia gave her a sad smile. “Step-sister. Amber and James have made it clear I’m not welcome in their family, I’m just Somepony who lives with them now.” Sofia stopped and sighed. “They likely wanted to try and humiliate me on my first day – not expecting me to catch on so quickly.” Jun frowned softly and placed a hoof on Sofia’s back. “Well, you have me now. And we are going to be best friends, I’ll help you learn all the prank items in school so you can’t fall victim to any of them.” Jun said. “Oh-” The sound of a branch breaking caused the new friends to turn, Sofia sighed when she noticed it was just Prince Zandar. “Prince Zandar.” The Princesses curtsied. “Princess Jun, Princess Sofia, may I join you on your walk?” He asked, “I’d rather hang out with you than James right now. “Sure the more the merrier, and just call me Sofia.” Sofia smiled; the trio began to walk the path. “So, I’m actually curious, what did you do in the village Sofia?” Zandar asked. “Living as a royal we don’t get to see the other villages of other kingdoms. I’m curious if Enchancia is any different from Tengu.” “Well, Mom and I owned the shoe shop in the village, everypony got shoes from us, from galloping shoes to slippers. Mom made the shoes of course, though I know exactly how to make them – she always said I was too young, but she would let me make deliveries around the village alone. It was great! I got to see everypony and talk to them. That’s when I didn’t have school though. But school was fun too, I was – hopefully I’m still on the dazzle ball team – and I am a member of the Buttercup troupe!” “The Buttercup troupe?” Jun asked, Sofia brightened up happily. “Oh yeah, it’s this group run by my friends' mom, we basically go out and do things, learn things and earn patches! It’s so much fun! Last time I earnt my being prepared badge and tent setting up badge!” Sofia told them. “Oho, that actually sounds a lot of fun, a big adventure.” Zandar grinned. “I would love to do something like that. It would get me out of the palace a lot. I love my family, but sometimes they don’t seem to understand I would love an adventure.” Jun sighed happily. “Sometimes it is, I could ask -” Sofia stopped, her ears twitching, the other royals looked around, listening but confused, Sofia trotted forward softly, her new friends following, they soon found a baby bird who had fallen from their nest. “Poor little guy.” Jun gasped, Sofia careful lifted the baby bird up and let them hop onto her nose. She then reared up, resting her forehooves on the tree giving the baby a chance to get back into the nest. The mother bird snuggled her baby as Sofia backed off with a smile. “There, safe and sound.” Sofia smiled. “You have to be careful little guy,” Jun added. A bell rang causing the ponies to join. “Oh, we have to get back. Come on Sofia!” Zandar said, Sofia grinned. “Coming!” The three of them galloped back towards the school building, missing the soft glow of Sofia’s amulet and the glow from under her gown. ~*~*~*~ “You should come and visit Wei-ling sometime Sofia!” Jun told her as the ponies came out of the academy at the end of the day. Jun and Zandar were still with Sofia, she loved that she had new friends in her new school. “I would love to, I’m sure I can ask Dad.” Sofia smiled. “It would be great for me to learn about the other Kingdoms too.” “And don’t forget Tengu! I have to show you how to fly a riding carpet!” Zandar grinned. “That sounds so fun!” Sofia beamed happily but sighed as she looked at the carriage where Amber and James were already sat. “Well, time to head home.” “Don’t let them get you down Sofia. You’re a pretty cool Princess.” Zandar told her, Sofia smiled lightly. “Thanks, see you, tomorrow guys.” Sofia galloped over to the carriage and jumped in. She waved to her friends as they set off home. Sofia jumped out of the carriage the moment it landed back at the castle, rushing inside to avoid James and Amber. She stopped when she got into the main hall, where she greeted some of the maids happily. They seemed surprised but happily greeted her back. “Mom!” Sofia beamed, seeing her mother. “Sofia, how was your first day?” Miranda trotted over to her daughter. “Ah, actually it was tons of fun. I made a new friend, Princess Jun of Wei-ling and Prince Zandar of Tengu. We took a walk around the gardens and helped a baby bird. It was great, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. I don’t feel so alone there.” “I’m glad. Didn’t you spend time with Amber and James?” Miranda asked. “Honestly Mom, they made it clear they don’t like me, and James almost humiliated me at school today – so, I think I want to keep my distance for now,” Sofia told her. “I understand. I’ll let you handle it at your own time okay?” Miranda hugged her; Sofia snuggled her back. Sofia headed straight up to her room, carefully putting her new books onto her reading desk, planning to make notes later. She kicked off her shoes and got out of the gown with a huff, she planned to wear something, more comfortable to dinner, but as she trotted into the closest something else caught her eye. ~*~*~*~ “Sofia’s late.” Miranda frowned as everypony was seated for dinner. Amber and James rolled their eyes. “Can we not just start without her?” Amber asked. “No, dinner is for us to eat as a family,” Roland replied, his ear twitched, as he looked to the left just as Sofia burst into the door. “Sorry! Got distracted.” Sofia came bouncing in. “And what was so distracting to hold up dinner?” Amber scowled. Sofia ignored her, beaming at her mother. “My cutie mark! I got my cutie mark!” Sofia told her happily, she turned and showed them her flank, sure enough, there was a winged heart with a crown underneath it with a tear-shaped jewel identical to her amulet above it. “I only noticed it when I was changing into something more comfortable! But I got it!” “Oh, sweetie!” Miranda hugged her tightly. “Daddy, why did she get her cutie mark first?” Amber complained. “Everypony gets there’s when its time. It’s not a competition to who gets theirs first.” Roland told her, but Amber continued to pout. “Your cutie Mark has your amulet on it.” He pointed out to Sofia, who looked again, holding the tear-shaped jewel. “I do – huh.” Sofia frowned. “Clearly, it was meant to be.” Roland smiled. “Congratulations Sofia.” Sofia beamed as she sat down to enjoy dinner – she couldn’t wait to show and tell Jun and Zandar tomorrow. > One of the royals > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sofia had expected the next day to be better, but during the carriage ride to school, Amber and James had to ruin it. She was the last to get out of the carriage, her heart felt heavy in her chest, weighing her down. Sofia trotted into class a little before everypony else and set her books on her desk, she sighed, what Amber and James had said wouldn’t stop screaming in her head. What if they were right? She sighed; she had no idea anymore. “Sofia?” Jun trotted in already prepared to help her friend; she had called to Sofia when she had seen her friend but when she hadn’t responded she knew something was wrong. “What happened?” She approached the earth pony, following Jun was Zandar looking just as concerned. “It’s nothing.” She wiped away her tears. “Just – nothing.” “It’s not nothing, if it was nothing you wouldn’t be this bothered. Oh sweetie, did they say something to you?” Jun frowned. “It doesn’t matter.” Sofia frowned. “I’m always going to be an outcast anyway. They just want to make sure I remember that-” “That’s not true Sofia, not at all – you are one of us already.” Zandar stepped forward, Sofia looked up at him. “You’ve already proven you’re clever, kind – remember the baby bird you helped yesterday? You’re so kind despite what they’re saying. You haven’t dropped to their level, you’re a true Princess.” Sofia sniffed. “Sofia, can you promise us to believe in yourself a little more? Remember, you’re not alone. We’ve got your back.” Sofia smiled at them. “Thank you.” She told them. “I guess I needed to hear that.” “Anytime Sofia.” Jun smiled “We’re in this together now, like Zandar said, you’re not alone anymore.” “And we can keep Amber and James away from you at school – I wish we could do more when you get home.” Zandar frowned. “I have a secret place in the castle – they won’t find me there.” Sofia told them. “That’s good, and if you ever need to talk to get feelings off your chest, we’re here for you.” Jun told her. “Thanks you guys.” Sofia smiled tearfully and hugged them, they happily hugged her back. ~*~*~*~ Sofia had a little trouble focusing on class, despite her friends efforts, the words weighed heavily on her mind. She was thankful when it was time to go on break. “Hey Sofia, we just need to talk to the others, want to wait for us on the bridge?” Jun said, Sofia smiled. “Yeah.” She nodded, trotting over to the bridge as Zandar and Jun approached their classmates. “Hey Zandar, you want to play ball today?” One prince asked. “Actually, I’m going to hang out with Sofia today.” Zandar spoke to the other Princes, James gave him an odd look, but Zandar ignored him. “Oh, is she okay? She did look a little down in classes today.” Prince Khalid asked, the other royals seemed concerned. “She had a bad morning, but we’ll cheer her up.” Jun smiled. The other royals asked them to send on their regards as they headed over to where Sofia was on the bridge, looking down at the small stream. “Hey Sofia, let’s go.” Zandar smiled, She smiled at them and followed after them. James and Amber watched them walk away. Amber huffed with a scowl. “We need to do something else.” She muttered quietly to James, who nodded. The twins to their separate friend groups. ~*~*~*~ The trio of friends stopped as they reached the baby bird’s nest. They were all relieved, glad to see them safe in the nest before continuing their way. “Honestly, I say you should tell your parents, it is their job to protect you.” Jun told her. “But-” Sofia began. “Not but’s or what if’s.” Zandar added. “Sofia, does King Roland see you as a daughter?” “Yes.” She nodded. “Then tell him. He’ll want to protect you too. It’s not your job to get them to stop, it’s the adults. We are just kids.” Zandar place a hoof on her shoulder. “At least – please think about telling him. I think he’d appreciate knowing what’s going on too, and help you when you’re at home.” “Okay, I will. Oh that does remind me of something happier, I have some great news!” Sofia beamed, causing her friends to look at her. Sofia trotted ahead to face them. “Last night I found out I got my Cutie Mark!” She giggled happily, Zandar and Jun beamed. “Really? Oh wow, congratulations Sofia!” Jun hugged her friend. “And I think you’re the first one in class!” Zandar added with a grin. “It’s proof you were always meant to be a Princess.” “That’s what Dad told me; see he gave me this amulet as a welcome gift. It is also apart of my cutie mark.” Sofia explained. “Is it magic?” Jun frowned. “Um, not sure. It hasn’t done anything magical, or it hasn’t yet at least.” Sofia admitted. “But it has to mean something. Dad’s sure it means I was always meant to be a princess, but I’m not sure.” “Oh, I wonder if you got your cutie mark after helping the baby bird yesterday!” Zandar suggested. “That seems like something that may have triggered it.” “Oho that’s a good point. Your kindness was very much on show at that point. Shame we didn’t notice until later.” Jun smiled. Sofia giggled. “I just wish I knew what it meant. Cutie Marks are meant to show our destiny, right? What does mine mean then?” Sofia frowned, looking at her new cutie mark. “What’s my destiny?” “Well, it does happen, that ponies find their destiny without realising it.” Zandar smiled lightly. “But we have a lot of time to figure it out, there’s no rush.” “I guess, thanks guys.” Sofia smiled. “Ohoo – we need to hold a cute-ceañera!” Jun gasped happily. “We can plan it for after your royal debut – I would love to plan it, where would you like it? Oh, and guests you want – this will be so great!” Sofia giggled at her enthusiasm. “I’d like that – oh, actually if I ask Dad, would you guys come to my royal debut? I’m not sure who’s going to be there, am likely going to know no pony, and stuck with James and Amber for the most of it – I’d feel better if you two were there.” “We’d be happy too.” Zandar nodded. “My parents would say something like how it would be good from our international connections. Something about it shows our support for the new Princess – and a lot of other royal – somethings.” The girls laughed at him. “I never remember it all.” “Would your family say something similar?” Sofia looked at Jun. “Sort of. But maybe not, see Enchancia, Wei-ling and Khaldoun are part of the tri-kingdoms. We’re closer than most, every year we have a huge picnic where the royal families get together for fun and games.” Jun explained. “So, my parents might see it as an additional way to bring our kingdom’s closer.” “Oh, there’s still a lot I need to learn.” Sofia frowned. “Don’t worry, we can help -” Jun smiled, the trio stopped as they heard a bell ringing. “Right, we should head back.” “Race you!” Sofia laughed and started off at a gallop, her friends laughed and raced after her.