> Sprout's Second Chance > by milesprower06 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Be Kind, Rewind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean, 'extended leave'? Are you firing me?" Spout asked incredulously as he stood in front of the desk of his immediate superior. Well, make that only superior. Hitch Trailblazer wasn't sure why his deputy thought this was coming out of left field. Not after the ten-minute rampage he had just gone on two nights ago. "Sprout, there's enough evidence against you to put you behind bars, do you get that? Do you realize that there is actually more than one pony in town making an effort to see that what you did isn't the start of a criminal record for you?" Sprout didn't have an immediate answer to that, as he thought that once everything had calmed down, it would all be water under the bridge, but even his mom had given him the cold shoulder when he had asked if he had been a good sheriff. "So what am I supposed to do now?" Sprout asked. "You are officially remanded into your mother's custody. You are to go home, right now, and speak with her. I will be checking with her shortly, and if you're not home in a timely manner, I will put out a warrant for your arrest, and you'll spend the night in that cell instead of your room. Do I make myself clear? This is house arrest. Go. Now." Hitch told him, in no uncertain terms, pointing a hoof at the front door. Sprout gave a frustrated grunt, but figuring Hitch was serious, turned to the front door and left in a huff. Letting out a sigh, Hitch opened up the candy dish on his desk and took out a piece of Maretime Bay's saltwater taffy, popping it into his mouth before returning to the paperwork on his desk, looking forward to getting home. 'Hope you know what you're doing, Phyllis.' Sprout walked down the main avenue of Maretime Bay, passing the main entry way to CanterLogic, seeing the factory lights a bit dimmer for the third shift. He kept his pace steady, not dawdling, because he had a feeling Hitch was serious about getting home in a timely manner being his only reprieve from legal consequences of his brief rampage that ended in the partial collapse of the Maretime Bay lighthouse. Preferring to be close to the factory in case of emergencies, Phyllis Cloverleaf lived less than a block away from the factory property proper, in a modest two-story dwelling. He trotted up the front walk, took a deep breath, and opened the front door, wiping his hooves on the doormat before stepping inside. "Mommy, I'm home," Sprout announced. He walked into the living room, where he saw his mother sitting in the rocking chair. "There you are. Another ten minutes and I would have called Sheriff Hitch to see if you were held up at all." Phyllis told him. "So I guess you know what's going on?" Sprout asked. "'Know what's going on? Sugar cube, I suggested what's going on." "What do you mean? You asked to put me on leave?" Sprout asked. "Before we continue, let's get you up to your room. Go," Phyllis told him, getting up from the rocking chair. His curiosity for more answers piqued, Sprout turned back into the hallway and went up the stairs, his mom right behind him. He opened the door, and found himself gently pushed the rest of the way in before he was able to clearly take in what had happened to his bedroom. Phyllis stepped in, closed the door, and locked it with a key. Sprout's eyes widened as his breath was taken away. His bed and desk were gone. In their place was a crib that was clearly sized for somepony much bigger than a foal, that looked like it closed at the top as well, and a changing table right next to it, again upsized considerably. On the shelves below the padded top of the table were stacks and stacks of disposable diapers. His bedroom had been effectively transformed into an adult nursery. As he turned to face his mom, only then did he notice the newly installed deadbolt on his bedroom door, reversed so there was no way to unlock it from the inside without a key. "Mommy, what's going on? What is this?" "This was my suggested alternative. I'll explain everything when I've got you nice and padded up. Climb up on that changing table." Sprout was beside himself. "What? Are you kidding me? I'm not a foal, mommy, I'm not going to—" "Sprouticus Cloverleaf, this is hardly up for discussion," Phyllis snapped, which sent a shiver down Sprout's spine, unable to remember the last time his mother snapped at him like that. "I have paid for all the pending repairs to the lighthouse, and I've arranged for you to have an extended leave from the precinct, because I have assured them that you would return to work a new pony, if they would forego pressing charges. I realized that this is not solely your fault; it's mine too. I didn't reign you in when you riled up the town. I let you build that monstrosity in the factory. Somewhere along the line, I went wrong with you, sweetheart. So guess what? You and I are starting over. You are going to return to foalhood, and earn your privileges back gradually with good behavior. Am I understood? We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Now get up on that table." Sprout felt another shiver go down his spine as he glanced over at the changing table, with the dozens of adult-sized diapers packed into the shelves. "Mommy, this is nuts!" Phyllis' expression went to something akin to disappointment as she let out a soft sigh. "The hard way it is, then," She said, stepping forward and taking her son by the hoof, guiding him forcefully over a stool next to the crib. She sat down on the stool, and he was pulled over her lap with strength that he never realized she had. Holding him down and pinning his tail against his back with one hoof, he saw her grab a wooden paddle that had been leaning against the wall, drilled with a dozen holes. "Mommy, what are—" WHAP! The paddle came down on his flanks with an earsplitting crack, and Sprout let out a sharp gasp as the pain registered in his brain. "Ah!" He cried out. WHAP! The breath he had drawn in was immediately and forcefully exhaled as the second blow landed. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! The cadence of smacks from the wooden paddle came evenly and steadily as the young stallion proceeded to squirm and thrash in his mother's lap to no avail, as her grip on his midsection was firm. Ten swats in, he did the only thing he could to ease the pain, and that was to start whimpering, and as he quickly lost count, that turned to full on crying. Phyllis completely ignored her son's pleading and begging for her to stop. After a solid thirty seconds of steady spanking, finally, the strikes came to a halt, and Sprout caught his breath as tears flowed down his cheeks and his nose started to run. "Now, have you had enough of the hard way, or should we continue, and I'll see to it that you can't sit for a week?" His flanks screaming for mercy as they burned, he sniffled and nodded as he still took in deep breaths. "Okay... Okay, mommy," Sprout whimpered. She released him from her lap, setting the paddle down, and he slid down to the floor on his hooves. Without a word, she pointed back to the changing table. He turned, and glanced to the bedroom door for a moment, almost certain that she had locked it, and wasn't willing to go another round over her lap. Sniffling, he slowly started to make his way over to the changing table, trying his best to mentally prepare himself for whatever his mom had in mind... > Pouting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- His eyes still watering and nose running, Sprout slowly made his way over to the changing table. He consciously avoided dawdling too much, not wanting to draw his mother's ire again immediately after the swift wrath that his flanks had just suffered, and were still tingling from. As he slowly ascended the small set of wooden steps in the corner of the table, taking one last look at the stacks of diapers on the shelves, he wondered how quickly his mom had put this together. Being the owner of the largest factory in town, it wouldn't surprise him if this furniture had been built in a day. His hooves touched the soft plastic padding, and he laid down on his stomach. "On your back, Sprout," Phyllis told him, and he rolled over, wincing as his tail brushed against his sore hindquarters. He watched as his mom pulled one of the diapers from the shelves below. When she unfolded it, his eyes widened as he saw just how big it was, and realized that it would have no problem at all fitting him. "Backside up, please," Phyllis said, and he used his forelegs to lift his bum off of the bad as she fiddled with the back half of the diaper, and slid it underneath, and got the top set of tapes fastened around his dock. "Alright, thank you, you can set yourself down now." Sprout did so, and was relieved that the soft padding of the disposable garment didn't bother his reddened flanks as much as the plastic had. "Bear with me, I haven't done this in fifteen, sixteen years," Phyllis said as she grabbed the large bottle of foal powder, twisting the cap open. "So I have to use these...?" Sprout asked worriedly, pretty sure he already knew the answer, but felt he had to hear it straight from his mom's lips. "Yes, why wouldn't you? These were pricey, and they aren't just for show. I hope the reality of your situation hits home soon, sugar cube. You are now a foal in every way but size, until I deem otherwise." Sprout brought his front hooves up and covered his eyes as his mother sprinkled foal powder over his groin, and he felt himself unsheathe a little. Luckily, it also helped in cool down his flanks. With that done, she closed the bottle and set it to the side, and brought the front of the diaper up between his legs. "You'd best try to start setting your modesty aside. This will be quite the common position for you for the next several months," his mom warned him as she got the front of the diaper smoothed against his stomach, then brought the back wings up, and fastened the pair of tapes tightly on each side. Dread set into Sprout's mind when he heard his mom say 'months.' "There. Now, you stay here and get used to it while I go get dinner ready," Phyllis told her son, watching as he sat up and climbed off of the changing table. She slid the key into the lock, opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway before shutting the door and promptly locking it again, leaving Sprout standing in the middle of his bedroom, trying his best to get used to the crinkling bulk between his hind legs. Admittedly, the way it kept his tail up and away from his sore flanks was a bit of a relief, but the thought of inevitably using them for their intended purpose was not a pleasant one. He glanced back at it, noticing the very foalish pattern of alphabet blocks, bottles, and rattles dotting the plastic surface. He also took this time to continue to take in what had been done to his room. A large foam play mat was now in the back left corner of the room, surrounded by playpen gating. A rocking chair was next to the crib, and next to that was the stool and paddle. He heard the deadbolt on the door unlatch, and his mom stepped in, carrying a foal bottle filled with a white fluid. It looked far larger than for an actual foal. Was that what she had meant by 'dinner'? She locked the door again, and walked across the room, passed him, and sat in the rocking chair. "Alright, sugar cube. Dinnertime," Phyllis said, gently shaking the bottle of formula, pulling him up into her lap, laying him on his back, and moved the bottle's nipple to his lips. "What? Out of that? Mommy, I can feed myself," Sprout objected. "Foals don't feed themselves, Sprout," his mother answered, but his only response was to move his lips away in stubborn defiance. Phyllis glanced over to the stool and paddle, but quickly thought of another, potentially more effective solution. She set him down, guided him over to the open crib, and set him down on the mattress. She walked over to the changing table and picked an item up off the shelf and turned back towards him, and he saw she had picked up a strap of some kind. As she came to stand in front of him, he saw that it was a pacifier, and once it had been shoved into his mouth, he knew that it, like everything else in this room, had been sized up to fit him, and the rubber nipple filled more than half of the open space in his mouth. Not quite done, she took the straps on either side, and brought them around to the back of his head, and he felt her tightly and securely fasten and latch it around his head. "There we go," she said, lifting his backside up into the crib entirely, before raising the gate, then reaching overhead and bringing the top rails down, and latched it shut, enclosing her son entirely in the crib. "If you're not hungry then you're not hungry. Maybe you will be after a good, long night's rest." She pointed to a baby monitor on a small table next to the crib. "This is for emergencies only. I expect you to be quiet otherwise. If you're thinking about getting my attention for anything that is not an emergency, I'd like you to think about what I said about not being able to sit for a week," Phyllis warned, motioning to the stool and the wooden paddle leaning up against it. "See you in the morning, sugar cube," Phyllis finished, picking the bottle back up and turning towards the door. Unlocking and opening the door, she flipped the light off, leaving a small nightlight across from the crib as the sole source of illumination in the room. With that, she stepped out into the hallway, closed the door, and promptly locking it, leaving the padded and crib-bound Sprout alone in the near dark. There wasn't a clock to be seen in here; she had removed that as well; and while he wasn't absolutely certain of how much time had passed since coming home, he was pretty sure it wasn't even eight o'clock yet. How was he going to be able to endure months of this? Phyllis went downstairs to the kitchen, put the bottle of formula in the fridge, and walked over to her phone, seeing that she had missed a phone call from Sheriff Hitch about two minutes ago. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, she picked her phone up and tapped the Call Back button, putting it down on the counter and putting it on speaker. The phone gave a ringing tone one and a half times before the pony on the other end picked up. "Hey there Phyllis. So... How did it go?" Hitch Trailblazer asked. "Oh, just about how I expected it to go. He resisted, so I had to take care of that, and he continued to be stubborn about being given a bottle of formula, so he's in bed right now without dinner. I'm sure he'll be more receptive to being fed in the morning when his belly is pushing up against his backbone," Phyllis said, ducking under the counter to grab a bottle of red wine from her rack and poured herself a small glass. "Well, I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to deviate you from this path, because you have clearly made up your mind that this is the way for both of you to correct your mistakes, but I thought I'd cover some of the concerns that have come to my mind tonight," Hitch told her as she sipped at her glass. "I'm all ears, Sheriff," Phyllis answered. "One, I know you're not due back to Canterlogic until Monday, so the two of you have got a weekend to get the basics sorted out, but you will have to return to work after that. Do you trust him alone, or have you thought about a foalsitter who could understand and appreciate this type of approach?" Hitch asked her. "Certainly something to think about. Next?" "Whether this is an effective treatment or not remains to be seen, but have you considered what could potentially happen in the aftermath? If this punishment works, his mind may start to latch on and begin to like it. I hope you've considered that; the ease of obtaining some of those items in his room has hopefully tipped you off to the fact that this is a fetish for some ponies." "I was aware of that, especially with the furniture blueprints. If it turns him around as a pony and helps me correct my mistakes as a parent, I'll deal with that if and when it happens," Phyllis answered. "Alright, and lastly, I just hope you weren't planning on any outing in public, at least against his will. This kind of rehabilitation behind closed doors is one thing, but exhibitionism when he doesn't want it could do irreparable harm. That's also why I mentioned finding foalsitters who would be open to this; they need to be ponies who would treat him completely normal in the outside world when this is all said and done." "Noted, Sheriff, and thank you. I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who has his best interests at heart." "He's a good pony, Phyllis, if a bit misguided. I for one hope this works. Have a good night," Hitch told her. "You as well, Hitch. Good night." With that, Phyllis disconnected the call, and began to ponder how tomorrow morning would go... > Peckish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout sat alone in the crib, his crib, wincing every time he moved his hind legs, getting a crinkle from the disposable undergarment that had been taped around his waist. After the first couple minutes passed, his eyes had adjusted to the dim illumination provided by the night light, and he heard his mom have a muffled, unintelligible conversation downstairs. Five minutes passed as he sat in silence, the scent of foal powder wafting up to his nostrils. Then five more minutes, then ten. Then, his stomach started to grumble. He hadn't eaten since that early lunch at work. How was this any better than what Hitch was going to do? As far as he was concerned, he would be behind bars either way, clearly, and in the Maretime Bay PD jail cell he would have gotten a hot meal and he wouldn't be looking like this. 'You're the one that fought against dinner,' a voice in his head told him. The tingling and soreness on his flanks had dulled considerably by now, and he was right back to thinking about how nuts this was. Did his mom seriously think she could just... Rewind the clock like this? Yeah, he had screwed up, but how was being babied like this going to help make any kind of improvement? His stomach rumbled in protest again, and for a moment, he considered whining into the baby monitor next to the crib, before his mother's warning echoed in his head. 'If you're thinking about getting my attention for anything that is not an emergency, I'd like you to think about what I said about not being able to sit for a week.' He was guessing in her mind, being ready to eat now instead of twenty minutes ago was not going to qualify as an emergency. Taking a quiet, deep breath, letting it out slowly, he glanced over to the pillow that had been placed on the left side of the crib, and decided that maybe laying down would convince his stomach that things were going to have to wait until morning. He rotated on his flanks, trying his best to ignore the diaper's crinkling, and laid back, his head sinking into the pillow. He had to admit, this mattress and pillow was considerably more comfortable than the jail cell cot would have been. Fine, this situation got one point. But the cell would also have a toilet, sink, and room to walk around. And a meal. By his math, that was 4-1, advantage jail cell. Laying down did seem to let his stomach know that a meal wasn't going to be happening any time soon, and the hunger pangs decreased somewhat. To pass the time, he stared up through the top bars at the slowly rotating mobile hanging above the crib. There was no blanket, but the ambient temperature was comfortable enough where he didn't need one. Rather than drive himself crazy doing nothing in the confines of this crib, he decided to pass the time by watching the flying ponies on the mobile do laps around the center pole from which they hung, until it was time to rest his eyes... > Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phyllis Cloverleaf was slowly roused from her peaceful slumber by the voice of her son coming through the baby monitor on her nightstand. "Mommy... Pwease..." He whined, his voice slurred by the pacifier. She tossed the comforter she was under aside, and got up, turning on her bedside light. She glanced at the clock, and saw that it was 1 am, still plenty of night to go. If Sprout decided to wait until the middle of the night to complain because he assumed it would be too late for any severe spankings... Well, he was right, but she was certainly willing to wait until morning. She walked out of her bedroom and walked to the end of the hall, where her son's room was. She rotated the deadbolt, unlocking it, and entered the dim room, turning on the light. There sat Sprout, squirming in his crib, and now shielding his eyes from the sudden increase in brightness. "What is it, are you alright?" She asked him. "Mommy, I haf ta go..." He whined, and she bit her lip in frustration. Apparently it still hadn't sunk in. "Didn't I tell you what would happen if you got me up and it wasn't an emergency?" She sternly asked him. "Pwease. It hurts..." Sprout whined, squirming some more. Part of her wanted to shut off the light and go back to bed, and this time shut off the monitor, but then her more reasonable side started to get through. Yes, she expected him to use his diapers for their intended purpose, but it was not fair of her to expect it to be an instant transition, and of course his body would object, sometimes painfully, until it learned that his diapers were a perfectly acceptable place to go. With a tired sigh, she went over to the crib, and lowered the side bars. "Get out, and come with me," she told him, stepping aside to give him room to get out of the crib. He hopped down onto the carpet. She walked out of the room, with him on her trail, waddling and diaper crinkling with each step. He followed her out into the hall, and to the first door on the left; the bathroom. As she turned the light on, he breathed a sigh of relief, figuring that this was going to be over before it began, but as he began to move for the toilet, she stopped him right in front of the sink. "Stop right there, thank you. Spread your back legs, please," she told him. He did as he was told, starting to do a little dance. "Keep still, sugar cube. You're going to use those whether you want to or not, and I'm just going to give you a little help." Phyllis turned on the sink faucet to barely a trickle, and as he heard it echo down in drain, his bladder sent even more alarm bells to his brain, as well as being in the bathroom. She noticed him starting to sweat. "Hmm, perhaps a little something more is needed..." She said, reaching into the drawer and coming out with her mane brush. She turned it bristle side up, and ran it gently across the pits of his front legs, his worst ticklish spot when he was younger. "Haaa, ha ha, pwease don't mommy..." He pleaded as he started to laugh pitifully. "Now, the sooner your mind decides to let go, the sooner we can both get back to bed. Come on now, I'll do this for as long as it takes. Keep your legs spread or there will be consequences in the morning," Phyllis warned, continuing to tickle him. The more he laughed, the more his breaths came into him in increasingly uncontrollable gasps, and then as the tears pooling up behind his eyelids spilled over, it was finally too much to bear, and he felt his bladder release. "Ahh! Ah ha ha ha mommy stop! I'm going! I'm going!" He cried as he struggled to catch his breath. She paused in her brush tickling, and indeed heard the faint hiss of urine coming from his diaper. For Sprout, it was certainly a new sensation. He felt the warm wetness rapidly expand around his groin. But as soon as he was sure that it was going to overflow and dribble down his legs to the floor, it was wicked away into the absorbent layers of his diaper, which began to swell considerably. He sniffled as the stream continued unabated for twenty seconds, and when it finally died down, he let out a long exhale, forgetting that he had been holding his breath. "Alright, just to be clear, you're not in trouble, sugar cube. You probably needed something like that for your first time. Good job," Phyllis praised as she shut off the bathroom sink. "We'll repeat this as needed until your body is used to using your diapers." Figuring he didn't need to keep his legs spread any longer, he brought them back together, and couldn't bring them as close together as he could on the walk over here. And he thought he was waddling a moment ago. He turned to follow his mom as she ushered him out of the bathroom, and shut off the light, going back down to his room, where she took him back over to his crib. "You're not going to change me first?" He asked through his pacifier, sniffling. "I was going to wait until morning to cover more of the rules for you, but I suppose we can start that right now. Rule #1: You are not allowed to ask for diaper changes. Foals don't know when they need to be changed. I'll be checking you throughout the day, and sometimes night. You're soaked," Phyllis paused, poking his diaper and getting a squish in return. "And normally that would constitute a change, but you need to get used to staying in diapers for a bit after you use them. I'll change you first thing in the morning if you're well behaved. Now, back into bed." With a soft groan of disappointment, Sprout climbed back into the crib, and his mom brought the bars up and clicked them shut. "I know this is an adjustment, but you're making progress already. See you in the morning, sugar cube." She told him, returning to the door, shutting off the light, and closed it, returning the bedroom to the dim night-light illuminated state. Wiping his eyes and sniffling again, Sprout got himself situated, and laid his head down on the pillow, eager to get the rest of the night over with as his stomach began rumbling again... > Breakfast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout slowly awoke, his head half off the pillow, his jaw a bit sore from the pacifier being forced to stay in his mouth all night, and the wet diaper that was warm and squishy when he had fallen asleep last night was now cold and clammy. Sitting up, he wondered how long it would be before his stomach was positively screaming, figuring it was only a matter of time. It was usually only about 30 minutes or so before his brain was like 'yo, breakfast!', and that was when he had had dinner the night before. He still wasn't sure what time it was, but the morning rays of the sunrise were starting to come through his window. He got to his hooves and began to stretch using the room he had available within the confines of the crib. His soaked diaper was starting to sag a bit, and he wondered if he should try to get his mom's attention through the baby monitor. He still considered himself fortunate that his pleas in the middle of the night hadn't resulted in more spankings, so he decided not to push his luck, and opted to sit and wait for her to come and get him out herself. He did remember her saying that he would get his privileges back one by one with good behavior, so he began to ponder which one would be first; he certainly didn't want to be stuck playing with those infantile toys that he saw in the back right corner of his bedroom, surrounded by the playpen fencing; he'd go nuts trying to keep his mind stimulated with those things. The bedroom door opened, and his mom walked in. She had her glasses on, but her mane was still an absolute bed head. "Good morning, sugar cube. I think it's time we get you changed and fed, don't you think?" She asked, and he immediately nodded. Phyllis unlatched the bars and lowered them down, letting him hop out. What had been swollen, squishy layers of his diaper a few hours ago was now sagging considerably, and the stench of urine wafted up to her nostrils. He climbed the short stairs up onto the padding of the changing table, and laid on his back, and his mom took her place between his legs as he let them dangle off of the edge of the table. She untaped the wet diaper, getting sharp tearing sounds from each one that pierced the silence of the room, before grabbing the front and peeling it way from his nether regions. As she grabbed the pack of wipes and began to wipe off the areas previously covered by his diaper, it didn't take his body very long at all to take advantage of the fresh air, and his face burned as he saw his erection rise up from between his legs, and he covered his face with his hooves as he trembled in embarrassment. "Now this is something you'll have to get used to as well. It's not exactly something we can take away," his mom told him as she worked her way around his morning arousal with the baby wipe, before depositing the used wipe in the wet diaper, grabbing a fresh one, and briefly wiping it down, but otherwise letting it be. The stallion felt another wave of embarrassment wash over him as he wondered if she was expecting him to take care of that particular need on his own time. As she pulled the wet diaper out from under him, rolling it up and throwing it away in the pail next to the table, Sprout felt his erection slowly die down, and by the time she had a clean diaper unfolded and placed underneath him, it had returned to its pre-aroused state. She grabbed the bottle of foal powder, twisting the cap open, and gave his whole diaper area a liberal dusting before closing the cap and setting it back down on the shelf. She brought the front of the diaper up, smoothed the front against his belly, before bringing the back wings up and taped them to the front landing zone, completing the change. "And there we go. One more thing..." Phyllis said as her son sat up. She unbuckled the strap holding the pacifier gag in place, taking it out of his mouth, removing the pacifier and placing it around a simple beaded string, letting it hang from his neck. "There we go. Ready for breakfast?" "Yes, mommy," he answered. "Alright, then follow me." He climbed down off of the changing table, and followed his mom out of the room, out into the hallway, and downstairs. If he was brutally honest with himself, the snug, fresh diaper around his waist felt considerably better than the soaked one he had woken up in. He just hoped he wouldn't have to repeat the late-night 'trickle and tickle' that had forced his bladder into cooperating. Following his mom into the kitchen, he saw another change that she had made. Replacing one of the four chairs at the dining table, was an upsized, polished, wooden high chair. She stepped up to the chair and removed the top, looking at him expectantly, and he quickly got the hint to climb up into the chair. After he got into the chair, his diaper provided plenty of padding on the hard wooden seat, and she placed the top back down, effectively pinning his hooves to his sides. After that, she went over to the counter, and grabbed a cloth bib patterned with stars and spaceships, tying it around his neck. Phyllis left him to sit there as she trotted over to the cooking area, starting a pot of water and quickly added oats after it came to a boil. After stirring it for a couple minutes, she tossed in some freshly cut strawberry chunks, and warmed up the bottle of formula that he had refused last night. With his breakfast complete, she pulled out one last item, a full-sized tablespoon, rubber-coated to emulate a foal feeding spoon. Dipping it into the bowl of oatmeal, she brought both over to the wooden tray of the high chair, where she sat down in the regular chair next to him. "Alright, open up, here it comes," Phyllis said, getting the spoon full of oatmeal, and brought it towards Sprout's mouth. His stomach positively growling by now, he accepted the spoon and closed his lips around it as his mom withdrew to scoop another bite. His stomach didn't begin to waver from the hunger pangs until the fourth spoonful, at which point his mom took a break from the oatmeal to give him the bottle. It wasn't quite milk-like consistency, but the warm formula was nonetheless tasty as he took several swallows of the fluid before his mom returned to the oatmeal. As his stomach ceased complaining, he began to internally chastise himself as he silently accepted each bite of breakfast, wishing he had gotten over the shock of this treatment much quicker and had accepted dinner when it had been initially offered last night instead of suffering as he had hastily chosen to. It took about ten minutes to finish the bowl of oatmeal and the bottle of formula, and when he had done so, he felt satisfied, if not exactly looking forward to later when it made its way through his body to it's inevitable destination, which was currently taped around his waist. "What a good boy, not fussing at all," his mom praised as she took the bottle, bowl, and spoon to the sink before removing his bib and unlatching the tray so he could jump down to the floor. "Alright, back up to your room for some playtime while mommy has her breakfast and some coffee." Sprout rolled his eyes as he was afraid he was going to have to futilely attempt to entertain himself with the simple foal puzzles and blocks. They returned back upstairs to his bedroom, where she directed him to the back corner. She opened the gate to the playpen, and he stepped in. It looked as if the playpen gating was the only thing in the room that had not been sized up; he could easily hop over it if he wanted to, but he had a feeling that doing so would just give himself a one-way ticket back to the stool and paddle. After he was inside, his mom latched the gate closed and turned back towards the door. He started to eye the toys, trying to decide which one to try first, when he heard hoofsteps approach again, and turned to see his mom set a familiar looking plastic tub into the pen. "Since you got changed and had breakfast without a fuss, here's something for bigger ponies to enjoy. Have fun, and I'll check on you in a bit," Phyllis said, turning and leaving the room. Sprout approached the plastic tub and peered inside, and his eyes widened as his mind was hit with a wave of nostalgia as he looked at all the plastic bricks, gears, and minifigures. It was his old PoneBloks toys that he collected and played with when he was younger! Most of the sets were from the Zombie Unicorns From Space franchise. Many of them were in pieces, but it looked like he could easily put them back together, maybe even make a few modifications. So he sat down in front of the tub and began to dig through it and organize the various pieces and partially constructed spaceships, as he was brought back to a younger, simpler time... > A Stinky Colt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the next sixty minutes, Sprout had gotten all of his plastic PoneBloks pieces organized and one of the sets put back together. He had forgotten how much fun this was. When he was younger, he had begged his mom for all the different ZUFS sets over the years, before he eventually grew out of them, and they eventually made their way to a dusty corner of a closet. He was so enamored with getting these old toys put back together that he didn't pay any mind to his bladder requesting release until it became rather distracting. Setting his current set down, he wondered how to go about it, not wanting to do a repeat of late last night. He stood up, careful not to step on any of his organized piles of PoneBlok pieces, and closed his eyes in concentration. He thought of a running faucet... And getting tickled right underneath his forelegs. That was enough, and his bladder released into his waiting diaper. Since his mind wasn't being mercilessly assaulted by tickling this time around, the sensation was somewhat clearer. His shaft, balls, and coat between his legs felt increasingly moist as the urine spread through his diaper, before being pulled away by the absorbent layers. The flow lasted about twenty seconds before dying down to a trickle, and when he sat back down to resume his building, he immediately noticed how much more swollen and squishy the disposable undergarment had become. Well, that was admittedly another advantage to wearing something like this; getting up to go to the bathroom would have easily taken twice as long. Here he was, back to playing in half the time. Still, he couldn't imagine getting so used to it that he could go without even stopping what he was doing. But depending on how long his mom was planning on keeping him like this, he might be able to find out. So he had gotten one of the robot walkers back together, but the zombie mothership, that was likely going to take a few hours. He found the instruction booklets in the bottom of the plastic tub, and was able to get more of them together that way. One down, eight more of varying sizes to go. Then there were the Earth Pony Resistance sets too. Needless to say, he would be occupied for at least the next two days. By the time he had the second set put back together, he heard his mom come back into the room and walk over to the playpen. "And how are we doing in here, sugar cube?" Phyllis asked, reaching down and poking at his diaper. "Already used it. Well, you're certainly getting used to that faster than I thought you would. Good job, honey. Are you ready for lunch?" She asked. Sprout hadn't realized how much time had passed, having been so focused on his PoneBloks, but now felt his stomach grumble in hunger. He looked up at his mom and nodded. "Alright then, come on and eat," Phyllis told him, opening the gate to his playpen. Setting his current PoneBlok set down, he got to his hooves and walked out of the pen, following his mom out into the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen as his stomach continued to rumble in protest. He found that a bit odd; it hadn't been that long since breakfast. After climbing into the high chair and getting latched in, Phyllis moved over to the cooking area where she had already been preparing lunch before coming upstairs to get him. He heard her stirring something gooey in the pot, and as his stomach gurgled again, his ears twitched, realizing that it wasn't hunger pangs, but something a little... Lower. Once again, his years and years of toilet training kicked in, and held off until he found a bathroom, not having gotten used to his situation and accept that he was wearing his bathroom. He focused on not squirming and giving away his predicament to his mother, who returned to the dining room table with two bowls of creamy, steaming macaroni and cheese, with his containing the same rubber-coated spoon from breakfast. Then she went back to the fridge and came back with a cup of milk for her and a sippy cup of apple juice for him. First she took a bite from hers, then scooped up Spout's first bite. "When we're done with lunch, before you go back up to your room to play, I have something I'd like you to do first, just so you don't go running back up there. You've been having a lot of fun with your old PoneBloks." Phyllis told him as he took his first bite. As he was spoonfed, the more his stomach was filled, the more his intestines alerted his brain that it was time to make room for more digestion, and his discomfort was easily picked up by his mom. "I know that look. I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to run a faucet to help you with that one. Get as comfortable as you can with it, because if you can't give in to the pressure, I've got things I can insert that can make it more of a last cause," Phyllis warned. Sprout thought it would help if he focused more on how great tasting his lunch was that it would be easier to push the waiting load out, but unfortunately for him, it wasn't going to be that simple. When his mom took a break from feeding him, he took hold of the sippy cup and took a gulp of apple juice before beginning to concentrate. The pressure continued to build as he did his best to pretend that he wasn't sitting in a high chair, but on a toilet in the bathroom. It worked, and the urge increased tenfold as his tail instinctually lifted up. He placed his front hooves on the tray keeping him in the chair and pushed himself up, lifting his flanks off of the seat just a bit as he flexed his flanks. It worked, and his eyes widened as the slimy mass started to empty out into his already wet diaper. When it met resistance, it began to spread out. A muffled fart came along with it, the diaper crinkling as it expanded in back. He shuddered as he felt his mess begin to press against the back of his balls, and a second push was all it took to empty himself out, and by the time he was done, his mother had picked up his bowl again, as he remained in his half-seated position. "Do I have a stinky little colt? I think I do. But we're not done eating. Sit down," she told him. With the pile of manure now settled into his diaper, he took a quiet breath, and knew there would be no avoiding it now that he had been told his lunch was going to get finished first. He slowly sat back down, and his flanks mashed against his now full diaper, spreading it out even more, and he grimaced at the new sensation. Then the stench hit his nose. He fought back tears at the infantile act he had just committed as his mom slipped in another spoonful of macaroni into his mouth, trying desperately to focus on how good the food tasted and not how foul his diaper now smelled. If he believed for a moment that throwing his hooves up and insisting to his mom that he had learned his lesson would get him out of this predicament any faster, he'd have certainly done so, but he knew that was a fruitless endeavor. So bite by bite, he finished his lunch and his cup of apple juice, getting closer to getting out of this filth. By the time the bowl was empty, the mass in his diaper had gone down to lukewarm, almost matching his body temperature. His mom took the dishes over to the sink and filled the sink with hot water to soak. With that done, she came back over to Sprout's high chair and detached the tray, letting him hop down. When he got into a standing position, the load in his diaper shifted some more, and he had to nearly waddle down the hall and back up the stairs. "Go in there and wait for me, please," Phyllis told him. He stepped into the bathroom while she went down to his bedroom. She returned a moment later with a pack of baby wipes. She set them down on the floor as she pulled a towel down off of the rack and laid it out on the floor next to the tub. "Alright, lay down. Let's get you out of that thing before your bath," Phyllis told him. He did as was requested of him, all to eager to get out of this filthy diaper. Phyllis began running the bathtub faucet, starting to fill the tub with lukewarm water, then turning her attention to Sprout. She tore off the tapes one by one, and opened it up, looking down at what he had done. "Oh my, quite the stinky colt today..." She said, using the front of the diaper to wipe off as much of the mess from his coat as she could, before taking wipes one by one and getting almost all of the rest of it. With that done, she tested the bathwater, and shut off the faucet. She pulled the messy diaper out from under him, and rolled it up, tossing it in the trash can between the toilet and the sink. "Okay sugar cube, hop in," She said, pulling him up, and let him climb over the side of the tub into the water. "Now, since you didn't fuss making a messy diaper, you can bathe yourself," Phyllis said, motioning to the shampoo, and set a washcloth on the side of the tub. "I'll be back to get you in about five minutes." Left on his own, Sprout momentarily dunked his head under the water, soaking his mane, before grabbing the washcloth and bottle of shampoo and drizzling it over it, before gently massaging it into his coat. He concentrated most on his diaper area, and didn't stop until he felt clean, and then got another drizzle of shampoo and began washing his mane. It was his favorite part of himself, after all. With that done, he stood up and briefly turned on the shower head, rinsing all the suds off of his body, before shutting it off and shaking himself off, just in time for his mom to come back into the bathroom. "All done? Let's get you dried off," Phyllis said, grabbing the mane dryer from underneath the sink, and plugged it in. Getting him sufficiently dry took a couple minutes, after which she hung the towels back up and returned the mane dryer to underneath the sink. They went back to his bedroom and without even being told, he got up onto the changing table, and Phyllis grabbed a fresh diaper. "Just to let you know, Sprout," Phyllis began as she got the diaper unfolded and slid underneath him. "I am going to have to be at work before the crack of dawn tomorrow. So I'm just letting you know that you're not going to be alone here; I'm going to spend the afternoon trying to find you a babysitter." Sprout's face took on a look of panic. "Don't worry. I'm going to make absolutely sure that they will be as respectful to you as they would an actual foal. If I absolutely need to, I'll owe a favor to Hitch. So don't worry," Phyllis tried to reassure him as she gave his diaper area a good once over with another baby wipe. All the reassuring words weren't doing the slightest bit of good. But he wasn't sure he wanted anypony to see him like this. Not even Hitch, who was admittedly a great friend. At the end of all this, he didn't want to have to go back to work and look at Hitch and see the glimmer in his eyes that just screamed 'I've seen you in diapers.' But unfortunately, he knew that any protest on his part would be fruitless, and would just result in him being over that stool in the corner with the paddle coming down on his flanks. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his emotions under control. As his nether regions were dusted with foal powder and the fresh diaper was brought up between his legs and securely taped around his waist, he felt just a little more at ease. Whatever would happen would happen, and right now he just wanted to appreciate this clean diaper and get back to his PoneBloks. With the diaper change complete, he sat up and got back down onto the floor, and his mom lead him back over to the playpen. "Again, don't worry, sugar cube. I will never purposefully humiliate you, and whoever is up for the job will know that too, I promise." Phyllis kept a close eye on her phone as she got ready for bed. Too much longer, and she was afraid that she was going to have to call Hitch and beg him for a favor. She didn't want Sprout changing himself, or feeding himself; that would really erase the whole point of this punishment. But right now, she was really concerned that she had vastly underestimated what it would take to return her son to an effective foalhood. But before she got any deeper into her own self-doubt, her phone rang, and she immediately picked it up. "Hello? Oh, thank you for getting back to me on such short notice... You can? That's incredible. How early can you be here tomorrow morning?" Sprout slowly returned to the waking world, once again confined in his crib, and felt a small sort of sliminess on the side of his head. He opened his eyes and slowly raised his head, and discovered that he had been drooling onto his pillow. He stretched out his legs and sat up, and as his vision cleared more, he saw that he was being watched on the other side of the bars of his crib. His eyes widened as he recognized the lilac unicorn with incredibly long cerulean blue mane. 'Oh no...' She gave him an enthusiastic smile. "Hi new friend!" > Foalsitter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout sat in his crib, a bit uneasily, as he stared at the new face in his bedroom. "I'm Izzy! Your mom asked me to foalsit you today while she's at work," the unicorn told him as her horn lit up and the side of the crib began to glow pink as she telekinetically grabbed it, and lowered it. "Uh yeah, one of Sunny's friends, right?" Sprout asked, talking through his nervousness. Izzy nodded as she turned her magic towards Sprout. The stallion felt a light tingly feeling as he felt himself go weightless and lifted out of the crib, and carried over to the changing table. 'Go down, go down, go down!' he fervently begged his body as his morning erection was currently throbbing in his diaper. He was set down on the table, and Izzy poked at his diaper with an investigative leer on her face. "Completely dry! So we can just do this..." Izzy said, grabbing the bottle of foal powder and the bottle of mineral oil. Opening both, she magically tugged the front of Sprout's diaper open, the stallion tensed up as she opened both bottles, turning them over, and giving him a quick dust of powder and a dribble of oil, before letting the elasticized waistband snap back. Sprout let out a breath of relief as she didn't seem to notice or care about his involuntary morning arousal. "There we go! Ready for breakfast?" Izzy asked. Sprout nodded, and prepared to hop down off the table, but was quickly picked up by Izzy's magic. The unicorn sing-sang as she trotted out of the bedroom, with Sprout floating in tow, smelling of fresh foal powder as they went downstairs to the kitchen. Spout wasn't sure how unicorn horn's worked, but it must not have been too taxing. She was doing it so effortlessly, floating him along just behind her as she almost bounced her way to the kitchen. Just mere minutes into being foalsat, and he felt more little than he had in his entire day yesterday with his mom. The PoneBloks were one thing, but being 'carried' around like this was something else entirely. He was promptly placed in his high chair and the tray was latched into place. "So, what would you like for breakfast, little Sprout?" Izzy asked. Sprout found the question a bit unusual, as he hadn't exactly had a say in what he had ate the past day. He hadn't had a say in anything since this punishment had begun. 'Well, I had oatmeal yesterday morning," Sprout answered, not sure what else to say. "Alright, strawberry oatmeal it is," Izzy said, having already started to look through the items available in the cupboards, getting out what she needed and got the stovetop burner fired up. A few minutes later after mixing up oats, water, and some fresh fruit, they each had a bowl of fresh oatmeal in front of them; hers on the dining room table, and his on the tray of the high chair. But it wasn't to be like his mom had been feeding him, as both spoons began to glow. They levitated up out of the bowls, and while Izzy's went straight to her mouth, the spoon from his bowl twisted and turned as if it were on some insane roller coaster, though careful to remain face up so its contents didn't spill, before finally doing a final dip into his waiting mouth. Not every bite was playful in this matter, otherwise the oatmeal would have long gone cold in the time it would have taken to feed Sprout. About halfway through his bowl, as his breakfast began to settle in his stomach, it caused churning further down that let him know that it was time to make more room, and his bladder started to ache. Half-concentrating on the floating spoon, Sprout once again thought of trickling water, and before he knew it, his bladder released, and his diaper began to expand and tint yellow. Izzy wasn't at an angle to tell, as it was adequately concealed below the wooden tray of the high chair, but he was wondering if any change in his expression gave it away. But twenty seconds later, his diaper had gone from dry to absolutely soaked, and there would be no hiding it once the tray was taken away for him to get down. But the oatmeal was delicious, and the magic was definitely making things more interesting. With the last bite, she took the bowls over to the sink, and filled it with hot soapy water. "Alright, let's get you down from there," Izzy told him, unlatching the tray, and immediately noticed his diaper. "Uh oh, what do we have here?" She asked, poking at the swollen padding before he could hop down. "Well, that didn't take long. Back on up to the changing table, mister!" She said, in a gentle, but firm tone. With a sigh of resignation, Sprout hopped down, and didn't take more than two steps before she picked him up with her magic, and it was back up the stairs to his bedroom. He was laid down on the padding of the changing table, and the tapes of his diaper were ripped off one by one as she also pulled a fresh diaper from the stacks in the shelves below. From Sprout's point of view, he might as well have been attached to a magic diapering machine... Which may not have been too far from the truth. "So, clearly you've done this before..." Sprout said, fighting back the blush in his cheeks as she pulled his diaper open and went right to work cleaning him off. "Mmhmm. I was commonly hired as a foalsitter back in Bridlewood, but honestly, it wasn't nearly as exciting as this is. Everything back in Bridlewood was always so... Dull. Maybe it'll change now that magic is back! This is simpler with magic, that's for sure," Izzy commented as she finished wiping him down. As she got the soaked diaper rolled up and thrown away, and got the clean one unfolded and slid underneath him. Sprout's cheeks grew hotter as he felt his erection return from feeling the open air, and knew there would be no hiding it now, and as Izzy floated the bottle of foal powder closer, he saw it begin to sparkle as her magical grip took a gentle hold, and he felt an invisible force slowly slide up and down. Having not had any release in over two days, he knew that it wouldn't be long at all, and he didn't believe he was getting help with it from a brand new foalsitter. "Izzy... What are you doing?" He asked nervously as his breaths began to come in shorter bursts. "Do you want me to stop? It'll be tricky to get this diaper fastened if this thing doesn't shrink, and I know enough about stallions to know that this is the best way to make that happen!" Izzy said. Sprout felt a light tingling feeling from her magic's hold on his erection, and decided to not answer her question, and merely decided to close his eyes and just let this happen. "Your mom made it clear that I was to treat you like I would any other foal, and foals have to have all their needs taken care of for them. So this is just one of the needs of a bigger foal!" Izzy reasoned. He couldn't argue there. What he did have to think about was to hold back or not. If he didn't, it would be over sooner, but if he did, it would feel great, but it would likely make a bigger mess, and then the baby wipes would come out again. The unicorn seemed to know exactly what she was doing, and it was making it that much harder to delay the inevitable. In the span of less than a minute, he was clenching his eyes shut and squirming on the table, and he felt the dam was about to break, and there was no more holding it back. "Izzy... I'm... I'm... Ah!" He cried out. Suddenly, he felt his loins receive a dusting of powder, and felt the magic around his stallionhood dissipate as the diaper was quickly brought up between his legs, and he began to spurt into the clean layers of padding, his eyes nearly rolling back. Izzy's magic held the diaper closed as he twitched in release. Once she saw that he was beginning to shrink and sheathe, she brought the back wings up and taped it closed. "There's your sparkle! I was wondering when I'd find it. Alright, let's get you down from there and you can show me those PoneBloks over in that playpen." > Playmate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "M-My... My what?" Sprout asked, as he pushed himself up to a sitting position, and was immediately and gently magically picked up by Izzy and floated down to the floor in a standing position. "Your sparkle! It's also called luminescence. Your happiness!" Izzy told him gleefully, as he made his way over to the playpen, his nearly-clean diaper crinkling with every step. "Yours is... A lime green!" "Uh huh..." Sprout said, wondering if Izzy was crazy or serious right now. On one hoof, what had just happened on the changing table would make nearly any stallion happy. On the other hoof, this was punishment, and he didn't really imagine himself enjoying it. But as he made his way over to the playpen, his back legs wobbling a bit in the afterglow, he began to realize that he hadn't felt quite as miserable as he had that first night. When he had begun to accept it, and settle in a bit, it began to feel just a little better. His biggest fear was being seen like this, being judged, laughed at, and honestly, his mom and Izzy had done nothing of the sort. The fact that the unicorn was treating this like a regular foalsitting job was, quite frankly, impressive. Izzy opened the playpen gate for him, and he stepped in, and to his surprise, she followed him in. "So what are these? They look fun!" Izzy asked, glancing at the various sets of Ponebloks that he had sorted. Only about half of them had been put together. The rest of them sat in semi-organized piles along with their instruction booklets, as they awaited assembly. For the first time, Sprout felt a little self-conscious about the plastic building toys that were scattered around the playpen. "Um... ZUFS... That, uh, that stands for Zombie Unicorns From Space..." The stallion said uneasily. He saw the unicorn's eyes widen, and just as he expected her to scoff in disgust, her expression went to a widening open-mouth smile. "That... Sounds... Awesome!" Izzy said, tapping her front hooves excitedly. "What's the backstory?" The padded stallion was initially taken aback by the unicorn's instantaneous enthusiasm, but as she continued staring down at the toys awaiting his answers, he figured he'd better start explaining. "Well, these over here are the unicorn zombie horde. They came down to the planet on their mothership to try to increase the size of the horde," Sprout explained, motioning to the completed large flying saucer toy, by far the largest set he had. "These over here are the ponies who have already been infected. They grow horns and try to spread the Horny Virus as far as they can," he continued, pointing to incomplete carriages and trolleys, with multiple zombie figures. "And over here is the Resistance, who use whatever vehicles and mechs they can find to try and hold off the horde as they find places to hold up and hide, create a community, and try to find a cure," Sprout explained. It was clear that his foalsitter was positively enthused. "Ooh. So, what do you say we get the rest of these put together and get this adventure going?" Izzy asked, sitting down at the closest zombie horde set that had not been put together. "Let's keep it authentic. You be the resistance, and I'll be the zombies. Sound good?" She asked. Sprout nodded, a smile spreading across his face. He hadn't had a playmate with these things since the first time he had put all of them together with Hitch back in his colthood. He sat down in front of the closest resistance set that he had not put together yet, and flipped open the small booklet to the first page, as Izzy did the same with one of the infested unicorn zombie vehicles that had not been put together yet. As he tried to focus on putting his own sets together, he was continually fascinated at how Izzy used her magic to float several pieces up to the bigger whole, and snap them on, as hers came together much quicker than using hooves. The unicorn had noticed the earth pony's fascination, and smirked at him. "You better hurry up over there before my zombie horde is ready," Izzy warned him in a teasing tone, and he gave a giggle, flipping the page of his instruction booklet. As he continued piecing his current vehicle together, he couldn't help but notice how pleasant the fresh scent of foal powder was as it wafted out of his diaper up to his nostrils. It was almost relaxing, if it wasn't for the subtle hints of stallion spunk that was still rising up along with it, that kept reminding him that he was an adult getting a foal treatment. "Oop, almost forgot..." Izzy said, looking back at the changing table, and her horn lit up again, and Sprout noticed the pacifier that had been sitting next to the bottle of mineral oil begin to glow and sparkle, rising up and floating across the room, stopping directly in front of his face, and he saw Izzy smirk at him. With a soft smile, he parted his lips and teeth just enough to have it popped in. Though he was trying increasingly hard to focus on piecing together his current Resistance Utility Vehicle Ponebloks set, he couldn't help but notice how content he felt right now, as he began to quietly suckle on the pacifier. He had started to feel a little bit of it with his mom throughout the day yesterday, but after not even an hour with Izzy, he was feeling a bit more carefree, and he felt more of his worries just slip quietly into the back of his mind. He would never admit it, but right now, this situation he found himself in was beginning to feel less like punishment and more like... Therapy. He was certainly willing to bet that even with whatever his mom was paying the unicorn for her services, this was much cheaper by the hour, too. > Resistance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout crouched behind the recliner, keeping an eye out for any kind of movement. Using a small hoof-held spy mirror, he carefully surveyed the battlefield of Living Roomington. The resistance forces he commanded were carefully spread out among the structures, lying in wait to spring their trap when the Zombie Unicorn Horde came through. What had started as a heated firefight in the bedroom had now spread downstairs, and Sprout was going to try to hold them here. Gods forbid they got into the kitchen, where the mares and fillies were hiding... As he kept a watchful eye for the horde, he felt his bowels contract. After they had gotten everything assembled, they had taken a quick break for lunch before starting their house-spanning zombie war, which had been going on for several hours now. So now his intestines had to make room for further digestion.He couldn't abandon his hiding spot now, not when it could prove to be so advantageous. He focused, still watching the doorway to the hall, and began to gently push with his sphincter muscles, once again mentally putting himself squatting inches above a toilet. It worked, just as it did last time, and the hot manure pushed out into his waiting diaper, which was currently dry, but he figured that wouldn't be the case for long. It continued to spread, and felt a bit smaller than yesterday's had been, likely because he wasn't sitting in the high chair at the moment. A second gentle push got the rest of it out, and he let out a quiet breath as the stench hit his nostrils. But there was no cringing or grimacing this time around; he was far too focused on his strategic position for the coming engagement. His mom would be home any moment now to start dinner, so this would likely be the battle that decided the fate of the resistance. Just as he was beginning to ignore his bladder, there it was; the mothership! The large glowing flying saucer slowly hovered into the room, seemingly under it's own power. Putting his second messy diaper as far back in his mind as he could, he readied his front right hoof to pull the string that would activate the traps hidden behind the end tables. The mothership slowly hovered towards the center of the room, and when its shadow hit a certain point, Sprout popped up from his hiding spot. "Attack!" He cried, pulling the string. As the mothership turned it's weapon turrets toward him, the resistance catapults launched their volleys, sending plastic miniature barrels and boulders towards the mothership. They impacted just in time, and the mothership wavered. As Sprout smirked triumphantly, he realized he had let his guard down far too early, and reacted too late to hoofsteps right behind him. "Stinky foal!" Izzy shouted, lunging forward after sneaking up on him, tackling him onto his back. Her glowing horn still holding the mothership aloft, she opened her mouth, reared her head back, and brought it down onto the padded stallion's stomach, before blowing, hard. Sprout squealed at the unexpected raspberry sneak attack, and as he squirmed in a futile effort to get away, he lost all concentration on his bladder, and the front of his diaper quickly became damp as it emptied out. Izzy didn't let up until they both heard the front door open. In seconds, they were both on their hooves, and made their way to the center of the living room as they saw Phyllis come in. "Good evening, Mrs. Cloverleaf!" "Well, it certainly looks like you two have been having an interesting day," Phyllis replied, sounding tired from a long day at work, as she surveyed the state of her living room. "No worries, Mrs. Cloverleaf. We'll have this cleaned up in no time, and I'll get him upstairs, changed, and napping while you unwind from your day," Izzy immediately told her. Phyllis curiously raised an eyebrow at her son, who only now noticed that Izzy had planted a unicorn horn headband on him during her 'attack'. It had been a valiant fight, but he was now part of the horde. She was seemingly satisfied with not immediately taking responsibility for him, and nodded as she continued on to the kitchen to set her bags down, while Izzy and Sprout quickly gathered up the PoneBloks and took them all upstairs to his room. Izzy put all of the toys into the back corner of the playpen before turning her attention to Sprout. "Alright, stinky. Let's get you cleaned up," she said, magically levitating him up onto the changing table and laid him on his back, immediately untaping his diaper as she also floated up the tub of wipes. "I can't remember the last time I took a nap before dinner," Sprout commented as he felt the first of the cold wet wipes contact his coat as his mess was cleaned away. "With how much fun you and I have had today, it might be easier than you think," Izzy replied as she continued to clean up his diaper area, pulling the used one out from under him. "Gonna make me all sparkly again to make falling asleep easier?" Sprout asked, his cheeks tinting red as Izzy grabbed a fresh diaper. "Ha. Nice try. Besides, you've been sparkly all day since!" Izzy told him as she got the fresh diaper unfolded, and magically lifted him up and got it slid underneath him and fastened around his tail before setting him down on it. Izzy's answer surprised him for only a moment, because he quickly realized that she was right; he had been rather happy all day after that first change, and it wasn't just because of that single, rather lewd act. All throughout the day, she had been very involved in everything they had done, from feeding, to playing, to changing. He had not felt punished at all. Was... Was he beginning to like this? Izzy took the bottle of foal powder and gave his loins a quick dusting, before bringing the diaper up between his legs and taping it snugly around his waist. "There we go," Izzy said, rolling up the dirty diaper and depositing it in the pail before lifting him up and carried him over to the crib. "All ready for your nap. I had a lot of fun today, Sprout. Hope we can do it again." She laid him down in the crib, brought the blanket up to his chest, and then raised up the bars, giving him a smile before shutting off the light and closing the door almost all the way. She made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where she found Phyllis at the kitchen's center island pouring a glass of red wine. "Alright, he's down for his nap. Do you need any help with dinner?" She asked the earth pony mare. "No, that's alright. He wasn't too much of a hoofful today, was he?" Phyllis asked. "Not at all, he was an absolutely well-behaved delight. We had so much fun today. So, I'm going to be in town for a few weeks. Same time tomorrow?" Izzy asked as Phyllis began to reach into her purse, coming out with the unicorn's fee for the day, sliding the 50-bit coin over to her. "I don't think that will be necessary. I'm not completely sure if I'm going about this the right way. Thank you so much for your help, Izzy, but if I need your help, I know how to reach you," Phyllis told the unicorn. "Oh," Izzy began, trying her best to hide the disappointment in her voice. "Well, I'll get out of your mane then. Have a nice evening, Mrs. Cloverleaf." With that, Izzy turned and made her way out of the kitchen, down the hall to the foyer, and exited the house through the front door into the Maretime Bay evening, leaving Phyllis with her wine and ruminations. > Reconsideration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tip of the wine bottle made contact with the empty glass as Phyllis poured her second drink of the evening, having not made the time to start thinking of dinner just yet. She had just taken her first sip of her second glass when there was a knock at her door. Setting the glass down on the marble counter, she walked out to the hall and opened the front door, being met by a familiar face. "Good evening, Phyllis," Hitch Trailblazer greeted. "Sheriff," Phyllis replied. "I just had a quick word with Izzy, I thought I should come by for your side of the story," Hitch told her. Phyllis opened her front door the rest of the way then stepped aside, letting the stallion step into the foyer. Once she shut the front door, he followed her back into the kitchen. "As far as I'm concerned, I gave her a fair day's pay for a fair day's work," the mare stated as she walked back to the center island, to her glass of wine. "She wasn't concerned with the pay. She got the impression that she wasn't welcome back." Phyllis let out a tired sigh. "I guess I didn't make it clear that this is a punishment for him, and she made it fun." The sheriff raised an eyebrow. "I think you're more worried that this is starting to not be punishment for him so quickly, that he's beginning to accept it." The CanterLogic CEO didn't reply. "I think what you really need to worry about is your role in what you want to punish him for. You enabled his behavior. You convinced him to usurp my position, you gave him unfettered access to CanterLogic's production assets, and you let him get Maretime Bay's populace into a paranoid mob. By the time you were ready to reel him in, it was far too late. I think you need to step back a moment, and I'm going to help you do that." "Why should I continue this if it's not punishment?" Phyllis asked. "Phyllis, I warned you that this might happen. I told you this was a fetish for a lot of ponies. When he didn't see a way out, his mind began to accept it, and then because you couldn't disregard CanterLogic, you brought in the most exuberant, enthusiastic pony I know to foalsit for you. I don't think it's entirely fair for you to suddenly decide to take all of this away from him because he's started to enjoy it." "You really think so? Continually treating him like a foal is a lot of added stress, Hitch," Phyllis argued. "Phyllis, you want him to become a better pony, right? That's why you're doing this?" Hitch asked. "Of course," the mare replied. "Well, according to what you've just told me, he just had a fantastic day with a unicorn. Doesn't that potential new friendship outweigh any sort of remorse you want him to go through?" Hitch asked. This again brought pause to Phyllis' objections. "Of course treating him like this would be stressful, so why not keep on a perfectly enthusiastic foalsitter that you can absolutely afford?" Hitch asked. Phyllis took a deep breath, and then slowly let it out. "Alright. I'll give her a call," she conceded. "No need, she's right outside. You go talk to her, and while you're doing that, I believe I'll help myself to a glass of this wine," Hitch told her. She gave the sheriff a soft smile, then walked around the center island, exiting the kitchen towards the front door. She opened the front door, and just down the front walk stood Izzy. She had likely been waiting there, and she hadn't seen her behind Hitch a few moments ago. She stepped out into the evening air, and came up to the unicorn. "Ms. Moonbow, I would like to apologize for my tone earlier. It was a rather stressful day, and I never really anticipated Sprout warming up to this treatment so quickly," Phyllis admitted. "It's alright, Mrs. Cloverleaf. It honestly wasn't the first thing I was expecting when I got a call about a foalsitting job, but when I realized who it was, I thought I'd try my best at showing him how fun unicorns can be." "And I think you ultimately succeeded in that. Obviously this isn't really going to be a punishment to him anymore, but with how he's come to enjoy it, would you like to come back again?" Phyllis asked. Izzy gave her a smile. "Same time tomorrow morning?" After she had seen Hitch and Izzy on their way, Phyllis finally started to think about dinner, but decided to go check up on Sprout. Role play or not, she had a feeling he wouldn't nap for long. She went upstairs, walked down to his door, put her hoof on the door handle and heard... Crying? She opened the door, and looked over to the crib, and sure enough, there was Sprout, curled up facing the wall, quivering. "Sprout? Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked, coming up to the crib. She heard him take a shuddering breath. "I'm... I'm a horrible pony..." He replied, sniffling. "Izzy gave me such a good time today and... And... I was going to go over to Bridlewood and..." Phyllis took hold of the side bars of the crib and lowered them, sitting down on the mattress, rolling her son over to his other side and pulled him up into a hug. "Sugar cube... You're not a horrible pony. You know why? Because of the way you're feeling right now. A horrible pony wouldn't feel the slightest bit of remorse over what you did, and what you tried to do. Alright?" Sprout's shoulders heaved, and after sniffling again, she felt him nod. "And talking with Izzy today, I've realized that you've come to enjoy this treatment rather quickly, so it's not much of a punishment anymore." "So... So it's going to stop?" Sprout asked, beginning to get himself under control. "That was my first thought, but then I realized how it helped you make a new unicorn friend. So maybe you don't need to be punished," Phyllis said. Hearing these words made Sprout's ears twitch, and another twinge of guilt hit his chest. "Y-yes. Yes I do, mommy," Sprout said, half-confidently, pulling away from her barrel and sniffled again, as he got down off of the crib mattress. He walked over to the stool in the corner, and with his hooves quivering, picked up the paddle, and turned back to his mother, offering her the paddle. "This was the only part of it that I really don't enjoy, so..." Sprout told her, holding the implement out. Phyllis, not sure what else to do, saw how Sprout was shivering as she took the paddle into her front hooves. She stared down at it for a moment before taking it and standing it against the crib. "Let me think about it, sugar cube. I didn't particularly enjoy using that on you the first time. And I'll make a deal with you. If you've come to enjoy this, then if you perform three hours of community service a week, then I promise to keep your bedroom exactly the way it is right now, and keep that changing table stocked. Sound good?" She asked. Sprout gave his mom a smile, and nodded. "Yes, mommy." "Alright then. Izzy will be watching you the next few weeks for as long as she's in town. So what do you say we go get some dinner made?" > Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner consisted of a veggie deluxe pizza and a bottle of warm milk afterwards. It was a different feeling for both mother and son. Phyllis no longer felt like she was punishing her unwilling son, and while she was trying her best to enjoy Sprout's second foalhood, she still couldn't shake the fact that she had created and was currently enabling a new fetish of his. But Hitch was right; it was entirely her fault, and it was a price she was ultimately willing to pay if he was showing remorse and was making friends of different races. She had created the monster and the mama's colt, and if he was going to become more independent while he made this new side of himself, so be it. For Sprout, it was largely a feeling of contentment. As he followed his mom down the hall to his bedroom after his bath, he had his mind primarily on two things; what he wanted to do to fulfill his community service he had agreed to to keep his new nursery stocked, and also how he wanted to properly show Izzy gratitude for showing him what could be fun about this treatment. He started to climb up onto the changing table, when his mom put a hoof on his shoulder. "Not just yet, sugarcube..." She said, guiding him over towards the crib, where she picked up the paddle that had been resting against the bars, as they continued to the stool. Sprout gulped nervously, but knew he had absolutely no ground to stand on; he had asked for this in his remorse, precisely because he did not enjoy it at all. Phyllis took her seat, and Sprout took a deep breath and got in position across her lap as she pinned his tail against his back. "Don't worry, it won't be as severe as it was the first night; just enough to remind you to be a better pony," Phyllis told him, raising the paddle up, and brought it down on his flanks, hard, and he let out a gasp in pain. The strikes came evenly and steadily, but after just ten hits, it was over, with Sprout barely sniffling. "Alright, let's get that red rump padded and ready for bed," Phyllis told him, letting him get up. Sprout seemed surprised at how short it was, but figured it served perfectly as a light reminder, his flanks lightly tingling as he made his way over the changing table, climbing up and laying down on his back as his mom got out a fresh diaper. "Thank you for cleaning up the living room as well as you did, by the way. It looked like you two really enjoyed yourselves with your PoneBloks," Phyllis remarked as she got the diaper slid underneath him. "Yeah, it's been such a long time since Hitch and I played with those. It was so fun," Sprout said as his mom grabbed the bottle of foal powder and twisted the cap open. "Have you thought about what you're going to do for your community service?" Phyllis asked, wanting to remind him of his side of the agreement. "Yeah, I have actually. I think I want to help the construction crew as they help fix Sunny's lighthouse," Sprout answered as powder was sprinkled over his diaper area. "I think that's a fantastic first idea. And, speaking of Hitch and Sunny..." Phyllis began as she brought the diaper up between his legs and smoothing it against his stomach. "Have you thought about the possibility of them finding out about this new side of you? Because honestly, that is something you may want to prepare for, sugarcube." Sprout hadn't really given that a lot of thought, but, at the same time, Izzy, a paid foalsitter or not, didn't appear fazed at all when it came to seeing an adult acting like a foal. He had known Hitch almost his entire life, and he couldn't imagine him making fun of him, and Sunny, the bastion of friendship and unity that she had been, would probably go right along with it. It also made him wonder what Izzy would say about her new gig to Sunny, if that was who she was staying with while she was in town. So all in all, if it happened, it happened. Above all, he wasn't going to react negatively to anything out of fear. He had to treat his new friends better than that. "Yeah, if it happens, it happens. I really don't think they'd think any less of me. They're better than that," Sprout answered as his mom brought the back wings up and finished taping his diaper up. After that, she went to the closet and grabbed the hooved pajamas, and helped him into those. Lastly, she popped his pacifier into his mouth before helping him down and guided him over to the crib. He laid his head down on the pillow and she raised the bars. "Sweet dreams, Sprout. Izzy will be here in the morning," Phyllis told him, before going back to the door and shut off the light, and closing the door almost all the way. Sprout gave a small stretch before letting his head sink into his pillow even more. He wasn't quite ready for sleep to take him as he continued thinking back on today's fun. He was very much looking forward to what tomorrow would bring. As his bladder let him know it was time to go, he figured he would be spending the night wet. He took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, he let himself go, feeling the warm wetness spread across his crotch, his pajamas keeping his diaper absolutely snug against his body. As it spread, he felt himself grow and get stiff in the confines of his padding. As the stream of urine began to die down, his front hooves began to find their way down to the front of his diaper. He gave it a soft press, feeling it squish in return, as the slightly swollen undergarment pressed a little tighter against his pajamas. He slowly started to rub up and down as the voice of his new foalsitter began to speak in his head. 'Ooh, is my little foal excited? Let's take care of that so you can get a good night's sleep.' His breaths began to come to him slower as he began to squirm and gently thrust up into his front hooves' massaging. 'Hehe, I guess I'm not the only one who's horny tonight, eh little guy?' Sprout continued pressing into his diaper, thrusting up in tempo, and his imagination only hastened his journey towards climax as he immersed himself in his new fetish-y fantasies. He gritted his teeth and kept his climactic moan as muted and quiet as he could, as spurts of cum joined the urine already deposited in the diaper. 'There we go. What a good boy. Alright, now you can get a good night's sleep. See you in the morning, Sprouty." Letting out a long exhale as he began to settle into the afterglow, Sprout's hooves fell to his sides, as his eyelids began to now grow heavy... Sunny Starscout was enjoying a small slice of cake for dessert as she relaxed on her hotel room's couch, looking out the front window as the moon began to rise over the sea. It didn't quite feel like home, but she couldn't really complain; the suite was comfy enough, and Phyllis Cloverleaf had paid for it in full for as long as the repairs to the lighthouse took. There was a knock at the door and she set her plate down on the end table, got off the couch, going over to door, and opened it. "Hey there, roomie!" Izzy greeted with a grin. "Hey there, was wondering when you'd be back. You up for going to see a movie tomorrow?" Sunny asked. "Hm. Well, if you're willing to make it a late one. I wasn't sure of my availability tomorrow, and it looks like I've got a short term job here as a foalsitter," Izzy told her friend. "That's great to hear. Who are you foalsitting for?" > A Sunny Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout slowly came to in his crib as the sun began to come through his window. He sat up and stretched just in time for Izzy to open his bedroom door. "Rise and shine, little Sprout!" She greeted, sauntering over to his crib and magically lowered the bars. "Have a good night?" "Yup," the stallion answered, stepping out of the crib, smiling at her. "I'm glad mom let you come back. Guess this isn't much of a punishment anymore." "Well, to be fair, you weren't acting very punished yesterday either. Taken a liking to it pretty quickly, huh?" The unicorn asked. Sprout nodded as she helped him get out of his pajamas. "Well, it isn't anypony's place to judge what makes you happy or not, especially if it's in the privacy of your own home," Izzy told him as she lifted him up onto the changing table and began untaping his moderately wet diaper. "Speaking of privacy..." Izzy continued, as she opened Sprout's diaper and immediately began wiping him down with cold wet wipes, ignoring his morning wood. "I brought a friend over today. I hope you don't mind. I know they won't judge, just like I didn't, and your secret is as safe as it was with just me and your mom. But if you really don't want to have someone else here today, I can send them away," Sprout thought for a moment as the wet diaper was pulled out from under him, and he lifted his backside off of the table as she slid a fresh one underneath and quickly got it fastened around his tail. "That's alright. I trust you. Whatever you've got planned for today, I'm sure it'll be better with three ponies." Izzy let out a short giggle. "I think it's cute how you think I planned anything yesterday. I just figured out what brought out your sparkle," Izzy told him as she gave his loins a quick dusting of powder before bringing the diaper up between his hind legs, and smoothed it against his stomach as she brought the back wings up and taped it up, and then pulled him up into a sitting position. "So my sparkle is happiness? You can see emotion like that?" Sprout asked. "Yeah. All unicorns can to a small extent, but mine has always been a lot stronger. So strong that it was a little off-putting to some of Bridlewood. Some ponies don't like it when I can tell if they're happy or unhappy. I lived on the edge of town." Izzy told him as she hung his pajamas back in the closet. "I can't even begin to imagine the good you could do with a gift like that," Sprout said as he was helped down off the changing table. "Well, right now I think I'll just start with you. Ready for breakfast?" She asked. Sprout nodded as his stomach began to grumble. He followed the unicorn out into the hallway. They trotted down the stairs and came to the kitchen, and Sprout froze in his tracks upon hitting the tiled floor. "Sunny?" He asked, beside himself, seeing his foalhood friend already sitting at the table. She looked at him and immediately smiled. "Good morning, Sprout. Wow, you weren't kidding Izzy. He's adorable," Sunny greeted and commented. Sprout's cheeks lit up as Izzy turned around and guided him over to his high chair, where he was magically lifted up and fastened in. "I'm just teasing, Sprout. It's a compliment. I haven't told a soul, and I never will, you have my word," Sunny reassured him. When the tray was put back in place, Izzy placed a coloring book in front of him with a small assortment of crayons. "Don't want my big foal to get bored while breakfast is being made. I don't know about the two of you," Izzy began as she went over to the cooking area of the kitchen, firing up the stovetop. "But I'm feeling pancakes for breakfast." Both ponies sitting at the table began to salivate. Pancakes did sound good, and Sunny had enjoyed Izzy's cooking as they had traveled to Zephyr Heights together. "So how'd all this come about?" Sunny asked the stallion currently confined to his high chair. "Well, it started a few days ago when I was put on leave from the Sheriff's Department, then came home to... This. I won't lie it was... A huge adjustment. But then over the next couple days I just started to... Slip into it more, and thanks to Izzy, I've started to enjoy it. So mom and I made a deal; I'd do several hours of community service a week, and she'd keep my room stocked, and keep letting me play like this when I'm at home. Speaking of which, Izzy, you don't need to come over tomorrow, I'm gonna help the construction crew move materials over to the lighthouse tomorrow." For her part, Sunny decided to accept that answer as it was, and simply quietly observe. She had no doubt that Izzy would make this day as fun and interesting for her as she did for Sprout. He seemed in good spirits, and she was relieved at that; she was afraid that whatever had had been up to since the lighthouse collapse, he would have been miserable. Leaving him to his coloring, Sunny got up and went over to the kitchen to help Izzy with the pancakes. For her part, she got plates, forks, and knives ready. Ten minutes later, Izzy and Sunny were sitting on either side of Sprout with two plates of pancakes, with Izzy's considerably higher than Sunny's. "Hey, where's mine?" Sprout said, initially afraid that he was going to get relegated to just some mashed foal food. "Relax, silly. I've got yours on my plate, it's just easier this way," Izzy told him as she began to cut into the stack of eight pancakes on her plate that were drenched in syrup. Sprout was mesmerized as the two sets of forks and knifes worked their way into the food and floated to both his mouth and Izzy's. The pancakes were warm and fluffy, and the syrup added the perfect touch. "So what's the plan for today?" Sunny asked after swallowing her first bite. "Have you ever played with PoneBloks?" Izzy asked. "Yeah, what earth pony hasn't? Sprout and Hitch played with them all the time," Sunny replied. "Well, mom got my old ones out of the attic. I guess we can continue where we left off yesterday?" Sprout said. "Yup! Since the resistance has a new leader after their last one fell victim to the Horde!" Izzy exclaimed, looking at the saddlebags next to her chair and came out with the unicorn horn headband, which she promptly took and floated over to Sprout and planted it on his forehead, getting a chuckle out of him. Breakfast was completed without incident, and as Sprout was let out of his high chair, Sunny couldn't help but take a peek at his diaper. She couldn't tell if it was wet or not, probably due to how thick it was, but answering nature's call was always the very first thing she had done when she got up. She wondered how he was going about getting used to going in them. "You're not too wet yet, so let's go play!" Izzy told him after checking his diaper. Sunny followed them down the hall to the living room, where Sprout's PoneBlok toys had already been set out. She had played with these occasionally, just like Hitch and Sprout came over to play with her pony figures back when they were younger. "Alright, Sunny, those are the resistance vehicles that have not been infected yet, so you take that and head down to the kitchen and make a base. The Horde has to probe the mind of it's newest host..." Izzy told her, pointing to a few all-terrain vehicles that had small figures in them. Honestly, this felt fun, playing a game that started with mindless action instead of devolving into it thanks to Sprout's 'evil unicorn' antics that usually occurred a few minutes into it. The scenario involved Sunny's forces slowly getting pushed out of the kitchen and down the hall, headed for the stairs, where the resistance survivors began to 'climb the mountain' up to the underground base that Sprout's bedroom was serving as. She had set up several of Sprout's already-built catapults and defensive emplacements at the door ready to hold off the approaching zombie unicorns. She was surprised when Izzy told her how she had immediately fell into the zombie role after Sprout had explained the background to these toys. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard hoofsteps on the stairs, and saw several figures and vehicles be placed on the carpet at the top. "More brains!" She heard Sprout yell, but just as his head poked up above the top stairs, she saw his entire body glow and get lifted up by Izzy's magic who had come up behind him. "I think my little zombie is stinky!" She said playfully, giving the back of his diaper a test poke, and it snapped Sprout out of his zombified facade as he took on a look of embarrassment. "Yup! Let's get you changed and we can get lunch started." Sunny moved out of the way, clearing the floor of the doorway as best she could as Izzy floated Sprout down the hall, into the room, and onto the changing table, and immediately started pulling the tapes off of the front, and the unmistakable stench of manure had reached Sunny's nostrils. 'So he does use them, for everything,' she thought to herself, and felt her cheeks warm a bit as she risked a glance or two at the diaper change taking place in front of her. Sprout was doing a perfect job of averting his gaze completely, not having had any kind of audience before, but it didn't get to the point of a verbal objection. "Alright, and done!" Izzy declared as she finished taping the fresh diaper into place and set Sprout down on the ground. "Let's break for lunch, then we can finish our fun here and then do a movie!" For lunch, Izzy and Sunny put together some salad greens and fresh fruit, while Sprout got mashed veggies in his bowl, which he grimaced at the taste of, but otherwise didn't complain, likely appreciating the authenticity of the meal. After eating, they returned upstairs where Sunny's resistance continued to hold off the zombies with some well placed shots from her defenses. It took longer than they thought, but Izzy, Sprout, and their horde finally broke through, and Sunny found another unicorn headband placed on her head, bringing the house's unicorn count to three. As she sat next to Izzy on the couch watching the movie with Sprout down on the floor, she found herself staring more and more. She had prepared herself mentally as best she could when Izzy had told her who she was foalsitting last night, but seeing it today, and seeing how content her friends were in both their roles started to make her recognize the feeling she was beginning to experience inside. Was it... Curiosity? Envy? By the time the credits of the film were beginning to scroll, they heard the front door open, and the three pairs of eyes went to the clock above the television. It was a quarter after five already. The day had flown by, and sure enough, Phyllis Cloverleaf came walking into the living room. "Hi mommy!" Sprout greeted, getting up and threw his front legs around his mother. "Hi sweetheart, did you have a good day? Nice to see you again, Sunny. Thank you again, Izzy. Not too much of a hoofful, I take it?" She asked as she set her saddlebags down. "Not at all, Ms. Cloverleaf." "Excellent, and has he told you? No need for you tomorrow, he'll be helping the construction team at Sunny's lighthouse for his community service." Izzy nodded understandingly. "Yep. You know where to reach me. With this movie over, we'll get out of your hair," Izzy told her with a smile. "Sweetheart, why don't you go play up in your room while I see Izzy and Sunny out, then I'll get dinner started," Phyllis told her son. He gave a nod, then trotted down the hall, diaper crinkling with every step. "Thanks again, Izzy. I'm pretty sure to him it's some kind of therapy, and it makes him so happy to have you watch him like this," Phyllis told the unicorn, handing her a small bag of bits for another day's work. "Happy to do it, Ms. Cloverleaf. And yes, I can tell you with absolute certainty that it makes him happy." The three mares made their way to the front door, and Izzy was the first one out as Phyllis opened the door and bid them farewell. "Ms. Cloverleaf?" Sunny asked as she turned right after walking through the doorway out onto the front walk. "Yes, Sunny?" "I hope this isn't too forward of me, but I was... I was wondering if you might tell me where you got Sprout his... Supplies..." > Curiosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, pizza's on me tonight, Sunny," Izzy told her friend a couple minutes after they left the Cloverleaf residence for the evening. The sun was beginning it's final descent towards the horizon as the two mares headed towards their downtown hotel room that they had gotten long term while Sunny's lighthouse was undergoing repairs. "Sounds great, Izzy, but I've got a stop to make before I turn in for the night. You think you can hold off for about thirty minutes?" Sunny asked. "Yeah, sure. Still got a little bit of lunch in there. Want me to tag along?" Izzy asked. "No, no, that's alright. I'll see you back at the room," Sunny replied, and at the pair of ponies split at the turn off towards the hotel. Sunny headed towards the northeast end of town, mentally recalling the short conversation she just had with Phyllis barely five minutes ago... "I hope this isn't too forward of me, but I was... I was wondering if you might tell me where you got Sprout his... Supplies..." She asked Phyllis, as Izzy waited for her down at the end of the walk. "His supplies? Oh, oh you mean... You...?" Phyllis trailed off, and both mares showed hints of embarrassment at the topic. "I'm... Admittedly a little curious, yes," Sunny replied, feeling her cheeks warm. "Hm. Well, maybe I need to give Hitch a little more credit when he said that it's more common than I thought. Well, it's a little corner shop on East Second Street and Bayside Avenue, called My Inner Foal. I think they're still open for a little while longer. Not exactly easy to spot from a distance, so keep an eye out," Phyllis told her. "Thanks, Phyllis. See you later!" Sunny said with a smile, then turning and walking down to where Izzy waited. Sunny walked up a couple more blocks up to Bayside Ave, and made a right. She kept her pace at a healthy trot, as it was approaching 7pm, and from the sound of it, this place had limited hours. She also didn't want to keep Izzy waiting too long. She went up two more blocks, and there it was. The signage on the door was pretty simple, and certainly didn't grab your attention. Almost like you had to know what to look for, and if you weren't, you'd pass it right by. It occurred to Sunny that that was probably the point. She looked at the hours on the door, and saw that she had arrived just in time. She would have just about ten or fifteen minutes to take a look around. She took a deep breath, and put one hoof in front of the other, and made her way towards the door. She pulled it open, and there was a chime that announced her arrival. "Hello, and welcome to My Inner, oh, Sunny! How are you?" The olive green-coated proprietor greeted. She was a middle-aged mare with a purple mane and tail, and Sunny had to internally confess that she didn't know her by name. She, on the other hand, was pretty much famous to the entire town now. "I'm good. I'm wondering if there's time to look around before you close," Sunny replied, shifting her front hooves around. "Yes, certainly. My name is Mayflower, and I'm assuming you know what I offer here?" she asked. Now she placed the mare. She was one of the ponies Hitch greeted out in front of CanterLogic. "Y-Yes, I do," Sunny answered, her cheeks growing warm. "Well, thank you for getting up the nerve to come in here and take a look around. Don't worry, most of my first-time customers are as nervous as can be. I do close in about twenty minutes, but feel free to use all that time to look at what you might like. All of the clothing and outfits I offer are here on the left, and all of my available diapers are here on the right." Mayflower told her. Sunny felt her cheeks flush again when Mayflower mentioned diapers so casually. She glanced at the outfits, which consisted of onesies, pajamas, skirts, dresses, and denim overalls, but that's not what she was here for today. She made her way over to the rows of shelves on the right, and sure enough, every single pack of diapers was much, much larger than you would find for foals, but the packaging was certainly the same style. She silently made her way down the right wall, glancing at the packages as she went. There were quite a variety of patterns and styles, from simply pull-up training pants, plastic pants, and most commonly, tape-on disposable diapers, both plastic and cloth-backed. Her gait came to a standstill when she found a pack of ten plastic-backed ones with wands, shooting stars, and fairies patterned on it. She didn't remember much from her foalhood, but something about these spoke to her, and as she pulled the appropriate size from the shelf, she felt a tingling in her hooves. She didn't want to spend too much on a mere curiosity, so she stuck with just the single pack, and returned to the register up front. "If this is your very first time, do you want to include some powder and wipes?" Mayflower asked her. "Hm? Oh, yeah, probably a good idea," Sunny asked, still very self-conscious, wondering how she was going to get these back to the hotel room. "As a complete newbie, if I may offer some advice? I know you're probably excited to get back home and try these on, but if you take them out of the pack and let them rest for twenty or thirty minutes, they'll expand and become considerably fluffier, thicker, and thus more absorbent. I won't assume what you're planning on doing in these, but you won't need to change them with every use; they're for heavy use, and can take multiple wettings." Mayflower told her as she rang up the pack of Little Fairyz diapers, a bottle of foal powder, and a pack of adult-sized wet wipes. "I... See. Thank you," Sunny said with a nervous smile, completely unprepared to talk about something like this with a complete stranger. To her relief, the items were placed in a completely unassuming paper shopping tote, which was then folded at the top and slid across to her, with the contents completely hidden. "Alright, Miss Starscout, that will be 28 bits, please," Mayflower told her. Sunny reached into her saddle bag to get out the required amount, and slid across three 10-bit pieces, and got two bits in change. "Thank you very much, and I sincerely hope you enjoy exploring this curiosity. If you do, you are welcome back absolutely any time. Please enjoy your evening," Mayflower thanked her. Sunny smiled as she took the shopping bag and hooked it onto her saddlebags, turns, and left the store, having to make a conscious effort to not head back to the hotel at a full gallop... > Diving In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Izzy was laying back in her bed in the hotel room, watching TV. A brochure for 'Pizza Palace' was next to her on the bed, and she had her mind made up on what she wanted to order for dinner, but thought it best to double check with Sunny when she got back. She hoped it wouldn't be too much longer, as her stomach was starting to rumble a bit. As if on cue, she heard the door's card reader beep, and the door opened to reveal Sunny, with her saddlebags and an additional shopping bag. "Hey there," Izzy greeted. "Hope you're hungry, because I sure am." "Yeah, lunch seems like forever ago," Sunny answered, unhooking the shopping bag and putting it on her bed and unbuckled her saddlebags. "I was thinking Veggie Deluxe, what do you think?" Izzy asked, grabbing her phone with her magic. "You read my mind," Sunny replied. Izzy dialed the number on the brochure, and was talking to an employee in no time. "Yes, I'd like to place an order for delivery. We're at the Maretime Bay Inn, room number 14. We'd like a large Veggie Deluxe, a side of breadsticks, and a 2-liter of soda. 21 bits? Alright, thank you!" Izzy ended the call and plugged her phone back in. "They said about 35 minutes. So what have you got there?" Izzy said, motioning to Sunny's shopping bag. Sunny's cheeks warmed a bit, but she really figured the question would be coming. There was absolutely no hope, nor expectation of privacy in this hotel room. Besides, Izzy was her best friend, and after what she had watched her do with Sprout today, she would certainly understand. ...Right? "Well, after today... I admittedly got a little, um, curious... So..." With that, Sunny untaped the shopping bag, unfolded the crease, and pulled out the package of adult foal diapers, and set it on the bed. "Ooh, really?" Izzy asked excitedly. Sunny nodded sheepishly. "There was just something about how content Sprout was today, that made me wonder what it was like," the earth mare explained as she tore the top of the package open and pulled one out, and looked at it. Everything about the design shouted 'foal!'. It even had a 'Size 8' graphic printed on the back above the fantasy and fairy pattern. "The shop owner said it was best to take them out of the package and let them air out before putting them on, so I think I'll take a shower before dinner gets here." With that, she set the shopping bag, fresh diaper, pack of diapers, container of wipes, and bottle of foal powder on the floor in between their two beds, getting everything out of sight of the front door, in case the pizza came before she got out of the shower. With that, she headed into the bathroom in the back of the hotel room, and started the shower, while Izzy continued watching TV, occasionally peering over the edge of the bed to look at the items Sunny had just bought tonight. Sunny was in the shower for ten minutes, and spent another five thoroughly drying herself off. She heard the muffled knock on the front door, and Izzy answering it, confirming that it was their pizza, before hanging up her towels and coming out into the main room again. With how close they were to eating, relaxing, and headed for bed, she opted to leave her mane down out of the ties she usually put it in every morning. Carrying the pizza and soda with her magic, she set them down on the center nightstand between the two beds, poured two glasses of soda, and flipped the top of the box open, revealing a fresh, steaming veggie-filled cheesy pizza. "Looks delicious. Should I pay you back for half?" Sunny asked as she came to sit down on her bed. She glanced at the diaper she had set on top of the open pack, and noticed that it had already increased in size in the fifteen minutes it had been there resting. "Nonsense, you paid for dinner last night, it's my turn," Izzy countered, as she plated up two slices of pizza, and giving one to Sunny. The unicorn noticed how often Sunny's eyes darted down from the TV to the package in between the two beds. "So, do you want me to get you into a diaper tonight?" Izzy asked this question just as Sunny was taking her first drink of soda, and the resulting hiccup made the fizzy beverage go up her nose. Her eyes watered as she coughed and wheezed to get the droplets of soda out of her nose. "Sorry sorry! Should've waited until you weren't drinking..." Izzy immediately followed up regretfully. Sunny blinked away the tears and shook away the burning and tingling in her nose, before wiping her eyes and meeting Izzy's gaze. "You... You really want to do that?" She asked. "Well, it is kind of the whole experience, right? Not just wearing them and using them, but also being cared for and looked after?" Izzy asked. Sunny couldn't deny that, and somepony with actual foalsitting experience was really a huge bonus. "I mean, yeah, sure. If-if you really want to," Sunny answered bashfully, continuing into her pizza. Izzy smiled, and continued eating as well. They should probably finish dinner first. An awkwardness hovered over the room as the two mares ate their dinner, the pack of diapers sitting on the floor in front of the night stand being a bright white, infantile beacon. As Sunny ate, excitement and nervousness clashed inside her. She had experienced plenty of second-hoof embarrassment from the few glimpses she had taken of Sprout getting changed today, and now just by seeing how curious she had gotten, her best friend was immediately offering to do the same for her. Over the next fifteen minutes, they each finished their half of the pizza, their share of breadsticks, and a couple glasses of soda, after which Izzy floated the empty boxes over to the trash can, and dropped them in, before turning her complete attention to Sunny. "So, is baby Sunny ready?" The unicorn asked, and the earth pony felt her cheeks flush again as she nodded, swallowing. She felt herself get lifted up by Izzy's magic, rotated and flipped over, and gently laid down onto her back. Sunny fought back embarrassment as she was quite exposed to her friend. Next, came the diaper up from its resting position on the pack of the other eleven, and Sunny saw how it had indeed nearly doubled in thickness. She watched silently as Izzy unfolded it, got it oriented correctly, quickly fluffed it a bit, then felt her backside get lifted up and the diaper was slid underneath her, and the top set of tapes was quickly fastened around her tail, before setting her down. Then came the bottle of foal powder. Izzy peeled off the quality assurance sticker, and twisted the cap open, before floating it over Sunny's nethers, turned it over, and sprinkled powder over her entire diaper area. With that done, Izzy closed the tap, set it on the nightstand, and brought the front of the diaper up between Sunny's legs, and smoothed it against her stomach. She then brought the back wings up, and fastened the tapes snugly on the front landing zone. After a quick check of the leak guards, she clapped her hooves together once. "And done! How does it feel?" Izzy asked. Sunny began to sit up, and was immediately aware of the added, crinkly bulk between her legs. Izzy stepped back to her bed, and let her friend slide off the bed down to her hooves. Every step she took with her back legs made her diaper crinkle, and she felt tingly all over as she stepped towards the mirror that was mounted on the wall between the closet and bathroom. The instant she saw herself in the diaper, her eyes widened, and Izzy saw her sparkle light up like a fire. "You look adorable, and we don't even have a bottle or a pacifier for you yet!" Izzy told her. Sunny couldn't help but let a goofy smile spread across her face as she paced the room a couple times before getting back up on her bed. "You like it?" Izzy asked her as she watched Sunny get comfortable and sink her head down into her pillow. "It's so soft and comfy," Sunny answered, subtly wiggling her legs to keep the crinkles coming. The scent of foal powder was returning her to a very infantile place that she had pushed to a distant corner of her memory. "If you want, I can make a quick trip out first thing in the morning if you want me to foalsit for you like I did Sprout," Izzy offered. Sunny's eyes widened again as she looked over at her friend. "Izzy, you don't have to do—" "But I want to. You are so sparkly right now, and I want to do everything I can to help you discover this new part of yourself," Izzy interrupted and countered, not wanting her to get cold hooves. "Well, as long as I can go halfsies on whatever you get in the morning," Sunny said. "Deal. So rule number 1? No using the bathroom, you're wearing it as of right now," Izzy told her. "I'll try my best," Sunny replied. She was wondering if it would be as easy for her as it was for Sprout in just a few days. Izzy smiled over at her while they continued to watch TV. As the clock came around closer to 10, Sunny was wondering if she would have to use it before bed, and once she started to yawn, she began to doubt it. 'Oh well,' she thought to herself, yawning again as Izzy turned off the light. 'There's always tomorrow morning.' > The Authentic Foal Experience > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout stepped into his bedroom, his diaper rather wet over the course of that evening's activities. He climbed up onto the changing table with his mom right behind him, grabbing a fresh diaper from the shelves below. "Alright, sugar cube," Phyllis began as she untaped her son's wet diaper. "Here's how it's going to work tomorrow. You're going to get up a little early, with me before I head for work. I'll get you cleaned up, but not put another diaper on you for the day. I go to work, and you go help the construction team at the lighthouse. I'll get you diapered up again when I get home from work, and Izzy will be back the next morning. Sound good?" "Yes, mommy," Sprout nodded as the wet wipe made it's way across his diaper area, before the fresh one was unfolded, placed under him, and fastened around his tail. He had already received his voluntary spanking earlier tonight after dinner, so after this it was straight to bed. After a quick powdering, the diaper was brought up between his legs, and fastened around his waist. He wondered if he would have to go at all in the night, because if not, it seemed to be a bit of a waste, as he would be out of them for most of the day tomorrow. Not that he would opt to go without one for the night. Just being in them helped him sleep better, or at least that's how he felt. With the change complete, he sat up and hopped off the changing table, and was quickly helped into his hoofed pajamas before he was walked over to the crib, climbing in, and his mom tucked him in with the blanket, before leaning down and kissing him on the forehead. "I'm proud of you, Sprout. Have a good night, sweetheart," she told him, before raising the bars up, and went to the door, shutting off the light and shutting it nearly all the way. Sprout sunk deeper into his pillow, resisting the urge to rub one out, figuring maybe that if he could hold off for the rest of the night and tomorrow, it would feel even better when and if Izzy did it the next day... Sunny slowly came to in the middle of the night, glancing at the clock on the nightstand, reading a time of 3 AM. She usually slept through the night, but she hadn't quite gotten used to these surroundings yet. Well, that, and that an adult-sized disposable diaper was snugly taped around her waist. She wasn't ready to blame that for her restlessness. No, that would probably be the fact that her bladder was currently alerting her brain that it needed to make more room for that two-liter of soda she had shared with Izzy over pizza and breadsticks. Seeing Izzy sound asleep in the adjacent bed, Sunny quietly removed the covers and got out of bed on the far side, walking around both beds to the bathroom area. The door itself was closed, but she did agree to Izzy's rule of no bathrooms for this little trial run of theirs. Besides, she was quite curious after she saw how swollen Sprout's diapers had gotten yesterday. She had even asked him how he had gotten used to doing it so suddenly, fighting back and resisting his mind's potty training. 'Oh it's not really resisting training' Sprout had told her. 'But sort of.... Like, adding another layer of training on top of it. I'm not completely used to it yet, don't get me wrong, but it is about slowly getting your mind used to these being an acceptable place to go. The first time I had to go, mom had to run a faucet at a trickle, and even tickle me to finally get me to break.' Luckily, this hotel room was like most others in Maretime Bay, and the bathroom sink and counter was placed outside the smaller room where the toilet and shower were. So with diaper crinkling with every step, she walked to the back of the room, and her eyes had adjusted enough where she didn't need to turn the light on above the sink and risk waking Izzy. She reached over the sink and just barely turned on the faucet. As the small stream of water trickled into the sink in the darkness of the room, Sunny resisted the urge to close her legs together, and slowly took a breath. As she let it out, she felt her bladder release. She felt the warmth against her marehood immediately as it began to spread out across the inside of the diaper. Just as she was afraid that it was coming too fast, that perhaps she was supposed to let it out slower to avoid it spilling over, the absorbent layers began to soak it in and swell up. Almost ten seconds past before she realized she hadn't been breathing, and resumed doing so as the stream continued. At fifteen seconds, it began to taper off, and she took another deep breath. As she reached to shut the faucet off, she was still wrapping her mind around that she had just peed herself, and that it had been rather on the easy side. At last, she was done. But it was too dark to look in the mirror at how it now looked. But the feeling was undeniable; warm and wet. She turned to head back to her bed, and she heard the unmistakable squishing along with the crinkling. She walked back to her bed as quietly as she could, and immediately noticed how her back legs were just a little farther apart due to her now swollen diaper. Climbing back into bed with a yawn, she gave it a few test pokes as she sunk her head back into her pillow. While she was a little nervous that it would leak in the night, she also knew that Sprout's looked positively more swollen than this, so that she was likely safe. That's what these diapers were for, and Izzy would no doubt take care of her in the morning. > Stinky Starscout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny awoke with a stretch, and felt something wet on her cheek. She slowly raised her face from her pillow, and discovered that she had been sleeping so soundly that she had been positively drooling. She pulled the covers off of her, and found that her wet diaper, while still swollen, wasn't warm anymore, but cool and clammy. That might not be an issue much longer, due to her bladder itching to get its morning relief, as was the routine for most ponies getting up first thing in the morning. She swung her back legs over to the edge of the bed and hopped down to the floor. The first thing she noticed was that Izzy wasn't there, and looked at the clock on the nightstand. The alarm hadn't been set, so she had slept in until 8:30. Right in front of the alarm clock was a note. She walked up to the nightstand and read it. Dear Sunny, I made a quick trip out into town to get some more things for you. If you're reading this, I didn't quite make it back in time. Be sure to be a good little filly while I'm gone! I'll be back soon with more supplies. I'm sure your diaper will hold out until then. See you soon! -Izzy <3 Sunny smiled down at the note, figuring that Izzy was indeed planning on carrying this through to the next day. She could only guess that she was out getting more foal items. So for now, she went back over to the sink, and while she turned on the faucet to a trickle, she saw that the bathroom door was closed, and from the bottom of the door, didn't look like the light was on. Maybe it was just a subtle reminder from Izzy to remind her to not use the bathroom. The trickling water once again did the trick, and on slowly letting out her next breath slowly, her bladder relaxed and let out a stream of urine out into the already wet padding. Already standing on tile in case of any leaks, Sunny was surprised at how it took it absorbed another complete wetting and swelled up even more. She started to wonder how much it could take before it either began to leak, or she would be unable to walk. But at the very least, her diaper wasn't cold and uncomfortable anymore. Shutting off the faucet, the absolutely soaked Sunny waddled back over to the bed, figuring she'd try and get more into a 'little' headspace by turning on the TV and watching some morning cartoons. But just as she sat down and turned on the TV, her lower half gave her another call of nature, this one a little closer to her tail. Now, for the first time, Sunny felt a shudder of nervousness. Wetting herself seemed easy and harmless enough, but... Pooping herself seemed considerably more taboo. Not wanting to commit herself to that just yet, she was hoping that Izzy wouldn't be mad if she broke this rule. She got back up, leaving the TV on, and walked back down to the bathroom. She reached for the door handle, and found that it did not move. At all. 'What?' Sunny wondered. She didn't think these hotel bathroom doors were supposed to lock from the outside. She paced nervously for a few moments, until she heard the card reader on the front door click, and it swung open. In came Izzy with two shopping bags in her magical grasp. "Well, I was hoping to get back before you got up. What do you think you're doing back there, my little filly?" Izzy asked as she set down the bags on the table in the corner of the room. Sunny felt like she just had her hoof caught in the cookie jar all of a sudden. "I... You see, I was, uh... I need to... You know, go..." Sunny said, her cheeks tinting pink again. "This is why I wanted to be here before you got up," Izzy said, walking towards Sunny in the back of the room. "To ease you into this stuff and keeping you comfortable for some of the bigger steps." "This door isn't supposed to lock from the outside. How did you do that?" "It's not too hard for my magic to do something as simple as turn the lock from the other side of the door, silly Sunny," Izzy said with a smile, guiding her back towards the beds. "Izzy... I'm not sure if I'm ready for something like this..." Sunny confessed. "Something like what?" Izzy asked. "You know... I'm not ready to... To poop myself..." Sunny said, embarrassment washing over her again. Izzy came to Sunny's side and put her front leg around her reassuringly. "Oh, I think you might be more ready than you might think. Especially with me here. It's a big step for a new filly, but I know you can do it. I think you'll feel a lot better once you do." Sunny shuddered again, nervous at the prospect of doing something so... Foalish and helpless, and yet, encouraged by her best friend's words. "Come on, if you do this for your foalsitter, I'll have a treat for you after breakfast," Izzy told her, taking a step back and giving her best friend some space. Sunny took another breath, and realized it wasn't going to be as simple as running a faucet this time. She spread her back legs, even more so than they already were with the swollen diaper around her waist, and took another breath, taking on a distant stare as she retreated into her mind and began to concentrate. She was in the bathroom, just barely above the toilet... Having barely made it in time... Sufficiently in her headspace, her tail hitched up, and she instinctually pushed with the appropriate muscles. A moment later, the slimy mass started to exit her body, and immediately met the inside of her diaper. There was a resistance for just a moment before it gave way and began to spread out across the already soaked padding. She let out a gasp. It was hot, almost too hot at first. But with the heat came an indescribable feeling of relief. After the first push, her muscles tightened and were ready for a second go. She clenched for just a moment, then pushed again, and the rest of her morning load came out. When she was done, she came to the realization that she had been holding her breath, and let out a long, exasperated breath as heat once again built up in her face, along with the heat that was now being held against her nether region by the crinkly, swollen padding. "Good job, my little filly. I'm so proud of you," Izzy said, coming forward again and wrapping her front legs around her friend. "What a stinky little foal I've got now." Izzy led the padded earth pony over to her bed, and the unicorn laid down first, sitting up against the headboard, before magically lifting Sunny up and setting her down in between her back legs, snuggling her into her barrel. When her bottom hit the bed, her mess spread out even more than it had, and she shuddered again. She felt so little, so naughty. Big mares didn't fill their pants like that. She wondered if Sprout had felt the same way the first time he had to do the same. "Alright, my little Sunny. Breakfast time," Izzy told her, her horn lighting up again, and she floated over the bottle of milk that she had prepared while Sunny was doing her stinky deed. By the time the bottle reached her lips, the stench had reached her nose, and she resisted the urge to tear up at what she had just done. But Izzy was right here, and she'd get her cleaned up when she was good and full. She opened her mouth, and the bottle's nipple entered her mouth, and she began to suckle. The bottle was considerably bigger than what you'd find a foal feeding from, and this was undoubtedly an adult-size serving of milk for breakfast. Izzy gently wrapped her front hooves around Sunny, keeping her snuggled against her barrel, massaging her chest and stomach as she nursed from the bottle. "My what a stinky filly..." She said playfully, her words reminding Sunny of her deed, along with the constant stench that was wafting up to their nostrils. A couple minutes later, the bottle of milk was empty, and Sunny let out a hearty belch as the nipple was pulled from her lips. "Alright, little Sunny. One last thing before I get you changed. I believe I promised you a treat after breakfast for using your diaper..." Izzy said. Sunny was sufficiently intrigued by what Izzy had in mind when she made no move to get up from the bed or otherwise release her from this gentle, snuggling embrace. Instead, she saw her horn light up once more, and her saddlebags lit up, and a large, white cylinder came out of the left pocket. There were buttons on the bottom part of it, and at the top was a rubber white bulb. As the unicorn slowly levitated it towards Sunny's diaper, she saw the indicator light right above the top button turn green, then heard the bulb pulse and vibrate wildly a second before the unicorn magically pressed it against her soaked, smelly padding. Sunny let out another gasp at what the unicorn was doing. She began to squirm, but her friend's hug tightened just enough to keep her securely in her grasp. "Now, just relax, little Sunny. Let's make you extra sparkly," Izzy said, slowly moving the head of the vibrator up and down against the plastic surface of her well-used diaper. Try as she might to stop her squirming, it was a lost cause, as she felt her marehood become wet, and not from her wet diaper. "Here, this'll help..." Izzy said, pulling another item from one of the bags she had brought in; a pacifier that looked a lot bigger than a foal would need. A small, regular foal, that is. Izzy waited until Sunny's next gasp, and popped the large nipple into her mouth, pressing the large red shield against her lips. "There we go, now you look the part even more, and it'll help you keep quiet," Izzy said, pressing the vibrator into the diaper even harder. A half minute later, Sunny wasn't trying to squirm away from it, but was now pressing into it. "That's it, little Sunny. I'm here to take care of all of your needs, and that includes the ones that big foals have. Now come on, let it out. Show me how much you enjoy your diapers." This was a side of Izzy that Sunny had not seen before, and as her breathing quickened, she couldn't help but wonder if she had also done this with Sprout, which perhaps sped up his acceptance of this treatment, this fetish. She guessed it probably worked on him, because honestly, it was working on her too. Being embraced by her best friend, being talked to like an infant, and also a full-grown pony who needed help getting off... All while sitting in her own urine and manure... "Ah! Mommy!" Sunny squealed into her pacifier, and her limbs stretched as far as they would go, as Izzy held her tighter. "There we go... What a good girl, all sparkly again..." Izzy praised, removing the vibrator and replacing it with her own hoof, slowly bringing her down from her padded orgasm. Sunny caught her breath as quietly as she could, and as she did, she knew she now wanted nothing more than to get out of this filthy diaper. "And did I just hear what I think I did? Hm?" Izzy asked, as she continued to gently rub Sunny's swollen, smelly diaper as she pulled a fresh one from the pack. "I... Uh... I'm sorry..." Sunny replied meekly. "Oh, Sunny. Don't apologize. I'm flattered. Now..." Izzy slid off the bed onto her hooves, letting Sunny fall back into a laying position as she got the fresh diaper unfolded. "Let's get my stinky little filly changed." > Code 1616 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny laid back on the bed, a bath towel underneath her, as she kept her quivers to a minimum as Izzy made her way across her nether regions with cool wet wipes, cleaning up the manure that had spread across her diaper area. Whenever Sunny risked a glance, which wasn't often, she saw that Izzy was going about her task with absolutely no grimacing or disgust. "I hope this embarrassment passes soon, little Sunny," Izzy commented as she continued her work. "You're only using your diaper for what it's for, and it's pretty much my fault for how messy it is down here," the unicorn finished. Sunny was glad for how enthusiastic Izzy was in her role; now that the afterglow had subsided, her very full diaper felt nothing but gross, and she wanted out of it. "I-It's not just that, Izzy..." Sunny stammered. "It's also what I called you..." "Come on, Sunny. I took it as a compliment. I'm flattered! In fact, if you want to keep calling me mommy, I'm perfectly fine with it.. In fact..." Izzy paused as she grabbed a fresh diaper from the pack in between the two beds, unfolding it and taking a moment to fluff it up before sliding it under Sunny. The way she was lifted and cradled with her magic made the earth pony feel even more like a foal. "...If you really end up enjoying everything about today, I was wondering if you'd want to come be a playmate for Sprout tomorrow when I go foalsitting again." Sunny's eyes widened at the thought, but then immediately began to warm up to it. If she wanted a truly authentic experience, that would be the place to go about it; there was a crib, changing table, high chair, and more foal toys than they had here in the hotel room. And since she had already seen Sprout like this, it only made sense to return the favor. "Yeah, I think that'd be nice, as long as I don't have to walk over there like this, okay?" Sunny asked. "Don't worry. I'm not about to make my friends become exhibitionists," Izzy reassured her as she brought the front of the diaper up, smoothed it against her stomach, and snugly taped it closed on both sides. "Aaand done!" The unicorn announced. Sunny sat up and found the clean, crinkly garment immensely preferable to the soaked, smelly one Izzy had tightly wrapped up, bagged, and put into the trash. After that, she hopped back over to her bed and grabbed the book she had on her side of the nightstand, sitting back against the headboard and opened it to where she had left off. A few minutes later, Izzy did the same with a book of her own, but first, she went back over to the table next to the TV and got out a plastic jug of apple juice, and a sippy cup, pouring it full then set it down on Sunny's side of the nightstand. "For when my little filly gets thirsty," she said, before laying back on her bed and cracking open her own book. It only took a few swallows for Sunny's bladder to signal her brain again. Instead of going back to the sink outside of the bathroom, Sunny leaned back a bit farther into the headboard, spreading her hind legs, and took a quiet breath. Focusing on her bladder, but not too hard, she imagined a trickling faucet... A babbling creek... And relaxed. She felt that familiar tingly feeling when she felt her bladder release into her clean diaper, waiting as it soaked up and became just a tad more swollen, but not really in too noticeable a way. Now she understood how Sprout had taken to it so quickly. She was about to go back to her book when a knock on the door startled her. Her eyes darted over to the door as Izzy immediately hopped up and pranced over to the door. Realizing she wasn't going to have enough time to get over to the bathroom, even if Izzy had unlocked it, she slammed her book closed and simply rolled to the side, down to the floor in between the two beds, landing softly next to the open pack of diapers, her eyes barely peeking above the comforter. "Good morning, Sheriff Hitch!" Izzy greeted with a smile. "Hey there, Izzy. I remembered you had a day off of foalsitting, so I figured I'd drop by and see how you two are doing." Hitch replied, looking past Izzy into the room. "We're doing great! Although it seems somepony is just a little bit shy at the moment," Izzy said, glancing back with Hitch to where Sunny's face was half-peeking from behind her bed. "Sunny? You okay?" Hitch asked as he stepped inside next to the unicorn, a hint of concern filling his voice as the mare hadn't budged an inch yet. Sunny was nearly quivering, but Izzy gave her a soft, reassuring smile, and after swallowing, Sunny got to her hooves, and stepped out from behind the bed. "Well, Sunny, you're looking... Different," Hitch remarked, turning back to Izzy. "I guess you don't have a day off from foalsitting after all." "A-After seeing Sprout yesterday, I... Got a little curious," Sunny admitted, beginning to twiddle her front hooves. "I can see that," Hitch remarked, coming up to Sunny as Izzy closed the door. "Slipping into the carefree foal life quite easily, eh Sunny?" Sunny rolled her eyes at the teasing remark, turning to go back to her book on the bed. "Wet already? That's a violation of Code 1616," Hitch continued after she turned around. "Ha ha, very funny," Sunny remarked, trying to hide her embarrassment from the attentive sheriff. Of course he would be able to spot something like that; he could spot a piece of litter from a block away. "You want to stay for lunch?" Izzy asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "She might need to be changed by then!" > When Your Friend Is A Foal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny honestly wasn't sure what she was expecting when Hitch came into their hotel room and saw her padded and foalish state. But to be completely fair to the stallion, he was really no different than she had been when she first saw Sprout yesterday at breakfast; mildly amused at best, and just mostly curious. So here she laid back on her bed, with Hitch next to her, and Izzy on her bed on the other side of the center nightstand, as they watched a sitcom on the television. "So..." Sunny began, shifting her hind legs ever so slightly, her wet diaper crinkling in response. "Sprout told me that this was pretty much your idea. Care to explain where you thought that up?" Hitch cleared his throat, surprised that word had gotten around this quickly. "Well, I'll just say that you don't spend this much time as an involved sheriff without getting to know all the odds and ends of Maretime Bay. Mayflower is a model citizen, and she knows her clientele very well. After Sprout toppled the lighthouse, I really wasn't sure how I was going to be able to keep him from behind bars. As misguided as his power trip was, I still consider him a friend. I also didn't want Phyllis to escape her share of the responsibility either. So I remembered Mayflower's little shop on the west side of town, and asked her where one might buy, or make some adult-sized foal furniture. Her answer was pretty straight forward; CanterLogic. So the next day, I made the suggestion to Phyllis that it might be best if we give Sprout a way to more or less 'start over'. I didn't really let it slip the added stress of effectively making him a foal again, but I thought that would be a good second chance for her too, for them both to grow and move past their mistakes. To be perfectly honest, I was pretty much expecting her to ask me to babysit when she would have to return to work, but it turns out, Izzy is probably a much better choice than I ever would have been." Hitch paused to sip at his glass of orange juice that Izzy had poured him after he had arrived. "Even though I warned Phyllis that it was entirely possible that he would begin to wrap his mind around this treatment and embrace it as a fetish, I really wasn't expecting that he would warm up to this treatment so quickly. But I guess that's a testament to how fun Izzy can make things. Phyllis told me that he, completely on his own, volunteered to help the construction teams with the lighthouse after some gut-punching remorse. It works out the best for everyone, I suppose. The lighthouse gets done a little quicker, Phyllis gets a new appreciation for the way she's treated her son, Sprout gets a new side of himself, Mayflower gets a little more business, and, well, honestly, I haven't quite figured you out yet, Sunny," Hitch confessed, glancing down at her diaper. Sunny blushed lightly. She knew she would never come clean about what she and Izzy did after breakfast, nor what she had called her, but she was warming up to this just as quickly as Sprout had, and no doubt it was also, like him, due to how involved Izzy was as an enthusiastic foalsitter. "Well, in a way, I suppose I should be thanking you for this curiosity," Sunny replied, smiling at him. Sunny's grumbling stomach cut off any potential reply she was about to get from Hitch. "I heard that. I think it's getting to be time for lunch," Izzy said over from her bed. She sat up, swung her legs off the edge of the bed, and hopped down to the floor, and went over to the small kitchenette that was around the corner from the bathroom and shower, an began preparing what looked like carrot dogs. "So, you thinking about getting some adult-sized foal furniture of your own when the lighthouse is rebuilt?" Hitch asked Sunny. "I... Honestly hadn't thought that far ahead yet. Izzy's offered to bring me along to Sprout's tomorrow. I'm still thinking about that," Sunny answered. "Well, if it's something you end up doing, I hope you have fun. I'll see about making time to drop by on my break tomorrow," Hitch told her. A minute later, Izzy turned back to the beds and came up in between them, levitating a single loaded carrot dog on a plate over to Hitch, along with one for her. Sunny began to wonder where hers was, when she saw a bowl and spoon also in her glowing grasp of her horn. "Don't give me that look, little Sunny. You got lucky with the pizza last night, but you're not old enough for carrot dogs. This is for you," Izzy said, raising the spoon up out of the bowl, revealing a light golden goop in the bowl. The rubber-coated spoon was swiftly placed in her mouth, where it was scraped off with the top of her lip, and the taste was immediately familiar to the earth pony. Applesauce. The bowl was easily large enough for an adult's appetite, and for every bit of her carrot dog that she took, three spoonfuls were given to Sunny. Over the course of five minutes, everypony had ate themselves or been fed, and right after Izzy levitated the plates, bowl, and spoon over to the small sink, her attention turned back to Sunny, or more specifically, the wet diaper taped around her legs. "Alright, little missy. I think somepony needs a change," Izzy told her matter-of-factly, as Sunny felt herself get picked up by the unicorn's magic, and levitated over to Izzy's bed as a fresh diaper was pulled from the pack on the floor, along with the pack of wipes and the bottle of foal powder being set next to her as she was set down onto the sheets. As Sunny risked the briefest of glances over at Hitch, who was trying very hard to keep his attention on the TV, she honestly wasn't able to tell who was more embarrassed. As Izzy pulled the diaper tapes off one by one, the earth mare figured she at least partially deserved it for the glances she risked taking at Sprout yesterday... > A New Appreciation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout slowly walked down the street towards his house, his legs positively sore from all the work he did today. Right now, he was hoping that his mom wouldn't be too upset with him that he was getting home so late; the sun had set over three hours ago. Coming up his front walk, he slid his key into the front door, and opened it. "Mommy, I'm home!" He announced, dropping his saddlebags almost immediately. "Well, it's about time. I was getting worried," Phyllis greeting, coming out from the kitchen to see her son. "I guess I can reheat your dinner for you." "Oh, no need, mommy. The construction crew invited me along to dinner after we were done with the shift today, that's the main reason why I'm so late. Apparently they were really impressed with all the work I did today," Spout replied. "Well, I'm proud of you sugarcube. If you don't need dinner, I suppose we can get you ready for bed. You're probably pretty tired." Sprout nodded. "Well, let's start with a bath. You look like you've been working hard all day. Smell like it too," Phyllis commented. Sprout hadn't noticed throughout the day, but he had indeed worked up a sweat. He followed his mom upstairs to the bathroom, where she began running a hot bath for him. A few minutes later, he stepped in and submerged himself up to his neck. His mom poured a cup of water over his head, soaking his mane, before drizzling shampoo over his head and letting him begin to lather it up. "So what did you do today?" Phyllis asked as soap suds grew around his mane and ears. "Mainly did delivery runs with a cart; did almost a dozen trips with lumber and bricks, and helped with unloading. It was up and down Oceanside Road almost all day." "Well, I'm glad things are going well. I hope Sunny's not stuck in a hotel room for the rest of the year." Phyllis decided to not tell Sprout about what Sunny had asked about the night before. She was just interested in trying it, after all. If it wasn't for her, she didn't want to out her. Once Sprout was bathed and dried off, he followed his mom to his bedroom, and climbed up on the changing table. It felt almost routine by now, as a fresh diaper was placed underneath him, and a dusting of foal powder was sprinkled over his nether region before it was brought up between his legs, and fastened around his waist. Once that was done, he hopped off the table, and was helped into his pair of hooved pajamas. "Alright, sweetheart, Izzy will be back to watch you tomorrow," Phyllis told him as they made their way over to the crib. He climbed in and got under the blanket as he sunk his head into the pillow. "Have a good night's sleep, and I'll see you tomorrow evening." With that, she kissed him on the forehead, and raised the bars up, before going over the door, shutting off the light, and shut the door nearly all the way. Laying in his crib in his thick clean diaper and fleece pajamas brought Sprout a new sense of bliss and relaxation. His mind didn't even lean into any lewd thoughts tonight, as he was out like a light almost immediately, after a hard day's work, just mere moments of watching the mobile slowly spin above his crib. Sprout could honestly get used to 'fluttering' awake like this, after a sound night's sleep, instead of dragging himself to the precinct every morning, groggy and half asleep until he's had a doughnut and a cup of coffee. Izzy was there, bars already lowered, the noise of which was what probably woke him up. "Rise and shine, Sprouty!" Izzy sing-songed as he rolled over onto his hooves. His diaper was swollen and pressed against his pajamas, and he remembered waking up just long enough to go twice in the night. "Morning, Izzy. Morning, Sunny," the stallion greeted, seeing the earth mare over by the play pen, smiling gently at him. Izzy helped him out of his pajamas, revealing his wet diaper, and nudged him up to the changing table, where he laid down on his back. She tore the tapes one by one, got his diaper opened, took a minute to get him wiped down before rollingup the wet diaper and getting it rolled up and tossed in the diaper pail. Quite used to this by now, she got a fresh diaper unfolded and fluffed, lifted up Sprout's bottom half to slide it under him, then quickly powdered him and got it taped up a little tighter than usual, electing to ignore his morning arousal for now, and Sprout decided not to be disappointed by that fact, with Sunny present, but was now wondering if he would have the opportunity to take care of that before tonight. With his morning change complete, he was helped down off of the table, but Izzy, curiously, did not move once Sprout was on the floor, instead turning her head towards Sunny. "Alright Sunny, you next! Come on up!" She told the other mare with a smile. Sprout's ears twitched in surprise, wondering if he had heard correctly. Sure enough, Sunny stepped forward with a light tint in her cheeks, and Sprout could only stand there, eyes wide and dumbfounded as Izzy lifted her up with her magic, laid her down on the changing table, and proceeded to pull a different patterned diaper from her saddlebags by the door, and get it unfolded and underneath her, before likewise giving her a quick sprinkling of foal powder before bringing the front of the diaper up between her legs and got the tapes fastened securely on the front landing zone, before helping her sit up, and let her hop down onto the floor, next to Sprout. "Alright, with that out of the way, are my big foals ready for breakfast?" Izzy asked, turning to head out into the hall, waving the pair of earth ponies forward to follow her. Sprout shook himself out of his stupor as he began to walk out of his room next to his friend, their diapers crinkling with every step they took. With a nervous clearing of his throat, he managed to look over to her. "So, you too?" > A Sparkly Playdate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout was absolutely besides himself as he walked alongside Sunny as Izzy led the two of them downstairs towards the kitchen. "So... You too?" Sprout asked, both their clean diapers crinkling behind them. "Yeah. After spending the day here, seeing how content you were, I guess you could say I got a little curious," Sunny admitted. "R... Really? That's it? Just eight hours of watching me was enough to make you want to try this?" The stallion asked. "Well, yeah. And honestly, I probably wouldn't have gotten very far with it if it wasn't for Izzy. I spent the day as her 'foal' yesterday, and she asked me if I wanted to make it even more authentic by coming back over here today." Sprout felt a prang of guilt after hearing Sunny's answer; it was absolutely true, while he was slowly getting used to this treatment and the walls of resistance slowly began to crumble during the day with his mom, Izzy was the one who came along and positively smashed those walls down with her enthusiasm and exuberance. But just because Izzy had been helping Sunny with fulfilling her curiosity, he didn't want that to downplay Sunny's outright kindness here. Even if it was with encouragement from Izzy, she was still willing to engage in this exploring this right beside him, even after everything he had done. Sunny was undoubtedly a true friend, and he would find a way to make up all the years he had dismissed her beliefs. He could start right now by not getting sappy, and by enjoying this day with her to the fullest. If Izzy could make things as fun as she did for just him, then for the two of them, he couldn't wait to see what she had in store for two big foals. And if there was any embarrassment to be had, she would surely help them push through it. They headed down the stairs into the kitchen, and an idea hit Sprout. "H-Hey Izzy? You can let Sunny have the high chair if she wants, you know, since she's here for a more authentic foal experience and all," the stallion offered. "How nice of you, Sprout. That sounds like a great idea. You heard him, Sunny. Aaand up you go!" Izzy said, grabbing the earth mare with her magic while also removing the tray from the high chair, placing her in and securing her in her seat by putting the tray back in place. Sprout took a seat right next to her in a regular dining chair, and Sunny smiled down at him, appreciating the gesture. Sitting here in this chair did inch her deeper into this headspace. "Alright, I hope my two foals are hungry for strawberry oatmeal and waffle pieces!" Izzy said as she went to the kitchen, levitating coloring books and crayons over to the two of them to keep them occupied while she went about preparing breakfast. Ten minutes later, they each had a bowl of oatmeal speckled with strawberries, and a single waffle, cut up along the waffle iron ridges. With breakfast ready, she pulled the activities away before tying appropriately sized bibs around both of their necks, before taking a seat herself on the other side of the high chair. Izzy had clearly been practicing with her magic in her spare time, because she was managing to spoon-feed both Sunny and Spout, along with herself, while also levitating up the occasional bite of syrup-covered waffle. Of course, when their stomachs began to fill up with their breakfast, it restarted the digestive trains that kept on chugging towards their destinations. The unicorn, however, decided to pay their light squirming no mind, as she knew nature would take its course sooner or later. The only question was, who would be first? She was keen on keeping the spoonfuls of breakfast coming, so they couldn't concentrate on either end of their bodies for long, and thus the urgency continued to slowly build. Sunny wasn't used to her movement being so restrained in the high chair, and on the other hoof, Spout had gotten used to it over the last few days, and thus found the sudden freedom of movement while eating to be rather odd. It worked, and they managed to hold it off until they were done with the oatmeal, waffles, and their sippy cups of orange juice. But when they were done, and were let down onto the floor, they were now able to focus on their bodily functions as Izzy cleared the table and started rinsing the dishes. Just from glancing at each other, Sprout and Sunny knew what was to come for both of them, they each decided to turn away from each other, as looking at each other for this would have certainly been too much for them to concentrate. Due to his experience, Sprout had beaten Sunny to the act, and they both heard the muffled fart come from the back of his diaper. That was enough to push Sunny over the edge as well, her tail hitching up as she let loose, and she remembered to breathe after the initial push this time too, as she felt her diaper fill with her warm manure. Her bladder also took this time to let go, and soon warmth was spreading out across her entire backside. In a matter of moments, Izzy had rinsed off the breakfast dishes and got them loaded into the dishwasher, find it sufficiently full enough with those and the dinner dishes to begin a wash cycle. Satisfied with the clean state of the kitchen, she turned back to her two foals in front of the dining table. "Alright, so what do my foals want to d—" Izzy paused as the stench hit her nose. "Alright, who's the foal with the stinky diaper?" She asked, and they both averted their gaze, as she came around the counter towards them. Sunny quivered as she was telekinetically turned around where Izzy's hoof was given easy access to her diapered backside, and upon pressing softly into it, she was met with just a light resistance. "Well Sunny, that diaper sure didn't last long," Izzy commented, sliding her hoof further down in between her legs to also confirm the swollen wetness towards the front. "But that's what they're for. We might have to swing by the shop on the way back to the hotel to get you another pack, you stinky filly." Half done, she made her way over to Sprout. "Alright, mister, just because Sunny is messy doesn't mean I'm ruling you out!" She said, in a mock stern tone, turning him around with her magic and did a similar hoof check, finding his diaper just as used. "Two messy babies! Guess you two are going to get quite acquainted with the changing table. Let's go!" Izzy said, gently pushing them with her hooves towards the stairs up to Sprout's bedroom again. "Gets easier the more you do it," Sprout softly commented to Sunny as they made their way up the stairs. Sunny hadn't done much moving the last time with a full diaper, so feeling it shift and squish with each step was new. She was guessing Izzy wasn't going to mind whatever state it was going to be in when she got up on that table. They got up into the room, then both of them made their way towards the changing table, followed by both of them backing off in politeness to make way for the other. "Hm..." Izzy began, getting glances from both of them as she put a hoof to her chin. "Who to change first? Ah, I know! Let's make a game of it!" She said, clapping her front hooves together, picking them both up with her magic, moving them towards the clear space in the center of the room, before sitting them down across from each other. They both winced as the loads in their diapers spread out more from the weight of their bodies sitting down on the floor. They heard Izzy rummage through her saddlebags, and Sunny had feelings of dread and nervousness crash into each other as she saw Izzy come out with her vibrating wand, plugging it into the closest available wall socket. "What is that?" Sprout asked, his ears twitching inquisitively. "Y-You're about to find out..." Sunny stammered, figuring that they weren't going to have any say in this matter. Sure enough, Izzy levitated the wand over to between the two of them, and after switching it on, magically shoved them closer together so their diapers were both pressed against the bulb which hovered inches above the ground. They let out gasps nearly at the same time as the vibrations instantly spread out across the front of their diapers. "First one to sparkle gets changed first!" Izzy told them gleefully as the looked on. Sunny and Sprout blushed furiously as they both knew what the unicorn meant by 'sparkle', and because of that ethereal ability of hers, there would be absolutely no hiding when it happened. They couldn't exactly pull themselves apart; Izzy's magic was constant, attracting their diapers to the wand like a magnet. Sunny closed her eyes, while Sprout kept his gaze glued down at his diaper, watching as Izzy moved the wand up and down a few inches, never keeping the vibrations in one place for long. Sprout leaned back, propping himself up with his front legs, if only to push more into the vibrating. For Sunny, this was even more overwhelming than the first time in the hotel room, for multiple reasons; the surroundings, the infantile scents wallowing in the room, and quite obviously, the fact that there was another participant this time. She wasn't sure whose diaper smelled worse, hers or Sprout's, but that only added to the creeping naughtiness that was overtaking the two adult foals. It was a minute, maybe minute-and-a-half, before Sprout gave a single thrust up against the vibrating bulb as his eyes began to roll up into the back of his head. Sunny noticed his legs go rigid as he took in several gasping breaths, before going limp ten seconds later, tongue nearly lolling out of his mouth. "Sprout wins!" Izzy announced, picking Sprout up in her magical grasp, keeping Sunny firmly planted on the floor, vibrator still pressed against the front of her diaper. 'How does she multitask like this...?' Sunny was able to think to herself through her dopamine-fueled mind as she laid Sprout onto the changing table, and began untaping his diaper. She was in the process of getting him wiped down before she glanced over to Sunny. "If you need any help Sunny, I do suppose I could turn the setting up a few pegs... But you know what I want to hear..." Heat filled Sunny's face as she risked looking over at the diaper change on the left side of the room as she continued taking deep breaths. "Mmm... Please... Mommy... Please..." She whined, trying to press harder into the vibrator. With a smirk, Izzy merely glanced towards the wand, and the magical glow around her horn flickered for just a split-second, before the vibrating of the bulb became much more audible in the room, quickly followed by all-out moaning from Sunny. Sprout wasn't done feeling all tingly, experiencing a little secondhoof embarrassment for listening to this while in the afterglow. Just like the last two times he had released into his diaper, both thanks to Izzy the first time and his own hooves in the crib the second time, he noticed that his desire to be treated and dressed like this decreased considerably. Thankfully, that never lasted long, especially with someone as enthusiastic as Izzy looking after him. Izzy had just finished getting him cleaned up down there when he heard a short squeal coming from down on the floor. "Well, it's about time, little Sunny," Izzy commented. Sprout was wondering if he had half-cheated with the buildup the last couple days, not having any release since that night in the crib, and based on Sunny's earlier comments, Izzy had given her this experience yesterday when he was helping the construction crew at the lighthouse. Like it mattered; in a few minutes they would both be clean and in fresh diapers. Izzy lifted him up and slipped a clean diaper underneath him, while he let his head fall to the side, seeing Sunny recover from her release, laying flat on her back, chest rising and falling as she panted. He felt himself get set down on the diaper before being given a dusting of powder, before seeing the front of the diaper come up between his legs and taped up at the waist. "And there we go!" The unicorn exclaimed, sitting Sprout up. Before he let himself be levitated down to the ground, however, Sprout put his front hooves on Izzy's shoulders, and leaned in towards her right ear. "I can't believe you made her say that," he whispered, soft enough for his words to be unheard by the earth pony. "Sunny never knew her mom." > Heart To Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Izzy admittedly did a fairly decent job of hiding her surprise as she magically lifted Sprout off of the changing table, levitated him across the room and gently set him down in the playpen, before turning her attention to Sunny, picking her up, taking her over to the changing table, and laying her down on her back. Sunny noticed the slight change in her demeanor as she untaped her diaper, opened it up, and immediately began cleaning her up. "Izzy? Everything okay?" Sunny asked softly. Izzy merely nodded as she quickly and efficiently went about her task, getting her cleaned up and pulling the diaper out from under her, rolling it up and throwing it away before getting a fresh one unfolded, fluffed, and under her. Once she got her powdered and the diaper taped up, Sunny felt herself get sat up, lifted up in Izzy's magical grasp, and levitated not over to the playpen, but out into the hall, where she was set down on the floor, and had Izzy right in her face after she had softly closed the door. "Sunny... I'm... I'm sorry if I stepped on anything sensitive. I didn't know about your mom, and if I did, I promise I wouldn't have made you say that." Izzy told her. Sunny's eyes widened in surprise for a moment. "My... My mom? Oh, you mean... Ugh, Sprout and his big mouth. Listen, Izzy. That was a long, long time ago, and I've had a long, long time to come to terms with that. It has absolutely no effect on this crazy headspace that's been being pieced together in my head, alright? If you don't remember, I was the one who said it first yesterday, remember? It's okay, I promise." "You sure?" The unicorn asked. "Positive. You don't have to worry about me, and I swear, if you actually do manage to step on any sensitive hooves, I'll let you know. You have my word." Izzy smiled at her. "Thanks, Sunny. I'm glad you and Sprout are having so much fun, because it's just as fun for me." With that, Sunny was scooped up in her friend's magic, carried back into the room, and floated over to the playpen and deposited on the floor next to Sprout. "Now you two behave while I get this diaper pail out to the trash," Izzy told them, walking back over to the changing table and tying up the nearly-full bag that was currently in the diaper pail before taking it out of the room and walked down the hall with it. "Hey Sunny?" Sprout began, pushing an un-constructed PoneBloks set over to her. "I just want to say... I'm sorry. For everything. And I mean absolutely everything. The fact that you're here with me, in this admittedly crazy situation, just shows how much of a great friend you are." Sunny smiled over at the red stallion. "Apology accepted, Sprout. I'm actually pretty surprised at how much I've been enjoying this yesterday and today, and it's clearly mostly thanks to Izzy," she replied. "Same here. She's been just... Amazing. I really want to figure out how to thank her for all of this," Sprout told her. "I know what you mean. Actually..." Sunny paused, scooting closer and leaning in towards him. "What do you say, at the next available opportunity, you and I make her sparkle?" > Fun With The Foalsitter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny and Sprout didn't have terribly long to plan anything too exquisite as Izzy was just making a quick trip down to the trash. Barely three minutes later she came back into the room and checked on the two of them modifying the PoneBloks in the playpen. "And how are my two foals doing? Anypony ready for a snack?" The unicorn asked. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. What do you think, Sprout?" Sunny replied, glancing over to Sprout and giving a wink. "Sounds yummy!" Sprout told Izzy, smirking over at Sunny for a moment. "Okie dokie! Apple slices coming right up!" Izzy replied, turning back towards the bedroom door. The moment her back was turned, Sprout was on his hooves. "Wrestling match one two three go!" He exclaimed, half-jumping over the playpen gating, and pushing off the top with his back hooves, coming down and landing squarely on Izzy's back, and wrapped his front legs around her neck, giggling playfully as the additional weight sent the unicorn teetering and falling to the floor, as Sunny came out of the playpen towards the two. "A snack sounds like a great idea, Izzy," Sunny began, walking up in between Izzy's hind legs before kneeling down. "in fact, what if you're the snack?" Izzy's brief struggles came to a pause when she felt her tail get lifted up, exposing her nethers. Before she got any ideas, Sprout leaned forward and gave one long lick to her horn, from the base to the tip. That was, after all, Tip #69 in the Surviving Unicorn Attacks survival guide; a wet horn is a harmless horn. Of course it was complete malarkey, but Izzy couldn't exactly focus on her magic with earth pony tongues on two opposite ends of her body. This was pretty new territory to Sunny, as she was unable to use her mouth on herself, and she had also never done anything like this with another friend, mare or stallion. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained,' she thought to herself as she completed her first lick up Izzy's slit. Her diaper crinkled behind her, and she also caught the fresh scent of foal powder from Sprout's diaper which was inches from her snout. Taking a soft breath, she leaned forward again, placing a kiss on Izzy's inner left thigh, and then the right, before brushing her snout against the unicorn's marehood. Each time she felt she was about to lose her nerve, she merely remembered what Izzy had done with her vibrator yesterday and just moments ago before her diaper change as inspiration to continue. As Sprout continued tasting her horn, Sunny took the opportunity to place her forelegs under Izzy's hindquarters and life her up, a bit of a strain with Sprout's added weight, but the stallion took the hint and placed his hooves on the ground on both sides of the unicorn, allowing Sunny to raise her rump up and gave her considerably easier access to her prize, as she leaned in once again. "Oh my, what a couple of naughty foals I have here...!" Izzy gasped, but otherwise made no move to remove them from their positions. Now in a more comfortable position, Sunny continued exploring Izzy's folds with her tongue, getting adorable whines and squeaks from her friend for her trouble. "Uh, Thunny? Her horn ith tharting to get brighter... Whoa!" Sprout said from on top of her. Sunny felt her unicorn friend go rigid for a moment, before feeling her squirt onto her tongue. She took the opportunity to get her lips around as much of her marehood as she could before suckling gently, until she felt her start to go limp, at which point she pulled away, licking her lips confidently. "That... That wath tingly..." Sprout said, sliding off of Izzy and turning back to Sunny, who saw that his tongue was half-hanging out of his mouth. "Well, you... You should have asked me about giving hornjobs if you were so curious about it, you little stinker," Izzy replied as she caught her breath, getting up on her hooves. "Don't worry, that will go away in a few minutes, or so I'm told." Izzy reassured him. "It-it was actually my idea, Izzy..." Sunny admitted sheepishly, wiping her mouth with her foreleg. "Well, I suppose it's only fair that you got one on me after I've seen both of you sparkle," Izzy commented, ushering them back into the playpen. Her ears perked at the ring of the doorbell from downstairs. "Well, now that you two have had your fun, stay here and behave while I go see who that is." With that, Izzy turned and headed out of the bedroom again and trotted down the stairs to the ground floor, over to the front door, grabbing the doorbell with her slightly tingling horn, and opened it to reveal two very familiar pegasi. "Hey there, Izzy," Zipp greeted, standing next to her younger sister Pipp. "I guess you're here too. We swung by to say hi to Hitch, and asked where we could find you two, and he said probably here. You girls busy?" > Winged Surprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny had resumed modifying the PoneBlok sets with Sprout while Izzy saw to whoever was knocking on the door. A few minutes later, the bedroom door opened again, and Izzy popped her head in. "Hey you two," the unicorn started, waiting until they looked up from their toys to make sure she had their attention. "We've got a couple more visitors, and I just want to make sure that you're okay with that before I let them in here." Sunny took on a momentary look of worry, until she glanced at Sprout, who merely shrugged. It didn't take her long to know that Izzy wouldn't steer them wrong, so she turned back to Izzy and nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." Smiling in return, Izzy turned back to the hallway. "Come on in, girls," she said, and a moment later, Zipp and Pipp trotted in. "Well, this is... Different," Zipp commented looking around the room, before her eyes settled on the playpen in the back corner of the room. Sunny's cheeks tinted red. Now absolutely all of her friends knew about this new side of her. Part of her wanted to be embarrassed, but another part of her was relieved that there were no secrets between her and her friends. "Hey there, Sunny," Zipp greeted, Pipp a couple paces behind her and Izzy on her other side. "And, it was Sprout, right?" The red earth pony nodded. "So I'm betting there's a story behind this," Pipp commented, her eyes wide as she continued taking in the room. Sunny and Sprout glanced at each other, wondering who should tell the story. Sunny nodded at Sprout, who cleared his throat nervously. "W-Well, this started as punishment for my actions a couple weeks ago," Sprout began. "But when my mom needed someone to look after me while she was at work, Izzy here came along, and thanks to her, I very quickly started to warm up to it a bit more. Sunny came over the day after that, saw me like this, and got a little curious herself. That brings us to... Today." "Pretty much," Sunny said, looking up at her two friends. "It's been... Interesting, to say the least. But Izzy here can make almost anything fun." The unicorn smiled at the compliment. "So, you two actually, well, you know, use those?" Zipp asked, giving a nod towards their diapers. Sunny shrugged, blushing again. "I'd say it's part of the fun," Sunny replied. Her legs shifted slightly in her sitting position, and the disposable garment crinkled in response. "They're both clean right now, they just got changed. It won't be too long before lunch if you girls want to stay, then we can do a movie afterward, how's that sound?" Izzy asked. Zipp looked over to her younger sister, and they both nodded. "Well, we did come to hang out, so yeah, why not?" Zipp replied. "Alright you two, lets go get lunch started then," Izzy said, opening the gate of the playpen. Sprout and Sunny stood up, leaving the PoneBlok toys where they were and followed her out of the bedroom and down the hall, with the two pegasi sisters behind them. More friends and visitors were always nice, and made the day more interesting, but right now she was having a tricky time not being distracted by the sparkling in the air. From the unicorn's perspective, the moment Zipp and Pipp had walked into Sprout's bedroom and taken a look around, things had exploded into a sparkling, tingling aura, and everything now had a curious aquamarine hue to it... > Lunch With Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As there were now five mouths to feed, Izzy had to consider lunch more carefully. "Well, if we wanted to forego the whole 'spoonfeeding' thing for one meal, how about pizza?" Sunny suggested as they sat around the dining table, with Sprout having his turn in the high chair. His smile widened at the thought of the favorite food he hadn't had in almost a week. "Sounds good to me, if we all want to pitch in. What do you girls like on yours?" Izzy asked, getting out a small pad and a pen. "Supreme for me!" Zipp said, and Sprout immediately nodded in agreement. Best kind of pizza on the planet. "Pile it with as many different kinds of cheeses that you want, but only cheese," Pipp said. "Now we're talking. Four-cheese," Sunny replied, licking her lips. "Don't know about all of you, but mine has to be pineapple," Izzy said. "A-ha!" Sprout exclaimed. "I knew at least one of you would be a pizza heathen!" He said, sticking his tongue out playfully. "Alright, I'm probably going to let you out of that high chair for a bit while we wait on delivery, but let's do a large supreme for Sprout and Zipp, a large four-cheese for Pipp and Sunny, and lastly, a personal size pineapple for yours truly, the heathen," the unicorn finished, sticking her tongue out at Sprout. True enough, she lifted Sprout out of the high chair and shoo'd all of them over to the living room while she placed the order by phone. After that, she joined the two pegasi on the couch while Sunny and Sprout played on the floor, seeing who could build the taller tower of wooden blocks. "Say, Izzy," Sprout began, carefully placing his eighth block onto his tower. "I don't know how long you were planning on staying in town, but when you do head home, I... I was wondering if I could come with you. I'd like to see Bridlewood," Sprout told his foalsitter. "Now that you mention it, yeah, I was going to be heading home for a bit at the start of next week. We'll have to check with your mom to see if you can tag along. I'd love to show you around Bridlewood," Izzy replied, and Sprout smiled. "And we'd love to have you back in Zephyr Heights, Sunny," Pipp told her friend down on the floor. "You could see more of the castle than the dungeon and concert hall. And, well, if you like, you can absolutely bring your ageplay stuff, I can give you more than enough privacy for that." "Are you sure?" Sunny asked, adding her seventh block to her tower. "Certainly. It feels like we haven't seen you in a while, and now that we're not running for our freedom, it's a great opportunity to take in our city." "I mean, sure, I can be ready to go by Monday," Sunny replied. "Whoo, road trips!" Izzy cheered. Sprout's tower was one block higher when it came toppling down, and the top block tumbled over to where Sunny's block tower was, and also sent it tipping over. "No fair!" Sunny objected. "Totally counts!" Sprout replied, grinning in victory. Sunny stuck her tongue out in response. Zipp was a bit mystified. Sure, it had been a couple weeks since she had last seen Sunny, but she had really gotten into this role play; she had never seen her earth pony friend act so... Infantile. For a moment, she was surprised that her sister hadn't started livestreaming, and then immediately realized that doing so would have most certainly been a blatant invasion of privacy. As the two adult foals were picking up their blocks, the doorbell rang, and Izzy got up, answered it, and came back into view with a stack of pizza boxes. "Lunch is served, everypony back to the kitchen!" The other four ponies were on their hooves and trotted to the kitchen, two of them crinkling with every step. Sprout was lifted into the high chair with the tray clicking into place immediately afterward, and a plastic plate being set in front of him, followed by a slice of hot, fully loaded supreme pizza. "Now that's what I'm talking about," Zipp commented as she plated up a couple slices for herself. Pipp and Sunny each took two slices of the four-cheese pizza, and Izzy merely kept the smaller personal pizza box in front of her at her place at the table. She then glanced over to the counter and poured glasses of soda for herself and the two pegasi, while giving Sunny and Sprout two sippy cups of apple juice. "Now, Sprout, assuming you can come along, I'm going to have to insist that you follow the same rules that you do here when it comes to this," Izzy began, after swallowing her first bite. "Which means you're free to foal out when you're in my house, but on the way there, as well taking in the sights, you're back to an adult. I just wanted to make that clear." "Yup, I'm not about to show this to all the unicorns in your hometown. I know not everypony would immediately get it or understand it," Sprout answered as he started into his piece of pizza after taking a drink from his sippy cup. "And you don't need to say it," Sunny said over to Pipp. "I'll be going by the same rules. Not really into exhibition or showing this new side of myself to absolutely everypony." Pipp gave her a soft smile. "Nothing wrong with keeping it behind closed doors, Sunny. I'm just glad you're willing to share it with your friends," Pipp told her. "Just, one question. From the moment I decided to try this, Izzy has been there every step of the way. I've never, well, changed myself or anything like that..." Sunny said, blushing slightly. "Well let's cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, let's eat!" > Her First > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sprout, Izzy, I'm home!" Phyllis announced as she closed the front door of her home. She hung up her jacket, purse, and walked over to the living room, where a total of five ponies were finishing up a movie. "Quite a crowd this evening," she commented as the attention was taken from rolling credits to her. "Good evening, Ms. Cloverleaf. I hope your day went well," Sunny greeted. "Well enough, and I see that you're moving quite fast with this... Side of yourself," Phyllis replied, and Sunny's cheeks tinted slightly red. "I won't pretend to understand what you two get out of it, but it's helping Sprout make new friends and make amends, and that's good enough for me." "Actually, Ms. Cloverleaf, Sprout was wondering if he could ask you something," Izzy said, sitting in between the two pegasi guests. "What's up, sugarcube?" Phyllis asked, as Sprout turned and stood up from his place next to Sunny. "Well, Izzy is heading home to Bridlewood on Monday, and I was wondering if I could go with her to see where the unicorns live," Sprout asked. "What about your community service?" Phyllis asked. "I'll take care of those hours tomorrow and Sunday, then pack Sunday night," Sprout answered. "I wasn't planning on being there for more than a few days, Ms. Cloverleaf. We'd be back around next Saturday," Izzy chimed in. "Well, Sprout and I can get into details over dinner. I'm sure all of you would like to get headed home too," Phyllis told them. "Now that you mention it, yeah, that sounds good. What d'ya say, sis?" Zipp asked, getting up. "Thank you for having us, Ms. Cloverleaf. You have a wonderful home," Pipp said politely, getting up and beginning to follow her older sister out. "You're welcome here any time," Phyllis replied. "We'll be on our way shortly as well," Izzy said, giving Sprout a diaper check before getting Sunny to her hooves. " Sprout here should be good until after dinner. Just have to get Sunny here all cleaned up; can't take her back to the hotel looking like this." The unicorn led Sunny back up to the changing table, where her wet diaper was removed, but another was not put in it's place; at least not until they got back to the hotel for the night. With her all clean, the two mares made their way back downstairs, and said their goodbyes to Sprout and Phyllis, who were beginning to prepare dinner in the kitchen. "Have a good evening, Ms. Cloverleaf, and let me know if he'll be accompanying me to Bridlewood." "Will do, have a good night, girls," Phyllis replied, waiting to hear the front door close before returning her attention to the vegetables she was cutting in preparation for stew/ "So, curious about Bridlewood?" she asked Sprout, who was getting the broth ready on the stove. "Yeah, that, and I just want to learn a little more about Izzy. She's been a terrific friend and foalsitter these past few days." "That would be the farthest you've gone without me, sugarcube. I can't remember the last time we left Maretime Bay," Phyllis told him. "Yeah, but it's not like Izzy's going to let me go too far without her. It'd be nice to get out of town, and I'll be back before you know it," Sprout replied as he continued to stir the broth. "Not likely, I'd miss you the moment you left. Are you taking any of your stuff with you?" She asked, motioning to his diaper, which was slightly more wet than it had been when she got home. "Yeah, I'm planning on packing a bag for all of that, but her rules are the same as they are here; outside of the house, everything is normal." "Good to hear. Embracing this new part of yourself is all well and good, as long as you make time to just be yourself." "I know I'm due for a change after dinner, but I'd actually like to run a quick errand before bed, if that's alright with you." Izzy, Sunny, Pipp, and Zipp trotted along the sidewalk, passing door after door of the Maretime Bay Inn and Suites. "And here we are, where are you two staying?" Sunny asked. "We're down in 107," Zipp said, pointing a hoof five doors down. "We want to get together for breakfast tomorrow?" "Sounds like a plan to me. With how I've dived into this new side of myself, I think I could use a day off from it before I go up to Zephyr Heights with you girls," Sunny replied. "Well, in that case, see you in the morning!" Izzy said as everypony waved goodbye. Sunny slid her card into the door lock, and the light beeped green, letting her turn the knob and open the door to their room. She flipped on the light before hanging her saddlebags up next to the dresser. "So, I guess if we're heading out for breakfast in the morning, I don't need to get to get changed for bed. Which means you can unlock the bathro- hey!" Sunny said, as she felt herself get levitated off of the ground immediately after she heard the door to their room click shut. She was turned around and her legs were stretched out as she saw Izzy slowly approach, her horn lit up brightly. "You didn't actually think you were going to get away with that little stunt you pulled today, did you?" Izzy asked, as if she was scolding a foal. "Well, now, it's my turn..." The unicorn licked her lips, and levitated Sunny up to where her prize was at head level as she stepped in front of her friend. Sunny looked down at her, and took in a gasping breath as she felt her snout brush against her marehood, before her tongue parted her lower lips. "Ah... Izzy..." Sunny gasped, before she noticed her saddlebags glow, and the flap was opened. "Shhh. Let mommy do her work," Izzy said, and the flap of her saddlebags opened, and Sunny watched as her pacifier was floated over and promptly placed in her mouth, before she felt Izzy's tongue resume it exploration of her nethers. The unicorn was not wasting any time, and every lick, thrust, and kiss from Izzy's tongue and lips brought her closer to another climax. Her moaning and whimpering muffled by the pacifier only seemed to drive her friend further, and Sunny quickly lost herself in the euphoria that was this magical bondage session. "Izhy... I'm... I'm... Ahhh!" Sunny cried out, her speech hindered by the nub of her pacifier. She'd be stretching and thrusting towards Izzy's mouth if the unicorn's magic wasn't keeping her lower half entirely immobile, and that honestly just added to the intensity, as she heard Izzy continue to lick and slurp as the earth mare's eyes nearly rolled up in her head. When her friend had her fill, she felt herself lowered onto the bed, and the magic hold on her hooves dissipated as the pacifier fell out of her mouth down onto the comforter as she laid there breathless. She felt weight being added to the bed as Izzy came up to the bed after licking her lips. "What a good filly. Ready to get settled down now?" Izzy asked as she stood over her friend. Sunny took a deep breath as she looked up at the unicorn who was clearly satisfied with her work as her wavy mane shrouded her head like a privacy curtain. The earth pony took her left leg and reached up and around, placing her hoof on the back of the unicorn's neck, pulling herself up and Izzy down, and their lips met in the middle. Sunny's eyes were closed when she tasted herself on Izzy's lips, and when she risked opening them, she saw that her friend's eyes had widened considerably. After what felt like an eternity but in reality was only a few seconds, Sunny let her hoof slide off of Izzy's neck and let herself fall away back to the bed. She didn't know why, but out of everything they had done together the past couple of days, that just felt like the most risky move. "F-First kiss?" Sunny asked as she looked up at the stunned unicorn. Izzy slowly nodded before softly sucking her lips for a moment. "Yours?" Izzy asked in return, and Sunny nodded as she felt heat travel to her cheeks. At last, Izzy smiled softly as she stepped over Sunny and pushed her and turned her so they were oriented correctly on the bed, before laying down next to her. "Well," Izzy began, sinking her head into the pillow as she snuggled into Sunny. "I hope it's plenty of fun showing Sprout around Bridlewood, and that you have just as much fun in Zephyr Heights, because honestly, I think I'm missing you already." Hitch was relaxing on the couch with a good book, having just eaten dinner and finished with the dishes. With a yawn, he slid the bookmark into the current page and closed it, setting it down on the coffee table as he got up and stretched. Heading out into the hall towards his bedroom to turn in for the evening, his ears perked at a knock at the door. Wondering what visitor it could be at this time of night, he turned around and walked to his front door, flipping the switch for the porch light, and opening the door, seeing his suspended deputy standing on his doormat. "Sprout? It's kinda late, what can I do for you?" Hitch asked as he stood in the doorway. "You can be honest with me. Was it your idea? My punishment?" The red stallion's question was succinct and to the point, but there didn't seem to be any anger in his face or voice, just a longing for the truth. Hitch gave a curt nod. "Yeah, I did. I figured it was the best way to get you some kind of reset that you and your mom sorely needed. As well as convincing your mom to let you keep at it when Izzy told me that it was seeming like less and less of a punishment." Hitch wasn't sure what to expect when Sprout merely took a breath, and his expression didn't seem to change for a moment. When his deputy took a step forward into the doorway, he wasn't sure whether to expect a push or a swing, but he wasn't really expecting for him to take another step forward and throw his hooves around his neck in a hug. "Thanks. I hope hearing that isn't too weird. But I did need something like this, and if it really was your idea, then I just wanted to give you my gratitude, before things get busy. I'm gonna be getting my community service hours in tomorrow, then I'm gonna be headed out of town for a few days, and I just wanted to tell you before I left. These last few days have been a head rush to say the least, but it's just what I needed. So... Thanks." Sprout released the sheriff from the hug, and took two steps back onto the doormat, and gave him a genuine smile. Hitch smiled back. "You're welcome, Sprout." > Departing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny woke up, and didn't find Izzy next to her where she had fallen asleep the night before. Sitting up removing the sheets, she hopped down and went back to the bathroom, relieving herself in a non-foalish way for the first time in over two days. Afterword, she stood in front of the mirror and sink, running a brush through her mane. As she made herself presentable, she couldn't keep her mind off of the events of last night, and the events of the past two days that had led to it. If she was honest with herself, she never really took the time to consider her orientation, because she had never made the time for a romantic interest, which was precisely what she had on her hooves right now. It was one of the conversations that she had never had with her dad. Reunification had always come first, and unfortunately, her activism had largely pushed most interested parties away. But now that a reunited Equestria was now in-progress, she could put a bit of her attention to matters like this. Part of her didn't like ranking her friends, but Izzy was the first; her curiosity-fueled trip to Maretime Bay had been the spark that had set them off on an adventure that brought the three races together again. If she absolutely had to, she would likely say that Izzy was her best friend among the five of them. The final question, though, was Izzy interested? The best way to find out was to probably ask directly. She didn't want to go into something like this assuming anything... Although the fact that they had slept together last night was rather encouraging to the earth mare. By the time she had her mane brushed and the back of it into her signature braid, she heard the room door open. She leaned around the corner to see Izzy enter with a shopping tote. "Morning, Sunny. Pipp's getting ready to go, said Zipp took off earlier this morning, wanted to fly most of the way there. So I figured I would make sure you're all restocked..." The unicorn set the shopping tote down on the bed, Sunny stepped forward to look inside, and saw that Izzy had returned to My Inner Foal and gotten two more packs of diapers, foal powder, mineral oil, and wipes. "Izzy, you didn't have to do this..." "Well I need to make sure my foal is well supplied for her trip, silly," Izzy replied, as if the suggestion that she not do so was ridiculous. Sunny remembered what she had paid at the adult foal supply store days ago, and was definitely going to owe her friend a favor or two. "Izzy... Before I head off for a few days, I have to ask you something. If I don't, it's going to drive me nuts the entire time I'm gone," Sunny told her. "You can ask me anything, Sunny," Izzy replied, making sure everything in the tote was packed securely, before adding a folded blanket to keep everything concealed. "Izzy... These last few days have been... Indescribable. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have gotten passed my first night trying this new ageplaying side of myself. And with everything that's happened since then... I'm wondering if we could be... Something more." "More?" "I mean, you know... Marefriends." Sunny's cheeks lit up as that last word left her lips, and her heart was pounding as Izzy's eyes widened slightly, as she tried to discern any sort of reaction from the unicorn. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to the earth mare, Izzy gave her a soft smile. "Well, I was sorta guessing we were headed in that direction, what with sleeping together last night and all. I mean, if that's what you want to do, yeah, I'm all for it. Marefriends it is!" Izzy declared gleefully, clapping her front hooves together. Sunny's heart skipped a beat. She had to do a double take to make sure she heard what she just heard so quickly, before stepping forward and throwing her front legs around Izzy in a hug, which the unicorn immediately returned. She squeezed gently for several moments, before pulling back to a standing position. "Well, now that I've gotten that off of my chest, I think I won't keep Pipp waiting any longer," Sunny said with a smile, pulling her packed suitcase out from in between their two beds. "Yup, you said it. I should probably head over and see if Sprout is ready to go. I hope you have a good time up there!" Sunny came in for another quick hug, and gave Izzy a kiss on the cheek as she pulled away a final time. "You do the same!" Sprout looked over his very unassuming saddlebag, packed with the supplies he would need for the next several days. He wouldn't be using any of it until they had arrived in Bridlewood, so it had to fit in with other unassuming luggage. He'd be pulling a small wagon, which would have his and Izzy's camping supplies, as it was a day and a half journey to Bridlewood, and they would have to stop for the night somewhere along the way. "Just about ready, sugarcube?" His mom asked as she came through his open bedroom door to check up on him. "Yeah, I think so, just making sure I have everything I'm going to need," he replied as she came up next to him. Phyllis did a quick check of the contents of his bag. "Looks like you have everything, sweetheart. You know this is the farthest you've gone without me, right?" "Yeah, I know. Don't worry, I'll behave," Sprout assured her. "I hope so. You're not just representing yourself, but Maretime Bay and earth ponies. Above all, have a good time." The doorbell rang, and he fastened the saddlebag flaps closed, following his mom downstairs to the front door. She opened it, and there stood Izzy in the late morning light, next to the wagon that had already been packed. "Hello there, Mrs. Cloverleaf. Is Sprout ready to go?" the unicorn asked. "I believe he is," Phyllis replied, stepping aside and letting Sprout step outside, and he put his full saddlebags into the wagon, before getting hitched up to it. "Alright, be safe, you two. See you in a few days." "We will, promise," Sprout told her. "Love you!" > Adult Foals Abroad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny walked alongside Pipp, pulling a small cart of camping supplies, food, and Sunny's ageplaying supplies. It had been a pleasant overnight hiking trip for the two of them, and Sunny was looking forward to spending a few days in Zephyr Heights as a tourist, instead of sneaking around with Zipp or relaxing in the castle dungeon. The two of them repeated the approach to the city that she and Izzy had taken through the gorge, which was now quickly becoming more developed as more tourists made their way to see the pegasus metropolis. The boulders that they had climbed when Zipp was giving chase was now a chiseled staircase, with side ramps, giving ample room for wagon wheels. "So where to first? I don't know about you but breakfast back at the campsite has definitely worn off," Sunny told Pipp as they began to ascend the stairs after the earth mare made sure the wagon wheels were aligned correctly with the grooves that helped keep wagons aligned. "Well, to save time, we should probably drop off the contents of the wagon for inspection," Pipp told her as they crested the hill and continued around the bend as the top of the cityscape was visible over the rocks. "Standard procedure for visitors and large cargo shipments." "E-everything?" But, what about, you know..." Sunny stammered, motioning to the saddlebag in the back corner that contained her ageplay items. "Oh, no worries, Sunny. We don't have to be present at the inspection, everything will be taken to the room by the time we get there, and I completely stand by the professionalism of our staff. Even if you were present, I promise they'd be more embarrassed than you," Pipp reassured her with a giggle. "As for lunch, we can eat wherever you like. You have a craving for anything?" "Well, I'm not really picky, especially when I'm visiting someplace new. What does Zephyr Heights have that Maretime Bay doesn't?" Sunny asked as they came around the bend and saw that the rocky path became more even and paved as the main road into the city came into view. "Well, I'm not sure about what we have and you don't, but I do know a place downtown that makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup," Pipp answered. Sunny's mouth immediately began to water. "That sounds absolutely delicious. Let's drop this stuff off wherever we have to, and go grab a bite to eat." Pipp nodded with a smile, and the guards at the city's main gate saluted. "Welcome home, Your Highness," the sky blue armor-clad mare greeted. "Good to see you again, Staff Sergeant Zephyrwing. I need the contents of this wagon brought up to my quarters after it's been inspected," Pipp told her. "Our pleasure, Your Highness," Corporal Thunder replied as Sunny unhitched herself from the wagon, and he began to pull it off towards the castle as the two mares made their way downtown, leaving Zoom to stand watch at the gate. Sprout was no stranger to the rolling hills that he and Izzy had been traversing for almost twelve hours, with a camping trip overnight, as it was very similar looking to Maretime Bay's surroundings the farther you got from the coast. Still, this was officially the farthest he had ever been from home and then some. The earth stallion had to do a double take as they came to a stone and wood bridge crossing a deep chasm. "Moonbow Bridge?" Sprout asked, reading the overhead sign and glancing towards his unicorn traveling companion as they approached the chasm. The unicorn blushed lightly at the cheeks. "Alphabittle told me it was the least Bridlewood could do after what I had done. This bridge is on the exact site of a stone bridge from ancient Equestria, and I had knocked over a tree to help the others cross the chasm, and that it eventually lead to reunification." The bridge was the first pony-made structure they had seen since leaving Maretime Bay, and the stallion thought they must have been close to the unicorn's hometown, but apparently the Bridlewood unicorns had come a considerably long way out of town to build the crossing, because it was another three hour hike to the entrance of the admittedly foreboding forest. "Good to see they took the last of the warning signs down," Izzy commented. The 'Welcome to Bridlewood' sign wasn't doing Sprout's nerves a lot of favors, but as they continued into the enormous treeline, the heat of the early afternoon sun faded away. "And here we are," Izzy announced, as they came up to a tree dwelling in the side of a hill. It was two stories tall, and was decorated in vivid pinks and blues. Sprout was no arborist, so he was stunned that one could hollow out a tree to live in without killing it. The literal treehouse was still thriving, evidenced by the blooming flowers on the 'balcony' as well as the branches overhead. He also looked around and saw that this was the only such dwelling in sight currently. "You live all the way on the edge of the forest? By yourself?" Sprout asked, unhitching himself from their wagon as Izzy took out a key from her saddlebags and slid it into the door. "Yeah. I get visitors from time to time when I'm here in town, but back before reunification... Let's just say that the other unicorns didn't like it when I could see if they were happy or not. My sparkle was a bit too sparkly for everypony else." Izzy turned the key, and pushed the door open. Sprout followed her in, and his mouth slowly fell open as she hit the light switch. There was no single overhead light, but dozens of smaller bulbs on light strings draped on the back wall, railings, and second floor banister. A ramp curved along the right wall to the second floor. "Wow," Sprout commented, taking look at all the crafts and works of art that lined the corners and outer edges of the main room. "Unicycling! I've been doing it nearly all my life," Izzy told him, watching happily as he went from one to the next, turning a handle or pushing a switch if there was one available. "So, what would you like to do first? Should we get you all padded up?" Izzy asked. Sprout blushed, but shook his head. "Actually, now that I'm here, I'd really like to see the rest of Bridlewood. Think we could see the rest of the town while we grab some lunch?" > Little Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mmm, I had forgotten how good a simple grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup was, Pipp. Thanks for reminding me." Sunny said as she and the princess left a diner called The Cloud Bowl. "Any time, Sunny. Now what do you say we get to the castle and see if all our stuff is there yet?" Pipp asked. Sunny replied with a nod, and they headed down the main street to the elevator that made the ascent to the castle. "Welcome home, Princess," greeted the guard as they passed onto the platform. Once they were on, the attendant pressed the upwards arrow, the doors slid closed, and the platform began to ascend. "So did you have any plans for the rest of the afternoon and evening?" Sunny asked. "You... Could say that, yeah. One of my rare days off from livestreaming. I've got something in mind, you'll see." Sunny didn't want to go out on a limb and assume that whatever Pipp had in mind had something to do with her ageplay, but she was looking forward to foaling out a bit after the day-and-a-half trip here, even if it was in the privacy of her own guest suite. It would probably only be for a night or so, because whatever Pipp had in mind for most of her visit here, she never went very long without livestreaming. In the short weeks following reunification, Sunny was pleased to see quite a few earth ponies and unicorns not only shopping in the downtown district below, but also touring the castle, as she saw a tour group exiting the main doors as the elevator came to a stop at the top, and the glass doors slid open, the red carpet leading straight forward to the castle. As she walked, Pipp got out her phone, and took a quick selfie in front of the castle. "Finally home for a few days, taking the rest of the day off for some R&R," Pipp narrated as she filled in the photo description before posting it to her Ponygram page. After that, she shut her phone off and slid it back into her saddlebags as they came up to the castle doors. The guards saluted as they passed into the foyer, and they took the stairs to the right, up to the royal living quarters. "Feels so different now that we're not sneaking under tables and behind curtains," Sunny commented, as she took in the regal white marble decor in the hallways, lined with angular light sconces. "Yeah, that was quite the evening. I'm thrilled it all worked out, don't get me wrong. And here we are..." Pipp said, coming up to a large, double-door archway with a glowing green touch pad on the wall just to the right of it. Pipp pressed her hoof to the pad, and the doors swung open, revealing her bedroom. The first thing Sunny noticed was the large makeup mirror atop the armoire. On the right wall was a queen-sized bed, with purple satin sheets tightly tucked in under the corners. On the left wall was an immaculate dresser, with a dozen drawers, and yet another mirror to the right of it. Right next to them on the left next to the door was the camping supplies and both of Sunny's saddlebags, neatly stacked in a pile. If they had been searched or otherwise investigated, it didn't look like it. "See, told you," Pipp told her, giving her a friendly nudge as Sunny took a quick look in the bags that contained the ageplay supplies that Izzy had packed for her. When they stepped far enough into the room to close the doors, Pipp did so, and immediately locked them with the electronic pad on the left side. "Alright, Sunny, I have something to show you, and I can't believe I've managed to hold it in all this time," Pipp continued, waving Sunny over to the large dresser. The earth mare came on over, and the pegasus slowly opened up the bottom drawer, containing neatly folded towels. When the drawer was pulled almost all the way out, the pegasus reached down underneath the pulled-out drawer, and must have hit some kind of button or switch, because once she withdrew her hoof, the stacks of towels were revealed to be not that deep at all, as the false bottom containing them slid back into the main unit, unveiling the secret compartment underneath, that was filled with stacks of disposable diapers. Sunny's eyes widened. "No way. You too?" She asked, and the pegasus immediately nodded. "That's it, actually. This is a side of myself that I have never shown the cameras, never talked about on a livestream. When I saw Sprout's room, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was beside myself. Seeing how happy you and him were getting into it, it took every ounce of self-control that I had to not just explode in happiness right then. If different pony kinds can have something like this in common, then I know that there's nothing that can really keep us apart," Pipp explained with a smile. Sunny returned the smile, and came in for a hug, which the pegasus eagerly returned. "Well, you heard about how I got into it, so what's your story?" Sunny asked as she gave the contents of the secret drawer another peek, spotting the wipes and powder against the wall in the corner of the drawer. Before she could answer, there was a knock on the bedroom door, and Pipp momentarily got a look of panic as she prepared to flip the switch underneath again, but paused in her efforts when she heard the voice on the other side out in the hall. "No worries, it's me, sis," came the voice of her older sister, Zipp. "I saw your post on Ponygram, figuring it could only mean one thing; that you had gotten back into town and were most likely going to show Sunny what you're showing her right now." Pipp slowly exhaled the breath she had been holding nervously. "Am I right?" Zipp asked after a moment of silence. Pipp took another deep breath, and walked back over to the electronic pad next to the door, tapping it with her hoof, and the lock clicked open, and the doors swung to reveal her older sister, who gave both of the room's occupants a smile before glancing at the open drawer. "Yep, thought so. Still kept them in the same place all these years," the white-coated pegasus commented as she entered the room, before Pipp closed and locked them again. Sunny was still somewhat beside herself, that all of her friends not only knew about this fetish, but were also involved to some extent. "So you knew about it too?" Sunny asked. Zipp nodded. "There came a point in my life where Zipp continued to get bigger, but for awhile there it seemed like my growth stunted, so my mind just started to gravitate towards items from when I was younger," Pipp explained. "You should have seen her face when I caught her the first time," Zipp said, snickering, and Pipp stuck out her tongue in response. "So, where's your stuff, Sunny?" Sunny went over to where her saddlebags and camping supplies had been neatly stacked, and pulled out the bag that Izzy had packed for her, while Zipp went over and grabbed one of the diapers and bottles of foal powder from Pipp's secret drawer. "Let me get my two foals padded up for the night and then we can talk about dinner." With that, Zipp spread her wings and guided Pipp and Sunny over to the large bed on the other side of the room. "Do you two do this often?" Sunny asked as she and Pipp hopped up on the bed and laid down. "Honestly, it's been awhile," Pipp answered as Zipp got the diapers unfolded and under them. "I take about one day off a week from livestreaming, and it gets tricky to get our free time lined up." "Does your mom know?" the earth pony asked. "Yeah, but it's one of those 'out of sight, out of mind' deals with her. It's not really hurting anything or anypony, as long as it's behind closed doors." Zipp told her, sprinkling foal powder over both of their diaper areas. "I have a question for you, Sunny," Pipp started as her big sister got their diapers taped up. "You think if I buy Sprout the biggest, cheesiest pizza in Maretime Bay, that he'd give me a night in that nursery of his?" > Bridlewood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Sprout walked next to Izzy deeper into Bridlewood, he found himself absolutely mesmerized at the enchanting nature of the thick forests of the unicorns' home. It almost felt like something out a fairy tale. If all of Maretime Bay's fairy tales containing unicorns and pegasi weren't more on the scarier side, that is. What he found the most beautiful was how the sun's rays cut through the thick canopy and shined down not only on the ground, grass, and houses, but on the beautiful crystals dotting the sides of the pathway. Blue, magenta, white, ruby... The facets of all of these created a multitude of spectrums to pass through as they made their way deeper into the forest. He felt another pang of guilt when it came to his mind that he had aimed to drive his vehicle through here on a path of conquest. Thank goodness he hadn't gotten even a sliver of the distance before he was stopped. "And here we are!" Izzy announced, motioning a hoof to a large hill, in which a dwelling had been built. "The Crystal Tea Room?" Sprout asked as they approached the double doors. "One of the most popular spots to get a bite to eat in Bridlewood," the unicorn replied. Izzy pushed the doors open, and the duo was greeted to a rustic atmosphere of tables, chairs, and a small stage area. Light chatter was happening with patrons, and about half of the tables had filled up with ponies here for lunch. Sprout saw a couple of earth ponies and a pegasi, but the vast majority of customers eating and waiting to eat were unicorns. Sprout followed Izzy back towards a second dining area, where a large white unicorn stallion was serving tea. He recognized him from what was widely becoming known as 'Reunification Day'. At least until his eyes caught sight of a dancing game in the next dining area. "Whoa..." he commented, and this was immediately noticed by the unicorn stallion. "Go on a give her a try if you like. Just had her upgraded from armadillo wheel power thanks to Canterlogic," Alphabittle told him as Izzy came up to the bar. That was precisely what Sprout did as Izzy took a seat. "Two carrot dog and hay fry platters please, Alphabittle," Izzy told him with a smile. "Comin' right up, Izzy. How's Maretime Bay? Thought you'd be gone for a bit, said you had some foalsitting gig over there," the Tea Room's proprietor commented. "Yup. Still do, actually. The foalsitting part came along," Izzy replied, nodding over to the stallion who was just getting started with his selected song. Alphabittle raised an eyebrow curiously as he finished jotting down Izzy's order and levitated it back to the kitchen. "A bit old for that, isn't he?" Alphabittle asked as the kitchen staff began preparing their order. "Long story, don't need to get into details. But I was wondering, if I could get some of your... Specialty," Izzy answered, lowering her voice to a whisper. "My specialty?" "Yeah, you know, your... Special tea." > Playtime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So if you had the opportunity, would you have a nursery of your own?" Sunny asked, as she used the tip of her hoof to carefully slide the next piece of glue-covered pasta onto the sheet of paper as she and Pipp made their own pieces of pasta art next to each other at the table, their diapers crinkling on the chairs as they gently wiggled their back legs. "I'm honestly not sure," Pipp replied, looking down at her own art piece. "It's always just been a few diapers, a pack of wipes, a bottle of foal powder, and a foal bottle. I guess I was lucky enough for Zipp to participate in this, but honestly, I'm not sure I could get that deep into it often enough to justify putting something like that together. For somepony like me, I think a secret drawer is just fine, with the rare occasion of bribing Sprout to have a night in his nursery every now and then." "Yeah, with how new to all of this I am, not sure where I'm going with it either. I probably wouldn't have gotten far at all if it wasn't for Izzy, and now I wonder how much farther we'll go now that we're..." Sunny's words trailed off as her cheeks lit up, and she realized that she hadn't really told anypony about her conversation with the unicorn yet. "Sunny? What is it?" Pipp asked, pulling her attention away from her pasta art over to her friend. "I suppose there's not gonna be any hiding it the next time we're all together anyway. Izzy and I have decided to... Start dating," Sunny said, almost forcing the words from her mouth, as her chest tingled, and her cheeks lit up again, as her gaze fell back down to her art as Pipp's and Zipp's eyes widened. "By the skies, congratulations!" Pipp said, almost leaping out of her chair to throw her hooves around Sunny in a hug. "Yeah, good for you two. I've honestly been wondering if and when anypony from our circle would hook up with each other," Zipp commented, as she had been hovering nearby, watching her sister and friend make their macaroni art. It made her wonder where most of Mac-A-Poni's sales went towards; cooking or crafting. "Thanks, you two. It's all so new to me. Not just my first fetish, but it's also my first relationship that's gotten that close. I just hope I don't screw it up," the earth pony admitted. "Well, I don't have any experience in the relationship department, but I'd say don't let the nervousness get to you. Just make sure communication remains open, and I'd say there's no problem the two of you can't solve," Zipp said, before coming in between their chairs and began to softly poke at the front of their diapers. "Now either of my two fillies need a change yet?" "Whew, that was a workout. Food was really good too," Sprout commented as he walked next to Izzy back towards the unicorn's house. "Yep, the Tea Room's cooks make pretty good meals. Alphabittle makes really good tea too," Izzy replied. "But now, let's get you all padded up for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I've even got a little something special for you," Izzy said. "Ooh, can't wait to see what it is!" Sprout said excitedly as they approached Izzy's house, and she unlocked the door, and she and the earth pony walked inside. "I don't have a guest room, but don't you worry, I'll have that couch feeling like a crib in no time. Wait right there, and get your stuff out," Izzy told him as she headed up the stairs. She returned a few minutes later with a couple pillows and folded blankets. She set everything on the couch for now, except for one folded blanket, which she set down on the floor, and magically grabbed one of the diapers Sprout had set out, and the stallion quickly got the hint that this was going to be their impromptu changing table, as he laid down in front of her. As she routinely got her charge diapered, and noticed the quick expression of disappointment on his face when she didn't pay any special attention to his growing erection. "Sorry, little Sprout, but that'll have to wait until Sunny is back and I make sure it's okay with her. You see... Me and her are together now," the unicorn told him. Sprout's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, well, congratulations. If anypony deserves somepony like you, it's Sunny, for sure," Spout replied. "And don't worry," Izzy continued with a smile, grabbing another bottle as she sprinkled foal powder over his diaper area. "I'm certainly going to help you in indirect ways..." With that, Izzy turned the bottle of lotion over in her magical grasp, and gently squeezed, sending dribbles of the pink goop down onto his stallionhood, before bringing the top of the diaper up, and smoothed it against his stomach, and taped it tightly closed. "Now, try and see if you can keep yourself under control while I go get your surprise ready," Izzy told him, pulling out several of his Poneblok toys from the plastic tub they had brought along from Maretime Bay. With him occupied, she went to the kitchen with her saddlebags, opened the flap, and pulled out a small box, and set it on the counter, and started a kettle of water on the stove, before going back to the box and opened it, revealing a dozen teabags and a small note. Can be mixed with water and milk, and even chilled. One bag lasts approximately six hours. I've already told you what it does. Hope you have fun! Warm regards, Alphabittle She took four bags and set it next to Sprout's foal bottle as she continued to wait for the kettle to whistle. One last thing she needed was milk, which she promptly retrieved in its glass bottle from the fridge, and the ice cube tray from the freezer. When the kettle whistled, she poured the entire contents into a saucepot, followed by four teabags, with the strings and tags draped over the edge of the pot. Then, she dumped in the entire ice tray, followed by a cup of milk, and began to mix it all in. Once it was sufficiently cooled, she poured the mixture through a mesh sieve so what was left of the ice cubes wouldn't water down the tea and milk further before adding a couple teaspoons of strawberry flavoring. Once that was done, she used half of it to fill up Sprout's foal bottle, and put the other half in a clay jug. Once she had everything put away, she twisted the cap onto the foal bottle, and went back out to the den where Sprout was organizing his Ponebloks. "Alright, little Sprouty, here you go, enjoy and show your thirst who's boss!" Izzy told him as she levitated the bottle over to him. Sprout smiled at the bottle, and all too curious what it was going to do, he set his toys aside and immediately began to suckle from the rubber nipple. Air bubbles rose through the upside down bottle as the earth pony quickly finished it in three minutes, and gave out a hearty burp as Izzy accepted the bottle back, taking it back to the kitchen and rinsed it out. Sprout tried to focus on the running faucet coming from the kitchen, but he quickly began to lose himself in dizzyness. It flirted with being uncomfortable, but fortunately didn't progress all the way to nausea. He spent a few moments teetering, and manged to hastily shove his assembled Ponebloks out of the way before he fell forward, his front half landing on the folded blanket on the floor. The bottle thoroughly rinsed out, Izzy returned to the den to find Sprout on his side, positively out like a light, and her excitement began to take off. "Only a matter of time now!" > Small and Suggestive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, what would you like this tea to do?" Alphabittle asked, ready with a pen and paper. "Hm, well, he already brought his supplies, so... Can you make it so he feels like he's smaller, but not actually smaller, not an actual shrinking spell. Plus make it so he's a bit suggestive, like I'm the most trustworthy pony he knows." Alphabittle raised an eyebrow curiously. "So, almost pure illusion spells... And normally I'd be a little bit apprehensive, if you weren't already one of the most trustworthy ponies I knew," the tea maker commented. Sprout's vision slowly returned to him, and he felt himself laying on the changing pad. His head tingling, he waited for his vision to clear, before slowly raising his head. "Izzy?" He said. Or, that's what he thought he said, but the only thing his ears picked up was 'Izz?' "Well, I was wondering when my little Sprouty would wake up," he heard her voice say. He glanced towards the couch, and his eyes immediately widened. Izzy Moonbow, and the couch she was sitting on, was huge. In fact, after a quick look around, he noticed that absolutely everything around him was huge. He didn't feel tiny, but it was as if someone had slipped on convex contact lenses that enlarged the world around him. It made him positively dizzy. 'Whoa, what's going on here?' is what his brain wanted to say, but all his ears heard was foal babble, and it was quickly freaking him out. Izzy must have noticed because she got up off the couch and sat down next to him. "Now now, everything's alright, Sprout. Just gave you a little something to make things a little more authentic for you for a little bit. Don't you worry, your Auntie Izzy is going to take very good care of you." Hearing this, Sprout's mind seemed to calm down. There was just something about the unicorn's words that made him feel better. He slowly nodded, and fought off the dizziness by going back down to his stomach. Izzy was amazed at just how accurately Alphabittle's potion-laced tea was working its magic. While she would have liked to actually shrink Sprout for the ultimate foal experience, he had already packed his supplies, and she didn't want to run out to get actual foal diapers that would be good for only a few hours. So his mind was making him think he was tiny, but he was actually just a normal-sized, babbling mess laying down on the changing pad. The overwhelming dizziness would only kick in if he tried getting up and walking on all four hooves. So now, to put the last part of the potion to the test, as she sat down on the couch and looked down at the red stallion in front of her on the floor. "Come on over here, Sprout, and show Izzy what a big foal you are," the unicorn told him, patting the couch cushion between her hind legs. Sprout almost got to his hooves, but then remembered how dizzy he had gotten, and resorted to crawling over to the couch, and pulling himself up into a sitting position, snuggling into Izzy's barrel. "Alright, little Sprout, show your Auntie Izzy how much you enjoy your diapers. That is what I put that lotion in there for," the unicorn said, encouraging him along. Whatever was in that tea, it was keeping the stallion from being embarrassed, and instead he brought his front hooves down to the fluffy disposable garment wrapped around his flanks, and he began to press in, and gently massaged up and down. "There we go, what a good little colt," the unicorn praised, wrapping her front legs around his barrel. The scent of foal powder and lotion wafted up into his nostrils as it was worked into his shaft, and his diaper softly crinkled with each motion. Whatever the tea was doing to his mind, it certainly wasn't blocking the dopamine he was getting from being naughty like this. Except it wasn't being naughty. He was being a good colt, doing exactly what Izzy was telling him to do, and that's what his diapers were for, after all. Holding all the deposits... From down there... His massaging slowly got harder and faster, and it wasn't long before he approached the inevitable climax. "Ah... Izz... Izz... Stickies... Ah!" He gave one last thrust up, and Izzy felt his body go rigid, as well as the bump in the front of his diaper slowly go back down. "What a good colt! Alright, now we're all relaxed and ready to play, while Auntie Izzy figures out where little Sprouty is going to sleep tonight. There's not exactly a spare bedroom in this place." With that, Izzy released him from her hug, and he slid down to the floor, crawling back over to his open box of PoneBlok toys. Izzy also got up, taking a look around her den to figure out where the stallion would be spending the night. The place that made the most sense was the couch, but it wasn't exactly ready for a foal... Even a big one... Just as she was about to start brainstorming, she heard her phone go off back in the kitchen. Seeing Sprout content with the toys he was currently playing with, she went back to the kitchen and saw her phone on the counter with the text notification on the screen before it went dark. She unplugged it from the charger in the wall, and slid the tip of her hoof across the screen. Hitch Hey there, Izzy. I know that you've been pretty busy foalsitting for Sprout and Sunny, and that you've probably been enjoying yourself as much as they have. But I thought I'd like to offer you just a little bit of a break, and take Sprout off of your hooves when you get back to Maretime Bay. Just a heads up. Hope you're both enjoying yourselves! -H > Sleeping Arrangements > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny was kinda, sorta ready to admit it to herself. She was pretty sure she was jealous of Sprout. Pipp had been absolutely accommodating in every way she could with her new playmate, and her big sister had been ever the observant foalsitter, and had made more than one run out of the room to get whatever they needed for a meal or activity. But the fact of the matter was that the pair of adult foals were confined to her bedroom, spacious as it was. It was nearly the same to the hotel room she was sharing with Izzy, but she honestly missed having the run of Sprout's house, and now she was more certain that when the lighthouse reconstruction was complete, she was going to make the whole thing available for ageplaying. "Pipp, I've been thinking," Sunny started, as they both were munching on double chocolate chip cupcakes. "You may not have to ask Sprout to try out his nursery. I've been considering making a portion of my lighthouse an adult nursery. This has been so much fun, I think it's something I want to incorporate into my living space, and it's something I want to share with all of my friends." "That sounds like a fantastic idea, Sunny!" Pipp replied. "I'll certainly help with design choices if you'd like my input." "Not to mention amenities for foalsitters, am I right?" Zipp asked, coming in with a couple bottles of milk. "Absolutely. Caretaker comfort and immersion is just as important," Sunny agreed as she accepted the bottle of warm milk along with Pipp. The cupcakes they had just had made the milk taste that much sweeter, as their mouths were now eager for some liquid. "It's not like we don't have time, they won't be finished with the repairs for several more weeks." Izzy walked up the stairs that curved up the outer edge of her home up to the second floor, carrying a bottle of chocolate milk, and trotted over to the balcony, where the door was open letting the cool night breeze in. The unicorn stepped through the door and saw Sprout sprawled out on his back, looking up at the night sky through the clearing in the canopy above. "There's my little super soaker," Izzy commented, coming up and setting the bottle down next to his right front hoof. Sprout blushed. He had been wearing diapers more often than not since this treatment had begun, and already he found himself wetting easier, releasing less more often instead of soaking it all at once every few hours. Yet, when he wasn't wearing, it was like nothing had changed. What he told Sunny was holding true; it wasn't undoing anything, rather it was another layer of training for his brain of acceptable places to go. The red stallion glanced over at the bottle, wondering if he was in for another few hours of feeling small and foalish babble coming from his mouth. Izzy picked up his expression immediately. "Don't worry, just straight milk this time, no magic tea," she reassured him. "Hope you didn't mind, I was wondering how you would like the experience," she said, taking a seat next to him. "I didn't mind. It was... Interesting to say the least. Wouldn't mind doing it again, either," Sprout told her as he grabbed the bottle turned it over, and began to suckle at the rubber nipple. After a couple swallows, he pulled it from his lips. "I don't think I've ever seen this many stars in the sky before." Izzy looked up, and recalled that their camping spot on the way here had been rather cloudy. "Well, when you feel you've had enough foal time, we could camp outside the forest, and you can see a real starry night, if you'd like." "I'd like that. Also wouldn't mind seeing more of Bridlewood. There's gotta be more in town than the Crystal Tea Room. That playground looked pretty fun, let's do that too!" Izzy smiled down at him. She decided against telling him that Hitch would be taking over for her when they returned to Maretime Bay, figuring it would be a nice surprise for the stallion. Surprises were the best. "Well, when you're finished stargazing, I've got your 'crib' ready for you," Izzy told him, then headed back inside while Sprout continued to slowly drink his dessert. The crickets started to get louder, and once he got the last few drops of milk out of the bottle, he rolled onto his stomach and got to his hooves. Trotting around the outer edge of the second floor, he descended the stairs and saw what Izzy had done to the couch. It still looked like a couch, mostly, but she had added bars to the front, sides, and even to the back, making sure they all came to the same height. "Whoa, you did this all tonight?" Sprout asked, astounded at his sleeping arrangements for the next few days. "You get really fast at unicycling when you've been doing it as long as I have," Izzy commented. Sprout stepped up to have a closer look. It had considerably more flair than his crib at home did. Each bar had a different pattern of paint or engraving on it, like each one had come out of an arts and crafts fair, rather than the perfectly sanded and polished bars on his one at home. They didn't rise up quite as high as his did, but this was honestly much more than he was expecting on such short notice. "It's great, Izzy. Thanks so much," Sprout said with a smile. "Anytime! Now that you're standing, I don't even have to check to see if you need a change with how much you're sagging back there, so onto the mat, mister!" Sprout felt himself get magically lifted up, turned over, and laid on his back, as Izzy performed what had become a routine changing by now. After that, he was picked up again and floated over the bars, where he was softly deposited onto the cushions of the couch-turned-crib. "Sweet dreams, little Sprout. Tomorrow we can start getting things ready for our camping trip." With that, Izzy shut off the lights and headed upstairs to her room, where she picked up her phone off of her nightstand, and opened the text she had gotten from Hitch earlier. Izzy Sounds great, Hitch. Sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier, was quite the busy evening getting little Spout set up for the next few days. I'll keep it a surprise and won't tell him you'll be taking over. By the way, if you're interested, I've got quite the magical tea that you can use on him. > Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, I'm sure you have to go through some kind of intermediary, but, where do you get your stuff from?" Sunny had asked Pipp this question upon getting up this morning. She had assumed correctly; Pipp had made arrangements with one of the guards she had taken into her confidence, and got the occasional restock from Cloudz Foal Supply Store downtown, where Sunny was now standing. It certainly wasn't as inconspicuous as My Inner Foal was in Maretime Bay, and when she stepped through the front entrance, she saw why; at first glance, she saw that it was a store for actual foal supplies. Everything she saw was entirely too small for full grown ponies. "Hello, and welcome to Cloudz!" the cashier greeted. "Ah, Miss Starscout. My name is Gusty. I sincerely hope you're enjoying our city. How can I help you today?" Sunny smiled at Gusty, and found her nerves were somewhat used to this due to her experience at My Inner Foal. "Hello Gusty. I hope this isn't too forward of you, but... Do you have an adult section?" The earth mare asked. Gusty's expression was surprised for just a moment, before melting into a soft smile. "Wow, the Unifier of Equestria, an ageplayer? That blows my mind," Gusty replied, and with that, turned and motioned for Sunny to follow. The 'ageplayer' section was barely more than a single aisle of diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, and some foalish articles of clothing. "I'm sorry I don't have more on display, but I do almost 90% of my ageplayer business through online orders and deliveries. Same-day delivery guarantee on orders placed before 3PM. Obviously that's going to have to be fine-printed as Zephyr Heights only. If you're here, that must mean it's only a matter of time before I get orders placed from out of town." "Yeah, it makes me wonder if Bridlewood has something like this," Sunny commented. "I'm really amazed at how many of my friends are into this, as either foals or caretakers. Are there group meetups or anything like that?" "Well, there are some small online message boards, but nothing too big. But they are all over Zephyr Heights. Even somepony in the castle places orders from my store, although you can imagine why they'd like to stay anonymous; it's always through a royal guard." Sunny immediately understood that. Pipp was easily the city's most popular livestreamer by far. She wouldn't even be able to do something as simple as have a second channel devoted to a kink like this. No wonder she was so ecstatic when she saw her and Sprout like this. It was finally someone to share this side of her with other than her older sister. It further solidified the idea of making an ageplayer space for all of them when the lighthouse was finished, so they would all have a place to enjoy, together. "Well, I can't make a lot of promises, but I'm planning on putting together a nursery of sorts when my home is rebuilt, and I'd like as many different designs as possible, so I'm glad I found this place." "Splendid! Oh, and here..." Gusty paused pulling out a business card from his small saddlebag. Our address, phone number, email, and website, for whenever you feel like placing that order." Sunny nodded at him with a smile. "For now, I think I'll try a pack of those cloud-patterned diapers." The village of Bridlewood didn't take up the entire forest. In fact, the lived-in areas close to the road barely stretched a mile or two into the treeline. Beyond that, you could barely make out the trails as you headed deeper into the woods. But the deeper you got, the more fantastical and enchanting it became. Sprout was continually surprising himself as he kept taking opportunities to step away from the ageplay and explore more of this amazing place that his new unicorn friend lived. While Alphabittle's magical tea was certainly an adventure, the earth stallion had quickly reasoned that if he stayed in Izzy's cottage foaling out for most of the trip, it would have certainly not have been the best use of his time here. He wasn't going to lie to himself either; he was still inwardly disappointed that Izzy was taken, but he was trying his absolute best to get over it as quickly as he could. What he had told the unicorn was absolutely true; nopony deserved her companionship more than Sunny did, and he was genuinely happy for the two of them. He just had to keep pushing his disappointment back until it faded. He had a bunch of new friends, and that would have to suffice for now. "I have to admit, I've never camped this deep in here before, how adventurous!" "So, is it true? Did you seriously cut down a tree with your horn on the way back here?" Sprout asked. "To be fair, it was a very, very dead tree," Izzy said. "We probably would have been able to uproot it out of the ground if we all pushed together, but it seemed like a good thing to try to get them to stop bickering. It was either that or spend another half day taking the long way around." Sprout chuckled. So their journey together hadn't been all daisies and singing songs. But that was how strong friendships were formed, getting through the rough patches. He was also starting to wonder that if he was going to be able to consider himself inside this circle of friends. He liked to think so. Sunny had certainly forgiven him, and Izzy was certainly the biggest reason he had embraced this new side of himself. He hadn't spent a lot of time with Zipp and Pipp so far, but they seemed pretty awesome. The pony he hadn't heard from in awhile, was Hitch. Right before he had left for Bridlewood with Izzy, he had thanked his boss for suggesting this treatment, but other than that, he hadn't spent any time with the sheriff since this treatment had begun. He was looking forward to spending time with his colthood friend, and showing him how he had now changed for the better. But first, he was going to enjoy this seriously wild camping trip, as he carefully followed Izzy over a fallen log that was crossing a waterfall to their right. It felt like something out an adventure book... > Unexpected > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't think I've ever seen so many stars in my entire life," Sprout said, the front half of his body was laying outside of his tent's entrance flap, as he stared up at the stunning night sky. "Quite the view, you got that right. You certainly earned it for being so well-behaved on our little trip!" Izzy replied, half of her body laying outside her tent in a similar manner in her tent, which had been set up right next to Sprout's. Their wagon rested just a few feet away, and their campfire had been doused immediately following dinner so they could stargaze before bed, as they headed out of Bridlewood and back towards Maretime Bay. "Thanks for a great time these past few days, Izzy. I mean it. I figured I'd spend most of the time at your place in diapers, but Bridlewood is a beautiful place. I can't wait to come back. I hope Sunny had just as much fun up in Zephyr Heights. Hope I can get up there sometime." Sprout told his traveling companion. "You'll love it. They have the most comfortable dungeons. Massage chairs, fresh fruit bowls, the most luxurious captivity you could ask for!" Izzy replied. Sprout chuckled as he continued taking in the field of stars overhead. He assumed that Zephyr Heights had been much more accommodating for tourists now, and couldn't help but wonder if the pegasus city had an ageplay store like Maretime Bay had. If there was any such shop in Bridlewood, Izzy hadn't taken him there, perhaps because he had brought his own supplies, nearly half of which was coming back with him to Maretime Bay due to lack of use. "Well, I'm turning in for the night. You might want to do the same soon, Sprouty. We've got a ways to go tomorrow. And definitely don't fall asleep with your head sticking out of your tent; bugs will have a feast by the time the sun comes up," Izzy warned him, before popping back into her tent and zipping the flap closed. With how comfortable he was already, Sprout knew the chances of him accidentally falling asleep were increasing by the minute, so slid back into his tent, zipped up the tent, snuggling into his sleeping bag to settle down for the night, and letting the nearby chirping crickets lull him to sleep. Sunny's canter was lively and enthusiastic as she trotted over the grassy hills as she and the royal pegasus sisters approached the coastal town of Maretime Bay. It had been a fantastic few days in Zephyr Heights with her two friends, and she was still beside herself that now all of her new friends were participating in this new fetish of hers, or were at the very least aware and accepting of it. She was now dead set on dedicating a section of the restored lighthouse to giving everypony a play space of sorts to engage in this new kink of theirs. As they crested the next hill, she saw a trio of ponies sitting just off of the dirt path. As they descended the hill, she saw that there was a blanket between them, and recognized Hitch, Sprout, and Izzy, who had spotted them as they came down the hill. With a wide smile, Sunny galloped forward to their picnic area, and as soon as Izzy stood up to greet her, the earth mare threw her front hooves around her, and they spun each other around a couple times before releasing each other from the hug. Hitch gave a soft smile. 'Yup, that's definitely new love if I've ever seen it,' he thought to himself. "Well, I take it somepony missed me," Izzy teased, coming in for a short nuzzle. "What are you guys doing all the way out here?" Sunny asked as Zipp came down with the wagon along with her sister. "Hitch was already here waiting for us, said there's something to show us," Izzy answered. Sunny turned to Hitch, who also got up after taking his last bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Yeah, something, um, big, certainly happened while you all were out of town. Figured I could try and show all of you together." "I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the rainbow beam of light on the horizon," Zipp said, sarcasm all too apparent in her voice. Hitch and Sprout quickly packed up the picnic blanket and got it back in the wagon, and the six ponies set off, continuing towards town. When they came over the next hill, Sunny let out a gasp, as she saw the site of her home. The structure roughly resembled Maretime Bay's old lighthouse that had been heavily damaged several weeks ago; a two-story crystal house with a two-tier glass lighthouse. The front doors were considerably more elegant, with two tall deep pink doors replacing the single one, with gold horseshoes as handles. Surrounding the front doors was a simply stunning stained glass display, depicting a pegasus, a unicorn, Zephyr Heights, Bridlewood, and at the very top above the door, the lighthouse itself. "Oh my stars..." Sunny managed to say as she stood dumbfounded. "It appeared out of nowhere the night after you all left." It took all the restraint Sunny had to not gallop at full speed and instead keep pace with the two wagons Zipp and Hitch were pulling as they came up to the clearly magical structure. "Well Sunny, I think you should do the honors," the sheriff said as he and Zipp got unhitched from their respective wagons. Sunny took a breath, took a step forward, pushed the double doors open, and her breath was taken away again. Two short steps descended into the foyer, with multi-colored crystal tiles making up the floor. The walls were painted a sky blue. The kitchen on the right side was roughly in the same place it had been originally, with a bit more space this time around. Instead of stairs off on the left side wall, two spiral ramps made of crystal and polished wood provided access to the second floor. Sunny ascended the curving walkway and her smile widened further when she saw all of the available space on the second floor, where the elevator to the top waited in the center, a rainbow beam shining up out of the glass cylinder. "This... This is way too much room for just me. This is for all of us, I just know it," Sunny commented, turning around to the five friends who had accompanied her inside. "We can get five beds in here with room to spare!" She got smiles and nods from her friends, who were realizing that with that idea, they now all suddenly had a place to stay in Maretime Bay as well. Izzy's grin was the widest as the opportunities for unicycling was expanding in her mind by the millisecond. Not wanting to get too far ahead of herself, she stepped towards the elevator with her friends, and once they were all on the platform, it rose effortlessly up to the top of the lighthouse. There, just above the heads of all of them, in the middle of the rainbow beam, floated the three unity crystals. The view from the balcony provided the same spectacular view of both the ocean and Maretime Bay. "So now, I think I can give you something of a welcome home present," Hitch said, digging into his saddlebags, coming out with an envelope. "Compliments of CanterLogic and Maretime Bay Construction." Sunny tore the envelope open, turned it over, and out came a check, her eyes widening and mouth dropping open at the amount. "Just what is this?" Sunny asked, trying not to fall over or faint. "What was left over from the construction budget, materials cost, and your extended hotel stay. When the inspection team declared this place structurally sound, the construction team found themselves with quite the surplus. We figured you could use the money to furnish the place," Hitch told her. Sunny's hoof trembled as she put the check back into the envelope. "Yeah... Yeah, I need a minute to catch my breath. I'll see the rest of you downstairs, and we can figure out what we're going to do next," Sunny said, taking a few deep breaths as she stepped towards the railing. Her friends gave her nods of understanding, and began to step back onto the lift platform. "Pipp, please stay," Sunny said. The pegasus stepped off of the lift moments before it descended to the second floor, and stepped towards Sunny, who was taking in the view, before turning to her friend. "Wow... I mean... Wow. So, clearly I won't be staying in a hotel for the next few months. I've made up my mind, Pipp. I want to give us all a space to explore our younger sides. Clearly we're about to do one serious shopping spree. Let's let Izzy go nuts with her creativity for the bedrooms. Let's put a nursery and play area of sorts in the basement. What do you say?" Sunny asked excitedly. Pipp gave her a smile, before breaking into a giggling fit. "What's so funny?" Sunny asked. "You don't see the irony? The foals are going to design the nursery!" > A Surprise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phyllis Cloverleaf was just beginning to wind down after a very interesting couple of days. First, repairs and reconstruction of Sunny Starscout's home came to a surprising and rather instant conclusion, and thus the considerable amount of funding she had set aside for the project could now be put to use elsewhere. When they inspected the magical structure, they found that for the most part, it was unfurnished, and so she wrote a check for the remaining amount to Sunny, who had just been given the five-digit deposit to begin decorating her new home. Her phone vibrated with a text alert, and she saw it was from the earth mare in question. Sunny Hey Phyllis, can I correctly assume that CanterLogic made the crib in Sprout's room? Phyllis smiled gently at her phone, and began to put in a reply. Phyllis You would be right. I'm guessing you want one for the lighthouse? She hadn't even set her phone back down on the counter before a pending reply started to come through. Sunny Three, actually. Also a changing table and some playpen gating. If that's alright, I'll send you details. Of course that would be alright. She wasn't sure what the fledgling ageplayer needed with three adult-sized cribs, but even with the respectable discount she would be giving the mare, that would still be a decent amount of the leftover construction fund coming right back into CanterLogic. There was a knock on the door, and Phyllis set her phone down to go answer it. Opening the front door, she was greeted by the smiling faces of her son and Maretime Bay's sheriff. "Here he is, Phyllis, fresh from a few days in Bridlewood," Hitch told her as Sprout came in to hug his mom. "Head on upstairs and I'll be up to get you situated and hear all about your trip," his mom told him. Sprout trotted up the stairs as Phyllis turned her attention back to Hitch. "Have I heard right? You're foalsitting him tomorrow?" Phyllis asked, and Hitch immediately nodded. "Yup. Don't tell him though, it's a bit of a surprise. What time should I be here tomorrow?" Hitch asked. "Actually, it's looking to be quite a busy weekend at the factory with the order Sunny just put in. Could I drop him off at your place in the morning? I'll bring you all the supplies you'll need for a few days." "Hm. Yeah, I suppose I could keep an eye on him for the weekend over there. I won't have the time to put together a crib or anything like that," Hitch replied. "That's alright, I can't expect everywhere he goes to be foalish for him. But I just got a text from Sunny, and it's sounding like she's set on getting some of this ageplay furniture for herself, and even for the completely normal items, well, CanterLogic helps make half of the furniture in town, so my weekend is going to be absolutely packed, so I'll need help with keeping an eye on him if he wants to keep this treatment up," Phyllis told the sheriff. "I'll be up by seven, drop him off anytime," Hitch answered, and departed with a wave before Phyllis closed the door, and headed upstairs to her son's room. "Alright, sugar cube, let's get you all set for the evening," she said as he eagerly stepped up onto the changing table and laid down. "Before and after dinner, there's something I'd like you to do," Phyllis told Sprout as she got a fresh diaper unfolded. "Get a bag of toys packed, and a diaper bag packed. Mommy's going to have quite the weekend ahead of her at work, and you'll need to be looked after. I'm hoping to recoup as much of that construction fund as I can, so if Sunny places any rush orders, I want to be ready for her." Sprout nodded in understanding. ""They're not coming here?" He asked. "Not this time. Izzy may be busy helping Sunny get things set up at the lighthouse, so we'll just have to play it by ear, hun." Sunny and Pipp walked through the front door of My Inner Foal, and Pipp looked worried; she had never set foot in a store like this, having placed all of her orders online. "Don't worry, Pipp. It'll be alright, I promise." "Hello, and welcome to My Inner Foal," the olive green earth mare greeted from behind the counter. "Ah, welcome back Sunny. Oh, and Miss Pipp Petals, welcome!" Knowing that the store's proprietor had immediately recognized her was making the livestreamer sweat bullets, and Mayflower recognized this immediately. "Now now, no need to be nervous, Miss Pipp. I take the privacy of my customers very, very seriously. Your bits are as good as anypony else's, and as far as I'm concerned, you were never here," Mayflower reassured her. Hearing these words seemed to calm Pipp down a bit. "Now, what can I do for the two of you?" "Well, we're hoping you've got plenty of boxes, because we're going to be placing quite a big order. The lighthouse got finished a bit early, and we've decided to turn a basement into a nursery and play space," Sunny told the owner. Mayflower's expression was a mix of touched, and seeing bits in her eyes. "Well, please let me know whatever I can get for you!" She gleefully announced. She went over to the front door and switched the sign from 'Open' to 'Closed', to give the two mares some privacy, and further set Pipp's mind at ease. "If you don't mind me saying, I've been hearing some talk among manufacturers that there might be some designs coming out based on the cutie marks and coats of the reunifiers of Equestria." Sunny gave a smile, but Pipp's blood pressure spiked again. "Pipp, easy. I doubt you'll ever see something like that out in public," Sunny said, chuckling softly as they approached the diaper aisle. "Ooh, I just want to try them all!" Pipp said excitedly. "Well, why not? We're gonna have quite a bit of room on the changing table. So... Wipes, powder, oil, and small size for you, and mediums for me," Sunny said, as she began pulling supplies off of the shelves into a basket, and saw that it was very quickly filling up beyond capacity. "Sorry that I don't have a cart or anything, I don't think I've ever had a shopping spree like this before," Mayflower apologized, immediately offering to take the pair's full basket, deposit the items over by the register before returning it to them for more as they continued looking over diaper designs, getting a pack of small and medium of each. After that, Pipp picked out a pacifier, and Sunny picked out matching pairs of hoofie pajamas for both of them, before going over and grabbing a stack of interlocking foam squares for the floor of the playpen. All in all, the stack of merchandise at the counter contained twelve packs of diapers, two pairs of pajamas, changing supplies, playpen flooring and easily totaled more than four hundred bits, which was an incredibly easy pill for Sunny to swallow, considering the five digits that was now in her account, not to mention what she was spending on furniture from CanterLogic. "Well well, I certainly hope you girls have a wagon out front," Mayflower commented as she started ringing stuff up. "That we do," Sunny answered. "Not to worry, everything here fits in discreet boxes for you to get back home," the owner said as she started ringing up their items, the total tallying up on the display above the register. Once everything was scanned and paid for, she started assembling boxes behind her, and placing the diapers in the biggest one, followed by the foam squares and changing supplies. The PJ's and the pacifier were last, and went in the smallest box. Once everything had been sealed, Mayflower followed Sunny and Pipp out the front door, helping them load the boxes into their small wagon, before heading back inside and flipping the sign back to 'Open'. "Have a great evening, you two!" After placing his dinner dishes in the dishwasher and starting the quick cycle, Hitch did a quick trot around his house, making sure that everything was clean, organized, and ready for a weekend of foalsitting someone that was his size. Doing the clean check was pretty unnecessary; he always kept his place pretty tidy. What he was really trying to do was to mentally prepare for not just seeing another friend in diapers, but also watching and taking care of him for the next few days. Remembering how unnerved he had been when he had seen Sunny ageplaying a few days ago, he also kept in mind that this 'punishment' for Sprout had been planted by him, so it wouldn't exactly be fair if he hadn't gotten involved somehow at some point, even though this was no longer a punishment. Sprout had made amends, made new friends, the lighthouse repairs had been magically finished overnight, and he had embraced this new side of him that he had been discovering, even coming to thank him for the suggestion before he had departed for Bridlewood. So all in all, Hitch was hoping that he was up for this, and for whatever Izzy's tea did to him as well... Tomorrow was a new day. > Dropped Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout walked besides his mom, down the street, and rather than traditional saddlebags, he had two duffel bags; one slung across his barrel, and one balanced on his back. One contained his toys, and one contained all the supplies he'd need for changes. His mom had remained mum on where he'd be spending the weekend, as she made it clear that she'd be at CanterLogic all weekend putting in some serious hours to get these special orders filled. He figured he wouldn't be at the hotel that Sunny or Izzy had been staying at, since they were going to be undoubtedly getting what furniture they could in town before CanterLogic's special orders were done. Those Pegasus sisters, maybe? Or perhaps she had arranged a secluded play area for him at the factory where he'd be out of the way. Nope, that wasn't it either, and Sprout got his answer when his mom suddenly veered to the left, and up the front walk of the house of one Hitch Trailblazer. Suddenly, Sprout was feeling pangs of nervousness. Even though he had been up this very walk a few nights ago to thank Hitch for suggesting the treatment that he was now embracing, Hitch was his oldest friend, and he hadn't actually *seen* him in diapers yet, never mind looking after him for an entire weekend. Phyllis and Sprout came up to the front door, and the Cloverleaf matriarch knocked on the door a few times to announce their presence. Moments later, the door was pulled open, and their stood Hitch, as presentable as ever. "Good morning, Phyllis, Sprout," Hitch greeted with a smile. Phyllis returned it, as did Sprout, though for the stallion, his nervousness was a little apparent. "Well, he's all yours, Sheriff. You know where to get a hold of me if any emergencies come up," Phyllis told him, before she nudged Sprout forward a couple steps. "Now behave, sugar cube, and I'll see you on Sunday, hopefully when the orders are done." With that, Phyllis took a step forward, hugged her son, and gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning and heading back down the walk to the street. Sprout turned back to see Hitch standing just inside and inviting him in. "So what did you bring?" the sheriff asked. "Um, a bunch of my PoneBloks from when I was younger. Come to think of it, do you still have yours? We could get some awesome battles going then," Sprout said, still a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Well, that sounds like a fun idea, I suppose I can dig around in storage and see if I can find them. But first... I don't think you're quite dressed..." Hitch said. Sprout felt another wave of heat reach his cheeks, as he knew this was coming sooner or later. All of his friends old and new had seen him in diapers over the past week, all except Hitch. He thought he would be used to revealing this side of himself to open-minded friends already, but apparently not, as he still tingled with nervousness as he nodded and gave Hitch a nervous smile as the amber stallion led him down to his bedroom and gave the mattress a few pats, letting Sprout know where he wanted him. "Sorry I don't have anything close to a nursery set up in here," Hitch said as Sprout dropped his two duffel bags at the foot of the bed before climbing up onto the blankets and laid down on his back. "My supplies are in the bag on the right," Sprout said, roughly pointing with his right front hoof, trying to appear calm, but was internally glaring down at his lower half, thinking 'don't you freaking dare.' Hitch unzipped the bag, and one by one, came out with foal powder, wipes, and a fresh folded diaper. "Alright, well this can't be that tricky, right?" Hitch asked as he started to unfold the disposable garment, smirking a bit at the foalish patterns on the front landing zone. "Welp, here we go, and up!" Sprout half-pushed his hindquarters up, and Hitch half-lifted him, getting the back of the diaper slid under him and getting the top set of tapes on both sides of his tail, getting it fastened before setting him down on the padding. Sprout shuddered in nervousness as he felt himself begin to unsheathe, and Hitch noticed his embarrassment. "Sprout, it's okay. I'd honestly be surprised if that didn't happen. Not the only change you're gonna get this weekend anyway," Hitch told him as he opened up the container of wipes, and plucking a couple out and gave Sprout's nether regions a good once over. Sprout shivered at the cold temperature, but was grateful that it did cause his erection to go down as Hitch got finished wiping him down and grabbed the bottle of foal powder, twisting the cap open and giving his diaper area a dusting before shutting it, setting it aside, and bringing the front wings up and smoothing the crinkly landing zone against Sprout's belly, getting the front edges almost tucked in under him before bringing the back wings up and getting each tape fastened on the front. "Alright, that looks pretty good," Hitch said, checking the leg gatherers and giving the seat a few playful pats. "Go on and get your PoneBloks set up on the coffee table, and I'll see about finding mine, since we've got a little bit before lunch." Sprout sat up with a smile, and hopped off the bed, picking up the duffel bag that wasn't open and put the strap over his shoulder as he left the room, going down the hall to the den. Figuring all the changes would take place in here, Hitch decided to get organized with the changing supplies. He took out the diapers a few at a time and stacked them on top of the dresser, seeing that Sprout had packed a total of twenty four of them. Might have been a bit much, but better to being too many than too little, he figured. Next to those, he set the wipes and powder, and figured he had the changing station squared away. But he didn't find the bag empty, and dug out one last item, a hinged oak box. He opened it, and saw a dozen bags of tea, with a small post-it note on the inside of the lid. Have fun! -Izzy Hitch gave a smile. He would have to figure out when to give this to Sprout. But for now, it was time to try and find those old PoneBloks of his. This weekend was just getting started... > Toys > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Pipp and Sunny had unloaded everything from their wagon last night, they were pretty tired, as were Izzy and Zipp by the time they had gotten home from their first shopping spree for the first and second floors. Long story short, everypony was entirely too tired to unbox anything or set anything up by the time everything was unloaded, so it was one more night in their hotel rooms where they fell asleep barely before their heads hit the pillows. Pancakes and hash browns were the order of the day for breakfast at a Maretime Bay diner in the morning, where they discussed their plans for the day. "Well, I can't imagine that you two are going to get a whole lot done in the basement until CanterLogic gets the orders done, so maybe we'll put our foals to work upstairs, what do you say, Izzy?" Zipp said. "Sounds like a good idea to me," the unicorn agreed. "Yeah, the only thing we have to do down there is unbox all the stuff we bought last night, and pretty much just put it in a corner until we decide where we want to put everything, and we can't really do that until the furniture gets here, hopefully by the end of this weekend," Sunny said. "It's a good thing that you two aren't going to be stuck down there, because I think each one of us needs to have some input on their own sleeping area on the second floor. I should probably send Hitch some pictures of his space so he can at least give us some ideas of how to set his up, since he's going to be busy with Sprout all weekend." "While you do that, we'll head down and at least unpack the boxes," Sunny said. "You do that, then meet us up on the second floor. Then we can assign spaces, and see if we need to go out for anything extra while you two start to assemble things that we've already got," Zipp said. "And maybe you two bring up some changing supplies while you're down there. No reason our foals can't be padded while they start to put this place together," Izzy said with a smirk. Pipp and Sunny blushed, but their smiles also widened. "Got it!" Pipp exclaimed, rushing Sunny downstairs. They went over to the stack of boxes and began opening the flaps. Sunny started stacking up the two dozen interlocking foam floor pieces, and Pipp began stacking up the packs of diapers according to size and pattern. When they were done, a quarter of the left wall was lined with diapers. "Can't wait to get those out of those bags and onto the changing table shelves so they can fluff up," Sunny commented, remembering what Mayflower had told her about letting freshly-opened diapers 'breathe' for a bit after taking them out of their package. "So what'll it be?" Pipp couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at her choice; she had never had more than a dozen at a time in her false dresser drawer, and now she had nearly ten times that amount, all in different patterns. Luckily, they were all 'Overnight' branded, so they were all the same thickness, so all the two mares had to decide on what a pattern. They each tore open the top of their chosen diapers, and pulled one out each. "Okay, Sunny? Wild idea. Izzy and Zipp are probably gonna put us to work putting a bunch of furniture together up there while they go out and get more. How about... How about once we get padded up, we see who can go the longest without getting changed?" After twenty minutes of digging around in his storage closet, Hitch came down the hall pushing two boxes across the carpet into the living room, where Sprout was sitting in front of the coffee table, going about rebuilding all of the kits he had to disassemble to fit in the bag to bring over here. Hitch had to admit, Sprout was kinda cute like this so far. "Alright, I managed to find my PoneBlok sets, and something else you may remember from when we were younger..." Hitch said as he finished pushing the boxes up to the side of the coffee table. This grabbed Sprout's attention away from what he was currently building to have a look at the box that Hitch opened flap by flap, and his eyes widened in excitement. "Oh sweet! Hot Carriages! I'm not even sure I have any of mine from way back," Sprout said, looking into the box of metallic miniature carriages and the dozens and dozens of feet worth of plastic interconnecting tracks that they raced down. "We're not gonna do this all at once, because then it'd be quite the headache to clean up. So maybe PoneBloks for now, and Hot Carriages tomorrow. Sound good?" Hitch asked, and Sprout immediately nodded, turning his attention to the other box that Hitch had brought with him. Sure enough, the sheriff's PoneBlok kits were also in just as many pieces, but half the fun was putting them together. Sprout made room on the coffee table, pushing his partially assembled kits over to one half of the table, clearing the other half for Hitch, who began to pull out his kits and sort them by how he recalled they were put together. Even if they didn't quite go together how they originally did, that was the whole point of the Zombie Unicorns From Space sets; they could be intermixed and rigged; as the resistance bolted together whatever they could to have a fighting chance against the zombie hordes. As he built alongside his colthood friend, Hitch began to wonder what Sprout was feeling. He didn't have any desire to try these foalish items himself, his curiosity hadn't taken a hold of him in a manner similar to Sunny, but it made the sheriff realize that he also felt like he had taken a few steps back in time, feeling like they were both colts putting together their new PoneBlok toys, before he had taken responsibility for all law enforcement in Maretime Bay. Life indeed felt much simpler back then... > Lunch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, aaand there we go!" Izzy said, fastening the fourth and final tape of Sunny's fresh diaper around her waist, before giving her a couple light taps to let the mare know that she could sit up. Zipp had also finished with her little sister, so the two 'foals' were ready to get to work. They had separated the second floor into six equal sections with painter's tape, or 'pie slices' as Izzy had put it; five spaces for each of them plus an extra space for a guest. "Alright, you two can start on your own spaces, and we'll be out getting more pieces for ours," Zipp told them. "Now you two behave. You can have milk or water, and there's snacks on the counter. Be back soon!" With that, the unicorn and elder pegasus went down the curved ramp to the first floor and out the front door, leaving the two padded ponies alone with their unassembled furniture. Even with their beds still in the boxes, Pipp's looked double the size of Sunny's, who wanted something similar to what she had in the old lighthouse. Pipp quickly trotted down to the ground floor to the kitchen, and came back up a couple minutes later with two bottles of cold milk, giving one to Sunny. "Alright, so just so there's no clever cheating, one bottle of water or milk an hour, got it?" Pipp said, looking over at Sunny before going over to her boxed up bed. "As long as we don't drink until we're about to burst and moaning on the floor with stomachaches," Sunny replied. "Deal. So, let's drink and build! Now let's put tab 'A' into slot 'B'!" Hitch didn't have a high chair, so they had to make due with their imaginations as Sprout sat in the chair at the kitchen table next to Hitch's, as he was slowly fed a bowl of applesauce, with a sippy cup of lemonade. "Hey Hitch? You're... You're enjoying yourself too, right?" Sprout asked after swallowing his first bite. "I guess you could say that, yeah. It's interesting, to be sure, but why do you ask?" Hitch replied. "I mean, I know you probably view this as a job, and my mom is no doubt paying you for your time, it's just... You're my best friend, Hitch. This was your idea, and I want to know that you're enjoying yourself too." Hitch's expression turned into a soft smile as he got another spoonful of applesauce. They had been working together at the station for so long, that Hitch honestly couldn't remember the last time that Sprout had referred to him as his best friend... Or honestly, the last time he himself had thought of Sprout as a friend, and not a subordinate that he had to keep an eye on almost every day, and reign him in when necessary. "Well don't worry," he began, slipping the spoon into Sprout's mouth. "I am enjoying myself. Even playing with some of my old toys with you is taking me back a bit. We're almost done getting all of our old kits put together, and this time we have a bit more than a room to have our battles in; we have a whole house. Not to mention what crazy track designs we're gonna put together tomorrow." Sprout smiled as he swallowed, imagining the possibilities. But before he could create the most amazing carriage tracks ever, he had to help the resistance defend against the horde of zombies that were headed this way. "And Izzy really didn't have an issue with these sets of PoneBloks?" Hitch asked as he continued spoon-feeding his friend. "I was honestly afraid of that on her first day, but when I explained some of the backstory and the lore, her excitement only grew. The way she floated some of the zombie ships around the house was just... Awesome," Sprout told him. "Well, I can't do things like that, but no reason why she can't come over and have a two versus one battle one of these days," Hitch offered, and Sprout immediately nodded. "I know you've been enjoying this new side of yourself, pal. Considering that this started with you being, well, temporarily suspended from the department, I'm wondering if you've been thinking about coming back anytime soon, since, well, since this isn't a punishment anymore," the sheriff said, putting another spoonful of applesauce into Sprout's mouth. Sprout took just a few moments before swallowing that his current mouthful. "Well, to tell you the truth, Hitch... I'm not sure it's the best idea to come back," Sprout admitted, beginning to twiddle his front hooves under the table. "Oh? Why is that?" Hitch asked, setting the nearly empty bowl down on the table. "I mean, that was a lot of trust that I took advantage of and abused, Hitch. If I come back and start over, I know that a lot of the town is going to be wondering how long it's going to be before it happens again," the red stallion confessed. "I know that some of Maretime Bay won't trust me with that kind of authority again... And they'd be absolutely right not to." Hitch took a moment to take this revelation in. "Well, if you're not going to be my deputy, have you given any thought to what you want to do for a job?" The sheriff asked him. "Yeah, I have. Even despite the fact that it was magically replaced after weeks of work, I really enjoyed helping to renovate and rebuild Sunny's lighthouse. The construction forepony said he was pretty satisfied with my work, and he said if I wanted to, I could stay on if I wanted a change of pace. I think I'm gonna take him up on that offer." "Mm, that's a fine line of work, Sprout. One that would undoubtedly be better with you being a part of it. I can't say that I won't miss you at the station, but maybe it's for the best. Maybe this way, we can work on our friendship, and stop worrying about our working relationship." Sprout smiled at Hitch as he picked up the bowl of applesauce and scraped up one last spoonful. "I'd like that, Hitch. I'd like that a lot." > Nervousness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny was trying her best to keep her mind on getting the last few pieces of her bed frame attached, she was becoming increasingly worried that the next trickle from her bladder would be the last straw for the soaked diaper taped around her waist. Every time she glanced over at Pipp and the work being done on her bed, she saw that the pegasus wasn't too far behind. They had matched each other bottle for bottle, and if one of them didn't give in soon, they were certainly going to be in trouble. Not to mention what Zipp and Izzy were going to think. As if on cue, they heard the front doors open "We're back. How's our little filly's beds coming along?" Izzy sing-sang as she came through the front door with Zipp, as they carefully pulled a wagon full of cargo into the foyer before unhitching themselves. They went up the right ramp to the second floor, where the communal bedroom was going to be, and saw Sunny and Pipp at work on their incomplete beds. The eyes of the caretakers quickly fell to their charges' soaked diapers. Izzy came up to Sunny and gave her marefriend's diaper a few light pokes. "Now I've unicycled a bed frame or two, but you girls couldn't stop for just a minute or two to change each other? You're completely soaked, Sunny!" Izzy chastised, and Sunny blushed in response. Zipp didn't even have to physically check her younger sister's diaper. "Piiiip," Zipp began, and the light pink pegasus knew she was in trouble just from Zipp's accusing tone. "Did you not learn your lesson the last time?" "What? What lesson?" Sunny asked as Izzy went to go get a change of diapers from downstairs. "Oh, she wanted to test her diaper's capacity, and push it to its limits. What she ended up doing was pushing it past its limits after she went to bed with it on," Zipp told the other padded mare in the room. Pipp's blush deepened. "You should've seen her trek to the laundry room the next morning. 'Maximum sneaky' doesn't even begin to describe it. Now what if you two had leaked? You really think that would be a good idea on our brand new bedroom carpet?" Even Sunny's eyes widened a bit. Zipp and her chosen words were absolutely perfect at making Pipp feel like a small little filly who had made an irresponsible decision. "S-Sorry, big sis," Pipp apologized softly as Izzy returned to the second floor with fresh diapers and changing supplies. Zipp gave a sigh and a soft smile. "Being a brat always did get you really deep into your little headspace," Zipp told her sister, before leading the two of them over to the changing mat that Izzy had magically brought up. "Alright, lets get the two of you changed so we can finish your beds and get started on mine, Izzy's, and Hitch's." "Hold up now, Zipp. We can't just pass by an opportunity like this... Not when they're this soaked..." Izzy said, lighting up her horn again, and this time produced an object that Sunny had now become accustomed to; the bulb vibrator. She unraveled the cord, plugged it in, and then magically grabbed the padded pegasi and earth mare and sat them down right across from each other. "Sunny knows the drill. Pipp, this might be new for you. First one to sparkle wins!" Izzy dangled the wand bulb side down, nearly touching the ground, then magically shoved their two adult foals forward so their diapers pressed into the vibrating bulb, and their gasps were almost simultaneous. "First one to sparkle gets changed first!" Sprout couldn't quite put his hooves on why, but he knew he was still incredibly self-conscious. He hadn't felt like this since his first and second days of this treatment. It was beginning to frustrate him a little bit not being able to get to the bottom of this... Regression. He had accepted this new side of himself for weeks, and Hitch had been in no way judgemental of him wanting to continue indulging in this now that it was no longer a punishment. So, why was he suddenly feeling embarrassed again like in the early days? It was so bad that he was holding it, and he was shuddering at the thought of having a messy diaper around Hitch. But as he had learned the first time, it was going to be a lost cause eventually, and he was currently afraid that Hitch was going to see the look of strain on his face as he continued holding it in, wondering for a split second if there would be time to sneak away to the bathroom for just a couple minutes. His lunch had settled in his stomach a bit ago, and as he sat across from his best friend setting up more of the Hot Carriage track pieces, he shifted positions, or went back to get more tracks every time he felt a cramp come on, and wanted to hide his expression from Hitch. "Everything okay, pal? You've been looking a bit uncomfortable ever since we finished lunch. Something not agreeing with you?" Hitch asked as he finished connecting his next track piece. Sprout took a quiet breath, as he slowly turned back towards Hitch. "In fact, you look like you have to, well, you know, go," the off-duty sheriff commented. 'Damnit,' Sprout thought to himself. "Y-yeah..." he admitted. "I guess I'm still a little afraid of being messy around someone new." Sprout's cheeks blushed a bit from saying that directly. Hitch gave him a soft smile, and got up, coming up to him and put a hoof around him. "Well, I guess that's sort of understandable. But don't worry, Sprout. I'm not new. This was my idea in the first place, I knew what I was getting into when I offered to foalsit." Hitch's assurances calmed his nerves just a bit, and Sprout smiled back. "Now I'm not gonna purposefully embarrass you, buddy. So tell you what, I'm guessing you're going to need a bath shortly, so I'll go get a few things for dinner prepped, then go get a bath ready. You stay here and keep setting track up, and I'll be back in a few minutes, and hopefully by then, you'll have a stinky diaper that needs changing," Hitch told him. Sprout felt another wave of heat rush to his face as Hitch turned and went to the kitchen, leaving him alone in the den with the track they had already set up. He decided instead of just standing there, waiting for another cramp to come along, he returned his attention to the in-progress track that was currently taking a sharp turn around the coffee table in front of the couch. A minute later, he heard Hitch step out of the kitchen, and heard the bathtub faucet run, just in time for another cramp to hit his bowels, and this time he didn't resist, barely getting one additional track piece assembled before having to focus on the call of nature. He relaxed one moment, and pushed the next, and his excrement exited his body into his already wet diaper, blossoming outward in a spreading warmth. It felt just a naughty as it had the very first day, his face burned as his diaper continued to fill, and he started to imagine what Hitch would say when he got back from running his bath. When he gave one last push, he still heard the bath running, so he did his best to return his attention to the totally awesome track that he had been constructing with his friend, wondering how far he would get before Hitch came back, or how close he would get. Would his nose detect what he had done before he was able to turn the corner...? These quick fantasies only got more defined when he heard the faucet shut off, which meant that his caretaker was no doubt on his way back... > Bath Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the tub just over half full of lukewarm sudsy, soapy water, Hitch shut the faucet off, left the bathroom, and headed back down the hall to the kitchen. He pulled the frozen pizza from the freezer and put it on the pan which he promptly slid into the pre-heated oven, setting the timer for sixteen minutes, and then went over to the box that Izzy had sent him. He opened it, and took out a single teabag, double-checking the note that each bag would, well, do whatever it did to him, for approximately six hours, so one would easily last until after bedtime, then he'd be back to normal by morning. Easy peasy. Along with the pizza in the oven, he started a kettle of water to prepare the tea, and would mix it with milk and sugar for his drink along with pizza, and that would be that. Now that he knew he had a limited time to get Sprout bathed and changed before dinner, he turned and headed back towards the living room. The unmistakable scent of manure hit his nostrils before he had even come to the entryway. "I think I finally have a stinky colt to deal with, don't I?" He asked as he came through the entryway from the kitchen. Sprout blushed profusely as he was trying to concentrate on the current track piece he was putting together, about to loop the track around the coffee table, wondering if he should pretend that he didn't hear Hitch. "Come on, dinner's in the oven, so we don't have a lot of time to get you cleaned up," Hitch told him, coming over to him and standing him up, and started guiding him down the hall towards the bathroom. Sprout saw that he had already laid out a fresh diaper, wipes, and powder on the counter, right before being laid down on the bathroom rug. It wasn't big enough to accommodate his whole body, and he shivered a bit when his upper back, and neck came into contact with the cold tile floor. "Don't worry, just have to get this off you and wiped up a bit and you'll be in the warm soapy bath water," Hitch commented as he began to undo the tapes of Sprout's diaper one by one. The red stallion's mind seized up a bit as he dreaded Hitch opening up his diaper and seeing what he had done. Blast it, why was he feeling like this all of a sudden? These waves of embarrassment were ten times worse than what he had gone through with Izzy and Sunny. This had been Hitch's idea in the first place, and honestly, if he hadn't embraced this treatment as a new fetish of his, he'd likely be relishing in having Hitch having to get his share of the consequences of suggesting something like this to his mom. Instead, he was continually worried that his best friend would be disgusted when he finally got that last tape pulled off, and opened his diaper to see what he had done. But when Hitch did just that, he didn't look repulsed or disgusted, and instead grabbed the wet wipes and began getting as much off of his hindquarters as possible, before pulling it out from under him, and picking him up, and gently depositing him into the soapy water. With that, he turned around, rolled up the diaper, and deposited it in the trash, before tying up the bag for later disposal, before returning his attention to the stallion in the tub. Hitch was quick and methodical, first dribbling mane shampoo over Sprout's head, then gently massaged it to a fluffy white lather, before getting the bottle of coat wash and a cloth, then made his way down Sprout's barrel and stomach. Sprout's expression took on a momentary look of horror when his erection poked through the soap suds floating on the surface of the water, but Hitch paid it no mind. 'How can he be so... So CALM about this?!?' Sprout screamed in his mind, while also begging his erection to go down. Luckily that was the case as Hitch judged him clean enough, and popped the plug on the drain out, before grabbing the shower head and turning it on, spraying Sprout down with lukewarm water, rinsing off all the soap from his mane and coat. Once he was al rinsed, Hitch plugged in the mane dryer as Sprout stepped out onto the bathroom rug as water dripped down. Sprout stood there shivering until Hitch turned the dryer on and started blowing hot air at him, starting with the top of his mane. Cooling water continued to drip down at a quicker rate with the help of the blow dryer, and a couple minutes later he was mostly dry, with Hitch dabbing a couple damp spots on his thighs. "I think that'll do it. Want me to get any gel for your mane? To do it how you like it?" Hitch asked. Sprout took a couple steps forward to turn and look at his reflection in the mirror above the sink, and saw how messy and unkempt his mane was. It looked... Coltish. "N-no, that's alright. Makes me look the part a little more, foalish, don't ya think?" Sprout asked. Hitch gave him a light smirk. "You know, I think you're right," he commented, reaching a hoof up and rubbed his head vigorously with a noogie. Sprout groaned, but chuckled afterward. "Alright, down on the rug. Let's get you into a fresh diaper before the oven timer goes off." This wasn't Sunny's first rodeo with Izzy's vibrator, and right now it was a double-edged sword. On one hoof, she didn't want to lose to Pipp like she had to Sprout the last time Izzy had pulled this toy of hers out, but on the other, if she really pressed into the bulb, not only would Pipp get more pressure too, but that would mean increasing the risk of leaking these very full diapers onto the carpet of their new house. All she had been doing for the past few minutes is turning and twisting slightly, but not applying too much pressure, and Pipp had been doing the same, as the two mares did their best to avoid eye contact with each other. "Who's it gonna be...?" Izzy sing-sang, prancing around the pair on the floor as they took soft gasping breaths. "What I would give to have your sparkle-vision for just five minutes, or you know, whatever you call it," Zipp commented, leaning over against the banister with the changing supplies next to her. Sunny suddenly had an idea, seeing the changing mat just a few feet behind Pipp. Pushing not with her waist and diaper, but instead with her back hooves, Sunny slid Pipp back across the carpet towards the changing mat. It took three good pushes, and on the last one, Sunny planted her back hooves on the edge of the changing mat to keep it from sliding across the floor from Pipp's weight, and pushed the padded pegasus one final time, bumping her up onto the mat. Immediately following herself, so as to not break the vibrator's contact with either of their diapers and be accused of cheating, Sunny now leaned forward once she saw they were both completely on the plastic mat. She threw her front legs around Pipp and embraced her, and put all of her weight against the vibrator. This was going to end in a few seconds one way or the other as the moans from both mares increased in volume, and Sunny began softly thrusting into the white bulb, and was fairly certain her diaper had started leaking. She squeezed her eyes shut, and gave out a lustful cry as she came into her overflowing diaper. "Sunny wins!" Izzy declared, as the earth pony finally released Pipp, and flopped down on her back, onto the semi-soft plastic pad, taking in deep breaths, allowing herself the slightest of open mouth smiles as Pipp continued to struggle with the vibrator. "Good job, sweetheart," Izzy praised her charge, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead, before lining her up on the changing pad. "Hurry up now, Pippy, you're next!" Izzy said as she started to untape Sunny's soaked diaper. "Don't worry," Zipp commented, as she took a seat behind her little sister, and grabbing hold of the vibrator, before pressing it hard and firm into the front of her diaper. "I've got her taken care of." For just a moment, right as the scream of ecstasy was leaving her mouth, Pipp hoped that this new Crystal Brighthouse came with substantial soundproofing, because otherwise she was sure Maretime Bay had just heard her reach her climax. "That's my little sis," Zipp said with a smirk, watching her sibling nearly melt into pudding as the vibrator was pulled away from her diaper, and she slid down in between Zipp's legs, almost bumping into Izzy's hindquarters, catching her breath. "I'm not even facing her and I could tell that was really sparkly!" > Tea Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Sprout was following Hitch down the hall, fresh diaper crinkling around his waist, the oven timer was already going off. "I'm sure it's not too overdone. You like crispy crusts, right pal?" Hitch asked as he grabbed the oven mitt and pulled the oven door open. Luckily, a crispy crust was all that had happened, and the rest of the toppings were perfectly bubbly and steamy. With one swift motion of his leg, he slid the pizza off of the piping hot baking pan onto the large wooden cutting board on the counter. "Alright, I'll let that cool while I get this tea ready..." Hitch said, and Sprout's ears twitched when he heard that. So he was going to get another period of the effects of that stuff. He began to wonder what Hitch would think of a much more authentic foal. Sprout was doing his best to relive his younger days, but just something about the magic in that brew that sent him over the edge entirely. There wasn't any high chair or anything set up at Hitch's dining table, so he took a seat in the same chair where he had eaten lunch earlier today, and watched as Hitch dropped one of the teabags into a glass of hot water from the kettle, mix it with a good amount of milk, and then pour it into a bottle, with a few squirts of chocolate sauce for good measure. He licked his lips in anticipation as the sheriff shook the bottle to get a good mix, then put it in the fridge while he went over to the cutting board to slice up the pizza. "That's gonna be your after-dinner beverage. Izzy told me what it does, and I don't want you passing out in the middle of pizza," Hitch said, chuckling as he brought the cutting board of pizza and a sippy cup of apple juice over to the dining room table. After that, he brought a pair of plates, and set one in front of Sprout, and another in front of the chair next to him, as he sat down. With that, he served Sprout three slices of supreme pizza. Hitch noticed the raised eyebrows immediately. "And no, I'm not going to cut up your pizza this time. You are called an adult foal, yeah? So maybe a little more adulting before you down that bottle and foal out 100% for the rest of the evening," Hitch told him before starting into his pizza. Sprout smiled as he also started into his pizza, knowing that Hitch had a point. While he had been over at his own house, in his bedroom, all the infantile furniture had put him into a far more infantile state of mind. But with his time in Bridlewood, and over here at Hitch's house, it was a tantalizing mixture of both. He didn't feel so much like a foal, as much as he felt younger, more care-free, and the diapers and occasional babying was a nice little bonus; the icing on top. Because sitting here, enjoying pizza by the slice with his best friend... He couldn't imagine being more care-free than this. Both stallions had an extra slice, and finished the entire pizza in one sitting. After finishing off his apple juice, Hitch got up, grabbed the bottle of the chocolate milk-tea mixture, and gestured Sprout out to the living room, who got up from his spot at the table, and followed Hitch out to the living room, and found him on the couch. He patted the cushion next to him as he leaned on the left arm of the couch. Sprout came up, climbed up to the couch, and Hitch's left foreleg was there immediately to guide him into a laying position on his lap, with the bottle's nipple finding it's way in between his lips a moment later. As the flavors of chocolate and tea danced across his tongue, the pizza and apple juice that had already had the opportunity to settle in his stomach, and even as he knew what the magic mixture would do to him in a few minutes, a post-dinner nap was going to be in the cards regardless. That pizza was delicious, and now it was time to sleep some of it off. The bottle didn't take long to finish, and when the last drop had hit the red stallion's throat, Hitch pulled the bottle away, and gently slid his neck and head down to the cushions. "Now you take a nap while I get the kitchen cleaned up," Hitch told him, getting up from the couch. Sprout barely heard Hitch's hoofsteps go towards the kitchen before he was out like a light. It took most of the day, but as the sun finished its descent behind the horizon, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, and Zipp had finished putting together and furnishing their beds, and even had enough time to put Hitch's together, even though with a house of his own, he likely wouldn't be spending too many nights here. A sixth guest bed was also assembled and made, complete with pillows and comforter. The four of them enjoyed their first homecooked meal from the kitchen by the time the last hints of dusk had disappeared from the darkening sky. "Mmm, best carrot soup I think I've ever had, thanks Sunny," Zipp thanked, scooping the very last bite of soup from her bowl. "And you didn't want to let the foal use the stove," Izzy teased. "Yeah well, you have a point. Gotta sneak some adulting in there sometime, and not just with that wand of yours," Zipp said, chuckling as the comment got some blushes out of the padded pegasus and earth mare. "I'm definitely going to sleep good tonight," Sunny commented, also finishing off the last of her soup. "It's not every day that I help put together a total of six beds." After everypony was finished with their meal, the dishes were rinsed and place in the dishwasher. The four of them were headed back up to the bedroom when there was a knock at the door. "Awfully late for visitors. Who could that be?" Zipp wondered. Sunny and Pipp continued up to the second floor, peeking over the railing but keeping their diapers hidden from the view of the front door as Zipp and Izzy went to see who the late evening visitor was. "Evening, miss. I've got a big delivery for Sunny Starscout from CanterLogic," the delivery stallion announced. Sunny risked leaning just a little farther over the railing to try and get a good look at what was in the wagon. "I can sign for that," Zipp said, taking the pen and clipboard and putting her signature on the dotted line. "Just slide those in here." Izzy lit her horn up, and a few moments later, in came six very large boxes, much taller than they were wide, which Izzy leaned against the wall just inside the door. "Awfully late for a delivery," Zipp commented as she handed the pen and clipboard back. "It was classified as a rush delivery. Guess Ms. Cloverleaf wanted these delivered tonight and not have to worry about them in the morning when traffic is heavier. Well, that's everything, goodnight!" Zipp and Izzy waved goodbye to the delivery pony as he began to pull away with his empty wagon. The doors weren't even shut before Sunny and Pipp came back down the walkway to the foyer. "Are those what I think they are?" She asked excitedly. "Certainly looks big enough to be the cribs and changing table for the nursery downstairs," Zipp said, looking the boxes up and down. "Eee, maybe we won't be getting a lot of sleep tonight. Come on!" Sunny said excitedly, going towards the boxes leaning against the wall. An outstretched white foreleg stopped her. "And just what kind of caretakers would we be if we let our foals stay up so late? As tired as we all are, you think we'd get even more furniture put together the right way?" Zipp chastised. Sunny began to pout, but she knew that Zipp was right. They were full and exhausted. Anything they started to put together tonight would undoubtedly have mistakes that would need undoing tomorrow. "I know you're excited Sunny, but Zipp's right. Let's all go get some rest, and we'll start putting that nursery together in the morning after breakfast!" > A Look Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch sat reclined on his couch, paying half-attention to the show that was on the television screen, and half looking down at Sprout as he continued to set up track pieces and test out the curves and jumps. The red-coated stallion had come to about an hour and a half ago, and immediately went about playing with the toys that had been spread out across the living room for half the day. Hitch noticed how the looks of embarrassment were gone, and that the tea had indeed put him through quite the transformation over the course of his twenty minute nap on the floor. According to what Izzy had told him, he'd be extremely infantile, suggestive, and trusting over the next six hours, before going into a similar deep sleep and coming out of it completely normal. By Hitch's clock, little Sprout here would be in bed for several hours before it wore off. Speaking of being in bed, that time was quickly coming up. Hitch shut off the TV, left Sprout where he was, and went to the kitchen, taking the foal bottle from the dish rack and filling it with milk, before putting it in the microwave. After it was warmed up, he took it out of the microwave, and returned to the living room, watching as Sprout made zooming noises as the chariots raced down the track he had built. "Alright, Sprout. Time for your bottle, come on," Hitch said, getting the stallion's attention, and gestured for him to follow him to the guest bedroom. The sheriff climbed up onto the bed with the bottle, and pulled Sprout up to him as he laid back into the pillows, took the pacifier out of his mouth, set it on the night stand, before slipping the rubber nipple into his waiting lips. Sprout silently suckled in contentment. As he drank the warm milk, Hitch slid a hoof down to his diaper, and gave him a thorough check. Surprisingly, he was still dry since dinner, and wouldn't need a change before bedtime. A couple minutes later, the bottle gave out soft hissing sounds as the last of the milk was swallowed. Hitch pulled the nipple from his lips, and rolled Sprout over so he was laying face down on top of him, and began to softly pat his back. A few moments later, the stallion let out a hearty burp. "There we go. Now, let's get you all ready for bed, little guy." Sprout nodded, but rather than slide off of his prone position on top of Hitch, the red stallion began to softly grind his diaper into Hitch's crotch and stomach. By the time Hitch realized what Sprout was doing, he felt that his former deputy was positively throbbing underneath his diaper. "Sprout, Sprout what are you doing?" Hitch asked, in a half-panicked whisper. "Beddy time..." Sprout mumbled as he continued rubbing his diaper into the lower half of Hitch's body. The sheriff felt heat build up behind his cheeks as he noticed Sprout seemingly stare blankly off into space as he absentmindedly humped his friend. That heat continued to spread as he felt himself unsheathe and begin to press up into the crinkly plastic exterior of Sprout's diaper. "Sprout, Sprout stop!" Hitch whispered. Hitch felt Sprout tense up for a moment, then go limp, collapsing on top of him. Several seconds later, the unmistakable smell of stallion spunk reached Hitch's nostrils as Sprout slid off him to the right, and his head hit the pillows as he gave out a mighty yawn. "Night night time..." Sprout mumbled, his eyelids getting heavy. Still wide-eyed and very erect, Hitch rolled off of the bed, landing on his hooves. He grabbed the bottle from the night stand, and going over to the door, shut off the light and went back out to the kitchen. He gave the bottle a quick rinse with hot soapy water, then returned it to where he had gotten it on the drying rack. He took several deep breaths as he looked at the clock on the wall, before going to the living room, stepped over the toy chariot tracks that had been left out, and picked up his phone from the coffee table, going into his contacts and selecting Izzy's number. Hitch Izz, please get over to my place as early as you can in the morning, and explain to me EXACTLY what this tea of yours does. Thank you. Taking another deep breath, Hitch checked to make sure all the lights were off, and went down the hall to his own bedroom, and set his phone down on the charging station, before heading towards the bathroom. He wasn't going to bed without taking a very long, very cold shower first. Pipp laid in her new bed, fresh bed sheets tucked in around her, and she looked across the room at Sunny, already asleep in her bed. She had asked Izzy if she had wanted to try sharing her bed, but her marefriend had declined, also eager to try out her new basket-shaped bed, and the unicorn was also snoozing quite soundly. She understood Sunny's excitement, and would have likely joined her down in the basement putting their nursery together overnight and been miserable all day tomorrow. Either that, or pass out in the cribs the moment they were assembled. Luckily, they had Izzy and Zipp to keep them in line. "You alright, little sis?" Zipp asked, coming up to Pipp's bedside. "Yeah, I guess... It's just..." Pipp trailed off, shifting in her bed, hearing her clean diaper crinkle as she moved. "I don't want to sound like I'm... Jealous, of my friends, but... Until a few days ago, you were the only one that knew about this side of me. Then Izzy starts foalsitting Sprout, and all of a sudden, all of our friends are involved, and Sunny and Izzy are a thing now." "Those are good things, right?" Zipp asked. "Of course. It just makes me wonder, if I'm doing enough with this side of myself. Sharing who I am with all of my followers and fans has been such a big part of my life for years. I'm just wondering if there's a way to share this side of me," Pipp continued. "Well, it's not like Sunny's padding up and parading herself down the main street of Maretime Bay, Pipp," her older sister countered. "I know that. I'm just wondering if I'm doing enough to reach out and strengthen the community of ponies who are into this kind of thing, or what if they're like Sunny was a few days ago and they haven't yet discovered this side of themselves?" Zipp gave out a yawn. "I'd say that's certainly something to get some sleep on, sis. I'll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams." > Sprouting Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch slowly came to, with his 7 AM phone alarm going off. He slowly opened his eyes, and discovered that he had passed out on the couch. He remembered pacing around the den after last night's 'incident', and he was hoping Izzy would take his text seriously, hopefully before Sprout woke up. He headed to the kitchen, filled a pot of water, and set it on the stove to boil for oatmeal. He had just turned on the burner when there was a knock on the front door. He turned the burner down a little before heading back out to the small foyer, and opened the door, and as if on cue, Izzy Moonbow was standing there, so bright-faced that you wouldn't think the sun was just coming up at just after seven in the morning. "Morning, Hitch! Don't you just love waking up to a new morning? It's just so new and morning-y!" Izzy sing-songed in greeted. "Good morning, Izzy. Thanks for being so quick," Hitch replied. "Well, I did give you the tea, so if you two are having a problem with it, I wanted to see what it was as soon as I could," Izzy told him. "So what's up?" "Yeah, I'd certainly call it a problem. You said that tea would, well, infantalize his mind? It did that and a bit more. Last night, after giving him his bottle, I told him it was time for bed, and then he..." Hitch paused as his face flushed red. Of course Izzy was going to want an explanation for what went wrong, and he hadn't really gone through this part in his head. He stepped forward onto the doorstep and closed the front door behind him. "...He started grinding against me." Izzy seemed practically unfazed, other than widening her eyes ever so slightly. "Oh. Well, honestly, Hitch, can you think of a better way for a stallion to get ready for bed?" the unicorn asked innocently. Hitch's blush deepened, and Izzy could tell that he was not at all amused at her teasing. "Sorry, Hitch. Alright, so the tea does a liiitle bit more than that. It brings out an infantile side, yes, but it also lowers inhibitions, and in doing so, sort of, well, causes feelings which may be buried to come to the surface." Hitch thought about Izzy's words very carefully. "Izzy... Are you saying Sprout... Has a crush on me? That he has for some time?" the stallion asked. Izzy nodded softly. "That's the most likely explanation. Sorry if you two found out this way," Izzy replied. "Well, other than making the rest of this weekend super awkward, I'm afraid that this is something that he perhaps didn't want to come to the surface. Sometimes ponies bury feelings and emotions for a reason," Hitch told her. "I'm... I'm sorry, Hitch, but I disagree. Burying feelings like that never does any good in the long term. It might be a little awkward or uncomfortable, but if I were you, I'd give some honest thought to whether or not you feel the same way." Hitch's eyes widened. "I'm headed downtown to pick up more supplies, we're gonna be super busy putting together the basement of the Brighthouse," Izzy told him. Hitch nodded as the color of his face started to return to normal. "Alright. Thanks, Izzy. I'm still not sure what to make of this, but I appreciate the explanation." "I hope you know how happy this new side of Sprout makes him feel. And if you come to conclusion that you don't feel the same way about him, I just hope you can figure out how to let him down easy, alright?" Sprout was wide awake in the guest bedroom, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling in stunned disbelief, as he laid under the comforter in his moderately wet diaper. 'Gods above, did I just do what I think I did last night?' He thought to himself. He was beside himself, because he had never made any sort of advances like that towards Izzy when she gave him that tea back in Bridlewood. Why had he done so with Hitch? 'Because Izzy had already told you she was with Sunny,' he told himself. Sprout was pulled out of his thoughts when the bedroom door opened, and Hitch stepped in. He saw his friend's cheeks tint red when their eyes locked. "Hitch... I'm... I-I'm really sorry about last night, I had—" Sprout stopped talking when Hitch held a hoof up. "It's okay, Sprout. I just had a chat with Izzy. Neither you or me had any idea what it was going to do. So let's try our best to just forget it, yeah?" Hitch said. Pulling the covers back, his eyes went down to Sprout's diaper. "Let's get you changed. Breakfast is almost ready." Sprout let out a breath in relief, but as Hitch pulled him to the edge of the bed by his hind legs and began to untape his wet diaper, he had a feeling that 'just forgetting about it', wasn't going to be that easy at all. > Those Awkward Moments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Hitch silently slid another spoonful of mashed bananas into Sprout's mouth, he wasn't quite sure how to start cutting through the air of awkwardness that had surrounded his charge for the weekend ever since he had gotten his former deputy out of bed this morning. The red stallion was mostly silent now, clearly still ashamed of what the tea had revealed the previous night before bed. In short, today hadn't been nearly as fun as yesterday had been, and Hitch wanted to be careful with his words and not make things any worse or more awkward than they already were. He honestly couldn't blame Sprout; his actions in bed last night may as well have been done under hypnosis, and the realization of it had shocked him the next morning as much as it did Hitch as it was happening. The trickiest part of this situation was what Izzy had told him this morning; that the effects of the tea wasn't entirely because of the beverage, but due to feelings that Sprout had been keeping buried inside. The fact that the tea had dug up those feelings against his will was the primary reason that Hitch wasn't holding it against him. He also didn't quite know what to make of it just yet. As he almost passively spoonfed Sprout as he sat at the dining table, Hitch thought back to when he had walked into Sunny's and Izzy's hotel room, and his reaction to seeing how Sunny had embraced what had intended to be a punishment for Sprout. He remembered the secondhand embarrassment he had felt when he had seen one of his oldest friends getting her diaper changed by the unicorn. He hadn't experienced any feelings like that the past 24 hours with Sprout. Was it because this treatment had been his idea in the first place? Or was it because he was mentally trying to warm up to the idea that his other foalhood friend had a crush on him? Honestly, it was probably a bit of both. He was on the last spoonful of bananas when there was a knock on the front door. "Be right back, pal," Hitch told him, getting up from the table, going through the living room, and to the front door, opening it to find Izzy on his doorstep once again. He stepped through the doorway and softly closed the door behind him. "Hey there, Izzy. What can I do for you?" Hitch asked. "I just did some shopping for the Brighthouse," Izzy explained, motioning to a small wagon back on the road in front of his house. "And I thought since your situation with Sprout is kinda sorta my fault, I'd get something that might help out." With the explanation out of the way, Izzy pulled a small shopping bag out of her saddlebags, and floated it over to Hitch, who took it in his left hoof and looked inside. Izzy Moonbow had bought him a bottle of lubricant. Hitch's eyes widened as he tightly clenched his hoof around the bag, closing it tightly, as heat rushed to his face again. "And just how is this supposed to help?" He half-whispered, not wanting Sprout to hear him. "Well, in case you think you might reciprocate Sprout's feelings. I didn't want you two to be... Unprepared if you come to that conclusion. If not, you can certainly donate it to Hoofwill," Izzy answered. Hitch sighed in resignation. "Okay, thanks Izzy, I'll let you get back to the other girls," he said. The unicorn gave him a smile. "Thanks. Hope Zipp hasn't been too overwhelmed while I've been gone getting more supplies. Have a great day, Hitch!" With that, Izzy turned around and got herself hooked up to the wagon, and continued taking it towards the new lighthouse on the coast. She pulled up to the front doors and took in the contents of her wagon in two separate loads taking them down to the basement. "Finally, there you are," Zipp said, spotting Izzy coming inside with the new mattresses, pillows, and bed sheets for once the cribs downstairs were put together. "You're cooking lunch, Izz. I was on diaper duty when you were out shopping all morning, and these two were quite the stinkers." The pegasus' comment made both Pipp and Sunny, who were working on their separate cribs, blush. "Sorry I took so long, Zipp. Had to make one extra stop. But now that I'm back, you got it; some delicious lunch coming right up. The nursery looks like it's coming along great!" Once he had stealthily returned to his room and put the bottle of lube in the nightstand drawer, Hitch took Sprout back to the living room, set him among his toys, and started a movie on the TV while he relaxed on the couch, and continued to think his way through the possibilities of getting into a... A relationship with his former deputy. The two of them were no longer working together, so there wouldn't be any implications on any professional front. The other big question was obviously, if he 'went that way'. The fact that he didn't immediately toss the bottle of lube back at Izzy, and that he had been thinking about it for this long, took him to the conclusion that he was bisexual at the very least. He looked down at his padded friend down on the floor, sitting amongst his PoneBloks and race tracks, splitting his attention between his current building kit, and the movie that was playing on the TV screen. Hitch's eyes slowly widened as he came to an undeniable fact: He liked the way Sprout looked. Had this been in the back of his mind when he had first given this idea to Phyllis? Of course he had told himself all along it was a chance to set him straight, and make her realize her errors as a parent... But had he wanted to see Sprout like this all along? Whatever direction he chose, whatever choice they made, he knew the two of them would have to deal with this, directly. This morning's suggestion of 'let's just forget it' was not going to work in the slightest. This was obviously stressing both of them; Hitch had lost his confidence as a caretaker, and Sprout hadn't been firmly in his headspace all day because of his unwilling actions last night. Hitch knew these were feelings that Sprout had intended on leaving buried; for how long, he had no idea, and maybe Sprout didn't know either. He felt bad that his friend's secret was exposed to both of them. Izzy clearly felt bad too for her unwitting part in it, but the unicorn had been nothing but encouraging to him, giving him what he would need if that was a direction he wanted to try. Once again, the fact that he was just being overly cautious and not mentally backing away from the idea in disgust made him realize that... Maybe he owed Sprout this chance now that his feelings were laid bare. So did they just... Dive in and see where things went? "Hitch? You okay?" Sprout's voice snapped him out of his train of thought, and he glanced back up at the screen, seeing that the credits to the movie had rolled and it was now sitting at the main menu. "Hm? Oh, sorry, bud. Is that the time already? I'll go get dinner started. How's pizza rolls sound?" Hitch didn't really even wait for an answer before he was off the couch and over in the kitchen preheating the oven. Sprout groaned in frustration as quietly as he could, going over to the DVD player and ejected the disc, returning it to its case and shutting the TV off. This weekend had taken an absolute bomb dive. He didn't want to be mad at Izzy, but he certainly wanted to beat her down with a pillow or two for a few minutes, for either not knowing exactly what that magic tea did, or knowing and not warning them of all the side effects. He plopped himself down on the carpet again in the middle of his toys. They weren't going to be able to forget about this. It wasn't going to be that easy. Thanks to that stupid tea, his friendship with Hitch was changed forever. Even if they were able to move past his little stunt last night, they would be reminded of it every single time they so much as glanced at each other. It made his stomach cramp up something fierce. No wonder he hadn't had to go all day so far, this stress was constipating him like crazy. He slowly fell back onto his back, sprawling out on the carpet, staring at the ceiling, wishing that he could just sink under the foundation and disappear. He laid like that, unmoving, until the oven timer pulled him out of his mental fog. "It's ready, come and get it," Hitch announced. Sprout rolled over onto his stomach and got to his hooves, sauntering into the kitchen, and took his usual spot at the dining table as Hitch set down a platter of piping hot pizza rolls. The meal was delicious, but silent and as awkward as everything else in this dreaded day had been. As the bites he took slowly became less savory as he had to try avoid glancing across the table at Hitch, Sprout finally snapped, swallowing his current bite. "Ugh, I can't take this anymore, Hitch," he announced, his eyes tracing across the designs of the tablecloth to the stallion sitting across from him. "Let's face it. Today has sucked. Maybe it would be better if we just... Called the rest of this weekend off. I could go home tonight, maybe if we spend some time apart, this'll be easier to forget about." Hitch swallowed his current bite of dinner, and his eyes met Sprout's nervous gaze. "Is that what you want?" Hitch asked him directly. Sprout drew in a quiet breath, and his gaze fell back to his dinner plate, which had five uneaten pizza rolls on it. When Sprout's answer didn't come and all he did was stammer, Hitch got up from his chair, leaving his dinner where it was, and walked around the table to where Sprout sat. "Come on," he said. "Let's get you out of that," Hitch said, motioning down to his wet diaper. Sprout breathed a quiet sigh of relief as he was half-pulled out of his chair, out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into Hitch's bedroom. Hitch softly patted the edge of the bed, and Sprout knew what to do, climbing up on the bed, and laid down on his back, letting his hind legs dangle off of the edge while Hitch dug through the diaper bag for the pack of wipes. To the red stallion's surprise, he came up with not only the pack of wipes, but a fresh diaper as well. He didn't quite know what to say or do as the sheriff promptly unfolded it, fluffed it up, and got the back wings slid underneath his wet diaper, and got the top tapes on both sides of his dock, ready to tape up once the wet one was removed. "What are you doing? I thought I was going ho—" "That's not going to work, Sprout," Hitch said as he began to untape his friend's wet diaper, peeling the front off of his groin and immediately going for a wet wipe. "And we both know it." Sprout shuddered from the sudden change in temperature on his diaper area as Hitch began to wipe down his stallionhood that was quickly growing in size, both from the fresh air, as well as the stallion's gentle touch. "You're right. Today has sucked. It's been stupidly awkward for both of us, and neither of us has really enjoyed ourselves at all today, because we foolishly thought this situation was just going to disappear. Well, I think we got our answer to that hope today. It's not going to disappear. It's going to hang over both of us until we deal with it. At least that's what I think..." Hitch said, tossing the wipe away, and went over to his nightstand, pulling the drawer open and pulling out an item that Sprout couldn't quite make out. "What I need to know is what you think. If you really, really want me to, I'll finish cleaning you up, put that clean diaper back in the bag, and send you on your way. But I don't think that's the best solution. In fact, I think that's the worst one, because I don't think that's what you really want. Yeah, your feelings that you've been keeping to yourself were magically revealed last night and clearly neither of us was expecting them to come out in the manner in which they did. But now that they're out, they have to be dealt with. So..." Hitch paused, revealing the bottle of clear lubricant in his right hoof, showing it clearly to Sprout, and the red stallion's eyes widened when he saw what it was, as well as the fact that he now saw the tip of Hitch's unsheathing stallionhood poking up just above the edge of the bed. "Do we deal with it? Do we take these feelings, dive in, and see where they go?" The question was direct, and Sprout knew exactly what Hitch was asking as his best friend stared down at him expectantly, waiting for an answer and balancing the open bottle of lube on the hoof he was holding up. The poor stallion felt as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest it was pounding so hard. Screw words. Screw making sense of things. Sprout took one more deep breath, and as he let it out, he nodded at Hitch. "I need to hear you say it, Sprout." Hitch told him matter-of-factly, as he leaned forward sightly, and put part of his weight on the bed. "Yes, or no?" Sprout clenched his teeth behind his closed lips as he felt the wet diaper he was laying on squish beneath him as the bed shifted under Hitch's added weight, as well as the crinkling of the clean one underneath that. Nearly breathless, Sprout opened his mouth to give his answer, feeling like he just might spontaneously combust with the words that awaited on the tip of his tongue. "Yes, Hitch. Please." > Somepony Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do we deal with it? Do we take these feelings, dive in, and see where they go?" Hitch stared down at Sprout, laying on two diapers, one wet, and the other clean which he was about to be changed into. The poor stallion was visibly quivering, and it was a moment before he took a deep breath, and nodded up at him. That wasn't going to be good enough. "I need to hear you say it, Sprout." Hitch told him, firmly but gently, as he leaned forward sightly, and put part of his weight on the bed, the dry and wet diapers squishing and crinkling in response. "Yes, or no?" Hitch saw his best friend tense up for a moment, taking nearly silent breaths, then finally made eye contact with him. "Yes, Hitch. Please." After that, Sprout spread his hind legs a bit more, as further permission for Hitch to continue. He saw the edges of the stallion's lips curl up in the slightest of smiles as he turned his attention to the bottle of lube in his right hoof, using his left to pop the cap open, then leaned in further, bring the bottle in closer to Sprout's hindquarters, and tipping it over when it was where he wanted it. Sprout shivered as the cold lube came into contact with his sphincter, and quivered as it was quickly followed by the tip of Hitch's left hoof as he gently spread it around, getting the red stallion's rear entrance well covered in the water-based lubricant. After several moments of the massaging movements, Hitch's attention went down to his erection, which was now completely unsheathed. He likewise turned the bottle of lube over and dribbled the fluid over his stallionhood before capping the bottle and tossed it on the bed next to Sprout before gently rubbing it in, giving his erection a slippery shine to it. "H-Hitch?" Sprout said just above a whisper. "Yeah, Sprout?" "I-Is this your first time?" Hitch smiled gently at his friend. "Yep. You're my first," the sheriff replied. Sprout shuddered in anticipation once more. Hitch Trailblazer was, to him, the most handsome stallion in Maretime Bay, who could get pretty much anypony he wanted, and this was going to be the first time for both of them. He watched as Hitch got himself better positioned, putting his front hooves further up on both sides of him, as his erection popped up above the mattress again, and he looked down to make sure it was lined up properly. Sprout took a breath as he felt Hitch's tip press against his hole. "Now, I think the most important part is to try your best to relax. Take deep breaths. In through the nose, out through the mouth. I'm going to go nice and slow, and you tell me if you need me to pause or pull out, alright?" Hitch asked. A very small part of Sprout's mind wanted Hitch's tone to be unquestioningly dominating and for him to take him right here without question or gentleness. But the more sensible parts of his brain knew that that would more than likely result in a very embarrassing visit to the emergency room, so the red stallion merely nodded, and began taking deep, slow breaths. In through the nose, and out through the mouth. Hitch slowly but firmly began to push his tip against Sprout's sphincter. The red stallion tensed for a moment, but then relaxed when he renewed his focus on his breathing, and he felt the tip slip in. He couldn't deny it; the feeling felt almost exactly like he was relieving himself, and due to the stress of today, he hadn't had a messy diaper all day today. He was now dreading that Hitch's actions were going to get his endowment coated in fecal matter, and hoped that the constipation was just a little further up in his colon as Hitch pushed another inch inward. "Alright, I'm in. You alright?" Hitch asked, pausing in his gentle pushing. Sprout took another deep breath. "A bit of pressure, but it doesn't hurt yet," Sprout answered. "Alright then, a little more," Hitch warned him, then continued leaning forward. Sprout felt the pressure in his colon increase as Hitch slid in another inch. He closed his eyes, focusing completely on his breathing and was hoping there was enough room in there to let Hitch all the way in. Every centimeter Hitch sunk his stallionhood into his friend presented an ever-increasing picture of how warm and tight he felt. He paused every inch or so, letting the red stallion become accustomed to being entered this way. "You're doing great, pal. Let me know when to keep going," Hitch gently encouraged him, hearing his deep breathing becoming more pronounced. Sprout was currently attempting to keep his mind from exploding, staying laser-focused on the air entering and leaving his lungs, wondering how much farther Hitch had to go, and whether or not he'd be able to take it. Was he up to his medial ring yet, or had he just not felt it go in? "How you doing, Sprout?" he heard Hitch asked. "So... Full... Keep going..." the stallion replied in between breaths. "Almost there, one more push..." Sprout fought the urge to tense up, and then a few moments later, heard the diaper underneath him crinkle, and felt Hitch's balls press against his dock, just before he let out a soft sigh of pleasure. "Ah... Wow... You did it. Way to go, buddy..." Hitch said to him, almost sounding like he had to catch his breath. Sprout continued taking deep breaths, because he knew they were just getting started. Hitch stayed there he was for the next few moments, letting Sprout get used to him. He could feel the stallion's pounding heart resonate down his body. "Well..." Sprout said, opening his eyes. "What are you waiting for? Show me what you got..." Hitch was pretty sure he was just a few moments away from flaring. "Hope you're not working on your endurance just yet, pal. After last night, I'm not far away from the edge right now," Hitch warned him. "Let's start small." With that, Hitch pulled out just over an inch, before gently thrusting back in, causing Sprout to draw in a breath. He couldn't believe how tight Sprout's hindquarters were gripping him. He then pulled out two inches before going back in, then three. Even though he was concentrating on his breathing, Sprout couldn't help but be a little disappointed that Hitch wasn't reaching his prostate. His erection was positively throbbing, but he knew it was because of the diapers crinkling and squishing underneath him. But it didn't matter when he saw the look on Hitch's face, and knew that he was honestly trying to hold back. "F... Faster... Harder..." Sprout whimpered. "You... You sure?" Hitch asked, slowing his thrusts down for a few seconds. Sprout nodded, spreading his legs as best he could. Hitch pulled back until his medial ring barely popped out, then shoved himself back in. But instead of pausing, he rapidly increased his pace. "Ah!" Sprout cried out in pleasure, taking his front hooves off of the bed sheets and put them around Hitch's hooves that were keeping him up on the bed. "H-Harder daddy!" A small part of Hitch's mind wanted to pause when he heard Sprout cry that pet name out, but the rest of him wanted to give him exactly what he begged for, and knew it was only going to be a matter of seconds now. Sprout's eyes widened when he felt Hitch flared inside him, and he felt the flare finally brush against his prostate, shooting a new overwhelming sense of pleasure up to his mind. He took in a gasping breath as Hitch's pace began to falter, before he hilted inside him, and he felt his colon fill up with his friend's seed. Sprout moaned in pleasure as Hitch loomed above him with gritted teeth as he continued to pump ropes of cum into him. When he was finally spent, he took care to not collapse on top of him. "You okay?" Hitch softly asked, short of breath. Sprout nodded. Hitch slowly pulled out as he began to soften a bit. When his tip popped out, Sprout felt momentarily empty. When Hitch saw that none of his deposit was going to immediately follow, he pulled the wet diaper out from under him, leaving only the clean one, which he had to reposition due to their movements on the bed. He also saw how Sprout hadn't achieved release like he had, and was still twitching on the edge. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you hanging like that, but thanks to last night, I think I know where you like to go the most," Hitch told him with a smirk as he grabbed the foal powder out of the diaper bag on the floor next to the bed. Sprout shuddered in embarrassment as Hitch dusted his erection and the rest of his diaper area before bringing the front of the diaper up, smoothed it against his stomach, before bringing the back wings up and taped them up tighter than usual, barely covering Sprout's very full mast. "There we go, now you can use your diaper for what you like the most..." Hitch said, before putting a hoof on the very noticeable bump on the front of the diaper, and began to rub it firmly; slowly at first, before picking up speed. The effect it had on Sprout was immediate. "Now be a good colt and cum for daddy," Hitch told him, and that was clearly the stallion's breaking point. "Daddy!" Sprout said, bucking up once, before he tensed up, and the scent of seed only increased as most of it was contained, but two squirts managed to get past the elastic and coat the top of his stomach, before the red stallion finally went limp. "There we go," Hitch said, as he climbed up on the bed all the way, pulling Sprout up to the pillows before collapsing next to him, finally allowing himself to bask in the afterglow. So he was surprised when Sprout took a breath, then moaned in annoyance, before rolling to his side away from him. "You okay, Sprout?" Hitch asked. The red stallion let out a whine. "Things are gonna be weird now..." Sprout said, without turning back to him. Hitch took a silent breath, before sliding over and snuggling next to his friend. "Well, Sprout, I hate to be the bearer of obvious news, but I'm pretty sure you took a galloping nosedive into 'weird' when you decided to stay in diapers after your mom was going to put a stop to it. But you know what? I think I like this new, weird side of you. It's certainly had an effect on Sunny, too." As Hitch put his front legs around Sprout, the red stallion finally rolled back over, turning back to his best friend, their snouts nearly touching. "Are... Are we a thing now?" Sprout asked. "Do you want us to be?" Sprout almost immediately nodded. "Yes, daddy. I would." Sunny, Pipp, Zipp, and Izzy looked proudly looked at their completed nursery in the basement of the Crystal Brighthouse. Were it not for the much larger size of the cribs and changing table, one would think a couple ponies were starting a sizeable family, and not just a few friends embracing each other's mutual kink. After working all day, stopping for lunch and dinner, they were finally done for now. The cribs were assembled and the changing table shelves were packed with diapers and changing supplies. But much to the disappointment of Sunny and Pipp, there would be no sleeping in here just yet; the mattresses were not yet in the cribs because the fresh paint still had to dry overnight. "Alright, I can't take it anymore! Time for that pumpkin pie in the fridge for dessert!" Sunny said, prancing out of their nursery and back up to the first floor. "You doing okay, sis? You've seemed a bit distant today," Zipp told her little sister. "Yeah, a bit," Pipp admitted. "Still thinking about what you told me last night?" Pipp nodded. "Don't worry, I'm not going to make any drastic decisions," Pipp told her. "But I think I'm going to pass on dessert." With that, the two siblings made their way out of the nursery, and while Zipp went to the kitchen where Sunny was dishing up plates of pie, Pipp continued up to the second floor to her new bed, grabbing her phone off of the charger, and went into her Contacts list. Starting a video call, she took care to keep her fresh diaper well outside of the camera's angle. It was only a few moments before the recipient answered the call. "Well isn't this quite the pleasant surprise," Queen Haven said as she got her phone's camera aligned with her face. "It feels like I barely saw you when you and Zipp were in town with Sunny a few days ago." "Yeah, I know, mom. How about I make it up to you? Want to get together for lunch tomorrow? If I leave in the morning I can be there around noon. I have something I want to tell you." > Morning Glow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout would have liked to wake up with the warm glow of the sun on his face as it came through the window, perfectly snuggled into Hitch under the covers as they both slowly greeted the new day. But that was a scene one rarely saw outside of cheesy romance novels and movies, and Sprout would have never been caught dead seeing one of those in the cinema. They were both restless sleepers, even after one of the best nights of sleep he could ever remember. Hitch had the comforter up to his chin on one edge of the bed, and Sprout had nearly gone to the completely opposite side of the bed. Clearly, they both preferred their space in their sleep. Be that as it may, Sprout still couldn't believe the way things had turned out. After one of the most stressful days in recent memory, he had come out the other side with a boyfriend. A boyfriend. He was still having trouble believing his luck; that Hitch was willing to see how reciprocating his feelings turned out, giving that kind of relationship an honest try. He couldn't lie; the diapers and role play were going to keep things interesting, especially since Hitch was the one that had suggested them in the first place. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that leading to something like this. He didn't have to keep his feelings buried anymore. Since yesterday, his last remaining fleeting feelings for Izzy had all but vanished. Now all he could think about was the future that he and Hitch might have together, if they decided this was something they wanted to pursue beyond a few days of ageplay and a one night stand. Right now, Sprout certainly hoped it would go beyond that. Hitch hadn't really given him a definitive answer when Sprout told him that he would like the two of them to be an item, opting instead to sleep on it and see how they felt in the morning once the afterglow had subsided. The red stallion felt the call of nature hit his bladder, and by now it was second nature, if not for the fact that he wasn't in his own bed. He slowly angled himself so he was confident he wouldn't get Hitch's sheets or mattress wet, and let go, feeling the stream of urine get wicked away by the padding wrapped around his legs. After several moments, the deed was done, and he slid over to where Hitch was just coming to, diaper crinkling and now squishing the whole way. "Mm, morning, Spout," Hitch said, his vision clearing as he felt Sprout's back snuggle into his barrel. "Morning, daddy," Sprout replied, feeling his cheeks tingle at saying the stallion's new pet name. "I have a feeling today's gonna be a lot better than yesterday," the sheriff commented. "One can only hope." Hitch felt his bladder ache, and began to remove the covers, only to have Sprout hold them over their bodies. "Come on, daddy, five more minutes," Sprout whined playfully. Hitch chuckled lightly, sliding a front hoof down Sprout's barrel and belly down to his diaper, finding it slightly squishy and quite warm. He had just gone. "Well, just because you can pee without getting out of bed doesn't mean I can, pal," Hitch shot back. An idea hit Sprout's brain as he reached a hoof behind him towards Hitch's nethers. "Are you sure?" his former deputy asked. Hitch felt him gently grasp his flaccid stallionhood, and guide the tip towards his inner thighs, wedging it under the right leg gatherer of his diaper. Part of Hitch wanted to playfully shove him away and get up to go to the bathroom. But another kinky side of him quickly warmed up to the idea of using Sprout as his portable toilet. "Well... Alright. But this might take me a minute, I'm not used to this like you are... And if it leaks, you're putting the sheets in the laundry before breakfast and scrubbing the mattress after breakfast. Deal?" Sprout was a bit nervous at the risk, but really wanted to know what this felt like. "Deal, daddy," Sprout answered. "Alright..." Hitch said, making himself as comfortable as possible while keeping his tip wedged between Sprout's thigh and his diaper. He closed his eyes, and slowed his breathing, imaging a trickling faucet, a waterfall, and water slowly being poured into a glass. On his next exhale, the last wall of resistance came down, and he began consciously peeing. Sprout let out a soft gasp as he felt Hitch's urine spray his coat before adding to the swelling in between his legs. 'Please don't leak please don't leak please don't leak,' he silently pleaded in his mind. He raised his right leg to not put too much pressure on the diaper that continued to swell up. After about 30 seconds, the stream died down, and both he and Sprout felt the surrounding bedsheets with their hooves, checking for any wetness as Hitch slowly pulled his shaft from his boyfriend's diaper. "Alright, I'd say that got you another five minutes," Hitch said, wrapping his hooves around Sprout's barrel. "Been meaning to ask since our fun last night, too; what got you so interested in me anyways?" Sprout lightly giggled at the question. "Well come on, daddy. I only had to pass by that calendar of yours every day at work." Zipp awoke with a stretch, and sat up, surveying their new in-progress bedroom, quickly seeing that they were short one pony. Sunny and Izzy were still positively snoring, but her sister was absent. She tossed the covers off, quickly made her bed, and trotted as quietly as she could over to the stairs, seeing that the sun was barely peeking above the horizon. She made her way down to the kitchen, and saw that the only sign of her little sister's presence was an empty coffee cup, weighing down a note on the dining table. She restarted the coffee pot before coming over to the table to read the note. Hey guys! I'll probably be gone most of the day, so don't factor me into any plans. Hope you all have fun! -Pipp Zipp let out a light sigh. "Well, looks like Sunny's getting two foalsitters today. I hope you know what you're doing, little sis." > Stress Relief > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they had gotten up from bed after a morning cuddle, Hitch had decided to let Sprout stay in his wet diaper, for two reasons; one, to let him enjoy what they had done just before getting up, as he had only wet just after getting up, and two, he had a feeling that once he had gotten something more in his stomach, the stress from yesterday that had him plugged up would likely loosen up soon, and he didn't want two diaper changes in such a short time. So Sprout sat at the kitchen table while Hitch cooked up some pancakes fresh from the stovetop. "When we aren't roleplaying, I'd love to help you cook something," Sprout commented as Hitch turned to the dining table with a plate stacked with a dozen chocolate chip pancakes. "I'll keep that in mind," Hitch said, setting the plate down in the center of the table before going to the fridge and bringing back a carton of orange juice. After pouring glasses of juice for him and Sprout, he turned his attention to the stack of pancakes, putting six each on Sprout's plate and then his own. The sheriff drizzled maple syrup over his, while his charge opted for drenching his in strawberry syrup, before picking up his fork and knife, and digging in. Sprout was licking the remaining syrup off of his lips after each bite, and Hitch momentarily beamed with pride; he loved fresh-cooked meals on the weekends when he was off-duty, and was glad his best friend and coltfriend was enjoying his cooking as much as he did. He was already looking forward to what they'd make together in the kitchen. The red stallion just had a quarter of his pancakes left when his expression switched from satisfied to quite worried, and the change was accompanied by a grumbling from his intestines. "You okay there, Sprout?" Hitch asked as he started into the final bites of his breakfast. "I... I don't think so..." Sprout said, setting his fork and knife down. His intestines grumbled again, and his look of worry became one of panic as he put both front hooves on the edge of the dining table and pushed his chair away from it. "I'm really sorry daddy, but I think this is gonna be bad..." Sprout said, sliding out of the chair down to all fours. Hitch didn't see it, but he heard it, as Sprout let out a muffled fart, immediately followed by a whimper as the noises under his tail almost immediately turned slimy-sounding. He really shouldn't have been all that surprised, what with the near complete lack of output from Sprout's digestive system yesterday. But still, how long the sounds lasted was undeniably impressive, and perhaps just a little bit concerning as all of his friend's meals were expelled from his hindquarters. Sprout's embarrassed moans of relief were all Hitch had to confirm the stallion's presence from his elevated spot at the table. He decided to quickly finish his last two bites of pancakes and downed his glass of orange juice before the inevitable odor gave his stomach other ideas. "I was wondering when that was going to happen. Too much longer, and I probably would have given you a laxative," Hitch told him as he got up from his seat, walking around the table to find his friend sprawled on the floor in front of the pushed-out chair. His diaper looked positively full, and the discoloration left absolutely nothing to the imagination. "Please tell me it didn't leak... Please..." Sprout said, who was undoubtedly afraid to move at the moment. "Nope, doesn't look like it. Your mom got the most premium diapers, after all. Definitely looks like they did their job," Hitch said, as the stench finally reached his nostrils. "But I'd definitely be careful getting up and walking to the bathroom, because it's absolutely bath time for you now." The very considerable load in Sprout's diaper shifted as he slowly and carefully got to his hooves, causing him to grimace. Every step made him nervous as he followed Hitch down the hall. The bathroom attached to Hitch's bedroom was bigger than the guest bathroom, and the tub was a little bigger too. He slowly walked into Hitch's room, and went past the bed and into the attached bathroom, and Hitch started running the bathwater right after flipping on the light. He laid out a towel right at the base of the tub, prompting Sprout to lay down. One tape at a time, Hitch untaped the stallion's diaper, and opened it. "Aaand I bet you feel better, don't you, buddy?" Hitch asked. Sprout was surprised when Hitch didn't grimace, merely grabbing the container of wipes and opened them. This was clearly not a job for the wet wipes, but all Hitch wanted to do was make sure that nothing was going to cling to his coat. "Alright, now carefully roll over and climb into the tub, and lets get you cleaned up," Hitch told him. Sprout slowly rolled to his left, grabbing the side of the tub with his right hooves as he did so, hoping that his manure-covered testicles weren't going to brush against the rim of the tub. After he got in with minimal mess, he saw that Hitch hadn't closed the drain, just in time to see the stallion grab the detachable showerhead, turning it on and began to spray his flanks down. It took a couple minutes, but he got the water dropping down from his legs to run clear all the way to the drain. Now that the spray down was done, Hitch closed the drain, and poured bubble bath into the water gushing out of the faucet. Sprout had himself surrounded by sudsy bubbles a few moments later. After a quick washing and mane shampoo, Hitch got him dried off, and back out into the bedroom, where he laid back on the bed while Hitch got another diaper unfolded from the stash in his bag. Once he had it situated under his friend, he saw him take a deep breath. "Hitch, what do I tell mom?" Sprout asked. Hitch knew the question was serious, as that was the first time Sprout hadn't called him by his role playing pet name. "You mean about us? Are you worried about what she'd think about us being together?" Hitch asked as he got foal powder sprinkled over Sprout's diaper area. "Yeah, a little," Sprout answered, nodding. Hitch proceeded with the diaper change, getting it brought up between his legs, smoothed against his stomach, and taped up securely. "We'll tell her the truth. Together. I'm not going to let you do something like that alone when it involves both of us." Hitch saw relief wash over Sprout's face. "Thanks, Hitch." > Lunch With Mom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipp kept her wings spread as the updrafts let up and she began to descend through the clouds towards the Zephyr Heights cityscape. She thought about flying straight to the castle, but then decided to land at the gates and walk there. After all, she was a bit early, and figured waving and saying hi to fans and passers by would be nice. She knew that their nursery back in Maretime Bay was going to be finished by tonight, and was hoping she could be back in time to spend a night in there, but she felt like she needed to do this more; if not it would just continue to bug her in the back of her mind. She touched down at the south gates, got bows from the two guards on duty, and nodded at them politely as she went in. Already, she heard the commotion, and the excited squeals and waves from fans young and old alike. She smiled, waved, and in some cases, snapped a selfie, but didn't pause in her gait towards the castle. After her last selfie with a fan, she texted her mom as she stepped onto the elevator up. Pipp Hey, just got on the elevator. Be there soon. <3 By the time she got to the top, her phone vibrated in response. Mom Perfect timing. Lunch will be on the table out on the patio by the time you get up here! The large front doors were opened for her by the guards, and she immediately headed upstairs. Turning back around towards the front balcony, a guard opened a final door for her, and there sat her mom at a small dining table on the balcony, and Pipp's mouth began to water when she saw the platter on the table, with a dozen hot cheesy hay wraps stacked high. "Ah, there you are, my sweet little darling," Queen Haven greeted, getting up from her seat and stepping towards her younger daughter. The two pegasi embraced before Pipp walked around the table and took her seat across from her mom. Not wanting the butterflies in her stomach to return during this fantastic looking meal, Pipp held off on her topic of choice as they served themselves the crispy hay bundles wrapped in flour tortillas, and absolutely dripping with three kinds of melted cheese. "So how are you settling in in Maretime Bay? Is your salon going well?" Haven asked after swallowing her first bite. "Yeah, the brand new lighthouse popping up out of nowhere certainly mixed things up, but that easily made room for all of us in a communal bedroom," Pipp answered. "You don't think you'd eventually come to mind the lack of privacy? What if one of your new friends snores?" Haven said, giggling lightly. "Well, I'm sure we'll come up with something if a situation like that arises. As for Mane Melody, things are going fantastic as well. I just hired an assistant manager, her name is Jazz Hooves. She's simply astounding, and has no trouble running the place when I need a day off. Incredible singing voice, too." "Well, I'd like to say that things have gotten interesting here, but it's quickly gone back to somewhat predictable. Well, save for the flying traffic patterns that we're still figuring out. Other than that, it's still just as busy as it's always been, if not a bit busier, now that we've got tourism to deal with." The two mares each had three wraps, leaving half of them on the platter. "I guess I did get a little carried away with the cooking once I heard that you wanted to come for lunch. So, you said you had something to tell me?" Haven asked, continuing to sip at her apple cider. Pipp took a breath, and then took a little bit more than a sip of her mug of cider. "Well, it's about something that you may have forgotten about entirely, as I'm sure you've pretended to not see it all these years. So... You remember Sprout Cloverleaf? You know, the crazy one with the giant robot," Pipp asked. "Ah yes, I was wondering what was going to happen to him once things calmed down," Haven replied. "Well, Sheriff Hitch figured that his mom shared a little bit of the blame, so the punishment was, shall I say, somewhat creative." "And what does it have to do with you?" "They decided that Sprout needed something of an attitude adjustment, and Ms. Cloverleaf knew that she had failed at some point as a parent, so they sort of put Sprout through... A second foalhood," Pipp continued. "A second...? Ohh..." Haven trailed off, quickly putting the pieces together. Apparently she had a better memory than Pipp gave her credit for. "It wasn't too long before me and my friends got involved. Izzy came in as a foalsitter when Ms. Cloverleaf had to return to work. She brought Sunny along the next day, and she quickly found herself interested as well. So when I saw one of my friends interested in the same thing I've been most of my life... I was overjoyed." "So, by 'second foalhood', I'm assuming you mean bottles, spoonfeeding, and... diapers?" Haven asked. Pipp felt her cheeks tingle as she nodded after taking another sip of cider. "So now that I've suddenly found myself with two more ageplaying friends, and two more role-playing foalsitters, because Zipp played with me occasionally... I've been wondering if there's anything I can do as a content creator to bring this world to other ponies." Haven took several breaths, taking more sips of her drink before setting her glass down. "Well, sweetheart, I know you're serious, because you came all the way up here to tell me about it. Now I'll have you know that your dear sweet mother is a mare of the world, Pipp. I know very well what kinks and fetishes are, which is why I didn't absolutely forbid those items when I found them in your room when you were younger. Remember our agreement before I never mentioned it again?" Haven asked. "Keep my room clean and tidy, I had to buy my own supplies, and never take it out of my bedroom," Pipp answered. Her mother nodded. "I knew that if I absolutely forbid them, that you would sneak them in one way or another, and I didn't want you to resent me. Honestly, I didn't even know Zipp was playing foalsitter with you occasionally. But have any of your friends taken this out in public?" Haven asked. Pipp shook her head. "I'm not talking about taking it out in the open, in public. I mean until she saw Sprout, Sunny had no idea that she would be interested in things like this, and if she wasn't over at Sprout's house playing with him when we came over, I would have had no idea, and we wouldn't currently be building a nursery in the basement of the lighthouse oh my I have probably said too much." Haven's eyes widened as her daughter rambled on. She took another drink of cider, and poured herself another glass from the pitcher. "Sweetheart, Pipp... I can tell you're excited. But I do hope I can convince you to take a step or two back and look at the bigger picture. The fact that all of your friends are involved in this to the degree that you are dedicating an entire room to it is insanely lucky. But if you bring it into your content creation... I honestly believe you would regret it. Consider how easily accessible information is on the canternet. I truly think that any ponies you introduce to ageplaying would be far outnumbered by existing fans that would be weirded out, and even maybe repulsed. You don't want to deal with the damage that could do to the following that you have worked so incredibly hard to build. Trust me." Pipp took a last sip of her cider before likewise pouring a second glass. Her mom's caution honestly made sense, and certainly brought pause and a bit of clarity to her thoughts the past several days. "Thanks, mom. I'll think about it very carefully. I promise." > A Mommy and a Big Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny slowly came to, drool on her pillow, and her blurry alarm clock cleared to reveal that Izzy had let her sleep in quite a bit, as it was a quarter past nine. "Alright, little missy, I think you've slept in long enough. Up and at'em!" She heard Izzy's voice, moments before her blanket was magically lifted away, revealing her wet diaper from overnight. "Is my little filly wet?" Izzy asked as she pulled Sunny down to the end of the bed by her hind legs. "Hey Izzy," Zipp said, coming up the stairs with a change of diapers. "I can do this change, your water is boiling downstairs." Sunny blushed as Izzy stepped away and went down to the kitchen while Zipp took her place at the end of the bed between Sunny's legs. "So, all ready to head back to making smoothies tomorrow, Sunny?" The pegasus asked as she untaped the earth mare's soggy diaper. "It'll be nice to get back to my smoothie cart," Sunny admitted as she felt the wet diaper get pulled out from under her. "As long as we can finish up the nursery by tonight. It's been a nice week off, that's for sure. But it'll be nice to get back to, well, normal. The last thing I want is for something like this to get dull." "Mmm," Zipp commented as she got Sunny's nether regions wiped down and the fresh diaper unfolded slid underneath, and around her tail. "Well, I guess I'll just have to make sure today is anything but dull then, won't I?" Sunny raised an eyebrow curiously as Zipp sprinkled powder over her diaper area, but then instead of taping the clean diaper up, she trotted over to her bed area, and came back a moment later. Sunny heard the cap of a bottle get popped open, with Zipp softly humming to herself. The earth mare laid there, wondering what she was up to, and gasped sharply when she felt something cool and slippery slide into her marehood. "Zipp, what is th... Oh..." Sunny was about to ask, but the words left her brain when she realized that the pegasus was putting a lubed up egg vibrator inside her, before strapping the small battery pack to her back right thigh. "You don't mind if your big sis makes your day a bit more interesting as we give your endurance a little test, do you?" Zipp said, smirking as she brought the diaper up between her legs, smoothed it against her stomach, and taped it securely up, making sure the egg vibrator wouldn't be slipping out. "There we go. Now I'm sure little Sunny wants to finish the nursery so she can finally spend a night in there, but first we need breakfast, don't we?" Zipp asked. Sunny nodded sheepishly as she rolled onto her stomach and hopped off the bed, feeling the lube on the vibrator begin to warm up and get closer to her body heat. She walked down the stairs, diaper crinkling with every step, with Zipp right behind her, and stepped into the kitchen, where Izzy was finishing up their fruit-filled oatmeal, ladling it into bowls before bringing them to the table. Sunny stepped up to the table, and Zipp waited right until Izzy made eye contact with her before hitting the remote control tucked under her wing, causing the egg vibrator in Sunny to pulse for just a half-second, causing Sunny's gait to stagger, and for her to gasp softly. "Zipp," Izzy chastised. "Did you break out the toys already? Talk about beating me to the fun..." The unicorn whined. "Oh, no worries, Izzy," Zipp reassured her, switching the remote off for now. "I have a feeling there's quite a bit more fun to be had today..." > A New Idea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pipp made her way down one of the streets of Zephyr Heights, in what she believed what an adequate disguise; her mane was concealed in a bandana, and her eyes concealed with her gold-framed, violet lens sunglasses, and a casual cloak covering her wings and cutie mark. She walked up to a storefront, with a colorful logo mounted above the door. Cloudz Pipp lowered her glasses for a moment to take a glance inside the windows, trying to see if there was anypony currently in there. Not seeing anypony, she took a deep breath, pushed her sunglasses back up to her eyes, and went for the door, pushing it open, and stepped inside. She took another look around for other patrons, and breathed a quiet sigh of relief when she saw nopony else. She confirmed that she was the store's sole customer when the cashier came from around the counter. "Good afternoon, ma'am, my name is Gusty, the owner of Cloudz. May I help you find anything?" the stallion pegasus asked. Steeling herself, she offered the stallion a soft smile, before removing her sunglasses and bandana, and Gusty's expression went to one of utter surprise as he instantly recognized just who had walked into his store. "Y-Your Highness!" he nearly gasped, immediately offering a short bow. "What brings you into my shop?" "Well, I imagine the same thing that my friend Sunny was after a bit ago. She told me she stopped in to see your adult section," Pipp told him, trying her best to hide her nerves that were absolutely ready to pop off. "My adult... Oh, I see," the stallion replied, as he began to put the pieces together in his head. "Yes, I'd like to reveal myself as the source of all your shipments to the castle over the years," Pipp said, unable to hold back the fierce blushing in her cheeks any longer. Gusty cleared his throat as he stepped over to the door, and flipped his sign from "Open" to "Closed", before sliding the deadbolt lock into place, before turning back to Pipp. "If I may say, if you had stepped into my shop a week ago and said such a thing, I might not be on my hooves right now. I guess Sunny's confession sort of prepared me. Your Highness, I want to thank you profusely, not only for your continued patronage over the years, but of course for your boldness and bravery of coming here yourself. Right this way, please," Gusty told her, leading her to the back left corner of the store. As Pipp silently looked up and down the shelves, she saw that it was just a small sampling of what was available on the shop's website. "Your Highness, is there perhaps a problem with my website's ordering form?" Gusty asked. "Hm? Oh, no. I've got plenty of supplies, and even more in Maretime Bay. I was just... Testing myself, if you will," Pipp explained, turning completely to the stallion. "All of my friends are involved in ageplay on one side or the other, and it's because of some extremely lucky circumstances. So the past couple days, I've been wondering if I want to share any of this with my fans, to see if anypony's ageplaying side can potentially be awakened like Sunny's was." Gusty nodded as he listened intently. "I'll go ahead and assume that your mother has already cautioned you against something like that, so that I don't have to be so bold as to try," Gusty told her. Pipp nodded. "I told her that I'd think about it very hard before making a decision," she told the owner. "I can understand why Sunny got curious about it; Maretime Bay's access to the Canternet is only weeks old, Your Highness. As a content creator, you likely keep most of your focus on family-friendly content, but you do realize that finding ageplay resources and content is not difficult at all, yes? I truly don't want to see your reputation irreparably damaged by trying to reach out to an ageplaying audience and having minimal impact." Gusty saw the disappointment on Pipp's face as his words nearly mirrored her mom's reasons just an hour earlier. "Part of me just feels wrong keeping this piece of myself to myself," Pipp confessed. "But you're not, Your Highness. You've got friends who have accepted this side of you, and I'll boldly assume a sister as well. If you're feeling like you need to express yourself, and help others find themselves, I do have an idea that I will gladly run by you." With that, Gusty came up next to her, and turned her back to the shelves of adult diaper packages. "If you're looking to make new content, why limit yourself to just ageplay? Take diapers, for instance; my online and in-pony orders aren't just for ageplay sessions. They can easily enrich bondage play, as well," Gusty explained. "What are you saying?" Pipp asked. "I'm saying, if you want to encourage your fans to explore, and find parts of themselves they perhaps didn't know existed, why not take a much, much broader approach to kink? Subjects like bondage, hoof fetishes, cross-dressing... I promise those are much more common than ageplay is. That way, when you do get to ageplay, viewers will just assume it's the next item on your checklist of kinks you're covering. Late at night, I'm sincerely hoping, so you don't accidentally show this to any of your younger fans." Gusty saw the proverbial light bulb come on above Pipp's head as her eyes widened and her expression brightened. "Well, first off, you clearly have no idea how late some of my younger Pippsqueaks stay up. But I do see where you're coming from, and will absolutely find a way to age-gate content of that kind. But... Wow, Gusty. You've certainly given me a lot more to think about. Thank you so much. I'll get out of here so you can open back up," the princess told him. Together they walked back to the front door together, and the ideas were nearly overloading Pipp's creative side. "A late-night stream about kinks! What would I call it? Ooh, ooh, how about Pipp After Dark?" She excitedly asked as Gusty unlatched the door. "I do believe I will leave decisions like that in the hands of capable experts such as yourself Your Highness. Best of luck, Princess, and thank you again. I'm looking forward to fulfilling your next order." Pipp gave him a nod and a wave before heading down the street, wondering just where in horse feathers she was going to begin with this new idea. > Endurance Test > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny gasped again, biting her lip as the vibrator held in place by her wet diaper pulsed again, shut off, then pulsed three more times as she was stocking the shelves of the changing table with diapers fresh out of the packs, leaving just a little space on top so they'd have room to expand and fluff up a bit. She was pretty certain she was learning how to tell who had the remote as Zipp and Izzy undoubtedly passed it to one another as they periodically kept an eye on her from the other room. Izzy was much more random with her presses; Sunny usually felt quite a few pulses of varying intensity before it stopped. Zipp was much more of a tease, usually giving her just a single short pulse every few minutes, and the pegasus usually had an eye on what she was doing before she starting pushing buttons. It honestly made Sunny want to just say 'buck it', smash her diaper onto the floor and start grinding away to get some relief, and she was honestly curious about what kind of trouble that would get her in with her two caretakers for the day. When she felt the egg inside vibrate again, she stopped what she was doing and sat down on the floor, moving back and forth, hearing her diaper squish and crinkle as she pushed into the carpet. "Ah-ah-ah, is little Sunny being naughty little filly?" she heard Zipp's voice behind her. Sunny's ears drooped; she thought Zipp had had the remote the last time, and had passed it to Izzy, who never looked before she pressed a button. They had been incredibly good at mixing it up and keeping her guessing. "Sunny, are you misbehaving in here instead of finishing stocking those shelves?" she heard Izzy ask, coming into the doorway next to Zipp. "Sorry, Sunny, you're not ending this test of yours that early or easily. Think you need to be taught to not be a bad girl," Zipp chastised, coming up and giving her diaper a few test pokes with her hoof. "And it's a perfect time to get you changed too. With that Izzy entered the room and lifted her up with her magic, levitating her towards the new changing table. "At least you got it stocked enough to be the first one changed on it!" Izzy told her as she laid her marefriend down as Zipp took her position in between her legs at the end of the table. Zipp reached up and pulled the tapes off one by one, then pulled the front of the diaper open, revealing the modestly wet interior, along with Sunny's more-than-modestly wet marehood. "Izzy, could you go get the paddle for me? My little sis here needs to be punished," Zipp said. "You got it!" Izzy said, zipping out of the room and trotting upstairs as Zipp slowly removed the egg vibrator, wiped it down, then set it to the side before opening the container of wipes, and began cleaning Sunny's diaper area, going slower around her most aroused parts, watching the earth mare shudder in response. Once that was done, she pulled the wet diaper out from underneath her, rolled it up, tossed it away, and got a fresh one unfolded, fluffed up, and slid underneath her just as Izzy was coming back into the room. "Aaand here you are, Miss Zipp," Izzy said, telekinetically passing the wooden paddle with several holes drilled into it. "Thank you very much, Iz. Do me a favor? Hold her legs up for me," Zipp said as she stepped to the side of the table, presumably to give herself more swinging space, as Sunny gulped. "Not like you didn't have this coming, naughty girl," Izzy chastised, as she took hold of Sunny's back legs and held them up, making sure she wasn't going to be in the way of Zipp's angle of swinging. Zipp waited a moment, letting Sunny shudder in anticipation for a few moments, before coming down with the paddle. There was a resounding 'whap!' that reverberated off of the walls, and Sunny let out a gasp of pain, and Zipp immediately followed with more, getting into a steady rhythm. The blows weren't insanely hard, but they certainly weren't just 'for fun', either. More along the lines of 'yeah, we're friends playing with each other right now, but you still tried to pull a fast one on us, so you're going to get it'. On the tenth blow, Zipp paused. "Think ten is enough for her to get the message, Izzy?" Zipp asked the unicorn. "Mm, maybe," Izzy replied, leaning down to inspect Sunny's diaper area as she continued holding her legs up. "Especially since she might have liked that." Izzy gently ran the tip of her hoof up Sunny's folds, getting the evidence of her arousal as a shimmery coat on her hooficure. "What a poor kinky little filly," Zipp said, motioning for Izzy to let go of her legs, while she took hold of them to finish the change. "Oh well, here's hoping you learned your lesson, and back in this goes..." the pegasus said, giving the egg vibrator a quick coating of lube before slowly pushing it back into Sunny's folds, making sure it would stay put for the few moments it would take her to get her nethers powdered and get the diaper taped up, before securing the battery pack to her inner thigh again. "Now if you can behave yourself for the rest of the evening, there might be a little treat in store for you after dinner. Speaking of which, we should probably get started on that, right Izzy?" Zipp asked as she helped Sunny off of the table. "Read my mind, Zipp!" Izzy said, turning to leave the room and head for the kitchen. "And you, little missy, see if you can get this nursery ready to sleep in tonight," Zipp told her, seeing Sunny's face brighten at the possibility of finally being able to use her crib tonight. All she had to do was finish stocking the shelves of the changing table, and put the sheets on the crib mattresses. As she put the last of the unpacked diapers on the shelf, she felt the vibrator shoot off a few pulses, distracting her from her tingling flanks for a moment. 'Just have to make it to tonight...' she thought to herself. > Earning It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout accepted the last rinsed dinner plate from Hitch and he placed it in the dishwasher, making sure everything was organized before sliding the rack into the washer, then bringing the door up and latching it. "I know it wasn't cooking, but thanks for the help cleaning up, Sprout," Hitch told him, ruffling his mane a bit after turning the dial to start the cleaning cycle. "Hey, that's alright. I can work my way up. As long as I'm getting the basic stuff down, because... Well..." Sprout trailed off. "What is it, Sprout?" Hitch asked. Sprout's back legs shifted, his diaper crinkling with the movement. "Depending on how tomorrow goes, I was wondering how you felt about me maybe... Moving in," Sprout said. Hitch's eyes widened a bit as he and Sprout left the kitchen and headed down the hallway. "You don't think your mom is gonna kick you out or something, do you?" Hitch asked. "No, well, hopefully not. But once she knows, I figured it would be nice to spend more time together, since we're not working together anymore," Sprout answered. "Hm. Well, you do bring up a good point, we wouldn't see nearly as much of each other as we used to now that you're not working at the precinct anymore. Let's not put too much on our plate at once, okay? Let's get through telling your mom everything, then we'll take the next step," the sheriff suggested. Sprout took a slow breath. "Alright, Hitch," he told him. "Now," Hitch said, reaching a hoof back as he walked besides his coltfriend and charge for the weekend, patting his soaked diaper. "I think somepony needs a change. But I'm not sure if you've earned one just yet." Sprout's ears twitched; they had never discussed him having to earn changes this weekend. When he gave it some thought, it didn't think he would terribly mind being in such a role, but he wasn't sure his current diaper would contain another full wetting, and they had just eaten dinner. If he leaked on the carpet or the bed, he would only have himself to blame. "And just how would I earn one?" Sprout said, immediately entertaining the idea as they walked into Hitch's bedroom, where the changing supplies were. "Oh, I think I know a way," Hitch said, turning as he hopped up to sit on the bed. Sprout noticed how he had already started to unsheathe, the black shaft contrasting sharply with his much lighter belly. "Come on, Sprout, show me what that mouth of yours can do," the suave stallion encouraged. Sprout was a bit nervous that he was going to have to do a bit more than just endure his coltfriend's length entering his backside; this time he was actually going to have to perform. He had never done this before, and he was hoping Hitch knew that, and wouldn't have any high expectations. Gingerly, he stepped forward, and sat down in front of Hitch's stallionhood. He took a breath in through his nostrils, taking in his scent, before steeling himself, and leaned forward, sticking his tongue out. He made contact with the base of Hitch's shaft, just above his balls, and slowly drew his tongue up, nearly to the tip, before going down again and repeating the motion. "Mm, not a bad start," Hitch said, placing his front hooves behind him and leaned back a bit, watching Sprout work. On his third trip up, he didn't stop, going all the way up to the tip, and opened his lips, minding his teeth, and took the entire tip into his mouth, and began to lightly suck, bobbing up and down, and started to go down further each time. He heard Hitch started to take deeper breaths, and thus got the impression that he was doing something right. Remembering to breathe, he kept going down, feeling the tip slide over his tongue towards the back of his throat. He continued this motion, hearing his diaper crinkle as he leaned forward and back, feeling himself get hard in his soaked diaper. Fifteen seconds turned into thirty, into forty-five, and finally a minute. As that turned into two minutes, and then three, he had to focus harder on Hitch and try his best to ignore how his jaw was getting a little sore. Trying to wonder what would get him closer, he moved his front hooves up to both sides of his head, and began to lightly trace the tips of them across Hitch's inner thighs, before lowing them slightly to gently caress his balls. When he felt Hitch's tip begin to flare inside his mouth, he mentally prepared himself for the inevitable. "Are... Are you ready, Sprout?" Hitch asked, taking deeper breaths. Sprout answered by renewing the efforts of his lips and tongue, beginning to moan a little himself around Hitch's twitching shaft. Ten seconds later, Hitch drew in a deep breath, pushed himself away from his leaning position, and brought his front hooves around, gently wrapping them around the back of Sprout's head, making sure he wasn't going to go anywhere as he began to release into his mouth. Sprout honestly wasn't prepared for the incredibly salty taste of Hitch's seed, but forced himself to swallow. It was either that, choke, or push back against Hitch's hold and likely make quite the unpleasant mess. So he gulped down what Hitch gave him; once, twice, and finally, three times, before the deluge tapered off. Hitch released his hold on his head before falling back on the bed, letting Sprout slide back into his sitting position, unable to hide the grimace from the taste. Once he got his breathing steadied and slowed, Hitch sat up and looked down at Sprout. "Alright, if you can wait 'til I get you changed, I can go get you some ice cream to get that taste out of your mouth, what do you say?" Hitch asked, patting the bed as he got up and grabbed his bag of changing supplies. As he was the only one who had achieved release, Hitch was the one with the wobbly legs as Sprout got to his feet and climbed up on the bed and laid down on his back as Hitch opened up his diaper bag. Coming up with a clean diaper, wipes, and powder, he pulled Sprout down to the foot of the bed, and untaped his wet diaper. "Not bad for your first time, Sprout," Hitch told him, and the red stallion blushed at the compliment as his coltfriend pulled his diaper open, the urine-soaked interior gently peeling off of his coat and nethers, and Hitch began wiping him down. "Good enough for it to be my turn...?" Sprout asked, knowing that Hitch surely must have taken note of how erect he was once he had started the diaper change. "Eh... Not just yet," Hitch teased, and Sprout's ears drooped for a moment. "Now don't worry, I've got a little something in mind, but one step at a time, Sprout." He finished wiping Sprout's diaper area before pulling the wet diaper out from under him and getting the dry clean one unfolded, fluffed, and slid under him and fastened around his tail. After a quick dusting of powder, he brought the front of the diaper up between his legs, brought the back wings up, and got it taped up a little tighter than usual due to Sprout's erect stallionhood that hadn't quite gone down yet. "Alright, it's not bedtime just yet. Let's go get some dessert." > Test Results > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny wasn't sure what was more impressive; the fact that neither Zipp nor Izzy seemed to be fazed by the stench of her well-used diaper as the three of them sat at the kitchen table eating dinner, or the battery life of the vibrator that was still inside her since this morning. Her two caretakers hadn't been so merciless as to have it on all day, but the pair had swapped the remote throughout the day, and never let the earth mare forget about the vibrator inside her for too long. By now, Sunny couldn't be sure what had made the diaper more wet; her urine, or her arousal. Not to mention that every time she even slightly shifted in her seat, she felt the muck in the back of her diaper shift with her. She took some satisfaction knowing that one of them was going to have to get her cleaned up after dinner. She was glad to be able to sleep in their new nursery tonight, and she was really hoping her marefriend and her 'big sister' had a reward in mind for this little endurance test they had put her through. With a final bite of strawberries, almonds, and salad greens from her bowl, she was finally finished, and patiently waited for Zipp and Izzy to finish theirs. Luckily they weren't too far behind. "Alright, I think a certain little filly needs a bath..." Izzy said as she got up and levitated everypony's dishes over to the sink. "Certainly smells like it to me," Zipp agreed, smirking over at the earth mare. One of the favorite things Sunny had loved about the last two days was how Izzy had gotten rather good at picking her up in her magic to take her wherever she liked, and right now was no different, as she felt herself go weightless as she was lifted up and levitated away from the kitchen over to the bathroom. She was gently laid down on the bathroom rug, and Izzy went about untaping her diaper while Zipp got the water running and to the right temperature. "What a stinky filly we have tonight!" Izzy commented as she got as much of the manure off with the cool wet wipes as she could, before pulling out the egg vibrator that had been in her for most of the day, setting it aside for cleaning later. It wasn't perfect, but it was enough to magically pick her up off of the used diaper, turn her over, and stood her in the hoof-high water that was in the bottom of the tub. Zipp, who had been standing by with the detachable shower head, began spraying her down as soon as Izzy lifted her tail up out of the way. In a few moments, her rump was dripping wet and clean, so Zipp closed the drain and dribbled in some bubble bath. "And now for the rest of ya," Zipp commented. It took a couple minutes for the water to get up to Sunny's barrel after she sat down, then Izzy took the shower head and sprayed down her marefriend's head and down her neck, before grabbing the shampoo and dribbling it onto her mane. Sunny just sat there in bliss as her marefriend washed her mane, while Zipp rolled up the diaper and took it back to the nursery for disposal. "I don't need to do it all, Sunny, come on now, get to the rest of you," Izzy said, passing her a wash cloth with her magic. "And don't get any funny ideas, I'm watching those hooves." Sunny blushed as she got the cloth soaked and drizzled on some coat wash, beginning to wash her legs, barrel, and stomach. A couple minutes later, Izzy pulled the plug, stood the earth mare up, and sprayed off all the suds as the water drained around her hooves. Once the tub was empty, Sunny stepped out onto the bathroom rug dripping wet. Izzy tossed her a fresh towel from the linen closet, and then grabbed a hot air dryer and a brush. Five minutes later, Sunny was clean, dry, and was taken back to the nursery, where Zipp was waiting next to the changing table with a fresh diaper and changing supplies. "Alright, Sunny, are you ready for bedtime?" Zipp asked. The corners of her lips curved up just slightly into a small smile as Sunny's face shifted to an almost pleading expression. "N-no, please big sis..." Sunny answered. "Well, what could possibly be left to do tonight, hmm?" Izzy said, coming up and standing next to Zipp at the changing table. "Big sis promised a reward for putting me through that test today," Sunny reminded them. "Hm... I suppose I did, didn't I? What do you think we should do for a reward, Izzy?" Zipp asked. "Yeah, I suppose she did do pretty good today," Izzy agreed. "Is there anything in particular you want?" The unicorn asked. Sunny felt heat flush into her face as she fumbled with her words. They were actually going to make her say it. "Come on, little Sunny. Use your words," Izzy encouraged. Sunny took a deep, quiet breath. "P-Please, mommy. Let me sparkle," Sunny said, almost forcing the words out of her mouth. The smiles on the unicorn and pegasus widened simultaneously. "What a good girl, letting us know exactly what you want. I suppose we can do that and help you get a good night's sleep before you start up your smoothie cart again tomorrow," Zipp said. Most of the nursery floor was taken up by the interlocking foam tiles, and this was exactly where Izzy laid her down, right in the middle of the room, before quickly trotting out of the nursery and upstairs. Sunny stared up at the ceiling, where she had put up dozens and dozens of glow in the dark stars up with bits of adhesive putty. Zipp had barely got down in between her back legs, gotten the clean diaper slid underneath and fastened around her tail before Izzy had come back into the doorway. "Just one thing to do before we get that diaper on you, little Sunny," Izzy said. Sunny pulled her gaze away from the ceiling, and her heart skipped a beat when she laid eyes on her marefriend, and her eyes had immediately fallen down to between the unicorn's back legs, where she had put on a well-endowed strap-on, looking like it was already shiny with a coating of lube. Sunny's eyes widened at what was about to happen to her. > Getting Ready For Bed, Part I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny quivered with anticipation as Izzy slowly sauntered towards her, the strap on between her legs swaying to and fro as she did so. "Since Zipp didn't waste any time this morning with bringing the toys out, we agreed that since she started the day with the vibrator, that I could end it with the strap-on," Izzy told her marefriend as she laid on the clean diaper on the floor. Sunny spread her legs a bit more as the unicorn began to step over her, getting the toy lined up with her rather wet entrance. "You probably didn't even need the lube, Iz, that's how ready she is," Zipp commented, chuckling. "Better to be safe than sorry, Zipp," Izzy iterated, sitting up a bit to make sure the strap-on was at the right entrance. "And here we go!" With that, she gently bucked forward, and Sunny's lower lips eagerly parted, welcoming the lubed up shaft as she took in a quiet gasp. The earth mare kept an eye on Izzy's expression, and there must have been something pressed against her marehood as well, because as she continued in, she also got a look of pleasure on her face. It was only a matter of seconds before the entire length of the toy had bottomed out, and Izzy felt their bellies touch. She leaned back some more to get a better view of the penetration. "What a good girl you are, little Sunny," she praised, slowly pulling out, feeling just a little resistance as Sunny's inner walls squeezed, wanting to keep the intruder in. Just as the slick rubber medial ring exited, she pushed back in, and both of them gave moans of ecstasy. She repeated this several times, getting used to the motions required. "You want in on the fun, Zipp? That tongue of hers is amazing, I promise," Izzy asked, winking down at her marefriend. "Heh. If that's okay with her," the pegasus replied, as she pushed off the changing table she had been leaning against. "Oh I'm sure she won't mind. The more the merrier, right Sunny?" Izzy asked. "Ah... Ah!... Y-Yeah, why not?" Sunny replied in between her lustful gasps. "Well, in that case," Zipp said, walking over to the lustful scene in front of her, and straddled the earth mare laying down on the floor. She kept her weight towards her front side as she began to lean her back half down towards Sunny's head, not wanting to accidentally go down too fast and hurt her. Apparently, her rump's rate of descent must have been too slow, as she felt Sunny's front legs reach up, take her by the flanks, and pull her down, just a second before she felt her snout and tongue on her marehood. "Oh! Ah... Oh my stars, she's eager, isn't she?" Zipp asked Izzy, who was continuing to thrust into her. "Well, what do you expect? We did kinda put her hormones into overdrive today with that vibrator," the unicorn responded. "Yeah, guess you're right about that... Sweet Celestia, you weren't kidding about her tongue, Iz," Zipp said, as her breaths gradually became heavier. The squelching sounds of the toy entering and exiting Sunny was now joined by muffled sucking and slurping from her upper half as Zipp slowly put more and more weight down onto Sunny's face, as her hold on her flanks seemed to welcome it. The Brighthouse's new nursery was now filled with erotic moans, gasps, and whimpers as the three mares pleasured each other. The cadence was only interrupted when Izzy felt Sunny wrap her back legs around Izzy's hindquarters, and held her inside after her next thrust, as she gave a muffled cry into Zipp's folds. "Aw, did our little filly just cum?" Izzy asked. By now, Zipp's tongue was nearly hanging out of her mouth. "Sh-she's not the only one... Ah, Sunny!" Zipp cried, as she put nearly all of her weight down on the mare's snout as she began to drink down everything the pegasus had to offer. With how Sunny's back legs weren't letting up, neither was the small vibrator in the elastic pouch on backside of the strap-on currently pressed against Izzy's lips, and the unicorn was the last to reach her climax. Several moments later, Zipp had to reach forward and use Izzy's shoulders to pull herself off of Sunny's mouth, before she rolled over onto her side on the interlocking foam tiles that served as half of the nursery's floor. Slowly, Sunny released the hold she had on Izzy's flanks, and let the unicorn pull out, before she reached down and turned off the vibrator. "I'm... I'm sure we could go half the night if we wanted to, but I do think I'd like to get some sleep," Izzy said, looking over at Zipp, who was now staring wide-eyed over at the doorway. Izzy turned, and saw Pipp standing in the doorway, her eyes also wide, and her fluffy wings standing at attention. "Evening sis, see much of the show?" Zipp asked as she caught her breath. "Just the ending of it, though I could hear you right after I opened the front door," Pipp replied. Izzy slid out of the strap-on, and returned her attention to Sunny, glancing over at the changing table and grabbed the bottle of foal powder, sprinkling Sunny's nether regions as well as the open diaper, before twisting the cap shut, and setting it off to the side. "I hope you can give this a soaking in the morning, Sunny. Would hate to waste a diaper before you get back to your smoothie cart as an adult for a few days," Izzy teased as she brought the diaper up between her legs, got it smoothed against her stomach, brought the back wings up, and taped it up. "Hope we didn't shock you too much, sis," Zipp said as she got to her hooves. "Not at all, honestly just sorry I missed most of it." "How was your trip home?" Zipp asked. "Productive. In fact, because of what I just saw, I think I know the ponies to come to first with a new idea of mine..." "Well, let's talk about it in the morning. Sunny needs her sleep before she opens her smoothie cart back up!" Izzy said, her horn lighting up again and picking the diapered earth pony up, and levitated her towards the crib. However, once she laid her down on the mattress, she hopped in herself, snuggling up next to her marefriend, before raising the bars up. "My bed upstairs is nice and all, but I miss this from the hotel room..." Izzy said. Sunny smiled and snuggled into the unicorn more as a response. Zipp and Pipp smiled at the adorable scene. "Sweet dreams, you two," Zipp said, flipping the light off, before heading upstairs with her little sister. "Well, at least I've got a few minutes before I hit the hay, so what is this new idea of yours?" > Getting Ready for Bed, Part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a final slurp from his spoon and nearly licking the bowl, Sprout was finished with his bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. He took his bowl to the sink, gave it a squirt of soap, and had it washed, rinsed, and on the drying rack, and immediately did Hitch's bowl when he brought it up to the sink a few moments later. Hitch was becoming concerned that Sprout was hiding his worry about tomorrow morning by just trying a little too hard to prove how good of a roommate he would be if his worst case scenario happened, and his mom ended up kicking him out when they revealed their new relationship. He didn't want to keep continually reassuring him that it most likely wasn't going to happen, because he didn't want that to cause even more doubt to creep into his friend's mind. But he did want to take Sprout's mind off of tomorrow's meeting, if only for a little bit tonight. "Alright, pal, let's go get ready for bed. I can definitely say it's starting to get late, and I've told your mom to be here early before she goes to work, so we've got to get some sleep," Hitch told him, shutting off the kitchen light as they walked down the hall to his bedroom. "Well, I trust that you haven't forgotten what helps a stallion sleep best...?" Sprout asked. Hitch snickered, Sprout was almost always straightforward with letting him know what he wanted, even when they had been working together, especially when he was desperate. "Nope, I haven't," Hitch started, being the first to hop up on the bed. As he leaned back, he grabbed Sprout by his front hooves and pulled him up, and soon the red stallion was on top of him. "And I don't think I just want to give the front of your diaper a few quick rubs before bedtime." "What were you thinking?" Sprout asked, feeling his cheeks warm. "I'm thinking... That I want you to do to me what I did to you last night," Hitch said, smirking. Sprout's eyes widened as he felt Hitch spread his back legs as he reached for the bottle of lube on the nightstand. "R-Really...? You... You want me to do that?" Sprout asked, and Hitch nodded. "I just figured that you won't always be in diapers when we're in a frisky mood, and I've worked with you far too long to not think that you won't want to, well, take charge every now and then," Hitch told him. When the look of nervousness didn't leave Sprout's face, Hitch was beginning to wonder if his best friend was up to this. He raised his right thigh to brush against the front of Sprout's diaper, and to say that he was throbbing and ready would be more than a bit of an overstatement. "Mm, you got a little performance anxiety, pal?" Hitch asked, sitting up as Sprout scooted back towards the end of the bed. He nodded silently. "What if... What if I'm not good at it? We both loved last night so much... Why take chances on a good thing by trying something different?" Sprout asked softly. "Sprout..." Hitch began, lightly rubbing the front of the red stallion's diaper. "I'm pretty sure this was you trying something different a little bit ago. You know something? You felt absolutely amazing last night." Sprout felt himself tingle all over upon hearing that compliment, and he even managed to smile a bit. "I just wanted you to see what that was like. So how about this... If you try and show daddy what a big colt you can be... I'll wear a diaper with you to bed tonight," the sheriff told him. Sprout's mouth dropped open slightly at those words, but no words came out. As the mental images of Hitch snuggling up next to him in a diaper formed in his mind, he felt himself start to get hard underneath his padding, as did Hitch, who reached down, grabbed the front waist of the disposable garment, and gently pulled down, freeing most of Sprout's stallionhood, but leaving his balls tucked underneath the white, crinkly plastic. "Sound like a deal?" Hitch asked, as he popped open the cap on the bottle of lube. Sprout took a deep breath, then nodded, and Hitch reached forward with the bottle and dribbled the clear fluid across his erection, before gently rubbing it in with both his front hooves, as his boyfriend quivered. Once he was adequately lubed up, Hitch reached down behind his own endowment and applied as much lube as he could without getting the bed sheets uncomfortably wet. "Alright then. Just remember, take things slow at first," Hitch told him, laying back and spreading his rear legs again. Sprout was undoubtedly still nervous, but Hitch had offered something that he really, really wanted to see. He looked down at his shimmering erection, and angled it just under Hitch's sack, pointed right at his entrance, and pressed forward, the tip prodding his sphincter. "Now, push," Hitch told him, as he gripped the bed sheets with his front hooves to give him a little more leverage. The crinkling sounds of his diaper kept him erect as he adjusted his legs for a better angle, then he pushed forward, gently but steadily. Slowly but surely, he felt Hitch's entrance open up, and swallow his unflared head. "Alright, great start," Hitch encouraged, now the rest of the way, slowly..." Sprout pushed forward another inch, then another. He paused when it came to his medial ring. "You're doing great, buddy. Keep going..." "Thanks, I just want to be careful and not push too hard with the ring and slide in too fast once that's in..." Sprout answered. For his part, Hitch did his best to relax, and focused on his breathing, becoming more impressed that Sprout was able to take all of him last night. He felt the ring go in, and Sprout slide in another inch. The red stallion didn't get all the way in, due to his diaper that was still covering his balls, but it was far enough for Hitch to feel the crinkle of the garment as it pressed against his dock. "What a good boy... You did it," Hitch praised, taking a deep breath. The pair of stallions took a moment to get used to the new sensations. "Alright pal, whenever you're ready, have at it," Hitch told him. Sprout didn't want this to be over too quickly, but at the same time, it was getting late, and he really wanted to see Hitch diapered for a few minutes before he passed out. He slowly pulled out, just until he felt his medial ring brush past his sphincter, then shoved back in, the lube giving a satisfying squelching sound, as well as a soft gasp from Hitch. "You okay?" Sprout asked. Hitch nodded. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll let you know if something doesn't feel right. Keep going," the sheriff told him. Sprout continued to slowly pull out to his medial ring and push back in, and soon had a steady rhythm going. Sprout was trying to keep himself from being overwhelmed with euphoria. Hitch was so warm and tight... Tight enough where Sprout was wondering if he was going to be able to overcome the pressure and release. This was unlike anything he had felt before, different from the countless hoofjobs he had given himself, rubbing himself through his diaper, or even Izzy's magic assistance. "H-Hitch... I... I don't know if I can hang on..." Sprout stammered. "Hardly expected you to with how I was teasing you earlier, so you do you, buddy. Go on and show daddy what a big boy you can be!" Hitch encouraged, spreading his legs as far as he could. He felt Sprout's rhythm falter, and his thrusts became much stronger and faster for a moment. For Sprout, it was a moment of desperation. Hitch's hold on his stallionhood was so hot, so tight, that he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to release. He gave out a whine as the building pressure seemed to fade, and in a moment of panic, he increased his thrusting pace, and the pressure returned with a vengeance. He let out a cry of bliss as he hilted, pressing against Hitch and feeling the diaper squish between his balls and Hitch's dock, and finally, the pressure found the one available exit at his flared tip, and it erupted up into the stallion laying on his back. Hitch had already achieved released before dessert, so he had a bit more clarity than Sprout, and he moaned softly when he felt Sprout's seed begin to fill him, looking up at his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He laid there and felt the throb's of Sprout's erection pulse through his nether regions, and slowly come to a stop. Sprout let out a long exhale, not even realizing he was holding his breath as he went limp, and nearly fell back off the bed, if Hitch hadn't sat up to take hold of him by his barrel and keep him from going back. "Whoa there, easy does it, Sprout. Took a lot out of ya, huh? What a good boy, you did it," Hitch praised, leaning back and pulling Sprout with him. His back his the sheets again, and he raised his neck to give Sprout a peck on the snout. "Th... Tha... That was... Wow..." Sprout said, still catching his breath. "Well, a deal is a deal. So when you've caught your breath, pull out slowly, and go grab a diaper and powder from your bag on the floor, alright?" Hitch told him. Suddenly remembering why he had agreed to this, Sprout's mind came back into focus, and he slowly pulled himself out of Hitch before his erection began to shrink. Before he got off the bed, Hitch pulled the diaper back up over his stallionhood, and made sure the tapes were still tight. With that, Sprout quickly got down to the floor and grabbed the next diaper poking out of the bag, along with the bottle of foal powder. He had never done this before, and while he wanted to get it right, he also wanted to get it under Hitch before any of his deposit began to leak out. He stayed focused, pushing through the afterglow as he got the diaper unfolded and quickly fluffed, before having Hitch lift up and got the back tape fastened around his dock. When Hitch laid back down, a small glob of Sprout's seed seeped out and dripped down into the absorbent layers. Sprout opened the bottle of foal powder, and quickly got his boyfriend's nether regions dusted, before he twisted it shut, set it to the side, and brought the front of it up between Hitch's back legs. Hitch was just a tad bigger than Sprout, but luckily, the diapers that were bought for him ran a little large, so he had no trouble smoothing the front landing zone against his stomach, bringing the back wings up, and getting each tape securely fastened. "Well..." Hitch began, giving his back legs a little wiggle as Sprout put the bottle of powder back in the bag. "Not bad, Sprout. I mean, I think. I guess I'd have to wear this more than once to know if you did a good job." "You want to?" Sprout asked as he hopped back up on the bed, crawling over to the head with Hitch as they each got under the covers. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Sprout. I agreed to tonight," Hitch replied. "Right, sorry. Still... Wow... I can't... I can't make up my mind which I like best... Going in my diapers, or going in you..." Hitch gave him a smile as they snuggled in close to each other, figuring they'd better get it in now, because come morning, they'd be on separate sides of the bed, nearly falling off the mattress. "There's nothing wrong with mixing it up every now and then, Sprout. It's not supposed to be better than something else, it's just supposed to be different." Sprout nodded as he let Hitch wrap his forelegs around him, feeling the front of his diaper press into his tail and dock. It didn't matter how much he was dreading the morning and revealing their relationship to his mom; that would come regardless, so he would live in the moment and enjoy this until he was fast asleep. > In the Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunny was slowly woken up by the movements of her marefriend as the unicorn also began to stir to greet the early morning. "Mmm, morning, Sunny," Izzy greeted, giving her a hug and snuggling into the earth mare for a moment, before sitting up, and poked a hoof into Sunny's diaper. "Oh, quite a wet one this morning," she commented. "Well, you did want me to soak it. And you did give me two bottles worth of juice during dinner last night," Sunny replied. Izzy hopped out of the crib, lowered the bars, and picked Sunny up with her magic, levitating her over to the changing table, where she quickly got her wet diaper untaped and thrown away, and gave her diaper area a good once over with a couple wipes before putting her down on the floor. Sunny had to admit, it already felt a bit weird getting off of the changing table not in a fresh diaper. "Alright, time for breakfast!" Izzy told her, trotting out of the nursery, with Sunny behind her, as they ascended the stairs and went over to the kitchen, where Zipp was already busy making pancakes. "Hey girls," the pegasus greeted. "Pipp already left for the morning, wanted to make sure that everything was running smoothly at Mane Melody while she was gone yesterday, but she'll be back. You two sleep well down there?" "Did we ever!" Izzy said, sitting down at the dining table while Sunny went over to the counter, started putting slices of bread into the toaster, and getting out butter and jam from the fridge. "Pipp has seemed awfully busy over our little weekend, it feels like she was barely here at all. Any idea what she's up to, Zipp?" Sunny asked. "Since last night, yeah, I've got an inkling, but I think I'll wait for her to tell you the rest at lunch," Zipp replied, flipping the last of the pancakes onto the stack she already had on the plate, before carrying it over to the table, along with Sunny who carried the plate of buttered toast, with a small serving dish of jam. "So, everything is set for the surprise at lunch, right? Hitch knows all about it?" Izzy asked. "Yep, we're completely ready to go, and I've scheduled to close the cart for about an hour for lunch, so I'll be back here for sure," Sunny told her. "I'm not planning on going anywhere for the first half of the day; Izzy Does It is completely booked until 3pm, so I'll be here for the big surprise," the unicorn told them. "So, you ready to get back to adulthood?" Zipp asked Sunny as the earth mare served herself a short stack of pancakes and poured a glass of orange juice. "More ready than you think. With all the work we just put into the nursery, the last thing I want that to get is boring, so a work week is exactly what I need," Sunny answered, before starting into her breakfast. The first meal of the day was completed without incident, and the three of them all helped with the dishes. "Alright, you go enjoy your day, you big mare you," Izzy said, giving Sunny a hug. "Thanks again for this weekend, Izzy," Sunny told her, returning the embrace. When she broke from it, she immediately turned to Zipp. "And don't think I forgot about you," Sunny told the pegasus, throwing her front legs around her in a hug. "You played a real big part in keeping this weekend fun, too." "Anytime, Sunny," Zipp replied with a smile. "I'm all too happy to put my previous foalsitting experience to good work, and it certainly paid off last night." Sunny giggled at the fresh memories of last night, wondering what other kinky shenanigans they would get into in that room together. "Alright, enough mushiness. Those smoothies aren't going to blend themselves!" With that, Sunny pranced out of the front door and trotted down the hill towards her smoothie cart on the shoreline. Adulthood awaited. > An Act of Trust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not even half awake, Sprout stretched over to the side, and find that he didn't come into contact with Hitch, which made his brain wake up just a little bit more. With a yawn, he opened his eyes, and saw that Hitch was indeed not in the bed. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up, the sheets falling down from his chest. He reached down under the covers to give his diaper a few pokes, finding it wet from the couple times he woke up to use it overnight. He looked over to the bathroom, where he saw the door closed almost the whole way, and the light on. Then, he looked over at the clock, and saw that Hitch had let him sleep in, and if they wanted to get an early breakfast before Phyllis arrived for them to break the news to her, he had to get cleaned up now, because that was something that he absolutely did not want to do on an empty stomach. The impending conversation was giving him butterflies as it was, so he was going to do his best to drown those butterflies in pancakes and maple syrup. Throwing the sheets off of himself, he swung his back legs over to the side of the mattress and fell down to the floor, trotting over to the bathroom door. "Hitch? Everything okay?" Sprout asked, making his presence known. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sort of," Hitch replied. That got Sprout's curiosity going, and he tapped the door with his right hoof, and it slowly swung open. "What do you mean 'sort of'?" Sprout asked, seeing Hitch standing at the sink brushing his teeth. Then the stench of manure hit his nose, and his eyes immediately went over to Hitch's diaper that he was still wearing from last night. "Oh," the red stallion said, and for once, he saw Hitch's cheeks blush a bit. "I know we have to get ready in a hurry in order to get breakfast before your mom gets here, but I think there's a little time for you to try your first diaper change. That is, if you want..." Hitch offered after he rinsed, spitting into the sink. "Straight from the frying pan into the fire, huh?" Sprout asked. Still not wanting to waste any time, and knowing it wouldn't exactly be fair to deny Hitch that part of the experience after he had been taking care of him all weekend, he nodded at his boyfriend, turning to grab the bag of changing supplies from where they sat next to the dresser. Turning back and stepping into the bathroom, he saw Hitch had laid down a towel, and laid down on his back, and wisely picked a spot right next to the bathtub, because chances are, Sprout wasn't going to be perfect on his first try. Remembering what they were going to be doing, Sprout opted to just grab the pack of wipes, instead of also pulling out a fresh diaper and foal powder, as neither of them would be going to breakfast padded up. He slowly pulled at each of the tapes, getting satisfying ripping sounds as they were pulled free. Taking another breath through his mouth, Sprout took hold of the front of the diaper, and pulled it open, seeing the 'present' Hitch had left for him. To his own surprise, he wasn't as disgusted as he was afraid he would be, maybe because part of him was hoping Hitch would take it this far on his first time, and perhaps last time. He had clearly just done this, so it hadn't smeared, or worse, dried on his coat yet. Determined to remain focused, Sprout motioned for Hitch to raise his flanks up, and get the folded up and pinned underneath, ensuring he wouldn't make a bigger mess as he attempted to clean him up. He pulled the first wipe out of the pack, and pressed it to his friend's coat, getting a short shiver in response. "So..." Sprout began, hoping conversation would distract both of them from how nervous he felt, as he really wanted to do a good job. "Did you, you know, like it?" Hitch gave him a soft smile. "It was certainly comfortable wearing it to bed. Don't know if I can describe using it, other than, you know, a little gross," Hitch told him, chuckling. Sprout smiled awkwardly as he pulled another wet wipe from the pack. "Do... Do you think you'd like to do it again?" He asked the prone stallion laying on his back. "I... Don't know if I'd go that far," Hitch said, having gotten used to the cold wipes on his coat. He glanced down as Sprout's expression betrayed his disappointment. "Now don't get the wrong idea, Sprout. It was interesting, and I think it gave me a little bit of an idea of what you get out of it, but my fun is in taking care of you. Doesn't make much sense to me for the caretaker to be padded up too." "Yeah, I guess that kinda makes sense," Sprout admitted, as he grabbed another wipe from the pack, before Hitch reached down and grabbed his hoof. "Alright, enough is enough, pal. A shower will do both of us some good, and we've got to get a move on. You gave it your best shot." Sprout, resigning to Hitch's decision, nodded and picked up the stallion's used diaper, along with the wipes, and dropped it into the trash can next to the sink, before pulling off his own wet diaper as Hitch went over and started the shower. "Still," Sprout began as he stepped over the rim of the tub into the spraying water with Hitch. "Thanks for letting me try. Certainly gave me a taste of what it's like to be a caregiver, and experience what a loving, trusting act that is." Hitch smirked at him and nuzzled him briefly before grabbing the detachable showerhead, and gave it to Sprout, who immediately went about spraying down Hitch's flanks and nether region. After that was done, he placed the showerhead back in its cradle, and the shower proceeded as normally as it could with two fully grown stallions crowding the tub. A few minutes later, they had gotten lathered up, scrubbed, rinsed off, and stepped out considerably cleaner than they were when they had gotten out of bed. "Alright, so... You ready,Sprout?" Hitch asked. "I don't think I will ever be ready, Hitch. But it has to happen. I don't want to sneak around with you, that wouldn't be right. Let's just go chow down on some breakfast, and hopefully that'll calm my stomach down," Sprout told him. "Sounds good. We've got about twenty minutes before she said she'd be here, let's go." > The Big Reveal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sprout was trying very, very hard to keep his appetite as he drizzled maple syrup over the fresh stack of pancakes that Hitch had just put in front of him. "I don't want to keep telling you to calm down, so I'll just urge you to get something in your stomach. That'll lessen the queasiness," Hitch told him as he sat down with his own plate of pancakes right next to him, and put a square of butter on top, which immediately began to melt and trickle down the sides. Sprout heeded the advice and began to cut into the pancakes. Hitch knew that there was little else he could do to help keep Sprout calm before the big reveal to his mom. The sheriff understood why his former deputy was nerve-wracked, and was hoping that he was getting himself worked up over nothing. And, for whatever reason, Phyllis didn't accept him, well, he would absolutely make good on his promise of letting Sprout move in. Until that moment, he would just have to ride the rapids and come out the other side. They mostly ate in silence, with Sprout having to almost force himself to swallow most of his bites, and he nearly choked on his last bite when the doorbell rang. "Deep breaths, buddy. It'll be over quicker than you think. She does have to get to work, after all," Hitch said, trying to reassure him. He got up from his chair, and took his plate to the sink, rinsing it off before heading towards the front door as the doorbell rang a second time. Sprout took one more deep breath, downed the last of his orange juice, then likewise took his plate, silverware, and glass to the sink. By the time he got out to the living room, His mom was already walking in next to Hitch. "Well there you are, sugarcube. I hope you've had a good weekend. Hitch tells me you have something to tell me," Phyllis greeted. "And to say he's a little nervous about it would be something of an understatement," Hitch said, as he went to go sit down on the couch. Slowly, Sprout followed, and sat next to Hitch, as his mom sat across from them in the recliner in the corner. "Well, that's why I left a little early, so I could swing by here on the way to work. And whatever it is, Sprout, you don't have to be nervous. You can come to me with anything, sugarcube." Hitch glanced over at Sprout, hoping that he would be a little relieved at his mother's encouraging words. But if his expression was anything to go by, it wasn't really working. "Go on, Sprout. I promise you'll feel better once you say it," Hitch told him. Sprout took a deep breath, then another, as he glanced across the room at his mom, who was gazing at him expectantly. One more deep breath, and he opened his mouth to speak, no words came out, and his stomach felt unsettled all of a sudden, and he must have looked ill, because his mom's expression changed to one of worry. "I-I'm really sorry!" Was all Sprout managed to say before bolting off the couch and nearly galloping towards the bathroom. Hitch resisted the urge to slam his hooves into his face as they heard the faucet turn on down the hall. "Hitch, is everything alright? He's starting to worry me now," Phyllis asked. Sprout splashed water on his face, before filling the glass next to the sink full before gulping it down in three swallows, in a desperate attempt to keep his breakfast down. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, wondering what was wrong with himself, wondering why he couldn't just come out and say it. He heard the muffled voices down the hall, hearing as Hitch was still undoubtedly try to cover for him after he bolted out of the room, certainly making his mom worry. On that realization, he felt his determination harden, and with one more deep breath, he turned, ran out into the hallway, and his hooves slid on the carpet as he came back into the living room. "Hitch and I are dating!" He nearly screamed, his eyes wide. Now Hitch put his face in his hooves. "Smooth, Sprout," the sheriff replied. Sprout stood there, chest nearly heaving, and he now felt somewhat empty now that the words that had been stuck inside him all morning had now become dislodged. Phyllis' expression was one of surprise, and Sprout couldn't figure out if it was due to what he said or the volume at which he said it. She merely glanced over at Hitch once he had raised his head, and merely raised an eyebrow, to which he nodded, confirming what Sprout had said, then looked back to her son, who had not moved. She looked at him a moment, before getting up, and walked over to him, and immediately pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry, Sprout. I'm sorry that you worried so much about telling me something like that. One of my failings as a mother, I suppose," she said. She felt Sprout nearly melt as the tension almost immediately vanished from his body, and he brought his front hooves up to return the embrace as he fought back tears. "So... So you're okay with this?" Sprout asked. "Absolutely," Phyllis replied immediately, squeezing him tighter for a moment, before releasing him from the embrace. "Sugarcube, I have absolutely no say in who you choose to love. You don't need my approval for something like this, but if that is what you're looking for, then you have it." "Really?" Sprout asked, fighting back another torrent of emotions. "Yes. If he treats you with as much care and respect as he does every other aspect of his life, then you are a lucky stallion indeed, sweetheart," Phyllis answered. Sprout came forward and threw his legs around his mom again in a tight hug, weeping softly. "Well, I'm glad that's all that was," Phyllis said, parting from the embrace. "I've got to get to work, and I hope you're feeling better after having told me." Sprout nodded with a smile as he got himself under control and wiped his eyes. "Think you can do those dishes for me real quick while I see your mom out, pal? Then you and I can get going on some errands of our own," Hitch asked. Sprout nodded again, and turned to head to the kitchen as Hitch got to his hooves. "I'm glad he finally got it out," Hitch told Phyllis once he heard the kitchen sink faucet running. "He was petrified of telling you almost all of yesterday and this morning." "I'm certainly curious as to how this came along, Hitch, but I'm afraid that would be prying, wouldn't it? No doubt it had to do with this 'ageplay' thing he's been exploring, right? After all, it was your idea in the first place, was it not?" Phyllis asked as they walked to the door. Hitch's eyes widened, and he noticeably blushed as Phyllis stepped out onto the front walk. He decided to not divulge that he had accidentally hypnotized her son and caused him to reveal his years-long crush, and just take the very short fall for him this time. "What can I say? Except that life is full of surprises. But while I have you here, can I get a big favor? Your moving crew, they have any space in their schedule today?" Hitch asked. "They do. What can I do for you?" Phyllis asked. "Move all of Sprout's nursery furniture over here into the spare bedroom, and all of the furniture there into one of Canterlogic's storage units. Drop off the invoice at anytime, I'll pay for rush service," Hitch told her. "Certainly. I'm guessing you mean to keep this a surprise." "I do. We'll be gone most of the evening and afternoon." "Consider it done, Sheriff. And I meant what I said. He really is lucky to have you." > Out and About > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeing as how he was going to be out in public again, Sprout made sure that his mane was neatly combed before stepping outside with Hitch before the two of them made their way towards downtown Maretime Bay. "So just what kind of errands are these?" Sprout asked as he trotted alongside Hitch, still relieved that his mom was absolutely fine with the two of them dating. "The kind that I keep to myself because I want to surprise you," Hitch replied with a smirk. The pair continued down the main stretch of Main Street until they came to a business on the left corner. "Mane Melody? What are we doing here?" Sprout asked. "I guess you'll just have to find out, come on," Hitch chastised, nudging him as they came up to the front entrance. Sprout had never been in Mane Melody before, one of the new businesses that had come into town after Reunification Day, this one with Sunny's friend Pipp Petals at the wheel. The pair of ponies stepped through the front door, and beheld what was essentially a beauty salon and karaoke bar mashed together into one building. The waiting area was against the front windows, salon chairs and stations were on both the left and right walls, and at the back, was a stage with large speakers and a microphone stand, currently unattended. "Hello, and welcome to Mane Melody, my name is Rocky Riff. How can we spruce up your day?" a cream-coated pegasus stallion asked, coming up to them. His mane was a dark crimson, save for a much more fiery streak of bright red and yellow going up and back the left side of his head. "We have an appointment. Couples Hooficure For Two?" Hitch answered. Rocky grabbed his smartphone that had been tucked under one of his bright gold wings, and scrolled through the screen. "Ah yes, right here. Please follow me, Mr. Trailblazer. Mr. Cloverleaf, Miss Jazz Hooves will be taking care of you," Rocky answered, before taking Hitch over to the first available salon chair. "Right with me, Mr. Cloverleaf," an earth pony mare greeted. "Hey there, Jazz. This is where you're working now?" Sprout asked the light turquoise mare. Jazz nodded. "I am, and honestly, I couldn't imagine a more perfect job," she told him, as she got him seated in the seat right next to Hitch, who was already laying back in a reclined position. Right before she laid him back by reclining his seat, he saw Rocky take a picture of Hitch's cutie mark. That was all he saw before Jazz came up and placed a pair of cucumber slices over his eyes. He heard a camera shutter sound come from her phone as well, and he began to wonder what the pictures were for. "So how's Pipp been?" Hitch asked. "Extremely busy with a new project ever since she got back from visiting Queen Haven in Zephyr Heights. We've been pretty much running this place for the past two days. Not that we mind; we're both already in overtime as of today," Rocky told him. "That's for sure," Jazz added. "And whatever she's working on, it'll be amazing, I know it. Whenever Pipp puts her content creation on hold for a couple days, what she comes out with afterward almost always shocks everypony, in a good way." Sprout felt his leg rests get adjusted, before feeling a hoof file go across each of his hooves. He wasn't all that familiar with hooficures; he had let himself get dragged along to one of his mom's hooficures that he had gotten her for her birthday, but other than that, this was a somewhat unfamiliar experience for him. After the filing, came what felt like some sort of polish; Jazz was slow and attentive with each hoof, as both she and Rocky talked their respective clients up in some friendly group chit chat. Finally, after what was likely a layer of protective coating, Sprout felt the cucumber slices get lifted away, and the back of his chair get lifted into the upright position. "And all done, what do you think?" Jazz asked. Sprout looked down at his hooves, and saw that they had been painted in a gold pattern, with cobalt-colored horseshoes and teal hearts. He did a double take and realized that it was patterned in Hitch's cutie mark. He then looked over and saw that Hitch's hooves had been painted purple with green sprouting leaves, and it finally dawned on him what the Couples' Hooficure For Two symbolized. It meant that Hitch was not at all afraid or ashamed of being seen out in public together as an item, with the hooves showing that they were together. He smiled warmly over at him as they both got to their hooves, and Hitch went to pay at the front counter. "Thank you very much for your patronage, and enjoy the rest of your day!" Jazz said, bidding them farewell. "Thanks, Hitch," Sprout told him after they had stepped back out onto Main Street. "Anytime, Sprout. But we're not done. I hope you're ready for one more surprise." > More Surprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hitch lead Sprout down Maretime Bay's coastal highway, south towards the lighthouse. Sprout spotted a few passers-by glancing down at the sheriff's hooves, several of them giving the pair a soft smile afterwards, likely connecting the dots of the service they had at Mane Melody. For each smile he saw, the stallion felt a bit more at ease. The pair of ponies came up to the magically renovated 'Crystal Brighthouse', and Hitch turned to him when they got to the front door. "Alright, now to keep the element of surprise, I'm gonna put this on," he said, producing a black blindfold. Sprout smiled at him and gave him a nod to let him know it was okay, closing his eyes as Hitch put the thick strip of cloth over his eyes and knotted it securely behind his ears. "Alright, stairs here, be careful," Hitch told him, guiding him by a hoof on his back. Sprout lifted his hooves up a little bit more, and slowly stepped up three times. He heard Hitch knock on the front door. Sprout knew they had to have been spotted coming up the road, because the door opened immediately. "Hey there, Hitch, Sprout," he heard the unmistakable voice of Sunny. "Hey Sunny. I trust everything is ready?" Hitch asked. Sunny must have nodded, because the answer didn't come vocally before he heard the mare step back, and Hitch guided him through the front door. "Oooh, I can't wait for him to see it!" He heard Izzy nearly squeaked as he was led to the right. He heard a door open, and felt the floor beneath his hooves change from tile to carpet to... Foam? "Alright, let him see it!" Sunny said excitedly. Hitch's hoof left Sprout's back, and he felt the blindfold around his head loosen, then get gently pulled off. He slowly opened his eyes, and as they adjusted to the lighting, his eyes widened at his surroundings. He found himself in a large nursery, with a trio of cribs, a changing table, and a playpen area. Nearly the entire floor was covered with interlocking foam tiles. His attention was immediately drawn to the three cribs on the left side of the room; one was painted orange, and had a circular wooden panel with Sunny's cutie mark on it. The second was painted a light purple, and had a similar wooden panel with Pipp's cutie mark painted on it, and last, was a red crib, and Sprout immediately recognized his cutie mark painted on the wooden panel that had been glued on the foot of the bed. "Really? For me?" Sprout asked, clearly touched. Sunny immediately nodded. "Absolutely, Sprout," Sunny told him. "This all started because of you. I got curious as to who Izzy was foalsitting for, then Pipp saw you and me playing together... So you absolutely deserve a place to play here too." Sprout silently took in his crib for a few moments, before turning back to Sunny, Hitch, and Izzy. "Wow, I mean... Wow. I don't know what to say, Sunny. Other than, that you are an amazing pony, and an even better friend, and your friends are amazing too. I know that this was supposed to be some 'resetting' punishment for me when it first started out, but it's clearly turned into so much more... For all of us." Sunny smiled at Sprout as the two ponies hugged each other. "And don't think I didn't notice the hooficure you've got there. Congratulations, you two. I hope you make each other happy." They heard the front door open and shut, and Pipp stepped into the nursery a few moments later. "Oh my gosh, he's finally seen it!" Pipp exclaimed. "I can finally stop holding it in. I am soooo glad we all have a space to share together! Sorry I've been so distant this weekend. I've been crazy busy with a new project, and I'm finally ready to share it with you. I'm starting a new late-night show to explore kinks!" Sunny's and Hitch's eyes widened as Pipp happily clapped her hooves together at the reveal. "Really? You sure that's a good idea, Pipp?" Hitch asked her. "Absolutely. Don't worry, Hitch, I've thought about this very carefully. The sense of discovery that we've all had these past few days, finding out more about ourselves and each other... I want to help others do that. I call it 'Pipp After Dark', and I'm going to cover a wide range of common, and uncommon, kinks and fetishes, not just ageplay. I'll start off with something very simple, like hoof play, or spanking. You know, something common." Sprout's ears twitched at that, and he felt the determination in him solidify. "S-So... I'm guessing... That you probably need some volunteers?" > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because Sunny had to get back to her smoothie cart, and Pipp had to get back to planning the premiere of her new stream, Hitch and Sprout were the only ones to get a prolonged look at the Brighthouse's new nursery, but didn't stay long enough to get any role play in, because after Hitch got a text message on his phone, the two of them were off back into town again, walking back towards his house. "I hope you can handle one more surprise, pal," Hitch told Sprout as he opened the front door. Sprout followed Hitch into his house. "Close your eyes." Sprout smirked before he did as he was told, and slowly trotted as Hitch guided him down the hallway. He was turned to the right, and took five more steps before he was stopped. "And open," he heard Hitch say. Sprout did so, and his mouth dropped open as he found himself standing in Hitch's spare bedroom, which did not look at all like it did when he slept in here his first night. He recognized all of the furniture that had been in his own bedroom when he had first started what had been a punishment. The crib, changing table, stool, and playpen gating had all been set up, and the very adult furniture was now nowhere to be seen. "Just what is this?" Sprout asked, turning to Hitch after he had taken several steps into the room. "Isn't it obvious? I know even with how your mom immediately accepted us being together, that you were really excited at the prospect of moving in together. So I figure my bedroom is ours now, and this can be your bedroom when you feel like playing with just the two of us, instead of everypony else at the Brighthouse," Hitch told him with a soft smile. Sprout's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't an invitation to move in, this was more like 'you're moving in, and this is your room when you want to be my little foal.' The stallions came in for a hug, before Hitch parted, turned, and put his leg around Sprout's back to guide him towards the stool and end table. Sprout almost didn't see it, but when Hitch sat down on the stool and pulled him over his lap, he saw the wooden paddle barely a moment before Hitch reached over to pick it up. "I want you to know, Sprout, that I think it was a very kind and brave thing you did, volunteering for Pipp's first episode of her new stream. So I thought... Why not rehearse a bit, so you know what's coming when she goes live?" Hitch asked as he grabbed Sprout's tail and pinned it against his back as he softly tapped the paddle against the stallion's red rump. Sprout took a deep breath as he struggled to keep himself composed. "Like I have much of a choice..." Sprout muttered, but gave his coltfriend a clear nod. Sprout once again found himself over Hitch's lap as he was a few days ago, but under somewhat different circumstances this time. It was showtime. The setup was more complex than just a stool and paddle this time; Pipp had provided him with a black satin sleeve that was worn on his back legs and flanks, hiding his coat color and cutie mark, concealing his identity from the camera angle. Pipp had set up a black curtain that shrouded his front half, and Hitch, from view, who also held a paddle in his front left leg, which was shrouded by a black satin stocking. Sprout looked to his left, where another stool had been set up, where Izzy sat with Sunny across her lap. The earth mare had identical satin sleeve on that hid her entire back half on the camera side of the curtain. The stallion and mare smiled bashfully at each other, each having discovered they quite enjoyed their hindquarters getting a few swats every now and then when they were misbehaving. Pipp's head poked through where the curtains divided. "Alright, everypony ready?" The pegasus wore a thin eye mask, doing little to nothing to hide her actual identity, but they had to admit, it was a bit of fashionable flair, considering what this show was going to be about. She got nods from the four ponies. "Thank you all once again for doing this. You ponies are amazing. I'm hoping this really helps more ponies start to explore themselves. Alright, get ready, we're live in fifteen!" With that, Pipp pulled back in front of the curtain. Sprout felt Hitch slowly rear back with his left hoof, and took one last deep breath, before he heard Pipp's phone give out a beep, letting them know they were live. "Hello, and good evening to the kinky and the curious! Welcome to Pipp After Dark. I'm Pipp Petals, your hostess, and this..." Hitch and Izzy swung down at the same time, and got a perfect stereo of a 'whap!' as the paddles impacted the flanks of their charges at the same time, before their host finished her introduction. "...Is Spanking 101."