> Mistress’ Maid > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Quietly into the Night: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The door to my bed room is quietly closing behind me, unnoticed; just as I had stepped into the room, clearing the threshold. Just as expected, the floor is a light Beech Wood, while the walls had been laid with a pink Cherry Wood picket fence four feet tall. As odd and ostentatious as this decoration may be. I have my bed, on my right, the night-stand by the pillow; while the two twin doors to the wardrobes are on the foot end of the room, as opposed to the door into the room aiming at the pillow. Overhead, the ceiling is covered and coated with a mate black silicone holding the pin prick night sky in place; giving me a beautiful illumination, easily controlled by the plaque. My bed is laid with a glistering black silicone sheet Pi millimeters thick, a Pi inch thick, crystal-clear quilt with a mark of a purple star as a border on the head end of the quilt. There are two additional diminutive stars on the right and left side of the large one in the middle; evenly spread out, along the respective sides. On closer inspection, the night-stand is crafted out of Linden Wood. I have a drawer, in which I could deposit personal items of my choosing. They had deposited a manual on my bed and other appliances and utilities, aside from other services in the drawer. “It is late, and I am tired..” I ponder; as I am walking up to the wardrobe, casually opening the door to see what is hidden inside. While I could hang up my personal or private clothes in the wardrobe; but for now, I am more interested in the clothes they provide me with. “Metallic, bloody red..”I ponder; “no fabric I am familiar with, or even fabric such as I understand it..” I ponder; “looks like Latex or Rubber, by the looks of it!” I ponder, as I am examining what I had been offered. Had I been allergic to the material, I would have been forced to confirm it; but since I had never experienced the issue, I find myself taken aback by this discovery. However, it is not Latex or Rubber by any means; but rather, Silicone. Of course, one has to undress before going to bed; the casual daytime clothes are not comfortable, in bed. This, is why one has the underwear for the night. I easily pull the shirt up over my head, depositing it onto the floor of the wardrobe; before turning my attention to my skirt. Slipping the skirt down, only to kick it up, catching it and dropping it onto the shirt on the floor of the wardrobe. With the shirt and skirt out of the way, my focus is shifting towards the underwear, I am currently wearing. I slip my hands in, into my white cotton panties, slipping my hands down; kicking the panties up, depositing them onto the top of the pile. Now I pull the matching white cotton brassiere up over my head, slipping it off of me and dropping it onto the pile of clothes. As the final step of undressing, I lift my right foot; pulling the white sock off of the foot, only to dump it onto the pile. Putting the right foot onto the floor, lifting the left foot up, pulling the sock of and finally leaving it onto the pile. “There.. finally!” I ponder; “Nude, and ready to try out what I had been promised!” I mouth, as I turn my attention towards the garments hanging in my wardrobe. The material of the panties are a fluid elastic and smooth and glister even in the spares light of the bed room. If the material, the metallic bloody red Silicone is a millimeter thick, it should be more than enough; to contain the flesh, as much as she may be content to challenge the offered garment in question. Unbeknownst to me, and every other guest here; the measurements had been acquired in the elevator, piloted by none other than Ellie the Waitress herself. The passenger of the ride was none the wiser, because the scans had not been detectable by any means; leaving the guest with a wardrobe, perfectly fitting and very comfortable to wear. “Rarity” the label reads; “E Cup” the second title reads; based on who had designed the panties in question. Of course, these garments had all been designed and crafted by none other than Rarity Filigree herself; the renowned owner of the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville, and later also the Canterlot Carousel in Canterlot and the Rarity for You in Manehattan. Every Pony knew she had earned the acclaim; through hard work and talent beyond reproach. Of course, Rarity had been incapable of designing any garment less than form-fitting and beautiful. The material in use, makes these garments fitting just right; sliding on almost as if on their own accord, as well. Feeling the sleek and slippery in my hands, giving off an excited, giddiness I could barely handle but find myself enjoying all the same. The panties slide up my legs as I put them on. As I had pulled the panties up; I afford them a few tentative tugs in order to acquire that perfect comfortable fit: once, twice and thrice. As I am letting go of the panties, they smooth out the border between the red material and my skin to the degree; as to almost disappear as I slide my hands over my hips, the difference in materials the only telltale aside from the obvious colour-difference. If the material the panties are comprised of may have been cool and slippery to the touch, initially; they soon warm up under the touch of my fingers, and then the skin of my legs and finally hips. The fit is skin-tight, only leaving me with the momentary sensation of a light pressure applied onto my skin; but so light, I soon forget it and no longer notice it even if I had been focusing upon this sensation and phenomena. Out of sight, and out of mind; as they say, and that had been the end of it. While the excitement may be remaining, but the traces to how and why soon melts and slides out of conscious thought and awareness; I can no longer trace the sensations or the reasons behind the experience. I extend my right hand into the wardrobe, extracting the brassiere of my choice; slipping it down over my head, pulling it down into a comfortable and comforting position. Only affording it a few tentative tugs as it is in place: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever so elusive and highly desired perfect fit. In doing so, the brassier slowly slides out of my conscious thought in the process. Knowing I am dressed up, not nude or naked; but still experiencing the sensations of being so, is curious in a curiously exciting fashion, I simply could not put a finger to. “Rarity” the label reads; “B Cup - Orb” the subtitle reads; “E Cup - Large” a second subtitle reads, leaving me confused, curiously wondering what that could possibly mean. “B Cup” I ponder; “that should be my size..” I continue; “But, what does the second subtitle refer to?” I ponder; “E Cup - Large” “Is this some manner of support, or push-up model brassiere?” I consider, trying to make sense out of what information I had gathered, a bit too tired and confused to consult the manual I had been given. “Whomever this Rarity is, at least; she does craft comfortable and classy clothes, for me to wear!” I ponder. Knowing who the Fashionista was, or is was to change nothing; everything that matters, is the proficiency of the person creating and crafting the ensemble in the wardrobe. Enjoying the garments already on my body, I continue; opting to extract the full-length toe-stockings all in the same, matching metallic bloody red material. Silicone. The complimentary, form-fitting, highly effeminate, ultra-tight design; looking and feeling almost as if it had just been a second skin, almost my own. I lift up my right foot eagerly; tentatively slipping it into the stocking, feeling it contract around the foot as it is sliding down. Pulling the stocking up, further and further; until my toes are sliding into place, as if they had been guided by the individual will of the stocking itself. As I feel my toes slide into place, all the way and meet the material; I set my right foot down with a distinct squeak, only to repeat the process with the second or left stocking. Finally; standing on my very own, two feet on the floor of my bed-room. Once I had let go of the individual stocking, right and left respectively; the material of the garments meet, without fusing or blending. However, the stockings and panties leave no sense of a seam; but rather, remains separate garments acting as if it had been a single garment for all intents and purposes. I lift my right hand, extending it and extract my full-length gloves; slipping the hand into it, feeling the material contracting around the arm effortlessly and amorously. Sliding the glove all the way up into my armpit, stopping only to afford the glove a few tentative tugs in order to acquire the perfect fit and comfort: once, twice and thrice. As I am letting go of the right glove, it makes contact with the brassiere I wear on my chest. Unbeknownst to me, I had unwittingly chosen a pair of more regular looking gloves in place of the alternative options I had before me; while still highly effeminate and complimentary, they do feature neither the suction-cup covering the palm of the hand, the sensitive touch-pads at the tips of each finger or any discernible finger-nails. Had I known the significance of the details or the features I had opted out; would I still have chosen these particular gloves, or would I have chosen another pair? I have no idea, and for now it is too late; though I could still choose to try on a different pair any time I so desire particularly, but not limited to before I go to bed. Naturally, I had opted to take the second or left glove as well; repeating the process and find myself fully dressed. However, I have a silly idea; opting to extract a pair of coloured lenses, largely just for the fun of it. Not thinking particularly clearly; I had just jumped upon the option on impulse, without actually considering why I wanted to or if there was to be any future consequences. I had managed to keep the right eye open, just long enough for the lens to slip into my eye; blinking a few times, without noticing any difference. Rather than considering, or trying to extract the lens; I had proceeded to insert the second or left lens. Since I had not noticed any difference now, my vision just as it had been before I had opted to insert these lenses; I step over to my bed, folding up the corner of the quilt up against the wall and slip my feet in under the quilt. Once I had found myself sitting in my bed, I slide in under the quilt and fold it back; resting comfortably under the quilt. Just a moment after I had laid my head on the pillow, the lights had faded out; I consequently found myself asleep, only to wake up the following day. Still wearing the ensemble I had slipped into the day before. The sleek and slippery silicon had made it comfortable; no friction worth mentioning, I had not found myself stuck between folds of sheet or quilt. “Oh!” I merely mouth, leaving the night behind me, with a single yawn. I had gone to bed, effectively wearing a cat-suit; with the material covering my skin from the neck down with only the midriff bare. The bare skin, only a hand’s width. Lifting my right hand, folding the quilt back up against the wall; sliding my feet out from under the quilt, finding myself sitting up in my bed. As I am lifting up my right hand, casually examining the hand before my face; I clearly see the hand, as if it had been naked but still the same smooth and glossy metallic bloody red. While I am still sitting on my bed, I push myself forwards; only to find myself standing up on my own two feet before the bed. A single twin thud, the only note that I had pushed myself out of my bed. Though the squeak still cling to the thud, as if eagerly holding onto me for dear life. Once I am standing up, with the back to the bed, I turn around; folding the quilt back onto the bed and smooth it over, to give the appearance, of how the bed never had been used. Maybe I could have swapped the garments I am wearing, but I ignore the option; stepping over to the door and lift my extended right hand, pressing the palm gently onto the plaque and feel the warm clasp of the black silicon. I spread my fingers as wide as I comfortably can, in order to open the door out into my living room; stepping out of the room, whereupon the door quietly slides shut behind me. I continue over to the cinematic sofa. I had noticed the sofa being dressed in what initially had appeared to be mate black leather; only now I realize it is silicon. Once I had reached the sofa, I step in and sit down on the middle of the three seats available; focusing onto the sofa, closely examining it in order to familiarize myself with what I had been offered. The pad of the right armrest is easily pulled up to open the department that had been hiding a fridge containing six bottles of Sparkle Cola. I take the first of the three bottles on my side of the previously hidden fridge and close it; opening the bottle and take a good swig and enjoy a sip of the cool fizzing beverage. “Pepsi, the Challenger!” I mouth, while I enjoy myself, swallowing the beverage. “Could I order up my breakfast, to the room; with the help of the promised Room Service, or do i have to go to a restaurant” I ponder, considering my options. Holding the clear plastic bottle in my right hand, I lift up my left hand to my chest; grouping my left breast with the empty hand, while I continue to enjoy the Sparkling Cola I had found in the hidden compartment. Just as the label had promised, my breast is a firm B Cup orb; while the nipple had grown considerably, to conform into the Large E Cup measurement the brassiere stands for. With the increased size; it is much more sensitive and has a coarse, hard, rubbery surface for me to explore at my own leisure. Once I had finished my Cola, I put the cap back onto the bottle; before I put it onto the table before me, only to notice the picture of Twilight Sparkle herself on the label. She is standing before her library, the Golden Oak Library to be precise; the coat of fur a light Lavender purple. The mare is beaming a bright smile at me, her eyes a darker purple. I could not help, but notice her hair being a deep purple with a cerise and red stripe respectively. By the side of the Unicorn, I could see her in her human form. The resemblance is striking to the point of being shocking to me. “How curious?” I ponder. Of course, the Cola is tasty; nothing less could have been expected, even if the brand is new and unfamiliar to me. The back of the label is her Lavender purple hue, what had I been expecting? While I had let go of my left breast, in order to recap the bottle; I had been focusing on the experience my hand and breast had offered me in the process of grouping myself. It certainly had felt good, even if the sensations are new and different to me; not the way it had felt, before I had put the suit on. The suit had indeed worked like a charm, as it was working its magic while I had been sleeping; performing as intended, changing my body to the specifications of my choice. While I may not have realized it, back then the other night; but most of the choices had been close to what I had been hoping for. The suit is still fitting me, even if my body had been changed during the night. Twilight’s charms had worked as intended. She had placed the charms onto the garments Rarity had crafted for me. Not that Rarity had crafted the individual garments, I am still wearing; but the garments still are based on her designs and Twilight’s charms had been woven into the individual garments I currently am wearing. Had I inspected any of the other garments I wear, or the once I had not chosen to wear; the respective label still reads: “Rarity” all the same. I had been reading the labels of the panties and the brassiere; but neither the stockings nor the gloves. Just as I had not read any label on either the lances or the package the lenses had been in, as I had picked them up. “Ballerina - Petite” reads the subtitle of the stockings; “35” reads the size. Just because I had not read the labels, or the labels had failed to make any sense to me changed exactly nothing; the individual charms still taking effect, while I had been sleeping. Remaining in the respective garments and sleeping for a full eight hours had confirmed and finalized all the changes. Had I examined my mound, I would have noticed how my mound had grown to fill out the full E cup, just as the label had stated. Just that I had failed to notice or realize it just yet; largely, because I had not examined myself just yet. While I had noticed how my breasts had changed or been altered, right along with my nipples; I had noticed parts of what the changes to my hands are like, even if I had failed to notice the deeper implications just yet. Just because I had found a bottle of Cola, which merely had quenched my thirst; did not mean that I had had my breakfast, and made it all the more obvious just how hungry I am. I have no kitchen in the suite, just a stash of snacks and beverages. At first, one should have considered to look for a phone, but then the large mate black screen before me had made me change my mind; activating the screen, facing me with a set of options. “Room Service” I read, opting to look closer. “So, I can contact the room service and ask for services on my room!” I ponder, realizing what I had before me. I notice I have a few options, aside from the customization. “Aloe” I read, from the table of content. “Lotus”; “Rarity”; “Twilight Sparkle” I read. As I am looking at the image of the respective options presented, as well as reading the descriptions of the premade specifications; I opt to choose Aloe, as my default room service for now. Since I am hungry, I am opting for a breakfast buffet. Maybe I should add her special services, as well; to go with the breakfast she could offer me, once she is reaching my room. . “Miss Pet Maid requires an Aloe on her room, as Playmate and to serve a Breakfast Buffet!” I read, denoting the order a mere moment after it had been confirmed. “Curious..” I ponder; “Who is ready to take her request?” I inquire. . “A Playmate?” I ponder; “and she is requesting the Aloe to serve her breakfast to go with the special service?” I inquire. “Yes..” comes the prompt confirmation; “And she requires Toys, for the session?” I inquire; “Exactly!” the operator confirms. “I take it..” I respond, as I am acquiring the body and persona of Aloe, preparing to move on the requested Room service. “Thank you, and have fun...” the operator exclaims. Since I am already wearing the Room Service uniform, I am stepping out of the call centre; continuing towards the Toy Store and pick up the requested package; from there I continue to the next desk, picking up the Breakfast Buffet she had asked for and continue towards the elevator. . I had picked up a second bottle of Sparkle Cola, uncapping it; just to have something to do, while I am waiting for the Room Service I had ordered. Since the door is quiet, I fail to hear her entering the suite, as well as when she is stepping into my living room. She is pushing the trolley over the floor towards me, walking slowly. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as she is continuing from the door towards me. “Greetings Miss Pet Maid!” she exclaims, as she is approaching me. “Greetings, Aloe!” I respond. “Good morning, and Bon Appetit..” she adds, as she is serving my Breakfast buffet on the table before me. “Good morning..” I respond, as I am watching her serving me the breakfast. . I had watched her eating, while she was enjoying her breakfast. While she ate, I had been quiet, observing her; helping her, serving everything she was asking for from the Breakfast Buffet. Only now, she had finished her meal, so I pack up what is left of the meal. Largely the plates, bowls, cutlery and some leftovers. “This was great..” she exclaims, satisfied with the meal I had offered her. “Since your breakfast is concluded, may I offer you a relaxing massage; before we move up to the real fun?” I offer, smiling at her. “Yes, please!” she responds. Since I had stacked everything away, I lead the trolley over towards her empty bed room. She quietly follows me, only for her to have an idea, as she is noticing the braid all the way down my spine. “May I hold your braid, while I walk over to my bed room?” she inquires, curious; with a hopeful and excited chime to her voice. “Please, by all means!” I respond; stopping, just to let her grab hold of my braid. “Thank you, Aloe!” she exclaims, excitedly; as she is grabbing the edge of the braid, hanging just under my rump. Once I feel her holding the braid, I continue to walk towards her bed room. “You know; I do have the braid, just in case you enjoy holding it..” I explain; “like a leash, you know!” I conclude. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard while I am walking over the floor, all the way up to the plaque by the door to the bed room. Once I finally do reach the door, she is still holding my braid in a firm grip; as I am lifting my hand and extending the palm of my hand onto the plaque, pressing the palm onto the plaque and spreading my fingers wide to open the door. The door eagerly slides up quietly, granting me entrance to the bed room and she is following me a step behind. Once she had crossed the threshold, the door quietly slid shut unnoticed; “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard as I continue into the room, with Miss Maid in tow. “I will need you to strip naked, for the best possible experience, then you can approach your bed, before you lay down onto your belly..” I am instructing her. “Oh, okay..” she responds, “but of course!” she then concludes, as she is walking up to the wardrobe. “I will just have to let go of her braid..” she ponder, as she reaches the doors to the wardrobe. As she is opening the door, the floor is empty, barren; devoid of the clothes she had just left there, while she undressed and slipped into the ensemble she is currently wearing. “Don’t be embarrassed..” I offer; “just imagine being alone in the room..” I explain; “even if I may be watching you with intent interest, from behind!” I finally conclude. As I had spoken, she is starting to pull the right glove off of the hand; leaving the glove on the empty floor of the wardrobe, before she is repeating the process with the left glove. Once she had taken the gloves of, she is lifting her right foot off of the floor; pulling the stocking off, just to leave it onto the pile on the previously empty floor of the wardrobe. Once the stocking had come off, she puts the foot down onto the floor with a light thud; before she is lifting the left foot, repeating the process. “Looking good..” I ponder, snickering; while I intently ogle her from behind, excitedly. “Maybe she had never been into manicure, or pedicure?” I ponder, while observing her disrobing: considering how she had not noticed the changes to either her hands or her feet yet; or if she simply cared enough, in the first place. With the gloves and stockings on the floor of the wardrobe, she moves on to slip the panties down; kicking it up, only to deposit it onto the top of the pile. Finally, she is pulling the brassiere up over her head; tossing it onto the pile, only to abruptly closing the door to the wardrobe before she is walking over to her bed. “There, how does it feel?” I inquire, as she is walking up to me; now completely nude. “I barely feel the difference; aside from seeing you before me, casually looking at me up front. “Exactly..” I merely observe, as I am watching her step up to the bed; standing a mere foot ahead of me, facing me unperturbed as she is looking directly at me. Just as I had expected, she has a white and very light complexion; her skin smooth, while her body had conformed to the changes implied by the garments she had been wearing during the night. Of course, she had been asleep most of this time; the full eight hours, required to confirm the transformation. Though it stands to reason, five or six hours of sleep could have been enough; but eight hours still gives the body a safer margin, for the safety of her body. “Time for me, to lay down..” she suggests; “Yes..” I respond; Okay..” she offers; “On your belly, please!” I instruct her, watching her slowly mount her bed, laying down onto her belly. “Comfortable?” I inquire; “Yes..” she merely confirms. “If you spread your legs, please; have your feet about a foot apart, should be perfect!” I instruct her; “Okay!” she responds. I see her hands to the sides of her body; “spread your fingers and relax, and I will make this an experience to remember..” I explain. As I am watching her, from behind; she complies, as she lie down on her belly before me. Now I place a can of viscous silicone gel on the night stand beside her; uncapping it, before I quietly scoop up a fair amount with my right hand. With the gel in hand, I slowly rub my hands together; warming up the gel and spreading it out over my hands. After a moment, maybe a minute or so; I lean over her, as I am starting to massage her back. Placing the tips of my fingers at the spine, just under the hairline; forming diminutive circles as I continue down her neck. “Relax....” I coo, as I continue; only to double up along the sides of the spine, up her neck. “Oo-oh, oo-oh..” she sighs; “okay!” she chimes, as she is relaxing, enjoying the treat I am offering her. “Excellent, excellent..” I mouth, as a Dr. No impression; snickering inwardly at it. As I had reached the hairline, I double back down; before I double up and then down. Now, I continue down her spine, all the way down; before I double up, only with slightly bigger circles along the back than I had used for her neck. I continue up and down her back, all the way out on her flanks; before I continue down her right leg in the same manner, only to repeat the process on her left leg. Of course, I had encircled my way up to the top of the respective orbs of her rump and down into the valley behind her tail-bone. Along the thigh, over the knee, the calf and up onto the heel before I finally move over the soul of the foot. Naturally, I could not avoid her cute and perfectly shaped toes. Now I take a step back, starting over at her right shoulder; working down her arm in the same manner. From the shoulder, to the upper arm, the elbow and lower arm; reaching the palm of her hand, then down each finger from the thumb and all the way down to the pinkie finger. Only to repeat the process onto her left arm. “Ooo-oo-ooh, ooo-oo-ooh, ooo-oo-ooh!” she is sighing, as I am teasing her rump; spreading the gel all the way inside to a depth of an inch, two inches and three inches. “Wonder why she did that?” she ponders, as my fingers are entering her from behind; “but, it feels surprisingly good, while she is doing it, right now!” she realizes, catching herself in a double-take. Knowing what she feels, and how it feels; yet, I am still holding my tongue. Saying nothing, leaving her to experience this; exploring the sensations, on her own terms. “I was right, she is enjoying this..” I consider; “then I can move ahead, based on how she is going to react..” I consider, snickering inwardly. “Just relax, and enjoy the moment..” I offer; “I will be back, in a moment..” I conclude. She quietly nods. Once I come back, I help her to turn over; finding herself resting comfortably, on her back. Otherwise, resuming the pose she had, while I was attending to her back. “If you don’t mind?” I offer; “I will start from the top!” I explain. Now, I start at the top of her forehead. Slowly working my way over her forehead, just as I had told her. From the forehead, I continue down her cheeks, over the chin. All the way down to her throat. I start on top of her nose, working my way up to her forehead and double back. I slowly, gently caress her eye-lids, coating the skin with the gel, as I am working it in. Only once I had covered her face, coated it with the gel and worked it in, saturated the skin do I start from her throat and down her chest. Following the same pattern as with her chest; aside from encircling her breast all the way up to the top and finishing with the nipples, large as they are. As she is relaxing, a smile is gracing her lips, spreading out over her face, deepening as I continue. Once I had coated her chest, I encircle the mound all the way up to the orchid; teasing the petals, before I continue into the vagina: one inch, two inches and three inches. Here I continue, teasing her; just for the reaction, to see her excited grin overtaking her face. Now I continue down her right leg, over the thigh, knee and calf. Over the foot and finally the toes one at the time. Repeating the process. Once I have completed this stage, I once more take a step back; starting from the right shoulder, down the arm. Over the upper arm, the elbow and the lower arm; onto the back of the hand and finally the fingers: from the thumb and all the way to the pinkie finger. From there, I am repeating the process; tending to her left arm. To complete the process, I start to coat her lips, slowly and carefully; continuing into her mouth and coat her tongue, before I finish by entering her throat: one inch, two inches and finally three inches. “Oo-oh, uh; but, that felt strange..” she sighs, just as I had extracted my fingers from her mouth. “Yes..” I respond; but it will make sense, in a moment or so..” I suggest; “How did it feel; scary, but still surprisingly good?” I conclude inquiring. “First, it was just plain weird; then it was scary, but it still did feel good..” she chimes; “I just can not put a finger, to how and why..” she finally concludes. “Just relax..” I suggest. “Okay..” she mouths. “Wait, you could not put a finger on how, or why it felt good?” I inquire. “Exactly..” she sighs. “I will be back, in just a moment...” I offer; just lay still, relax; breath in through your nose, breath out through your mouth..” I incite her, purposefully; distracting her, from what is happening. She just lay still, breathing. Minute by minute; as I step back, observing her where she lies. As she is relaxing, her eyes are closed. . Aloe had been waiting for the gel she had coated me with to cure or congeal, before she is reaching down; placing the tip of the index-finger of her right hand between the petals of my orchid, only to tease me by caressing the petals for a few minutes. Slowly, gently; almost, like tickling me with a feather. “Oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh..” I sigh. She is extending the index-finger of her left hand, placing the tip of the finger on my lower lip; sliding it over the surface, slowly and gently. “Oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh, oo-oo-ooh..” I sigh. “Oh..” I realize; “that is what it felt like?” With just the minute of stimulation, I find myself wet. “Now, if I may..” she coos, and I just nod. . Since she had given her consent, I pick up a can of lubrication; uncapping it and scooping up a handful in my right hand, rubbing my hands together. As the gel is warming up, I start to spread the gel over her face in the same manner I had coated her skin with the Silicone-gel. I repeat the process; step by step, all the way down to her hands and feet. Only once I had covered her front, I turn her over and cover her back in the same manner. Once I had turned her over, she is laying on her belly; I help her resume the preferred given pose, before I am massaging the back. Only once I had covered the entire back of her, I leave her for a few minutes; before I am turning her over, looking at her where she lies still. Breathing, as her chest is raising and falling, raising and falling. Slowly. With Miss Maid covered with the thick lubrication, I select a half an inch belly button tube; slowly and carefully inserting it into her belly button, anchoring the highly viscous gel lubricant onto her body. I select a metallic bloody red lip-liner, bending over her; drawing the line from the right to the left over her upper lip, then from the left to the right on her lower lip. Now, I put the lip-liner away; before I pick up the matching lip-gloss; painting her lips in the same manner, starting at the outer edge just inside the line and continue inwards; only to bounce back as I had reached as far in as I consider to be her lips. With that, I repeat the process, of applying the lip-liner along the outer rim of her lips, thus binding the lip-gloss onto her lips. Now I am picking up a silver-metallic eye-liner, drawing a line along the eye-lashes; from the inner corner to the outer corner over the upper eyelid, then from the outer corner to the inner corner of the lower eye-lid. With the eye-liner applied, I paint her eye-lids in the same manner I had just painted her lips; only to repeat the process, of applying the black eye-liner along her eye-lids. Now I am extracting the mascara, curling up the eye-lashes in the process; while I slowly pull the brush out and up respectively down, for the upper and lower eye-lashes. I just repeat this process: once, twice and thrice; reinforcing the effect, to the desired result. With the make-up in place, I start to apply the lubrication over her face, continuing all the way down over her body. Only to turn her over, in order to cover the rest of her body, sealing her in. . “This feels good..” I ponder, as Aloe is extending me a second and third full-body massage. As opposed to the first time, she is not using the original silicone gel she had used before; this time she is applying a thick and highly viscous lubrication. I can feel the belly button tube inserted into my belly button; before she is applying a make-up onto my face. While I had not seen, which colours she had chosen; but I guess and hope she had chosen the same metallic bloody red, as the suit I had been wearing last night. Not just because it is matching the suit; but I like the colour, thinking it would go well with my light complexion. Of course she had painted my lips with this colour. However, she had chosen a silver-metallic for my eye-shadows and a glossy metallic black mascara for me. Not that I am about to complain. After she had given me the complete second massage, leaving the lubrication to settle and congeal, she is bending over; planting her lips on mine in a gentle and teasing kiss. “Ooh!” I mouth, still excited; after the tease she had offered me, before she had extended the second and third full-body massage to me. The time she had spent massaging me, had not been enough for the excitement to subside; I am still excited, feeling wet. While the kiss had lasted a second; maybe two, or three; she withdraws from my face, taking a step back. The next time, I feel her lips on my orchid, slowly parting her lips slightly, before her tongue slides out. While I am already excited, and the kiss is exciting me even more; even if it may have been a distraction, or intended to lead me in the desired direction. I enjoy the sensation of her tongue, slipping over the petals of my orchid; with the lubrication coating the petals, and her tongue slippery and wet. The tip of her tongue is playing gently, over the petals of my orchid; stimulating and exciting me, in the process. “Oh, oh, oh..” I mouth, but my lips are remaining sealed shut; causing me to experience a cold electric chill moving the entire length of my spine as it slowly dawns upon me that I can’t even part my lips. Yes, the excitement she had already exited is holding me in a firm grip; turning the fright into excitement, leaving me to realize it is exciting me. Not just the way she is lapping at the petals of my orchid and the lubrication she had coated me with. Not just how I am coated and covered with the lubrication, that is leaving me slippery and wet inside and out; but also how she is holding me and how she is scarring me. The scare is in fact exciting me beyond my wildest dreams and fantasies. “Lubrication is supposed to be slippery, and wet; now is the time to let you in on the secret, of just how slippery it could be!” she explains. “Oh..” I mouth, between tightly sealed lips, coated and covered with the specific lubrication I had just mentioned. “Exactly..” she offers, as I am leaning down over me; placing her lips lightly onto her, slowly pressing down and parts her lips slightly. Just because the gel lubricating my entire body; is sealing my mouth, orchid and rump does not mean that it prevents her from what she apparently had in mind for me. The realization is proving to be a scary shock; only exciting me all the more, in my current situation. As she is parting her lips, I soon realize she is parting my lips as an inevitable consequence; leaving me open to her, my mouth openly and freely accessible to enjoy at her leisure at she pleases. Naturally, she is taking her time, as she is parting her lips; before her tongue is slipping out between her lips, sliding in between my parted lips. As she is slipping her tongue in between my lips, sealed by the applied lubrication; I feel her tongue sliding over the surface of my lips, slippery and wet. As her tongue is slipping into my mouth, her lips momentarily relax, before she starts pressing down to put in emphasis; and she is sliding her tongue in further and further as her tongue is lolling in and out while moving further and further inside. With each time her tongue is slipping in, I feel myself growing more and more wet; with each time her tongue starts to retract, I find my contraction growing more and more pronounced. As my lips grow tighter, around her tongue; her stimulation only excites me more with each time her tongue moves in and out, in and out. With eyes closed, sealed tight by the lubricating gel coating and covering me; my eyelids relaxing more and more as my eyes remain closed. I picture her warm and loving smile, as she is enjoying to tease me with her attentive action. While I am excited, experiencing an orgasmic contraction each second; I have no idea, how the kiss could be more exciting, driving and spurring me on further and further. I feel her tongue, as it is lolling in and out, in and out; further and further inside my mouth and soon even going as far as in inch down my throat. After about ten minutes I am jolted, in shock; as the contraction of my lips is slipping into what could only be an orgasm. Her hands, gently but firmly on my waist and pressing down against my hips; holding me squarely and firmly into place under her, while I am oblivious of it. She had broken of, after ten minutes the first time; as she had driven me to the orgasm; but this time, she continues for an entire hour. She only slows down and break off after an hour; her tongue lolling in and out slower and slower until she is stopping, as the tongue had slipped out of my mouth. Now she is slowly pushing herself up; stepping off of the bed, with me still staying where I lay. Orgasmic, I am not aware of what is happening around myself and my body; utterly oblivious, of anything other than the orgasms pulling my attention with each consecutive contraction. At the level of excitement I am experiencing; I am incapable of breaking of, or raising enough focus on anything outside the layer of lubricant sealing me in. My breathing coming hard and fast, my heart pounding hard and fast; maintaining me, for as long as it could. . I had noticed a rice of joy, from within the hive’s net-work. The sense was starting to rice, at the first of Miss Pet Maid’s first orgasm; but started to increase; mounting just as she had ascended to the orgasmic state. Of course, the girl will stay trapped in this state for the intended twenty four hours; such as stipulated, to be safe for the girl. Naturally, I had sensed the approval of my Queen: Chrysalis; from the moment the girl had ascended into her orgasmic state. With this in mind, I am relishing her attention, this would be valuable, in my future. Considering the amount of Love I am harvesting from this particular girl: Miss Pet Maid, it is understandable to say the least. Why this girl had chosen to sign in under such an obvious name, I have no idea; I am not speculating, but it is something I will be musing upon for time to come. Is it a sign, of who she is and her reasons for taking in; I have no idea, but it is still a tel-tale and amusing to me no end. The name had been too obvious, as something she must have been hiding from the public eye and her acquaintances and friends for a good long while; maybe fate had taken her here, to give her an outlet for what had been hidden within her under the surface. For now, I will be keeping a watchful eye on her; I will be staying in her room, but other than that I have no outstanding obligations, for the duration. However, I will be calling upon an aide; relieving myself, upon her to be able to perform my job and duty with maximum efficiency throughout this process. While she will be missing a day, but she is not likely to complain; maybe she will even return to us, after she has been enjoying herself here with me. With little to nothing better to do, I can permit my mind to wander; to ponder the situation, contemplating my next move. There had never been a need, just that there is no need for a physical contact for the transfer; and there will never be such a need, to develop in the future. The distance within the suite should be close enough. The aide is opening the door, under the guise of tidying up, in the manner of cleaning the rooms. Such had been expected, from a hotel of the standing of Twilight Inn. Just like all the other workers or employees, she is looking exactly the same; while the uniform she is wearing is a metallic copper red, in place of the colour signifying her station. The door to the suite had closed behind her, as she had stepped into the cloaking room; performing her duty and clean the floor, while staying without the confines of the suite and thus facilitating the transfer of love. In the process, she is relieving me of all the excess love, so that I can continue to soak up all the love Pet Maid is exuding. I don’t need to hear her, or see her; so long as I know she is performing, and I can feel her carrying all the Love out of the room. Once she had relieved me, of all the Love; she is stepping out the door, returning to the sub-levels and delivers the prize. The seconds, minutes and hours are passing me by; the only interruption being the aide entering the room to relieve me. Just like the first time; she is stepping out, once she had completed the task before her. She is only returning, when I am calling for her; just in time, before my store is too full for me to efficiently absorb the Love. . “Excellent, excellent..” Chrysalis snickers, where she is sitting comfortably on her throne, as the news of the ascending girl is reaching her. “This is a most welcome boon for my hive, one I had not been expecting!” she ponders, gleefully. “She had promised me, our Hive would flourish; but nothing she had said, could have prepared me for this..” she mouths, in awe. Everything required, for the venture; had been readily available to my drones, and are quite cheap to produce. The material is easy to come by; and fairly simple to handle and manipulate towards the goal, after all. . In Ponyville, the premier Party Pony promptly plops down; just before the doozy is hitting home, and all the signs are flashing madly. “Ooh, ooh, ooh..” Pinkie exclaims; “This is a Doozy..” she then continues. While she had managed to plop down into the seat, but the throne could by no means contain her rump or hold her into place. “You know; she will not appreciate you plopping in, to say hello?” Twilight inquires. “Yes, Twilly..” Pinkie points out; “So I will just have to send her a double surprise...” she points out; “No Pony included!” she then points out. With that, she is slapping the sticker; “No Pony Included” onto the package. It is just a brightly coloured paper box, such as one may find pastries in; when one is taking them home from the bakery or cafe. For a moment, she is seen poking the air before her with her right hoof, and the air suspiciously buckling under her probings; before the tear appears before her, before she promptly slips the package through. Once the package had been delivered, deposited onto a table on sub-level twenty-one; she is zipping up the rift behind herself, thus leaving no sign of her ever being there. “There, that should do it..” Pinkie declares, before the party canon goes of and the air is sprinkled with confetti in every colour imaginable and a few others just for good measure. The less said about the confetti, the better. With the delivery out of the way, she pokes her mane; pulling out a package of fresh cupcakes, placing the package onto the table. “Help yourselves.” she declares, offering her friends something a little to snack on, something impossibly sweet and delicious. “Thank you, Pinkie..” Twilight exclaims, as she is picking up the cupcake in her magical aura; looking at the highly saturated lavender icing for a moment, before she is taking the first tentative nibble. “Ooh, sweet..” she just muses, as she continues to nibble on the sweet pastry before her. . A raggedly tired Changeling is stepping into the room on sub-level twenty-one and the door is closing behind her, and she is casting an eye on the previously empty table. Before her eyes, the fabric of reality is ripping and a pink cardboard box is deposited on the middle of the table. She gasps; “and here I had thought, I had managed to survive the day?” Only as she is uttering the words, the pink top is floating off of the box; revealing the hidden contents. Naturally, the rift in her reality had already closed as if she had been at home; where such rifts in a wall could heal itself naturally with little to no effort. While she is eyeing the content of the gifted box, confetti is exploding into the air and she once more gasps in horror. “No Pony Included” she reads, as the label helpfully slides into view, as the top of the box is finding rest onto the table before her. While the hue of the pastry itself is a luxuriously rich, golden brown; the glazing is a glossy, rubbery pink true to Pinkie Pie herself as the Pony who baked and offers the treat before the Changeling. Maybe it is the exhaustion, taking a toll on her caution; or it is the sweet scent, assaulting her senses? Either way, she soon throws caution to the wind and picks up one of the wonderful, warm and inviting pastries offered to her and her sisters; taking a bite, only to feel the Love slowly flow down her throat. Now, she continues to nibble the offered treat. While she is nibbling on the baked treat; the senses are seeping out onto the Hive-mind’s internal network; spreading the news to every Changeling in the building. A few of the more tired sisters soon find themselves on their way towards the table, navigating towards the offered treat; none dares to resist the call, seeking out the promised treasure. “I-, I-, I- could not resist..” she mumbles, as she is noticing the first of her sisters stepping into the room. “I could not exactly blame you..” her sister intones, dreamily eyeing the treat on the table. Since she is new to the room, she carefully levitates one of the cupcakes out of the box; “Pup-Cake” she is musing. More of the sisters are following suit, entering the room one by one; each with a dreamy aura and look in their eyes, as they enter the room, now perfectly saturated with the sweetness on the table. Holding the cupcake, licking the surface of the pink icing; shuddering, as they carefully enjoy the taste of the offering. Pup-Cake, is the Changelings name for a special cupcake containing or freely giving off Love, just by licking it or being close to it in the same room. A strange concept, to an older generation of the Changeling; but a concept the newer generations of younger changelings are forced to accept, and get used to in their new situation. Who knew? Chrysalis, Queen Chrysalis certainly did not. How could she have known, who would break the news to her? In her former authoritarian stance; none dared to approach her, in order to explain something new and unfamiliar. Who could have suspected, or expected? What had not yet been revealed, is how that internal love maintain some manner of preservation field around the entire pastry; keeping it fresh, aside from exuding Love to whomever happen to stand within its field of influence. What caused this, how it was generated, or who was responsible; none knew, none is the wiser and none is asking questions. “Don’t question a gift Horse” as the saying goes. Once it had been tested, confirmed; licking the icing had become the favoured means to enjoy the Pup-Cake. Who had gotten the idea, or why; soon had been forgotten, if anyone ever had truly known it in the first place. It had been a non issue. You don’t ask; if you don’t want to know, if you don’t brave to find the answer. One by one, each Changeling is picking up a Pup-Cake; licking the icing, before trotting out to their room and depositing it onto the night-stand. The Pup-Cake, revered and treasured; prayed to, as if it had been a household deity. The prayers had been said, only in the privacy of the room; in the dead of night, when none were to learn of it. If the pastries had run out, it had been expected; but all the still exhausted Changelings had failed to notice or realize it, at the time. Each picking just one of these delicious treats, licking it for a few minutes; before quickly and hastily sneaking off to their own room, depositing the Pup-Cake on their night stands. Once the treasure had been rescued; they could safely return to work, reinvigorated. Thus their moment out of action was never noticed. Maybe there had just been too dire a shortage of workers, to put in the effort of checking? Either way; any changeling had to step in, taking the next assignment. With the only exception, being the special assignments relaying on intimate compatibility with a guest. You can’t afford to give anything less than the optimum service in this department. Or, so it had been reasoned. --- --- --- > Out of the Closet: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . The last Aide had just slipped out of the room, as the time is running out. The stipulated twenty-four hours are about to run out, in just a few more minutes; so I am walking up to Miss Maid, as I am counting down the minutes and seconds. Just as the last second is out, I reach down and extract the tube from her belly button; the coating of lubrication retreats and she is no longer sealed up. As the last remnant of the lubricating gel is leaving her body, she is starting to come to; just as if she had been waking up, but still in her orgasmic state. I can see her body convulsing with each consecutive orgasm, for a few minutes, before she finally achieves her climax and starts to regain her focus. “Uhh..” she sighs, as her lips are parting. A moment later, she is falling asleep, promptly as she is losing consciousness after the exhaustion she is suffering in the process. With that, I am stepping out; leaving her to sleep it of, while she is still basking in the afterglow of her experience. . I wake up, in my bed; still exhausted, but with a warmth and still excited. “She did not put anything on, yesterday?” I ponder; as I realize I am stark naked, where I am lying in my bed. Of course, the bed would be only too easy to clean up; just as I just need a shower, and I would be clean. I slip my right hand out, from under the crystal-clear quilt covering my body; momentarily holding it up before my eyes, looking curiously at my hand. Something is off in an odd manner, I can not quite put a finger onto; so I just opt to folding the quilt up, up against the wall. Sliding my feet out from under the quilt, sitting up onto the bed; sliding out of the bed, only to stand up with the thump of my feet hitting the floor as I am standing up on the floor in my room. “Even in the sparse light, the skin of my hand had had a strange glossy sheen to it..” I ponder; “almost, almost as if my hand had been rubber, or something to the effect?” I consider, giggling at the absurdity of the mere notion. Still, there is a sheen of artifice to my skin; and not just my hand, either. I can’t deny it. As if it had just been the smooth and glossy surface? She had offered me a massage, the other day? Not just the one; but then she had repeated it, once and twice. As the memories are coming back to me, as I am focusing on the events since I had stepped into the suit and ordered the Room Service; I do feel more and more alert, as the moments are slipping by. Folding the quilt back down, before I am walking up to the door to my living room. I lift my right hand up, extending it gently onto the plaque; spreading my fingers as wide as comfortably possible, in order to open the door and step into my living room. While I am nude, it is not inconveniencing me at the moment; as I am stepping over to the sofa, plopping down into the seat. Of course, the door had closed behind me, quietly; but this is of no consequence, to me. “Curious..” I ponder, as my rump is hitting the smooth surface of the black Silicone. While I had been used to the slippery quality of the panties I wore the other day; but now I am stark naked, and the slipperiness insistently remains, as if I had still been wearing these panties and stockings. The room is just as warm and inviting as it had been the other day; there is nothing revealing my nudity, I could put a finger to. Since the day, or night had been taxing in the extreme; I am not all there and fully attentive, even if you don’t take the lingering afterglow into account. I have not eaten or drunk anything, in the last twenty four or twenty five hours; so I guess I can be excused for being a bit ditzy and scatterbrain, not to notice every tiny little detail right now. Sitting down, I soon open the fridge; pulling out a bottle of Sparkle Cola, before I am uncapping it and take a slow and thoughtful swig of it. I leave the cap on the table, not quite noticing the bottle of yesterday had disappeared and been replaced. This is a hotel; and I could be expecting a bit of room service, couldn’t I? The floor is just as clean, dust-free as the other day; nothing seems to be out of place, though. Now, after a moment; I lift up the bottle to my lips, taking another sip. Slowly, enjoying its content flowing down my throat. “Aaah..” I exclaim, as I enjoy the beverage, and the effect it is having upon me. The Sparkle Cola is largely just a fizzy drink with high sugar content and caffeine, aside from various elements and flavours to make it enjoyable; but it is still invigorating to me, to feel the liquid flow down my throat. Maybe the twenty or more hours had rendered my throat dry, to the point of feeling parched and dry; possibly even dusty, and thus growing uncomfortable. Swig by swig, I sip the Cola I had picked up; enjoying every drop of it, as it is washing down the dust, making me feel more and more comfortable in the process. The bottle is emptied, faster than I had been enjoying; even if I had not drunk particularly fast, or anything. I carefully put the cap on the bottle, before I pick up the second bottle; uncapping it and place the cap onto the table, before I am taking my first sip. “This..” I ponder; “is life!” I consider, content. Of course, I can not complain right now; considering the joy of my Cola, and the effect the still lingering afterglow has on my experience. Somewhere, in the middle of sipping my second bottle’s content; my brain is slowly starting to actively work, but I am still enjoying the content of the bottle to the fullest. Maybe there is something more to the Sparkle cola; than just the sugary, fizzy drink with caffeine added? I do not know, and it isn’t something I consider. Why? I am enjoying myself. “Maybe it is time, to call up some room service?” I ponder, activating the screen with the flick of a button. From there, I choose to select Aloe, from the other day; making her my default option, for my room service. While waiting, I am picking up a third bottle of Sparkle Cola; as I had capped the now empty bottle, before I am uncapping it. I raise the bottle to my mouth, enjoying a large sip. . Miss Maid had requested me, to serve her breakfast, or is it lunch now? Either way, she had requested my presence; with that, I had taken the elevator up to her floor. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, from my hooves; as I am trotting the short distance between the elevator, and the door to her suite. I open the door and step in, the door is closing behind me quietly; I continue over to the next door, opening it and enter her living room. She is sitting in the center seat of her sofa with a bottle of Sparkle cola in hand. “Greetings, Miss Pet Maid!” I exclaim, as I am approaching her with the trolley before me. “Greetings, Aloe!” she responds; “Thank you, for the prompt response!” she adds, while I am stepping up to the table, placing her buffet onto the table before her. “You are quite welcome, Pet..” I respond, tentatively, using only her preferred first name. Since she had chosen me, to perform the services; opting to select me as her default maid, I choose to see it as appropriate to use a more familiar format of addressing her. While she is eating, I pick up the empty bottles, standing idly on the table; slipping in new bottles, to replace the empty bottles she had been enjoying. In this context, under the current circumstances; I chose to make it into an extended Brunch, permitting the two to compliment one another in her situation. Watching her, enjoying her meal; is satisfying, to me. However, her meal will be concluded, the moment coming to a satisfying end; as I collect the dishes, placing them back onto the trolley. My aide will take care of the trolley, while I am tending to Pet. No need to worry, over that now. “Since the meal is concluded; maybe you would enjoy trying on some day-wear, or exploring yourself for a moment?” I incite her, with a suggestion. “Yes..” she responds; “yes, yes, yes..” she continues, in overt excitement; “but..” she ponder; “why didn’t I think of that?” she considers. “Can I hold your braid, please?” she inquires; “Yes, but of course..” I respond; “by all means, please do!” I conclude, handing her the end of my braid, watching her as she is accepting it. As she is holding on to my braid, I start walking to the door to her bed room; only stopping, in order to open the door. I lift up my right hand, extending the palm onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide, in order to open the door. I step into the room, with Pet in tow; the door quietly sliding shut, just as she had stepped over the threshold. As the door is closing, I walk up to the second wardrobe, containing her day-wear; stopping, opening the door and gesturing for her to step forth. I watch her, as she takes the final steps up to the now open wardrobe; presenting her with the clothes, of the day. “Oh..” she gasps; “Oh, oh, oh..” she exclaims, in excitement; scanning the content before her, as she is examining the options before her. “While I extract a pair of fitting panties; I would like you to take a moment, exploring yourself..” I offer, while I am extracting the pair of skin-tone panties for her; “these should be just right, for you today!” I then conclude. “Oh, oh..” she responds, with a curious look on her face; “but, of course!” she concludes, as her right hand moves up to her mound. I watch her, intently; as her fingers are caressing her mound, the petals of her orchid and incidentally slip in; before she had even realized what she was doing, or had the chance to stop herself. “Oh, oh, oh..” she gasps; as it is sinking in, what she had just done; before she had even realized, what she was doing. “My mound, so large; slippery and wet?” she ponders. “But, what had you been expecting; you chose an E Cup, after all?” I query. “Uh, wait..” she responds; “You mean to say, that I chose to make my mound; like this?” she then inquires, incredulously. “If you chose the E Cup, and you obviously did do that; so, that is..” I offer. “Uhm..” I snicker; “just relax..” I suggest; ”you don’t want to excite yourself too much, before you have explored yourself, not to mention put on the new day-wear ensemble!” I offer. “What if you were to explore your rear, too?” I inquire; she gulps; but then; “I have to let go of your braid, too?” she continues. I feel my braid swing back, swishing along my back; as she had let go of it, before her hand is moving over to her rump. She hesitantly caress the skin, of her rump; her fingers slowly moving closer and closer. “My skin; so soft and smooth, almost like a doll..” she intones; “but warm..” she then adds, as an observation. “I would hope so..” I offer; “Hot..” she then corrects herself, her eyes going wide. “If you place the tip of your free index-finger just under your tail and let your fingers slide down the valley to the edge of your mound; then slide up, adding just a bit of pressure; then slide your fingers down and up adding a measure of pressure with each passing slide?” I coo; ”oh..” she mouth, as she is placing the tip of the finger where I had suggested, then following the suggestion, slowly. “My Tail?” she ponder; “It is a tail, your tail; even if it is too short, to pierce your skin!” I explain, with a snicker; “Oh..” she responds, as it starts to make sense to her. “Exactly..” I respond; “Ecellent, excellent..” I ponder, snickering. “Oh, oh..” she mouths; “so slippery, and tight..” she then adds, with each passing over the entrance to the orifice. “Just the way, you like it..” I coo; “don’t you?” I then inquire. “Yes..” she responds; “yes, yes, yes..” she mouths; “But..” she starts; "but, but.. I’m growing tighter; with each passing..” she then observes, mouthing the realization, with awe on her voice. “Delicious..” I offer; “Isn’t it?” I then add, cooing. “Oh, oh..” she mouths in response; “Yes, yes, yes; it is..” she continues, in excitement. “Oups..” I ponder; “I distracted her, from pulling out her right hand?” I consider, with a snicker. I observe her, with growing excitement; noticing a smile spreading out over her face, as she continues. “Wait, this would be just about the right time..” I ponder; “Could you give me your right hand; for just a moment, please?” I coo, in delighted excitement. “Of course!” she ponders; as she is motioning to pull out her preferred hand to me; only to stop halfway, as her hand refuses to come out. “Uhm..” she tries to say, no sound coming over her now tight pressed lips; “but, but..” she continues; “I can’t pull out my hand..” she realizes; “and now, I can’t even part my lips; enough to voice my words, intents or thoughts?” she considers; as the ploy slowly is dawning upon her, where she stands before me, as I am observing her. “Exciting?” I inquire, as I observe the expression on her face. “Let me help you..” I offer, as I push the left hand in; before she had the time to realize what I am doing. “Oh..” I coo; lifting my right hand up to her face with the index-finger extended, placing the tip of the finger on her lower lip and gently pressing it down. “Uh, uh, uh, uuh..” she tries through tight lips; eyes wide in shock and growing excitement. “Just..” I coo; “one more push!” I offer, as I press the tip of my index-finger onto her lower lip; feeling it contracting further, in the process. With that, I withdraw one step and pull my hand away; before I produce an oral membrane tube. I place the tube onto the tip of the right index-finger; pressing the finger in between her lips, permitting her to experience it sliding in between her lips and into her mouth. Once the tube is inserted, I watch her and the expressions on her face. She is experiencing the tube sliding into her mouth; as it is coating not just her lips but also the inside of her mouth, her tongue and down the entire length of her throat; while leaving her able to breathe just as freely as before. Her lips are remaining just as tightly contracted, pressed together; but there is a sign, the tube had reached all the way down. I produce the lip-liner intended to bond the oral tube onto her lips and into her mouth; drawing the line along the upper lip from the right to the left, and along the lower lip from the left to the right. Once I am completing the circuit, the bond is in effect; not just bonding the membrane to her flesh, but also blending it into the flesh of her mouth, her tongue and her throat. I put the lip-liner aside, before I produce the metallic bloody red lip-gloss; presenting it to her, before I apply it in the same manner I had applied it the previous day. In effect, leaving her lips slippery, smooth and exceedingly wet with an oily sheen to them and an equally oily slipperiness. “There, I pronounce, confirming the action and the result incurred, before I put the lip-gloss aside. I pick up the lip-liner, turning it around; before I repeat the process of drawing a line along the outer rim of her lips once over. Once, twice and thrice; only breaking off, in order for her to experience this on her own, before I start over. Once I had put the lip-liner aside, the bond had been reinforced thrice; I lift my right hand and extend my index-finger, placing the tip on her lower lip and press down gently, only to slide the tip in an inch, two inches and three before I pull back. “Focus on gently parting your lips and open your mouth, slowly; don’t push it, and you will still be mute for the time being!” I point out. “Just relax..” I offer; “and you will have your lips parted, soon enough!” I offer, as I am reaching for the wrist of her right hand; slipping in two fingers of my right and left hand respectively from each side, spreading her open and stretching her enough for her hand to slide out. “Oh, oh..” Pet mouths, inwardly. I pull my fingers out of her, once her hand is out; before I lift my hand with an extended index-finger, gently placing the tip of the finger on the lower rim of her orchid and press down gently. Just as I had told her, about how she will be mute while the tube is in her mouth; she is, but it does not discourage her from the exercise to part her lips ever so slowly and gently. While she is occupied with the exercise, I provoke her orchid to contract; before I finally insert her vaginal tube, as I deem her tight enough for what I had in mind. Once the tube is sliding in, I observe her; bonding the tube into place, as it had slipped all the way in and is coating her all the way in, to the bottom of her womb. Once the vaginal tube has been bonded into her orchid, I apply a special vaginal lubrication; before I reinforce the bond, with the lip-liner: once, twice and thrice. Incidentally, this will leave her perpetually wet and slippery, of course; leaving her with a ceaseless excitement, provoked by both touch and focus. What I had never told her, is how this process of bonding the tube into her is making her ultra-tight; something she will have to realize soon enough, for her to explore. I watch her, for a moment longer; as I had finished the process of bonding the vaginal tube into her, before I tentatively pace the tip of my index finger on the lower edge of her orchid; applying a gentle pressure and rub her for half a moment before I pull back. Once I had stepped back, I sidestep her and walk around her; placing two fingers on the right and left side of her anal orifice; sliding in my fingers, before I slowly and carefully spread her enough for her left hand to slide out. I continue to spread her, for but a minute; just to give her that special sensation of being open and vulnerable. As I let go, her orifice is imploding with a squeaking wet noise. I lift up my right hand, extending the index-finger; placing it onto the lower side of the rim of her anal orifice. With a moment of applied pressure and teasing rubbing; I make sure she is as tight as I had intended, before I pull back and insert her anal membrane tube. With the final tube inserted, I apply the lip-liner; drawing a line along the outer rim of the tube, bonding the tube into her orifice, as I finally close the circuit. Now I apply gel-lubrication to the inside of her anal tube; before I reaffirm the bond by drawing a new line along it’s outer rim, thus reinforcing the bond: once, twice and thrice. Not only does this make her deliciously tight and wet, it also leaves her highly elastic to the point I can play with her like a Toy; without worrying about hurting her, in the process. While she is not aware of it, but I can feel her emotions confirming what I had in mind for her; will indeed be enjoyable, for her too. Since I had prepared her, by inserting the membrane-tubes into her orifices; I extend my right hand, presenting her with the promised panties. “Smooth Silicon, utter gloss and skin-tone; ultra-elastic and skin-tight?” she is mouthing, inquisitively; trying her best to convey what she had been hoping under the current impediment she is under. “Exactly..” I just coo, indicating for her to try them on. She is lifting her right hand up towards me, extending it in order to accept the offered garment; before she is stepping into the panties left and right, pulling it all the way up. With a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; she is assuring the perfect fit. Once she had put the panties on, she is caressing the smooth material of her panties; just to confirm that she is actually wearing them, while she is familiarizing herself with wearing them. Looking down, noting that the glistering surface is giving them away; just as the slippery smoothness of the silicon is the only difference from her skin. “If they had not been so glossy, I would never have seen them; but if they had not been so smooth, I would not know where the border between the panties and my skin is!” she ponders, in delight; even as this is scaring her and leaving her excited, because of it. I had been standing before her, as she is putting the panties on; while she was putting them on, I am extracting the top matching her panties and what she had been wearing before. Once she had confirmed that the panties are on, fitting just right; I offer her the top and she is extending her right hand, accepting the preferred garment. Now I am watching her, as she is slipping the garment down over her head; pulling it all the way down, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. “Beautiful..” I exclaim; causing her to smile warmly, in obvious appreciation. “Thank you, Aloe!” she mouths. “You are quite welcome, my dear Pet!” I respond, smiling back; extracting a pair of full-length toe-stockings for her, offering them for her to try on. She is accepting the stockings, picking the right one; lifting the foot, slipping it into the stocking: Then she is sliding the foot down, pulling the stocking all the way up to the rim of her panties, only to put the foot down onto the floor. Now she is repeating the process; only to afford her stockings a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. I extract a pair of full-length gloves, matching what she wore last night and her current ensemble; extending my right hand, offering her the gloves. She is accepting the gloves; slipping her right hand into the glove, pulling it all the way up to her armpit. Once she had slipped on her left glove too; she is affording the gloves a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. Once she had put the gloves on, I step aside to reveal the full-length mirror behind me; so that she can see her reflection, permitting her to see how she is looking while wearing the new skin-tone ensemble. “Oh, oh, oh..” she mouths, soundlessly; as she is watching her reflection. “If you step over to your bed, and lay down on your belly; I have a surprise, for you to experience.” I coo; watching her follow the suggestion to the letter, after she had nodded ascent. “Thank you, thank you, thank you..” she is mouthing, as she is stepping over to her bed; before she is laying down, comfortably resting and relaxing. I follow her over to the bed, after I had closed the wardrobe behind us; reaching down to her feet right and left respectively. As I had reached her feet, I extend my long and index-finger respectively; pressing them down gently between the three largest toes, sliding my fingers along the souls of her feet all the way up over her heels. “How did that feel?” I inquire. “Curious..” she merely responds, silently mouthing the word. “One small item, before I can tell her to sit up; she would appreciate it, if I were to apply the clear protective gel onto the souls of her feet right now!” I ponder; snickering at the notion and the effect is will be having upon her, from now on. While she is still resting comfortably on her belly, I am producing the can of gel I had in mind for her; “I hope; you will not mind, if I were to offer you a foot massage?” I inquire, as I am uncapping the can of gel. “Oh, not at all..” she is mouthing, nodding her consent; “as a matter of fact; I am sure, I will love it!” she concludes. With that, I am scooping up the gel in my right hand; spreading it out over the palms of my hands, as I am rubbing them together and warming up the gel in the process. Once the gel is warm, I start caressing it in over the soul of her right foot; starting from her heel and work my way down, all the way down to her toes. Naturally, I am not neglecting her toes; but give these all the attention, to watch her the soul of her foot coated with the gel soon saturating and congealing in the process. With the entire soul of her right foot tended to; I am repeating the process, massaging her left foot as well. Once the gel is saturating the skin of the soul of her foot; it is working its magic, resetting the foot to the given posture. Of course, the gel had been applied not just to the heel and the soul of the foot itself; but also the full-length of each of her toes, all the way down to the nail of the respective toes. “Now I need you to sit up onto your bed, before you can stand up before me!” I explain. “Oh, oh; okay!” she merely responds; turning around before she is sitting up, onto her bed. At first, she does not even notice or realize the change I and incurred onto her feet. She is pushing herself off of the bed in order to stand up; finding herself standing up with a squeaking wet thud as the tip of her toes are hitting the floor. “I take it, you did read the labels of your garments, yesterday..” I point out, as I am standing before her; where she is standing before her bed, even if she is standing on the tips of her toes and not on her feet now. “Yes, I did..” she mouths, nodding confirmation; “and each of the garments was made by a Rarity; whomever she may be?” she then continues. “Am I correct, in assuming you chose the B Cup for your Brassiere?” I inquire; “Yes!” she mouths, once more nodding confirmation. “But..” I push forth; “were you aware, of the stockings being labeled Ballerina?” I inquire. “Yes..” she responds, once more nodding; “but, what does it mean?” she inquires; “I had no idea, I did not realize; it was of any consequence, beyond a design feature!” she offers. “A Ballerina is graceful!” I offer; “Besides, in style; she is gracefully on the tip of her toes, tip-toeing on stage, before a large crowd!” I explain. “Oh, okay..” she mouths; “now it starts to make sense..” she continues. I am capping the gel, I had used to cares the souls of her feet; protecting the souls of her feet and resetting them, into this posture as a Ballerina. Once I had capped the can, I put it away, before I am producing a small can of crystal-clear gel; intended for the palms of her hands, offering her to use it as hand-cream, once I had uncapped it before her. “Oh, okay..” she responds, nodding as she is accepting the offer; “Thank you, Aloe!” she adds, scooping up the gel with her right hand. “Just rub it in, and make sure it is covering the entire palm of your hands; all the way out to your fingertips and preferably between your fingers too!” I offer, watching her complying. The gel is leaving a glossy surface, where it is worked in; a millimeter or so thick, as it is saturating the skin of the palms of her hands. Once cured, the gel is leaving her with a smooth surface. “Would you like to hold my braid?” I inquire, inciting her to try it out. “Yes, please!” she responds, quietly mouthing the words; accepting the offer, gripping the tip of my braid in a gentle grip. “There, just hold on and follow me out into the living room!” I offer; as I am stepping up to the door, once I had capped the can and placed it onto her night stand. “Oh, okay!” she is mouthing, as she is watching me stepping up to the door. Now I raise my right hand, extending the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers wide, opening the door and step into the living room with Pet in tow. The door quietly slide shut behind her, as I walk up to the table before the sofa, indicating for her to sit down in her preferred seat. “Could you by chance tighten the grip a little bit more, a bit tighter, tighter, tighter and tighter still? I offer her, she just nods as she complies. “There, how does that feel?” I inquire; “Oh, oh..” she mouths, in a giddy tone; excitement slowly creeping into her expression. “Now, if you could be so kind as to place your feet onto the table before you?” I inquire, sliding the table into a comfortable position; watching her comply, even if she makes a curious expression. “Good, good!” I observe, as she is nodding; "Now, I have noticed how you appreciate the metallic bloody red garments and lip-gloss since the day before..” I just observe casually, watching her nod in confirmation. “How about; if I were to paint your toe-nails in your preferred, or favourite red hue?” I inquire. “Yes, yes, yes..” she mouths eagerly in rising excitement; “Please do..” she continues; “Thank you, thank you, thank you; Aloe!” she concludes. Since the stockings she is wearing still are sporting her fairly natural looking nails, aside from how the skin-tone silicone apparently leaves her accepting the offer; under an assumption of being nude, or if she is assuming I can still paint the nails of her stockings. “Okay, here goes..” I offer; producing the crystal-clear, mate primer for the lacquer I had in mind for her. She just nods, absentmindedly; the tip of my braid, still in the grasp of her right hand. I uncap the vial, applying the gel onto her toes from the biggest to the smallest; starting at the middle, from the root of the nail and drawing it all the way down over the edge of the nail. From there, I continue right and left, right and left. Once I had finished the toes of her right foot, I continue; repeating the process, with the toes of her left foot. Only to cap the vial, as I had finished the last nail. Now I am uncapping the base-coat vial; repeating the process, exactly as I had applied the primer, a mere moment before. While the primer is preparing the nail, for the base-coat to take hold; the base-coat is a clear layer, to protect the nail and lending a smooth surface for the coloured lacquer. Once the clear base-coat had cured, I apply a layer of the metallic bloody red lacquer; lending the nails on each of her toes the preferred hue. I wait, for the coloured lacquer to cure; while I am capping the first vial and uncapping the next, repeating the process of applying the adamant protective and utter gloss top-coat to finish the process. Only capping the final vial, as I had finally finished the process. Of course, this will leave the nails of each of her toes a beautiful, glossy metallic bloody red to stand out against her rubbery skin. “Just relax..” I suggest, as I finish my work; “Maybe have a bottle of Cola?” I continue. “Of course..” she is mouthing, in response; “yes, I guess I could do that?” she then adds, lifting her right hand to pick up the bottle. “Uh, oh?” she mouths, in surprise; noticing her hand still holding onto the tip of my braid. She just giggles, at the silly situation in surprise; I snicker, with her. “You do have a left hand, too?” I inquire. “Oh, but of course; how silly of me!” she puts forth; while holding onto my braid in her right hand. She manages to open the cover, extract the bottle and uncap it with her left hand; lifting the bottle to her mouth, taking a good sip of Cola. As much as she may have tries to relax; the fingers of her hands maintains the grip, rather than relaxing. “While you relax, and enjoy your Cola; I have another gift for you, if you don’t mind?” I inquire; “In case you admire my hooves, how about if I were to offer you a pair of your own?” I continue. She had managed to slip enough of the tip of the bottle in between her lips; in order to safely take a sip of the cool beverage, without even realizing it. Of course, the exercise had helped; making her capable of parting her lips, even if she still does remain perfectly mute. She just nods, after she had pulled the bottle from her lips. “Good, then you shall have them..” I offer; “But, since you are busy with the bottle; I can help you, trying them on!” I suggest. She is nodding. I produce a pair of Cervine hooves in the form of a pair of shoes; matching her feet, in her current situation. Without missing a beat, I slip the right shoe onto her foot, then repeat the process of slipping her left shoe onto the other foot. While she is relaxing, I produce her crystal-clear lip-liner; applying a line along the border of her right and left shoe in turn, thus bonding the shoes onto her feet. Before she had even realized it; I apply the reinforcement: once, twice and thrice. “There, I hope these are to your likings and comfortable for you!” I point out, making her aware of the change I had extended to her. She just nods, giggling quietly in delight; momentarily looking up, looking at the hooves. I produce a crystal clear, utter-gloss glittery gel-bond intended for her hooves; applying the gel in the same manner, I had painted all her toes-nails earlier today. Even if the delicate, cloven Deer hooves are complicating it a bit; but I did manage to apply the lacquer perfectly coating and covering both her hooves as intended. “This, should be some fun later; when she is trying to take these shoes off of her, at some point!” I ponder, snickering inwardly. I cap the vial of the bottle, putting it away; before I produce another vial I carefully uncap, applying its crystal-clear highly viscous silicon-gel under both the right and left halves of her right and left hooves respectively. I had effectively rendered the frog of her hooves highly elastic in the same manner I had to the souls of her feet; while making them into suction-cups with delicate suction for her to enjoy and explore. “If you have finished your Cola, I would like to suggest; that you put your hooves onto the floor and stand up..” I suggest. “Oh, oh..” she mouths; “of course!"; she responds, as she pulls her hooves down from the table and gently places her delicate hooves onto the floor, with an excited squeaking little noise. Once she had found her hoofing, she is placing the empty bottle on the table after capping it; before she is standing up, turning towards me. . “How does it feel?” Aloe inquires. “Great!” I just mouth. “Then, if it is not too much of a problem; trot out from behind the table, and out onto the middle of the floor!” she suggests. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I move over the floor; feeling the floor under my hooves, even if the sensations and experience is a bit different; from what I had been expecting, based on my previous experience. “Yes, yes..” I mouth, giggling; as I comply and soon find myself standing where she had indicated. “Now, if you could look down; examine the appearance of your new, Cervaine hooves!” she continues, and I nod. I turn around, trotting over to the table; lifting my right hoof, gently placing it onto the table. With the hoof on the table, I can clearly see the surface of the metallic bloody red hoof; glistering and glittering, with the latest applied polish she had applied, just a moment before. “So pretty..” I just mouth, in delight and excitement. “Oh, wait; let me give you a hand, adjusting the hoof for you..” she offers, as she is stepping up behind me. I notice, how she is placing the tips of her thumb and index-finger respectively, on the back of the hoof and slowly pulls her fingers to an inch from one another; “There..” she then exclaims. I lift up my right hoof, before I place it onto the floor; before I am lifting up my left hoof, placing it on the table in turn. As I am presenting my left hoof; she is repeating the process, adjusting the left hoof to comply with the delicate image of the Deer my hooves had been made to belong to. “Oh, oh..” I mouth, excitedly; “yes,- yes,- yes..” I mouth. “Now, since you like the new look; if you would take a moment to trot along the walls of the room, for practice?” she suggests. "Oh, okay..” I merely mouths, as I comply; trotting up to the nearest wall, before I continue to trot along the walls around the entire room. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I continue trotting along the walls around the room. “Cervine hooves are kind of like hands; you can spread your fingers, and you should be capable of this with just a bit of exercise while you trot..” she suggests. “Oh, oh; okay!” I mouth, nodding. With just a bit of effort, on my part; I soon manage to do, what she had suggested I could. “Just as you can grasp with your hands, you should be able to do the same with your hooves; if you just picture it in your mind, focusing on the task before you..” she points out. “Oh, oh; okay!” I mouth, nodding. With just a bit of effort, on my part; I soon manage to do, what she had suggested I could. “Now, for just a bit more fun; if you picture grasping while you close your hand, the effect should be considerably stronger..” she explains; “You may recognize this effect; from when you open the doors, by spreading your fingers?” she then suggests, as explanation to the point. “Oh?” I just mouth, recognizing the pattern. “So, the more I pull my hooves together, the stronger the grip would be?” I ponder, trying to perform the suggested action, in an exciting exercise. Of course, I soon find it working; just as Aloe had suggested, it should. “Beautiful design!”Aloe ponders; “Not just that it is hiding the intended trap; but it makes perfect sense, making it easier to use..” she considers; “and since it is so easy to learn, to grasp; it is intuitive, to the point you can use it even if you panic!” she concludes. As I am pressing my hooves together, I get an exciting squeaking noise; while I can feel the grip growing stronger and the sense of the floor intensifies and grows more pronounced. The more I practice, the better it feels. “Maybe, it is time to take a break from this exercise; possibly with a bottle of Cola in hand, resting your legs?” she offers, after a few more minutes of practice, just as I am about to reach the sofa. “Yes, you are right; maybe it is time to rest a moment, considering how confident I feel now!” I mouth. I take a few more steps forwards, plopping down in the center-seat of my sofa. “Wait, how about placing your hooves on the table, before you; while you rest and relax, for a more comfortable position?” she is offering, and I lift my hooves up, placing them onto the table before me. I open the cover, extracting a bottle of Cola; uncapping it, before I am taking a sip. “While you sit comfortably, relaxing; I have a fun exercise for you to enjoy, if you just permit me to lend a hand..” she offers. “Oh..” I respond; "What did you have in mind?” I inquire. “Just picture yourself holding on?” she inquires; “Oh, I could do that..” I respond; reflexively complying, before I had the time to even consider what she had asked of me. “Now, this should be fun..” she offers; “just lean back and relax, close your eyes..” she offers. I nod, as I lean back and close my eyes. Since my hooves are hard and adamant; I can by no means feel it as she is drawing a line, from the tip of my cloven right hoof and all the way down to the tip; only to repeat the process, effectively bonding the right and left halves of my respective hooves in the process. As the line has reached from the top to the tip, the effect is taking hold; I can no longer part the right and left halves of my hooves, as I am gripping the air under my hooves. The front of each hoof, now perfectly smooth; as if I had had a pair of Equine Pony hooves, and not the Cervine Deer hooves she had offered me. “Please, focus on the grip and pressing closing your hooves as if they were hands; but apply just a bit more pressure, slowly squeezing tighter and tighter!” she suggests. I just nod; and comply, eagerly. Without a thought, I am accepting the exercise; following the suggestions and instructions, towards the hidden goal of Aloe. While my eyes remain closed, I fail to see her turning the lip-liner or pencil around; reinforcing the bond she had applied onto my hooves. “Just a bit more, now..” she suggests, cooing; just before she is once more bringing the pencil to bare, applying a new line along the original bond. Once, twice and thrice; she is performing the reinforcement, asking me to squeezing tighter as she is applying the pencil to the bond. While the effect is hidden, and not directly apparent at the moment; this will come to the fore, the next time I am closing the hoof, right or left. “Open your hooves?” she suggests, and as I try; I soon realize, it is utterly impossible since she just bonded the right and left halves together. “Uh, uhm..” I mouth, “I can’t!” I then add. “Put some more effort into it?” she suggests, and I redouble the effort, but to no avail. She had known it, but asked me to make the point; while reinforcing the effect of her action, without explaining it up front. “Put your back into it, make your best effort; opening your hooves, and open your eyes!” she coos, instructing me; while I try my best, my hooves stubbornly remains closed. I am opening my eyes, as she had suggested; soon noticed how the respective halves had fused together perfectly, seamlessly as if they had never been cloven in the first place. While I had been trying to open my hooves, she had produced a new crystal-clear hoof polish; uncapping it, just as I am opening my eyes to examine my hooves. She applies the polish to my right hoof, starting from the middle; drawing the brush from the root of the hoof, all the way down over the tip. Continuing: right and left, right and left; until she had coated and covered the entire hoof. Once she had polished my right hoof, she is repeating the process; polishing my left hoof as well, leaving my hooves seamless and smooth with the glossy finish. “How do your hooves look, now?” she inquires. “Good, aside from no longer being cloven!” I offer. “Yes, exactly; but I can demonstrate the point, in just a moment..” she offers; only to break the bond for me, so I can open my hooves as I please. “Thank you!” I respond, with a sigh of relief. “Since the polish has cured, before I broke the bond; it is safe for you, to put your hooves back down onto the floor..” she is informing me. “Thank you..” I respond, nodding; as I put my hooves onto the floor, before me. “Now, if you walk back to the point; at the middle of the room, please!” she offers. “Oh, okay..” I respond; “I can do that..” I continue, as I walk over to the spot she had indicated. “There, perfect..” she coos, as I am stopping on the spot. “Spread your legs, please; placing your hooves about a foot apart and at an angle of thirty degrees!” she is instructing me. “Okay?” I respond, as I try to follow the instructions as best I can. “There, there, perfect..” she coos; as she had helped me to the exact pose. “Okay, what next?” I inquire. “Now, if you could grab the floor, please; then gently close your hooves, while you continue to grab the floor as firmly as you are able..” she suggests, and I comply without a thought. “There, close your hooves just a bit more, please; then apply more effort, feeling your way until you feel your hooves bond..” she coos. I nod, in ascent; complying; then feeling how my hooves bond, at which point I can no longer let go since my hooves are closed. The bond slowly taking hold, beyond the point; where I could break it, by myself. At this point, she is standing behind me; lifting her hands, with her index-fingers extended. I feel the tips of her index-fingers touching the corner of my mouth; just a moment before she starts sliding her hands further and further apart, thus opening my mouth and effectively dilating it in the process. Slowly, inch by inch; I feel my mouth dilate, incapable of resisting or doing anything about it with my hooves on the floor. I soon feel my jaws strain, as she is dilating my mouth as far as possible; only for her to let go, leaving my mouth fully dilated. “Perfect..” she exclaims. Despite myself, I find it exciting; while she has full control over me, and I am incapable of doing anything about it. It is scaring me; but this only makes it all the more exciting, to me. “Oo-oo-ooh..” I mouth, silently; in obvious excitement, as she takes a step back, watching me. It isn’t so much that I am ashamed, which I am not; but I am scared, while I find the situation very exciting. I can try to close my mouth, as much as I want to; but no matter how much I strain myself, but it blatantly refuses, obstinately staying open and fully dilated. Just as I could try to lift my right or left hoof, respectively; putting all my strength into it, I still can not lift either of them. “Now, if you just let me help you, with this; then I know, you will enjoy what I have to offer..” she explains, as she is crouching; producing the pencil, drawing a line from the inner corner of my right hoof, all the way to the outer corner. At first, it looks as if she is just drawing a line; but as the circuit is closed, the line between the floor and my hoof is blurring. Naturally, she is repeating the process; applying the line along my left hoof, bonding it to the floor. “Lift your right hoof, about an inch?” she now urges me, a moment after she had bonded my hoof to the floor; I comply without a thought, promptly feeling a tingling sensation spreading up my hoof and all the way up to my heel. “Okay, put it down; before you lift your left hoof an inch up!” she suggests, and I comply; only to feel the tingling sensation spreading up my hoof and all the way up to my heel. As I am setting down my left hoof, she is turning the pencil and draws a line along the outer edge of the now bonded hoof; reinforcing the bond. “Lift your right hoof up an inch..” she suggests, and I comply; now I am feeling the tingling sensation continuing all the way up to my knee, before I set the hoof down. She is repeating the process, reinforcing the bond of my left hoof; “Lift your left hoof an inch up..” she offers, and I comply; only to once more feel the tingling sensation spreading all the way up to my left knee before I put the hoof down. When she had bonded my hooves to the floor; the line had been blurred, as she is reinforcing the bond, I can see the hoof and floor blend further and further with each consecutive application. I can see her reinforcing the bond: once, twice and thrice. I can’t help myself; but look down as she is drawing the line, with breathless anticipation and rapt fascination. Just as I could not make myself look away. Of course, the tingling sensation was reaching further and further up my legs; with each consecutive application, and ends up reaching all the way up to my belly button the third and final time. Now, if you could just lean forwards; placing the palms of your hands onto the floor before you, please!” she coos, and I comply; wandering, what she will be offering me next. The palms of my hands, hitting the floor with a soft and wet squeak; while I lean forwards, and my hooves still remain firmly fused onto the floor. “Now, if you just spread your fingers as wide as you can..” she suggests, and I spread my fingers; before I had the time to consider, what I am doing. “Maybe, just maybe; I am enjoying this too much, but I just can not help myself right now!” I am pondering. While I am distracted, looking away; she is producing a Pi inch thick anal plug, just ten inches long. The next moment, I feel the tip of it sliding down from just behind my tail; sliding down the valley with increasing pressure, until it is finally slipping into me. The tip is a three inch egg-shape, followed by inch deep valleys and ridges; each making me contract and dilate in turn, as I am maintaining perfectly tight contact with the surface of the plug she is inserting. At first, I had been expecting it to be lubricated and coated with a thick gel; but it is just smooth enough, to slide right in unhindered. I just feel the plug sliding in, inch by inch; as far as she is choosing to push it, and pulling it out as far as she chose to. The plug slides in, and out; in and out, in and out. She is teasing me, exciting me for as much as it is worth; just making the point, of how tight and elastic I am. Mouth wide agape, fully dilated and stretched to its limit; I soon find myself panting hard and finally gasping for air. “I thought you were enjoying that..” she now breaths; “seems I had been right, all along!” she concludes, as she is continuing to tease me. Had my hooves not been bonded and fused to the floor, my hooves would have slipped out from under me; leaving me to fall flat, on my belly. Just that this never did happen, even when my knees buckle under the exhaustion. . I am pulling the plug out of her, from behind;”No point in beating the dead Horse!” I ponder. Once I had extracted the plug, I am helping up to stand on her own two hooves; before I am leading her back to her bed, only stopping by the door. Lifting my hand, extending the palm gently onto the plaque; spreading my fingers wide, opening the door for the both of us. She is barely aware of her surroundings, in her excited and exhausted state, but I could not exactly blame her for that. Not after everything I had put her through. I am staying with her, to collect all the love she is exuding; harvesting all the love, only calling upon an aide to relieve me. I can not walk out, while she is in this state; but I can only collect her love, until I am at some eighty percent of capacity. I am content, watching Pet where she lies; while she is recuperating, from the exhaustion she had endured. . I am slowly gaining consciousness, waking up; where she had left me, laying flat on top of my bed. The room is quiet, dark; permitting me to rest, undisturbed. A thought strikes me, and I am stirring; slowly opening my closed eyes, to see the darkness surrounding me. Yet, since I do not hear anything; even the breathing of Aloe, I remain calm. As I am opening my eyes, I notice that the light comes back slowly; permitting me to see the contours of the room, noticing that I am indeed alone in the room. Being alone, does not bother me, right now; I prefer to sleep alone, unless have preferred company. Right now, I do not. Since I am alone, it is not directly startle me; I can stand to be nude, for as long as it requires to change clothes or take a shower without being bothered. My mound is still extended to the promised E Cup she had explained I had been choosing; just as my nipples still remain as large as I had preferred, in choosing the E Cup - Large. Nothing to do about it, right now. While my skin still remains the same smooth, as it had been the other day; I also feel the rubbery elasticity she had granted me with the initial massage the other day. I had been comfortable with this, the entire day; so why make a fuss out of it now, when I had not been bothered before? I smile, as I continue exploring myself; permitting my right and left hands sliding over my still bare skin. Nothing much is revealed, though I guess my hands had been changed, altered by the gloves I had been wearing the other night. The night-wear, in metallic bloody red, that is. I had loved the colour, and I still do; the entire ensemble is fitting perfectly tight as it had been. Once I had confirmed that I am where I am supposed to be, unchanged and comfortable with myself; I slide my legs down from the bed, sitting up. As I push myself off of the bed, I hear a pair of twin-thuds; as I find myself standing up on my own two feet. “Oh?” I exclaim, uncomfortable, standing on the entire, flat foot; where I had gotten used to standing on the tip of the toes or the Cervine Deer hooves before. With some effort on my part, I take a step forwards; focusing on getting back up onto the tip of my toes, before I am turning towards the wardrobe. I may be a bit wobbly and unsteady on the tips of my toes; but I manage to walk over to the wardrobe, comfortably, without any further inconvenience or accident. “That, just happened..” I breathe, hearing my own voice pronouncing every word I am speaking. “Oh..” I exclaim, in reaction to the realization. While it is a bit less comfortable than it had been the day before, tip toeing now; is still more comfortable, than walking on my entire foot. Had she changed me that deeply, in just a day; imposing the stance of the Ballerina, and lately offering me the Cervine hooves of the Deer? Just the practice, and the exciting exercise she had offered me; could it change me, this much in the short time-span of the few hours I had been exposed? Even if I had enjoyed it, and she certainly had excited me; I had been very excited, through most of the time. I could not, and should not deny it. Once I finally do reach the door, of the wardrobe; I grab the handle in my right hand, firmly. Largely, for the support it is offering me; while I consider the situation. “She had told me, the stockings were labeled Ballerina for the obvious reason; making me capable of standing on the tips of my toes, enabling the pose and posture to me!” I ponder, deep in thought; “But, how did she do it, when she enacted this for me; was it in how she drew her fingers from between my toes, up over the soul of my foot and all the way over my heel?” I consider. “Maybe, just maybe; I struck something, because I need to try that by myself!” I breathe, in stark realization; lifting up my left foot, extending my index long and ring fingers and imitate the move, gently drawing the tips of my fingers the way I pictured Aloe had done. Since I had already been on the tips of my toes, my posture does not change; as I am placing the left foot down, onto the floor. Only now, the posture is firm and does not wobble; so I am lifting up my right foot, repeating the process competently and confidently. As I am setting the right foot down, I once more find myself standing on my own two feet; on the tips of my toes, just as I had as I got out of the bed the other day. “Ah, neat!” I exclaim; “This is just so cool..”I then continue, giggling. With this out of the way, I can let go of the handle; but I take a step back, opening the wardrobe. As I had opened the wardrobe, I scan the interior for what I am looking for; something to wear, for the day. But what? While I am still comfortable, being nude in my own sweet; I still feel an urge to put something on, and I know this wardrobe is holding exactly what I am looking for. As expected, the panties I extract are labeled; “Rarity”; but on closer inspection, the subtitle reads “F Cup - Play”. “Curious, but very interesting!” I pronounce, as I am stepping into the metallic bloody red panties; pulling them all the way up, affording the garment a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. “There, feels great..” I ponder; “I am sure, I could get used to these; if only I had these back home, but I guess I could wait until later, to tend to it!” I pronounce. Of course, the panties are still skin-tight and form-fitting; but nothing changes, until I have had a full night’s sleep wearing the garment. “Silly me..” I ponder; “I just want to try something out; to confirm something, right now!” I mumble, still giggling. With that, I am extracting a top or brassiere labeled “A Cup - Teen” with a second label E Cup - Play”; slipping the garment down over my head, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever so elusive perfect fit. “Perfect fit, true to Rarity!” I ponder, with a wide grin spreading out all over my face. Just as before, the brassiere is covering the skin of my chest as if painted on; but changing exactly nothing, before I have taken the time to have a full night’s sleep. The brassiere eagerly supports my breasts, competently and comforting my firm bust; just as I had expected, based on my prior experience of the garments the hotel is offering me. I can’t complain; these are simply to good, to be true. There is a midriff, a hand’s breadth wide; between the panties and the top, just as I had been expecting. I guess I could not permit this, to bother me; considering, just how good these garments feel on me. “Midriff, such a silly little designer detail!” I ponder; knowing it is just an unavoidable and insignificant detail of my ensemble, in this case. I reach into the wardrobe, extracting a pair of full-length toe-stockings labeled; “Ballerina” and “E Level”, just ignoring the labels, out of hand. Lifting my right foot, slipping it into the stocking; feeling the inner surface sliding over my skin as I am pulling it all the way up; then my toes eagerly sliding into place, as if the stocking had been guiding them for me. As I feel my toes slipping into place, I put the foot down onto the floor; lifting my left foot up, repeating the process of putting the left stocking on. “Ooh, ooh..” I just mouth, while I feel the tight silicon sliding over my skin. Affording the stockings a few tentative tugs, is a breeze; acquiring that perfect fit, is just as easy. Standing on the tips of my toes, feels comfortable; natural, to the point I could have pictured myself being born a Ballerina. While my memories and recollections may beg to differ; but I ignore it, enjoying the feeling. If I am to put on clothes, and dress up; I could as well complete the ensemble, including a pair of gloves!” I ponder, as I am reaching into the wardrobe; extracting the desired garments, slipping my right hand into the first of the two. As I slide my hand in, I feel the tight material contract amorously around the arm; as I continue to pull the glove all the way up, and my fingers sliding into place as if they had been guided into the correct places. With my right hand in the first glove, I pick up the second glove; repeating the process, slipping the left glove on. For now, I don’t notice any difference; the glove will only work its magic, during the night as I am taking a full night’s sleep anyway. I lift up my right hand, extending the index fingers; placing the tip of the finger just under the tail, sliding it down the valley. As I slide the finger over the rim of the orifice, I find myself contracting slightly; permitting the finger sliding all the way down to the mound, before I slide my finger up along the valley. The experience is the same, as the tip of my finger gently grace the rim of my orifice; I find myself contracting further, as I slide the finger over it and all the way up to the tail. As I am repeating the process; sliding the finger up and down the valley over the rim of my orifice, I contract further with each passing. “Oh, oh; ooh; oh, oh..” I sigh; as I feel the tip of my extended index-finger slide over the rim, each time. “Curious!" I ponder. Of course, the gentle touch of the lower rim would cause me to contract; I had known it all along, since I had been experiencing this the day before. It just had not prevented me, from sliding the tip of the finger along the valley; as if I had been desiring the effect, or at the very least felt the urge to confirm that I could replicate this effect. I had confirmed it, now; finding myself enjoying it, more than I had been prepared for. If I am wearing the panties, or covered the flesh with something did change exactly nothing; I experience the effect, of the light and gentle touch all the same. With this one final gentle push, I close the rump shut; only to do one final slide over up and down, to confirm that I am indeed sealed shut. I experience the sense, of the finger sliding over the smoothness of the now sealed orifice; almost, as if it had never been there at all. Almost, just almost; but that may be a lingering effect, based on my experience of it being there, just a moment before. There is a strange, lingering sensation; connected to the closing, or sealing of my rump. Though I leave it as is, enjoying one more confirmation of what I had picked up the other day; once more turning my attention towards the wardrobe, I had been exploring. On closer inspection, I am finding what appears to be a pair of shoes, resembling the metallic bloody red Cervine Deer hooves she had me try on. I had enjoyed them, the day before; so I pick them up without hesitation, turning my back towards the wardrobe. With these shoes in hand, I am lifting up my right foot; slipping it into the shoe, experiencing a wet sucking noise as the shoe eagerly swallows my foot in the process. On closer inspection, I notice how tight the fit is; no seam between either the cloven Deer hoof and my foot, or between the shoe and my leg. This leaves me with the impression, I had been born with these graceful hooves, in the first place. Once I place my right hoof onto the floor, I lift up my left foot; repeating the process, slipping the left foot into the shoe. “Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard, as I take a step. “Maybe I should be brave, daring; explore something new, and different today?” I ponder; extracting a body-suit matching my previous choices, just with the outlines matching the colour and markings of the Fawn of a red Roe Deer. I lift up my right hoof, while I hold up the suit before me; slipping the hoof into the suit, then take a second step, pulling the suit all the way up. I insert my right and left arm, respectively; into the suit and make the suit slide into place, by lifting my arms up over my head. I feel the slippery Silicone slide over my skin, or my suit; as I raise my hands up towards the ceiling, and the suit is slipping into place. Now I reach behind my back, with my right hand, gripping the zipper, pulling it all the way up to my neck. While I still do remain standing up comfortably, maintaining my bipedal stance; but something is still changing within me, as the suit is closed by pulling the zipper up. I just can not quite put a finger, onto exactly what it may be; maybe it is my lacking experience, but I still fail to identify how and why I feel it. On a hunch, I take a step forwards; “Clip, clop..” is heard, and I stop at the rim of the wardrobe; picking up a pencil in a Fawn’s red Roe Deer pattern, momentarily holding it in my hand before my eyes as I am examining it. I draw a line along the edge of the body-suit, all the way along the line along the leg; closing the circuit, and thus sealing the suit onto me. I just repeat the process, with the other leg; before I am momentarily placing the pencil back where I had found it, pondering. For some reason, I pick up what appears to be a cervine muzzle or snout; matching the body I had just put on, bonding to my body. I hold it up, for a brief moment as I am pondering; before I am opening my mouth, pressing the muzzle onto my face and instinctively bite down. I just snicker, as I am looking for the final piece of the suit for the day; only to find a diadem matching the suit, the hooves and the muzzle and slip it down onto my head. “There..” I ponder; finding my image a bit curious, but still exciting me. Now, I am picking up the pencil once more; drawing a line along the right and left arm respectively in order, feeling the suit bonding to me. Now, I turn the pencil around; drawing a line along the right and left leg, the right and left arm; thus reinforcing the bond, integrating the Deer deeper. Repeating the process, reinforcing the bond: once, twice and thrice; satisfied with the effects of my handiwork, even before I had had the time to examine the reflection in the mirror before me. I turn around, close the door and step away from the wardrobe; “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” trotting over to the door to my living room; lifting my hand up, extending the palm of the hand gently onto the plaque. As I am spreading my fingers, the door slides up and I step out of my bed room; only for the door to slide shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. With eager steps, I am trotting over to the second seat of my cinematic sofa, plopping down comfortably. Once I sit down, I pull up the cover, of the armrest; extracting the desired beverage, a nice and cool Sparkle cola. My favourite, I had asked for it; even if I guess I never had uttered a word to the receptionist or my Mistress Aloe. With the bottle in hand, I uncap and place the cap onto the table before me; before I lift the bottle to my lips, enjoying the aromatic liquid. I take another sip, and another, and another; eagerly gulping down the joyous cola of my choice. Somewhere mid-bottle, I put the bottle down, onto the table; picking the remote control, activating the screen before me. Now I call up the room service, opting to have my default by not choosing anyone in particular; asking Aloe to have my dinner, for me. While I wait, for Aloe to appear; I finish the drink, picking up a new bottle and uncap it. Slowly sipping, as I wait. . I lift up my right hand, extending the palm onto the plaque; gently pressing it, as I am spreading my fingers wide in order to open the door. The door eagerly slides up before me, granting me access to the suite and I step into the cloaking room; the door slides shut behind me, just as I had stepped over the threshold. I walk over the floor to the next door, pressing the palm of my right hand gently down onto the plaque; now I am once more spreading my fingers to open the door, as I sense the inherent warmth of the device; as I am spreading my fingers, in order to open the door before me. I step into the room and the door is closing behind me as I step over the threshold; “Greetings, Miss Maid!” I exclaim, in a warm greeting. “Greetings, Aloe!” she responds, whereupon she is raising to her hooves. “She certainly is excited, to see me today..” I ponder. Since she had ordered in her dinner, I promptly step up to the table; serving her the meal, she had requested. “Thank you, Aloe!” she responds. “She did take, to the Deer; I had offered her..” I ponder, as I had noticed her completing the appearance of the red Roe Deer. While I am placing the meal on her table, she is once more sitting down; soon shifting her focus to the preferred meal, I am placing before her. “She is both cute as a Fawn, and pretty as the Roe Deer before me!” I realize. --- --- --- > Just out of Bed(the Deer): 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . It had been a curious, and exciting day; before I had gotten to bed, last night. At least, this time I recall, actually going to bed; as opposed, to the night before. Not sure why, though. I had chosen to turn the lights down, the other night. Now, as I am stirring, I am lying still for several minutes; just waking up, letting my thoughts follow me out of the dreams I had. As I feel myself coming to, waking up; I soon open my eyes, slowly. Waiting for the day to stir me fully. The room is still dark, just like last time, as if I had a night sky overhead; but as I open my eyes, I realize the light is increasing to permit me to see the rest of the room. Even if I just see the outlines, of the still dark room. The crystal-clear quilt is resting comfortably over my body. Wait, a crystal-clear Silicone quilt? Yes, it is exactly as I remember it; now as I am stirring. I am vaguely recalling putting on a metallic bloody red ensemble, the other day; just as I still recall, I never did take it of as I went to bed. Consequently, I am still wearing this very same suit right now. “If I wore that brassiere the entire night; that would explain, why my bust is considerably smaller than it had been yesterday?” I ponder. Now, I am folding the quilt up against the wall, lifting my right hand out from under the quilt; holding it up before me, examining it in the sparse light. Yet, the light is enough, for me to see the differences it had been afforded during the night; as small as these changes may be, but my fingers had grown an inch and is now tapered and sports a seemingly regular nail. “Uh, oh..” I giggle, enjoying the sounds of my voice. Well, maybe losing it for a day; due to the oral membrane-tube she had inserted into my mouth just did this to a girl. I had enjoyed it, as it turned out; but now I am enjoying the sounds of my voice, for as simple a thing such as a bemused giggle. Is it so immature, and girlish of me; to enjoy such a simple thing, such as the sound of my voice? Still I giggle. With the quilt folded up, I slip my hooves out from under the quilt; finding myself sitting up, on the top of my bed. I had not reacted, upon having hooves; even if I had never had them at night, as I had taken these shoes off of me before I went to bed before. Well, Aloe had helped me with this last night; but this time, I had opted to wear them as I went to bed. A snicker escapes my lips. Oups, I had in fact opted to keep not just these shoes on, but also the muzzle and tiara. Yes, it would appear I had. It had just felt right, as I put them on; just as it had felt so natural to keep them on, as I had gone to bed the other night. Right now, I can’t complain; no cause for complaints now, considering just how good and right it feels. How, and why; is not for me to ponder, at this point. Still sitting comfortably on my bed, I am pushing myself forwards and off of the bed, finding myself standing steadily, on my own two hooves. “Clip, clop..” is heard, as my hooves hit the floor, with a squeaking thud. I am looking down, just to confirm that I still have these Cervine Deer hooves I had the other night; only to notice how my mound had increased with twenty procent during the night, based on the panties I had chosen to wear. My hooves, still the same metallic bloody red; glistering and glittering, even in this sparse light. “If I am going out, I will need some casual wear; even if I just go to the nearest restaurant, for a steady breakfast!” I ponder, as I turn to walk over to the wardrobe. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot over to my wardrobe; opening the doors, in search for what I would like to wear. My eyes fall upon an ultra-tight, black metallic knee-long pencil-skirt and a matching top in the form of a blouse jacket with full-length sleeves. “These; should be just right, for a casual excursion to the restaurant!” I ponder, with a delighted snicker. With that, I am extracting the skirt; lifting my right hoof, stepping into the garment. A moment later, I am lifting my left hoof, stepping into the skirt; only to pull it up to my waist. I afford the skirt a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. The skirt is just as tight as I had pictured it, in my mind; as I can feel it clinging to my body, from the waist and all the way down to my knees. Just that it is so elastic; that it eagerly stretches, to allow me to walk in a fairly casual manner. Once I had assured myself, the skirt is on just right; I extend my right hand, extracting the blouse jacket I had selected to put on for the day. Now, I am sliding the left hand through the sleeve, then the left; feeling the tightness delicately swallow my left and right arms respectively, enjoying the sensation of how the material is contracting for the perfect fit. I walk over to my bed, folding the quilt down; leaving the bed, as if I had never been on it. With the suit I am wearing, or even the sleek and slippery Silicone-skin Aloe had imbued me with; as she had offered me the massage the first day, there is no sign of my skin touching either the black sheet or the crystal-clear quilt on the bed. Maybe the Aide helping Aloe was cleaning the sheet and quilt; while I am not in the room, I have no idea. Since I had dressed up, for a casual excursion; I turn towards the door, to my living room. I lift my right hand, extending the palm gently pressing it onto the plaque; feeling its inherent warmth, as I am spreading my fingers wide to open the door. As the door slides up, I am stepping out of the room; only for the door to quietly slide shut behind me, as I had passed the threshold. “Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard, as I step over to the sofa; plopping down in the middle-seat, comfortably. I lift the armrest, extracting a bottle of my preferred Sparkle Cola; uncapping it with my left hand as I am lifting the bottle to my mouth. Parting my lips, and slipping the bottle in between my lips; taking a sip, enjoying the beverage as the cool and fizzing liquid flows into my mouth and down my throat. Curiously enough, I realize that my tongue had grown longer; in order to reach my teeth, just behind my lips. As I pull the bottle away, for a moment; I snicker, as the curious realization is hitting home. “Uh; oh, oh..” I mouth, before I slip the bottle into my mouth, taking another sip. I take another sip, and another, and another; soon finding the bottle empty, putting it onto the table and capping it. “That, was good..” I sigh, as I enjoy the lingering taste of the cola I had just swallowed. “Wait..” I ponder; “I am in the mood for some company, right now..” I realize; “Maybe I could request an Escort, to accompany me to the restaurant?” I ponder. I pick up the remote control, activating the screen; flipping through the options under Room Service. “Yes..” I ponder; “Escort” I read; “is indeed available!” I notice “Whom do I choose?” I ponder; “Aloe and Lotus would be great; for massage, and such!” I consider; “But who is my Escort of choice?” I consider, as I am reading through the list. “Rarity” and “Twilight” I read; “I think Twilight is my choice, for this beautiful morning!” I ponder; “I am sure, she is an excellent conversationalist and very nice Pony too!” I mouth, snickering. After a moment of contemplation, I choose to call for Twilight as the Escort for the occasion; preferring Twilight’s magical affinity, over Rarity’s Fashion affinity. I am certain, Rarity could have been just as pleasant a company, as Twilight Sparkle; but I foresee Twilight’s Magic being more useful to me, than Rarity’s sense for Fashion could be. Of course, I could always call for Rarity any time I so please; just that Twilight is a better option, right now. Actually, there is a chance Rarity’s Fashion could be distracting or get in the way right now; considering how I prefer a more casual outing, where Twilight feels a closer match for my needs. My mind made up, I make my choice; I pick Twilight for the Escort to the Breakfast at the restaurant, today. Unless she screws up, I will keep her for all the Escort services I may need. I deactivate the screen, before I am placing the remote control back onto the table before me; before I am extracting a second bottle of Sparkle cola, uncapping it. Once the bottle is uncapped, I am once more lifting it up towards my mouth, taking another sip and enjoy the cool, fizzy beverage; as it flows over my tongue and down my throat. “Aah..” I exclaim; as I put the bottle on the table, before me. . I am taking the elevator, up to the floor of Miss Pet Maids suite; enjoying a moment in Ellie the Waitress’ company, before she is letting me off on the correct floor. “Ellie is always such a nice girl..” I ponder, as I am stepping out of the elevator; continuing towards the door, behind which I know Miss Maid is waiting for me. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I am trotting along the hall. I stop before the door to Miss Maid’s door, lifting my right hand; extending the palm and gently press it onto the warm, black surface and spread my fingers wide in order to open the door to her suite. As the door slides up, I step into the room; the door quietly slides shut behind me, as I had stepped over the threshold. Since the cloaking room is empty, I continue over to the door to her living room; once more lifting my right arm; extending the palm up to the plaque, spreading my fingers. The door eagerly slides up, granting me entrance to her living room; I step into the living room, trotting up towards her. I notice, that she is sitting in the cinematic sofa; two bottles of Sparkle Cola, standing empty and recapped on the table before her. “Greetings, Miss Maid!” I exclaim. “Greetings, Miss Sparkle!” she responds. “Thank you for coming, Miss Sparkle; but please, call me Pet..” she explains, as the formality has been offered. “Of course, Pet; but please, call me Twilight..” I respond; “I prefer the more informal tone, among friends..” I then add, as a manner of explanation. “Of course, Twilight..” she responds; “Thanks, I wholeheartedly agree with you, on that!” she continues. I just nod; “You wanted my company, for your breakfast?” I inquire, tentatively. “Yes..” she responds, confirming what I had been expecting; “but I felt it would be more enjoyable; with company, than just going out alone..” she then adds; “and since I have the suit alone, I do not have any company; so I opted to ask for an Escort, as it were!” she concludes. “Oh, but of course; dining alone is just half a dinner, and the same goes for breakfast!” I respond, smiling warmly at her. She is raising to her hooves, the Blouse-Jacket still open; as she is walking up towards me in the direction of the door. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard. “I should ask her, before I open the door for her..” I ponder, just in case she would like holding my braid. She is trotting towards the door to the cloaking room, stopping only to lift her right hand; extending the palm onto the plaque, spreading her fingers to open the door. I follow her quietly, just a step behind; while the door is opening for her, closing just as I had stepped over the threshold. “Ah, I do have outdoors shoes..” she exclaims, as her eyes are sweeping over towards the shoe-rack. “That would be advisable, to wear these; when we go outside, I think!” I respond. “Yes, I would believe it would be..” she says, as she is trotting up to the shoe-rack. “Just close your hooves, gently; then step into the shoes, and they will stick to the frogs of your hooves..” I suggest. “Thank you, Twilight!” she responds, following my instructions to the letter. Incidentally, there is a pair of outdoors shoes for me too; I pick them up, stepping into them with practiced ease. As I am watching her, she is stopping before the door; slowly zipping up the blouse-jacket, up to her breasts before she is stopping herself. She is pondering for a moment, standing perfectly still; before she is lifting up her hands, pulling her breasts out and caresses them for a moment. Grouping the breasts from under; before it hits her and she is sliding the tips of her thumbs up and caresses the tips of her large and playful nipples. “Oh, oh, oh..” she sighs, in overt delight; enjoying the new-found pleasure, she had just uncovered. “Take your time; we are not in any rush, right now!” I offer; “I imagine; that would feel amazing?” I then add. “Yes, yes, yes-s; yes, yes, yes-s..” she just sigh in response, as she fails to contain herself. “Oh, oh..” I mouth; “I guess she does enjoy how that feels!” I ponder. She continues, caressing the tips of her large nipples.. “If you like me to, I could always help you, exploring it with you!” I offer. I had watched her, gently close her hooves; before she had stepped into her shoes, carefully not to close them too hard. “Uhm, what if you closed your hooves, just a little bit harder?” I inquire, as I am looking at her. “Oh, okay?” she mouths, in response; as she is adding the suggested pressure, only to feel the front of her cloven hooves fuse and her hooves slowly fusing to the shoes she is wearing. “Oh.." I quietly snicker, as I am watching her reaction; as she is realizing, what is just happening. “At least, you were wearing shoes; so you are not stuck on the floor, and the shoes should have just enough traction for you to trot comfortably!” I now inform her, matter-of-fact. "Oh, okay; yes, that is always convenient..” she responds, with a blush; “good to know!” she then adds. I notice, how she is zipping up her blouse-jacket; as she is realizing what is happening, and her breasts quietly and comfortably slides in within the comfort of the slippery garment. A moment later, she realizes that the blouse-jacket is hiding the protrusions, that would have been her very large and highly sensitive nipples. I am watching her, attentively; soon noticing how her eyes are twitching towards my knee-long braid and all the way along its length to the tip. Her eyes, moving as if on their own; her gaze following the length of my braid, always lingering a bit longer at the tip. “Would you like, to hold my braid?” I inquire; as I am moving towards picking it up, offering the tip for her to hold. “Oh, yes; thank you, Twilight..” she responds, “I would love to do that, very much!” she adds, growing braver; as I had offered it to her so blatantly openly, in the privacy of her home just before I was about to lead her out. With the confirmation given, I am reaching for the tip of my braid; grabbing it, promptly offering her the tip in a graceful, fluid motion; “Here, hold on to it..” I prompt her; eagerly offering her, what I had known she was desiring all along. “You knew, or suspected it; even before you noticed me, glancing at your long, beautiful braid?” she inquires, now snickering. “Yes, but of course I knew it; it is important to know exactly what you like, for me to be the best Friend of yours I could possibly be..” I confirm; “and I would have realized it, before that; even if I had not found out, upon choosing to take your date..” I explain; “But alas, would you mind?” I inquire, as I am stepping up behind her; lifting my hands, extending them as I am spreading my fingers as I take the final step up behind her. “Uhm?” she inquires, stopping before me; “No, not at all..” she then confirms, what I had been hoping for. “Okay, then..” I offer, as I place the palms of my hands directly under her breasts; grouping them, delicately with joy. “The A Cup suits her, in the current form..” I ponder; “Feels just right, from behind you..” I probe; “and the Teen’s A Cups are so perfectly you!” I offer, genuinely. “Thank you, and this does feel good..” she mouths; “almost familiar; even if I know I was a B Cup as late as yesterday..” she explains; “but your hands are feeling, as if you had been my lover; for as long as I could remember, even if we both knew I have never seen you before!” she concludes. “You never was the girl; to enjoy it rough, were you?” I inquire. “With you behind me, and how you make it feel; never, I would not think so..” she responds, confirming my initial assessment. “That is good, because I could never make myself handling you in that manner; I am a gentle Mare, at heart..” I explain. “Mare..” she ponders, momentarily, before she realizes I am Equine; “but, I am a Doe, a Fawn!” she ponders; considering for, but a brief moment longer. “Thank you, that feels good to know..” she responds; "but, uhm, where did my nipples go; I can’t feel them at all, now with the jacket fully zipped up!” she prompts. “Could you hold the tip of my braid just a slight bit firmer, you think?” I incite her; “Just a little firmer?” I add; “Just a teeny, tiny bit firmer?” I inquire; half by half hoping she would do it, knowing full well how she would react, if she was to do it. “Oh, oh; of course..” she mouths, as she is tightening the grip slightly; just a little bit, each time she is prompted to, without even considering it. “Is it comfortable, when I cup your breasts like this?” I inquire. “Yes, yes, yes-s-s..” she mouths, and a smile spreading out over her face. “Good, because I want you to be comfortable; as I accompany you out on the breakfast date..” I offer; “even if I am her escort, but I want her to feel as if she is taken a friend out and not just an Escort following her out!” I ponder. Her breasts may be small, just an A Cup; but they feel so right in my hands, as if they had been moulded to fit in my grip as I am grouping her from behind. Maybe, just maybe. “Yes, yes, yes-s-ss; you really know; how to group my breasts, just right..” she mouths; "you know..” she sighs; as if she did not want to break a spell, I am having over her. Of course, I know; partially, because I can feel her reactions on what I do, before she is even aware of it. With deliberate care, I feel what she enjoys; letting her enjoy what I do with her, better than she knew. Moment by moment; second by second; minute by minute; I am holding her, as I am grouping and caressing her breasts. Feeling her, as she is starting to lean forwards and her knees start to buckle under my attention. I take a step forwards, adjusting my stance and hold in accordance; making absolutely certain, she is enjoying me, and my interaction with her as I continue. Only as she is finding herself on her knees, do I break off; looking at her, as she is beaming with joy and exudes love like a fountain. “Oo-ooh, oo-ooh; oo-ooh, oo-ooh; oo-ooh, oo-ooh..” she sighs, her face completely relaxed, as I am holding her up, for her to lean back against me. “Should I?” I ponder. “Right now, she wants it..” I consider. Since I could not, by any means just leave her on the floor; I am holding her up, helping her not to collapse onto the floor. Apparently, this had taken more out of her, than I could have been predicting, as she is sitting on her knees incapable of raising to her hooves. I manage to turn her around; where she sits on the floor. Before me, before I am helping her up; just enough for me to lean over to her and place a kiss on her lips, ever so lightly; but the kiss is still enjoyable, and I can clearly see the reaction in her eyes already. Her eyes go aflutter, fluttering; as I kiss her, then she is pushing her lips closer to me in a response. She is returning the kiss, in a manner that tells me that she had accepted it, enjoying the warmth I am offering her. Should I have been expecting it? If I could not have sensed her, I probably should have taken a step back; worrying about if I was about to take advantage of her in this delicate situation. But, I do sense her, her emotions; permitting them to guide me, to lead me forwards. Somehow, I notice how she is gathering strength; from the kiss I had offered her, the kiss she had so eagerly accepted. Should I blame her, but how? It is her choice to accept and return the kiss I had offered her. She is reacting, as weak as she may have been, appearing; before me, a mere moment before. “I guess, she did need that..” I ponder; “which means I must have been correct, on the notion; of her wanting it!” I continue. Even knowing you may need something, even if you don’t want it. However, offering her the kiss is still saving her day; to let her take me out on the breakfast date, she had been so eager to take me out on. Not that her face had been pale, or white; but colour is returning to her face, as it is taking on a light pink hue. “Oh, oh..” she mouths, as she is gaining the strength to raise to her hooves, and stand up before me. “I did need that..” she now whispers; “a Kiss, is exactly what I need; from you, that is!” she then fills in. While the reaction, as well as the recovery may be slow; but it is obvious to see, she is getting up onto her own two hooves, after a few minutes. If a bit shaky, at first; but she does get up, even if I do help her to get up on her own two hooves. “Thank you, Twilight; I did need it, and I certainly do enjoy it..” she now puts forth; “and I will be taking this joy with me, to remember I will be treasuring it, for as long as I can remember!” she then adds. The next moment, she is kissing me, gently; I return the kiss, reciprocating it generously. I am feeling a warmth, emanating from her. “Maybe, we should go out; so we can go out and enjoy the breakfast buffet, before they close the restaurant?” she inquires. “Yes, yes we should!” I respond, permitting her to lean in and enjoy the support for a moment longer. I part my lips and she is reciprocating the gesture; her tongue is slipping out between her lips and mine slips out to greet hers. The gesture is warm, loving; a moment of bliss shared, even if it is lasting but the briefest of moments. Her right hand, still clasping the tip of my braid; even after everything, but she had not realized its significance. Only holding the tip of my braid, in a gentle grip; enjoying my gesture, of offering her to hold it. Had she realized, her hand refuses to let go of my braid; how would she have reacted now, I have no idea. But I guess, I do not question the gifted Deer? “How about you place your left arm around my waist; placing the hand on my hip, as we go out to enjoy the breakfast buffet?” I suggest. “Yes..” she responds. “Thank you, Twilight!" she exclaims; if still a bit weakly, as she is moving her hand to the offered position, and permitting her hand to rest on my hip as I had promised. “There..” I exclaim, as I am lifting my right hand, extending the palm to press it onto the plaque; spreading my fingers wide, to open the door for the both of us. The door slides up, before me; I step out of her suite with her by my side and we continue, trotting over to the door to the elevator where Ellie is waiting for us. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as we trot along the hall together; soon reaching the door, without any incident on the way. I lift up my right hand, extending the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers, opening the door to the elevator. Once the doors had slid up, before us; we eagerly step into the room, where Ellie is waiting. “Greetings, Misses Maid and Sparkles!” Ellie the waitress exclaims. “Greetings, Ellie..” I respond; “Greetings, Ellie!” Twilight echoes. “The breakfast buffet, at The Top of the World?” Ellie inquires, just as the doors had slid shut behind us. “Yes, that sounds delightful!” I respond. “That breakfast buffet at the Top of the world is to die for!” Twilight confesses, with a slight hint of a blush. “But you don’t have to die, or even kill anyone for it..” Ellie points out, with a smile as we’re pummeling up to our destination. “Oh, ah; thank Celestia, because I don’t think I had it in me..” I respond with a sigh of relief. “Me neither!” Twilight agrees. “That’s fine by me, because I certainly do prefer, for you to enjoy your buffet, without bothering anyone!” Ellie responds. “Thanks..” I breathe. “Based on your latest choices, Pet; I may have a few suggestions, I would like to recommend..” Twilight offers. “Oh, okay..” I respond; “In that case, Twilight, let me hear, what you had in mind!” I continue. “Since you are such a Deer, Pet; how about exploring this path, to its natural conclusion?” she inquires. “Thank you, Twilight; maybe you could show me, a few select options, to this effect as we get home?” I inquire. “While I think you are beautiful, the way you are; but it is your choice and you should take the time, to explore your options in the company of someone you trust, implicitly!” Ellie points out. “Thank you, Ellie; then I guess I will choose you, Twilight to accompany me!” I point out. “I am honoured, Pet; I will do my utmost, to help and guide you through your choices and options..” Twilight responds; “to make sure, you can find exactly what is you; to full-fill your deepest dreams..” she continues. “Now, I am looking forwards to it; but I guess I will need to eat so I can enjoy this adventure, with you!” I respond. “Yes, you would need to eat; so you have all the strength you need, to reach your true goal!” Ellie prompts. “Thank you, Ellie..” I offer. “But alas, you’re here..” she exclaims, as the doors slide up before us. “Twilight spills out of the elevator, with me in tow; with her braid still in a secure grip, in my right hand. The doors slide shut behind us, as we had stepped out of the elevator; leaving Ellie behind, to pilot the elevator. “You know, Twilight; this is like a research project..” I offer, as I am following her towards the restaurant. “You just had to say that, Pet?” she inquires; “but yes, you are quite correct; it’s your project, of self realization..” she points out; “and I am helping you, find who and what you are; so that you can enjoy your life, to the fullest!” she concludes. “Yes, Twilight; I guess I just had to say that, but how could I possibly express it in any other terms?” I point out. “I guess you couldn’t..” she responds; making an effort not to drool over the presented prospect, while trapped in the persona of Twilight Sparkle. “As it came out; I hope it is inspiring you, more than it is distracting you!” I offer. “I know you chose Aloe, as your default, and how much you love her services such as you asked her to perform for you..” she offers; “and then you chose me, as your Escort; neither Aloe nor Rarity, so I will be taking it as a cue..” she prompts; “rather; than a mistake, on your part!” she concludes. “Aloe does offer great massages, I’d have to confess..” I agree; “and Rarity is great, when it comes to appearances; but neither of these, is what I am looking for here!” I let on. “Ah..” she breathes; “sounds, as if my initial impression is correct!” she concludes. I had failed to notice, that we had entered the restaurant. A waitress is stepping up, offering her services; to guide us, to a table befitting our mood. “Greetings, Miss Maid; how may I serve you, this fine morning?” she inquires. “Greetings; a table for two and the breakfast buffet!” I respond. “Of course, Miss; right this way, please!” she continues, as she is leading me and Twilight towards a table for two, in a more secluded area of the restaurant. There is a ramp, leading up to an area around a set of tables laiden with food; with smaller, secluded sections with tables surrounding the buffet tables. Our Waitress is stopping before one of these tables. “Here you go, I hope this table will be to your satisfaction..” she now pronounces. “Yes, thank you; this looks just right, thank you Miss Waitress!” I respond. “Have a seat!” she offers, pulling out my chair for me to sit on, then the other for Twilight. “Thank you, thank you; Miss Waitress!” I respond. “You are quite welcome, Miss Maid; the buffet tables are in that direction..” she offers, as she is extending her right hand in the direction; “and if you happen to need something, or just need to ask; I will be close by, if and when..” she continues. “Uhm..” I mouth; “Tea?” I inquire. “Tea, as well as other beverages are included..” she offers; “and, if you so wish; I could serve you, at the table!” she offers. “Do you by chance have the Celestial Blend tea?” Twilight inquires. “Yes, yes; but of course..” she responds. “Then I think I would like a cup of Celestial..” Twilight coos, in delight. I get the feeling reminiscent of a cat, purring from Twilight. How curious. “I would have that, too..” I suggest. “Two cups of Celestial Blend tea, coming right up.” she announces, as response; soon trotting off, preparing the preferred tea. “Thank you, Waitress!” I respond, and she is nodding in acknowledgement on her way out. The waitress is stepping out of sight, on her way; preparing the two cups of tea, before she is to return. “Since you are taking to the Deer, is it too presumptuous of me; suggesting a few further options, towards this image?” Twilight inquires, casually, in a cautious manner. “As a suggestion, it’s quite all right; what options, would you suggest I consider?” I inquire. “Since your face is almost entirely Cervine, like the Deer you are becoming; my first suggestion, is to offer an oral tube to the effect of extending you a voice to go with it..” she offers; “and if it is not what you were hoping for, there should be a selection of others including the reset to choose from!” she continues. “That does sound interesting, please do continue, Twilight!” I coo in delight, over her suggestion; even before I had the chance to sample its effect upon me, or the consequences entailed. “Glad to see I was right, and that I could help; but it did feel like a natural progression to explore, on your part!” she explains, taking the cue with a smile spreading onto her face. “I hope you are ready, to explore this with me; once we get back home, in the bed room and wardrobe of my suite..” I offer. “Just say the word, and I will be there; aiding you, in the search..” she offers; “or, erm..” she continues; “research, wasn’t it?” she then inquires. “We do have a few days..” I respond; before I am interrupted, by the introduction of a Waitress, bearing a pot of tea. Before my very eyes, the Waitress is placing a cup before me and another before Twilight; before she is promptly pouring the preferred beverage into each cup in turn. “Thank you, Dear..” Twilight responds, just as our Waitress is placing the still almost full pot onto its thick Silicone mat. “Was there anything else?” Waitress inquires. “Two glasses and a pitcher of orange Juice would be great; beside a tray of select vegetables for a salad, if possible?” I inquire. “Certainly..” she responds; “just a moment, and I will fetch these for you!” she responds, trotting off in a measured gait. “Makes me feel, like a Princess all over again; with the Waitress, waiting on me like this..” Twilight Snickers. “I could imagine worse..” I offer, as I take a sip of my tea; “for one; the tea is good, very good..” I offer. “Yes, it is..” she responds, as she puts the cup back onto the table, after taking a sip; “guess you could get used to this?” she then inquires. “I could, and I am not averse to it either!” I prompt, snickering. “I know, I know..” she snickers; “but back on the topic, of your exploration or research project; assuming your name is a cue, I could pick a few other tubes for you to try out..” she suggests; “and possibly a suit, similar in design to what you wear now; but with an over-night design in red, in place of the daytime design of your current choice!” she offers. “Are you implying, what you made it sound as if you were suggesting?” I inquire. “If you think, what I think you are imagining; your name. Pet Maid, is an apt name for you in Equestrian Ponish..” she responds, with a knowing smile. “Why does it sound, as if the book affects the names you sign in under?” I inquire. “You mean the book is charmed, to make the names fitting Ponish standards?” she responds. “Is it such an outlandish, or strange notion?” I inquire. “At least, in your case, I would not bet against it; based on the glimpses of you, and your personality!” she offers. “If I were to guess, what your name means; Twilight is the moment between Tick and Tock, the place where everything is possible..” I push forth, on a chance. “If you don’t mind, I will be factoring in the implications your name is suggesting to me; based on what I know of you, and how you are reacting to my suggestions..” she offers, just as the Waitress is back. She is placing the pitcher on the table, and one glass for each of us; while she is docking the salad to the table, placing a plate, a fork and a knife before our respective places. Now, she is pouring up the cool beverage, in each glass; before once more putting down the pitcher on a Silicone pad. “These pads seems to be the tradition, to place things on?” I ponder. “Could I have a Naturel Yogurt with a berry buffet?” I inquire. “Is there a grain buffet, including oats?” Twilight inquires; “Any chance; the book you sign in, in, is charmed?” she then inquires. “Yes, but of course; I will be fetching it for you, right away!” she responds; “If you desire it, I will be fetching it for you, while I am at it..” she continues. “Reasonable precaution, just a different one than you were asking for; so Pet Maid is, who you think she is...” the Waitress is confirming. “Curious!” Twilight ponders; “Curious, indeed..” she continues. As the waitress is trotting off, to fetch our latest order; Twilight is selecting vegetables for the two of us, scooping them up and fill our plates. With that, I start to dig in; naturally, she is enjoying the offered treat right along with me. Even if, technically she may not need to take part in the meal; but doing so, is generating so much more for her she is honour-bound to do it all the same. A meal in solitude, is after all just half a meal; while the meal shared, is doubly enjoyed and beneficial to all parties. Our waitress returns, a moment later; docking the additions onto our table, presenting us with what we had just ordered. “Is there by chance, anything more you would like?” Waitress inquires. “Yes, please; a plate of sunny-side eggs and a bowl of crisp bacon dices should be great, if it was possible!” I inquire. “Do you by chance have apple cider?” Twilight inquires. “Then I will be fetching these for you, right away; and we do have it, if you would like!” Waitress offers. “Yes, please; a pitcher and two glasses would be perfect, please!” Twilight confirms, with a grin spreading out over her face. “Of course!” Waitress responds, as she is trotting off to fetch the requested food and beverage. “On the account of your name; there is one special tube I would love to see you try out, if for nothing else; than to confirm its validity and see if you will enjoy it as much as I picture you, loving it!” Twilight is proposing. “Sounds exciting, very exciting..” I mouth, taken aback by my strong overtly obvious reaction. “You came here, to find something; and by Celestia, I will help you finding it!” Twilight proclaims. “This..” Queen Chrysalis ponders; “sounds exciting, indeed!” she continues; “if it is what I think it is, and it implies what I think it means; I shall put every effort in helping her find it, on the basis of what this is promising!” she concludes. “Maybe, I did not know it; but now, it feels as if you are right..” I confess; “You opened my eyes; and now I can see it, clear as day!” I respond. “Helping a friend, is the only option..” Twilight offers; “and at least, to me; you are a friend, and thus I will help you!” I offer. “I do like the sound of that..” I respond, as I continue eating. The waitress is returning, with the latest order; presenting everything to us, satisfied with the presented offerings we dismiss her for the time being. Only enjoying the meal in quiet contemplation, considering what had been said and what had been revealed. “I had chosen the name I signed in under, but apparently it means something other than what I had pictured it meaning!” I ponder, giggling at my strange luck. Taking my time, as I observe Twilight devour her meal; knowing she is observing me, as I am enjoying my breakfast. No point in rushing it, just to get down faster; I need to eat; besides, the effects would mostly wait until tomorrow anyway. In the end, maybe an hour later; I sit in my chair; my belly bloated with everything I had eaten, knowing she felt exactly the same. Going by her expression, aside from the look of her belly. “You look pregnant..” she snickers, as she is pushing her chair back. “So do you..” I just respond, as I am mirroring her action. “I guess we do..” she agrees; “but at least, none will comment on it..” she continues; “a nominal filter ensures the experience!” she concludes. “Is that, why none has given me a second glance?” I inquire. “Well, yes..” she responds, as she is pushing her chair back; raising to her hooves, pushing the chair back into place. I take her cue, following her example; only leaving mere minimal scraps on the table, leaving my plate as a sign of a meal concluded in satisfaction. The next waitress passing the table will know, we have been enjoying the meal; just as she knows she can clean up the table, after us. Just a small courtesy, to the people working so hard to make our moment enjoyable. On our way out, I wave a hand at Waitress. She is waving back, at us with a smile. “Since I noticed how much you enjoyed it..” Twilight offers, as we walk out of the restaurant; “here..” she offers, presenting the tip of her braid. “Thanks, Twilight..” I respond, as I grab the tip of her tail. “May I call you Twii?” I inquire. “Yes, please; by all means, please do..” she responds; “and feel free to hold on tight..” she then adds with a snicker. “Thank you, Twii; and I’m sure, you know just how much I enjoy you presenting it to me?” I push forth. Twilight is lifting her right hand and extends the palm gently onto the plaque, spreading her fingers and the door slides up before us; she exits the restaurant with me in tow and we continue towards the elevator, where Ellie is waiting for us. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as we trot over to the door. As we are reaching the door to the elevator, Twilight is lifting up her right arm and extends the palm onto the plaque once more; spreading her fingers wide and the doors slide up before us, we step in and the doors are closing behind us as I clear the threshold. “Greetings Misses Maid and Sparkles..” Ellie exclaims, as we enter her domain. “Greetings, Ellie!” I respond, and Twilight choruses me half a second later. Before I even ask, I can feel the sure telltale of the elevator dropping; rushing down, towards my floor and the suite. “Your breakfast was just as good, as you had expected?” Ellie inquires. “Yes, it sure was..” I respond with a dreamy expression. Twilight just nods. “If I had not known better, I would have fretted the elevator was doing a free fall..” I mouth, snickering. “I hope, she can present me with a tube fitting for a female fawn..” I ponder, as something is reminding me of what she had been suggesting before. “A little excitement, should liven up the day, wouldn’t you say?” Twilight responds. “I would hope so..” Ellie responds. “Of course, with Ellie as the Pilot; he ride is comfortable and swift enough, ending far sooner than I had been expecting. I just notice, as the floor comes to a full stop; just before the doors slide up and we spill out onto the floor. With the tip of her braid, firmly in my grasp, I follow Twilight, as she is trotting off towards the door to my suite. Had I tried, I would have found my hands and fingers refusing to let go; not so much because I did not want to, which I did not. Just a trait of the trick pulled upon me earlier. “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as we move from the door of the elevator, to the door to my suite; the door to the elevator closing, just as I had cleared the threshold. I had not even noticed, the door behind me closing; as I am focused on the door before me, and Twilight leading the way over to my door. She is only stopping before the door, raising her right arm and gently extending the palm onto the plaque; spreading her fingers wide to open the door, stepping into the cloaking room with me in tow. Twilight steps up to the shoe rack, dropping her shoes; picking them up and place them on the shoe rack. I wait for her, and she helps me taking the shoes off. “Bare hoofed, at last..” she exclaims; “now we can go in and explore the options I was suggesting earlier!” she offers. With that, she is stepping up to the plaque and lifts up her right hand, extending the palm gently and spread her fingers wide to open the door; which promptly slides up before her and we step into the living room, before the door slides shut behind me as I had cleared the threshold. She steps over the floor, all the way over to the sofa; lifting up the armrest and extracts a pair of Sparkle Cola bottles and close the fridge, before she is walking over to the door to the bed room. On the way to my bed room, she is handing me one of the bottles; stopping before the door, lifting her right hand and gently presses the palm of her hand onto the plaque. As she is spreading her fingers wide, the door slides up before her and she steps into the room with me in tow; only for the door to slide shut behind me, as I clear the threshold. “It may still be early in the day, Pet; but I felt it better to share and show you what I was suggesting for you to try out, now..” she explains, just as she is stopping before the doors to my wardrobe. “Oh, okay..” I respond; nothing’s like the present; why prolong, what you could do right now?” I inquire. “Exactly, what I had in mind!” she is pointing out, as she is opening the door to expose the interior and what it has to offer. “While it may still be morning, even if we just had our breakfast; but what is preventing us, from trying out the options you were hinting at?” I inquire. “Yes, it is still early in the morning..” she responds; “these are nighttime wears, but you can still put them on or slip them in now!” she points out. “Could you pick that oral tube you were suggesting before?” I inquire. “Oh, the oral membrane tube..” she confirms, as she is picking out a metallic bloody red tube fore me. “Oral Membrane-Tube” the label reads; “Female Fawn’s Voice” the subtitle reads; “Imprint Excitable” the second subtitle reads. She is passing me the tube and I am accepting it; knowing I should be slipping it into my mouth right now, in the form of the Fawn I am right now. As I slip the tube into my mouth, between my slightly parted lips; I feel the Silicone membrane slip in and slide into my mouth. It slips in over my lips, into my mouth and is coating my tongue; before is slides down my throat and all the way down, coating the throat ind initialize its initial purpose even before I had the time to go to bed. This tube, as opposed to the previous crystal-clear once is not intended to mute me; rather it is modulating my voice, towards the preferred persona I had chosen beforehand. I had felt the membrane propagate over my lips and tongue, through my mouth and down my throat; but a moment later the sensations slip my mind, to the point I can no longer sense or put a finger onto it. She picks the lip-liner, extending her right hand towards my face; “May I?” she inquire; before she is drawing the line along the rim of the tube, as I nod in acknowledgement and acceptance. I feel the tip of the pencil as she is drawing the line, then the tube tightening up as it is bonding to my mouth; before the sensation slowly slips my mind. She is repeating the process: once, twice and thrice. “There..” she exclaims; how does it feel?” she inquires. “Oh, oh..” I mouth; "normal, and perfectly fine..” I continue; “though my voice is a bit strange and unfamiliar!” I conclude. “Since the tube is bonded to you, it will re-modulate your voice into that of the Fawn you are..” she explains, snickering. “Oh, okay..” I respond; relieved by the explanation, confirming the intent. Of course, my lips are the metallic bloody red; in order to indicate that I have the nighttime oral tube inserted, even if it does not reveal which tube I have inserted or if it had been bonded. No intimate details are revealed, and you have to be close up to see; but in this case, Twilight can see everything just as clearly as I can. She is my escort, after all; helping me, guiding me through the process. “Before we continue..” she offers; “I would like for us to take a short break!” she suggests; “Uncap your bottle, and take a sip; before you tell me, how it feels and tastes!” she now puts forth. “Oh, oh; but of course..” I chirp, in my new Fawn voice; “I don’t have too; but she is suggesting I take a sip, to get a clear base-line of what my mouth will before like, in the foreseeable future!” I ponder; picking up the offered bottle, uncapping it and take a slow swig, sipping the cool, fizzy beverage down. With a smile, I part my lips; “if I had not known better, I would not even know I inserted the tube!” I now declare, before I take another sip. In another situation I should have been scared and upset; but right now, here I just enjoy it as the treat it had been intended to be. Here, now; I just find it exciting, knowing I could ask her to extract it before I leave and I would have my old voice back. If I wanted that old voice back, that is. Right now, I am not even sure; if I wanted it back, if she offered me. That voice, feels as if it had belonged to another girl; a girl who is not me, maybe she had never been me in the first place. I had been her, in her body; but now, I can choose if I want to go back and be her. I take a third, and final sip of my Sparkle Cola; before I cap the bottle and place it on the night stand behind me. “There..” she offers; “I was right; you do enjoy the voice, this tube is offering you?” she inquires. “Yes, yes, yes..” I coo, excitedly; enjoying to hear my own voice, as the Fawn I am. “Unfortunately; you will have to strip naked, before we can continue..” she is explaining; “if this does not bother you?” she inquires, without mention or hinting towards the one detail. She will be with me, of course; guiding me, selecting everything for me. I want her in the room, and not just because I chose her to be the Escort for my date. Now I enjoy her company, as well as her opinion and insights. Slipping the shoes, or hooves of will be no problem; even if it is still feeling a bit weird, even knowing I can stand up perfectly comfortably on the tips of my toes. I end up, starting with the gloves, right and left; leaving the gloves in a pile on the floor of the wardrobe, without a single thought. With this out of the way, I find myself compelled to continue. Lifting the right hoof, slowly and somewhat reluctantly I slip the shoe off of my foot; dropping it onto the top of the pile, setting the foot down onto the floor. Lifting the left hoof, repeating the process; leaving the second show onto the pile, still with a bit of regret. With the gloves and shoes of, I continue; progressing to the stockings I am still wearing, enjoying to wear. I lift up my right foot, sliding the stocking down my leg; pulling it down and off of me, before I leave it unceremoniously onto the pile. Only to repeat the process, of stripping; slipping the left stocking of, once I placed the right foot onto the floor and lift the left foot up. With my arms and legs bare, still standing on the tips of my toes; like the graceful Ballerina my stockings had been promising me. I aim towards the panties; only to be stopped by the tip of her braid, still firmly within my grasp. I can’t quite make myself, letting go of the braid; but as I try, I soon realize my hand is not complying as hard as I may try. My focus, for naught; I can not let go of it, as my fingers stubbornly clasp the tip of her braid. “Oh..” Twilight snickers; “I could help you, if I may?” she inquires. I nod, while my lips refuses to form the words. With her braid in her right hand, she is slipping in her fingers into my grasp; slipping the braid out, while loosening the grasp of her braid. Only once the braid is out of my grasp; my fingers are relaxing, and I can let go. “That,- that, that.. feels weird..” I mouth, still with the excited chime to my voice. “Yes, I believe it does..” she merely acknowledges. “Thank you, Twii!” I respond, nodding my head and beam of a smile at her. “You are quite welcome, Pet; and I believe, you can finish undressing now..” she offers; “or, disrobing; if you please, and prefer..” she concludes, smiling back at me. “Yes..” I coo, quietly. “Seems I still regain some inflection tonal control of my voice?” I ponder. “Yey..” I exclaim; “even my inner voice is a Fawn, now!” I realize, mouthing the words. “You will just have to find your voice, again, just like in puberty, when your voice develops into adulthood..” she offers, with a bemused smile; remembering, how that was. “Does that affect females and mares too?” I inquire. “It does, it does; rest assured, it most certainly does..” she responds; “though it did hit me twice; since I was ascending, into an Alicorn too!” she then adds. “Oh, oh..” I snicker. I lift my hands up, placing them on my waist; sliding my fingers in under the skirt and slide it down. Kicking the skirt up, catching it with my hands; slipping the skirt onto the pile, on the floor of my wardrobe. With that, I am repeating the process; leaving the panties on the top of the pile, on the floor of the wardrobe. As I slipped out of the panties, she is extracting an anal membrane-tube; presenting it to me, before she inserts it into my anus as expected. “Uhm..” I exclaim; “what was that?” I inquire with an excited chime. “That, is your promised anal tube!” she explains. “Anal Membrane-Tube” the title reads; “Back-Orifice” the subtitle reads “Ultra-Tight - Hyper-Elastic” the second subtitle declares. “This is the metallic bloody red nighttime tube, I hope!” I chime. “Yes, it is; why would I bother, with anything less?” she inquires; “I was promising you, to try out a few items; bloody metallic red for nighttime or overnight use, only!” she is explaining. “Oh, yeah..” I sigh, my voice sounding much more excited than I had been expecting. Of course, my voice keeps coming out as chimes and coos more or less consistently; but as I am exposed, the voice is reflecting my emotions and desires more and more as time is passing. “If you want to slip in the next tube by yourself, or I am perfectly capable and happy to assist you with this..” she offers. “For some reason, it is more exciting if you did it for me; even if I would have enjoyed to do it by myself, as it makes me feel more self-reliant..” I respond; “but I asked you to assist me, so now I do want you to do it!” I conclude. “Thank you, Pet..” she responds; “then, by all means; I will do it for you, to add the intimacy to spice up your experience!” she confirms, with a jovial snicker to her voice as she is extracting the tube for me. “Vaginal Membrane-Tube” the Title reads; “Pet Leash” the subtitle reads; “Toy Extension” the second subtitle reads. “Oh, oh ..” I coo, as I feel the tube entering my vagina. “Oh..” I mouth, as I feel the membrane propagate into me, as it is spreading all the way through my vagina and coating the walls of my womb. If I look down, I would just see the red tube inserted into my vagina; what is underneath is hidden, and would only reveal itself after eight hours of uninterrupted sleep anyway. Though I guess I could have seen the glossy, crystal clear layer of stiff Silicone coating my orchid, though. However, the real change will only show; if and when engaged, if I or someone else inserted the leash. I can feel the tip of the pencil or tube-liner, as she is drawing the line along the border of the tube; effectively bonding it onto and into me, in the process. Once the circuit is closed, the bond is taking hold and the tube is blending into the outer walls of my vagina. She is repeating the process: once, twice and thrice; reafirming the action, reinforcing the bond thrice. I feel the thin membrane blending into me as it is integrating with me intimately. “Silly me, but could you insert this membrane-tube into my belly button; I would enjoy feeling your fingers caressing and probing my belly button, while and after you inserted it!” I coo, excitedly. “For you, Pet..” she responds; “I will do it for you, but just because you do enjoy it so much, and because I enjoy doing it for you!” she responds, as she is extracting the indicated belly button tube I had chosen for the insertion. “Belly Button Membrane-Tube” the title reads, as she is examining the preferred tube I had selected, for her to insert. “Oh, oh, oh..” she chimes; “this will be only so much fun!” she concludes, as she is examining my choice. “Pi Inch Squishy Toy Belly” the subtitle reads; “You really do have a very peculiar taste; but if you trust me enough to insert this into you, I will be only too happy to assist you!” she pushes forth; “Hyper Smooth - Hyper Elastic - Hyper Sensitive” the second subtitle reads. “Am I too brave, or just foolish; for suggesting these things, even if I trust you to be there for me?” I inquire. “If you can enjoy this, who am I to stand in your way?” she inquires; as I am reaching for her belly button with the tube covering the tip of my index-finger; sliding the tip of the finger in, effectively inserting the tube into her belly button as she had asked of me. At first, I had expected the tube only to reach to the bottom of my belly button: which should have been less than half an inch; only to experience the tube sliding all the Pi inches into my belly button, as if it had indeed actually been that deep. At least. Which I am fairly certain; I never was, in the first place. "Oh, oh, oh..” I coo, as I feel the tip of her finger slipping into my belly button; only for her finger to slide in inch by inch, all the way to the very bottom of the Pi inches promised by the label. I feel my belly button growing tighter around the tip of her finger, slowly contracting; as she is pushing all the way down, to touch the bottom of my belly button. As she is pulling back, the tube remains in place; just as I can feel her finger slipping over the smooth and slippery Silicone coating the inner walls of my now Pi inch deep belly button. “Th, that, that; feels strange, when you slip your finger all the way down..” I mouth, in awe. “The tube has to accommodate, for me to be able to insert a Pi inch long tube into your belly button; there is no way around it, it has to be a weird experience!” she explains. She is once more lifting up her right hand, pencil in hand; drawing the line around the tube, bonding it into place. The next moment, she is repeating the process thrice; reinforcing the bond and integrating the tube deeper and deeper, more and more intimately in the process. “I’m still looking forward, to explore it with you; even if I had to wait until tomorrow, after I had the chance to have the full eight hours of uninterrupted sleep!” I chime; “that just sounds weird..” I ponder, hearing the sound of my voice. “Since you want me, to be part of your exploration; I am looking forward, towards the adventure..” she chimes, in overt excitement. “Of course, I do; just as I am expecting and looking forward to you, being there by my side..” I confirm. “Then, by all means; I promise to be there, by your side!” she declares. “Thank you, Twii!” I coo. “Since you have chosen the tubes, for all your orifices; letting me insert them for you, the next step is the suit!” she explains; extracting something akin to a one-piece swim-suit, crafted out of the same metallic bloody red Silicone as the rest of the night time garments. “Rarity” the label reads; “Quadrupole Zipper Deer Suit” the subtitle reads; “Full-Length Virtual Back Zipper” the second subtitle reads. “Try it on, and tell me how it feels!” she offers, as she is extending her right hand, holding up the suit before me. “Thank you, Twee!” I respond, as I am accepting the offered suit she is presenting me with. “Of course, the suit is tight..” I ponder, as I am eyeing the suit over; “but, where is the promised zipper?” I consider. “Sorry, Pet; it’s a virtual zipper, you just touch it up or down with the tip of a finger!” she explains. “So long as it does not break, I’m happy..” I point out. “That would be just as likely, as if you expect your muzzle to just fall off of your face..” she ensures me. “Okay, that sounds reasonable!” I chime. “By tomorrow, the zipper is part of your skin; growing on your back, along the length of your spine!” she explains, pointedly, with a snicker at the end of her statement. “That, that, that; is radical..” I exclaim. “Yes, it is..” she coos; “in more ways than I dare consider!” she concludes. I pull the top up, over my head; unceremoniously dropping it onto the pile of clothes in the wardrobe, effortlessly. With the last trapping out of the way, I am finally holding the metallic bloody red suit in my hands; lifting my right foot, stepping into the suit and putting the foot back onto the floor, before I am lifting up my left foot and step into the suit. I pull the suit up to my waist, before I am sliding my hands into the suit and out through the respective sleeves; raising my arms up towards the ceiling, in a single fluid motion and thus making the suit slide right up. Only to afford the suit a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever so elusive perfect fit, even if the suit is so slippery inside it flows over my skin. There, how is that?” she inquires. Of course, once the suit is on; it is just tight, leaving a sense of pressure akin to a few feet of water. The pressure, or contraction is smooth and even; befitting a design of Rarity’s, I would have expected nothing less from her. Maybe I would not have known, just a day before I had signed in here at the Royal Twilight in; but the samples I have seen and tried on, have taught me the delicate care she is putting into her work. My entire body is metallic bloody red, like the body of a car you just spray painted. Its such a beautiful red hue, I can’t resist it. At least; in my opinion, it is. “What is next, Twii?” I inquire. “How about these stockings?” she inquires, extracting a pair of matching full-length stockings, in the same cervine style as the suit I just slipped into. “Looking good..” I respond; “as a matter of fact, better than good; so much better than good..” I respond, accepting the offered garments. I lift up my right foot without a thought, slipping it down into the stocking; pulling the stocking all the way up before I put the foot down, only to afford the stocking a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With the right stocking on, I am repeating the process; lifting up my left foot and sliding it down into the stocking, carefully placing the foot onto the floor as I am affording the stocking a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. “Rarity” the label reads; “Female Roe Deer - Doe” the subtitle reads; “Full-Length Cervine Hoof Stockings” the second subtitle reads. “I guess, I should not have been expecting too much, just because I put these stockings on; they feel exactly like the once I wore earlier, marked: “Ballerina”. “You will notice the difference, by tomorrow; after you have enjoyed a full night of eight hours uninterrupted sleep, by which time the transformation is complete!” she is explaining. “Oh, yeah; I do remember that is how it was explained, earlier!” I respond. With the stockings on, seamlessly blending with the suit covering my body; only my head and arms are not coated in the red Silicone. It is giving me a strange feeling, leaving me eerily excited; as my skin is slippery and smooth, glistering jubilantly in the light of the room in which I am standing. Twilight snickers, as she notices my reaction. “Dare I present you with a pair of matching gloves?” she inquires, cautiously; as if she was fearing something bad would happen, possibly something she was not prepared to face even with me in the room. Or, maybe having me in the room is exactly what she is fearing. “Is now the time, to confess?” I ponder; “but, I just realized; I may have a Fetish for Rubber..” I chime. “You don’t say?” she inquires, snickering hysterically. “While I know these garments are made out of neither Latex nor Rubber; but they look and feel as if they were, in all the ways that count to me..” I explain. “I have heard of the Fetish; but we don’t avoid the material based on the Fetish, but on the account of an Allergy and the consequences of exposure!” she explains. “Aah..” I breathe. “However, if it made a difference to you; I am prepared to supply the scent of Latex or Rubber, for your personal pleasure..” she supplies; “if you ask for it!” she concludes. “Thank you, Twii..” I respond; “I will consider the option, but for now I guess it is perfect as is!” I conclude. “I am eager; to present you with the very best, Pet..” she coos; “I can’t find a single reason, not to..” she elaborates. “For now, I think I would love nothing more than a pair of full-length gloves in metallic bloody red; even if the night is several hours away, forcing me to wait longer for the reveal by the first light tomorrow..” I put forth. “I guess, I was expecting nothing else; let me see, what would be the fitting gloves, for you..” she supplies. “Take the time, even if I know I could swap until I am satisfied..” I respond, while I am watching her with her face deep in the wardrobe; searching for the perfect match to my ensemble, considering what would be just right for me. “Full-length, of course..” she mumbles; “metallic bloody red, of course..” she continues. “I can’t deny her, on the account of an open request; not when she is paying Premium, and we both seems to enjoy the same things..” Twilight ponders. “Wouldn’t she be just too adorable, with the miniature semi-hooves?” she considers, barely breathing the words to herself. “Yes, I think she would be..” she ponders; “guess we do have the winner..” she concludes; extracting a pair of gloves, for me to try on. “I hope, these are what you are looking for; because it feels, as if they were crying out for you!” she offers, presenting the pair of gloves. “Thank you, Twii..” I exclaim, as I am accepting the offered garments in her hand. I slip in the right hand, pulling the sleeve all the way up into my arm-pit; affording the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. Now I accept the left glove, sliding my hand in; pulling it all the way up, affording it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. The material eagerly guides my fingers into position. Since these are the metallic bloody red nightwear, I would not have needed to worry about the fit; my arms, hands and fingers will fit just right by tomorrow morning. However, maybe it is today, I am worrying about. Just that the gloves fluidly cover my skin, as I slip them on; as I feel the Silicone coating the skin, as if painted on. Strange, but these garments always look as if they had been painted on; but tomorrow, I am changed, making it look as if they still had been painted on. “With this suit on, I don’t have to suffer the midriff..” I ponder. As I watch her, taking a sip of her cola; I am reminded of my own bottle, grabbing it and languidly taking a swig. Swallowing the fizzy liquid, as it flows over my tongue and down my throat. “Ah..” I exclaim. “Let me take a look, at you..” she intones, and she takes a step closer to me. I enjoy, having her ogling me, and she knows it; I don’t have to tell her I had noticed, so I just soak up the attention she is offering with all the joy I can soak up. She is enjoying me, my appearance; beyond the mere looks of me, but she still enjoys looking at me because I am me. The way she is ogling me; I am picturing her finding me pretty, beautiful and, and, and. “Wait, what was that you were just saying a moment before; could you be my Element of Latex, carrying the scent of Rubber?” I inquire. “I could, I could; if it is what you want me to, Pet?” she inquires, with a pleading tone slipping into her voice. “Even if this may take you hours, but maybe a set of tubes..” I suggest, not finishing the question; hoping she could conjure something up, on her own on the account of being Twilight Sparkle and all that. “If I were to employ such a tube, or a set thereof; would it please you, and would you find me alluring and exciting if I did?” she inquires. “Most certainly, I will..” I vow. “And would you enjoy, inserting these tubes into me?” she inquires, urging me forwards. “Oups..” I ponder; "I struck something..” I realize; “if you were to permit me to insert any or all of these tubes; it would be an honour, and I would love and treasure it like nothing else!” I respond; "Dare I, or how could I possibly not accept, what she is offering me?” I ponder. “Then, by all means; select the tubes for you to insert, so I may please you!” she offers. I take a step towards the wardrobe, scanning its content in the search of the ideal tone for me to insert. “Thank you, Twii; with your permission, I shall select the tubes one by one and insert them in order..” I vow. “Go forth..” she merely breathes, in excitement. With the promise given, I select the first tube, for me to insert; “Oral Membrane-Tube” the label reads; “Auto-Contracting - Hyper Elastic - Hyper Sensitive” reads the subtitle; “Bio-Latex - Rubber Scent/Taste Pheromonia” the second subtitle reads. “Here goes, I just hope you will be enjoying it and me inserting it; because I certainly intend to enjoy inserting it for you, just as I picture enjoying it inserted!” I point out, as I am extending my right hand with the intended tube at the ready. She just nods, and I slip the tip of her tube in between her lips; only for her lips to start contracting, as the tube eagerly slides in between her lips and into her mouth. She is experiencing how the tube is coating her lips, the inside of her mouth and her tongue; as the tube propagates on its way in and then down her throat. As I let go of the tube, slipping into her mouth; I am extending the index-finger of my right hand, placing the tip of the finger in the middle of her lower lips with a gentle touch. I feel her lips instinctively contract upon contact. “Does it feel good?” I inquire and she nods vigorously; “Do you enjoy this?” I inquire and she is once more nodding affirmation; “Would you like, for me to bond the tube into your mouth now; while I am at it?” I inquire. “Please do..” she just breathes, asking me to continue. “Then, by all means, I will do exactly that, for you Twii!” I respond. She is presenting the lip-liner and I am accepting it; slowly, carefully drawing the line along the outer border of the tube inserted into her mouth. From the right to the left, on her upper lip; from the left to the right, on her lower lip. Closing the circuit, forming the bond; making her feel the tube contracting, as it is bonding to her mouth. I repeat the process; thrice, reinforcing the bond and thus integrating the tube intimately with her mouth. Just that I had picked a lip-gloss for her, with the wet-look supplying the slippery and wet lubrication; before I finally do affirm and reinforce the bonding of the inserted oral latex membrane-tube. “There, there..” I pronounce; “I hope it feels as good for you, as it is feeling for me!” I then breathe. She just nods. “Once the bond is confirmed, I barely feel it, then the sensation is ebbing out of my conscious thought!” she explains; though it is a strangely slippery and smooth sensation in my mouth!” she continues, explaining. “However, I do feel wet..” she mouths. “Wet..” I echo; “That is good, I hope; “it feels good..” I chime; ”feels right, to feel wet?” I inquire. “Yes, yes, yes..” she coos; “feels good..” she fills in; “just strange, unfamiliar; but it just makes me feel so good, excited..” she concludes. “If you still want for me, to insert the next tube fore you?” I inquire, with her belly button tube in mind. “Yes, please do..” she urges me on. “Then, by all means; I will pick the tube and insert it, for you!” I respond. Since I had already selected the desired tube, for her belly button; I extend my hand, extracting the intended tube for insertion as promised. As I stand before her, I extend my hand with the belly button on the index-finger extended, as I am reaching for her belly. The tip of my extended index-finger slips in, into her belly button; then the tube enters the orifice inch by inch, until it is reaching the bottom. She is feeling the tip of my finger slipping in, the thin membrane coating the inside of her belly button; the orifice slowly stretching inch by inch, in order to accommodate for the given depth of the chosen tube I am inserting. “Oh, oh;- oh, oh;- oh, oh..” she mouths; as the tube propagates further and further into her belly button, inch by inch. “Belly Button Membrane-Tube” the label reads; “Auto-Contracting - Hyper Elastic - Hyper Sensitive” reads the subtitle; “Bio-Latex - Rubber Scent/Taste Pheromonia” the second subtitle reads. Since she had accepted, that I bond the tube; I extend the pencil and draw a line all the way along the border of her belly button tube, thus bonding the tube as the circuit had been closed. In place of the lubrication I had applied to her lips; I had selected a gel to enhance the orifice, by making the inner walls coarse, grabby and stiff, while remaining squishy inside. With the gel applied; I once more pick up the pencil, drawing the line around the tube in her belly button: once, twice and thrice; thus affirming and reinforcing the bond to the point of it being intimately blended into her belly as if she had been born with it. Which, of course, she had not; but I guess she could have chosen to have the belly button, as the preferred orifice all the same. “While I don’t care for the vagina in the slightest, but I can’t even make myself breathing a word to her towards the effect; but I still enjoy her oozing of Latex and Rubber, to the high heavens..” I ponder; “I could always eat her, to make up for what she may expect; thus making good the insertion of her vaginal tube, honestly enjoying it and its implication all the same?” I consider. Since all the nighttime garments are the same metallic bloody red, you can’t see if the tube is changing the hue of her skin, before she is sleeping, then having the tube extracted. “Wait, did I just see what I think I saw; a hyper viscous latex lubrication gel?” I ponder, snickering. Of course, I had selected her vaginal Membrane-Tube; “This should be just right for your vagina..” I offer, as I extract the intended tube, for her. “These tubes are for Human Females..” she realizes, as I am presenting her with my offering; “wonder how this will be affecting me, if at all; beyond the superficial effects, of coating the vaginal walls and possibly womb with Latex Rubber as she prefers it?” she considers. “Vaginal Membrane-Tube” the label reads; “Firm Auto-Contracting - Hyper Tight - Hyper Elastic - Hyper Sensitive” reads the subtitle; “Bio-Latex - Rubber Scent/Taste Pheromonia” the second subtitle reads. “If you do not mind?” I inquire, offering her the chance to back out; before she is regretting it, once the tube is inside her vagina. “Mind?” she inquires; “Of course not!” she responds, leaving me with the preferred option wide open. I extend the index-finger of my right hand, slipping the finger into it; before I am extending the hand towards her openly inviting vagina, slowly and carefully slipping the tip of the finger into the orifice. I feel her contracting around the tip of my finger, just as she finds herself contracting around my finger; then the tube is sliding in and propagates further in inch by inch. Once inserted, the metallic bloody red Silicone tube coats and covers the petals of the orchid and spreads further inside. Coating the inner walls of her vagina inch by inch, continuing until it had reached the very bottom of the womb. I pick up the lip-liner and demonstratively extend the hand towards her mound; only to draw the line along the rim of the tube, all the way around until the circuit had been closed and the tube is bonded into her vagina. She is feeling the tube contracting, for a moment; just as the bond is taking hold, before she is relaxing. I apply the gel, presented as vaginal lubrication; covering and coating the petals of her orchid and inches inside, caressing it in until she is saturated. Now I once more pick up the lip-liner, drawing a line around the securely bonded tube thrice; affirming and reinforcing the bond. As the tube is integrating with her vagina; the lubrication starts saturating her flesh intimately as the bond is completed. With the first application, she is experiencing her vagina contracting further; the next application contracts her vagina yet further, while the lubrication comes into contact with the inner walls of her vagina; the third application integrates the membrane into her flesh, now saturating the inner walls of her vagina with the gel I had applied a mere moment before. “How does this feel?” I inquire, sliding the tip of the extended index-finger over the petals of her orchid. “Exciting..” she mouths; “and, and, and; wet..” she gasps. “If you could spread your hooves a foot apart..” I suggest; “Yes, yes..” she responds, as she is complying; I step in between her legs and slide down, planting my lips onto the petals of her orchid. “I hope, you don’t mind..” and, that this will feel just as good as I picture it..” I offer. “Please proceed..” she responds; “I am sure, I will be enjoying it. Just as I place my lips onto the wet petals of her orchid, she gasps. I part my lips, permitting my tongue to slide out; before I start lapping, slowly progressing inside. “Oh, oh, oh;- oh, oh, oh;- oh, oh, oh-” she mouths, gasping with the contact of my tongue slipping between the petals of her orchid. “Latex, undiluted..” I rejoice, enjoying the taste of her wetness. Her breaths, coming in short, rapid gasps; in time with my tongue, as I lap away, at her. Though I am slowing down. “Relax, spread your legs slowly..” I suggest; only half by half expecting her to comply, only to find her lowering herself as she is spreading her legs. “Lean forwards, slowly; place the palms of your hands onto the floor, fingers spread wide..” I suggest. Soon, I find her, with the palms of her hands; firmly planted onto the floor, her fingers spread wide. After a minute more, maybe two or three; I find her contracting, contractions coming harder and faster with the mounting excitement I am exposing her to, as I stimulate her. Minute by minute, I feel her belly sliding down over me and pressing me down against the floor; but I can not complain, and not just because I have her wet juices all over my tongue as I continue lapping away at her. Even if I continue to slow down. While her mound has pinned down my head, almost all the way down to the floor; her hands remain where she placed them, her fingers still spread as wide as she is able to spread them. A few minutes further in, I find the contractions growing a bit uncertain; strong as they are, only for her to experience her first orgasm all over me in some ten minutes or so. As the orgasm hits her, I feel the deep tremble within her; starting anew, with each consecutive orgasm following upon the first with a second in between. “If this had been the best, or most efficient way to make her spread her legs; but it had worked, and I certainly did enjoy it..” I realize; “and so did she, for all I can say!” I conclude. I had continued, a few minutes beyond this; mostly because she was enjoying it, but then so had I. In the end, I do break of and slide out from under her; raising to my feet; extracting the tube I had had in mind for her. “Anal Membrane-Tube” the label reads; “Firm Auto-Contracting - Hyper Tight - Hyper Elastic - Hyper Sensitive” reads the subtitle; “Bio-Latex - Rubber Scent/Taste Pheromonia” the second subtitle reads. “This should be only too much fun, not to mention how exciting it already is..” I mouth. I step up, behind her; carefully sliding her tube in, into her anus, feeling it slide in as eagerly as I had been anticipating. Once the tube had slipped in, I draw a line along the rim of her tube; bonding it securely into place. While she may have been distracted, she still felt how it was propagating its way into her anus; coating the inner walls all the way in. “Wait, this should be fun...” I ponder, as I look at my choice of gel for her anus. With the choice made, I apply the gel onto the inner surface of the tube bonded into her anus; before I pick up the pencil, drawing a line along the rim of the tube. As I close the circuit, the bonding is reaffirmed, reinforced: once, twice and thrice. While I had been eating her, she had unconsciously performed a split; her legs spread the full one eighty. With the belly, vagina and belly bottom on the floor; her back bends so far she looks at me, as if she had been standing or rather sitting even if she is a bit lower. I look into her eyes, she looks back expectantly; I had pt the equipment back, before I step forwards. Now, I sit down with my legs spread to the right and left of her. Leaning over, as I push her head back with the left hand on her shoulder blades, pressing my lips onto hers in a warm kiss and part my lips. With her eyes wide open in expectation, she is looking deeply into my eyes; as if asking if I was pleasing me, if she had been good enough? As I part my lips, she is reciprocating in parting hers with me. The tip of my tongue slipping out between my lips, hers meeting mine in the gap between us; short as it may be. I sense a tingling sensation, one she is sensing and offering me to share with her. The moment lingers, as if it refused to let go, and I permit it to linger; with the backing of Twii, who is resisting to let go of me, as much as the moment. It may be a single moment, but one to treasure. --- --- ---