yuing luvs the wobs m8

by Dongmaster420

First published

foalcon vinyl scratch embarks on a dangerous trip of autism

In a town named ponyville there are secrets arround every corner you never know what to find..


Have fun.

Filthy Madness

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so one day i phoned up skrillex and asked him to check out me music (http://youtube.com/runeserverdubstep)
he sed omg that is a beast as a blunt 420

so then me and skrilly d becumed best friends 4ever and then skrilly d introduced me 2 his friend lil wayne
lil wayne and me left skrilly d 4 a while 2 go and smoke some joints but when we came back mc dave was there and thats when i got mad
he kept rapping about his enchanted bass

but then skrillex had an idea
hay guidos we should go kamping i got 420Billion dolars from the spastics who buy me shit
so we all agred 2 go kamping so then we all got in a ford fiesta for shit and giggles you know becaus we normally drive around in ferrari's becaus we are super rich nd famous

so then we drove down 2 the forest where a man was raping a small horse
when we got closer it turned out there was soem sort of rift in time and space nd vinyl scrath came through the portal so we went and sed no pls donet kill vinyl skrathce she is
a good poni
so then thay guy sed no mate im here to playerkill small animals
so then lil wayne got his black powers and summoned a pistol and then held it sideways while screaming for colonel sanders and shot the guy then skrillex went up and
raped his dead body as you know skrillex is secretly gay

then we rescued vinyl autism and she gave us some acid so we all got high and started producing music on skrilly d's crapbook pro
then steve rimjobs came up and sed no pls donet use that we maded that 4 skrilly d it is kustom macbook prot0 type donet use or we wil sue u like we sue every1
then i took steve rimjobs and put his testicles in a micro wave and slammed the door shut and turned the microwave on for 420 minutes so he got cancer and died
then we all used the fapbook pro with quad xeon processors with 420 cores each and 69mb of l3 cache
and 6 nvidia gtx 420s in crossfire

then we produced our masterpiece


skrillex parabolika ft canownueazy

it was great and we got over 420 million views in the first 69 minutes of the video being up
so then i got a bowl of cereal and put ketchup in it and convinced brian rosario to eat it and he got sick and died of cancer like his mom

and then we all laughed and went back 2 doing acid with vinyl skrathce
then muffinshrine came along and decided 2 propse 2 vinyl skrathce to be his waifu and then thay had sex
and his sperm went into her ass and thay made ugly babies
thay named them parablackia, dumbgamer99, axisofaj and gilani
then thay got really annoyed with gilani so thay hired mc dave to come along with his spastic beats to rap him to death instead of dying gilani made a new rap

called Mak Milur - Get the blaks out of the building bekus here comes the filth and thay r already filthy enuf

it got so many views that we had to kill gilani so our masterpiece could still compete so we smoked a lot of blunts and worked long and high on figuring out a plan to kiled gilani for being a beaner spic
thats when it hit us in the balls mate why donet we make a bass cannon and smite him for his dragon claws muffinshrine sed ok let me get axis to give me his h.o.i.c (high orbit ion cannon) so i can dos gilani long enough for you to bring in ur bass cannon
mc dave sed ok mate ill get the enchanted bass and we can maked the bass cannon
so skrillex found bob marley and took his body and put it on a cross then lit it on fire because he was high and bored
so then we found brian rosarios dead mom and had sex with her while we waited for mc dave to finishing finding his enchanted bass
** 420 minutes later ** mc dave came back with his enchanted bass and we got 2 werk we got suomi 2 use his 200m construction exp 2 build us the bass cannon and then we got brian
rosario to push the cannon to gilanis house so we could shoot it at him
and well you know spics are good at manual labor so we got brian to do it because he is a spic

so then we got garry newman to write some lua code to play the song skrillex - arabian culture through the enchanted bass
and then it worked
it blew the hau5 down and it killed gilani then vinyl skrathce came up and had his with his dead body and then took some more acid

then we got garry to scrap gmod 13 because it sucks and is going to break me current shit that i spent time working on or else we might pk him
then i bought gold membership on facepunch and went into the facepunch forums and released high orbit ion cannon but file bound to blakshadess so then we ratted the whole of the gmf
and then axisofaj smoked a blunt with seth and seth gave him his sethhack access back
because sethhack dosed him one time and removed it after axis got steam forums admin by acident
so then axis asked garry if he could use sethhack on gmod 13 and then garry baned him from facepunch but then gave him a key for gmod 13 before it was publicly availble because he
helped out on the gmod ide (supposedly)
and then axis got his friend from ikea, sweden to get some hacks for dayz and we went around flying helicopters into trees and smoking blunts
then skrillex saw me beast gaming machine with an i420 691337x unlocked processor and decided he would build 1 too so then me axis and skrillex wer hakeing in dayz

after we was done hakeing vinyl skrathce came back to our house and sed
im ready to go home i'm getting homedsik and i miss all me poni friends
so grahame sed that we should try to find a way to get back to equeistriea and help vinyl become less homedsik

so axisofaj asked the fbi to release stan on bail and he offered the $4.20 USD that i sent him to ron paul so the fbi released stan and axisofaj told stan to create a hax that connects to valve servers and DDoSes time and space with googles internet
so stan sed sure YOLO and he ddosed time and space and a rift appeared and it was so amazing it was like a rip in the fabric of the universe so we jumped through and skrillex brought his fold up ferrari out and we started driving around equeistriea polluting the poni world with out ferrari vinyl sed she needed to get back to her house to make sure pinkie didnet steal her drugs so we drove over to vinyl skrathcees house but because skrillex has glasses and has bad vision we crashed into the wall and all of vinyl's drugs went pouring all over the street so applebloom came up and started taking drugs because you know she is a small poni and thought it was candy and then applebloom got really high and offered lil wayne a blowjob a and then lil wayne being the weed god he is accepted the offer and started toking up a storm while she sucked him off
then grahame and vinyl were trying to clean up the mess when grahame was fooling around and touching vinyl inappropriately he accidentally pushed her into one of her needles and he fell too thay both got really high and started fucking so then mc dave came along and wanted to seize the day yolo carpe diem and went to grab grahames balls grahame soon realized he was slightly gay and started giving mc dave a blowjob and then mc dave being the virgin he is came after the first 420 seconds and it landed on sweetie bells face as she walked up she becumed even whiter than usual because mc dave is Mormon and doesn't believe in masturbation as it wastes his seed so that was all his cum built up for a very long time and it was everywhere sweetie bell started eating it but because mc dave took some drugs the drugs were in his cum so she becumed high too and thay had a 4 some between dave, grahame sweetie bell and vinyl
rarity walked up with futashy and futashy put on a condom and started fucking the shit out of sweetie bell while rarity screamed to stop because sweetie bell was only 6 and then futashy sed the younger the better yolo and then big mac was secretly working with the cia and busted futashy for being a pedophile and then futashy went to jail forever so then grahame got sad because he didnet get futashy's autograph because that is his favorite poni so he asked to borrow $4.20 CAD for futashy's bail so i gave it to him and he offered futashy a handjob and because he was so experienced he made even the amazing futashy cum in 10 seconds flat so rainbow dash came up and asked if she could have a turn with lil wayne but because he was a weed god he still didnet cum! of course his jaw was numb and his muscles were spazzeming but applebloom was all out of saliva as it was a 420 minute long blowjob so then lil wayne sed he wanted to cum inside rainbow dash and threw applebloom away and she went flying so far because lil wayne is a weed god and she landed on big macs dick and then thay all arrested big mac because thay thought he was a pedo so then big mac was all sad and decided to rape the shit out of applebloom for getting him in jail so he took his big penis and rammed it in her butt and then she sed no pls it hurts and he sed shut the fuck up stupid poni and then his penis came out her mouth and her mouth was bleeding with her anus blood because he had a 420 inch long dick so all her holes were blocked because applebloom never developed properly and she was missing a vagina
then she got scared and tried to poop and it went all over big macs dick and he got even more madded and decided to push harder and he manged to crawl into her ass and then possessed her so then thay had to get an exorcism and then big mac died in the process so then everyone decided it was all too dangerous and decided to ddos their way back into earth but lil wayne got left behind and we had 2 ddos our way bak 2 equeistriea but we were out of power 2 ddos with becaus axisofaj spent all the power hakeing with x22 and grahame was using the last bit of power to jak 2 loli so then he asked wat is this stiky stuf on me play with me until i smell like autism and salt yolo
and then thay had an idea so because lil wayne is a weed god thay got skrillex 2 summon an iphone 420 and thay called lil wayne on his built in BlackBerry weedphone69 because he is a weed god and he has one built into him so we called the number 420 420 420 420 420 69 yolo and we got lil wayne on the phone and we asked him to use his weed power to fit his balck penised through the phone so we used his blak penis and his blak cum 2 generate enuf power 2 ddos the time and spayse and we got bak into equeistriea to save lil wayne and then we went back home the end yolo