> RE: Eyes to the Heart - Book One Return of Magic > by Azvameth Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The right question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small bumps shake the bus, the yellow lights from the old model heat the room inside, and a poorly kept air conditioner spreads dusty air throughout the cabin. The people inside stay seated, quietly watching the world go by them. The streetlights create a serene vision of a sleeping city. Leaning toward the window, Arden rests his head against the glass while watching the buildings pass by. A late-night study session brings him to that bus. The final exams are just around the corner, and his goal is steadily approaching. He cannot prepare for what comes after. Applying for a job, interviews, tests for specialization programs, and all the things no subject ever covered during his time at school or college are at the ready. They wait for him at the finish line. But none of it would stop him. Arden Sila had a goal. And after all the years he invested, he was about to reach it. The people he met, the friends he made, and his family were all part of his journey there. Even if anything were to happen to this seemingly medical student to prevent him from reaching that goal, Arden could claim to have lived a decent life. But as the world would have it, Arden wasn't meant to reach his medical degree. Casually approaching Arden's seat, a stranger takes a seat by his side. The stranger is a woman. Her clothes are akin to that of old spy movies. A large hat and sunglasses complete the look. Her positioning in the seat causes her hips to touch Arden. Her size isn't enough to warrant the infringement of Arden's personal space. She wishes to bother Arden. That much is obvious. Being tired as he was, Arden stands up and walks to the back of the bus, where no one is sitting. It doesn't take long for her to follow. So, the seat wasn't her goal. Concludes Arden as he moves ever so slightly to the left. The woman follows immediately after. "Can I help you?" Asks Arden after letting out a sigh as he rubs his forehead. "Maybe," Replies the woman before removing her sunglasses and leaning closer to Arden's face. "Tell me, what do you see?" "Green eyes and red hair," Replies Arden with a deadpan. The woman remains unmoved. Frowning at the lack of response, Arden scans the woman's face for anything that seems out of place. It was as if a mist had been covering it. A faint mark slowly reveals itself on the woman's skin. Tilting his head to the side, Arden speaks, "There is a diamond-shaped thing on your forehead." "And the color?" The woman pushes. Her eyes seem to lit up. Something is off here. Concludes Arden while feeling the warmth of the woman's face near his. "White," Arden says bluntly as his eyes dart for anything that would prevent him from running. The woman smiles at the response. A mild chuckle escapes her as she moves slightly away from Arden. Arden takes this moment to analyze the woman. She is taller than me. I can't see anything because of the coat. I didn't catch the scent of alcohol, so I don't think she is drunk. I believe it would be best for me to leave. Deduces Arden as he quietly moves away from the woman. "It would have been wise to leave when I first sat beside you," Murmurs the woman as if she had heard Arden's thoughts. "For now, I would advise against fleeing. Hear me out, for I have a proposal that may interest you," States the woman before moving closer to Arden. "And if I scream?" Inquires Arden with a glare. The woman seems amused as she lets out a short laugh. "I can be quite loud." "No one will hear you," Warns the woman with a sudden change in tone. Her smile turns into a cold expression as her eyes seem to freeze Arden's heart. Arden swallows drily in response. "You seem to understand it then." "What do you want from me?" Inquires Arden while repeatedly gripping his jeans by the knees. "Common assumption, to think that a stranger wants something from you," Says the woman with a strange tone. Leaning back on her seat, she rummages through her pockets before pulling out a book that shouldn't fit in a coat pocket. She opens it on a marked page before speaking, "However, that is the wrong question. The right question would be entirely different. What can I do for you?" Inquires the woman while keeping her eyes locked on the book. "You could leave me be," Says Arden while gritting his teeth. "That is too mundane. You do not know the extent of my talents," Replies the woman with disinterest. "And yet, you cannot seem to do it," States Arden with venom. "Wound me with words, but such a weak taunt won't work on me," Boasts the woman with a confident smile. "Tell me, what is the right question?" Arden frowns at the response. The woman continues to read the book without glancing once in his direction. Is she waiting for me to say it? I don't think I can get away from her. And I'm afraid of what will happen if I try. "What is it that you can do for me?" Arden whispers as each word seems to struggle to leave his lips. The woman smiles as she slams the book closed. Her eyes lock with Arden's. Taking off her hat, the woman frees her red-wine hair. The long strands slide down her back until it reaches her waist. "That depends on what you're willing to offer me," Replies the woman while staring deep into Arden's eyes. Each syllable that left her mouth felt heavy. All of it feels as if words ensnare Arden's body in a trap. "I don't have anything worth offering," States Arden as his words seem to fall out of his mouth like lead. It feels as if his words are biding the woman as well. An invisible chain is getting forged between them. "Then I shall name my price," Retorts the woman while running her fingers down Arden's cheek. "I want your eyes." The last words echo like a hammer's blow over a blacksmith's anvil. Whatever is happening at that moment is reaching its climax. Arden's body stiffens at the woman's demand. The woman smiles as she looks not into Arden's eyes but at them. Arden's skin crawls in response. "Worry not, for I am not a barbarian to remove them," Explains the woman with a giggle. Her grin widens as her eyes focus on Arden's left eye. "I want you to &0 s6&*^$ere and }\9s ?' !#. I want you to >,:"[ a }|~`%&e." Arden's eyes go wide in response to the statement. Arden's jaw starts to move. However, no sound leaves his vocal cords. His lungs don't expand. No air circulates through his airways. His mind darkens as the lack of oxygen pushes his brain into overdrive. His chest expands before his lungs restart. "And, and, what about my pay?" Arden pushes out of his chest. "Good question. I'm asking you to devote your life to my request. What could have the same worth of a life?" Replies the woman as a malicious grin adorns her face. A gentle breeze with the scent of wood brushed across his face. Arden's eyes struggled to adapt to the new light. The sound of leaves makes him move around. However, his lack of sight causes him to trip. Landing face-first into the ground, Arden realizes the difference in the location. This is dirt. And I can feel the grass too. What just happened? He ponders while his eyes finally interpret the image before him. "Hello," States a horse-faced creature. An indigo blue mane and lilac coat and a horn stick out from the mane. They lay on their belly while staring directly into Arden's eyes. "Are we playing a game?" "I think I already lost it," Mumbles Arden as he passes out on the dirt. Opening his eyes once more, Arden sees no dirt or leaves. But a colorful ceiling decorated by all sorts of junk pieces. All of them repurposed to serve a beautiful yet cozy home. "You're awake!" Exclaims a voice from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Arden spots the same horse-faced creature from before. However, now he can see them in detail. The articulate creature doesn't only possess the face of a horse, their legs are the same as a horse's, but their torso is that of a human female. Arden attempts to stand, but his legs bend, causing him to land face first. I'm an anthropomorphic horse thing. Concludes Arden as he looks at the cobalt blue fur covering his arms. Suddenly, long melon-colored strands of hair fall in front of his face. I have hair again. I mean, my hair is long again. But, I was on a bus. And there was a woman there. We spoke, right? God damn it, why is it all foggy?! Muses Arden as he grabs his head with one hand and frowns at the blurry images in his mind. "Hey, are you ok?" Asks the unicorn. "Save for a few blurry memories. I think I am," Replies Arden while putting on a smile. Carefully putting himself up, Arden tries to keep his balance, "Um, I'm Arden Sila. Thank you for rescuing me, Ms.?" "Izzy, Izzy Moonbow," Says the unicorn as she pushes the large flower bud toward Arden. Her smile broadens as she mimics Arden's balancing stance. "Is this a game?" "Not really," Replies Arden with a mild chuckle. Arden straightens his posture as he adapted to his new center of mass. "I think my brain got a bit scrambled, Woah!" Exclaims Arden as he opens up his arms to balance himself. "Oh," States Izzy as she stands normally. With a quick spin, and Izzy grabs the bud and flips something that makes the bud shake. Suddenly, the bud opens to reveal several teacups with a teapot at the center. "Ta-da! I always wanted to use it with a friend!" She acts like an overly excited kid. Wait. Izzy Moonbow? Where have I heard that name before? Wonders Arden as he watches the carefully put-together tea table. Suddenly, the sound of a strange melody starts to echo in the room. I heard that song before. Where did I hear it before?! Urgh! I know I heard it before! Unicorn, colorful horses, that's it! My Little Pony! There was an ad about a movie being launched. It was about a new generation, right? Concludes Arden as he turns to face Izzy turning a lever to play the melody on an improvised music box. "That's very well made," States Arden while looking at the functional device. "And so is the table." "Thank you!" Says Izzy while doing little hops and clapping her hands. "I made all of it from discarded things!" "So, it seems," Comments Arden while looking at the candelabra made out of shattered glass that had been sculpted into unicorn silhouettes. "Um, did you use magic to make them?" There is a brief moment of silence. Izzy stares blankly at Arden for several seconds as if waiting for him to do something. Arden looks over his shoulder to check if there is someone else in the room. Seeing no one else in the room, Arden scratches his head. "Um, did I say something strange?" Asks Arden. "You're not going to do the ritual?" Asks Izzy while tilting her head to the side. "Uh, ritual?" Mumbles Arden while awkwardly fidgeting on the spot. "To scare the Jinxies away," Izzy adds while further tilting her head to the side. "What are Jinxies?" Inquires Arden as he drops his shoulders. "You're not from around here," Comments Izzy with a smile. Getting overly excited, Izzy zips away before coming back with a clay bowl. Holding the bowl in front of Arden's face, Izzy grins widely before speaking, "I made friendship bracelets! They're made out of crystals! Also, Where did you get those clothes?" Arden smiles awkwardly before taking one bracelet and wrapping it around his wrist. Then, Arden takes a look at his clothes. Brown vest, green cloak with a leaf badge, white shirt, and brown pants; welcome to the shire. And a shoulder bag? It's empty. Questions Arden while staring at the familiar clothes. "I know I didn't own them until I got here," States Arden as Izzy walks around him with the bowl. "Speaking of which, how long has it been since I passed out?" "An hour," Replies Izzy while lifting Arden's cloak. "And your luminescence is weird." "My what?" Inquires Arden while looking at the spot Izzy had lifted. There wasn't anything in the immediate area Izzy kept looking at, "Is there a mark on my back or something?" "Your luminescence? You know, your glow? It glows when you're happy," States Izzy as she walks in front of Arden. "Your eye color is the same as your Luminescence." "You mean like an aura? Or like, my soul?" Inquires Arden while looking at himself. "What's its color?" Izzy squints her eyes as she comes closer to Arden's face. "Indigo Purple!" "Cool. Um, you're very close," Replies Arden while slowly leaning backward. "And, what do you mean about my luminescence being weird?" "Unicorn's luminescence doesn't match their eye colors. It's rare, at least nowadays it is," Says Izzy without backing off. "Ok. I'm odd. Um, is there a reason you're this close?" Questions Arden as he slowly slides his hoof backward. "No reason!" Retorts Izzy as she takes a few hops back. "Come on! Since you're not from around, I can show you the village!" "Right! Um, where am I? It might sound weird. But I was in another place entirely before passing out," Replies Arden as his body relaxes reflexively to the distance between them. "Izzy Moonbow welcomes you to," Izzy says dramatically as she tiptoes towards the door. Bashing the door open, Izzy extends her arms for the reveal. "Bridlewood!" Arden hesitantly exits the door while covering his eyes due to the sunlight coming from outside. A dirt path leading deeper into the woods. Trees larger and stranger than any Arden had ever seen before. And every color in the world looks livelier than anything he had seen before. "I'm not in my world," Arden whispers as a smile sneaks his way into his muzzle. "You're glowing a lot right now," Says Izzy as she hops into Arden's field of view. "Well, it seems I'm setting off on an adventure," Retorts Arden with a smile while looking down the path of dirt before them. "You're not leaving already, are you?" Asks Izzy as her ears drop to the side. "What? No-no!" Exclaims Arden as he waves his arms in front of his body. "I wouldn't dream of walking off like that. I'm not that crazy. But getting to know a village of magical unicorns sounds like a good start for an adventure, don't you think?" He inquires while looking around Izzy's house. "Yeah, magical," Says Izzy as a nervous chuckle escapes her. "So, where to first, Guide?" Inquires Arden while taking a few steps past Izzy. "You're the expert, right?" He adds while turning to look at her. "Come on! It will be fun! Right?" Izzy stares at Arden for a couple of seconds before her smile returns. "I like you! Let's go, sparkle boy!" She cheers as she takes the lead. "But I'll also fill you in about some details regarding the village." Good. I have a guide and a friend. I don't know how things got to this point. But I'll do my best here. And since she is offering a few cultural details, it would be best to ask the right questions. The more I know, the best I can adapt to this place. Let's see the rest of the wonders of this world! Concludes Arden as he tries to keep up with the cheerful guide. > Chapter 1: Magic schmagic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait, wait, what?" Exclaims Arden as he pulls Izzy's leading charge toward the village. "Hm?" Inquires Izzy as she turns to face Arden. Silence reigns between them. The two ponies stare into each other's eyes. This can't be. All myths and stories involving unicorns point to magic in some way. How come they lost their magic?! It doesn't make sense, unless, no. It can't be. Did someone steal their magic? Concludes Arden while holding his chin. His gaze shifts from Izzy's eyes to her horn. It has engravings on it. Based on the paintings and general presentations of unicorns, they don't match. The usual design is for unicorns is a single spiral line toward the tip of the horn. Then again, this is the real world. I can't assume that the horn should be one way or that way. "Is something stuck on my horn?" Asks Izzy as she goes cross-eyed while looking at the tip of her horn. "No. I'm just wondering here. Is there an explanation as to why we can't use magic?" Replies Arden while waving his hand in front of Izzy's face. "Also, don't do that. You strain your eye with that. And it can cause some problems with your eyesight." "Oh, no. It went, poof! Gone, disappeared, finito, never to be seen again. And that was a lo-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ahem-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ong time ago," Replies Izzy while opening her arms wide as if to measure the time. "Everyone thinks the pesky pegasus has something to do with it," She adds as her eyes pop open whilst staring at Arden. "You're glowing again!" "What did you expect me to do?! There are pegasus ponies too?!" Exclaims Arden before Izzy nods. "This is amazing! What else is there? Are there dragons here?! Maybe some other magical creature?! I have to see all of this!" He adds while hugging Izzy. However, as soon as he realizes Izzy's giggles, Arden puts her back to the ground. He then coughs a bit before speaking, "I'm sorry. I got overly excited." "I like it. And you're strong," Says Izzy while tilting her head. She then pats Arden's head as if handling a child. "You're short. But you lifted me without a problem. I thought I was the only one that exercises, besides Alphabittle, of course." Holy crap! She's right. I'm just below her shoulders. How the fuck did I overlook this!? Notes Arden as he measures Izzy from her hooves to the tip of her horn with his eyes. Wait. She just patted me on the head! "Don't treat me like a kid!" Orders Arden while taking a step back. "I know you're not a kid. I just thought it would be funny to do so," Replies Izzy while holding her hands behind her back. "And it was," She adds with a chuckle. "But back on topic, don't go saying the word magic around the village. Unicorns are very superstitious," States Izzy with a concerned look as she starts to walk backward. "That's a new one. Is it like a taboo word or something?" Inquires Arden as he starts to follow before Izzy responds with a nod. "Ok. I will say this right now. That's a bit alarming. Any other taboo words I should know about?" "Magic, wing, feather, and mayonnaise," Izzy replies almost immediately. "I will restrain myself from commenting on how weird that sounds," Replies Arden with a deadpan. Izzy smiles as she turns around to walk forward. Their conversation dies for a couple of minutes as Arden keeps pondering about the situation. After a while, Arden speaks once more, "So, there are pegasus ponies. What other species are there around?" "Besides the Pegasus? Just the earth ponies," Says Izzy while looking over her shoulder. "Oh, do they have any traits like unicorns or pegasus?" Inquires Arden as he steps aside while a strange little rat runs by. "Did that rat have little wings?" "Well, I hear earth ponies smell like rotten sardines and not the brightest crystals in the forest," Replies Izzy while doing a quick spin to look at Arden. Arden replies by letting out a confused oh. "Yep! And I was told pegasus ponies are mean brutes that eat their young," She adds as Arden trips over his hooves and nearly face-plants on the ground. "You were told? You heard that's how they are? Izzy, did you ever meet another breed of pony?" Inquires Arden as he picks up the pace to walk beside Izzy. "Nope!" Izzy replies as if the answer was obvious. "Are those things passed down to you guys? Like granny stories to scare the young?" Pushes Arden before Izzy nods positively. "Izzy, have you ever questioned those stories?" Arden adds with concern. Izzy's expression changes in response to the question. Her march stops as she lowers her head and starts rubbing her arms. She begins to fidget in place before repeatedly adjusting her mane. Arden starts to try and look Izzy in the eye. The smile is gone as Izzy actively avoids looking back at Arden. "You have, haven't you?" States Arden as he backs away. Izzy doesn't respond. "I think that's good!" He adds while putting on a smile. Izzy hesitantly raises her head with a surprised face. "What? Were you expecting me to criticize you?" "I've been told that I was wrong so many times now," Izzy says with a happier tone. She rushes Arden and picks Arden up and hugs him while spinning him around. "You're the first one to tell me otherwise! WAIT!" She exclaims as she immediately lets go of Arden, causing him to fly and land on the dirt. Rummaging through her mane, Izzy pulls out an old piece of paper. "I found this when I was a filly! And I've been wanting to go there for a LONG time!" She adds while rushing to Arden's side and showing a childish drawing of all three breeds. "You have friends in Maretime Bay?" Reads Arden after shaking his head. "Do you know where this is?" "No," Replies Izzy while slowly deflating. "Well, we just need to get a map. And some supplies to travel there. It should be a fun time, right?" Proposes Arden while trying to reassure Izzy. "Wait, you're coming with me?" Questions Izzy with a growing smile. "Why not? I said I wanted to see the world. And now we know of another place to visit. So long as we prepare, we can visit all sorts of places. Besides, you're my guide aren't you?" He retorts as he gets up and offers his hand to Izzy. "I'll guide you all across Equestria!" Replies Izzy as she takes Arden's hand. "Traveling buddies! First, we explore the woods! Then, Maretime Bay!" "Yep. Now, what else is there to know?" Inquires Arden as they resume their walk down the path. "Nothing much," Answers Izzy while rapping her chin with her index finger. "Oh, we might be too sparkily to Bridlewood." "Too much excitement equals strange looks?" Proposes Arden before Izzy nods. "Any friends in town?" "No, too bright for most ponies," States Izzy while holding her hands behind her back. "This is going to be interesting," Mumbles Arden as they walk by a chunk of crystal about as high as Arden's elbows. Eyeing the thing, Arden tilts his head, "That is a huge crystal. Is that normal?" "Yep! They are ALL around the woods," Replies Izzy as she skips behind the rock and leans over it. Her feminine features becoming more evident due to the pose. "We can use them for sculpting." "That's a bummer. And what's your currency?" Asks Arden as he comes closer to the chunk and taps it with his knuckles. "I imagine gold coins." "We don't have mines or miners here in Bridlewood. So, we mostly trade stuff. Or bet it in games," Replies Izzy while changing her position to sit on top of the crystal. "It's pretty fun!" "Gambling, that's another good sign," States Arden as he averts his eyes from Izzy's legs that were more exposed due to the sudden change in posture raising her skirt. "It's fun! Unless you're dealing with Alphabittle, then you're in for a bad time," Comments Izzy as she hops off the crystal. "Too intense?" Questions Arden as he scratches his head. "More like, I never lose! And he can smell fear," Tells Izzy with a nervous chuckle. "Sounds charming," States Arden with a smile. "Can I take a shot in the dark and bet he has a hoard?" "Yep," Answers Izzy while nodding. "Most of his things, if not all of them, came from ponies making bets against him." "Amazing," Comments Arden as their road broadens. Looking forward, Arden halts his march before speaking, "Is this it?" The village stands before them. Color-wise and design-wise, the place screamed fantasy land. However, the moment Arden's eyes see the villagers, Arden can't help but feel a familiar sensation. Ponies walking hunched over with saddened and bored expressions, their colors dead when compared to the rest of the woods around them. A jarring contrast between the two makes itself uncomfortably evident as all the ponies move as if being out and about is a deathly boring obligation. Ponies listlessly poured water over one bud of an entire garden. Children hang by their torsos on the swing. An old pony stands on a spot where she repeatedly gets hit by falling apples on the head. "Izzy," Calls Arden as they enter the village. A child is precariously balanced at the center of a seesaw before another causes it to fall by sitting on one end of the toy. The fallen child lays on the ground with dull eyes as they stare at a grass leaf waving in front of their face. Witnessing this scene, Arden lets out a nervous chuckle before speaking, "I was about to say something. Now? I have concerns for our safety here. You said a BIT too bright for the town. Right now, I think we are the sun! And I don't think magic is the only thing taken away here." Letting out a series of gasps, the ponies on the street halt their routines. All of their eyes turn to Arden as if they are under a spell. All of them raise their hands to point at Arden before the closest to Arden yells. "U-uh! You said a bad word! Quickly! We need to get rid of the Jinxies!" The pony exclaims before the entire group starts to make a bunch of noises and move around almost rhythmically around Arden and Izzy. "Izzy, I don't think we should linger. This place is sounding more and more like a cult. I don't like the idea of being around cultists," Whispers Arden while leaning closer to Izzy. "Don't worry. They're just being silly," Reassures Izzy as she leans closer to Arden as well. "It looks like a ritual," Retorts Arden with growing concern as the ponies start to make donkey noises. "That's because it is a ritual. To ward off bad luck," States Izzy whilst acting as if she is telling a secret. "Just hit the wood three times then! It's less freaky than whatever that is!" Shoots back Arden while pointing to the ponies standing on one leg while stretching the other backward with their mouths open and fish eyes. "Does everyone do this?" "Pretty much," Nods Izzy as she tilts her head right. Sighing at the response, Arden runs his hands over his mane pulling it back. Ok.This is not ok. Can I even argue here? I'm going to regret this. "Alright, time to be stupid," Mumbles Arden while holding his mane in place. He turns around to face the crowd that seems to have resumed their routine. Taking a deep breath, Arden braces himself before letting out his voice, "LISTEN UP!" All of the unicorns within the reach of Arden's voice stop in their tracks. Once they turn to face Arden, he continues, "These taboo words are nonsensical! Bad luck is a supernatural phenomenon! And all of us are living proof the supernatural is nowhere to be seen! None of us can use spells or do any of the things that were supposed to make us unique! So, how in the living hell would bad luck be a thing?!" Arden argues as he steps towards the crowd. With each word that leaves his mouth, Arden slowly turns whilst stepping forward until he's done a complete one-eighty. "So, wake up! These superstitions are false! And if these stories are full of baloney, what's the proof that the stories about the other species are true!?" All of the ponies stare at Arden while they slowly back away. All of them seem to be shrinking as if they are looking at something big. Dropping his shoulders, Arden facepalms before continuing his speech, "Ok! So, I will assume that you're not backing away out of surprise. But you're backing away because some big pony snuck up behind me. If I'm right, please nod!" Requests Arden as he looks between his fingers to see the ponies nodding. "Great," Arden grumbles as he turns around. Standing at least four inches taller than Izzy, a gray stallion approaches until he casts a shadow over Arden. "Hi, you're tall. I'm Arden Sila." "I'm Alphabitle. And I don't recognize you," States Alphabitle as he towers over Arden. Oh, size intimidation. That's a great start to a conversation. Groans Arden while he takes a deep breath. "I just arrived. Is there a problem?" Questions Arden as he puts on a dumb smile on his face. "There is when a pony is breaking tradition. On top of spreading lies about our enemies," Replies Alpha as he arches his back to bring his glare closer to Arden's face. "Enemies you haven't seen or heard of in, how long?" Questions Arden while making circles with his hand before pointing to Alpha, who doesn't respond. "See? Not even you know. And you do know that posture will cause you back pain later, right?" "I do not need to see something to believe it exists. The Jinxies are unseen. Our enemies are unseen. But I believe them to be out there. Seeing is believing isn't a safe way to live in our woods," Retorts Alpha with a deep voice. "I never questioned their existence. The so-called enemies, that is. As for the bad luck, sorry, friend. It doesn't exist. I just said one of your taboos and nothing bad happened," Retorts Arden as Alpha puts on a smile. "I came here. And I stopped your speech," Says Alpha with a smug smile. "So, you're calling yourself the embodiment of bad luck? Sorry, pal. But you're not very bright. By that logic, you became the thing you're all afraid of. But no one is making the dumb ritual now, are they?" States Arden while gesturing to all of the ponies around him. "Here is my take on it. There was a commotion. You're a prominent figure. Someone warned you of a stranger making a problematic scene. You came to verify it. You stopped the speech because you disagree with the contents. It's all cause and effect. Not an ounce of bad luck there," Replies Arden with a deadpan. "Oh really? How about a bet then?" Proposes Alpha as a suspicious grin appears on his face. "A challenge to prove that the Jinxies exist and that you're wrong?" "Solving this problem with a bet to see who is right, are you serious?" Inquires Arden as he drops his shoulders. "Not only that, I'll bet one item of mine against that cloak of yours. You can pick the item after," Responds Alpha with a confident chuckle. "Do you have a detailed map of the land? That can guide us out of the woods and to Maretime Bay," Inquires Arden as Alpha raises an eyebrow. "Yes? Why would you want that?" Questions Alpha. But as Arden prepares his response, he notices Izzy hopping behind Alpha whilst shaking her head. "I'm new around here. So, I want to know the lay of the land." Alphabittle eyes Arden top to bottom before gesturing Arden to follow. The stallion leads Arden through the town as Arden sees more of the same from the village's entrance. They walk around a large tree with a teapot sign over a door. Once on the other side, Alpha continues to walk into the woods. There are faint signs of an old trail on the ground. "How attached are you to that cloak?" Inquires Izzy as she pops from Arden's side before he jumps away from her. She chuckles at the reaction as Arden shakes his head with a smile. "Not much. I just got the darned thing," Replies Arden while opening his arms as he held the edges of the cloak. "Good. Cause I don't think you'll be keeping that," States Izzy with a nervous smile. "He's taking you to the sword trial." "The what now?" Asks Arden while nervously turning to look at Izzy. "I can't fight. I can throw a straight. But I have never been in a fight," He explains as his eyes dart toward Alpha. "Oh, no-no," States Izzy dismissively while waving her hand at Arden. "You just need to pull it out." "That's worse! I'm not a chosen hero," States Arden as each of the words sink into his brain. His eyes go wide as he facepalms. "Wow. This will be stupid." "Here we are," Says Alpha as he points to a clearing with a sword resting on a stone. There are no trees near it. It's a blade well-preserved with a golden guard. A red piece of cloth hangs wavers in the wind as the sun reflects over the metal surface. "That sword is magically kept in place by a riddle. Solve it, and the sword is yours. Fail, and the blade shall curse you with a shock. To activate the riddle, one must read the words out loud and then answer them. And the riddle contains a cursed word," Explains Alpha in an overly dramatic voice. "How many ponies tried this before?" Asks Arden while slowly walking towards the sword hunched over and with an annoyed expression. "Many. And ALL of them failed. Until none of us ever tried it again," Replies Alpha with his overdramatic tone. Casually strolling toward the weapon, Arden hears a different sound as he stands near the stone holding the sword. What the? Questions Arden as he taps the ground beneath his hooves. This sounds like metal. Oh, God. Exclaims Arden as he crouches to analyze the ground and notices the engraving at the base of the stone. "Hello, friend. It seems you found your way here. I've set a few things for you in case you went exploring. I know you will remember this reference. So, it will be easy. Speak friend, and take it. The blade will be light as a feather," Reads Arden out loud in disbelief as he sees the symbol of the doors of Durin etched on the stone. Holy shit. Did someone leave this for me? Or was it for another human traveler? Muses Arden as he looks up at the sword. Arden then gets up and analyzes the blade. There is nothing unusual about it. It looks like a fancy sword. Concludes Arden as Alpha coughs from behind him. "Scared of the curse? Well, go on. If you don't believe in the Jinxies. Take the sword with your answer," Dares Alpha as he breathes down Arden's neck. Arden turns around halfway to look at Alpha as he stretches his left hand toward the handle of the blade. Arden grips it hard before staring Alpha dead in the eye. He takes two steps towards Alpha. Without saying a word, Arden pulls the blade off the stone without any effort. Alphabittle's jaw drops as he loses his balance and falls on his flank. The stallion starts sputtering a bunch of unintelligible sounds before Arden gestures him to be quiet. "There is no magic now. And no bad luck. So, nothing is powering this thing. I think you guys drained the battery keeping this thing in place. It's a magnet trick. You step into the immediate area around the stone to pull the sword. Or you step on the stone itself. The pressure plate allows a circuit to flow freely activating a set of magnets as well as charging the blade. When you try to pull it, you raise the stone at the base a bit. And the circuit discharges a shock on the fool that tried it. But so many of you tried it, the thing lost its juice. It's an old trick," Explains Arden as he repeatedly steps with one of his hooves into the area around the stone. The ground sinks a bit as he does so. And whenever Arden raises his hoof, the ground rises. "And just so you know, the answer was Mellon. It means Friend, in another language." "B-but, the shocks? How could we not notice it before?" Inquires Alpha while grabbing his head. "You were too worried about the taboo word to notice it. Not to mention this village is filled with superstitious ponies. It would be a matter of time before everyone knew about the curse of the sword. And by then, they would be too worried about the curse to notice the trick," Replies Arden while looking at the sword. "In other words, your superstitions prevented you from seeing what was right in front of your face." Alpha grits his teeth at the answer as he gets up. "No magic? Do you want to tell me that there never was magic in this world?! What about our history?! What about these? HUH!?" Yells Alpha as he points to the horn on his forehead. "I said that there is no magic now, as in present time. All stories hold some sort of truth in them. And your magic is true, that much I believe. However, that doesn't change the fact that you lack magic now. But what did you do about it?" Questions Arden as he sinks the blade on the ground. Alpha doesn't respond, Arden rolls his eyes before continuing, "You isolated yourselves in the forest! You created scary tales to frighten your children! You didn't bother to look into a problem that affects ALL of the unicorns!" "What did you expect us to do?! Without it, we are nothing! We have no means to defend ourselves against the pegasus aerial attacks! Let alone the brutish strength of earth ponies! We are sitting ducks!" Fires back Alpha with a scowl. "LOOK AT YOUR SIZE! You're a fucking wall! You can defend yourself! But you're cowering in a forest! Hiding beneath the trees! Allowing your friends and family to turn apathetic! They are bound to end up with severe depression! What then?! They might start to kill themselves!" Shoots back Arden without backing down. "If you're so confident about those claims of yours, why don't YOU solve this then?! Huh!? If you're so courageous, why won't you go out there and find out?! Why are you here?!" Replies Alpha before pushing Arden back with his hand. "Maybe I will! I will get ready and see what the hell is out there! I'll get your stupid magic back. And then you'll eat your stupidity while I point my finger at you and laugh!" Arden replies with a scowl as he tries to keep his balance. "You won't be able to take two steps out of the forest without getting attacked!" Voices Alpha with rage. "We will see about that! I'll get to Maretime Bay and back without a problem!" Declares Arden with a defiant smile. "I doubt that!" Laughs Alpha before stomping his way back into the woods. "Come, you'll need the stupid map to die out there," He orders as Arden picks the blade and follows. As Arden makes his way back, Izzy rushes Arden before lifting him off the ground. "You did it! You beat Alphabittle! And you're shining again! You're like a happy magic beacon!" "For now, it's Magic-schmagic. But we will get your magic back Izzy," States Arden with a smile as she spins him around in her arms. > Chapter 2: On the Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, everyone that owes me, step forth, NOW!" Commands Alpha the moment he steps into the building with the teapot sign. All of the ponies inside stand up, right as Arden and Izzy enter the establishment. "I want that pony out of the village now. So, get him and Izzy backpacks, travel rations, bedrolls, and a compass. He wants to go after the other races. So, I say, let him go. He will get jinxed by himself. Meanwhile, I'll grab the map. I want everything ready by the time I find it, understood?!" Orders Alpha as he walks to the counter before slamming his hand on it. "GO!" Answering the orders, all of the ponies charge out of the teahouse without looking back. Arden takes a seat by one of the tables as Izzy sits in front of him. Arden leans the blade on the table before wayward scabbard lands on top of the table. Upon inspection, Arden notices a matching red cloth on it. "We uncovered that when we found the blade. Since it's part of it, it's yours," Grumbles Alpha from behind the counter. "Thank you?" States Arden as he sheathes the blade and attaches it around his waist. "So, Izzy, are you ok with this?" "Hm?" Replies Izzy as she seems to be distracted by the lighting of the teahouse. "Are you ok with leaving the town like this? I mean, I got myself into this mess. But they are sending you away too," Argues Arden with a sad frown. "Are you kidding? I would have to get all of that equipment. Now, we are getting it for free! I'll meet so many new friends!" Replies Izzy as she squeals and squirms in her seat. She then leans in closer and makes a tunnel with her hands before whispering, "Plus, it was fun to see someone win a game against Alphabittle." Arden looks at Izzy in surprise before letting out a chuckle. Putting on a smile, Arden speaks, "I'm glad I entertained you with my antiques." "Now," Says Alphabittle as he barges in with the map in hand. He opens the scroll and points at a spot filled with drawings of trees. "If you head back to Izzy's cottage, you'll reach the southern entrance to the woods. From there, you'll need to look for this stone bridge. Cross it, and you'll be out of unicorn territory. Cross the daisy fields until you find this large three then, you will head west to Maretime Bay," Explains Alpha while tracing the path with his finger on the map. "That sounds easy enough," Comments Arden while looking at the condition of the map. The paper looks old. But it's well preserved. If this guy hoards all sorts of things, maybe we can find documents about the past? Maybe some clues about the reason for this magic loss? "As soon as those ponies come back, pack your things," Orders Alpha as he gets up from the table before turning to face Izzy. Alpha's harsh gaze softens as he witnesses the bright smile on Izzy's muzzle. He raises his hand as if to place it over Izzy's shoulder. But he pulls away before doing so. Closing his fist, Alpha shakes his hand up and down as he bites down his lip. Letting out a sigh, Alpha drops his shoulders before inhaling enough air to puff out his chest. Alpha then slowly exhales. "Izzy, are you sure you want to go out there?" Questions Alpha as if he was walking o thin ice. "I'm sure!" Replies Izzy with a smile. She adjusts her mane to the side before looking at Arden. "I believed I would get a friend one day. And one came to me. If you believe in something, it just might happen. And I want to believe I have friends out of these woods," She adds as Izzy seems to glow for a moment. "Ok then," Resigns Alpha as he steps away to sit behind the counter. Around half an hour passes before the ponies return with the requested items. After securing said items on their backs, Arden gestures to Izzy to lead the way after storing the map on his shoulder bag. As Arden is about to step out of the tree, Alpha blocks Arden's path with his arm. "That filly is the last spark of joy in these woods. So, I'll make myself as clear as I can. Keep her safe. If you hurt her in any way, I will end you," Warns Alpha as he clears the way. "I'm setting out into the unknown," States Arden while keeping his eyes on the road out of the building. Sighing, Arden turns his head to face Alpha before continuing, "Izzy is the only friend I have here. I'm adventuring because I want to. But the only reason I can set out like this is her. Had I awakened in this village, I wouldn't be the way I am right now. So, you can bet I'll do everything I can to keep her smiling," Reassures Arden with confidence before taking the first step out of the tree. However, before Arden can go any further than two steps, Arden turns halfway to look at Alpha standing by the door. "She lights up a path and gives us the courage to set out. Her light is contagious. I wish I could inspire others as she can." After saying those words, Arden faces forward and rushes to catch up to Izzy. Night approaches at a steady pace while Arden brings a bundle of sticks to their campsite. Izzy seems to have finished setting the bedrolls. The duo left the forest behind for about three hours. Arden sparks the fire using a flint he found tucked away in one of the backpacks. With the crackling flames doing their job, Arden takes a seat on the bedroll Izzy had set near hers. "I'm sorry to ask this," Says Arden as he watches the flames. "Are you and Alpha close? He seemed concerned for your safety back there." "Oh, that," States Izzy with a chuckle. "Probably has to do with him raising me in my shack." "Hm?" Retorts Arden as he skits closer to Izzy with a curious look in his eyes. "Alphabittle always said I was too bright for Bridlewood. So, he raised me away from the rest of the village. He is like my father in a way," Explains Izzy as she picks a canteen. "That makes sense," Agrees Arden as he unlocks the leaf brooch. Taking off the cloak, Arden gestures for Izzy to take it, "I like the cold. The blanket is enough for me. So, take it." "Thank you," Replies Izzy as she takes the cloak and puts it around her shoulders. After donning it, Izzy looks to the sky, "This is the most stars I have ever seen in my life. You can't see much in between the leaves of the trees." "I can't say I ever saw this many either," Comments Arden as he looks to the sky. "Too much light pollution. You were lucky if you could see one star in the sky," He adds while watching the sea of gems above them. "I heard that we used to use our horns to arrange the stars," Izzy comments as she hugs her knees. "I bet I could make some neat constellations," She adds while resting her chin against the top of her knees. "I bet you can," Says Arden as he lays on the bedroll. Laying with his back against the ground, Arden reaches for one of the blankets. "Good night, Izzy. We will get everyone to see your constellations." "Night," Arden hears as he closes his eyes. "Arden! Arden wake up!" Calls Izzy as Arden repeatedly blinks while trying to make sense of his surroundings. "W-what? What's going on?" Inquires Arden as he drunkenly rises from his bedroll. "Look!" Orders Izzy as she points to the horizon. The sun slowly rises over a tall tree on the horizon. The plain fields turn colorful as daisies, roses, tulips, and lavenders paint the hills. The skies turn purple, orange, and yellow before the blue slowly washes over the colors diluting them into nothing. Arden's jaw lays on the dirt as he dumbly smiles at the beauty forming and shifting before his eyes. A glance to the side and Arden witnesses a reflection of the sunrise. Izzy's eyes hold a more mesmerizing version of the sunrise within them, leaving Arden stunned by the vision. Look at me, mesmerized by a pony I met yesterday. One day after turning into a talking horse. And with my preferences as well as my sense of beauty severely altered. Wow. Two days in, and I'm in this deep. This is way past the point of no return. Congratulations, Arden. You're no longer human in any sense. Concludes Arden as he chuckles before getting off the ground and stretching. "Thanks for waking me for that," Says Arden before kicking some dirt on the embers of the bonfire. "What do you say to us heading out now?" "Yeah, it sounds like a good idea," Replies Izzy with a satisfied smile as she continues to watch the horizon. After packing their things, the duo began their walk down the hills toward the stone bridge. Izzy's excitement could only be compared to the sun's glow. And her glow is giving the sun a run for their money. New sights, new skies, and new steps leading to a different, unknown place. Arden couldn't help but share her excitement, albeit in a tamer manner. It took them an hour at a faster pace to reach the stone bridge, or the remnants of one, to be more precise. Poorly placed stones that looked ready to give away at a moment's notice stood before them. "I would say we should go one-by-one. But I don't like how this looks. So, I would prefer that we just rush this one. It will be worse if we end up separated," Proposes Arden as he kneels to look at the stones closer to the edge. "This part seems stable enough. Um, Izzy, do you think you could carry me? You're nimbler than me." Arden doesn't get an answer before getting swooped off his hooves by Izzy as she charges full speed across the bridge. Nothing happens, the bridge remains intact as she places Arden on the ground. "Ok. I didn't need to worry," Starts Arden before the bridge collapses right at the center of the path. "I retract that statement. I'm glad I worried about it." "I may have overdone it," Comments Izzy as she lets out a nervous chuckle. "Better than falling into that chasm," Reassures Arden as he approaches the edge of the bridge. "You saved us in more than one way. We didn't fall. And we didn't have to look for a way around for who knows how long," He adds before turning back to take the lead. "We have to keep going until we get to that tree. From there, it's a straight shot to Maretime Bay," He finishes while pointing to the huge plant in the distance. "Ok! Bye, bridge!" Exclaims Izzy before rushing past Arden. "And you're very light!" She adds before starting to hum as she trots across the daisy fields. "I'll take that as a compliment," States Arden as he picks up the pace to keep up with Izzy. Two hours of frolicking over the gardens led to the gigantic tree. Izzy continued on her own. However, Arden had to stop to catch his breath. As he sat underneath the tree, Arden rests his head on the trunk before pulling the compass out. Glancing at the arrow, Arden identifies the path to the coast. And then notice a flat terrain that stood jarringly out of place. The path leading to Maretime Bay is filled with nothing but flat terrain. Izzy seems to notice Arden's break and returns with her head tilted to the side. "What's wrong?" "Just catching my breath," Replies Arden as he continues to look at the flatlands before him. Getting up from the ground, Arden turns to face the hills and mounds behind them before he looks back at the flatlands before them. "Say, Izzy, doesn't this look weird?" "What?" Inquires Izzy as she begins to look around. "We just left Unicorn territory. But, there are no watchtowers or anything from either race at the border. If you guys are at war, wouldn't they have some sort of security around that area?" Argues Arden as he looks back over his shoulder at the road already traveled. Turning his gaze back to the path forward, Arden holds his chin before speaking again. "And these plains, it would have been the perfect spot to have a town built. No terraforming or anything of the sort would be needed. But, the flower fields. They are odd too. They are geometrical. And the grass areas look like paths dividing the fields. If you were to place buildings here, they would be around the size of those flowerbeds," Explains Arden as he traces the fields in the distance with his finger. "I think. No, I believe that there was a town here at some point in the past." "Neat," Says Izzy as she watches the fields before her. "What do you think happened?" "I don't know," Mumbles Arden as a strange pressure makes itself known in his chest. Arden grasps his heart while watching the plains. For a moment something appears before his eyes. Faint images of ponies walking around. The ghostly visions show faint silhouettes of a strange building that looks like a cupcake. Shaking his head, Arden shuts his eyes as a ringing noise starts to infest his mind. "No-no. Shut it," He mumbles before the sound dies. Opening his eyes again, Arden sighs in relief at the sight of the empty fields. "Are you ok? You looked like you were in pain," Inquires Izzy with a frown. "I am ok. Come on. We have to get you to those friends of yours!" Reassures Arden with a smile before taking the lead once more. "So, we are here," Says Arden as they stand before an old plaque with decayed ink that reads Maretime Bay. "Are you ready for this visit? Izzy? Izzy? Izzy?!" Arden yells as soon as he realizes that the unicorn is gone. Suddenly, Arden hears screams in the distance. Oh, no. He concludes before rushing towards the screaming. Arden runs past a lighthouse on his way in. As he approaches the coastal town, Arden sees ponies lacking horns running blindly across the streets. Among them, Arden spots Izzy approaching the railings facing the sea. She is about to step over a plate marked with a red X before an earth pony tackles Izzy out of the way and leads her by the wrist deeper into the city. "Please, please, please be safe!" Prays Arden as he gains the streets of the town just in time to run into Izzy and the orange Earth pony leading her. They are surrounded as Izzy approaches what seems to be a theater. "Izzy!" Arden yells once he is close enough, however, before Izzy can react, she steps over one of the tiles with the X on it. Both Arden and Izzy end up trapped in the dark. A few seconds of grunting and panting in the enclosed space later, Arden manages to speak. "Izzy! You're ok, right?" Inquires Arden while trying to understand in which position they are. "Why did you go off on your own?! You could have gotten hurt!" Arden scolds as he feels his head resting on something soft. "Sorry. I was just so excited. Did you see the sea!? I have never seen the sea before! It's HUGE!" Half-apologizes Izzy before a commotion cuts the conversation short. "Sunny! Don't you dare!" They hear from inside the box before the trap opens while dropping them on the streets. Arden's head rests on Izzy's chest, the duo lies on the street as the earth ponies panic and screams across town. In their panic, the earth ponies step into the traps, jump into the sea, and lock themselves into the buildings. "So, your name is Sunny?" Inquires Izzy as Arden gets up and looks behind him. "Come on! We have to get you out of here!" Orders Sunny as Arden grabs Izzy in his arms like a bride and rushes behind the newcomer. A quick escape leads the trio to the Lighthouse where Arden places Izzy down in the living room. The place is riddled with books, old paintings, maps, old-looking accessories, and a handful of portraits of a younger Sunny and what seems to be her father. A small portrait holds a picture of a blue stallion as two items rest near it. A wooden medal with a star surrounded by six stars rests near a pair of glasses inside a case. "Do earth ponies also like staring contests?" Arden hears as he continues to look at the decoration. Resting near a series of damaged items, a rusty silver circlet lays on display on a bust. It seems to have a socket for a gem to fit. Multiple tools are scattered around the table with a few scribbled notes near it. Artifact found in the bay. It seems incomplete. However, the item was kept inside a locked chest that didn't look special. I believe the box was enchanted to hold the item and prevent its use. The missing gem seems to be a problem, as there were no stones near it. Therefore, I believe the missing piece may be submerged somewhere in the ocean. It would be nigh impossible to find the item in question without some form of magic. I can't help but wonder what kind of item this was due to all the magic requirements revolving around it. Argile. "What about you?" Arden hears from behind him as he returns from his curiosity drift. "Sorry, I missed that," Replies Arden while making his way to Sunny and offering his hand. "I'm Arden Sila, a pleasure to meet you. And thank you, by the way." "Sunny Starscout," Retorts Sunny before quickly taking Arden's hand. "So, do YOU have any magic? Do unicorns like pizza? If so, what toppings do you like? If not, why not? Does using magic wear you out? Are spells required to have a chant or do you simply picture the desired effect? Are your capacities for magic measurable?" "What? No. None of the unicorns have it," Arden quickly retorts with a raised eyebrow as to stop the barrage of questions. "I want to figure out why. But I and Izzy agreed to travel around for a bit before going for that. Maretime Bay was our first stop," Arden adds as he turns to see Izzy nodding excitedly. "But, how can you not have magic?" Questions Sunny as she retreats and leans back on the counter. She then reaches for a notebook behind her with the same star as the medallion on its cover. "All of my father's research points to you having magic." "Well, if it makes you feel any better, we used to have it. It just went poof," Intervenes Izzy with a concerned look. Already made a friend, huh? Good going, Izzy. Concludes Arden with a smile. "Can I see that book?" Inquires Arden while pointing at the journal as he approaches Sunny again. However, as he does so, Arden feels as if he stepped on something. Looking down, Arden sees a pool of beans on the floor near a can. "Sorry," Arden hears from Izzy as Sunny offers him a rag to clean his hoof. "Thank you," Says Arden as he cleans his hoof before pushing the beans into the can. "Where can I drop these?" Sunny replies by taking the can and rag before tossing them in a garbage can on the sink. After cleaning her hands, Sunny pulls up the journal again and hands it to Arden. Pony unity. Three races together with magic being a major part of their society. A map of the three current locales holding each of the three breeds. Unicorns using their magic to control the stars and celestial bodies. Pegasus using their magic to paint the skies with rainbows. A Princess with a pupil as bright as the sun. Magic of Friendship. Skims Arden while carefully flipping the book's pages. Isn't the title of the previous generation of the cartoon Friendship something-something? So, this world is a sequel to that cartoon? This means magic is disappearing. However, there is an issue here. Unicorns have scary stories about the other breeds. The earth ponies panicked when they saw Izzy and me. They had traps ready for us. Did we do something to them in the past? Um, come on, think. Don't tell me, Concludes Arden as he closes the book and hands it to Sunny. "Sunny, right?" Inquires Arden after handing the book. "Do you have stories about unicorns? As in tales that describe us?" "They think we can melt brains with lasers. And that we can read their minds," Izzy intervenes while messing around with a telescope. "God-damn it," Arden grumbles as he drops his shoulders. "It's a repeat of Bridlewood." "I knew it! You live in Bridlewood!" Sunny exclaims before scribbling into the journal. After writing some notes, Sunny looks up with a serious expression. "What do mean by repeat?" "Unicorns have scary stories about Earth ponies too. I would bet my right arm that the pegasus also has stories on both our breeds too," Explains Arden while placing both his hands behind his head. "For the love of, we are the same thing. The only difference being a few appendages. By this logic, stallions and mares should be scared shitless of each other." "Yeah, those stories are kinda stupid," Agrees Sunny with a pout. However, she quickly puts on a smile. "But I'll disagree on the Pegasus part. Who's to say they aren't friendly? And are waiting for us to visit?" "That is wishful thinking," Replies Arden while holding his chin. He starts tapping his index finger against it for a few seconds before speaking. "We went through days of empty fields and old dead roads to get here. But there wasn't a sign of pegasus activity anywhere. Nor there were any signs of earth ponies too. That can mean one out of a few possibilities. One of which is that all three races are scared shitless of each other and have completely cut themselves off from terrains out of their respective capitals. There is also the possibility of all three races losing their magic. Which would also explain the further isolation. Without the abilities of their species, each breed would be left defenseless against the so-called enemies." "What? No! We were wrong about you, what's to say we aren't wrong about Pegasus ponies too?" Objects Sunny with a frown. "I'm not saying they are what the stories describe," Retorts Arden while shaking his head. "What I'm proposing is a scenario that explains why none of us have seen each of the breeds mingling until now. Think about it. If it becomes customary to scare the hell out of each other about the rest of the pony species, the stories are bound to grow out of hand. And then, things go crazy with everyone too scared to meet with the rest of the breeds. Which leads to isolation and paranoia. I mean, look at your town, Sunny. You had defenses set to trap us the moment we stepped into town. The other ponies went into a blind panic just by seeing Izzy. As for us, we were hiding under the trees and turned superstitious." "Oh," Deflates Sunny as she holds her arms. "That makes sense." "So, I doubt the pegasus ponies are in better shape. But we will only know more if we see it for ourselves," Concludes Arden as he turns to look at Izzy, who is staring at the banner of the star symbol. Arden taps Izzy's shoulder to get her attention before speaking. "Izzy, would you mind if we went to the pegasus city? I know we just got here. But they might have some answers for us. Our first impression here wasn't the best. So, it might be best to put the visit on hold until the panic settles down," Arden reasons as Izzy seems to bite her lip. "But the pegasus ponies are bad news," Counters Izzy as she looks out the window. "It's either that or head back to Bridlewood to look for answers. Because no one will," Starts Arden before a loud noise interrupts his argument. "SUNNY STARSCOUT! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE WITH THOSE UNICORNS!" Yells a voice from outside. Peeking out the window, Arden spots a yellow-ish earth pony with a green mane. He has a megaphone in his hands and a blond red pony standing behind him. The red pony has a strange hat on his head and seems to be cowering behind the taller pony. "What the hell is that thing?" Inquires Arden as Sunny squeezes in to look outside. "Anti-mind-reading hat," Replies Sunny with a nervous smile. Arden's eyes start to twitch as he grips the curtains tightly. "Nope! Not tolerating this bullshit," He exclaims before picking a ruler and a clean white rag Sunny had on the sink and tying them together. Opening the front door, Arden places the ruler with the white cloth out the door before waving it. "We want to talk! Please, cease any hostilities!" Arden yells as he slowly emerges from behind the doors. The red pony panics before rushing back to the city. I want to kill whoever spread those stories. Groans Arden as he rolls his eyes at the sight. The other pony assumes a battle stance as if he was about to start a boxing match. "My name is Arden Sila!" Introduces Arden while holding the flag high with one hand as the other remained up as a sign of surrender. Seeing as the pony kept his guard up, Arden pushed to break their composure. "My friend and I had no intentions of causing any problems to any of you!" Explains Arden as the pony seems to lower his guard for a moment. Arden takes this opportunity to shock the pony. "We didn't know that there was this much friction between our species. Please, if you will allow us, we will leave. Just promise us that you won't punish Sunny! She just wanted to help us!" Argues Arden as the pony seems to drop their fists in disbelief. "Wait. You're interceding in her favor? You know she is an earth pony, right?" Asks the pony with confusion plastered on his face. Arden nods before the pony starts to scratch its head. "Did you do something to Sunny?" "Please, clarify. Something is too vague for me to answer," Retorts Arden with a tilted head and a sigh of annoyance. "You know, brainwashing her? Putting a spell on her, that kind of stuff?" Inquires the pony while moving his hands around. "Unicorns lost their magic a LONG time ago. We are exactly like earth ponies, save for the horns," Retorts Arden while keeping his eyes locked with the pony. "Hold on. You don't have magic?" Inquires the pony before Arden nods in response. The pony's battle stance crumbles as his behavior changes from cool and collected to awkward. He starts scratching the back of his neck nervously before speaking, "But, why come to Maretime Bay then?" "We came here for multiple reasons. The main one being helping my friend, Izzy Moonbow, fulfill her dream. Which is to visit this town and make new friends," Explains Arden with a calm tone. Seeing as the pony seems to be swayed by the arguments so far, Arden decides to push it. "The other reasons include learning more about the land. As well as seeing if you know anything about magic and its disappearance. Not to mention asking for help in restoring it." "Unicorns are asking for earth ponies to help?" Inquires the pony with a concerned look. Ok. Things are going somewhat smoothly. He is questioning the events and probably questioning the stories to some extent. I need to have at least ONE pony willing to see us outside of town next time. That way we can start to pave the way for communications. Plans Arden as he prepares for his closing request. "That was the plan. However, it seems none of the citizens are willing to help us right now. So, would it be ok for us to leave? And maybe come back at a later date? We can ask Sunny to send word for you to avoid all of the madness from today," Proposes Arden while observing the pony raise an eyebrow at the request. "That way we can meet outside of town and converse while avoiding the issue of putting the whole town in a panic. We have no intention of hurting anyone. But we need to put an end to this needless conflict. You were brave enough to stand your ground against something you only knew as a foe. Certainly, you're brave enough to help both sides. If the fear and conflict end everyone wins." The pony puts on a satisfied smile as he hears the praise for his courage. Almost as if posing for a photo, they rub their nails on their lapel before speaking. "I am the sheriff. Look at the badge. Of course, I'm brave." Oh. I broke him. Ok. This went a bit better than expected. Chuckles Arden while relaxing his arms. "It is an expertly crafted badge, sir Sheriff. No doubt you earned it," Praises Arden while watching the Sheriff's ego skyrocket. "So, may we request your aid in future attempts to establish peaceful relations between Earth ponies and unicorns? An officer of the law has to uphold the peace and ensure the well being of all of those within his jurisdiction after all." The pony holds their chin while muttering something inaudible for Arden. "I can't make any promises. However, I, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer, can pass on the events of this conversation to the rest of the town. That might reduce the tension and allow for a meeting outside of our borders. But they will want to bring protection like the catapults and the helmets." "If that makes them willing to at least hear us it's more than enough. Thank you for hearing me out, Sheriff Hitch Trailblazer," Replies Arden as he drops the flag and commits to a bow. "We will take our leave now." "Sunny?" Says Hitch as Arden rises to look back at the lighthouse. Sunny has a shoulder bag on her as she stands by Izzy. "What are you doing?" "I'm going with them," Replies Sunny as she grips the shoulder strap. "They came here to ask for help. And I have research about the past. So, I can and will help," She adds with a serious tone. "You're not serious, are you?" Hitch asks as he approaches the lighthouse. Almost ignoring Arden's presence. "You can't leave Maretime Bay. It's too dangerous." "I have to do my part, hoof-to-heart," Says Sunny before hugging Hitch. "Thank you for watching out for me all this time. But this is my chance to prove to everyone that my father and I were right," She adds while tightening the hug. Sunny breaks the gesture before taking Izzy's wrist and walking off. Izzy waves goodbye to Hitch as they gain some distance. "Where are you three headed next?" Asks Hitch with his back turned to Arden. You're coming after us, aren't you? Deduces Arden as he adjusts the backpack. "The pegasus city. According to the map, it's called Zephyr Heights. Maybe the pegasus ponies have some answers for us," Replies Arden with a soft smile. Arden then starts to walk away, about twenty steps later, Arden hears from behind him. "Leave a trail for me to follow! Once I'm through informing the village, I'll come after you guys! Someone needs to keep an eye on Sunny!" Hitch yells as Arden turns halfway with a smile on his face. "Keep her safe, got it?!" "You have my word, Sheriff Hitch! See you on the road!" Shouts Arden as he watches Hitch bolt towards the town. And then, there were four. Concludes Arden as he starts running towards Sunny and Izzy. > Chapter 3: Feathered Regalia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sunny, with all due respect, did you pack ANYTHING for the trip?" Asks Arden while taking off his cloak to hand it to Izzy. It seems as though Sunny took off in the heat of the moment without proper supplies. "You were in your home. You had supplies, probably a blanket or two. How did you not pack anything but your journal?" "I was excited to head out on an adventure. I mean, I finally met not one but two unicorns. And they came asking for help. How can I NOT be excited and forget about a few things? I've been waiting for this moment my whole life," Retorts Sunny with floppy ears as she wraps herself with Izzy's blanket. "Listen, Sunny, your excitement is understandable. And I am grateful for you being here with us," Starts Arden as he takes his bedroll to Sunny and sets it near her. After getting it placed, Arden heads to his backpack. "However, this is a big deal. We can't afford to walk away without proper supplies. Proper rest and feeding keep our minds clear and bodies ready." "Sorry," Apologizes Sunny before laying on the bedroll. "And thanks for the roll." "Don't mention it. We better head out at first light. There is a lot of ground to cover here. We're counting on your notes to find the way, Sunny," Proposes Arden while staring at the sky with the blanket over his body. No one says a thing as they lay under the stars. After five minutes of silence, Arden speaks up, "Sunny, if you don't mind me asking, did you inherit that journal? It looks like it has seen its fair share of use." "Yes. It was my father's," Replies Sunny. "I thought of following in his hoof steps." "Is he the one that made all those star-shaped patterns?" Inquires Izzy. "They were well-made," She adds with a chuckle. "Yeah, he did. He told me that the star was the symbol of a special unicorn from the past," Explains Sunny with a sad tone. "It must have been quite the unicorn then," Comments Arden while tracing stars with his index finger. "Their symbol was all over the house. Why did all of them have five stars around them?" "I wish I knew. Maybe it had something to do with the friends that helped the unicorn? Like, the smaller stars represent them?" Proposes Sunny. "In that case, it would make sense. Especially if they were recognized as a group," Reassures Arden with a smile. "But I guess we should get some rest now. We got an early leave tomorrow. Night!" "Night!" The two mares reply as Arden closes his eyes. It's warm. Too warm. And, is that perfume? Concludes Arden as his internal clock causes him to slowly regain consciousness. His eyes open ever so slightly to a lilac background. A few strands of cerulean blue roll in front of it as Arden turns stiff. The feeling of being surrounded by warm and soft made him scan his surroundings with his eyes. Izzy had turned him into a body pillow during the night. Pulling him close, Arden stood perfectly still as Izzy continues to hold him like a plushie. "Teddy," Izzy mumbles as she nuzzles Arden's mane. Then, a counterforce pulls Arden back toward something firmer. Sunny pulls Arden closer as if spooning him. "Camping is fun," Sunny whispers as she tightens her grip around Arden's chest. "I missed you, daddy." NOT YOUR FATHER! And I haven't acted like your father at all! Our only semblance is the coat color! I'm not your father! Too small to be him! Let me go! Grumbles Arden as he feels his head against Sunny's torso. As if on cue, Izzy comes closer and wraps her arms around Sunny, and pulls both of them closer. Now squished in between the mares, Arden keeps his eyes closed as he lets out a resigned sigh. God damn it. I'll just let them sleep for now. I don't want to be clobbered for scaring them awake. Concludes Arden as he drifts back to sleep. Not that this is all bad. "Wakey, wakey," Arden hears after some time. Opening his eyes, Arden sees Izzy's eyes locked with him as she lays inches away from his face. "Good morning to you," Greets Arden with a smile as Izzy giggles. "How did you sleep?" Izzy inquires with a grin. "I slept well. Had a bit of a surprise waking up. But other than that, slept ok," Replies Arden as Izzy seems to deflate a little. Arden grins as he assumes to know the reason for the reaction. "You were expecting me to get flustered or freak out, right?" "Yeah," Izzy replies with a pout. "A few more minutes, daddy," Sunny complains as she wraps Arden in her arms and flips around, causing Arden to hit his head against the floor. Arden lets out a pained groan causing Sunny's eyes to open. As soon as she sees Arden in her arms, Sunny stands still for a second before speaking. "You're not Mr. Cuddles." "Not your father either," Arden agrees before Sunny stiffens at the comment. "What did you say?" Questions Sunny with her voice trembling. "You whispered into my ear that you loved camping and that you missed me while referring to me as your father while sleeping," Explains Arden as Sunny seems to tighten the grip. "Can you not mention this to anyone?" Requests Sunny with palpable concern. "My lips are sealed. Just let me go, please? You're starting to hurt me a bit," Replies Arden while feigning to have a hard time catching his breath. "Sure," Replies Sunny before quickly letting go of Arden. After getting their rations, the tree ponies collect their gear while Arden sets up clues for Hitch to follow. Setting up a small fire with leftover sticks, Arden scatters a few pieces of trash near the campsite. As they finish the preparations to set out, Arden speaks. "So, why did you two surround me? While I was sleeping? Did it get colder during the night?" Questions Arden while securing his backpack. "Well, Izzy said you weren't looking too good. So, I felt bad for taking your covers and the bed. Then, she suggested that we all bundled up to keep each other warm during the night. But when I went to sleep, I had my back turned to you," Explains Izzy, while braiding her mane. "Let me help!" Exclaims Izzy as she tidies up Sunny's mane and ties the end with a rubber band. "But while she was asleep she started cuddling you and kept mentioning her daddy. Maybe you remind her of her father?" Proposes Izzy as Sunny quickly gets up. "Alright! Let's head out! I took a look at the map and I know the way!" Exclaims Sunny as she hastily walks away. "I think we should keep quiet about that one, Izzy," Whispered Arden while passing by Izzy. "Ok," Says Izzy before skipping past Arden to catch up with Izzy and glomp her. Arden smiles at the behavior. Good. You go, Izzy. Get yourself all sorts of friends. Wishes Arden as he continues to follow them close behind. "So, you've been trying to keep your father's ideals alive by protesting and trying to convince others with the things he left behind?" Asks Arden while boosting Sunny up a wall. Once she is top-side, both Sunny and Izzy pull him up with relative ease. "That's the long and short of it. How can you be so light, fluffy, yet capable of lifting us?" Asks Sunny as she helps Arden up. "Maybe if you went excavating you could have better evidence to sustain your claims? That way your arguments would have a bigger impact," Offers Arden as they continue down the road while choosing to ignore the comment on his size. A few steps after clearing the slope, Arden spots something familiar in the distance. "Um, Sunny?" "Hm?" Retorts Sunny while confidently heading towards a large tree in the middle of flower fields. "This is the right way. Once we hit the tree, we head east to those mountains." Dropping his shoulders, Arden lets out a sigh as he follows them. "I know it's the right way. You have more knowledge of this than us. But, we've been walking for about eight days, to reach this tree. That's three days more than the route Izzy and I took to reach your town," Adds Arden as Sunny looks back on him while deflating like a sad punctured balloon. Quickly raising his arms, Arden starts to wave them around before managing to speak. "Look, Sunny! Um, oh, ok. Your navigation was on point. We hit EVERY little landmark you mentioned. You read the stars at night to navigate without a sextant. Even the terrain issues were on point. All I'm saying is that you could have mentioned where was the first BIG marker for our trip we could have saved a bit of time. You're a great navigator, but asking for help can prevent problems later." "Ok, I'll keep that in mind," Says Sunny with a half-smile. "Sunny, you don't have to worry about it!" Intervenes Izzy while hopping in front of Sunny. "Arden is right! You're an awesome navigator. You just got a bit carried away! I did the same thing eight days ago. I rushed ahead and left Arden behind. And we both saw how well that plan went." She adds while speaking between her teeth. Sunny's spirits rise as she takes the lead once more. If I remind her of her father, negative remarks might make her feel as if she is letting her father down. I better be careful with how I word things then. Concludes Arden while shaking his head. "How come I'm the most responsible here? I'm sure she is the protagonist here. Dead parents, check. Odd one out from the entire town, check. Kind-hearted, check. Leading attitude, check. Capable, check. Overenthusiastic to the point it poses a problem, check. You got yourself a main character ready there. The same goes for Izzy. The odd one out here is me," whispered Arden to himself with a smile. Ok. Something is up here. Concludes Arden while setting the bonfire once more. The bright and cheerful Izzy quietly sits hugging her knees in front of the circle of stones Arden had set for the bonfire. The mountain towers over them as the moon shines its light over them. After bundling the sticks, Arden prepares to clear his throat to speak. However, Sunny beats him to it. "So, Izzy, what's up?" Asks Sunny as Arden decides to continue with the camp setting. That's the main characters' moment for a heart-to-heart. Concludes Arden while grabbing the flint. You go, you two. Be better friends. He cheers while sparking the fire. "It's just. I just, I'm worried. The pegasus ponies always scared me. Because of the stories of them stealing our luminescence. I know it's stupid," Starts Izzy with a sad tone. "But, I can't help but worry. They say that when you lose your luminescence, you become listless. And then everything feels boring and depressing. You just lose the will to do anything." "Hey, don't worry. We got your back!" Reassures Sunny while pulling Izzy into a sideways hug. "Still, that means that instead of one, we have three potential victims," Replies Izzy with a frown. She then looks at Sunny with a worried expression. "And I don't want my new friends to end up like the other unicorns in Bridlewood." "And we won't," Replies Sunny warmly. Silence reigns as the two mares sit side by side. Izzy puts on a smile that quickly crumbles as she looks into the flames. Sunny's confident smile disappears as she gazes at the imposing mountains before them. I don't want to. But just this once, just once, let them in. If anyone ever deserved it, it's her. Open up, friend. Just this once, work with me. Asks Arden while picking the bedrolls. Arden seats in front of the fire after putting the bedrolls side by side on the opposite side from where the two mares are sitting. He watches as the two mares sit next to each other. Slowly, the fire crackles fade into nothing but a nigh inaudible buzz. The light dies out as everything turns gray. Arden's heartbeat, on the other hand, becomes the only sound he can perceive as it emanates light waves. His body numbs as he sees two lights coming from the mares. His light slowly floats towards the mares. Suddenly, his light strikes the duo. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose them." "How do I do this, father? I've been trying my best for years. What if we don't find anything? What then, father?" "You're both doing way more than anyone else ever asked you to," Speaks Arden while keeping his gaze locked on the lights from Izzy and Sunny. "And both of you already accomplished more than anyone ever thought possible. There is no doubt in my mind that your father is proud of you, Sunny. You stuck to your ideals. And you tried to continue his legacy. So, don't let anyone ever tell you that you never accomplished anything. Because every day that you stood up for your ideals, you won." "I won dad. And I will keep winning." "And Izzy, our luminescence is the light that shines when we experience excitement and joy," Arden continues with an honest smile. Letting out a tired sigh, Arden musters the strength to keep speaking. "You taught me that. And you showed me how to share it. Had it not been for you, I would probably be very different from who I am today. Because you shared your light with me. So, even if it is true that pegasus ponies can steal that brilliant radiance of yours. They won't be able to take away something that's willingly shared. Because the joy we have can only grow when we pass it on to others, it can't disappear. So, don't worry. For every heart, your light reaches, remains connected to yours, no matter what happens." Each sentence feels like a struggle. The words hurt his throat as they leave his windpipe. As he finishes the words, the world's colors return and Arden's senses assault his mind. Grabbing his head, Arden grunts in pain as his throat hurts as if he had swallowed boiling water. It doesn't take long for Arden to collapse before the image of Sunny and Izzy looking at him awestruck. Sharp pain courses through Arden's skull causing him to grunt in response. Opening his eyes, Arden feels his body weigh him down. His limbs feel as if they are made of lead. Every joint in his body feels as if they are covered in rust. Arden takes notice that he rests over the bedrolls. They moved me. At least they aren't that angry about the talk. It's not the worst-case scenario. Concludes Arden as he spots Izzy braiding Sunny's mane. Both of them look in higher spirits than last night, good. I didn't screw it up. Trying his best to pile himself up, Arden stands up with a lot of effort. His grunting and panting cause the two to look over for a second before averting their gaze swiftly. Arden notices it and lets out a defeated sigh as he drops his shoulders. Kicking dirt into the bonfire, Arden begins to gather their items. By the time Arden is done, Izzy and Sunny finish the care with their manes. They look to have taken special care of their manes today. Notes Arden as he shoves his rations into his mouth. "You're ok?" Asks Sunny while reading her journal. "Yeah. Sorry about that, Sunny," Replies Arden with a faint feeling of relief washing over him. "Warn us next time you're not feeling well," Demands Izzy while putting her backpack on. "Will do. I'm sorry, Izzy," States Arden as he deflates at the absent smile on Izzy's face. Wow. I messed up badly. The good news is that those two are probably closer now. I may have screwed things over for me. But I won't let those two lose their hopes. Concludes Arden as he prepares to set up a trail for Hitch. Only for him to notice, that there are items already scattered and a small smoke column rising from a small fire. "Come on! We got a lot of ground to cover," Says Sunny as she closes her book and starts leading up the mountain. Izzy doesn't comment before rushing happily to Sunny. This is when I start to fade in the background. Well, I asked for this when I used it. I just wish it hurt less. Grumbles Arden while trying to pick up the pace to keep up with the dynamic duo. The terrain reveals to be their worst enemy. Slopes, cliffs, steep hills, and poor roads are among the usual obstacles. More than once Arden is forced to rely on Sunny and Izzy as his body fails him. Weakened limbs and struggling lungs make Arden fight the strain being applied by the path. "Are you sure you're ok?" Asks Sunny as Arden rests on a rock. Sweat rolls down his face as he gasps for air and breathes through his shoulder. "I think I'm having a hard time adapting to the altitude," Replies Arden in between breaths. "The air is getting thinner," Comments Izzy while looking back at the edge. Letting out a sigh, Izzy walks back before giving Arden a tap on the back. "Come on. You can do better." Arden smiles before getting up. "You two keep going on. I'll try to catch up. The path looks easier here," He points out while gesturing to the straight road before them. Stretching for a moment, Arden watches as the duo gains some ground as the clouds slowly seem to climb down the mountain walls. "I asked for this," He mumbles before getting up and following the road before him. The road turns into a claustrophobic's nightmare as the wide path steadily narrows down with every step forward. Arden can hear the two ponies trotting up the path. Their giggles and chuckles make him smile as he does his best to catch up. His body weights him down the more he strains it. However, Arden continues to press on. That is until a different sound comes from the forward-most group. "RUN!" Sunny's voice echoes from further down the path. MOVE IT! Commands Arden as he breaks into a full sprint. All of his muscles scream at the strain applied by the effort. His tendons and bones send Arden warnings to stop the exertion. However, Arden pushes through as he continues to chase the trotting sounds and the sound of something hitting the walls above him as if it was hopping around. "ARDEN!" Screams Izzy up a slope as Arden nearly tumbles due to his legs trying to give out. "IZZY! SUNNY!" Arden shouts back right before a series of grunts occur. Arden forces himself up until he manages to clear the slope. As he gains the higher ground, he is met with a peculiar sight while breathing through his shoulders. Izzy and Sunny are wrapped up in a tangled mess due to Izzy's backpack and Sunny's shoulder bag. That in itself would be comical, however, there is a third party involved with the precarious situation. A white pony with a mane that has the color of a smoothie flavor and the shape of an ice cream cone. This pony has wings with feathers that share the same color as the mane. Wearing more sports-type clothes, she grunts in confusion while holding her head. "Ok. We ran into the pegasus. That's a plus," Starts Arden in between breaths as he approaches the disgruntled group. Freeing Izzy first and Sunny second, Arden extends his hand to the pegasus pony. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Arden Sila, this is Sunny Starscout, and this is Izzy Moonbow. Sorry for the sudden visit, Ms.?" The pegasus lady remains on the ground with an awestruck expression while staring at the group. Shaking her head sideways, she takes in some air before speaking. "Wow! A unicorn, and an earth pony? Together? This day just got a whole lot more interesting." "I'm glad our colorful group amused you, Ms.?" Pushes Arden while offering his hand once more. "Oh, right!" Starts the pegasus while taking Arden's hand. "I'm Zipp Storm. Nice to meet you three," She greets while shaking Arden's hand firmly. "I hope you don't mind us asking," Intervenes Sunny while slightly pushing Arden to the side. "But, why were you chasing us?" "Oh, I was just running down the?!" Zipp's speech is halted by a loud gasp. The gasp came from a pair of guards that had just turned a corner near a rock. They seemed to be walking, and their wings were neatly tucked behind their backs. One of them quickly drew their sword while the other clumsily dropped theirs on the ground before snatching it and holding it as if they never had done it before. Guards searching the immediate area, check. Runaway mare with attitude and likely not keen to walls, check. Fancy clothes, check. This is probably someone important. And given the theme of those guards' armor, I would say we are dealing with a princess. Concluded Arden as he drew his sword and with some effort stood in front of the group. "Release the princess, Now!" Ordered one of the guards as the other continued to shake and seemed to be trying to speak up as well. "Princess?" Said Arden as he feigned ignorance and turned to face the pegasus. A memory of Izzy's drawing flashed through Arden's mind as he concocted a plan to escape the predicament. "Oh! My apologies, Your Highness. I didn't expect for royalty themselves to come to meet us," Said Arden as he winked at Zipp and lowered his guard. "What do you mean?" Asked the competent guard as they dropped their guard in confusion. "We sent a little balloon with a message notifying the pegasus of our visit. I'm an escort for all ambassadors of the pony kind. I also stand as a negotiator for the peace talks between the three races. My name is Arden Sila," Said Arden while making a reverence to Zipp before making another to the guards. After the quick greeting Arden gestured to his companions. "I bring with me the ambassador for the Earth ponies, Sunny Starscout. And the ambassador for the unicorns, Izzy Moonbow," Finished Arden as the two mares also made a bow for the princess and her guards. "How can we trust you? There was no word from the Queen or the princesses about this," Said the guard as they raised their sword once more. "Wait!"Exclaimed Zipp as she jumped in between the groups. "This was supposed to be a secret mission. The queen asked me to meet with them and guide the ambassadors back. But since you two are here, you could aid us by making this peace meeting remain a secret?" This seemed to disarm the competent guard. Quick on the uptake. Nicely done, Princess. Mused Arden as he sheathed the blade. "Pardon the rudeness, Your Highness. But wouldn't it be better to make the event public? As to help the populace know the three races are moving towards peace?" Arden opposed with a smile. Zipp smiled back while placing her hands on her hip. "I came here as a sign of good faith. So, please entrust me with this. Talking to the Queen and ensuring a better dialogue will be much smoother if the pressure from our subjects doesn't weigh on her mind." Crossing his arms, Arden began tapping his chin with his finger. A moment of hesitation later, Arden responded. "I will trust you. But, am I safe to assume that prejudice against other races is also a barrier with your subjects?" Inquired Arden before Zipp nodded. "Very well, I shall trust you. I hope you can bring the note to our meeting with the Queen. Just so we can also show the subjects that we are on an official meeting in case things go as smoothly as you say, Your Highness," Finished Arden as Zipp winked back. "Sure. I'll bring the note to the throne room," Said Zipp as she turned to the guards. "Now, escort them to the palace through the secret paths. Do not let them be seen by the rest of the city." The trembling guard saluted and nodded to the order. But the competent guard stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Your Highness. But I cannot allow them to enter the city without some sort of precaution," Said the mare while pointing at Arden and Izzy. "I'll confiscate the sword and we need to deploy the shields." Stepping forth and removing the sword from his hip, Arden offered it to the guard. "If it makes you feel safe. Go on ahead. However, I must ask that you return this to me after everything is over. This is a symbol of my status as escort and negotiator. And due to its importance, I must request that you bring it with us to the throne room. As for the shield, what is it?" Asked Arden before the mare took the sword and shoved a tennis ball on his horn. That's creative. Mused Arden as he went crossed-eyed to look at the ball. "That's creative," Said Izzy from the back as the mare placed another ball on Arden's hand. "Put it on her. Then, and only then, we shall escort you to the throne room," Said the guard as Arden faked worry and went over to Izzy. "Sorry," Said Arden with a sad tone as he placed the ball on Izzy's horn. "Now, are we ready to move on?" The guard nodded before they all began climbing up the mountain trail. We are doing great so far. Concluded Arden with a smile as they followed the guards. "Why are you sweet-talking everybody we meet?" Whispered-Asked Izzy as they began to see some semblance of buildings in the distance. Arden tilted his head at her inquiry. "You sweet-talked the sheriff, and now the princess and her guards! How come you sweet-talked everyone we met?" She added with a pouty face. "I'm just trying to solve things without more fighting and misunderstandings. I don't get why you're so angry about it," Arden replied in a whisper while feeling his legs start to grow heavy. "Why haven't you done it to me? Why haven't you sweet-talked me?" Murmured-Asked Izzy as she crossed her arms and continued on the trail. "Because you're the only one that was willing to help me from the start! Something extremely important mind you! You've been supporting me since I got here! Therefore, there hasn't been a need to convince you to do anything," Muttered-Argued Arden while they continued their climb. "Also, thank you!" He added angrily. "You're welcome!" Grumbled back Izzy as they climbed over a hill to meet with actual steps of a stairway. "Ok," Started Arden as he leaned closer to Sunny. "Sunny, try to keep your questions on hold when we are before the Queen. I don't think that interrogating them will help us here. First, we have to convince them to believe us. So, I think our best approach would be to point out the pony unity thing your father researched. After we appeal to them and get their support, we must probe what sort of question we can make without getting their feathers ruffled," Arden explained in a whisper as they followed the guards up the stairs. "Why? We came all this way to ask about their magic, if we dilly-dally, we won't get anywhere," Countered Sunny. "Sunny, the unicorns' only defense was their magic horns. I doubt they would let out to strangers their only defense is lost to the wind. If the pegasus were affected by the loss of magic, they would be VERY protective of it. If we just bring it up, they will probably brand us as spies or something of the sort," Retorted Arden with a frown. "Trust me on this one!" "Fine! I'll keep quiet," Replied Sunny with a pout. "You owe me for this one." "Thank you," Said Arden as Zipp slid back and startled him. "Pretty slick to come up with that excuse," Whispered Zipp as she leaned closer. "How did you know I was a princess?" "You followed the stereotypical free-spirited princess trope down to a T. It was like stumbling into a Children's Tale scene," Retorted Arden with a smirk. "Really?" Zipp asked while looking at herself. "How so?" "Looks, clothes, running around, unruly nature, and a set of guards looking for you. You fit the bill perfectly," Replied Arden as he felt his legs starting to drag on. Zipp nearly tripped before Arden grabbed her and felt his arm scream at the strain applied to it to prevent her from falling. "Looks? Seriously? I think those went to my sister, not me. Are you ok there?" Zipp asked after quickly recomposing herself. "Not having a good day on the health department," Retorted Arden while rubbing his arm. Izzy and Sunny quickly rushed to help Arden. "Are you sure you're good enough to be meeting my mother?" Asked Zipp as Arden gestured to be ok. "So long as we get to rest for a bit, I should be ok," Replied Arden to appease the two mares. "If you say so. As soon as we get to the elevator, I'll take another route to make an official note and bring it to the throne room. So, if you drag yourselves a bit at the top floor, you'll help me out a lot," Explained Zipp as they continued to walk the steps. "Good that everyone here is getting along with the plan," Said Izzy as she clapped her hands together. "But if you'll excuse us, I need to tend to MY friend here," Added Izzy as she lifted Arden off the ground and began carrying him up the steps. I am concerned. You were very cold this morning. Now you're carrying me? What the hell Izzy? Pondered Arden as he allowed himself to enjoy the ride. It didn't take long for them to reach the elevator with golden doors. Zipp took the lead before the guards could call the elevator. "Listen, keep a low profile and escort them to the throne room. One of them seems to be having some issues," Said Zipp as she pointed to Arden being carried by Izzy like a bride. "So, take it slow. Meanwhile, I'll retrieve the note. So, I'll use my special path. Keep up the good work." The guards saluted before Zipp hopped off the edge and disappeared under a carpet of clouds. Something's is off here. I don't think the pegasus can fly. Either that or only a few can do so. Mused Arden as the elevator doors opened. The group entered the device before Izzy placed Arden on the floor. A couple of button presses, and the elevator began doing its job. The second carpet of clouds later, and Arden laid eyes on the pegasus city of Zephyr Heights. The entire town was built on the side of the mountains. Golden decorations and alabaster buildings spread across the mountainside as far as the eye could see. The plates sustaining the buildings were connected by sky bridges, cable cars, and a few blimps. The entire place felt like a fancy neighborhood like Beverly Hills or the fancy part of Hollywood. But no pegasus flying. All of them are walking around. And they have cellphones? That's a HUGE disparity in technology. But their military seems to be from the middle ages. Maybe, did the peace caused by the divide make them lay back on their defenses? So, we have paranoid superstitious unicorns. War-ready panicking Earth ponies. And oblivious and vain pegasus. This is getting better and better. Mused Arden as they continued their ascend. On one of the screens, a title call from a TV news show appeared before a stallion and a mare appeared. The stallion was named Skye Silver. And the Mare was called Dazzle Feather. "Good morning, Zephyr Heights! It's another beautiful day in the big city. Looks like warm breezes and clear skies for tonight's royal celebration!" Said Skye with the most cliched anchor voice possible. A celebration? That could somewhat work for us. Concluded Arden as Izzy and Sunny seemed to be squealing at the sight of the city. Arden couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction. "Tonight's royal bash for Queen Haven will be stunning, but the real jewel in the crown will be Princess Pipp's performance. Isn't that right, Skye?" Continued Dazzle as she looked at her co-worker with a rehearsed smile. A party with a performance. Now that would be a stage to put out the pony unity idea. Schemed Arden with a smirk. Chuckling at the smile, Skye took a breath before coming up with his follow-up. "Oh, my, yes, Dazzle. And this just in – an exclusive vid from Pipp for all you loyal fans out there in Z.H." Suddenly, the image switched to something that seemed somewhat familiar. It looked like a video from social media with emojis popping from the bottom of the video. The streamer was a mare pegasus with a pink coat and a purple mane. She had a golden crown with a few golden flowers near her ears. "What is up, everyone? Big shout out to all my fans, the Pippsqueaks!" Said Pipp with an over-excited voice. "So, tonight's the night. I can't wait to debut my new song later. It has a very special place in my heart, but not as much as you guys!" Good lord! Could you sound more fake? Frowned Arden as he continued to stare at the screen. "Okay, guys, I love you lots. Gotta go. Pipp-Pipp-hooray!" Said Pipp before rushing to turn off the camera. But not before nearly exposing her chest due to her wardrobe choice. OKay. So, we have an unruly princess and A pampered princess. The only variable left is the Queen. But if she is like the rest, she'll be very vain. Concluded Arden as the news restarted with the news anchors saying Pipp-Pipp-hooray. The elevator came to a stop right before a ding occurred. The doors opened to a long path leading to a marvelous castle. The building felt as imposing as the guards standing at attention along the way. "Time to deal with the regalia of these feathered ponies," Mumbled Arden under his breath as they stepped out of the elevator. > Chapter 4: Head on the clouds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Any ideas as to how to dissuade them?" Inquired Sunny as the guards formed a circle on their path towards the throne room. They seemed to be flocking toward the strangers. Some seemed to be trying to sneak photographs with portable devices. The secrecy won't last, good. First, start things out with a few rumors. They have social media, so filters, editing, and other details ought to be common knowledge among these guys. The next stage would be a public appearance. If that pampered princess is as much a clickbait/attention seeker as she seemed to be on that video, she will take any chance she gets to become the center of attention. So, that should be covered. All I need now is to build an argument. Let's try to deduce things here. What do we know of the Queen? For one, she is loved by her subjects and she has their loyalty. What about her daughters? One is a carefree speedster. That indicates someone that either is rebellious about their current or their prolonged situation of the pegasus, or she was never the main focus of her mother. Zipp was ready to help but didn't sound like she resented her mother when using her title. So, it must be about the situation of the pegasus. As for the other, she has abandonment issues or she is constantly seeking approval from those around her. So, the mother might be the strict kind but also cares. Maybe, could it be that the long-term situation of the pegasus put her in a routine that made her distant? "Arden?!" Whispered angrily Sunny as Izzy poked him with her elbow. "Improvising it right now," Arden replied while keeping his focus on each step he took forward. "But I think I figured out a few things about the queen. It's just conjecture right now. But I think I can handle her." "Oh, are you going to honey-her up too?" Asked Izzy with a frown as Sunny seemed to turn red and pout. "No. I'm going to prove we are trustworthy," Countered Arden as he felt a sudden jolt of energy. His body seemed to turn lighter as they approached a huge set of doors that opened as they approached it. A procession of guards was already in place. Trumpets echoed across the room before the guard escorting them took a sudden stop. Arden didn't hesitate and got on his knees. "U-um, bow before our Queen, Queen Haven?" Said a guard with golden armor as she seemed to be shocked by Arden's actions. Suddenly, a strange sound, almost like a background song started playing as the sound of wings flapping descended from above. It was strange, almost as if there was something extra occurring with the area. Something, magical? "Hi, new friend!" Arden heard from behind them before raising his head. The third variable stood before them, she seemed concerned about her phone as she continued to tap away. "Guards, state your business, and please make it quick. We're on a very tight schedule today. Before the celebration, Cloudpuff needs his pedicure, Pipp needs to rehearse, and I need to practice my laugh. HA-ha! Hmmm. Still not right," She asked before turning to the group. As soon as she laid eyes on Arden and the rest of the group the Queen let out a loud gasp. "An Earth pony... and a unicorn... in Zephyr Heights?!" "Yes! Mother!" Intervened Zipp as she pulled out a piece of paper. "While I do think your acting is top-notch. You're scaring our soldiers. Please, we talked about this," She added while presenting the folded piece of paper to the Queen. The queen seemed to read the contents for a second before trading glances with Zipp. A few seconds of silence after, the Queen began once more with her forced laugh before removing her shades. "Ah, yes, yes. Do pardon my acting," The Queen said as her eyes glanced towards Pipp. Her eyes went wide while Arden tried to suppress his smile. Pipp had her phone up and seemed to be speaking to it while pointing it towards Arden. "Pipp! Please, stop whispering to your fans. Let them know these are guests. They stand as part of an entourage aiming to bring about a peace meeting. So, please, put them at ease," Said the Queen in a tone that sounded harshly warm. "Very well, Mother!" Said Pipp with a worried smile. "There you go, Pipsqueaks! Peace envoys! That my sister and my mother were aware of! This is amazing! And not a filter!" She Squealed as Arden heard several fingers tapping around him as the guards seemed to be trying to hide their phones behind their backs. "I do believe one of you is the leader of this party? Is it the Unicorn in the back?" Haven asked while pointing at Izzy. "My apologies," Arden intervened as he got up. "As the negotiator appointed by the party, please allow me to introduce us. My name is Arden Sila. I'm an escort for the ambassadors and a neutral party in the negotiations. As for my companions, we have Sunny Starscout, the head researcher of Pony Unity in Maritime Bay, an appointed representative of the Earth Ponies. My other companion is Izzy Moonbow, she is the representative of Briddle Wood and the head artisan of the forest," Arden stated while pointing to each of his friends in order. "An earth pony researcher?" Inquired Haven as she raised an eyebrow. "Do believe me. Earth pony ingenuity, engineering, and capacity as builders are behind none of us. They are highly capable and have excellent scholars. I saw Sunny's research. It is sizable and impressive in its contents," Arden countered. "Then, why is she not speaking for herself?" Inquired Haven as she smiled with confidence. "I was advised to contain myself. My research on all cultures hit a wall due to the lack of evidence and information from Pegasus and unicorns. So, my excitement could prove to be hazardous to our goal. And I value our goal to unify all species far more than my research. So, I took his advice," Replied Sunny as she got up and offered a half-bow. SCORE! Nice one, Sunny. Arden cheered while smiling at his friend. "My apologies," Said Haven with a frown. "Well, I do understand that some tales might have become part of the culture. But I do believe we can start anew. If we all cooperate. So, would you be willing to have a hearing with us? Perhaps somewhere more adequate?" Arden proposed with a bow. "How many have gathered under the Unity banner?" Inquired Haven with a quiet tone. "For now, we have the Sheriff of Maritime Bay working to try and soften the population to our arrival. Sunny agreed to meet us at her home. Outside the main residential area of town. The Sheriff is a stallion earth pony and should be a few days' journeys behind us," Arden replied with concern. "And Bridlewood was the one to give me the sword representing my status and position in this situation. So, it is an initiative from them." "Mother, I think we should listen to what they have to say. It is but a meeting. And peace could help all of our citizens. To see more beyond Zephyr Heights." Zipp intervened while stepping in front of her mother. "Why are you so adamant about this?" Inquired Haven as Pipp seemed to drop her phone. "You're not interested in politics and the business of the crown never interested you. So, why now?" "How did you find them anyway?" Pipp inquired while holding her phone's camera at Zipp. "I-I," Stuttered as her eyes darted towards Arden and then back at the camera. "She was already conversing with the envoys when we found her, Your Highness. Particularly, with the negotiator." Intervened the competent soldier. That piece of information made the three mares stare at Arden who felt as if there were thousands of daggers pointed at him. Not good. Arden mused as he began to run back through all the information he had. Surely, something he had heard or read up to that point could be of use. There had to be some piece of information that could shift the conversation around. "Are you into that stallion?" Pipp said bluntly while pointing the camera at Zipp but keeping her gaze on Arden. Seize it! Use it! Counter and dismantle the conversation! Arden yelled internally as he cleared his throat. "Not to put words into the Princess's mouth. But I do believe I, a mere peasant, couldn't be further from her standards. And that is but one of the motives such a reason couldn't be behind her convictions. Before today, I had never seen or heard about any members of the royal pegasus family, for obvious reasons. And if the guard that decided to speak so boldly recalls, I wasn't aware of her status as royalty until we meet these very soldiers that escorted us here," Arden said while turning to face the competent soldier, who seemed to flinch at the comment. Under the Queen's gaze, the soldier faltered before lowering her gaze and letting out a sigh before speaking. "It is true. He exclaimed to be surprised at the idea of a royal appearing before them to receive their group," She explained in defeat. Attention diverted. Mission successful. Arden celebrated with a mental fist pump. "Love at first sight, then?" Pipp proposed as Arden felt his heart skip a beat and cold sweat seemed to run down his back. "It doesn't matter!" Zipp intervened stomping away and standing between the group and the rest of the royal family with her arms open. "These ponies are trying to bring about peace. PEACE! Do you remember what that is? That thing where you don't have to be afraid of someone that looks different? That thing that allowed us to explore beyond these plates we hide on? Back when we were free? I found ruins that support the idea we were once together. They depicted all kinds of pegasus flying. Unicorns casting spells to light our way in the forests. Earth ponies creating objects of wonder for everyone! MAGIC PROSPERED! I knew which path they would take because there was a map indicating the only path to our town from the ground! And I've been doing my best down there to figure out how to make everyone capable of flight once more! That's why I'm so invested! I want everyone to experience this freedom WE the ROYALS have! Not because I may or may not feel something towards this weirdo who had to be carried up here after a health issue!" Zipp ranted while keeping her back turned to Arden and his group. "Pipp, stop recording," Haven said while pushing Pipp's phone down. Her gaze seemed to be distributed between several targets, not just Zipp. "Guards. Escort these guests to an assigned room. One for each. I must request that you remain in them while we prepare for the party tonight. After such an event, we can begin these so-called peace talks," Added Haven as the guards seemed to immediately begin to take them away. "Hold it!" Ordered Haven as one of the Guards held Arden's arm. "He comes with us." GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! THE SISTER IS OUT FOR BLOOD! Arden cursed while gesturing to the guard to lead the way. (Izzy's POV) "Sunny?" Izzy asked while holding her head against the wall leading to the next room. The guards had followed the Queen's orders down to the letter. However, they didn't seem to think about the location of the rooms. Sunny's room was put right beside Izzy's room. "Sunny! Can you hear me?" "Yes!" Sunny replied from the other side of the wall. "Are you ok?" "Yes," Izzy said with a sigh as a moment of silence stalled the conversation. "So, um, are we going to talk about that little talk at the end there?" Izzy inquired while sliding down the wall until she had her flank against the floor. "I think we were both red. At least I was. My eyes get all watery when I'm flustered." "Um, I, I don't know. I mean, it was inappropriate to begin questioning Zipp's personal life like that. To a live audience," Said Sunny as Izzy contemplated the glamorous room she had been gifted with. A jail cell gilded in gold. "But, why do you ask Izzy?" "We had agreed to see who would get closer to him first. But now, there might be the third mare in play. Zipp wouldn't look back or refute the claims from Pipp. And there is the fact the Queen just took Arden away when she saw the three of us," Izzy said while looking at the friendship bracelet around her wrist. "Something might happen to him because of us now." "True," Sunny answered from across the wall. "This thing is insane. No magic anywhere, only the royals can fly. And then there was that thing with Arden last night. You saw that too, right?" She added as the sound of a thud happened in the other room. "You know, Arden's Luminescence matches his eyes' color," Izzy commented while hugging her knees. "I read it that once upon a time unicorn's horns would shine in the same color as their eyes. And, if it is true that only Royals can use magic. Then, when his eyes started glowing last night, he might have used," Izzy stumbled while looking at the floor. "You think Arden has Royal Blood?" Sunny asked in a louder tone. There was no response. The sound of the curtains moving on the wind was all they could hear in the room. Eventually, a bird or two would fly by the windows with their chirps echoing across the room. Sometimes the sound of steps could be heard in the corridor. "Izzy," Sunny said with a strange tone. There was a brief pause as Izzy continued to stare at the large-sized bed before her. "What do you know about Arden? I mean, he did something to us. I don't think it was something bad. It felt like he heard us thoroughly. And tried to console us. But they weren't just words. They felt heavier. It was as if something was connecting us at the time. I think I can still feel something," Sunny explained while Izzy clenched her fist over her chest. "I met him near my house," Izzy said while closing her eyes. "He was just standing there. His eyes were rolled back until he got conscious and started talking to me. I had never seen eyes like that before. I had never seen him before. His Luminescence appeared after he woke up. And from the moment we met, he kept trying to be kind to me. I knew everyone said I shone too much in the forest. But, Arden, he felt different. It's like he kept a constant glow around him. And sometimes it just infects those around him. I thought I could, I wanted, I wanted to make others shine like that. I can make someone smile for a bit. But it isn't enough. When we left, Alphabittle looked reluctant about what to do. He always acts smug as if his way was the best. But, Arden made him doubt it. Almost as if there was a bit of hope in him that things could be different." "Izzy, that sounds like something out of a Fairy Tale," Sunny commented from the other side of the wall. "But, you're right about Arden doing something to those around him. Hitch never considered my ideas before. But, Arden changed him around after one meeting. Do you think, no, do you believe that Arden has some magic to him? And maybe, that magic is what is changing things?" "I don't think so," Izzy said while pressing her forehead against her knees. "Arden's words most of the time don't feel like how he talked to us yesterday. I don't think it's magic. It feels like he is just trying to help. And through effort and passion alone, they move others. I think that's just who he is. He is just Arden. The weirdo that I met in the woods. The first pony to ever wear one of my bracelets," Izzy added as her eyes began to water up. "Should we try to break out? We could try and rescue him and make a break for it," Sunny proposed from the other side. "No," Izzy said as she raised her head and opened her eyes. "Why? Arden could be in danger. He might need our help," Sunny said as she hit the wall a couple of times softly. "Because I believe he will come back safely," Izzy said with a smile as she looked at the friendship bracelet once more. (Arden's POV) "You have not one, but three enamored mares with you. One royal, and two peasants," Haven said while walking back and forth behind a menacingly vast table. "You dissuade those around you with words and I wouldn't be surprised if your tongue was lined in silver. You got my daughter to spit out a secret of the pegasus ponies having met her but for mere moments. So, from what lineage are you from? What house did you come from?" Haven said while slapping a hand fan on the table. "Lineage? With all due respect, I have no clue what you're talking about," Arden retorted while keeping his eyes locked with the fan to seek any signs if the object was a weapon. "I've never been related to!?" Arden's speech was interrupted by another slam of the table with the fan. "Do not test me! generations ago, we had royals that could fly. Our magic dwindled. The best we can afford now is to glide down. But you, you entranced and manipulated several ponies with mere words. WHAT HOUSE DID YOU COME FROM!?" Inquired Haven as she pointed at Arden as if she had a weapon in hand. "I swear on my life, I have no clue as to what you're talking about. Izzy and Sunny aren't very open with me at the moment. Because of these "entrancing", you accuse me of doing! All I did was act rationally and propose resolutions to all of these stupid problems everyone seems to be creating on their own! THINK ABOUT IT!" Arden countered while slapping the fan out of his face before slamming his hands on the table. "I'm done with this bullshit! You crafted a perfect bubble world that is as strong as a piece of wet paper! The moment someone from the outside steps in, EVERYTHING is on the verge of collapsing. Have you ever considered the long-term effects of a LIE of this magnitude!?" "Your subjects would rebel. Their sole solace would crumble and their port in the storm of chaos would sink like a pebble thrown in a lake. You and YOUR daughters would be the first target without the shadow of a doubt! THINK, DAMN IT! Better yet, think about the fucking ruins your daughter found! The land and magic prosper so long as the ponies were united. Magic dies when they are apart. Why do you think it happened?!" Arden argued while clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. "Because of weakening bloodlines, of course," Haven replied with confidence and a malicious smile. Arden felt a shiver running down his spine. "Once upon a time, the grand Princess was lost. After that, the disciples she left behind failed to deliver her message. It became clear to all that no matter what we did, ponies of different species would never see eye to eye. Friendship and Unity were but childish dreams of a deluded princess. Those closest to the Princess had the strongest bloodlines. Those who didn't, they lost their magic as the generations came to pass. So, Magic became a part of the nobility. And a peace treaty was formed. This treaty was formed around exchanges between the Royals. All to ensure those of magical blood could continue the lineage," Haven explained while fanning herself. "Let me guess, royals started inbreeding to get the strongest lineage. Pureblood supremacy or some other bullshit like that. Then, oh no! They betrayed us! No, you did! No, you did! Everyone starts pointing fingers. And then someone blinks, oops! Magic is nearly done! Oh no!" Arden mocked while being overdramatic with his gestures. Haven seemed ready to retort but Arden didn't give her room to continue it. "I'm not done! I read enough and have seen enough stories to know that whenever magic is involved, magic is not a NORMAL force. It is never lifeless. It almost always has sapience of some kind. So, do tell me, your highness, has it ever occurred to you that, just maybe, the Magic got as fed up as I am from your and these ponies' bullshit? The three races worked together, magic rules the land. They fall apart, it starts dying but fights it off because there is peace. Therefore, there is hope!" "But lookie-here! The ponies are now pulling each others' carpets. Everyone hates each other. There is no sign of unity or peace! Ponies are making terrible decisions left and right. Do you know what? Maybe I'll just throw the towel! There is no hope for such ponies in this state! Good luck with what you have left!" Arden sneered before slamming his fist on the table. This time, however, the attack caused it to crack under the blow. "The reason no one has magic is that everyone turned their backs on each other! You forgot what it meant to trust someone different! To appreciate what made each species unique! God fucking damn it. Right now, nothing is differentiating any of us! We are all horses with a few extra appendages! So, cut the crap with whatever bullshit carved history your parents and grandparents told you. You're just a sad excuse of a ruler with a desperate need to win back the love and trust of your subjects. And based on your conversation thus far, you were willing to sell out your daughter to make a magical child!" Arden finished while turning his back to Haven. "You are quite the fast learner. Making connections like that," Said haven as she looked at the cracks on the table. "And just so you know, this table was created during those times of peace. It was made of a stone that could resist weak magical power. Supposedly, this was once a defense mechanism for a civilization of the past. But, we never discovered how to bring out its full potential. You just cracked it. There is no doubt in my mind you have magic in your blood. So, Mr. Sila, I have a proposal. Abandon this foolish crusade of unity. Marry my daughter and bring about an heir that can perform magic. Agree to this, and your friends will be released once you admit to having given up on this idea in front of a live audience tonight. At my youngest's performance, you will turn your back on both of them. Otherwise, they'll be sent to the dungeons to rot. And we will take the necessary steps to ensure this lineage, whether you like it or not. What do you say?" Haven proposed while offering her hand. Shit. Think. I need to counter that. Izzy and Sunny are trapped now. Zipp won't be able to come close to me or them without Haven knowing. If we deny it, Haven can claim us to be traitors in front of the public while faking evidence to back up her story. In short, we have everything to lose while she loses nothing in either scenario. She is cocky. She thinks she is in control. But, if what Zipp told us is true. And if my assumptions are correct about magic. We might be able to bring some of it to the world. The pegasus can still glide. Could it be that their peace, albeit fake, held some semblance of magic to them? It could explain the colorful crystals in the forest. As well as the strange machinery among the Earth ponies. I can't bet their lives on this. Not without consulting with them. This needs to be a group decision. Arden concluded while constantly scratching the palm of his hand with his middle finger. "If nothing else. I want to speak to my friends one last time. I want them to know what is happening. I will dissuade them from speaking against it. And no one in here will ever see them walk away," Arden said while crossing his arms. "I want a private moment. It can be in a room or a garden. You can have guards watching us from afar. But I will not concede in these conditions. Without them, you'll have quite the scene in your hands. And I promise everyone will be having second thoughts about your rule," Arden threatened while keeping his eyes locked with Queen Haven's eyes. Silence. Queen Haven didn't respond, she simply waved him away. "One hour," She said as Arden headed to the door. Got it. Arden celebrated internally as he met with a group of guards at the exit of the room. Ok, girls. We need to throw a wrench in that Queen's beliefs. Otherwise, we are toast. "The fuck did you just do?!" Arden whispered/scolded as he watched Zipp hide a bunch of guards into a closet with ease. "I barely got any time to talk to the others. Your mother is trying to use you and me as a breeding machine to make a magic baby! I had to cripple your mother's belief! But you just made it impossible! She will think I betrayed her before the time is right!" "W-what?" Zipp inquired as she finished closing the door and locking it with a handprint scanner. "My mom wants to use us to do what?" "She wants me to put a baby in you because she thinks magic is something that comes from bloodlines! She thinks I have enough magic in my blood to create a child that could fly!" Arden explained while grabbing Zipp's shoulders and shaking her. "Do you have any idea how messed up that is?!" "P-plenty," Replied Zipp as she pushed Arden's hands off her shoulders. "I, I wanted to show you those ruins I found. I thought they could help," She added while pointing down the path. "Cool! Amazing! But, what about everyone reporting that I am missing to your mother?" Arden said while throwing his arms in the air. "Everyone has a camera in their hands around here. They will spot us." Arden added with a sigh. "They won't. Trust me on this. I assure you, everyone will be more open to the details by the time we hit the party tonight," Zipp said with a bit more confidence. "Fine! I got nothing to lose at this point, save for my two friends, who are locked away in a room by the way!" Arden grumbled as he walked down the path Zipp had pointed out. Heading out to the edge of the castle's plate, Zipp led Arden down a set of stairs hidden by the mountainside that led to a small opening on the mountain's side. The tunnels felt like a maintenance route or an escape route of sorts out of a larger facility. Zipp then slid down a slope, Arden followed behind and they were soon inside of a large area. Frames for zeppelins, blimp baskets, posters of different locations, and enormous fans were scattered all around the place. An old ticket booth was covered in rust and decay. Arden's head began to ache as he saw the images of ponies running across that place. Fillies, colts, stallions, mares, and even other non-pony creatures were walking about inside that area. None of them seemed concerned about anything but their destinations. Smiles were plastered on the faces of everyone in there. Arden couldn't help but smile a bit himself while watching the faces of wonder in the children as the blimps flew away to their destinations. "Arden!" Izzy shouted as the ghosts faded back into nothing. Arden barely had any time to brace for the impact. "You're ok! I knew you would make it," Added Izzy as she lifted Arden off the ground and spun him around while giggling. "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Arden said with a smile of relief as Izzy had returned to her usual bubbly self. "But we need to talk, all of us," Arden added as Izzy placed him back on the ground. Sunny was the next to take part in a hug. Hers, however, didn't lift Arden from the ground. It was a simple moment of silence shared between them. "Ok," Arden whispered patting Sunny's back. "We are going to make it out." "Listen. My mother wants to force Arden to stay with me," Intervened Zipp as Arden and Sunny broke from the hug. "I don't want anything to do with a relationship like that. So, what's the plan?" "If we run, the ponies turn their backs on the idea of Unity. And if my assumptions are correct, if that ideal dies, the magic dies," Arden said as he walked towards a massive stained-glass window depicting the three species worshiping a crystal with a transparent center, a type of cyan green crystal around it, and the upper part of the window had been damaged. However, the main attraction from that window was the familiar star depicted on it. "Sunny, ain't that the symbol on your father's journal?" "It is!" Sunny celebrated while holding the journal up. "My father was right! He was right!" She cheered before squeezing the journal against her chest. As Sunny continued with her little celebration, Arden felt his hoof bump into something as he moved towards the window. looking down, Arden saw a piece of the window shaped like a type of diamond. That piece seemed to fit together with the other three. "Pony unity. Represented by a crystal from each race," Arden mumbled while holding the final piece over the projection on the floor. "Wait. The green one, it looks like, like the Pegasus crown!" Arden exclaimed. "And this one. I think it's in Alpha's shop!" "These crystals are near the star symbol. Maybe, could it be that if they are brought together, like in that window, we could bring magic back?" Sunny proposed while sketching something in the journal. "I don't think it's that easy," Arden said while gently placing down the glass shard. "Think about it. If it was that simple, anyone would have tried it before. No, I think that we need to bring back all the pony species as one group. I think that if we do that, magic will come back. And the crystals will probably be the final step. If the three tribes are willing to offer their crystals for the better of all pony-kind, then the magic comes back. As if we are restoring the bonds that united everyone as a nation once again," He explained while holding his chin. "The main issue would be the Earth crystal. I didn't see much from your town, Sunny. Did you ever see anything round like that? It would probably fit inside the Pegasus crown. Like, Heart, Wings, and Horns." "That sounds like a lot to accomplish," Sunny said while closing the journal. "And I have never seen anything like that before. At least, not that I remember." "Um, guys, I know that this discovery is big. But what about the issue at hand?" Zipp intervened while pacing around the place. "Right. Long story short, Queen Haven wants me to give up on Unity and marry Zipp. She thinks that I have magic in my blood because she taunted me into damaging a table made of some special low-magic-resistant stone. So, tonight at the Royal Celebration, she wants me to betray both of you," Arden said while pointing to Sunny and Izzy. "So, I need to break the Queen's belief about the bloodline magic. I have one bet. I have the idea that if we combine our efforts as a group, we might be able to conjure up a bit of this decaying magic. If that happens, we might be able to crush the idea of bloodline magic talent. And it will open up the way for us to try and get the rest of Zephyr Heights to our side," Arden explained as he walked to a nearby pile of old wood and sat on top of it. "Arden," Said Izzy with her hand raised. Confused, Arden gestured Izzy to speak. "I think you have magic in you too." Arden simply blinked several times in response. "Your eyes. They kinda went crazy last night. And, the way you spoke to us. It felt like we were connected from that moment on. Not in a figurative way!" Izzy explained as Sunny continuously nodded. "So, I think you have magic. And, maybe, because you're working so hard to bring everyone together, you can use some magic? Maybe?" "Um, that," Arden stuttered while scratching the back of his neck. "You saw it," Arden mumbled before slapping himself. "FOCUS. Ok. I'm sorry. I was worried about you two. So, I may have used a talent of mine to try and cheer you up. Sorry." "Don't be. It worked," Sunny said reassuringly. "Ok. But I won't be using it again like that," Arden said as he got up. "Alright! I have one plan! But first, Sunny, Izzy, did you hear any kind of music or sound after the trumpets went quiet at the Royal Family's entrance?" Arden inquired as he started tapping his hoof against the floor rapidly. Sunny and Izzy shook their heads. "Ok. If my theory is right. Cooperation between ponies allows magic to come forth. If Izzy is correct about me, then, I might be able to sense some level of magic. Because I heard as if there was some kind of music playing during your entrance Zipp. It sounded like some kind of pop music. This was probably because that's how everyone in the room pictured the entrance to be. So, a collective effort created the sound. I think, maybe, if we can connect one more time, we can pull something as big. I have a story of sorts memorized. I heard it several times at a friend's house. It is a sung tale of something that happened way back in the past. So, it might have been altered to make things sound grander than they were. But it should work. Are you guys in it?" "Let's do it!" Izzy cheered while hopping in place. "Let's go for it!" Sunny agreed while crossing her arms. "I'll give it my best. Even if I don't think it will help much," Zipp said hesitantly while holding her arm. "Ok! Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp. We need to get you three in dresses. Sunny, you'll something dawn-themed. Izzy, you'll wear something Dusk-themed. Zipp, I'll have you dressed up in armor if possible. I'll put on a suit, a cloak, and maybe a mask. Then, we are going to need to get the stage for ourselves tonight after your sister's presentation," Arden said while pointing at Zipp. "Once the stage is ours, I need you to escort Sunny and Izzy to it while I make some theatrics to launch the challenge at Queen Haven. When she takes the bait, I'll use my eyes again to synch up with the rest of you. And if we indeed connect, then I should be able to share the story with all of you. And when the presentation is over, we will have shattered Queen Haven's beliefs and the pegasus of Zephyr Heights might receive us with open arms." "Arden, you passed out last time you used your eyes. And you used them for only a couple of seconds," Sunny commented while stepping forth. "I know. But, if I don't try we lose everything we worked for up to this point, All of it," Arden replied with a somber tone. "I rather go down trying, than allowing that idea to persist among the ponies. So, let's do this" Arden added before stomping his hoof over the old wood. The planks gave out and Arden fell into a hole hidden underneath them. "ARDEN!" Arden heard as he fell into the dark. > Chapter 5: A glimpse of the past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Arden's POV) "ARDEN! ARDEN! ARE YOU OK!?" Arden heard as he opened his eyes in the pit he had fallen into. Luckily, it seemed that his fall was cushioned by something. But he still had to face a massive climb to reach the hole from which he had fallen. "WE'RE GOING DOWN NOW!" "NO!" Yelled Arden as loud as he could before any of his companions dared to try the suicidal jump. "I'M OK! I'M OK! I fell on something soft!" Arden explained as he got up and examined his surroundings. It seemed as though he had collapsed on top of a pile of sorts. Something that looked like a type of flexible material. But time seemed to have thinned it down to the point it broke due to Arden's weight. Most of it had turned to a pile of thin shards that seemed to break on contact. "If you want to help, get me some rope! That ought to get me out of here faster than climbing these walls!" Arden shouted before taking notice of something odd. There seemed to be a fissure on one of the walls, and from within, a faint green glow seemed to escape through the cracks. It looked like a distress beacon from sci-fi movies. The kind meant to signal the presence of someone in the area. "ZIPP!" Arden yelled while approaching the fissure. It seemed just large enough for him to pass through. "What?!" Yelled Zipp as Arden tried to check for any signs of the fissure being unstable. "Does anybody else know about this place?" Arden asked while finishing his evaluation. So long as he didn't do anything stupid, the path would hold. "As in, did you ever hear or notice someone else coming here?" Arden added as he prepared himself to enter the crevice. "NO! No one else but you guys know about this place!" Zipp yelled back. "You're the first ones I trusted enough to show this!" She added while Arden began to squeeze through the path. "Alright! Get the rope ready to pull me up! I think I found something. I won't be long!" Arden yelled before fitting his head into the area. "Not a good time to get claustrophobic," He mumbled while feeling the walls brushing against his back and chest. Luckily, the fissure wasn't very long. Emerging from the claustrophobic path, Arden found himself inside a large room with a stairwell leading upwards. At the very center of this room rested a strange scene. Something akin to a throne made out of dark crystals was surrounded by what looked like multiple empty husks of enormous insects with horse-like features. The corpses lay in a static position as if they had collapsed out of exhaustion while trying to reach the one sitting on the throne. The one sitting by the throne had a notoriously long mane with a crooked horn. Their husk made their figure look frail, their head inclined to the side as if resting their head against something they seemed to be holding on to dear life. That object was the source of light emanating through the cave. Carefully approaching the grave, Arden gently stepped in between the corpses as to not disturb their seemingly tormented respite. Once he was close enough, Arden saw in detail what was that the creature had tried to defend with their own life. The object was an antler of sorts. Something that could have fallen from a young deer. However, it was made out of a green crystal, and at its base, it held a gemstone similar in color to a ruby. Using the tip of his fingers, Arden gently tugged the horn and spun it to free from the bony husk's grasp. It felt like a moment straight out of a tomb raiding movie. Arden half-expected the skeletons to come to life as soon as he had freed the horn, however, when the horn was free from the husk's clasp, nothing happened. Letting out a sigh of relief, Arden backed away from the grave with the same amount of caution as he went in. Once in a safe distance, Arden began to inspect the object which had stopped glowing. What the heck is this? Was it a treasure? Maybe, is it something like the sword? Arden mused before the horn let out a bright green light. A bad reverb echoed across the room for several seconds before stabilizing. Arden's eyes widened at the sight of a thin sick-looking creature's face that was projected out of the horn. Their eyes looked deep, indicating dehydration, their voice was coarse and distorted and based on the way it struggle to speak, the creature was dying. "We were tricked! ^%$^&%$$*^&(*&(*&()*&^^%! I've waited and waited for the promised aid. I )(*&*^%$###@@#$%^&! have lost everything. My subjects are dead! Magic is dying. I will perish with it. %$%^&$#^% never came to us. My promised %$#@#$%& never came to us. With my last ounce of strength, I curse you, (*(*&^&^&(8798&^*(&?!" The recording stopped. "The last moments of civilization. Is this what the disappearance of magic holds to us?" Arden mused as the images of Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp crossed his mind. But the one that lingered the most in his head was Izzy's. The warm smile that had made him care for that world he knew so little about. "I can't let that happen. Not to her," Arden mumbled as he tightened his grip on the horn. Hiding the object in his bag, Arden looked at the path up towards the top of the room. Rushing up the steps, Arden made his way to the very top. From there, he found a pathway that led to another tight squeeze that emerged behind a handful of bushes that were near the entrance he had used to access the place with Zipp. Making his way back into the airport, Arden slid down the slope while shouting. "I found another way out!" Arden screamed as Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp seemed ready to slide down the hole. "Sorry! Let's go! We don't have much time! Lead the way, Zipp!" Arden hurried while helping Sunny and Izzy to stand up from the hole. "My costume is the easiest and yours will be the easiest. Those two will be the hardest ones to figure out," Arden said as he got the bag from the store clerks. The ponies around Zephyr Heights were giving them odd looks but seemed to be purposefully avoiding them without making much of a fuss. Thanks to Zipp's accumulated allowances, finding shops to get the sizing and other details done last minute proved to be less of a hassle than expected. Plus, there were fitters in the palace who would do just about anything the royals asked for. "Why would you wear a mask?" Asked Zipp from inside one of the changing rooms. "The story I'll be telling is in an opera style. I thought a mask would be fitting for the storyteller," Replied Arden while taking a seat on one of the chairs near the dressing rooms. "The more of an impression we make, the better the result. And I want this to be something they all will remember. Plus, if this works, it will be like a big play where we won't need an orchestra." He explained while taking note that a handful of pegasus seemed to have stopped by the store's front and were looking at them. "How come they seem to be tailing us like that? Wait, how come no one has tried to capture us?" Arden inquired while waving at the pegasus ponies that were staring at him. "And why am I only seeing mares out there?" "We have around one stallion for every five to six mares in Zephyr Heights. I guess you're exotic?" Said Zipp before coming out of her changing room. Zipp wasn't wearing anything that looked like armor. It looked like a dress meant to represent the night. The dress revealed the area halfway down the wearer's tighs and had a series of designs representing stars and the moon with silver lines. A cloak with sleeves that covered the wearer's hands leaving only their fingers exposed. Silver bracelets were placed on the wearer's wrists and the inside of the cloak looked as if the night sky was inside it. "That is THE nightdress," Arden said while looking at Zipp's figure. "How did you mimic Izzy's body type? Padding? It should fit her down to a T." "How do you know her body type?" Zipp inquired with a slight blush as Arden backed away. "Old job required me to take notice of the patient's body type and consider that before thinking if I should be worried about possible thrombosis episodes and other health issues. Mainly, we were worried about differentiating an Apple body type from a Pear body type," Arden explained while holding his chin. "What?" Zipp inquired with a tilt of her head. "It's a term to refer to the body shape of a person. It reflects areas that accumulate body fat. If body fat accumulates in the central area of the abdomen creating the shape of an apple there could be certain issues. While accumulating body fat around the hips giving it a pear shape, points to other issues. So, that's about it," Arden explained while leaning to the side and looking into the changing room. There was another dress inside. But there were also some bandages inside the room. "Is that one for Sunny?" "Y-yes!" Zipp replied while pulling the curtain to hide the inside of the room. "Neat. I guess we will take this one. Try on the other one so we can look for your dress," Arden proposed while raising an eyebrow at the reaction. "I'll wait over here." Surprisingly enough, Zipp had managed to mimic Sunny's body type. The daylight-themed dress was cyan on the inner areas and bright blue in the outer layers with a tail and open in the front halfway down Zipp's tighs. It fashioned a feathered crystal-looking crown with a collar tightly placed around her neck. "Outstanding! You're pretty good at this!" Praised Arden as he got up and looked at the details on the dress. "We have both of them covered. The next step is getting you a piece of armor." "I already have that covered," Zipp said with her cheeks flushing. "Ok then! I trust your decision. So, let's head back and get those two dressed. You're a bit taller than Sunny and slightly shorter than Izzy, we should be able to make the adjustments without much trouble," Arden proposed while stepping back. "Let's rock!" "O-ok!" Zipp celebrated in a much tamer way than Arden would have predicted. "Alright," Arden said to no one while adjusting the necktie. He had a nagging feeling the queen was up to something. The guards were keeping a low profile and watching their movements from afar. Haven might have been aware of their plan. But they had no choice but to prepare as best as he could. The time for arguments was passed, it was time for action. However, there was still a chance to avoid any unnecessary conflict. And what could be his final moments of freedom were steadily approaching without concern or hesitation. It would take but one failure for them to lose the entire battle. One no from Haven would mean he had lost and his friends would be locked away in a dungeon. Adjusting the mask to cover his forehead, cheeks, and sides of his face while keeping his muzzle and eyes exposed Arden looked at his reflection. The phantom would have the mask covering only half of his face. But I don't know if I could do this with half of my face exposed. Please, let me do this. One more time, work with me, and not against me. Arden begged as his eyes emitted a faint glow as if responding to his plea. I know it's hard. I know it hurts. Arden acknowledge while holding his chest. "But I need you. Once more. I'll push us a little more. Please, hold on," Arden begged while grabbing his chest tightly. His eyes shone brilliantly for a moment before returning to normal. "Ok. Let's try this. We have to connect with them. We have to make everyone hear the story. We have to connect with them. I know it will spread us thin, but we can do this." "Hey!" Arden heard from behind him as someone knocked on the door. "We are almost done. Are you ready?" Zipp asked from beyond the door. "Are the others with you?" Arden inquired while removing his mask and drying up his face. "Yes!" Zipp said while Arden put the mask back on. "Let them in," Arden said while turning around dramatically as they stepped inside. "It is time for us to rule the show!" Arden announced as the cape flew in the wind. "Nice look," Said Zipp as Arden had a sudden flashback. Zipp's armor/battledress looked familiar. It was like the armor worn by a videogame character known as Mercy. But it looked closer to something around medieval times. Even her wings were covered in thin layers of armor. But, once more, Zipp's body was similar to Izzy's. "That is an astonishing look, on all of you!" Arden exclaimed as Izzy came in with the dress fitting her figure perfectly. Izzy's mane had been braided and tied up in such a beautiful fashion that words failed to describe it. Sunny's dress was finely fit as well with her mane kept loose and with a volume that made it look as if the slightest breeze would make it wave on the wind. "We are so going to steal the show!" "So, are we going to try and synch?" Izzy inquired with her cheeks red as tomatoes and her smile as bright as the moon. Holding his chest, Arden did his best to keep his composure. Breathing through his shoulders Arden walked through the halls behind a set of guards that had come to escort him to the celebration's red carpet moment. Something a bit out of the blue since the Queen seemed too dead set on having them kept out of the public eye. "Guards!" A familiar voice called out from behind them. Turning around, Arden saw Pipp approaching with her phone in hand and posing for a series of selfies as she came closer. "I wish to have a word with our valiant negotiator." "Your Highness!" The guards saluted before walking away and taking the nearest turn to get out of sight. "That is one fancy get up," Said Pipp while taking a walk around Arden. "Is that what unicorns use in their royal celebrations? It looks a bit too old-school to me," She added as her rather simple and revealing dress moved around with her quick pacing. "Nope. This is just my personal preference," Arden replied while doing his best to look presentable. His body felt heavy, but it was way more manageable than what had happened last time. "If I may be so bold as to compliment you, Your Highness. I do believe your fans will adore that dress," Arden said with a smile. "And what is that?" Pipp inquired while pointing to the horn peeking out of Arden's cape pockets. "It looks strange." Just a relic I found underneath the castle with a bunch of corpses. Arden mused while trying to come up with an excuse to cover the existence of the item. How do I explain this? I had a gut feeling this is important. It felt as if I would fail my task if I didn't have it with me. Yeah, that's going to fly. Arden concluded as he took a deep breath. "It's a memento from back home. It's supposed to bring good luck to the bearer," Arden replied while pulling out the item. "Since we are making a run for peace, why not bring all the good wishes I can get?" "It is a big project," Pipp said while poking around the phone. "Are you sure you can pull it off? You are one pony. A small one at that." Says the dwarf. Arden mocked while putting on a smile. "I can't do it. Not by myself, anyway," Arden replied while struggling to cross his arms after putting the horn back in place. "That's why we are here. To get enough ponies to help. Every help is welcome!" Arden finished with a smile and offered his hand to Pipp. "Sorry! Don't do handshakes," Pipp said with a pout before storming off. As soon as Pipp was out of view, Arden let out a pained grunt while leaning on a nearby wall as he held to his chest. "Come on! I need to make it through this!" Arden complained while gritting his teeth and grasping his heart. "Negotiator!" Called out one of the guards as Arden quickly pulled up his act to behave as if nothing was happening. "Right this way!" "Sure! Lead on!" Arden said while walking behind his escorts. The main area of the red carpet was littered with reporters and cameras. Arden had to carry himself as if he was in peak condition while his legs felt like they had weights added to them. Keeping his friendliest smiles possible, Arden posed for pictures and waved at the reporters before entering through the gates. It was strange as none of the reporters seemed to have questions for him. Contrary to the other guests that had come both before and after him. I don't like how everyone is just staring instead of asking what they want to know. Arden groaned internally while following the other guests into the throne room. The pegasus ponies that came for the celebration felt like a random crowd. None of them seemed to fit the royal palace in terms of behavior. And just like Pipp's attire, their clothes were closer to the style of modern times rather than the clothes he had received upon arrival. "Enjoying the festivities?" Inquired Haven as Arden continued to examine the area. There didn't seem to be a stage in sight, but there were plenty of spotlights illuminating the place. And one of them seemed to accidentally have been focused on his location and the Queen's. "Trying my best to not make a fool out of myself," Arden replied with a forced smile. "Well, if you put on that mask now, you can save face from the embarrassment in case you do something like that," Haven said with a smile that made Arden's blood run cold. Arden's eyes darted around the room before looking up and taking notice of Pipp sitting on the edge of a hole above the throne room. Her phone was pointed at him. "If you're looking for a stage, I'm sorry to say, we don't have one. My daughter will be performing an aerial dance. Good luck setting the stage!" That's why everyone was so lenient. They knew about everything. But, if that's the case. They were watching us too. Pipp may have recorded the entire thing. But this also means she also recorded us working. The three of us working together. Good job! You wanted to play us. And you did. But you also displayed what we can do if we were working together. Let's see what your subjects think upon looking at what we are about to pull off. I tear that smile right out of your stupid face! Arden roared inside as he reached for the mask he had concealed in his suit's pockets. "Very well, Your Highness!" Arden said while dramatically pulling out the mask from his pocket and securing it on his face. He then reached for the horn in his cloak and theatrically pulled it out while pointing the gem to the sky. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! PLEASE ALLOW ME A MOMENT OF YOUR ATTENTION!" Arden said while swiftly moving towards the center of the room, directly beneath the hole on the ceiling. His body felt lighter, almost as if there was some sort of energy flowing into him. Let create some room! I feel like I can do anything right now! Arden yelled in his heart as he moved through the area. The crowd moved away from Arden as if they were scared. That felt like a convenient excuse to clear up the area for their plans. "I thank you all for welcoming me and my friends tonight!" Arden exclaimed while performing exaggerated gestures with every word that came out of his mouth. Like a jester trying to win over the crowd around him, Arden spun around with his cape until pointing to the door they had assigned for their plan. "And due to our desire to bring peace, we decided to bring you a story! A legend from the past to tell the story of harmony and a Heavenly Waltz between Dawn and Dusk! A story of how a sad heart can bring harm to all of those around them. So, please! Sit down and watch! As we show you how love and compassion can save the lives of many! How it can bring hope to us!" Arden's eyes lit up as the entire room turned into a sea of skies. The pain from before cried out as the influx of emotions from those around him echoed in his heart and mind. However, the agonizing feeling was somewhat dampened by the strange surge of energy flooding his body. Arden felt as if something had begun to flow to his forehead before a light emanating from his forehead. The spotlights in the room seemed to dim. Izzy, Sunny, and Zipp entered the place as a beacon of colorful lights covered the trio. Arden's voice came out like a clap of thunder as he began to narrate the story. Deep as he remembered hearing in the headphones of his old friend who was obsessed with the fan-works of the fandom, Arden sang out what he was told was the theatrical version of an ancient battle between the Goddess of the Sun and Dawn against the corrupted form of the Moon's Goddess. Most of the details were stipulated and handcrafted by the fandom. But the final message was the same. Dispute, anger, envy, miscommunication, and war never solve the problems they had without leaving scars, without leaving loss. So, as the details of the story began to unravel, Arden danced and moved like a madman bringing all of the eyes from the public to himself. And when was time for the Trio to sing, their voices matched his memories down to a T. There were no faults in their lines, no failures in their follow-ups. Each of the singers performed splendidly. And when the chorus about the heavenly waltz through the sky came, Arden raised his head to see Izzy floating while surrounded by a lavender glow as Sunny was carried by Zipp with her wings shining with an aura of the same color. The audience's eyes seemed to shine with excitement as they too joined the chorus. Their voices echoed through the night while speaking words in a language they had never heard before. Arden knew at that moment, that all of those ponies were filled with wonder and awe at the display. Even the second princess seemed to have joined the performance as she paired with Izzy to dance across the skyline above them. Arden felt his head become lighter as the story continued. His consciousness grew thin as he felt more and more the hearts of those around him become filled with hope and wonder. The more he felt those around him, the more Arden lost his sense of self. His mind continued to cry out the story until the very last word. And as the final chords struck and the five ponies stood together at the center of the room. Arden couldn't feel an inch of his body. It was as if he didn't exist at all. By opening himself to receive the thoughts and reach the hearts of those present at the party, Arden had to spread himself throughout them to plant the idea of peace. To give him a bit of his hope to save the wonders he had found in that place. And with his vision flickering, Arden said his peace. "Let us walk together, hand in hand, towards a world of peace!" He exclaimed as the lights died out and everything went dark. Light assaulted Arden's eyes as he slowly regained consciousness. He was in a hospital bed and there were a few devices connected to him, monitoring his health. The sights and sounds felt normal, his body ached but not as bad as when he had first used his eyes. Slowly moving his head, Arden searched the room for any signs of guards, Sunny, Izzy, or Zipp. The tree mares were nowhere to be seen, however, there was one familiar figure sitting in a chair near the room's exit. "So, how is it? To be back at the land of the living?" Inquired the Hitch as he leaned forward. "When I asked you to take care of Sunny, I didn't expect you pushing it this far." "I like to keep my promises," Arden said slowly as he put on a smile towards the sheriff. "There is a difference between keeping a promise and devoting your life to it," Hitch said with a mad tone. "I came from my home hoping to find out that somehow you had failed. I know it is horrible to say this, but if you failed, Sunny would have come back and she would have just tried to live a safe, normal life in the lighthouse. However, what I found was you and four other ponies from all different types working together. And then, YOU made the ENTIRE city go along with the performance. I swear a saw an aurora borealis shoot out from the palace for the duration of the song. Damned stars, why the hell did I ever listen to you?! Now, I don't know if what I was taught is right. I don't want to believe it was right! You're one pony. ONE! How in the hell did you ever come through so many of us!? How did you get to me!? Is this what magic is? Is it!?" Hitch cried while continuously poking his chest. "It hurts! It fucking hurts. I want to believe what you said is true. But my head keeps calling back on those stories I heard as a colt. Even so, the need to believe that there is some truth to what I saw makes me push those lessons further away," Hitch continued as he got up and walked up to Arden. "You're being a hero. You just made an entire city accept something my friend tried so desperately to do on her own for years. And you did it in a day!" Hitch said while grabbing Arden by the hospital robes and bringing him closer with a scowl on his face. "I couldn't have done it without her help. I couldn't have done it without everyone's help. And if you were there that night, I couldn't have done it without you too," Arden said with a soft voice and a kind smile. "You're unreal. If having others to help you was all it took, then I was the worst possible friend to Sunny," Hitch said as he slowly lowered Arden to the bed. "No wonder she went with you. No wonder any of those four stood there, waiting for you to wake up. When they brought you here, you were at death's door. Yet, Sunny, that unicorn, and the princess with funny mane knew for a fact you would wake up," He added while getting up. "You were there for her. Even if you couldn't do more. It's not your fault," Arden retorted while looking at the ceiling. "It's true you may have been a horrible friend. But you were still looking out for her. And that's what counts," Arden continued as he felt something being placed on his hand. "The sheriff is supposed to be someone that protects everyone. I was looking out for myself and the earth ponies only. You deserve this more than I do," Hitch said as he returned to the chair. "I'm here to keep an eye on you while we wait for the others to rest. You were out for a good while there. I think you slept for three days straight," Hitch explained while holding his head. "No wonder I feel like shit," Arden said while lifting his hand with the badge. "I hereby name Hitch Trailblazer the first sheriff of the first pony Unity town we may come to build. As he learned from the mistakes he made in the past, may he help us uphold the law and protect everyone, regardless of who they are," Arden said while offering the badge to Hitch. "Normally, I would have said you don't have that kind of authority," Hitch said with a smile and a tear running down his face. "But, the way things are going, you might as well end up with a crown on your head. And in that case, I would be the captain of your guards. Not just a sheriff," He added while walking up to Arden and taking the badge. "I'll do my best to be the right type of Law-pony this time around." "What do you mean?" Arden inquired in surprise. "Queen Haven wants you to marry Princess Zipp Storm as a sign of unity and peace. She apologized publicly to all of Zephyr Heights for the breeding plan to create a powerful bloodline. She also has announced that at the moment you woke up, she would apologize once more before you and the public. And it seems, everyone now knows why the royals were hiding their condition. The fact magic is dying became public knowledge after you passed out. Princess Pipp let it slip out during a rant about how your group stole the show. And how she couldn't hope to do better after that. Thanks to your condition, it has become the running story that using magic in the current state of the world, causes harm to the user. Meaning, the royals' act to pretend to fly became an act of preservation of peace. The populace accepted their lie as a necessary evil to keep the peace and order in Zephyr Heights," Hitch explained while reattaching the badge to a leather holster around his chest. "Long story short, you saved Zephyr Heights from a revolt. And you are now the face of the public effort towards peace. You're our leader," Hitch finished with a coy smile. "B-but. I'm not a leader. I'm a fraud. I made all of that up to keep us safe." Arden replied with growing concern as his heart began to race. "That may be true. But even so, everyone in town heard it from Sunny and Izzy. They spoke the truth about who you were and what they knew of you. They know you want magic to return. They want to follow you in your attempt to bring back the magic. Because you were willing to put everything on the line to change things," Hitch explained while walking towards the windows. "You didn't see it because no one knew if you had allergies. But there were tons of gifts and well wishes sent to your room here at the hospital." "You're kidding. I can barely hold myself together. I nearly died trying to convince one town. If I lead everyone to the other two, I'll die before anyone can reach a happy ending! Sunny should be the one to take the lead. She has the past registered, studied, and the background to lead this movement. Not me! I'm grabbing any piece of evidence I can find to build a makeshift castle to shield them. Sunny has the foundation and the means to build a fortress with her arguments and evidence," Arden retorted as he struggled to sit straight in his bed. "Sunny can build a fortress with evidence. But her arguments are not as articulate as yours. She has the determination to pursue the idea and the tenacity to not give up," Hitch countered while looking out the window. "But her recklessness to jump with to the end of an argument makes her lose her way and fail to reach others. She can be a good leader, but she needs time to become one. You, on the other hand, played every card you got and turned the tables in your favor. And when you gambled, you made sure everything you had would bring the best possible result. You knew there was a chance to fail, but you went in with the mindset you would win. Argyle would defend his ideas back home with that kind of passion. If he was younger, I have no doubt he would be in your place leading this movement," Hitch added while turning to face Arden. "You're making me sound like a saint. I'm just a pony! And I didn't do it by myself! If it wasn't for everyone else. I would have just stayed like that! I'm a pony and nothing more!" Arden cried out as he halted his speech at the realization. I called myself a pony. But, I'm a human. I nearly killed myself to help a bunch of ponies in another world. Since when have I've been like this? Since when, did I consider myself a part of this world? Since when did I see myself as a part of this story? This isn't just trying to help Izzy and Sunny. If it was like that, I would have run away with them when Zipp took us to that airport. I became a part of this story. Arden realized while looking at his body on the bed. A smile snuck its way into Arden's mouth as he finally managed to sit straight. "Hitch, I think I might be going insane," Arden said with a chuckle. "I think I've lost it," He added before bursting into laughter. "I'm completely insane! I'm not going to just lead this movement. I'm going to see it become a reality! This world will know a new nation with all pony kinds living together!" Arden exclaimed while slowly raising his trembling hand and reaching forward. "We are going to grab the future, and make it our way!" He finished while closing his fist. "Now you're sounding more like a leader," Hitch said as the door to the room opened. "ARDEN!" Cried out tree mares as they rushed to the bedside. "Hello, everyone! I'm back!" Arden said with a smile as he watched Zipp, Sunny, and Izzy come closer with tears in their eyes. "And this time, we are all going to bring back the magic!" Arden finished with a broad smile. "Not before you talk to my mother, you won't," Said an angry voice from the doorway. Pipp was there with a pout on her face. "You stole my show. You made my sister fall in love with you. You made my sister stop bandaging herself to hide her features. You made my mother stop lying. And you made all of Zephyr Heights become your fans, your followers, and everyone seems to love you now! You stole my life. And I can't even get mad at you because you also made me fly! And you made me sing!" She added while stomping her way into the room. "You played with our hearts and now you have all of us ready to back you up in this crazy idea! So you better take care of us!" Pipp yelled while turning red as a tomato! What the hell did I end up doing? Arden questioned as he saw all the four mares looking at him with what felt like a silent agreement between them. Letting out a sigh, Arden nodded."Ok. Let's do this, together!" (Haven's POV) Holding her crown in front of her face. Haven watched the kingdom from her room as all her subjects seemed to be putting out fliers for the new campaign Arden Sila had launched at the Royal Celebration. That pony had rooted himself in the hearts of all pegasus ponies. He had connected with them, and they all shared the hope of bringing back peace and magic to the world. One pony, influencing the hearts of an entire city all on his own. If that's the amount of magic he has in this dying land, what will he be like when magic returns? Bloodlines may not be the strongest factor in the existence of magic, I know that now. But it is an undeniable truth that remarkable ponies can create more remarkable ponies. Whether through a direct process such as bringing children or by forging the minds of those around them. We can create the world's future with diamonds if we do things right. I have no doubt your lineage will be a strong one, Arden Sila. But it will be something more than just magic talent. Your lineage will be in all of the ponies who pass on the message you taught us that night. However, how will you handle the races that come from the outside? How will you fare against the ones who still latch on to the idea of blood being the main factor for power? Can you reach them as you reached us? Can your magic bring back more than just a glimpse of the past? Can your magic bring back the days of old? Detaching her crystal from the crown, Haven looked at that tiny rock that seemed to have a faint glimmer to it. Something she had never seen before. Letting out a chuckle, Haven pressed the crystal against her chest as she turned back to her room. "Times are changing. The past knocked at our door. It wants to visit and bring gifts," Haven mumbled as she rest her crown on the table and made her way towards the doors. "The crown feels so light now," She added while exiting the room. > Chapter 6: Bonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Arden's POV) It was a strange feeling, sitting before an audience like that. In the past, Arden had those who were curious about his unique level of empathy before, however, he could never look them in the eyes to speak of it. Now, he had an entire kingdom looking up to him because of what he had done. Because of what his eyes had done. And they all wanted to hear what he had planned for the future. They were waiting for his next step so that they could follow. Arden should have fled that stage, he knew that, however, his heart was calm. His mind was set and his path forward was clear. Bridlewood would be the next step for his plan to revive magic and bring joy to these ponies. "Hello, everyone," Arden greeted to the microphone while glancing at his companions that had been placed to his left while Queen Haven had been set to his right. "I'm grateful for the support I've seen to our ideas of peace. It fills me with joy to see all of Zephyr Heights so open to our ideas. And I'm grateful to see all of my friends being so welcome among you," Arden continued as one of the ponies in the crowd raised their hand. Arden gestured for them to speak. "What are your plans for the next step of pony unity? We heard that you and your unicorn friend left on your terms Bridlewood. There was no support there for your ideas. But you seemed to have started the process there too based on the interview Izzy Moonbow told us," The pony inquired while holding their arm up. "It is as Izzy said, I've may have planted the ideas there. But the state of unicorn society was much worse than Zephyr Heights. Unicorns don't have symbols or idols to look up to. Their hopes are waning. Therefore, I plan to reach out to them first. Before all hope fades and they are lost to despair," Arden replied confidently as the ponies seemed to take notes on his answers. Another pony stood up with their hand raised, Arden permitted him to speak. "What will happen to the royal family once all ponies unite under one kingdom?" The second one inquired while holding a recorder forward. "While unifying the races is our main goal. We will not remove the identity of each race. Bridlewood, Maritime Bay, and Zephyr Height will retain their territories and local governments. We wish to bring ponies together and to have all of you be proud of being different. Be proud of your faults and strengths. We will build a town where all types of ponies will live together, and the capital shall be placed there. Led by a council composed of all pony races and one appointed leader to spearhead measures and ideas for the council to vote. The laws decided by that council will be applied to all cities under our banner. And their upholding shall be ensured by the appointed leaders of each city. Therefore, if it is the wish of Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven can and will remain as its appointed leader," Arden replied with a strange amount of serenity and certainty that was the final goal. There was a moment of silence. The ponies before Arden seemed shocked at the response. However, it wasn't a shock of opposition, no it felt like a moment of awe. Perhaps, could it be they had expected Arden to claim all to himself? "I thank you for your kind words," Queen Haven intervened while speaking through her microphone. "And I am pleased to hear you remain true to your desire to bring us together in the most peaceful manner possible. So, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize one more time. To both you, and the ponies of Zephyr Heights, I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to be blinded to our history by the stories I was told without ever questioning their extreme descriptions and ideals. Perhaps, if I had done that, maybe we could have had a better situation than the one we currently find ourselves in," Haven explained while reaching for something in her pockets. "Therefore, as a sign of good faith, I wish to offer you and your company this. The pegasus crystal. I do believe it should remain in the hands of those willing to chase a brighter future for our kind," She added while taking the crystal to Arden and offering it. Someone took the first step. This is beyond amazing. Arden celebrated as he got up and placed one of his hands under Haven's hand while the other closed her fingers over the crystal. "As the ruler of this kingdom. You've already shown you're willing to chase that idea. I believe, that when the time comes, you should be the one to offer it to the cause," Arden replied while pushing the crystal toward Haven. The queen's eyes widened as she looked down at the crystal and then back at Arden. Then, in a sudden movement, Haven threw her arms around Arden and hugged him tightly. Arden reciprocated the gesture for a few seconds before breaking the hug. "Be proud. You moved forward." "Please, I know I made a mistake. But my daughters seem to care for you deeply, even if they have only known you for such a short amount of time, do take care of them. Would you consider taking their hands? There is no need to bring an heir, I just wish to see their happiness. And that could be a way to show unity. As I am certain that the ponies of the land will designate you as our leader," Haven inquired with tears forming in her eyes. "I am but one pony. But if your daughters feel so strongly about me, I won't turn my back on them. But there are others I also need to offer myself to. I could not have gone this far if not for their aid and support. Even if they were reluctant to do so," Arden said while turning to his companions. "Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp I know this is sudden. I know I am far from the ideal partner or the best option out there. But I can assure you I will not stop chasing these dreams if it means I'll see your smiles. Would you chase these dreams with me? Would all of you chase our smiles together?" Arden asked while kneeling before the four mares with his head hung low. Silence took over the conference. The photographs, the murmurs, it seemed as though no one dared to breathe. The magnitude of that question for the crowd and Arden was unmeasurable. The answer was obvious from the looks on their faces, but without a reply, all of the ponies present would remain frozen in time. Waiting for a reaction, a response, or even a slight movement felt like watching someone thread on thin, cracked ice. The moment the ice breaks, all of the reactions would pour in at once. Arden waited with a smile on his face as he was certain of the response. Inside his heart, he knew what they felt. It was a confused and intoxicating flame, something that would stabilize and become a radiant light for all of them. Arden was also in that roaring flames state, otherwise, he wouldn't have the state of mind to make such a proposition. His heart and his mind could barely keep up. But they agreed that was the right thing to do. Looking up, Arden had but half a second to react as Izzy tackled him before pushing her lips against his as Arden had his back against the floor. It didn't matter how much Arden could have prepared for that, his reaction would have been the same. Wide eyes with a strong flush of his cheeks as he slowly closes his eyes and takes in the feeling of Izzy's lips against his. "Now we never have to be apart!" Izzy exclaimed while backing up with teary eyes and a huge smile on her face and let Arden's wrists go. "I don't think I ever planned to leave you alone," Arden replied with a chuckle as he laid there with his eyes closed and a dumb smile on his face. "Come on!" Rushed Izzy as she got up and pulled Arden back on his hooves. "You got to hear the others' answers!" "Very true," Arden agreed while turning his attention to the rest of the group. "I can ask each of you, one at a time if it is what you desire," He added with a bright smile. "Don't!" Exclaimed the other three with flushed cheeks and embarrassed looks as they failed to make eye contact with Arden. "We get it. And I do," Sunny replied while stepping forth. "But you better not back off on the engagement. Especially when you asked the four of us at once," She added with a smile and pointed at Arden's face. "Wouldn't dream of it," Arden replied while pushing Sunny's hand out of the way and giving her a peck on the cheek. "That is supposed to be the other way around," Sunny retorted with a chuckle. "A little surprise never hurt anybody," Arden replied before flinching as he got punched on his arm by a small pouting Pipp. "You take too much of the spotlight!" Pipp grumbled while pouting. "I would say I'm helping you expand yours," Arden replied with a laugh as Pipp just turned to the side and offered her hand. Grinning like an idiot, Arden took Pipp's hand and kissed it. But as Pipp was about to pull her hand, Arden grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a pose as if they had finished a dance. Pipp's head hung upside-down while looking at the reporters that had begun bombarding them with pictures. "See? Together, everyone stands in the limelight," Arden added before helping Pipp stand. Turning his attention to Zipp, Arden quietly chuckled at the sight of the athlete's wings fully open as her body turned stiff. Arden closed in on her and took Zipp in his arms to carry her as a bride. "You probably hoped for something a bit more reserved, right? My bad. I went for it as to not lose the nerve later," Arden apologized while looking at the distressed Zipp. "I'm supposed to be the daredevil! Why are you constantly making me flustered!?" Whined Zipp as she covered her face with her hands. "Is it always going to be like this?" "I don't know. And that's probably the best part," Arden said with a toothy grin as he turned to the audience. "When we are finished with the mission of uniting everyone, we will hold the ceremony for the World to see!" He exclaimed as the mares gathered around him and the photographers continued their accidental photoshoot. "You want me to be what?" Hitch asked in confusion as he turned to Arden. The conference had ended about an hour ago. And they were preparing for the travels ahead of them with clothes, rations, and other necessities. "My best stallion. The one that stands by me during the wedding? I would probably need one for each bride. So, I would probably have to find three more," Arden retorted while putting on a set of clothes matching the theme of fantasy adventure. "You only get best mares. Stallions don't stand by the groom," Hitch explained with a facepalm. "That will make things difficult as I only know the queen and that competent soldier mare. Maybe I could meet some others to have there," Arden replied while putting on his cloak before securing the sword on his hip. "What about your mother? Wouldn't you invite her to the wedding?" Hitch inquired as Arden turned around with a new holster added to his belt to hold the crystal horn. "My mother isn't around anymore. So, that's kinda out of the table," Arden said while crossing his arms. "I could just ask the queen to get a handful of mares Pipp and Zipp are acquainted with, as well as Sunny and Izzy's friends to be there with me then," He continued while tapping his finger on his arm. "Sorry," Hitch apologized while folding his ears and wincing at the response. "Why? You didn't kill her. And you didn't know me that well, so no problem," Arden said while waving Hitch off. "Now, are you ready sheriff? Or should I call you captain already?" Arden added while coming closer and throwing his arm over Hitch. "There is a lot to do. And we are going to do it." "Ready as I'll ever be," Hitch said with a tamed smile as they headed to the door. Standing outside, two guards saluted them before gesturing them to follow. Arden complied with Hitch following close behind them. The guards guided them through the gilded halls of the castle until they had returned to the throne room. There Queen Haven and Arden's companions stood by the damaged table with a map of the land opened at the top of it. "Good to see the clothes were properly recreated," Haven said while glancing up. "And the belt seems to be holding just fine." "Thanks for the extra set," Arden replied while approaching the map. "So, what are you brainstorming about?" "Planning the safest route to escort my daughters to Bridlewood," Haven explained while pointing at the road down the mountain. "This is that main path out of Zephyr Heights. But it is quite dangerous. Therefore, I do believe using another path hidden around this area of the mountains should be much safer for you to travel through," She added while pointing at another part of the map. "Pipp knew of this path in case of an emergency evacuation. So, she can be your guide." "Why didn't I know about this?" Zipp inquired while looking at the area Haven had pointed out. "Because I was afraid you would run away if you knew of this secret path," Haven replied with a sad tone. "But now, you're leaving with my blessing. And my apologies for not listening to you earlier," She added while resting her hand on Zipp's shoulder with a smile on her face. Zipp smiled in return before hugging her mother tightly. Good. Family is among the most important things you have. Arden mused while looking at the two before turning his attention to the map. His eyes began scanning the paper for other types of information. The route going in is all well and good. But, we need more details. A meeting place for all the ponies we convinced to gather around. Where could that be? Um, maybe? Arden pondered while putting his finger on the image of the big tree in the valley between the three cities. "Queen," Arden started while tapping his finger over the image of the three. "You can call me mother now," Haven interrupted with a smile. "Ok. But I'll save that for the more casual moments. For now, we are talking about an official matter," Arden replied with a smile. "Fair enough," Haven replied while looking at the area Arden pointed on the map. "What about the Everblossom Valley?" "That's what it is called? I think this would be the ideal spot to host the meeting of the three races/tribes," Arden proposed while running his finger towards Bridlewood, then back to the tree, then to Maritime bay, then back to the tree, then to Zephyr heights, and then back to the tree. "It is practically an equidistant spot from all pony capitals. The wide-open fields make it so sneak attacks won't work. The environment doesn't belong to any of the tribes, as far as I know. Therefore, it would be a neutral zone for all of us to use. Plus, it would make for an ideal place to build the capital for the newly united town I mentioned at the conference," Arden explained while circling the tree with his finger. "It could work, but when would this meeting be hosted?" Haven replied while holding her chin. "You don't know how long it will take for you to convince the unicorns. And if they are in such bad shape as you claimed, it might take a while before we have any predetermined date." "Well, I had the idea of having you arrive at Bridlewood slightly later than us. A small escort with enough to defend yourself but not overly packed as to show aggression or distrust. Once we convince the ponies of Bridlewood to meet you we could meet you halfway out of the forest. That way you could act as though you were eager to meet with the unicorn leader. That should make things tense for a moment, but if we play our cards right, we can have the unicorns as our allies before long," Arden proposed while scratching the back of his head. "As for the ponies of Maritime bay, we would have to be more cautious." "You're right on that one," Hitch intervened. "I managed to talk them down and keep them more or less peaceful. But the amount of time we were taught to fear pegasus and unicorns got us hard. They aren't completely closed off to the idea of meeting one unicorn," Hitch said while pointing at Arden. "But they aren't exactly thrilled to have an outsider too. I left Sprout there to try and keep things calm and under control. But I can't guarantee that they won't have some defenses ready to meet you." "Right," Arden mused while holding his chin and staring at the town of Maritime Bay. Arden's mind began reviewing what he had seen of the area from a distance before Arden's eyes widened. "Hitch, how attached to their city are the ponies of Maritime Bay?" "I would say very attached. We had defenses set up all across the town just for the sake of protecting it against invaders," Hitch replied with a raised eyebrow. "So, it would be safe to say you would rather stand your ground to protect it rather than run away, correct?" Arden proposed before Hitch nodded with a frown. "Ok. The town is built in front of a huge building that looks important. It sat on a hill. What is the name of that place?" "Do you mean the Canterlogic Factory? It is the main source of our defenses and technology. A lot of ponies work there. And if there is ever a gathering, it happens in front of it. There is a lot of space in there and out there. Although, we use the outside for most announcements for the town, while the inside is used for display of new gadgets," Hitch explained while tilting his head. "There is no town area behind the Canterlogic Building, right?" Arden inquired. "No. It would be a safety hazard. A lot of gear and disposable waste goes back there to be processed. And beyond the waste processing area, there are just fields that lead to the farms," Hitch replied while pointing to an area north of the town. "So, if we gathered all of the ponies of Maritime Bay in front of the Canterlogic factory, and arrived with a procession of both unicorn and pegasus tribes through the town area, you guys would be cornered, right?" Arden said with a smile. "Pretty much. And there would be panic," Hitch agreed before his eyes went wide. "You don't mean to?" "Appear with what seems to be an army of unicorns and pegasus ponies, scare the ever-living crap out of the locals, and then break their expectations with a proper peace greeting after talking to the Sheriff of the town himself? Oh, I do," Arden replied with a smirk. "Based on the panic we've seen from Izzy's arrival, the locals won't be able to retaliate against that many ponies. They will probably freeze and not attack. And without you to sound the alarm and mount the weapons, we won't have to worry about them. Plus, they won't be able to flee without losing their town. Meaning, they will have to stand their ground and allow us to speak," Arden explained with a smile. "That is evil," Hitch said with a sigh. "But then again, they will probably need a reality check to realize how dumb the entire conflict is." "And I am not in the mood to deal with any more bullshit on the war of the ponies lore," Arden agreed while leaning on the table. "I almost died the last time. I want to have my wedding and cherish a happy life with my wives," He added under his breath. "You're different," Stated Izzy as Arden felt her hand touch his. "Am I?" Arden inquired while turning his head to look at Izzy. "Your confidence. And the way you act changed. I don't think it's bad. But, you're different from before the celebration," Izzy said while placing her hand on Arden's cheek. "Your sparkle is so much brighter now. It's almost like you're everywhere. But you're still here." "And that's where I intend to stay," Arden said while grabbing Izzy's hand and closing his eyes. "But to get there, we have to get everyone back together," He added while looking at Izzy and then at the others. "We at least know who is the head mare here," Sunny said with a smile. "The what?" Arden asked with a tilt of his head. "It's the name of the mare that is the closest to the pony that brought the herd together," Zipp intervened with her arms crossed. "Considering how she acted back when we met, I'm not surprised she ended up being the one." "That's a thing?" Arden inquired while tilting his head at Izzy, who nodded in response. "Is that, like, some kind of hierarchy system among you?" "Not that I know of," Sunny intervened before holding her chin. "But I've seen instances of the head mare using the proximity to manipulate the stallion." "Ok. Something to be aware of," Arden mumbled while turning back to the table. "Alright, time to schedule our meetings with the unicorns." (Zipp's POV) The four mares sat together in the special bath reserved for the royal family. Normally, something no one would even consider, but in their current situation, all of them were technically part of the royal family now. The rest of the meeting went on without much effort and the details of the excursion were all but ready. Zipp's mother went out to begin assembling her entourage of guards, as well as recruiting ponies to make the pilgrimage to the Everblossom Valley. Everything felt like a blur. A couple of days ago, leaving the town was but a dream for Zipp. And now, she was about to set out on an adventure to meet the other species and restore magic. Moreover, she was suddenly engaged to a stallion that she suddenly met by chance. As she grew older, more than once did Zipp laugh at the idea of love at first sight. But now, she had fallen in the same way as characters from fairy tales. "So, Zipp," Said Sunny from her seat in the tub. "Do you always wrap yourself like that?" "Pretty much," Pipp intervened while tapping away at her phone. Zipp glared at her little sister, who responded with a smirk. "She is bigger and more athletic. But she is also self-conscious. So, she wraps herself like that every day." "It gets in the way!" Zipp protested while feeling her cheeks flush. "Doesn't it hurt?" Izzy inquired while tilting her head. Zipp wanted to submerge in the water and wait for them to get out. "I mean, it's got to be tight in there." "No," Zipp mumbled while hugging her legs. "I know how to do it so it doesn't hurt. Can we talk about something else?" "Ok! Do you think Arden will be ok? He did get down bad just to get one town convinced to help," Izzy said while getting up from the water suddenly. Zipp looked away while covering her eyes. "I know he said he would be ok. But, what if he has to do that again?" All the ponies in the room grew silent as they watched the ripples around their bodies. It was an uncomfortable subject, but everyone had to agree that the risk existed. There was no way around it, if Arden pulled another stunt like the night of the celebration, he could very well die. And that was not an acceptable outcome. "Then, we need to pick up the slack," Zipp commented while hugging her knees. "He's been helping you two, and he's been chasing this magic restoration thing non-stop just for our sakes. He wants to bring everyone together for our sake. And, the ones doing the least here are us. I mean, he included us in his plans and gave us roles to help him, but the most dangerous parts, the ones that required us to step up and do something to cause change, that was on him. Unless we start to take initiative, unless we start taking action, he is going to continue on his reckless streak." "I agree with Zipp," Sunny intervened as Zipp stared at the reflection on the water. "We take the lead on basic things, but when push comes to shove we are relying on him. And, I can see why he would take the lead too. I mean, I was about to interrogate you and your guards when we first met. I didn't do it because Arden advised me against it. And he had to convince me to do it. We might have been thrown in jail if I just started babbling about magic in front of you." "That is very true. We would probably have tossed you in the castle dungeon," Pipp replied while placing her phone by the bath's edge. "Our lips were sealed on that topic, the only ponies that knew about our situation were the ones we worked with to create the special effects for our flights into the courtroom. We had to keep the lie going in case any spies were out and about to see how our kingdom was doing. After all, if the secret went out without the magic revival idea Arden brought forth with proof, we would have lost our heads probably." "See? I was about to throw all cards on the table," Sunny complained while Zipp turned to Izzy who was still standing on the bath with her arms crossed. "No wonder he took everything upon himself to handle." "I think I might be to blame for that one," Izzy commented while sitting back on the bath. "I mean, I left him behind and just entered Maritime Bay, got captured, and caused a massive panic on my first few minutes in town. All of that must have scared him and made him skittish about how the other races would react. It was one of the first things he mentioned was what were your stories about us and the Pegasus, right Sunny?" "He did ask about it on our first meeting," Sunny agreed. "He went to confront Hitch head-first. Do you think he was already running damage control back then?" "Based on how he acted this far, it is possible," Pipp intervened while Zipp kept staring at the reflections on the water. "I don't think he is doing this because he thinks we are incapable. I think he did this so he would be in the line of fire. That way, the first one to be attacked or called out would be him, not us," Zipp concluded while raising her head. "I mean, based on what you told us, it sounds like he is trying to do what we've been wanting to do, but he is putting himself in the line of fire in case things go wrong. He gives us credit, but he also spearheads things so he would take the fall before us." "So, how should we handle this?" Pipp asked while picking the phone back up. "We are getting some good progression here. We recognized we are lacking and all, but, what are we going to do about it? I mean, he is the leader of the entire thing now. And he is the symbol. If we take the lead, we might be seen as something bad." "Yeah," Izzy agreed while crossing her arms. "Maybe, we could talk this out with Arden? Ask to leave some of the more dangerous stuff to us. Or rely on us more than he did in the past? I don't think he would be closed for a conversation on this. Although, we might need to be careful, since he might sweet-talk us into doing things his way as he did to the guards, to Hitch, to the Queen, to Zipp, and the town. I think he spits out ambrosia or something when he speaks," Izzy quipped while tapping her finger on her arm. "Ambrosia? Ain't that a part of a myth?" Zipp asked while tilting her head. "Yeah. It was supposed to be a drink so sweet and so delicious only gods were able to drink it," Sunny intervened with a teacher's tone to her voice. "It is said you could gain the favor of any deity if you managed to bring some to them. I think it would be a stretch to say Arden does something similar to ambrosia when he speaks, hadn't I seen him sway Zephyr Heights with, what? Two public meetings?" Sunny added while shaking her head. "For someone without a lot of ground to stand on, he pulled some impressive feats with just words. Do you think he is from royalty somewhere? He handled the political side of the interview earlier as if he had done it before," Pipp asked as Zipp turned to the other two who seemed confused at the idea. "I don't know. He just appeared in the woods one day. And he said he was from far away. Plus, I never heard of a unicorn royal family in Briddle Wood. Maybe, could they be somewhere else?" Izzy proposed while starting to float above the water. "I don't think so?" Sunny countered while frowning. "I mean, in the books my father had. Depictions of pony royalty usually had a common trait of them possessing wings and horns. Even the six guardians of the ponies in the past had their leader with wings," Sunny explained while drawing circles in the water. "Aren't we six in total now?" Zipp inquired without thinking. The other mares turned to her with wide eyes. "What? The four of us plus Arden make five, if we add Hitch we have six. Two unicorns, two earth ponies, two pegasuses," Zipp added while counting with her fingers. "That's the same formation as the books my father mentioned!" Sunny squealed excitedly. "It's like we are bringing back the guardians of Equestria!" It is kinda cool to make parallels to old legends. Zipp mused while looking at the excited smile on Sunny's face as she stared at the ceiling. (Arden's POV) Sitting by the fireplace, Arden looked back at the huge city behind them. It felt strange to look at it from that angle, it was even stranger to think that the entire place could be hidden by a carpet of clouds. Then again, a couple of weeks ago, Arden was riding on a bus. And now, he had to restore magic to a world filled with magic ponies. If he had a problem with a castle hiding in the mountains, he probably had some kind of problem. Although going that far for a world he had become acquainted with was crazy enough in itself. And while sitting before the fireplace, Arden turned his attention to the rest of the group. Everyone seemed to be excited, save for Izzy who looked slightly gloomy by comparison. Might as well speak to everyone now. Arden concluded while clearing his throat. The rest of the group looked back at him. "Hey, can we talk? All of us," Arden asked while scratching the back of his neck. There was a brief moment of silence. Arden took it as an invitation to start talking. "I know that I proposed to all of you, save for you Hitch. But, I want you all to know, that, I, how do I put this? I think that marriage is the biggest step for a relationship. Something that is built upon by the members to create something bigger, something better. So, I want to work with all of you. I want to discover more. I want to see more. I want to get closer to you. So, I guess, I just wanted to say, that before we get to the ceremony, we should get to know each other. And, if any of you, for any reason, feel like I'm not the right choice. You can just say it. I don't mind it," Arden said as he felt his chest becoming lighter with every word that he managed to string together in a coherent sense. "You're back!" Izzy exclaimed while lunging at Arden. "You're still glowing. But you're acting like yourself again!" "W-what?" Arden said before holding his head as he used his other hand to pat Izzy's back. "I, I didn't leave. But, I think I get what you're saying. I feel like, it's like I was high on something. But, now, I-I feel like me again," Arden added while hugging Izzy tightly. "What did I do? I just proposed to all of you! I-I know how all of you feel. But, but, I just ran to the end. I didn't even ask if that's what you wanted! I put the pressure of a public proposition on you!" Arden continued while burying his face on Izzy's mane. "I'm sorry! I-I mean, I'm glad you felt strong enough to say yes. But still!" "Whoa, there!" Zipp intervened. "That's one big flip. Did someone switch you off? What's up with you?" Zipp added with a mocking tone. "I must say, it is a bit adorable to see that you're not a spotlight hoarder," Pipp quipped while taking a picture of Arden hugging Izzy. "This picture is amazing." "Arden, no need to worry. It was obvious something was different. But, we agreed because we wanted to, not because of pressure or anything else. It is as you said, we wanted to do it, so we did it," Sunny reassured while approaching Arden and Izzy and caressing his mane. "I think it's great that everyone here is on the same page," Hitch intervened while looking at the bonfire. "But, shouldn't we be worried about this? I mean, why did you change? A few hours ago, you were bursting with confidence and complete certainty, without any regret. But now? You're showing concern for your choices. What happened?" "Maybe he got feedback from the town?" Sunny proposed. "I mean if Izzy and I felt what Arden wanted to tell us. And he felt what we were worrying over, what's to stop him from receiving feedback from the entire town? And, since everyone seems to be on his side, supporting him, his confidence got boosted? Making him more reckless? But, now that he is far from it, the connection was lost and he is back to his base level. Maybe lower? Like when you crash after drinking coffee," Sunny elaborated while scratching her cheek. "That is an extremely thought out theory. You did not just come up with that," Pipp commented while looking away from her phone. "How long have you been thinking about this?" "Ever since he woke up?" Sunny admitted with a meek smile. "You didn't waste a second," Hitch muttered while poking the fire with a stick. "Since we have a solid lead on that. We know what to expect once you get out of that forest," He added before tossing the stick inside. "So, it would seem," Arden replied while raising his head with a smile. "Thanks for that." "No problem," Sunny said with a warm smile. "Now! Let's get some sleep. We got tents and everything now. So, we ought to be better off than before." "Yeah, I guess everyone needs a breather," Arden agreed as he looked to Izzy, who had already fallen asleep while hugging him. "I'll take her to her tent." It's good to have this many of us. I can't say I would have anyone else accompanying me. Concluded Arden as he approached his tent with a sleeping Izzy in his arms. You got your wish in many ways, Izzy. Next, we will get all of your friends' wishes to come true. Unity and magic, you're next. Arden mushed after putting Izzy inside her tent and glancing up at the sky. No need for shooting stars tonight. We're the ones seizing our wishes. "STATE YOUR NAME!" Ordered an earth pony soldier donning armor and pointing a sword at Arden's throat. It was a strange situation, to say the least. They had begun the day normally, they were partway down the mountains. The hidden path was much faster to descend and rise to the mountain when compared to the road they had taken the first time. One minute, Arden was following his friends down the path, and the next, a dense fog took over the area and he found himself lost. The air was cold, the hot sun that had created a slightly unpleasant heat seemed to have never existed. And there was a strange silence in the area. As if something was waiting to attack. What's happening here? Arden inquired while looking at the ghostly vision, something similar to what he had seen at the Everblossom Valley. Taking a step to the side, Arden looked at where he stood to check if he had been inside a part of the vision. However, there was no one there, and the soldier's ghost followed Arden's movements with his sword. Can they see me? "I said state your name! I will not be controlled by any of your tricks!" Stated the soldier as he threatened to move the blade closer to Arden. Arden pointed at himself while tilting his head, the soldier nodded in response as Arden felt a strong headache. "This is our territory! What do you think You're doing trespassing!?" Inquired the soldier as they tried to look imposing with their blade. Arden was about to open his mouth when the sounds of screams came from behind him. Arden saw a wave of pegasus soldiers stampeding down the path towards them. As the soldier screamed with a legion of Earth ponies charging in opposition. And right as the two groups were about to collide with weapons in hand, Arden felt his hands being touched before blinking once. "Thank the stars you're ok!" Exclaimed Zipp as she shook his shoulders. "Y-You're bleeding. Your eye is bleeding! Your nose too! Izzy! Sunny! I found him!" She exclaimed as Hitch and the others came rushing forward in a fog-free area. The heat of the sun struck Arden's face as he took notice of his left field of view being slightly darker and out of focus. "W-what happened?" Arden asked while turning to Zipp. "We lost you. You were right behind us. Then, you were just gone!" Zipp said with a worried tone as she desperately removed bandages from underneath her clothes and wrapped them around Arden's eye. "I just changed into them. So, these are clean. No need to worry about it. We need to get you to the unicorns ASAP." "S-sure," Arden replied while shaking his head. "Listen, before that, what happened here?" "Here?" Pipp inquired from behind the group. "This was a battle for territory with the Unicorns. There were fireballs and a lot of spells zooming around. Or, that's what the books tell us about the Widowed Slope." "But, they were earth ponies. Not Unicorns," Arden said while holding his head. "I just saw it," He added while looking at the area with remnants of rusty helmets and ad a few rotten wooden handles, probably belonging to spears. Among them, Arden spotted a helmet that seemed in better shape than the rest. Arden took it in his hands, and then, he saw it. The same symbol from the ghost Soldier's armor. "This belonged to an earth pony soldier. Not a unicorn," Arden added before feeling his head aching once more. "Arden, you're talking as if you saw it," Sunny said while approaching him and taking the helmet. "That's because I did see it," Arden replied while looking around. "Or, I saw the beginning of this fight." "Arden, that fight occurred two hundred years ago," Zipp intervened in disbelief. "You can't expect us to believe you were there. You wouldn't be alive." "But, I saw it. It was like when I saw the village in the Everblossom Valley," Arden retorted weakly. "There hasn't been a village in the Everblossom Valley for over two thousand years. And no one knows how those flowers are always in bloom. Even in winter," Sunny commented while crossing her arms. "Maybe you're connected to more things than just hearts?" Izzy said while walking up to Arden and placing her hand on his face. "I'm not the smartest pony around. But, I know that there are different types of bonds. Maybe yours stretches out to other things beyond connecting with other ponies." "Like, what? Connecting places across time?" Hitch asked while tapping his finger on his arm. "I don't know much about magic. But you did something just now. You just vanished. And that thing on your cape is shining. So, if I learned anything so far with you, is that when that thing shines, something magic-related is happening," Hitch pointed out while signaling to the beacon glowing through Arden's cloak. "I see your point," Arden said while looking at the glowing horn. "I say we leave this place before anything else happens because of this thing. "Agreed," The group said before they continued on their way down with Pipp as the leader of the caravan. Different types of bonds, is that what that was? Arden pondered while looking over his shoulder to the area they had just left. > Chapter 7: Rule of 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Arden's POV) This is too good. Arden mused while looking at the faces of his companions. The sheer shock of watching Izzy pretend to be a woodpecker and cut a tree down to size with her horn alone was astonishing. Then came the crowning moment, when the tree went down and perfectly connected both ends of the ravine. Izzy turned around to let out a simple. "Ta-da!" She cheered with a soft voice and a wide smile. "So, how about we get going?" Arden proposed without batting an eye. His usual mood had returned a couple of days after his first crash, which was also a reason for their slower pace. The rest of the group didn't answer. They forced their mouths shut before following Arden across the makeshift bridge. "It should take one day at best for us to get to Izzy's cottage." The group didn't talk much after that. There was an eerie feeling after the events of Arden's mood change. They wouldn't outright say it, but something was bothering them. Arden had taken notice but thought it best not to question it since it was related to him. Therefore, they would worry about him if they noticed him being weary. Arden helped them set up camp once nightfall came. Adding to the change in everyone's behavior, other things also felt different. The world seemed to be changing. The grass and flowers felt livelier. Even the stars and the moon looked brighter than before. Once everyone went asleep, Arden got up and went to take a seat by the edge of the cliff where they had set their camp. It doesn't hurt to take a peek, right? Arden concluded while pulling out the horn. I can't be around something that goes crazy whenever it wants. Is there a rune or a switch in here? Arden pondered while inspecting the surface of the horn. The crystal looked smooth. But upon closer inspection, there were carvings on its side. They looked like vines climbing on the side of a three. And they all seemed to sprout from the ruby attached to the base of the horn. "Whatcha doing?" "Gah!" Arden exclaimed while nearly dropping the horn. Grabbing the horn before it slipped into the cliff, Arden turned around with a flustered expression before bumping his nose with Izzy's. "I was trying to see if this thing had any means of triggering the magic manually, rather than the thing setting off on its own." "Oh. Did you find anything?" "Nope. It's just a carved crystal." "That's a shame." "Yep." There was a brief moment of silence. Arden sat at the edge with his legs dangling while Izzy stood beside him staring at the horizon. "You're not going to do that thing again, right?" "Which one? I made a lot of dumb decisions thus far." "Your eyes." "It's the trick up my sleeve. But it is not a reliable one. Honestly, it was a gamble to even use it back at the castle." "That's not what I mean." "So, what do you mean?" "It's dangerous." "Of course it is. I spread myself across a lot of ponies." "I mean the magic." "Huh?" Arden turned to look at Izzy, who had crouched down and hugged her knees. She seemed to regret saying her mind, but not the message behind it as she bit her lip. "We are going through all of this to bring back the magic. But, what if it is better to leave it sealed? I mean, look at what magic did to you." "Yeah, because I'm using magic in a world where magic is almost dead." "But look at how magic influenced the pegasus. You using magic brought everyone together. What if someone else used magic to tear everyone apart?" "We'll just beat them." "And if they are stronger?" "We get stronger ourselves." "And if you get hurt?" "Part of the job." "And if we get hurt." Arden opened his mouth but halted his answer. "I just don't want any of our friends getting hurt." "If push comes to shove, I'll be the only one in the line of fire, I'm focusing everything on me after all." "But that's exactly what I don't want to happen!" Izzy cried out before lunging at Arden, causing them to be precariously close to falling off the ridge. "Let's just pretend we didn't find the crystal. Let's play that it was destroyed. Please?" Izzy begged while pressing her head against Arden's chest. "I wouldn't want anything less. To stay together like this. But, if we stop, everyone might die. This is a world born from magic, if you take it away, there won't be anything left of it." "At least we will be together. And everyone will be fine." "But without a future." "A short time well-lived is better than a long time of misery!" "What if we don't get either?" "How can you be certain?" "How can any of us be certain?!" Both grew silent as Arden's voice echoed through the empty fields. Izzy looked scared of him. Arden got up with the horn in his hands. He looked at the thing and then back at Izzy. His grip tightened as he looked back at his choices and their repercussions. Turning his head towards the campfire, everyone had woken up and were staring back at the two of them. What am I even doing? Arden mused while seeing the disheartened faces of his companions. His grip tightened before turning around and preparing to throw the horn away from the camp in a fit of rage. WHAT AM I EVEN DOING RIGHT NOW!? "Don't do it!" Arden heard as his body froze. "Who said that?!" Arden exclaimed while searching his surroundings. However, what he sees is not the camp. His surroundings are gone. All that is left is a starry road as if he is walking on a bridge of light. Looking down at the horn, Arden sees that the object is glowing once more. "I'm starting to get sick of this thing." "Dear, that could be crafted into such a lovely accessory. Fashionable and functional." "Who is even talking? You're different from the first." "Magic is coming back and the first thing you think of is making accessories? Wake up, Rarity!" "Another one." "Don't mind them, Sugar cube. What you need to be worrying about is that horn." "How many of you are there?" "Double the number of crystals you're looking for!" "Six. Wait. That's the number of ponies back at Sunny's house. She had some dolls." "Yes, we are six in total." "Can you please step out? I don't know where to look," Arden said in a defeated tone. "You just need to see me," Said a voice by Arden's side. Nearly jumping at the sudden appearance, Arden fell on his rear as he laid eyes on the newcomer. A unicorn with wings wearing a velvet dress stood by him. She was way taller than anyone he had seen so far. Her form was nearing a see-through state, almost as if she was fading, and her mane seemed to have stars shining from within it. She looked tired and quite sad. Arden squinted his eyes as his memories went back to Sunny's house once more. "Ok. You're that pony. The one that was drawn in the Vitruvian style back in the lighthouse." "Not my best work." "I have to ask. Are my little ponies ready to get their magic back?" Arden stared at her for a few seconds. That phrasing was weird. Wait. No way. "YOU!" Arden exclaimed while getting up and pointing an accusatory finger at the figure that flinched at it. "You're the cause of this mess?!" "There was no other choice. Someone instigated the different races into attacking each other." "And this was the solution?! To just make every ounce of magic disappear." "Not disappear. I simply sealed it until harmony among the races was a possibility once more." "Did you even try? Seriously. Did you try? Have you seen the state of the world? Did you even see what the hell happened to the races after you took their magic away? Because whatever it is you did, it wasn't instantaneous! They went into a bloody war! They have myths about how each of the other races is some kind of multi-headed monster!" "I SAW ALL OF IT!" Cried the figure as she fell to her knees and buried her hands on her face. She stood at eye level with Arden while in that stance. "All we fought for was gone. I had to do something before further damage was done." Arden clenched his fists while looking at the crying figure before him. He wanted to yell. He wanted to scold her for not intervening in the situation earlier. They had magic for crying out loud, scrying the culprit should not have been such a hard thing to do. Even more so if this pony was powerful enough to seal ALL magic away. However, the more he looked at the crying figure, the more he saw the disheartened Sunny he had seen before reaching Zephyr Heights. His frustration grew as he crushed the crystal horn further. His hands started to hurt as they pressed against the crystal horn. "God damn it!" Arden cursed before he started swinging the horn around and took a few steps away from the figure. "Someone tosses me here. I try to help the first thing I see. Suddenly I am pulling swords off the fucking ground, running away from panicking villages, and spearheading an effort for peace. I had made my mind, but the further I got from the ponies I convinced the more I wavered. I don't believe in the things I preached. I believed in what those ponies believed, and here I am scolding someone that took action. WHY AM I SO FUCKING PATHETIC!?" He ranted before falling to his knees. This time, however, he was the one crying as his vision blurred. "Your resolve might not have been your own. But your actions were. More often than not, a ruler must act on the will of their subjects. However, there are times in which a ruler's will must be enforced. The ponies sought conflict against the wishes and teachings of my pupil. She did what she could to save as many as she could." "As for you. You chose to help. Your resolve came from the desire of those around you. Seeing as they lacked the planning and the means to seek their desires on their own, you led them towards it. Had the thought of seeking peace and union not been in their hearts, they would not have been reached by your words or actions." "You may have been driven by a sudden feeling of love. But it was not directed at these that walk along you. Your love was directed at this world. The more you saw it, the more it hurts to witness how much everyone within it was suffering. You made a hasty decision when taking those ponies as lovers. They love what you did and who you are. But their feelings are making your resolve waver. Your heart is attuned to theirs. That is your nature. But you cannot allow yourself to be overwritten by the emotions of those around you." "What?" Arden mumbled as his vision became blurrier. "Oh, you are no fun. Finally, someone stirs up things and now they are breaking down. What is it with you royals and putting everything on one pony's shoulders?" "My feelings are being overwritten by those around me?" Arden questioned as he felt the tears falling on his hands. "Yes. It is rather easy for us with the ability to connect to the emotions and hearts of those around us to not see it. Surrounding ourselves with those that reinforce our feelings, we lose ourselves in their visions distorting our own. You love this world. You love magic. You love the potential and the story of this world. But, you bound yourself to those ponies in an attempt to reassure them, while failing to notice that you created a two-way road. These feelings, the wavering resolve, the uncertainty, all of it comes from those around you." "Then, what? Just ignore their feelings and keep walking forward?" "Through your actions, you shook the resolve of others. All of it without relying on your ability to connect. You did what they wanted and brought about change. You created a cult in Zephyr Heights by abusing your power. But you planted the seeds of uncertainty in both Bridlewood and Maritime Bay. These seeds were hastily forced to sprout in Zephyr Heights, hence the overwhelming support. But you have not seen, what has transpired after you left." Raising his head, Arden sought the one that was speaking. A white mare sat at the edge of the bridge, she wore a golden dress and was about the same height as the lavender mare he had seen before. Arden crawled toward her with haste and looked over the edge of the bridge. "Are we sure this will work?" "I don't know. But, that unicorn made a point." "What if it all goes to shit and we have another war?" "At least we will have tried. We can't keep hiding like this." "Nothing ventured nothing gained?" "You could say that." "Do you think that unicorn made us so, brash? We were going crazy here with the entire idea." "Maybe. But he let us go. I mean, if he wanted to brainwash us to just do all of that, why would he leave?" "Fair point. Maybe his goal was to give us a push to try. I mean, I knew our town was built on top of some old city. And I always wondered why we knew of the other races' cities but never did anything about it." "They were more passionate about it when we left," Arden said while wiping the tears. "What you did has altered their view on things. The process you had hastened is now receding into what it should have been. But the change is made. Uncertainty holds them from going overboard and grants them a hint of reservation when dealing with something so alien to them a few days ago. You changed them, even after your abuse reverted. It is not wrong to want to understand. But to anchor others into your emotions and point of view is not a good choice. This time, it didn't backfire. But you could have paved the way for war." "Yeah. You slipped up bad there, kid. But here is the thing, who doesn't? Your friends also made a big slip up there. I mean, they are undermining your mission. You did everything they wanted to do and now they want you to stop. That's not how this works. It's supposed to be a give-and-take thing. I second Izzy's worry about the return of magic while that brat is out there. However, I also see that things are not looking up if they remain like this." "Who are you? All of you," Arden inquired as he sat at the edge of the bridge and took a look around himself. Ten creatures stood around him. Four ponies with wings and horns and unnatural heights, five ponies that fit the base races he had met thus far, and one amalgamation of animal bits. This last one was way more visible than the nearly transparent ponies around him. "For now, we are echoes of the past, save for one of us who watches over the land in the dark. This is our resting place while magic remains sealed. If magic were to return, maybe we could meet one day." "How am I supposed to do this?" Arden asked while placing his free hand over his chest. "I can make the connections. But I don't know how to sever them." "It's ok. I'll show you how," Arden heard as the pink-winged unicorn extended her hand and rested it on his cheek. "It is as simple as saying Goodbye. But it also hurts just as much." "Saying, goodbye?" Arden whispered while looking into the mare's eyes. Instinctively, Arden gripped his chest as the realization hit him. "Yeah. Yeah. Sad sappy display. Now, listen here, colt. That thing you have belonged to me. And I do things as I please. That thing will allow you to do as you please if your will is your own. So, it's been firing off because you're a mess of desires from a bunch of different ponies. Thankfully, you had someone wanting to meet the past with you." "So, this thing fired off, because of the connections?" "I just said that." "But-" Arden started before a gust of wind struck his face from the front washing away all of the images around him. He was back at the camp. His arm was still raised as he aimed to throw the horn away. "Arden?" He heard from Izzy as she tugged on his clothes. Looking down at Izzy, Arden felt something running down his cheek. A smile crept up on his muzzle as he let out a sad chuckle. Turning around, he walked toward camp and began packing his things. He double-checked everything including the rations for the trip. One more time. Please, let me see. Arden thought as the clarity of his desire manifested with the horn's glow. Once more the light from his friend's chests laid bare before him. However, he did not focus on the lights coming from them. He shifted his focus to search for a connection. Something that linked him and his friends. It took a few seconds, but as he searched, Arden found two types of strands connecting him to them. One looked like a solidly built rope, while the other looked like a feeble flowy bunch of strings badly woven together. Arden felt something on his back. Looking over his shoulder, Arden saw a gigantic chain leading toward the sky. It then split into two, one that led to the woods, and one that led to the mountains. "I have to sever this," Arden mumbled as he turns his attention to the delicate threads on his chest. Arden was about to grab one of the threads before he heard something cracking. Arden's eyes widened before darting toward the horn in his hands. The object seemed to be ready to crack. More often than not, we are met with crossroads in our lives. Power can cause change, it can bring forth a necessity of choice. This time is no different, dearest reader. Allow me to ask you this, how powerful is Discord? He, who could alter reality with a single snap of his fingers, could control everything within the limits of his imagination. Time was no different. Allow me to explain what you are about to witness. From a single point in time, we shall fracture the path into three. But due to the horn's powers, these possibilities are all occurring at the same time. These are not possibilities. They are concrete events that are all happening at the same time. For the sake of your comprehension, I shall make it so, that you will meet each event separately. But for the sake of piecing together what truly happened, I recommend that you picture a screen split into three, and each part of the screen is playing these events simultaneously. The path for a future: Severance Hastily turning to the threads connected to his heart, Arden used each of his fingers to grab one of the threads. His heart felt as if it was being torn apart. His eyes teared up as he grunted in pain. Arden felt himself fading, his mind slowly going dark as he tried to pull the threads apart. "You can't break! You need to keep going! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Gritting his teeth, Arden grabbed his threads tighter. A wave of sadness and regret struck him as the voices of his friends melded into a mess of thoughts assaulting him. They weren't trying to, but they were making it so much harder to sever the bond. Arden felt his grip loosen up as their thoughts chipped away at his resolve. "It hurts, but your connection is still there. You're breaking a forced bond. Don't give in. If you break, their future is lost! You're saying Goodbye to the gilded chains that are forcing you to stay together. You can forge something stronger!" Gripping the horn tighter. Arden rejected the thoughts storming his mind. Arden opened his mouth while taking a deep breath. He then screamed his lungs out before pulling the threads with all his might as they snapped. The magic from the horn faded as Arden fell to his knees with his eyes filled with tears. Arden raised his head and found Izzy on her knees in front of him with a worried expression. Smiling at her, Arden whispered. "See you soon. I'll be counting on you, Izzy. Get them to the village," Arden said as he thought of what he wanted the horn to do, and disappeared from the campsite. The Path to the past: Alternate Hastily turning to the threads connected to his heart, Arden used each of his fingers to grab one of the threads. His heart felt as if it was being torn apart. His eyes teared up as he grunted in pain. Arden felt himself fading, his mind slowly going dark as he tried to pull the threads apart. "You can't break! You need to keep going! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Gritting his teeth, Arden grabbed his threads tighter. A wave of sadness and regret struck him as the voices of his friends melded into a mess of thoughts assaulting him. They weren't trying to, but they were making it so much harder to sever the bond. Arden felt his grip loosen up as their thoughts chipped away at his resolve. "It hurts, but your connection is still there. You're breaking a forced bond. Don't give in. If you break, their future is lost! You're saying Goodbye to the gilded chains that are forcing you to stay together. You can forge something stronger!" Gripping the horn tighter. Arden rejected the thoughts storming his mind. Arden opened his mouth while taking a deep breath. He then screamed his lungs out before pulling the threads with all his might. However, the pain turned out to be too much as he fell to his knees panting in pain. The horn vibrated in his hands as the spell continued to storm his mind with the feelings of his friends. Arden raised his head and saw Izzy before him. Her emotions flooded his heart and soul. All the pain, the regret, and the fear of what would happen from that moment on. "Arden, Arden you need to stop!" Izzy begged as the horn's cracks expanded further as light leaked from the horn. Arden felt his mouth moving as no sound escaped his lips. "FOUND YOU! YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE HERE! DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE STORIES YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO SEE!" Suddenly, the horn burst into a cluster of thorns that impaled Arden's chest. Arden didn't feel a thing as his vision went dark. The last thing his eyes saw were the bodies of his friends impaled by the thorns coming from a tear where the horn used to be. All of the bodies were dragged into the tear until they floated before a red-maned mare. Arden's body withered and crumbled to ash. "Damn it. I need to find another him," She grumbled while using her magic to grab the ashes and imbued them with magic. The glittering remains floated away as the mare left the corpses of the ponies floating in the void. The ashes led her to a street where another version of Arden wandered the streets during the day. Altering her form into that of a human teenager, the mare brought forth the sword meant for him to wield, a sword meant to protect him from nightmares and help him in his quest. She had to make sure he would stay in place. So, using her magic, she created a group of humans to chase the sword. Wrapping it like a package, she rushed the distracted Arden. "Catch!" The teenager said while he forced the package on Arden and ran away like a maniac. "What the?" Arden asked as he held the package, it was heavy. The mare slipped in between the cracks of reality before looking back at her target. "HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!" A bunch of guys yelled at Arden when they saw him holding the pack. He looked at the thing and then back at them. The mare watched as this version of Arden made mention of giving the sword back. Closing her fist, the mare struck the image of the ground beneath Arden, causing it to crack as if it was made of glass. Arden fell through the ground and into Equestria. "There. Everything is now in place," The mare said with a content smile before turning back to her void. The Path to the past: Fractured Hastily turning to the threads connected to his heart, Arden used each of his fingers to grab one of the threads. His heart felt as if it was being torn apart. His eyes teared up as he grunted in pain. Arden felt himself fading, his mind slowly going dark as he tried to pull the threads apart. "You can't break! You need to keep going! Wake up! WAKE UP!" Gritting his teeth, Arden grabbed his threads tighter. A wave of sadness and regret struck him as the voices of his friends melded into a mess of thoughts assaulting him. They weren't trying to, but they were making it so much harder to sever the bond. Arden felt his grip loosen up as their thoughts chipped away at his resolve. "It hurts, but your connection is still there. You're breaking a forced bond. Don't give in. If you break, their future is lost! You're saying Goodbye to the gilded chains that are forcing you to stay together. You can forge something stronger!" Gripping the horn tighter. Arden rejected the thoughts storming his mind. Arden opened his mouth while taking a deep breath. He then screamed his lungs out before pulling the threads with all his might. However, the pain turned out to be too much as he fell to his knees panting in pain. The horn vibrated in his hands as the spell continued to storm his mind with the feelings of his friends. Arden raised his head and saw Izzy before him. Her emotions flooded his heart and soul. All the pain, the regret, and the fear of what would happen from that moment on. "Arden, Arden you need to stop!" Izzy begged as the horn's cracks expanded further as light leaked from the horn. Arden felt his mouth moving as no sound escaped his lips. "FOUND YOU! YOU WEREN'T MEANT TO BE HERE! DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE STORIES YOU WERE NEVER MEANT TO SEE!" Suddenly, the horn burst into a cluster of thorns that impaled Arden's chest. Using what little power Arden had left, he grabbed the threads and pulled his friends closer. There was a series of gasps before Arden managed to regain consciousness. He could see two other versions of himself mirrored in the energy beams emanating from the horn. One of them broke the threads and disappeared, the other died and was exchanged for someone else that resembled his younger self. "How dare you!?" The voice from before screamed at him. It was the same voice from the bus, the woman that had offered him a deal. "It wasn't enough to meddle in a time you weren't meant to exist in, but you assimilated them?! How far have you fallen!?" "YOU WENCH!" Arden called out while waving the horn around to free himself from the unseen attacker. The thorns recoiled before spreading to perform an attack from multiple directions. Arden swung the horn with its erratic energy beams around, this managed to fend off a few of the attackers. However, it was not enough as Arden felt his body being slashed, mangled, and restrained by the thorns. Arden's grip on the horn tightened as the tendrils sunk into his body. This pushed the horn's integrity beyond its limits, and the crystal shattered. However, it didn't disperse. The shards embedded themselves into Arden's body. This made a bright blue light emanating from his chest appear. The tendrils stopped their movements when this happened. "So, there is still a part of you that can be salvaged," The voice said before two more tendrils lunged from the dark into Arden's chest. He could feel something being ripped apart from him, they were taking away something important. It had to stop, it could not be allowed to continue. "Pure and bright. A small piece untouched by the hearts of others. This time, your heart will be strengthened before it can tap into others. ARGH!" Arden watched as the tendrils violently recoiled and a small orb of light came out of his chest. Both of the tendrils were missing a piece. One was lodged onto the orb, the other was attached to Arden's chest. "More resilient and defiant than I first assumed. Without this, however, you will perish," The voice said before tossing Arden to the side. Arden witnessed the tendrils manipulating and altering the fragment of him that had been removed. "When the time is right, you will return to be part of this world. Hopefully, you will retain the form I have gifted your other part. But I cannot guarantee that. Although, with a purer core, you might skip a few steps. And without the original, you may look deformed. But you will remain with the same heart. Filled with wonder, and willing to help those you hold dear. Just in case, let's connect you to her. Yes, when the time comes she will be your guardian, just as you will be hers." However, as he slowly drifted away, incoherent sounds and screams filled his mind. Ghastly echoes of several creatures suffering tore away at his heart. They sounded so different, but, somehow, they felt familiar. It was the voice of his friends. They were calling from within. They needed his help. If that creature was willing to tear him apart, what would it do to the ones he had established connections to? What horrid things would they do to them? No, the right question would be what horrid things was it doing to them at that very moment? They were crying out, screaming for help, and maybe approaching death. Raising his arm Arden reached for the creature as it slowly started to fade. His voice sounded different from before. But he was certain of what he had to do. He knew the oath he had for that creature. An oath to return. Even as his senses abandoned him, his mind screamed while his soul and what was left of his heart willed him enough strength to state his promise. "One day, I will set things right. One day, I'll return. And I will bring everyone back." The vision of the thorns faded, and a blurry visage of grassy fields and trees stood before him. His head throbbed and his back felt as if his flesh had been torn apart by bones springing from his shoulder blades. "Sister, they may have lost their mind." "It would seem so, Luna." And from this point on, Three stories are woven by the rift One setting forth a future, Rebuilding what was once lost. One setting forth the path for an old tale, Where a pair of eyes gave hope of meeting those lost to the dark. And one setting the path for two fragments touched by death, A path where two fragments exposed to the magic created by bonds were forged by the nature of their connections. Two halves coexisting in the same timeline but direct opposition to each other. Our bonds influence our hearts, they are magic. His eyes shall return to the land, different in body and skill, but familiar all the same. And his heart shall reach for a bright future along with the ones he wishes to protect. Return to life, tale once lost. Return to life, magic once lost. Return to life, connections once lost. Do not allow the oath to come true. I beg of you. Arden, Arden, and Unnamed child born from a fragment, I beg of you, fight. Stand up and break the vile creature that I have wrought. A pony with a broken heart, destined to be king, but tormented by my actions that took the ones he held closest to his heart. Please, save them.