> Sold At Auction > by Jest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Auction House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh come on, that was bullshit!” Spike shouted, gesturing wildly to the flickering television screen. Which displayed an image of a stallion made out of fire keeling over and collapsing onto the ground. His opponent, a mare seemingly sculpted from solid ice, flexed as the screen displayed the word ‘defeat’ in broad, bold letters. “These hitboxes are stupid. God I hope this guy lets me have another rematch,” Spike muttered, one hand going to his cup holder while the other scratched his bountiful posterior. Made fat by too many hours spent in front of the screen, Spike’s butt was the perfect size for the dragon to spend all day gaming. Almost completely nude, the young dragon tipped back the contents of the tin can before grimacing in irritation when nothing came out. Peering inside revealed that the container was completely empty, and glancing at the screen confirmed that his opponent had left. “Damn,” Spike cursed. “I guess hes not up for first to thirty wins.” The dragon considered queuing back up, but a glint from the corner of the room caught his eye.  “It has been a couple hours,” Spike murmured. “Ahh what the heck.” He then stood up from his spot on the couch, waded through the dirty clothes, garbage and discarded game cases over to the kitchen table. Where a tall beaker shaped object with a secondary tube jutting from near its base waited patiently for him. “Now then. Where is the green good stuff,” he muttered to himself. His search across the plate covered table was interrupted when the door to his apartment burst open and Twilight charged inside. The woman wore a very professional black suit, with a white shirt and purple tie, as well as a dark, knee length skirt. “Spike the dragon! Where have you been?” Twilight shouted, the alicorn’s wings flaring in anger. “Uh… right here?” Spike asked, gesturing to the couch, while subtly putting himself between his mother figure and the smoking accessory. “Obviously,” Twilight scoffed. “Then why did you even ask?” Spike demanded. “Because I thought you’d have an excuse for why you haven't shown up for the bachelor auction!” Twilight demanded. “Bachelor auction? Why would I be there, I’m not gay,” Spike replied. Twilight groaned, and dragged a hand down her face. “I can't believe you forgot. It was literally the only thing I asked for in return for paying your rent for another month.” “Oh uh, right. I was just about to get my clothes on. I totally remember,” Spike exclaimed with an awkward, feeble smile. “Maybe this whole thing wasn't a good idea. You clearly aren't ready to be on your own,” Twilight declared, glancing around the dirty, ill kept apartment. “Oh ignore all that. My uh… maid, is dropping by tomorrow,” Spike exclaimed. “Maid?” Twilight scoffed. “How did you afford that?” “Hey I make good money,” Spike retorted. “Doing what, exactly?” Twilight replied. Spike bit his lip. “I’m in sales?” Twilight hummed thoughtfully before shrugging. “Well so long as your doing something other than smoking pot and playing video games all day.” “No way. Me? Pfft, I’d never do that,” Spike scoffed, side stepping awkwardly with his bong clutched tight against his spine. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to get some clothes on and we can go.” “Wait. Why do you need so much clothes anyway? You didn't wear much more then shorts when you were younger,” Twilight called. “It's fashion, Twilight. Keep up with the times!” Spike shouted, waddle running his way backwards down the hallway and into his bedroom. Twilight sighed. “Maybe I should get out more.” “Really? That's fashionable?” Twilight asked. Spike rolled his eyes and straightened his back, displaying his loose fitting hoodie, and equally baggy jeans. “I’ll have you know this is the peak of fashion. All the bands I listen to dress like this,” Spike declared. “I knew I shouldn't have bought you that M.C Wrench C.D,” Twilight murmured. “Now hurry up, the auction is happening at the old town hall, and it's already almost over.” Spike sighed. “Oh come on Twilight, relax. The auction thingy will still be going on by the time we get there.” “You don't get it Spike!” Twilight shouted, spinning towards the male. “This is for the save the animals fund. I can't let Fluttershy down, not after that fiasco at the grand opening of the Ponyville zoo.” “Wait, was that when you unleashed a thousand pigeons and they pooped on everyone?” Spike asked. Twilight screamed in frustration. “It wasn't my fault those dumb birds wouldn't go when I told them to.” Spike giggled. “Oh that's rich. Let me guess. You also haven't asked her out yet either?” “There hasn't been a good time, and she just got out of a thing with that stoner friend of… why am I talking to you about this? You’ve never even had a boyfriend,” Twilight demanded. “A. I did so have a girlfriend, and b, why do you still think I’m gay?” Spike shouted. “Oh come on. We both know about that dildo you hid under your bed while you still lived with me,” Twilight dismissed. “I… but you… I never…” Spike’s mouth slammed shut and a hot blush crossed his face. “Wait, you didn't know that I knew? Even after I gave you that whole spiel about cleaning your toys?” Twilight exclaimed, barely able to restrain her laughter. “I just thought you were talking about my legos!” Spike shouted. “Spike, you were seventeen. You hadn't touched your lego in years. Now come on, we have precious little time to waste,” Twilight declared. Before Spike could offer some kind of retort, he was pulled towards the circular two story structure that had faithfully served as Ponyville’s town hall for decades. A large banner welcoming everyone to the first annual bachelor auction for the save the animals fund hung over the entrance. Which was not where they were going, as Twilight all but dragged Spike around the back, to where a door was already open. The second after entering they were met by what sounded like sobbing from somewhere nearby. Familiar sobbing at that. After traveling down a short hallway, the pair entered into a large open space dominated by a red curtain that was currently drawn. “Oh no,” Twilight muttered. Spike glanced over to find that Fluttershy was weeping openly into the arms of a certain minotaur known for his self help seminars. The pegasus wore her usual sundress, while Iron Will wore only a tight black muscle shirt and a pair of equally tight shorts. “What happened?” Twilight demanded. “Oh it's just dreadful!” Fluttershy shouted. “We’ve hardly made any money at all!” “Hey now that's not true. Iron Will brought in over five hundred bits!” declared the minotaur. “Yeah but that's pretty much all we made, and that only barely covers our expenses. Noone even bid on Joe!” Fluttershy cried. The overweight donut salesman sighed and absently poked his stomach. “Well Joe. I guess mother was wrong. These aren't love handles after all.” “What about the cardboard cut out of my brother?” Twilight asked. Fluttershy sniffed. “Five whole bits.” “Damn. That doesn't even cover the cost of printing,” Twilight muttered. “Wait, Spike! You’re here!” Fluttershy shouted. “You’re just in time too! The last auction is just about to wrap up.” “Err right. So, what am I supposed to be doing exactly?” Spike asked. “You are supposed to do everything Pinkie Pie tells you, then when you are bought you are to go with whomever purchased you and do everything they say for the rest of the night,” Twilight explained. “Wait. Like, anything, anything?” Spike asked. “Yes, anything, now go! I think I can hear people getting up to leave,” Twilight hissed. A firm hand shoved Spike through the curtain, and out onto a stage where Pinkie Pie stood with a mic in one hand and a glass container in the other. The woman wore a particularly bright pink dress with more ruffles than Spike had ever seen in one place before. “And the jar of Big Macintosh’s hoof clippings is sold to Miss Cheerilee for fifty bits!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “Please approach the stage to receive your prize and make sure to have your bits ready.” The school teacher let out a shrill cry of success before bounding through the crowd, and all but throwing a pile of bits at Pinkie Pie. Who awkwardly handed her the jar before stepping back and allowing the other woman to sprint off into the night. “But don't go anywhere quite yet folks. We’ve saved the best for last!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, grabbing Spike around the shoulder and leaning in close. “Just roll with it and look cute. This is a tough crowd,” she whispered before releasing him. “Err okay,” Spike muttered.  “Yes, that's right everypony. The last eligible bachelor is none other than our very own Spike the dragon!” PInkie Pie exclaimed. Spike gulped, and awkwardly waved at the crowd, who sat quietly, merely staring at him until someone coughed. “Oh come on you guys. Spike here is a young, nubile young drake who is only eighteen years of age. Surely at least some of you are interested in taking this stud home with you tonight,” Pinkie Pie continued. “Meh,” someone muttered. “Right,” Pinkie Pie leaned in close to Spike and whispered in his ear. “I guess were going to have to resort to drastic measures. Spike, ditch the clothes.” “What? I can't do that,” Spike hissed back. “Just do it,” Pinkie Pie replied. Spike paled, glancing from the bored, empty expressions of the crowd, to Pinkie Pie, and then finally back the way he came. Where the sharp, angry eyes of Twilight peered out at him, the alicorn’s judging glare being cut off when Fluttershy let out a particularly loud wail of despair. The suit clad woman then ducked back behind the curtain, leaving Spike to merely stand there awkwardly and gulp in fear. “Come on Spike. Hurry up,” Pinkie Pie pressed. “Okay I’m going,” Spike muttered. “Great,” Pinkie Pie stepped forward, putting the mic to her lips once more. “Now I can tell you all are less than enthused, but don't you worry. This is only the start of the show. Take it away Spike!” The dragon grinned, and waved awkwardly, a move which garnered him several raised eyebrows, though that was the extent of the response. It was his next action which got him far more attention, as he reached down, and began to remove his sweatshirt. Pausing just long enough to bite his lip, and work up enough courage to remove the peice of cloth, Spike tossed it aside. Now standing there in a thin, white tshirt, a good section of the crowd began to lean forward in their seats. “Keep going,” Pinkie Pie urged, continuing to speak while Spike debated what to do. “As you can see he's a little shy, but don't worry he's got what you ladies, and stallions, want. So lets start hearing those bids, who has a hundred bits?” “A hundred and ten!” someone shouted. Spike paused, and looked out to find that Rainbow Dash had been the one to yell the number. “A hundred and twenty!” countered another voice. “A hundred and twenty five!” added a third. “Come on Spike, lose the shirt,” Pinkie Pie demanded. Spike gulped, and though he was tempted to glance back at Twilight, he resisted that urge. Instead he reached down, and gripped the shirt in both hands, his claws hooking under the fabric. He then raised his arms above his head, and wiggled out of the constraining fabric, throwing it in the slowly growing pile of clothes. “I think I was wrong earlier. This is no stud, this is a mare,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, running a hand down Spike’s chest. The young dragon blushed, and crossed his arms over his chest, unable to speak due to how embarrassed he was. He only became even more self conscious when the crowd suddenly became louder than ever before. “Two hundred!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Two fifty!” yelled a pony Spike was able to discern to be Octavia. “Three hundred!” Rainbow Dash immediately countered. “Oh this is good,” Pinkie Pie whispered. “Keep those clothes coming.” “But Pinkie I didn't have time to change my… well. I’d rather not say,” Spike retorted. “You don't want to disappoint everyone, do you?” Pinkie Pie countered. Spike sighed, and shook his head. “N-no. I don't want that.” “Good, then lose the pants,” Pinkie Pie declared. “Three fifty five!” shouted Octavia. “Ladies, please. This fine little mare is worth far more than that,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Why, just look for yourself.” Spike hesitated, his claws hooked under his pants, a wide, awkward blush crossing his face. Looking out over the crowd revealed that many in attendance were watching him with intense eyes, waiting for him to act. He didn't get the choice to ruminate on his decision for long however, as Pinkie Pie grabbed his pants and heaved them downwards. For a moment Spike merely stood there in shock, a soft, cool breeze tickling his lower extremities. Then he released a shrill shriek, and covered his crotch with both hands, while trying to turn away in order to preserve his dignity. An action that was more or less impossible given that he wore only a thin, lacey pink thong that just barely covered his budding erection. “Ooh, would you look at that folks. It seems as though our little mare is more girly than I thought,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Now lets-” “Five hundred!” Shouted Rainbow Dash. “Oh my, can Octavia meet such a price?” Pinkie Pie egged on. “Five twenty five!” Octavia countered. Pinkie Pie licked her lips and leaned in close to Spike’s ear. “Now then. Let's see how high we can go.” “What do you mean?” Spike hissed, shifting from foot to foot in order to hide his shame. “You two girls seem very determined, but let's see how far that determination goes, shall we?” Pinkie Pie teased. Spike didn't have the chance to ask what she meant, as the woman suddenly stuffed her microphone into her hair. She then leaned down, trailing her hands across Spike’s more or less naked form, and causing him to squeal in surprise. Pinkie didn't stop there though, as her strong digits gripped his weak claws and pulled them away before swiftly grabbing his thong. A yelp of shock was all Spike could utter before he felt himself be exposed to what felt like the entire town. Though quick to cover his small, three inch erection, the dragon had little doubt that everyone had already seen it. A fact made even more audience when he heard excited murmurings come from the crowd. “Oh my. Our little mare has quite the clit on her, doesn't she?” Pinkie Pie teased. “Pinkie, please,” Spike hissed, awkwardly raising a leg in order to try and better cover himself. “We aren't done here,” Pinkie Pie whispered. “Six hundred!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Seven hundred!” Octavia countered. “Seven hundred and fifty,” Rainbow Dash yelled, the pegasus now standing on her chair. “Damn this is good, but I think we can do even better,” murmured Pinkie Pie. Spike turned to the side in an attempt to hide, a red hot blush now covering his entire face. “What do you mean? I don't have any clothes lefFFT!” The dragon suddenly felt his ass cheeks be pulled apart by the firm, yet still soft fingers of Pinkie Pie. The knowledge that even his dainty little boy hole had been exposed to the entire audience was too much and for a moment Spike short circuited. The dragon came to a moment later, his mind rebooting when he heard a powerful, commanding voice shout three words. “One thousand bits!” Rainbow Dash declared. The crowd was silent, a soft murmur ran through the audience, and in the silence, Spike wiggled out of Pinkie Pie’s grip. He then hastily hid behind the show woman, fully expecting to be forced out in front of the audience once more. Sure enough, a second later and he was gently picked up, placed before them, a strong hand holding him in place. “Is that too rich for your blood, Octavia?” Pinkie Pie teased, seemingly unconcerned by Spike’s attempts at escape. The woman then leaned down, pried Spike’s hand from his crotch, and began to roughly fondle his cock. Spike, unable to move from a mixture of embarrassment and shock, merely stood there, whimpering in barely contained pleasure. It was a strange feeling to receive such rough ministrations while in front of so many people, yet Spike couldn't bring himself to tell her off. So he merely stood there, blushing, and occasionally moaning as he felt Pinkie Pie play with his cock. “One thousand three hundred and sixty nine bits!” Octavia shouted. Pinkie Pie giggled. “It sounds like someone's almost out of bits. Can Rainbow Dash match it?” “One thousand three hundred, and seventy bits!” Rainbow Dash yelled only a second later. “Come on, that can't be everything I have,” Octavia muttered, the woman digging through her pockets, and turning them inside out. “Going once,” Pinkie Pie warned. “Lyra, can I borrow some money?” Octavia pleaded. “Your really asking me of all people if you can borrow bits?” Lyra replied. Octavia sighed. “I should have known better to assume that you’d have anything.” “Going twice,” Pinkie Pie declared. Octavia slumped to her chair, and crossed her arms over her chest, clearly defeated. “And sold to Rainbow Dash for one thousand three hundred and seventy bits!” Pinkie Pie declared. “Woohoo, excellent bidding everyone!” As the woman cheered, she grabbed Spike’s arms and raised them above the dragon’s head, waving them around as she did her own. “Woooo….” Spike muttered. “At least it's someone I know.” Pinkie Pie dropped the dragon’s arms and strode to the front of the stage. “And that is the end of our program this evening. If you have not come to collect and or pay for your prize then please do so now.” Spike used the moment of calm as everyone stood up from their seats to hastily put his clothes back on. He then breathed a sigh of relief, and stood next to Pinkie Pie, shooting her the occasional glare. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Pinkie Pie asked incredulously. “You were clearly enjoying yourself back there. You were so hard I’m surprised you didn't blow your load in front of everyone.” “That's not the point,” Spike hissed. “I didn't...” The dragon’s complaint faded when he realized that he did genuinely enjoy every second he was up there. It was true, he realized, that he had been a few strokes away from cumming in front of everyone. Not only that but he also felt a strange sense of pride at costing more than two months of rent. “Dude that was so hot,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, startling Spike from his internal dilemma. “I know right?” Pinkie Pie gushed. “My little mare did an excellent job.” “I’m not- yipe!” Spike shouted when Pinkie Pie’s hand suddenly impacted his ass, and made him jump into the air. “Oh I am so looking forward to breaking you in tonight,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Spike opened his mouth to respond, but was distracted by the way her short skirt was tenting slightly. Rainbow Dash was quick to remedy this by shifting slightly, turning her body away from Spike and obscuring his view. Leaving the dragon wondering if he had indeed seen what he thought he had, or if it had merely been a crease in the woman’s outfit. Either way, Rainbow Dash stuck her hands into her leather jacket and flashed a wide grin at Spike. “You know, normally I’d punch a guy for checking me out like that,” she exclaimed with a smug smirk on her face. “I wasn't-” Spike began, only to be interrupted when Rainbow Dash burst out laughing. “Oh you are too cute. It's fine, I give you permission to check me out this once, though next time you’re going to have to ask for such a privilege,” Rainbow Dash declared. Spike’s jaw hung open, and his cock pulsed needfully within its cloth prison, his mind suddenly repeating the words he had just heard. I give you permission. There was something in that short, simple phrase that seemed to activate a part of him that Spike hadn't known about. Either way his thoughts were interrupted once more when Rainbow Dash produced a bag full of gold coins from seemingly nowhere. “Oh yeah. You probably want these. Here,” Rainbow Dash remarked, tossing the bag at Pinkie. Who caught it, and quickly opened it. “Oh wow Dashy. You got quite the horde here.” “Yeah I thought the bidding might go higher so I dumped almost a full month’s earnings in there. You can just keep the rest. I don't want to have to haul it all the way back home,” Rainbow Dash flippantly replied. “Are you sure? There’s gotta be like… almost two thousand bits in here,” Pinkie Pie replied. Rainbow Dash shrugged. “It's for a good cause.” “Well alright then,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, tightening the drawstring of the bag, and tucking it into a pocket. “So uh… what did you have planned?” Spike asked. “Oh you know…” Rainbow Dash leaned in close, and licked her lips. “Stuff.” “Like….” Spike replied, rolling a claw in the air. “You’ll see. Now come on. Let's get out of here before Fluttershy finds out she just made all the bits she needs to keep her organization running for another few months,” Rainbow Dash declared, already grabbing Spike by the shoulder. “You don't have to push,” Spike muttered. Together the pair walked down the stairs, and towards an exit, with Spike hazarding a glance over his shoulder. He saw Pinkie Pie dramatically throw back the curtain, wave the bag of bits around, and then be hit by a flying Fluttershy. More tears were had, Iron Will walked off with a rather flamboyantly dressed man, and Twilight flashed Spike a winning smile. Spike didn't feel quite so triumphant as the others however, and merely sighed as he plodded along next to Rainbow Dash. His dark thoughts didn't last long though, as his mind quickly returned to what he had seen only a few seconds earlier. That dark outline, that impressive length, and girth, it was all so… Tantalizing. > Rainbow's House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike whistled as he looked out the window of Rainbow Dash’s living room. “This is quite the view,” he declared. “Eh I’ve seen better,” Rainbow Dash retorted, the woman flopping down on a large, luxurious fake leather couch. “My place in Cloudsdale overlooks rainbow falls, and damn near half of Equestria.” “You have an apartment in Cloudsdale?” Spike asked, spinning around. “I have a house there,” Rainbow Dash corrected. “Dang. How can you afford all that?” Spike asked. “I run Ponyville’s weather team, and I’m a wonderbolt,” Rainbow Dash retorted. “I make mad stacks, yo.” Spike opened his mouth to retort the statement, but found himself struck by the luxury of it all. Behind him a large bay window overlooked the majority of Ponyville, including the busy market square at the heart of the town. Though the building was only a few stories tall, the apartment was on the top floor, and was likely the highest place in a ten mile radius. The apartment itself wasn't super lavious, though it was obviously new, and was furnished with the finest appliances Spike had seen. Each one of which sparkled, as if they had barely been used, or were routinely cleaned. The entire place had a barely lived in vibe to it, which made sense considering how busy Rainbow Dash was. Even still, it was still quite homey, with small personal touches sprucing up the otherwise bland white space. Be it the numerous trophies that covered the top of every book shelf, the many awards that were spaced along her walls, or the brand new game console. It was clear that Rainbow Dash had added everything she deemed necessary to the house in order to make it her own. “Say, before we get down to the fun stuff, I had a question,” Rainbow Dash began. “Fire away I guess. I am at your command or whatever,” Spike replied. “What's with the baggy clothes?” Rainbow Dash asked. Spike glanced down to himself. “It's fashionable.” “No it ain't,” Rainbow Dash retorted. “I know what's fashionable. The wonderbolts always wear what's in style, and that sure ain't it.” “I…” Spike bit his lip, and gripped his pants tight in his claws. “I don't like looking girly.” “What's wrong with being girly? I’m a girl you know,” Rainbow Dash declared. Could have fooled me. Spike thought to himself before clearing his throat. “Well I am not a girl.” Rainbow Dash nodded knowingly to herself, as if she had just made some kind of grand discovery. “Right. Then I guess we gotta get you comfortable with acting, and being seen as more feminine,” Rainbow Dash declared. “Err what?” Spike muttered. If Rainbow Dash heard him, she didn't make note of it, merely standing up and trotting towards the hallway, only to stop at the entrance. “Just sit tight for a sec. I got something for ya,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Oookay,” Spike muttered. The dragon stood there awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot as Rainbow’s light feet traveled down the hall. After entering one of the apartment’s bedrooms, the woman then walked around briefly before making her way back. Appearing at the entrance to the hall with a wide smile on her face, and the strangest looking necklace Spike had seen held aloft in her right hand. “Ahh. Here it is, your first accessory,” Rainbow Dash declared.  “What do you mean? I have plenty of accessories… wait, is that a dog collar?” Spike demanded, pointing towards the thick band of black faux leather studded with short silver studs. It was also adorned with a golden metal plate emblazoned with the words ‘Rainbow’s Bitch’, across the front. “Nah. It's just a normal collar. See?” Rainbow Dash replied, opening the latch on the back and showing how long it was. “I uh…” Spike trailed off, unable to find the words he was seeking. “Come over here and try it on,” Rainbow Dash stated. For a moment Spike considered running, or telling Rainbow Dash off, but a mixture of Twilight’s words, and his own strange arousal stopped him. He had to do everything the dominant pegasus wanted after all, Twilight had told him as much in no uncertain terms. His own draconic pride wanted him to leave, or to take charge, but at this point, that urge was so weak that it was barely even a consideration. “I guess that's okay,” Spike muttered, stepping towards the winged woman. “Aww yeah. You’ll love it. I can already tell,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Spike had no response, merely standing still as the pegasus wrapped the collar around his neck, and shut it with a flick. Something then clicked, and he glanced into the reflection in the window to find that it had been secured with a padlock. Though not overly large, the silver box still kept the collar around his neck, the key to which was quickly tucked into one of Rainbow Dash’s pockets. “There ya go. What do you think?” Rainbow Dash inquired. Spike grit his teeth, a silent war raging in his mind as he gazed at the strap of fake leather around his throat. “It's… something?” He awkwardly exclaimed. “Oh come on. I can tell you like it. Why don't you just be honest with me?” Rainbow Dash replied, smiling as she walked up to him, and wrapped her arms around his torso. “I was actually just wondering why you put a lock on it,” Spike replied, biting back his urge to tell the whole truth of the matter. “That's just to make sure you don't remove it before my time with you is up,” Rainbow Dash answered, her hands snaking down his body as her chin rested on his shoulder. “Wouldn't want you disobeying me now would we?” “I…” Spike gulped, remaining stock still as he felt something hard press against the crack of his ass. “I suppose it's fine.” “Good, good,” Rainbow Dash whispered, her reflection smiling mischievously at the male. “That leads us to your next accessory.” Before Spike could ask what she had in mind, he saw a long, thin metal chain emerge from the pegasus’ pocket before being attached to his collar. Rainbow Dash then wrapped the excess length around her hand, and pulled the leash tight, forcing Spike against her body. Where he realized just how incredibly long, and hard her throbbing horse cock truly was, the appendage rising halfway up his back. “Holy crap,” Spike muttered. “You like the chain that much? I thought it was pretty cool too,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a snicker. “I mean that too, but also… well you know,” Spike muttered, his claws digging into his shirt as he gazed intently at the woman’s reflection of her crotch, attempting to catch a peek of her sizable cock. “Or are you talking about this?” Rainbow Dash asked, thrusting her hips against Spike’s butt. Spike’s knees shook, and his legs grew weak, the dragon’s mouth so dry that he was unable to utter a sound. In that moment there was only him, and what felt like the arm length shaft of the pegasus woman standing behind him. He barely even noticed what was happening right in front of him, and it took bumping into the glass window to knock him out of his hypnotic state. Spike raised his arms in reflex, his hands spread wide, as his legs were forced to do the same. Rainbow Dash was quick to cut off his escape, pressing him between her body and the window with nowhere else to go. As he stood there panting, his hot breath forming tiny clouds against the glass, Rainbow Dash continued to shift her hips in a slow circle. “Enjoying the view?” Rainbow Dash whispered directly into Spike’s ear. The dragon could only stand there awkwardly, bobbing his head slightly. “Mmm, that's good,” Rainbow Dash hissed. “Though we should hurry. After all, we have a few more things to go over before you will be able to enjoy something far more pleasurable then a bit of grinding.” Spike shuddered as the whispered word rolled around in his head, leaving him erect and with little breath in his lungs. It wasn't just that he was aroused, but also that he yearned for something he had never known he desired before. He wanted her, or more accurately, he wanted her to take him, carnally, and to put his wide, generous hips to use for the first time. “L-like what?” Spike murmured, barely aware that his voice had risen several octaves. “For starters, you will call me mistress until I relinquish control of you,” Rainbow Dash began, still grinding her hips against Spike’s ass as she spoke. “Y-yes. M-m-mistress,” Spike stuttered, unconsciously spreading his legs a little wider. “Mmm good,” Rainbow Dash whispered, her hands snaking their way under his clothes, and across his chest. “As your mistress I will be given certain rights, namely that I can fuck you whenever I want, however I want.” “Oh stars, yes,” Spike murmured. “You will also cum only when I allow you to, and you will only be allowed to do so if you have asked very nicely. Which you will also have to do before you do anything else,” Rainbow Dash continued. Spike bit his lip, and stifled his response when he felt Rainbow Dash’s fingers pinch his nipples. “Ah- ah, y-yes. Mistress,” he replied after finding his voice. “Whatever you say.” “I am not a mean person, just ask and I’m sure I’ll allow you to do whatever it is you desire,” Rainbow Dash continued, her hands slipping back down his body. Spike nodded eagerly, barely even aware of what he was agreeing to as he felt his new mistresses’ fingers slide under the hem of his pants. “I cannot stress enough that you will also do everything I say, whenever I say it. Understood?” Rainbow Dash demanded. Spike nodded, the dragon distinctly aware of the woman’s hands resting on his hips, thumbs slipping under the lip of his thong. “Now then. Let's start with an easy command. Bend over,” Rainbow Dash demanded, taking a step back from the young dragon.. “What?” Spike muttered. “You heard me. Bend over,” Rainbow Dash repeated, her harsh tone leaving no room for interpretation. Spike gulped, and did as demanded of him, bending at the waist, and using his grip on the glass to keep him vertical. Shifting his legs, the male slowly got into a position where his torso and legs were almost at a perfect ninety degree angle. He then glanced over his shoulder, curious as to what Rainbow Dash was doing, and discovered that she was eying his ass with naked lust. Her hands spread out, stretching his waistband until it was able to pass over his ample hips with ease. Feeling his pants get pulled down, and dumped around his ankles didn't grab his attention nearly as much as what else Rainbow Dash was doing. Or more specifically, what her cock was doing. As the towering pillar of girlcock was rising up from her crotch, tenting her skirt and nearly tearing through her tights. The black fabric strained visibly to contain the mammoth organ which pulsed needfully in its prison. Its partially flared tip was visible through the cloth, allowing Spike to see a good portion of its teal length that was spotted with white splotches. It was a strangely feminine series of colors that were attached to a cock so large and masculine that it looked like it should be on a horse. A sudden slap across his ass, and subsequent jiggle brought Spike back to reality. “Impressive eh?” Rainbow Dash gloated. “Its fucking huge,” Spike murmured. “Ha! That is so true, but don't worry. I made sure to grab some of the real fancy magic lube,” Rainbow Dash explained, spinning a small blue container on the tip of her index finger. “This stuff will make sure you don't get hurt, and you can take every last inch of junior here in no time at all.” Rainbow Dash patted her cock, which produced a bubble of pre as if in response to the attention. “This is all so crazy,” Spike muttered, only to wince. “S-sorry. I meant that this is all going so fast, is all.” “I want it, you want it. Why bother drawing it out when were both ready for the fun to start?” Rainbow Dash half asked, half stated. “I mean I guess. It's just wild to think that like a half hour ago I was sitting at home playing video games and smoking dope,” Spike replied. Rainbow Dash snickered. “Well I mean we can do that later if ya want. First though, first I got to blow some steam, as well as more than a few loads.” Spike gulped, and nodded. “I suppose so long as its with a girl its not gay, right?” Rainbow Dash erupted with laughter, and slapped Spike across his posterior once more. “I don't care what you gotta tell yourself, so long I get to keep fucking this fat ass of yours,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Spike blushed, looking away in order to hide his bright red cheeks from sight. “Well it's not like I like dudes… much,” he murmured to himself. Rainbow Dash either didn't care, or didn't hear, as she was busy fussing over her tights. “Come on you stupid things, ahh fuck it,” Rainbow Dash whispered before gripping the cloth and tearing the tights apart with her bare hands. The move made Spike weak in the knees, and his cock throbbed excitedly within the confines of his thong. His heart beat even faster still when he was able to gaze upon the magnificent mound of girlcock a second later. Rainbow Dash didn't notice Spike’s glazed look, or the drool dripping from his maw, as she was busy trying to remove her skirt. “Whatever, close enough,” she muttered, merely flipping the front half of the clothing up in order to give her the range of motion she desired. “Wow Dash, you’re really strong,” Spike exclaimed. Rainbow Dash chuckled, and raised an arm, flexing it in order to display her bulging bicep for the dragon to see. “I’m a wonderbolt, dude. What did you expect?” She exclaimed with a smirk. “I don't know,” Spike admitted. “I just didn't think you’d be quite this…” “Buff?” Rainbow Dash offered. Spike nodded. “Don't worry though, cus I’m known for not just speed, but strength too,” Rainbow Dash remarked, flashing the young dragon a knowing wink. “Just uh. Make sure to use a lot of that stuff okay? I haven't exactly… done much,” Spike muttered. “Relax. I got this. I’ve fucked more than a few boys who’ve caught my eye. Why do you think I had all this stuff ready to go?” Rainbow Dash replied. Spike cocked his head. “Oh, like who?” “Rumble, Shining Armor, Big Macintosh, Button Mash, especially Button Mash. God, that guy is cute with a cock rammed up his ass,” Rainbow Dash muttered only to shake her head. “Now's not the time for that though.” “Oh right. Well, whenever you’re ready,” Spike murmured, gulping and turning back to the window. Rainbow Dash wasted no time, dipping her hand into the container and retrieving a mass of the oddly thick gunk. She then gripped her cock in one hand, and Spike’s ass in the other, shifting her body into position. While keeping a firm handle on her partner, Rainbow Dash lathered her cock in lube, stroking her length in a slow, deliberate fashion. The now oddly shiny appendage pressed against Spike’s ass, making the dragon gulp in trepidation. This, he felt, was the final moment he had to stop things, to tell Rainbow Dash no, and save his fragile masculinity. He did not, however, tell her to stop, or even slow down, and instead the male merely relaxed his ass as best as he could. “Ready?” Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk, as if she already knew the answer to that question. Spike nodded. “R-ready,” he stuttered, barely able to speak. Rainbow Dash grinned, and with a powerful thrust of her hips, sunk her cock deep into the male’s ass. Inch after throbbing inch of massive horsecock plunged into Spike’s body like a charging army. An achievement he had thought impossible given how tight he was, yet somehow Rainbow Dash had managed to stuff almost half of her dick inside of him. “Damn you are tight,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, giving the dragon’s ass a firm smack. “Don't worry though. By tomorrow morning I’ll have fucked you enough times to just slide right into that cute little butt of yours without a problem.” Spike shuddered, the dragon unable to utter a word as the pleasure centers of his brain lit up like a christmas tree. He had never felt something so simultaneously painful and yet still immensely good. His body had been stretched, pushed to its absolute limit yet already the unpleasant feeling was beginning to ebb.  Within seconds he had relaxed to the point that there was only the pleasure born from the delicious feeling of being stretched. A sensation that Spike would never thought he would enjoy, yet had already fallen in love with after mere moments. The way her cock pushed around his insides, her slippery appendage forcing his body to contort to her whims.  It was electrifying. Each subtle movement and every tiny thrust could be felt by the dragon, who was swiftly being reduced to a gibbering pile of lust. Rainbow Dash was just so incredibly wide that Spike felt as though his body was being reshaped to better suit her lusty needs. Not only that but she was easily larger than any toy the dragon had ever used, putting the pegasus on a pedestal all her own. It was with no small amount of amazement on Spike’s part that Rainbow Dash was still managing to push her way deeper. All while the winged woman’s movements remained short, but powerful, ramming her hips forward a few inches before pulling back slightly. This short, seasawing motion coated Spike’s insides in the powerful lubricant, allowing Rainbow Dash to go even deeper. “Damn your ass is perfect,” Rainbow Dash muttered between clenched teeth. “Your cock is amazing,” Spike gushed, his claws scratching the glass.  “Oh you haven't seen anything yet,” Rainbow Dash shot back. Spike barely had a moment to consider the woman’s words before she thrust her hips forward once again. This time she poured every last bit of strength she could muster, inadvertently ramming Spike’s face against the glass. The dragon didn't care however, and merely let his tongue dangle from his mouth as he felt his insides get pushed around. The lubricant managed to somehow enable eight throbbing inches of girlcock to crawl its way up into the boy’s backside. That wasn't even the most interesting part however, as Spike could also feel something bump against his tight ring. It was large, bigger even than the rest of Rainbow Dash’s cock, and by a large margin no less. “Is that your medial ring?” Spike asked. “Heh. I call it the little bitch breaker, cus it usually does just that,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Don't worry. I can already tell that you’ll be able to take it.” Spike gawked in silence, confused as to how something so massive was even going to fit inside his tight hole. Already it felt like the dragon’s entire lower half had been stuffed, and stretched by the woman’s cock, and yet there was more left, a lot more. Rainbow Dash didn't give him the time to reconsider his choices however, and merely tightened her grip before thrusting once again. For a moment it felt like it wouldn't be able to slip inside of him, even with the incredible magical lube they were using. Then it did, and Rainbow Dash’s cock all but punched him in the gut, making his vision go white. Stars danced across Spike’s vision, as he shook violently, his body trembling due to a sudden, and completely unexpected orgasm. He hadn't even felt like he had been close, then something as thick as a can of pop rammed into his prostate. Now he was emptying his balls against the window pane, his tongue dangling from his open mouth. The full body experience had turned his entire nervous system alight, leaving the dragon barely able to stay conscious.  “Ha. I knew you were a quick shot. You’re going to have to make up for that you know,” Rainbow Dash remarked. Spike didn't even hear what his partner said. Rainbow Dash never slowed, even as the majority of her partner’s weight rested on her cock, with the pegasus continuing to pound away. Thrusting over and over, until by the time Spike returned to his senses and he could feel his lover’s medial ring resting against his prostate. The sensation nearly made him orgasm all over again, though thankfully his body was still coming down from the last eruption. Leaving him twitching and moaning, but unable to cum. “Feels good, doesn't it?” Rainbow Dash whispered, the woman leaning close to Spike’s ear. The dragon nodded mutely, pushing his hands back out and allowing him to fully stand on his own once more. “Good, now let's give them a show, eh?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “A show?” Spike murmured, only now realizing just how many people were watching him through the window. The almost floor to ceiling window meant that the half a dozen onlookers could see just about all of him. From his panting, blushing face, to his twitching, now jizz covered cock, it was all on display. Not all of them were Pegasi, though there were a few who were flying nearby, having stopped to gawk at him. There was also a creep with a pair of binoculars in a nearby house, as well as a second couple who were fucking on their porch while watching him. “Eep!” Spike yelped. “Damn you got tight. Maybe I should've mentioned that sooner,” Rainbow Dash groaned. “We should leave, or something,” Spike muttered. “Do you want me to stop?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Because I sure don't.” “Well I mean…” Spike gulped. “I suppose if we drew the blinds-” “I don't have any,” Rainbow Dash replied, punctuating her response with a firm thrust of her hips. “Unf. In that case I suppose this is… fine,” Spike whispered, his voice barely audible over the clap of his Rainbow Dash’s balls against his ass. “Not good enough, I’m going to need you to say it. Say you enjoy letting everyone watch you get fucked,” Rainbow Dash hissed, the pegasus tugging sharply on his leash. “Hrngh,” Spike bit his lip, and did his best to resist. Which was becoming increasingly difficult, as with each impact of Rainbow Dash’s hips, the dragon grew closer to a second orgasm. This was most due to the way that every thrust brushed her medial ring across his prostate, sending another bolt of lightning up his spine. The pleasure was immense, and it was tempting to do or say anything that would make sure this moment lasted for as long as possible. “Come on. Say it!” Rainbow Dash barked. “I like letting people watch me get fucked!” Spike yelped, his voice rising several octaves. “Again!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I love getting fucked in the ass by your fat cock,” Spike exclaimed, his tongue rolling out of his mouth once more. “Good boy,” Rainbow Dash purred. “Now get ready, because I’m almost there.” Spike nodded eagerly, a small part of him a bit disappointed that it had only lasted a few minutes. That tiny bit of sadness was wiped away the second he remembered that this was just the beginning. So he settled into his new role, relishing the stares of the small crowd, while also squeezing down on Rainbow Dash’s length. It was a poor attempt to contribute, Spike knew, with the dragon’s body struggling to do what he wanted of it. Yet he tried anyway, pushing back as best as he could while keeping upright and also tightening his ass. Though it wasn't perfect, Rainbow Dash seemed to take note of his efforts, her moans growing slightly louder. Which meant that they were only just barely more than a whisper, the woman stifling the sounds of her pleasure. Leaving the sound of her balls slapping against Spike’s ass to be the only noise save for Spike’s girly whines of ecstasy. That and the dragon’s occasional grunts brought on by a particularly powerful thrust which threatened to knock him from his feet. To Spike it felt like he was in a constant game of tug of war, with Rainbow Dash pounding him so hard that his hands started to slip. Streaking down the window, Spike was forced to quickly readjust, while also ensuring his legs were spread wide. Throughout it all, Rainbow Dash’s hands squeezed his waist tight, ensuring he couldn't go far. Not like he would, as this was the single most pleasurable experience of his entire life. The way her cock filled, and stretched him, was divine. Her hot breath on his neck was like music. Even the faintly sweet smell of her sweat smelt strangely good. Though nothing could quite top the feeling of Rainbow Dash’s pendulous orbs slamming into his own tiny testes. The sheer size of the futa’s sack meant that each impact sent a bolt of pain through the dragon, which mixed with the pleasure to create something truly unique. It was in this moment that Spike knew he would never be able to truly enjoy slow sensual sex again. At least, not as much as Rainbow Dash’s rough brand of loving anyway. Rainbow Dash’s fingers suddenly dug into his waist, and the woman’s breathing grew quicker. As this was happening her cock was beginning to throb, depositing a considerable amount of pre into the dragon’s intestines. The wet, slippery feeling felt amazing, and Spike had to desperately bite down on his lower lip to save himself from cumming. “Cum for me bitch boy,” Rainbow Dash spat. Spike tried to respond but was cut off by the sharp tug of his collar, forcing the male to arc his spine in response. This slightly altered position meant that his lover’s cock stretched him in a new, and altogether different manner. Which was more than enough to make the young dragon begin to orgasm uncontrollably. Only this time he wasn't alone, for the instant his balls begin to churn with seed, he felt Rainbow Dash start to cum. Before this could happen however, she pulled hard on the leash and thrusted with every last bit of strength she was capable of. Spike’s grip slipped, and his entire body was forced against the glass, smearing his spurting cock against the window. Spike’s watery ejaculation grew stronger the second he felt the veritable tsunami of seed now flooding his intestines. Girl cum so thick, and voluminous that it filled him utterly from ass to stomach began to pump inside him, stretching him even further. In fact, Spike was now so full that the small bulge in his stomach made by Rainbow Dash’s cock was completely gone. “Oh fuck,” Rainbow Dash muttered through grit teeth. Spike couldn't utter a word, and merely mumbled an incoherent stream of nonsense, his mind focused completely on his lover’s cock. Which spurted what felt like a constant stream of jizz into the dragon until there was nowhere else for it to go. Then she stopped, and Rainbow Dash relaxed her grip on his leash, breathing a long, heavy sigh of relief. “Damn that was a good first fuck,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “I am so going to enjoy breaking in that ass of yours.” Spike could only nod mutely, barely aware of what was happening around him. That was until he felt Rainbow Dash take a step back, putting the dragon’s weight back onto his own two feet once again. After almost collapsing to the floor in a heap, Spike shook his head free of the cobwebs, and straightened his posture. As this was happening, Rainbow Dash was slowly withdrawing her cock from Spike’s hole, taking a few steps back in the process. Then finally, with a pop, it was out, and a flood of seman surged out onto the floor. Spike’s legs trembled, having grown weak, and the dragon had to use every bit of strength he had to keep from falling. Thankfully the wave of weakness didn't last long, and by the time he was nearly empty, he could walk once more. Only to nearly slip on the small white lake which had formed around his feet. “Woah. That was close,” he muttered. “Well, I’m waiting,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, gesturing to her cock. “What do I…” Spike stopped himself before he could utter another word. In that instant, he knew exactly what he needed to do. Instead he began to kneel down in front of the woman, his still shaking legs making the process more difficult than it needed to be. Once he was at head level with Rainbow Dash’s cock, Spike stopped, and tentatively sniffed the air. Now with a lungful of musky girl jizz, Spike felt his mouth water, and his inner submissive slut take the reins. Placing one hand on each side of her crotch, Spike opened his mouth wide and using his tongue, guided her dick past his lips. Just stretching his jaw around the mammoth member was difficult, though thankfully it was at least slightly soft. Meaning that he could at least fit the entire head inside of him with only a few seconds of struggling valiantly. Down he went, his mouth filling quickly, and leaving him with little option but to open his throat as wide as possible. The feeling of the wide, flat head passing his uvula nearly made Spike gag, but he restrained the urge. He had gone against the will of his mistress, and he was determined to make it up to her one way or another. Not only did he have to stifle his gag reflex, but he also had to beat down his stubborn sense of pride. There was a difference between getting fucked, and willfully serving after all, though Spike ignored that question for the moment. He didn't care if this made him gay, submissive, or a slut, Rainbow Dash had given him the two most mind blowing orgasms of his life. And Spike was determined to pay her back. Eyes watering, and throat stretching, Spike pushed himself further down her cock, swallowing inch after inch. Even her medial ring passed by his lips, as well as his teeth without even touching his sharp incisors. With a soft plap, his face pressed against Rainbow Dash’s cock, which was where Spike remained for several long seconds. Seconds which were spent sucking, licking, and lapping away at her cock. After swallowing every last bit of her seed, and nearly running out of air, Spike pulled back. With a pop Spike stumbled back, nearly falling over as he coughed and desperately filled his lungs with air. “Damn dude. You went in on my dick,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Consider your debt paid in full.” “T-thanks,” Spike stuttered, licking a bit of cum from his lips. “I just thought you were gonna lick it or something, but that was way better,” Rainbow Dash added. “You ready for more?” Spike nodded. “Good. Now walk to the bedroom like the bitch boy you are,” Rainbow Dash declared, shoving Spike to the floor. Spike blinked in shock, his cock throbbing needfully against his chest as a wide, red blush dominating his face. “Well, go on,” Rainbow Dash urged. The dragon didn't even consider standing back up, and instead did as he was told, walking on all fours towards the bedroom. Rainbow Dash blew her curious fans a kiss before departing, walking behind Spike as he made his way down the hall. Her position behind the male meant that she also had the perfect view of his now gaping asshole. Not only that but she could also watch his butt as it jiggled and bounced. “Hurry up. I wanna fuck that cute tush of yours at least ten more times before I pass out for the night,” Rainbow Dash barked. “T-ten times?” Spike stuttered, glancing over his shoulder. “Is that a problem?” Rainbow Dash replied. Spike shook his head and swiftly went back to walking the last few feet to Rainbow Dash’s bedroom. Where, without prompting, he crawled up the side of the teal bed, before sprawling out on the covers, his ass still slightly raised. Rainbow Dash followed him a minute later, the woman stopping to shed her clothes and toss them into a small pile at the foot of the bed. Upon feeling the bed shift, Spike looked over to where Rainbow Dash was reclining on her side. She was beautiful, athletic, with a perfectly toned physique, and hard, visible abs. Her breasts were small, but not so small that her chest was flat. In the middle of it all was her fat, throbbing horsecock which lay on the bed, still half hard. The mixture of masculine, and feminine features was immensely attractive to Spike, and he couldn't help but drool. He also felt a little jealous, though he pushed those feelings down and wiped his lips clean of slobber. “I’m glad to know you enjoy the view,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a smirk. “You are like, super hot,” Spike muttered. “I am pretty awesome,” Rainbow Dash declared, flexing her pecs and making her tits bounce. Spike giggled, and propped his head up with a pillow. “So, what's next?” “Well. Since you’ve been broken in a little bit I thought we’d go all the way this time,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Really work that ass of yours and push you to your limits.” “That wasn't all the way?” Spike exclaimed, mouth hanging open. “Nah. Not even close,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Wow,” Spike muttered. “So. You ready to really fuck, or what?” Rainbow Dash asked. Spike nodded. “Just, go slow please.” “No promises,” Rainbow Dash answered. The woman then rolled atop the dragon and pushed his legs apart in a single fluid motion. She then pulled him up, lined up her cock, and thrust inside him, bottoming out only a few seconds later. The feeling of emptiness Spike had barely been aware of was suddenly gone, and the dragon felt complete once more. “Fuck yeah,” Spike muttered to himself. “Ready?” Rainbow Dash asked, pulling his leash tight. “Fuck me, you gorgeous stud,” Spike exclaimed. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Now that's what I’m talking about. Oh and our safe word is radical.” “Faster!” Rainbow Dash shouted, tugging firmly on Spike’s leash. The dragon groaned, and did his best to bounce even faster, his hips swiftly becoming a blur. Over and over he descended until Rainbow Dash’s cock was stuffed inside him and he was sitting atop her. There he rested only briefly before rising up, and starting the entire process over again. While he bounced, the dragon kept one hand on Rainbow Dash's right breast, and the other on her rock hard abs. The feeling of her rippling muscles, and soft boob made the position that much better for the dragon. The constant tug on his leash, and firm hold she had on his cock reassured him of his place as the futa woman’s toy. Even while riding her, Spike wasn't in control, and he couldn't even orgasm without her express permission. Which she had yet to give him despite spending nearly a half hour bouncing atop her crotch, cock wedged deep in his guts. So deep in fact that they could see the tip of her dick through his stomach. Though it was smaller then it should be due to the sheer amount of cum still sitting in his belly. “Damn this is hot,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “I love fucking skinny boys. Thank god all the weight you put on went straight to your ass.” “Y-yeah,” Spike stuttered. Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You want to cum don't you?” Spike nodded meekly, making sure to continue bouncing atop his mistresses’ cock. “I’ll give you a deal. If you can make me cum in the next ten minutes, I’ll let you cum. How does that sound?” Rainbow Dash asked. “D-deal,” Spike murmured. “Alright then. Get to it!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a grin. Spike grit his teeth, and shifted one hand to his bulging cum belly, keeping it from shaking too much as he began to ride her in earnest. This time he did so as fast as he was able to, ignoring his own pleasure entirely and focusing only on her. He was going to make her cum, or he was going to push himself to his absolute limit in the process. Either way, it was going to be fun. “Rainboooow, this is embarrassing,” Spike whined as the dragon crawled towards the kitchen. Rainbow Dash yawned from her perch atop his back, the woman’s body limp while her cock remained hard and wedged firmly inside of him. “Oh come on, it isn't that far. Besides, we are going to need some snacks if we are going to go all night,” Rainbow Dash replied. Spike groaned as he continued to crawl, the action made especially difficult by the massive appendage jammed up his backside. Every movement made it shift around inside of himself, causing another jolt of pleasure. Worse still, Rainbow Dash had commanded him not to cum until after they had acquired a plate of bagel bites. A delicious, yet still agonizing prospect. “Mush bitch,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, tugging hard on his leash and giving his ass a firm slap. “Yipe!” Spike cried, now crawling as fast as he dared. Spike sighed contentedly as he sat on the toilet, one hand pressed against his bulging midsection. Inside he had nearly eight loads worth of futa cum which he kept contained by squeezing down as hard as he could. Which was a considerable feat given the fact that when he didn't focus his asshole hung open, waiting for Rainbow Dash to slide back inside of it. “Alright let's get rid of this all,” Spike murmured. The dragon relaxed, and pressed against his stomach, causing a jet of hot cum to shoot from his hole. Seconds ticked by as his belly slowly shrunk, and the toilet began to fill. Halfway through Spike paused to give it a flush in order to make sure he didn't overfill the thing. With Spike now feeling empty, and slightly sad, he rose up from the toilet and gave the lever a second flick. There he stood, watching as the enormous load disappeared down the drain. Only when it was gone did he walk over to the sink and turn on a tap. Gathering two handfuls of warm water, the dragon leaned down and splashed his face, immediately feeling refreshed. When he stood back up he was surprised to find Rainbow Dash staring back at him in the mirror. “Don't mind me,” she remarked, her hands immediately gripping his hips tightly. Spike merely stood there, his legs spread wide, fully prepared to get fucked once again, a single solitary thought echoing in his mind. Fuck I love this woman. Spike awoke with a start, his heart beating rapidly as his mind grappled with the strange dream he had just experienced. Though the details were already fuzzy, he remembered being alone, defenceless, and abandoned by his friends. Yet when he awoke, he realized that he was anything but alone. Not only was Rainbow Dash still holding him tightly in her arms, but her cock was still balls deep inside of his ass. The feeling of fullness combined with the warmth of several hot loads still sitting in his belly made Spike feel oddly content. This was where he belonged, and this was where he felt safe, Spike realized. “Mmm awesome,” Rainbow Dash muttered in her sleep, pulling Spike tighter against her chest. “Love you,” Spike whispered. “Mmm whatever,” Rainbow Dash muttered. The woman then began to snore loudly, but Spike didn't mind. He was too happy to care, and after intertwining his fingers with his lover’s, Spike fell back to sleep. When the dragon’s breathing returned to normal, Rainbow Dash cracked open an eyelid. “Love ya too,” Rainbow Dash whispered.