Draconic Desires

by TittySparkles

First published

How do you say no to a frisky dragon? it's simple actually, you don't.

Fluttershy thought suppressing her heat cycle would be sweet and simple; She would visit Twilight, a spell would be cast on her, and Fluttershy could return to her cottage without a care in the world. However her plans go south when she runs into a larger than usual Spike and things only escalate from there when the rather handsome dragon starts getting frisky with her.

Kinks included: M/F, interspecies, size difference, estrus induced depravity, a marelet getting mating pressed by a nine foot tall dragon, and excessive amounts of cum

Cover art by: chrysalisdraws

Discord group exclusive request for: Navarone

Chapter 1

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Fluttershy paced quickly and slowly panted as she trotted down the path, feeling uneasy with walking in town. As each passerby waved at her as she walked, she forced a smile and greeted them in return, but all she could think about was how hot her body felt. It wasn’t thanks to her green turtleneck she was wearing, or her grey baggy sweats, or even the blistering hot spring weather, but rather the intense feeling coming from her body itself.

Continuing to walk, she couldn’t help but keep thinking back to when she awoke that morning. Even with it being nice and chilly in her room, she was hot, sweaty, and certain parts of her body ached to be touched in the slightest and it stayed with her no matter how much she tried to ignore it. Her body buzzed with intensity and a yearning need that almost overridden her common sense, but it was a feeling she wanted no part of. She knew it was coming, and it was something that came every season with her, but unfortunately she made the error of not being prepared for her seasonal heat cycle.

Her nipples tingled and felt like they were on fire, and the wet patch between her legs continued to get the slightest bit of stimulation as her thighs rubbed together as she walked. A feeling she had grown accustomed to feeling every year, and this year in particular was worse then ever. She could feel cold strains of wetness running down her legs as she walked, and as her stiff nipples brushed against her sweater, it made her body tingle and feel ready to prematurely burst at a moment's notice.

Her destination in question was Twilight’s crystal castle, in hopes Twilight herself would be able to suppress her heat cycle like she did every year for her. She would cast a spell that would suppress the urge to mate with every male in a quarter mile, and silence the need to finger herself non-stop. As enjoyable as it was to figuratively fuck herself senseslessly, heat cycles couldn't be fully suppressed with fingers alone, thanks to her never truly being satisfied. The natural only cure was a stallion impregnating her, and not wanting any part of that, she hastened her steps.

Unfortunately as she walked, it got so unbearable that she resorted to biting her lip and forcing herself to focus on arriving at her destination. That nagging need only grew stronger the more she denied it, and she found the rubbing of her thighs caused too much stimulation to cope with. Her panting turned into soft whining, but thankfully before it would transition into full blown moaning, she looked up and smiled as the sight of Twilight's castle came into view. Trying her hardest to put the feelings at bay, she hastened her steps and within minutes she had finally made it to the front doors of the castle.

Once arrived, she wasted no time opening the doors up and slipping inside before she closed them behind her. Normally she would have the common decency to knock and wait, but that burning sensation made her too anxious to be formal at all. Now inside and with the doors closed behind her, she pressed her back against the doors itself and let out a deep wheeze. Her heart was racing and her breathing was fractured as she took a few moments to catch her breath as the buzzing heat between her legs became too thought consuming to ignore. She needed to see Twilight as soon as possible, but her horniess was too great to put at the back of her mind. Against her better judgement, she stuck her hand in her pants and brought her other hand up to her mouth to stifle a loud moan that came out. Her fingers were quick to brush against her pussy, thanks to that lack of panties, and without a moment to spare, she slipped it inside of herself. She squirmed and whined as her moistened pussy got a moment of relief and her face instantly felt as hot as she started to close her eyes. Before she did, her nose picked up an odd scent in the room, causing her to look up and notice something was off about the inner castle. Everything was how it usually was but a thin blanket of strong smelling smoke seemed to linger in the air. She knew that scent, and it stayed on the tip of her tongue as she tried to remember what its exact origins, but the source of it eluded her memory. Confused and worried about what was going on, Flutters removed her hand from her pants and stepped forward.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy shouted out as she stepped forward.

There was no response as her voice echoed throughout the entrance, but as she surveyed the area, she could see thicker smoke coming down from one of the hallways nearby. Thanks to her previous visits, she knew that particular hallway went to the bedrooms and hurried into it to get the answers to her growing questions.

“Twiliiiiight!” she shouted louder, but was still greeted by silence.

Her face felt hot as she walked and followed the smoke. The ache between her legs constantly grabbed her attention, but she forcefully distracted herself thanks to the trail of smoke she was following. Occasionally her mind wandered back to the first time she tried fingering herself in the morning, remembering how good it had felt inside her to be momentarily relieved. Her body shivered at the thought as she recalled the feeling and she was ready to stop on the spot and give herself that much needed satisfaction. If anything, after she found the source of the smoke, she would dip into a nearby bathroom and have another go at herself. Of course, even as she walked and distracted herself, her hand still managed to trail itself down to the wet patch on her pants. As it brushed against it, she let out a loud sigh as she felt the electric feeling hit her hard and fast. A mere brush of her fingers was enough to falter her walking, and stopping herself in the smoky hallway, she leaned against the wall and pressed her fingers harder against her swollen pussy.

“Twilight!” She shouted again, her voice cracking as it sounded uncharacteristically whorish.

Silence greeted her yet again, and growing more defeated and realizing that Twilight may have actually been in town somewhere, made Fluttershy whimper and look to the floor. However as she looked, she noticed something peculiar. The trail of smoke was now more noticeable, as a nearby door had a small cloud hovering from the underside of the doorway in. She didn’t want to move from her spot as she stared forward, a wave of anxiety rushing over her body as she realized she was just outside the door from whatever was causing the smoke in the first place. That anxiety, accompanied by the extreme horniess she felt was enough for her knees to become weak as she felt the overwhelming need to sit on the floor. As she began her descent to the ground, she decided to call out one last time.


A loud and menacing growl came from nearby, causing Fluttershy to gasp and stare in the direction of it. It sounded like it came from the room behind the smoky door as the sound of someone or something moving grew, until she saw the door handle wiggle, before it clicked and the door was slammed open. More smoke poured from out of the room, causing Fluttershy to start coughing as thick layers of it obscured her vision. Unable to make out the dark silhouette of whatever creature came out, all Fluttershy could do was sputter and cough loudly as she pulled her body up and tried to walk away. Before she managed to move away, she heard the creature in the smoke breathe in loudly, before it exhaled with a mighty force that scattered lots of the smoke evenly throughout the hallway. Even though the overall smoke in the air was thick, Fluttershy slowly turned around and now managed to see the cause.

She gasped loudly and her eyes widened as her gaze fell on the tall figure before her. The first thing she saw was bright green slitted eyes staring directly at her, until she examined the creature further. It was a nine foot tall dragon, purple and green in color, and in one large hand it was holding a bunch of shredded pillows. It's overwhelming size made her feel tiny when compared to it, and realizing it was nearly double her height quickly terrified her.

“S-spike?” Fluttershy stammered, her face red with embarrassment as her eyes travelled down the dragon’s large frame, until she noticed that it was stark naked.

But it couldn’t have been Spike, she thought, as more of the smoke cleared up. Though this dragon was much taller then Spike was, she watched it move its body until it stood on all fours, quickly resembling a stance that a lizard would take, with the exception that she was able to notice folded wings resting against his sides. To add to that image, the dragon slithered out it’s thick, two pronged tongue for a moment as it looked at Fluttershy, before it’s expression turned into a toothy grin. Another growl came forth as Fluttershy was quick to notice that its mouth was filled with sharp, pure white teeth.

“Who are you?” she whimpered as she took a step back.

Though she asked the question, a lingering sense of familiarity with the creature made her realize it was indeed Spike she was looking at. Upon realizing it was indeed him, her memory of the smoke came back to her. She knew the scent; a smoky scent that older and mature dragons exhaled whenever they were sleeping. What confused her was that the only dragon in Ponyville was Spike, and while he was the age of a newly adult dragon, he wasn’t one that could be considered mature enough to let out the smoke, but seeing his abnormally large body before her, quickly put that last thought away.

It was then she realized something else. Dragons grew unnaturally fast whenever they acquired a hoard of some kind, and with a past memory where Spike grew to giant proportions thanks to embracing his hoarding nature, she realized the dragon before her must have built one and was in the process of growing.

As the realization set in, Fluttershy let up a small ‘eep’ as Spike walked closer to her, making her body freeze in fear as he approached. Heavy breathing filled the air as he moved towards her, and every part of her being told her to turn tail and run for the entrance, but as the large dragon came upon her, her legs started to feel like pasta noodles, before she felt her body give out as she crumbled to her knees. Unable to move, Fluttershy watched as Spike got close enough that she noticed a bit of drool was present on his toothy grin, prompting her to think that he was about to eat her whole, and as that thought came into her mind, she let out a scream, closed her eyes and put her hands up as a last ditch shield.

The sound of Spike stopping in his tracks made the hallway fall into an eerily silence as Fluttershy waited for her impending doom, but when nothing happened for a few seconds, she slowly opened her eyes back up and noticed a puzzled look on Spike's face as he looked at her hand; the same hand that she stuck in her pants earlier. The sound of him sniffing with his nose filled the air as he brought his face mere centimeters from her hand, causing her to stay still and watch in fear. She slowly moved her hand back, but a low growl came from Spike as she did, before he continued to sniff it. She didn’t know what to do, and by the feral look in his eyes, talking to him would yield no results, so staying quiet was her only option. It was then she noticed something strange; Something changed in his eyes. He looked from the hand to her face and much to her horror, his already feral looking eyes turned more feral. They became more slitted and as they did, another loud growl came forth from him, causing Fluttershy to whimper softly, until she felt something strange happen. Spike slowly opened his mouth and his long draconic tongue slithered out, before the thin tip of it brushed against her hand. She winced as the warm muscle moved against her fingers, almost like it was tasting the bit of arousal on her fingers, before he retracted it and lurched his head forward into her head. Surprised by the sudden movement, Fluttershy let out a ‘eep’ but quickly calmed down as she found the dragon nuzzling himself against her cheek.

“Oh? Do you finally recognize me?” Fluttershy spoke.

She got no response, but no longer sensing any kind of hostility from the dragon, she calmed down. Able to relax as he drifted downward and started to nuzzle her hand, Fluttershy took a moment to look over the dragon’s large body. Despite being off-put by his large size, this older and more feral version of Spike was surprisingly attractive. His scales were finely polished, as light from the hallway's crystal interior seemed to reflect slightly on them. His chest and stomach were scaleless, however lean muscles were visible as her eyes travelled down his gut, before she looked back up at his expression.

Despite his affectionate movements with his head, his eyes still carried that feral look, but Fluttershy couldn’t help but notice a sly grin on his face as he looked back at her, almost staring at her like a hungry predator. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, until Spike moved his large body forward and put his face right to hers once again. She froze up again as his grin seemed to widen and at the corner of her vision, she noticed one of his arms was now reaching up for her body. She didn’t move as the clawed hand made its way to her and without any warning, Spike placed it against her shoulder and pushed her to the ground.

“Ow,” she whined as her back hit the floor.

Before she could pull her body back up, Spike moved his large frame over her body, completely blocking off the sight of the roof as he stared down at her.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

Still no response, but instead of answering with words, Spike surprised her and his long tongue came out of his mouth and rubbed against her cheek. Hot dragon’s breath beat against her face as the slimy muscle moved down her cheek and slithered across her neck, causing her body to shudder. The feeling of his tongue worried Fluttershy greatly, sending the morbid thought of him licking for the sole purpose of getting ready to eat her, but as quickly as the thought came, it was just as quick to leave as her mind refocused on that burning sensation between her legs.

A wave of intense heat greeted her in response and she squeezed her thighs together before letting out a small moan. As she did, the movement from her legs caused Spike’s eyes to jerk towards them. For a moment there was no movement from the dragon, until Fluttershy watched spike’s nose start to twitch and sniff the air. Much to her surprise, Spike started to become hyper focused on whatever he was smelling and moved his head up, down, left, and right, almost like he was trying to pinpoint the source.

"What are you…” she started to say, but stopped speaking as she noticed Spike start to move his head down her body, before starting to sniff near her legs.

Thanks to her still apparent horniness, she couldn’t help but blush and feel very uncomfortable, before she let out a whine and stared off to the side. Unfortunately just as she did, she was quick to look back at Spike as she felt his nose brush against her thigh, causing Fluttershy to realize he was smelling her arousal.

“Oh no,” she whined as she watched Spike pull his body back so her head was able to stare intently at her crotch.

Spike let out a low growl as Fluttershy began to move her hands in an attempt to cover her sensitive area up. Just as her hands were about to cover herself, Spike took a deep breath and blew a wave of air at her crotch. Her body tensed and quaked as the air swept past the wet patch on her pants, and with thanks to the brief touch of something that didn’t belong to her touching her most sensitive parts, a small and needy moan erupted from her being. She was quick to stifle it, but as she did, a new wave of thoughts flooded into her mind. What if Spike could smell the intense need to mate and was starting to become aroused by it himself? She didn’t have much time to process the thought as Spike quickly grabbed her hips and pulled her across the floor, closer to him.

“Aah!” she let out a scream as she came face to face with the dragon once again.

Staring upward at his face, that same sly grin was staring back at her, but looking back into his green eyes, she was surprised to notice that his feral eyes no longer had the slitted factor to them. Instead, the warm, comforting eyes of the dragon she knew were staring back at her.

"Hey. Fluttershy,” Spike spoke suddenly, causing Fluttershy’s ears to twitch as she heard his low and hollow voice for the first time.

“Spike?” She asked in return, barely able to process his new voice.

“Yeah, it’s me,” he replied nonchalantly.

“Don’t scare me like that! I thought you were going to eat me or something!” she snapped at him angrily, but in her mind she was deeply relieved to see normalcy return to the dragon.

“Sorry,” he replied with a chuckle. “Hard to control myself when I'm bigger then usual.”

“What happened to you anyway?” Fluttershy asked as she relaxed, hoping to figure out what was going on.

“Twilight happened,” he answered as he looked over his shoulder and stared at the door leading to the room he left. “Along with a small hoard.”

“What do you mean? And Twilight is in there? What did she do? Why didn’t she answer me when I was calling for her?” she asked in return, relieved that Twilight was nearby.

“Don’t worry, she’s just sleeping right now and won’t wake up for a bit,” Spike said as he looked down at Fluttershy. “I had to help her with her seasonal problems as usual.”

“Seasonal problem?” Fluttershy echoed. “What seasonal problem?

Spike’s grin widened and another chuckle came forth. “Same problem you currently have."

For a moment she didn’t understand what he meant, until she started to realize a horrifying truth. Much like Fluttershy, Twilight, along with other mares, all had a seasonal heat cycle that was always around the same time each year. Despite being Twilight’s friend for so long, their own cycles never seemed to match up, nor did Fluttershy ever see Twilight in a heat induced state of any kind. She always assumed Twilight cast a spell on herself to get rid of her own heat cycle, but given Spike’s forthcoming words, Fluttershy realized she was assuming the wrong thing for all those years.

“So you and Twilight have had…” She started to say but couldn’t bring herself to point out the obvious lewd situation.

“Sex? Of course we have. You sound surprised?” Spike cocked his brow. “Did Twilight never tell you?”

“I just assumed you two were like family, so I never thought that you both would… you know, Have s-sex,” she spoke quietly, barely able to force the final word out.

Spike let out a small laugh. “It’s true that we see each other as family, and I do see her as a sister to me, which makes it less awkward when she goes into heat."

"It's not awkward?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not really. We both see it as something that needs to be taken care of, regardless of family ties, and I'll admit the first few times felt weird, but as the years went on, helping her get through her cycles quickly became normal," Spike replied before staring down Fluttershy's body. "Speaking of help… How about I help you with your cycle?"

"W-what?" Fluttershy blushed hard and squeezed her legs harder together.

"Well you're here for a reason," Spike spoke with a growing grin on his face. "And since Twilight isn't able to help you right now, I could help instead."

"Couldn't we just wake her up instead?" Fluttershy became shocked with how forthcoming Spike was, especially since he never showed any sexual interest in her at all over the years.

"We could, but I would rather let her sleep, since she's really bitchy if she's woken up early. Besides, given how bad you are right now, I rather help you sooner rather then later."

"I don't know, it just seems sudden…" Fluttershy spoke quietly as she looked away.

Suddenly Spike reached forward and placed a single claw on Fluttershy's chin, before slowly turning her head to face him. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not doing this for any kind of pleasure, but rather as a friend. Male dragons don't really feel pleasure from this sort of thing anyway."

"You… don't?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nah, sex isn't a casual thing with dragons. The only time we get turned on is when mating season starts and even then it's mostly about impregnating whichever female is interested in us," Spike spoke with a shrug. "Thankfully sex with ponies is the same, minus the fact that I can't impregnate you at all."

"So you don't feel any pleasure at all?" Fluttershy questioned further.

"Not really, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy helping you feel better." His grin appeared again. "It's all about what you need instead."

The claw at her chin started to move downward as traced a line down the middle of her shirt, before it came to the waistband around her pants.

“So, how about it?” he asked, his voice a low, sultry rumble as he placed the claw under the waistband and gently tugged at it. “I know what you need more then anything right now."

Fluttershy gulped nervously as Spike tugged harder at her pants, showing her he was indeed eager to go. Pulling her head up slightly, she started to weigh her options as she surveyed the dragon's large body, until she noticed something new about it. Down near his lower body was something pink, long, and oddly shaped she didn't notice before, but as the image of it became embedded in her mind she realized what she was looking at.

"Is that your…" she spoke, but stopped talking as the sight of a large penis greeted her vision.

At first she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her, as there seemed to be two penises present, and quickly rubbing her eyes, she stared back at Spike's crotch, only to still notice two of them. Both of them were a mix between red and pink in color, and thanks to Spike’s massive body size, both penises were very well endowed in return. As big as they were, one interesting Fluttershy noticed that despite being thick near the base of the shaft, both of them seemed to become gradually thinner, until it ended with a thin tapered tip at the end.

"I still got plenty of energy even after dealing with Twilight," Spike spoke as she swayed his hips, causing both penises below to move with him.

“But why do you have two…” Fluttershy asked.

"Did you not read any books on dragon anatomy?" Spike questioned in return. "Unlike ponies, dragons have what's called a hemipenis."

Still processing what she was seeing, Fluttershy stayed silent and quietly stared ahead. It wasn’t until Spike tugged at her pants again, causing them to be pulled down enough that the top of her butt was now touching the cold crystal floor.

"Ponies are large enough to take a dragon's dick without any problems, if you’re worried that you’re too small for me," his voice got lower and his grin grew wider. "Fits like a glove, so to speak."

She stayed silent again, her mind at a standstill as words didn’t form at all. The fire between her legs screamed for attention and the sight of Spike’s erections, along with the newfound knowledge that dragons and ponies were incompatible, left her in a needy state that she didn’t want to admit.

“What do you say, Fluttershy?” Spike spoke, causing her to look up at him, before her attention was grabbed as Spike pulled hard on her pants, causing them to fall to her knees. “I can make you a very satisfied mare right here and now.”

Blushing hard and feeling her lips tremble, Fluttershy did her best to stifle a whiny as the cool air from the hallway brushed against her privates.

“We-we really shouldn’t,” Fluttershy said weakly, her words barely able to form at all as her eyes latched back onto the large erections below.

“Are you sure about that?” Spike’s voice got lower as he let go of her pants and placed a single claw firmly against her wetness. “I have no problem taking care of a friend.”

Fluttershy tensed up completely and her wings nearly folded out from the inside of her sweater. The feeling of someone else touching her nethers caused a harsh moan to escape from her mouth, and her body felt like it was about to explode from sheer pleasure. The claw at her pussy was huge to boot, almost as big as Fluttershy’s whole hand in comparison, and as the sharp end of it rubbed back and forth, she bit her lip and took several deep breaths in hopes she could some up the courage to say no and push him away, but at the same time, her body was so hot and bothered, and Spike was becoming more attractive and tempting in her eyes.

“Will Twilight get mad?” She asked suddenly, remembering that she was only the way he was because of Twilight.

Spike lowered his head to Fluttershy’s ear and began to speak more quietly. “Nah, she wouldn’t mind, so just relax and let me take care of you.”

Fluttershy wanted to argue that it seemed too convenient that Twilight wouldn’t be made about such a thing, but the thought was discarded as the palm of Spike’s hand placed itself just above her crotch. She grew worried for a moment and flicked her tail in defiance, but all her resistance and uneasiness ebbed away as she felt the tip of the dragon’s claw push into her marehood. A long moan erupted from Fluttershy and her toes curled inward as the sharp, yet smooth claw slipped into her with little ease, but as quickly as the feeling greeted her, Spike pulled it back out and brought the finger upward, whilst looking back.

“You really need it, don't you?” Spike chuckled as he rubbed a bunch of his claws together.

Feeling utterly embarrassed, Fluttershy looked away, but her attention was taken back as Spike moved his body downward. No longer able to stare at the dragon face to face, she wondered what he was doing, until his hands grabbed her legs, gently spread them open, and his head got placed in front of her wetness.

“Oh my gosh, what are yo-” her words came to a sudden halt, before another loud moan came forth as she felt something wet and thin brush against her outer lips.

Her legs tensed violently in response but she couldn’t bring herself to close them as the firm muscle pressed hard against her pussy.

“Wow, you taste sweeter then Twilight,” Spike said as he pulled away.

“It’s n-naaagh!” Breathing heavily and unable to think, Fluttershy’s words were cut off as Spike gave her another lick, causing her body to shudder and quake.

The thick muscle moved in a smooth teasing manner as Spike yanked off Fluttershy's pants and shoes, causing her to grow more embarrassed by the second, however her embarrassment was a mere afterthought as Spike's slick and rather dexterous tongue pressed firmly against her pussy along with her clitoris. She wanted to speak but as waves of untold pleasure greeted her body, all she could do was moan with pleasure as jolts of bliss greeted her every second. She felt horrible and dirty for being molested like she was, but the intense relief made her not want to care anymore.

"Sorry, I'm getting a little ahead of myself," Spike spoke as he pulled his tongue back out, causing Fluttershy to feel hot, yet empty. "Do you still want…"

"No wait, put it back in!" Fluttershy begged, causing Spike's eyes to go wide for a brief moment.

Spike didn’t answer. Instead, he let out a chuckle and licked his lips for a split second, before he brought his face even closer to Fluttershy's snatch, and quickly drove his long tongue back into her marehood. Fluttershy screamed with pleasure and moaned in pure ecstasy as she felt the thick muscle moving eagerly around inside her. She could feel how smooth and firm it was inside of her, and feeling it slither and hit sweet spots in her she never knew existed, all she could do was pant and moan as she stared up at the ceiling.

Her fingertips gripped fruitlessly against the smooth floor as Spike continued to pleasure and stimulate her body with a precision that only a seasoned partner could have. As he kept his tongue moving and dancing inside of her, occasionally withdrawing it to flick her clit a few times in quick succession, causing whorish moans to erupt from Fluttershy, but before she could get used to the feeling, Spike would re-enter her pussy and fuck her swiftly. It was so intense that she felt her body starting to break down and get ready to burst. Being on constant edge all morning didn't help her in the slightest, and before she could even give Spike a notice, Fluttershy let out a scream and felt a sharp release from her nethers. Her legs twitched in response as her cum splashed against both Spike's tongue and face, and her voice began to crack as Spike started to move his tongue faster and harder against her, almost like he was eagerly lapping up every bit of the savory juice he could. It was the first orgasm of many to come. A lingering premonition flooded into her addled mind as her body continued to be rocked by her explosive orgasm, and she would lay there and embrace everything that followed.

As she felt her premature orgasm die down, the heat in her body only seemed to intensify as she felt herself yearning for more, and almost like he knew what to do, Spike pulled his tongue out, grabbed Fluttershy by the hips, and pulled her body downward, causing his erections to brush against her thighs. Once again finding herself underneath the dragon and basking in his shadow, all she could do was pant and wiggle her hips in an alluring manner, almost like she couldn't control herself any more.

For a brief moment there was silence as Spike reached down to grip both his erections and lined himself up for entry, and just as Fluttershy reached up and put her hands against his stomach, Spike surprised her further. Once the thin tips of both penises were snuggly placed against Fluttershy's wetness, Spike reached up and grabbed the underside of Fluttershy's sweater, before yanking it upward and exposing her tits to the chilly air around her. She didn't protest as he did, and as her stiff and perky nipples were now in full view for Spike, the dragon let out a deep and satisfied growl as he rocked his hips forward.

Fluttershy screamed in sheer bliss as the thick erections went deep inside of her. Despite feeling so stuffed as both erections penetrated her, she could tell that only half of the full lengths were inside. Looking down at the sight of the remaining erections that weren't in her, she watched Spike wiggle his hips, almost like he was trying to gauge her body.

"A bit more tight then what I usually deal with," Spike noted. "But I'll be gentle."

Fluttershy didn't reply. In fact, she couldn't even form the words as Spike pulled back and instantly jerked himself forward, causing more of him to enter. A lustful mew was all Fluttershy could muster as she decided to let the dragon do his work, but she was sure to run her hands against his body as a show of appreciation for what he was doing.

As more of him entered her, she could feel the large erections twitched against her inner walls, causing herself to squeeze tightly with an almost vice-like grip. However even with her clamping down on him, Spike showed no signs of resistance as he continued to rock his hips, letting Fluttershy bask in the intense and powerful fucking that was quick to follow. All she heard from him was small, yet deep growls as he worked, and her constant moans and needy pants played in tune with him, and her moans only intensified when Spike used his right hand to grip and play with her breasts.

The feeling of scales and claws pawing at her large tit was worrying at first, but as his hand rubbed against her stiff nipple, all it did was send more jolts of pleasure to her loins, causing her to squeeze even harder while driving to another quick climax. Despite his large hand taking up lots of her breast, Spike stayed true to his word and remained as gentle as he could. His hip movements showed power and restraint as he fucked her hard, and his hand showed the same level of restraint as he began to pitch his claws against her nipple, while slightly twisting it. The feeling was unnatural and something she never felt in her life, yet the stimulation from it caused her body to writhe in pure pleasure.

"Oh my gosh that feels so good!" She cried loudly, her moans getting louder and louder by the second.

Spike let out a loud snort, causing a puff of smoke to exit through his nostrils, before he reached down, grabbed Fluttershy's body to hold her in place, and took a step forward. The penises inside Fluttershy pushed hard against her, and for a second there was a bit of discomfort, but it quickly ebbed away and Spike was now in a more comfortable position for the both of them. Using his massive body to his advantage, Spike had Fluttershy set up perfectly for a mating press, and in one fell swoop, he pressed his body down and sent the full length in.

Another scream of pleasure came from Fluttershy, as another climax was about to greet her. Feeling the absurdly large phallus' stretching her to her limits as her body clenched hard around them, she felt her lower body spasm as another orgasm greeted her sexually charged body, but she barely had time to enjoy the initial feeling as the feeling of being stuffed completely was all she could think about. Spike let out a low and gruff growl as he ground himself against her, but said nothing more as he resumed his fast and raw fucking motions. She felt his hips slap against her drenched bottom and all she could do was mumble and moan incoherently as wet plaps filled the air in return.

Fluttershy’s mind could barely conjure any coherent thoughts as Spike rocked his body against hers, and all she could in response was produce excited squeals of delight in an effort to aid him onwards. He kept his brisk pace, never once faltering as he pushed her body to levels of pleasure she could only dream of. The thick erections twitched erraticly as she continued to get fucked, and the constant feeling of clenching onto Spike’s cocks were catapulting her sex drive through the roof. As time went on, Fluttershy felt a new heat building up inside of her nethers. It wasn't her own heat cycle acting up, but rather the feeling of the intense hot precum from Spike himself. It was unceremoniously warm, yet the more she felt it, the more she craved for Spike to fuck her endlessly and sink more into her depravity.

She was brought back to her senses as Spike’s motions started to hasten, and the sound of low grumbles greeted her ears. She could feel the dragon’s body tensing from both her hands, along with her lower body, signaling to her that he was about to hit his limits. She knew what was coming and knew that hot, dragon spunk would finally quench her need to be bred. She started to give him soft mews of encouragement and quietly moaned his Spike along with multiple ‘thank yous’ for every thrust he delivered to her, and without warning, Spike pressed down hard and let out a growl so feral and loud, she was sure he was about to revert to his previous feral state. It wasn’t until that Fluttershy could feel that growing heat inside her nethers grow tenfold and she was quick to realize that Spike was starting to cum inside of her. She didn’t protest to it, and all she opted to do was moan loudly as thick torrents of dragon cum started to erupt into her body. With both erections inside of her ejaculating at the same time, she could feel endless amounts of hot seed spilling outwards with each twitch of Spike’s erections, until the intense feeling started to die down and the penises nside of her started to go soft.

“Nauuugghhh,” Spike groaned as he let out a loud sigh and his body came to a standstill. “That should be enough to take care of that.”

Fluttershy couldn’t reply, her mouth hung agape as heavy breathing from both of them filled the air. The intense fucking took its toll, and her body shook and shuddered as her heat cycle started to finally die down, and as her mind started to regain clarity, she laid in spot and stared upwards at the attractive dragon.

“That felt great,” she muttered quietly as as she finally caught her breath.

She reached up and placed a hand against Spike’s cheek, causing the dragon to give her a genuine smile in return. However before she could bask in the moment, Spike wiggled his lower body and began to pull his hips back, causing his limp erections to exit her ravaged pussy with a soft plap.

A moan of disapproval was all Fluttershy could muster as her spent nethers did their best to clench hard around the exiting cocks, but all she clenched was cold air until a subtle ache came forth and she found she had barely any energy to move her legs. Instead she laid there as the feeling of excess dragon spunk started to flow from out of her as periodic spasms echoed throughout her body.

“Sorry if I was rough at all,” Spike spoke as he brought a claw up to Fluttershy’s cheek and stroked it.” Still hard to control myself when I'm this big.”

“It’s fine because I feel so much better now,” Fluttershy replied quickly.

“Well I'm glad someone feels better.”

A new voice rang out, causing both Spike and Fluttershy to tense up as the familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle filled the air. Almost instantly Spike looked over his shoulder and a nervous grin appeared on face, and following suit, Fluttershy tilted her head upwards and noticed a cross-armed and very annoyed Twilight wearing a bath robe staring directly at her.

“Oh, hello Twilight,” Fluttershy sheepishly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

“Mhmm,” was all Twilight replied with, before she looked at Spike. “Care to explain this, Spike?”

“What’s there to explain?” Spike spoke casually as his nervous grin turned into a cheeky smile. “Our friend had a seasonal problem that needed to be fixed.”

“I can see that, so why didn’t you take her to one of the spare bedrooms and do it there?” Twilight replied angrily as she pointed to the floor. “The hallway reeks of cum, and not to mention the entire floor is drenched in it!”

Both Spike and Fluttershy looked to the floor near their legs, and both eyeballed each other as a large pool of white and yellowish cum was very much present.

“Sorry,” Spike cringed as he spoke, utterly embarrassed by the mess. “I promise I’ll clean it up right now.”

Twilight let out a loud and annoyed sigh. “That can wait, because after watching you fuck Fluttershy’s brains out for the last 15 minutes, I’m getting horny again.”

“Wait, you were watching us?” Spike asked in return, his cheeks turning a crimson red in the process.

“Kinda hard not to when Fluttershy moans as loudly as she does,” Twilight spoke as she glared back at Fluttershy. “You know, for somepony who’s timid and quiet, you sure can be loud when you really need to be.”

“Sorry,” Fluttershy whimpered as she gave Twilight an apologetic grin in return.

Twilight shook her head and let out another annoyed sigh, but for Fluttershy her attention was brought back to the feeling between her legs. Her heat cycle had been quenched for the most part, but a lingering sense of need told her it wasn't fully out. There was still a small pang within her and turning her eyes to the cum soaked and flaccid draconic members made her want to keep going.

"Umm, I'm still a bit horny myself," she spoke quietly, causing Twilight to give her a sideways glare, whilst Spike couldn't help but smirk.

"Looks like I'm not done then," Spike spoke with a shrug as he pulled his body up and looked to Twilight. "Since both of you are still horny, I guess I can have another go. Besides, it would be easier if I could please the both of you at the same time."

Both mares blushed hard in return, but were quick to lock eyes with one another. Despite being close friends over the years, neither never really took that friendship to a level that far, but before Fluttershy could say a word, she noticed a small smirk appear on Twilight's face.

"I'm willing to try something new, I guess," Twilight spoke, trying to appear not really interested in the idea. "If Fluttershy's also interested, then Spike better make sure we get equal attention."

For Fluttershy she didn't give it a second thought and nodded her head in agreement. "I would love to give it a try as well, but could I clean up a bit first?"

For a moment Twilight said nothing as she walked towards Fluttershy, before she outstretched her hand to help her up.

"You got 5 minutes or we are starting without you."