
by GhostsandGhasties

First published

My little filly is the light of my day, and while her appetite might be huge, I found a way to fill her up during the night.

I live in a small village with my bright little filly, and even though she's a handful at times, I love her immensely and try to keep her safe from whatever might come to harm her.

She's always very hungry, however, and nothing seems to sate her needs. Thankfully I know what to do to keep her satisfied.

Contains: Foalcon, Blowjob, Deep Throat, Vaginal, Squirting.

Chapter 1

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Thousands of little twinkles adorn the night, a calm blue encompassing the entire sky with the moon illuminating on the earth bellow, glowing beautiful. Many ponies admire those ephemeral sources of radiance as symbols of beauty and greatness, be it the Sun or its counterpart, being depicted and yearned for in art across generations. But I've never really cared much for them, the only light that has ever mattered in my life has and will always be my little Sunshine.

I lay motionless in a darkened room, my dark green coat going up and down in rhythm with my breathing, and my maroon mane tangled up in a mess that would put anypony's bed mane to shame. Staring on the far right wall of my bedroom across the vacant spot next to me, I try to ignore a paranoid feeling in my head, neglecting to give attention to all of the unorganized paperwork piling on my floor, the dirty laundry accumulated next to the bed and the stars visible outside.

The glow of the moon coming from my window is the only way I can tell the time, being that it is the only one in the house that isn't covered up, since it helps that I know when the day is about to start.

For no particular reason I've been feeling restless tonight, and try as I might it keeps nagging me at the back of my head and making me lose sleep. After spending an uncertain amount of time awake I sense that it won't go away by itself, I grunt as I get tiredly on to my hooves and out of bed, tip toeing around the junk on the floor, grabbing a portable flashlight next to my dirtied ties and make my way to my door.

Once outside I try and listen for any sounds, but nothing is there to be heard. The only glow is coming from my room's only uncovered gap to the outside, so I turn on my light to take a look around. Once in the hallway I inch in as gently as I can to the bedroom next to mine to check inside.

The walls of this room were once a girly shade of pink that has faded over time, just like some of the more colorful furniture and the bed covers. Under those is my daughter, my Sunshine, sleeping soundly without any care in the world. I'd prefer if she were to sleep in the same place as me, but I think that her having her own space will do better for her in the long run; fillies need their own space growing up.

I check the window to make sure that it is closed and covered with blinds. It is, which brings me to sigh in relief. I exit quietly and move around the house, checking if every window has also been taken care of. The hallway's safe, and so is the living area, the kitchen and the bathroom. Everything is in order as I have imagined, so this will hopefully help me have a worriless state of sleep.

I go back to my own place before I disturb the house's other inhabitant and let the flashlight fall from my tired hooves on the floor somewhere. I'll clean this mess later, I am sorely in need of rest.

My biological clock rings in my brain and wakes me up. The sun has just started to rise in the distance, and there's not yet enough light in the sky for me to count how much of the work I brought home has been trampled on. It seems like I didn't get enough shut-eye tonight, but i'll have to make through the day as is. Maybe tonight i'll be able to get some more hours in bed.

I count the minutes go by, but it doesn't take long before I can hear the sound of hooves pounding on the wooden floors outside, coming from somepony running around the house energetically. The noise comes closer and my door is swung open, bathing my room with light, coating my back with it and making a pony-shaped shadow puppet at where my gaze meets the far wall opposite to her.

"Daddy! It's time to wake up!" shouts a filly with no croak nor grogginess to be found in her voice as she rears onto her hind legs to paw at the air playfully, eliciting two soft clops as she lands her front hooves on the floor.

"Will do Sunshine. Will do in a bit." is all I manage to croak, contrasting my young kids' energetic glee.

The shadows in my vision morph and move around as my filly scrambles around the place, flinging my papers on the air as she runs circles over them and climbs up on my bed. When she does, I get to see that her pale cornflower blue has a severe case of bed mane and some wet spots on her cornflower blue coat where she must have drooled over as she slept.

"Morning daddy! When's breakfast ready?" she asks me as she straddles my back and nuzzles my muzzle.

"Patience Sunshine. We still have other things to take care of things before eating, remember?"

"Oh, yeah! I'll go get the ones at the kitchen!" she says before jumping off of me and running off, humming a tune.

She's as hungry as ever, I hope I have enough food stored to satiate her for today. As much as I wish I could stay here all day, I have a foal to feed and work to do, so I get out of bed, cry a little inside when I look at the sorry state of my place, and go start my morning chores.

I move around the house and undo the blinds one by one, unlocking each window to allow the first rays of the day inside along with the morning breeze. Thankfully this has been another safe night, and all I hope is that today's will be as well.

Arriving at the kitchen I find that my daughter is at the table playing with spoons again, and that she has my flashlight hanging around her neck. She must have picked up somewhere in the floor.

"Sunshine, have you made your saddlebags yet? Did you remember to put in your homework?" I ask, turning on the stove to light the fire and boil me some coffee before I go check the pantry to decide what to make for breakfast.

"Mmmmhm! I did it already daddy!" she says absentmindedly while trying to balance a spoon at the tip of her muzzle. "Daddy, will you take long to get the food ready? I'm starving!" she whines, almost letting the utensil fall on the table.

Rather then answering her with my voice I shoot her a small glare, which is enough for her to remember that daddy can only cook as fast as ponily possible. And to stop playing with the silverware.

Surprise grips me when I open the shelves, my mind is escaping me because it seems I've forgotten that there are only 3 shelves stocked with food. This might last three days at most, maybe two if my daughter's feeling really peckish. Some ponies say that it takes a village to raise a foal, but sometimes I feel like it takes a whole village to feed mine. Once I decide on what to make for today, I move back to the stove with the ingredients in hoof.

While I wait for the pot to heat up, I look over her. She has the same beautiful hazel eyes of her mother. She'll need some help getting her mane tidy up before we go out and bathe her thoroughly, I am silently grateful that she enjoys bathing, unlike the horror stories other parents would often tell me. Wait, first i should bathe her and then comb her mane, that's a better order. And better make sure she actually put her homework on her saddlebags this time.


"Shush missy."

"Hey, Mister Letter? Are you ok there? Do you feel like you need to take a break today?"

I am jolted awake when I hear somepony calling my name. Shit, I fell asleep. I look at the pony who called me and sigh when I realized it isn't my boss. It's just Ink Press, a co-worker of mine. Great, I drooled a bit in the typewriter, I hope this won't get rusty. Ink levitates a warm cup of coffee my way, I grab it and take a sip before thanking him for the favor.

"No, no, it's ok Ink, I just had a bad night and I didn't realize that I was this tired, it won't happen again." I mutter while nursing my beverage.

Ink gives me an uncertain look and checks if our boss's door is open. He then grabs a nearby chair with his magic and sits down next to me.

"Look, I know that it's only been a month since you've started working here with us, and you do good work, better then most ponies I've ever had the chance to work with. I also know how moving places can be stressful, but this isn't the first time I've caught you like this, one time I saw you in the middle of writing one of our papers before blacking out! Are you having problems at home?"

At first I don't answer him, as I've already told him what my problem is, all I need is a proper night of rest. I repeat myself to him to not worry him further and he sighs, levitating himself his own mug and drinking from it.

"Is it your filly?" he asks after a premature pause between drinks.

I smile softly when he mentions her. "Yeah... Sometimes she can be a handful, you know? But then again what foal isn't. With her mother out of the picture, I find myself busy all the time. Having to take care of this, this, fuzzy ball of joy that complains all the time and keeps seeking your attention." I say while peering deep into my cup, having lost myself in memories. "I always wanted to be a father. And then when it finally happened, I was so happy I thought I would die. Some days my back ache so much that it makes me want to give up, but then I remember the way she smiles when calling me daddy, and I carry on."

It seems like my friend has similar feelings, as he smiles at my rant. "Sunshine, was it? She seems like a good filly, my daughter says that they're good friends at school, there isn't a day where she doesn't talk about the troubles they cause in class. Maybe we should get them together a day or two at my house so you can rest, my wife can help take care of them."

I shake my head at that. "Sorry, but I can't. Sunshine has a phobia of the dark, she can't be out of the house at night. I have tried that before and she was a sobbing mess for a whole week."

"Hm. Well, maybe a morning then? She can stay over until late afternoon, and you can come pick them up before it's late." I open my mouth, but he interrupts me before I can express my anxiety on the matter. "She'll have to grow up eventually, Letter, and you can't keep monitoring her all the time, especially when you're this overworked. It's fine, you need to take a day off, unless you want to run the risk of the boss finding you snoring at working hours." He argues.

As much as I don't like it, I know he's right in that statement; I can't protect her forever and she needs to slowly find a way to live her own life without me. I sigh and reluctantly accept his offer.

"Alright, i'll make sure to drop by this weekend. I'll go back to finish my paper for today, so make sure you drop by at the bar tonight, yeah? Bronze and I will be waiting for you, so don't fall asleep on your way there, you wouldn't want to miss on his birthday." Ink says before leaving.

That was today? Crap, I forgot. I finish my drink and try to remember what part of the manuscript I was working on before nodding off. "Arsonist that burned neighborhood still at large - Few houses survived". Dammit, just great.

A loud thump comes from a glass mug as its slammed on my table, its contents drained by Bronze Hoof, who has by now emptied 3 others and is ordering his fourth. Ink has finished his first one while I'm only halfway through mine. Bronze covers his mouth with his hoof before letting out a belch, and we laugh at his demeanor.

"Come on Cursive, drink some more! We haven't partied like this forever, man!" Bronze says while leaning on my side of the table, his breath reeking of alcohol. I like to imagine that his liver is made of titanium, since he always handled his drinks way more then anypony I've ever knew. "We hadn't had the chance to hang out ever since you got hitched and moved out! Now you come back and can barely hold a glass with good ol' Bronze?"

"Take it easy on him Mister Hoof, today at work I caught this one here passed out on his desk, if he takes any more then he might wind up finding a nice trash can in some alleyway and falling on it while taking a piss."

We laugh at the crude remark as a waitress brings us a new round and some snacks. Bronze doesn't waste his time and is already working on his new drink before slamming it yet again on the table.

"You know Cursive, you scared the shit outta me. When you sent me that letter saying you're coming over, I thought that'd be nice since you're always so Celestia dammed busy and that we'd get to hang out for a change and get some fresh air into your noggin... and then you show up with suitcases in tow!" He says before pounding his hoof next to me. "And you've yet to tell me what the actual heck happened! Was it the house fire? Didn't you get enough from the insurance to grab yourself another place up there?"

"Oh, haha, no Bronze, it wasn't a big deal. I just thought that I needed a change of pace, is all. Living holed up in the big city wasn't doing us any good, and being in a small community like this might give Sunshine more opportunities to make friends."

Bronze is silent after hearing that. He's peering at me suspiciously, so much so that he didn't bring his glass to his mouth for what feels like an eternity for somepony like him.

"Something happened to you, Cursive. You and Hidden Script have been joined to the hip ever since I've known you two, you both get married, move out, she pops up a kid and then divorces you? And leaves the kid to boot?"

Some time passes in silence between us before he asks me: "Did she cheat? Is the kid yours?"

I glare at my friend for the insult. "No, she didn't. She stayed loyal to me until the end and we still very much love each other," I state. "We thought that we were ready to be parents, but after a while she realized she wasn't ready for motherhood, so we decided to split up in good terms." I lie.

Bronze and I used to be neighbors ever since we were foals and we spent most years together, so I have gotten used to his abrasive manners, and he to my reserved ones. There has been very few secrets that we ever kept from each other, and even then we could tell when the other had to lie to keep one. Which is why I hoped that he was too intoxicated to be able to be able to notice that i wasn't being fully sincere at this moment.

Ink sits uncomfortably on his stool while the two of us have our staring contest, not trying to interrupt us but keeping an eye out in case there needs to be a mediator for the conversation.

"And the house? You kept telling me in those letters about how long it took you guys to save enough cash to afford that joint. Y'all really wanted to live up there." says Bronze, picking up the pace after the silence.

"While I really do believe that this community will do better for my daughter, the main reason we left was because I couldn't afford staying in one alone for long. Script sends some money every month, but it isn't enough to keep us both fed and pay the rent. All of the good places were too big for only the two of us anyway," I retort.

"So ya decide to move outta town instead of just moving into a cheaper house? Giving up the dream so fast? There wasn't a day you wouldn't make googly eyes when talking about the city," He asks incredulously.

"Yes. Here's a much safer place for the growth of my filly." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Hey, hey, fellas, now's not the time for arguing; Bronze, it's your birthday, no sense in fighting in it! Letter has his reasons so let the stallion alone and let's focus on our beers. Yeah?" Ink interrupts before any of us could continue on our quiet argument.

Our stare is broken not long after, mumbling yeah's in tandem, going back to our mugs. With the topic dropped aside, we start talking about the mundane and the everyday things.

I manage to finish mine by the time we leave the bar, and even though we had a good time afterwards, I cannot help but feel horrid for what I've said that night. I hope that Bronze can forgive me, as he always had in the past, for being so bull-headed.

Unlike my loud-mouthed friend, I managed to avoid inebriation tonight. Maybe when I feel that things are a bit more secure I can dial up my alcohol abuse, hopefully that will satisfy Bronze the next time we go on another outing.

There are only a few street lights in this village, enough for me to see the dirt roads which aid me on my way home. Upon arriving there I take notice that everything is as how I left it after bringing Sunshine back from school, with all windows closed and blinds shut, where nothing can be seen from the inside.

I enter and see that all of the house is all dark, which means that the little one must be in her room, hopefully sleeping as it is too late for her to be awake. I go to my room to fetch some of my papers I've neglected the past few days to finish them , else I summon the ire of my boss. When I get to the hallway however, I notice that there's light seeping from under the door of my filly's room.

I bang on it three times to get her attention. "Sunshine, it's late! Just because daddy's away for the night it doesn't you get to ignore your bed time!"

A faint "Sorry daddy!" echoes afterwards. I sigh, she'll be the one complaining about being tired tomorrow morning, all morning long. It is what it is. Going back on my trek, I grab a few sheets that are stapled together and go to the living room, where my own typewriter awaits me.

In there, I light up a candle next to my work table and start reading the papers in order to remember where I have left them off at.

All is quiet. There is nothing but me and the small light next to me, neither the stars nor the moon brightness can reach inside the house, as it is how it should be. There are no ponies chasing after us, my child is safe and that's what matters most to me.

Time passes slowly as my tiredness creeps further and further into my mind, the candle close to giving out as the wax is almost entirely consumed. I store what I could work on tonight on a neat folder and set them away from the fire - there won't be anypony stomping on them this time.

Right after I blow out the diminutive flame next to me, a massive light as harsh as the sun shines from behind me, casting a shadow of me and all of the objects in the room in front of me. No normal lamp could be this bright, it is so intense that it makes me squint my eyes even though I am not facing it directly. I know that there is no sense in waiting for it to go away, as it will go on forever, unlike an unicorn's magic which lasts only as long as the caster is able to hold their mana, so i feel around the table and find my UV blocking sunglasses resting on it, putting them on before looking back at the light.


There, in the entrance of the living room, is my daughter. Her coat and mane are shades lighter then what they usually are, as the intense brightness that seeps from her tired eyes folds on her body, fading her colors. The beautiful hazel eyes she inherited from her mother are nowhere to be found, in its place lies a deep sea of whiteness from which I don't dare stare directly at for too long.

She slouches over to me, dragging her blanket on the floor, her droopy eyes brightening the room.

"Daddy, I'm hungry again, can you give me something to eat?"

Those words echoes around the house as if it was a deep cave, reverberating unnaturally; her mouth behaves just like her eyes, every time she open her mouth to speak light comes from it as if there was a lighthouse inside of her. A normal pony would feel insecure in her presence, maybe even scared, for the laws of physics and magic seem to escape my daughter, seeing as she could rival the shine from all of the lamp posts in town put together, and maybe even the moon. Look too much in her general direction and you'd go blind.

But all I can see is my precious little filly, the light of my life.

"I'm sorry sunshine, but daddy's sleepy and he needs to go to bed. You should go too, and tomorrow morning I'll have cook you some stuff to fill your belly, alright?"

I don't get any time to move out of my chair because she is already right in front of me, keeping me in place with her stare.

"Daddy... I'm hungry... I wanna eat more of you..." she whines, pawning at my hoof.

"Right now? Sorry sunshine, but I can't. It's late right now, if you can wait until tomorrow-"

I stop mid-sentence when I start to feel the fur under the spot she's touching start to heat up. The tip of the paper I left on the side of the table starts to singe as her light becomes harsher.

"All right, all right, no need for this missy. I can service you, but next time you ask me this late you'll be grounded for a month, do you hear?"

She dims and breaks a tiny smile on her face while nodding rapidly, then runs to to the nearby sofa and waves me over. I barely have any time to properly sit down before she puts her head in between my legs.

Her snout explores my nethers, sniffing my balls with quick puffs as if it was leaking a fragrance that she can't have enough of, and laps her little tongue on them like she'd do to an ice cream cone. Her treatment on my sack is making my erection slowly expand from inside it's sheathe, something she doesn't seem to notice.

She's so entranced on her licking that she doesn't notice that my penis is now at full mast, a size that is too big for somepony her age which towers over her. Slow pants escape my mouth, her tongue deeply engrossed down on my sack that she only finally realizes what's above her when a drop of my pre-cum falls on her little nose.

She smiles broadly at what she sees, moving her mouth up my shaft, climbing on my lap to reach its tip, where she promptly puts its head inside. Her insides are way hotter then her mother's, something I've never grew accustomed to even after repeated encounters.

Sunshine hums a content sound as she swivels her tongue at my head, tasting the pre that leaks from it, wanting more as she prods at my urethra impatiently, her light shining down at my crotch and penis as if someone was inspecting me with a very potent flashlight, making most of my veins very easy to see.

Minutes pass with her slowly putting more of me inside her until it reaches the back of her throat. If I let her do as she pleases, we'll spend time here until morning starts, so to speed things up I gently grab her by her mane and push her head further down.

Then her snout touches my hip. I look down at what would normally be a ghastly sight of a filly choking for breath as a big object being inserted down her windpipe, Sunshine shows no signs of struggle, instead smiling as my cock reaches her insides as if she was hollow.

All I can feel is that she's warm, very warm, and wet. Several times I've tried looking inside of her, only to find nothing but vast whiteness. Her tongue lovingly licks my balls as she sucks the base of my member, I move her head up and down on me.

It's been a while since I've had the chance to touch myself, so I'm already starting to feel myself flaring up. I groan as I shoot a big load inside of her mouth, where not a single drop coming out of her mouth - or her nose. Her throat motions as if she was swallowing something, even though my member should realistically reach her stomach like this.

I try to remove myself from inside her body, slowly lifting her head as she cast me with satisfied eyes as her lips drag on through the entirety of my dick, plopping out at the flare but keeps her mouth there, kissing at the tip. My climax has tired me immensely, so I let her to do as she pleases until I get soft and she gets bored.

My erection betrays me however, as instead of reverting back inside its sheathe it stays hard since the filly doesn't stop nursing it, showering it with kisses and licks. I open my mouth to talk her out of it, but she gives me puppy eyes that she very well knows that I can't resist. Her needs are bottomless.

I fall under her pressure and nod, scooting over from my position to get above her as she scrambles in the sofa to present herself to me. Leaning my front hooves on the back of the furniture and look down on her exposed butt, showing me her ponut and pussy that gleams like a glow stick, which reflects on her leaking fluids.

I prod at her entrance with my penis trying to get a good way to insert myself, and once I do, I slide in inch by inch until a very wet plap comes from the place where our bodies meet, and a shower of filly cum comes soon after which sprays all over me and the floorboards.

She didn't yell, nor yelp nor gnaw at the cushions, she simply took it all without any signs that it hurt - quite the opposite, she enjoyed it a lot. I try to move out a bit, but she's sucking down too hard on my member, denying my exit until I push back strongly against her rump, making her grip falter for a while until I manage to pull halfway through before clamping down on me again.

The are three lights coming out of her face, two from her eyes widened by shock and ecstasy, the last one from her drooling mouth from where quiet gasps and moans escape from as I treat her rear end like a rag doll, stretching her lips wide and hitting hard on her clit when I hump her. Another round of cum gushes from her, losing control of her body.

You'd think she'd relax or go limp after my dicking so far, but her hips start bucking towards me after that, demanding more and more at every thrust, her cute huffs and puffs turning into calls for my name and words of love.

Once my flare start giving signs that the end is coming she screams into the pillow as her final climax arrives shortly before mine does, dampening me from the waist down while I implant my hot semen deep inside her body. I start to feel the signs that I'm going to pass out, falling down next to her with my cock still stuck halfway in her cunny at where my medial ring should be.

I fell almost no energy coursing through my body, I can't feel the tip of my hooves or ears and my lungs demand me to inhale more and more air as if I was slowly asphyxiating. The room is consumed once again by darkness as the filly falls asleep, now only the low shine of her nethers cuts the shadows which reflects on our sloppy mess. Her entrance relaxes, and once free I get the idea to take a look before I fall unconscious, so I scoot over and spread her butt.

Huh, her insides are pink. A cute shade, might i add. Only small traces of my cum coat her walls, making love webs inside. I wonder where the rest went to.

Tomorrow I'm calling in sick. Being a father is hard work.