Silent Sister

by PegPony

First published

Marble and Limestone have sex

Limestone hated being stuck on the rock farm, after Pinkie and Maud left the rock farm to carry on with other things she was still the only one who didn't have the kind of friendship Pinkie and Maud had and now all she had to work with was Marble, the only sibling that didn't say a word. What will it take to get Marble to speak so they can start having conversations? This story takes place in the FG/AC universe.

This story was written for: UndeadMan


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Marble and Limestone were lying in bed, both relaxing after their most recent bout of love making, Marble was cuddling up next to Limestone who was doing the traditional thing of having a post-sex cigarette. As Limestone took the cigarette out of her mouth and blew a couple of smoke rings, she turned to Marble and said "You wanna take the last drag?" Marble gave a nod and allowed Limestone to press the cigarette to her lips, she inhaled deeply and then blew the smoke out of her nose.

With a cheeky smile, Marble took the cigarette into her own hand and said "You want me to do that thing you like?"

Limestone looked at Marble with an expression on her face that seemed to be a mixture of indifference and admiration before letting out a small chuckle and saying "Sure, why not? I am feeling just a little too content right now, it'll make me feel alive", Marble grinned wickedly and put out the cigarette by pressing the last few dying embers right onto Limestone's left nipple. Limestone let out a grunt as the heat of the cigarette sizzled her skin slightly and sent a small pained sensation through her breast, as Marble discarded the cigarette Limestone let out a breath, her pussy somehow becoming wetter than it already was from the sex she and her sister had just engaged in. Limestone got out of bed with a yawn and said "Hey I'm heading to the fridge for a beer, you want anything?"

Marble just smiled and said "Yeah, you back here as soon as possible"

Limestone just rolled her eyes, she hated how soppy and romantic Marble sometimes got, it made it feel like the dynamic between them was an actual relationship rather than a regular relationship, the difference being that an actual relationship was something that everyone knew about and acknowledged while their "regular" relationship was something they kept hidden from everyone. They knew incest wasn't illegal but they couldn't exactly imagine their mom being jazzed about the whole thing and if one person can't know then it's best not to let anyone know even if they suspected it, otherwise they might spill the beans and fuck everything up. Limestone hated to admit it but she had grown rather attached to her sister and didn't want to risk losing the connection they had by having their mom finding out and possibly separating them, she sighed as she opened the fridge, she wished it didn't have to be a secret, especially considering they still lived on the rock farm while Pinkie and Maud had been able to ditch the family to focus on their own pursuits.

As Limestone grabbed a can and cracked it open she returned to the bedroom to find Marble asleep, she glugged down a couple of mouthfuls of beer and set the can aside before she got back in the bed and simply stared at her younger sister, it seemed only yesterday that they had gone beyond the boundaries of sisterly love.


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-years earlier-

As Limestone stood at the train station with her family, there was only one emotion that was dominating her mind: pissed off. Limestone was more pissed off than usual because she was at the train station with Marble and their parents to bid Maud farewell, Maud had packed her bags that morning after breaking the news the previous week that she would be moving to live in the same town as Pinkie. This pissed off Limestone to no end because she never really had a massive connection to her sisters, Maud and Pinkie were always besties and Marble never spoke, so there was never really a well established dynamic between her and any of her sisters and now she was going to be left alone with the only Pie sister that never spoke a word. As the train left the station Limestone just wore a scowl, she didn't even know why Maud and Pinkie were so close, they were both so opposite so it was a wonder why their personalities didn't clash and it wasn't like they were fucking or anything like that, so why were they best sister friends forever?

Limestone decided she didn't care even though she did as she started making her way back home with her parents and her sister, Marble. Limestone just seethed in anger and decided to blame Marble for her obvious disdain for the whole situation, whether she liked it or not she was going to get Marble to speak and maybe actually have some kind of sisterly bond with her that didn't involve farming rocks. The following evening, Limestone and Marble were out in the south field looking for geodes together, the air was still and silent, the only sound was the collision of their pick axes against the boulders they were cracking open looking for any sign of a crystal structures or other precious substances. Limestone looked over at her sister and shuffled uncomfortably, Limestone was never very good with people due to her short temper and having only really been around her family for almost her entire life, which should have made her attempts to get Marble to open up to her easier, though really it just made her feel more awkward than anything.

Limestone swallowed and said "So... sis, you... read any good books lately?" Marble just looked at her with an eyebrow raised in confusion, like she didn't get why Limestone was even asking her such a strange and out of the blue question during work. Limestone stared back waiting for an answer and when she didn't get one she pressed further, "Look I'm just trying to strike up a conversation while we work, help the time go by, anything you wanna talk about?" Marble thought for a second before shaking her head and getting back to striking against the rocks in the ground. Limestone sighed and did the same, she figured that it was pointless to try and get her silent sister to break the silence through words, then again this was the one and only time she had ever tried to get some kind of dialogue between her and her sister. The unfortunate thing was that Limestone began to wonder if it was somehow her fault that Marble never spoke and her personal insecurities just strengthened more than anything, she shook her head and steeled her determination, if Maud and Pinkie could be close sisters, then so could she and Marble, she'd make it happen.

The next day they were in the north field, tasked with collecting all the obsidian they could find. Obsidian was extremely rare on the farm due to lack of volcanic activity and the fact that obsidian broke down so easily, however it seemed that obsidian was present and somewhat valuable on the farm and so they tried to find as much as possible. Luckily, this gave Limestone the perfect opportunity to get Marble to speak, this task would likely take all day if they were to find an acceptable amount of obsidian and there had to come a point where it would basically become so routine that Marble would be able to split her attention between the work and the simple act of talking. As they were shoveling into the ground, Limestone went "So, think we'll find much obsidian today?" Marble just shrugged and carried on, which was better than nothing, at the very least she had responded without questioning why Limestone was even talking to her. Limestone figured that was as good a start as any and decided to try and come up with more "word-provoking" lines of conversation that would likely force Marble into speaking, something more direct that wasn't a question, as she wrestled with what to say she came up with something simple as she said "It's very quiet out here...", there was a long pause.... which became a longer pause... which was then just silence, Marble didn't even show that she had registered what. Perhaps that statement was perhaps a bit too simple, Limestone decided to ask Marble a direct question that would make a verbal response necessary, she said "So Marble, what's your favorite food?"

Marble shrugged, Limestone went further, "Favorite color?" Marble shrugged, "Favorite weather?" Marble shrugged, "Favorite rock?" Marble shrugged. This was going nowhere and Limestone was just getting more and more pissed off, was there nothing that could get her sister to talk even if it were just one word?!?! Limestone decided to just come right out and ask Marble that very question as she went "Will you ever just fucking talk to me?! Why are you always so silent for fuck's sake?!?! What do I have to do to have a proper conversation with you? You're my sister so please for the love of all that is holy just say something to me!!!" Marble just stared at Limestone with wide eyes, she knew Limestone had a short temper but her sudden aggression towards her silent attitude was something she wasn't really expecting, Marble opened her mouth and tried to force her voice to leave her throat. Limestone, for a moment, looked hopeful that Marble would talk and that they'd finally be able to build up some kind of familial connection at last, though that hope died as Marble just choked on the words she was attempting to say. Limestone could see Marble just wasn't going to speak and if she couldn't make it happen, she didn't see why she should continue bothering, clearly Marble was able to talk but just didn't want to, not even with her own sister.

Limestone threw her shovel to the cartload of obsidian they had both collected and went "Look, just... just fucking forget it OK? Obviously it's not happening and we've collected enough fucking rocks so let's just... let's just go home OK?" Limestone aggressively grabbed onto the handle of the cart and began pushing it back to the house, with Marble shyly following behind. As soon as they got in, Limestone marched to her own bedroom so she could do the sensible thing of wallowing in her internal rage in order to do the much more sensible thing of masking her true feelings of despair, weakness, confusion, jealousy, betrayal, self-loathing and a mixture of other complex emotions that she didn't have words for. Marble felt bad about the whole thing as she shuffled her way through the corridor to her own bedroom, she didn't know why she found it so difficult to talk when she was very clearly capable of doing so, Limestone was her sister after all, she should have been able to talk to her at the very least despite how aggressive Limestone could be. Marble never talked to her parents either, she just couldn't bring herself to talk and for the life her, she couldn't figure out the reason.

The next morning arrived and as they family sat down to eat some soup, things were still a little awkward between Limestone and Marble, their parents were unfortunately unaware of the tense atmosphere as they engaged in their regular morning conversation over breakfast before moving on to discussing what work needed doing that day. Marble and Limestone were to head out to the eastern field that day to harvest all the metamorphic rocks there, as well as calculate the possible yield of igneous and sedimentary rocks that they were planning on harvesting within the next few months. This time Limestone stayed true to her decision of accepting that Marble simply wasn't interested in trying to build up some kind of rapport with her, it was pointless to try and get her sister to speak for the sake of saving and maintaining a sisterly bond if her sister couldn't even force herself to talk in order to do so, so she did the only other thing she could do, work. Marble however was waiting for the perfect moment to try and connect with Limestone in some way, Marble wasn't exactly the best at showing her emotions either which was the only common ground she seemed to share with her sister, though she figured that if she couldn't communicate with her sister verbally then maybe she needed a more physical approach.

When Limestone lifted a particularly big rock onto the cart she took a rest to wipe the sweat off her brow and get her breath back, Marble sensed that this would be the best moment to try and reconcile with her sister, it was unlikely she would relax like this again. Marble walked up to Limestone and gently placed a hand on her shoulder, Limestone reacted instantly, she looked at Marble' s hand, then looked at Marble's face before adopting an extremely displeased look on her face. Lime stone slapped the hand away and said "Take your fucking hand off me", Marble stood back, this wasn't exactly the response she was hoping for or expecting , Limestone continued and went "Go on! You heard! Get the fuck away from me!" Limestone pushed Marble forcefully, causing her to tumble to the ground, Marble looked at Limestone, confused and upset as to why she was acting this way. Limestone just glared at her and said "Come on, let's get back to work already..." and started hauling stones off the ground and into the cart, Marble decided it was probably best that she did the same. The next few hours dragged on incredibly slowly, magnifying the sound of the rocks as they were thrown into the cart, the atmosphere was incredibly tense and only got more tense the longer the silence between them persisted. When they were finally done, they both started dragging the cart to the home together, without a single word.

When Limestone got a moment alone in her to room to relax she threw her face into her hands, the instant she had pushed Marble to the ground for the considerably kind act of simply trying to communicate her affection, she had regretted doing it. Why was her trying to be friends with her own sister so difficult? Limestone realized that perhaps the more she tried to befriend her sister, the more annoyed she'd get at her silence, which in turn would only push her away even more, the complete opposite of what she had originally tried to achieve. Limestone thanked her lucky stars that she was emotionally repressed enough that she didn't break down and cry, that would draw too much unwanted attention from her parents, she simply sat in her room and tried to have a nap in the hopes she would feel better when she woke up. The next day, Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock had said that they were going to gone for a few days because they were going to be delivering some rocks to a sculptor who had offered to pay very handsomely for the finest stone they had to offer, before they left they ensured that Limestone and Marble had enough food and drink to last and provided a clear checklist of chores, including the first chore of the day which happened to be discarding rocks in the west field that were of low quality and value that held no obvious use. Today Limestone decided that it was her turn to try and show Marble some affection by doing what she considered to be one of the hardest things in the world other than wrestling with her own demons every night, she was going to apologize.

As they were simply throwing the unwanted rocks in any direction they wanted, Limestone came to the conclusion that there was never really going to be a right time to say sorry to Marble and steeled her determination as she went about it right there and then on the field so that she could just come to terms with the fact that her sister simply wasn't the talkative type. Limestone walked up to her sister and said "Hey Marble, you got a sec?" Marble put what she was doing on pause and looked at Limestone, unsure of whether or not to be worried about whatever it was that her sister was going to do, Limestone sighed and went "Look... I just wanna say... like... sorry about, the whole... thing y'know, yesterday when I pushed you... can you forgive me?" Marble gave a little smile and simply nodded as she returned to her work, she felt glad that her sister had seen fit to apologize and assumed everything had been smoothed over after that, she only found out that she was wrong when they returned home that day. That evening after dinner, Limestone was lying in bed and was feeling more conflicted than ever, she desperately wanted to connect with her sister but at the same time she also wanted to just be able to continue and accept that the kind of connection that Maud and Pinkie shared just wasn't possible between herself and Marble. Only one emotion came rising to the surface, the only emotion she was confident in and that was the only emotion that could successfully bury everything else she was feeling, Limestone was pissed off.

Limestone was pissed off that things were the way they were because it wasn't her fault, it was Marble's fault. She knew Marble could talk, she just never chose to, not even when talking could have potentially saved them both from all this heartache and suffering that might very well tear apart what little bond they had to begin with, there was nothing for it, she was going to confront Marble and force her to talk whether she liked it or not. Still in her pajamas, Limestone leapt out of bed and stormed over to Marble's room and simply kicked the door open to see a terrified Marble stood there in her own pajamas just as she was about to get into bed. Limestone walked over to her, grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her up against the wall before shouting in her face "Why?! Why don't you ever fucking talk?!?! Why is it that you can't even communicate with me?! I'm your sister! Tell me why you bitch!" Limestone's emotions were crashing together inside her mind and spilling out on top of her rage, tears began to flow freely down her cheeks as her breathing quickened rapidly, hints of despair showing through the mask of her anger. Marble wasn't sure what to do, she had to do something soon otherwise Limestone might explode or possibly even beat her up, she looked up and down Limestone's body, despite the pajamas being fairly loose they showed off the feminine curves that often went unnoticed due to her butch personality and slightly muscular physique.


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Limestone didn't notice that her sister was admiring her until Marble's hands reached out and gripped onto her waist before running her hands up and down, caressing Limestone's skin through the silky fabric of her pajamas. Limestone went "Marble... what... what are y-you doing?" Marble, as expected, didn't say a word, instead she did the rather unexpected as she leaned forward with her eyes closes and pressed her lips against Limestone's in a sensual kiss. Limestone released her grip on Marble's shoulders in shock, which Marble took advantage of by moving closer and wrapping her arms around her sister, raking her fingers through her hair as she deepened the kiss while moaning gently in the back of her throat. Limestone's eyes were wide open and her whole body was tensed, of all the things she imagined could have happened in this situation a kiss was not one of them, certainly not one that felt so...... romantic. As the kiss continued, Limestone slowly began to relax, her whole body felt warm and tingly, particularly in between her legs as her pussy began to moisten, eventually however. Marble pulled back and broke the kiss and simply stood there with a blush on her face.

Everything went silent, both of their heavy breathing barely audible as they both came to terms with what had just transpired, they were both speechless. As Limestone and Marble looked into each other's eyes, they sensed an unspoken message, for once they had a mutual understanding, they communicated and connected with each other for the first time without having to say a single word, one look into each other's eyes was all it took to bridge the metaphorical gap between them. That's when Limestone decided to bridge the physical gap between them by moving forward and resuming the kiss, only this time much more passionately, much more enthusiastically, much more...... lustfully. Limestone was briefly surprised that Marble reciprocated so eagerly as their tongues wrestled inside each other's mouths, both of them using their hands to roam around and explore each other's bodies as their pussies only got more and more damp by the second. Limestone was the one to take it a step further and made Marble gasp with excitement and anticipation when she started sliding a hand down the front of her pajama bottoms towards her sensitive cunt, the kiss continued while Limestone began rubbing Marble's pussy with the intent to bring her to a strong orgasm as quick as possible and was relentless in her assault on every single available part of her sisters most private areas to ensure that she got what she wanted.

Marble let out a small squeak as Limestone, almost expertly, slid two fingers inside her sisters sopping wet cunny and began pumping them in and out, making sure that each time she got her fingers to rub up against Marble's g-spot that she used her thumb to press and play with her clit at the same time to heighten the pleasure. Marble and Limestone were struggling to concentrate on kissing and enjoying some pussy play at the same time, both due to lack of focus through the haze of lust and also just sheer lack of energy, though they refused to stop, Marble wasn't really in a position to take a break and Limestone wasn't going to stop until she got Marble to ruin her own pajama bottoms by soaking them with her female fuck fluids. Their perseverance paid off as seconds later, Marble squealed into Limestone's mouth as her slippery pussy clamped and clenched down on her fingers, drenching her sisters hand as well as her own pajama bottoms as juices gushed from her heavily stimulated fuck hole, now it was Limestone's turn to cum. They began to move towards Marbles bed until Limestone fell back onto it with Marble landing on top of her, where upon they finally broke the kiss in order to catch their breath and hopefully move on to something even more intimately sexual with each other, which came not even two minutes later as Limestone started pushing down on Marbles head in order to coerce into moving down the bed so that she could get herself tended to, she wanted Marble to eat her pussy.

Marble got the message the second she felt Limestone place a hand on her head and started moving down the bed, already licking her lips as she prepared to get her mouth around her sisters hot aching cunt. Marble pulled down Limestone's pajama bottoms and her nostrils were immediately greeted by the scent of pure female arousal, a smell that made Marble shudder and salivate as she laid eyes on Limestone's entrance, shining in the dim light of her bedroom, Marble had never been more turned out or more hungry in her life then she was right then and there with her head in between her sisters legs, her face mere inches away from a pussy that was begging and pleading to be touched, pulsing with need. Marble placed a delicate kiss on each thigh before burying her face into Limestone's most sacred yet desperate space and began licking with every ounce of might in her body, the taste that coated her tongue was a unique yet addictive flavor that Marble couldn't get enough of and she was going to get as much of it as she could until Limestone orgasmed, which she hoped would result herself getting a generous mouthful of the delicious substance right from the source.

Limestone grit her teeth and grunted as she held onto Marbles head, she hadn't expected her to be so energetic, it was very out of character for her but Limestone wasn't exactly complaining. Marble just devoured as much pussy as she could, her taste buds couldn't get enough of Limestone's taste, her tongue thrashing wildly and without precision as she lavished the quivering pink folds with affection, though judging from her sisters reactions she figured that searching for the g-spot or stimulating the clit may not have been entirely necessary, it seemed she liked it messy. The slow build up of pleasure and frustration continued to grow in Limestone's groin, she felt like her crotch was about to burst and in a certain kind of sense, it did, as Limestone groaned loudly and Marble got her wish of receiving a plentiful amount of girl cum that she swallowed gleefully, it seemed they were both highly sensitive that evening and they had both orgasmed far sooner than they thought they would. Limestone let go of Marbles head, allowing Marble to remove herself and climb back up the bed to lie next to her sister as they both fell into a deep slumber from the exhaustion of having just experienced some incestuous lesbian sex together.

The following morning, sunshine spilled into the room and forced Limestone and Marble to wake up with a yawn. Limestone grumbled and went "Ugh... if having sex with your siblings is so tiring I'm not even sure I want it to be legal, same goes for bestiality, though that's not something I ever intend to try anyway. Morning Marble"

Limestone got the shock of her life as a voice that she had never heard before replied to her, Marble, almost without thinking said "Good Morning Limestone".

Limestone froze as she turned to look at Marble before saying "You... you talked... you don't talk, you never talk... why are you talking? You're talking!"

Marble looked at Limestone as if she didn't know what she was talking about before she seemingly caught what she had done and confidently said "Oh yes, that's right... I'm talking, I'm talking Limestone! I'm talking!"

Once again, Limestone reacted completely opposite to how Marble had expected her to react as she said "Shut up! Stop it! Stop talking!" Limestone got out of the bed and turned away from Marble with a scowl on her face, she didn't show it but she was deeply saddened by this turn of events, not because of the sex itself but because of what the sex might mean. This time however, Marble was the one who was genuinely pissed off, her sister was sending her so many mixed signals and now that she was finally talking, she was going to use her voice.

Marble got up, grabbed onto Limestone's shoulders, turned her around and staring deep into her eyes said "Four words bitch, shut... the... fuck... up... do you want me to talk or not? Quite frankly I'm sick and tired of your bullshit, so let me give you a taste of your own medicine, talk to me. I'll stand here and listen while you talk, don't close up, don't run away, don't ignore this, connect and communicate with me, talk"

There was a small silence, Limestone pleading with Marble through facial expression alone, begging her not force her to talk about her emotions. Marble didn't waver, Limestone let out a sigh and launched into an honest speech about how she was feeling. "Look Marble I just... I feel conflicted about this OK? Believe me the sex was great and I wouldn't take it back but... the whole thing with you talking I just... I don't know how I feel about it. When Pinkie and Maud left, the only sister I had was you and talking to you was difficult because you didn't talk back, I wanted a sisterly bond with you and I felt like I couldn't achieve it and that maybe on some level you didn't even want it because you refused to speak. After that I just wanted to know why... why you didn't speak, why you didn't care enough about me to force yourself to attempt a conversation, that's when we had sex and now you're talking I just... well now you do care, I'm not saying I don't want you to care but since we're slightly more than sisters now I just... if you leave the rock farm or whatever to do your own thing it'll just break me... now that you care... you're just one more thing for me to lose......"

Marble was on the verge of tears as she brought Limestone in for a hug "I won't leave you Limestone, I promise... well, on one condition..."

Limestone said "What condition?"

Marble smirked as she broke the hug, looked at her sister and said "Can we from now on and forever not get all sappy and emotional about this shit? I mean it's not like we're going out, we can just be fuck buddies, deal?"

Limestone chuckled, back to her old self again and said "Sure, deal. We should probably chuck our pajamas in the wash though, call me a prude but I don't exactly want both of our bedroom stuff reeking of pussy the whole time". They both went out into the hallway, taking off their pajamas and throwing them haphazardly into the kitchen vaguely near where the washing machine was, standing there in the nude Limestone went "By the way, I want to establish a dynamic here, I'm totally cool with us fucking as much as possible but there is gonna be rules, so you got any questions ask them now"

Out of the blue, though Marble appreciated that Limestone was cutting to the chase "OK... um... strap-ons?"

Limestone said "I'm the dominant one in this relationship and you're the submissive one, if we use strap-ons I'm gonna be the only one to wear it so that I can fuck you, anything else?"

Marble nervously went "Um... b-bestiality?"

Limestone just flat out in as monotone a voice as possible said "No"

Marble thought of other things she could ask but they were all minor things they could work out later, she nodded to signal that her curiosity was satisfied. Limestone smiled and said "Good, now with that out of the way...", Limestone walked up to Marble and pressed their chests together as she continued "Now I say we fuck again right now, we only focused on pussy last night and I really wanna play around with your fucking tits..."

Marble grinned as she wrapped her arms around Limestone's waist and grabbed a good handful of her butt cheeks and said "So long as I get to have some fun with your ass, then I'm game". As they began to kiss their eyes went wide as they heard clicking at the front door, it seemed their parents had returned early from their trip. they couldn't imagine their parents being happy about this, so as quick as a flash they separated and went to their respective bedrooms to do some pretend sleeping, the sex could wait for another day.

-present day-

Still after all these years, their parents had no idea. True to their word, they formed a fairly solid relationship after that, they talked, they worked together, they fucked each other every chance they got, life was good.

The End