> Cyberpunk Returns in B.A.B.E. : A Beatrix Belladonna Tale > by Dr Sharaz Jek > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was always a particular curiosity about what happened to the worlds Beatrix Belladonna visited, after she left. It had been a long while since her adventure in the cyberpunk world. So the portal hopping witch figured she’d check in on things. Only this time, she decided to return with her mentor turned lover, Lady Ewe. With her help, Beatrix was able to save the land from the vile Vice Lord and cyber demon, Varys. And while he had been banished, she feared the scars left on the planet would forever remain. Yet when the pair stepped from the bluish-white oval-shaped portal, they saw that technology and nature had fused into an intertwined entity that covered the advanced cityscape. The surroundings tried to balance themselves out, forestation left to grow wild after the Elements of Harmony had temporarily been reactivated. The damage the cyber demon had wrought in his experiments appeared to be erased entirely! Neon lights flashed across the streets, where aerodynamic hover cars raced by in a colorful blur. Buildings covered in shameless advertisements lined the sidewalks where the couple started to walk, and in the distance, skyscrapers were visible that choked the skies. The pair wore their typical ensemble, Beatrix in her witch hat, leotard, gloves, boots, and cape that swept past her. Platinum locks were tinged in violet that matched her eyes, and her heels tapped on the sidewalks under her strides. Lady Oona Ewe was pleasantly plump beneath her blue robes, her woolly bluish-white mane curled. Sandals adorned her feet, and a dream catcher staff was clasped in the dream shaman's hand. Honey eyes drank in the various sights that whirred and flashed around them. “Well, this is a pleasant surprise!” Mused Beatrix, shaking her head in amazement. “Most things have changed for the better, it seems.” “Now, now, Ceann Oga,” gently chided Oona, who squeezed her shoulder. “Don’t be dazzled by all th’ fancy lights an’ display. We can't expect a whole civilization tae be overhauled in a short amount ov time. Though hopefully, this means President Spike has learned his lesson.” The azure sheep-turned-human looked around to see if any clocks told the current time. “Hmm, how long dae ye suppose it's been? A couple ov months?” Beatrix shrugged. “Sounds about right. I don't really keep up with such things, to be honest.” She took her hand, wandered aimlessly to take in the sights. “Hopefully, it's not so dangerous here anymore. Last time, we were always at gunpoint!” “Aye, but now? It seems our efforts have renewed this place. Further proof ye dae make worlds better,” Lady Ewe giggled, placing a chaste kiss on the witch’s cheek. “Y-yeah.” The witch blushed, content to wander the streets before something caught her eye. “Oh hey! Take a look at that!” The pair paused when they crossed another block and pointed at a billboard that flashed above the intersection. There, clear on the advertisement, appeared Cerise Silhouette...or at least her counterpart. Garbed in sparkly high-end dresses, posing cutely with a microphone in hand, it was apparent that this version of her friend rose to become a famous idol of sorts. “I remember seeing ads of her before,” Beatrix pondered. “But I thought it was just a coincidence. Do you think...?” “It certainly seems like our fair princess,” Oona nodded. “A shame she couldn’t come wit us. Ah take it ye wish tae visit this pop star?” “Of course!” The witch reached into the inner folds of her cape, thankful that she still had a credit card that served as currency here. Circuitry adorned the slim piece of metal. “Hope this is still good...” She waved down a hover taxi, which slowed to a stop with a whir. After a quick look over the pair, the cabbie nodded once and opened the doors as he slid the card in a slot. Pretty soon, they were off. The lovers continued to hold hands while they settled onto the upholstery. The vehicle sped over the roads while muzak blared from speakers around them. “Hey,” called Beatrix. “Any chance you can play some music by, um…you know her name, right? Neon pink hair, charcoal skin, has her face plastered on every billboard..?” She desperately wished she knew the musician's name. “Heh! Hard to not know her name,” the driver chuckled when he turned a knob to change stations. Cerise's voice filled the radio. “Thought given it’s you two again, that’s not surprising. When you left in such a hurry, I figured you'd never come back. Couldn't say I'd blame you!” Beatrix cocked an eyebrow. “Huh? Wait, how do you-” She did a double-take. “Rebel Spike?!” “Good to see you! Oh, and just ‘Spike’ will do,” he replied with a boyish smirk. Leaning back so he wasn't so shadowed and his cap tossed aside, he appeared clean-cut compared to the more punk style he wore before. “My authoritarian self gave me a sweet gig! He's still busy trying to clean up the mess he helped make. I could easily retire if I liked, but this keeps me busy and out of trouble.” “Glad to see you've moved on,” noted Beatrix, whose smirk broadened. He chuckled. “Yeah, no more macho contests over who the 'real' Spike is. Decided to let Rarity move on. Didn't seem fair to make her choose between us. I'm kinda like you, Beatrix. This isn't my home, but the life of a nomad suits me.” “I could try and take you back where you belong-” He waved the idea away. “Nah, don’t bother. This is my home now! Almost there, by the way. Normally this concert is sold out months ahead of time, but I've got special clearance thanks to the President and should be able to get you in the door. You'll love the concert, trust me.” “That's very kind ov ye,” said Lady Ewe sweetly before frowning, looking over her clothes. It was apparent she clearly stood out with her mystic robes and sage-like appearance. “Perhaps I’m a wee bit overdressed for this...” “No worries, Oona. I can get us something more… appropriate to wear~” Beatrix teased with a wink, loving how hotly she blushed. “Haha! Aw man, I’ve missed you guys! There's so much I'd like to share, but I'm sure you'll learn soon enough. Besides, I wouldn't want you to miss the show! It's already underway, but luckily it will run into the morning and next day!” He pulled the cab to a stop, and the doors popped open. Parked and locked down after they filed out, the cabbie led the way down the blocks. Crowds of people teemed the street, filled with noise that drowned out any of their words. Other bands played out in the open to placate those who couldn't get inside, the massive tower that served as the concert hall clear ahead in the distance. Guards spotted Rebel Spike, waved, and helped part the mob, allowing the three to wind through masses that filled a trash-ridden area. Glowsticks were raised, and united chants sounded. People danced and drank. Booths sold merchandise, many of the fans decorated in such. Bouncers stepped aside to allow Spike and his companions inside, where they walzed into the doors down the halls. Immediately neon flashed and music pulsed when it hit the trio. He pressed tickets into their hands and shouted, “Backstage passes, for after the concert's over! On me! Sadly, I've gotta run! You two have fun!” “Well, it was nice tae see ye again, Spike,” the shepherdess called back with a bow of her hooded head. “Please, take care ov yerself!” “You know I will,” he replied with a wink and blew a kiss to Beatrix, who returned the gesture with a giggle. She watched him stride away and admired his lean, muscular physique below his suit, let out a deep sigh of disappointment after he left. “Eager tae lay wit him again, are we?” Lady Ewe whispered to her. “Why am Ah not surprised?” “H-hey, you know me!” She rebuffed her lover's tease with a snort, hands propped on her wide hips. Even though they had an open relationship, she hoped there wasn’t any secret resentment over her promiscuous nature. “I can’t help if I was born with an unnaturally high sex drive!” “Ah know,” she answered, taking the witch’s hand. “An’ if Ah weren’t comfortable wit yer scandalous adventures, Ah would have never agreed tae be yer girlfriend. True love should remain unshackled, after all ~.” She kissed her nose. “Right…. You know, you’re always welcome to join me! There’s only so much of you I can handle by myself~” Beatrix purred, emphasizing her partner's massive chest and round hips by a flick. Flustered, the sheep sage replied. “O-oh! Ah mean, A’m not opposed tae th’ idea...” Oona turned her attention to the mobs before continuing, “Besides, Ah can tell this is yer sort ov party anyway.” She noted many attendees were either naked or in body paint. Even many of those who clothed themselves dressed in fetish wear of various types to emphasize their flesh. “Yeah! You'd think our little pal Moxxi was behind this,” said Beatrix with a mischievous snicker. She pushed in further, determined to make their way past a sea of bodies to see the stage where the band performed, curious about the Cerise Silhouette of this world. The scents of cologne and perfumes mixed with sweat. Their surroundings rocked under the churn of instruments and speakers, the onlookers unable to escape the music, not that any wanted to! No, everyone lost themselves entirely in the moment. “Ooh, it’s gettin’ warm here,” Oona noted before spotting a pair of bathrooms stationed around a corner. “Erm, Beatrix? Would ye mind handin’ me somethin’ mair modern tae wear? A’d like tae go change in th’ ladies’ room.” “Oh, sure!” nodded Beatrix, summoning an oversized sweater and baggy pants, knowing there weren’t a lot of clothes that would fit the robust sheep. “But try to hurry back, okay?” They wound down a hall that was thankfully not as noisy or filled, spotted signs that denoted the restrooms ahead where her teacher hurried in. Beatrix leaned over a counter and stared into a mirror. “Actually, I’m a little overdressed myself...” She mumbled to herself, noting her wardrobe was severely outdated in this 'futuristic' environment. So with a hand wave, Beatrix banished her entire assemble, much more comfortable in the nude than her sheepish lover. Still, what sort of style should she wear...? “Heeey! Goin’ the all-natural look too, huh? Like, excellent choice, bra~!” A lazy, warm voice came from behind. In the mirror, Beatrix spotted the familiar face of Tree Hugger, who marched up behind her stark naked, save for a crown of colorful flowers woven atop her mane. She pressed her ample nakedness against the witch's slender back, embraced her midsection from behind. “Glad to have you back, by the way.” “Good to see you too!” Beatrix blushed when she felt the soft breasts rise and fall against her bare skin, the poke of wide nipples into her flesh. “Um, nice as you look, isn't it more than a little dangerous to wander around completely naked like this? People could be extra… ‘grabby.’” In truth, she could barely keep her hands off her! The hippie chuckled. “Nah, I can, like, totally take care of myself. And if I'm in trouble, Fluttershy's always watching my cute butt.” She withdrew and plopped said plush ass on the counter where she lounged. “I'm guessing that you haven't, like, caught up with the skinny on this world yet?” "Afraid not," said Beatrix who shook her head and took a seat beside her. She rested a hand on Bea's thigh. “M’kay. I'll try and keep it brief, then. B.A.B.S. disbanded, since the crimes rates have sunk to an all-time low.” “Good and bad news, I suppose,” said Beatrix, who tried not to ogle the bare hippie, despite the way she subtlety posed for her with a shift. “Definitely nice news,” assured Hugs, who kicked a barefoot as she squeezed. “Anyhow, Babs Seed was able to, like, retire after she sold the rights to her mercenary unit. Our pop star friend on the stage used to be a solo act, but after purchasing the name, she changed B.A.B.S. to B.A.B.E.! An all-female band that, like, has been on constant tour across the capital. Pretty groovy, huh?” “Totally~!” Answered Beatrix, and the pair laughed. She thought it over. “So, they've gone from 'Bad Ass Bitch Squad’ to...?” “I think it was ‘Bodacious Ass Bitchin' Ecstasy.’ Or somethin’ like that.” She shrugged, sleepy eyes half-lidded. “Still, not a bad business to pick up. The rise of music here has been, like, staggering! Plenty of killer acts to get into, you know?” “Mhmm! So what have you and Shy been up to?” “Truth be told? Flutters and I are mostly here to party. She abandoned the 'Flutterbitch' name, since she's far more peaceful now. It hasn’t cured her vampirism, though I don’t mind that one-bit~.” She rubbed a heavy tit, dotted by a few bite marks where blood had recently been sucked. “Kinky~!” Without thinking, Beatrix traced the wounds, met by a titter from the hippie, eyes half-closed and lips drawn in a crooked smirk. “O-oh, sorry! I should have asked!” She withdrew her hand from a wobbly tit, but Hugs shook her head. She desperately wanted to play with them. “Wow, things sure have changed since we last visited!” “Yep! Babe even surrendered her old costume to the band, too. So maybe we'll see the frontwoman wear it tonight?” Her attention turned to a stall that opened, and she nodded at Lady Ewe, now adorn in pants and a hoodie. “Oh hey! Didn’t know the Goddess was back as well~!” “Oh, please. A’m just another traveller,” assured the dream shaman, who shook her head with a warm smile. The cult of Flower Children had mistakenly worshiped Lady Ewe like a Goddess, though she lived up to the title after vanquishing Varys. Beatrix noticed that, despite her best efforts, the clothes were still small on her lover, Oona’s wide ass and hips stretching the waistline. They all took a moment to catch up, told about the whereabouts of B.A.B.S. after it disbanded. It seemed that the mercenary leader, Babs Seed, continued to do contract work for President Spike and kept a watchful eye over him should he fall back into his old ways. Rarity, Sassy, and Coco continued to work with him to rebuild society, and had settled into a relationship of their own. Rainbow Dash worked in security, whereas Sunset Shimmer became a scholar. As civilization continued to rebuild itself, everyone had settled into new roles, yet in many ways, like expected, society was slow to catch up to its rapid changes. Hugs noted how the witch couldn't help but stare while they chatted. “So you’re both in an open relationship as well? Hot~!” Slowly she opened her thighs to expose her pink flower. A tight slit decorated by a curly bush welcomed her inside. Beatrix swallowed hard, looked at her partner from the corner of her eye, who offered a nod. Enthralled, the witch knelt and lowered her face to the hippie's mound, Hugs using a couple fingers to spread open her puffy pink pussy. Tree leaned back and leaked her nectar down her puckered asshole as Beatrix began to devour her flower hungrily, the air filled with noisy laps. She sucked and pulled on the hippie's meaty cunt lips, rewarded by her moans and wiggle of her hips when she pressed her fuzzy womanhood into her face. She parted her slit with her tongue, swished and swirled it deep inside, lapped and licked up the twat nectar that filled her mouth and ran over her lips and chin. Beatrix's hazy eyes stared up at her, over the hippie's plush tits. “Fucking rad,” murmured Hugs, who fluttered her eyelashes when she rested a hand possessively atop her scalp and pushed her into her muff. From her bandana, she removed a phone, captured a close-up view of Beatrix eating her out, and set it to record. “Hope you don't mind,” she said and the witch shook her head. “Good. Can't wait to watch this later with Flutters...” Lady Ewe flushed, unable to deny how steamy the scene was, feeling a stir in her loins from the show. Then, a yelp of surprise arose as someone lifted her heavy hoodie from behind, pendulous breasts spilling out into clawed hands. Behind her came Fluttershy, who pressed her own voluptuous nude shape to the sheep. “Easy, big girl,” murmured Shy who breathed hotly in her ear. “I won’t bite you…too hard~” “W-wait! There are sae many people around. We might get cauu-uuaah~!” Began Oona, who moaned once those fingers pinched and tugged at her fat nipples. Fluttershy snickered, stretching her leather wings alongside her ample frame to further limber herself up for the main event. “I don’t think you seem to mind,” Shy pointed out, taking in Oona’s moist scent with her nostrils. “Might have been anticipating this, even. Getting all riled up at the thought of being fucked in public~? You're almost as naughty as we are!” Confident that the shaman wouldn't protest further, she proceeded to bounce and grab a handful of Oona’s tits, earning more moans and coos from the sage. She nibbled on the shaman's neck, threatened to break the skin, lowered to her pants to try and tug them down, exposing her luscious backside which bounced into view. “W-wouldn’t be th’ first time a stranger snuck up on me like this,” Oona panted huskily. “Ah hope ye plan tae eat me, vampire~!” “Only when you’ve earned it, my delicate little lamb~” Shy murmured, plopping her own wide ass on the counter next to her lover. She beckoned the shaman with a wave, a phone in her own hand ready to record her own close-up once her new toy settled down to service her. She, too, rested her hand atop the woman's head when she started to eat her out, then added to the chorus of ravenous moans that echoed. “Another successful hunt, babe,” teased Hugs with a wink, drool on the corner of her lip as her holes were explored. “Oh yeah, right there!” One couple relaxed while the other worked them over, hit every tender spot in their warm, wet crevices. They slathered and explored the lower funholes presented to them, faces painted bright pink, determined to get them off by any means. Spurred on by the show given by the pussy eaters, it didn't take long before Hugs squealed and squirted into Beatrix's mouth. Messy spurts repeatedly splashed down her chin and landed on her tits as she continually worked her over. Burning with her own arousal from the raw sight, Shy soon came too, until she similarly filled and drenched her partner's mouth. Finally, the pair of them withdrew and rose with a lick of their wet lips. Hugs asked, “Aaaah~! That, like, hit the spot. Want us to return the favour, babes?” “N-no, thank you,” replied Beatrix with a dismissive wave. “Don't want to miss the show!” “I'm sure several delights still await us,” panted Oona, who quickly pulled her sweater back on, cautiously looking around for anyone who might have been watching. Before departing, Hugs and Shy took a few saucy pictures of the travelling duo, who posed for them. With all that said and done, it was time to go see B.A.B.E in person! “Catch you later, love birds,” said the hippie, waving at them while she and Shy went off to continue their exhibition. The vampiress tittered and smacked her lips, immediately pounced on her lover and started to pepper her bitten breasts in possessive and kisses, ready to nibble on the tender meat that wobbled under her lusty attack. She crawled atop her while Lady Ewe took Beatrix's hand, and they met in their own small kiss before they marched out the restroom, past the security who separated to admit their exit. Beatrix asked in a whisper, “You think Shy hypnotized them...?” “Perhaps. But Ah trust she has no intention tae harm them. Tree Hugger will keep her honest,” noted her mentor. After that little dalliance, they hurried back to the concert proper. Again the pair were hit by all the noise and light that flashed through the chamber. It appeared there was an intermission as a countdown to the next show flashed overhead. The duo pushed close as they could to the stage. Darkness slowly befell the arena, and the music died away, surrounded by the crowds that cheered, whistled, and chanted the band's name. "B.A.B.E! B.A.B.E! B.A.B.E!" A creak sounded overhead once the top of the arena started to slowly open like a flower in bloom, the starry skies and pallid moon unveiled, that helped illuminate the dimness below. Their hold tightened when the couple pressed closer and felt the tickle of the cool nocturnal air. Suddenly a whoosh sounded, and a silhouette repeatedly sped across the moon, momentarily eclipsed the full orb. Then, as the mysterious object zoomed closer, the mob's jubilation absolutely exploded, a small liquid metal jet soon made visible. Astride it was B.A.B.E.S. bandleader, the double of Cerise Silhouette, her dark shapeliness clad solely in neon light curtains that tantalized far more than their flashes concealed. She threw up her arms and shouted, “Welcome to our show, everyone!” Kisses were blown at her fans as the jet dipped, allowing her to flip and land the stage. She deftly touched down, winked, and playfully shook her hips with a laugh. "For those who've only arrived, I am Eclipsed Heart!" The ship looked like it was about to land, but instead shifted to raw liquid metal and transformed into a motorcycle that sped off into the dark. Yet within moments, it zoomed back, this time with a rider atop it, a tigress woman similarly clad in naught but body paint over her thin coat of white fur. Her pitch black mane was drawn into two small buns. Gracefully she burst into a tumble off the bike, landed beside the bandleader with her own mischievous bow to more cheers. "And you can call me Wispy Willow!" Beatrix took a moment to study the band members. Eclipsed Heart, a stage name, cast a twinkle in her neon hot pink eyes when she cheerfully weaved before her fans and then broke into the chorus of one of her latest hits. She appeared even shapelier than her counterpart, her neon pink mane down and left to swish behind her movements. A microphone tossed to her by Wispy twirled in her small hand. Pink hearts surrounded her nipples, decorated her bouncy black buttocks, which she shook. The tigress abyssinian Wispy Wilow, also danced. A thin pale white white fur coat, large eyes scarlet, and dense mane black complimented the beauty. To demonstrate her namesake, she summoned multiple spheres of brilliant lights that shimmered and playfully danced above the crowds, who stared up at bouncy, plasma orbs. Lastly, the liquid metal motorcycle shifted once more, transmuted like alchemy when another denuded woman fully stretched out. Golden fur decorated the fox-like woman, her hair a rusty color when she rose to face the mob. "I am Kitsune," she announced herself by her title. "Kitsune, the Nine-Tailed Kunoichi." Said manifold tails swished above shapely, muscular buttocks, as she stood tallest and boldest of the three. More cheers exploded from the fanbase. The threesome started to dance, surrounded by a sudden pulse of music that erupted from speakers around them. Eclipsed Heart began to croon in her chirpy, high-pitched voice, while her bandmates put on a playful, choreographed mock fight. Willow surrounded herself with a swarm of plasma orbs she summoned, whereas Kitsune fired up a familiar plasma saber. The beam sword had been given to the kunoichi by Sunset Shimmer, after she decided to retire from the mercenary troupe. A whir and flash of illumination arose each time Wispy pirouetted and cartwheeled to avoid her precise strokes, met by chants that boomed from the audience. “What a show,” called Beatrix, whose eyes widened as holograms blew up the action on a stage further. They were offered a view of the action that loomed over the arena, the female pop band blown up to hover over everyone. “Saucy enough tae sate you, Ceann Oga?” Teased Oona, who boldly patted her lover’s plush butt. Beatrix smiled and enthusiastically nodded. Over the hours, more pop music filled the building, and sometimes Kitsune would shift back into a motorcycle to let Wispy or Eclipse ride her around. Likewise, she would shift back into a ship that was also ridden, where it raced above the heads of the masses. Small, colorful spheres continued to playfully bob above the interior. Soon the combatants took their battle to the air like they were on wires, not that Beatrix could make out any. The special effects were akin to magic, perhaps they were for all she knew. After all, advanced technology appeared indistinguishable from magic, after what she'd encountered! After the Elements of Harmony activated, perhaps this was a fusion of the two...? There were flashes and sparks. Pyres of neon flames erupted across the stage with a hiss. Beatrix was reminded of travels with her mother, the show not unlike a circus act, the band able to perform death-defying stunts with practiced ease that made their many fans roar in celebration. Beatrix mentally took notes, ready to inscribe this latest crazy adventure back at her mansion! Finally, when dawn started to break, the show wound down. Some of the attendees were visibly exhausted. The sun began to creep up and envelope the arena. B.A.B.E. took a final, cheerful bow before the trio exited behind the curtains. “Time to put these passes to use,” quipped Beatrix, who flashed the slips into her hand. Lady Ewe softly chuckled. “Goodness, yer so full ov energy tonight! A’m not sure Ah can keep up~.” She wrapped an arm around her waist when they approached security, who, after a quick glance at the passes, allowed them into the restricted area. Within moments the separation parted, and the couple made their way towards the very back... > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Don’t be shy now! Come right in,” a cheery voice insisted as Beatrix and Lady Ewe approached behind the stage. They were welcomed into the dressing rooms, well-lit and with mirrors stationed atop the dressers. Inside, Eclipsed Heart and Wispy Willow were seated by mirrors, casually naked as they touched up their makeup. Without turning her head, the lead diva smiled while eying the couple through the reflection. “So you’re the heroes that save the world,” Eclipsed exclaimed, standing up to offer a hand towards the witch. “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” “Nice to meet you, too,” replied Beatrix, returning the shake with a smile. She couldn't keep her eyes off the pop star. Not simply because she was in her full glory, but because of how nearly identical she looked like her friend, Cerise Silhouette! What similarities did they share? And where did they end? After shaking Oona’s hand, Eclipsed continued. “Without you two, we probably wouldn't be here!” The shaman sheepishly chuckled, bowing her head. “Thank ye, kindly. But we simply did what we must. That was quite a show ye three put on. A was dazzled!” Her eyes turned towards the feline creature and the shadow in the shower. Water and steam hissed as the supple figure, Kitsune, bathed without a word. “Ahh, it was nothing! We aim to please,” Wispy noted, who summoned a ball of light that floated above her open palm and illuminated the room. “So, anyway...” The tigress reclined into her chair with half-lidded eyes. “You two came a long way just to see us. Is there something you’d like to know that maybe we could provide?” “Well, let’s start with the obvious.” Beatrix studied her tiger stripes. “I mean, last time I was here, most people were purely human! I saw a few hybrids in the crowds, but couldn't tell if they were simply fashion accessories or the real deal.” Wispy chuckled and flicked her tail. “What can I say? My sister and I set the trend once we became super popular.” She tilted her head towards the shower. “Kitsune and I escaped from a laboratory that experimented on us! Their goal was to create living weapons! Hence why she can morph into those vehicles you saw. Though, do try not to bring it up. She really doesn’t like talking about it. She's the pure warrior type, while I was made to be her support as a scout!” “Ahh, got it!” Beatrix nodded repeatedly, her focus shifting to the shiny orb the cat playfully bounced in her palm. “Guess that explains where your own superpower came from, huh?” “Yep!” Wispy closed her fist to snuff out the light. “Flashy, fast and makes for a great show!” “We've been told you’re pretty talented as well,” Eclipsed added in, smiling brightly. “Actually, this is a good time to ask you something?” “Ooh?” Beatrix and Oona looked at each other before the pop idol continued. “As a token of appreciation for all you’ve done, we’d like you to join B.A.B.E! We could use some fresh blood~!” “U-us? Perform on stage in front ov an audience?!” Oona gulped, both flattered and frightened. “Yeah, Oona’s rather shy when it comes to public stuff,” Beatrix sighed. “I mean, I’d be down to perform with you girls, but this is only a short visit. We can’t stay in this world forever.” “Aww, rats! That's a shame, but understandable.” Eclipsed frowned, openly crestfallen. Wispy, however, leaned herself back while spreading her legs a little, showing off her tiny slit. She eyed the witch with a playful Cheshire grin. “You could always be part of our private shows! I see the way you look at me, Miss Beatrix,” she purred, groping her bare breast. “Don’t you wanna give this kitty some love~?” “Oh, lay off,” Eclipsed laughed, elbowing her co-star. “We don't want to scare off our new friends!” “Nyah! You're no fun,” pouted Wispy, who closed her legs and stopped playing with her plush tits, much to Beatrix's visible disappointment. “Ah wouldn’t mind a private showin’,” Oona added gently, offering a warm smile while patting her lover’s thong-clad rump. Beatrix beamed. “Ooh! Let's not forget about possibly introducing her to Cerise.” “Cerise?” Eclipsed asked, tilting her head. “O-oh yeah! She looks and sounds almost exactly like you,” Beatrix explained giddily. “Where we come from, Cerise Silhouette's a super talented dancer and a close friend of ours.” “Really? Wow. Yeah, I'd love to meet her!” Eclipsed gleamed with wide neon-pink eyes. “That can easily be arranged,” assured Beatrix, who grinned. “Eeeeeeee! I can hardly wait!” The diva started bouncing in her seat before suddenly stilling herself. “Oh, wait…. We're still on tour for a while, huh? Gah, sorry. We might have to put a raincheck on that.” She pouted, her face drawn from mixed emotions since she couldn't bear to let down all her loyal fans. “That’s okay! Just give me a date, and I'll try to arrive on time,” Beatrix assured her with a wink. “Mind if we take a shower after your sister's done? We could use a wash-up after how... steamy the show got!” She wrapped an arm around her lover's waist. “Yeah! Knock yourselves out,” the feline singer nodded before calling out, “Yo sis! Quit hogging the warm water! We’ve got guests, y’know!” The faucet turned to shut off the water, and Kitsune exited from behind the curtain. She boldly strode out, dried her hair with a towel, her lips drawn and her eyes piercing in their intensity. “Kon'nichiwa,” she greeted in a monotone voice before brushing past them in a swish of tails. “She likes you two,” assured Wispy as her sister towelled off. The couple readied themselves for a shower, Beatrix able to wave her costume away, while Lady Ewe shucked hers and placed it aside. Soon the pair of them huddled into the stall. The space proved pleasantly cramped, not that the witch and shaman minded pressing their supple bodies together when the warm water started to hit them. The pair lathered each other up in soapy suds, applied the shampoo, and laughed while each washed their partner. As the couple eased under the steamy water, Lady Ewe closed her eyes and started to sing. Pretty soon, Beatrix joined in and tried to harmonize her chirpier voice with her practiced lover’s more elegant, measured sound. She had a little experience performing alongside her mother on stage, but had mainly relied on her illusion magic to carry her performances. “Heeeey~! That’s not bad,” called Wispy over the rush of water. “I know you said you can’t join the band, but how about a session with us?” “Yeah! We'd love to have you,” added Eclipsed Heart, who cupped her hands, hopeful. Oona felt her cheeks flourished, realizing she got carried away. “Ooh, but Ah don’t know any modern songs tae sing. Mostly old hymns an’ limericks…” “That’s okay, Oona! That’s part of the joy of making music. We could come up with our own songs! Wouldn’t that be fun?” Beatrix encouraged, stroking her lover’s cheek while she deeply considered the opportunity. And while she likely wouldn’t get over her stage fright, she didn’t want to leave her girlfriend hanging. “Ah suppose ye’re right. Ah don’t see why not~!” Beatrix beamed before wrapping her in a tight hug. “Excellent! Another chance to build some crazy memories~!” She could already picture this latest adventure emblazoned on the mansion's murals, this advanced world amongst the most unique she'd visited in her travels. Once they finished up and stepped out, Kitsune handed them towels which they used to dry themselves. Oona's hair ‘poofed’ back into its natural wool-like curls when it started to dry, much to Beatrix's visible amusement. “Feel free to crash here until the next concert,” said Wispy, pointing at the pair of beds in the corner. Beatrix frowned, asking, “But what about you? We don't want to put anyone out...” “Nah, don't worry about that,” Wispy shrugged, her tail swishing about. “My sister doesn’t sleep anyhow! At least not in a traditional sense! Besides, we like to ride around town, right?” Kitsune nodded, and, in a flash, the pair of them redressed. Wispy wore a form-fitted, crimson leather attire studded in spikes, while Kitsune dressed in a hooded black costume that conformed to her toned, sculpted physique. “Maybe I should catch some fresh air myself!” Eclipsed stretched with a yawn, then dressed in a bright neon orange bikini-like piece that looped over her breasts and exposed the undersides. “I won't stray too far, don't worry!” “You better not,” teased the feline pop idol, who shook her head. Eclipsed frowned back. “Hey, I might not be a warrior like you two, but I'm far from helpless! In a world like this, anyone who walks around without something to defend them is crazy!” To show her new friends what she meant, she peeled back a piece of skin on her chest, revealed the subepidermal armor musculature, hidden beneath the layer of charcoal flesh atop it. “Whoa! Just like Babs Seed...” Noted Beatrix, who whistled, once told by the merc it was pliable and acted as armor. “But what about weapons?” The pop star similarly drew a hidden knife concealed by the skin on her ankle with a flash. Glimmers caught the serrated blade. “Might not look like much, but it can saw through bone! So hopefully, I won’t ever have to use it!” She twirled the knife before she placed it back in its 'holster.’ “I don't have superpowers like my gal pals, so I decided to take up martial arts instead!” Beatrix nodded, glad to know Eclipsed shared her counterpart’s intuitiveness. “Okay, we'll settle in! Take care!” She snuggled next to Oona in the twin beds, felt the soft blankets compress beneath them as the couple wrapped up in a blanket, their tired heads rested on the stack of downy pillows. “Ahh,” sighed Oona, who playfully poked her student's nose. “Best we rest now, Ceann Oga. We have an excitin’ day ahead ov us~!” "Okay," murmured Beatrix. A short time later, the couple drifted off and dreamed about the last venture they had taken to this world... ***** A silver jet turned its thrusters downwards to hover upwards, its stealth systems activated. Seated inside the small craft, Wispy Willow opened its top so she could wave at Eclipsed Heart, who stood on the stadium's rooftop under the moon. They weren't quite ready to share the entire truth with their new friends. That the three of them weren't merely a pop band. Hidden by the bright lights and advancements lurked several criminals still at large, and B.A.B.E took it upon themselves to hunt them down during their off time. After a moment to soak in the cool breeze, Eclipsed hopped in behind her bandmate, the top sealing shut. The thrusters turned back before the aircraft took to the skies. The liquid metal machine started their intended leisurely travel across the neon-lit cityscape. “No signs of illegal activity so far,” Kitsune noted while she scanned the area. Though these days, pretty much anyone could be called a criminal, on some level. However the group’s interest lay in those who sought to abuse and exploit others. “Eeh, It’s only a matter of time until we'll find whoever did this to us,” Wispy assured confidently, patting the warm interior that hummed in a low drone. "Someday..." “I accept who I am,” replied the techno-shifter, Kitsune's measured voice echoing around them from the speakers aboard her interior. “Ahh, c’mon, sis. It’s not all bad! They did turn us into some hot ass weapons~!” Wispy popped her claws and studied them with slit-like eyes. Despite what her sister claimed, she knew that deep down, the trauma had hit her harder than anyone. It was why Kitsune rarely spoke and withdrew herself from people. “I’m sorry, girls,” Eclipsed said tenderly, taking Wispy’s hands. “I wish there was something I could have done.” “Nah, don't be! We wouldn’t have formed such an awesome band otherwise! And you would have remained a solo act...” Wispy retracted her claws and embraced her friend warmly. Eventually, Eclipsed returned it, though her gaze drifted back to countless buildings and lights dotted below. The diva wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed that it appeared to be another quiet night. Their little show was by miles the most lively activity in the capital, since people had arrived from all over just to see them. “Well, I figured you two would be such a big hit with folks,” teased Eclipsed. “Plus, I was kinda lonely...” She twirled her mane around a finger. “I hope Beatrix and Oona are sleeping well. Surely, they won’t notice we’ve been out for so long?” “Pft! You worry too much, 'princess,’” Wispy snickered, flicking her nose. Eclipsed scrunched up her face in a childish pout. “Hey, only fans get to call me that!” “Oh, right. You mean your 'Heartbreakers'~?” Wispy laughed harder at the band's most ardent fanatics and the moniker they adopted. The media would eventually embrace this identity, so much so, that it Heartbreakers adorned much of the merchandise which kept B.A.B.E. in business. And no matter how hard she tried, the band couldn’t get over how utterly ridiculous it sounded, much to their private bemusement. “Shizukani,” whispered Kitsune around them. “I’m picking up something...” As always, the resident kunoichi was all-business. She lowered them down towards a dimly lit alleyway, the silver ship taking on a flying saucer shape around them. Once its bubble top opened, Eclipsed and Wispy touched down with silent footfalls, before the liquid metal machine took on its womanly shape. A single nod passed between them. Transparent red visors settled over their eyes to scan ahead. They realized a gang of Redcaps were close from the readouts, once conditioned to obey the Vice Lord who had converted this land into machinery. The survivors, once freed of the cyber demon's control, were reduced to little more than zombies, their humanity left stripped away. Now the Redcaps were pure instinct, on the hunt for those with cybernetic implants, which they would strip clean and add to their own advanced, mechanized bodies. Little of their flesh remained. Blades and buzz saws adorned their bulky arms. Aware that it was unlikely these cyborgs could identify them, they were free to put away their visors and commence their assault. Eclipsed noted that they numbered over a dozen, and had cornered a civilian, the punk knocked out. The Redcaps circled around him, as if they were in a silent debate over who would claim this scant prize to vivisect. Finally, one raised its cleaver-like blade, ready to saw the implants off his face. Plasma spheres summoned by Wispy manifested around the alley. The illumination pierced pitch black, confused the systems of the Redcaps. The moment Redcaps turned, the first miniature explosion of a plasma sphere knocked a couple aside. The reek of scorched, melted metal filled the air. Molten pools bubbled about a blackened spot. The Redcaps rushed to seek the intruders. A blur sailed through the air. A plasma sabre flashed to life, as Kitsune separated an attacker's head from its body and landed. More plasma orbs erupted. Not to be left out, Eclipsed skated in on her rollerblades, twirled the knife into her hand, which rapidly expanded in size and transformed into a crystal. As she raced by, she cleanly dismembered the machine closest to her. “Whoa! Careful there, princess butter buns,” warned Wispy as her sister continued to make quick work of the assailants. Beams waved in arcs, metal limbs cleanly severed with a clink as they scattered about the dank alley, the Redcaps disabled to the last within mere seconds. Eclipsed slid to a stop on her skates and huffed. She had modified the leather bondage attire worn to battle slightly, elbow and knee pads added, and the black clothing lined in neon pink to outline it. Its breasts and buttocks were also decorated in pink hearts. “Aw~,” she whined to herself in disappointment. “Only made a couple 'kills' this time! They’re...not really alive, right?” “Nope,” affirmed Wispy, squatting next to a dismembered Redcap, reduced to a mere torso. “The moment they fell under that mad scientist's control, any real brain function died. Now they’re like mindless drones, cut off from a hivemind!” “Karera ga anshin shite yasumu koto ga dekimasu yō ni,” Kitsune offered in her native tongue, clasping her hands and closing her eyes when she murmured a prayer for them. Eclipsed skated over to the punk, hands cupped behind her back. “And what about him?” “Mild concussion. He should be fine,” answered the vixen in her clipped manner. Nonetheless, she knelt over the unconscious man, removing supplies from a pouch on her belt, and started to apply measured first aid to his scalp wound. Wispy smirked and clasped a hand into a fist to banish her orbs. “A night saved already! This is starting to get too easy~!” “Don't get cocky,” her sister warned with a stoic expression while finishing her work. “But it's true! Haven’t found a real challenge since we became vigilantes.” Wispy stretched wide and yawned. “We also haven’t found whoever’s responsible,” Kitsune reminded. “Ahh, they could be dead for all we know. Best we remain a clean-up crew and find some kicks in our spare time!” “Girls, there’s more to this gig than just fighting,” Eclipsed stepped in, shaking her head. “We saved another life tonight! That's worth a ton!” Both sisters looked at each other before giving the nod in agreement. Eclipsed stared at her knife, pensive when she realized its serrated blade had turned to crystal. Had she somehow done that...? “C’mon, let’s head back home.” “Aww, is princess butter buns in need of her beauty sleep~?” Wispy teased before flicking the pop star in the butt with her fuzzy tail. “H-Hey!” Cried Eclipsed, who clasped her backside, crystal blade quickly hidden. “We all do! Okay, maybe not Kitsune, but you can’t expect us all to perform without some respite.” “Hasn’t slowed me down,” the kunoichi shrugged, turning to liquid metal, reshaping herself into a saucer, and popping her bubble top open for Eclipsed and Wispy to hop back inside her. There was a limit to what they could achieve on their own. But pride and secrecy made B.A.B.E. hesitant to seek aid. It's why they wanted to be sure their new friends were trustworthy, before sharing their secrets. They knew they were heroines, but could B.A.B.E count on them...? ***** “Rise and shine, sleepyhead,” Beatrix yawned, stretching out her arms and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, nestled amidst the sheets. “A’m awake,” Oona stirred, who rose to stretch as well, her bountiful breasts pushing outward. “Mmm, what a strange dream! I-huh?” When she brushed a hand through her shaggy mane, she felt the familiar curl of her sheep horns. Yet, most of her human features in this realm remained. “What in th’ world? How did this happen!?” “Ohh! Here, come take a look,” the witch ushered her over, pointing towards the closest mirror. The pair skipped over to examine themselves. “Sweet lucid dreams! My horns an’ fleece,” Lady Ewe took herself in, traced the curled horns. Her legs and forearms were covered in fluffy white wool. Her shapeliness was adorned in intricately woven runes, ones that shimmered when instinctively she wove a simple spell to light up the darkroom. “Hah! Mah magic’s back as well!” Beatrix rapidly nodded. “Hard to understand how, but I think those runes might be enhancing this effect. It must be a result of what we did with the Elements of Harmony! Pretty neat, huh?” Grinning, she traced her fingertips over the shaman's bare, rune-laced flesh. But Oona shook her head, her lips pursed. “It's far more than that, Ceann Oga. Yer Prima Materia most likely altered reality while we slept. Ah remember ye havin’ a rather… ‘vivid’ dream ov me like this. The result must have returned a portion ov mah suppressed powers.” “Oh.… That does sound pretty bad, when you put it that way,” Beatrix admitted, turning aside. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! I should have asked…” Lady Ewe giggled before cupping the witch’s chin to face her and kissed her. “Nonsense! Ah trust ye meant no harm. Plus, Ah was startin’ to miss having horns an’ hooves~. Nonetheless, ye must learn tae control these subconscious wishes. They could prove dangerous,” she gently chided and hugged her to her squishy mammaries. “R-right! Gotcha.” Beatrix reminded herself that her interference in other realms had its many upsides...and plenty of downsides. Yawning, the couple returned to the washroom to freshen up. In the shower stall, warm water hit their bare bodies and began to fill the room with steam. The pair undertook their usual routine, lathered up and washed the other down, with special care offered to Lady Ewe's ram-shaped horns. Despite the circumstances, Oona was happy to find the supernatural elements continued to return in this realm. Maybe the would prove even more potent than before! “Hmm. Let's see if Ah can mimic that trick ov yours,” the dream shaman hummed once they finished grooming up their hair and dried off. She waved her glowing palm over herself, conjuring up the loose sweater and baggy pants her lover had lent her. “Ahah! Success! Good tae know there are things Ah can learn from ye as well, Beatrix~.” “Awesome,” said Beatrix, who also materialized her clothing after tossing her towel away. “Too bad there’s no spell to conjure up breakfast~!” She strolled over to a fridge, opened it, and bent over when she rifled through its contents. “Goodies! Hope our lovely hostesses won't mind!” The couple discovered some leftover fast food, warmed it up in a microwave, then settled at a table to eat. Fortunately, it appeared the pop princess didn't care for meat either, and soon their bellies were filled by bean and vegetable burritos, followed by sodas that they popped open. Naturally, her teacher made a face after consuming the less-than-healthy beverage. “Ugh! This tastes terrible! Honestly, mah dear, ye’re startin’ tae become a bad influence,” Oona teased. “But that's why you love me~,” snickered Beatrix, who winked, playing footsies beneath the table. The moment was interrupted when the door was thrown open, Wispy marched in with arms spread wide and a sway of her hips. Her ears twitched, her tail swished, and her slit eyes lit up in the dimness. “Oh, hey there! Hope you're not too full~!” She tossed bags filled with fast food on the tabletop and sidled into a chair with a smirk. “Ooh~! I could always go for some more,” Beatrix said, licking her lips as her mouth watered. “A’ll…pass, thank you,” Oona politely declined, massaging her paunch. Close behind Wispy arrived Eclipsed and Kitsune, any trace of their vigilante gear banished, when they too settled in and started to fish out their own breakfast. “Were you guys out all night?” Beatrix asked curiously. “Surely, you guys need sleep before going onstage to perform for hours!” “Yeah, I’m kind of a night owl,” Eclipse admitted, who covered her mouth when she yawned. “I take most of my naps during the daytime.” Sleepily, she half-closed her eyes and started to munch on a sandwich when she murmured, “Can't let all my wonderful fans down...” “Nyawww. Poor princess,” Wispy pouted playfully, who patted the pop star on the back when her head rested on her shoulder, and she started to softly snore. “I'd better turn in too! Hope you two won't get bored. Feel free to head out if you like. Just be sure to be back here for the show around when the sun starts to dip!” She looked to her sister, who simply nodded, and Wispy carefully lifted Eclipsed to carry her to bed. Beatrix nodded. “Sounds like a plan. What do you say, Oona? Wanna hit up the town some more?” “Ov course,” her partner answered and stood with her. After the witch finished devouring her bit of fast food, more leftovers were placed in the fridge. Finally, the duo made their way out, blissfully unaware of what their hostesses achieved in secret amidst the dead of night. Yet intuition made Lady Ewe confident the women were more than they seemed. She fastened her grip upon her lover's hand. For now, the concert arena was cleared out. Security nodded to the couple and allowed them out the doors, into the daylight. A number of the fans still lined the trash-ridden streets, circled the merchandise booths, or sat on the sidewalks, under the sun to await the next show. It was to be B.A.B.E.'s last concert in this area, before the band moved on to the next one. “Hey there, babes,” lazily called Tree Hugger, who waved them over to a park nearby. She and Fluttershy were still stark naked and on a picnic, a blanket placed under a tree's shade. “So, you got to meet the band in person! Like, tubular~!” “Hell yeah, it was,” replied Beatrix, who again restrained an urge to feel her supple flesh up. “Don't be shy, Bea,” teased Hugs with a crooked grin as she took the witch's hands and placed them on her ample tits. “You're, like, totally fine to gawk and grope me anytime you want. Nothing wrong with going along with the vibe, right?” “I suppose you're right. Don’t mind if I do~,” Beatrix purred as she began to fondle Tree Hugger’s pendulous titties and tweaked her nipples. “No decency, Ah swear...” Said Oona in a friendly manner while shaking her head. “Who has time for decency these days?” Flutters whispered behind her, once more taking a handful of Oona’s bust in her hand while pressing her nude form into her. “You shouldn’t be left out, lamb cakes~! But if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like a little of your blood.” “A-ahh~! M-mah blood!?” Oona eeped, though she didn’t put much resistance as her nipples hardened under the cotton sweater. Shy twirled one of the shaman's woolly curls before whispering, “Just a little bit. My poor partner will end up anemic if I keep feeding off her.” “A-ahh see…. Just a wee bit then,” Lady Ewe nodded as the vamp moved her hair away to expose her neck. From there, she started to nibble, felt the woman slacken and tilt her head aside in submission to offer herself. Shy popped her fangs and delicately set them to pale flesh. The love bite penetrated the skin. Oona blushed and moaned, feeling her blood drain into the hollows of Shy's teeth while she suckled. Her free hands bounced and squeezed the milky udders hidden under her sweater. “O-oh~! Mmmgh...” Whined her prey in a hushed murmur. Her loins stirred up wetness from the sensation of being drunk by the friendly vampire. Further turned on by the sensuous display, on instinct Beatrix manifested a translucent unicorn horn from her temple, which shimmered when she wove a spell. Her aura spread the thighs of Hugs wide open, pushed her to the blanket and banished her clothes with an impatient wave, as she pushed their moist cunts together with a lewd, sloppy squish when their clitorises kissed. “Radical~!” Any further words from the hippie turned into shameless moans as their pussies started to mash and rub in a frenzy. Their mouths met in hungry kisses, hands left to wander all over each other in clumsy, needy gropes and spanks, while their meaty, inflamed slits squelched and spattered their feminine nectar. Their lower holes clenched as they worked faster. Beatrix reached between their twats, plunged a few fingers into Hugs with a wet splash, a messy trail left behind when she withdrew from her tight slit with a pop. She then pushed the digits into the hippie's lips, who suckled them clean. At the same time, Shy slid between her prey's legs and settled her own voluptuous rump over her face upon the blanket. Then, the pair of them started their own sloppy, desperate feast, barely hidden by the tree's shade. The usually more reserved dream shepherd lost herself in the moment, as the pair of them relished their warm, wet orifices. A subdued glow arose from Tree's hand. She started to work her own earthen magic until the roots below the earth ripped free around the foursome, so lost in a haze of lust none of them noticed. These pliable coils started to wound around them like ropes, cupped and squeezed tits and buttocks, and drove into their heated holes. Pretty soon, all of them were triple-penetrated from all directions. They were lifted up and suspended, submitted to the vines that skewered in and out of their stretched, wet holes. Aware they were helpless to do anything but ride out the pleasure while they were skewered, the four of them surrendered completely, split open womb deep by the natural invaders. Each time the vines punched into them, their pink pussies spat more sweetness. More squishes and squelches mixed with moans around the intruders that filled their lips and throats. They bounced and shook between the vines, repeatedly impaled deep. Their orifices clenched around the vines, squirts escaped from the four of them, who over the minutes that flew by lost track of how many times they came, hard. Finally, the coils withdrew and dropped them on the stained blanket. “Far out,” sleepily mumbled Hugs. “That was all me...?” “Think so,” said Beatrix, who sat on her bare butt, her cheeks coloured and mouth drawn in a stupid, contented smirk. Lady Ewe's bosom huffed when she breathlessly said, “We’ll have tae…research further intae this some other time...” Beatrix nodded. “Maybe we should look elsewhere? If we could contact Spike-” “Oh, you mean cabbie Spike? Done~.” Shy licked her lips clean before recovering her phone from nearby and sent him a message. “He drives down this area most of the day, so he should be here to pick you up soon. Don't let us keep you two any longer. Thanks for the snack!” “No, thank you!” Beatrix took one last, drawn-out fondle of Tree's tits and buttocks before she and Oona called back their attire. The pair waved once the hover cab sped to a stop at the curb, and wandered over to meet up with Rebel Spike. Shy leaned on the trunk and pouted. “Should have recorded our latest session. Or at least taken more pictures. Boo-hoo.” Gradually bent over to show off her supple heart-shaped ass, Hugs peered back and winked. “Taken care of.” She recovered her own hidden phone and played the moment back on the screen. “Wanted some more of those sweet babes, you know? Especially my groovy Goddess~” She straddled Shy's lap and traded a kiss as they watched a high-quality video play out. The cab sped off with no particular destination in mind, as Beatrix noted they wanted the scenic route, like they were tourists. They had a few hours left to kill, and took in the dense flora that had started to wind its way around the buildings. With the return of magic, no doubt the world around them would continue to rapidly evolve... > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lines of hovercrafts zoomed by as Beatrix gazed out the cab window. So many sights to see and with so little time! She turned to meet Rebel Spike's grin, which was shared when he looked over his shoulder. “Want to know a secret?” He asked the witch, who nodded enthusiastically. The driver tapped a few buttons before letting go of the wheel, the cab continuing its direction. “These days, cars can pretty much drive themselves, thanks to the tech these sick A.I. companies developed. I'm hardly needed here!” After a few more taps, the seats that divided the interior reclined back to make the interior roomier. Oona yelped as their seats shifted back and formed into a bed. “This is in case I need a nap,” he explained. “Or if I feel a bit...risque~.” “Ooh~! Quite ingenious, I must admit,” cooed Beatrix, licking her plump lips. “Right now!? While we’re still in traffic?” Lady Ewe blushed, eyes looking back to the stream of vehicles passing by. Despite how advanced and secure the cab looked, this didn’t seem safe at all! “Don’t worry,” Beatrix insisted, waving her attire away with magic (minus her fingerless gloves and heeled boots.) “I trust Spike to not put us in harm’s way. Isn’t that right~?” “We’re totally fine! I’ve done this a dozen times,” he admitted with a wolfish smirk, eyes dancing along the violet unicorn’s ample curves and enhanced breasts. Rebel Spike then cast a glance over the heavily plump sheep and said, “C’mon, Oona! Unwind and let me take care of you~!” Oona’s entire face became red at the suggestion, yet she couldn’t deny how hot the idea was. She gazed worryingly to Beatrix, who fluttered her eyelashes at her lover. Then, with a sigh, the azure sheep nodded and scooted over as Spike climbed on top of the witch. He ripped his shirt open to bare his toned chest, giving Beatrix plenty of eye candy before their mouths captured each other. Her supple thighs jiggled when they spread to accept him, legs lifted up high when he firmly seized her ankles. Wiggling her finger, Beatrix unzipped Spike’s pants and tugged them down until his half-erect cock flopped free and slapped onto her bare pussy. He prodded at her moist slit, forced the velvety lips wide open, drove himself balls deep while they continued to noisily make out. Groans rose when he started to pound her puffy puss. Girly goo dripped from her tight slit down her puckered asshole each time her ass cheeks impacted under his skewers. Tufts of thin fur started to sprout from his pores as his eyes lost their color, the sound of bones creaking and flesh warping sounding around them when he let the beast free. He grew taller, bulkier, more muscular, transmuted into his werewolf shape. Hot drool dribbled over her bouncing breasts, his cock swelling to a massive knot that expanded and stretched her heated interior. She mewled and came on the spot, splashed his sticky groin as he impaled her like an angry animal. Veins rippled across his furry musculature, clothes completely shredded away, his furry, muscled buttocks drawn taut when he humped into her. Oona found herself unable to look away, as whatever worries of a car crash were replaced with her lover getting dogged down. Her hands groped her pillowy chest, her loins moistening up to the point that her pants were unbearable. Using the same magic trick, she waved her bottoms off to finger at her moist pussy, quietly moaning as the scene carried out. Reduced to pure wolfish instinct, Spike momentarily couldn't see the unicorn as anything more than his bitch, one who needed to be appropriately bred. His long tongue licked up her tits and nipples, which wobbled and smacked back into place. His testicles slapped against her pink asshole, slicked by her own juices that settled into the clenched ring of raw flesh. His claws raked over her ample flesh, poked and kneaded at her, the air-filled by wet squishes and squelches as the interior shook under the weight and force of the beast's thrusts. She shamelessly moaned, losing track of how often she came. With a final, savage plunge that drove him past her cervix and into her womb, he cast back his head and howled. Repeated spurts impacted her slippery uterus walls, made her cry out as her belly swelled out from the excess spunk that sloshed in her feminine core. Her entire body quaked, and her toes curled in her boots, almost knocked unconscious under a fresh orgasm while the dominant werewolf claimed his submissive bitch. Beatrix panted and heaved her tits, coming down alongside the former punk as he emptied his swollen balls. “M-mah goodness~!” Lady Ewe groaned, her own slit gushing with fem cum, staining her fingers. “H-hard tae imagine no one's noticed how much this cab’s been shakin’! You two are insatiable!” “To be fair, it might be due to my connection to the Necronomicon,” reminded Beatrix, who smirked in a dopey manner. “Wanted me to breed a vessel for the Demiurge with my father, Shining Armor. Before Zeloph happened, he was the only one who could impregnate me.” She hadn't chosen this, driven by sex almost to nymphomaniac levels, surpassed only by a boundless curiosity she couldn't fulfill. Much like her, Rebel Spike had been a supernatural anomaly in this futuristic world, displaced from his own. Magic returned after the Elements of Harmony reactivated momentarily, evidenced by how Lady Ewe now sported curled horns and fancy runes that adorned her flesh. This was likely another result of interference in this realm. Spike cupped her cheek as he partly retook his human shape and asked, “H-hey, I wasn't too rough, was I? I kinda lost myself there...” “You kidding? I loved it~!” She kissed him, quivering around that swollen knot still trapped inside her, the one part of him that hadn't changed back. The meaty cock conformed her warm, wet interior to suit it, as she leaked his seed mixed with her release over her anus. By the time the vehicle reached its destination, his knot had finally softened enough to withdraw from her clenched cunt with a lewd ‘pop.’ Gaped and pink, it drooled out a slurry of their mixed secretions and pooled under her plush bottom. Fortunately, he simply smiled at the mess and planted a few playful pats on her bouncy butt to show his affection when she started to rise up. “Here we are,” he announced. “President Spike awaits! Don't worry, I called ahead!” After the three made themselves presentable, they exited the parked car. President Spike and his closest allies watched over the capital from a skyscraper that towered above all others. Rebel Spike waved them off as they approached the entrance, ready to make the next rounds. A metallic plume shone in the sunlight, the cybernetic replacements connected to Rainbow Dash, who sailed down to meet them. “Yo! Welcome back!” She greeted with a wide smirk. “It’s great to see you! Cool horns, by the way,~!” “Thank ye kindly,” chuckled Oona, bowing her head. “Nice to see you again, too,” answered Beatrix, who adjusted her hat. “We've come to see President Spike! Could you lead the way?” “Sure! But first, I wanna show you what you helped make possible!” There was a metallic shift as the metal plume folded back, and from beneath unfurled a downy, natural plume, a few feathers scattered in the wind. “Pretty cool, huh? Thought I'd lost these forever the last time I attempted a Sonic Rainboom. They're still too weak to fly, but given enough time...” “They're beautiful,” observed the shaman who brushed over one. “But really, it wasn’t just us. We couldn’t have saved this world wit’out ye.” Beatrix and her partner followed her inside the building into an elevator that closed behind them. “So, you work security now? Suits you.” She noted the flier's form-fitted dark blue attire, perfectly molded to her lithe, athletic form. “Yeah, I wasn't certain what to do with myself after the chaos ended.” A momentary pained expression crossed Dash's face while they rode upwards, still disappointed that Shy had chosen a life with Hugs, rather than with her. For a moment, the only sound was the elevator muzak that played overhead, but she broke the awkwardness with a chuckle. “Almost there!” A ding sounded on their arrival at the topmost floor, where the doors slid open to President Spike's office that overlooked the cityscape. The skinny but toned man in question sat at his desk in a sharp purple suit, emerald eyes like slits. Around him, his secretaries turned lovers went about their business, Rarity, Sassy Saddles, and Coco Pommel were swathed in elegant dresses that conformed to their contours. “Come on in,” said Spike. “I figured my other half would lead you two this way eventually!” “Welcome back darlings,” greeted Rarity, who smiled. “Please, make yourselves comfortable! Can we get either of you anything?” “We're fine, thank ye.” Lady Ewe and Beatrix settled into the chairs they were directed towards. “Actually, we came in hopes ye could shed mair light on this phenomena spreading ‘round th’ city.” She tapped one of her horns. “Yes, well, I’m afraid the supernatural isn't my vocation. So I don't know that much more than you,” Spike admitted. “But, from what I've observed, the results speak across the capital.” A series of holographic images manifested in the air around them at the punch of a few buttons. On the displays they saw similar events, where civilians randomly worked magic unique to each of them, or were altered by it in various ways. The results were mostly positive, as people adopted wings or horns to help weave simple spells. Yet there were cases where some used their new abilities for petty crime...or, in rare instances, were twisted into grotesque monsters. “Oh no,” whispered Beatrix, who swallowed hard. “Hey, I don't blame you. The Elements of Harmony made this possible and saved the city.” He pointed to a holographic monitor that showed the area where the cybernetic demon's saucer-like craft had once been buried. The torn-up earth revealed a vein-like, mystic leyline that intertwined through the planet. “We think this is the source, and It's leaking out into the world.” “We’ve come to an impasse,” said Rarity, whose heels clicked on the floor at her approach. “Do we close it off forever, or let it continue unabated?” “That’s a pretty tough decision,” admitted Beatrix who stared, unsure what to say. “One you don't have to make,” promised Coco, casting the couple a sympathetic smile. “We'll take care of this, somehow! Don't worry!” “I say we let it run its course,” added Sassy, whose eyes reflected the mystic vein that shimmered on the screen. “Sure, there will be consequences, but it allowed this world back to return to what it was meant to be. Before that Vice Lord interfered...” Coco pursed her lips. “But what about all those poor people? Surely we can help out, somehow?” “Already set up a task force,” answered Rainbow Dash. “In the meantime, if you want more answers, maybe Sunset Shimmer can help? She has her own library here and helps with lots of the research, so why not ask her what's up?” “Sounds like a good idea,” Beatrix nodded, accepting a cup of tea from Coco and sipping on the steamy drink which settled in her belly. “How’s th’ publicity, President Spike?” Oona asked. “Surely, ye’re doin’ better tae show th’ people ye have their best interests in heart?” “I’m doing my best,” he confirmed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Some people have forgiven me and realized a lot of what happened was because of Varys. Though I still have many detractors. The most vocal being Sixth Measure…” “As in...boy band Sixth Measure?!” Beatrix tilted her head, recalling a band by that name that performed for Cerise’s wedding. The president nodded before bringing up a video that showcased one of their concerts. On stage was a trio of stallions dressed in fancy attire that gave each a distinctive style. A sea of fangirls were cheering for them, clamoring every synchronized dance step and move the handsome boys performed while singing. “Alto, Bass, and Tenor,” Spike pointed each stallion out. “After the incident, they showed up overseas and became musical sensations within a few weeks. They’re a major hit with people due to their catchy songs, flashy moves, and inspiring lyrics. Not unlike our music group, B.A.B.E.” “Not to mention they’re very easy on the eyes,” Rarity added in with a wink. “You don’t say~,” Beatrix purred, already marveling over the handsome studs. One of which even had his well-cut torso and abs on display for the audience's viewing pleasure. Even Oona was momentarily distracted by the pretty pop band before shaking her head. “Erm, sae why are they against ye?” “They’re eco-activists,” Sassy affirmed, pulling up another video where they hosted a live event by the bay. “Sixth Measure are using their fame to draw attention towards the chemical pollution affecting the ocean nearby. A noble cause, no doubt! But one that also draws attention to the company’s unfortunate past…” “To be fair, they’re completely justified,” Spike admitted, a twinge of guilt in his voice. “We did dump a lot of failed experiments and toxic waste into the rivers. And I can’t rule out the possibility of our water supply being affected. Some of these miscreants may be born from our irresponsibility and not just the U.F.O. I’d love nothing more than to invest resources into cleaning up the ocean! But that takes time and money we don’t have right now. And unfortunately, as their popularity grows, so does their impatience.” “Oh dear,” the dream shepherd nodded. “That is quite vexin’.” “Maybe there’s something we could do,” offered Beatrix. “Find a way to help the boys out without causing a riot.” “Please do, if you can,” President Spike nodded. “Sorry we can’t be of more help.” “Not tae worry,” Oona assured with a kind smile. “We’ll think ov somethin’. But we better get goin’.” Beatrix rose with her lover and said, “Yeah! Thank you for your time!” “I’ll lead the way out,” Rainbow Dash offered, escorting the couple back to the elevator. A short ride later, and they exited into a dimly lit hall where the library awaited. In these 'modern' times, physical media had fallen from favor. Most data was stored in tiny spaces and could be called up at will. Yet Sunset was a scholar dedicated to preserving books, surrounded by a mass of tomes and novels. “Hey, Sunset,” called Dash, who waltzed into the room, where aisles were stocked by shelves upon shelves of perfectly preserved books. “Shush,” replied Sunset playfully. “This is a library.” She approached with a book open in her hands, dressed in a form-fitted outfit like Dash's in red, more for comfort in her case since the pliable material made its wearer feel naked. “Oh! Hello there, I didn't expect company. Or this...” She approached the shaman and, with her permission, touched her curled horns. “If you think that’s neat, get a load of this ~!” Beatrix tittered before pulling up Oona’s sweater to show off her rune-tattooed belly. “G-Gaah! Ceann Oga!!” Yelped the sheepish shaman, her cheeks colored. “Oooh, I see! Wow,” Sunset waved them over to the table before they each took a seat. “I've done a ton of research into this phenomenon. I take it you already saw the leyline? That’s likely what the Tree of Harmony tapped into before it died.” Dash asked, “So do we move in and stop it?” “Well, we can't let it run wildly out of control. On the other hand, it’d be bad to cut it off at the root. I think it's best if we head to the source and help cultivate it in the right direction.” Sunset rose from her seat. “I already sent Kitsune my plasma sabre. Not only because I’ve retired from the battlefield, but I don’t need it anymore. Observe!” A translucent unicorn horn materialized on her forehead, similar to what Beatrix had done, and at the scholar's will, she summoned a hilt into her hand. It flared with ethereal energies that swirled rather than the laser-like saber of before. Its colorful radiance illuminated them all and the dim interior. “I can also cast a few simple spells, so don't worry, I won't hold you back!” “That’s awesome!” Whistled Dash, impressed. “Oh, by the way! I’ve already made contact with Babs Seed. She plans to come out of retirement and return here to support us in a few days.” Oona asked, “Are ye sure you don’t need help?” “Nah, we'll be fine! Besides, you two have a concert to hit, don't you? Rebel Spike gave me the deets before you got here,” replied Dash, who shot them a cheeky smirk. “Sadly, we can’t watch it in person. But I’m sure a streamer will broadcast a video! So knock 'em dead, you two!” “Y-yes. Hopefully, Ah won’t choke,” Oona bashfully said. Beatrix wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her close. “You won’t! You’re going to do great,” the witch encouraged before addressing Sunset and Dash. “Anyway, glad we could catch up! I know B.A.B.S. is disbanded, but I'm positive you can deal with whatever is thrown your way!” Whatever reservations she had, Beatrix was confident that the pair had helped set this world back on track, thanks to their interference. ***** A short time later, the couple returned to the Rebel Spike’s cab, which sped them back across the highways. It was late in the afternoon by now, and the first twinkles of the evening threatened to creep over the ride. The recent revelations had left them with much to think about, reminded of how each time they meddled with another realm in flux, its destiny was permanently altered. The vehicle arrived on time, as the faint hints of darkness started to descend and the crowds came alive. Chants of “B.A.B.E.~!” Exploded from the 'Heartbreakers' that swarmed through the streets. Security welcomed the pair in, who directed them to a back entrance, where they hurried to meet up with the band members. Within moments they shuffled into the dressing room. The three B.A.B.E. members had already stripped down as Kitsune carefully applied body paint to her striped sister's shapeliness. “It’s almost time,” said Wispy, who shot them a toothy smirk. “You girls ready to strip, too~?” Lady Ewe sucked in a heavy breath. “D-do we have tae be naked fur this...?” Met with a nod from Wispy, she swallowed hard, but she felt pressured to follow when Beatrix waved away her costume. So slowly, she peeled away her clothes. “Relax! You won't be completely nude,” assured Eclipsed Heart, whose flesh was adorned by a painted-on, scant neon costume. Her ample assets wobbled with each moment, the princess of pop stars determined to dance up a storm! “Hold still,” Kitsune instructed, applying the neon paint all over Beatrix's supple curvature. “A-aah! It’s cold~!” Murmured Beatrix in a childish manner, closing her eyes and shivering under the delicate touch of the kunoichi's practiced palms. Pretty soon, B.A.B.E. was ready to make its debut with its newest guest members. Their neon body paint glowed in the dark, and with Eclipsed Heart in the lead, the lovely band started to march towards the curtains. The couple clasped hands for support, aware they would not only be in front of a massive, live audience, but the show would be screened across the entire capital. Cheers drowned out the hall. Colorful explosions announced B.A.B.E., whereupon the thump of music started to kick in from the speakers. Assaulted by all sorts of stimulation, Lady Ewe paled, only comforted by Beatrix’s hand squeezing her own. They exchanged a shared smile as Eclipsed took a microphone and called, “Hey, heartbreakers~! We’re glad you could make it to tonight’s show! Because we’ve got some very special guests. Please, give a warm welcome to Beatrix Belladonna and Oona Ewe! Our heroes~!” A thunderous uproar of cheers exploded at the announcement, the couple framed under spotlights. With a few playful pats on the butt by Wispy who snickered, they took a deep bow once the music started to kick in louder from the speakers and shook the area around them. “Follow our lead,” mewled Wispy winked. “And feel free to improvise! The crowd will love it!” “Mokugeki-sha,” said Kitsune, who leaped into the air and appeared to sail on it. The topmost portion of the concert hall started to open with loud creaks, and the kunoichi seemed to materialize twin blades from nowhere, she and her nine tails framed before the pallid moon. Eclipsed started singing and dancing, aided by Wispy, who summoned up balls of light that bobbed above the masses to punctuate their performance. Managing to swallow down her stage fright, Oona started to harmonize a tune to the music, which had thankfully slowed down to match her style. Beatrix joined in, manifesting a horn while she cast illusions to support them. Gasps rose from the crowd. Mythical creatures swept overhead, woven by an illusionist's craft. It was claimed such beasts once swelled across the planet in ancient times, but any credible records or evidence of them were now lost. “Damn! This is exciting,” admitted Beatrix, whose hands and horns shimmered when she worked. “Knew you two would like it,” noted Wispy, who flicked the witch's pert posterior with her tail. But, so caught up were the band in their performance, most of them failed to notice they were watched from above. The one exception was Kitsune, het narrowed eyes peered upward. A rival band poised and prepared to crash the party, dead set to steal B.A.B.E.'s thunder. Yet they too had been altered by science and mysticism, not to mention some of them were armed, as the cadre of mysterious assailants leaped and sailed down towards the stage... > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitsune sensed the intruders long before their arrival, having been 'blessed' with her finely-honed skills and scientifically advanced senses. She lept into action, her graceful movements being played off as simply part of the show. But as the Nine-Tailed Fox danced on the air, she suddenly transmuted her form into liquid metal that congealed when it settled into a small rocket shape. Thrusters flared, and dark smoke spat in a dense trail when the shiny vessel sailed up towards the roof to intercept the intruders. The deadly vixen transformed back at the apex, readied her hilt, and flared her plasma saber to life. It struck another blade as two combatants connected in a shower of sparks that rained down. Her eyes narrowed at her opponent, their blades locked as they continued to swivel through the air. "S.L.U.T…." She stated neutrally. "Hey now! That's just my band," answered a scratchy, raspy voice. "The name's Hellfire… Carrion Hellfire!" The woman's spiky, messy purple mane was doused in sweat that gleamed under the light, as did the metallic, curved wings on her outer arms and the talons that made up her lower legs. Yet what stood out the most about the cybernetics-enhanced woman was the scars adorned all over her athletic body. Rather than clothes, her costume was composed of bikini-like metal plates that covered her nipples and crotch, circuitry built into her slashed-up skin. Taken aback momentarily as the kunoichi knocked her own plasma sword from her grasp, she flashed a grin full of razor-like metal teeth and extended her talons with an audible swish. "Let's dance, bushytails~!" Kitsune bared her teeth once she powered down her saber and put it away, opting to deal with the steel harpy with her bare fists instead. They continued to weave through the neon strobe-lit air, across the crowds who gasped and stared at the chaos, as the pair repeatedly clashed. The rest of B.A.B.E. were unable to rest on their laurels, confronted by the other two members of S.L.U.T. who touched down on stage. Gasps rose from Eclipsed Heart, encircled by a snake tail that repeatedly wrapped around her. "Help!" "Hang on, Eclipsed!" Beatrix called back as she and Oona readied their spells in glowing hands, until Wispy Willows grabbed each of their shoulders, pulling them back. "Whoa, whoa! Easy there, girls," the tigress insisted with a playful wink. "We're not in any real danger." Both the witch and shaman looked back confused as Wispy skipped into the fray, summoning more plasma orbs to launch into the atmosphere. Uncertain with what was happening, the lovers trusted in the feline's words, magic fading from their palms as they observed from the back. "Foolish princess~," hissed the half-snake woman, her serpentine body coiled tight around the pop star, squeezing down slightly with every desperate struggle. "Surely you aren't doomed without your bandmates." Eclipse squirmed, feeling her foe's forked tongue flick against her cheek. She glared at her and warned, "Don't underestimate me!" The lamia cackled. "Oh yeah? Then prove it! Prove that you are worthy to stand on the same stage as Obrya Slithervane!" The S.L.U.T singer unraveled her hold, spinning Eclipsed Heart towards the edge before she collapsed to her knees in dizziness. Then, shaking it off, she focused her gaze on the fully nude serpent, elaborate tattoos inked into her supple flesh and scales. Lime-colored puffs of hair trailed after her, decorated by a crown of shrunken skulls that matched a similar necklace which hung suspended over her pendulous breasts. "Don't keep me waiting, little bitch~." "You asked for it!" Crystalline exploded into shards from Eclipsed as she opened her balled-up fists. The serpent woman shrieked when she was forcibly cast off. The pop star stretched, the crystal transformed into a two-handed staff. "Whoa," exclaimed a wide-eyed Wispy. "That's new--w-wha!? Heeeeey!" Before she could make sense of her friend's newly seen abilities, she was forcibly chucked into the wall. She flipped to avoid another strike, landed crouched on all fours with a hiss and swiveled her tail about. "Gooday, mate~" The last of the S.L.U.T women introduced themselves. She was a shark hybrid, with fins protruding from her arms and back and a thick tail above her buttocks. Gills expanded and contracted on her side. Gray-skinned, an aquamarine punk style mane sprouted atop her head. Muscle complimented her curvy body, wearing a white shirt torn at the bottom, exposing some of her breasts. A sizeable spiked leather jacket adorns her large frame, a toothpick between her teeth-filled smile. A fish hook was pierced into her pointy snout like a nose ring. Wispy cried, "Riptide Ruth!" "That's my name, don't wear it out! Now, how 'bout we leave these sorry saps and get straight into dinner~?" She snickered, licking her chops. "Fat chance, you overgrown goldfish!" Growls arose from Riptide before she chased after the tigress, the tigress ducking out each swipe and punch aimed at her. All Beatrix and Oona could do was watch. They dared not interfere after Willow's request, but the witch did not enjoy being on the sidelines, helpless to do anything. "Gaaagh, this isn't fair! Just where did these freaks come from!?" "Ceann Oga," Oona chastised while steadily gripping her shoulder. "It's not polite tae label anyone as such! A've met plenty ov creatures like them back in mah homeworld. Need Ah remind ye how e’eryone deemed you a freak in yer dimension..?" "N-no, you're right," Beatrix admitted with pursed lips, rubbing her arm. "I'm sorry, it's just…I hate standing still, especially when we should be helping them!" "Ah know, Beatrix. But Ah highly doubt we can simply talk these three down..." While the battle raged across the concert hall, little did the lovers know that this was all an act. B.A.B.E. was used to these random attacks, spurring the audience to engage in this friendly feud staged between the teams. However, like most diehard fans, some took such comparisons to extreme lengths. And, unfortunately, supporters of both girl bands began to engage with each other. "B.A.B.E. is for pussies! Why don’t you listen to some real music!?" "Nu-uh! You're just jealous of their success!" "Nah, S.L.U.T is way cooler!" "Yeah, if you're into trash!!" "Shut the fuck up, no one cares!" "Make me!!" Inevitably, a punch was thrown, knocking one fan into another, causing them to spill their beverage over other bystanders. And, within a moment, the violence spread until an all-out brawl broke out, causing both bands to cease their staged fighting. "O-oh no!" Cried Eclipsed, who banished her crystal staff and seized back her microphone. "Hey guys, that's enough! This isn't cool!" Yet her protests were drowned out as fans fought amongst themselves, going so far as to bite and pull at each other's hair. "This got ugly real quick…" murmured Obyra, turning to the metal harpy and shark woman. "Let's scram!" Nodding, S.L.U.T. withdrew from the area; the three intruders propelled themselves upwards and clambered into the darkness, vanished quickly as they had arrived. "Hey! Come back here, you cowards!" Wispy called after, groaning as the bedlam they sparked refused to quiet down. Then, summoning another orb atop her palm, she proclaimed, "Well, perhaps a few explosions will get everyone to settle down!" "No," Kitsune objected, standing beside her sister and taking her arm with a shake of her head. "It will only incite them further." "But we can't let this continue," Eclipsed Heart cried. "We don't want all these people in the hospital. Or worse..!" "This is getting bad…." Beatrix lamented, unsure if she and Oona could even help at this point. "Perhaps Ah could put them tae sleep?" The dream shaman offered until her honey brown eyes took in how large of a crowd was gathered, making her gulp. It was no use, as to pull off a hypnosis spell of this scale, she would require a lot more magic than she currently possessed. Beatrix turned to B.A.B.E. "What are we going to do?! Should I try more illusions...?" The sound of a loud electronic horn answered their question, as a large shadow crawled over the entire concert. Everyone in attendance paused as a floating ship, embedded with speakers and lights, steadily descended to hover above the stage. Voices suddenly echoed through the arena. "Whoa there, people! This isn't the way to be partying!" "Yeah, you all outta be ashamed of yourselves!" The lovers and B.A.B.E. shared a conflicted look once E.D.M. music filled the now quiet concert hall. A large screen titantron showed a platform slowly rising from the boat's bow, smoke and lights highlighting three silhouettes, each bobbing along to the beat in harmony. And when the figures stepped out, the crowd uproared in excitement while the three debonair men each struck a flamboyant pose. Before Beatrix or Oona could fully comprehend what had happened, a loud squeal escaped Eclipsed Heart, who exclaimed, "OH MY GOD! SIXTH MEASURE IS HERE!? AAAAAAAAAAAH~!!” The pop diva soon clasped her hands and blushed hard, her bandmates and friends gazing at her in bewilderment. "S-sorry! It's just…they're the biggest reason why I became a pop idol," she confessed with a sheepish giggle. "Seriously? Them!?" Wispy scoffed, hands to her hips. "If you ask me, they're overrated!" "Not to mention they're crashing our show…" Kitsune nodded, arms folded under her bust. Yet as the music grew louder and energetic, all eyes were locked on the boy band, who leaped off their boat to take center stage. While having bits of matching attire, Sixth Measure styled themselves differently. Bass wore a black top and tight jeans, the blue maned, oranged-eyed earth pony giving off some country flare. The yellow maned, green-eyed pegasus, Tenor, had a more dapper look that made him classier than his brothers. Finally, the red-maned, purple-eyed pegasus, Alto, appeared to be the group's 'bad-boy', dressed in an open vest that gave him a rocker's edge. All three stallions wore a jeweled pendant around their necks, matching the shape and color of their respective owner. They also wore a headset with microphones attached. Bass tapped into his to address the crowd. "So sorry to crash in like this," he apologized, flashing a charming smile towards Eclipse backstage, causing her heart to flutter more. "But we couldn’t stand to watch the fans to conjure quite the storm!" "Yeah, trust us! There’s far better things worth fighting over," Alto added in, giving a brief look towards President Spike's towering building before looking over the crowd. "Besides, I think both girl bands are excellent in their own right! S.L.U.T oozes raw, unfiltered passion~!" This remark earned a cheer from their respective fans. "And B.A.B.E. are some of the most enthusiastic, talented acts in town~!" Tenor chimed in, getting a positive reaction from the Heartbreakers. "It's a matter of taste," the lead singer concluded. "But in the end, we're all music lovers here! And what's more important than standing for the thing we love?!” “NOTHING!!” The crowd replied. “That's right! So let’s turn down the violence…” “Turn up the lights…” “And party all night~♪” “Wooooooooooooo~!!!” The crowd erupted as Sixth Measure began to perform their signature song, Cruise with Me. A theme about exploring the seas with your love, sung with clever lyrics and sailing references along with a killer breakdown after the second chorus. Bass as the lead, with his brothers backing him up and, occasionally, switching roles. All while dancing in complete sync. The concert filled with bubbles and light as everyone swayed along to Sixth Measure's groove, including Eclipsed, Beatrix, and Oona, unable to look anywhere but the colts, little hearts shimmering in their widened pupils. Wispy, who previously denounced the boy band, had fallen for their melody, hips wiggling with the beat and tail waving around happily. The only person who stood unaffected was Kitsune, likely due to being more machine than human after the experiments on her. But even then, her foot was tapping along to the rhythm. When the song ended, everyone applauded Sixth Measure, who nodded towards the captain piloting their ship. Alto, Bass, and Tenor lept back onto their hover platform. "Thank you so much for having us perform tonight!" Bass smiled at the crowd, though he directed his statement to B.A.B.E. "If anyone's interested, we're continuing this party at the Leviathan Isles!" Alto gestured. "So come 'cruise with us,'" Tenor said before all three sang, "And help save the seas~♪" After their announcement, the boat turned to the side and lowered on the stage. A plank dropped down to welcome a surge of fans abroad. Beatrix managed to shake out of her daze. "H-holy crap! That was amazing!" She exclaimed to her lover, who dreamily grinned. "It sure was~!" Oona sighed before eventually recomposing herself. "They're certainly a charismatic bunch. Sae should we indulge in this 'pleasure cruise'?" "Oh, hell yeah!" "Oh, hell no!!" Wispy insisted, crossing her arms. "I hate water! And I'm not getting on that boat, especially after they stole our show!" "Funny you say that considering you were really vibing to their song," Eclipsed pointed out with a sly grin. The tigress gave a flustered glare, muttering, "S-so they make catchy music! Big deal! I still say they're overrated..." Despite Sixth Measure crashing their concert, Kitsune said nothing, being equally embarrassed to admit she found the band's performance undeniably appealing. "Oh, c'mon! I wanna see what this party is about. Let's go!" The pop idol urged her fellow bandmates. "Besides, when's the last time we got to enjoy a venue we weren't headlining~?" Before the two sisters could protest, Eclipsed spurred them towards the ship, with Beatrix and Oona following. Once enough inhabitants were onboard, the hovercraft took up to the night skies and sailed through the brightly lit city. Fans and party-goers were all having a great time, drinking and dancing to their heart's content. Some even went bold to undress and grind up against their partner, dry humping each other without care. Among them was a familiar pair of faces Beatrix instantly recognized with a giggle. "Figures I'd find you two here as well~!" "Heeeey~! Welcome back, babes," Tree Hugger greeted with a wave, lounging next to Fluttershy in a shallow tub. Their skin glistened with sweat from the steam, a slight sheen highlighting their breasts that barely hid below the bubbly surface. "Nice get up!" Shy complimented, checking out the scanty body paint with half-lidded eyes. "Y-yes, thank ye," Oona stammered, cautiously closing her arms over her massive chest, which only made her breasts push out more. "Hehe! Sexy as always~" The witch snickered, looking around to find that the boy band was nowhere in sight. "Where's Sixth Measure??" "Probably down below or something." Hugs shrugged, taking a cocktail and pouring some of the fruity liquid into her cleavage, hands holding up her tits topped by perky nipples. "Thirsty~?" "Erm, no thanks! I would rather not drink while on a boat. Might get seasick," Beatrix politely declined, despite the cruise having not reached water yet. "Suit yourself!" Shy lapped at her lips before suckling the drink out of her marefriend's bosom, causing Hugs to shudder and coo. "Sae, what brings ye tae th’ party?" Lady Ewe asked. "Oh, c'mon. I'm sure you've figured out what Sixth Measure is, like, all about," Tree Hugger said. "Sure, I love bands who put out positive messages or, like, are in it just for fun. But a band that's both about the environment and made of hot studs?! Like, sign me the fuck up, bra~!!" Shy tittered when she continued to eye the witch and shaman. "I know President Spike has tried to make amends, but it's hard to look past all the trash and chemicals he dumped in the river while working with that Vice Lord. All of it wound up polluting the ocean! I'm sure Sixth Measure will explain in their own words!" "Aw, come on, babe," Tree Hugger frowned, stroking her thigh. "Don't let what Spike's done mess up your sweet vibes." "I...I know," replied Shy, whose bosom expanded and contracted with heated breaths. "But it still makes me so upset!" She was pulled into the hippie's arms, who stroked her dense pink mane and did what she could to console her. "I think President Spike should take full responsibility and step down! Maybe then someone else can take faster steps to try and heal the planet!" Beatrix recalled mistakes she had made in other trips into worlds and cringed. Stroking her arm, she said, "Look, I'm sure he's doing his best to--" "Sorry, Bea. But I ain't vibin' with that. Too little, too late," replied Hugs, who warmly embraced her lover, only to be met by a flurry of playful kisses that peppered bite-marked tits. "Mmmm, yeah~! Just like that, my succulent sexy kitten~!" Oona's ears perked up at the sound of applause, turning to find Bass, Alto, and Tenor entering the main deck from sliding doors, many fans eager for an autograph from the three stallions. Tugging at her girlfriend's arm, the dream shaman motioned towards the boy band. "We can discuss this wit them. Perhaps it'll help us further reform th’ president." Nodding and waving at the busy couple, Beatrix followed Lady Ewe through the crowd to get closer towards Sixth Measure. Sweaty, bared muscles and bounce of denuded breasts and buttocks met them on the way closer. Hips swayed, and bare feet smacked on the deck. Some of them slyly touched each other up, or openly took this even further, in a few cases. Finally, they managed to get in line, steadily growing closer to Sixth Measure. While many fans loved having their merchandise signed, some mares were bold to request singing their forearms or bare breasts, giving the band ample opportunity to feel up their crazed fans. "Yeesh! Some of these girls are quite trashy," Tenor offhandedly remarked while drinking some water. "I ain't complaining," Alto shrugged, scribbling his signature right above one fan's heart, who bit her lip as she departed. "Boobs are boobs after all~!" "Hey," Bass nudged his younger sibling. "Try to keep it professional, guys. We've got a reputation, remember?" The pegasus puffed, blowing some of his mane from his face. "Oh, please. Like you haven't sweet-talked your way into a fan's panties before. Or pants, for that matter~!" "Pst! Look sharp, boys!" The unicorn whispered, pointing out the witch and shaman pushing their way through the crowd. "The 'heroes' are coming~!" "Ooh~" Both brothers cooed, wrapping up their autographs just as Beatrix and Lady Ewe were in front of them. But before the witch could introduce herself or her mentor, Eclipsed Heart rushed past them, unable to restrain her childish enthusiasm as she happily cooed, hands cupped and her cheeks afire. The diva felt like she could faint just by being in their presence. Beatrix cringed at memories of how she once reacted to Lady Ewe, before she became her student. "Well, well," Bass grinned, eyeing each of the lovely ladies before him. "I didn't know this would be a star-studded voyage." "Eclipsed Heart and the city heroes. Aboard our ship? What an honor!" Tenor chuckled. "O-oh, please," Eclipse waved off the remark. "You guys are real showstoppers…literally!" "What can we say," Alto laughed, whipping his head to make his crimson bangs bounce. "We like to make an entrance~." "I'm Bass," The elder idol introduced himself, offering his hand for Eclipse to shake. "And these are my brothers, Alto and Tenor." "S'up~♪" His younger bandmates sang harmoniously. The pop idol was blushing brightly as she accepted his hand, only to glow hotter when Bass took her knuckles to his lips. Kitsune and Wispy watched from a distance with sour expressions, leaning along the guard rail while ignoring dance offers from the other party-goers. "Seriously though, we're thrilled to have you join us!" Bass insisted, twirling Eclipsed in his hand before leaning her into his chest. "Such dazzling dance moves~!" "Such beautiful singing~," Tenor stepped in to rub Oona's shoulders which quivered at his tender touch. "And such killer outfits~," Alto teased, hooking Beatrix's waist to pull her in closer. The witch smirked, placing both hands to his shoulders, and arched her back to push her breasts out. "Glad you think so. Though if you ask me, I think we'd be much more comfortable without clothes~" She purred, racing her index finger along his bare chest. "Mmm, now there's an idea," Bass admitted, his eyes sparkling with interest. "What do you say we get away from the paparazzi and have ourselves a... 'private' concert?" "Pr-private? With you?! O-oh yes, please~!!" Eclipsed eagerly nodded, visibly shaking like a leaf while in the lead singer's arms. Oona couldn't muster any words, too bashful and excited, while Tenor playfully traced along the curve of her curled horns. "Lead the way, boys~," Beatrix airly offered, confident she could get them to open up about their goals with a bit of persuasion. Not that she remotely minded being touched up like this! Oh no, she thoroughly enjoyed how the bad boy was feeling up her curvy ass. Her violet eyes took in every bump on his tummy, drawn towards the pendant that faintly glowed against his chest. "Right this way," Bass said as he and his brothers led the group through sliding glass doors, away from the envious crowd. The rest of B.A.B.E. slowly followed, remaining suspicious of Sixth Measure and their activities. Enhanced intuition told Wispy and Kitsune something else was up. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After their descent below deck, Sixth Measure led Beatrix, Oona, and Eclipsed Heart into a lavish, open room by the trio of brothers. The pop princess paused to take in the well-stocked bar, couch set before a wide monitor, and a few beds. But her eyes came to rest on a painting that overlooked the place. It depicted a ravishing opera diva that dominated the aquatic area. “Ooh! And who is this? She seems lovely!” Tenor made a sour face before answering, “That... would be our mother.” Oona made a note of this and asked, “Ah take it th’ paintin’ doesn’t capture her personality?” “She’s not that bad,” insisted Bass, who shook his head. “She can be a little… headstrong most of the time.” “Uh-huh. So what they’re saying is, she’s the worst,” quipped Alto, who plopped down on a stool and cracked open a can of beer. “Luckily, she doesn’t get in the way of our mission. So go ahead, settle in! I’m dying to know why the famed heroes of the city sought us out~.” His orchid eyes wandered all over Beatrix’s curvature, licking his lips. Frowning as her girlfriend looked equally promiscuous, Oona stood in front of the witch, much to her annoyance. Then, clearing her throat, she gently said, “We came fur answers regardin’ yer’ mission.’ We understand there’s been conflict wit President Spike.” “There’s always conflict with him, isn’t there?” Bass sighed, pacing the interior. “Not really sure what else to tell you. Corporations that run amok keep ruining the planet. And we’re aiming to fix that through our music! If we can lift up as many voices from the unheard masses, we can turn enough of the populace on President Spike. With enough pressure, he’ll be forced to step down. Then, we’ll be free to use our funds to help restructure the government and clean up this mess.” “Pretty solid plan, don’t you think?” His brother chimed in, chugging down his entire can. “Solid?! More like absurd!” Argued Beatrix, planting her hands on her wide hips. “Push the President out of the way, and there is sure to be chaos.” Eclipsed nodded before asking, “Wouldn’t it be better to speak with President Spike in person? As miserly as he was, I can tell you he has reformed quite a bit. If there’s anyone to pin responsibility for the damages, it’s that weird plague doctor!” “Who worked under President Spike’s authority to carry out his work and mass produce his products,” reminded Tenor, arms folding into his chest. “He was the one who hired him. Therefore, all the atrocities he’s committed still fall under Spike’s responsibility. And last I checked, he’s yet to show any remorse for hiring that psycho!” Eclipsed said, “B-but that’s hardly fair! He couldn’t have known his employee would go rogue!” “Oh, he does,” Alto corrected, sitting up and pulling out a USB from his jacket pocket. “And we have proof!” “W-what!? Lemme see that,” Beatrix demanded, trying to reach out of the taller singer’s hands, who kept pulling away like a schoolyard bully. Pouting, she decided a different approach and purposefully pressed her ample breasts into Alto’s chest, sliding her leg over his thigh. “Pretty please? I’ll make it worth your while~!” “B-Beatrix!” Oona exclaimed, flustered. The bad boy murmured a sweet sound as he considered her offer. “I’m listening~! A-ahh! Hey!” Bass swiped the USB from his brother, shaking his head. “This is highly confidential stuff. We’re not supposed to share this with anyone!” “Cock blocker,” Alto muttered under his breath. “Can’t you make an exception?” Eclipsed pleaded. She, too, was worried that once Spike was removed from power, someone worse could swoop in to replace him. “We won’t share it with anyone else, promise! We’re only trying to look out for the people in the city.” After rubbing his chin in thought, Bass murmured, “Mmm… we’ll think about it.” He placed the little device into his pocket. Oona nodded. “We highly appreciate it.” “C’mon! Don’t let controversy dampen the mood!” Alto urged, taking another drink while securing Beatrix by the hip. “Let’s party~!” The witch snickered and danced with the edgy rocker, grabbing a beer from the cooler. Once they seated at the couch, she straddled his lap, popped the lid, and downed the foamy drink, some of the contents spilling down her cleavage and clothes. He said, “Wooo~! Chug it, girl!” Rolling his eyes, Tenor sat on the couch and used a remote to turn on the television monitor. In it, a pair of familiar-looking twins were getting tag teamed by muscular black men, overexaggerated moaning booming out the speakers. “Whoops! Erm, wrong channel~!” The younger brother chuckled in embarrassment before switching over to the news feed. Images of what had once been B.A.B.S. flashed across the screen, where the heavily armed Babs Seed, Rainbow Dash, and Sunset Shimmer currently battled some Redcaps. “Courtesy of our drones,” explained Bass, plopping down while wrapping an arm around the charcoal-skinned popstar, whose cheeks heated to match her pink hair and eyes. “Pirated footage to spread the word to the masses.” “If anyone deserves to know, it’s the fans,” Alto proclaimed, grabbing a handful of Beatrix’s supple buttocks and massaging the flesh in circles. “And information concerning their livelihood shouldn’t be suppressed.” The lovers were drawn to the battlefield, helpless to watch as the flash and hiss of lasers, staccato of rapid gunfire, and the whir of blades filled the screen. Smoke rose from the charred, blackened earth where molten stone steamed. Thankfully, it appeared there hadn’t been any casualties on the mercenary side, supported by more soldiers sent in by President Spike. The Redcaps had collected around the place where the U.F.O. had been housed, driven to try and reclaim whatever left behind technology the cyborgs could to bolster themselves. A number of the horde had visibly upgraded themselves. “W-we should be there,” Beatrix groaned, quivering under Alto’s groping hands. Lady Ewe shook her head. “Leave this tae th’ professionals. We have our own mission tae complete here.” “And what mission might that be?” Tenor asked, his brow raising. “O-oh! Y-ye wouldn’t be interested.” “Now, now. We shared some stuff with you. Surely, you could shed a bit more for us~?” Alto whispered melodically, tugging down Beatrix’s top enough to expose her wobbly tits, rolling them in his palms. She shuddered, her rump rubbing back into his bulging crotch. “A-aaah~!” “I am quite curious to how such a gorgeous young lady became such a rising star,” Bass admitted, pulling Eclipse closer while she giggled excitedly. “And what our dazzling heroines get up to when they’re not saving the world,” Tenor chimed in, stroking along Oona’s thighs, making her gasp and shudder. His other hand reached for the remote to put on a more fitting soundtrack. “O-oh, sweet lucid dreams,” she muttered shyly as the trio of boys began humming along, making the girls relax into their eager hands. Caught in a daze and becoming more and more open to their sexual suggestions, they failed to notice the jeweled pendants around their necks gleaming. Suddenly, the speaking came up, and a worn feminine voice echoed, “Attention passengers! This is your captain speaking. Our cruise will be approaching our destination in roughly five minutes. So would our ‘gracious’ hosts, please return on deck? Your adoring public is waiting!” With the mood ruined, the boys shuffled away begrudgingly. “So sorry to cut this short,” Bass said in an apologetic tone, rubbing the back of his neck. “Looks like we’ll have to continue this conversation another time.” “I-it’s fine,” Oona assured, somewhat relieved nothing escalated. Nevertheless, she sensed something was amiss with the boy band, eying the jewelry wrapped around their necks. “W-was that your mother just now?” Eclipsed asked. “She’s the captain of this ship!?” “Eeyup...” Tenor said, looking away. “Like I said. She’s the worst,” scoffed Alto, arms folded. Beatrix frowned while adjusting her boobs back into her top. “Yeah, we better head back up. Don’t wanna keep Kitsune and Wispy waiting.” Nodding, Sixth Measure escorted the girls out of their lounge. Eclipsed Heart clung tightly to Bass’s arm while Alto and Beatrix made suggestive gestures. Oona and Tenor conversed a bit more before they returned the party aboard deck. ***** Like the captain said, the party boat arrived at the desolate beach and touched down with rocky waves. A bridge formed to reach the shores, passengers unloading onto the crystalline sands. The water was clear and glinted under the sun, the private spot chosen one of the last few in the world untouched by the taint of pollution. “This is why we’re so vocal in our protests,” explained Bass, who spread his arms. “Can you imagine a world where the seas and land were once again clean?” “A beautiful one indeed,” noted the dream shaman, who studied the calm seas which stretched beyond her honey eyes. She yelped when Beatrix’ liberated’ her clothes; her own magically waved away to join the throngs of naked people below. They openly drank, danced, and swam. Eclipsed Heart, Wispy Willow, and Kitsune were bombarded by several crazed fans. “Tasukete!” Whispered Kitsune when the couple wandered close. “Aw, but you’re so cute!” Beatrix winked and noted how little the body paint left to the imagination, now that everyone could see B.A.B.E. up close. But no one dared try and lay hands on them, not after Wispy had hissed and summoned a massive ball of raw plasma. “Now just come along, one at a time,” directed Wispy, lips pursed and tail flicking about. “I’ve lost count of how many breasts I’ve autographed,” admitted Eclipsed, who giggled as she wrote her name across the latest bare pair pushed into her face, this one by Tree Hugger, who shook her tits afterward with a chuckle. Next came Fluttershy, who also had Eclipse’s name scrawled across her denuded, ample bosom. “What about you two? Want to get in line?” “A’ll pass,” insisted Lady Ewe, her arms folded to hide her inverted nipples. Beatrix added, “Maybe in private sometime? Truth is, I’d kinda like to hit the sea!” She ran ahead, where small waves lapped around her ankles when she padded in. Then, once the waters reached her shoulders, she dove in with a splash, enveloped by the sea's warmth. With a shake of her head, Oona banished her staff and followed her lover in. She drifted over to Beatrix and swam beside her. Beatrix bobbed to the surface with a laugh, pressed close to her partner, and held her while they tenderly kissed. Submerged in the calm waters, Eclipsed swam over to meet them with a broad smile a short time later. “Whew! Finally escaped! I absolutely love our fans, but I can only take so much!” Oona asked, “What about yer bandmates?” “Wispy doesn’t like water much. She prefers using an air shower,” explained Eclipsed, who couldn’t help but snicker as the image formed in her head. “Well, aside from how fluffy it always leaves her fur! Kitsune doesn’t like the sea much, either!” “That’s too bad,” said Beatrix who stared at the band members on the beach, still surrounded by the mob which they tried to placate, now that the princess of pop had abandoned them. “Maybe they just need the proper encouragement?” “ Don’t ,” chided her teacher, but the witch wrapped the band members in her aura as her transparent unicorn horn manifested, plucked the pair off the beach, lifted them over while they struggled helplessly, and finally deposited the women into the drink with a heavy splash. “Yuck! Why you-” Wispy, soaked when she rose from the waters, summoned a dozen yellow orbs that encircled the witch. “Hey, lighten up! Yeesh~!” Beatrix covered her ears once the spheres started to pop one-by-one and showered her and the area in thankfully harmless yellow embers, aware that had Wispy wished to, she could likely reduce her to a charred corpse in seconds. “We did need a bath,” confessed Kitsune, all of them sweaty after their concert performance. She ran her hands through her dense mane, then started to wash her nine tails. With a defeated grumble, Wispy too began to bathe herself. They drifted out further into the sea, away from the crowds, to seek a sliver of privacy. After months on tour, the band was exhausted and in terrible need of a vacation. So the foursome swished in the salty seas, relaxed under the morning sunlight that reflected off the surface and emphasized their wet down nude bodies, as they lost themselves in playful laughter. Even Kitsune joined in, albeit more reserved than the rest of them. They headed out further still until the crowds that dotted the beach started to disappear, little more than dots once the group began to make their way towards a lone cove. Beatrix pointed at the cave ahead. “Say, how about we explore some?” “That could be dangerous,” Oona observed with a creased brow at the sight of the dark opening. “Aw, c’mon. You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?” Wispy nudged her. “Don’t worry, sis and I will look after you two!” Eager to escape the ocean, the tigress swam back to the shore, followed close by the others while they wandered back onto the beach. The sands were dotted in seashells, strips of seaweed, and a hermit crab skittered by. Their footfalls left imprints on the sand upon their cautious approach. The cave’s mouth beckoned them in. Wispy summoned an orb to light their path. Water dripped off their bodies, and their movements echoed down the interior, where a low draft washed over them. The illumination caused their shadows to crawl over the rocky enclosure, and they headed deeper in. Beatrix was drawn to explore, if only to sate her natural curiosity. “Wow. Wasn’t expecting to find much here,” said Wispy, who sniffed the air. “It’s a chance tae see some natural beauty at least,” admitted Lady Ewe, who studied the weathered rocks. Kitsune spun and narrowed her eyes when she took a defensive stance, poised to transform. “We’re not alone.” Her muscles visibly relaxed when the three silhouettes came into view. “S.L.U.T. State your business!” “Honestly, Kitsune. Always so serious,” replied Carrion Hellfire with a nasty smile, a hand on one hip. “Cut us some slack, will you?” “You know why we’ve come, B.A.B.E.,” said Obrya Slithervane, crawling on her serpentine body to meet them. “You might be stars on the stage. But you’re on our turf now!” Boasted Riptide Ruth, who licked her chops and bared her needle-like teeth. She rushed forward, seized the fox woman sooner than she could leap away, and pulled her into her arms off the ground while she hugged her. Again, the couple started to fire up their magic, only to have Eclipsed step in between them. “Will you drop this hokey charade already? Seriously! I already told you, these girls are cool!” “Phesh! We were only having a bit of fun,” said Carrion before she embraced Eclipsed and Obrya did the same to Wispy, much to the shocked expressions of Beatrix and Ewe. “Didn’t they tell you? It’s all part of our act! We're all friends here!” “Our promoters tried to force a rivalry between our bands,” explained Eclipsed. “But we decided, ‘why can’t we all be friends?’ So instead, we set up random attacks on our concerts to stir up interest and show off our skills! It’s made us tons of money and kept everyone happy! Still, we never thought it would cause a riot! I feel so terrible about that! I hope no one was seriously hurt!” “Nah,” said Ruth, as the shark-like woman continued to snuggle the fox lady. “Nothin’ serious. Just a few scrapes and bruises, at worst!” “Oh! Well, good to know,” replied Eclipsed, who wiped her brow. “I couldn’t live with myself if any of our fans died due to me! Oh, and while we all come clean, I...have another secret.” She concentrated, and her pink ponytail whirled as she formed a shard of crystalline in her hand. “Oh, it’s so pretty!” Marveled Oona as the shard sparkled. “An inheritance from yer father...?” “Maybe. I never met my parents, at least not that I know of.” Eclipsed shrugged and rolled the crystal in her palm. They followed the members of S.L.U.T. outside, where they also stripped down in preparation to enter the sea waters. They submerged themselves and relaxed, thankful that no fans were around, so they were finally able to break character. The band’s tech whiz, Ruth Riptide, had set up their own drones to watch the area and alert them in case of discovery, since even the media hadn’t caught on that their ‘rivalry’ was a playful, mutually beneficial ruse that had only made them closer. Beatrix waded beside them and asked, “So~...what does S.L.U.T. stand for anyhow?” “Sadistic Lesbians United Together,” replied Obrya with half-lidded eyes and a hiss between her teeth. “Well… that’s at least true for Ruth and Carrion. I actually have a supportive boyfriend who’s in a biker gang!” She leaned in to whisper, “But don’t let the normies in on our little secret, okay? It would break their poor little hearts~!” “They’re a bunch of neutered pussycats when you get to know them,” said Wispy, who laughed. “Oh, I wouldn’t go that far...” Carrion used her shining metallic wings to splash the sassy tigress. “We should thank you two, really.” The avian-like turned to the couple. “You saved the world and helped reintroduce magic, which helped us all become what we are now!” Beatrix nodded with a shamed smile. “Y-yeah…about that? Sorry I called you ‘freaks’ before!” Riptide answered, “Water under the bridge, mate. We’re used to it! We just want to stand out from the other bands and embrace the image.” “We chose to modify our bodies in ways most people wouldn’t dare,” Carrion proclaimed with a wicked smirk. "Pretty cool, huh?" “Shame we can’t be more open with the public,” sighed Obrya, who quickly took to the seas in a swish of her elongated tail. “But if you’re ever in a serious pinch, you know we’ll be there for you. Until then, why don’t we all try and relax?” Glistening under the sunlight, her silky, lime-colored hair floated like tendrils around the snake woman, who reclined atop the calm seas. “Don’t have to tell me twice,” hooted Wispy with a toothy smirk, who watched their band leader swim. “Better not leave the ‘Princess’ alone too long, though! Knowing her, she might try and shack up with those pretty boys. Can’t afford to have her knocked up this early in her career!” “Give her more credit,” said Kitsune, who narrowed her eyes. “She can take care of herself.” Wispy shrugged. “Whatever you say, sis! Speaking of which, we’d better head our cute asses home soon! Not sure I trust this Sixth Measure yet!” “A settlement Ah can agree with,” Oona nodded solemnly. “Ah can tell they’re genuine about their ambition. But Ah don’t know. They’re somethin’ else about them that seems off…” “Well, I think they’re pretty swell guys,” said Beatrix, who toyed with her lover’s wooly hair. “Eclipsed sure has very nice taste~!” "She's still a virgin," explained Wispy as she watched their leader swim further out, so carefree. "A real romantic at heart! But should any of those boys break it...I'll castrate 'em!" To punctuate her threat, she popped her claws. "On that we are one," swore Kitsune. "She's like a little sister to us. We won't let her be harmed." Beatrix noted how intense they could be. It was clear Eclipsed meant the world to them. She wanted to rush back and spend more time with the boy band, but figured her partner would cut that short again, much to her disappointment. Just like her last trip here, it would be business first, with any pleasure left to the occasional sideshow! By the time noon arrived, the rival female bands had said their farewells, whereupon S.L.U.T. had hidden away for the moment to maintain their dangerous reputation. Perhaps one day, there would be no choice but to reveal the strife between the bands was no more than a ruse. Until then, Beatrix was thankful to know they were on their side. Rest time was over. Next, she needed to meet back with President Spike! > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dropped off back in the capital, Beatrix and Oona were escorted into President Spike's tower. Only this time, they had B.A.B.E in tow as well. The five women rode up the elevator, back in their usual attire. The leading diva was constantly touching up her hair and adjusting her outfit. “Will you cut that already? You’re fine!” Wispy hissed, brows furrowed in annoyance. “Whaaaat? I want to make a good impression,” Eclipsed Heart playfully whined, shuffling around on her booted feet. “We might be famous pop stars, but this is the first time we’re meeting our employer! The President is a man of utmost importance!” “Bah! If you ask me, he’s a filthy, greedy scumbag, just like any higher authority,” the abyssinian tigress scoffed, folding her striped arms across her studded scarlet catsuit. “Do not forget the damage he’s caused,” reminded Kitsune. “I-I know. But I'd prefer a peaceful resolution, if that's still possible...” Eclipsed hung her head. “Sixth Measure already got enough people backing them to storm the place and confront President Spike in person. That’s why we’re going to him first. So please, don’t cause any unnecessary conflicts, okay?” The golden vixen nodded, patting her shoulder. “We won't.” She turned at the ‘ding’ sound once the sliding elevator doors opened. Beatrix took the lead into the spacious office. “We're back! And we've brought company!” A theatrical flourish of her arms helped introduce the band when she scooted aside to let them approach. “Sorta strange you never arranged a meeting with artists under your label.” “Been busy,” Spike stated, turning around in his chair and offering a smile. “But I’ve got eyes everywhere, so I don’t lose track of things happening underneath me.” “That’s… not a reassurin’ thing,” Oona said, her snout scrunched up. “Surely, ye know th’ boy band, Sixth Measure, is on th’ uprisin’ wit their economic protests.” “Yes, I’m well aware,” the president nodded, failing to hide his look of disgruntlement. “Well, we've come tae share their grievances. An’, from what we've seen, a large swath ov th’ populace share them. Suffice tae say, e’eryone feels yer efforts are too little, too late.” “Look, Oona. These things take time-” Wispy growled, clutching her fist before slamming it into his desk. “See?! More excuses!! You haven’t done jack shit!” “Imoto!” The kunoichi said sternly, pulling her away to restrain her. Oona shook her head before continuing, “Clearly, ye dae not have much time on yer hands.” The dream shaman pointed towards one of the monitors, which showed the streets stirring with activity. Swarmed around the throngs of masked, shielded, and armed police, were cordoned off areas alive with activity. “If ye don’t act now, all it would take is a single spark to ignite. An’ we know fur a fact that Sixth Measure will start that fire!” “Look, your presidency,” Eclipsed joined in, leaning over the desk. “We just want to keep the people happy. But you need to do more for them, sir! Maybe some sizable donations into charities? We'd even be willing to hold a concert for it!” She looked to her bandmates, who nodded. President Spike sighed, scratching his chin. “You’re right. The public needs more progress. And that charity concert makes for an intriguing idea. I'll look into setting that up.” He pressed a few buttons on his notepad to send messages to his secretaries, who were currently away. Then his eyes wandered back to the ongoing conflict with the Redcaps. A campaign from the former members of B.A.B.S., teamed up with his own men, had driven the cyborgs into a corner. “Looks like you're winning…for now,” observed Wispy, who swayed her tail and plopped her plush backside onto his desk. She leaned in, and for a moment, the two stared each other down. Scarlet eyes turned to slits that refused to blink. Spike turned his seat aside, rubbing his brows. “I'm afraid it will be a while before I can make any big moves. Not sure what else you expect from me. In the meantime, could I interest you in some coffee, at least?” He forced a thin smile. “No thanks,” Wispy said, sticking out her tongue at him before bouncing off the desk. “We've already made plans! Come on, girls!” She looped her arms in Beatrix's and Oona's, then pulled the pair back into the elevator. Kitsune bowed her head before she followed close behind. Eclipsed got behind the doors before turning around to wave and say, “Nice to meet you, sir! We'll be in touch~!” The moment the doors closed, the pop princess glared at her feline friend. “What was all that about!? I thought I told you not to cause any problems!” Wispy shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t promise anything, princess butterbuns…” “Wispy!” Eclipsed groaned. “Look, I know you don't like politicians much, but-” “Dislike doesn't even cover it, princess,” hissed the abyssinian tigress. “People like him make my blood boil!” “No, there’s something else,” countered Kitsune, looking hard at her little sister with narrowed eyes. “You’re a lot more riled up today. What’s the matter? Perhaps… you are in season?” Wispy’s cheeks brightened before she snarled, “What!? No!! I’m not in heat, damn it! I’m just… ugh, I don’t know! Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something…” In a rare moment of vulnerability, the fox woman pulled her sibling into a hug, which she returned while purring. “We will figure out what ails you. But, more importantly, we have a surprise prepared for our friends tonight.” “Oh yeah~!” Eclipsed smiled warmly at Beatrix and Oona. “I can’t wait to see the looks on your faces.” “Well, if it's anything like your concert, more than excited!” Chimed in the witch. Her lover nodded with a smile, quietly curious as to what could possibly await them. Still, the pop princess refused to elaborate further while they rode the elevator back down and met back up with the other Spike, whereupon the cabbie spirited them towards their destination. This time the channel tuned to Sixth Measure's music, which Eclipsed happily swayed to, while Wispy made a sour face. ***** The cab arrived downtown, where it was directed towards a private section that housed several vehicles. As the group walked out of the car, Spike poked his head out and warned, “Be careful out there. A lot of gang wars tend to happen in these parts. As a former Werewolf, I'd know!” “Don’t you worry! We’ll keep ‘em safe,” Wispy assured with a wink. Spike waved them away before heading back into traffic, after which Eclipsed took the lead and stepped into a hidden entrance. The holographic wall momentarily vanished to allow her in, and the rest of them followed her into the dark corridor ahead. “Erm, what sort ov ‘gang wars’ was he talkin’ about?” Asked Oona, a tad nervous. “He mostly meant between the Halloween Party and the Komodos,” replied Wispy who rolled her eyes at the thought of them. “One is a group of thugs painted up like ghouls, ghosts, and goblins, hijacking transport ships and raiding public events. The other is a biker gang full of reptoids who run around the streets as if they own it.” “They tend to become very hostile towards each other,” Kitsune added. “Well, surely, the police would end up involved, right?” Questioned Beatrix. Wispy said, “Pft. Those that have are rewarded with blunt force trauma or broken limbs. I heard one time, an officer got his head bitten off!” That statement made the dream shaman shudder, instinctively holding her throat. “But don’t worry. Like I said, we’ll keep you girls safe,” Wispy reassured, rubbing Oona’s shoulder. “We’re currently in Komodo territory,” Kitsune noted, eying the spray paint markings that decorated the tunnel. “Halloween Party would be foolish to try and attack during this event.” “Shhh! We’re almost there,” whispered Eclipsed, who sucked in a breath and guided them towards the faint light looming ahead. Within moments, they appeared in a dressing room, albeit this one decorated with skulls, weapons, masks, and similar various morbid props on display. Carrion Hellfire was the one to spot them, flashing her razor teeth. “Heh. Always on time.” “Of course we are,” Eclipsed quipped, playfully wiggling her hips. “Gotta keep with the beat if you wanna top the charts~!” “Uh-huh, sure. You gal’s ready for a real show?” “Always~!” Beatrix chirped, hands placed on her curvy hips. “One moment, mate. Just need to make sure the equipment’s all fine-tuned,” came the voice of Riptide Ruth, who checked their instruments. “Well, don’t take too long,” Obrya Slithervane insisted, raising her arms and weaving her naked, tattooed flesh and scaly tail before a full body mirror. She smirked and hissed with a flicker of her tongue, her heavy breasts shaken to entice any onlookers. “My adoring public awaits~!” “Ten credits on who the poster girl is,” Beatrix whispered to Oona, who tittered at the S.L.U.T flier adorned by Obrya’s likeness on the wall. “Eh, it’s not surprising,” Carrion snickered. “Out of the three of us, our snaky seductress is the most conventionally beautiful. But don’t be fooled; she got venom in those fangs. Not to mention a tail that can crush bones in seconds! I pity any horny punk stupid enough to try and lay hands on her!” “I mean, technically, one did,” the shark woman reminded. “Okay, true. But underneath all that leathery and muscle, Dillon’s a total softy. That’s what really got Obrya’s tail rattling for him~!” “Keep it down, you two bitches,” the lamia hissed, folding her arms. “A dumb fan could be easedropping on us! I don’t want anyone knowing I’m not a total lesbian! It’ll ruin our image!” Ruth chuckled, waving her worries off. “If some poor sucker dared to sneak backstage, I’d know… because they’d be in my belly~!” The trio let out a wicked laugh while the witch and shaman gulped. Wispy grinned at them before saying, “Aww, don’t worry. Trust me, they’re more bark than bite anyway~.” Oona nodded, listening to the staccato of grungy metal music amongst the gathering crowd outside. Politely, she confessed to the band, “Not… mah favorite style ov music, but Ah am curious tae see yer performance!” “A shame we can't hit the stage alongside you,” said Eclipsed. “But I'm not sure it's time to drop our act yet! Then again, after that fight that broke out, maybe we should come clean soon! I...I guess I'll decide after the show's gone on for a while!” “You're in luck then.” Carrion's smirk widened. “We'll be performing until dawn hits! We're on in a few!” She adjusted her spikey, metal bikini. Wispy explained, “We’ll be able to watch from back here! Pretty cool, huh?” “Another hologram,” elaborated Kitsune when they started to make their way out onto a stage hidden by the curtains. The crowd was deafening even from here, the stadium packed to the brim. “So long as we don't draw any attention to ourselves, we'll be invisible to the audience.” Ruth quickly set up their equipment and shot their band leader a thumbs up. Then, together, she and Obrya took their positions behind Carrion, who hovered into the air, buffeted by her anti-gravity metallic wings that gleamed and caught faint lights that glowed in the darkness. The curtains rose. There was an explosion of cheers and howls as S.L.U.T. made their entrance. Carrion flew over to the mic and seized it. She yelled, “Are you slags ready for some blood and metal?!” The crowd's answer sounded like a war cry. Lights and instruments stirred to life all at once, the stage transformed into what appeared to be a bloodied torture dungeon mixed with catacombs. She started to croon with all the force she could muster, screaming out obscene lyrics. At the same time, Ruth started to hammer on the drums; the area shook around her each time she pounded on the lit-up surfaces. Obrya swiveled to the stage's edge, writhing and shaking her bare assets in a wild sway to cheers and whistles. “A-ahh! So loud,” Lady Ewe meeped, ears covered as she trembled under the force of the concert. “It's certainly unique,” replied a barely audible Beatrix, who nonetheless tapped her foot to the rhythm. She watched as Obrya's tail shot out to wrap around a pair of crazed groupies, who had abandoned every stitch of clothing. The serpentine woman pulled the naked ladies close, feeling them wriggle in her grasp. Sticking out her forked tongue, she made out with everyone in her coils, the onlookers no doubt filled with envy. “Well… guess that's the ‘lesbian’ part,” quipped Wispy, sweeping her tail about. “And there’s the sadism!” Eclipsed grumbled, frowning at the grotesque props on display, including skulls that formed a throne and an iron maiden, its manifold spikes adorned in dried blood and rust. “I’m not trying to be judgemental, but I prefer to spread a positive message!” “Even so, it was nice of them to invite us,” Kitsune offered, smiling slightly as she leaned on a wall. One song bled into the next over the hour. Fake blood rained from the ceiling, and Obrya closed her eyes, her head cast back and arms unfurled to bathed in the substance with another duo of supple groupies she picked from the mob. They continued to dance on her while she felt them up. Carrion had taken to the air and flew over the masses when she belted out her latest piece, her talons dipped to meet many fists raised below. The exit doors burst open. Those closest turned when a group of interlopers stampeded in. Glowing neon costumes adorned most of them, some dressed like skeletons, others with jack o' lanterns for heads. They pushed aside the crowd. Beatrix exclaimed, “What the-!?” “Yo, cut the crap or we’ll cut you down!!” One bellowed with a microphone, face hidden behind a hockey mask and chainsaw. His arms were muscular, decorated in glowing tattoos. The rest of the audience backed away once more ghoulishly painted thugs pushed them around. “The fuck you doing here, Halloween Party?!” Carrion yelled back. “This is a private show! And last I checked, we banned you bunch of jokers!” “Get real! S.L.U.T. is nothing but a bunch of posers!” He accused, pointing his chainsaw towards the stag. “Not only is snake tits not a true lesbo, but their whole ‘feud’ with B.A.B.E is also a damned sham! Y'all are prasin’ frauds!!” This got the crowd stirring while Obrya nervously backed away, the ladies draped on her released. “You see that? Lyin’ bitch knows she’s been caught. Now, unless you wanna see some real carnage…” The speaker revved up his weapon, crazed eyes set on the crowd who realized this wasn’t staged. “I suggest everyone hands over their wallets and belongings right now!” The other members of the Halloween Party got grabby, attempting to pull at the audience’s clothes and jewels. “We've gotta do something!” Beatrix proclaimed, her magic flaring from her hands and transparent unicorn horn. Oona nodded. If what Wipsy said was true, the authorities would not intervene. Therefore, it was up to them to stop the violence. But before the couple could act, the sound of motorized vehicles resonated through the area. “Tawagoto!” Kitsune growled. “It’s the Komodos!” And, sure enough, customized motorcycles zoomed through the entrance, flames shooting from the tailpipes. The crowd was further forced back as the bikers circled the intruders. Spotlights shined over the mosh pit, the vehicles coming to a stop as the leaders unmounted. One was a crimson raptor, with a hot pink salamander girl hooked in his arm. Another was a massive alligator, who briefly glanced at Obrya before following his entourage to approach the Halloween Party who stared their rivals down. Stranglers hissed and swiped at each other, a brawl threatening to break out in the packed arena. Then, spitting out his toothpick, the raptor said, “You lookin’ a little lost, boys. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to be on our turf?” “We don’t take orders from a bunch of lap lizards,” retorted the hockey-masked thug. “Especially those that simp for ugly pretenders!” Yet he couldn’t help but tremble in the shadow of the gator man, his jaws slightly parted into a sneer. “I’d mine my manners if I were you,” the salamander chick threatened. “Yeah, you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’, chump!” A frilled lizard snickered. But the raptor man held out his hand, holding his gang back from unleashing hell. “Easy there, Cress. No one has to get hurt. People came here to have a good time, y’know! And it’d be terrible to cut this show short because of a few unfortunate ‘accidents.’” “You think I’m afraid of you, Raff?” The crimson reptile chuckled before grabbing him by the neck, his pupils dilating into slits as he watched him struggle. “Oh ho, you should be! Don’t wanna end up like the last guy who dared to cross me, do you? So why don’t you and your goons make like incels and go back to your mama’s basement! Where you belong…” But the moment he dropped him, the crazed party leader replied, “Lick my taint, you overgrown gecko!” The first punch was fired, clocking the raptor in the jaw, causing his mate to stumble down. Unflinching, he rubbed his cheek and spat out a bit of blood. Smirking, Raff turned towards the members of the tensed up S.L.U.Ts and shrugged his shoulders, saying, “Sorry, Carrion. I tried playin’ nice! But clearly, these dumb motherfuckers need to be taught some respect!” Almost immediately, he jumped the masked hooligan with a shriek, biting into his chainsaw-wielding arm while he hollered and smacked the reptoid’s head. Whatever restraint was broken as the two gangs duked it out. Panic erupted in the venue as the crowd tried to escape into the exit. “Aw shit, not again!” Ruth growled, hooking both Carrion and Obrya in her arms protectively. Then, without thinking, Eclipsed took to the stage and grabbed the microphone. “Please...stop this!” She pleaded, her soulful pink eyes wide open. “There's no need for senseless bloodshed!” Yet no one listened. If anything, it made things worse as one gang member pointed out, “There, ya see!? B.A.B.E and S.L.U.T have been lying to us this whole time! They’re nothing but whores! Pretty harlots that parade around like-” Yet his rant was cut short when Kitsune intercepted the outcrier and knocked him unconscious with the hilt of her beam saber. “Whelp, looks like the jig is up,” Wispy sighed uneasily once she rushed to her sister’s side, plasma orbs summoned above each palm. Eclipsed growled in frustration, stomping her foot. “This isn’t how it’s supposed to be! We weren’t ready to–” “Ready to do what?” Beatrix cut in, lips pursed and a fresh spell readied. Oona asked gently, “Ye haven’t been completely honest wit us, have ye…” Teary-eyed, the pop diva turned to her friends. And, with a sad sigh, she confessed, “No, we haven’t.” Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Eclipsed readied her own knife, which transformed into a crystalline blade that shimmered brightly. “B.A.B.E is also a vigilante group. Each night, we three head out undercover to stop crimes before they happen. But, obviously, we’re not always successful…” The trio turned towards the mob of gang members, beating one another senseless. “It wasn’t meant to be a secret for long,” the pop princess assured them. “We didn’t want to scare you off with our secondary job. I’m really sorry, Beatrix, Oona. Will you… please help us?” “Ov course,” Oona assured with a nod, her magic faintly glimmering. “All ye had tae dae was ask.” “We're kinda at a disadvantage in this world, but we'll do our best,” agreed Beatrix as her transparent unicorn horn fully manifested. Smiling graciously, Eclipsed turned to her ‘rivals.’ “Go and get everyone out of here safely!” Nodding, the team of S.L.U.T. rushed into action, knocking Halloween Party members away from bystanders. Ruth bowled through the attackers, her thick flesh easily able to tank most hits from weapons thrown at her. Carrion dive-bombed into the fray, slashing through the clubs and bats, while members of the Komodos backed her up. Obrya slipped between the invaders and whipped her tail to send them into the wall, bones crunching within their bodies. But while she swiped one Halloween Party member, wearing a pumpkin head, managed to sneak up behind her and pulled a serrated knife to her throat. “Don’t move, or I slit that pretty throat!” He threatened, the steel pressing against her jugular before he was suddenly hoisted up. Forcefully turned around, he came face to face with the alligator man, letting out a scream when his tooth-filled maw chomped down over his neck, crushing his head to pulp within the mask. Spitting out the remains, he lowered his snout to Obrya’s face and asked, “Are you okay?” “Y-yeah, babe, I’m fine. Thanks,” she said through heavy breaths before sensually whispering, “I’ll make it up to you later tonight, Dill~” Grinning, the giant reptoid got back into the fight, clobbering assailants while the snake woman slithered back to help out her bandmates. “Really wish they wouldn’t kill them!” Eclipsed Heart grumbled, skating through the madness. Wispy rolled her eyes before spotting one of the thugs taking aim on Kitsune, who was currently engaged with several Halloween Party members that swarmed her. “Sister, watch out!” The tigress started to summon up more plasma spheres from her tail...only to have that tail suddenly split in two from a mutation, matching the raw power she called up from her core. The bright light caught the vixen’s attention, who stared at her sister’s forked tail with widened eyes. "So that’s why she's so agitated,” whispered Kitsune, whose beam blade sliced the leader’s chainsaw like butter. “She's become a Nekomata!” “Neko-what?” Beatrix's hand shined with the latest spell called to incapacitate the closest punk. “Nekomata,” Oona began explaining while summoning sleep bubbles to knock out the Halloween Party members. “Feline creatures from eastern folktales that are said tae bring karmic fortune. They also possess immense fire powers, which could explain Wispy’s plasma orbs!” The two-tailed tigress spotted Halloween Party members trying to shove their way through the exits. “Oh, no you don’t!” Wispy growled, launching a sphere at their path, the impact casting several of the gang members about. “Wispy, careful! You could have hurt the fans!” Eclipsed called when her skates skid to a stop. “I-I know! Sorry, I’m just really pissed off!” Wispy dashed out onto the neon-lit darkness of the streets after them, followed closely by her friends. They gazed at the monitors, showing that the brawl was bleeding into the streets. Many onlookers, some of whom were here to protest President Spike, joined the growing riot. “This is really bad…” The fox woman observed, unsure whether they should intervene, or if their presence would simply make it worse. “Ah can try an’ put them tae sleep,” offered Lady Ewe. “But there are so many!” Wispy built up several orbs, a couple situated by her twin tails. “Or I could scare 'em away-” “No! That’ll make it worse,” said Eclipsed, whose ponytail tossed behind her when her skates pulled to a stop in front of the feline. Wild blows were traded, as S.L.U.T. had already careened ahead to try and direct their fans to safety. Even the Komodos, blood covering the scaly skin, looked more fatigued while the battle raged on. “This may be out of our league,” admitted Kitsune, whose breast huffed. “But we have to try! So what’s our move, leader? Move in or retreat?” Eclipsed pursed her lips when she watched the violence continue to spread. “M-Maybe we–” A horn boomed above the venue. The fighting finally came to a halt once everyone’s attention turned to the hovercraft above. “Look, boys! We’ve got ourselves another mess to clean up,'' a voice echoed through the speakers. “Typical that our ‘beloved’ president left these poor people to suffer in the slums,” another mockingly stated. “But fear not, good citizens! For we hear your outcry! And we will be your voice~!” A hatch opened from the ship’s underbelly. The pop diva’s soulful, neon pink eyes shot open, her smile full of joy as the trio of debonair singers came soaring through the sky on hoverboards. “SIXTH MEASURE!!” A fan yelled out, causing a few other female participants to applaud and bounce with joy. Bass, Tenor, and Alto all waved at the public, camera and spotlights once more on them as they performed tricks with their equipment. “Oh, come on,” Wipsy muttered. “What do those overrated showboats want now?!” Oona and Beatrix shared her concern as the boy band prepared to sing in unison to ease the riot that continued to erupt, aware this outbreak would not bode well for President Spike. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beatrix, Oona, and B.A.B.E all watched as Sixth Measure gathered their audience. Some people cheered, others protested. But needless to say, the boys put an end to the violent outburst for the time being, since even the hostile Halloween Party and the deadly Komodo stopped trying to kill each other, also drawn to the spectacle. The cameras focused on Bass, his image showing up on the titan trons. “I’d like to go off the record to state that we do not always crash parties like this,” he began, his microphone projecting his voice through the speakers. “I dunno. This is, like, what? The third or fourth time we’ve had to break up a riot?” Alto asked snarkily. “It’s almost like it’s becoming a recurring problem that someone’s been turning a blind eye,” Tenor added, mockingly stroking his chin in thought. “Oh, would you fucking get on with it?!” Wispy Willow shouted at them, baring her fangs in a shrill hiss. “If you haven’t noticed, people are injured and possibly dying out here! All you’re doing is milking up the opportunity!” “Easy there, cool cat,” the rockstar purred. “People wouldn’t have to go through this crap if the higher-ups weren’t money-grubbing asshats.” “Exactly our point,” Bass nodded, his hoverboard gliding closer near the crowd, so the singer was head level. “We’re at each other’s throats when the real enemy is up there, looking down at us!” He pointed towards the highest skyscraper far in the distance, where President Spike was situated. This got the crowd to boo in unison. “Politicians, corporations, hell, it’s hard to tell them apart nowadays! You’re down here, struggling to make a living without fear of disease or robbery, while they enjoy their cozy little lives, filling their proverbial pockets!” Alto hovered by his brother’s side. “You might not like us or our music. And that’s fine! But we gotta stand up for each other and fight back! Look at how inhospitable downtown is! Do you know why gang wars between the Halloween Party and Komodo’s are so common? Because our ‘masters’ won’t share the resources or space we need to thrive! Instead, they send their officers and guns to tell you to shut up!” “Yeah, fuck the police!!” One Halloween Party member declared, earning a chant from his posse. And even a few reptoids. Tenor dropped down to add, “So instead of shouting, screaming at each other, let’s join our voices together! This is more than stopping pollution or cleaning the ocean. This is about fighting for what’s right! And while we’re on the topic of secrets,” he passed a glance towards the two ‘rival’ girl-bands. “President Spike has a lot of skeletons in his closet.” Alto said, “Pft. The man says he’ll make change happen? Well, let us show you what ‘change’ looks like!” “Be warned,” Bass interjected. “What you’re about to see is very disturbing. So for the faint of heart, turn away now. But this is what truth looks like. Roll the footage!” Their platform whirred and projected a hologram amidst the masses, playing a scene. The room only had a spotlight overhead, casting a shadow of a man locked in some complex mechanical device. And then an all too familiar voice echoed through the digital feed. “LOG ENTRY: 024 DATE: 07/02/XX. PROJECT: ROVER. SUBJECT: 15. ANALYSIS: Subject remains cooperative and docile for this experiment. After taking a blood sample, his cells have proven responsive to my chemical formula with surprisingly little drawback. Perhaps he will be the lucky candidate to survive the transmutation?” “Oh no, that’s..!” Oona gasped. “Varys…” Beatrix muttered, recalling the masked Vice Lord who had helped engineer the current crisis. The crowd grew active again, voicing their discomfort and fear while the cyber demon’s voice continued. “Everything is ready. Shall we commence with the trial, President Spike?” “Yes,” his voice spoke through, causing the masses to collectively cry out in a fury. “Proceed.” Buttons were pressed as the tubs connecting to the helmet started filling with corrosive gas, fogging the glass visor. Then, the subject began to violently twitch and panic, struggling to remove the contraption sealing his face. As his limbs contorted, machinery, wires, and pipes began to expand his mass, reconstructing his body into a mechanical abomination that screeched with pure agony. Finally, the newly made monster launched at the camera, cutting the feed. The audience yelled in horror at what they witnessed. Kitsune and Wispy were just as openly appalled, similar experiments performed on them by an unknown organization, with Eclipsed Heart covering her mouth to prevent herself from puking. Bass rose back up to calm everyone down. “I know it’s fucked up, and I’m so sorry we had to show you this,” he said with a mournful expression. “But that’s the kind of man that’s running this city!” “No sane person would allow a madman to run freely. But he did,” Tenor reminded. “And if we don’t do something, who’s to say there won’t be another ‘Varys’? Are we gonna let another scientist kidnap and use us as his guinea pigs?!” “NO!” Everyone cried out. “Damn straight!” Alto encouraged, riling the crowd more with anger. “Which is exactly why we need to kick that dragon off his mountain!” “YEAH!!” The trio of debonair boys motioned a camera to show off the crowd of angry citizens, before focusing on Bass’s face. “President Spike, I know you have eyes and ears everywhere, so listen up! There’s more footage where that came from that we’ll gladly show at our next venue tomorrow night! So if you truly give a damn about these people, you’ll do the right thing.” “You have until then to publicly denounce your seat,” Alto warned. “Step down, or we’ll have no choice but to expose everything you’ve done!” “We are the voice of the voiceless!” Tenor proclaimed. “And we won’t be silenced anymore by your-” The moment the threat was made, a laser fired to destroy the camera, nearly grazing the boys. They turned to see Spike’s personal military arriving in a rush of booted feet. An officer ordered another shot, more primsmatic beams fired towards Sixth Measure. Instinctively, Beatrix raised an invisible barrier that deflected the shots that shimmered in the dark. “What the-” She turned to the masked and armored police who moved in, threatening to stamp out anyone who opposed their president’s regime. “Oh, real mature move here, Spike!” Alto angrily spat. “Gotta send your ‘big bad military’ to handle the complaints about you!” “Alto, shut up!!” Tenor whispered harshly. “Yeah, you’re gonna get someone killed!” Bass berated. “No, fuck that! If he’s too much of a pussy to come down himself, then I’m calling his ass out!” The male singer turned to his building, flipping his middle fingers at it, and shouted. “HEY! COME GET THESE HANDS, YOU FUCKING COWARD!!” “... I hate to say it, but he’s spitting facts,” admitted Wispy, nibbling on her lip. “This was not a wise decision,” Kitsune agreed, shaking her head. Then, Tenor spotted something that made him visibly pale, tugging at his brother’s pant leg. “Uhm… Is that a…” Alto looks down the lane to see a black tank rolling in, forcing the crowds to fall back. His eyes widened. “... Oh shit!” An officer climbed atop it, shouting from a megaphone, “Throw down your weapons and turn yourselves in, or else we’re authorized to use lethal force!” “Suck my dick,” shouted back a Halloween Party member who hurled a Molotov at him, setting the top of the vehicle on fire. Once more, violence exploded. The riots resumed, albeit this time most of it was concentrated on the militarized police who tried to enforce order, even if it meant the suppression of the various bands and civilians present. More hover tanks and helicopters moved in, droves of backup arriving to demonstrate the full force of the president’s might. “Protect the bystanders,” instructed Kitsune, who leaped into action, her beam saber extending in a flash. She intercepted a chopper, somehow able to defy gravity when she flipped upside-down and clung to the bottom, cutting open the door and knocking out the pilot with a blow from the hilt. Wispy blinked at the sight. “...how does she do that? Ugh, nevermind! Gotta help!” Her hands and forked tails built up plasma balls, aware they could melt down even that sturdy tank if necessary. Only Eclipsed remained inactive, frozen by indecision. Unlike the sisters, was the popstar princess really ready to go rogue..? Her decision was made when she spotted an armed officer aim their weapon at a lone reptoid, backed in a corner with their hands up. Soulful eyes glaring, Eclipsed skated into action, palm raised to half-freeze an officer in crystalline. “What’s wrong with you?! Can’t you see innocent people are about to be hurt? Tell the President-” “WATCH OUT!!” A shell landed near Eclipsed, who braced herself against the blast. Suddenly, someone zipped by to pull her out of the fiery explosion. She glanced up to see Bass, carrying her in his arms while piloting his hoverboard back to the platform. “Are you okay?” He asked, his tangerine eyes full of concern. Blushing, she replied, “I-I am, thanks! O-oh, but you’re hurt!” He winced, his arm badly burned and leaking blood. Weakly laughing, the leader singer assured, “J-just a scratch. But, you better go, your team needs you!” “R-right!” The diva nodded, letting her rescuer place her down before she skated away to join Kitsune and Wispy. Then, spotting a nearby water cooler, Bass hesitantly approached it. Lady Ewe was busy helping people evacuate the area when she spotted the older debonair boy and his wounded arm. The shaman was about to offer her assistance before she noticed something that made her pause. As Bass ran the water to clean off the blood, aquatic scales faintly shimmered beneath the rushing liquid. “What in the world..?” Before she could further examine him, another explosion happened, whipping her wooly hair about, pulling her back to help Beatrix raise more barriers. “Pft! That tickles,” chuckled Riptide Ruth, using her rough hide to brush off the blows. Yet, while she might be able to tank bullets, she knew a laser would slice right through her, while her shark jaws stripped the armor from the police. “Help out B.A.B.E.,” hollered Carrion when she dove by and plucked weapons straight out of her enemy’s hands with her metal talons. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” hissed Obrya, sticking by her alligator boyfriend Dillon as the rest of the Komodo rallied up. “Alright, boys,” Raff said, slicking his claws through his mohawk of feathers. “Let’s show these privileged assholes we aren’t to be fucked with! Give ’em hell!” Hisses and roars rose from the gang of lizards before they retaliated against the armed forces. Obrya slammed down her tail to pin down the officers. Her fangs bit into unarmored troops, careful to apply doses of poison that would paralyze, not kill. Another shell was fired from the tank, only for Dillon to intercept it with his jaws. Spitting the bullet out, he snarled, “Enough!” The gator man ran at the vehicle with thunderous stomps, bullets bouncing off his thick, leathery hide. His muscles expanded as he lifted the heavy tank off the ground, hoisting it over his shoulders, much to the amazement of his crew. “Oh shit! Retreat! Retreat!!” Officers ran away as Dillon let out a mighty roar before tossing the military their own tank, exploding on impact. Other reptoids rushed through the streets on motorbikes, clubbing enforcers with bats and pipes. Some even allowed a few Halloween Party members to ride with them, rivalries momentarily forgotten, united in a shared hatred for authorities who suppressed them. Bass joined his brothers back on their hover ship, clinging to his injured arm. “Fuck...! I told mom it was a bad idea to leak the footage early!” “This only did more harm than good,” Tenor agreed, applying alcohol to cauterize the wound before wrapping a bandage. “I feel so awful..!” “Yeah, well, it’s not like she’d listen to us,” Alto grimly huffed, gazing down at the carnage below. “Nothing more can be done. Let’s just hope the president realizes this has gone too far…” With the inferno spreading across downtown, the rest of the city would undoubtedly watch through the various cameras stationed around the area… ***** ...which President Spike and his secretaries had been doing from the comfort of his office. He slammed a fist onto the desk, causing it to crack under the impact. “How the fuck did those little shits get that footage!?” He shouted before tapping into his earpiece. “I don’t care what it takes. I want Sixth Measure arrested! NOW!!” “Spike darling,” said Rarity, who brushed his arm. “This isn’t the way to settle this! All you’re doing is making the resistance worse!” “It might be already too late to fix this,” noted Sassy Saddles, her arms folded when she watched the riots play out. “This was bound to happen eventually…” “Surely, there’s something we can do to make amends,” said Coco Pommel, who frowned. “It doesn’t matter,” bitterly spat Spike. “Sixth Measure has smeared my image completely! And now B.A.B.E., S.L.U.T., and a bunch of gangs are consorting with those punks! Maybe it’s time assemble what's left of B.A.B.S. and-” “Make them assault their old friends?” Rarity shook her head and pointed. “Beatrix and Oona were down there, too...” “Filthy traitors,” he hissed, as smoke poured from his nostrils. “They’re trying to protect bystanders,” reminded Coco. “Is this any way to prove to them you’ve changed? If you allow this to continue, you’ll be an even bigger monster than Varys..!” Spike puffed his chest before letting out a tired sigh, clutching his head. “I should have known better than to trust that cyborg!! I wanted to make the world better! If only I could go back…” “Shhh… Relax,” Sassy said soothingly, planting her hands on his shoulders and easing him into his seat. “We’ll take care of this...somehow.” She turned to a monitor that picked up a transmission. “Hello, you’ve reached President Spike’s office. We’re in a crucial meeting, currently, so please call-” “I can tell by your tone that you’re lying to me,” came a mature woman’s voice. “So if you know what’s good for your president, you’ll patch me through immediately.” Despite her reservations, Sassy allowed the voice call in, and the voice in question appeared on the monitor. She wore a white captain’s uniform coat and dress pants, complete with a sailor’s cap. Her long silver hair cascaded behind her form with stripes of faded tangerine. Rhinestone eyes shined under a stern expression. “W-wait,” Sassy observed. “Isn’t that..?” “Mezzo Soprano!?” Rarity clamored, eyes wide like saucers. “You mean the famed opera singer from long ago who swayed a million hearts with just her voice alone?” Coco asked. “The very same,” the woman confirmed. “EeeEEEEEEEHH~!!” Spike grumbled at his secretary’s excitement before glaring at the monitor, demanding, “What do you want?” “I want what the people want,” Mezzo stated, crossing her legs together while sitting in her lounge chair. “Freshwater to drink. A better place to live. Some actual change that’ll benefit the city. But clearly, your interests only lie within yourself and your public image. So I arranged for my boys to help give you the spotlight.” “Your boys?! Are you their manager?” “I’m their mother,” she corrected, smirking vainly. “Is it not a parent’s goal to see their children succeed where they couldn’t in their youth? I raised them to be not just talented singers, but revolutionary advocates to those who yearn for peace.” “Peace!? They threatened me with blackmail!” The dragon growled, fists clutching tightly. “And your response was violence. Costing innocents their lives and homes,” Mezzo reminded, raising a skeptical brow. “Had you simply catered to the people instead of hiring that scientist, none of this would be happening? You are the only one to blame for your own undoing, Spike. Therefore, would it not be wiser than to remove yourself from power?” “I ask again, Miss Soprano,” the president said through clenched teeth. “What do you want?” With a titter, the former opera singer said, “I’d like to settle this dispute privately and civilly. Perhaps a dinner date would suffice? Do this, and I’ll cancel Sixth Measure’s upcoming protest concert tomorrow night.” Aware that he had few options left, Spike hesitated only a moment before he nodded back. “Very well. Name a time and place, then send me the details.” “We’ll keep in touch,” Mezzo said as she ended the call. Spike hung his head and sighed, unsure what he had just agreed to. Would it be better if he just gave up his presidency? “You’re stressed, dear,” noted Rarity, smiling sadly at him. “Perhaps we can help with that?” He lifted his head, eyes drawn to their heavy breasts, barely concealed by clingy thin silk gowns that revealed supple, pendulous side cleavage. “It has been a while,” cooed Coco. “And it would distract from all this senseless violence~!” Sassy shrugged and started to undo the back of her dress. “Oh, very well.” She was the first to let her garments fall, completely naked underneath, whereupon Rarity and Coco were swift to disrobe and tend to him. They undid his pants and fished out a trio of ridged, pink, and moist dragon cocks...one for each of them, one of many ‘enhancements’ he’d made to his person. They sank to their knees before the presented, half-erect shafts, started to kiss and stroke them to fullness. Spike whimpered and quivered when they began to take his tools into their warm, wet mouths and bobbed their heads up and down. His secretaries were loyal to him, despite all he’d done. He stroked their silky manes, twitched and throbbed in their luscious lips. Velvet, pendulous tits brushed his thighs while they worked him over. His clawed hands tightened on their scalps and pushed them into his lap, where he met their half-lidded, hazy eyes, their faces adorned in bright blushes. Smoke poured from his flared nose when they kissed, sucked, and pulled on his swallowed meat, tongues and throats filled by viscous precum that fired from his shafts in preparation to properly seed his voluptuous horde. Lost to base instinct, Spike nor his lovers hardly noticed when his clothes shredded and exploded from his lean body, wiry muscles developed into a more masculine bulk. Growls rose from the pit of his molten belly, his slit eyes turned white when wings sprang out his back, and a spaded tail atop his chiseled buttocks, which reached around to swat the asses of his lusty lovers. They mewled when his spade started to trace between their inner thighs, soaked with feminine lubrication, and he started to poke at their inflamed snatches. Then, finally, a roar escaped his cauldron of a stomach as his swollen balls churned and his dragon cocks swelled further. His palms shoved down Sassy and Coco balls deep into his groin, holding them there, while his tail did the same to Rarity in the middle; their eyes widened when the first surge of his massive load ballooned out their cheeks. Unable to swallow down all his cum in time, the excess volume exploded out their nostrils, left to bubble and swing where it escaped in a violent rush. Grunts came when he continued to hose down their throats and fill their heated bellies, which started to swell slightly under his warm, virile seed. The women gagged and coughed, their throats pushed out under his enlarged cocks, which blocked their airways. Tears filled their eyes, yet the scent of his musk turned pain to pleasure once they started to squirt with him. By the time he finally let them be and pulled out, his dicks continued to unload all over their heads, faces, and tits. They hacked and wheezed and swallowed down more of his drippy spunk, their mascara runny while he hosed them down. Trails of spit and semen still connected their lips to his shafts when a measure of sanity returned to the feral Spike. “What...happened?” Rarity licked her lips. “You transformed, darling. It looks like Beatrix’s magic has affected you, too.” Despite how rough he had been, she and her companions couldn’t deny they enjoyed it; the evidence all over and under the three nude women, soaked in his cum which bled down their curves and mixed into the pools of their own feminine nectar puddled below their pussies. Coco huffed and traced his chest. “Y-you’re not done, are you?” She smiled and winked at him. “Not by a longshot,” smirked Spike, who shot up, bent over Coco on the remains of his desk while she happily squealed, and shoved two of his cocks into her puckered pink asshole and twat, while his third tool rubbed across her mound and clit. Teeth clenched when he started to violently rail her, spurred on by the violence that played across the screen as he molested her tits and ass. “You’ve become more of a stud,” admitted Sassy, whose thighs spread when Rarity went down on her. “Oh...ah...yes...” Thanks to these artificial bodies, their sex drives had been enhanced, not to mention their pleasure centers. One last bask in hedonism before he met up with Mezzo Soprano. Was it a trap to capture or assassinate him? No, he somehow doubted that, as his thrusts caused Coco’s plush pale buttocks to bounce and slap beneath his muscled masculinity. He yanked her mane, landed a spank on one of her asscheeks, which wobbled and was marked by an angry red claw print as she moaned and squirmed on tools that speared her. “Beatrix’s magic,” he murmured, and watched the witch on a monitor from his side-eye while he continually railed Coco. She and Varys had forever altered this world, for better and worse. Would he have to deal with her and Oona, too...? Groaning, he unloaded into his impaled lover, who shook and squirted all over him; her tummy swelled up more. Halfway finished, he withdrew from her gaped, drippy lower holes and fired more all over her back and ass, which gleamed under his glaze that dripped down her contours. A mark to remind her that like all his secretaries she was his to claim alone, much like this city! No one would take what he'd earned from him! Not protestors, not the gangs, and certainly not travelers from some alternate universe! > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the riots continued, many civilians managed to evacuate the area through the efforts of B.A.B.E, S.L.U.T, and even the warring gang members. With the last person fleeing into the exit route, it was time to call for a retreat. The Komodos and Halloween Party members stayed behind to fend off the military police while the factions escaped, avoiding the falling debris of burnt buildings that vomited up smoke. In her spaceship form, Kitsune guided her sister, Beatrix, and Oona deeper into the slums of downtown. Many vehicles, hover tanks, and choppers were left in molten, bubbling ruins. “Gurgh! That was a total fuckfest! And not the fun kind,” Wispy proclaimed, trying to settle her heavy breaths. “I’ll say,” agreed Beatrix, who helped clean off the soot and sweat staining her and her lover’s bodies. “Should have known President Spike would have reacted with lethal aggression…” Wispy replied, “Well, what did you expect!? Sixth Measure showcased some damning evidence against his company. No shit, he pushed the ‘fuck everyone’ button!” “Ah suspected as much,” Lady Ewe confessed. “It’s no wonder Varys so easily manipulated him…” “Guys, c’mon!” Eclipsed stepped in, turning to her fellow vigilantes. “Pointing fingers isn’t going to help save people! But, we can’t let our feelings get in the way of doing what’s right! Because, unlike those rogues, we’re not murderers!” “Maybe not you,” Wipsy hissed, crossing her arms. “But we’re bonafide killing machines! Or have you forgotten that?” “We have a lot of blood on our hands,” agreed Kitsune, whose voice echoed through the speaker. “That's not what I meant,” sighed Eclipsed, showing a sympathetic frown. “You were made to be killers, sure. But that’s all the more reason to start anew! You're like the older sisters I never had! You and our fans are the world to me! And together, I know we can make a difference.” Both Wispy and Kitsune said nothing but were deeply touched by the pop diva’s devotion. They remained in the air before lowering into a junkyard. Crushed vehicles were stacked in piles, as were heaps of balled-up scrap. “I hope S.L.U.T and the others made it out alright,” Beatrix said, staring off to the distant smoke that spread over the morning skies, dawn starting to break over the city. After she let her riders out and transmuted back, Kitsune’s ears flicked up at the sound of accelerating motors, hand grasping for her beam saber. And, not too long after, the Komodo’s rode into the area, with the rival girl band in tow. Carrion swooped down to lock her arms around Eclipsed Heart. “Thank god you girls are alright!” “Y-you too!” The pop princess reciprocated. Her bandmates eased up as the reptoids unmounted their hoverbikes and motorcycles. Five prominent members approached the group: the red raptor with feathers, the pink salamander, the plum-colored reptoid, and Obrya’s boyfriend, who carried the serpentress in his large arms. “H-hey! Thanks for covering our butts back there!” Beatrix said with a sincere grin while offering her hand to the crimson raptor. The raptor’s snout curled at the side, shrugging his shoulders. “Eh! Nothing to it, toots. Gotta protect our turf and everyone in it. Name’s Raff, head honcho of the Komodo clan,” he introduced himself, accepting the handshake. “My name’s Cindi,” said the hot pink salamander, coiling her arm around her boyfriend’s. “You'll be safe so long as you ride with us~!” “And so long as you don’t do anything stupid,” the frilled reptoid sneered. “That dirty son of bitch, Spike, gives us reptiles a bad name! I‘m Cress, by the way.” “And I’m Cammi!” A yellow chameleon girl giggled, bouncing around excitedly. “It’s nice to meet you~!” She shot out her tongue to give Oona’s cheek a long slurp, making her shudder and go red-faced. “P-please refrain from licking me!” She asked politely, trying to clean off the slobber. “Sorry~!” “And you already know Dillon,” Raff said, pointing to the alligator man, who simply gave a nod of his head. Then, changing his tone, he asked, “How’s everyone holdin’ up?” “Could be better,” Carrion answered, her arms and metallic wings folded. “Not exactly the concert we were hoping for…” “I don’t know about you, but I had fun~!” Obrya said cheerfully, stroking her lover’s torso. “Yeah, well, our venue is totally trashed,” Riptide Ruth grumbled, using a controller to manipulate her drones. “If you ask me, none of this would have happened if that prissy boyband hadn’t-” “Save your asses and expose the president as the scumbag that he is? Uh, You’re welcome!” Everyone turned to see Tenor standing under the street light. Wispy and Kitsune instantly drew their weapons while the gang of lizard people snarled. He held up his arms while he cautiously approached, saying, “Whoa! H-Hey!! I’m on your side!!!” “You’re on our turf,” Raff reminded, sharpening his elongated toe-claws along the pavement. “And we don’t exactly like you or your brothers. So beat it before I rip off that face of yours, pretty boy!” “No!” Eclipse interrupted, stepping in front of the crimson raptor. “No one’s killing anyone!” “How do we know those slags didn’t follow you?” Ruth asked, showing her rows of sharp teeth. “They’ve got cameras everywhere!” “Oh, please,” the young debonair boy waved off. “We’ve been redirecting Spike’s security for a while now. Why else have we been able to show up without his goons tracking our location?” Tenor gave a cocky smirk before pointing up. And, as if on cue, hexagonal shapes blinked in the sky before revealing their hover ship. “Sweet lucid dreams,” Oona exclaimed. “Ah didn’t think th' city would advance far enough tae develop cloakin' technology!” “Well, it helps avoid that pesky paparazzi~!” “Impressive,” Kitsune admitted, powering down her plasma sword. “So, why are you here? Where are your brothers?” “We’re up here,” a voice echoed as a private drone carrying an electronic screen descended down towards Tenor. Bass and Alto were displayed, one wearing a cast around his arm. “We want to apologize for the trouble we caused.” “Bass!! H-hey!” Eclipse exclaimed, pushing her way past her friends to see him with large soulful eyes and blushing cheeks. “Yeesh! I’ve seen thirsty dames before, but she’s parched!” Cress noted, earning a couple of snickers. “Hey there,” the eldest brother greeted with a smile. “You’re not hurt, are you?” “Y-yeah, I’m–” “She’s fine!” Wispy hissed, pushing the diva away from the drone. “You’ve got a lot of nerve asking forgiveness after showing off that deplorable footage and causing a ruckus!” “Hey, it's not like that,” Alto butted in. “You think we wanted to spread our message with a borderline snuff film? That ain’t our style, sweetheart!” “Sae then, why did ye?” Oona asked, who was still skeptical as her honey-brown eyes stared hard at Bass’s injured arm, recalling the scales that shimmered under running water. “It was our mother’s idea,” Tenor confessed. “As much as we detest Spike and all he’s done, we care more about giving people a cleaner environment. We really just wanna make good music!” “But mom’s been very adamant about shutting down Spike’s whole operation,” Bass said with pursed lips. “Our protests lately have been less fun and more… assertive.” “So, to show you that we mean well and that we’re sorry for the collateral damage, sales of our next concert will go straight into rebuilding S.L.U.T’s venue.” “Wait, are you serious!?” Ruth asked, eyes widened. “You would do that for us?” Carrion echoed while Obrya jumped out of Dillon’s arms to pull her girls into an excited hug. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh~!!!” “That’s very generous of you!” Beatrix noted while nudging her wooly lover. “See? They’re not so bad~!” “A’m sure they mean well,” Oona whispered cautiously. “But not e'erything is as it seems. Sixth Measure is hidin' somethin', Ah can feel it!” Through her enhanced hearing, Wispy picked that up and narrowed her eyes at the monitor. Then, she approached the debonairs boys and said, “Answer me this then. Where did you get that footage from?” Her question made them silent for a brief moment before Bass hesitantly answered, “We… burnt it off a disk from an old abandoned warehouse.” “Just a couple blocks down from here. On Metro road,” Tenor pointed down the road. Alto finally concluded with, “And if the video's anything to go by, it’s one of Varys’ old laboratories. A lot of his gadgets and failed experiments are still there…” Upon hearing the address, Kitsune’s eyes became pinpoints, clutching at her temple and swaying on her clawed feet. “That place... sounds so familiar,” she murmured. Wispy and Eclipsed rushed to support her as faint memories flashed by. “A mission we undertook...somewhere close by...?” “Yeah, I remember something on Metro road, too,” said Wispy, who wrinkled her brow. “Maybe we should investigate,” Eclipsed suggested, hugging her friends tightly while shifting focus back to the monitor. “Bass, will you help us out?” The lead singer shook his head. “Wish we could Eclipsed. But mom’s ordered us not to go anywhere while she’s out. We also have to hold our promise to Spike.” He met the pop princess' neon pink eyes, who used her hands to make a heart shape over her chest and cast him her most innocent, needy look. His cheeks blushed, a small smile spreading his features. “Buuuut… If you want, you could come aboard and chill with us for awhile?” Wispy, Kitsune, and Tenor all exclaimed, “What!?” “YES~!!” The smitten popstar agreed, bouncing on the spot. “Bass, you know we’re not supposed to allow visitors on the ship!” The youngest singer protested. “Aww, don’t tell me you're a bunch of mama’s boys now, are you?” Raff teased them, earning a couple of snickers from his friends and a harsh glare from Tenor. Beatrix stepped in and said, “I don't know about everyone else, but I could use some rest! All those spells I cast really drain me dry! And I wouldn’t mind another special tour around the ship~!” “Ceann Oga!” “We could do a double date,” Alto suggested, eying the witch with interest. “Alto!!” “Whaaat, it’s gonna be boring up here by ourselves! Don’t we deserve a little company to help distract from this bullshit?” Tenor slapped his head into his hands. “Ugh! We don’t have time for this!” “Oh, I think you do!” Wispy stepped in and butted the witch out of the way. “Drop anchor, boys! We’re coming up!” “Heeey!” Beatrix pouted. “I wanted to-” “Sorry, Bea. Not this time.” The nekomata teased, hands on her wide hips, her crimson catsuit highlighting her curvature. “I know his type, and, no offense, but you make it way too easy for him! Someone’s gotta keep the princess in check, and I don’t put out so easily!” The witch folded her arms and grumbled, her expression souring. “Imoto, are you sure about this?” Kitsune asked with a raised brow. “I thought you said Sixth Measure were nothing more than overrated eye candy?” “Oh, they are,” she snickered before leaning close to whisper in her ear. “But according to Oona, they’ve got their own little secret. And I wanna see if they’ve got more dirt on the president.” “Hmmm… it could prove useful,” the vixen nodded. “Besides,” Wispy turned back to the boys, stretching out her limbs to better provide Alto with more alluring angles of her body to gawk over, from her ample butt to jiggling breasts. “I’m sure you’d appreciate a real challenge, yeah~?” Alto chuckled and replied, “Honey, we’re gonna trash the entire ship before the sun’s even up. Trust me~!” “Ugh, you’re both so gullible,” Tenor groaned. “Alright, great! We’ll see you in five,” Bass said with excitement, cutting the video feed as the drone returned to the ship. “But what about me?!” Whined Beatrix. “You should look after yerself,” Oona suggested, rubbing her hand while looking at Kitsune. “A'll accompany ye tae th' warehouse.” “Much appreciated. Thank you, Lady Ewe,” said the fox woman, bowing her head. “You could always hang with us,” Raff offered, digging out his teeth with a toothpick. “Our hideout’s not far from here, and S.L.U.T’s gonna need a place to stay until their venue is restored.” “Hell yeah!” Encouraged Carrion, wrapping a metal wing around the witch. “Come with us, and we can have a full-on lesbo session! Sounds hot, right~?” “I-It does... Yaah~!!” She squeaked, feeling the metal harpy take a squeeze at her ass. And while the edgy band still intimidated her, she couldn’t deny the thrill that shot up her spine. “I wouldn’t mind letting these lizards help warm me up… if you don’t mind~?” “So insatiable,” Oona sighed with a playful roll of her eyes. “Not at all,” Cindi purred. “Raff and I love sharing partners, don’t we~?” The raptor eyed the witch with lustful green eyes. Her voluptuous form and heavy tits clad in her tight outfit made him lap his chops. “Mmm, while I prefer my ladies with scales, I can't deny you've gotta cute bubble butt begging to be popped~!” “Ooh! Actually, I do have this alchemy potion I wanted to try!” Beatrix whipped out the bubble-filled bottle of liquid from her cape folds and drank down the colorful contents with a small burp. “It’ll take a while for the effects to kick in, but by then, I’ll hopefully be to your liking~!” “Sounds good,” the reptoid nodded before addressing his crew. “Alright, boys, hit the road. We’re heading home!” The Komodo’s fist pumps the air before hopping back on their motorized vehicles. Obrya slithered up into Dillon’s arms, mashing her pendulous tits into his tough abs. “As much as I love propping my adoring fangirls, I've missed having your big fat cock, babe. I can’t wait to have you down my throat~.” “I’ve missed you too,” the muscular lizard agreed, securing her waist before plopping down on his three-wheeled motorcycle. “We’ll meet back here after we’ve concluded our search,” Kitsune said as she transmuted herself into liquid metal that solidified into a motorbike. “Hop aboard,” she offered Lady Ewe, who cautiously straddled the machine when it whirred to life in preparation to seek the warehouse. “Just th' two ov us?” Oona swallowed. In truth, she was a tad weak herself after all the spells she weaved. But something told her this warehouse was substantial. Plus, she wanted to repay B.A.B.E. for the kindness they had shown. “We can handle it,” assured Kitsune as her now mechanized voice rose from the bike before she raced down the road with her passenger. “Be safe!” Beatrix called at them while waving her hand. Soon, the other bikes came to life, revving their motors as Raff pulled up by the witch’s side. “Hop on!” With a nod, she straddled her hips behind his, locking her arms around his waist before he sped up, nearly losing her hat. The rest of the lizards and S.L.U.T followed after him. Not too long after, Sixth Measure’s ship lowered a platform to let Eclipsed, Wispy, and Tenar back aboard before reactivating cloak mode. ***** Only when the warehouse crept into view did Kitsune’s memories become clearer. It only took her and Oona half an hour to find it within the unmarked territory. The bike burst through the fence doors and slid to a stop, allowing her rider to dismount with shaky limbs. “Ah think next time, Ah would prefer somethin' a wee more safe tae ride on,” the shaman requested while calming her nerves. “Duly noted,” said Kitsune, who shifted out of her vehicle mode and solidified back into a vixen. Both of them observed the dilapidated building. The exterior was decorated with graffiti art all over the doors and windows. “I’ll take the lead,” the kunoichi insisted, drawing her beam saber, which flared to life with crimson energy that shimmered over her tall shapeliness. She carved into the double doors, which bubbled and melted, a hole cut in that she carefully stepped into, ears perked. Her irises glowed, adjusted to the darkness, where she was able to make out objects covered in a thick layer of dust. Lady Ewe's dream catcher staff brimmed with magic that illuminated the darkness. She gasped at the tubes filled with half-human, half-creature hybrids; some of them cybernetically enhanced. And, while most were definitely adorned with Varys’ biomechanical signature, one deceased entity looked vastly different. It floated lifelessly within its green liquid-filled chamber, a lamp highlighting its purple-ridden skin. A maw bigger than its head remained permanently open, endless rows of needle-like teeth spiraling down into its throat. Its transmutations looked like nothing constructed by the Vice Lord. Oona approached the chemical-filled tank, stroking her chin in thought. “This technology. That creature... Could it be ov th' Eldritch..?!” Lady Ewe recalled the alien race that chased Beatrix throughout the multiverse, determined to claim her as their dark messiah. Mindless extensions of the Demiurge that once controlled the Necronomicon. Kitsune stroked a tube, those trapped within reduced to preserved corpses after their life support had expired. She closed her eyes, and silent tears ran down her furry cheeks. “We were here once,” she whispered to the dream shaman. “I think… this is where we were reborn!” ***** Stolen neon signs adorned the tunnel walls as Beatrix ventured deeper into the tunnels. Contrary to what might be expected of a reptile-based biker gang, the Komodos hidden lair was cozy! Lounge furniture, a pool table under an overhead lamp, a minibar hosted by a bartender, and a surround-sound radio playing industrial dance music. And, in no time at all, the reptoids began grinding up against each other. Seems that the riots riled them up as straight pairings, gay couples, and orgies broke out. “Yeeeah, now it’s a party~!” Carrion cheered, having hooked up with a pair of gecko twins who were licking and kissing at her collarbone. Likewise, her hands were busy squeezing their curvy ass cheeks. Riptide Ruth attended to the band's equipment while taking a few drinks from the bar. The witch yelped as Obrya and Dillon slammed right next to her, already intertwined as they kissed and made passionate love. Her tail coiled around him, securing his waist to her own to keep the alligator’s swollen fat member buried in her slit, which was visible when she peeled her lower scales aside. Not so different from human labia, albeit hotter, wetter, and tighter if Dillon’s groans and bellows were anything to go by! “Mmm~! Sorry about that,” hissed out Obrya between kisses, her tongue locked with her boyfriend's as they rolled out of the way, the room shaken under their mad thrashes. The tunnels began to get stuffy with the smell of musk. Watching all these horny lizards succumb to primal desire was driving the witch lustfully mad, her pussy thoroughly soaked and nipples poking out. Carrion was well into her pair of lovers, eating them out like it was her last meal on the planet. Both gecko twins moaned in appreciation, clasping the punk’s half-shaven mane. Beatrix chewed on her lip. The experimental potion she had taken proved slow to react. Was it not potent enough to work in this world...? “Yo, Beatrix,” Raff’s voice called out. She turned her head to see the Komodo leader on the couch, his amphibian mate sucking and bobbing her head on one of his erected black pillars. He motioned for her to come over with a knowing smirk. “Come get your fill~!” “O-on my way~!” She giggled, walking over with a sway in her steps. Taking the opposite side of his thighs, the witch grasped around the throbbing cock, gingerly tracing the spiny underbelly. Beads of pre cum leaked out the pointed tip, which drew her mouth over to sample. Finding the taste somewhat zazzy, Beatrix began to service the raptor, drooling and slurping his shaft like a popsicle. “Aa-aaah! Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talkin’ about~!” Murmured Raff as he placed a rough hand to shove Beatrix’s face into his crotch, making the witch gurgle on his cock. She could feel it pulsate deep down her throat. Once she found a rhythm, she and Cindi serviced the raptor with their combined suction. Moans muffled all over his cocks as their slobber dripped onto his leathery balls. The witch made extra noise when she felt something tickle at her dripping hole. Raff’s feather-tipped tail was swishing around her crotch, the soft sensations making her tremble. Warmth enveloped her entire bottom…. Before a lizard tail of her own suddenly exploded out from above her buttocks, ripping part of her costume. “Mmmgh~!!” “Mmm!? Whoa,” Cindi said, popping off her lover’s cock in surprise. “Damn, that potion or whatever must be kickin in!” Beatrix pulled off to look back at her newly formed tail, making it wiggle as she rolled her hips. Maybe her alchemy simply needed the right situation to activate in this world, as magic continued to strengthen here. It was all thanks to her and Lady Ewe, who had helped their friends here reactivate the Elements of Harmony. Wispy recently discovered she was a nekomata, evidenced by the second tail that swished about her plush ass. “Heyaah~!!” Beatrix cried out as Raff smacked his hand over her ass cheek, his talons digging into her supple flesh. “Cute trick,” the Komodo leader growled huskily, taking another smack of her wiggling rump. “I wanna see what the rest of you looks like~!” With an excited giggle, Beatrix peeled away the rest of her clothes, spotting a few more light scales now adorning her curves. It didn’t take long for Raff to stand up and grope her, lapping at her erected nipples while shoving Beatrix against the pool table. She mewled, feeling his hot throbbing organs rub against her open mound, her legs spreading lightly once the crimson raptor splayed her across the table. “Oh, you’re gonna get it bad,” chirped Cindi, who rolled onto the other side to get a better look at the newly mutated Beatrix, her plush rear up for grabs. A hot gasp was squeaked out when Cress took her invitation, hands molding her squishy cheeks while slapping his erecting cock against her heated wet pussy. Raff stroked his double pair of pillars, poking at the witch’s slit and rectum. “You’re gonna learn, little witch,” he crowed. “Once you take a ride with a reptoid, you ain’t gonna want to go back~!” “S-shut up and breed me already~!” Beatrix whined, trying to push back into his teasing thrusts until, finally, shoving both lizard dicks inside to spread her welcoming holes wide. She wailed loudly as the Komodo leader got to work, ravaging her tight insides with quick pummels. Not too far, Cindi joined the choir of ecstasy as her fellow lizard slammed into her backside. It was pure debaucherous fuckfest down in the underground, and Beatrix loved it. She just hoped her friends and lover wouldn't mind if she took a little longer getting back! ***** “Eeeeeeeh!” Eclipsed Heart chirped happily. “I’ve never been on a double date before~!” “You’ve never been on a date, period!” Reminded Wispy, who smacked Alto away with her tails, preventing him from making any contact with her just yet. “N-not true! There was that one boy… before I became a pop star,” she muttered, pouting her lips. “Well, make yourself at home,” Tenor sighed with reluctance. “I’ll go get drinks. Lord knows I’m gonna need them.” As one brother departed upstairs, the other two motioned for their dates to come and sit with them. Eclipsed felt her heart pitter-patter and her cheeks burn from being so close to her idol. Bass was also glowing red, hesitant to make a move or slide his good arm to pull her close. So the two sat together awkwardly while the other pair got a lot closer, the nekomata allowing herself to sit in Alto’s lap. After a minute of toying with her thick neon pink ponytail, Eclipsed turned to the lead singer and asked, “So… how did Sixth Measure become a thing? Did you always plan to be a boyband?” “Yeah, kinda,” Bass admitted with a chuckle. “We always knew we’d get into music, whether it be just playing instruments, singing, or mixing. Runs in our family!” “Right! Because your mother’s a famous opera singer, yes?” “One of the best in her time,” answered Alto, who slyly slid his hand up Wispy’s plush backside, earning another smack. “Oww~!” “Told you I wouldn't make this easy,” she teased with a sultry tone. “C’mon, don’t you boys do anything else for fun?” “Of course we do! There’s a lot more to us than just singing and dancing, sweetheart.” His brother gazed at him, shaking his head. Wispy scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Oh really? Because so far, all you’ve done is try to pry me out of my suit.” “Well, maybe if you took it off, I’d stop pestering~” he boldly suggested. “Pft! You liar.” The two continued to playfully berate the other while Bass and Eclipsed watched with amusement. “Poor Alto,” he chuckled. “At this rate, he’s gonna come out with more scratch marks than kisses!” The pop princess giggled. “You must look after your brothers a lot, huh? Wispy and Kitsune do the same for me!” “Yeah, our little diva can be a real handful sometimes,” Wispy teased back, sliding her thinly-clad, wide bottom onto her partner's lap and stroking his cheek with a nail. “But that’s why we love her~!” “Mmm. We’re mostly career-focused,” admitted Bass. “Our work is supposed to help bring people together and really make this city shine! We didn't want it to turn out like this. I suppose it was a spark that would have been ignited eventually. But to think we had a hand in setting it off…” “Doesn’t help that mother’s been so restrictive lately,” Tenor added, combing back with a tray of fruity beverages and cocktails. “Hardly feels like we have any freedom in our music…” “That sounds terrible,” Eclipsed frowned, looking toward the eldest brother with pure empathy. “But surely, she has her reasons?” “Spike’s a big one,” Bass said, a notable snarl to his lips. “They have history, though she won't say much about it. Something tells me it’s a lot more personal than just pollution and fascism…” Alto grunted as the feline continued to press his buttons. “C’mon..! You sure I can’t tempt you with anything?” Wispy instinctively bristled a tad but softened. “Mmm, there might be something…” She murmured. She hooked the zipper at the top of her crimson catsuit, slowly pulled it down until her breasts were so exposed they almost popped out, nipples barely concealed; her attire opened past her navel, where she stopped just before her labia. “You wanna pet this pussy so badly, bad boy? I'll need something in return~!” She took his hand into hers, guiding it to brush over her bared belly, dangerously close to her heated mound. Her twin tails curled around his legs, her supple tits close to his face. He shivered as she gyrated her hips, the handsome, horny boy practically wrapped around her finger! That was… until the edgy rocker gave a low sigh, pulling his hand away. “...you want the USB drive, right?” His question caused Wipsy to stop, her eyes wide as she tried to save face and nervously quipped, “H-huh!? Err, w-what USB?” Alto puffed his bright red locks away from his eyes, a frown on his face. “I’m not an idiot, you know. I can tell you're not interested. The only reason you’re even flirting with me is just to get your paws on our stuff against the president. Don’t have to play with my heart, girl…” He gently pushed the confused cat woman off his lap, standing up. “Come, I’ll show you where it is.” “No, you will not!” Tenor protested, blocking his brother from downstairs. “That isn’t just yours to give!” “Why, because mom said so? We're gonna do everything she says? Fuck, those lizards were right. We're just a bunch of mama's boys with no spine!" "Alto, calm down!" Bass insisted. "No, I will not come down! I'm getting rid of that stupid drive! All it's done is make things worse for them and us! We don't need it!” The two brothers held a staredown before Alto shoved past his younger brother, descending down the stairwell. Zipping up her suit, Wipsy quickly followed after him, a saddened look on her face about the sudden outburst. “You know what, fuck it! Alto can explain to mom why we're missing the drive then. I’m done being her verbal punching bag,” the yellow-haired singer sobbed, stomping back into the kitchen. This left the two lead singers alone on the couch, Bass letting out a troubled sigh. “Do they often fight like that..?” Eclipsed gently asked. He nodded. “Hard to get along with everything else going on. We’re supposed to act like a family, but half the time, it's a civil war…” He felt her hand pull his face back towards her, tangerine eyes mirroring in her soulful orbs. Eclipsed shuffled closer and said, “I’m sure you make things work. And if you need anything, I’d… I’ll do the best I can to help you!” This brought a smile back onto his face. “Th-thanks…” They continued to stare into each other’s eyes before their mouths slowly connected. It was a short kiss at first. Then it grew wetter, more passionate. Eclipsed Heart straddled on top of him, wrapping her arms around Bass’s broad shoulders, pressing her body into his while minding his arm. The pair made out like this until Eclipsed pulled away with heavy breaths. Then, quietly, she confessed to her date, “I'm...I'm still a virgin. Like Wispy said, I've never been on a date before. Never found the time. I've always been focused on my career and my fans.” Bass gave a cheeky smile before cupping holding his date's hand. “We don't have to do anything but sit here,” he assured her. “I don't want you to feel pressured, nor do I want to rush. Actually, I'd like you to meet our mother when you're able.” “I'd like that,” she said, smiling sweetly. Shuffling around, she laid her head on his shoulder until she was nice and cozy. But their romantic mood was ruined the moment he clicked the remote, and the news feed appeared on the big plasma screen above. Their faces fell, images of the riot flashed across the screen as the senseless violence continued. The streets were ablaze. The Halloween Party continued to make a stand against the militarized police. Eclipsed felt a pang of guilt, convinced they were partially responsible for all this. How many had been injured or killed in the war zone...? She pressed closer to her date and turned away from the chaos... ***** ...while President Spike's eyes were glued to the anarchy on his monitors. Rarity open moaned, currently being railed over the desk. He repeatedly stretched her lower holes while Sassy and Coco were slumped nude on the floor, fucked silly into unconsciousness. Perspiration lined their curves. Abandoned on their sides, their heart-shaped, spanked red asses pointed towards them. Goo dripped from their well-used pink orifices, left to pant and moan in their slumber after he finished with them. “M-My dear nngaah~! It’s almost...time,” murmured Rarity, her face burning while she was taken. She had hastily made him some new clothes for his upcoming dinner date since he continued to bulk up. “Spike dear...don't let your greed control you...ah,” she mewled. “I won't,” he assured her and landed a particularly hard, loud, and possessive swat on her wobbly asscheeks. Her asshole and pussy seized down on his shafts when she squealed and squirted on him. His own dicks expanded, her ridges able to tickle every last inch of her moist crevices, left to drag over her spongy g-spot. He fired into her bowels and womb, his third cock rubbing over her clit as it too sprayed on her belly. His tail spanked her suspended tits and coiled around them. When he finished, he dropped her onto the desk, her mascara runny while she huffed and drooled. He dragged his shafts over her reddened buttocks to clean them, then released more smoke from his nostrils in celebration. She sank onto the floor beside his other secretaries, her own love holes left to ooze out his seed, marked and claimed by the half-dragon. Somehow he still wasn't entirely satisfied, so rather than fuck his sleeping lovers, he changed some of the monitors to pick up several random porn channels. He stroked himself to a pair of buxom twins taken by a band of dark-skinned men. They were roughly passed between them, spit-roasted and treated like meat. But wasn't everyone ultimately a commodity these days? Everyone had a price, no matter how much they wanted to pretend otherwise! “A dinner date with Mezzo, huh? Maybe I'll make her mine too,” he muttered to himself with a slow, lusty lick of his chops. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Kitsune and Lady Ewe continued to explore the hidden warehouse, one of the tubes suddenly burst apart. An explosion of glass rained across the dirty floor tiles. Instantly drawing her beam sword, the copper-haired vixen took a defensive stance in front of the dream shaman, her eyes narrowed and mouth baring teeth. From the wreckage arose a creature of nightmares. A large, disembodied head of an older man, strings of thick entrails and sparking wires suspended below the monster when it took flight. A shrill scream burst from its dried, bloated lips, its maw stretched inhumanly wide, splitting its cheeks apart. "Stay behind me," ordered the fox woman, who ducked when it dove for her head. "What the hell is that thing!?" "Ah think it's modeled after a Penanggalan," presumed Oona, who also shielded her head to avoid the screeching creature. "It's a mythical vampire-like fiend that preys after people's bodies tae possess wit it's head an' innards!" Unlike the actual monster, this cybernetic abomination was constructed from organic and biomechanical materials, most notable in the metallic coils that thrashed along the entrails below it. If they weren't careful, it could loop around their necks and snap them right off. "Wait," she murmured when it sailed beyond them through the darkness. "It's not after us. Then what does it-" "No!" Cried Kitsune, who hurled a shuriken that whizzed and slammed into the creature's skull in a gush of discolored fluid. Yet it barely slowed, ignoring the silver star lodged in its cranium when it raced towards its prize. The entrails and metallic coils flowed over a mechanized suit of armor, styled like an ancient samurai that was left on display further in. The machinery whirred to life, a sheath in the gauntlet's hand that flared to life to form its own eerie black beam saber. When it started to move, the lab quaked, its bulk much faster than it appeared. Growls and snarls came from the head latched onto the armor that rattled with its steps. "Holy-!" The dream shaman's clothes rustled when her dream catcher staff shimmered with her magic. The blast she launched knocked the samurai back, but its advance continued, its weapon raised to cleave her in two. Kitsune leaped over the half-sheep woman and blocked the blow. The sabers clashed in a shower of sparks that rained around them, the kunoichi left to strain under the impact. "Escape while you can," pleaded the fox woman. "Nonsense! A'd ne'er abandon a friend," refused Oona, shaking her head while she prepared another spell. The kunoichi momentarily gazed at her comrade before subtly nodding her understanding, impressed by the sage's loyalty and honor. "If only Wispy and I met you early in our life...we might not be where we are now." She growled at the cyber samurai, threw her weight into the locked saber, and managed to briefly push the creature back. "But I would not trade our time with Eclipsed Heart for anything!" "Then let's take out this monstrosity," the dream walker encouraged. "Together!" With a brief smile, Kitsune propelled into action. She ran up a gray wall, onto the ceiling, the slashes of the abomination answered with her own in a hail of spat plasma each time the glowing sabers connected. Yet her goal was to keep the monster distracted, and off-balance while Lady Ewe conjured her dwindled strength which surged into her breast and staff. Grunts came from the demon samurai, who slobbered impatiently, ready to devour them to sate its unending hunger. Its eyes rolled separately, unnaturally to follow the shadowed vixen, and howled when more shurikens and kunai sunk into its swollen, pallid face. A wide arc of its blade smashed through more tubes, where the contents spilled and pooled across the debris-ridden floor. The kunoichi barely evaded in time; a split-second slower, and she would have been cleaved down the middle. "Now!" Oona cried, raising her arms and launching a built-up blast of colorful magic. The cloud engulfed the monster's armored back in a dense, dome-shaped explosion. The beast screamed and almost lost its balance. The distraction was all Kitsune needed, as she hopped down and severed the creature's head from the armor when she landed. The damaged armor fell apart with a rattle and clattered around the warehouse, completely immobilized. The head screeched and hurled itself at Lady Ewe in a last, desperate effort. Its severed coils and entrails continued to bleed out, the parts that animated it, as its strength waned by the moment and its maw opened wide to reveal rotted teeth. It stopped before Oona's staff, who surrounded the head in a bubble. "Be at peace," she murmured once the hungry ghost slowly closed its eyes and drifted off into its last sleep. When she released it, the disembodied head splatted to the slick floor, its soul returned to the afterlife. "You have my thanks," panted Kitsune, who powered down her saber and resheathed the hilt at her belt. "Not a… problem," the dream shaman wheezed, leaning on her staff for support while she huffed. "Haahh… Ah think Ah overdid it wit those last two spells. Let's hope we don't run intae anythin' else while we're down here." Her honey eyes turned to something in the darkness. "A-ahh! Look over there!" She wandered over to a terminal that had been uncovered in the chaos. To her surprise, it booted up when she pressed a button. With pursed lips, she grumbled, "All this fancy technology doesn't make sense tae me…" "Allow me," Kitsune chuckled when she stepped in, their faces reflected in the monitor. One disc was conveniently left in the machine, as if whoever had been here was forced to abandon this place in a hurry and hadn't had time to cover their tracks. She clicked away at the touchpad to check the contents, until the machine illuminated the dim room with a 3D holographic image. The kunoichi gasped at the figures on display. They were all nude beneath the tubes, one of them the politician she and Wispy had been sent to assassinate on one of their missions. But she was far more drawn to two of the women. "T-that's...Wispy and I!!" It was difficult to make out the shadowed, human faces of the Asian women, even with her keen eyes. But by their hair color and body shapes, the kunoichi knew that this was who they were before their genes were spliced to make them who they were today. The tube with the politician emptied its fluids and opened. He stepped out, silky black hair stuck to his pale skin, as his brown eyes opened. "You're finally awake," came a mechanized voice. And as the politician stepped away to let a new, cloaked figure through, everything settled into place when Lady Ewe uttered the Vice Lord's name with utmost disgust. "Varys..!" Of all the Vice Lords she encountered and fought off, the mechanized plague doctor was by far the most insidious. Countless innocents twisted and mangled into mindless automatons and melted zombies. The course of this world forever altered. All for the benefit of his curiosity and research into perfecting his biomechanical mutagen. Oona shook her head while observing the plague doctor oversee operations. "No doubt he helped fund those who did this tae you an' Wispy. He probably provided most ov th' scientific knowledge, as well! Beatrix an' I may have banished him from this realm, but he's still out there, ready tae resume his work..." Kitsune's glare hardened at the sight of this powerful advocate, her ears flicking when his voice spoke through the recording. "And you are positive that these test subjects will survive the transformation procedure?" The cyber demon asked, tracing his metal claws over the glass tube containing Kitsune's previous form, making the vixen shudder. "Certainly, Lord Varys," the politician assured, bowing his head. "My finest men broke several limbs trying to keep these two contained! There is no question that they possess strong spirits!" "Hmm. Strong spirits… trapped in feeble, organic vessels," Varys hummed when he studied the preserved women, folding his hand back behind his back, lowering his head. "Oh, how I long for the day humans and machines can join together into one symbiotic organism. No longer would we have to live with such pathetic fragilities! No more fear of disease, age, or even death itself!" A vibrating sigh resounded when he gazed towards his forearm, his hand clutching tightly. "But, alas. I am tethered to this cruel fate, meaning my plans for the future are beyond my reach. And so long as that component to my design eludes me, I cannot hope to break free." "E-eh, perhaps we could help you find it!" The politician offered, sweating nervously. "As a way of solidifying our newfound partnership." The cyber demon let out a low digitized chuckle. "You will not find him here. It's been a long time since I last saw him. I wonder how he's grown…" "Him?" Kitsune turned to Oona, who shared an equally perplexed look. While the dream shaman might have a guess of what the Vice Lord was referring to, this 'component' he spoke of proved another mystery to figure out. Varys casually turned to face forward, his hellish visors staring into the recording as if he could see the observers through the screen. "Ignore my rambling. There is much work that needs to be done while I still have time on this planet. But rest assured, all my findings and blueprints are in that suitcase. Use them however you wish." "Excellent!" The politician beamed, though still sporting a cautious frown. "But how can we be sure the president won't get involved?" "That brute's brain only ever functions whenever his penis is erected," scoffed the Vice Lord. "Thinks he's entitled to an entire city after discovering one extraterrestrial ship. I've built better androids and weapons than he knows what to do with! The fool's far more occupied with his collection of sex drones than he is with any of our scientific achievements. So, believe me. You have nothing to worry about." With a nod, the politician and his armed forces secured the briefcase and left the mechanical doctor to his devices, preparing to phase into Kitsune and Wispy's eventual transmutations. Unfortunately, that was where the footage ended once the device popped out from the slot, no other hints or clues discovered. With a frustrated growl, Kitsune removed the disc and tucked it away. "Imoto and Beatrix will want to know about this," she insisted. "We must hurry back!" With a nod, Lady Ewe followed the kunoichi outside the abandoned warehouse, where she transmuted into a saucer this time. "It will be a much slower flight," Kitsune's voice spoke through the interior. She didn't want to rattle her friend. "Since it will take some time until we make it back, why not rest and recover your strength?" "G-good idea. Thank ye," yawned Oona, who almost flopped into the chair with how fatigued she was. Then, with her passenger secured inside, the spacecraft lifted off and hovered over the deserted buildings, leaving the worn warehouse and its abandoned secrets behind. ***** When the pair returned to the hidden lair, most of the Komodos were drunk and unconscious, piled around the floor by emptied beer bottles. Kitsune and Oona carefully stepped over the slumped bodies to meet Carrion Hellfire, laying naked over the pool table while petting the heads of her female reptoid partners. "Heeeey, there you are! You missed one hell of a party~!" "A-Ah can see that," Oona muffled under her hands, the smell of sex and alcohol overwhelming. The punkish band leader smiled slyly at them. "So, anyway, did you find anything?" Kitsune nodded, showing off the disc. "Oh shit, nice! Wait, hold on a second." Then, raising her head, she yelled at the back of the room, "Hey! Ruth!! When you're done with our equipment, can you scan this disc?" "Yeah! Not a problem, mate," the muscular shark woman called back. "We owe you guys anyway since we weren't able to finish our concert!" She ducked to make her way into the room and carefully took the disc. "Damn, the bottom ain't scratched up badly either! Can't wait to see what uncovered secrets lay inside this baby~!" Oona looked around the littered interior, eyes narrowed. "What happened tae Beatrix? Ah thought she went wit ye guys!" Obrya, cuddled up nude with Dillon, yawned and stirred with a lazy stretch. "Ooh, after Raff roughed her up a little, she went back onto the ship with those pretty boys." Her eyes were half-lidded and hazy after she and her lover had worked themselves up into a sweaty frenzy. "Ahh. Figures," snorted Oona with a small smile. She and the vixen made their way back outside. Sixth Measure's machine was ahead. She was scooped up under Kitsune's arm, who hurtled up onto the platform, then touched down without a sound. The duo made their way inside, only to find Tenor waiting by the door, drinks in his hand. "Oh great," he slurred, clearly plastered. “More intruders?! Might as well invite President Spike in while we're at it!" "Ignore him," Alto insisted as he, Wipsy, Eclipsed, and Bass walked over to greet them. "Tenor tends to get out of control when it comes to booze." "Pppphft! I'm... *hic!* not outta control. YOU'RE the one whose outta control, Alto!!" He drunkenly grumbled when Bass took the bottle away from him. Sighing, the eldest debonair boy asked, "So, did you find anything else at the warehouse?" "We have," confirmed Kitsune, who turned to her sister. "We need to talk." "Sure, sure." Wispy frowned at the red-maned rocker, unable to deny she felt a little bad about how she'd treated him. "I'll make it up to you later," she whispered in his ear and purposely swayed her hips and buttocks in a slow, exaggerated manner on her retreat. "Are we still planning to hold that charity concert? I mean, after everything that's happened, it sounds dangerous. What if President Spike puts out a warrant for our arrest? We'd be screwed!" "I don't think he'd go that far," Eclipsed said, still cuddled up to Bass. "Besides, we need to help our fans! Carrion told me S.L.U.T.'s with us! So we'll let the people know why we had that ruse and help raise money to save the environment!" "Alright! You're the boss," Wispy said with a shrug. One of her tails curled around the USB drive the boys handed over. Turning to the trio of singers, she said, "Guess we better get a move on then. Thanks for the help, Sixth Measure! Maybe you're not as overrated as I thought~!" "Pft! Whatever," scoffed Alto, who poured himself a fresh drink. "I'm just glad we were able to help." Bass smiled at the pop star princess. "I'll miss you. Hope we'll be able to make more time later." Eclipsed frowned and met his lips in a short kiss, her arms still wrapped around him while their eyes met. "I wish you could head out onto the stage with us. Though given what happened last time you came, maybe it's for the best that you lay low. Hopefully this will all blow over." "Yeah," said Bass, who returned her kiss. "B.A.B.E. and S.L.U.T. should be fine. But President Spike will likely want Sixth Measure disbanded." "Well, too bad for him! Because we won't let that happen!" She kissed him one last time before she rose. With a wink and hair toss, she said, "We'll be in touch~!" They headed onto the platform's surface, where Kitsune transformed back into a saucer, the top opened to allow them inside. "H-hey! Wait for meee~!" Came the cry of Beatrix, who dropped down into the ship. Her platinum hair was damp and dripping, while soaked clothes clumsily adorned her supple form. "An' where have you been?" Oona asked with a skeptical expression. "Oh, y-you know. Enjoying that fun little diversion," the witch tittered sheepishly. "Boy, those lizards sure know how to rile a girl up~!" "Yes, A'm… sure they did." She noticed her student now sported a swishing reptilian tail, with part of her limbs sheening with scales. "Don't worry, it'll wear off eventually," Beatrix insisted with a bashful titter. "Had to climb aboard and shower off all the lizard slime." "Hmph," Oona snorted while taking her lover's hand. The pair of them slumped into a chair. Eclipsed used her heart-shaped phone to send a few notes to S.L.U.T. First, they set up a time and place to hold the charity concert, a venue already okayed by their contact with President Spike. "I hope he won't be too sore with us," she muttered. "All we wanted to do was help direct civilians to safety! Maybe we'll have to pay a heavy fine, but that's okay!" Her face lit up. "In any case, we should be prepared fur th' worst," Oona suggested with a yawn, her eyes struggling to stay open. All this chaos had made the half-sheep woman incredibly sleepy. "Agreed! You two have been wonderful! We'd better rest until then." The pop star reclined in her seat and continued to lazily text. Wispy looked over her shoulder, a sly grin forming. "Still talking to Bass, huh? Damn, princess butterbuns! You have it bad~!" "As if you weren't making goo-goo eyes at Alto after getting the USB," the pop star teased back, earning a small elbow to her ribs. But Wispy's attention turned to her older sister, who offered a rundown of all they'd seen in the warehouse. After taking in every detail, she focused on keeping herself calm as faint memories resurfaced. "So this Varys guy is responsible for turning us into freaks, huh..?" "Most likely," Kitsune's voice murmured through the saucer where she paused a moment. "Part of me wishes you didn't let him live…" "A simple death won't make up fur all th' lives he's destroyed," Oona disagreed with a sigh. "Varys must be apprehended fur his crimes. He's a formidable foe, but he's not invincible." "Yeah, we beat him before," reminded Beatrix with pursed lips. "And if we run into him, we'll do it again! At least he can't return here!" "Although it seems he's searchin' fur someone," the dream walker recalled, now lost in contemplation. "His… missin' component?" Beatrix waved that away. "We'll figure it out later. But until then, you're all free to come crash at my mansion whenever you want! How about it?" "Certainly," came the voice of Kitsune around them. "But first, we must try to save our world." The party continued to chat or drifted off to sleep on the way back to the upper parts of the city. From the silver saucer's transparent bubble, they were able to witness the capital from a bird's eye view, the sea of skyscrapers lit up by brilliant neon. The inferno that had torched downtown had finally died out, yet the women knew their work to save the populace was far from done. ***** Upon their arrival back home, the band and their friends settled in. Then, after a tentative breath, Eclipsed contacted the president. "...no, no, we're all safe and sound!" She paced in the dressing room, the heart-shaped phone pressed to her ear. "What, you're sure you're not upset with us? Oh, thank you~! Yep, we still plan to hold that charity concert with S.L.U.T., if that's okay!" While she continued her conversation, everyone else settled into the dressing room. Kitsune, adorned in a flower-patterned silk kimono, sat across from Lady Ewe, a shamisen in her hands when she started to quietly strum. "If you'd allow me, Lady Ewe, I wish to thank you for your help. Please, let me hear that beautiful voice." "O-oh! Why, ov course!" The shaman smiled, taking a small sip of water before she sang a wordless melody. The tune, Cherry Blossoms , soon harmonized the instrument with the music. The pair closed their eyes, lost in their sound, while the others listened. Beatrix smiled despite the pang of envy in her heart. "That's so pretty," said Eclipsed as an aside between her chat with the president. "Can we work it into our concert? Pretty please~?" "Bit unusual from our typical work," noted Wispy, who had stripped down and taken an air shower, her twin tails flicking in irritation when her fur puffed up while she was cleaned. "Guess it could work with one of your romantic pop ballads!" Beatrix studied the discs filled with B.A.B.E.'s music, her eyes drawn to the sleeves, where she paused when she saw one adorned by the innocent pop princess dressed in the black leather bikini, outlined in neon pink trim. "Ooh, saucy! You're practically naked up on stage~!" "W-well, sex does sell in the music biz!" Eclipsed stammered with flustered cheeks, her call with the president ended once she contacted S.L.U.T. The band leaders took a moment to iron out the details, aware it would be tricky to make their two styles mesh. As a compromise for their help, she decided their performance would be a little racier and more intense than usual, reminded that it would be a worthy trade to raise a fortune. In the meantime, they would need to practice with Oona and Beatrix to make sure they were ready. She put her phone away and started to wiggle out of her clothes which she tossed aside, onto her bed which was lined by lacy bras, panties, and stuffed animals. By this time, Wispy exited the shower and started to brush down her fluffed-up fur. Eclipsed smiled at her and headed in, but instead let the warm water envelop her. Beatrix sifted through the outfits on display until she found the bondage bikini and smirked wide. "Hee-hee. Please tell me you'll wear this?" "Mmm… I-I suppose," Eclipsed considered shyly while she lathered up her ample curves, then rubbed them down while the droplets trickled down the slopes of her nubile form. "It will help me fit right in with S.L.U.T.! But in return, I also want everyone else to wear something that fits!" "Don't think I'll have to change my style much. Maybe make it a tad skimpier?" Wispy shrugged. "Same," said Beatrix, who grinned. "I mean, you pretty much held your last concert naked!" She remembered the body paint that glowed in the dark to accentuate their curvature and practically drooled. "So~, what about you, Oona?" The shaman momentarily paused to think over the suggestion with heated cheeks. "O-oh my… Well, I-if it's fur a worthy cause…" She cautiously held her chubby tummy, aware that most preferred women with an hourglass shape. "It will be," Kitsune assured, stroking her friend's shoulder before they resumed their tune. The pair were lulled into a sense of tranquility. Despite only having a couple days to prepare, the group would hopefully be ready for the charity event, thanks to their shared chemistry. ***** Soon, the fateful day arrived. The bands had met beforehand to practice their routine. It was a momentous event, the first time when the rival bands had worked in tandem. Eclipsed's heart raced when the curtains started to arise, aware of all that could go wrong. But she knew her fans would simply be happy to see them as she took her first, tentative steps to reach the microphone. Her skimpy leather bikini clung to her curves when she strutted under the lights. Her eyes met the manifold faces who watched her make an entrance, completed by an explosion of claps, cheers, and whistles that echoed in the arena. "Thank you," she called when they started to settle down. "I'm so happy to be here with you tonight! I'm sure you have lots of questions, so let me take a moment to address them!" She paused to let the audience quiet down before continuing. "First of all, we never meant to deceive you! B.A.B.E. and S.L.U.T. were set up to be rivals, but we decided on becoming friends instead! We thought our rivalry would help make our concerts more fun! But we've realized there are more important matters, like the state of our world! That's why we're proud to announce that 100% of the profits we'll go to the restoration of the environment!" Her wide pink eyes teared up when she was met by more open jubilation. Turning to Carrion Hellfire, the partly steel harpy approached a mic beside her. "By helping us out, everyone gets to be a winner! C'mon, let me see those fists!" She raised her own in triumph, and the crowd followed to more thunderous applause. Soon the rest of their bandmates made their way out onto the stage. Eclipsed openly wept, moved by how easily her fans forgave her and showed up to support their hard work. Like promised, B.A.B.E. were adorned in skimpier, bad girl costumes to match S.L.U.T. Kitsune and Wispy were clad by the old, deactivated collars that marked them back when they were forced to undertake missions, a reminder of their dark past. The vixen wore a sheer mesh black outfit that adorned her shapeliness but failed to hide much. The nekomata left her suit unzipped above her mound, as her breasts threatened to spill out every time she sashayed about with a coy smirk. Aside from her hat, gloves, and heeled boots, Beatrix only wore star-shaped pasties over her nipples and another over her slit. Lady Ewe clad herself in an emerald bikini and garters, all of them trimmed by fluffs of wool-like material. The lights dimmed when the equipment rose from trap doors in the stage. They took their places in preparation for the first track, Eclipsed and Carrion in the lead. Their voices united once the music kicked in, all of them driven to make sure their team-up would prove unforgettable. The other band members played and performed with them for well over an hour. Some of them would leap into the sky, sail across the mobs, while Beatrix and Lady Ewe worked a few simple spells to aid in the show. Holograms of the performers were blown up over the area, while Kitsune transformed back into a motorbike that Wispy rode across the stage with a hearty laugh. Huge monitors displayed the show to the captive audience. But while they were lost in the show, the equipment suddenly died down, and the lights flooded back on, the displays interrupted by a sudden emergency news feed. There were grumbles of disappointment when everyone turned to watch, whereupon a newscaster appeared and her voice boomed across the area. "...disturbing footage of a terrorist attack in downtown. B.A.B.E., S.L.U.T., and Sixth Measure are seen assaulting the police and aiding known violent criminal gangs, the Komodos and Halloween Party." Images of resistance and fires crossed the screen, bodies trampled underfoot and the air filled with smoke. "According to reports, head officers have labeled these two terrorists responsible for the tragedy." The faces of Lady Oona Ewe and Beatrix Belladonna filled the monitors. "Lady Oona Ewe, founder of the Flower Children cult, is known to indoctrinate the disenfranchised, vulnerable, and innocent to mold them into her followers. And her amoral sidekick Beatrix Belladonna, known for her perversity and recklessness. If you have any information, please call this number." A reward of ten million credits was offered for them, naming them together as public enemy number one. Their supposed crimes flashed below, which included treason, alongside blame for the arrival of Lord Varys to this dimension. Beatrix fumed, her fists balled up while the audience erupted in an outcry. "Oh, come the fuck on!! I'm not a sidekick! I mean, sure! You're my teacher, but I like to think we are equal!" "Ceann Oga, that's not th' point!" Oona berated, her honey eyes full of fury when she glared at the news reports. "President Spike… that bastard is behind this treachery! He set us all up-!" And, in no time at all, the crowds broke out into another fistfight. Some proved fanatically loyal to the bands. But others were tempted to turn them in, whereupon some clambered onto the stage. "Don't even think about it," hissed Wispy, whose palms and tails summoned plasma balls. "Maybe I should open a portal to get us out of here," whispered Beatrix to her love. Oona shook her head. "We can't simply abandon them! This is partially our responsibility!" She readied a spell to put the crowds to sleep in hopes she could quell the outbreak of violence. Yet before she could cast it, the ceiling opened with a thud, and the platform that housed Sixth Measure made their arrival, as the machine lowered down to scoop up the trapped bands. "We figured something like this might happen," came the voice of Bass, who had tracked their movements. "We can't afford to stand by!" "That scaly prick's gone too far this time!" Alto's voice seethed at the side of his brothers. "Looks like we've got no choice this time," lamented Tenor when the trio stood in front of the angry crowd, clutching their jeweled pendants to them. "We have to go all out!" ***** Somewhere in the slums, a straggler was rushing through the alleyway, shoving aside trash cans and whatever else stood in his way. But just before he got to the clearing, the sound of staccato gunfire echoed, and the man collapsed onto the floor. He yelled in pain, clutching his shot ankle, blood oozing out the open wound. "Gotta say, Mack," a voice called out as footsteps echoed closer and closer. "You got a lot further than I expected you to. I'm honestly impressed! If only lady luck carried you during some of those games." "P-please, let me go!" The man begged. "Eighty-seven." "I-I'll get your money, I swear!" "Forty-six." "I can hold up my end! Just give me more time!" "Sixty-three." "W-what the.. why are you counting!? I've got a bullet in my leg, man!!" "Oh, don't mind me! I'm just recounting how many times pissants like you have fed me those bullshit excuses," the figure chuckled, looming over his target. He was dressed in a white suit with faint pinstripes. Underneath was a black dress shirt and a bright red tie. A stylish hat adorned his top, a pink feather embedded on the trim. Around his face was an orange bandana with a fanged design. His slime yellow eyes pierced through the dark veil, spiky dark red hair tied in a ponytail. "S-Seb, please! I-I have a family!!" "Ohh, buddy, I know," he said with false sympathy, kneeling down to aim his pistol at the guy's temple. "And it sucks because I have to be the one to tell them that daddy's a worthless hack. Sorry pal, but you should have known when to walk away. Because, unlike your landlord, sucking my dick won't reduce the amount of debt you owe me. You've got no one to blame but yourself." The man began to weep when the safety clicked off, snot and tears leaking down his face. The pin-striped devil hesitated before letting out a wry sigh. "Alright, alright! Quit slobbering over my shoes. I'm gonna give you one last shot. One more game to turn this all around." Digging into his suit pocket, he pulled out a coin, the man reducing his sobs to whimpers. On one side, a jester face with the words 'JAQK' written around the emblem. On the other side, a rattlesnake design. "Guess correctly, and I'll give you another week to sort your shit out and get me that money. Sound good, amigo?" Mack nodded his head frantically, bawling, "Y-y-yes! Oh, thank you, Seb! Thank you! Thank y–" “Just shut up and call!!” "O-Ohh! U-uuuuaaah! Heads! N-no, wait, tails! Tails!!” With a nod, Seb flipped the coin in the air and slapped it against the back of his hand. But as he was unveiling which side was facing up, the news feed picked up, and the announcement caught his attention. With his eyes locked on the 'traitors' up for ransom, Mack saw, to his dismay, that the coin was facing 'heads.' Panic arose once more, the man jerking his head between his fate and the alleyway. But with his attacker currently watching the news report flashing on the screen, perhaps now was his chance to escape certain death? With nothing to lose, Mack shot up from the ground and limped away, yelling out for help. But the pin-striped devil steadily stood straight and, without tearing his gaze away, aimed his pistol at the fleeing target and fired another shot. The pleas and screaming stopped as the body fell lifelessly onto the cold floor. In a flash of dark crimson, the gun became a playing card that he hid up his sleeve. Then, as he took in the mugshots of Oona Ewe and her accomplice Beatrix, Seb let out an elated cackle, his spaded tail slithering out from his tailcoats. "Just when I was getting bored of this town! Fortune smiles on me yet again! Hahaha! Finally, something new to play with!" Popping his suit collar before shoving his hands down his pants pockets, Seb strutted through the crowd, who were still in disbelief that the two heroines had made a sudden turn to terrorism. But the pin-striped devil cared only about one person. "Let's go see what the big man up top is doing~!" ***** President Spike met up at the designated place by his lonesome, despite the fears of his secretaries. His suit stuck to his bulkier form, and he strode into the restaurant with his head raised, a sly smile on his face. He took his seat across from Mezzo Soprano, the mature woman adorned in a showy dress that left much of her pristine skin exposed. Candles lit the area. He breathed in the scents of dinner and his belly rumbled in appreciation. "Ah, very nice." "I'm thankful you appreciate it. I prepared this myself." She waited until he was seated before she leaned in. "Please, indulge your appetites. I've aged and seasoned the wine to perfection." She took a dainty sip from her own cup. Her very straight silver hair was highlighted orange fades along two of her bangs, her body tall and shapely. "Not the only things that have aged well," Spike muttered, leering at her cleavage on display. "Enough foreplay, Soprano. Why did you call me out here? Do you really expect me to step down?" "Only for a time. Your efforts as of late are only doing your company more harm than good," Mezzo noted, her breasts suspended in his face when she poured. Her eyes locked with his, and she started to hum with the soft music, the only sound in a restaurant where they were alone. For a moment, Spike's eyes started to dull, entranced by the voluptuous woman. But with a sudden snarl, he knocked the bottle from her hand, where its contents splashed across her bosom, where the moisture revealed the hidden scales that adorned her ample breast. "Well, well well. Should have known that angelic voice was more than just talent." His fist seized her throat when he shot up. “Thought you could seduce me with your feminine charms, huh, siren?” She sputtered in his hold when he squeezed down. "I own this city! I could have dozens of women like you in an instant!" He softened his grip and released her while she choked and sputtered. "But hey, I'm not a monster. Walk away now, hand over the evidence, denounce your claims in public, and I'll make you the second richest person in the world!" He smirked. "And if I refuse?" She stared daggers back at him at the insult and rubbed her reddened throat. "Then I'll expose you and your sons for what you really are! Do you think you ended up where you are by sheer talent? Ha!" His claws sank into her dress, then tore it off to leave the siren bared, his eyes pinned on her nakedness to lustfully drink her in. "You tricked your fans! Brainwashed them! You're no better than me! Just another uppity bitch who doesn't understand her place!" She visibly burned and fumed. "Barbarian! I'll have your head on a silver platter for this!!" "No," he answered with confidence when she started to retreat. "You will." He turned on one of the monitors in the restaurant to a news feed. There was a live feed of the bedlam at the charity concert, now surrounded by heavily armed black choppers. Mezzo's eyes widened upon seeing the red trails lining the heads of Sixth Measure, B.A.B.E., and S.L.U.T., who were completely pinned by masked sharpshooters from above. “You soulless bastard,” she hissed. "This is what happens when you drive me into a corner and threaten my position! Resist any further, and I'll execute them on the spot!" He dangled her dress before her, felt his stomach swell and heat like a furnace, before he breathed a small fire and set it ablaze. "Crawl and beg," he demanded smugly. "Maybe then I'll be motivated to make certain your sons are treated well!" With no options left, after a moment's hesitation Mezzo lowered to her knees, the president's face lit up in satisfaction. She then placed her hands down and started to crawl. Her suspended breasts, hips, and buttocks swayed on her approach, her wide nipples erect in the cool air. His loins burned and threatened to split his pants, which swelled while he leered at her. He licked his chops, certain this bitch would make a fine addition to his horde of lovely secretaries! > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- No matter how she looked at their predicament, everything appeared screwed to Beatrix. Rifles were trained on her, Oona, and the various bands from all directions, while the whir of black helicopters circled overhead like vultures. She thought about opening a portal to rush everyone into, but how quickly could she act? She doubted she had enough energy to erect a barrier against the hail of bullets. And the moment she twitched, another laser sight swiveled over her heart, warning her this was no joke. If only there was a way to call upon reinforcements! Kitsune and Wispy visibly tense their muscles, prepared to spring into action. Between the two of them, the yokai-altered assassins could probably take down all the assailants...had they not already gotten the drop on them. “Don't do it,” Eclipsed urged quietly. “I-I can talk to the president! And then-” “Really doubt that'll work,” muttered Carrion between metallic teeth. “They'll toss us in underground cells and torture us!” Ropes lowered from the choppers, and masked soldiers started to slide down, cuffs and batons ready to apprehend the labeled terrorists. But before they could reach the girls, three monstrous silhouettes cast over them. The captain turned around and gasped, “What the-!?” Serpentine equines sneered down, maws baring teeth at the officers. Then, with a growl, they chased after the tropes, swerving their long scally bodies from gunfire. The bulky blue beast breathed out icy winds, the wave instantly freezing the tanks and soldiers standing. The curvy yellow monster shot lightning bolts at the helicopters, forcing the pilots to abandon their vehicles or risk getting electrocuted. And the spiny red serpent spewed flames to destroy abandoned tanks and cars. All of this was done to draw attention towards the trio, before they let out a combined melodic wail that rippled the air with sound, propelling the armed forces away from the stage. Fortunately, those below were spared the sonic screech that tore into the sky. Soldiers toppled, disoriented, their equilibrium momentarily shattered when many of them swayed and vomited into their masks. Beatrix and company were smart enough to cover their ears until the shrieking serpents ended their chorus, staring back at the group. Kitsune and Wipsy were about to jump at the creatures when Eclipse approached the blue-colored beast. “B-Bass? Is that you!?” “I’ll explain later,” he shouted, the jewels embedded in their necks glimmering brightly. The very same jewels Sixth Measure carried around as pendants. “You need to run!” Eclipsed called back, “But what about y-” “Now!” He bellowed once he and his brothers slithered through the air like eastern dragons, doing their best to fight back against the president’s military without harming the fleeing civilians that filled the concert arena. With tearful eyes, she nodded and reluctantly fled with her companions. “Don’t worry! We'll come back with help,” swore Beatrix, who knew this was way out of their league. With her finger, the witch pointed forward and began drawing an oval in the air. But her attempt was met by an unfamiliar crackle as space appeared to glitch around the rift. “Oh no! What-” Reality itself seemed to bend around the area, the air rippling and twisting. “What is this magic?” Managed Lady Ewe, her eyes widened before her words were swallowed up, alongside all sounds around them. The atmosphere around them split. A mouth-like oval shimmered a sinister scarlet, rapidly closing over the bands and swallowing them up. “A-aah, crapcakes!” Cried Wispy as she was sucked in. Kitsune attempted to grab her and Eclipsed, only to be drawn in too. Carrion's wings beat helplessly, Obrya wrapping her tail around the equipment like Ruth, who hugged it as they spiraled into the swirling vortex. And eventually, Bass, Tenor, and Alto were pulled in as well, no matter how hard they tried swimming. By the time the rift closed up, all of them had vanished. The shaken and scattered military were left to stare nonplussed at what had happened. Instead, their attention turned to the wild crowds, where they chucked canisters of tear gas to subdue them and shouted orders. ***** In the restaurant, Mezzo sat across from the president, whose eyes were glazed over. The moment she started to sing, he was lulled into a trance, his consciousness trapped in his own desires. The second he had surrendered to the baser parts of his dragon instincts, they had started to overwhelm him with greed, until he was transformed into his bulkier state. While the siren couldn't see what he had imagined, the words he muttered made his lurid fantasies quite clear. “Mmmnh~! Yeah, suck it harder you stupid bitch,” he commanded, his triple hard-ons visibly bunched up in his tight pants. “Stroke them nice and slow~!” “Charming,” she scoffed with utmost disgust. At least his humiliation was being broadcasted, noting a couple of people who had wandered in taking out their phones to record the president humping against the table. Mezzo contemplated leaving Spike like this, permanently scrambling his mind. Bastard certainly deserved it. But before she could consider it, something else caught her attention. A bizarre event played across the monitor; the former opera singer watched while her sons and the rest of the bands vanished in what appeared to be a dimensional tear. “What in the..!?” Grunts came from Spike, who snapped back to reality. “H-huh... W-wha!? How did you-” “Shut it, you degenerate,” Mezzo hushed, rising from her seat. “We're done here.” She quickly made her exit before he could make a grab at her. Her attention was far too focused on her sons to listen to Spike’s idle threats. She doubted they were dead, but they could be anywhere! How was she to find them? Sixth Measure's platform had likely been confiscated. The mother siren would have to turn once more to underground sources to find a lead. But where to start? The black markets again? Or, perhaps, one of the many gangs who hated President Spike more than she did...? Smoke billowed from President Spike's nostrils when he watched her exit. He puffed up his muscular chest and exhaled to steady himself. His slit pupils darted to all the aristocrats and customers who had watched the whole ordeal. Then, snorting steam, he adjusted his attire and simply walked away, refusing to let his embarrassment show. That being said, the drake wouldn’t take this insult lying down. Once outside the restaurant Spike tapped his earpiece, calling, “Sassy? Spike. Contact B.A.B.S. for me. I’ve got a new mission for them..!” ***** Everywhere they looked, an endless clinical void of white stretched out. Eclipsed Heart blinked when awareness dawned on her. “Where are we?” She looked around then gasped, her neon pink eyes turned down to stare at her dark curves. “A-and why are we all naked?!” Blushing, the pop diva covered her breasts and crotch with her arms, aware her crushes were here too. Wispy purposefully stretched her striped curves and teased, “Oh, don’t be a prude, princess. Most of us have seen it before! Besides, we’ve got more pressing matters!” “Seems like some sort ov astral realm,” surmised Lady Ewe, whose cheeks also colored while she attempted to cover her massive mammaries. “What we see are mere projections ov our souls. We were swallowed up by a hole in th’ middle ov th’ concert.” Beatrix's eyes darted around. “B-but how? Why?! Is it my fault again..?” “Ah don't think so, Ceann Oga,” her lover gently assured. “Yer portal hoppin’ has ne’er gone astray like this. This might be someone else's doin’…” “Couldn’t be Spike,” Alto added, arms crossed over his lean torso. “He’s a rich prick, but I doubt he has the means for teleportation technology…” “Beats being imprisoned,” offered Tenor. “Or whatever he planned once he caught us…” “As long as we’re all okay,” Bass sighed, looking at everyone present. “Not sure what happened, but we’ll find a way out of here.” His eyes briefly found Eclipsed before he jerked away, his cheeks burning, her figure burned into his mind. Likewise, Eclipsed ducked further down to conceal herself. “This has to be a big misunderstanding! Once I talk with Spike-” “Eclipsed, please…” Kitsune hissed, shaking her head with her arms crossed beneath her heavy breasts. “Surely you realize by now that the president is out to get us! We’re at a real disadvantage here! I can’t transform, and none of our powers are working. I fear it may be impossible to escape from this place…” “N-no! Maybe I can…” But Beatrix hesitated to draw another portal. She had no clue what this space was. And if the wayward witch dared to create another rift, there was a chance she could make a klein bottle-shaped loop that could collapse the whole universe. Countless billions, herself included, would be crushed into nothingness. With a heavy sigh, she lowered her arm. “We’ll find a way out ov here,” assured Lady Ewe, rubbing her lover’s shoulders. Carrion Hellfire took flight, hopeful that she would see something. Her slim shoulders drooped. “Agh! No go! We are so fucked!!” “That’s it? We just stay in here and die?! I can't do that! What about Dillon? What about our fans!?” Obrya slithered around the bright emptiness. “Don't give up so soon, mate,” said Ruth, who stomped the floor. “Ugh. If only we still had our equipment!” Alto grumbled, strolling about. “What happened to our stuff, anyhow?” “Oh, it’s perfectly safe! Trust me,” an unfamiliar masculine voice called. Everyone jumped at the source behind them, where a strange figure suddenly appeared. He wore a pale pin-striped suit, complete with a stylish feathered hat and bandana with a fang design. Bright yellowish-green eyes shined underneath the brim. A spaded tail whipped behind him. “Baaah!! Who are you!?” Beatrix demanded. “And why are you the only one clothed..?” Hissed Wispy, narrowing her feline eyes. “Oh, I’ve been in and out of this place for a while now,” the devilish man explained. “Eventually, you get used to it and can will yourself some clothes. Though do take your time. I certainly don’t mind the view I’m getting~.” All the undressed ladies aside from Obrya shielded their assets from his leer, making him chuckle. Bass barked, “Back off, pal!” “Or what? You and your brothers will get scaly and sing me a song? I could use a little mood music! Go ahead,” he mocked, his hands glowing with red energy. “I dare you!” “We can’t afford to fight,” Beatrix insisted, cutting in front of Sixth Measure. Turning to the suited stranger, she pleaded, “Please, sir. I don’t know what Spike is paying you, but if you’d let us go, I’ll-” She was cut off by his laughter. “Haha! Relax, sweetheart. I’m not working for Spike… at least, not yet anyway~.” “Yet!?” “Name’s Sebastian Karz,” the pin-striped devil introduced himself, taking off his hat to bow. “But friends call me Seb. A pleasure to finally meet you, miss Belladonna~!” He offered his hand to the witch. But before she could shake it, Oona smacked his hand away, glaring hotly. “Keep yer hands off her!” “Yeesh! Has anyone ever told your girlfriend she’s pretty hostile for a lamb?” Seb snickered, rubbing his hand. Pulling Beatrix away, the dream shaman whispered, “If what Ah suspect is correct, we need tae make sure he doesn’t touch anyone, Ceann Oga.” Beatrix gave a concerned look and questioned, “Why, what’s up?” “Look at him, Beatrix. Does he not remind ye ov someone..?” The witch looked over Seb, who readjusted his tie and slid his hands into his pockets. His eyes gazed over to everyone present, everyone on edge with suspicion. It was hard to see with the hat and face mask, but his skin appeared to be gray in tone upon closer observation. “Hey yeah! He kinda reminds me of Moxxi a little-” Then her violet eyes widened in realization, covering her mouth. “... ooooohhh noo!! Are you saying he’s another-” Oona hushed her lover, noting the pin-striped devil glanced at them curiously. “Let’s keep that tae ourselves fur now…” “If you wanna talk shit about me, I'd rather you say it to my face,” the demon-like creature suggested. “Awfully rude, y’know.” Cautiously, Beatrix approached the shady character, clearing her throat. “‘Seb,’ was it? Why did you pull us here if you’re not in cahoots with Spike?” “I didn’t,” he responded. “This space existed long before I showed up. It seemed like it responded to you when you tried creating another portal. If that’s the case, I reckon getting out of here is completely up to you, Beatrix. Considering you’re the one who helped set this mess in motion, after all.” “Y-yeah, well...” Beatrix focused like the rest of them, and slowly, one-after-another, their chosen attire started to appear over them. Around them, the void began to change too, filled by pastel flora and moist earth. Reacting to the witch's imagination and her Prima Materia, their surroundings became more like Eden, the nudist paradise planet she had once found herself on. “Ahh! Ah think Ah understand,” noted Lady Ewe, who touched one of the trees. “Ceann Oga, yer arrival in this world brought a new source ov magic. Like a seed which th’ Elements ov Harmony had tae nurture tae reactivate.” Beatrix balked. “You mean a new Tree of Harmony has been birthed here...?” “Aye. But fur th’ moment, it's a wound in reality. We might not be able tae leave this world until it's nurtured. An’ perhaps never should it perish!” She shuddered at the thought. “But Ah think ye should be able tae transport us back.” “Where were we? That's hardly safe,” scoffed Wispy who flicked an ear. The dream shaman shook her head. “Beatrix can redirect us somewhere she's been. Before that, however, Ah suggest we explore this place a wee bit further. If Seb is bein’ truthful, a bleed should have consumed us. Yet yer Prima Materia protected us. Ah believe it's formed a bubble around us. And, as such, this may be a chance tae learn some of its secrets. If ye’d please, Ceann Oga...” “As long as you’re certain we’re safe here,” Beatrix nodded, exhaling the fresh scents. “Well, at least this makes for pleasant scenery!” “I’ll say,” complemented Seb, who stroked his hand over a tree, admiring its likeness. “Not bad at all… though I much prefer a casino. Bright lights, flashing games, lots of people dressed to impress to become the best.” He turned towards the group, his mask concealing an unmistakable grin. “Any of you ladies perhaps interested in becoming showgirls~?” “Shut your mouth!” Growled Alto as he, alongside his brothers, got back in Seb’s face. “You can’t be trusted!” “And you can?” Wispy butted in, arms folded under her squishy bust. “Don’t think we didn’t see you turn into sea monsters a moment ago. You boys have got some explaining to do!” Each debonair boy eased up on their aggression, knowing the nekomata was right. Then, Sixth Measure walked towards a purple-hued lake with a weary sigh. Once the boys waded in, their bodies glimmered and revealed their fish-like scales and fins. Their entire lower bodies became tails, hued by each member’s primary color and shape. Eclipsed sucked in a breath, soulful eyes taking in the trio who shimmered in the light. “The truth is…” Bass began uneasily. “... we’re sirens.” “Sirens?! But I thought they were an all-female race!” Beatrix exclaimed. “Actually, male sirens aren’t unheard ov,” Oona corrected. “Though certainly a rarity, A’ve heard tales from female lords an’ sailors. How they were enthralled by th’ shanties ov men wit fishtails.” “That would explain why so many fangirls go gaga for them…” The cat woman huffed. “It’s not like that,” Alto insisted amidst a splash. “We never use our power to control our audience! Well, not unless we have too...” “Our melodies aren’t strong like mother's,” explained Tenor. “It only works when we’re in harmony. And even then, the effect wears off very quickly.” “I’m sorry I kept this from you,” Bass apologized directly to Eclipsed. “I-I wasn’t sure how’d you react…” “W-wow.” She blushed and stepped into the waters to meet them. Hesitantly she touched Bass' arm and stroked it. “You're all so handsome! Y-you especially!” “A-are you sure? You’re not bothered by the…” She shook her head, smiling brightly as the water half-swallowed her. “Nonsense! If anything, it makes me want to be with you more! I’d also love to meet your mother. Because truth be told, I can't remember my parents or my childhood!” “We're pretty much in the same boat,” replied Wispy, who nudged at her vixen sister. “No wonder we all teamed up!” “And we'll always be with you,” swore Kitsune, who squeezed the hands of her fellow band members. “We'll help you find your past, and hopefully our own on the way.” She closed her eyes and lost herself in reminiscence. “Th’ answer may be closer than ye think,” confessed Lady Ewe, who stood at the shore when she turned between Eclipsed and Beatrix. “Ah had a theory th’ moment we met ye, Eclipsed Heart. A'm reminded ov another friend ov ours, Midnight Blitzer.” She sighed, uncertain how to break the truth to her. “But now that we're here, A'm almost certain it's true.” Wispy planted hands on her wide hips. “Well, don't keep us all in suspense!” “Yeah,” said Ruth cheerily when the shark woman quickly took to the pristine lake. “Don't keep us in the dark! I'm sure she can handle it!” Carrion perched atop a tree like a bird of prey. “So, what's the lowdown? Does the pop princess come from another world?” Obrya lounged on the shore. “Or maybe she was genetically or magically altered like most of us?” Her palm traced down her snake tail. Seb kept silent, interested to hear about this sudden development. Lady Ewe shook her head, all attention now focused on her and Eclipsed. “Not exactly. Eclipsed Heart...ye're...” Her bosom heaved when she inhaled deep, prepared to break this delicately as she could. “Ah believe Beatrix's subconscious created you.” “Wh-what...?” Eclipsed rapidly blinked. “B-but, how is that possible? Are you saying I wasn't born?!” “In a sense,” confirmed the dream shaman. “Or tae be mair accurate, ye were conceived in this 'Bleed' an’ birthed intae reality wit help from th’ Prima Materia. Th’ version ov ye Beatrix an’ Ah know, Cerise Silhouette, came from such an unlikely union, King Sombra and Pacific Glow, that it was quite unlikely tae be replicated in another universe. But if Beatrix wished she would see ye here...” Eclipsed swayed on her feet and fell into Bass' arms, tears in her eyes. “S-so, I'm not real...?” “Don’t think like that,” assured Bass, holding her close. “You’re as real as any one of us! You're flesh and blood, with an independent will.” “This is so much to take in,” admitted Eclipsed, who looked to Beatrix, uncertain how to feel. “Would that make you my mom?” “What?! No! I already have–I-I mean! I didn't mean for this to happen,” Beatrix stammered, struggling to meet her eyes. “No, no! It's okay! I-I'm happy to be alive,” cried Eclipsed, who burst into fresh tears. It all started to make sense to her. Like why she felt perpetually trapped in adolescence, as she struggled to mature and catch up with her seasoned peers! She took comfort from Wispy and Kitsune, Bass and his brothers, who huddled around the pop princess to support her. Likewise, the 'rival' band looked on in sympathy for her. The revelations slowly sank in, Eclipsed able to intuit her talents came from her would-be father and mother, despite her unlikely origins. Most curiously, the crystals she now found herself able to form out of seeming nothingness. “I'll take you to meet Cerise Silhouette sometime,” promised Beatrix with a sad smile. “I'd like that,” answered Eclipsed, smiling back. “But I'm not ready yet. I want her to see me when I'm at my best!” She worried that her counterpart was far ahead of her, and that she would somehow come off as silly, in comparison. “Awwww, how sentimental,” Seb broke in, causing everyone to sneer at him. “Hate to cut this moment short, but you might wanna leave this place soon. Everyone’s bound to be looking for you.” “Now, hold on,” Wispy interrupted, narrowing her gaze twin tails flicked about. “You mentioned something about working with Spike. Why?” Popping his coat collar, he responded, “I’m a simple man, pussycat. Spike’s offered a lot of money for your heads. Money I could use to advance my agenda. So I figured I’d get ahead of the competition and track you guys.” “Figures,” Oona scoffed. “Sae ye’re plannin’ tae turn us in th’ moment we get out?” “What, and just collect my cheque like I’m at the bank?” The demon shook his head. “Nah, that’d be too damn easy! It’s ain’t always about the money, lambchop. I’m in this purely because I'm a natural-born gambler~!” Beatrix perked her eyebrow, curious. “And what exactly are you gambling..?” Seb chuckles, waving his finger. “You’re a thrillseeker too, right? I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” “Bold of you to assume we’ll let you leave this place alive,” Kitsune threatened. “All part of the game, foxy. Always wanted to see how quick a kunoichi is on the draw~!” “Look, just give us an hour,” requested Lady Ewe, who squeezed her lover's hand. “I promise we'll be ready by then.” “Fine by me,” Seb shrugged, pulling out a hand of cards to shuffle. “It’s not like my life’s on the line here. Hehehe~” “Fucking cad,” spat Alto. “Forget him,” said Tenor. “We'd better check on our mother once we're back. I mean, after all that happened, she’ll surely be worried.” “Pft. That would be a first,” scoffed the middle brother. “She can take care of herself,” Despite his words, doubt was clearly written on his face. Wispy slid up by his side and whispered, “I still owe you. So maybe I’ll take care of you once we return, hmm~?” She winked at him. “Heh. I'll hold you to that~!” A sly smirk lit up his face. At instructions from Lady Ewe, everyone formed a circle and held hands. Their eyes closed once they concentrated in unison, focused on where they wished to return to, somewhere safe from President Spike's watchful eyes. Gradually, their surroundings started to blur around them. And in a brilliant flash, all of them disappeared. ***** After the return trip home, President Spike took a moment to settle in at his desk. He visibly seethed, and smoke pooled from his flared nostrils, unable to forget how that bitch Mezzo had gotten the better of him. Fortunately, his secretaries were swift to see his distress and attempted to calm him, crouched naked before him as they resumed their worship of his cocks. At the same time, he sent a call out to his old hit squad. “Babs Seed? It's the president speaking.” “Really not the best of time, boss,” she answered while the rattle of constant gunfire and hiss of lasers sounded in the background. “We've been trying to drive the Redcaps to the brink of extinction, and they're getting desperate! So make it snappy! Damn!” She wheezed. “Sure thing,” he replied with a grunt; using his free hand pushed Sassy's heated mouth down to the hilt of his crotch and bucked his hips into their heated faces. “Mmnaagh~! I need you to get your team back together and deal with some old friends. Beatrix and Oona Ewe are wanted for treason.” For a moment silence fell. “What?! You can’t be serious! They helped save the world from that loony scientist you hired! Plus, I sold the rights to B.A.B.E.!” “Those rights don't apply to terrorists. Those two have rallied B.A.B.E., S.L.U.T., and Sixth Measure into their act. They're all traitors! I need your team's expertise to help track them down. Think of it as a race…” He said with a smirk, loving the lewd suckles that sounded below him. “You find them; you get to handle them in a friendly manner if you want. But If my officers get a hold of them, well… Heh! I bet many of them would love to get a grasp of those curves~.” There was a another pause before Babs answered. “...alright, fine. I'll talk it over with my unit. But I’m not killing them. End of discussion!” “Copy that.” He clicked away from the call, just in time as his shafts withdrew from the hot lips of his lovers, still connected by strings of mixed precum and saliva. Grunts rose from deep in his belly. The three tools pulsed and unloaded across their faces, into their open mouths, and across their tongues, which they stuck out to accept his fiery seed. He wheezed in contentment. “Aahh. That feels much better, thank you...” Adorned by his masculine makeup, the three smiled and started to lick his half-erect dicks clean. He closed his eyes and began to imagine Mezzo was amongst them, ready to accept her place. Though Spike highly doubted Babs could be relied on, given her reluctance. Perhaps he should make another call? He gave a hefty price over their heads, so certainly some more assassins would ensure his imminent victory..? It dawned on him that he no longer felt wet sensations over his throbbing dicks, his brows furrowing with a snort. “Hey! I don’t remember asking any of you to…” When he opened his eyes, a new figure was seated in front of his desk. The crook gave a friendly wave and offered, “Aye, boss~!” Immediately, Spike rose up in alarm. “Who the fuck!? How did you get past my security?!” “W-we don’t know,” Rarity said. “There was a flash of light, and he suddenly appeared!” “It was a spectacular entrance,” laughed the pin-striped devil. “A shame you couldn’t see it, lost in the motion and all~.” Huffing, Spike fumbled his cocks back into his trousers, glaring deathly at the intruder. “You have twelve seconds to vacate my tower before-” “Whoa, now! Take it easy,” the stranger said, holding out his hands. “Is this how you treat all your potential employees?” “Potential what!?” “O-oh! I think he’s referring to the bounty you placed on Beatrix and friends,” offered Coco, who cleaned her slimy face with a silk napkin before providing another to Sassy and Rarity. Spike took a moment to compose himself with a soft hiss before sitting down. “Didn’t catch your name…” “Seb’s the name,” the creature started as he put out a card that glowed. The secretaries gasped when a pistol suddenly appeared. Giving it a twirl, he continued, “And dealing cards is my game. I’ve come to offer up my services, amigo.” Spike stared at the gun, unthreatened. “And why should I consider your offer? Last time I gave a shady individual a job, he nearly ruined my business!” Seb snorted. “Sure, like that’s the reason everyone in this city hates you~.” The dragon growled. “You’ve got a lot of balls for someone within firebreathing distance. I’d watch your tone. Now answer my question!” “Because I know where Beatrix and her little pals are heading,” answered the gunslinger. The party didn’t know that one could escape the ‘Bleed’ just by picturing themselves elsewhere. Thus how he managed to infiltrate the tower unimpeded. “And unlike your half-paid goons, I get shit done.” “Oh really,” Spike mused with a raised brow. “Show me your weapon.” Handing it over butt first, the dragon examined the craftsmanship. Then, grinning, he said, “It’s a very nice gun…” before he took aim at the shady dealer. “I think I’ll take it!” The girls gasped and ducked out of the way, holding their ears. But when Spike pulled the trigger, the pistol shot backward , the round biting into his firing arm amidst a pop. “GRAAAAAAAGH!!” He screamed, clutching at his wound as blood oozed out. “Now, why would you go and do a stupid thing like that?” The demon asked slyly. “Coco!” Rarity said, urging her friend to retrieve a medical kit from the wall, who dashed off. Sassy seized the gun and pointed it once more at Seb’s head, visibly shaken. “Bastard! One more word out of you and I’ll-” “I’d put that down if I were you,” he threatened, his slime-colored eyes leering up at her. “That gun only works for me. So unless you wanna end up like your dick-headed boss, you’ll give it back.” As Seb opened his palm, Sassy reluctantly relinquished his weapon, watching as it shifted back into a card that he slipped up his sleeve. Spike snarled when Coco fixated a bandage around his shoulder. Emerald eyes glared at the pin-striped devil, seething through hot pants that shook him. “... What the hell are you?!” Crossing his legs, Seb eased into his chair, replying, “I’m just a simple gambler. And I’d like to play a little game.” “Absolutely not!” Objected Rarity, whose lips curled at the intruder while she wiped her cum stained face. Her mascara smeared while she tried to reclaim her dignity over the gaudy stranger. “You’ll be escorted out of the building this instant!! I’m calling security-” “I’m in charge here!!” Spike wheezed, reaching for her wrist to seize it. Rarity gasped in fright, pulling her arm free. His gaze softened, realizing he had come off too strong. Instead, he focused his anger back on the gangster garbed demon. As much as he wanted to toss this fucker out the window, he couldn’t deny Seb’s skillset thus far. He managed to sneak in when he didn’t expect it. And the gun he produced was unlike anything the drake had witnessed. What other tricks did the gambler have up his sleeve, he wondered. Spike relaxed as best he could, with Coco rubbing his wounded shoulder, taking back his seat. Then, clearing his throat, he said, “Alright, ‘Seb.’ Let’s hear about this game of yours.” His smile spread underneath his bandanna once he turned to Sassy, who slipped back into a dress. “Be a dear and pour me a glass of whiskey.” “The nerve! I don’t answer to-” “Just do it,” Spike ordered, much to his secretary's dismay. She walked over to a cabinet and bent down to retrieve them, no doubt giving the bastard a nice view of her skirt-clad ass. She then returned with the requested items. “Good,” Seb nodded. “Now fill it up without spilling over.” Sassy did as commanded, pouring the drink to the point of almost overflowing. The pin-striped devil chuckled. “I figured with all this power at your disposal, you’d have to be a betting man! Today’s just my lucky day~!” “Can’t get anywhere without a little risk involved,” Spike agreed. “Now, name your bet.” Nodding, Seb produced some old-fashioned currency from his pocket, sprinkling the golden coins known as Bits onto the table. “It’s simple. Just guess how many coins the glass will allow without spilling a single drop. If you win, I’ll have your criminals handled in half a day.” “Sounds impressive,” Spike considered before frowning. “And if I don’t win?” “Then, in the future, you’ll owe me a favor of my choice,” the demon stated. “Might be tomorrow, could be two weeks from now. But I’ll let you know when it’s time to pay up~.” “Huh… I was expecting you’d want my company,” the dragon admitted. Seb shrugged nonchalantly. “Everyone wants to live on top of the world. But us businessmen gotta think of the bigger picture.” This made the president chuckle. “You certainly talk a lot, don’t you? Now, let me ask this. With such low stakes, why would I take this bargain?” “Well, that depends on how badly you value your reputation,” counted Seb, who pressed his fingers together. “Sure, you could walk away. But then you’d be admitting that the press, the people, and your enemies were all right about you…” As he continued, he leaned in close, his eyes narrowed into a sinister glare. “... that you’re nothing but a spineless coward!” Spike almost slammed his fist into the table, but he controlled himself. He wasn't about to be outdone and humiliated by another upstart. Especially not in front of his lovers! With cool fury he muttered, “...two coins. That’s all I need!” “I wouldn’t be too sure about that…” Seb tsked teasingly as he picked up and pair and steadily hovered them above the glass. Instantly, Spike felt sweat drip profusely down his brow, claws tightly clenched. He felt his heart skip a beat as the coins dropped into the glass. The liquid swooshed around but didn't tip over. A deep sigh of relief left his maw. Seb whistled. “Well, would you look at that? Lady Luck was smiling on you tonight! Congratulations, sir. Pleasure doing business with you, boss~!” Spike took the drink and downed it in one gulp to celebrate the occasion. He cast the questionable character with a smile. “The pleasure is all mine, Seb. I look forward to seeing you again in twelve hours!” “Oh, mark my words. I’ll make all your troubles disappear,” he swore, offering his hand out to receive a firm shake. The gaudy dealer held onto Spike’s paw for a moment, his eyes briefly narrowed in concentration. Then, releasing his hold, he made his way towards the elevator before Spike called for him. “Before you head out, I’d like Sassy and Coco to accompany you,” he ordered, much to their combined shock. “B-but sir, we-” Sassy began protesting until the president silenced them. “I want to make sure Beatrix, Oona, and all those upstarts never interfere with my business again! So I need you to help Seb track them down. Is that clear?” His harsh face settled on them. “I-I… yes sir,” Coco said, lowering her head when she and her friend flanked the demon dealer. “Mmm,” Seb mused, his eyes taking in their generous flesh contained by thin dresses. “Am I right to assume they’ll do anything I ask~?” “Anything,” nodded the president dismissively. “But I expect them back unharmed.” “Of course, boss! We’ll keep in touch,” assured Seb, who wasted no time wrapping his arms around their waist and securing them closer. Rarity watched as the trio descended down the elevator, confliction clear on her messy face. But Spike took no notice, far too ecstatic about the plans he set in motion. So excited, in fact, that the drake knew he couldn’t sit this one out! No, this would be like an adventure of old. A hunt, like he was one of his draconic ancestors! Soon, the president would spring his trap around all who defied him to cement his place at the top! > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The declining elevator ride was taut. While aware that most of her emotions were artificial, Sassy Saddles couldn’t help but feel unnerved by Seb’s presence. And turning to Coco Pommel, she found the same expression of caution across her face. The muzak was almost welcome. For the moment, the pin-striped devil had released his hold on each android’s supple curves. Instead, he tapped his foot and hummed a tune while eying the security camera. “You’re wasting your time if you think you can get past our defenses,” the fiery-haired secretary warned. Coco nodded, adding, “We won’t fall for any tricks you have up your sleeve!” Their declaration only earned a stiff chuckle from the gambler, who retorted, “Is that a fact?” The elevator landed on the ground floor, signaled by a ding. Faster than their sensors could indicate, Seb pounced upon Sassy, pinning the droid’s synthetic body into the wall. A sharp gasp escaped her mouth as she felt callus fingers rub along her inner thigh. Her cheeks flushed, trying to push the stranger off of her until her nether lips were stroked. “Gaagh! W-what are you doing!? Get off of me!!” “Not bad!” Seb huskily slurred into her ear, using another hand to lift up the skirt of her dress, exposing her delicate pussy. His lime-yellow eyes looked over the sticky liquid that webbed around his index and middle finger. “Those engineers did a fine job replicating your womanly parts. So authentic!” He fingered her gushing cunt, earning more heightened moans and mewls from Sassy. Coco was frozen like a deer in headlights. She had every right to cease this molestation. But since the president gave him permission to ‘use them how he wished,’ to interfere would go against her programming. So she just watched, legs rubbing together. Seb took notice and mockingly praised, “He even went so far as to give you visual stimulation! He’s a dedicated man; I’ll give him that. But It’s such a shame all this technology is being wasted in nostalgia. Because he knows deep down a robot can never compare to a real woman~.” They both gasped in alarm. “H-how do you-aaaaahh~!” Seb tweaked his fingers inside Sassy’s womanhood, finding a particular spot that caused her sensitive receptors to go into overdrive, making her cry louder. “Every player brings something to the table to help them win the game,” elaborated the card demon. “In my case, I’ve got this special little touch that allows me to discern every thought of whoever I come in contact with. That simple handshake we shared allowed me to see all the cards he’s dealing with. As well as insight about you beautiful bots~.” “N-no! That can’t be possible!” refused Coco with a shake of her head. “Want proof? I’m about to rearrange this cyber slut’s programming with a press of a button,” Seb declared, flexing his fingers deeper. “Spike may have been thorough when designing you sex droids. But his avarice and vice blinded him to one major flaw…” Sassy felt her body achieve climax with a couple more thrusts, static wrapping around her form while she wailed at the elevator roof. It was that moment that Seb tapped a small button that popped out of the nape of her neck. Once pressed, the twitching droid powered down, leaning on the window frame unconscious. “Sassy!!” “Those stimulation sensors are way overtuned,” explained Seb, who pulled out a napkin to clean the sticky femcum drenching his fingers. “Horny bastard’s so desperate to keep his dicks wet, he failed to realize a hard enough ‘orgasm’ gives a brief window for someone to hit her factory reset switch!” Coco shot a piercing glare at the gambler. “You won’t get away with this. When Spike sees the camera footage, he’ll-” “He’ll do fuck all,” Seb cut off. “See, if he was smart with his alien hardware, he’d invest in some recording tech so he could make out what we’re saying. You think I’d attempt this ploy if I had a chance of getting caught?” The synthetic woman did her best to maintain a brave front, but she couldn’t control her trembling under those calculating slime-yellow eyes. “And even if I did get my comeuppance, your boss couldn’t give two shits about what happens to you. Rarity at least has a warm soul inside that erotic hardshell. But you two? You’re practically expendible!” Before she could retort, Sassy rose up once her system was rebooted. Her eyes opened to fire a scanning beam onto the pin-striped devil in front of her. With a smile to her snout, she said, “Imprint scan: complete. What is my first directive, master Seb?” “No need for the formalities or catchy titles,” dejected the gambler. “Seb will do just fine.” “Of course,” the android bowed her head before re-stating, “What is my first directive? Coco shuddered as Seb’s eyes fell on her again. And even with the bandana covering half his face, she could tell the bastard was smirking underneath. “From what I’ve gathered, Coco knows the location of every factory that manufactures Spike’s hardware and military equipment. More importantly, she knows where that U.F.O is. Be a dear and help her settle into our new ‘business model.’” “At once,” replied Sassy, who wasted no time pinning Coco into the elevator wall and locking their lips together. The panicking woman struggled to pull away, muffling a cry when she slid her hands down to caress Coco’s dripping mound. Managing to pull away, she pleaded, “S-Sassy, stop! This isn’t you, y-you’ve been–mmmph~!!” But Sassy ignored her friend’s protests, focused on completing her task. Seb leaned against the doors with his arms folded. Chuckling, he said “Relax, babydoll. At least when you work for me, I’ll make sure every part of you is put to good use~!” It wouldn’t be long until Coco was rerouted to become a part of his acquisition. And once he had access to Spike’s technology and facilities, the real game would begin. He took a peek at the clock, which showed the current time. “Hmm. Ten-Twenty,” the card demon mused. “I did promise Beatrix and Oona an hour. I can use this time to improve my hand~!” ***** After they escaped the 'Bleed' in reality, Beatrix, Oona, B.A.B.E, and S.L.U.T found themselves transported back to where they wished. Which happened to be the Komodo hideout, where the witch landed with a thump on a couch alongside her lover. “Yowch!” cried Beatrix, who stood and rubbed her bottom. “One of these days, we’ll land somewhere comfy. Did everyone make it okay?” “Ah believe sae,” observed Lady Ewe, seeing who was present before frowning. “All except Seb are here. He must have wished himself elsewhere.” “Thank goodness!” Eclipsed sighed with relief, clinging to Bass’s arm. “That guy gives me the creeps…” “Yeah, I bet that greedy sleazeball is already at the president’s tower,” proclaimed Wispy, whose fur prickled with vexation. “As if the bastard needed more help in killing us!” Kitsune shook her head, suggesting, “No, I suspect there’s more to Seb’s ‘allegiance’ than mere greed.” “Whatever the case, he can’t be trusted,” affirmed Bass, who protectively wrapped his arms around Eclipsed. “We better watch our backs.” Beatrix nodded before properly surveying the tunnel, riesling that it was eerily quiet. All the neon lights decorating the walls were out, and no reptoid was in sight. “Hey, where are the Komodos?” Obrya cupped her hands over her mouth and called, “Dillon? Babe, you here?!” “They must be out on the streets,” proposed Riptide Ruth, scratching her chin. “Probably found Halloween Party members trespassing their turf again.” “Well, at least we can lay low here for a while until they get back,” Carrion Hellfire said as she dropped onto a sofa and stretched her metallic wings and legs. “I’m calling mom,” offered Tenor, who pulled out a cellphone. “Need to let her know we’re okay.” “She’s probably pissed we outed ourselves in the public eye,” admitted Alto, his arms folded tightly into his chest. But his attention was taken by the nekomata, who sidled up to the rockstar. “Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, Alto,” insisted Wispy, who took his arm and rested her cheek on his shoulder. “You did the right thing despite potentially harming your reputation.” “I don’t care what the public thinks,” he said, loosening up. “I just want my brothers and everyone else to be safe.” “The feeling’s mutual, believe me,” she nodded, eying Alto with a suggestive gaze. “Now, how about we go somewhere so I can give you a ‘proper’ thank you~?” After a moment’s hesitation, Alto let out a sigh before nodding. Kitsune watched her sister and the middle brother disappear into an unoccupied room before shaking her head. “Can we even afford the time to relax?” the fox woman questioned. “Not much else we can do now,” assured Eclipsed Heart, who had already settled in at another couch with Bass. “We'll need our strength for the upcoming events ahead!” Despite the assurance from her close friend, Kitsune refused to allow her defenses to drop so easily. Growling, she made her way towards the hideout’s entrance. “What’s up with her?” asked Beatrix. “Beats me,” the shark woman shrugged. “Kit has always been on edge about everything. Doesn’t know when to give herself a break.” “Ah don’t blame her,” said Oona with pursed lips. “Our list ov enemies keeps growin' by th' hours!” “Nothing we haven’t handled before,” huffed the witch confidently. “Whether it’s an egocentric millionaire or a sharply dressed con man, we’ll overcome the odds! Just as we always have.” “Ah fear it’ll take mair than sheer luck an' skill this time around, Ceann Oga,” the dream shaman rebutted. “We’ll need all th' help we can get…” Still, Oona did her best to calm her worried nerves by indulging in a shot of alcohol, much to Beatrix’s surprise. Soon, everyone partook in an activity to keep themselves busy. Obrya had her head glued to her phone screen, asking her followers over the web to support the upcoming charity concert. Ruth went back to maintenance on what equipment she still had while Carrion set up the pool table for a potential round of billiards. Of course, the one exception was Kitsune, who went outside and took to the roof. She narrowed her eyes to scan the horizon, uncertain when the enemy would strike. She stood still like a stone sentinel, her hand firmly grasping the hilt of her beam saber, ready to unsheath at any detectable movement. Darkness had fallen, the vixen's silhouette imprinted on the moon. But behind her cold mask, a squall of emotions she thought no longer existed began to brew. How could her allies be content to mess around during such dire circumstances? Why did she always have to be the one on alert for danger? ‘No… that’s too harsh,’ she scolded to herself. ‘You’ve always been like this. It’s because you’re a killer. A weapon. And nothing more.’ Kitsune thought back to Lady Ewe and Beatrix, and how content the former was just being by the latter's side, no matter the consequence. Shame and envy swelled within her chest as bitter tears streamed down her matted fur. She knew the real reason she came out here. Not out of sworn duty or protection. But to hide how sorely her heart ached. How badly she wanted to have what Eclipse and, to an extent, Wispy coveted. Her ears flicked at a sound behind her, instinctively drawing her weapon to swing behind her. “Whoa whoa!! Easy, mate!” Ruth exclaimed, her arms raised in defense. “It’s just me!” Kitsune’s hard glare softened, her stance loosening as she resealed her blade. “You know better than to sneak up on me like that. I nearly decapitated you!” “Yeesh, girl! Chill! I was only checking up on you. But I’ll be out of your hair.” Just as the shark woman was about to head back down, the kunoichi’s voice stopped her. “Wait… I could use the company, actually,” Kitsune confessed. A wide toothy grin spread Ruth’s snout before she took a seat. “Now that’s more like it! I know it can get lonely sometimes.” Kitsune stiffened before retorting, “I’m not lonely.” “Pha! Sure you are. I can see it every time you stare at your bandmates. Beatrix also mentioned how chummy you and the sheep babe we're getting~.” The vixen folded her arms underneath her bust, unable to look Riptide Ruth in the eye. The sharknoid gave a heavy sigh before continuing. “Look, Kit, I get it. Really, I do! I’m not exactly ‘easy on the eyes,’ as they say. Hellion has her fan flings, and Obrya’s got a whole alligator to herself. Those two are lucky their mutations didn’t completely rid them of their ‘human’ features. But not everyone’s up to swim with a ‘scary shark monster’...” This got the fox woman to look at Ruth, realizing how selfish she sounded. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized before sitting down. “I should be more grateful for the people in my life…” “Nah, I didn’t mean it like that,” Ruth assured, wrapping her with one big arm. “What I’m saying is that it’s okay to be lonely. But don’t let it eat at you. I’m sure I’ll find someone that’ll look past the hard scales and rows of teeth and appreciate my ‘true’ beauty. Just as there’s someone out there who’ll appreciate yours.” “You… really believe that?” “Sure do! And, hey. Whatever ails ya', you can come to me, okay?” “I...okay,” nodded Kitsune, who shyly looked back down. Wispy and Eclipsed had a better rapport with people, while she always felt at home during the heat of action. While she doubt she'd ever find companionship like the shark woman suggested, the thought was still enticing. For now, though, she was content to sit beside Ruth as time passed by. Driven out of society by President Spike, they knew it wouldn’t be long until their forces scoured the land to hunt them down. Would they be ready by then...? ***** Alto let out a grunt as Wispy pushed him into a chair set in the center of the room. “Now, stay right there, cutie,” the nekomata purred. “I owe you an apology after leading you on, and I plan on delivering~!” The red-haired singer snickered and replied, “Man, you really go all out on everything, don’t ya?” “Part of my style!” She locked the door with a click, her twin tails left to sway behind the striped tigress. “Think you can handle all this pent-up energy~?” She winked and swayed her wide hips when she started to saunter over. “Oh, you know it!” Alto licked his lips, his eyes pinned on her when she hooked the zipper to her crimson catsuit, which she slowly zipped down from the neck. Her breasts were almost freed with a bounce as she bared her navel, then stopped above her womanly mound. She licked her bare teet, hungrily eying the young singer. “I do hope there’s no hard feelings between us,” Wispy pouted playfully when she tugged down his attire until the singer’s chest was bare for her to stroke. “I didn't want to lead you on, truly! But I must help my friends!” “Nah, I get it,” he nodded. “Family’s just as important, despite how much I despise my mother lately…” “Shhhh,” hushed Wispy, who placed a finger on his lips. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m your mommy now~” She took a step back and slowly slid her arms out of her attire until her heavy, pale breasts wobbled free. “H-hooly fuck!!” Alto meeped, his eyes wide and face glowing, pinned to her perky pink nipples. Giggling, the cat woman cupped and played with her ample tits, the white fur contrasting her bright striped body. Likewise, the white trail went over her stomach, down to her snatch, which she bared when she stepped out her garments. She grinned, sliding her hands up behind her head and rolling her hips around, letting the siren drink every last inch of her nudity. “Like what you see, baby? I know you couldn’t help it. You’ve been eye fucking me for quite a while~!” She wiggled her hips and bottom. The only sounds the singer sang were soft pants and gasps, admiring every curve of the nekomata’s body. This only escalated when Wispy turned around to shake her pert backside, the plush cheeks also striped and her twin tails raised to bare herself fully to him. She turned her head to glance at the bulge forming in those pants, grinning with approval. “Mmm, not bad~.” “Not bad? Pft! Trust me. You haven’t seen everything~.” “Oh, I will… some other time. For now~” She turned her wide hips and ass back to him, then sat on his lap and started to gyrate. Alto hissed and sighed sweetly, enveloped by the warmth and softness of her furry ass. “Huahh~!” he wheezed. “Oh yeah. Way better than what I imagined a lap dance from you would be!” “Hehe~! Behave yourself, and I might give you plenty of fap material, stud,” Wispy teased in her sassy manner, grinding her bare, wet pussy against that pitched tent. It took every restraint in her supple body not to fish out that throbbing cock. Grunts arose while she rubbed circles atop him. She let out a light coo as Alto’s hands secured her hips, gently sliding them onto her jiggling tits. He squeezed and traced her pink, perky nipples in circles with his thumbs. “A-aaaah! Mmm, good boy~!” She growled huskily, leaning into to lap at his ear, making him shudder underneath. Her tails unbuttoned his pants and slithered to stroke around the shaft inside to finish him off. “O-oh shit!” cried Alto, who could barely hold himself from the overwhelming stimulation. “Like that, don’t you~?” “M-mhmah! Y-yes mmma’am–O-ohh, mama!!” Her tails rubbed up and down his length, feeling his pre stain her fur. Using one hand to open the fly and pull his rigid cock out, Wispy quickened the pace, gasping, “That’s it! Cum for mommy~!” “Y-yaaahh! I’m coming!!” Alto whined before mashing his face into her breasts while pulling onto her tight. Delighted moans joined her lovers as she felt thick ropes splatter and paint their stomachs. Keeping his head pressed into her chest, she mewled out before spraying his lap with fem cum. Wispy brushed through the singer’s red locks, biting her lip when she felt him suckle her nipple. Breathing airly, she asked him, “How’s that? Satisfied?” Alto pulled off her left tit, replying, “For now. But damn, that was hot!” “Good! That makes us even,” She smirked as she unmounted his lap. “Y’know, you’re quite the mama’s boy~.” His cheeks flourished once more as he admitted, “I-It’s a bit of a kink. Don’t tell anyone, or I-I’ll-” “You’re secret’s safe with me,” she swore slyly with a wink. “Normally, I don’t indulge in that kind of stuff, but that was pretty fun! I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time.” “Next time~?” Her slit pupils fell onto Alto’s flaccid cock, licking her lips at how juicy it looked covered in her pussy nectar. “If that’s how big you are as a human, I can't imagine the beast you’re packing in siren form~!” “If you’re so curious, why not find out?” offered the singer, who pumped his wet shaft to try and entice the sultry feline. She scoffed before throwing him a napkin to clean himself as she bent down to collect her clothes. “Easy there, big boy. Next time~” she promised while wiggling herself back into the bottom half of her jumpsuit. “Oh, fine… have it your way!” he groaned but tidied himself up, wiping all the pussy cream off his dick before pulling up his pants. The cat woman tittered with amusement, getting a real kick from teasing the poor lad. Maybe Sixth Measure wasn’t so bad after all! She certainly hoped Eclipsed Heart was in worthy hands! She and Kitsune considered themselves her older sisters and had sworn to protect her. Yet they had also sworn to follow their leader's lead, determined to make B.A.B.E. the most popular band globally! An unlikely dream now that they were wanted criminals. What exactly were they supposed to do, aside from hiding...? ***** They weren’t the only duo to take their affection to another room. Eclipsed Heart led Bass inside before locking the door shut behind her. A soft blush colored her cheeks as she stared at him. Gulping down the lump in her throat, she began, “I know I said to take things slow, but-” “Eclipse, it’s alright,” the debonair boy assured, gingerly rubbing her shoulder with a smile of sympathy. “There’s no need to rush into it! We don’t have to do this if you don’t want-” “Well, maybe I want to!” The diva insisted, brushing past him to stand in front of the bed, pouting. “I’m not even sure who I am anymore. For all we know, another chance like this won’t come around!” “M-maybe, but…” His words were lost when she started to peel off layers of her dress, unable to help but shiver as more of her skin was shown. Soon, Eclipse was down to her undergarments, her blush heavy with how her lover’s tangerine eyes took in her supple yet petite form. “I-I take it you must really like what you see...” She tittered coyly, snapping the bands of frilly neon pink bra and panties, which barely contained her sizable assets. “W-would you like to help me out...?” “O-oh! Yeah...” He swallowed and approached her. Once he was behind her, he unhooked the bra and let her breasts bounce free. Then he knelt and slid down her panties, her dark, shapely buttocks poised before his face as he denuded her. The pop princess bounced, feeling his lips and hands caress her backside, much to her delight. “Mmm aah~! S-so eager,” she murmured, giving her little shake to smother the siren in her luscious ass cheeks. “I-I can’t help it,” he groaned as he gave her supple rump a squeeze. “You’re so beautiful. I'm proud to be your boyfriend, i-if you'll have me.” Eclipsed gazed back with elated eyes and nodded. “Of course! So long as you pop my cherry.” Her blush deepened. She swayed towards the bed, hips and bottom sashaying side to side. She had seen Wispy perform this maneuver a thousand times, where she then draped onto her side. “Only if you're sure.” Bass started to undo his own clothes and cast them aside. Her wide, innocent eyes watched him, unable to obscure her own curiosity. She drank in the sight of his abs and musculature, chewing at her lip. "Oh, I’m sure~! A-and…" Her eyes settled on the floor. "Would you mind if I...recorded this? It's an important moment for me!" He raised a skeptical eyebrow but went along with a nod, earning a subdued squeal as Eclipsed recovered her heart-shaped phone. As it hovered around them, she set it to record, the device primed to follow her facial movements to capture her expression. "Don’t worry. I'll even send you a copy! But you gotta keep this private!" Her blush deepened at the idea while she inhaled. "Of course,” swore Bass, who took her hand into his for reassurance. “You're important to me!” The siren’s warm body settled next to her own pliable curves. He spooned her from behind, her head tilted so that their lips met. Gradually he traced a hand over her hip and tummy until she directed his other hand to rest on her bosom. “H-hurry, please,” she mewled, feeling his dick throb against her pert butt. “I want you so bad~!” He nodded once she lifted a leg, rubbing the tip against her soaked slit. A low moan rose from the pop princess when her lower lips were spread to welcome him in, split open once his swollen cock filled her moist confines to the brim. He reached all the way to her cervix once he reached his hilt. She pressed her ass into him when he started to move, their mouths left to lock while he fondled her. “A-aah~! Oh, Bass,” she whispered, her cheeks afire when he took her. She rocked under his thrusts, her thick pink ponytail left to drape over his chiseled body. “You feel so wonderful, baby,” he huskily whispered. “Not as wonderful as having this big cock to myself~!” She tittered and squirmed, the quiet split by the clap of her supple cheeks when he started to pick up his pace, after she finally adjusted to his size. "Oh...oh wow~!" She screamed once she heated up further, barely aware and hopeful the commotion outside wouldn’t alert everyone of their activity. But with each pummeling thrust, the diva’s concern gradually washed away, far more focused on the pleasure her new boyfriend was giving her. She wailed each time he speared her deep. Somehow, she had never felt more fulfilled in her short life! “P-please! Cum inside me,” she pleaded, her tight pussy trying to suck him in. Bass huffed yet didn't slow down. “B-but what about-” “Wispy left me some pills,” explained Eclipsed through shrill squeals. “I-I'm safe, baby! Do it! Splatter my insides! I want this to be perfect~!” She felt his hands cup on a sizable tit and buttock, his muscular hips sweaty when he pounded into her pink puffy pussy. “Aaagh! E-Eclipsed!!” He yelped, sheathed completely, and pumped her pussy full of white-hot love. “Yeeeesss~,” she whined from the euphoria of his spunk splashing into her. She rubbed her swollen love button, eyes squeezed shut when she came too, her squirts left to splash over his crotch while the couple rode out a shared orgasm to completion. They shared another drawn-out kiss while they came down from their euphoria. The sheets below them were soaked, both left to heave, sweaty and messy. Her phone hovered by them; their session was captured from every angle and close up so that her first time was memorialized. Finally, she found her voice. “That was...wow!” the pop star exclaimed, tickling his chest. “I-I’ll say,” laughed Bass before kissing her once more, still inside her where it was warm and comfortable. “I haven’t experienced anything like that before!” Eclipsed played back the recording, blushing deeper when she saw her face contorted in euphoria, then sent him a copy before she closed the heart-shaped device. “So… a-are we..?” “Yes,” affirmed Bass, who cupped her chin to take another kiss. “I’m not going anywhere without you.” “Oh, thank heavens! Wispy tells me some guys are bored after the first time they lay down with their babe.” The innocent pop princess wrapped an arm around him. “I... I think I love you, Bass.” She flushed harder. “Eeh! Oh, gosh! Maybe I shouldn't have said-” “No, no! It’s okay.” He beamed back at her. “I love you too, Eclipsed.” “Can we stay like this? Just for a little while? I’m not ready to back out yet…” After he nodded, the pop diva buried her face into the siren’s chest. Whatever her origins were, Eclipsed Heart was thankful to be alive. And with Wispy, Kitsune, and all her friends by her side, she felt like she could take on the world and its challenges! ***** The black market. A place hidden below the city where the dregs of society and the desperate converged for the sake of survival. Almost anything could be bought and sold here. It was a place where Mezzo Soprano would normally never be caught dead, but to find out what happened to her sons, she felt there was little choice. Further into the compound, the famed primadonna was in the middle of a purchase. A machine that not only boasted enough firepower to protect her ship but came equipped with a tracking device. “… that’s my final offer,” Mezzo told the merchant, not at all phased by the surrounding heavily armed men. "You can’t be serious! This baby’s worth at least a thousand times that amount!" The arms dealer complained. “Get out of here! We don’t want things to get violent, do we?” He threatened to send his thugs in to detain her. She stared them back down, nonplussed, and replied, “I’m not leaving without that machine! My sons are out there, and I plan to find them.” “Mmm…” the shifty seller eyed the older woman lecherously, sporting a toothy grin. “Luckily for you, I’m feeling quite generous. Why don’t you come to the back and we’ll discuss a discount~?” Mezzo glared at him with disgust while his brand of security snickered. “I’m asking you to take this seriously!” “I am being serious! You want my machine? Ditch the fancy clothes and use that pretty mouth of yours~!” Before the argument could escalate, a car horn honking tore their attention to a vehicle rolling into the market. An ebony V-12 Cadillac of the 80/85 series. Quite the oddity in a world of cybernetic advancements and hovercrafts. But those in the slums that recognized the decorative ‘JAQK’ logo painted along the hood knew better than to stick around. “Aw, shit! It’s the debt collector!” One guard whispered harshly as the car came to a stop, the passenger doors popping open. And out came Seb, who briefly locked eyes with the opera singer before strutting towards the stand. ‘Debt collector?’ she wondered to herself. “Evening, gentlemen!” the stylish devil called politely. “Am I interrupting something?” The merchant gulped before nervously replying, “W-we were just telling this dumb broad to take a hike is all. Thinks she can buy our latest artillery and use it as a GPS!” “Really now?” Slime eyes surveyed the machine before the gambler whistled. “That is a fine-looking piece of military hardware! And certainly looks costly… How about we play for it?” Mezzo shook her head, baffled at this man’s request. “What?! Excuse me, I was here fir-” “Ooooh, no, no, no! I learned my lesson last time I rolled the dice with you,” the arms dealer refused. “You want it? You buy it! Period!!” “Mmm. See, the problem is... I’m a little tight on cash. And until I collect that bounty of those two dames, I can't afford to spend recklessly!” “Well, tough titties, Seb. It's about time fancy suits like you finally got your hands dirty with hard work! Now scram before I sick my hounds on you!!” The pinstriped devil released a low sigh as he leaned his frame against the table counter. Staring dead in the seller’s eye, he asked simply, “Hard work you say... Is that the story you've sold to your sister?” Whatever bravado and confidence the stubborn employer had instantly crumbled at the mention of his relative. His eyes wide like saucers, his hand trembling. “... m-my what?” “Y'know! Your sister, Carol! A lil' birdy told me she lost her job and was trying to make ends meet for her baby. She was getting so desperate, she almost sold herself into prostitution before you took up a job to support her. But you haven't been honest about what your job was, have you..?” “You shit-eating cocksucker! You keep them outta this or-” “Be a real shame if someone let it slip you gave President Spike the extra firepower he needed to enforce those riots. Bet it would break her heart knowing her loving brother was partially responsible for harming so many men, women, and children~.” Mezzo gawked helplessly at the stranger. She was aware such shady criminals and aristocrats came in and out of the black market. But clearly, this gangster garbed demon had a fearsome reputation. Sweating bullets, the arms dealer said, “A-alright, fine! Name your game, you son of a bitch!” Chuckling, Seb produced a pair of dice in his hand, which he closed and shook to make them rattle. “Think of a number between one and twelve,” he explained. “If your guess is closer to what’s rolled, you win, and I’ll get off your case. But if my guess is closer, I'll be taking that machine. Sound fair?” The merchant gave a shaky nod and stammered, “I-It’ll be s-s-seven!” “Ooh~! Feeling lucky tonight, aren’t we?” He momentarily turned towards the opera singer and extended his opening hand. “Would you mind?” It took a few seconds for Mezzo to realize what he wanted. And, against her better judgment, the opera singer blew breath onto the dice. “Thank you kindly,” the gambler said, shaking his hand. “I’m feeling a strong… ten!” he prophesied before flinging the small cubes onto the counter. The merchant paled upon surveying the results. One die rolled on six. The other on five. “Ooh, eleven! I was a number short,” chuckled the card slinger before collecting his dice, which disappeared in a poof of red aura. “Well, better luck next time! The keys, if you’d please~.” The merchant grounded his teeth tightly, clutching his fists until his knuckles went white. With utter dismay, he handed over the keys to the device into Seb’s open palm. “Now get out of my sight!” he demanded sternly. With a nod, the white-suited devil looked over the set of keys… before tossing them over to Mezzo, who stumbled to catch them. “W-wha? But I didn’t-” she stammered until Seb held out his finger, wagging it. “Wouldn’t have made that lucky roll if not for you,” he said with a wink. “Besides, you need it more than I do.” “Are you fucking kidding me!?” the arms dealer fumed. “All that for some white knight bull shi-g-gaagh!!” Seb aimed his prime pistol, the barrel fixated between the merchant’s brows. “You lost fair and square, amigo. I wouldn’t lose my head over this if I were you. Now order your men to help load that machine onto her hovercruise.” Frantically, he nodded, ushering his employees to load the device and carry it towards the ship boarded right outside the market. Mezzo Soprano remained flabbergasted, unsure what to make of the demon’s generosity. “You’re quite the woman, Miss Soprano,” complimented Seb. “Going through all these nigh illegal lengths just to ensure the safety of your three boys. I reckon half your fortune was spent making them look good while slanderizing Spike’s name!” “You’re… quite persistent,” admitted the former soloist. “Just what are you?” “Only an agent of karma sent to collect all the debts every sinner in this city owes. Soon, I'll have my own enterprise that'll help me knock a certain dragon off his pedestal.” Seb motioned towards the evening sky, where Spike’s tower was still visible among the towering buildings and passing hovercrafts. “We share a common enemy,” he continued. “And I think this is an ample opportunity to form a partnership.” Mezzo hardened her glare. “And why should I align myself with a smuggler who resorts to cheap tricks to make his own luck? You blackmailed that man into gambling his machine to you.” “Yeesh! Since when did you give a shit about that low life? Moments ago, he was denying you the resources to help Sixth Measure. He even tried to rape you! Personally, I find it ironic that you chastise me for underhanded tactics. Really calling the kettle black here, sweetheart.” Her cheeks flustered before being unable to keep her gaze, looking away. “Look. The way I see it, his property was up for grabs when he agreed to our little game,” Seb stated. “Power isn’t claimed through weapons or money. It’s through information! When someone learns of a vital weakness of their most hated adversary, they exploit it and reap all the benefits. That is how President Spike will meet his downfall. Not through magic or advanced technology. Simple information.” With that said, Seb returned towards his vintage Cadillac, the passenger doors opening for him. He paused to look at Mezzo and offered, “The choice is yours, Miss Soprano. But I’m not sure how far you can go from here now that the whole city knows your little secret~.” Mezzo bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. The instant she saw her sons unveil their true selves, the economic reputation would surely be questioned. And while Seb proved to be a perilous person to tangle with, she couldn’t deny his impressive charisma and confidence. As the female siren walked towards the gambler, she took out a handkerchief from her pocket and scribed her contact number onto it. “Keep me in touch,” was her only response as she placed the napkin in Seb’s hand, which he stuffed into his inner vest. Mezzo walked up the platform, thanking the men for carrying her brand new machine. Just as the door sealed, her phone vibrated. She gasped to see her youngest son calling and immediately answered, “Tenor!? Oh, thank goodness you’re alright… Where are you and your brothers? … Okay, stay put. I’m on my way!” The ebony vehicle zipped by towards the main street as the ship steadily ascended. Coco was behind the wheel with Sassy seated beside her. Seb relaxed in the back seats, stretching his limbs behind his head. “Ahhh,” he moaned. “I love it when a plan comes together! Did you locate both the Halloween Party and the Komodos?” “We have,” answered the fiery-haired android, pulling up a map highlighting a subway district. Small clips from Spike’s security cameras showed members gathering towards the station. “From what I’ve gathered, they’re assembling a war council for one final brawl over downtown territory!” “Well, step on it before things get ugly! I’m gonna need their help if we want to overtake your boss!” “Yes, sir!” Coco rerouted the fastest lane possible and picked up gas. “And you,” the gambler drew Sassy’s attention. Color flourished her cheeks up, seeing Seb spread his legs, showing off an erect bulge. “I think I deserve a little action for all my efforts. Don’t you~?” “Mmm, y-yes, sir,” she tittered before unfastening her seat belt and carefully climbing over to the back, straddling his lap. Pleasant sounds rose once he felt all over their ample body. “Now this…” groaned the demon, who gave her ass cheeks a firm squeeze, earning a sharp squeak. “...is a work of art~!” While Sassy took to the side to unzip his pants and serviced the gambler’s cock, Seb was itching with anticipation for the high stakes game ahead. It wouldn’t be long until all the pieces were in place. And with Beatrix’s influence allowing magic to return, the president’s days were greatly numbered. At last, a worthy gambit with an entire city of people on the line. Regardless of the outcome, the fates of many would be affected. The card demon would guarantee that.