Did You Miss Me

by Symphony

First published

One last question, Celestia... Did you miss me?

Being imprisoned in stone is a lonely experience, my dear... You have nopony else than yourself and your thoughts. You also get some time to contemplate about past mistakes...

Pre-read and edited by frieD195. May be revised in the future.

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Did You Miss Me

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Tell me my dear, what exactly is innocence?

Is innocence something ponies are born with? Is innocence something ponies die with? I can tell you right away from my point of view that no pony what-so-ever is completely innocent. Why, you may ask, dear Celestia?

Take my existence as an example; I was born innocent, but the events later on in my life made me enjoy some, let us say, chaotic activities. Oh, I was ridiculed day in and day out for the most of my childhood. Ponies often laughed at my appearance, but later I found out that all it took for me to turn their joy into horror was just a snap of a talon away. Believe me when I tell you that I enjoyed the mayhem I caused, and I still do, of course. But back then it only brought me loneliness. In other words, I became alienated. Nopony understood me, nor my brilliance. Or rather, that was what I thought.

I still remember that day, but I cannot remember what the name of the town was for the life of me... However, I was just minding my own business, spreading the occasional chaos here and there. I was basically enjoying another day of doing what I loved to do, until I met somepony.

That somepony was you, Celestia. I have to say you looked much younger back then than what you do now. You were the size of a slightly taller mare, with your soft pink mane cascaded down your neck. But what was the most alluring of all were your magenta eyes. Needless to say, I was speechless. Now, before I become all sappy and boring, let us continue, hm?

Well, I followed you silently by just slithering across the roofs of the houses nearby. You never saw me or noticed that I was there. I could still hear you laugh when you talked to the older pony walking next to you. Well, she looked older than you, but you were probably older than her anyway, seeing as you were an alicorn and all... But whatever, let's not dwell on that any further. I followed you and that pony until you were in the outskirts on the town. The older pony had left you to fetch some things, and well, you probably remember what happened from here onward.

You of course, like all of the other ponies I have ever met screamed when you first saw me. But to my own amazement, you actually calmed down and stared at me with curiosity. That was, to be honest, the first time that ever happened to me. Naturally I was taken aback, but we started talking. I got to know that you would someday rule the land, I was fascinated back then, but these days I am actually quite bored with ruling. I just want to see it all burn with chocolate, you know.

But enough about our childish frolicking, that was a long time ago, and we are both grown up now. Perhaps in body, but probably not in mind on my behalf. Don't you remember how we talked about us never growing up? The sad truth is that we did grow up, and changed as we did. My urge for chaos increased when your need for harmony only strengthened. You changed, Celestia. We both changed... I cannot say that I like it, but I'm afraid that it's not much I can do trapped in this stone tomb provided to me by your... brilliant student Twilight Sparkle. I have to say she had some nerve to stand up to me like she did, same with that Fluttershy, even when she was shaking like a leaf in the wind the entire time.

You should have been there and seen the looks on their faces, but with your recent attitude I can say that you would certainly not like it at all. I miss the old Celestia, the fun Celestia. Not some boring, old pony princess with too many things to do with barely any time for herself. That's not fun at all, actually.

You will probably just wave me off as being out of my mind, and I'd say that you wouldn't be technically wrong. I lost that silly 'ol thing when I took over Equestria oh so many years ago. So many years trapped... You know, I was only out of the statue for eight, short, hours. If I didn't know any better, I would claim it to be some kind of harsh torture. Imagine yourself sitting in a cold, dank cell with no windows, not even any bars, just a box with no way to get a hold of any kind of outdoor service. It takes some time to get over the initial Claustrophobia, but when that's over with it's just the freezing dark left for you.

Oh, and it's painful to be petrified, for your information. I can't really explain what it feels like, but it's cold, so very cold... Don't expect me to ever forgive you for making me go through that, Celestia. But I have done a few unforgivable things as well, so let us call it even, shall we?

I doubt that you will ever get the chance to read this, or even hear about this as I don't think that I will ever get the opportunity to get out of my tomb, as I heard that the fillies who enabled me to escape were banned for life from entering the Gardens. I don’t see the big deal; they just released an ancient evil who nearly ended all harmony. Nothing special, right? They’re young, so they have probably learned their lessons already.

One more thing before I end this and return to the depths of my own mind, I have to ask you one last thing. You never answered me the last time I asked this, you ignored it, in fact. Why didn't you just listen to me, and answer it truthfully? I will do this just one last time, Celestia. After this, I am done. Do whatever you like, I just want my answer.

Did you miss me?