> The Infinity Of Spike > by TheRadioactiveChangeling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Melancholic Ramblings of a Mad Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERVIEW 1: WURTZ "Heh...Hello researchers. Here again to test I presume?" "Technically." "Oh! Incredible! An interview?" "Correct." "Ahh, I assumed so. Well, come in, come in! This is your building after all!" *The sound of feet and claws on padding is heard* "Alright. This is Professor Wurtz. I'm interviewing...what is your name?" "Oh, who cares about my name anymore. I've already forgotten it." "Ok...Well, I'll call you Needle. Do you like that?" "Sure! I'm fine with really anything." "Ok, perfect. Let's get started, shall we?" "Certainly!" "Ok Needle. Do you remember anything that happened?" "Not much. I remember passing out at a gala I think it was. My heart rate was going nuts! I also remember seeing something. I'm not sure what it was, but I think it was discord, god of chaos. It looked similar." "Interesting. Do you believe he is to blame for this?" "No. He and I were pretty good buddies...I think. It's been a while." "Ok then." "May I ask a question." "You don't have to ask needle. Just say it." "Ok. Do you know when I'll be able to leave here?" "It's up in the air, but It's assumed around a month or 2. Are you ok with that?" "Yeah. It's just, my friends must really miss me, and I definitely miss them, cause I barely remember them. I know I was good friends with some group of ponies...I think. They probably don't even know where I'm at." "I'm sure they'll feel very Relieved when they see you again, as long as you can remember who they were." "True. I hope I get to see them again soon." "Well, let us continue, shall we?" "Oh, absolutely!" "Have you recently experienced any discomforts, or anything like that?" "A Few headaches, but that's all." "Ok. Would you like anything else in the room?" "No, I'm ok." "Alright. I'll see you another time," "Goodbye!" INTERVIEW 2: WURTZ "Hello...Spike I believe it is?" "I thought I was needle?" "That's what I thought. No, your name is spike," "Oh, Ok then! Another interview?" "Correct." "Ok!" "Alright. It'll be almost the same as last time. A few new questions, but that's all new." "Ok then." "Alright. Do you remember anything new now?" "I remember some purple pony and a large white pony with a pretty mane. I also remember some big black pony with a blue mane. She was kinda mean." "Ok, ok. Anything else?" "Uhh...I do remember this weird big bug pony. She was also mean." "Ok. Uh, Any injuries or discomforts?" "I do keep having this constant pulsing in my head. It's a bit weird. I think it's just another kind of headache. It hurts about the same." "Ok, we'll see if we can find anything." "Thank you. It's rather irratating." "Alright. Would you like anything added to the room?" "I would like a few comic books. I remember reading some of those." "Alright. Uhh...Would you want to recommend any visitors or something like that?" "I would like to see if you could find that purple pony. I remember she had a horn and her cutie mark being a 6 pointed star." "Oh, you mean Princess Twilight Sparkle?" "Maybe...I don't remember her being a princess." "Yeah, she became a princess not too long ago." "Well, good for her!" "Indeed. I believe that is it..." "Ok!" "See ya another time spike!" "Goodbye!" INTERVIEW 3: AVIATOR WITH TWILIGHT SPARKLE "Hello? Spike?" "Huh? Who are you? You aren't Professor Wurtz...I think?" "Your right. I'm junior researcher, Miles aviator. I'm substituting for Wurtz today. He got a bit of a flu." "It wasn't from me was it? I think I was told my room was cleaned all the time, but maybe it wasn't at the time and he got it." "No, not at all. It just happens. It wasn't your fault." "Oh. Will he be ok?" "I'm sure he'll be fine. You really care about him huh?" "Well, yea. He's a nice guy." "Yeah, that's true. Let's start this, shall we?" "Oh, yes!" "Alright then. Do you remember anything now, after your last interview?" "I do remember a bit. Not a whole lot. I remember a few more ponies, one of which looked beautiful. I wish I knew who she was so I could tell her that. She had this marshmallow colored coating with a delicate purple mane. She was so exquisite." *A slight snicker is heard from outside the door* "Huh? Who was that?" "I guess I couldn't hide her very long. Come in twilight!" "Spike! I can't believe it! It's been so long!" "Huh? Twilight? Who?" "Me! Twilight sparkle? Princess? Element of Magic? Best buddy? You're my Number 1 assistant!" "Uhh...I recognize the name...I don't know about any of the other stuff..." "Yeah, I guess you've been in here a while. When I heard you wanted to see me, I was thrilled!" "Huh? I asked to see you? When?" "Last week. Professor said that you wanted a special visit from Princess Twilight Sparkle." "Oh. I guess I'm glad I did that. Mainly for your sake." "Yeah. Shall we continue Spike?" "Oh, of course!" "Alright. Continue with anything you remember." "Uh...I think I remember seeing something that looked like...me. He had this weird tube mask on and he was wearing green." "Hmm...That is strange. Twilight, do you have any recognition of this?" "No Aviator. I don't remember any of that." "Weird. Spike continue." "I also remember seeing other things that looked like me. One was covered in this weird black substance and was smiling creepily. Another one was wearing a wizard hat with strange lights in his hands. Another Looked like he had sharp iron spider like arms." "Intriguing. Twilight?" "Still got nothing Miles. Maybe this was just from being in here too long? Like, he started seeing something similar to himself?" "It's possible. Hold on. Spike, have you gotten any discomforts?" "Yeah, with that mirror. It's really weird. When The lights are off and I look into it, I see some Black version of myself with red eyes and a red circle thing around his head. I also see me with my face all red and parts of me somewhere else. It's pretty creepy." "Ok. Twilight, I think he's having delusions or hallucinations of himself from being in here too long with no one but himself." "I believe that to be the case to yes. Maybe schedule more time with other creatures?" "Possibly. I believe that might help. Alright spike, expect interviews to be more common, and a bit more diverse." "Alright!" "Good. Now, any injuries of sorts." "Thankfully, that weird pulsing stopped. Now I just get much slower, but also a bit more painful, headaches." "Alright then. We'll find something to help with that. Oh wait, that reminds me. Here you go." "What is this cylinder?" "Inside it is medicine spike. Once you eat one, it should help with some injuries." "Ok Twilight..." "Alright then. Would you like anything added to the room?" "No, but I would like that mirror gone. It's freaky." "Alright then. We'll get it removed. Would you like to request any specific guests next time?" "No. Really anyone works." "Twilight, anything to add?" "Uhh, not with spike here. I'll tell you it outside." "Ok. See you another time spike." "Goodbye!" RECORDING 1 10/24/19 Spike is seen acting strange. Mirror is focal point. Spike is seen cowering in a corner away from vision of mirror. "Leave me alone Freaks! I don't care if you are me! I'm not like any of you!" He is seen yelling around the room. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Spike is seen yelling as he runs around the room. He then tries to punch something that isn't there. "Yeah! Now stop!" He says after a few seconds. He is then scared as he runs off to another corner. "Why can't the bad guys leave me alone?" He asks himself. He looks to his left and right, embarrassed. "What do you mean? Of course you guys don't count! Your a musician, and you are a wizard! You're both epic!" He says, looking both cardinal directions. "Hey, what is with the dude in the corner?" Spike asks, looking to his right. He nods in agreement. "So, he's like a business dude?" He says, acting like he has a tie on. "Woah. That's pretty messed up." He says, before falling asleep. INTERVIEW 4: DR. MAXWELL WITH RARITY "Hello Mr. Spike?" "Hello...woah. You look different then anyone else I've seen." "Yeah. All of you interviewers before were Ponies. I'm a griffon." "A wah?" "A Griffon." "Griffen?" "Griffon." "Griffon, Ok. Sorry." "No problem. You also have a guest here." "Oh? Who?" "Hello Darling!" "Buh beh bah beh." "It's rarity, One of yours and Twilight Sparkle's Friends." "Twilight told me you were here, and they let me schedule a time to meet you with the next interview! Isn't that great!" "Weh, Beh bah Bleh." "Ah, sorry. I forgot your still such a small little dragon!" "Wah Weh Blah Beh." "Ok, spike, we're not gonna get anywhere with you fawning all over rarity. Come on." "Wah? Weh? Oh! Oh right. Apologies. Let's start." "Alright. Remembered anything?" "Well, obviously I remember rarity. Hard to forget. I also remember the...umm...what was it...I remember...Right. I remember seeing some big creature." "Yeah? Continue," "It looked like a dragon with transparent black skin. I could see right through him...or her. Couldn't really tell. They had many many eyes on their face, in fact I couldn't even see anything else. It has tentacles and incredibly long arms. It looked like it was haunting where I was...wherever that was." "Hmm...Interesting...continue." "I remember seeing that thing float around the area, moving and what looked like chanting. After that I got knocked out." "Alright then. Thank you for that. That's very helpful in seeing what we can find out about you. Any discomforts?" "Umm...I keep seeing other versions of me. You've read the last report right?" "Yes?" "Yeah, I keep seeing more of those, like, spirits of myself. It's kinda creepy. I now also see this version of me playing a guitar and piano, me in a orange jumpsuit, and me in a blue Tuxedo looking tired...and old." "Hmm...More delusions. That's not good." "I hope it's not." "Oh spiky! I hope you get better!" "I hope so too. Thankfully someone did remove the mirror, so I don't see the creepier ones." "Yeah. Would you like anything added to the room?" "Can I get some more comics?" "Sure. Anything else you want?" "Nope!" "Alright. See you next time spike." "Goodbye!" A small pause occurs. A door is closed. "Oh boy. I don't know about this girls." "What's wrong with our spike?" "Yeah! Spiky Wikey can push through anything!" "Well, he's expierencing symptoms of Delirium." "Wait...Delirium?" "Yep. Seeing or hearing things no one else does, Hard time recognizing the creatures around them that they knew, thankfully no memory loss, Disorganized thinking, Disorientation, and Altered Sleep and wake cycle." "Oh...Oh no...Anything we can do?" "Not a whole lot. Coming in more often could help stimulate his recognition." "Could we do 2 at a time or more?" "Sure." "Hey is the recorder still supposed to be on?" "Oh shoot. Hold on-" (UNAUTHORIZED) INTERVIEW 5: STUDENT DR. FOXX "What's this place?" "Hello?" "Oh, hi there!" "Uhh, who are you?" "I'm Shimmer Foxx. Who are you?" "I think I'm spike. Are you here for another interview?" "Oh, uh, no. I'm just wondering around the place," "Oh. Uh...your pretty." "Oh! uh, thanks!" "So...are you gonna be here long?" "I'm hoping to become a staff member here, and we can talk again!" "O-Ok then!" "So why are you here anyway?" "I'm not entirely sure. I was at a gala or something and was knocked out by something. Then I woke up here." "Why do they keep you here?" "Cause something's wrong with me. I keep seeing versions of me for some reason. Like, there was a mirror here before it got removed. And every night, when I looked into it I kept seeing 2 terrifying versions of me. And I also just see them around in general." "Oh wow. That's sounds like...Schizophrenia or something." "I hope not. That wouldn't be good for me. I'm the #1 assistant to Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I wanna do my job right." "Well, you can't do your job properly if you keep not doing it. Why don't you just head out?" "It's not safe. I feel like I'm being haunted by some Black dragon. Every time I got to sleep, I just see a black face with multiple eyes staring at me. It's gotta be some kind of ghost." "Well, I personally don't believe in ghosts, but I also haven't really been everywhere. Will you be ok?" "I hope so. That's what Wurtz told me." "Well, let's hope that he's right. I'll see you another time!" "Ok Foxx. Bye!" "Goodbye!" R̵̪̆̓̚Ȇ̵̥̰̌̓C̴̤͈̪̀̐͗Ò̸͍R̴̖̦͙̈Ḋ̸̼̣̭͔͇̼I̷̝̮̤̞̫̓̿N̷̻̝̩͖̥̖̂́͑͋̓̔G̴̬̜͇̎͛ͅ 2̵̗̬͙̱̈́͛̀̅̐ ̶̟̼͚͊̍̈́͒͛[̴͉͖̻͉̣̓̈ͅF̸̨̛̦̫̮̗̮̙̝̫̂̀̈́͊̈́̚O̴͈̹̱̲̱͚̲̩̗͐̆̍Ǫ̸̤̞͈̬̓͆̈́̈̌̿T̶͙̟̝̀̍̓̉͒̓̽̌̉A̸̧̢̛̜̳̙̯̮̅̈́̊͝G̷̩̲̱͉̖̈́̈́Ẹ̸̪̱̼̲̐̉̅ ̴̡̛̺̱͖͓̀̓̉̃͒͝Ĉ̵̻̘̮͗͋̆̀̚͘͝Ő̵̫̣͒͛͗͑̒R̸̞̥̘̲̀͒͋͒̓͋̌R̵̰̲͆̾͋̏͠͝Ư̷͉̓͒̀̌̐̈P̷͕̘͖̞͍̗̜̍͜ͅT̷̛̠̤̪̗̭͔͓͆͑̓̔̓̈́̓E̴̢̝̞̲͔̹̝͇̖̿͐͐̾͒̅͒̏͝D̵͍̥̭̆͐̋̄͜͠]̷͙͔̗̫͎̺͍̠̝̎̽͂̑ All that is seen is a Black Dragon's face. It's covered in eyes. The eyes shift all over. Spike can be heard in the background. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Spike yelled, before breaking into tears. "I Don't wanna be like any of you!" Spike cried. "No! I'm not like any of you! All we share is a name!" Spike says. We hear multiple thrusts and yells for 2 minutes. "Gah! Do what you want to me, but I'm not gonna be like you! You-" Audio is cut for 3 minutes. When audio resumes, we hear Spike again. "-eak show! That's what you all are! I don't wanna be part of this travelling circus of myself! Not only does it not make sense, it's also just idiotic! Your plan makes no sense!" Spike screams, while seemingly being pressed against the wall, as noises indicating such are also heard. "Do what you want to me. I will never be part of you, no matter if you are me," At this point, one of the eyes covering the camera is closed. Footage from this point forward is insanely corrupted, only an occasional word is heard in a collage of noises. INTERVIEW 6: AVIATOR WITH FLUTTERSHY "Hey Spike! Where are you mate?" "Is he usually hiding like this?" "Not usually, albeit he is probably is more paranoid or scared due to his current diagnosis of...delirium," "Oh..." "Don't worry though, I'm sure we can find...something...to fix his problem," "Ok...that's good," "Anyways, Spike! You here?" "Huh? Miles?" "Yes! There you are mate!" "Hey man. Who's the...pink mane mare behind ya?" "Oh, this is Fluttershy, another one of your friends," "em...Hi?" "Huh...well, if the carpet matches the drapes I guess," "I know right? But, anyway, what's important right now is the interview," "Oh boy. Have I got something for you now," "Really? Well, let's dive in. We'll start with basic questions for now. Any injuries or such to report? You look beaten up, not gonna lie," "Yeah, but only minor bruises and such. Nothing major," "Alright. Anything important that you remembered?" "Nothing too important," "Alright. Any other forms of yourself, or other strange things to report?" "Yes. Plenty. Infact, using some of the paper I have been given access to, I've made a small list," Claws scuffling and paper rustling can be heard. Following picture was gathered on 4/17/2017. [PICTURE REMOVED BY ORDER OF █████████████] "So this guy right here, The Wizard, is like, the magic dude. He can make these little balls that can stick to anything and he can move that object. He's really fun. The Stairway, right here, he just kinda sits in the corner. He never does anything, which is weird. Also, I didn't name these guys, they named themselves. The Musician is really fun. He has so much on the guitar and turntables, even if he's sad most of the time. The Lord is no fun. He's genuinely sucks. He's like, you know that guy who intentionally sits in front of you in the movie theater, cause he knows you can't put your feet up if someone's in front of you? Yeah, that's this guy if he was a homocidal maniac," "Jeez," "I know. The auditor is another bad dude, but he also seems like the leader of the chumps. He's collected, and he's very condensed. Literally. The Ghost is...really annoying. Like, you know that guy or girl who tries to be your friend by any means necessary, without realizing that you are already their friend. Yeah, it's like that dialed up to a thousand. They act really clingy and wanting. The Giver is the dude who...well...he gives out karma basically. There's not a whole lot to say about him. The Lonely just kinda paces around in circles forever. I tried to talk to him once, but he's just ignores literally everything. The Manipulator is really smart. Like, really, really smart. You know those kids who, like, have to build sculptures for, like, a grade in school? This is the guy that hikes up the price for clay and supplies," "Ok...but what's with the black stuff at the bottom?" "Ehm...well...It's hard to explain, but...there's another one, and...I can't draw it. Like, I literally can't draw it, it won't let me. It's that black dragon thing I told...I think it was you, but even then I'm not sure if it was you or someone else. It's like...the...I don't know how to put it other than puppet master. It can change how reality works like a fiddle. It messes around with space and time like bread and butter, and with no determinable goal," "Huh...Think you can try to draw for us a picture of it now-" The audio here is cut. All that is heard from this point onward is a shallow voice repeating a phrase. I hate myself I love myself I HATE MYSELF I LOVE MYSELF "̸̨̢̤͉̺̝͚̠̬̱̬͔̜̱͈̤͖̭͍̦͍̗̭̏͑I̸̹͕̞̲͓͇̜̲͌̀͐̌̉̈́̑́̽́̆̿̐̂́̏̅̔̕̚͘̕͝͠͝ ̷̨̻̖̻͚̺̰͈̺͔̺͓͙͍̫̙̆ͅḨ̸̢̥̠̪̳̖̪͕̪͖̼̻̟̼̳͚̜̳͇̲̠̮̹͕̪̀̑̏͗̆͌͜ͅĄ̶̨̩̩͍̠͈̟̰̫̫̘̯̓̈́̊̔͒͛͑̚ͅT̵̨̳͚̦̦̫͉̤̤̪̼̻͉̘̩̩̘̀̓͌́̅̄̂̈̿͗̃̀͊̿̅͑̇͑͊͒̽Ȇ̸̛̤͎̲̰͓͉̲̫͚̳͇̰̘͔͓͕̺̣̒̔̑̃̿̑͝ͅ ̷̢̨̡̛̭̫̯̹̝͎̜͔̯̬͉̹̣̤̹̯̩̻̤̦͔̤̙͕̓̅̾̈́̌͑̈̋̆̒͐̌̉̇̎̓̎́̚͜͝͝͠͝ͅM̷̧̨̛̞͎̱̲̬͍̠͉̯̓̃̐̃̏͌̏̊̌̂̈́̽̇̐͗̈́͌͊͊̈́̋̓͐̈́̾̓͘͝Y̶̢̬̲͈̗͍̠̗̮͓͈̱̻̟͕̳̥̳̠͈͊̾̓̄̂́͌̽̿̚̕͘͝S̴̨̖̟͈̼͇͆̽̓͐́̉̇̍̀̌̀̌̊̕͠E̸͈͕͍̙̾̄͐̉̆͛̈́̈̈́̄̐̿̄͒̓̑̈́̒L̷̨̡̜̼͙͒̄̋̅̋̓̀͒̈́̒̇̏̽̓̂̌̈͠͝͠F̷̡̡̡̡̨̝͖̪̜̼̫̖̳̹͈̺̺̦̖̤͇̮̘̩̂ ̶̨̧̛̝̠͈̖͓̼̗̺̼͚̺̰̔̈́͊̽͒̒̎̽͂̌̌̍̀͆̐̂̑̈́͊̎̋̚͝͝͠I̵̻͆̓͐̓͆̐̎̽̅̀̄̅̋͆̈̈́̕͘͝ ̸̨̨̨̡̢̭̲̙̞̳̻̣̲̩̦͈̤̤̘̞̮̘̫͚͖̫͆̐̈́̔̇͆͋͂̃͜͜Ḽ̷̛͉̮̥̈́͒̅̽̈́̉̔͗̈́̉͂͂̂̓̓̽̀̓͐̈́̚͝͝͠͝ͅƠ̸̰͒͌̂͑̊̔̇͌̔̇͠V̸̨͍͓̦̰̣͍͚̀̐̊̈́Ę̶̨̛͖͙̩̜̬̻̣̥̿̎͒̌͑̈́͌͐̊́͑̋͆̊̈́̐̑̓̔̀́̚ͅͅ ̴̗͚̹̝̃̾M̵̢͉͔͓̽̓͐̾̓̏̍͗̉̈̈́͑̍̅̐͊͋́̓͗̽͝Y̷̧̹̩̱͖͕̬̮̻̫̯̘̥̱͉̪̻̼̿͆̃̆͋̐͛̎̃͂̅̎͘Ś̵̢̨̝͎̩̮͗Ẻ̸̢̛͕̼͉̭̟͚̥̺̭͓͇̼̫̬̻̥͈͚͍̞̗́͊̽̌͐̌̍́̔̎͛̅̈́͋̉͑̊͘͘ͅL̶̢̢̨̨̨̡̛̝̼̫͖̺͚̖̤̦͇̗͖̙͔̹͚̜͖͙̮̈̍̿́̇͑̅̍̒͌̀͗̿̌̓́̈́̽̅͜͝͝F̵̧̢̢̭̗͕͇̬͙̟̬̝̹̦͓͚͔̙̰̻͔̮͕̤̤̭͂͑͆͜!̸̢̢̢͉̱̮͔̭͇̙̰̹̥͈̞̥̪̑ͅ"̷̡̧̺̝̹̬̹̲̬̭̗̺̙̮̩̻̻̜̺̮̼̹̜̞̻͑͛̊̍̇̽͋̒̇͌͋̔̓̄͗̿͛̽̂̑̔̅̕̕ͅ INTERVIEW 7: PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND PRINCESS LUNA {The Following interview is a recollection from Princess Twilight Sparkle as her and Princess Luna traversed into Spike's mind while he was sleeping} "Are you sure this will work Luna?" "I believe so, but I will say his mind is more fortified than any previous trips I've made," "Probably a side effect of the disorder. Shall we?" "We Shall," She explains that both her and Luna fell asleep and woke in Luna's dream domain. "Wow...I can't believe I haven't been here before...it's so...pretty," "Well, doth haven't asked, and We wouldn't have ever asked if you'd like to partake in such a journey, but I agree, this domain of mine is a beautiful," "Ok...now to find spike's dream. You did say he was dreaming, right?" "Unless my track record of knowing when my ponies are dreaming is finally off, then yes, he should be dreaming now," "I wasn't second guessing you luna, er-Princess Luna. I just...I just want to make sure," "We appreciate your thought, but you don't have to calleth us Princess, Dear Twilight. We are of the same rank," "I know, I know. Celestia told me. I just prefer being polite," "We understand Twilight Sparkle. Now, to locate Spike's dream," "This shouldn't take long?" "Not at all," She explains a minute passed. "Ahh, the dragon's dream has been found in the sea," "Alright then. Shall we join him? "Not so fast. I want to make sure you are ready. As I said, his mind is stronger than before, so it might feel uncomfortable. Are doth still on board?" "Of course! I want to see my buddy again!" "Alright. Then...let us join him," Twilight recalls feeling like her face was stretched and feeling propped on certain parts of her body, namely wings. She recalls after 20 seconds or so of this feeling, they arrived in an area that was strange. She recalls that the area was a monochrome hillside overlooking Ponyville, and several different lenses, to what seem to be telescopes, were strewn about. "This is...weird. Even for Spike," "Does he recalls his regular dreams being like this?" "Nothing before like this. Usually, as you probably know, he says they're mainly about either us, or some comic he reads," "I cannot recall a dream of his like these either. Hmm..." "What's up luna?" "These Lenses are on the ground, not up," "No it...nevermind. I meant to ask what's wrong?" "These lenses each have color and a name on them. Look," Twilight recalls 7 different lenses significantly, but says there were around 17 or 18. "Your right! What does this...shiny one say...How...do you say this? "1-n-p-4-l-3-m-3-n-7?" I'm not sure how to say that in general," "This one says, "Phobophobic," and it seems covered in the a black version of the Tantalus. Wait...do you think the Tantalus did this?" "No offense Princess, but I highly doubt it. Based on how it seemed much more friendlier after you dealt with it, I really doubt that it would just go back to how it was before. But I agree that is does seem of a similar substance," Twilight said that the substance felt like corn syrup, or some kind of goo. "Hmm...Why would spike be dreaming of this?" "Twilight! We've realized something about these lenses!" "What? What about them?" "Pick them up, and look at Ponyville! Each lens makes Ponyville look different in someway!" Twilight recalled picking up the Purple and Blue, "Magical Waltz," Lens, and pointing it in the direction of her town. Sure enough, she now saw what looked like tiny purple spheres and large orange cubes flying out from the town, like fireworks. She also recalls hear faint cheering, like it was some king of Celebration. "Hmm...interesting. What do you see in yours Luna?" "Well, I see what looks like ponyville, but it is covered in what looks like black fire," "Huh? What lens is that?" "It is a black lens with a red ring around and it is named, "May-trix Dir-ect-ive?" Is that how you say it?" "Well, yes that is how you say, but I more concerned about this lens. Why does it show ponyville with black fire? That doesn't seem like something...no wait...yeah nevermind," "What about this one...Oh...Oh my," "What? What's wrong with that lens?" Twilight recalls Luna handing her a lens that looked like it was split apart, Colored Grey and red, and branded as, "Glitch." She explained that through this lens was a ponyville that looked like it was thrown through a blender. Buildings were mixed together, built on top of each other, and even floating. "Woah...that is definitely a glitch." "Pray tell, what is a glitch?" "Most of the time, it is a technical term for a malfunction, or something not going right, but it is also known as a term for an irregularity, or something out of the normal." "Ah. It seems spike is dreaming up alternate version of Ponyville. I wonder what for though, or why?" "Maybe he's just trying to remember what is was like there?" Twilight says after she said that last sentance, she picked up a black and white lens, titled, "THE HORROR." She explains that once she looked through this lens, she instantly felt a headache, and only say one white eye looking back at her. "Gah!" "Twilight! Are doth okay?" "Yeah...just a little headache." "That...isn't normal. Headaches inside of dreams aren't usually good." "No really, I'll be fine. I just need to sit down a little bit." "If you insist." Twilight recalls luna picking up a Silver colored lens titled, "The End," and Luna looking off into Ponyville, seemingly horrified, and confused. "Oh My...What is that?" "What?" "Take a look for thouself," Twilight remembers seeing a massive structure in the middle of the town, with large extensions at the bottom, acting like legs. Fire and such spread around the town, but in another direction seemed like a sanctuary. Then she saw what looked like herself, but with a bandage around her right eye, and more around her entire body, looking at her, seemingly through the lens. "Woah...that's...trippy," "Apologizes, but what doth that word mean?" "uh, the best description I can give you is, seeming out of place compared to everything else around you. The other definition doesn't really work here." "Ahh...I get it. The humongous structure is definitely an eyesore," "Not just that. I can see myself through this thin-Gah!" Twilight recalls a hoof piercing through the lens and smacking her, before the hooves extend to make the lens able to act as a hole of sorts between this world and the other. "Luna! I think we should go!" "I agree!" [WARNING: STRANGE CONTENT AHEAD] [DISCRETION ADVISED] [CONTINUE AT RISK] Twilight tears up as she recalls seeing Luna attempting to return them to the living world. She looked back to the mirror and saw the hoof continue to pierce through the lens. Twilight panicked and shot at the hooves, causing them to retreat into the lens. "Oh...nevermind. Luna, I think we're safe as long as we don't let our guard down. There's still a lot of lenses here," Twilight said. She said luna looked at her in disbelief. "Twilight. By all means, do not take any offense, but have you gone mad?" Luna said. "Luna, you know that dreams can't truly hurt us more than anyone I know, and besides, we still haven't figured out anything wrong with spike," Twilight says. "I...I suppose you are right. Very well, but we musn't stay for long," Luna said, twilight agreeing. Twilight recalls returning to the lens known as "Phobophobia." She clings it to her eye and claims she saw all ponies of ponyville seemingly floating into the sky. "Well...that seems like something discord would do," Twilight claims. "In all fairness, I believe a lot of these areas would be similar to something discord would do," Luna replied. "Fair enough, but I feel like even discord wouldn't go as far as what we saw in some of these," Twilight said, looking back at luna, who was now aghast. "Luna? Whats wrong with that lens?" She said, walking over to see the lens. It was dropped from the alicorn's magic. "Twilight...this...lens.....We Must go," Luna said. "What? But we just went over," Twilight was cut off. "WE MUST GO TWILIGHT!" Luna screamed, using her Royal Canterlot voice. Twilight took the oppratunity to look through the lens, much to Luna's dismay. "NO! DO NOT LOOK THROUGH THE MONARCH OF DARKNESS!" Luna screamed. Twilight raised an eyebrow, looking at the lens. Sure enough, the lens was titled "Monarch of Darkness," but before she could take a peek, they were pulled out. As she woke up, Luna stormed off, mumbling something about gore of ponies and the fall of equestria. Something was on that lens, and it wasn't pretty. Twilight also recalls that the cabin of a pony named Dale seemed to be spared these fates. INTERVIEW 8: RAINBOW DASH [CANCELLED] AND PINKIE PIE "Hello? Spikey Wikey?" "Pinkie?" "Yep!" "Wha...Why are you here now? It's like, 4:30 AM," "Well, I wanted to see if anything was wrong with you at night, cause we really only see you at day," "Isn't that breaking into this place?" "Not if I'm not caught!" "Well...okay, what are you doing her-" "I wanted to meet the other you's!" "Wha-What?" "Come on Spikey! I know you have some other spike's up in your brain. It's not hard to figure out!" "uh...Okay...Who do you wanna speak to?" "Auditor! Definitely! He seems the most collected of them all," "ok...uh huh...he says he is thankful for the compliment, but he cannot come now," "Awh...What about the Villain?" "Uhh...he says okay, but not for long," At this point, the sound of a face moving rapidly is heard, along with scales clinging together. "Hello? Villainous?" "I'd prefer you not call me that. I turned at the last moment," "What do you mean, villainy? "I just...nevermind. Anyway, I had a moment of realizing, 'hey, this is bad.' whenever you and your super-buddies were storming my moving palace. It was one of those cliche moments where you see all the probabilities of what will happen. It's stupid, but I realized the last sec- Why am I telling you everything," "Cause I asked!" "Whatever. I'm leaving," Familiar sounds as to what happened earlier happened. "Okay...I'm back," "Alright! One more question though," "What?" "What's their story?" "Whose?" The Insurgent The Giver [COMING SOON] The Manipulator [DEFINITELY NOT NEXT] The Wizard [CLOSED DUE TO UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES] The Glitch The Lord [HELLO READER] The Scared [COLD CASE] The Dead The Auditor [RESTRICTED] The Creator Ṭ̴̞̄͊H̶̭̦̒Ḙ̵̢̛̄͛́ ̴̘̿͠H̶͍̥̼͔͛̎̆̇O̸͔̗̙̣͛͘͠R̴̗͉̈́̎͘R̴̗̔̔̆̄O̷̹̰̾R̶͇̣̼̘͗̿́͛ [ACCESS DENIED] The Musical Warrior [PREMIERING SOON] The Lonely [CLOSED] The Ghost The Mystery [NOT IMPORTANT] The Unknown [UŅ̶̑A̶͚͑V̶͉̔̍̀̏̒A̷̰̺̘̥͇͊̇̈́͋̓͜Ị̶̡̜͖̗̹̱͔͍̮̒̎͆̈́̔̅͗̕L̸̡̼̲̟͕͕̞̄̾̑̈́̂̾̈̓̍̚͠Â̷͔̺̬̝̝͖̭̠̺͇̳̯̥̌́́̇̌̈́̑̊̚B̴̛͎̝̰̩̼̼̮̻̼̤͔̼͓̹͉̰͚͂̐̓̋͌́͒̾̔͘L̶̨̳͈̗̳͙͔͚̺̖͉̞̱̊́͛̀̓́̑̑̓́̀͜͜É̶̢̤̟͖͎̘͇̠̹͕͚͎̜͉̣͔͍̺̮̱͔̤͎̘̠̬̳̟͙̳̲͉͓̣̤̱̈́̾͜͜ͅ] The Ghoul [UNDER MAINTENANCE] The Villain [BROKEN] > Chaos 1: Mayhem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ugh, this is so exhausting!" Trixie complained as they trekked through the barren badlands, towards the hive capital. "The Great and powerful Trixie isn't used to such a long distance at once!" "Well you gotta deal with it. None of us have any magic, and thorax is too nice to just fly away," Starlight answered. "What about me?" Discord asked. "What about you?" Starlight replied. "Can't I just fly away?" Discord asked. "Yeah, but you are a worshiper of Fluttershy," Trixie answered, making starlight chuckle. Discord hmped as he looked away. "Well, whatever. No matter what, we still have to get there to save them," Discord said. "That might be the nicest thing you've ever said," Starlight said, faking being proud. "Uhh, guys?" Thorax tried to get their attention. "Hey! At least I didn't force people to be the same! I embrace variety!" Discord exclaimed. "No, you embrace chaos," Trixie corrected him. "That too. Still, everyone can be what they want to be in my world," Discord responded. "If this was your world, you'd be coaching minotaurs and old ladies wearing donuts on their head how the play Shuffleboard and croquet," Starlight said. "AHH! THE RULES OF SHUFFLEBOARD HAPPEN TO BE VERY COMPLEX!" Discord yelled at her, swinging his claw around. "Umm, guys?" Thorax tried again. "No it is not! You Place the puck, you move the stick, and you hope to get points," Trixie explained poorly the rules of shuffleboard. "No, you place the puck, the hook the stick around the puck, and swing towards the opposite side of the board, with enough force, not too much and not too little, to get the most points. And croquet is even more Complicated! Don't even get me started on all the moves that could harm you and others that can basically win the game!" Discord explained. "Oh really? Tell me them then!" Starlight started yelling. "Done right, you can put a tremendous amount of spin on the ball to go through all the hoops, in a single stroke! But if you miscalculate, by even a planck's length...YOU WILL CRUSH EVERY BONE IN YOUR FOOT!" Discord Yelled. "What's it called?" Trixie asked. "THE BONE CRUSHER!" Discord Exclaimed. "Can we see it?" Starlight asked, a slight smirk on her face. "Of course not now, but maybe after we leave the bad lands-" Discord was interrupted. "GUYS!" Thorax yelled. "What?" They asked. "What the buck is that?" Thorax asked them, pointing into the sky. Up in the sky, they saw what looked like a massive bird...or something. It was nearing them, with a strange whirring noise. "Yeah...Discord what is that?" Trixie looked judgingly at the aforementioned god of chaos. "Hey hey hey, I might be the god of mischief and chaos, but you should know whatever I create is completely ridiculous. That at least makes some form of sense!" Discord explained. "How? It's a giant camouflaged bird making loud noises," Starlight asked. "No, It's obviously a form of aircraft. Haven't you heard of planes? They're pretty big in manehatten," Discord explained. "I know planes. That's not a plane," Trixie said, outlining the object with her hoof. The object then landed on the ground, and it's wings started to slow down and the noise stopped. Suddenly, a part of the object opened up, and out stepped...this thing. "Uhh...Hello?" Discord asked the thing, as everyone else hid behind him. "Apologizes for my allies behavior. I'm discord, Lord of chaos, may I ask who you are?" The thing started to grab his head, and suddenly, it was revealed it was a helmet. "I feel like you would sense who I was, Dear God of chaos!" The thing said. "Wait...SPIKE? Spike the DRAGON?" Discord and Trixie said at the same time, looking at each other right after. "Yep. That's me!" Spike said, Happily as trixie and discord walked around the small dragon. "What...what happened to you?" Trixie asked, spike looking confused. "What do you mean. You said that negatively. This is awesome," Spike answered. "Wait...spike as in twilight's assistant that went missing after the first changeling attack?" Starlight asked. "Check Check! After escaping that heck, I ran into a griffon who offered me to become a chaos insurgent. Now, here we are," Spike answered. "So, your heading to take down chrysalis and save the others?" The others were apolled. "How'd you know?" Starlight asked. "Eh, I heard you through the Radio. Also, croquet is incredibly complicated," Spike lifted a finger at the ponies. "See, I told you," Discord bragged. "Whatever, why are you out here?" Trixie asked. "Cause It's my job to make sure the mane 6 is ok," Spike answered. "Do you remember when you basically quarantined Ponyville and kicked Twilight out?" "Uh...Yeah?" Trixie said, embarrassed at her past. "Yeah. That was me that destroyed the bubble," Spike answered, smirk on his face. "Wha-What? How?" Trixie asked as spike reached into his pocket. "MMP, or Magical Magnetic Pulse. Cancels out large amounts of Magic in one area," Spike said, holding a cylindrical object, Trixie looking very intently. "Don't touch it!" Spike said, swatting her hoof away. "That last unicorn that touched this had his magic cancelled for almost a month," Spike explained, as Trixie backed off. Spike shoved it back into his pocket. "Well, come on into the helicopter! We can get there much quicker." "That's what the big bird thing is called?" Thorax asked. "Yep. Think of it as a plane that can hover, but is much slower," Spike explained, pushing Trixie and Starlight onto the ship. "Come on God of Chaos, Let's get your butter Pony," Spike said, shoving him into the plane. "Ok, 2 things. 1, Don't ever call her that again, and 2...actually no, just 1. Don't call her that," Discord said, sitting down. "Whatever. EY! ANGY AND APATHETIC G! WE GOT SOME GUESTS!" Spike shouted. Suddenly, a blue griffon in a similar uniform appeared through a door. "You seriously can't yell at us with out actual names?" The Blue griffon said, facepalming as spike chuckled. "Can't take you seriously when you follow the role!" Spike said, as another griffon burst through the door, fuming. "SPIKE! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" A rage filled griffon said, trying to grab spike. "Again, when you live up to the role, it's kinda hard to stop! Just stop being so angy all the time!" Spike said, running off to some other part of the helicopter, gilda following close behind. Our B-team were worried. "Don't worry about him. This happens all the time. I'm Gallus, main Pilot and Main Defense. Pleasure to meet you," 'Gallus' said, holding out a claw to the B-team. Starlight shook it, reluctantly. "Same. This is normal here?" Starlight asked. "Much more normal then you'd think. The other griffon was Gilda. She's Main offense and Co-pilot. She and spike have a massive love hate relation," Gallus said. "Wait, so does spike have a title or something? Cause if your pilot, and she's Main offense-" Thorax was cut off. "Spike is Tactician and Book-master. He's also Commander," Gallus explained. "What? How is he commander? He's like 15!" Trixie asked. "He's much smarter than you'd think when he's not being an a hole," Gallus said with gritted teeth. "Wait, so are you guys the only ones here?" Discord asked. "No, we got 4 others down in the drop zone. Hold on," Gallus said, before clearing his throat. "SHALOM!" "...What? Isn't that Horsbew?" Starlight asked. "Yep. Don't worry about it, they're fine with it," Gallus explained. "How do you know?" Trixie asked. "Cause one of our captains is Horsbrew. He's basically told us that it's fine," Gallus explained. Starlight took the oppratunity to look around the chopper, and saw a board with a bunch of ponies and creatures. She looked around and saw a small image of...someone with a very wide grin. She looked down at the picture and saw it was titled, "Dale." "Uh, who's Dale?" Starlight asked. "If I'm being honest, I'm not sure. He's some dude that lives outside of ponyville. We don't really know what he does in his cabin, but, like, he's really creepy," Gallus explained as 4 other creatures walked through the door. "Sejak!" The 4 creatures said as the saluted Gallus. "Yeah, anyway here's our main troops. This is Michael, our main troop. He's an espionage expert and incredible at duel wielding," Gallus said, gesturing to the dark changeling. "We call him, 'Light's out,'" "Spies are epic!" Michael shouted. "This is Luz, demolitions and ballistics expert. Believe me, she knows her stuff," Gallus said, gesturing towards the green dragon. "We call her, 'Bombs Away,'" "I love Bombs. Bombs are fun," Luz said very seriously. "Yeah. She's a bit weird too. uhh, this is Apollyon. He's basically good at almost everything. He's practially back up for everything," Gallus explained, gesturing to the grey, red, and black...something. They think it's a dragon. "We call him, 'omnia.'" "I'm what you call, multi-everything," Apollyon said. "Yeah. We also don't really know what species he is, and he won't tell us. Anyway, last is Vexal. She's also good at espionage, and has the rank of phantom," Gallus explained, gesturing to a purple changeling. "We call her, 'Supernatural.'" "Ghosts are real!" She exclaimed. "Wait, phantom? What does that mean?" Discord asked. "Basically, she's really good at long distances," Gallus said. "She's also Spike's GF," He slipped out. "HEY!" Vexal shouted as she chased him out of the room, blushing intently. "Wow. Spike already has a Girlfriend? And she's like 2 years older," Starlight questioned. "Yes! I'm so much better than all of you!" Spike yelled as he was pushed out into the main area. "Anyway, our team name is Omega-17, "Storytellers." We're in charge of making sure that the mane 6 are safe. As spike probably explained, we're probably the cause most villains fail," Gallus explained. "Yep! We're the best!" Spike yelled. "Wait, so, do you guys also have code names or something?" Trixie asked. "Yes...ish. I'm called, "Blue wing," But as you can see it wasn't exactly a creative name. Spike is...*sigh* and I'm quoting what he wrote himself, "Indestructible Dragon inside of Treachery." However, we just ironically call him I.D.I.O.T," Gallus explained, chuckling. "It's Not funny!" Spike yelled. "Anyway, Gilda is, "Omega Bird," as, she is main offense, she is really powerful at being...well a big target and a big deal," Gallus said, as Gilda glared at him. "Whatever. So are we going for the hive now?" Gilda asked. The helicopter whirred as it flown closer and closer to the hive. "Ok guys. I got a plan ready," Spike said, as everyone sat in the drop zones. "Ok, Gallus, you stay outside. If we need you, I'll yell out Signal 7," Spike explained. "Gotcha," "Gilda, Michael, and Apollyon. You storm inside and try to find where the mane 6 are. If you find them, yell out signal 5," Spike continued. "Yes Sir!" Michael and Apollyon shouted. "Got it," Gilda said. "Vexal, you go inside and disguise as you without a suit on. With no difference between you and the others, they will not care. If you find something, shout Signal 6," Spike continued. "Yes Sir!" Vexal Shouted. "Luz, you and me will scale up the hive and blow a part of it off to get inside. We'll set of a decoy on the opposite end of the hive. We'll shout signal 4 if we find anything," Spike explained. "Yes Sir. I love blasts," She said, creepily. "Yeah, ok. If anyone needs any help, remember, shout signal 2. We'll try to locate eachother," Spike explained. "Yes Sir!" Most of them said. "Wait, what about us?" Starlight said, walking through the door with the rest of the B-Team. "Ahh, right. Hold on," Spike said as he opened a cabinet and pulled out rings. "Take these and head inside on your own, or with someone one else," Spike said as he gave the B-team rings. "What are these?" Trixie asked. "MA's, or Magic Amplifiers. They're basically the opposite of the MMPs. Instead of absorbing, they enhance," Spike explained, as he pulled his mask on. "Why not give us one of those, cannon things you guys have," Starlight asked, making the whole chaos team laugh. "Oh, Oh, that's cute. No offense, but I wouldn't trust any of you with a regular cannon, much less a logicer. Not even a USP," Spike said, laughing all the way through. Starlight felt embarrassed. "Ok, Ok, everyone ready?" "Yes Sir!" They shouted. "Alright. LET'S CAUSE SOME MAYHEM!" Spike said as the bottom of the helicopter flipped open, letting everyone fall 10 ft down. "Everyone remember their positions?" Spike asked. "Yes Sir!" Everyone shouted. "That's what I like to hear! Now, chaos is at their doorstep! Let's...OPEN...THE...DOOR!" Spike shouted as he and Luz headed to one side of the Hive. Codename : Lights Out Michael, Apollyon, and Gilda ran towards the entrance of the hive. "So, How do we wanna do this Offenses?" Apollyon asked Gilda. "We run inside, and shoot everything," Gilda said. "...Yeah, Alright, That works," Apollyon said. "What? No guys! We need to take at least some precaution!" Michael shouted. "What? Concerned about your species?" Gilda laughed. "Yes...kinda, but also cause we got another changeling here," Michael said as he pointed at thorax. "Oh. Came with us, huh?" Apollyon asked. "Uh, yeah, but now I don't know if I should've," Thorax said and gilda laughed. "Don't worry dude. We're not genocidal killing machines...Well, except for the Hostile Dragon invasion. Those guys sucked," Gilda recollected. "Hey, let's just cause some havoc, as we do, ok?" Apollyon said, placing the welder. "Alright then. Let's get started," Michael said, activating the lighter...this is gonna take a while. Codename : Supernatural Vexal was experienced in stealth. She was a great fighter. She can definitely hold her own in, almost anything. This was one of those things that she couldn't. You might've not known this, but female changelings are...uh...pretty gay. I know. Technically, changelings aren't really restricted to their sexual preferences, but, I mean, imagine you were the only one of your gender that wasn't gay. Think about it, cause that's how Vexal is now. Guy Changelings usually aren't the same...for some reason. They're usually just striking out on the females, or aren't even at the hive. Some are gay, but that's not important right now. Anyway let's take a look- ok, let's go and see what the Literal idiots are doing... Codename : I.D.I.O.T "Ok...Luz, how far are you up on the hive?" Spike asked Luz through his radio. "About 70 meters sir!" Luz responded. "Ok...Remember, make your explosion count. As soon as you see a changeling through the hole, fly over the hive and to me. I'll set off the smaller explosion," Spike explained. "Yes sir!" Luz said, before turning off her radio. "Oh...this is gonna be good," Luz started the timer on the...about...10 tons of TNT attached to the hive. Let's just say...the sky was already orange, but now, it's about the shade of those stupid gender reveal parties down in Florihoof. "What the heck was that!?" Luz heard a changeling yell as she stuck to the side of her explosion. "Was that a lightning strike?" Another changeling posited. Luz hurried back to spike's location, planting smaller explosions along the way. "Spike!" Luz said, diving down towards her commander. "QUIET!" Spike whispered as loud as he could. "You do know they can still hear!" Spike said. "Oh yeah...Sorry Sir!" Luz quietly said. Luz might be a demolitions expert, but spike was terrifying, even for her. "It's fine. Alright, ready?" Spike asked luz, hovering over the plunger to start the bomb. "Oh yeah...Let's cause some chaos..." "You've said that live, 5 times already dude," Luz interrupted. "Really Luz? Really? Great, you ruined the moment," Spike complained. "Sorry, but it's not my fault your unoriginal," Luz continued. "I've literally used every term for chaos I can think of. Mayhem, Havoc, Madness, Turmoil, I've even used disruption, disarray, and even pandemonium! The least you could do it just let me do what I can," Spike continued. "Ok, ok, sure. Whatever dude. Go ahead," Luz accepted. "Thank you. Now," Spike cleared his throat. "Let's cause some chao- Nope. Doesn't work. Moment's over." > Glitch 1: Unclipped > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a day like any other. Oh, I should probably tell you who I am. I'm Spike. I'm not really sure where I came from or who I belong to, if anyone. I've just kinda been living in Ponyville ever since I was hatched from an egg. Don't know who hatched me, other dragon or no, I got no real guardian. Anyway, I've had an...ok life, I guess. It could definitely be worse. One thing I know is that not all people accept me. Especially the Princess, for some reason. I don't know why she doesn't like me so much. Did I do something when I was younger? I don't know. So anyway, what happened today that I started this all with that? I saw that everything isn't real. Ain't that something? Let me explain. I was going from the library, owned by the bookish Twilight, she's always seemed to be kinda weird near me, to the boutique to try and get a chance with rarity, one of the most beautiful creatures ever, again. I know how ridiculous it might seem, and 16 year old hitting on a 20, but who knows. Old sitcoms did it all the time. Anyway, on the way there, I saw something odd. It looked like a bunch of flowers, but like...what's the word. A Mirage of sorts. Like it wasn't real. I shrugged it off, thinking I was just tired or something. A pretty fair excuse. Afterwards though, when I went back, I noticed it was still there. Again, I would've shrugged it off, it not for the fact that nothing else around it was like a mirage. Only the flowers. I then stepped closer. And then, I fell through them. Yes, I fell through Flowers. When I came too, I was in what looked like the brain of Twilight. Just numbers. I then started panicking, as ya do. Come on, tell me with a straight face that you wouldn't start screaming whenever you fell through flowers into a portal. Well, that's what I did, for a while. Until now actually. Heyo, It's me, Spike. Yeah, we're at this point of the story now. Let's just hit the resume button her- and I'm still yelling. Hold on, lemme fast forward...come on...yada yada...What is real...Ah, here we go. The good stuff. Have fun! "What is going on!?" Spike asked himself. All around him were green lines, going in certain orders, and numbers and letters. It looked like a video game or something. Spike continued questioning himself until he realized where he came from. The Flowers. "How did flowers lead to this green hell!?" Spike asked himself again. He looked up, and suddenly, he saw all the flowers, nay, all of ponyville. He could see everyone. Pinkie was hopping around, Rainbow was Talking to someone while soaring, not sure how that's possible, Rarity his beloved was lecturing some filly about something, and that's all he could see here, but he could also see a glance of AJ. He started to move towards it, then realized all the numbers and letters were moving with him. It was almost like an aura. "What the...Stop following me!" Spike screamed as he started to run. This was of no use, of course. The Binary wasn't sentient. It was just there. Following him. He then stopped and started to run the other way. No use. Just the same thing. Same amount of binary, same amount of movement, same amount of frustration. Now he was really panicked. What are these green symbols and what do they want? If anything? "Stop chasing me symbols!" Spike yelled. No response. Spike yelled louder. Nothing. He then punched the symbols...and something interesting happened. This appeared in front of him. "What the...Unicorn? Cut, copy, Paste? What is this?" Spike said as he tapped the Copy Option. Suddenly, the menu disappeared, and spike realized something was now written on his hand. "'Unicorn,' Huh. It's an actual copier. Funny," He chuckled. Spike then hit another part of the binary, and this popped up. "Upstream? Responses, what the heck does any of this mean?" Spike started clicking all over the place, in order to find someway to get out. As he kept tapping, a file popped up behind him. He didn't notice until he hit his head against it. "Ah? What?" Spike said, grabbing the file in his hands. He looked at the nametag on it. It was named, 'Dale.' "Dale? That weirdo in the cabin outside of town?" Spike said, opening the folder. A lot of letters and numbers popped up that he couldn't understand. Defeated, he closed the folder and threw it like a Frisbee back into the fray, before returning to clicking like he was in the stanley parable. Suddenly, A massive stream appeared under spike, shoving him upwards into the air. He started falling, curling up, before realizing he was floating. "What? Whoa, Whoa, this is...kinda cool. Whoa Whoa WHOA!" Spike yelled as he flew into the massive strip of binary. Suddenly, he was shoved out of the binary and back into the real world. Spike started panicking again, as he started looking at his surroundings. He calmed down quickly, as he realized he was back in recognizable territory. He looked behind him to see the flowers. He jumped into them again, then realized they were now real. "Hey! Get out of my flowers!" Spike heard somepony yell at him. He then jumped up and ran off. "Sorry! Total accident!" Spike lied as he ran off towards the boutique, confused as to what actually happened. He heard the pony behind him still yelling, albeit, a bit less negative than before. Rarity had been working on a piece she was sure was gonna put the show of Canterlot to shame...as she had thought with like, 16 other outfits. Girl's adamant, gotta admit. Either-way, Rarity was currently sowing part of her show-stopping dress when a knock occurred at the door. "Come in!" Rarity shouted from her table. She heard the door open, and expected one of her friends greet her, or just a familiar hello. However, she received nothing. A bit appalled at this, she looked behind her and saw a familiar purple and green dragon. "Oh spike! Good to see you!" "Uh, hi Rarity. How, uh, How are you doing?" He asked, a bit timid. "I'm doing fine darling. What have you come here for though?" Rarity asked her draconic friend. "Uh, I just wanted to talk to you about something," Spike said, making rarity's eyes glimmer. "HAVE YOU FINALLY GOTTEN A GIRLFRIEND!?" Rarity hopped from her stool and towards spike, who jumped back from the suddenly bouncing mare. "Whoa! uh, no, but I do have an interesting story to tell you," Spike concluded. Rarity seemed a bit disappointed. "Oh, well, come over to the table. Let's talk," Rarity said, motioning Spike to join her at the table. "So, what's wrong darling?" "Well...I found something, and I'm not sure what it exactly is," Spike said, intriguing Rarity. "What is it? Did you bring it here?" Rarity asked, getting a head shake from Spike. "No. I can't really bring it here," Spike explained. "Why not?" Rarity asked. "Is it like, to heavy for you to carry?" "No, well, probably, but it's just because it's something I can't even carry," Spike continued. "Ok...go on," Rarity motioned him to continue with his story. "Ok, so, I was heading over here when I saw something weird with a patch of flowers. It looked like the flowers were a mirage, and it wasn't like this effect disappeared when I got closer, it was like a permanent effect on these flowers," Spike started, rarity now listening closer. "So, naturally, my curiosity took over and I walked over to investigate. I reached out to touch the flowers, but I couldn't feel them. I felt myself actually moving through them, and seeing my hand phase through them, but no motion came from the flowers. Then, my childish brain decided there was only one thing to do. Jump into it," Spike continued, Rarity snickering at the last comment. "As I jumped into it, I again felt the phasing feeling, and then I saw a bunch of green and red 1s and 0s. Like, imagine you entered a dark room, and then all of a sudden there's a bunch of numbers around you. That's what it felt like," Spike motioning, miming a rectangular room, Rarity now being fascinated. "Naturally, I started panicking, but when I calmed down I tried getting out of this weird room. I jumped, but it was almost like the entire room moved with me. I ran, but it still just seemed to move with me. Then, I punched the numbers, and then a weird box appeared. It had like, copy, unicorn, paste, something else, I don't remember it all. I hit the copy section of the box, the box disappeared, and this appeared on my hand," Spike said, holding out his hand, which still had the almost flat photocopied word UNICORN stamped onto it. Rarity was now suspicious. "I then just started punching a bunch of other numbers, other boxes appeared, and then all of a sudden, a line of the numbers lifted me up and shot me out of the room. I woke up back on the street, and the flowers were now normal. No mirage, no...what's the word...Spectrality? I don't know, I could feel them now. I ran over here afterwards," Spike concluded. Rarity was thinking after this, and then sat up, a stern look on her face. "Come with me spike," Rarity spoke, a heavy tone in her voice. Spike felt ushered to do as she said. They walked across town to a house. The house looked fancy, almost like a canterlot house. Rarity knocked on the door, and a stallion in a black suit answered. "Ahh, welcome Lady Rarity. Shall I fetch Blue Stream and Sweetie Drops?" He said, with a high voice that did not match his stature. "Yes please. Thank you," Rarity responded, and the stallion bowed as he walked inside. "Uh, Rarity? Not to be rude, but what are we doing here?" Spike asked. "Well, I think I might know someone who could help you," Rarity said, looking back at him, smiling. Suddenly, they both hear noises of clashing and yelling inside the house, both feminine voices. "...Or, at least someone who knows what that was." The door swung open to show a light blue unicorn and a yellow earth pony with purple and pink mane. The unicorn had a bucket with their horn poking through, with tinfoil covering parts of her body. The earth pony had her hand over the unicorn, seemingly restraining her. "Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi Rarity! What's up! The sky is! You knew that though, didn't you?" The blue unicorn said, reaching towards rarity, who was leaning backwards. "Sorry again Ms. Rarity. You know how Lyra gets when...ever," The earth pony said, continuing to hold onto the unicorn, who was shaking violently, and trying to wriggle out of her grip. "No problem Bon Bon. I just wanted to ask you 2 about...well, actually, I believe this young dragon here has something to ask you 2 about," Rarity ushered Spike in front of her, spike initially resisting. "Wha-What? N-No, I-I...uhm...Hi?" "So your telling me you fell through some pot of flowers, found a room full of green numbers that you couldn't escape until you started touching them?" Lyra asked as spike concluded his story. "ehm...yes," Spike finished. Lyra started smiling uncomfortably. "Yes...Yes! I knew it! I freakin knew it Bon Bon! Chalk one up for me on the conspiracy board!" Lyra started gloating towards the earth pony next to her. "What? What do you mean knew? What does she mean?" Spike asked. "Basically, Lyra once had the brilliant theory that we all lived inside a simulation, and that some areas aren't...uh...welded together properly, and that you can go through those areas to interact with the actual part of the simulation. Of course, I never believed her, and I still don't now. There's plenty of logical explanations for this...Lyra..." Bon Bon answered. "Oh yeah Genius? Explain!" Lyra asked. "Uh, Pocket Dimension, Hologram, Just Plain secret rooms. I've seen, like, 7 Secret rooms in my time, 2 of which had the most bizzare entrances," Bon Bon started. There was a small silence. "Well, what was it?" Rarity asked. "...Must we reveal everything?" Bon Bon smirked. Spike was wrapping his head around this theory. "So...Hold on...Your basically saying we're inside a big freakin computer, and we're all just living like we don't know, except for you apparently?" Spike asked. "Uh ye-a-no-a-uh...ny-ne-ye-nye-nyes," Lyra stumbled for a few minutes. "...well fuck," > Stoned 1: Aggregation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone. His entire Jaw felt pain. Spike felt pain jolt through his entire body as he looked down to see he barely had a mouth. His tongue couldn't be seen at all. It's like gone with the wind. The beam from the Tyrant came down apon him, as he moved in a direction. "Heh...Kablooey..." Spike said as he fainted quickly afterwards. Twilight was agast. Spike was just lying on the floor. Twilight ran to him, as the rest of the mane 6 defended her from the Evil filly with curls. "Spike? Spike, this isn't funny, get up...Spike!" Twilight said, shaking his back. She turned him over...to see a disaster. An Almost Missing Jaw. It's just barely there. "S...Sp...Spike...Spiky?" Twilight said, stuttering as the image processed inside her head. He's not dead. No, he can't be dead. No...he's a dragon. There's no way magic could do that. No way. They are resilient to Magic. They could take that 5 times over. He molted. His skin was stronger than ever before. There is no way He's dead...right? His head was pounding as he woke up in a strange place. His eyes shuttered as he awoken. He sat up in a blank void. The horizon was a dark red, and almost everything was stone. Floating Black chains were all around. Spike started to stand up, before suddenly, chains started to fly towards him. "What the!?" Spike said before he got impaled through every point in his body. Spike silently waited for his death, before realizing he wasn't dead. Suddenly, he looked around, and saw he was in the wall of a building. He painfully pulled himself off of the chains into the building. He stumbled around, seeing nothing but grey concrete walls, and the chains in the sky. Suddenly, he saw a pony. "Hey, Hey!" Spike shouted, running towards the pony. He then ran straight into a wall. He stumbled off of the wall, looking at the pony. The Pony walked off the wall somewhere else. "What the heck?" Spike asked himself. Suddenly, he felt impaled from the back, as the chains once appeared again, forcing him through the fake hallway. He awoke, halfway through the wall. "Ugh, what's with all the chains?" He said, realizing his skin was now impaled. He started panicking, before realizing it didn't even hurt. He touched the exposed areas, and felt nothing. "Wha...What?" He said, moving himself off of the chains to not be impaled anymore. Using his claw, he stabbed himself in the leg. The Blood oozed out and he saw tissue, but he still felt nothing. He was very confused, but he continued on through the new hallway. Suddenly, a gray pony appeared. It had a gray and white mane, and wings. It looked like a female. "Oh, uh, excuse me?" Spike asked the pony. Suddenly, the pony looked behind to face him, and spike saw that the pony didn't even have a face. The head of the pony was merely a cross on it's face. "What the...?" Spike asked himself, before suddenly, more of these faceless ponies appeared, all female-esque. "What is going on!?" Spike asked, before the ponies started to ambush him. Spike suddenly felt being punched, blasted, and sliced at. Spike tried to fight back, using his claws to slash at his new opponents, and it...kinda worked. The Ponies seemed so weak compared to what he thought it would be. He struck the ponies more and more, but then something strange happened. They grew. Spike barely had any chance to react before the ponies grew almost 3 times in size and attacked him. He was picked up and thrown into an opposite direction. He smashed into a wall, and saw the ponies left. Then, he passed out. Meanwhile, in actuality... The Villains have won. Nightmare moon had returned and conquered Canterlot. Queen Umbra took over the Crystal Empire...again. Cozy Glow had taken over Ponyville and surrounding area. Queen Chrysalis had taken over her hive again, allowing her non-turned children to live and guard. The turned were slaves, especially Queen Mesasoma and her sister trachea, who were Chained Servants to Chrysalis. Lady Tirek...just, kinda, went destroying everything else. Every Month there was a meeting between the villains, just to make sure everything was in check. Lets go see the remaining Heroes... Rainbow Dash had resorted to her last wanted dream, and became a shadowbolt and lunar guard. She never wanted this, but it was the last thing she could think of to remain alive. Rarity had become a servant to Nightmare moon, as seen before. Whatever she does is seen by Nightmare Moon. Pinkie Pie had, basically, succumbed to her Insanity. No villain took her, so Nightmare Moon decided to just hide her in the bottom of Canterlot. AJ has been forced to be Cozy Glow's Main servant and slave. Her Honesty powers have disappeared. Fluttershy had barely escaped the inquisition. She lives in discord's pocket dimension, with discord being very overprotective of her. Twilight Sparkle had been imprisoned in stone. Nothing getting her out. Like she did to discord, she was a statue, in chrysalis' home room. Chrysalis won it of off roshambo. Celestia had been magic drained, and imprisoned on the sun, just like how luna was, just vise versa. Starlight Glimmer is one of the last left heroes. She's currently working on a teleporter to bring a hero to this realm to save us all. Sunset Shimmer, luckily is safe. After reading her final message, Sunset Shimmer ran to the pony world and hid the mirror in discord's pocket dimension. Human world is now safe...hopefully. Discord, had become a sentinel for Fluttershy. Being one of the last powerful heroes left, he and flutters had been hiding in his private pocket dimension. CMC had been brainwashed into being Cozy Glow's personal hit-men/assassins/soldiers. They kinda got what they wanted. The Young Six are working with Starlight to build the portal. There isn't a whole lot to talk about them here, but...yeah. Smolder woman-ed up and asked out ocellus though, so that's pretty cool. Dale meanwhile was still in his cabin. Seems like even the villains don't wanna touch him. He is a really creepy guy I guess. Anyway, back to purgatory... As spike woke, he appeared to be in a completely new area. It looked regal in it's infrastructure. Spike cautiously stood up from his impaled position, looking around for any more chains or crossed face ponies, and started to walk down the hall. Still on guard, he failed to notice that the hall...never ended. Spike continued walking through the hall, getting tired by the second. "Ugh...This...this...is...so...long...Why is this so long!?" Spike said, before looking behind him. He was shocked to see that the door he had awoken by was...still there. Barely a few inches away from where he had awakened. "What the? This isn't pinkie pie's hair!" Spike exclaimed, as he started running again. He tried to keep running, but he got exhausted faster...and faster...and faster. "Uhh...I'll...I'll...I'll just rest...rest here..." Spike said, lying down on the floor, noticing he was still only a few feet from the door. "This...is dumb..." Spike said, not realizing another gray cross pony, albeit taller than others, march through the door on the other side of the room. The Cross pony looked at him, and used a spell on him. Then ran off. Starlight glimmer was tired. She was tired of all of Bullshit going on. So much stuff that she could barely handle. From the Villains takeover, the heroes being dispersed, and her having to basically adopt the Young 6, she was very, very tired. Then one day, she got a message. She was laying back in a chair, chomping on a pizza, as suddenly, a grey and red message appeared on her laptop. She jumped as she looked at it, and a small smile crept onto her face. She instantly clicked on the message, looking at the log. CELE#682: You were right. There is a compatible hero here. GLMR#143: Hell yeah. What does he look like? Starlight Glimmer had to wait a bit before she got a message back. CELE#682: Unfortunately, I could not get a photo. The creatures here weren't very docile. A bit disappointed, but still content, starlight glimmer continued. GLMR#143: Alright. Where is he from the teleporter? CELE#682: About half a mile from the stand. Orders? GLMR#143: Return now, but leave a trail for him to fall. Even if the area moved, he should be able to get close. CELE#682: Yes Mam. GLMR#143: Wait, one last thing. CELE#682: Yes Mam? GLMR#143: Inject him. CELE#682: Are you sure Mam? GLMR#143: Did I stutter? CELE#682: No Mam. I'll do that quickly. Finally happy for the first time ever, she called in all of the young six. "Kids! Get in here!" Starlight Shouted. "Ugh...what? Another invasion?" Smolder asked. "Nope! We finally have some good news!" Starlight shouted. "What is it? Celestia's back? Twilight's back? Anyone good is back!?" Silverstream asked. "No...but we are gonna get a hero." When spike woke, he wasn't in a throne room anymore. Spike got up quickly, trying to look around, making sure that no chains or cross ponies were around. As he looked around, he started to realize he was a bit heavier than before. He also felt a bit better than before. Like, empowered. Not godlike, no no no, but definitely stronger than before. Like getting +7 to all stats in O&O. "Wow. This is...sweet? I think? It feels good, but I don't know how the frick this world works," Spike told himself. Suddenly, he saw a cross pony running towards him. "Oh, heck no!" Spike said, performing a massive flip over the crossed pony and slammed them into the ground. The pony did not get up. Spike looked at his claws, realizing they were now covered in rocks. Then, he started panicking again. I mean, wouldn't you be scared if you were just covered in rocks. However, that panic soon turned to curiosity. He punched his fists together, and created a shockwave. "Huh...sweet!" He said, as more crossed faced appeared. He smiled. This'll be interesting. "Come on! Come on!" Starlight said, as she continued tuning and calibrating the controller. Smolder was creating a heat source for the machine, Gallus was repairman, so he wasn't really doing anything, just kinda watching the disaster, Sandbar and Yona were just...kinda...pressin buttons. That's it really...Silver-stream was also repair woman, and Ocellus was assistant operator, so she was also helping calibrate. "Maybe if we input more energy, we can home in on the location. Smolder! More power!" Ocellus shouted. "Ugh! This is the best your gonna get!" Smolder shouted. "...Smolder, Please give us some more power, sweetie?" Ocellus said, showing her charm. "Oh...Oh I hate you so much," Smolder smiled, as she took more powerful breaths. "Love you too hun!" Ocellus shouted. "Lovin the sitcom!" Gallus said, chomping on sausage. "Shut up nerd," Sandbar said. "What was that hippy!?" Gallus shouted. Before Sandbar could respond, the machine started to glow a dark red. Starlight started to grin, then laugh. She had done it. A Hero was made... And boy was he MAD As spike finished completing his massacre on the crossed faces, a strange thing happened. A Black chain appeared and attempted to stab spike, but being prepared this time, Spike grabbed onto the chain, snapped it onto his leg to separate the head from the rest of the chain, and now...he had a weapon. Or so he thought. As soon as he started to grab onto the rest of the chain, the chain started to fire off to another part of this hell-forsaken place. "Gah! I'm not letting you go! Not this time!" Spike said, shouting at...the chain. I guess. As he flew through the area, he finally got a good look at the place. And...well it looks like if discord was a emo. Grey islands and buildings, Floating black chains, Red and black backgrounds and horizons, and the sun looks like it got beat up. Like, someone literally punched it. Suddenly, he realized he was heading towards the horizon, which seemed to have a hole in it's reality, almost like a black hole. Spike, now panicked again, as you do, tried to let go of the chain, Which was actually successful. It's just, well, the chain wasn't the thing propelling him. Spike didn't have much time before he was fully engulfed in the hole, and blacked out...or so he thought he did anyway. > Creation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "GGAAAAHHH!" A Pony yelled as she was covered in the hot liquid oozing out of the ground. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" More Ponies yelled, as the rescuers tried to pull them out of the strange liquid. This pony in particular, named Leif Magik, was a magical apprentice. She was trying to perform a spell to create super fast growing soil, but ended up causing this. Now, she was trapped in her own creatio-oh. Nevermind she's dead. Yeah, hey this girl's dead! "OH BUCK SOMEONE HELP ME!" Leif Magik yelled one more time, before suddenly, everything went a bright white, and she appeared in a blue and white area, with light shining down on her. "Wh-What the?" Leif said, before a giant light appeared in front of her. From it emerged a sight to see indeed. It looked like a dragon she had seen before, purple and green, with spines on his back, also green, and wearing a strange multi-colored robe. "Yo!" The dragon said to her. "Wha...Who are you?" Leif asked. The dragon laughed. "I'm god, you banana head!" The dragon said, chuckling. Leif was confused. "God? Who's god?" Leif asked. The dragon stopped for a minute. "Oh yeah, right. Religion isn't exactly a thing anymore. Well, anyway, I'm spike, nice to meet you, and I'm the creator of everything," The dragon, now known as spike, told her. "Wait, your creator of everything?" Leif asked. "Yep!" Spike said. "So...you can do anything?" Leif asked. "Pretty much yeah," Spike explained. "Well, look at what happened!" Leif said. Spike laughed again. "Yeah, I know. I did that. It's a liquid obsidian flood. Heh, your crazy for this one spike!" Spike said to himself. Leif was confused. "Wait, why?" Leif asked. "I don't know, I'm a little freak! I can do anything I want!" Spike said, praising himself. Leif was now angry. "Well, can you get me out of this Obsidian than?" Leif shouted. "Oh, no. Oh...yea, no," Spike said. "What? I, I think I'm gonna die!" Leif said. "Oh, no no no, your already dead," Spike explained. "WHAT!?" Leif yelled. "Yeah, I know, it's a hard transition. Just come with me to the light and we can get you to equine heaven, or equine hell, if you were like, an equine biggin or something," Spike explained, motioning to the light pillar. "Wha...But there's so much I wanted to do!" Leif said, trying to grapple with her demise. "mm, yeah," Spike said. "I, I wanted to become a great spell master. Oh I loved learning!" Leif cried out. "Hey I invented Spells! and Learning!" Spike shouted. "Oh I just wanted to see my girlfriend Cellulous. She...She was so smart!" Leif said. "Really?" Spike said, creating a small window into reality. "A Handsome gal! Big, uh, big brains...yeah..." Spike said, quickly dissipating the window. "I...I just...I just want to live one more day..." Leif said, now crying. "Ok, well it seems we're gonna have some problems with this, so just come along, follow me and let's see if we can get you acquainted with your burning demise," Spike started. "I hate to tell you, my fine equine, But it's looking like your number's up! I know you'd love to stay around just a little bit longer, But you body's full of burning rock! So Take a gallop with me, Towards Eternity. Forget about your Terrific Plight! Just put one hoof in front of the other, in front of the other, in front of the other, And Clip Clop into the light!" "But I'm gonna miss my friends and family, and they'll miss me!" Leif protested. "Were they ponies who also lived near you in Ponyville?" Spike asked. "Uhh, yeah?" Leif answered. "Oh, then they're toast!" Spike asnwered! "Wait, what?" Leif asked. "Yeah, I got like 36 more equines waiting on you, so chances are some of them are someone you know!" Spike answered. "Oh. Well then... I hope my girls died too, So I can see them soon!" "You Will!" "And so I can confess to my girlfriend and maybe even wife!" "Ok?" "Then I can stare into her gorgeous, Blue colored pupils as we drift into the vast abyss!" "Yeah!" "I Guess I'm (You're) ready to go, into the great unknown, It's been a lovely horsey Life! I'll (You'll) put one hoof In front of the other, In front of the other In front of the other! And Clip Clop into the Light!" As the song was finished, leif was starting to transfer into the next life. "Also, where am I going?" Leif asked. "Uhh, let me check real quick," Spike said, pulling out a scroll. "Ah, ok, your going to hell!" "WHAT!?" Leif shouted. "Well, you literally cause a burning obsidian flood to occur, so yeah," spike said. "You said You did that!" leif angrily shouted. "Yeah, but you can't blame god. That's now how it works," Spike said. Leif's angry stares got to him though. "Alright, Alright fine, I'll see what I can do to get you into at least peaceful heaven. It might be a little bit, but in the meantime, enjoy hell!" Spike said, disappearing Leif into a fiery blast. Meanwhile, in the crystal empire, during a visit from the mane 6, everyone started...dancing? "uh, girls? What happened?" Cadence asked, seeing this for the first time. Everyone was just dancing in the bottom of the tower. "I don't know Cadence. They just won't really stop. We tried tripping and a bunch of other stuff, they just get back up," Twilight said. "Think it was discord? This is usually his calling card," Rainbow Dash said, as a pony walked by. This pony wasn't dancing. Strange. "Who was that?" Rainbow Asked, taking in this pony. He had a brown hat, grey skin, blue shirt and darker blue pants. He also had an exceptionally wide grin. "Oh that's Dale. Not sure what he's doing here though. I've never seen him leave his cabin," Pinkie Pie explained. "He's a little freaky." "No kidding. The dude looks like he just got revealed at royalty. How does his jaw even go that far?" Twilight questioned. "How did he even get up here?" Twilight continued as suddenly a bus stop appeared, with a bus soon after, having discord coming out of the door. "Thank you! Now what was this about me?" Discord said, waving to the bus driver, who drove off the balcony. "Uh...Nevermind. Did you make those guys dance?" Rainbow Dash asked. Discord's eyebrow raised, and they all went down to the epicenter. Discord looked around confused, and then laughed. "This is hilarious. What's wrong here?" Discord asked. "They've been dancing ever since we got here," Twilight answered. "and how long has that been?" Discord asked. "Like, 2 hours. They just won't stop," Pinkie Pie said, trying to wave her hoof in someone else's face. "I'm sure that they're just happy to see you all," Discord told them, summoning some tea. Everyone looked at him sternly. "Fine, Fine, if you really that against dancing, I'll make them stop!" Discord said, getting his snapping fingers ready. He snapped...and nothing happened. "Huh, that's weird," Discord said. "What wrong?" Rarity asked. "It's not working. Hold on..." Discord said, looking at one of the afflicted. He then grinned...and laughed...laughed a terrific laugh. "Oh...Oh good one Spike! Bravo!" Discord clapped. "What is he talking about? Spike?" Rainbow asked, looking at discord weirdly. "Yeah, I know who did this," Discord said, looking up to the sky. "Well, who did it then?" Twilight asked. "Well...God," Discord said. It was silence for a while. "What? You mean, like something like you? A god of dancing or something?" Rainbow asked. Discord shook his head. "No. I mean god of literally everything," Discord said, looking up at the sky again. "Why are you looking up there, and who is god of everything? I wanna have a word with him!" AJ said. "No, no you don't. But anyway, I'm looking up, cause he's up there," Discord said, pointing up. "What do you mean, like, he's in the clouds of something?" Rainbow asked. "No. He's far, far past the clouds...watching everything," Discord said. "Like, he's omnipotent or something?" Twilight asked. "Exactly," Discord answered. "Well, can you get him to stop?" Twilight asked. "Hold on," Discord said, creating a rotary phone, and dialing, "1-800-60D-C001," he laughed. "Still hasn't changed that." Suddenly, a massive flash of light appeared in front of the ponies and the dragonequis. As the light dimmed, they looked at where the light once was...and saw a dragon, almost the size of discord. "Who called me- Hey discord!" The dragon said, as he ran over to discord, discord doing the same. They then performed a very complex system of handshakes and movements until the fist bumped. "Hah! I can't believe you still remember that!" The dragon said, smiling. "Of course I do spike. Can't have a fellow god be disappointed in me!" Discord says, hugging the dragon, now known as spike. "Uhh...discord?" Twilight tried to get discord's attention. "Oh, sorry girls. This is Spike, also known as, God!" Discord introduced spike, spike displaying himself. "I would be humble and say, 'not exactly,' but that would be a lie," Spike said. "So...by god...you mean...?" Cadence said, waving her hoof. Spike raised an eyebrow at discord. "Is religion just not a thing anymore?" Spike asked discord. "Other than some small areas, not really. No one believes in one pure or true god or anything," Discord explained. Spike grabbed his face. "Ok...how do I explain this..." Spike said. "Basically, you all know how this world came to be?" "Yeah? The big Bang?" Twilight asked. "Yeah...about that. That's total bogus," Spike said. "Wha-What?" Twilight stuttered. "What do you mean?" "Well, I should know how this world, nay, this universe came to be. I created it afterall," Spike said, getting shocked responses from everyone. "So...hold on...I-I need to process this," Twilight said. "Yeah, no problem!" Spike said, summoning a bag of jelly beans. "Really? Those?" Discord asked. "What? Ever since the blue puppet threw one at me, I came to love em!" Spike said, popping some inside his mouth. "So...So...You...You! You Created...Everything?" Fluttershy asked. "Eh, about like, 77% yea," Spike said, moving his hands 90 Degrees repeatedly. "Wha...Wait, how can you prove that?" Rainbow said, pointing an accusing hoof at spike. Spike sighed, snapped his claws, and suddenly, all of them started to fly. "Woah Woah Woah!" Shining Armor said, falling on his side. "That enough for you?" Spike asked, snapping his claws again as rainbow nodded. They were suddenly back on the ground. "So...who made the other like, 23% than?" Pinkie asked. "Was it all discord, or did it come naturally? Oh, is there a god of parties! Can I be a God? I would totally be the best God of Parties!" 'She always like this?' Spike said to twilight, through a mental connection. "Uhh...yeah?" Twilight responded. Spike nodded, but everyone - discord thought that twilight was responding to pinkie. "See! Even Twily thinks I'd be a great god!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Uh, well, maybe, but-" Twilight got cut off. "Ok, this has been nice, but can we get to the topic? Spike, why'd you make these ponies dance!?" AJ accused Spike. "Huh? Oh, I didn't even notice the jitterbugs around here," Spike said, looking at the ponies. "Wait, you didn't know?" Twilight asked. "Well, let me explain in song!" Spike yelled. "...Why?" Rainbow Asked, "I don't know. It's just some other god made it so that a song always makes something happen in this planet in particular...I think. Maybe they did it to some other planet," Spike said, looking around. "Wait, other god? How many are there?" Rarity asked. "Uhh...Let me get my list again. I forget," Spike said, snapping his fingers. "Ahh...around...22," Spike said. "Woah. That's a lot of gods," AJ said. "Run through them! I must see my Opponents!" Pinkie yipped. "Uhh...here we go. Spike - God of All - Genderless Discord - God of Chaos (And Friendship recently) - Male Neave - God of Flesh and Creatures - Female Nexus - God of Technology and Interaction - Male Neal - God of Entertainment and Parties - Male Damien - God of Writing and Intelligence - Male Defena - God of Harmony and Music - Female Robin - God of Wrath and Sex - Male Darwin - God of Sea and Sky - Genderless Quirel - God of Exploration - Male Brennan - God of Wisdom and Magic - Male Tiberius - God of Darkness and Death - Male Monik - God of Love and Life - Female Annie - God of Liquids and Strength - Female Essence - God of Space and Light - Female Dave - God of Sanity and Architecture - Male Zard - God of Agriculture and Mystery - Male Alex - God of Nothing - Female Jaren - God of Humor and Politeness - Male Zack & Maria - Gods of Siblings and Family - Male and Female Respectively Supernovae - God of Pure Destruction and Creation - Female" "Jeez. Why are there so many?" Twilight asked. "Well, I created all of them, and it was mainly cause, either I was just bored, or needed some way to help myself in controlling this universe," Spike explained, as pinkie started to yell. "I...MUST...MEET...NEAL!" Pinkie screamed, shaking Spike. "WOah! WoAh! WoAH!" Spike yelled. "Calm DoWn! I'll call him up! Jeez!" Spike produced a Rotary Phone, Dialing the numbers, "999-956-6234." Suddenly, a Massive Party hat fell from the sky as a door appeared on the side of it. "Who called the Party Maker?" A Creature best described as a human with a pony head said as they opened the door. He was covered in confetti, wearing a golden jacket covered in miniature gemstones. He had an emerald Fedora that glimmered alongside the entire empire, with a pair of rainbow colored Pants, and full on cement shoes. Pinkie...was...ecstatic. "WOWIE! I knew the god of parties would look incredible, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW THEY'D LOOK LIKE PURE HAPPINESS!" Pinkie said, zipping towards the dude. "ARE YOU NEAL, GOD OF PARTIES!?" "Well, god of Entertainment and Parties, but yes my dear. I also go by the Party Maker! Now, who called me?" Neal said, looking around for his caller. "Hey Neal! How's it going?" Discord said, walking towards neal. "My Boy! Discord! How's it going?" Neal asked, brofisting Discord. "Chaos as usual. Nothing huge has happened recently," Discord said. "Well, that's nice. Did you call me here?" Neal asked, taking of his pixelated Sunglasses. "No. The person who called you is currently standing near the door you just swung in his face," Discord said, pointing towards spike on the floor. "Could've been a little more gentle there Neal," Spike said. "Oh, sorry bout that spike. But you must remember..." Neal Started "The god of Parties must always make an entrance!" Neal and spike said, spike being very unenthusiastic. "Yeah, Yeah, I remember from the last time you bumped my nose with the clock entrance. Why did it have to have 48 hours, by the way? You never answered that!" Spike asked, kinda angrilly. "Well, More numbers," Neal said, nonchalantly. "Now, is there any party here?" "Well, I guess you could call an eternal dance a party, in the right circumstances," Twilight said, breaking the convo. "An eternal- Oh my! This is certainly a dance. Look at the lovely couples!" Neal said, pointing towards many ponies dancing together. "Yeah, Yeah, and these ponies think I did it," Spike said. "Well, Did you?" Neal asked. "NO!" Spike yelled. "In fact, before you even came, I was about to sing my innocence away!" "OOH! Should we call up Defena?" Neal smiled. "What!?" Spike screamed. "Already on it dude!" Discord said, pulling out the rotary phone again. "670-576-7081," Discord put into the phone, Spike protesting the entire time. "Darling, What's wrong with Defena?" Rarity asked spike, who was very deflated. "Nothing's wrong, it's just that I don't like so many of us supernatural beings being in one mortal area. It just makes me uncomfortable," Spike said, finally looking at the pearl Marsh-mellow pony in front of him. "You know, I'm glad I made you. You're pretty and nice," Spike said. "Well Thank- Wait WHAT?" Rarity bursted out. "You Made ME?" "I Mean, technically. You'll probably learn about it later," Spike said, swirling his finger. Suddenly, a Massive star came from the sky, radiant and blinding to anyone who saw it. The Light dimmed as the star formed into a similar shape to Neal. "Yo-Yo! God of Music in the Houze!" The new creature said. This creature was wearing a Newsboy Cap with headphones underneath, glowing in a multitude of colors. This creature was also wearing a glowing t-shirt and Pure black jacket, a Disco skirt with Glowing green pants underneath, and neon lights on the bottom of the shoes. Their hair was a pinkish white, and sticking out like spikes from their hat. "Eyo! Let's get this party started!" Neal said, walking towards The new creature. "Great to see you again defena!" "Hey Neal! Good seeing you too! Sorry I've been so busy, Manehatten likes my beats," Defena said, using a Air Turntable. "No Sweat! I've got plenty of requests from across equestria! I hardly ever have time to bother robin!" Neal said, tipping his hat. "Yeah. Anyway, why am I here? I gotta get back in like 40 minutes!" Defena asked. "Well, Spike was about to sing a song to prove his innocence, and we thought, why not get the literal god of music in here?" Neal explained. "I can make music too! I literally made you both!" Spike protested. "Yeah, Yeah, whatever pops," Defena said. "POPS?" The rest of the ponies asked. "Oh, yeah. We technically consider spike as our dad. It's a weird thing, but we don't really care," Neal said. "Who are these cute little creatures?" Defena said, pinching Rainbow's Cheek. "Hey! Back off Disco!" Rainbow said, pushing her hand away. "Ooh, fiesty. Anyway, I'd love to get this show a going," Defena said, summoning an Amethyst Turntable, complete with diamond records. "I must say, you really like your shiny stones you gods," Rarity said. "Well, since we're gods, we have to let people know that, 'we got the drip!'" Defena said. "Wait, why aren't Spike and discord more, like, modern, like you 2?" Rainbow asked. "Well, I was trapped in a Stone statue for a while, but I'd say I can get modern," Discord said, summoning sunglasses, a gold chain, and a blue cap. "No. We're not doing that again dude," Neal said, making discord turn back. "The short answer is, some of us like being more modern, and some of us don't. However, for me and discord, He's wasn't around for the change, and I just don't care," Spike explained. "Yep. However, me and Defena had to change in order to fit in! I can't go around throwing parties for surviving syphilis anymore, so I guess I should throw them for a promotion or Hearths warming," Neal said. "And I can't go around playing an oud and harp anymore. Besides, Turntables are so much more fun!" Defena said, turning the records. "Alright, get to your song," Rainbow said. "My wha?" Spike asked. "Your...Your song? To prove innocence or whatever?" Rainbow continued. "Oh! Oh yea yea yea, sorry." Spike said, before transporting them all to the sky. "Woah! What the?" Aj exclaimed. "I figured it'd be nice to have a sort of stage. Seems like it worked," Spike said. "Why did you even make a god of chaos when you can fit the bill perfectly?" Twilight asked. "Well, I didn't actually mean to make discord. He just kinda came along," Spike said. "Now, where were we?" I'm God, Okay? (He's God!) I've got something to say. Those Dummies dancing half to death, That wasn't me! No Way! I made the stars and moon and sun, and also I made everyone, like Genghoof Kahn, Celine Mion, All dogs, all cats, fruit bats, your mom, (Your Mom!) And sure, some people worship me, but then, I did make everything! Like Jupiter, and tupperware, and Diet choke, and Teddy Bears! But I didn't make those ponies dance, Oh way down there in the town Square. I'm not that guy, that's not my scene! You think that I would be so mean? And sure, I killed some crops for years, and played upon some deepest fears, like squalor, plague, no food to eat, But dancing man? That's not my beat! "Ok...so you didn't do it?" Rainbow asked, but before Spike could answer... "He's lying. I can tell," AJ said. Spike was apalled. "What? I'm god dude! Why would I want to destroy the world I made?" Spike asked. "I don't know why, but I know your lying," AJ continued. The music continued, as spike looked down. Eh.....Know what? I lied. It's all on me! I brought those dingbats to their feet! Boy they could really jitterbug, But when they died, I pulled the Plug! So what? Oh Celestia! Big woop! Who cares? Come on! It's not the worst thing that I've done, Like bedbugs, Pink eye, Tampa, Florihoof, And also the rest of florihoof, HA! So, yeah I made those ponies dance Oh way down there in the town square. I'm sorry, I know it was rude, I guess I'm just a zany dude. As the song ended, Spike disappeared. "Wow..." Twilight said, as the stage they were on broke apart. As Sunny Star-scout investigated the crystal castle, she found something strange. "Hey izzy!" Sunny called out to her friend. "Yeah sunny?" Izzy Moonbow said, appeared right beside her, causing sunny to jump. "I really got to get used to that. Anyway, Do you know what this is?" Sunny said, pointing towards a rotary phone. "Uhh...nope. No clue," Izzy said, looking around the phone. "Hmm..." Sunny said, picking up the stick part. Suddenly, the object began to ring. "What the? GAH! YOU RELEASED A DEMON!" Izzy shouted, running away. Sunny however, stayed. Something just, compelled her to stay and wait. "Umm...What do I do?" Sunny said, looking at the phone. Suddenly, she noticed that certain buttons were missing. So...she tried to imput the buttons from the pistons underneath. Nothing happened. Tried again. Nothing happened. She continued trying until she put in this. 1-800-60D-C001 Suddenly, the stick produced a different ring. She put it near her ear to hear it better, but then heard a voice. "Hello?" The voice said as sunny jumped. "Hello, Hello?" "Uh...hi?" Sunny cautiously whispered. "Hi!" The voice said, almost enthusiastically. "Wait, who is this?" "Uh..." Sunny considered for a moment. She couldn't just say her name to someone she doesn't even know, but on the other hand, this could be a person from the past. She wrestled with her brain for a little bit. "Uhh...hello?" The voice said again. "Oh, sorry, uh, this is Sunny Starscout," Sunny whispered. "Oh you!" The voice said, as sunny jumped again. She wasn't that famous yet...was she? No one was even living here, so how could whoever this is know who she is? "Umm...Can I get a name back?" Sunny whispered. "Why are we whispering?" The voice said quietly. "Oh...I...Don't know," Sunny said, still on edge. "Fair enough. Well, I'm Spike!" The voice, now identified as Spike, said through the stick. "Umm...are you...inside this thing?" Sunny asked, looking at the phone. "Huh? Oh, you mean the god phone?" Spike asked, making sunny more confused. "No, no, I'm not inside the thing, thank me." "Wait...god phone?" Sunny asked. "As in the being that sees all and interferes to protect from evil?" "No, not that one. The jerk one," Spike said. "Oh...wait what? Wait, why is it even called the God phone anyway?" Sunny asked as Spike laughed. "Well, I mean, it's a direct line to god...and...your talking to someone...on a direct line to god...so..." Spike said. Sunny didn't get it. "So...If this is a line to god, why am I talking to you?" Sunny asked. "Hmm...Let me think. The god phone is supposed to be a direct line to god, and only god can answer the god phone...and this weird dude is talking to me now...so...hmm..." Spike taunted her as she figured it out. "Wait wait wait...you...you are...god?" Sunny asked. "Bingo was his name-o!" Spike said through the phone. "Oh..uhh...oh gosh this is...this is unprecedented...uhh..." Sunny panicked. She was literally talking to god. Tell me you wouldn't be panicking if you met creator of the universe. "Don't worry, I ain't doing nothin...wait...how did you even get access to the god phone anyway? Twilight should've had it under lock and key like that bank in harry Potter or something," Spike questioned. "Huh? Who's twilight?" Sunny asked. Spike let out a spit take. "Wait...what year is it?" Spike asked. "About 2000. Why?" Sunny asked. "Oh...well that explains, wait no it doesn't. Well...it kinda does...oh boy. Well, I guess I god now bestow upon you, Sunny starscout, the god phone, cause I got not one else I know who should have it," Spike said. "Wait...your just giving it to me?" Sunny asked, apalled. "Yeah, sure dude. Whatever. Oh, hold on I gotta go. Damien needs a stack real quick. Call me anytime, except on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7 and 8," Spike said as the phone went dead. "What the Flozwad." > SP1K3 V.1.01: Alone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was at the lowest of lows. It's like if rock bottom was just the tip of the iceberg. Everything that she tried to do just made things worse. It's almost like she was being forced to be the villain again, like, being written as it or something. She just had her redemption arc, and now it's ripped open, like her heart. Scrolling through the many, many, Many different comments on "her" Mystable account, she realized just how massive Anon-a-miss' influence was. The Entire school thought she was anon-a-miss, well, except for the staff, but barely anyone listens to them anyways. Then she got a notification. Thinking it was another agressive message from her, 'friends,' she braced herself for the onslaught of words and possible images that came along with it. But...that wasn't it at all. It was an ad. Feeling lonely? Got no one else to turn to? Thinking you got nothing left to live for? Never settle for those awkward feelings of being alone ever again! SP1K3 is a new, exciting, and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued. The anxiety of social situations, no matter what it could be, can be nerve-racking, but after just a few hours of interacting with SP1K3, you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of disappointment, anger, sadness, or anything else! Be part of the new craze that is quickly becoming the next social substitute. Remember, the more you participate, interact, and even talk to, the more SP1K3 will engage with you. Your experience is completely up to you. Absolutely NO ADS. Enjoy! "Wow...Talk about convenient," Sunset laughed to herself, before realizing no one else was there. And even if they were there, who would laugh...who would care...who would even notice? Sunset swiped the notification off her phone, before she went back to scrolling through 'her' hate comments. "Have you seen that ad for that weird interactive thing?" Sunset heard rainbow dash a few tables away. "No?" Sunset heard Pinkie question. "It's so weird. Apparently, it's supposed to be like AR, where after you download, you have an option to talk to an AI and even put your little creature in pictures," Rainbow explained. "Aww! That sounds adorable!" Fluttershy gleamed. "Yeah, sounds is the right word. Lemon twist told me about their cousin who downloaded the app. They're now in psychotherapy," Rainbow rationalized. "Jeez pardner. Wonder what happened," AJ pondered. "Apparently, they got a super scary creature, and they didn't realize that they would appear in the pictures," Rainbow explained. "Wonder if we could get sunset over there to download it," AJ pondered. "Yeah. That would teach her-hey...?" Sunset cringed as she heard rainbow get interrupted. She looked at Rainbow, who was in front of a man. This man was...unsettling to say the least. "Who's that?" Rainbow whispered. "That there is dale. He's some butcher who volunteers at the school as a chef," AJ revealed. "My family did some work with him in the past. I remember being real scared of 'im." "No kidding! The dude has no arms! I'd be terrified!" Rainbow exclaimed. "He's also smiling very unorthodoxly. How can he even do that?" Rarity pondered. Aj shrugged. "I don't know, but I've learned not to question him. I remember this one time, Granny smith asked him why he always seemed so happy, and I remember hearing yelling for 3 hours straight, all from him," Aj explained. "Jesus! The dude must have anger issues or something," Rainbow thought. "That's wha' I though' too! Granny said he isn't angry, but he just has a really loud voice. More like a loud microphone in him," Applejack continued. 'Dale' was already gone at this point. "Hey! Thanks for nothing She-demon!" Sunset felt herself get smacked in the back of the head by someone. She didn't know who. Definitely a female voice, but would it matter? "Nothing huh?" She heard the same voice. This wasn't gonna be pretty. Black eye. Not the worst to come from it. Sunset has had worst. Sunset was more concerned with the fact that she hadn't really talked to a living person in forever. The came the thought. The thought that would change her life forever. The thought that would lead down a winding road. A Winding road of mystery. A Winding road of danger. A Winding road of supernatural proportions. The thought wouldn't be enough on it's own, but the action that came with it would be enough to change everything that was going on. "Maybe I should get that app," She thought. Almost like a call to action, another ad came on her phone for it, but instead of swiping it away, she clicked onto it. She was taken to the appstore where she could see the entire description, images, and reviews for it. Thing was though...it felt off. The description was almost the exact same as the one she got earlier, only with a small forward. Made for ████████████ "Strange," Sunset thought. Maybe it was made for someone or some people, but it wasn't accepted? Far fetch. The images were...strange. Most were of a small and...while not terrifying, also not very cute creature, similar to a dragon from her world. One image however, captured her eye. It was of a doorway. The door had a slim window on the front, and the door was being shut, but in the window was that same dragon creature, but it almost looked skeletal. Like it was melted to pieces, and only it's bones remained. Shivering at the image, she moved onto reviews...and saw only one. It was from a person named Nicholas. My Expierence I'm giving this app 3.5 stars, because it wasn't exactly what I expected. I thought it would be a interactive story sort of thing, like an arg of sorts, but whenever I opened the text channel for SP1K3, it acted...well...like an A.I. There was no human piloting this creature. It wasn't a bad experience, because SP1K3 always listened to me, and even sometimes helped me...well, helped me is a bit of a loaded word, but he got me through some tough times. The creature is a little uncanny, but I'd definitely say, if you are feeling a bit under the whether, illness or just emotionally, this app can be helpful. ⭐⭐⭐ "Hmm...doesn't seem like a bot review," Sunset thought. Screw it, she couldn't get any more down in the dumps, so why not have an A.I talk to her. Maybe it could 'help' her. As she looked at the main icon, she tapped the install button, and waited. The app itself was only 142 MB, which seemed small for an AI, but, who knows. As she waited, she got another message from Rarity, scolding her for 'her' actions. Sunset ignored it, as always. The app finished downloading and sunset decided to check it out in the morning. Little did she know, that the night she downloaded that app would be the one of the strangest. Sunset woke to a rather loud notification. Thinking that it was another scold, she ingored it, but then another came. She continued to ignore it until she thought about it. "Why try to scold me at night, when I'm asleep?" She said to herself. 'Did they expect to wake me up, or make me down whenever I did wake up?' She thought. She picked up her phone in curiosity, and discovered, while the first message was indeed a scold, the second message was very confusing. That wasn't very nice of them. "Huh?" Sunset asked herself, rubbing her eyes, seeing if she was actually seeing things or not. To her surprise, the message didn't change. Sunset smiled, thinking that maybe she finally had an ally, and she looked at the name of this messanger to see who it was. SP1K3: Nametag: N33D1E That happiness quickly diminished. It was just the A.I She downloaded earlier. She scoffed, and went to sleep, before waking up quickly, even with minor sweating. How did the A.I know what she just read? Was it connected to the...Of course it was connected to the message service. That was advertised. But, how did it know that was just read? Does it see the read message whenever it's seen? Even so, how did it differentiate from a bad or good message so easily? Sunset decided, if she was gonna figure this out, she might as well look into...right after she wakes up. Sunset awoke in a cold environment, snow almost everywhere. Safe to assume this was a dream. One major wind stream kept opposing her as she trekked through the frigid area. No matter what, this wind wouldn't change it's direction, much less stop for a moment. Then, all of a sudden, many other streams of wind came rummaging through, completely blind siding her, and having her barely be able to move. She was barely wearing anything, and the wind streams didn't help in that regard. More of her clothing kept coming off as the wind kept pushing. Then, a small patch of snow opened, almost like a trapdoor. Sunset took the opprotunity and ran with it, running towards the opening and jumping through the passage. She looked around her new abode, noticing that it was a steel room, with plenty of wood furniture, and plenty of heating. Sunset gave a sigh of relief. She was finally free from that snowstorm of emotions. "Hello my friend!" Sunset heard behind her before everything went white. Sunset awoke in a cold sweat, realizing that it was a dream. She sighed, before looking down and realizing that she was...bare. She panicked, and quickly got on a set of clothes. "Thank celestia. How did that happen anyway?" Sunset asked herself. It was a good question too. She had gone to sleep in the same purple pajamas she had always gone to sleep in. It wasn't impossible to take her clothes off while asleep, but that doesn't mean it was likely. Far from it. What's stranger is that she remembered in her dream she also became bare at some point in it. Could it have been...nah. Most likely she had taken her clothes off after her brain thought that was what had happened. Checking her phone, she could see that there was a debate war going on the canterlot high boards. She checked it and saw that it was about the identity of Anon-a-miss. Thinking that maybe someone didn't think it was her, she opened it and saw...a sight indeed. Oh COME ON! It's so obviously Sunset! I strongly disagree. Evidence to the contrary is plentiful. Sorry pardner, but ah think we also got plenty of evidence. Perhaps, but I don't believe the evidence could be as strong as to the contrary. Sunset watched down as this new person defended her, and she was incredibly happy. Finally, someone saw the light. But who was it? A student who transferred? A Teacher posing as a student? Twilight Sparkle? No, that couldn't be it. She would've known. Albeit, the hand writing is similar, but that's about all the evidence to suppose twilight. The name tag was also very strange indeed, almost like they wanted to hide themself. N33D13DR460N Who is...Needle Dragon? Sounds like someone from her world, but again, doesn't seem possible. Every time someone comes through the mirror, a magic surge is made, and her being from that world would absolutely feel it. Besides that, why were they defending her? If she doesn't even know who he is, how would they know what the heck was going on, not just with her, but with the entire school? It just didn't seem to make sense, but she'll worry about that another time. She needed to figure out this new app. Opening the app opened up the regular messanger on her phone, but it directed her to a new channel with...N33D1E. At that moment Sunset shivered. Similar names, but there was no way this A.I was her savior. Sure it might be able to see any message she gets, and it might be able to interact with her phone and send her messages, but it was only in her phone. There was no way it could get into MyStable that easily. It was just a basic chat bot. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but something was definitely up. Sunset focused back onto N33D1E and sent a basic message, seeing the message from last night as well above her new message. Hello? Hello! How are you today? I'm not great, but it could be worse. Why aren't you doing well? My friends aren't being so friendly. Sunset cringed. It was a cheesy line, but it was an A.I. And besides, only she would see this text channel. That's not good at all! Do you know why? They think I'm sharing their secrets. Are you? No! And after everything I did for them too! They just turn their back on me after so long of being friends! Well, I'm sorry Phe0nix62, however, I see that you truly aren't this...secret spoiler, as you probably saw by the mystable posts. That was you!? Correct! I might be just an A.I, but being inside of a phone can give me advantage! Sunset was gasping for air at this point. How was this A.I So intelligent that it was able to, not only create a new Mystable account, and not just figure out how it works too, but able to distinguish both truth and lie so easily!? How advanced was this thing!? Speaking of your friends, It seems your getting a call from them. Would you like me to answer instead? What? You can do that? Absolutely! I can mute your mic, and speak to them! Shouldn't be too difficult. Well...If your okay with it, than sure. No problem for me at all! I'm your friend! Oh, and also it's nearly 8, so you should probably get going to the school, right? No, Principal Celestia said that I could do my work from home as long as it actually gets done. Well then that's good! You don't have to worry about anyone being mean at you! Speaking of which, I should take that call. I'll be offline for approximately 6 minutes. Sunset smiled a smidge. Finally, she had a real friend, through this whole snow storm. Almost all of the Rainbooms were angry. How could Sunset double cross them, and this quickly? They thought they were truly friends after the siren attack, but now, such an obvious frame job fools even them. Makes you wonder why. In an effort to get Sunset to finally listen, Rainbow, Rarity, and AJ organized a combined call with sunset, both to chew her out, and to try to get her to be their friend again. Like that would work. "Alright, I'm firing up the call. You two should be able to join in video," Rainbow said, creating a lobby. Rarity and AJ joined soon after. "Now darling, we know that sunset is Anon-a-miss, but we should try to be as nice as we can," Rarity suggested. Aj scoffed. "Yeah, right. That girl is making no one trust eachother. We gotta get her where it hurts," AJ Retorted. "Whatever. You girls do what you want. I'll do what I want. I'm inviting her now," Rainbow said, clicking invite on Sunset Shimmer, who she labelled as, 'Faker.' "Come on sunset. Join already," Rainbow said after a minute. Suddenly, sunset joined the call, but something was off. Her camera was all black, and no noise was coming from the mic. "Hello? Anyone there?" AJ asked the black screen. "Maybe it was an accidental answer while she was walking?" Rarity asked, before a new voice entered through Sunset's screen. "Hello Sunset's Friends. Friends being in heavy quotation marks," The voice said. "Huh? Who are you?" Aj Asked the new member. "I'm one of Sunset's true friends, but you can call me Spike," The voice, now identified as spike, replied. "Spike? Well, either way, why are you on sunset's phone?" Rainbow asked. "Not important. Why would you like to talk to sunset?" Spike asked. "We just need to...see if she's telling the truth," Rarity quickly diverted from her initial saying. "Lie. Try again," Spike responded. "Look kid, we just want to talk to sunset about if she truly is Anon-a-miss," Rainbow said. "Lie. You already believe she is Anon-a-miss, based on blog posts and arguements. Why try to prove something now. Try again," Spike responded quickly. "Look feller, we just want to talk to sunset and see why she did this," AJ said. "Half truth. You already have your own ideas about why she did this. Anyways, I cannot give you access to her. She's busy with school work," Spike responded. "What? She's here?" Rainbow asked, looking around her classroom. "Incorrect. She's at her house. Principal Celestia said she could stay and work with her schoolwork at her house," Spike responded, which rarity jumped onto immediately. "And how do you know this? And If she's at her house, how are you on her phone?" Rarity questioned. "Yeah, wait a minute. She's right. Sunset wouldn't trust her phone with anybody!" Rainbow added. "That was...the right question. Unfortunately for you, the right answer will not come for a while. Also, don't bother trying to contact Sunset again, cause you'll still have to go through me," Spike said, before leaving the call, leaving the girls in confusion. Sunset was working a history assignment, Mongols, before getting a message, this time with a different ring then she's use to. Opening her phone, she noticed that it was N33D1E. "Friends" taken care of. Thanks N33D1E. I hope they weren't mean to you. A bit accusatory, but nothing too bad. And besides, even if they were, what are they gonna do? Try to find me? I'm inside of a phone losers! Come at me! 😂 You seem more sassy than before Eh, It rubs off from many different sources. Sunset chuckled. So, what did they want, and also, why was the notification sound different? They supposedly wanted to know why you did what 'You' did, and also I just edited me to change the notifcation tone. Nothing huge. Should've figured. Well, hope your okay. I'm completely fine. It's you should be worried about. I don't have and pain receptors, both physically and emotionally, but you have many! Sunset smiled. He really cared about her, didn't he. I'll be fine for now N33D1E. As long as no one comes to my apartment, I'm sure I'll be fine for now. How about you make it so that no one Can come to your apartment. What do you mean by that? Well, if I'm in your phone, and some of the devices in your apartment, including your door and lights, can be controlled by your phone Sunset gasped. Then you can control who comes in and who doesn't! Your like a at home security System, but with feelings. Exactly. Now, I'm not asking you to hook me up to anything, I'm just putting it out there. Believe me, I don't care. If I am hooked up, I can protect you, which will make me feel better. If I'm not, well that's just less stuff on my plate to worry about. I wanna hook you up, but how do I know your not gonna become super clingy and try to get me to stay here eternally, or if your gonna become evil? Well, first of all, I'm disappointed that you would think I'd do such cliche things. Sunset laughed hard. And secondly, not only is that not part of my programming, but I really can't just keep you in here. You have the key to the door, and I can only re-lock it over and over. If it does come to that, I'm gonna short circut faster than you can say chimichanga. Well...I'll think about it. Again, remember. I'm not forcing you into anything. I don't care if I am hooked up or not. Plus, not matter what, you'll be able to circumvent me if I do become what you suggested. Now, I shall ask that you put your phone down, and do your work. Sunset listened to it's advice, and continued with the mongols. N33D1E was a bit busy. More than he thought he would be, that's for sure. He loved his new user, and he was sure that she also loved him being there for her. But, with everything going on with the user, he was consistently busy. No big deal though. He didn't care about how busy he was, cause he knew he was helping someone who truly needed it, and that was enough to keep him going. Enough about him though, let's look at sunset's 'friends.' Rainbow dash was very confused. More than she ever really was. The fact was that not only was she confused at sunset, but now she was also confused at two other people. This, Spike who is apparently allowed in sunset's residence, and this random person on MyStable who doesn't believe that Anon-a-miss is sunset. It made no sense. Aj was also in Rainbow Dash's boat, but for more serious reasons. The rep made it so that, not only was sunset being targeted, not that she would care, but also that she was targeted. Apparently, there were some believers of sunset who targeted, not just her, but also had plans for some other members of the rainbooms. AJ came home one day to find almost every electronic, not there were many, to be dead. Completely dead. Nothing was turning them on. The screens was barely cracked. Almost all of them had cracks on the bottom right. Kinda strange. Rarity also had problems, but none actually relating to Anon-a-miss. It sure didn't help anything, but her main problems came from the wave of questions that happened in the span of, almost 2 weeks. It was so confusing, that she could barely focus on anything. Grades began to drop for almost the first time ever. Pinkie Pie and fluttershy seemed to be the ones spared from these questions and problems, as them only being mainly bystanders, Flutters being even more so. They were vocal the first time through, but afterwards they barely even talked to anyone else. Concerning if anything. So, let's just say the rainbooms weren't exactly having the best days, but it was about to get worse. A lot worse. And it all was a simple matrix derivative.