> A Gregarious Glitch > by Autumnblazelover61 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The One You Shouldn’t Have Fucked! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a perfect morning in Equestria. Most ponies were be spending it at home, or out exploring the town. Pinkie Pie, however, was busy using her abnormal powers to do what most ponies wouldn’t be capable of- she had transcended realities and was prancing around deep within the matrix for no particular reason. She spent her weekends doing that to occupy herself, ever since the School Of Friendship had opened its doors. Pinkie Pie sang a cheery melody to herself as she skipped through the green corridors wrapped in nothing but endless strands of numbers letters, and several interpretations of random code. She ducked down as a couple of numbers whizzed overhead, just missing her pink mane. "Sorry, guys!" Pinkie Pie turned around and called out to the numbers as she continued prancing forward on the floor made of absolutely nothing. "I don’t know where you’re headed, but I hope you make a great combination somewhere." Unfortunately, Pinkie was so distracted that by the time she turned back around to continue her wandering, she failed to see the mysterious figure before her until they collided. "Oof!" She yelped as the bluntness of the contact threw her to the ground. She giggled for a second, enjoying the ticklish sensation of the code traveling at the speed of light beneath her, pulling her swirly mane along with it. "Sorry stranger!" Pinkie apologized, clamouring to her hooves and fixing her mane before facing the visitor. "I come inside this place all the time. None of my friends ever want to accompany me. I guess not everypony enjoys witnessing the fabric of reality and time that keeps the dimensional plane as we know it running, the way that I do- WOAAAAH!" It took a moment to observe the newcomer. She saw instantly that he wasn’t even a pony! It was a tall rabbit, with his body mostly covered in green fur, and white fur on his belly. He had whiskers sticking out around his nose, a devilish smile between his cheeks, and illuminated pink eyes that pierced into Pinkie’s mind and scorched her soul. "Wowww..." Pinkie muttered. Her eyes inspected the rabbit, until she remembered herself. "I mean, I said that already, right? It’s just... you’re a RABBIT! A giant, talking rabbit! Nothing like the kind my friend Fluttershy looks after!" She began bouncing around like crazy. "You CAN talk, right? Say something!" The rabbit shook his head and held a finger to his mouth, a faint "Sssssh" sound escaping his lips. Pinkie's mane deflated like a balloon. "Wait... you can’t TALK? Pardon my French, but aw, poodles! Now how can we be friends?" She scuffed at the ground and squealed angrily. The rabbit reached behind him, before pulling out sign on a handle. A couple of sentences were etched into it: I can communicate with signs, if you prefer This place IS my home. My name is Glitchtrap. Or Malhare. Whatever you prefer. "Oh, in that case, nice to meet you, Glitchtrap!" Pinkie chirped. "With the crazy pony names I’ve been hearing all my life, that sounds like a normal name by comparison." She made a face and scratched her chin in thought. "Hey, aren’t you that guy I read about in the newspaper? You murdered those seven children and hid them inside those robots!" Glitchtrap rolled his eyes and huffed, another message appearing on the sign. It was five children, not four, but go off. "Oh, okay, sorry." Pinkie said with a shrug. "I guess you aren’t much of a talker." She plopped down onto her rump and just sat there, staring up at Glitchtrap's features. His pearly whites glistened in the green light, and he never took his pinprick eyes off her. Seeing he was practically inanimate and couldn’t properly communicate anyways, Pinkie decided there was no point in making small talk. "So," She started, bouncing onto her hooves. "We’ve got time to kill. Wanna have sex?" Being a child murderer, Glitchtrap remembered having lots of conversations that had escalated quicker than that. He shrugged and gave a thumbs up. "YAY!" Pinkie turned around, bending over and raising her tail to present herself to Glitchtrap. "I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a rabbit! You guys are supposed to be great breeders!" She whipped her head back and roared at him. "Now FUCK ME!" Realizing he was already in over his head, Glitchtrap snapped his fingers, and in a flash of static, a monstrous cock formed between his legs, fully erect, ready to fill Pinkie up. Alright, I’m gonna rut you in your ponut, as the fanfics would say.His next sign read. "I don’t care, just stick it in me and fire when ready!" Pinkie cried. "I HATE the feeling of rabbit rubbing against my lips, anyways." Glitchtrap stuck his furry shaft directly inside her swollen pussy (glitches have terrible aim) and began pumping himself inside the pony. She moaned as he shot spurts of precum within her vaginal walls. "Oh, yes! Fill me up with cream! I’m your little cupcake!" She gushed. Glitchtrap bucked his hips and began humping Pinkie’s backside while the speed of his digital member only increased. Pinkie soon began hyperventilating as heat washed over her. "G-Glitchtrap... you’re gonna..." Pinkie was grateful that Glitchtrap at least spilled SEMEN inside her, and not just wet stuffing. Her pussy burned as his batter surged into her depths. It felt great, even when he unplugged his equipment from her cunt and collapsed to the floor. "Phew! THAT was a rutting!" Pinkie reported, rolling onto her chest and crawling towards the bunny. She planted a kiss on his softening dick. "A lousy climax, but if my calculations are correct, you’ll have time to improve." What? Glitchtrap's eyes widened in horror as Pinkie rubbed a hoof against his chest and whispered into his ear. "Yup. This all played out perfectly, William. Now you can stay with me, and you can rut me forever, and ever! I will never let you leave..."