Winds of a World Unknown

by ImperialBlade

First published

A stubborn Blitzle and a kind Deerling in equestria.

A stubborn Blitzle and a kind Deerling in Equestria. Join Nora and Kadin as they explore there new home away from home. A new foe has arrived as well.

Chapter 1

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"Kadin hurry up, the weird Pokemon I saw are just over this hill!" An excitable black and white Pokemon named Blitzle, most resembling a small zebra with a zagged mohawk of a mane exclaimed. Her blue irises narrowed and she trotted back and forth impatiently, even though her friend was only a few paces behind.

"Are you sure we should be this far from your dazzle (zebra herd) and you know how they feel about Pokemon going near the eastern border Nora."

A green colored fawn Pokemon named Deerling which changes color depending on the season was her companion on this summer day, surrounded by lush flora and high trees which provided shade or places to rest for other Pokemon like Pidove and Emolga.

Together they made their way to the hill. Where bipedal creatures in odd grey clothing were walking around, eating, or shouting orders to other bipeds and Pokemon.

"Nora, those aren't Pokemon, those are humans and we shouldn't be anywhere near them."

"Oh don't be such a scaredy purloin. They don't look so tough besides those other Pokemon don't seem to mind.", Nora said.

"That's because they…", Kadin started but Nora was already moving away for a closer look. He sighed as he begrudgingly followed his friend.

Nora, despite being one of the stronger Blitzle in her dazzle, was seen as weak because she was friends with a Deerling and while Kaden's herd didn't mind the family of Blitzle and Zebstrika. They believed that Nora was soft and often criticized her dream of leaving the safety of the glade one day. Their two families more or less coexisted, with the Sawsbuck and Deerling capable of finding safe places with an abundance of food throughout the seasons and the Zebstrika and Blitzle acting as guardians as well as being able to predict storms before other Pokemon due to being electric type.
One thing that Kadin knew however is that both groups didn't like humans, he was told that they captured Pokemon in small devices slightly bigger than an oran berry then forced to fight for entertainment.

"I bet I could beat one of them. The dazzle would have to recognize my strength and see that I'm ready to leave the glade," Nora exclaimed with pride." Maybe two or three and you could come with me.

"As cool as that sounds, Nora, I really don't think we should mess with the humans."

Nora looked at Kadin, then at the ground in thought. . .

"You're right, I should take them by surprise."

"That's not what I…"

But Nora was once again on the move going around the edge of the clearing to find an opening closer to the encampment.

Despite knowing that being this close to humans was dangerous and that he could be captured or hurt, he couldn't let Nora go alone. Not only because he was her friend but going back to the glade without her would bring upon distrust and scrutiny between both their families.
No he definitely couldn't let her go alone.

Kadin caught up to Nora and they found a set of large tents near some bushes that they could use for cover.
Sometimes humans would walk in and out of these tents. The tents themselves were grey and rounded near the top, they were three times as big as the other tents within the vicinity and loomed over the two quadrupedal Pokemon.

"We shouldn't be here Nora."
Kadin would try one last time to get her to abandon this endeavor before anything happened. They had nosed their way under a gap of one of the large gray tents and were now behind some crates.
Nora shushed him and peered from behind the crate.

A pair of scientists raced around in a flurry of activity.

"Are you sure you double checked the capacitors," said scientist 1, a thin fellow with white facial hair and beard.

"I don't need to, I set them myself instead of making the grunts do it," scientist 2 growled back. A short roundish man with black hair and a devil may care expression. The device should hold enough energy power to Nimbasa City for a month and the stupid thing won't even turn on.

Scientist 1- Well it better at least turn a lightbulb on before the Sages get here tomorrow or they'll drop our funding so fast our heads will spin.

Scientist 2- Speaking of lightbulbs, you think that idiot grunt remembered to plug it in. He said while holding up a limp cable.

They both looked at each other for a moment before rushing out of the tent to find said grunt.

Nora and Kadin crept out from their cover and stared at the device which looked like a cube with intricate design.

They both wore puzzled expressions as they pondered what the cube could be; was it a Pokemon, they had heard tales of Pokemon being reborn from stone, or maybe it was the capturing device they had heard to be wary of.

Outside above the encampment the sky began to darken and form turbulent winds and sinister clouds. Below, humans and Pokemon alike noticed this and scrambled to prepare for what looked to be a violent summer storm.

Nora pawed the ground in frustration and also noticed Kadin watching her mane; it was flashing.

"Nora, we should get back to the glade now ,a storm is coming, they'll be worried if we don't come back before the rain starts."

Nora turned to Kadin and paused for a moment before saying.

"Maybe you're right. That box isn't that interesting anyway, but this storm is weird. One this big, even a flash flood, would have warned me earlier but according to what I'm feeling. . .it's already started."

Both Pokemon wore surprised then puzzled expressions for a moment before starting for their makeshift entrance.

Kadin released a relieved sigh under his breath so that Nora wouldn't hear. He was glad they could finally get out of here

With their backs turned to the cube they didn't notice as it began to levitate and radiate a soft blue glow. It began to rotate slowly at first, then it began to pick up speed; It started to hum and the lights inside the tent popped and blew.

It was at this point that Nora and Kadin turned around and witnessed the cube as it began to spin faster and the light it emitted grew brighter and turned an ominous red. The friends turned to run. The cube stopped spinning and slammed into the ground and sent forth a wave of light that enveloped them both.

The light faded, the cube and the two Pokemon vanished. Outside, the storm had dissipated seemingly leaving as fast as it had come. The people and Pokemon in the encampment below were left confused, but quickly got back to work thinking the stunted storm was a fluke.

Chapter 2

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An unusual portion of sky above the Everfree Forest was covered with insidious clouds that turned the already overcast evergreen strewn forest even darker. The forest below, usually filled with the sound of life and activity, was currently devoid of that life save for the sound of hooves on dirt, the crackling and snapping of broken branches, and thin trees.

She ran through bushes and leveled small shrubs in her haste. From behind, the sounds of heavy breathing and the faint smell of putrid rot pursued her as she ducked under low branches and weaved between narrow trees. Branches breaking akin to the sickening crunch of bone compelled her already fast heart rate to race even faster. She thought of how a similar fate might await her.

The Timberwolves that pursued her were the size of small houses and were made of wood hence the name. They cared not for the obstructions the pony ran through; they demolished the forest in their dogged chase.

Fluttershy only got more uncoordinated with every thicket she forced her way through and stumbled more frequently, allowing her pursuers to gain on their potential meal. Flying wasn’t an option in these close quarters as she wouldn't be able to gain enough altitude in time to escape the Timberwolves jaws. She thought of her six closest friends and how they would grieve for her. As well as the poor animals in her care that were awaiting the medicine she carried in her saddlebag.

As Fluttershy imagined their distress she pushed on through the undergrowth and foliage with renewed focus and determination into bright rays of the sun in from of her.

Kadin's eyes drifted open as the barest of sunlight filtered in through the trees and danced across his face. The sounds of the forest returned to him, but there was something strange about them. His daze was interrupted by a memory of a bright flash followed by a vast darkness.

Kadin quickly got to his hooves and looked around in panic for Nora, but she was nowhere to be seen in the small clearing he found himself in. Kadin readied himself to call her name. The sound of something large crashing through the trees stopped him. He started to turn away from the sound and prepared to bolt when the sound of hoofbeats caught his ear.

"Nora?" he called as he turned and squinted into the murky darkness of the forest.

"Oof!", a cream and pink colored blur crashed into him and yelped as the impact carried them both further into the clearing, their momentum flung them over a short cliff near a fast moving river.

The three Timberwolves, once in hot pursuit, now slowed to surround their prey. The river behind their quarry should leave them with nowhere to go.

The cervid and equine shakily got up from their brief tumble. The Pokemon and pegasus appeared no worse for wear, although the pegasus had garnered a few scratches from her mad dash through the forest. They glanced at each other briefly before focusing on the immediate threat warily.

"Ugh, what's that smell", the Deerling recoiled as the acrid stench of the Timberwolves' reached his nostrils.

The pony beside him was silent; she stared at the biggest of the three wolves as it stalked closer growling and snapping as it got closer.

Kadin could see from how the equine next to him stood rigid, likely with fear that it wouldn't be much help. The Timberwolves positioned on either side of them were blocking any attempt at escape. The bigger leader in front of him closed in menacingly.

He got over the offending smell invading his nostrils and stood at the ready.

Kadin wondered what he should do. He had learned most of his attacks from his family but they favored hit and run tactics. Even if escape was an option he didn’t want to leave the creature next to him to such a demise. So, what would Nora do? he pondered. . .

Kadin unguardedly strode up to the big timberwolf in the center. It looked down at him in confusion. Kadin then swiftly jumped up and headbutted the underside of the wooden creature’s maw. Kadin had used Feint Attack. After landing Kadin jumped away as the Timberwolf’s lower jaw fell and hung crookedly off its face.

It looked surprised for a moment before throatily growling in rage. It used a paw to fix its jaw, its glowing green eyes never leaving its attacker who stared back in turn.

Kadin watched as it fixed its jaw and noted how it responded in annoyance and not in pain. After fixing its jaw the timberwolf barked and growled before charging him. Kadin glanced at the other two wolves in case this was an attack order.

This was not to be the case as they stood their ground while the leader charged. Taking time to do this however proved to be a mistake, for when Kadin attempted to dodge the charge it was delayed and he was grazed by the rough beast.
While the blow did little to injure him, it did stagger him briefly and allowed the wolf a second attack.

Kadin recovered as it charged him a second time.
This time he dug hoof into the ground below and threw a Sand Attack into the wolf’s eyes before jumping away at the last second.
The beast whined as it shook its head about, but couldn’t quite get all the sand out its eyes as a result its vision was slightly impared.

The pony spectator looked on in awe at the battle before her, fear still in her eyes, now afraid for her savior who she knew could have run away and left her by now. She looked on worriedly from where she stood and hoped the young deer fighting for both their lives would be ok.

The beast huffed in annoyance before charging once more.
Kadin prepared to jump out of the way again.
The Timberwolf was ready this time and managed to bite down on his elusive target.

Kadin screamed as his back left leg was caught between the Timberwolf's jaws.

He was lucky the gap between the fangs was significant otherwise he wouldn't have that leg anymore, but the pressure was terrible.

Kadin kicked the beast in its mouth with his one good leg twice, but it barely fazed the creature. He was slammed into a nearby tree for his troubles. With the pain and adrenaline keeping him conscious Kadin tried to use Double Kick, as before, the first kick did nothing. Kadin closed his eyes and tried again.

The second kick knocked the top half of the big monster's skull clean off! Critical Hit!
The rest of the beast stood in the same position for a few seconds before crumbling into a pile of twigs and leaves.

The subordinates who were still on standby jaws dropped in shock as their leader's head or what was left of it slid to a stop in front of them. They looked at each other for a brief moment before looking at the recovering deer and began to advance menacingly.

Kadin watched the two advancing monstrosities wearily and used Synthesis on himself, he appeared to glow briefly as he regained his footing. Some of the pain in his chest from being slammed into a tree and his wounded leg subsided as well as a bit of energy returned to him. However the forest canopy obstructed the sun's rays from reaching the forest floor thus impeding the full effect of the restorative move.

Kadin began to sway and his vision blurred. The leg in which he had just healed began to throb with renewed vigor. Confused, he glanced at his leg to see a large splinter embedded within his calf. It oozed a sickly green color. He didn't have time to think about it let alone pull it out, the wolves were almost upon him. He turned to face them head on but his vision swam and his legs gave out from beneath him. Whatever that green ooze was doing to him it was working fast.

The wolves began their pounce to finish him off . . .
Suddenly he felt himself being pulled backwards, off his hooves. The wolves missed and crashed into each other instead. Kadin looked up and saw the strange Pokemon from before carrying him while flying. She had a panicked look in her eyes and stared straight ahead towards the rushing river.

By the time the Timberwolves recovered the two quadrupeds were nearing the river, but they wouldn't make it. The cream colored pegasus was too slow while carrying him. Kadin saw this but simply couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. His last thoughts before succumbing to his fatigue was that he hoped Nora was ok and that maybe this stranger could drop him and make their escape.


One of the wooden constructs exploded into bits. The other wolf stopped and turned around to see what had demolished its packmate. The dust settled and a small pony- no a zebra stood within, stomping on the leftover remains of the Timberwolf she had just turned into tinder.

"Come here you stupid tree mutt lemme show you what happens when you mess with my friend!"
The now lone Timberwolf looked confused and almost scared at the creature standing upon where its former ally had been moments before. It looked to the retreating prey flying across the river and into the trees on the other side. The construct then started snarling while getting into a crouching stance to attack.

"Still got some fight left in yah, I see. Come at me pine face."

The Timberwolf jumped into the air and prepared to swat this pest with its paw.
Nora smirked as she looked up at the descending beast as her mane brightened significantly.


The creature fell on its face and stumbled into nearby trees. As its vision returned it looked around the clearing for the zebra but it was gone. It looked confused before yelping in surprise as its head was slammed into the ground. Dazed, it looked up at the zebra standing over it.

"Yea that was Bounce. Neat move huh? Didn't see that one coming."
The Timberwolf gave no response.
"Well that what you get when your a big dumb bully."
Nora lifted her hoof. "This ones' called Stomp. Night Night.


Chapter 3

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“Those Pokemon sure went down easy. I'm glad I was nearby. I don't recognize this part of the forest”.
Nora scratched her mane with a hoof as she looked around.

Not a few moments ago she awoke in the forest and immediately searched for her friend.

She heard a commotion nearby and went to investigate. She arrived just in time to see a pink haired equine Pokemon save her friend from being pounced on and then attempt to fly across the river with Kadin in tow. Seeing that the creature was slowed by the extra weight she rushed to defend them from the monsters made of bark and branches.

After seeing nothing in her immediate surroundings she turned towards the river and started to sprint gaining speed until she was just a blur, Quick Attack. She jumped, using the speed of her attack to propel herself over the river and pursue in the direction she believed the flying creature took her friend. Although she might have to stop soon as the sun was descending quickly . . . almost too quickly. She would have to rest for the night. She could push on using her mane as a light source but that would be asking for predators to ambush her and getting turned around in another battle when her only clue to her friends whereabouts was a general direction was not ideal.

“Karrablast”, she muttered to herself as she prepared for a lonely night in an unfamiliar place.

Fluttershy had reached her home past the edge of the wood and set to work on her new patient.

She had removed the splinter and dressed his wounds as best she could while also preparing the medicine she had risked her life for. The toxin within the splinter she had removed was non-fatal and should leave his system in a few hours.

After she had tended to her animal friends and stabilized her guest. She chose to take a closer look while he was sleeping off the toxins’ effects.

The vibrant green creature in her care smelled faintly of fresh grass that reminded her of a sunny summer day. The top half of his coat was green while the bottom half was white and had a yellow flower shaped tuft of fur between his long ears. This appeared to be a young deer of sorts, although it looked quite different from the pictures she had seen in books she had borrowed from her friend Twilight.

As she stopped her observations and prepared herself and her animal friends for bed she recounted the day's events. She had rushed off into the Everfree after several of the animals had come to her with an illness that could only be cured with a herb she had only ever seen in the Everfree Forest. So she went to Zecora’s to acquire the necessary ingredients. The herbalist had warned her about going back into the forest as she likely wouldn't get out of the forest before dusk, but she feared that if she waited any longer it may have been too late. As she hurried back to her animals, all the noise she was making in the forest must have alerted the pack of Timberwolves and they started to chase her through the Everfree.

She had run into this stranger and he had defended her and gotten hurt with the paralyzing sap of the Timberwolves.

She couldn’t just leave him so she had picked him up and tried to fly across the river to get away from the Timberwolves. She didn’t know how they had gotten away. There was no way she was fast enough to outfly the Timberwolves with her extra cargo weighing her down, but simply leaving him behind wasn't an option, she did remember loud sounds and maybe a voice behind her but her single minded focus on survival drowned out just about everything else. It must have been her imagination.

Fluttershy looked at her savior one last time before going to bed hoping she would be able to thank him tomorrow.

For the second time he woke up in an unfamiliar place. The sun was beginning to rise.
He looked around at his new surroundings. He appeared to be in a dwelling for creatures, multiple animals of various species were sleeping around the abode from ducks and ferrets to what looked to be a sleeping brown Beartic which in turn had other critters sleeping on its back.
Although puzzled by that, there were no restraints or cages to be seen so he assumed they were all free to leave.

”No use hanging around, I've gotta find Nora before she gets herself in trouble”. Kadin got up from the couch on which he lay and made his way to the front door as quietly as he could. Tiptoeing around other sleeping critters that were in the way.
He quickly whipped his head around startled when he heard a loud sound from behind him.

He breathed out a sigh of relief when he realized it was just the bear letting out a yawn and going back to sleep, oblivious to the deer making its escape. Kadin turned around and almost jumped into the ceiling until he realized what had spooked him was a white bunny that appeared to be glaring at him.

”Umm, hey there”.

The bunny continued to glare at him. Kadin then attempted to walk around the rabbit to get to the door, but the rabbit got in the way. Kadin stared at the offending critter with a puzzled expression.

The bunny somehow looked more cross than before, it then gestured toward the couch and crossed its arms expectantly.

Kadin realized then that he was bandaged in several places, them being placed so securely that he could barely feel them.

“Oh you think that I'm hurt. I can assure you I'm fine”. The rabbit remained in his path.

Suddenly sounds were heard coming downstairs. Startled, Kadin jumped behind some nearby fern plants in the house and activated his Camouflage ability which rendered the parts of him not covered by the plants mostly invisible. This he knew was probably an overreaction, but better safe than sorry. The bunny looked at him in surprise then contempt before hopping towards the stairs where he was greeted by the same cream colored creature that he protected yesterday.

“Good Morning Angel.” She then yawned tiredly and missed Angel pointing towards ferns that Kadin was hiding behind.
Angel huffed in exasperation. “Oh, your right Angel, I should get started on breakfast”. Fluttershy then flew to the kitchen and prepared breakfast.

Meanwhile Kadin remained behind the ferns as the bunny repeatedly tried to get the beige mare’s attention.

After several moments there was a knocking from the front door.

“Fluttershy darling are you home”? A posh voice asked.

“If you're home, open up!”, called another voice through the door accompanied with more impatient knocking.

Fluttershy made her way to the door and opened it revealing her two friends Rarity and
Rainbow Dash, the latter of the two flying past the timid pegasus and into her home as if she owned the place, while Rarity waited to be invited inside.

While Rainbow Dash raided her cupboards, Rarity explained the reason for their visit.
“Oh I'm so glad you're ok Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash told me that you went into the Everfree last night”. As she began to inspect Fluttershy over for injuries, Rainbow Dash came out of Fluttershy’s kitchen with a bowl of cereal. Rarity rolled her eyes at her discourteous behavior.

With a mouth full of cereal Rainbow Dash began to speak, ”Yea, Zecora came to Twilight’s library treehouse thing this morning and was kinda worried that you might have run into trouble on the way home last night but I knew you were fine. My friend Fluttershy is tougher than some spooky ol’ woods.

Fluttershy blushed at the complement before Rarity spoke up.

“Oh please, you almost flattened me bolting out of the library. And chew before speaking would you darling”. It was Rainbow’s turn to blush now.
Suddenly Fluttershy remembered that she was indeed attacked in the Everfree.

Her eyes widened as she realized that her patient was no longer on the couch where he should have been. She began to look around while the other two continued to speak. Angel once more tried to get her attention. “Not now Angel”, she replied and resumed her search. Angel facepalmed.

“Hey Rarity, now that we know Fluttershy’s ok I'm going to Applejack’s farm. Zecora said another zebra was heading in that direction. Get this Fluttershy, on the way to Twilight’s she saw signs that a zebra was going in that direction. She would have followed but she wanted to make sure you were ok first. It’d be cool to meet them, ya know because Zecora is the only zebra we know. And who wouldn’t love the chance to meet the fastest flier in Equestria”. Rainbow Dash said before flying out the door.
A moment later a green blur followed her out the door.

Rarity and Fluttershy, startled by the sudden green creature now in pursuit of their friend, looked at each other for a moment before giving chase as well.