> To Claim The Sun > by Jamin P Rose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To Claim the Sun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stepping into the antechamber of Celestia’s cell, I find the castle’s head physician, an elderly cyan unicorn, waiting at the door to her cell. He nods to me as I pull out the keys required to unlock the door and begin the process. It takes a couple of moments to unlock all four locks of the heavy metal door and swing it open. The doctor trots in and immediately starts casting medical spells, checking out Celestia’s health. I sit patiently next to her, stroking her mane as the doctor works. After a couple of minutes, the doctor’s horn stops glowing and he turns to face us. “Captain, Celestia is pregnant and in overall good health. Though that is typical for alicorns, they can still become sick. Please remember that when you play with her.” With a nod of his head towards her belly, he continues. “The foal will need her to be healthy. Now, if you need anything else, I will be in my office.” “Thank you, Doctor,” I say as the doctor makes his way from the room. “I--… We appreciate it.” “Think nothing of it,” he says as he heads to the left and up the stairs. I turn back to Celestia and notice tears in her eyes. I wrap my hooves around her, holding her in a hug and nuzzling the top of her head. She cries for a bit. I’m not really sure how long, but when her tears subside, she wipes her eyes with a hoof. With her vision cleared, she looks up at me. Her eyes almost seem to be looking into my soul as they meet mine. I can’t look away from her; the mare pregnant with my foal. “I accept,” she says as she finally breaks eye contact with me and looks at the floor. “What?” I ask as my mind reels from the intense moment we had. “You said that if I wanted to leave this room, I would have to accept you as my owner; that I would have to let you bind me.” Celestia looks back up at me with a resignation in her eyes. “I accept.” “I…” I’m shocked. “Okay, I will need a bit of time to gather the components, but before the moon sets tonight, you will be bound to me,” I say as I kiss her. To my surprise, she kisses back for just a moment before pulling away. I leave her cell and close the door, locking it more out of habit than necessity. I make my way up to the castle’s forgeworks office, and ring the bell to attract the apprentice’s attention. A couple of moments later, a young colt, barely old enough to be working, comes up to the counter. “Captain Star, what can I help you with?” he asks as he takes his place at the counter. “Is the collar I asked for ready?” I ask. “Yes, Sir! I’ll go find my mentor; he has the key.” The colt trots quickly back into the forge. A few minutes later, the master smith steps out, carrying the collar I commissioned. The brown earth pony sets the collar on the counter. It’s made of gold and platinum, and is studded with six equidistant 54 carat diamonds. I float it up and examine it. “So she accepted, huh?” “Yes, she finally gave in. This comes on the heels of finding out that she’s pregnant,” I explain as I finish my examination of the collar. “This is perfect, thank you.” He smiles proudly as he puts a hoof to his chest. “I’m Princess Luna’s master smith for a very good reason.” “Yes, yes, I know. You’ve told me the story already,” I tease. “I’m glad you stuck around after she took over.” “Ha! You couldn’t keep me from working here if the world was bathed in hellfire!” he laughs. “Good to see you’re doing well, Blaze.” “You, too, Steel,” I say as I turn to leave. “Drinks on Friday?” “Make it Saturday and you have yourself a deal.” I nod and make my way out of the forgeworks office. From there, it’s a long climb to the top of the mage guild’s tower. Reaching the top, I’m glad that I decided to go the route of joining the guard. How the mages manage climbing these stairs every day is baffling. Knocking on the door, I hear a voice call for me to enter. I swing the door open and step into the room to find Twilight Sparkle talking to one of the mages. The mage who called me in clears her throat into her hoof to call my attention. “How can I help you, Captain?” She asks as she sets her hoof down and adjusts her robe. “I need some arcane chalk, if you have any you can spare,” I say as I look at the array that’s been drawn in the center of the room. “We certainly have some available. Though, it’s not often ponies outside of the magic profession need it. What kind of spell are you casting that you need an array?” she asks as she levitates over a small box of arcane chalk. “A binding ritual,” I reply as I take the box in my magic, holding it next to the collar. “That’s dangerous magic,” she scowls. “And I have Princess Luna’s permission to use it,” I reply with a slight growl. “It’s not the first time I’ve done so, but it is the first where I would need an array.” “Fine,” she says with a harumph. “But if you blow yourself up, do it away from our tower.” “I’ll be down in the lowest part of the dungeons,” I tell her and make my way out of the room. As I start down the stairs, I feel a hoof come to rest on my back. I turn and find Twilight Sparkle standing there, looking down at me from the landing. “Is it true?” she asks, disbelief dancing across her face. “You’re going to bind Celestia?” “Yes, I am. She has agreed to it,” I tell her with a smile. “Thank you for telling me,” she says with a sigh of relief. “I have to return to my work, but it would be nice to see Celestia able to walk around again. She may have betrayed my trust and Princess Luna, but I believe she deserves a second chance.” With that, Twilight turns around and heads back into the mage guild’s main room. I am suddenly stopped by a scroll appearing in front of me, suggesting new orders from Princess Luna. I quickly open it and read. “Captain Blazing Star, I have been informed that my sister is pregnant, and ready to be bound to you. As such, she is to be moved from her cell to your room. Additionally, your room is being moved to suite 306. You and she are to take up residence there immediately following your successful binding, until further notice. From the desk of Princess Luna.” I turn and head back down to the main floor, where I stop off at my old room. From there, I collect the book on soul magic that I borrowed from Princess Luna’s personal collection. I also very quickly pack away my things and prepare them to be moved by a servant to my new room. With everything I need at the ready, I check my schedule for the day. All of my standard duties are done, and the inspection took less time than expected thanks to an exceptional batch of recruits. Nothing else is penciled in for the rest of the night, so I make my way out of the room and down to the prison cells. I have to stop to remove my armor, but that doesn’t take long, and I’m swiftly back on my way down to the deepest depths of the dungeon. Unlocking and opening Celestia’s cell door, I find her standing up in the center of the room. “Are you ready to perform the binding?” she asks, pausing before bowing her head and adding, “Master.” “When this is over and we’re alone, you can call me Blaze, Celestia,” I say as I set the collar gently on the ground by the door. “But, to answer your question, yes, I am. It will take a bit to set up the array, but when it is ready, we can start.” She nods but doesn’t say anything further. I open the book to a bookmarked page and set it on top of the collar. With my magic, I take four sticks of arcane chalk and begin drawing the array from the book. Weeks of practice make the process quicker, but the design is still intricate. The chalk starts by tracing circles around Celesita’s hooves, before making a square by connecting them. Triangles, hexagons, pentagons, circles, trapezoids and other shapes form as the chalk dances across the floor in my magic. Symbols and runes join the lines in certain places until the array is complete. The whole process takes half an hour, but when it’s done I cannot find a single flaw in it. I step up to the array and bring my horn down until it touches the chalk. Calling on my magic, the chalk dust becomes black and burns into the floor, preventing damage to the array, save for cracking the floor with a sledgehammer, or any other similar methods that might destroy the stonework. Again I call on my magic, but this time the array starts to glow. The lines become a brilliant silver as I feed my magic into it. Lifting my horn, I look into Celestia’s eyes and I see her resignation, but as she looks into my eyes, her expression changes into one of acceptance. The magic at work brings a shimmering quality to her form, brilliant and beautiful. “Soul to soul,” I say as my horn glows brighter. “My soul guides yours.” “Will to will,” I continue as another layer of magic forms over my horn. “My will guides yours.” “From birth to death, life entwined.” A third layer of magic encompases my horn as I speak. The collar sitting next to me glows brightly, floating up as the book on top of it falls to the floor. “One a master, the other a slave,” I intone as the collar comes to float in front of me. My magic envelops my whole body as power floods up from the array and into the collar. The six diamonds on the collar glow like miniature suns as the collar splits into six equal pieces. Those six pieces float over to Celestia and reconnect around her neck. As they finish locking together, Celestia begins to glow as well. Her horn lights up with three layers of magic, as the collar phases into her neck, becoming part of her. The fur where the collar rested turns a brilliant gold with six star-shaped dots where the diamonds were. “From now until the end of time, our souls are bound,” we intone in unison. The light from our magic begins to fade until both our horns are no longer glowing. “You’ve done some horrible things, Blaze,” Celestia says as she takes a step towards me. “However, I accept that these things had to be done. Luna is not me, and she shouldn’t try to be.” “Thank you,” I tell her as I step towards her. “And I can accept that you are still upset with Princess Luna.” We meet halfway and our lips merge in a kiss. It’s not a long kiss but it hits home. We are no longer separate, as our souls are truly bound together. “Come with me to our suite, Celestia,” I say after we pull apart. “It’s time for you to leave this cell.” Celestia nods and we make our way out of the cell, climbing the stairs up the floors of the dungeon. Walking through the halls with Celestia following me turns a lot of heads. The guards have the grace to hide their surprise by saluting me, but other castle staff and visitors we pass pause to stare at her. Celestia ignores them and keeps her gaze on the floor. On the way out, I pick up my armor from where I had left it. Though it only takes twenty minutes to reach our new home, it feels like it took twice or thrice that. I don’t doubt that the castle will be abuzz with gossip tomorrow, and the tabloids will swoop in like vultures as soon as the rumors reach their “reporters’” ears. Stepping inside the suite, I motion for Celestia to come in and I close the door once she’s through. “I see we’re in one of the castle’s many guest suites,” she says as she steps fully into the room. “Yes, Princess Luna gave this to us after you agreed to the binding ritual,” I explain as we walk into the main room. I point towards the master bedroom with a hoof. “That’s our room, and the other bedroom is set up as a nursery for our foal.” “I imagine I will need to talk to her at some point,” Celestia surmises as she walks slowly around our room. “Am I confined to this suite?” “Yes, you will need to talk to her, but no, you can come and go as you please.” I walk around to intercept her and give her a nuzzle. She hesitates for a moment before returning the nuzzle. I guide her towards the bedroom, dropping my armor by the door, next to my belongings that have already been brought up. “Celestia, I want you. I want to have sex with you. Not because you are forced to, but because you want to.” “I…” Celestia trails off as she looks down into my eyes. “I can feel that you do. I don’t understand how--” “The binding ritual,” I say, interrupting her. “We can feel each other’s emotions. Usually only strong emotions, but you looked directly into my eyes.” “The windows to the soul,” Celestia replies with a nod. “I… I understand. You truly care for me. So yes, take me.” It takes a lot of strength to use my magic to lift Celestia onto the bed and set her down on her back. Climbing up after her, I bring my lips down to her marehood, giving it a kiss as I look up at her. Our eyes meet as I lick her outer folds, drawing a gasp and shudder from her. The magic binding us is sharing just how much I care for her. I hold my lips against her marehood and slip my tongue into her as I look up at her face. Neither of us can look away as I swirl my tongue around inside of her as her delicious taste floods my senses. I break eye contact as I pull my tongue out of her and give her winking clitoris a lick, earning a loud moan from her. I drive my tongue back into her folds, thrusting it like a cock and prodding her walls each time I slip the appendage all the way inside. I look up at Celestia’s face as I pull my tongue out and catch her clit with my lips. She lets out a much louder moan as I suck on the sensitive bundle of nerves. Her marehood quivers and splatters my mouth and neck with her effluence. As I lick her clean, I can feel my cock throbbing painfully, begging to be shoved into her. Only once I’ve licked her whole crotch clean do I stand up and climb on top of her. I line myself up and press my cock into her inviting marehood. Both of us moan as I hilt myself inside her. I hold myself there as I lean forward and kiss her. We share the kiss for a few moments before I start gently thrusting. As I rock my hips and slowly make love to her, she wraps her wings around me. Nibbling and nipping gently at her neck, I start to put more force into my thrusting. My hips slap gently against hers as I fuck the beautiful white alicorn. As I move from nipping her neck to kissing it, her tongue finds my horn and begins licking it, drawing a gasp from me. I feel my cock twitching as her tongue traces up to the tip of my horn and I start thrusting harder. Our hips meet with a loud slap each time I thrust into her. The moans and groans we utter are a lewd symphony, accenting our activity as we fuck. I want to last longer, but I quickly feel my cock flaring. With a powerful moan, I slam into Celestia and flood her with my seed. Her walls squeeze my cock, milking it for all it’s worth as she climaxes as well. We stay like that for what feels like an eternity; we are even in that same position when I wake up. As Celestia begins to stir, I lean up and kiss her gently on the lips. Her eyes flutter open as I pull back. “I love you,” I tell her as I look into her eyes. “I have since I first laid eyes on you.” “I… I’m not there yet, but I care for you, too,” Celestia replies as she holds my gaze. “It’s not quite love yet, but I do like you.” “That’s all I can ask of you,” I say and lean in to nuzzle her, a gesture she returns. “We should probably clean ourselves up so we can go see your sister.” “You’re right,” Celestia sighs. “I would much rather just lay here and forget the world, but I do need to speak to her.” I roll off of her and the two of us head to the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. I follow her into the shower and help clean her up, including preening her wings. It takes a good hour to scrub ourselves clean, mostly because we had to start all over again after a round of steamy shower sex. As she steps out of the shower, Celestia looks like a radiant beauty again. Stepping into the hall with her at my side, we come face to face with Princess Luna. The two of them stare directly at each other before Princess Luna speaks. “Celestia...” Princess Luna starts and trails off, unsure what to say. Not that she has much of a chance to say anything else, as Celestia wraps her in what would be a bone-crushing hug for a normal pony. They held each other like that for a couple of minutes, crying all the while. “Oh Luna. I’ve missed you,” Celestia finally says as she lets her sister go. “I thought I had lost you forever.” “I’ve missed you too, Celestia,” Princess Luna says with a tear-filled smile. “I went through a lot on the moon, and came out a bit different, but I am still mostly me.” It’s at this moment that I actually notice that Princess Luna is taller than Celestia. Not just an inch, but nearly a full head taller. I’m a bit surprised, as Princess Luna was the younger sister of Celestia. “I’m sorry for what I put you through, Celestia,” Princess Luna says as she bows her head. “I forgive you, Luna.” Celestia says as she uses her magic to lift her sister’s chin. “Captain Blazing Star, I expect you to take good care of my dear sister,” Princess Luna commands as she turns to me. “I swear upon my life, I will.” I reply, snapping a salute. “Good. I will need to see you before the moon sets, but for now, take some time to show my sister to the kitchen. She is in need of cake,” Princess Luna says with a smile that coaxes a blush from Celestia. “Cake would be nice, but I think something more wholesome needs to come first,” Celestia smiles as she rubs her belly while wrapping a wing around me. “I need to eat healthy for our foal.” “Yes, and you’ll need your strength soon, too. We will be holding a press conference soon enough.” “I understand,” Celestia says with a nod. “You are Equestria’s leader now, and I will make sure that the world knows that I accept it.” “At some point, I may call upon you for your skills in diplomacy. The coming months will define how the world progresses. I will see you later, Sister, Captain.” Princess Luna nods and takes her leave. When she’s finally out of sight, Celestia turns to me. “What does she mean?” Celestia asks as I look up at her. “I’m not sure,” I reply honestly. “I’ve only ever dealt with domestic matters. The generals of the Equestrian Armed Forces and our top diplomats have been having a lot of meetings with our princess lately. Whatever it is, I’m sure that she has it well in hoof.” “I hope you’re right,” Celestia says and we walk the rest of the way to the kitchen in silence.