
by DragonFireRider

First published

Rainbow Dash develops a crush on ex-siren Sonata Dusk. Acting on it proves to be a fatal mistake. Warning: Vore!

In the wake of the battle of the bands, the Rainbooms are tasked with figuring out what to do with the assumed powerless sirens. Deciding to reform the three girls, Rainbow Dash and Applejack start having the ditzy Sonata Duck tag along for their daily practice. Rainbow Dash finds herself quickly developing an intense crush on the ex-siren. When Applejack falls ill, the athlete finds it harder and harder to ignore and ends up making a fatal mistake.


This story contains: F/F Vore(Oral, Fatal), Digestion(Hard, Graphic), Rape(?), Lesbian, and possibly other NSFW things.
Please feel free to offer all criticism and point out grammar mistakes and whatnot. I'm happy to improve and most times that takes more then one silly person to do.

Chapter Uno

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The sound of a bell echoed throughout Canterlot High's empty halls. This one signaling the day's end. The once spacious corridors quickly became crowded with students, most headed to their homes. But some would remain to partake in post-curricular activates.

"Are you ok, Dashie?"

Such as a certain pair of blue teens.

Typically, Rainbow Dash would be joined by Applejack in their daily practice sessions. For the past few weeks, however, the duo had been joined by Sonata Dusk.

The aftermath of the Battle Of The Bands had left behind a trio of now powerless sirens. Being the ones in the know about Equestria, it was left to Dash and her friends to figure out what to do with them. After a long and heated debate, it was decided that they make their best attempt to "reform" the Dazzlings. It was difficult getting them to agree to the terms, but after being reminded about that they weren't in any position to make demands, the three girls begrudgingly agreed.

Sonata had been the easiest to convince, the chubby woman jumping on the idea. Having the pick of the litter of rehabilitators, the girl had chosen her and Applejack for the job. And so she started joining the farmer and athlete after classes.

It had only been a few weeks, but the pair had managed to learn loads about the ex-siren. She was good with math and knowledgeable in the ancient world. Not the least was her proficiency in sports, which she quickly proved by defeating them both at soccer, baseball, basketball, and football, to name a few. Neither of them expected any of that from such a ditzy girl.

Normally this level of losing would have upset the competitive girl, but Dash found that she didn't really mind losing to Sonata. The siren was always so happy win or lose that it was hard to. It might also be because Dash was quickly falling in love the dimwitted woman.

On this particular day, Rainbow Dash and Sonata were by their lonesome. Applejack had come down with a rather nasty flu early that day. That meant she had precious little to detract her from the beautiful siren, resulting in her finding herself staring, shuttering, and spacing out.

"Dashie? DASHIE!"

The prismatic girl blinked, finding herself lying on the hard wood of the gym. Looming above was Sonata's cheerful smile. It wasn't until the siren spoke that she realized what happened.

"Is this a new sport? I've never heard of 'topple over and lie on the floor'ball before. But it sounds like fun!"

"N-no. I just tripped is all," She said, doing her best to not let the why slip out, "I'm fine though."

"Ohhhh," The girl's giggling made Rainbow's heart flutter," Well, that's silly of you!"

The athlete pulled herself up and looked to the standard clock on the gym wall. 3:00 it read. It had only taken 30 minutes for her to lose all focus without Applejack. She really thought she could power through it, but her feelings were to overpowering. She needed to call things off here or she was sure something stupid would leak out her mouth and fuck up any chance at a happy ending.

"Sonata, is it ok if we cut things short today? I have a soccer team meet-up pretty soon." It felt terrible lying to her crush.

The disappointment that crossed the siren's face made her heart twist in pain, "Aww. I was having so much fun! It was, like, a one on one sess. A bummer for realizes..."

Dash fought the urge to hug the woman, "Lets head back to the lockers. Sorry Sonata."

With that, the duo headed to the girl's locker room. Rainbow made certain that Sonata was behind her. Watching the girl's hips would have been torture for the athlete, like losing a match against freshmen. With a swipe of her ID, the heavy, soundproof door unlocked. She held it open for the former-siren before pushing it shut, which was verified with soft click.

Rainbow quickly went to her locker in the far left row. Ever since she began to have feelings for her new friend, the prismatic teen made sure to select furthest one from Sonata's sight. When asked, she just told her that she just preferred changing away from everyone. That was a total lie, of course, but she had to say something to avoid suspicion. It was more about shielding her eyes from her crush's nude body then anything to do with herself.

But even with two walls of lockers between them, urges to peek still creeped up occasionally. She didn't even realize just how much she had relied on Applejack to stop her from acting with her trademarked emotional stupidity. Distraction, barrier, and an easy way out of most conversations. It was incredibly ironic, really.

The main reason the farmer had any idea what was going on was because she once been an object of interest to Dash. The feelings hadn't been anywhere close to this, but they were nothing to sneeze at. Dash had let herself do all kinds of ridiculous things to gather AJ's attention. Nothing that worked. It all ended when Fluttershy had enough and confronted Applejack. This led to a very awkward discussion where the farmer made it very clear that she didn't "Roll in that hogpit". They all laughed it off in the end, with her feelings slowly fading away with no harm done. She could do without the teasing though.

Before she knew it, Dash was out of her sweaty gym clothes and was ready for a quick shower. Letting her mind wonder had done heaps to distract her from the busty bombshell not 30 feet away. It was very unfortunate what happened next.

Rainbow turned the corner just in time to see Sonata heading to the showers herself. She caught sight of the familiar blue-haired girl stepping into the one of the curtained showers, bare naked derrière exposed momentarily before the curtains blocked them from view. That brief glimpse of the woman was all it took to send Dash's hormones into overdrive, expelling all her concerns and reasoning in favor of lust and need.

Before either of them could register it, the athlete had pulled the curtain aside and joined Sonata in the shower. Rainbow's hands groped her crush's large sud-laided breast. Even if Dash could have stopped herself before, the moment her skin made contact with those soft, supple orbs that jiggled at the slightest of touches, it was too late. The athlete caressed the rippling mammaries without mercy. Liquid other than the water now matting down her colorful hair began dripping between her thighs.

Sonata for her part, let out a startled yelp. However, there was no fear in it. While her appearance imply an age of 19, she had seen over a thousand years. Random groping, sexual assaults, and even rape were all things the ex-siren had both seen and done. This one was no different then the times past.

Even though her gem was gone, the physical abilities it gave her did not. She could have easily turned the situation around with her impossible strength. But she didn't want to. It had been an unusually long time since her last sexual conquest and being so used to having the power to fuck any stud she wanted, her body began to expect sex every so often. With her attacker's hands were strong, firm, and skilled, she couldn't that opportunity slip by. So instead of fighting, she just pressed her chest into the pleasuring hands with a moan.

Over two minutes ticked by with Rainbow working over the jiggling breasts. She left no inch of skin unmolested by her lusting digits. The way the soft mounds sank under her touch. How they wobbled at her slightest movement. It was everything and more Dash hoped it would be.

A gasp escaped the molested woman when the athlete planted her lips upon her neck. It was tender, loving kiss, like dewdrops on her skin. Rainbow trailed a hand down Sonata's form, tracing her chubby body all the way until she reached the girl's slit. She found it not as wet as she hoped, but there was trace amounts of desire to be found. It took all Dash's will to not dive in immediately.

Just as she was make to plunge, the ex-siren pushed the athlete's powerful hands with incredible ease and whirled around. Rainbow Dash's heart nearly stopped as her crush stared her down with her seductive prowess, her half-lidded eyes seeming to drill into her very soul to find her most depraved desires. She hardly noticed the woman wrap her arms around her ass. Then her mind completely froze once Sonata's lips assaulted hers in a tender and passionate kiss. It wasn't until a tongue invaded her lips that the prismatic girl returned the actions, albeit still not registering the event.

Lost in bliss and shock, Rainbow failed to notice the sensation of something wet slowly creeping up her head.

Sonata's lips were slowly encompassing her partner's face. She really had been looking forward to having steaming romp in the school showers, so it was a massive let down when her assaulter turned out to be Dash. She had liked her, which made this even sadder for her. The woman was friendly, strong, passionate and so many other wonderful things Sonata liked. Unfortunately for Dash, Sonata liked the other side of the fence. So, despite the high chance that her new friend would be a talented sexual partner, the chubby would have to turn her down. And she couldn't just let it get out that she turned away an offer of sex. She was siren after all. And Dash was evidence that needed to be dumped.

Still believing she was passionately making out with her crush, Rainbow Dash pushed her face forward in an attempt to regain dominate over Sonata. There a loud, wet gulp that echoed the empty room. The siren's throat bulged out with the woman's skull, her skin stretching to reveal scaly, light blue oval shaped areas that allowed Sonata and her sisters to consume massive meals with ease. They pulsed a subtle bioluminescent glow.

The sheer strength of the predator's body lifted Rainbow's feet off the floor, pulling the woman's shoulders into her mouth. To Dash, it just gave a sense of weightlessness to the 'kiss'.

Sonata quickly swallowed down her prey's more boney ridges to reach the more flavorful bits. She had no interest in that texture. The bulge in her throat retched forward until a pair of almost c-cup breasts filled her maw. Her tongue went to town on Rainbow's sensitive buds, roughly dragging across the soft, malleable skin. A moan of enjoyment left the siren from the rich taste they held. These cries thundered once the mounds started leaking milk from her relentless assault, adding to her overall flavor.

After spending a fair bit lapping the tits, the siren sent them down. The twin peaks made noticeable mounds in her neck as they joined their owner on a one way trip into Sonata's body. Dash's toned middle, while not even close to being as juciy as her breasts were, still provided an enticing flavor that the predator rather enjoyed. The woman's arms, now firmly pinned to her sides, had their own, unique delectable taste to them that paired incredibly well with Rainbow's middle. Years of athletic training had given these usually soft areas hard, tough skin that resulted in a texture Sonata rarely had the chance to partake in.

Her lips slowly crept down her meal as savored it. Sonata only taking small swallows to draw as much flavor as possible. Each one contracting her throat, making the bulge move and shift as woman inside was carried deeper into the body. A loud moan sounded from the siren when the athlete's skull was pushed out into an eager stomach. Dash paid on mind to the feeling, as it wasn't much different from the odd sensation from earlier. She didn't even care about the acidic smell or sudden rise in temperature, her brain dismissing it as heat from the shower. All that mattered to her being the soft lips of her 'lover'.

Eventually, Rainbow's large, supple ass hung just outside her mouth. The slightest movement sent noticeable ripples across the massive orbs, making Sonata's belly growl with want for the juicy flesh. She let her hands play with the ample flesh, Tenderizing it before she partook in the wobbling rump. It was supposed to last longer, but Sonata quickly found her gut far too eager to wait for very long. With one fluid movement, she tossed her head back, sending a pair of legs into the air, the appendages swinging above the shower curtain. A thunderous, powerful swallow plunged the meaty ass into her hungry mouth all at once, causing her checks to bulge almost comically.

This loud gulp sent Dash's face plowing into the stomach walls. Such a sudden impact snapped the athlete out of her fantasy, making her suddenly aware of the bodily noises booming all around her ominously. The impact had forced her eyes open, but the woman herself couldn't tell as the fluorescent lighting of the locker room hard a awfully hard time piecing Sonata's pudgy flesh. All that her brain had to figure out the situation were unfamiliar sensations it had never seen. Salvia coating most of her, acid pooling around her head, wet fleshy walls undulating, all of it new to the tomboy used to sweating like a pig. She had just been kissing her crush and now she didn't know where she was. So Rainbow did the only thing she could think of. Pound, kick and scream.

The siren paid no mind to the intense struggling. Her only acknowledge was a muffled gasp from the athlete starting to fill her wanting stomach. However, the irresistible, juicy flavor that Dash's plump rump showered her in overwhelmed most of that sensation in favor of a delicious onslaught. The ass-flesh was softer and more malleable than the woman's tits, but yet toned and firm from years of training. She allowed herself to lightly chew the plump cheeks so as to eek more juices out. Cries of muffled pain bleed through her belly from the action, but she was rewarded with the taste of delicious meat. Every thing she did sent the derrière jiggling like mad.

She continued to savor Rainbow's ass for nearly 4 minutes. All that malleable flesh had soaked up so much flavor that more and more kept oozing out with each pass of her tongue. It was like a big, meaty lollipop. As much as she wanted to continue, the siren's growled, letting her know that it wanted to get working proper on her surprise snack. She cupped her tongue around Dash's still dripping womanhood, loosened her throat a little, and took a nice, big, gulp.

Even with the aid of gravity, one pull proved too little to drag down those wobbly cheeks. Only a small portion was yanked into her. It took another few swallows to squeeze the full ass inside, with each one louder than the last. Every gulp moved pushed more of Rainbow into her waiting gut, the bulge in her neck growing more and more with the viable shape of the descending rump. The feeling of something so large in her esophagus made the siren giggle. She loved the way prey felt on the way inside.

The remainder of her meal went by quickly enough. Sonata did spend some time licking those those powerful thighs of hers, which tasted almost like chicken funnily enough. Once Sonata gulpped those down, she hurriedly pulled in the remainder of Dash's flailing legs using loud, wet, and powerful swallows. It wasn't as if the taste was bad, the predator woman just wanted to finish her surprise snack and go on with the day.

Her teeth clacked shut behind two sets of weakly wiggling toes. She lubricated the less aerodynamic appendage so she wouldn't have to fight the stupid thing inside. Having a pair of feet stuck in your esophagus wasn't fun, she learned long ago. Sonata took two small gulps, edging Rainbow into just the right position for a final pull to seal her doom. With an echoing swallow, the siren had fully consumed the athlete. The bulge traveled slowly down her neck aided by peristaltic. Said neck returning to it's human-like façade in it's wake.

A contented moan followed a light belch as Rainbow Dash settled within the siren's system. It had been so long since she had eaten someone, she entirely forgot what it was like. And just how good people tasted. She wondered who else would make a nice layer of fat. Sonata slipped down the shower wall. The woman's mind drifted off. Her hands began to idly caress her massive stomach.

Rainbow's form was easy to make out in the tight flesh, the skin of her midsection displaying properties similar to her neck. Every curve and joint making clear imprints. Water from the shower made the shapes all the more clear, droplets racing down helping digestion slightly. The athlete's plump ass was most prominent as it jutted upwards. Slight movements expressed that dash was still very alive, but the sheer power of her crush's body compressed her so tightly that she could little more than wiggle in defiance. This ineffective struggling forced small, cute burps out of the siren.

Sonata's stomach quickly got to work. Gurgles, groans, and rolling churns echoed throughout the room as it geared up for assimilation. The athlete muffledly complained once the fleshy walls started grinding against her skin. The rough kneading left the tissue bruised and red, making each caress worse than the last. Dash's hair slowly fell off as the roots burned away. And yet, she still didn't know where she was.

Suddenly, the struggling became incredibly intense. Rainbow's head was completely submerged in acid and her brain went into full fight mode now that death was knocking. Skin stretched with shapes of hands and feet caused by desperate punches and kicks. Her fighting carried enough force to jostle Sonata's entire body. Having been resting on her gut, the siren's large breasts wobbled and bounced, providing her with pleasant simulation. It lasted for only a few minutes before the trapped woman succumbed. Her end punctuated by a loud belch.

With it's prisoner dealt with, the digestive sack had all the control it needed to rip her apart. Over time, the imprints started to lose shape. Meat burning off the former athlete resulting in bones slowly becoming visible as the noisy orb shrunk. Eventually Dash was little more than a ball of chime with eternally eroding bones drifting about, occasionally clacking together. The process taking less time then usual thanks to the running shower. In all, it only took around 2 hours and a half for Rainbow Dash to be broken down enough to pass off as something else.

The siren stood up. The action proved easy for her even with Dash's added weight. Once the shower was off, she rushed over to one of the room's full body mirror to inspect herself. Dash seemed to have added to her breast most, if the their new size was any indication. The large tits were at least two cup sizes up now. Her rump was a tad heftier too, the doughy cheeks wobbling slightly more after her meal. It was too early to say much about belly fat. Plenty of the processed woman still needed to be filtered through her system until she could say much on that.

Returning to her locker, Sonata went about packing her things. She first went about redonning her "casual" school attire, a purple shirt with a pink skirt. Once done, the ditzy girl stuffed her gym clothes into a light blue bag. An assortment of other items followed them. Her lock, keys, and phone notably.

She then went over to her recent meal's own locker, finding the metal door open. In the fog of her hormone-fueled mind, the athlete had forgotten to seal it back up. Sonata began haphazardly stuffing things into Rainbow's backpack, the siren not caring about items that she was likely to sell for cheap or simply toss. The former woman didn't have all too much with her and soon it was all securely in the blue bag. She closed the now empty locker leaving not a trace of it's most recent user.

Sonata left the room, the door creaking shut behind her. Her path out of the school was quick with no obstructions showing up. She let her hands play with her bony bowling ball sized middle as she walked. These actions resulting in bones clacking and the occasional burp, varying in noise. After one particularly powerful belch left traces of Dash's taste behind, the siren looked down and giggled. The wonderful flavor was getting her to think who else might make a good snack. Sonata wouldn't mind a second course.