> At The Mine > by Fireflower > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Another Subzero Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright and starry night befell over the world, all its inhabitants graced with the sights of much distant plasmas and a lone proximate crescent sharing the violet firmament. The only things which had dared to reach them but to no avail were tall skyscrapers drenched in even colder colors, made with industrial materials and orthogonal shaping. As a result of their beings’ fiber, an exertion of influence could be felt within every aspect of the environment and its denizens alike, irregardless of their own types thereof. Even amongst the concrete jungle, patches of lush vegetation were still found within themselves, each bearing both flora and fauna hospitable to the likes of its very observers. The areas between them were sequestered in predominately gridded streets where all sorts of metal contraptions ran rampantly whilst pedestrians were literally sidelined. The only checkpoints beyond the premises were bridges to the adjacent mainland; everything surrounding itself happened to be water reflecting the lights above and near. Resting amongst the seemingly endless compound was a small island occupied by a jaded statue of femininity with a torch in hand now enlightening the lands, air, and sea. Between the landmasses and the fluid separating them at a vast distance, there were many ships of all shapes and sizes skittering about freely around themselves to and fro. Hovering on and about were various aircraft ranging from the smallest of gliders to the biggest airships; with that said, their collective freedom had their own limitations. Out of all the structures found within the premises, one building in particular had stood out and about: a snow white loft stuck in the midst of others. Like many that were sharing the same street, it was a pink flat top, evenly to a fault for many of its potential observers from any point in the timeline. At least three rows of glass were found plastered upon the loft, many of which were the clearly crisp windowpanes of a much quadrangular scheme. Yet its simplicity alone did itself no favors, even as a rarity; after all, the glitz and glamour of its surroundings was a gritty reminder of the anomalies. Seeing the pictures and words amalgamated from the pastel colors upon the cardboard were more than enough to state the purpose therein suffice to say. Having said it, the interiors thereof were much more complex so to speak, not that the outsiders themselves would get to know about it so to speak of. Although darker than the nighttime sky itself, there were spotlights hanging from the rails nearby the ceiling shining their way with ranging spectrums. Speaking of which, the only color which had reflected the exterior came from the pillars holding it up, each still bearing an enormous fraction in height. The flooring was composed of achromatic crystals, bearing the textures of the very windowpanes around them but much stronger and more ornamental. In the range were two stairways that held up a metallic platform where stereos around a turntable played off their arrangement of percussion and brass. Lost in the throes of ecstasy were a handful of spectators already intermingling with each other, moving to their own rhythm and/or that of the music. Yards away from the assemblage were a series of furniture either occupied by the tenants or were adorned with various refreshments and flowers alike. One particular individual out among others happened to stand out and about: a lavender dragon lost in the crowd but found enjoying the company around. Despite donning short spiky mulberry tresses, its wearer’s two horns poked round, bearing an arctic azure hue arisen from them halfway below the ears. A pair of moderate cerise orbs was found to be darting up and down the placement the lavender dragon was now on, surveying the environment at once. Nestled upon the individual’s body were a white tank top and black miniskirt matching a belt and suspenders along crimson gloves accentuating both boots. “Oh yeah, that’s my jam here, motherfuckers…!” a coloratura tone had escaped from outside the lavender dragon’s mouth while blending in with the large crowd proximate while the broadcaster remained adjacent to themselves. Keeping the distance in between themselves, the lean loner stayed at the sidelines, avoiding all sorts of physical contact with the other spectators, sweat emanating from the scales immediately. In spite of the anomalous state of affairs, the lavender dragon stay at the same altitude, directly amongst the peers whereas the operator behind the machines still maintained needed distance. Nevertheless, it was of little consequence to the lean loner in question as the hot and heavy environment were composed mostly of other ponies, many of whom remained wary but danced. From what the lavender dragon had seen, many had their color schemes reminiscent of such fruits in various shades, styles, and spans alike, standing out and about inside the darkened area. Like the lean loner in attendance, they, too, wore clothes: many of whom were conservative to a fault by comparison while some were skimpy but otherwise modest all the same nevertheless. Despite the tense observations and lack of mutual closeness, they were nonetheless showing great signs of enjoyment overall. The lavender dragon was no exception, sweating through the pores like being in a certain terrain suffering from long hot droughts. A select few open muzzles bore lolling tongues and the saliva barely contained even as they’d began crawling down the smiles. The lean loner had felt only heat building up across the abdomen as the sweat bled right through the fabric and clung to the scales. It didn’t take long until one of the ponies had found the courage to approach the lavender dragon: unlike the majority in question, the spectator was a zebra. Unlike the lean loner, the individual’s eyes were obscured by a pair of sunglasses, leaving the coloring a mystery for a select few to learn at some point. One commonality they’d both shared was the mismatched hair growing out of their scalps; in the zebra’s case, it was much shorter and more monochrome. Speaking of which, the passerby’s attire was also simplistic to a fault: aside from a white muscular shirt and black pants, there was golden jewelry. Compare to the lavender dragon, the zebra was apprehensive around the former, like much of the crowd in question upon speaking softly right away, “evening and welcome to the Metro: I take that the atmosphere is to your liking; are you Maar…?” “Prominence Maar to be clear here and I must say, you ponies are throwing the best parties out in the city; why you so nervous…?” the lean loner started the introduction with a burp, slinging a gaze unto the ponies around them before returning to the passerby, “it’s not every day you see a dragon in Manehattan of all places, or Fillydelphia for that matter as far as I’d remembered…” “In any case, we’ve been waiting for you for a long time: the studio is all set up; right this way…” the zebra sighed, turning to a light green door before guiding the eponymous dancer towards it within only a few seconds. It didn’t take much for them to be climbing up the stairway as the others were left to their own devices, a much higher altitude so directly away from themselves already. After opening it, both equine and dragon were greeted with a much more drastically different part of the environment, something which had been pleasing to the latter. The surroundings in question were so brighter than the dark atmosphere, not to mention much more colorful and solidified compared to the lighting overall so to speak. The lean loner could even see that the bulbs being used to guide the denizens were of a bleached scheme, bearing enough static electricity operated at the utmost potential. Even the tiling underneath their very soles had borne some more opaque shades and hues already crying out with strength in numbers along all sorts of advantages unknown. On the right side of their collective viewpoints were but a line of doorways totaling up to several, each of which bearing the same dimensions in terms of height and width. Considering the near lacking of personnel compared to the main assembly, it’d have seemed the two would be all on their lonesome, thanks to this otherwise quiet place. Nevertheless, Prominence couldn’t even resist picking the rather faint moaning near themselves, despite the fact they couldn’t find out where or which was even the source. The lavender dragon was soon left alone as the monochrome escort had departed from the former instantaneously, sighing with relief, “finally…” The lean loner wasted no time whatsoever in perambulating past the first half of them, each of which was obscured by the closed doors thereof. Although Prominence was freed to her own devices again, even simply coming to terms with it wouldn’t last long; the mews served to remind it. Meandering about the destination in tow, the lavender dragon’s mind brimmed tempestuously: a mixture of anticipation and exuberance collided. Presently, oxygen was exchanged with the lean loner as their middle management, taking note of its distinct qualities: saccharine yet smoky no less. Anyway, Prominence had kept up a straightened face, bracing for impact upon the upcoming turn of events within control so to speak of herein. “Hey, Maar: glad you could make it; we don’t get this much company from where you came…” the lavender dragon heard, prompting to stand still and face the source of the new voice at once, “we’ve been waiting for you; what took you so long…?” “Keep it together, Wave: it’s been a real joy getting here to the nightclub; not many ponies were brave enough to face me in the street of Manehattan…” the lean listener burped clearly, staring right outwardly at one of the speakers residing within the opposite room up in front so to speak of. Inside it, the contents thereof had left little to anyone’s imagination, especially when it’d came to the likes of Prominence whom had observed it all. Like the secluded area in which the lavender dragon was now residing, the background was so simplistic to a fault it’d bore an icy scheme herein. Additionally, the room in question had some furniture too, albeit softer and more fitting for the likes of a twosome capacity compared to beyond. One solid commonality between the hallway and the adjacent accommodation happened to be the lighting scheme therein, not which they cared. Another difference which set it apart from the rest of the building so far was the firm carpeting seeming to be bargained for then cleaned up after. A small ensemble of electronics was found to be within the lean listener, minuscule and insignificant yet sizable enough to be carried away. Within that space was a jade equine found to be standing out and about inside the area with tresses of midnight already like leaves in the wind, longer and thicker than Prominence’s hair. Onto the face, a pair of chocolate orbs circled about the pupils, brows furrowed into glazed lids as they were adorned with a transparent pair of emerald splashed sunglasses underneath the horn. Adorning the jade equine’s aerodynamic build was a jet–black ensemble of a shirt and some pants, each adorned with some copper accents as a pair of metal wings rested abaft the clothes. Donned upon the visage was a faint smile with dentition white as a thick wool of a sheep trained to make false teeth; through its thin gaps were air passages with compounds trading places. In any case, the jade equine summoned the courage to speak to the lavender dragon instantly, “are we ready to go: is everything taken care of; anything I need to know about before the party starts…?” “I just needed some information first so that I don’t go and end up getting confused all of the sudden so to speak of, Wave…” the scaly visitor had answered freely, entering the doorway confidently with the utmost intrigue altogether whatsoever overall, “how do you make the videos: is it something you do with the screens and the stuff that deejay is doing outside…?” “Relax, Maar, it’s nothing to worry about really: anypony with a mind of their own can pick up a camera and start filming whatever it is that comes to their mind; it takes skill and talent to not only determine which hardware one should use, but also how many and where to place them…” the obscured inhabitant sighed at once, closing his eyes as Prominence shut the door abaft them. As the lavender dragon turned back to face Wave once again, the former had asked the latter while looking around at once, “so you mean to tell me this place has hiding spots in one room alone…?” “Only for my cameras and even then, getting them all in one room means two options: ask permission or smuggle discreetly…” the jade equine said to the scaly visitor as he’d sat down upon one of the chairs nearby the cannons, watching the latter move, “obviously, the cheaper method was two; after all, Manehattan has this sweet jumbotron, courtesy of Neighpon here…” “How do you even get every single one of them out when all is said and done…?” Prominence had asked the lounging tenant instantaneously. Wave simply laughed, “that’s for me to know and for a select few to learn yet you’re not one of them…” “No matter, let’s go on ahead and get this over with already; I just can’t wait to start the show already while we still can do it…” the lavender dragon said, reaching into the middle of the tank top to pull out a singular capsule for the jade equine to see clearly, “besides, it’s not like I’m gonna do all of this with nothing more than just vanilla wafer shit your bakers are putting out…” “I know that: it’s not like we’re gonna to jump right into it with a straight edge, especially when all the others in the club are having fun; besides, I can see that you’ve gotten a little something of your own to help you pass the time and the night in Manehattan…” the sedentary eyewitness had replied joyously, finally rising up to approach the scaly visitor face–to–face almost immediately. It didn’t even take so long for both inhabitants to become up, close, and personal with each other instantaneously so to speak of: between themselves, Prominence was the first to laugh softly after Wave’s face also lit up with a deep crimson hue soon enough, “oh please, I’ve been gobbling down these pills like they were candy; this is nothing…” Seeing they were still standing up, they’d wasted no time at all closing the distance against their presences, their eyes accented by blushing considerably. As the twosome finally had grown closer to one another, even the light and air became heavy and dense with every breath they’d taken in such short time. Therein, their mismatched mouths had slowly opened up with their eyes remaining closed, their mutual proximity plain to see thanks to the lights above. In little time whatsoever, they’d soon surrendered themselves to each other’s amorous intentions, gently wrapping both arms around their targets’ backs. Neither of them had dared to relent, spending over a minute or so tongue–tied amidst the very embrace as their conjoined passions started flourishing. While many would’ve been willing to make a double take at the sight of it all, the very loneliness amongst the duo was something they quickly cherished. Olfactories were now beginning to shift into a higher gear as the jade equine picked up on the fiery fragrance now emanating from the lavender dragon. Of the twosome in question, the tenant in black felt the entire body trembling about from having to return the scaly visitor’s kiss due to their asymmetry. Details alone couldn’t even be enough to describe whatever they were both thinking so to speak of, at least not yet from any perspective or lack thereof. Prominence had cautiously examined Wave’s sheathed wings with both hands as they’d unfurled behind their owner’s back, unrestrained by the fabrics completely; needless to say, the former was quick to notice how hard they were in comparison to the latter’s exploration so to speak of, despite the rough textures found therein. “Whoa, her body’s hard yet delicate; I bet this might be what it’s like to be a dragon in this day and age: Maar smells like a hot spring and her wings are like nylon and silk meshed together…” the jade equine had commented silently to a satisfactory yearning regarding the lavender dragon, “of course, she does need a little mouthwash…” “Wave, I have a question about these wings: are they just for show or do they help you fly like actual ones…?” she’d asked in the form of a soft whisper into her target’s ear after breaking away from their mutual kiss at once, one of the claws still firmly attached upon the smooth steely surface altogether despite being free no less. Unfazed by the sudden question at hand, Wave had soon answered Prominence instantaneously, “augmentation, not an easy process to endure, much less spend money on, especially if you want them to work like real wings; Princess Twilight may be genius at crafting potions to make them but even they can’t last forever, let alone for one day.” “What do you mean by that; you mean to tell me that you’re not even an alicorn like any of the Princesses, let alone Twilight…?” the lavender dragon inquired as she’d watched the jade equine gently unfurl the wings before her cerise eyes almost immediately, “I supposed you may as well be telling me you’re actually a sentient parasprite inhabiting a pony’s body for some reason…” “I can assure you I’m an actually a flesh and blood unicorn for the most part, plain and simple; the wings are the lone exception and that’s because of the fact that I like to embody the changes: I’m happy, feeling glad, got sunshine in a bag, useless but not for long, the future’s coming on…” the tenant in black elaborated to her with a smile upon the visage. Prominence gave off a wry smirk and said to Wave, “now that you’ve mentioned it, I have one more question before we begin: suppose that you’re fully prosthetic, could you still have fun like everybody else, ponies and dragons…?” “You care to find out about it, Maar…?” the jade unicorn snickered, lowering a hand to a metal extremity latching from the top of the pants for the lavender dragon to see clearly with a nod, “after all, if you can see a window of opportunity opening up for you to climb into, then the least you can do is milk for everything that’s presented to you…” “Don’t mind if I do…!” she’d said to him at once. It didn’t even take long for Prominence to lower herself as she’d became occupied with the rigid protuberance unveiled by none other than Wave. The lavender dragon kissed it around rather gently, their flesh grazing one another while moving up and down with her tongue making its rounds. After a few licks, she’d forwarded her hot mouth around the jade unicorn’s prepuce by several centimeters, taking in girth and length so willfully. Despite having both lips salivating about, Prominence had breathed in easily, concentrating her efforts onto lapping at the tumescence inside her. Before long, the lavender dragon had pushed herself into increasing her speed, sliding back and forth like a piston, much to his delectation alone. She’d felt Wave’s shaft swelling up a bit due to her very efforts overall, even as its size had still remained the same deep within her very aperture. Prominence wasn’t the only one whom had anticipated the outcome of her efforts, especially considering her saliva had brought lubrication. Either way, the lavender dragon was happy with what the jade unicorn had provided for herself only but minutes ago with all things considered. Of course, it was only but a matter of time until her actions would catch up to her directly as far as he was concerned about her very performance. With a free left hand, Prominence had rubbed Wave’s yard along while he’d cooed about at once, “that’s it, my little slut dragon, this is just only the beginning; it won’t be long until you you get a taste of some organic cream…!” “Mph…!” the lavender dragon gulped as the jade unicorn discharged himself into her breaking out of the train of thought with a huff on and about with little warning before swallowing it all, “damn, that was some good pony cock; I hope you have plenty more where it’d came from later on, Wavy…!” “There will be more soon enough; after all, we have the whole room to ourselves anyway, not to mention plenty of time to get everything done…” he’dsaid whilst watching her lapping at much of the white compound which landed out from him without a care for her own attire whatsoever. Prominence ignored the small mess she’d made on her clothes taking a stand to face Wave again with a wink and a smile before whispering, “c’mere…!” Without warning whatsoever, the lavender dragon brought the jade unicorn closer before stealing a kissing from him once more, this time with overwhelming lust much to his shock so to speak. Even though she’d bothered to make herself presentable for him by swallowing it all beforehand, the stardust memories of not too long ago were still fresh inside of their very minds nevertheless. Still, Prominence wasted no time in sampling the texture and tastes therein upon the surface area afore her; unlike Wave’s prepuce from much earlier, he was still a little rough around the edges. The fact the lavender dragon was osculating the jade unicorn again had caught him by surprise, not that he’d minded since his eyes were closed, lost in the moment overall with herself no less. In a small total of seconds, he’d finally opened up to her in sync, both of the tongues now finally slipping out for their mutual exploration as she’d gained some new information on him at once. Now, it’d seem that Prominence finally found a sense of stability within her own mind and body, unbounded by the weight of the world, the depths of its seas, or even the final frontier of space. Gone were the days of uncertainty regarding Wave, let alone that of his kind overwhelmed by emotions such as fear, fury, pain, and sorrow; in place were bravery, calmness, pleasure, and joy. Soon enough, the lavender dragon was on the verge of losing her footing despite maintaining control; of course, she wasn’t even alone in this one since the jade unicorn had also felt this way. “Mmph…!” he’d grunted before breaking away from her again, a thin trail of salivation currently stretching betwixt themselves also doing so too, “it seems that you’d been experienced at this whole shebang; how long have you been at this whole deal, Maar: months, seasons, years…?” “Even a dragoness such as myself should never go about kissing and telling other all too freely; now then, let me slip into something more comfortable for you so we can get ready, sweetie…” the aforementioned tenant had snickered as she’d undid her own suspenders to remove the snow–white shirt directly off of her body and threw it upon a nearby chair for Wave to see too clearly. In any case, it was now time for the lavender dragon to show off her supple bosoms bearing the density of deflated volleyballs despite being constrained by the jet–black brassiere underneath; despite being concealed, the jade unicorn was quick to take note of what was going to happen next as far as the both of them were concerned, especially considering the look onto her visage. Either way, the ambiguity alone was gone within an instant as she’d undone both straps of her undergarment afore him, its endings having bore the circumferences smaller than the doorknobs within the very building in question, much less the room as he’d asked her almost immediately, “are they even real…?” “Why don’t you shut up and fucking touch them both to go get your answer already, Wavy…?” Prominence sniggered as she was now bouncing her billowy bust up and down in front of Wave, prompting him to start placing his hands over them at once, much to her delight so to speak of, “now you’re getting the hang of it; at this rate, we’re gonna have so much fun together, Wavy!” With both palms from the jade unicorn’s hands touching the lavender dragon’s cleavage at once, it was at this point the twosome could already feel the differences between their respective body parts straightaway: his calluses brushing up to her malleable form within the latter’s integuments. Out of the otherwise small and finite reaches of her bosoms as well as its rounded surroundings, he’d wasted no time in examining itsrose tinted nubbins sticking out from thereon endwise; as his fingers gripped onto them, he’d started twisting and turning gently as opaque fluids came out. “You know, for such a tall dragon, you feel much softer around these parts of the body; even now, you’re more gentle and graceful with a body such as this: tough yet tender to a fault…” Wave purred about as Prominence held firm despite the pressure points being latched onto her ords by the likes of him alone overall. The lavender dragon snorted gracefully even as the jade unicorn tugged onto the endings of her bust with a little more pressure than earlier before, “my hair and ears aren’t the only thing that sat me apart from the other dragons; in any case, now seems like a better time than ever to get going…” Aroused by her passiveness, he’d released his grip off of her cleavage at once; still, they had the means, motive, and opportunity to indulge themselves. Wave bent forward face first into Prominence’sbosoms and started to fondle them slowly with his tongue, making her moan slightly from first contact. Soon, the lavender dragon felt herself hardened as the jade unicorn started suckling onto her own figure, leaving behind ribbons of saliva onto her bust. Her moaning had then intensified when his teeth had started chewing over the nubbins, causing her to run a hand over the mane briefly yet brusquely. Although Prominence’s luxuries were now being met, it didn’t mean it was time to let herself go and laze about yet since she was still standing upwardly. As a result of Wave’s unyielding efforts, the oxygenated air respired in and out of the lavender dragon at various speeds and its concentrations in turn. While the jade unicorn was accompanied by the lone legatos of her emissions, he’d gotten a taste of the same contents from earlier at once immediately. Of course, Prominence had smiled about as he’d drank away the fluids provided from her alone anyway, unperturbed from the surprising results in all. “Mm, your milk is luscious, another quality everybody would like inside you; although you’re a dragon, you’re still no different!” Wave cooed after breaking away from the lavender dragon once again, slowly overwhelmed by a sensation of such concupiscence, “the mares were as basic as they’d came and went but you’re a specialty…!” “And it seems your dick is still hard…” she’d commented in turn, lowering herself towards the jade unicorn’s waistline where his shaft still had remained, already at an angle despite what she’d done to it not too long ago so to speak of. He’d remained still even asProminence bent both knees, glancing at his unyielding yard with only a profligate grin whilst quietly giggling about. Using both hands, the lavender dragon started kneading Wave’s prepuce around playfully like a joystick, her own muzzle centimeters away from it. Even though that the jade unicorn embraced her handiwork, he’d refrained from losing the static composure as she’d gripped his shaft only gently. Still, all that had changed when Prominence stuck her tongue out from there once more, the loose salivation now starting to recover its surface areas. Decently put, the lavender dragon took in all the time and space occupying his yard, lacquering up his protuberant flesh with hot lips and breathing. All the while, Wave’s stance soon started to falter a bit as she was at his mercy, even as she was free to do as they’d wished contentedly so to speak. Yearning for results, Prominence decided to speed up the movement straightaway, at least for the jade unicorn’s sake even as his patience held firm. Currently blushing about, the lavender dragon was forwarding her very mouth inside as he’d whispered quietly in her ear, “good girl… just like that.” “Hmm… let’s try something else…” she’d said after breaking away from Wave’s prepuce, taking the time to slide it into her cleavage at once, “perhaps, this should be a nice change of pace, since you like my boobs so much here…” The jade unicorn could barely help himself but drool and blush every time he felt Prominence’s hot and heavy lips going around his shaft again, this time now being nestled in between her massive bosoms. Now with his yard sliding throughout until its point became seen underneath the adjacent chin, the lavender dragon hadquickly started squeezing both sides of her bust mutually upon each inch with but gentility. She’d begun swaying them up and down concomitantly while her tongue started to slip through and out below the lips before reaching the tip of Wave‘s prepuce, bringing up more salivation as it’d touched it all. The jade unicorn had begun to become aroused at what Prominence was trying to do, only this time his soft moaning was the only sound being heard in the room, driving the thought of going inside her faster. “Fuck…!” he’d exclaimed fiercely at once as it wasn’t even long until the lavender dragon’s sandwiching and tongue tickling around his elongated shaft caused it to now splatter a similar compound across her very neckline and then dripped downward between the bared cleavage over time. Despite becoming caked in Wave’s fluids, she was all too quick to shed her jet–black miniskirt after removing her belt at once: afterwards, he was treated to the sight of some rose red panties clinging to her body with all its frills and laces covering her; in any case, their wearer asked him, “you like what you’re seeing now, Wavy; pleased to find that my panties are wet thanks to you?” “More than ever…” was all that the jade unicorn could answer as Prominence started to unfurl both of her wings before him, each serving as a distraction from the undergarment sliding off, “how tight is it…?” “Why don’t you sit down and give it a little lick down; would that satisfy you already, Wavy…?” the lavender dragon purred as he’d now rested his haunches upon another chair abaft himself at once. Soon enough, she’d sashayed towards Wave’s muzzle and aligned her undercarriage towards with a sly smirk after kneeling directly over his waistline. In any case, the jade unicorn’s tongue had quickly slipped out his mouth and slowly slid it all into Prominence’s nethermost instantaneously so to speak. Soon, the lavender dragon felt hot and heavy now that he’d started lapping the contents of her flowerbed, resting her hand on his dark mane for support. As soon as she’d felt Wave’s muzzle tickling her before slowly slithering it all inside, she’d soon moaned slowly yet loudly at how narrow it was to himself. Even so, the jade unicorn ran his very tongue around Prominence’s legs briefly as they, too, were now starting to spread a bit further wide for him to explore. He could barely help himself but drooled every time he’d went sliding in and out of the lavender dragon’s undercarriage repetitively, hands onto her hips. In no time, she’d given out more small moans which then turned into but loud yelps of happiness sincethe depths of her sheath were being tampered about. The sheer cold from Wave’s expedition had soon caused some achromatic fluid to go squirt from Prominence’s nethermost to his warmly taste buds in turn. After the dark unicorn sniffed the lavender unicorn’s moist flowerbed before sneaking another quick lick from her, he’d let out a big sigh, “the taste of these loins of yours are like your name: even now, you’re still spicy and sweet, like all the other mares in Equestria…” “Then you should know well enough not to keep a grown dragon waiting any more longer; we still have a long way to go, Wavy…” she’d chuckled before turning her back towards him literally to display her own breech with but a flick of the tail and its solutions, “besides, since you’d done so well eating my dirty pussy out, let’s see what you can do with my slutty butt…” With the same tongue from before, Wave jutted into Prominence once more, this time into her fundament as the tail adjacently stood upward in front of his occupying face despite being free. The lavender dragon had looked back quickly after feeling the jade unicorn’s hands onto her haunches and his muzzle buried inside at once running around and within thoroughly like prior. Despite stopping to lap at the adjacent undercarriage close by to herself, he was still determined to bring out more pleasure each time his tongue had switched back to her breech and vice versa. Soon, Prominence felt her saliva curling down from the corner of her lips with the sensation of Wave’s exploration had still gave way to hunger and thirst; needless to say, she was still ecstatic. In the meantime, the jade unicorn stretched the lavender dragon’s fundament wide apart before forwarding his tongue back in, causing her to shut both eyes again whilst giving out a loud moan. She’d started gurgling about at the thought of wanting to taste him once again, the dribble from his tongue surpassed the point of wishing she’d have done more to support herself much earlier. Prominence attempted to reach down to her wet nethermost and started furbish it rhythmically as Wave began permeating through the haunches in such an illustrious manner slurping and licking. “Mmm…!” the jade unicorn moaned into her breech as his saliva dripped down inside while the lavender dragon cried out with joyful lasciviousness with his warmth entering all those folds within itself altogether; as a result of this ordeal, she couldn’t even hold herself firm any much longer from the continuous onslaught orchestrated by himself before collapsing onto the floor. Thankfully, she was unharmed but the surface underneath her muzzle was smoking about before dissipating all the same for him to see clearly. Taking up the time to roll over and face Wave again, Prominence moved in between her legs and continued jarring her flowerbed, albeit slowly. In mere moments, the lavender dragon slowly moaned in pleasure, pushing herself into her undercarriage without so much as a care at all. Now, she’d used her remaining left hand to chafe her bosoms smoothly, pinching its ords as the jade unicorn plainly stayed still and watched. Excitement was just around the corner for Prominence and he could see it as even his hands started reaching down into his own trousers. Rife with such great passions at the sight of one another was enough for the twosome to feel their visage became flushed with crimson shades. Anyways, they were struggling to reach their collective highpoints soon enough; of course, the lavender dragon was having but a great time. Restraints weakening once more, she couldn’t even take it any longer, yelling out loudly as her hands were saturated with her own secretions. Yearning for the opportunity presented to the likes of Wave, such happiness was known, despite struggling to ejaculate a scream out in the air. Of course, the jade unicorn still had his left hand buried underneath the fabric with hidden frustration as he’d cerebrated, “dammit, after all the pills you’d taken, this is all you got?! Come on, Wave Tech, you can do this: you’re gonna look like a total poser in front of her…!” “As expected… no wonder you’d… taken long: wasting it all… shouldn’t be… especially… if you’re gonna… fuck me hard…” Prominence quickly panted overtly, now moving leisurely about as she’d begun to take a stand again up in front of him at once, “thankfully though… I still have some… extra vigor… to spare some… that is if… you’re willing… of course, Wave…” “In that case, turn your butt around and bend over already; I wanna make you cum like the dirty little slut dragon you are, Maar…” the titular tenant barked playfully as the lavender dragon did as he’d told her almost instantaneously, this time on all fours with each limb touching the floor. Shaking about, she was quick to anticipate what was going to happen next as the jade unicorn got into position immediately with his yard taking aim at her fundament without so much as a care. A blushing grin was then flexed from Prominence as she’d started feeling his moist prepuce nearby the same crevice of her haunches with deepest and dankest desires now being fulfilled. Bored into the lavender dragon‘s widely stretched breech, Wave took his shaft and plunged it in throughout slowly and progressively which had leisurely aroused her, despite storm and stress. Considering the still supersaturating saliva deep inside of her narrowly tight fundament acted as an emollient, she felt more pleasure each time the jade unicorn slowly rubbed against her scales. Decadently, Prominence wavered around and gave out vastly little, high–pitched moans from her lips, yelping in happiness once more with her own spine electrifying about thanks to him alone. Even Wave could barely help himself but grunt, pant, and moan every time his thrusting yard punctured through the lavender dragon‘s haunches, wriggling around like a lavish caterpillar. Firmness was all that the jade unicorn could feel, not only from her wet breech but also from his prepuce as well during the repetitive ordeal, leaving him more hot and bothered than herself. Generally speaking, the twosome were more than happy at having the whole room to themselves since no one could do anything but listen to their lustful duet from outside the closed doorway. Soon, he’d slid his shaft all the way into Prominence’s already salivated fundament and felt himself escape: this time, its tickled pink warmth began conjoining with his cold salivation within the spiked abyss; still, its reminiscence of typhoon force winds drilled deeply in her with great pleasure, compelling herself to shoot a suppressed burst of smoke into the open air. After it’d cleared itself out again, the lavender dragon finally collapsed onto the floor too as she was lying back on there, weakened and vulnerable thanks to Wave whom had been drenched in perspiration alongside her; despite this, she’d still found the strength to speak to him anyway, “thank you, Wavy…” “You’re welcome, Maar…” the jade unicorn had chuckled softly, laying right next to her as the faint music afar had pulsated their room in around themselves, still unperturbed by their past performance as the night was still young and so were many of its observers, even ones advanced, “you’re so dirty and I love it…” “You were brave yourself, fucking the ass off of me like some cheap train station whore like your life had depended on it…” Prominence said freely as she’d felt her lids coming closer together, despite struggling to see straight upfront of themselves. Sure enough, his hands had already met up with the lavender dragon’s bust as the golden silence started to return to this very room; of the twosome in question, he’d spoken to her freely no less, “you know, I’m kind of glad that I’ve met you; it’s a shame that we’d ended up doing it here of all place: although the owner doesn’t mind it, our room doesn’t even have a bed to sleep on…” “You know, the lack thereof reminds me of how one of the other dragons, Barry, complained about having to sleep on the rocks…” she’d cooed whilst feeling Wave lodge his still moistened yard into her haunch as they’d still remained closer toward one another, “not every dragon does that, not even me; besides, he was just another crybaby, too old to be acting like so and so…” “Still, it’d be nice if we had one though: all the time to ourselves to rest up and go for another round the next day; even I can see that many of the cameras are starting to go out since we’d done everything together since the set up…” the jade unicorn replied as he’d looked around the room to survey the changes and constants still taking place afore themselves all the same no less. Prominence had done nothing more than yawn as both of her eyes were beginning to see some blackness between brief intervals, “if anybody knocks on this door, then please wake me up as quick as you can; I may live alone but even I know how ponies tend to get up in everyone else’s domain like it’s nothing: after all, I know how Ember became the new Dragon Lord recently…” At long last, the very duo were now alone in the small world that was the room, no longer bound by the concerns of either the past or future at all. In the endeavor of their chance encounter alone, he’d now rested both of his arms right around the lavender dragon’s abs all throughout the way. Most of all, they’d slowly straightaway snuggled in soaking sweat, the slavering salivation, and secreted saps shared and served simultaneously.