> Angry Horny Evil Griffons > by Metemponychosis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Actually, More Edgy and Angsty Than Evil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grigory, Heir to the Lion, Prince of Snow Mountains Hold of Griffonia, chosen of the Harpy and otherwise recognized as the griffon giving the orders whenever his father and mother weren’t around walked into the living room. A very ‘pony’ living room with cute sofas, cute tables, cute chairs. A pink carpet, cute framing on the windows and a cute candelabra with hearts in everything. Enough to convince someone the ponies had declared war on austerity. Outside it seemed like a peaceful night. The damned ponies had not only kept them in the observation rooms, but spent the whole day pestering them with asinine questions, mostly about their health. For some reason, the idiotic horses kept asking if they could eat onions or garlic! Sat in the middle of the room, he waited as his friends entered the same room and until the cursed Royal Guards left them alone. His colors dissonated from his friends more traditional colors and that made him the most distinctive of them. A purple coat over the well-toned muscles of an active northerner griffon and mustard-colored plumages over his head and fluffy chest, complete with a crest of forward-swept feathers on his head to go with his presently incredibly angry golden eyes. He contained his quiet rage at the whole situation with a quiet raging stare. The ponies took their armors and weapons, including his unique longsword that Lady Gwendolen, his mother, had given him to celebrate his mating. All of Gallensa’s experiments on the airship. There were probably things that Grigory forgot, but he would rather not remember anyways. He couldn’t imagine the situation being worse. The point was that it was lost. The airship! The mighty Skoll with her modern breech-loading cannons, the machine guns, the magical missile launcher, the Stormdrive device. Everything in their filthy, dirty hooves, soon to be taken apart and studied. His friend’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Does anyone want to say it? No? Fine, I will say it! You are an idiot, Grigory!” He turned to see his friend physician standing a pace in front of the four others lined by the door. Light gray fur over his slim body (for a griffon hailing from Snow Mountains Hold) with a white head and icy blue eyes which met Grigory’s. Aggravatingly, he wasn’t intimidated despite Grigory’s ‘I am going to murder someone’ stare. Apparently, that stare only worked for his mother. “It was not my fault there was a traitor in our midst. How in the fiery pits of the Scorch was I supposed to know?” The amount of damage he caused almost made him respect the bastard. “We had dodged Celestia's fleet, and our prisoner would be enough to convince her to let us go. If not for that, we would already be in the Stormy Eyrie with the cursed princesses! How should I know that their airships would have magical shields? Or that they could do whatever is it that they did to repel cannon fire?” “Ponies are historically known for deploying magical countermeasures against everything and the kitchen’s sink.” Gray, and his big frame covered in dark gray, almost black fur and pristine white head didn’t seem very conducive to humor. “I seem to recall someone telling you that. Oh, yes. It was me! Right before you ordered me to have the Skoll engage the Wonderbolts!” “It was also me that told you it would be better to retreat when Celestia teleported in an entire feathering armada!” His friend roared on. “I’ve heard enough!” The finality of his gesture signaled that the conversation was over. “Instead of pestering me, go make yourselves useful!” He silenced himself, despite the wrath burning inside, so that the gold clad ponies past the rooms they were given wouldn’t hear, and he flashed paw signs at the griffons in front of him. ‘Find our soldiers.’ ‘Make sure the grassbreaths don’t do anything to them.’ ‘Prepare the able ones to start a rebellion.’ ‘Don’t do anything stupid.’ Then he screamed at them. “And pretend that I am dead until the morning or I will murder one of you!” He wanted to sound fearsome and terrifying as his father, but he had the impression they were more annoyed than scared. Still, he walked past them towards the corridor, making a point of forcing them out of the way and allow him passage. Even he thought it was unnecessarily dickish, but they ought to remember that friends or not, he was their liege. His room was supposed to be the first one and he didn’t care. Didn’t look back either and kicked the door closed behind him. A simple and spartan room, if not for the typical pony decoration, with a simple bed, a sofa, a reading chair, a window, and an additional door to a bathroom to which he went. A simple room with no windows that included a shower, a squat toilet and a sink along with a couple of towels. Better than a prison, he supposed, but he wouldn’t be surprised if ponies decorated their prisons with hearts and cutesy stuff too. Once he was done relieving himself, he walked out the door to see Gallensa, the strong yellow bodied and white-headed griffon lady fixing him the ‘I am angry at you, and I don’t want you to forget’ stare in her magenta eyes. “Didn’t I tell you to go make yourself useful?” He fixated his eyes, as malevolently as he managed, into hers. She just one-upped his stare with her experience in being an insufferable molly with a petulant tone to match. “I’m your mate, not your subject. You don’t get to order me around.” Next, she scowled and grimaced at him. “Speaking of which, I’ll eat my tail the day I see The Lion cowering in his room like a wuss instead of seeing to his soldiers.” His fingers pressed on his beak instead of giving her the response she deserved. He inhaled and did the best he could to peace his inner thoughts of slitting her throat open. “That would be too conspicuous.” “Nice excuse, you little pussy.” She smirked with all her typical cruelty. “Next you’re gonna say you’re leading from behind!” Did she just say what he thought he heard? He sat on the floor and stared at her with his jaw hanging, while she just stared too. Piercingly so. “Did the ponies inject you with something? That changeling hit you in the head, and you had a rather large cut. We know ponies use some strange drugs for pain that make your brain do bizarre things, like calling me a pussy and raising your voice with me!” “No!” She, despite every ounce of common sense that would be expected out of an adult and mentally sound griffon, even more so from one that was recognized by her peers as an actual genius such as Gallensa, pushed his chest with enough force Grigory had to rebalance his body. “What is wrong is that the Skoll has turned into a useless pile of burned metal stuck to the ground because you were too boneheaded to pull back!” “Retreat with the Skoll?” He scoffed and batted at her accusing finger to his chest. “It was our invincible airship. If the ponies hadn’t done that bizarre magic trick, it would have downed their entire fleet! If that traitor hadn’t made away with our prisoner Celestia would be begging me to free him! If Celestia hadn’t interfered, we would already be approaching the Stormy Eyrie with both princesses.” “If! If, if, if!” She sang maliciously, swinging her head side to side. “Our invincible airship didn’t survive your stupidity! If you had listened to us, Celestia wouldn’t have destroyed our invincible airship and you wouldn’t have been left looking like an idiot! If you had listened to us, you wouldn’t have lost the Skoll, or the prisoner or all the secrets in it, and not the bed either.” He cocked his head. “What bed?” “This bed! Because you are going to sleep in the fucking couch!” She screamed at him and pointed at the furniture in question. ‘Stunned’. Grigory had heard griffons telling of things that had left them ‘stunned’ but he had never understood what was it that they meant. Right then was when he finally understood what it meant to be left ‘stunned’ because he simply sat in the carpeted floor for a few seconds as Gallensa climbed into the bed and gave him a final furious stare. And that was good because he understood fury and he felt the same way. “Who do you think you are talking to!?” “Don’t try to intimidate me! I’m not afraid of you!” She yelled back at him. “Guys…” A pegasus pony nurse, pink and cyan opened the door. “Tone it down? This is a hospital…” “PISS OFF!” Gallensa screamed at the pony, switching seamlessly to their lame neighing language and scared the thing away. He also finally understood what was it that his father meant when he said he would murder his mother one of those days. He massaged his temples with his closed eyes. He ought to just ignore her. She was angry. He understood that. Things didn’t go as planned and she was angry about her experiments in the airship, not to mention the ship itself. He was angry too. Ironically, for the same reasons she was. Fine. Better to sleep on the problem and hope that in the morning they would not be so angry. That whey would be able to think with a straight head. He walked around the bed and put a forepaw on it. All he saw was a yellow flash before his eyes and her paw swiping at his. He recoiled immediately and a mustard-colored feather, just like the ones in his crest, fell on the bed. The griffoness stood by the edge of the bed, and hissed at him, as her tail swayed from one side to the other. He stared at the single feather for a few seconds. Then he scowled at her. “Are you out of your mind?” “COUCH!!” She screamed. “I am not going to sleep in the feathering couch just because you are being pissy!” He stared at her like he wanted to murder her and shouted just as angrily. She hissed louder at him. Did she really expect him to sleep in that stupid couch? No way he’d capitulate. He was going to sleep in that bed if he had to murder her! Then she swiped her paw at him again. His forehead stung and he touched it with his paw to see a small blotch of red when he looked at it again. He needed a second before he understood what had happened. “You are stepping way out of line, Gallensa!” She chortled at him like a deranged child. “Oooooh… The big bad emperor! What are you gonna do about that, Emperor Poultry The First?” “Alright! You want to do this the hard way?” He growled and flared his wings. “Let's go!” She moved from the edge when he jumped to the bed and retreated, turning on herself to face him much faster than he anticipated and before he knew, she reared and swiped her paws at him, talons first and screaming rather than roaring. Gallensa was many things: researcher, a good mate, a good friend, literally a genius, even if she had issues with her temper. But she was not a fighter, which didn’t mean that her talons glancing off his mustard-colored plumage didn’t hurt. Grigory, though, was trained to one day become an emperor and was a trained fighter. More than just clawing at her too, he grabbed her foreleg and pulled. She screamed and fell to the bed, rolling to her back. He pounced at her, and she clawed at his face, again sending a jolt of pain and infuriating him more than actually injuring him, but she did manage to make him back off a little, with a pained cry. She turned back on her belly to flee, but he was faster and pounced her, pinning her to the bed. She tried clawing at the sheets to pull herself from under him, but he put his weight on her shoulders, pushing her into the bed. Her talons ripped the sheets and she growled, angry and frustrated, flapped her wings once, but all she managed was rubbing and pushing her haunches against his stomach and the most sensitive areas of his groin. Stuck underneath, she growled deeply and still tried to free herself, but he was much stronger and heavier. Angry or not, her body was warm and soft and her fur well-kept and velvety against his own. All the grunting and her firm rump rubbing off on his loins made him aware of the sudden fullness he felt in his groin. He let a superior grin show and his talons grasped her fluffy nape, pressing at her skin beneath while his other forelimb supported his weight next to her and allowed him to lower himself over her, whispering to her. “I think I want a little more than the bed now, Gal…” He told her while rubbing his beak behind her head, pecking at the soft plumage. She pushed her rump at his groin, pressing against his hardening dick and she chuckled like she was making fun of him. It rubbed on her soft fur as though she caressed him with her warm body and velvety fur, coating it a little in his precum. “Does Lord Gilad hold Lady Gwendolen to the bed and have his way with her too?” He grinned at her and held her scruff hard enough that she closed her eyes and whined at his talons threatening to pierce her skin. “She was the one that taught me to hold a feisty molly like this and one of the reasons she likes him so much is that he has the balls to put her in her place.” Then she turned her head, just that little that she could stare at him with the corner of her eye, sparkling with mischief. “Like that day she pegged you? I remember getting wet like a whore in heat watching that.” He smiled. That ‘I’m so pissed off right now and not even gonna frown’ kind of smile and inhaled deeply before he held her crest of white feathers and pulled her head to enough that she let out a little cry and forced her to look at him, twisting her shoulders too. “You are really asking for it, aren’t you?” “It’s a shame we didn’t bring any of our toys…” He rested his weight on top of her, still pulling at her crest while he trailed down her neck and chest with a talon in his other paw. She shuddered a little letting some concern into her beautiful magenta eyes, and he grinned. “Also, we need to be careful… We don’t want the ponies freaking out, do we?” His paw stroked her velvety and shiny yellow fur down the side of her chest and over her belly. He could clearly smell that illusive aroma of a griffon lady thinking naughty things. His fingers danced over her stiff little nipples, careful to feel the subtle change from the toned muscles in her belly to the squishy of her teats. He ostensibly, and delightedly, touched her all the way between her hindlegs and over the moist fur over her delicate lips, which he pressed his fingers against, massaging her until she let out a satisfying and defeated moan, allowing her wings to open out a bit. He allowed himself a raunchy smile and explored into her slit, pushing his fingers slowly into her wet, tight vagina while her walls pressed against his fingers. Always delighted at how warm her insides felt, careful his talons didn’t actually hurt her as she pushed her rump back into him again. He pressed his body above her and let himself moan softly at her soft rump pressing his dick to his belly while his middle and index fingers moved deeper and then back inside of her, feeling her soft insides with her subtle texture, time and again, a bit faster every time until his fingers made wet sounds with her juices, and she moaned constantly with a restrained voice like she meant to hide she enjoyed that so much. But he didn’t relent until she let out a whiny and broken little cry followed with a short squirt that wet his paw even more than her juices that coated her lady bits. Good thing that she liked it, because he felt a naughty delight in her moans when he did that, and she moaned helplessly some more as he kept fingering her until her tense body relaxed slowly and her pussy didn’t convulse around his fingers anymore. But he also got tired of rubbing his dick on her fur. It started feeling sore at its fullness. He held her nape tighter and pressed his weight on her and she let out a pained little whine between her gasping breaths, turning a little to look at him with the corner of her mellow magenta eye. “Just reminding you of your place, Gal…” He threatened with a delighted cruel smile and a playful spark in his eyes, still hunched over her and still holding her nape and putting his weight on pinning her, adjusting his hip behind hers and holding his cock to guide its pointy red tip in between her slippery lips. He embraced her waist and unceremoniously thrust into her. Both let out a moan and her wings flared a little, before flattening on the bed. He pushed and ground his hip against her, savoring the feeling of his sensitive meat surrounded with her pussy, tight and warm around his dick as much as he delighted in hearing her mewling moan. He still held her against the bed, putting his weight on her back, his underside rubbing against the soft fur and warmness of her back. Didn’t even think before his hip pulled back and then thrust again. They moaned together and he reached with his paw, claws pulling back and scratching at the skin under her fur, to be hidden under her wing, so that ponies wouldn’t bother them in the following day. He couldn’t believe the thought occurred to him in that moment. Regardless, her back arched and she moaned loudly for more. He reacted more than anything and held her tighter, thrusting and pulling back again and again as she whined louder, and her tail coiled around his. “You degenerated, teasing, little whore…” He grinned and whispered laying his weight on her and holding her paws to the bed, stopping his thrusting for a moment. She grinned coyly at him from the corner of her eye and giggled softly. He pulled at her feathers and pushed into her again. She cried softly and it was the combination of her wet warmness around him and her little whine that drove him to push harder and thrust against her hip, shoving her forward and against the mattresses that took him over every time. There was also her smell of horny griffonness that permeated the room and made him lose himself to the act and just shoved his cock into her time and again losing his thoughts in the caress of her tight vagina around his dick. He barely noticed his own moans in consonance with hers, louder and squeakier while she pulled at the mattress with her claws. He grinned again and his paw reached for her neck. He squeezed it, softly. “Hush, Gal…” Her whole body tensed up with his teasing. “Don’t want the ponies to hear all that noise, do you?” He just couldn’t keep from grinning while his fingers pressed, tightening his grasp around her neck while he fucked her with wild abandon. Her moans became throaty groans and she perked up her hip a little more against his, grinding more than thrusting until he just couldn’t keep his impulses and pulled beck his hip to push violently against hers, driving his shaft deep and hard into her. She whined and wheezed, tensing her body again at his constant and intense plowing, driven by lust out of the delightful sensations of her flesh massaging his cock as it went back and forth inside of her, knowing the pleasure that gave her, as much as the faux cruel delight of denying her air, like he owned her to the point she couldn’t breathe if he didn’t allow. She whined weakly with her face to the mattress, her body shaking underneath his larger and bulkier frame to the wet sound of their loins colliding. Her muscles tensed and she let out a series of gasps as her pussy squeezed at his dick as though she meant to milk his cum out of him. It worked and he grunted at the sudden wetness she let on him as much as her rhythmic squeezing at his meat, with a loud moan and he held tighter her shoulder, pumping into her a few more times until he moaned a short and gasping moan and his dick pulsated inside her. He shot his cum into her and groaned and ground his hip against her, letting escape a small gasp and letting go of her neck, savoring the overwhelming sensations, pushing softly his hip against hers until he was done filling her with his semen. Still panting, he laid by her side, while she, wheezing with deep breaths, turned on her side, with her back to him and coughed once, but wiggled back to snuggle next to him as he stroked the white, forward swept feathers in her crest. Looking at her, from the feathers in her head to the wet yellow fur in her rump. His paw caressed, softly and lovingly, her sides as her chest expanded with each deep breath. Once she regained control of her breathing, she turned to him and rested her face against his chest, sniffing at his own fluffy fur. Her paw caressed it and then she turned up her head closer until their beaks clicked at one another. Closed eyes and soft touch, their paws caressed the other until she broke their kiss and she stared at him with her expressive magenta eyes. The warmness in such close proximity, right after what they were doing… His eyes scanned her strong and elegant body in the shape of would probably be a griffon super-model if she lived with the pony-loving griffons south to their lands and he felt like falling in love with her again, if it was possible to love someone above of already loving them. He sighed. “I suppose it is too late to admit that I was wrong and should have retreated with the airship.” “Is this what they call ‘post-nut clarity’?” She wouldn’t let a moment of his guard being down go unpunished, would she? Also glared at him like he was stupid. He could even see the small red marks in her fur where his talons had actually breached the skin on her neck. “I could have sucked your dick before the battle if that would have made you open your stupid eyes.” Of course, she was back to her molly self as soon as she had an orgasm… “I don’t know, Gallensa. You’re the one that lived with the ponies and learned of this dumb culture of theirs.” He turned on his back and stared at the ceiling while she softly stroked the fur over his chest. “Actually, I spent years learning how to make weapons of mass destruction and flying battleships…” She glared at him again. “Like the one you lost. And that was when I wasn’t pretending I wasn’t imagining gutting all my infuriatingly friendly pony colleagues. I even had to date a dork unicorn to get those stupid crystals. It infuriates me whenever a think some pokehead found my designs for the magical induction engines and they are the reason this stupid hospital airship even exists.” “Point taken…” He decided to shut his beak, though she didn’t stop her caresses over him. Finally, after a few seconds of silence she spoke again. “Can we get over this? I don’t like being angry all the time, despite what they say of me. Let’s just enjoy the fact that they didn’t put us in separated rooms or something?” “Sorry, Gal.” He grinned at her. “But you were the one yelling at me to sleep in the couch.” “Well, it was your fault the airship got destroyed!” She cried, but then she scowled and growled at him. “Fine. I guess you couldn’t have known some loser would betray us. And I supposed it wasn’t so far-fetched for you to put all that faith in the airship. Or your command skills. Or…” “I get it Gallensa!” He cried and put up his paws. She giggled and her paw stroked the fur on his chest again, more playful. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to push you… You’re just so easy tease! Let me make up to you!” She drew closer and kissed him, softly clicking her beak against his, closing candidly her eyes and her paws softly glided down his chest to his stomach, then lower as she repositioned herself, sat in between his hindlegs, lovingly stroking his fur, trailing her way down with a greedy smile until she found his red dick, out of its sheath, but resting on his smooth purple fur. Now, he had rock hard muscles in his abdomen, and she took the chance to strum her fingers over them before she stroked his dick, softly, first grabbing it with a paw and then with both and managed to elicit a moan from him along with her contained giggling. Soft fingers holding the long and ‘elegantly thin’ red appendage, giving special care to the losangular shaped glans, all still covered in her juices and his cum. He let out a whimper at how sensitive it still was and, honestly, how skillful his horny angry nerd of a mate had become at dealing with it. “You’re just a horny nerd with anger issues, Gallensa.” He grumbled and made himself more comfortable, resting his back on the headrest and allowed himself to relax under her ministrations. “And you’re a blueblood dork that still lives with your parents.” She glared back at him with a mocking frowny grin. “Do you want me to suck your dick or not?” “And then I’m the one that’s easy to tease…” He rolled his golden eyes. “I’m gonna tie your wings in a knot if you scrape me again.” She giggled and her hot breath wafted over his, once again, hard and sensitive male part. Without delay her tongue slithered around it, glided over it like she couldn’t get enough of the taste of herself and his cum, then from his balls to his tip. He just couldn’t suppress a moan, and her tongue traveled over his dick again. It was a bit raspy, but not enough to hurt. It just had texture, and she was eager, but not enough to make him anxious she might not be careful. It was part of what made that so much fun. A bit of anxiety that she might let her sharp beak slip, and the trust he actually put in her, despite his complaining. Well, it was not like griffon beaks were sharp like knives, but they could hurt if a griffon didn’t know what they were doing, or if they wanted to hurt. Intentionally or not, and that was the thing; the nuances of a beakjob. Almost seemed like something deep and insightful… But it served to remind him of just how good his mate was at that when the soft insides of her mouth enveloped his dick and he barely felt any inconvenience from her hard beak brushing softly on his sensitive part, nor the sharp tip poking at his groin with nothing more than a reminder that she took in all she could, making him slip into her throat. It made it really difficult to be angry at her, feeling the soft insides of her mouth and seeing his red prick vanishing into her beak as she bobbed her head up and down. He closed his eyes and let out a deep moan. Then, with a smile, his fingers ran in between the feathers in her crest before he grasped her feathers, just to let her know he appreciated her efforts, and pulled her down, just a little… “You’re getting better and better at this, Gallensa.” He smirked at her, and she responded turning her magenta eyes to him and with a soft giggling around his dick that turned to a reverberating throaty moan around him. She propped herself over his lap, holding his waist with her forelegs and picked up her pace, moving her head up and down, and sliding her tongue like a slithering snake around him while taking his dick inside her mouth to suck the best she could with her hard beak, making slurping noises that somehow made it even better. He pulled back his head and moaned loudly. His eyes closed and he knew she was delighted at his appreciation because she giggled again around his meat, and she softly squeezed his balls. If his mind wasn’t lost in the sensations of her blowing him, he would have spent more time marveling at just how skillfully she did that. Squeezing and caressing with her fingers, prickling him with her talons just enough to make him squirm, and squeezing with exactly the right force to shoot that spike of adrenalin through his spine. She panted hot air around him and that smell of horny griffoness just clouded his head more in lewdness, but then she held his dick in her paw and squeezed it just a little before rubbing him up and down while she moaned just to take him into her mouth again. A cry escaped him, and his paws clenched when his groin exploded with pleasure and his cock spurted white on his mate’s mouth. She squealed delighted and let go, resorting to licking his tip and letting him squirt into her mouth, allowing it to slobber over his dick and licking it clean. He just let go and moaned at each little lick she gave him, torturously slow. “For feather’s sake, Gallensa!” He moaned again and rubbed the feathers in his crest from his eyes. Funny thing that they sometimes got in the way. She stared up from his groin and giggled in that insanely lewd way that she did, especially with his cum on her beak and grinning like she had just won a million Bits. “There. Do you forgive me for yelling at you?” “Fine.” He chuckled. Then she propped herself up to rest on top of him, with her head on his chest. Even let out a small happy moan, holding on to his body. Again, her warm body, her (relatively) light weight on top of him. It just made him happy. He didn’t even mind the stupid pony decorations anymore. He let out a content sigh. “Don’t worry, Gal… We’ll get back at them.” But she didn’t answer, softly snoring with her head on his chest. Well, that was good enough for the moment. They could worry about getting back at the ponies in the morning.