> The Spontaneous Ambassador > by mortarroad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow liked nothing more than taking a nice relaxing shower after training. The warm water splashing onto her back and head, running through her rainbow mane and over her elegant blue coat as she stood in the big tub... what could be more blissful? But she was also efficient. The more time she spent doing things, the less time she had for napping. So she had to multitask; in fact, she was doing three things simultaneously right then: showering – of course –, brushing her teeth, and relieving herself. After all, a drain was a drain, right? She had just crouched down with her hind legs before letting go, when faint warm aura enveloped her, and suddenly she was hit by a wall of cold air from all around. She yanked her eyes open and found herself staring into a familiar lavender face. For a moment she just stood there, half crouched and dripping with soapy water which quickly pooled at her hooves. Then she slowly opened her mouth, disregarding the toothbrush which hit the floor with a clang. After a moment she straightened herself, and her brows furrowed as she yelled. “What the buck?!” she spat into Twilight’s face, which received its fair share of toothpaste. “You can’t just teleport me when I’m p- showering!” “Rainbow, I-,” Twilight said with a stern expression, but the blue pegasus wasn’t done yet. Rainbow jumped up, hovering a meter off the floor, spraying water with every wing flap. “Did you even know what I was doing? For all you know, I might have been screwing somepony and -” “Rainbow, listen -” Twilight started again, before being interrupted again. “No, Twilight, you listen. This is not cool, a- hmmphhmm” Rainbow squinted at her muzzle, which was being pressed shut by a violet glow, making it hard for her to speak. Another glob of magic pressed down on her back, forcing her back to the floor. She landed, with an angry look in her eyes. Why was Twilight using such measures against her? Twilight took a deep breath. “Please, this is important.” She levitated a blackboard into view, on which she quickly drew a circle and a stick figure of what looked like an ape. “Today I discovered that, -” “Is it changeling invasion?” Though her jaws were still magically locked, Rainbow had mustered a tiny gap in between her lips, though which she squeezed the words. “I’m not here for a lecture. ‘Cause if it’s not at least an -” Rainbows words ceased. It felt like her whole snout had been wrapped in cellophane, preventing anything from going out – or in. Twilight cleared her throat. “No, it is nothing like that. Actually it is quite the opposite.” And when she saw Rainbow rolling her eyes, she added “This does not mean it is not of the utmost importance.” She turned to the blackboard again. “Today I discovered that Equestria – or rather – our whole universe was created by another species. In fact, to them, we are nothing more but a fantasy. They call themselves ‘humans,’” she explained. Had her snout not been incapacitated, Rainbow would have asked if Twilight had snorted too much sodium and then conspired with Lyra. But being cocky wasn’t any of her concern right now; she had just realized that the cellophane prevented her from breathing altogether. After fumbling around her muzzle to no avail she started waving her hoof, but Twilight was still focused on the blackboard. “We do not know much about them, yet,” the lecture continued. “Although I have access to something they call “internet” which they access with the top of their laps – don’t ask me how that works. I simply have not had much time. – And we are quickly running out of time.” In the meanwhile, Rainbow had frantically tried to stand up, and – failing that – resorted to scooting toward Twilight while still sitting. Unable to breathe, here eyes were bulging out, and she started to see shimmering sparkles in her peripheral vision. Twilight pointed a hoof at the circle on the blackboard. “A human – probably an ambassador – will arrive in a few minutes, though this portal. We had not understood what it was until now, but it is apparently called a Stargait.” Right then something bumped right against her purple flank. “Rainbow, could you please take this seriously, -” Twilight turned her head, only to see her friend slumped down behind her in a dragged out puddle. Twilight stepped away in confusion, thereby taking away Rainbow’s soft headrest. She simply fell right onto her face. “Oh, Rainbow!” Twilight quickly dissolved the magic around Dash’s muzzle, who immediately took in a deep breath. She choked and spattered while laying in her residual pony girl bath water. “I’m so sorry,” Twilight continued to apologize, “but really, this is extremely serious. This meeting could decide the fate of our whole universe. We don’t know what this human can do, so we have to greet him in the best way that we can.” “I- It’s cough okay,” Rainbow wheezed, still on the floor. Then she looked up into Twilight’s face. “But, what do I have have to do with this?” Twilight avoided Rainbow’s gaze and pondered for a little while, struggling to find the right words. “Rainbow, look,” she started gently, “from what I can tell these ‘humans’ are big – um – fans of us ponies.” A quick glance told her that Rainbow still looked at her in confusion. “And you seem to be particularly popular.” “Oh, really?” Rainbow’s face lightened up and she sat up again. “So you need me to do a stunt flying show for them.” She stepped forward and laid a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you. You know I’m the coolest flier around.” She gave the most confident smile that she could, which is pretty damn confident. Twilight cringed and looked to the floor. “It’s not that... they-” She nervously cleared her throat. “They find ponies, er, physically attractive.” “What.” Rainbow’s smile faded and her hoof slid off Twilight’s shoulder. “If you need a pony for a fashion show, you should’ve asked Rarity.” Rainbow laughed, “I’m sorry that I have to break it to ya, but you picked the wrong element-” “No-,” Twilight said silently. “It’s not... uh- they-” Twilight bit her lip and remained silent. “Then what is it? Stop prancing around the subject.” “They-”, Twilight swallowed, then she bit the bit, “- they are sexually attracted to ponies. You in particular.” She refrained from mentioning that she herself was the most desired pony – at least statistically speaking. But Rainbow was a close second, and she definitely couldn’t do it herself. After all, what are friends for? “What,” Rainbow repeated. When Twilight simply nodded, Rainbow started to grin. “Hey, that’s not a problem at all. We’ll just see how it goes, and if it’s hot, who knows-” “No, I’m afraid, they- they seem to have a different concept of courtship. From what I’ve gathered so far, they see us as always willing for sex on the spot.” Rainbow’s mouth simply stood agape, so Twilight continued. “The girls and I have decided, that it would be the best to meet their expectations – at least at first.” Mouth still open, Rainbow shook her head vigorously. “You- What am I, a slut? And you and the girls decided this without me?” When Twilight simply gave her a sheepish grin she went on. “That I should be the the one to get raped-” “We don’t even know if anything will happen for sure; and it’s not rape, if-” “- raped,” Rainbow stressed, “by an alien thing. But yeah sure, it’s not rape if the universe depends on it.” “Rainbow, please, it’s too late to change the plan now.” Dash stared Twilight straight in the eyes. “Fuck it.” Twilight tilted her head like a confused puppy, sweat dripping from her brow. The stress was visibly getting to her. “Fuck, I’ll do it,” Rainbow clarified. “But you owe me. Something big.” Twilight caught Rainbow in an embrace. “Oh thank you, thank you. You don’t know how relieved I am.” Then she glanced off to the side. “Speaking of something big-” Rainbow followed her look, taking in her surroundings for the first time. They were in a big bathroom with a tiled floor and walls. A princess-sized bathtub was to Dash’s right, and there was a big mirror straight ahead just behind Twilight. But when Dash saw the small table next to the tub, she caught her breath. There were two long black items, one shorter than the other. Both had Rainbow’s cutie mark printed on their flared bases. A frickin' pair of personalized dildos. Rainbow’s eyes grew wide. “You can’t be serious. They’re massive.” “We only have about five minutes left. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” Twilight said, completely stern again. A bright purple cloud enveloped Dash and vanished mere seconds after. Looking into the mirror, she marveled. She was now completely dry; the rest of the soapy water had disappeared. The foam around her nuzzle was gone too. Her coat had assumed an unusual shine, and her mane looked ruffled but still soft. Even the boogers from her snout were finally gone. While Rainbow didn't mind wiping her nose into her wings, if a booger was stuck in a nostril, that was an issue. If she picked her nose with her wings, downs could get stuck in there, which made it look like she had an uncool fluffy mustache. A yank at her dock brought her back to reality. Seeing the two dildos hovering from the table, she instinctively backed towards the wall until her lips kissed the cold tiles. “That,” she said with a shiver in her voice, “surely won’t be necessary?” “Rainbow, please. We have to be prepared for everything. For all we now, humans penetrate with little to no foreplay. We have to make sure you are properly relaxed when it comes.” “But those,” Rainbow lifted a hoof to point at the thick rods, “are not gonna fit. Maybe with more time, but not in five minutes.” “Four.” “What?” “Four. We only have four minutes left,” Twilight explained. “And I already cast a spell to lubricate you. It also makes you more responsive to sexual stimuli. So it hopefully won’t feel too uncomfortable. Now please, step away from the wall.” Rainbow thought of something to respond, but her friend’s arguments were watertight. So she hesitantly took a few steps forward. For a second, a wet string kept her connected to the wall, as if it was longing for the kiss to resume. “Now turn around,” Twilight ordered. And so she faced her friend with her flankside, who was still pulling up her tail. In an attempt to cover her anxiety, Dash leaned down, bringing her face almost to the tiled floor. Then she reached back with her wings and spread her cheeks far apart. “Please be gentle,” Rainbow said in an unconvincingly mocking tone, “it’s my first time.” Not seeing through Rainbow’s façade, Twilight paused perplexedly. “Wait didn’t you- I mean, there was Gilda, a- and Soarin',” she stammered. “I- I didn’t know you had never-” “Ugh, yes of course I did. Are you stupid?” Then, Dash continued her act in a sultry voice. “Please, put it in~” “Can you not do that, please. It’s really, really weird.” Rainbow swallowed and braced herself for the impact. “Okay-” Slowly but firmly, both rods pressed into her. With surprising smoothness, they disunited her lips. Twilight hadn’t lied; the spell made it feel like she was being filled with the most enjoyable things that a mare could be filled with. Figuratively. She let out a drawn out moan that would have made her mother proud. Or maybe not proud, but something or other. At the very least, it made her cheeks pulse with bashfulness. By the time the moan was over, everything sat securely where it was supposed to go. “Alright.” Twilight let go of Rainbow’s tail, which immediately clamped itself in between her legs. Rainbow got up and turned around, her cheeks tinted pink as if she’d just been slapped in the face. After a pause she said. “Let’s never speak of this again.” Twilight said nothing, hoping that this was indeed the most embarrassing thing Rainbow had to go through today. Rainbow trotted closely behind Twilight. Her tail was again closely jammed in between her legs. Before they'd left the bathroom, she had checked herself out in the mirror. She was now wearing a double-pair of rainbow-striped socks that uncomfortably accentuated her flanks; and a thin black collar with a leash, that she held herself with a wing. Twilight had told her that that was popular among those “humans”, and Rainbow had no choice but to believe her. She had also checked out her flankside in the mirror and though it felt like the two dildos were spreading her apart by miles, they weren't actually pushing her butt cheeks apart much. Nestled in there, they weren't actually very visible when she was standing normally, even without her tail for extra cover. But it didn't feel like that, and she really didn't want any of the guards they were passing to notice. Finally they arrived in the throne room, where the rest of the mane six and several more guards stood. At the end of the room, there was the Stargait; a big metal ring, with a ramp leading up to it. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Lyra was also part of the welcoming committee, although Rainbow doubted she had any factually accurate knowledge. “Wow,” Rainbow muttered as she joined her chattering group of friends, who all grew silent when they looked at her. One after the other, they gave her apologetic smiles, which made her painfully aware of her special role here. They all had neatly brushed coats and manes, but none of them wore as silly an outfit. Normally she would have hovered over the head of her friends, but given her circumstances, that seemed like a bad idea. So she opted to sit down, but regretted her decision instantly, when this sent a jolt through her privates. Not wanting to draw attention to this, she remained seated with her flanks hovering just a smidge over the floor. “Nice socks,” Pinkie cheered, breaking the awkward silence. Then glancing at Dash's flanks, she added “It really brings out the best in you!” Rainbow lifted a socked hoof and locked down to it, but before she could respond, a light at the rim of the Stargait lit up. Everypony's eyes eyes now fixed on the slowly turning ring. “Here we go,” Twilight said sternly. > For Equestria, For The Universe, For Fuck's Sake! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One after the other, the lights on the Stargait turned on: Chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! whirrrrrrr... chonk! Swoosh! A blueish liquid surface filled the ring, rippling with soft regular waves like a stirred up lake, except that it was vertical. Everypony stared in anticipation, standing in a line a few meters away from the ramp leading up to the gate. It momentarily made Dash forget the silly rainbow socks, the leash, and even the dildos embedded in her nethers. Nopony moved, except for four guards who were hastily bringing in a throne which they sat down near the ramp; then they quickly resumed their positions. For an apparent eternity, nothing happened, until: plop! Something, or someone pushed through the portal and came to stand on the ramp. Rainbow's jaw dropped, as she observed the curious creature that stood right there on its hind legs. She didn't know what she had expected, perhaps some kind of ape. But this? What was that even? It was soft and flabby, flesh colored like a pig, and clothed in saggy dark pants and some sort of sleeveless shirt, that was drenched in sweat around its neck and belly. It had grotesquely tiny eyes, and sparse fur, except under its forelegs, where a thick bunch of black hairs sprouted. Perhaps it had some kind of disease that made it lose its fur? Rainbow couldn't help but twist her mouth at how gross it looked. Or perhaps it was a he? Its pants obstructed any clear indication. She glanced left and right, hoping to meet the eyes of her friends, but they all just kept staring straight ahead. Only Lyra seemed to have an excited grin on her face. Dash observed the creature slowly waddling its way down the ramp, but then it stumbled and fell on its face. It seemed to Dash like it only walked on its hind legs in order to appear bigger, at which it succeeded. This way, it definitely overtowered all of the ponies in the hall. But on all four legs, it was only slightly taller. Its massive physique really didn't seem suited for walking on two legs any more than a pony's. The impact had sent a wave though its body that resonated for a few seconds before it subsided. This time it was Twilight who tried to catch her friend's looks. Should she help the human? She hesitated, and in the meanwhile it had picked itself up again and began waddling to the throne, leaving behind a greasy spot where it had fallen on the otherwise pristine floor. It picked up the bowl of chips that sat there and popped a hand full in its maw. Apparently, the journey had exhausted to the point that it needed a quick snack. Twilight cleared her throat. “Welcome to Equestria, human,” she said shakily, but then her voice gradually became more firm. The human just turned its head at her and continued chewing. Twilight spread her wings in an attempt to appear festive, accidentally nudging her friends in the process. “On this great day that you chose to bless us with your presence, we have assembled to express our deepest appreciation for your arrival.” The human had now turned around and waddled towards the group of tense and confused ponies. “We have not had much time to prepare, but we hope you will find everything to your liking. If you’d like to oblige, we have a tour through the castle planned. I think you’ll be very interested in that. Or – if you prefer –, we have a chamber prepared for you where you can rest, first. Also, everypony here is happy to be answer any -” Without turning her head, Dash looked to the side at her friend who had stopped speaking. Twilight, too, had noticed that the human was now standing right in Rainbow’s face, such that her muzzle was almost touching its wet shirt. Rainbow glanced back up at the human’s face and suppressed the urge to recoil when it reached for her face with its soft meaty claws. A soft gasp came from the right of Rainbow where Lyra was standing. “H- hands!” She excitedly clip-clopped her front hooves on the floor alternatingly. “He’s touching you with his hands. And- and the thumbs, just- wow. So graceful, so-” Lyra was clearly at a loss for words. Rainbow could feel the warm and moist palms on her cheeks. “Uh-,” she opened her mouth in confusion, but this turned out to be a mistake: on both sides, the shortest finger each slipped in. “Now he’s using his thumbs,” Lyra continued to marvel. “He’s using his thumbs to- uh. What is he doing?” “I’wm nawt shure,” Dash mumbled through his fingers. Though cautious not to touch his thumbs with her tongue, she still couldn’t avoid the cheesy flavor to seep toward her taste buds. After a second of thinking she added, “Awnd haow do hew know it’sh a she? Ah mean, a ff- sh- chee?” she struggled to pronounce. “It’s not a she, it’s a male human. A man,” Lyra explained, raising one eyebrow. “A human mare would have more fatty tissue in the chest area. Though- for this particular specimen that’s probably a bit ambiguous. But the clearest indication is his bulge.” She gave Dash an elbow nudge and whispered, “I think he likes you.” “Huh?” Rainbow glanced straight down between his arms at his pants. There it was, the quite visible outline of what could only be a penis. Her eyes shrunk to the size of marbles. Lyra kept nudging Rainbow's shoulder until she shook her off. “Yes, uh, everypony is at your, uh- service and-,” Twilight had just found her voice again, only to lose it again when the human suddenly dropped his pants. Rainbow just remained perfectly still with a thousand-yard stare. Lyra slowly shifted closer from the side to get a better view on the human's equipment. “Whoa!” she marveled at the thick fleshy piece of meat, caped at the base with dense black fur. When she had opened her mouth to gasp, she hadn’t had the consciousness to swallow, such that a bit of spit sloshed over her lips and down her chin. Regaining her voice once again, Twilight said, “I see you are taking- interest in Rainbow. If you like, you can... You know... she’d feel honored, if you- uh.” Then she drew Rainbow’s head close with a wing and hissed, “Okay, just remember what we discussed earlier.” Dash gave her a pained look. “Uh, what was that again?” “Just stay cool,” Twilight hissed again. “Now relax.” Before Rainbow had processed the latter statement, she felt a swift tug in her lower cavities that dragged her a few steps backward. The two slick dongers audibly plopped out, drawing along a glistening string of personal lubricant onto her tail. Both holes munched once or twice at the cold air before squeezing shut. Then, Twilight's magic picked up her leash, lead her to turn around, and finally tied the leash to a pole she hadn’t noticed before. She was now looking away from the group, and facing the human dead on with her flankside. All this happened in the matter of mere seconds, leaving her no time to think. “T- Twilight?” Dash tried to turn her head to look at her friends, but the leash prevented her form doing so. Her tail was glued between her hind legs, which she pressed together as tightly as she could. This was all going way too quick. Was she going to be fucked right here, in the throne room, with all of her friends watching? What was she supposed to do? Was there anything she could do? “Just give her a minute, please. She’s a little- shy,” Twilight said behind her back apologetically, then she turned to her rainbow friend again. In a low voice, she hissed, “Rainbow, just relax and present yourself. Please!” Twilight’s fear of the human’s powers bled through her words, only making Dash more nervous. Dash’s jaw locked as she tried lifting her tail, but it just wouldn’t budge. Eyes fixed at the pole that she was tied to, she strained every muscle until her face turned as red as if she were taking a big shit. This feeling of dread was new to her. In all the adventures she had survived, all dangers she had faced, she had never lost control of her body this badly. And everything depended on this. “Dash! Please!” She felt magic tug at her dock, but it remained firmly covering her crotch. Desperately, Twilight poured more power into the spell in hopes of dislodging the stubborn tail, but it just lifted Rainbows backside up, leaving her trembling socked hooves dangling centimeters off the floor. Still, her privates were neatly covered. Dash knew what she had to do. She just had to relax her fricking stupid tail, this small string of muscle, but it didn’t want to obey. It was as if the weight of all of Equestria rested on her dock, the fate of the whole universe. The human’s rage would be terrible if she didn’t submit; she knew for sure in that moment. Getting fucked for a minute wasn’t that bad, was it? It was the better option. But it looked so repulsive! Was it already too late now? Was the human already preparing to let loose its wrath? And what were her friends thinking, seeing her fail like this? She couldn’t even turn to see if she wanted to. Tears started to accumulate in the corners of her eyes and she let out a whimper. “Dash! Please, please, please, -” Twilight, too, was sobbing now, but then her pleas abruptly stopped. Through her blurry vision, Dash saw an orange blob approach. Then, her head was drawn into a tight embrace. “Hush,” a soft voice breathed, “it’s okay.” “A- AJ?” Rainbow wheezed. She’d forgotten to breathe for a whole minute. The tears now poured down her brightly glowing cheeks. “It’s fine. Don’t worry.” The warmth from Applejack’s body put her at ease. “I’m here. We’re all here.” “B-but-” Rainbow would have preferred to not be seen in this misery, but if this was how it should end, she was glad to be with a friend. “Shush~ It’s okay, sugar cube,” AJ spoke with a soothing voice. “I- I’m sorry.” “Shh~ now breathe, silly.” She let go of Rainbow’s head for a moment. Blinking, Rainbow noticed her honest smile. “AJ?” Dash gasped softly. “Nopony’s angry at cha.” AJ started to ruffle Dash’s messy mane. Then she gave out a pressed laugh and whispered “And did ya see that itty little dick of his? Ya'll probably not even notice when it goes in.” That comment made Dash smirk. It was true: considering that it – he – was bigger than a pony, the length was significantly below average for a stallion, and the girth was just in the same ballpark. Dash blinked away her tears, and her face grew determined again. “Y-yeah,” she laughed half-convincingly. “Don’t worry ‘bout me. I can do this. What made you think otherwise?” AJ resumed the embrace. “And Ah’ll be here for you, no matter what.” And finally, Rainbow Dash’s muscles relaxed and her tail lifted slowly but surely, up and to the side. A collective gasp of relief filled the room. “Gimme a little space, here,” Rainbow said to AJ, who let go of her head, then sat down closely next to her. With an cocky grin on her face, Dash assumed the IWTCIRD pose. She drew her front legs close until her chest touched the floor, then slowly swayed her hips as she spread her hind legs far apart, exhibiting her dark blue lips and soft doughnut. Lubricant had been leaking from both since she had been uncorked; all the clenching had smeared it across the inner sides of her cheeks. Now that she was relaxed, it started trickling down her thighs where it was absorbed by her long rainbow socks. Her drenched technicolor tail – shaking in sync – was dragging along a web of glistening viscous strings. “Now? What are you waiting for,” she said bravely. After a bit of waddling – which was even more challenging, now that the human was wearing his pants by the ankles – two familiar moist palms grasped Rainbow’s firm buns, pushing them apart. She slowed her hip’s gyration as she felt her lips being dragged alongside her butt cheeks, until they in turn become unstuck and parted, giving out an almost inaudible squelch. One or two waddles later, she felt a soft but rigid piece of meat prodding against her tail hole. Of course – with the human being taller than her – the wrong hole was at the perfect height. “Eh-” Rainbow’s face scrunched up, as if she’d bitten straight into a lemon. Next to her, AJ bit her lower lip and put on an apologetic smile. From her vantage point, she couldn’t see what exactly was going on, but she pet Dash’s mane none the less in hopes of comforting her. Though Rainbow was determined to do whatever was necessary, she wasn’t keen on taking it up the arse. So she tip-hoofed, attempting to instead align her tunnel of life with his dick. It almost worked; now she felt it pressing against the topmost corner of her slit. But that was as far as her legs could reach. Felling it press stronger now, she was afraid it could slip up and into her soft pucker, so she hopped desperately to bring herself up just that little bit that was missing and- Plop! it slid right in as her butt plunged back down on his cock. “Ahhhh~” The glob of meat dragging along her clit, combined with the sensation-enhancing spell elicited a moan from Dash. Simultaneously, the human gave out a hoarse grunt – the first vocalization she heard from this eerily mute creature. While panting from the small shock, Rainbow felt the stubby fingers slide forward, across her cutie marks, along her sides, and up to her withers. In the process, the human leaned forward, until it was laying prone on the pegasus mare’s back. Taken by surprise again, it was her who grunted now. She had expected him to remain standing, rather than rutting her like an – albeit fat – stallion. She wheezed as she shifted about until she found a more stable stance so she could support his weight better. All the while, her mane was petted by AJ – though Dash wasn’t so sure anymore which of the two ponies the stroking was supposed to calm. As she stood there, focused on keeping the dead weight balanced, he started to slowly rock back and forth, sliding his meat in and out. His arms were now loosely wrapped around her neck, and his chin was pressed flat against her withers. His warm breathing made her hairs stand on end. Okay, Dash though to herself, breathing calmly in and out. I can handle this. Just imagine it is a stallion’s- hm, no it’s too short for that. A, um- a tongue. Yeah, it’s a tongue. Somepony’s soft, sexy tongue, and they’re eating me out. And on my back there’s a- a bunch of heavy, soft and warm blankets, because- uh- doesn’t matter. Having completed her substitution-fantasy, Dash tried to ignore the grunts that were coming over her shoulder, and the drool that was trickling out of his mouth and into her mane. Her back, too, was being drenched in almost unbearably hot sweat which seemed to practically ooze from his chest and belly. Dash pressed her eyes shut and began softly bucking her hips, opposing his motion and thereby enhancing his thrusts. The mass of fat she was carrying started to resonate in sync. It’s just wet blankets. I’m being eaten out. It’s just wet fat- no, uh- blankets. It’s just- she repeated in her mind over and over again. That AJ’s hoof was still petting her mane didn’t make it easier to immerse herself in her dream, but she didn’t want to risk losing this shallow fantasy, so she said nothing. Still unsure if she was okay with enjoying this, Dash became increasingly hot and bothered. Apparently she had been successful in talking herself into believing her own words – at least enough, that she could feel a heat growing in her loins, and her own sap slowly replacing the artificial lubricant. Her bucks increased in frequency, vigorously heaving the bulk of blankets back and forth. She purposefully began moaning loudly as to drown out the grunts from her back. Cringing, AJ finally became aware of what she was doing. She was petting her friend’s mane, who was in the middle of something that was normally best confined to the privacy of a married couple's bedroom. AJ jerkily removed her hoof and looked at it, as if it had betrayed her. Meanwhile, a wave of bliss was approaching Rainbow. “Yeah, ah~, work that tongue,” she blurted out, unaware of her surroundings. Just a few more bucks, just a little more... And then it hit her like a crash landing. The spell worked its orgasmic magic, and raw energy flooded from her love tunnel through her backside and into her tummy, churning like a thunderstorm of joy. Her wings flared open, pushing up some of the overhang of the wet blankets in the process. Her engorged clit pulsed and squeezed past the flesh that filled her, out into the cold air as if it wanted to escape this siege of pleasure. Her muscles tensed up, threatening to tear, effectively stopping her bucking. Her drooling mouth stood half agape, releasing a decidedly uncool, drawn out squeal of delight. With strained muscles and stretched out, trembling legs, she stood still for at least a minute. Then, her clit finally gave up its escape plan, and withdrew into the comfort of its home that was Rainbow’s snatch. Her squeal had subsided as she had used up her last reserves of air. And with that, all the energy withdrew from her limbs: her wings dropped down to her sides, and her front legs immediately buckled, making her drop to her knees. Heavily panting, she felt all senses surge back: the hot stench, the sweat drenching her coat, her juices dribbling down her thighs, and her spit-soaked mane. But most of all: the terrible weight on her back that burdened her aching legs. Panting heavily, she couldn’t muster up the will to resist the pressure any longer, and so she slumped down. Dash panted heavily, lying prone in the shallow puddle of their mixed sweat. The hot fat that cloaked her back and neck was maddening, but she couldn’t do anything about it. All of her energy had been exhausted, and so she had no other choice but to endure it. Even closing her mouth to stop driveling seemed utopian. With herculean strength, she opened her eyes. She saw AJ give her a worried look. But everything was okay. It’s over, she thought. I did it. It’s o- Right then, the amorphous mass on her back started rocking again. Somehow, in the process of flopping to the ground, his cock must have slipped out. Once or twice it prodded against her pucker, causing it to tighten up. But that was all she could muster; her face remained complete blank. Luckily, his cock slid to the side, and now he was just humping the soft groove between her anus and dock, and her right butt cheek. Apparently the human wasn't done yet. > Epilog: A Letter to Celestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned that Rainbow Dash truly is the Element of Loyalty! Without major hesitation, she took on the epic task of getting fu pleasuring the human “ambassador”. And pleasure she did! It went on for hours, until she had been reduced to a salivating vessel of semen and fur. Even though it turned out that this particular specimen was indeed not an ambassador, we gained fascinating insights into their mating behavior. It was truly marvelous to watch – though I apologize for the stains on the floor – had I been aware that Lyra has such a strong sexual preference for humans, I would not have invited her. However, since the ambassador is of less value we expected – and nopony seemed to know what to do with it – we entrusted Lyra to care for it. More importantly though: I am happy to report that Rainbow Dash does not seem to have suffered any permanent bodily damages. ...Except for the second degree burns she incurred on herself during a shower, when she finally had gained consciousness again. She also starts winking uncontrollably and shows an increase in vaginal lubricating every time the human is mentioned: This may be an aftereffect of the spell; I will study this interesting phenomenon and keep you up to date. Fortunately, this does not seem to adversely affect her function as an Element of Harmony. Perhaps worse, Fluttershy seems to be suffering a trauma from observing the act. When it happened, she kept her head buried in her hooves, crying and whimpering. She also seems to have lost control of her bladder at some point. She has not been responsive since. Informally, this is known as a “fuck shock”. Her condition causes me great sorrow. But all in all, this event has been of great scientific value and could certainly have gone worse. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle