> My Giant Dinobots > by Ultron 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Dinobots Arrive! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Sea of Rust. Objective: defend space bridge from Decepticon attack. Team Comprised: Jazz, Cliff Jumper, Jet Fire, and the Dinobots "Me Grimlock hate waiting". "Cool your cylinders Grimlock, you won't have to wait much longer" exclaimed Jazz. Cliff Jumper asked "Hey, Grimlock how many Decepticons you gonna smash"? "More than you". "Don't make me laugh, I'll obviously take out more Cons than you" "Me Grimlock smash you too"! "Stay calm you two" cut in Jet Fire. "If we have to wait here any longer, I think Grimlock is going to blow a gasket". "I know Jet Fire we just have to wait for Optimus to contact us" said Jazz. "Come in Jazz do you read" beamed Optimus' voice off the coms link. "Thank, Primus" Jet Fire said reluctantly. "Loud and clear Optimus" said Jazz. "Good, is your team ready"? "Sure is Prime". "The space bridge cannot be lost Jazz, it is of most importance that you keep the Decepticons from taking it". "Got it". "According to readings Perceptor has received it seems the Decepticons will be there in..." "Uh-Oh, gotta go Prime the Cons are here". "Good luck too all of you" spoke Prime as the coms link disconnected. "Me Grimlock no need luck". The Autobots did not know about this plan until about an hour ago in Cybertronian time. The Decepticons prepared for an easy fight so they were ill prepared for Dinobots. It wasn't that many a small group of forty Decepticons led by Sound Wave. Nothing the Autobots couldn't handle, especially for the Dinobots. "Me Swoop go first". "No, me Slug going first". "Just bust some Cons okay" retorted Cliff. "Dinobots Transform" roared Grimlock. As soon as the Dinobots got onto the battle field, many Decepticons thought it was a good idea to not fight, but run for dear life. The Dinobots had already plowed through a few Decepticons. Sludge stomping metal, Snarl knocking Decepticons over with his tail. With the Dinobots there the Decepticons did not have a chance. Sound Wave ejected Laser Beak and Rat Bat. "Commence operation: Autobot Devastation" spoke Sound Wave in a cold metallic voice to his pets. Rat Bat flew off towards Jazz and started to shoot at him. Jazz instinctively jumped up and kicked Rat Bat right in the face. Jazz landed back on his feet while Rat Bat hit the ground with a thud. Jazz goes back to fighting and Rat Bat is down for the count knocked out cold. Jazz gets a call for help from Cliff. So Jazz speeds off to assist Cliff Jumper. Sound Wave receives a signal from Rat Bat and goes to retrieve him. Sound Wave arrives to see that one of Rat Bat's wings broken from the fall and a dented up face thanks to Jazz's kick. Sound Wave grabs Rat Bat and then heads back into the battle. Jet Fire was in jet mode flying around turning cons into shrapnel. "You Decepticons are making this too easy" Jet fire said mockingly as he blew up a group of Decepticons with his rockets. Sound Wave watched as the Decepticons were being decimated. Sound Wave however, had an idea. He had snuck his way up to the space bridge but, Grimlock and the the other Dinobots had noticed. Sound Wave had called Laser Beak back to help him hack into the bridges terminal The space bridge was activated and Sound Wave attempted on making the space bridge engulf it self and suck the Autobots into to it as well. He turns around instead to see the Dinobots heading straight torwards him. Sound Wave in defense fired a huge sonic pulse which disrupted the space bridge and created a huge fluctuation which ended up sucking all the Dinobots into it. Sound Wave witnessed as the Dinobots got sucked in one by one. The space bridge shut off as Sound Wave recovered from the emp he had just created to see all the Decepticons had retreated and learned that Laser Beak was missing. Laser Beak would not just leave Sound Wave with out command from himself or Megatron. Sound Wave had no time the Autobots would be on him soon se he too also fled. Leaving the Autobots victorious but, with the Dinobots gone. "Uh, Prime we gotta problem, the Dinobots are probably floatin some where in space". Twilight Sparkle was deeply enjoying the book she was reading when suddenly a huge florescent blast of light shakes the library and all of Ponyville. She told Spike to stay inside until she gave the okay. She busted right out her front door to see a horrified pony staring at a pile of what seemed to be robotic beasts and hears some of the worst grammar ever "Me Grimlock confused." Twilight didn't know what to do at first instinctively she wanted to star blasting them with her magic but for some odd reaon she decided to get closer to the metallic mass of brutes. She dodged back out of shock as Grimlock stood up which caused Slag and Swoop to slid off of his back onto Sludge. Grimlock was in T-Rex form so he transformed back into his bot form. As he transformed Twilight Sparkle watched in amazement as his legs became his arms and how his body compacted into a new form. As soon as he was done he looks over to see Twilight stand there and just gaze at him. It was a good couple of minutes of them staring at each other before Grimlock broke the awkwardness by saying "You are so tiny too me Grimlock". "Me Grimlock crush small Decepticon". Grimlock pulls out his sword but, before he can strike Twilight Sparkle says "Wait,I don't even know what you are talking about I am a pony named Twilight Sparkle and this is Ponyville". "Pony Decepticon? Me Grimlock never heard of that kind of Decepticon". "Me Grimlock still smash". As he comes down with his sword for the hit Twilight braces her self with a shielding spell. Out of no where they hear "Get away from her you big dummy". Rainbow Dash comes soaring down and bracing her self colliding into Grimlock. She makes impact and she shudders like a gong and merely bounces off and lands on the ground. Grimlock just stands there contemplating what just happened and then moves to strike down on Rainbow Dash. Twilight then shoots off a blast of magic which sends Grimlock falling back. The area in which he had gotten hit was charred and badly damaged. Grimlock got back up to continue in battle but sees that a crowd of ponies earth, pegasi, and unicorns alike was forming around them. Grimlock realizes that ponies very similar to Twilight were in the crowd. Grimlock knew if he would continue to fight he would just get hit with more magic and be defeated. He puts away his sword and Twilight immediately puts a spell of constriction on him. "Let me Grimlock go" "Why? So you can terrorize more ponies" Rainbow Dash cut in. "Me Grimlock was giving up". "Yeah, because we were gonna kick your butt". "Rainbow, easy maybe he's not bad". "Like you know Twilight". "This all just happened so fast, we don't know who or what all of them are and why they are in Ponyville. So please just calm down Rainbow". "He just tried to smash you into a pulp". "That is true, and he attempted to attack you but he called me a Decepticon I don't know what in Equestria that means. He also sounded like he had no idea what a pony is". At hearing this Rainbow Dash starts laughing and says "He doesn't know what a pony is"? "Quiet Rainbow! So Grimlock is it, what is a Decepticon"? "Decepticons bad, Dinobots crush Decepticons" replied Grimlock. "Um... okay then. Thanks for being SO DESCRIPTIVE". "Your welcome" replied Grimlock. Well, we are not Decepticons and we are not bad" spoke Twilight. "You did not attack like Decepticon. Me Grimlock notice you saved each other, Decepticons rarely do that". "Like I said we are not Decepticons. Now I am going to let you go but only if you promise not to attack or hurt any pony". "What if you lying about not being decepticons". "I promise we are not Decepticons". "If you are lying me Grimlock smash you". "What if you are the one who's lying" questioned Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow don't make this worse, just leave him be". Twilight stops the spell and says "Alright... There you should be able to move". Grimlock stands up and walks over to the pile of Dinobots and gives them a kick to wake up. As the they start to get up Grimlock says "Don't ask questions. Don't do anything until Me Grimlock say too". They all nodded and listened to Grimlock's orders. Out of no where a pink blur runs up to Rainbow and Twilight and screams "TWILIGHT WHO IS YOUR NEW FRIEND? WHAT'S HIS NAME? DOES HE LIKE BAKING? OH WE ARE GOING TO BE FRIENDS". She starts bouncing around Grimlock asking more questions than he can even begin to comprehend. "Me Grimlock is just confused". "SO YOUR NAME'S GRIMLOCK. HI I'M PINKIE PIE, LET'S BE FRIENDS". Twilight yells "Pinkie stop, this isn't the time for this"! "Ok Twilight what's wrong". "That's the thing I have no idea". "Silly Twilight how can you have no idea what's going on. His name is obviously Grimlock and he..." "PINKIE"!!!!!!!! "Okay Twilight, don't be such a meanie beanie pants". "Sorry, Pinkie but we need to find out a little more about what is going on and I know just the person to ask". "Pack your bags Rainbow and Pinkie". "Where are we going Twilight" asked Rainbow. "To Canterlot. Oh yeah that reminds me Spike it's okay now, you can come out". "Okay coming Twilight". Spike walks out of the library and sees Grimlock standing there and the other Dinobots behind him "Whoa what are those things"? "I'm not quite sure yet Spike. I need you to write a letter stating we are coming to Canterlot immediately with some BIG guests and some big questions". "I'll get right on it". Spike runs inside to write the letter and send it to Celestia. The other Dinobots had no idea what was happening all they knew was that Grimlock was speaking to the brightly colored inhabitants of this strange world and that Grimlock told them every thing would soon be answered. "Get all your buddies ready Grimlock we are going to make a trip". "What we going to do"? "We have to find answers and I know were to get them". "Okay where do we start". Twilight says "First to answer all of our questions we need to see my mentor Princess Celestia". The trip to Canterlot was not doing Grimlock any good. They had to use a giant blimp because the Dinobots would not fit in a train. He had to sit there listening to Pinkie's life story and all of her favorite hobbies. He too though told the story of the war and that they fight for freedom on the side of the Autobots. He talked about his team the Dinobots Snarl, Slag, Sludge, and Swoop. He talked about Cybertron and it's moons. Twilight out of all of them was the most interested in Grimlock's story. She was enthralled into the story like a science fiction novel. Finally though after much waiting they made it into to Canterlot. As they were walking towards the castle every pony was staring at the Dinobots in disgust, interest, or confusion. One esteemed colt was walking down the street and Grimlock was on the same path going the opposite way. He goes up to Grimlock and says "Get out of my way you savage Brute". Grimlock didn't like this and transformed into his T-Rex form and said right in his face "Me Grimlock did not hear you first time". "Oh nothing please go ahead". "That's what me Grimlock thought". So they continued on to the castle. When they arrived Celestia was waiting for them. "I've been anxious to see what all this talking was about. Off that topic follow me I believe there are many questions to be answered". > Counter Parts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well all of this you have told me is very interesting. The war, Autobots and Decepticons, Cybertron it all sounds fascinating. Besides the war with the Decepticons" said Celestia "Me Grimlock see many Autobots loose their spark in battle. We continue on for them and for freedom". "The Autobots sound very noble indeed". "Enough about me Grimlock. Tell me about Equestria". "Well you see Grimlock I wanted to learn about you and the Dinobots. I have asked Twilight Sparkle and four of her friends to volunteer individually and take a Dinobot each to show them everything about Equestria". "You mean us Dinobots split up"? "For now, it would just make it easier with a one on one approach. You will all still get to see each other and while they teach you everything I am going to find a way to get you back home". "Okay, we Dinobots are going to separate and learn about Equestria". In harmony all the other Dinobots groaned. "We are in Equestria and Princess Pony knows best. Me Grimlock meant Princess Celestia knows best for us while we are here and don't attack anyone because unicron magic hurts. I mean unicorn magic hurts". "Thank you Grimlock. Girls pick the Dinobot you want to teach and have stay with you...." "WAIT DID I HEAR RIGHT? WE GET TO PICK A DINOBOT. I'M GONNA PICK GRIMLOCK". "Pinkie I already talked with Princess Celestia about getting Grimlock. She requested this since he is the leader of the Dinobots after all". "Aww man, I geuss I'll take... OHH THE ONE WITH THE LONG NECK. HI WHAT'S YOUR NAME I'M PINKIE PIE". "Me Sludge". "GREAT WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER COME ON LET'S GO BAKING. NO WAIT LET'S GO PRANKING. HEY YOU SHOULD MEET MY PET ALLIGATOR GUMMY"! Pinkie continued to talk on and on as she and Sludge walked out of the room. Grimlock was worried about how sludge would handle things but he knew Sludge wouldn't do anything bad, so he just decided to move on. "It's a no brainer for me I'm taking Swoop here" replied Rainbow Dash. "I guess that means Apple Jack will get Slug right here. What about Snarl? I know for sure Rarity will not want to watch over any of the Dinobots". "What is wrong with us Dinobots". "Oh nothing, it's just Rarity has a lot of orders of dresses to finish. Also, I am worried about her first impression of you guys". "So what happens to Snarl"? "I guess we have to ask Flutter Shy". "Uh, Twilight are you sure that is such a good idea" asked Rainbow. "I know Rainbow but, we have to find a friend that can watch over him. Besides if the introduction goes smoothly between the two we have nothing to worry about". "I'll help you with getting Flutter Shy calmed down and comfortable for the introduction". "Thanks Rainbow it will make things a lot easier". "So where are we going" asked Grimlock. "To Flutter Shy's cottage" replied Twilight. The trip back to Ponyville was not as bad as the trip to Canterlot. Not as many questions were riddling Grimlock's head. The Dinobots would still have to seperate and Grimlock was not sure if that was the best idea. When he experienced the blast from Twilight sparkle it was a pain indescribable. He did not want to make enemies with the ponies and they seemed like they were not hostile. The Dinobots were also in a unfamiliar place so he decided best to go with what the ponies wanted. As soon as they arrived in Ponyville they headed off to Flutter Shy's cottage. They stopped by Apple Acres first to drop off Slug. "Golly Twi, Slag here is sure impressive". "All the Dinobots are, well we should go Apple Jack. We need to take Snarl here to Flutter Shy's". "You sure that will work out all right"? "I hope so Apple Jack". They had made it to Flutter Shy's fairly quickly. Now it was a matter of making a good impression for Snarl. Twilight and Rainbow had walked inside to talk to Flutter Shy first before the introduction to Snarl. Grimlock, Snarl, and Swoop were waiting outside and Snarl started a conversation. "Do you think we will ever get home." "Me Grimlock have no idea". "I don't think I can last long in this place" replied Swoop "Tell me about it" said Snarl. "Do we really have to split up Grimlock"? "Yes we do Swoop". "Why"? "It will help us learn more about this place and it's customs". "I don't want to". "Yes you will". "No I won't". "Yes you will". "No"! "Yes"! "NO"! Swoop and Grimlock were about to get at it when Snarl sees a small white bunny scared out of it's wits. The fight that Grimlock and Swoop were having had scared the crap out of it. Snarl yells "Stop you two"! He then proceeds to walk over to the bunny. Even while Snarl approaches, the bunny is just sitting there staring at him too shocked and frightened to move. Swoop and Grimlock watched in silence as Snarl got nearer to the bunny. Snarl had no idea what to do but something compelled to him to transform from his dino form, and then gently picks up the bunny and starts cradling it. Snarl had no idea why he was doing this. He thought to himself "maybe because it is so harmless and weak" or "it needs comfort from being scared from Grimlock and Swoop's fight". "How sweet, does mommy Snarl want some energon for his baby" cackled Swoop. "Or, some mommy and me classes" added Grimlock. As Snarl cradles the rabbit it starts to doze off. A smile then forms on it's face as it had just fallen to sleep. Grimlock and Swoop are trying to hold in their laughter on how stupid Snarl looks but can't contain themselves. As this is happening Twilight and Rainbow are walking out with Flutter Shy in tow. Flutter Shy was scared but she trusted her friends judgement about these Dinobots and Snarl. Flutter Shy witnesses Grimlock and Swoop teasing and laughing their heads off at Snarl. She looks to Snarl and sees him cradling the rabbit. She did not like seeing them pick on Snarl. Her instincts kick in and runs up to confront Grimlock and Swoop. "Excuse me sirs but don't laugh at him". "Wait, what" replied Grimlock. "What I mean to say is you are making fun of him and I request you stop". "Make me". Flutter Shy tried being assertive but now she had to use her secret weapon. Flutter Shy then proceeded to use the stare on Grimlock. It took a good couple of minutes before the stare worked on Grimlock. Not in a matter of minutes Grimlock and Swoop were both apologizing to Snarl and they also apologized to everypony else. Snarl had accepted their apology. Flutter Shy walked up to Grimlock and Swoop "Apology accepted and thank you". Flutter Shy walks up to Snarl and says "You are very good there with Angel. Why don't you come out back and see all my other animals". With Snarl behind her they headed towards the back of her cottage and she says "See you tomorrow girls". Twilight and Rainbow Dash dumfounded by everything they had just witnessed. The Two still contemplating on how easy and smoothly that introduction went as they left and headed towards their homes. Rainbow Dash had taken the flying rout with Swoop maintaing a constant speed with her. Twilight and Grimlock however had to walk back. They finally made it back to the library. Spike was so excited to see Grimlock again. He was asking him so many questions but Twilight told him to quite down. Twilight had to figure out how to get Grimlock into the library so she just decided to teleport him inside he fit inside the main room but it was snug. Twilight retrieved a few books for Grimlock to read about Equestria and it's ponies and how they do things. Grimlock couldn't read it because it wasn't in Cybertronian. So Twilight had to read it for him nad give him lectures but Grimlcok had something urgent pop up in his mind. "Do you have any energon". "Ener-what" replied Twilight. "Energon is our life blood and if we don't get any for prolonged periods we can go offline". "I am afraid we don't but that is a major problem.... wait I do have an idea". "What is it"? "Unicorns could turn on machinery and give it power with a special spell. I just have to find it let's see here.......ah ha found. This spell should be easy to do". "Okay then do it". Twilight then shot a beam of pure energy into Grimlock. Grimlock felt like he was getting showered by a rust storm. Twilight finished the spell and asked "How do you feel"? "Energized. You should probably should go and do this spell on the other Dinobots. They will need some energy for sure". "Okay then I will go do that. Spike"! "Yes Twilight stay here and finish up Grimlock's lesson I'll be back soon". "Can I come with you"? "No, you should stay here and finish learning about Equestria Grimlock. I will be back shortly, you two have fun". The Ever Free forest was usually alive with activity this time of day just before dusk when all the monsters would come out and all the little animals would start to hide. But one in particular thing was off. A metallic bird was laying on the ground and an animal came over to sniff it and was treated to a surprising zap of electricity. The animal scampered off. Laser Beak's system had rebooted. He got up and checked his surroundings., they were unfamiliar. He took to the air and looked at the surroundings, again not familiar. Laser Beak flew toward what looked like a small settlement. He scanned the area for any intelligent beings. Many ponies were being monitored by Laser Beak but, one caught his attention the most. His scanners picked up a unicorn on a stroll down the street alone at dusk. A significant energy was coming out of it's horn, it gave off a reading similar to that of energon. More importantly for Laser Beak it could be used as a means of contacting the Decepticons. Laser Beak had the technology to hack and control Autobots and computers. Organics were never often seen by Cybertronians but Laser Beak had the ability to scan an organics brain. He stalked the unicorn for about twenty minutes then he moved in for the kill. There was deep thunk sound as Laser Beak inserted his scanner it took only seconds for Laser Beak to absorb the data. Due to the strange energy signature on the unicorn he used it's magic to send a message to the Decepticons giving them data and quadrants of the dimension from were he was. Laser Beak flew away leaving a unconscious mare. The Deceptiocns would receive his message soon. Twilight had returned from giving all the Dinobots energy. This interesting day had made her hungry and tired. "So how did the lessons go". "They went fine but were boring" Grimlock said bored out of his mind. "Well a good nights sleep should help". "What are we doing tomorrow"? "Oh, we are going to go around Ponyville and you'll get to meet everypony and see the town". Grimlock added "And learn more about Equestria". "Yep and you'll get to see Slug, Swoop, Snarl, and Sludge". "Yeah more learning". "Learning is not that bad". "It truly is the worst thing ever". "Grimlock you are so funny". Spike calls to tell Twilight Dinner is ready. "Grimlock would like to come join us? I know you can't eat our food but more just for novelty". "No I am going to go for a walk". "Do you know your way back here"? "Yes". "Alright just be careful". "I will". "OH wait let me teleport you out of the house". "I forgot about that". So Grimlock was teleported out of the library and he began his walk. He looked up at the night sky it was a lot more beautiful than Cybertron's Grimlock thought to himself. He was walking along looking at the buildings he'll most likely visit the next day. All of a sudden he heard a scream. Grimlock thought somebody was scared of him so he turned around to tell them not be worried about him but it wasn't him at all. A pony ran pass him and was looking a a Ursa Major that had found it's way into town and it was pissed. Grimlock pulls out his sword and says "Your not so big". > Sludge Cake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grimlock ran at the Ursa but got hit by it and went flying in the air. A small Pony was getting tucked in by his mother and father. "What if there is a monster in my closet". "Don't worry my sweet little foal no monsters will get you". Immediately as the mother said that to her foal Grimlock came flying through the front of the house in the view of the three ponies. They were staring in awe as Grimlock got back onto his feet. He noticed them and said "Sorry about that". He left the crumbled house and started running towards the Ursa Major. He prepared to swing his sword right into the Ursa Major's eyes. He missed only grazing it's face and as he ran by but, he saw a new target. Grimlock quickly recovered and sunk the sword right into it's knee. It gave out a loud shriek as blood started to run from it's wound. It swatted Grimlock to the side only too miss and get stabbed in the foot. Grimlock hit again only to be tossed to the side. Grimlock had to come up with a plan but what he had to work with was minimal. He did not need to worry though when he heard a familiar pair of wings flying towards him. "Hey Grimlock need a hand"? "Swoop use your missles to distract it". "Alright then". Swoop started too shoot at the Ursa Major and it seemed to be working well. Swoop shot a few more barrages before the Ursa Major fell down with a loud thud. "See that wasn't so hard". "It never is that easy. I also think you just made it angrier". As if almost on qeue the Ursa stood back up and turned around to face Swoop and gave out a loud roar. They both started to high-tail it out of there. "Grimlock what do we do"? "We need a plan". "What kind of plan". "A plan". "We can't just run away and have it chase us". "Let's see here..... SWOOP LOOK OUT"! Swoop was greeted to the sight of a large chunk of debris heading right towards him. "AH SCRAP"! Swoop had crashed onto the ground with the debris on top of him. "Looks like it's up to me now". Grimlock was looking for anything useful to beat the Ursa. It being on his heels was not helping either. Something caught his eye and quickly pulled off in the direction towards it. It was the Ponyville Town Hall. Grimlock turned around to face the Ursa going into dino form and charged right at it. Grimlock turned swiftly as they where about to collide. Grimlock then proceeded to run by the Ursa's side and shoot fire onto it. Grimlock repeated this maneuver multiple times while leading it in the direction of the town hall building. Grimlock this time ran toward it's right front leg, the one that he wounded, and prepared to ram into it. With a loud crash the Ursa collapsed in the allowing Grimlock time. He took off in the direction of Ponyville Town Hall. He started to climb the town hall building and he could feel that it would collapse under his weight at any moment. The Ursa had gotten back up and ran towards Grimlock. The Ursa was almost about to crash into the building, and at the right moment Grimlock jumped off of the building right onto the Ursa. Grimlock sunk his sword into the Ursa Major where the spine met the skull. The Ursa let out a huge roar before it collapsed to the ground. It was dead. "Well that was something" said Swoop as he caught up to Grimlock. "Are you okay from that debris"? "Yeah, I'll be fine". "So how did you know I needed help"? "I didn't, I had gone out for a short fly and I heard the commotion so I went to it. When I arrived I found you and this thing". The commotion that had just occurred pretty much woke up any sleeping ponies. They waited until the commotion stopped and all ponies shuffled out of their homes to see what all the noise was about. They all started crowding around the dead Ursa Major. "Is anypony hurt" asked Twilight as she ran up to the scene. "Me and Swoop are okay". "Don't you mean Swoop and I". "No I meant Me and Swoop are okay". "It's called manners". "Hmm". "Never mind". "Boy Grimlock you cut through that thing like Beryllium Bologna" added in Swoop "You mean Cesium Salami". "No BERYLLIUM BOLOGNA"! "CESIUM SALAMI"! "Okay calm down you two". Grimlock and Swoop stopped arguing. "I think everypony should go back to bed". "Man I could go for some stasis". "Me too Swoop. See you in the morning". Swoop flies off to Rainbow's and all the crowd starts to head back to their homes. "What do we do with the body" asked Grimlock. "I'll send Princess Celestia a note saying we'll need it removed". "What do we do know". "Sleep". It was a good few well deserved cycles of stasis for Grimlock. He had data streams of Cybertron and all of the other Autobots. It was finally morning when Grimlock awoke to Twilight trying to get him up. "What's wrong"? "I was going to head down to Sugar Cube Corner to get some pastries and decided for you to come with me". "Isn't that where Sludge is staying"? "Yep". "Alright then". As they got fairly close to Sugar Cube Corner a putrid smell filled the air. "Eww that is a awful smell". "What is it"? "I don't know but something tells me it has to do with Pinkie and Sludge". They arrived at Sugar Cube Corner to see a interesting spectacle. There was a stand set up in front with Sludge in dino form and Pinkie manning it. A strange food was on the stand being sold by them. "Oh hey Twilight how are? DID YOU COME TO TRY SLUDGE'S RECIPE? C'MERE TRY SOME". "Pinkie we came to get some pastries but now we are wondering what in Equestria that smell is". "Oh that, it's just Sludge's recipe". "Eww Pinkie I don't wanna eat that". "Come on try it it's really good. Sludge and I made made the recipe and we both baked it". "Pinkie what did you use to make these..." "Sludge Cakes, oh just the usual but, I can't tell you the rest it's a secret recipe". "Anything posionous in it". "No silly Twilight. Why would we put anything posionous in it". Pinkie had pushed Twilight up to the stand. Sludge looked down at Twilight and gave her a warm smile only in a way a robotic brontosaurus could. The cake looked like it was brown blob of chocolate and burnt icing. "So you gonna try it Twilight"? "I don't know Pinkie". Twilight looked up to see Sludge giving her a sheepish look. She could tell by his look that he really wanted her to try it. Twilight cringed but then spoke "Fine". "YAY" both Sludge and Pinkie cheered in unison. Sludge reached down and handed Twilight a cake with his maw. "Thanks". They both watched in anticipation as she was about to take a bite. She moved it closer to her mouth which made Pinkie and Sludge have more anticipation. The bite had come down. "HUUUUUUUH" Pinkie gasped with amazement. Twilight proceeded to chew. Sludge and Pinkie watched as Twilight contemplated what she was eating. GULP. "So what did you think"? "You know Pinkie and Sludge it isn't actually that bad. To tell the truth it's pretty tasty". "Yay, see Twilight it wasn't that bad". "You were right. It may have smelt funny and not looked tasty but it was. Also I was kind of in question of Sludge's baking skills but I was wrong. You know this makes me think of a saying". "What is that Twilight"? "Don't judge a book by it's cover". "OH SILLY TWILIGHT NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO DO WITH BOOKS". "It's an expressi..... never mind". Grimlock spoke up "Sludge you learn anything about Eqeustria"? "No not yet". Twilight said "Grimlock I agreed to teach lessons to all the Dinobots while my friends agreed to teach the simple stuff. Like mannerisms, what we do around Ponyville or Equestria kinda things". "Oh". "That reminds me Sludge today is your lesson". "Do I have too"? "Yes, you do Sludge I had too now it's your turn". "Fine". "Aww Twilight please don't take sludge away from me just yet". "Sorry Pinkie I won't keep him for too long". "You better not, we still have all this Sludge Cake to sell". "I Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart, hop to die, stick a cup cake, no Sludge Cake in my e..OWW. That always hurts". "Don't worry Twilight you'll get used to it eventually". "Alright Pinkie I'll bring him back soon". "What do I do"? "Oh yeah that's right Grimlock. Just walk around town or visit the other Dinobots". As soon as Twilight said that Rainbow Dash came flying into the scene. "Hi guys". "Hi Rainbow". "Twilight, Swoop and I where going to have a race and wanted to know if you would like to see it". "Sorry Rainbow I can't I have to teach Sludge about Equestria but, Grimlock could watch". "Alright then, what about you Pinkie". "Can't gotta sell Sludge Cake". "Okay then come on Grimlock lets go". Both Grimlcok and Rainbow said "See you guys later". They had arrived at where the race was going too be held. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were there as well as a few other ponies. The Cutie Mark Crusaders saw Rainbow and Grimlock walking up. At this they dashed towards them. "Rainbow Dash is that another Dinobot that's with you" inquired Scootaloo. "Yes". "Ohh let's see his dino form" said Sweetie Belle. "Okay then" replied Grimlock. Before their eyes he transformed into his T-Rex form. They watched in awe as his body folded, moved, and twisted. "There what do you think"? "That sure us som'thin" replied Apple Bloom. Swoop comes over to the group "Rainbow you ready for this race"? "You bet I am". "Get ready for your can to get kicked". "Please I am the fastest flyer in Equestria". "That may be. Let's see if those qualify for Cybertronian standards". The race track was an obstacle coarse of clouds. Swoop and Rainbow readied themselves at the starting point. "ON YOUR MARKS, GET SET, GO"! They were off in a flash. Swoop was going pretty fast, nearly on Rainbow's heels. Rainbow looked behind to see how close Swoop was. She saw him right behind her so she sped up. The crowd was cheering for the race between the two not who would win. Swoop had accidently made to sharp of a turn and went through a patch of clouds. Rainbow saw that this had disoriented Swoop, so she took the chance to get far ahead. Swoop wasn't about to let up though he sped up dodging all the obstacles. They where doing figure eights around clouds, going through them, avoiding them, even using them to their advantage. It was the last lap and Swoop was close to Rainbow they were neck and neck. Grimlock watched as the passed the final cloud patch a few meters from the finish line..... WOOSH Both Swoop and Rainbow passed the finish line. Both had come back to the ground and Grimlock ran up to the two exhausted racers and asked "Are you guys okay". "Yeah were fine but, who won" both Swoop and Rainbow asked. Scootaloo ran up and said "Feather Weight got a picture of who won let's see it". Feather Weight came up with the picture in hoof and handed it to Scootaloo. "We have to wait for it to come into focus......OH MY". "What is it Scootaloo" Rainbow demanded to know "You guys tied". "What" both Swoop and Rainbow asked in unison. "Yep see for your selves". She hands them the picture. "I can't believe it" said Rainbow. "Neither can I, Grimlock you obviously know that I would've won. This has to be rigged". "I don't think this was rigged Swoop". "Yeah you callin me a cheater". "No" replied Swoop back to Rainbow's comment. "Alright you two stop before this gets ugly". "Fine" both replied. At the end both Swoop and Rainbow shook wing and hoof. They both did a victory lap around the track to celebrate. Swoop and Rainbow had admitted they were both stunned by the outcome but they didn't let that get in between them. "Gongrats, to both of you". "Thanks Grimlock" both victors at the same time "You know we should make it an official celebration by having some Sludge Cake and Cesium Salami". "You mean Beryllium Balogna Grimlock". "No I me... okay Beryllium Balongna it is. Thats of course if the place has any". They all laughed at that statement as they headed to Sugar Cube Corner to celebrate. > A Eventful Time Span > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Wave was walking through the corridors of the Decepticon base. He had some very important information for Megatron. He had reached the fighting arena were Megatron was at his throne. "My lord Megatron." "Sound Wave what is it." "I have some information for you." "If it is about the assault on the space Bridge I already know. It is of no concern there are many other space bridges that can be taken and we have a few of our own." "It does have to do with the assault but, I think you will want to hear this." "Very well." "You remember how I reported about the space bridge transporting the Dinobots." "Yes." "Along with Laser Beak's disappearance." "Go on." "I have received a transmission from Laser Beak. He seems to be in a far off quadrant perhaps another universe." "Let him rust for all I care we our not going to send out an attempt for rescue." "I am not finished, it appears the universe or world Laser Beak sent the transmission from, is filled with a unique never ending source of energon." "Continue." "Laser Beak has also sent us the exact coordinates to where he is." Megatron stands up as a sinister smile forms on his face. "Sound Wave prepare the Decepticons to be deployed and ready our space bridge. We have energon to harvest." Grimlock and the dinobots had gotten used to things already. They had only been in Equestria for about a week. All the Dinobots had learned about Equestria and it's rich history. They have helped many ponies around Ponyville in need of help. Even though the Dinobots were in a different place with different rules, didn't stop them from being Dinobots. The Dinobots were having a good old wrestling match. Grimlock and sludge were throwing punches and would tackle each other. Twilight had to end it though because she and Grimloick were called to Canterlot on important business. They had arrived in Canterlot. Twilight and Grimlock had discussed a few things with Celestia. They mostly talked about Grimlock and how he was doing what he thought so far of Equestria and Ponyville. They had finished and Celestia had requested to speak to Twilight, alone. Twilight walks up to Celestia's room and knocks on the door. "Come in." "Hi Princess." "Hello Twilight how are the Dinobots doing?" "Oh, there doing fine." "Have they learned a lot about us and Eqeustria." "Yes, I've gone through and taught them about Equestria and it's history. While my friends taught them the basics." "That's good." "Actually the reason I came was to talk too you was about the Dinobots." "What's wrong." "I wanted to see how finding a way to get them home was coming." "Not so good I've looked at almost every major magical spells to teleport and nothing even is powerful enough to send them home." "There has to be some way." "Trust me I am not giving up yet." "What if we can't get them home. We will teach everything about Equestria but they will still be outcasts." "Don't give up yet Twilight we will find a way." "I hope so." Grimlock had come with Twilight to Canterlot to see Princess Celestia. She had told him to wait for Celestia and her to be done. As Grimlock was waiting he decided to snoop and see what the two were discussing. He had heard that they maay not be able to get home. Grimlock felt like his spark had just slowly dissolve away as he heard this. He heard the two coming back out and quickly made for the waiting area. They came walking out the door. "Alright Grimlock time to go." "Okay Twilight." Grimlock was thinking about what he had heard and talk to Twilight about it. He decided not to though there was a better time and place for it. Grimlock was thinking how the other Dinobots would respond to the news. Better not tell them he thought. They were staying in Canterlot for the night. Grimlock was led to his quarters in the castle. He had made sure to fill up on energy from Twilight's magic before they went their separate ways for the night. He was thinking about how earlier that day he had gone to Flutter Shy's to see how Snarl was doing. Snarl and Flutter Shy introduced him to all of her animals. Snarl had animals riding around on his spines the entire time Grimlock was there. He also remembered how Slug was helping Apple Jack buck down apples from the trees. At first for Slug it took a while because he would always knock over the trees which, made Apple Jack cross with Slug. He realized soon that he was using to much force so he lightened the kicks. Snarl and Apple Jack had collected a good amount of apples that day. Even if they didn't get home they wouldn't be useless. The Dinobots would have meaning. As Grimlock contemplated he slowly fell into a deep stasis. Grimlock dreamed of home again. He saw all his friends and just which so much to be back in Cybertron. "Grimlock." "MMMMMM wha..." "Grimlock we have to head back to Ponyville." "Okay". Twilight and Grimlock were heading towards the blimp. Grimlock was looking at the scenery, when something unusual caught his eye. He saw a strange blur fly by and land on a rooftop. It looked like Laser Beak. He thought his processors were fuzzy and shook his head. He looked back and there was nothing there. He concluded that he was seeing things and moved on. "Are you alright" Twilight asked with concern. "I'll be fine I thought I saw something." "You sure?" "Yes." Grimlock and Twilight boarded the blimp and where back on there way to Ponyville. "Hey Twilight." "Yes Grimlock." "Is it true we may not be able to get back to Cybertron." Twilight stiffened up as she heard this and didn't know how to reply back. The words stuttered out of her mouth "Th... that's a silly thing to say, of course you will get home." Grimlock gave her a long stare like he was looking deep within her inner being. He then got up too walk out of the room. "Wait! You heard us talking didn't you." "Yes. I'm sorry that I did that..." "No Grimlock don't apologize you have every right to hear what we spoke about." "Why?" "Well it does have to do with you and getting home and I believe you should know any information in regards to the Dinobots." "Thanks but, will we get home?" Twilight didn't know how to respond. Grimlock walked back over and slowly sunk back where he was previously sitting. Twilight looked at Grimlock looked so sad and depressed. If Grimlock could shed a tear it would be now at this moment. He was slowly losing himself to the idea that they may never get back home. Twilight could see that he had feelings even though he was an automaton. "Grimlock." "Yes." "It may be hard for you right now but, I promise you will get home." "How do you know for sure." "I don't, but I know you will." "Thanks, I guess." Twilight at first was a little disturbed when Grimlock had told her that he was listening. She didn't care now though, Grimlock had every right to know this information. All she could know is comfort Grimlock, she felt like it was going to be a long blimp ride. Princess Celestia sat in her room looking over more spells on teleportation. She had been at it for hours and was getting tired. Celestia decided to take a break and went out for a little walk to get some fresh air. Laser Beak was on a high perch over looking all of Canterlot looking for more unicorns to get energy from. The aura signature of a unicorn's magic and energon had the same energy pattern. While magic had more attributes and capabilities, it was a power source. Laser Beak had sent this information to the Decepticons because he knew it would peak Megatron's interest. Laser Beak had received a message stating that the Decepticons would come. He processed that it would be only a short amount of time before Megatron would arrive at most a few cycles. For the time being, he had to rely on himself to get Energon. He scoped out a few more places until he found his prey, Princess Celestia. She walking along as Laser Beak, unbeknownst to her stealthily flew towards her. He then dove down for the kill. He was so close to reaching his objective until luckily for Princess Celestia a guard had spotted him heading towards her. "Princess, behind you!" She turns to look behind her to see Laser Beak coming for her. Out of instinct she shoots a blast of magic. It grazes Laser Beak on the wing. He checks to see if the damage is serious after retreating into some bushes. Laser Beak calculates that if he received a blast like that directly he would go off line and high tailed out of there. A few guards run up to check to see if she was okay. "Yes" she replied to them. She was okay, and told the guards to sent out a search party to find whatever attempted to attack her. She then hurriedly went back to her room she had to write a letter to Twilight. Megatron stood before the space bridge waiting for the attack to commence. It was not that far from being played out now. He dreamed on how all the energon collected would increase their favor in the war. While his troops were energized, Optimus' Autobots would be scavenging for the even the slightest amount of energon they could get their processors on. He was delighted at this thought and imagined more horrible fates for the Autobots. "Soon Optimus I will have your head and all of Cybertron will be mine. But first to take care of this pathetic world and "relieve" it of energon." "The Decpticon force I have readied will take down this puny race easily. Soon all of my force will have more than enough energon to take Cybertron and defeat the Autobot cowards, and not even the great Primus himself can stop us." Celestia had frantically written the letter to Twilight. She knew something strange was going but couldn't put her hoof on it. She thought Grimlock and the Dinobots would be able to answer any questions she had about the attacker. It had looke like it was made out of the same material the Dinobots were and it looked mechanical so she would ask them first. She had numbing voice telling her there was a bigger picture than just that small incident. She shrugged it off thinking maybe it was an ally of the Dinobots and all of them were unaware that the other was here. "Stop worrying yourself Celestia everything will be fine." Luna had heard of the news that her sister was attacked and came almost immediately. She ran into her sister's room "Celestia are you alright?" "Yes I'm fine Luna." "Who attacked you?" "I have know idea it was some metallic bird." "Really I'll...." "Luna it's okay I already sent a search party out to find it. In the meantime however I wrote Twilight about the incident and she is coming back with the Dinobots, so come and meet them as we have dinner, at least Twilight and I." "Celestia you can't possibly go out again until this thing is found." "Luna I'll be safe we know now that I need guarding, and I'll probably be safer with the Dinobots." "Whatever you say sis." "I'll think you will find the Dinobots very entertaining. They are quite some characters." "Okay Celestia, this will probably be the most interesting dinner, I have been too in a long time." "It most certainly will be, interesting for me as well." > More Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner had started off quite well. The Dinobots sat around and talked with Luna, Twilight, and Celestia. The three ponies were eating while the Dinobots just watched them. They had already had some energy from Twilight's spell so they were all good. They had finished and now it was time to talk about the elephant in the room, Celestia's attacker. "So who attacked you" Twilight had asked with much concern in her voice. "I don't know who it was, but I do think the Dinobots would know." "Are you accusing us" Grimlock questioned heavily. "No not at all I just think you may know who or what it was that attacked me." "Why do you think we would know?" "Well for starters the thing that attacked me was a large bird. It was metallic black and red color. It also had a weird symbol on it. The symbol was purple and it looked like it had pointy horns." "I think I know who that is." "Well who is it." "Laser Beak." Swoop replies "Yeah that does fit the description of Laser Beak, but how did he get here?" "I don't know how he.... wait that's it. He must've gotten teleported through the space bridge like we did." Sludge responds "That makes sense." Celestia is sitting deep in her thoughts and she then asks "Is it possible more than just you Dinobots and Laser Beak came through the space bridge." "I wouldn't think so and besides the only other thing close enough to get sucked in would be Sound Wave." They all sat there puzzled thinking of other scenarios of what could have happened. Suddenly there was a loud crash that shook the ground knocking all of them down. Celestia blurts "What in Equestria was that?!" "I don't know princess but it sounded like it came from outside" replied Twilight. As soon as you could ay pickle barrel cumquat they were all outside. They saw a huge ominous forms in front of the palace. All the ponies walking around town had stopped and were gawking at the huge beings in front of them. "My name is lord Megatron and it has come to my attention that your world has an everlasting source of........." Megatron starts laughing his head off. "This is the race that has the never ending energon supply. This race is so small and pathetic I will have no trouble taking it over." "You are a race that is completely underneath us Decepticons and you would not have a chance in fighting us." "Stop it right now!" Megatron looks over to see Celestia. "You must be the leader and look the Dinobots are also here" Megatron says with a menacing smile on his face. "I am Princess Celestia and I do not respect you threatening my subjects. I also ask that you leave at once." "I am not going to leave because I have come here for energon." "We don't have any." As Princess Celestia finishes her sentence Laser Beak come flying back to his master Sound Wave. "Megatron it appears that the ponies with horns or unicorns are the sources of Energon." "I see, you have "no" energon, well I should show you no mercy, but I am feeling nice today. I will spare all of your lives if you hand us over the Dinobots and surrender without a fight." Princess Celestia was at odds and she did not know what to do, but Grimlock was the one to answer. "Fine we will hand ourselves over Megatron." "Ah, splendid." Princess Celestia answers with a clear and vocal "No." "Princess Celestia you wouldn't stand a chance against Megatron and the Decepticons" responded Grimlock. "We will not surrender to thugs like you Megatron because I know you will not keep your promises." Grimlocks words didn't even faze Celestia "Very well, we will return in a few cycles to let you "prepare" for battle not like it would even matter." The Decepticons were gone in a flash. They had teleported somewhere using the space bridge technology they had on them. The ponies were going to have to fight the Decepticons it would be hard, but luckily for the ponies a unicorn's magic would easily penetrate and cause major damage to a Decepticon chassis. Celestia sent Twilight to get all of her friends to come and help. Celestia herself had learned from Grimlock that the blast Twilight hit him with badly damaged his chest she was taking the opportunity to get all of the guard and some volunteering ponies to get ready for battle. Grimlock was thinking if they could beat the Decepticons they could go home by using the space bridge tech. Grimlock still questioned the ponies and their ability to fight against the Deceptiocns, for one thing though he knew they were not stupid. Everything had happened so quickly, and Princess Celestia was questioning her decision she made. But she knew it wouldn't be worth it the end. Slowly but surely the ponies prepared for battle a battle that would be difficult for them. Celestia believed the ponies could do it she knew they could do it. The Dinobots were also ready to bust some face plates. Grimlock especially wanted beat the scrap out of Megatron. Grimlock was ready to take on any of the Decepticons. The Decepticons were coming soon, very soon. > Battles and Goodbyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They had been waiting there silently for the Decepticons to come. It was only a matter of time, before all of them would be in battle. Rainbow Dash had war paint on her face and armor to boot. Pinkie as always had her party cannon. Celestia was over the edge with anticipation, Luna could see it on her sister. Her movements her emotion, she could see it. Then as Luna was about ask Celestia if she was okay a portal opens up far away in front of them. Out comes Megatron with all his followers. "So I see you did not think about changing your minds on surrendering, well this is your last chance." "No we will never surrender to cowards like you" Celestia stood firm coming of strong. "I Megatron am a coward, please save me the petty insults for when I am about to strike you dead." "ATTACK!!!!" Pinkie had made the call and both sides collided like a ocean on a cliff. A few moments into the battle a couple of ponies had already lost their lives. The ponies were fighting back though, and had managed to take a few Decepticons down. The Dinobots were all joining in Sludge had managed to knock down a few for some unicorns to take care of. Swoop had spotted Sound Wave standing where the portal was. Shock Wave was controlling the portal with a device in his hands. After seeing this Swoop immediately flies over to Grimlock. "Hey Grimlock." "What is it Swoop?" asks Grimlock as he tears a Decepticons head clean off. "It's about the portal. Shock Wave has a device that controls it. If we get that remote it's are ticket out of here." "Alright thanks Swoop." Grimlcok started hacking and slashing through the battle to get to Sound Wave. Grimlock gets knocked over by a Decepticon and has a blaster pointed right at his face. "Any last words Autobot?" Out of no where a huge blast of confetti and a random assortment of party materials sends the Deceptiocn flying back. It was Pinkie Pie and her party cannon. Grimlock acknowledges Pinkie with a nod and moves on. Princess Celestia and Luna were both in the fight shooting beams of magic in royal princess battle armor. Celestia did not want to fight and she did not like fighting but she was getting caught up in the moment. Megatron was enjoying this very much it was like whack-a-mole. He would swing his mace crushing, hitting, maiming, and sending ponies flying he didn't even need his cannon. As Megatron witnessed more of the battle he could see his Deceptiocn allies taken offline by the blasts unicorns would emit. He never thought something so weak and pathetic could destroy a Decepticon soldier. It didn't matter to him though Decepticon grunts were easily replaceable. Grimlock slowly was pounding through metal to get to Sound Wave. He came out into a open area of the battle field and he met eyes with Megatron. "At long last I get to fight one Shock Wave's most powerful creations." Grimlock ran straight at Megatron sword ready. He came down with a hard swing getting block by Megatron's mace. Both locked in stance by both of their weapons. Grimlock gives a hard kick to Megatron's torso knocking him onto the ground. Grimlock raises his sword ready to strike doen and gets repelled back by a blast from Megatron's cannon. Megatron takes this chance to move in and kill Grimlock. Megatron doesn't realize that the moderately sized for of Deceptiocns was taking a beating. Megatron swings down with his mace, but Grimlock rolls out of the way. Grimlock then proceeds to go into Dino form and ram into Megatron. Megatron holds onto Grimlock's head and plants his feet so he won't fall over. Megatron then proceeds with all of his force and slams Grimlock head first onto the ground. Grimlock pissed off shoots flames at Megartron making him recoil back. Grimlock then swings around using his tail to trip Megatron. Grimlock then puts one of his feet on Megatron's torso. He then grabs one of Megatron's arms in his maw and rips it off, flings it up and devours it. "Look around you Megatron your Decepticons are almost defeated, you've lost." "I will not lose to such impudent creatures like this, I have not been beaten." Megatron looks to see his Decepticon force defeated. Decepticons shells all lifeless around him. "Face it you've lost." All the Dinobots and ponies form a circle around Megatron. Twilight Sparkle walks up with Sound Wave in a constriction spell along with Swoop holding the remote. Twilight also walked up to Megatron and put him into a spell as well. They had won. "Grimlock we better hurry this portal is going to shut down pretty soon." "We can't just leave now we have too....." "Don't worry about the mess we will clean it up" replied Celestia. "Oh, and Grimlock we made sure that all of Sound Wave's minicons are with him" added in Swoop. "I guess that means it's time for goodbyes" asked Pinkie with tears coming out of her eyes. "Yes that's what it means" Grimlock said sadly. They all said their goodbyes to each other. Swoop had already changed the coordinates to Cybertron so that gave them extra time. "I really wish we didn't have to leave quite yet but it's our only way out of here." "I understand, but I'll miss you none the less." Twilight moves in and gives Grimlock a big hug. He didn't know what is was but he could feel her warmth. It was inviting and it gave him a happy feeling. He couldn't stay amy longer the Dinobots had to go. Sludge and Snarl were both holding Soundwave and Megatron because they would be coming back to Cybertron with the Dinobots. The Dinobots all walked into the portal looking back as all the ponies were waving goodbyes. Sludge, Swoop, Slug, and Snarl had walked through the portal, Grimlock walked up to it and he turned back and waved. He went in the space bridge and was gone and the portal fazed out. All the ponies started filing back to their homes or where they were needed. Twilight still standing there looking at where the portal was crying. Spike runs up to her carrying a giant tooth. "What in Equestria's name do you have Spike." "Oh this, Grimlock wanted me to give it to you." While fighting Grimlock had lost a tooth in his Dino form. He had retrieved it and decided to give it to Twilight as a gift for her hospitality and accepting them and for remembrance. He knew it was a weird gift, but it was the principle that mattered and he knew Twilight would understand that. "Thanks Grimlock" Twilight said sheding one last tear before she looked at the tooth a second time remembering all the time she had spent with Grimlock and the Dinobots. She would never forget them, ever.