> Tea Party Gone Bad > by Readingyay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Tea Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “More tea sir Sandbar?” Ocellus asked, holding the tea pot. “Why of course M’lady” Sandbar responded holding his tea cup up while Ocellus filled it with more tea. “Bleh” Gallus said making a disgusted face “Why all the fancy talk?” He asked rolling his eyes knowing the answer already. “Because it makes it feel more formal bird brain” Smolder retorted. Gallus rolled his eyes again and went back to drinking his tea. “Yona likes tea party”. “Silverstream likes tea parties too!” Silverstream said pulling Yona in for a hug.  “I got to admit this is pretty nice.” Sandbar said “Wouldn’t you agree Gallus?”  Gallus looked up to see Sandbar giving him one of his ‘you can't say no’ smirks. As Gallus was about to say something he saw Smolder having fun out of the corner of his eye and just decided to agree to not make her feel bad as he knew it was pretty hard for her to tell them the month before. “I guess” he mumbled looking away. “Hey Cell could I get some more tea” he said holding his tea cup up. “Depends, what do you say” Ocellus said giving him a look. “Fine” He responded rolling his eyes “May I please have some tea?” As Ocellus tilted the Tea Pot to fill his cup he looked over to Smolder who had her arms wrapped around her stomach like she was in pain. As he was about to ask what was wrong the clock in the room made a loud ding letting them know it was 3pm.  “Oh shoot” Sandbar said jumping up “I completely forgot I have to go with my parents to the Crystal Empire for the weekend”. “OOOO CAN I COME TOO” Silverstream shouted. “Im sure my parents will let you if I ask” Sandbar said looking at her. Turning to Smolder he said “This was really fun but I need to get going if I want to catch the train and if Silvers coming she’ll need to come with me to see my parents. “Oh ok have fun!” Smolder said smiling at him. “Oh and me and Yona decided to take the tutoring class for Twilight'' Ocellus said as Sandbar and Silverstream started to leave.  “Really? I mean I knew you were getting tutoring Ocellus but you too Yona?” Smolder said looking from Ocellus to Yona.  “Yona not very good in Professor Twilights class so Ocellus convinced Yona to go to tutoring” Yona said in a ‘I really don't want to’ voice.  “Oh well that's cool. I was getting ready to clean up anyways.” Smolder said getting up. “Why don't I help you?” Gallus said getting up as well. “I don't really have anything to do and it doesn't seem right to leave you to clean up by yourself”. “Aww is that your way of saying you want to spend time with me” Smolder teased while smirking at him. “I'm joking” she said before he got mad “If you wanna help that's fine but there isn't really much to help with”.  “Well whatever I can do is fine” Gallus responded ignoring her previous comment. As Ocellus and Yona took their dresses off they grabbed their books and stared heading towards the door. “Bye” they shouted to Gallus and Smolder. “See you later” Gallus and Smolder responded back. As Smolder and Gallus were cleaning Gallus kept looking up at Smolder to see that she was shaking, even with the dress still on. He didn't say anything but he did notice that each time he looked up it was getting more and more noticeable.  “Sooo” Gallus started “That was a little fun, even for a Griffon” he said smirking at her. “What's wrong?” Gallus’s smirk faded at the question. Before he could answer Smolder blurted out “You never say that any of the tea parties are fun” Smolder said laughing obviously joking.  “Well I said it this time” Gallus said crossing his arms as his smile returned. Watching her he started to get really worried. Smolder’s shaking was really starting to get bad. “Are you alright?” He blurted “I mean your shaking really bad”. The room was quiet for a bit as Smolder stopped what she was doing. “Yeah I’m fine.” She said obviously lying “I always get like this, well, not this bad but I do shake from time to time. It normally passes after some time”. Smiling at him she turned back around to get back to what she was doing. Gallus didn't want to make her mad so he decided not to ask her anymore questions about it. As they started to finish Smolder walked with Gallus up to the door to let him out. “Thanks for helping me clean up” she said as she opened the door. “Shut the door on your way out” she said walking back into the room. Gallus had stopped for a second to think if he should stay with her or not to see if she was alright. He turned around to see her walking up to her closet. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright? I can stay if you want me to.” He blurted out. Gallus waited for a response only to notice that she had stopped moving. Next thing he knew she started falling backwards. He flew over as fast as he could to catch her and lay her down. When he did he noticed she had passed out and he started trying to wake her up. “Smolder!” He shouted, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Wake up!” He shouted again as he was so close to being right on top of her. As Smolder started to open her eyes she started looking around. Her vision was blurry and she could hardly hear Gallus asking her if she was okay. “Huh” was all she could get out as she was trying to focus her vision on Gallus “What happened?” She asked.  “You passed out. Are you alright do you need me to get you anyt-” Gallus tried asking as she started to squeeze his arm. She was obviously in pain. Without saying anything he pulled her up into a sitting position and started to undress her. Before she was able to stop him she was naked. Embarrassed, she tried to cover her breast with her wings. “Where’s your fabric pieces?” Gallus asked while still trying to hold her up. “By my bed” she mumbled, still embarrassed.  “Lay down” Gallus said as he was trying to set her back down.  “I can sit up on my own” she snapped. She tried sitting up shooing him away but the second he let go she fell back as she was not able to hold her body weight up. As she started to get more and more red she tried covering her face with her arms. “Why do I have to be so weak” She muttered to herself.  Gallus still heard and responded “You’re not weak Smolder”. He flew over to the side of her bed where her fabric pieces were and grabbed them. As he made his way back to her he pulled her back up. Moving his body directly behind her so his body could hold her up, he started to help her get dressed. Moving her arms he put her top piece on to cover her chest. While doing so he noticed her falling asleep on him. “I know you’re tired and all but I need you to stay awake okay.” He said, trying to comfort her. After he snapped her top piece on the back he did the same thing with the bottom piece. “There we go'' he said wrapping his arms around her stomach from the back. At first Smolder wanted to push him away in embarrassment but then she started to get a little comfortable.  “I’m fine you know” She said trying to convince Gallus she doesn't need any help “All I need is some sleep and I should be good to go”.  Gallus wasn’t having any of it “Smolder for fucks sake you cant even hold yourself up don't try to convince me you don't need help because it’s not going to work.” he said in an irritated tone. \ “But-” Smolder started as she was interrupted. “No!” Gallus shouted “Now if I have to drag you to the hospital I will but I’m not leaving until I hear a DOCTOR tell me you're alright. Now the last time I checked you're not a doctor so you telling me you’re alright isn’t going to work”.  It was quiet. Using all the strength she had in her arms Smolder pulled herself onto her side to where the left side of her face was resting on Gallus’s chest. “I’m sorry” She whispered as she started crying. As she wrapped her arms around Gallus’s neck, Gallus’s grip around her stomach grew stronger. He felt as if he could’ve sat there for days holding her but he knew he couldn’t. As he was holding onto her he started to realize that she was extremely cold, which was obviously not normal considering she was a dragon. Smolder made a soft moan as Gallus picked her up off the ground. She was completely helpless. “Tell you what, if I take you to Twilight and she’s able to figure out what's wrong I won't make you go to the hospital.” Gallus told her remembering her fear of the hospital. “Does that sound fair?” He asked her. As she shook her head yes he carried her to the classroom that Twilight was in with the tutoring students. By the time they got to the door of the classroom Smolder was able to stand but only if she was able to hold onto Gallus. Walking into the classroom Twilight had stopped talking mid sentence to see who it was. “Gallus, Smolder?”  (Fabric pieces - Two pieces of clothing given to dragons when they hatch to cover their privates. The fabric pieces also blend in with the dragons skin so it looks like they aren’t wearing anything) > Getting Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Gallus, Smolder I didn't see your names on the tutoring list?” Twilight had questioned. “Oh well the more the merrier” She said smiling “Why don't you two go ahead and take a se-” She was interrupted.  “Actually Twilight we’re not here for tutoring. We need to talk to you outside. Preferably now.” Gallus said motioning towards the door.  While they were talking Smolder was looking at the students. It was a small class. She noticed Ocellus and Yona exchanging looks when they saw her and Gallus. When she saw that it snapped her back into reality and she looked back at Twilight who had a concerned look. The three of them walked outside as Twilight told the class to sit tight. When they were outside the classroom Twilight spoke. “What’s going on?” She asked in a concerned voice. Smolder’s mind started to go blank like it did earlier before she passed out.  “Well you see me and Smolder were in her room when she pass-” Gallus had started before Smolder had moved closer to him while grabbing onto him. Noticing what was going on he wrapped his wing and an arm around her to hold her up. At this moment Ocellus and Yona had came out of the classroom for they wanted to see what was going on as well. Looking from Smolder to Ocellus and Yona to Twilight, Gallus continued “When we were in her room I noticed that she was shaking a lot. I didn't think much of it until I went to leave and she had passed out. Now you’re probably thinking that isn't a big deal but the thing is when she woke up it was like she couldnt move. She couldn't hold herself up. She was in a lot of pain and she was freezing. I told her that I was gonna make her go to the hospital but then remembered that she was scared of the hospital”  Gallus grunted as Smolder's claws started to dig into him. Tightening his grip on her he continued “I told her that if I brought her to you and you could figure out what was wrong I wouldn’t make her go to the hospital, so help.” Gallus said looking back at Smolder who looked like she was gonna fall at any second. And then she did. She fell out of Gallus’s grip and onto the floor before he could get her. This time she hit her head on the ground knocking her out. Gallus lifted her up and back in front of him like he did in her room. Holding her up with his body he checked her head to make sure she wasn't bleeding. Meanwhile Twilight and the others stood shocked for a bit before running over to make sure she was alright as well. “Why friend Smolder pass out?” Yona asked looking at Gallus. “Gee I have no idea, maybe that's why I came asking for help” Gallus snapped at her immediately feeling bad after. “I’m sorry Yona I’m just worried” he said looking back down at Smolder.  “Yona, Ocellus, you two go back in the classroom. Me and Gallus are gonna take Smolder to the nurses office.” Twilight told them ------ Gallus has carried Smolder on his back once before but this time she was a lot lighter for some reason. Walking with Twilight to the nurses office he decides to ask again. “Do you have any idea of what's going on?”. “I’m sorry Gallus but I don't have a clue. Hopefully nurse Nadia will be able to figure it out”. Twilight answered. “What if this is some kind of dragon thing? Should we send a letter to dragon lord Ember?” Gallus asked with a bit of a panic. In all honesty he doesn't even know why he's so worried. It’s most likely just some type of dragon cold he tells himself. He knows that Smolder is his friend and all but with the way he's starting to panic it kinda feels like more than that to him. Snapping himself out of his thoughts they walk into the nurses office and try to lay Smolder down on the bed. Not long after nurse Nadia walks in and is surprised when she sees them. She looks over to Smolder who's lying unconscious on the bed and mumbles “Oh dear”. ------ After checking her pulse and temperature she turns to Twilight and Gallus. “Everything seems to look okay. Do you happen to know if this has ever happened before or is this the first time?”. Gallus remembers what Smolder had said and starts to explain “When I was in her room I noticed her shaking a lot. I ignored it at first but then noticed it was getting worse. When I did I had asked her about it and she said that she often gets to shaking like that just not as bad as it was then.” “Huh” Nadia says “I wonder what caused it to get worse. I’m sorry but as I am the school nurse I'm not authorized to do any blood tests or anything like that. With me not being able to do that I won't be able to find the answer you need.Your best bet is to take her to the hospital so they can thoroughly check her.”. Gallus looks at Smolder for a bit and then looks down at the ground. “I know she's scared of the hospital Gallus but if that's what it takes to make sure this doesn't happen again then so be it” Twilight said sadly. “I know I know it's just…” Gallus began to say.  “It's just?” Twilight repeated.  “I don't know” looking at the ground Gallus was trying to figure out what he was feeling. Standing up he looks back at Twilight and says “We should get going”. He then walks over to Smolder to put her back on his back and walks out with Twilight. There's a long silence while walking to the hospital. Twilight looks over at Gallus trying to figure out what's on his mind. “I’m sure she's going to be okay, Gallus” she tells him. She waits for him to respond but realizes he didn't hear her. “Gallus” she says again, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Huh” he responds looking back at her.  “Are you two a thing or something? I’ve never seen you get this worried about Smolder even when she had that dragon flu last Spring” She asks with a bit of curiosity in her voice.  “What? No!” He responds with a tint of red appearing on his face. “Do you like her then?”  “No” he says almost in a whisper but the red on his face was telling her otherwise. “I don't know why I’m so worried honestly”. With that he starts to feel Smolder moving a bit. Opening her eyes a bit she finds that she's on Gallus’s back with Twilight beside them. “What happened” She mumbled while trying to sit up “You kinda fell and hit your head” Gallus responded though she didn't hear. Instead she was looking around to see they were outside. “Please tell me we’re not-” “We’re taking you to the hospital so you might just wanna sit tight” Gallus interrupted. “Please no I’m sure I’m fine i don't need to go to the hospital” Smolder started to beg. “Smolder you fell and hit your head. You’ve been out for an hour now. What do you think would happen if you were alone?”. She stayed quiet.  “Why are you so scared of the hospital anyways?” Twilight asked which made Smolder flinch and look away. “I dont wanna talk about it” She mumbles. With that they turned onto the trail to the hospital where it was in sight and Smolder's heart dropped. She wanted to fly away back to her dorm and she was about to until she looked down at Gallus. She knows that he's been worried and if she flys away it wouldn't do any good. Knowing that she pushes back the urge to fly away and looks down trying to distract herself.  Though it didn't do her any good. The closer they got the more she thought her heart was about to stop. Ever since Dragon Lord Godwin did what he did to all the innocent dragons in the hospital she refused to go anywhere near a hospital again. She still remembers what he did to her little sister when she got sick. (Dark warning) The closer they got the more she couldn't stop thinking about her sister. She remembers standing on the other side of the glass of her sister's room when the doctors ruled her too weak to be healed. She can still feel the fear she had felt when she heard the doctors say that. She knew what it meant. It meant that Dragon Lord Godwin would find it useless to use their resources on her and that he would drain her blood to kill her. She still remembers hearing her sister yell for her to save her from the other side of the glass but she couldn't. She knew if she tried Godwin would kill her too. So instead she forced herself to stand there to at least let her sister know that she cared unlike their parents. They gave up on her the second they found out she was sick. It definitely wasn't easy but Smolder kept reminding herself how much she would have wanted someone to be there for her. After her sister had passed she wouldn't leave her room for weeks. When she found out she was going to be an older sister she was thrilled. So when her sister hatched she had promised to keep her safe and after the day she passed she felt like a failure. Over time the pain did get better but some of it was still there. It had always been there. (Done) She is terrified of the hospital. That is no lie but the one thing she never told her friends was after the day her sister passed she swore she would never go to a hospital again. Not only for what they did, but also because she felt like she didn't deserve it. She felt like she didn't deserve to be healed or treated for anything because her sister never was. Getting out of her thoughts she saw that they were at the front door of the hospital which did her no good for how she was feeling. She was able to hide most of her fear apart from accidentally scratching Gallus. With that she jumped off of Gallus’s back, almost falling again. Twilight and Gallus helped her regain her balance and then walked up to the front desk with Smolder still looking at the ground which did her no good. Even the smell told her she was in the hospital. It was like she couldn't escape it. “Hi” Twilight says, walking up to the pony at the front desk. She started talking when Gallus looked back and noticed Smolder had stopped walking. He walked back over to her and wrapped his wing around her again. “It’s okay Smolder” He said, trying to comfort her. Turning her head a tear fell from her face which really started to make Gallus feel bad. He just wants to make sure she's okay but this seems to be hurting her even more. Pulling her in with his wing he gave her a hug which she obviously tried to push away from. Then Twilight and a nurse walked up to them to take them to their room. When they entered the room there was a hospital bed with a monitor next to it. The walls were painted white and one wall had a sink and some cabinets. On the other side was a large window looking over ponyville which immediately made her feel safer. Before they had entered the room the nurse went ahead and had her pee in a cup for her to test it. Smolder walked over and sat on the bed while Gallus and Twilight sat in the chairs in the room. “Okay,” the nurse began “I’m going to ask you a few questions since your name isn't in our system and then I’m going to check your temperature and blood pressure”. “Okay” Smolder responded “Okay first off what is your full name?” “Smolder Gron Day” “How old are you?” “Fourteen” “What's your birthday?” “April 6th 6000” “Okay now let's check your temperature” the nurse says standing up. She walks over to the monitor and gets the thermometer and has Smolder put it under her tongue. After she does that the nurse checks her blood pressure. Now that ponies and dragons are friends some dragons decided to come to ponyville and get jobs here. A few decided to become doctors because ponies don't know enough about dragons to help them. So the fact the nurse is a dragon makes Smolder feel a little better as the nurse knows more about dragon bodies. “Ooo okay. So your temperature is very low and your blood pressure is high.” the nurse says and then looks over at Twilight. Before the doctor comes in I would like to run a blood test to see what all is going on there”. “Okay I don't see a problem with that.” Twilight responds. The thing is though, there is a problem with that. To do a blood test requires the nurse to draw some of Smolder's blood which is exactly what Godwin said to patients who he was wanting to kill. Feeling a panic attack coming, Smolder looked over at Gallus. She doesn't know what it is but everytime she gets scared or panicky looking at Gallus for some reason calms her down. Gallus saw this and flew over to her to calm her down. The nurse was confused at first but immediately realized what was wrong as she too grew up in Godwins terror. “Not like that. I would never do that nor would I be a part of something like that.” She walked over to Smolder and sat on the side of her that Gallus wasn't at. “Listen Godwins not here anymore. He was killed, remember. He will never be able to hurt anyone ever again. Not you. Not me. Not anyone.” With that the nurse stood up “If you want I can take you to the Nurse's room to draw your blood if that will make you feel safer.” Even though the nurse's words calmed her she still couldn't speak so she just nodded yes. The nurses room looked exactly like the room they were just in except bigger and it had different machines. The nurse led Smoler and the others over to a chair with an extendable arm rest. She has Smolder sit while she looks for the stuff she needs. Gallus is sitting directly next to Smolder to make sure she doesnt start panicking. The nurse finds her things and walks back over. “Okay now which arm do you want the needle to go in?” she asks. Smolder lifts up her right arm showing she wants it done on that one. The nurse nods and sits in the chair in front of Smolder. She moves the arm rest so Smolder can put her arm down on it. The nurse cleans the area on Smolder's wrist and ties the band around. All was going great until she pulled the needle out causing Smolder to flinch and put her face in Gallus’s chest. Gallus wrapped his arm around her and held her while the nurse stuck the needle in. There are a lot of things Smolder knows but at that moment the only thing she knew was she did not want to watch and so she didn't. The nurse started drawing her blood. After the ninth tube of blood she took the needle out and put a bandaid where the needle was. “All done” the nurse said as she took the band off her arm. “We should get the results in about two hours for her blood and pee” she says moving the arm rest for Smolder to stand up. “What do we do in the meantime?” Twilight asks the nurse. “Well you guys can stay in the room or you can go to the cafeteria. I heard they’re serving salad” she leans over to Gallus and Smolder and whispers “As well as seafood for the meat eaters in the hospital”. That immediately made Smolder feel even better. She loves seafood but rarely gets it now that she's at the school. The nurse takes them into the hall and shows them where the cafeteria is. She then walks away to take the blood she had drawn to get tested. “Oh” she starts and turns around “Just be sure you guys are back in the room before 6 so I can give you the results” and then she walks away. In the cafeteria Smolder got the cooked salmon with lemon shrimp and Gallus got the shrimp with crab. Of course Twilight got the caesar salad with a tomato sandwich. Twilight understands that meat is important in both dragon and griffon diets so it doesn't bother her of what they’re eating. She's even tried a bit of meat herself as she was curious about what it tasted like. As they find a place to sit Gallus notices Smolder walking directly beside him. ‘Maybe she feels safer around me’ he thought to himself. After they find a place to sit and start eating a question comes up in Twilight's head. “Hey Smolder, what did that nurse mean by Godwins not here anymore?”. Gallus looks up from his food immediately knowing that it’s a sensitive topic since Smolder didn't answer right away. Looking at her he could tell she froze up.  “Hey Twilight that should probably be a question for Ember” he says trying to keep Smolder from having another panic attack. After a long silence Smolder looks down at her food and starts to talk. “He-” she struggles to get out. Smolder closes her eyes for a few seconds to breathe and then opens them back up. “He was a bad Dragon Lord.” she says. “What did he do?” Twilight said with the same curiosity in her voice. Hearing her ask that made Smolder wanna hit her. ‘What kind of question is that?’ She thought to herself. She should be asking what didn't he do. Knowing that most creatures probably never even heard of his name made her mad. He was worse than all of Equestrias villains combined. Then her sister came back to her mind. At that moment she wanted to leave. She hated being reminded of her sister. With that she started to get mad. She didn't shout though. She didn't hit anybody. She was just mad. She was mad at Godwin. She was mad at herself. She was mad that nobody knows what he did. She was mad at her parents. She was mad at the doctors who didn't even try to protect her sister or anyone else in that rotted out hospital. She was mad at the dragons who did nothing to stop him. But most of all, She was mad that after the years of torment that everyone went through in the dragon lands, all it took was an 8 year old with enough rage and hatred that went by the name of Smolder to kill him. After killing him it told her that no one even tried. No one tried to get rid of him. No one tried to stop him. She knew that dragons were creatures full of greed and hatred but the least they could’ve done was try and they didn't. Smolder turned her head to the side as she was starting to cry. With how much she loved seafood and was starving, she lost her appetite. The thought of eating after being reminded of all of that made her wanna throw up. She wanted to scream. She wanted to shout. But most of all she wanted her sister and her childhood that she never got to have back. But all she did was sit there. She wanted these thoughts to be taken away. She wanted to never be reminded of ‘the Dragon Lord that doesnt deserve a name’ again. But she knows that's never going to happen. She knows that every day she's gonna remember his name till the day she dies and that's what made her mad the most, that she couldn't erase the past and start a new life. At this point Gallus and Twilight could tell her thoughts were brewing up a storm so they started trying to change the subject. “Mmm this food is really good! Wouldn't you agree Gallus” Twilight said, trying to keep Smolder from losing it. “Yeah it is! It’s been awhile since I got to have seafood. What about your’s Smolder?” he asked her. Smolder looked at him from the side and realized now wasn't    the best time to get mad. “Uh yeah” was all she said. She turned her head back to her plate and started to mess with her food. She lost her appetite but she didn't want them to know that. Especially not Twilight cause then she would think that she messed up when really she's just curious. Smolder should've known Twilight was gonna ask that. And she should have been prepared to answer it but she wasnt which she wanted to be mad about but she ignored it. She tried to eat another shrimp but then she really started to feel sick reminding her why they were there. But this time it wasn't just a feeling. She put her fork down and got up to walk to the bathroom when it hit her. She flew as fast as she could to the bathroom before she could even have a chance to puke on the floor. She flew in and kneeled on the floor in one of the bathroom stalls. At that point it was like she couldn't stop throwing up into the toilet. Luckily there was a nurse in there who immediately ran over to help her. Smolder is one of those dragons who hates throwing up. To her it’s like she can't breathe and it burns the back of her throat making her cry. “Hey hey it’s alright” the random nurse says running up to her and rubbing her back with her hoof. But the second the nurse touches her back she shivers from how cold Smolder is. Her body was beginning to feel like a blizzard even though she was sweating like crazy. She couldn't really take the time to acknowledge it though since her eyes were filled with tears and she couldn't stop throwing up for 2 seconds. (Puke/blood Warning) At that moment Twilight comes in and sees her in the stall. “Smolder, are you alright?” she asks. When she gets closer she sees why she flew in so fast. Twilight walked closer to see it looked as if she was puking chunks of blood up but when it hit the water it was forming into icicles. Twilight looked over at the nurse who was practically keeping Smolder from falling on her side and the nurse gave her a worried look. The nurse herself has never seen anything like this before. Each time Smolder puked it was as if she was getting weaker and weaker. She noticed her tears were not the only thing blocking her vision at that point. Her vision was going black. ‘Is this some kind of black out I’m having’ she thought to herself.  (Done) And then everything went black. Everything became silent and her whole body became numb. In a matter of seconds she became this lifeless thing that was left only in her thoughts. She couldn't feel herself puking anymore. She couldn't hear Twilight or the nurse. She couldn't see the toilet that had been infront of her. Every sense that she had was gone in a matter of seconds and then she started to panic. ‘Am I dead?’ she asked herself. And then everything came back. Only now her body was burning like hell and she was dying to make it stop. “Help me” she managed to get out before puking again. After about 30 minutes Smolder had stopped throwing up and found the strength to get up on her own. She stumbled over to the sink with Twilight and the nurse not too far behind her. She turned the water on and started to splash her face. The heat that was in her body died down and she could feel the cold coming back. Everything was going back to how it was when she was eating apart from the fact her stomach was killing her which she hadn't noticed until that very moment. And when she did she started to yell. She crouched down and leaned up against the wall while trying to stop her stomach from hurting. ‘What the hell is going on?’ she thought. “Twilight” she had said weakly “I can't believe I’m saying this but I want to go back to the room”. “Alright” Twilight said then turned to the nurse “Do you think it would be okay if she walks or should we get her a wheelchair?” “She probably needs to walk the pain out” the nurse said ~Meanwhile~ Gallus started cleaning up their table. He knew whatever was happening wasn't good considering they've been in there for about 30 minutes. He knew that once they got out Smolder would need to go back to the room. Not only because of her getting sick but also because of her test results. The nurse said they needed to be in the room by 6 to get the results and it was 6:40 right then. Not too long after he cleaned up Smolder and Twilight came out of the restroom. “Gallus we need to take Smolder back to the room” Twilight said. “Okay” he said and grabbed their boxes of food. When they got back to the room Smolder tried to lay down on the bed but that only made the pain in her stomach scream at her so she sat back up. But that didn't do her any good as she immediately had to run to the bathroom again. Luckily there was one in their room. (Puke/Blood warning) Outside of the bathroom Gallus and Twilight could hear her throwing up again. “Gallus” Twilight said “You need to go take a look. It's like her throw up is blood chunks that are turning to ice. While you’re doing that I’m going to go back to the castle to have Spike send a letter to Ember”. With that Gallus walked in there to help her and saw what Twilight meant. “What the” was all he could say. But Smolder heard it and started to panic even more. ‘Maybe he was right. Maybe this would've been bad if I just stayed in my room’ (Done) After she stopped throwing up Gallus helped her back to the bed when the doctor came in with her test results. From the look on his face both of them could tell it wasn't good.  “You are Smolder Gron Day right?” he asked in a shaky voice. Smolder nodded her head yes. “You-” he began  “You have-” > Smolder's Condition > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doctor struggled to get his words out. “You have one of the rarest diseases known to any creature. You have what is called Blizzards Blood”. When the words came out of the doctor's mouth Smolder felt as if the world was crashing down on her. She knew what it was and at that moment she really wished she didn't. Gallus on the other hand didn’t. “How bad is that exactly?” he asked.  “It’s considered one of the most painful and tormenting diseases with no known cure. The disease gets into the blood vessels of the creature and starts to freeze them. But like how blizzards are, the blood freezes slowly causing these specks of pretty much glass to go shooting all over the body. Every now and then though the freezing will stop causing the creature to burn up like a volcano about to explode. It causes the creature to throw up a lot due to the digestive system freezing and unfreezing, many black outs, loss of all senses for up to 30 minutes depending on how severe, numbness and so much more. The only somewhat good news I can give you is that this disease is not contagious and is not fatal, meaning that Smolder here can live a healthy life, but she will be in a lot of pain from now on. And due to a previous medical condition, she has she really should not be left alone for too long and should have constant checkups with a specialist.” “Previous medical condition?” Gallus said confused.  “I have broken heart syndrome” Smolder blurted out. Gallus looked at her. ‘Since when’ he wanted to ask but didn't. “What are some things we can do to treat the symptoms?” he asked looking back at the doctor. “Honestly the best thing anyone can do is make sure she maintains a healthy lifestyle but that's about it” The doctor said “Now that's really all the information I can give you two as I am very rustic on these types of diseases, but I am going to set you up an appointment with a specialist for this. Let me go get the information for the specialist and I'll be right back to give it to you and let you guys go.” As the doctor walked out of the room Gallus turned to look at Smolder when he noticed she was zoned out. “Smolder” Gallus said loudly to snap her out of it. “Huh” she said startled looking up at him. “Why didn't you tell me you had broken heart syndrome?”. “Cause it wasn't any of your business to know. You're acting as if I told the others and not you and why do you care anyways?” She said looking away. “Because I'm your friend and I care about you. Speaking of which, you're gonna be staying in my dorm.”. “What!? Why?” “I want to be able to keep an eye out for you.”. “But then everyone will start to think we’re dating!”. “Would that really be a bad thing” Before Smolder could respond their friends along with Twilight and Spike came in. “Oh my gosh Smolder are you okay!? Headmare Twilight told us what was going on.” Ocellus said running up to hug her with Yona following behind her. “Did the doctor ever come in?” Twilight asked. “Yeah, he just left”. “What did he say?” Spike asked curious but a little scared of the answer.  Gallus looked over to Smolder to see if she was going to answer but she was a little too far into her thoughts to even realize who was in the room. She had four different things on her mind at the moment. Her sister, her diagnosis, the fact that she's in the hospital to begin with, and what Gallus had just asked her. So Gallus turned back to their friends to explain to them what the doctor had said.  “Smolder apparently has one of the rarest diseases in the world called Blizzards Blood-”  He got cut off by the multiple gasps in the room. “BLIZZARDS BLOOD!?!?” Ocellus had shouted out. Gallus got the hint that they already knew what that was, even Yona, so he skipped over the explanation of it. “Yeah the doctor told us he was going to get us information for a specialist as he can't really tell us much about it. OH and apparently a certain dragon here had a previous medical condition that she never told us about.” He turned to look at her as she got snapped out of thought.  “What griffon mean?” Yona asked, completely clueless. Smolder gave Gallus an ‘I hate you’ look before answering Yona’s question. “Gallus is a little pissed that I didn't tell you guys I had broken heart syndrome”. “A little” Gallus mumbled, rolling his eyes. Smolder gave Gallus another look when Ocellus broke the tension between the two. “Smolder, why didn't you tell us? What if something happened to you where you couldn't speak to tell the doctor about your heart and they did some kind of surgery your heart couldn't handle?”. “I don't know. I’m a dragon. I figured I could just tough it out.”. Just then the doctor walked in with a few papers. “Okay so I got all the information you guys will need. Your doctor is Dr.Hawkins and he will take great care of you. You guys are free to go since there isn't much we can do here. Just make sure you take it easy and you're not alone just in case something happens.”. “Oh, don't worry she won’t be, I'll make sure of it. Thanks doc!” Gallus said, helping Smolder up who reluctantly followed. As they were heading outside the hospital Smolder started to feel her legs go numb again so she jumped onto Gallus startling him. “So who’s gonna stay with Smolder now?” Spike asked to nobody in particular. “I am” Gallus said when Smolder responded with a grunt. “I honestly think that would be the best option. Smolder will be taken care of and you don't have to worry as much since Smolder will be with you” Twilight chimed in. Smolder gave another grunt. “What’s wrong? Do you not want Gallus to be the one to take care of you?” Spike asked. “Not really” she responded muffled due to her face buried in Gallus’s feathers. “Why friend Smolder not want friend Gallus to help?” Yona asked joining the conversation. Smolder turned her head so she could be heard better “Because if our classmates see Gallus helping me a lot they’re gonna start thinking that we’re dating”. After responding Smolder soon started to discover that talking was starting to make her feel sick again so she buried her face back into Gallus’s feathers. “I’m pretty sure our classmates would understand that you're just sick and Gallus wants to help as a friend Smolder.”. Ocellus is good at figuring out her friends' emotions but she can’t seem to figure out Smolder and Gallus’s. Smolder’s mind starts to go back to what Gallus had said during their first argument about this. ‘I need to ask him about it when we’re alone’ she thought to herself. “We should probably send a letter to Sandbar and Silverstream to let them know what’s going on” Ocellus said looking over to Spike who immediately got a scroll out. “Oh yeah, I sent a letter to Ember earlier and she sent one back saying she was going to come out here.” ‘Great’ Smolder thought to herself ‘Don't they know Ember’s pretty much my mother by how much she took care of me over the years? She's gonna flip when she sees me like this’. The last thing Smolder remembered seeing was Spike sending a letter to their friends when she passed out again.