The Dungeon Of Spike

by pinkiepiefan448

First published

Spike is tired of being the runt of the litter, no it’s time to kill!

Spike is tired of being treated like this, so when he finds a dungeon, can you really blame him for killing some ponies? Yes.

The Dungeon Of Spike

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The runt of the litter. That’s what Spike was, the runt of the litter. There was no denying it, Spike was the butt monkey, the outcast, the runt. Spike hated that, why couldn’t he be an element. He was more loyal to Twilight than Dash could ever be! His honesty was so much more sincere and difficult than Applejack. Laughter?! Ha! Her jokes never landed as hard as his! Kindness? What about all those times he stayed up late perfecting his recipes just for them! Animals?! Ugh! Rarity deserved her element, but Twilight?! Twilight didn’t care for Spike! She dumped all her work on him! She didn’t know shit about the magic of friendship! She deserved to bow down to him! Spike contemplated this as he walked around a field near his home. He was kicking pebbles when he kicked a block of concrete. “AAAA” Spike screamed on the top of his lungs “SON OF A BITCH!” Spike’s foot was bleeding as he held it up. However, something caught his eye, the block of concrete had two wooden doors on the top. It was a cellar! “What’s an old cellar doing in here” Spike questioned before seeing a golden plack “hmm, Ye Old Dungeon?” Spike read on, it was an old abandoned dungeon still with cells and some rusty old knives. Spike read on, he was shocked at how they tortured all of the old prisoners. It was no surprise Celestia put an end to this. Spike actually rolled his eyes! He gasped, was this really a decision he didn’t agree with. No, it wasn’t, he didn’t agree. Those who aren’t worthy deserve to be punished, and might as well have some fun. Yes Spike thought of this as fun. He knew the ponies didn’t think a dragon would discover this soooooo… “Yes!” Spike exclaimed as he breathed fire on the bars melting them, he opened the doors and walked down into the cellar.

The Golden Oak Library looked beautiful in the shimmering sunlight. Spike walked up to the library and opened the red door. Inside all of the mane 6 were at a table talking.

Twilight looked over “Spike, hello” Twilight greeted “how was your walk!”

“Oh it was alright” Spike replied “sorry for leaving, it was immature of me”

“Now will you make us tea and biscuits?” Rarity questioned

“Yeah of course” Spike replied with a cheery smile, then walked into the kitchen. He knew exactly what he was going to do, he had seen the dungeon, and the weapons inside. He had made up his mind, those who are unworthy deserve to be punished. Spike baked 12 cookies, however he placed a powerful potion he had stolen from Twilight’s lab. It puts the victim to sleep for 4 hours with no repercussions. Spike wasn’t exactly confident in his plan. Did they deserve to be punished? Spike had a test for the 6 pony friends. He strolled in pushing a cart with six cookies on the top. There was some tea and backup cookies on the second floor of the cart.

Pinkie reached for the cookies but Spike slapped her hoof.

“Ah ah ah” Spike shook his claw “first you have to answer a few questions.”

The ponies looked confused.

“Who is the most loyal?” Spike questioned.

“Rainbow Dash!” all 6 ponies (including Rainbow herself) replied.

“Who understands the magic of friendship the most?”


“Then what does that make me?” Spike finally questioned

“The little sidekick” Pinkie replied with a chuckle

“The number 1 assistant” Twilight replied

“The servant” Rainbow snorted and then, laughed

None of the other ponies laughed, they all scowled at Rainbow.

“He he” Rainbow chuckled “sorry not the best time.”

“That’s all I needed to hear” Spike replied and handed out the first batch of cookies and some tea. The first batch contained a ‘special’ ingredient.

Each of the ponies ate the delicious cookies. However, they noticed something strange. They all yawned.

“Uh Spike” Twilight yawned “what did you put in these Co-o -o “ Twilight’s head hit the table.

Each of the 6 ponies heads hit the table.

And Spike just laughed


An ear piercing scream rang throughout the walls. Rainbow Dash’s vision was blurry but the screams could be heard loud and clear. They belonged to her unicorn friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight’s vision was blurry, and her horn was in so much pain she held her eyes shut. An old rusty blade had sliced through her horn. She heard the culprit shut a door and walk off. But as Twilight adjusted her vision she saw that it was no normal door. It was a cell door, she was in some sort of dungeon. “Hello, is anypony there” Twilight called “Spike, Girls!”

“Hello?” A small quiet voice whispered from a cell on the right of Twilight’s “Twilight? Is that you?”

“Fluttershy?!” Twilight called “it’s gonna be okay, we’ll find a way out of this”

“Twi, Flutters?” Rainbow called from a cell on the left side of Twilight’s “are you guys okay? Where are we?”

“I don’t know” Twilight responded

“Ew look at all this gross rust” Rarity (who had a metal horn protector, so she couldn’t perform magic) exclaimed from a cell next to Fluttershy’s “where in Celestia’s name are we?!”

“Oooo” Pinkie gasped from a cell next to Rarity’s “maybe we were captured by Aliens and they want to use our blood to make Alien cupcakes!”

Fluttershy screamed and tried to hide in the cell.

“Oh hello, Elements” Spike said as he stepped into view

“Spike!” Twilight exclaimed “thank goodness you’re here please set us free”

“Oh sure” Spike mocked “make me clean up the mess, like allllllways. Spike the slave!”

“What?” Fluttershy shouted “we would never!”

“Spikey-wikey” Rarity wined “how could you say such things?!”

Spike walked over to a table and picked up a rusty knife, and walked over to Twilight’s cell.

“Spike!” Twilight cried “you’re not thinking clearly?!”

“Oh I’m thinking the most clear I’ve ever” Spike chuckled. He bent down and smirked at Twilight.

“Is this some sort of prank” Rainbow guessed

“Oh yeah!” Twilight concluded “a prank! That must be it!” She began laughing.

As Twilight was laughing Spike stuck his left claw through the cell and violently stabbed the top of Twilight’s cutie mark.

Twilight let out an ear piercing scream as everypony looked in horror.

Spike cut a circle around her mark and then put down the knife.

Twilight began sobbing before she felt a sharp pain and shouted on the top of her lungs.

Spike had inserted a screw into her mark, he then grabbed the screw and yanked the mark out. He then repeated the violent act on her other mark.

Throughout the whole process, Twilight was sobbing in pain, while the rest of the mane 6 shouted their protests.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash even tried to buck open the cell doors, but it was no use.

Spike put the two bloody marks on his thighs. He began dancing around “oh oh oh! I’ve got a cutie mark and you don’t!” He sang as he pranced around, the marks eventually falling off. “Ah well that was fun” Spike said placing the marks on the table “I suppose it’s time to continue!” He grabbed a gun from the table, as well as a simple spoon. The spoon was old and rusty but didn’t look too bad. It was the gun that worried the purple unicorn and all her friends. Spike aimed through the cell doors and shot!

Twilight tried to doge, but was unsuccessful. Her legs were shot multiple times, this caused so much pain that Twilight couldn’t move.

Spike opened the cell door with some rusty keys. He dragged Twilight out of the cell by the tail.

Once she was out the others yelled for her to run away, go get help, do something! However, the pain was too much and Twilight just couldn’t move.

“Tisk tisk master” Spike mocked “your eyes are filled with too much fear” Spike stared at her dilated pupils with tears stained on her cheeks. “Let’s fix that” Spike exclaimed as he stuck the spoon into Twilight’s eyes.

Twilight screamed on the top of her lungs “PLEASE STOP IT! PLEASE! I BEG YOU! SPIKE! REMEMBER THE-THe-The-the-”

Spike popped out Twilight’s eye, which flew into the air. Spike opened his mouth and swallowed the eye. Spike was covered in blood and he smiled a big eyes, shit eating grin at Twilight.

Twilight could not move, she could not speak, she was too traumatized.

Spike shrugged “Well I guess I’ve had enough fun!” Spike grabbed a gun from the table and shoved it down Twilight’s throat.

Twilight began to gag and tried to gasp for air.

Spike shot the gun several times in Twilight’s throat.

Twilight collapsed, dead.

Spike checked her pulse, “She’s gone! Woo-hoo! Freedom at last!” He danced near the body, sometimes even kicking her face.

The shouts of protest devolved into cries of sorrow and despair. Everypony was crying on the floor, staring at Twilight’s corpse, and sobbing.

There was only one pony not sobbing and still protesting. It was the brave Pegasus Rainbow Dash. “SPIKE HOW COULD YOU?! SHE RAISED YOU?!”


Rainbow’s face was stained in tears, and was full of rage! “GO TO HELL!”

Spike shook his head “Tisk Tisk, you really shouldn’t swear.” Spike walked over to the table and grabbed a rusty old knife.

“Oh no you don’t” Rainbow flew against the wall

“Ah well,” Spike shrugged, “suit yourself.” Spike walked over to the table and grabbed the gun.

Rainbow became frantic and began flying around the cell, but there was no escape. When it became clear that there was no running away Rainbow began cursing like a sailor at him.

Spike walked up to the cell and began shooting Rainbow’s leg and back.

Rainbow cried out in pain and anger.

It was at this point that the rest of the mane 6 (or now mane 4) looked over.

Rainbow was still persistent and was still flying away.

Spike groaned “You just won’t give up!” Spike walked over to a lever on the wall. Spike pulled the lever and a saw began moving and going down near Dash.

Rainbow kept flying and hitting the wall. The saw sliced through Dash’s back and her wings. She wouldn’t scream, she kept a straight face, but her friends did not.

The remaining 4 ponies slammed their hooves on the bars crying.

Crying the loudest was Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow looked over at her “Don’t let him win!” Rainbow called “Choose your own destiny!” And with that, Rainbow was gone. The blade sliced through Dash and she began to bleed. She began to bleed out and before long her heart did not beat.

Spike could barely see, he was covered in so much blood. “I’m gonna go wash up!” Spike shouted as he rushed out of the room.

Pinkie stared at the bodies of her 2 deceased friends. The last words of Rainbow rang in the pink pony’s head. Then her hair poofed up as she gasped. “We can still make our own choices!” She exclaimed, pulling 4 cupcakes out of her hair. The cupcakes each had hot pink frosting. Pinkie slid the cupcakes to the cells of her 3 remaining friends.

“Uh Pinkie,” Applejack questioned “what’s this about?”

“Oh they're cyanide cupcakes” Pinkie exclaimed bouncing

Rarity promptly smashed her’s

“Rarity” Pinkie wined “don’t do that! Here I’ll get another one!”

“No!” Rarity shouted

“Look Rainbow said to choose our own fate,” Pinkie explained

“No we’re gonna find a way out of here” Applejack reassured

“Yeah, don’t kill yourself!” Fluttershy protested, smashing her cupcake

Applejack did that same, they all looked at Pinkie.

“I’m sorry Girls,”

“NO DO-” Applejack cried out, but it was too late.

Pinkie popped the poisonous pastry in her mouth and after a bit of chewing swallowed.

Spike walked in rubbing his face with a towel, he stared at them. He thought they were still shaken up about Rainbow’s death, however Pinkie, Rainbow’s best friend, was not crying.

Pinkie turned her head at the demented dragon and only said one thing “I am in charge of my own fate.” And with that Pinkie collapsed to the ground.

Spike ran to Pinkie’s cell with his keys. He unlocked it and tore open the door. “NO! NO!” Spike screamed upon feeling Pinkie’s pulse “THIS RUINS THE ENTIRE PROCESS! SHE WAS NEXT! I NEEDED TO KILL HER! IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH FUN!”

The 3 remaining ponies were shocked at Spike’s declaration.

“HOW DID SHE DIE?!” Spike demanded

“She pulled a poison cupcake out of her mane” Fluttershy admitted

“WHAT?!” Spike began to spiral into further madness “I NEED TO ELIMINATE ANY OTHER SPECIAL TALENTS! THEY COULD SABOTAGE MY ENTIRE SYSTEM!!! IT COULD BE AN ENTIRE ‘SPECIAL’ STAMPEDE!” Spike gasped at the word Stampede, staring at Fluttershy. “YOU AND YOUR FUCKING ANIMALS!”

“Please, don’t hurt me” Fluttershy pleaded

Spike didn’t listen, instead he opened the cell and dragged the yellow Pegasus out of her cell.

Applejack and Rarity screamed protests at Spike, begging for him to spare Fluttershy.

Applejack even began bucking at the cell doors again.

However, it was like Spike didn’t even hear them as he began sort of digging her wings.

Fluttershy shouted in pain, and the 2 other ponies yelled objections,

Applejack still bucking the cell door.

Spike had clawed all the way to Fluttershy’s bone. Spike walked back over to the table as the yellow Pegasus sobbed. Spike grabbed a rusty saw and walked over to the Pegasus.

Fluttershy screamed with terror and tried to scatter away.

Spike stepped on her wing and dragged her back. Spike began to saw through the bone, trying to get rid of her connection to the animals.

The yellow Pegasus screamed on the top of her lungs and tried to escape.

The yells where annoying Spike so much, couldn’t she just accept this and just let Spike murder her. Spike had a diffrent far more painful idea to end her. He grabbed her by her mane and dragged her around the cave, until he found what he was looking for. A smooth rock pile, this would do. Spike slammed the yellow Pegasus on the rocks and then did the unthinkable. The purple dragon began curb-stomping the poor pony.

Rarity’s screams echoed throughout the entire sound-proof cave.

Applejack began bucking like she’d never bucked before.

As Spike continued something unexpected happened. He heard something skid behind him, he turned around. It was Applejack’s cell door! She had managed to buck it off! However, the force needed to buck the door off had also torn off something else… Applejack’s leg! Applejack had passed out from the pain. Spike walked over to the table and grabbed some cotton balls. He placed them into Applejack’s legs so they would not bleed out.

When Spike left the stone pile, it revealed Fluttershy’s body. Very much dead.

Rarity sobbed at the sight of Fluttershy’s mangled corpse. She didn’t even notice her cell door open. However, she did notice when a scolding hot iron was shoved upon her flank. It burned her cutie mark right off!

Unlike the other objects, the iron was not old and rusty. It was shiny and new as it had been stolen from Rarity’s own home. Spike walked to the other flank and did the same.


“Oh please” Spike said “you’ve always used my crush to your advantage!”

“SPIKE!” Rarity cried “PLEASE BECAUSE uh” she thought before telling the biggest lie she’d ever told “I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU!”

Spike stared at her “do you think I’M STUPID?!” Spike shouted and began beating the white unicorn with the iron.

Rarity screamed in pain as tears began rapidly flowing from her eyes.

“YOU’VE ALWAYS USED ME!” Spike shouted “I WAS GONNA SPARE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU EARNED YOUR ELEMENT! BUT NO YOU’RE-” The dragon stopped beating her, raised the iron, and slammed it down hard on the unicorn “A” he slammed it down again “SELFISH” he raised it and slammed it down on Rarity’s neck “BITCH!”

Rarity’s neck had been severed by the iron, so there lay her lifeless, tear stained, body.

Applejack awakened to find each and everyone of her friends dead.
Even the ones that were alive when she was last awake. Dead. Each of the bodies were tear stained, though Rainbow’s and Pinkie’s were clearly happy tears. They were all gone, but at least she would be joining them soon! She would get to see her friends again.

Spike put a collar with spikes on it, over AJ’s neck. Spike walked her into a room filled with gold. He walked her to the top and said “Welcome home!” Spike decreed

Applejack’s face was frozen in terror. She managed to croak out “You’re gonna kill me right?”

“What? No!” Spike chuckled much to the earth pony’s horror. “Remember the dragon code?! You’re gonna stay here forever!”

Applejack began to cry. Now the only thing keeping her going was hope for her friends. Wherever they are: Twilight should be reading a stack of books, Rainbow should be soaring in the sky, Pinkie should be eating all the delicious treats she deserved, Fluttershy was playing with the butterflies, and Rarity was admiring herself in the mirror. They deserved that all… but why didn’t Applejack deserve the same.