> Moondancer Doesn't Shower > by Rainglaive > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Smelly Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clouds littered the sky, but not enough to block the sun out entirely. You glide right below the clouds, occasionally reaching up to feel the clouds pass over your hoof. It’s nice, flying to work on a nice day. The wind flowing through your mane as you glide through the air is a feeling you couldn’t describe. It just felt great.  You see the post office that you work at, and start your descent. In one elegant motion, you retract your wings towards your body to fit through the somewhat small window before landing inside the backroom of the post office. The sudden abrupt landing catches the attention of a few ponies, but not all of them. Especially not the one at the front desk who’s used to your flashy entrances by now. The grey pony’s head spins towards you with an excited smile, and gives you a small wave. You move up your goggles with your wing, then greet her with it right after. She seems to be in the middle of handling a customer at the moment, so you walk past her into the break room to store your things in for the day.  A short walk in then out the break room is perfect timing as the grey pegasus turns to you, signifying that she had just finished with the customer she was preoccupied with. “Good morning, Anon!” She cheers, in her cute, soft voice. She’s smiling as innocently as she always does. “Morning, Derpy. How’re things right now?” You reply, walking towards the pile of mail and packages at the back of the room.  “Mmm, not too slow, not too fast. Just right I’d say! I love when it’s just right.” “Well that’s good to hear. I guess I should get to work then. I’m assuming these packages need to be delivered?” You point to the package on the ground. It’s size almost gives away that it’s probably a book. After picking it up, the weight almost gives it away. You’re not exactly the reading type of pony, but this is clearly a book.  “Mhm! I already organized the ones that need to go out today, so go ahead and deliver them! Some of those are to Canterlot, but I’m sure it won’t be too difficult for you.” Her tone, once again soft and cheerful.  You look at the book’s addressee. “To: Moondancer”. ‘What an interesting name’, you thought to yourself. ‘Hang on, From: Twilight Sparkle!? Like, THE Princess Twilight Sparkle?’ You don’t often get to deliver packages from the princess of friendship, since most of her letters are delivered from Spike to Princess Celestia.  That damn dragon could easily run you out of a job, but you push that thought aside.  It only makes sense that his magic can’t exactly deliver something as thick as a book though, so at least that’s one thing you have that he doesn’t. You carefully tuck the package into your bag with the rest of the parcels.  “I guess i’ll be on my way. See ya, Derpy.” You wave her goodbye. She waves back happily, and goes back to dealing with the customers. Stepping out from the back entrance, you take flight once more. Ponyville’s deliveries were all taken care of in a cinch. You have plenty of experience delivering packages by now, so it’s really not a big deal. Now, for the big deliveries to Canterlot. It wasn’t a difficult trip by any means, since you’ve done the route plenty of times now. Though all of a sudden, it felt like there was a bigger weight on your shoulders. Not so much literally as much figuratively. This is definitely the first time you’ve ever delivered something specifically from THE princess Twilight Sparkle. Although you had plenty of confidence in your delivering skills, it seemed there was suddenly a royal pressure to make sure the package ended up where it needed to be in perfect condition.  These thoughts bounced around your head as you closed in on Canterlot. One of the guards halts you before asking for identification, and you show him your Mail-pony badge. He recognizes it immediately and allows you in the royal city. The scenery here is definitely more posh than Ponyville. A little too stuck up for your tastes, though. It’s like the entire city is just one big Carousel Boutique. You look back down at your few parcels left to deliver, and continue on with your job. You squint at the address of the final package you have to deliver. Coincidentally it was actually the princess’ package you had absent-mindedly made your last delivery. You hoped that whoever this ‘Moondancer’ was, wasn’t some really ‘stuck-up-rich-person’ type. With a name like that though, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine. What do they do for a living anyway, dance? You finally find the location of the address, and it’s a little jarring to say the least. It looked like someone accidentally teleported a swamp house in-between the to be expected bougie apartments of Canterlot. You walk up to the fence door, and place your hoof on it. Before even exerting any force, it falls off it’s hinge and just topples over. Shit. This might not go over so well with whoever lives here. You gently flap your wings to lift yourself over the whole fence situation, and walk towards the door. Scared of doing what you did to the fence to the door, you tap ever so gently. Knock knock. Thankfully, the door felt a lot more study than whatever that fence’s hinges were made of. You decide to knock twice more, with a little more oomph. Knock knock!  After a few seconds, you hear the rustling of paper and some steps towards you. The door creaks ever so slightly. You can barely make out the eye of a pony, and a messy orange mane, tied up as to probably be able to see better. Her eyes peered at you from behind her thick black rimmed glasses.  “Uh… Hello! Package for Moondancer?” You try to say, but the words more fell out of your mouth. “A package?... For me? I haven’t gotten anything in a while now.” Her voice finally rings out, as she opens the door more, revealing more of her. The half of her mane you got to see must’ve been her good side, because the rest of her mane wasn’t looking so great either, aside from the two purple streaks in the middle. On top of that, despite her glasses, you can see the bagginess in her eyes. And to top it off, she wore a fluffy, dark wool sweater that looked as messy as her mane. In short, she looked like a mess. “Yep, it’s for you. Got your name on it. It’s from The princess Twilight Sparkle.” You hand the package to her, with the name and address facing her. Her eyes moved to the package, seeing her name, and the princess’. Her normal expression quickly became one of glee the moment she realized who it was from. She grabbed hold of it, and immediately shredded the packaging into pieces right in front of you. You try to cover your face so as to not get tiny shreds of paper in your eyes. She looks at the book with a wide grin on her face. You can just barely make out the title of the book from where you’re standing, despite reading it upside down. It says something along the lines of “The Treaty of Ponies, Vol. 1. By Haycartes” You’ve definitely not heard of any Haycartes or any of his treaties for that matter. “She remembered her promise! I’m so happy!” Her voice sounded a lot more chipper than you’d expect from her, given the first impressions you had of her.  “You must be a pretty big deal to get a personal delivery from the princess.” You say in an attempt in some small talk. Your words act like a reminder to her it seems, as she suddenly snaps back into reality and realizes you standing there, talking to her. She blushes slightly before covering her smile with her hoof.  “O-oh, me? No no we’re just uhm… friends. I just like to study, I’m not that important.” She stumbled over her words as reality had finally settled in for her. You look at her with a smile. “Well, being friends with the princess of friendship counts for something, I’d say.” “Uh… yeah. I guess you’re right.” She responds in a quieter tone than before. You start to sense that you should probably leave now, and so you turn to walk away. Before you could turn completely, however, you feel a hoof on your haunch.  “Wait!” You look back to see her placing her hoof on you, in what seems to be an attempt to get you to stop. She quickly pulls back and starts to blush again. “Uhm, th-thanks for delivering this t-to me. It means a lot.” Her words stumble once again.  “Uh, no problem ma’am. I’m just doing my job.” “B-but this is an important package and all, and… and you did a good job of delivering this in good condition… so…” Her words begin to trail off. “So…?” You say, trying to get her to finish her thought. “So… is it possible you could stay for a bit? I-i mean, being friends with the princess of friendship and all, I thought maybe I should try making more friends…”  Her eyes were shut tight out of complete embarrassment. She was fully red at this point, a stark contrast from her typical creamy beige coat. You don’t know if you’re the one who feels more awkward, or if it’s her. She is rather cute though, despite her disheveled look. You are also pretty much done your delivery route for the day, and Derpy can usually handle things on her own. It’s not a busy work day anyway. You weigh the pros and cons in your head, and let out a sigh. You turn to her. “Sure, if that’s what you want, why not.” Her shut eyes open in surprise and relief, and she looks at the ground for a bit. “That’s… great, thank you. Why don’t you come inside then? We can talk for a bit.” She backs into her house, inviting you in. You walk in to see the inside of her house is just about as bad as the front and outside. She closes the door behind you and floats the book from her hooves onto the desk in her living room. The state of her house is not something to write home about, and it might’ve come across a little too obvious on your face. As you scan around the house, you notice in the corner of your eye, Moondancer noticing you looking at her house. She immediately tries to tidy things up with her magic. “Oh, right, sorry about the mess. I don’t usually have guests over, heheh. I don’t ever have guests actually. I’ve never had… uh… anyway… I should probably ask your name first.” Her scrambled ramblings are amusing to listen to and you can’t help but smile. “I’m Anon. I’m a delivery pony from Ponyville. Although I’m sure you guessed as much since I came with a package from the princess who lives in Ponyville.” You chuckle. She nervously chuckles back at you.  “Right, that makes sense. W-well it’s nice to meet you Anon. I’m Moondancer. I’m uh… an old friend of Twilight’s. I say old because we haven’t exactly talked until recently, when she came to visit and reconnect with old friends. It was nice to see her again after all this time.” She explained. You go over to sit at her living room table.  “I see, so you’re a childhood friend of hers huh? That’s pretty cool. You must know some pretty interesting stories about when the princess was younger, don’t you?” You say, possibly trying to coax an embarrassing story about the princess out of her. “Oh no, I don’t think any of them would be interesting. We were so young back then, and we always competed over everything. She was basically my rival back in school.” She adjusts her glasses with her magic before sitting down across the table from you.  “So you’re on par with the princess of friendship, eh? That’s pretty impressive if you ask me” you tease, leaning your hooves on the table. She chuckles, a little more wholeheartedly this time. “I only mean back then. She’s so amazing now, I don’t think I could be on her level nowadays.” She looks down at the table, tracing circles with her hoof. “Well, becoming a princess is definitely not something you can do overnight. But if you were on her level when she was younger, I’m sure you can probably do great things now. You just gotta find it in yourself.”  Her eyes widen a little, before looking up at you. Her eyes are looking at yours with more intent than you’ve noticed so far. She quickly looks away, however, probably not realizing what she just did. “N-no I don’t think I could possibly…” Her words trail off. You look as her facial expression slowly turns from embarrassed to a more sombre and lonely look. Her eyes lost any glint that they might’ve had earlier, as she stared at the ground next to her. You feel a sting of pain in your chest, and you get up from your chair. Moving closer, you place a hoof on her shoulder. The sudden physical contact makes her flinch a little, as she looks up at you. “Hey, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re fine. If the princess has talked to you recently, then I’m sure things are gonna be looking up from here on out. I’m sure she’s given you some encouraging words to be better than you were before, right?” She repostures herself on her seat, and readjusts her glasses again with her magic. “If by encouraging words you mean throw a make-up party for me and driving me to tears only to talk me into giving friendship a try again and making me feel accepted by my friends and family again,” she pauses for effect. “Then yes. You’re right.” A moment of silence passes before you start to giggle at what she just said. She joins in on your laughter.  For a second, it felt really nice.  The whiff of something suddenly cuts your laughter short however, as a putrid smell enters your nostrils. You suddenly felt an urge to puke. It smelt like sewage, and you weren’t sure why. One look at Moondancer, however, and you were suddenly reminded of the pony you were talking to. Somepony who looked like they just came out of a wrestling match with a bugbear. Her laughter stops as well as she notices the horrific look on your face. Her eyebrow rises and she tilts her head to look at you. “Uh… what’s wrong?” She asks. “N-nothing… it’s just, when did you last shower, if you don’t mind me asking?” You manage to mutter in between a few coughs.  Her eyes suddenly grow wide and her eyebrows narrow. She takes a step back before responding. “Wha- what do you mean!? I don’t smell…” She leans towards her armpits to sniff herself, with a bit of disgust, but tries to mask it as to not show you she had confirmed the truth. “I… I showered last week…” She says timidly.  You look at her in disbelief for a few seconds. Her expression goes from anger to one of embarrassment.  “F-fine. It was more like… t-two weeks… I think.” She gives in. You squint at her. “You think?” Her eyes double take at your judgemental eyes, and close right after.  “L-look I don’t know! Sometimes I get really invested in my studies, okay? And when I do, I just don’t really have time to shower, and stuff…” Her defensive tone trailed off right before she said the word shower. It’s clear she’s very embarrassed about this topic. However, this embarrassment is rather charming. Cute, actually. You can’t help but grow a grin on your face, and snicker a little at this whole situation. She opens her eyes to look at you before reluctantly giggling a bit herself. “H-hey it’s not funny! I don’t smell…”  “Yeah, and I’m the ruler of Equestria.” You tease. Moondancer bursts out laughing before lightly hitting your shoulder with her hoof. “Shut up!” She exclaims somewhat sheepishly.  You both continue to laugh and share friendly banter, before even realizing that the day was almost over. You look out the window to notice the sun was already setting. “Oh shoot. I didn’t even realize the day was almost over. I was having too much fun with you.” You look at Moondancer and catch her glance. Her face is surprised at first, but it shifts into a grateful smile.  “I had a lot of fun too, Anon. thanks for spending the day with me.” Her hoof rubs shyly against her other arm. It’s a little dark to see perfectly, but you notice her blushing a bit again. When she looks like that, your heart can’t help but skip a beat. She sure is really cute when you get to spend some time with her. Her hair almost reminds you of Princess Twilight’s hair a bit, if maybe the colours were slightly different. Otherwise, if she had let her hair down she'd probably be a dead ringer, minus the glasses and different color scheme.  “Well, it’s getting late, maybe I should start heading out.” You awkwardly add, to try and leave her house. She seemed really sad when you said that. She doesn’t say anything, but her aura tells you she doesn’t want you to leave. “Don’t give me that. We can hang out more from now on! We are friends now, right Moondancer?” You nudge her a little. A smile finds its way onto her face, and it makes you feel warmth swelling from inside. The smile doesn’t last however, as she looks down at the floor again. You can’t help but want to cheer her up, even if it’s a little bit. You try to think of something to do to make her feel better. Instinctively, you do what your heart tells you to do, and you reach your arms around her. It takes a second for her to reciprocate, but she wraps her arms around you softly. Your heart is beating really fast, and you’re hoping she doesn’t notice that you’re slightly out of your element. This is probably the most courageous you’ve been with anypony, but she felt special. The least you could do was hug her. You let go from the hug to look at her. Her face was a deeper shade of red than you have ever seen, and you suddenly lose your composure.  “M-moondancer?” You mutter. She grips you a little tighter and leans towards your ear. Her words are like silk travelling through your ear. “Please stay.” Those words are shortly followed by the feeling of soft, tender lips connecting with yours. You close your eyes slowly, and fall deep into your kiss with Moondancer. The dark grey wool sweater fell to the ground. The bagginess of it was hiding her slender figure, and quite frankly, was the reason for most of the putrid smell. It seemed Moondancer herself wasn’t the one that smelled that bad, but her clothes. You leaned in to kiss her on the neck, getting a whiff of her scent. What was gross prior, in this moment was arousing. It was mostly just sweat, probably from wearing such a big sweater. She whimpered under her bated breath. “Wh-what are you doing, Anon? Don’t sniff me like that, I thought you said I smell…” She noticed your discreet sniff. You continue without looking up at her. “It actually kind of turns me on… how you smell.” You whisper to her. Without having to look you know she’s heavily blushing.  “You’re so gross…” She says reluctantly. It hardly phases you at this point.  You continue to trail kisses down her body. As you’re serenading her with kisses, you both make your way to her bedroom. The bed seemed big enough for the both of you. With your front hooves, you pushed her onto the bed, with her front facing you. She looked up at you in anticipation. You scoffed as you noticed her expression. “You seem like you’re really looking forward to this. Pent up sexual frustration?” You pester. She rolls her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment. “Can you just make me feel good already? Jeez.” She protests. A small giggle manages to escape your lips. “Sure thing, Moonie.” The sudden nickname caught her off guard. “M-moonie?” “Yeah, you like it?” She pauses for a bit to ponder. “No one’s ever given me a pet name before…” She trails off shyly.  “I’ll take that as a yes, Moonie.” You say, as you lean in to kiss her again. She looks at you with a shy, reserved smile. It’s the most adorable thing you’ve seen. Looking down, you move your attention between her legs. You notice the small pink slit, and quickly move to kiss it. Moondancer let’s out an unexpected yelp, before biting her lip.  “S-sorry, it was just so sudden…” she comes out with. You pay her no mind, as you continue to work your tongue along her wetness. The taste was salty, and the whiff of her sweat was driving you crazy. As you play with her slit using your tongue, you decide to take advantage of your wings. You outstretch your wing towards her, with the tip of your wing’s feather touching her clit. Softly, you start to brush it with the feather. Her body shivered to the touch of your wings. She started to moan under her breath, and gripped onto the sheets underneath her. She looked down at you with half lidded eyes, readjusting her glasses again. She smiled at you briefly before throwing her head back as pangs of pleasure surged through her body. You start to brush her clit harder with your wing, applying more pressure. Her body started to jerk against you, but you kept her lower body in check with your hooves against thighs. Your tongue speeds up as you tongue her insides. She starts moaning more audibly now. Her moans became more vocal rather than bated whispers. She tries to reach for you. “Anon, I think i’m gonna…” Before she could finish, she lets out a loud moan, and her wetness sprays out from her. You managed to dodge it right before it all came out, but some of it still got on your face. You instinctively wipe it off with your wings, before realizing that you’re definitely going to have to wash that after. You turn your attention to Moondancer again, who’s panting and gotten sweatier since you started. You lean in to kiss her deeply, as she’s still trying to breathe. You move her arms up and pin them above her head with your wings. With her defenses out of the way, you shove your face into the chest, embracing the softness of it, and taking in the musky smell of her sweat. She giggles a little. “H-hey! That tickles, Anon!” she comments in between each laugh.  Her laugh is so cute. You lean back straight, with your erect member on top of Moondancer’s belly. She looks down her stomach to notice your length. She looks at it longingly, and looks back at you, with a sultry smile. “Are you gonna put it in me now?” She suggests, in between her panting. You return her smile. “Of course, Moonie.” You readjust yourself so that your cock lines up with her pussy. As you grab her by the waist, you slowly penetrate her folds and fit your whole shaft in her. The entire time, she’s back to grabbing the sheets, and closing her eyes tightly as she receives you from below. You start to move slowly inside her, and her moans become very audible. The feeling of your cock sliding in and out of her pussy was a feeling you couldn’t describe. Almost like the act of flying. You slowly pick up the pace as you get more and more into it. Her moans grew in tandem with your increasing pace. “Yes, Anon… Give it to me…” She asked. You didn’t need her to tell you that, but hearing her say it just made you want to go even harder. Your thrusts became more primal, focusing less on the form and more on just the raw emotions that you felt fucking her. Eventually, you start to feel something rising inside you. Your thrusts are at this point making loud slaps as your hips were hitting her ass. You lean in a little closer to her face. “Moonie, I’m gonna cum soon…” “M-me too… Anon…” You look down at the work you’re doing to her, before she raises your face back to look at her. She looks at you with her lust filled eyes. “Kiss me.” She demanded. Without any hesitation, your lips locked. You feel her tongue invade your mouth, as you take her tongue with yours. Your thrusts are at this point out of control, as you feel something about to come out. You feel a surge of warmth escape your shaft, and your mind goes blank. The muffled sounds of Moondancer aggressively moaning into your mouth cue you in that she just came as well. You both share in the few seconds of pure ecstasy, before you slump onto her. You disconnect your mouths, at the same time your cock falls out of her. You roll over to lay next to her, both of you panting heavily after what just happened. She quickly slides closer to you, and props her head up against your arm. She’s cradled into your arm and the side of your body. You look down at her, her eyes closed, probably just focusing on the afterglow, and breathing. You close your eyes and join her. The two of you lay there for a long while before any of you break the silence. “I really enjoyed that…” She said coyly. You look down to see her looking up at you with her adorable glasses slightly off center. You let out a single chuckle, almost a sigh, as you lean in to kiss her. She obliges you. “I did as well.” You pause. “I’m glad I met you, Moonie.”  Moondancer giggles a little, before snuggling closer to you. “I’m glad we met too, Anon.” she adds. You reciprocate her cuddles by wrapping yourself around her. Before you can even say or think of anything else to say, the softness of her body against yours, along with the feeling of her breathing against your body, lulls you to sleep before you even know it. Today, you learned that flying in the sky is probably the second best indescribable feeling you’ve ever felt. The next morning, you awake to the feeling of a weight on your wing. As well as an unfamiliar bedroom. It takes your recently awoken brain to process where you are, and what just happened. The weight on your wing you realized was none other than Moondancer, sleeping on your wing. She’s cuddled up next to you very snugly. You can tell just from how she’s sleeping that she must’ve been very lonely before you came into her life. You feel a sense of gratitude for having been able to meet her like this. You stroke her mane with the hoof that she’s sleeping underneath. Despite being messy, her mane was still soft to the touch. It felt nice to stroke her hair. You notice as she starts to awake as well, stretching and slowly opening her eyes. You can almost visibly see her process all the information in her brain as to what happened last night as well, and she ends up blushing and looking at you with a coy smile.  “Good morning, Anon.” “Morning, Moonie.” “Last night was… uh…” She has a hard time trying to find the right words. “Yeah, it sure was.” You answer her anyway, getting the idea of what she was trying to say anyway.  “Does this mean we can see each other more often?” She quickly asks. You can’t help but chuckle. “Uhm, sure. This being the first time we met, I’m sure we’re gonna see each other a lot more often.” She immediately realizes what she said and blushes deeply. “That’s not what I- oh Celestia, I can’t believe I just… after only just having met you…” You continue to laugh, as you try and release your wing from underneath her.  “I’m just teasing you, Moonie. I enjoyed all of it last night. Talking to you, I think you’re really something special. Also, I think we skipped a few steps, if your original plan was to make just friends.” She chuckles back at you, putting a hoof to her mouth. “Yeah, I guess I did.” You hop out of bed and walk around to her bathroom. You better wash yourself off before you head to work. It’s still a weekday, so you got work to do. “I uh, have work today, so if you don’t mind I should probably wash up a bit and go.” You motion awkwardly as you walk into the bathroom. She sighs to herself in amusement. “Right, I forgot I had sex with a mail pony. Yesterday really was something.”  You laugh with her. She really was something. You feel the air brush through your mane as you touch the clouds with your hoof on your way back to Ponyville. You see the post office, and prepare to land once again. With a singular motion, you tuck your wings in, and land inside the office backroom again. Some people turn to notice your flashy entrance, but especially so from the grey pony at the front desk. Except her usual happy expression was that of worry. She flew over to you and was pouting very hard.  “Anon! Where did you go? I was so worried!” Her soft tone is more worried than you’re used to. “Sorry Derpy, I got uh… distracted yesterday. I promise it won’t happen again.” probably the worst excuse and/or apology you could’ve mustered, but your brain was probably still in Canterlot.  “Hmph! You better not do that again mister! Or I’ll get really angry!” Her pout was even more intense, but only serving the opposite effect, because she was getting even more ridiculously adorable.  “You got it, boss. Let’s get back to work then.”