> Pistachio and Pommel > by PegPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was hard work being a fashionista, especially when you had to find time in your busy schedule to pay some attention to two up-and-coming fashion designers who had become your bitches. Rarity didn't know where her kink for domination had come from, she assumed it must have been something to do with being a successful and independent business woman, but that was something that had happened long before she met her very first bitch, Coco Pommel. Rarity was sewing away a new ensemble that going to be part of her new femme fatale line at her New York boutique "Rarity For You", the style had become somewhat popular after the last fashion week that had been themed around the concept of sensuality, she smiled as she remembered the state that Coco Pommel was in that day. -flashback- The models walked in on their way to the dressing rooms to get changed, Rarity beamed and said "Bravo girls! Terrific stuff! You get changed and take a rest, you deserve it!" As the girls all filed into the dressing room, who should appear around the corner but Coco Pommel. Rarity was overjoyed "Coco darling! There you are! Where have you been?" Coco smiled and said "Hello Rarity, I would have come to see you earlier but I was... um... following your instructions" she said. Coco had been employed by Rarity to act as an assistant, but over time her job description became more and more like a servant rather than an assistant, but Coco was not complaining in the slightest. Coco continued "Hoity Toity sends his thanks, he said that my skills under the judges desk helped him keep a clear head when evaluating the clothing on show" Rarity gave a sultry smile before bringing Coco in for a passionate kiss, when they separated Rarity said "How have you been handling your other instructions dear?" Coco lifted the front of her skirt, showing off her utterly soaked panties "Very well Miss Rarity, as promised I have not touched myself since the last time you were in New York. I've had to change panties and clean myself up on numerous occasions, people were starting to wonder why I was visiting the bathroom so frequently" Rarity gave an approving look before saying "What about the back?" Coco turned around and lifted the back of her skirt, showing the butt plug she had firmly lodged in her ass "It has been in there since this morning Miss Rarity" Rarity grinned "Excellent" she said as she gave Coco's butt a swat. Coco let go of her skirt and turned to face Rarity, then nervously she said "Miss Rarity...may I please take out the butt plug? I really... really need to take a shit". Coco gasped as she realized her fatal error, one of Rarity's rules was to never use vulgar language, how could she have forgotten? Rarity gave her a disapproving look as she reached into her handbag and pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. Coco whimpered as she obediently lifted up her shirt to reveal her breasts, Rarity made sure the clamps were firmly in place, making Coco wince, before she moved away and allowed Coco to put her shirt back down. Though Rarity wasn't completely cruel and heartless "Tell you what Coco dear, keep in that butt plug and those clamps on for the next two hours, if you can do that then the next time I come to New York, I will set aside a whole day where you and I can have some fun and play time, OK?" -back in the present- Ah yes, that was fun. Rarity finished off her latest creation and hung it up on the clothes rail ready to take to New York, she briefly reminisced about just how Coco Pommel had become hers in the first place. > Pommel Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -years ago- Rarity beamed in excitement as she gazed upon the interior of the newly refurbished "Rarity For You" boutique. It was beautiful and more importantly chock full of some of her latest and greatest designs that she knew New Yorkers would be dying to try out and buy. However a thought occurred to Rarity, while she was incredibly organized when it came to fashion, she was still just one woman and couldn't run three boutiques all on her own, especially when she kept most of her work at her very first boutique and home base, the Carousel boutique. She had hired a regional manager, Sassy Saddles, to take care of Canterlot Carousel but it seemed like she was in the rather unfortunate position of needing to hire yet another person to help her out. Despite her success, she didn't think she would be able to afford two regional managers and it would be unfair to ask Sassy to split her attention between Canterlot Carousel and Rarity For You. What could she do? She decided that instead of hiring a regional manager she could instead hire a part-time assistant to help her out with her schedule, keep things in order and most likely keep "Rarity For You" running when she wasn't around to do it herself. She racked her brain trying to think of who she could hire, Fluttershy perhaps? She had some limited knowledge about sewing, but not particularly about fashion, she also figured that she would be too shy to talk to customers. What's more is that Fluttershy was a rather insatiable woman when it came to sex, she didn't want Fluttershy to become distracted or simply close the boutique for a day or two just so that she and Applejack or whatever animal she was in the mood for had a secluded private area to fuck, that might be bad for business. Maybe she could ask Twilight? She was always very organized, then again she already had her hands full studying at college, not to mention she had her dog Spike to look after and she didn't want animals of any kind living in the boutique, she already had enough trouble getting rid of the raccoons that had somehow snuck in. Rarity took a deep breath in and then out, she had to brainstorm this strategically. She needed someone who knew about fashion, who didn't have anything to distract them, who didn't have commitments that would stop them from working efficiently. Of course she couldn't ask any fashion critics or people of prominence to do it, they were far too busy it was almost ludicrous, then she had a thought... Suri Polomare? Of course she and Suri weren't exactly on good terms, besides which she was only in the world of fashion thanks to her stealing from other more talented designers and... of course! Coco Pommel, the creator behind the con artist. Coco was steadily making her way up in the world of fashion, though not quite as high as Rarity. She was meant to attend the grand opening of Rarity For You but was unable to due to a fashion competition, but surely she had enough time to spare, after all it was only a part-time position, she got out her phone and immediately gave Coco a call. Coco was just putting the finishing touches on a dress she was intending to wear to an upcoming Canterlot garden party, she was hoping to make some connections while she was there that might hopefully give her a boost in her career, not to mention a little bit of free publicity. As she hung up the dress she heard her phone ring, odd since she wasn't expecting any calls, she picked up the phone and said "Hello?" "Coco darling! So good to hear your voice after all this time! How are things? You still wowing people with your incredible designs? Oh I can't wait to hear all bout it!" It was Rarity, that was the least person she was expecting a call from "Oh Hi Rarity! I wasn't expecting you to get in touch! I've been doing great thanks, in fact I just finished up a rather stunning little number, if I do say so myself, it's for personal use however. I'm hoping to draw some eyes at the Canterlot garden party next weekend" She heard Rarity gasp before saying "Miss Pommel, you cheeky little woman! You don't seem the kind of girl who goes to such a formal affair looking for a boy to take home!" Coco panicked and said "No no no! It's not like that! I'm going there for business reasons!" Rarity blushed and said "Ah my apologies dear, I shouldn't jump to conclusions like that but I do so love a bit of gossip. I assume you already have a boyfriend?" Coco sighed "No actually, besides you do know I'm into guys and girls right?" Rarity mentally chastised herself for being so assuming "Sorry dear, I didn't know. Well, since we are both friends connected by fashion, why don't I come along as your date?" Coco's eyes widened, was Rarity asking her out? "W-What do you mean?" Rarity confirmed "Oh no no, not romantically you understand, just as a friend or even a fellow fashionista if you prefer". Coco let out a sigh, though she wasn't entirely sure herself if it was a sigh of relief or disappointment, Rarity was quite a catch after all. "That sounds great Rarity, I'd love it if you came along with me" Rarity smiled "Excellent! However dear I believe I have become rather sidetracked but our lovely little chat, you see the main reason I've called you is to offer you a job" A job? Now that was interesting. "What kind of job?" Rarity said "Well as you know, my New York boutique "Rarity For You" is now open and ready for business. However I just can't handle three boutiques all on my own, so I need a part-time assistant who may be able to assist me and you seemed like the perfect candidate! I do only hope it doesn't get in the way of your fashion career, I would so hate to be responsible for you having to quit the industry for my sake." Coco thought for a moment, she could use the extra money, after all her designs weren't exactly flying off the shelves just yet and she knew Rarity would be a much more generous and fair employer than Suri Polomare was. She knew she had the time to spare, so it wouldn't hurt to take Rarity up on he offer, especially since she had also been kind enough to go to the Canterlot garden party with her, which would certainly help build up her image. It was a no-brainer "Rarity, I would love to be your part-time assistant" said Coco. Rarity couldn't be happier "Oh thank you ever so much Coco! Honestly I didn't know what I was going to do if you declined, really you have no idea how much this means to me. Tell you what, after the Canterlot garden party next weekend we can go over the specifics of the job and take it from there, how does that sound?" Coco nodded despite Rarity not being able to see her do so and said "Sounds perfect" Rarity went "Excellent! I'll see you next weekend!" She put down the phone and went about her day. > Pommel Prominence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day of the Canterlot garden party arrived, plenty of upper class people had attended, gentleman about town Fancy Pants, his good lady wife Fleur De Lis who was a model and as luck would have it Hoity Toity himself, one of the biggest names in fashion. Rarity arrived before Coco did wearing what was, for her at least, a simple black gown with hints of purple red to accentuate the shape and flair of the garment. In terms of accessories Rarity had black heels, wore purple nail varnish, kept her signature mascara, eye liner and light blue eye shadow which was offset rather nicely by her light pink lipstick. Rarity topped off the look with a plain silver tiara. She knew that Coco would be arriving in something that she had made especially for the occasion and that was there to show her fashion prowess, so Rarity tried to wear an outfit that was a perfect blend of formal chic yet stylishly plain so that Coco stood out. However, Rarity didn't dare wear anything that people might consider non-fashionable, she did have her own reputation to uphold after all. Coco turned up looking simply ravishing, the gown she was wearing was a tropical sea blue that had white gems and sequins placed in such a way it looked like the dress was simply a wave washing against the shore of Coco's body, it was so simple yet it shone with beauty. Along with her exquisite outfit she wore white flats and, like Rarity, had chosen to stick with her old faithful of mascara, eyeliner and light blue eye shadow, she had also decided upon a much deeper and richer royal blue color for her lipstick and light blue nail varnish. Coco wore a slightly larger silver tiara with a large blue diamond shaped gem at the top with smaller rounded gems of the same color sloping down the curves on either side, each one sparkling brilliantly in the light. Rarity was astonished, Coco looked absolutely drop dead bombshell gorgeous, every head would be turning at that party. As Coco approached Rarity she said "Hey Rarity, I love your dress, it really suits you! How's mine?" Rarity's jaw dropped and her eyes looked ready to pop out of their sockets from how wide they were "Coco darling..." she said "You look simply perfect! Your dress is astonishing! So avant garde, such detail, the color compliments your skin tone perfectly and the accessories and make-up you have chosen matches perfectly! I say this with the utmost honesty and sincerity Coco dear, but I literally could not have done a better job myself, people would have to be downright mad to not notice what a talent you are!" Coco blushed "Y-you really think so?" Rarity confidently said "I know so darling! Come come come, I simply must show you off to everyone dear, it's borderline criminal that nobody has yet to see just how alluring and positively fabulous you look!" Taking Coco by the hand, she practically started dragging Coco along with her as they both entered the garden party. As could be expected, all the people who were respected and considered high up in society were there, such as the so called "Canterlot elite" and basically anyone who was the crème de la crème in their particular respective fields. there was a table with hors d'oeuvres and other small appetizers next to a large bowl of punch and a small corner of the garden reserved for those who fancied a game of croquet. As they both entered the garden party, heads everywhere turned both in shock and amazement, many took note of Coco and her incredible dress and how astonishing it looked compared to Rarity's rather less ambitious get-up, inevitably a few of them assumed that Rarity and Coco were simply a lesbian couple and were merely surprised they were "coming out" so publicly. One such head was Rarity's old friend Fancy Pants who immediately approached them both without a hint of hesitation "Rarity! Jolly good to see you! After last time I was worried you may not attend. Who might your good lady friend here be?" Rarity smiled slightly nervously as she remembered her rather embarrassing moment at the last garden party she had attended when her friends made the party somewhat less elegant, she adored her friends of course, but they weren't exactly the calm and quiet type. "Fancy Pants darling! It's an absolute joy to see you here, this here is my friend Coco Pommel, like myself she has a passion for fashion" Fancy Pants gave her a light kiss in her hand "Lovely to meet you my dear, I assume Rarity is the one who made your rather excellent dress am I correct?" Coco was scared to say it, but she had to if she wanted any recognition "Um... well, actually I made it" Fancy Pants was so genuinely surprised that his monocle fell off "You dear?! I say that is quite the gift you've got there! I can honestly say I've never seen such a wonderful garment in all my years! No offense Rarity". Rarity simply flicked her hand in a "I-don't-care" sort of way and allowed Coco to have her moment of glory. Fleur De Lis cut in and said "I say dear, that gown is simply gorgeous, it hugs your curves and frames your features perfectly, it's stunning! Actually, I do have a fashion shoot coming up and I make it a principle of mine to get my hands on the best haute couture from some of the hottest designers around, I don't suppose you have another dress like this one that I could use?" Coco was stunned, she had barely been at the party for 5 minutes and she was already getting business offers! "Well... this is the only one at the moment but... I'm sure I could make one for you exactly the same!" Fleur De Lis gave her a hug and went "Excellent! I'll be sure to pay handsomely for it! Oh and uh... incidentally..." Fleur De Lis discreetly handed Coco a card with her name and number on it before she whispered seductively "Call me..." then walked away with her husband in tow to continue mingling with the other guests. Rarity smirked and said "See? Now what did I tell you? Now be confident dear and show everyone how fashion forward you are!" As the night continued Coco only found more and more success, quite a few members of the party had noticed her dazzling dress sense and had put in orders to have one of their own, not to mention that plenty of them, both women and men had decided to slip her a card with their names and number on them. Hoity Toity had obviously taken note of the dress ever since Coco arrived and had decided to wait and see what others thought of it before he came to any conclusions. The popularity of this particular dress was clear, he had to approach her. Whilst Rarity and Coco were getting some punch Hoity Toity sidled over and said "Excuse me ladies, Hoity Toity, fashion critic and owner of the "Best of the Best" boutique right here in Canterlot, how do you do?" Now Coco was very excited, but also scared stiff, Hoity Toity was the starting point for almost every big name in the fashion world, there wasn't a designer anywhere who hadn't had some kind of interaction with him before they became famous fashionistas. > Pommel Passion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity said "Hoity darling! Pleasure to see you! Have you met my friend Coco Pommel?" Hoity said "No, I've not had the pleasure and I must say that it is a travesty that I haven't! My dear I've noticed you during this grand little affair and I must say that I am colored surprised that Rarity was not the one who made your most excellent gown. From what I understand you yourself made it, what a crying shame that you have kept yourself so hidden!" Coco blushed and said "Oh... thank you, I do try my best" Hoity Toity grinned, somewhat charmed by her shy demeanor and said "Well you certainly did do your best! Now I couldn't call myself a good judge of fashion if I didn't ask you this next question, please may I display a version of the very same dress you are wearing in my "Best of the Best" boutique? I simply must have one, it's astonishing". Coco couldn't believe how lucky she was, her dreams were coming true and she had to somehow keep herself cool, calm, collected and casual. "That would be wonderful Mr.Toity, thank you." Hoity Toity chuckled and said "Please dear, call me Hoity, believe you me we'll be dealing with each other again in future and a very bright future at that, I guarantee it!" With that, Hoity Toity, like most of the other guests continued to mingle, spreading the word about Coco Pommel. By the end of the night Coco Pommel had countless offers from various people requesting the very same dress she was wearing, with all of them promising to pay what they assumed would be a very hefty price tag, Coco couldn't believe her luck. In a small way she had Rarity to thank for all of this, she never would have gotten into fashion if it wasn't for her and because she was already a big name, a recommendation from her was worth its weight in gold. The night went on very casually with plenty of chatter, food and drink, they even had a small game of croquet to pass the time before the night started to close in and everyone had to leave to make their way home. As Rarity and Coco were leaving, Rarity turned to Coco and said "I hope you don't mind dear, but in my opinion it's far too late at night for either of us to get a train back to your home in New York and certainly my home which is even further away, so I was thinking we could book a couple of hotel rooms for the night and perhaps go our separate ways midday tomorrow perhaps? We need our beauty sleep after all!" That sounded reasonable enough, Coco nodded and said "Sure thing Rarity, but will you at least let me pay for the rooms? You've already done so much for me and-" Coco was immediately interrupted by Rarity who went "No no no no dear I won't hear of it! Tonight was all for you and you deserve to be spoiled! We'll be going to the best hotel Canterlot has to offer and you won't spend a single solitary cent darling!" Coco could see she wouldn't be able to convince Rarity otherwise and decided to just go along with it. After walking through the darkening streets of Canterlot they came across a five star hotel called the "The Optimorium". As they walked in the receptionist adopted looked up from her computer and adopted a large happy grin "Hello ladies! How may I help you?" Rarity said "Hello! We'd like to stay here for just one night, do you have two singles available?" The receptionist tapped away at her computer, presumably checking what rooms were booked and which ones were available and ready to use. After a moment the receptionist went "Oh I'm awfully sorry, but there are no singles available right now, they are all currently occupied. However I can see that there is a double available, would that suit you?" Well, this was going to be slightly awkward. Rarity and Coco weren't exactly opposed to sleeping in the same room and the same bed, they didn't even care if people got the wrong idea about their relationship, it was more about the prospect of being so physically close with someone they considered a good friend without any sort of barrier for the sake of privacy. However they were both women, confident in themselves and their female form, they refused to be ashamed of the potential of accidentally catching a glimpse of the more sensual parts of a womans body, even if said woman was an incredibly attractive friend. Rarity cleared her throat to break the silence and said "Y-yes, quite, that would suit us just fine for the night. "Excellent!" The receptionist pushed a form across the desk for Rarity to fill out, once filled out the receptionist took it back, photocopied it and input the necessary information into the booking system. "OK" she said "That will be eight hundred dollars please". Eight hundred dollars?! Well, it was the best hotel in Canterlot, so they had to hope they got what they were about to pay for. Rarity dug into her purse and promptly handed over the money and in exchange was given a key, the receptionist smiled and said "Room 290, you'll find it on the second floor, you can't miss it. Enjoy your stay!" Rarity and Coco made their way to the nearby elevator. While they waited for the elevator to bring them to their destination Rarity said "You don't mind sharing a room and a bed with me do you?" She tried to act like it was nothing out of the ordinary, but her voice wavered slightly upon having to ask the question in a way that signaled she somewhat regretted asking it in the first place, in a way she wished that she hadn't because it would only make the situation more awkward than it needed to be. Coco shook her head and said "No no, of course not, it's just one night in a hotel after all...". Rarity wasn't exactly entirely convinced, but decided not to further press the issue, they had no need to be embarrassed. The elevator doors opened and they made their way to their room, when they got in they were surprised at just how luxurious it was. A queen size bed with large pillows and a 12 tog duvet full of goose down, a spacious bathroom that had a separate bath and shower cubicle and two separate areas for the kitchen and dining area with a view of Canterlot Castle. It was the best room they could have hoped for. As they shut and locked the door behind them, they settled into their new temporary home where they would be spending the night, taking off their tiaras and hanging them on the door handle. A deafening silence pervaded the room, it seemed as if the world had gone still and time had stopped, there wasn't any sounds of the traffic or people outside, it was just Coco and Rarity in that one room and nothing else existed. Coco turned to face Rarity and, with a slight blush said, almost in a whisper "Th-Thanks Rarity... I had a really great time tonight..." Rarity swallowed down a feeling of nervousness as she replied "Yes... yes... so did I...". Blue met blue as they stared into each others eyes, the tension lay thick and heavy on the air, the electricity between them so apparent it could have powered a light bulb. Then finally, they simply closed their eyes, leaned towards each other and their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. > Pommel Pussy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things only got more heated from there, as soon as Rarity and Coco kissed a deeply buried lust was unleashed that they didn't know existed as they allowed their hands to roam across each others bodies, feeling the curves and contours that lay hidden underneath their gowns. At one point, Rarity allowed one of her hands to delve underneath Coco's dress and down the front of her panties where her wet pussy lay in wait to be graced with Rarity's dainty and delicate feminine touch. As their tongues began to wrestle each other Rarity pressed her palm against Coco's pussy, making her gasp as she pulled away from the kiss "Oh Rarity..." she said, Rarity started rubbing her hand up and down the entire length of Coco's pussy whilst snaking the fingers of her other hand into Coco's hair, gently coercing her to rest her head in the crook of her neck. Coco latched onto the unblemished skin of Rarity's soft smooth neck with her mouth and began sucking, she almost drew a strange sense of comfort from simply standing there in the warm comfort of Rarity's embrace and allowed her to touch her most private area. Rarity sped up her rubbing, her palm becoming moist as Coco's pussy continued to produce more and more juices the higher and higher her arousal crept. Rarity gently bit down on Coco's earlobe and inserted two finger's into Coco's tight and hot fuck hole. Coco let out a squeak of pleasure as soon as Rarity began pumping her fingers in and out, gently pushing deeper and deeper at a moderate pace until her fingers were in far enough that each thrust into Coco's pulsating slutty folds went down to the knuckles. It was after that point that Rarity decided to get just a tad rougher, she released Coco's earlobe and sank her teeth into her shoulder instead as she started to put the force of her whole arm into her treatment of Coco's clean shaven pussy. Coco stopped sucking and began letting out breathy moans of pleasure, both of their bodies rising up by just half an inch in an ecstatic jolt as Rarity roughly rammed her fingers up Coco's pussy. It wasn't too long before Coco held back and stifled a large moan as her pussy clenched on Rarity's fingers, quivering and twitching as an orgasm shuddered through her body. Rarity continued her ministrations as Coco slowly came down from her orgasm, when Rarity could feel that Coco's pussy was no longer trying to clamp down on her drenched digits, she pulled her fingers out and took her mouth off of Coco's shoulder. Coco brought her face out of Rarity's neck, only to get the shock of her life when Rarity just suddenly out of nowhere shoved her fingers into her mouth, forcing her to taste her own fluids. The taste was surprisingly pleasant as she curled her tongue around Rarity's fingers, obediently cleaning them, licking and sucking until she could no longer taste her own pussy. Rarity kicked off her shoes and removed her own panties from underneath her dress, deciding for the moment to keep it on before pushing Coco up against the nearest wall. Apart from Coco's previous moan of Rarity's name, neither of them had spoken a word yet, Rarity pushed insistently on Coco's head until she got the message to get down on her knees. Rarity used one hand to lift the front of her dress while she used the other to shove Coco's face right up against her pussy. Coco briefly took note that Rarity had a neatly trimmed bush before closing her eyes and planting her tongue against Rarity's clit. Rarity groaned and while keeping her hand on Coco's head, she raised her left leg and planted her foot on the bedside desk, sending what few items were there tumbling down onto the floor as she gave Coco better access and space to please her pussy. Coco began dragging her tongue from the bottom of Rarity's pussy to the top, making sure to lightly flick her clit with the end of her tongue each time. It was then that Rarity finally said something "Fuck...", she used both of her hands to push on Coco's head as she thrust her pussy harder against her mouth, practically grinding on Coco's face. Coco sensed that Rarity was asking for more than she was giving but without actually saying it, luckily she was a good reader of body language when it came to sex, deciding not to tease Rarity she instantly applied a little force and pushed her tongue inside her pussy. Rarity's cunt started getting exceptionally wet as soon as Coco actually got her tongue inside her, Coco found that she far preferred Rarity's taste to her own, there was something so much more delicious about it, but she couldn't quite figure out why. As Coco rolled her tongue around in Rarity's hole, her nose and chin pushed into her groin, Rarity felt herself growing closer and closer to orgasm whilst simultaneously realizing that it wasn't just fashion that Coco had a talent for, she was also a world class champion when it came to chowing down on some primed and pleading pussy. Rarity grunted with her teeth gritted and her eyes scrunched, she took one of her hands off of Coco's head and slapped it against the wall as she let out a guttural moan of ecstasy as her a tidal wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over her body, which was quite fitting considering the nature of the dress Coco was wearing. Like Rarity before her, Coco kept up her tongue action until Rarity's pussy muscles had stopped contracting and there was no longer a torrent of juices squirting and gushing out of her. Rarity moved away and allowed Coco to stand up, Coco smirked a little as she brought Rarity back into a passionate kiss, making Rarity the one to taste her own pussy this time. As they continued to make out, Rarity began to disrobe, slipping her outfit off and simply allowing it to fall to the floor. Coco followed suit, allowing her gown to fall off of her body and onto the floor and then kicking her shoes off, both Coco and Rarity removed their bras and were now fully nude and kissing each other hungrily. Rarity turned around and then pushed Coco onto her back on the bed before climbing on top of her missionary style. She resumed the passionate kissing they were doing before angling her legs so that she could bring her pussy pressing down against Coco's, their slippery folds colliding and sliding up against each other. They both moaned into their kiss as they continued to grind into each other's pussies, gently bringing each other to yet another orgasm and still neither of them had said more than one word the entire time, lust and desire driving every moment to the same conclusion, the conclusion that they wanted to fuck and that they wanted to cum. The energy they had to exert in order to keep up their furious tribbing was started to exhaust them, their muscles were aching, their bodies sweaty, they repeatedly had to break off the kiss in order to pant and get more oxygen into their lungs, refusing to stop until they were both satisfied. Their patience and perseverance paid off as they both experienced earth-shattering orgasms at the same time, managing to silence what would have been screams of absolute pure joy as they brought their lips together for one final kiss. When they were done, they separated and Rarity fell onto her side next to Coco, both of them were an absolute mess, their bodies still slightly writhing as the aftershocks of orgasm hit their bodies until they were able to relax and enjoy the afterglow. At least, they would have enjoyed he afterglow of sex much longer had they not immediately fallen asleep shortly after finishing. The following morning they woke up, their eyes fluttering open and letting out a yawn, then blushing as they noticed that the first thing they saw was each other, completely naked. Awkwardly and silently they got up and went through their usual routines, brushing their teeth, using the toilet, having a shower, eating some breakfast. It was when they got their clothes back on that Rarity finally broke the silence "Well..." she said "That was certainly an... interesting night, considering the um... bedtime activities". > The Pommel/Pistachio Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coco shyly added "Yeah... was it... was it nice?" Rarity quickly turned to Coco and said "Oh yes yes darling! It was, it was... it was phenomenal". It was true, Rarity couldn't remember the last time she had felt that good, masturbation simply didn't compare, it wasn't anywhere near the same kind of feeling she had experienced that night with Coco. Then Rarity remembered something and an incredibly interesting idea entered her head, something that would help her in more ways than one, "However, we still have to talk about your employment darling". That was a sentence Coco wasn't expecting, at least not right at that moment "Really? Now? You don't wanna.. y'know, talk about what happened last night?" Rarity chuckled slightly and said "What is there to talk about darling? We had sex and it was positively wonderful, besides, no time like the present! There isn't much to go through, honestly, I have just three simple rules regarding your position". Coco still this was all rather out of the blue, but saw no reason to protest "OK, well, go ahead Rarity, I'm all ears!" Rarity adopted a devious and mischievous grin as she faced Coco and brought her face right next to her and whispered "Rule one, you must do as I say, when I say it, without question...", Coco blushed, she realized that the job Rarity was offering her may have changed slightly. Rarity continued "Two, whenever necessary you shall refer to me as "Miss Rarity" rather than just my name...", Coco's breath hitched, this was seriously fucking hot. Then Rarity abruptly moved away, speaking back at a normal volume "Oh and do so try to avoid vulgar language darling, that kind of vocabulary is only needed for certain situations, clear?" Rarity smiled and gave Coco a little peck on the cheek. -back in the present- After that night, the rest was history, ah memories. She had even got to experience that pleasure again upon meeting Pistachio and making him her secondary bitch, it was on that note that she came to a revelation. She wasn't busy that week and she had previously promised to take some time out at some point to visit New York for some fun time with Coco, assuming that Pistachio wasn't busy she could introduce them like some kind of pet play date! How Fun! She immediately picked up the phone and rang Coco Pommel to she if she was available. After a couple of seconds of the phone ringing, Coco picked up. "Hello, Coco Pommel speaking" "Coco dear! How's things in New York?" "Hi Rarity! Things are going great thanks, yourself?" "Not too bad, I just completed some of the finishing touches on a new ensemble for my femme fatale range, it seems sensual sexy clothing is in style ever since fashion week, congratulations on winning that by the way" Coco blushed and said "Thank you, though I get the feeling I might have because I... well, I... y'know, did what you said with Hoity Toity". "Which was what dear?" Coco was adorable, but Rarity actually liked to hear her say the words. Coco gulped and said "I... I s-sucked his cock..." Rarity giggled, she loved teasing Coco, "Well while he may have enjoyed that particular activity I'm sure you won because of your excellent fashion sense dear. Speaking of Hoity Toity, if I recall correctly you had to call me up shortly after fashion week to ask permission to fuck him, how did that go?" Coco said "Oh it was fantastic, I was so on edge that he made me have at least five full-on orgasms when he fucked me, I was a complete mess by the time he finished. Though it turns out that he's a bit of a rough lover, he was pounding me so hard I thought he might actually bruise my pussy" Rarity rolled her eyes, Hoity Toity was a great fashion critic, but occasionally struggled with being a gentleman. "Well I suppose he couldn't help that, a man in his position probably doesn't get much action. Did he cum inside you?" Coco went "No no no, well actually... yes and no, he did cum inside but he was at least sensible enough to be wearing a condom" Rarity let out a sigh of relief, Coco had only just recently gone on the pill, she had been so well behaved that Rarity had given her permission to fuck whoever she liked so long as she asked permission first and didn't get herself pregnant, luckily Hoity Toity knew that impregnating a fellow fashion lover would be quite a scandal and didn't want to chance it. "Well, at least he got to drain himself, he really should take some time out to empty his balls inside a girl or two, it's not healthy to keep all that spunk backed up inside what I'm sure are very swollen and heavy nuts". Coco said "Yeah you're telling me, he seemed satisfied after fucking me, but it was so obvious he needed another release to be properly relaxed. Luckily I managed to convince him to ram his cock up my ass, this time without a condom, he didn't regret it". Rarity smiled, Coco was such a sweetheart "Oh you are too kind to him darling, he doesn't deserve you! Anyhow I better get straight to the point otherwise this gossip could go on forever, you wouldn't happen to be free next week would you?" Coco put on a slightly more sultry and seductive voice "I'm always free for you Miss Rarity" Rarity grinned "That's what I like to hear. The thing is dear, I've actually gained an additional pet who much like you has a promising career in fashion with the right guidance. I'd like to introduce to the two of you and maybe have a little bit of play time as well, how does that sound?" Coco was silent for a second, she wasn't sure how she felt about someone else being brought into the fun time she had with Rarity, Rarity sensed Coco's unease and said "Now now dear, you don't need to be jealous or anything, I love both of you equally and I won't make you do anything you don't want to do". Coco, still slightly reluctant, agreed "OK Miss Rarity, I will do as you ask and meet your second pet next week" "Fabulous darling" said Rarity "I'll call them up now, thank you" then she put the phone down, only to pick it up again to call Pistachio. > Pommel meets Pistachio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pistachio heard his phone ring, odd since he wasn't expecting any calls, he picked up the phone and said "Hello?" Immediately Rarity's voice rang in his ears as she said "Pistachio darling! How are things?" Pistachio smiled and said "Oh hey Rarity, I'm doing great thanks, how are you?" "Oh I can't complain dear, just got done working on a new garment. Pistachio honey, do you know if you have any free time next week?" Pistachio thought for a moment before saying "I think I have some free time, but I'll have to clear it with my parents. Why do you ask?" Rarity smiled deviously and said "Well, let me answer your question with my own question dear, tell me please, what are you?" Pistachio gulped, then looking around to make sure his parents were out of earshot he whispered "I... I'm your pet... Miss Rarity". "That's right" Rarity said "However, did you know that I have another pet? She's someone you may have heard of in the fashion world, Coco Pommel" Pistachio's eyes went wide, he couldn't have heard that right "C... Coco Pommel? THE Coco Pommel? She... she's your pet as well?!" "That she is darling" Rarity said "The thing is, I'm going to meeting up with her in New York next week and- Rarity was interrupted by Pistachio simply saying "Yes" Rarity said "Are you sure? You don't even know why I'm going yet" Pistachio went "So?! It's still a yes! I'll tell my parents right now!" Pistachio hung up the phone, leaving Rarity to chuckle at his boyish excitement. That was a point actually, she had to make sure to pack his pink schoolgirl outfit. -1 week later- Rarity had prepared everything, she had given specific instructions to each of her pets to make for an invigorating first meeting, she had even rented out a small studio area for the day under the pretense that she would be doing some fashion shoots there. She figured they might not let her rent out the studio if she owned up to the fact that she just wanted a private room where three people could fuck. Come to think of it, given that it was a studio Rarity briefly found it a shame that she hadn't brought any camera equipment, if all went well there would certainly be some activities going on that she would want to re-watch and masturbate to. In the studio there wasn't really much in terms of decor, everything was white. There was a plain double bed which was presumably used as a place for models to pose, as well as the bed there was also a desk and two chairs which, again, were most likely for photo shoot purposes. Rarity had decided that for this particular meet-up she would wear some black knee high leather boots, black leather shorts that went from her waist to just above her thigh, a black leather corset and some black elbow length leather gloves, the whole dominatrix get-up. Rarity sat at the desk hold on to a lead, on the other end of that lead and stood beside her was none other than Pistachio wearing his perfect fitting pink schoolgirl out fit with matching pink flat shoes, knee high white stockings, plain white panties with a pink trim, a blind fold, a gag, his hands cuffed behind his back, a rather uncomfortable cock cage that prevented him from being able to get an erection or to ejaculate and the pièce de résistance, a nice string of silicon anal beads nestled firmly in his ass. Coco Pommel arrived wearing her usual casual clothes, but Rarity knew she had followed her instructions as she heard the low humming of the vibrator Coco had stuffed in her pussy at Rarity's request. The only other thing in the room was a bag full of implements that Rarity had brought along in case they came in handy, one of which she was already holding in her other hand, a simple black riding crop. Coco saw Pistachio and immediately assumed that due to his costume and physique that he was a girl, a rather flat-chested girl who couldn't wear a bra yes, but a girl nonetheless. Rarity smiled and said "Coco, meet my secondary bitch", Pistachio stepped forward and bowed, hoping upon hope that he was actually bowing in front of Coco instead of just thin air. Coco, rather than feeling jealous or angry, was actually rather breath-taken. This girl she was looking at was beautiful and she felt an odd sense of equilibrium, neither of them were better or lesser than the other, they both belonged to Rarity and they were both on equal standing in her eyes. "She... she's gorgeous" said Coco, Pistachio's ears perked up at having heard the word "she", his effeminate body had actually made Coco mistake him for a girl. Rarity smiled, deciding not to correct her, just said "Oh isn't she just? So lithe a fragile, now aren't you happy that you decided to agree to this little pet play date?" Coco nodded, vehemently agreeing and wondering why she was so worried and reluctant in the first place. "That's good..." said Rarity, briefly before reaching into the bag an retrieving a strap-on and some lube which she placed on the desk for Coco to see, then Rarity continued "Because you're going to fuck her". Almost as if on cue, Pistachio turned around and with a little bit of directional help from Rarity, bent over the desk with his legs apart, waiting patiently for Coco to take him. Coco began to disrobe, deciding to be fully nude for the ensuing sex as Rarity attached a spreader bar to Pistachio's ankles to keep his legs spread. It was when she was completely naked and moved to remove the vibrator from her pussy that Rarity stopped her. "I didn't say you could remove the vibrator" said Rarity. Coco whimpered "Oh but... it's been in there for so long and you made me put it on a setting that you know keeps me on edge but doesn't let me cum... please let me cum Miss Rarity" Rarity glared at Coco "Are you disobeying a direct order you cunt?" Coco panicked in aroused fear "No! No no no I just-" "Just nothing!" Rarity interrupted Coco partway through her sentence, not even allowing her to apologize for her borderline insubordination. "As your mistress, I am ordering you not to remove that vibrator, your job right now is to fuck this pretty girl for my viewing pleasure and you can only stop when the both of us reach orgasm, have I made myself perfectly clear?" > Pommel Penetrates Pistachio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coco simply took a deep breath, swallowed her nervousness, buried her unfair complaints and said "Yes Miss Rarity" before stepping forward and slipping into the strap-on and securing it around her waist. Pistachio was surprised that Coco had still yet to realize that he was actually a boy, but at this point, he felt more like a girl than a boy anyway. Rarity raised the riding crop and gently patted the tip against Pistachio's left ass cheek "Come on then Coco" she said "Come here and fuck her ass". Coco raised an eyebrow in confusion at Rarity and asked "Not her pussy?" Rarity shook her head and said "No, no pussy action. I don't want you to fuck it, touch it or even see it..." Rarity gave a little smirk before saying "In fact... pretend that her pussy doesn't even exist". The exquisite irony was completely lost on Coco, still under the delusion that Pistachio, with his extremely female physique and slutty outfit, was actually a girl. Coco popped open the bottle of lube and spread a decent helping all over the strap-on before putting it to one side, she looked at the butt in front of her she had been tasked to fuck, this girl had such a cute little booty, she was the pinnacle of of both cuteness and beauty. Coco took hold of the waistband of Pistachio's panties and pulled them down a little, though not enough for her to spot the very obviously caged up cock and balls between his legs, Coco was more focused on the clear silicon ring sticking out of his hole. She looked to Rarity who simply nodded as if to say to "go ahead". Well, at least the hole would be slightly easier to penetrate if it had already been lubed and stretched. Coco hooked two fingers around the ring then, making sure she had a decent grip on it, began to pull in an attempt to tug the anal beads out of Pistachio's ass, though that proved to be tougher than she initially thought due to the tightness of Pistachio's pucker and the size of the beads themselves. Coco had to put a little more strength into her pulling before the first bead finally popped out despite the resistance of Pistachio's asshole desperately trying to keep it inside him, while Pistachio let out a barely audible moan Coco was just surprised at the size of the bead that was inside him, bead was hardly the correct word considering it was the size of a tennis ball. Coco continued to pull and another bead fell out, the same size as the first, then a third one just the same as the other two. The final part of the anal beads was the only one that a had a different shape, a cone about the size of an ice cream cone was what finally left Pistachio's ass, making him feel empty, though that feeling wouldn't last long. Coco put the anal beads to one side and positioned herself right behind Pistachio, placing both hands on his curvy fem-boy hips, Pistachio's breath hitched as he felt Coco's hands gripping onto him from behind as anticipation and want filled his soul, she brought the tip of the strap-on to his twitching asshole and prepared to push inside. As Coco predicted, the initial penetration was somewhat easy considering the ridiculously sized anal beads that had been in this girls ass, plus the fact that Rarity had made it pretty clear that her secondary bitch was a real anal whore. Once the head was in, Coco felt confident she could pretty much plunge the whole thing in without causing too much discomfort, before doing so however she turned to Rarity and said "What's her name?" Rarity struggled to come up with a suitable female name in her head and went "Oh... her name isn't important, you can just call her bitch". Coco shrugged and said "OK, get ready for this cock bitch" then began to slide the strap-on up Pistachio's ass until her hips were pressed firmly against his buttocks. Pistachio moaned as Coco pulled out and then thrust back in, experimenting with her movement, Coco had never used a strap-on before so she didn't have much experience in wielding a cock, let alone using the hip muscles required for a pleasurable fuck session. As the strap-on glided across Pistachio's prostate, he could feel his cock straining against its cage, his body desperately trying to force blood into it and make it erect, but it was simply unable to do so. Coco kept up her slow but firm thrusting pattern, leaving a few seconds between each one and making sure that without every backwards movement she left in nothing but the tip and that with every forwards movement she had her hips pressed up as hard as possible against Pistachio's butt to ensure the strap-on was as far in as it could go. Coco was also similarly disappointed to find that while she could feel the vibrator shifting around in her vagina with each movement, the sensual pace she had set for herself indicated that even the most rigorous fucking wouldn't be able to provide any kind of enhanced stimulation to her pussy, she was stuck riding the knifes edge between orgasm and denial. Rarity was the only one who was able to fully enjoy the act from a viewing standpoint, though at the moment Coco's gentle yet strong approach wasn't quite hitting the mark in terms of the kind of pounding she wanted to see and enjoy, looks like Coco would need a little persuading if Rarity was going to be able to satisfy herself enough to cum just from watching and she knew Pistachio would need something a little bit more intense if he was going to cum as well. Rarity stood up and said "Coco darling, I appreciate that your very new to being the "boy" in the situation, but do stop treating our lovely young lady guest here like she is a delicate little flower and give her a decent fucking will you? Try to remember that while it's important that you enjoy yourself in this new, exciting, kinky and extremely sexual activity, you are doing this for her pleasure and mine, so fuck her like you mean it. Fuck her like you have two fat heavy nuts filled to the brim with pints of thick heavy load that you desperately need to release inside a sexy little butt, OK?" Coco nodded and let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding as a single drop of sweat rolled down her forehead, she wasn't sure why but she was just incredibly trepidatious about the entire affair, which is why despite Rarity's very clear instruction to start fucking with as much force as she could muster, Coco sped up by a fraction, like a car that had decided to go from 29 mph to 30 mph. Granted she was now in the flow of a nice rhythmic pumping in Pistachio's ass, which he was very comfortably enjoying if his girlish groans were any indication, but it wasn't anywhere near the kind of desk shaking hips-clapping-ass sex that Rarity was looking for. "Coco dear, perhaps I didn't quite make myself clear, FUCK HER" she said in as stern a voice as she could, Coco gulped and took hold of Pistachio's wrists for better leverage and start going a little harder, willing her hips to kick it up a gear and go into full fuck mode. Pistachio's grunting got louder and more frequent, Coco's waist was meeting his ass with a satisfying but still relatively small and quiet clap on each thrust, but this still wasn't good enough. This was starting to really piss Rarity off "FUCK HER HARDER" she yelled, Coco scrunched up her eyes and leaned forward to grip Pistachio's shoulders, again trying to comply with Rarity's demands. The clapping of flesh on flesh became louder, which was wonderful, but the desk was still very much a stationary object, this wouldn't do at all. "HARDER!" Rarity shouted in her ear and swung the riding crop down fast and hard, striking Coco on her right ass cheek. > Pommel Pounds Pistachio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coco's eyes widened immediately, the second she felt that riding crop hit her ass cheek, making her skin and flesh ripple. Rarity's voice screaming the word "harder" rang in her ears and resonated in her mind, all of a sudden she stopped thrusting altogether, much to Pistachio's chagrin while he whimpered like a hungry dog. Rarity was slightly confused, she was worried she might have pushed things too far when she saw Coco pulling out, "Um... Coco dear, I'm ever so sorry if I-" Rarity was interrupted and quite frankly startled when Coco snarled, practically foaming at the mouth as she rammed the strap-on back in Pistachio's ass full force, grabbing onto his hair and tugging it as she leaned forward, tits pressed against his back. She began fucking him so hard that his buttocks jiggled and stung from the constant colliding of flesh, he squealed loudly like a teenage girl on prom night, the desk was now creaking and almost thudding against the floor. Rarity smiled as she sat back down and instantly slipped a hand down the front of her shorts to tend to her pussy. Pistachio's pleasured shrieks just all blurred into one continuous sound of pure ecstasy as Coco roughly violated his back door, she was out of control, in her mind her sole purpose in that moment was to fuck this girl and never ever stop, she brought her mouth up to Pistachio's ear and started to insult and demean him, she was like a completely different person. "Yeah, you like this don't you bitch?" Coco was panting, sweating and borderline drooling as she whispered into Pistachio's ear "I bet your cunt is sopping wet you little whore, I bet you fantasize about going to a glory hole and letting every single guy there fuck your ass and fill it with cum don't you? You worthless fuck!" Pistachio blushed, he wasn't gay, but the prospect of having his ass endlessly pounded for hours on end was a huge turn-on for him and to be fair, so long as it wasn't guys and was instead girls with strap-ons or maybe even dick-girls if he was feeling adventurous, he would have happily accepted that kind of offer. Coco continued her rant "In fact, I'm willing to bet that you're such a depraved filthy disgusting and shameless butt slut that you'd let just about anything with a dick claim your ass right? Have you ever thought about being bred like a bitch in heat by some random wild animal? Why am I even asking? I know you have, you piece of shit!" Rarity was actually kind of scared, but her fear was minuscule compared to how aroused she was at this display of such pure and primal carnal rage, her pussy was positively drenched. Pistachio wasn't faring much better, his groin was practically aching in protest at being unable to provide a strong erection in response to the continued direct stimulation to his prostate, the cage simply wasn't allowing it and his balls efforts to build up an equally powerful load was futile, the cage would ensure that whatever payload of cum he may have produced would stay put and would not leave his body no matter how many times he might reach orgasm. Rarity was rubbing her pussy furiously, this was exactly the kind of sex she was hoping to see and then some. She wished she had brought some kind of dildo to pump herself with, had she had known that Coco Pommel was capable of such aggressive ass pounding she would have come more prepared, she'd have to make a note of it next time. Rarity bit her bottom lip as she plunged four fingers into herself and began roughly shoving them in and out, making sure that the bottom of her palm grazed across her clit while she worked to massage her g-spot. Today was all about Pistachio and Pommel fucking each other, so she didn't want to miss out on what was possibly going to be her only orgasm that afternoon and wanted to make sure that if it was going to be her only orgasm, it was going to be a very strong one that would soak the shorts she was wearing with her juices to a point where it would be uncomfortable to wear them. Seconds later she got her wish, it seemed she was more turned on than she thought as the powerful orgasm that assaulted her senses happened quite by surprised, she grit her teeth to restrain herself from screaming as she let out an almost animalistic groan of pleasure. Rarity's orgasm was quickly followed by Pistachio's own, his muffled moans intensified to a level where, had he not had the ball gag in his mouth, would surely have echoed throughout the entire building and letting everyone know that someone was in either in terrible pain or absolute mind-breaking pleasure. However, while he had orgasmed, his cock had still been denied the right to become erect and his balls, despite their effort, were unable to fire their contents out, leaving Pistachio with a feeling of discomfort bordering on pain as his genitals conceded defeat, leaving his balls swollen with seed and his cock still desperately needed to get hard so that he could seek relief. Coco was chuckling like she had gone slightly mad, her eyes were wide with sex fueled hysteria, she tugged on Pistachio's hair even harder as she said "You just came didn't you bitch? I'm guessing your not much of a squirter huh? Maybe if you had multiple dicks fucking your ass you'd gush a little more right?" Coco swung her hand and brought it smacking hard against Pistachio's right butt cheek, making him squeal like a little girl from the stinging sensation, a very clear red hand-print developing on his soft skin. Rarity let out her own little laugh and Coco's dirty talk "Damn..." she said as she pulled her hand back out of her shorts, ready to put a stop to Coco's frantic fucking, she had completed her task after all. "OK darling, you've done fabulously. Though for as much as all of us have enjoyed this experience, you can stop now", Coco did the exact opposite, she was still going and wasn't showing any intention whatsoever on stopping any time soon. Rarity was surprised Coco even had the energy, but that was a question for another time, "Coco darling, I said stop". Without missing a beat and also without stopping her ongoing fuck session, Coco turned to Rarity with her hair wild and messy, face coated in sweat and breathing heavily before she said "NO! You came! She came! I'm not stopping until I do the same!" Well, that was certainly a very definite response, but it was the worst response she could have given. Rarity was the one in charge here, but it seemed Coco in her blind determination to fuck the ever living day lights out of Pistachio had forgotten that particularly crucial and important fact. Rarity decided that if she was going to assert her dominance, then she would have top spank Coco silly until she obeyed her, so she stood up with riding crop in hand and made her way around the desk to Coco's side. Rarity raised the riding crop into the air and with as much momentum as she could smacked it right across Coco's ass, almost hitting the exact same spot she had hit last time. Coco screamed loudly, filling the room with her cries of ecstasy as she immediately reach orgasm, her pussy clenched so hard it forced the vibrator out, allowing it to slip from her quivering confines and thud onto the floor, still gently buzzing away. When Coco finally went silent, enjoying the after shocks of a truly insane rush of pleasure that had pulsed through every fiber of her being, her fucking went back to its first slow yet firm original pace, though Coco only managed five thrusts before she had to stop. Hair clung to Pistachio's hot and shiny skin, his face bright red with drool hanging from his lips, crawling down his chin and landing on the surface of the desk. Coco gave gentle and sensual kisses to Pistachio's back and sighed "Mmmm... I love this girl", despite having completely relaxed the effects of her temporary madness caught up with her in the aftermath, her overworked hips ached after being forced to use muscles they didn't ordinarily use, Coco's right hand stung from the incredibly hard smack she had delivered to Pistachio's right buttock, both of them were complete wrecks and they fucking loved it. > Pistachio Pounds Pommel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity cleared her throat in an exaggerated manner, grasping Coco's attention. Coco looked back to see Rarity's face with a not-exactly-too-pleased look etched onto her features, Coco grinned sheepishly as she stood up and straight and pulled the strap-on out of Pistachio's abused hole, she then picked up the vibrator, turned it off, set it aside and then bowed her head as she said "Forgive me Miss Rarity I... got very carried away". Rarity raised an eyebrow and said "You think?" Rarity removed the undid the strap-on and let it fall to Coco's ankles, allowing her to step out of it. Rarity put the strap-on away and took off Pistachio's blindfold, which she then handed to Coco. Rarity pointed to the bed on the other side of the room and said "Go over there, put on the blindfold and get on all fours, I'm willing to overlook your insubordination so long as you never ever do it again or I swear I will beat and batter your beautiful bare bottom black and blue you bitch, clear?" Coco swallowed nervously and nodded, doing as Rarity instructed. While Coco was doing that, Rarity walked over to Pistachio, who had seemingly somewhat recovered from an anal pounding he was never expecting from a woman such as Coco Pommel. Luckily for him, Rarity had decided it was his turn for some fun, she removed the hand cuffs and the spreader bar, allowing him to stand up straight and move his arms around, he went to pull up his panties until Rarity stopped him. She pulled his panties all the way down and he kicked them away from his ankles, Rarity then had him remove his dress as she disconnected the lead from his collar, when they were done Pistachio was stood there completely naked except for his shoes, stockings, collar, ball gag and cock cage. Rarity smirked as she undid the locks on the cock cage and took it off, releasing his genitals. In an instant his cock was filled with blood, creating the strongest erection he had ever had in his life, it pulsated angrily with thick overgrown veins snaking along its length. It seemed denial had its merits, one of the many benefits of having a bondage kink was that it made you an insatiable beast with a violent sex drive and also quenched the fires of burning lust that it created. Rarity eyed his member hungrily "Mmm... impressive" she said as she wrapped a hand around it and gave it a few encouraging pumps whilst her other hand cupped his balls, heavy and backed up with seed. She paused her caressing strokes to pull her shorts down until they were at her knees, then she turned around so the she was facing away from Pistachio, stuck her butt out and started grinding it on his painfully hard dick. "You're an ass man, aren't you Pistachio?" Rarity whispered, not quite ready for Coco to find out that the attractive young woman she had just fucked was actually a boy. Pistachio nodded in response as he felt the soft pillowy warmth of Rarity's rear pressing up against his raging hard-on. Rarity continued "Bet you'd love to fuck this ass wouldn't you?" Rarity enveloped his dick in her crack and shook her booty from side to side, her cheeks jiggling and bouncing with every movement as she teased and prolonged Pistachio's torture. Pistachio nodded even more, then was disheartened deeply almost to the point of tears when Rarity cruelly smiled, moved away and pulled her shorts back up. However, Rarity was completely heartless, which is why she turned back towards Pistachio, got on her knees and swallowed his entire length in one go. Pistachio was so shocked he didn't even make a noise, rather than simply sucking him off though, Rarity just held herself at the base. She made no movement whatsoever, simply letting Pistachio's dick sit in her throat, apparently wishing to stay there until she ran out of breath. Two or three minutes passed before Rarity had to come up for air, as Pistachio's dick left her mouth she tried to keep her gasping to a minimum, she didn't want to give Coco any clues that there was a man in the room. Rarity walked Pistachio up to the bed where Coco was waiting patiently, blindfold on, on all fours, pussy glistening wet and ready to be penetrated. Rarity whispered in Pistachio's ear "Fuck her..." Despite everything that had just happened, being fucked by Coco Pommel was one thing, but fucking her? That was a different ball game, she was one of the biggest names in fashion other than Rarity, could he really do this? Then a thought occurred to him, he'd already fucked Rarity and she was possibly the biggest name in fashion ever, so he shook off his nerves and got on his knees behind Coco. Coco's breathing hitched as she felt the presence of another person behind her grabbing onto her hips, from the feeling of her hands she got a sense that it wasn't Rarity and naturally assumed it was the "girl" they were with, Pistachio got himself lined up with her pussy and upon feeling the moist warmth of her hole, couldn't hold himself back as he launched his dick inside her down to the base in one powerful thrust of his hips. As Pistachio/s hips met Coco's ass, she let out a loud gasp, not expecting such a sudden and full penetration, but the other thing was that the thing that had penetrated her felt... odd, like it was somehow alive, but how was that possible? Was it just her mind playing tricks on her? "Goodness Rarity..." said Coco "What kind of strap-on have you given our female guest? It feels so realistic..." Rarity chuckled and said "Oh believe me Coco, it's as real as it gets". Coco was still blissfully unaware of the meaning behind what Rarity said and remained oblivious as Pistachio, rather than starting off gentle began fucking her in earnest. His balls had been robbed of the chance to release their load and his dick had locked up so hard it couldn't even get hard, so it felt appropriate to Pistachio to make up for lost time and deliver a fucking that was on par with the fucking he had received. Coco was enjoying herself immensely, this strap-on must have been top of the range, she felt every single contour and detail, it felt no different than a real dick, stiff and warm. The lucky thing about Pistachio was that his pubic hair was non existent, either he shaved or was just genetically not that hairy, but either way that gave Coco no other clues as to the true gender of the person currently pounding away at her pussy and she was also too stupid and in too much of a pleasured daze to realize that if it truly was a strap-on she would be able feel the distinct texture of the straps connecting to the persons waist every time their hips connected with her bountiful buttocks. Rarity was enjoying the view she got of Pistachio drilling his desperate dick into her bitch and best fashion friend even though she had decided against masturbating, there was something oddly thrilling about seeing two people who had never met to the point of practically being strangers, just hooking up for a casual fuck. Coco was on the cusp of orgasm yet again as she said "My goodness, honey you are very good with your hips back there... you fuck just as good as a guy does!" Pistachio grinned inwardly as he leaned forward and reached underneath Coco to grab onto her big swinging set of tits, gripping and squeezing them as he increased the pace of his fucking, he could feel his balls yet again preparing to blow a load, only this time it would actually happen. Coco groaned a bit her lip, she had always loved having her tits played with "Oohh sweetie, you know just how to handle the girls! Not too soft and not too rough either, just right... fuck I wish I could do this to you, I hope you don't mind my saying but... you're rather flat chested for a girl...". It was as Coco uttered the very syllable of that word that Pistachio's thrusting became extremely erratic and forceful before pushing his cock as far inside Coco as it could go and cried out as he practically flooded Coco's pussy with his spunk, which then triggered her own orgasm, as her fleshy folds clenched and quivered around his engorged member. It was only as they both riding out the last few waves of their orgasms that Coco caught onto a very important detail, the warmth in her pussy, she was full of spunk? > Pommel Pucker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rarity..." said Coco "Did you invite a man here?" Rarity smiled "Indeed I did" Coco, still blindfolded went "Well... who is it then? I thought it was your secondary bitch who was fucking me, you didn't tell me someone else was going to get involved! Is it Hoity Toity? Fancy Pants? Oh no no no wait, it's Photo Finish isn't it? It has to be, everybody knows that she's hiding a massive dick in between her legs". Rarity was enjoying Coco's ignorance far too much, as Pistachio pulled out of Coco's cunt and stood up Rarity removed his ball gag and put it away, then took off Coco's blindfold to finally reveal to her who exactly it was that had just pumped her full of hot sticky man milk. Coco turned around and was flabbergasted to see Pistachio standing there, someone who she assumed was a fully fledged girl, standing there sporting a rather impressive erection which he had somehow still maintained despite having fucked some primed Pommel pussy. There was long awkward silence, with Coco staring at Pistachio, Pistachio wearing an embarrassed smile at this woman simply gawping at him and Rarity just waiting for the silence to be broken. Coco went "Your secondary bitch is a dick-girl?" Rarity was shocked, dick-girls existed certainly, but the real answer was far too obvious... well, then again Pistachio did have a rather dashing female figure, so it shouldn't have come as too much of a surprise. "No darling, Pistachio here is 100% male, it just so happens that he has a very soft smooth silky and lithe feminine body, likes dressing up as a girl and also having his ass pounded, that's all" A wry smile spread across Rarity's face. Pistachio gave a tiny wave and said "Hi..." Coco looked Pistachio up and down quizzically before asking "Are... are you sure?" Rarity stifled a giggle "Quite sure darling, no breasts, no vagina, just a cock, two rather delicious testicles and of course the all important prostate gland, trust me darling he is most definitely male". Coco had trouble believing that, Pistachio was just so girly looking, he was still wearing pink shoes and knee high stockings for goodness' sake! There was no denying the facts though, Pistachio was a man. Coco cleared her throat and went "Well... it's lovely to finally know your name and meet you Pistachio..." then reached out her hand. Pistachio shook it and said "T-the pleasure is all mine..." Rarity smiled mischievously and said "I'll say! Speaking of which darling, if you couldn't tell already, Pistachio is a man who is rather fond of the female behind, but as you know I don't allow anyone or anything to enter my rear, perhaps you could be of some ASS-istance?" Coco smiled sarcastically and rolled her eyes at Rarity's terrible pun before standing up and saying "Well I suppose I could help out in that regard...", Coco walked up to a wall and leaned her front half against it, sticking out her butt for Pistachio to ogle, Rarity found the position to be very reminiscent of the first time she had taken Pistachio's anal cherry. Coco wiggle her butt a little and said "Come over here and cream my caboose". Pistachio didn't wait even half a second before making his way over to Coco, he knew he'd never get to experience Rarity's ass, but he certainly wasn't going to turn down that kind offer from Coco Pommel. He got on his knees, spread her ass cheeks and started dragging his tongue over her asshole, Coco let out a small yelp and went "Ooh... such a gentleman, lubing me up instead of just taking me, though there is really no need, Rarity keeps me nice and loose back there... oohh fuck... however, far be it from me to tell you to stop". Pistachio licked away at Coco's twitching hole before decided to finish off by pushing his tongue inside, Coco cooed softly and then was surprised to find that after pulling his tongue out he still didn't immediately rush to shove his cock up her ass, instead he moved onto prepping her with his hands. He gently inserted two fingers into her ass and started twisting them around, while Coco was enjoying this, she was getting rather impatient because she was feeling needy and her ass felt criminally empty, she wanted that empty space in her ass to be filled with cock. Coco moaned out and said "For fucks sake, I'm ready! Please just fuck my ass already! I need it!" Rarity couldn't agree more "Yes Pistachio dear, trust me when I say she will be able to manage your massive manhood in her derriere, I must say I'm impressed you've managed to stay hard for so long. I'll have to use that cock cage on your more often". Pistachio understood and decided to move on to the main event, after standing up he clapped his hands on her decently wide ass and started to slide his dick inside it, as they said it was actually a very easy and pleasurable penetration. When he bottomed out, he simply held himself there for a moment, then start to pump her rump, building up a nice steady tempo. Coco sighed as she enjoyed Pistachio's fucking, he wasn't too rough or too gentle, he was just right, she allowed her eyes to cross and tongue to hang out of her mouth as he continued to sensually but assertively claim her ass. Pistachio reveled in the new yet familiar feeling of being inside a woman, the ass was different from the pussy in that while it wasn't as wet, it was farmer more and more willing to yield to a fully erect cock being shoved inside it, he was loving it. Rarity was laying on the bed half naked, she had decided to masturbate again but this time without having to have her hand movement restricted by some tight curve hugging skin tight dominatrix shorts. Rarity was almost too relaxed in a way, she was finding it difficult to get herself properly worked up, despite the visual aid of Pistachio reaming Coco Pommel's rear. After about five minutes of continuous masturbation she was only able to achieve a mini orgasm, she begrudgingly decided that she would have to settle for that right now and see if she could have a more full on orgasm later, pulling her shorts back up. This time, Coco herself didn't have her own orgasm, but she didn't really care, for her the joy of anal sex was the anal sex in and of itself rather than any kind of big finish. However, she did have to admit that there was one feeling that she relished more than anything when it came to anal sex and it was the feeling she experienced no more than three seconds later when Pistachio forced his dick up her ass as far as it could possibly go with his waist and hips pressed hard against her round smooth ass cheeks, before blowing a load inside her. For Coco, having her ass filled with spunk was just the cherry on top of the anal sex sundae, it filled her with a warmth and sense of relaxation that she couldn't experience in any other way. Pistachio pulled out, with his dick finally going soft, he fell back on the bed next to a still horny Rarity who decided to idly stroke his softening cock just to keep her hand busy. All of them were panting, sweaty and had had just about as much sex as they could take. Then out of the blue Pistachio said "Hey Coco... is it true that Photo Finish has a dick?" Coco turned to him and said "I think so, couldn't possibly guess why you'd ask though" she said with a devious expression of I-know-exactly-why on her face. Pistachio was such a whore. The End