Equestria Ninja Girls Easter Time

by WarriorofFaith18

First published

It's Easter time for the Ninjas and Rainbooms!

It is Easter Time in Canterlot! The Ninja Turtles and friends help the Rainbooms prepare for the annual egg hunt, Deal with Purple Nightmares, and meet a new friend.

Featuring chapters done by me and Jebens1.

Based on fiction by Wilcard25

Eggin out

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It was the morning before Easter in Canterlot. The Rainbooms decided to have a celebration and invited their friends from New York, The Ninja Turtles, their allies, and the Mighty Mutanimals, including their newest recruit, Ray Fillet. As the sun was rising, Donnie gathered everyone, who were still half asleep, in Sweet Apple Acres as he stood in front of a big machine.

“Good morning, everyone. I bet you’re wondering why I called you all here.” He grinned.

Sunset yawned. “Must be important if it’s before breakfast.”

"Tell me about it," groaned Spike.

“I finally finished the project Twilight and I started on yesterday. I’ve been up all-night perfecting it.”

"With my added modifications." Rockwell boasted, irking the tech turtle.

Raph let out a big yawn. “Yeah, thanks for sharing, Don. Can we get breakfast now?”

Donnie shot him a look. “Hold on. I’m getting ready to demonstrate.”

“Good morning, everyone!”

Everyone looked to see Rarity walking up. She was wearing a special violet bonnet with lavender flowers.

“Why, Rarity! That’s a wonderful bonnet you’re wearing!” April smiled.

"It is very lovely." Leatherhead complimented.

“Thank you, Darlings. Making bonnets for Easter is what I do for the festivities.” She then noticed the machine. “Is this why you called us here, Donatello?”

“Yep. You’re just in time to see the demonstration. Twilight?”

Twilight nodded as she led the group to a control panel. “Behold! Our Automatic Easter Egg Machine.” She continued to explain as she pushed a couple buttons. “You start by selecting your color, patterns, and quantity. Then you pressed this big button.” As Twilight pushed the big button, the machine turned on and spat eggs on a conveyer belt while Donnie continued.

“We simply put raw eggs on one end and, viola! Easter eggs come out on the other.”

The eggs went in this big part. Screens were shown to show that the eggs were boiled and colored.
Then they were rolled out, all colored and ready, into an Easter basket.

“Awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Cool.” Casey added.

“Nice.” Leo nodded.

“Wow.” April smiled.

"Great." Slash grinned.

"Impressive." Leatherhead nodded.

“Mighty impressive.” Applejack whistled.

“Wonderful!” bounced Pinkie.

“Great.” Sunset added.

“Yay.” Fluttershy added.

“Wonderful.” Rarity gleamed.

“Nice” Raph yawned.

“I like it.” Karai said.

“Me too.” Shini agreed.

"Great." Keno yawned.

"Bodacious!" Mondo thumbed up.

"Perfect." Rockwell levitated.

"Fascinating." Mona pondered.

"Sweet!" Pidgeon Pete chirped.

"A plus work." Bandit thumbed up.

"Very impressive." said Ray Fillet.

Twilight took an egg out of the basket. “No muss, no fuss, no Easter egg dye on your hand.”

“Wait let me guess. You both volunteered us to make Easter Eggs for Principal Celestia who’s
hosting the annual Canterlot Easter Egg hunt.” Raph guessed.

“Egg-xactly!” They both said.

“Oh great. Egg puns. Which reminds me. Can we get breakfast now?”

"Great! I'm famished." Rockwell grinned.

"I could use some coffee myself." Bandit stretched.

“I’ll go rustle up some grub.” Applejack offered.

Leo turned to Twilight and Donnie. “Let us know if you two need more eggs. We’ll go get them.”

"As long as there's no chicken inside." Pete warned.

"Relax, Pete. We separate our hen houses so we use the right eggs." Applejack assured.

"Just making sure."

“Thanks, Leo.” Twilight smiled.

“You are an egg-xample to us all!” joked Donnie.

“Donnie!” growled Raph while Casey and Keno tried to hold their laughs in.

Just then, Mikey walked up yawning to the machine. “Far out, Dudes. What’s this thing do?”

“Wait, Mikey! Not too close!” Donnie warned. But Mikey leaned too close that he ended up on the conveyer belt and was getting bombarded with raw eggs.

“Hold on, Mikey! I’ll turn it off!” Twilight hurried to the controls

“Help! Get me off this thing!” Mikey coughed.

Twilight pulled the lever labeled emergency stop. It caused the machine to send Mikey flying out.

“That’s not supposed to happened.” She said.

"I gotcha!" Ray cried as he caught Mikey.

Suddenly, the machine started to fire eggs like crazy at the group. Rainbow used her speed to grab as many eggs as she could. Rockwell jumped and helped with his ESP.

"All right. All Right. Little outside." Mondo caught a couple while acting like an umpire.

Casey dodged an egg before another hit him on the forehead. "It'll take more than an egg to yolk Casey Jones!"

"They're flying in too fast!" Slash bellowed as an egg hit his eye.

Then, Sunset dove in and unplugged the machine, causing it to shut down.

"Nice move, Sunset." Karai complimented as she wiped off some egg dye that splashed on her.

“Everyone okay?” she asked everyone.

Her response was a shriek from Rarity. Everyone looked to see her holding her bonnet, which was covered in eggs.

“My bonnet!” she cried.

“I guess it needs a little fine tuning” Twilight smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry, Rarity.” Sweated Donnie.

"Hmm. I must have miscalculated somewhere." Rockwell pondered.

“Well it wasn’t perfected anyway. I could still start from scratch and finish in time.” Rarity shrugged as she tossed it aside.

"You okay, Mikey?" Mondo asked his bud.

"Well I'm awake now, that's for sure."

"Well, I guess the yolk's on us." Everyone groaned at Keno's joke. "Oh come on! Someone had to say it."

"At least we were able to salvage some Easter eggs." Rockwell assured as Rainbow had two baskets full.

"Same here." Shinigami revealed she caught some eggs with her hat.

“I’ll fix the machine after breakfast.” Donnie assured.

“Great!” Mikey perked up. “For some reason, I could really go for a cheese omelyte!”

"Extra Cheese on mine." Mondo added.

"I personally like scrambled with salsa. It helps me prep when I shoot hoops." Bandit shared.

“I think I’m gonna skip the eggs.” Rarity stated.

“Personally, I prefer my eggs over easy.” Raph said as two egg yolks slide off his eyes.

"With parsley for me." Slash agreed.

"I could go for some toast." Pete pointed out.

"Then after breakfast, and the machine gets fixed, we can take the eggs to Principal Celestia." Leo said. Everyone agreed as they headed for Sweet Apple Acres.

To be continued

Heroic Hare

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As The Turtles, their allies, and Rainbooms continued to make Easter Eggs, At Canterlot High, Principal Celestia was having her own situation.

“You gotta help me, Cranky!” She pleaded, holding a bunny suit.

Cranky was not enthused. “Me? In a bunny suit? No way!”

“The guy I hired to be the bunny for today’s Easter egg hunt didn’t show!”

“Who could blame him?” And Cranky slammed the door.

“Well, Let’s see him asking me any favors.” Celestia scoffed to herself as she walked away. She soon met up with Vice Principal Luna who just bought Easter baskets.

“Are you alright?” She asked Celestia.

“Cranky refuses to play the Easter Bunny for the hunt.”

“What about Fugitoid?” Luna suggested.

“He’s too busy with school work. Besides, The children might get creeped out to see a robot in a bunny suit.” Celestia headed to the door.

“Where you going?” Luna asked.

“I’m gonna get a latte while thinking about who our bunny will be. The girls and their ninja friends are bringing eggs over. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


After enjoying her latte, Celestia continued to try and think of who else to play the Easter Bunny. As she passed by an alleyway, she looked to see some Purple Nightmares robbing an electronics store. The bad news was they saw her too.

“Bad timing.” Clubs said.

“You’re telling me.” Gulped Celestia.

“Get her purse.”


Meanwhile, the ninjas and Rainbooms were all in the Party Wagon with baskets of Easter eggs.

“Gotta admit, that automatic Easter egg machine sure got the job done fast.” Leo complimented at the wheel.

“Yeah. Once we got Mikey out of it.” Raph joked as Mikey glared at him.

“Well, This new bonnet will be better than the last!” Rarity delared, revealing her new bonnet now with multiple flowers on top.

"Yeah the additional color looks great, Rarity." Fluttershy complimented.

"Thank you."

“Now all we gotta do is deliver these to CHS.” Twilight said as they all leaned as Leo made a turn.

“Preferably unscrambled.” Casey joked while Rarity scooted a bit away from him.

Just then, Donnie’s T Phone rings and the techno turtle looked at it. “It’s Vice Principal Luna.”
He answered as he put his phone on speaker. “Hi, Ms Luna. Is something wrong?”

“It’s Principal Celestia.” The vice principal answered. “She should have been back by now. I fear something awful has happened to her.”

“We’ll be right over.” April assured her as Sunset looked toward Leo.

“Step on it, Leo!”

As the Party Wagon sped up, Rainbow griped, “Oh, there go the eggs!”
Despite some of the pointers she got from her students and friends, Celestia was easily overwhelmed by the Purple Nightmares. They were about to rob her when-

“Beggin' your pardon, Ladies and gents!”

Everyone turned to see a tall figure, leaning against the ally wall.

“But y'all should leave this nice lady alone!” he spoke in a country accent.

Clubs chuckled. “Oh, yeah! Says who?”

The figure walked into the light and lifted his cowboy hat, revealing he was a humanoid hare.

“Says me!” he boasted.

Celestia was shocked to see that the figure was a giant rabbit! The four Purple Nightmares on the other hand, burst out laughing.

“A rabbit?!” chuckled Rift.

“Oh, no! It's a big bunny! Oh, help!” Crunch Bar sarcastically teased.

The Rabbit said again in a threatening tone. “I'm not gonna ask you again! Leave this here woman alone and hightail it on outta here!”

Clubs laughed. “Yeah, and who's gonna make us, you?!”


The Nightmares just bursted out laughing again.

“What are you gonna do?! Munch on a carrot and say "What's Up Doc?!"” Stryke teased.

“Nope!” stated the rabbit. “I'm gonna do this first.” Then he sprung forward and rammed Stryke into some trash cans. Then he pulled out a carrot and munched it. “What's Up Doc?”

“Get him!” Rift barked.

The three Nightmares charged at the rabbit, swining their weapons. But the giant bunny bounced around, avoiding their attacks.

“Quit hoping and hold still!” Clubs demanded.

“Alright.” The Rabbit dropped to the ground on his back. Clubs and Rift charged at him, but the bunny caught them on his legs and tossed them into a wall. Stryke recovered then she and Crunch Bar charged at him and swung their weapons down. But the rabbit backflipped back and bounced off the wall, nailing the two with a drop kick and sending them crashing into Rift and Clubs.

“Let's bail!” Rift cried and they all took off running. As they ran, the rabbit bounced over and grabbed two trash can lids before tossing them and the fleeing thugs, knocking them down and out. He then hurried to Celestia and helped her up.

“You alright, mamm?”

Celestia smiled. “Uh, yes. Um, thank you, mr-?”

“Harvey Hokum, mamm." Harvey tipped his hat. "And I'm surprised you ain't scared off me? The last person I saved from a bunch of thugs took one look at me and ran off screaming.”

“Well, I've seen a lot of strange things, so a giant rabbit isn't the weirdest thing.” Celestia assured.

“Good to know. Well, I'll be seeing y'all.” Harvey was about to leave before Celestia stopped him.

“Wait! I want to thank you for saving me from those hoodlums.”

“I don't wanna oppose.” Harvey put his paw behind his head.

“But I insist.” Celestia smiled.


At CHS, Luna was briefing the Ninjas and Rainbooms about Celestia.

“And she hasn’t been back since.” She finished.

“We better go look for her!” Leo stated.

"I'll let Slash know." Raph pulled out his T phone.

“Yeah! There’s no telling what happened to her!” Mikey feared. “What if she was sent to an underworld full of trolls? Or attacked by an Equestrian Magic powered croissant roll!”

“Um….Mikey?” a hand poked his shoulder.

“Oh hey Principal Celestia. Or worse yet she was attacked by ogres or-” Mikey stopped as everyone looked to see Celestia safe and sound.

“Principal Celestia!” Twilight cheered.

“Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m fine, Fluttershy. I had an encounter with The Purple Nightmares.”

“You were attacked by the Purple Nightmares?” Leo gasped.

“Are you alright, sister?!” Luna asked concernly.

Celestia patted her sister on the shoulder. “Yes, I'm alright. I was rescued.”

“By who?” asked Sunset.

Then, as if answering her question, the rabbit dropped down, surprising the everyone. He himself was surprised by the Turtles.

“Dang! You weren't kiddin' when you said you knew four giant turtles!”

“Is that, a mutant rabbit?” Leo asked.

Donnie took a closer look. “Actually, judging from his appearance, I suspect he's a hare.”

“You’re a smart fella.” Harvey pointed out. “A pleasure to meet you too. Name's Harvey Hokum. And why's your friend lookin' at me like that?”

Everyone looked to see Fluttershy stared at him before she broke into a huge smile.

“You might wanna brace yourself.” Rainbow warned.


As to answer the rabbit’s question, Fluttershy rushed over and wrapped him in a tight hug.

“So cute!” she gushed.

“Quite the hugger ain't ya!” Strained Harvey.

Fluttershy realized what she was doing and released Harvey. “Sorry.”

“Quite all right, missy. So who are you guys?”

“My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael. And these are our friends April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno.”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer and this is Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and you just got acquainted with Fluttershy. We’re some of Principal Celestia’s students and a band called the Rainbooms.”

Before long, the group told their story to Harvey, who was amazed.

“Hoo wee! I had seen some extraordinary stuff but this takes the carrot cake.”

“So how did you become a mutant?” Applejack asked.

Harvey took a deep breath and told his story.

“Well, you see, I was once a carrot farmer. Yeah, I know. ironic. Then one day, I found a canister of Mutagen and opened it to for a closer look. Then, a jack rabbit jumped out and startled me, causing me to spill that Mutagen on myself, mutating me into a mutant rabbit. So I left my farm and I’ve been off the grid since.”

“That’s sad.” Applejack admitted.

“Yeah. But what could you do?”

“Well what are you gonna do now?” Karai wondered.

“It’s okay, Karai. I got a job for him.” Celestia smiled.


After a bit, The Canterlot Easter Egg Hunt had begun. Little kids were running around the park looking for Easter eggs. The Turtles, Rainbooms, their allies, Mutanimals, Principal Celestia, and VP Luna watched by the Party Wagon while the mutants all wore disguises.

"It's been a long time since I've seen fun like this." Ray smiled.

"I always find earthly traditions so enjoyable." Mona agreed.

“The Easter egg hunt is a big success!” Celestia smiled.

“Those eggs you all did are the hit of the day.” Luna added.

“Thanks, but I think your surprise tops ours.” Twilight nodded.

“Look over there!” Mondo pointed.

Everyone looked to see Hokum wearing a vest and top hat, giving Easter Eggs to the kids. As he walked towards the group, he waved goodbye to them.

“Y’know people say the hare shouldn’t be fond of the tortoise, but you boys are alright! And you girls too. And as soon as I finished being the Easter bunny, I’ll take ya on your offer on joining the Mutanimals, Slash.”

“Glad you accept.” Slash smiled.

Raph then looked at Mikey who had a grin on his face.

“You’re gonna give him name, aren’t you?”

“I just thought of the perfect name!”

Everyone looked at Mikey in curiosity.

“Call him... Hokum Hare!”

Everyone looked surprised.

“I like it!” Pinkie grinned.

“Me too. Hokum Hare it is.” Hokum smiled then went back to playing the Easter bunny.

"Hey! Since we'll be hanging with Hokum, Maybe you guys could take turns racing with Hokum!" Casey motioned to the Turtles and Slash, who looked blankly at him. "Just kidding, dudes." he gestured as they all continued to watch Hokum mingle with the children.

To be continued

Hunt for the Golden Egg

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"Okay, kids. Ready for the Easter egg hunt?" Hokum cried.

All the kids cheered and began egg hunting as The Turtles, Rainbooms, allies, and Mutanimals watched by their vehicles.

"I know I am!" Everyone looked to see Mikey dressed in safari clothes.

Sunset raised a brow. "Uh, Mikey? Why are you dressed like that?"

"Because, Sunset. I'm on a egg hunt." Mikey stood proudly.

"Mikey, aren't you a little old for egg hunting?" Donnie asked.

"Your never too old to go egg hunting. Besides, I'm on the hunt for the legendary Golden Egg!"

"You mean the chocolate egg wrapped in gold foil?" Leo pointed out.

"Exactly! And I will find that egg..." Mikey began to sing.


I got my hat.

I got my net.

I got binoculars, metal detector.

I'm set

For a expedition. I'm a dude on a mission. The greatest Easter egg hunt yet.

As Mikey sang and hunted, his brothers and friends just stare at him in confusion.


I'm good to go.

I'll find the prize.

At the safari store, I bought all their supplies.

Life will be sweet when my beautiful treat

Is right before my eyes.

My golden egg has my name on it.

It would be mine. All mine. All mine because I want it.

It's there for the pickin’.

From a bunny or chicken.

Soon I'll be holding my golden egg.

[Snips & Snails]

Golden egg. Golden egg. My golden egg.

As the kids looked for eggs, Mikey was searching for the golden egg while also popping up in random spots, confusing some of the kids but not hurting the hunt.


In the deepest darkest jungle, there are many scary things.

I am always on the lookout for whatever bites or stings.

I run or crawl deep down low. I go wherever eggs may roam.

Remember, I'm a professional. So don't try this at home.

No luck? Okay. My search will widen

To just beyond this lava pit. I'm sure that where's it's hiding.

I'm overcome each hardship. I make it through each mess

The party dude passed Hokum Hare, Celestia, Luna, and Fugitoid who stared at him next as he's searching.


Because I might possess

As he looked through binoculars, he finally spotted the said Golden Egg, but he sees that Lily Pad has seen it too and headed for it.

My golden egg has my name on it.

It would be mine. All mine. All mine because I want it.

It's there for the pickin’ from a bunny or chicken.

Soon I'll be holding my golden egg.

Mikey made a mad dash toward the egg, only for Rainbow Dash to stick out her leg and trip him, causing him to land near the spot.

"Ooops." she whispered nonchalantly.

Mikey got up. "I missed it."

"Oh look! I found it!" Lily Pad held up the golden egg as everyone applauded.


And now she has her happy hands around it.

I'm defeated. A lot of nothing’s what I got.

Mikey sat in sorrow while Lily noticed his sad look.

[Lily Pad and Mikey]

But maybe.

Lily began to walk up to him.


But maybe.

She tapped his shoulder and held out the egg.

[Lily Pad and Mikey)

But maybe not.

Mikey accepted the egg and stood up.


I still have my golden egg.

Thanks to the caring

Of my competitor who's heart believes in sharing.

[Lily Pad]

This foil’s made for peeling.

Mikey took off the foil and shared the egg with Lily and all the other kids. Everyone smiled at the sight and walked over.


What a wonderful feeling.

[Mikey, all the kids, Hokum, Celestia, Luna, Fugitoid]

Cause now we are holding our golden egg.

[Snips & Snails]

Golden egg. Golden egg. Golden egg. My golden egg

After the song, Fugitoid activated his camera and took a picture of everyone all together.

Hop Dance

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The CMC, Clover, and Melody were standing in the band with Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"So, what's this here Easter dance you wanted to show us?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Only the best dance ever!" Diamond Tiara said, with excitement.

"A total dance craze!" Silver Spoon added.

"It must be good if these two like it," Scootaloo muttered to her friends, who giggled.

"So what's it called?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"The Hoparena!" The two rich girls exclaimed.

"The Hoparena?" Melody raised a brow. "What kind of dance is that?"

"It's the latest greatest dance craze that's sweeping the nation!" Silver Spoon explained.

"And we thought it would be perfect for Easter," Diamond Tiara added.

"Oooo, I wanna learn it!" Clover said, excitedly.

"Me too," Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"I guess it could be fun," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah," Scootaloo agreed.

Melody shrugged. "Eh, I've got nothing better to do. So how does go?"

"We're glad you asked," Diamond Tiara said, as Silver Spoon turned on a music player and latin rhythm filled the room.

Then the two girls turned their backs, tapped their feet, and swayed their hips as they began to sing...

[Diamond Tiara]

This dance is great, so follow along, if you please-e

[Silver Spoon]

We both think you'll totally agree-e

[Diamond Tiara]

And when we're feeling really really happy -


We do the Hopperena!

"Now like you asked before, 'What is the Hopperena?'" Diamond Tiara said.

Silver Spoon added. "And you may also be wondering, "And how do I do the Hopperena? What am I missing out on? Will people like me if I fail to grasp it? Should I just eat a bon-bon and go back to bed?'"

"That's totally normal," Diamond Tiara assured. "Calm down, and we will show you!"

[Diamond Tiara]

You don't need much to do the Hopperena!

[Silver Spoon]

It won't take too much time to explain-a!

[Diamond Tiara]

Fuzzy slippers on your feet

[Silver Spoon]

Bunny ears upon your brain-a


Do the Hopperena!

The two put on bunny slippers and ears as Diamond Tiara began, "Okay! Now that we've got on bunny slippers and ears, what we're going to do is take a hop to the left!"

"Left!" Silver Spoon said, as they hopped to the left with the CMC, Melody, and Clover followed along.

"Beautiful!" Diamond Tiara smiled. "Now take a hop to the right!"

"Right!" Silver Spoon said, as they all hopped to the right.

"Perfect!" Diamond Tiara cheered. "You've got it!

[Diamond Tiara]

Hop to the left -


We do the Hopperena!

[Silver Spoon]

Then hop to the right


I love the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Back to the left


And do it once again-a

[All the girls]

Oh, hopperena!

At the last hop, the girls all did a mid-air twirl and giggled.

"That was fun!" Melody admitted.

"Yeah it was!" Clover said.

"Now we get why you do like it so much," Apple Bloom noted.

"See," Diamond Tiara said.

"And you mastered the dance so quickly!" Silver Spoon added.

"Well it is pretty easy to follow along," Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Let's keep going!" Scootaloo said, and the girls kept hopping.

Meanwhile, Rarity was walking still working on her bonnet when she heard the music and looked inside, seeing the girls hopping around.

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Hop to the left

[CMC, Melody, and Clover]

We do the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon]

Then hop to the right -

"Hold it!" Rarity barged in, and they stopped hopping. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, hi Rarity," Sweetie Belle said. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were showing us this dance craze!"

"I noticed," Rarity replied. "Anf forgive me for being critical, darlings, but I'd hardly call that a dance craze."

"What do you mean?" Diamond Tiara asked, feeling irked.

"Well, hop to the left, hop to the right, hop to the left, hop to the right again - that isn't really a dance, it's hopscotch," Rarity explained.

"That's Hopperena!" Silver Spoon stated.

"A dance has to be more involved!" Rarity went on. "You need more steps, more room for interpretation!"

"We have bunny ears," Clover noted.

"You think it's so easy?" Diamond Tiara challenged. "Let's see you do it!"

"I beg your pardon?" Rarity asked.

"Come on, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle urged. "It's fun!"

Rarity sighed. "Oh, very well." Then she began hopping to the left and right until Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopped her.

No, no, no, no, no!" Diamond Tiara said. "You need the ears and feet." Then she gave Rarity her slippers while Silver Spoon put her bunny ears on the fashionista's head.

[Diamond Tiara]

Rarity is a serious fashionista

[Silver Spoon]

I believe you'd probably agree with us!

[Diamond Tiara]

The best way to not be a sourpuss


Do the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara]

Hop to the left!

[Silver Spoon]

She does the Hopperena!

[Diamond Tiara]

She hops to the right!

[Silver Spoon]

Try not-a to complain-a!

[Diamond Tiara]

Back to the left

[Silver Spoon]

And do it once again-a!


Hey, hopperena!

As Rarity was hopping left and right, she started to enjoy herself. "This is actually quite fun!"

"Told you," Sweetie Belle said.

"Let's see..." Rarity began. "I hop to the left..."

[Sweetie Belle]

Hoppy hopperena!



[Apple Bloom]

Hop to the right!


I love the Hopperena!


Back to the left!


I'll do it once again-a!

Hey Hopperena!

Rarity laughed as she continued to hop around. "Oh, ha ha, haha! This is quite fun! Ha, ha, ha, haha! La, ha, ha, haha!"

"She's really enjoying the dance," Melody muttered to the others.

"Ahm, can I have my ears back?" Diamond Tiara asked, but Rarity was too busy hopping to pay attention.

"Ha, ha, ha, haha!"

"Okay, that's enough, thank you!" Silver Spoon said, but Rarity still wasn't listening.

"This is very pleasant!" Rarity continued to hop all over the room until she froze. She noticed that all her friends, the Turtles, and Allies were standing in the doorway. She stood and smiled nervously, removing the bunny ears. "Um, hello darlings. You didn't happen to see..."

"You hopping around all over the place?" Sunset noted.

"Yes, yes we did," Donnie confirmed.

Rarity blushed as Diamond Tiara said to her, "I am embarrassed for you!"

"That looked super fun!" Pinkie gushed.

"I wanna try!" Mikey said.

Then the two began hopping the Hopperena.

Once upon a Turtle PT. 1

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After the Annual Egg hunt settled down and they helped clean up, The Turtles, Rainbooms, CMCs, Allies, and Mutanimals had Easter dinner at Sweet Apple Acres farm. Some of their friends, including Wallflower Blush, Sapphire Night, Juniper Montage, and the Rock n'Beats, joined them as well. As they enjoyed themselves, They were getting to know their newest friend, Hokum Hare, who in turned was getting to know them as well.

"And then those varmits ran away. Then I got acquainted with Celestia and you know the rest." Hokum finished before munching on a carrot.

"Wow! You sure are tough, Hokum." Pete chirped.

"Least he's fighting on our team." Bandit smiled.

"And I'm looking forward to it. Sure has been lonesome since my mutation."

"Trust me. I was like that when I had to live in the ocean before I met these guys." Ray sympathized.

Hokum then looked at the automatic Easter egg machine. "So you guys made that thing that made the eggs for the hunt?"

"Yep. It was a team effort." Donnie spoke for him, Twilight, and Rockwell.

"Pretty impressive."

"Well, we had a bit of an adventure to finish on time." Twilight added.

"We helped as well." Lancer pointed out for him, The Rock n'Beats, and the CMCs who all nodded.

"So what happened?" Wallflower asked.

Leo decided to start the story. "Well, it all started after Mikey fell into the machine and we stopped for breakfast......."


Earlier that day....

Before the egg hunt, and the meeting of Hokum Hare, the Turtles and Allies were cleaning up the mess while Donnie and Twilight were fixing the Easter egg machine. The Mutanimals had gone to deliver the unbroken eggs.

Mikey, as punishment for causing the mess, had to be a make-shift mannequin for Rarity's new bonnet. And he also had to deal with Raph, Casey, and Rainbow Dash laughing at him.

"Looks good on yah, Mikey!" Casey chuckled.

Rainbow snapped a picture on her phone. "Oh, that's a keeper!"

"Hey, text me that photo," Raph said.

"Mmmm!" Mikey grunted. He wasn't allowed to talk until Rarity was done, either.

"Alright you three, you had your fun," Applejack walked by, carrying a bucket full of egg yolk. "We still got some cleaning to do."

"Eyup." Applebloom followed.

"Fine," Raph grumbled. "Besides, we gotta think of some bonnet puns."

The three walked away, still chuckling, while Mikey though to himself, 'I am so gonna get them back for this!'

“I’m sure Michelangelo has learned his lesson.” Leatherhead tried to vouch for Mikey.

“Trust me, Learherhead. It takes a while for Rarity to forgive anyone who damages clothing.” Pinkie warned.

“Tell me about it.” Rainbow cringed, remembering the time in Gotham when she and Mikey crashed into Rarity and she got pizza in her hair.

Just then, the Rock N Beats along with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came in.

"Hey guys," Half Note said.

"We came to see if you needed-" Lancer began.

"Whoa!" They all exclaimed when they saw the mess.

"What happened?" Sweet Note asked.

"Mikey," everyone answered in unison.

Then the kids saw Mikey in the bonnet and could help but giggle.

"That's uh, nice bonnet, Mikey," Patch said, through giggles, while Mikey huffed and crossed his arms.

"So what happened?" Scootaloo asked.

“Donnie and Twilight were showing us their automatic Easter egg machine while making Easter eggs for Canterlots annual Easter egg hunt.” April began to explain.

“But Mikey accidentally got caught in the machine and kinda broke it.” Mondo grinned.

“And damaged Rarity’s new bonnet.” Rockwell pointed out.

Sweetie Belle patted Mikey on the hand. “Trust me. I’ve been there.”

"We'll, the machine's all fixed," Donnie said, wiping his forehead.

"Now we can finish the rest of the eggs," Leo stated.

"Just one problem," Twilight pointed out. "The kraang crystals we were using to power the machine got destroyed in the explosion."

"So does that mean we get to go to Dimension X to get more?" Mikey asked, until Raity pulled him back.

"Up-up-up," she said. "I'm not done."

"Actually, we don't need to go to dimension X," Donnie said, and pulled out a device. "According to the Utroms, the Kraang have crystals stashed away in other dimensions. I just need to pinpoint one that has enough crystals."

"And Vola!" Rarity proclaimed, showing everyone the bonnet still on Mikey. "I am finished. What do you think?"

"I think Mikey looks like Little Bo Peep," Rainbow joked.

"Ha ha!" Mikey grumbled.

“I don’t suppose they would be in dimensions we’ve been to like Gotham or Moo Mesa.” Sunset pointed out.

“I doubt it. Bishop was strict on keeping any remaining Kraang from coming back to those universes.” Donnie added.

“Is there anyway we can help?” Lancer offered. “We’re aware it could be dangerous but we could also use the training.”

“I suppose if it’s not too dangerous.” Leo pondered.

“But y’all better stay close to us at all times!” Applejack pointed out.

“Well we’ll see once I find a dimension with the crystals.” Donnie added before his device started beeping. “Bingo!”

"You find one, Don?" Keno asked.

"Yep," Donnie assured. "But it's an unknown location, so we'll no idea what we'll find."

"We gotta do this," Pinkie declared. "For the Easter egg hunt!"

"Alright then," Leo said.

"We'll stay behind to deliver the finished eggs," Slash said, on behalf of the Mutanimals.

Donnie pulled out his portal ray. "Good thing I brought along my portal projector." Then he opened the portal.

Leo turned to the kids. "Remember, stay close," he reminded them.

"Got it," they replied.

Then the Ninjas and kids went through the portal, as the Mutanimals left with the eggs. But as they all did, the gate opened and two girls walked in. One had pink skin, lilac eyes, and wavy black hair with a bun and white streaks. The other girl had grey skin, crimson eyes staring through glasses, and wavy dark red hair.

"Pinkie Pie, we're here to help with the... eggs..." the first girl trailed off, as both she and the other girl saw the portal.

"Uh, Mag," the other asked.

"Yes, Losty."

"What the heck is that?!"

"I don't know?" The two walked closer to the portal and when the first girl was reaching out, she stepped on a egg yolk that hadn't been cleaned up, slipped and fell into the portal.

"Mag!" The other girl jumped into the portal after her as it closed.

Soon, the ninjas came out of the portal and into a bright meadow.

"Wow, we just walked into another dimension!" Clover gushed with excitement.

"I hope there's nothing dangerous here," Sweetheart said, in worry.

"Chill, SH," Ace assured. "We're ninjas, we can handle a little danger."

"Actually, there doesn't appear to be anything dangerous here?" Donnie said, looking around.

"So where are those Kraang crystals?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, according to this, there are multiple signals here," Donnie answered, looking at his device.

“Then we better split into teams so we’re back in time.” Leo said before putting the teams together. “Lancer, you’re with me, Twilight, Sunset, and Karai. Raph, you take Casey, Rainbow Dash, Ace, and Patch. Melody Note, Sweet Note, and Half Note will go with Donnie, April, and Rarity while Clover, Logan, and Sweetheart go with Mikey, Pinkie, Shinigami, and Fluttershy. Keno, you’ll take the CMCs. Now, each team goes to a location, find the Kraang crystal and we’ll meet back here in an hour at the latest. If you have trouble, call our T-phones. Let’s move.”

And after choosing their destinations, the teams headed out to find their Kraang crystals.

After they had gone, the two girls fell out of the portal and into a heap on each other.

"Dang it!" The second girl grumbled.

"Uhhh!" The first girl known as groaned. "Lost are you okay?"

"If by okay you mean, falling through a freakin' portal and crash landing in some flipping unknown place, then NO!" The second girl know as Lost said, in sarcasm.

The other girl rolled her eyes as they both stood up. "Where are we?" She wondered.

"How should I know, Magpie?" Lost retorted.

The girl known as Magpie sighed. "I agree to Pinkie Pie request to help her and her friends with the eggs for the Easter Egg hunt, while also getting to meet these "special friends" of her's from New York, only to fall into some... portal thing-" She was interrupted when they felt the ground shake. "Whoa! Earthquake!"

Lost turned around and froze, her eyes wide. "Mag... not an earthquake," she said, pointing up.

A giant shadow fell over them as Magpie looked behind them and then looked up. "Oh.. my..." was all she said, before she and Lost screamed as the some big reached down and grabbed them!

Meanwhile, Leo and his group were walking along a road searching for the crystals.

“According to Donnie's intel, the crystal should be around here.”

“I wonder what kind of dimension we’re in?” Karai wondered.

“At least nothings going wrong.” Twilight pointed out.

Suddenly, a blur ran past the group, causing Leo to spin like a top.

“I gotcha this time, Tortoise!” The blur shouted as it ran past them.

“And now something happens.” Spike grumbled from Twilights bag.

“What was that?” Lancer gasped.

Then, the blur came back, revealing it to be a humanoid hare. He stopped in front of a dizzy Leo.

“What’s the matter, Tortoise? Loosing your A game?” He taunted.

"Is that a giant rabbit?" Karai asked.

"I'm a hare," the Hare replied, then he pointed to Leo. "And as you can see, Tortoise and me are in the middle of a race."

"Me?" Leo asked, in confusion.

"Yes, you," the Hare replied, and started hopping around him. "Now quit lollygagging! We got a race to finish! Can't beat you if you stop to talk to folk."

"Race? What race?" Twilight inquired.

"The one Tortoise and I are in," the Hare stated, like it was obvious. "Did you you not hear me?"

"What are you talking about?" Karai demanded.

"Oh, well Tortoise once beat me in a race!" The Hare grumbled. "Which wasn't a fair race, because I stopped to take a nap. So I challenged him to a rematch."

As they talked to the hare, Lancer pondered and then realized something.

"Listen. You probably have me confused for someone else." Leo tried to reason with the Hare.

"You think that disguise is gonna get you off the hook? We. will. Race!" The Hare scoffed.

Sunset was about to lose her cool with the hare when Lancer nudged her. "Could I talk to you guys for a sec?"

"Excuse us." Twilight politely told the hare as she, Sunset, Karai, and Leo huddled to Lancer. "What's up?"

The others huddled to Lancer as he spoke, "I know this is gonna sound impossible but, I think he might be the Hare from 'The Tortoise and the Hare'!"

"The Tortoise and the Hare?" Karai said, in surprise. "But that's just a fairytale."

"Well, technically, it's a fabel that was told by the greek philosopher Aesop," Twilight noted.

"We get the idea." Spike rolled his eyes.

"Could we be in some sort of fairytale dimension?" Sunset breathed.

"Looks that way." Karai looked around.

"Either way, that hare is not gonna let us pass unless I race him." Leo glared.

"What are you guys talking about?" The Hare butted in. "Your not planning some kind of cheat to win are you?"

"No," they answered dryly.

"Alright," Leo said. "I'll race you."

"Perfect," the Hare clapped, and pointed. "We'll race all the way toward Prince Charming's castle. And you won't beat me this time. Cause I'm not taking any naps."

"Let's just get this over with," Leo said, in annoyance. He wanted to get this over with so they could look for the Kraang crystals.

"Winner gets bragging rights," the Hare stated. "And this shiny rock I found." Then to their surprise, he held up a Kraang crystal!

“That’s..... a Kraang Crystal!” Gasped Twilight.

“You got to be kidding.” Karai said bluntly.

Leo glared at the crystal. Now he had to race the hare. “Very well. But all I’m getting is that crystal.” He then got in position and the hare followed.

Soon the two lined up as Twilight started them off. "On your marks... get set... GO!"

Then the Hare shot off down the road, kicking up a cloud of dust on Leo. The turtle leader coughed and heard the Hare calling, "See yah at the finish line!"

Then Leo took off running after him, while the others followed along.

"I hope the others are having better luck then we are," Sunset said.

To be Continued

Once upon a Turtle PT. 2

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Meanwhile, Mikey and his group were walking through the forest.

“That Kraang crystal’s gotta be around here somewhere according to Donnie.” The party dude pointed out.

“In this forest?” Clover complained. “It’ll take forever to find.”

“Nope. Not in here. Nope. Nope. No crystal here!” Pinkie was bouncing around looking under stone and logs faster than a dog sniffing for a bone.

“Maybe not.” Logan noticed.

“Well we better start looking.” Shinigami said.

“Could it be in there?”

Everyone looked to where Sweetheart was pointing to. There was a house in a clearing of the woods.

“Maybe the owner could give us directions as well?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Eh why not?” Mikey shrugged so they walked up to the house.

"You better hide, Mikey," Fluttershy cautioned. "We don't wanna scare whoever lives here."

"Got it, girl," Mikey hid inside a bush by the house.

Then Fluttershy gently knocked on the door. "Excuse me?" She called softly, but there came no reply, so knocked again and spoke a bit louder. "Hello?"

After that, the five girls and Logan waited. Sweetheart tapped her foot, Logan whistled, and Mikey even poked his head out of the bush to see if anyone would answer.

When no one did, Pinkie spoke up. "Maybe you didn't knock loud enough?" Then she rapped at the door and shouted. "ANYONE HOME?!" Then the door pushed open and they saw it wasn't even closed. "That's odd?"

"Who'd leave their door open?" Shini wondered.

"Only one way to find out," Mikey jumped out of the bush and went inside.

"Mikey!" Fluttershy called, as they followed him in.

As they all entered, they couldn’t help but look around in awe at the house’s decor.

“This looks like something out of a storybook.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Either that or my grandma’s house.” Logan added.

“Wonder if they got anything to eat around here?” Mikey wondered.

"Hey, guys!" Clover called.

"Did you find the crystal?" Mikey asked.

"No, but I found food," Clover pointed to three bowls resting on a table. One was big, the second was medium, and the third was small.

Mikey looked inside the big bowl. "What's this glop?"

"It's porridge," Pinkie said. "It's the european version of oatmeal."

"I love oatmeal," Logan said. "I'm sure whoever made this won't mind if I have a little taste." He took a spoon and scooped some into his mouth. Then his eyes widened and he spat it out. "Yeow! It's hot!"

Sweetheart dipped her finger in the medium bowl and tasted the porridge. "Yuck! This one's cold."

"There isn't even any in this one," Clover held up the small bowl to show it was empty.

"Weird!" Pinkie said.

"Everyone, look in here," Shini pointed into another room and they looked inside. There were three chairs. A big armchair, a medium cushion chair, and pieces of what looked like a small rocking chair.

"Double weird!" Pinkie said, looking at the broken chair.

"I feel sorry for whoever owns that chair," Clover said.

"Let's look upstairs," Mikey motioned to a latter.

He climbed up it and pushed open a hatch. The girls and Logan followed him and found themselves in a bedroom. There were three beds of different sizes. A big one, a medium one, and a small one.

Then they heard small snoring and looked at the small bed. Someone was sleeping in it!

Mikey motioned for everyone to be quiet as they crept toward the bed and he slowly pulled the blanket off to reveal... a little girl with blond curls.

"Aww!" Pinkie cooed. "It's a little girl."

“Oh she’s adorable.” Shini cooed.

“At least she’s no Cozy Glow.” Mikey smiled.

Suddenly, Fluttershys eyes perked up. “Guys I think I know where we are!”

“I think I do too” Clover agreed.

“Three bowls of porridge.”

“Three chairs, plus the broken one.”

“Three beds with a gold haired girl sleeping in one.”

“We’re in a fairytale dimension!” The two concluded.

“Whoa! Backup! Are you telling me that that girl is Goldilocks? THE Goldilocks?” Logan questioned.

“I guess we are.” Shini agreed.

Pinkie gasped. “Oh my gosh! Ohmygoshohmygosh! A fairytale dimension?! We’re in the house of the three bears with Goldilocks! Do you think Mother Goose is here too?” She bounced all around the bedroom until Sweetheart gasped herself.

"Oh no!" Sweetheart exclaimed. "If she's Goldilocks, then who do you think owns this house?"

"It's owned by the three bears," Pinkie answered, before realizing that was a bad thing for them. "Uh oh!"

"Oh, the bears weren't really bad," Fluttershy explained. "They were just mad at Goldielocks for trespassing."

"Um, aren't we trespassing as well?" Shini asked, knowingly.

"Oh yeah," Clover realized. "Then let's get out of here before the bears come back!"

"Wait! We can't leave Goldielocks here," Mikey said, and started to shake the girl awake.

Goldielocks yawned and rubbed her eyes. "What's going... on!" She stared at Mikey.

"Hi," he said.

Goldielocks screamed and then Mikey screamed.

"A green monster!" She wailed. "Then she caught sight of Shini. "Aahhh, a witch!" Then she saw the two Rainbooms and three Rock N Beats. "Aaahhhh, strangers!"

"It-It's okay, Goldilocks," Fluttershy tried to calm her down.

"How do you know my name?"

"We read your story," Pinkie said.

"We're friends, Goldilocks," Sweetheart assured. "Listen, this house belongs to three bears! And they'll be mad if they find you here!"

"So we gotta get out of here before they show up!" Mikey said.

But suddenly, they heard voices from downstairs.

"Someone's been eating my porridge!"

"Someone's been sitting in my chair!"

"Someone's eaten my porridge and broken my chair!"

"Too late," Clover said.

"Shhh!" Hissed a big gruff voice which must have been the Papa Bear. "Let's look upstairs. That someone might still be here."

"The bears are coming!" Logan whispered.

"What'll we do?!" Sweetheart asked, frantically.

"Hide!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Where?" Shini inquired.

"In there," Mikey pointed to a closet and the group and Goldielocks huddled inside and closed the door.

As they hid in the closet, Mikey and Shini blushed as they were were face to face with each other, but had to regain focus as they heard the bears in the bedroom.

“Someone has been sleeping in my bed.”

“Someone has been sleeping in MY bed!”

“Someone has been sleeping in my bed and..... now they’re gone!”

“They couldn’t have gone too far.”

Everyone kept quiet as the bears searched the room. Sweetheart then felt something sharp poke her in the seat. Luckily, she stopped herself from screaming. But was wide eyed with what poked her.

“Um ms. Fluttershy?” She got the shy girl’s attention who also looked surprised.

“Guys. Look.” She whispered. Everyone looked to see Sweetheart holding up a Kraang crystal.

“Alright! A Kraang crystal!” Pinkie quietly cheered.

“Good work, Sweetheart.” Clover commended.

“Now we gotta ditch these bears and meet up with the others.” Shini pondered.

The mama bear was fluffing out one the pillows from her bed. As she did, feathers were flying out. One feather flew through the cracked door, landing on Pinkies nose. The party girl began to feel a sneeze coming to everyone’s shock. Mikey tried to block her nose but was too late.


Pinkie sneezed so loud the closet door flew open, causing Pinkie and Mikey to fall over, getting the bears’ attention. As the bears stood surprised, everyone just stood smiling as Mikey politely pulled the door shut again.

“Maybe they didn’t see us.” He sheepishly shrugged as everyone looked at him confused.

Suddenly, the closet door opened and the group was face to face with a bellowing Papa bear, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR HOUSE?”

"Uh... leaving," Mikey answered, before he hollered, "RUN AWAY!"

Then screaming, the group bolted from the closet, down the latter, and out the door, Fluttershy pulling Goldilocks along with them as they all ran as far away as they could.

The bears just stared off after them.

"Who were those guys?" The Papa Bear wondered.

Once they felt they were far enough away, the group and Goldilocks finally stopped running.

“I think were safe now.” Mikey panted.

“That was close.” Logan sighed.

“I don’t think those bears were going to harm us.” Fluttershy pondered.

“Maybe. That papa bear sure sounded mad.” Pinkie gulped.

“At least we got the Kraang crystal.” Clover smiled as Sweetheart held it up.

“Well I learned my lesson. I’m never entering other people’s homes uninvited. I’m going home.” Goldilocks started to leave. “Thank you again for helping me.”

“You be good now.” Shini smiled.

As they waved goodbye to Goldilocks, Mikey said, "One crystal down, more to go."

"Let's hope the others found theirs," Fluttershy said.

Raph's group was walking through another forest.

"So this is where Donnie said the crystal's supposed to be?" Rainbow asked.

"Yep," Raph replied, dryly. "Not that we'll find it in this place."

"The forest is huge, yo!" Casey grumbled.

"How are we gonna find the crystal in the middle of a forest?" Patch asked.

"It's like finding a needle in a haystack!" Applejack stated. "It'll take us forever to find it."

"And I'm hungry," Ace noted, and everyone looked at him. "What? I am."

Just then, Rainbow stopped and sniffed the air. "Hey! Do you guys smell that?" She asked.

Everyone else stopped and sniffed too.

"Yeah," Applejack agreed. "It smells like... gingerbread?"

“This way!” Raph led the group.

Before long, they found an opening where stood a tall gingerbread house. It was covered with gumdrops frosting and candy. There were lollipops positioned like flowers.

Aces eyes lit up. “That looks mighty tasty.”

Applejack however was not impressed. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“Whoa!” Rainbow Dash awed. “Where did this come from?”

“I’ve got to try some.” Patch heard her stomach growl.

“I hate to have this person’s dental bill.” Raph joked as he took a piece of the house.

“But what does this mean?” Applejack questioned.

“It means this guy’s got just desserts.” Casey smiled as they all started to take pieces of the house and eating them.

The only one who didn't eat was Applejack. She couldn't help but feel liked she'd seen something like this before, when suddenly, they cries coming from inside the house.

"Help! Help!" Two young voices cried out.

"Yo, what was that?" Ace asked.

"It's coming from inside," Rainbow said.

"Uh, maybe we should knock first?" Applejack suggested.

"Like this?" Raph walked up to the door and kicked it open.

They walked inside and gasped at what they saw. Inside were two children, a boy and a girl, locked in an iron cage.

"Holy Chalupa!" Raph said.

"Who are you guys?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"My name is Hansel and this is my sister Gretel."

"You mean like the fairy tale?" Applejack wide eyed.

Hansel and Gretel looked at each other in confusion before Gretel continued. "Anyway, Hansel and I got lost in the woods when we stumbled here. the lady who lived was nice to feed us. Until we discovered she was a witch!"

"This is bad!" Patch shivered. "If this is like the fairy tale, This witch could be trouble!"

"You need to hurry before the witch..." Hansel trailed off, as he and Gretel started in horror at something.

"What?" Patch asked.

"What are you staring at?" Casey added.

"She's right behind you!" Gretel whimpered.

The group stared before they slowly turned around. Standing in the doorway was the witch herself!

"Oh! Uninvited guests!" She smiled wickedly, and magically placed door back on and locked it. Then she stalked toward them. "Won't you stay for DINNER?!"

"Ah sewer bunnies!" Raph grumbled.


Meanwhile, Mikey and his group was walking in the woods when Clover's phone rang.

"Guys! It's Patch." she answered. "Hey Patch, how's it going? Wait! What? Let me put you on speakerphone."

Everyone gathered as Clover pushed a button so they heard Patch on the phone.


"We're in trouble! We're in a gingerbread house! We tried to save Hansel and Gretel, but the witch was too crafty! We need help! Please!" Patch pleaded as she and Ace were in the cage with Hansel and Gretel while Raph, Casey, Applejack, and Rainbow were tied up as the witch prepared her stove.


"We're coming!" Mikey called.

As Patch hung up, everyone saw Pinkie gasped then getting steamed from what she heard. She was about as mad as she saw someone break a Pinkie Promise.

"Nobody uses sweets to trap and eat my friends!" She growled before taking off like a bullet.

"Follow that Pinkie!" Mikey declared before they hurried to follow her.

Back at the gingerbread house, the witch was seasoning the four trapped friends and she had stuffed apples in their mouths.

"How fortunate that more weary travelers came by," she said with delight. "Now I a much bigger meal!"

"Hey, witchy!" Ace yelled. "When I get outta here, your about to Face the Ace!"

"Oh yeah, that really intimated her," Patch rolled her eyes.

The witch only cackled. "I think I save you for dessert!" Then she turned back to Raph and the others. "As for you four, TIME TO COOK!" She lifted them with her magic and floated them toward the oven.

Raph spat out his apple. "This is just like that nightmare with the Dream Beavers!"

Suddenly, there came a knock at the door. The witch stopped her magic. "Ooo, more food!" Then she walked up to the door and called. "Who is it?"

"Booyah," came the reply.

"Booyah who?" The witch asked, in confusion.

Suddenly the door exploded by Pinkie's magic, sending her across the room.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey's group burst in.

“Mikey!” Raph gasped before realizing something. “Oh great! Now I’m never gonna hear the end of this!”

Casey spat out his apple. “How’d you guys find us?”

“Patch called us and Pinkie was able to find you quickly.” Clover explained.

“No one uses treats to kidnap and eat my friends! NO ONE!” Pinkie declared.

The witch was able to pick herself up. “How cute. A sweet tooth.”

Fluttershy turned to Clover, Logan, and Sweetheart. “You three free the others while we hold her off!”

The three nodded and headed to the prisoners while Mikey, Shini, and Fluttershy stood by a still angry Pinkie.

The witch summoned a broom and rose up on it. Then she fire magic blasts at the four who dodged and scattered.

Shini landed next to her and the witch asked. "What's this? Another witch?"

"Not exactly," Shini replied, as she jumped up to avoid a magic blast and vanished in a cloud of smoke and bats swormed the witch.

She shrieked and batted them off right before Shini came out of nowhere and kicked her to the ground.

"Hey, witchy!" Mikey called, and blew a raspberry.

"I'll make turtle soup out of you!" The witch rose on her broom again and blasted at Mikey, but the turtle jumped to avoid one blast then jumped and stood on one hand to avoid another.

Then he somersaulted over the witch, landed against and pushed off a wall, and knocked the witch off her broom. Then he got on it, but started to fly out of control.

"How do you steer this thing!" He cried.

The witch chacked at the sight, before she was hit with a double kick by Fluttershy. She shot magic at the shy girl, but she back-flipped to avoid it and shot darts at her, only for the witch to stop them in mid air.

"And what was that supposed to be?" She asked.

Fluttershy smirked. "A distraction."

Pinkie popped up behind the witch. "Surprise!" And splattered two pies on each side of her head.

As Pinkie fought the witch one on one, Sweetheart, Clover, and Logan crept to the cave where Ace, Patch, Hansel, and Gretel
Were held.

“Have you out in a sec.” Clover whispered as Sweetheart pulled out her Chain claw and slammed the lock off, freeing them.

“Thank you so much.” Gretel cheered as they were helped out. Then, they hurried to the others to untie them.

“You youngins are definitely doing well on your training.” Applejack smiled.

As the witch was trying to blast Pinkie, she was beaned in the head by an apple. Then Rainbow ran circles around her, spinning her around.

"That's for trying to cook us!" Rainbow said.

"You'll regret that!" The witch shot magic at her, but Rainbow dodged it with her speed and raced past her, making her spinn again.

When the witch stopped spinning there stood Applejack holding a giant candy cane.

"Howdy," she grinned, and swatted the witch into a wall with it.

Casey skated in and dumped out his hockey pucks. "Eat this, ya old hag!" And shot each one. Only for the witch stop them with her magic and send them back at him, hitting him all over.

Then Raph grabbed the witch, body-slammed her on a table, breaking it, and spinn-kicked her on the ground close to the oven.

"Nobody tries to cook us and get's away with it!" He growled.

The witch stood up in a rage. "I'LL COOK YOU ALL!" She shouted, her magic flaring.

"I don't think so!"

Everyone looked up and saw Mikey riding the broom like a surfboard, straight at the witch.

"Booyakasha!" He jumped off and the broom collided into the witch, sending her rocking right into the oven.

Then Hansel and Gretel slammed the door and bolted it shut. The witch screamed like a banshee as the oven turned bright red.

"Everyone clear out!" Applejack yelled.

Everyone ran out of the house just in time to see it explode, sending sweets everywhere. They shielded themselves from the blast and looked back. The house was destroyed and all that was left of the witch was her hat.

"Now that, was intense!" Ace said.

“Thank you all for saving us.” Hansel thanked as he and Gretel bowed in thanks.

“It’s what we do.” Casey grinned.

Just then, a voice called from a distance.

“Hansel! Gretel!” Merging from the bushes was a woodsman.

“Father!” Hansel and Gretel ran and embrace the woodsman.

“Oh! Thank goodness! I thought I’d lost you both. Confound that mother of yours.”

“We’re alright, Father. Thanks to our new friends.” Gretel pointed to the group.

Their father walked up to the ninjas. “Oh thank you so much for helping my children, my good....” he looked up and down at Raph and Mikey. “Gentlemen.”

“It was our pleasure.” Mikey grinned.

“Please allow me to give you this. I found it in the woods. And I want you to have as a token of my gratitude.” The woodsman pulled out his pouch the Kraang crystal Raphs group was searching for.

“The Kraang crystal!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Thank you, kind sir.” Raph smiled as he accepted the crystal.

“Come, my children. Let us go home.”

“Goodbye!” Hansel and Gretel waved as they followed their father home.

The ninjas waved back until they were gone.

“Now we got two Kraang crystals.” Mikey held his up next to Raphs.

“Thanks for coming to help us.” Patch thanked.

“Just don’t tell the others that we were gonna get eaten by a witch.” Raph grumbled.

Mikey put his arm on his brother’s shoulder. “Well, if it makes you feel better, we were almost attacked by bears.”

“I’m telling you those bears weren’t going to hurt us.” Fluttershy huffed.

“Cmon.” Applejack said. “Let’s go back to meet up with the others.”

And so they sent off to meet with the others.

The CMC and Keno were walking through a countryside.

"You sure Donnie said the crystal was here?" Scootaloo asked. "Cause all I see are fields."

"That's what Donnie said," Keno noted.

"If I were Kraang, and I'm so glad I'm not, where would I hide a crystal?" Apple Bloom wondered.

Sweetie Belle stopped walking and stared at something. "Um, maybe in that straw house?"

"What straw house?" Keno asked.

"That one with the walking pig," Sweetie Belle pointed ahead and they saw a little straw house. And to their surprise, sitting outside the house was a pig wearing clothes.

“Let’s give it a try.” Applebloom walked up to the pig and poked it. “Um excuse me, Mr. Pig?"

The pig snorted as he woke up. “Wha ? Is the wolf here?” He then noticed the three girls and guy. “Oh. Hello there. Can I help you with something?”

“We’re looking for like a crystal. Have you seen something like that, mr.-?”

“Oh where are my manners? I’m Percy. And you are?”

“I’m Applebloom. And this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and Keno.”

"Hey," Keno waved.

"That's a... nice looking house you got there," Scootaloo said.

"Why thank you," Percy replied. "I built it myself. As for your question, no, I've haven't seen any-" he suddenly squealed in alarm.

"What is it?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Everyone inside!" Percy shot up and pushed them all into the house.

"Ow! Quit pushing!" Apple Bloom said.

"Hurry! He's coming!" Percy exclaimed, as he got them all inside and locked the door.

"Who's coming?" Keno inquired.

Before Percy, a loud knock came which started the pig into hiding in a pile of hay. Then a deep gruff voice called out, "Little Pig, little pig, let me come in!"

Keno and the CMC double taked when they heard that and became more surprised when Percy told the voice, "Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!"

"Little pig?" Scootaloo repeated.

"Chinny chin chin?" Sweetie Belle chimed in.

"Y'all don't think that Percy's..." Apple Bloom began.

"One of the Three Little Pigs?" Keno guessed. "But that's just a-"

Before he could finish, they heard the gruff voice say, "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blooooow your house in!"

Then they heard someone take a huge breathe and they were knocked down by what felt like a gail force wind that blew the whole straw house into pieces. Including the hay Percy was hiding under.

When it stopped, the four and the pig looked up. Standing over them was a very big wolf, about as big as Wolfatizer.

The wolf laughed. "Did you really think straw would protect you from me?! He asked. Then he caught sight of Keno and the CMC. "And who do we have here?"

"The Big Bad Wolf!" The CMC squeaked.

“Must’ve be visiting from Red Riding Hood's place. Oh well. I always loved small fries with a ham sandwich.” The wolf smacked his lips.

“Yeah? Well dinners to go!” Scootaloo quickly threw a smoke bomb at the wolf, disorienting him.

“Now's our chance. Run!” Keno ordered.

“This way!” Percy led the way as they ran as fast as they could. “We’ll go to my brothers. Hopefully, his house is stronger than mine was!”

As they ran into the woods, they heard the wolf shouting in the distance, “You will not get away so easily!”

The group ran as fast as they could, until they came to a house that was built from sticks. Another pig was outside, playing a banjo.

"Peter!" Percy hollered, as they came running up.

"Percy?" Peter asked. "What's going on? And who are all these people?"

"There's no time!" Sweetie Belle said, in a panic. "The Big Bad Wolf's right behind us!"

Then as if confirming her claim, they all heard a howl and turned to see the wolf crashing through the bushes after them.

"Inside!" Peter yelled, and they all rushed into the house and locked the door.

"What happened?" Peter asked his brother.

"I was taking a mid morning nap, when these fine travelers came along, asking about a crystal," Percy explained. "Then the wolf showed up and blew my house away." He motioned to Scootaloo. "But this little girl threw some kind of thing at him and we got away."

"Goodness!" Peter exclaimed, then he turned to the four. "Are who are you guys?"

"I'm Apple Bloom."

"Sweetie Belle."


"And I'm Keno."

"Nice to meet you all," Peter smiled. "I'm Peter."

"Say, Peter?" Sweetie Belle asked. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a crystal around here, have you?"

"No, I don't think I-" Peter was interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

"Little pig, little pig, let me come in," came the wolf's voice from outside.

"It's the wolf!" Percy cried.

"Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin," Peter rebuffed.

"Then I'll huff! And I'll puff! and I'll blow your house down!"

As The wolf began to take a deep breath, Applebloom realized something.

"I'm afraid this stick house isn't strong enough!"

"What do you mean?" Peter raised a brow.

"Granted sticks are stronger than straw, but that wolf blows like a hurricane!" Sweetie Belle added.

"And sticks blow just as easily." Scootaloo finished.

"Oh." Keno started to say just as the house was blown down on them.

Peter and Percy glanced up and saw the hungry wolf smiling down at them, showing his sharp teeth.

"So?" He asked. "Which one of you wants to be eaten first?"

"I vote neither!" Keno rushed forward and shoved a sick in the wolf's mouth.

"'Ay! 'Hat's 'onning 'on?!" The wolf asked, unable to close his mouth.

Sweetie Belle showed him a picture in a Filly Guide tip book. "Filly Guide tip number 204," she stated. The picture showed a Filly Guide scout doing the same thing to an alligator. "See ya later, alligator!" And with that they all ran away again.

The wolf bit down hard and snapped the stick out then he chased after them again. He saw them all disappear into a bush and quickly followed. Unfortunately, when he did, he found himself standing in mid air over a cliff. Then he fell down and into a pond. The group peeked over the edge, smiling smugly at him.

"Bye!" They said, and took off.

The wolf shook his fists, "I'll get you morsels!"

As they were all running, Peter spoke up. "Quick, to our sister's house!"

Hurrying, Peter and Percy led the group to a brick house. There was a female pig carrying a cauldron full of water.

"Paula!" greeted the big brothers.

"Peter? Percy? What's going on?" Paula saw the group. "And who are they?"

"This is Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Keno. They're looking for a crystal and asking us if we've seen it when the wolf came and blew our houses down."

Then, as if right on cue, they heard a howl in the distance.

"The wolf! Inside! Quickly!" Paula opened her door, letting everyone in.

"Here. Allow me." Keno helped get the cauldron inside.

"Why, thank you." Paula smiled.

Once they got inside, Paula said to her brothers, "I told you that sticks and straw wouldn't be strong enough to keep the wolf away, but you two were just too lazy to listen!"

Percy and Peter smiled sheepishly, as the CMC giggled.

"So, where do you want this big pot?" Keno asked, Paula.

"Put it in the fireplace," Paula instructed, as Keno dragged it over to it. Then she turned to the CMC. "Now what's all this about a crystal?"

"We need it for a friend of ours," Sweetie Belle explained.

"Don't suppose you've seen one around here?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Now that you've mentioned it," Paula walked over to a cupboard. "I did find this, while I was gardening." She held out and Kraang crystal.

"The crystal!" The girls exclaimed.

“Well I have no need of it so you can have it as a thank you for saving my brothers.” Paula gave the crystal to Sweetie Belle who accepted it gratefully.

“Thanks.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Alright. Now let’s get moving before-“ Keno was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Little pigs. Little pigs. Let me come in.”

“Too late.”

"Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!" Paula retorted.

"Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blooooow your house!" The wolf growled.

"Your welcome to try!" Paula scoffed.

"Take cover!" Peter and Percy squealed, underneath a table.

"Oh, I don't think we need to worry, this time," Apple Bloom said.

Then they heard the wolf take a huge breathe like before and blow. But this time nothing happened. They heard the wolf try again. And again. And again. They looked out the window and saw the wolf panting from exhaustion.

“You really built this house good, Paula.” Sweetie Belle complimented.

“Thanks. Took a while but it was worth it.”

Outside, the wolf gave up huffing and puffing. “There’s got to be a better way!” He growled before walking away.

"Hooray, we're saved!" Percy and Peter cheered.

"Don't celebrate just yet," Paula warned. "I don't think the wolf will give up that easily."

"She's right," Scootaloo confirmed. "He's gonna try to climb down the chimney!"

"How do you know that?" Percy asked, in confusion.

"Uhh, lucky guess?"

Then they all heard a scuffle on the roof, as well as the wolf laughing.

"It's the wolf!" Peter cried. "He is gonna climb down the chimney!"

"Well luckily, I planned for this," Paula said. "Quick, get some wood and light the fire!"

Meanwhile, the wolf had climbed onto the roof and went, legs first, into the chimney.

"Here I come, pigs!" And he slid down and landed in the fireplace, laughing evily. "Now I've got you little-" he paused, and sniffed. "Hey, what's cooking?"

The pigs, CMC, and Keno grinned smugly, as Apple Bloom said, "You are!"

The wolf looked down and saw he was sitting in a pot of boiling water.

"YEEOOOW!" He screamed, shooting back up the chimney.

They looked out the window again and saw him running away with his behind smoking. Then they all laughed.

"I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore," Paula stated.

“And with him outta the way, we probably should get going now that we got what we came for.” Keno said as they all left the house.

“Yep. Thanks again for the crystal.” Applebloom thanked.

“Feel free to come by anytime.” Paula waved.

“Same with us . When we rebuild our houses.” Peter added as Percy nodded.

After the group left, the two pigs turned to their sister. “You uh got any bricks left?” Percy asked.

Paula just smiled.

“Applejack is not gonna believe what we went through.” Applebloom said.

“If this is a fairytale dimension, I think she would know.” Keno sighed.

“At least we got the Kraang crystal. So we can meet up with the others.” Scootaloo smiled as they headed to the meeting point.


Meanwhile, the Hare was racing along the road at a great neck speed.

The girls and Spike were watching from afar. They looked back and saw that Leo was running as fast as he could, but the Hare was much faster.

"Man, that hare's as fast as Raindow Dash," Spike noted.

"I hate to say it, but there's no way Leo's gonna win!" Sunset stated.

"That hare is too fast even for him," Twilight said. "And the tortoise only beat the hare because he stopped to take a nap."

"And the hare just said he's not taking any naps this time," Karai put in.

“Wait! I got an idea.” Twilight grinned as they all huddled up.

The hare looked back and smirked. “I got that tortoise beat now! So much for slow and steady winning this race!”

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer were able to get ahead with their ninja training. Then, Sunset called out to the hare. “Yoo-hoo! Mr. Hare!”

It was enough to get the hare to stop and scoot back to the girls. “What can I do for you girls?”

“We were wondering if we could have your autograph? It’s obvious that our friend is no match for a fast hare like you.”

“Well, let me see if I-” the hare began to look for a pen when he realized something. "Wait a minute! I see what your trying to do! Your trying to distract me so the tortoise can pass me!" He pushed the autograph paper into Twilight. "Well, nice try! But there's no way I'm losing to that tortoise again!" And raced off.

But what he didn't notice, was Karai had been standing behind him and had swiped the crystal.

"That wasn't exactly the idea," Sunset said.

Leo came running up, having seen everything. "Good... work... girls!" He panted. "Now let's regroup with the others before that hare realizes the crystal is gone.

Then the four took off down another road. While up ahead, the Hare looked back and noticed them running away and stopped.

"Ha! The tortoise is bailing out!" He laughed. "I knew he wouldn't be able to beat me! Now I have the braging rights and this shiny-" he stopped, as he reached into his pocket for the crystal only to find it wasn't there! "Where is?! Where's the-" it suddenly dawned on him. Those girls must've stolen it. "Hey! Cheaters!" He yelled and raced after them.

After they hurried aways, the group stopped in the woods.

“I think we lost him.” Lancer looked back.

Leo sat down as he panted.

“Are you alright, Leo?” Twilight feared.

“Yeah. Just need to take it easy. I don’t think I ever ran that fast in my life.”

“Least we got the crystal.” Karai smiled.

“Now we can get back to the others and fix the machine.” Sunset nodded.

Suddenly, they heard rustling in the bushes.

“Oh tell me he didn’t follow us!” Leo groaned.

Emerging from the bushes wasn’t the hare but a little girl wearing a red hood carrying a basket.

“Oh! Excuse me.” She politely greeted.

“Um hi?” Twilight waved back.

"Good morning," the girl said, then she noticed Leo's state. "Oh no, is your friend alright?"

"He's fine," Karai said. "He just lost a race." Leo frowned at that.

"Okay," the little girl smiled. "I'm Jennifer. But everyone calls Little Red Riding Hood. What are your names?"

"My name's Sunset Shimmer," Sunset introduced.

"I'm Twilight and this is Spike," Twilight showed her Spike.

"Aww, puppy!" Red Riding Hood petted Spike.

"I'm Karai," Karai then motioned to the turtle leader. "And that's Leo."

"And I'm Lancer," Lancer shook hands with her.

"What are you doing here in the woods?" Leo asked.

"I'm going to visit my grandmother," Red Riding Hood replied. "She's not feeling well, so I'm bringing her some baked goods from my mother."

"You know, the woods can be dangerous," Leo warned her, remembering all the monsters and mutants he and his family faced at April's farm house. "You should be careful."

"Oh, I've walked this way many times, so I know my way," Red Riding Hood assured. "And anyway, I've got to be going now. It was nice meeting you all, bye." She waved then she skipped away singing a little tune.

"Sweet kid," Karai said.

“Yeah.” Spike agreed before Lancer realized something.

“Hey! If that really is Little Red riding hood, then wouldn’t that mean she’d be in danger with the big bad wolf?”

Everyone went wide eyed realizing he was right.

“We gotta help her!” Declared Twilight.

“What if she met the wolf by now?”

“Then we better head to grandma's house.” Leo got up and lead the group through the woods.

Soon they came to the grandmother's house and Leo knocked at the door.

"Who is it?" Came an old woman's voice.

"We're friends of Little Red Riding Hood," Leo answered.

"Lift the latch and let yourselves in," the Grandmother's voice replied.

Leo lifted the latch and they hurried inside before shutting the door.

"Well, hello there," the Grandmother greeted. "I didn't know, Jennifer had friends?"

"That's cause we just met her this morning," Lancer explained. "Listen, your in danger!"

"Danger? Whatever are you talking about?"

"There's a wolf coming here and he plans to eat you and your grand daughter!" Karai warned.

"A wolf?" The Grandmother asked. "What wolf?"

Then they were startled by a loud knock at the door.

"Who's there?" The Grandmother asked.

"It's me, Grandmother!" Came a gruff voice, that was trying to sound like a little girl. "Little Red Riding Hood!"

"Jennifer dear, are feeling alright? You sound different?"

"I just have a sore throat!" The voice coughed.

"That's not your grand daughter!" Leo warned. "It's the wolf!"

Spike peeked out the window and froze. "Yep, it's the wolf alright!"

"Did that dog just talk?" Grandmother asked.

"No time to explain," Twilight said, as she and Sunset helped her out of bed.

"Just hide in here and we'll take care of the rest!" Sunset advised, and they put into the closet.

Then Leo, Karai, and Lancer dressed the scarecrow into a night gown and put into the bed. Then they covered it with the blanket and they, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike all climbed out one of the windows.

Twilight called back. "Lift the latch and let yourself in!" Then she ducked out of sight.

The wolf open the door, then he rushed to the bed, grabbed the scarecrow, and ate it in one bite. The grandmother had seen everything through the cracked in the closet and fainted.

The wolf laughed wickedly. "That was too easy! But the old woman tasted funny? Oh well, a meal's a meal. And speaking of meals, that foolish little girl will be here soon. And I'll have her as my main course!"

The ninjas watched him through the window as Sunset muttered, "Not if we have anything to say and or do about it!"

Leo turned to Spike. "You know what to do, Spike."

"On it," Spike saluted, and ran off.

Inside, the wolf was searching for a night gown to disguise himself. "Maybe the old woman has one in the closet?" He wondered aloud, and walked to the closet where the grandmother was. Just as he was about to open it, he heard a howl.

"What was that?" He said. "Another wolf?! Well he's not getting my meal!"

Then the wolf leaped out the window and ran in the direction of the howling. Once he was out of sight, Spike came running back to the group.

"Great work, Spike!" Twilight said.

"Let's go check on Grandma," Lancer said.

They climbed back in through the window and opened the closet to find the Grandmother had fainted.

“And Grandma is out cold.” Sunset said bluntly.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Grandma? Are you there?” It was Red Riding Hood.

“Come in, Red. It’s us.” Twilight greeted.

After she let herself in, Red Riding Hood went to the bedroom where everyone was.

“How’d you guys get here before me?” Red then saw grandma fainted. “Grandma! Is she all right?”

“It’s okay. You’re grandma is fine she just fainted.” Twilight assured her.

“Red, were afraid that you and your grandma are in danger. The wolf tried to eat your grandma and he might come after you.”

“We were able to trick the wolf. But he might come back to get you,” Karai added.

Red riding hood gasped. “I thought that wolf was my friend! What do we do?”

“It’s okay. We have an idea to trick him again. But we need your help.” Twilight calmed her down.

Short after, the group went into the flower garden after Grandma woke up. She helped dressed Karai in another red hood to make her look like Red Riding Hood.

“There. That ought to do it.” Grandma smiled.

“And right on time. Here he comes!” Lancer pointed to the wolf who snuck in the bedroom window.

“You know what to do.” Leo looked to the disguised ninja.

“I am so gonna enjoy this.”
Karai grinned as she walked up to the front door.

She knocked at the door and heard the wolf reply in the grandma's voice, "Come in my dear!"

Karai walked in and saw the wolf in the bed, wearing a night cap and pulling the covers over his nose.

"Good morning, Grandmother," Karai greeted.

"Good morning my child," the wolf said. "You look bigger than last I saw you?"

"Why, Grandmother, what big eyes you have?" Karai said.

"All the better to hear you with, my dear," the wolf replied, then he saw Karai's eyes turn green. "My what green eyes you have?"

"All the better to see you with, Grandmother," Karai said. "And what big ears you have?"

"All the better to hear you with, my dear," the wolf then saw Karai's skin turn white and scaley. "And what scaley skin you have?"

"The better to feel you with, Grandmother," Karai smiled, showing her snake fangs.

Now the wolf was nervous. "Um, Red Riding Hood, what sharp fangs you have?"

"All the better... TO POISON YOU WITH!" Karai transformed into her mutant snake form and hissed.

The wolf screamed, then bolted from the bed and ran out the door and as far away as he could.

Everyone laughed as they reentered and Karai reverted back to normal.

With the wolf gone, the group helped grandma back into bed.

“That wolf shouldn’t bother us anymore.” She smiled.

“And I learned a lesson in talking to strangers.” Red nodded.

“Well good.” Leo nodded.

“Thank you so much for helping us. I found this while picking flowers. I want you to have it.” She held up a familiar crystal.

“Another Kraang crystal!” Lancer smiled.

“We’ve been looking for one of those. Thank you.” Twilight accepted the crystal.

“Well we need to get going. Our friends are probably waiting for us.” Sunset said.

“Come back anytime.” Grandma smiled as she and Red waved them goodbye as the group made their exit.


Donnie's group were jumping across the houses in a village. Where it was night. Soon they stopped and overlooked the town.

"It was morning where we all branched off," Half Note stated. "How is night time here?"

"Well, different dimension, different laws of physics," Donnie explained.

"So, where's the crystal supposed to be, Donnie?" April asked.

Donnie checked his device. "According to the tracker, it's somewhere over there." He pointed ahead toward an elegant manor.

"My word, what a lively estate," Rarity marveled. "If we're going to search for the Kraang crystal, then we must ask permission from the owner of that lovely home."

"Uh, Rarity, I don't think the owner of that house is gonna let a bunch of strangers look around their property," April said.

"Oh pasha, April darling," Rarity waved off. "You just have to know how to ask elegantly."

Soon they made their way to the manor and Donnie hid in one of hedge bushes as the girls walked up to the door. As they did, they saw two young women and a middle aged one, dressed in ball gowns, exit the manor and got into a coach.

"Excuse me, dears. First and foremost, I want to say your dresses are simply devine. We are looking for something and we were wondering-"

"What gives you any right to compliment our gowns with such horrible outfits yourselves?" The elder woman named Eleanor rudely interrupted. "And what gives you the right to search other people's homes? Disgraceful!"

"They must've scrape the bottom of the barrel for such tasteless outfits." insulted one of the girls named Greta.

"What?" Rarity gasped.

"What do expect? From such commoners!" Huffed the girl named Gretchen.

"Now, if you'll excuse us," Lady Eleanor went on. "We must be on our way to the King's royal ball."

"And common peasants like you aren't invited!" Gretchen added.

"Oh, but before we go, here's a little something..." Greta held up a bucket of dish water and dumped it all over Rarity.

Eleanor and Gretchen laughed.

"That's more funny then when you did that to Ella!" Her sister chuckled.

"Coachman, to the castle!" Lady Eleanor ordered the driver.

The coach then rode off as the three women continued to laugh hysterically, leaving Rarity standing there, dripping wet and a shocked expression on her face.

April and the girls walked up to her.

"Uh, you okay, Rarity?" Sweet Note asked.

"I'm wet, and thoroughly insulted," Rarity frowned. "So, NO I'M OKAY!"

"I hate to say I told you so," April grinned. "But I told you so."

Donnie walked up to them. "Well, on the plus side, with them at this ball, we can search for the Kraang crystal."

"So where is it?" Melody asked.

Donnie checked his device again. "I believe somewhere in the back." And they all began walking around the house.

"If I ever see those horrid women again, they'll rue the day they crossed Rarity!" The fashionista growled.

"Hey," Half Note spoke up. "What's that sound?"

Everyone stopped and listened. They could just hear the faint sound of someone sobbing. They hurried to the back of the back of the house and into a garden. There, they saw a beautiful young woman sitting on her knees and crying into her hands.

Looking at each other in concern, they walked up to her.

"Uh, hello?" April said.

The young woman looked up in surprise. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Just passerbys," April replied. "I'm April. And that's Donnie, Rarity, Melody, Half Note, and Sweet Note."

"Oh, hello," the woman said. "I'm Ella."

"Why are you crying?" Melody asked.

"Because, I wanted so much to go to the royal ball," Ella explained. "But cruel stepmother Lady Eleanor wouldn't like me!"

"We just met her," Rarity said, still irked. "And cruel fits her to a T!"

Ella noticed that Rarity was wet. "Oh, did one of my step sister dump dish water on you? She did the same to me."

"Yes, she did!" Rarity huffed.

"But why were they cruel to you? Aren't you family?" Melody raised a brow.

"Not really. They're my step sisters." Ella teared up.

"That shouldn't make much difference." Sweet Note stated.

Ella just whimpered.

"It's okay, Ella. Maybe Rarity could make something for you at the last minute." April smiled.

Ella just continued to cry. Nobody knew what else they could say until a glowing light appeared. Emerging from the light was middle aged woman in a bright dress and a magic wand.

"Who are you?" Ella gasped.

The woman smiled. "Do not fret, my dear. I'm your fairy godmother."

"Fairy godmother?" Everyone gasped.

"You know what this means?" Melody gleamed.

"That we're in a dimension where fairytales exist?" Donnie guessed.

"That and we are standing next to THE Cinderella." April pointed to Ella.

"Wow!" Half note gleamed.

"I knew it!" Sweet Note grinned excitedly.

"I don't understand?" Cinderella said.

"I've been watching you, Cinderella, you have a good heart," the Fairy Godmother explained. "And because of that, you deserve to go to the ball."

"But how," Cinderella asked.

"With my magic, I can send you there," the Fairy Godmother replied. "But you must look your best." She helped Cinderella to her feet. "First, you'll need fine carriage." She waved her wand and shot a stream of magic at a pumpkin. Then it grew into a majestic carriage. Then she waved her wand toward some mice and a lizard. The mice transformed into white horses while the lizard transformed into a Coachman.

"Soo, cool!" Melody gushed.

Just then, Donnie's device went off. "Guys, the crystal's close by!"

"Ah, let's not forget the best part," the Fairy Godmother said. "The outfit!"

Meanwhile, the group was looking around, until Half Note said, "I found it!" She held up the crystal.

"Perfect!" Donnie said. But just as he reached for it, it was magically lifted out of Half Note's hands and floated over to Cinderella by the Fairy Godmother. "Huh?"

The Fairy Godmother waved her wand and magic swirled all around Cinderella then her clothes transformed into a beautiful white ball gown. Her hair became wavy and done up nicely.

"My stars!" Rarity gasped.

"A now for the final touch," the Fairy Godmother lowered the crystal toward Cinderella's feet.

"Wait!" Donnie cried, but it was too late.

In a sparkle of magic, the crystal transformed into two glass slippers.

"Uhh!" Was all Donnie could say.

"Oh no!" The girls gasped.

"Oh my! This is all so wonderful!" Cinderella exclaimed in joy, and hugged the Fairy Godmother. "Thank you ever so much!"

"You are welcome, my dear," she replied. "But I'm afraid it won't last. You have until the stroke of midnight. By then, the spell will be broken. Now hurry, while you still have time."

"I will," Cinderella nodded, and hurried inside the carriage. Then the coachman snapped the reins and they rode off.

“Um excuse me, ms Fairy Godmother?”

The fairy Godmother turned and saw the group.

“Oh! Why hello there. How can I help you all?”

“I’m April and this is Donnie, Rarity, Half Note, Melody, and Sweet Note. We were around looking for a crystal.”

“I found it when you made Cinderella’s dress, but it got caught in your magic and turned into her slippers.” Half Note added.

“Oh dear! My deepest apologies! Sometimes I don’t own my own magic.” The Fairy Godmother waved her wand and made another pair of glass slippers. “Now, just have Cinderella switch slippers and when it strikes midnight, the other slippers will turn back into the crystal.”

“Thank you very much.” Melody accepted the slippers.

"How are we gonna get into the castle to give these to Cinderella?!" Melody asked.

"I think I might have an idea?" Rarity said, coming back with something behind her back. "I'm sure that her stepmother and sisters won't might if we barrow some of their outfits..." and held out some dresses and a suit.

Before long, they all arrived at the palace curtesy of the Fair Godmother. They all wore dresses Rarity found from the stepsisters closets. But before they could enter, Sweet note groaned.

“What’s wrong, Sweet?” Melody groaned.

“I should never have worn these shoes! They don’t go with my purse!”

“Won’t matter! Once we get those slippers, we won’t stay long!” Half Note assured.

April looked around. “Wait! Where’s Donnie?”

“Over here.” Rarity pointed to a pillar before she cleared her throat. “Donnie? Donatello? WILL YOU GET IN HERE?”

Donnie walked away from the pillar, wearing a dark purple suit and a white powered wig. “So glad Raph and Mikey aren't here,” He glared before they all entered the ball.

They found themselves in a grand ballroom where many people in gowns and suits were dancing.

"So, where will we find Cinderella?" April inquired.

"It shouldn't be too hard to find her," Rarity said. "I remember that gorgeous gown she was wearing.

"There she is!" Melody pointed.

Sure enough, not too far away was Cinderella dancing with the prince.

"Aww!" Sweet Note cooed. "How romantic!"

"Oh no, look!" Melody pointed.

Watching the two were the stepmother and stepsisters. And they did not look happy.

“Who is she?” Gretchen snarled.

“Who does she think she is?” Greta growled.

“She looks familiar.” Eleanor pondered.

“Oh no! If we get close enough, they’ll probably recognize us and find out we took their clothes!” Melody feared.

“Personally, I wouldn’t mind a little payback ninja style!” Rarity glared as April held her back.

“Easy, Rarity. We don’t want to make a scene.”

"Not to mention we still gotta find a way to get crystal," Donnie reminded her.

"I think I have an idea? But it will cause a bit of a scene," Half Note said, then she whispered it to everyone.

"I very much like that idea," Rarity grinned.

"We better do it fast!" Sweet Note pointed.

The stepmother and sisters were making their way toward Cinderella. The group quick ninja'd through the dancers. As the lady Eleanor were nearing the maid turned princess, the Rock N Beats girls stuck out their legs and tripped Gretchen and Greta, making them fall flat on the floor. Lady Eleanor looked back at them and when she did, Rarity generated a diamond disk underneath all three of them. Then she yanked it away, making them all land in a heap.

Everyone stopped to look at the, even Cinderella and the Prince. When they did, April used her powers and ever so carefully lifted Cinderella off the ground. Then Donnie rolled in, took the crystal slippers off her and placed the glass ones on. Then April set Cinderella down on the floor and she didn't even feel a thing.

The group then snuck through the crowd and regrouped at the entrance to the ballroom.

“Did it work?” Melody checked in.

“We got the slippers.” Donnie held up the slippers.

“She didn’t even know we were there.” April grinned.

“Great. Now we can get out of here.” Half Note gleamed.

“Leaving so soon?”

Everyone turned in shock to see Eleanor and the two sisters glaring at them.

“Did you really think you could sneak in the ball unnoticed?” The stepmother glared.

"Well, that was the general idea," Donnie said, nervously.

"So you were the ones who caused us to embarrass ourselves!" Eleanor accused.

"In front of the prince!" The daughters added, in anger.

"I'd say you had it coming!" Rarity smirked. "Especially after you insulted and dumped that water on me!"

“Look! They’ve stolen our clothes!” Greta pointed out.

“Eeew! The freak is wearing my dress!” Gretchen glared at Donnie.

"We'll report you all to the king for stealing our wardrobe!" Eleanor stated.

"Just one problem with that," Donnie pointed out. "We won't be here!"

Then he threw a smoke bomb in their faces. And while they were coughing, Rarity lept in and knocked them down with a three way split kick.

"Never insult the fashion!"

Then the group bolted from the entrance. As the three started to get up, the clock struck midnight.

"Oh no!" Cinderella quickly ran out, accidentally trampling over Eleanor, Gretchen, and Greta as she fled.

"This is not our night!" Gretchen groaned.

As they hurried away from the palace, the group noticed that it was day again.

“How is it morning again?” Melody looked around.

“Different dimension. Different physics.” Donnie reminded.

He then held up the slippers, that sparkled as they turned back into the Kraang crystal.

“At least we got the crystal.” Rarity smiled.

“Let’s get get these dresses back and regroup with the others.” April said as the others nodded.

Soon after, they snuck in the house and began to put the dresses away without being detected. And they were about to leave when-

“You hear that?” Half Note paused.

“What?” Melody raised a brow as they listened.

“Somebody! Help me!”

“That sounded like..... Cinderella!” Gasped Sweet Note.

“It came from over there. Come on!” April led to a small room.

“Cinderella! Are you in there?” Rarity called.

“Rarity? Oh am I glad it’s you!”

"What's wrong?"

"My stepmother locked me in here!" Cinderella cried.

"Why'd she do that?" Melody asked.

"I left one of my glass slippers behind at the ball," Cinderella explained. "The prince found it and requested that every maiden in the village try it on. He wants to find the mysterious princess. But my stepmother found out it was me and locked me in here."

"Just hang on!" Donnie called. "I can pick the lock."

"Why that scoundrelous woman!" Rarity growled. "She won't get away with this!"

Half Note peeked over the staircase. "We got trouble! The prince is here!"

"What'll we do!" Sweet Note asked.

"Stall them!" Cinderella called. "And please hurry!"

"Rarity and I will go. You three stay here while Donnie picks the lock." April told the three Rock n'Beats.

"You got it." Melody thumbed up as the two teens went down stairs.

Rarity and April arrived just as the stepsisters failed to have the slipper fit their feet.

"Are there any other woman in this house?" The prince asked the stepmother.

"No." Eleanor said.

The servant then saw the two girls. "Sire, what about those two?"

Everyone saw April and Rarity who nonchalantly waved.

"You!" Eleanor growled.

"I never saw them before. Strange seeing them not in gowns." The prince pondered. "Oh well. We'll give them a chance."

"Well, my friend here and I heard the Prince was having every girl in the kingdom try on the slipper so we want to try it on." Rarity explained.

"What you two are is trespassing! Arrest those two!" Eleanor demanded.

The Prince held his hand. "They haven't done any harm. so they're fine." he then motioned the two to come over. "Alright, who's first?"

"Rarity, my friend?" April politely offered.

"Why thank you, April darling." Rarity sat down and took off one of her shoes. She then tried on the slipper, resulting in it being too big for her.

Rarity then pretended too be disappointed. "It doesn't fit! I will never be with the Prince!" She quickly winked at April, who smiled at her friend's performance. "Besides, the glass would squish my toes."

"Your turn, my dear." The Prince said as April took her boot off. The slipper was just a little too small for April's foot.

"Guess it wasn't meant to be." She shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, I guess we'll have to look else..." the Prince began, until.


Everyone looked up and saw Cinderella hurrying down the stairs. "I'd like to try it on!"

The prince gazed up at her. As if he instantly recognised her.

"Oh, don't bother with her!" Eleanor blocked her off. "She's just a serving wench! Besides, she didn't even go to the ball!"

"Madame, the prince requested that ALL maidens try on the slipper," the servent retorted.

The prince just walked up to the young woman. "What is your name?"

"I am Cinderella," she replied.

The prince led her into a chair. Then Cinderella slowly placed her foot into the glass slipper and it fit.

Eleanor, Gretchen, and Greta gasped in shock and disbelief.

"It is you!" The prince exclaimed.

"No! It can't be Cinderella!" Eleanor denied. "It just can't!"

"Actually, it can be," everyone looked to see Donnie standing at the staircase with the girls. "And it is."

Melody then held up the other slipper that they found outside the palace after they left the ball and gave it to the prince who then put it on Cinderella’s other foot and that fit just as well. Then, Cinderella’s dress magically turned into her ballgown curtesy off her fairy godmother who was behind the group and carefully made sure she didn’t hit the Kraang crystal this time.

“I also do weddings and bar mitzvahs.” She told them.

"But! But! But!" The stepsisters protested.

"Sorry, girls," April said. "But Cinderella is the prince's true love."

"Oh, and another thing..." Rarity said, before she raised up a bucket on one of her diamond disks and dumped mop water all over them. "That was for last time!"

"Aargh!" They cried.

Cinderella chuckled, before she got some towls and dried them off.

"Why did you do that?" Greta asked.

"After we were so cruel?" Gretchen added.

"Because you two are my sisters," Cinderella replied. "And nothing will ever change that."

The two sisters looked at each other and their eyes filled with tears, then they both wrapped Cinderella in a hug. "We're sorry, Ella!"

Cinderella happily returned the hug.

"Aww!" The three girls cooed.

“Well, I think our work here is done.” Donnie smiled.

“Thank you all so much.” Cinderella thanked.

“And again, sorry about the mixup.” Fairy Godmother apologized.

“No harm done.” Rarity smiled.

“Happy to help a friend.” Melody added and the group took their leave.

As they walked, Donnie spoke into his T-Phone. "We got the crystal."

"So did we!" Mikey called in.

"And my group," Raph said.

"So did mine," Leo called back. "Now let's all meet back and go home."

To Be Continued

Once upon a Turtle PT. 3

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Soon everyone had regrouped back where they started.

"So, I take it the rest of you found out we're some kind of Fairy Tale dimension?" Donnie inquired.

"Yes," everyone answered.

"Leo almost lost a race to the Hare," Karai said, embarrassing Leo who then laughed at by Raph.

"And we saved Little Red Riding Hood from the Big Bad Wolf," Lancer chuckled. "And Karai scared him away."

"Well, we defeated the wolf with the Three Little Pigs," Apple Bloom stated.

"Wonder if it was the same wolf?" Sweetie Belle thought aloud.

"And we ran into the gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel," Applejack said.

"They almost got eaten by the witch and we had to save them," Pinkie noted.

"Pinkie!" Raph, Applejack, Casey, and Rainbow shouted.

"What? You told Mikey not to tell them, but not me," Pinkie said, and Leo laughed at Raph.

"And we met Goldielocks and almost got attacked by the bears," Mikey stated.

"Those bears weren't going to attack us!" Fluttershy repeated, in annoyance.

"What about you guys?" Scootaloo asked.

"We helped out Cinderella," April said.

"You met Cinderella?!" Clover asked, in excitement.

"We sure did," Melody confirmed.

“I am pleased you all did well in this place.” Leo smiled at the young ninjas.

“Yep. These should be enough to finish the eggs for the egg hunt.” Twilight agreed.

“Well then, we ready to head back?” Applejack checked.

"Actually," Donnie spoke up. "We need just one more crystal."

"Seriously?" Rainbow groaned.

"Don't worry, my device can pinpoint where it is," Donnie checked his device and pointed. "The signal's coming from... that direction."

"Then let's hurry up and find it before we run into something else that wants get us!" Raph grumbled, as everyone hurried off in the direction.

What they didn't know, was that the Hare was nearby and spotted Leo. Then he ran after them. "I'm not letting that tortoise out of my sight! He's not cheating this time!"

As the ninjas followed the signal, Twilight asked, "How much further is the signal?"

Donnie checked his device. "By my calculations, the signal should be-Holy Chalupa!"

Everyone stopped and looked up. Right in front of them, stretching high up into the sky, was a massive beanstalk.

"Is that?" Leo began.

"The beanstalk from Jack and the Beanstalk?" Sweetheart asked.

"Looks like it," April said.

"Tell me it's ain't where I think it is?" Applejack asked.

"Yep," Donnie said, looking at his device. "According to this, the crystal's up there."

"There's no way I'm climbing all the way up there!" Raph refused.

"We might not have to climb it," Donnie said, taking out his portal ray. "Theoretically, I might be able to open a portal at the top of the beanstalk? But it's an untest theory."

"And why would that stop ninjas that don't know any better?" Raph asked sarcastically.

"It might save time if it works." Twilight assured.

"And if it doesn't?" Applejack raised a brow.

"We may or may not pay our other dimension friends a visit."

After a pause of unsurely, Pinkie stood tall. "For the egg hunt! Beam us up, Donnie!"

Donnie nodded and opened a portal and they all walked in.

As they entered, the Hare was not far behind.

Once they existed the portal, they found themselves in a land at the top of the clouds and a gigantic castle stood in the distance.

"Looks like it worked!" Donnie said.

"Wow, everything's so big here!" Pinkie marveled.

"So where's the crystal supposed to be?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It should be this way," Donnie pointed, and the all hurried in the direction of the castle.

After they left, the Hare hopped out of the portal as it closed. "That tortoise isn't taking any shortcuts this time!"

Soon the ninjas found themselves standing at the door of the castle. It's door was as big as Tokka.

"Wait, guys, don't you remember the story?" Logan said. "Like, who or what lives here?"

"The giant!" All the kids gasped.

"The giant?" Casey echoed.

"As in 'Fe Fi Fo Fum, I'll grinde your bones to make my bread' giant?!" Mikey added.

"Oh no!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"If he catches us here, we're all in big trouble!" Apple Bloom feared.

"Emphasis on BIG trouble!" Scootaloo stated.

"Then your all not gonna like this," Donnie said in worry, looking at his device again. "The crystal is somewhere inside the castle!"

"Of course it is!" Sunset face-palmed.

“Well, I am gonna wait out here.” Ace started to leave. “Let me know how it turns out.”

Patch rolled her eyes as she grabbed him. “Look, the guys warned us that there might be danger in this. And I ain’t backing down.”

“And we’ve gone too far to quit now!” Pinkie declared.

Everyone showed mixed opinions about the situation before Leo stood up. “Pinkies right. We have gone too far to quit now. And maybe we might get lucky and won’t have to face the giant.”

Everyone nodded as they stood as well. “Well, let’s get this over with.” Raph sighed.

Everyone began to enter the castle and snuck in quietly.

As they crept in the giant’s castle, everyone looked around to see everything enormous.

“Now I know how a mouse feels.” Applebloom whispered.

Donnie checked his scanner and was about to check the location of the crystal when another figure crashed into him, startling the group. It was a boy wearing green and he screamed at the sight of Donnie.

“Whoa! Whoa! It’s okay. He’s not gonna hurt ya!” April calmed.

The boy breathed. “My apologies. For a moment, I thought you were going to attack me. My name is Jack by the way.”

"THE Jack?" Half Note asked.

"Uh, yes?" Jack replied, in confusion. "And who are all of you?"

"I'm Leonardo," Leo introduced. "And that's Raphael, Michelangelo, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, Keno, and you already met Donatello and April."

"I'm Sunset Shimmer. And Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash."

"I'm Apple Bloom. And these are my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo."

"And I'm Lancer. And that's Melody, Sweetheart, Half Note, Sweet Note, Ace, Patch, Logan, and Clover."

"Nice to meet you all," Jack greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Keno asked.

"It's kind of a long story," Jack replied. "You see, my mother and I are very poor. So I traded are cow, Milky White, to a strange old man who gave me some magic beans. Mother was furious and threw the beans out, saying I had been cheated. But it turned out the beans were magic, as they grew into a giant beanstalk. So I climbed it and came to this castle looking for food. I take it the rest of you climbed up here as well?"

"Not exactly," Donnie said.

"We just came here, looking for a crystal," Twilight noted.

“A crystal, huh?” Jack pondered. “ Can’t say I’ve seen one.”

“Hey, you guys hear that?” Sweetie Belle perked up.

“Hear what?” Casey asked before hearing.

The group looked up at the table and saw a pony shaped harp playing melodious music and humming beautifully.

“What a beautiful harp.” Rarity awed.

“Maybe she knows where the crystal is.” Fluttershy suggested.

“Worth a shot. C'mon everyone.” Leo lead the group up the table while Applejack carried Jack on her back. When the harp finished her song, she then noticed the ninjas.

“Oh! Hello, travelers.” She greeted.

“Hello.” Leo greeted. “ sorry if we bothered you but we were wondering if we could ask you something.”

“But of course. My name is Louise. Now, what can I help you with?”

“We are looking for a crystal. Have you seen one by any chance?” Twilight asked.

“I’m terribly sorry. I’m afraid I have not.” Louise shook her head.

Just then, everyone heard a rather angry girl's voice growl, "Mag, next time you wanna surprise Pinkie, do me a favor, and leave me the fricking out of it!"

"What was that?" Jack asked.

"Oh, that was one of the giant's new captors," Louise explained. "She's been yelling and griping since they got here."

Pinkie on the other hand, recognized the voice. "Lost Narrator?"

"Pinkie Pie?" Came another girl's voice. "Is that you?"

"Magpie?" Pinkie ran across the self and saw the two girls from before, locked in a cage. "Girls? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, I think the question is better directed at you!" Lost retorted. "Also are those giant turtles behind you?"

"Pinkie, you know these two?" Raph asked.

"Sure do," Pinkie confirm. "Everyone, meet Magpie Pony and Lost Narrator. Lost and Magpie, these are my friends from New York. Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno."

"Uh, hi?" Magpie waved.

"Hi," Lost said, dryly.

"Sooo, what are you two doing here?"

"Um, I heard you and your friends were making the eggs for the egg hunt," Magpie explained. "So I wanted to surprise you by showing up to help. Then me and Lost found this doorway and we fell in."

"Then we got grabbed by a freaking giant who locked us in this flipping cage!" Lost added.

"Did you say giant?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, no duh, of course I said Giant," Lost stated. "Who do you think lives here? Little Miss Muffet?"

Just then, they all heard the sound of loud foot steps coming. And big deep voice bellowing, "FE FI FO FUM! I SMELL THE BLOOD OF AN ENGLISHMAN!"

"Oh no!" Louise cried. "It's the giant!"

"So much for avoiding him," Clover said.

“Everyone! Hide!” Leo ordered and everyone ran to hide from the giant.

As they hid behind a kettle, Lancer spoke, “what’re we gonna do? How are we going to fight a giant?”

“I'm afraid even with my magic, I’m no match for him.” Applejack sighed.

“I'd rather not go near him.” Sweetheart shuddered under a napkin.

“Maybe if we find that crystal, we can leave without him noticing.” Leo pondered.

“I’m afraid that’s not an option anymore, Leo.” Karai looked.

Leo sighed. “Let me guess. The giant has the crystal?”

“The giant has the crystal.” Everyone looked from their hiding spots and to their shock the giant did have the last Kraang crystal.

Raph looked up to the ceiling saying to no one in particular, “I’m being punished, aren’t I?”

The giant sniffed the air. "I SMELL SOMEONE HERE!"

"It's probably just us you smell," Magpie suggested.

"NO, I SMELL OTHERS!" The giant said.

"There's no one else here but us!" Lost snapped.

"QUIET!" The giant roared.

Then he sat at the table and placed the crystal in front of him. Then from one hand he placed a white goose next to it.

"LAY!" He commanded, and the goose laid a golden egg.

"The goose that lays golden eggs!" Jack whispered in surprise. "I wondered where it disappeared from the Farmer in the Dell's."

The giant laughed greedily. "PERFECT! WHAT SHINY GOLD EGGS! AND THEIR ALL MINE!"

"Uh, Mr. Giant?" Magpie asked. "If my be as so bold, just are you planning to do to me and Lost?"

The giant laughed. "WHAT I DO WITH ANYONE I FIND, GRIND YOUR BONES TO MAKE MY BREAD!" He roared with wicked laughter.

Everyone hiding gasped at that, especially Pinkie.

"No....!" Magpie whimpered.

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers too!" Lost said, in fear.

"We gotta do something!" Rainbow whispered.

"But what can we do?" Shini inquired.

Spike glaced over at Louise and got an idea. Then he jumped out Twilight's bag.

"Spike!" She cried.

The dog crept around other giant items and snuck over to the harp. He whispered his idea and Louise nodded. Then Spike snuck back over to the others as the harp called out, "Oh giant! Would you like me to sing you a song?"

"COME TO THINK OF IT, YES I WOULD!" The giant said. "SING!"

Then Louise began to play her strings and sang a soothing song. The giant started nod, his eyes drooping, until he finally laid back and fell asleep.

“Great thinking, Spike.” Twilight complimented as everyone came out of their hiding place.

“I forgot that the harp could put the giant to sleep.” Leo realized.

“I’ve been reading the book.” Spike smiled. “I found some old storybooks that Cadance used to read you.”

“Smart thinking, little buddy.” Karai petted the dog.

“Good dog.” Sweetheart added.

“Indeed.” Jack added. “Hey, do you guys mind if I take the goose and Louise home with me?”

“Help yourself, bud. We just want the crystal.” Mikey smiled.

After Donnie opened the cage, Lost pushed past him, "Finally!"

"Your welcome," Donnie frowned.

"Don't mind Lost, that's just her way of saying thank you," Magpie said.

"Now let's get that crystal before the giant awakens," Rarity stated.

But just Leo was about to pick up the crystal, a blur rushed by and grabbed it.

"Got it!"

Leo and his group couldn't believe who snatched the crystal. It was the Hare!

"You again!" Leo gasped.

"You've got to be kidding me?!" Karai said, in disbelief.

"Oh no!" Twilight and Sunset face-palmed.

"That's right, cheaters, me again!" The Hare replied, before he noticed Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. "Well, no wonder I couldn't beat you in the race, there's four of you!"

“You have exactly five seconds to give us that crystal before I TIE YOUR EARS IN A KNOT!” Raph threatened.

“Cool it, Raph!” Sunset pulled him back. “Listen, I’m sorry we tricked you, but you need to listen. We need that crystal.”

“If you want this so place, Then I want a fair and square! And I don’t take kindly to cheating tortoises in this here parts!”
The hare demanded, unknowingly kicked a pepper shaker causing pepper to fall near the giant. It was enough to wake the giant with a sneeze.

“Gesundheit!” Pinkie said before the group turned in shock to see the giant awake.

“Nice going, you stupid rabbit!” Lost shouted.

The giant looked down at everyone.

"Uh, what up, giant dude?" Mikey waved nervously.

Then the giant saw the hare with the crystal and Jack holding Louise and the goose in his arms.

"THIEEEEEVES!" He roared.

"Ruuuunnnn!" Rainbow shouted.

Everyone screamed, bolting off the table, sliding down one of the legs, and ran for the door.

The giant got up and grabbed a mace. Then he ran after them and swung it down.

Leo saw it and shouted, "Scatter!"

Everyone ran in different directions, just missing the mace.

Sunset pulled out her kunai before hesitated. “I couldnt even pick his teeth with these.”

“What can we do ?” Applebloom cried.

While hiding, Leo noticed the laces on the giant's boots and got an idea. Which Raph noticed.

"I know that look," he said. "What are you thinking?"

"I've got a plan," Leo said.

"And what plan is that?" Magpie asked.

"There's no time to explain," Leo shook his head. "I just need you all to keep the giant distracted, but keep him in the same spot until I give the word."

“Hey big guy! Is that your stomach or you happy to see us?” Rainbow insulted before dodging his mace.

“Yo, tough guy! Your mother was larger than life!” Mikey teased before dodging as well.

While Everyone kept the giant busy, Leo snuck down to his feet and tied his shoelaces together.

“Oh, Mr. Giant! You’re a .....big....meanie?” Sweetheart hesitated.

“Really?” Melody raised her brow.

“What?” Her sister shrugged.

“Move!” Keno grabbed her before the mace could hit her.

Once Leo was done, he gave a signal to Jack to start running and he did.

The giant kept swinging his mace and missing the ninjas, when he spotted Jack running away with Louise and the goose.

"GIVE BACK MY GOOSE AND HARP!" He tried to run after him, but because of his tied laces, he tripped and fell over.

"Tim-ber!" Mikey called, as the giant hit the floor with a loud crash.

"Just you really just say that?" Magpie asked, dryly.

Lost ran over and punched the giant in the eye. He roared in pain and covered it.

"That's for locking me and Mag up, you jerk!" She growled.

"Everyone, move!" Leo ordered, and they all ran out the door.

As they ran, they looked back to see the giant had gotten up and was chasing after them.

"GIVE BACK MY SHINY STONE!" He roared, and that made everyone run even faster.

Soon everyone and Jack had reached the beanstalk.

"Quick, Donnie!" Rainbow cried. "Open a portal!"

"There's no time!" Donnie pointed at the giant coming straight at them.

"Looks like we're climbing down!" April said.

Then everyone got onto the beanstalk and climbed down as fast as they could, which wasn't that hard for the ninjas because of their ninja training. Then they felt the beanstalk shake and looked up to see the giant was climbing down after them!

"Does that giant have anything better to do?!" Lost complained.

"Climb faster!" Magpie exclaimed.

As they were nearing the bottom, they saw all the fairytale characters they had met before looking up at the beanstalk.

"Guys, look!" Lancer pointed as they neared the ground.

"Red Riding Hood?" Karai said.

"Hansel and Gretel?" Applejack raised a brow.

"Cinderella?" April asked.

"Peter?" Applebloom noticed.

"Percy!" Sweetie Belle pointed.

"Paula!" Scootaloo noticed the third pig.

"Goldilocks?" Shinigami added.

"AH! The three bears!" Mikey screamed.

The Papa Bear held up his paw. "Relax. we're not going to hurt you."

"I told you." Fluttershy huffed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Leo asked.

"We saw the beanstalk," Red Riding Hood said.

"And we heard the giant shouting," Paula added.

"So we came here to see what was going on," Hansel said.

Goldielocks screamed and pointed up. "Giant!"

Everyone looked up to see the giant appear from the clouds.

"Mother!" Jack hollered. "Bring the ax!"

Jack's mother came running up, holding an ax. "Here, Jack!" She handed it to him, then looked up and screamed at the sight of the giant.

Jack held up the ax and started chopping the beanstalk.

Leo pulled out his swords and turned to his team. "Everyone, let's help Jack!"

The ninjas that had bladed weapons began hacking at the beanstalk. Soon the other characters pitched in. The pigs, the Papa Bear, Hansel and Gretel's father, and even Cinderella all chopped at the beanstalk.

Then finally, the beanstalk began to topple over. The giant lost his grip and fell off the beanstalk then came crashing to the ground with an earthquake.

After a moment to regain their composure, the group all stood up. As everyone cheered, the ninjas all faced the hare.

“Hand over that crystal please.” Twilight pleaded.

The hare just stood there glaring.

“Please, Mr. Hare.” Applebloom pleaded.

“No!” The hare continued to glare. “Not until I get my race!”

“But we need that crystal!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“And I need my race!”

Leo almost lost his cool. “For the last time, I am not RACING YOU!”

Clover then noticed something. “And besides, the real tortoise is crossing the finish line!”

The hare then looked and saw she was right. He kept looking at Leo then the tortoise over and over until, “NO!” He hurried over but was too late. He fell flat on the ground, dropping the crystal which the tortoise caught.

"I believe this belongs to you nice fellas," he tossed the crystal over to them and Donnie caught it.

Everyone cheered for the tortoise while the hare threw a tantrum.

"No fair, no fair, no fair!" He ranted.

The tortoise patted him on the head. "Well, it's like I said before, buddy, 'Slow and Steady Wins the Race'. Now I think you owe these nice folk an apology."

The hare sighed and walked up to the ninjas. "I'm sorry for forcing you into the race. And for stealing that crystal. And for waking up the giant."

"Oh you're gonna feel sorry all-" Lost was cut off by Magpie.

"Losty?!" She frowned.

"Fine," Lost frowned.

"Apology accepted," Leo shook hands with the hare.

"Well, now that we got all the crystals, we can head for home," Donnie said.

“Sounds good to me.” Lancer breathed.

“We gotta finish the Easter eggs for the hunt!” Pinkie bounced.

“Well then. What’re we waiting for?” Casey smiled as Donnie pulled out his portal tracker.

Fluttershy turned to their new fairytale friends. “Thank you all for helping us .”

All the characters waved goodbye then Donnie opened the portal and the Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, kids, Magpie, and Lost went in as it closed.

"Magic..." all the characters said in astonishment.

Soon the group had arrived back at the farm.

“We’re home!” Sweetie Belle cheered.

Clover checked her watch. “And they were right! Look! It looks like we’ve only been gone five minutes!”

“When you’ve been dimension hopping like we have, you tend to get use to it.” Mikey put his arms on them.

“Now we can finish the eggs in time for the hunt.”
Leo smiled.

“It should only take a minute to install the crystals.”
Donnie assured as he and Twilight inserted them into the machine. Soon, the machine was working well again.

“Now we can finish the eggs and get them to Principal Celestia.” Twilight smiled as four baskets were done already.

“Lost and I will start delivering the first batch to CHS.” Magpie volunteered as Lost nodded in agreement.

"Well, I think we'll just go deliver some more eggs," Rainbow said, as she, Raph, and Casey tried to leave.

"Hold up!" Mikey said. "Aren't you guys forgetting some?"

"Oh no!" They groaned.

"Forgetting what?" Sunset asked.

"Well, it's like this," Mikey explained. "I was mad at them for making fun of me when I had to wear Rarity's bonnet. So I bet that if they got in trouble and had to be bailed out, they'd have to do something. And they did!"

"So, what do they have to do?" Patch asked.

At the egg hunt, the three stood by frowning, while helping Hokum Hare. Raph was dressed in the bunny suit. Casey was dressed in a chicken costume. And Rainbow was not only wearing Rarity's bonnet, but an Easter dress as well.

The others couldn't help but snicker at the sight.

"How long do they have to be dressed like that?" Keno asked.

"For the whole hunt!" Mikey grinned.

"Tell anyone about this, Mikey, and you'll regret it!" Raph threated.


The present day.....

Back at the Easter dinner, the group had just finished telling their story about their adventure.

"That was amazing." Leatherhead nodded.

"Glad you were successful in getting the crystals." Rockwell agreed.

"If I was there, I'd probably look for Mary and ask how her garden grows." Wallflower shared.

"And this happens to you guys alot?" Hokum asked.

"It's true." Applejack nodded.

"Sounds great. I think I'm gonna like it with you guys."

"I felt the same way." Ray agreed.

"This calls for a group photo!" Pinkie cheered.

Everybody all gathered together while Fugitoid extended a camera with his as he got everyone in the picture.

"Okay everyone! Say 'Happy Easter'."

"HAPPY EASTER!" Everyone cheered as the camera clicked.

BONUS True meaning

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(WARNING! This chapter contains elements of Christianity. You are more than welcome to skip this one.)

After the Turtles and Rainbooms deal with with Hokum Hare and Easter egg adventure, they enjoyed the rest of the easter afternoon.

"It’s a beautiful day for Easter." Leo said

"Yep. Nice day indeed." Twilight agreed.

"Yeah, perfect for chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, and best of all. Easter egg hunts!" Mikey cheered

" There’s more to Easter than candy and eggs, you too." Donnie pointed

"Yes. It’s also about life renewal." Fluttershy nodded.

"What do you mean by that?" Rainbow Dash asked

"Well, it's..."

Donnie was interrupted when Rarity cam up to them.

"Guys, I just got a text from Star Blaze. He wants us meet him at the theater for a private play for us to watch."

"Really, when does he want us to meet him there?" Leo asked

"At 3 AM"

"Aww, isn't that nice of your boyfriend to invite you somewhere on this holiday." Applejack teased

"Stop it, Applejack!" Rarity scolded "You know he's no inviting just me."

"What's this play about? Mikey asked

"It says that it's about the "true" meaning of easter."

"Oh, a play? Can I come?" Hokum Hare asked.

"The play is private for a mutant like you. You are most welcome to join us." Mikey offered

"Yay, thank you! Thank you so much!" Hokum cheered.

Later, at the city theater, the Ninja Turtles, their allies, and the Mighty Mutanimals sat on the seats of the theater, waiting for the play to start.

"What's taking so long?" Raph groaned

"Have a little patience, will you, Raph?" Leo said

And finally the light went off and light streamed to the stage. And person none other than Star Blaze papers on the stage.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen...and Mutants. Welcome, it's time you all knew the true meaning of easter. You may think it's all about candy, chocolate, jelly beans, easter eggs, even...the easter bunny. But there's someone else who is more sweeter than candy, someone who is full of love."

The crowd was confused.

"I'm gonna leave that rest to a guy who knows that way, the truth, and the life."

As Star Blaze moved backstage, there was a screen that appeared and it had a cross and book symbol. Then it glitches into the view of a guy close up to the screen with sci fi glasses on.

"Hello? Is this thing on? Echo, Echo!"

"That's enough, Cypher, it's on."

He moved out the the way reveling to be a man and his team in hero suits and armor.

"Hello everyone, Bibleman here. And my great friend Star Blaze brought you here today so that you all can understand the true story behind easter. You see, we know that what you love about easter is all candy, chocolate, eggs, even the easter bunny. But there's someone more important about this holiday, someone who loves you and who gave this life for you so that you may live peacefully. And that person we're talking about...is Jesus Christ."

The whole crowd was shocked to hear something like that as Bibleman continued on.

"For those of you who are confused, I'll tell you what makes Jesus the important part of Easter. Jesus loves us and he wants you of his own. He made sacrificed his life for you and easter not just about sweets and candy, it's about love, hope, peace, and salvation. To show and example, sit back and enjoy this skit that Star Blaze had put up for us. Enjoy."

The screen went black as light went on the stage revealing an ancient city background with Bibleman telling the story.

"Imagine, you see a man who you ever met before calling your name. How did he even know your name? He looked like a distant figure, there was something about him, something in my heart made me want to follow him and trust him. Is it possible that he is the one? The lamb of god? The christ? The son of god? It's time you experienced it yourselves."

As the play went on, actor came on stage and began the whole story. They acted out Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, Cleansing of the temple, Judas Betrayal, the Last Supper, Gethsemane, and finally...The most passionate and horrifying scene ever, the Crucifixion.

The Turtles, their allies, and the Mighty Mutanimals were shocked and horrified to see what was happening to a man getting beaten, whipped and hang on a cross. As the stage light went right to just the actor on the cross, a sudden light of red that was disguised as Jesus' blood was trailing all the way to surrounding the crowd.

"He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are healed." Bibleman called out. "Jesus didn't die for nothing, he died for our sins. He died for you, for me, and for the whole world. Matthew 20:28 says that the Son of God did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

And finally they showed the beautiful scene of all...the Resurrection!

The actors dance and sang for the great story ever told. And finally, the scene where Jesus ascents to heaven was final. The crowd cheered and clapped for the actors.

"Whoa, that was awesome!" Mikey cheered

"Yay! Now I know what it's like to love someone and hug them." Pinkie Pie shouted as she hugged Mikey tight.

Then the lights went back off and the light showed only a stool and a microphone. Then a girl with a guitar walked towards the stool and sat on it and brought the microphone close to her mouth and played her guitar to begin a song.

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, You were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, you were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Then a crowd of the actors came on stage and joined her.

Amazing love, how can it be?
That you, my king. would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
Amazing love how can it be?
That my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do
I honor you

I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, You were condemned
I'm alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Amazing love, how can it be?
That you, my king. would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
Amazing love how can it be?
That my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do
I honor you

You are my king
You are my king
Jesus, You are my king
Jesus, You are my king

Amazing love, how can it be?
That you, my king, would die for me
Amazing love, I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
Amazing love, how can it be?
That you, my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
Its my joy to honor you
In all I do I honor you
In all I do honor you

The Turtles, their allies, and the Mighty Mutanimals cheered and clapped as the actors bowed.

Then Bibleman came back on the screen.

"Now you all know the importance of a holiday, full of joy, hope, love, and salvation. This girl here is Faithful Rose, a girl has put her faith in Christ. As may all know that Jesus loves you all ver much, so much that he died on that cross to pay the price for your sins so that you live in eternity with him...forever. Even for you...Turtles."

The turtles realized what he just said and were confused.

"Did he just say turtles?" Donnie asked

"How did he know?"

"I know...because I'm here." Bibleman and his team suddenly appeared in person on the stage, the turtles were shocked in fear.

"Wait a minute, you've been here this whole time?" Raph asked in worry.

"It's okay, Star Blaze told me all about you all. He wanted to set up this skit to teach all about Jesus, so he thought about inviting us in to help him out." Bibleman said

"And it's a good thing we're here. Because, we are children of god, and it's good thing we preach the gospel to many people through the world, especially you guys." Cypher pointed out

"Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation." Biblegirl said.

"This is not religion we are talking about, we are talking about a relationship with the man who gave his life for you." Melanie said "If you receive his love and embrace his love and except him as your savior you will get to live in eternity with him forever."

"What happens if we don't?" Rainbow Dash asked.

That got to the Bible team, they didn't want to ruin it by telling them that they could face eternity without him.

"That we can talk about another time." Bibleman said. "For right now, I want to encourage you to pray this simple prayer after me."

Together everyone held hands and began...

"Dear Jesus, I have admit I have sinned, and I ask you to forgive my sins. Because I believe that you paid the price for my sins when you died on the cross. And that's why I choose to follow you today, and tomorrow, and everyday for the rest of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen."

After the prayer, everyone was outside in the hallway in the theater. Rarity noticed Star Blaze.

"Hey, Star Blaze!" She called

"Oh, hey Rarity."

"That was a great play you preformed for us, I loved it." Rarity said

"I'm glad you loved it, how do you feel?" Star Blaze asked.

"I feel...different."

"That's because God touched your heart. Now he is with you all the time, even if you can't feel of see him."

"Thank you." She blushed

"You know, you are most welcome to join my church."

"THANK YOU!" She jumped, and that broke into silence with the crowd looking at her. Rarity blushed harder than ever.

She cleared her throat. "I mean, Thank you."

"Your welcome, hey you want dinner later at Pinkie's dinner?" Star Blazed asked.

"I love to, after all it is a loving holiday for a celebration." She laughed

"Alright, I'll see you there."

"You too."

Rarity left while Star Blaze watched her leave.

"Soon the lamb becomes a lion." He joked, as Bibleman came to him.

"I bet you all can make a great pair." He said

"Yeah, and that pair is a diamond and a believer."

They both laughed.

Today wasn't just a day of Candy and the Easter bunny. It was a day of Love, because of what Jesus did for the whole world 2,000 years ago. And the lord will always be in their hearts forever.

Singing in the Parade

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After cleaning up from their Easter dinner, The Turtles, Rainbooms, Allies, Mutanimals, headed to the Canterlot Easter Parade downtown. Hokum Hare donned his Easter Bunny disguise and gave candy to children there as the mutants all wore civilian disguises. The groups all watched the parade that was full of great Easter floats. Before long, The Rainbooms appeared on a float that looked like an Easter basket and was really a stage. Each of the girls was wearing a special bonnet made by Rarity. Then they began to sing softly.

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail,
Hippity, hoppity,
Easter’s on its way.

Bringin’ every girl and boy Baskets full of Easter joy,
Things to make your Easter bright and gay.

Then, Rainbow began to shred it on her guitar as the tempo changed.

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail,
Hip, hop,
Easter’s on its way.

Bringin’ every girl and boy truckload full of Easter joy,
Things to make your Easter bright and a okay.

He’s got jelly beans for Tommy,
Colored eggs for sister Sue,
There’s an orchid for your Mommy
And there's something for your Daddy, too.

Here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail,
Hip! Hop! Easter's on it's way!

Everyone in the crowd danced to the song. Hokum took the liberty to hop on stage and have a little dancing moment before he bounced back to the kids as the girls continued the song.

You’ll wake up on Easter morning
And you’ll know that he was there
When you find those choc’late bunnies
he’s been hiding ev’rywhere.

“Try to do the things you should.”
Maybe if you’re extra good,
He’ll roll lots of Easter eggs your way.

Oh! here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hoppin’ down the bunny trail,
Hip hop,
Easter's on it's way.

here comes Peter Cottontail,
here comes Peter Cottontail,
Hip hop,
Easter's on it's way.

Hip Hop,
Happy Easter Day!

As the song ended, everyone applauded to the performance. The CMCs were a little far back a ways to get a good view. Then, Sweetie Belle noticed something.

"Hey girls. Look at this!" Applebloom and Scootaloo looked to see Sweetie Belle pick up an Easter egg.

"Where'd that come from?" Scootaloo raised a brow.

"Maybe Hokum hid it." Applebloom pondered.


"Nope. Can't say I did." Hokum shook his head as the girls asked him about the egg. "Besides, I'm giving out candy this time around." He then took his leave.

"If Hokum didn't hide this, who did?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

Applebloom had a thought. "You don't think.... It was him?"

"You mean.... The real Easter Bunny?" gasped Scootaloo.

As the girls wondered, a large rabbit's foot appeared in an alley as it's shadow showed it taking his leave.