> Butterfly Kisses > by Damaged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Not A Word > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of all the things that made Fluttershy nervous and freeze up, almost ninety percent were history. Moments when she'd been embarrassed, startled, or even just socially terrified weighed on her. Even the quiet moments when no one was talking and she was relaxing with her friends often got spoiled. Whether it was the time when someone had said hello to her and she'd replied with goodbye instead of the correct greeting, or the time she'd called the school nurse mom when they'd dressed her skinned knee. It was a weight of moments that grew throughout high school and then into college—though it was easier to slip through the halls at college without anyone noticing her or saying hello. Her studies in pursuit of a doctorate of veterinary medicine were a respite from the world. Yes, people talked at her, but there was no expectation of her replying in a lecture. Waiting for her next lecture to start, Fluttershy reminded herself she had new memories she could recall instead of those bad ones. Almost exactly the opposite in every way, they warmed her and made her smile. They always started a little rocky, but the context of what came after always softened the beginning. Reaching out, Fluttershy's fingers gripped the cool metal of the front door of the shelter's public area and she turned the latch with relief. No more people. With the door locked and the sign turned—something she quickly did now she remembered it—she had a clear excuse for why she didn't have to talk to anyone. Several times in the past people had arrived just after she'd locked up, and when they banged on the door, she could point to the sign, shrug her shoulders, and give them the most beautiful of smiles. The smile wasn't for them, of course, but for herself. Turning, she had the urge to express herself and spun around in three quick circles—her skirt rising up to twirl in the air. Walking into the back room of the shelter, she began checking all the animals' water and food, gave each a kind word and a promise she'd make sure they get better and find a home or are released, and then made her way to the locker where her bag and keys were. Slipping her bag on one shoulder—and letting out a soft grunt at the weight of the books in it—Fluttershy turned off the light as she walked back through the shelter and finally reached the back entrance. Humming softly, she punched in the alarm code and used the push-bar to open the back door. Her sanctuary behind her now, Fluttershy let the door close. And, that's when she noticed the bundle of rags gathered against the wall—hiding from the cool evening. Homelessness wasn't a huge problem in Canterlot, but Fluttershy always had a little trouble dealing with the fact that there were people without a safe place to call their own. "Are—Are you okay?" There was no movement that Fluttershy could see at first, but a surprise was her normal interpersonal anxiety didn't hit, which is why she could ask again. "Do you need help?" Dirty hands reached out of the huge cloak and pulled the hood back to reveal to Fluttershy a dirty yellow face, some orange hair, and panicked red-orange eyes. Eyes Fluttershy recognized in a face that, while familiar, had never looked at her with that expression. "Oh my. Adagio?" Fluttershy watched a flash of recognition, terror, panic, and then fear settle on the face. Adagio seemed to attempt to pull herself into the masonry of the building and reached back up to pull the hood over her head again. But, Fluttershy didn't let her. "Now, here, what happened?" When she got no reply, Fluttershy sighed and reached down to Adagio. She reached to push the hood back again. "Do you need help?" Shock and hope now, in equal measure, colored Adagio's face. Fluttershy could see her mouth open, but then snap closed again. "If you don't want to talk, that's okay, but I won't leave without you. Come on." Just holding out her hand, Fluttershy waited minutes until Adagio finally seemed to give up and reach her hand up and into Fluttershy's. Using her strength, Fluttershy pulled Adagio to her feet and gestured to the lot behind the shelter. "I'm parked over there. Are you strong enough to walk?" She'd added the last bit on because she could feel Adagio trembling. All Fluttershy's nurturing emotions and tendencies charged to the fore and, despite the smell and dirt, she wrapped an arm around Adagio and helped her along to her car. There was a slightly acrid smell she noted, along with a kind of distracted shock in Adagio's eyes. The drive was silent except for the sound of the car. Fluttershy had so many things she wanted and needed to ask, but she could sense there was something about Adagio that wasn't about to just give up answers. Fluttershy's home was outside the city itself. There was a hard edge where forest met the firmament of the city streets, and it was down a little dirt road that she drove for nearly ten minutes before turning off to her driveway. Stopping the car, Fluttershy climbed out and circled around to the passenger side. When she opened the door, Adagio jumped out and grabbed hold of her. Used to animals doing a similar thing once they realized she wasn't going to hurt them, Fluttershy smiled and put an arm around Adagio. "Let's get you inside and cleaned up." It felt to Fluttershy like all of Adagio's strength had evaporated. She had to almost carry the former siren to her front door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. Her home was without most of the modern things most people would demand—there was no electricity except for one power socket that the solar panel on her roof charged. Ignoring that and navigating mostly by memory, she got Adagio down the hall and into her bathroom. At the time Fluttershy certainly hadn't thought much of it, but now—with hindsight on her side—what had happened was the first time she'd see Adagio naked. But, it wasn't the last. Stripping Adagio out of her clothes had been an exploration in odor and dirt. Fluttershy, thankfully, was more than used to dealing with that. She spoke while she worked. "Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to get you out of these things so we can get you clean and warm. You don't want to talk?" She waited until she saw Adagio shake her head. "That's alright. I'll talk for both of us. Now just that shirt and underthings to go." There was nothing sexual about it. Fluttershy helped Adagio out of her dirty old things and then into the bath of hot water. "Now, let's get you clean." Again, as Fluttershy rolled up her sleeves and started using her best skin-friendly soap, she took to her task with a detached mind. She scrubbed the dirt free, exfoliated what she needed to, and then got behind the big tub to start work on Adagio's hair. There were more tangles and knots than actual hair. Fluttershy used her fingers, various brushes, but to no avail. "I can't save it." Up until this point she hadn't heard a single sound from Adagio, but the little whine. Biting her lip, Fluttershy reached up and petted the top of Adagio's head. "I'll see what I can do." Redoubling her efforts, Fluttershy scrubbed and washed and worked at Adagio's hair until she was almost in tears. "I can't save all of it. There's too much damage, but I have this much clean." Holding her hand mid-shoulder-blade, Fluttershy felt devastated that she couldn't do more. So close, she felt Adagio's nod. Reaching for her bathroom cabinet for a pair of scissors, Fluttershy cut free the almost-dreadlocked hair from what she'd managed to clean. Lifting out the soaking wet and dirty hair, Fluttershy started fighting back tears as she returned to working on the far shorter length. She washed it several times, even massaged the product deep into Adagio's scalp. Finally, considering the job done, Fluttershy stood up and offered Adagio a hand. What she got instead of a hand was a woman—clean for the first time in years—jumping into her arms and hugging her. Putting one arm around Adagio's back, Fluttershy lifted a towel and put it around Adagio's shoulder. "Feeling better?" Still leaning against her, Adagio nodded to Fluttershy while she was being dried off. "Good. Because as soon as you're dry you can go to bed and have a little relax while I get something for you to nibble on. Can you keep your eyes open for me?" Fluttershy grabbed up her own dressing gown and wrapped it around Adagio and pulled her hair free of it. Wrapping the latter up in a towel, she led Adagio through the almost-dark house to the spare bedroom. Walking through to her kitchen, Fluttershy opened the firebox door on her stove and fed in a few pieces of bark and some light wood. The room was illuminated with flames that jumped out of the coals, and even when she closed the firebox and adjusted the stove, there was new warmth soaking into the room. Toasting two slices of bread on the top of the stove, she made a cup of tea and added honey to it. The simple meal prepared, she lit an oil lamp from the stove and carried a tray through to the spare room. "Are you still awake?" When Adagio's head spun to look at her, Fluttershy noticed she was staring more at the lamp than the food. "I live simply here. There's no power except what my laptop needs." She sat on the edge of the bed and put the tray before Adagio. "The tea is extra sweet, but I think that will do you good." Watching with the same delight as when an animal in her care trusted her enough to start eating, Fluttershy waited for Adagio to gulp down all the warm tea and every piece of toast. She giggled at the look of shock on Adagio's face. "Please, just sleep. You look exhaus—" She didn't bother finishing since Adagio's head slumped down to the pillow. The sound of her fellow students milling around for class pulled Fluttershy from her thoughts. She looked down at her phone and saw her next class was almost starting. Breathing lightly, she was constantly—and delightfully—surprised at how good these memories made her feel. Her class on safe handling of wild animals went well, but now she had a two-hour wait until her next (and last for the day) class. It wasn't a hard decision to break out her lunch and find a nice tree to sit under. It also gave her a chance to daydream about her favorite topic. Humming to herself, Fluttershy was making breakfast for the animals she was helping around her home, while also keeping things ready to make Adagio something when she woke. It was a peaceful morning and, while the thick wooden walls kept the cold out, it didn't stop Fluttershy from building up the stove to full heat. She was just done preparing Angel's breakfast when she heard heavier footsteps on the wooden floor in the living room. "Give me a second, I'm just serving the last of my friends' breakfast." Setting the bowl of salad on the floor for Angel, Fluttershy walked to the doorway leading to the living room. Standing in the middle of the room and looking completely lost, Adagio had a blanket wrapped around her for warmth. Her hair, now much shorter than Fluttershy had ever seen it before, hung limp and straight without bounce. "Good morning. Do you feel like speaking today?" Moving the pan across to the hot side of the stove, Fluttershy broke two eggs into it. When she didn't get an answer out loud, Fluttershy looked back through to the living room and watched Adagio shake her head. "That's okay. Would you like breakfast?" It was surprising just how many new surprised expressions Fluttershy was learning—like the one Adagio wore as she nodded. "Coming right up." Along with the eggs, Fluttershy put some bread in a pan to toast up and got out some of her spices for the eggs. Humming to herself still, she could feel eyes watching her—though she could feel no malice from them. Some chives for the eggs, a little pepper, salt, and a hint of cayenne breathed onto them and she slid them onto the slices of toast. "I hope you don't mind that things aren't exactly modern here. I enjoy living simply with my little friends while I study how to better take care of animals." Slipping the toast onto a plate, she turned around and offered it to Adagio. "Here, have one of these. I promised Primrose I'd make good use of her eggs." When Adagio opened her mouth, Fluttershy expected her to finally talk. Instead, she picked up a slice of toast and, clutching at her blanket, walked over to the couch and curled up to eat her meal. Sliding the kettle across to the hot side of the stove, Fluttershy turned and walked over to the couch as well. "I don't hold what you did against you, you know? My friends might, but it was what you were." As she reached for her own slice of toast, she noticed that Adagio had just about inhaled hers. Blinking in surprise when Fluttershy offered her the second piece of toast, Adagio reached out and lifted it from the plate before devouring it just as fast as the first piece. She looked a little embarrassed, but now her expression betrayed curiosity. "You were born predators. Hunting creatures and—and feeding from them is what you were born to do. Like wolves. I don't hate wolves because they hunt." Fluttershy stood back up and walked to her kitchen and cut another slice of bread from the loaf she'd made earlier and put it in the pan. Tossing some cheese in and on the bread, Fluttershy also added some tea to her little teapot and tipped the almost-boiling contents of the kettle into it to brew. "At the same time, I won't apologize for what we did—for the same reason." It was the harshness of the natural world that cushioned Fluttershy on this issue. She took a deep breath of the brewing tea and let it calm her emotions further. When the slice of bread was toasted on one side, she flipped it over and smiled as the cheese crisped up quickly under it. Once she flipped her toast out onto the plate, Fluttershy carried the tea and her second attempt at breakfast to the living room. Seeing Adagio once more toastless, she shook her head. "No more now, but I'll make a big lunch that will probably put you into a food-coma." Finally she got a smile from Adagio. Fluttershy almost giggled at how cute she looked with it—but then it was gone again. Leaving her cheese on toast to cool a little, she poured two cups of tea. "Would you like sugar? Sorry, I don't have any milk right now." Adagio lifted a hand and held up one finger, resulting in Fluttershy adding one teaspoon of sugar to each cup. When passed a cup, she sipped at the tea and smiled again. Satisfied that she'd provided both food and drink to her new charge, Fluttershy finally got to enjoy her own breakfast. She alternated between sipping her tea and nibbling at the toast. Seeing Adagio with the blanket about her made her want her own blanket, even though the stove was doing a good job keeping the living room warm. Just as she finished the toast, however, she realized why Adagio just had a blanket. "Oh my goodness, you don't have anything clean to wear." Looking down at the blanket, Adagio shrugged her shoulders. "I have some old things you can go through. If you can't find enough to wear there, we could go shopping." There was another option Fluttershy had, but didn't want to use—she could ask Rarity for help. She pondered it for a moment before deciding to be honest. "Or I could ask Rarity for help, but I don't think she'd approve of me helping you. She's generous to a fault, but I think she'd want to hear an apology before she'd help." Fluttershy went back to eating her toast and sipping at her tea. She contemplated the situation and how it would go long-term—and sighed. Long-term things for Fluttershy always seemed to fall through. The only big project she'd managed for more than a year was her schooling. Her goal, the one thing in her life she wanted to do just because it helped animals the most, was to become a vet. The shelter needed a vet. The animals around her house needed a vet. Her parents had paid for the degree itself, but she needed to survive until she graduated and that meant helping at the shelter and getting paid below minimum wage for what should have been donated time. And now she had another person to feed. She could—and would—do it. She certainly wouldn't be taking Adagio to any fancy clothes store for things to wear. Even when she was done with her tea, Fluttershy kept thinking things over. Eventually she realized she was just sitting on her rear when things could be getting done. Standing up, she took the teacup from Adagio and walked to the kitchen to clean up. For Fluttershy, there was never a doubt that she would help Adagio. The look of wild terror when they'd first made eye contact hit her just as hard as seeing it in an animal's eyes. But this was a thinking—almost human—person. When she had all the pans, cutlery, and dishes cleaned and drying, she headed back into the living room with new focus. "Come on. I have tons of old things and some of them are sure to fit you. You—You're a lot thinner than you were when we were in high school." Fluttershy bit her lip but covered for it by heading down the hallway to her bedroom, which was first on the right—opposite Adagio's (the spare) bedroom. Hearing Adagio's footsteps behind her, Fluttershy made her way to her closet. In the front were all her everyday clothes, but in boxes toward the rear was her old stuff—it was this she pulled out and toward her bed. "Here we are. You've got a small chest, like I had back then, so the casual bras I have in there should fit." Fluttershy opened her eyes at the sound of her phone buzzing. She reached out and turned the discordant noisemaker off and reached into her bag to pull out a bottle of water she'd filled before leaving home. Standing up, she started to make her way to the study group she had scheduled. Only, rather than think clearly and proceed directly there, she remembered the biggest turning point in her life. Early afternoon had come and was leaning toward evening. Fluttershy got home from the shelter to find the house already warm and most of her evening chores already done. As soon as she opened the door, she called out, "I'm home." Just like she had for two years. When she set her bag down and pulled out her laptop to charge, she spotted Adagio's face peeking around the doorway of the kitchen. There was a smile there more and more. Fluttershy returned it with her own, walking over and meeting Adagio halfway with a hug. Friendship had been hard-won, particularly when every conversation they had was so one-sided, but Fluttershy had experience with just that. "I got us some ice cream as a treat. Have you planned dinner?" Their meals were always simple. The hothouse provided vegetables year-round and the chickens in the little barn provided eggs. Spices, tea, and flour were the main things that Fluttershy needed to buy to keep them in food. Dinner consisted of roast vegetables, onion gravy, and a little hunk of bread on the side to mop things up with. After that they'd shared the little tub of ice cream—something that made Fluttershy's toes curl in delight almost as much as Adagio's did—and as the sun dropped below the horizon, Fluttershy took out her notes to study. The night got colder. Fluttershy found herself almost at the point of shivering when Adagio came out with a blanket wrapped around her. She walked over to the couch Fluttershy was sitting on and sat down, spreading the blanket out and around Fluttershy. Returning her focus to the notes, Fluttershy felt warmer right away, and more so when Adagio leaned against her under the blanket. With all her attention on the paper, however, Fluttershy was only peripherally aware that Adagio was brushing her hand around Fluttershy's own legs, and it came as a complete surprise when the hand touched her thigh and slowly started to squeeze. Memories—hot and inspiring—flooded Fluttershy's thoughts. Her experiments in high school, with both boys and girls, had left here with enough experience that she didn't jump, but it was surprising that Adagio was making a move on her. Looking into Adagio's eyes, Fluttershy had to bite her lower lip at the look of hunger and desire. Consciously parting her thighs a little, she gave a little nod along with a smile. As soft fingers slid along her inner thigh now, Fluttershy felt her breathing deepen and, when Adagio reached her panties, she let out a little squeak. "S-Sorry. I get a little—" Adagio moved, leaning against her, and Fluttershy felt soft lips press to hers. Fluttering her eyes closed, she let out a deeper note of appreciation as Adagio worked her fingers up and then back down into the cozy and warm underwear. Expecting to be rushed into things, Fluttershy was surprised when Adagio simply pressed her palm against her mons and her fingers lay motionless against her labia. She wanted more, she wanted Adagio to do more, but it took her a few moments to realize that another hand was sliding up her big cozy sweater—between skin and wool. When it found her belly, Fluttershy moaned again into the kiss and reached out to Adagio. Adagio had regained some flesh in two years. Her ribs no longer stood out and she'd regained two cup sizes—as Fluttershy found out with her hand. Adagio Dazzle was also completely naked under the blanket, which was proof positive for Fluttershy that she'd intended this—even planned for it. Fluttershy squeezed Adagio's breast, judged its weight and size perfect, slacked her grip before squeezing again. So focused was Fluttershy with the feel of Adagio's breast—with how the nipple had started to harden and grow a little warmer—that she didn't realize what her lover was doing until the single digit had curled down and pushed just inside her outer labia. Unable to keep kissing any longer, Fluttershy broke contact with Adagio's lips to gulp in a deep breath and moan it all back out again. She opened her eyes midway through the moan, only to see Adagio using her arm to pull the sweater up. Fluttershy relinquished her grip on Adagio's chest and helped take her sweater off, pulling it up and over her head while Adagio's finger wiggled ever so slowly just inside her vulva. With the sweater off, Adagio reached behind Fluttershy's back and, with just one hand, released her bra strap. Fluttershy was amazed. In all her life and with all the people she'd been with (though she admitted the list wasn't long), a bra always took at least two hands to get free. Adagio seemed unsurprised at her own dexterity and lifted the bra straps up to release Fluttershy's chest from its grip. "What are you—?" Fluttershy asked as Adagio's head dipped lower. She tilted her head to look down as Adagio moved over and captured her left nipple between her lips. "Ohmygoodness." Arching her back and moaning aloud again, Fluttershy felt helpless and at Adagio's mercy as a second finger curled into her while her breast received the most wonderful attention. She felt played—in a good way—even as her silent lover swapped breasts. A tight pressure started to build in Fluttershy's belly, a pressure that grew and spread the more Adagio worked, but even with two fingers fully extended inside her, Fluttershy needed something more. Shifting her hips and twisting, Fluttershy worked her way further under Adagio and tipped her lover sideways against the back of the couch. Shifting down a little, she got to the right height to kiss Adagio again, but she'd lost the touch on her breasts. Fluttershy didn't care. Pressing her free hand to Adagio's belly, Fluttershy flattened her palm and fingers against it, feeling the muscles underneath shift as her love breathed—breath she now captured with her own mouth. It was a little odd to her at first, but the intimacy of sharing air—their noses only an inch apart and under the cover of the blanket—tickled Fluttershy's arousal even higher. A silent gasp met her lips as Fluttershy worked her hand lower on Adagio's body. Even in the dark of the blanket's making, she looked where she knew Adagio's eyes would be. She didn't breathe a word as she stroked lower still and found the tight, soft patch of fuzz above Adagio's vulva. Fluttershy bit her lower lip to keep from giggling. She might live in a rustic home with no electricity, but she kept her own groin trimmed—it was just something she'd always done. Adagio's fuzzy little patch, though, made her rethink that daily effort. A large gust of air hit Fluttershy's face when she found Adagio's clit. It was larger than her own, which surprised Fluttershy, and she thought about playing with it but felt how tense Adagio had gotten. Moving down and leaving the love button for later, she started tickling the plump outer lips of Adagio's vulva, earning softer, faster puffs against her face. Feeling moisture at her fingertips, Fluttershy didn't hold back—plunging two fingers into Adagio and letting strong muscles clamp down on her digits as she breached all the way into the entrance of her vagina. Adagio tumbled on top of Fluttershy, pressing their chests together and squirming to give both their bodies the sensations each had been craving. Fluttershy could feel a renewed thrusting into her body and tilted her head slightly as Adagio went for her neck—sucking and nuzzling the soft flesh. But, after one deep thrust of Adagio's fingers, Fluttershy was pushed over the edge into bliss. A moan built in her throat along with the pleasure sparking throughout the pressure-vessel her body had become, and a moment later she lost all sense of the world around her. With her universe narrowed to just her and Adagio, she screamed out her lover's name. Adagio didn't slow, nor did she stop. The orgasm stretched on and on, and it was all Fluttershy could do to squirm and continue her own stroking of Adagio's depths. But even constant attention couldn't keep her orgasm going forever, and as her pleasure-high waned, Fluttershy felt herself getting more and more focused on Adagio. Each stroke Fluttershy tried to go a little deeper, stroke a little more of Adagio's depths. Judging by Adagio's staccato breathing, Fluttershy knew she was getting her close. "Almost," she whispered. "Almost got you. Just relax. Just relax for me?" Gasping in surprise, Adagio started to tremble atop Fluttershy and her fingers stiffened—that's when Fluttershy moved her attention and squeezed the inflamed clitoris between her sensitive fingers and gently rolled it. The blanket half fell free, exposing their upper bodies to each other and the cooler air of the living room. Fluttershy got to see Adagio, a ponytail holding her hair back, open mouthed and screaming silently in pure bliss. It was, of all the time she'd known her, the most pure moment Fluttershy had ever seen Adagio in. There was no pain, no worry, no expectation, and no calculation. She was just orgasmically happy. Parting her legs a little wider, Fluttershy hooked each one up and behind Adagio's rump and pinned her lover to her. Her free arm stretched along Adagio's back, hand cupping the back of her head as Fluttershy pulled her down and into a deep kiss. Attacked in a furious kiss, Fluttershy melted into a happy little puddle of snuggly bliss. She drew her hand out from Adagio's groin and used it to hold even tighter against her. Adagio, meanwhile, grabbed at the blanket and pulled it back up and covering them from the shoulders down. Able to see her lover's eyes now, Fluttershy saw surrender, adoration, hunger, and more in those red-swirled orbs. As the orgasmic rush slowly faded from both, Fluttershy giggled and kissed Adagio's lips with a quick touch—lest she get distracted and make contact too long. "You're amazing." Her answer, as ever, was non-verbal. Another kiss. "No, I mean it. Would you like to, um, again?" Stuck in the bathroom, Fluttershy used some paper to dry herself off. She knew it had been a silly idea to daydream about her first time with Adagio just before a study session. But, even sitting on a toilet and cleaning herself up, she had to admit that the new memories she'd been gifted sure beat the old ones. Jumping to her feet and flushing the toilet, she felt a new charge of purpose. Leaving the stall, she felt all that confidence suddenly fall away as Rainbow Dash smirked at her. "R-Rainbow?" "Saw you come in here, thought you must be sick or something. That wasn't sick. Who's the guy?" Looking at her friend, Fluttershy felt both defeat and relief. They'd both shared the more intimate details of the people they'd been with—this was nothing new. Walking to the sink, Fluttershy washed her hands with soap. "Not a guy." "Oooh. Her then?" Adagio nuzzled against Fluttershy, pressing her face down between two soft, buttery breasts and nuzzled them while she cupped each from the side. "You—You really like them?" Fluttershy didn't need to hear an answer from Adagio to know her thoughts on the matter. "Yeah. Her." Steeling herself, knowing Rainbow would probably fly off the hook with what she was about to reveal, Fluttershy said, "Adagio Dazzle." When no denouncing scream came, Fluttershy turned from the sink to look at Rainbow directly. "Well?" "A week ago I would have freaked out. Hell, maybe even yesterday. But, I heard that Twilight has been seeing Aria Blaze. Holy crap, Flutters, you should see her blush when she talks about Aria. Sunset touched her and won't say anything except they love each other a lot." The revelation bade Fluttershy blink a few times in surprise. "Oh. I guess I haven't really been paying much attention outside of school and—" "And Adagio? I remember how you were in the last two months of high school—with Derpy. Don't worry, I know you get distracted. So what's her deal?" Grinning at her best friend, Fluttershy reached out and pulled Rainbow into a hug that smooshed her smaller friend against her chest. She knew full well Rainbow enjoyed such hugs on several levels, but they'd been friends long enough that she didn't care. "I think it would be best if you asked her that yourself. Do you want to come over after class for tea?" Levering her head back from Fluttershy's cleavage, Rainbow had a blush and a look of wonder on her face. "Y-Yeah. That'd be nice. You haven't moved—still out in that old, lonely cabin?" "It's not so lonely anymore," Fluttershy said.