See me, Hear me, and Love me

by PopCrazyShip

First published

Obsessive compulsive love…

Love was something Princess Celestia wanted for years, and if she can't be given that love then she will take it by force... no matter who tells her no!
And Princess Celestia has only wanted to be loved by only one pony... and that was Twilight Sparkle!

A fight declaring Love

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Princess Celestia awoke before sunrise, with a light dainty yawn. Her good mood soured with a vengeance as she suddenly remembered the conversation she had with her little sister before bed.

Celestia sighed through her nose with a scowl and crawled from her costume alicorn sized-bed, walking slowly towards her balcony. As Celestia approached her destination she opened the tall dark wooden doors that were the entrance and stepped out directly towards her large balcony.

Four steps from her tall, large shapely beautiful hooves brought her out to the middle of her balcony. Raising her head towards the horizon, a soft golden glow encased her ivory longhorn.

The sky began to slowly turn from dark purple, blue, and black to a beautiful light yellow, orange, red and pink announcing the awakening of the sun as he began to steadily crawl across the sky, shining his glory and announcing the beginning of a new day.

Celestia's eyes remained unmoving from the beautiful sight as she gently nudged her charge across the sky and let her hold go as her horn lost its shine.

No no no!... You mustn't sister, thou surely jest!”

Celestia snorted with frustration at the reminders of THAT conversation.

Closing her eyes in abstraction she took deep breaths to calm herself. Her eyes snapped open when she couldn’t calm herself, giving way to anger.
“It’s not fair sister, when will I find love!” thought Celestia grinding her teeth together.

The angered sun deity swiftly turned around and stomped toward the wide-open glass door, leaving behind spiderwebs and cracks on the marble flooring. Entering her royal bed chambers Celestia’s longhorn glowed harshly, her golden magic aura surrounding the door and shutting them with a ‘BOOM’ almost shattering the glass on the door.

The sun goddess made a bee-line directly toward her bed. Ignoring the fact that her room was still dark, her silky curtains created an impressive barrier and did not allow the sun to penetrate her room. Jumping up on the bed and smashing her face in a big pillow she bellowed with frustration. She stayed like that for a few seconds screaming on the pillow and pounding with her hooves beside the pillow causing the bed to jingle. She stayed like that until she began to feel tears dripping out of her eyes...

She raised her head slowly from her pillow and rested her head on its surface.

“It’s not fair!” the sun deity choked out through her tears. “How can our niece Cadence find a lover, while I have to sit down and look upon their affection from a distance!”


Celestia’s head snapped up. Her tearful eyes landed on the darkened hallway leading to the doors to her bedroom.

Who could it be?” though Celestia with confusion as she used her magic to bring herself tissues from the box upon her nightstand. With her magic she turned on the oil lamps around her room, startling her pet phoenix Philomena and causing her to ‘squawk’. Cleaning her face with the tissues, she turned to her startled pet and shushed her, letting her know that it was alright. Philomena gave her the stink eye, fluffed up indignantly, and turned around on her perch, showing her back. Celestia smiled a thin smile at that, Philomena was always sassy when awoken suddenly and loudly.

Tossing the tissues away in the small garbage beside her nightstand, she jumped from her bed and quickly snapped her wings open gliding gracefully to the floor. Once she was on the floor she snagged a hoof held mirror, that was on the nightstand with the tissues, with her magic and began to trot at a brisk pace to the illuminated hallway leading to the front large doors to her room.

As she trotted to the doors she looked at her appearance through the mirror to make sure she looked perfect. ( After all, she didn’t want to look like she just had a temper-fit.)

Upon seeing the doors closed she called out “Yes! Who is it!”. Without opening the doors.

“You’re Majesty! Princess Cadence and Prince consort Shining Armor have invited you to breakfast this morning!
What do you desire!” Celestia heard what was most likely a guard through the giant enhanced doors leading to her private chambers.

“Inform them, that I will be there shortly! And tell the chefs to prepare a full course breakfast” The Sun Goddess replied with a sweet and motherly tone in her voice masking the irritated face she wore.

“At once your highness!” the guard’s hoof steps could be heard galloping away.

“What do they want now?” The princess of the sun mumbled under her breath as she slowly trotted back to her room to put on her golden regalia. Celestia put the hoof held mirror where it belonged, on the nightstand, and walked towards a macaque that held her golden regalia, she hated that regalia with all her heart, using her magic she floated her regalia from its stand and floated them to the body part which they were made for. With that done she walked toward her vanity to apply makeup and eyeliner.
She sat on the bench from the vanity and began to gently and gracefully apply makeup to her visage. The graceful movements that she did with her magic belied the year and practice she had in applying makeup to her face. Once she was done she sat in silence and looked at her young appearance, moving her face from left to right.
She looked perfect, her face didn't look like she had a temper-fit not 10 minutes ago. Next Celestia looked towards her hair to find knots or imperfections, gently the alicorn brought her brush and began to untangle any knots from her hair. Celestia watched silently as her magic moved her brush into her hair.

“Well let’s see what this day will bring!” Celestia dreaded with a neutral face, using her magic she put down her brush on her vanity and stood up on her hooves.