Operation: Crazy Clock

by Brian Sheil

First published

Spike and other dragons are upset when Garble won’t wake up. Molly will fix that.

Molly goes to Ponyville to help Ember, Spike, and other dragons to wake up Garble, who’s sleeping near a field of dragon eggs. Getting an idea from an old board game, Molly helps construct a gadget to wake up that overgrown lounge lizard.

It’s Crazy Clock Time

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On a peaceful day on the Williams' family farm, Megan and Molly relaxed in the backyard. Megan lounged on the hammock, while Molly sat quietly on a lounge chair.

"It sure is a nice quiet day here." Megan praised. "Right, Molly?"

"I'm with you, sis." Molly replied. "With all of our chores done this week, we get to have a weekend off."

"Danny sure is lucky to be camping with relatives this weekend."

"Don't knock it, Megan. Mom and Dad figured he'd like some time from us."

The sisters giggled, knowing Molly is right. Just then, they saw a rainbow streak across the sky.

"Did you see that?" Molly gasped.

"I did." Megan answered. "Looks like Rainbow Dash is paying us a visit."

Sure enough, the spectrum haired Pegasus from Equestria arrived to visit the sisters.

" Hi, Williams sisters." Dash greeted. " Going barefoot, I see."

"Can you blame us?" Megan said. "A day like this is often considered barefoot weather. So, what brings you here?"

"Actually, it's Ember who needs help. I'm just a messenger."

Molly's eyes widened. "Ember, leader of the dragons? It must be very important for her to ask for help."

A thought then came to Megan. "Molly, how about you go with Rainbow Dash."

"Me?" Molly gasped.

"Hey. Good thinking, Megster." Rainbow added. "I'm sure that Ember would like to meet her."

Molly thought about it for a moment. Then, she gave her answer. "Okay, RD. I'll do it! I just need to let Mom and Dad know, then put on my sneakers."

Molly went back in the house. Megan and Rainbow Dash are happy for this.

"You’re sister is lucky that she has on a pair of bib overall shorts over her lavender shirt, Megs." Rainbow said. "It gets a bit warm in the Dragon Lands."

"I'm with you, Dashie." Megan replied. "Even I would dress light when I visit that area."

The two friends shared a laugh. Later, Molly walks alongside Spike and Smolder as they travel through the Dragon Lands.

"I'm sure glad that I have on shorts." Molly said, wiping sweat from her brow. "It sure is warm around here."

"Don't worry, Molly. " Spike said. "Twilight will get you something cold to drink when we get back to Ponyville."

"Thanks, Spike."

The three travelers soon met Ember, the lord of the Dragons.

"It's good to meet you, Molly." Ember greeted. "Your sister, Megan, told me about you."

"I am honored to meet you, Miss Ember." Molly replied. "What's the problem?"

"One of our dragons, Garble, decided to take a nap near a lava pool where dragon eggs are resting. Unfortunately, he's blocking a path where lava will flow into the pool."

"That sounds terrible." Molly said with worry. "That could disrupt those eggs from hatching. Can't anything wake him up?"

"Forget about it." Smolder interrupted. "Nothing short of an earthquake can wake up that brother of mine."

Molly looks at the situation. Suddenly, an idea came into her head. "I wonder if something sudden can wake him up."

"It's possible." Ember replied. "You have a plan?"

"I sure do." She turns to the smaller dragons. "Smolder keep an eye on your brother."

"Not a problem." Smolder replied. "Garble will be out for an hour or two."

"Spike, let's go back to Ponyville." Molly added.

"What's your idea?" Spike wondered.

The young human girl gave everyone an unusual response. "This is a job for Operation: Crazy Clock."

The dragons' eyes widened with confusion. Later, the Mane Six look at some drawings Molly presented.

"This is one of the most unusual contraptions ever designed." Rarity commented.

"Unusual or not," Applejack added, "it could work at getting Garble up and about."

"That’s the spirit, Applejack." Molly cheered.

Twilight then made an announcement. "Okay, everypony. Let's get the stuff we need and head for the Dragon Lands."

Molly and the others nodded in agreement. The crew work on Molly's strange contraption, using stuff found in junkyards, the houses of the Mane Six, and other such places.

"Lucky I have two certain stuffed animals with me." Fluttershy said while placing a stuffed crow inside a nest high on a pole.

Applejack assembles a wheel with shoes on the outside. "Good thing I found some footwear nopony wears anymore."

Twilight and Pinkie Pie lines up an empty pool table under a bucket.

"Molly's contraption is coming along nicely." Twilight said happily.

"One thing." Pinkie wonders. "How come we're using a bear trap instead of a candle? After all, we know what this plan is based on."

"Because heat wouldn't bother a dragon." Molly informed while setting up a bear trap. "So, using this instead of a candle is a good idea."

Minutes later, the contraption is assembled. Even Ember is impressed.

"An unusual looking set up." Ember noticed. "But, it looks effective."

"Do you think it'll work?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We'll soon find out." Twilight replied as she turns to Molly. "Okay, Molly. Wind up that alarm clock, and let's get this party started!"

Molly smiled as she grabs the wind up key. "You got it, Twi."

Molly turns the key that turns the clock. It soon extends a glove that pushes a broom that pushes a stuffed cat. The stuffed toy pushed a ball of yarn that went zigzag down a flight of stairs, turning around a corner. The yarn hit a door, which turned a closed umbrella that sent a shoe wheel Applejack built rolling down a track.

The wheel hit a big golf ball that rolled down a drain pipe. It then hit a golf club that pushed a pair of long johns to the top of a nest with a stuffed crow inside. A plastic egg fell out of the nest, and landed in a bucket. The bucket tipped and the egg rolled onto a top of a pool table. The egg landed on a switch that turned a bear trap to Garble's tail, which stuck out as he slept.

"YEOW!" Garble screeched as the trap snapped on his tail. The red dragon saw the trap, opened it up, and released his tail. He got mad. "Who's the wise guy?!"

Molly stepped up and answered him. "It was my idea, Garble. You were in the way of a lava flow that was meant to flow into a pool where eggs are placed."

Garble saw where he was, and realized his mistake. The lava flowed into the pool where the eggs are. He then looked at the contraption that was built.

"Wow!" Garble gasped. "Pretty neat set up you came up with, kid."

"Thanks." Molly replied. "Twilight and her friends helped me build this thing."

The red dragon closely looked at this design. "You probably got the idea from that old board game, 'Crazy Clock'."

"You guess correctly. " Molly praised.

"There's a board game named 'Crazy Clock'?" Smolder asked.

"That’s right. It's a kind of game that lets players build a goofy kind of gadget."

"Of course." Ember realized. "That game falls under the same principles as the likes of 'Mouse Trap' and 'Fish Bait'."

"You catch on quick, Ember."

Twilight then gets everypony's attention. "Come on, everyone. Let's dismantle this thing and return the items back to where they belong."

As Twilight and her friends start to take the contraption apart, Smolder checked up on her brother.

"Are you going to be okay, Garble?" Smolder asked with worry.

"I'll be fine." Garble replied. "Never underestimate the power of human ingenuity.” He rubs his tail to relieve some of the pain from the bear trap. "It'll catch up to you in the end."

Gatble and Smolder shared a laugh knowing that he should be more careful where he naps. He might be in for another rude awakening.