> High School Poet > by Peace Poet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Ready For The New School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a little bit past 7:30 on a Saturday evening, a young 16 year old name Terry LeGhetto was walking down the street to his home in Manhattan, New York. He stands between 5'6" to 5'7", and has been working out; having a little muscle, similar build to legendary martial artist Bruce Lee. He has short black hair, with bangs almost covering his brown eyes, wearing a white t-shirt with a notebook and a No. 2 pencil on the front. Blue baggy jeans, and red high top shoes. He's also a martial artist, and was inspired by many martial artist, especially his father, Hank LeGhetto, and his late mother, Grace LeGhetto. Hank is a little bald, but with some black and gray hair, standing about 5'8". Grace died of lung cancer when Terry was five years old. Though by friends and family, he goes by the nickname that he loves so much, Peace Poet. Terry, or Peace, as everyone calls him, is a rhyming poet, kind of like a hip-hop artist, which is pretty much true, since he does love old school '90's hip-hop music. He gets good grades, but he had to be home schooled from home, because of bullies back at his middle school, and he was glad to be away from them. He does have friends, and he hates to be away from them from the school, but they do come to see him at lunchtime and after school to see if he was OK. One month, Peace and his dad had to go to where he and his mom learned martial arts, the Shaolin Temple. Usually he would see their son be afraid to do training, but Peace was determined to go through the tough training his mom and dad been through. Plus, he still did his homework for his teachers at his middle school. Then, was more than a month, and he graduated from both the martial arts training from the Shaolin Temple and his middle school. When he got back to Manhattan, friends, teachers, principal, and vice principal welcomed Peace back with praise, hugs, high fives, fist bumps, and more. And they noticed that Peace looked a little different, stronger even, and even the bullies noticed it, as they left Peace alone, and were never seen again after that. Now, back to the present, Peace finally made it back home to his apartment with a few things for high school; like notebooks, pens, pencils, calculators, and notepads. But when he opened his apartment door, he heard cheering from inside the apartment. "Daddy, what's wrong with you? Did you and one of the neighbors get into it again?", said Peace, as he was fearing the worst. Hank turned around and hugged his confused son, and said with joy in his voice... "No, no, no, son, I told the neighbor about what happened. A tall woman and her sister came here to give me the enrollment of your new school. It's called Equestia Universal High School, a school for every kind of education for everyone, even you, Peace!", the father said with great excitement in his voice, as his smile was wide from ear to ear. Peace was still confused, as he asked... "Um, Pop, where are the women that came here? Shouldn't they be here to meet me, and have a conversation with me about the school?", the father was about to answer, as a knock on the door was heard, as Peace answered it. There were two middle aged, but still pretty young women, standing in the doorway. First was the youngest woman; Peace looked at her first, as he looked at her long midnight blue hair, which also has sparkles in it, like stars shining in the night. She also has aqua blue eyes, or aqua green, whichever comes first, stands about 5'6", almost the same height as Peace, wear a blue business jacket with pants to match, with a black shirt under the jacket, and black high heels. Peace was in awe of the blue haired woman's beauty, like she came from a a magazine as a model. Then Peace looked at the other woman, which stands about 6'1", taller than the woman beside her. Now Peace was amazed by the taller woman's beauty, as well, as he sees that she has like a Aurora Borealis colors in her long hair, which also has sparkles, but like the ocean from the sea. She has purple eyes, also wearing a business suit, but her suit is a golden yellow, with a purple shirt under her jacket, and gold high heels. And what had Peace's eyes wide in shock was both of the women's huge breast. Of course, the taller woman's breast was indeed larger, but the shorter woman's breast was almost the same size as the tall woman's. Peace shook out of his stupor, and introduced himself. "Um, hello. My name's Terry LeGhetto. But my friends and family call me Peace Poet.", he said nervously, as the tall lady introduced herself. "Hello, Terry. I am Celestia Solaris. I am the principal of Equestria Universal High School." the tall woman said, as the shorter woman also introduced herself, as Peace shook the principal's hand, and shook the other woman's hand, as well. "And I am Luna Solaris, I am the vice principal of Equestria Universal High School. And it's very nice to finally meet you.", the shorter woman said, as Hank and his son let them in, as both women had a seat on the couch, Hank sat on the recliner, and Peace sat on a chair from the dinner table. Hank spoke to the ladies. "I'm Hank LeGhetto, I'm Peace's father. What's the school like?" asked the father, as he introduced himself, as well. Celestia explained to the two men. "Equestria Universal High School is a very special school; me and my sister Luna are not just principal and vice principal at the school, we built it from the ground up.", as the principal explained to the men, as Luna spoke. "The school has all kinds of education, even payable jobs, sports, special events, and more. Although this may sound a little...weird, and I know you would probably not believe us, but we have a question for you. Are you both human beings?", Luna said, and with a serious tone in her voice. Hank got nervous, and said... "O-of course we're human beings. What do you mean...?" "You sensed it too, didn't ya, Pop? I can sense a powerful energy from both of them." Peace said, as he cut in the conversation. With a smirk from both the women, as Celestia spoke. "You can sense energy like we can, huh? Very good, Mr. LeGhetto. Have you learned martial arts?", she asked in a calm manor. Peace said, as he cleared his throat. "Well, I learned karate, ninjitsu, kung fu, animal kung fu, tai chi, muay thai, Shaolin martial arts, and much more. Pop and Mama taught me, and then their masters taught me at the Shaolin Temple, Thailand, and Japan", as he finished, Celestia and Luna were really impressed and amazed at how much martial arts the young man has learned. with a nod from Celestia, Luna went in her bag to get out the enrollment papers for Peace and Hank to sign. Hank put down his phone number, but looked at the ladies, and asked with worry in his voice... "Pardon me, but where is this school? And how will I get there?", after he asked, Luna breathe out a sad sigh, as she said... "Unfortunately, not many humans come to where the school is, because it's in a different dimension from this one. I'm sorry.", she said sadly, as she looked down at the floor. But Hank had the look of determination, as he said, as he looked at Celestia... "That's OK, Ms. Luna. My son can practically take care of himself now. Though, I wished his friends would go with him. It'd be cool for them to go with him.", he said with that last statement in a little sadness in his voice. Then, it was Celestia's turn to go in her bag, and brought out 3 enrollment papers with 3 familiar names and faces that Peace recognized, and his eyes lit up with a big smile. "You're kiddin'! They're goin' to the new school, too?! That's awesome! Wait, how DID you now that they were my friends?", Peace asked with suspicion in his voice, as Celestia explained. "You see, Peace, if I can call you that, we looked up your old schools files and saw that you and your friends were in every picture in many activities you all do. Some humans, like your friends, don't have a lot of powerful energy like other special beings do. When me and Luna came to this dimension, we felt at least 4 of the most powerful beings with amazing power..." "And your power was the one we felt most. And we can tell that you and your father, along with 2 more beings, are very special in this world. Which is why I will tell you some more things students, teachers, and the rest of the faculty do at Equestria Universal High." Luna said, as she continued. "The schools here on Earth states that if you fight in school, you're either suspended or expelled from school. It's not the case at our school. While you're on school grounds, you can fight whenever anyone can challenge you, or you can challenge them. You'll get a grade in skill, power, and money from teachers, students, and even us, depending on how much you want to bet.", Luna finished her explanation, as Hank looked at Peace, then looked at the women, as he said... "Before Peace writes on the enrollment, I just wanna tell ya that Peace has been holdin' back his power for years. I know I'm powerful, and my wife was powerful, God rest her lovin' soul, but Peace has surpassed both of us with power, strength, and wisdom. He'll protect and take care of the ones he loves with all of his strength. He's a good boy with a good heart, but most times, he has that anger that's bottled up so much, that'll make Godzilla or King Kong run for their lives, to be honest.", Hank said, as he looks at his son with a sincere smile, and said... "Son, I know me and your mama said to try to hold back as much as you can, and you did. Your friends, me, and Gracie do get hurt from some bad people, and you tried your hardest not to get in trouble. You don't have to tell these wonderful ladies what happened now, but you can tell them when the time is right. Peace, you're a strong young man, and when trouble comes to your old and new friends, don't hold back, son. Don't hold back, unless you want to. No matter what happens, I will always love you, son, and I'll always be proud of ya.", Hank said to Peace with tears in his eyes, a proud smile, and a hand on his sons shoulder, as the son also had tears in his eyes, and a smile. "Thanks, Pop. I won't let you, the masters, and Mama down. I'll give it all I got at the school.", the boy said, as he looked at Celestia and Luna, still smiling, but with determination on his face, and ask... "Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, where do I sign?", with no hesitation in his voice, both ladies sighed with relief from their lips. Luna spoke, and said... "Now remember this, Mr. LeGhetto, if you or any challenger fight off school grounds with a teacher's or our permission, there will be severe consequences. Understand?", she said in a serious tone. But Peace nodded in agreement, as Celestia spoke... "If that's the case, go ahead and sign the papers. You can write down your species without telling us.", as she gave Peace the enrollment papers, he put down his age, gender, nickname, which he did put down, height, weight, which he weighs 150-160 pounds, and more. He finished writing the enrollment, and gave it to Luna, as the both looked at what type of species he is, and they were shocked. Eyes widened, bottom lips dropped, as they looked at each other for a second, and then looked at Peace and Hank, as Celestia shook off the shock she had, as did Luna, and she asked in a whisper... "Are you really sure that what you are? Me and Luna haven't seen a species like this in ages!", as she finished, Hank and Peace had the look of worry, as Hank said... "I can understand that our kind is not much of a friendly species, but...", he was interrupted by excited giggles from both women, as Luna spoke... "This is incredible! Mr. LeGhetto, your son will be the first of this kind of species to be in this school. Me and Celestia have been waiting for centuries for this, and now it's about to be reality! Terry, you'll make history at Equestria Universal High School!", she said with a bright white smile on her face, as Celestia said... "And you won't be alone; you'll have your human friends with you, and look out for you, just like me and my sister Luna will. Do you still agree on going to our school?", she asked, with a little hope on her face, as Luna had the same look. Peace thought about it for a moment, as he looked at his father, and gave him a smile, as Hank put his hand on his shoulder with a smile of his own, and gave him a nod, as he looked back at the ladies, and said... "With a rhyme, I say let's put the formal stuff to a cease, cuz like you, I wanna be your friend too, and you can call me Peace.", as he showed them his smile, and held out his hand for a shake, Luna was the first to proudly shake his hand, as was Celestia when it was her turn to shake, as she said proudly... "Then Peace Poet, we can't wait for you to come as our new student at Equestria Universal High School!", She finished, as she let go of Peace's hand, as the young man asked a question of his own... "Before you two go, um, what species are you? And if y'all don't wanna show your forms, that's OK, I apologize for askin'.", the ladies looked at each other, and Luna nodded, and a bright light blinded both men for about a few second, as the light faded away. The two men opened their eyes, and are in shock of what they see; both Celestia and Luna were transformed into anthro ponies. They were still the same height and size, but their skin was now fur coats, and have pony ears replacing their human ears. Celestia's was white with a hint of pink, and Luna's was a midnight blue. Peace was in awe of how amazingly beautiful they both look in that form, which he likes their human form, as well. Hank was also amazed at their forms, as well. Celestia spoke with a smile, but a bit of worry, as was Luna. "Peace, this is our true forms back in Equestria. Me and Luna are ponies, and we are both princesses of Equestria.", she said, as she and Luna spread out their wings, as Peace and Hank have more amazement on their faces. Then the men noticed that the ladies have horns on their foreheads. Luna spoke, as she cleared her throat. "There are diferent pony races: Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn. Me and my sister are a rare pony race called an Alicorn. Alicorns have the Earth ponies strength, Pegasus speed, and stronger magic than some Unicorns. There are five Alicorns, including us, as far as we know, that exist in Equestria." "There are other creatures other than ponies in Equestria; dragons, hippogriffs, kirins, griffons, minotaurs, centaurs, and many more that have just as much intelligence as this world, that are myths in this world. Although, there are other creatures that don't have much intelligence, but that's for a another time to explain to you. If you have Earth style technology on you, like your cellphone, tablet, computer, and other electronic devices, you can bring those with you. they will work in Equestria. The creatures in Equestria, like us, also have human like features, as well. But I do have one question, and I'm serious on this, which form do like from me and Luna? Be honest.", Celestia asked, as she and Luna await for their answer from the young man. And without hesitation, Peace spoke with an answer... "I'll be completely honest, you two surprised me when you both transformed like this. But my true and honest answer, both forms are truly amazing. And if you don't mind me sayin' so, both of you look beautiful in both forms.", both the ladies blushed at what Peace said, as he continued... "Plus, the way the world is right now, there's a lot of prejudice and hate around. But some of the world has it's good parts, most of it on the other hand, well, you get the gist of it. And if anyone saw you two in the forms you're in right now, they'd definitely use y'all as guinea pigs for science experiments, and your life wouldn't be the same after that. So, I don't think these forms would be best to be in. I don't judge others of race, color, or religion, but I do judge some for puttin' down others.", Peace told his answer to the principal, which is a princess, and the vice principal, which is also a princess. They both went back to their human forms, and nodded in agreement of the young mans answer. Luna spoke to Peace, and asked... "Do you have any weapons on you? Unlike the schools here in your world, you can bring one or a few. But no firearms.", she said in a scolding tone at the last statement about firearms, as Hank spoke... "Peace has never used a firearm in his life. But other weapons, he could be faster than a bullet or a lightning strike with any martial art weapon he has!", Hank spoke proudly, as Peace spoke of the weapons... "Bo staff, ninja and samurai swords, clubs, nunchucks, daggers, baton, sickles, spears, and that's pretty much it. I guess they're a little extreme, huh?", Peace said with a little hint of dissapointment in his voice, as Celestia said... "Not at all! We do allow weapons like that at Equestria Universal High, but we don't allow killing there. That would be immediate expulsion from the school and banishment from Equestria. But, if you kill in self defense, we will reward you.", Celestia said, as Peace nodded in understanding, as the principal continued... "Now, if that's all, here are some of our magical stickers that we have, so you can put them on your belongings to your dorm anywhere in Equestria. We've made dorms, or houses, if you will, in any place in Equestria. Plus, you'll have a special magical door that'll take you straight to the school from your room. There are places like Canterlot, where the school is placed at, Ponyville, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, anywhere you want your dorm at. The choice is yours, Peace.", as Celestia finished explaining, Peace did ask if Manehattan was similar than Manhattan, New York in his world, Luna said yes, as he shook his head no at Manehattan, since it'll be loud and noisy like the Earths counterpart. He thought of one place that would be peaceful, quiet, and hopefully friendly.... "What about Ponyville? It sounds like a peaceful town, to me.", Peace asked, as Luna spoke with a smile on her face... "Ponyville is a great town for every pony and creature to live in. Everyone is friendly there...mostly everyone.", that last part Luna said with a flat tone, as Luna continued... "Sorry for the last part, but sometimes, you will find someone that isn't as friendly as many others are. But other than that, you should find some friendly folk in that town.", Luna said, trying to keep it positive for Peace, as he said... "I'm there; Ponyville's my place! When do I get there?", as the young man made his final decision on where he would move to for his own place to stay. Both ladies breathed a big sigh of relief, as Celestia, spoke and said... "You've made a right choice, Peace, and we truly hope you enjoy your stay in Ponyville and at Equestria Universal High School. You'll start next week when the dorm house is built, which is almost done, of course. Before me Luna leave you, you said that you can sense energy, can you sense all types of energy? You and your father?", Celestia asked, as she awaits for one of the men to answer, which Hank is about to answer now. "Magic, or Ki if you will, black magic, and even deity energy. We can sense almost all types of energy.", Hank answered, as Celestia and Luna nodded in understanding, as Luna has a question. "How far can you sense energy in the world?", Luna asked, as she awaits for her answer from Peace, which has an answer for her... "Well, I can pretty much sense energy in a 6,000 mile radius, dependin' on how powerful a being is.", the young boy said, as both women were stunned to hear what he said. Six thousand mile radius, which is amazing for that kind of ability. And with that, Celestia asked another question. "OK, then between me and Luna, who has the highest power?, she asked, as Peace closed his eyes, and looked relaxed, as he exhaled for a second. Not even five seconds, he opened his eyes, and said... "Truthfully, Principal Celestia's power is a little higher than Vice Principal Luna's. But if the both of you were at full power, I think this apartment buildin' would be gone, and pretty much the whole city of Manhattan.", he finishes, as his dad nodded in agreement, as he too, can sense energy. Celestia and Luna were both amazed, but Celestia gave Luna a smug on being more powerful, as Luna just gave her older sister an angry pout. As Luna looked at the two men, and said... "Me and Celestia are amazed that you are one of a few students that can sense energy in that much distance. You are a very interesting being, Peace Poet, and we both hope to see you in a week from now.", as Luna said with a smile, as her sister spoke to the young man. "And it's really great to meet you both. Do you have any more questions before we leave?", Celestia asked, as Hank asked... "Um, are there cars in Equestria? Because Peace has three of them.", Hank asked, as Peace was hoping for an answer he's been waiting for, as Luna said... "Yes, there are vehicles near similar to the ones here. So yes, you can bring them with you to Equestria. But our fuel is far much different than the Earth's, and more efficient, but I don't think it will harm the performance of your vehicles.", Luna said, as Peace exhaled a sigh of relief, as he said... "Great! Will Ponyville have a parking garage, or a garage at the dorm?" "Of course, Peace. The dorm house does have a garage, and there's a parking garage next to the hospital. But we do have storage units there, too, if you want to use them.", said Celestia, looking at Peace with a worried look on his face, as she thought, "The vehicles must be important to him, and he reminds me of some pony I know.", she giggled a little on a comparison of the pony she's thinking of to Peace. She and Luna were zipping up their bags, and are about to leave. "We hope to see you next week, Terry LeGhetto, also known as, Peace Poet. It was a great pleasure to meet you and your father.", Luna said, as she shook both of their hands, as did Celestia. "Like Luna said, it was a great pleasure meeting you both, Peace. We hope you can make new friends, and enjoy your company with your old friends.", Celestia said, as Hank bowed in respect, as did Peace. "And it was great meeting you both, ladies." "Likewise; I can't wait to get started!", Peace said, as he was showing his smile to show that he was really happy to go to the new school, especially with the friends he know. But before the ladies leave, Hank puts his coat on to go out with them. "Goin' to the blacksmiths, Pop?", Peace asked, as if he knew where his dad was going. "Yeah, and he should get it finished by mid week this week. So it'll be ready before you go to school. See ya when I get back, son. And let me just say, of what you've been through all these years, I'm proud of you, son. And I know your mama would be proud, too.", Hank said, as Peace showed his sincere smile, as Luna and Celestia were listening in on the conversasion between father and son. "Thanks, Pop. I know Mama's proud of me, too, and I hope to keep makin' her and you proud. See ya later, Pop, and see you next week, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna. I hope I won't let y'all down and make y'all proud.", Peace said, as Celestia spoke and said... "I have no doubt that you'll make anyone proud, Peace. We will see you next week, fellow student.", Celestia and Luna both waved their goodbyes, as they exited the apartment, and Hank waved goodbye, and shut the door behind him. Peace went to his phone, and called his friends that are going to the same school as he is. A few minutes later, walking down the street was Hank, Celestia, and Luna, as they were a few blocks away from the apartment, and are having a very interesting conversasion... "You haven't told him what really happened, did you?", Luna whisper to Hank, as he was looking at the ground, not looking at upset looks of Luna and Celestia. He took a deep breath, and spoke his answer... "I would've, but Peace would do somethin' stupid if he heard what happened to Gracie. Peace is strong, but he's like the Hulk on TV, all bottled up, and wanna go on a rampage. I want him to stay calm and be happy.", Hank said, with a worried tone in his voice. Celestia look at him, while Hank's not making eye contact with the principal/princess. "Look, I know you're looking out for Peace, and I respect that, but he will find out sooner than later of what happened to Grace. So either you tell him, or me or Luna will. It's been twelve years, Hank, and Peace needs to know!, Celestia said with a scolding tone. Hank clenched both of his fist, and said... "I know! But haven't the heart to tell him, nor do I have the right time to tell him. I'm afraid of how he'll act, and I know you sensed his power!", Hank said half yelling, still with worry in his voice. "Yes, we felt his power, and we're sorry for speaking out of turn. Like you, we're also worried about Peace. And this is the first time in twelve years we've seen him.", she said sincerely, as Celestia looks at Hank also with an apologetic look. "I, too, must apologize to you, Hank. I know this is very hard for you, and we'll all tell Peace what happened when the time is right. And I promise you, we will care of him, I promise." she said also with sincerity in her voice, as Hank finally calmed down, and spoke. "I'm sorry, too, for shoutin' act you two. It's just that me and Peace are like best friends, and I don't want the relationship between us change. Can we tell him whenever the school has time off? I'd fell better telling him then.", Hank asked, as he finally looked at both Luna and Celestia in the eyes, with a begging look on his face. "Well, how does three months sound? But you HAVE to tell him within that time.", said Celestia with a half scolding tone in her voice. Hank nodded, as Luna stepped in. "Not four months, five months, six months, THREE MONTHS! And not a day more, got it?!", Luna said, as she got in Hank's face, as he nodded rapidly, while breaking a sweat. Luna finally backed off with a smirk, as Celestia giggled. Hank let out a sigh of relief, and said... "You have my word of honor, ladies. Not a day over, I'll tell him, and that's a promise.", he said with honesty in his voice, as he and the ladies stopped in front of a metal shop. Celestia and Luna both gave Hank a farewell hug, as Luna said... "You know, if you have more training with Peace, you could give him some final lessons before coming to the school.", she said, as Hank thought about it for a second, and he agreed with the idea. "That's not a bad idea, Luna. He might finally break the limits; he's already surpassed me and Gracie, and surpassing the master would be the final test, though it'd be hard for him. I'm sure he'll do, he has the power to do it. And don't worry, he'll have plenty of breaks.", with confidence in his voice, Hank show the ladies that he has faith in Peace, and will support him. "I'm sure that Peace will get stronger, Hank. Well, this is where we part ways, my friend. Please take care of yourself. We will see you and Peace in a week.", she said, as Hank bowed to them both, as they both vanished in thin air. After they were gone, Hank thought of one thing... "Teleportation works very good, but wait until they see Peace's new ability when he gets his first challenge at the school. Now let me call him to let him know that we're goin' travelin' before school starts.", he finished his thought, as he got out his cellphone, as he entered the metal shop. One week later... Today was the day that Peace will be going to a new school from another dimension. When his dad Hank called about training for a week to see if he can surpass his master in Shaolin, he was thrilled about it, but reminded himself not to be overconfident in the training. Just two days before school starts, Peace did surpass his master in Shaolin, and Hank was more prouder of his son then anything. One day before school started, Peace got his new custom sword that has a reverse blade on it, and it's made of tungsten steel. Earlier that morning, Peace packed his bags with all his belongings that he needs with him, including his weapons that he'll take with him. Peace looked about the same, but he himself felt different after training, but emotionally, he's fine. He did put the magical stickers on his belongings, including his vehicles, as they were ready to be teleported to his dorm room. Before the stuff was sent, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna appeared by teleportation in Hank's and Peace's apartment to greeted them. Celestia and Luna were happy to see Peace in his regular clothing, as he was wearing his gray hoodie, with a red shirt underneath, black jeans, and red hi-top shoes. But what they saw on Peace were black wrist bands on each wrist, as Luna asked... "Wrist bands, are they for fashion? I mean, I don't mind it, but it's been years since I've seen anyone wear them in school.", this also raised an eyebrow from Celestia, as Peace explained. "Well, the wrist bands are really weights, so that way I'm still pretty much trainin' while in class. My clothes, hats, and shoes are also weights for me, that way it's like trainin' for me. These were made by a couple of good friends of mine from the Shaolin Temple. They did a very good job makin' my clothes look like the ones that are in stores. They did it for me for free, but I can't take advantage of their generosity and kindness, so I tried to pay them, but they refuse to let me pay. One of the said, "The only payment I want from you is your respect, love, friendship, and smile." My childhood friends are amazin', too, just like the friends that made my clothes, my master, and more importantly, my parents. Without their lovin' support, I wouldn't know what I'd do.", Peace said sincerely, reminiscing about how much his loved ones care about him. Celestia and Luna had tears in their eyes listening to Peace's story, as was Hank, as he wiped the tears from his eyes, cleared his throat, and spoke. "He'll still be practicin' before and after school every 10-20 minutes. Though, he can still have fun with his old and new friends. A kid like him needs some fun in his life.", Hank said, as the ladies nodded in agreement. Celestia leaned down towards Peace, and looked him in the eyes. For a second, he saw a fair amount of cleavage from the principal, then looked to his right, Luna looked at him as well, also showed some cleavage, which made Peace avert his eyes from both of them, and blushed hard, as he was red in the face. The ladies giggled, as did Hank, as Celestia asked... "Was Peace teased by some ladies, by any chance?", she asked, as the young man was sweating bullets from looking at Celestia's and Luna's assets, as Hank said... "You have no idea. Poor boy wants to look at boobs, but doesn't wanna take advantage on any woman. He did have some Playboy magazines years ago, but Gracie made damn sure that he stayed innocent. Peace is a good boy, but he'll have to be intimate with a girl sometime in his life.", Hank said, as Peace was still red in the face, but with embarrassment. "But not too soon, Pop! I don't ever wanna take advantage of any lady, and I don't know if I'll ever find the right girl for me right now. Though I guess shouldn't let any girl take advantage of me, either, but I don't wanna hurt her, or any of them!", Peace said with worry in his voice, as Luna puts a hand on his shoulder, and said... "I'm glad you feel that way, Peace. There will be boys that won't feel the way that you do, and will do stuff that you won't to a woman. Getting off track; we were just testing you to see if you'd want to touch our breast, and you didn't.", Luna said with a smile on her face, and Celestia was smiling, as well, as she spoke to the young man. "And we both know that you're a gentleman, Peace. And we apologize for testing you like that. I hope you can forgive us.", she said, as both ladies gave Peace an apologetic look, which is pretty much a puppy dog eyes. Peace sighed and smiled, as he said... "All's forgiven, and apology accepted. So, I guess you two will give me the tour of Equestria Universal High, or is anyone else givin' me the tour?", Peace asked, as Luna thought about it, and said... "I'll give you the tour, Peace. Celestia has other things to do. We have others in our staff helping her with the speech in the auditorium before classes begin. Is that OK?", Luna asked, as she showed Peace the puppy dog eyes, hoping for a good answer. "Mama did the same thing to me, and now the vice principal is doin' it. Damn! Why she have to be so cute?!", Peace thought, as he smiled, and said, "Yeah, it's OK with me. I'd probably get lost without a guide, anyway.", he said, as Luna smiled at the answer, as she kept it professional on the outside, but on the inside, she was about to burst in excitement. "Splendid! Now, you can say your goodbye to your father, and take your time. Four years is a long time in high school." "We'll take care of your things, while you and your father say goodbye. And take your time, Peace, there's no hurry.", Celestia added, as she and Luna went to Peace's room to teleport his belongings to his dorm room. Peace put on his hoodie sweat shirt, as he looked at his father with a sad smile, as Hank had the same smile, as well. "Well, I know you'll make a lot more friends at that school and Equestria, son. Maybe meet a girl that's right for ya, too. Peace, I know at many school here in this world that me and Gracie told you to hold back your power, but to where you're goin', there's know need to. Just don't kill nobody, unless it's someone that's bein' an asshole to you, your friends, or the innocent just tryin' to make it in life. I may be strong, but you've surpassed me, boy, and I'm so damn proud of ya, and I know that Gracie and the masters are, too. Don't forget your trainin' that all the masters, me, your mama Gracie have taught you. You have the power, just use them wisely. Whenever ya have the time ta come home, tell me everything about Equestria, OK?", Hank said sincerely, as Peace nodded, with a tear coming down from his right eye, and said... "I won't forget what you, Mama, the masters, and everyone in Manhattan did for me. I won't let any one of y'all down. I love ya, Pop.", Peace said with a crack in his voice, as he hugged his dad, while Hank held Peace tight for a minute, after the hug broke hesitantly. Peace asked his dad... "You're gonna be alright, Pop? I hate to leave ya all by yourself.", he said with worry, as Hank answered... "I'll be fine, Peace. I told a few of my friends that I have your room for rent. Plus, your aunt said that she'll come by ta check on me.", Hank said, putting Peace's mind at ease, as the boy exhaled with relief. "OK, Pop. I know you hate it when I worry, but call or text me if anything happens, OK?", Peace said, hoping that nothing bad goes wrong in the future. Hank chuckled and sigh, as he said... "I was about to say the same thing to you, son. I guess we know that we got each other's back if anything happens to one of us. By the way, I love you too, Peace. Don't get into deep shit trouble. But if anyone gives you unwanted beef, give 'em hell. And I know you're gonna said this to me, so I'll say it for ya; be careful.", Hank said with finality, as Peace nodded, as they both fist bumped each other. The said principal and vice principal saw the conversation, and Celestia and Luna had tears in their eyes, as they looked at each other, and nodded to each other, as they entered the living room. Clearing her throat, Luna tried to stay professional, as did Celestia, as she said... "Are you ready, Peace? It's time; all of your belongings have teleported to your new dorm.", she said, with a hint of somber in her voice. Peace answered with a sigh... Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go.", the boy said, as Celestia held out her hand, and with a bright light, a portal appeared right in front of them. Peace gave Hank a thumb up, as Hank did the same, as a "see you later" gesture, as Peace and his guides walked in the portal, and the portal disappeared in a second. With tears coming from his eyes, Hank said... "I promise to tell you, Peace. I hope you won't hate me for this." There was a room with all of Peace's belongings in it, and the room was three times bigger than his old room in the apartment. The portal was in the room, as Celestia, Luna, and Peace come out from the portal, as the portal was gone in less than a second. Peace saw that all of his stuff was safe and not damaged at all, which was refreshing to the young man. Luna and Celestia transformed back to their Alicorn forms, as Peace noticed, which got him blushing red as a Radio Flyer wagon, the ladies chest got a little bigger. the princesses breathe a sigh of relief after they transformed. Celestia saw Peace's reactin, and giggled, as did Luna, as she explained. "For mares, and other female species here, breast tend to be a little bigger than a human females breast. As for stallions and other male species here...", as she was about to explain the difference between the males "sensetive part", Peace had to interrupt the princess. "I hate to be rude, but let's not talk about "that" part of the other male species and human males. Nothing against gay males, which I know would love to know, I'm gonna keep it on the straight line. My apologies for interrupin'.", he said, hoping he didn't offend Celestia and Luna, as Luna smiled, as did Celestia. Celestia said, with her hand up, calming Peace... "It's quite alright, Peace. And I understand that you're being respectable towards other genders. I'm just glad that you're one of the species that truly understands; most others are still prejudice towards other species and genders.", Celestia said with a sad tone in her voice. And Peace did understand, as he clutched his fist be annoyed about that there are still prejudice even in a different world. But Peace calmed down a bit, and knows that some of that prejudice will head his way in Equesttria Universal High School. After he calmed down, he looked around his new room, and noticed that it was way bigger than his room in the apartment. He was amazed by the size, and he even has a king size bed, when he had a twin sized one. His clothes, shoes, weapons, and more stuff were in the closet, but the closet was bigger than his old one, as well; pretty much a room sized closet. He turned to Celestia and Luna with joy in his face, and said... "I never had a room this big before! This room is awesome! Thank you so much for this!", he said with excitement in his voice. The ladies couldn't help but smiled at his reaction, as Luna said... "We're very glad you like it, but come out to the balcony, and you'll see more.", she said as he went towards the balcony, as he was three stories above ground, and saw a small town with houses that are made of either wood, stone, or both. He sees many anthro ponies in the town; Unicorns, Pegasus, and Earth ponies walking and/or flying in the town. Peace even sees a red schoolhouse, where he sees fillies and colts going in. But what left Peace in awe and speechless was the biggest building in the town, a crystal castle. Celestia puts a hand on his shoulder, and said... "We'll show you around here, Canterlot, and the school. I welcome you to the town of Ponyville. In general, welcome to Equestria.", Celestia said, as Peace was still in awe of the town and the ponies. "Whoa!" was all he can say, as Luna spoke, and said... "We'll start by taking you on tour of this dorm house. That way, you'll remember where to go, or who to go to for help.", said Luna, as they exited Peace's room, and showed him around the house. The house has eleven bedrooms with their own bathroom, three dens, two kitchens, a swimming pool, and of course, a living room. The dorm house is also made of crystal, but with a touch of stones and marble. What Peace couldn't believe that on the left side of the dorm house is a car garage, and it was just as big as the dorm house. The only vehicles that he sees is his own, three of them. Peace owns a Sonic Blue 2003 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra, a Navy Blue with white racing stripes 1970 Chevy Chevelle SS 454 LS-6 tribute, and a triple black 2021 Dodge Durango SRT Hellcat. Celestia and Luna were astounded by Peace choice of cars, but they were on a schedule to show the young man around Ponyville. For such a little town, there was a lot of thing around Ponyville. A few restaurants, thrift stores, flea markets, and more. And every facility they stop at, the ponies bow respectfully to the princesses. But then, Celestia showed Peace some of the popular places in Ponyville, as they stopped at a white fashion store. "This is the Carousel Boutique, owned by Cookie Crumbles, and Ponyville's best fashionista, Rarity. The store is also her home, as well. She also has two more boutiques; one in Manehattan, and one in Canterlot. This store has all kinds of fashion, and Rarity is a great clothing designer. Though unfortunately, she's at the school right now, and the store is closed for today, as you can see.", the elder princess said, as Peace saw that the store was closed for the school. He thought about going to this store, and Rarity's two other stores one day, as he Luna, and Celestia went around some more. They stopped at a bakery named SugarCube Corner, but it was closed for only half a day for the new school. Then they went near the Everfree, and saw an animal sanctuary, which is called Sweet Feather's Sanctuary, but it was still open. The three went in to see all types of animals, like a sloth, a bear, a few swans, elephants, many species of birds, and much more. As much as they want to stay a lot longer, they left the sanctuary, and went to a farm gate, which Peace saw the name "Sweet Apple Acres" on the sign. Luna explained about the farm. "The Apple family has been in Ponyville since it was made. Sweet Apple Acres has the best apples here in Equestria. And as you can see, it is also closed for half a day for the school. But believe me, Peace, you will love how the apples taste.", Luna said, and she saw that Peace was interested in wanting a bite of the apples. But seeing a security guard at the gate, Peace decided to be patient and wait for the opportunity. The last stop was the crystal castle, as Celestia explains. "This is the Castle of Friendship, home of my faithful student, and one of the Princesses of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. She will also be in our school, as well. We could enter the castle, but we will wait until after school is over, as you can see the guards here.", Celestia stated, as there are about twelve guards at the gate. Peace was amazed about popular the little town can be. As much as he wants to know more, he's on a schedule, so he, the principal, and vice principal went to the train station, as the train was coming from the south in a distance. The train had a old style steam locomotive with eight passenger cars, and the train was purple and pink. Peace didn't discriminate at all, as he said... "That's cool! I always love train, old, new, steam, diesel, and electric. Me, Pop, and Mama always go to the train depot, or the subway whenever it rains, to watch trains. This'll be my first time ridin' a steamer.", Peace said, as the ladies smiled, as Luna said... "That's wonderful! I hope you'll find more experiences like this one. Now, let's go to the school.", the younger princess said, as they boarded the train, as the train took off slowly and headed to Canterlot to Equestria Universal High School. There weren't many passengers on the train, as Peace sat beside Luna in one seat, and Celestia by herself in the other seat, which made Celestia pout with a hint of jealousy. She shook it off, and spoke to Peace about something. "Now Peace, I want to explain to you about the love relationships here in Equestria..." > The Tour of the School, Reunion, Meeting New Friends, Opening Ceremony, and a Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the train heading to Canterlot and to Equestria Universal High School, both princesses, or should we say, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were telling Peace Poet about love relationships in Equestria. Peace was a little nervous, but he listened very closely, as Celestia started first. "Ponies, whether it's a mare or stallion, can have a herd, which is a harem. In a herd, you can have twenty to fifty lovers in a herd, or harem, in your worlds case. Though, some stallions and mare can be somewhat aggressive for being a herd leader; some will be firm, fierce, and can be a tyrant, if they want to. What I'm trying to say is that there's not that many stallions in Equestria, whether they are Earth, Unicorn, or Pegasi ponies, which is plural for Pegasus. I know that you're a good person, Peace, but the question is, if you had a herd with any kind of species here in Equestria, how would you treat each one in your herd?", Celestia finished, as she waited for Peace to answer, which didn't take long for him to answer. "To be honest, I don't want anyone in my herd, if I had one, to call me master, or just see me as a leader, I just want them to see me as me. And if they have some ideas that I should've though of, which I don't want credit, but to give them credit, they can tell me their ideas. Plus, I don't wanna own them, or see them as property, or a thing that's for sale. I see a livin' being that's just wanna do what they want, and be free to do what they want. And if they're in trouble, I'm there for them. If their families are in trouble, I'm there for them the best I can. I want my herd to be treated with respect, love, and friendship, and I just want them to be happy. And I'll try my best to do what I can for each of them.", Peace finished his answer, and both Celestia and Luna were amazed and really happy about his answer. Luna spoke more on the subject, and said... "Spoken like a true man, and good person. Although, if one has that special somepony, or someone, whether they are on a date, or engaged to be married, they will have to join your herd, as well. Now some might be straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian, even transgender will join a herd. Would you accept that being in your herd?", the vice principal finishes, as she waited for the young man to answer, which the answer didn't take long to wait for... "Honestly, I'll accept anyone that's bi, gay, lesbian, trans, straight in my herd. I won't discriminate, but I have to draw the line on gay and trans bein's. Don't get me wrong, I'll be friends with them, hang with them, but I'm a straight guy. Although, bi and lesbians I can get with, if they like me, that is. I'm hopin' I'm not bein' rude and cruel about the trans and gays, but I respect them, and they need love, too. I just can't give them "that" kind of love, I'm kind of a brother or best friend that shows that kind of love. Thought, if anyone disrespects my gay and trans friends, I will step in and help them, no matter what.", Peace finishes his answer, as Luna nodded in understanding, and said... "That's understandable. Now there's no dress code at the school, so you're OK the way you are, as long as you don't wear anything gang related, or with profanity. And like we told you, you're allowed to carry a weapon with you in classes, as long as it's not a firearm, or you're expelled and banished from Equestria, am I clear?", she said firmly, as Peace said calmy... "To be honest, I don't like guns, and I never used one, and never will. The weapons I have are all I'll use, but I will do hand to hand mostly. But, I do understand perfectly.", Peace said, as Luna smiled at him, as did Celestia, as the train is about to stop at the city of Canterlot. As the train stopped at the depot, all of the ponies and other creatures bowed respectfully at the princesses, as one of the Royal Guards walked beside the princesses and Peace to the black limousine. Peace was in awe at how spacious the limo was on the inside, as Luna spoke, and asked... "Is this your first time in a limo here?", she asked, as Peace looked at Luna, and said... "This is my first time in a limo, period! It's amazin' how roomy it is inside. Plus, it's comfortable too, like I'm sittin' on a memory foam mattress.", he said with excitement in his voice, as both ladies chuckled at Peace's fun nature. "If you want, we can give you the same material for your bed, chairs, seats for your vehicles, just say the word, and will do it for you.", Celestia said, as Peace's eyes widened in shock of her generosity. But he shook his head, and said... "I couldn't let you do that; I don't wanna take advantage of ya for doin' it. When I get a job here, I'll pay ya back.", Peace said, and trying not to be rude to the elder princess, as she said... "It's quite alright, and besides, think of this as a "Welcome to Equestria" gift from us. We really don't mind at all.", Celestia said, as Peace sighs in defeat, as just says... "Well, OK, then. And I truly appreciate it. Except for my friends on Earth, I don't get this kind of generosity.", Peace said with a sad tone in his voice, as Luna and Celestia both had their hands on each of his shoulders for comfort, and giving him a comforting smile, telling him that he's not alone. During the ride through the city, Celestia and Luna showed Peace their favorite places, like The Tasty Treat restaurant, Donut Joe's restaurant, and more places, so that Peace can go and buy whatever he wants. But what Peace sees in a distance is a big castle at the end of the street. The princesses were going to show Peace a tour of the castle, but they were on a schedule, so the tour of the castle will have to be another time. But they did reach their destination, as they drove up to a gate, which the security guard opened up, as they drove on a five mile road, Peace sees building, great big buildings, as he sees a giant upside down horseshoe as a drive thru, with "EUHS" engraved on it. Then, as they gotten closer, Peace's eyes widened at how huge the facility is, as Celestia said... "Peace Poet, welcome to Equestria Universal High School. And I know that look; you're about to ask how big is the school, right? Well, me and Luna have been going to your world, and the school has covered two point six six miles long and wide.", the principal said, as Peace gasped in shock, as he thought of NASCAR's biggest track, Talladega Superspeedway, as the race track was the exact same size as the school. It was no wonder the school was more than university size in his world. "Well, at least I have good walkin' shoes.", Peace said with a nervous chuckle, as he still trying to let the size of the school sink in. When they finally entered the second gate, Peace got a better look at the school up close. It was like a little city then a campus! Each building were made of stone, marble, and crystal. Luna asked Peace a question... "Are any of the schools on Earth this big? We tried to make it right in the standards.", Luna asked, as Peace looked at her, and said... "This school would put my old school, no ANY school and college to shame! You could pretty much put three schools in here, many four!", he finished his sentence, still in shock, but with a hint of awe and amazement. As they go by many buildings, they can see that there are two big parking garages across from each other, and, which Luna stated, three parking lots, that would fit 500 vehicles each. Peace asked the the princesses a question... "So school won't actually start today? It's just a tour and a openin' ceremony?", he asked, as the principal said... "No, we just wanted to give you a tour of the school, so you can remember where you go. I'm sure your friends are wondering when you're going to meet them at.", that being said, Peace checked his phone, and sure enough, there were a few messages missed. He texted his friends back telling them that he'll be there in a minute, which the limo was already at the front door of a three story building, that had "Starswirl Hall" on the top of the double doors. When the chauffeur opened the door for them, they all gotten out of the limo, and headed for the the entrance. As they entered the Hall, Peace saw all kinds of creatures including ponies; dragons, hippogriffs, griffons, a few zebras, and much more. Celestia and Luna nodded at each other, as Luna spoke to Peace. "So, do you feel any magical energy around you? I know that there's a lot of beings in here, but you'll get use to it.", she said, as Peace was taking it all in, as he exhaled slowly, and said... "There's a lot of power in here; some more powerful than others, and more. Wait, I can sense my friends not too far from here. You don't mind if I...?",as Peace was about to ask, Celestia spoke to him, and said... "Go ahead and see them, Peace. We'll show you the rest of the school after the ceremony. On the walls, you can see the maps on them to tell you where to go. Me and Luna will have to get ready for the ceremony, and it'll be about and hour and a half until it starts. Will you be OK with your friends?", Celestia asked, hoping that Peace will be fine with his friends, and hoping he won't get in trouble. He looked at her with a smile, and said... "Yeah, I'm cool. I know you both have a lotta work to do, so go ahead and do your thing. Thank you for helpin' me so far.", he said politely, as both princesses smiled, as Luna puts a hand on his shoulder, and said... "You're very welcome, Peace. We will show you the tour of the school after we're done.", she said, as both sisters walked ahead of him, as all the students, teachers, families, and more bowed to the princesses. As Celestia and Luna entered a room, the conversations continued, as Peace started to walk down the hall, getting to his friends. And it didn't take long to find them, as he recognized then, and they saw his coming with excited smiles on their faces. One was a boy that was about 5'8", and had a crew cut, but some brown hair, brown eyes with eyesglasses, wearing a black NCIS shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. With the boy are two girls; one was about 5'4", lower back length strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a white shirt, blue jean skirt, white socks, and blue tennis shoes. The other girl was about 5'3", with ankle length silver hair, purple eyes, wearing a red AC/DC shirt, black jeans, and black shoes. The blonde haired girl ran to Peace first, as the silver haired girl ran behind her, with the other boy in tow. Peace got a big hug from the blonde haired girl, and the silver haired girl, and finally a bro hug from the other boy. The blonde haired girl spoke first. "Peace, I'm happy to see you!", the blonde haired girl said, with excitement in her voice, and a big smile to match. "Golden Heart, it's always great to see you, and I'm happy to see you, too. I heard you, Hype, and Glori went on a trip to the Grand Canyon while I went trainin' with Pop in Shaolin. Did y'all have a good trip?", Peace asked, as the other boy name Hype answered... "Yeah, man! We went on a tour, took a train ride, went to a zoo, took a raft ride in the river, it was a blast! I wished you'd come, bro, but you had to train before comin' here.", Hype said, as the other girl with long silver hair spoke with a Mexican accent. Si, amigo, we all wished you'd come with us. We did have a fun time, but it didn't feel the same without you.", the silver haired girl said, as she and Golden Heart give Peace the sad pouty look, which Peace sighed at them trying to guilt trip him. He sighed, and said... "I know, I know, but I figured that y'all needed a break from helpin' me through the years of keepin' my powers a secret. And since we're here, I don't have to keep it a secret no more, I can go all out from now on. Plus, I don't have to keep who I really am a secret, either.", Peace said, as his friends exhaled in relief that they don't have to keep Peace's identity a secret anymore. A few minutes past, as they carried on their conversation, but it was interrupted by two white unicorns arguing in the hallway, and the argument was heated! One unicorn was a stallion with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a white tuxedo with a rose in the jacket pocket, white pants, and black shoes. He was arguing with a mare unicorn with purple hair in a curl with a hair clip with three diamonds, along with the tail, sapphire blue eyes, wearing a light blue shirt, a gold bracelet on each wrist, a purple skirt also with three diamonds, and purple boots. Peace and his friends were listening to the unicorns arguing, as did everyone else in the hallway. "Oh, come now, Rarity. I said I was sorry about last years gala. I'm hoping you can forgive me, dear.", the stallion unicorn said, as the irate mare unicorn stomped her hoof in anger, and said... "Forgive you?! Well, pardon moi for not wanting anymore cupcakes and apple fritters in my mane and tail again. I told you a hundred times, Blueblood, I will NEVER forget how you've treated me, nor will I forgive you! Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go to my family who are waiting for me. Good day to you, sir!", she said with a "harumph" with her head held high, as Blueblood got angry, and grabbed the mare unicorn named Rarity by force, as she was trying to get him off of her. "Unhand me, you prince in shadow clothing!", she shouted, as Blueblood raised his right hand to slap her, and said... "No mare defy me, EVER!!!", as he was about to slap Rarity, a hand caught Blueblood's arm, and pushed him away from Rarity, as Blueblood stumbled back a bit, but stopped himself to look at who pushed him. It was none other than Peace Poet himself that pushed Blueblood back from Rarity, and Peace looked a little upset of how that unicorn stallion was treating the unicorn mare. Peace stared at Blueblood with eyes narrowed for a moment, as he looked back at Rarity, and asked her... "Are you alright? He didn't hurt ya too bad, did he?", he said calmly, and is hoping that Rarity is alright, but she was shaking a little bit. "Y-yes, I'm fine, thank you. You saved me, mister...?", she asked politely, wanting to know the name of her savior, as Peace introduced himself... "Peace Poet, miss, and I'm happy ta help. I'm just glad that you're OK.", Peace said with a caring smile, as Rarity calmed down a bit, and smiled back. But the moment was interrupted by an angry yell. "HOW DARE YOU COME BETWEEN ME AND MY MARE, YOU BASTARD!!!", Blueblood said enraged, and Peace looked at him, and spoke to him in a cold voice. "Bastard? Now that's now very nice to call someone you don't know. Two things I don't tolerate; one, hittin' and touchin' a lady the wrong way. Two, you sayin' that she's YOUR mare, like she's your property or thing, when she don't want you. I don't know who you are, bruh, but from where I'm from, men, or stallions, should treat ANY female with great respect, and like a true princess. Now, if you're done arguin' with her, it be best that you'd be on your way, and take a breather.", Peace said, as he tensed up, getting ready to see if Blueblood will do anything stupid. But amazingly, he didn't, as he stormed away in anger, and Peace sighed and relaxed himself. Peace turned back to Rarity, which was way calmer now, as he asked... "Are you sure you're OK? Or did I scare ya?", he asked, as Rarity shooked her head rapidly, and said... "No, no at all! I couldn't blame you for being angry at that brute. Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Rarity, and it's nice to meet you, Peace Poet.", she introduced herself, as she held out her hand for a shake, as Peace politely shook. But then, Peace thought about what Celestia and Luna said, and they did mentioned Rarity's name more than once, as he spoke... "Wait, you're the fashion designer from Ponyville, aren't 'cha?", Peace asked, as they finished the handshake, and Rarity said... "Why yes, I am! Though, my mother owns the shop for right now, since I have to be here at school half a day. Who told you about me, if you don't mind me asking?", she asked, as Peace answered... "Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna told me, and they escorted me here from my world, Earth. I looked at the designs, but from the window, since the store was closed. You make great designs, honestly.", Peace said truthfully, as Rarity blushed, but shook her head when he said he's from Earth. "You're from Earth?! That's amazing! I've always wanted to meet a human being from Earth.", she said excitedly, as Peace stood there with a smile. But as soon as he was about to tell her what he really was, Rarity asked him another question. "How in angel wings did you get here to save me so quick? Where did you come from?", she asked, wondering how did Peace come to her aid so quick, as he got out his phone to text one of his friends to wave, as he was waving, and they were waving from fifty yards away! Rarity was stunned at Peace's speed, as she thought... "My stars! He might be as fast as Rainbow, maybe quicker. This is no ordinary human being I'm seeing, but he is nice handsome, and caring. And also-- Oh dear! I'm late!", her thought ended, as she looked at her phone, and looked at Peace, and said... "I hate to be rude, but I have to get going to see where my family went to, I'm sorry. It was nice meeting you, and I hope to see you again around here.", she said, hoping not to hurt Peace's feeling, as he nodded in understanding, and said... "No prob, Rarity. It was nice meetin' you, too. And maybe we'll see each other here sometime. I hope you'll have a good day.", Peace said, with a sincere smile, as Rarity smiled back and waved goodbye, as she ran off to find her family. Peace kept on smiling, and thought, "She's a pretty girl; beautiful in fact. Strong, courageous, won't take crap from anyone. Although, she's outta my league, but at least I gain a new friend.", Peace thought, as he walked back to his friends, as Golden and Glori were giving him the "who was she" look, as Hype just stood there, as Peace explained. "Her name is Rarity, and she was arguin' with some douchebag name Blueblood, and...", he was interrupted by a gasp from behind, and saw Luna and Celestia behind Peace. The only thing he did was asked them a simple question... "Am I in trouble from him or you two?", and it was simple, as Celestia spoke, and said... "From us, no, you're fine. From Blueblood, most definitely. Me and Luna saw what happened on the cameras, and we thought about coming to your aid, but you handled it well against our nephew.", she said, but Peace face was now from questionable to shock in a second, as he spoke about that. "Hold up, nephew? As in "your brother's son, and take care of him like you love him" nephew?", he asked, as Luna answered, as she and Celestia groaned in annoyance. "Yup, but Blueblood is our "he's our brother in law's son, but we want to put him in his place so bad" nephew. We love our brother in law, but his son, our nephew, still a question mark on the love part.", Celestia said, as she sees the rest of Peace's friends. "Hyper Active, a known DJ and best friend of Peace Poet for five years. Glorious Miracle, also a best friend of Peace, who was born in Mexico, but came to Manhattan as an exchange student to learn more about American culture, and to teach Americans about Mexican culture. And Golden Heart, another best friend of Peace, who is a girlfriend of Hyper Active, and a singer. I say, you have great friends, Peace.", Celestia said honestly, as Peace nodded in agreement, and said... "They helped me out a lot in school, and I hope one day I can return the favor. They deserve so much more than a "thank you" from me.", he said sincerely, as each of his friend smiled, and Glorious and Golden had tears in their eyes, as they wiped them. Luna also spoke to Peace, and said... "I understand that you, Hyper Active, and Golden Heart are a music group, and Glorious Miracle is the manager, correct?", she asked, as Glorious spoke to the vice principal. "Si, I'm the groups manager, and they perform very well, Senora Luna. Hype can also rap as well.", she said, as Hyper nodded in agreement, and said... "True, but Peace can rhyme better than I can. Whatever rhymes he thinks in his head, he can either do a freestyle or write them down in a song. Plus, Goldie can sing really good, I mean angelic good! The only thing is we don't know what to call our group yet, but it'll come to us one day.", Hype said, as both of the princesses nodded in understanding, which they know it's hard to think of a name of a music group. "I'm sure you four will think of a name one day. And I hope that you're group will be successful, as well. This school does have music classes, four of them, and about five poetry classes. And Peace, I know one teacher is going to like you when you go to her class.", Luna said, as Peace and his friends are happy to hear about this. Celestia looked at her watch, and said... "Well, we have to be going. The opening ceremony will start soon, so we have to go to the auditorium to get ready.", Celestia said, as she and Luna both walked away from the group waving goodbye, as Peace said to the others... "Those two have the highest powers I've ever felt in a while. I'd hate ta face them in a fight, but if it's a sparrin' match, that's a little different.", he said, as his friends looked at Peace, as Golden said... "Are they as powerful as your masters? I heard that they were called Alicorns.", she asked in a worried way, as Peace said, as he stayed calm... "They're right up there, but not even close to one of them. Though, there are bein's here that are just as powerful as Celestia and Luna, includin' Prince Blueblood, while I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on. He could be trouble here, so if he gives y'all any beef, let me know. I know y'all can take care of yourselves, but still...", Peace said, hoping to keep his friends safe from Blueblood, as Glorious Miracle hugs him, and said... "Estaremos bien, amigo. We're worried about you if you get into trouble. We don't wanna see you get hurt, or worse...", she said, as her voice cracked in a sad tone, as she, Hype, and Goldie were all worried about Peace. The boy pats Glori's head to calm her down, as he said... "I truly understand how y'all feel, and I know I worry y'all so much, but I'll be alright. I know I hid my powers on Earth, but this is Equestria, where I can sense all powers here. I don't know how strong I am here, but the air here is more better than Earth's. We'll see what happens, though; all we can do is press forward, and do what we can here in the new world.", Peace said, as Glori, Goldie, and Hype all calmed down, as they smiled at him, hoping that things will be alright. A while later, every creature was in the auditorium, that seated over 100,000. As luck would have it, Peace and his friends were sitting at the front row, along with his new friend Rarity, which he introduced to his friends, as she introduced himself. But beside Rarity was 8 more friends on the same row; two Pegasi ponies, two Earth ponies, two Unicorn ponies, and one Alicorn pony. The lavender Alicorn has long navy blue hair with a purple and pink streak, purple eyes, wearing a blue shirt, a purple skirt with a magenta six pointed star with six white stars around it, and purple boots. Next to her was a azure blue Pegasus with rainbow colored hair, with some muscle tone, magenta eyes, wearing a white t-shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt under a white cloud, blue jeans, and red high top shoes. Then next to her is a butterscotch yellow Pegasus with long pink rose hair with a bang almost covering half a her face, aqua green eyes, wearing a green sun dress with three pink butterflies on the front, and white tennis shoes. Then there's a pink Earth mare with long and puffy magenta hair, baby blue eyes, wearing a white sleeveless shirt with three ballons: two blue balloons with a yellow one between them, a light blue skirt, and light blue shoes. Next to her was a orange Earth pony, also with some muscle tone to her, with long blonde hair with a red band tie at the end, same as the tail, emerald green eyes, wearing a light brown Stetson hat, a white short sleeve collar shirt with three red apples on it, a green skirt, and brown cowboy boots. There were two more Unicorns next to her, one is orange, the other is light pink. The orange Unicorn has red orange hair with golden blonde streaks, aqua green eyes, wearing a black leather sleeveless vest, with a orange t-shirt with a sun on the front, black pants, and black boots. And lastly, but certainly not least, the light pink Unicorn. She has long purple hair with a mint green streak, lilac eyes, wearing a light purple stocking cap, a black leather vest, a mint green t-shirt with a light purple t-shirt under it, blue jeans, and gray boots. It was only ten minutes before the ceremony starts, as Rarity saw Peace again, as she spoke with a happy tone in her voice. "Peace, it's great to see you again! Even though, it was a while ago.", she said sheepishly at the last part, as Peace was also glad to see her again, and spoke. "I'm glad to see ya, too. I was hopin' that you were OK after what happened.", Peace said, as Rarity breathed a sigh of relief, as she said... "Oh, I'm fine, darling. I told my friends and family about how you stopped Blueblood. Which reminds me, let me introduce you to my friends.", she said, as all of her friends stood up from their seats, as did Peace and his friends. "Girls, this is Peace Poet, the Earthling who saved me from Blueblood. Go ahead and introduce yourselves.", Rarity introduced Peace, as the lavender Alicorn was first to introduce herself. "Hello, Peace Poet. I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. It's nice to meet you.", as she introduced herself as a princess, Peace kneeled down in respect towards her, as he said politely... "I'm honored to meet you, You Highness.", he said, as Twilight smiled, and kneeled herself down to say... "Please, call me Twilight. Any new friend of Rarity's is a friend of mine. Please get up.", and Peace did so, as he shook Twilight's hand. Next was the blue Pegasus... "Name's Rainbow Dash, one of the fastest flyers in Equestria. Nice to meet'cha, dude.", Rainbow held out her fist for a bump, and Peace respectfully fist bumped her. "Nice ta meet'cha, too. Can't wait ta see how fast you can fly around here.", he said, as Rainbow gave Peace a thumbs up. Behind Rainbow was the butterscotch Pegasus, hiding behind Rainbow. Peace saw this, and asked... "Did I do somethin' wrong?", he asked Rainbow, as she shook her head, and explained... "Nah, she's like this with everyone new around her. She can't help bein' shy, man. Give her time to warm up to ya. Her name's Fluttershy.", she said, as Fluttershy peeped from behind Rainbow, as Peace was giving her a sincere smile, as the shy Pegasus spoke... "Um, hi. M-my name's Fluttershy, and i-it's nice to meet you, Peace.", with a soft spoken voice, and timid demeanor, Peace still smiled at how cute she is, as he spoke. "It's nice to meet'cha too, Fluttershy. I hope we can be friends.", he said politely, as Fluttershy held out her hand for Peace to shake it, and he did gently. Fluttershy smiled a bit, knowing that Peace was a nice guy. The next pony was a pink Earth mare, which took Peace's hand, and shook it wildly. "Hi! I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie Pie. It's great to meet you, and I hope we can be friends! We have to make a party for you and your friends, and--", Pinkie was stopped by the orange Earth mare to calm her down, as Pinkie let go of Peace's hand, not sure what he'd make of Pinkie, but nevertheless, at least she's friendly. "Simmer down, Pinkie. He's gotta meet three more of us. I'm Applejack, and it's nice ta meet'cha, too. Friends call me AJ, by the way.", as she held out her hand, Peace shook it, as he noticed that she has a firm grip, but he's OK with that. "Nice ta meet'cha, too. Applejack. And of course, you too, Pinkie.", as he said to both Earth mares, there were two more mares to meet, both Unicorns. The orange Unicorn spoke. "Hi, I'm Sunset Shimmer. It's good to meet you, Peace.", she said, as she held out her hand, and Peace shook it. Then he saw the light pink Unicorn held out her hand, as he shook her hand, as well. "I'm Starlight Glimmer. It's nice to meet you, Peace.", she introduced herself, as Peace nodded to her. "Well, it's nice to meet you both. Now that I know y'all, and you know me, let me introduce y'all to my longtime friends; Hyper Active, his girlfriend Golden Heart, and our great friend Glorious Miracle.", He introduced them, as they all shook hands to each other. Hype asked Rarity about what happened earlier. "I hate ta ask, but what's goin' on between you and the douche that was all "you're mine" crap?", he asked, as Rarity's smile disappeared, and she sighed, and the rest knew what she was going to say, as Starlight went to put a hand on her shoulder, as she explained. "A few years back, I had a crush on Prince Blueblood, and thought that he'd be the stallion I'd be with. Charm, physique, royalty, I wanted to be his princess, but I was wrong. He made me hold doors for him, put down my best scarf over a puddle of water from the Grand Galloping Gala. Instead of being his date, I was his servant!, Rarity said, as her anger was showing, as was Peace's anger, as she continued. "It gets worse from there; when we made it to the dance hall, after Pinkie was having her, um, good time, she accidentally jumped from stage, hit Applejack's apple cart full of apple products, and the food was heading towards me and Blueblood. Did you know what the "brave prince" did? I'll tell you what he did, he used me as a shield, so he won't get hit by the food, and I got hit instead! I threw some food at him for not being such a gentleman, but after that, Fluttershy came in like a banshee going insane trying to make the animals love her!", Rarity finished, as Peace and his friends looked confused about the animal part, as Rainbow said... "We'll the Gala to ya later. It's complicated.", she said sheepishly, as Peace understood and left it alone. But one thing's for certain, Peace didn't like how Rarity was treated by Blueblood, and the really got him upset. No woman at all should be treated like that, at all! Sure Peace had some shares of bad women, but still, to be treated this badly was definitely not OK. He calmed down, as he said... "Well, I know who I hate now, and who I'll have ta watch out for, too. Rarity, I'm really truly sorry how he treated ya. Blueblood's a coward in stallion clothin'.", Peace said, as Twilight looked at him, and said... "Yes, Blueblood is a douchebag, but you can't touch him, Peace. If you do, that's a year in Tartarus.", she said, sounding worried if Peace did touch him, but... "Twilight, dear, he DID touch him, and pushed him away from me.", Rarity said, as the rest gasped at what she said. But to Twilight's surprise, Peace is still in front of her instead of the Tartarus place. Glori explained why, since she saw the confused look on Twilight's face. "Celestia and Luna saw it on video, but didn't call the police or anyone on Peace. So...", with that, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, as Celestia and Luna knew about the situation. But, there was more... "Plus, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna escorted me to Equestria themselves.", Peace said sheepishly, as Twilight's eyes widened in shock. She was about to ask him a question, but then an Earth pony mare came on stage, as she had short blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a purple business suit, and white high heels. Everyone sat down quickly, as did Peace and his friends, as the Earth mare spoke on the microphone. "Good morning, every creature, and welcome to Equestria Universal High School. I am Miss. Harshwhinny, and I do hope everyone will have a good stay at the school, and will have the best education here. Now, without any further delay, I like to welcome on stage the principal and vice principal of the school, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.", as she introduced the princesses, they both came out from the back and waved to the crowd, as there was a great cheers towards them. Both bowing to the audience as a thank you, and signaled them to calm down and be quiet for Celestia to give her speech. "Good morning, every creature. And as Miss. Harshwhinny said, we welcome you to Equestria Universal High School. And as you can see from the inside, you're in one of four auditoriums, and we call this the Mane Stage Auditorium. Now I noticed that on the top section, there are families of the students up there, and the students are on the bottom section, and I do hope you all are comfortable. At any rate, let's start the ceremony; many students are mostly ponies, Earth, Unicorn, Pegasi, crystal ponies, and one Alicorn. But we have more species here; changelings, kirin, yaks, hippogriffs, which can transform into seaponies, zebras, dragons, cats, dogs, buffalos, centaurs, minotaurs, lamias, and more creatures that want to learn here and take the education back to their land. But, we do have two rare species here, and they are from the planet called Earth. We have three humans...", as Celestia said that, Twilight and the girls counted Hype, Goldie, Glori, and Peace, and each of them counted four. Celestia saw that, and smiled at Twilight's confusion, as she continued. "Yes, there are four Earthlings here at this school; three humans, one...Saiyan.", a gasp come from a crowd, as Rarity looked at Peace, and thought... "Oh my stars! Peace is a Saiyan from Earth?! I've heard Twilight and Celestia tell me and the girls about Saiyans of how strong they are, and how human like they look, but this is unbelievable! I'm not judging Peace by any means, but the myth was true, after all! Twilight must be scared of-- Oh, never mind.", Rarity said, as she saw a big smile from Twilight's face. Twilight's myth became a historic reality, as she's studied about almost every creature in or out Equestria. There were other reactions from her friends, as well; Rainbow Dash was glad to see another creature she want to challenge, besides Applejack, and more. Fluttershy read about the Saiyans of their violent nature, but she doesn't feel afraid of Peace now, because of how nice and friendly he is. Pinkie was excited like Twilight to hear about species Peace is, and now she wants to make a party for him. Applejack was glad that Twilight's myth became true, as well, and now she wonders how strong Peace really is. Starlight and Sunset were both shocked and in disbelief that what Twilight taught them about Saiyan history is true. Everyone else has different thoughts on a Saiyan being in school; some wanted to be his friend or more, some were scared of Peace, and some already didn't like him. Celestia motioned Peace to stand up for the crowd to see him, and there were mixed emotions about him. But Peace didn't pay anyone any mind, as he sat back down, looking at Celestia and Luna, as it was Luna's turn to speak. "Now, with that out of the way, here are some rules I must tell you. As you read in the letter of your enrollment, you can have weapons on you for self defense, but do not kill anyone, not even off campus. If you do, you will be banished from this school and Equestria. If you are a magic user, you can also use magic as self defense, and again, do not kill anyone. But, if the one that is after you for no reason, and wants to kill you, call your teachers, security, me and Celestia, or go to an adult or law enforcement who is near you can help you, if you can't get to any of us on time. Speaking of defending yourselves, we have a coliseum arena called Cerberus Ring, named after the guard dog of Tartarus. You can challenge anyone to a fight here at school, even the teachers, and us", she said with a smirk, as most of the students, especially Twilight and her friends, are not sure about fight against Celestia or Luna. Hyper Active, Glorious Miracle, and Golden Heart agreed with them, except for Peace Poet. He had a smirk of his own wanting to know how strong the princesses are, but he'll challenge them much later on, as Celestia and Luna did look at Peace, as they had smirks of their very own, thinking that they might have to fight him one day. Luna continues with her speech. "If you defeat the challenger, you will earn fifty thousand bits and a week off from school with a trip of your choice of your destination. It doesn't matter if the challenger is a female or a child, you have to respect and honor their pride, mettle, and strength of what they do against you.", Luna finishes her speech, as Celestia speaks again... "Now, there are clubs that you can join, if you want to join, depending on what you like in a club; like poetry, sports, martial arts, cars, science, history, any club that you like, you can join, but it's entirely up to the club president to decide. School starts tomorrow, and I know all of you want to show us what you got. So as of right now, the ceremony is over, and your journey here in Equestria Universal High School will begin tomorrow morning. For today, you talk to your friends that you know, and friends that you made here. Enjoy your rest of the day, everyone, and be true to all!", as Celestia's speech ended, as did the ceremony, the crowd applauded the princesses, now principal and vice principal. Everyone gotten up from their seats, and some stayed to have conversations. As for Peace and his friends, they were quiet, as they got up ready to leave, as Twilight called them. "Would all of you like to hang out with us, and meet our families?", the Princess of Friendship spoke politely, as Peace looked a little hesitant about it, as Sunset spoke up. "We all know about Saiyan culture, well, some of it. And believe me when I say this, Twilight, Celestia, and Luna told us about what Saiyans are and what they do. But to me, you're different than the other Saiyans we've heard about. Fluttershy was scared of them, but she said if she met a nice Saiyan, she be friends with him and/or her.", she said, as it was Applejack's turn to speak. "That's true, partner; we all agreed with Fluttershy on what she said, and ya seem like a nice fella, along with your friends there. If'n y'all wanna find some friends, y'all found some right here.", she said with a tip of her hat, as Rainbow spoke. "And if you want some help, let us know, and we'll gladly help you out. And just know, we're awesome!", she said with her little boast. Peace looked back at his friends, as Hype nodded, and said... "We're with ya, bro. Plus, you, we, need some more friends here in Equestria.", he said, as Glori and Goldie smile at him, he smiled back at them, and turned to Twilight and the girls, and said... "Lead the way, new friends. I wanna know more about Equestria and what y'all do. And we'll do the same.", Peace said, as he agreed to go with Twilight and the girls, but was rudely interrupted by Prince Blueblood and six other men that looked like they were a biker gang. The first three were dragons; one was red and the leader, as he had orange hair, red eyes, wearing a black shirt, dark blue jeans, and black boots. Peace didn't recognize him or his goons, but had a good power inside him that he's hiding. But Peace, and his friends, along with Twilight and the others, recognized the other three, and Peace's eyes narrowed, as did the eyes of Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle. The leader of the second three has short dark gray hair, yellow eyes, looking a little built like Peace, standing 6'2", wearing a red shirt with a blue jean vest, black jeans, and brown boots. Peace wanted to say something, but Twilight spoke first. "So, Blueblood, you still have your servants with you, huh? Well, we won't let you harm our new friends!", she said sternly, as the rest of the girls agreed, although, Fluttershy stayed behind them, but she did agree with the, nevertheless. Rarity stepped up, as she crossed her arms under her breast with a stern look on her face. Peace noticed how well endowed Rarity was, along with Twilight and the rest of the girls, but Fluttershy's mounds were definitely hard to miss. He turned around quickly with his face beet red, as Rarity spoke to Blueblood and his goons. "Haven't you done enough damage by trying to hurt me? I told you that we are through, Blueblood! Get it through your head, already!, she said, as her anger was rising every second. "For such a strong stallion, ya don't take rejection very well, do ya? Would give ya an apple, but seein' ya eat would make me lose my appetite.", Applejack said, as her brow was raised at the prince and his goons. "And after what you did to my little brother, you're lucky I don't put you in Tartarus myself, Garble. That's Dragon Lord Torch's territory." Twilight said, as her anger was rising, as well. Peace was sensing her magic energy climbing a little, as was the rest of the girls energy, and he was impressed with how much power they were holding back on. "Spike's a weakling, and ponies made him soft like those tits on the yellow pony. As far as I'm concerned, he no dragon nor a pony, he's a useless little shit stain!", the red dragon Garble said, and that made Rainbow charging at him pissed off, even if she is 5'3". I'm gonna kick your ass if you keep on insulting Fluttershy and our little buddy like that! Let me go, so I can kick his balls in!", the blue Pegasus said, as Applejack and Pinkie Pie held her back. But to their surprise, Peace walked up to Blueblood and his crew, as Hype, Goldie, Glori, Twilight, and the others had worried looks on their faces. Peace noticed a few features of the three he does recognize; dog ears, nose, teeth, and tails. And he notice that the leader was a pitbull, the shorter one was a chihuahua, and the largest of the group was a bull mastiff. For the first time since they showed up, Peace spoke. "So this is y'alls true form here, huh? Heh, I gotta tell ya, I've seen prettier and cuter dogs, but y'all are the ugliest mutts I've ever seen. And even dog more uglier than you are more prettier than y'all are.", a big gasp came from Twilight and the girls, except for Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, Sunset, and Starlight, as they were dying laughing, as were Hype, Glori, and Goldie, at Peace's insult. "I see you've gained some balls insulting me, Saiyan boy! But you're still weak, since me and the Diamond Dogs beat you down many times, and we'll gladly do it again.", the leader of the now known Diamond Dogs said with an evil smirk, as Peace had a smirk of his own, and said... "Here's a thing, Rover, I LET you beat me down. On Earth, your kicks and punches that you and your dogs gave me, never hurt me, at all. Goldie put make up on me to look like bruises, and a black eye, and it still gave y'all a month long suspension. The reason why I didn't wanna make a move cuz A, I didn't wanna be found out as a Saiyan, B, I didn't wanna hurt ya or worse, and C, your dumb ass is lucky your still walkin' on your bitch-ass legs! And I know that you're still holdin' back some of your power, along with your crew. If you killed me, then you're goin' to Tartarus for life. Yeah, Celestia and Luna told me the laws and peace between dogs, humans, and ponies. And you don't wanna go to jail, and not pass go, or not get any bits now, do ya?", Peace finished his say, as Rover and his Diamond Dogs were livid at his insults. But the biggest insult of all, Peace turned his back on them, but he wasn't finished speaking. "As for the so-called prince, you wanna be a strong stallion, hit a real man, instead of a woman, coward!", he said, as Blueblood was seething, as he got out his phone, and texted someone. Rover and his Diamond Dogs felt their phones vibrate, as did Peace's phone, as they got them out and looked at the text, as Peace looked at Blueblood in confusion, as he said... "I see you wanna have you puppies fight for you, like a coward, the yellow stripe on your back is very true. Well, even though this is a low concept, me against you dogs tomorrow, I ACCEPT!!!", as Peace finished his rhyme, Twilight and the girls had worried looks on their faces, except for his long-time friends, which smirked at the dogs, as the smallest dog looked at them in anger. "You know that we only hid our power to play around with Peace, and now, we'll show you what we're really made of!", the short dog said, as he got into Golden Heart's face, as Hype grabbed him and tossed him to the floor. "You OK, babe? It looked like he was gonna give you some shitty rabies.", he said, as Goldie nodded, and gave the short dog the stink eye, as he launched himself at the girl. But he didn't get far, as Peace held out his palm and a gust of wind pushed the dog back to the other side of the auditorium. Celestia and Luna saw that, and quickly went to where everyone is, as Luna asked... "What's going on here?! Peace, are you OK?", she asked the boy, as she looked him over and saw that he was fine. "I'm cool, just makin' sure that a certain someone keeps his paws off of another true mans girl, is all. I was challenged by the Diamond Dogs tomorrow, thanks to your "lovable" nephew, I accepted it, and I'm ready for it.", Peace said, as both aunts looked at Blueblood, as he had a innocent smile on his face, as Celestia had a flat look on her face, and said... "Really? You're going the innocent colt route, huh? Well, one of these days, dear nephew, me and Luna will NOT save you from your troubles, remember that!", she said sternly, as Blueblood roll his eyes, as he spoke... I just want to see what this Saiyan can do against them, Auntie--", as Blueblood was still playing innocent, Celestia lays down the law hard. "PRINCIPAL Celestia, Blueblood! In Equestria Universal High School, you will address me as Principal Celestia and Luna as Vice Principal Luna. Your father, Beaureguard, is already on edge on what you do here in Canterlot, so don't disappoint him anymore as it is! And one more thing, if you lay a finger on Rarity, or her friends, I will PERSONALLY see to it that you will be severely punished, understand?!", Celestia said, and she was really pissed at how much of a headache Blueblood is, as was Luna, which she wants to punish him now, but couldn't, cuz she would go to Tartarus, even if she is a princess. Blueblood scoffs, as he said... "Yes, Principal Celestia, I understand.", he said, as he looked at Peace, and said... "You may be a Saiyan from Earth, but the Diamond Dogs will hurt you more than they did on Earth. Be prepared, peasant!", as he, the Diamond Dogs, and dragons, which didn't speak much, walked away and headed towards the exit. Starlight was the first to ask Peace and his friends a question. "Do you know the Diamond Dogs? I didn't even know that they were on Earth.", she asked, as Goldie answered... "Unfortunenately, yes, we know Rover, the short one, Sopt, and the tall dope, Fido. They've been bullying us since they started middle school, but bullied Peace the most.", she said, in the frustrated tone, as Glori spoke next... "Si, it was terrible to see them pick on Peace. We wanted to help him, but he said that he was protecting us from getting hurt or worse. Those gringos have no honorable soul in their bodies, and I want them to pay!", with anger in her voice, Goldie and Hype put each hand on Glori's shoulder to calm her down. Glori looked at Peace, and went to hug him tightly, as she started to cry. "I don't want you to get hurt anymore, amigo. I know you're strong on the inside, but you not helping other student at other schools that were bullied the same way you were. Seeing you lay on the street, I can't...", She couldn't finish her sentence, as Peace held her and stroked her hair softly to comfort her. Twilight motioned the girls to go ahead to the exit, as Celestia and Luna did the same. Peace calmly said to Glori... "If I helped those kids that gotten bullied, my secret would've gotten out. And yeah, it was really tough not helpin' those kids, and I fuckin' hate it. I hate it for y'all to keep my secret for so long, and I wanna repay y'all for doin' that. I--", he was interrupted by Glori kissing his cheek, as she said in a calm voice... "We love you, amigo. Your pain is our pain. We are with you, always.", she said with a small smile, as Goldie hugged Peace from behind... "We're not gonna leave you alone, Peace. Just like you would never leave our side, we won't leave yours.", she said, as Hype put a hand on his should, and said... "You're our best friend, bro, and you're family, no matter what.", Hype said, as Peace nodded, knowing that he has true friends that are there for him like his mom and dad have. Celestia and Luna are watching from a distance, along with Twilight and the others, they were just worried about Peace like his old friends are. "Celestia, Luna, where does Peace and his friends live in Equestria? We want to help them out the best we can.", Twilight asked, as Luna answered... "Well, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle live here in Canterlot. Peace however, he lives in Ponyville in the dorm house.", Luna said, as the girls gasped, Pinkie spoke... "That's where we moved into! We were gonna practice our skills after this. *gasp* I just have a brillant idea; why don't we ask Peace to practice with us?", Pinkie asked in her usual excited tone. Some of the girls agreed, but some didn't want to bother Peace about it. "He could totally be our sparring partner. I wanna see how strong he is, too", Rainbow Dash said, but Applejack thought different. "True, but I don't know about askin' 'im, though. He might wanna train alone in a quiet enviroment where there's no noise and such.", she said, as Pinkie nodded with a disappointed look on her face, and Rainbow just scoffs and crossed her arms. Sunset spoke to the rest of the girls and the princesses. "Well, the only way for him to get along with us is to get to know Peace and his friends, as they get to know us. But we don't wanna pry in his life too much if it's too personal. Let him take time to get to know us, as we get to know him.", she said, as the rest of the girls agreed, as did Celestia and Luna, as Fluttershy said... "I'm OK with that, if, um, all of you are OK with it.", the shy Pegasus said. "Sure, I'm down with it.", Starlight said, as Sunset gave her a fist bump. "If Peace likes parties and cakes, I'm definitely OK with that!", Pinkie said, as she takes a cupcake from her hair and eats it. "I wholeheartedly agree with that, darling.", Rarity said with a kind smile. "If'n he like country gals, then sure.", Applejack said with a tip of her hat. "Peace is already awesome like us, so I'm game!", Rainbow said as she raised her fist. "I have any type of books that he'll like, maybe, but I agree, let's do it!", Twilight said, as she and the rest of the girls put their hands together, and yelled out "GO HARMONY AND FRIENDSHIP!" Celestia and Luna giggled at the girls cheer, and Celestia said... "That brings back memories, doesn't it, Luna?", she said reminiscing on the old day, as Luna chuckled on what her sister was remembering. "Yes, dear sister, it sure does. Great, here comes the Diamond Dogs.", as the vice principals memories were interrupted by the Diamond Dogs coming their way. Peace and his friends just stepped out of the auditorium, and Spot held out his palm and powered up a blue energy ball. He shoots it from his hand, as the ball is heading straight to where peace and everyone else is standing. Luna was about to counterattack the blast, but another blue energy ball whizzed past her, and hits the other ball as they both exploded. It was a gusty shockwave, but Celestia puts up a magical barrier to keep everyone safe. As the smoke cleared, the Diamond Dogs were still standing, but Spot's face was of fear and regret. he wasn't afraid of Celestia, nor Luna, nor Twilight and the rest of the girls, he was scared of Peace Poet himself. Peace was the one that shot that energy ball at the one Spot shot at him with. Peace took a few steps forward, and stood in front of Celestia, as she looked shocked, as well. "Incredible! Peace's power was amazing, and it felt similar to how Twilight's power was when she first moved to Ponyville. She's more powerful, but I believe this isn't the true power of Peace yet; he has more left in him!", she thought, as Luna, Twilight, and the rest of the girls were also in shock of Peace's power, but not Hype, Glori, or Goldie. They knew how powerful Peace was, because they were smiling to finally see their friend show off his power. Back to the Diamond Dogs, Spot fell on his butt, still in shock and disbelief of Peace's power. "No way is he that powerful! That was half of mine that I just shot at him with, and he shot my blast like it was nothing! I know I'm not as strong as Fido or Rover, but I was only at half!", Spot thought, as he sees Peace staring him and his crew down with a disappointing look on his face. "Now y'all said tomorrow, right? I don't know why Blueblood instructed you to do that cowradly tactic, and shooting at innocent ponies and human bein's was the most cowardly I've ever seen you do. Tell your boss that since he want y'all to do his dirty work for him, he can grow a pair and come face ta face with me. Now get the hell outta here and tell 'im that.", Peace said in a cold tone, as the Dogs ran off in a hurry to give Blueblood the message. Peace exhaled, as he turned around to see many shocked faces, besides his friends. Celestia was the first to break the silence. "That was amazingly done! You shot Spot's blast without hesitation. How much power did you use?", she said excitedly, on par with Pinkie, as Peace gave her the answer... "To be honest, I was usin' lower than half of my power. If I used my full power, I don't even wanna think of how much I'd have to pay for a whole buildin'. Um, was I bad?", Peace said sheepishly, as Rainbow walked in front of him, and said... "That. Was. AWESOME!!! It was like the movies when the hero come through like a badass! And take it from me, I can be a badass!", Dash said with great excitement from her voice, as Goldie tackled hugged Peace, as he almost fell to the ground. "Are you OK? How do you feel?", with worry in her voice, Goldie hoped that Peace is doing fine, as he answered... "I'm cool; matter of fact, it's the best I've felt in years! On Earth, I knew I was powerful, but here in Equestria, the air is less dense, and I feel more lighter than before. And I'm wearin' my weighted clothes. But other than that, I'm good.", he said, and that was the best thing he said to Goldie, as she let go of Peace, as Applejack went over to the Saiyan boy, and said... "WHOO-WHEE!!!! Ya must be real strong ta be wearin' weighted clothes, SugarCube. I can't wait ta see how strong ya are against those varmits tomorrow.", she said proudly, but Peace thought otherwise... "Spot's not much powerful, but Rover and Fido are gonna be harder ta deal with. Tomorrow is gonna be the first time I've ever used my powers at a public school.", he said, which got Twilight to ask him a question... "Can you control your powers here in Equestria? I don't want to see you get hurt.", the lavender Alicorn said. She's right, bro; you are strong, no doubt, and this will be your first time fightin' someone other than the masters that taught ya.", Hype said, and Peace thought about it, and said... "You're right about that, Hype. I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow... Um, what time do I fight them, actually?", Peace asked, not know when he'll fight the Diamond Dogs tomorrow. "Tomorrow night in Cerberus Ring. There will be 5 fights a night, depending on which fight will start first. Will you be fine, darling?", Rarity asked, as Peace's face turns into determination, as he said... "Good, gives me plenty of time ta practice. What weapons do they use, Principal Celestia?", he asked the principal. "Spot uses a club, Rover uses a baseball bat, and Fido doesn't use any weapons. What will you use, Peace?", she asked, as Peace had a smirks on his face, as he said... "You'll see tomorrow, and this is a fight I've waited a long time for myself and my friends.", Peace said, as Fluttershy spoke to him. "One thing, though, they wouldn't let Rarity get any gems for her fashion line. And she's been postponing her line for months now. And if the line's held back any more, Rarity will lose her best customers!", Fluttershy said to Peace, as he looked at Rarity looking down at the floor looking sad. Her line has been held back for that long, and Peace didn't like that Rarity will lose her best customers. So he had an idea... "Vice Principal Luna, if you have some time, can you call or text the Diamond Dogs a message that if I win, they'll let Rarity get as many gems she likes? That'll add ta the challenge.", he asked, as Luna got out her phone, and started to text Rover. They wait for the reply, and Luna's phone ringed, and looked at the message, and said... "They accepted; I really hope you know what you're doing, Peace. Like the rest and my sister, I don't want you to get hurt.", she said with a tone of worry, as Peace said... "Believe me, I hope so, too. But after years and years of bein' bullied by those douchebags, I've waited a long time ta do this. Anyway, Twilight, can I take a rain check on hangin' with y'all? I'm gonna go back to the dorm house and set my room up.", Peace asked nicely, as Twilight and the others nodded in understanding, she said... "Of course, and we understand, Peace. We already set up our rooms in the dorm-- Wait, how are you getting back? Ponyville's mile away from Canterlot!", she said in a quick panic, as Peace calmed the young princess down, and said... "Well, you, Rainbow, and Fluttershy have wings, so I'll fly and--", he was interrupted by Rainbow getting in his face, as she asked in a tone of excitement... "You can fly?! Cool! How fast can ya go? What's your top speed?!", asking while flapping her wings and floating around Peace, he couldn't help seeing how cute her excitement is, as he said... "Don't know how fast I can go, but I was gonna say that I was gonna use one of my masters techniques, Instant Transmission. Though I feel a lot of energy down in Ponyville, so I'm gonna use it. Glori, Hype, Goldie, wanna come and help?", Peace asked, as his friends nodded and walked towards him. Luna did ask them a question. "Do you have your dimension keys with you? Those keys can get you to your room faster than what you're going to do. And each of the keys each of you have will lead you to your own dorm room and to the classroom of your first class. All you have to do is put the key in the keyhole, and you're in your room.", she said, as Peace and everyone else looked at their dimension keys on their key chains, as Peace said... "I forgot about this thing, and you said that you and Celestia made these keys. Won't that tire you and your magic out if ya made all these keys for every student? That had to have been exhaustin'." he asked, as Celestia cleared her throat, and said... "Yes, it would exhaust us, but thanks to Starlight and her friend Sunburst, they made special energy drinks that'll not just refresh you from exhaustion, but will restore your magic energy, strength, and heals wounds, severe or minor.", she said, as Peace was amazed on that kind of energy drink. Then Pinkie spoke... "We have those drinks here in school, stores in Canterlot, Ponyville, everywhere in Equestria. Even have some at where I work at, SugarCube Corner!", Pinkie said, as Applejack was next to speak. "And they come with many flavors; grape, orange, lemonade, and more importantly, apples! And Sweet Apple Acres sells 'em, too. Whenever y'all want some, ya can have a free bottle of the drink, speakin' for Pinkie and SugarCube Corner, of course. And the drink's called "Ponzu", since all the good names were taken.", the cowgirl said, as Peace was glad that kind of energy drink exist, as he said... "Sounds cool; must be like the Senzu beans back at home. I'll try some when I'm done with my room.", he said, as Rainbow wave him off, and said... "Don't worry about it, there are some already at the house. You and your friends can try some when ya get there.", she told him, as he puts his dimension key in a key hole, and it opened, showing his room. Luna said one more thing... "By the way, be sure to talk to the landlord that you're in your room, that way you let her know you're in.", she said, as Peace and his friends waved at Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the girls goodbye, as they entered his room, and the door shut itself. Pinkie opened it, and on the other side was nothing but brooms, mops, and cleaning materials. "Wow! A janitors closet, huh? The key really works!", said the pink mare that's eating another cupcake. "Will Peace and his friends be OK here in Equestria? There will be challenges that they will face.", Starlight asked Celestia, as the elder princess chuckled, and said... "I think Peace will be OK, along with his friends. And now that he has you girls as friends, I'd say that he'll be fine here. I have a feeling that we'll see more power from Peace Poet, and probably more of his talent. Now, me and Luna will see you later, as we talk with the teachers about tomorrow.", and with that said, Twilight and the girls bowed to the princesses, and took their leave to see their other friends and families. Then Luna had only one thought... "I wonder if "he's" teaching Peace those skills...," was all she thought, as she and Celestia went on their way to see the rest of the teachers and staff. Back in Ponyville, Peace, Hype, Goldie, and Glori came from the other side of the door, and after they came out, the door shuts itself. Peace puts his key in his pocket, and repoen the door, and it was the interior of the closet. "Now THAT'S cool! But before we get started, let me show y'all around the house.", as Peace and the crew exit the room, he sees the doors of the Twilight and her friends rooms. Now even if they live in Ponyville, they can still use this dorm house for homework and other school activities. Peace showed his friends the kitchen, bathrooms, which some are also in each bedroom, living room, and more. Suddenly, they see a older, but still young pony mare. She has a sand brown coat, green hair in a ponytail, green eyes, wearing a pink shirt with a white collar and light blue ribbon tie, light blue pants, and white tennis shoes. She sees Peace and his friends, and spoke in a accent that equaled Applejack's. "Why, hello there! And welcome to the Element House. I'm Peachbottom, the landlord here, and how can I help y'all today?", she said nicely, as Peace introduced himself, then his friends. "I'm Peace Poet, and these are my friends Hyper Active, his girlfriend Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle. It's nice ta meet'cha, ma'am.", he said kindly, as his friends sais hello, as well. Peacebottom looked at her list of who will be staying at the dorm house, and sees Peace on the list. She holds out her hand for a shake, and Peace shook it. "Oh my! You are the only man stayin' in this dorm house. This will be pretty challengin' for ya; eight mares and one...Saiyan?! Well, you're sure a rare breed, honey! I heard the history about Saiyans, and seein' you make it true.", Peachbottm said, as she was amazed about who Peace was. But, Hype has a scared look on his face, as Peace looked at Goldie and Glori faces filled with fury. Even their aura was a dark purple. Now it was Peace's turn to be scared. "Oh crap, they're in "sister complex" mode.", he thought, as both girls are giving Peace a menacing look. "So you're staying here with all eight girls, and you're the only guy?!, Goldie asked venomously, as she and Glori have angry vein showing on their forehead. "N-n-now girls, i didn't ask for this ta happen. It just happened, and besides, I'll be alright. I mean Goldie, you have Hype with ya. And Glori, you have your own boyfriend Calm Waves comin' tomorrow. Plus, I don't stand a chance ta be with those girls, I'm outta their league! So you can chill out, cuz they probably have stallion boyfriends here. Clam down, OK?", he said with a lot of nervousness in his voice, as both girls calmed down, and the dark aura was gone, as both boys breathe a sigh of relief. "Sorry, amigo, but you're like a hermano mayor to me and Goldie. We just don't wanna see you get hurt again.", Glorious said with worry in her voice. "We want you to forget about HER, after what she did to you." Goldie said with a similar tone, as Peace lets out a annoyed sigh, And Hype just gave Goldie flat look, and said... "Smooth babe, real smooth.", he said in a monotone voice, as he escorted the girls up to Peace's room to wait for him, as the girls looked back at Peace, and he looked at them still with an annoyed look, as they gave him apologetic looks, as they turned around and proceed to his room. Peacehbottom was worried for the boy, and wanted to talk to him about what happened, but she didn't want to pry in his business. She straightened herself, and just asked him... "The other girls signed the papers to live here, so will you sign your name here please?", she asked nervously, as Peace signed the paper, looked at Peachbottom more calmly, and said with a chuckle... "Goldie and Glori mean well, and I love them both for protectin' me, and all that. But there are some things in the past that I wanna forget, but it's hard ta do that. But when me and you know each other better, Miss Peachbottom, I'll tell ya some things from my past.", he said, as he gave Peachbottom a sincere smile, as she breathes out a sigh of relief, and smiles back "I'd like that, Peace. And just call me Peachbottom, or peach for short. I may be a landlord, but I can have friends here, too.", she said, as Peace nodded, still smiling, as he went back upstairs to his room to unpack. As he entered the room, Golden Heart looked sad sitting on his bed, as she looked down at the floor, as she felt a hand on her back, patting softly. She looked up, and sees Peace with a smile on his face, as he said... "I know ya thinkin' about what she did, but I'm not worried about it. She's gone, outta my life, and I'm over her. Plus, I know she tried ta get with Hype, and he refused her. She's a gold digger, that's all she is. I know you wanna whoop her ass, but she's not worth it, she's gone. By the away, apology accepted.", he said camly, as Goldie hopped up from the bed, and hugged Peace with her arms around his neck, with tears flowing from her eyes. Glori hugged him from behind, as Hype came in for a hug, as well. They broke the hug, as they got ready to unpack Peace's stuff to put everything in place in his room. Six hours went by, as Twilight and the girls finally came into the dorm house, and met Peachbottom in the living room, as Rarity spoke to her first... "Sorry we were late, Peachbottom. We were caught up with friends and family, and Pinkie served her pastries from SugarCube Corner." "Quite alright, dear, and welcome home, girls. You know, Peace Poet is a really nice guy. Ya oughta meet 'im.", Peachbottom said, as they rest of the girls all said they did. "Peace saved Rarity's life from bein' hurt from Prince Blueblood. It sounded so cool, and I wished I had seen it!", Rainbow Dash said, with a pout, since she missed how Peace saved Rarity. Has he finished his room yet? We like to see it. Plus, I have his list of classes for him.", said Twilight. "Oh, he's finished his room two hours ago. Him and his friends were listenin' him doin' his rappin'.", Peachbottom said, as the girls thanked her, as they and Peachbottom went upstairs to see Peace's room. As they got closer to his room, they can hear Peace saying something with a music beat. Pinkie opened the door, and she and the rest heard Peace rapping. "...You're not a tool, just try ta be cool Like you're playin' in a pool, not like them other fools That'd be jealous of you just bein' you Be yourself with your special glow, and be true..." As they listen to Peace's rhymes, they were bobbing their heads to the beat, tapping their shoes on the floor, and just looking at Peace in awe at his talent. As Peace was done rhyming, he was the girls and Peachbottom at the doorway, as Hype turned off the playlist. "Oh, hey! I didn't make too much noise, did I?", Peace said, as he saw all the girls eyes with stars in them, as Starlight spoke, and said... "You are absolutely amazing! I heard rappers on the radio, but you have rhyming skills that they'd be envious of.", she said with amazement in her voice. "Zecora would definitely love ya in her class, partner. And so would music teacher, Neon Lights; who made the beats?", Applejack asked, as Hype held up his hand. "I did; I make beats for Peace, Goldie, and sometimes Glori on some occassions. On their computers, they each have a playlist of beats I make, and I make thousands of them. Hell, I make a rhyme myself, but I'm nowhere as good as Peace.", Hype said, as Rainbow had a thought, but just said... "Well, I know two ponies that'll like you, Peace, and the girls. I'll tell ya about them later, but right now, we're gonna get us something to eat. Wanna join us?", she asked, inviting Peace and his friends for dinner. "We'd love to, but we have to go back to our dorms. Sorry, but how about next time?", Glori asked, as it was getting late. "No problem. You three can come by here anytime with Peace, if that's OK with the rest.", she said, and the rest agreed. "Of course. That is, um, if you have time, that is.", Fluttershy said timidly, Hype got out his dimension key, and opened the door, as he gave Peace a fist bump, and Glori and Goldie gave him a hug each. "Then we'll see y'all tomorrow in school.", And Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle waved goodbye, and went in the doorway, and shut the door. As Peace said... "Well, let me show y'all my room.", and he did show them the room, as he showed them his martial art weapons, his king size bed with the ying and yang symbol on the bed sheet and pillow cases. Then he showed them his mic booth in the corner, beside his computer on his desk with speakers on each side, with a 15" subwoofer under the desk. Peace has pictures on his the walls, with his mom, dad, his friends, historic landscapes, his cars, and more. Then he opened his closet, and saw that he doesn't have much clothes. That gives Rarity an idea, as she looks at his clothes and shoes. "Celestia and Luna showed me this style, and I like it! It's a classic '90's hip-hop trend, and I've been working on this fashion for a while at all of my stores. I have made some, darling, if you want to look at them and try them on. Would you like to come to my store and look at them?", she said, waiting for Peace to answer her question. "Sure. Those are the only clothes I have in the closet. I don't have Equestria money, but I'll gladly pay you back for...", before he finished his sentence, Rarity waved him off, and said... "Oh pish-posh, dear. Have as much as you like; it is my geneous gift from me to you for saving me from Blueblood.", she said, as Peace sighs in defeat, and said... "OK, Rarity, but one day, I'll pay ya back, I promise. The last thing I wanna do is take advantage of people doin' things for me.", Peace said, as he took Rarity's offer, as Twilight said... "And I honestly like your room, Peace; and I see that you have a three row bookshelf. But what is with the notebooks on the middle shelf?", she asked, as she and the rest looked at all of the 30 notebooks on the second shelf. Ten looked used, but twenty more notebooks look brand new. "The first ten are all my rhymes I put down, and the twenty are for more rhymes and school work. The first ten are my first notebook of rhymes from elementary and middle school from Earth, both songs and poems.", Peace said, as the girls and Peachbottom were shocked to see years and years worth of his rhymes. "How old were ya when ya started to write rhymes?", Peachbottom asked, as Peace gave her and the girls his answer. "I was five when I started ta rhyme. I listened ta hip-hop, poets, my favorite kid shows, and more. When I turned six, I started ta rhyme on my own after I studied from both music and poetry. When I turned seven, I started ta do freestyles for money and charities. At ten, I became best friends with Hyper Active, then later on, Golden Heart, and then Glorious Miracle. At twelve, we became a small music group, and made a lot of money for both us and charities. Our families supported us a hundred percent of what we do, and we're still a group now. And that's how I started ta rhyme.", he said, as the girls and Peachbottom were in awe of his story, as Pinkie said... "OOOOH! I brought cupcakes for us, too! I can save them for your friends tomorrow at school." "I'm sure they'd like that. Speakin' of food, I'm starvin'! Let's eat!", Peace said, as he rubbed his tummy. "You're talkin' my language, man!", Rainbow said, as she races down the steps before everyone else goes down, as everyone exited Peace's room. The next day; it was four thirty in the morning, and Applejack was up early, as she comes outside to stretch her body out, and she sees Peace Poet out as well, practicing his fighting skills, whlie using a chrome steel bo staff. His thrust from his staff made a little gusty brezze towards a tree near by, and made it really gusty when he started twirling the staff, and whips it at a great speed. Applejack was impressed at Peace's skill, as he finished his practice, and looked at her in surprise. "Oh, Applejack! Good mornin'; hope I didn't wake ya this early. I was just gettin' my practice in before today's match with the Diamond Dogs." Good mornin', partner. You're OK; I always get up this ealry ta go help my family out at the farm before goin' ta school. That's some good work with the bo staff. Ya really got some skill, SugarCube.", she said, as she was stretching her body out. "Thanks, and I try my best ta be good, but ya can't be overconfident in the skills ya have. I take it that you're goin' ta work and practice before school, huh?", Peace asked, as Applejack's left leg came towards him with a thrust kick towards his face, but Peace blocked it with his left arm. She noticed that he didn't even wince or sound like he was in pain, but Peace was perfectly fine and still, as he smiled at Applejack, as she smiled back, and puts her leg down. "I'm sorry, but I had ta see if you were any good. But don't under estimate them three mongrels, they have a great amount of power.", she said, warning him of the Diamond Dogs strength. "Believe me, I felt their strength; Spot's not as strong as Rover and Fido, but he can still be part of their stragedy ta try ta get at me. This'll be the first time I'd ever fought anyone with my power. I couldn't in Earth schools, I was afraid of hurtin' other students, meanin' other bullies, or killin' them. Either way, I'm gonna see what those Dogs are truly made of, whether I win or lose.", he said truthfully, as Applejack sees that he want to try his best to be a good fighter. She came towards him putting a hand on a shoulder, and said... "I can tell you're a good guy, Peace. And I can't wait ta see how strong ya are here in Equestria. Just teach those varmits a lesson of what they did ta you, you're friends, and us. Though, not all Dogs are like them, especially when they're workin' with Prince Blueblood. I'm goin' ta the farm, I see ya when I get back.", she said, as she gave Peace a pat on the back and headed to Sweet Apple Acres to help her family out before going to school. Peace looked at her walk away, and just smiled, and thought... "That's an honest mare right there. Plus, that's the same advice that Pop gave me when I called him before goin' ta bed. And I'll never forget the other advice he gave me...", he finished his thought, as he remembered what his father Hank told on the phone last night. "Don't hold back, son. You've held back all that energy on Earth, but you don't have to hold back in Equestria. Just remember not ta over do it on beatin' anyone in a fight. But if someone is irredeemable, or is hurting your old and new friends, then you have ta do what ya have ta do, but make sure Celestia and Luna are with ya when ya do. If you have any problems, call me, and we'll talk about them. Be kind and carin' to others, even if ya don't know them. I love you, Peace.", and that was what Hank told him, and Peace will stand by those words. With the look of determination, he went back in the dorm house, carrying his staff, and get ready for his first day of school. > The First Day Of School, New Friends and Enemies, Rhymes, and Fighting Dogs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was six in the morning, and all the girls, all except Rainbow, were making breakfast. Pinkie Pie was making Peace cereal, Sunset, Applejack, and Fluttershy were making his lunch, along with guest that came in the house. The guest were three pony fillies and a young male dragon. One filly was a white Unicorn, she has long curled hair that is lilac and pale rose, green eyes, wearing a lilac shirt, pale rose skirt, and white shoes. The next filly was a orange Pegasus, she has short purple hair, purple eyes, wearing a blue Wonderbolt hoodie with a green shirt inside it, blue jeans, and red tennis shoes. The last filly is a butterscotch yellow Earth pony with long red hair with a big pink bow on top, orange eyes, wearing a blue shirt, pink skirt, and brown boots. Then there's the purple dragon; he has emerald green eyes, forest green scales, wearing a green shirt, black sweatpants, and purple high top shoes. Peace came out of his room cleaned and dressed, as he headed downstairs to eat some breakfast. He sees Peachbottom at her desk eating her breakfast. "Good mornin', Peachbottom. How are ya doin' this mornin'?", he asked as she swallows her food and drinks her coffee, and says... "Why good mornin', Peace! I'm doin' fine, thanks for askin'. I have ta assist cookin' class with Sugar Belle, Applejack's sister-in-law.", she said, which surprised Peace that Applejack has a sister-in-law. "Wow! Guess I should have hang with the girls ta meet the families, but I had ta get my room ready. Too bad I'm not in your class, though. I would've like ta see what y'all cook up.", Peace said, as he was interested in what food Peachbottom cooks. "Well, I'll tell ya what, if I see ya around sometime today, I'll whip somethin' up for ya for lunch, if that's OK.", she waited for Peace's answer, which didn't take long. Sure! I may work out and practice, but I need some food for energy. Whatever ya make, I'll take. Ha ha, little rhyme there.", he said, as Peachbottom nodded, and they both went to the kitchen to see how everyone is doing. Peace and Peachbottom entered the kitchen, as the girls and guest were making breakfast. Twilight was the first to greet Peace. "Good morning, Peace! I hope you had a good sleep. How are you this morning?", she asked in a happy tone. "Good mornin' ta you and good mornin' ta you girls. And I slept great; it was the first time I've ever slept on a real good bed in years! Oh, I see we have guest this mornin', too.", he saw the guest, as Rarity went beside the white Unicorn filly, Applejack beside the yellow filly, Rainbow Dash beside the orange filly, and Twilight beside the dragon. Rarity introduced the white Unicorn filly. "Peace Poet, I like you to meet my little sister, Sweetie Belle.", she said, as Peace went over to shake Sweetie's hand, as she shook his. "Hi, Sweetie Belle. It's nice ta meet'cha.", Peace said politely, as Sweetie spoke politely, as well. "Hi, and it's nice to meet you, too. And I want to thank you for saving my sister. You're a really nice guy.", she said, as Peace blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks, I just didn't like how Blueblood was treatin' her. And I'm glad that your sister's OK.", he said, as Sweetie Belle smiled at him, as Rarity blushed with a smile, as well. Then it was Applejack's turn to introduce the next filly. "Peace, this here's my little sister, Apple Bloom.", she said as Peace held out his hand, as Apple Bloom shook it. "Howdy, Peace. It's good ta meet'cha. I hope you're likin' Equestria so far.", she said, as Peace told her... "I'm likin' it so far. You have a strong sister here, and I'm glad ta meet her and you.", Peace said, as both Applejack and Apple Bloom blushed with a smile. Las, but certainly not least was Rainbow and the filly she's beside. "Peace, this is my biggest fan and friend, Scootaloo! She's like a little sister to me.", as Scootaloo held out her fist, Peace bumped it with his own. "I heard what Spot did at the high school, and you blocked his energy beam with yours. That's awesome! You're as awesome as Rainbow Dash!", she said excitedly, as Rainbow gave her a noogie. "He sure did, squirt, and he's fighting all three of those dogs!", Rainbow said, as a gasp came from the dragon, as Peace walked towards him and Twilight. Peace, this is my little brother-in-law, Spike. He helps me and the girls here in Ponyville, and is a hero of the Crystal Empire.", she said, as Peace was impressed by Spike's achievements. Peace held out his hand, as Spike shook it. "Man, you're definitely a cool dragon ta be helpin' the ladies out. And savin' the Crystal Empire, that's an amazin' achievement, man.", Peace said, as Spike puffed out his chest, as he said... "Well, I have to be a gentle drake to the mares. And I saved the Empire twice, at the Equestria Games.", Spike said, as Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile from his boast. Peace nodded his head in agreement, as he said... "Well, you're definitely a hero ta everyone in the Crystal Empire, man. Heard about you and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Y'all have ta be famous around here." "Well, they did have a rocky start to be famous, but like us, they're going to school.", Starlight said, as the fillies and Spike nodded. "Like makin' a love potion...", said Applejack with a little glare with a brow up at Apple Bloom. "Writing "stories" for their school newspaper...", said Rarity, with the same look at Sweetie Belle. "And try to get a chicken back in the middle of the night, and mistaken one for a cockatrice.", Rainbow said looking at Scootaloo, as she and the other two fillies looked down in shame on what they did. They did all that trying to earn their cutie marks, which they've learned their lesson, of course.", said Twilight, also gives the fillies the same look, but hers, along with Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow's face turned into a smile, as Twilight continued. "Now they have a new purpose of helping other fillies and colts to earned their cuties marks. They even have a cutie mark day camp to help them out, as well.", she said, as the CMC smile proudly, as Peace smiles back at them, and said... "That's very cool! Even though y'all made some mistakes, ya made up for 'em, and in a big way. Now I have two questions; one, what's a cockatrice?", he asked, as they see confusion on his face, as Pinkie explained. "A cockatrice is a half chicken, half dragon creature that stares at you as you turn into stone. So if you see one, close your eyes, as turing into stone would a big surprise!", she said with a smile and a squee, that left Peace more confused, as he asked... "You mean ta tell me that there's a creature that's like Medusa?! And since I'm in this new world, I believe it, and thanks for the advice.", he said nervously with a gulp, as they were waiting for Peace's next question. "Now for question number two; what's a cutie mark?", he asked, as all the girls blushed beet red at Peace's question, as Spike told him the answer. "Well, a cutie mark is a mark on a pony and zebra that is like a symbol of what a pony or zebra achieves. Like if you want to make parties, music, science, farming, helping others, charitable, represent something, anything. Like you writing poems.", Spike explained, as Peace though on it, and said... "Symbols, achievements... Like havin' a tattoo?", he asked, as it was Twilight's turn to answer. "Yes, like a tattoo; that's what a cutie mark is, it's a symbol of what we ponies achieve on doing.", she said, as it made sense to Peace now, as he has another question... "Now, y'all don't have ta show them if ya don't wanna, and I'll understand that, but where are the cutie marks placed?", Peace asked hesitantly, as the girls blushed harder, as Fluttershy hides her face behind her hair. But the only one bold enough was Pinkie Pie, as she lifted her skirt, and showed her cutie mark on her thigh right up close to his face, as Peace was the next one blushing a storm. "This is where our cutie marks are. You likey?", Pinkie said, as she wiggled her eye brows at Peace. He gulps, as he said nervously... "Good to know; though I did specifically said that ya don't have ta show them if you don't wanna! Is breakfast ready yet?!", he asked nervously with a half shout, as Rarity pulled Pinkie away from Peace by the ear. "Pinkie Pie, control yourself! That is not how a lady acts around a couple of gentlemen!", Rarity shouted, as Pinkie had a smirk on her face, and said... "Well, he asked a question, and I gave him an answer. What, jealous that you couldn't do it first?", she said teasingly towards Rarity, as the blush returned to her face full force. Twilight looked at Spike, and asked... "You're not saying anything to your crush?", she asked with a teasing tone, as Spike calmly said... "I HAD a crush on her, but I overgrown it now. Me and Rarity are still good friends, and maybe she'll meet a good stallion. Or...", he thought about Peace for a minute. He wanted to get to know him in the future, and Spike sees him as a nice guy. But for now, he has another girl on his mind. "Besides, I have a girl that I'm thinking about. Me and her have a lot in common.", he said, as Twilight nodded with a smirk, as Applejack and Fluttershy finally gave Peace his breakfast. Applejack gave him cereal, and Fluttershy gave him pancakes. "Mmm-mmmm! This looks and smells good. The cereal looks more like, and no pun intended, Apple Jack's", he said, as he looked at Applejack, as she chuckled, and said... "Don't'cha worry none, partner, ya didn't offend me. Princess Celestia found this kind of cereal from Earth, so me and the fam made the recipe for it. Hope ya like it.", she said, as Peace took the spoon and ate the cereal. He gasped after eating it, looked at Applejack with a shocked look, and she looked worried, and asked... "Ya don't like it, huh?", She asked in a sad tone, as Peace showed her a wide smile, and said... "Not like it?! Quite the oppostite; this taste much better than on Earth! It's truly delicious! And you said it was from your family's apple farm?", he asked with joy in his voice, as Applejack was now smiling at his satisfied reaction, and said... "Yeah, we made it from the farm. Granny Smith said that we were gonna make it much better than the Earth's cereal. Not disrespectin' it, of course.", the last part she said honestly, as Peace waved it off still smiling and still eating the cereal, and said... "Don't worry about it, and I wanna visit the farm with you and Apple Bloom one day, if none of us is busy doin' anything else.", he said, as the orange Earth pony said... "Ya gotta deal, SugarCube! Then you'll meet the whole Apple Family.", she said, as Apple Bloom got in front of her older sister, and said... "And you'll see what we do at the Sweet Apple Acres. Ya can even taste test them!", and that was music to Peace's ears, taste testing apples at Sweet Apple Acres. That was going to be a great time at the farm, but he realizes that he'll have to take it easy on eating too much. While still eating the cereal, He also started to eat on the blueberry pancakes Fluttershy made, and Peace had a shocked look on his face, which made Fluttershy worried, as he said... "These are the best pancakes I've ever eaten! Like the cereal, the pancakes are delicious!", and those words made Fluttershy smile with relief and joy, as she said... "Oh, thank you. I've got the blueberries from my garden. I also have raspberries strawberries...", that made Applejack gag a bit, but Fluttershy continued... "Carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, anything I have at my cottage. Um, if you want, I could make you something for lunch, if that's OK. Would you like a tomato, lettuce, and cheese sandwich for lunch?", she said with a soft whisper like tone, and with a cute smile, Peace said... "Well, I do appreciate the offer, really, but I don't wanna take advantage of you or anyone in here. That's the last thing I wanna do.", Peace said, as Fluttershy waves her hand, and said... "It's quite alright, I want to make you lunch. You are a guest in Equestria, along with your friends, and I hope we can get along with each other.", still with a cute smile, as Peace sighs in defeat with a smile of his own. "Well, I can't say no to a kind pony like you. So OK, you can make me lunch. And I appreciate you and Applejack for makin' me breakfast.", he said honestly, as Applejack spoke, and said... "Anytime, partner. Here's some milk ta drink with the pancakes.", she gave Peace the milk, as he thanked her, he drinks the milk, and said... "Hmmm, this milk taste good, like it has a hint of sugar in it. Whatever store has it, I'll get it, cuz this is good milk, better than Earth's.", and when he said that, not just Applejack and Fluttershy were blushing a storm, but so were Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Starlight, Rainbow, and Sunset when he mentioned milk. Twilight spoke, and said, which is trying to change the subject... "So, you have three vehicles from Earth, huh?", she said nervously, as Peace was just about done with his breakfast. "Yeah, I have three of them. Wanna see 'em?", he asked, as Rarity said... "Delighted, darling. But Twilight told us that the vehicles we have here are based on Earth's vehicles. So we'll show you our rides, as well.", and just like that, Peace finished eating, Applejack and Fluttershy put the bowl, plate, and cup in the sink, and they, along with Peachbottom, went outside with their book bags, and the girls carried their purses, too not including Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They got to the garage area, as Peace said... "Ladies first.", as they each opened their own garage door, and they stood next to their vehicles, and Peace was impressed of what vehicles they have. First was Applejack, as she and Apple Bloom were standing next to her candy apple red Dodge Ram 3500 dually Cummins with two six inch smoke stack in the bed, Rarity and Sweetie Belle were next to her purple Mercedes-Benz G36 AMG SUV, Fluttershy was standing next to her aqua green Honda Civic Type-R, Rainbow and Scootaloo were stand next to a blue C6 Corvette ZO6, Pinkie Pie was standing next to her pink Cadillac CTS-V sport wagon, Sunset is next to her red Fox Body Ford Mustang GT, Starlight has her white Scion TC, and Twilight and Spike were next to her navy blue Range Rover Sport SUV. Peace looked at the cars, and liked all of them. "Wow! You girls got cool rides here. But your port has plenty of room for two more cars. I mean, there's still plenty of room.", as Peace said, there was plenty of room in their garage ports. Starlight said... "Well, the thing is, we were gonna put some projects back here as afterschool projects from our classes.", she said, as Peace thought that she made a good point, as he said... "Fair point; I built some school projects, too. And I have two of them here from my last school.", he said, as Peace opened his garage door, and revealed three of his vehicles; a Sonic blue 2003 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra, a black 2021 Dodge Durango SRT Hellcat SUV, and in navy blue with white stripes is a 1970 Chevy Chevelle Super Sport 454. Everyone was amazed of how Peace's cars looked, as Peachbottom spoke. "Your cars look fine as wine, honey! But you said that your Cobra is your most powerful car you have.", and this got Rainbow interested, as she asked... "What did you do to it, man? From what I learned from Earth history, this kind of car is rated at 390 horsepower.", she asked with curiousity, as Peace chuckled, and said... "WAS 390 horsepower; now it's makin' almost one thousand horsepower. I put a bigger supercharger on it, bigger cams, long tube headers, X pipe, Loudmouth 1 mufflers in 3" exhaust, other than that, that's it.", he explained, as everyone's eyes were widened in both shock and disbelief, Peace also talked about his next car. "This '70 Chevelle Super Sport is not a true Super Sport, I built it to be a tribute car. It has a built 454, bored .60 over, so now it's a 496 cubic inch V8 pushing over 700 horsepower, but I had to make it look stock from the factory, except for the exhaust.", he explained about the Chevelle, as Sunset spoke about it, as she looked at it. "It does look great, just like my car. It's a 1993 Ford Mustang GT, all stock, for now. But what about the third car? It looks so sinister.", as she was referring to said SUV. "It's my new one; a 2021 Dodge Durango SRT Hellcat. I have not done anything to it, it's bone stock, and it has over 700 horsepower. I'll only make long-term trips with it, like a vacation or school field trips. And I heard that Equestria has a special fuel for all vehicles, includin' mine that's from Earth. How does it work?", Peace asked, as Twilight answers. "Since princesses Celestia and Luna studied Earth's automobiles, they, among other great scientists, worked on a fuel that made from, amazingly, magic. We call the fuel C-1000, and scientists say that on full tank of fuel, it'll be a month until you refuel again, whether if your car is unleaded of diesel. Plus, it only cost one bit to refuel.", after Twilight said that, Peace was stunned on hearing a month of fuel. He can breathe a sigh a relief on gas mileage of each of his vehicles. "And trust us when we say that "a month on a full tank" is one thing you'll be delighted on. But we must be going to school, even if the bell rings in two hours, but we have to go.", Rarity said, as they all looked at Twilight, as she had a sheepish smile. Then Spike and the CMC looked at Peace's cars, and asked... "Hey Peace, if you have time one day, would you take us for a ride in your cars for just a cruise? If you have the time.", Spike asked. "The girls have cool cars, but we never rode in a car from Earth. So can we have a ride one day, please?", Sweetie Belle asked, as she, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike gave Peace the cute puppy dog eyes. "I have a feelin' that the rest of the girls, includin' Peachbottom will have the same look.", he thought, as Peace smiled and said... "Y'all gotta deal; when I have time, and when y'all get your homework done, y'all can have a ride with me.", the kids cheered, as they get to ride with Peace in his cars, but only if they get their homework done, and if Peace have time to take them for a ride. Peace has a question for Spike and the CMC. "What school do y'all go to? I didn't even ask y'all that yet.", he asked, as Fluttershy spoke with the answer. "The girls are going to Ponyville Middle School, and Spike's going to the new middle school in the Crystal Empire. Oh, and the girls are 13, and Spike's 14.", she said, as Peace hadn't asked about their age, either. Which brings a question from Peachbottom. "Which car are ya gonna take? While you were at the school yesterday, some of the ponies filled up your tanks yesterday, started all your cars, and they're all runnin' great. And they drained the Earth fuel, of course.", after hearing that, Peace was glad to know that his cars are running fine, and gave Peachbottom the answer. "I'm takin' the Cobra today. Though, I wanna hear Rainbow's Corvette first.", that being said, Rainbow Dash wasted no time starting the ZO6 up, and it sounded good. But when Peace started his Cobra up, everyone was shocked of how it sounded. On idle, it was loud and had a growl to it. The kids said their goodbyes, as the CMC went one direction to their school, and Spike used a dimension key to go to his school. The girls and Peace went in their cars, as Twilight went first, and the rest followed her to Equestria Universal High School. Thirty minutes later, Princess Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and Peace Poet entered the school gates, and drove their cars in the parking garage. Sunset used her dimension keys to go to the school front doors, as they all went through the door and in the hallway where every pony and creature were having many conversations. Peace spotted his friends, as they came to greet him and the girls, as they said their good morning's to each other. Glorious Miracle asked Peace a question. "Amigo, what classes do you have?", she asked, as Peace got out his list of classes. "Let's see... I have music class first, poetry class second, gym class third, and auto mechanics and body fourth.", he said, as he showed Hyper Active, Glori, and Golden Heart his list, as both his old and new friends said... "Me and Goldie are in music class, too. And we met a few new friends that are famous around Equestria.", Hype said. "So am I, Pinkie, and Starlight. We're in music class, as well! And her older brother, Neon Lights, is the music teacher.", Rarity said. "Me and Twilight are in poetry class, and Zecora is the teacher for the class.", said Sunset. "And me, Fluttershy, and Applejack are in gym class. I can't wait to see what you're made of! Plus, Spitfire is the teacher in that class.", said Rainbow, eagerly to see how strong Peace is. "This'll be two classes I'll be in with ya, SugarCube. I'll be in auto mechanics and body, too. And out good friend Torque Wrench is the teacher of that class.", said Applejack. But then, they all thought about the fight after school at Cerberus Ring with Peace against the Diamond Dogs. "We know the Dogs weapons, but what are you going to use, Peace?", Golden Heart asked with worry in her voice, as the rest are worried about Peace, as well. "I'm gonna go with my bo staff. Though I did give it a couple of upgrades. Don't ask; all I can tell y'all that you'll see. And from what I heard, whenever there's a challenge at the Ring, anyone can use a weapon for five minutes. Then it's hand ta hand combat, with use of magic powers, of course.", Peace said calmly, as he is already set up for the fight. "Just be careful, darling. Those Dogs are tougher than they were on Earth. They are truly strong.", said Rarity, also with a tone of worry. Just then, Hype, Goldie, and Glori showed their list of classes. "Well, looks like I'm with ya in music and auto mech and body classes. But my gym class is in second period with Iron Will as the gym teacher.", after hearing that, Twilight and her friends cringed, as Pinkie said... "We heard of this guy, so we'll pray for you, Hyper.", Pinkie warned his, as Hype looked confused, as Fluttershy said... "Um, he's not a bad guy, but, um, he can be a little aggressive.", she said almost in a whisper. "Aggressive is the understatement; he's a beast, so be careful around Iron Will.", said Rarity, also warning Hype, as he gulped. Taking a breath, as he said... "Well, I better get my turntables ready for music class. I heard that the teacher wanna see our skills. Maybe Peace can do a freestyle.", Hype said, as Peace showed a smirk. "Ya know I'm ready for a freestyle, bruh. Although, ladies first.", as he pointed to Goldie, as she said... "Like Hype, Peace is a gentleman. We'll see you inside, Peace.", she said, as Peace nodded, a she and Hype went to find the classroom. Glorious Miracle showed Peace her class list. "I have History class, meaning the history of Equestria, science class, math, and gym. Should be fun.", she said with much sarcasm, as Peace said... "Hey, I'm sorry that you don't have classes with me, but maybe with one of the girls you have classes with?", after he finished his sentence, a gasp came from Twilight, as she said... "I'm in science class! If you want, I can help you in the class.", she said, putting a small smile on Glori's face. "And I'm in history class. I can help ya with that, since Granny Smith taught me some history about Ponyville.", said Applejack. "And me and Sunset are in math class, so we'll help if you need it.", said Starlight, as Peace had an idea... "You know what, you can tell the girls about me, if ya wanna. Just the good parts. I'll tell them the other half.", he said, as Glori was OK with the idea. "Si, I'll tell them the good and embarrassing parts.", she said with a giggle, as Peace rolled his eyes with a smile. But the smile disappeared when he saw the Diamond Dogs walking by looking right at Peace with evil grins on their faces, as Peace narrowed his eyes with a glare. But then, the Dogs turned around quickly, as Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were walking towards Peace and the group with another creature beside them. The creature has a head of a horse with a white goatee, red eyes, an antler and goat horn on his head, has a bat and Pegasus wing, has a chicken foot and leg on his left arm, a lions paw and arm on his right arm, a dragon right leg and foot, and a horse left leg and hoof, and a dragons tail. He's wearing a pink business suit with a light blue bowtie. Celestia and Luna shook their heads in shame of how the creature looked, and Rarity is trying not to look at the creature. The creature went and hugged Fluttershy, and said hi to the rest of the girls, which some of them, beside Pinkie, rolled their eyes at him. Then, the creature looked at Peace and Glori, as he introduced himself. "Oh, you must be two of the four new students from Earth; I am Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, and a great friend to all, especially Fluttershy. You, young lady, must be Glorious Miracle, a great friend to Peace Poet, who's a Saiyan from Earth. I'm happy to meet you.", said Discord, as he extended his right arm for a shake. Peace reached for it, as Rainbow stopped Peace, as she sees a hand buzzer on Discord, as she gave him a glare. "Really, Discord?! It's their first day, and you wanna shock them?", Rainbow said in an angry tone, as Peace chuckled a bit. "It's cool, Rainbow, I've been buzzed by that before.", he said, as Rainbow got in his face, and said... "Not if it makes you feel like you're struck by lightning! When he buzzed me, I couldn't fly weather duty for a week, cuz my wings were numb.", that was when everyone glared at Discord, especially Fluttershy. "Discord, we've talked about this. When I helped you get a job as guidance counselor, you said you were going to be serious with the job.", she said, with her brow raised with the frown to match, and her arms crossed under her breast. Peace quickly looked away, as he blushed a bit, as Discord spoke with a sigh. "I was only try to have a little fun. How come you don't stop Pinkie Pie?", he asked, as Starlight shouted... "Because she doesn't go the route you went! Tirek I'd understand, but Peace and Glorious?!", she said, seething, as Celestia looked at Discord, and said... "Discord, I understand you want the students to like you, and want to make a little chaos, but we told you about your customize hand buzzer. Don't bring it to the school, unless it's a normal hand buzzer. Now give it to me, before Luna gives you something to buzz about in the night.", she said, as Luna showed an evil grin, and Discord gulped in fear, and quickly gave the hand buzzer to Celestia. As he shook hands with Peace and Glori. "Nice ta meet'cha, Guidance Counselor Discord. Question, what creature are you? Not makin' fun of ya, or anything, but I just never seen a creature like you.", asked Peace, as Discord explains. "I'm a dracconequus, dear boy. I'm sure you've heard of one on Earth for your history classes.", he said, as Peace shook his head no, as Discord's arms slumped down. "Sorry, no, but I have a feelin' you're a good one. And I take it that you're friends with Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the girls, right?", asked Peace, as Discord stood proudly and went to hug Fluttershy, and said... "Of course, and Fluttershy is one of the best!", he said, as the rest of the girls had flat looks and rolled their eyes at Discord. Glori spoke, and said... " Well, you're certainly interesting, senor Discord. Though, I heard that you made chaos in Equestria a thousand years ago, and Princess Celestia and Luna turned you into stone, am I right?", with a brow up from Glori, Celestia and Luna were looking at Discord like they were ready to give him a beat down, as he said with a nervous chuckle... "Yes, my dear, but I did learn one thing, never cross the line with two Alicorns you known for a thousand years. And when you're turned into stone, it puts a crick in your neck.", he said, as he was rubbing the back of his neck remembering those times. As Twilight looked at the clock, and said... "Well, we better get to our classrooms to get ready. We'll see you all at lunch.", and with that, they all went to their classes, except Peace, as Discord and the princesses have one more word with him. "I heard what happened with you, Blueblood, and the Diamond Dogs, Peace. And if you have any trouble with them, just come to me, and we'll help you out any way we can.", said Discord with sincere in his voice. "He's right, Peace, and those three Diamond Dogs are few of the strongest. Even the queen has a problem with them, and she's the strongest in her kingdom.", said Luna. "Now the question is, how much power will you show to the world? There are a lot of students that have great power, and even we don't know what some of them are capable of, except for a few that we know. And now the other question is, do you have a plan to defeat those Dogs at Cerberus Ring?", Celestia asked, as Peace just said... "It depends on how powerful they are; I know Fido is powerful, but I'm not countin' Rover and Spot out. Rover's hidin' a great deal of energy, so I know that he'll hold back, too. They already hate my guts, even though I haven't done anything to them, and I know that they'll do somethin' crazy ta try ta make sure I'm down for the count. And once y'all see what I mean, you'll understand. As for goin' to y'all for help, that'll be greatly appreciated. Gotta see how this music class is. See y'all later.", he said calmly, as Peace walked away to go to class. Discord looked at Celestia and Luna, and both have worried looks on their faces. "Do you think the boy has a plan? I can always help him out.", Discord said, as Luna gave him a glare, and said... "No chaos magic, Discord! We'll have to see how Peace will handle it with the Diamond Dogs.", she said, as Luna sees Celestia clutched her fists, and thought... "I really hope that you have a plan, Peace. After what the Dogs did to you and your friends, I may have to intervene.", she thought, as Celestia walked past Discord and Luna with haste, as they both followed her trying to catch up to her to the office. Peace finally made it to the music classroom, and saw Hype setting up his turn tables, Goldie helping out by setting the speakers, and Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Starlight Glimmer having a conversation. There were a lot of students in the classroom, mostly girls, and a few guys. And Peace sees that there are 5 studio booths in the room, as well. Hype, Goldie, Starlight, Rarity, and Pinkie saw Peace, and they walked towards him. Hype was the first to ask, as he, and the rest have the same look he has, the look of worry. "Bro, are you OK? What did Discord wanna talk about?", he asked, as Peace waved both hands to calm them down. "It was about my battle with the Diamond Dogs, but I told them that I have a plan. There's no need ta worry, y'all. I got it figured out.", Peace said calmly, as the others did calm down a little, but they were still worried about him. Then, they see the music teacher coming in the classroom; he's a blueish gray Earth stallion, with dark gray hair, wearing sunglasses over his blue eyes, wearing a red vest over a white t-shirt, black jeans, and gray hi-top shoes. The teacher sees how many students are in the room, and counted 38 students. They all took their seats, as Hype sat beside Goldie, Peace sat between Rarity and Pinkie, and Starlight sat beside a azure blue Unicorn mare with white hair with a light blue streak and purple eyes. The teacher spoke and introduces himself. "Hey, what's up and good mornin' everyone! I'm your music teacher Neon Lights, and I hope that we all get along and make great music together. What I'll do today is listen to what you as a solo, or in a band or group, can do in the booth, and I'll grade you on how good you are or not. Even if ya fail the first time, you can try again. Don't give up on your dream of bein' a music artist. Anyone can make it as an artist, even a crab from under the sea. You have fifteen minutes ta get ready for the booth, so you can get set up for it. And it can be any music genre you can play; hip-hop, pop, rock, classical, and more. I wish y'all good luck on makin' great music in here.", as Neon Lights finished his speech, everyone got up from their seats, except for Peace, as he got out his tablet to write down his rhymes. Neon walked towards Peace, and asked him... "So you're the first Saiyan in this school from Earth, huh? And don't worry, kid, I'm not judgin' at all. I just wanna ask you another question; I heard you're a martial artist, and that's cool, and I also know that you're a poet and a hip-hop artist, but is there anything else you can do?", Neon asked, as Peace stopped writing his rhymes, looked at him in the eyes with a smile, and said... "Well, ta be honest, get along with everyone in Equestria in general. But I already have enemies here, and possibly will make more here. But other than that, I just wanna be friends with as many ponies and other creatures, and get along with them, and have a peaceful life.", Peace said, as Neon smiled and put up his fist, and Peace bumped it with his own. Neon asked who makes the music while Peace rhymes, and Peace pointed at Hype and Goldie, and told him that Hype makes the music, and Goldie is the singer of the group. After about ten minutes later, Peace finished his rhymes, Hype finished the beat, but he has two beats for Peace and Goldie, since they'll be doing separate demos in the booth. Pinkie and Rarity went in one booth together, and got and A from Neon, as Peace was in his booth ready to start his rhyme. As he heard the beat, he started rhyming to the beat. "I'm in a new world called Equestria And I wanna thank Principal Celestia And Vice Principal Luna for bringin' me to this fine And amazin' world that has a beauty that's one of the kind With a great shine, and awesome creatures Ponies, dragons, and more with incredible features Intelligence, heart, strength, soul, and more I can't wait to see what else Equestria has in store Anyway, as I bring up my rhymin' heat I made new friends here that I'm glad to meet I'll treat ponies and other with respect, you know what I'm sayin' I'm not playin', as y'all already know, I'm a Saiyan Be kind to others with respect, love, friendship, and words of wisdom If they don't like you, just walk away, or tell them 'I'm here, and let me make one thing clear Happiness and friendship will drive away hate and fear.'" As Peace finished his rhyme, he gotten out of the booth, and hears a big round of applause from Goldie, Rarity, Starlight, and many more students. Neon gave Peace an A+, as he spoke to him. "What's your groups name? I haven't even heard the name yet.", he asked, as Peace though hard about the name. But then, he has the name; a name that's similar to a group from Earth that is well known, as he said... "The group's called HOOF-STARR. I know that there are two humans and a Saiyan in a group, but I thought It'd be the name of the group, so...", Peace said nervously, as Neon puts a hand on his shoulder with a proud smile, and said... "That's a great name for your group, man. I hope you make more rhymes like that in the future.", the music teacher shook Peace's hand, along with Hype's hand, as he gives him an A+, as well. Both Peace and Hype fist bumped for getting great grades, as Goldie came over to hug them both. Rarity, Starlight, and Pinkie, all with A+'s, also congratulated Peace and Hype for the grades, along with others that Peace and Hype don't know, and most of them were there just for Peace. That mare that was with Starlight, she was there to congratulate Peace, as well, as she introduced herself, as she held out her hand for a shake. "Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Trixie Lulamoon, better known as THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRIXIEEEEE!!!! I do magic trick for every pony and creature in all of Equestria. But your rhymes are definitely magical, Peace Poet, and it's a pleasure to meet you.", she said with half-lidded eyes and a smile, but Peace shook her hand in respect, and smiled back nervously. Starlight frowned in jealousy of what Trixie is doing, and she wanted to intervene, but didn't want to ruin Peace's first day of school. But Starlight was not the only one getting jealous, Rarity and Pinkie were looking suspicious at Trixie, as well. Golden Heart sees Peace as a big brother, but she also looked at Trixie suspiciously, especially when she shook Hype's hand, as she clutched her fist. More girls congratulated Peace, like Vinyl Scratch, which is also a DJ like Hype, Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings, and many other mares. But, the three girls that Starlight, Rarity, and Pinkie glared at were also coming towards Peace and Hyper Active. They were dragon like creatures, but they have hands arms, legs, and wings too, with red gems on the medallions on their chained necklaces. The first girl has orange poofy hair, magenta eyes, wearing a black leather jacket with a lavender shirt under it, purple shorts, and black boots. The second girl has her long purple hair with a dark mint green streak in pigtails, purple eyes, wearing a grass green jacket with a purple shirt, maroon jeans, and white tennis shoes. And the third girl has long light blue hair with navy blue streaks in a ponytail, purple eyes, wearing a sky blue t-shirt with a taco in the front, black jeans, and blue high-top shoes. The girl with orange poofy hair spoke to Peace first. "Peace Poet, you have great rhymes there. I'm Adagio Dazzle, nice to meet you. And these are my sisters...", she pointed at the other two, as the one with the ponytail introduced herself. "I'm Sonata Dusk, and it's nice to meet you, too.", she said, with is just as cheery as Pinkie Pie. And the girl with pigtails introduced herself to Peace. "I'm Aria Blaze, and it's nice to meet you too, Peace.", as Peace shook all of the girls hands, the rest of the girls looked at the girls with jealousy and envy, as Adagio and her sisters shrugged it off. "If you feel like collaborating with us, let us know. Come on, girls, we're next in the other booth.", they walked away with a sway in their hips, and went in the booth to start singing. Peace listened to them, and he was impressed of how they sound with their singing voices. As they finished their song, they came out of the booth, and Neon gave them an A+, as well. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria looked at Peace with half-lidded eyes, not paying attention to the glares from the other girls. Goldie was definitely glaring at them hard, in case if they try to hit on Hype, like they are with Peace. But the girls were only focused on Peace, as Adagio looked at Rarity, Starlight, and Pinkie, smirking at them. "So, I guess the talent show winners are here, too. But just to let you know, the fans you make will adore us more when we hit the stage.", as Adagio said that, Rarity, Pinkie, and Starlight were still giving them glares. Peace walked over to them to ask... "Not ta be nosy or whatever, but you know those girls?", he asked, as they nodded slowly, but calmed down as they looked at Peace. "We can't stop you to tell you to stay away from them, but we have to let you know that those jezebels are bad news.", said Rarity with a worried tone. "Although, Sonata is OK, she's not as bad as the other two. She's way more friendlier than they are.", said Pinkie, getting a cupcake from her mane. "Even so, they're like cougars looking for prey, they'll strike at a moments you'd never expect.", said Starlight, as Peace nodded in understanding, they all listened to Goldie in the booth, as she sings beautifully. She also gets an A+ after she gotten out of the booth finishing her song with a beat Hype made for her, as she hugged him. Hype gets another A+ for making two different beats in class. He gets a fist bump from Peace, Peace gives Goldie a hug, and Pinkie, Rarity, and Starlight congratulates her. And when Hype and Goldie heard the new name of the group from Peace, Hype said... "HOOF-STARR, huh? That's like a little bit of a tribute ta GANG-STARR, the hip-hop group from Earth?", he said, smirking at Peace, as he responded... "It's was the only name I could think of. Plus, they're one of my favorite hip-hop groups. I mean, if y'all don't like it...", as Peace was about to hear disappointment, he saw nothing but smiles from Hype and Goldie. "Yo, it's cool, man! I know we're not ponies, but I like the name, too. It makes us fit in better. And It's about time we gotta name for our group!", Hype said, as Goldie looked a little concerned about it. "GANG-STARR is a two man group. Does this mean...?", she was going to finish the question, but Peace cut her off. "Sis, you're still part of the group, no matter what. You're the angel that keeps us together. We wouldn't be a group without ya.", he said with sincerity, as Goldie and Hype group hugged for a moment, with Pinkie, Rarity, and Starlight joining in. Trixie was thinking of something with an evil smirk, and all she can do is watch the group hug it out for a moment, and then go on with the class. After music class was over, Peace went to poetry class with Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Peace met the zebra mare Zecora, which she can only rhyme when she talks, and Peace was OK with that. He did write a few rhymes in his poems, which is eight bars, and he said the rhyming poem out loud... "Truth, honesty, love and friendship, along with respect With bravery against hate and loathin', the loved ones we must protect If we lose, we cannot give up and lose all effort and hope We give each other a hand, with a long and strong rope What we have to gain is faith and trust As we break down the walls of hate, it's a must No matter who you are, what you are, you and others will go far And give hate a scar, so you can reach that sparklin' star." Zecora and the rest of the class were impressed at Peace's rhyme, as Zecora spoke. "That rhyme has a lot of heart, and you, Peace Poet, are very smart. You did very good today, and for that, with a plus, you get an A.", she said, as Peace gotten his second A+ today. Sunset and Twilight were glad and relieved that Peace's day was going good so far, as they, Peace, and the rest of the students resumed class. After that, it was lunchtime, and Peace and his friends, along with Twilight and her friends, ate together, and talked about what they did in their classes. Glorious Miracle got A's in her classes, but she was happy about Peace, Hype, and Goldie's grade, just like they are with her. But then, Sunset started talking about Peace's other school life, the good times of it, anyway. And this has Peace's face red of embarrassment. "So, is it true that you had a crush on your teacher when you was in the second year of middle school?", she said with a giggle, as Peace glared at Glori a bit, but took a breath, and said... "Yeah, and I even wrote a rhyme to her, too. She liked it, but none of the other boys didn't, but I didn't care. One day, I found out that she was married to a movie star, and I was crushed when one of the boys told me. He knew about it, and so...did...y'all.", Peace said coldly, as he looked at Hype, Goldie, and Glori with a glare. "We all said we were sorry, bro! We were afraid ta tell ya, cuz then ya wouldn't believe us. We didn't wanna break your heart.", Hyper Active said, as Peace took a breath again to calm down with a smile, and said... "I believe ya, but tell me before somebody else. I rather hear it from you, Glori, and Goldie, then a stranger. Even the rest of you girls.", he said calmly, as Rainbow raised her fist, and said... "Cool, then I'll see what you're made of in gym class. I hope you're ready!", Rainbow said with a smirk, as Peace had a smirk of his own. "Believe me, I'll be ready for ya.", as the rest carry on their talk, Blueblood and the Diamond Dogs walked to their table, and Peace's, along with the rest, smiles diminished at the sight of them. "Hello, everyone. I hope you're enjoying your day here. Saiyan, we need to talk...in private.", Blueblood said in a cold tone, as Peace narrowed his eyes. "Whatever you gotta say, you say it in front of everyone else here. I got nothin' ta hide, unless you and your crew got somethin' ta hide, like poisonin' me, beat me to a pulp before the fight after school, and probably gonna bribe me for throwin' the fight to, right?", and with a smirk of his own, Peace saw a shocked look on Blueblood's face, along with the Dogs, who were also shocked and in disbelief. The rest laughed and giggled that Peace shut them down. "I'll see you tonight, Saiyan. I'll wait for you in the nurses office.", with an angry huff, Blueblood walks away with the Dogs in tow. But then Rover turns around, and says... "I hope you have insurance, shit head.", then he walks off to catch up to his crew, as Peace didn't pay him no mind. "Can you beat them, Peace? Those Dogs are strong, even though we can take them.", Sunset said speaking for the girls, as they were as worried as she is, along with Peace's childhood friends. "One way ta find out, Sunset. Like I said, this is the first fight I had outside of the Shaolin Temple. Even I don't know how strong I am, and I've been suppressin' my power not ta go overboard.", he said, as Peace and the rest continue to eat peacfully, now that Blueblood and the Dogs are gone. After lunch, Peace went to gym class with Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Peace met his coach and teacher Spitfire, which is a light orange Pegasus mare with short flame orange hair, bronze eyes, wearing a blue hoodie with matching pants, and white tennis shoes. For an hour and a half, Peace was doing sit ups, push ups, stretches, running laps, and more in the class, and Spitfire was impressed with how fit Peace is, and how good he can be on pace. Most of the girls in the class were amazed with Peace, though Fluttershy showed a hint of jealousy, and some of the guys were jealous of his, which Peace paid no mind. Though he see Garble in class, which has been staring at Peace for most of the class, and Peace had to be careful around him. And then there's a blue-ish green Pegasus named Lightning Dust that was also staring at Peace, and she was having curious thoughts about him, as Rainbow was giving Lightning a death glare while she's staring at her new friend. And then, there's a butterscotch yellow Earth pony named Strawberry Sunrise, who was also curious, and it was Applejack's turn to give that mare a death glare. Lastly, a jade green Earth mare Tree Hugger was also staring at Peace. She's one of Fluttershy's long time friends, but when Fluttershy saw Tree Hugger staring at Peace, all she could do is give her friend an angry pout with a little growl. The class was over, and Spitfire caught Peace, and spoke to him. "You must really workout a lot, Peace. Have you ever consider joining a team? Like in baseball, martial arts, and others? If you're interested, let me know. If not, then that's OK.", she said with half-lidded eyes, as Peace nodded and walked away. Peace saw that look before, and that got him kind of nervous, but shrugged it off and went to his next class. The next and final class of the day was auto body and mechanics. Peace looked at all the vehicles in the shop, and saw a Lincoln Blackwood, a Chevy Camaro IROC-Z, and one vehicle that looked familiar was a blue 1973 Chevy Scottsdale pick up, which was Hyper Active's truck. The teacher of the class was a butterscotch yellow Earth mare named Torque Wrench. She has her ruby red hair in a bun wearing a light green bow on it, blue eyes, wearing a light blue shirt with dark blue jean overalls, and brown boots. Peace notice that she's young, as Applejack explained. "Torque Wrench graduated from high school from Hope Hollow. She wanna be a teacher here ta be close to me and the girls since we became friends with her. She'll fix anything that needs fixin', and she's learned just about every car here that's from Earth. And believe me, she'll fix what's almost gone completely.", she said, as Peace understood, as Torque Wrench spoke to the class. "Alright, the first thing we do is switch fuel in the cars and trucks. From regular Earth fuel to C-1000 fuel, and change the fuel lines on each vehicle. Three of you will be in a group to do this, and if you start the vehicle, I'll grade you then. Get to work.", and with that, Peace Poet, Hyper Active, and Applejack were the group, as they went to work on Hype's truck. The Scottsdale was given to him by his late father, as he died of cancer ten years ago. The truck has a crate 632 cubic inch Chevy big block putting out over 800 horsepower, and it was jacked up with heavy duty suspension, and big tires. What Peace did was readjusted the carburetor, set the timing on the distributor, put in new plugs, Applejack put on new tires, Hype put on the new fuel line, Peace put in the new fuel, and started the truck up. The truck was so loud, it scared everyone, and Torque Wrench was running towards the crew, and said... "Wow! This thing sounds like a beast! No fuel leaks, runnin' on all cylinders, you three get an A!", she said with proud in her voice, as Hype, Peace, and Applejack gave each other a fist bump for their grades, as other student also had A's, while some had B's, which was decent. The class was about to end, as Hype and Applejack said their goodbyes to Peace, while Hype was driving his truck out of the shop, as he was held by Torque Wrench, and had a little talk. "Hey, I heard ya gotta match with the Diamond Dogs after this. Are ya sure you're OK with facin' those three by yourself? They're tough.", she said with concern in her voice, as Peace calmly said... "I dealt with them on Earth before, but I have an idea how to beat them. I understand the the principal and vice principal told you about my fight with them, but on the real, it'll be OK. Just focus on the second half of the fight, the weapons part will be easy for me. *sighs* Well, I have ta get ready. The class was great, by the way, and I hope ta see ya in the stands.", he said with calm and serenity, as he walked away. Torque saw a young man that's focused on the fight, and as she was worried, she still wants to see how the fight ends. Two hours went by after school was over, most of the students and faculty went to Cerberus Ring, Peace was just coming out of one of the check up rooms to get dress for the fight, as he was wearing silver shirt under his blue gi shirt, a silver belt around his gi pants, and wearing black boots. Peace also has his steel bo staff with him for the first half of the fight. The doctor was a medium blue Earth stallion with short white buzz cut hair, silver eyes, wearing a white coat over his black shirt, brown pants, and brown shoes. The there was a silver Unicorn mare with long light blue hair in a bun, sky blue eyes, also wearing a white coat over a tan shirt, blue pants, and white tennis shoes. The stallion was OK, but the mare was blushing deep red when she came out after him. Peace looked at her with concern, as he asked her... "Are ya alright, Dr. Blue Cross? You look like ya seen somethin' ya didn't like.", Peace asked, hoping he didn't do anything wrong, as Blue Cross shook her head and quickly said... "Nope! N-nothing wrong, you're in great shape to fight. J-just be careful, OK?", she said with nervousness in her voice, as the stallion doctor spoke with a chuckle... "Son, you're truly are in great health, but the reason why Dr. Blue Cross will blushing right now is that you're a lot "bigger" that some around Equestria.", he said, as it was Peace's turn to blush, as he sees Glori and Goldie looking at him with smirks, as Hype points at Twilight and the rest of the girls faces. Shock, amaze, and half-lidded eyes were from some of the girls, as Peace blushed harder. "Thanks, Dr. Blue Shield. I'm gonna get ready now. Thanks for the check up.", Peace said, as he rushed off from the two ponies, as he shook off the nervousness and focused on the battle with the Diamond Dogs. Hype was standing at the arena entrance, as he sees Peace coming towards him. Peace stopped at the entrance, as Hype spoke. "Well, this'll be the first time seein' you fight somebody for real. Do ya think you'll win?", he asked, as Peace shrugged, and answered... "We'll find out; the Dogs are strong, but let's see how they can fight. I can tell that this isn't gonna be easy.", Peace said, as he gave Hype a fist bump. Then Vice Principal Luna appeared from teleportation, and asked Peace... "Are you ready, Peace? And will your plan work?", she asked with a scowl, while looking at the Diamond Dogs, as she continued. "The rest of the girls are worried about you, and the Dogs will not fight fair.", she said, with a hint of worry in her voice, as Peace smiled, and said... "Then I'll play by their rules. If my plan works, it'll be alright.", he said, as his demeanor changed from happy to focused, as his eyes narrowed, and walked away from Luna and Hype, as Celestia, sitting on her throne with Twilight and the rest of the royals looked on from the top of the stands, where there are thousand of ponies and creatures wait for the battle begin. Rover got his baseball bat on him, as Spot got out his clubs, as Peace stopped about 20 feet away from them, and said... "I'll fight y'all by your rules, which are none, knowin' y'all.", he said, getting in his fighting stance. "Good, then I can bring this out...", Rover said, as he got out another baseball bat. Peace wasn't surprised at this, and wasn't surprised that the bats were aluminum, as were Spot's clubs. The Dogs, besides Fido, got in their own stance, as they and Peace were ready for a five minute fight with weapons. Celestia saw them at the ready, as she held up her finger, as a light came from it, and shot it at a bell, as it sounded. Rover and Spot charged at Peace, as their weapons collided with loud clings, as Peace was blocking strike after strike from the two Dogs, though he was pushed back. "So they're holdin' back their power too, huh? I have ta say, their strikes are hard, but...", Peace, as he blocked Rover's hardest strike, and pushed him back, as he swung his staff to block Spot's strike, while there were three minutes left. "He good with the staff, but he can't last forever", Spot thought, as he charged Peace again, as did Rover. Rainbow and the rest of the girls, along with Peace's childhood friends, look on, as they looked at Peace's fight style. "Why isn't he fighting them harder?! Those Dogs are outclassing him by a mile!", Rainbow said with anger in her voice. "I was hoping that he would take them on, after what they did to his and his friends. All those Dogs are are meanies to the core!", Pinkie said with a hint of disappointment. "Now hold on, y'all, maybe Peace does have a plan. Ya just have ta have faith in 'im, Peace might surprise us, just look at his friends there.", Applejack point, as they see that Hype, Goldie, and Glori are looking calm. But truth be told, they were nervous for Peace, as they see Rover and Spot Peace back strike after strike from their weapons. Peace had a smirk on his face, and thought with twenty seconds to go. "Now's the time...", as Peace pushed the center of his staff, and a piece of it broke free with a chain holding the end, as the end swung behind Rover, and hit his lower back. Then Peace got the end back, as the other end of the staff broke free, and swung at Spot's club, as Peace swung down hard on the clubs, as they were forced out of Spot's hands, as they hit the ground. That angered Rover, as he used both bats to smash Peace's weapon out of his hands, but it never happened, as Peace used both ends to lock Rover's bats in place. Rover tried to break the bats free from the hold, but he was kicked in the stomach, as he fell on the ground. The time was up, as Peace unlocked the ends of his weapon and dropped Rover's bats on the ground. Goldie, Glori, and Hype were hugging each other as Peace won the weapons round, as Twilight and the rest of her friends were in shock of how he won. "I-I don't believe it. Peace's bo staff was also a three section pole! That's truly amazing and smart strategy!", Twilight said in awe of how Peace fought the Dogs in the weapons round. "He really is a good martial artist. It must more than just strength to fight ones that think power is everything.", said Sunset, as she was equally impressed, as was the rest, including an excited Rainbow Dash. "AWESOME!!! Well, not as awesome as me, but still! That was really cool!", she said, with sparkles in her eyes, and smiling wide. "I told ya he had a plan, but I didn't expect that. Um, Pinkie, what are ya doin'?", Applejack asked the pink Earth pony, as she had her notebook out, and writing down pastries and other stuff. "This will be good for a "Peace Poet Won The Five Minute Weapons Match" party!", she explained, as the girls giggles at Pinkie's way of making a party for Peace after the battle is over. "I hate to be a party pooper, but how will Peace fair at hand to hand with the Diamond Dogs? We know that Spot's not the strongest of them, but Rover and Fido are by far the strongest.", said Starlight, as everyone's celebration has dwindled, as the only thing Starlight can say is "sorry". "No need to apologize, Starlight. And you're right, even I wonder how will Peace fair against all three of them. But the question is, is Peace strong enough?", said Rarity, in her worried voice. "We saw the first part of Peace's plan, and now we watch the second part, which isn't easy to do.", Golden Heart said hesitantly, as she doesn't want to watch Peace get hurt. "Si, we only seen Peace at the Shaolin Temple fight a few times, and he's amazing! This is his first public hand to hand fight.", Glorious Miracle said, as she looks at Peace stretching his arms, legs, and more, as a pony took his three section pole/bo staff, and the rest of the Dogs weapons. "He couldn't fight publicly, cuz he wouldn't know how to hold back his strength back then. Plus, the government or scientist would use him as a weapon or more, we, his family, and his master couldn't let it happen.", Hype said, as the girls understood, as Celestia spoke for the first time since the match began. "Right now, me, Luna, and the rest barely felt Peace's power. He must be holding back a great deal of power.", she said, as they see Peace looking back at his friends, the girls, and the Royals, as he bowed in respect, as he got in a boxing style stance. Rover cracks his knuckles, as he, Spot, and Fido surrounded Peace. "Surroundin' me, huh? Alright, let me see how truly strong y'all really are, if you ARE strong.", Peace said, provoking the Dogs, as they smirk at him. "OK, you wanna see how strong we truly are, the we'll gladly show ya!", Rover said, as he, Spot, and Fido powered up, as each of them had a green aura around them. Spot launched at Peace, and kicked him in the stomach, sending him to Rover, as he gave Peace a spinning kick to the side, and sent him to Fido, as the big dog punched Peace in the face with his right fist, sending Peace to the wall, as he crashed into it hard, breaking some of the wall, while some of it fell on top off Peace. The entire arena gasped at the impact, as Hype and everyone called his name, as Blueblood looked on with an evil smile, seeing that the Diamond Dogs have won the match. But as the Dogs were about to declare victory, they see Peace come out of the rubble. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! FIDO SHOULD'VE KNOCKED YOU OUT COLD!!!!", Rover said enraged, as both Spot and Fido were also shocked to see Peace back on his feet, and walking towards the Dogs, and stopping about twenty yards in front of them. "If ya really wanna me out, then blast me, like what shorty did yesterday.", Peace said calmly, but looking right at each of the Dogs with a game face. In the stands, Celestia and Luna were amazed at how tough Peace is, as they looked at the now angry nephew. Twilight and the girls were speechless, as Hype, Glori, and Goldie breathed a sigh of relief that Peace was OK. Each of the Diamond Dogs held out both of their palms, as each of them a energy ball in front of them. "This time, you'll definitely be down for the count, you Saiyan bastard. You'll be out for a month! NOW!!!!", Fido shouted, as all three shot a blast at Peace, as he took it head on with a big explosion. Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset shielded everyone with a magic barrier, as Celestia and Luna shielded all of the arena. The Dogs cheered that they hit Peace, and started to celebrate their victory, as the whole arena went silent. But when the dust cleared, the Dogs victory was cut short when Fluttershy said... "Oh, my gosh! Look!", and she said it with cheer, as she, the girls, and the childhood friends saw Peace still standing at the same spot, and Peace was unharmed. Blueblood was furious that Peace survived the attack, while Celestia and Luna were amazed that Peace survived the blast. Twilight, the rest of the girls, were in both shock and awe at Peace, as Goldie and Glori were hugging each other knowing Peace was OK, and Hype was clapping for his best friend to be well. Peace looked at the Diamond Dogs with a look that said "I'm still here", as he spoke to the Dogs. "So, that was your full power, huh? I will say, y'all are power...to a point.", Peace tone began to be cold towards the Dogs, as he continued. "Year, after year, after year, you Dogs have bullied, abused, traumatized, and just brought more pain to people who were weaker than you. You've showed no remorse or anything, y'all just love givin' people, or ponies, pain, and make them suffer. And it's true that you Dogs have great strength, I get that. But the only problem is...your strength is like a shit stain, and I'm lookin' at stains that needs ta be cleaned right now! But now that I felt your power...", as Peace got in a different fighting stance, more stealthy than the last one, as a blue aura surrounded his body. Gasp were coming from Twilight, the girls, the princesses, and even Blueblood, as they felt Peace's power. "Damn! His power shot up like a rocket! But it's even with the Dogs.", Rainbow said, looking wide eyed at Peace. "And look at his stance, it's way different than before. Then this was...", Twilight was about to finish her sentence, but Hyper Active cut her off, and said... "This is Peace's true stance. And after years of him and us bein' tormented by those assholes, hell's about ta break loose.", he said, as they look down at the battle, Fido was running towards Peace, leapt off the ground, retracted his right arm for a punch, and hit Peace's elbow, as the Saiyan blocked the fist with it. Then, to everyone's shock, except for his childhood friends, Peace levitated slowly until he was seven feet from the ground. "LAND SAKES!!!! That boy's a flyin'!", Applejack exclaimed, as she and the rest of the girls looked in awe at Peace levitated. Luna smirked, as did Celestia, at the change of pace of the fight, while Blueblood was seething watching Peace fighting the Dogs. "Sister, this is now a good fight.", Luna said, as she watched on. "Indeed it is, sister. Now we'll see what Peace is truly made of.", Celestia said, as she also watched on, look at only Peace, as he motioned his hand to tell Fido to "bring it", and he did. "I'M GONNA PUT YOU THROUGH THE FUCKIN' DIRT!!!!", Fido raged, as he launched from the ground, giving Peace his kicks and punches, but Peace was blocking the blows flawlessly. Fido's punches and kicks were so fast, some can barely see them. But then, Peace held out his palm, and gave Fido a big gust of wind to blow him back on the ground with a hard fall on his back. Fido did get back up slowly, but it was Spot's turn to give Peace his blows, but again, Peace blocked them without breaking a sweat. "I can't get a hit! How the hell did this shit get so strong?!", Spot thought, as he saw Rover coming from behind for a chop at Peace. But as soon as Rover made it with a chop, he hit the neck...of Spot's own neck. Rover looked in disbelief, as he hit his own teammate, as Spot hit the ground unconscious. "How in the hell is that bastard that fast?! What's his secret?", asked the Diamond Dogs leader in thought, as Peace reappeared in front of him. Peace looked to the corner of his right eye that Fido is back on his feet, seething with rage, as Peace looked back at Rover. "Guess you're wonderin' how I got so strong, huh? I ain't gonna tell you that, cuz you've made a lot of the innocent suffer from your unreasonable bullyin'. And I'll tell you what, y'all Dogs are strong, but your kind of strength reeks of garbage.", Peace descended back down to the ground, now facing Fido. "I felt your power; now, it's my turn to show ya mine.", after that, Peace show his power, with typhoon like force wids coming from him, leaving a crater under him as he levitated again. Celestia and Luna were stunned that Peace had that kind of power, as Blueblood was beyond shocked to see Peace's power. Twilight and the girls were also shocked at his power, but Peace's childhood friends were smiling to see their friend let loose. Rover, still in the air, was dumbfounded at the power of Peace, as was Fido, but he still stood firm, ready to see what Peace would do. Peace powered down, as he got back down on the ground with his sights on Fido. Fido was about to launch toward Peace, but never had a chance, as Peace's elbow met Fido's gut. The whole arena gasped at Peace speed. "I-I never seen him moved. It's like he's faster than the blink of an eye! Rainbow Dash and Spitfire are the fastest flyers in Equestria, and now Peace is just as fast, or maybe faster!", Twilight said, as she witnessed Peace's speed. Peace pulled his elbow away from Fido's stomach, as the big dog fell on his knees, and then the ground face first, out cold. Then, Peace turned around to look at Rover, as he was the only Dog left. Rover wasted no time, as he powered up, and flew down to Peace like a meteor. But as soon as he got to Peace, Rover met Peace's palm, and felt a knee to the ribs. Peace let Rover go, as he fell down, out like a light. He looked at three out cold Diamond Dogs, and simply said... "That was for me, my friends, and many others you tormented. I truly hope you change you ways, if not, come find me.", Peace said, as he put his hands together, and did a prayer, and bowed. But as soon as the medic crew came out from the entrance, Rover, Fido, and even Spot jumped right back up on their feet, and each of them were extremely pissed. Peace had that sinister smile on him, and in the stands, Twilight, the girls, Peace's friends, Celestia and Luna were were in disbelief to see the Dogs standing. But Blueblood was amazed at their will power to keep going. But something was off, Blueblood sees Peace just standing there, not even getting in his stance. The Dogs noticed that, as well. Rover smirked and yelled... "TOGETHER, DOGS!!! LET'S PUT THIS DUMBASS TO SLEEP!!!", and they all charged at Peace; Rover from the front, Fido from one side, and Spot on the other side, as they were throwing hard punches and fast kicks at Peace. But to everyone in the arenas surprise, Peace was blocking every hit. Celestia and Luna were in awe of Peace's speed of his blocking the Diamond Dogs attacks. "Sister, Peace is not even showing any glimpse of half of his power, and he's blocking every blow!", Luna said excitedly. "I know, right?! Who knew that he could be that strong? Peace is truly amazing!", Celestia said in the same tone as Luna, which didn't sit well with Blueblood, as he looked on. A blue aura was surrounding him, as the prince looked irate. "Rover and the Dogs aren't even putting a dent in him! That bastard is blocking ever punch and kick!", Blueblood thought, as he looked on enreaged. Although Twilight and the girls were excited about how skilled Peace is, as Hype, Goldie, and Glori were smiling proudly. "Boy howdy! Y'all were right about Peace bein' very skilled. Doesn't look like he's breakin' a sweat!", Applejack said, as the rest nodded in agreement. "Believe us when we say that Peace's rhymes isn't the only skill that good for him.", Goldie said, as she looks on to the battlefield. The Dogs still couldn't get a hit on Peace, as he thought... "OK, let's see if this works...", as Peace thought, he disappeared, as Rover, Spot, and Fido hit each other, and each of them got knocked down on the ground. "Why did ya hit me?!", Spot shouted angrily. "You hit me, you asswipe!", Fido barked back, as Rover held them back from each other, and calm them down. "This is no time to bitch at each other. Peace is the one that is the target.", Rover said, as the two Dogs calmed down a bit. "Really? It's been a long time since I seen you nut bags argue.", the Dogs looked behind, and saw Peace standing there with a smirk on his face. This didn't bold well with the Dogs at all. "How dare you... HOW FUCKIN' DARE YOU MAKE A FOOL OUTTA US!!!!!!", Rover raged, as he and his two canine fighters charged at Peace. But then, Peace charged at them, but he was much faster, as he held up two fingers, hitting each of the Diamond Dogs in the back of the neck. After Peace did that, they all felt to the ground face first, but the Dogs were still conscious. But none of them can move from the neck down. "Shit! I can't move!", Spot said, struggling. As Fido and Rover couldn't move, either. Peace walked over to the Dogs, and then stood above them with a disappointed look. "You're lucky I didn't do no worse to y'all. As much as I wanna bash your skulls in, it just wouldn't be right. I did a finger jab on your necks ta paralize y'all from the neck down. Y'all will be bedridden for about a week or two till y'all feel the numbness go away.", Peace said, as he turned around, but didn't walk away from the Diamond Dogs. He spoke to them without looking at the with anger and venom. "As for makin' a fool outta y'all, you're ones ta talk about that shit. Look at how many innocent lives you've destroyed; one kid killed himself, cuz he was not normal. HE WAS FIVE YEARS OLD, DISABLED, AND IN A WHELLCHAIR, YOU BRAINLESS SHIT STAINS!!!", Peace yelled, as the whole arena gasped in shock and horror, knowing that the Dogs bullied a child in a wheelchair into suicide, as Peace continiued. "When I heard the news, I was pissed off at y'all, cuz I knew it was y'all that did it! You didn't even care about how his family felt when he died. I could've saved him, but my parents, my masters, and my friends didn't want me to reveal myself, so my other guest is y'all did that ta see what I can do, and all I can do is watch y'all bully some more kids back then, and I. Did. NOTHIN'!!!!", Peace roared that last part, as all of the arena listened to his story, which is why it was very quiet, as he continued. "Although, I did do somethin'; whenever I hear that some kid was havin' suicial thoughts, and I told him that he was OK the way he was, and we became best friends. We're still best friends today!", Peace said, as he looked in the stands to see Hyper Active smiling, giving Peace two thumbs up. Golden Heart gave Hype a hug, as Glorious Miracle gave him a fist bump. "Your time of bullyin' others is over, and you will let Rarity, and other ponies and creatures, get as many gem in the gem cave in Ponyville as much as they like. If your attitude changes for the better, then that's cool. If not, then y'all better pray very hard that Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, or other staff of Equestria Universal High School gets to ya before I do. Y'all better be lucky I'm merciful, after what y'all done to the kids.", Peace finished his speech, not looking back at the Diamond Dogs, as each of them had the look of regret and shame. But then, Celestia had the mic, and said... "The winner of this match is Peace Poet!", and the crowd cheered loudly in the stands. Claps, whistles, excited screams, and positive comments from every creature. But Peace looked up at where his childhood friends, Twilight and her friends, Celestia, Luna, and other royal guest were cheering for him. But the one that was not cheering was Prince Blueblood. He gave Peace a cold glare, but Peace gave him a smirk, as the prince got up from his seat, and stormed off, leaving Cerberus Ring. The princesses see their disgruntled nephew leaving, and knew that he might start trouble for Peace in the future of the school. The medics did pick up each of the Diamond Dogs, though, there had to be four medics to pick up Fido. A few minutes later, Peace came out from the locker room, and got a hug from Glori, and another hug from Goldie, and a bro hug from Hype, as they celebrated Peace's first win. "Bruh, I didn't think you were this fast and strong! You were amazin' out there!", Hype said excitedly. "Amigo, you showed those Dogs who's boss! That was a bueno match!", Glori said cheerfully. "Oh, my gosh, I thought they would be more powerful then you were. You must've improved a lot, bro!", Goldie said proudly. "I did train with Pop and my masters before comin' here, but actually...", before Peace even finish the sentence, he saw Twilight and the girls coming towards the group, with Celestia and Luna not far behind. Rarity was the first to stand in front of Peace, as his friends politely stepped aside. Rarity was looking sheepish, as she moved some of her hair from her right eye. "Peace, I know we just met yesterday, but, *deep sigh* if you don't mind...", and what surprised Rarity was that Peace opened him arms for a hug, with a sincere smile. "I don't mind at all, Rarity. Bring it in.", Peace said with kind in his voice, as Rarity's smiled with quivering lips, tears were now streaming down from her eyes, as she ran over to Peace to give him a big hug, as she sobbed softly. "Thank you, thank you so much.", was all Rarity can get out, as Peace hugged her back. He knew that she was relieved that she can now get as many gems as she wants from the gem cave from Ponyville. Rarity let Peace go hesitantly, as the rest of the girls came to congratulate him on his win. Celestia and Luna went over to congratulate Peace, as well. "That was a great fight, Peace. Your father and your masters would be proud of you of your performance.", Luna said, as she shook Peace's hand, as did Celestia. "Well, I let him know about a TV channel from here that he can pick up. So I'm sure he has seen the fight. But how much power did you use? You must be using pretty much half.", the principal asked, as she got her answer quickly from the winner. "Honestly, I was usin' about two to three percent of my power. The Diamond Dogs was at full power while fightin' me.", Peace said sheepishly, as he rubbed behind his head. Twilight got in his face with a disbelief look on her face. "TWO TO THREE PERCENT?!?! You were holding back that much power within you?", asked Twilight, with her eyes widened. "Well, um, yeah. The Dogs didn't stand a chance against me, I wanted them ta think they were stronger than me.", said Peace, as Applejack puts a hand on his shoulder. "That was a good plan, SugarCube. And he's not lyin', Twi, he's tellin' the truth. Peachbottom's gonna be real happy about ya winnin' the fight.", the cowgirl said, as Rainbow got next to her, and said... "You oughta train with us, man! Those were some sick skills you have. We train just about everyday for about twenty minutes.", Rainbow said hopefully, as she waits for Peace's answer. She does have a point, Peace. You're very good with both rhymes and martial art skills. Me, Starlight, and the rest of the girls like to train with you, if it's OK with you.", Sunset said, with the same tone as Rainbow. Peace was still thinking, as Fluttershy spoke. "Um, you were really amazing in the match today. And I do hope that you and your friends and us will continue to get along, that is, if you want to." she said softly, as Peace saw Fluttershy's cute smile, he looked at his friends, and they nodded in agreement, mostly Hype. Glori and Goldie see Peace as a brother, so they do worry about him. They were still smiling, but they were also dreading to be away from Peace. Goldie does love her boyfriend Hype with all her heart, and always will, but she loves Peace too, as a brother. Glori is the same way, but she has someone else in mind right now. Anyway, Peace thought about it, and said this with a genuine smile... "I'm in; plus, I wanna get ta know y'all, too. This is my second day in Equestria, and my first day of school.", he answered, as the girls cheered with joy. But then, Twilight's phone rings, as she answered it, she puts it on speaker, and it was Pinkie Pie's voice, as she shouted... "PARTY TIME!!!!!!", and after that, she hung up, which made Peace confused. "She's not here?", he asked, as he looked around, he even sensed her presence, and couldn't feel her power. "She's probably left after you beat the Diamond Dogs, and went to the dorm house by dimension door. Don't worry, she'll be back.", Starlight said, as Pinkie came out from Cerberus Ring, and hugged Peace from behind. "Soooo, are you ready to party? I know you're kind of tired, but...", Pinkie couldn't finish her sentence, as Peace turned around, and said... "Like I miss a party that you prepared. I'm ready, let's go! You comin', Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna?", Peace asked the sisters, and they both answered... "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Peace. Plus, you can get to know us and the girls more.", Celestia answered with a happy tone, as Luna nodded in agreement. "I'm sure your father is happy you won your match, Peace. You can call him from video chat on your computer when you get back to the dorm house.", Luna said, as Twilight thought about that, as well. "If you want, I like to meet your dad, all of us would.", she said, as Peace nodded in agreement. "Not only do I want Pop to meet you and the rest of the girls, Twilight, but I want him ta see Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Hype, Goldie, and Glori again, as well.", and with that, Luna got out her phone. "Great! Then I'll let Discord work on the paperwork while we're at the party. That'll be his punishment for trying to get you with a hand buzzer.", Luna said, as she's still upset with Discord for trying to shock Peace. "Well, that's our husband for you.", Celesita simply said, as Peace looked at them with a shocked look on his face. "Um, we'll explain at the party. For now, go on ahead, and me and Celestia will get ready.", Luna said nervously, as Peace just shrugged, and he and the rest went to their cars to go back to their dorm house. While they were getting to their cars, Twilight and the rest of the girls asked one question in each of their thoughts... "Will he like me?" > Getting To Know The Elements Of Harmony And The Element Bearers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Peace Poet defeated the Diamond Dogs, he, his friends, along with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, returned to Ponyville to celebrate Peace's victory. But when they entered Ponyville, every pony and creature stood on the sidewalk cheering and congratulating Peace for beating the Diamond Dogs. Peace was surprised, but happy about how the folks in Ponyville are towards him. Then, Peace sees the a middle age Earth mare with short silver hair, blue eyes with eyeglasses, wearing a teal green business jacket with dress, and white high heels. He stopped his Ford Mustang Cobra, as did everyone else behind him, and got out of his car, as the pony spoke to him. "Peace Poet, you've made everyone happy here in Ponyville today, after your victory against the Diamond Dogs. Many businesses like Rarity's Carousel Boutique, and many more stores can now get as many gems from the gem cave as they want for their businesses. Peace Poet, I, Mayor Mare, and the citizens of Ponyville, thank you for what you've done.", as she ended her speech, everyone clapped and cheered for Peace, as he smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head with his left hand, and waving with his right. Peace said thank you to the mayor, shook her hand, and went back in his car, as did his friends, and went to the dorm house to park the cars. As they went inside the dorm house, with an excited Spike and the CMC, Peacebottom went and gave Peace a big hug, as she puts his head on her chest. Peace spoke to Peachbottom, though his voice was muffled while face first in her bosom. "I take it you seen the match?", he asked, as Peachbottom raised Peace's head from her chest, while most of the females had angry pout on them. "Ya bet I have; the match was televised all over Equestria, and to your world! Ya really taught those Dogs a lesson.", Peachbottom said excitedly. But she was not the only one excited to see Peace beat the Dogs, as they looked around the living room, as it was filled with balloons, food and drinks on the table, games, and much more for the victory party for Peace. the Saiyan was in awe of how the party decorations looked, as Pinkie got in front of him, and said... "SURPRISE!!!! I hope you don't mind having an after party of your spectacular victory!", Pinkie said, while holding her fist is the air victoriously, as Peace chuckled with a bright smile. "Pinkie, this is great. Thank you so much! I am starvin' from the fight, so let's PARTY!!!", Peace said with cheer, and the rest cheered with him, as the celebration began. They all played video games, board games, danced to music, and more fun things at the party. As three hours went by, Twilight decided to bring everyone in her room just to rest and talk for a while. Peace noticed the necklace she was wearing, along with her friends. Even the CMC were wearing similar necklaces. Each necklace has a gold chain with a gem inside the medallion. Twilight's gems was a purple six pointed star gem, Rarity's with three sapphire blue diamond gems, Rainbow's with a red lightning bolt gem, Fluttershy's with a pink butterfly gem, Pinkie's with a light blue balloon gem, Applejack's with a red apple gem, Starlight's with a purple four point star with a white four point star behind it, along with a dark and light mint green streak trailing behind it. Sunset's with a sun that is like the yin-yang symbol; left half is red, the right is orange. Then there's Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo with their gems, as each of them had a shield with magenta, lilac, and purple. The symbols were different; Apple Bloom's shield had an apple, Scootaloo's with a lightning bolt, and Sweetie Belle's with a music note. Last, but certainly not least, was Spike, as his gem was a emerald green flame. Peace got curious about the gems on their necklaces, and asked Twilight. "Y'all have amazin' gems on your necklaces. How made them?", he asked, as Twilight explained. "They're magical artifacts that represent the subjective aspects of harmony. They were made from the Tree of Harmony right below the Castle of the Two Sisters, where Princess Celestia and Luna lived over a thousand years ago. The gems that are on me, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, are the original artifacts of the Elements of Harmony. Each element chose us as its bearer, and each element represents the magic of friendship. Mine is Magic, as I study magic more closely.", Twilight explained. "Mine is Honesty, cuz I stay true ta myself, and always tell the truth. I never lie.", said Applejack. "I'm Loyalty, cuz I don't wanna leave anyone behind when they're in trouble, friend or not.", Rainbow Dash said. "I represent Generosity, because whether you're rich or poor, it's best to be generous towards anyone.", said Rarity, as she flipped her hair. "Um, I represent Kindness, because it's nice to be kind towards anyone and any creature.", Fluttershy said almost in a whisper. "And I represent Laughter, cuz when someone's down, you have to cheer them up, and see them with a smile!", Pinkie said, as she brings out confetti from her bag, and throws it in the air, as everyone laughs with her. Peace was definitely impressed, as was Hype, Goldie, and Glori. "Does the elements give y'all strength when there's trouble? And does it drain you of stamina?", Hyper Active asked, which Peace nodded to him, since he was about to ask the same question. "Not much, but we do get a little tired after using the power of the elements. We still have to get use to the power, even though we saved Equestria a few times. That's how awesome we are!", Rainbow boasted, as every pony and dragon rolled their eyes with a smile, except for Scootaloo, as she looked at Rainbow like a fan girl with stars in her eyes. Golden Heart looked at the CMC's, Spike's, Sunset's, and Starlight's gems with curiousity. "So, do any of your gems represent the Elements of Harmony?", Hype's girlfriend asked, as Sunset answered. "No, but me and Starlight got these gems made from a jewelry store here. Although, I wished these gems were from the Tree of Harmony. I wouldn't know what element I'd have, to be honest.", Sunset said somberly, as she twiddled her thumbs. "But the gems look great for us when we got them, and that's all that counts." Starlight said nervously, trying to lighten the mood, as Sunset showed a sad smile on her face. Peace was going to ask what's wrong, but he left it alone, since it's a party. "So how about you three? How did you get your gems?", Glorious Miracle asked, as Sweetie Belle answered. "The gems are a copy of our cutie marks, when we helped a friend out some time ago. Then we got the cutie marks, and we were happy; still happy about it, actually!", Sweetie said, as she put her arms around Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Though, it took them a while to get them, and went to "extreme' lengths to get them...", Rarity said, as she, Rainbow, and Applejack gave the CMC a stern look for a moment, as the fillies gulped, looking guilty about what they did in the past. But Rarity's face softened with a smile, as did Dash and Applejack. "But now that they're helpin' other fillies and colt on how ta achieve their own cutie marks, we're proud of each of them for doin' that.", Applejack said proudly, as the CMC smiles came back on their faces. Then it was the only young male dragon in the dorm house turn to answer about his gem. Spike spoke, as he cleared his throat. "Well, I help Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset at the castle most of the time, and help the rest of the girls out sometimes. I even help around Ponyville sometimes, too. I mean, that's all I usually do, anyway.", Spike said, but Twilight had her brow up at his words, as she put in... "Come on, Spike! You saved the Crystal Empire twice, gave Ember the Bloodstone Scepter so she can be Dragon Lord, saved Applejack from a timber wolf, you've did many things great! You're a part of the team, and you've helped me and Sunset out.", Starlight said, giving the dragon a sincere smile. "There may have been some mistakes and mishaps, but you make up for them, Spike. You and Ember, along with former Dragon Lord Torch, are my favorite dragons. But you're also the kindest, loyal, funny, generous, honest dragon that will have the magic of friendship, no matter what.", Sunset said, as Spike smiled and blushed at her comments. Peace thought about Spike's, Sunset's and Starlight's gems, as he said... "Spike, the way ya do things for ponies and creatures, I'd say your gem would be an Element of Nobility. Cuz you're noble to all that you've helped around here and everywhere else.", he said, as Spike smiled proudly, and the girls agreed with what Peace said, as he looked at Sunset and Starlight. "Starlight, your gem would be the Element of Encouragement, cuz you encourage others when they're down and out, and ya pick them back up with kind empowerin' words.", Peace said to Starlight, as she blushed and smiled at his words, which the girls thought it was true. Peace then looked at Sunset, but she did look down in shame. Peace heard from Fluttershy of what she did a long time ago, which was stealing Twilight's crown. But Peace wasn't mad or disappointed, he had a sincere smile on his face, as he spoke in a calm voice. "Sunset, your gem would be Element of Forgiveness. I know what ya did a long time ago was bad, but you made up for those mistakes. Some forgave ya, some didn't, but the girls and Spike forgave you for those mistake you made, even Principal Celestia forgave ya. I'm bettin' that it took a very long time to wait for forgiveness, but it'd be worth the wait when ya have a great amount of patience. Now you encourage ponies and creatures to forgive one another, and believe me, it's very hard ta forgive some that wronged ya, but sometime you have to put your pride in the back, and just let it flow.", Peace said, as Sunset was smiling with a blush at his words. But then, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna entered their home in their regular attire. Luna was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and white low top shoes. And Celestia was wearing a gold t-shirt, white shorts, and white low top shoes with stripes on them. There was one thing that Peace, Hype, and Spike noticed that made them blush and look away, Celestia, Luna, Twilight and the Element Bearers, Sunset and Starlight, are show a great amount of cleavage. The CMC had jealous pouts on their faces, but Goldie gave Hype a death glare, as he saw that, and just gulped in fear. Celestia and Luna looked at Peace with stern looks, as he made a gulp of his own with a look of worry. Did he do something wrong in the fight with the Diamond Dogs? The Royal Sisters walked closer to Peace, as their demeanor changed from stern, to joy and excitement. Celestia grabbed Peace's head and pulled him to her mounds, as she giggled. "That was amazing skill you have! Your father said that you're a great fighter, but I had no idea that you were, in the words of Rainbow Dash, awesome!", the principal said excitedly, as Hype was wide eyed at where Peace's head was, and Goldie smacks the back of his head, while giving him a glare, as her boyfriend smiles apologetically. Spike was smirking at Peace's position, as he gave a thumbs up for him, even if Peace can't see. The CMC were getting more jealous, but when they saw their sisters, their jealousy went away in an instant. Rarity's eyes went from sapphire blue to a green, Rainbow had that icy glare, and Applejack was looking "normal", and Apple Bloom knows that look well, meaning that her older sister was really pissed on the inside. Luna had an angry pout, and grabbed Peace, and said... "Sister, you're smothering the poor boy! He might've passed out from your, um, mountain of the sun!", Luna said angrily, as Celestia grinned at her younger sister, and said... "And what about YOU, dear sister? Peace might still pass out with your two "moon orbs".", Celestia said, as Luna looked at Peace's position, and gently pushed him off her chest, as Peace exhaled with relief. "In all seriousness, Peace, your performance was superb today. You must have many masters beside your father and mother. How many do you have to teach you martial arts?", Luna asked, as she was still blushing after putting Peace on her chest. "Well, countin' Pop and Mama, there are 13 masters that taught me martial arts." Peace answered, as everyone, except for Hype, Goldie, and Glori, gasped in shock that he had that many martial art masters. "Wow! No wonder you were trained in different skills. It's like you're setting yourself for the Grand Galloping Gala, but with cotton candy!", Pinkie said, as she just grabbed a cookie from her mane, and ate it. Peace and his friends were going to ask, but Twilight just said... "It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it. When I first came to Ponyville, I would ask her question about her abilities, but the girls just told me not to ask anymore about it. But trust me, she's a great pony to all.", she said, as Peace looked at Pinkie munching at cookie, and just smiled. Then he had a thought, and asked... "Y'all wanna meet my Pop? He probably saw the match on his TV on Earth. Now, It's a video call, so...", Peace asked, and everyone agreed, as he pulled out his cellphone, and dialed Hank's number, and put it on video chat. Hank answered, as everyone saw his face, as Hank was smiling proudly. "What's happenin', champ? You did a great job at that match today. How do ya feel? And who do we have here? And I see some familiar faces!", Hank referring to Hype, Goldie, and Glori as familiar faces, as they waved at him. Peace answered back at his dad. "Well, I feel pretty good; much stronger, actually! That trainnin' with the other masters really paid off, even though I haen't use much off my power. But let me introduce you ta my new friends; Our dorm master, Peachbottom, Princess Twilight Sparkle with her dragon brother Spike, Rarity and her sister Sweetie Belle, Applejack with her sister Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash with her sister Scootaloo, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer. And of course you know Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna." Peace finished introducing everyone, as they all said their hellos, as Hank spoke. "An honor ta meet you ladies. How's school for ya, son?", Hank asked, as Celestia spoke for Peace. "Peace and his friends all had good grades today. He even made a new name for his group, HOOF-STARR!", Celestia said with pride, as Luna rolled her eyes. "Well, that's a good name for the group. I'm really proud of ya, son.", Hank said sincerely. "Thanks, Pop. And I'll keep practicin' everyday, I promise you and the masters.", Peace said, as Hank nodded on the screen. "I know, son, but don't practice too much or over exert yourself. If there's anyone stronger than you, you keep fightin' til you're down and out, whether ya win or lose. As much as I wanna talk more with all of y'all, I have to go ta bed so I can go to work in the mornin'. Sorry y'all, really.", some were disappointed to see Hank go, but they understand, since Peace told them that he has a job. "I understand you have to work, and it was a pleasure to meet you, Hank. Your son is a true knight when he fights, and will take up for the ones he love!" , Rarity said in dramatic and triumphant fashion, which Twilight and her friends rolled their eyes on the fashion diva. Thought, Peace chuckled at Rarity's speech, and spoke to his dad. "Love ya, Pop, and be careful.", Peace said, as Hank put his thumb up, and said... "You too, son. Though, seein' all the lovely ladies there, I think you'll have a better time.", Hank said with a smirk, as Peace's face went beet red in embarassment. "POP!!!!! You know that I'm tryin' ta get over "you-know-who"!", Peace whispered that last part, as Hank looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, son. And I hope you get over her soon, which I know it's a long process. But anyways, have a good time in Equestria, and have a good time at school, and just do your best.", Hank said, as everyone said their goodbyes, he ended the video call, as Peace put his phone back in his pocket. Twilight and the girls wanted to ask Peace who was his ex-girlfriend was, but they didn't want to bother him about it, or ruin his mood. Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle all had annoyed looks as they were thinking of Peace's ex, but they put those thoughts aside, as they didn't want to ruin Peace victory party either. Pinkie had a thought, and said... "We should have a slumber party!", she said, in her cute high-pitch voice. But when Peace, Hype, and Spike heard the words "slumber party", they said simultaneously two words... "GOODNIGHT!!!!", as they said that, they hurried up the stairs to Peace's room, as Rainbow said... "Pinkie, as much as I want a slumber party, tonight's still a school night. Plus, we should go to bed.", the cyan blue Pegasus said, as Pinkie showed some disappointment. Peace then had one idea, as he, Hype, and Spike came back down the stairs. "How about I give y'all one sixteen bar freestyle, and then we go ta bed?", Peace said, as Sunset looked at him worried. "Are you sure? You must be tired from the match with the Diamond Dogs.", she asked, as Peace waved her off. "They were nothin' but bark and no bite. Any dog would fight them...then again, I don't think any dog should.", he said, as they all laughed. But then Peace had a question for Celestia. "What happens to the Diamond Dogs after I beat them?", he asked, as Celestia and Luna gave him serious looks on their faces. "They are to be expelled from Equestria Universal High School, and banished from Equestria. After what they did to you and every other innocent child on Earth, it's best that they leave Equestria.", Celestia said coldly, as Luna spoke. "it was hard for any pony and other creature to get to the gem caves; the Diamond Dogs had to let them pay seven hundred bits to let anyone in the caves, even children.", she finished, as Peace and his friends looked at Twilight and her friends, and they nodded sadly, as the CMC looked down looking more sadder. Peace was clutched his hand into a fist, as he said this in a rhyme. "If the Diamond Dogs come back here It'll be me and many others that they'll fear And they even let kids pay their way in the cave Makes me wanna go on a rampaging rave Look, I'm really sorry that happened to y'all But with me, my friends, your friends, your fam, the Dogs will fall One thing we won't do to them is kill Unless they do somethin' despicable, they we fire at will Anyway, Equestria is truly a lovely place A place that's vacant for any race Accepted or not, just keep on fightin' barriers Fight hard like a Navy super carrier We all need friendship, love, and peace Fightin' hard to put unreasonable hate to a cease I may be from the hood But I know what I see is good." All applauded Peace's freestyle, as everyone felt better and relaxed. Spike and the CMC were heading out going to their homes. Spike stopped and asked Peace a question "Hey Peace, do ya think you can train me just the basics of martial arts? I wanna learn to defend myself, beside breathing out my fire.", Pike asked, as Peace gave him a caring smile, and answered... "You got it, man. I'll show ya the basics for whichever style suits you best. Just promise me that you're only doing it for self defense, and not hurtin' others.", Peace said, as he held out his fist, as Spike fist bumped him. "You got it, bro! This way I can combine Shining Armor's style with the style you're teaching me.", Spike said, as he ran off to the castle waving goodbye to Peace. Then Sweetie Belle got up front of Peace, and said... "Thank you for saving my sister the other day from Blueblood, and for beating the Diamond Dogs for every pony and creature, so they can get any kind of gems from the gem cave.", Sweetie said while blushing a storm. "You're very welcome, Sweetie. Y'all go home safe, OK?", Peace said, as the rest of the CMC nodded, waved bye to everyone, and left, and walked off together to their homes. Then, Twilight and her friends have a request for Peace. "We train together in case of an emergency in Equestria, so the girls and I were wondering if you...if you would like to train with us? Since you live with us in the dorm, I thought I'd ask you that question. Whether it's a yes or no, we will respect your decision.", Twilight asked, as she, Rarity, Applejack, and the rest of her friends bowed in respect, as Peace thought for a moment. "Hmmm... Each of them have a great amount of power inside them, and it'll give me the chance ta see how much power I can use with them. Of course, they wanna see how powerful I am too, and I will show them. So...", as he finished hos thought, Peace gave them the answer... "Alright, I'll train with y'all. But let's be clear, I do show chivalry towards a female, but when I'm in trainin' mode, that's out the window. Show me what'cha got, and I'll show y'all what I got. Twilight, you run the show; if you or any of the girls get hurt or gettin' tired, take a rest, don't overexert yourself tryin' ta get stronger. Y'all OK with that?", Peace said seriously, as each of the girls agreed with nods, as Rainbow said... "Since I'm with the Wonderbolts sports club, you can bet that I'll do my best!", she said proudly, as Applejack stood beside her, and said... "If'n ya can keep up with me, Dash. But I'll gladly show ya what I'm capable of, SugarCube.", the cowgirl said, as she flexed her right arm showing her muscle. Peace was impressed by how fit both Rainbow and Applejack are, so he has plans for them when they start training. "And I'll show you that this party pony will be at her best, and will be there for her friends!", Pinkie stated, as she took out another cookie from her mane. Peace wanted to judge her that Pinkie wasn't taking it seriously, but then he thought... "She may be silly, but I have a feelin' that she'll do good in trainin'. So it might get interestin'.", he thought, as Rarity spoke. "I may be a lady, but I'm always ready for combat, and will be there for my family and friends.", she said with dignity and determination. "We're stronger than we look, Peace. We fight for what's right!", Starlight said, as she and Sunset fist bumped each other. But as they all looked at a nervous Fluttershy, Peace walked towards her, as said... "You don't wanna hurt anyone, right?", he said calmly, giving Fluttershy a sincere smile. "I, um, never hurt anyone in my life. I...I just can't bring myself to hurt or kill. I don't even want to hurt an insect!", Fluttershy said with a whimper, as Peace put his finger under her chin, and lifted her head gently, so she can look at Peace in the eyes, as he still had his smile, and Fluttershy calmed down a bit. "There's a skill that can help you fight without hurtin' anyone, and this skill has worked wonders for me. I'll gladly help you train with this skill, so you can still help your friends. And since you love all types of animals, I have skills for that, too.", Peace said with a soft and calm voice, that Fluttershy calmed down with a smile of her own. "You can...you can help me train to help my family and friends?", she said hopefully, as Peace said... "You can even help your animal friends, and protect them, your family, and friends. This way, you do this without killin' anyone.", Peace said, as Fluttershy gains a bit of confidence, and said... "Then I'll do my best to keep up, and do what I can. And, um, I hope I won't slow you down.", the shy Pegasus said, as Peace shook his head. "You won't slow me down, Fluttershy. Just do your best, all of y'all.", he said, as Hype spoke up. "This'll be cool ta watch, if ya don't mind, bro. Me and the girls need ta work out ourselves, too.", Hype said, as Glori and Goldie both agreed with him. "Sure, I'd like ta see how y'all are progressin' in your trainin'.", Peace said, and agreed with Hype as well. But then... "Then me and Luna will join you in these training sessions. I too feel we need to stretch out the rust within us.", said Principal Celesita, which surprised everyone. "I agree with my sister, especially since she had too many cakes, and just can fit in some of her pants and skirts.", Vice Principal Luna said, getting a glare from her older sister, as she giggled. "The it's settled, we'll train for twenty to thirty minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.", Twilight stated, as the rest agreed with that. Then Peace looked at Peachbottom, and said... "You're more than welcome ta join us in the trainin' sessions, Peachbottom. Don't wanna leave ya out.", Peace said, as Peachbottom said... "Well, OK, but it's been awhile since I've been in wrestlin' in high school. Use to be a champ back then, too.", Peachbottom said, as Peace was intrigued that she use to wrestle in high school. She does look fit, and has some muscle tone. Celestia and Luna saw what time it was, as they were getting ready to leave. "Well, we best be off, everyone. And once again, Peace, congratulations on your victory, you've earned it. And keep up the good work in school.", Luna said, as Celestia had a thought of where to train at. "We can train at either our castle in Canterlot, at Twilight's castle, or Princess Cadence's castle at the Crystal Empire. Each of the castle has a dimensional door like here at the dorm house and school. The training rooms are a lot different than others, so that way you can use all of your full power. Plus, there are special doctors and nurses who will tend to injuries if the training session gets out of hand.", the tall white Alicorn said, as Peace looked more intrigued at that, and said... "Then I can't wait to see what'cha got. This trainin' session just got interestin'.", Peace said, as he showed a smirk, as did Celestia and Luna. "We'll see you all at school. And Peace, if Blueblood causes you more trouble, let us know. Even if he is our nephew, he doesn't get a free pass to do what he wants.", Celestia said, as Peace nodded, and the Sisters teleported away in a bright light. Everyone went upstairs to Peace's room, as Hype, Goldie, and Glori were the last ones to leave. "Amigo, I can't tell you how happy and proud well all are of you beating the Diamond Dogs today. We all wanna say gracias for doing that for us.", Glori said, as Peace held his hand up, and said... "I'm the one that should be thankin' y'all for keepin' my powers a secret, and not tellin' anyone who I really am. Truth is, I felt helpless for not beat those Dogs asses sooner, as they bullied y'all badly cuz of me.", Peace said somberly, as Goldie kissed his cheek, and said... "Peace, don't beat yourself up like that. There are sometimes that we do blame for not doing anything to help us or others, but we all understand that what you're going through doesn't compare of what we go through. And you definitely made up for it in full force.", Goldie said with a soft voice, as Hype spoke. "She's right, bro, And we'll always be right beside ya, no matter what.", said Hype, as he held out his fist, and Peace fist bumped him. "Like Hype, Goldie, and Glori, we'll also be by your side, as well. The Elements of Harmony will protect all of you.", Twilight said regally, as the rest of the group agreed, as Peace nodded in thanks. Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle said their goodbyes, and went in Peace's closet by dimensional key. Peace looked at Twilight and the girls with a smile, and just simply said... "The first day of school was a success, I beat the Diamond Dogs, and now I can say that my journey truly begins. I'm gonna turn in, y'all. Let's wake up to a better day tomorrow.", Peace said, as each of the girls and Peachbottom said their goodnights to Peace, as they all left his room. Two hours after, Peace was sleeping comfortably, and so were each of the girls, as each had dreamy smiles on their faces. Luna was secretly in their dreamscape, as she saw Peace's dream of him when he was four years old, his father Hank, and his late mother, Grace, as they were at a state fair enjoying themselves. Luna thought it was adorable seeing that, and then left Peace's dream. But minutes later, she was out of the dreamscape with a shock on the face, and thought to herself. "Oh my, Peace is going to have his hands full when and if he finds out that Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends have a crush on him. After that match today, I don't blame them, but how will Peace feel about this?" Luna thought, but push that thought back for now, since she had to go back in the dreamscape to look at other dreams. But she can't help but to be concerned about Peace. This means that she'll have to keep an eye on Twilight, the Element Bearers, and Peace more closely. And then Luna face palmed, and said... "Great, now I have a crush on Peace!" > The New Day With Praise, The Prince's Rage, and Training Sessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was five thirty in the morning, and Fluttershy was just waking up from her sleep. She moved her pink mane from her face, and got up from her bed to look out of the window. Fluttershy sees birds flying around gracefully, as it puts a smile on her face. But then, she looked down on the ground to see Peace Poet training, and his movements were a lot slower than his fight with the Diamond Dogs yesterday. Fluttershy was looking at Peace like he was moving in slow motion, and she was in awe at his movements. Peace wasn't paying attention to Fluttershy watching him train himself, but if he did look up at her window, he would've noticed that Fluttershy's buttoned pajama shirt was unbuttoned at the top, with her left breast spilled out. Luckily, she went to her bathroom to get ready for a shower, but when she looked at the mirror, her eyes widened in horror, as she thought... "Oh dear, it happened again! I'm going to have to get Rarity to make me another shirt, since this one is getting little. Looks like I got bigger again.", she said, as she turned on the shower, and got undressed. A while later, Peace, Twilight, and the girls met Hyper Active Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle at the front doors of the school. Peace noticed that Fluttershy was looking at him nervously, and it got him worried, so he asked her... "Fluttershy, are you OK? Did I do somethin' wrong?", Peace asked, thinking it was his fault that he might have scared her or worse. She held up her hands and shook her head. "Oh, goodness no, Peace. I was just thinking about the training after school. Um, I'm kind of nervous, and I hope I won't hold you back on your training.", Fluttershy said dejectedly, as Peace gave her a sincere smile, and said... "You don't have ta worry, Fluttershy. Like I said, I know you don't wanna hurt anyone, so I'm gonna show ya some techniques that will slow your opponent down. Trust me, I don't wanna hurt anyone, but if anyone hurts my fam and friends, I'll have no choice ta fight. I know ya wanna be brave for your friends, but it's OK to be scared, too. Sometimes, you gotta face your fears, so fear won't consume your mind too much. I'll help you out anyway I can.", Peace said, as Fluttershy showed a small smile, as she gained some confidence, and is trusting Peace to help her. As they went inside the school, Peace and the rest saw what they didn't want to see, Prince Blueblood. He had a glare straight at Peace, but all Peace did was narrowed his eyes at the white Unicorn stallion. Just ten feet away from each other, Blueblood was about to do something, but a pair of white Unicorns quickly got in front of Blueblood, as their horns lit up ready to fight. Peace, his friends, Twilight and her friends were surprised at the two Unicorns that they were about to fight Blueblood. All Blueblood did was let out an angry snort, and stormed away. The Unicorns horns stopped glowing, as they turned to look at Peace with smiles on their faces. "Damn! Their powers were through the roof when they faced Blueblood. I wonder who they are, and why they stood up for me?", Peace thought, as he looked at the two Unicorns. The mare has long pale rose hair with purple eyes, and the stallion has short blue hair, blue eyes, and a moustache. They both have on Crystal Prep Academy uniforms that are purple and blue, with a logo that has a Crystal Heart with a green flame behind it. The Unicorn stallion spoke in a British accent. "Princess Twilight, Rarity, everypony, it is great to see you again. Oh, where are my manners; I am Fancy Pants, fourth year of Crystal Prep Academy, School President, and you are the the victor that defeated the Diamond Dogs, Peace Poet. It is an honor to meet you." Fancy said, as he held out his hand, as Peace respectfully shook it. Then the Unicorn mare spoke to Peace. "And I am Fleur de Lis, first year of Crystal Prep Academy, and School Vice President. It's like Fancy said, it's an honor to meet you, Peace Poet.", Fleur said, as she and Peace also shook hands. "It's nice ta meet'cha both; Twilight and Rarity talk a great deal about you two. Fancy Pants is one of Canterlot's great entrepreneur, and Fleur de Lis is one of Equestria's best supermodels. And seein' y'all two bein President and Vice President, like Twilight is President and Sunset bein' Vice President here, I know that both schools will have great futures for everyone.", Peace said, as Fancy showed a proud smile, and Fleur, Twilight, and Sunset blushed at Peace words, as they smiled. But then Rarity spoke. "I hate to be rude, but what are you two doing here? Are there more clothing orders you need from me?", the fashion Unicorn spoke, as Fancy Pants said... Honestly, not right now, Rarity, but we'll let you know when we need more designer clothes. Principal Cadence sent us to give Peace this letter.", as Fancy pulled out a letter and gave it to Peace, Peace read it out loud, as it said... "Dear Peace Poet I'm truly sorry that I couldn't make it to your match to congratulate you on your victory against the Diamond Dogs. Bein' a princess of the Crystal Empire and principal of a high school is not an easy take, and I hope you understand. My sister-in-law and fellow princess Twilight Sparkle has told me all about you, and I want to meet you in person. This letter is to invite you and your friends this weekend to come to the Crystal Empire as special guest, and you can invite anyone you want to bring, no matter how many. Me and my husband Prince Shining Armor will give you a tour of the Empire, and you can stay until you go back to school. Again, apologies for not meeting you in person, and I hope you'll forgive me for not giving you the invite myself. I will not judge you if you refuse to come, the decision is yours to make. But I do hope that I meet you face to face, and congratulate you in person. Sincerely, Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire." Peace finished reading the letter with a shocked look on his face, and turns to Twilight with a sheepish look on her face. Peace wasn't angry or upset, but he did ask the Princess of Friendship one question... "You have a sister-in-law that's a princess and a principal at the Crystal Empire, and your brother is a prince? I really hope that he's better that he's a lot better than Blueblood." at that last statement, Peace was worried that Shining Armor is like Blueblood, which Twilight cringed at that statement, and said... "Faust no! Shining would never stoop to Blueblood's level. He cares about his family, friends, and more in Equestria. Trust me, you'd like him when you meet him.", she said, as Peace breathe a sigh of relief of that, as he turned to Fancy and Fleur. "As for the invite, I accept. Plus of what Principal Cadence been doin', along with princess duties, she already forgiven. And tell her not ta beat herself up for not meetin' me, cuz me, my friends, ALL of my friends will gladly come to the Crystal Empire this weekend.", Peace said, as Fleur gave Peace a hug and kiss on the cheek, as Goldie and Glori went into jealous sister mode. But when they and Hype turned around to see Twilight and her friends, jealously pissed off was an understatement. They all had forced smiles; Rainbow was flapping her wings in frustration, Applejack squeezed the wall of the entrance, as the wall cracked a little, Pinkie's hair and tail deflated a bit, Rarity's aura was green, Sunset was twiddling her fingers, Starlight had red smoke coming from her horn, and Twilight's aura was between purple and black. Peace did noticed, as he sensed the girls power soaring higher, but the one that wasn't angry was Fluttershy. That was because she look sad and had tears in her eyes, but was also forcing a smile. This caused Peace to look at them in fear, and thought... "Trainin' session is gonna be awkward after this...", he thought, as Fancy shook Peace's hand, and said... "Fantastic, my friend! We all look forward to seeing you all at the Empire, and just so you would know, me and Fleur still live in Canterlot. And if you and your friends want to come see one of us for anything, please let us know. Here's our phone numbers in case you want to call us for anything. Well, we best be off to school, Peace. We'll see you and the rest of your friends this weekend.", Fancy said with a smile, as he exited the school. Fleur followed, as she said with a wink... "I'll be waiting, Peace.", she said flirtatiously with half-lidded eyes, as she exited the school. Peace and Hype saw each girl, except Fluttershy, with and angry vein on the side of their forehead. Hyper Active spoke, and said while clearing his throat... "Let's go to somewhere before we go to class, shall we?", he said, as Golden Heart clamped to Hype's arm tightly, hoping that no other girl would steal him or flirt with him. Rarity and Pinkie both clamped on each of Peace's arms, as well, as they all walked down the halls. Although, Peace was praised by many from his victory against the Diamond Dogs; Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, Rainbow Dash's childhood friend, Gilda, Soarin, and many more congratulated Peace for his win. Though there were others that didn't congratulate Peace, and they stood up front of him. It was Garble, three Pegasi stallions that Rainbow and Fluttershy recognized, Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score, and then another Pegasi, but this one is a mare, and one that Rainbow also knows very well, Lightning Dust. Peace narrowed her eyes at the Pegasi and the red dragon, as Garble spoke. "You're strong, but you don't have a chance to beat me, Saiyan boy. I'll take ya out right here, right now!", he said with a scoff, while smoke comes from his nose. Peace just smirked, as he told the dragon... "That last part, I guess your mama told you that many times. And with that many times, ya got an ass whoopin' from her.", Peace said, as his childhood friends, Twilight and the Element Bearers, and everyone else shouted "OOH!", and some even gasped at what Peace said, as Rainbow shouted... "I know you're a dragon, but you just got BURNED!", she shouted, as Garble was getting pissed, and got into Peace's face, and said... "Look here, you little shit, you may have beat the weak ass Dogs, but goin' against dragon is another story! And to be honest, you're not worth challenging!", Garble gritted his teeth, as Peace just stood there, telling Rarity and Pinkie to get back, as they did, and he said... "Look, you're right about one thing; the Diamond Dogs are weak, just in the mind. I know you're a good fighter, have great skills, and with great power. The only problem is...", Peace paused for a second, and spoke in a deep and cold voice... "You might not know how ta use the skills and power properly.", he spoke with cold and venom in his voice, as Garble was about to punch Peace, a female voice called out "STOP!!!", the voice shouted, and Garble's fist was stopped half an inch from Peace's face, and the Saiyan did not flinch, as he looked for the source of the voice. He saw coming from the crowd was a female dragon younger than Garble. She was orange with purple eyes with spines that matched her eye color, wearing a blue jean jacket, with a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes. She was followed by a young Earth pony stallion, a female Yak, a male griffon, a female changeling, and a female hippogriff. The dragon girl gave Garble a glare, and then looked at Peace, as he face softened. She spoke, and said... "You'll have to excuse my older brother. He's tough on the outside, but he's--" she was interrupted by Garble, as he said with a whine... "Smolder! Not in front of HIM! I gotta teach him a lesson here!", he said with a shout, as the dragon named Smolder gave him the same glare, and said... "Gar-Gar, he may have beaten the Diamond Dogs, but he wasn't even at full power! Peace beat them without breakin' a sweat, and those Dogs weren't much of a workout for him. Are you working for Prince Blueblood?" Smolder said, as her eyes started to glow. Garble gulped, as she sighed of disappointment, and said coldly... "Leave Peace alone; I'll talk to you later, now get outta here." Smolder said. As Garble was about to protest, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna came to the scene. "Is there a problem here, students?", Luna asked sternly, as Smolder spoke. "No, I just came to congratulate Peace Poet here on his win yesterday. My brother did too, right Gar-Gar?", she asked with a brow up, and Garble sighed in defeat, and said sarcastically... "Congratulations on you win yesterday, Peace." Garble said, as he gagged a little bit saying that. "Thank you, Garble. Now, if that's all you have to say, I suggest you move along and get ready for class, and not do anything foolish.", Celestia said firmly, as Garble scoffed and glared at Peace for a moment, as he went on his way. Peace looked at Celestia, and said... "I think he wanna challenge me in the future, but I'll be ready for him.", he said, as he looked at Smolder and her friends, as Twilight and her friends introduced them to Peace. "Peace, I want to meet Smolder. As you already know, she's Garble's brother, and she's a protege of Dragon Lord Ember.", Twilight said, as this caught him by surprise. "Wow! Spike told me all about you and Dragon Lord Ember. It's nice ta meet'cha.", Peace said as he held out his hand for a shake, as Smolder shook it. "It's nice to meet'cha too, Peace. I'm really sorry about how Garble acted. He does work for Blueblood, which I think is a jerk, but Garble is somewhat of an nice guy.", Smolder said, as Peace nodded. Applejack also introduced another of Smolder's friends, which is the griffon. "This here is Gallus, he's from Griffonstone.", the cowgirl say, as Gallus held out his hand to Peace, as they shook hands. "It's good to meet you, Peace. You were really good yesterday. Might be as strong as Applejack and her brother.", Gallus said, as Applejack stated... "Believe me, Peace is strong, and he only shown part of his power.", Applejack said, as Fluttershy was next to introduce a changeling girl, which is very shy like Fluttershy. "Um, this is Ocellus, Peace. She wanted to say hi.", Fluttershy said, as Ocellus was hiding behind her, as Peace showed a caring smile. "Hi, Ocellus. It's nice ta meet'cha. Spike told me that your friend is Thorax, the King of the Changelin's.", Peace said, as he also thought about the former changeling queen, which he won't bring up, because it might bring bad memories for Ocellus. Speaking of, she finally came from behind Fluttershy, and spoke. "Um, h-hi, Mr. Poet. I-it's nice t-to meet you.", Ocellus said nervously, as Peace said... "Call me Peace, that what my friends and fam call me.", he said, as Peace held out his hand, and Ocellus hesitantly took it and Peace gently shook it, as the nervousness went away a bit, as she showed Peace a small smile. Then Rarity introduced the young yak. "Peace darling, I want you to meet Yona. She really wanted to meet the winner of yesterdays battle.", Rarity said, as Yona went and shook Peace's hand, as he thought... "For a cute girl, she has a very firm grip. Damn, she's as strong as Applejack!", as Yona let go of Peace's hand, and spoke. "Yona's glad to meet you, Peace! Peace is strong, powerful, and one of Yona's favorite fighters!", she said in a different way to speak, but Peace never judge Yona at all, as he smiled at her and nodded to her. Rainbow is standing next to a young Earth stallion, as she spoke. "Peace, this is Sandbar. He also wants to meet you, too.", she said, as Sandbar shook Peace's hand with a proud smile, and said... "I don't wish harm on anyone, but you did every creature a big favor for beating the Diamond Dogs. I don't think anyone would take move of their crooked deeds. I wanna thank you for being one of the brave and strong warriors to teach them a lesson.", Sandbar told Peace, and he thought about what Sandbar and everyone else been through from the Dogs. Now he was really glad to beat them, but he thought that the Dogs might come back for revenge one day, and he'll be ready for them. "It's the least I can do for every creature and everyone that were pushed around by those Dogs. I'm sure that there aren't Dogs like them; some, but not all.", Peace said, and everyone knows that he's right. Not all Dogs, the anthro ones, of course, are not all bad. Then, it was Pinkie's turn to introduce one more of Smolder's friends, a hippogriff girl, which is smiling brightly, as Pinkie spoke. "And this is Silverstream, and she's like me and everyone else, fun!", Pinkie said, as Silverstream went and shook Peace's hand with a look of awe on her face. "You were AWESOME in that match! You're definitely one of my favorite fighters in school, besides Twilight and the others, of course. But you're really amazing, in both fighting and music!", the hyper hippogriff said. But when she mentioned music, that's when Hyper Active spoke. "Wow! I thought I heard some of our songs from yesterdays class on the radio. You were right, Goldie, and I owe ya twenty bits.", Hype said , as was going in his bag for the bits, as Golden Heart just said... "I told ya, and it's now thirty bits.", Goldie smirked, as Hype mumbled under his breath, and Peace, Glori, and the rest laughed and giggled at Hype's reaction. "So are ya gonna challenge anyone else yet? We all know you're strong, but it'd be nice to see you fight in the arena again.", Gallus asked, as Peace just said... "Well, I don't know who ta challenge yet, but right now, I'm just gonna focus on school, gettin' a job, If I find one, and on my poetry, and music with my friends. I still practice sometime, but overdoin' it would wreck a body. So I gotta take it easy and take smaller steps to get stronger, physically, mentally, and emotionally.", Peace said, as Gallus and everyone else agreed with Peace's words. Though, Celestia and Luna did have worried looks, as Celestia spoke to Peace. "Peace, you need to be extra carefully now; Blueblood has it out for you, and he wants to see you fail. Me and Luna will try to keep him at bay, but..." Celestia didn't finish her sentence, as Peace held up his hand, and said... "I'm not hidin' behind anyone like a coward, and let people, or ponies and other creatures, fight my battles for me.", Peace said, as he looked at Hype, Goldie, and Glori, as he continued. "My friends did that enough already, and I'm not done repayin' them back yet. Beatin' the Diamond Dogs was just the beginnin'. My friends can fight and protect themselves, but if anything happens to them, to...", Peace looked at Twilight and her friends, then to the Royal Sisters... "To my new friends, to you, Principal and Vice Principal, or anyone who's hurt cuz of someone else's foolish stupidity, nonsensical reasons, they'll pay, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I don't care what happens ta me, as long as my friends have peace and a good life.", they all listened to Peace's speech, as Celestia and Luna each had their hands on each of Peace's shoulders, and gave him a sincere smile, as Luna said... "Peace, your father was right, you really are a strong young man, strong with the kindness in the heart that has a strength that will reach above any mountain you can climb.", Luna said, as it was Celestia's turn to speak. Though you don't have to be alone to have strength, your friends, past, present, and future, will give you the strength to overcome difficult walls. Me and Luna will help the best way we can, Peace. Now, we best be going, and classes will start in ten minutes. Have a good day, everypony!", and will that, both sisters walked back to the office. Peace looked at Smolder and her friends, as he spoke to introduce his childhood friends. "Now where are MY manners? Even though y'all heard them on the radio, I'll introduce y'all to them; my best friend and brother, Hyper Active. He not only make good beats, but he's like me, a great hip-hop artist. And this lovely angel, which is not far from the truth, has a true voice of an angel. Also my best friend and sister, Golden Heart. And last, but certainly not least, the most beautiful Rapunzel I've ever met. Best friend, sister, and HOOF-STARR's manager, Glorious Miracle.", Peace said, as he introduced his friends to Smolder and her friends, as they each shook hands. "Do any of you know martial arts like Peace? Cuz each of you are in great shape." Smolder asked, as she noticed that Hype, Goldie, and Glori are showing a bit of muscle tone. "Si, Peace and his parents have been training us for each martial art.", Glori said proudly. "We also have weapons to practice with, and they trained us with them.", Goldie said. "Except the power part, but we can sense energy like Peace does. Ta be honest, Peace and his fam made each of us a better person, and we all don't wanna disappoint him or his fam.", Hype said, as he gave Peace a fist bump. "As much as we want to hear more, we better get to class." Ocellus said with a small smile and a blush. "Yeah, and it's nice to see you and the girls, Twilight. Plus, it's nice to meet you, Peace, and your friends." Sandbar said, as he look at the clock on his phone. "Yona hope we see each other soon!", Yona said, as she, Smolder, and the rest of the group said bye to Peace, Twilight, and the rest. Hype looked at Peace, and said... "I have my beats and rhymes ready for music class, bro. Ready ta hit the booth?" Hype asked, as he see Peace with determination on his face. "You know I am, man. And I was thinkin', how about later next week we collab with Twilight and the girls? I don't wanna overwork ya...", Peace told Hype his idea, and he, Goldie, and Glori agreed with the idea, along with Twilight and her friends. "HOO-WEE!!! That's a great idea, Peace! I hope ya like rhymin' ta some country music.", Applejack said in a worried voice, as Peace said... "AJ, I'll rhyme with ANY kind of music, includin' country. Whatever genre of music y'all like, I'll rhyme to it.", Peace said, as the rest of the girls were happy about what Peace said, as Twilight spoke. "Well, we better get to class, everypony. I definitely don't wanna be tardy, unlike the fastest in Equestria.", Twilight said snarkly, as Rainbow gave her an angry pout, which Peace finds that really cute. "You're right, Twilight, we should get goin' ta class. And...", Peace's sentence was stopped by Twilight, as she said with a smile... "Peace, we're friends, you can call me Twi, if you want.", she said with a blush, as the rest of the girls looked envious, as Pinkie said... "And you can call me Pinks for short. Along with Dash or Dashie, Flutters or Shy, Rares, Sunny, and Star! We're your friends Peace, and we don't mind you calling us that. Heck, you called Applejack AJ!", the pink mare said, as she explained to Peace of the rest of the girls nicknames. "Well, alright, if y'all want me ta call y'all by your...", Peace didn't finish, as the girls agreed that he can call the girls by what Pinkie told him. "Not a problem, Peace. And we better get to class, because Twi is ready to teleport to class.", Sunset said, as she hurried next to Twilight, as she and Glori were gone in a flash of light. The rest went to their classes, as Peace, Hype, Goldie, Pinkie, Rarity, and Starlight went to music class. As they went in the classroom, they were crowded by most of the class that were amazed of Peace's and the rest performances, not to mention Peace's first battle and win with the Diamond Dogs. Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings did go and congratulate Peace, and said in a flirtatious way... "If you and your group wanna collab with us, just say the word and we'll be with you, honey.", she said with half-lidded eyes, as she, Aria, and Sonata walked away with a sway in their steps. Goldie didn't like that, and Starlight, Rarity, and Pinkie agreed with her, as Pinkie's hair deflated a bit. Hype was also suspicious about the Dazzlings, as he narrowed his eyes at them a bit. Then it was Vinyl and Octavia that also congratulated Peace on his win yesterday, as both of them also had half-lidded eyes on Peace, as well. Rarity and the rest didn't mind Vinyl and Octavia, but they still kept close eyes on them, just in case. Trixie also congratulated Peace, but whispered in his ear, and said... "If you get Starlight, you'll have to have me, too.", she said, as she flipped her hair and walked away, leaving Peace with a shocked look. Starlight saw that, wondering what Trixie said, as she went to her seat. She didn't ask Trixie, but she will after a while. Flash Sentry came to congratulate Peace on his win and his song on the radio, as Peace said... "Thanks, bruh. Your song is great, too. We oughta collab sometime.", Peace said. "I was thinkin' the same thing, man. I hope your next song with your group is as great like the last.", Flash said. "Same ta you, man.", Peace said, as he, Hype, and Goldie went in the booth to get ready for their next song to record, as Goldie told the class and Neon Lights, as he just entered the classroom... "This song is called "'Round Midnight, which the sample is based on the song from Luchi de Jesus.", she announced, as the music played, as the drums easily synced with the music, as Goldie began to sing... Golden Heart: (sings) I was with my man 'round midnight And to tell you the truth, he's a heavenly sight Me and his were in a cute huddle Put those two together, and we'll call it a cuddle He and brother Peace make the night special As the fun reaches mountain top potential I know what you're thinkin', it's about sex But you're too into the gutter, and that makes me put you in a hex. Hyper Active: (raps) 'Round midnight, I see a girl who's a true angel Beautiful, in and out, every angle Though when Peace comes through, he leaves us be Leavin' just the to of while on a date, ya see That's what y'all call a bro code If y'all don't understand that, I'm in beast mode Codes are sacred, and what we go by, never betray another Especially from a long-time sister and brother Excuse my French, but you'll be damned If you think that I'll be on the cheatin' program Betray my on and only is suicide If I did that, heart had already died Golden Heart, Peace Poet, and Glorious Miracle are my fam They're worth more than luxury, glitz, and glam That's my point of view The view that'll stay true. Peace Poet: (raps) 'Round midnight, I'm a poetic messiah As my life is "Carey-ed", like Mariah Hype, Goldie, and Glori will always be fam As the Friendship Princess joins our flowing jam With Kindness, Laughter, and Generosity Magic, Loyalty, Encouragement, Forgiveness, and Honesty I live by those Elements of Harmony Like a monk listenin' to every kind of peaceful symphony I write like I'm in a martial art match With my wordplay, I'll come out without a scratch HOOF-STARR, and many others will go beyond Touch a star in a galaxy will take less than an eon But when my fam and friend are in front of a threat I'll be there ta shut it down; I'll win the bet Blood or not, family is a family And that kind of love will last longer than a century. The song ends, as all of HOOF-STARR came out from their booth, and a roar of cheers came from the whole class, Neon Lights was the first to congratulate and grade Peace and the crew. "Fantastic, you three! This one was mellow and still strong. A+ for each of ya! Great job!", the music teacher said, as he shook Peace's, Hype's, and Goldie's hands and gave them their grades on their papers, as the group members hugged each other. Rarity, Pinkie, and Starlight also came in the group hug, which Peace and the crew invited them in. "That was simply magnificent, darlings! I knew you had another great song in you.", Rarity said cheerfully. "It was a team effort right here; we talked about doin' this song after we video chatted last night.", Peace said. "And you put our Elements in the song; that's amazing!", Pinkie said excitedly. "Man, when you mentioned "family", the feels came to me. I thought about my dad back in Sire's Hollow... When you mentioned that, did you really mean to include me, Twilight, and the rest of the girls to be in your family?", Starlight ask, as she wiped the tears from her eyes, as Hype said... "It was Peace's idea, and I agree with him a hundred percent ta add you girls in it. It took me ten minutes ta put this beat together.", Hype responded. "I know that this song is definitely the best one we've ever made in a long time, and these grades prove our hard work.", Goldie said, as she showed her grade. Although, the celebration was cut short, as they heard clapping at the doorway, and saw Blueblood with an evil smirk on his face. Blueblood was walking towards Peace and the rest, but Starlight teleported in front of Blueblood, as he was getting annoyed by her move. "Step aside, Glimmer. You know the consequences for disobeying royalty.", Blueblood said with a hint of anger in his voice. "And I doubt you came to congratulate Peace, Your "Highness". I won't let you hurt Peace or his friends.", Starlight said sternly, as Pinkie and Rarity stood beside her, as Peace went to stop them. "It's alright, girls. Y'all get next ta Hype and Goldie.", Rarity wanted to object, but she understood that Peace is OK with facing the prince. Now with the girls behind Peace, with all the class staying back, and Neon Lights on the side in case if things get escaladed, Blueblood calmed down, and spoke to Peace. "It was very rude of me to storm off earlier. Let me greet you in a correct way; congratulations on your victory against the Diamond Dogs. They were incompetent, anyway, and a big eye sore of henchmen for me.", Blueblood said with a smirk, as Peace's eyes narrowed a bit, and his arms crossed. It was Peace's turn to speak. "What'chu want, Blueblood?", he said in a low and cold voice. Starlight, Pinkie, and Rarity were surprised at Peace's tone, as Hype and Goldie were just smiling at Peace's confidence. Blueblood frowned, and said... "You WILL address me as...", Blueblood didn't finish, as Peace cut him off. "I only address royalty with respect, if or when they show me and others respect. For the past couple of days since I've been in this world, you haven't shown that. Now, me and my friends, old and new, are celebratin' right now. If ya wanna "congratulate" us, just say congratulations, and be on your way. I hate ta be rude, but if you ain't got nothin' else nice ta say, then please be on your way, and take the negativity with ya. You may be a prince, but ya are one, ACT like it, instead of bein' a A-1 douche!", the whole classroom gasped in shock at Peace's words, while a seething Blueblood was shaking in anger, as Blueblood only have this to say... "One day, Saiyan, One. Day!", he said half-shouted, as Peace didn't even flinch, and said... "I'll be waitin'; have a nice day.", and with a huff, Blueblood stormed out of the classroom, as the tense energy in the classroom finally calmed down. Neon Lights went to Peace to check on him. "You OK, bud? You really stood your ground against Prince Blueblood. You're the first of the few of us that stood up to that jackass, excuse my language.", Neon asked, as Peace took a deep breath, as he calmed himself down, and said... "Yeah, I'm good, but I wanna apologize for my behavior in front of you and the class.", Peace bowed in respect as an apology, as Neon lifted his head up gently by the hand, and said... "No need for apologies, man. Blueblood's aunts already have problems with him, even his daddy. His mama is the main reason why his so...what's the word?", Neon asked, as Rarity stated... "High strung, spoiled, arrogant, and needy?", she said bitterly, which the rest of the class agreed, as most have dealt with the prince before. "Yeah, that! But Peace, ya gotta be careful around Blueblood and his gang. After your win yesterday, you're the new target, and they will hit the bulls eye. I help ya the best I can, but...", Neon stopped his sentence, as Peace looked at his music teacher with a sincere smile. "Don't worry about it; ya don't have ta be involve in my problems. If I need your help, I'll ask for it, but the problem will be small, not big. Just keep on bein' a teacher, and that's help enough.", Peace said, as he had a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Hyper Active, and pretty much all the class that had the look of determination. Bon-Bon went over and spoke to Peace, and said... "Me and Lyra will help you out with Blueblood, if you don't mind. I'll explain what I do later, but we'll help you out.", she said, as Peace looked at each of the class; the Dazzlings, Flash Sentry, Vinyl and Octavia, Trixie, and not excluding Rarity, Pinkie, Starlight, Hype, and Goldie. The whole class wants to help Peace, as he thought... "I don't know some of the ponies and creatures in this classroom, but I'll say this, they're definitely better than that hellhole of a high school in New York, especially HER.", he thought, and said thank you to everyone in the room, as they continued their activities. Peace went through his day at school without incident, as Zecora's poetry class was postpone, because she and the class went on a field trip for the day, which Peace politely declined, of course. Plus, this is his third day in Equestria, and he hasn't had time to look around Canterlot yet, since he's been busy. Though, Peace did go to gym class, as he and his classmates played basketball, kickball, and other activities. Garble did stay away from Peace, but he has been giving him the stink eye, which the young Saiyan didn't pay him any mind. And while Peace was shooting hoops, Coach Spitfire called him over, and told him to sit beside him on the bleachers, as she spoke to him. "Man, you did a great job on the match yesterday, Peace. You're really are skilled at martial arts.", Spitfire said proudly. "Thanks, Coach. I just get in the zone when I fight. I heard you're a great fighter yourself. One of your biggest fans told me about you bein' a three time martial arts champ.", Peace said, as Spitfire chuckled, knowing who the "biggest fan" was. "Rainbow Dash; yeah, she's been comin' to my matches since she was a filly, and now look at her. She's a strong willed young mare, and even broke one of my speed records of the Young Flyers Competition. In martial arts, she's a pro. I'm surprised that she hasn't challenged you for a match yet.", and that made Peace wonder, as he looked at Rainbow doing flips, while having a little sparring match with Applejack. He smiled at how strong Rainbow and Applejack are. Then, he looked at Fluttershy, as she was doing sit ups. All three of the mares he lived with were in great shape; flexibility, strength, and power, since he can sense them. And with a nudge to bring Peace back to reality, He look at Spitfire smirking at him. "So, which on is your type? I know you live with Dash, Fluttershy, and Applejack, but one has to interest ya.", Spitfire asked, as Peace's eyes widened at her claim, as he said... "Oh, no, no! I'm not... I mean, they have ta have boyfriends, or coltfriends, in that order. They're way outta my league ta be interested in me. Um, what I mean is, that, I never been out with a pony mare before, and I wouldn't mind it, mind you! And... Oh, God, you're teasin' me, aren't cha?", Peace put both hand over his red blushing face over his embarrassment, as Spitfire giggled at his expression, as she put a hand on his shoulder, and said... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that, nor put you on the spot. I just wanna get to know you personally. You don't mind being friends with a coach, do ya?", the coach asked, as Peace took his hands off his face, as he calmed down, and said... "Not at all; I need more friends here in this new world. I'm just glad you're not like the other coaches from my old school from Earth. You're definitely better than they are. I have ta hide my power in secret on Earth, but here, I don't have to. Although, a wise man once said, "With great power, comes great responsibility", and I try my best ta use my power wisely.", Peace said, as Spitfire was touched by his words, and just smiled at him. "Well, you are a wise young man yourself, Peace. And I hope, if the princesses told ya, we hope to make you and your human friends happy here.", Spitfire said, as she got up from her seat, and kneeled down in front of him, and put each hand on each of Peace's shoulders, as her facial expression changed from happy to serious. "Look, there will be some bad apples in this school that'll put you down a peg, but I'll try my best to help you, OK?", she said, as Peace nodded. "I appreciate it, but if I get in ta a deep situation, I don't wanna put your career on the line. I've been bullied in schools back on Earth, and didn't do a thing ta help the innocent that were also bullied. But now, I wanna repay what I didn't do, but not at the bullies level, just ta beat them at their own game, the right way.", Peace said, as Spitfire was liking more of his spirit, as she patted his shoulder, stood up, and went over to some of her students. Dash, AJ, and Fluttershy went over to Peace, as he got up from his seat. "Ya OK, SugarCube? You and Coach Spitfire were talkin' for awhile." Applejack asked in a worried voice. "Yeah, it's cool; we were just talkin' about yesterday's match, congratulatin' me, and about my old school. Though, we did talk about a certain "fan girl."", Peace said, as Applejack and Fluttershy looked at Rainbow with flat looks, knowing that it's deja vu. "Hey, I can't help it! Spitfire's the reason of who I am now. She been my inspiration...", that's when AJ cut in before Dash takes too long. "Since you were a filly, we know! We heard the story like a million times, Dash. Still interestin', but it's getiin' on my nerves.", the cowgirl said, which made Rainbow grumble, as Peace put his hand on his shoulder, and said... "Well, maybe sometime, you can tell me how Spitfire inspired ya. Especially you AJ, Flutters, and the rest of the girls; y'all can tell me who inspired y'all ta who and what you are today.", Peace said, as the three mares smiled with a blush, even though Rainbow trying hard to be tough. Dash cleared her throat, and said... Well, um, OK, I'll definitely tell ya how Spitfire's the reason why I'm awesome. But first, are you OK? You seem calm while at lunch since Blueblood's still being a top asshole.", Rainbow asked, as Peace chuckled. "I'm cool; I'm just not likin' his style of gettin' his lackys ta fight for him, while he's keepin' his rich hands clean. If I want anyone ta fight for me, it'll be when I'm in no condition ta do anything. Still kinda anxious ta see how strong y'all are.", Peace said. "Oh, um, I mean, I'm strong, but strong willed would be the right choice of words.", Fluttershy said nervously, as Rainbow said. "Don't worry, 'Shy, you're strong in your own right. Besides, Peace said he'll help ya with a technique.", Dash say, as Peace nodded with a smile. "True, and I hope this technique will work for ya. If it doesn't, I'll help ya with somethin' else to your liking.", Peace said, as Fluttershy smiled at him, as she trust him to be a good teacher to her, and maybe the other girls, too. Spitfire looked back at Peace with the girls, and smiled, as she thought... "He gonna make it OK. There are strong creatures and ponies here, but I think Peace will do fine. If he's in trouble, I'll help him out the best I can.", as she finished her thought, she saw Garble sleeping on the bleachers, and saw a bottle of water above him. With a huge flap gust from one of her wings, the bottle of water spilled on top of Garble, as he was drenched. He woke up with an angry growl. "Who the hell... Hello, coach.", Garble saw Spitfire standing over him, as he quickly changed his tune. But Spitfire wasn't having it one bit. "You know what would be good for ya after you "well deserved rest", TWENTY LAPS!!! LET'S GO!!!!", she yelled, as Garble got up and started jogging around the gym, as everyone laughed at him. Feeling embarrassed, Garble was mumbling cuss words, as he looked at Peace with an already pissed off look, but turned away and kept jogging. Peace didn't pay the red dragon no mind, as he was playing basketball with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, while Fluttershy was watching them play. A while later, gym class was over, as Peace said bye to the Dash and Fluttershy, he and AJ were on their way to auto mechanic class. When he entered the shop, he was in awe of what he saw; a 2021 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500. It was aqua green with black stripes, which is a custom paint job, and had on black wheels. Hyper Active was also looking at the car, and said to Peace... "I never thought of lookin' at this beautiful beast up close, and the color's amazin'!", Hype said, as Peace was walking around the car. "Yeah, and whoever owns this car, paid a lotta bits for this.", the young poet said, as Torque Wrench came in the shop, and spoke. "I see you like Luna's car, eh? Yeah, she's a beaut, alright.", Peace, Hype, and Applejack were shock to know who the car belonged to; it was Princess/Vice Principal Luna's car. "Land sakes! the Vice Principal has a powerful car, but why is it here? Is somethin' wrong with it?", AJ asked. "Well, she wanna put a new camshafts in it for more power, so she can go drag race it at Wind Glider Raceway in Ponyville.", Torque Wrench said, as this was the first Peace and Hype heard about this. Since Peace has three modified vehicles; the Ford Mustang SVT Cobra, The 1970 Chevelle SS, and the 2021 Dodge Durango Hellcat, he could see what his cars can really do at the track. Then, Peace thought of something. "Well, if the VP wants ta put a new cam in it, she'll have ta get a tune for the computer so it'll run like the champ, right?", Peace asked, as Hype agreed with him with a nod. "She gave me the new tune right here. Can you three tune the car right with the equipment I'm gonna give ya?", Torque asked, and without hesitation, they nodded, as she gave Peace the 4 camshafts, valve springs, and rocker arms to put in the engine, with the help of Applejack, of course. Then, Torque gave Hype the computer chip and laptop to put in the new tune. Peace opened the hood of the GT500, and he and AJ looked at the 5.2 liter Predator V8 with the twin screw supercharger on top of it that gives the car 760 horsepower. And with AJ, Hype, and Peace getting ready to work on the car, they knew that it was going to make a lot more power. Two hours later, they got the cams, valve springs, rocker arms, and the new tune in the car. As they started the Shelby GT500, it was loud like a tigers roar. As it began to idle, it had that muscle car cam lope that made it sound angry. while it was idling, the car was shaking, windows were vibrating, and when Hype revved the engine, some of the classmates had to hold their ears, and realized why the engine was nicknamed the Predator. "Oil pressure is good, water temp is good, still got the same battery voltage, she's ready ta rock!", Hype said, as he shut the engine off, Torque and Vice Principal Luna walked towards them with proud smiles, but Luna's smile was wider. "The car sounds amazing! You did a great job working on my car. Now I can compete with my sister and many others at the drag strip.", Luna said happily, as she praised Peace, Hype, and Applejack on their work. And now, it was Torque Wrench's turn to praise them. "Ya did great work, you three! This'll be a great time ta tell everyone that next week, you can bring your ride ta Wind Glider Raceway to see what your ride can do.", everyone cheered at that, as they'll have free time to test out their own vehicles. Peace was thinking of a either his Cobra, Chevelle, or his Durango. Hype was definitely going to try out his own ride, as was Applejack. Torque went to Peace, and said... "Bud, ya did great in your fight yesterday, puttin' them Dogs in their place. But you know there are tougher guys than them, don'tcha?", Torque asked, as Peace nodded. "I know that there are more that are a lot stronger than the Diamond Dogs. I know more are stronger than me, but that don't mean I'm gonna give up gettin' stronger. I have friends that love me to protect, and I wanna pay them back for protecting me.", Peace said, as AJ, Hype, Torque, and Luna are touched by his words. The Luna got in her GT500, started it, and said... "There are a few more things I want to put on this car, that is if you don't mind.", Luna said, as she gave Peace a flirtatious look, which got him nervous, as he thought... "OK, I'll agree to that, but Luna's a married princess. Married ta the King of Chaos, and I'm not sure that Discord would agree with me goin' out with a very...beautiful... STOP IT, PEACE!!! You're tryin' ta get over "her", for God sakes! Nothin' goes good with staff and student relationships.", Peace finished his thought, and said calmly... "OK, whatever you want on the car, just let me know.", he said, as Luna smiled, shut her car door, and drove out of the shop. Peace turned around, and looked at AJ, Hype, and Torque. Torque and Hype had the same look; they were smirking at Peace, as they saw what Luna did. But what made Peace more nervous what the look of Applejack, she had an angry pout on her, which Peace finds cute, but knows that she's a "little" jealous at Luna's little stunt. Peace gulped, as Torque Wrench said... "OK class, that's it for today! Each one of ya can work on axles, and a transmission on the other cars tomorrow. You can all go home now.", and with that, every pony and creature left the shop, as Peace, Applejack, and Hyper Active also left. Peace had a worried look on his face, as AJ turned around, and said... "Ya ready ta see what I'm made of when we train, Peace? Cuz I'ma tell ya right now, when I'm trainin', I don't know my own strength when I'm workin' out.", she said with a glare, trying to intimidate Peace, but to him, it sounded like a threat. He shook off his fear of the Earth pony, as he narrowed his eyes, and said with a little venom in his voice. "Then I suggest that you better be stronger than the Diamond Dogs.", Peace said with a smirked, as did AJ, with Hype looking on with his face filled with worry, as they resumed their walk to their vehicles. Fifteen minutes later, Peace was driving behind Twilight, as his phone rings, the phone is on his dash, as he hit the answer button, as it was Twilight that called him. "Peace, we're going to my castle to train. If you want, me, Spike, Starlight, and Sunset can show you around, if that's OK.", Twilight said. "Sure, I got plenty of time. Been wantin' ta look in your castle, anyway.", Peace said, as he, his friends, and the rest of the Element Bearers turn in the two mile driveway of the Castle of Friendship, where Princesses Celestia and Luna, Spike, and the CMC are waiting for them. Celestia was on her own car; a 2021 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon, and it was no wonder Luna wanted more power for her GT500. Every pony, dragon, human, and Saiyan entered the Castle of Friendship, and Peace and his friends were in awe and marveled at the crystal walls, floors, and ceiling. "Isn't is marvelous, darlings? This was made from the ground up after we defeated Tirek. I could never get tired of coming here.", Rarity said dreamily, as she put her arms around Peace, which made her friends look on in envy. "This place is amazing, Twilight! It's like being in a fairy tale living here.", Golden Heart said with excitement in her voice. "I feel like an intruder bein' in a castle this spectacular. No doubt that this is truly an awesome place.", Peace said, as he followed Twilight. "This will be awhile, but we definitely got more in here.", Twilight said, as she lead the group. She showed them the Cutie Map Room, with the Cutie Map table that will show all of Equestria and beyond, the dining room, guest bedrooms, and much more. All of that lead to Hype saying... "The schools we goes don't compare ta this castle and the new school we go to now. Ya need a GPS ta find all the rooms ta get where ya wanna go.", he stated, as Spike, Sunset, and Starlight gave Twilight a smug look, as she gave out an annoyed sigh. "OK, OK, I'll make a GPS map for each room so no one will get lost. Anyway, here's the training room.", the Princess of Friendship said, as everyone stood at the double doors of the training room, as they entered the room, it was just a bright white void that you see. Nothing in front in anyone at all, not even an insect. But when Sunset came forward, she held out her hand, and shot out an energy blast. It kept going, and going, and going, until you can't see it anymore. There was no explosion for it to hit, and that made Peace curious, as Sunset spoke. "I know, it tripped me out, too. But this training room is a magical void, and when you see that button right there...", Sunset showed Peace, Hype, Goldie, and Glori the light blue button next to the door. "All you have to do is think of a place you've been to before, as you put your hand on the button.", as Sunset did put her hand on the button, the whole scenery changed from the white void to a rocky area that looks like it's from a desert, which also has a pond near by, along with mountains. "It's just like the "Time Chamber" I've been in for trainin'. Heh, this is gonna be good!", Peace thought, as Pinkie Pie got next to him, and said... "And if you're worried about other innocent ponies, creatures, and other wildlife, there's none in this training room. Thank to Twilight, she made sure that we train without hurting others, except for the ones we train with.", she said, and Peace had to think about not hurting Twilight and the rest while training. Though, he's still not sure how strong his power is, but he also wants to see how powerful the Elements are, too. He looked at the rocky landscape, and all he can said is... "Where can I go ta put on my tranin' gear?", he said in a half eager tone, which his friends knows that that means he's ready to get started. Spike said... "Come with me to one of the guest rooms, you'll change there.", the dragon said, as he lead Peace and the others out of the training room, so Peace and the rest can get changed. A few minutes later, Peace entered back in the training room, as he's in different clothes than his fighting gi. He's wearing a blue t-shirt, black sweatpants, but he is wearing his boots from the fight. Twilight and the girls were wear t-shirts, sweatpants, tennis shoes and/or boots, and had their hair in ponytails. A/N: Sorry for no clothing description for the Mane 8, Celestia, and Luna, it'd take too long to write. Apologies in advance. Celestia and Luna were also in t-shirts, sweatpants, and tennis shoes, as well as putting their hair in ponytails. But Spike, the CMC, Hype, Goldie, and Glori were just spectators to see the rest training. The training room still has the rocky landscape, and to Peace's surprise, the ground, rocks, water, air, was all real. Hype, Goldie, Glori, the CMC, and Spike were not in their training wear, so they will be spectators for this session. Peace and the rest were stretching their bodies out to be ready for training. Though, Peace had to look away a few times, because of each of the mares chest area, and he blushed each time he looked. Peace shook it off, as he was done stretching, as he spoke to them. "OK, I know that all of y'all are definitely trained in martial arts, so...", then Applejack interrupted Peace. "Pardon me, partner, we all do martial arts, but Fluttershy's skills are animal martial arts. She does them very well, so is it OK if she does those skills?", AJ asked, as Fluttershy look nervous about Peace's answer. But Peace was surprised and happy about this, as he smiled, and said... "Not a problem! I also use animal martial arts, so hearin' that Fluttershy uses those skills too, that's amazin'! So that's a big plus for me.", said Peace, as he gotten more excited. "Oh, um, that's good that you do animal martial arts, Peace. But I have to warn you; once I'm in the zone, I'm what you call unstoppable.", Fluttershy said, as she was still stretching. The rest, along with Fluttershy, finally stopped stretching, and were ready to begin. "So, who do want to start with, Peace? All of us want to see how powerful you are.", Starlight asked, as Peace had to pick, and made his choice, and said... "OK, for right now, AJ and Dash. Since their patience is thin right now.", he said, as the rest saw how anxious Applejack, without her Stetson hat, and Rainbow looked, as they both fist bumped each other with smirks on their faces. "You better be ready, man, cuz I'm bringin' the awesomeness to ya!", Rainbow said, cracking her knuckles. "And SugarCube, these legs ain't for show, neither.", AJ said, as she got in her fight stance, as did Dash. Peace stood there, but then clutched his fist. The only thing he said was... "Bring it.", in a deep voice, Peace said. His eyes narrowed as he was focused on the two tough mares, as the were about to go to war. "This'll be the first time in two years Peace'll show his power. Gonna be good right here.", Hype said, as Glori and Goldie looked a little nervous, not about Peace's power, but Twilight and the rest of the groups power. "He's more focused than he was with the Diamond Dogs. Do you think Peace will be OK?", Goldie said with a hint of worry in her voice. "That's a good question, but I guess we'll get the answer right here, amigos. This will be bueno or malo, either way we'll find out the answer.", Glorious Miracle said, as the rest looked on. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were cheering their older sisters on. "You got this, Dash! Show Peace what'cha got!", Scootaloo shouted, cheering Dash on. "Ya got this, sis! Show 'im how strong ya are!", Apple Bloom also cheered for her sister Applejack. Hype, Goldie, and Glori looked on, as did Twilight, the other Element Bearers, and the Royal Sisters. "Well, we'll see how this'll go. Let's see how strong Peace really is.", Sunset said, as in a blink of an eye, AJ and Dash vanished, while Peace is still standing. "It has started, Sister.", Luna stated, as Celestia nodded. But then, Peace closed his eyes, as he exhaled deeply. Then, his right arm went up like lightning, and blocked Applejack's high kick. His left arm went up as quick to block Dash's punch. Both mares were shocked, as were the rest of the group. "It's...it's like he knew they were coming in each direction. And the girls haven't shown more of their power!", Rarity said, with her eyes widened. "Peace hasn't shown his power, either. They're just warming up, so they'll power up momentarily.", Fluttershy said. As AJ and Dash jumped back a few feet from Peace, Dash was amazed of how Peace blocked her attack. "Damn, dude! You really can sense energy; looks like I'm gonna have ta bring it full force! And it's about time that someone can take my awesomeness!", Dash said, getting excited. "Yeah, and I wasn't even goin' all out with my power. Now that ya can take a kick and punch, like Dash said, we're goin' all out, Buddy Ro!", AJ said, as Peace smiled at their strength, as he got in his fighting stance. "You two have heavy blows, but let me see what y'all really got!", he said, as AJ and Dash launched themselves at Peace, with Rainbow using a roundhouse kick, and Applejack retracting her right arm for a hard jab. But Peace blocked both blows with his palms, and kept doing so, as he was blocking a fast melee of punches and kicks. "Shit! These girls are not weak at all; AJ's blows are like freight trains, and Dash's are like bullets. I've only showed a little power, these ladies are goin' all out just about. If that's the case...", For a moment, Peace dropped his guard, as Rainbow's kick and Applejack's punch simultaneously connected to Peace, as he crashed on a big rock. Everyone gasped, especially AJ and Dash, as they were more worried about Peace crashing into the rock. "Aw, hell! I should never hit 'im that hard. I mean, I was miffed at Luna, ta be honest, but I didn't mean ta take it out on Peace!", AJ thought worryingly. "I know he's tough, but man, that was a HARD hit he took! I hope he's OK, and...", as Dash was about to finish her thought, Peace emerged from the rubble with only a few scrapes. Every pony, dragon, and human sighed in relief to see the young Saiyan OK. "I'm glad he's OK, but that was a big crash he took, and Dash and AJ only showed a quarter of their power.", Twilight said. "And Peace hasn't powered up at all yet; he wanted to see what the girls really got. Needless to say, he got the results.", Celestia said, as Peace was dusting himself off from the crash. "Peace, are you OK, dude? We really didn't mean to hit that hard.", Dash said, both her and AJ looking apologetic. But Peace chuckled, and simply said... "I'm good; you two are strong, but like I said before, don't hold back. Come at me again, with everything y'all got!", Peace said, as he got back in his stance, as Applejack and Rainbow launched at Peace again, as he was blocking their blows again. Although this time, Peace was keeping up with their speed. "Did you feel that? Peace's power is growing a little.", Glorious Miracle said, as both Golden Heart and Hyper Active nodded. "He about ta get serious, now. This right here is a warm up ta Peace.", the rest of the girls, the Royal Sisters, Spike, and the CMC heard what Hype said, as they too feel Peace's power growing, along with AJ's and Dash's power. Then, the ground started to shake, as the two athletic mares and the Saiyan were still sparring. "AJ's and Dash's energy is still growing, but Peace's power...it's growing much higher!", Starlight said, as she and the rest look on, as the fight intensifies. And now, Applejack and Rainbow are having a hard time landing a blow on Peace, as his blocks were getting much faster, and they could barely keep up the pace, especially Dash! "Holy shit! He's as fast as Spitfire, maybe faster! I'm fast, but now I'm having a hard time keeping up!", Dash thought, as she was getting frustraeted at not landing a kick nor punch. "This guy really was holdin' back on the Dogs. I have no choice but ta power up!", as she thought, AJ and Dash's gems were glowing, as Applejack kicked Peace in the gut, and Rainbow punched him in the face, they were both satisfied of landing a blow each, but Peace stopped himself a few feet from the mares, as he smiled, and said... "Now, THAT'S more like it!", then Peace powered up, as well, with a white aura surrounding him, as Dash and AJ powered up to their full potential. Dash's aura was a rainbow color, and AJ's was a red. They each charged at one another, and then vanished in thin air. "They're gone! Where did they go?!", Scootaloo said, as she, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom were confused of where the trio went to. "Well, if you three came with us to train more often, you would sense their presence. Spike has been coming to train with us, and he can sense them fine.", Rarity said, as the fillies looked down in shame. They do go training with the girls, but they were still young to do what foals need to do, be a kid, and have fun. But then, they all heard some loud bangs in every direction. Twilight, the rest of the girls, Spike, and the Sisters had each serious looks on them, and their eyes were going left, right, up, down so fast. "Ya can see where they are?", Apple Bloom asked. "Yeah, and believe me, it's not easy to keep up. Dash is fast, but she's really having a difficult time keeping up with Peace, her and AJ.", Sunset said, as Apple Bloom's and Scootaloo's face had worry all over them, and they couldn't believe that Peace was that fast. Then, a loud BOOM to the ground in front of them, as the trio was standing, but AJ and Dash were panting hard and sweating, while Peace was just sweat-less, standing like a statue. The rest were shocked by this, but who was more shocked was Peace's childhood friends. Fluttershy asked Goldie a question. "Is there something wrong with Peace's performance?", the shy Pegasus asked. "He's faster; so fast, that I couldn't keep up with his movements. He and Hank went to train, and...", that was all Goldie could say, as Hype and Glori nodded in agreement. "He must've did his next level trainin' last week.", Hype said, as he and a speechless Glori still had a hard time keeping up with the trios movements. Twilight and the rest are looking in awe of Peace's movements. "Oh...my...", was all Fluttershy could say, as the rest have their own opinions. "My stars! I knew Peace was fast, but for Rainbow Dash not keeping up with him is astounding!", Rarity said with a hint of excitement in her voice. "And his energy was skyrocketing; more power than when he face the Diamond Dogs.", Sunset said with a smirk on her face, as Rarity saw the look, she had an angry pout. "I don't think we've seen or felt all of Peace's power yet, but I have a feeling that we will in time.", Starlight said, also with a smirk, and even Fluttershy had a little angry pout. "There's no doubt about it, girls. Peace is definitely strong and fast, and I have a feeling that this training session will get a lot interesting.", said Twilight, as she looked at Peace more deeply, tying to study his movements. As for Luna and Celestia, they too are intrigued by Peace. "Hank has taught Peace well, along with his other masters that taught him great skills. Sister, we may get our hands dirty after all.", Luna said, with a smile on her face. "Indeed, Sister, and it looks like Peace isn't done showing his power yet. Though, there is one obstacle he must get through...", the elder sibling said, as Rainbow and Applejack were taking a breather, as they looked at Peace. "You. Are AWESOME!!! Finally, I have a rival that won't be a waste of time. Twilight's, Starlight's, and Sunset's teleportation is faster than me, but your speed is off the charts, man!", Dash said with excitement in her voice, also with a determined smile. "HOO-WEE!!! I'll tell you what, ya definitely have the strength of a thousand ponies, partner! I gotta say, I'm impressed.", AJ said, as she gave Peace a thumbs up towards him. But before he could say anything, he quickly turned around and blocked Pinkie Pie's axe kick with his arm, and Pinkie was shocked to see Peace's reflex. "I figured somepony was missin'. I can sense you comin' a mile away.", Peace said with a smirk, but that smirk went away when he saw Pinkie deviously, as she said... "Good, cuz now you're done!", she said, as she leaped back. Peace then sensed AJ and Dash powering up more, as he turned around to see them with an energy ball each. Then, Peace looked back at Pinkie Pie, as she too has her own energy ball. "Ya didn't think we do this, did'ja? The gems we have can let us make a power ball or beam.", Applejack said, as her ball is getting a little bigger. "Earth and Pegasus ponies have their own magic, like Unicorns and Alicorns. But when the Elements of Harmony chose us, it helps us get stronger!", Rainbow said, as her ball was now the same size as AJ's. "And not to worry, we use this power for good, not to mention use it for a party!", Pinkie said, as her ball was also getting bigger. Peace was in shock of their skill, but then, he closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, then exhaled. Then, Peace opened his eyes, and he looked serious, as he got in his guarding stance. "Let's see what y'all really got.", was all Peace said, as he was ready for the impact. "Okie Dokie Lokie! LIGHT 'IM UP, LADIES!!!!", Pinkie yelled, as she, Dash, and AJ released their energy balls with a hard throw, as Twilight, Starlight, Celestia, and Luna used their magic to put up a barrier, as the balls hit Peace square, and made a massive explosion. Rainbow grabbed Applejack, and launhed to the air, as Pinkie quickly distanced herself and hid behind a rock from the gusty shockwave. The barrier was strong to every pony, dragon, and human, but what was only on their mind was their Saiyan friend. Each of them had concern on their minds for Peace, and AJ and Dash called Peace's name from the air. Hype was trying to keep calm, but inside, he was really worried that Peace got hurt from the blast. Goldie was in tears, as Hype was trying his best to hold her back, as was Glori, which was trying her best not to cry, as tears were running down from her eyes. As the dust cleared, Peace was nowhere to be found, and anxiety from the Mane 8, Glori, and Goldie went through the roof. Pinkie appeared from the behind the rocks, and her hair deflated a little, as Rainbow came back on the ground with Applejack, as they had shame on their faces. "Oh, my gosh, we put too much power in our blast. Hype, Glori, Goldie, were so--", AJ didn't have time to finish her apology, as Goldie glared at her, Rainbow, and Pinkie. "You could've held back; Peace wanted a good training session, and you blew him away. You should've held back! YOU SHOULD'VE HELD BACK YOUR POWER! AND NOW HE'S GONE!!!! Peace just got done with training with his masters, and you...YOU MURDERED HIM!!!!", Goldie yelled at the top of her lungs, as Hype tries his best to comfort her. But before Dash would tell her defense, Luna spoke calmly. "Ease yourself, Golden Heart, Peace is not dead. Feel his energy, as it starts to grow.", and before Glori was about to speak her defense, everyone felt the ground shake, and this time, the quakes are more fierce. Then, a loud bang came from a mountain far away, as a spiraling beam came towards the group, and AJ batted it away with her right hand, as it made impact from a distance. She checked her hand to see if it was injured, and it had no marks. "That shot had a little sting to it, and it was much harder than Twilight and Starlight's beams together. So THIS is Peace's full power?! Land sakes, he packs a wallop!", AJ thought, as she shook her hand to shake away the pain. But then, Peace appeared in front of everyone, with a look of concern towards Applejack. "You OK, AJ? the Special Beam Cannon was suppose ta be the weakest attack.", he asked, as the cowmare looked at Peace with a worried look of her own. "Me?! We were wonderin' if YOU were OK, Peace! We hit ya at full force with our attack, and thought we killed ya. But...how did ya dodge our attack?", AJ asked, as Peace took a breath, and said... "I made a barrier of my own, and used Instant Transmission to that mountain. Ta be honest, I didn't know that y'all can be this powerful, and Pinkie's kick was like a steel beam fallin' on me! No wonder y'all call her a ball of energy.", Peace said, as he smiled at the pink mare, as she bounced over to where they are. "Trust me, Peace, she has the skills to meet our expectations, and I hope they met yours, too. Now, let get back to business!", Rainbow said, as she and Applejack got back in their stances, Twilight interjected, and said... "You two used up your gems power to half. If you continue, it'll take a week for the gems to recharge themselves back to full power.", Twilight said sternly, as Peace had a questioning look on his face, which the Princess of Friendship explained. "Oh, they can recharge themselves after we use the Elemental gems. We use them for good, and sometimes a last resort, too.", and Peace got his answer, which he understood. "Oh, OK! Well, Rainbow, AJ, you two take a rest, and y'all did very well. Pinkie, you, Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Rarity can train with me.", he said, as Dash gave Peace a thumbs up, and the rest of the girls started to stretch to get ready. Applejack looked down at the ground shamefully, then looked at Peace, and spoke. "Peace, I wanna apologize for how I acted after auto class, and I didn't mean ta take it out on ya. From the bottom of my apple heart, I'm sorry.", she said apologetically, and Peace knew why. She was jealous of how Luna spoke to him earlier, and AJ was cold towards him before training. Peace gave AJ a forgiving smile and nodded, as she smiled back and went to where everyone is watching. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had proud face when AJ and Dash stood next to them. "Wow, sis, you're really strong! But I can't believe how strong and powerful Peace is.", Apple Bloom said. "Eeyup, he's strong alright. He can really hold his own, just like he did the Dogs. Big Mac would love a sparrin' match with 'im when he meets Peace.", Applejack said, as Dash stood beside Scootaloo. "Peace is amazing, but you're still awesome too me! You and Applejack were great against him.", Scootaloo said proudly. "Thanks, Scoots. Peace is pretty awesome, and definitely has the power, strength, and speed. Besides AJ, now I have a new speed rival.", Rainbow said, as she looks at Sweetie Belle, which had a worried look on her face, hoping Rarity, along with Peace and the rest of the girls, don't get hurt. Celestia and Luna also looked on ready to see training continue. "Applejack and Rainbow Dash did very well, but they use too much power from their gems, which shortens their stamina.", Luna said. "Indeed, Luna. Though Twilight and the rest might be conservative on using their power. Although, Peace is showing bits of his power, so he'll probably raise it a bit more. This session is really going well, so far.", said Celestia, as she sees Sweetie Belle using a healing spell on Applejack's hand, as it's healing slowly. They all looked on again to see Peace getting in his stance, but it was different from when he was sparring with AJ and Dash. Fluttershy and Pinkie smirked, and charged at Peace with a flurry of kicks and punches. Unbelievably, Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, and Starlight stared in awe of how quick the two mares are. "I knew Pinkie and Fluttershy were fast, but they are quicker than last time they sparred with us.", Starlight said. "Were they holding back on us, so we wouldn't get hurt from training? I mean, I knew they were both strong, but their strength and speed is on another level!", Sunset said, as she tries to keep up both Pinkie and Fluttershy's movements. "Indeed, but Peace is still holding his own with them by blocking their attacks. So how about we show Peace what us ladies can do?", said Rarity, as he horn lights up. "Peace can only block both of their attacks. Heh, let's see if he can block all six of us? Let's go!", Twilight ordered, as the rest nodded in agreement, and teleported to where the three are fighting, and joined them. Peace saw the three Unicorns and Alicorn enter the battle, and now has a lot of trouble blocking every blow. "Well played, ladies, well played. Guess I have no choice but to do this!", Peace thought, and with a mighty roar, he blew all the girls away with his power, as a white aura surrounded him. Fluttershy caught Pinkie, Twilight was in the air, as was Rarity, Sunset, and Starlight by magic. They, along with AJ, Dash, Spike, and the CMC were in shock of Peace's power, except for Hype, Goldie, and Glori. They were smiling from ear to ear seeing their friend powering up. "Man, I knew he had big power, but...", Hype couldn't finish his sentence, as he looked at Peace with amazement, as Goldie and Glori were both speechless, as they looked at Peace in awe. Rainbow Dash broke the silence, and said... "I knew he was awesome, but I didn't know that Peace was THAT powerful! Damn, I like him even more now!", she said with determination. "He's more hotter than a Zap Apple lollipop! I wanna get back in there, but we almost drained the gems.", AJ said, as Twilight teleported back to where she and Dash are, and her horn glowed, as she used some of her magic to give the gems full capacity of power. "Care to join us, you two? But this time, we really are going all out!", Twilight said, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash did not hesitate on going back out there to be with the rest of the girls, as the CMC and Spike cheered them on, of course, they cheered Peace on, as well. Peace sees each of them powering up, as he feels their energy, and is quite impressed. Pinkie's aura was magenta, Fluttershy's was light green, Rarity's a sapphire blue, AJ's a red, Dash's is rainbow colors, Sunset's is orange, Starlight's is light blue, and Twilight's is purple. And with Peace still powered up, the ground is shaking beneath them. "Y'all girls really do have a great amount of power. Heh, let's see if y'all know how ta use it.", Peace said, as the girls each got in their own stances, as Starlight and Sunset charged at the Saiyan boy, as he vanished from the spot. But the two former bad girls weren't dumb, as they can sense where Peace is, as they vanished by teleportation, and all three of them reappeared in the air. Starlight was behind Peace ready to shoot her energy beam, as was Sunset, which is in front of him. Peace was ready to brace himself for impact, but an energy beam was coming from below him, as it hit him in the gut. And then, a beam hit Peace from above, right on his back, as it was Rarity from above, and Twilight from below that hit Peace with their own beams. "Nice distraction, girls! Now we got him where we want him!", Starlight said, as she and Sunset hive-fived each other. "Don't celebrate too soon, the party's just begun!", Pinkie said, as she and Fluttershy sensed were Peace's location is, as they both shot their own energy beams of their own, and they exploded, as Peace went back in the air. "Man, those girls are good, strong, and fast! They definitely have the power ta get ta me. Looks like I'll have to go faster, and beat them without hurtin' them. And I know how ta do that.", Peace thought, as he sensed above him were AJ, that was coming at him hot with a thrust kick in the chest, and Dash punched him with a left hook, while he was coming to the ground fast. But then, Twilight appeared above him, and shot a deflecting beam at Peace, as it blew up with a gust, making Peace fall much faster, hitting the ground on hard, exploding impact! This got Peace's friend's, Spike, the CMC, and the Royal Sisters gasp at Peace's fall. Twilight and her friends were also worried that Peace may have really gotten hurt. Then, a massive explosion from where Peace fell erupted, as Peace appeared in front of Twilight, and had his palm an inch from her stomach, as he smiled, and just said these two words... "My turn, Princess.", with that said, Peace only shot out gust of wind that pushed Twilight back. But she stopped herself, as she was ready to shoot a beam at Peace, he was gone. But now Twilight has a new problem... "I can't sense Peace anywhere! Can't anypony feel his power?", Twilight said frustratingly, as each of the girls shook their heads, meaning Peace concealed his energy, so no one can sense where he is. Even his long-time friends were having trouble sensing where he is. "Dios Mio! I can't sense him at all. What if he...?", Glorious Miracle said, as Golden Heart said... "I wouldn't doubt it if Peace would...", Goldie couldn't finish her sentence, as she let out a gasp, as she, Hyper Active, and everyone else sees Peace a few feet in front of them, as he's back on the ground with a smirk on his face. Twilight and the girls were shocked to see him on the ground, and can now sense his energy. "Y'all might wanna look in front of ya.", as he said that, each of the girls looked at an energy ball in them, but it was a size of a table tennis ball. Sunset chuckled a bit, and said... "It must not be too powerful to do much damage. Plus, it's small!", the Unicorn said, as Peace also chuckled. "Well, you're right; it won't do much damage...yet.", and with a small wave of his hand, the balls exploded with a heavy gust of wind, and blew Twilight and the girls off a few hundred yards away, but every one of them stopped themselves, as Peace appeared in the air in front of them, and had a serious look on his face. "I know what you're thinkin', "He must not wanna hit a woman", right? Well, you're correct on that, but...", Peace looked at Starlight, and held up his palm, and shot and energy blast at her, as she countered it with her own beam, as they collided and blew up. But then, Peace appeared behind Starlight, and said... "Forgive me for this...", as Starlight Glimmer turned around, Peace used one finger, and jabbed her in the back of the neck, as she lost consciousness. "Starlight, no!", Twilight shouted, as Peace caught her, carried her back on the ground where Hype and everyone else is. He looked back up at the girls with shocked looks on their faces, and said... "I don't wanna hurt a woman at all, but with my paralyzin' technique, they won't move for a few minutes. And don't worry, Starlight's OK, she be awake in a few. But, who will get away from the Paralyze Finger Jab?", Peace said in a low voice, as he vanished again from everyone's sight. "He really is fast, sister. Hank and Peace must've had a really brutal training session a week ago.", Celestia said to Luna. "Whatever training he did with Peace, I would like to know first hand.", Luna said, as she and Celestia are now stretching their arms and legs. And while they are doing that, they still look on at the session, where the girls are ready for Peace's next move. "I can still feel Starlight's power, but she is resting. Peace is very quick, and we need to be quicker.", Twilight said, as all the girls agreed, and went separate ways. But they each felt a little push on their necks, and each of the girls started to disappear from the air. Everyone on the ground was surprised that all of the girls are laying on the ground. Spike, the CMC, Hype, Goldie, Glori, Celestia, and Luna all went to Twilight and the girls to aid them. Six minutes passed, as Rarity woke up, with Sweetie Belle by her side. She rubbed the back of her neck, and she felt no pain at all from where Peace got her. "Strange, I feel no pain at all from where Peace got me.", Rarity said to herself, as she sees a smiling Sweetie Belle, as she said... "Peace said that he used a Paralyze Finger Jab on all of you. He even said it wasn't suppose to hurt. And hearing that you feel no pain, that's a good sign that it worked.", Sweetie said, as Rarity's horn glowed to pick up a mirror with magic, and look at herself. She smiled to see that there are no marks at all on her face. Then Rarity looked around to see Starlight Glimmer up and about, stretching, talking to Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Spike, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, Princess/Principal Celestia, Principal/Vic Principal Luna, and Peace Poet. Rarity got up from the ground, and she and her sister walked towards the group, and listened in the conversation. "Dang, partner! Ya really got us good with that move. That was a good'un, too.", AJ said, looking impressed. "Thanks; I really don't wanna hit a woman, cuz I don't wanna be a douchebag like some that wanna be like they own ya, or use a mare, dragoness, or any female. I just don't wanna be a dick, you know? I know that y'all are pissed at me on the inside, but it was the only move I had ta use to not hurt y'all. From the bottom of my heart, I'm sorry.", Peace said, as he bowed in respect. But he felt a hand under his chin, as it lifted his head up slowly and gently. Peace was now facing Fluttershy, as she gave him a caring smile. "It's nice to see that one guy has major restraint towards women, and I know that it's hard to tolerate some, depending on who the women are. You made a technique that won't hurt anyone, and I like for you to teach me, um, if that's OK.", Fluttershy says in her soft and cute voice, which made Twilight and the rest of the girls twitch in jealousy. "Of course I'll teach, as I said I would. But, it looks like it'll have ta wait.", Peace said, as Fluttershy looked confused, until Luna and Celestia were walking towards them. "Well, it our turn now, Peace. Though, Twilight is an Alicorn, along with Cadence and her daughter, Flurry Heart, me and Celestia are the strongest.", Luna said with a smirk, as Celestia face palmed in embarrassment of her sisters boast. But Peace didn't back down, and said... "No offense ta Twilight, but that's true. But, if you two are that strong...prove it!", Peace said in determination, as Glori, Hype, and Goldie ran towards him with much worry and concern. "Bro, are ya sure? I can feel their power, and it's huge!", Hype said. "I know what you mean, man. But I gotta test my limits, my base limits, that is.", Peace said, as Hype got what he meant, and gave him a fist bump as good luck, as Glori and Goldie both gave Peace a hug. Twilight and the girls were sitting out of the training session, as she spoke to Peace. "They both are strong, Peace. Please be careful, and don't get hurt. And will you use the same move on them as you did on us?", she asked, referring to the Paralyze Finger Jab. Peace shook his head, and answered... "I'm afraid that move's out of the question, Twilight. I wanna use that same move, but I know they'll just be quicker. You and the girls are quick, but I had ta speed up ta make a gust blast on y'all. Still don't like hittin' women, but I'll think of somethin'.", Peace said, as he patted Twilight's shoulder as he walked passed her, as Glori spoke to the Princess of Friendship. "You have to understand Princessa, Peace has been through a lot see women, young and old, getting abused by men that wanna control or own them. He and Hype had never laid a hand on a female, ever.", and Twilight wasn't the only one that heard that, the girls, CMC, and Spike also heard what Glori said, and now are worried about Peace sparring with the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Peace was a few yards away from Luna and Celestia, and as their horns started to glow, the ground began to shake, as there were dust clouds coming from far away mountains, rocks were levitating off the ground, and a gust of wind came from both pony patriarchs. And with a loud roar from the Sisters, Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, and Rarity made a magical barrier to shield the others from the gail force winds. Peace shielded his face with his arms crossed, as Celestia and Luna were finishing powering up. After the dust cleared, both Sisters still looked the same, but everyone knows that there's a huge difference. "Their power is amazing! I may be an Alicorn, but my power doesn't compare to theirs.", Twilight said with the look of awe, as the others had the same look she has. Peace's friends were shocked of how strong the Royal Sisters energy is, as were Spike and the CMC. But the only one that was excited about how strong they are is Peace; he was smiling, like seeing a football team win the Super Bowl. "Damn! I knew they had the power, but I didn't know they had THAT much! The girls are strong, but this is a different league right here. Well, time ta do it!", as Peace finished his thought, he powered up, and cloud in the sky were now forming into storm clouds, and the ground shook again, but with a bigger tremor. Peace let out a roar of his own, as his aura was now a brighter white, and another gust of wind blew most of the rocks away, as they hit the magic barrier, but not damaging it. Peace's aura is still the same color, but there was a lot of difference about his power, as everyone noticed with shocked looks on their faces. "I knew Peace was strong, but this is a whole new level! Him and Hank really trained hard last week.", Golden Heart said, as she looked at Peace, like Hyper Active and Glorious Miracle are, with proud smiles that their friend finally had no restrictions to hold back his power. Twilight and the others looked amazed at Peace's power. "I learned that Saiyan powers are very strong, but I never thought, it'd be at this degree. Peace really must've held back so much to keep his energy a secret. And the way the Diamond Dogs treated him...", a sad frown came on Twilight's face, as did the girls, CMC, and Spike, as they all sympathize of what Peace and his friends went through. Luna and Celestia looked astounded by Peace's power, as well. And they thought the same thing Twilight and her friends did, and also sympathize with the young rhyming poet. "He really went through hell from what the Dogs did to him. But sensing his power now, he really was bottled up. This may be a very interesting session, sister.", Luna said, as she got in her fight stance, as did Celestia. "Right you are, sister, and let's give Twilight and the rest a good show. What do you say, Peace?", the Sun Princess asked, as Peace got in his stance, and only said these words... "Bring it on.", was all Peace said, as the Princesses and Peace disappeared. A gasp came from the group, and heard Rainbow yell, as she said... "They're really fast, man! My eyes can barely keep up with their speed. What the hell! Peace has been holdin' back on us!", Dash said angrily, as Starlight spoke. "For good reason; when he gave me the Paralyze Finger Jab, I felt power from him that was hidden so much, that it might erupt like a volcano with an atom bomb. Peace has some much anger bottled up inside him, and I'm afraid if somepony set him off with a big push, there's no telling what we'll see what Peace will do.", the lavender Unicorn said, as she and the others try their best to keep up with the speed Peace, Luna, and Celestia have. But they didn't have to worry long, as there were loud bangs in the sky in many directions like it was a surround sound stereo. But the sparring trio reappeared on the ground, both the Sisters were throwing punches and kick so fast, and unbelievably, Peace was blocking them to match their speed, but he could barely block every blow. Then, Luna saw and opening, and kicked Peace in the stomach, and Celestia punched him in the face, sent him flying to the other side of the lake to the hill, where Peace hit the ground hard. "Luna, now!", Celestia yelled, as they both shot out a melee of energy blast where Peace is, as a giant explosion came from the hill, completely destroying in the process. Everyone was shouting Peace's name, as Rarity said... "I can still feel his energy, but I don't know if he's OK. I really hope Peace is OK...", the rest definitely agreed with Rarity, and shared her concern. Celestia and Luna were waiting to see if Peace is OK. Then, from the other side of the lake, a large blue beam was fast approaching the Sisters, as they quickly shot each of their own, and pushing the beam back. They were struggling, but they made one final push, and their beams pushed the other back, and it impacted at the same spot with a massive explosion. This gotten everyone, including the Sisters, great concern about if Peace was caught in the blast. "Tia, do you think that Peace--", Luna didn't have time to ask, because Peace blindsided her with a kick in the face, and sent her to the rubble where she crashed at. He survived the blast, but his clothes didn't; Peace's shirt was tore in half, which showed everyone his muscle tone with some scars, as his pants were a little tattered. Then, an angry Luna came out from the rubble like she was shot out of a cannon, retracted her right arm for a punch, but Peace vanished, then reappeared behind Luna, and kicked her from behind, as she fell to the ground. Luna was about to attack again, but Celestia stopped her. "LUNA, STOP!!! This training session is over! I think Peace has had enough for now.", Celestia shouted in almost a Canterlot Royal Voice, as Luna calmed down, as she stepped back. But Peace sensed a bigger energy behind Luna and behind him, as Twilight and the girls each have a basketball size energy ball on them, as Luna created her ball. Peace looked at the corner of his eye, Celestia already had her energy ball ready, as Peace looked back at Luna and the girls, and smiled. "Well, played, y'all.", was all he said, as they all at the same time fired their blast, and hit where Peace is, and the impact was massive, and a magic barrier came up once again to shield them from the shockwave. Hype, Goldie, and Glori were shocked and surprised that Twilight and the rest were in on the attack on Peace, as were the CMC and Spike. "Amigo, please be OK...", Glori said with great concern, and the dust cleared, Peace was nowhere to be seen, and this worried everyone. "Oh, my gosh! I know we were at full power, but-- ACK!!", Sunset couldn't finish her sentence, because Peace punched her chest when he reappeared. But he wasn't done, as he smirked. "I don't hit women, I hate ta, but since some of y'all CAN defend yourselves...", he finished, by going to kick Dash on her back not hitting the wings, elbowed Applejack in the back of her neck, shot a gust blast at Fluttershy, which blew her at Pinkie Pie, as they both fell to the ground. Then, Peace shot a energy blast at Starlight, which blocked it, but got blown back next to Sunset, and both fell on the ground on their butts. Twilight and Rarity shot a blast at Peace, but he batted it away, as one went to Celestia, and the other went to Luna. But they both also batted the blast away, but Peace quickly went Celestia as she was in the air, and kneed her stomach, and elbow chopped her, as she fell to the ground. Peace can sense Luna coming, as he put two fingers on his forehead with his right hand, and shot a spiraling blast at Luna, and knocked her down to the ground. The CMC and Spike's eyes widened in shock and disbelief of Peace's power and strength, but can see that the rest of the mares are OK, along with Celestia and Luna, as they slowly got up on their hooves. But instead of them being angry at Peace, they all smiled and laughed happily, which gotten Peace confused, as AJ went to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "SugarCube, of all trainin' sessions, this here was the BEST I ever had! HOO-WEE!!! You're definitely a good fighter in my book.", Applejack said, as she patted the left of Peace's shoulder. Dash patted the right of his shoulder, and she was excited and smiling, as well. "You made this training session more awesome than ever, dude! You're stronger than I thought you were a few minutes ago. Usually, I don't like stallions being stronger than me or my friends, but a Saiyan like you, and you're my friend, I truly don't mind ya being stronger than me, cuz I want to be as strong as you are! But don't get cocky for being more awesome than me, though.", Dash said, as she playfully punched Peace on the arm. Then Starlight came to him, as he tensed up, after giving her the Paralyze Finger Jab. But she wasn't upset at him; instead, she was smiling, and said... "I know I'm powerful with magic, but that technique you put on me, That was amazing! I wonder if you can teach it to me, whenever you have the time?", Starlight asked in delight, as Peace smiled at her, AJ, and Dash, and said to them... "Honestly, I have ta teach Fluttershy a technique that won't hurt people, and what I did to you, Starlight, that was one of them. I would've thought that y'all would be pissed at me on hittin' y'all the way I did, and for that, I'm truly, very sorry. It's really not in my nature to hit a woman, at all. I'll understand if y'all are mad at me, and wanna get me back for what I did.", Peace said with a frown, as he bowed at the girls apologetically, as Pinkie spoke. "What are you talking about, Peacey-Weacey? I was the best training session we've ever had! It was like a party I would make, but without the violent parts. You're the first male besides Spike and other stallions that would land a blow on us. We can take a punch, so don't worry!", Pinkie stated, as Dash, AJ, Starlight, and Sunset nodded in agreement. "I'm glad that you're like Spike, Big Mac, and other males that don't like to hit a female. But what would happen if one female doesn't like you?", Fluttershy asked, as she got an answer from Peace. "I rather her or any female disrespect me, but if any one of them disrespect you, Twilight, and many others, I'll get her back, in a non-violent way, and not ta stoop ta her level, either.", Peace said, as Fluttershy smiled that he still wouldn't hit a woman, even if one or more would do harm towards his friends. "You know, you're skills are truly fantastic, Peace! I can't wait to train with you more.", Sunset said with half-lidded eyes, and a smirk, with the rest of the girls getting a little jealous, and with angry pouts. Rarity cleared her throat, and spoke. "I, too, want to train with you again, darling. Plus, I'll make you another set of athletic wear for training, and make it more...durable", she said in a whisper, also with the same look as Sunset, making the girl more jealous, as Peace nodded in agreement, and is nervous about what Rarity will make for sports wear. But he trust her to make good clothing for training. Twilight clears her throat, as well, as she spoke to Peace. "Also, I want to apologize to you for our last minute attack against you, and I hope that you forgive me and the girls. Celestia told me about this telepathically, so...", and It was Twilight and the girls turn to bow at Peace apologetically, as he chuckled, and said... "Come on, y'all, I wouldn't hold a grudge against y'all, Celestia, or Luna for that last attack. Y'all were just testin' my power and strength, just like I was testin' yours. I'll be honest, all of you are definitely the strongest ponies in Eqestria, and not just by outer strength, but inner strength, like your heart and soul. I know that y'all worked really hard for becomin' who and what you truly are, and that's what makes y'all special. And what makes me special is my Pop, Mama, God rest her soul, and my friends that are always there for me. And now that we're in a new world, I wanna return that favor ta them for what they did for me on Earth. I don't know how yet, but I'll definitely will pay them back with the kindness and friendship they've given me.", Peace finished his speech that put Twilight, the girls, even though Dash is trying to look tough, but is failing, the Sisters, CMC, Spike, and his childhood friends that hugged around Peace, that heard what he said. Luna spoke to Peace with a kind smile. "Me and my sister truly agree that you can make that achievement, Peace Poet. And if you and your friends need help, don't hesitate to ask.", Luna said, as Celestia walked up to Peace, and said... "I agree with Luna; and we will make sure that you and your friends will have the help you need. And I believe that Twilight and her friends agreed to help you, as well.", she said, Twilight and the Element Bearers nodded. Spike and the CMC came next to Peace, and Sweetie Belle said... "We'll help too, if you don't mind. I know we're young, but we still wanna help you guys out.", she said, with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodding with cute smiles. "And if you have time, you and Hype can come hang with me, Big Mac, and Discord for Guys Night. Pinkie and Rainbow are the acception; they come to play Ogres and Oubliettes, too.", Spike said, as Peace was confused by what he said, until he thought of Dungeons and Dragons games, so he agreed with that. Rarity had one suggestion... "I would like to go to the Ponyville Spa. Anypony want to join me?", she asked, as Twilight, the girls, Peace and his friends, and surprisingly, the Royal Sisters, all agreed to go to the spa. The CMC and Spike politely declined, as they were the first to exit the training room, with the others following behind them. But then, Goldie asked Celestia and Luna a question. "Excuse me, Principal, Vice Principal, how come Discord didn't come to the training session?", the look of cringe from every pony and dragon came to their faces, as Celestia answered. "In Equestria, Discord is known as the Master of Chaos. And from what he did to the girls training session one time, let's just say that Rainbow Dash has a big grudge against him. We'll explain at the spa, and tell you about it when we get there." she said, as Goldie look at Rainbow's face that has a look that would kill. "Plus, we married him to watch over him, so he doesn't create too much chaos. And we're in a open relationship; so me, Luna, and Discord can date whoever we want, as long as it's somepony we know.", Celestia explained more, and Peace and his crew remembered that they're in a new world that has different laws than Earth, so they shrugged it off and went to the room to change back in their other clothes, so they can go to the spa and..."relax". > The Special Spa Treatment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peace Poet just finished his training with The Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack, along with Princesses Celestia and Luna, which are Principal and Vice Principal at Equestria Universal High School. After they all gotten dressed back in their clothes, Peace offered each of them a bean, which Rarity had to ask. "Um, darling, you're giving me a little bean? I would have add it to our dinner choice, but... It smells delicious! What kind of bean is it?", she asked, smelling a good aroma from the bean. "It's a Senzu bean; whenever you get hurt, whether it's minor, severe, or critical injuries, it'll heal your injuries and restore your power and strength. Although, if you have cuts or scratches years before now, the beans won't heal those wounds, since some of those were healed naturally.", Peace said, as every pony that trained with him took a bite, as each of them gasped at how they felt inside them. Their bruises were gone, and the gems on the Element Bearers are now at fully capacity, which is confusing to Peace, as Sunset said... "When we ate the Senzu beans, not only did they restored our power and strength, it did the same for the gems. I feel better than before!", Sunset said with delight in her voice, as the rest of the girls nodded, and felt a lot better. Luna and Celestia also ate the Senzu bean of their own, as they felt their power and strength restored. "This is fascinating, Peace! And they taste good; where did you get these kind of beans, and who makes them?", Celestia asked, as Peace answered. "They're made by one of my masters friends. He said that if I ever run out, come back to Earth to get more. I take it that y'all like 'em?", Peace asked. "It's not sugary, but it is very tasty! I'd love to get a recipe for this!", Pinkie said, as she bounced around everyone. But her face was about to change with Peace's answer. "Well, unfortunately, my masters friend can't give anyone the recipe for the Senzu beans, cuz if someone had, the Earth, even Equestria would be in a crisis. So he's not givin' nobody the recipe. Sorry, Pinkie.", as Peace said that, Pinkie stopped bouncing in mid-air, and slowly put her hooves back on the floor, as she gave Peace a sad puppy eyes. "Well, that's understandable. We do have our energy drinks that are similar to the Senzu beans. And Plus, we're not going to ASK PEACE FOR THEM EVERYTIME WHEN WE'RE NOT TRAINING!!!", Twilight said sternly towards Sunset, Starlight, Rainbow, and Pinkie, as each of them had a disappointed sigh from them. She knows that they will ask Peace for a bean for no reason, as he said... "Don't worry, Twi. I have enough Senzu beans for a whole year. Even I can't have the beans for myself. Beside, they can only have one bean, if they get injured or their power and strength has weakened. As for headaches, heart trouble, cancer, flu, heartburn, or other diseases, the Senzu beans won't cure that. Just strength and injuries.", Peace said, as everyone was a little down that the Senzu beans won't cure other illnesses, but they understand. As they all got to the foyer, Spike was talking to a gray and white female griffon with a mail bag, wearing a light blue shirt and white pants. She has aqua blue eyes, and short gray hair tied in a pony tail. Spike introduced her to his new friends. "This is Gabby Griffon, and she's my girlfriend. Gabby, these are my new friends from Earth; Peace Poet, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle.", Spike said, but when he mentioned Peace and his friends names, she went into fan girl mode immediately, as she went to shake each of their hands wildly. "OhmygoshIheardyoursongontheradioandyousoundamazingnicetomeetyoucanyousignmyautographplease?!?!", Gabby said it in a fast pace, as Twilight and the girls looked at Pinkie with grins or deadpan looks. "What? Girls like us can't help it. Plus, we're cute that way!", Pinkie said, as she giggled and hummed a tune, as the girls sigh in defeat of Pinkie's logic, knowing that it's true. As Peace and his friends signed her blank sheet of paper, Peace asked a question. "So how did a griffon girl like you meet a cool dragon like Spike?", Peace asked, as Spike smiled with pride, Gabby looked at him with a smile and a blush, and said normally... "We met at the post office last year. After that, me and Spike became pen pals and write to each other everyday. Then, when I made enough bits to get a computer and phone, we text each other! Me and Spike even met before I became the first griffon to be with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Although, when I first met the CMC, I found out the hard way about griffons not getting a cutie mark.", Gabby said awkwardly, as the CMC themselves cringed at the memory. "I told her that dragons don't get cutie marks either, but even if we both don't have cutie marks, we still do what we can for our friends and families. Plus, even if Gabby doesn't have a cutie mark, I'd still love her for who and what she is.", Spike said, as Gabby turned around to hug him and kissed his cheek. Peace and everyone else are happy for Spike's and Gabby's relationship. "As much as I wanna go will you to the spa, Gabby and I are going to the restaurant to eat. I'll see ya at home, Twi. See ya, everyone!", Spike said, as he and Gabby waved goodbye to everyone, as they both exit the castle, and the rest followed them out, seeing the couple taking flight in the air. Everyone smiled seeing how happy Spike and Gabby are for each other. That's when Goldie looked at Peace's smile, it was...sad. She nudged Hype, as he looked at Peace, and he knew what it meant, as he said... "Well, let's see what this spa has, huh? Might be good ta relax, you know what I'm sayin'?", Hype patted Peace shoulder, as he nodded. Glori looked and saw Goldie having a sad smile, and Glori knew what that meant, as she and everyone else, and the Sisters went to their cars, as the CMC ran to their clubhouse to hang out. When Peace started his 2003 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra, everyone was amazed of how it sound, especially with a cam lope. Rainbow went to Peace's window, and asked... "This baby sounds great! What's the exhaust you have on it?", she asked with curiosity, and Peace said... "It's got SLP Loudmouth 1's on it. Matter of fact, I just put these on a week ago. Guess you're wondering if this thing can go, huh?", he asked, as Dash nodded, as she backed away from the Cobra, and Peace took off slowly, and then got on it with a smoky rolling burnout exiting the driveway. "Peace really has that car dialed in, doesn't he?", asked AJ, as Glori said... "Si, and he bought the car from a junkyard. Peace literally built the car from the ground up.", she said, as everyone looked impressed of how the car looked.", she said, which got a shocked look from AJ, as they all look at Peace's Cobra in the distance of him parking at the Ponyville Spa Le Te Da Spa, as they all got in their vehicles, and left from the Castle of Friendship to that same destination. They all entered the building, and are greeted by two Earth mares, which are twins. They were both dressed in t-shirts and tight sweatpants; but the difference was their fur coats and manes. One has a blue coat and pink mane with a lotus blossom flower on the left sleeve of her shirt, and the other has a pink coat, blue mane, and a aloe flower on the right sleeve of her shirt. The pink pony greeted the group first. "Hello, hello, everyone! Welcome to Le Te Da Spa; Princess Twilight and the Elements of Harmony, Princesses Celestia and Luna, it is and honor to have you here again.", the pink pony greeted nicely, as the blue mare greeted the newcomers. "And you must be the humans from Earth, welcome! I'm Lotus, and this is my sister, Aloe. And we welcome you to our spa in Ponyville. But you can just call us Lotus and Aloe...if you like.", Lotus said with half-lidded eyes towards Peace and Hype, which are getting icy glares from Goldie, Twilight, and the rest of the girls, which both boys gulped in fear, as Peace spoke. "Um, thank you for havin' us here, Ms. Lotus, Ms. Aloe. Y'all have a lovely place here.", Peace said, being polite, but he looked in the corner of his eye, he can see that girl of the girls had angry veins on their foreheads, and Glori's hair is over her face, as she looked like Samara from The Ring, and that's scaring Peace and Hype a lot, as they kept a brave face on the outside, the inside however, they hoped to get relaxed soon before their a murder in the spa. Aloe spoke to Rarity. "Rarity, you and the rest of the ladies will be on one side relaxing. As for the young men, they will be on the other side, as they will get the...special treatment. And you can just call me Aloe, and my sister Lotus. We friends here, after all.", Peace and Hype nodded, as they went to the locker room to get out of their clothes, as the rest of the girls, Goldie included, each had jealous looks on their faces when they heard the words "special treatment" from Aloe, as she guided the girls and the Sisters to one side of the building, and Lotus guided Peace and Hype the other side. Minutes later, Hype and Peace were in the hot tub relaxing, as they were sitting at opposite ends of the tub, feeling relief from training, and Peace was more relieved. "Ah, man! This feel better than that spa place downtown from home, man." Peace said, as he felt the jets on his back. "I know, right? I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't the same without your mom workin' there, bro. She kept the place happy and calm.", with a sad sigh coming from Hype, and a look of regret came from his face. "Look, man, what me, Glori, and Goldie said about ya back then...", Peace held up his hand, stopped Hyper Active from finishing his apology. "What's done is done, man, alright? I know y'all were on edge on keepin' my secret for a long time. But now, we're in a new world, so y'all don't have ta worry about it anymore. I'll admit, it did bothered me for what y'all said, but I put it behind me. So let's not talk about it anymore, OK? Water under the bridge, bruh.", Peace said, with a sincere smile on his face, as Hype smiled back. But Hype did ask Peace an interesting question... "So, since you're livin' in a house full of cute and beautiful pony girls, who do ya like best?", and this had Peace blushing a storm. "I...well... Do ya mean as friends or...?", Peace stammered nervously as he asked, as Hype continued. "Come on, man! That "other" girl cheated on ya with... You get what I mean, dude! And those girls are definitely more nicer, friendlier, and prettier than "you know who". Plus, I read in Equestria history that you can have a herd in this world. I'd do it, but it's my death warrant if I did, and Goldie's really against it.", Hype shivered at the last part, and so did Peace, knowing about Goldie's temper. "God, I know what'cha mean! But Goldie's a good person, and she has a great boyfriend, which is my best friend, and I understand after what happened me years ago, she didn't want no girl like "she who shan't be named" to come near ya. She's been tryin' ta protect you and me from girls like that, along with Glori doin' the same thing. Ahem! Um, so, you wanna know which girl I like in the dorm house, huh? Well, ta tell ya the truth...", Hype listened very carefully, as Peace tell him the answer. On the other side of the spa, the rest of the ladies were in the hot tub, as well. Unlike Peace and Hype, they were still in wrapped towels below the waist, the mares and human females were completely naked. The only towels they have are wrapped on their heads to keep their hair from getting wet. Some of them are relax, and some of them, well, that's another story. "Whatever those spa ponies have planned for Peace and Hype as a "special treatment", they better not do any funny business.", said a very agitated Golden Heart, as Rarity calmed her down. "Relax, darling, I'm sure that Aloe and Lotus are making the guys as relaxed and refreshed as we are going to be.", Rarity said, as Goldie took a deep breath, and deeply exhaled to relax. Then a smirk came from Glorious Miracle's, Celestia's, and Luna's faces, as Celestia spoke, and asked... "So, how are all of you living with Peace Poet?", that question made some of the mares blush a bit when the older Alicorn said Peace's name. "He's definitely smart, kindhearted, and can help each of us with homework the best he can. And, um...", Twilight couldn't say another word while embarrassed, and a few more words might embarrass her more, as Rainbow spoke. "He's awesome! Plus, he's strong, athletic, and is, um... That's it!", the last two words Dash said were to quick, but Luna can see not just Dash and Twilight, but the rest of the mares were blushing a darker red, and the tub wasn't even that hot. So, the blue Alicorn said... "Come now, girls. You can tell the truth; what do you really think about Peace?", Luna asked, as Glori spoke to them calmly. "And don't worry, me and Goldie won't get mad. Whatever you say will stay in this tub.", Glori said, as Pinkie was playing with her curly bang, sighed, and said... "OK, I'll admit it; Peace is truly handsome like a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles! He's just so nice, caring, funny, all of the above. And I know that I'm not the only mare thinking that way~!", Pinkie said in a singing way, as Rarity spoke. "No doubt that Peace is like a knight in shining armor, and I'm not talking about Twilight's brother. When he saved me from Blueblood, Peace was brave and valiant! Oh, he's truly a sweetheart!", Rarity said dreamily, as Sunset asked Goldie and Glori a question. "I know Peace is single right now, but what happened to him last girlfriend, or ex?", both Goldie and Glori cringed at the question, as they narrowed their eyes, and Goldie said bitterly... "We don't dare talk about "her"; we're trying to forget about her, as is Peace.", she said, and now it was Sunset's turn to cringe for asking, as Starlight nudged her hard. Sunset look at the two apologetically, as Glori said... "It's not your fault; it's just that "she" was Peace's first ever girlfriend. And after what happened to him, shut himself in for four months. That's all I can tell you for now; when he feel like it, Peace will tell you the story.", Glori said apologetically, as the rest of the girls and the Sisters understood and wait for Peace to tell the story. Then to lighten the mood, Fluttershy spoke. "Well, um, Peace is a really nice guy, and I think he should be loved better than his ex.", after that sentence, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and the rest probably had the same idea. Starlight spoke with a happy voice. "Are you all thinking what I'm thinking?", she asked, hoping that they all have the same thought that she has. "That we can make Peace feel more loved, respected, and welcomed by all of us, and forget about his ex, and make him more happy than he was with her?", Pinkie asked, as each of them looked at her wide eyed in shock and in disbelief. "Pinkie Pie, how in Venus stars did you know what I thought?!", Luna asked, as each of the girls nodded on the same question. "Be-cause I saw that look in all of your eyes, Your Majesty. I just thought I'd say it for all of you!", Pinkie said with an innocent smile with a squee. Goldie and Glori wanted to ask how Pinkie did that, but Rainbow said... "Don't question it; it's Pinkie Pie. You'll get use to it. But the question it, how does Peace feel about us? Your man Hype might've asked him.", she asked Goldie, as she answered... "Well, they're in the other side of the spa, so I don't know.", and that got Celestia an idea, as she had a Grinch like smirk on her face, and when Luna saw that look, concern came on her face. "Sister, you not thinking of...", as the Sun Princess' horn glowed a bit, she made two BB size energy balls, as she levitated one above them, and sending the other away. "I know it's an invasion of privacy, but I know you want to know what the boys are talking about. Besides, you did this when we were fillies back then, Luna.", Celestia said, as Luna blushed with embarrassment. The Rarity said something, like... "Princess, I would like to hear what Peace and Hype are talking about, as well, but I wouldn't do that!", and they all looked at Rarity with a deadpan look, knowing that she WOULD do that, as Rarity smiled nervously, trying to look innocent, and failing. But anyway, Celestia's energy ball exits the room, as Twilight asked... "Is this one of those spell where you can listen in a conversation from other people? There's just one problem; Peace and Hype can sense it.", the Princess of Friendship half yelled, as Celestia nodded, and said... "Oh, I make sure that this spell is completely undetected. Even if this isn't right, I think all of you should here if Peace says anything about you.", Celestia said, as Luna looked on with disappointment. "You really need to stop using Discord's habits.", Luna said in a monotone voice. Celestia had her eyes closed, but then found the room where Hype and Peace are in, and they are still in the hot tub. The energy ball above the women has now turned into a screen, so now they can see and hear what the boys are saying. "Now we can hear and see them, but they can't see nor hear us on this end.", Celestia said with a school girl giggle, as the girls can see Peace's and Hype's upper body. Hype has a good muscle tone, and is showing a six pack, but Peace's muscle tone is much bigger, but like a Bruce Lee type of tone. But then, they see all the marks on Peace's upper body; they see some cuts on his chest and back, but what put then in a shock was bullet wounds, four of them. Twilight and the rest, minus Goldie and Glori, who cringed at Peace's wounds, has worried looks on their faces, and that included Celestia and Luna. They looked at Glori and Goldie with questioning looks, as Goldie said with a sad tone... "Like Glori said, Peace will tell you the story when he tells you.", she said, as her body started to shake, as Glori went to comfort her. The mares understood, as they nodded to respect their wishes. But then, they started listening in to Peace's and Hype's conversation, as Peace was answering Hype's question. "OK, so you wanna know which of the girls I like in the dorm house, huh? Well, I'll tell ya the truth; the first one is Rarity...", and Rarity looked on at the screen with nervousness on her face, as Peace continued. "Not gonna lie, she's beautiful outside and inside, cute, and like her Element, generous. Any stallion would kill ta be with her. Rarity's truly a good pony, just like the rest I've met.", Peace said, as Rarity smiled at the screen, happy about how he feels about her. "Then, you got the hyper ball of energy named Pinkie Pie, no pun in your name, bruh.", as Hype roll his eyes, Pinkie looked on with hope of good things from what Peace thinks about her. "She's sweet, adorable, and can really get ya out of a funk your in ta tell you a joke and make you laugh. If she, or any of the girls, you, Goldie, or Glori are in a funk, I try ta give y'all a funny freestyle. Even if it's hard ta figure out Pinkie's physics, she's there ta make anyone smile, and I like that.", and Pinkie's smile went from ear to ear, and her eyes had stars in them, while she squeals happily. "Rainbow Dash is definitely one of those cool athletic girls that can do just about every sport, and I like that she's breakin' barriers. I'm not gonna lie; Dash is tough, but when ya see her read Daring Do books, or wantin' an apple cider, she can be, and is, cute.", that last part made Rainbow blush, as Peace continued. "I'll say this, if any stallion has a problem with a mare playin' a male sport, then they're just nothin' but sexist dicks. Whatever sport I play, I'll put Dash on my team any day.", Peace said, as Hype agreed with him, as Dash smiled with pride on what Peace said, as a tear came down her cheek. "He just gotten 20% cooler, man! Now I definitely wanna play on his team.", Dash said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Applejack's another one the also a tough mare. Strong, hard workin', takin' care of her family and the business, athletic, and in my opinion, beautifully cute.", Peace said honestly, as AJ blushed at his true words, and smiled. "You're a strong guy yourself, SugarCube, and ya definitely won my respect.", Applejack said in a soft voice, as Goldie and Glori are happy of how Peace sees Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, and AJ, as he continued. "And then, there's Fluttershy; I'll be honest, when I met her, she reminds me of a supermodel, in a good way. She's beautiful, cute, adorable, kind, caring, even though she's timid and shy. And you know what, her bein' timid and shy, I don't blame her, cuz there are most times I'm shy, too. She lives near the Everfree Forest, one of the scariest places in Ponyville, and takes care of animals. Bears, birds, squirrels, dogs, you name it, Fluttershy's got it, and connects with them. Now some might say that what she does is weird, like talkin' ta animals, but that's not weird at all, that's called connectin' with them, seein' how she helps the animals, treat them like an equal. Animals, ta me, have every right ta co-exist with humans, ponies, and more beings in that nature. I know that some can say that she's not strong, but Fluttershy's definitely one of the strongest mares, in my opinion. Like everyone I like, Fluttershy's one of the best.", Peace said, as Fluttershy had tears in her eyes, and tears flowing down her cheek, she had a quivering smile on her face on hearing Peace saying great things about her. "Oh, he's truly a sweetheart. I could give him a hug right now.", Fluttershy said with soft sobs, as she cries and chuckles quietly, with Rainbow comforting her with a caring smile of her own. Although, Sunset and Starlight were nervous about what Peace thought about them, as he continued to talk to Hyper Active. "Even though Starlight and Sunset told me about the bad stuff they did in the past, they made up for them, and was forgiven for their actions. Sometimes, everyone deserves a second chance, and I'm glad that Twilight gave them both a second chance, cuz I would too, after, ya know...", Peace sounded down a bit, as Hype understood what he meant by that, and nodded, as Peace continued. "Starlight's a very powerful Unicorn; smart, strong, cute, and nice. Just don't piss her off, or mention Sludge in front of her; I'll explain that later. Sunset has that rock 'n roll vibe from her, and I like rock, ta be honest. She's a cute mare as well, also smart, nice, and can be a good friend, like Starlight and the others.", Starlight and Sunset were smiling at Peace's words, as they remembered that they told him about their past. Twilight was nervous about what Peace will say about her, as he spoke. "Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship; well, like the other girls, beautiful, cute, very smart, nice, and like the other girls, helps anyone the best she can. I know bein' a princess is a difficult job ta rule, like Celestia and Luna, but I know with the help from her friends, Twilight can get it done in the best way possible.", Peace said, as Twilight blushed and smiled at how he felt about her. Then Hype asked another question. "Who do ya like the best out of eight of them?", he asked, as Peace honestly said... You know, I like them all equally; they may have some differences, but they all have positive ways and points on what they do and how they do things. It's really hard ta pick who I like most.", said Peace, as Hype agreed with him, as it is hard to pick which o the mares he likes the most. But then, a Grinch like smile came to Hype's face, as he asked one more question. "OK, one more question; who's more beautiful, Principal Celestia or Vice Principal Luna?", the young DJ asked, as Luna and Celestia were shocked of Hype's question to Peace. But they can't help but wonder which of them Peace will say. Peace was also shocked from his best friend's question, as he gulped and sighed. "Ya had ta put me on the spot didn't ya? But to be honest, they're both beautiful and still look young. Sayin' that both of them are one thousand years old is like goin' in a lion's den with an electric fence that can make a severe thunderstorm look weak compared to them. In other words; I don't wanna piss them both off, on or off school grounds. I know that Celestia is older than Luna, but she still looks young and beautiful, in my opinion.", the two Sisters were both blushing at Peace's words, and are happy to hear how honest he is. Both Goldie and Glori were giggling at Twilight's and her friends jealousy on their faces, until Aloe and Lotus came in the room with only towels on them, and now it's Goldie's turn to be jealous. "Would you two like to have a massage? me and Lotus will take care of it personally.", Aloe said, as Peace and Hype were looking at their hourglass bodies, and couldn't believe how big their breast are. Although, Hype and Peace both hesitantly agreed to the massage, they both gotten out of the hot tub to follow the Spa Twins. All the girls in the tub had their eyes widened at the boys "package". Goldie was looking at Hype's first, but when she and Glori looked at Peace's "package", it was bigger, and it wasn't hard! Then, Glori and Goldie turned around at Twilight and the rest of the girls, and saw some hungry eyes from Starlight, Sunset, Pinkie, and Rarity. Twilight was still staring at the screen like a statue, and Dash and AJ were keeping Fluttershy from drowning, since she fainted look the look of Peace's "gift". Celestia and Luna both had smirks, and Luna said... "Looks like Dr. Blue Cross was right when she was checking out Peace, sister. I didn't know Hyper Active was "gifted", but Peace's "gift" is what's true about Saiyan history.", Luna said, as Celestia agreed. But the rest of the girls were confused, as Rainbow asked... "Saiyan history? You mean to tell us that Saiyans like Peace can have it THAT big when he's at a young age?", she asked, still looking at Peace's "soldier", ask Fluttershy slowly wakes up, and looks at Peace's, you know, as her face was beet red. "Yes, and when Peace turns 18, it'll be twice as big, and won't be any bigger after that. Though from the look from your faces... And nipples, I'd say that you're all intrigued.", Celestia said, and from the last thing she said, Twilight and the rest of the girls saw their nipples from their breast erected, and Fluttershy's were lactating, since she, along with Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Twilight, and Starlight have the biggest breast within the group. But Fluttershy wasn't the only one "leaking". "Well, I see that you "sprung a leak", Sister.", Luna said, as she chuckled, seeing Celestia's breast lactating, as well. Luna's were big, but Celestia has the biggest in the group. Goldie's and Glori's were big too, but they weren't jealous of all the mares. Sunset's and Rainbow's were big, but the same size as Goldie's and Glori's, and nowhere as big as the others. Then, Celestia's energy ball followed the Twins, Peace, and Hype in the massage room, as the boy were still wearing their towels around their waist, and laid down on the beds front first, as Aloe put her hands on Peace's back rubbing it gently, and Lotus on Hype's doing the same. Twilight and the girls had death glares looking at the screen, as was Goldie and Glori. Celestia and Luna couldn't help but giggle at the girls jealousy and envy, as they continued to look at the screen, as the Twins asked both boys some questions. "Peace, are the spas good on Earth like here in Equestria? I'd love to go to Earth on day.", Aloe asked, still rubbing Peace's back, as he was more relaxed, and answered... "Well, the Earth's spas are cool, but this spa so far is amazin'. Plus, you're hittin' the right spots.", Peace said with a light moan, and with a smile. "Ditto, bro; Goldie has the hands of a Goddess-- Holy Crap!", Hype squeaked that last part, as he felt Lotus' breast spilled out from the top of the towel, were also on his back, while he had a surprised look on his face. And just faintly, Hype and Peace can hear a shrieking voice shouting from the other side of the building. "I'LL KILL THAT SKANK!!!!", and that shout was very familiar to the young men, and it was Golden Heart. She was trying to get out of the tub, while Glorious Miracle and Starlight Glimmer were trying their best to hold her back. Yeah, she was PISSED! Rarity was trying to calm Goldie down. "Goldie, please calm down! I can assure you that Lotus a profess-- WHAT IN TARTARUS IS SHE DOING?!", and now it was Rarity's turn to be pissed, as she saw Aloe's breast did the same thing, as Peace's face were the exact same as Hype's. But now, the Twins were not using their hands to massage the boys backs, which had Twilight, her friends, Goldie, and Glori getting out of the tub, as Luna used her magic to put all of them in a magic bubble, trying to calm them down. "Ladies, please calm yourselves! This must be the special treatment that the Twins meant. What more could they do?", and that question the blue Alicorn asked, soon got her answer, as Aloe and Lotus both said to Peace Poet and Hyper Active... "Now that we finished the back, let's start the front area, starting with the crotch.", and after Aloe said that, the building started to shake a little, and Peace knew who's power it was. "Wait, that's Rarity's power, and it growing! Hold up, I sense somethin' else, but it's faint, but near.", he looked around, and saw a small energy ball, and knew who it belongs to, as he facepalmed. "Principal Celestia and the rest had been watchin' us the whole time. And I have a feelin', Luna's tryin' her best ta hold the rest of the girls back, as they're all not likin' the special treatment from-- DAAAAAMN!!!!", that last part is when Peace met Aloe's chest topless, as he and Hype both jumped off the beds, and ran to the locker room to get dressed, as Hype asked... "Why aren't ya gonna stop the girls from tearin' the place apart?", then Peace looked at him with a look of fear, and said... "Bruh! They're still naked in the hot tub! But if you wanna get roasted by pissed off girls, includin' YOUR GIRLFRIEND, be my guest, but I wanna live! Besides, Twilight and the rest are well known in Ponyville, and are stronger than Goldie and Glori.", after Peace said that, Hype nodded as the young Saiyan had a good point, as they gotten dress, and went to the waiting area, where all the girls were waiting on the boys. Rarity's eye was twitching, as was Fluttershy's and Pinkie's eye, as Pinkie's hair deflated a little, as they all glared at Aloe and Lotus of their "special treatment". "We apologize for what we did, Your Majesties. We just wanted to appreciate Peace for what he's done for us in Ponyville. We're very sorry for our behavior.", Lotus said, as she and Aloe lowered their heads, awaiting their punishment. Twilight sighed, and spoke in a calm, but stern, voice. "I understand why you did it, but how you were doing it was a surprise. You won't be punished, but please let me know before you do anything.", the Princess of Friendship said, as the Twins nodded, as they turned to Peace and Hype. "And we're really sorry for not telling you about the special treatment we had for you. We hope you can forgive us.", Aloe said, as Peace spoke with a nervous smile. "Well, you did give great massages, and the hot tub was great, so that's a A plus, to me. And I appreciate the apology, but please let me know beforehand that you're doin' these special treatments, OK?", he said, as the Twins nodded. "Yeah, like he said; and we feel much better from the hot tub and massages you two gave us.", Hype said, as he saw Goldie grinning, as he gulped. Rarity spoke, and is calmer, I think. "Well, this evening was, how you say, enlightening. Ladies, we will come back next time, in... better circumstances.", she said nervously, as Pinkie, Fluttershy, Goldie, and Glori were still glaring at Aloe and Lotus of what they almost tried to do to Peace and Hype. Speaking of Peace, he had a flat look on his face, as he looked at both principal and vice principal. "Can I ask why would ya think of this idea? And ta be honest, that's an invasion of privacy.", Peace said, as he crossed his arms, waiting for his answer. both Celestia and Luna had a nervous smile on their faces, but Luna blurted out one thing... "It was all Celestia's idea! I had nothing to do with it.", and now, it was Celestia's turn to have a flat look, as her little sister sold her out. But no matter how you slice it, it was truly her idea, as she sighed, and said... "You're right about invading your privacy, and I'm sorry. To be honest, I was just looking out for the both you and Hyper Active, so Aloe and Lotus wouldn't use this "special treatment" on you.", the older sister raised an eyebrow at the Twins, as they both gulped in fear. Then, it was Luna's turn to speak, as she looked just as guilty. "To be honest, I should've stopped my sister for making that sneaky spell to eavesdrop on you two. I know it was to look out for you both, but for what happened, I feel just as guilty for not stopping her. And for that, I deeply apologize.", both Celestia and Luna both bowed their heads at Peace and Hype, as Twilight and the rest had worried looks on their faces on what both the young men will say to both rulers of Equestria. But Peace spoke in a kind voice, and said... "I think what y'all are doin' should be the other way around. I mean, I appreciate what everyone's doin', and how they treatin' me for beatin' the Diamond Dogs, but the last thing I wanna do is take advantage of others kindness. Me, Hype, Goldie, and Glori are lovin' this new world, and I know that y'all want ponies, and other creatures ta co-exist with Earthlings, and I'm with that. So far, I'm likin' the new friends just like my current friends, and I hope ta make y'all proud of what me and my friends can do.", Peace said, as Celestia and Luna lifted their head with small smiles from them, as he felt a hand on each of his shoulders, and saw Starlight on his left, and Twilight on his right. "We're all proud of what you do, Peace. All we want to do is help you and your friends enjoy Equestria. Twilight and the others helped me out when I'm in little or big trouble, and I repay them back every time they help me.", Starlight said with a smile, as Twilight spoke. "If you and your friends need help with anything, me, the girls, Celestia and Luna, just ask any of us, and we will do what we can to help you.", Twilight said, as Peace smiled. Just like Hype, Glori, and Goldie helped him on Earth, Twilight and her friends, along with Celestia and Luna, will help him. Then, a thought came to Peace, as he asked. "Well, can y'all help me find a job? I know that Hype and Goldie are workin' as a waiter and waitress at The Tasty Treat in Canterlot, and Glori is workin' at a music shop with Vinyl in Ponyville. I wanna earn my own bits, and I wanna pay my friends back for puttin' up with me.", each of the girls wanted to speak, but Celestia spoke, and said. "I think it's a great idea, Peace! Tomorrow after school, you can go with your friends, Twilight and her friends for this week, and see what their jobs are like. The Spa Twins will also help out finding you a job.", the principal said, as the Twins agreed with that, as Glorious Miracle said... "Si, amigo, well all help you find a job in both Ponyville and Canterlot.", Glori said, as Peace thought about it, and said... "OK, and I'll try my best ta do the work right.", and with that answer, Sunset spoke. "Great! And don't worry; I'll let my manager know tomorrow morning, and you can come to my workplace to check it out. And I hope you like sushi", Sunset said. "I'll let Granny Smith and Big Mac know, too. Ya haven't met them, except for Apple Bloom, so this'll be the first time you're meetin' them." Applejack said, as she tipped her Stetson hat. "I work at Hoof Locker in Cloudsdale, so I'll let the boss know when you're comin' by", Rainbow said with a thumb up. "Um, over at my animal sanctuary, you can help me feed the animals. I know it's not much, but...", Fluttershy said timidly, as her hair hides half of her face. "The Cakes and I will handle the cooking, but we are in need of a delivery driver at SugarCube Corner. I'll tell the about you, and get the van ready. Oh, and you get free sweets from us, as a bonus!", Pinkie said, as she throws confetti in the air. "I'll inform mother about you, and see how you do on delivering clothing to my clients in Ponyville and Canterlot. Plus, if you want to work at Carousel Boutique, you and your friends will have some of mine, Coco Pommel's, and other fashion designers I know for free! Now, I know you want to earn your stuff by paying for it, but after saving me from Blueblood and defeating the Diamond Dogs, I'd say that it's a generous thing to do for me to repay you.", Rarity said, and Peace thought about what she said, he really didn't want to take advantage of her generosity, but declining her offer would be disrespectful and hurt her feelings, so he hesitantly nodded, as Starlight spoke. "I work at the jewelry store here in Ponyville, and the store helps sell for Pinkie's family's rock farm. Her family also sells at the farm when customers stop there, as well. I'll tell the manager about when you stop by to see how the job goes. Pinkie's the one that helped me get the job, and I've been liking it ever since.", Starlight said, looking at Pinkie, as the pink mare, gave Starlight the thumbs up. Twilight was next to speak, but she has a sad look on her face. "Peace, it pains me to say that I have no job for you at the castle. Spike, Starlight, Sunset, the rest of the girls, Celestia, Luna, and everyone I care about helps me anyway they can, and they want nothing in return except my friendship and love for me. I know you just met us days ago, but those couple of days feels like I've known you longer than that. All I do is re-organize the books, clean up, and have Royal meetings in the castle, and that's all there is. And...", Twilight stopped there, as she deeply exhaled, and looked at Peace, as he gave her a sincere smile, and said... "Then I'll help ya at the castle as much as I can, and all I need from you is what can give my childhood friends, and the rest of the girls; support, respect, friendship, and we'll see from there. I still wanna learn more about Equestria, and beyond it, and I know that I'll definitely learn a lot from you, the girls, Celestia and Luna, and many more. And to repay y'all, I'll tell ya what I've learned from Earth... And more stuff.", that last one Peace said, he knew he'd had to tell everypony about his personal life, and they all understood. Every one of Twilight's friends wanted to ask, but they didn't want to irritae Peace, so they ask in a later time. Celestia sees that it's was past eight, as they, along with the rest, are leaving the spa, as Aloe tapped Peace's shoulder, and said... "If you ever want to work here, we'll gladly help you, as another apology for what happened. Like Twilight and her friends, we'll help you out.", the pink twin said, as Peace nodded. And then, Luna and Celestia had an idea of their own, as Luna spoke. "You know, me and Celestia can also help you find a job in Canterlot for a part-time or full-time job. Or in Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Las Pegasus, anywhere in Equestria.", Luna said "Or help out at our castle in Canterlot. We have many jobs for you there; and whichever one you like and/or want, let me and Luna know, and you'll get paid well.", Celestia said, as Peace was smiling, as he got down on one knee, bowed his head, and said... "Everypony, I wanna thank you so much of your generosity and kindness. I'll try my best to do the best I can ta meet your expectations. Hype, Goldie, and Glori did so much ta help me, and I wanna repay them back for their kindness, along woth all of y'all's. God bless y'all for what you're doin' for me, and you have my word, I'll repay ya.", a hand lifted Peace head, as Twilight looked at him with a smile, and said... "You've already repaid us, by trusting all of us to help you. Come on, let's go home.", Peace got back up on his feet, as he said his goodbye to the Spa Twins. He got a hug from both Goldie and Glori, and a bro hug from Hype, as they left to go back to their dorm house in Canterlot. The Royal Sisters also said their goodbyes, as they also left to go back to Canterlot. Later on, it was ten at night, as Peace was sitting on his bed looking at the full moon, smiling with tears in his eyes, as he said, while looking at the moon.... "Mama, I got more friends now, and they're helpin' me out. I promise ya, I'll make ya proud, just like Pop and everyone else. I called Pop earlier and told him what's goin' on, and he was happy about it. I don't know what job I'll have from Twilight and the others, but whichever one I'll have, it'll be that job I'll keep. It'll be better than the last job I had, at least I hope one of them is. And wherever "she" is, I hope she has a happy life.", Peace finished, as he laid down getting ready to sleep. But then, before he closed his eyes, the last thing he said before he went to sleep was... "Why would she wanna kill me, and does she really believe that I'm dead?" > Job Hunt, And An Idea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was early in the morning, and Peace Poet was practicing his martial arts. But he wasn't alone; as promised, he was teaching Fluttershy Tai Chi, and she was a quick learner. Peace is very proud of Fluttershy for learning so fast, as they were now doing animal type kung fu. Monkey, tiger, crane, and many more animal styles. Fluttershy knew some of the animal styles, but learned more from Peace, as they were finishing up their practice session at the Friendship Dorm House, which Twilight thought of the name, and it fits well. "Wow! I'm very impressed, Fluttershy! You've done mantis, scorpion, cobra, frog, and kangaroo styles. I'm proud of ya!", Peace said with joy in his voice, as Fluttershy smiled excitedly, and said, almost sounding like Pinkie Pie... "And the Tai Chi techniques are amazing! Thank you so much for teaching me, Peace; though, I hope I wasn't a burden on your morning session. It took me awhile to get use to the cobra style, but with you teaching me, it worked out. I, un, hop I didn't slow down your session.", Fluttershy said in a timid voice, as Peace shook his head with a smile. "Not at all; you asked, and I wholeheartedly agreed on helpin' ya, and I'm glad I did, and it was fun. If you or any the girls wanna have a morinin' session with me, just ask, and I'll gladly have y'all.", Peace said, as he and Fluttershy bowed to each other. But the, Fluttershy twirling her finger in her hair, as Peace asked... "Are you OK, Fluttershy? You're not gettin' sick, are ya?", he said with worry in his tone, as the butterscotch Pegasus shook her head, looked at him, and hesitantly asked... "Um, I know you and your friends have only been in our world for a few days, and me and my friends are glad you came here. I know it sounds silly, but, now that I'm your friend, um, if it's OK with you, and if you don't want to, that's fine, too. My question is...can I, um, give you a hug?", the shy pony asked with her head down, as Peace didn't say anything. Did she scare him, make him angry, sad, even? When Fluttershy lifted her head, her eyes widened, as Peace was standing there with opened arms, smiling sincerely, waiting for a hug. Walking towards the kind Saiyan, Fluttershy went to put her arms around Peace to give him a hug, as he gently put his arms around her, but carefully putting his arms under her wings. They were both blushing, as Fluttershy thought... "Peace has a great amount of power and strength, but he feels so gentle and warm. Whoever his ex was, she doesn't know who she gave away. I'm not sure how I'll measure up to Peace, but I'll show all the love and support that his ex never showed, and that's a promise.", she thought with a small determined smile while still hugging Peace, as he thought... "Wow! For a pony like Fluttershy, she feels so soft and comfortable. More than... No, stop it! Don't compare "her" to Fluttershy. She, Twilight and the other girls are better than "she" is. Although, to be honest, Fluttershy smells like flowers, pine, maple, all things of nature, and that really nice. Come on, Peace! Don't think like that, bruh; she probably has a stallion of her own, and is takin' care of her. And... She feels comfortable, like a relief of stress. Though, I'm not ready for a love relationship yet, not after...", then, they both gently broke the embrace, as Fluttershy moved her hair from her face, as she looked at Peace, and spoke nervously. "Well, um, why don't we get ready for today?", she said, as Peace slowly nodded, smiling nervously. "Yeah, and um, the hug was nice, really. I'm gonna take a quick shower...", as Peace was about to enter the dorm house, Fluttershy said... "You did nothing wrong, Peace. And yes, the hug was nice, but so are you. And my friends call me Flutters for short, so you can call me that, because we're friends.", Fluttershy said with a kind smile, as Peace's smile was, as well. "OK, Flutters. See ya at breakfast.", he said, as Peace held out his hand, as Fluttershy took it, as they both went inside. An hour later, Twilight and the rest had their breakfast, as Peace was on the phone with Principal Celestia about today, as Peace had her on speaker. "Peace, your first place to look at for a job is Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack will show you how to work there, along with Apple Bloom. All three of you will be graded on the work. And you only need a couple of hours to work. Any questions?", the principal asked, as Peace answered... "No, what'cha told me was good enough. So, I go there after a leave from the dorm house?", Peace asked, as the rest of the girls looked at Fluttershy with either grins or jealous pouts. "Yes, but you have plenty of time to get there. Just don't strain yourself there, OK? Applejack said that there will be one fifteen-minute break.", it was Vice Principal Luna talking on the phone, as Peace agreed, told them bye, as the conversation ended. Peace put his phone in his pocket, as Rainbow Dash got in his face with a suspicious look on her face. "So, you were teaching Fluttershy Tai Chi early this morning, huh? What else happened after that?", she backed off and crossed her arms, as Peace asked... "I take it ya saw us trainin' this mornin'? Well, yeah, I did teach her Tai Chi, along with other animal kung fu techniques. And after that, she asked for a hug, and... we hugged. And... that's it, nothin' more." Peace honestly answered, as Dash had a smug look on her face, and said... "OK, then answer me this; did her tits feel comfortable, too?", she asked with a smirk, as Peace's eyes widened and his face was beet red, as was Fluttershy's. "H-Hold up! I never go THAT far! I mean, I don't wanna take advantage of Fluttershy, you, or the rest. Also, her chest, um, well...", Peace was so nervous, that didn't know how to finish the sentence. So, in embarrassment, still red in the face, he walked away to get his stuff, and is about to exit the dorm house. "Darling, are you OK?", Rarity asked with concern, as Peace answered with a squeak in his voice. "I'm fine! Ahem, I mean, yeah, I'm cool; I'm gonna walk to Sweet Apple Acres instead of drivin', since AJ walked there earlier. See y'all at school.", and Peace quickly exit the house, as the rest of the girls flatly looked at their rainbow haired friend laughing it up. "That was mean, Rainbow! You know he had to work with Applejack today!", Pinkie said with her angry face, as her cheeks puffed out. "Come on! You girls would've teased him, too. What's the harm about that? I'll bet Glori and Goldie teased him that much!", Dash defended, like she was the innocent one here. But Starlight had a smirk on her face. "But you know, not only can AJ see if anypony is lying, she can tell if anyone is not his or herself. And with Peace being teased and flustered...", evil grins came onto all the girls faces, especially Fluttershy's, with a brow upward. All Peachbottom can say is... "Somepony's sleppin' on the couch tonight.", she said chuckling, as Rainbow's face went from smug to dreaded fear. And she had the look that said, "Oh, shit" on her face, as the girls giggled, and went to get ready for school. Five minutes later, Peace Poet made it to Sweet Apple Acres, and was in awe of the beauty of the landscape. Then, he sees a little white and brown dog running towards him. He thought she was going to bark angrily at him, but Peace was wrong. the dog was barking happily at him, and came to Peace smiling at him, wagging its tail. Peace giggled, kneeled down, and started to pet the dog. "You must be Winona. You're definitely a good and friendly dog.", as Winona licks Peace's face, a stallion was walking out of the house towards them. He has a strawberry blonde mane and tail, a red coat, green eyes, wearing a red and black shirt, blue jeans, and brown boots. The stallion has a smile on his face, as he introduces himself. "Howdy! You must be Peace Poet Aj's been talkin' 'bout. I'm Big Macintosh, but you can call me Big Mac.", as Big Mac held out his hand, Peace gladly shook it. "Nice to meet'cha, Big Mac. AJ's been talkin' about cha. How you're a great big brother in the fam.", Peace said, as Big Mac smiled proudly. "Eeyup! She and Apple Bloom are a handful, though. Ya can't keep up with them, heh heh! I see ya met Winona here. She's been our dog since Apple Bloom was born.", Big Mac said, while Peace was petting Winona again. "Well, she's definitely a good dog, and a sweetheart.", Winona barked happily at the comment, as she licked Peace again, and saw Applejack running towards them. She's wearing a green t-shirt, blue jeans, and work boots, and she spoke. "'Mornin', Peace! See ya met my brother Big Mac and Winona.", she said, while Peace finished petting Winona. "Yeah, Winona's a good dog, and your brother's cool, too.", he said honestly, as Applejack said... "Well, Apple Bloom and Granny are waitin' for us. Come on!", AJ said, as she took Peace's hand, and gently brought him to the big red barn. Peace was blushing when AJ took his hand, and Big Mac had a smirk on his face, and walked behind them, with Winona in tow. At the barn, they saw Apple Bloom, wearing a pink t-shirt, blue jeans, and work boots. And then, there's the elder Earth mare with her white mane in a bun with gold eyes, wearing an orange scarf with red apples, a red collar shirt, blue jeans, and works boots. She looked at Peace, as he was wearing a do-rag on his head, a white t-shirt, black jeans, and Timberland boots, and she smiled at him and held out her hand for a shake. "So, you're that Peace Poet fella that Applejack and Apple Bloom told me about, huh? It's great ta finally meet'cha. I'm Granny Smith.", she introduced herself, as Peace shook her hand. "Great ta meet'cha too, ma'am. I would've come ta meet ya on the first day here, but...", as Peace was about to explain, Granny held up her hand, and said... "Seein' beat the tar outta them Diamond Dogs was a good enough explanation for me, son. Ya done Ponyville proud ta beat 'em. And seein' how strong ya are, I'd like ta see how ya work. And cut the formalities; ya can call me Granny Smith or Granny, sonny.", she said with a laugh, as Peace smiled, and said... "Well Granny, I hope I'll do a good job workin' for ya. Last thing I wanna do is let a boss down. (Like the one let me down in my world).", Peace thought bitterly about his last job from New York, but he feels more comfortable with Granny being the boss and working with her grandchildren. Granny chuckled, and said... "Don'tcha worry none, honey. I know that you'll do fine. And if ya have any trouble, just come ta me, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac. Sugar Belle would be helpin' us out, but she runs a pastry business, so you might see her later on. She's Big Mac's marefriend, and she moved here in Ponyville months back.", Peace was going to ask what Sugar Belle looked like, but he put those thoughts aside, since she's Big Mac's marefriend, and didn't want things to look awkward. "Now, Apple Bloom, you're workin' with Big Mac at the north fields, and Peace, you're workin' with Applejack at the south fields ta get some apples. Now, let's get to it!", Granny ordered, as Peace and AJ went in an old late '70's Chevy pickup with a wooden bed, and Big Mac and Apple Bloom went in an '80's Dodge pickup. Apple Bloom yelled at Peace saying... "I hope ya like it here, Peace!", as she and Big Mac slowly took off to the fields and waved goodbye to Peace and AJ, then Granny went to feed the farm animals, as AJ and Peace slowly took off to the south fields. While Applejack was driving, Peace asked... "So, what'cha want me ta do? And how do I do it?", Peace asked, as AJ answered... "Well, since both trucks have four boxes each, we get as many apples as possible off the trees. In Equestria, Ponyville, in general, our family bucks the apples off the trees. Meanin', we kick the trees ta see the apples fall in each box we put under each tree. But I don't won'tcha ta overexert yourself ta do that; just take your time on kickin' the tree the best ya can, and please don't break it. Big Mac and I got a big earful from Granny for breakin' three trees.", AJ said, as she shivers in fear on being scolded by Granny. "Got'cha, and I hope I'll do a good job.", Peace said, as Applejack got to their destination on the south fields. AJ and Peace were doing high and low kicks to the trees, as the apples fell in the basket. They "bucked" about seven trees within twenty-five minutes, as they both took a break under a tree, as Peace and AJ sat under drinking apple flavored water. Then, Peace saw something amazing; two trees intertwine together in a form of a heart, with pears and apples together. Applejack saw Peace looking at the tree in awe, as she asked... "Amazin', ain't it?", she asked with a sad smile and her ears folded down. "Amazin' and beautiful! I've never seen a tree like this one with both apples and pears. Did you and the rest grow this tree?", Peace asked, as he looked at her. And when he looked at her, he saw that AJ's smile had sadness behind it, as she spoke. "This here tree was grown with the love of Ma and Pa, Pear Butter and Bright Macintosh.", Applejack said with a somber voice. Peace wanted to ask what happened to them, but the orange mare look at his curious face, and spoke about it. "Three months after Apple Bloom was born, Ma and Pa had me and Big Mac look after Apple Bloom, while they went on their walk together; Granny Smith went ta see Filthy Rich for a new order of apples. Me and Big Mac got worried when they were gone for 5 hours, and that's when...", she took a deep breath, and shakingly exhaled, as Peace put a hand on Applejack's shoulder, as she continued. "That's when Rainbow Dash came ta us and told us that a tree fell on both of them. It was a big tree, and it took about twenty ta thirty ponies ta get it off of Ma and Pa. They quickly got them both to the hospital, but when we got there, and Granny Smith was already there, she, Mrs. Cake, Mayor Mare was crying, and Granny just told me, "I'm sorry, Applejack. I'm sorry, Big Mac, I'm sorry, Apple Bloom." We were all bawlin' like it was the end of the world, and I wouldn't go outside for days after that.", AJ had tears in her eyes, and they fell from her cheek to her leg while she was looking down at the ground. But then, the sad frown turned into a sad smile, as she wiped the tears from her face, as AJ continued. "None of the Apple Family wanna see me sad, and that's when Granny Smith said, "Filly girl, your Ma and Pa ain't gone, they're still in your heart, and they'd want ya ta be happy and move on. They're with ya for eternity, and they still love ya with all they're heart. I'll help you, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac the best I can, and will love y'all like your Ma and Pa loves y'all." Those words helped me get more stronger ta be there for my family, and I will keep goin' for them, Ma, and Pa.", Applejack finished her story of what happened to her parents. Peace looked down on the ground with the look of regret; he was glad that he didn't ask AJ what happened to her parents, but in a sense, he regrets wanting to ask that question. AJ puts a hand on Peace's should, and she said with a sad smile... "SugarCube, y'all didn't know what happened, so don't regret, even if ya didn't, askin' me what happened ta Ma and Pa. So, keep your head up; and if ya have any more questions, feel free ta ask me anythin'.", she said in a caring voice, as Peace looked up at her, as she has a sad smile on her face, but other than that, Peace smiled back, and opened his arms for a hug, as she went in for the comforting hug. But then, they quickly broke from the embrace, as they felt magical energy, and Applejack's smile went to an angry frown. "Shit! Not them business ponies again! Come on, partner! I'll explain while I'm drivin'.", Applejack said, as they both got in the truck filled with fresh apples and went back to the barn. AJ explained to Peace that the business ponies she was talking about were the Flim Flam Brothers. She also told Peace that Flam is the oldest brother, who is the one with the moustache, and Flim is the youngest without a moustache, and they were both Unicorns. And the next thing AJ said, is what made Peace a little pissed. "And Peace, they both work for Prince Blueblood.", she hesitantly said, as Peace deeply sighed and shook his head. "That didn't surprise me; they must've been givin' you and the fam a hard time on the farm.", Peace said, as Applejack puts the truck in another gear, trying to get to the farm quick. "They have, partner, and two weeks ago, they shot a magic beam at Big Mac's ribs. They wanna buy the farm ta turn it into a night club, on Blueblood's orders!", she shouted angrily, but calmed down a bit, and continued. "When I told Princesses Luna and Celestia about what happened, they were surprised about Blueblood's orders, and Filthy Rich was not happy about, either. All Blueblood wants is...", AJ was about to finish her sentence, when Peace finished it for her with narrowed eyes. "Power, and lots of it; he wanna tear down a good and historic farm ta get you outta the way. And those brothers didn't need ta hurt Big Mac! And did Big Mac defend the farm when they threatened y'all?", Peace asked, upset that the brothers used magical force towards Big Mac. "Yeah, he did, ta block the shot in front of Granny and Apple Bloom.", AJ said. Peace was getting more angrier by the second. They were trying to shoot an elderly pony and a filly?! That was going too far for those Flim Flam Brothers! As soon as they got to the farm, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith were at the gate, and the twin Unicorns had evil smirks on their faces. Granny was holding a pitchfork, as Big Mac was in front of her and Apple Bloom, while holding his ribs, since they haven't much recovered from the twin's last attack. As AJ and Peace finally got there, they both rushed out of the truck to face the Flim Flam Brothers, as Peace pulled out a Senzu bean and handed to Big Mac. The red stallion was confused, as Peace calmly said... "AJ told me what happened, so take this and eat it, and you'll feel better after that.", Mac looked at AJ, and she nodded her head telling him that it's OK. So, Big Mac ate the bean, and he felt the pain went away, as he was looking stronger. Peace saw his reaction, and said... "Glad you're better, man. Go take Granny and Apple Bloom to the barn where they're safe. Me and AJ are gonna have a little "chat" with our guest.", Peace said with a hint of anger in his voice, which was not towards Big Mac. "Are ya sure y'all will be OK with those two? They tried ta...", Apple Bloom couldn't finish the sentence, as she was thinking about what happened to Big Mac last time, as AJ said... "Don't worry, little sis, me and Peace got this. You and Granny go back ta the house where it's safe.", Apple Bloom looked at her big sister, and then looked at Peace. She knows that both of them are strong, so she sighed and went with Granny Smith, as Granny said... "Peace, y'all take care of my granddaughter, ya hear?! And you be careful too, honey!", she shouted, as she and Apple Bloom went in the house, as Big Mac stayed out of the house, as he stood in front of the house, in case the business pony get past Peace and Applejack. Flam looked at the young teens and spoke. "So, you two think you can stop us from taking the farm, huh? Applejack may have her power from the Elements of Harmony, but a human like you is totally powerless against us! Haha, now either get off this land, or we'll force you off!", Flam's horn started to glow, as AJ was about to get in front of Peace to block the blast, but he stopped her and said... "I got this, AJ. Let 'im shoot, if he has the balls ta do it.", AJ wanted to say something, but the realized that the Flim Flam Brothers didn't know who Peace is. And since she knows how strong Peace is, her worried frown turned into a smug smile, as she crossed her arms. "You varmints are in for rude awakenin' doin' this.", AJ said, as the brothers were confused about what she said. "I don't know what you mean by that, but speaking of a "rude awakening...", Flim said, as he and Flam each shot an energy blast from their palms at Peace and hit him square. They both had victorious smiles, but that went away when the dust cleared and saw Peace still standing without a scratch. The Flim Flam Brothers were in shock to see Peace still in one piece, as Flam spoke with stutter in his voice. "It can't be... A human can't be as-- Wait, now I recognized you. You're Peace Poet!", the elder twin half shouted, as his younger brother gasped in horror knowing who Peace is. "Too bad I'm not Big Mac, huh? Seeing how skilled you two are, let's try two on two.", Peace said, as he and Applejack both cracked their knuckles getting ready to fight. After they did that, Flim went to AJ and Flam went to Peace as the twin tried their best to land a kick and blow on the teens, but Peace and AJ were dodging every blow. Applejack did land a high kick to Flim's chest, as Peace used his palm to Flam's stomach and pushed him away, all the way to where Big Mac is standing. The tall stallion balled up his right hand into a fist and gave Flam a hard uppercut as Flam was about ten feet in the air, landed hard on the ground. Flam tried to power up his magic beam, but Peace had two energy balls of his own when he appeared standing above Flam. But then, he put two of his energy balls together along with his palms, Peace began to power up, as he was ready to shoot the beam at Flam while lying on the ground. Flim was about shoot an energy blast at Peace, but another beam hit his chest, as Flim fell on the ground. He was about to get up, but he saw who was standing over him. Sunset Shimmer was towering over him, aiming her palm at his face, as she had a stern look on her face. "Go ahead, make my day. I'd love to make this your grave is you try to get up.", she said bitterly, while she looked at Peace getting ready to shoot his beam, while Flam was in fear. Peace did say one thing to Flam in a low tone. "Leave, and never. come. back. And you can tell Blueblood that he's gonna have ta find a new land for his night club. Sweet Apple Acres stays, now and forever. If I ever see you two scammin' bastards again, Equestria's goona have two less ponies around. Now get the hell outta here and do me a favor; do honest business and stay in Las Pegasus!", Peace said, as he powered down, letting Flam get up on his own, as the ambulance got to the farm, and the paramedics came to get both of the twins and take them to the hospital. Peace turned to see not only Sunset, but Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Student Counselor Discord were also at the farm. Peace thought that they felt his and AJ's power and came to the farm by teleportation. Discord was the first one to go to Peace and spoke. "Before you ask, no, you're now in trouble. In fact, you and Applejack get a double A plus for fighting the Flim Flam Brothers!", he said, as Discord snapped his fingers, and two neon signs were pointing at Peace and Applejack with an "A+" on each one. Twilight rolled her eyes, as did the rest on Discord's tactics, but Discord was not wrong on grading them. "Are you both OK? You don't need any medical attention, do you?", Twilight asked in a worried tone. "We're fine, Twi. Those twins couldn't touch us with their own skill.", AJ said, putting the purple Alicorn at ease. "They did have some power, but I knew that they weren't too powerful to keep up with us. Although, AJ and the fam oughta put a restrainin' order on Flam and Flim, since they shot at Big Mac a couple of weeks ago.", Peace said, but then, Granny Smith, bringing Apple Bloom to the group, let out a sad sigh, and said... "Unfortunately, we did put a restrainin' order on 'em, but they still came back harassin' us ta leave the farm and land. That's how Big Mac got shot protecting us.", and Peace was shocked hearing this, and balled his fist in anger. But then, he and the rest heard this... "WE NEED THIS LAND TO EXPAND OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH BLUEBLOOD!!! AND IF WE CAN'T SUCCEED, THEN THE APPLES MUST DIE AND BLEED!!!!", it was Flim's voice they heard, and he and Flam knocked out one of the paramedics and created a giant energy ball. They both aimed the ball at Peace and everypony, as they were ready to attack. But at a blink of an eye, Peace was gone! Twilight, the Elements, Peace's childhood friends, and the Royal Sisters were all wide eyed at what they saw next. "Stars above... We didn't even see Peace move, and he's already where the twins are!", Luna said in shock. Peace was right in front of Flim and Flam and punched both of them. They both fell on the ground, as the energy ball vanished, and they were both out cold. Then Peace went to the knocked-out paramedic to see if he was OK, which he is, since he's still breathing. The other paramedic said that he was going to bring more help, but Pinkie and Rarity told him that they would help him take his partner and the Flim Flam Brothers to the hospital. Pinkie looked at Peace, and only asked... "What kind of training did you do before you came here? Because that. was. AWESOME!!!", she said excitedly, but then Dash mumbled, "That's my line.", as everyone laughed and giggled that Pinkie stole Dash's schtick, as Pinkie and Rarity picked up the unconcioused paramedic, and they both, with the active paramedic, went to the hospital. Hype, Goldie, and Glori went towards Peace to see if he's OK. "You OK, bro? We felt your power surged a bit from here.", Hype ask, as Peace smiled at his and the girls, and said... "I'm cool, man. I was just helpin' out the Apples on a land dispute. But I believe me, AJ, and Big Mac got that handled. They worked with Blueblood and were ordered ta try ta get the Apples off the land.", Peace said, as his childhood friends were in shock that the business ponies were forced to get a well-loved family in Ponyville off the land that's been in Ponyville for generations. Celestia spoke, and she was angry. "The Flim Flam Brothers will go to jail for attempted murder. And me and Luna will have a long chat with our nephew.", the Sun Princess said bitterly, and Luna agreed with her in that statement. But Peace shook his head and said... "I wouldn't bother scoldin' him; he'll just say, "OK, I understand" and still take advantage of y'all cuz of who and what you are. I don't wanna judge, but I've seen his type before. Whatever his motive is, it's ta use his and your names for gain ta get whatever he wants. And obviously, he wants somethin' bigger than a night club.", bottom lips were dropped from the ponies at what Peace said. And after thinking about it, both the Sisters sighed in defeat, knowing that confronting Blueblood would be a waste of time. "You're right, Peace. We watched him becoming more arrogant towards ponies and creatures after he was crowned prince when he was a colt. We use to love our nephew, but seeing how he is now, we don't recognize him anymore. So, we can't confront him for ordering the Flim Flam Brothers, what can we do?", Luna asked. That's when Starlight had an idea. "What about Bon-Bon? Wasn't she one of your spy agents from other missions? She can follow Blueblood undetected, with the right equipment, of course.", she said, which got Celestia to think, and thought of an idea. "She'll have all the equipment she needs. And this'll give me a great opportunity to call the King, Blueblood's father. But I have to make sure that Blueblood isn't suspicious about any of this, since he and his father are not on good terms. I hate to be sneaky, but...", Celestia didn't finish, when Luna put in... "Oh, sis, you were always sneaky, like when you tried to take my last cake when we were fillies.", Luna said snarkly, while Celestia has a blush about their fillyhood times. But as the elder sister cleared her throat and spoke, trying to change the subject. "The point is that Bon-Bon will have all the stuff she needs to go in surveillance duty. Her and Lyra Heartstrings will watch Blueblood and his associates and see what their motives are.", she said, as everyone agreed with that. But Twilight had a concerned look or her face, as she spoke to Peace. "Peace, Blueblood will know that you and Applejack fought the Flim Flam Brothers, and he'll have plans on trying to get you. But you'll have nothing to worry about, because we'll protect you!", the Princess of Friendship said firmly, but Peace shook his head, and said... "Twilight, I really do appreciate you, the girls, along with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, are tryin' ta protect me like Hype, Goldie, and Glori did for me. But I wanna return the favor for what my friends did for me, since they kept my secret from everyone on Earth.", Peace and everyone else saw Rarity and Pinkie coming back from the hospital, as he continued. "I know y'all are strong and wanna get back at Blueblood for what he did ta everyone of ya, but if ya wanna get back at him, ya gotta play it smart, and not let your ego play the part on givin' him what he deserves. We'll deal with him when the time's right, but if he tries ta get under your skin, don't get on his level, make your level better. If he's tried of your level, that'll mean his plans are about to collapse, and he'll be frustrated, losin' his composure and prince-like manner.", Peace said, as everyone is confused, except for Glori and Dash, as Dash said... "Let him think his plans are going too smooth, and then he'll lose his mind and break!", Rainbow said with a smirk, as she smacks her fist in her hand. "Mind game revenge; that's a great plan, amigo! The best revenge on Blueblood is to let him think his plan is going more better than expected, then if the plan changes back and forth...", Glori was about to finish, but Celestia chimed in. "The plan will go in reverse and backfire on him. So, basically, we do nothing, except for seeing him alter his plans against Peace and others. That'll be the best revenge I'd ever see.", Celestia said with a chuckle, as Apple Bloom spoke. "So, what'cha sayin' is that all y'all have ta do is see if Blueblood slips?", the filly said, as the young Saiyan put a thumb up to her. "You got it; all I and everyone else has ta do is do nothin' and see if Blueblood's plan makes a detour. Or in other words, makes a fool of himself.", Peace said, as Applejack walked in front of him with a hint of a blush, taking off her hat. "SugarCube, I want ya ta know that I wanna thank ya for savin' us from the twin's attack. So, um, I was gonna ask if ya wanna have dinner with us here at the farm? That'll be a thank ya for savin' us.", AJ was a little nervous asking Peace, but she got his answer. "I'd be honored; ya helped me try for this job and I'll accept you invitation ta join you and your amazin' family for dinner.", and that statement made AJ and her little sister yell "YEE-HAW!", as Big Mac gave Peace a thumb up and Granny nodded in approval. But what happened next was unexpected; Applejack gave Peace a big hug, as Twilight and the rest of the girls had death glares; yes, including Fluttershy. Glori and Goldie were smiling nervously seeing AJ hugging Peace, as Hype was holding them back gently. Celestia and Luna were both smirking at that moment. But then, another unexpected turn; Applejack kissed Peace on the cheek. This caused Twilight, the Elements, Goldie, and Glori to scream at that, as Rarity walked towards them with narrow eyes. "Now see here, Applejack, I know you wanted to thank Peace for saving us, but by kissing his cheek?! How dare you!", the fashionista pony shouts in rage. "Yeah, I was gonna show him how I work at SugarCube Corner, and now he has a job here!", Pinkie said, with disappointment in her voice, plus a cute angry pout. But Peace had an idea on this situation. "I have an idea. Yeah, I like workin' here at the farm, but they haven't--", that was when Granny Smith hollered out... "You're hired, young'un! Although, the pay's not gonna be much, but we're glad ta have ya.", Peace looked at Big Mac, as he gave him another thumb up and a hearty "Eeyup!", Apple Bloom had an excited smile and was bouncing like Pinkie Pie. As for Applejack, she put an arm around Peace's left arm her arms, which made the girls glare look like they would shoot lasers at her. Peace smiled, and said... "Thank you and I'm glad ta be workin' with y'all. But here's my idea. I wanna work two jobs on each day, but each job will be different each time. How about this; Monday's I'll work here at the farm in the morning, and work at SugarCube Corner with Pinkie after school. Tuesday's I'll work at Hoff Locker with Rainbow in the mornin', after school, I'll work at Ponyville Jewelry with Starlight. Wednesday's with Rarity at Carousel Boutique, and Fluttershy at Sweet Feather's Animal Sanctuary after school. Thursdays with Sunset at the Touch of Japone restaurant, then with Twilight at Friendship Laboratories, which Twi hadn't thought of.", Peace looked at Twilight, as she looked sheepish on forgetting about the new lab that Celestia, Luna, and her friends built for her, as they all facepalmed, and thought, "She need to get her head out of the books." Then, Peace continued. "Fridays with Hype and Goldie at the Tasty Treat in Canterlot, and with Glori, Vinyl, and Octavia at Canterlot Music store. Even though I need to be from the employees at each of their workplaces. And on Saturdays, half a day workin' at the Canterlot Castle with Princesses Celestia and Luna. Sundays are when I relax and chill at home or cruisin' in one of my cars. So, how about that idea?", Peace asked, as everyone looked at each other, smiled, looked at Peace, as Twilight spoke. "I think it's a great idea, Peace. But if you need a break from one of the jobs if you feel like you're not feeling well, overwhelmed, losing fatigue, feel free to tell any of us.", she said, as all the girls, his childhood friends, Granny Smith, Big Mac and the Royal Sisters agreed with the idea. "Although maybe I need ta train ta work first. And--", that when Starlight held up her hand and said... "Don't worry about it; everypony knows who you are and what you did at the fight. We called our bosses, told them who you are and that's it. You're hired on the spot. They want to thank you for beating the Diamond Dogs, but they won't give you any special treatment or anything else.", she said, as Peace thought... "And hirin' me on the isn't special treatment?", as he finished his thought, Peace said this. "I don't expect any special treatment. All I wanna do is work hard and do my best. And I don't wanna do better than anyone else, nor do I wanna get paid more than anyone else.", he said, as Dash put in... "Good, cuz I'm goin' for employee of the month later on. I want Silver Shill to see me as an awesome worker! But you're awesome, too.", the blue Pegasus bragged, as everyone rolled their eyes and Peace chuckled. "Plus, if you need time of to study or write your rhymes, just tell us, darling. And we'll help out, as well.", Rarity said, as she came and wrapped her arms around his right arm, as she smirked at AJ. And what Rarity did to make AJ madder was bringing his arm between her H-cup bosoms. But AJ didn't want to be left behind, as she brought Peace's other arm to her F-cup bosoms, as well. Peace's eyes were widened in both shock and fear, but when he saw the rest of the girls faces, fear really took over. Fluttershy had a kind smile on her face with her eyes closed, but a dark aura surrounded her, as she spoke in her soft voice. "Rarity, Applejack, I know you two are nice to Peace, but could you not be so close to him? He's uncomfortable right now.", the once shy Pegasus said, as her hair was flowing like Luna's and Celestia's, putting more fear in Peace. He looked at Hype, and saw that Hype was shaking his head in fear, but Glori and Goldie had angry vein on their heads, as they were trying not to pounce on Rarity, Fluttershy, or Applejack. But then, a mint aura surrounded Peace, as he was floating towards Starlight, who's using her magic to bring Peace where she and Sunset are. But that plan "dashed" away, when Rainbow flew and grabbed Peace, as they were in the air flying towards Equestria Universal High School. "If you slowpokes don't want me to have Peace to myself...", Dash said, as she grabbed Peace head, and put it between her DD-cup boobs, which all the girls looked really pissed at this point. Peace had this in his thought... "I fully regret thinkin' on workin' with them...", he thought, as Dash took his hand and flew to the school for lunch. Hold on to me girls. We'll catch up with them!", Twilight said, as the girls and Hype held hands together and with a flash, they disappeared. "Peace has his hands full already, hasn't he? He may be strong and powerful, but when it comes to Twilight and the Elements...", Luna said with a sigh. "I know, sister. But while this happened, Discord text me that there's another new student coming next week from Earth.", Celestia stated, as she looked at the Apple Family. "Peace is a good guy and a sweetheart. What do ya think about 'im?", Granny Smith asked Apple Bloom and Big Mac, as the stallion spoke and said... "He gave me somethin' that healed my ribs. I feel a lot better than before, and I can see why you and AJ like him so much.", Big Mac said to Apple Bloom with a grin and chuckle. "Come on, bro! Ya know me and Tender Taps are together. Though I have ta admit, Peace is cool.", Apple Bloom said, as she got her book bag and went back to school and probably to tell her friends about what happened at the farm. Celestia spoke to Granny, and said... "Thank you for hiring Peace here, Granny Smith. I'm sure he'll be great for you.", the white Alicorn said. "Don'tcha worry none, Your Majesties. We'll take good care of Peace.", Granny said, as Big Mac said "Eeyup", as both Luna and Celestia said their goodbyes and teleported back to the high school. This was after school on Earth in Bronx, New York, as Celestia and Luna just left an apartment room and teleport back to Equestria. Sitting in the living room was a young girl with long light blue hair with blue eyes. She was looking at the list of names of the faculty and students. But there was one name she recognized that put tears in her eyes, and that name was Terry LeGhetto. She thought while looking at the name. "Oh Peace, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. But I'm surprised that you're still alive. I want to apologize to you face to face, and I'll understand that you'll probably never forgive me, but I have to tell you my side of the story of what happened that night. Next week, I finally get to see you. And this time, no more tricks, no more betrayals, and no more secrets. I know your father hasn't forgave me for what I did, but this time, I want to make this right.", the girl thought, as she went to the bedroom to start making calls and packing to go to Equestria. > Apples Dinner and a Heartbreaking Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was after school, as Peace Poet, his childhood friends, and the Elements of Harmony were training at the Castle of Friendship. Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, were witnessing Peace and his best friend, Hyper Active, sparring! The rest were shocked at seeing Hype having Ki energy like Peace, as he can shoot energy blast, and can fly. Hype was giving Peace a furious melee of punches and kicks, while Peace is blocking blow after blow. The only one that aren't surprised at this is Golden Heart and Glorious Miracle, as they looked on smiling. "I couldn't believe that Hype had powers like Peace, and he's just as powerful as Peace is! What about you two?", Sunset Shimmer asked, as she and the others looked on. Glori and Goldie gave Sunset a smirk, as they powered up, as well. Glori had a purple aura, as Goldie's was sky blue. They both launched themselves towards the boys, as Hype saw them coming, smirked at his best friend, as he moved out of the way for the girls charging at Peace at a high rate of speed. Glori was going for a punch, as Goldie was going for a kick, but Peace blocked their blows with his hands. "You girls are gettin' stronger and stronger, along with Hype. I guess y'all been trainin' hard too, huh?", Peace said with a proud smile, while blocking their blows. "Si, because we wanna protect you from those who wanna harm you, especially from Blueblood and his goons.", Glori said, while increasing her punches and kicks. "I understand that you want to pay us back like you did with the Diamond Dogs, but we can still protect you and defend ourselves!", Goldie said. "And as long as we protect each other, we'll always be strong together, no matter what. We got ya back!", Hype said, as he had an energy ball in his hand, as the girls also had energy balls. Peace looks on with determination, and said... "Bring it on!", and they did, as Hype, Goldie, and Glori shoot their own blast at Peace, as each beam hit him on point and make a big explosion! Twilight and the others were frozen in worry for the poetic Saiyan and Rarity was about to go in the sky and see if Peace was OK. But as the smoke cleared, Peace was fine; not even a scratch on him. Everyone was relieved, including Peace's childhood friends. They didn't think they would be that strong. "Bro, are you OK?! We all meant ta hold back our power a bit.", Hype said with concern in his voice, hoping Peace wasn't hurt anywhere. "I'm good, man. Damn, y'all really gotten stronger! Mama and Pop would be proud.", Peace said with a joyful tone, as they all descended back down on the ground. Twilight and the others look at them in awe, as she said... "I didn't think humans would be this strong; that was fantastic! How did you three get so skilled?", Twilight asked, as she magically brought in a pen and parchment to take notes. "We've seen how hard Peace has been trainin' while keepin' his power a secret, so we wanna train alongside of him and his parents. Yeah, we were bullied by the Diamond Dogs back then, but when Peace wanna try ta help us, we told him ta stay back, so that he can't reveal his power, so I took most of the beatin' while Goldie, Glori, and Peace watched. I was out of school for a couple of weeks as my injuries heal, but Peace blamed himself for what happened, and he thought we were mad at 'im, which we weren't.", Hype explained, as he put a hand on Peace's shoulder with a sincere smile, as Goldie spoke. "To be honest, I would've love to see Peace beat the living crap out of the Dogs, but if he showed his power to the world, I really would've been pissed at him. I told Hype and Glori that if Peace did show his power, rich people and scientist would've made Peace into a guinea pig for the rest of his life. I... I don't know what I would do if that happened.", she said with a cracking voice, with Hype and Glori nodding in agreement. Fluttershy and the girls looked directly at Twilight with flat looks, with the young princess raising a brow in confusion. "Um, why are you girls looking at me like that?", Twilight said innocently, as Pinkie rolled her eyes. "You wanted to see how I had my Pinkie Sense in your lab.", Pinkie said in a deadpanned voice. "And you used Spikey-Wikey for moustache test and other experiments.", Rarity said with squinted eyes, as Twilight eyes widened in the memory of those times, as she smiled sheepishly. But then, fear set in within the Alicorn, as Twilight looked at four death glares from Peace, Goldie, Hype, and Glori, as she frantically said in defense... That was years ago and weeks after me and Spike moved to Ponyville! I told you that I promised that I wouldn't use anypony or anyone as live guinea pig ever again. And I would never do that to Peace, honestly.", she said, as everyone breathe a sigh of relief, as Rainbow asked Peace a question changing the subject. "Since AJ left after school to help Granny Smith with dinner, why didn't Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna not come to our training session?", the fast Pegasus asked, as Peace answered... "Well, Counselor Discord finally dropped the hammer on them for skippin' paperwork, they had ta stay at the school ta help Discord with the paperwork. They both had sad faces after Discord scold his wives before I went to the next class after lunch. By the way, how did all three of them get married?", Peace asked, as Fluttershy spoke. "Um, well, we told you that Discord was the King of Chaos and was turned to stone twice; first by Princesses Celestia and Luna, then us. Well, Discord married both of the princesses after we broke him out of his stone prison with the Elements of Harmony, so we, meaning me, had to reform him from doing bad. Although, he can still get into mischief, Discord is still a good soul.", the shy pony said with a nervous smile, as the others had the look of discomfort and suspicions about Discord. Peace slowly nodded his head in agreement of what Fluttershy said, but in his thoughts... "I need ta be really carefully around Discord now. I shouldn't judge him, but you can never be too careful. Also, it has ta be drainin' to be married to Discord. I sympathize with Celestia and Luna.", he thought, as Peace and the others ended their trainin' and headed home. Minutes later, Peace was dressed in his new clothes that Rarity made for him for the Apple Family dinner. He was wearing a white baseball cap, red t-shirt, blue jeans, and red and white high-top shoes. Again, Applejack was absent from the dorm house, but he knew that she was getting ready for dinner at the farm. He saw Peachbottom doing paperwork and looked in the kitchen to see the girls with disappointed sad faces, even Pinkie's mane deflated a little bit. Peace knew that AJ asked him to come have dinner with her and the Apple Family first, and the girls thought of the same thing, asking him out. Peachbottom looked at Peace's face and he looked guilty, like he betrayed the girls. "Honey, it's really not your fault that Applejack asked ya first. The girls don't blame you or AJ... Well, maybe blamin' AJ a little.", Peachbottom said, thinking of how jealous the girls are, as she continued. "I know that Pinkie said that you start at SugarCube Corner next week, but how about this idea...", Peace listened to Peachbottom, as he listened her while she whispered. This puts a smile on Peace's, as she looked at Peachbottom, and said... "If this works, I owe ya big time, Peachbottom. But are ya sure you don't wanna come with us ta the Crystal Empire? I know ya been there before, but I'd like for ya ta be there ta have fun on the visit.", Peace said, as Peachbottom shook her head and said... "Nah, I can go there anytime. Besides, I have ta go ta Dodge Junction that weekend anyway ta visit a friend there. No need to worry about me.", she said with a caring smile, as Peace sighed in defeat, but smiled as well, as he went to the kitchen to talk to the girls. The girls looked at Peace standing in the doorway, as he spoke to them. "I know that it wasn't fair for AJ for askin' me first, but I saved the farm and she and her fam are repayin' me back with a dinner. But just remember, we're goin' ta the Crystal Empire for the weekend, so y'all can show me around with the Empire.", and this brightened all the girl's spirits, as Pinkie's mane and tail re-flatted back to their puffiness. Rarity squealed happily and said... "Splendid, darling! Oh, I can't wait to show you all of the fashion shops there! The designs they make are amazing!", she said excitedly. "Sunburst is my long-time best friend from where I live, Sire's Hollow. Wait till you meet him, he's a good stallion!", Starlight said. But simultaneously, they all said... "I can't wait to spend the weekend with you, Peace!", all the girls said, as they looked at each other with some glares. Peace gulped, as he looked back at Peachbottom trying her best to hold back her laugh, as he thought with a deadpan look... "She tricked me ta she how they reacted! I should've kept my mouth shut. But at least I got them outta their funk. I'm glad to see the girl's happy.", Peace thought and smiled seeing the girl's happy again. But then, he had a suspicion and held out his hand. "Alright, y'all, give them ta me. I know you have binoculars with ya.", this had shock looks on each of the mares faces, as Rainbow went into Peace's face angrily. "Do you think we're gonna spy on you two?! I would never...", before she would finish, binoculars fell out of her pocket. Peace raised his brow, as Rainbow and the rest had nervous smiles. Although, it was obvious that Peace would find out sooner than later, as the rest of the mares, except Fluttershy, gave Peace each of their own binoculars, as they all sigh in defeat. Then, Peace looked at Pinkie, waiting for more stuff from her. And what surprised him was that she went in her mane and got out a telescope. And all Peace would say with disappointment in his voice... "Really? Ya couldn't trust AJ or me, huh?", Peace said, as Twilight spoke. "Peace, we're sorry. Each of us wanted to ask you out today, and Applejack beat us to it. We're just a little...jealous.", Twilight said hesitantly, as Peace thought with a sigh... "A little? Each of y'all had angry pouts.", he finished his thought and smiled sincerely. "Look girls, I'm just goin' to the farm for dinner they invited me ta, cuz I saved their farm. Besides, there's still time for me ta hang with each of y'all. I mean, I trust you girls, along with my childhood friends, more than...", Peace couldn't finish the sentence, which had concern looks on the girls, even Peachbottom, who was listening in. But he shook it off, and said... "Well, I'll explain my sob story to y'all later. Right now, I'm gonna go to the farm.", Peace said, as the girls had small smiles and nodded, the concerned looks on their faces didn't fade. Peace waved goodbye to the mares, as he left, as Peachbottom has a suspicious look on her face and asked... "Y'all did somethin', didn't ya?", was all she asked, as some of the girls were looking innocent, with Rarity breaking a sweat a little. Peachbottom stood firm, crossed her arms, and raised her brow at Rarity and the rest. Rarity sighed in defeat, as she explained what she did with a gulp and nervous voice. As Peace is walking towards the Apple's home at Sweet Apple Acres, he knocked on the door, and the one the opened it was Apple Bloom, as she showed her excited smile. "Howdy, Peace! Glad you could make it. Come on in!", the Earth filly took Peace by the hand and pulled him inside as he chuckled at Apple Bloom's excitement. He sees Granny Smith and Big Mac getting dinner ready, but there was a Unicorn mare that wasn't Applejack, as she wasn't in the kitchen, nor the living room. This mare has a medium pink coat, ruby red eyes, long curly hair with a scrunchie with mint green balls at the end of her hair and tail. She's wearing a white dress shirt, blue jean skirt, and black dress shoes. The Unicorn, Big Mac, and Granny Smith saw Apple Bloom come in the house with Peace, as Granny greeted him. "Welcome to our home, honey! Glad ya could make it.", Granny said with a warm smile. "Glad ta be here, and thank y'all for invitin' me.", Peace said, as Big Mac introduced the Unicorn mare. "Peace Poet, I want ya ta meet my wife, Sugar Belle. She use ta live in the village where Starlight...ya know.", Big Mac said hesitantly, as Peace knew where he was going with that and cringed a bit, since Starlight told him what happened back then. But Peace shook the thought away, as he shook Sugar Belle's hand. "It's nice ta meet'cha, Sugar Belle. Pinkie Pie told me that you have a bakery in Ponyville. I've tasted your food and it's delicious!", he said with a kind smile, as Sugar Belle smiled back. "Thank you so much, and it's nice to meet you, too. I saw your fight with the Diamond Dogs, it was great! Now Ponyville can be at peace from them. Applejack and Apple Bloom talked so much about you highly. And when I heard that you helped Big Mac get his strength back and teaching the Flim Flam Brothers a lesson, I was so happy to have my stallion strong again. And I have to thank you again for making my Big Mac strong again.", Sugar Belle said with a soft voice that is like Fluttershy's, as she shows a cute smile. "Glad I could help with that. And Big Mac, I'll you and the fam some more Senzu beans if any of y'all get hurt.", Peace said, as Big Mac agreed. Then they heard steps coming down the stairs and saw Applejack in different clothing. She has her mane and tail in a long braid with her Stetson hat, of course, wearing a green dress with yellow, red, and zap apples on it showing some cleavage, and brown cowboy boots. Peace was stunned on how amazing AJ looked. "Glad ya came, SugarCube. This was Ma's dress, so I thought I wear it for this occasion. What'cha think?", AJ asked, as Peace shook out of his dream-like stupor, cleared his throat and said... "Wow! Honestly, you look wonderful and cute in that dress.", Peace said blushing, as was AJ at the compliment. Though, they both heard some "awww's" from the family. They all sat down at the table and ate dinner and had cheerful conversations. Peace was sitting in between AJ and Apple Bloom, as they both talked about the Sisterhood Social, selling apples in streets of Ponyville, and more fun things the sisters do together. Big Mac does fun things with his sisters too and goes to the Castle of Friendship to play Ogres and Oubliettes with Spike and Discord, with Sugar Belle included. Then, Granny Smith taps the glass cup with her spoon and made a speech. "OK, y'all, I have somethin' ta say! Peace Poet, today, y'all saved Sweet Apple Acres from those two business varmits who tried ta take the farm time and time again, so we in the Apple Family thank ya for helpin' us save the farm.", the elder Earth mare said, as the rest clapped in applause to Peace, as he spoke and said... "I can't take all the credit; you took Apple Bloom in the house ta keep her safe, I had AJ and Big Mac ta help me out with the Brothers, it was a team effort. And a family is the greatest team of all.", he said, as each pony smiled at Peace at his kind words. Apple Bloom asked him a question? "Peace, I hate ta ask ya this, but do ya have a marefriend, or a girlfriend, in this case? I mean, I have a coltfriend, so...", Peace winced a bit at the question, and that question had stern looks from Applejack, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith, which made Apple Bloom sink down in her seat. But Peace cleared his throat and had a sad smile, looked at Apple Bloom and said... "Nah, I don't have a girlfriend. I use to, but... It's difficult ta talk about it. I'm gonna go out and stretch my legs. I'll be right back. Excuse me.", Peace got up from his seat and walked out of the house, as the rest only sympathized with the young man. That's when AJ looked at her sister with a glare and spoke with a stern and hushed tone. "Of all questions ya had ta ask Peace, it had ta be that one? What were ya thinkin'?!", the older sister asked, as Apple Bloom had a little fear on her face and backed up a bit. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinkin when I asked Peace that. I thought that Glorious girl was his girlfriend.", she said almost on the verge of crying, as AJ did calm down a bit, as she sighed deeply and patted her little sisters head and said with a calm voice... "I know ya wanna be nice ta Peace, but that question was pushin' it a bit. So, when he comes back in the house, you're gonna apologize for that, right?", she asked, as Apple Bloom didn't say nothing, but nodded slowly while looking guilty. "He's gonna hate me, isn't he?", Apple Bloom said with a breaking voice, as Sugar Belle went next to her and said... "You may have brought bad memories to Peace, but he wouldn't hate you...", that was when Peace came back in the house with a sad smile, as Sugar moved for him to be next to Apple Bloom, as he kneeled down and spoke. "Apple Bloom, you were just askin' a question and ya didn't know what happened ta me. I would never hate ya for askin' a question. We good, girl, always. Now, dry them sad tears and show me a smile, this way, you'll stay on my friend file.", Peace said in a rhyme, as Apple Bloom smiled and gave him a hug, as he gave her one back. The rest of the Apple Clan smiled in relief that Peace wasn't upset at Apple Bloom. They broke the hug and Apple Bloom said... "I'm sorry for askin' that question. I shoulda kept my mouth shut, but I had ta ask. Can ya forgive me?", she said with a hopeful look. "Of course; like I said, you were just askin' a question. Sure, it was personal, but it can't be helped. No one's perfect, but you're one of the perfect apples here.", Peace said, but knows that he has to tell the girls about his past at some point. He takes off his hat and put his brow up, as Granny Smith asked... "What's wrong, sonny? Ya look like somepony put a mic in your hat.", she asked jokingly, but then Peace said... "Probably did, cuz I'm sensin' Rarity's magic here. Ohhhh...", a suspicious smile came to Peace's face, as he looked inside his hat and found a clip with a small gem holding it. And hearing a heavy sigh from Applejack, she spoke and said... "She did it again, didn't she?", AJ said flatly. "What did Rarity do this time?", Big Mac asked with the same tone as his sisters. "She used a spyin' spell on Peace's hat ta listen ta what any of us says.", and at that, Peace facepalms knowing that it was the same spell that Celestia used at the spa. Back at the dorm house, Peachbottom looked at Rarity with a glare, along with the rest of the mares that had the same look. "Rarity, how could you?! Haven't you learned your lesson from the spa?", Starlight said sternly. "What if Applejack leaves Peace at the farm and keeps him to herself from us? Maybe she'll propose to him to, would you like that?!", Rarity argued. "Come on, she'd never do that... Right?", Rainbow's tone had doubts in it, but the Peachbottom spoke. "Don't y'all trust your friends enough ta have dinner? Besides, they're with Granny and others. Ya need ta trust them. And isn't that distrustin' Peace, too?", Peachbottom raised a brow after saying that, as the girls still look at Rarity, as she cancelled the spell. But what they didn't know was that Peace, AJ, and the rest of the Apple Family were at the kitchen doorway and Peace just shook his head. "Really, Rarity? Why would ya try the same spell ta eavesdrop on me?", Peace asked with a stern tone of his own, as Rarity got out her phone and showed Peace a video of Prince Blueblood talking to Garble, as she pressed play. "So, the Flim Flam Brothers have been beaten by Applejack, huh? I knew she was strong, but still...", Blueblood a little upset, but what comes next will make him feel worse. "Applejack didn't beat them alone, Peace was there, too. And Big Mac was back to full strength again, maybe even better!", Garble said with frustration in his voice. Blueblood clutched his fist and said with rage brewing... "We'll come up with the plan; I want that Saiyan dead!", the Unicorn said, as he and Garble walked off to their classes. Rarity stopped the video and saw the girls, including Peachbottom, with very concerned looks. "I knew Blueblood hated Peace from saving you, but he wants to kill him this bad? Something isn't right.", said Sunset, as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement. Twilight saw Peace with narrow eyes looking down at the ground. "Peace, I know that you're strong, but Blueblood wants to kill you. We can protect you from him the best way we can. As the Princess of Friendship, I will not let anypony or anyone hurt you." Twilight said, as the Element Bearers and the Apples agreed. Peace calmed down a bit and said... "I really appreciate y'alls concern for me, but the last thing I want is for others protectin' me from bein' hurt, while they get hurt for protectin' me. I gotta story ta tell y'all, I know y'all been wantin' ta ask this for a while.", said Peace, as they all went in the living room to sit down. Peace was going to tell it standin' up. "Apple Bloom, remember you asked me if I had a girlfriend? Well, I'm gonna tell you and everypony in here who my ex was.", Peace took a deep breath, as he cleared his throat and started telling his story. "I was ten years old and Hype, Glori, and Goldie were my only friends at elementary school, until I met her. This girls name was Oceana Glenn, or Ocean Light, and she was a beautiful girl, so I thought. Ocean blue hair, sky blue eyes, charm, beauty, you name it, she got it. Goldie was the one that introduced me to her and me and Ocean got along great. We became a couple and stay together for three months. She has a great singin' voice, we even made songs together. But one day, she showed up one mornin' at school and just said, 'That's the end of the punishment game'. I didn't know what she was talkin' about, but Goldie, Hype, and Glori were there with me. And let me tell ya, Goldie was pissed when she heard Ocean said 'the punishment game'. Goldie walked up to Ocean and asked, 'Did you just pretend to be Peace's boyfriend as punishment?' Yo, when I heard Goldie asked that question, all I did was look at Ocean and all Ocean said was, 'I just wanna do this to get my dress for the dance at my boyfriend's party this weekend'", Peace stopped to sigh again and everypony in the room stayed silent, as they all had shocked looks on their faces, as Peace continued. "I didn't say nothin', but what I did was rip up a piece of paper that had her phone number that was in my pocket for three damn months. I didn't hear what my friends were sayin'; all I did was look at Ocean, as she looked away from me. No apology, no remorse, nothin'. And all I did was walk away, not hearin' my friends callin' me or anything. I went home, talked ta Pop about what happened, and all he did was hug me tight and sayin', 'You didn't deserve this.' I finally called my friends ta tell them I'm sorry for how I acted. The next day, I took a day off from school ta train with Pop and some of my masters ta blow off some steam. I came back home and saw my friends stand in front of the apartment, and they all hugged me. Glori and Goldie were cryin', but Goldie was cryin' more than she was. She blames herself for puttin' me and Ocean together, but I never blamed her, cuz she didn't know what she would do. After what happened, I couldn't look for love, cuz my Pop's love and my friends love were all I need ta get through life. Ocean's family apologized to me for what she did. I forgave them, but I never forgave her for playin' with my heart and feelin's like used toys. After that, I never talked to her again; I didn't even wanna look at her. Ocean was in the limo outside while her parents, who are a rich Japanese family and decent people, with their younger daughter, Heaven Halo, still apologize to me. And before y'all ask, no, Ocean doesn't know that I'm a Saiyan and never will. So, now y'all know what happened.", after Peace finished his story, he was hugged by Apple Bloom, as she was sobbing softly. She looked up at Peace with tears falling from her eyes and said... "I'm really sorry for askin' ya that question at the farm. I'm an idiot for doin' that!", it was then Peace got down to Apple Bloom's level with a sad smile and said... "Don't do that; don't ever put yourself down like that, OK? You're a smart filly and everyone makes mistakes. I'm happy that you apologized, but puttin' yourself down like that, that's not the road you wanna be on. And don't worry, I don't hate ya, I already forgave ya. Come on, where's that smile at?", she was hesitant, but when she saw Peace smiling still, with care and warmth, Apple Bloom finally smiled at him and gave him another hug. They broke the embrace as AJ was walkin' towards him and also gave him a hug. She spoke to him in a kind voice and said... "That girl may've broken your heart, but me and my friends won't. Each of us know about the punishment game and a few stallions and mares were very hurt and heartbroken after bein' victims to it. That Ocean girl don't know what she's missin'.", Applejack broke from the hug and went back beside Granny Smith, as she and everypony else agreed to what she said, as Peace nodded. But he had one question... "Rarity, that video ya took, did they see ya?", Peace asked, as Rarity spoke. "Actually, Bon-Bon sent me the video to my phone. We informed her about what happened today and she agreed to see what Blueblood is up to.", said Rarity. "I owe her big time for doin' that. I'll have ta thank her the next time I see her.", Peace said, as Dash held up her hand. "I wouldn't worry about it, man. This was personal for her since she had beef with Blueblood, too. Lyra's going through the school records on Blueblood to see what gets him ticked.", as soon as Dash said that they heard two cars pull up. It was Principal Celestia with Vice Principal Luna, along with Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon-Bon. They all came in the dorm house, as Peace and the rest bowed to the princesses. Celestia and Luna had serious looks on their faces and with a hint of concern. Hype, Glori, and Goldie were also concerned, along with Lyra and Bon-Bon. Luna was the first to speak, but with sadness in her voice. "Hello, everypony and Peace. I wish this meeting was in better circumstances, but I'm afraid that this is not the case. Peace, Lyra and Sweetie Drops have some information they want to show you. Your friends already seen the video.", as the Night Princess finished, as Bon-Bon brought out he phone, plugged it to the TV and played the video of Blueblood and Garble having a chat. "Wait a minute, you did what when you were five?", Garble asked a question, as Blueblood had an evil smile and answered. "I killed that Saiyan woman, my good dragon. Ponies, dragons, and other creatures are all we need in Equestria, but Saiyans are a lower class than any of them. The male Saiyan and his brat left to another world called Earth. They used to live in Manehattan, but that Graceful Blessing, Thunder Hammer, and now Peace Poet are just extra baggage in Equestria. I need to have a plan to see if I can kill Peace while he's here.", Blueblood said in a low voice. "Do your aunts know about this? Won't they find out? I mean, they are rulers of Equestria, over a thousand years old, and very strong...", Garble didn't finish the rest, as he was getting a little nervous. "And I'm one of the rulers of Equestria, as well. All I did was pierce his mother's lung while using magic. She never saw it coming. My aunts and father don't know a thing about what really happened, and I told the doctors back then to tell them that she died of cancer or something. My aunts and father were getting too friendly with the Saiyans, so this Saiyan will be dealt with by my own hands!", the video ends, as Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, and the rest of the Element Bearers were shocked to hear Blueblood's horrible words while chatting with Garble. Celestia and the rest were going to see how Peace was doing, and he was stiff like a statue. Eyes widened in disbelief, and the only question he asked was... "How? How could he know Mama and Pop? What the hell is goin' on?!", his voice was raising a bit, as his anger started to rise. Celestia took a deep breath, and only said... "Peace, I believe it's time for me, Luna, and your father to tell you the truth." To Be Continued... > The Truth and the Transformations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Castle of Friendship, Peace Poet and the rest, including Granny Smith, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, CMC, Spike, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon-Bon, and Peachbottom, are in the dining room, as are Hyper Active, Golden Heart, and Glorious Miracle, since Vice Principal Luna use teleport magic to bring them there. But there was another being from Earth, and it was Peace's dad, Hank. He looked at Peace's face and saw that the young man had confusion all over it. Hank understood how Peace felt, as Peace still looked confused, but smiled at his Pop. Hank met all the mares that are Peace's dormmates, as Hank smirked at him and said... "You're a lucky boy, Peace! Ha, ha! Most guys would kill to get the luck you have, especially livin' with these ladies.", and Peace blushed at the comment looking embarrassed, as Twilight and her friends also blushed, but smiled. Celestia cleared her throat and her tone was soft, but serious. "Hank, I hate for you to shorten your fun, but I think it's time to tell Peace, his friends, and the Elements the truth. I'm sorry, but I don't think three months would be enough for the wait.", Luna also agreed, as Hank sighs deeply and spoke... "Son, you might hate me after I tell ya, but...", before Hank started telling his story, Peace looked at him not in anger, but some confusion and a small smile. "Pop, whatever you tell me and everyone here, I'll always love ya, man. Nothin's gonna change that.", as Hank looked at his son, a smile was shown on his face for a moment, but then it was gone, as he cleared his throat and started telling his story. "OK, Peace, Manhattan, New York, Earth, is not where you were born. You were born here, in Equestria, from Stallion Island, Manehattan. Me and your Mama were born on a planet called Vegeta. And yeah, the planet's named after the King and Prince. But anyway, me and Gracie got way from the planet on time before a creature called Frieza destroyed the planet with his own power.", Peace was shocked to hear what his dad said, so were Twilight and everyone else. "Frieza? Ya mean the one that...?", Peace asked, but Hank answered his question. "Yup, your master, Goku, defeated Frieza, not once, but twice. Frieza was also defeated be Prince Vegeta and his son Trunks, as well. Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin also fought against Frieza. And don't worry, Goku and the rest are powerful enough to beat him, so you're safe here in Equestria. Anyhow, me and Gracie had nicknames, thanks ta Celestia and Luna, and I'm sure Twilight, bein' a smart mare that she is, knows the history of the Canterlot Royal Guard. I was called Thunder Hammer, and Gracie, even though her first name didn't change much, was Graceful Blessin'.", gasp was heard in the room and besides Celestia and Luna, Every pony and dragon had shocked looks on their faces. As they all looked at Hank, or as known to them, Thunder Hammer, they all got down on one knee and bowed down in respect. "Lieutenant General Thunder Hammer, it is an honor to meet you, sir.", Twilight spoke with respect, as Peace smile proudly at how well known his father is. Hank continued with the story. "Gracie was also with the Royal Guard, too. She was the commander, and everyone was inspired, especially the women, for her strength and personality. We were the first Saiyans to live in Equestria, and Princess Celestia welcomed us with open arms when we crashed here. I was down on my luck when we came here, but Gracie reminded me that we needed to be stronger, faster, smarter, and live our lives ta the fullest. Our lives changed for the better when you were born, Peace and you were our world when you came into this one. Every single day, I got stronger and stronger to protect you and your mama, since she had ta be on maternity leave from the Guards, and I gotten stronger for you two ta be safe.", Hank took a deep breath, as he looked at Peace and everyone in the room with a somber look on his face, as he continued. "You were two years old and Gracie was gonna get back in shape ta come to the Royal Guards, and everypony was glad ta see her back, except two. One was Prince Blueblood and the other was his mama, Sharp Sight. They hated me and your mama, but not Blueblood's dad, Beauregard. Beau was the nicest Unicorn pony I've ever met and he liked me and your mama. He liked you like a second son, Peace. Sure, he loved Blueblood, but the colt was spoiled by Sharp and she was really jealous of how skilled me and Gracie were in the Guards. Now, Beau's first wife died in an avalache in Yakyakistan and she was with the Royal Guards on a mission against a criminal she and the rest were tryin' ta catch. Beau heard about what happened and investigated, but then he found that the same criminal caused the avalanche that killed his wife, Ivory Wings, a Pegasus. Beau found the pony two days later and almost beat him to death after what happened ta Ivory. Celestia had ta dismiss Beau from the Guard for what he did, but he understood; he couldn't be mad at the Princess for his personal actions. Celestia, me, and Gracie went ta see him to see how he's holdin' up, but he got better weeks after the funeral. Years later, he met Sharp Sight and her son Blueblood and they got married the year after. As y'all know, Blueblood's spoiled and Sharp acted like she was above everyone. Blueblood was 2 years older than you, Peace; he was 4, you were 2. And when you were two years old, that was when Blueblood shot Gracie in the back with his magic and in her lung. The Guards took Sharp away and banished her from Equestria, then Beauregard divorced her and left Blueblood with Celestia ta be his guardian. Celestia sent us to Earth ta live after what happened. You use ta called her Auntie, son.", Peace had a questionable face, as he looked at Celestia, as she had tears in her eyes and smiled. "I use ta call my principal Auntie? I knew I had another aunt, but I didn't wanna bother ya ta ask you or Mama, cuz it'd be annoyin'.", Peace said, as Hank shook his head. "No, son, you wouldn't bother me or Gracie if ya asked. Ta be honest, I should've told ya the truth years ago, and for that, I'm sorry.", Hank apologized, but Peace smiled and said... "It's OK, Pop, at least I heard the truth. Whether if it's now, late, or whenever. I'm just glad ya told me.", then Peace looked at Celestia and Luna and asked them a question. "So, I guess I should call you and Luna Aunties? But I guess not in public, of course." two of the Alicorn mares went to Peace and gave him a group hug. "I'm so sorry that I kept it a secret from you, Peace. When you father sent a letter that Gracie passed away when you were five, I cried for hours of her death. That day was when I got my sister back and Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon to bring back Luna. For ponies so young and strong to defeat Nightmare Moon, they are still incredible.", Celestia looks at Twilight and her friends, as they smiled proudly on saving Equestria that day. Luna spoke and said... "I may be the younger sister, but you can call me Auntie anytime, dear nephew. And I may have had tiny crush on you days ago.", Luna looked sheepish when she said that, as Hank laughed and said... "I knew you were attractive ta ladies, son. I was too, and your Mama gives me the evil eyes when she gets jealous, just like them.", Hank pointed at Twilight and the girls, including Glori and Goldie with their sisterly love for Peace, the young Saiyan was getting nervous and Luna Pulled Peace's head to her chest. "Hank was right about Peace, he's adorable when he blushes.", Luna giggled, as she hesitantly released Peace from her soft orbs, but Celestia got his head on her bigger orbs. "Oh, he hasn't changed since here was a baby! Like Luna said, you can also call me Auntie as well, dear nephew.", the Sun Princess said while holding Peace in her chest. Fluttershy had to intervene and asked... "Um, excuse me, but can Peace breathe?", Celestia looked at Peace's body just about to go limp and quickly got him off her chest. Glori and Goldie went to put Peace in his seat, as his eyes had swirls in them. "Sister, show some restraint! We may be his aunt in-laws, but I want to see him still breathing!", Luna said sternly, as Peace regained consciousness. "Are you OK, Peace? You were out cold for a minute.", Goldie said worried, as the rest looked worried, too. "Yeah, I'm good. It's all comin' back ta me now... I remember how you hugged me like that after ya lifted me up. And when you make me cereal, the milk you said that was special tasted very good. I wanna ask ya what store you get...it...from...?", Peace couldn't finish, as all the girls gave Celesita an angry pout on each face. Hype, Spike, and Hank backed up from the girls, as he thought... "It may be the best idea that I didn't tell Gracie about that "special milk" Celestia gave him. Peace'll have ta figure it out himself.", Hank thought, as he cleared his throat to continue his story. "You girls remember the apartment complex in Manehattan called Manehattan Heights?", The Mane 8 had either upset or very pissed off faces and Celestia and Luna gave Hank and Peace the look of sympathy, which got Peace confused, along with his childhood friends. Granny Smith, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, the CMC, and Peachbottom also had angry faces. "Unfortunately, we all do, sir. We heard that some of the zebras lived there for a long time, and ponies were very prejudice towards them. I wished that I helped them after the way they were treated.", Sunset said with bitterness in her voice. Twilight spoke in a somber voice and said... "Even before I became a princess, Celestia and Luna read some of the zebras letters about the abuse some ponies gave them. The older ponies even abused the...zebra foals, just because they were playing in the playground.", that last part Twilight said in a whispering voice, as she exhaled shakenly, think of how horrible those ponies treated the zebra foals. Now Peace was getting angry about how the zebras were treated, but hearing that the ponies were going after the young zebra foals, his whole body was shaking. Hank put a hand on his shoulder and said... "Son, I truly understand how ya feel. With my power back then, I could've stopped them, but I would've gotten arrested. And Peace, those zebras were not the only ones those ponies were abusin'...", Peace looked at his father wide eyed, bottom lip dropped, as the realization hit him. Every pony, human, and dragon had the same look Peace has, but as they looked at both the older princesses, Celestia's and Luna's anger was shown, as they both can contain it. Hank looked at the older Alicorns and said... "Don't blame yourselves for this, especially you, Celestia. You did put us there for a home, but ya didn't know about what's been happenin' there. And the reason why I didn't tell ya cuz me and Gracie didn't wanna worry ya. Luna, you came back after Twilight and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon, and ya didn't know about it then. So please, ladies, don't beat yourselves up cuz ya didn't help us; Celestia had Royal Duties elsewhere, me and Gracie agreed not ta worry ya. And now, I wanna tell y'all the truth of how Gracie held on before she passed.", Hank took a deep breath, as he continued his story. "Gracie had breathin' problems ever since Blueblood shot her, so when I was gonna order some of that special medicine by mail, the ponies that beat up the zebras were beatin' on me, too. Beau was comin' ta visit us when he saw the ponies beatin' on me, he used his magic to get them off of me and helped me to my apartment. Of course, Beau brought the medicine and Gracie was doin' a little better, but he knew that livin' at Manehattan Heights wasn't safe for us. He gave us keys ta the new hotel called the Charity Hooves Plaza, named after Charity Kindheart, the mare who Beauregard known for years, gave us a new home for a couple of years. Then, Celestia told us that even in Equestria, it wasn't safe in this world with Blueblood and his mother looking for us. So, we were sent to Earth in Manhattan, New York, where Gracie passed away when you turned five. Gracie couldn't take it seeing us suffer, so she stopped takin' the meds. Gracie didn't wanna be the burden to us, so she said that she wanted us ta have a better life instead of takin' care of her everyday. I wanted her ta see you grow up, but she said that you're already the man she visioned you ta be; kind to others and there for others. Terry, I'm so very sorry for keepin' it from you. If you--", Peace hugged his father tight, as Hank was in tears with his voice cracking at the end, as Peace said also in tears with his voice breaking... "Don't you DARE finish that sentence, Pop! I would never hate for keepin' it from me. Ya did it ta keep me safe and ya did a damn good job of keepin' me safe. Yeah, I did wished that Mama saw me growin' up, but I think in the heavens somewhere, she's lookin' down at us smilin' proudly. I'm proud of Mama for bein' the strongest Mama ta be with us as long as she lived, and I know that she's in both of our hearts. And I'm proud of you, Pop, for bein' strong ta protect both of us and tellin' me the truth about the past. I'll always love ya, Pop, and I'll always love Mama for eternity.", they broke the embrace, and looked at every pony and dragon looking at them smiling sincerely and tears rolling down their cheeks. Then, Hank and Peace looked at Hype, Goldie, and Glori also with tears falling and smiling, as they ran to them both and hugged them both. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you three, as well. I hope you can forgive me.", Hank apologized to Hype and the girls, as Hype said... "No need ta apologize, Uncle Hank. We still love you, Aunt Gracie, and Peace, no matter what.", Hype said with a smile. "We would never hate you, Uncle Hank. You all been there for us.", Goldie said smiling with tears flowing down. "Si, and we're here for you now." Glori said, as she, Goldie, and Hype broke the hug, as Hank wiped the tears from his eyes. A thought came to him, as he looked at the Princess of Friendship and asked... "Peace told me that you have a special trainin' room, correct?", Hank asked Twilight Sparkle. "Yes, in the Castle of Friendship. We all train for the matches at Cerberus Ring when some of us gets challenged by other ponies and creatures.", Hank looked intrigued by this, as he asked... "If you don't mind, how about showin' me the castle and trainin' room? I did bring my trainin' clothes with me.", his eyes motioned towards the front door, as they saw his bag on the floor next to it. "Mr. Thunder, we'll be honored ta train with ya. I wanna see how strong ya are.", said AJ with a confident grin. "And I heard what happened at your farm and how you, your brother, and Peace took care of them. I can't believe the Flim Flam Brothers are still those sneaky sales ponies still scammin' others.", Hank said angrily, as he smacked his fist on his palm. "Oh, you don't have to worry about those meanies. Peace did a real number on them and they're at the hospital." Pinkie said, as she took a chocolate chip cupcake out of her hair. Hank had a proud smile on his face knowing Peace is getting stronger. Peace saw the look on Hank's face and said... "We can go to the castle and train a bit, Pop. Granny, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, would y'all like ta join us?", Peace asked. "I think I'll watch you train; I'll set this one out. Sorry, I'm not much of a fighter.", Sugar Belle said, as Peace nods in understanding. Then Peace, Twilight, and the girl went upstairs to change in their training wear. Hank changed in the guest room and was wearing a black sleeveless t-shirt, gray sweatpants and hi-top shoes. Celestia and Luna also changed in their training clothes, but used their magic to put them one, which is a spell Twilight hasn't mastered yet. Twenty minutes later, after a tour of the Castle of Friendship and a ten-minute break, they all made it in the training room, where the layout was different. This time, they were in the Rocky Mountains; snow on the mountains, a river, and only a few trees, with a grassy ground. Bon-Bon and Lyra were still in their regular clothes, so they were the audience for this extra session. Lyra did look at Bon-Bon with a smug look and it annoyed Bon-Bon. "OK, OK, you were right. Humans exist, I get it. But Peace is a Saiyan, so he doesn't count.", Bon-Bon said. "So is his dad, and they look so strong and... Say, Bonny, what do you think of Peace?", Lyra asked with half-lidded eyes. Bon-Bon blushed in embarrassment and said in a hushed tone... "Come on, Lyra! He may not like what we are; you know how prejudice some will get about--", Bon-Bon got a tap on the shoulder, as she turned around to see Dash, as the smiling azure pony said... "Nah, you don't need to worry about that. Peace told us that he doesn't judge if you're like "that". He's that nice of a dude, so it's cool.", then the smile turned into a suspicious scowl and said... "You two wouldn't think of hurting Peace, would ya?", both Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded very quickly, as Rainbow smiled again and looked at the rest stretching. "I know we trained earlier, but I needed to get it outta my system from the study sessions.", Starlight said while stretching. "I know but studying can help like training can. It'll strengthen your brain and body.", Twilight said, as Starlight rolled her eyes, but she knew it was true, though. Then Hank asked Peace a question. "Son, those girls are holdin' back their true power, aren't they?", the girls, besides Glori, Goldie, the Royal Sisters, looked at Hank with a gasp. "Excuse me, sir, but we've always...well...", Rarity couldn't retort, because she saw Peace's eyes narrowed. "I guess you knew they all were holding back, Peace?", Luna asked. "Knew? From the first time we met, I sensed a deeper energy within them. I've been wantin' ta see them true power, since they are the Elements of Harmony. And I specifically told them to go all out when we first trained together.", Peace said in a disappointed voice. Pinkie sighed and said... "Well, there's a reason why we haven't showed you our true power yet. We were afraid that you'd judge us for it.", Pinkie's mane and tail deflated a bit, but then she saw Peace's demeanor changed from disappointed to a smile. "The trainin' I've been through with my masters were hell, but they helped get stronger. There are three masters that are stronger than me right now. I won't judge on your true power, I'll promise ya that. So go ahead, show me.", Peace said in a sincere and caring voice, as Pinkie's mane and tail popped back to the way it was. Twilight and the girls were getting ready, as their gems began to light up, as they all yelled out... "HARMONY AND FRIENDSHIP!!!!!", as a bright light blinded Peace and the others, and it dimmed down as they all looked at the girls. Peace and Hank were in shock to see the girls new forms. Each one of them had rainbow streaks in their mane and tail, but Rainbow's mane was in a style like Spitfire's. But the one that are more shocked were Sunset and Starlight, as they also had rainbow streaks in their mane and tail. As both of them looked confused, Celestia gave them an answer. "The Tree of Harmony has accepted you two as true Element Bearers. Starlight Glimmer, you are the Element of Encouragement. Sunset Shimmer, you are the Element of Forgiveness. You two have been making good deeds like Twilight and the rest, and now the Tree of Harmony has finally accepted you to be within the Elements of Harmony.", Starlight and Sunset were smiling from ear to ear, as the rest of the Elements congratulated them, along with Peace's friends, the Royal Sisters, Spike, the CMC, Lyra and Bon-Bon, and the Apple Family. Then, it was Peace's turn to congratulate them. "Congratulations to you both! You definitely earned to be with the Elements ya have now.", and without warning, Starlight and Sunset both gave Peace a hug on each side of him, as he hugged back, even though the rest of the Elements look a "little" jealous. They broke the embrace, as Starlight spoke. "I never thought that I would be accepted in the Elements of Harmony, but I'm very happy that I did. I encouraged the girls and Spike to believe in what they wanna do, and I encouraged myself to be a better pony than I was years ago. And when you and your friends came to this world, I encouraged myself to be friends with everyone, no matter what species they are.", tears were flowing down her cheeks from all the hard work of reforming herself for what she did in the past, and Starlight was crying tears of joy. "I was so obsessed with magic, but I was doing more harm than good to everypony. Until Twilight and the girls forgave me for what I did; I repaid everypony everything, and they all forgave me. I was still depressed for what I did, and the one pony I haven't forgave was myself. Like Starlight, I wanted to be a better pony to every pony and creature who I've wronged. Some forgave me, some didn't, but I'll take it to heart as a reminder of being a good pony with the Magic of Friendship. And Peace, when you and your friends came here to Equestria, I knew that I can be friends with anyone, no matter where they're from.", Sunset said, also with tears falling while smiling, as Peace smiled at them. "I know it was a struggle ta go over many obstacles ta be good, but all anyone can do is keep climin' higher to the top of the mountain and just say, 'I made it, and I didn't make it to the top alone.'", Peace said with encouraging words of his own, and thought... "I know that they had a hard struggle to be better ponies, but their power, not just Starlight and Sunset, but Twilight and the rest, all of their power went through the roof when they transformed. Their power's little higher than mine and Pop's. You know what, I have an idea...", Peace finished his thought, as he looked at Hank. Hank smirked and nodded, as Peace looked at the girls and spoke. "All of you are showin' amazin' power here. I think this trainin' session's gonna be a blast. Pop, you take Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset. I'll take Starlight, Pinkie, Rainbow, and AJ.", Peace said getting in his stance. "Sounds fair, son. They're more powerful than us now.", Hank said, as he also got in his stance. "You mean that we're stronger than you two are?", Fluttershy asked in shock, with the others having the same reaction. "Hmmm... Maybe Peace gave all he had facin' the Flim Flam Brothers. But he and his pa still wanna fight them. I guess we'll see...", Big Mac was thinking something was up with Peace and Hank, as the rest looked at him in confusion. But the ones that know something was really going on was Peace's friends Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, Princesses Celestia and Luna. Each of them knew what's about to happen as they get ready to see the rest start their sparring session, as Twilight said while she and the rest of the Elements power up... "This time, we're going at full power. We'll heal you both if you get hurt too badly.", There was a hint of concern on the Princess on Friendships voice, as Peace said in a deep cold voice... "Let's dance, Princess!", after that, they all vanished in thin air. The Apple Family, Spike, and the CMC were flabbergasted by their speed. They all can hear exploding burst in the sky. Hype, Goldie, and Glori were having a hard time keeping up with not just Peace's and Hank's speed, but the Elements, too. "I didn't know that Twilight and the others were this strong. I'm getting worried that Peace and Uncle Hank will get hurt." Goldie said. "Me too, mija. But can they hold their own against the girls?", Glori asked, as Hype was standing between them and put a hand on each of their shoulders with a smile. "They'll be OK, girls. Peace and Hank are just testin' them right now." he gave them a wink, as they realized what he meant and looked on at the battle in the sky. Speaking of in the sky, with Pinkie, Starlight, Applejack, and Rainbow using their strong punches and kicks on Peace, he was blocking each blow barely. "Shit! I knew they had great power within them, but their lands are almost like bullets. They really are goin' all out!", he thought while still blocking their attacks. Hank was also having trouble with Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunset, also blocking their attacks. "These girls may be ponies, but damn, they can hit! I don't think--", Hank was about to finish his thought, until Fluttershy held out her palm and a gust of hurricane force wind blew from her and pushed him away. Then, Rarity and Sunset appeared in front of Hank and both punched him in a chest simultaneously, as he was thrusted away. but Twilight Got behind him and shot a small energy blast on his back pushing Hank forward. Fluttershy then chop kicked him in the chest, and Hank was falling fast and crashed hard on the ground. Meanwhile, Peace was holding back a basketball size energy ball from Rarity to keep from hitting him while she's pushing him back. That was then Rarity shouted... "NOW!!!", she yelled to signal Sunset to fire a beam from her fingertip, as she did. Peace saw that, and vanished out of the way, as Sunset's beam hit Rarity's energy ball and it made a huge explosion. Peace reappeared, but Pinkie was right in front of him, as she shot a small energy blast at him and pushed him back. Peace did stop himself in midair, but he was met with two hooves in the face from AJ and Dash, as he descended to the ground hard. The Apple Family, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Spike, and the CMC were in complete shock and disbelief that two Saiyans were beaten by the Elements of Harmony. "I hope Peace and Hank are OK. I knew Twilight and the other were strong, but...", Spike couldn't finish the sentence, since he was still in shock. "Maybe Peace and Hank wasn't strong enough to beat them. They probably gave it all they had." Scootaloo said, as the girls came down from the sky to see if Peace and Hank were OK. "Damn, I knew we were awesome, but maybe Hank and Peace just didn't have the strength to take us on.", Rainbow said with a hint of worry. "Oh, goodness! I hope they're not hurt too bad.", Fluttershy said with worry in her soft voice. But to their relief, Peace and Hank came out from under the rubble with some bruises and scratches and their clothes were a little torn. Peace had a very proud smile on his face. "Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Your power is amazin', girls!", Peace said with excitement in his voice. "He's not wrong, and you're stronger than I imagine. Your techniques are very good.", Hank said, giving the mares praise for their skills. "I never thought that ponies would be stronger than Saiyans. I guess the Super Saiyan was just a legendary myth after all, like the book said." Twilight spoke in her disappointed voice. "Are you sure it's a myth, Twilight? Many creatures have written different opinions on if a Super Saiyan exist or not. But let me ask you all a question, how did you think Thunder Hammer was one of the strongest in the Royal Guard?" Celestia asked with a smug smile. "Wait, does that mean...?", Applejack was about to finish the question, but there was a smirk on Hank's face. Then, they felt tremors beneath their hooves and feet. Hank clutched his hands into fist while powering up; rock pebbles were floating, the tremors were getting stronger. Rarity noticed that Hank's black hair and brown eye were slowly changing color. "Hank's power is rising and getting stronger! Neat!", Pinkie said excitedly, as she took a cupcake out of her hair and ate it. With a war cry, Hank's power almost blew everyone away, as Starlight and Twilight put up a shield with their magic. As Hank finished powering up, everyone can see Hank's new appearance. His hair is now blonde and his eyes are aqua green and the aura was gold. They were all in awe of Hank's transformation. "His power just went through the roof! Wait, do you think that...?", Rainbow couldn't finish her question, as Twilight answered her with the look of a filly waiting for candy on Nightmare Night and made a very happy squeal. "OOOOHHH!!!! It's true, it's true! Thunder Hammer is a Super Saiyan!", Twilight shouted, while writing down what she's witnessing and giggling like a schoolgirl, which she is. Peace looked at his father with a proud smile and thought... "Pop, you've gotten more stronger than the last time. You said you wanted me ta..." he didn't finish his thought, as Hank tapped Peace's shoulder. "Let me take them, son. It's been a while since I've felt this strong.", Peace nodded with a smile and fist bumped Hank, as the Super Saiyan got in his stance, as the girls were having questioning looks. "You want to take all of us on?!", asked a shocked Starlight. "Y'all ladies are really stronger than I thought. Let's see how ya measure up!", Hank got in his stance, as Twilight and the girls got in their stance, as well. Glori, Hype, and Goldie walk to where Peace is, as Hype asked... "Bro, are you OK? Ya took a nasty fall back there." he spoke with a voice of concern, with the two girls having the look of concern themselves. "I'm good, but those girls are stronger than I thought. I still sense a hidden power within them, and Pop's gonna have ta go all out to keep up with them.", not looking at his friends, Peace was focused on Hank and the girls getting ready to see who'll make the first move. On the other side, the CMC, Spike, Lyra, Bon-Bon, and the Apple Family who are in awe at the skills and power of the Elements, Hank, and Peace. "I'm amazed that the stories were true! I knew that humans existed, but a Super Saiyan has blown my mind!", Lyra said with excitement in her voice, as Bon-Bon rolled her eyes. "But we haven't seen Peace transform yet. I guess he can't, since he's younger than his dad.", Sweetie Belle said, as Spike looked at her and said... "I don't know, Sweetie. Peace might have a power he hasn't shown yet. You'd be surprised what he has in store for the rest of the girls.", the dragon said, as he and the rest look on waiting for someone to make the first move. What broke the silence was AJ saying... "Get 'im, Pinks!", and Pinkie Pie launched like a rocket charging at Hank at a high rate of speed taht rivals Dash. But Hank vanished while Pinkie stopped herself in a sliding halt, as she sees Hank on the left side of her. They smirked at each other, as Pinkie just said... "OK< let's par-tay!", the party pony said, as Hank made a hand motion to bring it on, and she did! Pinkie was giving Hank some strong kicks and punches, but he was blocking them more quickly than in his base form. So, Pinkie increased her speed. "Who knew that Super Saiyans were this strong? Maybe I'll get a hit in!", Pinkie thought, as she gotten faster with her blows, but her attacks wouldn't land, until she disappeared. Then, Hank saw an energy ball coming at him, but he batted it away like it was a beach ball, as it made a tremendous impact with a mountain top. He saw who shot at him, and it was Applejack! "What in Tarnation?! He deflected my blast like it was a dry towel!", shaking off the shock, AJ charged at Hank, as he dodged every punch and kick, except one kick in the face. Hank stumbled back a bit, but he looked at the orange Earth pony with a smirk, along with a little blood coming out at the corner of his mouth. "Very good, Applejack. We're about even at power here, so...", Hank held out his palm and shot an energy blast at AJ, as she was pushed back until she threw the energy ball upward, and then it exploded. But then, Hank powered down, as he was back in his base form. He was breathing hard, as Peace went over to check on him. "Pop, are you alright? You were doin' pretty good with Pinkie and AJ.", Peace said with concern for his fathers health. "When ya get old, you're not as good as ya use ta be. I'm fine, son, don't worry. Right now, I can only stay a Super Saiyan for a short time now.", Hank said, while catching his breath. He took a Senzu bean and was breathing normal. "Those girls are even stronger than Gohan, and they hit like freight trains! The Elements of Harmony are very powerful. But son, you've gotten stronger yourself, along with Hype, Glori, and Goldie. There's no need ta hold back here, you can go One for right now, but save Two, G, and Blue for when it gets really rough. Show them your true power, Peace.", Hank said with confidence in his voice, and Peace smiled at his and patted him gently in the back. He looked at his three friends, as they were smiling proudly at him, as he looked at Twilight and the girls and walked a few feet towards them. "How much power have y'all used on me and Pop?", he asked, as Twilight said... "I'd say about twenty to thirty percent of the power we've used.", a smirk came on Peace's face, as he clapmed his fist. The girls didn't know what he was up to, until they saw dark clouds coming in. "I know this training room is a hologram, but why is there a storm rolling in?", Rainbow asked, as she was getting confused. But then, she and the rest of the girls felt a big surge of power rising from Peace. Plus, the tremors they felt before were much more intense. "His power is rising at a quick rate. Darlings, do you think...?" "Yup, Peace is a Super Saiyan, too. And he's already surpassed his dad.", Golden Heart said, as they all see rocks and boulders floating off the ground by Peace's energy. The Princesses descended back on the ground and are in awe of Peace's growing power. "Sister, Peace's power is still rising. Do you think...?", Luna asked in disbelief. "Sister, Hank's power is amazing, but Peace has been through hell to gain this power.", Celestia said, as Peace let out a loud roar with Gail force winds. That had Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Starlight, and Sunset put up a strong force field to protect everyone from getting blown away. The gust finally calmed, as everyone saw Peace Poet for the first time as a Super Saiyan. Big Mac was the first to break the silence, since everyone was standing in amazement. "Holy Apples! I knew he was strong, but if he's stronger than his pa...", the red stallion didn't finish the sentence, as Sugar Belle was looking at Peace's new form, she said... "He was holding back on the Flim Flam Brothers so he didn't...", she didn't want to finish the sentence, But Sugar Belle, along with Big Mac, knows that Peace is a lot stronger than they thought on what Applejack and Apple Bloom told them. Over to the Elements, they each were taken aback by Peace's transformation. His power is amazing! My stars, to think that Peace held back this much.", Rarity said, looking starstruck with stars in her eyes. "Who knew that Saiyans would have a great amount of energy?", Sunset asked. "I know one thing, we'll have to see how strong he is. We'll have to go all out." Twilight said, as she gets in her stance. They all look at Peace, as Rainbow asked... "So, how much power are ya gonna use against us?", she asked with a smirk, as Peace made a smirk of his own. "Depends on if y'all are really holdin' back or not. The form I'm in right now, it's hard ta hold back on.", Peace said, still standing firm, as Hank nods in agreement. "The let's get started with THIS!!!", Starlight shouted, as she unleashed an energy wave at Peace, and it hit him square with a big explosion. "Starlight, what were ya thinkin'?! Peace might be--", AJ scolded Starlight, but when the dust cleared, Peace was still standing in the same spot without new scratches, except ones from his fall earlier. Starlight launched herself at Peace and started to attack him with punches and kicks. Peace, however, was blocking and dodging every hit the best he can, but Starlight was still quick. "She's definitely fast, I'll give her that! But if--" "POW!" Starlight finally landed a punch on Peace's left cheek. Unfortunately, Peace turned his head, while Starlight's fist was still on his cheek. She retracted her fist away, as she and the others looked at Peace's glare that could rival Fluttershy's Stare. Fluttershy had fear on her face for the moment, but shook it off, as she got ready to fight, and thought... "I have to try; I can't be a doormat to every pony and creature forever. Peace even taught me new techniques, so I can't let him and everypony down!", Fluttershy had a face of determination, as Peace looked at her and the rest with a smile and said... "That was pretty good, Starlight, pretty good. No hesitation, goin' all out... Bring. It. On!", with those three words, all of the Elements charged at Peace, with Pinkie coming from behind with an energy ball in her hand on his back. However, she felt something one her back, and it was Peace! Pinkie was going to ask, but Peace used his two index fingers on the right of the back of her neck. Pinkie dropped to her knees and then on her stomach, but she was still conscious, but lost her Rainbow form. "What the hell, man?! What did you do?!", Rainbow asked furiously, as Peace answered... "Do y'all think I'm stupid to see that the pink bubble gum machine was your ace in the hole? Let's see what y'all can do without her.", now it was Peace's turn to get in his fighting stance, as Celestia and Luna were amazed at his speed. "The After Image technique was a superb move by Peace. And great strategy to get Pinkie out of action.", Celestia said to Hank. "He has been workin' hard on that and much more. Peace has been masterin' many martial arts, includin' the paralyzin' touch. Pinkie will be down for about thirty minutes, so she'll move by then.", Hank stated, as the girls charged at Peace again, and this time, Twilight was the first to attack by shooting a beam at Peace, but he batted it away in a distance. But what Peace didn't expect was Twilight's strength; he was blocking her kicks and punches, but just barely. Then, she teleported behind Peace, not giving him time to react, kicked him on his back, as both AJ and Dash punched his stomach, and Rarity shot an energy ball at him and hit him, with Sunset and Starlight shooting at both sides. The smoke cleared, as Peace crossed his arms to shield himself from the girls attacks, he looked at them with a smirk. "I'm very impressed, girls! Y'all are very strong, even without Pinkie.", Peace said. "Although, darling, Pinkie's not our ace in the hole.", when Rarity said that this made Peace think of one pony, and that pony punched Peace right in the face hard, having him falling to the ground hard with an exploding impact was Fluttershy. Peace fell front first, and everyone was worried that Peace may have really gotten hurt. Goldie, Glori, and Hype was going the see if Peace was alright, but he got back up and was smiling. Everyone was relieved, especially Fluttershy, as she was about in tears when she hit him. But one thing that didn't go away was his Super Saiyan form, and this got all the Elements on guard and a little, scratch that, a LOT scared. "Well, I didn't think Fluttershy was the trump card. That was a good punch, too. Great moves, y'all!", he said, giving Twilight and the girls praise on their strength. "Well, what can we say? We're awesome, that's how it is!", Rainbow boasted, as they see Peace pinched the back of Pinkie's neck, and she got back up, stretching, jumping, as she was moving her body to see if there's any more numbness. "Pretty neat trick, Peace! You'll have to show me how it's done.", the party pony asked, as she regained her Rainbow form joining her friends in the air. Peace was stretching his body for a moment, and then he looked at the Elements above him. Now that you've seen our true power, what did you think, Peace?" Twilight asked, as Peace answered. "All of y'all have the power that gives ya tremendous and unbelieveable strength. Very impressive, truly. One more thing I have ta say about that.", what the Elements are about to hear will send great shivers down their spines of Peace's answer, as he gives it to them in a deep voice. "My turn." "CRACK!!!" After saying those two words, Peace powered up once more creating a crater, and the rocks that he and Hank crashed into were blown away by his power. Hank was standing there with a proud smile on his face, but the girls above him had shocked looks on theirs, and they weren't alone. Hype, Goldie, Glori, even Celestia and Luna were standing there with eyes widened. Peace only asked Hank one question. "Do ya have the Senzu beans?", then Hank showed Peace a little bag. "I know ya don't wanna hit any women, son, but...", Hank didn't finish, as Peace said, as he was shaking a bit... "Trust me, Pop, I know. The Girls are strong and powerful, but...but...", Peace had much hesitation, as Twilight spoke and said... "Peace, you don't have to worry about hurting us. The gems from the Tree of Harmony has a magical shield around all of us. Me, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence tested them while training before you came here, and none of us got hurt. But the shield only last for twenty minutes.", Twilight said, assuring Peace. "And darling, don't hold back on our account. We all want to see how truly strong you are. Come on, show me that backbone you've shown me when you stood up to Blueblood!", Rarity shouted with encouragement. Then, Hank, the Royal Sisters, and everyone else noticed two things; one, Peace stopped shaking. Two, his power increased again. He looked at Celestia and Luna on what Twilight said, they both smiled and nodded. And with a smiling grin, he looked up at the Elements and said... "Like I said, my turn.", Twilight and her friends activated the shields from the gems, as they got ready for Peace to make a move. But, when everyone blinked their eyes, Peace was gone. "Where do you think he--?", Sweetie Belle couldn't finish her answer, because... "POW!!!" ...Peace kneed Starlight Glimmer in the gut, as she crashed into a mountain five miles away. "STARLIGHT!!!!", Sunset screamed her name, as she and the girls looked at Peace dumbfounded at his speed and strength. "I...I didn't even see him move! What the hell kind of training did he do to get that strong?!", Rainbow Dash thought furiously. Starlight appeared in front of them by teleporting magic, but she wasn't mad, she was smiling. She was trying to catch her breath, as she said... "Girls, this is gonna be fun. Let's attack together!", she yelled the last part. "Remember how we did it; let's go!" Twilight ordered, as Sunset took off charging at Peace first. "Ya know you're gonna pay for getting Starlight like that!", she said. "Speakin' of payback...", Peace shot energy balls from both hands; one at Sunset and the other at Starlight, which he paid back from earlier. Both shots hit each mare hard, as they were pushed back a few feet until the balls of energy blew up. Rarity also shot a ball of her own and at hit Peace on the chest, as it blew up. But Peace wasn't taking any more damage like he had before. He sensed somepony coming from behind, and it was Fluttershy, as he grabbed her by the arm and threw her toward Rarity and bashed into her, though they caught themselves to remain in the air. Rainbow saw this and became enraged. "I know you're strong and all, but if you hurt Fluttershy and Rarity...", Peace didn't say anything and just motioned the blue Pegasus mare to bring it and bring she did! Rainbow was attacking with fast punches and kicks, however Peace was blocking them all. "It's still trainin', Dash, and Fluttershy and Rarity are fine. Your attacks are fast, but...", Peace punched Rainbow in the stomach with great force, she went and cashed in a lake. "Don't ever leave yourself wide open.", as he said that, Rainbow jumped out of the water catching her breath. But she wasn't mad, she was smiling, as were the rest of the Elements. "Peace, we've dealt with many foes on our friendship missions, but none of them are as powerful as you. You have incredible power and strength, but you might now take our ultimate attack.", Twilight Sparkle praised Peace, as hers and the rest of their gems began to glow. Each of them held out both palms to make each an energy ball, which has rainbow colors. Not just Peace, Hank, Goldie, Hype, and Glori sensed the power of each orb. "Those are strong attacks they're about ta release. Better be careful here.", Peace steeled himself ready for the attack, as Twilight ordered... "GO!!!!", they all shot each ball heading towards Peace, and each of them hit Peace with a massive explosion creating huge shockwaves, blowing everyone off their hooves and feet. The Elements hit the target dead on, but their gems light is dimming, meaning they were low on power. So, they all landed with everyone else. But not only were they breathing a little hard, but also having a look of worry and concern. "Um, not being a party pooper, but do you think we over did it?", Pinkie Pie asked, as Applejack put a hand on her shoulder. "I sure hope not, SugarCube. We just about gave it our all at Peace. Wait, y'all feel that?", Applejack asked the others, as they each nodded. Hank's eyes widened, as he shouted... "Girls, you might wanna duck for cover!", they were going to ask, but then a mountain exploded more than three miles away. Celestia and Luna shielded everyone with a magic forcefield, as Peace appeared in front of them, taken new damage and with no shirt. He powered down from his Super Saiyan form, as Hank and Hype caught him before he collapsed. Still conscious, Peace looked at everyone with worried looked on their faces, he gave them a tired smile and said... "You mares are truly strong and powerful. I'll admit that attack hurt, but I barely escaped from that--", Peace stopped his speech, as he pushed Hank and Hype out of the way of an energy attack from above and he batted it away in the sky. He saw the attacker, and it was Luna. "I know that you're holding back more power, Peace. Come on, one more bout with me and my sister!", both princesses powered up, as Peace looked up at them with a sigh. "Well, I sparred with one princess, so two more should be interestin'.", Peace said, as he powered back in his Super Saiyan form. But the only thing is, the form is different, his blonde hair is spikier and lightning bolts were surrounding Peace's body. The Elements were shocked by this, but the ones that are more shocked are Hype, Glori, and Goldie. "Dios Mio! Peace's power just skyrocketed again and is still climbing!", Glori half shouted. Hank smiled as he explained. "Everyone, this is only the cherry on top of Peace's power. This is the ascended form of a Super Saiyan. We just call it Super Saiyan 2.", Hank said, as everyone is still amazed that Peace still had some stamina left in him. Well, our gems are low on power, so let's watch the show.", Pinkie said, as she reached in her hair for some popcorn. Celestia, Luna, and Peace all vanished in front of everyone. Golden Heart looked at Hank and asked a question. "Can you be as powerful like Peace?", and Hank looked at her, shaking his head. "I can't, cuz Peace trained harder than me and Gracie. We both love ta train and get stronger, but Peace was gettin' stronger and faster every time. He writes rhymes first, trains and practice martial arts after. Trainin' and writin' rhymes was his escape when things go bad. Right now, he's blowin' off some steam.", Hank finished and then they all heard distant bangs left, right, the ground, and the sky. They can hear them, but they can't see the fighters. "Unreal! Peace is just as fast as the princesses are and I can't keep up with them.", Sunset said, as the others agreed that they can't keep up with the speed of the princesses and Peace. "Twilight, ya told us that Starswirl the Bearded was the only one who could keep up with the princesses. Now Peace is keepin' up with them!", Applejack spoke to Twilight, as the Princess of Friendship was trying her best to see where they are. Also, she had a dream like look on her face, as every pony, dragon, and human looked at her. "Peace is very skilled at martial arts and he's one of the most powerful beings I've ever seen. I want to get to--", her speech was interrupted by Peace and the Princesses back on the ground with a bang. They were breathing hard, as Luna said... "I think we can call it a night on training. But Peace Poet, you really do have great power and strength to hold both of us back.", Luna praised Peace, but when she turned around, Celestia was up in the sky once again with an energy ball. "You do have great power, that's true, but let's see if you can stop this. It has enough power to destroy a city!", Luna was about to stop her, but Celestia trhew the ball right at Peace. Peace powered up again and held up his palm aiming at the energy ball. "Let's see if I can extinguish it with a Big Bang!", he shouted, as he powered up and shot out an energy blast of his own and both blasts clashed into each other trying to push each other. Both Peace and Celestia were struggling to push their energy ball towards one another, as the Princess/Principal thought... "I never thought Hank's son would be this strong. If that's the case, I'll have to raise my magic power a little higher!", and she did, as her energy ball was pushing Peace's back. He sensed that Celestia raised her power a little and so did the rest. "Peace is gonna lose at this rate! Can't we help him?!", Pinkie asked, as she shouted with great worry for her Saiyan friend. "I understand how you feel, Pinkie. But with our gems weakened, there's nothing we can do. And even my Alicorn power aren't any match against Celestia's.", Twilight said to Pinkie, understanding how she felt, as she too was worried, along with everyone else. Although Peace had something else in mind... "Alright, if I can't push it back, then...", while Peace was still pushing Celestia's ball with his right hand, he put his two fingers together with his right hand and put them on his forehead. Hank saw this and his jaw dropped at what Peace was doing. "Wait, is he really thinking of...?!", he asked in thought, as Peace shot a beam with a spiral surrounding it, as it pierced through both his and Celestia's energy balls destroying them as they exploded. Celestia saw the beam coming her way and used teleportation barely dodging the beam, as she's now back on the ground with a surprised look on her face. Everyone was surprised, especially Hank, which had no idea that Peace would fire two different attacks at the same time! Peace powered down to his base form, as he took a deep breath and look at everyone's faces. Shock, disbelief, surprised was all on their faces when they looked at Peace, as Celestia approached him with a question. "H-How in the universal sun did you do that? I've never seen anyone using two different power attacks at the same time.", she asked, still trying to process what just happened, as Peace gave her and everyone else the answer. "Truthfully, it wasn't easy. Sometimes, I study others attacks that they've showed me and I tried ta use both at the same time. I trained myself ta do that without others gettin' hurt or worse. Unfortunately, it's drains too much power, so I only use it as a last resort whenever I'm backed into a corner. It was a stupid but desperation move, but it works from time ta time.", Peace explained, as Hank put a hand on his shoulder with a proud smile. "Son, that was Vegeta's Big Bang Attack and Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon that they taught ya, wasn't it? They would go bananas if you show them how ya did it! Haha, you're improvin' every day, Peace and your Mama would be so proud of how strong and smart you've become.", Hank said praising his son. Spike and the rest walked towards the rest, as the dragon came to Peace and said... "That. Was. WICKED!!!!! I knew you were strong, Peace, but your power raised the bar to the top. You, Twilight, the rest of the girls, the Princesses, your dad are amazing!", Spike said excitedly, as Peace pat his head. Twilight spoke to Peace. "Spike's right, you're amazing! Your attacks are very powerful. Starswirl the Bearded would like you for this.", Twilight stated. "No kiddin', man! I think you'd give Wind Rider the run for his bits.", Dash said, giving Peace a thumb up. Hyper, Goldie, and Glori went towards Peace also with smiles. "Bro, you really did train ta protect us from what happened back then, didn't ya?", Hype said with somber in his voice. "I really hated it for what happened to y'all. Gettin' bullied and humiliated cuz of me, it just wasn't right.", Peace said with a sad frown, as Goldie gave him a hug. "We protected you, big bro. Your secret, your power, we wanted to keep you safe. You may be strong, but if you showed your power, you would be vulnerable.", Hype's girlfriend said, as Glori joined the hug. "Amigo, you've surprised us with your power, and we understand why you want to be stronger, but just know that no matter what, we're with you, one hundred percent.", she said, as they broke the hug. Twilight and the Elements, Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, The Apple Family, and the CMC were all smiling, especially Granny Smith when she spoke. "Ya sure was a strong'n, young'n. Ya helped us at the farm and saved it and us from those varmints of sales ponies! You're gettin' your pay after we get outta here, sonny.", Granny said with a smile. Big Mac also spoke and asked... "If ya have me, I like ta train with ya a little. I know I'm not as strong as you, but...", Peace held out his hand and then a thumb up. "Your heart and soul is strong, and ya got great strength ta back it up. If it's alright with Sugar Belle, that is.", Both men looked at Sugar Belle, as she said with a deep sigh. "As long as you don't overdo it again, I'm OK with it.", she said, as Big Mac gave her a big hug. Spike and the CMC all had the same question, as they gave Peace sad puppy eyes. Peace knew that they wanted to train with him, as well. "Ask you sisters and family for permission, then I'll train y'all.", that's when they turned to Applejack, Rainbow, Twilight, and Rarity with the same Puppy eyes, as the sisters nodded in agreement for them to come train with Peace and the rest. AJ walked towards Peace and stood right in front of him with a grin. "Ya know that our date was short, but I enjoyed it. So, I wanna give ya a reward for bein' a gentleman tonight.", the orange mare said, as she inched closer to Peace, which he was getting nervous. "Um, well, OK. What kind of--", he couldn't finish his sentence when Applejack kissed him on the cheek. This made Twilight and the Elements look extremely jealous, including Rarity, which her horn lit up with a hint of green. After that, AJ backed away and gave Peace a wink, which he was froze in surprise. Grany Smith, Lyra, Bon Bon, Sugar Belle, Celestia, and Luna all said, "D'awww!" at what happened. The CMC were giggling, Big Mac, Spike, Hype, and Hank gave Peace a thumbs up, and Goldie and Glori were trying their best not to go overprotective sister mode. Dash spoke to AJ and asked... "Getting a little bold there, ain't'cha, blondie?", the blue Pegasus asked with a little bitter in her voice. "Well, ya might be a fast flyer, but ya didn't go ta the finish line for what I did.", AJ countered, as Dash had an angry pout and huffed. "Well,looks like Peace will be busy keeping "peace" in the dorm house, sister.", Luna said, as she giggled. "True, Luna, but I think Peace will be training both here and the dorm house. Not to mention school.", Celestia said, as she tried to hold in her laugh. "Well, son, at least your strong enough ta handle...so many situations.", Hank said, putting a hand on Peace's shoulder. Then, Bon Bon's phone ringed, as she pulled it out and looked at it. Her eyes widened, as Lyra looked at the phone. "What's wrong? Is everything OK?", Fluttershy asked, as Bon Bon answered. " I gotta text message from Octavia. She said that Garble challenges Peace to a rap battle at lunchtime!", Lyra said, half shouted. "And you know that Blueblood ordered him to, just to get under your skin.", Bon Bon said with annoyance in her voice, which she also has a loathing towards the prince. "OK, but CAN he rap? I know Fluttershy told me that Garble's a beat poet." Peace asked, as Spike jumped in and said... "From what I heard from Smolder, he's been freestyling his rhyme skills since he's been listening to rap music.", there was a hand on Peace's shoulder, and it was Vice Principal Luna. "Me and Celestia heard you on the radio, Peace. your friends said that you're the best. Will you accept the challenge?", the blue Alicorn asked, as everyone looked at Peace and he looked at everyone. Hank smiled and gave Peace a nod, as the young Saiyan smiled and said... "Challenge accepted; it's been a while since someone battled me in a rap battle. Oh, Bon Bon, tell Octavia that, and... No beats in the battle.", after Peace said that this brought evil grins to Hype's, Goldie's, and Glori's face. "Is that good news or bad news? Cuz you three have evil smiles that'll put Rarity's cat Opal to shame.", Rainbow asked, while it would've been an insult to Rarity for her cat, she nodded in agreement. "Oh-ho! Rainbow, this'll put Peace in a mode that you'll like. When he battles anyone without beats, he'll use history, science, technology on his opponents. With beats, he'll be conservative. Without beats, execution style." Glorious miracle said, as Peace spoke to Rarity. "And for what Blueblood did to you at the Gala, Rarity, along with the rest of y'all, and what Garble did ta Spike, I ain't holdin' back. This battle ain't just for me, it's for y'all, too.", Peace looked at Celestia and Luna. "I know Blueblood's your nephew, but--", Peace couldn't finish, because Celestia hugged him, as she said... "After what he did to Gracie, he's no nephew of ours, speaking for me and Luna. Give it all you got in the battle, Peace.", Celestia said, as she broke the hug and smiled at him, as Luna nodded. Plus, Luna gave him a hug, which had the Elements jealous. Twilight calmed down a bit and asked Peace a question. "How many books of Equestria history do you need? I have plenty here in castle, my friends, the Princesses have some...", and then, Peace asked the Princess of Friendship a question with a grin. "How many y'all have?", and that made Twilight squeal in excitement, as she opened the door and exited the training room running to get history books. Sunset went to Peace and asked... "You know that she'll give you a carload of history books, right?", she asked, as the young man said... "The more the history, the better the rhymin' ammunition. You'll see what I mean when the battle starts. Let's go get dressed and go home.", Peace said, as Sunset pats his shoulder with a small smile. Peace looked at his dad Hank and gave him a hug. "Do it for me and your mama, son. You're a winner, whether you win or lose.", Hank said, as he wraps his arm around Peace, as they exit the training room. One thing Luna said to Celestia when they left the training room... "This will be an interesting day tomorrow, sister.", Luna said, as Celestia nodded. "It will be a day to remember". > A Freestyle Battle That's a Drag-On > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was about 6:00 in the morning and Twilight Sparkle and her friends, including Peachbottom, the dorm keeper, were all dressed and eating breakfast. But someone was missing from the dorm house. Peace Poet, a Saiyan from Earth, was not present. This has Fluttershy worried, as she asked... "Um, where's Peace? Shouldn't he be up by now?", the shy mare asked, as Pinkie Pie brought out her detective hat, magnifying glass, a pipe (which blows bubbles), as she was about to search the whole dorm to look for Peace. Twilight used her magic to make a magic bubble to stop Pinkie, as she answered Fluttershy's question. "Peace went to the castle to look at some books in the library for history in Equestria, both for school and his freestyle battle against Garble. But for some reason, he was dressed in a hoodie and all black.", Twilight was happy and confused; happy about Peace learning Equestria's history but confused about why he's wearing all black. Applejack and the rest of their phones went off for each a text message from Hyper Active. Sunset Shimmer read the message, since each of the messages are the same. "If Peace is wearing all black, that means he's going in personal battle mode whenever he's in a freestyle. When it's not personal, then he's in regular clothes. That's all. Oh, and he'll be taking his Chevelle SS to school today. And it's a little beefier than his Cobra.", just as Sunset finished reading the message, they heard a loud rumble from the garage, as they ran outside to see Peace in his Chevelle. "Great Celestia! I thought the Cobra was loud, but the Chevelle is as loud as a tiger.", AJ said, as Peace got out of the car to let it idle, and he really was wearing all black. Shirt, pants, hat, and even shoes were all black. "Mornin', ladies! Sorry that I didn't greet y'all earlier this mornin', but I had ta say bye ta Pop before he left for Earth. He would've said bye to y'all, but he had ta go ta work. He did say bye and hopes ta see y'all again soon.", Peace said with a smile, as Rarity spoke. "Like you, Peace, he's a gentleman. Are you really going to battle Garble, darling?", she said with a voice of concern. "I'm good, this isn't the only freestyle battle I've been in. But after what Gable's been doin' ta Spike and ta y'all, I wanna see what he got.", Peace said with seriousness in his voice. "Well, you need to be careful. There's no telling what Garble has plan. He and especially Blueblood might have a plan to hurt you.", Starlight Glimmer said with worry. But Peace had an idea in mind. "You have a good point, Star. So, here's what I think should happen..." Two hours later, every pony, creature, human, and Saiyan were at Equestria Universal High School. Each class, Peace was doing great in both music and poetry classes. He even he started his new job with Rainbow Dash at a Hoof Locker sports store. In music class, all he, Hype, and Golden Heart were rehearsing for their next songs. Although, the Dazzlings were keeping their eyes on Peace. The only threats are Goldie, Glori, Garble, Blueblood, and the Elements of Harmony. Octavia and Vinyl were looking at the Dazzlings, as the cellist spoke. "Vinyl, I don't know what those Dazzlings are up to, but it's not good when they're looking at Peace like hunting lions.", she said in a hushed voice, so the Dazzling can't hear. "I know what you mean, Tavi. I don't know what's going on in their heads right now, but we better keep an eye on Peace and his crew. We have to help Rarity and the others, too.", Vinyl said, as she and Octavia narrowed their eyes at the trio with their backs turned, as music class was about to end. It was lunchtime and every pony and creature were ready for what they were waiting on, the freestyle battle between Peace Poet and Garble. Peace just got done eating his lunch, as did Twilight and her friends. But three of Twilight's friends were missing, which are Rainbow, AJ, and Starlight. Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were with Twilight in the cafeteria. Peace and Garble were about a few feet from each other, as music teacher Neon Lights was the host of the rap battle, as he spoke and quiet everyone down. "Alright, this is what y'all been waiting for. Peace Poet versus Garble, only one round and no limit to how many bars in your rhyme verses. If one of you wins, you'll go to Haytona Beach on winter break. And if you lose, you'll be a janitor at Canterlot Castle for the rest of the school year.", Garble's eyes widened at that, and he did not want to be cleaning toilets, especially pony toilets. Peace on the other hand just nodded, while having no reaction on his face. "OK, so who's first to start the battle?", Neon asked, as he saw Peace pointed at the red dragon. Garble smiled evilly and started his freestyle. "You know, I'm a strong dragon But there's one thing my face that's truly laggin' You, you thug wanna-be lookin' boy You're lookin' smug, but when I beat you, one of these ponies will be my toys Sure, you beat the Diamond dogs, the true weaklings That'll be you, shaking and probably tinkling The real poet is here, and you better start prayin' Unlike the pony dragon, I'm number one, you know what I'm "Saiyan"?" Garble friends started to laugh hard at the last part of his freestyle, which is taking a shot at Peace. But Peace was still calm and cool, as he started his freestyle next. "Eight bars, they seem to be pretty good You may be from the Dragon Lands, but you're far from hood What you didn't know is that in this battle, there's no time limit Which means I'm gonna put all my heart in it in more than a minute No need for bars of eight, twelve, or sixteen I hate to do this, but when I'm in the battle, hard mode is on green Let's be real, as I brush some dirt off my shoulder The real thing is the strongest dragons are Ember, Torch, Spike, and your sister Smolder I just killed your soul with a few words I'm not done, cuz I'm just gettin' started like Phoenix birds That'll blind you on the damn spot Phoenixes are eternal, but your egg sized brain is not I have an ego and I know you do, too And I'm not gonna hate myself to break it in two You're gettin' pissed, I see, and you wanna give me a nudge Now you know how Spike felt from a disgraceful dragon named Sludge OK, real talk, you're Blueblood's snitch You're tryin' ta plan ta get rid of me by bein' his horn lickin' bitch I know, in Rarity's own words, that sounds uncouth But my anger and rage is about to break through the fuckin' roof I look like a thug, but I'm a poet first But the first thing you did was that you fucked with the worst Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna This fake ass dragon is nothin' but molded dead tuna When he finished his freestyle, it's not only his bad breath I know we're in high school, but Garble's freestyle is worse than death While my rage is risin', I gotta say how dare you Still pickin' on Spike after what he did for Dragon Lord Ember, too Ya see your little sisters face? Everypony back up, just in case The real ass kickin' is comin' in place Spike, if you're listenin', you're strong and a better dragon than this one Garble's sweatin and he's about ta feel true heat from the moon and sun Cuz I know you and Blueblood have snipers But behind them are my new friends that are quick like vipers I know you and the so-called prince are rulin' the school But you two are fools, and what y'all doin' ain't cool I'm done here, and this is the end of your freestylin' career Everyone, get ready for class and steer clear." A roar of cheers and applause from every student and even the teachers, as Peace ended his freestyle. Starlight, AJ, and Dash appeared in the cafeteria with three men. One is a unicorn pony, the second is a dragon, the third is a Pegasus pony. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna were at the since. And if that wasn't surprising enough, the boys that were caught by three of the Element Bearers were students of Equestria Universal High School. The first one that spoke in the cafeteria was Luna, and she was pissed. "What you three did was attempted murder and of school grounds! Where were they placed, Starlight Glimmer?", Luna asked. "The unicorn was on top of Canterlot Boutique with a crossbow.", Starlight said, as she held the unicorn with handcuffs and magic ring on his horn, so he won't use magic. "And this dragon here was on top of the parkin' garage, tryin' ta steal Peace's car.", Applejack said, as she had chains on the dragons' hands, legs, ankles, and wings, so he won't get away. She even put a brace around his mouth, in case he blows fire. "And this one was on top of Cerberus Ring ready to ambush Peace with speed.", Rainbow said, as she tied the wrist, ankles, and wings on the Pegasus. Celestia walked towards them with a stern look on her face and trying to hold her temper down. "Did Blueblood order you to ambush Peace while he had his battle with Garble?", the principal asked with a bit of venom in her voice, as the unicorn spoke. "We know that the Saiyan faced the Diamond Dogs and beat them days ago but were stronger and faster than they are. Peace isn't in our league, Prince Blueblood's, or Garble's! We'd tear him apart right now!", the unicorn yelled, as Peace just looked at his so-called ambushers, and calmly said... "If y'all feel that way, then one of y'all can make the first move.", Peace said, as Garble, with a smug smile, stepped up. "I'm gonna enjoy gettin' ya with one claw!", the red dragon roared, as he charged at Peace with a right-handed chop. Peace stopped the attack with his left hand, but Garble wasn't done. He used his left hand to chop, but Peace attacked his chest and Garble's top of his shirt was ripped through. Everyone in the cafeteria gasped as they saw not only Garble's shirt ripped but saw blood coming from his chest. Garble was in pain and got down on one knee. Everyone was in shock of Peace's attack, but not as shocked as Garble's sister Smolder. "That move was Dragon Claw! He went through Gar-Gar's scales like it was nothing! Garble's stronger than the Diamond Dogs, but Peace Poet's on another level.", she thought, as Smolder checked on her brother to see if he's OK. Garble got up slowly and looked at the young Saiyan, not in anger, but with realization. "I knew it; I knew you were holdin' back your power when you got me with the Dragon Claw. I never thought someone from another world would learn the technique that the dragons learned for many centuries. I'm gettin' outta this deal. If Blueblood wants to kill you, he can do it himself! He always had a thing against dragons, anyways.", the red dragon said bitterly, while looking at Peace's left hand with his blood on it. With a deep sigh, Garble spoke calmly. "Look man, I'm sorry for givin ya a hard time when you came to this world. I just wanna be strong to protect my sister and my friends. I'm really sorry for givin' ya a hard time. That unicorn pony is strong here, and I say that you'd be second in strength with him.", Garble said to Peace, as the young Saiyan's face went from defensive to calm, as he spoke. "Look, I know how ya feel, bruh. Many like Blueblood are just like him; wanna take over the school, the block, or somethin' bigger. Whatever he has somethin' planned for me, I'll be ready. Sorry for the Dragon Claw, and I hope ya get that checked out.", Peace said sincerely, as Garble walked towards him and held out his hand, as they shook. The fat brown dragon Clump and a skinny purple dragon Fume also walked up to Peace. "Um, you're not gonna get us for pickin' on Spike, are ya?", Fume asked nervously, as Peace smirked. "I'm the least of your worries. You three will have to see Spike's sister for that.", as the three dragons looked at Twilight, which is Spike's older sister, she squinted her eyes at them, as did the rest of the Elements. Even, Smolder was giving Garble a glare that was equal to Fluttershy's Stare (see what I did there). " I thought you stopped picking on Spike, Garble!", she shouted angrily, and Garble took a few steps back from his livid little sister. Ummm, whoops..." was all Garble could say, as he was frozen in fear. Whenever Smolder calls him by his full name instead of Gar-Gar, she's seriously mad. Smolder got into her brother's face. "This is strike two, bro. I don't think we should talk to each other for a while.", then the orange dragon turned around and spoke to Peace calmly, as she bowed in respect. "I know that my brother be a meathead, but please forgive him for his acts. I apologize for his behavior.", Smolder said, as Peace put his hands on her shoulders. Smolder looked up and saw Peace smiling. "He already apologized, Smolder. But the one he need ta apologize to is Spike.", Peace looked at the little orb and said... "I know you're watchin', Spike. I did this freestyle for you, bro. And believe me, Garble will apologize in person.", Peace said. "And I'll make sure that I'll be with him, as soon as we go to Ponyville.", Smolder said, as she and Peace looked at the bright blue orb that's a size of a half-dollar. At the Crystal Empire at Brave and Glorious Middle School, since it was named after Spike. Spike and many others looked at the magical screen, as they saw the rap battle between Peace and Garble. Spike was smiling with tears in his eyes, as a pink Alicorn withpurple eyes, long hair that's purple, magenta, and golden blonde wearing a purple business jacket and skirt with yellow shirt under the jacket. She put a hand on Spike's shoulder and smiled at him, and said... "So, that's Peace Poet, huh? He has great rhyming skills, too. I'm very impressed!", she said, as Spike looked at her. "He sure is, Principal Cadence. Um, what does Shining think of Peace?", Spike asked, with a look of concern. But Cadence kept smiling and said... "Shining like Peace, Spike. He wants to meet him. Ever since he saw Peace's fight with the Diamond Dogs, he was impressed of his martial art skills, as was I. We wanted to get to know Peace and his friends from Earth. You can tell Peace and his friends to just be the way they are when they come to the Empire. And they can just dress whatever makes them comfortable when they stay here for the weekend.", Cadence said, as Spike sighed in relief. "OK, I'll them that. I'm just glad you both like Peace and his friends.", as Spike said that another hand was on his shoulder. It was from a white Unicorn stallion with blue eyes, shoulder length hair that's two-tone blue, wearing a blue business suit. He was smiling at Spike, as well. "Spike, Peace beat the Dogs and beat Garble in a rap battle. I'm sure you'll forgive Garble in the future, but it'll be when you're ready. We just want Peace, his friends, Twily and the girls to relax this weekend and be comfortable.", Shining Armor said, as Spike gave him a fist bump knowing that the weekend at the Crystal Empire will hopefully be a great one. In the back of the classroom, six mare ponies are watching Spike talk to Cadence and Shining. Fleur de Lis is one of the ponies. "Well, looks like Peace is coming for a visit for the weekend.", she said with a smirk, which means she and her friends have plans for the Saiyan. Back to the cafeteria of Equestria Universal High School, the doctors took Garble to heal his cuts. Smolder was about to follow them but stopped to look back at Peace and bowed in respect. "Thank you for sparring my brother, Peace.", she said and raised her head with a smile before running off to follow the doctor, nurse, and a wounded Garble. Then, Principal Celestia gave Peace a paper that had a grade, and it was an A plus with two thousand bits. "Wow! I didn't know that this battle was graded, and I get paid for it.", a shocked Peace said, as Luna spoke. "Just like the matches at Cerberus Ring, challenges can happen anywhere, too. Just like this rap battle here.", the vice principal said. "it's not just fighting that you're graded for, either. Rap battles like this, art contest, anything you can be graded for, and can be rewarded. Even the jobs you're working at. I was certainly impressed by the battle. I haven't seen a battle like this since Zecora battled Spoiled Rich and won!", Celestia said with an excited smile, as Luna smiled, too. Pinkie was jumping up and down, as she shows Peace and the rest her phone. "Lookie, lookie! On PonyTube, somepony uploaded the rap battle, and it's getting 100,000 views!", and she was right, as they looked at the video of the rap battle. The views were increasing, as it was getting over six thousand likes. And this gave Golden Heart an idea. "Peace, hear me out. What if we had a PonyTube channel for HOOF-STARR? And each of us would have separate channels to do our things?", she asked with hopeful eyes, as Hyper Active chimed in. "She's right, bro. We can make music videos, lyric videos, and more on the channels on PonyTube.", he said, as glorious Miracle also spoke. "Si, and I agree. If that's OK, I want to make like old school heavy metal music on my channel, amigo. I've been wanting to add heavy metal in your group, but I was afraid that you might disagree with the idea." she said sheepishly, as Rainbow Dash added... If you want, I can help out with each of you. It'd be awesome to shred on my guitar with all of you!", Dash, said, as the rest of the Elements nodded in agreement to help out. Peace thought about it for a minute, as he smiled and said... "I'm with it. I had ta hide what I am from Earth, but not here. Glori, the idea of put metal music in the band is a plus. Of course, we can play the music you like, cuz I'm a fan of some metal band myself. Goldie, Hype, I've been with this idea ever since I made my first rhyme, so I agree. I also agree with Dash's idea, since the girls are a band themselves. OK, let's put HOOF-STARR on the map!", they cheered in excitement on Peace's decision, as Celestia and Luna had each hand on Peace's shoulder. "I think you've made the right decision, Peace. We will also help out on your group's success. If you're OK with that.", Celestia said, as Luna nodded and Neon Light nodded, as well. "Thank y'all so much. I don't know how to repay ya.", Peace said sincerely, as Neon Lights said... "Just make us proud, be you, be true, and keep climbin' man. As a matter of fact, I'll pay to make studio booths each of your dorm rooms, along with the rest of my students.", The Elements, Peace his childhood friends, and the rest of his music classmates were very excited about having studio booths in their dorm rooms, even in Twilight's Castle of Friendship. But then, Adagio Dazzle of the Dazzlings walked towards Peace with Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze and gave him three cards. "If you and your crew want to collaborate with us, give each of us a call, sweet stuff.", she gives Peace the cards and a wink, as she gave him and Hype a wink with half-lidded. Aria gave Peace a smirk, and Sonata blew a kiss at him. As the Dazzlings walked away, Peace and Hype were sweating bullets, as they didn't back at Goldie and Glori, because both girls had angry veins on the side of their foreheads. But what made the boy more nervous was in front of them, as the Elements had the same exact looks, except Rarity's horn was glowing green and Pinkie's mane and tail went completely straight. Celestia and Luna were trying hard not to laugh at the boys, but they did find it funny to see the girls being jealous. But to make matters worse, a white haired, azure blue Unicorn mare also stepped up. "If you wanna be a male assistant, give me a call.", said the great and powerful, plus flirtable Trixie, Lulamoon, as she sashayed away from Peace, as Startlight's horn was glowing red with a red cloud coming out of it. Peace saw this, as he looked at his left wrist, which he's not wearing a watch, and said... "Oh, boy! Look at the time, gotta go change for the gym cla--", he couldn't finish the sentence, because Rainbow Dash and Twilight flew/teleported in front of him with narrowed eyes. "I think we all need to talk, Peace Poet.", the Princess of Friendship said sternly, as she crossed her arms under her chest. Peace gulped and had a nervous smile, and said... "Twilight, you're absolutely right. I agree that we should have a nice talk...", he said, as he vanished in front of their eyes. As Twilight's phone buzzed, Peace text her saying, "We'll talk after I'm done with work. Sorry." They all had a defeated sigh, except Starlight, who Peace has to work with at Ponyville Jewelry. "Girls, calm down. It's not Peace's fault, and whatever the Dazzlings are up to, we'll find out. Right, Princess Twilight?", Starlight said sternly at Twilight and the rest of the girls. "You're right, Starlight. I need to apologize to Peace for acting, well, you know.", and then, Peace appeared in front of Twilight, as the rest gasp in surprise. "Apology accepted, Twilight. And look, I don't know Adagio and her sisters all that well, but if they wanna collab with me and the crew, they can, business wise. Now, let's go to our next classes, a'ight? We don't wanna be late.", he said, as Twilight smiled at Peace, as did the rest of them. They all left the cafeteria together to their next classes. Celestia had a smirk on her face and Luna noticed. "Tia, what's that smirk for? Do you know something I don't?", Luna asked, as Guidance Counselor Discord appeared in front of them. "Oh, come now, Lulu. Don't you see, the girls have a crush on the rhyming Saiyan. And, of course, you do, too.", Discord chuckled, as Luna blushed and Celestia also chuckled. "Sister, you're one thousand and twenty-one years, clearly twenty-one years old, and I know it's hard to hide your jealousy in front of the girls. But we're in an open marriage with Discord, and he doesn't mind you going on a date with Peace if you want to. The laws here in Equestria are far different from Earth.", Celestia said, as Discord nodded in agreement, as Luna blushed and said... "But a student and a vice principal/princess on a date? What would ponies think or say about that?! And what about you, Ms. One-Thousand-Twenty-Five-year-old? I wasn't the only one blushing a storm when we saw Peace and brought him here!", Luna half-shouted, as Discord was laughing a storm in a now empty cafeteria. And now, Celestia was blushing a storm, as Luna was smirking. As the principal was about to retort, her phone rang, as she answered it, and it was Blueblood. "I take it that you've seen the rap battle, Blue?", she said sarcastically, as Blueblood on the other side was fuming with rage. "That damned lizard was no use to me, anyway! I have a--", he was interrupted by Discord's voice, and it sounded cold. "It seems I was right; Shining Armor is the only prince of Equestria, and is better mannered. Now, cease thinking about killing Peace Poet and getting Rarity back, cool off, and be a stallion, you little colt! I don't blame Beauregard for leaving you and your gold-digging mother. And, if you lay a hand on Fluttershy, Peace Poet, or any of the Elements and his friends, I will bring one hundred percent of chaos to you! Do you understand me, young stallion?!", Discord asked with a fury that Celestia and Luna hasn't seen in a thousand years. Blueblood was also shocked at the Draconequus' tone, but did calm down, and said... "I can tell you're not bluffing, Guidance Counselor. Alright, I'll leave the Saiyan be for a while. But he'll get it one day: not today, nor tomorrow, nor next month, but one day. You, my aunts, his father, the Elements, or his friends will not protect him forever!", Blueblood hung up on them, and then dialed a number as someone answered. "Yes, tell the master that I'm ready for my training with him. Oh, my partner? Our partnership has dissolved ages ago, so no need to worry about the scamp. I'll be heading there after school is done.", Blueblood hung up and had an evil smile on his face, as he started walking down the hall going to his next class. On Earth, in Manhattan, New York, in a restaurant, that same girl with long blue hair was eating by herself, as a man in a black suit came to her table and said... "We are ready for you, Your Majesty.", the man said. "Good, tell my father and sister that I'll be home in five minutes. I have a lot to tell them, and I hope they won't get too mad at me for what I've done.", the man bowed and walked away, as the girls was finishing her food, and thought... "Peace, I hope you'll forgive me when I see you." > The Night Before Going to the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was 7:30 on a Friday evening, as Peace Poet, his childhood friends, and the Elements were finishing their homework for school. They were all in their bed wear, as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack brought in some snacks for everyone. The only complaint was the seating arrangement. Golden Heart was sitting closely next to her boyfriend Hyper Active on the couch, as Peace was sitting on a lone chair. So, the first one to speak up was Glorious Miracle. "Amigo, are you sure you wanna sit by yourself? You look lonely there.", she said, moving her long hair from part of her face looking worried. "I'm alright. Besides, both couches are full. I'm good.", Peace said with a smile, as most of the girls were disappointed that Peace wasn't sitting on one of the couches. This gave Goldie an idea; she sat up and sat on Hype's lap, as she patted the spot so Peace can come and sit. With a sigh, Peace got up from the chair and sat on the couch between Hype with Goldie and Rarity. Peace and Rarity looked at each other and smiled, as the rest looked on trying not to look jealous. Goldie's phone rang, as she got a text from one of her classmates. And when Peace looked at the background picture of Goldie's phone, it was a picture of when Peace, Goldie, Hype, and Glori were twelve years old. But Peace's smile faded when he saw the fifth person in the picture. It was a girl with long blue hair leaning her head on Peace's shoulder. Rainbow sees Peace with a sad frown and ask... "Um, Peace, are you OK?", the blue Pegasus asked, as Peace gave her a sad smile. "I'm cool, Dash. I think I'm gonna turn in early tonight. My bags are already packed the weekend anyway.", Peace said softly, as he got up from the couch. When Hype was about to say something, he looked at Goldie's phone, taps her leg and showed her the pic on her phone. Goldie's eyes widened, looking horrified at why Peace got up. She got up and hugged Peace from behind. "I'm so sorry, Peace. I forgot to...", Peace turned around and hugged Goldie. He broke the hug and looked at Goldie with a smile and said... "I understand that you, Hype, and Glori put me and Ocean together, and I thank y'all for that. I'm not blamin' y'all for that at all, and I guess I can't blame her for doin' what she did, either. I love you and Glori like my sisters, and I love Hype like a brother. But a love relationship is somethin' that I'll never have. See y'all in the mornin'.", as Peace turns and ran up the steps, he stopped at the top and looked down at everyone with worried looks on their faces. He looked at Glori with a sad smile and said... "Glori, congratulations on confessin' to the Pegasus Calm Waves today. I'm proud of ya. Goodnight, y'all.", Peace then went in his room and closed the door. Glori and Hype went to Goldie standing at the bottom of the steps, hugging her. Goldie looked down in shame. "I should've deleted this pic. Peace isn't nosy to look at our phones, but I didn't think he saw my background pic. I just made him feel worse.", she said with a sad sigh. "Babe, I know that Peace already forgave ya, but he's hurtin'. He doesn't show it, but his heart is broken inta so many pieces. If only we knew what THAT girl was plannin' before...", Hype said in frustration. Twilight stood up and asked... "I'm guessing that with you two and Glori being in love relationships is hurting Peace more?", she asked, as Glori spoke with a sad sigh. "Si. He's happy for us, but it's hard for Peace to get over his ex. We introduced her to him, and Peace was as happy as we've seen him. But...", Glori couldn't say the next sentence, because she was about to cry with tears forming in her eyes. Sunset also stood up and headed upstairs. "Sunset...?", Fluttershy spoke in a worried tone. "Don't worry, Flutters. I'm just gonna talk to Peace and check on him." the orange unicorn said, as she got in front of Peace's door and knocked on it. Peace said come in, and Sunset saw him on the balcony floor meditating with his eyes closed. "I'm sorry, Peace, but can we talk for a sec?", Sunset asked, as Peace nodded with his eyes open, still in his meditating position, as he sighed deeply. "I'm a jerk, aren't I? I made a great friend cry cuz of how I felt, right?", Peace said, looking straight at Sunset's eyes looking dismal. "Peace, I understand how you feel, not having the one you love by your side. But please understand that everyone's trying to help you get over your ex. It's really her loss for dumping a good looking, sweet, and caring guy. I know about the punishment games too, and they can be either good or really bad. In your case, really bad. I'm really sorry for what happened to you, Peace. You didn't deserve what she did to you. Me, Twi, and the rest of the girls will help you. And...", Sunset looked behind her to see the door still closed, as she crawled to Peace like a preying tiger with a smirk. Her shirt had three buttons undone, as Peace was wide eyed at Sunset's deep cleavage, seeing her left breast was about to spill out of her shirt, which Peace can see half of Sunset's areola. "I'll show you what your ex never did to you. All you have to do is--", when Sunset was about to make her move, she heard the door open with a little creak on the hinges. She, along with Peace, sense a lot of murderous stares, besides Hyper Active and Peachbottom, at the doorway. Peace gulped in fear. "N-Now girls, hold on. This was not my idea...", he said very nervously, as Rarity said, with her eye twitching. "I know, darling, Sunset stole MY idea!", Rarity said, giving Sunset the death glare. Peachbottom went inside the room and spoke to Peace. "Honey, I can understand heartache, and I know that you're happy that your childhood friends have their special somepony, er, someone. But they also want ya ta have a great life too, sugar. Plus, there are mares in this room who'd love ta be with ya right now...", Peachbottom looked at Twilight and her friends with a smirk, as each of them were bleaching beet red. Peace was shocked that they felt that way towards him. "Wow! If I'm bein' honest, I'm really flattered that y'all feel that about me. But I'm not...", Sunset put a finger on his mouth to stop his sentence, as she spoke and said... "If you're worried about us having stallions of our own, don't worry about it. Equestia's rules are different from Earth's. Pinkie Pie has a stallion, but she can have more than one. I'm sure Principal Celestia told you this; you can have more than one mare, like a mare can have more than one stallion. That happens for same genders, too. I know it's only been a week, but you're a great guy, Peace. The girl that dumped you, it's her loss for throwing a great guy away.", Sunset said, as she got up from the floor, as Twilight walked towards Peace and said... "Peace, we all want you to feel loved here in Equestria. We will make sure that you'll never be heartbroken again. On behalf of the girls, will you accept us as more than friends?", Twilight asked shyly in Fluttershy's level. Peace got up from the floor and looked at each of the Element Bearers. They all had the look of hope and nervous on their faces, which Peace had the same look. "Before I give y'all my answer, I have one important question. Will y'all be OK with a guy like me? I may be a strong Saiyan and a poet, but I do have flaws and can be vulnerable, but I wanna be there for everyone I love that's close to me. Will y'all accept me for who I am and what I do?", Peace finished his question, as Rainbow Dash stepped up with a smile and said... "Bro, we've already accepted ya when we met you and your friends. Just like me, you're awesome!", the rainbow maned Pegasus said proudly. "You saved me from Blueblood the first time I saw you. I want to return the favor, darling, for being my savior from the brute prince. Let me show you my amazing gratitude and generosity!", Rarity said with a dramatic pose, as the rest either rolled their eyes and chuckle. "Um, if you like, I'd like to show you more of the sanctuary and, um, more...", Fluttershy said timidly, while twirling her finger in her hair. "I promise ya, you'll feel more loved than ever, SugarCube. Like Dash, we're not in ta sappy stuff, but we'll help ya any way we can.", Applejack said, as she tipped her hat. "You're strong as rock candy, but as lovable as a cupcake, Peace. Having you here is the best thing ever! My family, my friends, my Cheese Sandwich are important! But...", Pinkie's demeanor went from bubbly to sincere with a caring smile, as she walked towards Peace and put both of her hands on Peace's right hand. "But you're also important to me too, Peace. The loved ones are special to me, like you're special to me, to us.", the party pony hesitantly released Peace's hand, still smiling, but with hope. "You're a hard worker in school, music, jobs, and fighting skills. Like all of us, you're passionate at what you do. Twilight and the girls healed mine and Sunset's hearts after...what we did.", Starlight winced at the memory, as Twilight put a hand on her shoulder with a smile. Goldie, Hype, and Glori walked towards Peace, as Goldie hugged Peace, and said... "I'm really sorry for keeping the picture, Peace. It was my favorite pic form that time. I'll...", as Golden Heart was about to get her phone to delete the pic, Peace stopped her and gave her a smile and said... "You don't have to do that; I know ya love the pic, so keep it. Besides, you and Glori are sisters ta me. Hype will always be my bro for life, no matter what.", the young Saiyan said, as both Goldie and Glori hugged him from both sides and Hype gave him a fist bump. Peace and his friends looked at Twilight and the others waiting for his answer. Peachbottom spoke to Peace. "Honey, I can understand ya wanna get over your ex, but the only way to do that is ta find another that'll love ya for who and what you are.", as she motioned the bearers of the Elements of Harmony who are waiting patiently for Peace's answer. Glori and Goldie gave him a nod, as he looked at the young mares, and said... "Twilight, here's my answer: I accept.", the girls cheered and were about to go and hug Peace, until Rainbow got to him first, as Goldie and Glori quickly moved out of the way. The rest of the girls had envious and jealous looks on their faces, as Glori and Goldie had of their own. "Rainbow Dash, I know that you wanted to hug Peace, but no need to be in a rush!", Rarity angrily said with a huff. "Look, Peace needs a hug from someone that's...wait for it...awesome! Plus, there's something that me and AJ need to tell him.", Dash said in a half yell, as Applejack looked nervous. But Peace put his finger on her lips, while he smiled. "I already know; you and AJ are bisexual.", both AJ and Dash were shocked to hear Peace say it so calm and casual. "Wait a ponytail minute, partner! How'd ya know about that?", the blonde Earth mare asked. "Big Mac told me after the practice session and after y'all left ahead of us. Look, I'm not gonna discriminate anyone's sexuality. I accept those for who and what they are, and I still accept you both. plus, you two are inseparable and always challengin' each other. And no, y'all don't have ta change for me. Like I told Hype, Goldie, and Glori, y'all are great as you are, all of you.", everyone was touched by Peace's words, as they all, including Peachbottom, went in for a group hug. Then, Glori spoke to Peace and said... "Well, amigo, now you have eight girlfriends. Imagine how your ex would feel about that.", all Peace did was shrugged, as he smiled from ear to ear. Although, he did have this thought in his head. "Well, Mama, I hope I'm makin' ya proud to be with these many girls. Although please don't kill me for lookin' at...", as Peace thought that, while Rarity's boobs were right in his face. Needless to say, he's going to have a long weekend at the Crystal Empire. Speaking of the Crystal Empire, in the foyer, Princess Cadence was sitting in a chair wearing her light blue nightgown. Shining Armor is also with her wearing a white t-shirt and yellow shorts with Pokemon on them. Cadence had the look of worry, while looking at her cellphone. "Caddie, are you feeling somepony's heartbroken again?", Shining asked with concern. "Not somepony, someone. Luna called me earlier and told me that she looked into Peace Poet's dream of how he was cheated on by a girl named Ocean Light. She did it as a punishment game.", Cadence said bitterly, while Shining clutched his fist. "I guess Peace's world isn't much different from ours for the punishment game. You also said that Twily and her friends are with him as his marefriends to make him feel loved again.", Shining said, calming down a little. "Yeah, and I'm happy for her, her friends, and Peace. But I'm gonna test Peace one night when he gets here.", the Princess of Love said with a smirk and a brow up. "Ohhhh.... I gotcha, but Celestia said that he's pure.", Shining said, as Cadence spoke. "I can tell he's pure, even Luna said so. She and Celestia told me a plan for Peace when he and the rest get here.", Cadence said nervously, as Shining got suspicious and only said... "I'm listening, babe.", Cadence explain the whole plan from both the Royal Sisters. (Flashback) It was seven-thirty in the evening and Celestia and Luna were in Celestia's room on the phone on speaker with Cadence explaining the plan for Peace. "Thank you for agreeing to talk to us, Cadence. I know you can sense love, hate, and heartbreak from everypony, but when you texted me today that you can sense the heartbreak from Peace the most, I knew this would be an appropriate time to talk.", Celestia said. "Yeah, Luna told me that while looking in Peace's dreamscape. That girl he used to be with looked familiar, though.", Cadence said, as Luna used her magic to take a photograph of who she saw in Peace's dreamscape. Cadence also looked at the name of the girl in the photo and she was in shock and disbelief. "Her? It was HER that broke up with Peace?! She treated him like that for a punishment game?!", Cadence was furious on who the girl is, as she now knows the identity of the girl. Then, she asked a very important question... "Does Peace know who she really is?", the Princess of Love asked, as Luna answered. "No, and not even his father knows. You do know that Thunder Hammer is Peace's father, right?", Luna asked, as she heard a sigh from Cadence on the other side of the line. "Yeah, Twilight and Spike told me one day on the phone. Can we not talk about Peace's ex? Seeing and knowing who she is now is staring to piss me off.", Cadence said, with anger rising. Celestia quickly changed the subject. "Very well, Cadence. And believe me and Luna, we know how you feel. Anyways, Since Peace agreed to go to the Crystal Empire, I want you to do something special for Peace, and we hope that Shining Armor would cooperate with it.", Celestia said nervously. "Auntie, why are you hoping that Shiny cooperates with what you want me to do?", Cadence asked suspiciously, as Luna cleared her throat and spoke. "Well, we want you to, loosely speaking, seduce Peace.", there was a long pause at the other end, as Cadence finally said this... "Let me get this straight, you want me, a married mare, to seduce Peace Poet? I don't know if Shiny would ever agree with that!", Cadence said, half yelled. "I know that it's a strange request, but we just want to prove that Peace is innocent and pure. Just think about it and discuss this with Shining Armor.", Celestia said with a pleading tone, as Cadence let out a frustrating sigh. "I'll see what Shining says about this. Of all the craziest reasons you two told me so far, this would take the cake, and I don't mean Pinkie's cake.", Cadence said, as the Royal Sisters sighed in relief. "Well, there's a good reason for this; we want Peace to regain being in love relationships again. Twilight and her friends have special feelings for him. So...", and that was when Cadence's demeanor changed from unsure to worried. She wants to help everyone to make their love relationships great, especially after heartbreak. She nodded her head with some confidence and said... "OK, I'll do it. I don't know how Shining will take the news, but you better hope he agrees. If not, it'll be your fault for a quick divorce.", and that was the end of the phone call. (End Flashback) Cadence finished her explanation to her husband and see how he'd react. And after a full minute of Shining Armor thinking, he gave his wife an answer. "OK. I'll agree with that.", Shining said with a calm and cool demeanor. Cadence on the other hand was a bit shocked by his answer. "Shiny, are you sure you want me to do this? I don't think this is...", Shining got up and hugged his worried wife, as he said... "I can understand that you're worried about cheating on me, but this reason is to heal Peace's heart and give him a little push to be in love relationships again. Twily and the girls, along with his friends from Earth, are also trying to heal his heart. Do what you can to help Peace, Cady. You have my support in this.", and with that, both Shining and Cadence kissed passionately for a minute and broke the kiss, as they looked at each other smiling. "You're right, honey. Peace does deserve happiness in his life. And I'm gonna show him the love in Equestria really is.", she said, as Luna's night sky with the full moon started to glisten. (On Earth) The girl with blue hair was sitting in the middle of an empty baseball field with two duffel bags and suitcases, as a bright light flashes in front of her. She shielded her eyes with her hand for a moment, as she put her hand down, four men in black suits appeared. "We are ready, Your Highness.", she said nothing, but nodded in agreement, as the men picked up her luggage and got in position. Before they all teleported, she had this thought in her mind. "Father, Sister, Peace, I hope you can forgive me." > The Crystal Empire, Day 1: Meeting the Princess of Love, Sparring, and Plan Failed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was 6:30 in the morning, and at the Castle of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the Element Bearers, just finished their practice with Peace Poet. But Peace wasn't done with practice, as he was sparring with Applejack's brother, Big Mac. The ground was shaking underneath the ponies and humans, Golden Heart, Hyper Active, and Glorious Miracle are there, of course. Both fighters appeared in front of them, a few feet from each other. Big Mac and Peace were not even breathing hard, but both looked battered and bruised from their sparring. "Holy Moley! It's like they're in a real fight.", Pinkie Pie said, as she was eating popcorn. "But Peace is still in his base form. He and Big Mac are savin' their energy until--", Applejack was about to finish her sentence, as a hurricane like gust nearly blew them away. Big Mac and Peace just powered up, but Peace was still in his base form. "Big Mac's gettin' stronger ever since I gave him the Senzu bean. In a sense, so have I. I'm gonna stay in my base form for a while to see how my Super Saiyan forms progress.", Peace thought, as he launched at Big Mac and they hit each other with their elbows and vanished again. The explosions are still on the ground, but now everyone is having a hard time keeping up with them. "Geez! I know I'm the fastest flyer, but damn! My eyes can hardly keep up!", Rainbow said in frustration. "Both of Peace's and Big Mac's powers are increasing, but I don't think they're going all out.", Twilight said, as a long BANG was heard, as Peace was slid back towards the group. Big Mac was panting and sweating, but Peace, who was also sweating, was smiling proudly. "Mac, you gotten a lot stronger than before. I'd say that's a good way ta end this session.", Peace said happily, as Big Mac smiled. "Eeyup! Thank ya for bein' my sparrin' partner, Peace. I feet ten times stronger than before. And I can spar with sis now.", Big Mac said, as he looked at a proud AJ giving him a thumb up. "Well, we best get ready to go to the Crystal Empire, darlings. I have to finish packing my things.", Rarity said, as she flipped her hair. "Um, don't you think carrying six suitcases is a little...", Fluttershy wanted to finish her sentence, but Rarity gave her a small, but firm, glare. "Let her bring what she wants, Flutters. None of us won an argument with her when she packs. Besides, she might get ideas for each of her stores from the Empire.", Starlight said, as she puts a hand of Fluttershy's shoulder smiling, as the yellow Pegasus smiled back. They all opened the secret door to exit the training room. Minutes later, they all got back to the dorm house with Peachbottom sitting at the desk writing notes. She called Peace's name and said... "Peace, your father called you a while ago. He said it was important.", she said, as peace looked at his phone and saw a missed call. "OK, thanks Peachbottom. I'll call him in my room. I'm already packed my stuff. I'll be right down, y'all. This'll only take a few minutes.", Peace said to everyone, as he ran up the stairs to his room. He got to his room and called Hank back. "What's up, Pop? I had to turn my phone off ta practice before leaving for the Crystal Empire.", then it was Hank's turn to speak, but in a serious tone. "Son, I had a "talk" with your principal and vice principal minutes ago. And no, you're not in trouble.", That tone peaked Peace's concern. And when he didn't mention Celestia's and Luna's name, he sighed and just said... "Go on..." Five minutes passed, as Peace went back downstairs with his suitcase, and saw the rest of the girls with their own luggage. But the one with the most was Rarity, 6 suitcases in total. Spike and Gabby were also ready to go, but the CMC weren't present, because of camp duties at Cutie Mark Day Camp, for fillies and colts not having cutie marks. They all said their goodbyes to Peachbottom and headed to the train station to ride the Friendship Express. Just thirty minutes in the ride to the Crystal Empire, Applejack was sitting beside Rainbow, Sunset with Starlight, Spike with Gabby, Twilight with Rarity, Goldie with Hype, Pinkie with Glori, and Fluttershy with Peace. Peace was staring out of the window looking in awe of the scenery with a smile. He felt Fluttershy's head laying on his shoulder, as he looked back at the sleeping Pegasus napping peacefully. Then, Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw that she was laying on Peace's shoulder, as she quickly raised her head with worry on her mind. "Oh dear! I'm sorry, Peace. I was just so tired, and...", she tried to finish, but Peace stopped her. "Flutters, it's OK. I know you're tired and you got Tree Hugger ta take care of the critters at you house and the sanctuary. We still have about an hour till we get to the Empire, so you can rest on my shoulder. It doesn't bother me at all.", Peace said with a caring, as Fluttershy smiled back and laid her head back on his shoulder. But to her surprise, Peace put his arm around Fluttershy and stroke her pink hair, as she sighed and got comfortable. "Oh my, this feels so heavenly. It's a shame that the girl treated Peace bad. She lost a good guy.", Fluttershy thought, as she smiled while napping. The rest of the Elements were looking on with envy, as Peace didn't notice while looking out of the window. Spike told Gabby about the girl's behavior, and she understand, as they both felt sorry for Peace for putting up with them in the future. An hour later, they arrived at the Crystal Empire, and it was glistening like any jewel they've ever seen. Peace and his childhood friends looked at the statue of Spike, as the dragon puffed out his chest with pride, much to the girls and Gabby rolling their eyes with smiles. One young crystal pony mare came to the group and asked for their autograph, especially HOOF-STARR, since some of their music are on social media. Then, a limo stopped in front of the group and three Unicorn guards came out of the limo and one bowed to them. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Spike the Brave and Glorious, Elements of Harmony, Peace Poet, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, welcome to the Crystal Empire. We will take you to see Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Prince Shining Armor, and Princess Flurry Heart at the Castle of Love.", the male Unicorn guard said formally, as Twilight and the rest said their thanks and got in the limo and went on their way. Minutes later, they got to the castle at the front doors. Before they went in, Peace and his crew looked at the Crystal Heart floating and turning at the front entrance. As the group entered the castle, they see the rulers of the Crystal Empire and their daughter that looks to be two years old and is also an Alicorn. She is pink with curly hair that's purple with a blue streak, baby blue eyes, wearing an aqua blue dress. The little Alicorn ran towards Twilight and gave her a hug, as the Princess of Friendship giggled. "Flurry Heart, I'm happy to see you, too!", as Flurry Heart ran to Spike and hugged him as well, she even said hello to the Elements and guest, as she bowed with a curtsy and spoke. "Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Crystal Empire. I hope you'll enjoy your stay.", they all smiled at Flurry manners and cuteness, as Peace, Hype, Glori, and Goldie also bowed in respect. "We will enjoy our stay, Princess Flurry Heart. And thank you very much for welcoming us.", Peace said respectfully with a smile, as he and his friends got up to meet the Princess and Prince of the Crystal Empire. Shining was the first to speak. "Twily, everypony and everyone, I hope your train ride was smooth coming here.", Shining said. Oh, we had a smooth and fun ride! We even played a few games while coming here.", Pinkie said, while pulling out UNO cards from her mane. Cadence laughed, as she looked at Peace and his friends. "Peace Poet, Hyper Active, Golden Heart, Glorious Miracle, we welcome you to our beloved Empire. Like Paris, France in your world and Prance in Equestria, it is a City of Love.", Cadence extended her hand out, as Peace and his friends each shook hers and Shining's hands. This city, hands down, is beautiful, Your Highnesses. I wanna thank you for invitin' me and my friends here for the weekend.", Peace said politely. "Oh, you and your friends don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Shining. We're all friends here.", Shining said, as Peace and his friend sighed in relief. "And you can call me Cadence. We want you and your friends to make yourselves at home here. Although...", Cadence smirked, as Rainbow got the idea. "Oh, yeah! We brought our training gear with us. Plus, we've all gotten stronger and more awesome! Before we even left, I gotta challenge from Lightning Dust. She's got stronger too since she left the Wonderbolt tryouts.", Dash said, as she showed a proud smile to the Crystal Couple. "Just don't overdo it, Rainbow. You almost lost to Soarin while showing off in a challenge.", Starlight said with worry, as Rainbow pouted with a "hmph!" Then, an orange unicorn stallion with glasses came out from the castle. He had red orange hair and beard, wearing a teal cloak with stars on it, and a same color suit with white shirt inside. Starlight ran to the stallion and hugged him. The stallion chuckled and spoke. "It's great seeing you again, Starlight. Princess Twilight, Spike, everypony, it's also great to see you all again." the stallion greeted Twilight and the others, as he looked at Peace and his friends and introduced himself to them. "You must be Peace Poet, Hyper Active, Golden Heart and Glorious Miracle. I'm Sunburst, Flurry Heart's royal crystaller for Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor. It's really nice to meet you.", Sunburst said, as he shook Peace's and his friends hands. "It's nice ta meet ya too, Sunburst. Starlight and Sunset told us so much about 'cha.", the royal crystaller blushed in embarrassment hoping it wasn't anything bad, but Glori put him at ease. "Calma, amigo. There were great things about you that they told us. It's great to know that you have a best friend and sister.", Glori said, as Sunburst spoke back. "Yeah, Me and Starlight have been best friends since magic kindergarten. And Sunset's been a great sister to me, as well. It's like I have two sisters who grew up with me.", Sunburst looked at Starlight and Sunset with a smile, as they both smiled back. Twilight also smiled at Sunset and Starlight on how much they've grown from the way they used to be back then. Pinkie noticed Peace was looking at his phone and looked a little uncomfortable, as he put it in his pocket. Pinkie asked... "Hey Peace, is everything OK? I saw you on the phone just now, and...", the party pony couldn't finish, as Peace put a hand on her shoulder and said with a smile... "Just somethin' Pop forgot ta tell me before we left. And don't worry, I'm not mad at him. Just somethin' me and him gotta take care of.", Peace said, as Pinkie smiled and gave him a hug. The rest of the Elements looked on with envy, as Gabby, Spike, Hype, Cadence, and Shining chuckled at the girl's jealousy. Even Glori and Goldie chuckled too, which is surprising to Hype. "Well, I know you're tired from the trip here...", Shining said, but Twilight stopped him, as she spoke with a smirk. Hey, BBBFF, we're not that tired! Besides, it'd be nice to show Peace and his friends around the Empire.", Twilight said smugly, as Shining had a smirk of his own. "Well then, let's look around The Crystal Empire. Peace, I hope you and your friends like this place." "Shining, we've seen this amazin' castle from a distance. I think we all love it." Peace said, as each of his friends nodded in agreement. They wasted no time, as they all got in a SUV limo for a royal tour of the Crystal Empire. Three hours later, they all were in the Crystal Castle already in each of their own guest rooms. Peace was in a room by himself getting dressed for a training session with the Crystal Couple and the rest of the group. He and everyone else have already had lunch and a tour of the castle minutes before. Peace was in deep thought about whatever his father Hank said on a video call before he left Ponyville. With the thought in mind, Peace walked towards the door of his guest room and exited, as he locked the door and closed it. Twenty minutes later, Twilight, the Elements, Goldie, Glori, and Gabby were sparring with Cadence, as Peace, Hype, and Spike were sparring with Shining Armor. Both sides stopped to take a resting and water break, as the training room is the same as Twilight's at the Castle of Friendship. This one is near a mountain with a grassy field near a river. Hype looked at Peace with concern, as Spike asked... "Is Peace OK? He hasn't spoken much since we came in here.", the dragon asked, also concerned. I don't know, Spike. Peace's dad texted me, Glori, and Goldie at the same time just to watch him. Don't know what Uncle Hank meant, but so far, nothin's happenin'.", Spike nodded as an "OK", as break was over. But Cadence and Shining stopped the group except for Peace. Cadence motioned him to stand up, as the rest continued to sit on the grass, rocks, or standing, looking confused. "Peace, that fight with the Diamond Dogs was impressive. But I don't think you're showing your full power to us yet. So..." Shining and Cadence got in their stances, while Peace narrowed his eyes and got in his stance. "Pardon me for sayin', but I believe you two are holdin' back, as well. So, let's do this at full strength, huh?", Peace smirked, as the Crystal couple smirked back. "Twilight and the rest of the girls, Spike, Gabby, and your friends have great power, as well. You must've train them very well.", Cadence said, as the group smiled at her praise. "Just showin' them the basics. Now then...", Peace, Cadence, and Shining now gotten serious, as they're ready to get started. "Do you think Peace'll be OK, Twilight? Cadence and Shining are still strong and I just...", Pinkie Pie said with worry. "I'm worried too, Pinkie. But for right now, we'll have to see how strong they truly are.", Twilight said, as Cadence and Shining vanished in a blink of an eye! Peace still in his stance like a statue but raised his right leg to block Cadence's own kick, as he vanished with her. They all, surprisingly, can see Peace's, Shining's, and Cadence's movements, thanks to Peace's training. "I never thought that we could see their moves, amigos! I'm quite happy with the results of the training.", Glori said happily. "But you know, it seems Peace might be holding back some of his power, y'all. Shinin' and Cadence hasn't raised theirs either, an' they're faster than bottle rockets!", Applejack said in confusion, as a loud bang came from above and an explosion came from the ground near them. Peace was on the ground, as Cadence was on top of him holding him down by the wrist and sitting on his abdomen. But Rarity and Fluttershy noticed something was off with Cadence. "Wait, is she trying to... No, Cadence wouldn't... would she...?" Everyone went wide-eyed and caught on of what the Love Princess was about to do to Peace, as Shining appeared in front of them to stop them. "Twily, please hold on. We're only doing what Princesses Celestia and Luna told us to do for Peace.", Shining said with a stern face, as Twilight's look of shock and anger grew. "You mean to tell me that--", before she said anything more, they all heard a voice from above. "Yup, Cadence was about ta seduce me, Twilight.", it was Peace floating above everyone, with everyone looking at Peace on the ground and disappeared. Cadence and Shining both shocked, as Cadence asked... "Wait, how did you know about what I was about to do?! Shining...?!", she gave Shining an angry look like he told Peace their plan. "Honey, no! I didn't say anything! But how did you know about the plan?!", Shining asked, as he look right at Peace descending to the ground. "First off, Pop told me about the plan y'all had. Second, I kinda figured that it was Celestia's and Luna's plan when Pop told me, when they tried this when I was about eight. And finally, Cadence, you're a beautiful Alicorn mare, just like the other three...", Peace said that sternly, as Twilight blushed that he meant her to be one of the four Alicorns to be beautiful. Peace continues... "But what y'all were about ta do was wrong, especially to a teenager! Look, I appreciate you two tryin' ta make me feel better after my breakup with my ex on Earth, but I already have eight beautiful mares takin' care of me and my friends protectin' me, but I'm over my ex now. You two don't have to worry about that. Just please don't do this again.", after Peace said that, both Shining and Cadence bowed heavily to apologize not just Peace, but the rest of the group. "Peace, everyone, we both deeply and sincerely apologize for what we were about to do. We hope that one day that you can forgive us.", Shining pleaded, as Peace sighed, and said... "Look, I understand how y'all feel and I forgive ya. But this weekend is supposed to be fun and relaxin'. And about that After Image technique, let's just say it took me week ta perfect it before comin' to Equestria.", Peace said calmly, as the rest realized how fast Peace really is. The door to the training room opened as a silver Earth mare in a maid uniform came in and said... "Excuse me Your Highnesses and guest, but Princesses Celestia and Luna, and Thunder Hammer are here to speak with you.", she said with an English accent, everyone but Peace was confused and head to the door to exit the training room. Everyone was standing in the foyer back in their casual clothes, as both Celestia and Luna were both looking down on the ground with guilty faces. Hank, or Thunder Hammer, looked at them sternly, as Peace just had a face that read "really?" all over it. "I understand that you two wanna help me get over my ex, but gettin' a married Alicorn mare, which is a princess, ta seduce me? Kinda crossin' the line, ya know? I just got here in Equestria, which is a great place to be, but just think about Cadence's and Shining's reputation. Along with yours, Twilight's, the Elements, Spike's, mine, and my friend's reputation. Pardon my French, or should I say Prance, but that rep would go to shit! I'm not angry; I appreciate the help, I really do, but I'm over my ex already. So far, I'm havin' a great time here in the Crystal Empire and hopin' ta keep on enjoyin' it.", Peace finished and let out a deep sigh, as Celestia and Luna lifted their heads and looked at Peace. The young man was smiling, letting the two Princesses/Principal/Vice Principal that he's forgiven them. Peace continued... "Plus, that's what Pop called me about before we left Ponyville. This is the fourth time they tried to play cupid for me, even though that's the job for the Princess of Love.", that jab went to Cadence, as she winced a little. Celestia spoke, as she cleared her throat. "Peace, I'm really sorry that the plan of mine gotten as far as it did. And even though Luna tried to stop me...", Luna nodded with authority. "And you're right about our reputation, it would've been bad. Please forgive me and Luna for our foolishness.", Celestia said calmly with regality. "You don't have to forgive us now, but we really do apologize to you, Peace. And we Apologize to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor for going along with the plan.", Luna said, as she and her elder sister bowed before them. Then, the Royal Sisters looked at Twilight and the rest of the crew, as Twilight was trying her best not to freak out. "Twilight, I understand that you're ashamed of what we did. And like Peace, Cadence, and Shining Armor, we both apologize for our actions.", Celestia said, as she and her younger sister bowed to Twilight and her friends. Twilight let out a deep sigh and spoke. "Apology accepted, but please don't do this again. Shining did the same thing to me when I was a filly.", Spike snickered at that, as Shining blushed at that. The Sisters were about to teleport back to the castle, but Peace stopped them. "Now since the Crystal Empire is showin' love, I think now's the time for me to show love back, now that we're here.", Peace looked towards Twilight and the Elements with a caring smile. "Girl's y'all treated me and my friends like royalty ever since we've got here. Hype has Goldie, Glori has a new stallion with her, and I'm very happy that they found love.", Glori, Hype, and Goldie smile sincerely at Peace, as he continued... "Celestia taught me about love relationships in Equestria, and I'm gonna start one right here and now. Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Starlight Glimmer, would you beautiful, lovin' and carin' mares like to be in my very first herd in Equestria? I know I just got here in this new world, but like my Pop, Celestia, Luna, my friends, y'all took care of me. If one or two of y'all refuse, I completely understand. I won't force you to join.", Peace said with sincerity, as Rarity was the first to step up front of him, and said... "Darling, on the first day you came to our school and saved me from Blueblood, I fell for you at first sight. I'll never forget the chivalry you've shown me that day. Of course, I'll gladly join your herd.", the white unicorn said with a smile, batted her eyes, and flipped her hair. "SugarCube, not only are ya honest, strong, and hard workin', but you're sweet an' kind like a Zap Apple. I'll join your herd too, partner.", Applejack said, as she tipped her Stetson hat. "Peace, you've encouraged me like Twilight, Sunset, Sunburst, and many others to do great things. And you didn't judge me for what I did in the past. You even helped me build a kite for some fillies and colts and give them away to them. I'd be happy to join your herd.", Starlight said. "Now, you know all about being loyal, bro. And I see loyalty within ya! You're fast, you have skills, and you have a heart. Peace, I'm with ya for your herd. I'm in!", Rainbow Dash said, as she gave Peace a fist bump. "Um, I know you're to me and the others, and you help out whenever you can. You're patient, caring, strong, and a good friend. You even care for many animals. I'd like to join your herd, Peace. If that's OK with you.", Fluttershy said softly with her timid nature, as Peace nodded, and the butterscotch Pegasus showed her small smile. "Peace, you've shown that you can be fun to be with. And you can party just like everypony else! You also never give up when something gets tough or if someone needs help. I'd say that the herd will be amazing, and I'm glad to be in it, if you'll have me.", Pinkie Pie said, as Peace told her, "You got it!" "It's like Starlight said, you didn't judge me or her of our bad past. You liked me and the rest of the girls for who and what I am, who and what we are. Me and my ex-coltfriend are still friends, but I think with you, my life will be better. I'll join your herd.", Sunset said, as Peace nodded. Now before Twilight was about to speak, her brother Shining Armor has this to say. "Peace, you've shown that you can be trusted and can be strong, both physically and emotionally. I know you have more power within you, and I'm sure you'll show it in a desperate way and time. Twilight's my one and only sister, Peace. I know you'll make her happy, and maybe in time, sad or angry. Like she has with you, treat her well with love, friendship, and care. You have my blessing, Peace Poet", the former Canterlot captain said with regal in his voice. Cadence, Luna, Hank, and Celestia nodded as giving their blessings to Peace. The young Saiyan went on his knees and said... "Thank you so much, Your Highnesses. I will treat Twilight, the Elements of Harmony, and other mares and female creatures equally with love, friendship, and respect. You have my word.", Peace said, as he got up from the floor and met Twilight's purple eyes, as the Princess of Friendship finally spoke. "Peace Poet, having a herd can be difficult and challenging at times, even with some flaws, but having a herd is like a second family. I hope that that not just me, but the girls will meet your expectations in the herd. I will try my best to give you my love, respect, and friendship to the fullest. I would be honored and happy to be in your herd, Peace.", Twilight said, as Peace's herd has just been built within the Castle of Love. Hank came from behind Peace and put his hand on his shoulder. "Son, your mama would be so proud of you. Heck, I know she already is. You have a good, strong heart, son. Make me and your mama proud.", Hank said, as he and Peace hugged happily. They broke the hug and Hank looked at Twilight and the girls with a smile. "And you girls have my blessin', too. Take care of my boy.", Twilight and the Elements bowed at Hank. Spike came up to Peace with Gabby. "You have my blessing too, Peace. Just be prepared for their freakouts, especially Twilight's.", Spike said, as he got a glare from Twilight. Applejack spoke. "Welp, now ya have ta get blessin's from all our families, Peace. I'd think Mac, Bloom, an' Granny would definitely give ya their blessin'.", the Honest pony said. Peace looked out of the window looking curiously. Cadence looked at him and asked... "Is something wrong, Peace?" "Been sensin' Blueblood's power growin' a bit. And it's not just him, the Diamond Dogs, too. They must've got healed from the doc's and went with Blueblood ta train with him. They're pretty far; I'd say about more than 3,000 miles away.", everyone except Hank was shocked that Peace was able to sense anyone that far away. "I heard that Blueblood went to Prance to train. But I never thought that you could sense his energy there, Peace. That's amazing!", Sunset said astonished. "Even I'm amazed that he can sense that far away! Spike, you were right about Peace. He's strong like you are!", Gabby said excitedly. "Oh, I'm not as strong as Peace or Shining, but I'm getting stronger at my own pace.", Spike said. "Couldn't have said it better myself, Spike. Well, everyone, I'll get Sunburst and Flurry and we'll show you the Empire.", Shining said, as he stretched his arms out. "That'll be great, because I wanna get Hype and I something from here.", Goldie said, holding Hype's hand. "Si, I wanna get something for Calm Waves, too. I'd asked him to come, but he had to work on the weekend. Still, he said he'll get me something from Canterlot.", Glori said with a smile. "Well, I have plenty of bits from my jobs. So, I can get sometin' for everyone here, if that's OK.", Peace said, as Celestia spoke. "That's sweet of you, but me ad Luna have to go back home to get Discord. He's pup sitting Cerberus for us.", the white Alicorn said. "Discord's kinda in a bad mood when feeding Cerberus. Especially when he almost eats Discord.", Luna said, as she and Celestia laughed a little. "Son, see ya next time. Stay strong and enjoy herd life.", Hank said, as Peace gave him a fist bump. Celestia used her teleportation spell to go back home with Hank in tow. Peace looked back at everyone, took a deep breath and said... "Let's take a good look at the Crystal Empire!" Meanwhile, somewhere in Japony is a big castle at the mountain top. Four strong stallion Pegasi descend in front of the castle with a girl and three Earth stallions inside. The girl thought to herself... "I'm home..." > The Crystal Empire, Day 2: A Generous Day Out with a Rare Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was seven in the morning on the next day, as Peace Poet got up from his bed and started to stretch. But he noticed something was bothering and thought about what to do around the Crystal Empire today. "Hmmm... Well, there's one thing I'm gonna do, and I haven't done that in a long time...", he finished his thoughts and headed to the bathroom to wash up for breakfast. An hour later, Peace came from downstairs to the dining room and meet everyone, as he and the others said "good morning" to each other. Princess Cadence came from the kitchen and gave Peace a glass of milk, some pancakes, and toast. "Thank you, Cadence. This looks delicious!", as he ate the pancakes, his eyes widened and smiled. "Truly delicious! Just like how Mama made them.", and Cadence was happy with a smile of relief. "Thank you, Peace. Your dad, Hank, told me what your mother makes for you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I hope it's OK.", the Love Princess said with hope and worry, but Peace nodded. "It's totally fine. Pop already told all the girls how ta make my food, but I don't wanna take advantage of you or the girls for doin' that. I cook sometimes for me, Pop, and Mama, though. But this is great, Cadence. Thank you!", as Peace ate the pancakes and cereal, he saw Rarity sit beside him. "Good morning, Peace, darling! I hope you slept well last night.", she said, while batting her eyes, as Peace blushed. "I did, and I hope you slept well too, Rarity. A gentleman once said, "If a lady sleeps well, and will have a good day, she'll meet a gentleman, or gentle stallion, on the way."", Peace said poetically, as Rarity was in awe at his words. The rest came in the dining room and said their good mornings. The hint of jealousy showed on their faces when the Elements, Glori, and Goldie saw Rarity sit beside Peace. Glorious Miracle spoke first. "Bueno dias, amigo. Did you practice this morning?", she asked. "Naw. Just did a few stretches, is all. And good mornin' to everyone here.", Peace answered, as everyone greeted back. "So, what's everybody doing today? Hype and Goldie told me that they're going ta see a movie at the theater.", Peace asked, as Hype and Goldie held hands confirming their plan for today. Applejack spoke. "Well, me an' Rainbow are going ta the basketball game in a little bit.", she said, as Dash said... "It's a charity game, so I figured that we put some bits in for them.", she said, as Peace smiled, knowing they're going with a good cause. Me and Gabby are going to see a movie near here. It's a Power Ponies new movie coming out. Gabby likes Radiance, she's her favorite.", Spike said, as he and Gabby are wearing Power Ponies t-shirts. "Hype and I are going to the mall to get some new clothes before going back.", Goldie said, as Hype nodded. "Been needin' somethin' new since we came to Equestria. Plus, I need some material for some new beats ta make.", Hype said. Peace had some thought, as Glori spoke. "Peace, me and Pinkie are going to a bakery. She wanna teach me some cooking techniques and learn some new recipes when I make dinner for Calm.", she said with a blush, hiding some of her face with her hair. "And to make new recipes for SugarCube Corner and for more parties. It's gonna be great!", Pinkie said, throwing confetti in the air. "Um, me and Sunset are going to the zoo for a while. She likes lizards like her pet Ray and more.", Fluttershy said. "Plus, this is the first time I've ever went to the zoo in the Empire. I like to see how this one is and how many animals they have.", Sunset said. Shining spoke after. "And me, Cadence, Twily, Starlight, and Flurry will go to the new planetarium that was built weeks ago.", he said, as Flurry Heart cooed and giggled while Cadence holds her. "So Peace, what are you and Rarity gonna do today?" Cadence asked them both, as Peace said... "Whatever Rarity wants ta do, I'll gladly follow.", he said with a smile, as Rarity let out an excited giggle. "Well, if it's alright with you, darling, I want to go to the mall, as well. I like to see some clothing designs and have ideas for the future. Plus, have a walk around the Crystal Empire, too. Is that too much?", Rarity said with a worried look, but Peace was still smiling and said... "I'm OK with that, not a problem. Matter of fact..." Peace paused for a moment and finally said... "It's a date." The Elements, along with Goldie and Glori were wide eyed in shock when they heard the word "date" from Peace. Rarity was in shock for a second, but then she giggled happily. "Peace, are you sure? I mean...", Peace held out his hand and said... "I'm over my ex, Rare. Besides, I wanna have my time with you and each of the girls, whether it's here at the Empire, Ponyville, or anywhere in Equestria. It's my way of apologizin' of how I acted that night and bein' a little distant. I wanna make it up ta each of y'all.", Peace said sincerely, and everyone was touched by his words. The know that Peace wants to repay the Elements and his childhood friends for what they did for him. They all smiled, as Flurry Heart giggled, Rarity put her hand over Peace's and said... "Let me put on my best dress for you, darling. It won't take me long. And just know that you're not alone; we care about you like you do of us.", the white Unicorn mare said, as the young Saiyan nodded and sighed in relief. Even though they were a little jealous, the Elements knew that Peace was right, he had plenty of time for them. Two hours later, everyone left the Crystal Castle and went to where they wanted to go. Peace was with Rarity, as she was wearing a black t-shirt with her cutie mark on it, a light blue skirt, and she had her hair in a ponytail. Peace was wearing a black and red cap, a red t-shirt, black jeans, and white and red high tops. They've already bought merchandise from a few stores in the mall, as they are having a lunch break. "Man, I never thought we buy a lot of stuff that was on sale. Some might've thought we brought the store!", Peace said, as he and Rarity laughed while they sat beside each other. "Even though there are some things that are better and more expensive than most, you can't beat other stuff that is on sale at half price. In both of my stores, there are clothes that are brand new half of the price of the new ones here.", then Rarity looked at Peace's gold necklace; a medallion that looks like a number two pencil. Peace noticed Rarity looking at it and said... "It was Mama's pencil. I don't write with it anymore, cuz Mama gave it ta me days before Blueblood killed her. I wanna make a plaque for it, but stuff's so high, even in Ponyville.", and this got Rarity an idea. "Come with me, Peace. I know just a place for a plaque for your mother's pencil.", she took his hand and gently pulled Peace to walk behind her. He didn't know what Rarity was up to, but he kept his mouth shut from asking. A half an hour later, Peace's mama's pencil was in a plaque, as his new medallion was a tiny notebook made out of crystal. Both were free of charge, because the jeweler recognized Peace from his fight with the Diamond Dogs. Peace felt bad about not paying, but the jeweler insist on making both the plaque and medallion. "He did a great job with these! Unicorns have great skills, with or without magic.", Peace said happily to Rarity. "I'm glad you feel that way, darling. Though, there are good and bad unicorns in Equestria, and as you can see, unicorns like me and the jeweler use our magic for good. And ever since me and the girls trained with you, my magic and Element powers gotten stronger. Before coming here, I feel refreshed and reborn!", she said triumphantly, as they sat at a table in front of the mall. Peace had a thought and said... "Ya know, I have a little rhyme for you, Rare. It's not much, but I hope ya like it.", he said, as the white Unicorn mare looked curious. "Oh? Of course, Peace. You can tell it to me.", Rarity said, as Peace cleared his throat and began his poem. "A pony like you is a gem that Rare Your sapphire blue eyes have that diamond flare Your mane and tail reflect the stars, the sun, and moonlight One of the most beautiful mares in sight Your Generosity has no bounds Your voice is like an angel singin' along with the sweetest sounds Your more than a friend, always there, always true Rarity, Element of Harmony, with a beautiful and Generous view.", Peace finished his poem, as Rarity was smiling with tears welling in her eyes. "Peace, that was simply wonderful! Let me--", before Rarity finished her sentence, she and Peace were interrupted by a tall, big muscled, dark blue Unicorn stallion. He had a cockney accent when he spoke to Rarity. "Excuse me, miss, I'd like to take you on a date tonight. What do ya say?", Rarity just gave the stallion a stink eye and said... "Well, I'm sorry, sir, but I'm with this gentleman right now, and we're on a date. So, if you please...", she can already tell that the stallion was rude. He even took the chair out from under Peace and sat on the chair. Peace didn't like that, as he was about to say something, but Rarity held her hand to stop Peace, as the stallion spoke again. "Ya know, we could go to my place and...", he winked at Rarity, but she rolled her eyes, then smirked. "OK, if you can beat me in a fight. If you can get you hands on me, I'm yours. Deal?", this had Peace smirking, as he caught on what Rarity's idea was. The blue stallion smirked back and said... "Oh-ho, you're on, marshmallow cheeks!", he laughed, as they both got up. Rarity stood like a statue but was ready. But the stallion charged at her, but Rarity lit her horn and put the stallion in a magic bubble. She moved him towards the fountain, and as Rarity positioned him there, the bubble disappeared, and he was dropped in the fountain. Every pony and creature laughed at the stallion, and he was very angry. He wanted to do something to Rarity, but he set his sights on Peace. With an evil grin, the stallion walked towards Rarity and stopped a few feet. "I know one way ta get you with me, baby. And that's get rid of the source of my problem!", he ran past Rarity and punched Peace hard, as the Saiyan went through the mall wall, with bricks falling on him. "PEACE!!! YOU FILTHY WRETCH!!!", enraged, Rarity shot a blast at the stallion, but he used teleportation to get behind the white Unicorn mare and wrapped his arms around her, and laughs. "You can't get away now, sweetheart! Now what'll you do?!", without warning, Rarity powered up and sent the stallion back a few yards. The blue stallion didn't have time to react to Rarity knee kick to the gut, as he fell to his knees. Hype and Goldie came out from the mall seeing what everyone is seeing. The stallion laughed evilly, as he got back up. "Well, well, aren't you a feisty minx! The boss is gonna love having you around.", he said, just as Rarity was about to blast him, Hype shouted... "Peace, are you OK?!", they looked and saw Peace was on his feet, looking irked at the Unicorn stallion. "Yeah, Hype, I'm good. But this pony is who I heard Blueblood talkin' about. Flare Star, right? One of Blueblood's assassins.", the stallion, now known as Flare Star, looked at Peace with a sinister smile. "So, ya know about me, huh? Haha, but how do ya know Blueblood?", Peace didn't have time to explain, so he cut to the chase, as Rarity went beside Peace. "You should already know who I am when ya talk ta Blueblood about me.", Peace gave Flare an angry glare, as the blue stallion realized... "Oh, YOU'RE Peace Poet. Heh, the boss said you're my number one target. But you don't look all that tough, even though you beat the Mutts the other day!", Flare was talking about the Diamond Dogs fight with him. Peace said to Goldie without looking at her... "Goldie, let everyone know what's happenin'. They'll feel our power, so they'll just come to the where we at.", Goldie and Hype got out their phones to let Twilight and the others know what's going on. Rarity clung her hand into Peace's, as he held hers back. "On a scale of one ta ten, Rare, how rude was he to ya?", Peace asked, as Rarity's eyes narrowed. "Two words: rude and uncouth! And the way he brushed you off was unacceptable, darling.", she said. "I wholeheartedly agree, and I heard him tryin' ta charm ya, which he had "other" ideas for ya, which is also unacceptable.", Peace said, as he released Rarity's hand. Flare laughed at the Saiyan and said... "I'm fifty times stronger than the Dogs, mate! And I know that you're not tough.", he said to Peace. "You're right, I'm not tough...", as he said that, Flare charged at Peace. But with his power, Peace just blew him away flying. Peace vanished from where he stood and appeared above Flare and thrust kicked him to the ground hard, as Flare made a crater on the ground near a building. Peace looked around seeing if every pony and creature is uninjured, which they were far from where Flare crashed. Then, Hype, Goldie, and Rarity noticed something about Peace. "Peace's power skyrocketed for a few seconds and is faster than he was in the trainin' room yesterday.", Hype said. "Well, whatever training he did before coming here in Equestria, he's a lot stronger than he was on Earth. It's scary, but amazing at the same time.", Goldie said, as Peace landed next to Flare, as he got up trying to shake off the pain and looked at Peace seething. "I'm not tough, but I guess you're not either, huh?", as Peace said that, Flare powered up and charged Peace again. He went for a punch, but Peace dodged the punch and elbowed Flare's cheek. Flare stumbled, as he was ready to shoot an energy blast at Peace, but Peace vanished again and appeared quickly to punt kick Flare out of the Crystal Empire and flew after him. Twilight and the rest showed up, but Peace was gone. How's Peace? Is he OK? His energy went up like my Sonic Rainboom!", Rainbow Dash said. "He seems OK, but that Flare Star is a strong one!", Rarity stated, worrying about Peace. "I can still feel their power. Hang on, everypony!", Twilight said, as she used a teleportation spell to go where Peace and Flare went. They appeared and sees Peace and Flare standing still, while Flare laughs maniacally. "You're definitely strong, boy! But don't get ahead of yourself, cuz you haven't see my full power.", Flare said with a grin, but Peace showed a grin of his own, as he said... "OK... Show me.", and with that, Flare powered up, causing quakes and gusty winds. He had a blue aura surrounding him. Twilight and Cadence put up a barrier to protect everyone. Flare stopped powering up, but Peace was still standing like a statue. He looked back at Twilight and the rest of the group, as she nodded her head. "Shinin', Cadence, this is my transformation I showed the girls earlier.", and with that, Peace turned Super Saiyan right before the Crystal Couples eyes. Flare was in shock, like Cadence and Shining, of Peace's transformation. "Unreal... His power shot up like a cannon! But no matter what, I'll beat him!", Flare said, as Peace shook his head at him. "Nope. I'm not the only one who's gonna punish ya. That bein' said...", Peace looked back at Rarity, and asked... "Would you like ta help me punish him, since he ruined our date?", without hesitation, Rarity stormed of the shield and transformed into her Rainbow power form with her Element. "It will be my pleasure, darling.", she said with a smile, as they both got in their fight stances. Flare was ready too, but then vanished with teleportation. Rarity closed her eyes, inhaled, then exhaled deeply. And then, did a quick reverse kick, as her hoof connected to Flare Star's face, as he reappeared! Trying to regain composure, he tried to punch Rarity, but Peace caught his fist and punched his gut. And for good measure, Rarity shot a magic blast at Flare and blew him away a few yards, as he went unconscious. Both Rarity and Peace powered down and went back to their base forms. Rarity was in shock of how powerful she became. "I never thought that I would be this strong... My magic feels stronger than before.", then Peace put his hand on her shoulder. "Looks like all the trainin' we had when I got here really improved your strength. And not just you, Rarity...", Peace looked at the rest of the ponies, dragon, his childhood friends, and griffon. "Twilight and the rest improved, as well. But let's not train too much and overexert ourselves. Flare was a paid assassin for Blueblood, and I'm pretty sure that he felt not just Rarity's power, but mine, as well. So, he's gonna be pretty pissed about Flare not gettin' the job done. Blueblood's probably gettin' another assassin ta take me out...", as Peace said that, Twilight extinguished the shield and they all walked towards him and Rarity, as Spike carried a still comatose Flare. "We'll be right beside you before anyone else tries to kill you, Peace. I'm not sure that Blueblood had a surveillance spell like Celestia and Luna.", Twilight said, as Peace pointed up and saw a tiny bright light a few feet above them. Peace looked up at the light and smirked at it, like telling Blueblood, "I'm still here." The light explodes, meaning Blueblood was furious that the mission failed. "So, what do we do with this puto?", Glori asked, as they looked at an unconscious Flare Star. "We take him to a hospital. When he wakes up, he'll be going to Tartarus for a long time.", Shining Armor said, as Twilight used teleport to get back to the Empire. At an unknown location, Blueblood was on an island with a hood being. "My apologies, master. It seems that Flare Star has been defeated by the target.", the prince said, as the being huffed and said... "No matter, I see what the Saiyan is capable of. He's even stronger than his parents. You're still on par with him on power, pupil, but with the training I'm giving you, you'll be more powerful than him and the Royal Sisters together. The Grand Master wants us to take over Equestria and the whole world if we play the cards right. The Diamond Dogs are almost done with their training, along with the Flim Flam Brothers. They want their rematch with the Saiyan and the Elements. Plus, I heard that you have a new mare on the side...", the hooded being said, as Blueblood smirked. "Yes, master. We've been seeing each other. Like me, she wants power and fame.", he said with a chuckle, as did the "master". "Well, at least she knows what she wants. Now, go back to training, pupil. Break time is over!", the "master" said, as Blueblood got up to resume his training. Back at the Crystal Empire, hours later, Flar Star regain consciousness and told Cadence, Shining, and Twilight everything, including Princesses Celestia and Luna on Peace Poet being his target. He was not remorseful, so he will be taken to Tartarus by both Crystal and Canterlot Royal Guards, as his horn was covered by a magic lock to prevent him from using magic. Back at the Crystal Castle, it was night and Peace was in his room relaxing on his bed looking at the ceiling thinking about what happened earlier today. He heard a knock on his door and said, "Come in", and Rarity came in wearing only her black robe. Peace looked at her and thought she looked beautiful. Rarity had a worried look on her face while walking towards him. "Peace, are you OK? I noticed your clothes from today were ruined from what happened, so I'll repair them when we get back to Ponyville.", she asked, as she sat on the side of the bed, which Peace got up and sat beside her. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just sorry that our date was ruined by that Flare dude. *sighs* Maybe that's why--", before he could finish, Rarity smacked his chest with an angry look. "Don't. You. DARE blame yourself, Peace Poet! You obviously didn't know that Blueblood hired an assassin to kill you. We all don't want anything to happen to you and we all love you, Peace!", Rarity said half yelling, as tears welled in her eyes. "When you saved me on the first day, I met you when Blueblood was about to hit me, I was amazing on how great a gentleman you are. You're more of a prince than that peon is! Granted, I'm stronger than I was before, but it was because I was with you. You trained me and the girls to be stronger when our next Friendship Mission starts. You helped us grow stronger, but now, we want to help YOU, Peace. When you told us how your love life was back on Earth, I agreed with Twilight and the girls that we want to help you through your heartbreak. You made us stronger, now let us, let ME do the same for you, darling.", with that, Rarity caressed Peace face cheeks with both hands, as her face closer and closer, she kissed him on the lips. Peace was surprised with his eyes widened. He's been kissed on the forehead, on his face cheeks, but this was the first time ever he was kissed on the lips. He wasn't mad nor upset, just surprised. Peace didn't push Rarity away while being kissed, but Rarity broke the kiss to look at Peace's reaction. His mouth was opened, still stunned by what happened. "I'm sorry, Peace. I know I came on too strong, but I just... I just couldn't resist. I hope you can--", before Rarity finished her sentence, Peace got out of his stupor and returned the favor, by not only caressing her cheek, but putting his finger through her hair. He show Rarity a genuine and sincere smile and said... "I forgive ya, Rarity, and thank you for wakin' me up from my heartbreak.", and after that, he gave Rarity a kiss on the lips, as she put her arms around Peace. They kissed for a few minutes until their lips separated. Peace cleared his throat and said... "Not ta ruin the mood, but that was my first kiss.", he said nervously, as Rarity looked at him with a smile and half lidded eyes. "It was my first kiss as well, my Golden Warrior. And I must say, I'm glad it wasn't Blueblood who took my kiss. It felt magical, my darling.", Rarity gave Peace one more little kiss on the cheek, before she got up from her bed and walked to the door with a supermodel like sway to her hips. She looked back at Peace and said... "Goodnight, Peace. And that was a thank you for your poem today. I hope we can do this again in the future.", she said with a wink and exited Peace's room and closed the door. Peace was smiling, as he fell back on the mattress looking at the ceiling. "Wow...! That felt good. Everyone's doin' their best for me here, and Rarity made the first move. Feels good ta be loved...", as he said that, he heard a knock on the door. He said, "Come in", and both Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered the room. "How're ya feelin', partner?", Applejack asked, as Peace sat up. "Feelin' pretty good now.", Peace said, as he saw a sly smile coming from both Dash and AJ's faces. "Well, well, Rares made her first move, huh?", at that moment, Peace saw that they knew what happened in here. "Don't worry, bud, we knew she was gonna kiss ya. You did save her from the douchebag days ago.", Dash said, as Peace breathe a sigh of relief. "Now that y'all know, what brings you two here?", Peace asked, as both ponies had blushes on their faces. Dash spoke first. "Well, um, the girls and our parents knew about "who" we are, so, uh, the both of us are...", seeing that Rainbow was having a hard time to say it, AJ jumped in. "What she's tryin' ta say is, Peace, we're...bisexual...", both Applejack and Rainbow closed their eyes tight, as Peace inhale and said... "OK.", that was it, in a calm and honest voice. They both opened their eyes to see Peace smiling sincerely. "Wow, you took it way better than ex-coltfriend.", Rainbow said with relief, as Applejack studied Peace's face, seeing that he's honestly telling the truth. "Girls, if you're lookin' for a shocked, disgusted, or cringe look from my face, that's only when I feel betrayed or worse. Whether y'all are straight, gay, bi, lesbian, or trans, I'll still like ya the way you really are, cuz you're YOU, the true you. No one would change that.", both are touched by Peace's words, as Rainbow sat on his right side and AJ on his left. "I'm glad we met ya, Peace. Hype was right, you are cool.", Rainbow said, as she gave Peace a fist bump. "You're truly a great person, SugarCube. And we just wanna ask ya this. Would ya wanna go with us tomorrow? If you're not too busy, that is.", AJ asked, as they both wait for Peace answer, which didn't take long. "I be delighted ta go with y'all. It's a date.", showing bright smiles, AJ one arm hugged Peace and got up from his bed, as did Dash, which she patted his shoulder. Both of them said "goodnight" in sync and exited the room closing the door. Peace laid back down on his and had this thought. "So, both of them are bi, meanin' they like both guys and girls. Tomorrow's gonna be an interestin' day and I can't wait. Just hope it has no more assassins.", and with that, Peace closed his eyes and finally went to sleep. In Japony, the girl with light blue hair looked at herself in a mirror touched a button on her bracelet, as she began to change. Still in her clothes, but now she's a white Earth mare. Her chest gotten a little bigger as well, which surprised her of the development. Then, a knock on her door and a voice called her name. "We are ready for you, Princess Oceana Light.", she then held a photo of her younger self and a younger Peace Poet, as he held her in his arms while she sat on his lap. Ocean shed a tear, as she put the picture in her dresser and wiped her tear away. "I'm coming. I'll see my sister and father in a minute.", hoof beats went away, as she got up and head to the door. The only thought Ocean had was. "When I see you again, Peace, I want to apologize. And I know just how to do it. In a few days that'll happen.", she thought, as she exited her room, closing the door. > The Crystal Empire, Day 3: The Day That's Honest and Loyal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the third and final day of being at the Crystal Empire, as everyone was eating breakfast in the dining room. Twilight and the rest of the Elements were look at Applejack and Rainbow Dash with much jealousy, as AJ was sitting on the left side of Peace, and Dash on the right. Rarity did have a day with Peace, but she was still jealous. Although, she knows that each of the girls wants their time with Peace. Shining and Cadence, along with Flurry Heart, entered the dining room. "Good morning, everyone. Wait, where are Spike, Gabby, Hype, Glori, and Goldie?", Cadence asked, as she notice a few people are missing. "They all went out for a mornin' stroll. Gone ta check out more of the sights of the Empire.", Peace asked, which he finished his breakfast. "Glori said she was gonna talk ta Calm Waves, too. I'm glad she found somepony good.", Applejack said, with Peace nodding in agreement. "So, um, where are you three off to after this? Which I hope it's better than yesterday.", Fluttershy asked with a hint of worry in her voice. "There's another restaurant here called the Glacier. Thought we go there and chill out there for a bit.", Rainbow said. Shining went to the three and gave them bags of bits; a hundred each. "I've heard of that place and it's a great place to eat. But the food they got there is expensive, so I gave you some bits to pay for the food. Plus, even though we caught the spy Blueblood hired, we'll have a guard go with you just in case. Can't be too careful.", Peace, AJ, and Dash understood. After the incident, Peace blamed himself for what happened yesterday. Blueblood hired a spy to get to him and was harming his friends. Cadence looked at Peace and saw him looking troubled. "Before you three go, I need to speak to Peace privately. Just give me a few minutes. Don't worry, Peace, you're not in trouble.", hearing that, Peace agreed, as he got up from his seat and followed Cadence and exited the dining room. Twilight looked worried and asked Shining a question. "Shiny, did Peace do something wrong?", the Princess of Friendship asked. "No, he didn't do anything wrong. But Cadence felt something from him.", it took Twilight and the others to realize that Cadence is the Princess of Love. She can sense ki and magic energy, but she can also sense heartbreak. And they all know that Peace's heartbreak was felt the most. Cadence brought Peace to her bedroom, which made him a little more nervous, as she sat on the bed. She motioned Peace to sit beside her, as he did, hesitantly. He didn't sit too close to Cadence, so Peace kept his distance, as she spoke calmly. "Peace, I want to tell you something about me; I'm called the Princess of Love, and it's not just ki energy or magic energy I can sense. I can also sense everypony's heart.", Peace looked at her confused, as Cadence continued. "I can sense all hearts, whether they're in love, filled with evil, jealousy, which is what I sensed from Twilight and the girls...", Cadence said in a monotone voice. "But I can also sense heartbreak, and I feel a lot of it from you, Peace.", he stared at Cadence for a moment, and then Peace started to look at the ground in shame. Cadence called him in a soft and caring voice. "Peace, look at me. Please...?", he did, as he looked at her with tears in his eyes, as Cadence looked at him her own tears, falling from her eyes. She scooted closer to Peace and put her hand on his cheek, caressing it, as he closed his eyes. "Aunt Luna is the Princess of the Night, because she looks at everyone's dreams in the Dream Realm. She told me that your dreams were good at first, and then, tragic with the death of your mother, and a heartbreaking breakup from the one who betrayed you. I know Graceful Blessing, because she trained me to fight like she did with you. I know you love your mother very much, and you want to pay Blueblood back for killing her, but revenge can change anyone, Peace. Trust me when I say that me and Shining don't like Blueblood either, even though he's my cousin, but you, Peace Poet, are better than him in every way. Your heart is broken, but it's pure and good. You've treated Twilight, the Elements, me and Shining with friendship and respect. So please don't blame yourself for not protecting your mom. You were just a child back then.", Cadence said, trying to comfort Peace with assuring and kind words. The young Saiyan spoke in a low, but soft tone. "That's what Pop said ta me after my breakup with my ex. I blamed myself for not bein' strong enough to save Mama or my friends who kept gettin' bullied and keepin' my powers a secret from the world. Pop's, the masters, my childhood friends always tell me never ta blame myself after what happened. I trained physically and emotionally to keep my mind right. You're right, I was a child back then, but what Blueblood did, I can't get it out of my head. I knew he hated me cuz I was gettin' the most attention from Celestia, but I never thought he would take the most important being away from me and Pop. If anything happens to my childhood friends, Twilight and the others, you and your family, I'm afraid of what I'll do ta the one that'll harm any of y'all. That's why I trained with Pop, Mama, and my master's hard to protect the ones that shows me friendship, love, and respect.", Peace finished with a deep sigh, as Cadence gave him a hug. "I'm glad that you're thinking of everyone's safety, especially mine, Shining's, and Flurry's. And we'll try our best to be there for you too, Peace. But one thing that we all don't want is to lose you. I know you're strong and powerful, but don't do anything drastic to your life. Everyone wants you to be there for them. Don't sacrifice too much that's so important to you.", Cadence said, as she broke the hug, but still held Peace's shoulders with her hands. "I truly hope that the girls will heal your broken heart soon. But I think some of your heart's pieces have come back little by little. Twilight has spoken highly of you, Peace. And I'm glad that she was right about you when you and your friends came to Equestria.", the Love Princess said, as she gave Peace a kiss on the cheek, which made him blush, as she giggled. "Let's go back, Peace. They must be worried about you.", Cadence said, as she got up from the bed and held out her hand to Peace, and he took it, as he got up. "Thank ya for the talk, Cadence. I'll try my best ta keep the promise to not sacrifice myself and worry everyone.", Peace said with a smile, as Cadence smiled back and exit the bedroom. Back in the dining room, Cadence and Peace saw that Twilight and the girls were worried. But as they saw Peace smile, they all sighed in relief. Twilight was the first to get up and walked towards Cadence and Peace with a hint of worry. "Is everything alright? Will Peace be...?", Cadence put her hand on Twilight's shoulder to calm her down. "I sensed his heart, but it will take time to heal. I know each of you will heal Peace's heart. Just don't overwhelm him, OK?", Cadence said, as Twilight nodded. The girls agreed, as Peace nodded, as well that he's OK. Applejack asked... "So, SugarCube, where would ya like ta go?", she asked, as Peace answered. "Wouldn't mind goin' back to the mall and see what kind of music they have.", this brought a bright smile to AJ and Dash. "Cool! They have a Hoof Locker there, too. Some ponies are making human shoes, too. You have nice shoes, don't get me wrong, but you might want more than two pair.", Rainbow said, as Peace agreed. "True; after I got laid off from my last job, I couldn't get any more shoes. Though, I have another pair that's special made for trainin', so...", he said, as both AJ and Dash got up from their seats. Starlight spoke to them and said... "Like what happened yesterday, call us if any of you get in trouble. And Peace, don't worry, I heard from the manager of that mall that it's no fault of your own. You can get what you like no charge when you get there.", this brought a sigh of relief from Peace, as he, AJ, and Dash headed out the castle for their date. Minutes later, they got to the mall, and the security has tenfold since that incident. One of the guards looked at Peace gave him a smirk and a nod in respect, as Peace knows that the mall is definitely safer. The trio went in a music store and see that it has CD's, DVD's, Blu-Ray's stereos, cellphones, and other electric appliances. But what shocked Peace was they had a studio booth in the store. "Wow! I knew that Ponyville has its booth, but...", Peace looks at it in awe, as Dash said... "We come here sometime to sing and rap a freestyle. They even put those that are good enough on the radio station. Peace smirked, as he went to the booth, went inside it, pulled out his phone, connect it with the USB port, plug in the aux cord for its speaker system, select a song on his phone, put on the headphones, and started rapping. "This'll be more than sixteen But I can't promise if I keep it clean I can be nice, I can be mean But these bars will catch haters on the scene Equestria, like Earth, a beautiful place As I rhyme like flyin' in outer space Ta be the best like all the rest Unlike a certain prince that can't pass a test Copyin' answers from computers He deserves a whole clip from an updated Ruger Anyways, I'm layin' down laws As some that hate towards me are riding on broken seesaws In a junkyard, full of rat turds Rainbooms and HOOF-STARR fly high like dove birds Crystal Emipre, y'all have an amazin' hospitality A hundred precent, like Dash's Loyalty, true reality Applejack's Honesty is real in my view Glad I came here with many pony and creature crew." There was applause after Peace took off the headphones, as he sees ponies and creatures cheering him on his freestyle. Applejack and Rainbow gave Peace a pat on the back, and his phone was ringing, meaning Twilight and the others are calling or texting him. The manager of the music store came to Peace and said... "That was the greatest freestyle I've heard in a long time, kid! You must be a rap battle champ!", he said excitedly. "Aw, it wasn't my best, bruh. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks.", Peace said honestly, as the manager asked... "Would it be OK if I put this freestyle with on "The Best" category? I have a HoofTube channel that has all freestyles on there.", Peace nodded his head in agreement, as the manager gave Peace, Dash, and AJ some CD's and DVD's for free, and they thanked him, as they left the store. As the trio was about to leave the mall with what they bought, they noticed someone is following them. Dash and AJ looked at Peace and sees his eyes narrowed a bit. Not turning his head, he looked at both of the girls, and they also had suspicious looks on their faces. As they kept walking, Dash said... "Peace, don't do anything when we stop. AJ, you take the bottom, I'll take the top.", Dash ordered, as Peace nodded, as did AJ, both not saying anything. Both ponies disappeared in a flash, and Peace stopped, as did the figure behind him. Peace spoke in a calm tone. "So, how much is Blueblood payin' ya ta get me?", no answer, as the figure felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and sees Applejack, as she had a smirk on her face. He was about to attack, but she kneed him in the gut hard, as he collapsed on the floor and became unconscious. Rainbow came down from above with another figure, which is also out cold. Then, they see the Crystal Guards coming towards them with two more that are out cold. One of the Guards said... "Saw these two sitting outside. We took care of them.", as both Guards lay both figures on the floor. Peace heard a phone ringing and got from one of the figures pockets and answered it. He heard Blueblood's voice on the other line. "Have you took care of the Saiyan yet? I said I'll pay you when you--", cutting Blueblood off, Peace spoke. "Oh, what up, Blue! How's your vacation? I would've bought ya some souvenirs, but you've been an annoyin' prick ta me!", Peace said in a happy tone, as Blueblood spoke in an angry tone. "You know how to annoy somepony back, you--", Peace cut him off again, and this time, in a firm tone. "Just cut the bullshit out, man. You wanna pay a pony or a creature bit ta kill me off, do it yourself, instead of hidin' behind anyone that's braver than a snooty, high-class, "elite", and a cowardly bitch like you. Enjoy you vacay and trainin' the Pups for them ta get stronger. Two Unicorn and two Earth ponies didn't even stand a chance against Rainbow and AJ.", Peace said, and this time, Blueblood spoke with a taunting tone. "Oh, well, you're just like me then; those bodybuilding whores are doing your dirty work for you.", Blueblood started his haughty laugh, as Peace laughed, too. But Peace said... "Who do ya think trained them, dumbass? Plus, unlike you, I like strong women that take care of themselves and depending on a man ta come to their rescue. One more thing, don't ever call my girls whores, man. I know your beef with Rarity, which is definitely stronger than you, and Twilight, and the rest of the Elements. If you got beef with them, you got beef with me. You've seen what happened ta your last man, now at four of the others.", Peace opened video chat on the phone of the stallions that are comatose on the ground with the police and examiners now at the scene. This made Blueblood sweat a bit, but when he looked the other way and then back at the screen, he spoke and said... "Give the Diamond Dogs another crack at you, monkey boy. One week, and then they'll be right at your level. No more hired assassins after you, but you better watch your back!", Blueblood said with a threatening tone. "You got it, pretty boy. Though, I hardly believe you'll keep your word. So, let me say this, if you break your word, the consequences will be critical and fatal. Not a threat, a definite promise. Enjoy your time out, as me and the girls will do the same. See ya back at school.", Peace hung up and gave the phone to the police to look at other data and evidence. Then, he looked at Dash and AJ, as they both had proud smiles on their faces. "So, we're your girls, huh?", Rainbow looked at Peace with a smirk and raised her brow. "Well, not like a property or anything. I said that cuz y'all are special ta me. You treated me with the greatest respect I've ever felt when I came here. Just like my Pop, Celestia, Luna, Mama, and my childhood friends, I felt like I'm not alone. And I wanna thank both of y'all for that.", Peace said sincerely, as both mares wiped tears from their eyes and smiled at him. "SugarCube, I'm really glad ya felt that way. We treat others with respect, an' ya returnin' it greatly.", Applejack said, as she took Peace's hand, and Dash did the same. both ponies were blushing a storm. What you said was cool and...sappy. But I'm glad you came to Equestria, too. So, let's go back home and get ready for tonight.", Dash said, as she and AJ dragged Peace with them. "What do ya mean, 'Get ready for tonight'?", ignoring the question, the mares continued to pull Peace out of the mall, as the Guards and police ponies gathered the other ponies that were hired by Blueblood. Back at the Crystal Castle, Peace, AJ, and Dash got just got there, and Peace was greeted by a tackle hug by Golden Heart. "I'm glad that all of you are safe. Ooh, I'd like to talk to that Blueblood!", Goldie said with an angry pout, as Hype calmed her down. "Well, I did talk ta Blueblood when his goons tried to attack us. AJ and Dash took care of them, along with the other Guards. I didn't do anything, except for gettin' under Blue's skin. They did take the assassins phones for data, messages, calls, and more ta see what Blue said.", Peace explained, as Gabby asked... "Do you think there are more assassins gonna take you out, Peace? Cuz just to let you know, we got your back.", the young griffon said with determination. "She's right, Peace. and we gotten stronger from your training, still have training from Shining and Dad, too. Plus, I've thought of combining pony, dragon, and griffon fighting styles.", Spike said, as an idea struck Peace. "Spike, that's it! Combining fighting styles... That's exactly what I'll do; change my styles a bit!", what Peace said confused everyone, as Hype asked... "What do ya mean by that, bro? You know every martial art style that exist.", still smiling, Peace just said... "Will talk about it later, right now, let's chill out for the evenin'.", Peace said, as he was going to his guest room. Pinkie Pie said one more thing... "OK, then we'll have a slumber party tonight!", that stopped Peace in his tracks, as his eyes had swirls in them, as did Shining, Spike, and Hype. All of the males had one word to say... "Bye!!", they power walked away together, but Cadence, Twilight, Goldie, and Glori ran in front of them. They looked at the boys with sad puppy dog eyes. Peace looked behind them, and the rest of the girls, surprisingly Dash and AJ, had the same sad puppy dog eyes. The boys sighed in defeat, as Shining said... "This is why Sunburst took the night off while one of the maids are foal-sitting Flurry.", he thought, knowing that Sunburst knew about what the girls were planning. "Come on, amigo! You've only been too mine and Goldie's slumber party one time.", Glorious Miracle said brushing her hair from her face. "That was cuz Hype begged me ta stay, and he didn't wanna be the only guy with y'all.", Peace said, squinting at Hype, while smiling nervously. Please, Peace? It would be nice to have you and the guys around.", Fluttershy said, as she has a cute and timid smile on her face. "Dammit! Why they have ta go cute on me? That's my freakin' weakness!", Peace thought, as he made a defeated sigh and said... "OK, ya got me. I only been ta one slumber party, anyways, so...", the other guys nodded dejectedly in agreement. The girls cheered. "Great! But this time, it's not going to be foal friendly.", Rarity said that, and Peace and the guys had one word in thought... "Shit!" Meanwhile in Japony, in a castle, a tall Earth Stallion, light gray, short blue mane and tail, purple eyes, is sitting on his throne looking at the TV screen in shock of what he sees. Alongside him is Ocean Light and her little sister, a magenta Earth foal about twelve, with long strawberry blonde mane and tail, with silver eyes, were also shocked looking at the screen, seeing a recording of Peace Poet and Rarity fighting against Flare Star. "Thank Celestia, Peace is alive!", the stallion said. But what surprised Ocean even more was when Peace's hair went from black to blonde and his eyes went from brown to aqua green. The stallion stood up and spoke again. I never thought that Peace would transform like his father and later mother, and his power towers over both of them! They both trained that young man well!", he said in delight. But then, he looked at Ocean, and his happy demeanor was replaced by a firm one. "Oceanna, I'm very disappointed in what you did to Peace on Earth. Before you, me, and Heaven have a long talk, I will call Princesses Celestia and Luna, along with Peace's father, Thunder Hammer, so we, as a family, will schedule a day to profusely and sincerely apologize for what happened to Peace and his mother Graceful Blessing. And YOU better damn well hope Peace will accept your apology!", the stallion said bitterly, as the oldest daughter stood up and bowed to him. "You have my word, father.", Ocean said with a trembling voice. To Be Continued... > The Crystal Empire, Finale: The Night of Slumber and Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Mini Aurthor's Note: It's gonna be a little spicy. Now, continue reading. * After a day at the mall with assassins trying to kill Peace Poet, things finally settled down...or so Peace thought. All of the girls begged the guys to have a slumber party, and Cadence and the girls, along with the guys, brought in sleeping bags before then. An hour later, Peace, Hype, Spike, and Shining were in their sleep wear. Peace and Hyper Active were in their tank shirts and sweatpants, as were Shining Armor and Spike. Sunburst was watching Flurry Heart for the night, as he dodged-- I mean, had to make sure Flurry was sound asleep. As the boys went in the master den, each of their jaws dropped at the sleepwear the girls were wearing. Rarity was wearing her white robe with black lingerie under the robe. Dash, AJ, Sunset, and Starlight were wearing bed t-shirts with pajama pants. Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight were wearing onesie pajamas. Goldie, Glori, and Gabby wear the same as Rainbow, Applejack, Sunset, and Starlight. And finally, Cadence was wearing a shorter length t-shirt with shorts. And since it was warm in the bedroom, none of the girls, except for Rarity, were wearing bras, and every one of them very well endowed. Fluttershy and Glorious Miracle were the first to get up and took each of Peace's hands and gently pulled him along to join the group. Fluttershy, along with Twilight, Cadence, and Rarity, showing a great amount of cleavage. Gabby and Goldie did the same to pull Spike and Hype to the group, as Shining just walked over to Cadence and sat on the floor next to her. Peace sat between Fluttershy and Glori, Hype with Goldie, and Spike with Gabby, all of the floor. Peace was still nervous, as he looked away from Fluttershy and Glori and just looked up at the ceiling. "Amigo, you have nothing to worry about. It's OK to look; you're among friends here.", Glori said, as giving Peace permission. He slowly nodded and looked at Glori. Her beautiful purple eyes and long ankle length white hair just about covering half her face. And then, the chest area... Peace wanted to stay pure with a clean mind. But his best friends from Earth saw this, and Hype spoke. "Peace, bro, we all know you're a good guy, man. They want you ta look, bruh. It's OK ta have a little bit of a dirty mind, as long as you give them a positive and respectful response.", Peace looked at everyone after what Hype said, and they nodded their heads in agreement. Then, Peace breathes a sigh of relief and looked at Glori's chest and then Fluttershy's, which were much bigger. Peace spoke and said... "Beautiful...", with honesty and sincere, Peace gave Glori and Fluttershy their answer. Glori on the right, along with Fluttershy on the left, leaned on each of Peace shoulders and both smiled and blushed. "Th-Thank you, Peace. You spoke honestly, kindly, and pure.", Fluttershy said. "Si, and always tell us how you feel, amigo. No matter what, we're here for you.", Glori said, as she gave Peace a kiss on the cheek, and Fluttershy did the same. This made Twilight and the rest of the Elements jealous, besides Gabby, Goldie, and Cadence. Cadence's eyes half-lidded and showed an mischievous grin, and turned to Shining to give him a wink, as he winked back for a go ahead, as she crawled towards Peace. Peace was looking at Cadence's cleavage swaying left and right as she crawled with wide eyes. The Love Princess sat in front of Peace and said... "I'm quite curious, Peace, but have you ever seen a naked woman before?", Cadence asked, as Peace gulped and looked down in same. "Well, um, one time in a Playboy magazine when I was ten. Pops was proud, but my aunts and cousins, including Glori and Goldie, was a severely and completely different story.", Peace said nervously, as Glori looked at him with a glare of annoyance, as did Goldie, when she then turned back to Hype. Hype also had a look of nervousness. "Um, I looked at the book with Peace one time, and Goldie didn't talk to me for a week after that. And that was the last time we looked at Playboy magazines!", Hype exclaimed, as Peace nodded in agreement. But to Peace's surprise, Glori and Goldie laughed. "No, no, we're not making fun of you two, you're being loyal to us and kept your word on never looking at books like that again, and it makes me happy to see how honest you are." Goldie said, as gave Hype a kiss on the cheek. "But now that we're older and done looking through each of your rooms back then for those books, you can relax now, Peace. Fluttershy, you told me that you wanted to show Peace more appreciation, right?", Glori asked Fluttershy, and the yellow Pegasus nodded. So, she started to unbutton her pajama top. Peace was going to stop her, but... "Please, Peace, I-I want to do this...", Fluttershy said with a red face, as the girls seeing a once shy mare making such a bold move. Cadence spoke and said... "I talk to the girls before doing this, Peace. As you can see, and not making fun of Glori and Goldie, we're all very well-endowed. And sometimes, Twilight and the rest of the Elements always had stallions and other male creatures looking at them for fame and sex. So, Fluttershy wants to see if she can trust you fully if you want to have sex with her or not.", Cadence explains, as Peace listened. "There are some loyal males in Equestria, but sometimes, even those loyal males show their true colors. You've been very loyal to Twily and the girls so far, so, and apologies in advance, we're testing to see where your loyalty lies.", Shining said, as Peace exhaled and looked at the deep cleavage of the shy Pegasus' bosom. Peace put his arms around Fluttershy's waist, but she gently took his hand and put them on her breast, which are still in the top. Peace was deep red in the face, as was Fluttershy. The young Saiyan looked at Fluttershy's aqua blue/green eyes, while waiting for his answer, which didn't take long. "Well, um, they feel really soft, and my feels like my hand can be absorbed by them. I-I know most guys would just look at you or other girl just for sex, and that's not how love starts. Ya love the person inside and out, even if they have faults, flaws, insecurities, and more.", Peace leans his head to look at Fluttershy in her tear filled eyes and sees her wrinkled smile. "I love you for YOU, Fluttershy, and all of you girls, too. Equally. I'm not perfect, I have flaws, faults, insecurities, and then some. I love Hype, Glori, Goldie, Spike, and Gabby cuz they're like brothers and sisters to me. Cadence, Shinin', y'all are also like bro and sis, too. On Earth, I had ta hide my power, but now, in Equestria, I don't have ta do that The Elements of Harmony Bearers shown me love, friendship, and respect like my fam and friends did on Earth, and if y'all give me time, which will be a short time, I'll return it in full.", Peace said sincerely with a smile, as Fluttershy made a bold move in front of everyone; she gave Peace a kiss on the lips! The Elements had their jaws dropped, thought Pinkie's was dropped deeper, Spike, Shining, Cadence, and Hype clapped and cheered Peace and Fluttershy on. As the two broke the kiss, Peace opened his eyes looking dreamily. Although, his eyes widened when Fluttershy's boobs popped out of her pajama top. Fluttershy noticed and quickly put her boobs back in her top. Rarity, getting jealous, spoke. "And now I have to make new pajamas for Fluttershy. They seem to be getting bigger, as do ours. But I did Kiss Peace first.", Rarity stated, as she grinned, making the rest of the girls jealous. "So that's why ya took so long ta get ta bed, Rarity! Well, me an' Dash went ta Peace after you did.", AJ shot back, fist bumping Dash. Peace look to Hype, Spike, and Shining, they just shook their heads with a smirk that said, "You're on your own", and Peace sighed in defeat. This got Fluttershy to hug Peace's arm and said... "Well, Peace felt my boobies, and I know he liked it. Didn't you, sweetie?", the once shy Pegasus said boldly with a smug look on her face. "Uh-oh, Flutterbitch has returned.", Sunset said, with a new nickname for "New Fluttershy". "Remind me to "thank" Iron Will for his lessons later.", Twilight said in a low voice. Cadence spoke to Peace and said... "Don't worry, Peace. They get like this every time when a herd master comes around. There were three before you and they were near as great as you.", when Peace heard the words "herd master", he knew that he has to make sure to make Twilight and her friends happy. And with a smile of determination on his face, he'll do his best to make that promise to come true. Shining Armor looked at Peace from afar and sighs in relief that he can trust him with his sister Twilight. As he and Cadence looked on to see the Elements arguing in a fun way, along with the rest, Shining said... "You think he'll propose to Twily and the rest in the future?", Shining asked Cadence. "Maybe, but it's still too soon to tell. We can only hope that Peace enjoys his life in Equestria.", Cadence said, as she gave Shining a short kiss, as they looked on at Peace and the others having fun. The next day was in the early morning, as everyone was ready to go back to Ponyville to get ready for school again. They were at the railroad station as they were about to say goodbye to Cadence, Shining, Flurry Heart, and Sunburst. "I'm sorry for not being there for the activities, but Peace gave me the recipes for the Senzu Beans he brings from Earth. So, I thought I make some here.", Sunburst said apologetically, as Starlight raised her hand. "It's alright, Sunburst, as long as you don't make them for Blueblood and his goons and just for the Crystal Guard and others.", Starlight said reassuring, as Sunburst sighed in relief. They all hugged and thanked the Crystal Couple for their stay for the weekend. Shining and Peace shook hands and Shining said... "Keep being who you are, Peace. Don't let anyone change who you are and what you do.", Shining said. "Wouldn't change if I could, Shinin'. And don't worry, I promise to be there for Twilight and the rest of the girls equally.", Peace said and Shining smiled hearing that pulled Peace in a bro hug. Then, Cadence walked up the Saiyan holding Flurry Heart, as the foal smiled and cooed at Peace. Cadence gave Flurry to Peace to hold her, as he gave her a kiss on the forehead and Flurry squealed and giggled. "Cute and adorable, like her mama and aunt.", Both Cadence and Twilight smiled and blushed at Peace's words. He gave Flurry back to Cadence, as the Love Princess gave Peace a kiss on the cheek, as he blushed. "Like Shining said, Peace, don't let anyone change who and what you are. Stay strong and lovable for everyone.", Cadence said, as Peace nodded. The Crystal Express pull up and everyone got on the train saying goodbye. The train pulled away, as Shining and Cadence sigh in relief. "Peace really is a nice guy, Cady. But now we have to go to Canterlot to talk to Princesses Celestia and Luna about a princess that just returned to Equestria in 3 days.", Shining said. "Yeah, and she came from the same universe where Peace and his friends are from. I have a feeling, Shiny, and I don't like this feeling." Cadence said, as the train with Peace and everyone get further and further in the distance. With a look of worry on her face, Cadence, along with Shining, also with a worried look, is concerned about Peace Poet.