> Learning is Magic: The Beginning > by lyramei > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Very Important Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Island Skies ran. "I'm LATE for class! Oh no!" he exclaimed with a hint of anguish in his voice. He passed by a couple of students, who snickered at his facial expressions. Island didn't see their smirks and continued running until he reached his classroom. When he finally did, his students stared at him, expressionless. "Umm, Mr. Island?" called Sweetie Hearts, one of his star students. "You have a little something in your mane." Island quickly used his Unicorn magic to remove all the twigs and leaves that had nestled in his mane from trampling across the school grounds earlier. "Thank you, Sweetie. Now, class, we will begin with our lesson for today: on the history of friendship in Equestria!" Students groaned. Island sighed. History wasn't always an enjoyable topic for every student. Island grabbed his textbook and began to read out loud. "Many moons ago, Celestia and Luna wielded the Elements of Harmony..." A few chapters in, there was a knock on his classroom door. "Mr. Island Skies?" called Root Pop, one of the superintendent's assistants. "Superintendent Starry Night is here to see you," he said. Island closed his textbook. "Oh? Okay, I will be right there," He turned to his students. "Continue reading your textbooks. I expect that you be an expert on this chapter by next class. Homework is written on the board," said Island. He heard a few sighs, but he didn't bother lecturing them again on the importance of learning in school. Island galloped quickly across the sidewalk to where Superintendent Starry Night was standing. "Superintendent!" exclaimed Island, bowing down. Superintendent Starry Night laughed. "Classic Island. You do not have to bow every time you see me. I have something important to tell you." Island was excited. "What is it?" "Starting tomorrow, I have requested that you leave Canterlot Preparatory Academy and start a new job at Ponyville Middle School." Island's jaw dropped in shock. "WHAT!? Why Ponyville, of all places?" "I would like you to learn about something that you would greatly benefit your life in a positive way... friendship," explained the superintendent. "But I know a lot about friendship! I'm currently teaching its history to my class!" Island protested defensively. The superintendent shook her head. She knew that the spontaneous history teacher didn't have many friends. Nopony wanted to talk to him. "I believe that experiencing friendship and making new friends will help you greatly, both in your career and life. I highly suggest you start packing; you leave Canterlot for Ponyville tomorrow," she said calmly. "But what about my class?" asked Island. "Don't worry, I've already hired a replacement history teacher for you," assured the superintendent. "Remember, the carriage picks you up at your house early the next morning!" "Yes, Superintendent." That night, Island couldn't sleep. He still couldn't believe he was going to Ponyville. Even worse, he wasn't ready for such a big transition to a small town! For friendship? Island scoffed. He had already finished packing; but his heart wasn't ready to move yet. Ridiculous. Friendship? Or am I not as good at it as I thought? An hour later, Island fell asleep. > Bright and Early > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Island! It's time to wake up!" called Ember, his dragon assistant. Ember was a distant relative of Spike, Princess Twilight Sparkle's number-one assistant. "Ember, if only I could fake sick and all that..." said Island drowsily. "Nope, nope, nope. Superintendent's orders! Why are you so hesitant?" asked Ember. "Because... because... I'm not ready! I don't want to go to Ponyville! But apparently the superintendent says I'm not good at friendship, so..." Island turned away, tears welling up in his eyes. He had a reputation for being strict and tough-as-nails; not a cry-foal. He didn't even want his own assistant to see him cry. "I'm a failure," whispered Island. "No! Don't say that," said Ember, who gave her friend a hug. "Just try, okay? Moving is hard. But who knows, you might end up loving it!" Island smiled. He was glad to have a loving dragon assistant who doubled as a best friend. Just then, a carriage pulled up to take Island and Ember to Ponyville. Ember loaded Island's stuff into the carriage and jumped in. "Come on, Island!" she coaxed. Ember extended her claw, to which Island's hoof slowly took it. The carriage began to lift off the ground. In a few seconds, Island and Ember were in the clouds. "Bye, Canterlot," said Island sadly. Ember took his hoof. A few minutes later, the carriage landed near Ponyville Middle School. Island brought his stuff out and sighed. Ember, on the other hoof, loved the vibes of Ponyville Middle. "I am so glad this place is not a super-strict-no-fun academy!" exclaimed the dragon. Island slowly trudged his way to the school's office. "Mr. Island Skies?" asked the office clerk. Island nodded. "Ah, welcome! You will be a part of Team 7C. Let me show you to your classroom. Follow me!" said the clerk cheerfully. The clerk led Island past a few hallways until they reached a classroom. Island found a class full of smiling faces inside. "Welcome, Mr. Island Skies!" the class exclaimed. The clerk laughed. "They will be a fraction of your team students," she explained. "I'm off. Bye!" A student, Cupcake Swirl, came up to Island. "Hello, I'm Cupcake Swirl. Welcome to Ponyville Middle!" She extended her hoof. Island stretched his hoof out slowly and shook it. "Hello, class. I am Mr. Island Skies and I will be your new Social Studies teacher," said Island. The class got excited and greeted Island enthusiastically and energetically, with a variety of greetings ranging from hoof bumps to jokes. Island was so not used to this. Students at CPA aren't like this, he thought. As the energy level increased, Island became more and more frustrated. Anger began to build up inside of him. "QUIET!" he yelled once he couldn't take it anymore. The class froze with fear and trudged back to their seats. "I'm sorry, but students aren't like this at CPA! They don't get out of their seats when the teacher doesn't excuse them! I am so disappointed that the superintendent sent me to this small-town school where everything is downright rowdy!" "The superintendent sent you here and you... don't want to be here?" asked a student named Minty Drops. "No! Moving is hard for me. I'd rather be at CPA where students are refined and teachers are strict! Why did the superintendent send me here to learn about friendship? Ridiculous. Why?" exclaimed Island with frustration. "Anyway, take out your textbooks and put your homework on my desk now! We are going to be doing a lecture on the history of friendship in Equestria!" The class moaned. > Elements of Friendship? Nah. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bell rang. Island's students scrambled out the door. At the same time, five other ponies came in. "Hello, may I help you?" asked Island. The first pony shook Island's hoof. "Hi, Island Skies! I'm Caramel Math. It's so great to have you on our team. Yay! Now, you're probably wondering who they are. That stallion is Bookworthy, the glamorous one is Sunset Mint, the one reading is Feather Inkwell, and the shy mare over there is Lilac Wishes," he said at about a thousand words per second that Island got dizzy and couldn't understand him. "Uh, hi, Caramel. Hi, everyone," said Island nervously. "So, you guys are the Team 7C I'm supposed to be working with?" "Yes, we are!" said Lilac Wishes, a Pegasus with long, silky hair. "Welcome!" Definitely not so shy, Island noted. "I heard you came from Canterlot Prep. I've always wanted to live in Canterlot! The amour, fashion... what's it like to be living there? I am so jealous of you!" exclaimed Sunset Mint, a unicorn with a high ponytail who wore shiny accessories and top-edge fashion clothes. Island stared at Sunset. "Actually, I haven't been out much," he said nonchalantly. Sunset's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "How could you NOT?!" She shook her head in disbelief, almost whacking Island in the face with her long ponytail. "It's great to have you, Island," said Feather Inkwell, an Earth pony who wore glasses with black frames and carried the book Equestria's Tale of Two Ponies in her hooves. "Thanks, I guess," said Island. "So... since we heard that you were coming today, Caramel got extra excited and hired a substitute to throw a welcome party for you," said Bookworthy, a Pegasus stallion. Island couldn't believe it. "Did you just tell me he SKIPPED CLASS? To throw a party for me?" Sunset nodded. "Oh my goodness. If you were at CPA, you would be fired. But thank you, Caramel. It means a lot to me that you stopped and did all this for me, I guess," said Island. "Well, what are you waiting for? Your party awaits!" Caramel squealed. Island sighed. He was going to have to adjust to the carefree ways of Ponyville as opposed to the strict, refined, upper-class ways of Canterlot. Island followed his new team to the cafeteria. When they got to the building, the lights were off. Island couldn't see nor hear a thing; it was pitch-black silence! "Hello? Hello? Caramel? Sunset? Is anypony here?" A second passed, then... "SURPRISE!" yelled Caramel. "Welcome to Ponyville Middle, Island Skies! Enjoying your party so far?" Lilac giggled. Island, still not used to having ponies yell into his eardrums, brushed Caramel aside. "Wow. This is... amazing, I guess," said Island. Caramel cut a piece of cake and handed to him. "Try it! It's chocolate mint cheesecake. Your favorite! I made it myself," he beamed proudly. Island stared in shock and disbelief. "How did you know my favorite was chocolate mint cheesecake?" he asked suspiciously. Caramel shrugged. "Just a hunch!" Island shook his head. All of Team 7C sat down. "So, let's get to know each other," suggested Lilac. "How about we each share our name, the subject we teach and something we enjoy doing?" The team nodded in agreement. "Ooh! Me! I want to go first!" exclaimed Caramel. "My name is Caramel Math, and I teach math, of course! I love playing jokes and pranks on students and teachers. I can't live without socializing and playing PonyMon Go!" "Hahaha! He's a ball of energy. Anyways. My name is Lilac Wishes, and I'm the science teacher on the team. I love photography, nature, and singing!" Lilac sang a few notes, and a few birds came to her and perched on her hoof. Caramel nudged Island. "She's a real princess, yeah? Oh, she still can't get parts of The Mare of the Night aria right." Lilac heard his comment and glared. "I'm still working on it!" Feather Inkwell cleared her throat. "Hi, my name is Feather Inkwell, but you can drop the 'feather' part. Just Inkwell is fine. I'm the language arts teacher. As you probably can tell, I love reading," said Inkwell, holding up a book. "Have you ever read The Horseback of Notre Dame? It's amazing. How about The Adventures of Don Draconequus? Disclaimer: Don is nothing like Discord," she explained. Sunset shook her head. She knew that Inkwell was going to ramble on and on about books she read again. "Inkwell, mind pausing for a bit? Hello, I'm Sunset Mint. I teach special education math and I enjoy fashion, if you couldn't tell," she said with a toss of her mane. "Don't call her weak. She may be a lady, but she also lifts weights," whispered Lilac. "She's even qualified for the national tournament in Appleloosa!" Sunset winked. "Yes, yes, I have. Wish it was in Manehattan though." "Oh! I guess that leaves me," said Bookworthy. "My name is Bookworthy. I teach special education language arts, and I love sports. That's all. Nothing too interesting." He shrugged. Island started to open up to his new coworkers. These ponies are cool, he thought. "Hello, my name is Island Skies and I teach social studies. I don't have a lot of hobbies, but I love reading about history and also watching the Pony Wars movies," said Island. "Oh my gosh! I'm a Pony Wars fan too!" exclaimed Lilac. Island smiled. "Now that you've got to know us a little more... let's have some CAKE!" yelled Caramel. Smiling from eye to eye, Team 7C picked up their cheesecake and started to eat. > Open Up Your Eyes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team 7C talked and laughed through lunch. Island felt amazing. He had never had that much fun in years! Maybe living in Ponyville wasn't so bad after all. Maybe it really was time to give up the strict, refined Canterlot lifestyle. But most importantly: Island was starting to make friends. "Annie Apple awoke and accidentally ate an auburn azalea!" recited Caramel in a crazy manner. The team burst out laughing. Lilac was giggling so hard that she almost fell off her chair. "I'm telling Big Mac you said that!" said Inkwell teasingly. That only made Lilac laugh even harder. "Big Mac's never gonna let you hear the end of it! HAHAHA!" she giggled. Island stood up to get a drink. He saw a bowl of red punch, and ladled a spoonful of it into his cup. When he came back to sit with the others, Caramel snickered. Island raised an eyebrow. Sunset turned away from Island so that he wouldn't see her smirk and widened eyes. "What? Is something wrong?" asked Island skeptically. "Nope! Not at all," said Caramel as he tried to change the topic. The truth is, he had actually replaced the strawberry punch with a bowl of hot tabasco! He did it as a welcome prank for Island. "As I was saying... ANNIE APPLE AWOKE AND ACCIDENTALLY ATE AN AUBURN AZALEA!" he recited once more, this time a million words per second while doing a crazy dance. Team 7C all laughed so hard their bellies got sore. "Caramel! One more time and I'm telling Big Mac!" exclaimed Inkwell through a fit of laughter. Island, being very thirsty, began to gulp the hot sauce down, thinking that it was punch. A smirk began to form on Caramel's face. "Chimicherry cherrychanga chungus draconequus!" yelled Caramel. As he said it, Island began to feel the heat of the tabasco. His face turned red until it got to the boiling point. Island screamed. "CARAMEL MATH!" Steam exploded out of his ears. "Did you like it? That was your welcome prank! Every time a new teacher joins 7C, I throw a welcome prank for them!" Caramel smiled. Island didn't say anything. He was still trying to cool down. "Island?" asked Caramel. "NO! I don't like this! Ponyville has been full of pranks ever since I got here! I don't want to be here anymore," yelled Island. He galloped away. "Island! Island!" called Caramel. Island Skies was still fuming. "Ember! Where are you?" "Coming!" called his assistant. "I don't want to be here anymore, Ember," said Island. "Why? What happened?" asked Ember. Lilac caught up to Island. "Hey, Island," she began, "Are you okay? Do you need me to come with you?" "Nope, nope, nope. I'm fine on my own," said Island nonchalantly. "About earlier, Caramel is very sorry. He didn't know that you would be upset by the prank," explained Lilac. "Actually, we all are. We should have stopped him, but instead we all laughed," she said sadly. Ember stopped. "Island, why didn't you accept that prank? Sometimes it's good to laugh with your friends. That's a way of having fun," said the dragon, winking at Lilac. Island turned around. "Here, let me help you with your stuff," offered Lilac. "Thank you," whispered Island. Lilac smiled. The two ponies walked together towards Island's classroom. > Friendship Formula > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you, Lilac," said Island as they reached his classroom. Lilac put Island's bags down. "Of course! I want you to feel welcome. Especially now that I know the fact that your dragon friend told me you didn't want to move here." Island glared at Ember, to which the dragon responded with a sheepish grin. "Some dragon doesn't know what is acceptable to be shared, huh?" asked Island, hinting at Ember. "Now, don't be hard on Ember! You should be thanking her. We need to take your feelings into account so that you can enjoy your new life in Ponyville! Trust me, I know. Moving is hard. So, what are you up to next?" asked Lilac. "I'm planning on doing a research report on friendship. To prove to the superintendent that I'm an expert at it," said Island with confidence. He walked over to the classroom bookshelf and found a textbook, The History of Equestrian Friendship Magic. "Oh! Well, in that case, I won't bother you. If you need me, just call me via the classroom phone. My room number is on the directory," advised Lilac. "Bye, Island! Have a nice day!" Island waved goodbye. "Now, Ember, I need to make this report as amazing as possible. I need to make it look like the title of Princess of Friendship could be passed on to me!" Ember rolled her eyes. "Come on, Island, I'm pretty sure she didn't ask you to write an excessive report. Her motive was for you to experience friendship!" "Exactly! I need to experience the magic of friendship... by going to the Everfree Forest and measuring friendship levels at the treehouse!" Island held up a small machine. "I built the Friendship Meter," he explained. "It can test how much friendship still remains at the site!" "Uhhh... Island? I don't think you get it. And did you just say that you're going to the Everfree Forest? I think you need some pony to come with you," Ember began. Island shook his head. "Come on, I think the rest of Team 7C should go with you," protested Ember. "No, no, no! I don't want to put any of their lives in danger! I would never forgive myself if something happened to them. It's better for me to go alone," said Island as he began to pack things for his journey to the Everfree Forest. "But-" Ember began. It was too late. Island had already galloped off. Worried, Ember exclaimed, "I gotta go tell the others! Operation Rescue Island Skies is underway." Ember studied the staff directory plastered onto the classroom wall by Island's desk. She then dialed each teacher's number and asked them to meet her in Island's room. Within a few minutes, the rest of Team 7C arrived. "WHAT?! Island went to the Everfree Forest ALONE?!" exclaimed a shocked Caramel. "Oh no! Does he know his way around?" asked Lilac. Ember scoffed. "He THINKS he knows his way around. But who knows? That's why I organized this rescue mission. We need to bring Island back to Ponyville before something bad happens to him! Who's with me?" "We can't let Island fall to the dangers of the forest," said Inkwell. "I've read lots of adventure novels with dark forests. It's very dangerous!" Sunset agreed. "Whatever we do, we need to make sure Island is safe. We will show him that we care about him. We will face the dangers with him. He won't be alone. As a team, we're stronger together!" exclaimed Lilac. All of Team 7C nodded. "Then, let's go!" > Rocky Roll Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team 7C stood at the edge of the Everfree Forest, where the cheerful and vibrant Ponyville was separated from the mysterious and dark woods. "Ummm, do we have to go in there?" asked Lilac. "Lilac, I can't believe that you're scared of going even though you were the one giving the pep talk," said Sunset. "Stop biting your hooves! You'll ruin your hooficure!" she scolded. Inkwell held a bag full of supplies. "I came prepared with flashlights, food, and a bunch of other stuff," she informed the team. "Whatever we do, we have to stay together." "Can I hold on to your hoof?" asked Lilac, still scared. Inkwell smiled and hugged her. After a few seconds, the team slowly made their way into the dark Everfree Forest. Lilac continued to hold onto Inkwell's hoof. "It's okay," Inkwell assured her. Team 7C was still navigating the spooky forest when they heard a voice. "A few more steps to the remains of the Tree of Harmony," it called out. Ember's eyes widened. She stopped the group. "Did you hear that?" "Hear wh-wh-what?" Lilac stuttered. "I think Island is around here somewhere. I heard him saying something about looking for the Tree of Harmony," said Ember. "The voice came from... there!" Ember pointed ahead. The team gingerly moved closer. Island's voice came closer. "That way! I see the stairs," he said to himself. Once the team was only a few hoof-steps away from Island, Ember called his name. "Island Skies?" Startled, Island turned around. "Ember?" The dragon nodded. "Sunset, Bookworthy, Caramel, Lilac, and Inkwell! What are you all doing in the Everfree Forest? Ember, I told you to not let them tag along!" Island shook his head in frustration. "No, we needed to come with you. We will face the dangers together," stated Inkwell. "This is my research project, and I'm going to work on it without putting the lives of my coworkers in danger!" screamed Island. Just then, a mysterious voice entered the conversation. "Well, aren't you the ideal Princess Twilight as a unicorn?" The team turned towards Caramel, who was known for making weird impressions. "Why are you looking at me? I didn't!" protested Caramel. "Well, then who did?" asked Island skeptically. "Show yourself!" A creature began to materialize in front of them, revealing Equestria's most well-known draconequus. Team 7C gasped. "Discord! What are you doing here?" asked Inkwell, who narrowed her eyes. "I sure do hope you don't make Island's research project harder for him with chaos magic!" Lilac glared at Inkwell. "How rude of you to begrudge Discord like that! He's reformed now, isn't that right?" asked Lilac. Discord nodded. "I forgot your name, but you strongly remind me of my pony Fluttershy," he noted. "My name's Lilac," she introduced herself. "And that's Island, Caramel, Sunset, Inkwell, and Bookworthy. Oh, that dragon over there is Ember." "Hello, Lilac. I heard your friend here wants to get to the Tree of Harmony. Mind if I help?" offered Discord. "NO!" Inkwell protested just as Lilac exclaimed, "Yes!" Lilac glared at Inkwell again. "Please! Inkwell, why don't you and the others trust Discord? He's just trying to be a good friend. Go on now, Discord," said Lilac. "Yes, that is right. Oh, woe is me," sighed Discord, glaring at Inkwell and Island. "But yes, I can magically send you to the remains of the Tree of Harmony," he offered. Inkwell opened her mouth to protest when Lilac said "Thank you." Sunset and Island both rolled their eyes. "Fine." With a snap of Discord's claw, Team 7C and the reformed draconequus disappeared. > Crumbling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Within seconds, Team 7C and Discord were overlooking the ruins of the Tree of Harmony. Island, Caramel, Sunset, Inkwell, and Bookworthy wore expressions of shock on their faces. Lilac smiled. "See? Discord was just trying to be a good friend," she said calmly. "Well, my apologies, Discord," began Inkwell. "I guess we all underestimated the fact that you-" Suddenly, the ground began to crumble. Island, Bookworthy, and Sunset were about to fall to their deaths; into the jaws of a hungry bugbear! "saved us... DISCORD!" finished Inkwell. Team 7C glared at the draconequus. Discord looked hurt. "It wasn't me, I swear! My magic is not working properly today," the draconequus explained with a sheepish grin. "DISCORD! Whatever your excuse is, you're putting our lives in danger," Sunset retorted. "It was an accident. I-" Discord began. Lilac looked coldly at Sunset. "Sunset, please try to be understanding. Accidents happen. Discord, like all of us, is not perfect but has well intentions," she scolded. Sunset raised an eyebrow. Inkwell touched Lilac's hoof. "You know what, Lilac? I think Discord IS telling the truth. I know he didn't mean for this to happen." She turned to Discord. "My apologies, Discord. I should have trusted you earlier," said Inkwell. Discord smiled. "Now, let's save your friends, shall we?" Sunset tried to hold on to the about-to-crumble rocks. "Hurry... up... my hooficure... and myself is about to FALL INTO THE JAWS OF A BUGBEAR!" Inkwell thought for a moment. "I know how to save you three ponies. Listen to me: Let go." Island, who tried his best to cling onto the rocks, rolled his eyes. "Are you CRAZY?" "No, I am not. Lilac, you can go tame the bugbear and then fly in to rescue them," Inkwell explained. Discord laughed. "You know, Inkwell, you are an awful lot like Applejack," he said. Inkwell raised an eyebrow. "Really?" The draconequus shrugged. "I read a lot of their friendship journal entries." Island shook his head. "No. I will not let go," he protested. "I don't want to become a bugbear's dinner!" Inkwell winked at Lilac. Lilac flew down and comforted the bugbear, who immediately took a liking to her. Sunset and Bookworthy let go at Inkwell's cue, but Island did not. "Come on, Island. Trust me. It's the only way you'll get to safety." Island hesitated at first, but he finally let go. He screamed until Lilac caught him and brought him back to safety. "It... really DID work," said Island. "Thank you, Inkwell. You too, Lilac." "See? It was just a matter of truth," said Inkwell. "You know where I got this survival skill?" Island was curious. "Where?" "Inkwell was a Filly Scout in elementary and middle school. That's why she knows how to survive in the Everfree Forest," explained Sunset. "She is correct. Being a Filly Scout helped me grow as a pony." "Thank you for saving my life again," said Island. Inkwell smiled. "It's just a matter of the truth." Sunset, who had been brought to safety along with Bookworthy, shook her head. "I look absolutely horrendous!" Her ponytail began to fall apart, along with her top being scratched. "You're fine, Sunset," assured Inkwell. She had dealt with Sunset's fashion tantrums on more than one occasion. "Love the mane-do, by the way." Lilac nodded. "You really do think so?" Sunset pulled out her hoof-mirror. "Hmmm... not bad! For a surviving-in-the woods mane style, anyway. I think I can live with this," she said. Team 7C laughed and began the next leg of their journey. > Firefly in the Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although they had approached the ruins of the Tree of Harmony, Discord had to transport them somewhere else to avoid the bugbear; hence they had to take another route to go back. Inkwell and Discord were talking about The Adventures of Don Draconequus. "No way! Don seems like quite the interesting draconequus," Discord laughed. "I know, when I first picked up this book, I thought about you," admitted Inkwell. "But now that I've read it, I've gotten to know about how a draconequus can have multi-faceted personalities! How would you feel about reading this book?" she asked Discord. "Well, um, reading's not my thing, actually..." began Discord. "I can't sit still and concentrate." "How about I come over to your Chaosville house to read it out loud?" suggested Inkwell. Discord hesitated and bit his claw at first, then nodded. "Great!" "Anypony? Help us! We're lost," a stallion's voice called in the distance. "Did anyone hear that?" asked Lilac. "It sounds like someone calling for help!" The lost traveler continued calling for help. "Are you lost?" asked Lilac. "We're just right around the corner. Can you see us?" The traveler and his wife looked around until they saw Lilac and Team 7C. "Hello, sorry to bother you. We're from Baltimare and we came to the Everfree Forest to study nature. But we're lost and don't know the way out!" he exclaimed. "To be honest, we're lost too," admitted Lilac. "We're looking for the Tree of Harmony." "Hold up a second! Are you walking through a dark forest? With no flashlight?" asked Sunset. The traveler couple nodded. "Why in Equestria would you do that?" Sunset took one of her firefly crystal earrings and pulled the gleaming gem off. She then took a stick and used vines to tie the gem to it. "There. Your very own flashlight." Sunset handed it to the travelers. "Thank you, that's very kind of you-" began the husband. Sunset cut him off. "One more thing. Are you hungry?" "We haven't ate yet," the wife admitted. Sunset turned to Ember and extended her hoof. "They're hungry," she told the dragon. Ember, who was eating Spike and Ike candy, picked up a berry off the ground and handed it to the wife. "EMBER!" Sunset scolded. "Fine," Ember pouted as she handed the rest of her candy to the travelers. "Here you go. I'll ask Spike to send me more later." The husband ate a piece of candy. "Thank you, uhh, miss, I don't know how I'll ever repay your generosity!" Sunset shook her head. "No, no, no. Don't repay me. Everyone should give to those in need! I tell you, keep all the stuff I gave you. I'm not expecting them to be returned," she offered. The wife gave Sunset a hug, then waved at Team 7C as they began to set off. "Wow, Sunset, that was nice of you... but you gave up your very expensive firefly crystal earring!" exclaimed Island, who was still shocked. "Island. Helping others is more important than preserving things for my own benefit," explained Sunset. She crossed her hooves and glared at Island. "Do I look like a selfish mare to you?" "No, no, it's just that... I wish I could do something like that, too," admitted Island. Sunset smiled. "Everyone has a spark of charity in them," she said. Discord, who was listening to their conversation, laughed. "You know, Sunset, don't you feel that you're an awful lot like Rarity?" "I am my own pony," declared Sunset. "No two ponies are alike. But I'm not going to lie; I do admire Rarity's generous spirit and style," she admitted. "Really? Even though she's a bit stuck-up?" asked Discord? Sunset glared. "Hey! Don't talk about Rarity like that!" Discord shrugged, then stopped at a horrifying sight. A cockatrice was on the loose! "Oh, look what we have here." > Ponies Just Want to Have Fun > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cockatrice hovered over Team 7C and Discord. "Everyone, turn away! Don't stare into its eyes!" yelled Island. Team 7C all did as he instructed. Discord glared at the cockatrice. "Please!" begged the cockatrice. "I don't mean any harm. I guess, because of my nature, I'll never have anyone appreciate me," it said sadly. Tears began to fall down Lilac's cheeks. "What about..." began Caramel, "a COCKATRICE APPRECIATION PARTY?!" He turned around. "Caramel! No!" screamed Inkwell. Caramel didn't turn to stone, surprisingly. "Hi, I'm Caramel. And you are..." The cockatrice smiled. "Clara. Clara Cockatrice," she said. "Wow, you're the first pony to ever stop and talk to me. I want to tell jokes to ponies, but they keep running away because of my stone abilities." Clara hung her head. "WHAT!? Come on! You know what? Let's tell jokes to each other," suggested Caramel. "You're not going to turn me to stone, are you?" Clara shook her head. "Great! Let me start. How do you describe a pony who's as funny as a snake?" asked Caramel. "Hey! That was my joke!" interjected Discord. "HISS-terical!" exclaimed Caramel. Clara laughed. "Hahaha! That's a good one. How about this one? What do you call an unicorn that studies fashion?" "I know! A fashion-corn!" Caramel laughed. Clara shook her head. "Nope. I don't know, but she sure was a rarity!" Both of them laughed. Sunset even giggled. Caramel called out to his team. "See? Give a cockatrice a second chance! Sometimes, all they want is to share a laugh," he explained. Inkwell slowly turned around and pointed at Caramel. "I was thinking we have a little reading session. You know, The Adventures of Don Draconequus has some amazing jokes in it," she said as she pulled out the book from her saddlebag. "Here we go. What sound does a draconequus make?" Clara, Discord, and Caramel shrugged. "A draconequus bleats like a goat!" "Hey! I don't! Well, I do have to admit that I have the vanity of a goat." Discord bleated like one, which sent Team 7C and Clara into hysterics. "I love that book! I love your jokes! Where can I find more?" asked Clara. "Clara! You have the potential to make ponies laugh. I feel that everyone should be able to not judge you and enjoy your amazing jokes!" exclaimed Caramel. "I shall go ask Pinkie Pie to help you throw a cockatrice joke party when we return to Ponyville!" "Really? You'd do that for me?" asked Clara, excited. "Of course! Laughter is important in the lives of everypony. I enjoy making my students laugh because they deserve humor and happiness," explained Caramel. "So, I think you should make every pony laugh by making your jokes known to all of Equestria!" "How about if I wrote a joke book and performed comedy acts all across Equestria?" asked Clara. "That's perfect! I'll make sure everyone loves them both," promised Caramel. Discord raised a claw. "I have one comedy act for you to use." With a snap of his claw, he turned Clara into a cockatrice in an orange costume. "Orange you glad I know this?" Team 7C laughed. "Wow, Caramel! I didn't know cockatrices were full of humor," giggled Lilac. Sunset nodded in agreement. Island was still laughing from the orange joke. "Thank you, Caramel," said Clara. "Where are you off to?" "The remains of the Tree of Harmony. We got booted by a bugbear earlier and now we have to take another route back," explained Island. "Oh, in that case, I wish you all a safe trip!" Clara waved. Team 7C waved. "Bye, Clara! Write to me and send a message to Ponyville Middle School when you can!" yelled Caramel. > True to Myself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Caramel! How about we run away from school and join the circus together as a pony-draconequus act?" asked Discord. "Nah, I'd rather keep my job, to be honest." Discord grinned. "You remind me of Pinkie Pie!" Caramel laughed. "She throws better parties than me," he said. Discord suddenly had an idea. He took a jar of peanut butter and stuck it onto his cloven hoof, then did a quick dance. Caramel laughed so hard which caused the rest of Team 7C to stare at him; which later sent them all into hysterics. "That was the joke that sent Pinkie and AJ into hysterics last time. When I didn't invite Twilight on purpose," the draconequus explained. Caramel giggled. Suddenly, there was a strong breeze. Two ponies in sports jerseys flew down in front of Team 7C. "Yo! You're Bookworthy, right?" asked one of the stallions, pointing a hoof towards Bookworthy. "Um, yes. Who are you? How did you know I was in the Everfree Forest?" asked Bookworthy skeptically. "We're from Cloudsdale Middle School. The middle school with the best sports program in all of Equestria!" the stallion exclaimed enthusiastically. "I'm Nifty Hoops, and this is Breezy Cloud. And we want YOU, Bookworthy, to come and be a part of CMS and coach sports here! I tell you, kid, you're gonna be famous," he explained. Bookworthy could not believe his ears. "Wow! That means I'll get to coach the team for the Best Young Flyer competition? That's amazing!" Nifty and Breezy smiled. "So? Do we have your permission to join?" Lilac smiled. "I'm so happy for you, Bookworthy. You get to realize your dream! But... we're going to miss you," she said sadly. Team 7C nodded. "Oh." Bookworthy hadn't thought heavily of leaving his coworkers behind. They were more than coworkers; they were like his family. "I-" He looked at his team. "No, Bookworthy, if you want to, go ahead," said Sunset, her eyes filling with tears. "We're not worth it," sobbed Lilac. "Look here, Bookworthy. Whatever you choose, know that we support you and wish you the best of luck in all that you do," said Inkwell, taking Bookworthy's hooves in hers. Island hung his head. "I know we've just met, but... I'm really going to miss you." Caramel nodded. Bookworthy look at his dejected team, then turned to Nifty and Breezy. "No," he said. Nifty and Breezy looked surprised. "No?" "Yes. I appreciate your offer, but I've decided to turn it down. You see, life isn't going to be the same without them," explained Bookworthy. "They're like my brothers and sisters." "Awww, Bookworthy," said Discord, wiping away phony tears. "Well, I would be MAD if you left us for them." Team 7C glared at the draconequus. "What? I was just speaking the truth!" "As obnoxious as Discord can be, he's not wrong. In fact, he is actually right," said Bookworthy. He turned to his team. "I won't ever leave you guys, even if I'm presented with the opportunity to do what I love." Lilac cried tears of joy. "Wow! I have to give credit to you guys," said Nifty. "You sure have a strong friendship. Well, in that case, we'll go look for another pony for the job, then..." Caramel stopped Nifty. "Wait! You still haven't told us how you found us!" Breezy held up a small device. "Face scanner. One of the S.M.I.L.E. agents dropped it," he explained. Caramel nodded. "Well, in that case, goodbye," said Nifty. He and Breezy waved to the team. "Wow. You gave up your dream for us... that's a tough decision!" said Island. "Of course. Nothing is more important than my team. I know first hoof how true that is," replied Bookworthy. "Nice one, Rainbow Dash," mocked Discord. Bookworthy laughed. "I've read their journal one too many times, I suppose," said the draconequus. > Realization > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Team 7C knew it, they were back at the Tree of Harmony again. "Alas, the ruins Tree of Harmony," sighed Island, satisfied. The ponies slowly descended down the staircase. Lilac kept a close eye for any signs of the bugbear. Once they made it down, Island took out his contraption and quickly ran towards the tree. "The moment I have been waiting for!" Island held out his device and saw that the meter was acting up, indicating high levels of friendship. "Huh? That's not supposed to happen. The Tree and the Elements are destroyed!" He pointed an accusatory hoof at Discord. "Discord, are you trying to ruin my experiment?" The draconequus held up a paw. "Why are you asking me? I DIDN'T!" "I am turning this friendship experiment to the superintendent, Discord. Please try to cooperate," said Island. "Actually," began Ember, "Island is being obnoxious. The superintendent never asked him to conduct an experiment. He's just going crazy because he doesn't want to live in Ponyville!" Lilac, Inkwell, Caramel, Sunset, and Bookworthy gasped. "You put us through this for nothing?" asked Caramel. "I can explain," began Island. "EMBER!" "After all this, friendship still isn't important, I guess..." began Lilac. Discord hugged Lilac while giving Island the evil eye. Team 7C glared at Island. Island turned away from them, facing the Tree. Tears spilled out of Island's eyes and onto his friendship device. He looked at his reflection... and realized something. "You guys, I just learned something! The real friendship magic isn't in the ruins of the Tree of Harmony," exclaimed Island. Team 7C looked at him funny. "You know where it is? It's in us," began Island. Discord smiled. "See?" "Lilac, you believed in Discord and gave him a second chance. You represent the Element of... Kindness," explained Island. Lilac smiled. The ruins of the tree began to glow. Team 7C watched in awe. "Inkwell, when I was in doubt, you gave me the best solution even though it seemed too hard to believe. Little did I know that it was believable... which it was! You represent the Element of... Honesty," said Island. "Wow," whispered Inkwell. "Caramel, you were able to spread humor to a cockatrice and encourage her to foster the spirit of fun. You represent the Element of... Laughter." Caramel was surprised. "Who? Me?" "Sunset, you gave up your expensive firefly crystal earring and forced Ember to give up her Spike and Ike candy to feed and light the way for the lost travelers. You represent the spirit of... Generosity." Sunset began to cry happy tears. "And Bookworthy, you gave up your dream to become a professional sports coach for us... which makes you the element of Loyalty," said Island. The ruins of the Tree began to glow brighter. "You see? I was so focused on making a silly science project that I haven't realized that the true friendship is right here beside me. You've all taught me so much. Because of this experience, I've finally learned to value friendship; I hope you'll accept mine too," explained Island. Team 7C smiled. "I never expected that I would be saying this outside a history lecture, but... Friendship is magic!" admitted Island with confidence. At his words, the ruins of the Tree began to swirl. Team 7C watched, with widened eyes as the Tree of Harmony pieced itself back together. The remains of the Elements of Harmony did the same; each making its way to a 7C teacher after being put back together. The process was so bright, shiny, and flashy that the team had to shield their eyes for a bit. When all the brightness faded away, Team 7C opened their eyes. "What happened?" asked Lilac. "I don't know. But all I know is that I have this amazing necklace! It looks just like Rarity's, but with a jewel in the shape of my cutie mark instead," observed Sunset. "Goodness! We all have one!" "Wow! Shiny!" exclaimed Caramel. "So, does that make us the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony?" asked Inkwell, still admiring her jewel. "I... I don't know! This all feels like a dream. And what? A crown?" Island sighed. Sunset laughed. Discord went up to Island. "And you, my dearest pony Island Skies, represent the Element of Magic," he said, mimicking Island's speech from earlier. "Congratulations, Island, you've learned the magic of friendship," said Discord, handing Island an Honorary Friendship Diploma. "Thank you, Discord. I never imagined that we'd be saving the Tree of Harmony," said Island. Lilac nodded. "We're going to make history!" squealed Caramel. "Ooooh! A history teacher seeing himself in a history textbook!" marveled Inkwell. "That would be quite interesting. But really? A tiara?" asked Island, pointing at the big crown on his head. "You know, I'm not a mare like Twilight." At Island's words, the Tree's magic slowly shaped the crown into a brooch with his Element jewel. "Now that's more like it!" Island smiled. > A Changed Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Island and his team left the Tree of Harmony, giggling and talking story as they went. "Wow, Island! I'm so proud of you," said Ember. "Orange you glad you moved to Ponyville?" she and Discord asked in unison. "Yes, yes I am. If I never moved here, I wouldn't be able to have this adventure with my very best friends," said Island, pulling his team into a tight hug. "I'm so glad I've met you all." "Now that we are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, what should we do with them?" asked Inkwell. "I can't wait to tell every pony at school!" exclaimed Caramel. "Actually, Caramel, I don't think that's a good idea, to tell every pony like that. The Elements of Harmony wield a strong power, and if other ponies or creatures knew we possess these, we could put ourselves in danger. Unless we have to, let's all keep our Elements somewhere secure for safekeeping," explained Island. The team nodded. "Let's all put them in my saddlebag for now," said Inkwell. Team 7C took off their necklaces and brooch, then placed them into Inkwell's open saddlebag. Inkwell then pulled out The Adventures of Don Draconequus. "I guess our Tree of Harmony adventure would make all of Don's adventures cry," she laughed. "Inkwell, you really have to read me that book one day," said Discord. "Come to my house. I can throw you an upside down tea party!" Inkwell nodded. Lilac was showing Island some pictures of their adventure. "Look at this. Isn't the crystal of the Tree so intricate? It's so dazzling!" "Yes, Lilac. Beautiful, I shall say." Discord was still scratching his draconequus head. "I don't understand. Ordinary teachers? As the bearers of the Elements of Harmony?" Inkwell put a hoof on Discord's claw. "Discord. Teachers can change the world, even in the smallest ways," she explained. Team 7C nodded. "Besides, Twilight and her friends weren't the heroes of Equestria when they rediscovered the Elements anyway. Anyone who embodies the spirits of the Elements is worthy of being one of its bearers," Island chimed in. "Oh, that makes sense," said Discord. "Well, now I have Friendship Journal: Volume Two ready in hoof. Time for you guys to write down what you've learned," he said, handing a book to Island. "Good idea, Discord. Friendship is valuable, and so are its lessons," said Island. "By the way, where are we going to have dinner tonight? We still haven't eaten yet." "Is everyone fine with the Tasty Treat? Saffron Masala and Coriander Cumin just opened a new location in Ponyville," suggested Lilac. The team nodded. "I'm craving curry," said Inkwell. The team began to walk toward the light of Ponyville. Island smiled, content with his new life. He never would've admitted that "friendship is magic" if he had never come to Ponyville. A day later, in a letter to the superintendent, Island wrote: "I've seen and experienced friendship; and it truly is magic."