Heavy Goes To Equestria

by Meh121

First published

This time it's Heavy

Little Baby Man scout is gone and Heavy soon find him find out what happens when Heavy meets little baby ponies

Heavy Goes To Equestria

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A/N my first story to scout is not needed to understand all parts of this but some parts might be a bit confusing. But if you would like read Scout Goes To Equestria.

"So, what is your opinion on the scout disappearing?" The Cameraman asked, he is the same one from Scout Goes To Equestria.

"Well let's see it's great plus the little creep said I dressed terrible,and he would always ask for a dispenser so annoying!" The Red Medic shouted and laughed gladly.

"So, you don't really care at all?" The Cameraman asked, a bit worried at the doctors insanity.

"No not at all, I never liked him personally that is the reason I never healed him." The Red Medic said setting down his Kritzkrieg.

"Not one bit?" The cameraman asked putting his face closer to the medic.

"Not one bit get any closer and, I will use you for a meat shield." The medic said grabbing the cameraman's shirt collar.

"Well do you know how he disappeared?" The cameraman asked, backing away from the less then sane medic.

"Of course he does you bloody moron, after all it was rated number two on the charts! After my story search for the legendary smart heavy, even though your review said it was a terrible story. Look right here I found him eating a salad! He even has glasses, and reads at a third graders reading level!" The Red Sniper said walking in eyeing the cameraman.

"Actually I don't and come to think of it where the hell is that fool heavy?" The Red Medic asked.

"Well some talking ponies came and, took the scout. As for the heavy Mate who knows." The Red Sniper said.

"Did you tell him about what happened to scout?" The Red Medic asked standing up.

"No I've not seen the fat man in the past two days!" The Red Sniper shouted as he took off to find him.
"This is breaking news the heavy is gone missing, join us as we are on the search for the missing Red Heavy!" The cameraman shouted in joy as he started running with the others.

"No you always seem to mess stuff up sit here mate and I don't know learn to suck less." The Red Sniper said throwing jarate at the cameraman

"Really was the piss necessary?" The cameraman asked with a bit of anger in his voice, ha who am I kidding his anger would make the hulk jealous.

"Nothing personal mate just an old habit." The Red Sniper said as he turned around the corner.

"I'm going to kill that sniper one day." The cameraman mumbled, seeing how The Red Sniper was gone now.

"What was that?" The Red Sniper asked.

"What the hell how could you hear me?" The cameraman asked.

"I have super piss mate I can hear, you as long as you're soaked in it." The Red Sniper said aiming his rifle at the cameraman.

"What the hell, Saxton Hale what have you been doing to these people?" The Cameraman asked himself.

"I heard my name!" Saxton Hale shouted jumping through the window.

"You know there is a door." The cameraman said.

"Ha don't you know the best door is the window!" Saxton exclaimed laughing.

"Um no I didn't." The cameraman said nervously upon seeing the amazing that is Saxton Hale himself.

"So then what the hell did you say about me?" Saxton Hale asked.

"Nothing sir..." The cameraman mumbled in fear.

"That's what I thought, and you two the heavy is outside running around." Saxton Hale said running through the wall.

"Really outside..." The Red Sniper sighed. The Red Medic and Red Sniper both quickly took off outside to try and find the heavy.

"Medic, Sniper!" The Red Heavy shouted going over to the two of them. They just looked at each other for a second before they laughed a bit. "Sandvich?" The Red Heavy asked, holding a glowing Sandvich in front of them.

"You do know that it's glowing?" The Red Medic asked looking at the Sandvich.

"What is worst that can happen?" The Red Heavy asked taking a bite. The Red Heavy sat there for a moment before he disappeared in a flash of white light.

"What just happened?" The Red Medic asked.

"Same thing that happened to the scout mate, he is now in the land of Equestria with ponies and sparkling happiness ." The Red Sniper sighed out as he turned and headed back to the base.

"Something is not adding up first the Scout and his bonk and the heavy and his sandvich." The Red Sniper said before he went into his room with a bit of a serious tone.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The Red Heavy shouted as he fell and landed face first into the ground.

'Hey what the hell was that?' The Red Scout thought trying to break his bonds to get a good look. The Red Scout looked around to remember that purple one wanted, to do some research but she just left him there.

"What is this?" The Red Heavy thought looking around. He stood up and quickly tried to find his gun.

"Oh my god who touched Sasha!" The Red Heavy shouted trying to find his gun. He looked behind him no gun, he looked at both sides no gun, until he saw something buildings! "Hmm maybe one of these buildings have Sasha, I'll kill them if they touched her!" The Red Heavy shouted as he started walking. He stopped after a few minutes to gain some breath.

'That just sounded like no...no that can't be that fat bald bastard, it sounded like him but how the hell would he even get here?' The Red Scout thought as he heard a crack in his bonds.

"MMMMmmmm!" The Red Scout tried to say something but the gag in his mouth prevented him.
"Shh my test subject soon very soon you will serve your purpose." Twilight said using her magic to tighten the bonds. The Red Scout kept trying to move the gag out of his mouth. He felt it starting to come off, he gave it one final push with his tongue and the gag popped off.

"What the hell are you doing this to me for?" The Red Scout asked.

"Well normally we are kind but you see you hurt us and I've never seen your kind here, as any good student of knowledge would do I'm going to study you." Twilight said.

"I thought you were robots I'm sorry I didn't know, look if you let me go I'll stop flirting with the single moms!" The Red Scout shouted in fear.

"It's almost, cute you begging for your life, but I mean look at it like this you are going to make discoveries." Twilight said trying to sound sweet.

"I don't want to make discoveries I want to go home! I thought from that book you showed me that ponies are friendly and don't cause harm!" The Red Scout shouted.
"Well ha wrong book now a days we've toughed up a bit and no pony hurts my friends!" Twilight shouted slamming a hoof on the ground next to the scout's face, he flinched when he saw the hoof come next to him. Twilight's horn lit up and the gag moved closer the the scout's mouth.

"HEAVY IF YOU'RE HERE SAVE ME! Mmmm" The Red Scout yelled out. The Red Heavy stopped and hid behind a building thinking he heard a voice.

"Scout is that you?" The Red Heavy called out. He began moving again heading closer to the voice. He stopped seeing as he ran into a tree a really big tree....

"Scout where are you?" The Red Heavy whispered. He thought he heard muffled screams and sobs from the tree.

"I'll be back don't you move while I'm gone." Twilight said slapping the scout.

"MMMMmmmm!" The Red Scout tried to yell something.

"I know you're surprised I'm being so mean but you hurt my friends my and the princesses!" Twilight shouted.

"Scout!" The heavy yelled as he ran to the front of the tree. He saw a door and ran through it breaking the wooden door in half.

"Little baby man scout where are you?" The Red Heavy asked, as he heard a scream from behind him from the outside.

"What is that thing?" A voice asked.

"Who are you!" The Red Heavy shouted walking outside.

"It's so big!" A male called out.

"You little baby talking pony I don't care how you talk where is little baby scout, and where is Sasha who touched my gun?" The Red Heavy asked.

"Who are you talking about?" The male pony asked.

"My gun who touched my gun?!" The Red Heavy shouted grabbing the pony by the throat. He picked the pony up seeing fear in his eyes. "Now who touched my gun?" The Red Heavy asked.

"I..don....don't know what....you're talking about." The male chocked out.

"Hmm well then you're useless to me." The Red Heavy said throwing the pony into a wall. The pony laid there.

"Well then little baby pony you are dead, all of you are dead!" The Red Heavy shouted pulling out his shotgun.

"What is that?" They all asked in fear.

"This is family business, now then time to do business!" The Red Heavy shouted pointing the gun at the male pony.

"YOU, YOU BREAK MY DOOR?!" Twilight asked with a few cuts on her body from the door.

"You little baby pony you touched Sasha didn't you!" The Red Heavy shouted pointing the gun at Twilight.

"Did you break my door?" Twilight asked gritting her teeth moving closer to the heavy's face.

"Did you touch my gun!?" The Red Heavy yelled putting his face in front of Twilight.

"Did you break my door?" Twilight asked spitting a bit on the heavy.

"Kiss me." The Red Heavy said puckering up his lips.

"Wait what?" Twilight asked backing up.

"Heavy down here help me!" The Red Scout shouted.

"That is Scout move out of way little baby pony!" The Red Heavy shouted. He grabbed Twilight by the throat and threw her into the crowd.

"Scout!" The Red Heavy shouted running through the next door. He looked down and saw the Scout strapped down.

"Heavy I thought I'd never be happy to see you, you giant fat man!" The Red Scout shouted in joy.

"Where are we?" The Red Heavy asked removing the bonds that held down the scout.

"Equestria come here I know how to get us out of here." The Red Scout said grabbing his things.

"Wait I need Sasha!" The Red Heavy said.

"Come on we have to get out of here!" The Red Scout said.

"No these little baby ponies touched Sasha, they need to pay." The Red Heavy said pulling out his shot gun again.

"I see where you are going with this and I want revenge." The Red Scout said grabbing his bat.

"Let's go get them." The Red Heavy said walking out of the basement.

"Oh yea!" The Red Scout yelled twirling his bat.

"There they are, get them!" The royal guard shouted.

"Say bye bye little baby ponies." The Red Heavy said shooting one of the ponies with a taunt kill. The pony flew back into the wall knocked out from the impact.

"Yo what's up?" The Red Scout asked hitting a guard in the face. (Insert Scout laugh here.) The guard fell to the ground hitting his head on the scouts foot.

"Hey watch it there pally." The Red Scout said kicking the guard.

"What are you doing, get them!" The guard captain ordered.

"The hell is this my weapon won't fire." The Red Scout said as he pointed his weapon at the guard.

"Mine won't fire!" The Red Heavy shouted as he threw it at the, guard captain knocking him back.

"Real men fight with no weapons!" The Red Heavy shouted as he punched a few guards.

"Hey you knuckleheads you all suck!" The Red Scout shouted as he jumped over the crowd. He ran at Twilight and swung the bat hitting her in the face.

"This is called revenge you little purple freak!" The Red Scout said swinging his bat hitting Twilight.

"Stop please." Twilight pleaded.

"Hmm I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you no wait I did!" The Red Scout said sitting on Twilight.

"Hey yo bat boy did you forget about me?" Spike asked.

"No here you go dragon boy!" The Red Scout said throwing a baseball at Spikes face.

"Little baby ponies why can't you fight?" The Red Heavy asked.

"You all suck!" The Red Scout said as he laid down on Twilight and closed his eyes.

"Get off me!" Twilight shouted.

"You little baby shut your mouth!" The Red Heavy shouted stepping on her face.

"Man this sure is a good napping spot." The Red Scout said.

"Why did they send all these babies to fight waaah waaah!" The Red Heavy cried out making fun of the ponies.

"Let's get out of here." The Red Scout said as he poured bonk in a cup.

"Drink this." The Red Scout said. The Red Heavy drunk the bonk and disappeared.

"Hey yo pony next time remember this, you touch me and I'll kill you." The Red Scout said disappearing as he drunk his bonk.

"So then that's how we got here." The Red Scout said.

"Ah well then I suggest we get on making this another TV episode." The Red Medic said.

"Um one problem I'm still covered in piss!" The cameraman shouted.

"Get over it, you crybaby little baby man." The Red Heavy said.

"Um yo sniper this time don't tell where we are ok." The Red Scout said as he looked and saw another portal open. The heavy and scout quickly ran to hide behind the corner.

"Um we hate to trouble you but where is a big fat one and the same guy from last time." Twilight said.

"Right over there." The Red Medic said pointing to another hall way. The ponies quickly found the two hiding and dragged them along.

"Thank you again." Twilight said as she left.

"Remember you make fun of what I wear and ponies will take you. That is today's lesson." The Red Medic said.

"And next time a bloody heavy get's in the way of a snipers shot, ponies will abduct you." The Red Sniper said.

"So remember be kind to your medics and snipers or ponies will take you!" They both shouted.

"So then can I yell cut?" The cameraman asked.

"No you idiot." The Red Sniper said.