> Crossing Paths > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Getting Started > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So,” Frigid began, leering across the table at the unicorn mare, “what are you supposed to do?” “Dph ap mph a fph mmph!'' she mumbled through a mouthful of porridge. “Try that one more time…” Frigid groaned, doing his damnedest not to facehoof. A week ago, on his way home from visiting a few friends, he’d run across an impish mare named Leech at the train station. In a whirlwind of bizarre and devilishly lewd events, he’d ended up letting her crash at his place. As entertaining as the memory of meeting her was, he could reminisce later - for the time being, he had to make sure she was ready to make a good first impression. “Don’t act like a jackass,” Leech repeated, having swallowed her cereal. “Be polite, try to keep my mouth shut, and definitely don’t try to fuck/suck my way into the job,” she added, staring over at the gargantuan pegasus. Frigid was, by far, one of the biggest damned winged ponies she’d ever met, in stature and endowment. Despite having only known him for a number of days, she could tell his heart was in the right place - sure, he might be a bit of an overbearing jackass, but he meant well. Smiling, resting her head on her hooves, she shot him a wink. “Is that good enough, daddy?” she playfully asked. “Sounds good. Oh! And don’t go rummaging around in the trash or anything. I’ll walk you to the estate, like I told you yesterday, but you’ll have to find your way back,” the pegasus intoned, getting to his hooves. Scooping up their empty bowls, he deposited them in the nearby sink. “I’ll have you know, dumpster diving is a lost art,” Leech countered, scrunching her snout at him. “Uh-huh,” Frigid grunted, trotting over to her. Extending a wing, he brushed a particularly defiant spring of her mane into place. Be damned if he could explain it, but he really hoped Leech would get the job. As far as he could tell, she wasn’t a bad mare - a bit unhinged and perverted to a fault, but not bad. Truthfully, having her around had been extraordinarily refreshing. She’d helped him with tidying the house, was extremely entertaining to chat with, and easy on the eyes; the sex was pretty damn good too! Funnily enough, after their first day or two of fooling around, they hadn’t done much - well, not that much. A good morning blowjob here, some casual pussy eating there, it was all in good fun. Doing the do was great and all, yet their difference in size made giving themselves breathers almost mandatory - that being said, they’d enjoyed their time together immeasurably. “Alright, you ready to go?” the stallion asked, looming over his guest. “Ready as I’m gonna be,” the mare grunted. Licking her hoof and straightening the unruly tuft of her hair, which immediately sprang back out of place, she hopped off her chair. The plan was pretty simple; Frigid would walk her to the Victoria estate, the home of a well-off family in Canterlot, to apply for a maid position. Once he’d effectively dropped her off, he’d head home to apply for a snowboarding competition up near the Crystal Empire. Long story short, they each had shit to occupy themselves with for the day. “Just try not to get lost on the way back,” Frigid snickered, proceeding towards the front door. “The place is on the far end of town, so you’d do well to remember the major roads.” “Dude, I’ve got like a sixth sense for finding my way around!” Leech boldly exclaimed, proudly holding a hoof to her chest. Trotting outside, with her oversized host behind her, the two walked through the cool morning air. The sun was shining, the denizens of the town were beginning to stir, and the duo chatted while they made their way. With the pleasant company and friendly conversation, the nearly thirty minute stroll felt like it concluded before it began. “There she is,” the pegasus stated, pointing at the impressive gothic manor. “Good luck.” “I got this, Chief!” the unicorn chirped, snapping him a sloppy salute. “See you when I get back.” With a nod and a smile, Frigid turned away and headed back towards his home. He could have flown, but he needed to pick up a few groceries on the way back. Facing the mansion, Leech took a breath to calm herself and walked towards the door. As mundane as their agendas seemed to be, neither of the ponies were prepared for what awaited them… Outlandish Application Knock Knock Knock-Knock Knock Leech rapt on the door, hastily brushing her mane for the umpteenth time. It wasn’t that she was nervous about meeting somepony new, but she’d never felt comfortable around affluent creatures. She’d been a penniless vagrant for as long as she could remember, so the concept of money, as well as those ponies who had an abundance of the stuff, felt alien. Dallying for a few moments, with her anxiety steadily getting worse, she knit her brow. Reaching for the knocker, she froze; though the sound was faint, she definitely heard movement from inside. Tilting her head and listening intently for any signs of life, the locking mechanism clicked. Taking the slightest step back, Leech stood straight and forced a smile. She only had one chance to make a first impression, and she’d be damned if she was going to fuck it up. As the entryway opened, slowly revealing the building’s lobby, she spied a rather plain looking brown unicorn standing inside. Slightly taller than Leech, covered from head to toe in cinnamon colored fur, the mare eyed her suspiciously. Her mane and tail, both sporting a number of brown hues, were shaggy and unkempt. Below her set of ocher eyes, her jaw lazily worked a mouthful of something, as she idly stood and looked at her visitor. “So - uh - this your place?” Leech asked, unsure of how to handle the situation. The hazel mare shook her head and levitated a bagel into view. Swallowing the mouthful she’d been working on, she took another bite of the torus-like bread. Whoever the unicorn was, she seemed extraordinarily apathetic for someone who was greeting a guest. “Right, so, do you work here then?” Leech pressed. Again, the silent pony shook her head while masticating the breakfast. “If you don’t work here and don’t live here, who are you then?” she blurted, her temper being tested. Sign appeared on the mare’s forelimb. Pointing to her face, a small arrow formed near the word. Leech’s mouth hung open for a split second, as she processed what she’d seen. She knew unicorn magic was capable of a broad array of outlandish feats, yet it was the first time she’d ever seen body writing of that sort. Though she was woefully lacking in formal education, a life in the streets had left her with a shrewd intuition leaving her to assume… “You’re a mute, aren’t ya?” Leech inquired, raising one eyebrow. Ye Sign responded, the word materializing on her forehead. “Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude,” Leech lamented, realizing it wasn’t exactly polite to ask about someone’s disability mere moments after meeting them. Shaking her head and waving her hoof, Sign dispelled any concern. It’s all good. Come on, I’ll show you to Lilith, she instructed. Turning from the door, she popped the final bite of bagel into her maw and proceeded towards the kitchen. She and Lilith had only been up for less than an hour and they’d just come downstairs for something to eat. Sure, they could have had the maid fetch breakfast for them, but she wanted to sit and eat with her friend. Sadly, as she’d taken her first bite of the toasted bagel, they’d heard the knock at the door. “Shit, this place is fancy,” Leech reverently muttered, awestruck by the opulence around her. Old money played over Sign’s rump and upper thigh, as she turned down a smaller hallway. It was true, the Victorian estate was exceptionally well off. The family was amongst the oldest in Canterlot and, if the rumors were true, they had deep ties to the Equestrian royalty. As far as gossip went, there were hushed whispers among the aristocracy that the clan had some sort of supernatural secret, but that was mostly hearsay. Regardless of how they’d acquired their wealth, they had money to spare and their abode reflected it. “Can you do that wordy-thing anywhere?” Leech asked, watching the message vanish on the mare’s flank. “Like, what about figures or doodles? Can you draw with it?” she prattled on, driven by a mixture of unease and genuine interest. Somewhat thrown off by how direct the dark mare was being, Sign stopped. She wasn’t quite put off, but it was rare for somepony to be so straightforward. Turning in place, displaying her side to her fellow unicorn, a dizzying array of text wildly appeared and disappeared about her frame; squiggles, curses, and all manner of various words in differing fonts and sizes played over her body. “Holy shit! That’s cool as hell!” Leech exclaimed, marveling at the girl’s ability; in all her travels, she’d never seen anything quite like it before. Feeling emboldened, with her unease eclipsed, she was compelled to show off a little. Plopping down to her haunches, in the middle of the hallway, she held her forelegs before her. “I can’t do fancy-ass writing stuff, but I can do this.” Sign turned to face the quirky monochromatic mare, just as an amethyst glow surrounded Leech’s forehooves. The brightly colored energy coalesced, forming into a pair of oversized manus. The digits on each hand extended, wiggling about dexterously, as she watched. Dragon? she inquired, cocking her head to the side. “Yup,” Leech smugly hummed, willing the magical appendages to execute a thumbs up. “I saw something like it in a comic and thought it’d be pretty nifty. Took me a few years to get ‘em to work right, but I think they’re neat.” In truth, she’d kind of stumbled on the ability. Several years back, when she’d been trying to open a particularly stubborn jar of pickles, the sorcerous grippers had just sort of manifested; though their appearance had been mere happenstance, it had taken her time to hone their proficiency and ease of use - still, they’d come in helpful on a handful of occasions. Shaking her hooves and dispelling her magic, she grinned. Seeing the sorcerous appendages dematerialize, Sign nodded and turned away. Waving for Leech to follow, she continued heading back to the kitchen. It wasn’t that she minded whiling away her time chatting with the visitor, but it was impolite to dally; Lilith was waiting for her to return and she’d hate to disappoint. Following behind the chocolate mare, Leech trotted through the labyrinthine home. Fortunately, their destination was just around the corner. Sauntering into the kitchen, she paused to inspect the room; exceptionally well equipped, housing all manner of cooking equipment and a positively immense oven, it looked like it could feed a small army. As her gaze played over the chamber, she noticed someone sitting at a relatively small table. Pale as bleached bone, the mare’s mane and tale were a violently clashing combination of crimson and midnight black; as the snow white unicorn’s scarlet eyes drifted over, lazily settling upon her, she smiled. Whoever she was, she certainly had an interesting sense of fashion, considering her sole adornments consisted of an obsidian set of leggings and a matching bow in her hair. “May I help you, Miss…?” Lilith mare politely asked, nonchalantly hopping from her chair. Looking her visitor over, she walked closer; covered in onyx fur, with the exception of a snowy blotch on her face, her guest was relatively short. Her most interesting feature, excluding her monochromatic coloration, had to be her cat-like eyes. To be sure, she was cute, although that didn’t explain why she’d come knocking at the door. “Leech,” Leech responded, giving a curt nod. “Lilith, right? I’m here for that job you posted.” “Yes, I’m Lilith. Darling, I’m quite sorry but that position was filled not but a week ago,” the mare replied. Leech’s cheerful expression faltered, crumbling under the unfortunate news. Honestly, she shouldn’t have been surprised, given that it was a well paying position - still, she’d wasted her time and a trip to Canterlot for the fruitless venture. With a heavy sigh, she shook her head and looked to the floor. “Fuck, well, sorry I bothered your breakfast then,” she grunted. A sudden comforting pat on the shoulder caused her to look over, as Sign offered some small consolement. “It’s no trouble, I assure you,” Lilith assured. “You don’t happen to know anypony else hiring around here, would you?” Leech inquired, looking to the unicorn’s freckled face. “I’m afraid not - that is, unless Sign knows of any,” Lilith answered, looking to her friend. Thinking for a moment, Sign shrugged. She’d only been in town for a temporary position herself, so she had no way of knowing anyone who was in need of employees. With little to offer the conversation, she trotted over to the table to prepare a second bagel for herself. “Shit,” Leech cursed, her frustration mounting, “and here I thought I’d look damn good in a maid outfit too.” Thrown off by the spontaneous remark, Lilith paused. Slowly walking around her guest, looking her from top to bottom, she shrewdly rubbed her chin. Even if they were fully staffed, that didn’t mean she couldn’t find some entertainment with the situation. Coming to her visitor’s face, a devilish grin graced her pouting lips. “You know, I’m tempted to see you in one…” “One what?” Leech countered. “A maid outfit, Darling. We have scads of the things, although you may have to make due with one that’s a size off,” Lilith chuckled. “Soooooo…” Leech trailed off, feeling the barest spark of hope, “is this a job offer, or…?” “You’re not implying…” Lilith gasped. “Well, I mean, just put two and two together,” Leech laughed, making light of the situation. “If you want to see me parading around in an outfit - or doing anything else, for that matter - it should be worth a little coin.” “Tis rare for such an entrepreneurial strumpet to come knocking at my door! How positively delightful!” Lilith beamed, practically prancing in place. “Sign, if you would be so kind, go fetch a uniform for our guest,” she eagerly added, looking over to her friend. Without saying a word, after smearing her bagel with cream cheese, Sign did as asked. It came as no shock that Lilith would leap upon such a source of salacious amusement, regardless of the hour. Trotting by the pair, towards the servants’ quarters, she made her exit. “I don’t usually service mares, but fuck it,” Leech flippantly muttered. Her statement, as blunt as it was, drew a snicker from her host. “What? It ain’t like I don’t know how to eat a pussy.” “You know,” Lilith began, drawing her hoof under the mare’s chin, “it’s quite refreshing to stumble across someone as forward as yourself.” It was exceedingly uncommon for her to happen across a mare so brazenly licentious as herself, so her interest was immediately piqued. The diametrically opposed coloring, her strange eyes, her charmingly blunt demeanor; if she didn’t know any better, she could picture her visitor as some long-lost relation. “I - uh - thanks?” Leech hummed, unsure of how to proceed. The attention, coupled with the pale unicorn’s tone, left her feeling a touch uneasy - not in a bad way, but she certainly hadn’t expected her morning to take such a lewd turn. “So you mentioned you’re not opposed to tending to mares?” Lilith asked, turning away. Taking care to conceal her behind under her tail, lest she ruin the surprise, she proceeded back towards the table. “Nah, I don’t mind, why?” Leech pressed, sensing something lurking within the question. “Well then, are you acquainted with mares of this caliber?” Lilith continued, hopping into her abandoned chair. With a cool nonchalance, she splayed her hind legs and faced her guest. Leech’s pupils shrank to razored slits, as her eyes locked on what Lilith had been hiding. Somehow, likely due to her nervousness and how quickly events had proceeded, she’d failed to take note of her opulent host’s equipment. Nestled between the mare’s thighs, draped over the edge of the seat, sat an inky black package. She’d heard of dickmares before, but she couldn’t say she’d ever met one - let alone fooled around with one. From what she’d gathered, from the few times she’d discussed the relatively elusive ponies, they tended to conceal their additional anatomy. It wasn’t like they were viewed as outcasts or anything, although she couldn’t help but assume the additional attention would be unwanted by a great many of them. “Come now, surely it’s not that surprising,” Lilith hummed, reclining in her chair. Sauntering forward, drawn by the siren’s call of a new experience, Leech drew nearer. She watched, as her focus seemingly caused the dark length to stir. Above a pair of ripe, weighty nuts, the dickmare’s shaft steadily grew rigid. As a curious combination of wonder and lecherous desire welled within her, she licked her lips. Only halting when her muzzle was a few inches from Lilith’s groin, she inhaled deeply. The aroma, an odd blend of a stallion’s musk and a mare’s natural fragrance, was hard to describe. Following her nose, bringing her snout to the weighty package, she froze. “You don’t mind if I…?” she mumbled, peeking upward. “But of course!” Lilith giggled, flexing her pelvic muscles and causing her tool to bob slightly. Placing one forehoof to each of Lilith’s thighs, Leech slowly pushed herself up and pressed her face against the mare’s equipment. Closing her eyes and kissing her way up one succulent nut, she brought her nose to the base of the dickmare’s cock. Resting in the nexus of the captivating scent, she set her tongue to work. With a contented sigh, Lilith watched the unicorn get to business. The shameless performance was exceptionally coy, well executed, and complemented wondrously by Leech’s aesthetic. The sight of her dong, contrasted against the mare’s face, worked perfectly - almost too perfectly. For whatever reason, be it because of their kindred nature of juxtaposed appearance, she couldn’t shake the thought they were related. Retracting her head and igniting her horn, Leech guided the blunted tip of Lilith’s prick towards her face. Peering up at her host-turned-client, she winked. In her experience, a pivotal part of entertaining lie with the small details; a well timed groan, a smile, or lustful admission could serve to push somepony over the edge. Breathing hotly upon the battering ram-like head, she wrapped her lips around the stallionhood. Comparable in size to the average male pony, being decently well hung, her host was a gorgeous mixture of the two most common sexes. Lilith’s exquisitely feminine moan was a lovely addition to the fellatio, spurring Leech to continue. Expertly bobbing her head back and forth, while massaging the delicate underside of the tool with her tongue, she fully committed herself. Leech’s technique was impressive, Lilith had to admit, but she couldn’t truly gauge the mare’s skill until they’d progressed a bit further. As the end of her prick bumped against the back of her guest’s throat, she smirked. Any common whore could suck a dick, but finding ponies who could successfully manage to throat her was less common. Closing her eyes and gently bucking her hips, she tested her partner’s mettle. Getting a lungful of air, Leech pressed her face forward. Given her positioning, as well as her wealth of experience, the mare-member slid effortlessly into her esophagus. If she was lucky and her client was interested, she’d be able to charge for a full servicing. As if sensing it would soon be needed, or perhaps due to the thought of making an easy hoofful of bits, her snatch began to drool and moisten. Strolling back into the kitchen, spying the little ragamuffin hungrily slurping on her friend’s cock, Sign scrunched her snout. For buck’s sake, that may’ve been a new record for Lilith. Apathetically tossing the outfit she’d fetched onto the counter, she trotted back to her chair, pulled it to a better position to view the action, and had a seat. Hearing wood scraping against the polished floor, Lilith glanced over. The look of disinterest on Sign’s face smacked of discontent, so she felt compelled to assuage her companion’s apparent annoyance. “Sign, dear, she’s not quite as good as you, no need to be concerned.” No sooner had the words passed the dickmare’s lips, than Leech reared back and unsheathed the stallionhood from her gullet. “Excuse me?” she blurted, leering up at the adequately hung unicorn. “It’s nothing against you, Darling, but Sign and I have been friends for ages; don’t be upset that she’s intimately aware of how to press my buttons,” Lilith explained, attempting to calm the harlot. “Well I’m sorry if I don’t know you like a sister. I…” Leech trailed off, as she noticed a nearly imperceptible shiver go through the dickmare. Going silent, her whorish sixth sense tingled. Something she’d said had caused Lilith to react - it was only a matter of discerning exactly what it was. Shuffling backwards, she carefully studied her customer. Considering she’d said perilously little, it was relatively easy to assume what had caused the response. Reaching out, caressing the unicorn’s creamy inner thigh, she peered into her host’s eyes. Bearing a forlorn expression, she willed her shoulders to sag. “I always wished I had a sister…” Leech quietly breathed. Lilith’s dick twitched, her hair stood on end, and her pupils dilated. Jackpot… Lilith swallowed hard, trying and failing not to display her arousal. Somehow, for some infernal reason or another, Leech had discerned possibly her most vulnerable weakness. For ages untold, since she was a budding young mare, she’d had a scandalous interest in incestuous relationships. Though she had no siblings that she knew of, she’d often imagined her partners as a brother or sister. “W...would you be my big sister?” Leech dejectedly murmured, pressing her sinful assault. Breaking into a cold sweat, with her stallionhood aching, Lilith cleared her throat. Even if the impish tart had managed to get her painfully wound up, she refused to submit to her baser urges - at least, not that quickly. Pointing to the table, she started at the mare below her. “Would you be so kind as to get onto the table?” she demurely requested. Hopping to her hooves, Leech was more than eager to comply. Scrambling onto the furniture, taking care not to send the plate of bagels clattering to the floor, she rolled onto her back. As luck would have it, she’d happened upon a carnal vulnerability of her host’s; it wasn’t the first time such a thing had happened, and it likely wouldn’t be the last, but she thanked her good fortune for it. “So, big sister,” she mused, spreading her hind legs and giving the dickmare a picturesque view of her sopping wet nethers, “want to do some family bonding.” Scrambling onto the table, with her stallionhood slinging a gob of pre-cum to the floor, Lilith eagerly obliged. It was bad enough that Leech was hammering on the taboo fetish, but the presentation of succulent marehood was too much. It had been ages since she’d helped herself to rutting female, so the opportunity was too good to pass up. As the dickmare loomed over her, Leech pressed a hoof to Lilith’s chest. “B...but big sister, what about my maidly outfit?” she cooed, lascivious intent positively dripping from her words. Placing her forehooves to either side of Leech’s head, struggling to maintain her composure, Lilith rocked her hips back. Bringing the tip of her length to the mare’s entrance, she playfully prodded the set of juicy lower lips. Grinning down at the devilish trollop, with all the speed of a glacier, she dove in. “Mmmmmmm,” Leech hummed, closing her eyes and writhing about while she was penetrated. “Marecock is so good,” she groaned. “I...is this your first experience with a hung mare like myself?” Lilith stammered, woefully unprepared for the statement. “Mmmhmm,” Leech nodded, gnawing her bottom lip. “And who better to be my first than my dear, sweet sister…” Reaching upward, she pawed at the dickmare’s neck and chest, eliciting a shuddering breath from the unicorn above her. What had started as a series of gentle thrusts instantaneously transitioned into a brutal pounding. Lilith had had enough; provoked beyond all reasoning, feeling the silken and inviting interior of the provocative unicorn, she bucked away with reckless abandon. The fantasy alone was enough to get her off, so the hot, slick confines milking her shaft were just a sinful bonus. Rolling her head back, Leech spied Sign dispassionately watching the shameful display while sipping some tea. She had no quandaries about allowing the mute mare in on the action, so she smiled at the silent unicorn. Extending a hoof and manifesting a hand, she beckoned the neglected pony closer. Seeing the obscene invitation, Sign shoved her chair backwards. She had no real idea of whom Leech was, nor where she’d been, so she’d much rather refrain from getting lustily involved - that being said, watching Lilith go to pound-town was certainly an entertaining way to spend her morning. Leaning back, making herself comfortable, she felt a particular tingle in her loins. Her stallionhood, a temporary gift from Lilith, had apparently taken note of the lewd shenanigans unfolding. Parting her thighs, she allowed the hardening length to steadily grow erect. The frantic waving of an onyx hoof drew her attention away, as the dark mare began reaching for her crotch. “Y...you’ve - Mmmph - got a dick too?” Leech bleated, her eyes locking on the second member like a pair of cock-seeking missiles. The immodest question caused Sign to roll her eyes but it also gave her an idea. Even though she had no intention of getting directly involved, that didn’t mean she couldn’t contribute something to the situation. Reaching down, with a wolfish smirk on her face, she started idly cranking her shaft. Bucking her hips up to meet Lilith’s thrust, while ineffectually reaching for Sign’s package, Leech juggled the circumstances as best she could. The fact that she’d found herself not one but two dickmares was a massive stroke of luck - one which she had every intention of capitalizing on. The bits she’d get were just a fringe benefit, compared to the experience of such a rare event. “H...harder,” she sputtered, seizing her marehood around the meaty pillar within her. Eager to please, Lilith acquiesced. With her nuts loudly slapping against the unicorn’s rump, hilting herself with every plunge, she leaned in and gave Leech’s neck a kiss. The delicate aroma of winter cherries and sweat complimented the slut’s look perfectly, causing her to fuck that much harder. Abandoning her attempts to provoke Sign, Leech shifted her focus. Reaching up, wrapping her forehooves around Lilith’s neck, the unicorn looked down upon her. Craning her neck, as soon as their faces were aligned, she locked lips with her partner. The impassioned kiss, coupled with the enthusiastic humping, kicked her into overdrive. Raising her waist and locking her hind legs around Lilith, she rhythmically milked her host’s tool on the backstrokes. Paying job or not, she couldn’t help but enjoy herself. Unlike with most stallions, there was something inexplicably sensual about making out with a mare. With her slavering snatch winking uncontrollably, the telltale signs of release grew nearer. Peppering Leech’s face with kisses, smearing her carmine lipstick on the unicorn’s cheeks, Lilith worked her way to the mare’s fluffy chest. The affection, dirty talk, and sublime sensation of velvety cunt constricting her pistoning length quickly became too much to bear. Breathing heavily, feeling herself starting to flare, her face was abruptly wrenched back upward. Through the fog of pleasure, Leech could tell Lilith was close; the throbbing cock was a sure sign, further cemented by the expanding cock-head within her. Magically moving the dickmare’s face to her own, she locked eyes with the pale pony. Summoning the most pleading look she could muster, kissing her host one final time, she took a breath. “Breed me Sis…” The sudden utterance worked to devastating effect. It was the final straw, pushing her past her limit at a record’s pace. Damn near spasming, ramming every vascular inch of her stallionhood into Leech, Lilith instantaneously came. Blowing her load deep into the delectable mare below her, a rather unladylike grunt escaped her.  For Leech, the sudden influx of scalding seed was the perfect finishing touch. Her marehood convulsed, erupting spunk and climactic nectar onto the table as she came. Howling in rapture, savoring the moment, she trembled from head to hoof. So caught up were the pair of indecently fornicating ponies that they didn’t hear the sound of approaching hooffalls. “Lilith, I swear, if you’re doing it on the table I’ll…” Madam Victoria’s chiding drew to an abrupt halt, as she walked into the kitchen and realized what had transpired. Sign smiled and waved at her, finishing her beverage, though that was hardly a concern - no, the fact that her offspring was plowing some random bint was what drew her ire. Scowling, walking closer, the unknown intruder’s face came into. Going pale and executing an abrupt about face, she hastily made her leave. “G...goodness,” Lilith croaked, limply draping herself atop the quivering mare, “t...that was quite something…” Leech simply nodded, content to neck with the unicorn. Despite having broken her promise not to do the nasty with a potential employer, she had no regrets. A new experience and, if she was lucky, snagging a bagel or two on the way home were well worth the small personal failure. Basking in the dickmares warmth, with her cunt thoroughly basted from within, she hummed cheerfully. The slow, unimpressed clopping of hooves caused Lilith and Leech to look over. Seated in her chair, indolently clapping, Sign stared back at them. Calmly, with the show concluded, the mocha colored mare hopped from her chair and walked over to the sink. Peeking back to one another, the duo on the table began to giggle. “You may not have the job, but I’ll be sure that you’re well compensated,” Lilith purred, pecking the unicorn’s cheek. “Can I keep the maid outfit?” Leech boldly asked, grinning sheepishly. “Leech, you are simply too much,” the dickmare laughed, pushing herself up. “You may have it, on one condition - you must pay me a visit next weekend.” “Deal, but only if we can have breakfast,” Leech countered, shivering as the floppy length of pony dong slid from her snatch. “Already looking forward to another serving, are we?” Lilith tittered. Offering a hoof to her guest, after hopping from the table, she helped the dark mare to the floor. “Come now, let’s get you all cleaned up.” Beaming, supremely pleased that she’d met two potential friends, Leech followed behind her host. Sure, the morning may have had a few rather sticky twists and turns, but she’d made out like a bandit. Bits, a swanky outfit, and she’d received a rutting from a genuine dickmare - an accomplishment in and of itself. “You - uh - want some help cleaning up? I mean, after I get washed up,” Leech chirped, slowing to admire an oil painting in the hallway. “It’s quite alright, I’ll have Fleur tend to the mess; she’s become quite proficient at tidying up those sort of things,” Lilith snickered, reminiscing on her maid’s ability to scour spunk from linens. Shaking her head, Leech groaned to herself. Being employed by a dickmare, while traipsing about in a nifty little outfit, would be a dream come true - regrettably, she’d missed the chance. “Just let me know if you’re hiring again,” she grumbled. “But of course,” Lilith responded, looking back over her shoulder. Spying her guest inspecting a portrait, she turned and walked back. “That’s Madame Victoria, my mother and matron of the estate.” “Wait, so that was your mom who walked in on us?” Leech asked, glancing over at her host. The mare in the painting could easily pass for Lilith’s twin. Bedecked in a blood-red dress, replete with black frills and accents, her aristocratic appearance perfectly matched the luxurious abode.  “She is, yes. Perhaps I could introduce you to her - after a shower, of course,” Lilith nodded, lazily wheeling around and proceeding to the washroom. Trotting along, while a bit of warm jizz dribbled down her thigh, Leech couldn’t help but wonder what Frigid was up to... > A Meddling Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortly after Frigid and Leech had departed for the morning, a visitor came rapping at the now vacant home’s door. Extraordinarily short in stature, with a dirty blonde mane and tail, teal fur covered the pegasus mare from hoof to head. Interestingly enough, after issuing a third set of knocks, she fished into her shoulder bag, produced a key, and let herself inside. Silently trotting through the foyer, she surveyed the home’s interior. Wandering through the kitchen, dining area, and living room, she eventually wound up in the bedroom. With nopony to stop her, and perilously little else to do, she did what any trespasser would do - she started snooping. Sporting all the hallmarks of a bachelor’s pad, there wasn’t much that caught her interest. Furrowing her brow, intent to find something amusing, she peeked beneath the bed. Spying a stack of magazines, she pulled the publications out for further inspection; they were porn, as expected, although she did discover something of note. Nestled among the pages were a hoofful of loose photos. The pictures themselves weren’t exceptionally out of place, yet there was one particularly striking thing that threw her off - they were of her. The subject matter of said pieces varied wildly, from cute and mundane to painfully compromising. Needless to say, she was slightly surprised. Crawling onto the bed, with her purloined photos in her wing, she studied them intently. Exactly why the homeowner would have such scandalous images of her was unclear, yet she found herself captivated. Making herself comfortable, intent on getting an answer, she awaited his inevitable return... With a pair of grocery bags slung over his wings, trotting up to his house, Frigid slowed. He knew good and damned well he’d closed the door on the way out, so the fact that it was slightly ajar was massively disconcerting. Someone or something was in his house and he sure as hell wasn’t expecting visitors. Slipping inside, as silently as he could, he set his purchases on the floor. Tensely slinking through the house, his ears swiveling for any signs of movement, he sought out the intruder. There was no guarantee that anyone was still there, considering he’d been gone for nearly an hour, but that did little to calm his nerves. Having swept the kitchen, dining room, and den, the only area left to check was his bedroom. Taking a breath to calm his nerves, preparing for a possible altercation, Frigid threw the door open and scanned the area. Nothing was out of place, not a single thing was missing, although something rested on his bed - not just a something, a someone. Peering at the pegasus resting on his mattress, his pupils shrank to pinpricks. It was almost like looking at a miniature version of himself. Painfully small, even more so than the unicorn who’d been sharing his bed, she impassively stared back at him. Slowly - ever so slowly - a mischievous grin split her features. As his gaze wandered lower, to the arrayed photos before her, a knot formed in his stomach. “So, I have to ask,” she began, plucking a particularly provocative picture of herself from the cushioned surface, “when did you find the time to take this gem, brother...?” His twin sister, Cold’s eyes, mane, and tail colors all matched Frigid’s own. Hell, she even had freckles like him. The largest and most glaring difference between them, besides the fact that one was double the size of the other, was their sex. She was one of his three siblings and, ironically enough, the only one which wasn’t married. “What are you doing in town?” Frigid blurted, his mind going a mile a minute. Cold shrugged impassively, examining the photo in her hoof. “Was passing through on the way to Manehattan, thought I’d swing by for a visit,” she explained. Frigid thought for a moment and looked around. He hadn’t seen any luggage or bags on his way inside, and there weren’t any in his room. Like himself, his sister wasn’t wearing anything - well, besides the tie in her mane. Squinting, doing his best not to focus on the stash of images she’s ferreted out, he leveled a hoof at her. “If you really are on the way to Manehattan, where’s your stuff?” he asked. The question was extraordinarily valid, considering she was an athlete like himself. While he’d chosen snowboarding, his twin was an accomplished surfer. “On the train...When did you even take this one?” Cold countered, inspecting a picture of her showering. “I…” Frigid faltered, trying and failing to come up with an excuse. Taking a step back, shying away, his sister was far from finished with him. “You know,” she sighed, tidying the images into a neat little pile, “most of these suck…” Smiling broadly, noticing his confused look, she lazily flopped to her side. Facing him and maintaining eye contact throughout, she extended a wing, seized her fetlock, and pulled her legs apart. “This…” she mused, unabashedly striking an obscene pose, “This is the sorta thing you get a picture of.” Frigid’s heart raced, his cheeks darkened, and his stallionhood languidly slipped from his sheath. Seeing anycreature presenting themselves in such a fashion would have been hot as all get-out, but the fact that it was his sibling, his own flesh and blood, added a taboo element to the show. Objectively speaking, she was attractive, pithy, and quite talented - a fine catch for any stallion or mare lucky enough to have her. Needless to say, their relationship could be described as complicated. The twins were the same age, they’d grown up under the same roof, and they’d both been into sports since they were foals. For all intents and purposes, they were best friends growing up - sure, they’d had the odd fight or squabble, yet they’d always made amends. Of course, as they’d gotten older, with each finding themselves having curious thoughts about the opposite sex, they’d discussed and explored the subject at length. What started as an innocent curiosity, between a brother and sister’s budding bodies, gradually transitioned into something a bit more complex. Looking and talking gave way to touching and feeling; gradually, driven by their youthful lust and trust with one another, they’d given themselves to one another and crossed a line together. After that first drawn out, awkward, and rather uncomfortable time, nothing had changed between Frigid and Cold - well, almost nothing. They still hung out, helped each other with problems, and playfully talked shit, only sometimes their banter would result in something erotic. Honestly, they each considered it all in good fun; so long as nopony was getting hurt, and they weren’t found out, it was harmless. “Hmmmm,” Cold hummed, thoughtfully rubbing her chin, “maybe one kinda like…” Trailing off, she hopped to her hooves, faced away from her brother, and pressed her fluffy chest to the mattress. Reaching back with her wings, delicately tugging her buns apart, she willed herself to wink. “Just tell me when you’re gonna get the camera, I’d hate to blink for the shot,” she laughed, watching his blush darken. Forcing himself to look away from her painfully sculpted thighs, Frigid glowered at her. “Really? You’re just going to come into my house, rummage through my shit, then put on this little show like it’s -” “Yeah, I think I am,” Cold interrupted, speedily getting to her hooves. Jumping from the bed, she boldly trotted over to her towering brother and leered up at him. “So what’re you gonna do about it?” Glowering down at her, he knit his brow. As much as he hated to admit it, he couldn’t be upset with her behavior; not only had he amassed a small trove of bawdy photos of her, but he’d done so without her knowledge. With a heavy sigh, he shook his head and closed his eyes. “Alright, I’m sorry. It was kind of a dick move and I-” “Where’s your camera?” Cold asked, cutting him off. “Excuse me?” Frigid countered, rearing back slightly. “Where. Is. Your. Camera?” she repeated, punctuating every word with a small prod to his broad chest. “My closet. Why?” he countered, his unease starting to mount. “Alright. Get on the bed and strike a sexy pose. If you’re gonna keep a bunch of stuff of me, be damned if I’m not gonna have a hoofful of raunchy pictures of you,” Cold snickered, nonchalantly trotting past him. Reaching his closet and opening the door, she fluttered up to the storage shelf above his hanging wardrobe. “I…” Frigid began, unsure of what to say. It made sense, in a way, but he hadn’t been expecting the abrupt request. Standing there, he watched her pull the camera bag from amongst his things. “Why aren’t you on the bed yet?” she inquired without looking at him, pulling the device from its case. On one hoof, Frigid was compelled to oblige her - on the other, the entire situation made him rather uncomfortable. Taking a step towards the mattress, he accepted his fate. Like it or not, despite the fact that she’d seen fit to snoop through his stuff, he was in the wrong. Stepping onto the padded surface, he made himself comfortable. “Alright, now, let’s see the goods,” Cold teased, pointing the contraption at him. Reluctantly, the stallion obliged; spreading his legs, he revealed his semi-flaccid length and dark, weighty testes. It was embarrassing, sure, but there was an undeniably arousing note to the circumstances he found himself in. Though he’d had every intention of keeping his eyes on the floor, to avoid looking at her, he heard her get closer. “Really? That’s it?” she grumbled, gazing at his package. “I’m surprised you don’t have a stiffy, since you just got a good look at me. Just jack off or something, I’m not wasting film on a floppy dong.” His temper flaring, Frigid glared at his sister. “If you’re that hellbent getting a picture of my wood, come over here and get me hard,” he muttered darkly. It was only after he noticed her setting the camera down did he realize he’d made a miscalculation. Moving to the foot of the bed, Cold’s gaze wandered from her brother’s groin, up his chest, and to his face. A part of her had hoped he’d goad her into action, although she would’ve gotten what she’d wanted with or without the minor provocation. Slithering onto the mattress, she slowly kissed her way up his thigh. She certainly hadn’t planned to get any action on her brief visit, though she wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity. Discovering that he’d been keeping pics of her, knowing that he’d been getting off to her, was extraordinarily hot. As she closed on his crotch, getting the first tantalizing hint of his scent, her marehood grew moist. Lying there, watching his sibling inch towards his package, Frigid was torn. He was slightly upset with her unruly behavior, although being bossed around by the small mare was a massive turn-on. The closer she got to his junk, the harder he got - the harder he got, the quicker she moved. Ultimately, after what felt like an eternity, her nose pressed gently against his plump balls. “I’m hard now,” he smugly noted, peering past his towering stallionhood at her. “I know,” Cold whispered, her breath hot against his nuts. Pushing herself up slightly, gently grasping his tool with a wing, she pulled his stallionhood towards her face. An erection was only the start of her plans for him. Wetting her lips, she lovingly kissed and suckled upon the broad, fat tip of his dick. Frigid was big by any standard and could easily have gotten into the adult entertainment industry; the fact that she was significantly petit and small statured only exacerbated things. His prick was almost as big around as her leg, so fitting into her mouth was a bit of a challenge. Frigid fought against the urge to buck his hips, as his sister worked the first bit of his stallionhood into her maw. The look of concentration on her face spoke volumes of how hard she was trying, which only got him worked up more. Extending a wing, he sweetly caressed her cheek with the feathered appendage. Inspired, Cold endured. Running her tongue around his glans and applying a touch of vacuum, she bobbed her head. Slurping loudly, adding an auditory element to the scene, she quickly got her first taste of his pre-cum; salty and cloying, it coated her taste buds and caused her pulse to quicken. Rubbing her thighs together, she fought to quell the growing ache in her loins. Momentarily losing focus, Frigid’s body had had enough. Thrusting into the mare’s face, instantly sending the tip of his cock to the back of her throat, he cursed under his breath. Her eyes went wide and she gagged around him, a heartbeat before she reeled back - coughing and sputtering as she withdrew. “Fuck, sorry,” he apologized, leaning forward to comfort her. As he reached for her, she batted his foreleg away and grimaced. “Since you - Cough - want it that bad,” she purred, crawling up his colossal body, “I guess I’ll have to give it to you…” Moving over his frame, leaving her slick and hot nethers pressed against his turgid dick, she craned her neck upwards. Lying on top of him, feeling herself steadily rise and fall with his breaths, she was reminded of his immense size. As he looked up at her, breathing softly on her face, she felt his length twitch against her. “Is that so?” he cooed, raising an eyebrow. Hauling herself forward a hair, bringing the head of his stallionhood to her entrance, Cold reversed course. Exhaling through pursed lips, keeping herself relaxed, the pressure on her entrance steadily mounted. Had it been her first time tangling with somepony of his size, she would have been up the creek without a paddle; fortunately, although it was always a trial, she’d had a bit of experience. Inching back, applying more force, her efforts were eventually rewarded. Her marehood yielded, leaving the bloated head of stallionhood lodged inside of her. Hissing, doing everything she could not to clench, she screwed her eyes shut. She’d crossed the biggest hurdle, but there was still a lot dick to cover. Frigid knew it wasn’t easy for her, especially since it had been months since they’d fooled around, so he felt inclined to offer assistance. “I could-” he was cut off, as she jammed a hoof to his face. “No talking,” Cold murmured, slowly starting to rock back and forth on him. Bit by bit, she worked herself on his stallionhood. Taking her time, getting herself nice and warmed up, she worked him into her canal. Reclined on his back, Frigid could restrain himself no longer. Wrapping his forelegs around her shoulders, he leaned in and pecked her nose. She was trying her best, that much was certain, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t lend a helping hoof. As tenderly as he could, he bucked his hips to meet her backward thrusts. Stifling a throaty groan, Cold gnawed her lip. The physical sensation of being so stuffed, stretched to the limit by her brother’s insanely large cock, was unlike anything else she’d ever experienced. She lacked a fair bit of practice, since she wasn’t as liberal with loving others as he was, which certainly didn’t help the intensity of their taboo love-making. Pining for more, her pace increased. Given their varying sizes, it wasn’t long before Frigid bottomed out. Sensing the tip of his stallionhood bump against her womb, feeling her shudder on top of him, he gave her a moment to adjust. It was exceptionally rare for a mare to accommodate all of him, and his sister was no exception. Caressing her back and thighs, he slipped a hoof under her chin. “Might be a new record,” he playfully mused. The brief respite, while appreciated, did little to quell Cold’s burning passion. Giving him an all-too-brief kiss, she pushed herself up into a seated position. Straddling his torso, supporting herself on her hind legs, she began bouncing on him. The position gave her a superb view of his face, while giving her control over his depth in her finite confines. Reaching out, rubbing her upper thigh and belly, Frigid let her do most of the work. Even after she was warmed up, he’d have to be mindful not to get too excited - the last thing he wanted was to derail their morning with an overly enthusiastic thrust. Smiling down at him, his pint-sized twin’s wings flapped behind her. Practically feeling her brother staring, Cold cracked an eye open. Sure enough, the big lug was looking right at her. She didn’t really mind the attention, too focused on sating her lust to care, yet it did give her an idea. Leaning back and placing her forehooves on his thighs, she reclined slightly. “H...how’s that for a - Mmmmn - view?” she mockingly asked, proudly displaying her nethers. Frigid couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen something so hot. The lightly colored flesh of his stallionhood plunged in and out of his sister’s dark, meaty entrance. Besides the extraordinarily arousing sight, the hot, snug sensation around his cock was to die for. Even though he’d only managed to sink two-thirds of his shaft into her, the exquisite feeling of her vice-like marehood more than made up for any shortcoming. Precariously balancing herself on one foreleg, Cold brought her free hoof to her groin. Carefully, while she continued to rut herself on her enormous sibling, she rubbed and kneaded her winking clit. Focusing on the delicate bud of flesh, while impaled on the massive dick, caused her composure to wane. Trembling slightly, she whimpered in delight. The auditory cue was too much for Frigid to bare. Slipping his wings under her forelegs, drawing her attention, his hips ground to a halt. There was no guarantee she’d be willing to oblige his request, though if he framed it right… “Can we try reverse for a second?” he asked, hoping she’d take the bait. “You always did have a weakness for asses,” she chuckled, shaking her head. Cautiously, she began the laborious process of turning around. Physical discrepancies aside, executing an about face while impaled was no easy task - fortunately, the pair of pegasus worked in harmony. Being mindful to keep her balance, Cold awkwardly started turning in place. Frigid, putting his size to good use, used his wings and forelegs to help her along. It took them a minute, but he soon had a picturesque perspective of her freckled backside. “Happy now?” she teased, swinging her tail to the side and flexing her glutes. Peering back at him, noticing a devilish grin on his face, she realized something was amiss. Getting his sister into position was only the first step of his plan, successfully capitalizing on it was another. Pushing himself into a seated position, Frigid swiftly wrapped his feathered appendages around the smaller pegasus. Holding her tightly, minimizing the chances of his cock plunging too deeply or escaping entirely, he rolled onto his side and dragged her along with him. It took Cold a second to wrap her head around what had happened, considering how jarring the maneuver was, but she quickly glared over her shoulder at her monstrous twin. “Next time, warn me when you - “ she gasped, her statement lost, when he thrust into her. The first plunge was followed by a second, then a third, until he was steadily humping her from behind. “What was that? It almost sounded like you wanted me to stop…” Frigid wickedly tutted, his motions slowing a hair. “D...don’t stop!” Cold pleaded, ineffectually bucking back to his waist. The heat of his chest against her back, his breath hot against her ear and cheek, the way his wings lovingly held her and pulled her close, it was all too perfect, the ultimate representation of their intimacy and love for one another. Nothing they could or would ever do could better represent their care and fondness for each other more than the rare moments of affection they shared. Cold’s heart thundered in her chest, a nova of warmth was welling within her, and her barely restrained mewlings raised an octave. Turning her head to the side, brushing her muzzle against her brother’s face, she met Frigid’s gaze. She realized she wasn’t going to be able to last for much longer, so she wanted to make it count. Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips to his. Though the mare may not have been aware of it, Frigid wasn’t too far behind his sister. Thrusting into her, as they spooned on his bed, was a wonderful change of pace. Sure, he and Leech may have done it like a pair of raunchy teenagers, but this was different; unlike the sassy little strumpet he’d wound up cohabitating with, there was an emotional component with his twin. The speed and force of his bucking hips increased, if only slightly, as his stallionhood started to flare. Nestled against her womb, locking into place, the battering ram-like tip repeatedly kissed her inner entrance. Worming his tongue into her mouth, as the nova of bliss overtook him, he came. Moaning into his mouth, the heat and pressure of Frigid’s foal batter pushed Cold over the edge. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her marehood quivered and violently seized around the stallionhood filling her depths, and her body quivered. Climatic nectar leaked and fitfully squelched from her sex, bringing with it traces of her brother’s spunk, though it was a pale testament to the unfettered rapture she endured.  As infrequent as their taboo romps were, she dare not subject herself to them more often. Whenever they shared a bed, making love with each other, a part of her realized that she could become addicted to such delights. For her own sake, if nopony else's, she had to limit their time together, lest they become inseparable. Panting, feeling the mare shiver in his grasp, Frigid sweetly stroked her head. He’d had no way of knowing his sister would appear that morning, though he was pleased with the unexpected turn of events. As the post-coitus euphoria washed over him, he draped his head over her shoulder. “You going to be in town for long?” “T...the train is going to leave in about an hour,” Cold croaked, awkwardly glancing over at him, “but there’s another one coming through later this evening.” As impulsive as their canoodling was, she’d had the forethought to plan for a protracted delay. Truthfully, she’d had no way of knowing if her brother would even be in town, so making a surprise visit had been a bit of a gamble - still, she was happy she’d gotten a chance to see him. Knowing they’d have a few hours to lounge around, she nestled herself against his back. Content to bask in the afterglow, the two lounged on the bed for several minutes. Neither was tired, so napping wasn’t really an option, but the thought of abandoning their embrace wasn’t a pleasant one. Surprisingly enough, it was the mare who made the first move. “Alright, I can’t let this dry in my fur,” Cold groused, carefully pushing herself up. “After you throw these in the dirty laundry,” she added, tugging at the corner of the bed sheet, “feel free to join me.” Squirming away from her sibling, she hauled herself off the softened length of stallionhood; even while flaccid, it was quite a bit to handle. As she got to her hooves, the tip of his length slipped from her entrance. A tremor shot through her, as her canal was left suddenly vacant. Knowing what was coming, she angled her behind towards his face. “Bet you like that…” she quietly snickered. Bracing her legs and lifting her tail, she flexed her pelvic muscles. Frigid swallowed hard, watching his load dribble and leak out of her winking entrance. Looking past her flank, spying the smug smile on her face, he couldn’t help but chuckle. She was definitely his twin, despite their differences. Pushing himself up, he began gathering the sullied sheets. His bed was a mess, she was leaking spunk onto his carpet, he was drenched from the waist down in all manner of lascivious juices, but he was content. Trotting into the restroom, after stuffing the linens into his hamper, he joined his sister in the shower. Once cleaned, the rest of their morning was relatively mundane. The bed sheets had been changed, with the dirty ones thrown into the laundry, and the two found themselves in the kitchen enjoying some tea. Though Frigid had offered to buy some brunch for his sister, she’d politely refused and made due with a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The pair quickly lost track of time, too ensconced with catching up to notice the morning flying by. Seated at the kitchen table, reminiscing on their youth, they heard the front door open. > Gauche Greeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Honey, I’m home!” Leech bellowed, magically guiding several floating bags to the floor. “I got some good news and not-so-good news. Bad News - I didn’t get the job. Good news - I did get us a bunch of junk food and I picked up something sexy to tease you with. Bad News - I might have fucked that mare who was hiring,” she prattled on, digging through the soils of her whorishly hemorrhaged earnings. Finding the snacks she’d acquired, she triumphantly carried the bag into the kitchen. Honestly, she hadn’t really noticed the lack of any response from her host, presuming he was out and about, so the last thing she’d expected was to find him sitting at the table with some mare. Freezing in place, looking over at the two, her eyes shifted between them. “Cough - Leech, this is Cold; before you ask, yes, she’s my twin,” Frigid began shifting his focus from the monochromatic unicorn to his sister. “Cold, this is Leech. I’m trying to help her get back on her hooves.” Railing against the impulse to make any number of inappropriate jokes, Leech stepped towards the pint-sized pegasus. Smiling and curtly extending a hoof, she faltered. Something tickled her nostrils, the unmistakable scent of something sinful. Closing her eyes, breathing deeply through her nose, she smelled the air. There was no doubt about it, someone had done the nasty recently. It wasn’t her fault that her olfactory senses were intimately tied to money and musk - life had simply seen fit to equip her with a sensitive sniffer. Peeking over at Frigid, as she shook the mare’s hoof, a shit-eating grin crept across her face. “I think I’m going to go back to that thrift shop; they had this really weird looking book I was tempted to pick up,” Leech hummed. “I’ll catch you two later…” Unsure of how to process the strange unicorn’s reaction, Cold smiled amiably at the newcomer. “Bit of a bookworm?” she asked. “Butt mark says so,” Leech asserted, brazenly pointing to a sinister looking tome emblazoned on her flank. Reaching the door, she paused and looked back. “Frigid, if you don’t mind, feel free to root around in the goodies I got us, but don’t look in the frilly pink bag. Anyhow, you two have fun.” As the unicorn scampered out of view, Frigid exhaled. Despite the cleaning and shower, he wouldn’t be surprised if the aroma of sex still lingered in his house. Shaking his head and turning his attention back to his sister, he found her staring daggers at him. “That was...interesting…” Cold remarked, putting her oversized twin on the spot. “She’s a good mare - quirky and a little different, but not bad,” he groaned. “Good in bed or…” she trailed off, twisting the knife. Attempting to play off the comment, Frigid shrugged. “What can I say, it gets kinda lonely in that big bed of mine.” “Uh-huh...Well good luck with that. Just remember what dad always said,” Cold teased, leaning over the table towards him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah - Don’t stick your dick in crazy,” he murmured, shooting forward and giving her a peck on the snout. “You want to see what kind of goodies she got? If nothing else, you can take some on your trip.” “Watching your marish figure, are you?” she laughed, steadily getting off the chair. She’d probably be a little tender for a day or so, but it probably wouldn’t impact her performance at the impending surfing competition. “Oh yeah, totally. Gotta look good for all those little hussies out there,” Frigid snickered, trotting towards his entryway. “Well, judging from what just sauntered out the door, you might not need to look that hard,” Cold mused, looking out the window at the fleeing unicorn. She couldn’t put her hoof on it, but something told her that having the plucky mare around would do her brother some good…