Shimmering Sonata

by Dark Tail

First published

Sonata has her way with Sunset Shimmer with a chance of someone seeing.

Being a girlfriend to someone who tried to take over the school with the power of music would be weird to most people, but Sunset isn't like most people and neither is Sonata. In more ways than one. When the horny siren decides its time to have some fun, Sunset can only hold on as the ride goes well off the rails.

Characters are 18+ and Seniors in High School.

Picture and Inspiration for this story comes from this:
Derpibooru #2543190
Spoilers/kinks: Futa on Female, Public Sex, Implied Open relationships, and a pinch of cute romance.

This is what you get for dating a Siren

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Sunset Shimmer casually walked the long hallways towards her destination, her mind abuzz with thoughts about tests coming up and the stress of it all. It was already starting to get to her and those exams were still a few weeks off. Her only solace was the fact that her girlfriend asked to meetup after school, mentioning that she had something special in mind. Hopefully it would be something to help take the edge off.

She glanced outside the window as she passed, glad that the school day was over and a long weekend was now ahead of her. As the sun slowly creeped its way down, turning the sky a shade of orange and red, Sunset found her thoughts drifting to just how she had managed to snag herself a lover after all this time.

It certainly wasn't something she had planned for... Heck, the person she ended up with caused plenty of her friends to even question her sanity. I mean, she is a Siren and one that they fought during the Battle of Bands. Though they had their worries, Sunset managed to eventually convince them that they weren't much harm anymore and one of them was even looking for a friend... Though honestly, that friend did quickly turn to lover.

Somehow, Sunset managed to find common ground with spunky blue haired Siren and considering the two were practically displaced creatures of another world, some pieces just managed to fit so unbelievably well.

Sonata Dusk... A wild girl shrouded in cheerfulness that Sunset couldn't help but find fun to be around. The fact that both were horny woman looking to find someone to scratch that special itch every now and again didn't hurt either. Sure helped that Sonata had a special package that apparently had been created when she fell through the portal. Something about magical mutation with her human form or something like that. Twilight could probably explain it better.

Wasn't a complete package though. Sonata's new member was completely infertile though that worked well for Sunset. Just meant all the fun without having to worry about the rubber. She felt her nether regions quiver for a moment at the thought of that wonderful object Sonata had waiting for her. Something that she had felt plenty of times already but always looked forward to every time they met up.

Picking up her pace, Sunset turned a corner into a slightly more dim hallway. A less traveled section of the school with only a small window to help light the otherwise dim corridor. With the lights barely kept and the only room at the end leading to storage, it didn't see many people. Making it the perfect meeting spot for anyone without having to worry about some teacher looking over your shoulder.

Sunset grinned as her eyes fell on the sexy young woman casually leaning against the window, her T-shirt and shorts showing that she had just gotten off from gym class. Her eyes lit up as Sunset neared, her expression turning cheery as she quickly hugged the red haired young woman.

"Sunset, thank goodness you are here. Now I can finally show you what I have been dealing with for the better part of today!"

Sunset felt the lump her girlfriend shorts pushing against her jeans. "I am going to fancy a guess and assume it has something to do with our friend downstairs."

Sonata grinned and leaned back a bit, locking eyes with Sunset. "Yep, don't know what it was. Whether it was catching a glimpse of the swim team or seeing that rainbow haired friend you have in the showers after gym, but my Siren genes just went into over drive. I haven't been this horny in weeks!"

Sunset gave her horny girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. "Well, lets get you back to my place so we can take care of that."

Sonata shook her head. "Sorry Sunny, but I am afraid I won't be able to wait that long. We are gonna have to take care of this here and now." She licked her lips.

Sunset felt her heart sink a bit. "Wait... Here? As in, right here, right now in the middle of the school?"

Sonata nodded quickly. "Yep. No one comes down this way and its at the end of the day so I doubt anyone is going to see us. Besides..." Her eyes danced over her lover's body. "Wouldn't it be fun to do something a little... Daring? Take a chance with something we might never get the chance to do ever again?"

Sunset looked down at the floor. "I don't know Sonata... This seems a bit too risky though."

Sonata leaned in close. "I may not have that jewel anymore but I can still feel your desires Sunny. You are already growing wet just thinking about letting me plow you here and now. You are just as much of a sex freak as I am..."

Damn that sing-song voice of hers. She may not have magic but she sure could convince a fish to climb with her charm alone.

Sunset felt her jacket fall from her shoulders, her tank-top coming into view as her eyes soon filled with lust. "Damn it Sonata..." She let out a low sigh. "I hate it when your right. But if I hear anyone coming, we bolt for the storage room, got it?"

Sonata quickly nodded. "Deal!"

With that, she grabbed the sides of her T-shirt and practically tore it from her body, her C-cup breasts bouncing into view. Sunset eyed the wonderful melons. "No bra again today, huh?"

Sonata stuck out her tongue. "Says the woman who doesn't like to wear clothes unless she has to."

Sunset grinned and tore off her tank top, her own slightly larger breasts coming into view. "Once a Pony, always a Pony."

Sonata pushed the red head against the lockers, her breasts squishing against her lover's. Her hands traveling down to the ex-pony's jeans while her lips traveled over the young woman's shoulder. As Sunset felt her jeans hit the floor, her own hands soon traveled to the shorts her girl friend was wearing. They were quick to tear down the object blocking her affection. The tool she desired most, soon came slightly bouncing into view. All that remained were some shoes that were quickly kicked off, followed by some panties that were gone faster than a speck of dust in the wind.

Sunset has always wondered what it would be like to be naked in the school. Now with her shoes kicked off and her bare ass touching the locker behind her, she had a pretty good idea now. It felt incredible. And maybe a bit terrifying.

Sonata stopped love biting her lover for a second as she reached down and grasped her hardened tool. "Ready?" She questioned as Sunset felt a bead of sweat run down her forehead.

Any fear dissipated though as she stared down at that wonderful prize. Her lust fueled brain moving the pleasure she was about to receive to replace any doubts she might have had.

"Ready." She said as Sonata lined up and drove the wonderful package into the love tunnel that was already lubed up and ready to go, having been ready long before the clothes came off. "Damn, I really am a sex freak."

Sunset felt the world disappear around her as she felt the wonderful spear enter her. Grabbing that wonderful Siren ass, she felt the blue haired girl wrap her legs around her back a bit. Now came the best part. Sunset switched the two around and made sure to pin Sonata against the lockers for support. Then began the process of working her hips, feeling Sonata go deeper and deeper.

The two lovers panted and moaned, their eyes closed in concentration as they felt their bodies become one. Sonata held on for dear life as Sunset drove herself onwards. The coldness of the locker doing little to stop her hands from holding on tightly. Her breasts grinding against her lovers body as she attempted to ride high on the pleasure Sonata was putting her through. It seemed she wasn't kidding about the horny bit as Sonata suddenly cried out. "Sunny, I'm cumming!"

"AH. Then let it out all. I AH know you aren't a WAHn and done kind of girl."

Sonata groaned as her body twitched, signally her peak was just hit.

Sunset let out out a hard moan as she felt of wave of fluids rush inside of her. Her own orgasm crashing against her nerves as she moaned her lovers name. "Ah... Sonata!"

As she held her breath, letting the orgasm ride out, Sonata let out a small sigh of her own. "Oh wow... Sunny... That felt great..."

Sunset opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "I get the feeling there is a 'but' in here and not including the one I am holding."

Sonata gave a small nod. "Yeah... I'm still super horny." She paused a for a second. "Do you mind getting down on all fours?"

Sunset felt a grin slowly break across her face. "Pony style huh? Yeah, I'm down."

In truth, this was her favorite position. Something about it just felt so right.

Getting down on all fours she felt her lover against her back, her Siren hands clinging to her breasts while feeling her warm body. Sonata knew just what to do to make it feel extra special. That wonderful long rod soon making its way back in and filling Sunset with the warm love object she was about to slam in and out again. Fluids splashed unto the floor as she let out a long hard moan. Sonata began love biting her shoulder as Sunset did her best to cry out too loudly as her world seemed to disappear again.

Her eyes glazed over as she began to feel Sonata begin to really pound into her. Her rod going in fast but coming out slow. Making sure each thrust was as deep as it would go. There was plenty of fluids to allow for her to keep the pace up. Sonata squished her lovers breasts with her hands passionately as Sunset arced her back slightly. Pleasure flooding her senses as she loudly moaned.

At this point, the school was no longer a thing. It was just her and Sonata.

"Sonata... Sonata!"

"Ah, Sunny, you feel so good. I freaking love you!"

"I Ohhh... I Love you too... Now don't stop... I want to keep feeling you... SO GOOD!"

She cried over and over. She could feel it. Sunset felt her peak hit and like a river she came hard. Sonata wanted nothing more than to keep going but her pent up feelings were too much. She let out her own hard moan and followed by releasing her pent up load deep into Sunset Shimmer's core.

Sunset let out a soft hum as the warm liquid rush in just as she felt her own liquids rush out. She felt her arms give out as she slunk to the floor, feeling the cold hard surface. But it didn't matter.

Sonata cooed into her ear as the two panted. Basking in the afterglow.

It was a solid minute before Sunset became aware of a pair of legs standing in front of her. As the haze of sex slowly washed away, her mind jumped back to reality. She was naked, her girlfriend was also naked and balls deep inside her still. There was someone standing over them.

"Uh... Sonata?"

Sonata glanced up with worry. A golden haired woman was stand over them. Thankfully, she recognized this one. She quickly sighed in relief. "Oh uh... Hey Dagi..."

Sunset felt a wave of relief wash over her for a second. At least it wasn't a teacher. Still though, this was not exactly the best way to come across someone.

She carefully glanced up, seeing the wild haired Siren, her skirt and off shoulder shirt on showing that she was dressing pretty casual today. Adagio sighed and held out a water bottle to Sonata. The Siren disengaged slightly and reached out, taking the water bottle and drinking it greedily.

"You forgot you asked me to bring this to you, didn't you?"

Sonata took a second before she quit drinking. "Ah. Nope... Just got here quicker than I thought you would."

Adagio raised an eyebrow. "I go to this school too, Sonata. You and your red-haired cocksleeve should also be more careful. Rather not have to deal with whatever fallout comes from you two getting caught!"

"Hey, that's my girlfriend. She's more than a cocksleeve. She is also warm hearted person that makes cute noises. Also do you have any idea what it is like to be horny all the time and have something working against you all day? It freaking sucks."

She reached down and brought Sunset into a sitting position, hugging her from behind. Sunset sighed at the touch and the love she could feel pouring from the Siren. She didn't need her geode to feel that.

"And besides, no one ever comes this way. We could have banged for another hour and still no one would notice."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Whatever... Now if you'll excuse me, I an important visit I need to make."

Sonata rested her chin on Sunset as the red haired woman let out a soft sigh. "Wait Adagio, don't suppose you have any plans for the evening?"

Sonata perked up a bit. "We do need to rinse of in the shower room I suppose... And we might need some help with that." She stared seductively at Adagio who raised her eyebrow with slight interest. She seemed to glance at the door ahead of them for a moment, contemplating something.

"Hmm, alright meet me there in 20 minutes. In the mean time, I suggest you hurry and get your clothes back on. The person I am meeting with is Vice Principle Luna and I think we both know that is not someone you want accidently stumbling across you two."

Both Sunset and Sonata went wide eyed. The two shared a collective gulp and shot up, quickly collecting and throwing their clothes back on. Getting caught by Luna would have been bad, especially a second time. The first time she walked in on them in the bathroom. They managed to talk their way out it. Explaining that they had gotten fluids all over themselves and were trying to wash it off. Which wasn't a total lie... But being caught naked in the hallways was going to be a trickier explanation.

As the two quickly got their things together and took off towards the showers, Adagio waited for a moment before turning back walked towards the storage room. She grinned and opened it, revealing Luna leaning against desk in a bikini.

Luna growled. "Just 20 minutes?"

Adagio licked her lips. "I'm sure I can be a bit late."

Luna stared at her with bedroom eyes as she began to saunter over to Adagio. She grinned and slowly closed the door. The muffled sounds of moaning slowly creeping back into the still dimly lit hallway.