> The Rumble Crew Squad > by Lamasioux > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Jurek Vivianus's 'First Day' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Mateo readied our LMG’s and he started the count.    “One.”  “Two.”  “Three!”  I took a deep breath with what air I could and turned the corner. BABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABANG--  Was that two?  BABABABABABABABABABABANG--  Definitely four.  BABABABABABABABABABABANG-- *Click*  Fuck me.  “YOU’RE UP!” I got behind the corner to clear the jam, being replaced with Mateo.    BABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABANG--  It took a few seconds to clear the jam, all my focus on getting it done quickly, and right when I cleared it.  BABANG--  “Fuc- OOOUT!”     After they yelled out, we acted and swapped places again as if it was second natu--  BABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABANG--  Could I even count if it was just dead bodies I was lighting up?  “THAT’S THE LAST OF ‘EM!”    Staff Sgt. Jaume nudged me with their hoof to make sure I knew I was done, not that he needed to, being on that corner was scary enough knowing I might end up dead at any moment. I had personally nicknamed corners like that ‘Death Corners’.    What else would I even call them? I had already seen three (Or was it four?) ponies drop down in an instant, dead, one of them being lit up for a good five seconds with a constant stream of bullets. All of them doing what I had just done. I mean fuck, the last one only happened one building up the road, where the damn Changelings were, which reminded me that I needed to probably get a new belt loaded.   Mateo was already doing that himself and when I was getting the new belt in, it turned out I was only one bullet away from being out, but as I got a new belt in, the same typical argument broke out with Staff Sgt. Jaume and one of the soldiers we just saved.    “He’s right there! Just, FUCK, just have ‘em spray some bullets real quick and I can gr-” He was interrupted by the Staff Sgt with louder yelling.    “If you round that corner, you’ll have ten guns pointed at you in a second, with fifty more the next and the whole area you’re in will be lit up, which includes your dead friend! Don’t--”    I already knew what would happen, the pony was about to get dragged away in a few moments for cutting off the staff sergeant, plus for keeping up the argument.     “I saw him breathing! He’ll be fine i-”    The staff sergeant put a hoof around the pony and started dragging them down the street to where the other ponies we just rescued were catching their breath and checking themselves for any unexpected holes while the rest of my squad was already at the ready to move.    “It was the air escaping his lungs, I saw them get hit and drop while your asses were running for cover, now make sure you got your shit ready to move ‘cause WE’RE MOVING RIGHT NOW!” He yelled out so everyone in my squad could hear, “Through the alleyway and to the next building! Check for civilians quickly and make sure you don’t have any bugs jumping you or a buddy's ass!”      A few of the soldier's buddies made sure he didn’t try to run for his dead buddy, at least they knew he was gone, but they still looked pretty upset about the death of their unicorn friend and squad leader.  We were still in a combat zone, the bugs were only at max, what, charging around the corner and stabbing us? Who knew, but just like every other pony so far who has wanted to be the hero within their small group of friends, they either complied and left them or just ended up dying a dumbass. This was only the beginning of the first major war in 1000 years or something, I guess I should’ve paid attention in history class, but I guess I can’t blame them for not understanding the situation, none of us did. A threat to Harmony and Friendship hasn’t been at stake like this in forever.    It didn’t help that two small sized Changeling Division were pushing the city, making it near impossible to stay in one spot too long. What the hell was one underponied division going to do before reinforcements came? Nothing! That’s why we were slowly retreating while making sure to evacuate every citizen possible. I mean FUCK, the average front line in the city was apparently being pushed back a building every 5 minutes.    As we started to move from our position and to the alleyway, I heard our squad medic, Tuuli Hope, yell out for us and the other squad, they were following us, not like they could go another direction. “I need a sound off on everypony and deer!”      She had just become our squad medic last week and was obviously new to the position and the military, but she was the 2nd highest rank in the squad now by being a Corporal.    Slowly, all 22 ponies, or well 20 ponies and two deer, yelled out their status. We were quick about it. Our squad called off in the normal order we had been doing it, the other squad following, yelled out their own order for their own medic. We were all in the alleyway, leaving behind our position we had just been holding for the past five minutes when the last pony called out their status. No one was hurt enough to where medical attention would be needed.     It was these brief moments where you weren’t shooting or being shot at that the reality of the whole thing set in. I mean, we legit did just leave behind that other squad’s friend without a second thought, I mean, when’d he even die? He wasn’t dead when Mateo went to spray after my jam, it must’ve happened right as the last few ponies rushed to cover as I was spraying after Mateo. That could’ve been me that bullet hit. Fuck…  “Alright, Ashes Squad, I’m taking command until we’re better situated to figure out who can.” yelled out a Deer soldier who had a heavy Olenia accent. He was a part of the other squad and had corporal markings on his uniform, as well as a marking showing he was a medic. Same rank and roll as Tuuli.    No one from ‘his’ new squad commented besides what I could only assume was the thoughts of a few wishing that a new squad leader didn’t have to be chosen.    Our squad only had 10 people in it at the moment and we somehow managed to not lose anyone so far, but we had already all seen someone killed in the few hours since this war started. The other squad had 12 now, total. I wasn’t able to get the name of the one who just got killed or their previous squad lead, too occupied trying to focus on the retreat and being on the lookout for any Changelings or civilians.    I’m surprised no one else spoke out to take the position, for a squad that size I would definitely think they’d have more higher-ranking people at the ready for such a thing, but then again it’s not like the 2nd ‘Equestria Division was full size. The new leader being made dwelled on my thoughts about the fact that our division wasn't big enough to handle the current push. Not that the thought would stick as in a few minutes when we were most definitely being shot at again... > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully there was only one citizen in the building that my fireteam of five was going through, which was easy for us, totally stressful for them. Luiz had his scoped Lavender rifle slung to his side as he helped the lone earth pony get everything they needed to leave their home behind, which thankfully wasn’t a lot. Luiz was holding onto a few photos in his wing while the other pony stuffed a few more things into a bag before taking the photos from Luiz and putting them in the bag and closing it up. “Now is that everything you truly want to take?” That part was really emphasized, “You won’t be able to come back for anything else, at least not until we retake the city.” Luiz was talking at an understandable pace so the pony, who was no doubt on an adrenaline rush right now, was able to understand. “Y- Yeah… T-his is everything I neEEEEEDD!” The pony yelped out and covered their ears with their hoofs as a loud burst of gun fire started outside. He was scared as shit after the burst stopped, lowering their hoofs, shaking hard. “Hey Luiz! If he’s ready, then make sure he’s leaving in five seconds and going downstairs to the other squad!” I hollard out before putting my focus back on the window I was at. I had my LMG pointing towards a window and down into the street, resting its bipod on the dresser that I had conveniently moved there. “Aye! I hear you, just trying to make sure he has himself collected beforehoof!” Luiz said as he did start to move the pony. We were on the second floor of this pony's house, the other half of my squad was in the house next to this one, clearing it for any civilians. The other squad that had followed us was in the alleyway, hiding behind bushes, railings or whatever they could find, which was where we were sending any civilians, so they could be escorted in a safe direction. Luiz ended up directing the citizen to Tuuli, who was waiting at the stairs that lead down, she motioned with a hoof for him to follow and said in a calm voice as well, “I know I should’ve done this when we first found you…” She had gone around the corner of the stairs and I couldn’t hear what she was saying anymore, but I knew she was doing her normal checkup on the citizen to see if they had been injured in any way since the fighting started. The entire city had taken a massive surprise attack from artillery and bomber planes before any ground combat had started, so who knows how many civilians got killed or hurt in that initial attack. I mean did those bastards really attack us without there being an official declaration of war?! That’s at least what command had told us... I was out for a casual walk around the city on my off time when the air raid sirens went off. I gotta say, it was quite a confusing mess as everypony scrambled for shelter when the realization came in that the city was under attack. Thankfully, I never saw anyone get blown to bits in the beginning. I galloped it back to base as fast as I could, taking shelter when and where I could when I heard the horrifying whistling sounds of artillery and bombs coming down, praying that I wouldn’t be hit. Thank Luna I wasn’t. So when I got there, I was directed by some soldiers who were on guard duty on where to go, which was whatever barracks we were assigned to, where our respective sets of equipment should already be. It was, along with a few other members of my squad and some members of the two other squads who were assigned to the same bunker. Everyone was getting geared up, not much chatter between everyone, before a pony came barging into the barracks in a obvious hurry, “Hey Rumble Crew! The rest of your squad’s currently getting orders on what to do, they’re going to be coming back soon so stay here until then, the rest of you need to get your shit ready five minutes ago and follow me outside!” The random pony was keeping the barracks door open with a hind leg, but they turned around and left back outside, right after their announcement, which made all the other ponies follow suit and make their way outside. I counted about 10-15 of them leaving, only four were left inside, me and three of my other squad mates: Ilja Huang, Tuuli Hope and Rostislav Sekar. We waited in silence, I was personally fiddling around with my LMG, I was obviously nervous, I had never carried my gun around in actual combat or as casually, it was always just in training. Nor did we have them just in the barracks like they were, other members of my squad must have gotten everything set for our returns. Then the barracks door opened after what seemed like a minute and walked in the six other members of my squad. They were all already geared up, all their weapons slung to their side or over their backs. None of us were able to greet each other, it being the first time today most of us actually saw everyone. Staff Sgt. Juame got in the middle of everyone the bets he could before talking in a loud and clear voice, “Good! The rest of you are here! So listen up, I just got back from command and just so you four know, we’re ‘officially’ at war. Now for everyone else, for what you’re dying to hear! I say officially because the Changelings just launched that bombing run against us, yet command hasn’t received any proper news about any war being declared, so by Celestials name if we’re not, then I pray nothing else comes out of this…” The Staff Sgt. trailed off for a moment, we all felt that. None of us wanted to go to war. Now that I think about it, that was the first time the word ‘war’ had crossed my mind. Why did I even run back to base anyways? I mean, I am a soldier in the army and it’s where I am just about every day. Did I think it as home? I don’t know. The Staff Sgt. continued, “So by orders of Major General Mave, we, along with every other pony available and stationed here, are to defend the city of Acornage against any possible Changeling ground invasion. We are to make our way to the edge of the city, near the border and await whatever impending doom might be coming our way.” That was why I liked Staff Sgt. Jaume, he was always honest about everything in a way that seemed dark, but for me I always liked it… At least until that ‘impending doom’ actually showed up. “We have been cleared to open fire on any Changelings that we see, at will. We have also been given two main objectives, at least until word comes from Canterlot or Celestial herself on what to do. Those two objectives being, one: Halt any Changeling advance without losing anyone to fighting and two: Evacuate any and all possible civilians who are still within the city if we are to be pushed back.” There was a brief pause before he asked, “Any questions?” The rest of the squad was silent for a moment, we were all processing the chunk of information we just received. The dead silence only lasted one more second before the barracks door opened and pegasi poked their head in, seeing us first before coming in. “Staff Sgt. Jaume! If I’m not interrupting!” The pegasi saluted with a wing before putting it back down and waiting for a response. “You’re not. Any word from Canterlot?” Staff Sgt. Jaume asked, a few of the other squad members had already moved out of the way so the Sgt. could see the pegasi. “Nothing yet, but orders are being passed out for the position everyone is to go to right now. The Rumble Crew has been assigned to the North East side of Plas Dur Road. It’s near the border and far away from the city and the base so we’re going to need you moving out right now. Transport truck #16 is waiting for you near the vehicle depot! It’s got room for the rest of your squad. You’re expected in five minutes or less!” The pegasi gave a quick salute and said, “That’s all!” He then lowered his wing and made his way out. Staff Sgt. Juame cleared his throat and said, “Well, looks like questions are cancelled! Everyone get your shit and let’s get there.” With that, we were in action. The next thing led to the next and before we knew it, we were fighting on the front lines. The Changelings pushed really hard and in less than five hours we ended up where we were now. The 2nd story of the pony's house. > Chapter 3 - The UXO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been about three minutes since that civilian was taken away. It was starting to worry me a little that I hadn’t seen any Changelings through the window. I thought they were supposed to be pushing hard. The last rounds shot from the guys outside happened about two minutes ago, but I wasn’t to leave my position until we were called from the house by Staff Sgt. Jaume once he got word from the other fireteam. The reason being because we were in the house that was closer to the front. I ended up breaking the silence, “Hey Luiz!” I spoke loudly so Luiz heard. “Viv! Whatcha got?” He went straight to aiming his gun out another window that was facing the same direction as mine. “Nothing right now, but just wondering how many you think you’ve gotten so far?” He looked back at me, but I was still focused on looking out the window, “How many I’ve gotten?” “How many Changelings? I reckon I’ve at least 7 so far.” I was honestly just trying to keep myself from stressing out and it seemed like a ok question to ask with it being way more than relevant right now. “Killed? Fuck… One? A sniper ain’t that good when you’re doing urban fighting like we are now. You’re definitely going to be getting more than me, that’s for sure.” I smirked at the comment he made, “Heh, yeah.” We went back to silence, which only lasted about 10 seconds before Ilja came running up the stairs, stopping halfway up, enough so he could yell up to us, “Yo! Other team’s done and we’re good to start moving back!” “We hear!” I yelled back. Ilja yelled something back downstairs, but I was to focused on getting my stuff and moving to the stairs, along with Luiz, to even notice what it was. Ilja looked back right as we both started trotting it down the stairs, himself going back down as well to move out of the way. When we got to the 1st floor, Staff Sgt. Jaume was waiting by the door to the alleyway where he started yelling out orders at a fast pace, “Jurek, there’s a smaller alleyway between this house and the one we searched, make sure no Changelings try to come through the other side. We got Mateo and two others in that bomb crater and another on the opposite side of where you’ll be. They’re set up to shoot any bugs who come down the main alleyway. Everyone else is hoofing it further down where we’ll set up to give y’all cover! We’ll call when ready and y’all are gunna be running down either side of the alley in case we gotta shoot. Got it!” Enormous chunk of info he said right there, but I got it all, “Yeah!” We had already left the building, I was already getting set up, halfway around the left side corner of this smaller alleyway, just as Jaume finished up saying his plan. “Alright! Let’s GO GO!” Jaume yelled before he and the remaining ponies who were with him set off. I had my gun aimed down the smaller alleyway for about thirty fifteen seconds before we heard the signal yelled, “YOU GUYS ARE GOOD!” Whoever said it was really loud. I’m pretty sure the Changelings could’ve heard the yell if there were close enough. I was turning, making sure the three in the crater were getting out, they were. Mateo and another pony were making their way to my side of the alleyway while the deer, not the medic one, was going to the other side with the pony. Right then the 100pound bomb that was hidden beneath the bottom of the crater, that itself had made, exploded. Pavement and dirt went flying up into the air from where the crater had been, bringing the three soldiers, who weren’t out yet, flying. I was knocked down to the ground within half a second, which hurt a lot, as debris started falling down onto me. It hurt a lot as it hit areas on my body, definitely leaving some bad bruises on my hind legs, but thankfully my helmet kept anything from hitting my head. After what seemed like forever, the debris finally stopped falling and the echo of the explosion had vanished, I let out the breath that I somehow had been holding ever since I was laying down. I then pushed myself up, looking down at myself and feeling around with one hoof to make sure I was alright, I was, before I looked at the damage. There was a lot of dust in the air, giving me good concealment from any possible changelings, but they weren’t on my mind. I looked around at the larger crater that had been made and the destruction it had done, trying to find the three who had still been inside it before the explosion. I only saw the other pony who had been making their way out towards my side, who looked fine as I trotted over, a bit dazed from the explosion still, I put my front hooves on them, feeling around for any straps I could grab onto so I could drag them. I found them and started to drag them towards the direction where everyone else was before the realization came in that this pony was missing both their right front and back legs, which was leaving behind a mess of blood along with their guts that were falling out as I dragged them. … ... Wait what. I quickly let go of the pony and tripped on some debris with my hind legs as I was backing up at a fast pace, away from the body, but I got myself back up and continued backing up. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck--” I whispered on repeat for a good five seconds before I turned around and turned to a gallop in the direction of everyone else. A few of my squad mates were galloping, or flying towards the direction of the crater, along with some from the other squad. Ketilrior stopped me from moving and was asking, “Thank Celestial you’re not dead! Are you hurt in any way?” There was a lot of concern in her voice. I shook my head a little for ‘no’, still in shock from the event before eventually answering, “U- Uhh.. NO- no.” I was still shaking my head, “Yeah no. No.” Ketilrior, who we called Kettle, was pulling me, a hoof around my back, taking me to where everyone had been waiting for us and sat me down behind a small depression in the wall. “Hey Tuuli! Get here and check Jurek! The other medic is up there with everyone else!” “Already here!” She responded. She was next to Kettle, moving her out of the way so she could check me. She began right away at her main job but asked me, “What in the Tartarus happened!?” She sounded terrified by asking the question. “Uhh, th-- the uhh,” I was trying to piece together what happened myself, “The crater just went up… Up like… Up. Exploded.” What did happen? “Then I found myself pulling a p- pony and their guts-- yeah, guts coming out…” “Listen, you’re in shock, it hasn’t even been a minute since it exploded. So going to need you to take five deep breaths and five slow exhales for me. Ok?” Tuuli was putting her hoof on my mane, “You’re fine, but I need you to collect yourself. I need you to do those deep breaths for me Jurek. You’ll be ok.” I was staring at her for a second before I swallowed and nodded my head a few times. I brought a hoof up to push my helmet up a little before I took my first breath. I took everything in I could and closed my eyes and held it for a second before letting it slowly escape. Was that… all under a minute? That-- I was taking my second breath and filled my lungs and let out slowly without holding it this time. I didn’t even see Mateo, or that deer… Or that other pony. Did I have tunnel vision during that hole event? Did I still have it? So much just happened. The explosion, the guts, this breathing… I let out my last exhale and heard Tuuli say, “That’s five! Excellent job Jurek!” She was rubbing the back of my mane lightly. When’d I get to my last inhale and exhale? Was I lost in thought for the remaining ones? “Alright! Listen up, we just lost three ponies and a deer!” Someone yelled out. I was collected enough now that I looked at who had yelled it, it was a medic, the deer who was the new squad lead of the other squad. “Lorens, Olivia, Jocjo and Mateo! Mateo was with the other squad!” The medic continued. Rostislav and Luiz came into view, along with the rest of the ponies that had gone out to the explosion site, getting back into cover. “Fuck me…” Kettle whispered. She were still nearby watching Tuuli tend to me. “Just like that.” She didn’t say anything else. I didn’t say anything. Tuuli didn’t either. I have no clue if anyone else did because I started replaying the whole event in my head when I heard the names. We got the clear to move, we were moving back, then the explosion, then I was stopped by Kettle. We got the clear to move, we were moving back, then the explosion, then I was stopped by Kettle. We got the clear to move, we were moving back, then the explosion, then I was stopped by Kettle. My thoughts were interrupted as Staff Sgt. Jaume yelled out to everyone, “ALRIGHT! Listen up, Ashes, send four people to clear that building. Me, Ilja and Luiz are clearing the one right here, the rest of my 2nd fireteam is getting the building further down!” He then came over to me and Tuuli, “Make sure he’s good to go by the time we’re out. Got it?” He was directing his statement to Tuuli. She nodded, “Got it!” Jaume nodded back, “Good.” Then turned and went with the other two he named and went into the building I was leaning against. Tuuli looked back at me and kept rubbing my mane, “Just sit for a minute.” She gave me a reassuring smile, “You deserve it.” How’d I deserve it? All I did was survive a bomb exploding… I should be back to clearing the houses for civilians or making sure no Changelings attack. But here I was. Getting a more than needed minute of rest. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We just got back to the base in Acornage after a weeklong training exercise in the forest south east of the city. It was April 17, 1010 when we got back and we were at the cafeteria with the whole squad, dying to have food that was a million times better than what we had been eating during the exercise. Seven of us were already had our meals, which happened to be extra special due to the exercise being over, local Hayburgers, a few slices of ham, two full bowls of FUCKING BLUEBERRIES! It was a lot of food but it sure was fucking delicious and well-earned I thought.     Then came the last three and as they came to the rest of the group, Samira, who was one of the three, had brought two newspapers and passed them out to two other members and said, “Yah won’t believe this!”      She was were always saying stuff like that, always following up with a joke or some dumb fact about something.     “Olenia just lost the war.” She said.    I thought it was weird that she didn’t say anything else after that     All three had already joined the group when Samira had made her announcement. A few members stopped eating entirely at what they heard, perking up to listen in to anything else that might be said. I continued to eat myself but was very intrigued as to what happened as well.    “Ok, so what’s the catch?” I asked.    “There is none...While we were out training, three days ago, the Changelings apparently took over Hjortland after breaking through their last defenses and the entire nation just ended up collapsing. I heard the Olenia queen escaped though.”     “In the name of Celestial, that’s in no way good…”  Rostislav whispered.     He was sitting right next to me, so I was able to hear it. A few other members said something themselves, but they were too quiet.     Before Samira went on, I saw that Mateo and Nihal were the ones who had their hoof and wing on the two newspapers. They were taking a glance at the front page which was most likely covering what Samira was talking about.     “And as word has come, Chrysalis is also apparently planning on turning the whole country of Olenia into a puppet… whatever that means. Read it in the newspaper.”     “They’re basically still their own country but entirely controlled by Chrysalis. Or something like so.” Said Luiz.     “Shit…” I said.     Nihal looked at me and said, “Yeah, that is a big ‘Oh shit’ moment Vivi. I just hope that pleases their lust for power though. After their demands for the territory a few years back, I knew it’d eventually lead to annexation or war.”     At this point I noticed a few other ponies were gathering around us to listen in on the news. Everyone at the cafeteria at the moment had been a part of the training exercise, which was about 500 or so ponies, a few deer, even fewer griffons, so we were all out of blue on this whole event. We don’t really get access to the privileges of things like newspapers when you’re hoof deep in mud shooting guns.     “That’s all I read on the paper, pass it around to everyone so they can have a look themselves.” Samira finished off.     Just about everypony was talking to each other, as well as the other ponies who had gathered around, saying their thoughts on it before Mateo spoke out, “So what’s that mean for us?”     Everpony’s focus went to him, but the Staff Sgt. spoke out to answer the question, “Well, I would think, it means we’ll be doing more training exercises and doubling up on border security for a while to make the civilians feel safer, but that’s the kind of question to be asking the higher ups, if it hasn’t already been asked.”     Kettle chimed in after Jaume’s input, “I’d just leave it to Celestial and the Elements of Harmony to come up with a plan myself. They’ve always helped protect us from problems like this before.”     “Ehh? Celestial and ‘em harmony folks ain’t going to do anything. If they did, they would’ve helped when their war had originally started.” Mateo commented. “You know, that makes me wonder what somepony like you is doing in the military when you believe that they’re the solution to all problems.”     “You know, that’s a good question.” I said while look towards Kettle.     Kettle had seemed to flare up at our questions, but Luiz spoke, breaking that small tension, “One: You don’t need to pry where you shouldn’t and two: We should just wait until we hear an official statement on what we’ll do. Not much us fillies can do to determine what happens.”     We didn’t question her anymore and dropped it there.    Luiz was getting up, carrying his tray of food with a wing, which was all eaten, and leaving. Everyone watched for a moment before a few others also joined, including the Staff Sgt. He said before leaving himself,     “Y’all should hurry up and finish, we need to go clean our gear after our training and it’d be nice to get it over with so we can get the rest of the day to relax. They’re giving us it as a treat for finishing our exercise with excellent performance.”     Rostislav perked up at that, “Fuck yeah. That’d give me more time to finish writing to my family.”     Everyone else finished up eating and eventually made their way back to the barracks where we’d spend the next three hours cleaning our gear, only giving us three hours to relax too before we’d have to go to sleep to have enough energy for whatever the next day had in store for us.     Everyone made small talk about Olenia for the next few days before we forgot about it. Though I learned that a few deer tried to take temporary leave to go to Vanhoover to see if their families had escaped there from whatever the Changelings had decided to leave them with back home.     All of those who applied for their LOA were granted it. I don’t know the outcome of what they learned was though. > Chapter 5 - Another > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- What seemed like an eternity turned out to only be a few minutes before everyone was coming back into the alleyway from their assigned buildings. The Staff Sgt. yelled out, “Alright! Let’s move back again! There’s better cover it seems a bit further down. You five who’re already covering us are going to keep at it while the rest of us move back. Try not to blow the fuck up this time.” He was pointing a hoof at some of the other squad members who were already set up with their guns pointing down the alleyway. He didn’t mention anything about me but Tuuli was still next to me with her hoof on me. I felt better and felt like I was able to move but Tuuli was helping me up herself before I could. She was doing it with pace but once I was up on my own hoofs, I gave a quick half smile and nod before moving with everyone else. We galloped at a slow pace to the location the Staff Sgt. had mentioned, and we all took spots to cover the other ponies who were still at the last spot. I was setting up my MG behind some fallen bricks that had piled up in the road from the nearby house. It looked like it had been hit by either artillery or a bomb, but at least this one had already exploded if it was. Right then I felt somepony nudge me with a hoof and looked to see who it was and it was Ilja. He said, “Hey, good to see you’re still alright. We still got ourselves Equestria’s 2nd best machine gunner to protect us.” I broke a half smile at his joke, knowing to well he was trying to make me feel better from the whole incident. “Yeah yeah, I’ll be sure to gun down every bug that I ever see for payback for what they did.” I responded while turning back to put my focus down the alleyway. I then heard somepony yell out loudly, “WE GOT Y’ALL COVERED! HEAD OVER NOW!” and I took that as my que to be on high alert for anything that wasn’t pony. But that couldn’t stop my mind from running a little. It felt surreal now that Mateo and those others were dead. Like, was this what all those other soldiers felt when their buddies died? I mean, I instinctively went out of my way to help drag that one-- Right then I saw a black figure further down the alleyway and felt the force of my gun firing away at it. The ponies who were galloping towards us took cover on either side of the alleyway while I and a few others were putting down fire. The whole moment lasted about four seconds before the black figure was laying on the ground and all the gunfire stopped. “Here they come!” I heard a pony yell. “Light their asses up if more appear!” “Rostislav! Fire a grenade down there, where the body is!” I heard someone from my squad yell. “THE REST OF YOU KEEP COMING!” They yelled out to the ponies who were still further up. “Rian! You do the same after the first one explodes!” Another unknown pony said. I kept focus down the alleyway as the ponies ran up. I could hear the two ponies setting up their rifles with grenades and right as the other ponies got to us and into cover, we all heard a PING, immediately by a fast ZIING and immediately the sound of a gunshot that came from where we were looking. “In the window!” Someone frantically yelled. I saw the flash myself and started firing before I was aimed at it, doing a good 1 second burst before stopping. Hearing a few others shooting as well, before seeing an explosion happen at the location of the first bug. I heard another gunshot right after the explosion, a second of silence before another explosion happened on the side of the building where the window was. “Ilja’s hit!” I heard Tuuli’s voice yell. I quickly looked to my side where he had been, before noticing he wasn’t moving and was slumped. Then I saw the hole in his helmet at his forehead and blood dripping down his face. Tuuli was crawling over me while staying under cover while she got to Ilja. I only stared for a second more before looking back down my gun and firing a half second burst from the window to the opposite side of where it was, which prompted a few others to fire their bolt actions as well. Yet another explosion happened at the window. Then ZIINGs followed by gunshots were happening and immediately everyone who was already aiming from cover was firing. I was doing half second bursts every 1.5 seconds, everyone else was firing off as many rounds as they accurately could at every location that possibly had any Changelings. This lasted about 10 seconds before we had stopped as someone had thrown a smoke grenade. I quickly looked back at Ilja only to see he had been moved so he was behind the brick pile I was on. Tuuli was removing some of his ammo and supplies from his body, his helmet had been removed and was moved over his face to cover it. He was dead. A few ponies were quickly coming over to nab the ammo and other gear that they were either lacking at the moment or thought as useful before I quickly looked back. It made me sick… My stomach churned. Mateo and Ilja in under 10 minutes. That… Why. What’d we do to have two people die in such a short amount of time? One was from an indirect kill and the other… They both happened right next to me and I could have easily been one of them this time. It wasn’t like the other times. I actually knew them. Fuck… A few ZIINGS and gunshots came our way, even with the smoke up, so I fired a good second long burst sporadically into the smoke, trying my best to suppress whatever bug thought it was a good idea to advance through the city. Then my gun jammed… It should really be cleaned about now. “Fuck, not again.” I moved myself into cover and cleared my jam and heard more ponies shooting. I just cleared my jam and saw the impact of a bullet on the ground nearby before yelling, “SARG! They’re pushing hard on us! We can’t stay here if they do!” I was getting back into position and fired a half-second burst at a few black spots I thought were Changelings. The smoke had let up by the time I was shooting and when I finished my burst, I heard the Staff Sgt. yell out. “Alright! Pop another smoke and once it’s up, we’ll trot further back. When we do, Jurek, you’re going to put down the rest of your belt through the smoke before falling back as well.” I ducked down so my head was behind the bricks, but my gun was still pointing down range and saw someone setting up another smoke. “Lay down your entire belt before they toss the smoke Lucia!” I heard the deer with the Olenian accent yell. Then I heard another pony letting loose a hail of bullets from their own MG before seeing the pony with the smoke tossing it. I kept my head down still while waiting for this Lucia person to finish their belt, which lasted only a few more seconds. Then I heard some more rifles go off before the Staff Sgt. yelled, “Alright! Smokes up! Let’s go!” And with that que I poked my head back up and started unleashing the remainder of my belt down the alley. A good five seconds before it finished then I found myself pushing myself off the brick pile and galloping the opposite direction, a few others had waited with me while everyone else had gone as far as they could in those five seconds. I caught a glance at Ilja again as I stepped over him due to him being in the way and saw that all of the supplies Tuuli had stripped off him had been taken. Another friend died and I was just leaving him behind like nothing. I wish we could’ve taken his body. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new year had just started and my family and friends celebrated Hearth’s Warming at the town of Sire’s Hallow. Everypony but me was all but truly happy. I just finished public schooling and was looking for a real job, so I had promised to myself that I’d join the military. I heard you got paid well despite never doing anything. But I also secretly always viewed the ponies who protected Canterlot during the Changeling attack a few years back as heroes and always wanted to be like them, so I set out for Buckcastle, the nearest town with a recruitment center.      It was January 5th, 1007 now and I was pretty nervous as I sat in the front of the recruiter's office waiting to be called back to answer whatever question the recruiter had. I was the only pony there though, which you would think would make it be a quick thing, but I guess not.     I sat there for about ten minutes before I stood up and went to the front desk, which was empty, and yelled out, “Hello?”     There was a moment of silence after I yelled before I heard a pony’s muffled voice yell from somewhere in the back, “ONE SECOND!”     I waited and after about ten seconds a pony came in through a door that led to the area behind the desk. It was another earth pony and they looked at me all confused like, as if I shouldn’t be here.     “If you’re looking for directions, there’s another building about five blocks down that knows the whole layout of the town.” She pointed in the direction she was talking about.     “Directions? Uhm, no, I’m here to join up for the Equestrian military.” I responded all confused for a moment.     The other pony looked confused for a moment as well before the realization clicked and she said, “O- OOOH! I’m sorry! Sorry! I’m sorry! I hope you didn’t wait long then!” She was then hurrying for her spot behind the desk, which had folders and paperwork lying about.     The realization came to me now that I had never contacted anypony or said anything to anypony when I came in. It was empty when I arrived, but I had sat down so casually while in deep thought, about the whole joining up thing, that I never realized I had to actually talk to somepony first.     “Uhh, yeah, only about ten minutes I suppose.” I said trying to off it as a joke.     The pony was arranging a few things on the desk while saying, “I’m so sorry about that then! I didn’t know anypony came in. Most ponies who come in are only looking for directions to someplace in the town, thinking I know the place due to being a part of the military. I don’t…” She gave off a half smile towards me before continuing, “So you’re here for joining the army then?”     I stood a little more straight now, trying to be a bit more professional now, not that this other pony seemed to be all that professional themselves, “Yes, I’ve decided that I’d like to join and came to find out what I needed to do for that to happen.”     The pony looked through some of the paperwork she had and pulled out some forums before nodding her head to herself and asking, “Alright then, I’ll need the needed documents then, which I hope you brought?”     Well things were progressing now. I had the documents; they were in a folder that was in the bag I was carrying on my back, so I quickly removed it with my VERY basic telekinesis magic and then took out the folder. I opened it with the edge of my hoof and used my magic again to place it on the desk for the pony.     “Here it is. Birth certificate, proof of residency, citizenship and my diploma from basic schooling.” I didn’t feel like going for higher education would be worth it at the moment and thought I could always get it later in life.     The pony took the documents and looked at them over a few times, now looking professional as I thought they would have been in the first place. She went through some other paperwork and did some mouth writing on some other documents, doing some file work before putting all my own papers back together and handing them back.     “Ok, all of it checks out, you can ask any questions you have while filling out this sheet of paper.” She had moved another piece of paper towards me with magic, “It’s your signature and the list of positions you’d want. On the back is a detailed list of positions you can put on. Just a max of five is all you need.”     I looked at the new piece of paper I was given and read over it, it just basically said I’d be signing up for the military, doing training and potentially failing the training and being kicked out. I don’t remember the hard details of what it said, but at the bottom where five lines and a sixth for my signature.     I turned the paper over and looked over the list that was there and saw many different positions and roles that I could take, like artillery gunner, vehicle driver, stuff like that. I just picked four random ones I thought were interesting to fill in for 2-5 but picked the normal soldier option as my number one. I flipped it back over and wrote in my choices and then signed at the bottom with the bad mouth writing signature I’ve always done  ((Reference image))     How ever did my signature pass was beyond me though. Not just for this, but anything and everything else. It was so bad though.     I passed the paper back to the other pony who looked it over before looking back, “You don’t have any question then?”     “Oh, yeah, it’s just about the choices, am I getting the option to pick between those five I want?”      “No and yes. It’s the choices you want but it’ll be picked for you by somepony, but I wouldn’t worry about it. Every position is open pretty much and they’re always accepting whatever pony comes their way. Anything else?”     I shook my head, “No, that’s it… I probably was the least asking pony to ever come in though I bet.”     The other pony chuckled, “Asking one question is more than the daily average we get if you don’t count those asking for directions. We barely get anypony ever coming in to join up. No real reason for them to. Mhmm. But you, now that you’ve got all that figured away, you’ll need to do a written and physical test today to find out if you meet the minimum required score to pass before the rest of your paper work begins and you start the transition into military life. So if you’re ready, I can bring you into the back to start the written part, we’ll do the physical one afterwards at the nearby training facility we use.” She gave a smile and pointed towards a door that led further into the building, “That way if you please.”     I looked at the door and nodded, “Alrighty then. Good as I can be.”     Lets hope I pass.  > Chapter 7 - Resupply > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The five pegasi only stayed for about one minute as they unloaded a portion of their ammo and supplies for us. They were one of the resupply teams who were helping make sure the front lines were stocked with ammo, grenades, water, whatever else we were using up for combat. Then off they went, taking off with speed into the air, not too high though so they stayed out of sight from any potential Changelings, and went onto the next squad that had called in for resupply. “Make sure the supplies are distributed to everypony as seen fit.” S.Sgt. Jaume said. He along with Nihal helped distribute everything so everypony was replenished with ammo or whatever they needed. It was just our squad now, the other squad we had been with had split off to cover the main road. We were still on the alleyway/side road and only some buildings kept us separated from each other but they weren’t directly with us for any engagements. It had been only about twenty minutes since Ilja was shot and in that time we had witnessed the death of the squad medic of the other team, the deer who had taken charge. The Changelings had attacked our position at the time with what seemed like twenty bugs, we held them off for a little while before more joined in and started pushing hard enough to make us all fall back. That happened about five minutes after Ilja was shot. Thankfully, no one else has died since then. Then we split. “Hey Jurek!” Nihal finally got to me, “I got some ammo for your MG here, how much of it do you wanna carry yourself?” “Three quarters of what you got is enough!” I took my focus off from aiming down the alley to respond. Nihal brought over the amount I asked for and I took the moment to stash it away in my pack, while putting two small belts wrapped around my mane for quick access. “What about the rest?” “Fuck, uhh, Ilja carried my extra, so uhh… HEY LUIZ! You got room to carry some ammo for me?” I shouted to him. “I got room, but not a lot!” He responded back from the other opposite side of where we were. “‘Ight, give the rest to him then.” I said normally. Nihal went right to moving, staying in cover as he got to Luiz where he gave him his own supplies and the ammo I directed towards him. I went back to aiming down the alleyway. Then I heard the radio on S.Sgt. Jaume’s back go off and he stopped for a moment to listen in. “...All ponies between streets Arch Boulevard to Twilight Road are to fall back! I repeat; All ponies between the streets of Arch Boulevard and Twilight Road are to fall back to the edge of the city! I repeat; Fallback to the edge of the city! We’re about to be surrounded in the city and cut off from any escape! … Over!” The S.Sgt was close to me supplying Rostislav so I was able to hear the announcement. He immediately shouted out, “Alright ponies! Listen up! We’re being ordered to fall back to the edge of town. The Changelings are about to encircle us so we’re being pulled out before that happens!” Kettle and Samira both looked at the S.Sgt with bewildered looks and Tuuli yelled out from the other side of where we were, “NOW!? What about any remaining civilians! We’re just going to leave them?” She seemed to be furious at the announcement, “Ask them how long we got so we can check for civilians in that time while we retreat!” A few others seemed mad and pissed off at the announcement when Jaume yelled out, “I didn’t make the damn announcement, it was to all ponies in the city, we just gotta listen to the damn orders. Any civilian not out at this point is dumber than a pack of Diamond Dogs!” How smart even were diamond dogs? I have no clue. “They’re probably scared! They’re not soldiers like us; they’re probably hiding in fear!” Tuuli yelled out. “Dammit! We don’t have time to fucking argue! Luiz! Nihal! Pop spokes down the alleyway! Rostislav! Shoot a grenade as far down as you can! Jurek! Give a good two second spray when the spokes up! After that we’re hoofing it faster than a damn deer to the fallback line! Ready!?” Tuuli seemed upset but she stopped trying to talk to Jaume and calmed herself down. Rostislav was already aiming his gun with a grenade at the end, ready to shoot it to whatever distance he could as Luiz and Nihal were getting set to toss the smokes. I was at the ready to shoot anything as Rostislav shot the grenade off. At the gunshot, Luiz and Nihal tossed both the smokes at once and then the explosion happened down the alleyway. Everypony but me and Jaume were aimed down the alleyway for a about six seconds before I decided to let loose the two second burst. BABABABABABABABABABABABABANG! “Fuckin’, let’s go!” Jaume yelled to the few who were still behind cover. The rest had already started galloping away as we joined in. It took us about 11 minutes while going at a somewhat fast paced gallop to make it to where the fallback line would be. Should be. I have no clue, we definitely weren’t in the city anymore, the buildings were a lot more spaced out and a lot more trees were present around. “Fuck. Me.” I breathed heavily as we got to a relatively safe spot. Everypony else was also breathing heavily, grunting, panting, whatever they could do to relax their bodies as the gallop began to take a toll on everypony about halfway through. It didn’t help that we had just been resupplied either. “FUUUCK!” Nihal yelled out as he collapsed on the ground after stopping, taking deep breaths, “That was fucking worse than our week-long training exercises.” “It aint worse than being killed in slow and guaranteed death.” Samira said stopping next to Nihal and also collapsing for a moment. Jaume seemed to be the least effected by the retreat, “Just catch your breaths and be at the ready in case any Changelings show up. Also don’t forget the phrase to yell if you see another squad come by!” There was a phrase for identifying us from the Changelings. It became a thing after Olenia’s collapse back in 1010 when word came about of how many Changelings would infiltrate the deer’s military bases, front lines, whatever they could get their hoofs in. We change it regularly and currently it was ‘Six-point five queen.’ Thankfully every time we ran into another group or pony who wasn’t a civilian, we initiated the phrase, they always came out as being real, at least I hope they were. If they didn’t, we would have most likely had to gun them down, which I hope I never have to do in fear of them turning out to be actual ponies. We rested up for a few minutes, some of us taking swings at our canteens, the rest who weren’t on watch for anything that came into view. Then Jaume’s radio started again and he listened in. A few others as well. “All poni-- New orders have come in! We are to-- ndon the city and fallback to the South East Acornage fore-- epeat; We are to fall back to the Acornage Forest! The Changelings are about to cross the n--ern river to flank us! I repeat; We --ndoning the city and falling back to the South East forest! -r!” I saw Jaume’s expression slowly fade away before swallowing and yelling out, “Listen up! New orders just came in! We’re to abandon the city and head for the forest! There’s no objections to this!” “WHAT THE FUCK! ABANDONING THE CITY! ARE THEY FUCKING INSANE?!” Tuuli was fucking pissed. “Calm the FUCK down Tuuli! FUCK, I didn’t make the call, but we won’t last a minute if we’re the only ones who stay! I’m just relaying the damn message.” Jaume said. “Damn Changelings are going to burn the whole place to the ground…” I muttered. “Listen, we can’t sit here anymore. We have to move out right now. Tuuli, don’t complain. There’s nothing you can do about it. Orders are orders. We’ll retake the city when we come back.” Jaume said. “I pray to Celestial and Luna that anypony left inside makes it…” I heard somepony quietly say. Tuuli didn’t really push it further besides saying, “If we can retake it…” And she said it very monotone with a flat expression. Jaume let out a sight before yelling, “Ok! Get your shits and let’s get trottin’.” > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What were you doing when it started?”  We were driving back home from Fillydelphia after buying our first vehicle. It took us a few days to get there but we also stayed a few days, like a mini vacation. We explored the city, saw its famous Dragon Town and learned about its history a bit more. The city had the cheapest cars nearby, due to it having many factories made to produce military vehicles for the war. They were converted to civilian factories for car making afterwards. “What do you mean what I was doing? What started?” I asked. We had just passed through the town of Mareway making our way to Buckcastle. I was driving. “The war. What were you doing when you found out it started?” I stared ahead at the road as I processed the question, “T- the war…?” There was another question asked before the other two started talking back and forth about something, I couldn’t understand whatever it was as I was deep in thought now at the question, with memories flooding back about the whole thing. I started to slow down and pulled over to the side of the road once I realized I couldn’t keep my focus on driving and stopped. “Is everything alright?” I felt somepony touching my mane with their hoof. “I uhh… Just can’t focus right now.” I paused for a good few seconds before saying, “You can drive.” It wasn’t really a suggestion as I was already getting out of the car and trotting around to the other side where Tuuli was getting out herself now. We didn’t really trade any looks with each other, or I didn’t so I never saw if she did. I got into the passenger seat and Tuuli got in as well. After a few moments we were off again. “I’m sorry…” “It’s ok.” I replied softly. “It’s not ok. For neither of you.” Tuuli said, “You shouldn’t just ask questions like that, like… you shouldn’t, you might not know why you shouldn’t now but… Regardless, you can’t either. Celes--...” There was a long pause with her, “She doesn’t want us to… We’re not allowed. Mom and dad... neither of us can say anything… ever…” Nothing else was said. Nothing until we were at Buckcastle where it was a simple, “Anypony need to stop for anything?” kinda thing. But after that it was just the sporadic chit chat that only lasted a few seconds occasionally for the rest of the drive. It was getting late as we approached our home back in Hoof City. I finally broke the much awkward silence by saying, “Once we’re home, make sure you eat your Hay and berries right away, we’ll need to get up really early for Sun church. I know we should’ve planned better to avoid coming back the night before service…” I have no clue what either of them said, after that everything was just a blur until we got home. All I know was I didn’t help with unloading which caused Tuuli to get mad but she didn’t stop me. I just went to my bed and plopped down on it, not even staying up for the hay and berries. Then I awoke. I woke up in a cold sweat in my own bed, breathing heavily, panting, weak. “Fuck… fuck… Curse Luna for that nightmare… Right?” Wasn’t she supposed to protect me from nightmares? Maybe she just didn’t get to me in time… It took a minute of laying in my bed to collect myself before stretching as best I could be sitting up on my hind legs. I was still a bit groggy from waking up so I sat for another minute before I was good. I saw sunlight coming in from the window and into the room where I was alone. Fuck I was hungry. I finally got up and I got myself ready for the day, eating my simple meal, ironically being hay and berries. I did a few other small tasks like looking at my hooves and teeth before finally taking a cold shower. Hot showers never really became my thing after the war. Just about all the showering and bathing I did was all with cold or air temperature water. Sure we rarely got the chance of hot showers but, they always felt... off putting? I was then ready for my day. I went to my shitty car, it wasn’t as nice as the car in the nightmare but it was still mine. I got in and drove off towards the city. City? I thought it was just a large town, at least during the war I did. It had grown in size since the end. It was Hoof City, like in my dream. I drove around looking for the place I was supposed to be going to once I got to the main city, which took about thirty minutes. I eventually found it and parked in whatever open spot I could closest to the building and then trotted my way there. I made my way in and was instantly greeted by a pony inside who had a brown coating, “Hello! Are you here for the Great Therapy?” I nodded my head a little, “Yes. I already made an appointment. Uhh… Sergeant First Class Jurek Vivianus, with The Rumble Crew Squad with the 5th Rifle Company, 2nd ‘Equestria’ Division.” I said almost robotically. The other pony looked at me blankly as I said my name and such while going through some files that I couldn’t see before she said, “Jurek Vivianus… Yep, gotcha right here. You were just on time as well. You can head further back to room 3 so you can start. The therapist will be in in a minute.” I gave her a nod and smiled, “I-- Thanks… Ok.” I don’t really know why I thanked her, but I turned and went through the door and to the room I was told. I found it and went in, it was about the size of my bedroom, but some chairs and a couch. I sat on the couch and waited only about forty seconds before another pony came in. “Jurek Vivianus?” They said while looking at me. “Yep, that’s me.” “Good! You’re ready to begin then?” “Ready as I can be…” I gave off a faint smile. We were in there for three hours. The other pony asked questions, I answered them, explained things, told them what I thought. A lot of it dealt with the war, the whole Therapy program was named the Great Therapy for a reason and was being funded by the military. “Uhh... thanks.” I was looking down, “That really helped... Thanks.” “After what everypony went through fighting that war, the only right thing to do is help you all. It’s thanks to y’all that we won.” The other pony said, giving me a smile, “You’re welcome.” I looked back up and was greeted by their smile. It made me feel warm. I stood up and headed out back to the front where there was another pony in place of the one from before, “You can sign up again in two weeks. Three hours just as today.” I looked back at them and said, “Don’t worry, I will.” We both said simple farewells before I headed off. I got back to my car and drove back home, which didn’t take long. Once I got home I went to sit on my couch and sat there for a minute before whispering to myself, “It’s truly over...” I then started to cry. The first time in many years. > Chapter 9 - The 2nd Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pavement and dirt went flying up into the air from where the crater had been, bringing the three soldiers, who weren’t out yet, flying. I was knocked down to the ground within half a second, which hurt a lot, as debris started falling down onto me. It seemed to hurt a lot as it hit areas on my body, definitely felt like it’d leave some bad bruises on my hind legs, but thankfully my helmet kept anything from hitting my head. After what seemed like forever, the debris finally stopped falling and the echo of the explosion had vanished, I let out the breath that I somehow had been holding ever since I was laying down. I then pushed myself up, looking down at myself and feeling around with one hoof to make sure I was alright, I wasn’t. I was missing my whole lower portion of my body. For some reason it didn’t hurt but, pain wasn’t the problem at the moment. I started freaking out, crying out for help to anypony who could hear me for what seemed like hours. No pony and no Changeling came, but whenever I looked around I saw a pony near the explosion. One of the three. They seemed to be fine the first time I saw them but as I looked at them more through the tears of fear, I’d realize they weren’t alive, nor all in one piece, like myself. Both legs on one side were missing and their underbelly, stomach area, seemed to be spilling out, not much. I couldn’t do anything more than I already was, screaming, yelling, crying, whatever I was able to manage. Yet throughout the whole time, there was no pain. Not physically or, surprisingly, mentally. So why was I scared and crying? I wasn’t able to get an answer before Luiz shook me awake, “Hey man.” He whispered in his calming voice to me, “You doing alright?” I didn’t hear what he said, I was still in a heavy daze from being woken up. I didn’t reply at first as I lifted up my head a little, squinting my eyes and opening them slowly in case the blindingness of light happened to be about, it wasn’t, it was still dark, but my eyes were dilated, “What? What?” I repeated loudly. “Shhh, everyone else is still asleep.” Luiz whispered. I was quite for a few seconds as my thoughts collected before asking quietly, “Fuck… did the Changelings attack?” “Not yet, but Jurek, just take a few deep breaths first, you were having a nightmare from the sounds of it.” I only took one deep breath before asking, “I was making noise?” Luiz nodded, “Mhmm, it woke me, thankfully we’re about to get up regardless, but I decided I’d wake you up before then, figured it might be best you didn’t get the rude awakening that’s sure to come in about ten minutes.” “Uhm, yeah? Thanks…?” Was all I said. “You didn’t wake anypony else from the looks of it… hopefully whatever it was that was bothering you doesn’t again.” Luiz nodded before pausing and asking, “What was it if you don’t mind me asking?” “When Mateo died… but I was injured as well… I- I had no lower half, just gone…” That was all I answered to his question, going into a deep thought about it before I came back and asked, “So uh, what time is it?” Luiz had what I thought was a sad look on his face, it was hard to tell with how dark it was, “I believe Celestial’s about to raise the sun…” “What about the changelings?” I asked tiredly before finishing it off with a yawn. “No clue, but I’m going to go ask around, you should get up and ready before everypony else… or fallback asleep…” Luiz answered while equipping his helmet and picking up his scoped lavender rifle. “Y- yeah, yeah, I will.” I answered before Luiz left the tent. We had ended up pulling back about a mile into the forest after organizing with everypony else. Setup a proper line of defense while we were at it. We weren’t being attacked at the moment but we were all at the ready incase one happened. We had reinforcements come, but not enough to get the city back, but enough to help stall them if needed, but currently they were about a mile further behind us digging trenches. They had started just before we were given the chance to sleep. I fully up now, stretching a little before getting up from my sleeping spot. I was still dressed in my basic outfit, just my bags and gun were on the ground next to me, ready to be put on at the moments notice if adrenaline called for it. I then slowly started to equip it all. I put everything on before my helmet, but didn’t pick up my MG, I just sat back down on my bed and did a few breathing exercises. I could hear gunfire in the distance, I have no clue how far any of it was, but besides the few squad members breathing, it was quiet. I realized I’d need to enjoy it, so I did. I closed my eyes and listened to the quietness. No immediate danger, no yelling, no screaming, no pony dying. It was nice. I drifted off to sleep. Luiz woke me again, just gently nudging me with a hoof, which was all he needed to do to wake me. I rubbed my eyes with my hoof before looking at him, “Yeah?” “Just waking you before everypony else. There’s food outside for everpony to grab, you should get your gun and head out before I wake ‘em.” Luiz said. “I.. uhh, alright.” I proceeded to do what Luiz recommended. Right as I left the tent I heard Luiz shout, “UP AND AT ‘EM RUMBLE CREW!” Even being behind him it seemed loud. I heard some of the other members talk as they were rudely awaken but my attention was drawn to where the food was. I could see the sun just starting to rise, which made it easy to see around the camp. We were one of many that were in ‘safe’ locations along the Changeling front. I say safe but I’m sure many were attacked or were called to the defense of whatever rock, hill, tree they were using for concealment. I quickly found the place they were handing out meals for everyone. Hay. Just hay… Rationing already… I got my hay, carried the plate with my mouth back to the tent my squad was at and saw a few standing outside already kit up. Nihal and Samira were doing small talk with each other but as I approached, Samira looked at me and gave a wave, “Damn Jurek, already up with breakfast? Must’ve been hungry.” Nihal laughed at his joke. “Yheah, whoke uph earlhier Ih ghuesh.” I said, still carrying the plate. “So where they serverin’ it?” Samira asked. “Bhachk fhrom whear Ih cahme. Thenth orh soh dowhn.” I said before sitting down outside the tent, near the two, putting the plate down so I could get to eating, “Yeah, seems they’re only hoofing out hay. Rationing must’ve begun…” “Just hay? Fuckin’ fuck… we must’ve not gotten all our food out before they took the base AND city.” Nihal said. “Yeah… but nothing complaining about it will change that fact unless you wanna charge through the Changeling line and back into the city.” I responded. Nihal sighed, “Yeeeeaaah… No. Hay will do just fine…” Samira chuckled at that before saying, “Well, best we get it then before the bugs decide attacking this early in the morning.” Samira and Nihal both nodded before heading off to get their rations as well. I sat there and enjoyed the hay, but I also thought about the nightmare I had. All I could think to myself was, “I hope it doesn’t get worse…” > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’ll be the best time of your life.” Mateo said. “Hey, quit your lyin’. Keep lying and a dragon will take you away.” I replied as a joke. “No dragon’s taking me or anypony. Plus, that’s a damn foals tale. Told to keep us from lying when young. No parents, no more fantasy tales. Plus, no dragon is going to hunt you down for lying anyways.” Mateo said. “All they’re going to do is hunt you down to eat you. NOW that’s not a foals tale. Truth. Saw it happen to a bud of mine.” Rostislav said. “Fuckin’ no way.” Mateo said. “Damn truth! He was talking about how easy basic was going to be and the damn thing came outta nowhere and swept him off his own four hoofs. BAMB! Just like that.” Rostislav said with a serious tone while smacking two hoofs together. Me and Nihal laughed our asses off but Mateo just looked at Rostislav with that WTF face, “MAN! I fucking knew you were lying. Ain’t none of y’all ever even seen a dragon before.” We had all then calmed down from the joke before Mateo continued, “But it’s true! Basic will be the best time of your military career! I heard Luna might come bless your training camp before you begin as well.” “Dude, it’s still hard to believe. Everything I’ve heard has made it sound like it’ll be the WORST time of your life. Constant training, constantly being yelled out. Strict rules and orders you gotta follow at all time. Heard it from my older bro. Said it was the worst thing he ever did. AND to make it worse, it’s apparently gotten even harder since he did it. They started making the training harder and more grueling since the attack on Canterlot.” Nihal said. “If that’s all true, we only got eight hours before our basic begins and I haven’t seen any sign of Luna popin’ up to give us a blessing, so you better not be lying your ass off Matt.” I said looking at him. “Look, you just have to stay positive. You stay positive and maybe even Celestial herself will show up! No way to know unless you believe in it!” Mateo said. “I only believe in that damn dragon taking off with your ass. I’m off to bed guys. See your asses in hell tomorrow.” Nihal said before disappearing into his bed. He was bunked above me. Rostislav was on the top bunk next to us with Mateo below him. “Aww come on Ni! Not even a good night kiss?” Mateo asked. “Fuck you.” Nihal answered without showing himself. “Probably best. They did say it’d be a tiring day tomorrow.” I said. “Tiring day? The entirety of basic is going to be tiring.” Rostislav said. “Choose the wrong job then if you didn’t want tiring.” I replied. I was getting positioned to go to sleep. I didn’t hear anypony else say anything. Everpony else was asleep or quietly talking to each other at this point. All of them would be asleep soon if they knew what was best. I eventually fell asleep, it wasn’t that good of sleep though, first night in a new bed was never a comfortable sleep but I managed. I awoke to a new day. Back in my own room in my own bed. I looked around and yawned before getting up and stretching. I got ready for the day, showering last before heading out. I got in my car and drove to downtown in Hoof city, to where the therapy took place. It had been two weeks again so here I was. I trotted in and looked at the counter, it was the same pony as the first time again. I smiled and she said, “Welcome back! If you don’t need anything from the front desk you can head back into room five. The therapist will be right in.” I nodded at her and went into the back. I found room five and went in. I waited about a minute this time before the therapist came in. It all went the same as last time. ---------------------------------------------- “So… without talking about anything classified, I uhh, when we assaulted Acornage city, to retake it once we pushed the Changelings back, I thought a lot about Mateo and Ilja. It had been years since that happened and so much had changed, with, me and the whole world, but during the entire time, I started to think about my reason for fighting. What drove me for that battle. I was being fueled by the death of Mateo and Ilja. Did I fight in that battle for the wrong reasons? Like, there were a few ponies during that first day that we left behind to just die, or not even rescue to see if they were alive. I didn’t even care about those ponies, but Mateo and Ilja, I knew them, it meant something to me, but I still didn’t even try to help them… I couldn’t help them. But I just kept thinking about the reason why I was fighting. Wasn’t it supposed to be for protecting Equestria and our homes? All the other ponies who were fighting and those who couldn’t? I didn’t though, I did it for revenge for Mateo and Ilja. Was that wrong?” “No, Jurek. You didn’t fight for the wrong thing. You fought for the right thing. Your own thing. Your own reasons came first before Equestria. As long as whatever reason you gave yourself, helped aid Equestria, then whatever you chose to motivate yourself to fight for was worth it. Even if it was for revenge, even if only temporarily, just for that one battle. It was worth it. Don’t look down on yourself for thinking you chose a wrong reason to fight for. There were millions of Equestrians who fought in the war, even if the majority of them were drafted, who chose to simply fight so they could come back to their own family and loved ones, even if they didn’t care about anypony else. As long as it aided Equestria, then you thought no wrong.” The other pony said. I nodded to what they said. It helped. I mean, I already knew other ponies were fighting for reasons that wouldn’t help me in anyway, I just guess I needed to actually tell someone. I guess that’s what therapists are for though. “Anyways Jurek. That’ll be it for today. A minute past the three-hour mark. I hope it helped you well.” The other pony said. “It was. Thanks.” I replied. We said our goodbyes and I left, the front desk person said I could schedule another meeting in two weeks again for three hours. I said I would and left. I got to my car and drove home. The therapy was helping a lot. The pay I earned through the whole war was a lot, it’s not like saved up for some years straight with me not using it but it wasn’t enough to last forever. At least society had a lot of jobs slowly popping up for everyone who came back from the war. On top of that, society itself was very helpful towards the reintegration of all those who served. Even with how many ponies died in the war, the destruction it caused, the amount of civilians who weren’t able to be saved; Life was good. > Chapter 11 - Retreat Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- About half of us were outside eating our morning breakfast, the others inside the tent, “So I heard when I was getting my hay that we were going to be moving to the trenches they set up. Said maybe in the next twelve minutes or something.” Kettle said to those of us who were outside, “Which was about seven minutes ago.” “Seven minutes ago you say. Who knows when they heard it themselves. I wouldn’t trust it.” Said Luiz. “Maybe, but if it is, that means we’re probably going to be packing any minute to head out. Which if we are, we should probably finish u--” Kettle was interrupted by S.Sgt. Jaume as he trotted up to us. “RUMBLE! Listen, we just got orders to pack everything important and load it onto the trucks and then carry whatever you can. They want us heading out in a few minutes! Try to get the damn tent down in that time as well.” Jaume said, “I’ma tell the ones inside as well.” before he made his way into the tent. “Well fuck me. The timing on that couldn’t have been any more perfect.” I let out a small chuckle, “Best to get to it then?” I had already finished eating myself so I was getting up and heading into the tent. “Two minutes! Get as much as you can. They think the Changelings are going to attack any second. Get it done.” Jaume finished up telling the three inside before turning to head out. I got out of his way of the entrance. “Damn… even in the morning they wanna attack us.” Rostislav said. He had moved into the tent with the two others, “I guess I can help with the tent. You should help me with it Tuuli.” He looked at me and Samira, “Y’all should help carry supplies to those trucks along with everypony else. These damn tents aren’t that important as everything else.” “Imagine we lose the food we do have; it could be a few days before we get resupply of just the bare minimum.” Samira said, “Or bullets. “Then we should probably do so.” I said, “We meeting anywhere in case anything goes down before we head out?” “The nearest pony I’d assume to make into your temporary battle buddle.” Samira said. “Here before we move out I’d assume. Seems like Jaume was in a hurry. Maybe that’s what he's figuring out himself.” Tuuli said. “Yeah.” I replied, “Here works. Anyways, best start.” I turned around and headed out, Samira followed and when I got out I saw the other three who were still outside waiting, “So Tuuli and Rostislav are going to work on the tent. We should help get supplies to the transports. We’re also meeting back in this spot, what we said in the tent .” I said to everypony else. “At least we’ll be getting to the safety of the trenches, we should be able to hold them there then. I hope.” Nihal said. “Yeah, hopefully. But Jaume said inside that the Changelings could be attacking any second apparently. That’s why we’re moving out, at least what I think.” I said. We all headed off, us handing in our plates at the tent we got our meals from before splitting up to help load up the trucks. Everypony else was busy themselves, trotting or rushing around, to their own squads, commanders, doing whatever task the higher ups gave or they gave themselves. I was carrying a box of parts to this one part of the camp, which to my surprise, had a tank just sitting there. I was bringing the parts to the crew of it, somepony at another tent just yelled me over and gave me the task after finding out I had no dedicated one, so here I was. I thought it was for one of the transport trucks. What I found surprising honestly was that it was a tank. It was a Timberwolf tank. It came into production at the end of last year. I know my division had a few Muletilda’s, but I honestly thought they were all lost during the initial attack, but a TIMBERWOLF! It was a new class of tank as well, medium, I think. I didn’t see anypony near the tank who seemed to be apart of its crew, so I walked around to the other side and saw two ponies standing near the back with a griffon on top of the tank where the engine was. I walked up to the two on the ground and said, “Hey! Y’all’re expecting a box of parts?”    The two turned to look at me and the dark blue colored pony said, “We’re expecting one. You were told by Kahina to bring it? Copper color pony?” “Uhm, yeah, copper. I didn’t get their name but that’s what they looked like.” I removed the box off my back and placed it on the ground between me and the other two, “Here’s your things then. Hope it was correct.” The dark blue pony looked in the box and said, “Yep, right stuff.” He looked back up at me and said, “IF you’re heading back to Kahina, tell her that the tank is ready to head off. Not that important if you can’t.” I nodded my head, “I’ll see to it if they’re still where they were.” I was about to leave as the other ponies were getting back to whatever they were up to when I asked, “Uhh, just quickly, but how’d y’all get your hands on a damn Timberwolf? I didn’t know the division had any.” The other pony on the ground, with a dark orange coat, said, “Just got lucky, but we’re not with your division here. We came from the airfield to the east. We were told the city was being pushed hard and all your armor was practically destroyed so they sent us here. Temporarily with your division though. We’re heading out before everypony else so we can get set up at those trenches they’ve made.”    “Ahh, I gotcha, well, goodluck! May Celestial and Luna bless you!” I said before turning around to head off for real this time. ------------ I quickly made my way back to where our tent was, with everypony at the camp working to pack up, we got it all packed away quickly and trucks and other ponies already seemed to be heading out. I was the last one in the group to meet up with everypony. S.Sgt. Jaume was with the group as well near the empty spot of where the tent used to be. “Jurek! Finally. We can start heading out. Mile walk to the trenches.” Jaume said. “Yeah, had to deliver a message for this tank crew, apparently they brought in a Timberwolf.” I said. “A fucking timberwolf!?” Rostislav said, “When’d our division get one of those!” “They came from the airport out east, they’re not apart of the division but were ordered here. What they said.” I replied. “Fucking nice. No way are we going to be pushed back with one of those.” Rostislav said. “Don’t get hyped up about any special tank. They destroyed all armor we had during the fight in the city. We got lucky ourselves to never see the enemy's armor ourselves.” Jaume said. “Apparently the Changelings rushed the city with Panzer III’s so I wouldn’t be hyped either. They really wanted the city, but we really gave them hell regardless. Some say they’re surprised we even lasted as long as we did.” Samira said. “Regardless of whatever tanks they used, they pushed us out. The trenches are about the only thing we have right now to really help hold off the bugs so we should head out before we’re the last ponies here.” Jaume said. “Sounds a fail proof plan.” Kettle said. A few of the other members were already picking up their packs and walking in the direction of what most would call a tactical retreat. The others who weren’t, quickly followed suit though and followed behind. There was idle chit chat as we made our way to the trenches but when we were about half-way there Tuuli said, “Hey guys! Look up.” Everpony looked up to see whatever it was Tuuli was trying to show us and Nihal asked, “What is it?” “Far up in the sky, there’s planes…” Luiz said. “Bombers. Heading towards the Changelings.” Jaume said. “Are they ours? They aren’t Changelings planes returning from a bombing mission?” Tuuli asked. “No way to know without some binoculars, but I have a good guess that they’re friendly.” Jaume said. “I can’t believe it… actual war.” Samira said. “No one can believe it, but here we are, dumbass grunts retreating to some trenches to hold the line while the air force flies nose first straight into the enemy as if it’s nothing...” I paused for a second before saying, “Give ‘em hell.” I then saw black puffs appearing around the squadron of planes. “Give ‘em hell.” I whispered this time. We then looked back ahead and continued on our way to the fallback line.