> The Legend of Chicken Tenders: A Drake Between Worlds > by Drakuse the Idiot King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Came In Like A Cannonball > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, the human. "No means no Twiggy." I say with crossed arms while glaring at Twilight. "Don't you want to make some new friends?" Twilight asks me. "I'm not going through the mirror Twiggy and you can't make me." I say trying not to yell. She huffs angrily while I just sit on the "cutie map" ignoring her purple pony temper tantrum. Honestly she does this every time I say no to something. Even if it's "for my own good". How does she know what's good for me? She doesn't. Even I don't know what's for my own good. I didn't ask to be dropped here in pony land but you know I don't control fate... Or karens that kill me because I told them their kid wasn't good enough to pass his finals... Or purple pony princesses that don't understand why I don't follow the pony way of life.... There are honestly a lot of things I don't control now that I think about it.... "I bet you'd listen if Celestia told you to go through the mirror." Twilight says as my thoughts of death, doom, and despair leave me. "That's because Sunbutt scares me." I say flatly. "WHAT?!?" Twilight yells loudly as she looks at me in shock. "Do I have to fucking spell it out for you?" I say even more flatly, if that's possible, than before. "But why?" Twilight asks obviously confused. "She controls the fucking sun, she can do magic in large enough amounts to hurt me, oh and she has a bunch of guards that can sneak around silently IN FULL PLATE ARMOUR!" I say with a shudder as I remember how hard it was to lose the guards when I lived in Canterlot Castle. "I guess I can understand the second one but the first and third reasons make no sense to me." Twilight says. "That's probably because you have a really smooth brain, or because you're not from my world, probably both though if I'm being honest." I say. "What do you mean by, you know what nevermind, you're going through the mirror, Drake, and if I have to contact Celestia I will." Twilight says defiantly. "You forget, Spike, is with Rarity and her younger, totally not robotic sister." I reply. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." She says in a defeated tone. "Okay. Now that I'm satisfied," I say as I get off the Cutie Map, table... thing,"I think I'd like to go through the mirror now." I say with a shit eating grin. "HUH?!" Twilight exclaims as I grab my stuff from behind one of the chairs within the room. I had planned on staying originally but Twilight has been bugging me so much for the last few weeks about me "being reckless" or "you need to stop bellyaching over stuff." so on and so forth. Also leaving might be beneficial because of what's coming next month. I shudder slightly as I remember when I was still living with Celestia and Luna when I'd first came to this world. I didn't come out of my room for weeks, it was a good thing I had access to the kitchen via a tunnel I'd dug, until the guards found out I had been the one stealing the snacks out of the kitchen and literally followed the breadcrumbs to my room... Anyway back to the problem at hand, I have realized that if I go through this mirror to a different world supposedly I don't have to deal with Twilight complaining about me supposedly being reckless, Spike being a jackass, or Twilight's friends trying to "help" me everytime I get frustrated with stuff and leave it for later. "The only reason I decided to argue, Twiggy, is because I've decided that I'd like to have one final argument before I left." I say as I put on my backpack and attach my headphones to my phone. "You say that like you're not coming back." Twilight responds to me. "Perceptive as always Twiggy." I respond back as I wait for her to show me the mirror. "So why are you looking at me?" She asks clearly confused. "Because you know where the mirror is. I do not." I state blankly. "Oh. Well follow me then." She says as she goes through a door. I follow closely behind thinking of something funny I could do before I finally leave and never come back. We finally reach a room where there stands a mirror that is connected to a machine. I think I'll call that machine, The Plot Device. No reason behind it. Just because. "Here we are." Twilight says. "Cool. I've got everything I need so just tell me when." I say patting my backpack. Funny thing is I literally packed everything I could into the backpack. I love being friends with Rarity. She didn't ask why I needed the backpack enchanted to hold tons of extra shit she just enchanted it because I had helped her with some modeling stuff one time and she felt she owed me something. Unfortunately I couldn't fit the bed or dresser into the backpack because the backpack wasn't wide enough, however everything else in my room fit. Twilight puts a book on the pedestal thing that was connected to the rest of The Plot Device and with a shine of colours, I still think that the amount of colours in this world is absurd, the mirror looks more like a portal. I crouch down in front of Twilight and say with a smile, "So before I go I've got a very important question for you Twiggy." "What is it?" She asks. "Are you a Squid or a Kid?" I ask, but before she can answer I jump back while still crouched and enter the portal all while laughing at my own joke even though Twilight probably thought I had a serious question. ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, The human cannon ball... Have you ever been thrown out of a portal while curled up into a ball? No? Well I have, and if you hit a glass door while doing so it breaks. So if you weren't paying attention to what just happened I jumped through a portal curled up in a ball. Now I'm being blasted out on the other side faster than Team Rocket. "Ow." I say as I hit the a wall no longer curled up. "Ah think whoever we're waitin'on jus' blasted past us." I hear a familiar voice say as I get up and pop my back. "That. Was. Awesome." I hear another familiar voice say. "He also caused some property damage when he blasted through the glass door." I hear a familiar squeaky voice say "Let's not worry about that lets just make sure they're okay I'd rather not be taking care of someone that's injured." I hear a voice that is not familiar say. "I'm okay. Nothing is broken and both my ass cheeks are intact thank you." I say as I slowly walk outside. I look behind me where I see an imprint of me in the wall. I look forward and see that the glass door that I was blasted through. I open the frame of the door anyway mostly for added affect but I probably looked stupid. "You are more than okay darling, if I do say so myself." I hear a very proper woman say as I stare at the women in front of me. There were seven of them. The first one I see is a yellow woman with bacon like hair and beautiful cyan eyes. She is wearing a leather jacket, an orange shirt and some blue jeans. The second woman I see is as pale as snow with purple hair her attire is a very light blue, almost white shirt and a purple skirt and I have a very distinct feeling that I should know who it is. The third is an orange woman with blonde hair and a cowboy hat. She's wearing a t-shirt with an apple on it and a jean skirt. This seems familiar... The fourth is a purple woman with hair that is very similar in color to Twilight's mane and tail. She wears glasses and is wearing a blue striped t-shirt with a purple skirt. My brain is on red alert something about this one is sus. The fifth woman scares me. Mostly because of the big poofy pink hair and her pink skin. She's wearing a white tank top and a blue skirt. The gleam in her eyes isn't helping my deja vu any. The sixth woman looks smug. She appears to be wear a sports uniform. Her rainbow coloured hair appears to be slightly shorter than the hair of the other but not by much. Again she looks familiar and she appears to be judging me. The last woman is yellow with pink hair. She is wearing a white tank top like the pink girl but her dress is green. She's also attempting to hide behind the blue woman. "So Twiggy told me a awhile back that one of you offered me residence should I choose to come here. Which one of you decided to offer me residence?" I ask. ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Agent 13 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon I don't know why my mother decided volunteer me for this mission. Agents 4 and 8 are perfectly capable of doing this mission but no I'm the one that has to go do it. "Are you sure Agent 4 can't do this mission Mom? Because I don't think I'm qualified for this mission." I state blatantly to my mother as she takes me to a secret room in Cuttlefish Cabin. "You'll be fine and Agent 4 refused to do this mission. Besides, Coral, you said you'd like to do something besides patrolling." My mother, Agent 3, says as we enter the secret room. I see Marina sitting behind a computer typing something but what catches my eye is a circular machine encased in glass. "So is it ready Marina?" My mother asks. "Yes. Unfortunately though... It's a one way trip. I won't be able to bring her back once she's on the other side." Marina says solemnly. "Can I back out now?" I ask. "No. I hate to tell you this but that world is in danger much like ours was two years ago and I'd rather not have something from our world destroy an innocent world that isn't ours." My mother says coldly. "Great. I'm on a suicide mission." I say as I grab my Hero Roller off the wall. I go to the center of the platform encased in glass. I breathe in and close my eyes. I open my eyes and look my mother in the eyes as a tear falls from my eyes. I then look at Marina and stare directly into her eyes and say,"Beam me up Marina, I'm going to shell." > Don't Be Suspicious > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. A very lost Agent 13 I'm glad I wore a hat to help hide my tentacles otherwise I'd be a lot of trouble. On a good note though my tentacles being black is good because it makes it slightly easier to blend in. I decided to hide in an alleyway anyway though, better safe than sorry, most of the time.... "L-l-look I don't h-have any m-money." I hear someone say. I look to where the voice is coming from and see one of the inhabitants of this world, a male I presume judging by the voice, is backing away from, presumably a female, a creature of the same species that bigger and more muscular in appearance. "I wasn't asking nerd, I said give me your fucking money." the larger more imposing female creature says. I take a split second to think before I decide to interfere. I run very quickly and get behind the creature that I have determined to be the bigger threat and quickly place a curling bomb I'd been holding right behind her. As I quickly hide once more, I hear the bomb go off and look to where I placed it. The force of the of the explosion was enough to launch the more aggressive one into a wall knocking them out. Unfortunately the bomb left some ink on the ground but it appears that once the aggressor was knocked out the more cowardly one ran away. I move closer to the unconscious creature to get a better look. "It's human..." I say once I get a closer look. I remember bits and pieces from what I learned about the humans from my world. Unfortunately it's not much considering they went extinct. That and I didn't pay much attention in history class. I walk away before anyone gets suspicious, after all I don't know how humans might react to me. I walk for a bit before I find myself near what appears to be high school. I notice a motorcycle, a truck, a van, and couple other cars parked near a statue of a quadrapedal creature of some sort. I also notice some humans, seven of them, standing around the statue. Curious I look around and make sure no one is looking. Then I turn into my squid form and slowly make my way to the motorcycle and attach myself to it. I change my color to match it, a red color I am unfamiliar with. I also close my eyes so I don't get caught considering my eyelids will change color but not the eyeballs themselves. "Are you sure that this "friend" of princess Twilight is coming? We've been here for hours." A board voice says, although it's difficult I identify the voice as female most likely. "We've only been here for thirty minutes Rainbow, and yes I'm sure the princess' friend is coming, otherwise she wouldn't have sent a message through the book in the first place." A clearly female voice says Book? They send messages through books? That's not possible! I think to myself. "It feels like it's been longer." I hear the other voice grumble. CRASH What. The. Shell. Was. That? I think as my heart's start beating faster due to the unexpected noise. "Ah think whoever we're waitin'on jus' blasted past us." I hear a new voice say, clearly from somewhere southern if the accent has anything to say. "That. Was. Awesome." I hear the voice that was complaining before say. "He also caused some property damage when he blasted through the glass door." I hear another voice say. This voice sounds almost like agent 4... Blasted through? Did he have a bomb? Wait he? Who's this he? "Let's not worry about that lets just make sure they're okay I'd rather not be taking care of someone that's injured." I hear the other voice from earlier say. "I'm okay. Nothing is broken and both my ass cheeks are intact thank you." This voice is male and is coming from farther away. I hear footsteps coming from the direction of the building they appear to be stepping on glass. "You are more than okay darling, if I do say so myself." A very posh voice says, accented too but I can't identify it... The footsteps get slightly closer. The wind starts to blow a bit. "So Twiggy told me a awhile back that one of you offered me residence should I choose to come here. Which one of you decided to offer me residence?" The male voice asks, closer than before. THUD Great a body dropped. "And I thought miss marshmallow was going to faint first." The male voice grumbles almost inaudibly. "Y-you can walk on two legs!" The first voice from earlier exclaims. "Of course I can, do I look like I have four legs?" The male voice says clearly annoyed. "How? Most ponies-" her voice gets cut off by the male. "News flash kiddo I'm not a pony. I was ejected into pony land a while back. Also I'm resistant to magic." Pony land? What's a pony? More importantly what the shell is going on? I need to keep an eye on these humans, they might know something that'll be useful. There is a collective gasp, from those that are conscious. "Did Twiggy not tell you this?" The male voice groans. "And she calls me dumb..." The male voice grumbles. While he's grumbling a buzzing sound is heard. It stops but soon after the sound of a book being slammed shut is heard. "She just told me." "Good, can I please have your name, I think I know the names of the others because of the way they carry themselves and some of the voices tipped me off." The male voice says. Yes. Please name these humans. "Really? Then name them." "Challenge accepted. The blue one with the rainbow hair is Rainbow Dash, the one behind her is Fluttershy, Applejack is one with the hat, Rarity is the one who is helping Twilight get up from her surprise nap, Twilight is the one that fell unconscious and has a pair of glasses, Pinkie Pie is behind me and will learn the hard way not give me hugs, and you are not Starlight Glimmer." The male voice says. A collective gasp is heard, again. "I met your counterparts. Also Pinkie if you touch me I will do what I did to your counterpart when she tried to hug me the first time." He responds. "Awwww." I hear the voice now identified as Pinkie Pie say, I still think she sounds like agent 4. "I am Sunset Shimmer." She finally responds. "Neat. I am Drake, plain, simple, Drake." "Now that introductions are over can we go home?" The other voice from earlier complains, again. "Judging by Rainbow's complaining I'd say you guys have only been waiting about twenty maybe thirty minutes." Drake says. "Yep." A collective chorus of voices is heard. "Sounds about right. Alrighty then let's go I've had a long day and I'd like to get aquatinted with my new living conditions soon." Drake responds. "I guess we can do that if there are no objections..." Sunset says. Nothing else is said as footsteps approach. I attempt to stay very still. "So this missile on two wheels is yours?" I hear Drake ask. "It's a motorcycle, but yes it is mine." The voice identified as Sunset Shimmer replies. "I know what it's called I'm just pointing out that it's basically a missile on two wheels." Drake dryly replies. "Just get on." Sunset replies as she sits upon it. I feel something touch me as more weight, I'm assuming Drake, is added. I assume what's touching me is Drake's leg. The bike starts up and we start moving and I hold onto the bike for dear life. > When There's Trouble You know Who To Call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, Who's very hungry. I wish I had a sandvich, however that is unimportant as I have my arms wrapped around Sunset's waist as she drives this missile on two wheels. I'll admit I think I'd rather be on a vehicle with at least three wheels... Unless it's a moped I'd drive a moped. Also I lack a helmet. Not that it bothers me but, Sunset drives like a maniac and for the first time in my life I think I'd like some protection. After about fifteen maybe twenty minutes of driving we reach a house on the outskirts of town. It's a beautiful house, two stories by the look of it. Pretty large too, hopefully enough room for me to pace when my brain cells are actually working. However the one thing that's not beautiful is the parking Job Sunset did. I nearly went flying off when she parked. "You can let go now." Sunset says to me. I let go slowly as I get off. I hope I never have to ride on that doom machine again. However my gut tells me I'm not going to be so lucky. I have a feeling I'm about to be bombarded with questions once Sunset and I get inside. I think as I open the door. The living room is quite spacious and is nicely decorated. I sit on the couch near the back of the room and notice a game system of some sort. I don't dwell on it long as my stomach reminds me that I haven't eaten lunch. I immediately look for the kitchen, or rather, I almost start looking for a kitchen because as soon as I start I feel Sunset grab my wrist and pull me towards the couch. "Oh no. I'm not letting you do anything until you know the rules." Sunset says as she pushes me down on the couch. My stomach growls in protest and I stare blankly at her hoping she's not serious. Unfortunately she just glares at me. "Okay fine please enlighten me on the rules of your house while I stay here." I grumble as my stomach growls much more audibly. ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Agent 13, who's very scared. Once Drake and Sunset get off the motorcycle I very hastily find a bush and hide. I turn back into my humanoid form and attempt to not vomit. I curl myself up in the fetal position. I just sit there. Scared. Never have I been so scared in my life. Now I know why everyone in the New Squidbeak Splatoon has a car. Because motorcycles are far more dangerous. I don't know how long I sit there curled up but by the time I compose myself the sun has set. The only light is that of the full moon, and the light coming out of the windows. My stomach growls. I realize that I haven't eaten since breakfast. Great all I have is those nutrition cubes that my mother "borrowed" from 8. I'll need to get some real food at some point and I have no idea how I'm going to do that... I think to myself. I pull one of the nutrition cubes out of my pocket and eat it. It tastes bland. Much like sawdust. Very terrible. I wait until the light from the window goes out. Then I put my plan into motion. I need a way in I think to myself as I stealthily creep about. I move slowly and try not to make too much noise as I make my way to the backyard. I finally find a window that is slightly open, judging by the positioning of the window, it being in a more central location, I'm going to assume it leads to the kitchen. I step back a bit to see how I can get in without making any noise or using any ink, I'd rather conserve my ink supply for an emergency. I walk back to the window and pull myself up where I'm on the window sill, I lean back slightly and turn into my squid form to slip under the window. I land on a hard surface, presumably a countertop, and slowly make my way to the edge. I slowly shift back into my humanoid form once I hit the floor. I crouch down and move slowly towards what I believe is the living room. "Zzzz of course princess I'll help you kill the usurper king zzzz." I hear a voice say from the living room, I presume their asleep judging by the snoring. I sneak into the living room slowly and make my way behind the couch where I peek over and see Drake sleeping. "Zzzz of course we'll get the fused shadows back after we find the mirror shards zzzz." Drake says still asleep. What's a fused shadow? That's not important actually. I think to myself. I notice the sun starting to rise as I glance out the window near the front door. Barnacle piss I need to hide. I think. I hear some shuffling noises coming from upstairs, and the sound of an alarm clock. I chuckle quietly to myself. Alarm clocks from my world seem to share the same noise. I shake my head and quicky go to the kitchen where I find myself hiding in a compartment beneath what I assume in the silverware drawer. I make do with what I can as I curl up into a ball and let sleep consume me. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty minutes later P.O.V. Drake, Who's not a morning person. I am rudely awoken by Sunset dumping cold water on my face, that and to the enticing smell of coffee My balls are itchy. I think to myself. "I have to go to school, I'm assuming you can look after yourself?" Sunset asks me. "Yes." I say grumpily. "Good" Sunset says as she leaves. I grumble as I stretch considering how rudely awoken I was I unfortunately will not sleep until later. I go to the kitchen and pour myself some coffee, and make sure it's bittersweet, as I get ready for the day. It's too damn early damnit. I should still be in bed. I think with some grumbling. > It's Dangerous To Go Alone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, Who has never seen a sword of quite that shape or size wait that's not a sword.... I didn't mean to go snooping through Sunset's bedroom. All I wanted to do was find the guest room. Yet here I am in Sunset's room holding what I originally thought was a rather small sword. Until I picked it up. It was a dildo. I shouldn't keep holding it. I shouldn't have even picked it up. I should've ignored it. I do put it down after a bit. I leave Sunset's room and continue to search for the guest bedroom. I don't get far before I hear a loud thump downstairs. I decide to investigate. Hopefully it's Sunset, but if it's not that means I get to punch someone or whack them with my walking stick. I hope it's Sunset though because I'd like to know where the guest bedroom is.... ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Sunset Shimmer, The Phoenix of Canterlot High School I'm the first to sit down at the table where my friends and I sit during lunch every day. I take a bite out my apple as AJ walks over and sits down across from me. The others slowly make their way over, Rainbow being the last one to arrive. "So did y'all hear what happened to Gilda?" AJ asks. "Yeah, I heard she got her ass handed to her." Rainbow says clearly annoyed. "No I didn't. What happened?" Twilight asks. "Apparently she was trying to extort money from Micro Chips then apparently something exploded behind her knocking her into a wall which in turn knocked her out." Pinkie Pie says. "An explosion? Like a bomb?" Twilight asks confused. "I dunno. That just what I know." Pinkie says. "Apparently whatever is was left puddle of some black liquid." Fluttershy says quietly. I open my mouth to ask a question of my own however before I can ask my question my phone rings. I don't recognize the number but I answer anyway. "Hello?" "Hi Sunset, it's me Drake, uh before I tell you how I got your number I need to tell you there's an intruder in your house. They're unconscious at the moment but you might want to come back before they wake up." Drake says as if nothing is wrong. "WHAT!?!" I yell loudly. "I knocked out this girl that was in your kitchen." He clarifies still not seeming to understand the problem. "So you knocked out someone in my house and you left them there?" I ask trying to not scream at him. "I tied them up if it makes you feel better." No dumbass that doesn't make me feel better. Where did you get the rope... I think to myself before answering. "Are you at least keeping an eye on this intruder?" "Yes I'm staring at them right now." He says. "Just keep them there I'll be there soon." I say as I hang up. The girls look at me confused. "It seems Drake caught an intruder and has not called the police." I say. The girls look displeased and one by one they ask different questions about what I'm going to do... ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Agent 13, Who has a headache. What the shell did he hit me with? I think to myself as I finally wake up. I remember get hit in the back of the head before falling unconscious after I'd bumped my head while getting out of the cabinet I'd fallen asleep in. "Hey you you're finally awake." I hear Drake say as I see him sitting on the counter. I quickly notice I'm tied to a chair and my bag is beside him. I glare at him. I'm tempted to turn into my squid form however given that he knocked me out I'd rather not get stepped on. "Do you even speak English kid?" he asks. "Kid? Who are you calling kid? Also what's English?" I ask not really happy given the circumstances. "Oh so you do speak English. And yet you know not the name of the language? Also I apologize, how old are you, better question what are you?" he questions, however his intentions are unknown he appears more curious than hostile. "The language is called Inklish where I'm from, I'm eighteen, and I'm an Inkling." I say. I might as well make a good impression considering my circumstances. I think to myself. "Cool. So what's your name? What do you want? Are you native to this world?" he asks. Perhaps I can use his curiosity to my advantage. I think as I don a sweet, almost innocent smile. "My name is Coral Reef. I'm not from this world, and I'm actually quite lost so could you please untie me and let me go?" I say. "Sorry. No can do. I'm not that dumb. You're not lost. You're up to something. The only reason I know this is because nobody carries around thirteen roombas in their backpack, or a tank full of ink, or straps a giant paint roller to their backpack without reason. Now tell me why you're here." he says. This time though his eyes flicker as if to challenge me. "You're smarter than I gave you credit for, human, but you're not getting anything out of me until you untie me." I respond. He doesn't need to know I already know his name. "It seems we're at an impasse then, aren't we?" He says with a shrug. I notice he's holding a small wooden rod about the same length as his legs. That's probably what he hit me with. I hear a motorcycle drive up. I then realize that he must've told Sunset while I was unconscious. The door opens and closes. I immediately start to sweat. I have a feeling that Sunset is far more dangerous that Drake. I hear the door open and footsteps approach from the living room. "Oh good you actually came. I almost thought you'd not take me seriously." Drake says looking over at Sunset. "Well you did call me about someone invading my house so I figured it was serious." Sunset says as she looks over to me. I can't get a read on her as she looks at me. However I do note that she appears to look me over, trying to figure me out. She's certainly smarter than Drake, he didn't even try to look me over or thin of me as a threat, at least not that I could see, although I get the feeling that he isn't whole, he appears to be missing something but what is it? Sunset touches my shoulder, her eyes cloud over. She sits there for good thirty seconds before she removes her hand. Drake watches curiously and raises an eyebrow. "Let her go." Sunset tells Drake. "You sure?" He asks. However I note he's not confused it seems he's trying to confirm what she said. "Yes." Sunset replies. "Alright then." He says as he slides off the counter and comes over to me and proceeds to unite me. I stand up but before I can do anything else Sunset grabs my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. "I know you aren't going to like this but Drake and I will help you." Sunset says her voice indicating I have no choice I the matter. "So Twiggy didn't lie to me about you being able to read minds by touching people." Drake says as he sits back down on the counter. Hold up! She can read minds!?! I think to myself. Sunset sighs and looks at Drake. "Could you have waited to say that when she wasn't in the room?" Sunset says clearly irritated at Drake. "I could've but you chose to volunteer me to help with a task I know nothing about." Drake says making a good point. Sunset looks like she's about to reply when her phone starts to ring. "What is it?" Sunset says clearly irritated from being interrupted or maybe at Drake's comment possibly both. I still can't get a good read on her. "I'll be on my way. I'll bring some help to." Sunset says to whoever is on the other side of her phone... Wait I thought they used books to communicate. Was I wrong in my assumption? Drake looks over at Sunset and looks quite unhappy. "Right we'll be there soon." Sunset says as she hangs up. "You two are coming with me. I don't trust either of you to not find trouble while I'm gone." Sunset says. "Fine. Where are we going?" Drake says as he picks up the length of wood he was messing with earlier. I grab my backpack and my roller as Sunset replies. "Canterlot High." > Smoke and Mirrors > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V.: Drake, Who Is Uncomfortable. Did I mention I hate riding motorcycles? Well being stuck in-between Sunset and Coral makes it even worse. I have my arms wrapped around Sunset who is driving and Coral has her arms wrapped around me. To say the least it's very awkward. When we finally stop I see Coral rush over to a bush and vomit. "So what's the situation?" Sunset asks as she walks over to her friends who are standing beside the horse statue along with quite a few other people that I don't recognize. I look over to the school, or rather where the school was yesterday it appears someone or something turned the schools walls, and everything else on the outside aside from the horse statue, into shiny mirror like versions. "Shiny." I mutter under my breath. "Well, Trixie was putting on a magic show when this creepy mask with strange eyes fell and landed in front of her." Pinkie Pie says incredibly fast. I don't pay much attention after that though as I start to think of other things that might be important. Things such as how to approach the school without being blinded, why Trixie was here, and the most important thing, if I should smack Sunset's cute ass.... If you're giving me any weird looks need I remind you I have my own priorities. I decide to save the ass slapping for later and head towards the school, hoping no one sees me. I pull my walking stick off my backpack and leave my backpack behind along with my phone, I don't need Sunset calling me while I do my own thing, even though I'd do anything for her ass. Almost anything there are things I will never do even if it meant saving the world... ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Coral, Who hates motorcycles even more than before. After vomiting I go sit back by the death machine that is Sunset's vehicle deciding that I'd rather not be bombarded with questions. I see Drake walk with Sunset over to her friends he seems to listen for a moment then he looks around, he looks directly at me, his beautiful brown eyes seem to stare straight into my soul, he looks away and sets his backpack down and grabs his walking stick and runs towards the school. I wonder if he finds me attractive? No bad thoughts. He can't find me attractive he beat me over the head with a stick. I think to myself as my cheeks heat up slightly. I debate weather I should follow him before deciding to let him go alone it may be dangerous, however I believe he can handle himself. Hopefully... Sunset eventually walks over to me without her friends, she looks frustrated. "This day cannot get any worse." Sunset says as she sits down beside me. "You say that now..." I say. "Do you have to be so ominous?" She asks clearly irritated. "I'm not trying to be ominous." I respond. Sunset looks around for a moment then appears to focus on Drake's backpack. She then looks around frantically. I have to stifle a laugh as she looks around. "Did you see where Drake went?" Sunset asks. "No." I lie. I think it's hilarious she hasn't figured out where he went. "He better not have gotten himself into trouble." Sunset says. "He's probably fine, who knows maybe he went to take piss or something." Another lie but I need to make sure Sunset doesn't suspect a thing. "Ugh this is frustrating, apparently whatever is in there sapped the magic from my friends and then Drake goes missing." Sunset says still irritated. "At least I'm not a threat." I respond. "That's not helping." Sunset remarks. "I'm not wrong though." I respond again. We sit in silence for about thirty minutes before Sunset speaks again "Drake isn't back yet." She says. "He's an adult he'll be fine." I say. "According to what I was told he may be an adult but he is irresponsible and prone to getting in harmful situations." Sunset replies. "Did you ever ask him about any of that or do you just assume?" I ask. "My sources are trustworthy so I'm going to assume that they didn't lie to me." She responds not answering my question. "That's not an answer." I say. "No I haven't asked him, I haven't had the time to ask him, I just met him yesterday." Sunset says. "Maybe you shouldn't assume things and just ask him yourself." I say. She glares at me but I keep my cool. Sunset's glares are nothing compared to the glares I got from DJ Octavio. The sound of glass shattering gathers mine and Sunset's attention. I see a dark shape land near the statue however it quickly disappears. "I think I know where he went now." Sunset says dryly. "Probably." I respond. "I can't go after him though because I'll lose my magic but if he dies then I'll have an angry princess to deal with." Sunset says. "I'll go in I have no magic and a score to settle, after all he did whack me upside the head." I say as I pull my roller out and prep a few curling bombs. I rush in as soon as I'm ready. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thirty minutes ago P.O.V. Drake, Who could really use some chicken tenders... I wish I had a map. I think I'm going in circles. Also I'm very hungry which doesn't help any. I look around a corner trying not to go blind from all the the light reflecting off of things. I see some double doors that aren't all shiny and reflective as fuck at the end of the hallway. "So my assumption of it being a crystalline entity are wrong, however it is magical in nature..." I grumble to myself. I walk out from into the center of the hallway but before I get to far I see chains of shadow wrap around the doors at the end of the hallway. I feel a presence behind me. I slide right and pull out my walking stick. "It seems like a good time to reflect don't you think?" I say with a shit eating grin. > Echo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, Who is all out of gum I turn around to see who was there. What I see is unnerving. It's me but the colors are inverted and they're left handed. It appears to be a dark reflection of me. "I'm light and I'm dark? No something isn't right." I mutter under my breath. The mirror me speaks it's voice is quite strange and disturbing. "Ouy t'ndluohs evah emoc ereh." "I'll pretend to understand you." I respond as I swing my walking stick. The mirror me mirrors my move from earlier and dodges left. Swing left. Roll to the left. Swipe up. Repeat. I do that three times in rapid succession. The mirror me spits out a tooth followed by some blue blood then attempts to swipe at me with it's walking stick. I jump then whack it on its head knocking down. I attempt to slam my walking stick on it's head, however it rolls to the side then jumps back up, with shit eating grin. "Taht lla ouy tog?" It says, clearly taunting me even if I can't understand it. "Speak english if you're going to taunt me, unless you're a chicken like your mother." I reply as I jump back as it swings. Time seems to slow down a bit as I dodge. I take this opportunity to rush quickly up to it and swing madly. Unfortunately as all good things do it ends and I jump back. I certainly wounded it as it stumbles back and holds it's gut. "Ll'i eb kcab. It says giving me quite the glare. It jumps out the nearest window and disappears before I can do anything about it. Some of the glass cuts my arm. If Sunset and Coral didn't know where I went they do now. I see the chains of shadow remove themselves from the doors. I hope the next fight is harder. That was way to easy. ------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Coral, Who really fucking hates today. I run through the hall as quickly as I can trying to find Drake, however the layout is confusing. I finally find him kneeling down bleeding in a corridor. "You gonna stop me?" he asks. He doesn't move waiting for me to respond. "No. I feel like it's a little late for that." I say. "Good because I'm going through those doors at the end of this corridor weather you help me or not." He says as he stands up slowly. He turns his head to look at me and gives me a smirk. Then he turns his head back and walks to the doors. I follow just in case. "I'll have you know if I'm right about what's behind those doors our chances of survival aren't very high." He says. "Let's hope you're wrong then" I reply. I notice he isn't bleeding near as much as before but he is still bleeding. "I should've brought my bag, then I'd be better prepared for this bullshit." Drake says "What's in your bag that would've helped?" I ask. "Artifacts from a world that crossed over from a land far from Equestria and my own." He says vaguely. I decide that I'd rather not know. He continues walking while humming a tune that almost sounds like The Calamari Inkantation, however I choose to ignore it though as I'm sure it's just a coincidence... I really hope it's just a coincidence. "I know you don't trust me," Drake says "but if I'm right you better pray to whatever deity you believe in that you don't fall down. Hope to your equivalent of Hell you make it through. Otherwise it'll be your last round. That's how I managed to make it this far without going insane." He sounded both cryptic and serious when saying that. We reach the door and he visibly shudders. "You ready kid?" He asks. "Born ready, Hobo." I reply. Why in Shell did I call him that? He probably hates me now. All he does is smirk. He attempts to open the door only to find it locked. I then see his eyes glow an unnerving green as he bashes his whole body against the door. He finally breaks through after his third body bash and I was not prepared for what was on the other side... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Drake, Who really wants his backpack. As soon as I finally get through the door I look around the room and immediately my blood runs cold. I recognize the room. I then hear maniacal childs laughter. I look towards the back of the room and see a figure standing at there. I notice the odd shape of the head. "Well this is worse than I originally thought." I grumble. The figure walks forward. I can see clearly how wrong my first assumption was now. "You got in did you? How delightful." A child like voice says as it resonates through the room. "Majora," I state firmly "whatever you're planning we will stop you." "You know of me? Yet you cannot be the boy in green for in this time he is already gone. How do you know of me?" The voice says. I notice the mask is not attached to the skull kid but rather a busty blue girl with silver hair. "Doesn't matter masky I'm here to send you back where you belong." I say. "You're too late boy. My task is complete and the one who brought me here is the only one who can send me back." Majora says defiantly. Coral whispers in my ear "What's a Majora?" I give her my "not right now" look. "Oh and you brought a friend? How charming. Now shut up and die like good puppets." Majora says angrily as it shoots some beams of dark energy at me and Coral. I jump back and do a flip. Coral slides to the left. "Keep talking trash it's clear to see you got nothing on me." I recite to myself as I rush forward with my staff and attempt to hit whoever Majora is possessing to try and weaken the deity within the mask. I notice Coral pull out a giant paint roller from somewhere, I also notice it's dripping with black ink, and her beautiful grey eyes shine with a determination I don't recognize. I smack the Majora's vessel in the arm then bash my head against the skull. "That'll drop your ego." I declare loudly.. I here Coral say something but it's not in a language I recognize. She runs over and slams her roller down on Majora and it's vessel. I hear a low humming sound for a split second before Coral yells "WATCH OUT!" Too late a blast of energy knocks me back as Coral suddenly appears to shrink. CRACK!!! Ouch. That was my right arm breaking. Not usually a huge problem considering my healing factor however in this situation it's not good. "ENOUGH!" Majora yells. "You have spirit, however I must go I look forward to your feeble attempts to stop the one behind it all. Have your stupid friend back I'll find a vessel that is more receptive than this one." The mask that is Majora floats off of the girl and disappears. "Hey, Coral? You mind getting the blue girl? I'm a bit disarmed at the moment." I say as I get up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Coral, Who is really fucking pissed. "Yeah, I'll get the blue girl" I say as I transform back into my humanoid form. I hear Drake grumbling as he gets up. Definitely not ambidextrous judging by how much grumbling he's doing about his lef hand being inferior. I think. I pick up the girl and she's heavier than she looks. I really want to kill that mask though it's fucking coward and it took control of someone. At least the room changed back to what I assume is normal. Drake and I make our way out slowly. I notice his arm slowly healing as he sets it back in place. "So do all humans heal fast or is it just you?" I ask as I adjust the unconscious girl I'm holding. "Just me. And only because I ate a baby hydra." Drake says glumly. "Interesting. So how long before you'll be able to use your arm?" I ask. "Bout a day if I rest and don't do shit. Now please drop it. " he says. We continue in silence until we reach the front doors where we're ambushed by Sunset and her band of friends. "Alright let me explain before before you berate me..." Drake starts. > Everybody Shut Up (I Have A Suggestion) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, Who doesn't want to explain shit. "... and after we smacked the girl Majora was using as a puppet he disappeared." I say finishing up the story of events that just happened. "So let me get this straight," Rainbow says, "you snuck off when we were distracted, beat up a mirror version of yourself, and then smacked around an evil mask?!?!" "When you put it like that it sounds stupid." I reply. "I can confirm the sneaking off and beating up an evil mask parts but not the mirror fight." Coral says. The ground starts to shake wildly while we're discussing this. As I look around i see the landscape change into four distinct ways. In front of me I see the city change. Towers rise into the sky and it looks more technologically advanced than it was before. A pit forms in my stomach when I see one of the buildings reads Alchemax. I look behind me and see that behind Canterlot high in the distance is a red mist in the air, a blood red mist. My blood immediately runs cold. To my right the city dissappears entirely and instead is a landscape that looks quiet and peaceful, however in the distance I barely see the silhouette of a giant bird in the sky. And to the left I see a wasteland, a familiar wasteland, a wasteland that I fear more than anything else. The Capital wasteland of Fallout 3. "Somebody tell me that this isn't real." I say. "Ah'd say it isn't but that'd be a lie.." AJ says dryly. I hear groaning and look at the formerly unconscious girl that Coral had put on the ground after I told the story. "Where..?" The girl asks as she slowly wakes up. I immediately realized who she is once she speaks. Trixie. I keep my mouth shut though. I'd rather not leave a bad impression on her even though her counterpart is quite egotistical I'd rather not have a repeat. "Easy, now you've been unconscious." Sunset says in a soothing voice as she crouches down to to help Trixie. "What happened? Trixie doesn't remember anything that happened after she put on the mask." Trixie says. "You were controlled by the mask like a puppet.." Coral says bluntly. "Why does Trixie have bruises?" Trixie asks looking at her arm. "I had use enough force to get the mask to flee." I say keeping my tone calm as I walk towards Sunset's motorcycle. I need to clear my head. I think to myself. As I sit down a memory flashes before me, I'm lying on a slab of metal like table of some sort and I'm restrained. I struggle to move as I here a voice. "Now now, stop struggling it'll hurt less if you do." ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Coral, who needs a nap. I see Drake walk away. I have no clue why he does but that isn't my concern. My only real concern right now is that we have what appear to be four separate worlds all in close proximity to each other, five if you include the one that we're all in currently. I look over at the area I'm dubbing future city and see a building with the word Alchemax. I'm not sure what the significance is but it seems important. I tune out the others as I look at the beautiful landscape and notice a silhouette of a giant bird i may need to ask about that. I see a red mist in the distance as well and it doesn't look friendly. I also notice a wasteland. I see something moving too. I squint my eyes. Then I gasp as I finally get a good look. Giant scorpions. My hearts stop for a split second as I let out a scream. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Drake, who hates his life. My memory fades as I here a scream. I look over to Coral who is surrounded by three large rad scorpions. I see Applejack run over and punch one of the scorpions. It explodes from the amount of force behind her punch. Rarity creates a large magical diamond and throws it like a projectile and slices one of the scorpions in half. I grab my bag then look at the suns position. The sun is setting I can definitely use that mask. I think as I dig through my bag after checking the sun. I pull out a blue mask with an open maw and put it on. I feel my arms and legs painfully lengthen my jaw pops painfully as it rearranges itself my ears become pointed and finally my skin turns deathly blue. I become a Redead like those from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. I let out a scream paralyzing the scorpion, and possibly everything else, I slowly make my way to the rad scorpion and grab it. I unhinge my jaw and bite down into it crushing it's carapace. It lets out a pained noise as I bite down harder. It finally stops moving I let go of it. I start to focus on my true form and the mask falls off returning me to normal. "Alright. I can explain.." I say. However everyone starts asking questions at once. "What in tarnation..." "What was that?" "The overwhelming fear..." "Fascinating..." THUD! "Oh my." "Or I can wait until you're all done." I grumble. Coral is clearly shaken. Fluttershy looks just as afraid if not more so. Twilight looks intrigued, Rainbow looks ready to knock some heads, AJ looks ready to strike but willing to talk. Pinkie looks excited and doesn't appear to understand the situation, Rarity is unconscious, and Sunset... well... Sunset looks pissed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Coral, who is afraid. What was that? How did Drake do that? Did he do it on purpose? All of these things were going through my mind as Drake explained what just happened. All I felt was fear and a chill. I heard a sound that was from a nightmare before I froze up. It was a fear I'd never felt. I was already afraid of scorpions but whatever Drake did... it was far far worse than those scorpions. I notice Drake making a bunch of gestures as he explains. I don't here a word he says as I'm more focused on not screaming in terror. Even though it's over I can still feel the icy chill from when he screamed. The others appear to listen as he pulls out another mask from his backpack. It appears to be that of a human but with pointed ears and war paint. Looking at it fills me with dread. Drake then continues to gesture and speak. The others look like they're paying attention, except Rarity who is still unconscious and Trixie who left. I might as well star listening now. "Alrighty any questions?" I hear Drake ask. Only Sunset raises her hand. Drake sighs and closes his eyes. "Anyone else have any questions?" He sighs again. "Alright what's your question Sunset?" He says unenthusiastically. "You said you have thirteen masks but you made ten of them? Where did you get the other three?" Sunset asks. "I found them." Drake says dryly. "Where did you find them?" Sunset presses. "None of your damn business." Drakr replies. "It is my business because you brought them here." Sunset says back. "Actually," I cut in "the masks are his property are they not? So therefore even though he did bring them it is by all accounts "none of your damn business" as he put it, where he got them. All that matters is that he has them." "Ah hate ta say is Sugarcube but the new gal is right it ain't our business." AJ replies before Sunset can argue. Everybody but Sunset nods in agreement. "But what do they do? Are they dangerous? How does this world affect how they work?..." Sunset starts but I cut her off again. "Look it's late, not your business, and frankly Drake saved my ass so it doesn't matter. Let's go home so we can sleep." I say as I walk away. Before I get too far away I hear Drake say "What the hell just happened?" I smirk as I continue walking knowing I confused him. > A Warped Persepective. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Drake, who is dreaming. After we talked for a bit we all went to Sunset's place because literally everyone else's was consumed by the invading worlds. So I'm currently sleeping on the couch however my dream is pleasant... ish. I'm sitting in a lawn chair drinking sweet tea. I'm by a familiar beach. It reminds me of home... "Mind if I sit beside you?" I hear a beautiful voice say. I look where the voice came from and I see an old friend from the first universe I managed to get trapped in way before Equestria. A tall woman, a brunette with long hair, a decent sized chest, and the most beautiful emerald green eyes. "Hey, Moni, yeah go ahead. Are you part of the dream or are you, you?" I ask. "I'm manifesting myself within your dreamscape and making sure you're nightmarish memories don't ruin the mood." She replies. "Right, so you're kinda here." I say understanding only parts of what she said. "If that's how you understand it." She replies shaking her head. "So what brings you by early? If I remember correctly your odd powers usually need about six months to recover after visiting me and it's only been maybe a month." I ask. "Well it seems the walls within the multiverse are breaking down where you're located and I wanted to warn you that the others and I will be arriving within a few hours." Moni replies. "You mean you're bringing Nats, Yuri, and Sayori? How?" I ask. "The walls of the multiverse are so fragile where you're at that I can actually manage to get all of us there without a significant risk to our health. And don't worry I have a plan to explain our arrival to your current company." She replies "Uhhh... English please?" I ask confused "The area in the multiverse you're located has walls that I can break without breaking us." She says "Oh." "Now I remember why I hated explaining stuff to you." She says with a sigh. "But you still loved me right?" I reply "Once, a long time ago I did." She says solemnly. "It's not my fault what happened." I reply glumly. "I couldn't agree more, Bone-head." She says with a smirk. "Of course, Your Highness." I get up and bow in front of her while smirking. "I thought we agreed you'd never do that again." She says. "I still remember when you were drunk and said "bow to your highness and say my name" in front of all of your friends. I only complied because I knew someone would take a picture." I say getting up. "And I still don't understand why." She says as she also stands up. "You never will either." I say finishing my tea. "Well I'd say we've had our fun but you'll be waking up soon and it seems the others and I will be there in an hour. Be sure to check your phone." She says. "I will Moni. For you I always will." I say smiling. She laughs as I am abruptly awoken by RD straddling me holding a uncapped sharpie. "Morning." I say scaring the daylight out of her. --------------------------------------------------------------- P.O.V. Coral, who thinks it's too damn early, and is right. I wake to the sound of someone screaming like a bitch. A shrill ear piercing sound that I've hear far too many times... just never so damn early in the morning. I check the time on my phone only to realize how right I am, it's seven thirty in the morning, the sun hasn't had the proper time to to get past the horizon yet. I grumble as I walk down the stairs. As I reach the bottom I notice Rainbow Dash flat on her ass and Drake stretching as he clearly woke up. "Mornin'." Drake says almost to quietly to hear, still stretching. "Which one of you screamed like a bitch?" I ask with annoyance. "Her." Drake replies as he stands up and walks towards the kitchen. Rainbow Dash looks some combination of confused and scared as she gets up grabbing a sharpie with no cap. I raise an eyebrow at her as she looks at me sheepishly as she scurries away. I hear Drake whistle a tune in the kitchen as I decide to sit on the couch. I look to the side as I see something out of the corner of my eye happen out the window. "What the fuck?" I ask quietly as I see the empty field across from us shimmering and warping strangely with different colors warping in and out. Drake walks back and flops down on the couch somehow not spilling any of his coffee. He glances to the side then turns on the television in front of the couch we're sitting on. "Not very subtle, Monika." I hear him say barely audible. Before I can ask what or who monika is I hear a loud groan come from the stairs as Sunset shambles down tiredly. I stop looking at the warped reality across from us as it starts to glitch much like a game. "You drink coffee, kid?" Drake asks. "Only if it's decaf." I reply looking at him now. He shrugs then sips his coffee. "So how do you like yours?" I ask hoping to get a good conversation with Drake going so maybe I can understand him better. "Black double sweet. Makes it bittersweet." He says as he sips again. He says nothing for another thirty seconds before he asks "Why do you care, kid? I'm sure you don't actually care about what coffee I drink." "Fine. You got me. I'm more interested in you. When we first met you seemed grumpy and unhappy, yet when trouble popped up you snuck away and went right to it to stop it. Why?" I reply knowing lying would do no good. He raises an eyebrow while looking at me. He then chugs the rest of his coffee, which is still steaming mind you, then slams the coffee mug down on the coffee table, surprisingly not breaking either of the objects. "You'll wait and learn with the rest of them, kid." He says. His phone goes off not one second later, his alarm being string of piano notes. He looks at his phone and smiles. "Whelp I'll be outside if you need me." He says loudly then he leans close to my ear and whispers, "if anyone asks I'm taking a piss." He then walks out the door closing it behind him. Sunset walks back from the kitchen with a coffee cup that has less coffee in it than Drake's did before he drank it all. "Jackass, got three fourths of the fuckin' coffee." Grumbled Sunset. "How'd you sleep?" I ask. "Great until Rainbow burst in. I'm surprised nobody else got up." Sunset says. The door then opens as Applejack comes in dragging Drake behind her. "I saw him tryin' ta sneak off." Applejack says picking up Drake setting him in front of us. "And I would've gotten away with it if you weren't outside." Drake replies. "Besides I wasn't leaving. I was investigating." Drake says. "Bullshit, you were headed towards Canterlot!" AJ practically yells. "You don't know that." Drake says crossing his arms and turning his head away from everyone. "Hmph." I sigh and facepalm while Sunset grumbles. I hear the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs and see the other girls have all woken up, with the exception of Rainbow who was already up, and are walking downstairs to see all of the commotion. Once everyone is seated, be it on the couch or the floor we start discussing what we should do, with the exception of Drake who was quiet and more focused on his phone. "We can't just sit here and do nothing!" Rainbow practically screeches. "I'm inclined to disagree darling, there's no telling what an adventure of this sort would do to my wardrobe." Rarity replies. "It'll be fun!" Pinkie Pie yells happily while throwing confetti everywhere. "Ahm sick and tired of dealin' with magic I say let this all blow over." Applejack chimes in. Before anyone else says a damn thing Drake stands up and walks out the door not once looking at any of us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Drake, who is actually very stressed. I look over at the house that now resides where there once was an empty field. I breathe in deeply. Then breathe out. I check my phone and read the message. "We're here." it reads. I continue to stare waiting. A breeze blows and footsteps are heard behind me. "You know, Coral, I'd appreciate some time to myself." I say not taking my eyes off the house. "Well everyone else would like your input on where to go because we're all divided and your thoughts would be appreciated." She states. "Tell them we wait until tomorrow. I'll have a plan by then." I reply. "They aren't going to like that." "If it's my input they want then that's my answer." My phone goes off. I check it and see a new message. "Meet us at KFC. Don't be late." I smile as I put my phone away. "I'm going for a walk don't follow me." I say as I walk off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Coral, not long after Drake left. "... then he left, so I came back in and told you what he said." I finish explaining to an agitated Sunset. "You let him walk off without giving you a location!" Sunset says back. "As far as he's concerned he answers to no one." I reply. "He can't be trusted!" Sunset replies back. "I trust him more than you. All I've been hearing is you badmouthing him without reason" I say slowly getting more agitated myself. The others, while also displeased, didn't voice their thoughts on the matter and were more accepting of Drake's rather odd actions. "He could be working to further the destruction of the world." Sunset says. "Prove it." I say. "What?" Sunset replies angrily "Prove to me that he's trying to destroy the world." I say with such seriousness that the others look up from whatever they were doing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Drake, with a bucket of chicken. NOM. "Seriously? You're eating now?" Asks the short pink haired girl known as Natsuki standing in front on me. "I'm hungry and I have a bucket of chicken what do you expect?" I reply back with a lot of sass. She just stares at me trying to formulate a response that's appropriate. "So where's the others? It was implied that everyone else would be here." I ask in between bites of chicken. "Yuri went to the bathroom, Sayori went to go pet a puppy, and Monika disappeared right before you bumped into me." Natsuki replies. "Sounds about right." I say eating another chicken leg. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" I hear from right behind me. I turn around to see Monika standing about six feet away from me with an unamused look on her face. I take another bite of chicken as I stare at her blankly, waiting for her to break the near silence between us. We continue to stare for another thirty seconds before Natsuki speaks. "Hey Yuri, guess who showed up?" "Did he really show up or are you pulling my leg?" I hear a quiet yet refined voice say as I take a rather large bite out of the chicken leg I'm holding. I swallow the chicken in my mouth very loudly as I reply with a smirk "Do we get to finish the book we were reading or are you still rather grumpy that I borrowed your knife without asking?" "So you did take my knife!" Yuri yells as I turn to face her. Her face turns red and she looks away mortified. "I-I'm s-sorry I don't know what c-came over me." Yuri replies meekly. "It's fine. I'm used to women yelling at me for doing things even if I didn't actually do them. Besides that was probably loud enough to attract the attention of..." SLAM!! "Ow!" I yelp loudly as someone slams into me, knocking me to the ground. I manage to save the bucket of chicken before it hits the ground. Somehow none of the chicken actually left the bucket. "Ooooooow!" I hear someone say. "Hey Sayori." I say still lying on the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P.O.V. Coral, who's still unhappy. "So you can't prove it." I say. "Look I only know what I was told through the princess." Sunset snarks at me. "And so you're going off the account of a princess that writes to you every now and then instead of giving him a chance." I say. "..." "See my point?" I ask. Sunset continues to bitch at me but I tune it out, mostly because I don't actually care, and start thinking about my options with the current situation involving the other worlds that appear to be creeping in. I can't do anything alone I know that much, it's too dangerous and there are many unknown variables. However getting help from anyone seems unlikely, except Drake, but he's nothing but a wild card that much I do understand.