> The Shower > by Night-Quill > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > After Gym > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gym class. Oh, how Fluttershy just hated gym class. Not because of the physical exertion, nor the frequent impacts suffered from various varieties of balls (though the dodgeball trauma from grade school was a close contender), or the sweating, even during spring semester. No, Fluttershy’s deeply rooted dislike for physical education and fitness class was not the same as Rarity’s. It was the showers. Her fellow girl students milled about their designated changing room. Confined, noisy, with a subtle sense of dampness in the air along with the ever-present hint of sweat, despite CHS’s dedication to maintaining as hygienic surroundings as possible. Fluttershy made herself as scarce as she possibly could, sitting almost completely motionless on the bench between the two rows of lockers, while everyone else went about, stripping or redressing, going in or coming from the showers, applying certain necessities, et cetera. All except Fluttershy. It was silly, at least that’s what she wanted to think. Almost everyone at CHS had garnered enough of a rapport to be mostly supportive and understanding (besides utter travesties like last Holidays’ cornucopia incident). But Fluttershy hated stripping down in front of everyone else. With everyone staring at the assets she went out of her way to draw as little attention to as possible. It was apt to say that puberty was not kind on Fluttershy. Being an early bloomer, she started to develop in certain areas more than she’d honestly cared to in hindsight. It started off fine, but upon entering high school, she’d easily overtaken many of the other girls. Besides maybe Pinkie who naturally was not the least bit self-conscious about her body and too happy-go-lucky to let the staring affect her (let alone how unashamed she was to be dressed as a corn cob). By first year she was already a D-cup, perhaps bigger. Now, during her closing days as a high schooler, she’d gone to a solid F-cup. Under most circumstances, it wasn’t a problem. Having a dedicated friend who was also a veritable wizard in fashion provided Fluttershy a most excellent brassiere that both supported and restricted them enough as not to have them flopping around incessantly during PE. Sure, she could just opt out of taking a shower, but the thought of stinking up her surroundings was not appealing either. She would know; she tried that a few times. She couldn’t help but frown as she leaned over her knees, “It really is a no-win scenario, isn’t it?” she thought. It was silly, but she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about her breasts, everyone looking, be they sizing her up, pouting, mumbling behind her back when they thought she wasn’t listening. At least PE was the last class of the day, so she might as well wait it out, as awkward as it felt just sitting there. In the midst of the clamor, she watched how Pinkie both veritably leapt from her gym clothes and seized a towel, all what might as well have been one motion, the party girl waving at her as she made for the showers, to which Fluttershy meekly waved back. To get her mind off everything, she closed her mind and proceeded to perform covert breathing exercises taught by her good friend and yoga instructor Tree Hugger. Slowly, in through the nose, then softly out through the mouth. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Concentrating on the technique, she could close her thoughts off everything and everyone around her, letting her anxieties wash away. Before long, the clamor of voices, feet, and closing lockers would trickle down into silence, upon the last closing of the door. Alone at last. Breathing out a sigh, Fluttershy stood up and got to her locker, finding a baby blue note blu-tacked to it. “Asking everyone for a trip to Sugarcube Corner. Hope to see you there. Love, Pinkie.” This was accompanied by the most adorable little pencil sketch of a smiling cartoon caricature of her very pink friend. Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at her dear friend’s thoughtfulness and antics. Setting the invitation aside, with no-one to stare, Fluttershy let down her hair from the high tail she wore it in for gym class, then proceeded to undress. Setting her sweaty gym clothing neatly in a little shoulder bag, then was time to shed herself of the life-affirming article of undergarment that was her custom bra. Made of a soft, stretchable fabric, with a firm one-piece cup woven within, one that only slightly gave way once it enveloped Fluttershy’s assets, allowing her to breathe comfortably, while keeping them restrained while in movement. And it felt surprisingly comfortable on the shoulders and back. Plus, it was a soft green color, something sports bras sorely lacked. She sighed in satisfied relief as she undid the hooks and let them loose. She looked down upon her breasts, a thoughtful pout on her lips, hefting them with her hands. To think how much focus people put on mounds of accrued fat over a woman’s chest for the main purpose of child rearing. She’d sometimes shudder at the thought if hers made her look like someone belonging in a porno. Not that there was anything wrong with that but… Sighing again through her nostrils, she grabbed her towel and walked into the showers. She saw how she approached in the mirror above the row of sinks just past the entrance, looking herself over: Overall, her physique could best be described as shapely: Her vegetarianism and rather active lifestyle as an animal caretaker kept her fit enough, she supposed. Her thighs and rear undoubtedly belied a pear-shape to her silhouette. But instead of it being broken by the curvature of her shoulders, it was her breasts. No-one, according to Rarity, was perfect, and boy could Fluttershy agree, scrutinizing herself. The thought of a reduction had crossed her mind, but going under the knife felt further unappealing. She looked herself in the eyes. “It’s only one more term. After that you don’t even need to go to gym class again. You can handle this,” she told herself in assurance. Taking a deep breath, she nodded in affirmation to herself, “Right.” Putting her towel aside, she went under the first shower head around the corner from the sinks and turned on the water. Unable to restrain herself from yelping from the onrush of cold, which quickly warmed up into a steamy flow. It felt good getting all the sweat and other unseen filth and grime off her form. “Waited to be last again, Flutters?” Fluttershy nearly screamed at the abrupt voice. Hand at her sternum, panting from the sudden fright to discover a familiar blue-skinned girl with that unmistakable head of rainbow hair. When the thumping in her chest significantly slowed, Fluttershy could only sigh in relief, “R-Rainbow? W-why are you here? I thought you left with everyone else.” Rainbow shook her head as she leaned laxly against the wall across from Fluttershy’s side, stark naked, “Nah, I stuck around to give Scoots and the freshmen team some pointers. And it is nicer without all the ruckus, ya know. I mean, I’d guess you would.” She gave an awkward chuckle at her redundant statement. Being the captain of nearly every sports team (oddly enough, not in the fencing team that Sunset Shimmer occupied), through the years of physical exertion and habitual compulsions to break her limits, Rainbow Dash was the quintessential example of an athlete: Sleek and firm; the curvature between her hips and thighs being largely muscle, her otherwise flat belly showing off discernible muscle lining, as did her thighs and calves: The secret to her infamous goal kick for sure. Rainbow’s bust was significantly smaller than Fluttershy’s, arguably the flattest among their tight-knit crew… Rainbow’s eyes peered down her own body, when the most devilish smile creeped across her lips, a daring brow raising. That was when Fluttershy herself realized she’d very much been eyeing her friend perhaps too intently. The rainbow-haired athlete chuckled as she straightened herself from the wall, her hands coming to rest on her hips and one leg crossing ahead the other. “Checking me out all sweaty, huh?” she chortled. Fluttershy felt the heat rise to her cheeks at her friend’s remark. Further exacerbated when Rainbow brought a thoughtful finger to her own lips as her cerise eyes veered downwards. Fluttershy felt her pulse increase as Rainbow was freely and openly checking her out. Rainbow giggled, “You know, you do look pretty damn hot when you’re all soaked. You know that?” Fluttershy could not help but bring her hands to her cheeks, her hips pressing and squirming together. The feeling only intensified when Rainbow deliberately began to approach in a deliberate, showy stride. “Room for one more~?” asked Rainbow in the sultriest of tones. Nonsensical that it was; they were the only two in the entire showers, but she was acquiesced all the same, the water spraying and cascading down on the both of them, giving their skins a healthy, slick sheen. Rainbow’s smile did not falter as she reached past for the soap dispenser beside the faucet, “Let me help you with those, yea?” She rubbed her soaped hands together, foaming up, before proceeding to lather and knead it all over Fluttershy’s breasts. Fluttershy did not stutter or stammer, nor yelp, or freeze stiff. None of that. In fact, her hands slid off her cheeks and clung to the back of her neck, her elbows squeezing against her assets, making them puff up slightly. Rainbow’s lips puckered into a silent whistle as she squished the mounds together, then deliberately dragging her soap and water drenched hands up along their curvature. Fluttershy felt her heart fluttering in her chest, the feel of Rainbow’s hands against her breasts sent her nerves tingling throughout her body, and a different type of moistness accrue in her core. “Ohhh, R-Rainbow,” she moaned, her previous woes seeming forgotten, “S-should we be doing this in the showers? W-what if s-someone walks in?” Rainbow looked her straight in the eyes, “Don’t worry about it, Flutters. I came in last, for sure, cleaning hours don’t start for a while, and hey: If someone does come in, I’ll just snag the shower beside this one,” she said with a curt nod to the next spout over. “Besides; Pinkie invited me over to Sugarcube Corner, so I’d really rather not disappoint.” Fluttershy felt her trepidations abate, if only just a little, “Well, I would hate to disappoint too. But…” Rainbow raised a daring brow, “But you’re too horny now to wait for it and would rather hit two birds with one stone?” Barring the rather tasteless figure of speech (to her at least), Fluttershy gave a pouty nod, “Yes, way too horny now~” Rainbow grinned cheekily, “Happy to oblige!” The exchange was topped off by both of them leaning forth and locking lips. Despite her coarse and brash exterior, Fluttershy had to give Rainbow credit for being a really good kisser. Of course, this notion was mutually shared between the two. After all; it was her who originally kissed Rainbow during their freshman Valentine’s Day. They’d had a lot of time to learn these past three years. It wasn’t long before the both of them were locked in an embrace underneath the shower, the warm water softly cascading off their drenched forms, Fluttershy’s groin grinding desperately against Rainbow’s slightly raised thigh, the rubbing of her clit making her moan blissfully into Rainbow’s mouth as the two’s tongues slithered and coiled amongst each other in between. After a good few minutes of tonguing, Rainbow, being the forward one, dragged her lips along Fluttershy’s cheek, down her neck and planted them where her neck and shoulder met. The rubbing and sucking sending a tingling shudder down Fluttershy’s spine, involuntarily making her head crane and press against Rainbow’s, her body’s non-verbal show of enjoyment of it. Their bodies being locked and pressing, snuggling against one another, the warm water from the shower drenching their skin feeling like it was somehow enhancing the feeling. Blissful moaning escaped from Fluttershy’s lips from the combined grinding of her womanhood against Rainbow’s slick, wet thigh and her friend’s oral stimulation of the sweet spot of her neck. And just how insistently Rainbow prolonged this treatment: Despite her flaws, the fact Rainbow always took the time to see to her comforts in the act of intimacy, it was one of the most endearing qualities of Rainbow, much more than her being a great team captain. The reason Fluttershy would always cherish their deepest of friendships. “Have I mentioned how cute you sound like that?” asked Rainbow softly. “That and super-hot~” Fluttershy giggled, snuggling her cheek against the side of Rainbow’s head, “Almost every time~” “I’ll prolly keep saying it anyway,” said Rainbow nonchalantly, drawing back from Fluttershy’s neck and the two kissing with a soft smack. “Only stating the fact, you know.” “Mm-hm~” mumbled Fluttershy. The two were soon down on the floor: Fluttershy leaning back against Rainbow, her back to the tiled wall, the both of them with their legs spread out, Rainbow’s framing Fluttershy’s nestling against the contours of her rear. Rainbow playfully nibbled at the sweet spot of Fluttershy’s neck with her lips, all the while her very inquisitive hands were fondling and kneading her luscious breasts. Fluttershy had her own hand diligently attending to her soaked folds, her fingers delicately massaging at the engorged bead that was her clitoris. This was how she liked it best: Tenderly nestled in her partner’s arms, just gently getting more hands-on with one another. Lusty breaths escaped Fluttershy’s lips from the combined stimulation of Rainbow’s hands at her breasts while her own saw to the needs of her womanhood. Her nerves felt aflame in a pattern of pleasured tingling as Rainbow squished and tugged at her mounds, when she herself slipped two fingers into her quivering tunnel, her fingers slickening from her natural secretions, sliding them back and forth within her folds, parting and closing back with each motion. How she’d wished she had her toy with her, but her own fingers would suffice. She felt Rainbow’s left hand slip away from tending to her breast and down between her and Rainbow’s bodies. Feeling Rainbow’s change in breathing against her shoulder and the sensation between her rear and Rainbow’s lower region, it didn’t take much to discern that the athlete had taken to fingering herself as well. Fluttershy didn’t mind, letting her own left hand assume the duties of Rainbow’s absentee, tugging and squeezing her own nipple whilst nuzzling her cheek against Rainbow’s, almost purring like a cat. Rainbow reciprocated with slow, sucking kisses to her cheek. - Whether or not they should have been worried about the noise the two of them were making, it may have slipped her mind, or she just didn’t care at the moment, as Fluttershy lay on the floor, hot, exquisite vocalizations escaping her mouth at her and Rainbow’s sexual congress. Rainbow in turn sat across from her, their respective blooms connected between the crisscrossing between their thighs: Rainbow’s firm, athletic one against Fluttershy’s curvy, slightly flabby one. Both of them formed a writhing knot as their womanhoods were made to rub against one another, Rainbow in particular with much gusto as she seemed to desperately buck and grind her hips, her petite breasts jiggling on her heaving chest. The athlete’s breathing came out in barely restrained huffs, her nostrils flaring over her pursed lips as she forced her core against Fluttershy’s, her right arm clenched tightly around Fluttershy’s left thigh propped against her chest, intersecting with her own left thigh that Fluttershy clutched against herself. She barely needed to do any work from Rainbow’s rushed manner. Possibly for the best, given that they were in the school showers. Be that as it may, Fluttershy was fully committed to enjoying it while it lasted. Holding back what were undoubtedly a slew of F-bombs (of endearment, naturally), Rainbow’s flexing and grinding thrusting of herself onto Fluttershy refused to let up: She was clearly going at it with dedication, to the point where trying to keep her vocalizations in check proved futile when they joined with Fluttershy’s into a rather disharmonious chorus of two. “Mmh, Fluttershy~…” Rainbow huffed in between her enamored breaths, “Holy-fuck-holy-fuck-holy-fuck~” Fluttershy had to agree with her friend, even if she didn’t say it, reciprocating through her own incomprehensive mouth noises, one hand clutching at Rainbow’s thigh to keep the both of them tethered while he other hand futilely clawed at the floor for grip. Only to curl into a tentative grip when the stimulation of her core sent her eyes fluttering beyond her control as her thighs contorted around Rainbow’s incessantly flexing form. She lay her head back, her mind drawing a moment of blankness whilst her entire body was overcome by a most exquisite flare of bliss. Her breathing came out as a soft series of whimpers. Helped so much by Rainbow undoubtedly trying to catch up; she was Rainbow Dash after all and would refuse to be left in the proverbial dirt, even at her most intimate. Rainbow would achieve climax herself soon after, her form shuddering, trying to hard to keep her vocalizations of satisfaction bottled in. And failing spectacularly as the most adorable mewls escaped her lips, her hand digging into Fluttershy’s supple thigh. By the time she finally stopped grinding, Rainbow’s cheeks were flushed red, looking rather vulnerable at the sheer satisfaction her features showed. Since they hadn’t the luxury of a bed and covers, the two dragged themselves beside the wall, huddling close, arms around each other’s shoulders, hands joined and their legs curled together. Rainbow’s head rested on Fluttershy’s shoulder and Fluttershy’s head leaned against Rainbow’s, with the water still running the two took to enjoying the moment in the steamy warmth as their bodies slowly settled down from the rush. It wasn’t as comfy as they’d liked, but the feel of their warm bodies against one another was satisfying enough. “I really needed that,” mumbled Fluttershy, nuzzling her cheek against Rainbow’s drenched hair, her woes all but forgotten. “I figured: You were stressing over your body again, right?” asked Rainbow, her tone still bearing that satisfied purr. “Yes,” Fluttershy admitted with no obstinance. A hum emanated from Rainbow’s lips, “You’re fine just the way you are, Flutters. And don’t let anyone or anything tell you different. Okay?” It was adequate enough for Fluttershy to put her woes in the back of her mind. Sure, they might resurface as some of the silliest of concerns had a nasty habit to do, but for the moment, with her good friend and fuck-buddy by her side she was just happy to hear those words. Now all that was to do was clean themselves off, and hope their little escapade hadn’t put too much of a burden on the school’s water bill. But maybe just a few more minutes of cuddling before then.